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  소년 심판 10

Juvenile Justice 10


‪(직원들) 안녕하십니까‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪(직원1) 안녕하십니까‬Hello.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪그 보호자가 심 판사였다고?‬Miss Sim was the guardian, then?
‪(근희) 아, 자기구나?‬So it's you.
‪감히 겁도 없이 내부 고발로‬You're the whistleblower who got her own boss kicked out.
‪부장 쫓아낸 배석이‬You're the whistleblower who got her own boss kicked out.
‪알아봤던 거네‬She recognized me.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(태주) 기피 신청이요?‬A motion to recuse?
‪(수미) 네, 그것 때문에‬ ‪부장님 심기 완전 불편하세요‬Yes, Ms. Na is in a bad mood because of it.
‪심 판사님 어디 계십니까?‬Where is Judge Sim and does she know about all of this?
‪기피 신청은 알고 계세요?‬Where is Judge Sim and does she know about all of this?
‪나 처음 봤을 때부터‬ ‪알고 있었던 거죠?‬When we met, you knew I was the judge?
‪내가 그 담당 판사였다는 거‬The judge in charge of that case, right?
‪그 사건도 알면서‬And despite that, you asked me to reassign the case to you.
‪나한테 재배당 요청했던 거고요‬And despite that, you asked me to reassign the case to you.
‪무슨 생각으로?‬What were you gonna do?
‪죽은 아들 대신해‬ ‪심판이라도 할 생각이었어요?‬Punish the kids on behalf of your son?
‪제가 마무리를 지어야 하니까요‬I had to put an end to it…
‪(은석) 첫 단추부터‬ ‪잘못 끼워졌으니까‬because it started off all wrong.
‪그렇지 않나요?‬Don't you agree?
‪그 말은 상당히 거슬리네‬That's pretty offensive.
‪그건‬It sounds like you're blaming me for making the wrong call for the case.
‪내가 한 재판이‬ ‪뭐, 잘못되기라도 한 것처럼‬It sounds like you're blaming me for making the wrong call for the case.
‪그렇게 들리네요?‬It sounds like you're blaming me for making the wrong call for the case.
‪아닌가요?‬Didn't you?
‪이봐요, 심 판사‬Now listen, Judge Sim--
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪학습한 겁니다, 그 아이들‬No, you listen. They learned…
‪(은석) 부장님 처분에‬from your decision that day in court.
‪그 법정에서‬from your decision that day in court.
‪'아'‬"Oh, the law is nothing."
‪'법도 별거 아니네'‬"Oh, the law is nothing."
‪배운 거라고요‬That's what they learned.
‪거기 뒤에 두 분 누굽니까?‬Who are the two of you back there?
‪(근희) 누군데‬ ‪여기 참석하는 거죠?‬Why are you attending this trial?
‪피해자의 부모입니다‬We're the victim's parents.
‪누가 여기 오라 그랬어요?‬Who told you you could be here?
‪저 사람들 왜‬ ‪내 법정에 있는 거지?‬Why are they in my courtroom?
‪(은석) 소년법 제25조 2에 따르면‬Article 25.2 of the Juvenile Act
‪소년 보호 사건엔‬guarantees victims the right to state an opinion in a protection case.
‪피해자의 의견 진술권이‬ ‪보장돼 있습니다‬guarantees victims the right to state an opinion in a protection case.
‪이미 서면으로‬ ‪제출한 걸로 아는데요‬You've already submitted a written statement.
‪제출은 했습니다만‬-That's true. I did, but I-- -So I'll take that into account.
‪(근희) 예, 했으면‬ ‪서면으로 대신할 겁니다‬-That's true. I did, but I-- -So I'll take that into account.
‪소년 보호 재판은‬ ‪비공개 재판이 원칙이므로‬Protection case trials are supposed to be held behind closed doors,
‪퇴정을 명합니다‬so you can't be here.
‪[은석의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(근희) 황인준, 백도현‬Hwang In-jun. Baek Do-hyeon.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪초범이었어‬Eleven-year-olds.
‪고작 만 11세‬First-time offenders.
‪실수라 그랬고‬ ‪잘못했다고 반성도 했어‬They said that they regretted what they had done.
‪(근희) 다른 판사라고 해서‬ ‪뭐가 달랐을까?‬You think other judges would have decided differently?
‪[책상을 쾅 치며] 내 처분엔‬ ‪아무 문제 없었어‬It was the correct decision!
‪(은석) 그러셨겠죠‬Sure.
‪본인 판단은‬You believe.
‪늘 옳다고 믿는 분이시니까‬You always make the right decision.
‪고작 3분이었습니다‬It was only three minutes.
‪사람을 죽이고‬They killed a person.
‪재판받으러 와서‬And that was how long they stood at trial.
‪처분까지 걸린 시간이‬And that was how long they stood at trial.
‪아이들이 뭘 배웠을 거 같습니까?‬What could they have learned from that?
‪'법이라고 모든 피해자를‬ ‪보호하는 건 아니구나'‬"The law doesn't protect all victims."
‪'법 참 간단하네'‬"The law is so simple."
‪'고작 3분이면'‬"It takes three minutes…
‪'재판이 끝나는구나'‬to get through a trial."
‪5년 전‬Five years ago…
‪그 아이들이 처음 법정에 섰을 때‬when they stood trial for the first time,
‪너희들이 장난으로 던진‬ ‪벽돌 하나가‬you should've taught those boys then,
‪한 가정을 어떻게 파탄시켰고‬exactly how the brick they threw…
‪그 삶을‬just for fun…
‪얼마나 망가뜨렸는지‬destroyed a family…
‪부장님은 알려 줬어야 했어요‬and ruined the rest of their lives.
‪가정도, 학교도‬Neither their schools nor their families made them realize it.
‪아무도 혼내지 않고‬ ‪깨닫게 해 주지 않으니까‬Neither their schools nor their families made them realize it.
‪법원이라도 그 아이들을 붙잡고‬At the very least, the court…
‪혼내고‬could have taught them that lesson.
‪가르쳤어야 했습니다‬could have taught them that lesson.
‪그게 우리의 역할이니까‬Because that is our job.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[아이들이 대화한다]‬
‪어떻게 이렇게 벌써…‬Already? But…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(어린 도현) 야‬ ‪우리 떡볶이 먹으러 갈래?‬Hey, let's go get some food.
‪[이환의 한숨]‬
‪원래 법이 그래‬That's the way the law is.
‪알잖아‬You know that.
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪(은석) 소년 사건이‬ ‪속도전이라고요?‬Juvenile cases are all about speed.
‪그래서 애들이 저 모양인 겁니다‬That's why they turned out like that!
‪왜 재판을 속도로 처분합니까?‬Why do you handle all cases with speed?
‪그 속도에 맞추지 못해서‬ ‪놓쳐 버린 아이들‬What about the kids who can't keep up with it?
‪그 피해자들은‬And the victims?
‪대체 누가 책임지는데요?‬Who's responsible for them?
‪그거야말로 일의 효율이 아니라‬That's not being efficient.
‪무책임 아닌가요?‬It's irresponsible.
‪부장님은‬don't you have
‪사명감이 없으십니까?‬some kind of sense of duty?
‪[책상을 쾅 친다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[근희의 한숨]‬
‪오늘 심 판사한테‬Ms. Sim, I learned a lot from you today.
‪정말 많은 걸 배우네요‬Ms. Sim, I learned a lot from you today.
‪(근희) 그래서 그렇게 잘난 분이‬For such an honorable judge, you sure ignored the conflict of interest.
‪법관 제척 사유를 어기나?‬For such an honorable judge, you sure ignored the conflict of interest.
‪징계 위원회 가서도‬ ‪그렇게 청산유수로 말할 수 있는지‬Will you be able to speak so eloquently to the Disciplinary Committee?
‪내가 기대해 봐도 되겠죠?‬I look forward to it.
‪아, 그리고 한 가지 더‬And one more thing.
‪이 시간 이후로 심 판사는‬Moving forward, you're excluded from In-jun's Protection Case
‪황인준의 보호 재판도‬Moving forward, you're excluded from In-jun's Protection Case
‪연화 집단 성폭행 사건의‬and the Yeonhwa Gang Rape Case
‪서동균, 오경수의 형사 재판도‬ ‪빠지는 겁니다‬and the Yeonhwa Gang Rape Case which is Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su's criminal case.
‪너무나 잘나셔서‬But you're so smart. You must already know that.
‪이미 알고 계시겠지만요‬But you're so smart. You must already know that.
‪[근희가 의자에 탁 앉는다]‬
‪저기, 판사님‬Judge Sim.
‪(수미) 지금 피해자 강선아가‬ ‪언니와 함께 법원에 왔다는데‬Kang Seon-a is here at the court with her sister.
‪어떻게 하는 게 좋을까요?‬Kang Seon-a is here at the court with her sister. What would you like to do?
‪강선아요?‬Kang Seon-a?
‪황인준‬Hwang In-jun.
‪공범으로 인정 안 한다고 하던데‬I heard he denied being an accomplice.
‪진짜예요?‬Is that true?
‪(선아) 왜 하필 저였을까요?‬Why me of all people?
‪저 요즘‬I think about it. Really, every day.
‪매일 그 생각만 해요‬I think about it. Really, every day.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪왜 나지?‬"Why me?"
‪내가 뭘 얼마나 잘못했길래‬"What was it that I did wrong?"
‪나한테만 이런 일이‬"Why was I chosen?"
‪그냥 채팅이었어요‬I was just online chatting.
