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  별에서 온 그대 13

My Love from the Star 13


처음 이곳에 왔을 

When I first came here,

 내가 가진 능력으로

I wanted to help people by using my power.

어려움에 처한 사람을 돕고 싶었습니다

I wanted to help people by using my power.

그러기 위해서는

In order to do that,

내가 그들과는 다른 존재라는 사실을

the fact that I'm a different being from them had to be revealed.

들켜야만 했습니다

the fact that I'm a different being from them had to be revealed.

[의미심장한 음악] [남자1 아파하는 신음]

(남자1) 거기 누구 없소?

Is anybody here?

  살려 주시오

Please help me.

[남자1 아파하는 신음]

  살려 주시오

Help me.

  살려 주시오아휴

Help me.


My leg!

[남자1 아파하는 신음]

[신비로운 효과음]

[당황한 신음]

[놀라는 숨소리]

[뛰어오는 발걸음]

[긴장되는 음악] (남자1) 저놈입니다!

It's him!

저놈이 잡술을 써서

He practiced witchcraft

눈빛만으로 바위를 들어 올렸습니다

He practiced witchcraft and raised a rock just by looking at it.

분명 마을에 불길한 일들이 생기는 것이

I'm sure all the misfortunes happening in our town

 저놈 때문일 것입니다

are caused by him.

(군관저놈 잡아라잡아라! [사람들이 저마다 소리친다]

-Catch him! -Catch him!

(군졸1) 저놈 잡아라!

-Catch him! -Catch him!

[신비로운 효과음]

-Catch him! -Catch him!

[사람들의 당황한 신음]

-Catch him! -Catch him!

(군졸2) 도깨비다도깨비

-What? He's a goblin! -He's the nine-tailed fox!

(군졸3) 구미호다

-What? He's a goblin! -He's the nine-tailed fox!

[차분한 음악나에게서 받은 도움을 고마워하는 것은 잠깐

They appreciate my help only for a moment.

Because of the power I have

내가 가진 능력 때문에

Because of the power I have

그들과는 다른 존재라는 사실 때문에

and because of the fact that I am different from them,

두려움의 대상이 되었습니다

people feared me.


It was the same for someone I knew for a long time.

오래 정을 주고  사람이라 해도

It was the same for someone I knew for a long time.


It was the same for someone I knew for a long time.

[잔잔한 음악]

(남자2) 얘기를  보게

Tell me.

우리가 벗이  지가 올해로 벌써 10년째인데

It's been ten years since we've become friends.

  말이 무에 있는가?

There's nothing you can't tell me.

도대체 어디로 떠난다는 말인가?

Where are you off to?


Do you trust me?


Do you trust me?

(남자2) 믿지 자신보다 

I do. I trust you more than I trust myself.

(민준 얼굴이 어떠한가?

How do I look?

자네를 처음 만났던 10 전과 비교한다면 말일세

How do I look compared to the day I first met you ten years ago?

(남자2)   얘기하지 않나?

I'm telling you.


You look exactly the same as you did when I first saw you.

처음 만났을 때나 지금이나

You look exactly the same as you did when I first saw you.

얼굴이 똑같다네

You look exactly the same as you did when I first saw you.

[남자2 웃음]

You look exactly the same as you did when I first saw you.

[민준의 한숨]

 이유가 궁금하지 않나?

Don't you want to know why?


Isn't it because you're born to be--

자네가  늙지 않는 체질을 타고나서

Isn't it because you're born to be--


No, it isn't.

놀라지 말게

Don't be shocked.



 별의 사람이 아니라네

not from this planet.


-What? -I'm an alien...

다른 별에서 

-What? -I'm an alien...

다른 생명체라네

from another planet.

[못마땅한 헛기침]


Are you making fun of me?

지금  놀리는 건가?

Are you making fun of me?


It's the truth.


It's the truth.

증명해 보일  있겠나?

Can you prove it?

증명해 보게

Prove it. Then I'll trust you.

(남자2) 그럼  자네 말을 믿겠네

Prove it. Then I'll trust you.


If it's not true, I'm going to take it that you're--

나를 놀리는 것으로 알고

If it's not true, I'm going to take it that you're--

[신비로운 효과음]

[책이  떨어진다]

다치지 않았나?

Are you hurt?

살려 주시게

Are you hurt? Don't hurt me. Please.


Don't hurt me. Please.

내가  자네를… [남자2 겁먹은 신음]

Why would I...

사람 살려

Help me. Help!

(남자2) 사람 살려! [남자2 다급한 신음]

Help me. Help!

사람 살려!


(민준오랜 경험을 통해 깨달았습니다

Through many years, I've learned a lesson.

누군가를 잃지 않으려면

To not to lose someone,

철저하게 정체를 숨겨야 한다는 사실을

I must strictly hide my identity.

그리고  오늘

And today, to lose Cheon Song-i,

천송이를 잃기 위해서

And today, to lose Cheon Song-i,

그녀에게  정체를 이야기했습니다

I told her who I really am.

그녀가 나에게서 달아나 주기를

I wished her to run away

나를 두려워해 주기를

from me and to be afraid of me.


from me and to be afraid of me.

[송이의 놀라는 숨소리]

12 전에

Didn't you want to know...

너를 구한  누구였는지

who saved your life...

궁금했던  아닌가?

that day 12 years ago?

(민준그때 너를 구한 

The man who saved your life that day...


was me.

[의미심장한 음악]

너를 구했던   이유 없었어

I only saved your life for one reason.

그때의 네가

I thought...

400   아이

that you looked like the girl,

 비녀의 주인인  아이를

the owner of this hair ornament from 400 years ago.


the owner of this hair ornament from 400 years ago.

순간 착각할 만큼

I mistook you for her momentarily...

많이 닮았었거든

as you looked so much like her.

무슨 소리야지금?

What are you talking about now?

(송이) 400  비녀의 주인

The owner of this hair ornament from 400 years ago?

그때 살았던 사람 얼굴을 어떻게 알아?

How do you know the face of someone from that time?

그럼 당신이

Are you saying...

400 동안 살기라도 했단 말이야?

you've been alive for the past 400 years or what?


That's right.

(민준나는 400 전에

Four hundred years ago,

외계에서 이곳에 왔고

I came here from another planet.

내가 살던 별로 돌아가지 못했고

I failed to return to the planet I came from,

 땅에서 400년을 살아왔어

and I've lived here for the past 400 years.


Min-jun, let's go home.


Min-jun, let's go home.

우리 도민준 

You're obviously still not feeling well.

아직 많이 아프네

You're obviously still not feeling well.

[신비로운 효과음]

[긴장되는 음악]


You said you don't care...

[떨리는 숨소리]

You said you don't care...

내가 누구든

who I really am.

나는 이런 사람이야

This is me.


Do you still...


not care?

방금 뭐야?

What was that?

 어떻게  거야?

-How did you do that? -You still don't get it?

아직도 모르겠어?

-How did you do that? -You still don't get it?

(민준나는 마음만 먹으면

If I want to,

지금  자리에서 너를 해칠 수도 있어

I can harm you right now.



기회   도망가

Run away when you have the chance.



[송이의 떨리는 숨소리]

 잠깐만 붙잡고 있을게

Let me hold your hand for a moment.

(송이 다리가 너무 후들거려서 그래

It's because my legs are shaking.

[쓸쓸한 음악] [송이의 떨리는 숨소리]

당신이  맞다 

Let's say that you're right.

당신 말대로

Let's say...

마음만 먹으면 얼마든지  해칠  있었다 치자고

that you could always harm me whenever you wanted to.

그럼  그랬는데?

Then tell me this.

 그동안  번이나  구해 주고

You saved me several times.

내가 하자는 대로   주고

You did everything I asked.


You were there for me.

  지켜  건데?

Why did you protect me?




I told you.

 아이랑 닮아서 그랬어

I did it because you looked like her.

(민준혹시  사람 사이에 뭐가 있나 해서

I thought there was a connection between you two.



그게 아닌  같더군

there wasn't any.

네가 그냥 천송이기만 하다면

If you're just Cheon Song-i...

 관심 없어

I don't care...

네가 어떻게 되든

what happens to you now.

[떨리는 숨소리]


That's nonsense.


Are you kidding me?


An alien?

병원은 자기가  봐야겠네

It's him who needs a doctor.

[떨리는 숨소리]

[트럭 경적이 빵빵 울린다]

[트럭이 끼익 멈춘다]

정말  아저씨라고?

Was it really him?


It was Min-jun?

[신비로운 효과음]




[신비로운 효과음]

[다가오는 엔진음]


Okay. Good night.

