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  닥터 차정숙 13

Doctor Cha 13


- [차분한 음악] - 그런데 문득 [훌쩍인다]

And then suddenly,

그런 생각이 들더라

I had this thought.

[정숙 모든  그냥 당신 혼자 잘못만은 아니라고

All of this isn't just your fault.

옳고 그른  가르치지 못한 당신 어머니

Your mother failed to teach you right from wrong.


And I was so permissive in every single regard.

모든 면에서 지나치게 허용적이었던  역시

And I was so permissive in every single regard.

 책임에서 가벼워질  없다고 생각해

Our responsibility in this isn't any less.



나는 결정을 했어

I've made my decision.

우린 이제

I think the time has come

정민이이랑이 부모로서만 존재해도

when it'll be okay if we're just Jung-min and I-rang's parents.

괜찮을 때가   같아

when it'll be okay if we're just Jung-min and I-rang's parents.

애들 아빠로서의 당신은    있어

As the father of my children, I can let things slide.



[목멘 소리로남편으로서의 당신은

as my husband,

이제 나한테

you no longer…

아무 의미가 없어

hold any meaning to me.

 이제 당신 미워하고 싶지도 않아

I don't want to hate you anymore.

미워할 필요를  느껴

I just don't feel the need to hate you anymore.

우리  사람

It's already over…

이미 끝났어

between the two of us.


Let's get a divorce.

[무거운 효과음]

[의미심장한 음악]

[고조되는 음악]

- [털썩 쓰러지는 소리] - [강조되는 효과음]

[짜증 섞인 한숨]

쇼하지 일어나

Don't put on an act. Get up.


Get up!

[정숙의 놀란 숨소리]

여보여보  ? - [문소리]

Honey. Honey, open your eyes, okay?

 이래정신 차려 여보!

What's with you? Wake up. -Honey! -What's wrong, In-ho?

[애심인호야  그래?

-Honey! -What's wrong, In-ho? -In-ho! -Dad! What's wrong?

어머어머괜찮아? - [이랑아빠 그래?

-In-ho! -Dad! What's wrong? -Are you okay? In-ho! -Wait.

- [애심인호야 - 119 불러빨리

-Are you okay? In-ho! -Wait. -Hurry up and call 911. -Okay.

- [이랑 - [애심인호야

-Hurry up and call 911. -Okay. In-ho.

얘가  이래?

In-ho. What's wrong with him?

[익살스러운 음악]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[애심이 울먹이며얘가  이래  이래도대체

What on earth happened to him?

어머니 - [애심

-Mother. -What?

  바가지만 갖다주세요

Please go get me a bucket of water.

[ 울리는 효과음]

우리 집에 바가지가 있나?

Do we even have a bucket?

제가  올게요 - [애심그래그래

I'll get some water. Okay.

- [정민의 다급한 숨소리] - 인호야

Okay. In-ho.

 이래코피는   거야 - [물소리]

What's wrong? Why is your nose bleeding?

[애심의 걱정스러운 숨소리]



Here. Mom.

- [애심의 놀란 소리] - [인호의 끙끙거리는 신음]

[정숙의 한숨]

- [정민의 한숨] - [정숙마침 눈을 떴네?

Looks as if he just opened his eyes.

- [애심인호야괜찮아? - [다가오는 발소리]

In-ho! Are you okay? Do you recognize me?

에미 알아보겠어?

Are you okay? Do you recognize me?

[이랑 여기 주소가 어떻게 되냐면요

-Yes. The address here is… -I-rang.


-Yes. The address here is… -I-rang.

죄송합니다 [한숨]

I'm sorry.

[이랑괜찮으신  같아요

Yes, I think we're okay here.

- [한숨] - 감사합니다

Yes, thank you.

병원으로 가게?

-Are you going to the hospital? -I have to.


-Are you going to the hospital? -I have to.

[달그락 집는 소리]


If you have something to say, say it.


If you have something to say, say it.


Please forgive me.


[인호우리가 살아온 세월이 있는데

Think of all the years we've been together.

이렇게 끝내는  아니야

We shouldn't end things like this.

 승희하고도 정리하고 있었어 이제  됐어

I was ending things with Seung-hi too. It's almost done now.

앞으로 당신한테 잘못했던  참회하면서 살려 그랬는데

I was going to spend the rest of my life repenting for the things I've done to you.

[인호의 한숨]

이렇게 빨리 정리를  버리면 어떡하니

You can't just end it like this.


I don't want…

이혼하기 싫어여보

to get a divorce. Honey.

노력은 가상한데

Your effort is admirable.

[정숙당신이 무릎 꿇고 빈다고 해서 해결될 문제가 아니야

But this isn't something that can be solved by you begging on your knees.

[인호이혼을어떻게 혼자 결정할 수가 있어?

A divorce? How could you decide this on your own?

그렇게  문제를 당사자인 나하고는 상의도 없이

How could you not even bother to discuss such a huge matter

어떻게 이럴 수가 있냐고!

How could you not even bother to discuss such a huge matter with me, the other party involved?

[정숙나는 결정했어

I've already made my decision.

당신하고 상의할 마음은 없어

I don't want to discuss it with you.

[답답한 한숨]

 통보한 거야

This is a notice.

이혼 통보

A divorce notice.

[당황한 숨소리]

[애심이게 무슨 소리야 이혼이라니

What are you talking about? Divorce?


-What do you mean, divorce? -Mother, it's not that.

[인호어머니그게 아니고요

-What do you mean, divorce? -Mother, it's not that.


Yes, Mother.

[정숙하필이면 오늘 같은 

I'm sorry to give you this news today of all days.

이런 말씀 드리게 돼서 너무 죄송한데

I'm sorry to give you this news today of all days.


But we've decided…

갈라서기로 했어요

to go our separate ways.

[무거운 음악]

[정민의 한숨]

그래서  기절했던 거야?

Is that why you fainted?

[애심에미 이혼하자는 소리에 충격받아서?

Because you were shocked when she said she wanted to divorce?

[애심이 흐느낀다]

[울며내가  꼴을   알았으면

I would've died alongside your father

너희 아버지 따라 일찍 가는 건데

I would've died alongside your father if I had known I'd have to witness this.

나는  살아

I can't live with this.

아유나는  살아!

I can't live like this!

이제 와서 이혼이라니

Divorce at this age?

할머니일단  일어나세요

Grandma, please get up.

[애심이 악쓰며!

Let go of me!

니들은  에미 편이잖아

You both are on your mother's side.

할머니그런  아니에요

Grandma, it's not like that.

[이랑저희도 이혼 얘기는 처음 들었어요

We're only now learning about the divorce too.

- [정민할머니… - [애심!

-Grandma. -Let go!

[애심젊어 혈기 왕성한 나이면 이해를 하겠어

I'd understand if you two were young, but you aren't.


I'd understand if you two were young, but you aren't.

 같으면 이혼이고 나발이고  귀찮겠구먼

If it were me, I would find divorce too bothersome.

기운들도 좋다

You two must be full of energy.

어머니 연세에 연애도 하는데

You're dating at your age. What makes you think she wouldn't have the energy for a divorce?

[인호 사람한테 이혼할 기운이  없겠어요

What makes you think she wouldn't have the energy for a divorce?



  애한테 양육비는 줬어?

Did you give Seung-hi child support?

빨리  주고 깨끗하게 정리해

Hurry up, give her the money, and wrap things up.

 사람 정리된  알면 에미도 마음 돌릴  아니야

Jeong-suk might change her mind if she knows it's over between you two.

그런  줘도  받아요 코웃음이나  치면 다행이지

She wouldn't accept it anyway. She would probably laugh at my face.


She would probably laugh at my face. I guess so.

 부잣집 딸이 뭐가 아쉬워서 푼돈을 챙기겠니

She's from a rich family. She wouldn't accept such a petty sum.

 아버지가 손녀라고 금이야 옥이야 길렀을 텐데

Her father probably cherished his granddaughter.

그게  그렇지가 않아요

It wasn't like that either.

[인호은서 낳는 바람에

When she gave birth to Eun-seo,

아버지랑 절연하고 남처럼 살았으니까

her father abandoned her, so they lived like strangers.

아버지 돌아가시기 직전에야 겨우 만났다고 하더라고요

She finally met him again right before he passed away.

최근에 돌아가셨고요

He passed away recently.

[애심아휴 걔도 마음고생이 많았겠구나

It must have been tough for her too.

그럼   재산은  어떻게 했대?

Then what happened to all his assets?

승희는  받았대?

Did she not inherit anything?

잘은 모르지만 아버지가 유언을  남기셔서

I don't know the details, but her father didn't leave a will,

반씩 나눠 가졌을 거예요오빠랑

so she probably split it in half with her brother.

  재산이 얼마나 되는데?

so she probably split it in half with her brother. Half? How much were all the assets worth?

잘은 모르지만 … - [흥미로운 음악]

I'm not sure, but…

천억 되지 않겠어요? - [강조되는 효과음]

wouldn't it be around 100 billion won?


One hundred… billion won?


I know you were surprised.

 전혀 예상   일은 아닐 거야

But it probably wasn't something totally unexpected.

