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 별에서 온 그대 19

My Love from the Star 19



(민준) 교산 허균 선생의 명성은Even someone like me who lives in the mountains alone
산중에 홀로 사는 저로서도has heard of the famous Gyosan Heo Gyun.
익히 들어 보았습니다만has heard of the famous Gyosan Heo Gyun.
어찌 이곳까지 저를 찾아오셨는지요?But what brings you all the way here?
최근I have been writing a novel.
소설을 한 편 집필 중입니다I have been writing a novel.
(균) 주인공이 홍길동이라는 자인데The main character is a man named Hong Gil-dong,
도술에 능하고 그 도술로써a man who is good at Taoist magic,
어려운 백성들을 구하는 그런 인물입니다and he saves the people in distress with his magical power.
선생께서I heard that you can use magic.
도술을 부린다 들었습니다I heard that you can use magic.
(균) 아무래도The man in the novel is a made-up character,
소설 속의 인물은The man in the novel is a made-up character,
실제 인물이 아니고 허구이다 보니The man in the novel is a made-up character,
실제로 그 도술을 부리는 분을 만나 뵙고so I wanted to meet someone who can use magic in real life,
그 기이한 광경을 직접 보고to see him use magic with my own eyes,
소설에 담아내고 싶은 욕심에then to put it into my novel.
어렵사리 수소문해서 이렇게 찾아뵙게 되었습니다So I went out of my way to find you and finally came to visit.
[피식 웃는다] [신비로운 효과음]
[놀라는 숨소리]
[흥미로운 음악] (균) 아니Oh, my.
[겁먹은 신음]
무섭게 왜 이러십니까?Do not do this. You are scaring me.
(민준) 이런 걸 말씀하신…Are you talking about something like this?
[균의 기겁하는 신음]Are you talking about something like this?
(균) 아, 갓Begad.
[균의 놀라는 숨소리]
과연 놀랍습니다That is absolutely amazing.
이, 꿈인지 생시인지May I touch to check if this is a dream or the reality?
잠깐 만져 봐도…May I touch to check if this is a dream or the reality?
아 [균의 놀라는 신음]
제가 이, 둔갑법이니 축지법이니I have been studying transformation, contracting space,
경공술 같은 것을 연구 중인데and flying on air and things.
방금 보여 주신But you just disappeared and reappeared here.
이, 동에 번쩍 서에 번쩍But you just disappeared and reappeared here.
이것은 어떤 도술에 속하는지…What kind of magic is this?
저는I do not use magic.
도술을 쓰는 자가 아닙니다I do not use magic.
[균의 당황한 신음]
(균) 아니Goodness.
아니, 이게 도술이 아니면If that wasn't magic,
그, 특별한 존재임에 틀림없는 거 같습니다you must be someone very special.
제 소설 속에 나오는 인물하고도 통하는 면이 있고You have a lot in common with the character of my novel.
그렇지 않습니다You have a lot in common with the character of my novel. I am not like that.
(민준) 선생의 소설 속 주인공은 의협심이 강해The character in your novel saves many people
자신이 가진 재주로 많은 사람들을 구하는지 몰라도The character in your novel saves many people with the talent that he has out of chivalry.
저는 아니기 때문입니다But I am not like that.
[균의 한숨]
이유를 여쭈어도 되겠습니까?May I ask you a question?
이런 재주를 숨기고Instead of hiding your power and living as if you do not exist,
없는 존재처럼 숨어 사느니Instead of hiding your power and living as if you do not exist,
세상에 나서Would it not be better
어려운 백성을 구하고 희망을 주는 편이…to come out to save people in trouble and give them hope--
제 정체를 드러내면서 도움을 줘 본 적도 있지만I have shown my identity and helped people before.
그들에게 저는But to them, I was only a monster who was different from them.
자신과는 다른But to them, I was only a monster who was different from them.
괴물일 뿐이었습니다But to them, I was only a monster who was different from them.
(민준) 그런 어리석은 짓은 이제I decided not to do anything foolish of that sort.
하지 않기로 했습니다I decided not to do anything foolish of that sort.
[잔잔한 음악]
만약에What if it is for someone that you love with all of your heart?
선생이 전심으로 사랑하는 사람을 위해서라면요?What if it is for someone that you love with all of your heart?
(균) 그 사람을 위해서라고 하여도Will you not show yourself
정체를 드러내고to save her even if it was for her sake?
구하지 않으시렵니까?to save her even if it was for her sake?
저에겐 전심으로 사랑하는 사람이I do not have anyone that I love with all of my heart.
없습니다만I do not have anyone that I love with all of my heart.
지금은 그렇다 하여도That may be the case for now.
이 넓은 세상 긴 세월을 살다 보면But if you live for a long time in this big and wide world,
수없는 사람들을 만날 터인데you will come across countless numbers of people.
그런 사람 한 사람쯤 나타날 수도 있지 않겠습니까?Then one day, you may find someone like that.
그런 일은 없을 겁니다That will not happen.
(민준) 그리고 하나And one more thing.
저는 언제까지나I am not a being that can stay here forever.
이곳에 머물 수 있는 존재가 아닙니다I am not a being that can stay here forever.
때가 되면In time, I will have to go back to where I came from.
본디 있던 곳으로 돌아가게 될 것입니다In time, I will have to go back to where I came from.
그러니So even if I meet countless numbers of people over a long time
아무리 긴 세월 넓은 세상 살다가So even if I meet countless numbers of people over a long time
수많은 사람들을 겪는다 한들in this big and wide world,
그 누구에게 이 마음을 다 던질 리가 없습니다there is no way I will give all of my heart to someone.
저는 그리 어리석지 않습니다I am not such a fool.
[생각하는 숨소리]
[활기찬 음악]
[잔잔한 음악]
(민준) 이번에 돌아갈 기회를 놓치게 된다면If I lose my chance to go back this time,
나는 어쩌면I will probably...
이곳에서 사라지게 될 것이다disappear from this place.
머지않아…I will die before long.
죽게 되겠지I will die before long.
(송이) 안 가도Is it okay for you to not go?
그래도 괜찮은 거야?Is it okay for you to not go?
괜찮아It's okay.
(송이) 정말Is it...
괜찮아?really okay?
[피식 웃는다]
[놀라는 숨소리]
[흐느끼는 숨소리]
[송이가 흐느낀다]
[차 문이 달칵 열린다]
(송이) 아버님Father.
아버지 아닌 거 아시지 않습니까?You know that I'm not his father.
도민준 씨가 그랬어요Min-jun said that...
진짜 아버님 같으신 분이라고you're like his real father.
(송이) 지난번에 도민준 씨 아플 때 그러셨잖아요Last time when he was sick,
석 달 뒤면 돌아가야 된다고you said he has to go back in three months.
그때 왜 그러셨어요?Why did you say that?
도민준 씨Does he...
어디로 돌아가요?have to return somewhere?
다 알고 오신 거 아닙니까?I thought you already knew everything.
아니, 전 아직 현실로 와닿지를 않거든요I mean, it still doesn't feel real to me.
도민준 씨가 내 눈앞에서 사라졌다가He disappears in one second,
(송이) 갑자기 나타나기도 하고then reappears before me.
그런 거 다 봤는데도I saw everything like that,
다른 별 사람이라니but I still can't believe...
전 아직도 믿어지질 않거든요how he's from another planet.
그런데 심지어And on top of that,
자기 별로 돌아가야 한다니he has to go back to his planet now?
사실입니다It's true.
[부드러운 음악] [떨리는 숨소리]
(송이) 도민준 씨Min-jun...
나한테 그랬어요told me that...
돌아가지 않겠다고he will not go back.
돌아가지 않아도 괜찮다고That he'll be okay even if he doesn't.
그런데 제가But then...
도민준 씨 일기장을 봐 버렸어요I read Min-jun diary.
거기에 그렇게 적혀 있더라고요And it said...
돌아가지 않으면that he'll die...
죽는다고if he doesn't go back.
벌써부터 예전하고는 많이 달라지셨습니다He's already a lot different from before.