‪황인준이 채팅에선‬ ‪학교에 다닌다고 했어요‬In the chat room, Hwang In-jun, he said he was a student.
‪저 고민 상담도 많이 해 주고‬ ‪엄마 얘기도 하고‬I talked about my problems and my mom and he gave me advice.
‪그날도 제가 친구랑 싸워서‬ ‪너무 힘들어하니까‬That day, I was stressed out from a fight with my best friend.
‪만나서 얘기하자고‬ ‪잠깐이면 된다고‬So he suggested that we meet and talk for a bit.
‪그래서 나간 거였는데‬That's why I went out.
‪나가는 게 아니었는데‬But I shouldn't have. Because of me, even my dad…
‪저 때문에 괜히 아빠까지…‬But I shouldn't have. Because of me, even my dad…
‪황인준‬Well, do you think…
‪정말로 그냥 그렇게‬ ‪끝나는 거예요?‬that Hwang In-jun will just get away with it?
‪어제 말한 백도현‬You mentioned Baek Do-hyeon.
‪무슨 얘기야?‬Why was that?
‪그러니까 소년이‬There might be four boys, not just the three.
‪세 명이 아니라‬ ‪네 명일 수도 있다고요‬There might be four boys, not just the three.
‪서동균, 오경수, 황인준‬Seo Dong-gyun, O Gyeong-su, Hwang In-jun,…
‪그리고 백도현‬and Baek Do-hyeon.
‪차태주‬Cha Tae-ju.
‪이미 판사님 손 떠난 사건입니다‬You're no longer in charge of the case.
‪이러다 정말 큰일 나세요‬You could get in serious trouble.
‪알아, 나도‬I know.
‪이러면 안 되는 거‬I shouldn't be doing this.
‪(은석) 근데 끔찍하지 않니?‬But isn't it horrible?
‪5년 전보다 애들은‬They're more evil than…
‪더 악랄해졌어‬five years ago.
‪끝까지 내가 처분하겠다‬ ‪이러는 거 아니야‬I'm not insisting I handle this case.
‪이대로 이렇게 처분이 끝나 버리면‬But if the case gets closed this way,
‪저 아이들 제대로 처분할 기회는‬we may no longer get a chance… to sentence them properly.
‪영영 놓칠지 몰라‬we may no longer get a chance… to sentence them properly.
‪담당 소년 중에‬One of the kids I'm in charge of ran away from home and committed theft.
‪가출에 절도죄로 온 아이가 있어요‬One of the kids I'm in charge of ran away from home and committed theft.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬This is Cha Tae-ju.
‪예, 차태주입니다‬This is Cha Tae-ju.
‪(직원2) 판사님‬ ‪여기 소년 분류 심사원입니다‬Judge Cha, it's the Juvenile Classification Center.
‪아, 예, 예‬Ah, yes, hi.
‪(직원2) 판사님께서 보내셨던‬ ‪백하린‬Baek Ha-rin, the girl you sent to us.
‪신체검사 결과가 방금 나왔는데요‬Baek Ha-rin, the girl you sent to us. We just got her physical results back.
‪아, 저, 그게…‬And, well, it says…
‪임신인 것 같아요‬…that she's pregnant.
‪(태주) 임신이요?‬She's pregnant?
‪(태주) 판사님이 정말‬ ‪걱정돼서 그래‬Ha-rin, I'm really worried about you.
‪응?‬Ha-rin, I'm really worried about you.
‪아버지한테 말씀은 드렸어?‬Did you tell your father?
‪(하린) 아씨, 몰라요, 씨발‬Jeez, I don't know. Fuck.
‪앞으로 어떻게 할 생각이니?‬Fuck. What are you going to do now?
‪국민 청원에 올라온 집단 성폭행‬The gang rape case was up at National Petition.
‪씨발, 대가리가‬ ‪누구라고 생각해요?‬Who the fuck do you think runs the gang?
‪너 괜히 말 돌리지 말고‬Don't change the subject.
‪아, 씨발‬Fucking hell.
‪그 새끼들이 저 이렇게 만들었어요‬Fucking hell. Those assholes are the ones who did it.
‪(하린) 이 임신‬I got pregnant when I was with that runaway family.
‪저 그 새끼들이랑‬ ‪가출 팸 하다 그랬다고요‬I got pregnant when I was with that runaway family.
‪백도현 그 개새끼, 씨‬Baek Do-hyeon, that asshole.
‪뭐라고?‬What? Who did you…
‪누, 누구?‬What? Who did you…
‪백도현‬Baek Do-hyeon.
‪(태주) 서동균, 오경수‬ ‪황인준과 같은 가출 팸 소년이에요‬He belongs to the same runaway family as the other three.
‪이미 모텔촌 쪽에서는‬ ‪유명하더라고요, 조건 사기로‬They motel owners all know them for prostitution.
‪씨발, 지금 302호에‬ ‪내 동생이 들어가 있거든?‬Fuck. My sister is in room 302 now.
‪빨리 나와서 문 열어‬-Come on, open the door. -Who are you?
‪뭡니까?‬-Come on, open the door. -Who are you?
‪[도현의 한숨]‬
‪미성년자를, 씨발‬She's a minor, fuck.
‪- 신고할까?‬ ‪- (인준) 씨발, 진짜‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬-The police? -For fuck's sake, come on!
‪- (인준) 아저씨, 열쇠 어디 있어‬ ‪- (도현) 당장 문 열라고, 씨‬Man, where's the fucking key? -I said open it now! -Open the fucking door!
‪(주인1) 아, 아, 자, 자, 자‬-All right, all right, take it. -Shit.
‪(남자) 너희들 뭐야?‬Who are you? What are you doing here?
‪뭐 하는 새끼들이야, 악!‬Who are you? What are you doing here? Here you go.
‪[남자의 신음]‬Here you go.
‪뭐야‬ ‪[인준의 환호]‬-Why are-- -What's this? What?
‪[남자의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(도현) 씨발 새끼야‬Piece of shit!
‪[남자의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪(동균) 이 아저씨 돈 많아‬-You're rich, man! -Yeah, you look nice.
‪(인준) 잘 나온다?‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬-You're rich, man! -Yeah, you look nice. Fuck.
‪[남자의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪- (남자) 왜 이러세요?‬ ‪- 나 얘 친오빠인데?‬-You fuck. -Why are you… I'm her brother.
‪예? 오, 오빠요?‬What? Her brother?
‪이거 너희 좆집이랑‬ ‪잼민이 학교 홈피에‬Should I send this to your wife or maybe your kids' school?
‪싹 다 뿌려 줄까?‬Should I send this to your wife or maybe your kids' school?
‪아니요, 아니요‬ ‪제, 제가 잘못했…‬-Huh? -No, no. I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry!
‪(남자) 제가 잘못했습니다‬ ‪죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬-Huh? -No, no. I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry! -I'm sorry. -Fucking shit!
‪[남자의 신음]‬-I'm sorry. -Fucking shit!
‪[퍽퍽 때리는 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[소년들이 힘준다]‬You stupid asshole.
‪[소년들이 저마다 욕한다]‬This fucking bastard has a death wish.
‪[경수의 웃음]‬Hey!
‪- (경수) 땡큐‬ ‪- (도현) 수고했다‬-Thank you. -Good job.
‪야, 좆준‬Hey, In-jun.
‪(인준) 오케이‬All right.
‪씨발, 땡큐‬-Fuck, thank you. -Hey.
‪(도현) 야, 야, 아이‬-Fuck, thank you. -Hey. -Here. -Fuck, what's that for?
‪씨발, 뭐야‬-Here. -Fuck, what's that for?
‪(인준) 야, 땡큐, 빽도‬Thanks, Do-hyeon.
‪- (도현) 존나 븅신아‬ ‪- (인준) 와, 씨‬Thanks, Do-hyeon. -Fuck off, moron. -Jeez, son of a bitch.
‪- (인준) [웃으며] 씨발, 저 새끼‬ ‪- (도현) 뭐 먹냐, 오늘‬What should we get for dinner? How about chicken?
‪- (도현) 치킨 먹을까?‬ ‪- (인준) 치킨?‬What should we get for dinner? How about chicken? Hey.
‪(하린) 야‬Hey.
‪난 언제 주냐?‬So where's my cut?
‪아, 씨발, 알아서 준다 그랬지?‬I told you to fucking wait.
‪(도현) 존나 쫑알거리네, 씨‬You're so annoying.
‪(경수) 야, 야, 야‬You're so annoying. Hey. Didn't you want to buy some shoes?
‪뭐, 신발 사고 싶다고‬ ‪하지 않았냐?‬Hey. Didn't you want to buy some shoes?
‪야, 일로 와 봐‬Come here.
‪그렇게 건당 5, 6백씩‬They conned the victims out of millions of won each time.
‪많을 땐 1, 2천도 우습고요‬They conned the victims out of millions of won each time.
‪(태주) 그렇게 돈을 버는데‬They made all that money and didn't share any of it with her.
‪정작 여자애한텐‬ ‪돈을 하나도 안 줬다고 하더라고요‬They made all that money and didn't share any of it with her.
‪그래서 도망친 거고‬So she ran away.
‪그 무리에서 대가리‬The boss of the gang is Baek Do-hyeon.
‪빽도현이라고요‬The boss of the gang is Baek Do-hyeon.
‪(하린) 아무도 못 건드려요‬No one dares to touch him.
‪걔 한번 칼 잡고 빡 돌면‬ ‪존나 개또라이거든요‬When he grabs a knife, he turns into a total psycho.
‪막 쑤셔요, 막‬He starts stabbing.
‪서동균, 오경수‬Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su, those morons.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 그 븅신들‬Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su, those morons.