(택시 기사들어가세요

Okay. Good night.

[버튼 조작음]

[택시가 끼익거린다] (택시 기사뭐야이거?


[기어 조작음아이참


[자동차 시동음]

[택시 기사의 힘주는 신음]

이게   걸려?

Why is it not starting?

아휴 [자동차 시동음]

Come on.


[기어 조작음]

[꾸르륵 소리가 난다]


I'm hungry.

헛소리할 거면 밥이나 먹여 놓고 하든가

He could've at least fed me if he was going to talk nonsense.

[짜증 섞인 숨소리]

데이트인  알았잖아

I thought it was a date.

[송이가 입소리를  낸다]

[송이의 당황한 신음]


Come on!


And now this?


[송이가 구두를 달그락거린다]

[송이의 힘주는 신음]



[부드러운 음악]

(송이네가 다른 별에서 ?

You're from another planet?


You're an alien?

네가 외계인이면 나는 뱀파이어다!

If you're an alien, I'm a vampire!

내가 스무  때부터 늙지도 않고

I haven't aged at all since I was 20, keeping my beauty and my skin.

 얼굴 피부

I haven't aged at all since I was 20, keeping my beauty and my skin.

다들 그래뱀파이어 같다고

Everyone tells me that I'm a vampire.

방부제 미모라고!

They say that my beauty has preservatives!

네가  알아?

You know nothing, you Angel of Death, goblin, idiot!

이런 저승사자도깨비말미잘

You know nothing, you Angel of Death, goblin, idiot!

이런 괴물 같은 자식아!

You're a monster!

[송이의 거친 숨소리]

[활기찬 음악]

[불안한 음악]

검사한테  얘기를   누굴까?

Who told the prosecutor about me?

누굴  같아?

Who do you think that knows about us?

 사실을 알고 있는 사람

Who do you think that knows about us?


It's Cheon Song-i.

천송이밖에 없거든

It has got to be her.

천송이가 했을 거야분명히

She told him about me for sure.

일을 제때 처리하지 못하면

Doing things carelessly

 이렇게 번거로운 상황이 생기지

always creates inconveniences.

[책상을  친다]

always creates inconveniences.

[성난 숨소리]

(재경그런데 말이야

You know what?

천송이가  사실을 알고 있는  따지고 보면

The reason that Cheon Song-i knows all these...


is because of you.

네가  라이벌한테

You always wanted to tell your rival about us in some way.

어떻게든 나와의 관계를 밝히고 싶어서

You always wanted to tell your rival about us in some way.

이런저런 힌트를 주는 바람에

You always wanted to tell your rival about us in some way. You gave her so many hints.

천송이가 우리 사이를 알게  거야

That's why she found out about us.

 와중에  탓을 하는 거야?

Are you blaming me in this situation?


노려봐도 소용없어

It's useless to stare at me like that.

 나에게 아무 짓도 하지 못해

There's nothing you can do to me.

그러라고 내가 죽인 건데?

That's why I killed you.

 이미 너무 많은 짓을 했어

You've gone too far already.

그걸  덮을  있을  같니?

Do you think you can cover up everything?


[웃음] [책상을  친다]

(재경재미있는 놈이 나타났어

There's an interesting guy.

그런 놈은

I've never seen a guy like him. He has strange powers.


I've never seen a guy like him. He has strange powers.

이상한 능력을 갖고 있거든

I've never seen a guy like him. He has strange powers.

정체를 모르겠어

I don't know who he really is.

[웃으며그래서  재미있지

That's what makes it more fun.

정면 승부로는 절대로 이길 수가 없는데

I can never win a fight against him one on one.

아주 어이없는 약점을 하나

But I know his ridiculous weakness.

내가 알고 있어

But I know his ridiculous weakness.


It's Cheon Song-i.

그래서   약점으로

So I've decided to play a game...

게임을  보기로 했어

by using his weakness.

무조건 내가 이기는 게임

It's a game that I win for sure.


Do you play a game...

사람을 사랑하는 걸로

by using love between two people?

 게임을 하니?

by using love between two people?


Yes, I do. You've lost too,

너도 졌잖아

Yes, I do. You've lost too,


on the game I played.

 너희들 오래 보고 싶어

I want to see you two long enough.


But why...


did you provoke me?

[여자1 놀라는 신음]

(학예사) CCTV 고장  상태였고요

The surveillance cameras were broken.

박물관 문이 어떻게 열렸는지는

The security doesn't know

보안 업체에서도 모르겠다고

The security doesn't know how the door was unlocked either.

지금 다시 수리 중에 있습니다

They're fixing it now.


They're fixing it now. We don't have any damaged or stolen culture assets.

훼손되거나 도난당한 문화재가 없다니

We don't have any damaged or stolen culture assets.


It's a big relief.


And one more thing. I've found a very precious photograph.

[관장이 봉투를 부스럭거린다]

And one more thing. I've found a very precious photograph.

(관장내가 귀한 사진을 발견했어요

And one more thing. I've found a very precious photograph.


Take a look.

1910년도 사진이네요?

It's a photograph from 1910.

우리 학교 개교할 당시입니다

It's a photograph from 1910. It's taken by the time our school was founded.

이분들 중에 그분이 있지 않을까요?

Maybe that person is one of them.

익명의 기부가 말씀이십니까?

You mean the anonymous donor?

우리 학교 개교할  거액의 자금을 내놓고

He donated a huge amount of money for founding our school.

힘들 때마다 장학금이며

He gave scholarships whenever we had hardships.

(관장연구 자금까지 댔다던 그분

He even donated for a research fund.

우리 박물관도 그분이 아니었다면

This museum would never have been built

만들어지기도 힘들었을 겁니다

without him.

(학예사그럼 개교 100주년 전시회 

How about we display this photo

 사진도 함께 전시하는  어떨까요?

for our 100th anniversary exhibition?

그렇게  보죠

Let's do that.

(영목아니 그렇게까지

Did you have to do that?

천송이  엄청 놀랐겠네요

Ms. Cheon must have been frightened.


-I think so too. -Didn't she run away?

(영목 도망가요?

-I think so too. -Didn't she run away?

(민준도망가라 그런 건데

No. I did that to scare her away.

(영목아니그래도 그렇지 그런 얘기는  하러

But still, you didn't have to tell her.

그냥 제가 말씀드린 대로

Like I advised,

깔끔하게 이사 가시고

you could've just moved

연락 끊어 버리면  거를  하러

and stopped being in touch with her.


Do you have the power to erase one's memories?

기억을 지워 버리는   됩니까?

Do you have the power to erase one's memories?

무슨 기억을 지워요?

I'm sorry? Erase memories?

아니영화 보면 그런  있던데

I'm sorry? Erase memories? They do that in movies.

외계인이 무슨  같은  누르면

Once an alien presses a stick,

사람들 기억이  지워지고 그러는 

it erases everyone's memory.

그런   됩니까?

Can you do that?


It's a movie.

(영목아니 시간을 멈추는 능력도 있고

You can freeze time and do psychokinesis.

염력도 있고

You can freeze time and do psychokinesis.

웬만한   되시는 분이  그건 없대?

You're capable of almost everything. Why can't you erase memories?

진짜 없어요?

-Are you sure? -Yes.


-Are you sure? -Yes.

(영목 누르니까 기억  지워지고 좋던데

Erasing memories by simply pressing it seemed so convenient.


I said I don't have that power.

(영목하긴 이젠 있던 능력도 언제 사라질지 모르고

Oh well, you might lose your existing power any time soon anyway.

  되고    되고

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

이젠 복불복인 거죠초능력도

Your supernatural power is a matter of luck now.

이거 불안해서

That sounds so unreliable.

[민준의 한숨]

[차분한 음악]

(민준제가 앞으로    있을까요?

What can I do now?

이제  가야 하고

I have to leave soon.

같이  수도 없고 남을 수도 없고

I can't take her with me. I can't stay here either.

유일하게   있는 

Maybe the only thing I can do now...

 사라지는  아닌가 싶습니다

is to completely disappear.

 이제 [영목의 한숨]

There's nothing I can do here now.

여기서   있는  없으니까

There's nothing I can do here now.

같이 밥을 먹거나

I can't eat meals together,

산책을 하거나

go for a walk,

좋은 날을 축하해 주거나

or celebrate a special day. I can't do that anymore.

그런   수가 없으니까

or celebrate a special day. I can't do that anymore.


I'll do what I can do before I leave...

내가 없을 때도

I'll do what I can do before I leave...

맛있는  먹고

so she can eat something good, go for a walk,


so she can eat something good, go for a walk,

좋은 날들을 누리면서

and enjoy her good days for the rest of her life...


and enjoy her good days for the rest of her life...

