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  퀸메이커 5

Queenmaker 5


‪코뿔소가 멸종 위기에‬ ‪놓여 있다는 사실‬How many of you were aware that rhinos are an endangered species?
‪알고 계십니까?‬How many of you were aware that rhinos are an endangered species?
‪코뿔소의 뿔이‬The main reason being
‪최고의 만병통치약으로‬ ‪알려져 있기 때문이라는데요‬that we believe miracle cures originate out of the rhino's horn.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪그런데 이 코뿔소의 뿔이‬That's not what really happens.
‪실은 케라틴이라고 불리는‬ ‪100% 각질로‬That's not what really happens. It's just keratin. The horn's made up of plain keratin. That's the truth.
‪이루어져 있다고 합니다‬Dead skin cells. That's about it. Yeah.
‪즉‬Dead skin cells. That's about it. Yeah.
‪코뿔소의 뿔을 먹는다는 건‬So to consume it is the same thing as biting your nails,
‪사람들이 자기 손톱을‬ ‪뜯어 먹는 효과밖에 없을 뿐‬So to consume it is the same thing as biting your nails, followed up by swallowing them, to be blunt.
‪(민정) 허무하지 않으십니까?‬Rather disappointing, wouldn't you think?
‪코뿔소의 패기 넘치는 외모와‬Rather disappointing, wouldn't you think? It seems those who've been enticed
‪요란한 목소리에 현혹된 사람들이‬by the rhino's loud voice and strong appearance
‪뿔의 가치를 과도하게‬ ‪부풀리고 있는 거 같은데요‬by the rhino's loud voice and strong appearance were exaggerating the value of the rhino's horn.
‪(민정) 미친 코뿔소…‬The crazy rhino…
‪화가 단단히 나신 거 같은데요?‬She seems pretty pissed, doesn't she?
‪(민정) 노동 운동가…‬She seems pretty pissed, doesn't she?
‪그러라고 건드린 거야‬-I provoked her. That's why. -…Ms. Oh is better known.
‪(민정) 대표하는 수식어들이죠?‬-I provoked her. That's why. -…Ms. Oh is better known.
‪그런데 이 중에 상당히 이질적인‬ ‪이름 하나를 발견했습니다‬However, there's another name among your campaign staff that stands out to me.
‪황도희‬Hwang Do-hee.
‪네, 저희 캠프의 총괄본부장입니다‬Hwang Do-hee. That's right. She manages my campaign.
‪바로 그겁니다, 황도희 본부장‬That was the one I meant. Hwang Do-hee, Campaign Manager,
‪재벌가의 전략기획실에‬ ‪10년 넘게 몸담았던‬who worked very hard for a certain conglomerate family for over a decade
‪일명 오너 일가의 해결사로‬ ‪정평이 나 있는데‬and is widely known as the organization's fixer actually.
‪노동 인권을 변호하는‬ ‪우리 정의의 코뿔소 오경숙과는‬Sounds like she's the polar opposite of the rhino who battles injustice
‪정반대의 성정 아닌가요?‬and who fights for workers' rights?
‪네, 그렇습니다‬Yes, she was.
‪황도희 씨가 살아온 길은‬ ‪저와는 조금 다른, 아니‬Hwang Do-hee's journey is quite a different one than I had. No.
‪전혀 다른‬ ‪네, 그런 길이긴 합니다‬I would say utterly different than mine.
‪(경숙) 그런데 저희는 어느 날‬ ‪비정규직 노동자 문제로‬But we happened to face each other over the issue of temp employees one day,
‪서로 좀 맞서게 되었고‬But we happened to face each other over the issue of temp employees one day,
‪그 상황 속에서 황도희 씨는‬and that experience taught Hwang Do-hee
‪참담한 노동 인권의 현실을‬ ‪직면하게 됐습니다‬the miserable reality that our laborers deal with.
‪그러면서 본인 양심의 소리에‬This made her pay attention to something greater--
‪- (경숙) 귀를 기울이고…‬ ‪- 아, 그럼 살아온 길에 상관없이‬So tell us something. Are you saying that you're willing
‪선거에서 이길 수만 있다면‬ ‪누구든지 품어 안으시겠다?‬to go ahead and embrace anyone, just so you might win the election, yeah?
‪재벌 집 앞마당에서 자란‬ ‪썩은 묘목도‬You're willing to embrace everything, aligning yourself with her,
‪이길 수만 있다면‬ ‪뿌리째 뽑아다 쓰시겠다‬a rotten tree that grew in the garden of a conglomerate family,
‪뭐, 이런 말씀이신가요?‬a rotten tree that grew in the garden of a conglomerate family, as long as you win?
‪[서정적인 음악]‬
‪과거 행보가 다르다는 이유로‬what I'm required to say then to you
‪저한테 인생을 바친‬ ‪그런 여자를 버려야 한다‬is that I'll just abandon a courageous woman like that
‪(경숙) 그런 이야기인가요?‬because our past is different?
‪[민정 코웃음]‬
‪(민정) 여자라‬A woman?
‪갑자기 젠더 프레임을 씌우시는데…‬You're making this into a matter of gender now, huh?
‪그렇다면 서민정 의원님께서는‬You're making this into a matter of gender now, huh? All right. So, Ms. Seo, tell us then.
‪과거에 서 의원님을‬ ‪지지하지 않았던 사람들은‬Would you say the correct way is to turn a cold shoulder on people that wouldn't be supportive to your cause or weren't past supporters?
‪뭐, 냉정하게 외면해도 된다‬on people that wouldn't be supportive to your cause or weren't past supporters?
‪그렇게 생각을 하십니까?‬on people that wouldn't be supportive to your cause or weren't past supporters?
‪그래서 하유동 주민들의‬ ‪화학 공장 철거 제안을‬I see. So that's the reason why you keep ignoring Hayu-dong residents
‪아직도 그렇게‬ ‪무시하고 계시는 겁니까?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬who want the chemical plant in the area demolished.
‪아니면 뭐, 3선 의원의‬ ‪권력과 품격 유지를 위해서‬Or are you prioritizing your sympathies with the company which built that plant,
‪화학 공장 소유주인‬for you to keep your status
‪대기업에게‬ ‪우선적으로 긍휼을 좀 베풀겠다‬and to keep your influence as a National Assembly member?
‪- (경숙) 뭐, 이런 전략인가요?‬ ‪- 아‬and to keep your influence as a National Assembly member? Is this your strategy? I think that you're going off-topic to attack, and I--
‪지금 논제에서 벗어난 공격을…‬I think that you're going off-topic to attack, and I--
‪(경숙) 대답을 해주십시오‬Please answer.
‪서울시 하유동‬ ‪화학 공장 철거 법안 발의‬Tell us the actual reason why you are refusing to pass the bill
‪왜 안 하시는 겁니까?‬which could relocate the plant.
‪공장을 옮기는 건‬ ‪절대 어려운 일이 아닙니다‬Relocating the plant isn't the hardest challenge we face.
‪지방으로 공장을 옮길 경우에‬It's by relocating to a rural area.
‪서울의 제조업 관련 일자리가‬ ‪줄어드는 그 손실은 어떻게…‬It's by relocating to a rural area. Jobs in the city would get lost to that, and where can you replenish them--
‪화학 공장입니다, 화학 공장‬Jobs in the city would get lost to that, and where can you replenish them-- Hold on. We're talking about a chemical plant right now.
‪고춧가루 날리는‬ ‪김치 공장 아니에요‬ ‪[익살스러워지는 음악]‬Not talking about kimchi factories and chili dust here.
‪막 황산 가스 뿜어대는‬ ‪화학 공장이에요, 네?‬We're discussing sulfurous gases that a plant like this creates, okay?
‪(경숙) 서울 경제 발전을 위해서‬Are you willing to throw away the health and safety of Seoul's citizens?
‪시민의 건강과 안전‬ ‪그런 거는, 뭐‬Are you willing to throw away the health and safety of Seoul's citizens? That it doesn't matter if you only make up for that in our economy? Yeah?
‪김칫국에 말아 먹겠다‬That it doesn't matter if you only make up for that in our economy? Yeah?
‪그런 겁니까, 네?‬That it doesn't matter if you only make up for that in our economy? Yeah?
‪(경숙) 사람보다 돈이 먼저예요?‬ ‪그래요?‬Is money more important than people's lives? Is that it?
‪이것 보세요‬Listen, Ms. Oh. Would you please just listen to me. Can you relax a little?
‪오경숙 변호사님‬Listen, Ms. Oh. Would you please just listen to me. Can you relax a little?
‪진정하시고요‬Listen, Ms. Oh. Would you please just listen to me. Can you relax a little?
‪당연히 시민들의 건강과 안전이‬ ‪우선이죠!‬Naturally, the safety of the city's people ranks at the top of all.
‪네, 반가운 의견입니다‬ ‪네, 저도 그렇게 생각합니다‬Yes. There you go. We agree on this point. That's great. I'm glad.
‪어, 그렇다면‬ ‪위험천만한 화학 공장은‬Yes. There you go. We agree on this point. That's great. I'm glad. So then you must believe this plant, that's currently in Hayu-dong,
‪하유동에 있으면 안 된다‬So then you must believe this plant, that's currently in Hayu-dong, should be demolished, yeah?
‪네, 시민의 건강과 안전을 위해서‬And it should be far away so that our citizens can then feel healthy and safe again.
‪반드시 철거되어야 한다‬so that our citizens can then feel healthy and safe again.
‪그런 뜻으로 이해해도 되겠네요?‬That's what you're saying, right? Or no?
‪(경숙) 서민정 의원님‬Ms. Seo.
‪서울 시민 여러분들이 지금‬Many Seoul citizens are watching tonight. You should keep that in mind.
‪지켜보고 계십니다‬Many Seoul citizens are watching tonight. You should keep that in mind.
‪(경숙) 답변을 해주셔야죠?‬Please give us your answer.
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪네, 물론‬Yes, of course, uh…
‪당연히‬I also think, uh, consideration be given
‪아, 철거를 적극‬I also think, uh, consideration be given
‪검토해야 한다고 생각합니다‬to the removal of this certain chemical plant out of Seoul.
‪역시!‬I knew it!
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪서민의 종다운‬I expected nothing else.
‪서민정 의원님의 탁월한 생각‬The people will be grateful to hear all that.
‪잘 들었습니다‬It's good to be clear.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪(사회자) 네, 광고 후에‬ ‪다시 찾아뵙겠습니다‬We will be right back after this short break.
‪(민정) 천 회장한테 전화 넣어‬Call Chairperson Cheon and say
‪방송용 멘트니까‬ ‪오해하지 마시라고‬what I said was only meant for TV.
‪우선 방송에만 집중하십시오‬Just focus on the debate for now.
‪이제 일대일 대화 끊고‬ ‪질의응답으로 갈 거니까‬They're gonna do questions now. They're done with this part.
‪예상 질문 체크하시고요‬So look at the possible questions.
‪[제작진 말소리가 울린다]‬So look at the possible questions.
‪[안경을 내려놓는다]‬
‪변호사님‬Ms. Oh.
‪지금 반응 대박입니다‬People are going wild about you.
‪코뿔소가 제대로 들이받았다고‬ ‪난리예요‬They're saying the rhino slammed the opponent into the ground.
‪황본은? 황본은 뭐래?‬What about Hwang? Tell me what she said.
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(선영) [다급하게] 본부장님‬ ‪도착했습니다‬Ms. Hwang? He's here.
‪수호 씨 왔네?‬Soo-ho, you're here.
‪너무 늦었나요?‬Am I too late?
‪타이밍 딱 좋아‬The timing is just right.
‪네, 세상을 바꾸는 생생한 시간‬ ‪'수요 끝장토론'‬This is our End-All Debate, and it's time to change the world.
‪오늘은 두 분의‬ ‪서울시장 예비 여성 후보죠‬This is our End-All Debate, and it's time to change the world. And with us today, two female mayoral candidates.
‪어, 서민정 의원, 오경숙 변호사‬Assemblywoman Seo Min-jung and Attorney Oh Kyung-sook
‪두 분과 함께 생방송으로‬ ‪진행을 하고 있습니다‬Assemblywoman Seo Min-jung and Attorney Oh Kyung-sook are both with us as we are airing here today live.
‪자, 이제 다음은‬ ‪두 분을 지지하는 시민들의 질문에‬This is going to be a question and answer session where you answer the questions your supporters have chosen for you.
‪응답을 해주시는 순서인데요‬where you answer the questions your supporters have chosen for you.
‪(사회자) 자, 먼저 우리‬ ‪서민정 의원께 질문을 해주실 분?‬Now, let's see. Does anyone have a question for Ms. Seo Min-jung?
‪아, 네‬Oh, yes.