‪걔네 둘 다 나이만 많지‬ ‪대가리 존나 나쁘고‬Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su, those morons. They're older than him, but they're both idiots.
‪근데 빽도현도 없이‬ ‪그 븅신들이요?‬You really think those dumbasses could do it without Do-hyeon?
‪씨발‬You really think those dumbasses could do it without Do-hyeon?
‪아, 존나 웃기네, 진짜‬You really think those dumbasses could do it without Do-hyeon? That's fucking hilarious.
‪아니야, 그럴 리는 없어‬No, that can't be true.
‪(은석) 블랙박스에 찍힌 건‬ ‪세 명뿐이야‬Only three boys were caught on CCTV.
‪백도현은 거기 없었어‬Baek Do-hyeon wasn't there.
‪예, 압니다‬I know that. But that's what she said, okay?
‪그렇지만 진술은 그렇게 했습니다‬I know that. But that's what she said, okay?
‪(태주) 어느 쪽이 진실이든‬Whatever the truth is,
‪판사님 아니어도 어떻게든‬ ‪이 사건은 처리될 겁니다‬this case will be taken care of without your help.
‪그러니까 제발‬ ‪판사님은 이제 그만 신경 쓰세요‬So please stop stressing about it.
‪이러다 정말 징계 위원회‬ ‪회부라도 되면‬I mean, what if you get sent to the Disciplinary Committee?
‪어쩌시려고 그러세요‬I mean, what if you get sent to the Disciplinary Committee?
‪넌 그게 무섭니?‬That's what you're afraid of?
‪난 저렇게 커 버린‬ ‪쟤들 앞날이 더 무서운데‬I am afraid of what they'll become if they're already like this.
‪(은석) '어느 쪽이 진실이든'‬"Whatever the truth is, this case will be taken care of without your help."
‪'어떻게든 처리될 겁니다'‬this case will be taken care of without your help."
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪그래서 쟤들이 저렇게 된 거야‬That's why they're like that.
‪우리 같은 판사들 때문에‬Because of judges like us.
‪(강식) 그놈들 정말 유명하던데요?‬They're really notorious.
‪모텔촌에서‬ ‪모르는 사람들이 없어요‬Every motel owner on the street knows them.
‪손님들 떨어질까 봐‬ ‪모텔 주인들 쉬쉬하는 분위기던데‬But they stay quiet because they're afraid to lose customers.
‪제가 지금 문자로‬ ‪주소 하나 보내 드릴게요‬I'll text you an address now.
‪가장 최근 피해 업소랍니다‬From where the latest victim was.
‪(주인2) 그때‬ ‪네 명인가 다섯 명인가‬I think… …it was four or five boys. They just barged in.
‪그렇게 몰려와서는‬…it was four or five boys. They just barged in.
‪장사를 하려는 거냐‬ ‪말려는 거냐 그러면서 막 퍼붓는데‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬And then they threatened to put my motel in trouble.
‪[영상 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪어, 여기, 여기‬-Here. There they are. -What the fuck! Come out!
‪얘네들이에요‬-Come out! My sister is here. My sister. -Look at them.
‪(영상 속 도현과 영상 속 주인2)‬ ‪- 내 동생, 내 동생‬ ‪- 어머, 그런 일 없어요‬-My sister is… -Nothing like that happens here.
‪[영상 속 도현이 욕한다]‬Fuck, my sister is…
‪(영상 속 도현) 아줌마‬-Hey, let's go. Come on. -Open this now!
‪[영상 속 소년들이 위협한다]‬-Hey, let's go. Come on. -Open this now!
‪틀딱 하나랑 어린애 들어왔지?‬ ‪걔 내 여동생이야‬-Hey, let's go. Come on. -Open this now! An old man and a young girl came in, right? She's my sister. Hurry up! Give me the key.
‪빨리 가져와‬ ‪[영상 속 소년들이 저마다 말한다]‬She's my sister. Hurry up! Give me the key. -Cooperate with us. -You bitch!
‪씨발, 당장 문 열라고!‬-Cooperate with us. -You bitch! -Open the door now! -What are you looking at, asshole?
‪심은석입니다, 실무관님‬This is Sim Eun-seok. Can you send me a list of the runaway kids our court is in charge of?
‪우리 법원에‬ ‪가출 팸으로 들어온 아이들‬Can you send me a list of the runaway kids our court is in charge of?
‪명단 좀 추려서 보내 주시겠어요?‬Can you send me a list of the runaway kids our court is in charge of?
‪네, 여자아이들요‬Yes, girls. Cases from last six months, ASAP.
‪최근 6개월 이내 사건으로‬ ‪최대한 빨리요‬Yes, girls. Cases from last six months, ASAP.
‪(소년1) 황인준은 모르겠고‬I don't know Hwang In-jun, but I've heard of…
‪백도현은‬I don't know Hwang In-jun, but I've heard of…
‪들어 본 적 있어요‬Baek Do-hyeon.
‪아, 근데 거기 가출 팸‬ ‪소문도 겁나 안 좋아서‬I've heard awful rumors about his runaway family.
‪저도 한 번도 만나 본 적은 없어요‬So I've never met him.
‪음, 뭐‬And, well, I heard that he uses girls.
‪막 여자애들만 이용하고‬ ‪뭐, 그런다던데‬And, well, I heard that he uses girls.
‪좀 더 구체적으로‬ ‪얘기해 줄 수 있니?‬Can you tell me in detail?
‪그걸 제가 왜 말해야 돼요?‬Why should I bother?
‪거기 애들 알고 싶지도 않고‬ ‪아는 것도 없어요‬I don't want to know anything about it. I'm not a part of it anymore.
‪저 거기 손 씻었다고요‬I'm not a part of it anymore.
‪그래?‬Aren't you?
‪(은석) 정말 손을 씻었는지‬ ‪아닌지는‬Let's find out whether or not…
‪법정에서 가려 보지, 뭐‬you've been involved at court.
‪백도현은 모르고‬I don't know Do-hyeon, but I know his girl.
‪백도현 여친은 알아요‬I don't know Do-hyeon, but I know his girl.
‪(소년2) 예전 시설에서‬ ‪같은 방 써서‬We shared a room at a facility.
‪뭐‬Well, I don't know if she's dating him still.
‪지금도 만나는진 모르겠지만‬Well, I don't know if she's dating him still.
‪그 개새끼, 씨발‬That damn son of a bitch.
‪[소년3의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪말만 해요‬Ask me anything.
‪제가 아는 건 다 말해 줄게요‬I'll tell you everything I know.
‪(소년3) 아씨‬ ‪그, 존나 오래된 데 있는데‬There's this really old place.
‪104동 대호여관 2층요‬The second floor of the Daeho Inn.
‪백도현 그 새끼‬Baek Do-hyeon is a total pervert and piece of trash.
‪완전 변태 개쓰레기 새끼예요‬Baek Do-hyeon is a total pervert and piece of trash.
‪하, 조건 사기로만‬ ‪돈 버는 줄 알았죠?‬He cons sugar daddies out of money.
‪그거 다 아니야‬He cons sugar daddies out of money. But that's not all.
‪그 개새끼들‬Those bastards rape girls to make money.
‪여자들 강간해서‬ ‪돈 벌어 처먹는다고요‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬Those bastards rape girls to make money.
‪[함께 낄낄거린다]‬Hey, look here. Look at this.
‪(소년3) 성폭행해서 영상 만들고‬They rape girls and film it.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Then they threaten them with the videos and force them into prostitution scams.
‪그 영상으로 여자애들 협박해서‬ ‪조건 사기나 보도방에 돌리고‬Then they threaten them with the videos and force them into prostitution scams.
‪(인준) 씨발, 발정 난 새끼들‬ ‪존나 많네‬Then they threaten them with the videos and force them into prostitution scams. Did you upload them all? How many hits?
‪(소년3) 씨발, 또 그 영상은‬ ‪팔아넘기고‬And they even sell the fucking videos.
‪- (경수) 가냐?‬ ‪- (동균) 응‬-Are you leaving? -Yeah.
‪(경수) 가라‬All right. Later.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[캔이 잘그락거린다]‬
‪[버튼을 탁탁 누른다]‬
‪[버튼을 달칵거린다]‬
‪(도현) 너‬Hey. Who the hell are you?
‪뭐 하는 년이냐‬Hey. Who the hell are you?
‪[도현의 의아한 숨소리]‬
‪짭새인가?‬Are you a pig?
‪소용없는데‬It's no use.
‪그거 이미 빈 깡통이야‬Nothing on that computer.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[웃음]‬
‪백도현?‬Baek Do-hyeon?
‪(도현) 이 씨발 년아‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬You fucking bitch!
‪[은석의 신음]‬
‪(도현) 개 같은 년아, 씨발 년아‬You fucking whore! You fucking bitch!
‪[힘주는 탄성]‬ ‪[퍽퍽 때린다]‬Fuck you, you stupid fucking bitch! Fuck!
‪씨발 년아, 일어나‬Fuck you, you stupid fucking bitch! Fuck! Get the fuck up, you bitch.
‪[은석의 거친 숨소리]‬Get the fuck up, you bitch.
‪[은석의 신음]‬
‪[도현의 후련한 탄성]‬
‪(도현) 씨발, 저 TV가‬ ‪얼마짜리인 줄 알아?‬Do you know how much that fucking thing's worth?
‪[도현의 웃음]‬ ‪[은석의 신음]‬
‪[도현의 후련한 탄성]‬
‪야, 씨발 년아, 일어나 봐‬This is fun. All right. Come on, bitch. Get up.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪다른 사람은 다 그런대도‬Even if the others turned out like this, you shouldn't have, Do-hyeon.
