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Somebody 1


‪(정씨) 섬?‬Sum?
‪(섬) 네‬Yes.
‪(정씨) 괜찮아?‬Are you okay with this?
‪사람 죽이는 일이에요?‬Does this involve killing someone?
‪[우산 끈을 똑딱 채우며]‬ ‪아니면 괜찮아요‬If not, then I'm okay.
‪영화를 너무 봤구나?‬You've watched too many movies.
‪일단 들어와라‬Come on in for now.
‪(섬) 내가 하지 않았으면‬ ‪좋겠다는 마음이‬I know that you don't want me to get involved.
‪아저씨한테 있는 거 알아요‬I know that you don't want me to get involved.
‪왜인지는 몰라요‬I don't know why.
‪하지만 할 거냐고‬ ‪계속 묻는 이유도‬I also don't know why you keep asking me if I'm going to go through with it.
‪왜인지는 몰라요‬I also don't know why you keep asking me if I'm going to go through with it.
‪(건달1) 처먹었으면‬ ‪그릇 좀 치워, 새끼야‬ ‪[게임기 소리]‬If you're done eating, clean up.
‪(정씨) 야, 야‬Hey.
‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(정씨) 영수증 잃어버리면 안 된다‬Don't lose those receipts.
‪(건달1) 네‬Yes, sir.
‪피 냄새가 나요‬I smell blood.
‪도박을 하면 사람이 흉폭해져요?‬Does gambling make people violent?
‪(섬) 폭력성이 강해져요?‬Does it make them even more violent?
‪그래서 나나 봐요‬Maybe that's why it smells like that.
‪(정씨) 그런데도 하겠다는 거야?‬And you're still gonna do it?
‪제가 도박을 하겠다고‬ ‪하지는 않았는데요?‬I never said I'd gamble.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪(정씨) 밥은 시장 초입에‬ ‪전주집이고‬Go to Jeonju Restaurant at the market for food.
‪말숙이 아줌마 찾아서 먹어‬Look for Mal-suk. You can eat there. I gave her the heads-up, so it's okay.
‪내가 다 말해 놔서 괜찮다‬Look for Mal-suk. You can eat there. I gave her the heads-up, so it's okay.
‪24시간 하니깐 배고플 때 꼭 먹어‬It's open 24 hours, so make sure to eat whenever you're hungry.
‪아, 컴퓨터는‬ ‪주말에 아저씨랑 같이 가서‬Oh, as for the computer, we can go this weekend and pick one out. I'll buy it for you.
‪(정씨) 섬이 원하는 거 골라‬ ‪사 줄게‬we can go this weekend and pick one out. I'll buy it for you.
‪괜찮아요, 저거 그냥 쓸게요‬It's okay. I'll just use the ones here.
‪어떤 거?‬Which ones?
‪밖에 게임기들도 컴퓨터예요‬ ‪제가 뜯어서 제가 쓸게요‬The arcade machines outside are computers too. I'll take them apart and use them.
‪[삑삑 터치음]‬
‪(정씨) '사람 죽이는 일이냐?'‬ ‪물은 적 있지?‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬You asked me if it involves killing people, right?
‪[삑삑 소리가 이어진다]‬
‪생각을 해 봤거든?‬I thought about it,
‪(정씨) 사람이‬and I think
‪죽어가게 하는 일이‬it will end up…
‪맞는 거 같다‬killing people.
‪죄만큼 벌 받을 거예요, 아저씨는‬You'll be punished for your crimes.
‪[삑삑 소리가 이어진다]‬
‪(섬) 저번에 말씀하신 몇 가지를‬ ‪불법으로 잘 수정해 놨어요‬I made illegal modifications to a few things you mentioned last time.
‪(정씨) 벌써?‬Already?
‪(섬) 현재 하루 이용 금액이‬I changed the wager limit from 10,000 won per hour
‪시간당 만 원으로‬ ‪제한되어 있는 걸 풀어서‬I changed the wager limit from 10,000 won per hour
‪- (섬) 십만 원으로‬ ‪- (정씨) 어‬to 100,000 won.
‪그래서 하루 240만 원까지‬ ‪가능하고요‬So the players can spend up to 2.4 million won a day now.
‪(섬) 예시, 연타‬ ‪자동 진행 기능을‬I also unlocked the foreshadowing, consecutive, and autoplay features.
‪[동전 쏟아지는 효과음]‬ ‪다시 할 수 있게 추가해 놨어요‬I also unlocked the foreshadowing, consecutive, and autoplay features.
‪[키보드를 두드리며]‬ ‪그리고 그거에 맞게‬And along with that,
‪이제 승률도 조작 가능하고요‬you can now rig the winning rate.
‪어, 그리고‬Oh, and what do I do if the vice squad comes?
‪단속반이 오면 어떻게 한다고?‬Oh, and what do I do if the vice squad comes?
‪(섬) 단속반에게는‬There's a specific code for crackdowns.
‪단속용 비밀번호인‬There's a specific code for crackdowns.
‪'123456'‬If you input 123456,
‪이렇게 입력을 하면‬the settings will be set to default.
‪(섬) 설정이 초기화가 되고요‬ ‪[팡파르 효과음]‬the settings will be set to default.
‪단속반 가면‬And after they leave, if you enter the code 828282,
‪'828282', 진짜 비밀번호‬And after they leave, if you enter the code 828282,
‪아저씨가 원했던 설정값이 돼요‬it will go back to the settings you wanted.
‪[정씨의 호탕한 웃음]‬
‪(정씨) 이야, 야, 좋아‬Wow, this is great. Huh?
‪어? 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬Wow, this is great. Huh? Great!