‪[마이크 소음]‬
‪아, 저는 오늘‬ ‪그 생방송 직전에 올라온‬I'd like to ask you about this clip that went online just before the debate.
‪영상에 대해서 여쭤보고 싶습니다‬I'd like to ask you about this clip that went online just before the debate.
‪저, 서민정 의원님‬So tell us, Ms. Seo, um…
‪영상에 찍힌 의원님의 모습들‬The lifestyle you seem to be having there, are we to trust that, or…
‪전부 사실일까요?‬The lifestyle you seem to be having there, are we to trust that, or…
‪아, 팩트부터 말씀드리자면‬Let me give you the important facts upfront. It's all made up.
‪아닙니다‬Let me give you the important facts upfront. It's all made up.
‪특정 캠프 측에서‬As it appears, the other side is trying hard to hold a witch hunt
‪저를 사치스럽고‬ ‪무분별한 여자로 낙인찍어‬As it appears, the other side is trying hard to hold a witch hunt to brand me with the stigma that I'm living this extravagant lifestyle.
‪마녀사냥을 하려는 거 같고요‬to brand me with the stigma that I'm living this extravagant lifestyle.
‪또‬So I think it's attempting to get us into a fight
‪'여자의 적은 여자다'라는‬ ‪유치한 프레임으로‬So I think it's attempting to get us into a fight where we could confirm the dumb cliché that women are women's own worst enemies.
‪저와 오경숙 변호사를‬ ‪싸움을 붙이려는‬where we could confirm the dumb cliché that women are women's own worst enemies.
‪[웃으며] 그런 주작으로‬ ‪보여집니다‬where we could confirm the dumb cliché that women are women's own worst enemies.
‪네, 자, 이번에는‬ ‪오경숙 변호사님께‬Okay. And does anyone have a question for Ms. Oh Kyung-sook?
‪질문해 주실 분 마이크 잡아주시죠‬And does anyone have a question for Ms. Oh Kyung-sook?
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪(수호) 저는‬I would like to ask Ms. Seo Min-jung a question, if that's possible.
‪서민정 의원님께‬ ‪질문을 드리겠습니다‬I would like to ask Ms. Seo Min-jung a question, if that's possible.
‪아, 지금은 오경숙 변호사님께‬ ‪질문하실 차례고…‬Actually, it's time for Ms. Oh Kyung-sook to answer a question--
‪서민정 의원님‬No, Ms. Seo Min-jung.
‪정치인의 도덕성이‬Can you tell us your thoughts
‪어디까지 허용될 수 있다고‬ ‪생각하시나요?‬on the ethical boundaries of politicians?
‪(수호) 법을 어기지만 않는다면‬Do you think their private lives
‪정치인의 사생활도‬should be under strict protection, as long as they do not break the law?
‪철저히 보호받아야 한다고‬ ‪생각하시는지‬should be under strict protection, as long as they do not break the law?
‪의원님의 고견을‬Can you share with us here
‪듣고 싶습니다‬your thoughts about the matter?
‪아, 아, 그…‬Yeah, that's uh…
‪어, 상당히 흥미로운 질문입니다‬Uh, that's quite a… That's quite a riveting question.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[바이올린 선율과 감미로운 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(사회자) 서 의원님?‬Ms. Seo Min-jung?
‪[민정 한숨]‬
‪아, 그것은‬I think that…
‪아… 무엇보다‬Um, I believe that…
‪본인의 양심의 소리에‬ ‪귀를 기울여야겠죠?‬…one needs to listen to what their conscience is saying to them.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[안경을 내려놓는다]‬
‪[숨을 몰아쉬며] 중석아‬Joong-seok.
‪네 엑스 와이프‬ ‪진짜 사악한 년이다‬Your ex-wife is such a bitch. She's truly evil.
‪어떻게 수호를 여기까지 끌어들여?‬How could she drag Soo-ho into this?
‪- 죄송합니다‬ ‪- [울부짖으며] 당장 내보내!‬-I'm sorry, ma'am. -You need to get him now!
‪수호 저놈‬Get Soo-ho…
‪내 눈앞에서 당장 치워버려‬out of my sight. Do it. I mean it.
‪지금 생방 중입니다‬Live TV is complicated.
‪[민정 한숨]‬Live TV is complicated.
‪후보님한테 질문 던져놓고‬ ‪바로 없어지면‬If he is being taken away right after a question for you,
‪시청자들 보기에…‬the viewers might believe there is validity--
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪야, 이 씨발놈아, 개새끼야!‬You son of a bitch! You dickhead!
‪너 너랑 한 이불 덮고 자던‬ ‪계집애 하나 단속 못 해서‬You were married to that woman once, and you have no control over her one bit?
‪이 지경을 만들어?‬You were married to that woman once, and you have no control over her one bit?
‪[분노한 숨소리]‬You were married to that woman once, and you have no control over her one bit?
‪그러니까 제가‬ ‪말씀드렸지 않습니까?‬That's why I was advising you prior
‪약점 잡히기 전에‬ ‪수호 빨리 정리하시라고‬to end things before you got somebody using it against you.
‪뭐라고, 이 개새끼야?‬What the hell did you just say?
‪일단 방송부터 마무리하시죠‬I think the debate is more important now.
‪제대로 수습해‬Clean up this mess,
‪내가 황도희 그년‬or I will take down Hwang Do-hee
‪죽여버리기 전에‬and kill her myself.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪아유, 더워‬
‪(지니) 어, 오셨어요?‬ ‪[경숙 한숨]‬Oh, you're here.
‪[경숙 탄식]‬
‪(경숙) 다 젖었어!‬
‪[경숙 탄식]‬ ‪[지니 한숨]‬Oh!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[나지막이] 아우, 더워‬It's hot!
‪[헐떡이며] 야, 우리 인간적으로‬Ladies, will you just, you know…
‪- 이거 하나만 풀자, 이거…‬ ‪- (린조) 아이, 안 돼요, 안 돼요‬ ‪[지니가 말린다]‬-Just let me-- -No, you can't! Don't do that!
‪야, 갈비뼈 다 뿌러지겠어!‬Don't do that! God, it's gonna cut me in half!
‪대신 라인이 확 살아나시잖아요‬Still, look at your waist. It looks incredible.
‪- 아우, 진짜 숨을 못 쉬겠네‬ ‪- 이것 좀, 이것 좀‬Still, look at your waist. It looks incredible. -Oh, it's so hard to breathe! -Yes.
‪(지니) 알겠어요, 알겠어요‬ ‪[경숙 힘겨운 신음]‬-Oh, it's so hard to breathe! -Yes.
‪- 조금만 참으세요‬ ‪- 자, 왼쪽부터‬ ‪[경숙 가쁜 숨소리]‬-Just bear with us. -We'll start with the left.
‪어, 황본‬Hey, Hwang.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪서민정 봤어?‬Did you watch Seo Min-jung? She seems to have completely lost it.
‪(경숙) 멘탈 완전 나간 거 같던데?‬Did you watch Seo Min-jung? She seems to have completely lost it.
‪갑자기 왜 그러지?‬Did you watch Seo Min-jung? She seems to have completely lost it. What happened with her?
‪되새김질 그만하고 앞만 봐‬Forget what happened. We have to plan ahead.
‪이제부턴 질문지, 큐시트‬ ‪싹 다 무시하고‬And we're doing away with the cue sheets and the questionnaires
‪진짜 라이브로 갈 거니까‬and just go unscripted, okay?
‪[도희 한숨]‬ ‪[경숙 헛웃음]‬
‪뭐 하는 거야, 왜 이래?‬What's happening? What is this?
‪코뿔소답게‬ ‪무조건 돌직구로 받아쳐‬Just meet every question head first, the way you do.
‪어떤 질문이 들어와도‬ ‪피하지 말고 공격적으로‬Answer the questions and be blunt. You're the Rhino, aren't you?
‪[경숙 코웃음]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그러다가‬I don't know. I might cause an incident on air.
‪방송 사고 날 텐데?‬I don't know. I might cause an incident on air.
‪내가 바라는 게 그거야‬Yes, I want that. Go ahead.
‪[스릴 있는 음악]‬ ‪제대로 사고 치라고‬Let's go burn the place down.
‪네, 이번엔 여성 지지자분의‬ ‪질문을 한번 받아보겠는데요‬Now let's go to another question from a member of our audience at this time.
‪(사회자) 아‬ ‪저쪽 끝자리에 계신 분‬Yes, over there at the end.
‪안녕하십니까‬Hello. Good evening.
‪저는 두 분 모두를‬ ‪격하게 애정하는‬Great to see you. I support you both, and I certainly intend to support either candidate down the line.
‪팬이자 열혈 지지자입니다‬I support you both, and I certainly intend to support either candidate down the line.
‪[환호와 박수가 이어진다]‬I support you both, and I certainly intend to support either candidate down the line.
‪반갑습니다‬Pleasure to meet you.
‪(질문자) 저는 이번 선거에서‬I would really love to see
‪여성 서울시장의 탄생을‬ ‪보고 싶은 소망이 정말 큰데요‬our city of Seoul getting its historic first female mayor in this election.
‪같은 여자 입장에서‬Yet, it's concerning to witness
‪훌륭하신 두 분의 에너지가‬ ‪분산되고‬that this contest between you could be detrimental,
‪표가 갈라질까 봐‬ ‪걱정이 많이 됩니다‬meaning it could end up driving your voters apart.
‪(질문자) 그런 의미에서‬So I was wondering
‪혹시 두 분께선‬So I was wondering if both of you are willing to come together as a single unit?
‪한 몸이 될 의사가 있으실까요?‬if both of you are willing to come together as a single unit?
‪한 몸이라면…‬And by which you mean?
‪예를 들면‬As an example,
‪경선을 통해서‬a pre-election race could see you both unify under the winner.
‪단일 후보가 되신다든가‬a pre-election race could see you both unify under the winner.
‪[관객들이 웅성댄다]‬a pre-election race could see you both unify under the winner.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪[흥미진진해지는 음악]‬
‪진행자는 서민정 편이야‬She's in cahoots with the moderator.
‪서민정이 흔들리니까‬ ‪바로 흐름을 끊어주잖아‬The moment she struggled, he wanted a break. That's clear.
‪그치만 생방 토론 1시간에‬ ‪허용되는 휴식은 딱 두 번‬Only with that we've used the entirety of breaks in an hour-long debate.
‪중간 광고 한 번에‬There's one break the moderator directs, and the middle ad break. That's it.
‪진행자 재량으로‬ ‪한 번을 더 쓰고 나면 끝이야‬There's one break the moderator directs, and the middle ad break. That's it.
‪이제부턴 더 끊고 싶어도‬ ‪끊을 수가 없는‬They will not be able to put a stop to this thing. It's all airing live.
‪온에어 상태인 거지‬They will not be able to put a stop to this thing. It's all airing live.
‪[속삭이듯] 우린 단일화 질문으로‬ ‪치고 들어갈 거야‬Then we'll bring up the question of a pre-election race.
‪(도희) 그때부턴 멈추지 말고‬That's your signal
‪경선까지 몰아붙여‬to then start pushing her to commit to that,
‪생방송의 힘으로‬using the power of live TV.
‪네, 현재 정식 선거 운동‬ ‪기간이 아니기 때문에‬Well, since this is not currently an official election period,
‪어, 단일화 문제에 대해서‬ ‪거론하는 거는‬Well, since this is not currently an official election period, uh, I don't think we should start going down that road.
‪조금은 좀 민감한 사안이‬ ‪될 수도 있고요‬uh, I don't think we should start going down that road. There'll be an appropriate time--
‪- (경숙) 사회자님‬ ‪- 예‬-Mr. Moderator. -Yes?
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪지금 질문을 끊으시는 겁니까?‬You're prohibiting this certain question?
‪아, 오 변호사님‬ ‪끊는 게 아니고요‬Not prohibiting it. I'm simply just correcting it.
‪- 정정하는 건데요‬ ‪- 사회자님‬Not prohibiting it. I'm simply just correcting it. Okay, sir.
‪[흥미로운 음악이 다시 이어진다]‬ ‪사회자님이 하신 질문이 아닌데‬You're not the one who was asking it,
‪왜 함부로 질문을‬ ‪사회자님이 정정하십니까?‬so why would you attempt to correct the person who did?
‪(경숙) 지금 최대한‬ ‪자유로운 분위기 안에서‬I thought the goal of this Q and A session
‪서울 시민 여러분들의‬ ‪다양한 의견을 들어보고자‬was that our citizens could ask us things in a democratic and neutral climate.
‪할애된 시간 아닙니까?‬was that our citizens could ask us things in a democratic and neutral climate.
‪맞습니다, 하지만…‬You're right. I still must--
‪네, 맞다면‬If I am right, let me please hear the question.
