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  나쁜엄마 11

The Good Bad Mother 11


- [ 이놈의 새끼 - [삼식 아이

-You punk. -What the…

[ 니가 이놈의 새끼야?

-You punk. How could you do that? -What's wrong with you?

사람 새끼여이놈의 새끼야? - [삼식뭐여 이래 이려?

-You punk. How could you do that? -What's wrong with you? -How could you? -What's with you?

[삼식  그려참어

-How could you? -What's with you? -Calm down. -I mean,

[ 아니다른 사람도 아니고

-Calm down. -I mean, of all people,

강호 불쌍한 놈한테 그러고 싶냐고!

how could you do that to Kang-ho, that poor kid?

 새끼가  불쌍한디?

Why do you pity him?


-What? -He got all the attention

[삼식공부 잘하고 똑똑하다고 '강호강호'

-What? -He got all the attention for being smart and getting good grades.

바보 돼서 불쌍하다고 '강호강호'

And now he's getting all the attention because he's become an idiot.

 엄니 사랑도 차고 넘치는디

As if his mom's love isn't enough,

이건 옆집 아줌니까지 환장을 혔네환장을 혔어

even the lady next door dotes on him.


You were always too busy with the mill to make me a birthday meal,

방앗간 바쁘다고 미역국  번을  끓여 주더니

You were always too busy with the mill to make me a birthday meal,

강호 서울대 입학혔을 

but when Kang-ho got into SNU,

아예 방앗간 문까지 닫고 잔칫상을 차려 줬잖여!

you even closed the mill and threw him a feast!

아유자식은 난디

Darn it, I'm your kid, not him.

[ 내가 누구 때문에 그러고 살았는디

Why do you think I did that?

잘난  옆에 있으면

I thought you'd benefit a little

모지리 같은  새끼  하나 줏어 먹을까 싶어 가지고

if you were around a smart kid like him.

내가 드럽고 아니꼬워도

It was humiliating and frustrating,

내가 그러고 참고 살았어

but I still put up with everything.

[흐느끼며내가 내가 그렇게 버텼건만

That's… That's how I held out.

- [ 씨의 울음] - [삼식 아휴울고 그려

That's how I held out. Why are you crying? You're breaking my heart. It's all right.

정말 속상허게 괜찮여괜찮여

Why are you crying? You're breaking my heart. It's all right.


Why are you crying? You're breaking my heart. It's all right.

너는 이놈의 새끼야?

Hey, you punk. Why are you making my woman cry?

 넘의 여자는 울리고 지랄인 ?

Hey, you punk. Why are you making my woman cry?

돈이  필요혔어

I needed some money.

[삼식일을 할래도

I wanted to work,

깜빵 댕겨 와서 어디 하나 받아 주는 디도 없고

but I couldn't get a job anywhere with my criminal record.

얼마가 필요한 ?

How much do you need?

[삼식 얼마인디말혀 !

How much do you need? Tell me!


… - [삼식 이백이여?

-Two… -What? Two million won?!

- [유쾌한 음악] - 이백?

Two million won?!

[  쌍놈의 새끼가 이백씩이나

You cursed punk! Two million won?!

[삼식의 한숨]

[삼식아이고이게 누구여?

Look who it is.

 사랑 미주

My love Mi-joo…

[예진엄마우리 진짜 어디 ?

Mom, where are we going?

아침 댓바람부터 어딜 가는 

Where is she going this early?

- [삼식의 한숨] - [휴대전화  소리]







그러지 말고 얼른  먹고 준비하자?

Let's eat and get ready.

[영순 있으면 손님 온다니까

We'll be having a guest soon.

[영순의 한숨]

 엄마 이렇게 속상하게  거야?

You're upsetting me right now.

- [새가 지저귄다] - [예진엄마어디 ?

Mom, where are we going?

[차분한 음악]

여긴 강호 오빠네잖여

This is Kang-ho oppa's place.





[속상한 소리]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[ 울리는 소리]

[긴장한 숨소리]






Mom? Mom.


Mom! Mom!

[여자가 서툰 억양으로혹시 여기가 최강호   맞나요?

Excuse me. Is this Mr. Choi Kang-ho's place?


Yes. This is it.

누군지 알고 함부로 개인 정보를 흘리냐!

Don't give out his personal information to a stranger!

그짝은 누구신데 우리 강호 오빠를 찾아요?

Who are you and why are you looking for him?

저는 후앙이라고 합니다

My name is Hoang.

[후앙오늘 찾아뵙기로 했는데

I'm supposed to meet him today, but I couldn't get in touch.

연락이  돼서

but I couldn't get in touch.

[문이 드르륵 열린다]

but I couldn't get in touch.

[강호가 다급하게엄마엄마



Mi-joo, my mom…

엄마엄마가엄마 - [미주의 놀란 소리]

Mi-joo, my mom… -What? -Mom…

[강호의 다급한 소리]



Ms. Jin!

- [강호엄마얼른 - 아줌마정신 차려 봐요

-Mom, please. -Ms. Jin, wake up.

얼른엄마 - [미주아줌마어떡해

-Mom. -Ms. Jin! -Oh, no. -No…

[후앙그렇게  흔들면  돼요

-Oh, no. -No… -Don't shake her like that. Please move. -Sorry?

비켜 보세요 - [미주

-Don't shake her like that. Please move. -Sorry? Okay.

[강호의 긴장한 숨소리]

[미주의 다급한 소리]

She's in hypovolemic shock.

- [후앙하이포볼로믹 쇼크예요 - [통화 연결음]

She's in hypovolemic shock.


Hello? I'm calling from Jou-ri.

여기 조우리인데요 응급 환자예요

Hello? I'm calling from Jou-ri. We have a medical emergency.

[후앙강호 두꺼운 이불하고 베개  갖다주세요

Kang-ho, bring me a thick blanket and pillows.

이불하고 베개

Okay, a blanket and pillows. -A blanket… -How long will it take?

[미주그러면 얼마 정도 걸릴까요?

-A blanket… -How long will it take?

여기  급하거든요

It's an emergency.

최대한 빨리  부탁드릴게요 

Please come quickly. -Yes. -Lift up her legs so the blood

[후앙피가 심장으로 몰릴  있게

-Yes. -Lift up her legs so the blood

 다리  들어 주세요 - [강호다리다리

-can get to her heart. -Legs.

- [후앙 높이요오케이 - [강호 높이 높이

-Higher. -Higher. -Okay. -You two go wait at home.

[미주너희는 집에  있어?

-Okay. -You two go wait at home.

[예진강호 아줌마 죽은 거야?

Is Ms. Jin dead?

그런  아니야걱정하지 

No. Don't worry.

서진아예진이 데리고 얼른 집으로 

Seo-jin, go home with Ye-jin.




Good. Get home safely.


Ms. Hoang.

아줌마 20 정도    있죠?

-Can you stay with her for 20 minutes? -Yes, of course.


-Can you stay with her for 20 minutes? -Yes, of course.

강호야  어디 있어?

Kang-ho, where's the car key?


Kang-ho, where's the car key? The car key?

[밝은 음악]


[타이어 마찰음]

[사이렌 소리]

[확성기  경찰1]  6169 분홍 포터 차량

License plate 6169, pink truck.

우측으로 정차하세요 속도위반입니다

Pull over to the right. You're speeding.

6169, 정지하세요!

License plate 6169, pull over!

얼레따라붙어 - [경찰2] 

-Pull up next to them. -Yes, sir.

- [경찰1]  , 6169! - [경찰2] 멈춰!

What are you doing? -Pull over. -Can't you hear me?

[경찰1]  들려속도위반이여!

-Pull over. -Can't you hear me? You're speeding!

아저씨도와주세요! - [경찰1] ?

Sir! Please help us! -What? -My mom just collapsed.

엄마가 쓰러졌어요

-What? -My mom just collapsed.


It's hy… Hy… Hypovolemic shock.

하이포볼로믹 쇼크

Hypovolemic shock.

하이포볼로믹… ?

Hypovolemic… What?

- [후앙하이포볼로믹 쇼크! - [경찰2] 뭐라는 ?

-Hypovolemic shock. -Hype? What are you saying?

하이포볼로믹 쇼크!

What are you saying? Hypovolemic shock!

- [경찰1] … - [강호하이포볼로믹 쇼크래요!

-What? -She's in hypovolemic shock!

언능 언능  - [경찰2] 

-Hurry up and go. -Yes, sir.

[확성기  경찰1]  응급 환자 후송 중입니다

We're escorting an emergency patient.

  비켜 주세요   비켜 주세요!

Please make way.

[의사빨리 라인 잡자

-Put her on IV. -What's wrong with my mom?

[강호엄마 이래요어디 아픈 거예요?

-Put her on IV. -What's wrong with my mom? Why is she ill?


Why is she ill? I'm sorry, but please wait outside.

보호자분은 잠시 밖에서 기다려 주세요

I'm sorry, but please wait outside.

[강호싫어요  여기 있을래

No, I want to stay here.

[미주나가 있자 그래야 아줌마 치료받을  있어

Let's wait outside so that she can get treated.

[ 떨어지는 소리]


Thank you.

응급조치해 주신 덕분에 무사히 도착했어요

We arrived safely thanks to your first aid.

감사는 제가 드려야죠

I should thank you.

앰뷸런스  기다리고 바로 출발한 덕에

You drove her here without waiting for the ambulance,

저희 어머니 빨리 치료받을  있었어요

so my mother-in-law could get treated quickly.

[멋쩍게 웃으며

I see.

- [후앙많이 놀라셨죠? - [흥미로운 음악]

-Hey. -Here. You must be in shock.

병원 왔으니까 이제 안심해도 돼요

We're at the hospital now, so you can relax.


Thank you.

[후앙의 멋쩍은 숨소리]

근데 누구세요?

By the way, who are you?

정신이 없어서

I didn't get to introduce myself in the midst of this chaos.

인사도 제대로  드렸네요

I didn't get to introduce myself in the midst of this chaos.