내가    있는 것들을  주고

even when I'm not with her.

선생님이    있는  뭔데요?

What is it that you can do for her?

[불안한 음악] (민준그쪽이 원하는 

I'll give you what you want.

내가 하지

I'll give you what you want.

모든  내가 안고

Don't you want me to claim responsibility

사라져 주길 바라는  아닌가?

for everything and disappear?

그렇게 하겠다고

I'll do it.


Then will you stop here?

여기서 멈출 건가?

Then will you stop here?



What is it?



( 사장 군고구마 환장하잖아  먹어

You love baked sweet potatoes. Have some.

아무것도  넘어가

I can't eat anything now.

물도 가슴을 쳐야 넘어가

I can hardly swallow water.


This is bad.

이거는 뭐로 보나 상사병 초기인데

This is clearly the early stage of lovesick.

( 사장도대체  남자가 뭐랬는데?

What did he tell you?

뭐라 그랬냐면

-He said-- -Yes.

( 사장

-He said-- -Yes.


He is...



 이거 진짜 아무한테도 얘기하면  

Don't tell anyone. Okay?

말해 뭐래?

Tell me what he said.


He's an alien.

[흥미로운 음악]

[깨닫는 숨소리]


Aren't you shocked to hear this? You're not going to laugh?

웃지도 않고?

Aren't you shocked to hear this? You're not going to laugh?

( 사장이제는 핑계도 진화를 하는구나

I guess excuses evolve too.



내가 처음에 남자한테 사랑 고백 했을 

When I first confessed my love to a guy...

 남자가 그랬어

he said this to me.

[흥미로운 음악]


I'm joining the army.


  뒤에 나이트에서 부킹하다  걸렸지

I caught him flirting with girls at a nightclub a month later.

[ 사장의 헛웃음]

 번째 남자는 그러더라

And the second guy said this to me.


I'm moving to another country.

1 뒤에

One year later,

소래 포구에서  먹다 재회했지

we bumped into each other eating sashimi at Sorae Pogu.

( 사장근데

You know what was the most ridiculous thing though?

제일 황당했던 케이스는 뭔지 아니?

You know what was the most ridiculous thing though?


What was it?


What was it?

I'm possessed.


I'm possessed.

[떨리는 숨소리]

I'm possessed.


I'm going to accept my destiny.

[기가  웃음]

그러면서  눈이 돌아가더라고

His eyes were literally rolling. He was acting crazy.

( 사장게거품도 물고

His eyes were literally rolling. He was acting crazy.

  남자 진짜 박수무당 되는  알았다

I really thought he was turning into a shaman.

근데 얼마 뒤에 결혼하더라

But he got married soon after that at the church.


But he got married soon after that at the church.

목사님 주례 서시고

It was officiated by a pastor.

성가대 축가 불러 주고

It was officiated by a pastor. There was a choir singing for him.

그럼  뻥이었던 거야?

There was a choir singing for him. They were all lying to you?

그렇지  내려고

Yes. They lied to get rid of me.

근데 이번 케이스는  심했다

But what he said to you was too much. An alien?


But what he said to you was too much. An alien?

근데 이상한 점이 한두 가지가 아니었어

There were many strange things about him though.

 얘기  때도

A glass box exploded when he was telling me that too.

 앞에서 유리 상자가 터졌어

A glass box exploded when he was telling me that too.

유리 겔러 그런 사람 아니야?

Maybe he is like Uri Gellar.


Maybe he is like Uri Gellar. He used to be on television for his supernatural powers.

옛날에 TV 나오고 했던 초능력자 있잖아

He used to be on television for his supernatural powers.

자기가 , UFO 만나서 초능력이 생겼다나 그러면서

He claimed he got the psychic power after he encountered a UFO.

눈빛으로 숟가락  휘게 만들고

He bent spoons with his eyes.

아유몰라 그런   믿어

I don't know. I don't believe that. That's nonsense.

말이 되냐?

I don't know. I don't believe that. That's nonsense.

근데  생각보다 자존심 없는  같다

By the way, you're not as proud as I thought.

( 사장얼마나 구질구질 매달렸으면

You must have been so obsessed with him that he had to come up with such a lie.

남자가 그런 어이없는 뻥을 치냐?

that he had to come up with such a lie.

자기가 외계인이라니

He's an alien?

그거 100프로  아니면

It's a 100 percent lie

그분이 정신적으로 편찮으신 양반인 거야

or he's mentally ill.


(송이 도저히 이렇게는  있겠어

-I can't just stay here like this. -Why not?


-I can't just stay here like this. -Why not?

확인을  해야겠어

I'm going to check something.

[흥미로운 음악]

[등산객들이 두런거린다]

[등산객들이 수군거린다]

[송이의 가쁜 숨소리]

(송이내가 여기서 불렀는데

I'm going to call his name here.

오면 인정

I'll admit it if he appears.


Do Min-jun!

  살려 !

Help me!

  구해 !

Rescue me, please!

(등산객1) 아니 여자  저래?

Rescue me, please! -What's wrong with her? -I know, right?

(등산객2) 아니그러니까

-What's wrong with her? -I know, right?

(등산객3)  저래?

-What's wrong with her? -I know, right?

(등산객4) 미친 여자인가 

She's crazy.


Let's go.


Do Min-jun!

 여기 북한산인데!

I'm on Bukhansan!

(송이 지금  위험한데!

I'm in danger!


This is real!

살려 주세요!

Please help me!

살려 주세요!


[까마귀 울음 효과음]

[어이없는 숨소리]

 이럴  알았어

I knew it.

자기가 무슨 외계인?

What alien?

무슨 슈퍼맨?

You're Superman?


[밝은 음악]


-Kang Da-jeong. -Here.


-Kang Da-jeong. -Here.

[문이 달칵 열린다강희진

-Kang Hui-jin. -Here.


-Kang Hui-jin. -Here.

- (민준고영민 - (학생3) 

-Ko Hyeon-min. -Here.

[학생들이 웅성거린다]

[반짝이는 효과음]

(학생4) 천송이 왔다천송이

(학생5) 천송이천송이

- (민준권혁진 - (학생6) 

-Kwon Hyeok-jin. -Here.

- (민준권현주 - (학생7) 

-Kwon Hyeon-ju. -Here.

- (민준김민경 - (학생8) 

-Kim Min-gyeong. -Here.

(민준오늘은 여기까지 하겠습니다

Class dismissed.

[흥미로운 음악]

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]




-Leave this room. -What?


-Leave this room. -What?

나가 보라고

Try to leave this room.

외계인이면 내가 가로막고 있다고  나가나?

You should know how to pass me if you're an alien.


Do it.

순간 이동

Can't you teleport?

그런   ?

Can't you teleport?


Step aside.

(송이아니지외계인 아니지?

It's not true. You're not an alien, right?


It's not true. You're not an alien, right? You are not! THE 7TH BUILDING

(민준 하는 거야 쳐다보잖아

THE 7TH BUILDING What are you doing? Everyone's looking at us.


-Fly. -What?


-Fly. -What?

(송이날아 보라고



You don't know how to fly?

슈퍼맨처럼 의상이 있어야 나나?

Do you need a suit like Superman?


Don't joke around.

(송이장난치는  같지?

Do you think I'm kidding?

내가 이러니까 되게 짜증 나고 장난치는  같지?

I look like I'm joking, and it's so annoying, right?

 기분이  그랬거든

That's exactly how I felt.


It's not true you're an...


It's not true, right? You are not.


Don't you dare. Don't you dare to leave me alone again.


Don't you dare. Don't you dare to leave me alone again.

  놔두고 가기만 

Don't you dare. Don't you dare to leave me alone again.

 여기서 소리 지를 거야

I'm going to shout.


I'm going to say...


that you're an alien.

[흥미로운 음악] [한숨]

[입소리를  낸다]

(송이사람들이  나만 쳐다보는  보이지?

Everyone's looking at me now.

내가 그렇게 소리 지르면

If I say that loudly,

SNS 타고 전국에 1시간이면 소문  퍼질걸?

it'll take an hour until rumors spread online and everyone knows about it.

' 대학 교수 외계인설'

it'll take an hour until rumors spread online and everyone knows about it. People will know that there's an alien professor.

천송이  진짜

Song-i, you are--


Song-i, you are-- What? Did you trust me?

(송이믿지 말라며?

You told me not to trust anyone.

아무도 믿지 말라고 친절하게 경고해   당신이면서

It was you who kindly warned me not to trust anyone.

나는  믿니?

Why do you trust me?


I won't be just shouting if you leave me.