‪계속 한번 들어보시죠‬If I am right, let me please hear the question.
‪네, 지지자분, 계속하시죠‬Young lady, please. Let's try again.
‪두 분 승리를 위해‬So would you agree to unite
‪후보 단일화를 하실 생각이‬ ‪있으신가요?‬under one candidate to clinch the election together?
‪단일화‬A single candidate?
‪(경숙) 네‬Yes.
‪얼마든지요‬All for it. Sure.
‪정정당당한 대결만 이루어진다면‬As long as the contest is run without any major controversy,
‪저 오경숙은‬As long as the contest is run without any major controversy,
‪겸허히 어떤 결과든 받아들이고‬I am willing and ready to humbly accept the voters' will.
‪승복할 준비가 되어있습니다‬I am willing and ready to humbly accept the voters' will. That's all that matters. And Seoul is worth it for me.
‪그리고 서울시를 위해서라면‬That's all that matters. And Seoul is worth it for me.
‪흔쾌히 서민정 의원님과‬I'm willing to be a unit together
‪한 몸이 될 준비도 되어있습니다‬and become one with Ms. Seo.
‪(경숙) 죽을 때 같이 죽고‬ ‪살 때도 같이 살고‬We will live and die together as one,
‪일심동체‬a single mind and even body if needed. Whatever.
‪아니면 뭐, 자웅동체, 뭐라도!‬a single mind and even body if needed. Whatever.
‪하겠습니다‬Count me in.
‪[환호]‬Count me in.
‪[흥미로운 음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪아, 유감스럽지만 그것은‬You'll have to forgive me, but this is not just
‪당과의 논의 없이‬ ‪저 혼자 독단적으로‬something I can decide all by myself. I would need to discuss it with the full membership of the party.
‪결정할 수 있는 사안이 아닙니다‬I would need to discuss it with the full membership of the party.
‪경선이라는 것이 말 그대로‬You know, this kind of pre-election should really only be a contest within a party--
‪당의 식구들끼리 치르는‬ ‪집안싸움인데…‬You know, this kind of pre-election should really only be a contest within a party--
‪(경숙) 그렇다면 제가‬You know, this kind of pre-election should really only be a contest within a party-- In that case,
‪입당을 하겠습니다‬I'm gonna join your party. Now you're good?
‪개혁당으로‬I'm gonna join your party. Now you're good?
‪[관객들이 웃으며 웅성댄다]‬
‪개혁당이 동네 마트입니까?‬It's the People's Reform Party. We're not a shopping center.
‪편의점이에요?‬It's the People's Reform Party. We're not a shopping center.
‪입당에도‬ ‪엄연한 형식과 절차가 있습니다?‬There's procedures to adhere to, to join the party--
‪아니, 지금 그런 게 뭐가 중요합…‬Nah, that doesn't really matter right now--
‪당의 비전에 적합한 인물인지‬Nah, that doesn't really matter right now-- A new member must align with our vision, and they'll undergo a serious check
‪당의 전통과 위신에‬ ‪해가 되진 않는지‬A new member must align with our vision, and they'll undergo a serious check so they don't harm our name,
‪꼼꼼히 따져보고‬so they don't harm our name, and only with the approval of the other party members--
‪당원들의 동의를 구한 다음에!‬and only with the approval of the other party members--
‪아우, 답답합니다, 진짜!‬ ‪아오, 답답해!‬Ah, I can't believe how frustrating this is!Really! I mean,
‪왜 이렇게 답답해요?‬ ‪네? 어우‬ ‪[당찬 음악]‬why is this so painful? Huh?
‪[나지막이] 아이, 진짜‬ ‪이거 왜 이래‬God! That's it! This is nuts!
‪[관객들이 웅성댄다]‬Really!
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪[민정과 사람들 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪(도희) 어머!‬Oh my God!
‪어우! 답답해‬Ah, it's too much.
‪아니‬All this tradition and correctness and pretending I'm so skinny and cool.
‪형식, 절차‬All this tradition and correctness and pretending I'm so skinny and cool.
‪뭐, 이쁜 척, 당당한 척‬All this tradition and correctness and pretending I'm so skinny and cool.
‪그만 좀 합시다, 네?‬Can we try and put a stop to that? Yeah?
‪아우, 진짜‬ ‪이런 것 쫌 그만 좀 해요, 다들‬All this here. Let's all just put a stop to this madness.
‪진짜 서울 시민을 위하는 일이‬ ‪무엇인가‬There's nothing at all that we've got to think about now
‪그것만 생각하면 되는 거‬ ‪아닙니까?‬than serving Seoul with everything we've got.
‪저 오경숙‬Oh Kyung-sook
‪다 벗었습니다‬has put down the facade for our city of Seoul,
‪서울시를 위해서‬has put down the facade for our city of Seoul,
‪재벌가의 하수인으로부터‬ ‪서울시를 지키기 위해서‬to protect it from the conglomerate's tireless minion.
‪뭐, 있는 그대로, 이 모습 그대로‬Behold, I stand here now, as me and none other,
‪정정당당하게‬as authentic as I can, to challenge the opponent to take me on!
‪경선 한판 제안합니다!‬as authentic as I can, to challenge the opponent to take me on!
‪[환호]‬as authentic as I can, to challenge the opponent to take me on!
‪[사람들이 연신 오경숙을 외친다]‬Oh Kyung-sook! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(진행자) 땡!‬The time is up!
‪서민의 종 완전히 종 쳤습니다‬It appears the People's Servant is hearing the last bell.
‪이 조금 전 생방 토론에서‬ ‪우리 서민정 의원‬It appears the People's Servant is hearing the last bell. The corset revolution attorney Oh Kyung-sook started
‪오경숙 변호사의 코르셋 혁명에‬truly seemed to have knocked Seo Min-jung down.
‪제대로 무릎을 꿇었죠‬truly seemed to have knocked Seo Min-jung down. Maybe she'll stay there.
‪그렇습니다‬That's right. The debate had a sudden end.
‪이 심지어 경선 제안에는‬ ‪끝내 대답을 회피하고‬That's right. The debate had a sudden end. In addition, she didn't have a comeback, and Ms. Oh's challenge never got answered.
‪애매하게 토론을 끝내버렸는데‬In addition, she didn't have a comeback, and Ms. Oh's challenge never got answered.
‪우리 코뿔소‬The horn of the Rhino, is it directed at the pre-election yet?
‪벌써 경선 준비 들어가나요?‬The horn of the Rhino, is it directed at the pre-election yet?
‪[샴페인이 뻥 터진다]‬ ‪[동주와 팀원들 환호]‬
‪[훈훈한 음악]‬
‪후보님!‬To Oh Kyung-sook!
‪역시 우리 후보님 카리스마‬ ‪최고였습니다‬I knew that you could do it. You were so charismatic.
‪오늘 진짜 찐으로‬ ‪찐으로 멋있었습니다‬You did incredible. Just absolutely amazing.
‪그러니까요!‬I think so too.
‪저 경선 제안하실 때‬ ‪진짜 소름 돋았잖아요‬You suggested the head-to-head, and I got chills up my neck. I think all of us got 'em!
‪여러분, 안 그렇습니까?‬I think all of us got 'em!
‪[팀원들이 환호하며 호응한다]‬
‪다 여러분들 덕입니다‬It's all because you were here.
‪제가 여러분들 믿고‬It's all because you were here. I could only provoke her, you know?
‪오늘 도발 한번 했습니다‬ ‪[환호]‬'Cause you backed me up in there.
‪(동주) 후보님‬Ms. Oh, I want you to meet her.
‪이분이십니다‬Ms. Oh, I want you to meet her.
‪오늘 생방 직전에‬ ‪서 의원 멘탈 확 무너트린‬You know, she was the one who completely rattled Ms. Seo
‪화제의 동영상 창시자‬ ‪[차선 옅은 웃음]‬with that viral video earlier.
‪이차선입니다‬Lee Cha-sun. Pleasure. Hwang Do-hee was the one who asked me,
‪황도희 본부장 요청으로‬Lee Cha-sun. Pleasure. Hwang Do-hee was the one who asked me,
‪솜씨 한번 발휘해 봤는데‬ ‪괜찮으셨나요, 변호사님?‬so I worked my magic with that. I trust it was to your liking?
‪아, 제가 정말 덕분에‬Oh, thanks to the work you put in, I really had a great start in the debate.
‪수월하게 스타트 끊었습니다‬Oh, thanks to the work you put in, I really had a great start in the debate.
‪앞으로도 잘 부탁드립니다‬I would love to work together more.
‪[환호]‬I would love to work together more.
‪(동주) 자, 자, 자, 자‬
‪다들 잔 들고‬Okay, lift up your cups. You gotta say, "Let's go," when I say, "Oh Kyungsook."
‪하나, 둘, 셋 하면‬ ‪'경선 가자'‬Okay, lift up your cups. You gotta say, "Let's go," when I say, "Oh Kyungsook."
‪하나, 둘, 셋, 경선!‬One, two, three. -Oh Kyung-sook! -Let's go!
‪(함께) 가자!‬-Oh Kyung-sook! -Let's go!
‪자, 가자!‬ ‪[환호]‬
‪(경숙) 관종이야?‬What an attention seeker.
‪웬 똥폼을 잡고 그렇게‬Why are you here by yourself, huh?
‪고독을 씹고 계신대?‬All cool and brooding like that?
‪(경숙) 나한테‬ ‪관심 끌려고 그러나?‬It's because you want my attention, right?
‪오 변호사야말로 내 관심 끌려고‬You were trying to grab my attention with your little surprise, I think.
‪서프라이즈 한 거 아니야?‬You were trying to grab my attention with your little surprise, I think.
‪코르셋‬The corset.
‪많이 놀랬나 보네‬I must have alarmed you, huh?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 내가 아는 오경숙은‬I thought the Oh Kyung-sook I knew
‪그런 작전 안 쓰는 줄 알았으니까‬didn't use such strategies.
‪작전은 무슨 누가 그런 걸‬Strategy? What strategy? Who in the world
‪계산해서 하나‬hatches such a crazy idea?
‪[기가 찬 웃음]‬
‪[도희 웃음]‬
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪와, 그러니까 타고났다는 거야‬That's the reason I say you're a natural.
‪어떻게 그런 퍼포먼스가‬ ‪즉흥적으로 나오지?‬How do you come up with an act that's so out there?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 우리 인간적으로‬I want it gone.
‪코르셋은 입지 말자‬The corset. Gimme a break, yeah?
‪(경숙) 아, 답답하고‬ ‪아주 가식적이고‬I mean, it's really suffocating and fake.
‪억압이야, 억압‬It's also oppressive and dumb.
‪차라리 나한테‬It's also oppressive and dumb. I'd rather you cuff my wrists. Okay?
‪수갑을 채우세요, 네?‬I'd rather you cuff my wrists. Okay?
‪내가 졌다‬I accept that.
‪진짜지, 어?‬ ‪약속하는 거다, 어?‬Sincerely? Yeah? You'll keep your word, huh?
‪[도희 웃음]‬ ‪[캔을 달각댄다]‬
‪[평화로운 음악]‬
‪(경숙) 예쓰‬Yes!
‪[경숙 환호]‬Whoo!
‪아, 해방이다!‬-Yes, I'm free now! -Wow!
‪- (경숙) 아!‬ ‪- (도희) [웃으며] 와‬-Yes, I'm free now! -Wow!
‪자, 해방 기념, 짠!‬So, to liberation. Cheers!
‪오늘 같은 날은‬On a day like today,
‪만취돼 있어야 마중석 아닌가?‬wouldn't you get terribly wasted, huh?
‪너 지금 뭐 하는 거야?‬So what are you planning here?
‪오경숙 서울시장 만들기?‬Oh Kyung-sook being the mayor. That's it.
‪수단, 방법 안 가리고‬To make her mayor, I need to
‪상대 후보 털어서‬get dirt on my rival.
‪수호 걔는‬Soo-ho is
‪서 의원이 후원하는‬ ‪음악 영재 중의 한 명일 뿐이야‬just another prodigy that Ms. Seo chose to be supporting.
‪워낙 음악성이 뛰어난 친구라…‬With him being so gifted naturally--
‪재벌 돈으로 악기 은행 만들어서‬I know she illegally used corporate funding
‪3억짜리 바이올린 후원해 주고‬to get him the kind of violin that costs a fortune.
‪집도 얻어 주고‬She bought him a house, too,
‪[속삭이며] 잠도 자고‬and slept with him.
‪(도희) 그러다‬ ‪꼬리 밟힐 거 같으니까‬And when she felt like she was gonna get caught,
‪마중석 선에서‬you were the guy who had to go and tell Soo-ho.