[후앙 오늘 강호  만나기로  후앙이에요

My name is Hoang, and we were supposed to meet today.

[간호사진영순  보호자님!

Ms. Jin Young-soon's guardian?


-Yes? -Yes?

 예전에  가게 하나  달라고 혔지?

You wanted to open a clothing store, didn't you?

내가 그거   테니께

I'll open one for you,

가게  구퉁이에 네일  자리 하나 만들어

but make a small space in a corner for a nail salon.

[ 누가 너보고 허랴미주가  거여미주

It's not for you! It's for Mi-joo!

마늘밭이건 뭐건   팔아서   테니께

I'll sell my garlic field and whatever else to fund it,

니가 미주랑 쌍둥이들 책임지고 델고 

so take Mi-joo and the twins and look after them.


Your sister

 있다가는 신세 조질 판이여

will be ruined if she stays here.

- [와장창 깨지는 소리] - 오메


[ 아이고썩은 내여 아이고

Goodness, it smells rotten.

홀애비 냄새가 진동을 허네

It smells like an old man.




Are you here?


My goodness, this place reeks.

[웅장한 효과음]

이게  뭐여?

What's all this?

[고독한 음악]


Baek Hoon-ah!

[ 씨의 못마땅한 소리]

Goodness! What the hell are you doing?

이게  지랄이여!

Goodness! What the hell are you doing?


Serves you right.

벌받은 이놈아

You're getting punished.

[트롯 맞다 돼지 엄마 

Right, that pig lady.

걔는  어때요즘에

How's she doing these days?

구제역으로 계속 힘들다가 이제 겨우  추스렸제

The foot-and-mouth disease took a toll on her, but she's doing better now.

[트롯 그거 말고

Not that.

[ 그거 말고 아들내미?

Not that. Then what? Her son?

 여자는 진짜진짜  답답하네진짜!

That woman. Good grief, how frustrating!



그거 아직도 말을  했다고?

She hasn't told anybody?

[트롯 이게 아직도 비밀이라고?

She's still keeping it a secret?

그게  말이여?

What are you talking about?

- [무거운 음악] - 비밀이라니?

A secret?


She's critically ill?

[의사위암 말기 단계로

She has stage four stomach cancer.

암세포가 복막과 폐까지 전이돼서

The cancer cells have metastasized to her peritoneum and lungs,


so there's…


Excuse me.

[문이  닫힌다]


I'm sorry, Doctor,

 얘기는 저하고 하세요

but please speak with me.


It's tough for him to understand what you're saying right now.

지금 선생님 말씀을 이해하기가  어려울 거예요

It's tough for him to understand what you're saying right now.

저는그러니까  친구랑 같은 동네에 사는

I'm a friend of his and--

[강호아니요 저한테 말씀해 주세요

No. Please speak with me. I want to hear it.

제가 들을 거예요

Please speak with me. I want to hear it.

제가제가 우리 엄마 보호자예요

I'm… I'm my mom's guardian.

[문이  열린다]

- [문이  닫힌다] - [미주강호야잠깐만

Kang-ho, wait.



[강호미주의 가쁜 숨소리]


Mom, get up.

엄마일어나요 나랑 가자얼른?

Mom, get up. Come with me.

[강호엄마나랑 집에 가자

Mom, let's go home.

- [미주강호야 이래? - [강호의 거친 숨소리]

Kang-ho, don't do this.

[강호나랑 집에 가자엄마

Come home with me, Mom.

엄마빨리  뜨라고!

Mom, open your eyes!

[강호의 거친 숨소리]



엄마내가 잘못했어요?

Mom, I'm sorry.

 엄마가 시키는 대로  할게요

I'll do as you say from now on.

 이제 검사  할게요엄마

I won't… I won't be a prosecutor anymore.

엄마그러니까 일어나 봐요빨리

Mom, please get up.

[미주강호야이러지 말자?

-Kang-ho, stop it. -Mom.


Mom, I won't like Mi-joo anymore, just as you wanted.

 엄마가 원하는 대로  미주도  좋아할게요

Mom, I won't like Mi-joo anymore, just as you wanted.

[강호 이제 미주  좋아할 거예요엄마

I won't like Mi-joo anymore.


Mom, so please, wake up.

[흐느끼며일어나 봐요엄마

Wake up, Mom.

[휴대전화 진동음]


Hey, Andrea.

[어색한 웃음]

 이번에 소개 잘못 시켜   같아

I think you set me up with the wrong guy.


Is anybody…

누가 있긴 있시유?

up there?

거기 누가

Is anyone…

있기는 있냐고요

really up there?

아무리 '무심허다무심허다어떻게

I know you can be cruel,

이렇게까지 해유?

but this is way too harsh.


but this is way too harsh.

남편 잡어가고

Wasn't it enough

새끼 저렇게 만들었으면 됐지

to take her husband and make her son like that?

 착한 사람  죄가 있다고

What did that good woman ever do?



어째 죽으라고까지 해유!

How could you try to take her life too?



[ 씨가 흐느낀다]


[놀란 소리]

할머니도대체 어디 있었던 ?

Grandma, where have you been?

 동네 사방팔방  찾아댕겨도 없고

We looked everywhere for you.

강호 아줌마가 쓰러졌어요

Ms. Jin collapsed!


She collapsed? When?

아까 아침에 엄마랑 강호 오빠랑 같이

This morning. Mom and Kang-ho oppa took her to the hospital.

아줌마 델고 병원 갔어

Mom and Kang-ho oppa took her to the hospital.

[통화 연결음]


[미주당근  달라고 했어 얼른 먹어

Gimbap with no carrots. Eat some.

엄마가 김밥   사람들은

Everyone Mom made gimbap for

 집에  돌아왔대

never returned home.

[강호외할머니외할아버지 그리고 아빠도

Grandma, Grandpa, and Dad too.

[잔잔한 음악]

그래서  소풍  보낸 거래

That's why she never let me go on a school picnic.

나도  돌아올까 

She was afraid I wouldn't return.

그러니까 우리 엄마는 나쁜 사람 아니야

So my mom isn't a bad person.


You're right.

아줌마 나쁜 사람 아니야

She's not a bad person.

근데  우리 엄마 아파?

Then why is she ill?

나는 나쁜 사람이라서 벌받는 건데

I'm getting punished because I'm a bad person.

우리 엄마는  벌받아?

But why is my mom being punished?


No, Kang-ho.

너도 아줌마도

Neither of you

벌받은  아니야

is getting punished.


This is…

아무도 바라지 않지만

something that nobody wants,

누구에게나 일어날  있는 일이야

but something that can happen to anybody.


[미주강호 너가 아플 

Just as Ms. Jin was there for you

아줌마가 곁에서 지켜  것처럼

when you were unwell,

이젠 니가 아줌마 곁에서 힘이  줘야 

it's your turn to stay strong by her side.



[강호가 흐느낀다]



[강호가 끅끅댄다]

괜찮을 거야

She's going to be fine.

괜찮을 거야

She'll be okay.

[ 거기  떨어져!

Hey! Hey, get away from him!

[미주의 놀란 숨소리]

 벌건 대낮에  허는 거여이것들이!

What are you two doing in broad daylight?





안녕헐 상황은 아니고

I'm afraid I don't have time to exchange greetings.

엄니 어디 계시냐

Where's your mom?


[ 씨의 거친 숨소리]

여는 내가 있을 테니께

I'll stay here.

니는 어여 가서  새끼들이나 챙겨

You should go home and look after your kids.


Listen, Mom.

[미주의 아파하는 소리]

[ 언능  가냐?

Go home.

이년아  같은  쌍년 씨발

You darn brat. You crazy bitch.

 잡아  죽일… - [거친 숨소리]

I ought to…


Lead the way.

[미주의 아파하는 숨소리]

[미주의 한숨]

[간호사환자분 이러세요?

Ma'am, what are you doing?

이러시면  돼요

You can't do this.

- [영순놔요놔요 - [간호사의 놀란 소리]

Let go of me!

[영순의 거친 숨소리]



 이거 이거 맞으면   있어요?

Will I live if I get this IV shot?

여기 누워 있으면   있냐고요!

Will I live if I stay in bed?

[영순그럼 잡지 마세요

If not, let me go.

살아 있는 동안

Help me make the best use

남은 시간이라도    있게  도와주세요

of the time I have left.

제가… - [잔잔한 음악]

I have… I have no time to be here.

제가 지금 이러고 있을 시간이 없어요

I have no time to be here.

우리 아들 결혼할 사람 만나기로 했는데

I was supposed to meet my son's future bride today.


What time is it right now?


Goodness. Oh, no.

[영순의 거친 숨소리]

Oh, no.

[ 아이고시상에

My goodness.

[울먹이며아이고 아이고시상에이걸 어떡해

Goodness. My goodness, why is this happening?


My goodness. My goodness.


My goodness. Oh, no.


My goodness.

[등을 토닥이며이제 이제   만하다 했는디

Things were finally beginning to look up for you.

[ 씨가 흐느낀다]

[여자여기 밑에 뜯어진  보이시죠?

Do you see the tear here?

이래 놓고 찐퉁이라고 팔아요?

And you dare sell this as an authentic item?

 신고할까 하다 참는 거예요

And you dare sell this as an authentic item? I thought of reporting you but decided to refrain.

환불해 주세요

I want a refund.

정말 죄송한디

I'm so sorry,

[삼식그러니께  바느질이 이짝에서 그런 건지

but how do I know if there was something wrong with the stitch work

아님 그짝에서 그런 건지 확인할

because of what I did -or what you-- -I'll report it.

신고할게요 - [삼식생각은 전혀 없고요

-or what you-- -I'll report it. I'm not looking to nitpick over that.

일단 환불을  드릴라믄

I need cash to give you a refund,

당장 돈이 있어야 되는디

I need cash to give you a refund,

보시다시피  은행 잔고가

but as you can see, I don't have…

 있네요이백 - [삼식?