‪(은석) 너는 그러지 말았어야지‬Even if the others turned out like this, you shouldn't have, Do-hyeon.
‪기회를 줬으면‬You should have tried. You had a second chance.
‪제대로 살았어야지‬You should have tried. You had a second chance.
‪둘 중 하나라도 제대로 살았어야지‬One of you should have at least tried.
‪왜 이렇게밖에 못 사는 건데‬Why is this the best you can do?
‪대체 왜!‬Tell me, why?
‪'대체 왜!'‬"Tell me, why"?
‪(도현) 염병을 하세요‬ ‪이 씨발 년아, 씨발 년아!‬ ‪[은석의 신음]‬What the hell are you saying, bitch? You fucking bitch!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬Oh, fuck!
‪아, 나 진짜 궁금한 게‬What I want to know is
‪이 씨발‬who the fuck…
‪너 뭐 하는 년이냐고‬you are.
‪[칼에 푹 찔린다]‬ ‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪대답‬Fucking answer me.
‪대답을 해, 씨발 년아!‬ ‪[은석의 신음]‬Damn it! Answer me now, you stupid fucking bitch!
‪[은석의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[도현의 신음]‬
‪[도현의 괴로워하는 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[은석의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[도현의 신음]‬
‪[은석의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(도현) 아씨…‬Damn it.
‪아, 씨발‬Motherfucker!
‪[도현의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[도현의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪너구나‬It's you.
‪연화 집단 성폭행 사건‬The Yeonhwa Gang Rape Case.
‪그 현장에‬Baek Do-hyeon.
‪백도현‬You were there.
‪너도 있었어‬You were at the scene too.
‪아, 씨발‬Fuck.
‪[도현의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(도현) 아, 씨발 년‬Seriously. What the fuck!
‪아, 이년 존나 웃긴 년이야‬This bitch is crazy.
‪완전 자기 할 말만 하고‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬Just babbling on.
‪맞아‬You're right, though.
‪나 거기 있었어‬I was there.
‪어쩔 건데?‬So what?
‪씨발 년아, 일어나, 일어나‬You fucking bitch. Get up! Get up! Ah!
‪[괴로운 신음]‬ ‪죽어, 죽어!‬Die. Die!
‪죽어! 죽어! 죽어! 죽어, 좀!‬Die! Die! It's okay. You can die, you fucking bitch!
‪뒈져라, 씨발 년아!‬Die! Die! It's okay. You can die, you fucking bitch!
‪죽어‬Die, you fucking bitch! Just die!
‪이 씨발 년아‬Die, you fucking bitch! Just die!
‪죽어, 죽어!‬Die, you fucking bitch! Just die! Die! Die! Die!
‪[도현의 광기 어린 웃음]‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬Die! Die! Die!
‪아, 씨발‬Fuck!
‪이 씨발 년아!‬ ‪[은석의 거친 숨소리]‬You fucking bitch!
‪이 씨발 년아‬Fuck!
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[근희의 당황한 신음]‬Oh, Judge Sim!
‪(근희) 심 판, 심 판사‬Oh, Judge Sim!
‪무슨 일…‬What happened? What… Oh! Can you walk?
‪걸을 수 있겠어요?‬ ‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬What happened? What… Oh! Can you walk?
‪잠깐‬What happened? What… Oh! Can you walk? Wait. This way.
‪저…‬Wait. This way.
‪그거 임시방편이니까‬I only gave you first aid. You need a hospital.
‪- (근희) 바로 병원부터 가요‬ ‪- 황인준 사건‬I only gave you first aid. You need a hospital. Who's in charge of…
‪누가 담당합니까?‬In-jun's case?
‪황인준 사건 관련해서‬I have something to tell you regarding aspects of the case.
‪꼭 드릴 말씀이 있습니다‬I have something to tell you regarding aspects of the case.
‪내가 담당할 겁니다, 그 사건‬I'll be in charge of it.
‪원칙대로 그대로 처분할 거예요‬I'll handle it according to the law.
‪(근희) 그리고 그 얘기 할 거면‬ ‪일어나요‬Leave if that's why you're here. I don't wanna hear it.
‪나 더 들을 얘기 없으니까‬Leave if that's why you're here. I don't wanna hear it.
‪(은석) 그 사건 집단 성폭행이‬ ‪다가 아닙니다, 부장님‬It wasn't just the gang rape, though, Miss Na. Listen.
‪성폭행은 시작에 불과해요‬There's more to this than we even know.
‪성폭행한 피해자를 협박해서‬Those boys were threatening the victims--
‪여기 사…‬This isn't…
‪수사 기관 아니라고‬You're not a detective.
‪적정 절차에 따라‬Judges have a duty…
‪사건의 실체 진실을 파악하는 것도‬ ‪법관의 의무입니다‬to get to the truth behind a case using proper procedures.
‪앙갚음 아니라요?‬You still have a grudge?
‪사적 감정으로‬ ‪이 사건 자꾸 흔들려고 한다면‬If you keep making this case personal,
‪나도 이제 더 이상‬ ‪가만 안 있을 겁니다‬I'll no longer sit back and watch.
‪사적 감정이 들어 있었다면‬If I had made it personal,
‪첫 재판 날‬I would have sent…
‪황인준부터 검찰에 역송시켰겠죠‬…In-jun to the prosecutor in the first trial.
‪이 사건‬This case… is just the tip of the iceberg.
‪성폭행은 시작에 불과합니다‬This case… is just the tip of the iceberg.
‪성폭행한 피해자를 협박하고‬Those boys threatened the victims
‪협박한 그 피해자를 이용해서…‬and were using them to make…
‪빨리 나가요!‬You have to go now.
‪(근희) 119 부르기 전에‬ ‪빨리 병원부터 가요‬Get to a hospital or I'll call 911.
‪[힘겨운 목소리로] 부장님‬Listen up, please.
‪여기까지가 내 마지막 배려입니다‬This is the best I can do for you.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬
‪[비가 쏴 내린다]‬
‪(근희) 사적 감정으로‬ ‪이 사건 자꾸 흔들려고 한다면‬If you keep making this case personal,
‪나도 이제 더 이상‬ ‪가만 안 있을 겁니다‬I'll no longer sit back and watch.
‪(태주) 그만하시죠, 판사님‬Please stop, Judge Sim.
‪이미 판사님 손 떠난 사건입니다‬Please stop, Judge Sim. You're no longer in charge of the case.
‪이러다 정말 큰일 나세요‬I'm afraid you'll get into serious trouble.
‪(이환) 원래 법이 그래‬ ‪[은석의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬That's the way the law is.
‪알잖아‬You know that.
‪(도현) 맞아, 나 거기 있었어‬That's right. I was there.
‪[도현의 헛웃음]‬So what?
‪어쩔 건데?‬So what?
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪(태주) 재판 곧 시작한답니다‬The trial will begin soon.
‪참관 정말 안 하세요?‬You really won't attend?
‪(은석) 응‬Mm-mm.
‪먼저 가‬Go ahead.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪(근희) 사건 번호‬Case number 2022PU3409.
‪2022푸 3409‬Case number 2022PU3409.
‪보조인의 기피 신청이 인정되어‬The court has accepted the request for recusal,
‪이번 사건의 담당 판사가‬ ‪변경되었습니다‬The court has accepted the request for recusal, so the judge in charge of the case has been changed.
‪기존에 제출한 서류‬If you want to raise objections or discuss the documents
‪그리고 자료들에 이의가 있거나‬ ‪의견이 있으면‬If you want to raise objections or discuss the documents you submitted in the previous trial, please do so now.
‪보조인 진술하세요‬you submitted in the previous trial, please do so now.
‪(찬미) 없습니다‬None, Your Honor.
‪그럼 재판을 시작하겠습니다‬Then, with that, the trial will begin.
‪(찬미) 이전 재판에서 황인준이‬ ‪블랙박스 영상으로 인해‬Dashcam footage was presented in the previous trial to suggest that Hwang In-jun is an accomplice.
‪공범일 수 있다는‬ ‪가능성이 제기되었으나‬in the previous trial to suggest that Hwang In-jun is an accomplice.
‪이는 사실이 아닙니다‬That's not the truth.
‪[TV 전원음]‬
‪원래 황인준은‬ ‪성실하고 예의가 바른‬Hwang In-jun is just an ordinary student. He's diligent and polite.
‪평범한 학생이었습니다‬Hwang In-jun is just an ordinary student. He's diligent and polite.
‪그러나 시설에서 만난‬ ‪서동균, 오경수는‬But Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su, whom he met at an institution
‪황인준에게 끊임없이‬ ‪협박과 강요를 했고‬constantly threatened him and forced him to do things.
‪황인준은 주종 관계에‬ ‪가까울 정도로 피해를 받았습니다‬The master-servant relationship tormented him a great deal.
‪그 결과‬As a result, he was frightened during the police interrogation
‪경찰 조사 당시‬ ‪황인준은 겁을 먹었고‬As a result, he was frightened during the police interrogation
‪해서는 안 될 거짓 진술을 했죠‬and gave a false testimony.
‪형들의 협박으로‬Because of their threats,
‪어쩔 수 없이 피해자 강선아를‬ ‪공사장 안으로 끌고 갔으나‬he had no choice but to take Kang Seon-a to the construction site.
‪그게 전부입니다‬he had no choice but to take Kang Seon-a to the construction site. That was all.
‪조사 결과‬In-jun's DNA was not found to be present in the victim's body.
