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  닥터 차정숙 10

Doctor Cha 10


[영상 속 가족들] ♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
- [긴장되는 음악] - ♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
[영상 속 인호] ♪ 사랑하는 차정숙 ♪-Happy birthday, dear my wife -Happy birthday, dear Jeong-suk
[영상 속 가족들] ♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
[영상 속 가족들의 박수와 환호성]
[영상 소리가 멈춘다]
[놀란 숨소리]
[차분한 음악]
[소라] 그러니까 차정숙 선생이So… Dr. Cha Jeong-suk
서인호 교수님의 부인이자 너희 어머님이란 뜻이네?is Professor Seo In-ho's wife and your mother?
아, 그…-That's… -Your face says it all.
표정 보니까 빼박이고-That's… -Your face says it all.
- 아니, 그러니까 그게 아니라… - [소라] 아, 됐고-I mean, it's not that-- -Forget it.
혼자 있고 싶으니까 꺼져 줄래?I need to be alone, so get lost.
[술 취한 말투로] 여보!Honey!
- [땡 울리는 효과음] - [익살스러운 음악]
[익살스러운 효과음]
[웅성거리는 소리]
[태식] 아이, '여보'? 무슨 여보?What? Who is he calling "honey"?
여보, 당신, 그 여보?"Honey" as in his love?
[흥미진진한 음악]
[인호] 여보! 당신 일로 와 봐Honey! Come here.
나랑 같이 한 곡Sing a song
[퉁퉁 울리는 소리]
- [삐 울리는 소리] - 땡겨!with me!
[웃으며] 땡…Come on.
[흥미로운 음악]
[로이] 서 교수님, 왜 그러세요-Professor Seo, what's wrong with you? -Let go.
[인호] 놔, 이거-Professor Seo, what's wrong with you? -Let go.
정숙아! 빨리 와 봐, 정숙아Jeong-suk, hurry up and come.
[태식] '정숙아, 빨리 와 봐'?Jeong-suk, hurry up and come. "Jeong-suk, hurry up and come"?
[인호] 차정숙Cha Jeong-suk!
정숙이! 빨리빨리, 빨리 정숙이, 빨리, 참Cha Jeong-suk! Come on up already!
[로이] 아, 교수님, 교수님Professor Seo.
말 디게 안 들어요, 진짜She never listens to me.
[삐 울리는 소리]
[유쾌한 음악]
- [정숙이 작게] 가, 가라고 - [사람들의 놀란 소리]Go away. I said go away.
[인호] 가만있어, 가만있어-Stay right there. -Don't come close.
[정숙] 오지 마! 가!-Stay right there. -Don't come close. -Go away. -Stay right there.
[인호] 가만있어-Go away. -Stay right there.
빨리 가자, 가자, 가자, 내려놔Put this down.
아, 안 돼 [중얼거린다]No.
이거 놔Put it here.
자, 가, 가Go.
[인호의 웃음]
[태식] 진짜야?Is this true?
[인호] 아, 저…
예, 이 사람이 제 집사람인데요This person is my wife.
노래를 무…She sings…
척 잘합니다super well.
여보, 노래 한 곡Honey, sing one song for me.
[성대모사를 하며] 부탁해요!Honey, sing one song for me.
[사람들의 환호성]Honey, sing one song for me.
[익살스러운 음악]
[주민] 노래해!
[주민들의 박수와 환호성]
[의료진1] 맞지, 맞지, 맞지?See? I told you, didn't I?
[수군거리는 소리]
- [의료진2] 아, 대박이다 - [의료진3] 소름 돋는데?This is unbelievable.
[삐 울리는 소리]
- 아이, 선생님까지 왜 그러세요 - [버튼 조작음]Dr. Cha, why are you playing along?
될 대로 되라죠What's done is done.
- [구성진 반주가 흐른다] - [정숙의 한숨]
[로이의 당황한 소리]
[정숙] 지금 방금 남편이 밝혀진 차정숙입니다, 여러분I'm Cha Jeong-suk, whose husband was just revealed!
어머니, 아버지, 일어나세요 노래해 주세요!Ladies and gentlemen of this village, please stand up and sing along!
[사람들의 환호성]Ladies and gentlemen of this village, please stand up and sing along!
일어나세요!Come on!
♪ 처음에 사랑할 때 그이는 ♪When we first fell in love
- ♪ 씩씩한 남자였죠 ♪ - [인호의 호응]He was a dashing man
♪ 밤하늘의 별도 달도 따 주마 ♪He reassured and promised me
♪ 미더운 약속을 하더니 ♪The moon and the stars in the night sky This punk.
♪ 이제는 달라졌어, 그이는 ♪Now he has changed Is it true?
- [태식] 진짜야? - [정숙] ♪ 나보고 다 해 달래 ♪Is it true? -He tells me to do everything for him -Yes.
- [인호가 중얼거리며 웃는다] - [태식] 니 마누라야?-He tells me to do everything for him -Yes. She's your wife?
♪ 애기가 되어 버린 내 사랑 ♪My love has become a child
- [사람들의 추임새] - ♪ 당신 정말 미워 죽겠네 ♪I really hate you so much
[사람들의 환호성]
[정숙] ♪ 남자는 ♪Men
♪ 여자를 ♪Really
- ♪ 정말로 귀찮게… ♪ - [인호] ♪ 귀찮게 하네 ♪-Bother -Drive them mad! -Drive them mad-- -Women
- ♪ 귀찮게… ♪ 악! - [정숙] ♪ 하네 ♪-Drive them mad-- -Women
♪ 남자는 ♪Men
♪ 여자를 ♪Really
♪ 정말로 귀찮게 하네 ♪Bother women
[정숙의 힘주는 소리]
[의료진1] 지금 가셔야 돼 가셔야 돼-You need to go. -Professor Kim.
- [의료진2] 교수님 - [로이] 어-You need to go. -Professor Kim.
[의료진2] 사랑합니다I love you.
[로이] 나도
[의료진3] 그동안 숨기느라 애썼다Good job trying to hide everything.
[정민] 예?-What? -No wonder you were so caring to her.
[의료진4] 어쩐지 잘 챙겨 주더라-What? -No wonder you were so caring to her.
닮았네You look alike.
[태식] 어, 서 선생 서정민, 너 일로 와 봐Dr. Seo. -Seo Jung-min, come here. -Come here.
[황 치프] 따라와, 따라와-Seo Jung-min, come here. -Come here.
- [정민] 네? 예, 과장님 - [황 치프] 너 일로 와Yes?
[태식] 너 지금부터 진실만을 이야기해You need to tell the truth right now.
그러니까 차 선생이Is Dr. Cha your mother and Professor Seo your father?
그러니까 서 교수가 니 엄마 아빠야?Is Dr. Cha your mother and Professor Seo your father?
- [흥미로운 음악] - 아…
[태식] 다시 묻는다I'm asking you again.
그러니까 차 선생이 너를 낳았고Did Dr. Cha give birth to you
서 교수가 거기에 함께했냐고, 인마Did Dr. Cha give birth to you and did Professor Seo take part in making that happen?
어, 아…and did Professor Seo take part in making that happen? Well…
[태식] 대답 못 하는 거 보니까 맞네, 어Judging by how you're speechless, it must be true.
온 가족이 다 외과 의사네Your whole family is made up of surgeons.
어떻게 아셨어요?How did you find out?
[황 치프] 교수님이 방금 공개적으로 밝히셨어Professor Seo just revealed it to everyone.
아버지가요?My father did?
[태식] 언질이라도 했어야지 인마, 어?You should've given us a heads-up! You completely fooled us.
감쪽같이 속이고You should've given us a heads-up! You completely fooled us.
외과가 왜 이렇게 복잡…Why is the Surgery Department so…
오늘 2차 없다, 끝No round two tonight. -The end. -Professor.
- [의료진5] 어유, 과장님 - [태식] 끝-The end. -Professor. The end.
[의료진5] 제가 제가 모셔다드릴게요, 아유, 아유The end. I'll take him in.
[황 치프] 대혼돈이다, 대혼돈What complete chaos.
[정민] 어떻게 된 거예요?What happened?
[쯧 혀 차는 소리]
터질 게 터졌어It was only a matter of time.
[정숙] 세상에 영원한 비밀이 어디 있겠어All secrets are bound to be revealed.
[정민] 엄마 이제 어쩌려고?What will you do now?
그냥 얼굴에 철판 깔고 하던 대로 해야지, 뭐I'll just be thick-skinned and act normal like usual.
[정숙] 불편한 사람은 불편하라고 하고People who are uncomfortable can stay that way.
난감한 사람은 난감하라고 해야지, 어쩌겠어The same goes for the people who feel troubled. Not much I can do.
그건 그렇고 니 아빠 좀 치워 줄래?Anyway, can you deal with your dad?
[익살스러운 음악]
- [정민의 한숨] - [왈왈 개 짖는 소리 효과음]
[소라가 쏘아붙이며] 환자 죽이려고 작정했어요?Did you want the patient to die?
[소라] 아니, 아무리 아는 게 없고 무식해도 그렇지I understand maybe you were too ignorant to notice,
8앰풀이라고 처방 내릴 때but didn't it seem weird to prescribe eight ampoules?
뭔가 이상하다는 느낌도 안 들었어요?but didn't it seem weird to prescribe eight ampoules?
앞으로 마음대로 생각해서 처방하지 말고, 무조건 물어요You're forbidden from prescribing on your own without asking someone first.