You have exactly two million. Sorry?


- [잔잔한 음악] - ?


[ 바빠 뒤지겄는디  전화질이여?

I'm busy. What do you want?

 허락도 없이 남의 통장에 돈을 넣고 그랴?

Why did you deposit money without my permission?

[ 갚어

-Pay it back. -Okay.


-Pay it back. -Okay.

근디 엄니

Mom, while you're at it, can you lend me some more?

이왕 갚을  좀만  빌려주면  되나?

Mom, while you're at it, can you lend me some more?

[통화 종료음]

Mom, while you're at it, can you lend me some more?

 쿨혀 엄니

Gosh, my mom can be so cool.

[의아한 숨소리]

워딜 봐도 새건디 누가 여따 이딴 짓을  

It looks brand new. Who did this to the bag?


What is this?

[찍찍 뜯어지는 소리]


What the…


What is this?

[흥미로운 음악]

'유전자 검사 결과지'?

"DNA Test Result"?

[경쾌한  소리] ♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

[영순의 가쁜 숨소리]

[휴대전화 조작음]

[통화 연결음]


Hello, Ms. Hoang.

나예요강호 엄마

It's me, Kang-ho's mom.

전화기가 없어서 번호를 알아야지

I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't call you.

[영순오늘 아침에는 정말 너무 미안했어요

I'm so sorry about this morning.

우리 아들이 그러는데

I heard from my son that you came to the hospital with him.

병원까지 같이 왔었다면서요

I heard from my son that you came to the hospital with him.



그게 무슨 소리예요?

What do you mean?




It's a misunderstanding.

미주는 그냥 어릴 적부터 친한 친구예요

Mi-joo is just a childhood friend. Don't be like that. Let's meet.

그러지 말고 일단 만나요 만나서 얘기해요

Don't be like that. Let's meet. Let's talk in person.

- [통화 종료음] - 후앙후앙 

Let's talk in person. Ms. Hoang?

후앙 ?

Ms. Hoang?

[옅은 한숨]

[강호엄마어디 가요?

Mom, where are you going?

거기 있어

Stay here.

 돼요엄마 지금 많이 아파요

No, Mom. You're very ill right now.



의사 선생님한테 말씀 들었지?

You heard it from the doctor, right?

엄마 지금 많이 아파

I'm very ill right now.

[영순그러니까 제발 여기 가만히 있어

So please, just stay here.

[흥미로운 음악]

[ 말혔냐?

Did you tell him?



예진이서진이 강호 새끼라고 말하러   아니여

Didn't you go to tell him that he's Ye-jin and Seo-jin's father?


I did.

적어도 아줌마는 아셔야 된다는 생각이 들었어

At the very least, I thought Ms. Jin should know.


Goodness. This is bad.



  했어아줌마 쓰러지셔서

I couldn't tell her because she collapsed.


You couldn't?

[ 아니   혔어?

Wait. You didn't tell her?

아이고 - [미주의 한숨]

Goodness gracious.

아이고천지신명님 감사합니다 아이고감사

Goodness gracious. Thank you, deities of heaven and earth.


What a relief.

You should

애들 델고 당장 큰언니헌티로 

take the kids and go live with your eldest sister.

언니랑 얘기  끝냈으니께

I talked to her, and she agreed.

  가서 네일  하고 살어

You can open up a nail salon there.




이제는 강호 하나도 아니여 강호 엄마까지 아프디야

It's not just Kang-ho anymore. His mom is unwell too.

줄줄이  수발만 하다 인생 조질 ?

Do you want to waste your life looking after people?


-Mom, come on! -Yes.

[ 그려내가  엄마다

-Mom, come on! -Yes. I'm your mom.

  인생 작살  판인디

And my daughter is about to ruin her life, so what wouldn't I say to stop you?

내가  소리를  !

And my daughter is about to ruin her life, so what wouldn't I say to stop you?



뭔가 오해했나 본데

You must be mistaken.


Listen carefully.

[미주 절대  사람한테  돌아가

I'm never getting back with him.

엄마가 생각하는 그런  절대 없다고

What you're imagining right now will never happen.


  새끼들만 보면서 행복하게  거야

I plan to live happily with my kids.

그치그럴 거지?

Right? You will, right?

근데  도망치지도 않을 거야

But… I won't run away either.

[미주내가  그래야 되는데?

Why should I?

우리 예진이서진이가  그래야 되냐고

Why should Ye-jin and Seo-jin do that?



[탕탕 두드리는 소리]

미주야안에 있니?

Mi-joo, are you there?

미주야 - [미주

-Mi-joo. -Yes?

아까 같이 병원 왔었다는  아가씨 있지

Do you remember that young lady who came to the hospital?

후앙 씨요

Yes. Ms. Hoang, right?


Yes, that's her.


She's going to

강호랑 결혼할 아가씨야

marry Kang-ho.


Yes, I know.

알아알고 있었다고?

You do? You already knew?

근데  그랬어?

Then why did you do that?


Sorry? What did I do?


I mean,

[영순도대체  어떻게 했길래  아가씨 입에서

what did you do to make her say

미주  때문에 결혼  한다 소리가 나오냐고

she won't marry him because of you?

- [차분한 음악] - 미주야


아줌마가 부탁했잖아

I asked you to help me.

아줌마 사정  얘기하고 제발 도와달라고 했잖아

I told you about my situation and asked you to help me.

그럼 적어도 초는 치지 말아야지

Then you shouldn't have ruined this.


Why do you

번번이 강호 앞길을 막냐고!

always ruin Kang-ho's future?

[대문이 덜컹 열린다]

누가 누구 앞길을 막어? - [미주엄마

Who's ruining whose future? Mom.

 해도 해도 너무허는  아니냐?

Don't you think you're crossing the line?


How could you torment my kid for the sake of your kid?

[ 어찌  새끼 위하느라고

How could you torment my kid for the sake of your kid?

남의 새끼 가슴에 대못을 박냐?

How could you torment my kid for the sake of your kid? Mom, stop it.

[미주엄마이러지 ?

Mom, stop it.

[ 옛날에!

You also did that when she got into that accident!

 사고 났을 때도 그려

when she got into that accident!

솔직히 따지고 보면

How was it her fault

강호 시험     미주 탓이여

that Kang-ho didn't take the exam?

다친 것도 서러운디!

She was hurt badly!

  새끼를 죄인으로 만드냐고!

Why do you blame everything on my child?

그려도   참았어

But I still put up with you

니가 어떤 마음으로 강호를 키우는지 내가 아니께

because I knew what you went through raising him.

근디 이렇게꺼정 헌다고?

Yet you're going this far?

누가 누구 앞길을 막았는지

Do you have any idea -who ruined whose future? -Mom! Stop!

 도대체 알고나 허는 소리여? - [미주엄마제발

-who ruined whose future? -Mom! Stop!

들어가라고제발 들어가빨리

Go back inside. Please!

[ 씨의 성난 숨소리]

-Darn it. -Go inside.


-Darn it. -Go inside. Go.


Go inside.

[삼식    가방 기억  ?

Take a good look. Don't you remember this bag?


I don't know.

[삼식에이에이 앉아 에이

Hey, sit back down.

  성의 없이 대답혀 아유진짜

Don't be so half-hearted again. Goodness.

이거 니가 니네 엄니   가방이랴

You gave this bag to your mom on the day you brought your fiancée to introduce to her.

결혼한다고 색시 데려온  말이여

on the day you brought your fiancée to introduce to her.

오태수 의원 

Assemblyman Oh's daughter.

내가 엄마   가방을  니가 가지고 있어?

Why do you have the bag I bought for my mom?

이것도 훔친 거야?

Did you steal this too?

아이그런  아니여

Of course not.

이거 니네 엄니가  엄니  가방이여

Your mom gave it to my mom.


I'm serious!

 믿겠으면 한번 확인해 줄까?

You don't trust me?


-Should I call my mom? -So what is it that you want to say?

그래서  말이 뭔데?

-Should I call my mom? -So what is it that you want to say?

[삼식그려  말을 하자믄

Yes, right. What I wanted to say was…

 이거 뭔지 알어?

Do you know what this is?

- [흥미로운 음악] -   ?

Take a good look.


I do.

[삼식그럼 혹시 이거 누구 건진 몰러?

-Do you know whose this is? -No.

- [강호몰라 - [삼식몰러

-Do you know whose this is? -No. Right, you don't.

- [염소 울음 효과음] - 

Right, you don't.

그려서 말인디

Well, while we're on the subject…



지금부터 우리가 이걸 같이  거여

We're about to look at this together. Why should I do that with you?

내가  그걸 너랑 같이 봐야 되는데?

Why should I do that with you?

그러니께 이걸  봐야 되냐믄

Well, because…

강호  검사 되고 싶다고 혔었지?

Kang-ho, you said you wanted to be a prosecutor.


Take a look.

'유전자 검사검사 결과지'

"DNA Test Result." It's a test result.

니가 검사가   있는 유전자인지 아닌지

It's a test that shows if you have the DNA

 결과가 여기 들어 있다는 거여?

to be a prosecutor. And the result is right in here. Got it?

 이제 검사  

I'm not going to be a prosecutor anymore.

[강호엄마가 싫어하셔

-My mom doesn't approve. -Darn it.


-My mom doesn't approve. -Darn it.

[염소 울음 효과음]

[삼식그려  거잖여

Yes, right. You won't, right?

그러니께 검사를  혀도 되는 유전자인지 알아보자고

So let's find out if your DNA says you don't have to be a prosecutor.


Please just do the damn thing.

여기 파일을 클릭하믄 - [마우스 클릭음]

When I click this file here,

그럼 이렇게 비밀번호를 쳐야 돼야

I have to type in a password.

뭔지 알어? - [강호] 0907

-Do you know it? -Zero, nine, zero, seven.


Zero, nine, zero, seven?