너희들도  컸으니까

You both are all grown up too.

'이런 일이 생길 수도 있겠다생각했겠지

So you probably thought something like this could happen.

이런 얘기  이르긴 하지만

It might be too early to talk about this,

어차피 이렇게   너희들 생각도  알고 싶어

but I want to hear your thoughts on this situation.

[정민어떤 생각이요?

What kind of thoughts?

정민이는 성인이고 경제 활동도 하고 있으니까

Jung-min, you're a working adult, so I'm not worried about you.

다른 걱정은  

Jung-min, you're a working adult, so I'm not worried about you.

[정숙병원 숙소도

You can live in the hospital dorms until you finish your residency.

전공의 마칠 때까지   있고?

You can live in the hospital dorms until you finish your residency. Right?

이랑이는 어떻게 하고 싶어?

I-rang, what do you want to do?

엄마랑 같이 살고 싶으면

If you want to live with me, I can find us a place to live.

엄마가 집을 구해  거고

If you want to live with me, I can find us a place to live.

익숙한  집에 살고 싶으면 그렇게 해도 

If you want to stay here, then that's fine too.

그런 것도 결정해야 되는구나

I guess things like that need to be decided too.

급한  아니니까 차분하게 생각해 

It's not urgent, so take your time to think about it.



[잔잔한 음악]

[정숙의 한숨]


I'm sorry.

이런 일이 없었으면  좋았을 텐데그렇지?

It would've been nice if this didn't have to happen, right?


No. It's okay, Mom.

[정민 해결될 테니까 걱정하지 

Everything will work out. So don't worry.

- [이랑 - [정민의 옅은 웃음]



It's late. Goodnight.

[울음소리가 새어 나온다]


[연신 흐느낀다]




[인호의 힘주는 소리]

[애쓰는 소리]



[거친 숨소리]

[익살스러운 음악]

[어색한 웃음]

[  닫히는 소리]


Have a good day, sir.

[휴대전화 진동음]


[익살스러운 음악]


[어이없는 숨소리]


[도어  작동음]



[안내 방송 알림음]

[인호의 옅은 웃음  지금 오십니까?

Good morning.

[병원장 교수쓰읍

Professor Seo.

서정민 고소하기로   유지선 환자 보호자 말이야

About Yoo Ji-seon's guardian wanting to sue Seo Jung-min.

고소  하기로 했대

They've decided not to sue.

- [병원장의 웃음] - 

골치 아플 뻔했는데 다행이지

It could have caused us some trouble but it's a relief.

[휴대전화 진동음]



- [병원장이 인사한다] - [인호

-Goodbye, sir. -Yes.


-Goodbye, sir. -Yes.

이번에 보니까 로이 교수 중간에서 애를 많이 썼더라고

It looks like Professor Roy smoothed things out as an intermediary.

[태식 사람 감정도  좋은  같은데

Judging by how he did all that despite not being on good terms with you,

그렇게 힘써   보면

Judging by how he did all that despite not being on good terms with you,

로이 교수  괜찮은 사람 같아

he must be a really great guy.


I suppose. You two should have a drink and get over your animosity.

[태식언제  사람  한잔하면서

You two should have a drink and get over your animosity.

묵힌 감정도  풀고

You two should have a drink and get over your animosity.

이번  힘써   고맙다고 마음도 전해

And you should thank him for what he did here.

우리  인재  사람이 서로 협조가 돼야지

You are both talented members of our department.

그렇게 앙숙으로 지내면 되겠어?

You are both talented members of our department. It wouldn't do to stay enemies.



근데 과장님은

But have you made up with Chief Lim of Family Medicine?

가정 의학과  과장님하고 화해는 하셨습니까?

But have you made up with Chief Lim of Family Medicine?

[익살스러운 효과음]

일전에 응급실에서 주먹다짐까지 하셨는데요

You even punched each other the other day in the ER.

우리 관계는   미묘하고 복잡해

Our relationship is more nuanced and complicated than yours.

[로이샴푸는 거의  썼는데 린스는 새거더라고요

You used almost all the shampoo, but the conditioner was new.

1 차잖아요

I'm a first-year.

린스까지는  정신이 없더라고요

It's hard to find time even to use conditioner.

챙겨 주셔서 감사해요

Thank you for this.

[정숙아참 가족 찾기는 잘돼 가세요?

Right. Are you having any luck looking for your family?

 그래도 경찰서에 가려고요 유전자 등록하러

Are you having any luck looking for your family? I just was on my way to the police station. To register my DNA.


I see. Good luck.

[로이가 살짝 웃는다]

Good luck.



Dr. Cha.

유지선  어머니께서

Ms. Yoo Ji-seon's mother

선생님께  전해 달란 말이 있어요

wanted me to relay a message to you.

[애잔한 음악]

[지선 어쩐 일로 오셨어요?

What brings you here, Doctor?

오늘이 발인일  같아서

Today seemed to be the last day of the funeral.

마지막 인사 드리고 싶었습니다

I wanted to say one last goodbye.


My deepest apologies.

[지선 모가 훌쩍인다]

[정숙이 울먹인다]

[지선 같은 부모로서 미안했습니다

From one parent to another, I wanted to say I'm sorry.


To tell you the truth…

[지선 아까

The resident who discharged her came before too.

우리  퇴원하라고  레지던트도 무릎을 꿇고 울다 갔는데

The resident who discharged her came before too. He left after crying on his knees.

그런다고 우리 애가 살아 돌아오는  아니잖습니까?

But doing that won't bring our child back.

[로이따님이 돌아가신 이유를 제대로 설명드리고 싶습니다

But doing that won't bring our child back. I want to explain to you why your daughter died.

[지선  들을 생각 없으니까 돌아가십시오

I don't want to hear it, so please leave.


[지선 여보들어 보자

Honey. Let's hear it.



 번만 제대로 들어 보자

Let's hear him out just this once.

[지선 우리가 지선이 엄마 아빠인데 알아야지

We're Ji-seon's parents. We should know.


I need to know…

보낼  있을  같아

before I'll be able to send her off.

[함께 흐느낀다]

[지선 모의 울음]

[로이환자분은 치료가 힘든 암에 걸렸는데

She had a type of cancer that was difficult to treat.

[지선 사실은 누구든 붙잡고 원망하고 싶었어요

To tell you the truth, I just needed someone to blame.

 딸을 살리려던 선생님들이라도 붙잡고

I think I even wanted to grab onto the doctors who were trying to save her

 딸이 그렇게  탓을 하고 싶었나 봐요

so I could have someone to blame for my daughter's death.

선생님 잘못이 아닌 

It's not your fault, Doctor.


I know that.



 잘못도 있습니다

It's my fault too.


I'm sorry.

[정민지선 모가 흐느낀다]


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

[울먹이는 숨소리]

[정숙이 훌쩍인다]

애써 주셔서

Thank you so much

너무 감사해요선생님

for all your effort, Dr. Kim.

저한테 고마우면

If you're grateful to me,

약속  가지 하세요

make me one promise.



A promise?

정기 검진 날짜 지났어요

You missed your regular checkup.

[멋쩍게 웃으며


빨리 와요

You should hurry up


and come to me.

[심장 박동 효과음]

[감성적인 음악]

[TV  민준우리 결혼하자

Let's get married.

[TV  배우의 옅은 웃음]

[TV  배우좋아


[지선나는 내가 죽을  알아요

I know I'm going to die.

[지선살다 보면 느낌이  때가 있잖아요

You know how sometimes you just get this feeling?

제가 지금 그래요

That's how I feel.



아기를  살리고 싶어요

I really want to save my baby.

엄마 아빠가 우리 튼튼이를 키우다 보면

If my mom and dad raise my baby,

내가 세상에 없다는  깜빡깜빡 잊을 때도 있을 거고

they'll sometimes forget that I'm no longer with them.


And sometimes…

아이 때문에 웃을 날도 있을 거예요

there'll be days when this baby will make them smile.

아기가    후에 아빠의 존재를 알아도 괜찮잖아요

My baby can find out who her father is when she is a little older.

외면하지 않을 사람이에요

He's not someone who will turn his back on her.



아기 아빠에 대해서 누군가한테는 말해야 되잖아요

you should tell someone who the baby's father is.

[지선사실은 아빠한테 살짝 얘기했어요

To tell you the truth, I gave my dad a little hint.

[살짝 웃는다]

[TV  민준평생 행복하게  줄게

I promise to cherish you for the rest of our lives.

[살짝 웃는다]


My darling wife.

[무거운 음악]

[정숙 통보한 거야이혼 통보

This is a notice. A divorce notice.


Professor Seo?


Professor Seo?


Are you all right?


I'm sorry.

[환자가 웃으며아유 죄송은요

Goodness, no reason to be sorry.


Mr. Yang Gwi-ja?



[익살스러운 효과음]



Professor Seo.

그분은 앞에 진료 보신 분이고

That was the patient right before.

지금은 박명우 환자분이십니다

That was the patient right before. This patient is Mr. Park Myeong-u.

아유죄송합니다 제가 다른 분하고 착각을 했네요

This patient is Mr. Park Myeong-u. I'm sorry. I confused you for someone else.