 두고 혼자  가면

I won't be just shouting if you leave me.

소리 지르는 걸로 끝나지 않아

I won't be just shouting if you leave me.

내가 경찰에 외계인 나타났다고 신고도 하고

I'm going to report the cops,

저기청와대에 투서도 넣고

send a letter to the Blue House,

뭐냐미국 나사 뭐시기

and tell NASA in the States too.

아무튼 거기도 찌르고

and tell NASA in the States too.

아무튼   거니까

I'm going to do everything. You had better be prepared.


I'm going to do everything. You had better be prepared.

[어이없는 숨소리]

 쉽게 봤어

You've looked down on me.

 한다면 하는 여자야

I keep my word once I say it.

(민준원하는  뭐야?

What do you want?

나랑  먹어

Let's eat.

[흥미로운 음악]

(민준어디 가는 거야?

-Where are we going? -You agreed to eat.


-Where are we going? -You agreed to eat.

어디서  먹을지는 내가 정해

I decide where to eat.

고속 도로는  ?

Why are we on the high way?

(송이바다를 가르고 그러는   ?

Can you divide the sea?


Stop it.

그때 보니까 굴비도  먹던데

I saw you eating yellow corvina

(송이총각김치도  먹고

and chonggak kimchi so well.

외계인도 그런  먹어?

Do aliens eat those foods too?

전기나 수액 같은 걸로 에너지 충전하는  아니고?

Don't you charge yourself with electricity or sap?


[경쾌한 음악!


껍질 같은  벗겨지고 그러는  아니고?

Do you shred your skin?

(송이보통은  파충류 같은  안에 들어 있고

Usually, there's a reptile inside.

피도  파란색이고 그렇잖아

-Their blood is blue too. -I don't shed my skin.

껍질  벗겨져

-Their blood is blue too. -I don't shed my skin.

(민준안에 파충류 없고 피도 빨간색이야

I'm not a reptile, and my blood is red. And people from my planet are better looking.

그리고 우리  사람들

And people from my planet are better looking.

너희보다 미모가 훨씬 뛰어나

And people from my planet are better looking.

우리  오면 평균도   것들이

And people from my planet are better looking. People who are below our average

'에일리언'이나 '혹성 탈출같은  같지도 않은 영화 만들어서

People who are below our average make ridiculous movies like Alien or Planet of the Apes

외계인에 대한 편견이나 만들고 말이야

and create prejudices toward aliens.

내가 그런 영화 보면서 기가  때가 한두 번이 아니었어

Those kinds of movies left me speechless so many times.

[젓가락을  내려놓는다]

소주 한잔할래?

-Do you want some soju? -You drove here.

 가지고 왔잖아

-Do you want some soju? -You drove here.

아유 깨고 가면 되지

I can sober up later.

수작 부리지 

I can sober up later. Don't try to trick me.

(송이  하나만 묻자

Let me ask you one thing.

나한테 예전에 그랬잖아

You once asked me

내가 누구냐고

who I was.

[잔잔한 음악] (송이지금 내가 누구냐고 물어본 거예요?

Did you just ask who I am?

 아직도 몰라요천송이잖아요

You still don't know who I am? I'm Cheon Song-i.


That's right.


You're Cheon Song-i.

 여자일 리가 없지

You could not be her.

 여자가 누군데요?

Who's that?

나랑  닮았나?

Does she look like me?

그때  여자야?

Were you talking about her?

비녀 주인이라던 여자?

The owner of the binyeo.



비녀 주인이라면

If she had a binyeo

헤어스타일이 머리에 쪽을 찌고 있었다는 거잖아

It means she had her hair up then.

(송이도민준  유부녀 좋아했니?

Were you in love with a married woman?

어유 사람 그렇게  봤는데

I didn't expect that from you.

(민준그런  궁금해?

That's what you want to know?

(송이아니 포인트는 그게 아니고

No, that was not the point.


Was she pretty?

아이하긴 닮았다면  아플 정도일 거고

It's no question that she was because she looked like me.



정말 그게 다였어?

Was it really the only reason?

당신이 좋아했던 어떤 여자가

Is it really because someone you liked...

나랑 많이 닮아서

looked like me?

그게 다야?

That's all?



착각에서 시작된 일이야

It started from a misunderstanding.

(민준너무 닮아서

I was curious and attracted to you because you looked like her.

끌렸고 궁금했고

I was curious and attracted to you because you looked like her.

확인하고 싶은 것들이 생겼어

There were things I wanted to find out.

그래서  옆에 있게 됐는데

That's why I stayed next to you.

어느 순간

And at some point, I realized that you're not her.

  아이가 아니라는 생각이 들었어

And at some point, I realized that you're not her.


If I had any feelings for you,

내가  조금이라도 좋아했다면

If I had any feelings for you,

  아이가 아니라고 깨달았을 

there should've been something left inside of me

뭔가가 남았어야 하는데

as soon as I realized you weren't her.

아무것도 남지 않았어

There was nothing left.


There was...


-nothing left? -Right.


-nothing left? -Right.


There wasn't a single moment...

내가 좋았던 적이 없었어?

that you liked me?

[감미로운 음악]

(송이  번이라도

Even for once,

 때문에 설레었거나

your heart didn't flutter because of me?

(송이핸드폰 하나 사면  ?

Can't you get a cell phone?

 정도는 매니저의 기본 장비 아닌가?

Isn't that a basic equipment of a manager?

진심으로 내가 걱정되거나

You've never been sincerely worried

(송이그런 적이 없었어?

about me ever?

(송이 여자랑 상관없이

Besides her, have you not ever had feelings for me...

그냥 내가 좋았던 적이

Besides her, have you not ever had feelings for me...

진짜   번도 없었어?

even for once?

(송이나와의 미래를 그려  적이

You've never imagined...

  순간도 없었어?

your future with me for once?

 대답을 들어야겠어?

-Do you have to hear the answer? -Yes.


-Do you have to hear the answer? -Yes.

확실하게 대답해 

Give me a definite answer.

없었어  번도

No, I haven't. Not even for once.


Is it what matters more to you?

그게  중요해?

Is it what matters more to you?

내가 외계인이라거나

Other than me being an alien who's lived here 400 years,

400년을 살았다거나 그런 것보다

Other than me being an alien who's lived here 400 years,


you care more about

겨우 그런 것들이?

-how I feel about you? -Yes.


-how I feel about you? -Yes.

 그게 훨씬 백배 천배 중요해

It is 100 or 1000 times more important to me.

 네가 어느 별에서 날아온 에일리언이든

To me, whether you're an alien, a vampire, a monster, whatever your past is,

뱀파이어든 괴물이든 과거가 어떻든

an alien, a vampire, a monster, whatever your past is,

그런 것보다

an alien, a vampire, a monster, whatever your past is,

내가 좋아하는아니

how the man I like, no, I liked,

내가 좋아했던 남자가

how the man I like, no, I liked,

 어떻게 생각했는지가

thought of me...

가장 중요해

matters the most to me.

   순간이라도 진짜로 좋아했던 건지

To find out if you really liked me for once

그냥 자기가  잊고 마음에 품고 있던 여자 대용으로

or if you were just curious about me as an alternative

나한테 관심이 있었던 건지

to the woman you liked

 그게 훨씬  중요해

matters more to me.

당연한  아니야?

Isn't it obvious?

 내가 좋아했던 남자야

You're the man I liked.

12 전에 네가 나를 구하든 말든

Whether you saved me 12 years ago, whether you are that guy or not,

 아저씨든 아니든

Whether you saved me 12 years ago, whether you are that guy or not,

 진실과는 상관없이

regardless of all those truths,

 우리 옆집 사는 도민준이라는 남자로

I just liked Do Min-jun,

그냥 좋았다고

who was living next door.

[부드러운 음악]


I liked you...


from the heart.



다른 여자 대용으로 나를 봤던 남자라면

if you're a man who treated me as an alternative,


you're the worst.

그런 남자라는  알면서도 계속 좋아하면

If I keep having feelings for you knowing what kind of man you are,


I'm worse than that.


I'll give up.


That's good for you.

도민준  그동안 귀찮게 해서 미안했어요

I apologize for bugging you all this time, Min-jun.

다시는 그럴  없을 테니까

It won't happen again. So don't worry.


It won't happen again. So don't worry.

(송이그럴  없겠지만

It won't happen,

 마음이 갑자기 널을 뛰어서

but if I get emotional

그쪽에 전화하거나 찾아가거나 하면

and call you or visit you,

원래 하던 대로 칼같이 잘라 줘요

treat me cold as you always do.