- [삼식일이 이렇게 쉽게 풀릴… - [시스템 알림음]

I didn't expect it'd go so smoothly…

리가 없잖여 새끼야

I knew it, you punk.

아니잖여 - [강호] 0312

-That's not it. -Zero, three, one, two.

03, 그럼 , 0312

Zero, three… Okay, zero, three, one, two.

- [삼식이번엔 왠지 느낌이 … - [키보드 조작음]

I have a good feeling… ENTER PASSWORD

조졌네 에헤조졌네이거

…about nothing. Damn it, that's not it either.

정신  차려!

Get it together!

다시 생각혀 빨리 - [한숨]

Think again. Hurry.

[휴대전화  소리]


 일단 이거 풀고 있어 

Keep trying.


Goodness, sir.

그러지 않아도 지금  전화를 드리려고

Goodness, sir. I was about to give you a call just now.

[강호그럼   얘기 나누십시오

I was about to give you a call just now. I'll let you talk alone then.

[흥미로운 음악]

[당황한 소리]


Darn it, what the heck?

나와 !

Move aside.


Sam-sik, look.




-No way! You opened it? -I…

열었어? - [강호그러니까

-No way! You opened it? -I… My gosh, Kang-ho! My dear Kang-ho!

아유우리 강호 아이고이쁜 강호

My gosh, Kang-ho! My dear Kang-ho!

아유똑똑한  새끼

My smart fiancée.



 어디 한번 보자?

All right, let's take a look.

[키보드 조작음]

[녹음  태수 전에

Before we do that,

서로 찜찜한  처리하고 가야 하지 않겠습니까?

we should get rid of everything -that can hurt us. -What?

[삼식뭐여동영상이 아니고 녹음 파일이잖여

-that can hurt us. -What? It's a voice recording, not a video.

[녹음  태수유전자 검사 진본

It's a voice recording, not a video. Will you get rid of the original DNA test result in front of me?

- [긴장되는 음악] -  앞에서 없애   있겠나?

Will you get rid of the original DNA test result in front of me?

- [녹음  우벽의 목소리] -  사람

-Come on. Getting rid of that paper -This guy.

[삼식 사람이  사람이 누구냐고 사람이

-Come on. Getting rid of that paper -This guy. -won't change anything. -Who's this? This guy.

[녹음  우벽진짜 없던 일로 맹글어 드릴 깁니다

He'll get rid of them as if they never existed.

우리 아들내미가

My son will do that.



[녹음  강호깨끗이 처리하겠습니다

I'll take care of it.

이건 강호 너다 그렇지?

That's your voice, Kang-ho. Right?

[녹음  강호그럼   말씀 나누십시오

I'll let you talk alone then.

뭐여끝난 거여?

Is that all?

[녹음  태수황수현을 없애자는 말씀입니까?

Are you suggesting that we kill Hwang Soo-hyun?

[녹음  우벽에미만 없애서 되겠습니까?

We can't just get rid of the mother.

얼라도 같이 보내야지요

The kid must go too.

뒤탈은 없겠지요?

This won't cause trouble, right?

[우벽의 웃음]

천하의 오태수 의원님께서

The mighty Assemblyman Oh Tae-soo is scared of something like this?

이런 일로 쫄리시는 깁니까? - [태수의 웃음]

The mighty Assemblyman Oh Tae-soo is scared of something like this?

[우벽걱정 마이소

Don't worry.

설사 무슨 일이 있다 캐도

Even if it does cause trouble later,

강호 저느마가  안고  깁니다

Kang-ho will take the fall.

그럴라고 있는  아입니까?

That's why I keep him around.

그럼   회장님만 믿겠습니다

Then I'll be counting on you, Chairman Song.

[녹음  우벽


[삼식이게  소리여?

What are they talking about?

[무거운 음악]

그럼 이게 오태수 의원 거란 말이여?

So this belongs to Assemblyman Oh Tae-soo?




This is it.

삼식아 - [삼식?


이거이거이거 뭐야?

What is this? Who are they? Why am I talking about this stuff with them?

 사람들 뭔데

Who are they? Why am I talking about this stuff with them?

내가  사람들이랑 이런 얘기를 ?

Who are they? Why am I talking about this stuff with them? I already told you.


I already told you.

오태수 의원 딸하고 너가 결혼을 할라고 혔었다고

You were going to marry Assemblyman Oh Tae-soo's daughter.

[의아한 숨소리]

그럼 황수현은 누구야?

Then who's Hwang Soo-hyun?

내가내가 어떻게  거야?

Did I do something to her?

너가 깨끗하게 처리하겠다매

You said you'd take care of her.

  어떻게 혔는디?

So what did you do to her?

[삼식설마 죽이거나 그런  아니지?

You didn't kill her or anything, right?

[SD 카드 분리음]

지금  하는 거여?

Hey. What are you doing?

이거  거잖아 - [삼식그래서  어떡할 건데?

-This is mine. -So what will you do?


I don't know.

근데 이게 뭔지는 알아야   같아

But I feel like I need to find out what this is.

혹시 엄마는 알지도 모르잖아

-My mom might know. -No.

[삼식아니여아니여아니여 아니여아니여

-My mom might know. -No. Hey, you idiot. Are you stupid?

 바보야 바보여?

Hey, you idiot. Are you stupid?

너희 엄니가 이걸 알믄

If your mom knew about this,

 가방을 요렇게  엄니한테 줬겄냐?

would she have given this bag to my mom?

아유아유물론   알어

I understand how you feel.

당연히 알고 싶겄지

Of course, you'd want to know.



요렇게 하자내가 알아봐 줄게

Let's do this. I'll find out for you.

니가? - [삼식

-You will? -Yes.

내가내가  사람들  직접 만나서 물어볼게

I'll meet and ask them myself.

- [흥미진진한 음악] - 생각혀 

Think about it.

혹시라도 너가 진짜 나쁜 짓을 혔을 수도 있잖여

There's a possibility that you really did something very bad.

그걸 너희 엄니가 알면 얼마나 충격이 크겄어

And if you did and your mom finds out, she'll be greatly shocked.


Don't you think so?

 이랴? - [강호 들어

-What are you doing? -Listen up.

 이거 뭔지  알아내야 

I have to know what this is.

그러니까    다시  속이고 이상한  하면

So if you deceive me and do something weird again,

진짜 가만   거야알았어?

I won't let it slide, okay?




Here's the password.

[삼식 [훌쩍인다]


- [키보드 조작음] - D, K, Q…

D, K, Q…


That spells "father."


[차분한 음악]

[강호엄마가 아파요

Mom is ill.

근데 아빠

By the way, Dad,

[산새 울음]

아빠는 누구예요?

who are you?

  무서운 말들을 듣는데

Why was I reminded of you

 아빠 생각이 나요?

when I heard those scary words?

 번도  적도 없잖아요

I've never even met you.

근데   아빠가 보고 싶어요?

So why do I miss you?

여기가 아빠

Why does my heart…

[먹먹한 숨소리]

너무 답답해요

ache so much?



아빠는 누구예요?

Who are you, Dad?

나는 누구예요?

And who am I?

 어떡해야 돼요

What do I have to do?

[영순우리 아들 여기 있었네?

There you were, Kang-ho.

[살짝 웃는다]

어때요기분 좋아요?

How are you? Are you happy?


 아빠 말이야

Your dad was really in love with me.

[영순엄마 진짜 좋아했다?

Your dad was really in love with me.


What? It's true.

[살짝 웃는다]

맨날 졸졸 쫓아다니면서

He used to follow me around

'안아 ', '뽀뽀해 '

asking me to hug and kiss him.


Gosh, it was so bothersome.

그냥 한시도  떨어졌다니까

He'd never spend a second away from me.

[영순의 힘주는 소리]

강호 너처럼 말이야

Just like you, Kang-ho.


그러고 보면 강호 니가 아빠를  많이 닮았어

Come to think about it, you take after your dad a lot.

고집부리는  하며

Your stubbornness

 하나에 꽂히면 끝장을 보는 거까지

and strong determination all come from him.

근데 아빠가

But your dad

그렇게 강한 것만은 아니었어

wasn't always that strong.

눈물은  어찌나 많은지

He cried very easily.

맨날 강호 니가  동그란 엄마 배를 붙잡고

He'd always rub my big belly while you were in my womb

보고 싶다고 울고 사랑한다고 울고

and cry saying he missed you, that he loved you,

미안하다고 울고

and that he was sorry.

그럼 강호 니가   발길질을 

Then you'd begin to kick in there.

'엄마 아빠 여기 있어요'

"Mom, Dad, I'm here."

' 안에서  보고 있어요'

"I can see everything from here!"

이렇게 대답하듯이

It was as if you were answering.



I wanted to

같이 행복하고 싶었는데

grow old together with him.

[잔잔한 음악]

함께한 시간이 너무 짧았네

But our time was cut very short.



나중에 말이야엄마 죽으면

Later on, when I die, please bury me next to your dad.

 아빠랑 같이 묻어 

when I die, please bury me next to your dad.

이제 엄마 아빠랑 오래오래 같이 있고 싶어

I want to be with him for a long time.


-Mom. -Kang-ho.

[영순우리 아들 결혼해서 애기 낳으면

-Mom. -Kang-ho. When you get married and have kids, will you visit us with them?

엄마 아빠 보여 주러  거지?

When you get married and have kids, will you visit us with them?

얼마나 이쁠까?

I'm sure they'll be adorable.

 애가 커서 학교를 가고 결혼도 하고

Your child will grow up, go to school, and get married.

우리 강호가 아빠가 되고 할아버지가 되는 모습까지

And you'll grow older and become a dad, and then a grandpa.

이제 엄마 아빠가  동그란  안에서

Mom and Dad will watch over you

지켜볼 거야

from this round mound.

아니지켜  거야

No, we'll protect you.


So Kang-ho,

그러니까 우리 아들 엄마 없어도 외로우면  ?

So Kang-ho, don't feel lonely even when I'm gone.

[먹먹한 숨소리]

 혼자가 아니야알았지?