‪- (건달2) 나가라고, 새끼야‬ ‪- (손님) 아유, 씨발‬Great! -Get out, asshole! -Fuck!
‪(정씨) 야, 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪어? 너희도 좋아‬That's great! -Yes, you guys are great too! -Get out! Damn it!
‪- (건달2) 나가, 씨‬ ‪- (손님) 아유, 씨‬ ‪[정씨의 웃음]‬-Yes, you guys are great too! -Get out! Damn it!
‪여기 사무실에 남아 있는 게임기‬Can I use more of the machines
‪(섬) 제가 조금만 더 써도 돼요?‬that are here in the office?
‪숙제해야 돼서요‬I have to do my homework.
‪담임 선생님이 학교 프로그래밍‬ ‪대회 나가라고 해서요‬My homeroom teacher told me to participate in the school programming competition.
‪(정씨) [웃으며] 숙제?‬ ‪야, 다 써, 다 써‬Homework? Hey. Go ahead, be my guest.
‪이거 네 거야, 어?‬ ‪[정씨가 껄껄 웃는다]‬This is all yours, okay?
‪[흐뭇한 웃음]‬
‪[기쁜 신음]‬
‪[흐뭇한 숨소리]‬
‪[팡파르 효과음]‬
‪(방송 속 안내 직원) 심사가‬ ‪진행 중에 있습니다‬THE 3RD KOREA'S YOUTH CLUB PROGRAMMING COMPETITION The evaluation is now underway.
‪심사위원의 방문이‬ ‪예정되어 있으니…‬The judges will be visiting the exhibits…
‪(참가생1) 이게 농구공을‬ ‪저희가 인식을 못 해요‬It can't recognize a basketball.
‪(심사위원) 응‬Okay.
‪(참가생1) 그래서‬ ‪이제 케이크를 대면 이게…‬So if you present a cake instead,
‪이게 음식물로 인식이 돼서‬it recognizes that it's food,
‪얘가 열려야 되는…‬and this should open. But--
‪(심사위원) 얘, 얘가 아닌데?‬ ‪[어색한 웃음]‬This isn't right.
‪어, 우선 날씨를‬ ‪얘가 인지를 할 수 있어요‬First of all, it can recognize the weather.
‪(참가생2) 그래서 자동적으로‬So automatically,
‪닫힐 수 있게끔…‬it closes the door.
‪(관람생1) [놀라며] 허? 뭐야?‬ ‪진짜 거지 같은데?‬What? That thing looks pathetic.
‪(관람생2) [비웃으며] 저게 뭐야?‬What is that?
‪(관람생1) 야, 이거‬ ‪그거 같지 않냐?‬Hey, that looks like… What was it called?
‪그, 뭐라 그러더라?‬Hey, that looks like… What was it called? Pachinko.
‪(관람생2) 파친코, 파친코‬Pachinko.
‪- (관람생3과 관람생1)‬ ‪- 아, 재미없어, 가자‬ ‪- 어? 야, 저기 덕훈 오빠 있다‬-How boring. Let's go. -Hey, there's Deok-hun. -I'll start from the left. -Deok-hun!
‪(심사위원) 저는‬ ‪왼쪽에서 시작할게요‬-I'll start from the left. -Deok-hun!
‪(사만다) 네, 그럼 수고해 주세요‬Okay, have a good one.
‪- (심사위원) 네‬ ‪- (사만다) 감사합니다‬-Sure. -Thank you.
‪(사만다) 학생은 뭘 만들었어요?‬What did you make?
‪어떤 프로그램?‬What kind of program is it?
‪채팅 프로그램이요‬It's a messaging program.
‪(사만다) 채팅…‬I see.
‪인공지능 채팅 프로그램이요‬It's an AI-based messaging program.
‪(사만다) 아, 어떻게?‬ ‪인공지능이 채팅에?‬Oh, how does it work? An AI messaging program? How is it different from other programs?
‪뭐가 달라요‬ ‪기존 채팅 프로그램이랑?‬An AI messaging program? How is it different from other programs?
‪(섬) 어…‬
‪채팅창 안에 친구들도 있는데‬Friends gather in the chat room,
‪제가 만든 챗봇이 있어요‬but the chatbot is there too.
‪(사만다) 챗봇하고도 말을 해요?‬ ‪친구들처럼?‬So do you talk to the chatbot? Like a friend?
‪친구들하고 대화하면 되는데‬ ‪왜 챗봇이 필요해요?‬Why do you need a chatbot when you can talk to your friends?
‪(섬) 음…‬
‪이 챗봇은‬ ‪친구들이랑 대화도 하는데‬Not only does the chatbot converse with your friends,
‪우리들 사이, 관계를 도와줘요‬it also helps them maintain good relationships.
‪관계?‬Their relationships?
‪(섬) 네‬-Yes. -How so?
‪어떻게요?‬-Yes. -How so?
‪어, 예를 들어서‬For example,
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪(섬) 채팅방에 '오늘 뭐 먹을까?'‬if they ask, "What should we eat today?" in the chat room,
‪하는 말이 오고 가잖아요‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬if they ask, "What should we eat today?" in the chat room,
‪(섬) 그러면 기존의 AI 인공지능은‬other existing AI messaging programs
‪음, 최근 한 달 사이에 생긴‬ ‪새로운 맛집을 추천을 해주거나‬would recommend new restaurants that were opened in the past month,
‪어, 자주 먹었던 음식을 찾아줘요‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬or find foods that the users often eat.
‪그렇지, 그동안 채팅창 안의‬ ‪내용을 딥러닝 해서‬Right, because it uses deep learning to analyze the chat content.
