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  흑기사 13

Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me 13


 (철민 아버지가 수호를 얼마나 마음에  들어 했는지 너도 알지?

You also know how much your father despised Soo-ho.

고아원으로 내치려 했던 

Does Soo-ho also know...

그거 수호도 아니?

that he tried to send him to an orphanage?

[철민이 비열하게 웃는다]

(어린 해라아빠 진짜 너무해요 수호 오빠 불쌍하지도 않아?

You're so mean. Don't you feel sorry for him?

 박사 아저씨 자료 빼다가    아빠잖아!

You're the one who used Dr. Moon's documents to make money.

뭐야닥치지 못해!

What did you say? Shut your mouth.

오빠 고아원으로 보내면 나도  나갈 거야!

If you send him to an orphanage, I'm going to run away too.

(철민수호가 옛날 일을 재조사하면

Once Soo-ho begins to reinvestigate his past,

너의 아버지 얘기도  드러나게  거다

he'll find everything about your dad too.

나머지 얘긴 만나서 하자꾸나

We can discuss everything else in person.

음악 틀어줄까 듣고 싶은  있어?

Do you want to listen to music? Anything you want?



무슨 생각을 그렇게 ?

What are you thinking about?

우리 잠깐만 걸을까?

Can we take a walk for a bit?

(수호 그래갑자기 기분 다운돼서

What's wrong? You look down.

아까 옛날  보고 와서 그런가?

Is it because of the old house?

어떻게 견뎠어? - ?

How did you put up with it? Huh?

우리 엄마 아빠가

You probably knew that...

예의적인 친절로만 대하는  느꼈을 텐데

my parents were nice to you only out of courtesy.


어릴  너무 힘들었을  같아

It must've been really hard on you.

그래도 방학  학교 기숙사에 있는 거보다 좋았어

Still, it was better than staying in a dormitory during the vacation.


I got to see you.

[슬픈 음악]

(해라우리 아빠가

My dad...

오빠 보육 시설에 맡기려고 했었어

was going to send you to an orphanage.

입소 신청서 써놓은  보고선 내가 아빠한테 처음으로

I saw the application form and talked back to him for the first time.


and talked back to him for the first time.

그때부터 네가  지켜준 거네

You've been protecting me since then.



 일이 벌어지기 전에 오빠가 먼저 유학을 떠났지

You went abroad to study before it really happened.

고아원에서 자랐어도  잘됐을 거야뭐가 문제지?

I would've turned out well if I grew up there. What's the problem?

(철민 박사는 화재가 아니라

Dr. Moon didn't die by the fire.

너의 아버지가 죽였다

Your dad killed him.


Anything else to say?





너무 추워가자

It's too cold. Let's go.

과일 산댔지? - 

-You wanted to buy fruit, right? -Yes.


Your nose is running.

거짓말하지  - 그렇지거짓말이지

-You're lying. -You got me.

[수호가 작게 웃는다]

새로운 증인이랑 증거는 뭐야?

What are the new evidence and witness?

너무 많아서

There are so many of them.

박철민 회장  관련된?

Are they related to Chairman Park?

건설사 임원 쪽도 있고

Some are construction firm executives.

다른 거는?

What else?

  들은 얘기 있어?

Why? Is there something you heard?



사과랑   사자

Let's buy some apples and pears.

[불안한 분위기의 음악]

[카메라폰 촬영음]

[카메라폰 촬영음]

[카메라폰 촬영음]


What's wrong?


Is there more stuff to buy?

... 이제 고기만 사면 

Just meat.

오케이빨리 사고 집에 가자

Okay. Let's get that and go home.

[긴장되는 음악]

우리 영원히 다신  보기로 하지 않았나?

Didn't we promise that we would never see each other again?

박곤 씨가 아드님인  꿈에도 몰랐습니다

I never knew Gon Park was your son.

철민개발 직함을 갖고 있다는  나중에 알았어요

I only found out later that he worked for Chul-min Development.

용건이 뭐요?

Why did you want to see me?

아드님이 위약금을  배를 내라는데

Your son wants me to pay three times the penalty.

그냥 없던 일로만 해주십시오

Please waiver the penalty.

그럼 저도 약소한 선물을 하나 해드리죠

Then I'll give you a small gift.


A gift?

문수호 대표한테 옛날 일을 얘기하지 않는 조건이죠

I won't tell Mr. Moon... about the incident from the past.

 박사님 아들이더라고요

It turns out that he's Dr. Moon's son.

옛날 ...

The incident from the past. Oh, right.

 옛날 일이 뭐더라?

What was that incident?

위약금은 없는 걸로 알겠습니다

I'll consider the penalty waived.

[못마땅한  헛기침]

[ 크게 헛기침]


I'm off to work.

[산산이 깨지는 소리]

없느니만 못한 

You useless piece.

윤달홍이  다시 올려줘!

Give Dal-hong his property back.



다신 만나지 말고!

Don't ever see him again.

그놈이 사라져도 궁금해하지 말고!

Even if he disappears, don't wonder about him.


Got it?

(수호의문의 화재로 연구소는 불탔고

A mysterious fire caused the lab to burn down,

 안에 계시던 저희 아버지께서 돌아가셨습니다

and my father died in the fire.

해라  남친 방송은 굳이  찾아봐?

Why are you watching the show... Hae-ra's boyfriend was on?

[방송이 작게 들린다누가 해라  남친이야?

He's not Hae-ra's boyfriend.

- (승구그럼... - 정기점검은 매달 철저하게 했습니다

-Then... -The checkup's thorough.


is he her husband?

아니면 말고

Never mind.

(수호절대 누전이 원인이라고 생각하지 않습니다

I don't think the fire was caused by a short circuit.

연구소가 없어지면 이득을 얻는 쪽에서 했겠죠

I believe those who'd benefit from demolishing the lab did it.

이득을 얻는 쪽에 철민이가 있었나요

Was Chul-min one of the ones who benefited?

[발자국 소리가 난다]


 봄에 입을   해줘

Make me some spring clothes.

바지 정장  벌하고 반코트 롱드레스미니스커트 하나

I want a pair of pants, a half-coat, a long dress, and a mini skirt.

그리고 내일부턴 점복이  찾으러 같이 다녀

And starting tomorrow, let's go find Jeom Bok together.

옷을 잔뜩 주문해서  여기  붙어 있게 만들고

You're ordering clothes to keep me working here,

점복이를 찾자면서 끌고 다니고

and asking me to find him to drag me around.

문수호 집에  붙어 있게 하려는 속셈이네

You're trying to keep me away from Soo-ho's house.

바보는 아니구나

I see you're not dumb.

철민이를 봤어요

I saw Chul-min.

[미스터리한 음악]

어디서? - 근처에서

Where? Around here.

(샤론여길 먼저 와서 명함을 놓고 갔더라고

He came here and left his name card.

걔가 여길 어떻게 알고?

How did he know about this place?

몰라요어떻게 왔는지

I don't know about that.

둘러보면서 개발하면 좋겠다고 했대

He said he wanted to develop the area.

너더러 뭐래?

What did he say to you?

서린이 누나


내가 당신 때문에 부자가 됐어요

I became rich because of you."

(샤론  계속 사랑하고 있었다니까

He's been in love with me all this time.

만날 생각 하지 

Don't think about seeing him.

이용할 생각도 하지 말고

Don't think about using him either.

철민이늙고 못생겨졌더라

He became old and ugly.