(영목) 추운 거, 더운 거 전혀 못 느끼시던 분이었는데He never used to get cold or hot.
요즘은 자꾸But he keeps on getting cold these days,
추위를 느끼시고But he keeps on getting cold these days,
갖고 있던 능력도and his power
갑자기 사라져 버리곤 하고suddenly disappears from time to time.
그래서 정말 안 가게 되면So if he doesn't go,
죽는 거예요?will he really die?
(송이) 그럼 그 사람은Then did he say...
죽을지도 모르면서that he will stay with me...
내 옆에 있겠다고 한 거예요?knowing that he may die?
어떻게…How can he do that?
그만큼That's how much he likes you.
천송이 씨를 많이 좋아하시니까요That's how much he likes you.
천송이 씨가 선생님 좋아하기 훨씬 그 이전부터He liked you a lot even before you began
많이 좋아하셨어요to have feelings for him.
(영목) 천송이 씨가 아는 거He likes you a lot more than how much you think he likes you.
훨씬 그 이상으로He likes you a lot more than how much you think he likes you.
많이 좋아하셨고요He likes you a lot more than how much you think he likes you.
[울먹이며] 천송이 씨He didn't want to hurt you,
마음 다치는 거 싫어서He didn't want to hurt you,
이렇게 되지 않으려고 많이 노력하셨습니다so he tried really hard to not let this happen.
아, 저도 여러 차례 말려 봤지만I tried to stop him many times,
뭐, 어쩝니까?but he can't help it.
자기 목숨까지 내놓고He wants to give up his life...
옆에 있고 싶다잖아요to stay with you.
[긴장되는 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
[민준의 어이없는 숨소리]
(민준) 뭐야?What is this? You told me to come.
사람 오라고 해 놓고What is this? You told me to come.
[술 취한 목소리로] 아
우리 도민준 씨네?It's you, Min-jun.
(휘경) 역시I knew it. You can just come in here
문 열어 주지도 않았는데 막 들어오고I knew it. You can just come in here even if I don't open the door for you.
대단해even if I don't open the door for you.
근데 우리 도민준 씨는Anyway, Min-jun, who on earth are you?
정체가 뭐야, 도대체?Anyway, Min-jun, who on earth are you?
마법사인가?Are you a magician?
그런 거 물어보려고 오라고 한 건가?Did you tell me to come to ask me that?
당신 능력은 어디까지야?How much power do you have?
12년이 지났는데You still look the same after 12 years,
얼굴도 그대로고You still look the same after 12 years,
엄청나게 빨리 움직일 수도 있고you can move extremely fast,
(휘경) 손도 대지 않고and you can walk through a door without touching it.
문을 통과할 수도 있고and you can walk through a door without touching it.
난 15년을 줄기차게 사랑해 왔는데You can also have Song-i's heart, which I could never have,
얻지 못한You can also have Song-i's heart, which I could never have,
천송이 마음도 얻을 수 있고even after loving her for 15 years.
[쓸쓸한 음악]
[옅은 한숨]
[휘경의 한숨]
다 가졌잖아, 도민준 씨는You have everything, Min-jun.
난 당신이 부러워I envy you.
나는No, I envy you.
당신이 부러워No, I envy you.
[어이없는 웃음]
내가 부러워?You envy me?
내 혈육이My brother...
내가 사랑하는 여자를tried to kill the woman I love,
죽이려고 했고tried to kill the woman I love,
내 큰형을and has already killed...
죽였어요my eldest brother.
그날On that day...
큰형이 죽던 날when Han-gyeong died...
(재경) 휘경아Hwi-gyeong, can you take this to Han-gyeong?
이거 큰형 방에 좀 갖다줄래?Hwi-gyeong, can you take this to Han-gyeong?
[이어폰을 달그락 내려놓으며] 오케이
[힘주는 신음]
[울먹이며] 내가I...
(휘경) 내 손으로 큰형에게took that to Han-gyeong...
그걸 갖다줬어, 내가with my own hands.
[휘경이 흐느낀다]
당신 잘못이 아니야It's not your fault.
세상 사람들에게If the whole world...
모든 게 다 밝혀지게 된다면finds out everything,
아버지my father and mother...
어머니my father and mother...
얼마나 괴로워하실까?would be in so much pain.
우리 집안은 또 어떻게 될까?And what will happen to my family?
마음은 알겠지만I understand how you feel,
이대로 덮을 순 없어but we can't cover this up.
이미 이재경은I'm sure Lee Jae-gyeong already has ill feelings against you.
이휘경 씨에 대해 악감정 품었을 거고I'm sure Lee Jae-gyeong already has ill feelings against you.
(민준) 그렇다면In that case, he may attack Song-i again.
천송이를 다시 건드릴 수도 있어In that case, he may attack Song-i again.
그래서 당신을 불렀어That's why I called you.
(휘경) 난 어떻게 해야 할까?What should I do now?
내가 이런 걸 물어야 할 사람이 당신이라는 게I really hate that I have to ask this question...
너무 싫지만to you of all people.
[떨리는 숨소리]
대답해 줘But please tell me.
내가 어떻게 해야 할지What should I do now?
[스위치 조작음]
(송이) 오늘은 너무 피곤해서 그냥 가 [감미로운 음악]I'm too tired today, so I'm going home.
도민준 씨, 우리 내일 봐Min-jun, see you tomorrow.
내일 봐See you tomorrow, Song-i.
천송이See you tomorrow, Song-i.
(영목) 천송이 씨가 선생님을 좋아하기He liked you a lot even before you began
훨씬 그 이전부터He liked you a lot even before you began
많이 좋아하셨어요to have feelings for him.
천송이 씨가 아는 거He likes you a lot more than how much you think he likes you.
훨씬 그 이상으로 많이 좋아하셨고요He likes you a lot more than how much you think he likes you.
[송이가 계속 흐느낀다]
[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]
(여자1) 저 남자가 S&C 후계자래He's the successor of S&C.
요즘 저 남자 꼬시려고 여자들 여기 많이 오잖아A lot of women come here to hit on him nowadays.
근데 인간성도 완전 좋대He has a great personality too.
(여자2) 하, 대박-That's awesome. -Isn't he perfect?
- (여자1) 그리고 멋있지? - (여자2) 응-That's awesome. -Isn't he perfect?
[휴대전화 벨 소리]
[트레드밀 조작음]
이재경입니다This is Lee Jae-gyeong.
(녹음 속 한경) 살려 줘, 재경아 [불안한 음악]Help me, Jae-gyeong.
[녹음 속 한경의 힘겨운 숨소리]
(재경) 누구야, 너?Who are you?
Are you...
도민준이야?Do Min-jun?
(휘경) 아니, 나야No, it's me.
당신이 죽인 이한경 동생Lee Hwi-gyeong, the brother of Lee Han-gyeong whom you killed.
이휘경Lee Hwi-gyeong, the brother of Lee Han-gyeong whom you killed.
[의미심장한 효과음]
What do you have in your hands?
뭘 가지고 있는 거야?What do you have in your hands?
형이 다 설명해 줄게I can explain everything.
너 지금Where are you...
어디야?right now?
[문이 달칵 열린다]
형이 좀 들어가도 될까?May I come in?
[긴장되는 음악]
[덜컥 소리가 울린다]
(재경) 안 마시던 술을 다 마셨네?You never drink, but you're drunk.
[술 취한 숨소리]
내 동생이Hwi-gyeong.
그 여자가 줬어?Did she give it to you?
양민주?Yang Min-ju?
어디서 그런 게 나온 거지?Where did she get that?
[재경의 웃음]
전혀 몰랐네I had no idea.
7년간 그렇게 벌을 줬는데도I punished her for seven years,
날 감쪽같이 속였어, 그 여자가yet she deceived me completely.
[입소리를 쯧 낸다]
이래서 내가 좋은 맘을 못 먹는 거야This is why I cannot be generous.
거슬릴 때 바로 처리하지 않으면Things always get complicated,
일이 늘 번거롭게 꼬이니까if I don't handle things the moment I get annoyed.