‪(섬) 네, 근데 제가 만든 챗봇은‬Yes, but the chatbot that I made…
‪채팅방 안에서 제일 말이 없는‬ ‪친구의 의견을 찾아줘요‬…suggests the opinion of the quietest friend in the chat room. I WANT SOUPY TTEOKBOKKI
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(사만다) 응?‬Huh?
‪(섬) 어, 자기 의견을‬ ‪잘 말하지 못하는 친구들 있잖아요‬Well, there are people who can't express their opinions well.
‪그런 친구들은 채팅창 안에‬They write what they want to say in the chat room and then hesitate.
‪자기가 했던, 하고 싶은 말을‬ ‪썼다가 말았다가 망설여요‬They write what they want to say in the chat room and then hesitate.
‪(섬) 그래서 보내지도 못하고‬They don't send it.
‪다시 썼다가 지웠다가‬They write it and erase it,
‪결국에 의견을‬ ‪말하지도 못하게 돼요‬until they lose the chance to say what they really want to say.
‪근데 제가 만든 챗봇은‬But the chatbot that I made
‪그거를 분석해서‬will analyze that
‪그 친구가 하고 싶었던 말을‬ ‪대신 해 주거나‬and say what that person wanted to say for them
‪썼다가 지웠던 말을 대신 해 줘요‬or say what they once wrote and erased. SOMEONE: HOW ABOUT SOUPY TTEOKBOKKI?
‪어, 쉽게 설명하면 그런데…‬Well, that's the simple explanation.
‪(사만다) 재미있다‬That's interesting.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 재미있어‬So interesting!
‪[사만다의 웃음]‬
‪어, 복잡하게 설명해도 돼‬ ‪나도 프로그래머야‬You can explain it in detail. I'm a programmer too.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬ ‪[옅게 웃는다]‬
‪(섬) 음…‬
‪모든 단어의 텍스트 태그에‬ ‪색을 입혔어요‬I color-coded the text tags of all the words.
‪성격이 강한 사람이 말하는‬ ‪'싫어'와‬I programmed it so the "no" used by those with strong opinions,
‪소심한 사람이 말하는 '싫어'는‬and the "no" used by timid people are received differently.
‪(섬) 다르게 받아들이게‬ ‪프로그래밍했어요‬and the "no" used by timid people are received differently.
‪(사만다) '단어의 색'‬The color of words.
‪그래, 지금까지 만든‬ ‪단어의 숫자가 몇 개나 되니?‬So how many words do you have colored so far?
‪아, 제 챗봇은‬ ‪지금도 계속 만들고 있어서…‬My chatbot is creating them even now, so…
‪(섬) 잠시만요‬Just a moment.
‪(섬) 오늘은 25만 개네요?‬There were 250,000 today.
‪25만 개…‬So there are 250,000.
‪(사만다) [살짝 웃으며] 하…‬
‪이 챗봇 이름이 뭐야?‬What's the name of this chatbot?
‪(섬) 썸원이요‬Someone.
‪(사만다) 썸원?‬Someone?
‪왜 썸원이야?‬Why is it "Someone"?
‪(섬) 어…‬
‪누군가는‬ ‪해야 할 일인 거 같아서요?‬Because I think this is something that someone should do.
‪그리고 저도 누군가가 필요해요‬And I need someone too.
‪[헛기침하며] 그래‬All right.
‪너 진짜 누군가가 필요한 거 같다‬ ‪[단추를 똑딱 채운다]‬I think you do need someone.
‪예를 들면‬For example,
‪언니 같은 사람 말이야‬someone like me.
‪[사만다의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(사만다) '김섬'?‬Kim Sum?
‪(사만다) 이거 다 끝나고 너 나랑‬ ‪달달한 거 먹으러 갈래?‬do you want to go for something sweet after this is over?
‪(우철) 자, 지금부터‬ ‪하나 씨와 민준 씨의‬We will now begin the wedding ceremony of Ha-na and Min-jun.
‪결혼식을 시작하겠습니다‬We will now begin the wedding ceremony of Ha-na and Min-jun.
‪큰 박수 부탁드리겠습니다‬Please give them a big round of applause.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Please give them a big round of applause.
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪[사람들의 옅은 탄성]‬
‪'헬로, 에브리원'‬
‪안녕하세요‬ ‪스펙트럼 대표 사만다 정입니다‬Hello, I am Samantha Jung, the CEO of Spectrum.
‪오늘 결혼식은 두 분에게도‬Today's wedding is very special
‪(영상 속 사만다) 물론‬ ‪저희 썸바디에도‬not only for the bride and groom, but also for Somebody.
‪매우 특별한 날입니다‬not only for the bride and groom, but also for Somebody.
‪여기 계신 두 분은 지난 1년간‬These two are the 100th couple
‪(영상 속 사만다)‬ ‪저희 썸바디를 통해 만나‬who have met through Somebody and got married over the past year.
‪미래를 약속한 백 번째 커플입니다‬who have met through Somebody and got married over the past year.
‪이 특별한 커플의 결혼식을‬It's such an honor to host
‪저희 스펙트럼 사옥에서‬ ‪함께하게 되어 무척 영광입니다‬this special couple's wedding here at our office building.
‪또한 온라인으로‬ ‪뉴욕과 파리의 친구분들도‬Also, their friends from New York and Paris are here with us online.
‪이 자리에 함께하고 계십니다‬ ‪[영상 속 친구들이 인사한다]‬Also, their friends from New York and Paris are here with us online.
‪오늘 주례를 서 주실 분은‬This wedding will be officiated
‪썸바디 개발 총괄자이신‬ ‪CTO 김섬 씨입니다‬by Somebody's head developer and CTO, Kim Sum.
