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  너도 인간이니? 13

Are You Human? 13


["Heart"]For a moment,
나 잠깐For a moment,
네가 로봇이 아니면 좋겠다고 생각했어I wished you weren't a robot.
(신3의 독백) 내가 로봇이 아니면How would it have been...
어땠을까?if I weren't a robot?
(신3) 다시 꼬봉으로 돌아갈게요I'll return to being a slave robot again.
진짜 잘 있어요Goodbye,
강소봉 씨So-bong.
(신3의 독백) 너랑 헤어지면 슬퍼하고If I could be sad if we broke up...
- 재밌어 - 어, 나무, 나무 조심해-It's fun. -Me too. Me too. To the right.
자! [소봉의 신난 소리]To the right.
너랑 있으면 즐거워하고If I could be happy when I'm with you...
[소봉의 신난 소리]Here we go.
[울먹이며] (소봉) 넌 로봇인데You're a robot.
왜 자꾸 내 마음이 아픈지 모르겠어But why does my heart hurt so much?
(신3의 독백) 너 때문에 가슴 아파하고If my heart would break because of you...
어디 가지 마Don't go anywhere.
아무 데도 가지 마Don't go anywhere.
[소봉이 운다]
(신3의 독백) 널 위해 울어줄 수 있다면If I could cry for you...
나 네가 좋아I like you.
나도 네가 좋아I like you, too,
하지만 난However,
[지직거린다] 로봇이야I'm a robot...
사랑을 못 느끼는 로봇that can't feel love.
["The Longing Dance"] [걸어간다]
(신3의 독백) 근데 내가 왜 이러지?Then why am I doing this?
[문이 열린다]
[확 잡는다]Why are you looking at So-bong like that?
(신3의 독백) 너Why are you looking at So-bong like that?
왜 강소봉을 그렇게 봐?Why are you looking at So-bong like that?
[발소리가 울린다]
[떼어내는 효과음]
넌 뭐야?What's your problem?
I must...
너 저 사람한테 떼놔야겠어take you away from him.
이런 게 질투야?Is this jealousy?
(신3의 독백) 내가 왜 이런 말을 하지?Why am I saying this?
[쿵 소리]
장난 좀 친 건데 뭐가 그렇게 심각해?I was just fooling around. Why are you so serious?
다시는 강소봉 씨한테 그런 장난치지 말아요Don't fool around with So-bong like that again.
근데 너 진짜 질투하는 거 같다?But you really seem jealous.
누가 보면 사랑이라도 하는 줄 알겠어People would think you're in love.
갈게요 [일어선다]I'm leaving.
내 부탁 들어줘서 고마워Thanks for doing what I asked.
엄마한테 곤란한 질문은 다신 안 해요I won't ask Mom difficult questions again.
어차피 물어보고 싶은 것도 없어I have nothing to ask anymore anyway.
갈게요I'm leaving.
[기막힌 웃음]
(소봉) 뭐? 또 도와달래?What? He wants your help again?
그 인간 부탁을 왜 자꾸 들어줘?Why do you keep doing things for him?
[차가 달린다]
그리고And why did he want to ask Dr. Oh...
오 박사님한테 둘 중 누가 중요한지는 왜 물어보래?And why did he want to ask Dr. Oh... which of you is more important?
너 일부러 상처받으라고 그런 거잖아He did it to hurt you...
오 박사님도 곤란하게 만들고and make Dr. Oh uncomfortable.
덕분에 엄마한테 할 말 다 했어Thanks to that, I told Mom everything I wanted to say.
더 이상 나 신경 안 써도 된다고I said she doesn't need to worry about me anymore.
괜찮아?Are you okay?
이제 나한텐 네가 있잖아I have you now.
어쭈What's this? I like hearing that,
그런 말은 듣기 좋으니까 자주 해도 돼What's this? I like hearing that, so say it often.
그래도 그 인간 또 만나지 마Still, don't meet with that jerk again.
잠깐만 본부장인 척하면 더 안 엮여도 되니까Once you're done playing as him, you'll never have to see him again.
[신음하며 앉는다]
[부스럭 소리]
오빠 강소봉한테 왜 그래?Why did you do that to So-bong?
지켜달라느니 사람이라 싫냐느니Asking her to protect you... and if she hates you because you're human.
그런 말 왜 해?Why would you say that?
장난친 거야I was messing with her.
걔가 로봇을 좋아한다고 착각하는 게 웃겨서I found it funny to see her liking a robot.
[문을 열고 들어온다]
신아, 엄마 왔어Shin. I'm here.
별일 없었죠?Is everything okay?
[무거운 음악]
네, 아무 일 없었어요Yes. Everything's fine.
어디 다녀오시나 봐요?Did you go somewhere?
누구 만나셨어요?Did you meet someone?
그냥 좀 걸었어I just went out for a walk.
얼른 나아서 같이 산책하자Get better soon, and take walks with me.
엄마 좀 쉴게I'll go get some rest.
[문이 열린다]
[화난 소리]
[힘없이 앉는다]
그동안 고마웠어요, 엄마Thank you for everything, Mom.
만들어주시고 지켜봐 주신 거For creating me and watching over me.
기억할게요I'll remember that.
[숨을 내쉰다]
(조 기자) 거 좀 먹읍시다!Please eat, will you?
굶는다고 뭐가 달라져요, 응?Starving yourself won't change anything.
아빠 속만 비고 수명만 줄지You'll just get sick and die sooner.
[짜증 내며 일어난다]
확 죽어버릴라 그런다, 왜!I'm trying to just die, okay?
소봉이 그거Even when So-bong...
운동 그만두고 방황할 때도quit fighting and struggled...
몰카 찍고 다닌다고 속 썩일 때도or upset me with the hidden camera thing,
내 겉으로는 쓰레기네 뭐네 막 대했어도I called her garbage and acted harsh on her,
이 명치 끝이 콕콕 쑤셨어I was hurt inside my heart.
세상에 상처받아 그런 걸 뻔히 아니까Because I knew the world had hurt her.
내가 돈 없고 빽 없어서Because that happened to my baby...
내 새끼가 그렇게 된 거니까because I had no power or money.
근데 로봇이라니?But what? A robot?
응?What? She likes a robot?
로보트가 좋다니!What? She likes a robot?
아니, 그게I mean...
[툭툭 친다] 이 벽이 좋다는 거랑 뭐가 달라!How is that different from liking this wall?
세상에 상처받았음 됐지The world has already hurt her enough.
왜 사랑까지 그래야 되냐고, 왜!Why must her love be like that too? Why?
아빠 죽으면 깡 선수 말릴 사람도 없어요If you die, there will be no one to stop her.
그니까 괜히 고집부리지 말고 한 입만 합시다, 한 입만So don't be stubborn, and eat just a bit.
나 걔 아파하는 거 또 못 봐I can't bear to see her be in pain again.
[툭 치운다]
그냥 곡기 끊고I'll just stop eating and die peacefully.
조용히 갈 거야I'll just stop eating and die peacefully.
[신음하며 눕는다] 아, 나 증말...Seriously.
[문을 열고 들어온다]
관장님Mr. Kang. Shin and So-bong are here.
저기 형님하고 누님 오는디요?Mr. Kang. Shin and So-bong are here.
[벌떡 일어난다]
[익살맞은 음악]
[탁 쳐서 떨어트린다]
(재식) 필요 없어I don't need it. Get out.
나가I don't need it. Get out.
[홱 던진다] 내 집에서Get out of my house. Get out of my gym.
내 체육관에서!Get out of my house. Get out of my gym. Get out of my daughter's heart!
내 딸 마음속에서 당장 나가!Get out of my daughter's heart! -What's wrong with you? -What's wrong with me?
아빠, 왜 이래?-What's wrong with you? -What's wrong with me?
왜 이래?-What's wrong with you? -What's wrong with me?
너야말로 왜 이래?What's wrong with you?
어떻게 인간도 아닌 놈한테 마음을 뺏겨?How could you love something that isn't even human?
사람 흉내 좀 낸다고 이게 진짜 사람인 줄 알아!Acting like a human doesn't make it one! "It"?
(데이빗) 이게라니?"It"?
[리듬감 있는 음악] [걸어온다]
당신 또 뭐야?Who are you?
나 얘 아빠 되는 사람입니다I'm his dad. -David. -Quiet, my son.
- 데이빗 - 가만있어, '마이 썬'-David. -Quiet, my son.
'마이 썬'?"My son"?
어어You're its dad?
네가 뭐 아빠라 이거야, 어?You're its dad?