누구한테든 물어서 정확히 알고 처방해요, 알았어요?Make sure to ask before making proper prescriptions. -Understood? -Yes, ma'am.
- [흥미로운 음악] - 네-Understood? -Yes, ma'am.
선생님Dr. Jeon.
남자 친구 있으세요?Do you have a boyfriend?
있는데요, 왜요?I do, why?
[한숨] 그게 누군데요?-Who is it? -I'm not going to tell you.
안 가르쳐 줘요-Who is it? -I'm not going to tell you.
[소라] 궁금한 건 그쪽 사정이고I don't care that you're curious.
제가 그런 거까지 대답해야 될 의무는 없지 않아요?I have no reason to answer questions like that.
[소라] 왜 함부로 남의 물건에 손을 대요?Why did you just touch someone else's things without asking?
함부로 물건에 손댄 건It was my mistake to touch your things without asking.
제 불찰입니다It was my mistake to touch your things without asking.
앞으로 내 물건에 손대지 말아요Don't touch my things from now on.
불쾌하니까It's unpleasant.
- [정민이 힘주며] 아유, 아버지 - [다가오는 자동차 엔진음]Father.
[타이어 마찰음]
[주민1] 여기 의사 선생님 계시죠?-There's a doctor here, right? -What's wrong?
[정숙] 무슨 일이에요?-There's a doctor here, right? -What's wrong?
- [주민2의 아파하는 신음] - [무거운 음악]
[정숙의 탄식]
[정숙] 오늘 온 사람들 중에는 산부인과 의사가 없어요There's no obstetrician among the doctors who came here today.
빨리 구급차로 근처 산부인과로 가시는 게 좋을 거 같아요It'd be best to call an ambulance and go to the nearest OB-GYN.
[주민1] 산부인과까지 한 시간 넘게 걸립니다It'd be best to call an ambulance and go to the nearest OB-GYN. That would take over an hour.
[걱정스러운 숨소리]
[정숙] 빨리 가서 사람들 좀 깨워Hurry up and go wake people up.
술 안 마신 사람들 위주로 데려오고, 응? 빨리 가Bring the doctors who haven't been drinking, okay? -Okay. -Hurry up and go.
저기, 산모 모시고 저분 따라가세요-Okay. -Hurry up and go. -Please take your wife and follow him. -Okay.
알겠습니다-Please take your wife and follow him. -Okay.
- [주민2의 힘겨운 신음] - [주민1] 여보Honey.
- [못마땅한 한숨] - 거의 다 왔어We're almost there.
- 거의 다 왔어, 거의 다 왔어 - [주민2의 신음]We're almost there.
좀만 참아Hang in there.
- [정숙] 일어나 - [주민1이 울먹이며] 좀만 참아Hang in there. -Wake up. -Hang in there, honey.
[정숙의 성난 숨소리]
일어나!Wake up!
[인호] 아유, 아유, 귀 아파My ear hurts.
정신 차리고 애 받을 준비 해Pull yourself together and get ready to deliver a baby.
[탁 때리며] 빨리!Hurry!
[인호] '애'?A baby?
[남편의 가쁜 숨소리]
- [아내의 아파하는 신음] - [정민] 우선 여기 누우실게요Please lie down here.
[남편] 의사 선생님은요?What about the doctor?
아, 제가 금방 모시고 올게요I'll bring them right now.
[아내] 아, 아, 제발…Deep breaths.
- [남편] 심호흡, 심호흡 - [아내의 고통스러운 신음]Deep breaths.
[힘겨운 숨소리]
[정민의 다급한 숨소리]
[인호] 잠깐만, 다들 무슨 과라고?Wait. What department are you in?
저는 재활 의학과…I'm in rehabilitation medicine.
[의사1] 저는 안과인데I'm in rehabilitation medicine. I'm in ophthalmology.
[의사2] 어, 저는 치과…I'm in… dentistry.
[한숨]You told me to bring the people who hadn't been drinking.
[정민] 술 안 마신 사람 모시고 오라고 해서You told me to bring the people who hadn't been drinking.
당신 추자도에서 공보의로 근무할 때When you were working on the Chuja Islands as a public health doctor,
배에서 애기 받아 봤다며?you delivered a baby on a boat, right?
그거는 20년도 넘은 일이잖아That was over 20 years ago.
[인호] 그때 내가 무슨 정신으로 애를 받았겠어I have no memory whatsoever of when I delivered that baby.
나는 아무 기억도 나지가 않아I have no memory whatsoever of when I delivered that baby.
차라리 나보다는 당신이 더 낫지 않나?Don't you think you'd know better than me?
여기서 출산 경험 있는 사람 당신밖에 없잖아You're the only one here that's given birth.
[정숙] 나는 둘 다 제왕 절개로 낳았거든?I had a C-section both times.
애 아빠란 사람이 그것도 몰라?You're the father. Shouldn't you know that?
[익살스러운 음악]
[수군거리는 소리]
[정민] 저기, 지금 두 분이 싸울 때가 아닌 거 같은데요Excuse me, this isn't the best time to fight.
[인호] 일단은 탯줄을 잘라야 되니까First, we'll need to cut the umbilical cord.
우리 수, 수…So did we… Did we…
수처 세트 갖고 왔지?Did we bring a suture set?
[정민] 아, 예, 있습니다 또 뭐 준비할까요?Yes, we did. What else should we get?
[인호] 또?What else?
물 끓여Boil some water.
[보글보글 끓는 소리]
근데요, 애 낳기 전에 물은 왜 끓이는 거예요?By the way, why do we have to boil water before a baby's birth?
[정민] 그냥 왠지I do have a feeling that hot water will be needed somehow.
따듯한 물이 있어야 될 거 같은 느낌이 들긴 해요I do have a feeling that hot water will be needed somehow.
[인호] 아…Yes.
저, 산모분, 지금 진통이 몇 분 간격으로 오고 있나요?Ma'am, how long are the intervals between your contractions?
[아내] 네? 몰라요 애기가 나올 거 같아요!I don't know. The baby is about to come out!
[남편] 아까부터 애기가 나올 거 같다는데요She's been saying that for a while.
[아내의 고통스러운 신음]
[정숙의 답답한 숨소리]
- [정숙] 제가 볼게요 - [아내의 비명]I'll take a look.
제가 볼게요I'll look.
[놀라며] 머리카락이 보여요-I see its head! -Don't panic. Stay calm.
- 당황하지 마, 침착, 침착, 응 - [아내의 후 내뱉는 소리]-I see its head! -Don't panic. Stay calm.
[정숙] 저, 산모분 이름이 어떻게 되세요?Ma'am, what's your name?
[힘주며] 백이연이요Baek I-yeon.
[정숙] 네, 이연 씨 저희가 도와드릴게요Ms. Baek, I'll help you.
아무 걱정 말고 숨 깊이 들이쉬고 아랫배에 힘을 꽉 주세요Don't worry. Take a deep breath and then push.
[정숙, 의료진] 하나, 둘, 셋-One, two, three. -One, two, three.
- [정숙] 힘 꽉 - [이연의 힘주는 소리]Push.
- 뭐지? 자연 분만 수기 있잖아 - [정숙] 잘하고 있어요!-You're doing well. -There are maneuvers.
- [익살스러운 음악] - 리트겐, 맥로버츠…The Ritgen's maneuver, the McRoberts maneuver…
[정숙] 아, 시끄러워 정신없어 죽겠네, 집중 좀 하게Be quiet, it's already hectic as it is. Let me focus.
- [인호의 딸꾹질] - 저, 다시 힘줄게요Push again.
자, 깊이 들이쉬고Okay, a deep breath in.
- [의료진들] 들이쉬고 - [이연의 고통스러운 신음]Okay, a deep breath in. -Inhale. -Inhale. -One, two, three. -One, two, three.
하나, 둘, 셋-One, two, three. -One, two, three.
- [이연의 비명] - [정숙] 자, 잘하고 있어요-One, two, three. -One, two, three. You're doing well.
머리가 나와요, 머리 나와요The head is coming out.
[인호의 힘겨운 소리]
저기, 나, 여보, 나 속, 속이 좀, 내가…Honey, I don't feel so great…
안 돼, 가지 마!No, don't go!
- 잘하고 있어, 훌륭해 - [정숙의 못마땅한 소리]You're doing great.
[이연의 힘주는 소리]
- [이연의 힘겨운 신음] - [인호] 나 잠깐만I'll be right back.
[이연의 비명]
[정숙] 저, 산모분, 잘하고 있어요 머리 나오고 있어요Okay, ma'am. You're doing great. The head is coming out.
[인호의 구역질]
[힘겨운 숨소리]
[아기가 으앙 운다]
[인호] 응?
[가쁜 숨소리]
- [아기 울음] - [정숙] 17일 새벽 2시 20분It's 2:20 a.m. on the 17th.
[웃으며] 건강하고 용감한 왕자님입니다We have a healthy and brave little prince.
- [따뜻한 음악] - [이연 남편] 감사합니다Thank you.
[이연의 옅은 웃음]
감사합니다, 선생님Thank you, Doctor.
[정숙] 고생하셨어요You did well.
- [의료진들] 고생하셨어요 - [이연] 안녕-You did really well. -Hello. You did well.
- [이연 남편] 고생했어 - [이연] 너무 예뻐You did well. He's beautiful.
[의료진] 선생님, 고생하셨어요Dr. Cha, you did well.
[인호] 태반까지 나와야 안심이니까We need to wait until the placenta comes out.