그리고 오다가다 얼굴 보게 되면

If we meet in the neighborhood, let's not say hello to each other.

서로 알은체하지 말아요

If we meet in the neighborhood, let's not say hello to each other.

이제 그럴 이유 없으니까

There's no reason to do that anymore.

[안전띠를 달칵 푼다]

[ 문이 달칵 열린다]

[안전띠를 달칵 푼다]

[엘리베이터 도착음]

[도어  작동음]

[문이  닫힌다] [도어  작동음]

(민준미국의 심리학자 퀴블러 로스 박사의

According to Dr. Kübler-Ross, an American psychologist,

연구 결과에 따르면

According to Dr. Kübler-Ross, an American psychologist,

애착을 박탈당한 사람은

one who got deprived of attachment

현실 직시까지

experiences five stages until he or she faces the reality.

다섯 가지 감정의 단계를 겪습니다

experiences five stages until he or she faces the reality.


The first stage is "anger."

[흥미로운 음악]

[송이의 성난 신음]

어휴 가슴에서

I'm furious.

천불이  나네

I'm furious.

(송이 남아 남아?

Nothing's left? Nothing?

아무것도  남아?

Nothing's left? Nothing?


No? Nothing?

 좋아한 순간이   번도 없어?

You didn't like me even for once?

나쁜 자식

Asshole! How do I pay him back?

어떻게 복수하지?

Asshole! How do I pay him back?


 번째는 현실 부정

The second stage is "denial."

[익살스러운 음악]

말이 ?

Does it even make any sense?


An alien? Are you kidding me?

장난해누구 놀려?

An alien? Are you kidding me? Is he making fun of me? Is this some kind of a movie?

영화 찍어?

Is he making fun of me? Is this some kind of a movie?

몰래카메라 아니야?

Is this a prank?


Where is it?

[송이의 웃음]

It's you, aren't you? Where is it?


It's you, aren't you? Where is it?


알고 있다알고 있어

I know everything. I know.

I know everything. I know.

 번째는 타협

The third stage is "bargaining."

[흥미로운 음악]



걔는 원래  스타일이 아니었어

He wasn't really my type anyway.

무뚝뚝하고 말도 싸가지 없게 하고

He's unfriendly, rude,

구닥다리에 조선 욕이나 하고

outdated and makes Joseon insults.

그래 어차피 진짜 외계인일 수도 있어

Right. Maybe he's a real alien.

완전 또라이잖아  인생 최고의 또라이

He's crazy. He's the craziest man I've ever met.

(민준 번째 길고  우울의 단계를 지나

On the fourth stage, there's a long period of "depression."

(미연  울어?

Why are you crying?


Am I?

이건 우는  아니야

I'm not crying.

그냥 눈에서 눈물이  거야

It's just water coming out of my eyes.

우는  아니야

I'm not crying.

눈물이  거랑 우는 거랑 뭐가 달라?

How is water coming out of your eyes any different from crying?

 요새 미쳤어

She's out of her mind these days.

마지막수용의 단계가 옵니다

And lastly, it's the stage of "acceptance."

[리드미컬한 음악]


Yes, I'm going to be more beautiful.

내가  이뻐져서

Yes, I'm going to be more beautiful.

물론 지금도 심히 이쁘지만

I'm severely beautiful now too, but I'm going to be more than that

아주 그냥  소리 나게 이뻐져서

I'm severely beautiful now too, but I'm going to be more than that

네가 땅을 치게 만들어 주마!

to make you bitterly regret.

[거친 숨소리]

(민준이렇듯 상실로 초래되는

Like this, one experiences grief and pain caused by loss

슬픔과 괴로움을 직접 겪으면서

Like this, one experiences grief and pain caused by loss

상처를 회복해 가는

and goes through stages

이른바 애도의 단계를 거칩니다

to overcome the grief of loss.

그런데  단계에서

But there is a clear gender difference in the stages of grieving.

남녀의 차이가 확연히 드러나죠

But there is a clear gender difference in the stages of grieving.

여자는  나은 나를 만들거나

Women focus on being a better self

 나은 남자를 만나기 위해서

or on meeting a better guy.

스스로의 발전에 집중하는 반면

They focus on self-improvement.


However, men...

(영목 드세요

You have to eat something.

(민준 넘어가요

I can't eat.

자기 파괴적인 모습을 보이거나

He can be self-destructive.

견딜  없는 상실감에

Due to the unbearable feeling of loss,

여자보다 훨씬  괴로워합니다

he suffers more than a woman does.


(영목집이 팔릴  같습니다

I think your place will be sold soon.




That's good.

(영목터가  좋다는 

Yes. I wasn't sure if it would be sold

누가 헛소문을 퍼트려서  팔리나 싶었는데

because of bad rumors about the area.

시세보다  주고 사겠다는 사람이 나타났어요

But there's someone who wants to pay more than the market price.


I see.

그래요? - (영목

-Really? -Yes. This young guy is so rich.

(영목젊은 사람이 무슨 돈이 그렇게 많은지

-Really? -Yes. This young guy is so rich.

집도  보고 벌써 계약금까지  입금시켰더라고요

He's paid the deposit already before he even sees the place.

그리고 마침  근처에 있다면서

He's in the area now.

집에 잠깐 들르겠다고 했다네요

I was told that he would stop by.


오면  열어 주시라고 전화드렸어요

That's why I'm calling to let you know about his visit.

[초인종이 울린다]

That's why I'm calling to let you know about his visit.

벌써 왔나 보네?

I guess he's already there.


I guess he's already there.

[도어  작동음]

(민준그런데요 변호사님

Mr. Jang, I'm not signing the contract.

  계약  합니다

Mr. Jang, I'm not signing the contract.

(영목 되는데?

What? No way.

벌써 그쪽에서 계약금 입금시켰는데?

He has already deposited the money.

그거   물어 주면 되잖아요

We can return twice the money.

물어 주세요

Send him the money, please.

[휴대전화 조작음]

 계약  하는데?

Why not?

(휘경시세보다  주겠다는데?

It's more than the market price.

가격이 마음에  들면

If you don't like the price, I can pay up to twice more.

 배까지도    있어

If you don't like the price, I can pay up to twice more.

 내놨다며내가 사겠다고

It's on sale. I want to buy it.

너한테는  팔아

I'm not selling it to you.

[문이 달칵 닫힌다] [도어  작동음]

[어이없는 웃음]

나한테   팔아?

Why are you not selling it to me?

이사 간다며 거면 빨리 !

Leave quickly if you're going to move!


(휘경네가 누구한테 집을 팔든

Whoever you're going to sell this place,

  집으로  이사  거야

Whoever you're going to sell this place, I'm going to move here for sure.

[민준의 한숨]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[부드러운 음악]


[물을 쪼르륵 따른다]

[신비로운 효과음]

(휘경옆집 내놨더라?

He is selling the place.

내가  버릴까 싶어

I'm going to buy it.

(송이그럴  있으면 그렇게 

Do it if you can.

네가 옆집 살면 나야 좋지 얼굴도 자주   있고

I'd like that if you live next to me. I would be able to see you often.

[물이 주르륵 흐른다]

I would be able to see you often.


[혀를  찬다]

'흉중생진'이라는 말이 있죠

There's a saying, "Dust settles on one's heart."

너를 너무 그리워하다 가슴에 먼지가 쌓였다는 말인데

It means you miss someone so long and dearly that dust started settling on your heart.


But it seems there's no need to worry about dust at all.

[리드미컬한 음악먼지는커녕

But it seems there's no need to worry about dust at all.

티끌이 쌓일 틈도 없을  같네요

There's no time for a single speck to settle.

마음 정리하는  무슨  정리하는 겁니까?

Forgetting someone isn't as easy as clearing your room.

책상 정리하는 거예요?

Is it like cleaning up your desk?

이렇게 빨리

She did it so quickly.

지금 화내는 거냐고요?

Are you asking me if I'm mad?


No. All I'm saying is that it's good for her.

다행이란 얘기입니다

No. All I'm saying is that it's good for her.

이렇게 빨리

Everything is cool and all set now.

쿨하게 정리가 돼서

Everything is cool and all set now.

정말 다행입니다

I'm really relieved.

화내는  아니라고요

I said I'm not mad.


Right. I was offered a movie yesterday.

 어제 영화 제의받았다?

Right. I was offered a movie yesterday.


-Really? -Yes.


-Really? -Yes.

주연은 아닌데 비중 있는 조연

It's not a leading role. But it's an important supporting role.

캐릭터가 죽인대

They say it's a good character.


-How? -She has a bad temper.

성질이 더럽대

-How? -She has a bad temper.