[기막힌 웃음] 아니, 로봇한테도 아빠가 있나?A robot has a dad, too?
이거 만든 인간?The jerk who made this thing?
그 만화에나 나오는 미친 과학자?That mad scientist like in the comics?
거 참 이거, 이거 자...Stop calling him like that.
얘 내가 마음으로 낳은 자식입니다I gave birth to him with my heart. Just as you are So-bong's dad,
당신이 강소봉 씨 아빠이듯이Just as you are So-bong's dad,
엄연히 저도 얘 아빠예요I am his dad.
씨... [밀치며 다가간다]
그래서?So? What will you do about it?
그래서 뭐 어쩔 건데?So? What will you do about it? Then what will you do about it?
아니, 그럼 당신은 뭘 어쩔 건데?Then what will you do about it? What? Fine. Hit me. Hit me.
뭐? 이 새끼가 진짜...What? Fine. Hit me. Hit me.
어, 이 사람이 진짜? [조 기자가 말린다]-What do you think you're doing? -Seriously.
- 에이, 진짜! - 어허, 그 참, 거!Stop it already.
[펄럭인다] 쯧, 우리Let's not get physical. Let's talk it out. Okay?
몸으로 말고 입으로 대화합시다, 입으로! 응?Let's not get physical. Let's talk it out. Okay?
[술을 마신다]
[탁 놓고 신음한다]
우리 소봉이가 어떤 앤 줄 알아, 어?Do you know what So-bong is like?
[쩝쩝 소리, 툭 놓는다]
다섯 살 때When she was five, she put on a glove herself,
지 손에다 글러브 척척 끼고When she was five, she put on a glove herself,
레프트 훅으로다가 내 코뼈 금 가게 한 애야!and fractured my nose with her left hook.
아이고 그걸 무슨 힘자랑이라고You call that strength?
우리 신이는 만든 지 6개월 만에Six months after I made Shin, he almost pulled out a street lamp
그 티타늄 손가락 두 개로 신호등 뽑을 뻔했잖아!Six months after I made Shin, he almost pulled out a street lamp with his two little fingers.
잘났네, 잘났어!Good for you.
그니까 당신은 잘난 그 아들 단속이나 잘해So keep that great son of yours under control.
나는 내 딸 알아서 단속 잘할 테니까!I'll control my daughter. Sure. Fine. Let's do that.
아이고, 예, 예 그럽시다Sure. Fine. Let's do that. Let's split them up.
둘이 찢어지게 합시다Let's split them up.
[화난 소리]
[조 기자의 한숨]
잘도 찢어지겠다Do you really think they'd split up?
- 뭐? - 뭐요?-What? -What?
인간 딸과If your human daughter and your robot son...
로봇 아들이 말을 잘 들었으면If your human daughter and your robot son... listened to you, why would you be like this here?
왜들 이러고 있습니까?listened to you, why would you be like this here?
인간과 로봇의 러브스토리!A human and a robot's love story.
이게 세상에 알려져 봐요!What if the world finds out?
[익살맞은 음악]
동물원 원숭이 취급당하는 건 한순간인데They'd be treated like monkeys in a zoo.
힘을 합쳐도 모자랄 판에You two should be working together.
아빠라는 작자들이 하는 짓거리들 하고는But instead, the dads are being like this.
[술을 마신다]
[탁 놓고 신음한다]
쯧, 뭐 하나만 물읍시다Let me ask you something.
[쩝쩝거린다]Does he have any weaknesses?
뭐, 치명적인 약점 같은 거 없습니까?Does he have any weaknesses?
드라마나 영화처럼 뭐 잘못 건드리면Like in the movies, will he stop moving... if you touch something by mistake?
영원히 동작을 멈춰버린다거나if you touch something by mistake?
로봇이 멈추면 죽는다는 건데If a robot stops moving, that means it's dead.
자식 죽을 장치를 해놓는 부모가 어딨겠어요?No parent would put in something to kill their child. -Isn't that right? -Yes.
안 그래요?-Isn't that right? -Yes.
아, 예 [헛기침]-Isn't that right? -Yes.
그렇죠, 예Of course. Yes.
아, 갑자기 그놈이 보고 싶네I suddenly miss him.
잠깐 전화 좀 하고 오겠습니다I'm going to make a call.
[헛기침하며 일어난다]
역시A man who uses his brain is so sexy.
머리 쓰는 남자A man who uses his brain is so sexy.
섹시해, 저 오빠That guy is so sexy.
뭐? 섹시?What? Sexy?
[와그작 소리]
근데 왜 난 아빠고 저 인간은 오빠야?But why am I "Dad" when he's "a guy"?
[술을 마시고 놓는다]
킬 스위치 해체가 안 된다고요?You can't get rid of the kill switch?
속상해서 그놈 얼굴이나 볼까 하고 왔는데I was upset, which was why I wanted to see him.
미안해서 더 못 보겠어 [탁 소리]But I feel too bad to even face him.
이게 다 내 기술이 부족해서 그래This is because I'm not skilled enough.
우리 손에만 있으면 되니까 너무 신경 쓰지 마세요It's fine as long as we have it, so don't worry.
분위기 봐서 오 박사 머리 한번 빌려봐야지I'll have to pick Dr. Oh's brain when I can.
나 오 박사한테 가니까 그놈한테 안부 좀 전해줘요I'll go to her, so tell him bye for me.
[잔잔한 음악]
[일어서서 걸어간다]
Okay. I'll return to the company with So-bong tomorrow.
내일부터 강소봉 씨랑 회사로 갈게요Okay. I'll return to the company with So-bong tomorrow.
지영훈 씨야It was Young-hoon. He told us to return to the office and to the house.
내일부터 회사도 나오고 집으로 퇴근하래He told us to return to the office and to the house.
나 너 그 집 들어가는 거 싫은데I don't like you being in that house.
잠깐이잖아It won't be for long.
아, 맞다, 네 손That's right. Your hand. You need to bandage it like the human Nam Shin.
인간 남신처럼 붕대 감아야지You need to bandage it like the human Nam Shin.
[부스럭 소리]
너 아까 이런 게 질투냐고 물었잖아You asked if that was jealousy, right?
'나 너 저 사람한테서 떼어놔야겠어'When you said you had to take me away from him.
막 이러면서When you said you had to take me away from him.
진짜 질투심을 느낀 거야?Did you really feel jealousy?
남신 얼굴 막 보기 싫고 불같이 화도 나고?You didn't even want to see his face and got so angry? I did act before making my judgment,
판단하기 전에 행동이 먼저 나온 거긴 한테I did act before making my judgment, but I don't know what jealousy is.
질투가 뭔지는 몰라but I don't know what jealousy is.
쯧, 인간들도 자기 감정 모르는 사람들 많아Many humans don't know their feelings either.
네 행동에는 네 감정이 담겨있어Your emotions are embedded within your actions.
딴 사람은 몰라도 난 알아Other people may not know, but I do.
행동에는 감정이 담겨있다Emotions are embedded within actions.
오늘은 형님이랑 여기서 자려고요!We're going to sleep here with you today.
절대로 숨 넘어가시지 않게 옆에서 꼭 지켜보겄습니다We'll watch you and guard you... so you don't stop breathing.
(소봉) 그래?Really? Then I'll...
[다가간다] 그럼 니들한테Really? Then I'll...
[둘의 신음] 형님 좀 부탁하자!entrust you guys with him.
(인태) 알았으니께 놔요, 아퍼요!Okay, so let go. It hurts. -Stop it. -Come on!
[괴로워하며] 또 왜 암바를 건대요?-Stop it. -Come on!
[툭툭 치며 신음한다]Tap. Tap.
[짜증 내며] 아...Goodnight.
잘 자Goodnight.
[익살맞은 음악]
(인태) 어휴
아, 형님 왜 이렇게 무섭게 봐요?Why are you glaring at us? It's scary.
저러다가 눈빛으로 사람 하나 죽이겄는디?He looks like he could kill with just his glare.
행동에는 감정이 담겨있다Emotions are embedded within actions.
[무거운 음악]
(신) 어디 다녀오시나 봐요?Did you go somewhere?
누구 만나셨어요?Did you meet someone?
그냥 좀 걸었어I just went out for a walk.
[진동 소리]
(종길) 예나 너Ye-na. Why do you keep avoiding my calls?
아빠 전화 계속 피해?Ye-na. Why do you keep avoiding my calls?
너 지금 그놈이랑 같이 있지?You're with that jerk, aren't you?