그래서 그랬어?Is that why you did that...
큰형도to Han-gyeong and Han Yu-ra?
한유라도to Han-gyeong and Han Yu-ra?
몇 명이나 더 그런 거야?How many more have you killed?
[노크 소리가 난다]
(세미) 좀 주무셨어요?Did you get some sleep?
이거라도 좀 드세요Have some fruit.
(민주) 세미 씨Se-mi.
(세미) 네Yes.
휘경 도련님이랑 친하죠?You're close to Hwi-gyeong, right?
Yes, what is it?
왜 그러시는데요?Yes, what is it?
내가 괜한 얘기를 해서I think I may have
휘경 도련님put Hwi-gyeong in danger because I told him something.
위험해지시는 건 아닌지…put Hwi-gyeong in danger because I told him something.
그게 무슨 말씀이세요?What do you mean?
휘경이가 왜요?Why would he be in danger?
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 연결음]
[무거운 음악]
(재경) 형은 너한테 아무 유감이 없어I have no bad feelings against you.
네가 말만 잘 들으면If you just listen to me,
[손을 툭 올리며] 너한텐I won't...
아무 짓도 안 해do anything to you.
[휘경의 한숨]
[긴장되는 음악]
(재경) 아까 형한테 들려준 건 뭐야?What did you play to me on the phone?
어디 있어?Where is it?
몰라-I don't know. -Kid.
꼬맹아-I don't know. -Kid.
네가 만약 여기서 형 말을 안 들으면If you don't listen to me,
넌 술 먹다가 마취총으로 자살한you will become the tragic prince of S&C who killed himself...
비운의 S&C 왕자가 되겠지with a tranquilizer gun after getting drunk.
이건 네 명의로 구입했거든I bought this under your name.
(재경) 난 뒤늦게 이 호텔에 널 만나러 왔다가I came to see you in this hotel but was too late.
급히 병원에 옮겨 보지만And I rushed you over to the hospital,
구하지 못한 게 될 거고but could not save you.
어디 있어?Where are they? The voice recording
녹음 파일Where are they? The voice recording
양민주Yang Min-ju?
좋아Fine, I can still look for them...
그 정도 찾아보는 건Fine, I can still look for them...
네가 없어진 후에도 가능해after you die.
[신비로운 효과음]
[신비로운 효과음] [긴장되는 음악]
(재경) 아
내 동생이 지원군을 불렀네?It looks like my brother called backup.
자수해Turn yourself in.
자수하면If you turn yourself in,
적어도 마지막은 감옥에서 맞게 되지 않을 거야at least, you won't face your death in prison.
그리고 다시는 우리 가족 앞에And don't ever show yourself...
나타나지 마before my family again.
(재경) 도민준Do Min-jun, I thought we weren't going to do this.
이러지 않기로 했던 거 아닌가?Do Min-jun, I thought we weren't going to do this.
크게 실수하고 있어, 지금You're making a huge mistake.
하고 싶은 말은If you have something to say, you can say it in front of people.
사람들 앞에서 해If you have something to say, you can say it in front of people.
[신비로운 효과음]
[엘리베이터 도착음]
[재경의 힘겨운 신음]
[재경의 기가 찬 숨소리] [다가오는 발걸음]
(석) 이재경 씨Mr. Lee. You are under arrest without warrant for murder,
당신을 살인죄, 살인 교사죄Mr. Lee. You are under arrest without warrant for murder,
그리고 납치 감금죄로 긴급 체포 합니다murder instigation, abduction, and confinement.
지금 실수들 하시는 것 같은데요You are making a mistake.
(재경) 제 변호사 불러 주세요I want my attorney. You have no evidence--
아무런 증거도 없이…I want my attorney. You have no evidence--
조금 전 이재경 씨가 있던 방엔There was a security camera in the room that you were just in.
CCTV가 있었습니다There was a security camera in the room that you were just in.
(석) 이휘경 씨가 설치해 놓은 거고요Mr. Lee Hwi-gyeong placed it there.
물론 방금 전 상황도Of course, what just happened definitely got recorded.
모두 찍혔을 테고요Of course, what just happened definitely got recorded.
(재경) 아Of course, what just happened definitely got recorded. Right, what just happened.
좀 전에 있었던 일Right, what just happened.
그건 그냥I was just trying to scare my brother.
동생을 겁주려던 것뿐이었습니다I was just trying to scare my brother.
형제간의 작은 실랑이였고It was a little quarrel between brothers.
결과적으로 전And I have done nothing to hurt my brother.
동생에게 아무런 위해도 가하지 않았습니다And I have done nothing to hurt my brother.
그런데 살인죄So how can I be guilty of murder and murder instigation?
살인 교사죄라니요?So how can I be guilty of murder and murder instigation?
[박 형사의 웃음]
(박 형사) 와이어 사고 후에 이휘경 씨 제보로After the wire accident, we found your assistant
이재경 씨 수행 비서를 찾았습니다after Mr. Lee Hwi-gyeong provided us with information.
[박 형사의 웃음]
아휴, 하마터면 놓칠 뻔했네Gosh, we almost lost you.
(기자1) 나왔다!They're out.
[기자들의 다급한 신음]
[카메라 셔터음이 계속 울린다]
(기자2) 어떻게 된 겁니까?What happened?
(기자3) 어떤 범죄에 연루되신 겁니까?What happened? What kind of a crime are you involved in?
(기자2) 한유라 씨 사건과 관련 있다는 건 무슨 얘기입니까?What is this about how this is related to Ms. Han's case? Please say something.
(기자4) 한 말씀 부탁드립니다 [기자들이 저마다 질문한다]Please say something. -Say something! -Share a word.
기자들 불렀니?-Did you call the reporters? -Say something.
(기자5) 한 말씀 해 주십시오-Did you call the reporters? -Say something.
한 말씀 해 주십시오-Tell us something! -Great job.
잘했네-Tell us something! -Great job.
(기자6) 여기 좀 봐 주세요Say something!
방송국도 오는 건가?Are TV stations here too?
- (기자2) 한 말씀 해 주세요 - (기자4) 한 말씀 해 주십시오-Say something. -Mr. Lee!
(기자들) 여기 좀 봐 주세요-Say something. -Mr. Lee!
동영상 촬영도 되겠네Then I'm sure they can record a video.
(재경) 휘경아Hwi-gyeong.
난 처음부터 너한테 마취총 쏠 생각이 없었어I wasn't going to shoot you in the first place.
대신I have set up something else...
다른 장치를 해 놨었지I have set up something else...
네가 내 얘기를 거절 못 하게 할so that you cannot turn my offer down.
다른 장치Another setup.
[긴장되는 음악]Another setup.
천송이가 가장 좋아하는 와인Cheon Song-i's favorite wine...
샤토 페트뤼스is the 1993 Chateau Petrus.
93년산is the 1993 Chateau Petrus.
무슨 소리야?What are you talking about?
(재경) 천송이가 자주 가는 와인 레스토랑에I made a reservation at a restaurant that she's a regular at...
예약을 해 뒀거든I made a reservation at a restaurant that she's a regular at... COME TO THE RESTAURANT BY 1 P.M.
도민준 당신 이름으로...under your name, Do Min-jun.
[문이 달칵 열린다]
천송이는 당신이 초대한 걸로 알고 [문이 달칵 닫힌다]And she's currently there,
지금 거기 가 있고thinking that you invited her.
아마 지금쯤I'm sure she probably got the wine...
천송이 앞에I'm sure she probably got the wine...
와인이 왔을 거야by now.
자기가 가장 좋아하는 와인이니까It's her favorite,
받자마자 마시지 않았을까?so she probably had it already.
물론 그걸 마셨을 때 어떤 일이 벌어질지는Not that I know what will happen to her...
난 모르겠어after she drinks that.
[신비로운 효과음] [기자들의 놀라는 신음]
(기자7) 찍어, 찍어, 찍어, 찍어Get them on camera!