You aren't alone. Okay?

엄마는  그렇게 나빠요?

Mom, why are you so mean?



I know, Mom.

나도  안다고

I know everything.

근데 그렇게   하면  돼요?

But do you have to say that?

그냥 '괜찮아아무것도 아니야'

Just say, "It's all right. This is nothing."

'이겨   있어나을  있어'

"I can fight this and win. I'll get better."

[강호그냥 이렇게 말해 주면  돼요?

Why can't you just say that?

 맨날 엄마는

Why do you always…

 맨날 여기가 아픈 말만 해요엄마?

Why… Why do you always say things that hurt me right here?

 맨날 나한테 힘든 것만 시키냐고

Why do you always make me do tough things?

 맨날  엄마 마음대로 해요?

Why do you always do everything your way?


밥하는 빨래하는 

Cooking, doing the laundry,

농장 은행 

farming, and banking. After you teach me everything like a mother pig,

엄마 돼지처럼  가르쳐 주고 나면

After you teach me everything like a mother pig,

혼자서 좋은 데로  거잖아요

you'll go somewhere nice without me.

[살짝 웃는다]


I don't want that!



[울먹이며 그럼 아무것도   거야

Then I won't do anything.

아니 그냥 아무것도  할래

No, I'd rather not know how to do anything.

그냥 평생   이렇게 바보처럼  거야

I'm just going to live my life like an idiot.

그러니까 엄마 아무 데도  가요

So Mom, you can't leave me!

[강호가 흐느낀다]


Mom, please.

제발 가지 마요엄마

Please don't leave me, Mom.

[살짝 웃는다]



Mom. Mom, just…

조금만조금만 천천히 가요

Just a little… Just stay a little longer.

- [살짝 웃는다] - [강호가 흐느낀다]



천천히 갈게

I'll take my time.


I will leave…

아주아주 천천히 갈게

very, very slowly.

[영순그러니까 우리 슬퍼하고 울고

So let's not be sad and let's not cry.

그러지 말자?

Let's not be like that.

우리 아들하고 행복하기에도

I want to spend every minute and second I have left

엄마는 1 1초가 너무 아까워?

being happy with you. Okay?

[ 두드리는 소리]


Who is it?


Gum-ja. I'm sorry.

아빠 없이 크는 강호가 불쌍해서

I felt sorry for Kang-ho for growing up without a dad.

빈자리  느끼게 키우려는 마음에

I didn't want him to feel his dad's absence,

이기적으로 굴었어요

so I've been selfish.

강호 아프고

After he became the way he is,

그게 얼마나 잘못된 사랑이었는지 알았으면서도

I finally realized my love for him was misguided.

지금까지 이러고 있네요

But I haven't really changed.

형님 말이 맞아요

You were right.

 새끼 귀한 만큼 남의 자식도 귀한 건데

Your child is as precious as mine.

제가 미주한테

I've hurt Mi-joo…

너무  상처를 줬어요

very deeply.

형님이 저한테 어떤 분인데

Even after everything you've done for me.

마음 아프게 해서 정말 죄송해요

I'm sorry for hurting you.

용서해 주세요

Please forgive me.




그렇다고 무릎을 꿇고 지랄이여

There's no need to kneel.

몸도 성치 않은  [훌쩍인다]

You aren't even well.

일어나일어나일어나 - [무거운 음악]

Get up. Stand up.

[ 아이고일어나 아이고일어나일어나일어나

Stand up already. Get up.

- [영순이 훌쩍이며형님 - [ 아이고


 진짜 죽어요?

Am I really going to die?


I'm scared.

[영순 어떡해요?

What do I do?


What do I do, Gum-ja?

  살려 주세요

Please let me live.

[흐느끼며  살려 주세요 형님

Please let me live.

  살려 주세요

Please help me live.

- [영순이 흐느낀다] - [ 아이고불쌍한 

Goodness, you poor thing.

[함께 흐느낀다]

[서럽게 운다]

[영순살려 주세요

Please let me live.

형님  살려 주세요

Please let me live.

 언젠간  손에 죽을 거다

One day, you're going to die by my hands.

 전에 먼저 죽을  같아요 떨려 가지고

I'll probably die of anxiety before then.

- [ 실장의 성난 숨소리] - [주민들의 좋아하는 소리]

-Goodness! -Hey! -This is amazing! -Excuse me.

- [ 테레비 나와테레비 - [  아니저기

-This is amazing! -Excuse me. Please give the brewery

우리 양조장양조장  많이 나오게   줘요

Please give the brewery -a lot of time on air. -Are you wearing makeup?

[이장테레비에 나올라믄 화장해야 된다믄서?

-a lot of time on air. -Are you wearing makeup? I heard you need to put on makeup to be on TV.

- [발랄한 음악] - [ 이장의 웃음]

지금까지 이런 경사가 없었지 뭐여

We've never had such a joyous occasion before.

우리 마을이 테레비에  나오고

I can't believe our village will be on TV!


I'm sorry to say this,

[ 실장죄송하지만

I'm sorry to say this,

저희가 방송 출연은  어려울  같습니다

but I don't think we can be seen on TV.

[이장 ?


봐요 말이 맞죠?

I knew it. I was right, wasn't I?

처음부터 수상하다 싶더니

I was suspicious of you from the moment we met.

어디서 나쁜  하고 숨어들어  있는 거예요

They're here to hide because they did something bad.

으이그 염병할 놈의 여편네가 그냥

What the hell is wrong with you?

[이장우리 조우리의 명예를 드높여 주신 귀한 분들헌티

Don't say something so dreadful about these wonderful men

그게  끔찍한 소리여?

who brought honor to Jou-ri.


Look at them.

이게 어디 나쁜   사람으로 보여?

Does he look like someone who's up to no good?

벌써  눈이 그냥 소눈이잖여소눈

His eyes are so kind, just like cow eyes.

[ 마침  냥반 성도 소씨래유

And his last name also means cow.

 얼매나 소여?

See? He's just like a cow.


See? He's just like a cow.

[주민들의 웃음]

[ 대리근데 저희가 딱히 노하우랄  없어서

Anyway, we don't have a particular secret.

진짜 그냥 물만 줬거든요

All we ever did was water them.



[ 실장물만  

We didn't…


just water them.

'막걸리가 발효가 되면서 호기성 토양이 되면'

"As makgeolli ferments, the soil becomes aerobic

'유익균이 많아져서 나쁜 병원균을 막아 냅니다'

and grows many beneficial bacteria and prevents diseases."

[ 대리진짜 멋있었어요 어떻게 그런 생각을

You were so cool. How did you come up with that?

빨리 짐이나 

Just pack up.

[ 실장방송 나가기 전에 회장님한테 용서 빌지 않으면

We have to beg the chairman for forgiveness before the program goes on air.

우리가  상추밭 거름 된다

Otherwise, we'll become manure for the lettuce.

[삼식] ♪  보자 ♪

Let's go

[신난 탄성]

♪ 서울을  보자 서울을  보자 ♪

Let's go to Seoul

- [ 대리? - [ 실장그냥 

Just go.


[ 실장자연스럽게 그냥 

Just drive by.


Just go.

그냥 !

Just go.

그냥 가는 거라고!

Just go!


Mr. Cha!

그냥 가면 진짜 수상하잖아요

We'll look suspicious if we just go.

인사만 살짝 하고 가죠

Let's say bye before we go.

[짜증 섞인 숨소리]



이야우리 어디 ?

So and Cha, where are you going?

잠깐 서울에 볼일이  있어서요

We have to go to Seoul for business.

서울? - [ 대리

-Seoul? -Yes.

[ 대리음악이라도 틀까요?

Should I play some music?

[날카로운 효과음]

Sorry, sir.


Sorry, sir.

[삼식이야나도 마침 서울 가는데

I was on my way to Seoul too.

잘됐지 뭐여?

Isn't this great?

혹시 저기 성북동이라고 아나?

Do you know where Seongbuk-dong is?

성북동  알죠

I know it rather well. Are you headed there?

성북동 가시는 길이세요?

I know it rather well. Are you headed there?

오태수 후보 

Yes, to Assemblyman Oh's place.

[타이어 마찰음]

[사람들의 신음]

[삼식운전을 아유놀래라

What's wrong with you? You scared me.

[ 대리오태수 의원 집은 왜요?

Why are you going there?

내가 그분 왕팬 지지자라서

I'm a huge fan and supporter,

[삼식파이팅  한번  드릴라고

so I wanted to show him my support.

요기요기  건디

Right here. This is where I'm going.

[흥미로운 음악]

[휴대전화 진동음]


Hey, fiancée.

어떻게 됐어만났어?

What happened? Did you meet him?

- [대문 열리는 소리] - 지금 만났어

Yes, I just met him.

[삼식임무 완수허고 연락헐게

I'll call you once I'm done.

삼식아 진짜 똑바로 해야 

Sam-sik. You better not screw it up.


I won't.

[통화 종료음]

- [  여닫히는 소리] - [자동차 시동음]

[직원내일 결혼식 정말 축하드려요

Congratulations on your wedding tomorrow.


[자동차 시동음]

- [삼식의 비명] - [하영의 놀란 소리]

[아파하는 소리]

[삼식사람 살려!


[삼식의 아파하는 소리]

Are you all right?


Are you all right?

죄송합니다 - [삼식사람 살려

Are you all right? -I'm sorry. -Help!

- [하영어떡해정말 죄송해요 - 아이고!

-Oh, no. I'm so sorry. -Goodness.

[하영제가 바로 지금 119 부를까요?

Should I call an ambulance?

[아파하는 탄성]

[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]



 지겄네이거 - [ 떼는 소리]

This is going to scar.

우리 엄니가  얼마나 곱게 키웠는디

My mom never let anything like this happen to me.

이게 뭐죠?

What's this?

 쓰여 있잖아요

It says it right there.

[삼식] '유전자 검사 결과지'

"DNA Test Result."