그놈 일어날 거 다 알면서You knew he woke up,
아빠한테 시치미 뗐잖아!but you lied to me!
오랜만이네요It's been a while, Mr. Suh.
서 이사님It's been a while, Mr. Suh.
(신) 진짜 오셨네요You really came.
인사는 차려야 할 거 같아서요I thought I should at least come by.
아직 완쾌되지 않으신 모양이네요I guess you aren't fully recovered.
머리는 멀쩡해요My brain is fine.
기억하고 싶지 않은 것들까지 선명하죠I clearly remember things I don't want to, too.
불행 중 다행입니다 본부장님That's a relief, Mr. Nam.
[어이없는 웃음] 불행 중 다행이라"A relief"?
날 죽이고 싶어 하는 사람 입에서 나올 말은 아닌 거 같은데That's odd to hear from the man who tried to kill me.
왜 날 죽이려고 했죠?Why did you try to kill me?
내가 아버지에 대해 뭔가를 알고 있어서?Because I knew something about my father?
안 그래도 어젯밤 통화에 그 말씀을 하셔서 왔습니다I came because of what you said last night.
무슨 말씀을 하시는 건지 전혀 감이 안 잡혀서요I don't understand what you meant at all.
[코웃음] 또 쇼하시네You're lying again.
내가 왜 떠났는지 알고 있었잖아요You knew why I had left.
사람 보내서 날 이 모양 이 꼴로 만든 것도 그 때문이고That's why you sent someone and made me like this.
아, 하나 더One more thing.
서 이사님 덕분에 우스꽝스러운 로봇까지 등장했죠Thanks to you, a ridiculous robot made an entrance, too.
[한숨] 억울합니다This is unfair.
전 본부장님께서 왜 떠나셨는지I really didn't know why you had left.
정말 몰랐습니다I really didn't know why you had left. I heard the guy who was following me died.
날 미행하던 사람도 죽었다면서요?I heard the guy who was following me died.
뺑소니를 가장한 타살Murder disguised as a hit-and-run.
이건 예나한테 들은 건데I heard that from Ye-na. She's very well-informed just like her dad.
아빠를 닮아서 그런지 정보력이 뛰어나요She's very well-informed just like her dad.
[긴장되는 음악] 예나한테You had Ye-na...
그런 일까지 시키신 겁니까?do something like that?
제가 안 시켰어요 지가 알아서 한 거지I didn't. She did it on her own.
예나는 내가 죽으라 그러면She could die right this instant if I told her to.
지금 당장이라도 죽을 수 있는 앤데She could die right this instant if I told her to. Didn't you know that?
모르셨어요?Didn't you know that?
농담인데I was just kidding.
여전히 센스가 없으시네You still have no sense of humor at all.
[화난 숨소리]
센스는 본부장님도 없으시네요You have no sense of humor either.
습, 제가Do you think I care about my daughter, who betrayed me?
절 배신한 딸 목숨을 아까워할 인간으로 보이십니까?Do you think I care about my daughter, who betrayed me?
궁금하시다면 당장이라도 시험해보시든가요Why don't you test me if you want?
이제야 본색을 드러내시네요Now, you show your true colors.
예나의 생사는 본부장님께서 더 신경 쓰셔야 할 겁니다You'll have to worry more about Ye-na's life.
오로지 본부장님만 위하고 생각하는 유일한 사람이니까요Since she's the only person who cares only about you.
집이든 회사든 오 박사님의 다른 아들이Because Dr. Oh's other son is doing such a great job...
역할을 지나치게 잘하고 있어서 말입니다at home and at the office.
다른 아들?"Other son"? That ridiculous robot you mentioned earlier.
아까 말씀하신 그 우스꽝스러운 로봇 말입니다That ridiculous robot you mentioned earlier.
지 팀장도 회장님도Mr. Ji and the chairman...
썩 가까워지신 거 같던데seem to like him a lot.
그 로봇 대신하시려면It'll be quite a pain...
아마 고생 좀 하실 겁니다to replace that robot.
또 뵙죠I'll see you around.
[일어서서 다가온다]
마지막으로 하나만 묻자Let me ask you one last thing.
넌 저 자식이 진짜 좋니?Do you really like that jerk?
입 아파, 그만해I'm tired. Let's stop.
저 자식이 아빠를 죽인대도 좋아?Even if he kills me?
아빠도 오빠를 죽이려고 했었잖아You tried to kill him, too.
[무거운 음악]
널 낳은 그날부터 오늘의 너까지I'll erase every memory of you...
내 머릿속에서 싹 지우마from the day you were born to this very moment.
딸이 없어I have no daughter.
[문이 열리고 닫힌다]
[빠르게 걷는다]
[화난 숨소리] [긴장되는 음악]
아빠 불렀다는 거 왜 말 안 했어?Why didn't you tell me you called my dad here?
오빤 내 생각도 안 해?Don't you think about me at all? Do you think I want to see you together?
둘이 만나는 걸 내가 보고 싶을 거 같아?Do you think I want to see you together?
아빠 왜 만났어?Why did you meet with him?
서로 죽이네 살리네 그런 끔찍한 얘기 한 거야?To talk about killing each other?
모르는 게 나아It would be better not to know. I don't want to see you get hurt.
너 가슴 아파하는 거 보기 싫으니까I don't want to see you get hurt.
나 아빠 배신하고 오빠한테 온 사람이야I betrayed my dad to come to you.
두 사람 사이에 벌어지는 일 알 권리 있다고!I have the right to know what's going on.
그 일 때문에 내 가슴이 찢어지든 미어지든Whether I'm hurt by that or not... is up to me to deal with.
그건 내가 알아서 할게is up to me to deal with.
그러니까 앞으로 나 속이려고 들지 마!So don't try to fool me anymore.
[확 끌어안는다]
미안해, 예나야Sorry, Ye-na.
나한텐 너밖에 없는 거 알잖아You know you're all I have.
아빠 다신 만나지 마, 오빠Don't see my dad again.
(로라) 이게 무슨 소리야?What is this all about?
서 이사를You called...
네가 부른 거니?Mr. Suh here?
서 이사한테 알아낼 게 있어서 불렀어요I had to find out something from him. -What? -Later.
- 그게 뭔데? - 나중에-What? -Later.
천천히 얘기할게요I'll tell you later.
너 도대체 무슨 생각을 하고 있는 거니?What are you thinking?
내 아들이 나 찾으러 왔다가 이렇게 됐는데This happened to my son because he came to see me,
엄만 너한테 아무것도 해줄 게 없는 기분이야but I feel like there's nothing I can do for you.
엄마 보고 싶어서 간 거 아니에요I didn't go to see you.
뭐?-What? -I didn't go there to see you.
체코에 엄마 보러 간 거 아니라고요-What? -I didn't go there to see you.
20년 동안 안 보고 살았는데 새삼 볼 이유가 뭐가 있어요?I didn't see you for 20 years. Why would I have wanted to see you?
확인할 게 있어서 갔는데I wanted to check something,
그걸 보니까 다 소용없어졌어요but once I saw that, it all became meaningless.
그냥 가지 말걸I shouldn't have gone.
그냥 아무것도 모른 채로 살 걸 그랬나 봐요I should've just lived without knowing anything.
[숨을 내쉰다]
(건호) 신이가?Shin?
전에도 말씀드렸지 않습니까?I told you before.
신이가 정우에 대해 뭔가 알고 있는 게 분명합니다I'm sure Shin knows something about Jung-woo.
그럴 리가 없는데That can't be possible.
언제까지 이러실 겁니까?How long will you do this?
'내가 아버지에 대해 뭔가를 알고 있어서?'"Because I knew something about my father?"
정확히 이렇게 말했습니다That's exactly what he said.
체코에 다녀온 것도 정우 때문이고요He even went to the Czech Republic for that.
[몸을 기댄다]
[의미심장한 음악] [탁 소리]
왜 그렇게 웃는 거야?Why are you laughing?
아, 죄송합니다My apologies.
[짝 소리] 생각해보니 다행이다 싶어서요I realized that it's a relief.
함께 그 일을 겪으셨던 회장님께서 제 곁에 계신다는 게The fact that you, who went through it with me, are by my side...
얼마나 든든한 일입니까?is so encouraging.
신이가 바닥까지 파헤친대도 아무 걱정 없습니다Even if Shin digs it all up, it doesn't worry me at all.
어차피 전After all, I was nothing but your puppet.
회장님의 꼭두각시에 불과하니까요I was nothing but your puppet.
뭐가 어째?What was that?
전 미리 걱정 안 하겠습니다I won't worry preemptively.