‪피해자의 몸에서 황인준의 DNA는‬ ‪발견되지 않았습니다‬In-jun's DNA was not found to be present in the victim's body.
‪공범이라는 의심은 어불성설입니다‬The allegation that he's an accomplice does not stand to reason.
‪(은석) 이 사건‬ ‪성폭행은 시작에 불과합니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬This case is only the tip of the iceberg.
‪성폭행한 피해자를 협박하고‬These boys threatened the victims and they used the victims to make…
‪협박한 그 피해자를 이용해서…‬and they used the victims to make…
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, I understand.
‪그럼 이쯤에서‬So the testifier is here today, is that right?
‪참고인 출석하셨죠?‬So the testifier is here today, is that right?
‪(근희) 예, 참고인으로 출석한‬I'd like to hear what Baek Do-hyeon has to say as well.
‪백도현의 이야기도‬ ‪들어 봤으면 하는데‬I'd like to hear what Baek Do-hyeon has to say as well.
‪(중한) 백도현‬Baek Do-hyeon.
‪[작은 목소리로] 솔직히 내가‬ ‪네 백 쳐 준다고 여기 온 거 알지?‬Asshole, you know I'm here to defend you, right?
‪빨리 나와‬Make it quick.
‪씹창을 내줄게, 미친 새끼야‬Or you're in deep shit, you crazy dick.
‪(도현) [코를 훌쩍이며]‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello, Your Honor.
‪(근희) 아, 참고인은‬I heard that you've been good friends with Hwang In-jun since you were little.
‪황인준하고 어릴 때부터‬ ‪친한 사이라고 하던데‬I heard that you've been good friends with Hwang In-jun since you were little.
‪(도현) 예, 초등학교 때‬ ‪같은 반이었던 이후로‬I heard that you've been good friends with Hwang In-jun since you were little. Yes, we were classmates in grade school.
‪씁, 쭉 친구였어요‬We've been friends since.
‪그럼 서동균하고 오경수가‬Then did you know that Seo Dong-gyun and O Gyeong-su
‪꽤 오랫동안‬Then did you know that Seo Dong-gyun and O Gyeong-su
‪황인준을 협박하고 폭행했다는‬ ‪사실도 알고 있었나요?‬had been threatening him and assaulting him for quite a while?
‪예‬Yes. In-jun had a hard time with it.
‪인준이가 그거 때문에‬ ‪엄청 힘들어했어요‬Yes. In-jun had a hard time with it.
‪관련 증거도 있습니까?‬Do you have evidence?
‪(찬미) 네‬Yes.
‪이전 재판에서 제출했던‬ ‪사진이 있습니다‬We submitted photos at the previous trial.
‪해당 사진은 서동균, 오경수에게‬ ‪폭행을 당한 후 찍은 사진으로‬These were taken after he was assaulted by Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su--
‪아니요, 아니요‬Uh, no, no.
‪(근희) 이런 증거 말고‬Not these. Evidence of their intimidation.
‪문자 메시지라든가 통화 녹음‬Not these. Evidence of their intimidation.
‪그리고 녹취록 같은 협박 증거요‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Text messages or phone calls.
‪(찬미) 그건…‬Well…
‪(근희) 내가 이 질문을‬ ‪하는 이유는 아주 간단합니다‬Well… The reason I'm asking this question is very simple.
‪지금 현재 구치소에 수감되어 있는‬In-jun's testimony is not consistent with Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su's testimony.
‪서동균, 오경수의 진술과‬ ‪엇갈리기 때문이에요‬In-jun's testimony is not consistent with Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su's testimony.
‪(찬미) 네?‬Sorry?
‪(근희) 서동균, 오경수는‬Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su claimed
‪애초에 이 사건에서‬Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su claimed that there were four culprits involved in this case.
‪주범이 네 명이라고‬ ‪주장하고 있어요‬that there were four culprits involved in this case.
‪저기 참고인 자격으로‬ ‪오늘 출석한 백도현까지‬Including the defendant, In-jun, and the testifier, Baek Do-hyeon.
‪[인준의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[녹음기 조작음]‬
‪(녹음 속 태주) 황인준 재판이‬ ‪다음 주야‬Hwang In-jun's trial is set for next week.
‪재판 전에‬ ‪너희들 의견 듣고 오라는‬And I have been ordered to listen to you two before the trial.
‪조사 명령이 있어서 왔어‬And I have been ordered to listen to you two before the trial.
‪물론 너희들이 어떤 진술을 하든지‬Of course, whatever you say here
‪(태주) 그 진술은‬won't have any effect on your criminal trial.
‪너희 형사 재판과는 무관해‬won't have any effect on your criminal trial.
‪어디까지나 의견일 뿐이야‬We just want to hear your thoughts.
‪다만‬Ah, but…
‪너희들이 황인준 사건에 대해서‬ ‪할 수 있는 마지막 진술이 될 거야‬this is your last chance to bring up anything else about In-jun's case.
‪정말 황인준은 공범이 아니야?‬Was he really not an accomplice?
‪너희가 황인준 협박했어?‬Did you guys threaten him?
‪할 말 없으면 없다고 해도 돼‬You can say, if there's nothing.
‪예, 할 말 없어요‬Yeah, there's nothing.
‪할 말 없으면 어쩔 수 없지‬If that's it, I can't help it.
‪[경수의 한숨]‬
‪(태주) 묵비권 행사해도 돼‬You can remain silent.
‪(녹음 속 태주) 다만 너희가‬However, if you choose to give a false testimony,
‪어떤 거짓 진술을 할 경우‬ ‪그 진술은‬However, if you choose to give a false testimony,
‪너희들에게‬ ‪불리하게 작용될 수 있어‬it may actually work against you.
‪그리고 다시 한번 말하는데‬I'll say it one last time.
‪이 진술이 너희한테‬ ‪마지막 기회가 될 거야‬This will be your last chance to make a statement about it.
‪사인해‬Sign your names.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪(강식) 판사님, 괜찮으세요?‬Judge Sim. Are you okay?
‪(은석) 괜찮습니다‬Yes, I am.
‪(강식) 저희가 더‬ ‪서둘렀어야 됐는데‬We should've come faster.
‪(은석) 아니요‬No.
‪제시간에 잘 와 주셨습니다‬You came right on time.
‪덕분에 확신이 섰거든요‬Now I'm absolutely sure.
‪여기 증거들로‬ ‪인지 수사 좀 부탁드릴게요‬Please investigate the evidence here.
‪아무도 모르게‬And keep it secret.
‪(강식) 네, 근데 그 전에‬ ‪병원 치료부터 좀 받으시는 게…‬Okay. But first, you need to get to a hospital.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(경수) 사실 이거‬Actually, it wasn't three.
‪세 명이 아니라‬Actually, it wasn't three.
‪네 명이에요‬It was four.
‪그냥 말해, 씨발‬Just tell him, fuck.
‪[경수의 한숨]‬ ‪얘랑 저랑‬Me and him, Hwang In-jun, and Baek Do-hyeon did it together.
‪황인준이랑 백도현 다 같이 했어요‬Me and him, Hwang In-jun, and Baek Do-hyeon did it together.
‪(경수) 강선아 같은 년들‬ ‪존나 따먹어서‬We fucked whores like Seon-a and filmed it.
‪그걸로 영상 남기고‬And then we used it to threaten them or…
‪그걸로 협박해서 성매매 돌리고‬And then we used it to threaten them or…
‪조건 사기도 치고‬-use them for scams. -We sold the videos too.
‪(동균) 영상도 팔았어요‬-use them for scams. -We sold the videos too.
‪또 그런 것 좋아하는 사람‬ ‪많거든요‬-use them for scams. -We sold the videos too. A lot of people like that kind of stuff.
‪근데 강선아 걔가 병원 가서‬ ‪검사받는지 진짜 몰랐어요‬ ‪[경수의 한숨]‬But we didn't know she went to a hospital to get checked.
‪아, 강선아 그 씨발 년, 진짜‬Seon-a, that stupid bitch.
‪(경수) 아! 보통 다 숨기던데‬Argh! Girls are usually quiet.
‪- 보통 다 그러던데, 그렇지 않냐?‬ ‪- (동균) 어‬-Right? Aren't they? -Yeah.
‪[경수의 한숨]‬ ‪(동균) 근데요‬But they were Baek Do-hyeon's orders.
‪이거 다 백도현이 시켰어요‬But they were Baek Do-hyeon's orders.
‪그 새끼 말 안 듣잖아요?‬If we don't listen, he stabs us.
‪칼빵 넣어요‬If we don't listen, he stabs us.
‪(경수) 이 새끼 칼빵 맞았어요‬This dude got stabbed.
‪(동균) 솔직히 그 새끼‬ ‪맨 처음 봤을 때‬This dude got stabbed. When I first met him, I thought he was jack shit.
‪좆밥 새끼인 줄 알았는데‬When I first met him, I thought he was jack shit.
‪여기 칼로 찌른 다음에‬ ‪처웃는 거예요, 씨발‬Then he stabbed me right here and laughed about it, fucker.
‪(녹음 속 동균) 그래도‬ ‪내가 형인데, 씨발 놈이‬And I'm older than that son of a bitch.
‪(녹음 속 경수)‬ ‪미친 새끼예요, 그거‬And I'm older than that son of a bitch. He's a crazy dickhead.
‪쟤들 지금 뭐라는 거냐?‬What are they saying?
‪저 씨발 새끼들이‬Those fucking bastards.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[도현의 힘주는 신음]‬You fucking bitch!