‪냉정하게 끊어내고‬you were the guy who had to go and tell Soo-ho.
‪[심오한 음악]‬you were the guy who had to go and tell Soo-ho.
‪(TV 속 경숙) 정정당당하게‬…as authentic as I can, to challenge the opponent to take me on!
‪경선 한판 제안합니다!‬…as authentic as I can, to challenge the opponent to take me on!
‪[TV 속 환호]‬…as authentic as I can, to challenge the opponent to take me on!
‪이 황도희라는 친구가‬ ‪제대로 놀 줄 아는구만, 응?‬ ‪[TV 속 사람들이 오경숙을 외친다]‬Hwang Do-hee knows how to play this game well, hmm?
‪(재민) 이쯤에서‬ ‪커트해야 되는 거 아닙니까?‬Shouldn't we cut them off now?
‪오경숙 저렇게 치고 나오면‬Oh Kyung-sook running wild
‪웬만해선 제 행보는‬ ‪주목받기 힘들 거 같은데‬might make it very hard for us to remain in the spotlight.
‪이런 게 선거의 재미지‬Now, this makes elections fun, hmm?
‪아침 이슬 맞고 태어난‬ ‪오늘의 영웅이‬The hero of the morning, newly christened and revered,
‪밤이슬 맞고 태어날‬makes way for a new hero of tomorrow, created overnight.
‪내일의 영웅에게 자리를 내준다‬makes way for a new hero of tomorrow, created overnight.
‪스릴 있지 않나?‬Thrilling, isn't it?
‪자, 그럼 우리도‬Now it's time for us to join the game as well.
‪한번 놀아볼까?‬Now it's time for us to join the game as well.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪안녕하세요, 여러분‬Hello, all of you.
‪여러분, 오늘로‬ ‪저희 그린피플재단이‬Today we're here to celebrate our birthday,
‪일곱 번째 생일을 맞았습니다‬the seventh year for our foundation.
‪그동안‬At this time, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude
‪따뜻한 나눔과 봉사의 마음으로‬At this time, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude
‪저희 그린피플과 함께해 주신‬ ‪서포터즈 여러분‬to all the Green People supporters who volunteered for us,
‪진심으로 감사의 말씀 드립니다‬who were there for us from the very beginning.
‪이렇게 감격스러운 날‬And I'm also quite thrilled
‪여러분께 따뜻한 선물을‬ ‪전해 드릴 수 있어서‬to come to you bearing a heartwarming gift on this wonderful day.
‪정말 기쁜데요‬to come to you bearing a heartwarming gift on this wonderful day.
‪대한민국 모든 여성들과‬It's a place where those who need a shelter that's safe,
‪싱글맘, 미혼모를 위한 보금자리‬It's a place where those who need a shelter that's safe, like the single mom, will get protection. But it's a place
‪바로 여러분의 집입니다‬for all of our women.
‪그린하우스를 소개합니다‬The Green House. A home for you.
‪이건 아이들이 직접 키우면서…‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악이 흐른다]‬Wanna look at this? This was done so that…
‪[채령에게 작게 말을 건넨다]‬Do you like that?
‪다 같이 맛볼 수 있게‬ ‪저희가 이렇게 만들어 놨어요‬…the children will be able to raise the plants themselves.
‪(기자1) 백재민 이사장님‬Mr. Baek, could you do a loving pose with your wife?
‪조금 다정한 포즈‬ ‪부탁드리겠습니다‬Mr. Baek, could you do a loving pose with your wife?
‪[웃으며] 아, 그래 볼까요?‬Oh, sure. Shall we do it?
‪아, 조금만 더 다정하게‬ ‪붙어주시겠습니까?‬Could you please stand a bit closer, if you can?
‪(기자2) 이쪽도 한번 봐주세요!‬Look this way, please.
‪(재민) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪은채령 상무님‬ ‪어디 불편하십니까?‬-Please tell us, is something the matter? -Are you two happy right now?
‪(기자3) 두 분 지금 행복하신가요?‬-Please tell us, is something the matter? -Are you two happy right now?
‪그런 질문 참 오랜만에 들어보네요‬It's been a while since I've been asked that question.
‪(기자2) 두 분 쇼윈도 부부라는‬ ‪루머가 있는데‬Are you aware of the rumor that your marriage is a sham?
‪알고 계신가요?‬Are you aware of the rumor that your marriage is a sham?
‪사실 오늘 이 자리도‬Some are even saying that this event is just a show to help you become mayor.
‪백재민 이사님의‬ ‪서울시장 선거를 위한‬Some are even saying that this event is just a show to help you become mayor.
‪쇼라는 시선들이 있던데‬Some are even saying that this event is just a show to help you become mayor.
‪- 그건 제가…‬ ‪- 은채령 상무님께 여쭤봤습니다‬-You know-- -I was asking Ms. Eun, Mr. Baek.
‪(채령) 얼마 전부터‬ ‪몸이 좋질 않았습니다‬The truth is, I haven't been well recently.
‪임신했을 때와‬ ‪비슷한 증상이 계속돼‬I went to the doctor because I thought I was likely pregnant. Although,
‪산부인과를 찾았는데‬I went to the doctor because I thought I was likely pregnant. Although,
‪제 자궁 안에‬as it turned out,
‪암세포가 자라고 있었습니다‬it was malignant tumors that had spread.
‪[사람들이 웅성댄다]‬ ‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪(채령) 곧바로 수술을 진행했고‬I underwent surgery right away and am no longer at risk.
‪다행히 위험한 고비는 넘겼지만‬I underwent surgery right away and am no longer at risk.
‪[울먹이며] 지독한 항암 치료가‬ ‪저를 극도로 예민하게 만들었어요‬But the painful chemotherapy has made me extremely sensitive to stress.
‪(채령) 그리고‬And…
‪더는 아이를 가질 수 없단 사실에‬ ‪절망했습니다‬I was devastated by the fact that I cannot bear any more children.
‪많은 분들이 느끼셨을 거라고‬ ‪생각합니다‬I'm certain it's not a secret to you at this time
‪(채령) 저희 부부 사이의‬ ‪거리감을요‬that we have grown distant as a couple.
‪여자로서의 인생이‬ ‪끝난 거 같다는 상실감에‬It's because it feels as if my womanhood has come to an end…
‪도저히 남편을 웃는 얼굴로‬ ‪대할 수가 없었습니다‬which has made it difficult to share our love and home together.
‪[채령이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪남편은 시장 출마를 망설였습니다‬Jae-min thought that running for mayor would cost him a lot.
‪제 상태가 안 좋아지며‬He said he didn't want the position if it took him away while I was in pain.
‪선거를 포기하고‬ ‪제 옆에 있겠다고 했지만‬He said he didn't want the position if it took him away while I was in pain.
‪[채령이 흐느낀다]‬
‪(채령) 제가 막았어요‬ ‪[재민 한숨]‬But I urged him to run.
‪이렇게 많은 혜택을 누리고 살아온‬ ‪나도 여자로서‬Thinking about the luxuries and the privileges I've enjoyed,
‪힘든 순간이 오는데‬of what I still had to endure,
‪절박한 상황에서‬ ‪아이를 키우는 엄마들은‬it's hard to imagine how others in dire situations would deal,
‪훨씬 더 어려울 거라고‬it's hard to imagine how others in dire situations would deal, how intense their hurt would be.
‪그 엄마들을 도울 수 있게‬So I went to him and said,
‪당신이 그 길의 맨 앞에 서달라고‬"You need to lead to show them what is possible."
‪남편에게 부탁했습니다‬"Help those mothers with their struggle."
‪순발력이 좋구만‬She's smooth in her choice of words.
‪[채령이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[속삭이듯] 내가 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪정말 미안해‬Please forgive me.
‪[나지막이] 마지막이야‬Just so we're clear,
‪네 광대 짓 해주는 거‬this is the last time I do this.
‪(칼 윤) 와우‬Wow.
‪새로운 영웅 탄생‬A new hero is born.
‪수고 많으셨습니다‬You did well. Such a pleasure.
‪이번에 윤 선생께서‬ ‪제대로 활약해 주신 덕분에‬I feel truly at ease now, after how everything went,
‪제가 아주 한시름 놨네요‬I feel truly at ease now, after how everything went, due to your stellar performance.
‪아, 뭐, 두 분께서‬ ‪워낙 금실이 좋으셔서‬due to your stellar performance. The loving couple did all the work, I'm afraid. Hmm.
‪[칼 윤이 작게 웃는다]‬The loving couple did all the work, I'm afraid. Hmm.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪암 수술했다는 시나리오는‬ ‪정말 극적이었습니다‬The part with the cancer especially was outright dramatic.
‪[웃으며] 저도 진짜라고‬ ‪믿을 뻔했지 뭡니까‬ ‪[칼 윤이 작게 웃는다]‬I was close to believing it. It worked so well.
‪그 암 수술은‬ ‪우리 채령 씨 아이디어였고‬I was close to believing it. It worked so well. Yes, Ms. Eun had the idea with the cancer,
‪키스는 우리 백 후보의‬ ‪애드립이었습니다‬and the kiss was Mr. Baek's improvisation.
‪고생했다‬you really did great.
‪백 서방 자네도 수고 많았어‬Well, Jae-min, you did well also.
‪아닙니다‬I'm very aware
‪이 사람이‬that the hard part rested upon her shoulders.
‪정말 고생 많았습니다‬that the hard part rested upon her shoulders.
‪[식기를 신경질적으로 달각인다]‬
‪그럼 나 이제 백화점으로 복귀…‬Then will I be going back to my position--
‪선거 끝날 때까지‬ ‪백 서방 옆에 있어 줘야지‬Then will I be going back to my position-- Until the election is done, it will be best to stay at his side.
‪그래, 네가 내조를 잘해야‬ ‪다 잘 풀리지‬Right. He needs your support as his loyal, loving wife,
‪엄마가 원하는 그림대로‬so that Mother's plan will pan out.
‪그럼 계속 백화점을‬ ‪언니한테 맡기겠다고?‬So you'll have Seo-jin keep running the department store?
‪면세점 투자 유치도‬ ‪백화점이랑 연동돼 있는데?‬The department store is closely tied to attracting investments in duty-free--
‪그 얘긴 그만하자‬The department store is closely tied to attracting investments in duty-free-- That's enough with that.
‪[웃으며] 오늘같이‬ ‪기분 좋은 날 즐겨야지‬Today is a day we should all relish.
‪백 시장을 위하여‬To Mayor Jae-min.
‪- (재민) 위하여‬ ‪- (칼 윤) 하이‬To Mayor.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪(앵커) 백재민 이사장이‬ ‪생방송 중에 돌발 행동으로‬ ‪[긴박감이 더해지는 음악]‬Baek Jae-min has won the hearts of voters with a romantic gesture during the anniversary of his foundation
‪유권자들의 감성을‬ ‪흔들어 놨습니다‬with a romantic gesture during the anniversary of his foundation
‪지지율 1위로 우뚝 올라섰는데요‬ ‪[그래프 변화 효과음]‬with a romantic gesture during the anniversary of his foundation and continues rising to the top of the polls.
‪자, 코르셋 혁명으로‬ ‪대한민국을 깜짝 놀라게 한‬and continues rising to the top of the polls. However, Attorney Oh Kyung-sook has taken the nation by surprise
‪오경숙 변호사‬However, Attorney Oh Kyung-sook has taken the nation by surprise with her corset revolution.
‪또 아내의 아픔까지‬ ‪감싸 안으면서‬with her corset revolution. The public lean towards Baek Jae-min as he displayed support to his wife
‪사랑꾼의 매력을‬ ‪제대로 보여준 백재민 이사장‬The public lean towards Baek Jae-min as he displayed support to his wife who has endured recent trauma.
‪자, 코르셋 여전사 대‬ ‪로맨틱한 아내 바보‬who has endured recent trauma. This election is expected to be a heated race,
‪개성 만점의 두 후보의‬ ‪양자 대결이 이번 선거의‬This election is expected to be a heated race, as the public gathers more information. It's the warrior Rhino…
‪- 관전 포인트가 될 전망입니다‬ ‪- (양 대표) 양자 대결이라니!‬It's the warrior Rhino… A race between the two?
‪이거 우린 안중에도 없구만, 어?‬They're not evening mentioning us at all!
‪서 의원!‬So what is it? You've not done anything to grab the attention of the voters
‪이번 선거 흥행‬ ‪완전 참패입니다, 응?‬So what is it? You've not done anything to grab the attention of the voters in this election.
‪(의원1) 지금‬ ‪흥행이 문제겠습니까?‬Popularity isn't our only worry.
‪이번에 서 의원 하나만 믿고‬We were counting on this but didn't prepare any backup plans.