회장님의 손자분이야 회장님께서 알아서 하시겠죠I'm sure you'll handle your own grandson.
아드님한테 그러셨던 것처럼 말입니다Just like you did to your son.
그럼 전I need to go. I have work to do for the MediCar.
메디 카 때문에 이만 가보겠습니다I need to go. I have work to do for the MediCar.
[신음하며 일어선다]
특별히 관심 가지시는 프로젝튼데It's a project that you're especially interested in. I have to make it a success.
반드시 성사시켜야죠I have to make it a success.
죽다 살아난 놈이 도대체 무슨 생각을 하는 거야?He nearly died. What is he thinking?
[달그락 소리, 한숨]
[통화 연결음]
[벨 소리] [차에서 내린다]
[탁 닫는다] 예, 회장님Yes, Mr. Chairman.
예, 제가 전하겠습니다Yes, I'll call.
(신3) 형!Bro!
[효과음] 형은 헷갈린 적 없어?Weren't you ever confused?
날 제일 잘 아는 사람이잖아You know me the best.
와, 형이라 그랬는데 화 안 냈다I said, "Bro," but you didn't get mad.
회사에서 볼 날이 얼마 안 남아서 그렇게 불러봤는데I called you that because I won't be here much longer.
또 그래도 돼요?May I do it again?
기분 내키는 대로 하시죠Please do as you please.
점심때 회장님께서 뵙자 십니다The chairman would like to see you for lunch.
- 알겠어요 - 전 올라가 보겠습니다-Okay. -I'll go up then.
그럼-Okay. -I'll go up then.
내가 뭐 잘못했나?Did I do something wrong?
평소랑 목소리 톤이 달라His voice tone is different.
일부러 차갑게 꾸민 목소리야He's being cold on purpose.
그런 건 모른 척하랬잖아I told you to ignore things like that.
은근히 츤데레인 지 팀장님이 너랑 정 떼려고 그러는 건데He's trying keep his distance from you.
그걸 콕 집어서 얘기하면 어떡해?You shouldn't point it out like that.
[바스락 소리]
[메시지 알림음]
와, 본부장님 진짜 자료 보내셨다Mr. Nam really sent the material.
[기막힌 소리] 상당한 양인데This is a lot.
번역에 서머리까지 다 돼 있어It's been translated and summarized, too. How did he do this all by himself?
이걸 어떻게 혼자 다 했지?How did he do this all by himself? He's so mysterious. Maybe he really is a robot.
미스터리 맨이네He's so mysterious. Maybe he really is a robot.
진짜 로봇 아냐?He's so mysterious. Maybe he really is a robot.
(창조) 아유, 서 이사님도 나한테 물어나 보고 사고를 치시지Mr. Suh should've asked me first. He threw down a doll...
인형 같은 거 하나 던져놓고 본부장님 로봇이니 뭐니 하셨으니He threw down a doll... and said Mr. Nam was a robot.
[웃으며] 결혼 파투 낸 거 복수하고 싶었나 보다He must've wanted revenge for calling off the wedding.
나 그거 인형 같지 않던데It didn't look like a doll to me.
진수 형 다시 한번 보여줘 봐요Jin-soo. Let me see that again.
[영상 속 달그락 소리]
(지용) 피부 아래 마스크Isn't that mask under the skin...
생각보다 정교하지 않아요?exquisite for a doll?
할리우드에서도 이 정돈 하거든?Even Hollywood does this much. They know the real technology is impossible.
실제 기술로 불가능한 거 알면서They know the real technology is impossible.
(신3) 뭐가 불가능하단 거죠?What's impossible?
[경쾌한 록 음악] [덜컹거리며 일어난다]
'맨 캔 두 올'!"Man can do all."
인류는 뭐든 할 수 있다는 모토를 앞세운 로고입니다It's a logo that says human can do everything.
이 프로젝트는This project will combine our self-driving car,
우리 자율 주행차 M카This project will combine our self-driving car,
구급 기능이 첨가된 새로운 M카에 이어서the M-Car, along with the new M-Car concept...
회장님이 구상하시는 빅 픽처를 실현해나갈 시리즙니다in order to accomplish... the chairman's big picture.
인류는 뭐든지 해내죠People can accomplish anything.
아마 여러분들 같은 사람도 곧 만들어낼걸요?They'll probably make people like you too soon.
요런, 요런 사람보단Wouldn't it be quicker... 
더 사람 같은 로봇 만드는 게 빠르지 않겠습니까?to make a robot that's more human than them? Don't you agree?
안 그러냐, 지용아?Don't you agree?
[웃음]Don't you agree?
[픽, 띠링 소리]
어? [바스락 소리]
[탁 놓는다] 점심시간이잖아요It's lunch time.
퇴근 시간도 어기면 그때도 꺼버립니다I'll turn it off again if you pass the closing hour.
(지용) 새우 파티 어때요?I saw a shrimp restaurant.
- (혜진) 어, 새우 좋네요 - (진수) 새우, 새우-Shrimp sounds good. -Okay. We should go there then.
근데 거기가 좀 비싸요-But it's expensive there. -We can spend that much.
[삑 소리, 걸어 나온다]-But it's expensive there. -We can spend that much.
(창조) 어 이제 나오십니까, 팀장님?Hello, ma'am.
제가 좀 늦었네요I'm a bit late.
식사하러 가는 길이에요?-Are you on your way to lunch? -Yes.
(지용) 네, 같이 가시죠-Are you on your way to lunch? -Yes. Come with us.
[웃음] 오늘은 제가 살게요It'll be my treat today.
[감탄, 박수 소리]
먼저 가 있어, 금방 갈게Go ahead before me. I'll be right there.
[신나는 음악]
(여직원 1) 맛있게 드세요-Enjoy. -Enjoy.
와, 본부장님이 오셔야 같이 먹는데We should wait for Mr. Nam.
아, 1일 1식 하신다고 점심은 건너뛰신대요He's on a diet, so he's skipping lunch. Let's just eat by ourselves.
우리끼리 먹죠Let's just eat by ourselves.
- 잘 먹겠습니다 - 잘 먹겠습니다!-Thank you. -Thank you.
- 맛있게 먹어주세요 - 네-Please enjoy. -We will.
[식기를 달그락거린다]
[작게 한숨 쉰다]
[바스락 소리]
두통약이에요For your headache.
엄마 가끔 두통 있잖아요You get them often, Mom.
[잔잔한 음악] 고마워Thanks.
(창조) 와...
이제야 진짜 모자 사이처럼 보이십니다You really look like mother-and-son now.
은근 효자신가 봐요 본부장님You must be a good son.
아, 근데 본부장님 요즘 완전 딴 분 같으세요You seem like a completely different person lately.
좋다고요I'm saying we like it.
다를 수밖에요Of course I'm different.
안 그래요, 강소봉 씨?Isn't that right, So-bong?
네, 완전 다른 분이시죠Yes, you're completely different.
다시 예전으로 돌아가시면 안 돼요, 절대요Don't go back to how you used to be, okay?
그럴 수도 있죠 사람은 늘 변하니까I may. People always change.
(창조) 안 됩니다, 본부장님No, sir. Our self-driving car team is finally doing well.
덕분에 저희 자율 주행팀 겨우 자리 잡았는데요No, sir. Our self-driving car team is finally doing well. I'm against it, too. It wasn't fun before.
(지용) 나도 반대, 전엔 재미없었어I'm against it, too. It wasn't fun before.
갑자기 내가 변해서 여러분들을 낯설게 하거든If I suddenly change and act awkward around you,
오 팀장님 판단을 믿고 따라주세요please follow Ms. Oh's orders.
아들을 위해서 최선을 다하실 분이거든요She'll do her best for her son.
저 회장님하고 약속이 있어서I have plans with the chairman.
강소봉 씨, 맛있게 드세요So-bong, enjoy your lunch.
[쩝 소리]Thank you. I'll see you later.
네, 본부장님, 이따 봬요Thank you. I'll see you later.
[일어서서 간다]
[바스락 소리]MEDICINE
[문이 드륵 열린다]
[무거운 음악] [걸어간다]
- 예? - 뭘 그렇게 놀라?-Pardon? -Why are you so surprised?
신이한테 회사를 언제쯤 물려주는 게 좋겠냐는데I asked when I should give the company to Shin.
아...I never thought about it, so I was caught off-guard.
생각지도 못한 질문이라 좀 당황했습니다I never thought about it, so I was caught off-guard.