바보도 읽는   읽네

Even an idiot can read it.



이게 뭐냐고요

So what is this?

[삼식이게 뭔지 지금부터 들려드릴게

I'm about to let you listen to what this is all about.

[ 내려놓는 소리]

[무거운 음악]

Will you get rid of the original DNA test result in front of me?

[녹음  태수유전자 검사 진본

Will you get rid of the original DNA test result in front of me?

 앞에서 없애   있겠나?

Will you get rid of the original DNA test result in front of me?

[남자이어폰으로 듣고 있어서 내용 확인은 불가합니다

She's using earphones, so I cannot confirm the content.

[삼식이걸 아버님께 직접 드려야 되나

I was torn between giving this to your father and handing it over to Bareun Hanguk Party

아님 아버님을  잡아먹어 안달 

and handing it over to Bareun Hanguk Party

바른한국당에 갖다줘야 되나

who's dying to take him down.

고민 고민하다가

I pondered it deeply.


But I decided to give you

대차게 효도 한번 하시라고 가져와 봤네요

a chance to be a good daughter right before your wedding.

 지금 나랑  하자는 거야?

Hey. What are you trying to pull?

[삼식지금  하는 거여?

What are you doing? That's mine!

 남의  찢어유!

What are you doing? That's mine!

방금 전엔 우리 아빠 거라면서

You just said it was my dad's.

[무거운 음악]

[삼식이거 최강호가 가지고 있던 건데?

Choi Kang-ho had this.

대한민국 검사가 설마 가짜를 가지고 있었을까?

A prosecutor like him wouldn't keep a fake, would he?

[하영 도대체 원하는  뭐야?

What the hell do you want?


역시 최강호가 나서야 일이 되는구먼

So I had to mention him to get your attention.


I want 200 million.


Right, I have to pay Mom back.


And two million.

[삼식] 2 2현금으로다가

I want 202 million won in cash.

[하영복사본 남겨 놓고 장난질 치는 거면

You know what will happen if you have another copy, right?


You know what will happen if you have another copy, right?

워디 야산 같은 디서

I'll probably be found dead

사체로 발견되겄쥬

in some mountains.

 시간 후에 여기서 만나요

I'll see you here in an hour.

[거친 숨소리]

- [통화 연결음] - 색시

Hey, fiancée.

방금 만나서 얘기를 혔는디

I just talked to her.

 얘기를 하자마자 기겁을 하는 

She was taken aback at your name.

확실히 뭔가 있는  같여

There's definitely something going on.

[삼식내가   자세히 알아보고 연락

I'll look more into this and call…

아이씨어린이 보호 구역

Damn it.


Okay, Sam-sik.

- [타이어 마찰음] - [삼식알았어

Okay, bye.

뭐여뭐여? [놀란 소리]

What are you doing?

- [통화 종료음] - 삼식아삼식

Sam-sik. Sam-sik?

[새가 지저귄다]

[강호엄마 내가내가 할게내가

Mom. I'll do it. Let me.

내가 할게내가

Let me.



[강호엄마엄마엄마 내가 할게

Mom, I'll do it.

- [강호의 힘주는 소리] - [영순이 살짝 웃는다]

[ 내려놓는 소리]

엄마엄마내가 할게

Mom! Mom, I'll do it.

  눌러 줄까요?

What's the number?

 - [영순의 웃음]

All right.

아니이제 아무것도  한다면서?

You said you wouldn't do anything.

그래도 엄마 아프니까

But you're unwell.

걱정 엄마 괜찮아

Don't worry. I'm fine.


Ms. Jin!


Ms. Jin!

[영순왔어 그래도 전화하려 그랬는데

You're here. I was about to call you.

원장님이 뭐래?

What did the vet say?

, MMA 증상이다

Those are signs of MMA.

이거 소염제 놓으면

Give them these anti-inflammatory shots,

[안드리아] 2, 3 안에 완쾌될 전망이다

and the prospects are that they will get well in a couple of days.


-That's a relief. -Mom.

[강호엄마엄마 주세요 내가 할게?

-That's a relief. -Mom. Give it to me. I'll do it.

[영순강호  주사  놓잖아

But you're afraid of giving shots.

[강호아이   감고 그냥 한번  놓으면 돼요

I'll just grit my teeth and stick it in at once.

[강호의 힘주는 소리]

아니엄마랑 같이 

I'll go with you.

[무거운 음악]

[달그락 정리하는 소리]


Excuse me.

아까 여기 앉아 있었던 남자분  보셨어요?

Have you seen the man who was sitting there?


No, I haven't.

[삼식의 아파하는 소리]

때리지 마세유

Please don't hit me!

[삼식의 비명]

Please don't hit me! RECENTS FIANCÉE

[수하1]  때렸어

I didn't hit you.


Oh, you didn't?

[삼식의 겁먹은 숨소리]



I'm sorry.

[삼식의 비명]

이거를 최강호가 가지고 있었다?

So Choi Kang-ho had this?



[보좌관 바보가  여기 보냈을 리는 없고

That idiot wouldn't have sent you here.

[떨리는 숨소리]

That idiot wouldn't have sent you here.


Who was it?

누가 보낸 거야?

Who sent you here?

  새끼 우벽이지?

You must be Woobyeok.


No, sir. I'm Sam-sik.



[보좌관삼식이 어디야?

Hey, what's Samsik?

[수하2]  알아봐

Look it up.

아니아니 지가 삼식이라구유

No, sir. My name is Sam-sik. Bang Sam-sik.


Bang Sam-sik.

[보좌관의 한숨]

죽어도 입은 열지 않겠다?

So you will keep your mouth shut?

[겁먹은 소리]

[삼식의 힘주는 소리]

- [익살스러운 음악] - [보좌관의 헛웃음]

[보좌관그래무덤까지 가져가라

Okay, take it to the grave.

- [삼식의 겁먹은 소리] - 처리해

-Sir. -Get rid of him.

[삼식아니아니방금 방금  열었잖아유

-Sir. -Get rid of him. I just opened my mouth! What do I…

어쩌… !

I just opened my mouth! What do I… Knife!

[삼식의 겁먹은 탄성]



[타이어 마찰음]

- [흥미진진한 음악] - [  열리는 소리]


So… So and Cha?

[놀란 소리]

[ 실장의 기합]

[수하3] 뭐야이거?

What the hell?

[수하들의 비명]

What the hell?

[수하4 신음]


What the…

[ 대리의 신음]

- [수하5 기합] - [수하6 신음]

Darn it!

[수하5] 아이씨

Darn it!

[싸우는 소리가 요란하다]

[수하7 신음]

 [옅은 웃음]

- [수하8] 아이씨 - [ 대리의 기합]

[수하9 비명]

So and Cha?

[수하8 신음]

[ 실장의 힘주는 소리]

- [수하10 신음] - [삼식의 놀란 소리]

[겁먹은 소리]

- [수하2] 무기 버려 - [삼식의 재촉하는 소리]

Drop the weapons. Drop the weapons!

무기 버려! - [삼식아이씨

Drop the weapons!

- [흥미로운 음악] - [ 대리가 속삭인다]

[ 실장의 기합]

[삼식수하2 신음]

[삼식이 콜록댄다]

[ 실장의 놀란 소리]

[ 대리의 힘주는 소리]


Damn it.

[ 대리의 아파하는 소리]

[수하2 힘주는 소리]

[ 대리의 아파하는 신음]

Are you okay?

[ 실장괜찮아?

Are you okay?

[ 대리의 힘겨운 신음]

Damn it.


Damn it.

[오토바이 시동음]


Damn it!

[거친 숨소리]


My goodness. I'm sorry you're hurt because of me.

 땜시 다쳐서 어떡혀

I'm sorry you're hurt because of me.

 쌍놈의 새끼들이

I'm sorry you're hurt because of me. Why did those damned bastards have to use knives?

 칼을 들고 설치고 지랄이여이씨

Why did those damned bastards have to use knives?

얼매나 무서웠는지 하마터면 오줌  뻔혔네

I was scared to death. I almost wet myself.

아이고그려서 말인디

Goodness, speaking of which, let me go take a leak.

 금방 오줌  누고 올게

Goodness, speaking of which, let me go take a leak.

[흥미로운 음악]

[녹음  우벽강호 저느마가  안고  깁니다

Kang-ho will take the fall.

그럴라고 있는  아입니까?

That's why I keep him around.

[거친 숨소리]

[태수송우벽 확실해?

Are you sure it was Song Woo-byeok? Yes, sir.

[보좌관 실장을 봤습니다

Yes, sir. I saw Mr. So.


 독사 같은 노인네

That wicked old snake.

하영이 지금 어디 있어?

Where's Ha-young?

저건 뭐냐?

What's that?


구차한 변명 하지 않으마

I won't make excuses.

한때의 실수였다

It was a mistake.

실수로  없는 여자와 아이를 죽였어요?

Killing an innocent woman and her baby was a mistake?

그건 최강호 짓이야

Choi Kang-ho did that.

아빠가 시킨 거잖아요 - [긴장되는 음악]

You put him up to it.

[하영아빠는 정말 무서운 사람이에요

You're a terrifying person.

목적을 위해서 닥치는 대로  죽이고 없애고

You kill and get rid of everyone who gets in your way. And Kang-ho…

강호 씨도

And Kang-ho…

결국 아빠한테 이용당하고 저렇게  거잖아요

He ended up like that after being used by you.


[태수의 한숨]

우리 하영이 지금 많이 무섭구나?

Ha-young, you must be quite scared.


Yes, of course, you are.

최강호에게 수면제를 먹이고 죽이려고 했던  너니까

Since you slipped Kang-ho sleeping pills and tried to kill him.

[떨리는 숨소리]


-That was-- -Are you going to say

그것도  애비가 시켜서  일이라고 말하고 싶은 게냐?

-That was-- -Are you going to say that I put you up to that too?


No. You took

최강호가 나를 잡으려고 너를 이용했다는

revenge on him because you felt betrayed when you found out he was using you to take me down.