‪[은석의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(은석) 다른 사람은 다 그런대도‬Even if the others turned out like this,
‪너는 그러지 말았어야지‬you shouldn't have, Do-hyeon.
‪기회를 줬으면‬You should have tried. You had a second chance.
‪제대로 살았어야지‬You should have tried. You had a second chance.
‪(은석) 학습한 겁니다, 그 아이들‬What could they have learned from that?
‪'법이라고 모든 피해자를‬ ‪보호하는 건 아니구나'‬"The law doesn't protect all victims."
‪'아'‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬"Oh, the law is so simple."
‪'법 참 간단하네'‬"Oh, the law is so simple."
‪'고작 3분이면'‬"It takes three minutes…
‪'재판이 끝나는구나'‬to get through a trial."
‪왜 재판을 속도로 처분합니까?‬Why do you handle all cases with speed?
‪그 속도에 맞추지 못해서‬ ‪놓쳐 버린 아이들‬What about the kids who can't keep up with it?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪그 피해자들은‬What about the kids who can't keep up with it? And the victims?
‪대체 누가 책임지는데요‬Who's responsible for them?
‪(강식) 아직 피해자들을‬ ‪다 찾은 건 아니니까‬We haven't found all the victims yet.
‪황인준 보호 재판이 끝날 때쯤‬So the court should report Baek Do-hyeon when In-jun's trial is over.
‪백도현은 법원에서‬ ‪직접 고발해 주시죠‬So the court should report Baek Do-hyeon when In-jun's trial is over.
‪아, 그리고 그 아지트에‬ ‪컴퓨터가 있는 걸로 봐서‬Oh, there was a computer in his hideout.
‪그 안에서 성범죄 영상물을‬ ‪배포했을 가능성이 크거든요‬It's likely he used it to distribute the sex videos.
‪근데 그 컴퓨터 깡통이었단 말이죠‬But we didn't find anything on it.
‪피해자들의 진술대로라면‬Based on the statements, he must have a secret phone.
‪분명 몰폰을 갖고 다녔을 텐데‬Based on the statements, he must have a secret phone.
‪그 몰폰의 행방도‬ ‪아직 찾지를 못했고요‬We're looking, but we haven't found that either.
‪- 몰폰이요?‬ ‪- (강식) 예‬A secret phone? Yes. I'm sure it will prove that he's an accomplice.
‪아마 그 안에‬ ‪공범이란 증거도 있을 겁니다‬Yes. I'm sure it will prove that he's an accomplice.
‪(찬미) 이의 있습니다‬Objection, Your Honor.
‪서동균, 오경수의‬ ‪일방적인 진술일 뿐입니다‬They're just statements made by the defendants..
‪아직 서동균, 오경수와 공범이라는‬ ‪직접 증거는 어디에도 없습니다‬There's no direct evidence showing In-jun and Do-hyeon are accomplices.
‪(근희) 네, 지금 보여 주는‬ ‪증거물들은‬The evidence that we're about to show you now
‪황인준이 범죄 현장에서‬ ‪가지고 있던‬is from Baek Do-hyeon's secret phone
‪백도현 몰폰에 담겼던‬ ‪자료들입니다‬which Hwang In-jun brought to the crime scene.
‪[키보드를 탁 두드리는 소리]‬
‪[도현의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[경수의 웃음]‬ ‪(동균) 선아야, 오빠 머리 만져 줘‬Seon-a, just pat me on the head.
‪(도현) 야, 야‬ ‪씨발 년 얼굴 보이게 해 봐‬Show that bitch's face to the camera.
‪- (도현) 좆 같은 년, 씨‬ ‪- (동균) 웃어, 웃어‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Fucking bitch.
‪(도현) 하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬One, two, three.
‪[기가 찬 웃음]‬
‪(도현) 말도 안 돼‬I don't… believe it.
‪내가 저거…‬I don't… believe it.
‪분명히, 씨발, 저거…‬I clearly was… Fuck.
‪(인준) 그러니까 내가 처음부터‬ ‪그년 건들지 말라 그랬지?‬I told you not to touch that bitch.
‪집 나간 년 아니면‬ ‪건들지를 말라고‬Only runaway girls, asshole.
‪(도현) 오버 싸지 마, 븅신아‬Stop being a little bitch.
‪컴퓨터랑 모든 증거 그냥‬ ‪내가 싹 다 그냥 처리했다고‬I deleted everything. And I got rid of all the proof.
‪좆 까고‬Enough shit. I want money.
‪나 2천 더 줘‬Enough shit. I want money.
‪[도현의 웃음]‬
‪(도현) 아, 머갈 이 새끼‬ ‪존나 컸네‬Well, who's a big boy now?
‪하, 새끼‬Wow, asshole.
‪내가 네 백 쳐 준다고‬ ‪빡대가리 새끼야‬Wow, asshole. I'll defend you, you dumbass.
‪씨발, 못 치면?‬If you fuck up…
‪(인준) 수틀리면‬or things go wrong, I'll come clean about you, asshole.
‪내가 너까지 다 불어 버릴 거야‬ ‪이 개새끼야‬or things go wrong, I'll come clean about you, asshole.
‪(도현) 야, 야, 야‬Hey, hey.
‪씨발 새끼야‬You fucking bastard!
‪야, 이 새끼야, 씨발 년이‬ ‪[인준의 신음]‬You're a crazy fucking asshole!
‪씨발 년이, 와! 씨발‬Well, fuck, you dickhead!
‪[인준의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪[휴대전화가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪씨발!‬Fucking bullshit!
‪씨발, 씨발!‬Fuck this shit! Fuck!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬Fuck this shit! Fuck!
‪[벽돌이 툭 떨어진다]‬ ‪[소리를 지른다]‬
‪(도현) 야, 됐냐?‬Are you happy now?
‪내가 너 살린다고‬I said I'll save you.
‪좆준 개새끼‬Fucking coward.
‪(녹음 속 동균) 백도현 아빠한테‬ ‪연락이 왔어요‬Baek Do-hyeon's dad called us.
‪어차피 지금 경찰 조사 받는 건‬Because the police are only interrogating Hwang In-jun and us.
‪우리랑 황인준뿐이니까‬Because the police are only interrogating Hwang In-jun and us.
‪우린 DNA까지 나왔으니까‬ ‪빼박인데, 씨발‬We can't fucking get away with it. They found our DNA.
‪(녹음 속 경수) 여기서‬ ‪백도현만 빼재요‬His dad said exclude Baek Do-hyeon,
‪그러면 셋 다‬ ‪변호사도 선임해 주고‬and he'd hire an attorney to defend us. If we serve time, he'd give us each 50 million won.
‪빵 살고 나오잖아요?‬If we serve time, he'd give us each 50 million won.
‪5천만 원씩 우리 준댔어요‬ ‪[한숨]‬If we serve time, he'd give us each 50 million won.
‪(도현) 씨발! 저 개새끼들‬Those fucking bastards! Fuck!
‪(중한) 조용히 안 해?‬Be quiet.
‪판사님, 이거 다‬ ‪백도현이 시킨 거예요‬Your Honor, Do-hyeon forced me.
‪여물어, 씨발 년아‬Shut up, motherfucker.
‪저도 이 새끼 무서워 가지고‬ ‪억지로 그런 거예요‬I was afraid. I had no choice!
‪- (중한) 조용히 해‬ ‪- 너도 존나 맛있겠다며‬-Settle down. -You fucking said she looked tasty.
‪(도현) 그년 돈 좀 되겠다며!‬And we'd make a shit ton of money!
‪그거 어차피 네가 다 처먹잖아!‬Yeah, but then, you took it all.
‪(인준) 그러니까 씨발‬ ‪저 새끼들 저 지랄인 거야, 알아?‬That's why they fucking damned you out!
‪- (중한) 조용히 해!‬ ‪- (인준) 개새끼‬-Be quiet! -You bastard. We pretended to be your friends. Are you happy?
‪우리가 친한 척해 주니까 좋았냐?‬ ‪개새끼야?‬ ‪[도현의 웃음]‬We pretended to be your friends. Are you happy?
‪- (도현) 씨발, 씨발 새끼야‬ ‪- (중한) 그만해!‬ ‪[사람들이 놀란다]‬You asshole! You fucking dick! -Stop it! Stop! -Hey, do I look easy to you?
‪- (인준) 야, 아무 말 안 하니까‬ ‪- (중한) 그만!‬-Stop it! Stop! -Hey, do I look easy to you?
‪- (인준) 만만하냐?‬ ‪- (도현) 씨발‬You motherfucker! -Go fuck yourself, you bastard! -Execute that jerk! Execute him! Fuck!
‪(도현) 나가 뒈져, 씨발, 개새끼야‬-Go fuck yourself, you bastard! -Execute that jerk! Execute him! Fuck!
‪(인준) 사형시켜, 씨발!‬-Go fuck yourself, you bastard! -Execute that jerk! Execute him! Fuck! Stop talking shit,
‪(도현) 염병하지 마, 씨발‬ ‪어미, 아비 뒈진 년아‬Stop talking shit, -you little motherfucker! -You made me do it, asshole!
‪- (인준) 개새끼야!‬ ‪- (중한) 그만하라고!‬-You shitty shithead! -I said stop! Baek Do-hyeon!
‪[인준이 계속 욕한다]‬ ‪(도현) 판사님‬ ‪저 새끼 존나 똑같은 새끼예요‬-Judge, that asshole is as bad all of 'em. -You fucking bastard! I'll kill you!
‪저 새끼가‬ ‪존나 부추겨서 한 거예요‬I did it because he kept egging me on.
‪너 섹스 존나 좋아하잖아, 븅신아‬-You love having sex, you moron! -Hey, knock it off!