신이 놈이 추진력도 좋고He has good momentum right now,
꽤 준비가 됐다 싶어서 묻는 거야and he seems ready. That's why I asked.
너도 예전보다는You must agree...
지금의 신이가 더 낫다고 생각할 거 아니냐that the Shin now is better than the Shin from before.
왜 대답을 못 해?Why can't you answer me?
영훈이 너는 생각이 다른 거냐?Do you think otherwise?
그런 건 아닙니다No, sir.
[노크 소리]
[문이 열린다]
아, 때마침 잘 왔다Good timing.
[웃음] 얼른 앉아Sit down.
식사 안 했지?You didn't eat yet, right?
하고 왔습니다 팀원들이랑I did. I ate with my team.
[자리에 앉는다]
[건호의 신음]I asked when I should give you the company,
너한테 회사를 언제쯤 물려줬으면 좋겠냐고 물었는데I asked when I should give you the company,
[웃음] 영훈이가 대답을 안 한다but he won't answer me.
네놈이I guess...
신뢰를 덜 준 모양이야?you haven't gained his trust yet.
저도 예전보다 본부장님께서 준비가 되셨다고 생각합니다I also believe he is better prepared than before.
[웃음]I think it will be better to pass it on to him
가능한 한 빨리 넘겨주시는 게 여러모로 좋을 거 같습니다I think it will be better to pass it on to him as soon as possible.
내 생각과 같아서 좋구나I'm glad you feel the same way I do.
최대한 잡음 없게Let's find a way to hand it over to him quietly...
넘겨줄 방법을 찾아보자without making a big fuss.
[효과음] [무거운 음악]
(건호) 식사 안 했지?You didn't eat yet, right?
하고 왔습니다 팀원들이랑I did. I ate with my team.
설마 그놈이...Don't tell me... Is it him?
[술을 마신다]
[탁 놓는다] 뭐 하는 거예요?What are you doing? Why are you drinking?
왜 갑자기 술을 마셔요?What are you doing? Why are you drinking?
[신음]I haven't drunk in a while. My head's spinning.
오랜만에 술 한잔했더니 머리가 핑 도네I haven't drunk in a while. My head's spinning.
섭섭하다, 형 날 못 알아봐?I'm hurt. How could you not recognize me?
너 신이구나You're Shin.
그래, 나 신이야That's right. I'm Shin.
형이 헷갈려 하는 가짜 신이가 아닌 진짜 신이Not the fake Shin you're confused about. The real Shin.
[쪼륵 따른다]
[탁 소리, 문을 닫는다]
[건호의 신음]
[신음하며 앉는다]
[웃으며] 밥은 안 먹겠다더니 술은 마셨구나You don't want to eat, but you're drinking?
술 마시는 모습 오랜만이다It's been a while since I last saw you drink.
어째, 맛은 괜찮냐?Does it taste good?
[신의 웃음] 네Yes. It's not bad for something you drink.
할아버지가 드시던 술치고는 마실 만하네요Yes. It's not bad for something you drink.
맨날 싸구려 술만 드시잖아요You always drank cheap stuff.
[기분 좋게 웃는다]
이제 나이가 들어서I've gotten old,
속이 약해져서 말이야so my stomach isn't as strong.
너 자리 좀 비켜라Would you excuse us?
내가 오늘 이놈하고 할 얘기가 많다I have a lot to say with him today.
형, 뭐 해?What are you waiting for?
할아버지 말씀 안 들려?Didn't you hear him?
[문을 열고 나간다]
[문이 닫힌다]
[쿵 소리]
[건호의 신음] [술을 졸졸 따른다]
감당할 수 있을 만큼 마셔Drink only as much as you can handle.
[탁 놓으며 삼킨다]
[숨을 내쉰다]
아버지도 술을 잘하셨어요?Was Dad a good drinker?
전 아버지랑 닮았나요?Do I take after him?
[웃음] 별일이구나This is unusual.
아버지 얘기는 입에도 안 올리던 놈이You never talked about your dad.
아버지는 어떤 아들이었어요?What kind of a son was he? Were you sad when he died?
아버지가 죽었을 때 슬펐어요?Were you sad when he died?
안 슬펐다I was not sad.
슬프면 안 되지I can't be sad.
자식 먼저 보낸 부모는A parent who buries their child...
슬퍼할 자격도 없으니까has no right to be sad.
그 얘길 왜 묻는 거야?why do you ask?
마지막으로 봤던 아버지 나이에 가까워질수록As I draw closer to my dad's age when I last saw him,
아버진 뭘 위해서 살다 죽었을까I wonder what he lived for when he died.
궁금해져서요I became curious.
넌 뭘 위해 사는 거냐?What do you live for?
네가What is it...
진짜 원하는 게 뭐야?that you truly want?
아시잖아요You know.
저 할아버지 회사 갖고 싶어요I want your company.
그걸 가져서 뭐 할 건데?What will you do with it?
조각조각 찢어서 팔아버리려고요I'll chop it up into pieces and sell them off.
[긴장되는 음악]
[웃음] 농담이에요Just kidding.
할아버지 목숨 같은 회사를 제가 어떻게 팔겠어요?It's like your life. I couldn't possibly sell it.
한 잔 더 주세요Pour me another.
오늘은 왠지 죽다 살아난 기분이라I feel like I've just overcome death.
삼세 잔은 마셔야겠어요I think I should have at least three shots.
[웃으며 술병을 든다]
[졸졸 따른다]
[탁 놓는다]
[마시고 잔을 놓는다]
[새가 지저귄다]
[걸어 나온다]
[차 문이 열린다]
[차 문이 닫힌다]
[차가 출발한다]
잠깐 얘기 좀 해Let's talk.
너 지금 뭐 하자는 거야?What are you trying to pull?
형이 나 없는 데서 내 욕 하나 안 하나 궁금해서I wanted to see if you badmouth me behind my back.
근데 형이 뭔데 내 자리를 받네 마네 맘대로 결정해?Who are you to decide whether I get what's mine or not?
그런 거 아니야It's not like that.
너 돌아와도Even if you return, you'll need time to adjust.
적응 시간 필요해Even if you return, you'll need time to adjust.
어차피 네 자린데 미리 받아놓으면 좋잖아It's yours anyway. It's good to get it ahead of time.
누가 필요하댔어?Who says I need it?
- 뭐? - 내가 언제 필요하다 그랬냐고-What? -Did I say I need it?
너 그렇게 말하면 안 돼You can't say that.
너 하나 때문에 다들 제정신 아니었던 거 알잖아You know everyone went crazy because of you.
제정신 아니지You're right.
로봇 따위로 날 대신한 거 보면All of you had a robot to replace me.
신아-Shin. -Did you think I'd thank you?
형이 그딴 짓 하면 내가 고마워할 줄 알았어?-Shin. -Did you think I'd thank you?
내가 언제 할아버지 자리 욕심낸 적 있냐고When did I ever want Grandpa's position?
혹시Maybe you're the one who wants it.
그 자리 형이 원하는 거 아니야?Maybe you're the one who wants it. -Since you'll get more if I'm a chairman. -Enough!
내가 올라가면 형이 누릴 게 더 많아지니까-Since you'll get more if I'm a chairman. -Enough!
[탕 치며] 그만해!-Since you'll get more if I'm a chairman. -Enough!
[애절한 음악]
너 진짜 왜 이래?What's wrong with you?
너 하나 지키자고 별별 짓을 다 했어I did all sorts of things to protect you.
그래서 겨우 여기까지 왔는데That's how we got to where we are.
네가 그렇게 말해?How could you say that?
너 정말 로봇보다 못한 인간이란 얘기 듣고 싶어?Do you want to hear that you're worse than a robot?
정신 차려, 제발Please get your act together.
로봇보다 못한 인간?I'm worse than a robot?
내가 좀 흥분했다I got too worked up.
[어이없는 웃음]You're not even well.
너 몸도 안 좋은데You're not even well.
따라오지 마Don't come after me.
[문을 세게 열고 나간다]
둘이 옷 갈아입고 있으니까 너 진짜 오빠 같다You really seem like Shin... when you're in his clothes like that.
갑작스럽게 부탁했는데 들어줘서 고마워Thanks for agreeing to the sudden request.
오빠가 할아버지를 꼭 뵙고 싶었나 봐Shin must've really wanted to see his grandpa.
서예나 씨는 날 감시하는 역할인가요?Are you my watch dog?
[민망한 웃음] 야, 감시는 무슨Why would I watch you?
오빠랑 너 둘 다 한꺼번에 나다니면 곤란하잖아You can't both be out there at the same time.