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪언제나 말이 통하고‬Someone you can really talk to,
‪눈빛만 봐도 배가 고픈지 알고‬who can tell that you're hungry by the look on your face,
‪같은 뉴스에 눈물짓고‬who cries with you over the same news,
‪같이 매운 음식을 좋아하고‬who enjoys spicy food just like you,
‪심지어 섹스도 잘 맞는‬and is even sexually compatible with you.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬and is even sexually compatible with you.
‪(영상 속 섬) 그러다가‬If you wouldn't mind watching their hair gray over time,
‪검은 머리가 파뿌리가 되어도‬ ‪좋겠다 싶다면‬If you wouldn't mind watching their hair gray over time,
‪그런 사람이라면 결혼할 수 있지요‬then that's the kind of person you could marry.
‪(영상 속 섬)‬ ‪검은 머리 신랑, 신부님한테‬ ‪물어봐야겠어요‬Let's ask the bride and groom about what they think.
‪신랑, 신부님, 입장해 주세요‬Bride and groom, please come in.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪(우철) 너무나도 예쁜 신부와‬The beautiful bride
‪늠름한 신랑이‬ ‪입장하고 있습니다, 예‬and the dashing groom have arrived.
‪[사람들의 휘파람과 환호성]‬
‪(섬) 아름다운 신랑, 신부를 보니‬Seeing the beautiful bride and groom makes me want to get married soon.
‪저도 어서 결혼하고 싶다는‬ ‪생각이 드네요‬Seeing the beautiful bride and groom makes me want to get married soon.
‪썸바디가 필요해요‬I need Somebody.
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪(사만다) 우리는‬ ‪사람이 가진 쓸쓸함과‬We are keen to understand the feelings of loneliness and solitude.
‪외로움에 대해 관심이 많습니다‬We are keen to understand the feelings of loneliness and solitude.
‪뉴욕과 파리는 5,833km의 거리‬New York and Paris are 5,833 kilometers apart.
‪하지만 썸바디 앱을 열고‬ ‪매치가 되는 순간‬But as soon as they opened Somebody and matched with each other,
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(사만다) 신랑, 신부에게는‬the bride and groom were just a stone's throw away.
‪한 뼘 정도의 거리였어요‬the bride and groom were just a stone's throw away.
‪(영상 속 사만다)‬ ‪나를 이해해 주는 사람‬Someone who can understand you.
‪사랑하고 싶은 사람‬Someone you can love.
‪찾고 싶다면‬ ‪지금 썸바디 앱을 터치하세요‬If you want to find that someone, click on the Somebody app now.
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬ ‪[문이 끼익 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[섬의 한숨]‬
‪"개발총괄 김섬"‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[시스템 설정음]‬
‪[화면 전환음]‬
‪[박수 소리가 들려온다]‬
‪[영상 속 박수와 환호성]‬
‪(민준) 가족들한테 받았던 사랑‬With the love that I received from my family,
‪두 배로 더 사랑하면서 살겠습니다‬I will love her twice as much.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[사람들의 휘파람]‬
‪[울먹이며] 엄마가 이렇게‬ ‪예쁘게 길러 주신 덕분에‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Because my mother raised me so well…
‪오빠 같은 좋은 사람 만나서‬I think I was able to meet a great man like Min-jun and enjoy this wonderful day.
‪이렇게 오늘 같은‬ ‪좋은 날이 온 거 같아요‬I think I was able to meet a great man like Min-jun and enjoy this wonderful day.
‪[차 지나가는 소리]‬
‪[내려오는 발소리]‬
‪[우아한 음악]‬
‪[도어록 해제음]‬
‪[도어록 설정음]‬
‪[거실화 신는 소리]‬
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪[음악이 명료해진다]‬
‪[개운한 숨소리]‬ ‪[얼음을 아작 씹는다]‬
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪[스위치를 달칵 누른다]‬ ‪[게임 시작음]‬
‪[발랄한 게임 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[게임 소리]‬
‪[경쾌한 멜로디]‬
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리]‬
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리]‬
‪(사만다) 썸바디로 만난 사람들‬ ‪결혼식이야‬It's the wedding of a couple who met through Somebody.
‪[탁자를 탁 치며] 중요해‬It's important.
‪썸바디 관련 검색어로는‬ ‪[사만다의 한숨]‬When you search "Somebody" on the Internet,
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪'조건 만남', '실종', '강간'‬ ‪이런 게 계속 나와‬When you search "Somebody" on the Internet, the related keywords that come up are sugaring, disappearance, and rape.
‪[휴대전화를 툭 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며] 짜증 나‬the related keywords that come up are sugaring, disappearance, and rape. It's so annoying.
‪그러니까 이번 주례는‬ ‪섬 씨가 하는 걸로?‬So please officiate this wedding, okay?
‪[사만다의 웃음]‬
‪썸바디를 사랑하잖아‬You love Somebody.
‪[멀리서 개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리]‬
‪(섬) 그거 안 보고 싶어‬I'LL SHOW YOU GI-EUN'S VIDEO I don't want to see it.
‪[경쾌한 멜로디]‬ ‪(영상 속 기은) 와우, 씁‬
‪음! 음!‬
‪이렇게 하란 말이야, 응?‬ ‪[영상 속 부드러운 음악]‬Do it like this? Huh?
‪(기은) 복습했어?‬Did you practice it?
‪응, 나 완전 잘할 수 있어‬ ‪[기은의 호응하는 탄성]‬Yeah. I can do it really well.
‪(섬) 볼래?‬Do you want to see?
‪[기은의 웃음]‬
‪(기은) 그렇지‬There you go.