‪다른 카드는 준비도 안 해놨는데‬We were counting on this but didn't prepare any backup plans.
‪(의원1) 이러다‬ ‪시장 자리 뺏기는 건 둘째 치고‬We might end up losing the public's support to both the Korea Republican Party and the mayoral office.
‪민심까지 공화당에‬ ‪뺏기게 생겼어요?‬to both the Korea Republican Party and the mayoral office.
‪보좌관들 사이에‬We also hear certain talk that's in regards to your personal life now.
‪서 의원 사생활 문제도 올라오던데‬We also hear certain talk that's in regards to your personal life now.
‪무슨 일입니까?‬What is going on?
‪이러다가‬ ‪이거 뭐 폭탄 터지는 거 아니에요?‬It looks like a bomb is really close to going off.
‪오라버니‬You're the party leader,
‪말씀이 좀 심하시네요‬but you've stepped over a line there.
‪제 덕에 입에 풀칠하고 계시면‬ ‪그 입은‬Considering how I'm the one who keeps you and yours afloat,
‪밥 먹는 데만 쓰셔야죠‬it wouldn't hurt you to keep your dirty mouth shut,
‪사생활까지 들먹이면서‬ ‪함부로 놀릴 게 아니라!‬instead of running it about my own personal dealings!
‪어디서 강아지 풀 뜯어 먹는‬ ‪소리 하고 있어!‬ ‪[의원들이 웅성댄다]‬You're gonna give me such bullshit?
‪- (의원2) 대표님, 참아요!‬ ‪- 뭐, 풀칠?‬-Take him outside! -Keep afloat?
‪(의원3) 아, 대표님, 일단 나가요‬-Take him outside! -Keep afloat? -Let's go! Come on! -How dare you?
‪(양 대표) 풀칠이라 그랬어? 어!‬-Let's go! Come on! -How dare you?
‪놔, 이거!‬-Let me go! -Outside!
‪[의원들이 양 대표를 말린다]‬-Let me go! -Outside!
‪(양 대표) 네가‬ ‪누구 덕에 3선이 됐는데!‬-Let me go! -Outside! -Who do you think you owe it to? -Sir, please don't!
‪[양 대표가 호통친다]‬ ‪- (의원3) 참으세요!‬ ‪- (의원2) 나가시죠‬-Who do you think you owe it to? -Sir, please don't!
‪- (양 대표) 당선된 게 누군데!‬ ‪- (의원3) 아이, 진정하십시오‬Who won the election, huh? What have I ever done wrong?
‪[양대표가 호통친다]‬Who won the election, huh? What have I ever done wrong?
‪어디로 가! 어?‬Where are you taking me, hmm?
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪[오묘한 음악]‬Where are you taking me, hmm?
‪경선 받아‬Accept the race, and
‪그럼 수호 일로‬ ‪더 문제 삼지 않을 테니까‬no more Soo-ho blackmailing, I guarantee it.
‪경선에서 우리 밀어내고‬You want to remove us, and then Baek Jae-min is your opponent.
‪백재민이랑 붙어보겠다?‬You want to remove us, and then Baek Jae-min is your opponent.
‪알면 협조해‬Yes. Will you oblige us?
‪황도희‬Hwang Do-hee.
‪경선이라는 게‬ ‪그렇게 간단한 문제가…‬Do you really think that insisting on this--
‪서민의 종‬Seo Min-jung…
‪30대 청년 예술가와 밀회‬caught with musical prodigy in steamy, secret affair.
‪치정인가, 치기인가, 치욕인가!‬Desire, carelessness, and utterly disgraceful!
‪이 정도 가십이면‬I believe gossip like that
‪사람들 자극하기‬ ‪충분할 거 같은데?‬is certainly gonna rile up the electorate.
‪기자들이랑 공유할까?‬Should I take it to the reporters then?
‪경선 받으시죠‬Say yes to the pre-election.
‪그것밖엔 답 없습니다‬It's the one option we have.
‪저쪽에서 수호 카드 쥐고 있어요‬They still got Soo-ho to threaten us.
‪경선 받으면‬Did they promise you
‪수호 문제 까발리지 않는다고‬ ‪공증이라도 해준대?‬they won't go to the magazines, should I accept it?
‪지금까지도 황도희 그년한테‬ ‪뒤통수 계속 맞았잖아‬It appears your Hwang Do-hee has done nothing but betray us.
‪의원님‬ ‪[책상을 쾅 내리친다]‬It's tricky.
‪[숨을 몰아쉬며] 아님‬Stop!
‪니들 둘이 진짜 한패니?‬Are you and your ex-wife collaborating?
‪내 숨통 완전히 끊으려고‬Are you just planning to use Soo-ho to put an end to my career forever?
‪수호 핑계 대서‬ ‪황천길로 끌고 들어가는 거야?‬Are you just planning to use Soo-ho to put an end to my career forever?
‪그럼 다른 방법 있으십니까?‬So what better path have we got?
‪이번 선거 실패하면‬There's more at stake here, ma'am.
‪의원님 숨통만 끊기는 거 아닙니다‬A whole lot of us will be at risk, should we lose.
‪지금까지 의원님한테 힘 실어드린‬It would mean a death blow for everything we worked towards.
‪우리 원로 의원들, 대표 당원들‬It would mean a death blow for everything we worked towards. For all the elders, and all the people in the lowest places in the party.
‪저처럼 밑바닥에서‬ ‪의원님 받쳐드린 참모진들‬For all the elders, and all the people in the lowest places in the party.
‪거기에 우리 당 자존심까지‬For me, who supported you, and the pride that unites the party.
‪전부 다 끝장나는 겁니다‬For me, who supported you, and the pride that unites the party.
‪[분노한 숨소리]‬
‪저 양반들 이기는 쪽이‬ ‪내 편인 사람들이에요‬Those men in there, they'll only support the victor.
‪(중석) 의원님이‬ ‪오경숙 밀어내기만 하면‬Just defeat Oh Kyung-sook, and I promise
‪수호 문제는 당 차원에서‬ ‪목숨 걸고 막아드릴 겁니다‬the party is gonna do everything possible to keep Soo-ho quiet.
‪그게 다 같이 사는 길이니까‬Since that's our only chance.
‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪저 서민정‬I, Seo Min-jung…
‪저 오경숙은‬And I, Oh Kyung-sook…
‪국민개혁당‬ ‪서울시장 경선 후보로서‬Swear to engage in an honest contest against my opponent
‪선의의 경쟁을 치르겠습니다‬to become the People's Reform Party's mayoral candidate.
‪대한민국의 뜨거운 심장‬To help make Seoul a source of pride to all of us in Korea.
‪서울의 발전을 위해‬To help make Seoul a source of pride to all of us in Korea.
‪사랑하는 서울 시민 여러분의‬ ‪행복을 위해‬To create a Seoul full of joy and beauty for all.
‪한마음, 한뜻으로‬Hereby, we announce to you our full agreement
‪시민 참여 경선에 참여할 것을‬ ‪선언합니다‬Hereby, we announce to you our full agreement to enter into a pre-election to choose a winner.
‪[웅장해지는 음악]‬
‪천 회장은?‬Has she answered?
‪여러 번 연락드렸는데‬ ‪회신이 없으시네요‬Chairperson Cheon hasn't answered any of our calls.
‪하! 속 좁은 여편네‬She's so petty and bitter.
‪제가 그쪽 비서진하고 접촉해서‬ ‪조만간…‬-I'll call up her assistants when I-- -Just let it go.
‪아, 놔둬‬-I'll call up her assistants when I-- -Just let it go.
‪지지율 올라가면 먼저 연락하겠지‬She'll call as soon as my approval ratings increase.
‪[민정 탄성]‬ ‪[스릴 있는 느린 음악]‬Ohh! Ooh!
‪[민정 웃음]‬
‪(민정) 그분이시로구나‬So it's you.
‪말로만 듣던‬The infamous
‪황, 도, 희‬Hwang Do-hee.
‪인사가 늦었습니다‬A late introduction. I'm sorry.
‪재벌 집 개로 살던 버릇 못 고치고‬You've dug deep in order to find a bit of dirt.
‪내 뒤까지 살벌하게 캤던데?‬A habit as a conglomerate lapdog, huh?
‪(민정) 혼 좀 나야겠어요‬You should be taught a lesson,
‪이 동네에서‬if you want to continue
‪목숨 부지하려면?‬to exist in this part of town.
‪기대하겠습니다‬I can't wait for that.
‪3선 의원다우신‬I'm really looking forward to this.
‪넉넉한 가르침‬I'll learn from your expertise.
‪눈 안 깔어?‬Lower your eyes!
‪(민정) 눈 깔어‬You dare look straight at me?
‪눈 깔어!‬Lower your eyes!
‪이게 어디서 나서?‬ ‪이 머리에 피도 안 마른 게!‬Don't you lay a hand on me! Mind your damn business!
‪이번이 마지막입니다‬Out of respect for your position,
‪3선 의원의 품격을 배려해서‬I will just simply ignore the slapping this one time, and that's it.
‪정중하게 맞아드리는 거‬I will just simply ignore the slapping this one time, and that's it.
‪뭐?‬-What? -Let's go.
‪- (동주) 가시죠‬ ‪- (민정) 이게 어디서…‬-What? -Let's go. How dare--
‪이런 싸가지 없는 놈의 새끼!‬You audacious little bastard!
‪야, 중석아, 중석아!‬You audacious little bastard! Hey, Joong-seok. Joong-seok!
‪야, 너 쟤 가만둘 거야? 응?‬Are you just gonna let him get away with it? Huh?
‪(도희) 참!‬Right.
‪천 회장님께서 출마 기념 파티를‬ ‪마련해 주셨는데‬Oh, it turns out Chairperson Cheon wants to celebrate our candidacy together.
‪감사하지만 사양한다고‬ ‪전해주시겠습니까?‬Could you tell her we're grateful but have to decline?
‪저희는 천 회장님 후원 받을‬ ‪생각이 없어서‬There's no intention from our side to accept her support.
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[시동 소리]‬
‪(민정) 회장님! 회장님!‬ ‪[익살스러워지는 음악]‬Ma'am! Ma'am!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Ma'am! Here!
‪여기요!‬ ‪[기침]‬Here!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[민정이 웅얼댄다]‬-Watch your step. -Be careful.
‪- (민정) 회장님!‬ ‪- 회장님, 조심히 내리세요‬-Watch your step. -Be careful.
‪조심히 내리세요‬Ma'am!
‪[민정이 숨을 몰아쉬며 기침한다]‬Ma'am!
‪(민정) 회장님!‬Ma'am, please!
‪[연이은 민정의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪갈수록 매너가 형편없어지는구나‬You do grow more ill-mannered each and every day.
‪구둣발로 내 잔디를 짓이기다니‬You're walking on the green in those heels?
‪[숨찬 신음]‬
‪아, 회장님‬Listen, ma'am.
‪회장님‬Please listen.
‪살려주십시오‬I need your help, please.
‪생방송에서 공개적으로‬ ‪내 화학 공장을 날려놓고‬You said the plant I own should close during a debate that was aired nationally.
‪살려달라?‬And now I should care?
‪[숨차하며] 오경숙이‬Oh Kyung-sook…
‪오경숙이 페이스에 말린 겁니다‬Oh Kyung-sook was tricking me, I swear.
‪생방송에서‬Just imagine that I was protecting the chemical plant.
‪화학 공장 지키겠다고 하면‬Just imagine that I was protecting the chemical plant.
‪선거에서 불리해지고‬I would drop behind in the race.
‪그래서 시장 자리 놓치면‬And then I couldn't get into office, which hurts you as well.
‪그 회장님도…‬And then I couldn't get into office, which hurts you as well.
‪혓바닥이 길어지는 걸 보니‬Judging from your long-winded excuses,
‪죽을 때가 된 거 같구나‬it must be your time to go.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(민정) 회장님‬Ma'am.
‪오경숙이는 안 됩니다‬Oh Kyung-sook can't be it.
‪회장님 은혜 입고‬ ‪시장 된다고 해도‬Should she become mayor, even if you were to go and help her,
‪화학 공장‬Should she become mayor, even if you were to go and help her,
‪절대 보전 안 할 겁니다‬she certainly would shut down the plant.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬she certainly would shut down the plant.
‪그래서?‬And what?
‪이번 한 번만 저 믿고 도와주시면‬If you support me this one last time, I'll swear on my own li-- No!
‪제 목숨 걸고, 아니!‬If you support me this one last time, I'll swear on my own li-- No!
‪제 새끼 목숨까지 걸고!‬Also on the life of my daughter.
‪화학 공장 지켜드리겠습니다‬I will protect that crucial plant.
‪제 실력 아시지 않습니까?‬You know I'm very good at my job.