탯줄을 살짝 잡고 있어So hold onto the umbilical cord.
[이연] 아, 선생님 뭐가 나올 거 같아요Doctor, something is about to come out.
[정숙] 어, 네 우리 한 번만 더 힘줘 봐요, 힘!Yes, let's push one more time.
[의료진] 어어, 교수님!Professor Seo. What about the hot water?
[정민] 따듯한 물은 어떡할까요?What about the hot water?
[꼴깍 삼키는 소리]
[인호] 애기 닦아 줘Use it to clean the baby.
[정민의 의아한 소리]
[정민] 뭐라고 했어요?What did he say?
- [타닥거리는 소리] - [풀벌레 울음]
[정숙이 살짝 웃는다]
[로이] 아휴Gosh.
이제 정신이 좀 드네요I'm finally sobering up.
[정숙] 막걸리를 아주 많이 드셨나 봐요You must have had a lot of makgeolli.
- [로이] 네 - [정숙의 웃음]Yes.
참, 숙소에서 얘기 들었어요 큰일 하셨다고요Right, I heard back at the lodgings that you did something amazing.
[정숙의 멋쩍은 웃음]
여기 와서I feel like
귀한 경험을 많이 한 거 같아요I went through many valuable experiences after coming here.
[정숙] 의료 봉사 오자고 해 주셔서Professor, thank you for asking me to come along with you here.
너무 감사해요, 교수님Professor, thank you for asking me to come along with you here.
괜찮으세요?Are you okay?
[로이] 서 교수님하고 부부라는 거 모두 알게 됐잖아요Everyone found out that you're married to Professor Seo.
한편으로는 속 시원한 거 같기도 해요On one hand, I do feel relieved.
아시죠? 저 병원에서 유명한 거I'm sure you've heard about the rumor.
[로이] 네Yes, about you and Professor Seo having an affair
선생님하고 서 교수님하고 불륜이라느니Yes, about you and Professor Seo having an affair
저까지 삼각관계라느니and being in a love triangle with me.
전 신경 안 씁니다-I don't care about any of that. -You'll have to now.
이젠 신경 쓰셔야 할 거예요-I don't care about any of that. -You'll have to now.
저랑 남편 사이 사람들한테 다 알려졌으니까요Since everyone knows about me and my husband.
교수님이 저 때문에 계속 사람들 입에 오르내리면If people keep talking about you because of me,
민망한 상황이 될 수도 있어요it can become embarrassing.
[차분한 음악]
왜 가만있는 겁니까?Why aren't you doing anything?
- 네? - [로이] 서 교수님 일이요-What? -About Professor Seo.
다 알면서 왜 꿀 먹은 벙어리처럼 가만히 있는 거냐고요Why do you stay silent despite knowing everything?
왜 참는 거예요?Why are you holding back?
교수님이 그걸 어떻게 아세요?How do you know… about that, Professor?
[로이] 말하기 싫습니다I don't want to tell you.
남의 가정사 쉽게 얘기하는 거 아니에요Please don't speak lightly of someone else's family matters.
쉽게 얘기하는 거 아닙니다I'm not speaking lightly of it.
[로이] 몇 번이나 얘기하고 싶은 거 간신히 참았어요I wanted to tell you several times but I held back.
보다 못해 말하는 거라고요But I couldn't stand it anymore.
전 엄마예요I'm a mother.
큰애는 제 부모랑 같은 직장에 근무하고My son works in the same hospital as his parents.
둘째는 고등학생이고요And my daughter is in high school.
아이들 중요한 시기They are facing crucial moments
평화롭게 지켜 주고 결정을 해도 할 거예요and I'm choosing to keep the peace in the family for them.
[정숙] 그러니까So…
절 한심한 여자 보듯don't look at me
그렇게 하지 마세요like I'm some pathetic woman.
[로이] 한심한 건 사실이에요!It's true that you're pathetic.
제발 다 큰 애들 엄마 노릇에 목매지 말고Your kids are all grown up. Please stop sacrificing yourself for them and choose what makes you happy instead.
스스로 행복해지는 길을 택하세요and choose what makes you happy instead.
[은서의 한숨]
[쓸쓸한 음악]
맛있다It tastes good.
잘 끓였네You made it well.
뭐 때문에 그렇게 속이 상했어?What made you so sick like that?
[은서] 엄마 스트레스 심할 때 위경련 오잖아You only get gastric cramps when you get stressed.
[승희] 은서야Eun-seo.
엄마가 은서한테I wanted to create a complete family where a father would be there for you.
아빠가 있는 온전한 가정 꾸려 주고 싶었는데I wanted to create a complete family where a father would be there for you.
미안해I'm sorry.
[은서] 엄마, 우리 좀 솔직해지자Mom. Let's be honest.
사실은 나한테 아빠가 필요한 게 아니라It's not that I needed a father. You needed a husband.
엄마한테 남편이 필요한 거였잖아It's not that I needed a father. You needed a husband.
엄마, 나는Mom…
분풀이 다 했어I'm done letting off steam.
아빠한테 더는 미련 없어I don't need anything from Dad anymore.
근데 엄마는 아직 미련 남아서 이렇게 병난 거잖아But you still do, and that's why you're sick.
대체 언제 정신 차릴 거야?When will you come to your senses?
정말 괜찮겠어?Will you really be okay?
이 커다란 세상에 달랑 우리 둘만 있는 거It'll be just the two of us in this big world.
슬프지 않아?Aren't you sad?
슬플 때도 있어There are times when I'm sad.
[은서] 그렇지만But…
불행하진 않아I'm not unhappy.
난 엄마도 그러길 바래I hope you can feel that way too.
[옅은 한숨]
그럴게I will.
그럴 수 있을 거 같아I think I'll be able to.
[태식의 헛기침] 아, 저기 제가 한마디 하겠습니다Everyone, attention please.
대통합적인 분위기에 찬물을 끼얹는 거 같아서I apologize for ruining the team spirit here.
어색하고 미안합니다만I apologize for ruining the team spirit here.
실체적 진실에 대해서But I think we should get down to the actual truth before moving on.
정확히 짚고 넘어갈 순간이 아닌가 생각이 듭니다But I think we should get down to the actual truth before moving on.
저기 계시는 차정숙 선생과 서인호 교수는Dr. Cha Jeong-suk and Professor Seo In-ho.
지금까지 사랑하며 살아왔고 지금도 살고 있고Are you two a happily married couple who are living happily together now and will continue to do so in the future?
앞으로도 살아갈 부부 사이가 맞습니까?who are living happily together now and will continue to do so in the future?
네, 맞습니다Yes, it's true.
[정숙] 그동안 말씀 못 드려서 죄송합니다I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you this whole time.
[황 치프] 진짜 대박이다This is really crazy.
- [의료진] 말했잖아요 - [정민의 멋쩍은 웃음]I told you.
[정숙] 다른 분들께도 사과의 말씀 드려요, 죄송합니다-I'd like to apologize -What will I do? to everyone else as well. I'm sorry.
[웅성거리는 소리]
[태식] 아, 저기, 조용, 조용 비 콰이어트!Everyone, be quiet!
'네'라고 대답을 했습니다She admitted to the fact.
팩트가 부부 사이이고 어차피 벌어진 일So they're married. It is what it is.
돌이킬 수 없다면 나쁜 기억은 빨리 잊는 것이If things can't be undone, let's forget about it and move on.
현대를 살아가는 현명한 지혜가 아닌가 생각을 합니다If things can't be undone, let's forget about it and move on. It's the wisest thing we can do in these modern times.
새 생명이 태어나서 미역국을 먹고 있는 이 순간It's the wisest thing we can do in these modern times. We're eating seaweed soup because a new life has been born.
우리 외과도 새로운 부부가 탄생을…And a new married couple has been born in our department…
새로운 부부가 탄생한 거나 마찬가지죠It can count as a couple being born, right?
이 두 부부가 백년해로하기를 진심으로 기원하면서I sincerely hope that the two of you will have a lasting marriage.
제가 치는 박수가 여기 계신 여러분들의 박수로 이어지기를And I sincerely hope that everyone here will join in on my applause.
진심으로 바랍니다And I sincerely hope that everyone here will join in on my applause.
[느린 박수 소리]
많이 드세요 두 그릇씩 드세요 [옅은 웃음]Eat up.
- [한숨] - [변호사] 전부 다 처분하시게요?I KNEW IT WAS ODD WHEN DR. CHA COLLAPSED You're going to sell them all?
되도록 빨리 처분해 주세요As fast as you can.
[변호사] 선친께서 상속해 주신 부동산은The real estate that your late father bequeathed to you is quite big,
덩어리가 커서 금방은 어려울 겁니다The real estate that your late father bequeathed to you is quite big, so it'll take some time.
뭐, 다른 계획이라도 있으십니까?What are you planning to do after?
미국에 돌아가려고요I'm going to return to the US.
[주민들의 인사 소리]
[의료진] 막걸리를 그렇게 드시더니, 괜찮아요?You drank all that makgeolli. -Are you okay? -Dr. Hwang, you're tired, right?
[사람들의 대화 소리]-Are you okay? -Dr. Hwang, you're tired, right? -That was crazy. -You look really tired.
[자동차 경적]
[도겸] 기사님, 잠시만요 차 좀 세워 주세요!Sir, one moment! -Please stop the bus! -Why?
[종권] 어, 왜?-Please stop the bus! -Why?