[카메라 셔터음] (박 형사) 찍지 마세요 사진 찍지 마세요Get them on camera! Stop. Stop taking pictures.
(석) 도민준 씨, 그만하세요Stop. Stop taking pictures. Mr. Do, please stop.
[재경의 웃음]
(기자8) 여기 좀 봐 주세요
(재경) 지금 이럴 시간이 있어?You have no time to do this.
지금쯤I think...
마실 텐데she probably drank it now.
하, 천송이, 전화 좀 받아, 제발 [통화 연결음]Song-i, will you pick up your phone?
(재경) 너 잘하는 거 있잖아Do the thing that you're good at.
사라져 봐Why don't you disappear?
[긴장되는 음악]Why don't you disappear?
천송이 구하려면That's the only way
그 방법뿐인 것 같은데you can save Song-i.
아, 하긴Oh, right. You can't, can you?
안 되나?Oh, right. You can't, can you?
[재경의 웃음]
그러기엔There are...
보는 눈이 너무 많지?way too many people watching you.
[재경의 웃음]
[재경과 기자들의 놀라는 신음]
[기자들이 웅성거린다]-What happened? -Get him on camera.
(박 형사) 자, 물러서요-What happened? -Get him on camera. -Step back. -Move.
사진 찍지 마세요, 하지 마세요-Step back. -Move. Stop filming.
[신비로운 효과음]Stop filming.
[신비로운 효과음] [긴장되는 음악]
(기자9) 어유, 뭐야, 이거? 어디 있어? 어디로 갔어?-What? -Where did he go?
[기자들이 웅성거린다] (박 형사) 아유 이러지 마시라니까-What happened? -Where is he?
- (기자10) 아까 있었잖아 - (기자11) 사라졌잖아-Where did he go? -He disappeared! You need to take a step back.
(기자12) 저기 방금 사람 사라진 거 맞죠?He just disappeared, didn't he?
공중에 붕 떠서, 뭐야, 이거?He just floated in the air. What was that?
아이, 뭔 소리야? 난 못 봤는데He just floated in the air. What was that? What are you talking about? I didn't see him.
잘못 봤겠지, 물러서, 물러서You're just mistaken. Move back.
(박 형사) 아, 물러서요, 빨리You're just mistaken. Move back. Just step back.
아이, 정말, 물러서Just step back. -Take a step back. -What was that?
(기자들) 뭐야, 이거?-Take a step back. -What was that? -What was that? -Where did he go?
- (기자13) 어디야? 어디 간 거야? - (기자14) 뭐야?-What was that? -Where did he go?
도민준은 천송이를 못 구할 거야Do Min-jun won't be able to save Song-i.
[재경의 코웃음]
[박 형사의 짜증 섞인 신음]Darn it.
[기자들의 놀라는 신음]Darn it.
(기자15) 찍어, 찍어, 찍어 찍어, 찍어-Goodness. -My gosh.
네가 인간이야?How do you call yourself a human?
(휘경) 죽여 버릴 거야I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you!
죽여 버릴 거야!I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you!
[웃음]I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you! Move aside.
(박 형사) 아, 물러서세요!Move aside.
아이, 물러서세요
자, 사진 사진 찍지 마시고 물러서…Stop taking pictures.
[신비로운 효과음]
[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다] [손님1이 놀란다]
(손님2와 손님3) - 깜짝이야, 어디서 나타난 거야? - 뭐야?-My gosh. Where did he come from? -What was that?
(손님2) 위에서 떨어진 거 같단 말이야He just dropped from the ceiling.
(손님4) 위에서 뭐가 떨어져?He just dropped from the ceiling. He didn't. What are you talking about?
말도 안 되는 소리 하지 마He didn't. What are you talking about?
[옅은 웃음]
- 괜찮아? - (송이) 응-Are you okay? -Yes.
근데 방금 어떻게 온 거야?But how did you get here?
사람들이 쳐다보잖아People are watching you.
[의미심장한 효과음]People are watching you.
[송이의 힘겨운 신음]
아, 근데 나 몸이 좀 이상…But I feel kind of weird...
[힘겨운 신음]But I feel kind of weird...
[긴장되는 음악]
(손님2) 어? 천송이다 천송이 쓰러졌어 [저마다 말한다]-That's Cheon Song-i. She just collapsed. -Goodness.
어, 쓰러졌어, 지금 [카메라 셔터음]-That's Cheon Song-i. She just collapsed. -Goodness. -She just collapsed. -What?
(손님3) 대박이다, 이거-She just collapsed. -What? That's Cheon Song-i?
천송이야? 야 [손님2가 대답한다]That's Cheon Song-i?
[신비로운 효과음]
- (손님5) 뭐야, 뭐? 뭐야, 이거? - (손님6) 야, 이게…-What? -What happened?
(민준) DI 환자입니다She's a DI patient.
커프 확장 준비해 주시고 개스트릭 래비지 준비해 주세요She's a DI patient. Get ready for cuff expansion and gastric lavage.
지금 선생님께서 안 계시니까Get ready for cuff expansion and gastric lavage. There's no doctor around, so give us a moment--
잠깐만 기다려 주세요There's no doctor around, so give us a moment--
그럴 시간 없다고, 지금!We have no time to lose!
(간호사) 저기요Sir.
그러시면 안 됩니다 [신비로운 효과음]You cannot do that.
[간호사의 놀라는 신음]
(의사) 당신 뭐야?Who are you?
[신비로운 효과음]Who are you?
[사람들의 놀라는 비명]
[사람들의 당황한 신음]
(의사) 뭐 해? 경찰에 빨리 신고하세요What are you doing? Call the police.
(간호사) 네Yes.
[의사가 말한다]
(세미) 범 씨Make your way to the emergency room of Hankuk Hospital.
한국병원 응급실로 가 줘요Make your way to the emergency room of Hankuk Hospital.
네?Make your way to the emergency room of Hankuk Hospital. What?
[기자들이 저마다 말한다]
[다가오는 발걸음]
(직원1) 변호사님Mr. Jang.
이분 저희 사무실에 가끔 오시던 그분 아니에요?Isn't this the guy who visited you from time to time?
[도어 록 작동음] (미연) 어머! 아
얘, 송이 안에 있…-Is Song-i in-- -Mom, Song-i is in an emergency room.
엄마, 천송이 응급실에 있대-Is Song-i in-- -Mom, Song-i is in an emergency room.
아, 얘는 올해만 응급실을 몇 번을 가는 거야, 도대체?How many times is she going there just in this year?
(미연) 이번엔 왜, 또?Why is she there this time?
[카메라 셔터음이 계속 울린다] (기자16) 야, 천송이 씨
[잔잔한 음악] (기자17) 우아, 예뻐, 예뻐
[기자들이 웅성거린다] (기자18) 무슨 일이야?What's going on?
(기자19) 어? 매니저 아니야?What's going on? Isn't he her manager?
괜찮아?Are you okay?
[기자들이 저마다 말한다] (기자20) 천송이가 왜 여기 있어?That's Cheon Song-i's manager.
(기자21) 아, 옆에, 옆에, 옆에 아까 그 천송이 매니저 아니야?Isn't that guy next to her Cheon Song-i's manager?
(기자22와 기자23) - 천송이가 다쳤던 거야? - 어떻게 지난번에 다치고 또…I think she got hurt.
사람 너무 많다There are too many people here.
너무 시끄러워It's too noisy.
사람 없는 데로 가자Let's go somewhere with fewer people.
그래Okay. Let's do that.
그러자Okay. Let's do that.
[신비로운 효과음]
(기자24) 또 사라졌어They disappeared again!
(기자25와 기자26) - 뭐야, 어디 갔어? 어디 간 거야? - 어디 갔어?-What? -Where are they? Where did they go?
- (기자27) 무슨 마술 쇼야? - (기자들) 어디 간 거야?Where did they go? Where are they?
[신비로운 효과음]
[송이의 힘겨운 신음]
[새가 지저귄다]
[힘겨운 숨소리]
[평화로운 음악]
[떨리는 숨소리]
도민준 씨Min-jun.