  보고 몸살 왔었어 우울해서

After seeing him, I got sick because it made me sad.

 지금 돈만 아는 괴물이야

He's a monster who only cares about money.

어떻게 알아만나본  있어?

How do you know that? Have you met him?

악명 높은  투기꾼이 됐어

He has become a notorious speculator.

나한테   하는   많군

There are a lot of things you don't tell me about.

얘기해서 좋을  없는 것만

Only things that are better for you not to know.

[음악과 함께 날카로운 음향 효과]

옷은 내가 알아서 이쁘게 해드릴게

I'll make your clothes pretty, so don't worry.

 얘기 아직  끝났어

Hey. I'm not done talking here.

[한숨을 쉰다]

[음산한 음악]

칼을 갈았나?

Did she sharpen a knife?

[땅에 구멍 뚫는 소리]

[굴착기 소리]

(인부1) ?

Wait. What's this?

이게 뭐지멈춰! - 어이!

Wait. What's this? -Stop! -Stop this now!

(인부1, 2) 어이멈추라고스톱스톱!

-Stop! -Stop this now! -Stop! -Stop!

[굴착기 소리] (인부2) 어이가만있어

-What's this? -Look.

(인부3) 흐미그거 뭐야뭐야?

-Goodness. -What is that? Oh no.

아이 ...

Oh no.

[음산한 음악]






Did you call the police?

알겠습니다바로 갈게요 실장님도 지금 출발하세요

Okay. I'll be right there. Come and meet me there.

뭔데 그래?

What's wrong?

아무것도 아냐


늦지 않게 올게 먼저 들어가미안

I won't be late. You should go ahead inside. Sorry.

[시동을 건다]

[출발하는 굉음]

[자동차 다가오는 소리]

( 실장알겠습니다


이상한 일이네요

That's strange.

여기서 백골 사체가 발견됐다니

I can't believe a skeleton was found here.

여기 어떻게  겁니까?

What happened?

사망한  10 이상   같은데

It looks like it's been dead for over ten years.

그것도 정밀 감식을 해봐야 안다고요

It needs a forensic test.

10 전까지  터는 맹지여서

This lot was off the road until ten years ago.

접근도 쉽지 않았고

So it wasn't easy to access.

길이 뚫린 후에도 건물이 들어선 적은  번도 없었는데

Even after roads were paved, no buildings were built here.

다른   없었고요?

Was there anything else?

 신분증이나 소지품 가진 것도 없고 옷도  해져서

We didn't find an ID card or anything with him. His clothes are all worn out.

우선 실종자 명단을 토대로 조사를 시작하겠다고 했습니다

They'll start the investigation with the list of missing persons.

저희도 추가로 발견되는  있으면 경찰에 바로 알려주기로 했고요

We'll let them know if we've found something more.

[수호가 한숨을 쉰다]

(백희내일이라도 간단하게 그분을 위한 제를 지내줘요

Do at least a simple memorial service for him tomorrow.

 대표가 공사를 시작한 덕에 그분도 세상에 나온 거니까

He was able to be found because Mr. Moon began the construction.

억울한  있다면 감사해하시겠지

He would be grateful if he's resentful about something.

( 실장알겠습니다


[미스터리한 음악]

이런 불길한  아니야 걱정하지 

You shouldn't think it's bad luck. Don't worry.

가족을 찾으시면 좋겠네요

I hope he goes back to his family.

한을 풀어주게  거야

We'll resolve his resentment.

오히려 잘된 거예요

This is a good thing.

[크게 한숨을 쉰다]

[불길한 음악으로 분위기 바뀜]

[음산한 속삭임이 들린다]


Are you asleep?



(수호공사장에 문제가  있었는데  해결됐어

We had a problem at the construction site, but it's been solved well.

공사장 문제였어?

Was it about the construction site?

한옥 호텔 부지

Yes, at the hanok hotel construction site.

(해라다친 사람은 없고?

Was anyone injured?

(수호걱정할  없어

No, you don't need to worry.

(숙희이리 와서 딸기 드세요

Come here and have some strawberries.

 먼저  있을게

I'll go first.


몸살은  어떠세요?

Are you feeling any better?


I'm alright.

얼굴이 동안이어도 몸살은 걸리시나 

You look so young, but I guess you do get sick.

누가 댁을 40대로 보겠어요?

No one would think you're in your 40s.


What do you mean, I'm in my 40s?

농담이 과하시네이모

That's not funny.

(숙희해라가 양장점 처음 갔을 때가

When Hae-ra first visited your boutique, you must've been 27 or 28 years old.

아무리 못해도 스물일곱여덟?

you must've been 27 or 28 years old.

그게 벌써  오륙  전이니까

That's about 15 or 16 years ago.

 그때 열여덟 살이었어요

I was 18 years old then.



에유이모는 촌스럽게 나이 얘기를 하고 그래?

It's inelegant of you to talk about someone's age.

나이학교그리고 아버지 직업 묻는  요즘 트렌드 아니야

It's not trendy to ask about one's age, educational background, or father's job.

[그릇 끄는 소리]

It's not trendy to ask about one's age, educational background, or father's job. Citrus tea is good for cold.

몸살엔 유자차가 좋대요

Citrus tea is good for cold.

해라 씨는 나한테  친절하네요

Hae-ra, you're very nice to me.

제가 원래 예쁜 사람 좋아하거든요

Because I like pretty people.

[그릇 끄는 소리] [ 내려놓는 소리]

과일도 많이 드세요

Have a lot of fruit.

[음산한 음악 ]

 반지는 뭐예요?

What's that ring?


Oh, this?

선물 받은 거예요

I got it as a gift.

이야무슨 중전마마 반지 같다

Oh wow. It looks like a queen's ring.

 구경해봐도 돼요?

Can I take a look at it?



[슬픈 음악]

(해라한옥 호텔은 언제 완공돼?

When will the hotel construction be completed?

후년 봄쯤?

Maybe in spring next year.

(숙희 지어지면 우리도 한번 구경 가야지

Once it's done, let's go see it together.


Of course.

[음침한 음악이 점점 커지며 날카로운 소리]

(샤론허억! [ 바람 소리]

[불길한 음향]

-Goodness. -Are you okay?

괜찮으세요? - !

-Goodness. -Are you okay?

[음산한 음악]

[샤론 괴로운   신음]

[샤론 신음]

[샤론 신음하며 가쁘게 숨을 몰아쉰다]

[계속 신음이 이어진다]

어디가 불편하신 거예요?

Tell me where you're hurting.

[샤론의 신음]

구급차 부를까?

Should I call an ambulance?

[샤론의 신음]

[반지  떨어지는 소리] [샤론 신음  밭은 숨소리]


I'm okay.

[샤론 거친 한숨]

제가 가끔 몸이  좋을  위경련이 생겨서

I get stomach cramps from time to time when I'm not feeling well.

정말 병원  가보셔도 괜찮아요?

Do you really not want to go to a hospital?


I'm all right.

저는 가서 쉴게요

I'll go rest in my room.

[똑똑 노크]

? - (수호

-Yes? -It's me.

이게  방에 있네

I found this in my room.

그거 내가 일부러 두고 나온 건데?

I put it there on purpose.

   언제 들어왔어?

When did you come into my room?

에이그냥 이거만 놓고 나온 거야

I went in only to put it there.

그럼 나도   들어가 볼래

I want to be in your room as well then.

[이불 누르며 툭탁 소리를 낸다]


Come in.


I like your room.