[자동차 경적]
[주민1] 됐어, 됐어It's fine. Gosh.
[주민2] 아이고Gosh.
[분주한 소리]
[주민1] 자, 자, 천천히 천천히, 천천히Slowly.
[태식] 아이고, 아이고, 어떻게…Gosh. How…
- [정숙] 아휴 - [주민3] 이거 육쪽마늘인데This is garlic that we forgot to give you yesterday.
어제 잊어버리고 못 드렸어This is garlic that we forgot to give you yesterday.
[정숙] 아, 이걸 여기까지…Goodness. And this.
- [잔잔한 음악] - [주민4] 그리고 이거는요And this. These are potatoes grown in red clay soil from our field.
우리 밭에서 캔 황토 수미감자인데요These are potatoes grown in red clay soil from our field.
아, 여기가 땅이 좋아 가지고 그냥 뭘 심어도 맛이 아주 좋아요These are potatoes grown in red clay soil from our field. The land here is so rich anything you plant grows to be delicious.
- [웃으며] 자, 예 - [정숙] 아휴, 감사합니다-Thank you. -Here you go.
[주민4의 호응]
- 너무 잘 먹겠습니다, 감사합니다 - [주민4] 아이, 별말씀을Thank you so much. Come on, it's nothing. Thank you so much.
정말 고맙습니다 [웃음]Come on, it's nothing. Thank you so much.
[정숙] 아니Wait.
아유, 어제 애기 낳은 사람이 이렇게 돌아다니면 어떡해요Why are you walking around? You gave birth yesterday.
[이연 남편] 안 그래도 시내 산후조리원 가는 길이에요We're on our way to the postnatal care center downtown.
[정숙] 아휴We're on our way to the postnatal care center downtown.
[이연] 감사합니다, 선생님Thank you, Doctor.
선생님 덕분에 아기 잘 낳았어요It's thanks to you that I was able to give birth.
아이, 고생하셨어요 [웃음]You did such a good job.
[이연] 별건 아니지만 제 선물이에요It's not much, but this is a gift for you.
[이연 남편] 그 손수건에 놓인 꽃이 살구꽃인데The flowers on the handkerchief are apricot blossoms.
행복을 기원하는 뜻입니다They symbolize our wish for your happiness.
그리고 다시 한번 정말 감사합니다, 선생님Thank you so much again, Doctor.
[정숙의 웃음]
[정숙의 벅찬 숨소리]
감사해요Thank you.
[이연이 살짝 웃는다]
[태식] 이럴 때 필요한 건 박수입니다Everyone, a round of applause.
[태식의 웃음]Everyone, a round of applause.
[황 치프] 저희 휴게소 도착했어요We're at the rest stop. We'll take off again in 30 minutes!
30분 뒤에 출발할게요!We're at the rest stop. We'll take off again in 30 minutes!
[잔잔한 음악]
[정민의 헛기침]
화 많이 났어?Are you angry at me?
[소라] 너가 나 같으면 화가 났겠냐, 안 났겠냐If you were me, wouldn't you feel angry?
나라도 당연히 당황했을 거 같아I would've been flustered too.
하지만 왜 숨겨야 했는지 이해해 보려고 노력했을 거야But I would make an effort to understand why you hid the truth from me.
너와 달리 나는 편협한 인간이란 뜻이야?Are you saying I'm narrow-minded, unlike you?
매사에 왜 그렇게 삐딱해?Why do you have to twist everything?
그럼 이 와중에 내가 너한테 상냥하기까지 해야 돼?Do you expect me to be nice to you then?
아니, 그게 아니고 그냥 내 입장을 한 번만 헤아려 달라는 뜻이야It's not that. I'm just asking you to see things from my perspective.
[정민] 내가 사실을 얘기했다면 너가 얼마나 불편했을지…It's not that. I'm just asking you to see things from my perspective. If I had told you, you would've been so uncomfortable-- Forget it. I don't want to hear your excuses.
아, 됐어, 니 핑계 듣고 싶지 않아Forget it. I don't want to hear your excuses.
아이, 그…I just…
[깊은 한숨]
[인호] 아유, 이거 어디 갔어? 참Jeez, where did she go?
쟤 뭐 해, 저기서?What is he doing over there?
[못마땅한 소리]
[차분한 음악]
[로이] 선생님Dr. Cha.
[정숙의 옅은 웃음] 감사합니다Thank you.
[로이] 휴게소가 참 좋네요 이런 공원이 있고These rest stops are so nice. They even have a park like this.
[정숙] 그러게요 공원도 정말 예쁘고I know. This park is beautiful,
날씨도 너무 화창하네요and the weather is so nice.
내 마음은 이렇게 지옥 같은데But all of that feels unfair
좀 야속한 마음이 들어요when it feels like I'm going through hell.
선생님, 커피 감사해요Dr. Kim. Thank you for the coffee.
근데But I think I'll walk on my own for a bit.
저 혼자 좀 더 걷다가 갈게요But I think I'll walk on my own for a bit.
[로이의 한숨]
[인호] 아니, 뭔 휴게소가 이렇게 넓어?Why is this rest stop so big?
한참 찾아다녔네I've been looking everywhere for you.
[인호의 힘주는 소리]Aren't you hungry?
출출하지 않아? 이거 좀 먹어 봐Aren't you hungry? Have some of this.
안 먹어?Do you not want any?
왜 그랬어?Why did you do that?
왜 그랬냐고Why did you do it?
그게, 나도 너무 취해 가지고I was so drunk that all my reason went right out the window.
이성의 끈을 놓는 바람에 나도 내가 뭔 말 하는지 알 수가 없었어I was so drunk that all my reason went right out the window. I had no idea what I was saying.
[인호] 어차피 비밀 지키느라 힘들었는데 차라리 잘됐지, 뭐It was for the best. It was tough to keep the secret.
맨정신으로는 말 못 했을 거야I wouldn't have been able to say it sober.
정말 괜찮겠어?Will you really be okay?
[정숙] 우리 부부인 거 티 내고 다녀도If we go around acknowledging that we're married,
당신 정말 괜찮겠냐고will you really be okay with that?
나야 뭐Well…
이제 다 알려진 마당에 어쩌겠어what can I do when everyone already knows?
그래?Is that so?
아참That reminds me.
나 내일부터 가정 의학과로 출근해I'm going to work in Family Medicine starting tomorrow.
[긴장되는 음악]I see.
[인호] 어, 어I see.
[또각또각 울리는 발소리]
[노크 소리]
Come in.
[정숙] 인사드리러 왔어요I came to say hello.
내일부터 가정 의학과로 출근합니다I'll be working in Family Medicine starting tomorrow.
소아과로 가는 줄 알았는데I thought you were going to Pediatrics.
문채윤 선생하고 바꾼 거 아니었나?Didn't you switch with Dr. Moon?
그러려고 했는데 마음을 좀 바꿨어I was going to, but I changed my mind.
[정숙] 얘기 들었어?Did you hear?
서인호 교수랑 내가 부부라는 거Everyone in the hospital now knows
병원에 다 알려졌어that I'm married to In-ho.
그이가 직접 말했거든He told everyone himself.
들었어I heard.
앞으로 잘 부탁해I look forward to working with you.
[정숙] 내가 서인호 와이프라는 거Don't concern yourself too much over the fact that I'm In-ho's wife.
너무 신경 쓰지 말고Don't concern yourself too much over the fact that I'm In-ho's wife.
[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]
아, 왜 하필 여길 골랐어?Why did you choose here out of all places?
당신 와이프 생일날 여기 왔었다며I heard you came here on your wife's birthday. You said you'd come here with me too.
나랑도 같이 오자고 했었잖아You said you'd come here with me too.
[인호] 내가 어제 과음하는 바람에 은서 전화를 못 받았어I overdrank yesterday so I couldn't pick up Eun-seo's call.
다시 하니까 안 받던데 무슨 일 있었어?I called her again but she didn't pick up. Did something happen?
별일 없었어It was nothing.
술김에 다 말했다며? 두 사람 부부인 거I heard you revealed you two are married while you were drunk.
[한숨] 소문 한번 빠르네Word gets around fast.
[인호] 저기, 우리 와이프 말이야 내일부터…Right, starting tomorrow, my wife--
[승희] 알아, 우리 과로 오는 거I know. She's coming to my department.
[한숨] 그래?Right.
당신Do you intend…
이혼할 생각 있니?to get a divorce?
[의미심장한 음악]
이혼할 마음 있냐고 당신 와이프랑Would you be willing to divorce your wife?
[인호] 그…That's…
못 하겠어?You can't do it?
와이프가 잘못한 게 없잖아Jeong-suk hasn't done anything wrong.
[인호] 내가 아무리 죽일 놈이래도I may be a jerk, but how can I ask her for a divorce?
무슨 염치로 이혼하자 소리를 하니I may be a jerk, but how can I ask her for a divorce?
[잘그랑 놓는 소리]
[승희] 우리 둘I think the time is coming for us to make a decision.
이제 슬슬 결정할 시간이 다가오고 있는 거 같지?I think the time is coming for us to make a decision.
갑자기 왜 그래?-Why are you suddenly being like this? -We can't keep doing this.
계속 이렇게 지낼 순 없잖아-Why are you suddenly being like this? -We can't keep doing this.
이건 우리 모두한테 미친 짓이야This isn't right for everyone involved.
각자 시간을 갖고 생각하자Let's each take some time to think.
비겁한 자식That coward.