[보호자환자의 웃음]

[보호자교수님 많이 피곤하신가 봐요

Professor Seo, you must be very tired.

- [마우스 클릭음] - [어색하게 웃으며


I'm okay.

[달려오는 발소리]

[인호의 놀란 소리]

[인호의 한숨]

[툭툭  터는 소리]

[인호의 깊은 한숨]


-Professor Seo, are you okay? -No, I'm not.


-Professor Seo, are you okay? -No, I'm not.

[정민아니 여기 이렇게 있으면  

You can't sit here like this.



Come this way.

[정민의 탄식]

정말   주겠어요

I really can't take this.

정신  차리세요!

Get it together.

그러게 그렇게 후회할 짓을  하셨어요?

Why did you do something you'd regret?

[인호정민아니가 엄마  설득해 보면  될까?

Jung-min. Can you persuade your mother?

 말은 씨알도  먹힌다

She won't even listen to me.

염치없지만 부탁  하자?

I know it's shameless, but please?

[정민입장 바꿔서 생각을  보세요

Put yourself in her shoes.

엄마가 다른 남자랑  낳아서 키우고 있으면

If Mom had a kid with another man,

- [흥미로운 음악] - 아버지 용서할  있겠어요?

would you be able to forgive her?

[인호정민의 한숨]


Are you okay?

[정민저도  괜찮죠

I'm not okay either.

앞으로 어떻게 해야 될지 고민 중이에요

I'm thinking about what I should do going forward.


Like what?

아이결정되면 말씀드릴게요

Well… I'll tell you once I've decided.


Why? What is it?

아빠한테도 비밀이야말해 

Is it a secret you can't tell me? You can just tell me.


It's lunchtime.


You should eat.

[정민의 한숨]


[ 교수자리가 어디 있지저기 있다

Where should we sit? Over there.

과장님일로 오세요 - [종권

Chief Lim, please sit over here.

[ 교수의 한숨]

[종권의 헛기침]

[태식저기 오늘 두부조림이 맛있네

Hey, the braised tofu is good today.

 두부조림 좋아하잖아

You like braised tofu.


What's with you? Why? Did Bong-suk say she'd only date you if we made up?

봉숙이가 둘이 화해해야 만나 주겠다고 하디?

Why? Did Bong-suk say she'd only date you if we made up?

아니나는 두부조림 보니까 니가 좋아하던  생각나서

No, I just saw the braised tofu and was reminded of how you like it.

 생각은 개뿔

What a load of crap.

[종권  좋은 일만 생기면 이리저리 내빼는 주제에 말이야

You always try to run away if anything bad happens.

이번 일만 해도  그렇잖아

The same goes for this time too.

 그래 교수?

Don't you agree?

이번에 외과 대응에 크게 실망했어요

Yes, I was disappointed by how the Surgery Department responded.


The same goes for the donation last time.

[종권지난번의 100 기부 건도 그래

The same goes for the donation last time.

사실상 우리 과의 차정숙 선생이  잘해서 그런 거지

That was all thanks to Dr. Cha Jeong-suk from my department.

외과 애들이    있어?

Your department didn't do anything.

근데도 니들은 50억짜리 다빈치를  대씩이나 챙겨 갔잖아

But you scooped up two robotic surgical systems that are 5 billion won each.


아이우리가 무슨 다빈치를 챙겼다고 그래

What do you mean by "scooped up"?

[태식 주니까 받은 거지

-We just accepted the offer. -That's the same thing.

그게 그거지

-We just accepted the offer. -That's the same thing.

하여튼 양심도 없고 거기다 뻔뻔하기까지 해요

How shameless, without even a trace of conscience.

- [ 치는 소리] - [사람들이 술렁인다]

How shameless, without even a trace of conscience. Take them then!

- [태식가져가가져가가져가! - [익살스러운 음악]

Take them then! I've had enough of this pettiness.

더럽고 치사해서

I've had enough of this pettiness.

니들은 다빈치 주면  줄은 알아

Do you even know how to use the robots?

[종권뭐야 지금 전국에 있는 가정 의학과 교수들

What? Are you slandering every professor of Family Medicine in the country?

전부  모함하는 거야?

Are you slandering every professor of Family Medicine in the country? All you know how to do is surgery!

그럼 니들은 수술 말고   아는  뭐가 있어?

All you know how to do is surgery!

많다많아! - [종권말해 !

-I know a lot of things! -Tell me!

[태식관장도 하고 똥도 빼내고 뼈도 맞추고

We perform enemas, take out excrement, and realign bones!

너같이 이상한 얼굴 사람 만들어 주기도 하고!

We perform enemas, take out excrement, and realign bones! We make weird faces like yours look presentable!

- [종권인마? - [태식두부로 맞아 볼래?

We make weird faces like yours look presentable! -What? -Do you want to be slapped with tofu?

[종권때려 !

Try it!

[태식두부조림으로 그냥 면상을 !

I'm going to smash your face into the tofu!

우리는  얘기 있잖아

We have things to talk about.

[태식 지금  뱉었어?

-Did you spit at me? -That's right.

[태식종권의   모으는 소리]

[인호정민이 일은 미안하다

I'm sorry about the incident with my son.

내가 정말  말이 없어

I have no excuses to give.

자식 일에 이성 잃을  있지

You were trying to protect your son.

이해하고자 들면    없어

I could understand.

[승희근데 이거 하나만 기억해

But I want you to remember one thing.

은서도 당신 자식이라는 

Eun-seo… is your child too.

은서한테 무슨  생기면 무조건 은서  들어 

If something ever happens to Eun-seo, be on her side no matter what.

정민이한테 그랬던 것처럼

If something ever happens to Eun-seo, be on her side no matter what. Just like you were with Jung-min.


Sure. I will.

[승희의 한숨그럼 됐어

Then it's fine.

이번 일은 없었던 걸로 

Let's pretend this didn't happen.

없던 일로 하자고?


나를 용서한다는 소리야?

Are you forgiving me?


-Yes. -Even when I was like that to you?

[인호아니내가 너한테 그렇게 했는데?

-Yes. -Even when I was like that to you?

진짜정말로 괜찮아?

You're really okay with it?

 눈엔 내가 괜찮아 보여?

Do I look like I'm okay?

[승희용서를 하는  하는 거고

Though I forgive you,

 번은 혼나야지 그래?

you should be taught a lesson, don't you think?


이번  로이  교수가 도와줬다며?

I heard Professor Roy Kim helped with this incident.

그랬다고 하네

That's what they say.

와이프는 뭐래?

What did your wife say?

설마 그대로 용서했을 리는 없을 테고

There's no way she just forgave you.


She wants a divorce.



마음 상해서 홧김에 하는 소리겠지

She probably said it out of anger.

[인호어떡하든 하는 데까지 마음 풀어 줘야지

I'll try my best to make her feel better.

[승희의 어이없는 웃음]

[승희그래하는 데까지  

Fine. Do everything you can.

그래야 당신도 후회가 없지

That way, you won't regret it.

[인호아니나한테 도대체 어떡하라는 거니?

What do you expect me to do then?

끝을 내도 내가 낸다고 했잖아

I told you I'll be the one to end things.

[승희당신은 와이프 설득해  당신 기다릴 테니까

Try to persuade your wife. I'll wait for you.

여태껏 기다렸는데  정도  하겠니?

After all, I've waited for you this whole time.


당신도 이번 기회에 좋은 남편 노릇 실컷  

Use this opportunity to play the role of a good husband.

남들 하는    봐야지

You should do what all the others do.

[어이없는 웃음]


- [부드러운 음악] - [반짝이는 효과음]

[카메라 셔터음]

[반짝이는 효과음]

[카메라 셔터음]

[안내 방송 알림음]

[안내 방송이 흐른다]


[힘주는 소리]

유지선 환자  교수님 덕분에  넘겼어요

I heard that the Yoo Ji-seon incident was resolved thanks to you.


-Thank you. -Well,


-Thank you. -Well,

 교수님한테 그런 인사 받자고  일은 아닌데

I didn't do it to receive your thanks.

그럼 누굴 위해서  일이죠?

Then who did you do it for?

[로이누굴 위해서가 아니라 의사로서  일을  겁니다

It wasn't for anyone. I just did my duty as a doctor.

잘못된 일을 바로잡는  합당하다고 생각하니까

I think righting a wrong is the proper thing to do.

그리고 이번 일로 억울한 사람이 있어선  되니까

And there shouldn't be anyone who feels wronged by this situation.

교수님도 그다지 솔직한 사람은 아닌  같네요

Professor Kim, it seems you're not very honest either.



Seo Jung-min.


-Hello, Chief Yoon. -You punk.


-Hello, Chief Yoon. -You punk.

고민하던 일도 해결이 잘됐는데  이렇게 기가 죽었어?

Why do you look so down when everything has been resolved?


It's okay.

이런 저런  겪으면서 진짜배기 의사 되는 거야

You need experiences like this one to become a real doctor.


Don't you think?

[ 치프그렇죠그렇죠

That's right.

 선생너무 주눅 들지 말고

Dr. Seo, don't be too discouraged.