여기 어디야?Where are we?
[민준의 힘겨운 신음]
[민준의 거친 숨소리]
제대로 왔네I'm in the right place.
(민준) 이렇게 멀리까지는 처음이라 걱정했는데I've never traveled this far before, so I was a bit worried.
(송이) 어딘데?Where are we?
아무도 없는 곳으로 가고 싶다며?You wanted to go to a place where no one is around.
(송이) 어?What?
여기What? This is the place where no one is around.
아무도 없는 곳This is the place where no one is around.
(민준) 너랑 나밖에 없는 곳It's just you and me.
[옅은 웃음]
아무도 못 찾을걸?No one can find us here.
(송이) 여기 혹시Are we...
도민준 씨네 별이야?on your planet?
외계 행성An alien planet or something?
막 그런 데?An alien planet or something?
(민준) 응Yes.
그렇다니까I'm telling you.
(송이) 근데 나 괜찮은 거야?But can I really stay here?
몸도 막 뜨고 안 그러네?I'm not floating in the air or anything.
나 진짜 괜찮아I'm really fine.
숨도 쉴 수 있고I can breathe, and I'm not floating.
몸도 안 뜨고I can breathe, and I'm not floating.
[송이의 발걸음]
나 괜찮아, 도민준 씨!I'm all right, Min-jun.
- 바보냐? - (송이) 어?-Are you stupid? -What?
여기가 무슨 외계 행성이야?This isn't an alien planet.
거기가 얼마나 먼 덴지 알기나 해?Do you even know how far that is?
[옅은 한숨]
아니야?-So it isn't? -Of course not.
아니지, 그럼-So it isn't? -Of course not.
그리고 외계 행성이면 어쩔 건데?And what if it was an alien planet?
뭘 어째? 살아야지What can I do? I'll live there.
(송이) 난 숨만 쉴 수 있으면 살 거야I'll live there if I can breathe.
난 적응력도 빠르고I tend to adapt quickly,
이 정도 미모면and I'm sure I'll be a hot shot on your planet too.
도민준 씨 별에 가서도 빠지지 않을걸?and I'm sure I'll be a hot shot on your planet too.
인기 많을걸, 거기서도?I'll be really popular over there too.
뭘 하든 먹고살 거야I'm sure I can make a living.
(민준) 참 나Goodness.
그럼So where are we?
여기 어딘데?So where are we?
[상쾌한 음악] [송이의 신난 탄성]
[송이의 탄성]
[송이의 탄성]
(송이) 여기 우리만 있다고?So we're here all alone?
여기 우리 둘만 있다고!We're here all by ourselves?
경찰도 없고 기자도 없고There's no police, no reporters,
사람도 없고and nobody else here!
아무도 없다고!and nobody else here!
나 천송이다!It's me, Cheon Song-i!
나 잡아 봐라!Catch me if you can!
[송이의 즐거운 신음]
얘 외계인인데He's an alien, so catch him if you can!
얘도 잡아 봐라!He's an alien, so catch him if you can!
우리 둘이 여기 같이 있다!The two of us are here together!
우리 여기서 같이 살 거다!We're going to live here together!
여기서The two of us are...
우리 둘만The two of us are...
잘 먹고 잘 살 거다!going to have a great life together!
도민준 씨도 해You do it too.
뭘?-Do what? -Do what I just did.
해, 나처럼-Do what? -Do what I just did.
잘 먹고 잘 살 거다, 우리 둘만!Only the two of us are going to have a great life together!
(송이) 그럴 거다, 어쩔래!We're going to do that! What are you going to do?
[송이의 웃음]We're going to do that! What are you going to do?
좋다!This is great!
[송이의 개운한 숨소리]
우리 사진 찍을까?Should we take a picture?
어?Should we take a picture? What? Why?
아, 무슨…What? Why?
찍자Come on, let's take one. I washed my face too.
나 세수도 했는데Come on, let's take one. I washed my face too.
도민준 씨 핸드폰 있지? 줘 봐You have your phone, right? Give it to me.
[휴대전화 조작음]
(송이) 응
[카메라 셔터음]
[파도 소리가 솨 들린다]
(송이) 어, 나무 특이하다This is an unusual looking tree.
(민준) 연리지Inosculation.
나무 두 그루 뿌리가 얽혀서The roots of two trees get conjoined and grow up as one.
한 나무처럼 자라는 거야The roots of two trees get conjoined and grow up as one.
이건 동백나무That's a camellia tree, and that's a Japanese camphor tree.
저건 생달나무That's a camellia tree, and that's a Japanese camphor tree.
[송이의 깨닫는 신음]
같은 나무끼리도 아니고 종류도 다른데Although they aren't the same kind of trees,
그게 가능하구나I guess that is possible.
(송이) 부럽다I envy them.
어쨌든 죽을 때까지 같이 있는 거잖아They can be together until the day they die.
[부드러운 음악]
우리 사진 찍을까?Should we take a picture?
또?Again? I think that's enough.
그만하지Again? I think that's enough.
남는 건 사진밖에 없어요Again? I think that's enough. The only thing that will be left is a picture.
[휴대전화 조작음]The only thing that will be left is a picture.
[카메라 셔터음]
[새가 지저귄다]
(송이) 지금쯤 난리 났겠다Things are probably going crazy right now.
(민준) 아마도I guess.
(송이) 있잖아You know what?
도민준 씨 별과Just like how time passes differently on your planet compared to the earth,
여기 지구의 시간이 다르게 흘러가듯이Just like how time passes differently on your planet compared to the earth,
우리 여기서도 그런 걸로 하자let's say it's the case here too.
여기서 난I'm not Cheon Song-i who is hated by the entire country,
온 국민의 미움을 받는 천송이도 아니고I'm not Cheon Song-i who is hated by the entire country,
도민준 씨는and you are not an alien who cannot tell people about who you are.
정체를 들켜선 안 되는 외계인도 아니야and you are not an alien who cannot tell people about who you are.
아무 상관 없어That doesn't matter here.
그러니까 여기 있는 동안엔So while we're here,
우리 바깥세상 일에 신경 끄자let's forget about the outside world.
도민준 씨Min-jun.
그래, 천송이Yes, Song-i.
[감미로운 음악]
사랑해I love you.
당신이 이 별에서 산다고 하면If you want to live on this planet,
나도 이 별에서 살고 싶고I want to live here.
당신이 다른 별로 간다고 하면If you want to go to another planet,
나도 따라가서 살고 싶을 만큼I want to follow you there.
사랑해That's how much I love you.
당신이 금방이라도 사라져 버릴 것 같아서 불안하지만I feel so anxious because it feels like you can disappear any minute.
우리가 이렇게 함께 있는 시간을I want to sell my soul...
영원히 멈출 수만 있다면if we can stop the time...
내 영혼이라도 팔고 싶지만that we spend like this forever.
(송이) 이런 내 마음이 너무 힘들어서And I sometimes think how it would've been great
가끔은 '당신을 만나지 않았더라면'to never have met you, because I love you
이런 생각도 하지만so much that it hurts me.
시간을 되돌려도even if I go back in time,
난 당신을 다시 만날 거고I will meet you again,
그렇게 툭탁거리면서 싸울 거고I will bicker with you again,
당신한테 반했을 거고I would have fallen for you again,
사랑할 거야and I will love you again.
(민준) 그래Yes.
[송이의 웃음]
(송이) 뭐야?Come on.
내가 이렇게까지 얘기했는데After everything that I said,
'그래'가 끝이야?all you can say is "yes"?
여자가 창피함을 무릅쓰고 얘길 했으면When a woman gathers her heart to tell you these things
어느 정도 그럴듯한 답을 해 줘…you should give her a good answer--
[송이의 힘겨운 신음]
아유, 이런 젠장Damn it!
(송이) 아휴, 아이고
[송이의 힘겨운 신음]My goodness. CHEON SONG-I TELEPORTATION
(직원2) 아, 뭐, 지금The top 10 most searched words
실시간 검색어 순위 1위부터 10위까지가The top 10 most searched words are all related to Cheon Song-i and Do Min-jun.