세입자 방이  그렇지

This is a typical room of a tenant.

 사진 기억나 추석 연휴 

I remember this photo. It was during Thanksgiving.

(해라맞아그때 우리끼리만 찍어서 오빠한테 미안했어

Right. I felt bad because we took it without you.

아버지 어떻게 돌아가신 거야?

How did your father pass away?

지방 출장 중에

He was out of town on business.

과로로 쓰러졌다고 연락받았던  같아

I got a call that he collapsed from overwork.

엄마도 충격받아서 쓰러지시고

My mom collapsed in shock.

나도  정신없이 며칠 보내고 났더니

I spent a few days in a panic.

곤이 아버지께서 찾아오셔서  모셨다고 했어

Gon's father came and said he took care of everything.

병원 기록은 확인했어?

Did you check the hospital record?

그건 영미 부모님께서 확인하셨다고 했어

Young-mi's parents checked the record.


I see.

내가 그분들  만나볼  있을까?

Can I see them?

   캐나다에 계셔 아마 영미 결혼식 때나 오실 거야

They're in Canada. They'll come to Korea for her wedding.

영미한테 전화해서

Can you call Young-mi and tell her that I want to talk to her parents?

부모님하고 통화  하고 싶다고 얘기  해줘

Can you call Young-mi and tell her that I want to talk to her parents?



박철민 회장  얘기가 맞는지 확인  하려고

To check if Chairman Park told the truth.

오늘  해줘

Please ask her today.


(영미흐흐해라  오랜만이다

It's been a while, Hae-ra.

어우연애하느라고 바쁜가 

You must be busy with your dating.

부모님요즘에도 캐나다에 계시는 거지?

Are your parents still in Canada?

요새는 추워서 샌디에이고에서 지내실걸

It's cold during this time, so they might be in San Diego now.

[미스터리한 음악]


그때 일은  갑자기...

Why do you ask about the incident suddenly?

수호 오빠가   여쭤보고 싶은  있나 

Soo-ho must want to ask something.

너무 옛날 일이라서

It happened such a long time ago,

우리 엄마 아빠가 자세히 기억할까 모르겠네

so I'm not sure if they remember it well.

그리고 너희 아버지 일인데  그분이 궁금해해?

Besides, it's about your father, so why does he want to know about it?

그거야 우리 집에서 2 동안 식구처럼 지냈으니까 그렇겠지

Because he stayed in my house for two years like family.


Oh, okay.

내가 얘기해볼게 - (해라

I'll talk to them. Thanks.

(해라 남의 서재를  함부로 뒤져?

Why would you go through my study?

대체  의심하는 거야?

What are you suspecting?

이건 사업할  있나 봐달라고 나한테 예전에 맡긴 거야

He gave this to me so that I can check if it can be commercialized.

기억  ?

Don't you remember?

[효과음 커지다가 ]

문준성이가 너한테?

Are you saying that Joon-seong handed it to you?

(해라 그래내가 너한테 얘기했었는데

Yes, I told you about this before.

나만  빼고 너희끼리 무슨 작당을  거야

What are you two plotting? 

  사람이 점점 이상하게 변하냐

Why do you keep changing the subject?

해라 친구들도 아래층에  있는데 몰래 들어와서 남의 서재나 뒤지고

Hae-ra's friends are downstairs. You snuck in and went through my study.

좀도둑처럼 이게  하는 짓이야!

Why are you acting like a thief?


A thief?

[플래시 떨어지는 소리]


A thief?

[놀라서 들이쉬는 ]

[화나서 내쉬는 ]

 하나도  봤어

I didn't see anything...

해라 생일날도

on Hae-ra's birthday...

다른  밤도

or the other night either.


I don't remember a thing.


I don't.

[자동문 닫히는 소리]

삐진  풀어

Stop being angry.




꽃다발 하나에 너무 감동한다

I didn't expect that you would love me this much.

[목메는  삼키며 웃는 소리]

[숨을 들이쉰다]


I'm sorry.

[작게 한숨]

[ 들이쉬며강릉 가자밤바다 보러

Let's go to Gangneung to see the sea at night.




Yes, now.

바다  보면 답답해서 미친  같아

If I don't, I might go crazy from suffocation.

그래가자 [영미 웃음]

Okay, let's go.

(영미고마워 해영 마감  부탁해!

Thanks. Hye-young. Please close the store for me.

[불안한 음악]

[서류 넘기는 소리]

[딩동 문자 알림음]


[음악 소리 커지며 분위기 고조]

[문자 알림음]


[문자 알림음]

[휴대폰 내려놓는 소리]


Oh, you're up.

 대표는 아침 일찍 나갔고요

Mr. Moon went out early this morning,

해라도  전에 출근했어요

and Hae-ra just went to work too.

다들 바쁘시네

Everyone seems busy.

 대표가 몸살약이랑 위장약 챙겨 놓고 나갔어요

Mr. Moon left you some medicine for your cold and stomachache.

감사하다고 인사할게요

I'll thank him later.

해라가  쒀놓고 나갔고요  드세요

And Hae-ra made some porridge. Have some.

이모어제  반지는 어디에서  거래요?

Aunt Sook-hee. Where did she get that ring?

모르죠  보이지는 않던데

No idea. It didn't look cheap.

할머니들이 끼는 반지 같아서 회사   빼라고 하고 싶었는데

I wanted to tell her to take it off because it looks so old.

내가  옷들이랑 맞질 않아요

It doesn't match the clothes I gave her.

 그래도 빼놓고 갔어요 회사에서 튄다고

She left it at home. It would stand out too much at work.


Aunt Sook-hee.

이따 저희 가게에  다녀오세요

You should stop by my shop later today.

 심부름 같은   해요

I don't run errands.

울하고 캐시미어 좋은  준비해 놨는데

I've got some good quality wool and cashmere.

가서 보고 고르세요

You can come and choose something.

반코트 필요하시댔죠?

You needed a half-coat, right?

[신비한 음악과 음향]

[긍정의 웃음]

[냄비 뚜껑 들어서 덮는 소리]


Have some.

[숙희 웃음소리]

Have some.

(수호개발 지역과 도시 재생 사업지 어느 곳으로 분류돼도

Whether it becomes a redevelopment area or a regeneration area, It doesn't matter.

일단 투기의 움직임은 일게 마련이죠

There will naturally be some speculation.

돈이 얽히다 보니 불법적인 일들도 많이 일어나고요

A lot of illegal things are done since money is involved in this business.

아픈 개인사가 있다고 들었는데 개인적인 아픔도 계기가 되신 거죠?

I heard you have a painful personal story. Did that also motivate you?

아버지도 이권에 연루된 사람들에 의해 희생되신 거라고 봅니다

Yes. I believe my dad was sacrificed because of people with related interests.


Yes. I believe my dad was sacrificed because of people with related interests.

(수호당시 연구소에 근무하시던 분이나

We're looking for any reports from people

아파트 허가 관련해서 알고 계신 분들의 제보도 기다리고 있습니다

who worked in the lab or anyone with information about the apartment's building permit.

[슬픈 음악]

about the apartment's building permit.

(사회자 방송 나가면 분명히 제보가 있을 겁니다

I'm sure people will report after this show.


Thank you.

- (수호가시죠 - ( 실장

-Let's go. -Yes.

(수호 회장 쪽에서 보낸 문자 같은데 확인  해주세요

This was probably sent by Chairman Park's people. Can you check?