‪[섬의 옅은 신음]‬
‪- (섬) 어때, 괜찮아?‬ ‪- [웃으며] 응‬-Is it okay? -Yeah. So did you get to use it?
‪실전까지 간 거야?‬-Is it okay? -Yeah. So did you get to use it?
‪[부정하는 신음]‬ ‪(기은) 응?‬What?
‪연락 없어‬ ‪내가 너무 조용했나 봐‬I haven't heard from him. I guess I was too quiet.
‪(섬) 아니면 신음 소리가‬ ‪엇박자였나?‬Or maybe my moaning was off-beat.
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬Or maybe my moaning was off-beat.
‪(기은) '아'‬Say "ah."
‪- 아‬ ‪- (기은) 응‬-Ah. -Yes.
‪씹어‬Bite it!
‪(기은) 씹어‬Bite it!
‪[카메라 조작음]‬
‪(기은) 오, 그래, 그 표정‬That's it. That face.
‪[섬의 괴로운 신음]‬ ‪아니다, 야‬No, hey.
‪[카메라 조작음]‬
‪[기은의 신음]‬
‪[기은의 옅은 탄성]‬
‪지금 이 표정‬This expression here.
‪이거를 100초마다 한 번씩 해‬Do this every 100 seconds.
‪(기은) 그러면 남자들이‬Then men will think they're doing really well.
‪자기가 너무 막 잘한다고‬ ‪생각을 할 거거든?‬Then men will think they're doing really well.
‪그러면 네가‬ ‪연습이 어느 정도 됐다‬So when you think you've had enough practice,
‪싶을 때 다시 한번…‬that's when you should try again.
‪음! 음!‬
‪[섬의 웃음]‬ ‪(기은) 아!‬
‪이렇게 하란 말이야, 응?‬Like this, okay?
‪(기은) 그러면‬ ‪[섬이 키득대며 웃는다]‬Then…
‪게임 끝‬it's game over.
‪[섬이 키득대며 웃는다]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(TV 속 토론자1) 요즘 젊은이들이‬ ‪사용하는‬It's happening with the use of an app that's used by many young people.
‪앱을 통해서 발생하는 범죄들이‬It's happening with the use of an app that's used by many young people.
‪굉장히 많이 발생하고 있기 때문에‬Since there's been an increase in these crimes,
‪이 부분에 대해서 우리가 좀 더‬I'm saying we must keep a close eye on the situation.
‪자세히 지켜봐야 된다는 겁니다‬I'm saying we must keep a close eye on the situation.
‪이 익명성을 통한 범죄는‬ARE DATING APPS OKAY LIKE THIS? These anonymous crimes
‪남성, 여성 따지지 않고‬ ‪발생하고 있습니다‬are happening regardless of the person's gender.
‪(TV 속 토론자2) 이건 상당히‬ ‪문제라고 볼 수 있습니다‬We can definitely say that this is quite a problem.
‪데이팅 앱을 만든 제작사에게도‬You could say the company that created the dating app is partly responsible.
‪일정 부분 책임이 있다고‬ ‪할 수 있는데요‬ ‪[직원들이 웅성거린다]‬You could say the company that created the dating app is partly responsible.
‪현재 경찰의 정보 공개 요구에도‬Even though the police requested information,
‪제작사는 개인정보보호를 이유로‬the company is not cooperating due to privacy concerns.
‪(TV 속 토론자2) 전혀 협조하지‬ ‪않고 있다고 합니다‬the company is not cooperating due to privacy concerns.
‪과연 이게 회원들을 위한‬ ‪알맞은 행보가 맞는지‬I'm not sure at all if this is the right approach
‪저는 잘 모르겠습니다‬for the sake of the app's users.
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리]‬
‪(섬) 경찰이 무엇을‬ ‪요청한 거예요?‬What did the police ask for?
‪(서버매니저) 김하선‬ ‪최해각, 사망 사건 관련으로‬In regard to the deaths of Kim Ha-seon and Choi Hae-gak,
‪두 사람 회원 정보, 문자‬ ‪음성, 영상 채팅 내역입니다‬In regard to the deaths of Kim Ha-seon and Choi Hae-gak, they requested their user information, text, voice, and video chat history.
‪일단 정보 제공은 불가하고요‬We can't disclose their information.
‪뭐, 오전 중으로‬ ‪팩스 보내겠습니다‬I'll send a fax before noon.
‪매칭된 순간 두 사람 사이의‬ ‪거리는 어땠나요?‬What was the distance between the two at the moment of matching?
‪(서버매니저) 1.8km‬They were 1.8 kilometers apart.
‪(우철) 섹스를 하기 위해서‬ ‪썸바디를 켠 거고‬They used Somebody in order to have sex.
‪뭐, 만났고 하다가‬Well, they met, had sex,
‪[우철의 주저하는 소리]‬
‪서로 목 졸라 죽인 거를‬and then they strangled each other to death.
‪씁, 이제…‬and then they strangled each other to death.
‪저, 썸바디가 원인인 것처럼‬ ‪다루고 싶은 거죠, 네‬And now they want to blame Somebody for it.
‪두 사람 채팅 내역이 궁금해요‬I'm curious about their chat history.
‪[우철의 한숨]‬
‪사만다의 승인이 필요합니다‬I need Samantha's approval.
‪(녹음 속 섬) 생각해 볼게요‬I'll think about it.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪그러면‬Then, analyze their average chat time, time spent on chat attempts,
‪두 남녀의 채팅 시도 기간‬ ‪평균 채팅 시간‬Then, analyze their average chat time, time spent on chat attempts,
‪(섬) 그리고‬ ‪텍스트 타이핑하는 속도‬Then, analyze their average chat time, time spent on chat attempts, their typing speed,
‪반복적인 관용어구‬repetitive idioms, habitual typos, and so on.