-How? -She has a bad temper. -It's perfect. -Right?


-It's perfect. -Right?

애써 연기할 필요가 없을  같아

I won't have to pretend anything.

(송이솔직히 주인공 캐릭터  거기서 거기잖아

I won't have to pretend anything. Honestly, leading roles are predictable.

밝고 착하고 정의감 넘치고

They're positive, good, and righteous.

 원래 캐릭터  조연  한번  보고 싶었거든

I always wanted to play a supporting role with a strong personality.

[옅은 웃음]


I'm happy for you. You're awesome.

천송이 멋지다

I'm happy for you. You're awesome.

그럼 [컵을  내려놓는다]

Of course. Whether I'm leading or supporting, I'm Cheon Song-i.

조연이든 주연이든  천송이야

Of course. Whether I'm leading or supporting, I'm Cheon Song-i.

주연이 누구든 내가   잡아먹어 버릴 거야

Whoever the lead role is, I'm going to dominate the scene.


그래 [웃음]


[휘경의 웃음]


Right. Hwi-gyeong. There was a detective who came to see me.

형사가  찾아왔었어

Hwi-gyeong. There was a detective who came to see me.

[의미심장한 음악]

(휘경형사가 ?

A detective? Why?


He asked me if Han Yu-ra had a boyfriend.

남자 있었냐고 묻더라

He asked me if Han Yu-ra had a boyfriend.


And he asked if she and Min-jun were in a relationship.

혹시 도민준 씨가 한유라랑 사귀는 사이 아니냐면서

And he asked if she and Min-jun were in a relationship.

근데 그거 아니잖아

But that's not true.


In fact... I know.


In fact... I know.


Know what?

유라 언니랑 사귀던 남자

The one Yu-ra was dating is Jae-gyeong.

재경 오빠야

The one Yu-ra was dating is Jae-gyeong.


-Is that true? -Yes.


-Is that true? -Yes.

그래서  사실 형사한테 얘기했어

So I told the detective about it.

개인적인 얘기라고 생각해서   하려고 했었는데

I wasn't going to say it because it's a personal matter.

아무래도 그게 수사랑 관련된  같았고

But it seemed to be related to the case.


도민준이 의심받는  싫어서?

And-- You didn't want them to suspect Min-jun.

(송이재경 오빠가 알면 많이 섭섭해하겠지?

Jae-gyeong will be upset about this when he finds out.

[긴장되는 음악]

( 형사아니그러니까 이게

So this camera covers this area only.

조기 앞에만

So this camera covers this area only.

저쪽 밖으로는  나오고? - (점원네네

-It doesn't show that area? -No.

(지금  카메라가 어디서 어디까지 커버해요?

How much does that camera cover?

(남자3)   간판 있는 데서부터

From that auditorium to that crosswalk.


From that auditorium to that crosswalk.

저거 24시간 돌아가는  맞죠?

-Is it on 24 hours? -Yes. It's on 24 hours.

(남자3)  24시간 돌아가고 있습니다

-Is it on 24 hours? -Yes. It's on 24 hours.

[휴대전화 알림음]

[휴대전화 조작음]

(재경약속을 조금  빨리 지켜 줘야겠어

I want you to keep your word quickly.

사흘 줄게

You have three days.

[휴대전화 조작음]

[피곤한 신음]

[ 형사가 입소리를  낸다]

( 형사없어요없어아휴

No. There's nothing.

천송이 말대로

If Lee Jae-gyeong and Han Yu-ra were dating as Cheon Song-i said,

이재경 상무랑 한유라랑 사귀는  맞다면

If Lee Jae-gyeong and Han Yu-ra were dating as Cheon Song-i said,

  어디 하나 걸렸어야지

there must be something.

이게 지금 며칠째야?

We've been doing this for days now.

[ 형사가 입소리를  낸다]

이재경 회사

We've checked Lee Jae-gyeong's company, Han Yu-ra's house, nearby roads,

한유라네  근처 도로

We've checked Lee Jae-gyeong's company, Han Yu-ra's house, nearby roads,

정류장까지  뒤졌는데

and even the bus stations.

둘이 있는 그림     나오고

There wasn't a single recording of them.

서로 통화 기록 하나 없고

They don't share any call histories.

천송이가 그냥 한번   소리 아닐까요?

Maybe Cheon Song-i just said it for nothing.

어찌 됐든 한유라가 자살이 아니라 타살이 되는 

Regardless of the truth, if Han Yu-ra's case is a homicide, not a suicide,

본인한테는 유리할 테니까

it's a good thing to Cheon Song-i.

일단은 '남자가 있었다'

So she just said that Han Yu-ra was dating a guy.


So she just said that Han Yu-ra was dating a guy.

 그렇게 뚫어져라 보시나?

What are you reading so hard?

기지국 리스트를 뽑아 놓은 자료인데요

This is a copy from the base station.


Check this out.

회사에 확인해 보니까

His office reported

지난해 이재경 상무가 여름휴가를  

that Lee Jae-gyeong's last summer vacation

7 24일부터 27일까지거든요

was from July 24th to July 27th.

그때 핸드폰 기지국이

And his cell phone was located in Cheongpyeong.

청평으로 잡혔어요

And his cell phone was located in Cheongpyeong.

[의미심장한 음악]



( 형사한유라 쪽은

Let's check Han Yu-ra's location then.

7 24일부터

It was from July 24th to 27th.


It was from July 24th to 27th.


-It's Cheongpyeong. -Is this a coincidence?


-It's Cheongpyeong. -Is this a coincidence?

( 형사 성을 갈아요

I'll eat my hat if it is.

작년 7 24일부터 27일까지

From last July 24th to 27th,

청평  톨게이트 CCTV 자료 화면 

check all the surveillance camera footages of tollgates near Cheongpyeong.

  받아 주세요

check all the surveillance camera footages of tollgates near Cheongpyeong.

 눈알이 빠지는 한이 있어도

I'm going to find them whatever it takes.


I'm going to find them whatever it takes.

[휘경의 옅은 웃음]

수고하십니다아저씨 - (남자4) 

-Thank you for your work. -Thank you.

형은 들어갔어요?

-Is Jae-gyeong home? -Yes, just a minute ago.

조금 전에요

-Is Jae-gyeong home? -Yes, just a minute ago.


I left something in his car the other day.

제가 얼마 전에   탔다가   놓고 나온  있거든요

I left something in his car the other day.

잠깐  찾을게요

-Let me find it. -Sure, go ahead.


-Let me find it. -Sure, go ahead.

 … - (남자4) 

-Can I have the keys? -Okay.

여기 있습니다

Here you are.

[문이 달칵 열린다]

[의미심장한 음악]

[내비게이션 작동음]

[내비게이션 조작음]

[무거운 음악] (민준너를 구했던   이유 없었어

I only saved your life for one reason.

그때의 네가

I thought...

400   아이

that you looked like the girl,

 비녀의 주인인  아이를

the owner of this hair ornament from 400 years ago.


the owner of this hair ornament from 400 years ago.

순간 착각할 만큼

I mistook you for her momentarily as you looked so much like her.

많이 닮았었거든

I mistook you for her momentarily as you looked so much like her.


Excuse me.

어디 갔어요여기 있던 비녀요

Where is the binyeo that was here?

얼마 전에 사고가  있어서요

There was an accident a few days ago.

(학예사다른 곳으로 옮겨서 보관 중입니다

We've moved it to another place to keep it.

I see.


By the way, is there any chance to know the owner of the binyeo?


By the way, is there any chance to know the owner of the binyeo?

 비녀의 주인이 누군지   있을까요?

By the way, is there any chance to know the owner of the binyeo?


Pardon? We don't know that.

그건 저희도  수가 없네요

Pardon? We don't know that.


Is there some kind of a portrait?


Or how old she was and if she was married?

유부녀였나처녀였나 그런 인적 사항은요?

Or how old she was and if she was married?

- (학예사? - 아니면 이뻤을까요?

Or how old she was and if she was married? -Sorry? -Was she pretty?

외모에 대한 정보는요?

Any information about her look?


Any information about her look?

글쎄요그건 저도 

Well, I don't know.

[송이와 학예사의 웃음]

Well, I don't know.


Excuse me.

[의미심장한 음악]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[무거운 효과음]

(송이무슨 소리야지금?

What are you talking about now?

400  비녀의 주인

The owner of this hair ornament from 400 years ago?

그때 살았던 사람 얼굴을 어떻게 알아?

How do you know the face of someone from that time?

그럼 당신이

Are you saying... you've been alive for the past 400 years or what?

400 동안 살기라도 했단 말이야?

Are you saying... you've been alive for the past 400 years or what?