우리 제보도 신빙성 없는  태반일 겁니다 걸러 주시고요

Many reports will be unreliable. Make sure you filter them.



[긴장되는 음악]

(샤론이거랑 똑같은 반지를 만들어 주세요

Can you make a ring that looks exactly like this?

완벽하게 똑같이

It has to be exactly the same.

되도록 빨리요

As soon as possible.

[효과음과 함께 음악 ]

(저희 아버지 돕는 사람들인데

Yes, those are the guys who help out my dad.

 무슨 잘못이라도...

Did they do something wrong?

여기 회사  CCTV 찍힌 겁니다

This was taken right in front of my office.

어젠 해라랑 같이 있는 마트까지 따라왔고요

They followed Hae-ra and me into a market yesterday.

제가 대신 사과드리겠습니다

I apologize on his behalf.

앞으로 이런  없게 하겠습니다

This won't happen again.


Mr. Park.

아버님 오른쪽 발목 윗부분에 수술 흉터 있죠?

Your dad has a scar on his right ankle, right?

그걸 어떻게 아십니까?

How do you know that?

연구소 화재 나던 

On the day of the fire at the lab, I fell down and held him by the ankle,

제가 엎어져서 아버님 발목을 잡았습니다

On the day of the fire at the lab, I fell down and held him by the ankle,


asking him for help.

 뿌리치고 가실   흉터를 봤고요

I saw that scar as he abandoned me.

[미스터리한 음악]

건설사에서 돈을 받고

I believe the construction company...

연구소에 일부러 불을 냈다고 생각합니다

paid him to set fire to the lab.

저희 아버지그렇게 간이 크신 분은 아닙니다

My dad isn't that bold.

안에 사람이 있는  알면서 일부러

He did it on purpose, knowing people were there.


Mr. Moon.

말씀이  지나치십니다

You're crossing the line.

열등감이 심하셨다면서요

You said he had a serious inferiority complex.

친구들 중에 제일  풀렸고

Among his friends, he was the least successful one.

[길게 숨을 내쉰다]

  크게 만들지 말고

Don't stir this up into a big thing.

 앞에 와서 무릎 꿇고 사과하라고 하세요

Tell him to kneel down and apologize.

나를 무시하고

He ignores me,

나도 싫어하는 아버지지만

and I hate him too...

나는 그분 편이 돼야만 합니다

but I still have to be on his side.

재밌는 얘기 기다리겠습니다

I'll wait for an interesting story.

 군데만  보자니까 글쎄?

We should go look in one more place.

점복이를 어디 가서 찾는다는 거야대체?

Where on earth are you going to find Jeom Bok?

그림  그리던 애니까 이런  어디 숨어 있겠지

He was good at drawing. He might be hiding in a place like this.

차라리 광고를 내요

You might as well put out an ad.

'조선 시대부터 살아온 점복이를 찾습니다'

"Looking for Jeom Bok, alive since the Joseon Dynasty.

'그림을  그리는  함정'

He's known for drawing well."

점복이를 찾으면

Once we find him,

우리도 뭔가 달라질 거야

something about us will change too.

'구천의 귀신글씨도 없어지고

The ghost letters might disappear.

해답을 찾을  있을 거야

We'll be able to find an answer.

어떻게 알아?

How do you know?

느낌으로 알아

I feel it in my bones.

정해라가 은반지를 갖고 있어요

Hae-ra has a silver ring.

문수호한테 받았대

She got it from Soo-ho.

 사람은 그게 어디에서 났을까?

I wonder where he got it from.

 반지 아니야

It's not your ring.

[슬픈 음악]


None of your business.

반지가 주인한테 갔는데 글씨는 그대로야

The ring returned to its rightful owner, but the letters are still there.

정해라가 주인이 아니란 소리지

That means she's not the owner.

If you...

 반지 탐내면

covet that ring, you'll be in big trouble.

큰일 난다

covet that ring, you'll be in big trouble.

뜨거워서 만질 수도 없는데

It's too hot to touch anyway.

걱정 말아요

Don't worry.

점복이 투어해산

Jeom Bok search party, dismissed.

[철민의 헛기침 소리]


아빠가  박사님 연구 자료 가지고   

Soo-ho already knows that my dad made money...

수호 오빠도 알아요

with Dr. Moon's research.

고아원 보내려고 했던 것도 제가 얘기했고요

I told him about the orphanage too.

 박사가 죽던 

On the day of Dr. Moon's death,

너의 아버지가 옆에 있었어

your father was with him.

(철민나도 거기 있었거든

I was there too.

 도와주는 척하면서 창고에서

I pretended to help him, but I sneaked some stuff out of the lab

물건을  빼서 내다 팔았지

but I sneaked some stuff out of the lab to make money.

 죄라면 그게 다다

That's my only crime.


That day,

소독용 알코올을 빼러 갔다가

I went to get some cotton swabs,

너의 아버지를 봤어

and saw your father there.

둘이 싸우더라심하게

They were in a huge fight.

(철민그리고 창고에 있는데

I was in the storage room,

 하는 폭발음이 나서

then I heard a huge explosion,

도망쳐 나왔다

so I ran away.

제가 그걸 믿을 거라고 생각하시는 거예요?

Do you think I believe you?

수호 후견인을 해준 것도 

He only took Soo-ho in out of guilt.

죄책감 때문이었어

He only took Soo-ho in out of guilt.

그리고 수호한테서 아버지의 연구 문건 원본을

Also, he had to find the original copy of his father's research.

찾아야만 했었고

Also, he had to find the original copy of his father's research.

남들에게 좋은 사람으로 보이고 싶으셨겠죠

He probably wanted to be a nice person.

너의 아버지가 친필로  각서도 있다

I have your father's handwritten agreement.

(철민) ' 박사의 동의 없이'

It says

'연구 결과를 사업에 이용하지 않겠다'라고

he wouldn't use the research for his business without Dr. Moon's consent.

[철민 어이없는 웃음]

(철민그래놓곤 친구를 배신했어

But he betrayed his friend.

 밝히셔도 상관없어요

I don't care if you expose everything.

수호 오빠가 받게  상처는 걱정되지만

I'm worried that Soo-ho might get hurt,

 이후의 문제는

but everything else is...

본인이 판단할 거라고 생각하니까

for him to decide.

문수호 좋아하잖아

You love him.



I do.

 사실을 알고도

Would he still love you after finding out everything?

수호가  좋아할까?

Would he still love you after finding out everything?

제가 싫어진다고 해도

Even if he hates me...

어쩔  없죠

I can't help it.

 그럼 가보겠습니다

I'll be leaving, then.



이럴  '저한테 원하는  뭡니까'라고 물어보는 거다

In times like these, you usually ask, "What do you want from me?"


What is it?

외로운 문수호 사랑해줘라

You should keep caring for lonely Soo-ho.

그리고 지금 하는 일을 멈추게 

Make him stop what he's doing now.

(철민재생 사업이건 재조사건

Both the regeneration project and the reinvestigation.

너도 아버지를 위해서

It's for your father's sake too.

나도 좀도둑질 과거는 숨기고 싶다

I want to hide my past as a petty thief.


Mr. Park.

우리 아빠

Are you sure...

수목장으로 모신  확실해요?

that my dad had a proper burial?


Of course.

슬픈 한이 있다면 푸시고

I hope you resolve your deep sorrow.

가족의 품에 안기시길 바랍니다

Please rest in peace with your family.

다른 소지품은  발견된  없나요?