‪습관적인 오타 등등을‬ ‪분석해 주세요‬repetitive idioms, habitual typos, and so on.
‪AI 프로젝트 데이터 위한 거예요‬It's for the AI project data.
‪(서버매니저) 그 경우는‬ ‪정보 이용이 가능한 거 아닌가요?‬Then, isn't she allowed to use their information?
‪사만다에게 보고하세요‬Report it to Samantha.
‪- (녹음 속 섬) 네‬ ‪- (서버매니저) 네‬-Okay. -Okay.
‪[채팅 종료음]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪[도어록 해제음]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[직원들이 웃고 떠든다]‬
‪경찰이 요청한 아이디의‬ ‪숫자는 몇 개나 되죠?‬What is the total number of IDs that the police requested?
‪(서버매니저) 스물한 개입니다‬Twenty-one.
‪그중 12개의 아이디가‬ ‪같은 사람으로 보여요‬I think 12 of them are used by one person.
‪한 사람의 계정이라고 생각한‬ ‪이유는 뭔데요?‬Why do you think it's the same person?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪그, 휴대폰 출고할 때‬You know how a unique ID code
‪기기에 부여되는‬ ‪고유 식별 코드가 있잖아요‬is given to each phone when they're shipped out?
‪(서버매니저) 한 개의‬ ‪핸드폰에 명의가 다른 유심칩을‬This person used multiple SIM cards under different names with one phone.
‪계속 바꿔가면서‬ ‪썸바디를 이용했어요‬This person used multiple SIM cards under different names with one phone.
‪이 사람 정체를‬ ‪완전하게 숨긴 거죠‬Completely hiding their identity.
‪진짜 흥미로운 게 있어요‬ ‪AI 프로젝트 관련해서요‬There's something really interesting. It's related to the AI project.
‪그, AI 캐릭터의 채팅 목표 중에‬You said the duration of chats is most important
‪채팅 지속 시간이‬ ‪제일 중요하다고 하셨잖아요‬when it comes to an AI character's chat goals, right?
‪이 사람이랑 채팅을 하면‬No user has ever left the chat first while chatting with this person.
‪상대가 먼저 나가는 경우가 없어요‬No user has ever left the chat first while chatting with this person.
‪(서버매니저) 일단‬ ‪채팅창을 열고 기다립니다‬This person opens the chat and waits.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪그리고 상대가 듣기 좋아하는‬ ‪말들을 해 주는 거죠‬And then says things that the other person wants to hear.
‪그러니까 채팅 지속 시간이‬That's why the duration of the chats was getting longer and longer.
‪점점 더 길어지는‬ ‪패턴이었던 거예요‬That's why the duration of the chats was getting longer and longer.
‪(섬) 실제로 오프라인 만남으로‬ ‪지속이 됐나요?‬Did they meet offline as well?
‪네, 채팅은 길어지고‬ ‪거리는 가까워졌습니다‬Yes. The chat lasted longer, and they got closer.
‪(서버매니저) 만난 거죠‬That means they met.
‪저희가 만들고 있는‬It's similar to the chat goals of the AI character that we're making.
‪AI 캐릭터의‬ ‪채팅 목표랑 비슷해요‬It's similar to the chat goals of the AI character that we're making.
‪다시 챗 드리겠습니다‬I'll message you again.
‪[채팅 종료음]‬I'll message you again.
‪[빠르게 클릭한다]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[채팅 종료음]‬
‪[차가 끽 서며 충돌하는 소리]‬
‪[고양이의 비명이 들려온다]‬
‪[자동차 공회전 소리]‬
‪[고양이의 자지러지는 울음소리]‬
‪[자동차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪[채팅 알림음이 띠링 울린다]‬
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪[채팅 알림음이 띠링 울린다]‬
‪[채팅 알림음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[매치 알림음]‬SEND MESSAGE
‪(섬)‬Why do you use Somebody?
‪(화분)‬Why do you use Somebody? Because I want to meet people.
‪(섬)‬Because I want to meet people. How?
‪(화분)‬What do you mean "how"?
‪(섬)‬How will you meet people?
‪(화분)‬By eating good food at nice places together.
‪[고양이 울음소리가 들려온다]‬By eating good food at nice places together.
‪[섬이 한숨을 푹 쉰다]‬
‪[고양이의 자지러지는 울음소리]‬
‪[섬의 불안한 숨소리]‬
‪[고양이 울음소리가 계속된다]‬
‪[고양이의 고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[고양이가 힘겹게 그르렁거린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(119직원) 네, 119입니다‬Yes, this is 911.
‪선학서로 463‬ ‪고양이가 차에 치였어요‬A cat got hit by a car at 463 Seonhakseo-ro.
‪(119직원) 네, 시민님‬ ‪길고양이 말씀이십니까?‬Yes, ma'am. Are you talking about a stray cat?
‪네, 고양이가 많이 다쳤어요‬Yes, the cat is badly injured.
‪(119직원) 네, 선생님‬ ‪잠시만 기다려 주십시오‬Yes, ma'am. Just a moment, please.
‪[통화 대기 멜로디가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[고양이의 괴로운 울음]‬
‪[통화 에러음이 뚜뚜 울린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(119직원2) 네, 119입니다‬Yes, 911.
‪선학서로 463‬ ‪고양이가 차에 치였어요‬A cat got hit by a car at 463 Seonhakseo-ro.
‪아까 담당 부서로‬ ‪연결해 준다고 했는데‬A cat got hit by a car at 463 Seonhakseo-ro. I was told you'd connect me to the department in charge.
‪(119직원2) 네, 시민님‬Yes, ma'am.