‪알다마다‬Yes, of course.
‪내 돈이 네 실력인데‬My money doesn't hurt, does it?
‪내 돈 없었으면‬And if it weren't for that, there's not a way that
‪반반한 얼굴 하나로‬And if it weren't for that, there's not a way that
‪정치판에서‬ ‪얼굴마담이나 하던 네가‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬you could have served three terms as assemblywoman
‪무슨 수로‬ ‪3선까지 올라올 수 있었겠니?‬when you were nothing but a pretty figurehead.
‪그래서 이번엔 나도‬This time, I intend to see how capable you really are.
‪네 진짜 실력을 좀 봐야겠다‬This time, I intend to see how capable you really are.
‪이번 경선‬You win this alone and without my help. Let's see what you're made of, my dear.
‪내 도움 없이‬You win this alone and without my help. Let's see what you're made of, my dear.
‪네 힘으로 한번 이겨봐라‬You win this alone and without my help. Let's see what you're made of, my dear.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪괜찮으세요?‬Are you all right?
‪[분노한 숨소리]‬
‪경선 무조건 이길 거야‬I'll win, no matter what.
‪오경숙이 부모, 형제‬Oh Kyung-sook's parents, her children…
‪애새끼부터‬ ‪조상 무덤까지 파내서 뭐든 찾아와‬Get anything we can use to make her bleed, no matter how bad.
‪티끌 하나라도 나오는 순간‬Get anything we can use to make her bleed, no matter how bad. The second I find a fault in that woman,
‪내가 그거 끝까지 물고 늘어져서!‬The second I find a fault in that woman, I'll drag her to hell's deepest depths, and it'll end her career on all fronts!
‪내가 그년 끝장낼 테니까!‬I'll drag her to hell's deepest depths, and it'll end her career on all fronts!
‪[분노한 숨소리]‬I'll drag her to hell's deepest depths, and it'll end her career on all fronts!
‪- 아유, 잘 먹었습니다‬ ‪- 응, 그래요‬-That was great. -Glad to hear it.
‪- 네, 잘 먹었습니다‬ ‪- 응‬-Yeah, delicious as always. -Thank you.
‪국수 하나 주세요‬ ‪[식기가 달각댄다]‬Can I get noodles, yeah?
‪아유, 예, 어서 오세요‬Hi. Yes, welcome. How are…
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬Uh, great to see you again.
‪잘 지내셨어요?‬Uh, great to see you again.
‪와, 김치 맛있겠다‬ ‪새로 담았어요?‬The kimchi looks great. You made it just now?
‪[짜증 내는 신음]‬Don't you touch it!
‪손대고 있어‬Not for you.
‪[웃으며] 이모님‬Come on, Auntie. Can you please hear me out?
‪제 얘기 좀 들어보세요‬Come on, Auntie. Can you please hear me out?
‪아, 가‬Get out!
‪나는 할 말도 없고‬ ‪들을 말도 없으니께‬There's nothing for us to talk about. You get that? On your way now!
‪가란 말이여‬There's nothing for us to talk about. You get that? On your way now!
‪(여자1) 어여 가!‬Go. Get lost!
‪장사 방해하지 말고!‬Stop disturbing my business, ruining my good mood.
‪[그릇을 달각댄다]‬ ‪어이구! 재수 없어‬Stop disturbing my business, ruining my good mood.
‪어이구‬-The nerve! -Come on, Auntie.
‪이모님‬-The nerve! -Come on, Auntie.
‪[남자1 짜증 내는 신음]‬ ‪[경숙 비명]‬Please. How dare you show your face around here? Why?
‪여기가 어디라고 기어들어 와!‬How dare you show your face around here? Why?
‪(남자1) 왜!‬ ‪이젠 표까지 구걸하려고?‬Are you going to beg for votes now?
‪참 뻔뻔하다!‬Shameless of you, isn't it?
‪[목소리를 떨며] 네, 저한테‬ ‪마음 안 좋으신 거‬I know that me being here is really…
‪다 알고 있습니다, 이해합니다‬It's upsetting for you that I'm here.
‪근데 저 이번에‬ ‪서울시장 출마하는 거‬You know, in running for the office of mayor of Seoul,
‪정말 여기 상인 분들‬ ‪이런 분들 지켜드릴려고…‬I'm only trying to protect the merchants here and other ordinary--
‪(협회장) 개소리 말아!‬I'm only trying to protect the merchants here and other ordinary-- Cut the bullshit!
‪개소리 말라고!‬Cut the bullshit now!
‪야, 오경숙이‬Hey, Oh Kyung-sook. You think you're talking to idiots?
‪우리가 등신 같냐?‬Hey, Oh Kyung-sook. You think you're talking to idiots?
‪너 이 시장 재건축해 준다는‬You threw dirt on a good man, Baek Jae-min,
‪백재민이 나쁜 놈 만들고‬when he promised to redevelop this market,
‪서민들 표 받아먹을려고‬ ‪수작 부리는 거 아니야!‬all so you can collect the necessary votes from the working class!
‪이게 어디서 개수작이야, 이게!‬Don't you try and shove it down our throats!
‪회장님‬Please, sir, I beg you.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪그거 아니에요‬ ‪회장님, 제 얘기 좀…‬That's really not what this is about. I--
‪어딜 잡아, 이 드러운 손으로!‬-Don't you touch me with your dirty hands! -We don't want your help!
‪(여자2) 당신 도움 필요 없으니까‬ ‪꺼져!‬-Don't you touch me with your dirty hands! -We don't want your help! Get lost!
‪[상인들이 소리 높여 비난한다]‬Get lost!
‪[아득히 들리는 시장 소리]‬
‪저게 서민 영웅의 한계지‬That's your fate when people see you as their hero.
‪오염됐다고 낙인찍히는 순간‬ ‪같은 편한테 돌팔매질당하는‬The minute that you're tainted in their eyes, your own people will become enraged and attack.
‪불쌍한 인생‬What a sad life.
‪[상인들이 비난한다]‬
‪- 다 절로 가!‬ ‪- (여자2) 어머, 어머, 얘!‬You're a traitor! How do you sleep-- Go away! Why are you pushing her, everybody, huh?
‪왜 길바닥에서 사람을 잡는데!‬ ‪[상인들이 웅성댄다]‬Go away! Why are you pushing her, everybody, huh?
‪- 현우야‬ ‪- (남자2) 그 애미에‬-Hyun-woo. -Like mother, like son!
‪그 아들이라고, 어?‬-Hyun-woo. -Like mother, like son! What a shame! Look at the kid's temper there, huh!
‪성질 더러운 거 봐, 저거! 어?‬What a shame! Look at the kid's temper there, huh!
‪그래! 나 오경숙 아들이다!‬Yeah. I'm Oh Kyung-sook's son!
‪그니까 뒤지기 싫으면‬Yeah. I'm Oh Kyung-sook's son! So unless you got a death wish, you better stay away, you asshole!
‪우리 엄마 건들지 말란 말이야‬ ‪이 새끼야!‬ ‪[상인들이 웅성댄다]‬So unless you got a death wish, you better stay away, you asshole!
‪(경숙) 이놈의 새끼야‬ ‪이게 뭐 하는 짓이야, 어?‬You little brat! What are you thinking, huh?
‪[상인들이 비난한다]‬You little brat! What are you thinking, huh?
‪어르신들한테!‬ ‪이렇게 배웠어, 너?‬That's not how I taught you to speak your elders!
‪사과드려, 빨리!‬Now apologize!
‪죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry. I apologize.
‪죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬I'm terribly sorry. I'm sorry.
‪[현우 분노한 숨소리]‬I'm terribly sorry. I'm sorry.
‪사과 안 해! 어?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Apologize. Now.
‪[현우가 씩씩댄다]‬ ‪[상인들이 웅성댄다]‬
‪(남자3) 아휴, 저 봐‬ ‪저, 저, 저, 저, 저, 아휴‬Goodness! Would you look at that? I can't believe it.
‪(여자3) 자식이나‬ ‪똑바로 키워야 될 거 아니여, 어?‬Goodness! Would you look at that? I can't believe it. You can't even raise your kid right!
‪(경숙) 현우야!‬Hyun-woo!
‪강현우, 강현우!‬Kang Hyun-woo! Kang Hyun-woo!
‪[현우와 경숙의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Kang Hyun-woo! Kang Hyun-woo!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪엄마 좀 봐봐, 현우야‬Just look at me, please, Hyun-woo.
‪- (경숙) 현우야‬ ‪- 하, 동네북이야?‬-Hyun-woo. -Why do you let them do that?
‪엄마가 동네북이냐고‬Why do you let them harm you?
‪왜 쪽팔리게‬ ‪길바닥에서 맞고 있는데?‬Why are they beating you up? It's embarrassing!
‪엄마 얘기 좀 들어봐‬Will you hear me out, please?
‪시장 어르신들이…‬The thing is they're not--
‪좋은 세상 만드는 거라며?‬You told me I had to accept it all
‪(현우) 그니까 이해하라며?‬because you're fighting for a better world.
‪내 생일‬Graduations,
‪입학식, 졸업식, 운동회‬ ‪전부 쌩까고 못 오는 것도‬and birthdays, ceremonies, athletic meets, you skipped it all.
‪힘없는 사람들 지켜주느라‬ ‪그런 거니까 양보해 달라며?‬And you said I should let it go because you were out protecting the weak.
‪근데 겨우 이거야?‬So what is this?
‪뒤지게 욕먹고‬Strangers mobbing you.
‪싸우고 목숨 걸고‬ ‪뛰어내린 것도 모자라서‬A constant burden on you. You jump to your death, and they beat you now too.
‪처맞기나 하고‬You jump to your death, and they beat you now too.
‪내가 엄마 포기한 대가가‬ ‪겨우 이거냐고‬I had no mom because this is what you chose!
‪아이고‬Uh, wait.
‪미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪(경숙) 강현우‬Kang Hyun-woo.
‪엄마가 미안해, 어?‬I'm very, very sorry. Yeah?
‪미안하면‬Well, if you are,
‪관둘 거야?‬are you gonna quit?
‪[애원하듯] 현우야‬Hyun-woo.
‪두고 볼게‬So I'll wait then.
‪얼마나 좋은 세상 만드는지‬I'll wait to see the world you're creating.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[음악에 긴장감이 더해진다]‬THE LEAH COMPANY
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪(사회자) 잠시 후‬ ‪아시아 최고의 랜드마크‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬Attention, please. The fifth investor's conference
‪은성면세점 신사옥 '더 헤븐'의‬for The Heaven, the new Eunsung duty-free shop
‪제5차 투자 유치 설명회가‬ ‪시작되겠습니다‬as well as Asia's number one landmark, will begin shortly.
‪귀빈 여러분들께서는‬A quick hello to our guests. I ask that you now take your seats, if you will,
‪진행자들의 안내에 따라서‬ ‪착석해 주시면‬A quick hello to our guests. I ask that you now take your seats, if you will,
‪대단히 감사하겠습니다‬A quick hello to our guests. I ask that you now take your seats, if you will, so that we may now commence.
‪은성면세점 신사옥이‬ ‪완공되는 순간‬"Eunsung will complete its duty-free shop, and Seoul will turn into a heaven on earth. In this part…"
‪서울은 아시아 최고의‬ ‪천국으로 거듭날…‬ ‪[구두 소리]‬and Seoul will turn into a heaven on earth. In this part…"
‪회장님, 준비 끝났습니다‬They're ready for you, Chairperson.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪얼마나 모였지?‬How many will attend?
‪현장에 방문해 주신 내빈부터‬Counting everybody, those who will be here
‪화상으로 참석한‬ ‪해외 투자자까지 합치면‬as well as the investors joining us online, 890 in total.
‪총 890명입니다‬as well as the investors joining us online, 890 in total.
‪(비서) 지난번 투자 설명회보다‬ ‪두 배 정도 늘어난 인원입니다‬It's twice the amount of people we had at our last conference.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪[웃으며] 백 서방이‬ ‪시장 출마한 효과를‬Well, it seems that this is us reaping the rewards
‪이렇게 보는구나‬of Jae-min running.
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪엄마 취향에 맞췄어‬I've dressed the way you like.
‪채령이는‬ ‪잉꼬부부 코스프레까지 하면서‬Chae-ryoung's ready to pretend to be in love to secure her share,
‪이 자리 지키려고 용쓰는데‬Chae-ryoung's ready to pretend to be in love to secure her share,
‪나도 욕심 한번 내보려고‬so shouldn't I also make an effort?
‪선의의 경쟁은 좋은 거지‬A little contest never hurts, does it?
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[홀로그램 등장 효과음]‬ ‪[박수]‬
‪'헤븐 오브 아시아'‬Heaven of Asia!