 배신감에 복수를  거야

when you found out he was using you to take me down.

니가 직접 스스로

It was your decision to do it.

[거친 숨소리]

근데 하영아

But Ha-young,

이제  끝난 일이야

it's all in the past.



 목을  증거들까지 이렇게  손에 들어왔어

the evidence that could be used against me is now in my hands.

최강호가 저렇게  이상

With Kang-ho in that state,

이젠 너만  다물면

no one can prove it

 없던 일이 되는 거야

as long as you keep your mouth shut.

무슨 말인지 알겠지?

Do you understand?

- [우아한 음악이 흐른다] - [태수의 웃음]

-Congratulations. -Thank you.

[태수태수 감사합니다

-Congratulations. -Thank you.


You came.

[태수의 웃음]

You came.

 주셔서 고맙습니다

Thank you for coming.

감사합니다 [웃음]

Thank you for coming. Goodness, congratulations.


Goodness, congratulations.

[우벽의 웃음]


You came. I didn't invite you thinking it'd be uncomfortable for you.

불편하실  같아 일부러 연락  드렸는데

You came. I didn't invite you thinking it'd be uncomfortable for you.



모바일 청첩장 같은 거라도  보내 주셨으면은

If you texted me the wedding invitation,

계좌로  입금해  서로 편했을 긴데?

If you texted me the wedding invitation, I would've just wired you the congratulatory money.

[우벽지가 부조할 방법 몰라 갖고

I didn't know how else to give it to you, so I brought it here myself.

이래 직접 들고 왔다 아입니까?

I didn't know how else to give it to you, so I brought it here myself.

신랑이 아주 키도 크고

The husband is quite tall and handsome, isn't he?

듬직하니  잘생깄다?

The husband is quite tall and handsome, isn't he?

이번 사윗감은 어째  마음에 드십니까?

So do you like your future son-in-law this time?




Good, you should.

그래야 오래오래  살지요 ? [웃음]

That way they can live happily

급작스러운 사고 같은 것도  당하고

without getting into an unexpected accident, right?

[우벽이 웃으며그지예?

without getting into an unexpected accident, right?

[우벽의 웃음]

지는 인자 식장 안에  들어가 보겠습니다

I'll be heading inside now.

 스테이크가 상당히 맛있어

The steak here is amazing.


You must know that.

[신랑 가족들이 감사 인사 한다]

-Hello. -Hello. Thank you for coming.

[사진사신부님 표정이 너무 얼었다

The bride looks so stiff.

긴장 풀고 조금만 웃어 주세요

Please relax and smile a little.


Come on, smile.

[사회자신랑 입장

Here comes the groom.

- [차분한 피아노 연주] - [사람들의 박수]

-Congrats! -Looking good!

[사람들의 환호]

-Congrats! -Looking good! Congrats!

다음은 아름다운 신부 입장이 있겠습니다

Next, please welcome the beautiful bride.

신부 입장

Here comes the bride!

[잔잔한 피아노 연주]

[덜컹 강조되는 문소리]

[무거운 음악]

[웅성거리는 소리]

[우벽보소  스테이크  줍니까?

Excuse me! When will you serve the steak?


Goodness gracious.

[우벽의 헛기침]

[통화 연결음]


Ha-young, here.

어머지우야 이거 언니한테 주는 선물이야?

Oh my, Ji-u. Is this for me?

너무 고마워

Thank you so much.

아니 말고 저기  아저씨가

It's not from me. It's from that man over…

[지우어디 갔지?

What? Where did he go?

[직원신부가신부가 없어졌어요

The bride is gone.

제가 다시 한번 찾아 보겠습니다

I'll look for her once again.

[웅성거리는 소리]

[고민하는 소리]

준비  했어?

Are you ready?

[강호옷만 입으면 돼요

I just need to get dressed.

엄마 근데 우리 어디 가는 거예요?

By the way, where are we going?


On a date.

데이트? - [영순

-A date? -Yes. So you need to look your best.

그러니까 우리 아들 최고로 멋지게 입어

So you need to look your best.

멋지게 - [영순의 웃음]

-My best. -Yes.

[기어 조작음]



- [하영 - [기사결제  됐습니다

-Yes? -Your payment went through.

- [하영 - [기사감사합니다

-Okay. -Thank you.

[하영의 한숨]

[새가 지저귄다]

[초조한 숨소리]

[멀어지는 자동차 엔진음]

[무거운 음악]

[흐느끼는 숨소리]

[안내 음성 소리가 나면 녹음 하신 

Please leave your message after the beep and press the asterisk once you're done.

별표를 눌러 주십시오 - [ 소리]

and press the asterisk once you're done.

삼식아  계속 전화를  받아?

Sam-sik, why aren't you picking up?

혹시 무슨  있는  아니지?

Is something going on?

전화  기다릴게

Give me a call, okay? I'll be waiting.

[통화 종료음]




What's this?

- [문이 드르륵 여닫힌다] - [영순의 힘주는 소리]

- [밝은 음악] - [웃음]

아들 [웃음]



Mom, you look…


What do you think? Don't I look pretty?


Yes. Very pretty.


It's cold.

아이괜찮아요 - [영순괜찮기는

-I'm fine. -It's not fine.

따뜻하게 해야지

You have to keep warm.

따뜻하게 [살짝 웃는다] - [웃음]

Like this.


All set. Let's go.

엄마나하고 데이트하고 싶었어요?

Did you want to go on a date with me?


생각해 보니까

I realized

우리 아들하고 외식  번을 제대로   봤더라고

I never had a chance to eat out with you.

영화관도   봤고 노래방도   봤고

We've never been to the movies, a karaoke room,

여행도   봤어

or on a trip.

그래서 이제  하려고

So we're going to do everything now.

이거   - [ 내려놓는 소리]



I made a list

하고 싶은   적어 놨어

of everything I want to do.



THINGS TO DO WITH MY SON What do you think?

엄마랑 같이   거지?

Will you do them with me?

내가   줄게요

Yes, I'll do everything.




Excuse me!

여기  집에서 제일 비싼 꽃등심으로 2인분 추가요

Give us two more servings of your best ribeye please.

저희 막걸리도   주세요 - [영순?

And also a bottle of makgeolli please. What?

에이엄마 어른?

Come on, Mom. I'm an adult.

[강호나는 엄마 보호자

I'm your guardian.

엄마는  돼요절대  

But you can't drink. Never.



엄마 보호자

Yes, you're my guardian

어른 맞지

and an adult.


-Yes. -Gosh.

[영순에이 여기 막걸리    추가요

-Yes. -Gosh. We'll take a large bottle of makgeolli.

… - [TV  뉴스 소리]

Then just one glass with the large bottle please.

그럼 잔은 하나만 주세요

Then just one glass with the large bottle please.

막걸리는    주세요

Then just one glass with the large bottle please.

[영순아니그래도 엄마하고도 한입 해야지

-I want some too. -No, just have the meat.

[강호 돼요엄마 고기만 먹어요술은  

-I want some too. -No, just have the meat. Kim Min-jeong reports.

[영순고기 먹으면서 어떻게 술을  먹어?

Kim Min-jeong reports.

[강호고기만 먹을  있어요

Kim Min-jeong reports. The body discovered by Lee, who was fishing at night

[TV  앵커지난 8 제면도에서

The body discovered by Lee, who was fishing at night

밤낚시를 하던   씨에 의해 발견됐던 사체는

The body discovered by Lee, who was fishing at night on Jemyeon Island on the 8th, was highly decomposed and…

- [무거운 음악] - 부패가 많이 진행돼

on Jemyeon Island on the 8th, was highly decomposed and…

[태수 여보여보 여보잠깐만여보!

Honey! Honey, wait!

[태수 처의 비명]

- [하영의 신음] - [태수의 힘주는 소리]

You damn brat.

[하영의 겁먹은 숨소리]

- [태수 처의 놀란 소리] - [태수의 힘주는 소리]

Stop it!


Stop it!

[태수의 힘주는 소리]


Stop it! -Have you gone insane? -That bitch is the insane one!

당신 미쳤어요? - [태수미친  저년이야!

-Have you gone insane? -That bitch is the insane one!

니년이 감히  애비 앞길을 막아?

How dare you tarnish my reputation?

[태수의 거친 숨소리]


Get in here!

이년 당장 병원에 처넣고

Lock her up in a hospital and keep her there until the election is over!

선거 끝날 때까지  나오게 !

and keep her there until the election is over!


Yes, sir.

[태수 처의 흐느끼는 숨소리]

- [보좌관… - [태수

-Sir. -Yes?

[보좌관확인해  결과

We checked,

황수현이 맞습니다

and it was Hwang Soo-hyun.

경찰이 현재 살인의 가능성을 두고

The police began the investigation

수사에 들어갔다고 합니다

as a possible murder case.


Damn it!

[보좌관의 한숨]

[거친 숨소리]

 - [보좌관

-Hey. -Yes.

[ 내뱉는 숨소리]

 하나 만들어야겠다

We need to do something.

[통화 연결음]


[안내 음성연결이 되지 않아

Your call could not be completed and will be transferred to…

음성 사서함으로 연결되며… - [한숨]

Your call could not be completed and will be transferred to…

[통화 종료음]

Your call could not be completed and will be transferred to… I was a fool to trust him.

[강호내가 바보지내가

I was a fool to trust him.


Darn it.



 오늘 여기서 잘래요

I want to sleep here tonight.

내가 엄마 지켜 줘야 되니까

I have to protect you.

그럼 엄마는 좋지

I'd love that.

어서 오세요보호자님

Come on in, Mr. Guardian.


Mr. Guardian.



오늘 같이 데이트해 줘서 고마워요

Thank you for our date today.

너무 행복했어요

It made me very happy.

앞으로 뭐든지 말만 하세요

Your wish is my command.

제가   드릴게요

I'll do everything for you.

정말요? - [강호

Really? Yes.