Are you saying... you've been alive for the past 400 years or what? That's right.


They are all so handsome though they lived 100 years ago.

100  남자들인데

They are all so handsome though they lived 100 years ago.

되게  잘생겼다

They are all so handsome though they lived 100 years ago.

(여자3) 진짜

They are all so handsome though they lived 100 years ago. -Wow. -I agree.

 남자 완전 훈남

-Wow. -I agree. He's so handsome.

요새 남자들보다 낫다

He looks much better than guys from these days.

[여자들의 웃음]

He looks much better than guys from these days.

[여자2 놀라는 숨소리]

(여자3) 천송이 아니야?

-Isn't she Cheon Song-i? -Goodness.

(여자2) 여기 웬일이야?

-Isn't she Cheon Song-i? -Goodness.

(여자3) 우리 가자

Let's go.


Excuse me.


 사진 뭐예요?

What is this picture?

(학예사우리 학교가 개교했을 당시에

It's a picture of people who helped us found our university.

도움 많이 주신 분들의 사진입니다

It's a picture of people who helped us found our university.

파나요? - (학예사?

It's a picture of people who helped us found our university. -Is it on sale? -Pardon?

 사진 파냐고요

Is it for sale? I'll take it.

제가 살게요 얼마죠에눌 되나요?

Is it for sale? I'll take it. How much is it? Any discounts?

돈으로 사고팔  있는 그런 사진이 아닙니다

How much is it? Any discounts? This is not a picture you can bargain.

(송이) [웃으며사인해 드려요?

Do you need my autograph?


Do you need my autograph? -No, thanks. -No, thanks.



[송이의 웃음]

아유 어떡해정말아휴


[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다] (직원1) 안녕히 가세요

Come again, ma'am.


-Long time no see. -Yes.


-Long time no see. -Yes.


-You're doing good? -Of course. I'm doing good.


-You're doing good? -Of course. I'm doing good.



우리 송이 영화 들어가 하도 급하게 매달려서

My Song-i will shoot a movie soon. They were begging her to do that.


My Song-i will shoot a movie soon. They were begging her to do that. Is that so?

드디어 활동 다시 시작하는구나?

She's starting her career again.


It must be difficult without an agency.

소속사도 없이 힘들겠다

It must be difficult without an agency.

 그래도 S&C에서

It must be difficult without an agency. S&C Group will make a one-person-agency for Song-i.

우리 송이 1 기획사 차려 준다고 해서

S&C Group will make a one-person-agency for Song-i.

(미연그거 타진 중이야

S&C Group will make a one-person-agency for Song-i. We're working on it now.

계약서에 도장만 찍으면 되는데

All we have to do now is to sign,

우리 송이가   생각해 보겠다네?

but Song-i wants to take her time.


but Song-i wants to take her time. I see. It's good. I was worried.

걱정했는데 다행이다

I see. It's good. I was worried.

걱정해 줘서 고맙다

I see. It's good. I was worried. Thank you for your concern.

근데  걱정이나 

But you should worry about yourself.

무슨 걱정?




I mean... If Song-i comes back on track,

우리 송이 재기하면

I mean... If Song-i comes back on track,

CF  가져와야 되잖아

she'll do most of the advertisements.


I'll see you around.

(직원2) 계산 아직  하셨는데?

You haven't paid yet, ma'am.




Ms. Yoon.


It's me. Cheon Song-i's mommy.

천송이 마미

It's me. Cheon Song-i's mommy.

원장님이  이상 협찬  된다고

My boss said there's no more sponsorship.

(직원2)  받으라고 하셨거든요

You have to pay now.


I'm sorry.

(선영수고해요 실장

Good day, Ms. Yoon.

(직원2) 세미 언니 촬영장으로 스태프 보내면 되죠?

Thank you. We'll send our staff to Se-mi.



언니 먼저 갈게

Bye, Mi-yeon.

[성난 숨소리]

[송이의 한숨 소리가 들린다]

(송이얘기를 말아?

Should I tell him or not?

내가 얘기할 필요가 뭐가 있어?

What's the point of telling him in person?


Forget it, you stupid idiot.

 개불말미잘 같은 자식

Forget it, you stupid idiot.

[송이의 한숨]

[흥미로운 음악]


Should I?




[발을 탁탁 구른다]

[도어  작동음]

[도어  작동음]

(송이명인 대학교 박물관에  보시오

Visit Myongin University Museum.

100주년 기념인가 뭔가 사진을 주목하시오

Check the photo at the 100th anniversary exhibition or something.

내가 누군지는 절대

Don't ever try to find out who I am.

알려고 하지 마시오

Don't ever try to find out who I am.

[부드러운 음악]

[신비로운 효과음]

[문이 달칵 열린다]

( 형사 검사님

Mr. Yoo. They're caught.


Mr. Yoo. They're caught.


Did you find something? There's no photo of Lee Jae-gyeong and Han Yu-ra together.

이재경한유라가 같이 가는  없는데

There's no photo of Lee Jae-gyeong and Han Yu-ra together.

( 형사둘이 1시간 간격으로 청평 IC 통과하는 거는 찾았습니다

But it's confirmed that they were passing Cheongpyeong tollgate on one hour interval.

이재경 상무 별장이 호명산 쪽이더라고요

Lee Jae-gyeong's summer house is near Mount Homyeong.

고쪽샅샅이 뒤져 보면

Lee Jae-gyeong's summer house is near Mount Homyeong. We might find something if we start digging that area.

뭔가 나오지 않겠어요?

We might find something if we start digging that area.


근데 어디 가세요?

-Where were you going by the way? -The owner of the fountain pen.

만년필 주인이요

-Where were you going by the way? -The owner of the fountain pen.

실종돼 사망 처리 됐다는 한서진이라는 사람

Han Seo-jin, who was missing and declared dead later...

(혹시 지인이나 친구한테 선물했을 수도 있잖아요

He might have given the pen to his acquaintances or friends.


That's right. This bastard hit you in the head.

검사님 뒤통수 갈긴 놈인데

That's right. This bastard hit you in the head. We're going to catch him for sure.

누군지 반드시 알아내야죠

We're going to catch him for sure.

- ( 형사다녀오세요 - ( [ 형사의 웃음]

-I'll see you later. -Okay.

(미연어차피 계약이야 내가   왔던 거니까

It's always been my job to sign her contract anyway.


You're doing the right thing.

아마 송이도 후회하지 않을 겁니다

Song-i won't regret this either.

[옅은 웃음]

Song-i won't regret this either.

영화 들어가기로 했다고요?

I heard that she's starting a movie.

그럼 일단 매니저와 차량부터

-Let's find a manager and a car to-- -No.


-Let's find a manager and a car to-- -No.

 계집애가 내가 자기 몰래 계약한  알면

If she finds out that I secretly signed this contract, she'll go mad...


If she finds out that I secretly signed this contract, she'll go mad...


[멋쩍은 웃음]

She can always get mad at me.

언짢아할  있으니까

She can always get mad at me.

일단은 촬영 들어가서

Let's let her work on her movie first and wait until she gets busy.

(미연빼도 박도 못하게 바쁠  그때

Let's let her work on her movie first and wait until she gets busy.

자기도 소속사의 필요성을 느끼면

She'll realize the necessity of an agency.

그때는 오케이 하겠죠

She'll agree to this idea.

그럼 그러시죠

Sure. I still need to know her schedule.

그래도 스케줄은 알고 있어야 하니까

Sure. I still need to know her schedule.

저한텐 알려 주시죠

Please share her schedule with me.

'오브 코스'

(윤재영화 들어간다며?

You're doing a new movie?


Yes. People would react better if I appeared in a movie than on television.

아무래도 TV보단 영화 쪽이 여론이 나을  같기도 하고

Yes. People would react better if I appeared in a movie than on television.


근데 액션이야

But this is an action genre. I prefer blind love and passionate romance stuff.

 치정이나 격정 멜로 이런  좋은데

But this is an action genre. I prefer blind love and passionate romance stuff.

(윤재네가 짝사랑 중이니까?

Why? Cause you're in a one-way love?

(송이이게 [흥미로운 음악]

You little... Come on. Goodness.


Come on. Goodness.


No actresses are better than me when it comes to action moves.

나만큼 액션 되는 여배우가 어디 있냐?

No actresses are better than me when it comes to action moves.

 타기면  타기

I can do climbing and combat.

격투면 격투

I can do climbing and combat.


I'm going to take this chance and show people the real action.

내가 요번에 한번

I'm going to take this chance and show people the real action.

제대로 보여 주겠어

I'm going to take this chance and show people the real action.