[벨 소리]
[휴대폰을 집는다]
어, 오빠 어디야?Hi, Shin. Where are you?
[신음하며 걸어간다]I'm almost there. I'll be there soon.
거의 다 왔어, 금방 도착해I'm almost there. I'll be there soon.
[가쁜 숨소리]
[의미심장한 음악]
재밌는 일이 생겼어Something fun just came up.
좀만 더 기다려Wait a little longer.
아메리카노 한 잔 주세요One Americano, please. Okay. Wait a few minutes.
(여직원 2) 네, 잠시만 기다려주세요Okay. Wait a few minutes.
[긴장되는 음악]
[통화 연결음]
[벨 소리]
너 뭐야? 누가 네 맘대로 기어 나오래?What are you doing? Who said you could come out?
당신과 강소봉의 GPS 신호가 가까워지는 걸 알았어요I noticed your GPS was drawing closer to So-bong's.
넌 내가 돌아가야 나오기로 했잖아You can't come out until I go back. What's it to you whom I meet and what I do?
내가 누굴 만나든 뭔 짓을 하든 뭔 상관이야?What's it to you whom I meet and what I do?
할아버지가 보고 싶다 그래서 허락해준 거예요I permitted it because you wanted to see Grandpa. What? "Permitted it"?
뭐? 허락?What? "Permitted it"?
갑자기 나타나서 명령하는 게 불합리하다고 판단했지만I concluded it was improper to suddenly give an order,
[황당한 웃음] 혈육에 대한 그리움일 거라고but I assumed you missed your family, so I accepted it.
추측해서 받아줬어요but I assumed you missed your family, so I accepted it.
하지만 강소봉은 달라요However, So-bong is different.
내가 당신 역할을 대신할 뿐I am simply pretending to be you. You and So-bong have nothing to do with each other.
강소봉과 당신은 아무 상관도 없어요You and So-bong have nothing to do with each other.
강소봉은 나만의 사람이니까So-bong is my person and mine alone.
다신 이런 식으로 나타나지 마세요Don't show up like this again.
[기막힌 웃음]
[잔잔한 음악]
어? [일어선다]
[새가 지저귄다]
오빠 여기서 뭐해?What are you doing here?
(소봉) 그래서?So? Shin showed up and asked to swap clothes, so you did.
남신이 떡 나타나서 옷도 바꿔 입자 그래서 바꿔 입고Shin showed up and asked to swap clothes, so you did. And you were locked in Ms. Suh's car while he was out?
걔가 싸돌아다닐 동안 넌 서 팀장 차에 갇혀있었다?And you were locked in Ms. Suh's car while he was out?
화내도 돼 충분히 그럴 만한 상황이니까You may get angry. You have every right to.
아니 난 너한테 화 안 낼 거야No. I won't get mad at you.
감정을 못 느끼는 너한테 감정적이 되는 건 옳지 않아It's wrong to be emotional to you when you can't feel emotions. If I want to understand you,
널 이해하려면If I want to understand you, I must be rational and reasonable like you.
너처럼 합리적이고 이성적으로 판단해야 돼I must be rational and reasonable like you.
괜찮아, 강소봉?Are you okay?
[짜증 내며] 아, 안 돼!I can't do it. I'm just an emotional human.
난 역시 감정적인 인간인가 봐I can't do it. I'm just an emotional human.
아, 분해 분해서 미치겠어!I'm angry. I'm so angry that it drives me crazy.
["너, 누구니?"]
아, 웃지 마!Don't smile.
난 그 인간이 너한테 함부로 하는 게 싫단 말이야I don't like that jerk mistreating you.
그 인간이 나타나면 넌 자꾸 숨어야 되잖아You have to hide whenever that jerk comes out. You did nothing wrong.
넌 잘못한 것도 없는데 그런 취급당하는 거 보기 싫어You did nothing wrong. I hate seeing you being treated like that.
서 팀장 차에서 얼마나 불편했겠어?It must've been so uncomfortable in Ms. Suh's car.
내가 같이 있었어야 되는 건데I should've been with you... so that I can hit her if she treats you like an object.
서 팀장이 너 물건 취급하면 내가 확 받아버리게!so that I can hit her if she treats you like an object.
예쁘다You're pretty.
내가 인간이었으면 그렇게 말했을 거라고That's what I would've said if I were a human.
예쁘다, 강소봉You're pretty, So-bong.
네가 인간이었으면If you were a human,
내가 어디가 예쁘다고 생각했을 거 같은데?what about me would you have thought as pretty?
어디냐니까?Answer me.
[벨 소리]
뭐예요?-What is it? -Quit right now.
너 그만둬, 당장-What is it? -Quit right now.
내 약혼녀께선 네가 내 얼굴이랑 있는 게 싫대My fiancee doesn't like you being with my face.
수동 제어 모드가 있다며?I heard there's a manual override to control that thing you love.
네가 죽고 못 사는 그걸 멋대로 할 수 있는I heard there's a manual override to control that thing you love.
너 안 그만두면 걔한테 그거 채워버린다If you don't quit, I'll put that on him. So quit.
그러니까 무서우면 관둬If you don't quit, I'll put that on him. So quit.
강소봉을 보고 싶어 한 게 아니라니까I didn't want to see So-bong.
로봇을 좋아하는 게 웃겨서 그냥 놀려주러 간 거야I find it silly to like a robot. I wanted to tease her. Why is it funny? Why would you tease her?
뭐가 웃겨? 왜 놀려?Why is it funny? Why would you tease her?
그런 것도 다 관심이야That's all interest.
[밀친다]Do that again, and I'll make you pay.
오빠 또 그러면 나 가만 안 있어Do that again, and I'll make you pay.
[달그락 소리]
누구야? 누군데 그렇게 심각해?Who was it? Why were you so serious?
어? 어, 서 팀장Ms. Suh.
할아버지 잘 만나게 도와줘서 너한테 고맙다고She thanked you for letting him meet his grandpa.
아까 나한테도 그렇게 말했는데, 고맙다고She already thanked me earlier.
- 그래? - 응-She did? -Yes.
또 얘기해주고 싶었나 보지I guess she wanted to say it again.
가자Let's go. You have to tell me what about me is pretty tomorrow.
내일은 내가 어디가 예뻤는지 꼭 얘기해줘야 돼You have to tell me what about me is pretty tomorrow.
음, 그래Okay.
[신비로운 음악]
[술을 마신다]
(신) 제정신 아니지You're right.
로봇 따위로 날 대신한 거 보면All of you had a robot to replace me.
형이 그딴 짓 하면 내가 고마워할 줄 알았어?Did you think I'd thank you? When did I ever want Grandpa's position?
내가 언제 할아버지 자리 욕심낸 적 있냐고When did I ever want Grandpa's position?
혹시Maybe you're the one who wants it.
그 자리 형이 원하는 거 아니야?Maybe you're the one who wants it.
언제 왔어요?-When did you get here? -3 minutes 47 seconds ago.
3분 47초 전에요-When did you get here? -3 minutes 47 seconds ago.
[웃음] 항상 정확하네요You're always so exact.
오늘 낮에Earlier today,
신이가 회사에 온 거 봤어요I saw Shin at the office.
인간 남신의 부탁을 어디까지 들어줘야 할까요?How much of the human Nam Shin's favors must I do?
나쁜 짓을 시켜도 다 들어줘야 되나요?Must I do it even if it's something bad?
나한테는 나쁜 짓이지만It may be bad to me, but good for him.
인간 남신한테 좋은 일일 수도 있잖아요It may be bad to me, but good for him.
그럴 리 없어요That won't happen.
옳고 그름은 의외로 복잡하지 않아요What's right or wrong isn't all that complicated.
인간들이 자기들 이익을 위해서 복잡하게 만든 거지Humans complicate it for their own gain.
본인 판단에 나쁜 거면 신이한테도 나쁜 거니까If you conclude it's bad, it's bad for Shin, too,
신이를 위해서라도 꼭 거절해줘요so refuse it at least for his sake.
[잔잔한 음악]Thank you so much for trusting my judgment.
내 판단을 믿어줘서 너무 고마워요Thank you so much for trusting my judgment.
혹시 저랑 정 뗄 거예요?Are you distancing yourself from me?
나중에 또 보면 안 돼요?Can't we meet again in the future?
[문이 열린다]
나도 로봇이야I'm a robot, too.
그래도 내가 좋아?Do you still like me?
[계단을 내려온다]Where is he? Hee-dong!
희동아!Hee-dong! Where did he go?