다 천송이 씨랑 도민준 씨 관련이에요are all related to Cheon Song-i and Do Min-jun.
아, 내가 '저 인간 어쩐지 범상치 않다'I knew something about him did not seem ordinary.
생각을 했었는데I knew something about him did not seem ordinary.
지금 그 기사에 묻혀서 그렇죠It didn't receive as much attention,
(범) S&C 이재경 상무가but Lee Jae-gyeong of S&C
한유라 씨 사건 피의자로 긴급 체포 돼서요was arrested without a warrant as a suspect for Han Yu-ra's case,
우리 송이 누나는 어떻게든 돌아오기만 하면so Song-i can definitely make a comeback
바로 재기할걸요?so Song-i can definitely make a comeback -when she comes back. -Really?
그래?-when she comes back. -Really? People feel bad for how she was falsely blamed,
그동안 억울하게 욕먹었던 거에 대한People feel bad for how she was falsely blamed,
동정설도 만만치 않고요People feel bad for how she was falsely blamed,
아, 거기다가 오늘 사건까지 해서and on top of that, what happened today
(직원2) 관심이 장난이 아니에요and on top of that, what happened today gave her a lot of attention.
아직 저희 소속인 줄 알고We got a call from many advertisers
광고주들 문의 전화도 여러 통…because they thought she is still signed with us--
광고주가? 그래?Advertisers? Really?
(범) 아무튼Advertisers? Really? Anyway, Song-i is in a different league even when she gets into a scandal.
우리 송이 누나는Anyway, Song-i is in a different league even when she gets into a scandal.
스캔들이 나도 뭔가 클래스가 달라요Anyway, Song-i is in a different league even when she gets into a scandal.
초능력자랑 연애라니Dating a guy with supernatural powers?
완전 신비로워 보이잖아요That makes her look very mysterious.
일반인들 반응도 그래요That's what everyone says.
우리 송이 그래서 지금 어디 있는 거니, 어?So where on earth is my dear Song-i?
[흥미로운 음악] (안 대표) 내 안 그래도After I heard about what she went through
송이 촬영장에서 자기 스태프들도 없이After I heard about what she went through
그 고생 했다는 얘기를 듣고After I heard about what she went through all by herself without her staff,
'이거 어떻게 해야 되나?'all by herself without her staff,
'나라도 나서야 되나?' 그랬는데I thought I should step in.
돌아오면I should give her a call as soon as she returns.
바로 접촉을 좀 해 봐야겠네I should give her a call as soon as she returns.
(TV 속 기자28) 서울 한복판에서 믿을 수 없는 사건이 벌어졌습니다Something unbelievable happened in the middle of Seoul today.
배우 천송이 씨의 매니저였던 도 모 씨가Do, who was Actress Cheon Song-i's manager,
천송이 씨와 함께 사라진 겁니다disappeared with Cheon Song-i.
바로 눈앞에서 두 사람이There are dozens of people who have witnessed
연기처럼 사라지는 모습을 본 사람들이 수십 명에 이르고There are dozens of people who have witnessed their disappearance,
각종 인터넷 사이트들과 SNS에는and there are many eyewitness testimonies on the internet
여러 목격담이 올라오고 있으며and on social media accounts.
외계인설, 마법사설 등People are coming up with an absurd hypothesis
다소 허무맹랑한 추측들도 쏟아지고 있습니다that Do could be an alien or a magician.
이런 상황에 대해 과학계에선 있을 수 없는 일이라며However, people in scientific circles brushed off such hypothesis
사실을 일축하고 있습니다saying that such cases are impossible.
[TV 종료음]saying that such cases are impossible.
이제 만족하십니까?Are you satisfied now?
행복하세요?Are you happy?
[부드러운 음악]
[송이의 옅은 웃음]
(송이) 언제 일어났어?When did you get up?
(민준) 아까A minute ago.
피곤하면 더 자Get some more sleep if you're tired.
으응, 아니야Get some more sleep if you're tired. It's okay.
[송이의 힘주는 신음]
(송이) 열 좀 내렸네?Your fever came down.
[옅은 웃음]
그래도 처음보단 많이 나아진 거 같아But you're getting better than the first time.
뭔가 좀 적응이 되는 거 아니야?Maybe you're getting used to it.
우리 사진 찍을까?-Should we take another picture? -Again?
또?-Should we take another picture? -Again?
배 안 고파?Aren't you hungry?
고파I am.
근데 도민준 씨Min-jun, how many kids should we have?
우리 아기는 몇 명이나 낳을까?Min-jun, how many kids should we have?
[민준이 캑캑거린다]Min-jun, how many kids should we have?
[콜록하며] 어?What?
아니I mean, we should slowly come up with a plan.
우리도 찬찬히 계획을 세워야지I mean, we should slowly come up with a plan.
몇 명이 좋아, 응? 몇 명?How many kids do you want? How many?
[송이의 놀라는 숨소리]Seven?
(송이) 일곱?Seven? Don't you think that's too many?
일곱은 너무 많지 않아?Seven? Don't you think that's too many?
(민준) 옛날엔 다들 그랬어That's what everyone did in the past.
일고여덟은 보통이고That's what everyone did in the past. Seven or eight kids were the norm,
열둘 이렇게 낳는 집도 흔했다고Seven or eight kids were the norm, and some even had 12 kids.
[민준이 후루룩 먹는다] 그럼 딸 넷, 아들 셋?Then four daughters and three sons?
딸 일곱-Seven daughters. -What? Seven daughters?
뭔 딸만 일곱이야?-Seven daughters. -What? Seven daughters?
난 딸이 좋단 말이야-Seven daughters. -What? Seven daughters? I like daughters. Boys are way too loud.
사내자식들은 시끄럽기만 하고I like daughters. Boys are way too loud.
[민준이 후루룩 먹는다] 그래, 그럼 고려해 볼게Fine, I'll think about it.
근데 그게 내 마음대로 되는 게 아니란 말이지But I can't control that.
아들이 중간에 나오면 어떡해?But I can't control that. What if we get a son?
[옅은 웃음]What if we get a son?
할 수 없지, 뭐We can't help it. We'll have to bring him up.
나오면 키워야지We can't help it. We'll have to bring him up.
근데 애들 일곱이나 키우려면If we have to bring up seven kids,
지금 사는 데는 안 되겠다 그렇지?we can't stay in the same apartment.
[옅은 웃음] 아무래도we can't stay in the same apartment. Probably.
서울 근교나 시골 같은 데How about the suburbs of Seoul or the country?
(송이) 아파트보단 주택이 좋을 거 같아A detached house would be better than an apartment.
마당 있는 집A detached house would be better than an apartment. A house with a front yard.
우리 이모가 평택 사시거든 정원 있는 집My aunt lives in Pyeongtaek in a house with a garden.
근데 손이 엄청 많이 간대But I heard it's high-maintenance.
뭐, 아무래도 아파트보단 그러겠지I guess it probably is, compared to an apartment.
우리 강아지도 몇 마리 키울까?Should we have a few dogs too?
왜?What is it?
아니Nothing. I want a house with a front yard too.
나도 마당 있는 집이 좋을 거 같아서Nothing. I want a house with a front yard too.
강아지도 좋고-And I'd like a few dogs. -Right?
그렇지?-And I'd like a few dogs. -Right?
근데 도민준 씨는Min-jun, do you have nothing to say to me?
나한테 뭐 할 말 같은 거 없어?Min-jun, do you have nothing to say to me?
(민준) 응?What?
(송이) 아니 좀 치사한 말이긴 한데I mean, I may sound a bit too petty,
도민준 씨는 한 번도but you never told me about your feelings with words.
자기 마음을 직접 얘기한 적이 없잖아but you never told me about your feelings with words.
You know, like that you like me,
좋아한달지You know, like that you like me,
아니면, 뭐or that you love me.
사랑한달지?or that you love me.
[사랑스러운 음악] [옅은 웃음]
라면이나 먹어Just eat ramyeon.