‪은성면세점 신사옥‬Eunsung's completion of this project, The Heaven, will make history again.
‪헤븐이 완공되는 순간‬Eunsung's completion of this project, The Heaven, will make history again.
‪서울은‬Seoul will become heaven on earth right here in Korea.
‪아시아 최고의 천국으로‬ ‪거듭날 겁니다‬Seoul will become heaven on earth right here in Korea.
‪(영심) 헤븐을 통한 은성그룹의‬ ‪향후 10년간 예상 흑자액은‬Over the next ten years, The Heaven is expected to bring Eunsung a profit of
‪9억 5천만 달러‬just under a billion dollars.
‪[박수]‬just under a billion dollars.
‪(영심) 헤븐을 중심으로 구축된‬The businesses and the school district that will be built around The Heaven
‪상권, 학군, 삶의 질은‬ ‪모두 최상급으로 유지되며‬The businesses and the school district that will be built around The Heaven and the quality of life for local residents will be second to none.
‪아파트, 쇼핑몰, 오피스 등‬The infrastructure in the area, including apartments, shopping malls, and offices,
‪주변 인프라 또한 모두‬The infrastructure in the area, including apartments, shopping malls, and offices,
‪은성그룹의 재원으로 채워집니다‬will be occupied by Eunsung subsidiaries.
‪은성그룹에 속할수록‬The Eunsung Group is a good ally to have.
‪천국에 가까워지는 삶‬And if you're our ally, you will taste heaven.
‪그 고귀한 꿈의 세상으로‬I hope I'll get to embrace all of you
‪여러분들을‬in this world
‪모십니다‬beyond paradise.
‪백재민, 백재민, 백재민!‬Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min!
‪[환호]‬Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min! SANGAH MARKET
‪[소곤댄다]‬ ‪[우아한 음악이 흐른다]‬-It's remarkable. -Yes. Must have had a vision. -Impressive. -Thank you very much.
‪- (투자자) 멋지네요‬ ‪- (영심) 감사합니다‬-Impressive. -Thank you very much.
‪그런데‬Though I gotta say,
‪저 세상에‬ ‪들어갈 수 없는 빈곤층이‬you'll certainly get resistance from the poor who will not be able to afford that lifestyle.
‪귀찮게 하진 않을까요?‬who will not be able to afford that lifestyle.
‪헤븐 주변을 개발하시려면‬I'd have to say that building Heaven requires you
‪먼저 거기 살고 있던 서민들부터‬to first kick out all the people currently living here.
‪밀어내야 될 거 같은데‬You'll have some issues.
‪희망을 던져줘야죠‬You see hope is all that's needed.
‪가난하고 나약한 영혼들도‬There is no one that can refuse
‪은성그룹의 손을 잡으면‬the notion that perhaps someday,
‪천국에 갈 수 있다는‬no matter how poor you are,
‪부자로 만들어 주겠다는‬ ‪달콤한 약속에‬fate will grant you an existence of extreme wealth and riches,
‪굴복하지 않는 인간은‬where the world is right there in your hands,
‪없으니까요‬if you join Eunsung.
‪[거룩한 음악]‬This market I stand in today, as your Baek Jae-min,
‪상아시장 재건축, 저 백재민이!‬ ‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬This market I stand in today, as your Baek Jae-min,
‪반드시 이루어드리겠습니다!‬will get its restoration, I swear it.
‪이 상아시장 누구 겁니까?‬I ask this of you. This market belongs to who?
‪바로 여러분들 것입니다‬I ask this of you. This market belongs to who? To all of you, of course.
‪여러분의 눈물‬This market is built by your dream.
‪피와 땀‬This market is built by your dream.
‪젊음을 쏟아부은‬You all poured your sweat, your blood into it.
‪여러분의 인생이죠‬You all poured your sweat, your blood into it.
‪그 인생의 터전을‬As I stand here today, I swear the market you created,
‪여러분과 여러분의 아들딸‬ ‪그들의 아이들까지‬As I stand here today, I swear the market you created, this great legacy, will see growth that's gigantic.
‪뿌리내릴 수 있는 그런 세상‬this great legacy, will see growth that's gigantic.
‪그 천국의 문을‬And you'll grow as well.
‪저 백재민이‬I will open the mighty gates to our heaven!
‪반드시 열어드리겠습니다!‬ ‪[환호]‬I will open the mighty gates to our heaven!
‪[사람들이 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min!
‪(재민) 안녕, 몇 살이야?‬How old are you, huh?
‪[재민 즐거운 탄성]‬ ‪[환호가 더욱 커진다]‬
‪(재민) 감사합니다!‬Thank you!
‪열심히 하겠습니다!‬I will do my best!
‪[사람들이 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬
‪참 서글프죠?‬It's a very sad picture.
‪(초롱) 저 순진한 사람들‬ ‪[환호]‬All those naive people
‪진짜로 부자 되는 줄‬ ‪알고 있을 텐데‬really believe they'll end up rich.
‪그 환상을 이용한 거지‬He's exploiting their fantasy.
‪나를 믿으면 이 고단한 인생에서‬ ‪벗어날 수 있다‬"Trust me, for I shall put you out of your miserable life."
‪백재민 쇼맨십이나 보여주려고‬ ‪부르신 건 아닐 거고‬I assume you wanted me here for something more than just observing this circus?
‪재를 좀 뿌리려고‬I asked you to be here, Cho-rong,
‪[스릴 있는 음악]‬to ruin this asshole's big day.
‪저 가증스러운 잔칫상에‬to ruin this asshole's big day.
‪영국령 버진아일랜드에‬ ‪기반을 두고 있는‬It was reported that The Leah Company, a multinational organization
‪다국적 기업 리아컴퍼니가‬It was reported that The Leah Company, a multinational organization based in the Virgin Islands,
‪서울의 그린벨트 부지에 대한‬seems to have been given the rights to develop a greenbelt area in Seoul,
‪재개발 사업 허가권을‬ ‪취득했다는 소식입니다‬seems to have been given the rights to develop a greenbelt area in Seoul, slipping under the radar somehow.
‪(초롱) 상아지구와 순정지구 등‬Districts such as Sangah and Soonjung,
‪현재 리아컴퍼니가 토지소유권을‬ ‪보유하고 있는 지역은‬Districts such as Sangah and Soonjung, which The Leah Company has the development rights over,
‪서울시의 서민형 보금자리 아파트‬were originally scheduled to have five million apartment units built
‪5백만 호가 들어서기로‬ ‪예정돼 있던 곳인데요‬were originally scheduled to have five million apartment units built for low-income families.
‪(초롱) 국내에 기반이 전혀 없는‬ ‪낯선 해외 기업에‬Why was an area that was supposed to become a home for the citizens of Seoul
‪서울 시민의 보금자리가‬Why was an area that was supposed to become a home for the citizens of Seoul given to a foreign corporation with no roots in Korea?
‪고스란히 넘어가게 된 이유는‬ ‪무엇일까요?‬given to a foreign corporation with no roots in Korea?
‪리아컴퍼니의 정체가 궁금해집니다‬The question now is, who is behind this corporation called The Leah Company?
‪아, 예, 고맙습니다‬Oh, thank you very much.
‪(영심) 자리가 사람을 만든다고‬They say a man's position changes him.
‪우리 부시장님도 이제 제법‬That's what they commonly say, Deputy Mayor.
‪소통령 태가 나시는구만?‬That's what they commonly say, Deputy Mayor. You're worthy to go the top now.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬You're worthy to go the top now.
‪회장님 덕분에‬ ‪제가 과분한 자리에 앉아 있습니다‬Oh, well, Chairperson Son, it's really because of you if I am.
‪[웃음]‬Oh, well, Chairperson Son, it's really because of you if I am.
‪[숨을 깊게 들이쉰다]‬
‪사재곤이가 먹다 남은 여물통‬ ‪끌어안고‬Yes, you've had quite a trouble-free run so far, haven't you?
‪편하게 세월 보낸 건 알겠다만‬Feasting on what was left in Sa Jae-gon's trough.
‪이젠 예전처럼 가만히 받아먹을‬ ‪생각만 해선 안 되지?‬So I think it's time you did some payback for the food that's been given to you.
‪(영심) 나한테 날아오는 화살을‬You will protect me by throwing yourself in front of that derailed truck
‪온몸으로 막아서라도‬ ‪충성심을 보여줘야‬You will protect me by throwing yourself in front of that derailed truck that's quite quickly approaching.
‪나도 자네 여물통을‬ ‪보존해 주지 않겠나?‬If you'd like to keep on feeding out of that trough, that is.
‪미국 물 먹고 있는‬ ‪자네 처자식까지‬Wouldn't you prefer that your children remain in the United States?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪죄송합니다, 회장님‬ ‪바로 시정하겠습니다!‬Truly, I am sorry about it. Please consider it done, ma'am.
‪기자회견 하시게‬Get the journalists together.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪서울시는 리아컴퍼니와‬Seoul and The Leah Company have never had a relationship together
‪그 어떠한 유착 관계도‬ ‪맺은 적 없으며‬Seoul and The Leah Company have never had a relationship together is what we'll say,
‪근거 없는 의혹 때문에‬and that you have no intentions for now
‪리아컴퍼니에서 진행 중인‬ ‪재개발 공사를 중단하거나‬and that you have no intentions for now to try and withdraw their authorization to build or hinder their schedule,
‪인허가를 취소할 의사가‬ ‪전혀 없다고‬to try and withdraw their authorization to build or hinder their schedule, due to the baseless accusations brought on to them.
‪여부가 있겠습니까‬Of course I will.
‪내일 오전에 바로 기자회견 해서‬Of course I will. I'll hold a press conference first thing tomorrow.
‪회장님께서 알려주신 대로‬ ‪잘 전달하겠습니다, 예‬Your message is going to get delivered, ma'am.
‪(영심) [웃으며] 그렇지, 그렇지‬Yes, there's a good dog.
‪내가 주는 사료만 잘 받아먹으면‬As long as you eat right out of my hand, my dear,
‪탈 날 일이 없단다‬your health is never in danger.
‪[영심 웃음]‬
‪이제, 어, 서울시에서는‬ ‪어, 어‬"Currently, the government of Seoul
‪리아컴퍼니 매각에, 매, 매각한‬"Currently, the government of Seoul is in the process of looking at the permit that, um…
‪서울시 재개발 부지에 대한‬ ‪특혜 의혹을 확인 중에 있으며…‬that The Leah Company was granted here to build and redevelop."
‪오케이, 오케이, 어‬Okay, okay. Should be all right. Got it.
‪알았어, 아, 참‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Okay, okay. Should be all right. Got it. Damn it!
‪손 회장님 말씀 토씨 하나‬ ‪안 빼고 넣은 거 맞지? 응?‬So Chairperson's words are completely incorporated, right?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪눈 빠지도록 확인하셨잖아요‬So Chairperson's words are completely incorporated, right? -You've checked over and over again, sir. -Oh, I did, yeah.
‪어, 그런가?‬-You've checked over and over again, sir. -Oh, I did, yeah.
‪혹시 몰라서 은성 쪽 기자들‬ ‪몇 명 심어 놨으니까‬-You've checked over and over again, sir. -Oh, I did, yeah. Also, I invited Eunsung-friendly reporters for today, to be absolutely certain.
‪그냥 마음 편하게 하세요‬Also, I invited Eunsung-friendly reporters for today, to be absolutely certain.
‪(보좌관) 아, 부족한 멘트는‬ ‪그쪽이 채워서 기사 뿌릴 테니까‬They'll embellish the articles if we miss anything.
‪좋아, 가자고, 응‬-Good. Let's go. -Hmm.
‪[문이 벌컥 열린다]‬-Good. Let's go. -Hmm.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(앵커) 잠시 후‬ ‪김정도 서울시장 권한 대행이‬Kim Jeong-do, the acting mayor of Seoul, will shortly begin the press conference on the issue of the alleged privilege…
‪서울시의 리아컴퍼니 특혜‬ ‪의혹에 대한 해명 기자회견을…‬will shortly begin the press conference on the issue of the alleged privilege… The deputy mayor isn't gonna do anything silly, is he?
‪설마 부시장이‬ ‪장난치는 건 아니겠지?‬The deputy mayor isn't gonna do anything silly, is he?
‪(앵커) 김 권한 대행 측에선‬ ‪오늘 기자회견을 통해…‬The deputy mayor isn't gonna do anything silly, is he?
‪무능한 놈이지, 바보 아니야‬He's just incompetent. I bet he's smarter than that.
‪[뉴스 보도가 계속된다]‬He's just incompetent. I bet he's smarter than that.
‪[영심 웃음]‬
‪이번 기자회견만 잘 끝나면은‬If this conference will go as expected,
‪상아지구 공시지가‬ ‪하향 조정 할 참이다‬the Sangah District is getting a little decrease in land value.