어디 갔어?Where did he go?
걔 또 네 방에 갔었니?Was he in your room again?
여기 눕혀라Put him down over here.
[숨을 내쉰다]
고맙다 다신 네 방에 안 들어가게 할게Thanks. I'll make sure he doesn't go there again.
그럴 필요 없어There's no need.
언제든지 와서 놀게 해Let him play whenever he wants.
얘한테 자꾸 기대하게 하지 마Stop giving him hope.
쓸데없이 가깝게 지내지 말라고Don't act close to him. You and he will grow apart with time.
앞으로 얘랑 너 멀어질 사이야You and he will grow apart with time.
크면 클수록 네 거 빼앗는 눈엣가시처럼 생각된다고As he get older, you'll think he's after what's yours. What does that have to do with playing in my room?
그게 내 방에서 놀게 하는 거랑 무슨 상관인데?What does that have to do with playing in my room?
- 뭐? - 뭐가 어찌 됐건-What? -Whatever happens later on,
내 방에서 실컷 놀게 하는 게 나쁜 거야?is it bad for him to play in my room?
나쁜 건 아닌데It isn't bad, but...
쓸데없이 나중 일까지 걱정하지 마Don't worry about the future.
애들은 하루하루 즐겁게 노는 게 더 중요해It's more important for kids to play when they can.
고모도 내 방 와서 희동이랑 좀 놀아주고 그래You should play with him in my room, too.
[걸어간다]Hi, Dad.
아빠, 나오셨어요?Hi, Dad.
신이, 잠깐 나 좀 보자Shin, let's talk.
[의미심장한 음악]
(건호) 넌 뭘 위해 사는 거냐?What do you live for?
네가 진짜 원하는 게 뭐야?What is it that you truly want?
아시잖아요You know.
저 할아버지 회사 갖고 싶어요I want your company. What will you do with it?
그걸 가져서 뭐 할 건데?What will you do with it?
조각조각 찢어서 팔아버리려고요I'll chop it up into pieces and sell them off.
뭘 위해서 사는 거냐?do you live for?
네가 진짜 원하는 게 뭐야?What is it that you truly want?
전 원하는 게 없습니다I don't want anything.
그렇겠지I'm sure.
원래 너는 욕망이 없는 놈이니까Since you never had any ambition.
그런 뜻이 아니에요That's not what I mean.
뭔가를 갖고 싶다는 건 그걸 가질 힘이 없다는 거죠Wanting something... means you lack the strength to take it.
그래서?So? I have the strength to take it all.
전 그 힘들을 다 갖추고 있어요I have the strength to take it all.
지식이든 체력이든 정보력이든Be it wisdom, physical strength, or information. As in, you can have anything you set your mind to,
맘만 먹으면 다 가질 수 있으니까As in, you can have anything you set your mind to,
아예 처음부터so there's no need...
갖고 싶어 할 필요가 없다?to want anything In the first place?
필요하지 않으니까 안 쓸 뿐이죠I simply don't use that strength since I don't need to.
[웃음]You rude jerk.
시건방진 놈You rude jerk.
사실을 말한 거예요I only spoke the truth.
나도 사실을 말한 거야So did I.
너 같은 놈이 건방져도 아무 할 말이 없으니까Because even if you are rude, I can't complain.
너 진짜Do you really...
내 손자로 살아볼 생각이 없냐?have no desire to live as my grandson?
내 말이 이상하게 들렸겠구나I'm sure my question sounded strange.
이미 넌 모든 면에서 내 손자인데 말이다Since you already are my grandson in every way.
나가봐You may go.
필요하지 않으니까You simply don't use that strength...
안 쓸 뿐이다?since you don't need to?
[호탕하게 웃는다]
[조용한 음악]My fiancee doesn't like you being with my face.
(신) 내 약혼녀께선 네가 내 얼굴이랑 있는 게 싫대My fiancee doesn't like you being with my face.
수동 제어 모드가 있다며?I hear there's a manual override...
네가 죽고 못 사는 그걸 멋대로 할 수 있는to control that thing you love. If you don't quit, I'll put that on him.
너 안 그만두면 걔한테 그거 채워버린다If you don't quit, I'll put that on him. So quit.
그러니까 무서우면 관둬So quit.
[잘그락 소리]
[지퍼를 올린다]
[문을 열고 나와 뛴다]
[이불을 덮어준다]
(재식) 나쁜 년Wicked brat.
[천천히 일어난다]
아니, 이런 건 뭐 하려고 덮어줘, 이런 건?Why did you put this on me?
넌 아빠한테 나쁜 딸인데You're a bad daughter to me.
나 나쁜 딸 맞아I know I am.
그러니까 미안하단 말도 안 할 거야That's why I won't apologize either.
뭐?-What? -I never did what you told me to,
이제까지 아빠가 살라는 대로 안 살았는데-What? -I never did what you told me to, and I probably won't.
계속 그럴 거 같아서and I probably won't.
[기막혀서] 참, 당당하다, 당당해Listen to her. She's so arrogant.
그래, 네가 내 말 들으면 내 딸 강소봉이 아니지Sure, you wouldn't be my daughter... if you listened to me.
알았으면 기대 접어So give it up.
나 걔랑 안 헤어져I won't break up with him.
왜 하필 날 닮았냐?Why are you just like me?
다르지 그랬냐?Couldn't you be different?
넌 아빠랑은 좀 다르지 그랬어?Couldn't you be different from me?
그게 뭐 좋은 거라고That's nothing good.
[슬픈 음악] 똑같이 미련하고You're equally as stupid,
고지식하고 답답해서는pigheaded, and frustrating.
이만 아니다 싶으면 좀 틀고If you think it's wrong, turn away.
상처받는다 싶으면 돌아서고If you think you'll get hurt, turn around.
나는 그렇게 안 돼도Even if I couldn't do it,
너라도 그렇게 살아주면 안 되냐, 소봉아?can't you live like that, So-bong?
[울먹이며] 나도 안 좋아하려고 무지 애썼단 말이야I tried really hard to not like him.
근데But I just couldn't.
잘 안 됐단 말이야But I just couldn't.
그래, 그래야지Fine. Sure.
[한숨] 내 딸이 여우 같았으면 진작에 돌아섰겠지If my daughter was clever, she would've left a long time ago.
[훌쩍인다] 이게 다 아빠 잘못이다, 응?This is all my fault.
너를 여우가 아닌 미련 곰탱이로 낳아준 내 잘못이야It's my fault... for making you a stupid fool.
[울면서] 아빠!Dad.
아빠까지 그러지 마!Don't you do this, too.
사람들이 다 나한테Everyone tells me...
걔랑 떨어지래to leave him.
막 협박하면서 경호원도 그만두래They threaten me and tell me to stop guarding him.
나 아빠한테 잘못한 건 맞는데I know I shouldn't do this to you,
그래도but still.
아빤 나한테 안 그러면 안 돼?Can't you not do this to me?
[흐느끼며] 나 걔 옆에 같이 있고 싶어, 아빠I want to stay with him, Dad.
끝까지 같이 있어 주고 싶단 말이야!I want to stay with him until the very end.
쯧, 뚝 그쳐It's okay. It's okay. Stop crying.
뚝 그쳐, 뚝It's okay. It's okay. Stop crying.
뚝 해Stop crying.
뚝 해Stop crying.
아빤 널 말리지도 않고 응원도 안 할 거야I won't stop you... or cheer you on.
미련 곰탱이처럼don't do anything...
다칠 일 하지 마that will get you hurt.
만약에 너 다치면은If you get hurt,
[울먹이며] 내가 그놈의 새끼 아주I'll break that little punk.
부숴버릴 거야I'll break that little punk.
[울며 껴안는다]
[엉엉 울며] 아빠...Dad...
햇살이 아주 좋구나The sun feels good.
내가 죽을 때도 이렇게I hope it's just as sunny...
볕이 좋았으면 좋겠구나on the day I die.
왜 그런 말씀을 하십니까?Why are you saying that?
생로병사Everyone grows old and dies.
늙으면 병들어 죽는 게 사람이다That's human life. You get old, get sick, and you die.
내 육신은 썩는대도 감흥이 없는데My body will rot, but there's nothing I can do.
회사가 걱정이구나I'm worried about the company though.
신이가 있으니까 너무 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다You have Shin, so you don't need to worry.
[애절한 음악]Do you trust that punk?
넌 그놈을 믿느냐?Do you trust that punk?
어떤 신이?Which Shin?
예전의 신이냐 요즘의 신이냐?The old Shin, or the new Shin?