In that case,

노래해 주세요

sing for me.

노래요? - [영순

Sing? Yes.

노래는  해요

But I can't sing.


I can't.

뭐야뭐든   준다면서요?

What? You said you'd do anything for me.

[강호의 난감한 소리]

What? You said you'd do anything for me.

[한숨 쉬며우리 아들 노래 들어 보는  소원이었는데

It was always my wish to hear my son sing.

[고민하는 소리]


Sing for me.

제발 노래노래노래해 주세요

Please sing for me.

- [강호알았어 - [영순플리즈

-Okay. -Please.



[강호가 목을 가다듬는다]

- ♪ 지친 하루가 가고 ♪ - [잔잔한 음악]

A tiring day passed by

♪ 달빛 아래  사람 ♪

Two are under the moonlight

♪ 하나의 그림자 ♪

As one shadow

♪  감으면 ♪

That distant happiness is

♪ 잡힐  아련한 행복이 ♪

Still there seemingly within my reach

♪ 아직 저기 있는데 ♪

When I Close my eyes

- ♪ 상처 입은 마음은 ♪ - [미주] ♪ 상처 입은 마음은 ♪

-My wounded heart… -My wounded heart May cast a shadow

♪ 너의 꿈마저 ♪

May cast a shadow

♪ 그늘을 드리워도 ♪

Upon your dream

♪ 기억해  ♪

Please remember…

 노래가 그리 처량 맞디야?

Why are you singing such a heartbreaking song?

아직  자고 있었어?

You're not asleep?

일로  열은

Let me check your fever.

다행이다 내렸네

What a relief. It went down a little.

[미주엄마가 미안해

I'm sorry.

엄마가 머리도   말려 주고

It must be because I brought you out in the cold

 바람 쐬게 해서 그랬나 보다

before I dried your hair properly.

엄마 - [미주

-Mom. -Yes?


I already know.


About what?

아빠 말이여

About Dad.


-Dad? -Yes.

[예진그니께 나한테는 솔직하게 말해도 돼야

-Dad? -Yes. So you can be honest with me.

혹시 무슨 얘기 들은  있어?

Did you hear something?

들어야 아나 보면 척이제

I don't have to hear it to know. It's obvious to me.



그게 있잖아

Well, the thing is…

[예진아빠 바람났제?

Dad had an affair, right?



그래서 부부가 떨어져 살면  된다는 

This is why a married couple shouldn't live apart.

얘가 지금 무슨 소리 하는 거야?

What are you talking about?

그런  아니야

It's nothing like that.


It is.

[예진아니긴 뭐가 아니여

It is.

그때 잠깐 왔다 가고는 전화  번을  하잖여

He's never called us once since that brief visit.

아빠는 우리가 보고 싶지도 않냐고

Doesn't he miss us at all?


Ye-jin. That's because…


But you know,

실은 나도 별로  보고 싶어

I don't miss him that much either.



[예진하도 떨어져 살아서 그런가

Maybe it's because we've been apart for so long.

어색하고  같고

He feels like a stranger.


I don't feel attached to him.

그래서 말인디

So I wanted you to know that

우리 땜시 억지로 참고 살지 말고

you don't have to put up with him because of us.

기냥 이혼혀

Just get a divorce.

- [잔잔한 음악] - 요즘 세상에는 흠도 아니여

Being divorced is not a big deal nowadays.

우리 유치원에도 이혼한 집이

There are three divorced families

 명이나 있어

in my kindergarten.

처음엔 지랄허고 울고 밥도  먹고 하더니

At first, they threw a fit and even refused to eat,

지금은 을매나 신나서 뛰댕기는지

but now they run about happier than ever.

그런 개차반이 없어

It's such a mess.



엄마도 아무 걱정 말고

stop worrying about us

이제 엄마 인생 살어

and start living your own life.

[예진내가 살아 보니께 인생 별거 없더라고

If there's one thing I learned in all my years, it's that there isn't much to life.

사랑하는 사람하고

You just have to live happily

행복하게 살면 되는  아니여?

with the people you love, right?

[예진엄마는 우리 사랑하잖여

You love us.

우리도 엄마 사랑해

And we love you too.


So please,

우리끼리 행복하게 살자?

let's just live happily by ourselves.

[울먹이며내가 나중에 강호 오빠랑 결혼해서

I'll marry Kang-ho oppa in the future

엄마  모실게

and take good care of you.

- [헛웃음] - [미주가 훌쩍인다]

[미주일로  새끼 일로 

Come here, my baby.


Goodness, come here.

[흐느끼며 쪼끄만 

You little thing.

그동안 얼마나 고민하고 얼마나 힘들었을까

You must've been worried sick. It must've been so hard for you.


I'm sorry.

엄마가 진짜 나쁜 엄마다

I'm… such a bad mom.

엄마가 진짜 나쁜 엄마야

I'm such a bad mom.

 우네 - [미주?

You're crying again. -What? -You haven't smiled once

엄마 여기 내려와서  번도 웃은  없는  알어?

-What? -You haven't smiled once since you've come back here.

 엄마가 웃었으면 좋겠어

I want to see you smile.

엄마는 나쁜 엄마가 아니고 이쁜 엄마니께

Because you're not a bad mom, but a pretty mom.


[미주의 웃음]

[경쾌한  소리]

♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

- ♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪ - [강호의 옅은 신음]

♪ 나는 행복… ♪

[ 닫는 소리]

여보세요 [헛기침]




농장에서 연기가 난다고요?

There's smoke coming from the farm?


Yes, okay.

지금  볼게요

Yes, I'll check now.

[통화 종료음]

[ 닫는 소리]

[툭툭 치며강호야


강호야일어나  - [강호?

Kang-ho, wake up. There's smoke coming from the farm.

농장에서 연기가 난대

There's smoke coming from the farm.

[영순의 힘주는 소리]

[돼지들 울음소리]

[문이  닫힌다]

[영순의 놀란 소리]

[강호가 콜록댄다]



- [영순어떡해 - [강호?

Mom. Oh, no!

[영순우리 돼지들 어떡해!

-Mom. -Our pigs!

[영순의 다급한 소리]

Guys, wake up!

[탁탁 치며일어나돼지들빨리

Guys, wake up! We need to leave.

[강호엄마일단 나가요 얼른?

We need to leave. -We have to get out. -No.

일단 나가요일단 나가요!

-We have to get out. -No. We have to get out!

[영순의 비명]

We have to get out!

- [영순우리 돼지들 - [강호엄마아니야엄마

-Mom, no. -Our pigs.

엄마일단 나가요! - [영순이거 !

-Mom, we have to go! -Let go!

이거 … - [강호일단 나가요얼른!

-We have to go! -Let go!

[영순이 울먹인다]

-No! -We have to go now!

- [무거운 음악] - 아니야일단 나가요빨리!

-No! -We have to go now!

[영순이 흐느낀다]


[돼지들 울음소리]

[영순이 콜록댄다]



[영순이 울먹인다]

- [영순  - [강호  열리는 거야

-No! -It won't open. Why won't it open?

[돼지들이 꿀꿀대는 소리]

[힘겨운 신음]

[힘주는 소리]




Mom, come here. This way.

엄마얼른 나가요빨리빨리 - [영순의 거친 숨소리]

Mom, we have to get out of here.

엄마얼른 나가요얼른? - [차분한 음악]

-Mom, get out of here. Now. -No.

엄마빨리 나가야 된다고엄마!

-Mom, we have to leave now! -No.


-Mom, we have to leave now! -No. Come on.


Come on. Mom!

 먼저 나가

Kang-ho, you go first. -You go… -No, Mom.

[강호 엄마 엄마 먼저 나가야 된다고

-You go… -No, Mom. You have to get out first. Mom!


You have to get out first. Mom!

엄마 먼저 나가

You have to leave first. I'll follow you out, okay?

엄마 나가고  나갈게 알았죠?

You have to leave first. I'll follow you out, okay?


Come on. Hurry.



엄마 - [ 떨어지는 소리]



[안도하는 숨소리]



[지직거리는 소리]

[해식용용아 있었어요?

Yong-yong, have you been well?

용용아치치 용용이 나와라오버

Yong-yong. Do you copy, Yong-yong?

아빠 목소리 기억해?

Do you remember Daddy's voice?

우리 용용이  ?

What are you up to?

아직 자요?

Are you still asleep?

[해식인제 일어나야지

It's time to get up.

아빠랑 놀자

Wake up and play with me.

사랑하는 우리 아들

My dear son,

이제 일어나야지?

it's time to wake up.

[강호의 옅은 숨소리]

[멀어지는 발걸음]

[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]

- [] - [흥미로운 음악]



[ 그니까 시방 강호가  안에 있다는 ?

Are you saying Kang-ho is in there?

[영순너였니강호 일기 속의  애가

Was it you? Were you the girl he wrote about in his journal?

[미주삼식이  뭔가 알고 있지?

Sam-sik, you know something, don't you?

[미주가 울먹이며 하영이  만나야 돼요

I really need to see Ha-young.

그때 로맨스가 그렇게 좋았어요?

Did you have that much fun with her?

[우벽의 신음]

[형사최강호  황수현  살해 용의자로

Mr. Choi, you're under arrest on suspicion of murdering Ms. Hwang Soo-hyun.

긴급 체포 하겠습니다 - [소란스럽다]

Mr. Choi, you're under arrest on suspicion of murdering Ms. Hwang Soo-hyun.

[영순우리 강호 내가 지킬 거야

I'm going to protect Kang-ho.

[영순이 노래한다]

Kang-ho was only able to endure those lonely and painful years

[미주강호가  외롭고 힘든 시간을 견딜  있었던 

Kang-ho was only able to endure those lonely and painful years

- [흐느낀다] - 엄마였어요

because of you.

[삼식아니정말 여기 있을까?

Do you think she's really here? She has to be. For Kang-ho's sake.

[미주있어야 강호를 위해서

She has to be. For Kang-ho's sake.


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