그냥 좋은 경험 했다고 생각해

Just think of it as a learning experience.


Cheer up.

- [차분한 음악] - '좋은 경험'?

A learning experience?

- [정민의 한숨] - [의사서정민

Hey, Seo Jung-min.

  환자 보호자가 소송  한다고 했다며?

I heard the patient's guardian isn't taking you to court.

진짜 다행이다

What a huge relief.

- [마우스 클릭음] - [정민] '다행'?

A relief?

뭐가 다행인데?

-Why is it a relief? -Why are you being so sensitive?

[의사뭐가 그렇게 예민해?

-Why is it a relief? -Why are you being so sensitive?

 그냥  해결됐으니까

I'm just saying since it was resolved well--

[정민 그런 식으로 얘기하지 

I'm just saying since it was resolved well-- Hey, don't say it like that.

'해결'? '다행'?

Resolved? A relief?

[정민의 어이없는 숨소리]


- [정민의 기가  숨소리] - [사락거리는 소리]

이거 나와 있는 대로  주시면   같아요

You can do exactly as written here.


Yes, Doctor.

어째 자주  보던 표정이네잔뜩 화가  표정

That's an expression I don't see every day. You seem very angry.

 빼고 다들  편하게 사는  같아

Everyone seems carefree except for me.

무슨 ?

What does that mean?

나만 보면 괜찮다고 위로하는데

They try to comfort me by telling me it's okay.

아주  괜찮다는 소리에 내가 노이로제가 걸릴 지경이야

But I feel like I'm about to go crazy hearing everyone say that.

[정민도대체 누가 괜찮다는 거야?

How is any of this okay?

지들만 괜찮으면 다야그리고

Is it okay just because they're unscathed? And…

괜찮으면  되는  아니야?

should it even be okay?

나는 당연히 괜찮으면  되는 거잖아

I definitely shouldn't be feeling okay.

이래서 내가 너를 좋아해

This is why I like you.

[소라치사하게 자기변명 따위 하지 않고

You don't try to justify things in a petty way or wallow in self-pity.

구차하게 자기 연민에 빠지지도 않고

You don't try to justify things in a petty way or wallow in self-pity.

역지사지가 잘되는 인간

You're good at putting yourself in others' shoes.




Follow me.


[휴대전화 진동음]

- [인호] - [흥미로운 음악]

The sky is especially pretty today. It suddenly made me think of you.


He's unbelievable.

- [ 닫는 소리] - [정숙

[로맨틱한 음악]

[익살스러운 효과음]

[익살스러운 음악]

[당황한 숨소리]

저것들이 미드를 찍네 미드를 찍어

Are they filming an adult movie or what?

이야이야, MZ

My goodness. Kids these days.

[놀란 탄성]


[키보드 조작음]



어떻게 오셨죠?

What can I help you with?

[차분한 음악]

[긴장한 숨소리]

이렇게 해서 실제로 부모님을 찾는 경우가 있습니까?

Were there cases where biological parents have been found this way?

사실 해외 입양인이

The probability of international adoptees finding their biological parents

친부모를 찾을 확률은 낮은 편이에요

The probability of international adoptees finding their biological parents is quite low, to be honest.

[경찰] 1% 정도?

About 1%?

부모가 찾으려고 미리 DNA 등록하면 금방 찾는데

If the parents register their DNA, then a match can be made quickly.

그렇지 않은 경우가 많거든요

But that isn't the case a lot of the time.


I see.

[경찰그래도 요즘 홍보가 많이 돼서

But there's been a lot of publicity about this lately.

DNA 등록하고 자녀분들을 찾는 경우가 있어요

There are parents who register their DNA to look for their children.

뉴스에서 가끔 나오잖아요

You see it on the news sometimes.

[씁쓸한 웃음]

제가 세상에 쇄골 뼈가  부러져서 입원했잖아요

I broke my collarbone and had to be admitted to the hospital.

근데  와중에도 여러분이 너무 보고 싶어서

I broke my collarbone and had to be admitted to the hospital. But even in this situation, I missed you all so much

- [밝은 음악] - 이렇게 라방을 켰지 뭐예요

that I decided to do this live.


환자복 입어도 이쁘다고요?

I look pretty even in hospital clothes?


Thank you.


Right. Everyone, give me a second.


- [환자! - [정숙안녕하세요

-Doctor! -Hello.

[환자인사 한번  주세요

Doctor, say hello.

[정숙이렇게 움직이시면  되는데

You shouldn't be moving like this.

[환자인친님들한테 인사  번만  주세요

You shouldn't be moving like this. Doctor, please say hello to my followers.

[정숙의 놀란 탄성]



HELLO HI FROM MALAYSIA How many followers do you have?

[환자] 50 중에 지금 들어오신 분이  2 ?

Out of 500,000, about 2,000 are here right now.

[놀라며] 2 ?

Two thousand?

[환자우리 쌤도 잠시 준비 

My doctor needs to get ready too.

우와 - [환자이거 발라요

Put this on, Doctor.



- [정숙이거요? - 

Hurry. -This? -Yes.


Like this.

됐어요? [웃음] - [환자의 호응]

-Like this. -Okay. -Is that enough? -Yes.

[정숙이제 진료할까요?

-Let's take a look now, shall we? -Okay, bye.


-Let's take a look now, shall we? -Okay, bye.

- [정숙안녕 - [환자의 웃음]

I'm Cha Jeong-suk. Bye, everyone.

여러분안녕 차정숙입니다

I'm Cha Jeong-suk. Bye, everyone.

[환자여러분  주치의  미인이시죠?

Everyone, isn't my doctor beautiful? Her skin is so moist and amazing.

피부도 완전 촉촉한 꿀피부 

Everyone, isn't my doctor beautiful? Her skin is so moist and amazing. -Doctor, it's amazing. -Thank you.


-Doctor, it's amazing. -Thank you.

[정숙의 힘주는 소리죄송한데요 지금 진료받으셔야 되고

I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be moving about.

움직이시면  돼요누우세요 - [경쾌한 음악]

Please lie down so you can get treated.



밤에 마누라하고 

I came here because I couldn't perform at night with my wife,

중요한 일이  안돼 가지고 병원에 왔는데갱년기라니

I came here because I couldn't perform at night with my wife, so what do you mean by menopause?

그거 여자들한테나 오는  아니에요?

Doesn't that only happen to women?



남성 호르몬인 테스토스테론이 감소하면서

When testosterone, the male hormone, decreases,

[정숙지금 환자분이 겪고 있는 증상 포함해서

you can experience similar symptoms to female menopause,

여성 갱년기랑 비슷한 증상이 있을  있는데

including the symptom that you're currently experiencing.

쉽게 남성 갱년기라고 해요

Simply put, it's male menopause.

일단 호르몬 부족 문제인지 확인해야 되니까

We need to check if you're suffering from a lack of hormones,

혈액 검사 할게요

so we'll do a blood test.

[환자거참 남사스럽고 기분 요상하네

This is quite embarrassing and strange.

[정숙에이그러실  없어요

Gosh, there's no need to feel that way.

저희 남편도 요즘  탈모도 오고 오십견도 오고 

Even my husband has been losing his hair and getting a frozen shoulder.

기분도 왔다 갔다 하고 그런가 보더라고요

Even my husband has been losing his hair and getting a frozen shoulder. And his mood keeps swinging back and forth.

밤일은  어떨지 모르겠지만

I don't know how he's doing in bed though.

죄송해요제가 딴생각을

Sorry, I was thinking of something else.

[환자가 웃으며아닙니다

Sorry, I was thinking of something else. No.

선생님 남편분도 그렇다니  위안이 됩니다

It's comforting to know that your husband is going through similar things.

[웃으며그렇죠 똑같아요

Right? It's the same for everyone.

혈액 검사 할게요 - [환자

-I'll just do a blood test. -Okay.

[의사경찰들이 길에 쓰러져 있는 환자를 발견해서 왔는데요

The cops found him passed out on the street.

 냄새도 나고 하이진도  좋고요

He smells of alcohol, and his hygiene isn't good either.

혈당 650 애사이트도  있고

He smells of alcohol, and his hygiene isn't good either. His blood sugar is at 650, and his abdomen is filled with fluid.

알콜릭에 LC, DM 있는  같은데

His blood sugar is at 650, and his abdomen is filled with fluid. He seems to be addicted to alcohol with liver cirrhosis and diabetes

조절을  해서 DKA   같아요

that wasn't regulated, which caused diabetic ketoacidosis.

혹시 가정 의학과에 협진 내면 입원 가능할까요?

Can he be admitted if we request a consultation with Family Medicine?

저희 과보다는 소화기나 내분비 컨설트 내는  낫지 않아요?

Wouldn't it be better to consult Gastroenterology or Endocrinology, instead of Family Medicine?


교수님이랑 전공의 휴가 기간이라  이상 환자 받기 힘들대요

The professors and residents are on vacation, so they can't accept more patients.

  어레인지해 달라고 앤서 와서요

They asked me to consult another department.

쓰읍협진 주세요

Okay, put in the consultation request. I'll notify the professor.