[민준이 후루룩 먹는다]
난 꽤 여러 번 한 거 같은데? 아까도 그렇고I think I've done it a few times. I did it just now too.
어?Hey. Come on!
어, 어, 어, 어?Hey. Come on!
[휴대전화 조작음]
[타이머 작동음]
[카메라 셔터음]
[카메라 셔터음]
라면 먹는 모습이 섹시해서You look sexy when you eat ramyeon.
[민준이 후룩거린다]You look sexy when you eat ramyeon.
(민준) 별…So random.
하루 종일 사진만 찍냐?You took pictures all day long.
[어두운 음악]
(범중) 아, 긴급 체포라면서?He was arrested without a warrant.
그럼 영장 실질 심사에서Then make sure you stop them
영장 발부되지 않도록from issuing a warrant during the investigation.
막아 보라는 말이야from issuing a warrant during the investigation.
아, 이건 엄연히 저, 함정 수사 아니야!This is obviously a sting operation!
그리고, 저And stop the reporters.
기자들 막아And stop the reporters.
지금 당장 쓰고 있는 기사 내려놓지 않으면If they do not take down the articles,
우리 회사 광고tell them that we will take out all of the advertisements.
다 빼 버리겠다고 그렇게 말해tell them that we will take out all of the advertisements.
무슨 수를 써서라도 막아야 돼Make sure you stop it no matter what.
재경이는 내 뒤를 이을 저, 후계자 아닌가?Jae-gyeong is my successor.
절대로 흠집 내서 안 돼Make sure his reputation doesn't get damaged. Understand?
알았어? [범중이 수화기를 탁 놓는다]Make sure his reputation doesn't get damaged. Understand?
[범중의 못마땅한 신음]
네가 이런다고Do you think...
네 형 자리 네가 차지할 수 있을 거 같아?doing this will give you your brother's position?
네 형은 큰일을 많이 할 사람이야Your brother will do many great things.
작은 흠결 정도 있다고 해서How dare you use his tiny little fault
그거를 빌미로 삼아서 넘어뜨려?as an excuse to bring him down?
네깟 놈이 뭔데!Who do you think you are?
네 형을 네가 모함을 해도No matter how much you try to frame him,
네 형 몫은nothing that is his
너한테 털끝 하나 안 가will be given to you.
아무것도I don't...
아무것도 필요 없어요I don't need anything.
[못마땅한 숨소리]
저는 지금I'm asking you to not cover up the crimes Jae-gyeong has committed.
아버지가I'm asking you to not cover up the crimes Jae-gyeong has committed.
형의 죄를 덮지 말라고 말씀드리는 겁니다I'm asking you to not cover up the crimes Jae-gyeong has committed.
형은 그동안 너무 많은 죄를 지었어요He has committed too many sins.
오늘은And today, he tried to kill Song-i.
송이를 죽이려고 했고요And today, he tried to kill Song-i.
[책상을 탁탁 치며] 말이 되는 소릴 해!And today, he tried to kill Song-i. That's nonsense!
(범중) 네 형이 뭐가 부족해서?That's nonsense! Why would he want to do that?
자기가 그렇게 가진 게 많은데He already has so much.
네 형이 왜 그런 짓을 해!Why would he do that?
[못마땅한 숨소리]
[병을 탁 내려놓는다]
오늘This is...
형이 송이에게 먹이려던 와인이에요the wine he tried to give to Song-i.
다행히 송이는Thankfully, she did not have a lethal dose.
치사량을 다 먹지 않았고요Thankfully, she did not have a lethal dose.
마시겠습니다I will...
제가drink this.
[의미심장한 음악]
제가 이걸 다 마시면Please trust me on this after I finish this.
그땐 믿어 주세요Please trust me on this after I finish this.
이재경은Lee Jae-gyeong is...
자기 목적에 따라서a monster that is not afraid to kill people...
사람 목숨 빼앗는 것도 서슴지 않는a monster that is not afraid to kill people...
[떨리는 숨소리]
괴물입니다to reach his goal.
(범중) 만에 하나 네 형이If your brother...
천송이란 아이한테 해를 끼치려고 했다면tried to hurt that girl, Cheon Song-i,
그럴 만한 이유가 있었겠지I'm sure he had a good reason.
그 아이가 그만한 짓을 했을 거야She probably did something to provoke him.
아무런 이유 없이He wouldn't do something like that for no reason.
그럴 사람이 아니다 우리 재경이는He wouldn't do something like that for no reason.
[보이스 펜 조작음] (녹음 속 한경) 살려 줘, 재경아He wouldn't do something like that for no reason. Help me, Jae-gyeong.
[녹음 속 한경의 힘겨운 숨소리]
[보이스 펜 조작음]
누구 목소리인지Do you remember...
기억하시겠어요, 아버지?whose voice this is, Father?
아니, 너 지금 무슨 수작을…What are you trying to do?
[쓸쓸한 음악]
죄송합니다, 아버지I am sorry, Father.
[보이스 펜 조작음]
(녹음 속 재경) 취하는 건 아니고You aren't getting drunk.
마비가 오는 걸 거야, 형You're probably getting paralyzed.
[녹음 속 한경의 힘겨운 숨소리]
(녹음 속 한경) 뭐?-What? -You'll lose your strength,
(녹음 속 재경) 곧 손발에 힘이 없어져서-What? -You'll lose your strength,
제대로 걷기가 어려워지고so it'll be tough for you to walk.
호흡이 가빠지고Then you'll run out of breath,
혀가 마비될 거고your tongue will get paralyzed,
결국 잠에 빠져들 거야then you'll fall asleep.
[녹음 속 한경의 힘겨운 숨소리]then you'll fall asleep.
(녹음 속 한경) 너 지금 무, 무슨 소리 하는 거야?What are you talking about?
(녹음 속 재경) 그리고 고속도로 한가운데서 발견될 거야And you'll be found in the middle of the highway.
음주 운전으로 사망한 게 되겠지It'll look like you died drunk-driving.
(녹음 속 한경) 재, 재경아Jae-gyeong.
(녹음 속 재경) 오래전부터 형이 없었으면 하는Jae-gyeong. I've been thinking it would be great to not have you around.
생각을 하고 있었어I've been thinking it would be great to not have you around.
[우당탕 소리가 흘러나온다]I've been thinking it would be great to not have you around.
너무 걸리적거렸거든You got in my way.
아버지는 내가 형보다 늦게 태어났다는 이유만으로Father never gave me any chance...
나에게 어떤 기회도 주지 않았어just because I was born later than you.
[우당탕 소리가 흘러나온다]
[떨리는 숨소리]
(녹음 속 한경) 살려 줘, 재경아Help me, Jae-gyeong.
[녹음 속 한경의 힘겨운 숨소리]
[보이스 펜 조작음]
[울먹이며] 죄송합니다, 아버지I am sorry, Father.
죄송합니다I am sorry.
(미연) 아, 전화 다시 해 봐Call her again.
(윤재) 아유, 여기 앉아Call her again.
[미연의 한숨]
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 연결음]-The phone you have reached is-- -It's off.
[안내 음성] 전화기가 꺼져…-The phone you have reached is-- -It's off.
꺼져 있다니까-The phone you have reached is-- -It's off.
아니Goodness, what on earth is going on?
이게 다 무슨 일이야?Goodness, what on earth is going on?
(미연) 우리 송이 데리고 도대체 어디로…Where did he take Song-i...
이 망할 도 매니저-That darned Do. -Don't worry, Mom.
걱정하지 마, 엄마-That darned Do. -Don't worry, Mom.
아, 어떻게 걱정이 안 돼?-That darned Do. -Don't worry, Mom. How can I not be worried?
우리 민준이 형How can I not be worried? Min-jun isn't a guy who would put her in danger.
누나 위험하게 만들 사람 아니라니까?Min-jun isn't a guy who would put her in danger.
그래, 송이 엄마Min-jun isn't a guy who would put her in danger. Yes, Mi-yeon. I've met him, and he seemed like a great guy.