Did you find any other possessions?


No, not yet.

성별이나 나이는요?

What about the gender and age?

 40 이상의 남자로 추정이 된답니다

They believe it's a man over 40.

[잔에  따른  물병 내려놓는 소리]



네가 여기 웬일이야?

What brings you here?

 회장님이랑   얘기가 있어서

I came to talk to Chairman Park.


I'll get going now.



아버지가 뭐래?

What did he say?

별일 아냐


나한테는 얘기해도 

It's okay. You can tell me.


Gosh, it's cold.

... 무슨 일이야?

What's going on?

아무것도 아니야 잠깐 회장님 뵙고 가는 길이야

It's nothing. I just had a meeting with Chairman Park.



엄마 아빠랑 통화해 봤어?

Did you talk to your parents?

... 전화가  되네

Well, I can't get a hold of them.

내가 이따가 다시 해볼게

I'll call them again later.


Let me know.

해라가 방금 뭐라고  거야?

What was she talking about?

... 우리 엄마 아빠한테 새해 인사 하고 싶다고

She said she wanted to wish them a happy new year.


Why all of a sudden?


I don't know. Let's go upstairs.

[먹어보라고 작게 얘기한다]

Feel free to try these.

[따뜻한 기타 음악]


-Hello. -Welcome.

어서 오세요 [웃음]

-Hello. -Welcome.

저번에 단팥빵 좋아하시던?

You're the one who likes red bean bread.

맞아요 그때 왔던 여행사 직원이에요

Yes, I'm the travel agent who came here before.

 발신 문자 같은 경우에는 통신사에선 추적이 힘들고

Text messages sent from the web can't be traced by the provider.

사이버 수사대에서 가능한데

Only the Cyber Police can trace it.

그것도 사기나 협박 같은 경우만 가능하다고 합니다

But they do it only for fraud or blackmail.

장난치는  수도 있으니까 그냥 한번 둬보죠

Maybe it was a prank. We'll leave it for now.

[숨을 들이쉰다장난이 아닌 경우도 염두에 두셔야 되는  아닌가요?

It might not be a prank. You should be prepared for that too.

가시죠 - ( 실장

Let's go. Okay.

[ 문을 연다]


(찬기연구소 근무하셨던 분들한테 연락이 많이 왔어요

I got a lot of calls from former lab researchers.

도움이 필요하면 언제라도 와주시겠대요

They said they'd come and help anytime.

감사한 일이네

We're grateful.

[찬기 작게 웃으며우리 편이 많습니다힘내세요!

A lot of people are on our side. Cheer up!

[문자 알림음]

[따뜻한 음악]

[카메라폰 촬영음]



나리 실업에서 300 기업 행사 입찰로 돌린다는  들었지?

Nari Trade will put a 300-person event up for a bid.

아이하던 대로 그냥 우리 주면 되지...

They should just give it to us like usual.

갑질을 한단 말이야

Why are they on a power trip?

아우그거 우리가 다시 따내면 되죠

-We can get it. -No!


-We can get it. -No!

지금 회의하다 왔는데 아이디어가 너무 후져

I just came out of a meeting. The idea is too old fashioned.

정해라 어디 갔어?

Where's Hae-ra?

10 지났다

It's been ten minutes.

생각하고 있습니다

I'm thinking.



평소에는 괴상망측한 아이디어도 잘만 내던데

You always come up with weird ideas.

 입을  닫고 있어?

Why are you quiet today?

생각하는 중이에요지금 열심히

I'm thinking really hard right now.

진짜 미치겠네진짜

Gosh. You're driving me crazy.

 잠깐만 쉬었다 할게요

Let me take a break.

 했다고 쉬어  아이디어 내고 쉬어?

No, you can't. You didn't do anything. Come up with an idea. Then take a break.

 이번에 이거 해결  하면 퇴출이야

If you can't take care of this, you're fired.


Come on.


Go and take a break.


Excuse me.

[비닐봉지 소리]

대장간 막내네요

Hi, you're from the Blacksmith's.



저희 대표님께서 빵을 보내셨어요

Mr. Moon sends you pastries.

지금  나온 신상인데 해물 야채 빵이래요

They just came out of the oven. They are seafood vegetable pastries.

한번 드셔 보세요맛있어요

Try them. They're good.






Thanks, Chan-ki.


 와중에  바쁘게들 살았다

You've been busy, haven't you?

[함께 웃는다]

대표님 근처시라고 잠깐 들르신대요

Mr. Moon will drop by because he's nearby.

아이대표가  그리 한가해 자꾸 방문을 ?

Isn't he busy? Why does he visit so often?

안녕하세요 - 아이고대표님하하하

-Hello. -Mr. Moon!

 방문을 이렇게 해주시고흐흐

Thanks for coming.

정해라 안녕하세요

Hello, Miss Jung.

회의 중이셨나 봐요? - 

-Were you in a meeting? -Yes.

저희 클라이언트가 갑자기 입찰을 붙인다고 해가지고

Our client wants us to enter a bid.

지금 아이디어 내느라고 정신없어요

So we're trying to come up with ideas.

그래서 이번 입찰은 정해라 씨가 책임지기로 했습니다

Hae-ra will be responsible for the bid.

(팀장아우그걸  해라가 책임져요...

Why does she have to be responsible?

(본부장해라가 책임진다 그랬어

She said she would.

- (팀장언제요? - (본부장아까

-When? -Earlier.

- (팀장 들었는데요 - (본부장내가 그렇게 만들 거야

-No, she didn't. -I'll make her.




Miss Jung.

해물 야채  좋아하시나 봐요

I guess you like seafood vegetable bread.



[익살스러운 음악]

나는 좋아하는데

I like it.



해물 - 해물



Yes, seafood.

얘기  하자찬기야

You and I need to talk, Chan-ki.

- (주희... 나왔어요 - (팀장?

I got it. -What? -Where?


-What? -Where?


Oh, seafood.

선대 회장님께서 부산 피난 시절에

When the former chairman took refuge in Busan,

맨날 수제비만 먹어서 싫증을 내니까

he got sick of sujebi because it was everyday food.

어머니께서 포구에 나가서 일을 해주고

So his mother worked at a harbor to get

낙지와 생선을 얻어다가 해물 수제비를 끓였는데

octopus and fish to cook seafood sujebi.

그날 밤에  식구들이 울면서 먹었다는 이야기유명하잖아요?

The whole family cried with joy eating the seafood sujebi. It's a famous story.


It's a famous story. Keep going.

(해라성북동 해물 수제비 주방장을 모셔다가 특별 메뉴를 내는 거예요

We'll hire the seafood sujebi chef from Seongbuk-dong, and present a special menu.

어머그거 너무 좋다

That's a great idea.

그럼 현지 호텔 주방에 미리 양해를 구한 다음에

We ask for the hotel's approval in advance.

우리가 뚝배기깍두기새우젓  공수해 가서

And bring the ingredients from Korea.

수제비 저녁 만찬을 하는 거죠

We'll offer them a sujebi feast for dinner.

옛날  마음으로 우리 모두 하나가 됩시다이렇게

"Let's get together and become one with old-time spirit!"

(남직원어우좋다  같은데?

-That's great. -I think it'll work.


It's nice.

[본부장이 손뼉을 친다]

내가 생각한  잘도 정리했네

That was exactly my idea. She presented it really well.


That was exactly my idea. She presented it really well. Give her a round of applause.