‪(인준) 씨발, 여자 신발 냄새나‬ ‪맡는 변태 새끼가‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬-You love having sex, you moron! -Hey, knock it off! -You fucking perv, you sniff girls' shoes! -Be quiet, both of you!
‪- (도현) 야, 이 개새끼야!‬ ‪- (중한) 그만하라고!‬-Hey, you bastard! Fucking let go of me! -I said, stop!
‪(인준과 도현)‬ ‪- 놔 봐, 좀!‬ ‪- 저 새끼 죽여야 된다고, 씨발‬-Hey, you bastard! Fucking let go of me! -I said, stop! I'm gonna… Let go of me now!
‪(중한) 그만해!‬Stop!
‪(도현) 놔 보라고, 씨‬Let go of me! -Hey, you stop! Come here! -You're fucking crazy!
‪[계속 싸우는 소리가 들린다]‬-Hey, you stop! Come here! -You're fucking crazy! -Get over here! -I said stop!
‪(경수) 백도현 그 새끼‬ ‪지금도 모를걸요?‬I'm sure that dick Do-hyeon has no idea.
‪그 새끼가 가지고 다니는‬ ‪몰폰 있어요, 알지?‬He always carries around a secret phone, right?
‪- (동균) 어‬ ‪- 거기다가‬Yeah. I linked my cloud account to it on the DL.
‪제 클라우드를‬ ‪몰래 연동시켜 놨거든요, 보험으로‬I linked my cloud account to it on the DL. Just in case.
‪(태주) 클라우드?‬"Cloud"? You mean online storage?
‪웹 하드 얘기하는 거야?‬"Cloud"? You mean online storage?
‪아, 백도현 개새끼‬Do-hyeon, that asshole. That fucking snob really pissed me off.
‪안 그래도 잘난 척하는 거‬ ‪개좆같았는데, 씨‬Do-hyeon, that asshole. That fucking snob really pissed me off.
‪잘됐죠, 씨발, 이판사판이에요‬Fuck it! No stopping me now.
‪(동균) 솔직히 백도현 그 새끼‬ ‪존나 금수저든요‬ ‪[한숨]‬That asshole Do-hyeon and his rich parents.
‪집도 새엄마 때문에 나왔다 하고‬He left home because of his stepmom.
‪그 새끼가 돈 안 줬으면‬ ‪저희도 백 안 쳐요‬And we only listen to him because he paid us.
‪우리 아빠 새끼는 술 처마시고‬ ‪사람 패고‬When my dad is drunk, he gets in fights.
‪그거 못 버텨서 엄마 나가고‬That's why my mom left.
‪(경수) 이 새끼 고모부도 똑같아요‬His uncle is the same way.
‪우리가 부모만 잘 만났어 봐‬ ‪이 지랄로 안 살지‬If we had good parents, we wouldn't do this.
‪안 그래요?‬You know?
‪아, 사람들이‬People wanna put like all of the blame on us.
‪다 우리한테만 개지랄하는데‬People wanna put like all of the blame on us.
‪솔직히 우리‬But honestly, I don't think we were in the wrong.
‪그렇게 잘못한 거 없다고‬ ‪생각하거든요?‬But honestly, I don't think we were in the wrong.
‪솔직히 조건도‬Aren't the buyers of the prostitutes the bad ones?
‪그 틀딱 새끼들이‬ ‪잘못한 거 아닌가?‬Aren't the buyers of the prostitutes the bad ones?
‪(경수) 씨발, 그 틀딱 새끼들이‬ ‪그 조건 안 뛰면‬If those guys didn't want it so bad, we wouldn't have done it, right?
‪우리도 조건 안 뛰죠, 안 그래요?‬If those guys didn't want it so bad, we wouldn't have done it, right?
‪그럼 피해자들은?‬And the victims?
‪강선아는 무슨 잘못인데?‬How is Seon-a at fault?
‪(근희) 이로써‬This proves that Baek Do-hyeon and Hwang In-jun
‪백도현, 황인준 역시‬This proves that Baek Do-hyeon and Hwang In-jun
‪범죄 현장에 있었고‬were at the crime scene
‪서동균, 오경수와‬ ‪공모했다는 사실과‬and that they conspired with Dong-gyun and Gyeong-su
‪그 외 추가 범행들이 밝혀졌습니다‬to commit rape as well as other crimes.
‪자‬All right.
‪법원 조사실에서‬The victim has watched from the court interrogation room outside.
‪이 상황을 계속 지켜봤을 피해자‬The victim has watched from the court interrogation room outside.
‪힘들겠지만‬It must be hard for you.
‪(영상 속 근희) 마지막으로‬But I'm sure you don't want to leave with any regrets.
‪나중에 후회 없도록‬But I'm sure you don't want to leave with any regrets.
‪얘기하고 싶은 거 있으면‬ ‪해 보세요‬If you have any last words, speak now.
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪(선아) 저 손목 그은 거 있잖아요‬You know, I slit my wrist, right?
‪우리 언니는‬My sister thought I did it because my school asked me to drop out.
‪학교에서 저한테‬ ‪자퇴하라는 것 때문에‬My sister thought I did it because my school asked me to drop out.
‪그런 줄 아는데‬My sister thought I did it because my school asked me to drop out.
‪그것 때문 아니에요‬But that wasn't it.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪저랑 제일 친한 친구가 있는데‬I have this best friend.
‪그 친구가 언제부터‬ ‪연락이 안 돼서‬After what happened, I texted and called her.
‪제가 톡도 남기고 전화도 했는데‬I couldn't ever get a hold of her.
‪한참이 지나서‬ ‪문자 하나가 오더라고요‬Finally, after a long time, she texted back.
‪'그동안 바쁜 일이 있었겠지' 하고‬I thought she had just been really busy.
‪문자를 봤는데‬But she said…
‪엄마가 너랑 놀지 말라고 했대요‬Her mom said not to hang out with me.
‪저 피해자잖아요‬I'm the victim.
‪근데 왜 제가‬ ‪손가락질받아야 돼요?‬So why am I getting all the blame?
‪전 언제쯤이면‬ ‪예전으로 돌아갈 수 있어요?‬When can I go back to my old life?
‪아니, 돌아갈 수나 있어요?‬Can I ever go back to it?
‪(은석) 법원 일 하면서 깨달은‬There's one absolute truth I realized working at court.
‪절대적인 사실 하나가 있어‬There's one absolute truth I realized working at court.
‪피해자는 누구나 될 수 있다‬Anyone can be a victim.
‪그 당연한 사실을 모두 모르더라고‬It's so obvious, but no one gets it.
‪강선아‬Kang Seon-a.
‪만약에‬Listen to me. If this case takes you into court,
‪이번 사건으로 법원에 가게 되면‬Listen to me. If this case takes you into court,
‪이거 하나만 명심하고 가‬you keep one thing in mind.
‪(은석) 네가 잘못한 게 아니야‬It's not your fault.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪고개 들고‬Raise your head.
‪제 인생을‬Please let…
‪예전처럼 되돌려 주세요‬my life go back to normal.
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪[선아 언니가 흐느낀다]‬
‪네 사람 간에‬The four boys conspired together to rape the victim.
‪집단 성폭행 공모가‬ ‪사전에 이루어졌고‬The four boys conspired together to rape the victim.
‪(근희) 이는‬Thus, they are co-perpetrators.
‪공동 정범으로 성립되므로‬Thus, they are co-perpetrators.
‪위 소년 보호 사건은‬ ‪여기에서 종결합니다‬Therefore, this protection case is now closed.
‪이 시간부로 위 사건은‬This case will be forwarded to the Prosecutors' Office.
‪검찰로 역송하여‬This case will be forwarded to the Prosecutors' Office.
‪추후 검찰의 기소가 있을 시‬And if the prosecution files charges,
‪소년 형사 사건으로‬a criminal case could be opened against you at that time.
‪다시 진행될 수 있습니다‬a criminal case could be opened against you at that time.
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬
‪판사님, 판사님, 그게 뭔데요‬Your Honor. What does that mean for me?
‪(도현) 아이, 뭐, 알려 줘야지‬Come on, I… I need to know.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(태주) 특수 절도, 특수 폭행‬Larceny, violence,
‪성매매 알선‬prostitution trade, prostitution scam, and even…
‪조건 사기‬prostitution trade, prostitution scam, and even…
‪게다가 이번‬prostitution trade, prostitution scam, and even…
‪특수 강간까지‬raping young girls.
‪어쩌다 여기까지 오게 된 걸까요?‬How did children end up like this?
‪저 아이들은‬How did children end up like this?
‪아이 하나를 키우려면‬They say that it takes a whole village to raise a child.
‪온 마을이 필요하다는 말이 있지?‬They say that it takes a whole village to raise a child.
‪(은석) 이를 거꾸로 말하면‬In other words,
‪온 마을이 무심하면‬a child could be ruined if the village neglects them.
‪한 아이를 망칠 수 있단 뜻도 돼‬a child could be ruined if the village neglects them.
‪과연 피해자 강선아에게‬Those boys raped Kang Seon-a…
‪가해자가‬and she wasn't… their only victim.
‪저 아이들뿐일까?‬and she wasn't… their only victim.
‪누구도 비난할 자격 없어‬We can't just blame the boys.
‪모두가 가해자야‬It took a village.
‪그래도 이제야 마음이 좀 놓이네요‬I feel relieved, though, now that we know.
‪이렇게라도 다 밝혀져서‬I feel relieved, though, now that we know.