나도 만나 봤는데 좋은 청년 같았어Yes, Mi-yeon. I've met him, and he seemed like a great guy.
좋은 청년이 왜 우리 송이를 데리고 사라져요?Why would a great guy disappear with Song-i?
왜 전화는 안 해 주냐고And why wouldn't he call?
(윤재) 아까 뉴스 안 봤어?And why wouldn't he call? Didn't you watch the news?
죽을 뻔한 누나 위세척해서 살려 준 거Min-jun is the one who saved Song-i from death
우리 민준이 형이라잖아by doing gastric lavage.
사람들이 몰려드니까 할 수 없이 피한 거야He left because there were too many people around.
자기가 뭔데?Who does he think he is?
자기가 의사야?Does he think he's a doctor?
우리 송이가 많이 좋아하는 남자야Does he think he's a doctor? Song-i likes him a lot.
별일 없이 무사히 돌아올 거라고 믿고Let's believe that she will return safely and wait.
기다리자Let's believe that she will return safely and wait.
하, 못 살아, 내가 정말Let's believe that she will return safely and wait. Goodness, I can't believe this.
당신은 옷이Is that your only outfit?
그거 한 벌밖에 없어요?Is that your only outfit?
(민구) 어?Is that your only outfit? What?
[못마땅한 신음]
(송이) 도민준 씨 살았다던 별 어디야?Min-jun, which one of them is your star?
(민준) 여기서 어떻게 보여?You can't see it from here.
(송이) 여기서 보이지도 않아?You can't even see it?
그럼 어디 가야 볼 수 있는데?Then where can I go to see it?
(민준) 왜?Why?
(송이) 그냥, 알았으면 해서I just wanted to know
남쪽인가, 북쪽인가if it's in the south or the north.
저기야?Is it over there? Or here?
아니면 여기야?Is it over there? Or here?
아니면 저기야?Or is it over there?
[민준의 어이없는 웃음] 어?Or is it over there?
[송이의 웃음]
[잔잔한 음악]
(민준) 안 추워?Aren't you cold?
(송이) 따듯해It's warm.
도민준 씨Min-jun.
(민준) 응Yes.
우리 매년 여름마다 여기에 오자Let's come here every summer.
그러자Let's do that.
우리 애들 일곱 명이랑We can bring our seven kids
강아지 다섯 마리랑and five dogs.
(송이) 더, 더 나중에는And in the future, we can bring our grandkids.
손자 손녀들이랑And in the future, we can bring our grandkids.
어디 해외 멀리 나갈 거 있어?We don't have to travel abroad.
우리 여기로 오자Let's come here.
그러자Let's do that.
(송이) 와, 대가족이네What a huge family.
걔네들 먹여 살리려면We have to work hard to make a living for them.
우리 일 열심히 해야겠다We have to work hard to make a living for them.
도민준 씨는 강의 몇 탕 더 뛰고You should do a few more lectures,
난 조연이든 단역이든and I'll take any extra and supporting roles that I can get.
닥치는 대로 다 하고and I'll take any extra and supporting roles that I can get.
[민준의 웃음]
(민준) 그래야지We should do that.
그러자Let's do that.
약속한 거다?You promised.
그래Yes, I promise.
약속해Yes, I promise.
[송이의 편안한 숨소리]
(송이) 나 노래 불러 줘Sing for me.
한 번도 불러 준 적 없잖아You have never sung for me.
무슨 노래?Sing what?
내가 앞으로A song that will remind me of you from this day and on.
'도민준' 하면 떠올릴 노래A song that will remind me of you from this day and on.
(송이) 도민준 씨도And a song that will remind you of me from this moment and on.
'천송이' 하면 떠올릴 노래And a song that will remind you of me from this moment and on.
뭐, 우리가 오래오래You know, a song that we can reminisce on for a long time.
추억할 노래, 뭐, 그런 거You know, a song that we can reminisce on for a long time.
♪ 별이 ♪Today
♪ 유난히도 밝은 ♪The stars are
♪ 오늘 ♪Especially bright
(민준) ♪ 이 시간이 가면 ♪You made me sad
♪ 그대 ♪When you said that you will leave me
♪ 떠난다는 말이 ♪When you said that you will leave me
♪ 나를 ♪After this hour
♪ 슬프게 하네 ♪After this hour
♪ 이 밤 ♪All through this night
♪ 다 가도록 ♪All through this night
[감미로운 기타 선율]All through this night
♪ 아, 행복했던 시절 ♪Our happy days
♪ 많은 우리들의 약속 ♪Many promises that we have made
♪ 자꾸 ♪They keep brushing by my ears
♪ 귓가를 스쳐 ♪They keep brushing by my ears
♪ 나를 ♪And they make me sad
♪ 슬프게 하네 ♪And they make me sad
♪ 그대 ♪It is
♪ 잘못 아니에요 ♪Not your fault
♪ 왠지 ♪But somehow I want to cry
♪ 울고 싶어져요 ♪But somehow I want to cry
♪ 나는 ♪I really hoped this could happen
♪ 너무나도 파란 ♪I really hoped this could happen
♪ 꿈을 꾸고 있었 ♪I have been
♪ 어요 ♪Dreaming
고마워Thank you.
(민준) 네가 듣고 싶어 하는 말들I cannot tell you everything that you wish to hear,
다 해 줄 순 없지만I cannot tell you everything that you wish to hear,
네가 그리는 미래에but I do wish to be...
내가 함께하고 싶은 건 사실이야a part of the future that you dream of.
[상자를 달칵 연다]
[반짝이는 효과음]
[부드러운 음악]
(송이) 나 끼워 줘Put it on me.
나 이런 유치한 프러포즈I have always wanted to receive...
꼭 받아 보고 싶었는데such a tacky proposal.
I never thought...
이렇게 유치한 프러포즈I would ever make such a tacky proposal.
하게 될 줄 몰랐어I would ever make such a tacky proposal.
완벽하게 행복하다I am completely happy.
왜, 천송이?What, Song-i?
내가 사랑하는 도민준My love, Min-jun.
우리 이제 꿈에서 깰 시간이야It's time to wake up from our dreams.
당신은 날 위해서Please exist somewhere...
어딘가에 존재해 줘for my sake.
(송이) 날 위해서Please do not die...
죽지 말고and exist somewhere...
어딘가에 존재해 줘for my sake.
그러니까 내 말은So I'm telling you...
to go back...
당신이 있었던 곳으로to where you came from.
[아련한 음악]
(균) 오늘 말씀 잘 나눴습니다I enjoyed our talk today.
잊지 못할 경험이 될 것입니다I will never forget it.
제 소설을 쓰는 데 있어서도It was a precious time which will serve as inspiration
영감을 줄 아주 귀한 시간이었습니다It was a precious time which will serve as inspiration for my novel.
그러셨다면 다행입니다I am glad if that is the case.
일어나기 전May I tell you something before I go?
한 말씀 드려도 되겠습니까?May I tell you something before I go?
그러시지요Go ahead.
제가 예지력이 있는 자는 아니지만I cannot foresee the future, but from what I see in you, I think you will meet a woman
제가 본 선생은but from what I see in you, I think you will meet a woman
이곳을 떠나기 전에 반드시but from what I see in you, I think you will meet a woman whom you will love with all your heart before you leave this place.
마음을 다해 사모할 여인을 만나게 될 것 같습니다whom you will love with all your heart before you leave this place.
(균) 그리하여I have a feeling you will be willing
그 여인을 위해I have a feeling you will be willing
선생이 가진 모든 것을 버릴 수도 있을 것 같습니다to sacrifice everything you have for that woman.
무슨 연유로 그런 말씀을…What makes you say that?
워낙에Because love is a very stubborn emotion.
사랑이라는 감정은 짓궂어서Because love is a very stubborn emotion.
그것을 믿지 않는 사람에게It comes to those who do not believe in it
더더욱 강력하고 꼼짝달싹 못 할 방법으로It comes to those who do not believe in it in a more powerful way so that they cannot escape it.
찾아오기 때문이지요in a more powerful way so that they cannot escape it.

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