교수님께 노티드릴게요

Okay, put in the consultation request. I'll notify the professor.



[정숙그리고 사회 복지  협진도 필요하겠죠?

We'll also need to consult with social services, right?


You're amazing. Thank you.


Thank you. It's nothing.

[환자의 기침]

환자분정신 드세요?

Sir, are you awake?

- [환자여기 어디요? - 여기 병원이에요

Where am I? This is the hospital.

- [환자의 헛기침] - 어디가 제일 불편하세요?

Where does it hurt the most?

[멀리 자동차 경적]

[센터장보호사님은 일주일에 이틀인데

You only work for two days a week. Is it still too hard on you?

그렇게 힘드셔요?

You only work for two days a week. Is it still too hard on you?

보호사님이 어르신들한테 인기가 얼마나 좋은데

You're so popular among the elderly.


It's too bad.

  있으면 내가 하지

I would continue if I could.

[덕례근데 몸이 너무  좋은  어떡해

But I'm not well right now, so what can I do?

용돈벌이 잘하셨는데 관두면 당장 아쉽잖아요

You were doing so well earning extra money. If you quit now, it'll be a waste.

연금도 조금 나오고

I get a small amount from my pension,

우리  취직해서 용돈도 줘요

I get a small amount from my pension, and my daughter started working, so she sends me money too.


Then you can enroll in health insurance under your daughter's name.

건강 보험은 따님 밑으로 들어가시면 되겠네요

Then you can enroll in health insurance under your daughter's name.


That's true!

[휴대전화 진동음]


Hey, Mom.

[채윤 아줌마 요즘  귀신이 붙었나

That lady is obsessed with working these days.

 이렇게 오버해서 열심이고 오버해서 친절해?

That lady is obsessed with working these days. Why is she working so hard and being overly friendly?

우리랑 비교되게

She's making us look bad.

[도겸그러게 요즘  좋은  있으신가?

I know, did something good happen to her recently?

쓰읍그래도 너무 무리하시는  아닌지 걱정이네

I know, did something good happen to her recently? But still, I'm worried she's pushing herself too hard.

[덕례다른  아니고

Hey, I was calling to tell you

 요양 보호사 하던 

that I'm going to quit working as a care worker.

그거 이번에 그만하려고 그래

that I'm going to quit working as a care worker.


Really? That's great!



내가 그렇게 그만두라고 난리를  때는

You would throw a fit when I told you to quit.

꿈쩍도  하시더니

You would throw a fit when I told you to quit.

갑자기 마음이 변했수?

What changed your mind?

[정숙의 웃음]

엄마요즘 어디 아파?

Mom, are you sick?


No, I just want to take up some hobbies.

나도 취미 생활  하려고 그런다

No, I just want to take up some hobbies.

[덕례그림도 배우고

I want to learn how to draw and how to play the harmonica too.

뭐냐 하모니카도 배우러 다니고

I want to learn how to draw and how to play the harmonica too.

그게 아닌  같은데?

I don't think that's the reason.

아이고됐어 여러 소리   없고

Jeez, it's fine. There's no need to nag.

 이제 직장 다니니까

Since you have a job,

  밑으로 건강 보험 들어가도 되지?

I can get health insurance under your name, right?


I forgot! That's right.

내가  그걸 생각  했지?

Why didn't I think of that?

잘됐다한걱정 덜었어

That's great. That takes care of one of my worries.

[정숙엄마 어깨 아직도  나았어?

Mom. Is your shoulder still not better?

많이  좋아?

Is it really bad?

[덕례늙어서 그래늙어서

It's because I'm old.

 그래도 지금

Someone told me to try acupressure, so I'm on my way to do that.

누가 지압  받아 보라고 해서 거기 가려는 참이야

Someone told me to try acupressure, so I'm on my way to do that.

[덕례이러다 저러다 낫겠지

It'll get better eventually if I try different things.

- [잔잔한 음악] - [덕례의 옅은 웃음]

[휴대전화 진동음]


[기가  숨소리]


[흥미로운 음악]


지금  하자는 거야?

What is he trying to do?



[도어  작동음]

[깊은 한숨]


소금빵으로  일이 아니야

This isn't going to be solved with baked goods.


It's too weak.

[ 울리는 효과음]

[흥미로운 음악]

- [무거운 음악] - [덕례아유




[덕례의 힘겨운 신음]

[도어  조작음]

[도어  작동음]



엄마 어디 갔나?

Did she go somewhere?




Mom, are you sleeping?



[ 놓는 소리]

- [정숙엄마엄마어디 아파? - [힘겹게?

Mom. Mom, are you in pain?

엄마 그래?

What's wrong?

아유됐어수선 떨지 

Jeez, I'm fine. Don't make a fuss.

[놀란 숨소리되긴 뭐가  움직이지도 못하면서

What do you mean? You can't even move.

얼른 병원 가자?

Let's go to the hospital.

낮에 지압을 받았는데 너무 세게 받았나 

I had acupressure in the afternoon, and I think it was too strong.

진통제 먹었으니까 나아지겠지

I took a pain reliever, so I'll get better.

- [정숙의 속상한 숨소리] - 아휴

[덕례병원마다 말이  달라

Every hospital says something different.

근육 풀어 주는 주사 스테로이드 주사

A shot to relax the muscles. A steroid shot.

주사란 주사는  맞아 보고

I've gotten every shot there is.

침도 맞아 보고 지압도 받아 보고  했는데

I've received acupuncture and acupressure. I did everything I could.

아무 소용이 없어

None of them helped.

진통제나 먹으면 조금  만하고

Taking pain relievers is what makes things bearable.

괜찮다 싶어서 끊어 보면  아파서 잠을  자겠고

If I feel better, I stop taking them. But the pain comes back and I can't sleep.

[정숙의 한숨]

[정숙엄마 살도 많이 빠졌네

You've lost a lot of weight too.

잠을  자니까 입맛도 없고

I have no appetite since I can't sleep.

그러니 저절로 빠졌지

So I just naturally lost weight.

[정숙의 속상한 숨소리]

[정숙내가 정신이 없어서 엄마 아픈 줄도 모르고

I've been all over the place. I didn't even know you were sick.

나한테   하지 그랬어

You should have told me!

[덕례 신경 쓸까  그랬지  그래도 바쁜데

It's because I knew you'd worry. You're busy enough as is.

[정숙의 한숨]

It's because I knew you'd worry. You're busy enough as is.



  말도 없이 여기는  왔어?

why did you come without telling me?

무슨  있어?

Is something wrong?

무슨 일이 있어그냥   거야

There's nothing wrong. I just came.

그냥  보기는

Just came, my foot.

[덕례 지난번 밤중에 불쑥 왔을 때도  이상했어

I also thought it was strange last time when you just showed up late at night.

정말 무슨  있는  아니야?

Is there really nothing wrong?

아이무슨 일이 있어 일이 있기는

What could be wrong?

엄마 아픈 거나 신경 

Just focus on getting better.

[정숙내일 당장 우리 병원으로 

Come to my hospital tomorrow.

 간다고만  아주

Don't you dare say you won't.

[정숙의 한숨]

- [무거운 음악] - 아휴

[정숙의 속상한 숨소리]

[의사오덕례 환자

Ms. Oh Deok-rye.

수프라스피나투스 파셜 시크니스 테어가 있긴 한데

You do have a supraspinatus partial thickness tear.

수술할 정도는 아니고

But it's not bad enough to require surgery.

인젝션하면 좋아질  같은데

But it's not bad enough to require surgery. It might get better with an injection.

 아픈 곳이 없다고 하시는데

You say you're aching all over,

전신을  찍을  있는 것도 아니고

but it's not like we can check your whole body.

초음파로 다른 관절들도 봤는데  이상은 없었어요

I looked at your joints through the ultrasound, and nothing was wrong.

BDI 점수도 30 정도고요

Your BDI is around 30.

면담상 만성 통증으로 인해서 심한 우울 상태예요

Based on your screening, you're severely depressed due to chronic pain.



[정숙 ?

What are you doing?

- [덕례그냥 앉아 있지 - [정숙의 옅은 웃음]

I'm just sitting here.

내가  덕에 호강한다

I'm living a life of luxury thanks to you.

아유병원에 입원한   호강이야호강은

How's being in a hospital a luxury?

그래도  덕에 1인실에서 이렇게 편하게 있잖아

Still, I can be in a private room like this because of you.


I think the nurses are nicer to me because I'm your mother

내가  엄마고  서방 장모라고

I think the nurses are nicer to me because I'm your mother

 친절하게 하는  같아

and In-ho's mother-in-law.

아니거든우리  간호사 쌤들 원래 친절해

That's not it. The nurses in my department are always friendly.

[덕례의 웃음]

- [인호장모님 - [덕례아이고 서방

Mother! In-ho, what brings you all the way here?

여기까지 어쩐 일이야?

In-ho, what brings you all the way here?

[인호장모님이 입원하셨는데 당연히  봐야죠

My mother-in-law has been admitted. Of course I should come.

[익살스러운 효과음]

My mother-in-law has been admitted. Of course I should come.