- [안내 방송 알림음] - [환자] 아, 안녕하세요Hello.
- [정숙] 운동하세요? - [환자] 네Hello. -Hello. -Yes. You're doing well. How is your walking?
[정숙] 잘하고 계시네요 걸을 만해요?You're doing well. How is your walking?
[환자] 네You're doing well. How is your walking? -It's okay. -You have to keep moving.
[정숙] 계속 움직여야 돼요-It's okay. -You have to keep moving. -Okay. -You must work hard,
- [환자의 옅은 웃음] - 운동 열심히 잘해야 돼요-Okay. -You must work hard, that way you'll recover quickly.
그래야 빨리 낫지that way you'll recover quickly. -Yes. -It's better than yesterday, right?
그래도 어제보단 낫죠?-Yes. -It's better than yesterday, right?
[환자] 네, 그래도 좀 나아진 거 같아요Yes, it seems a little better.
[정숙] 잘하고 계세요, 식사는?You're doing well. Did you eat?
- [차분한 음악] - [의료 기기 작동음]
[로이] 1년 차 선생 간 수술 본 적 있나?First-year resident, have you seen liver surgery before?
[정민] 예, 이번이 두 번째입니다Yes, this is my second one.
[로이] 우측 간을 절제할 때 간 뒤쪽은 어디까지 박리하지?If you're resecting the right side, how much of the posterior should be detached?
[정민] IVC입니다Up to the IVC.
[로이] 그럼 IVC 뒤쪽으로Behind the IVC,
단단한 섬유질이 간과 IVC를 고정시키고 있는데there's a firm fibrous structure holding the liver and IVC in place.
이 구조물의 이름은 뭘까?What is it called?
[정민] 아, 리가먼트 베노섬 같습니다I think it's the ligamentum venosum.
[로이] 공부는 좀 하고 들어온 거 같은데I guess you studied before you came in here.
틀렸네But you're wrong.
정답은 IVC 리가먼트야The correct answer is the IVC ligament.
IVC를 박리할 땐 꼭 이 구조물을 라이게이션해 줘야When you're detaching the IVC, you need to perform a ligation on this
블리딩 없이 안전하게 박리되거든so that it detaches safely without bleeding.
[정민] 'IVC 리가먼트'"IVC ligament."
감사합니다, 교수님 열심히 하겠습니다Thank you, Professor. I'll work hard.
[로이] 굿
[정민] 교수님Professor.
저, 드릴 말씀이 있습니다I have something to ask you.
무슨 얘기?What is it?
어, 그…Well…
편하게 얘기해요, 괜찮으니까Ask away. It's fine.
교수님, 차정숙 선생님, 아니Are you close with Dr. Cha,
저희 어머니랑 친하십니까?I mean, my mother?
이런 질문 외람되지만 두 분 어떤 사이인지I know this may be out of line, but what's your relationship with her?
[정민] 교수님은 저희 어머니께 어떤 생각을 갖고 계신지I'm curious about
궁금합니다what you think of my mother.
어려운 질문이네요It's a hard question.
친구라고 해 둡시다Let's just say she's a friend.
[다가오는 발걸음]
[인호] 아들, 여기서 뭐 해?Jung-min, what are you doing here?
[익살스러운 음악]
아버지 분발하셔야겠어요Father, you have to try harder.
[인호] 응?What?
[정민] 밀려요You can't compete.
밀려도 너무 밀려요You're so not on par with him.
[정민의 탄식]
밀려?Can't compete?
밀려?Can't compete?
저게 말을 하다 말아, 아휴What on earth is he saying?
마음대로 해라, 그래Fine, do what you want.
[박 교수] 땅이 아주 네모반듯한 게 좋아 뵈죠?Doesn't this square of land look great?
그냥 일반 요양원이라고 생각하면 안 돼요You can't think of it as a regular convalescent hospital.
여기에 최고급 실버타운 한의원까지 들어와요The best private retirement complex and Korean medical clinic will be built here too.
유명한 한의, 양의 다 모셔다가We'll bring in famous doctors in both Korean and Western medicine
럭셔리 메디컬 타운을 조성하는 거죠and build a luxurious medical town.
- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다] - [탄성]
이 요양원이 들어서는 주경시에서 250억을 투자하기로 했잖아요?The city of Jugyeong will invest 25 billion won into this facility.
곽 여사, 투자하시겠다더니Ms. Kwak, I know you said you'd invest in this,
혹시 마음이 변했으면 빨리 얘기해요but you should let me know if you have changed your mind.
여기에 돈 넣겠다고 기다리는 친구들이 많아서but you should let me know if you have changed your mind. You have to decide quickly because there are others waiting in line who want to invest in this.
얼른 결정해야 되거든요because there are others waiting in line who want to invest in this.
아, 아, 아휴, 그게because there are others waiting in line who want to invest in this. The thing is, the building that I was going to use to take out a loan
그, 대출받으려고 하는 그 건물이The thing is, the building that I was going to use to take out a loan
하필이면 우리 며느리 이름으로 돼 있잖아요The thing is, the building that I was going to use to take out a loan is under my daughter-in-law's name.
[애심] 그래서 애들하고 상의를 좀 하려고 해요is under my daughter-in-law's name. So I have to consult with my kids.
아, 이렇게 전망이 밝은데 저들이 뭐, 반대하겠어요?I doubt they will oppose it given that this project has such positive prospects.
[박 교수] 아휴
이런 일들은 조용히 처리해야 되는데Things like this need to be taken care of quietly.
자식 놈들 늙은이가 뭘 하겠다고 하면The kids won't have anything good to say when their old folks try to do something.
좋은 소리 하겠어요?The kids won't have anything good to say when their old folks try to do something.
[고민하는 숨소리]
그런가?Is that so?
[태식] 돈 걱정 하지 말고 실컷들 부으세요Don't worry about money and grill as much meat as you want.
- [사람들의 박수와 환호성] - [의사] 네, 고맙습니다Don't worry about money and grill as much meat as you want. -Okay! -Okay!
[인호] 여러분 환송회 자리에 외람되지만Everyone. I know this is a farewell party, but I'd like to say a word.
한 말씀만 올리겠습니다I know this is a farewell party, but I'd like to say a word.
우리 전공의들한테도 미안하고I'm sorry to all the residents,
놀라셨을 과장님이나 동료 교수 여러분들께도 다시 한번I'm sorry to all the residents, and I would like to apologize again to Chief Yoon and my fellow professors,
심심한 사과 말씀 올립니다who must have been shocked.
[정숙] 죄송합니다I'm very sorry.
여러분들 불편하실 것 같아서 숨겼지만I hid it because I thought it would make everyone uncomfortable,
결국 이렇게 폐를 끼치게 되었어요but I ended up causing you trouble anyway.
저는 파견이 끝나서 가정 의학과로 돌아가게 됐지만Though my dispatch has ended and I'll be returning to Family Medicine,
이전과 똑같이 대해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다I hope you can treat me as you all did before.
죄송합니다I'm sorry.
[인호] 아, 먹어, 먹어, 응 드시죠, 예 [웃음]Okay, let's eat. Eat up. That's easier said than done.
[소라가 작게] 그게 말처럼 쉽나That's easier said than done.
[황 치프] 근데 두 분 왜 남남처럼 또 따로 앉으셨어요?But why did you two sit separately like strangers?
- 이제 같이 앉으셔야죠, 네? - [인호] 아니야, 괜찮아, 괜찮아-You should sit together now. -No, it's fine.
- 아니에요 - [인호] 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 예-No. -It's fine.
편하게 드세요, 편하게, 그냥Just eat comfortably.
부부라고 꼭 같이 앉으란 법 있나Married couples don't always have to sit together.
[긴장되는 음악]
[태식의 헛기침]
[태식] 제가 한마디 하겠습니다I shall say a word too.
아, 지금 두 사람 얼마나 같이 앉고 싶겠습니까?Imagine how much these two -would want to sit next to each other. -Exactly.
[인호가 웃으며] 아니, 아니요-would want to sit next to each other. -Exactly.
[태식] 그런데 이렇게 절제하고 인내하고 있는 겁니다But they are displaying self-control and patience.
서 교수 가정적인 건 우리 병원 사람들 다 압니다Everyone knows you're a family man, Professor Seo.
퇴원한 환자들도 다 알아요Even all the patients know.
차 선생도 아주 훌륭한 레지던트고 현모양처입니다Even all the patients know. Dr. Cha, you're also an excellent resident, a good wife, and a wise mother.
차 선생 우리 과에서 오늘 마지막인데Dr. Cha, you're also an excellent resident, a good wife, and a wise mother. It's your last day in our department.
오늘만이라도 두 사람 같이 앉아서So for today, you should sit next to each other and be lovey-dovey.
러브 샷도 하고 스킨십도 하고So for today, you should sit next to each other and be lovey-dovey. Make it undeniably obvious you're a married couple.
마음껏 부부 사이 과시하세요Make it undeniably obvious you're a married couple.
자, 같이 앉으세요Come, sit next to each other.
[사람들의 박수와 환호성]Come, sit next to each other.
[황 치프] 교수님, 가세요 가세요, 가세요, 가세요!Come on, stop it. Go on.
- [인호] 예, 예 - [황 치프] 가세요-You should go. -I will.
- 잠시 후에 오겠습니다 - [사람들의 웃음]I'll be back soon.
[사람들이 화기애애하다]
로이 교수님Professor Roy,
- 잠시 지나가겠습니다 - [무거운 음악]Please let me pass by.