[모두 박수]

(팀장해라진짜 좋다

Hae-ra. -That's amazing. -Good job.

- (남직원1) 정해라 ! - (남직원2) 아이디어 진짜 좋아요

-That's amazing. -Good job. -Your idea is awesome. -Great job.

[모두 칭찬한다]

-Your idea is awesome. -Great job. -Hae-ra Jung. -Hae-ra Jung.


-Hae-ra Jung. -Hae-ra Jung.

[작게 웃는다]

[안도의 한숨  숨을 들이쉬고 내쉰다]



박수받은  축하해

Congratulations on being applauded.

[감동적인 음악]





I love you.

나머진 집에서

We'll do the rest at home.

[작게 웃음]


See you later.


I'll see you at home.

[작게 한숨]

[살짝 헐떡이며] (수호오셨어요?

You're here.

집에선 얘기할 틈을  주셔서요

Because I can't get a hold of you at home.

미안합니다 일이  많아서

I'm sorry. I had a lot of work to do.

아침에  챙겨주신  감사해요

Thanks for the medicine this morning.

덕분에 한결 좋아졌어요

I feel much better now.

[서류를 집어 든다]

(샤론 생각도 대표님과 같아요

I agree with you.

우리가 복고에 열광하는  이유가 있다고 생각해요

There's a reason why people are crazy about the retro movement.

금성 1, 2동만큼은 추억  동네로 남아있으면 좋겠어요

I want Geumseong-dong to remain an old neighborhood.

저희 집에 계신  불편하지 않으세요?

Aren't you uncomfortable at my house?

아니요아주 재밌습니다

No. I'm having fun.


I'm relieved.

잡채 좋아하세요오늘 저녁에 할까 하는데

Do you like Japchae? I'll make it for dinner tonight.

[숨을 들이쉰다


다행이네요 일찍 들어오세요

That's good to hear. Come home early.

집에서 뵙겠습니다

Okay. I'll see you at home.

[수호가 숨을 내쉰다]


Oh, right.

혹시 도움이 되실진 모르겠는데

I'm not sure if this will be helpful,

연구소 화재가 나던  밤에 누군가를 봤어요

but I saw someone on the night the lab was on fire.

[불안한 음악]

점잖은 인상이어서 별로 이상하다고 느껴지진 않았는데

I didn't find him strange because he looked like a gentleman.

연구소 사람은 아니었어요

But he wasn't from the lab.

기억이 묻혀 있었는데 최근에 떠올랐어요

I remembered it only recently...

어떤 사진을 보고

after seeing a picture.

어떤 사진이죠?

What picture?

오해하실까  미리 말씀드리는데

I don't want you to misunderstand me.

같은 사람이 아니고  비슷한 인상을 봤다는 거예요

I saw someone who looked kind of similar.

해라  옛날 가족사진에서 봤어요

I saw him in Hae-ra's family picture.

안경 쓰고 키가 훤칠했던 걸로 기억해요

I remember him being tall and wearing glasses.

 사진 기억나 추석 연휴 

I remember this photo. It was during Thanksgiving.

같은 분을 보셨을 수도 있죠

You might have seen the same person.

연구소에 자주 놀러 오셨을 겁니다

He used to visit the lab often.

화재가 나던 날도 오셨나 보네요

I guess he visited the lab on the day it was on fire too.

화가  얼굴로 들어가셨는데

He seemed angry when he entered the lab.

해라한테는 그런 말씀 하지 말아주세요

Please don't mention that to Hae-ra.

그럼요그럼 집에서 뵐게요

Sure. I'll see you at home.

수고하세요실장님 수고하세요찬기 

Bye, Mr. Han, Chan-ki.

[콧노래를 한다]

... [작게 웃는다]

[계속 콧노래를 한다]


It's strange.

분명히 여기다 뒀었는데

I'm sure I left it here.


Aunt Sook-hee. Aunt Sook-hee.



여기 있던  반지  봤어?

Have you seen my ring?


I haven't.

 오늘   들어오지도 않았어 양장점  있었지

I didn't come into your room today. I was at the tailor shop.

거긴 ?

What for?

반코트 해준다고 옷감 고르래서

She told me to choose the fabric for my new coat.

[작게 한숨]

그럼 이게 어디 갔지?

Where did it go, then?

반지가 없어졌어?

Did it disappear?

내가 분명히 여기다  놨는데 없어졌어

Yes. I put it here for sure, and it's gone.


It's strange.

 반지 빼놓고 갔다고 샤론 양장점한테 말하긴 했지만

I told Sharon that you weren't wearing your ring, but...



이런 질문 죄송한데요

I'm sorry to ask you this question.


What is it?

혹시  반지  보셨나요?

Have you seen my ring by any chance?

제가 액세서리 함에 넣어놨는데 없어서요

I put it in my jewelry box, and it's gone.


Oh, I took it.

그거 내가 가져갔어요

Oh, I took it.



귀한 반지 같던데 때가   보여서

Why? It looked rare, but a little tainted.

깨끗하게   닦아다 주려고요

I wanted to clean it for you.

다음부턴 그러실 필요 없고요

You don't need to do that next time.

지금 돌려주세요

Give it back to me right now.

(샤론싸구려 반지나 즉석에서 세척해주지 좋은 반지는 하루 이틀 걸려요

They can clean cheap rings on the spot, but it takes a few days to clean one like that.

내가 찾아  테니까 걱정하지 말아요

I'll get it back for you, so don't worry.

잡채 좋아해요아주 맛있게 됐어요

Do you like Japchae? It's delicious.

지금 찾아다 주세요

Go get it right now.

 반지지금 갖다 주세요

I want... that ring back right now.

 시간엔 가게가 문을 닫았죠

The store must be closed at this hour.

[ 열리는 소리]

 남의 물건에 함부로 손을 대시죠?

Why did you touch my things without permission?

선물 받은 것도 알고 반지가 주는 의미도 알면서

You know I got it as a gift and what it meant to me.

어떻게 그런 물건을 함부로 가져가냐고요

So how could you take it without my permission?

 딴엔 성의를 보인 거예요

I did it as a favor.

몸살이라고 딸기도 사다 주고 나한테 잘해주니까

You bought me strawberries and were good to me.

그럼 딸기는 딸기로 갚으면 되죠  남의 반지를 가져가냐고요

Then you should've paid me back with strawberries. Why did you have to take my ring?

 반지가 나한테 어떤 반진데

You know what it means to me.

어떤 반진데?

What does it mean to you?

사랑하는 사람한테 받은 반지요

It's a ring I got from my lover.

무슨 일이에요?

What's going on?

이건 샤론 양장점이 잘못하셨네

Sharon, you're at fault in this.

남의 반지를 맘대로 가져가는  심했지요

It's rude to take someone else's ring.

제가 훔치기라도 했어요?

I didn't steal it.

깨끗하게 닦아다 주려고 했다니까요

I only meant to clean it for her.

그래도 주인한테 말을 하고 가져가는  맞죠

Still, it's right to ask for her permission first.

그리고  반지는요 그대로가 멋있는 거예요

And the ring is fine just the way it is.

억지로 광내는   싫어요

I'd hate it to be polished.



그대로 돌려달라고 할게요

I'll tell them not to clean it.

전화번호 알려주세요 제가 지금 찾으러 가게

Give me the store's number. I'll go get it right now.


What's wrong with you?

일부러 이래요?

Are you doing this on purpose?

해라야그만해 내가 내일 찾아가지고 올게?