[덕례의 당황한 웃음]

장모님 - [덕례아유

Mother. Gosh, my hands are cold.

[인호아유 손이 너무 차네요

Mother. Gosh, my hands are cold.

장모님이제 아무 걱정 하지 마십시오

Mother, please don't worry about anything anymore.

제가 동료 교수들 총동원해서라도  낫게  드리겠습니다

I'll call all my fellow professors so you'll get better in no time.

[어색하게 웃으며 그래고마워

Okay. Sure, thank you.

[인호의 웃음]

[인호아니우리 장모님이 입원을 하셔서 말이야

My mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital.

부탁  하자


그래 보고 바로 연락   고맙다

Look into it and call me back. Thanks.

- [통화 종료음] - [인호의 안도하는 숨소리]

통증 의학과 양우석 교수가  친구거든

I'm friends with Professor Yang U-seok of the Pain Medicine Department.

 친구 아주 유능해

He's very talented.

바로 연락 준다고 했으니까 기다려 보자고

He'll call back right away, so let's wait.





[인호가 웃으며고맙긴무슨

There's no need.


You didn't tell

별말씀  드렸지?

your mother anything, right?

무슨 별말씀?

Tell her what?

우리 이혼한다는 별말씀?

That we're getting divorced?

[인호  조심해

Watch what you say.

[기가  소리]

처음엔 우리 결혼한  알려지면

You acted like the world would end if anyone found out we were married.

하늘이  쪽이라도  것처럼 굴더니만

You acted like the world would end if anyone found out we were married.

[정숙 갑자기 이렇게 사방이 보이는 데서 얘기를 하재?

So why did you suddenly want to speak where everyone can see us?

서로 이혼 얘기까지 오고  마당에

I mean, aren't we getting divorced?

말은 바로 해야지 무슨 이혼 얘기가 오고 ?

To be exact, we're not getting divorced.

이혼 얘기는 오기만 했지 나는 보낸 적이 없어

To be exact, we're not getting divorced. You just suggested it, but I never accepted it.

[정숙됐고당분간 엄마한테 우리   내지 

Whatever. Don't let my mom know what's going on between us for now.


Of course. I'll…

내가 이제 장모님께도 잘할게여보

I'll be good to your mother too, honey.


Don't fool yourself.

[정숙이혼을  하겠다는  아니라

I'm not saying I won't get a divorce.

잠시 보류하겠다는 거야

I'm just holding off on it for now.

[인호그래알았어알았어 알았어알았어

Fine. I get it.

근데   왔나?

But… didn't you get anything?

내가 당신네  의국에   이렇게 보냈는데

I sent something to your department's medical office.

What? What is it now?

소금빵 보냈어?

What is it now? More bread?


훨씬 좋은 

Something even better.

[익살스러운 음악]

[기가  숨소리]



Jeong-suk, you asked to jointly own the house before,

예전에 우리  공동 명의로  달라는 부탁

Jeong-suk, you asked to jointly own the house before,

 들어줘서 정말 미안해 - [한숨]

and I'm sorry I didn't agree to it.

늦었지만 지금이라도 바로잡을게

It may be late, but I'll make things right.

결혼하고 10 지나면

We'll have to pay more taxes since we've been married for over ten years,

세금도  많이 내야 하지만 - [어이없는 웃음]

since we've been married for over ten years,

 정도는 당신을 위해서 감수할 생각이야

but for you, I can bear that much.

PS. 당신은 인감이랑 신분증만 준비해

PS, just prepare your seal and ID.

[부스럭거리는 소리]

[ 닫히는 소리]

[강조되는 효과음]

[정숙 공동 명의   줘도 

I don't want this.

세금도 많이 나온다며

You'll be taxed heavily.


Save your money.

정말 끝까지 이럴 거야?

Are you really going to keep this up?

남편 성의를 이렇게 무시하나?

-Are you really disregarding my sincerity? -Mr. Seo In-ho.


-Are you really disregarding my sincerity? -Mr. Seo In-ho.

이미 늦었다고

It's already too late.

- [문소리] - [한숨]

[흥미로운 음악]


[TV  배우1]   빌립시다

I need to borrow some money.

[익살스러운 효과음이 흘러나온다]

그럼   재산은  어떻게 했대?

Then what happened to all his assets?

승희는  받았대?

Did she not inherit anything?

잘은 모르지만

I don't know the details,

아버지가 유언을  남기셔서 반씩 나눠 가졌을 거예요오빠랑

but her father didn't leave a will, so she probably split it in half with her brother.

  재산이 얼마나 되는데?

so she probably split it in half with her brother. Half? How much were all the assets worth?

[인호잘은 모르지만 

I'm not sure, but…

천억 되지 않겠어요? - [울리는 말소리]

wouldn't it be around 100 billion won?

[인호천억 되지 않겠어요?

Wouldn't it be around 100 billion won?

천억 되지 않겠어요?

Wouldn't it be around 100 billion won?

천억… - [탄식]

One hundred billion…

[TV  배우2]  돈을 달라고?

[애심의 한숨내가 이러면 죄받지

I'll be punished for this.

멀쩡한 며느리 놔두고  많다고  자리를 내줄  없는 거야

I can't toss my daughter-in-law out just to get more money.

- [계속되는 TV 소리] - 아휴천억 소리 들었더니 그냥

Just the sound of 100 billion won.

아휴정신이 하나도 없네

Just the sound of 100 billion won. Gosh, my mind is all out of sorts.

[휴대전화 진동음]

그래 니가  시간에 웬일이니?

Hello? Why are you calling me at this hour?



장모님 저희 병원에 입원해 계신  알고 계세요?

do you know my mother-in-law was admitted to our hospital?


Ms. Oh?

[애심이 살짝 웃는다]

[애심기분이  좋을 때는 달달한  당기잖아요

You know how you crave something sweet when you're in a bad mood, right?

그럴  하나씩 꺼내 드시라고 종류별로  왔어요

So I bought every kind so you can do that for every occasion.

먹기도 아깝게 이쁘네요

I see. They're too pretty to eat.


Thank you for this.

얼굴이 많이 안되셨어요

You look unwell.

[애심아직 원인을  찾았다면서요?

Have they still not found the cause?

 병원에 왔으니 반은 고쳤다고 생각해요

Since I'm at a big hospital, I consider myself half-fixed already.


Gosh, of course.

우리  교수가 아주 백방으로 알아보고 있어요

Gosh, of course. My son is making every effort he can.

저한테도 저희 장모 입원했다고 얼마나 걱정을 했게요

My son is making every effort he can. He was so worried about you after hearing you were admitted.

[애심이 살짝 웃는다]

He was so worried about you after hearing you were admitted.

우리  교수가 표현은  해도 속이  깊은 사람이에요

He may not express it, but he has a deep heart.

사부인도 아시죠?

You know this too, right?

[떨떠름한 웃음]



내가 전생에 무슨 죄를 지었는지

What did I do to deserve this?


This is upsetting.


Oh, my.

[감탄하며아휴 사진이  나왔네

Look how good he looks.

[카메라 셔터음]

아유  아들이야?

Gosh, that's my son.

[카메라 셔터음]

어머나세상에이게 누구야?

What in the world? Look who it is.

- [애심의 웃음] - [승희안녕하세요


[종권이 웃으며아는 분이신가?

Hello. Do you know her?



먼저 들어가세요과장님 - [종권그래요

Yes. You should head up first, Chief Lim. -Okay. -Hello.

[애심 [옅은 웃음]

-Okay. -Hello. Goodbye.

아이고세상에 이렇게 우연히 마주치네

Goodness, I didn't expect to run into you

  병원에서 설마 했는데

since this is such a big hospital.

[승희의 어색한 웃음]

병원엔 무슨 일로?

What brings you here?


My in…

아는 사람이 입원해서 병문안차

Someone I know was admitted.

[애심아휴그간  지냈어?

Have you been well?

지난번에 그렇게 헤어지고 얼마나 마음이  좋았나 몰라

I felt terrible after what happened the last time we met.

I see.

그럼 볼일 보고 들어가세요

Then please get home safely.


- [인호천억 되지 않겠어요? - [울리는 말소리]

Wouldn't it be around 100 billion won?

천억 되지 않겠어요?

Wouldn't it be around 100 billion won?


One hundred billion--

- [이랑할머니 - [애심

-Grandma. -Hey.

[이랑 그렇게 보세요?

What are you looking at?



[애심아니근데 이랑이 니가 여기 웬일이야?

What brings you here?

외할머니 입원하셨다고 해서요

I heard Grandma was admitted to the hospital.

할머니도 병문안 오신 거예요?

Are you here to see her too?

나는 왔다 가는 길이야

Yes, I already visited her.

가서 할머니  위로해 드려?

Go and comfort your grandmother well, okay?

- [이랑 - [엘리베이터 알림음]


그럼 이따 집에서 봬요 - [애심

-Then I'll see you at home later. -Okay.

다들  외할미한테는 아주 끔찍하구먼

They're so nice to their maternal grandmother.

아휴의미 없다의미 없어

Gosh, it's all pointless.

[통화 연결음]



 지금 병원 왔는데 잠깐 시간 있어?