‪혹시 로드킬당한‬ ‪길고양이 말씀하시는 걸까요?‬Are you talking about a street cat that got killed by a car?
‪아직 살아있어요, 죽지 않았어요‬It's still alive. It's not dead yet.
‪(119직원2) 네, 아, 처리 중입니다‬ ‪잠시만 기다려주세요‬Okay, we're taking care of it. Please hold.
‪[통화 대기 멜로디가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[고양이가 그르릉거린다]‬
‪[숨을 헐떡댄다]‬
‪[고양이가 연신 그르릉거린다]‬
‪(화분) 뭐 하고 있어요?‬What are you doing?
‪(섬) 죽어가는 고양이를‬ ‪보고 있어요‬I'm looking at a dying cat.
‪[메시지 수신음]‬
‪(화분) 어디가 아픈가요?‬Is it sick?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪(섬) 그쪽이라면‬ ‪어떻게 할 거예요?‬What would you do in this situation?
‪(화분) 병원에 갈 거예요‬ ‪포기하지 않을 거예요‬I would take it to the vet. I wouldn't give up.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[섬의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪[채팅 알림음이 울린다]‬
‪[매치 알림음]‬
‪[섬의 거친 숨소리와 발소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[채팅 알림음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[거친 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪(17)‬I want to connect with people.
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리]‬HOW?
‪(17)‬You should be asking who, rather than how.
‪(17) 나를 이해해 줄 수 있는‬ ‪사람들‬People who can understand me.
‪이해…‬Who can...
‪이해할 수…‬understand...
‪[가쁜 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪[문이 끼익 열린다]‬
‪(17)‬What are you doing?
‪[섬의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[고양이의 괴로운 신음]‬I'M LOOKING AT A DYING CAT
‪[괴로운 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪(17)‬What are you going to do?
‪[고양이의 그르렁거리는 울음]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[고양이의 고통에 찬 신음]‬WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
‪(17)‬I'd probably do the same as you. What you're thinking now, it's right.
‪(17)‬What you're thinking now, it's right.
‪(17)‬Do it.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪[커터 칼을 드르륵 올린다]‬
‪[고양이의 괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[커터 칼로 쓱 긋는다]‬
‪[고양이의 숨이 멎는 소리]‬
‪(17)‬No. Not at all. I told you to do it.
‪(17) 고통스럽지 않도록‬so that it wouldn't suffer.
‪[섬의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(화분) 근처에 동물병원 있어요?‬Is there an animal hospital nearby?
‪24시간 하는 동물병원이 있어요‬There's a 24-hour animal hospital.
‪같이 가 줄까요?‬Would you like me to go with you?
‪[섬의 생각하는 숨소리]‬Would you like me to go with you?
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪(화분)‬Where are you now?
‪(17)‬Great job!
‪(17)‬I can tell!
‪(17)‬Where are you now?
‪[옅은 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[메시지 전송음]‬
‪(17) 봐야 할 것 같아요‬ ‪당신 얼굴, 갈게요‬I need to see your face. I'll be right there.
‪(구급대원1) 뭐야? 수건으로‬ ‪덮어 준 사람 처음 봤어‬What? I've never seen anyone put a towel over it.
‪(구급대원2) 차에서 안 보이니까‬ ‪골목에서 자꾸 사고가 나요‬They get hit in these alleys because drivers can't see them.
‪[구급대원1의 한숨]‬They get hit in these alleys because drivers can't see them.
‪[구급대원2의 한숨]‬
‪[구급대원들의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[차가 멈춘다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪경찰이 당신을 찾고 있어요‬The police are looking for you.
‪고양이를 죽인 사람은‬ ‪내가 아닌데요?‬But I'm not the one who killed the cat.
‪나도 당신이 궁금해요‬I'm curious about you too.
‪저기 좀 볼래요?‬Look over there.
‪(17) 저기 저 카메라에‬ ‪제 자동차 번호가 찍혔어요‬That camera captured my license plate.
‪배가 고파서 그러는데‬I'm a bit hungry.
‪뭐 좀 먹으면서‬I'll tell you about myself over a meal.
‪(17) 내 얘기를 할게요‬I'll tell you about myself over a meal.
‪같이 갈래요?‬Do you want to come?
‪저는 썸바디를 만든 사람이에요‬I'm the creator of Somebody.
‪(17) 진짜요?‬Really?
‪김섬이에요, 전‬I'm Kim Sum.
‪(17) 저는…‬I'm…
‪성윤오예요‬Seong Yun-o.
‪당신의 채팅 방식이‬Your chatting method has been categorized as nonhuman.
‪인간의 것이 아니라고‬ ‪분류를 했어요‬Your chatting method has been categorized as nonhuman.
‪누가요?‬By whom?
‪(섬) 제 컴퓨터가요‬My computer.
‪(윤오) 아…‬Oh.
‪들킨 건가?‬Did I get caught?
‪삐리삐리‬Beep boop.
‪저는 주인님의 안전한 이동을 위한‬ ‪드라이버 로봇입니다‬I am a driving robot, and I'm here to chauffeur you safely.
‪삐리삐리‬Beep boop.
‪당신은 과속과 신호 위반을‬ ‪너무 여러 번 하고 있잖아요‬But you've already sped over the limit and ran a red light multiple times.
‪인간이 맞아요‬You're a human being.
‪(섬) 나를 여기 데려온 이유는‬ ‪섹스를 하고 싶어서인 거죠?‬You brought me here because you want to have sex, right?
‪근데 난 오늘‬ ‪섹스를 원하지 않아요‬But I don't want sex today.
‪힘을 쓰면 꼼짝할 수가 없어요‬I can't do anything if you try to overpower me.