‪(범) 피해 소년이랑 보호자는‬The victim and her guardian can finally sleep comfortably
‪이제 두 발 쭉 뻗고 자겠어요‬The victim and her guardian can finally sleep comfortably
‪다 끝났으니까‬since it's done.
‪누가 그라대? 다 끝났다고‬What do you mean "since it's done"?
‪아니요, 아까‬I mean, since Ms. Na--
‪- (범) 재판에서도…‬ ‪- 성폭행 피해자한테‬I mean, since Ms. Na-- There's no end for rape victims.
‪끝이라는 건 없다‬There's no end for rape victims.
‪10년 지나고 20년 지나도‬It doesn't matter how much time passes.
‪피해자는 평생을 상처를 안고‬ ‪살아가야 된다‬They'll be scarred for their entire life.
‪그래서 피해자한텐 더 잔인한 거고‬That's why it's so cruel.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪(근희) 저에게는‬There's one rule that I follow as a judge.
‪법관으로서‬There's one rule that I follow as a judge.
‪원칙이 하나 있습니다‬There's one rule that I follow as a judge.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪그것은‬That is to leave my feelings out of the courtroom.
‪'내 법정은 감정이 없다'‬That is to leave my feelings out of the courtroom.
‪그래야지 어떤 편견도 없이‬I thought that was the only way I could make fair judgments.
‪냉철한 처분을 낼 테니까요‬I thought that was the only way I could make fair judgments.
‪그러나 너무 뒤늦게나마‬But I realized recently,
‪이 소년 법정에서만큼은‬that's not entirely appropriate…
‪그래서는 안 된다는 것을‬in a juvenile court, not always.
‪이제 깨달았습니다‬in a juvenile court, not always.
‪그런 의미로‬For that reason,
‪저 때문에‬I'd like to say something right now to those…
‪상처를 입었을 많은 분들에게‬I'd like to say something right now to those…
‪이 한마디를 대신하고 싶습니다‬who have been hurt by me.
‪미안합니다‬I apologize… as an adult.
‪어른으로서‬I apologize… as an adult.
‪[비가 후드득 내린다]‬
‪(범) 참여관님‬Hey, Ms. Joo.
‪(영실) 어‬Yes?
‪오늘이죠?‬The hearing for Judge Sim is today, right?
‪심 판사님 징계 위원회‬The hearing for Judge Sim is today, right?
‪큰 징계는 안 받으셨으면 좋겠네요‬I hope that they're not too hard.
‪그랬으면 좋겠다‬I hope so too.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪부장님께서‬Na Geun-hee, but why?
‪여긴 왜…‬Na Geun-hee, but why?
‪(원중) 차 판사 통해서‬Judge Cha told me
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪그동안 있었던 일‬what happened at… at the court.
‪잘 들었습니다‬what happened at… at the court.
‪그런데요?‬And so?
‪음, 그, 징계 위원회 열리는 날‬Well, at the disciplinary hearing…
‪내 새끼한테‬please, Geun-hee…
‪힘 한번 실어 주시죠‬defend my junior.
‪내가…‬Why… why should I?
‪왜 그래야 되죠?‬Why… why should I?
‪후배 판사가 일 한번‬ ‪열심히 해 보겠다는데‬Sim Eun-seok did her job as best she could.
‪앞길을 막아서야 되겠습니까?‬You should not stand in her way.
‪안 그러냐?‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬Don't you agree?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪(은석) 거기 둬‬Put it there. I said to get back to work.
‪가서 일하라니까‬Put it there. I said to get back to work.
‪(태주) 걱정돼서요‬But I'm worried.
‪별게 다 걱정이다‬There's no need.
‪이런 기분이구나‬This is how it feels to stand down here.
‪여기 서 있으면‬This is how it feels to stand down here.
‪[은석의 한숨]‬
‪(은석) 권위를 내려놓겠다‬They lowered the bench a lot, so judges look less authoritative.
‪판사석 높이를 많이 낮췄는데‬They lowered the bench a lot, so judges look less authoritative.
‪그래도 여기서는 높네, 저 자리는‬But from here, it's still overwhelming.
‪아이들이 알까요?‬You think the kids know the heavy responsibility of a judge?
‪저 자리가 높은 만큼 무겁다는 거?‬You think the kids know the heavy responsibility of a judge?
‪(은석) 몰라야지, 알면 안 되지‬Of course not. They shouldn't.
‪외로워야 하는 자리니까‬It's meant to be lonely.
‪판사님, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, Judge Sim.
‪그냥‬I just… I wanted to… to say this.
‪이 말은 꼭 하고 싶었어요‬I just… I wanted to… to say this.
‪초등생 벽돌 투척 사건‬The Brick Manslaughter Case,
‪나근희 부장님‬Judge Na Geun-hee,
‪황인준, 백도현까지‬Hwang In-jun, and Baek Do-hyeon…
‪그 사실 알고 사실 저‬When I learned the details,
‪판사님께 실망 많이 했거든요?‬I was disappointed in you.
‪(태주) 강원중 부장님 일로 힘든데‬What happened to Judge Kang was upsetting, and even you…
‪판사님까지‬What happened to Judge Kang was upsetting, and even you…
‪정말 실망도 많이 했고‬I was very disappointed.
‪화도 많이 났었는데‬And I was angry.
‪시간이 지나고 곱씹어 보니까‬But when I thought about it again…
‪그게 이해가 되더라고요‬I can finally understand…
‪그동안 판사님 하셨던 처분들‬why you made such judgments…
‪언행들, 전부 다‬and said the things you said.
‪(은석) 범죄자니까‬They break the law.
‪그 나이에‬They dared unabashed…
‪감히‬They dared unabashed…
‪범죄를 저질렀으니까‬even at such a young age.
‪이래서 내가‬This is the reason I so despise you all.
‪너희들을 혐오하는 거야‬This is the reason I so despise you all.
‪갱생이‬Kids like you never change.
‪안 돼서‬Kids like you never change.
‪다음 재판에서도‬ ‪거짓 진술을 하거나‬In three weeks, and if you lie again,
‪집단 성폭행의 공범일 수 있다는‬ ‪의심 정황이 확인된다면‬and it's confirmed that you were an accomplice in the sexual assault after all,
‪본 사건은‬this case could…
‪검찰로 역송할 수 있습니다‬be sent to the prosecution.
‪(태주) 그게 감정이 아니라‬You weren't swayed by feelings.
‪신념이셨다는 거‬You followed your beliefs.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[은석의 흐느끼는 숨소리]‬
‪[상자 뚜껑을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪엄마 왔어‬It's your mom.
‪잘 가‬I'll see you again…
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪우리 아들‬my son.
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(위원) 심은석 판사‬Judge Sim Eun-seok. If you have any final words, speak now.
‪마지막으로 할 말 있으면‬ ‪해 보세요‬Judge Sim Eun-seok. If you have any final words, speak now.
‪(은석) 저의 모든 잘못을‬ ‪인정합니다‬I admit all of my mistakes.
‪저는 사법부의 중립성과 독립성‬I damaged the impartiality of the court,
‪명예를 실추시켰습니다‬its independence and honor.
‪어떠한 처분이든 달게 받겠습니다‬I gladly accept any punishment.
‪(위원) 반성 말고‬Not your regrets.
‪앞으로 법관으로서‬ ‪자네의 태도, 생각‬Not your regrets. Your attitude and thoughts as a judge.
‪대법원에 오니‬The Supreme Court…
‪처음 법관 임용식 때가‬ ‪떠올랐습니다‬reminded me of how I treated young offenders.
‪소년을 대하는 저의 태도에‬When I was first appointed, that must change, for sure.
‪분명히 변화는 필요합니다‬When I was first appointed, that must change, for sure.
‪그동안 저의 모든 처분을‬ ‪부정하진 않겠습니다‬I won't say that all the sentences I imposed were wrong.
‪앞으로‬As a judge, I'll work to be impartial
‪법관으로서 중립성을 지키고‬As a judge, I'll work to be impartial
‪명예를 실추시키지 않겠습니다‬and I won't disgrace myself.
‪(은석) 저는‬But… I despise young offenders.
‪소년범을 혐오합니다‬But… I despise young offenders.
‪그런 저의 태도에‬Some may criticize my attitude towards them,
‪누군가는 질타할 것이고‬Some may criticize my attitude towards them,
‪누군가는 상처를 받겠죠‬and some may be hurt by it.
‪사전적 의미로‬It means…
‪싫어하고‬dislike or ill will.
‪미워함을 뜻합니다‬dislike or ill will.
‪싫어하고 미워할지언정‬Though I despise young offenders, I have no ill will towards them.
‪소년을 위해서라면‬Though I despise young offenders, I have no ill will towards them.
‪최선을 다할 겁니다‬I'll be sincere when I deal with their cases.
‪싫어하고 미워할지언정‬Though I despise them,
‪처분은 냉정함을 유지할 겁니다‬I'll make decisions with a cool head.
‪싫어하고 미워할지언정‬Though I despise them,
‪소년에게‬I won't look at them with any bias.
‪어떠한 색안경도 끼지 않을 겁니다‬I won't look at them with any bias.
‪(은석) 그러니까‬In other words,
‪처음 마음가짐‬my initial thoughts remain the same.
‪그대로‬my initial thoughts remain the same.
‪또는‬But the context for them…
‪그 전과는‬is very different at this point.
‪다르게‬is very different at this point.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(은석) 그 전과는‬So, yes, my actions will be different from before.
‪다르게‬So, yes, my actions will be different from before.
‪저는‬But I…
‪소년범을‬will always despise…
‪혐오합니다‬young criminals.

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