Yes, I'm at the hospital right now. Do you have a minute?

[애심얼굴도 참하고 세련되고 이지적이고

She looked so pretty, sophisticated, and intelligent.

아까워서 혼났다내가

What a shame.

승희한테  하러 알은척을 하세요?

What a shame. I know you met her by chance, but why did you act like you knew her?

아무리 우연히 만났어도 그렇지

I know you met her by chance, but why did you act like you knew her?

 먹는  찔러나 봤다?

I wanted a taste of what I couldn't have.


[인호그나저나 괜히

You didn't upset my mother-in-law and then leave, right?

장모님  뒤집어 놓고 그러신  아니죠?

You didn't upset my mother-in-law and then leave, right?

백화점 가서 비싼 간식까지  들고 왔는데무슨 소리야?

I even bought expensive cookies from the department store for her.

잘하셨어요 앞으로도  그렇게   주세요

You did well. Please keep up the good work.

아휴너나 잘해너나

Hey, worry about yourself.

[애심너희 장모 식사 대접한  언제니?

When was the last time you bought her a meal?


당장 오늘 저녁이라도 자리 만들어

Have dinner with her tonight.

오늘 저녁이요?


[애심예약은 내가  놓을게

Yes, I'll make the reservation.

용돈도  두둑이 내놓고

And give her a lot of spending money too!

[걱정스러운 한숨]

정민 엄마한테 너무  보일  같은데

Jeong-suk will see right through this.

[애심이 버럭 하며지금 

Is that…

[한숨그게 문제야?

Is that the issue right now?

천억도 날리고 조강지처도 날릴 판인데?

You're about to lose your wife and 100 billion won.

[달려오는 발소리]

You're about to lose your wife and 100 billion won.

- [정민… - [애심정민아

-Father. -Jung-min.

할미 보러  거야?

Did you come to see me?

[정민할머니 아니그게 아니고

Grandma, that's not it.

아버지그거 들으셨어요?

Father, did you hear?


Why? Is something wrong?

외할머니 담당 교수님이요 - [인호

The professor in charge of Grandma. -Yes. -It's…

- [정민… - [애심] ''?

-Yes. -It's… It's?

최승희 교수님이세요

Professor Choi Seung-hi.

[익살스러운 효과음]

[긴장되는 음악]

[날카로운 효과음]

[사람들의 웃음]

[종권 선생 왔구먼

Dr. Cha, you're here.

그동안 걱정 많이 했지?

You must have been so worried.

이제  교수가  선생 모친을 맡게 됐으니까

You can rest easy now that Professor Choi will be taking care of your mother.


You can rest easy now that Professor Choi will be taking care of your mother.


The chief here says

내가 가정 의학과로 오는  좋겠다고 하시네

that it'd be good if I came to Family Medicine.

이렇게 실력 있고 훌륭하신 교수님도 연결해 주시고

He even connected me to a talented and excellent professor here.

[종권의 웃음]

이렇게  뵙네요

It seems we met again.

우리     부탁드려요 - [승희의 옅은 웃음]

Please take good care of my daughter.

아닙니다지금도 잘하고 있어요

There's no need for that. She's already doing well.

[정숙  바쁘실 텐데 얼른  보세요

You two must be busy. You should head back to work.


그럼 이제 너무 걱정하지 마시고 진료  받으십시오

Then please don't worry too much now. -I hope your treatment goes well. -Thank you.

[덕례가 웃으며

-I hope your treatment goes well. -Thank you.

[승희 올게요어머니

I'll come again, ma'am.

- [덕례고맙습니다 - [종권의 웃음]

Yes, thank you.

[휴대전화 진동음]


  의사 알아

I know that doctor.

[덕례지난번 건강 검진 받았을 때도 보고

I met with her for my checkup last time.

 병원 정형외과 왔을 때도 우연히 봤잖아

I met with her for my checkup last time. I ran into her when I came to this hospital's Orthopedics Department.

사람이  다정하고 좋아 

She seems so nice and kind.

너도 저런 교수가 되면 좋겠다

It'd be nice if you were to become a professor like that.

주변에 저런 좋은 스승이 있다는  얼마나 다행이냐

It's such a relief that you have a good teacher around you like her.

[떨리는 숨소리]

사람은 살면서

Your life changes

어떤 사람을 만나느냐에 따라서 달라지는 거야

depending on the people you meet.


Of course.


It changes your life.



[정숙엄마 사람 말고 다른 좋은 교수들 많이 있어

Mom. There are many other great professors besides her.

쓰읍우리 과장님으로 담당 교수 바꾸면 어떨까?

How about changing your doctor to the chief of my department?

아니뜬금없이 담당 교수를  바꿔?

Why change the doctor in charge of me out of the blue?


 사람 문제 있어?

Why? Is there an issue with her?



그런  아니고

It's not that.



That professor…

대학  정민 아빠 여자 친구였어

was In-ho's girlfriend in college.

[무거운 음악]



[통화 연결음]

아휴 이렇게  받아

Why isn't she picking up?

[승희용서를 하는  하는 거고

Though I forgive you,

 번은 혼나야지 그래?

you should be taught a lesson, don't you think?

[통화 종료음]

[불안한 숨소리]

[덕례아유 [웃음]

My goodness.

- [정숙아휴그만 웃어엄마 - [잔잔한 음악]

Stop laughing, Mom.

아이고너도  귀엽다

Jeez, you're so adorable.

[덕례무슨 언제  일을 가지고 그러니

That all happened ages ago.

그게 아니고

That's not it.

 서방이 그렇게 좋으냐여적 그런 걸로 질투하게?

Do you like In-ho that much? To be jealous of something like that?

밸도 없어하여간 [웃음] - [정숙의 한숨]

Goodness, you have no pride.




[긴장되는 음악]


우리 엄마 담당 교수 바꿔  무슨 방법을 쓰든

Assign a different doctor for my mom no matter what.

내가  그래야 되는데?

Why should I do that?



Did you accept my mother as your patient on purpose?

일부러 우리 엄마 맡은 거니?

Did you accept my mother as your patient on purpose?

마음대로 생각해

Think of it what you will.

[정숙우리 엄마한테

Are you going to expose your relationship with In-ho to my mother?

너랑 서인호 사이 까발리기라도 하겠다는 거야?

Are you going to expose your relationship with In-ho to my mother?

그래서  환자로 우리 엄마 볼모 잡은 거냐고

Is that why you're holding her hostage?

그거야  하기 달린  아니겠어?

Isn't that up to you?

[기막힌 숨소리]

[승희니가 어떻게 생각하든  관심 없어나는

I don't care what you think.

  가는 거야

I'm going my own way.

그러니까 주제넘게 끼어들지 알았어?

So don't overstep your place, got it?

[분한 숨소리]

[덕례우리 정숙이    부탁드려요

-Please take care of Jeong-suk. -Okay, don't worry.

[로이걱정 마십시오

-Please take care of Jeong-suk. -Okay, don't worry.



- [정숙이 살짝 웃는다] - [덕례

- [정숙교수님 - [덕례 마침  왔다

-Professor Kim. -You came right on time.


What in the world?

 치료해 주신 교수님

What in the world? Why didn't you tell me your doctor was working here as well?

 병원에 계시다는 얘기를   했어?

Why didn't you tell me your doctor was working here as well?


I know, right?

  했지? [어색한 웃음] - [덕례아유

Why didn't I?

그냥 그래도 내가

It always bothered me

감사 인사도  드리고  퇴원하는 바람에

that I didn't get a chance to thank him before you got discharged.

내내 마음에 걸렸는데

that I didn't get a chance to thank him before you got discharged.

아유이렇게  인연이 닿네요

It's great that we met again.

정말 너무너무 감사합니다교수님

Thank you so much, Professor.

별말씀을요 어머님도 빨리 회복하셔야죠

Not at all. I wish you a swift recovery, ma'am.

[덕례가 웃으며

Thank you.

[익살스러운 음악]





[인호장모님 어떻게 여기까지 나오셨어요

Mother, why are you all the way out here?

운동 나오신 거예요?

-Did you come out for exercise? -Well,

[덕례 답답해서 조금 걷느라고

-Did you come out for exercise? -Well, I felt a bit stuffy.

[인호의 호응]

[인호그렇지 않아도 제가

I was just about to come to visit you in your hospital room.

장모님 병실에 찾아가려던 참이었습니다

I was just about to come to visit you in your hospital room.

오늘 저녁에 같이 식사하시자고요

I wanted to ask you to dinner.

제가  앞에 아주 맛있는 갈빗집 예약해 놨거든요

I made a reservation at a great beef short ribs restaurant.

[덕례아유나야 좋지만

That sounds good and all,

바쁜 사람들 시간 뺏는  아닌가 모르겠네

That sounds good and all, but I'm worried I'll be taking up too much of your time.

[인호가 웃으며아유아니요 아니요아니요장모님

but I'm worried I'll be taking up too much of your time. Not at all, Mother.

이따가 우리 어머님하고 정민이이랑이랑 같이 식사하시죠

Let's all eat together with my mother, Jung-min, and I-rang later.

  고기가 진짜 아주 맛있습니다 [웃음]

The beef at that restaurant is so good.