‪나는 강간을 당하고 싶지 않아요‬I don't want to get raped.
‪그래서 너무 몸이 떨려요‬So my body is shaking right now.
‪(윤오) 섹스는커녕‬ ‪서 있기도 힘들어요‬I can hardly stand, let alone have sex.
‪오늘 하루 종일‬ ‪아무것도 못 먹었다니까요‬I haven't eaten anything all day, you know.
‪가 볼래요‬I want to go.
‪(윤오) 그래요‬Okay.
‪다시 돌아갈게요‬I'll take you back.
‪아니, 윤오 씨 사무실 가 볼래요‬No, I want to go to your office.
‪[윤오가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[문이 벽에 탁 부딪힌다]‬
‪[문이 끼익거린다]‬
‪[윤오가 문을 달칵 닫는다]‬
‪[윤오의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[윤오가 피식한다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(섬) 저…‬Hey.
‪(윤오) 왜요?‬What is it?
‪(섬) 이거 보고 웃어야 돼요?‬Is this supposed to be funny?
‪(윤오) 아‬Oh.
‪가끔 혼자서 테이프 커팅을 해요‬Sometimes, I do ribbon cutting on my own.
‪그러면서 혼자 웃어요‬And laugh by myself while I do it.
‪(섬) 아‬
‪억지로 안 웃어도 돼요‬You don't have to force yourself to laugh.
‪[비닐봉지를 부스럭댄다]‬You don't have to force yourself to laugh.
‪그냥 엄청나게 재밌는 걸 봐도‬Even if I saw something really funny,
‪난 똑같았을 거예요‬I would have had the same reaction.
‪제가 다른 사람들이랑 좀 달라요‬I'm a little different from other people.
‪증후군이 있어요‬ ‪아스퍼거라고 불리는…‬I have a disorder. It's called Asperger's.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[윤오가 긴 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪[섬의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[페달 밟는 소리]‬
‪[풍금이 낮게 울린다]‬
‪[페달 소리와 낮은 풍금 소리]‬
‪[부드러운 풍금 연주]‬
‪[풍금 연주가 이어진다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[연주와 음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪[섬과 윤오의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[윤오가 긴 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(섬) 저희 아빠는‬My dad
‪아스퍼거가 장애라고 생각을 해서‬thought Asperger's was a disability
‪(섬) 나를 특수학교에‬ ‪보내려고 하셨는데‬and tried to send me to a special school.
‪엄마는 병원을 찾아다니면서‬ ‪공부했어요‬But my mom visited hospitals and tried to learn about it.
‪열심히‬She tried very hard.
‪엄마는‬My mom
‪하느님이 저를‬ ‪톱니 없이 만드셨다고 했어요‬told me that God made me with no cogs.
‪(섬) 다른 사람들은‬Other people are like cogwheels of different sizes…
‪모두 크기만 다를 뿐 톱니바퀴처럼‬Other people are like cogwheels of different sizes…
‪서로 맞물려서 살아가는데‬so they're able to mesh with each other.
‪(섬) 나는 그냥 톱니 없이‬ ‪민둥하게 태어난 거뿐이라고‬But I was just born a cogwheel without cogs.
‪생각해요‬That's what I think.
‪그래서 세상과‬ ‪맞물리지 않는 거라고‬That's why I don't mesh with the rest of the world.
‪근데 난 사실 바퀴가 필요 없어요‬But I don't need to be a cogwheel.
‪그냥‬I just imitate what everyone else does.
‪모든 걸 흉내 내면서‬ ‪살아가는 거예요‬I just imitate what everyone else does.
‪[연필로 쓱쓱 선 긋는 소리]‬
‪연필‬You should…
‪깎아야겠어요‬sharpen your pencil.
‪이거랑‬Between this…
‪[윤오가 부스럭댄다]‬
‪이거랑‬and this…
‪둘 중의 뭐가 더 마음에 들어요?‬which do you like better?
‪[달그락 집어 든다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪저 이거요‬This one.
‪선물로 줄게요‬Consider it my gift.
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[채팅 알림음]‬
‪[낮게 흥얼댄다]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[메시지 전송음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[메시지 전송음]‬ ‪[음성채팅 요청 벨 소리]‬
‪[옅은 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪(로즈) 아…‬ ‪저 진짜 너무 속상해요‬I'm so upset.
‪아니, 제가 그렇게 잘못한 거예요?‬I mean, did I really do something so terrible?
‪사람이니까 실수도‬ ‪좀 할 수 있고 그런 거잖아요‬I'm human. Humans make mistakes.
‪괜찮아요‬It's fine.
‪뭐, 그럴 수도 있죠‬That can happen.
‪(로즈) 그렇죠?‬Right?
‪너무 잘했어요‬did a wonderful job.
‪[로즈의 한숨]‬
‪진짜 수고했어요‬You did well.
‪[로즈의 한숨]‬
‪(로즈) 제가 먼저 사과해야겠죠?‬I should apologize first, right?
‪(윤오) 아니에요‬No.
‪(로즈) [한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪아, 나 이런 거 진짜 화나는데‬These things make me really angry.
‪(윤오) 참지 않아도 돼요‬You don't have to hold it in.
‪(로즈) 고마워요‬ ‪그렇게 말해 줘서‬Thank you for saying that.
‪저, 근데요‬ ‪너무 궁금해요, 어떤 분인지‬Hey, by the way, I'm really curious about you.
‪나도 당신이‬I also…
‪너무 보고 싶어요‬would love to see you.
‪(로즈) 진짜요?‬Really?
‪어, 그럼…‬Then…
‪우리 만날래요?‬should we meet up?

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