[의사1] 교수님 이쪽으로 오십시오Professor Seo, come this way.
[인호] 아이고, 거기로? 여기 말고?Professor Seo, come this way. -Gosh, there? -Yes.
- [의사1] 아, 여기로 - [사람들의 웃음]-Gosh, there? -Yes.
- [인호] 고마워 - [의사1] 네Thank you.
- [인호의 힘주는 소리] - 한잔…-I'll pour you a drink. -You two look like newlyweds.
[태식] 이렇게 두 사람 앉으니까 신혼부부 같습니다-I'll pour you a drink. -You two look like newlyweds.
[사람들의 웃음]-I'll pour you a drink. -You two look like newlyweds.
[의사2] 비냉 두 개만 주세요!Two spicy cold noodles, please!
[태식] 아이고 냉면은 내가 안 산다Two spicy cold noodles, please! I'm not paying for the noodles.
[의사3] 더 시켜들, 내가 사 줄게I'm not paying for the noodles. Let's order some more!
[의사4] 지도 교수님이 냉면 쏘시나요Professor Seo, you should buy them.
[사람들의 웃음]
[의사5] 여기 등심 2인분만 더 주세요Two more servings of sirloin, please.
[물소리가 멈춘다]
나한테 뭐 할 말 없어요?Do you have anything to say to me?
무슨 할 말이요?What could I say?
[소라] 이제 와서 무슨 말을 한들I doubt anything I say now will change the way you think about me.
저에 대한 생각이 달라지시겠어요?I doubt anything I say now will change the way you think about me.
[물소리가 멈춘다]
[소라의 한숨]
그래서 하던 대로 하기로 했습니다, 저는So I just decided to be as I've always been.
좋은 방법이에요That's a good choice.
나도 그렇게 하죠I'll do that too.
- [문소리] - [멀어지는 발소리]
[다가오는 발소리]
기분이 안 좋아 보이세요You don't look like you're in a good mood.
You're right.
그다지 좋지 않네요I'm not in a good mood.
저 때문인 거 같아서I feel bad
마음이 무거워요because it feels like I caused that.
선생님이 왜요?Why would you feel bad?
제가 기분이 안 좋은 건The reason I'm not in a good mood
유지선 환자 때문인데요is because of the patient, Yoo Ji-seon.
[로이] 최근에 상태가 너무 나빠져서요Her condition has gotten worse recently.
네 [한숨]I see.
죄송해요I'm sorry.
죄송할 사람은 저죠I'm the one who should be sorry.
그날은 제가 너무 나댔죠?I went way too far that day, didn't I?
- [의사1] 같이 하시죠 - [인호] 마셔, 마셔-Let's drink together. -Please go ahead.
- [의사1] 같이 한잔 - [인호] 됐어I'm fine.
[시끌시끌한 소리]-How much alcohol is left? -Shall I eat it?
[사람들의 시원한 숨소리]
[의사2] 선생님 좀 드셨어요, 고기 좀?Have you eaten some of the meat?
- [인호의 한숨] - 술 좀 드릴까요?Shall I give you some soju?
[의사2] 사랑합니다, 선생님
[태식] 아이고Professor Seo, you've grown a lot seeing as you're pouring your own drink.
우리 서 교수 많이 성장했네 자작을 하고Professor Seo, you've grown a lot seeing as you're pouring your own drink.
자, 한 잔 더 합시다 더 드려, 응, 응Professor Seo, you've grown a lot seeing as you're pouring your own drink. Let's have another drink. Give him more.
오늘 또 여기 있는 음식, 술 다 먹어 버리자고Let's eat all the food and alcohol this place has to offer.
[탁 놓는 소리]
[로이] 차 선생님 너무 아까워서 그랬어요I just thought you were too good to be treated like that.
서 교수님한테 너무 과분한 사람이라서Professor Seo doesn't deserve you.
절 좋게 봐 주셔서 영광이에요I'm flattered that you think so highly of me.
하지만 제가 행복해질 수 있는 길은But I'll find the path that leads to my happiness on my own.
- [잔잔한 음악] - 저 스스로 찾아 볼게요But I'll find the path that leads to my happiness on my own.
[정숙] 그게It might be completely different from what you had in mind,
교수님이 생각하는 길과는 전혀 다를지 몰라도It might be completely different from what you had in mind,
제 선택엔 분명 이유가 있을 거예요but there will definitely be a reason for my choice.
전 지금Right now,
전공의 과정을 잘 마치고all I want to do…
내 인생에 닥친 이 파도를is finish my residency well
무사히 건너고 싶은 마음밖에 없어요and safely overcome these obstacles that are being thrown at me.
[로이] 대신In return, don't forget that I'm your friend.
제가 선생님 친구라는 사실은 잊지 마세요In return, don't forget that I'm your friend.
언제든 기댈 사람이 필요하면 제가 달려올게요If you need someone to lean on, I'll come running.
그게 어디든No matter where you are.
파도를 무사히 건너고 나면Once you overcome those obstacles,
저한테도 기회가 오겠죠an opportunity might come to me too.
- [푸 내뱉는 소리] - [태식] 마흔다섯 번째Number forty-five.
[황 치프] 교수님 요새 자주 취하시네요?Professor Seo gets drunk often these days.
의료 봉사 때도 떡실신…Professor Seo gets drunk often these days. He passed out at the medical volunteer…
[태식] 야, 서정민 대리 불러서 아버지 모시고 가Jung-min, call a designated driver and take your father home.
[정민] 아, 예-Okay. -Wait.
[태식] 아, 차 선생하고 같이 가면 되겠네-Okay. -Wait. He can go home with Dr. Cha. Stay together until the very end.
오늘 끝까지 함께하세요He can go home with Dr. Cha. Stay together until the very end.
곧장 집에 안 가도 좋습니다 오늘 2차 없어He can go home with Dr. Cha. Stay together until the very end. You don't have to go straight home. No round two tonight.
이 자리 끝We'll end things here.
- [쿵 소리] - [사람들의 놀란 소리]
[황 치프] 이럴 땐 좋네요 같이 사시니까It's great that you live together in situations like these.
[웃으며] 그렇죠?-Don't you think? -Jung-min, get him up.
- [사람들의 웃음] - [정숙] 정민아, 일으켜-Don't you think? -Jung-min, get him up.
[의사] 지갑이요, 지갑His wallet.
[정숙] 아휴 주차장까지만 같이 가자-Go with me to the parking lot. -Okay.
[정민] 아, 예-Go with me to the parking lot. -Okay.
- [정숙] 하나, 둘 - [정민] 셋, 아휴-One, two. -Three.
아유, 아버지, 제발, 진짜Father, please.
[정민] 언제까지 화낼 거야?How long are you going to stay mad at me?
[정민의 한숨]
그만하자, 이제Can't you just stop?
아까 화장실에서In the bathroom earlier,
니네 엄마가 나한테 할 말 없냐고 물어보더라your mom asked if I had anything to say to her.
[정민] 엄마가?My mom?
[소라] 그래Yes, she probably meant if I had anything to say
그동안 자기한테 싸가지 없게 군 거에 대해서Yes, she probably meant if I had anything to say about how rude I was to her this whole time.
할 말이 없냐는 뜻이겠지about how rude I was to her this whole time.
설마, 그건 아닐 거야No way. I doubt it.
그러게 말 좀 가려 가면서 하라고 했잖아That's why I told you to watch what you say.
내가 왜 너한테 그런 말을 들어야 돼?Why do I have to hear that from you?
솔직히 후회 안 돼?Honestly, don't you regret it?
차정숙 선생, 아니Honestly, don't you regret it? Being so hard on Dr. Cha, I mean, my mom?
우리 엄마한테 그렇게 구박한 거Being so hard on Dr. Cha, I mean, my mom?
그러니까 내가 왜 너희 엄마한테 잘 보여야 되는데?Why do I have to look good in front of your mom?
내가 언제 너랑 결혼하고 싶댔어?Did I ever say I wanted to marry you?
그래, 결혼하고 싶다고 한 적 없어, 맞아That's true. You never said anything about marriage.
[정민] 우리 사이가 꼭 동화처럼Our relationship doesn't have to conclude with a marriage like some fairy tale.
'행복하게 결혼했습니다'로 끝날 필요는 없어Our relationship doesn't have to conclude with a marriage like some fairy tale.
하지만 너는…But you…
단 한 번도 나와 함께하는 미래를 생각해 본 적 없어?Have you ever once thought about a future with me?
그런 생각 할 만큼 한가하지 않아I don't have time for those thoughts.
너뿐만 아니라It's not just you. Everyone in the hospital has busy lives.
이 병원 사람들 모두 치열하게 살아It's not just you. Everyone in the hospital has busy lives.
그렇다고 해서 자기 주변 하나도 상관없이But that doesn't mean they disregard everything around them.
혼자 살아가는 거 아니야But that doesn't mean they disregard everything around them.
- 야! - [정민] 나는-Hey. -I wish
너가 앞도 옆도 뒤도 가끔 돌아보면서you could sometimes look around you and be kind and compassionate
너보다 부족한 사람한테는 인정도 베풀 줄 아는you could sometimes look around you and be kind and compassionate
그런 따듯한 사람이었으면 좋겠어to those who aren't as competent as you are.
기사님, 세워 주세요-Sir, please stop the car. -What are you doing?
뭐 하자는 거야?-Sir, please stop the car. -What are you doing?