당신도 시간 되지?

You're free too, right?


I am.

[어색한 웃음]

[인호아유교수님 가던  가시죠

Gosh, Professor Kim. You should be on your way.

그래야죠그럼  보겠습니다

I should. Then I'll get going now.

불편한  있으면 언제든 연락 주십시오어머님

Ma'am, if anything is bothering you, please call me whenever.

[덕례아유말씀만이라도 감사해요교수님

Thank you for saying that, Professor Kim.

[덕례의 옅은 웃음]

[인호가 살짝 웃는다]

[덕례의 옅은 웃음]

[인호무슨 운동 하셨어요?

-What kind of exercise did you do? -I just walked.

[덕례그냥 걸었어

-What kind of exercise did you do? -I just walked.

- [째깍거리는 효과음] - [지글거리는 소리]

[띠링 울리는 효과음]

[비장한 숨소리]

[인호이게  이렇게 탔지?

Why did it burn so much?

내가 시간 정확하게 지켰는데

I cooked it exactly according to the time.

[정민그러게 제가 굽는다

That's why I said I'll--

[인호아빠도  구울  있어

I can grill it well too.

장모님오늘은 제가 구워 드리겠습니다

Mother, I shall cook the meat for you today.

[덕례아이고됐어 누가 구우면 어때

It's fine. It doesn't matter who cooks it.

가족들  모여서 같이 먹는  중요하지

What's important is that we're here as a family.


-Excuse me. -Grandma, I'll grill it.

[정민할머니제가 구울게요 주세요아버지

-Excuse me. -Grandma, I'll grill it. -Let me take it, Father. -Sure.

그럴래? - [정민가위도요

-Let me take it, Father. -Sure. And the scissors.

[애심사부인많이 드세요

Ms. Oh, eat up.

여기가 아주 유명한 맛집이에요 [웃음]

Ms. Oh, eat up. The food here is famous.



제가 그동안 바쁘다는 핑계로 너무 무심했습니다

I have been so inattentive this whole time. I always used being busy as an excuse.

[인호그래서 장모님

I always used being busy as an excuse. That's why I wasn't able to catch on until you were this sick.

이렇게 편찮으실 때까지 눈치도  채고

That's why I wasn't able to catch on until you were this sick.

면목이 없습니다

I have no excuses to give.

오늘 식사 맛있게 하시고

Please enjoy this meal. I promise to be a better son-in-law from now on.

앞으로는 장모님께 잘하겠습니다

I promise to be a better son-in-law from now on.

[덕례의 어색한 숨소리]

그렇게 말해  고맙네

Thank you for saying that.

나는 자네하고 정숙이  살면 그걸로 족해

All I want is for you and Jeong-suk to live a happy life together.


Yes, we will do that.

[인호그래서 제가 오늘

That is why I prepared something special

장모님을 위해서 특별한 이벤트를 하나 준비했습니다

That is why I prepared something special for you today, Mother.

[부스럭거리는 소리]

[인호의 한숨]

What is that?


What is that?

[흥미로운 음악]

[철커덕 장전하는 효과음]


[덕례그게 뭐야?

What is that?

[발랄한 효과음]

[총성 효과음]

- [애심어머어머머머머 - [덕례의 놀란 탄성]

-Oh, my! -Oh, my. -Oh, my. -Gosh.

어머어머어머 - [유쾌한 음악]

-Oh, my. -Gosh.

- [덕례아이고 - [애심어머!

-Goodness. -Oh my!

- [정민이거… - [덕례아이고아이고아이고

-There's meat here. -Oh, my!

- [애심아유 - [덕례아이고

-Gosh! -Goodness!

아이고아이고 - [애심의 놀란 소리]

Oh, my!

아이고아이고아이고아이고 아이고세상에

My goodness! What in the world?

어머나 - [애심어머어머

-Goodness. -Hey!

어머 - [정민고기 탄다

-Goodness. -Hey! -The meat is burning! -Watch the money.


-The meat is burning! -Watch the money.

[흡족한 웃음]

- [가족들의 한숨] - [이랑이게 뭐야?

What is this?

- [끼익 멈추는 효과음] - [정민아버지

Father, how could you shoot money like that here?

여기서 그걸 쏘시면 어떡해요 - [익살스러운 음악]

Father, how could you shoot money like that here?

아니나는 장모님 즐거우시라고

I just wanted Mother to enjoy it. You should've done it at home. This is a public place.

[애심이런  집에서 해야지 여긴 공공장소잖아

You should've done it at home. This is a public place.


It's okay, Ms. Kwak.


In-ho. I'm touched by this.

 생전에 돈벼락을  맞아 보고

I've never been showered with money before.

정말 고마워

I've never been showered with money before. Thank you so much.

[덕례인호의 웃음]

[인호마음에 드셨다니 다행입니다 [웃음]

I'm so relieved you liked it.

- [덕례근데 얼른 돈부터 줍자고 - [인호

But let's quickly pick up the money first. Yes, I'll pick them up.

제가 줍겠습니다

Yes, I'll pick them up.

[정민아휴 이걸  언제 주워진짜

It's going to take ages to get all of them.

[옅은 웃음]

- [여자맛있다 - [웃음소리]

It's so good.

[의미심장한 음악]

- [ 교수맛있게 드세요 - [여자

Here. -Please enjoy. -Okay.

맛있어요드세요 - [ 교수그렇지? [웃음]

It's delicious. -Right? -Eat up.




Ms. Kwak.

[애심여긴 어쩐 일이세요?

What are you doing here?

오늘 거제 고향에 내려가신다고 하지 않았어요?

Didn't you say you were going to Geoje to visit your hometown?

[ 교수의 난처한 소리]

그리고 이분은 누구?

And who is this?

[이랑어째  분위기 뭔가 익숙한데?

I feel like I'm getting a déjà vu.

모두가 아는 비밀을  사람만 모르는  시추에이션

It's another situation where everyone knows the secret except for one person.


I know, it was like this at Mom's birthday dinner too.

엄마 생신날도 이런 분위기였는데

I know, it was like this at Mom's birthday dinner too.

어쩐지 쎄하다

I have a bad feeling about this.


[애심의 비명]

- [애심! [힘겨운 숨소리] - [여자  만났다

-Let go! -I'm glad I met you!

- [애심! - [여자 화냥년아

Hey, you tramp!

어디  짓이 없어서 남의 남자를 꼬셔?

How dare you try to seduce my man?

어머니! - [애심아니아니무슨

How dare you try to seduce my man? -Mother! -No! -There must have been a misunderstanding! -Mother!

오해가 있는 모양인데 - [정숙어머어머니!

-There must have been a misunderstanding! -Mother! -You must be mistaken! -Mother!

[애심뭐가 크게 잘못됐다니까!

-You must be mistaken! -Mother!


-You must be mistaken! -Mother! Please let go of her! Let go first, and we can talk.

어머놓으세요 놓으시고 말하세요

Please let go of her! Let go first, and we can talk.

[인호아주머니 일단  손부터 놓고 얘기하세요

Ma'am, let go of her hand first.


-Are you okay? -What do we do?

[여자] '어머니'? 오호라

Mother? Look at this.

[여자 바람나 외방 자식까지  아들놈이

So you're the son who had an affair and raised a secret love child?


So you're the son who had an affair and raised a secret love child?

[애심조용히  !

Be quiet!

아니에요사부인아니에요  막으세요!

No, Ms. Oh. It's not what you think! Please cover your ears!

[여자바람기가 모전자전 똑같네

Like mother like son, both of you are cheaters!

집안 내력이야? - [애심아유

Is it in your genes?

[덕례조용히   봐요!

-Let go. -Please be quiet!

[애심의 힘겨운 숨소리]

아주머니지금 뭐라고 했어요?

Ma'am, what did you just say?

- [긴장되는 음악] - [정숙의 당황한 숨소리]

 사람이 바람이  외방 자식을 뒀다고 했어요?

Did you just say he had an affair and has a secret love child?

[여자첫사랑하고 바람나 딸자식을 뒀다고 합디다

Yes! He had an affair with his first love and has a daughter.

아줌마는 모르셨수?

Did you not know?

- [무거운 효과음] - [서글픈 음악]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[점원어서 오세요


[분위기가 고조되는 음악]

[애잔한 음악]


[덕례 여자가  담당 교수야?

Is it the professor in charge of me?

 최승희라는 교수?

Professor Choi Seung-hi? What have you been doing this whole time? You should have won her back by now!

[애심아니여태 에미 마음 하나  돌려놓고  했어?

What have you been doing this whole time? You should have won her back by now!

[미희서인호 가면 로이  오잖아?

Once you let go of Seo In-ho, you can reel in Roy Kim.

[로이저랑 같이  주실래요?

Can you come with me?

[인호혹시 그놈 때문이야?

Is it because of that punk?

[정숙 이상 이런저런 이유로 미루고 싶지 않아

I don't want to use anything else as an excuse to delay this.


You can take this to court.

[인호  재산을 들여서라도 우리 이혼 막을 거야

I'm going to stop the divorce, even if I have to spend my entire fortune.


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