Hae-ra, that's enough. I'll go get it tomorrow.

[작게 한숨 쉰다]

대체 남의 방엔  들어가요?

Why did you go into my room in the first place?

내가 선물 받은 반지를

How could you take my ring without permission

어떻게 그렇게 맘대로 가져다 세척을 맡길 수가 있냐고요!

How could you take my ring without permission and leave it at a store for cleaning?

내가 자기 이쁘게 꾸며주고 싶어 하는  알잖아요

You know I want to dress you up nicely.


Forget it.

전화번호 줘요빨리

Give me the number now.


Stop it and go to your room.

이모 - 

-Aunt Sook-hee. -Okay.

들어가 - 그래그래해라야

-Go to your room. -He's right, Hae-ra.

일단 진정해 가자가자

-Go to your room. -He's right, Hae-ra. Calm down now. Let's go to your room.


Calm down now. Let's go to your room.

[숙희와 해라의 대화가 작게 들린다]

Calm down, Hae-ra.

서린 씨도 진정하세요

You should calm down too, Seo-rin.

[미닫이문 여는 소리]

[해라 한숨]

에유 여자가 잘못한  맞는데

She's wrong but you've gotten so worked up.

너도 너무 흥분했어

She's wrong but you've gotten so worked up.

 정말 이해가   진짜아이씨...

I really don't understand her.

   마시고 진정해 갖다줄게

Drink some water and calm down. I'll go get you some water.

[미닫이문 닫는 소리]


[크게 심호흡하고 숨을 내뱉는다]

내가 해주는 옷들은 넙죽넙죽  받아 입으면서

You never say no to the clothes that I make for you.

 반지만 갖고 그래?

Why make a big deal out of this?

일부러 시위하는 거예요?

Are you protesting on purpose?



거지 같은 계집애가 이쁜  입고 좋은 집에 들어와 사니까

Do you think you're something, now that you wear nice clothes and live in a big house, you shitty wench?

눈에 뵈는  없어?

and live in a big house, you shitty wench?

 주제에 이런 공주 대접이 어울리기나 ?

You think it suits you to be treated like a princess?

[ 소리] (샤론!

[기가   숨을 내쉰다]

[여자들의 비명]

-Hey! -Let me go!


[둘이 싸우는 호흡]


[싸우는 호흡]

[숨을 거칠게 내쉬며이씨...


[둘이 싸우며 씩씩거린다]


(샤론이거  ?

Let go.

[해라가 비명  쓰러지며 호흡]

너희 아버지 연구소 불날  왔었어

Your father... was there when the lab caught on fire.

인상  쓰고 화난 얼굴로 들어가는  내가 봤다고

I saw him go into the labiangry.

경찰에 가서 말할까?

Shall I go report this to the police?

아니면 인터넷에 띄워?

Or should I post it on the internet?

[해라 힘쓰는 호흡] [샤론 비명]

[ 열리는 소리] (샤론이씨...


[작게 숨을 내쉰다]



Are you okay?



Let's go.

[작게 숨을 내쉰다]

[미닫이문이 닫힌다]


저녁 맛있게 먹으려고 잡채 만들고 있었는데

I was making Japchae for dinner.


It's upsetting.

반지 맡긴 데가 어딥니까?

Where did you leave the ring?

제가 지금 한번 가보겠습니다

I'll go get it now.

 시간엔 문을 닫았죠

It's closed at this hour.

내일이나 모레 찾아올 거예요 걱정 마세요

I'll get it tomorrow or the day after. Don't worry.

[작게 숨을 들이쉬었다가 내쉰다]

서린 씨가  경솔했던  같습니다

It was thoughtless of you.

특급 호텔을 잡아드릴게요

I'll reserve you a five-star hotel.

다음 주부터는 거기서 지낼  있게 해드리겠습니다

I'll let you stay there from next week.

[음산한 속삭임이 들린다]

(샤론 방백 사람이  반지로

With the ring he gave you,


I'll kill you.


울지  잃어버린 것도 아닌데

Don't cry. You haven't lost it.

[흐느끼기 시작한다]

내가 다음 주부터 호텔에서 지내라고 했어

I told her to stay at a hotel from next week.

[훌쩍이며아니야내가 나갈게

No, I'll move out.

 여자 사업상 필요한 사람이잖아

You need her for your business.

너는  인생에서 필요해

I need you for my life.

[감동적인 음악]

[해라 계속 훌쩍인다]

수호야 [훌쩍]




데이트 신청해도 ?

Can I ask you out on a date?

[ 소리]

[살짝 훌쩍인다]

[스케이트로 얼음 지치는 소리]

겨울 방학 생각난다

It reminds me of the winter vacation.

 겨울 방학 숙제 대신 해주던  생각난다

It reminds me of doing your vacation homework.

내가 언제 기억  

What are you talking about? I don't remember any of it.

[작게 웃는다]

[크게 숨을 내쉰다가자

There. Let's go.

- (수호천천히 - (해라하하

-Slowly. -Let's go.

[해라가 크게 웃는다]


One step at a time.

(해라오오! [같이 웃는다]

My gosh, I almost fell.

같이 같이

Wait for me.

- (수호 - (해라어딜 ?

-Go! -Where are you going?




[수호는 크게 해라는 작게 웃는다]

- (수호왼발오른발 - (해라조심해뭐야어떡해

-Left foot. -Be careful. -Right foot. -Oh, my gosh.

 과외 시작하고 제일 기뻤을 때가 언젠지 알아?

Do you know my happiest moment after I started tutoring you?


I don't know.

네가 수학 52 맞아 왔을 

When you scored 52 points on your math test.


정말 기뻤어 쭉쭉 올릴  있겠구나 싶어서

I was so happy. I knew I could bring it up a lot.

나의 흑역사는  잊어줘

Please forget my dark and shady past.

너의 흑기사는 잊지 

But don't forget your black knight.

[해라가 웃는다]

[숨을 들이쉰 선물이 있어

I have a present for you.

근데 이건 되게 귀하고 비싼 거니까

It's very precious and expensive,

 손으로 받아줬으면 좋겠어

so hold it with two hands.





What is this?

[봉투 여는 소리]

우리 집에 두고  오빠 교복이야

That's the uniform jacket you left at my house.

원래는 내가 다시 만나면 그때 보여주려고 했었는데

I was going to show you when I saw you again,

연락도 없이 사라졌잖아

but you disappeared without a word.

버리지 이걸  입고 찍었어

Why did you take a picture in this?

 그랬을  같아요?

Why do you think?


This picture is...


like my diary.

교복은  몸에 맞게 되면 그때 다시 입고 다니려고 했었는데

I was going to start wearing that jacket once I grew into it.

우리  망하면서 내가 이사   잃어버렸어

But when our family went bankrupt, I lost it when we moved.

 일기장도 보여줄까?

Do you want to see my diary too?

[깊게 내쉬는 호흡]


읽을  있겠어?

Can you read it?

[목을 가다듬는다]

읽고 있어

I'm reading it.

재작년 크리스마스  그때 일기 읽으면 눈물  거다

Read the entry from Christmas two years ago. It'll make you cry.



이게 뭐지?

What's that?

뽀뽀하고 싶다?

Kiss? You want to kiss?

그거 어제 일긴데?

That's last night's entry.

[함께 크게 웃는다]

오늘은 정면 어깨 근육 운동 하는 겁니다

Today, we're going to work on frontal shoulder muscles.