쯧, 난 그놈들보다I trust you...
영훈이 널 더 믿는다more than I trust him.
혈연에 치우치지 않고 냉철하게 판단했을 때Putting blood aside... and judging objectively,
내 회사를 망가뜨리지 않을 놈은you're the only one...
영훈이 너 하나야who won't ruin my company.
- 회장님 - 왜?-Sir. -What? Do you feel guilty toward Shin? Or...
신이한테 미안하냐? 아니면Do you feel guilty toward Shin? Or...
종길이처럼 취급해서 기분이 나쁘냐?are you offended that I treat you like Jong-gil?
그런 거추장스러운 감정 다 떨쳐버리고Cast off all of those cumbersome emotions, and judge.
판단을 해봐and judge.
누가 내 자리에 적합하냐?Who's perfect to replace me?
너 아니냐?You.
저 맞습니다Yes, I am.
자신도 있고 욕심도 납니다I'm confident, and I want it, too.
하지만 생각만 할 뿐 그 욕심을 채우고 싶진 않습니다But I only think about it. I don't want to strive for it.
왜 그러냐고 물어도 되겠냐?May I ask why?
회장님처럼 살기 싫어서요I don't want to live like you.
뭐?-What? -If I want to feed my greed,
끝도 없는 욕심을 채우려면 회장님처럼-What? -If I want to feed my greed, I must cast off my own son and grandson...
자기 아들도 손자도 냉정히 밀어내고I must cast off my own son and grandson... and suspect everyone like you do.
누구든 의심해야 하죠and suspect everyone like you do.
그런 삶이 행복하십니까 회장님?Does a life like that make you happy, sir?
제가 본 회장님은You seem very unhappy in my eyes.
무척 불행하십니다You seem very unhappy in my eyes.
전 그렇게 살고 싶지 않습니다I don't want to live like that.
외롭게 자라서 똑같이 외롭게 자란 신이I was lonely all my life, so I don't want to hurt Shin,
마음 다치게 하고 싶지도 않고who was also lonely all his life.
회장님 마음 불안하고 두렵게 해드리고 싶지도 않습니다I don't want to make you nervous either. You don't say it,
말씀은 안 하시지만You don't say it,
누구든 한 발이라도 앞서나갈까 봐 겁내시잖아요but you're always afraid someone will pass you.
전 차라리 덜 욕심내고 행복하게 살겠습니다I'd rather want less and live a happy life.
신이도 챙기고I'll take care of Shin and serve you...
회장님도 모시면서 덜 외롭게I'll take care of Shin and serve you... to be less lonely.
못난 놈Loser.
예, 저 못난 놈 맞습니다Yes, I am a loser.
그럼I'll be leaving then.
그놈이 너한테 어떤 존재냐?What is that punk to you?
그놈이라니 무슨...That punk? Who...
신이처럼 생긴 그 로봇 말이다The robot that looks like Shin.
[무거운 효과음]
[숨을 내쉰다]
[자갈길을 걷는다]
아빠Dad. I told you.
아까 말했잖아Dad. I told you. You can't stop me.
나 못 말린다니까?You can't stop me.
어이구, 이런 미련 곰탱이 칠칠맞기는Gosh, you stupid fool. You're so absentminded.
고마워, 아빠Thank you.
나 지금I'm going to see the person who told me to quit.
경호원 그만두라고 한 사람 찾아갈 거야I'm going to see the person who told me to quit.
절대 못 그만둔다고 못 박고 올 거야I'll say I will never quit.
아, 그러든지 말든지Do whatever you want. Go.
가봐Do whatever you want. Go.
다녀오겠습니다!I'll be back, sir.
[웃으며 간다]
우리 딸 이쁘네 [초인종 소리]My daughter's so pretty.
[헤실거린다] (예나) 누구세요?Who is it?
[다가가 문을 연다]
남신 만나러 왔어요I came to see Nam Shin.
[무거운 음악] [휠체어가 굴러간다]
[달그락 소리]
[긴장되는 음악]
너한테는 여기가 꼭 엄마 배 속 같겠다?This must feel like Mom's womb to you.
[탁 놓는다] 이런 데서 만들어졌잖아You were made in a room like this.
강소봉 안 그만둬요So-bong will not quit.
이 말 하려고 왔어요I came to tell you that.
[코웃음]Did she tattle?
- 걔가 일러바치디? - 아니요Did she tattle? No. I can hear everything through the phone.
통화 목소리쯤은 다 구별해요No. I can hear everything through the phone. I have hypersensitive sight and hearing.
난 시청각이 발달했으니까I have hypersensitive sight and hearing.
[휠체어를 돌린다]
강소봉이 네 경호원이 아니라 네가 걔 대리인이야?She's your guard. You're not her agent. I spoke to her. Why are you stepping in?
강소봉한테 말했는데 왜 네가 나서?I spoke to her. Why are you stepping in? She has nothing to do with you.
강소봉은 당신하고 아무 상관 없어요She has nothing to do with you. Only I can make my guard quit.
내 경호원을 관둘 수 있게 하는 건 나뿐이에요Only I can make my guard quit.
네가 나 대신 만들어졌다는 거 까먹었구나?You forgot you were made to replace me.
넌 그냥 내가 시키는 대로 하면 돼 같잖은 소리 하지 말고You just have to do what I tell you do.
[탕 닫는다] 여기서 데이트해?Are you having a date here?
[놀란 숨소리]Why are you both here?
왜 쌍으로 드나들고 난리야?Why are you both here? He's here?
여기 와 있어요?He's here?
내가 왜 꼭 그래야 되는 거죠?Why must I do that?
- 뭐? - 뭔가 오해하고 있는 거 같은데-What? -You must be confused.
내가 당신을 도와주는 거지 당신이 날 부리는 게 아니에요I'm helping you. You don't control me. You can ask me for favors,
나한테 부탁할 순 있지만 명령할 자격은 없어요You can ask me for favors, but you can't order me around.
뭔가를 원한다면 정중히 부탁하세요If you want something, ask nicely.
협박하지 말고Don't make threats.
아니No. I enjoy making threats than requests.
난 부탁보다 협박이 더 재밌어No. I enjoy making threats than requests.
You have no emotions, so threats don't work.
넌 감정이 없으니까 협박해봤자 소용없겠구나You have no emotions, so threats don't work.
그럼 뭘 건드려야 내 말을 들을까?Then what must I mess with for you to obey? What's the most precious to you?
너한테 제일 소중한 게 뭐더라?What's the most precious to you?
혹시 강소봉?Is it So-bong?
강소봉 건드리지 마, 절대Don't touch So-bong. -Ever. -How dare you threaten me?
이게 어디서 날 협박해!-Ever. -How dare you threaten me?
[달그락, 휙 효과음]
[유리가 깨진다]
[화난 숨소리]
[놀라며] 미쳤어요?Are you insane? What are you doing?
지금 뭐 하는 거예요?Are you insane? What are you doing? He's more disgusting because he's fine.
멀쩡해서 더 징그러워He's more disgusting because he's fine.
이 고통도 감정도 모르는 로봇 새끼가He can't feel pain or emotions.
[달그락 소리] 그만, 그만해요!Stop it!
[화난 숨소리] (신3) 다쳐You'll get hurt. Stand behind me.
내 뒤에 있어You'll get hurt. Stand behind me.
[툭 놓으며] 하, 이것들이 진짜Are you kidding me?
너 진짜 네가 인간인 줄 아는구나?You must really think you're human.
잘 봐, 누가 인간인지Watch. See who's really human.
[달그락 소리]
[날카로운 효과음] 안 돼!No!
[소봉의 놀란 숨소리]
[숨소리가 울린다]
[땡그랑 소리]
[기막힌 소리]
[급박한 음악]
♪ I’m looking for my heart ♪
♪ 날 미치게 만들어 ♪
♪ 너 하나만을 원해 ♪
(소봉) 넌 눈 떴을 때부터 남신이었고 지금도 남신이야You were always Nam Shin, and you still are.
(신) 걔가 그렇게 좋냐?Do you like him that much? What exactly is the manual override mode?
그 수동 제어 모드는 정확히 뭐야?What exactly is the manual override mode? -Why are you doing this? -It's not about Shin.
- (영훈) 너 왜 이래? - (건호) 신이 얘기 말고-Why are you doing this? -It's not about Shin. Talk about yourself.
네 얘길 해봐Talk about yourself. Does Grandpa know about me?
(신3) 저에 대해 알고 계세요? (신) 할아버지가...Does Grandpa know about me?

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