‪엄마‬But Mom, that means the sale price will go down too.
‪그럼 분양가도 반토막 날 텐데?‬But Mom, that means the sale price will go down too.
‪[웃으며] 기분이다‬I'm being generous.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬I'm being generous.
‪백 서방 당선만 되면‬With Jae-min taking his place as mayor soon,
‪서울시 그린벨트가‬ ‪전부 내 품으로 들어올 텐데‬Seoul's greenbelt areas will be all mine eventually.
‪집 한 칸 없는 서민들한테‬ ‪이 정도 선물은 해줘야지‬So perhaps the poor should get a little relief with their rent.
‪네, 잘 생각하셨습니다‬Yes, this is a good plan.
‪본인들에게 해롭다고 생각하는‬ ‪군주가 뜻밖의 은혜를 베풀면은‬The commoners were prone to express deep gratitude, in case the emperor was being temporarily kind and generous.
‪한없이 고개를 숙이는 게‬ ‪서민들 본성이죠‬in case the emperor was being temporarily kind and generous.
‪그 은혜의 효과를‬ ‪오랫동안 볼 수 있도록‬I'll hand out some kindness to the poor folks out there.
‪아주 조금씩 천천히 베풀 겁니다‬In the long run, I'll certainly get to reap the benefits.
‪윤 선생께서‬Until you ensure that Jae-min will be the new mayor of the city of Seoul.
‪우리 백 서방‬ ‪시장 만들어 주실 때까지요‬Until you ensure that Jae-min will be the new mayor of the city of Seoul.
‪[웃으며] 예‬Yes.
‪(앵커) 김정도 서울시장…‬
‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬You can count on me.
‪(앵커) 기자회견장으로‬ ‪들어서고 있습니다‬You can count on me.
‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[기자회견장이 소란스럽다]‬
‪먼저‬First of all,
‪최근 서울시와‬I need to start with an apology to every single person in our city
‪[심각한 음악]‬ ‪해외 기업 간의 결탁 의혹이‬ ‪불거진 데 대해‬I need to start with an apology to every single person in our city about the mentioned allegations that the Seoul government
‪서울 시민 여러분께‬about the mentioned allegations that the Seoul government
‪매우 송구하다는 말씀을 올립니다‬was colluding with a foreign corporation.
‪(도희) 어제 오후‬Yesterday,
‪은성그룹 손 회장님 안가에서‬you visited the house of the head of Eunsung.
‪13시 40분부터‬ ‪15시 30분까지 머무셨죠?‬Your visit started at about half past one o'clock and lasted for almost two hours.
‪(도희) 두 분‬ ‪꽤 심각해 보이시던데‬It seemed like you had a very serious talk.
‪혹시 오늘 기자회견 소집하신‬ ‪이유랑 연결돼 있나요?‬Did this little discussion have anything to do with your upcoming press conference?
‪아니, 지금 무슨 소리를…‬I don't know what you're saying.
‪IBC 김초롱 기자 아시죠?‬IBC's Kim Cho-rong, you know her?
‪(도희) 김 기자한테‬ ‪이 사진 파일 전송할까요?‬Should I go ahead and send her this photo?
‪리아컴퍼니의 실소유주가‬The Leah Company is almost guaranteed to be in the same hands as Eunsung,
‪은성그룹 오너 일가로‬ ‪강력하게 의심되며‬The Leah Company is almost guaranteed to be in the same hands as Eunsung, as far as we know.
‪김정도 서울시장 권한 대행이‬ ‪그 의혹의 중심에 있다‬Kim Jeong-do, Seoul's current acting mayor, is at the center of this controversy, yeah?
‪전송 버튼 누르는 순간‬This photo's gonna go out today,
‪이 정도 헤드라인은‬ ‪매끄럽게 뽑힐 텐데‬and you know that's gonna be the newspaper's headline.
‪(도희) 이걸로 하시죠, 기자회견‬You should read this at the press conference instead.
‪현재 서울시에서는‬Currently, the Seoul government
‪리아컴퍼니에게 매각한‬ ‪서울시 재개발 부지에 대한‬is doing its work to investigate a permit that the so-called Leah Company was given to build here.
‪특혜 여부를 확인 중에 있으며‬that the so-called Leah Company was given to build here.
‪서울 시민 여러분의‬ ‪많은 우려와 관심을 고려해‬The citizens of Seoul have voiced extreme concerns about this,
‪다음 시장이 당선될 때까지‬and now a hold is in place
‪리아컴퍼니의 재개발 공사 허가를‬on The Leah Company's current permit in this area
‪잠정 중단 하기로 결정하였습니다‬until Seoul's citizens have chosen a new mayor.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(정도) 또한‬Additionally,
‪현재 약 70일 앞으로 다가온‬the 39th mayor of Seoul
‪제39대 서울시장 보궐선거에서‬ ‪당선될 차기 시장이‬to be elected in the by-election, which is now only 70 days away,
‪해당 공사 재개 여부를‬ ‪결정하는 것으로‬will decide the future of the redevelopment in its entirety.
‪그 권한을‬It's in their hands alone, whether it will happen or not.
‪모두 위임하겠습니다‬It's in their hands alone, whether it will happen or not.
‪(기자1) 시장님‬ ‪해외 기업과 결탁 의혹이‬Mr. Mayor, what if it revealed that the city had colluded
‪사실로 밝혀지면‬ ‪앞으로 어떻게 되는 건가요?‬Mr. Mayor, what if it revealed that the city had colluded with The Leah Company?
‪(기자2) 매각된‬ ‪재개발 부지에 대한 특혜 의혹은‬When will we know if the district was unfairly sold to the company?
‪언제쯤 밝혀지는 건가요?‬was unfairly sold to the company?
‪(기자3) 공사가‬ ‪재개되지 않는다면…‬What if construction work doesn't resume?
‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬What if construction work doesn't resume?
‪(앵커) 김정도‬ ‪서울시장 권한 대행은 서울시가‬Kim Jeong-do, the acting mayor of Seoul, has announced
‪리아컴퍼니에 매각한‬ ‪재개발 부지의 특혜 관련 여부를‬that the Seoul Metropolitan Government is currently investigating the fairness of the redevelopment permit given to The Leah Company.
‪확인 중이라고 밝히는 한편‬the fairness of the redevelopment permit given to The Leah Company.
‪해당 부지의 재개발 공사의 잠정…‬In addition, it is now said the development…
‪(영심) 얼마라고?‬How much, did you say?
‪(임원1) 상아지구 공사가‬ ‪중단될 경우‬If Sangah District redevelopment ends,
‪하루 발생하는 손실만 28억입니다‬ ‪[심각한 음악]‬then we will lose 2.8 billion won per day.
‪다른 지역은?‬And the other districts?
‪순정지구는 문제가‬ ‪좀 더 심각합니다‬The Soonjung District is worse, as far as we're aware.
‪리아컴퍼니 이름으로‬The loans we have received
‪국민연금에서 대출받은‬ ‪건설 비용을‬from the national pension under The Leah Company
‪이 전부 면세점‬ ‪공사 비용으로 썼기 때문에‬from the national pension under The Leah Company were all spent on the construction of the duty-free shop.
‪조사가 들어올 경우‬ ‪면세점에게도…‬If they were to conduct an investigation--
‪조사 못 하게 막으면 되잖아!‬If they were to conduct an investigation-- So put a stop to it before it starts, huh?
‪언제부터 아랫것들‬ ‪쑤셔대는 것까지‬Since when have we listened to peasants' complaints when doing business?
‪신경 쓰면서 사업했다고?‬Since when have we listened to peasants' complaints when doing business?
‪언론이나 여론이 문제가 아니라‬Public opinion or the press is secondary.
‪해외 투자자들로부터‬ ‪반응이 오고 있습니다‬Public opinion or the press is secondary. It's our investors abroad who are getting spooked.
‪(임원1) 서울시에서 저희랑‬ ‪선 긋는 모양새가 불안하다고‬They've been calling to withdraw their investment in the duty-free shop,
‪면세점 투자를‬ ‪캔슬하겠다는 연락이…‬worried about the Seoul government pulling away from us--
‪[도희부의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[도희 옅은 웃음]‬
‪아버지‬All right, Dad.
‪생신 축하해요!‬All right, Dad. It's your birthday. Whoo!
‪고맙습니다, 선생님‬I'm thankful you did this, ma'am.
‪에이, 아버지‬Oh, come on now.
‪딸내미한테 선생님이 뭐야‬You know I'm your daughter, not ma'am, okay?
‪우리 딸내미는 시집갔는데?‬Yes, you are, my dear. You got married, didn't you?
‪여기 잘생긴 신랑한테‬Right here, to this handsome man in the photo.
‪[도희부의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪아휴, 아버지‬Oh Dad, come here.
‪조금만 기다려‬Hold on a bit longer.
‪내가 할 수 있는 건 다 동원해서‬You know I'll find a donor for you.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬You know I'll find a donor for you.
‪이식자 찾고 있으니까‬Just hang in a bit longer, yeah?
‪[도희부 한숨]‬
‪더 살면 뭐 하겄냐‬What's the point of continuing on?
‪너하고 마 서방한테 짐만 되는데‬I know I'm only a burden to your husband and you.
‪우리 손주는 잘 크고 있제?‬Tell me, how is my grandson doing?
‪[도희부 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪[바퀴 소리]‬ ‪[서정적인 음악]‬
‪아이고, 따님 오셨네‬-Oh. -Hi. Oh, your daughter's here.
‪[간병인 웃음]‬-Oh. -Hi. Oh, your daughter's here.
‪네, 아주머니‬Hello there, miss. Your hard work is astounding.
‪고생 많으시죠?‬Hello there, miss. Your hard work is astounding.
‪아유, 내가 뭘‬ ‪환자분이 제일 고생허시지‬Oh, now then, don't you mention it. I give him my best.
‪[웃음]‬Oh, now then, don't you mention it. I give him my best.
‪(간병인) 아이, 그나저나‬ ‪어떻게 따로 오셔?‬How come you two came on different days?
‪[웃으며] 어‬You know…
‪아이, 어제‬I mean, your husband came by alone yesterday afternoon.
‪서방님 왔다 갔잖어‬I mean, your husband came by alone yesterday afternoon.
‪[웃으며] 아‬ ‪[간병인 웃음]‬Ah.
‪[간병인 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- (간병인) 이쪽 손이요‬ ‪- (도희부) 응‬Other hand, please.
‪[간병인 힘주는 신음]‬
‪아주머니‬Thank you, miss. And keep treating my father as you do.
‪저희 아버지 잘 좀 부탁드릴게요‬Thank you, miss. And keep treating my father as you do.
‪무슨 일 있음‬ ‪언제든 연락 주시고요‬Please let me know should something occur.
‪(간병인) [웃으며] 네‬ ‪걱정하지 마세요‬Please let me know should something occur. Sure. Don't you worry.
‪[웃음]‬Sure. Don't you worry.
‪[새소리]‬ ‪[개가 짖는다]‬
‪(동주) 뭐 합니까, 지금?‬ ‪[도희의 놀란 숨소리]‬What are you doing?
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪뭐가?‬What's going on?
‪말도 없이 어디 갔었냐고요‬ ‪전화도 안 받고‬You were just gone, I didn't know where, and you didn't pick up.
‪무슨 일 생겼니?‬You were just gone, I didn't know where, and you didn't pick up. Is anything wrong?
‪본부장님이‬ ‪제 시야에서 사라지는 게‬For you to disappear out of sight like that is a really terrible thing.
‪저한테 최고 대박 사건이거든요?‬For you to disappear out of sight like that is a really terrible thing.
‪본부장님이 잘못되면 그 타격은‬If something were to happen to you, you know, this could really seriously hurt Ms. Oh.
‪고스란히‬ ‪우리 후보님이 받으실 텐데‬you know, this could really seriously hurt Ms. Oh.
‪제가 신경이 쓰이겠어요?‬ ‪안 쓰이겠어요?‬How could I not care to know your location?
‪뭐, 뻔히 알면서 밀당하시나?‬So are you playing hot and cold with me?
‪밀당할 기운도 없다, 피곤해서‬What I can tell you is I'm tired. I'm not playing anything.
‪밥은요? 밥 먹었어요?‬What about lunch? Did you have lunch yet? A certain someone ruined mine, you know.
‪난 누구 땜에 쫄쫄 굶었는데‬What about lunch? Did you have lunch yet? A certain someone ruined mine, you know.
‪(동주) 에이, 안 먹었으면‬ ‪같이 먹으러 가요‬Let's go eat together if you haven't yet.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪뭐야, 니들?‬Who the hell are you?

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