[소라] 너, 사람 잘못 봤어You are a poor judge of character.
알잖아? 나 그런 인간 아닌 거You should know that I'm not that kind of person.
[무거운 음악]
[한숨]Should we wait for her?
[택시 기사] 어떻게 할까요?Should we wait for her?
그냥 가 주세요Please just go.
[정숙의 힘겨운 숨소리]
[스위치 조작음]
[애심] 아유, 얘가 어쩌다가 이렇게 인사불성이 됐어?Jeez, why did he drink himself to senselessness like this?
취해서 조금 비틀거리는 것도 추하다고 절주하는 애가He never overdrank as he thought walking drunk was disgraceful. What on earth happened?
- 어쩌다가, 응? - [정숙의 힘주는 소리]What on earth happened?
[정숙의 가쁜 숨소리]
저기요, 어머니 죄송한데 저 물 한 잔만 주세요Excuse me, Mother. I'm sorry, but can you get me a glass of water?
그래그래, 아휴Sure.
[정숙의 힘주는 소리]
[인호의 술에 취한 소리]
[인호가 술 취한 말투로] 미안하다, 승희야I'm sorry, Seung-hi.
[흐느끼며] 미안하다, 정숙아I'm sorry, Jeong-suk.
내가 나쁜 놈이다I'm a jerk.
내가 나쁜 놈이다I'm a jerk.
내가 죽일 놈이야I deserve to die.
[정숙의 분한 숨소리]
아파, 아파It hurts.
[탁 놓는 소리]
[정숙의 짜증 섞인 한숨]
- [쾅 문 닫히는 소리] - [코 고는 소리]
잘 마셨어요, 어머니Thank you, Mother.
[애심] 아이고, 얘는 손님처럼 무슨 그런 말을 하니Jeez, why are you acting like a guest?
[정숙] 이랑이는 아직이죠?I-rang isn't home, right?
아까 전화했더니 독서실에서 밤새운다고는 하던데She called and said she was going to stay up in the study room.
[애심] 그래 요즘 아주 열심이더라She called and said she was going to stay up in the study room. Yes, she's working really hard lately.
저 가 볼게요I'll get going.
늦었는데 자고 가지 그래It's late. You should sleep here.
아니에요 내일 또 일찍 출근해야 돼서요No, I have to work early tomorrow.
어, 그래?Okay.
응, 그럼 하는 수 없지, 뭐I guess it can't be helped.
- 갈게요 - [애심] 응-Bye. -Okay.
- [문 닫히는 소리] - [한숨]
[풀벌레 울음]
[무거운 음악]
[뻐근한 소리]
[초인종 소리]
이 밤에 누구야?Who could it be at this hour?
[덕례] 누구세요?Who is it?
[정숙] 엄마, 나야Mom, it's me.
[덕례] 어?What?
[도어 록 작동음]-Oh, my. -Ta-da. Mom, surprise!
- 어머 - [정숙] 짜잔! 엄마 놀랐지?-Oh, my. -Ta-da. Mom, surprise!
- [정숙의 웃음] - 아니, 니가 이 시간에 웬일이냐Why are you here at this hour?
[덕례] 11시도 넘었어, 지금It's past eleven right now.
[정숙] 그러는 엄마는 이 시간까지 안 자고 뭐 했대?What about you? What were you doing up so late?
아이고, 좋다, 아이고, 좋아Gosh, it's so nice.
역시 집이 최고다, 아이고Home is the best.
엄마, 아직도 어깨 아파?Mom, does your shoulder still hurt?
아니야, 아니야, 괜찮아 다 좋아졌어No, it's fine. It's all better.
[정숙] 아니긴 뭐가 또 아니야What do you mean it's fine?
[덕례] 아니, 진짜Hey. I mean it.
이 시간에 말도 없이 웬일이야 무슨 일 있어?Why are you here at this hour out of the blue? Is something wrong?
일은 무슨 일What could be wrong?
[정숙] 엄마랑 하루 자려고 왔지I just came to sleep over.
[덕례] 정말 별일 없는 거야?Are you sure nothing is wrong?
아이, 그렇다니까I'm telling you, nothing's wrong.
회식 끝나고 엄마가 너무 생각나서 왔지I'm telling you, nothing's wrong. I came here after the group dinner because I missed you so much.
- [정숙의 웃음] - 아이고, 참Goodness.
[정숙] 이러고 있으니까 옛날 생각 난다, 그렇지, 엄마?This takes us back, right?
[덕례] 그러게Yes.
너 시집가기 전에는 맨날 이러고 잤지You slept like this all the time before you got married.
[덕례] 응Yes?
엄마는Did you not…
아빠가 안 미웠어?hate Dad?
돈을 잘 벌어 온 것도 아니고It's not like he made a lot of money
엄마한테 잘해 준 것도 아니었는데or treated you really well.
[정숙] 뭐가 이쁘다고 그렇게What was so good about him that you treated him so well
삼시 세끼 해다 바치면서 잘해 줬어?What was so good about him that you treated him so well while preparing all his meals for him?
나 같으면If it were me,
딱 안 살고 말았겠네I wouldn't have lived with him.
[잔잔한 음악]
[덕례] 그 시대에Not many women in my generation lived with their husbands out of love.
남편이랑 정 좋아서 사는 여자가 몇이나 됐겠냐Not many women in my generation lived with their husbands out of love.
애들 아버지니까 그냥 사는 거지We just did it because they were the fathers of our children.
나는 과부 소리를 들어도 그럭저럭 견딜 만했는데I could endure the talk about me being a widow,
내 새끼한테 아버지 없는 거는 정말이지but it was such a devastating thought
너무너무 서럽고 가슴이 찢어지더라to see my child grow up without a father.
여자한테 남편은Your husband isn't important because he's your husband.
남편이라서 귀한 게 아니라Your husband isn't important because he's your husband.
애들 아버지라서 귀한 거야He is important because he's the father of your children.
엄마만 있어도 괜찮았는데would've been okay even if I only had you.
[덕례] 너는 마음이 큰 사람이야You have a big heart.
서 서방이 잘못하더라도 니 그릇으로Even if In-ho does something wrong, just find it in your heart to accept it and live with it.
잘 품어 주면서 살아just find it in your heart to accept it and live with it.
언젠가 철들면 그거 알아줄 날이 오겠지He'll come to appreciate it one day, when he comes to his senses.
뭐, 또Well, if he doesn't, there's nothing that can be done.
못 알아주면 하는 수 없는 거고Well, if he doesn't, there's nothing that can be done.
[정숙] 아침부터 웬일이야?Why are you here this early?
어제는 뭐, 어디 딴 데서 잤어?Did you sleep somewhere else last night?
엄마네서 잤어I slept at my mother's place.
[정숙] 아침부터 웬일이냐고I asked why you are here.
[인호] 커피 머신 갖고 왔어 당신 커피 좋아하잖아I brought a coffee machine for you. You like coffee.
캡슐도 넉넉하게 갖고 왔으니까 받아I brought a lot of capsules too. Here.
밥은 잘 챙겨 먹나?Are you eating well?
내가 알아서 해I'll take care of myself.
왜 갑자기 자상한 척이야?Why are you acting like you care all of a sudden?
[인호의 멋쩍은 숨소리]
있다 없으니까 이상해It feels weird that you're not home.
[인호] 일 좀 익숙해지면 집으로 들어와Come back home once you get used to your job
이제 같이 출퇴근해도 뭐라 할 사람 없으니까since it's okay for us to commute together now.
[도어 록 조작음]
잠깐 들어가 보면 안 될까?Can I come in for a moment?
- 안 돼 - [인호] 갈게-No. -I'll go then.
- [차분한 음악] - [도어 록 조작음]
[도어 록 작동음]
[커피 머신 작동음]
[버튼 조작음]
[정숙] 이상으로 오스테오마이엘라이티스에 대한I will end my presentation on the conference case for osteomyelitis.
케이스 컨퍼런스를 마치도록 하겠습니다I will end my presentation on the conference case for osteomyelitis.
질문 있으실까요?Are there any questions?
MRSA가 나오면 뭐를 써야 하죠?What needs to be used if it's shown to be an MRSA?
[정숙] 감수성 결과를 확인해서We would need to check the susceptibility test results…
아니I mean,
반코마이신을 씁니다we would use vancomycin.
꼭 써야 한다면 반코를 TDM 계속 확인하면서 쓸 수도 있고If needed, you could continually check the TDM and use vancomycin
테이코를 쓸 수도 있겠죠or use teicoplanin.
감사합니다Thank you.
[차분한 음악]
[승희] 진료 끝났습니다We're all done here.
환자분 입원장이랑 소화기내과 협진 준비해요Prepare her admittance forms and a consultation with the Gastroenterology Department.
환자한테 기본 혈액 검사 중에 체중 감소가 있는데Basic blood tests show weight loss,
어떤 검사를 추가로 해야 되지?so what other tests should be ordered for the patient?
종양 표지자랑The formation of tumor markers and diabetes could lead to weight loss.
당뇨가 생기셔도 체중이 빠지실 수 있으니까The formation of tumor markers and diabetes could lead to weight loss.
Hba1c 추가하도록 하겠습니다So I'll add an hbA1c test.
그래요, 장기에 문제가 생겨서 그럴 수도 있고Yes, it could also be due to an organ issue.
[승희] 갑상선 항진증에서도 흔하니까It's common with hyperthyroidism as well. So run TFT, ANA, and RF to see if she has any autoimmune diseases.