-Check the equipment. -Okay.


-Check the equipment. -Okay.

- (조감독형님형님 - (남자5) ?

-Hey. -What?

(조감독 와이어 이거 지지대 잘못 끼우면

This wire will snap right away if it's installed wrong on the supporter.

바로  끊어지거든

This wire will snap right away if it's installed wrong on the supporter.

그러니까 진짜 조심해야 됩니다이거

This wire will snap right away if it's installed wrong on the supporter. -Be really careful with it. -This isn't my first day.

(남자5) 아유장사 하루 이틀 ?

-Be really careful with it. -This isn't my first day.

크레인도르래 다시 한번 점검해 주시고예

Please check the crane and the pulley again.



(남자5) 알바

Hey, part-timer. Don't loosen the pulley.

도르래 느슨해지면  된다

Hey, part-timer. Don't loosen the pulley.


Once it's loose, it might seem it's working at first.

처음엔 제대로 작동하는  같다가도

Once it's loose, it might seem it's working at first.

한두 번만 와이어 당겼다 풀면

But when you pull the wire and let it go, the screws will fall out.

나사가 풀려 버린다고알았어?

But when you pull the wire and let it go, the screws will fall out. -Got it? -Yes, sir.


-Got it? -Yes, sir. Get on it quickly.

(남자5)  빨리 움직여빨리

Get on it quickly.

[불안한 음악]

( 형사아유이제 오세요?

You're late.

아유  알아내셨어요?

Did you find something?

[석의 한숨]

아니요별거 없던데요?

No. There wasn't much.

( 형사아유이젠 별게 없어

Nothing much?

[휴대전화  소리]

[ 형사의 피곤한 신음]



[휴대전화 조작음]

지난번 일은

I'm sorry for what happened to you last time.


I'm sorry for what happened to you last time.

이제  괜찮으십니까?

-Are you doing better now? -Yes.

-Are you doing better now? -Yes.

그렇지 않아도 궁금했는데

I've been wondering too.

지난번엔 저를  보자고 하신 겁니까?

Why did you want to see me last time?


There's something...

드리고 싶은 말씀이 있습니다

I wanted to tell you.

[의미심장한 음악] (그러니까 한서진 씨는

So, Han Seo-jin died three years ago for sure?

3 전에 사망한  확실한 겁니까?

So, Han Seo-jin died three years ago for sure?

어디로 여행 떠난다고 하고  보인 다음에

Right. He left for traveling and disappeared.

소식이 끊겼고요

And I didn't hear from him.

나중에 사망 처리 됐다고 얘기만 들었어요

I was told later that he was declared dead.

혹시 한서진  주변에

Did Han Seo-jin have an acquaintance

도민준이라는 지인이 있었는지   있을까요?

named Do Min-jun by any chance?

(얘기하는  들어 보셨다거나

Have you heard of him? He could've visited.

찾아온  있다거나

Have you heard of him? He could've visited.

(남자7) 서진 씨는 친구가 없었어요

Seo-jin had no friends.

우리끼리도    먹은 적이 없는데요

He never even had a meal with us.

누구 하나 찾아오는 사람도  봤고

I've never seen anyone visiting him.

그럼 혹시


( 사람   없으세요?

Have you ever seen this person before?

아니헷갈리신  아니에요?

-Maybe you got mixed up. -Sorry?


-Maybe you got mixed up. -Sorry?

 사람이 한서진이잖아요

This is Han Seo-jin.

(남자7) 한서진  맞아요

It's him with a different hairstyle.

머리 스타일만 다르네

It's him with a different hairstyle.


I'm sure of it.

[의아한 숨소리]

하세요저한테 하고 싶은 이야기

Go ahead and tell me what you wanted to tell me.

[불안한 음악] [촬영장이 분주하다]



누구 하나 '오셨습니까?' 하는 놈이 없고

No one is here to greet us?

아휴이게 뭐니?

This is horrible.

감독이랑 사전 미팅도 없이 바로 촬영장이라니

We've come straight to the set without meeting the director.

이게 바로 조연의 설움인 거야

This is the sadness of a supporting role.

그러니까 엄마 말대로 S&C

So let's work with S&C Group like I--

 끝난 얘기 그만해

Stop. It's already settled.

(감독세미  왔어?

Hi, Se-mi.

(세미안녕하세요감독님 안녕하세요 [저마다 인사한다]

Hi, Se-mi. -Hello. -Hello.

(감독오늘 피부  좋다

-Hello. -Hello. -You look good today. -I do?

(미연뭐야주연이 유세미였어? [세미와 감독이 대화한다]

-You look good today. -I do? What? Yoo Se-mi was the lead role?

[미연의 놀라는 숨소리]

Today's scene is a bit tough.

(감독세미 씨가 도전하는  아니니까

But it won't be a problem for you.

천송이  왔네?

Hi, Song-i.


Long time no see.

(감독) '한번 하자하자하다가 드디어 만났네

We finally get to work together.


We finally get to work together. It's nice to meet you.

이번에 송이  상황이  그래서 어떨까 했는데

I was worried about casting you due to your situation.

우리 유세미 씨가 강력 추천 해서 캐스팅하게 됐어

But Se-mi strongly recommended you to me.

[무거운 음악]


Did you?


Yes. That's what you did for me too.

너도  나한테 그래 줬잖아

Yes. That's what you did for me too.

(감독 촬영부터 와이어 신인데

We're kicking off with some wire work.

우리 송이 씨가 액션  하잖아

You're good with actions, right?

(송이 하죠제가

Yes, I'm pretty good.

일단 합부터 맞춰야 되니까

Let's talk to the action director since we need to go over some moves.

무술 감독하고 얘기를   보자고

Let's talk to the action director since we need to go over some moves.

(감독점검 끝났냐?

-Done with the checkup? -Yes, sir.


-Done with the checkup? -Yes, sir.

(선영 부탁한다송이야

Please do a good job, Song-i.

조연이 옆에서  받쳐 줘야 주연이 빛나니까?

It's the support role's job to make the lead role shine.


Let's go.

(미연들었니들었지 여편네 얘기하는 

Did you hear that? You heard what she said.

엄마가 맨날 세미 엄마한테 했던 소리잖아

That's what you used to say to Se-mi's mom.

(송이 만큼 받는 겁니다여사님

It's the karma, Ms. Yang.

Hey. Whose side are you on?

 누구 편이야?

Hey. Whose side are you on?


Are you out of your mind?

왜요 그런 생각을 하세요?

Why? Why are you doing this?


Otherwise, I have to kill Lee Jae-gyeong.

내가 이재경을 죽여야 됩니다

Otherwise, I have to kill Lee Jae-gyeong.

(민준죽이든지멈추게 하든지

It's either killing him or stopping him.


It's either killing him or stopping him.

아니면 천송이가 죽을 수도 있어요

Or Song-i might get killed.

천송이가 형사에게

Song-i told the detective

이재경과 한유라 관계를 얘기했어요

about Lee Jae-gyeong and Han Yu-ra.

시간이 없습니다

There's not much time.


무슨 소리예요?

What are you talking about?



[불안한 음악]



Really? What a good boy.


Really? What a good boy.

약속도  지키고

He keeps his words.

천송이 쪽은?

How's Cheon Song-i doing?

(무술 감독

It's not the center.

센터가  맞잖아!

It's not the center.

(감독진짜 스턴트 없이 본인이  해도 괜찮겠어?

Can you really do it without a stunt?


Can you really do it without a stunt? You told me to.

 주면 고맙다고 했지

I said I'll be grateful if you do it.

(감독그게 아무래도  실감 나니까

It's more realistic that way.


I should do it

주연  잡아먹으려면

if I want to dominate the lead role.

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

[당황한 숨소리]

(이제부터 하는 말은 영상 녹화에 들어갑니다

Everything you're going to say now will be recorded.


Do I have your consent?


Yes, you do.


You may start now.

[긴장되는 음악]

(송이도민준! [리드미컬한 음악]

Do Min-jun!

 여기 북한산인데!

I'm on Bukhansan!

[등산객2 못마땅한 신음 지금  위험한데!

I'm in danger!


For real! Please help me!

살려 주세요!

Please help me!

살려 주세요!


[까마귀 울음 효과음]

[어이없는 숨소리]

 이럴  알았어

I knew it.

자기가 무슨 외계인?

And he says he's an alien.

무슨 슈퍼맨?

He's Superman?


- (등산객5) 실성했나  - (등산객6) 그렇지?

She must have lost her mind.


저게 사람을 아무 때나 불러 대고

She keeps calling me at random times.

깜짝 놀랐잖아

She scared me half to death.


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