승모근에 힘이  들어가는  가장  포인트입니다여러분

Two. The point is to not put any pressure on your trapezius.

50 갈게요, 50

We'll work up to 50.

승모에   들어가게

Don't use your trapezius.

대표님이랑 실장님은 오늘도 아침부터 바쁘신가 봐요?

Mr. Moon and Mr. Han must be very busy.

[ 몰아쉬며계속  바쁘시죠

Mr. Moon and Mr. Han must be very busy. Yes, they're always busy.




They have to check the incoming reports,

재고 들어오는  확인도 해야 되고

They have to check the incoming reports,

금성 1, 2동도 [헐떡인다]

and Geumseong-dong will soon be designated as a pilot area.

시범 사업지로 발표가  거니까

and Geumseong-dong will soon be designated as a pilot area.

일이  많죠

They have a lot on their hands.


I see.

[긴장되는 음악]



윤달홍 어르신이시죠?

You must be Mr. Yoon.

...  대표를  만나러 왔는데

I'm here to see Mr. Moon.

대표님 지금 시청에 회의 들어가셨습니다

He's at City Hall in a meeting.

다녀가셨다고 말씀드리겠습니다

I'll let him know that you stopped by.

긴히   있다고  전해줘요

Please let him know that I need to talk to him.

Of course.

것도 아침 일찍 왔어요 9 전에

He came really early. It was before 9 a.m..

 대표님이  계셔서 그냥 돌아갔지만요

He did go back because Mr. Moon wasn't there.

 대표 뒤통수쳐서  받은  같대요?

Does he think he's being punished for betraying him?


Why was he there?

긴히  말이 있다고 전해줘요

"Please let him know that I need to talk to him."

- (! - (지훈이러면서 갔습니다

He said that and left.

커피 나왔습니다

I have your coffee.




I knew it.

어르신 솜씨는 최고예요

You're the best.

진품은 여기

Here's the real one.

[음산한 음향과 음악]

 반지를 녹여서 칼날을 새로 해주세요

Melt this ring, and make a new blade for this.

녹일 물건이 아니던데

It's not something that should be melted.

삼인검을 만들어주세요

Make me the knife of three tigers.


The knife of three tigers?

호랑이 호랑이  호랑이 시에

On the tiger's month, day, and hour,

아주 단단하고 날카로운 칼날을 심어 주세요

make a knife that is extremely hard and sharp.

[노트북 접는 소리]

이제 점심 먹으러 가봅시다

Everyone, let's go get lunch.

뭐야이거해라야이거 자기 거야?

What's this? Hae-ra, is this yours?

- (해라 - (팀장어디 여행 ?

-Yes. -Oh! Are you going somewhere?

아니요 트렁크 수리를  맡기려고

No, I need to get it fixed.

하하하하 점심 먹으러 가자

I see. Let's go eat lunch.

내가 샌드위치 쏜다

I'll buy sandwiches.

(남직원1)  [팀장 웃음]


[한숨 쉰다]

따듯하게 데워주세요

Can you heat it up, please?

- (남직원1)  먹겠습니다 - (남직원2) 역시!

-Thank you. -You're the best.

(팀장그래 [웃는다]


- (주희맛있죠? - (팀장!

This is good.

우리 동네 빵집 있잖아

You know that bakery in our neighborhood?

그거 매출 완전 올랐대

Their sales are soaring.

[직원들 놀라는 소리] (주희너무 잘됐다!

That's awesome.

빵집 하나만 잘돼도  동네가  살아나잖아요

The bakery's success could lift the whole neighborhood.

(팀장맞아맞아맞아그러니까 우리  열심히 하자

Exactly. -So let's keep it up. -Okay.

- (남직원 - (팀장우리 동네 살리자!

-So let's keep it up. -Okay. Let's go!

- (모두화이팅! - (팀장너무  소리로 얘기했다

-Go! -Was I too loud?

[남직원들 헤헤헤헤 웃는다] (팀장죄송합니다헤헤헤헤

-Go! -Was I too loud? I'm sorry.

순간의 욕심으로 부끄러운 짓을 했어요

I was driven by greed for a moment to do something very shameful.

수작 부리러   아니에요

It's not like I'm up to something.

저쪽에서 위약금   요구하는데 내가  해결해 볼게요

They're asking for cancellation penalty three times the amount. I'll take care of that.

일주일만 기다려 주세요

Please give me one week.

살펴 가십시오





 박사님이 아버님이셨어요?

Is your father Dr. Moon?

저희 아버지를 아십니까?

Do you know him?

 대표가 방송에 나온  보고 알았어요

I saw that on the TV show you were on.

좋은 분이셨는데

He was a good man.

[미스터리한 음악]

개인적으로 아는  아니고

I'm not saying that I knew him personally.

그저신문에  기사 보고 알았어요

I've read a few articles on the newspaper.

연락 드리겠습니다

I'll call you later.



뭔가 하실 얘기가 있는  같은데

I think you have something more to say.

지금 하시든가 저희가 알아내든가

Either you say it now, or we find out ourselves.

어떤  좋을까요?

Which do you prefer?

 말은 무슨


그냥 미안하다는 거지요

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.


I'll call you later.


That was odd.

등기부 등본 떼서 가지고 있는 땅하고  구입 시기 정확하게 알아봐 주세요

Get a certified copy of register. Find out exactly when he purchased his properties.


Yes, sir.

공사장엔 오늘까지만    가보죠

Let's head to the construction site one last time.

오늘도 가시게요?

Are we going there again?

오늘까지 가서 기도해드리고 싶어요

I want to go and pray at least one more day.


Yes, sir.

오늘도  시작하기 전에   번씩 하고 했습니다

We bowed down before we got started today too.

[땅에 구멍 뚫는 소리] ( 실장고생하셨습니다

-Great job. -Sure.

-Great job. -Sure.


Captain, over here.

(인부1) 이상한  있는데요

I found something weird.

(인부2) 이런 것도 나왔어요!

I found this too.


( 실장옷에 붙었던 헝겊 라벨 같은데요

It looks like a piece of a clothing label.

[불안한 효과음과 음악]

경찰에 넘기세요

Give that to the police.


Yes, sir.

[슬픈 음악]

해라 퇴근했어?

Hae-ra, are you home?





[따뜻한 음악]

(백희 사람의 간절한 마음이 행운을 가져다준 건데

Their desperate hearts brought them luck.

 사람이라도 마음을 닫으면 모든  끝나

If one of them closes his or her mind, everything will be over.

(샤론이젠 모든  제자리로 돌아가나 봐요

Finally everything is falling back into place.

( 집에서 나온  같던데 해라  있어요

Finally everything is falling back into place. It seems like Hae-ra left your house. Is she well?

(수호박곤 씨한테 연락을 했어요?

Did she call you?

(철민너한텐 이상한 악마의 힘이 있는가 보다

I guess you have a strange, evil power.

그럼 회장님도  돌아가시겠네요

Then you'll be dead soon.

(샤론당신 전생에  남편이었어

You were my husband in my past life.

 안고 싶어요?

Do you want to hug me?

(샤론당신은  기억해낼 거예요

You will remember me.

나한테 못다  사랑을 줘야 한다니까!

You have to give me your unfinished love!

(수호아무런 설명도 이유도 없이 사라지는   별로  좋아해

You disappeared without any explanation. I don't like that.

나한테 헤어지지 말자고  사람 어디 있니?

Who told me not to break up?

여기 있네

You did.


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