TFT랑 ANA, RF 해서So run TFT, ANA, and RF to see if she has any autoimmune diseases.
자가 면역 질환도 놓치면 안 돼요So run TFT, ANA, and RF to see if she has any autoimmune diseases.
- [승희의 옅은 한숨] - [마우스 클릭음]Okay.
[보호자] 아버님이 잠도 못 자고 식욕도 없고My father-in-law can't sleep, has no appetite, and is depressed.
계속 우울해하시네요My father-in-law can't sleep, has no appetite, and is depressed.
살도 많이 빠지셨어요He's lost a lot of weight too.
I see.
이럴 땐 뭘 처방하는 게 좋겠어요?In this case, what would you prescribe?
[정숙] 트라조돈이나 졸피뎀이요Trazodone or zolpidem.
이럴 땐 멀타자핀을 쓰면 우울 증상도 빠르게 개선되고In this case, if mirtazapine is taken, the depression symptoms get better quickly
[승희] 수면 유도나 식욕 증가 효과로and it'll help him gain weight as it'll increase his sleep and appetite.
체중 증가에도 도움이 되겠지and it'll help him gain weight as it'll increase his sleep and appetite.
[무거운 음악]
[이랑] 니가 왜 아직도 여길 다녀?Why are you still coming here?
학원 옮기라고 했잖아I told you to move academies.
니가 옮기라면 옮겨야 돼?Do I have to listen to you?
[은서] 너도 그냥 다녀Just keep coming here too.
우리 고3인데 집중해야지We're in 12th grade, so we need to focus.
[이랑의 코웃음] '우리'?"We"?
야, 뻔뻔함도 유전이냐?Is shamelessness genetic too?
내가 옮기면 뭐 해 줄 건데?What'll you do for me if I move to a different one?
[은서] 너희 아빠Are you going to give me
양보할래?your dad?
- [이랑] 이런 미친년이! - [은서의 비명]You crazy brat!
[싸우는 소리]
- [쾅 부딪는 소리] - [이랑의 신음]
[이랑의 힘주는 소리]
- [털썩 넘어지는 소리] - [은서의 비명]
- [거친 숨소리] - [은서의 아파하는 신음]
- [은서의 힘겨운 신음] - 한 번만 더 까불어 봐Don't mess with me again.
- [아파하는 신음] - [멀어지는 발소리]
[휴대전화 진동음]
차정숙 선생-Dr. Cha. -Director.
어, 병원장님-Dr. Cha. -Director.
[병원장] 병원 생활 할 만합니까?-Are you finding the work here manageable? -Yes.
-Are you finding the work here manageable? -Yes.
[병원장] 아, 그, 오창규 회장이 요즘도 나한테 전화를 해서-Are you finding the work here manageable? -Yes. Chairman Oh still calls me these days and asks how you're doing.
차 선생 안부를 묻곤 해요Chairman Oh still calls me these days and asks how you're doing.
병원 안 그만두고 아직도 잘 다니고 있느냐고 말이에요He's checking to see if you didn't quit and are still working here.
자, 그럼 수고해요Please keep up the good work.
- [정숙] 네, 들어가 보겠습니다 - [엘리베이터 알림음]Okay. I'll get going now.
[의미심장한 음악]
[자동차 시동음]
[택시 기사] 어서 오세요Welcome. I'm sorry, but can you please follow that car?
[정숙] 저, 죄송한데 방금 나간 차 좀 쫓아가 주세요I'm sorry, but can you please follow that car?
[택시 기사] 아, 예Okay.
[안전띠 채우는 소리]
[정숙의 가쁜 숨소리]
[떨리는 숨소리]
[정숙] 기사님, 그냥 세워 주세요Sir, please just stop the car.
[택시 기사] 아니, 끝을 봐야 시작도 할 수 있는 겁니다You need to see things to the end to be able to start anew.
[승희의 다급한 숨소리]
[승희] 대체 이게 무슨 일이야?What on earth happened?
별거 아니야It's nothing.
[승희] 별거 아닌 일로 깁스하니?If it's nothing, why are you in a cast?
아니, 다 큰 애가 대체 뭘 했다고 이렇게 됐어?It's not as if you are a little kid. How did you hurt yourself?
당신도 뭐라고 말 좀 해 봐!Why are you staying silent?
[인호] 아, 그래 이만하길 다행이긴 한데Right. You're lucky it isn't worse. But how did this happen?
어쩌다 이렇게 된 거야?You're lucky it isn't worse. But how did this happen?
아빠한테 말해 봐You're lucky it isn't worse. But how did this happen? I'm your dad. Tell me.
말하면 아빠 입장이 되게 곤란해질 텐데If I tell you, you'll be in a difficult position.
[은서] 괜찮으시겠어요?Will you be okay with that?
서이랑이 이렇게 했거든요Seo I-rang did this to me.
[무거운 음악]
[놀란 숨소리]
[무거운 효과음]
[차분한 음악]
[힘겨운 숨소리]
[숨을 헐떡인다]
[차 문 열리는 소리]
[차 문 닫히는 소리]
[차 문 닫히는 소리]
[소라] 안 들어가세요?Aren't you going in?
안 들어가시냐고요I said, aren't you going in?
[정숙] 네I'm not.
무슨 일 있으세요?Is something wrong?
들어가면If I go inside,
숨을 못 쉴 거 같아서요I don't think I'll be able to breathe.
들어가세요you should go in.
[소라] 밤바람이 차요It's a cold night.
[부드러운 음악]
[시동이 멈춘다]
타세요Get in.
아, 답답한 거 같은데 드라이브나 하시자고요You seem to feel suffocated. Let's go on a drive.
[소라] 아직도 답답하세요?Do you still feel suffocated?
[직 열리는 소리]
뭐 하는 거예요?What are you doing? I thought you said you couldn't breathe. I bought this car for times like these.
숨이 안 쉬어진다면서요?I thought you said you couldn't breathe. I bought this car for times like these.
그럴 때 열어젖히려고 이런 차 산 거예요I thought you said you couldn't breathe. I bought this car for times like these.
[자동차 가속음]
[정숙의 하 내뱉는 소리]
그러네요You're right.
바람이 얼굴을 때리니까I feel like I can breathe
숨이 쉬어지긴 하네요with the air hitting my face like this. What?
[소라] 뭐라고요?What? I feel like I can breathe!
[정숙] 숨이 쉬어지긴 한다고요!I feel like I can breathe!
무슨 일 있는 거죠?Something's wrong, isn't it?
[정숙] 있는데, 믿어지지가 않네요Something's wrong but I can't even believe it
거짓말 같아서because it feels too unreal.
무슨 일인지 알 거 같아요I think I know what it is.
절대 모를 거예요You really don't know.
무슨 일인지 알 거 같은데요?I think I know what it is!
[타이어 마찰음]
죽여 버리고 싶잖아요 두 연놈들을You want to kill those two bastards.
[기어 조작음]
서인호 교수님 바람났잖아요!Professor Seo is cheating on you!
[우르릉거리는 소리]
- [쏴 내리는 빗소리] - [함께 놀란다]
- [정숙] 아유, 비 와요, 비, 아휴 - [소라의 당황한 소리]It's raining.
빨리 닫아 봐요 아유, 차가워, 어떡해Hurry up and close it. My goodness!
- 왜 안 되지? - [정숙] 빨리 좀 어떻게 해 봐요-Why isn't it working? -Please do something!
[소라] 지금 하고 있잖아요!I'm trying!
[정숙] 아이, 자기 차 뚜껑도 못 닫아요?You can't even close the roof of your own car?
[소라] 아, 나도 오늘 처음 열어 봤다고요!I opened it for the first time today!
[정숙의 당황한 숨소리]What do we do?
- [정숙] 아유, 어떡해, 어떡해 - [소라의 비명]What do we do?
아, 차가워, 아, 차가워, 아유It's cold!
- 악! - [정숙] 아유, 어떡해My goodness!
[정숙의 난감한 숨소리]
[정숙의 웃음]
- [정숙이 연신 깔깔 웃는다] - [감성적인 음악]
[소라] 지금 웃음이 나와요?This isn't the time to be laughing!
[소라의 어이없는 웃음]
- [정숙] 와! - [소라] 아, 진짜It's cold!
[신난 탄성]
[함께 웃는다]
- [정숙의 환호성] - 아, 그만 웃어요 [웃음]Come on, stop laughing!
[정숙, 소라의 환호성]
[소라가 소리친다]
- [정숙의 신난 탄성] - [소라의 환호성]
[정숙] 지금 당장 여기로 와Come here right now.
불륜 사건으로 병원 떠들썩해지는 거 보기 싫으면Unless you want the whole hospital to be talking about your affair.
온 가족이 다 알면서 왜 나만 바보 만들어Why did you make a fool out of me when the whole family already knew?
왜 나만 모르게 해!Why was I the only one who didn't know?
[승희] 꼭 헤어져야 하나 싶네 곧 이혼당하지 않겠어?Do we really need to break up? Don't you think she'll divorce you soon?
니가 이혼하면 내가 병원 그만둘게I'll quit if you get a divorce.
[정숙] 내 눈앞에서 꺼져Get out of my sight.
[황 치프] 저희 기숙사에 전기 합선 때문에 불이 났나 봐요Get out of my sight. A short circuit must have caused a fire in the dorms.
[로이] 차 선생님 문 열어요, 당장!Dr. Cha! Open the door right now!
[콜록거린다]Open the door right now!

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