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  태양의 후예 14

Descendants of the Sun 14


(구급 대원) 이동 중 2리터 식염수 들어갔고, 혈압 80에 50He's had two liters of saline, his BP is 80/50.
다발성 총상입니다-There are multiple gunshot wounds. -Gunshot wounds?
총상이요?-There are multiple gunshot wounds. -Gunshot wounds?
[구급차 사이렌 소리]
(모연) CS 호출해주시고Please page more doctors.
(송 선생) 호출 이미 받았습니다 넌 저 환자 맡아I already received the call. Go take that patient.
[구급차 사이렌 소리]I already received the call. Go take that patient.
(모연) 환자 상태는요?How's the patient?
[깜짝 놀라는 소리]
[무거운 효과음]
[무거운 음악]
유시진 씨, 나 봐요 [가쁘게 숨을 쉰다]Yoo Si-jin... Look at me.
(모연) 나 좀 봐요!Please look at me!
내 목소리 들려요?Can you hear my voice?
왜 이러고 와, 나한테Why did you come to me like this?
정신 좀 차려 봐요!Please, wake up!
[모연이 가쁘게 숨을 쉰다]
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
안정준 상위Senior Lieutenant An Jeong-joon, what are you doing here?
당신이 왜 여기 있습니까?Senior Lieutenant An Jeong-joon, what are you doing here?
내 편을 믿을 수 없어 먼 곳의 친구를 찾아 왔습니다I don't trust my own, so I came all this way to see my friend.
나를 북으로 보내 주십시오Please... send me back up North.
남으로 망명이 아니고 북으로?Not to the South for asylum but North?
[자동차 바퀴 끌리는 소리]
[총소리 계속]
브라보 5-27 구역!Bravo, 5-27 section.
총격 교전 중, 총격 교전 중! 지원 바람! 지원 바람!Combat shooting in progress! We need backup! Backup! The target seems to be Senior Lieutenant An!
목표가 안 상위인 것 같습니다!The target seems to be Senior Lieutenant An!
[총소리]The target seems to be Senior Lieutenant An!
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
(안 상위) 놔!Let go!
[총소리] [자동차 바퀴 끌리는 소리]
[기계음이 울린다]It's a cardiac arrest!
(치훈) 심정지예요It's a cardiac arrest!
(모연) 150줄 차지 클리어! 슛!One hundred and fifty joules. Charge. Clear. Shoot.
[모연의 가쁜 숨소리]Two hundred joules. Charge. Shoot.
(모연) 200줄 차지Two hundred joules. Charge. Shoot.
- (간호사) 200줄 차지 - 슛!Two hundred joules. Charge. Shoot.
[기계음이 울린다]
(치훈) 바이탈 안 돌아옵니다His vitals are not coming back up...
(모연) 하나, 둘, 셋 하나, 둘, 셋One, two, three... One, two, three...
하, 돌아와요Please come back!
돌아와요 제발!Please come back. Please!
[기계음이 계속 울린다]
[긴장감 넘치는 음악]
[차 바퀴 끌리는 소리]
(대영) 탄 남았습니까?Do you have any ammo left?
약실에 한 발 차 세우겠습니다One shot in the chamber. I'll stop the car.
10 미터, 5 미터... 지금!Ten meters, five meters... Now!
[차 바퀴 끌리는 소리]
[총소리 계속]
[힘겨운 숨소리]
[심장 박동 소리]
[심장 박동 소리]
[사람들이 달려오는 소리]
[기계음이 울린다]
[모연이 흐느낀다]
(모연) 이러지 마요Don't do this...
이러는 게 어딨어 제발요How can this be happening to you. Please!
제발 정신 좀 차리라고 이 나쁜 놈아!I said wake up, you bastard!
[크게 흐느낀다]
[시진의 기침 소리]
(시진) 되게 아프네That hurts a lot.
[규칙적인 기계음]That hurts a lot. His pulse... came back.
(치훈) 맥박 돌아왔어요His pulse... came back.
유시진 씨 정신 들어요? [차분한 음악]Yoo Si-jin, are you conscious?
여기 어디에요Do you know where you are?
(모연) 나 보여요?Can you see me? Can you hear my voice?
내 목소리 들려요?Can you see me? Can you hear my voice?
안 상위는?Where's Senior Lieutenant An?
나랑 같이 실려 온...The patient who came with me that was shot...
총상 환자The patient who came with me that was shot...
살았습니까?Is he alive...?
그게 누군데! 누군데!Who is that? Who is he?
지금 당신이 남 걱정할 때야?Why are you worrying about someone else?
(모연) 당신 방금 죽다 살았어!You just almost died!
심정지 1분만 더 갔어도 당신 죽었다고One more minute and I couldn't have revived you!
내가 못 살렸다고!One more minute and I couldn't have revived you!
예쁜 거랑...You look so pretty right now.
딱 닮았네, 오늘You look so pretty right now.
[한숨을 크게 쉰다] 야! 이 나쁜 놈아!You bastard!
[기침을 한다]
(시진) 아...
근데... 나랑 같이 온 총상 환자The one who was shot and came in with me... Why are you getting up?
어딜 일어나요 지금Why are you getting up?
그 사람이 누군데Who is he?
혹시 그 사람이랑 둘이 싸웠어요?Did you get in a fight with him?
그 사람이 당신 이렇게 만든 거야?Did he do this to you?
아닙니다 친구...No... He's a friend. He's not-close a friend, but...
안 친한 친구입니다No... He's a friend. He's not-close a friend, but...
어딨습니까?Where is he?
[시진이 힘겨워 하는 소리]
(최 간호사) 대위님이랑 같이 온 환자요The patient that arrived with the Captain is wreaking havoc!
지금 난리도 아니에요!The patient that arrived with the Captain is wreaking havoc!
[무거운 음악]
- 오! - 아!
가까이 오지 마!Don't come any closer.
내 몸에 손대면 다 죽여버리겠어!If you lay a finger on me, I'll kill everyone.
지금 환자분 몸에 손 안 대면 환자분이 제일 먼저 죽어요If I don't take care of you now, you'll be the first to die.
환자분 지금 피 너무 많이 흘리셨어요You've already bled too much.
입 다물어Shut your mouth.
총 치울 테니까We'll put down the gun,
일단 의사에게 치료부터 받읍시다and have the doctor treat you first.
남조선 의사를 어떻게 믿어?How can I trust South Korean doctors?
수술실에서 살아나온다는 보장 있어?Is there a guarantee I'll survive in the operating room?
수술실 안보다 밖을 더 걱정해야 할 겁니다Be worried about what's going on out there not in here.
남이든 북이든 어느 편이든Whether it's the South or the North, whichever side you're on,
살리는 건 의사들뿐이니까only a doctor can save you.
일없어 [칼 휘두르는 소리]I don't need it.
움직이지 마!Don't move!
[기합 소리] 아...
[사람들이 놀라는 소리]
과출혈 쇼크예요-It's hypovolemic shock. -Dr. Song is waiting for him.
4번 수술 방에 송 선생님 대기 중이에요-It's hypovolemic shock. -Dr. Song is waiting for him.
지금 바로 올립니다We'll bring him up now.
부탁 하나 합시다Let me make a request.
수술은 강 선생이 맡아 줬으면 좋겠는데I'd like for you to operate on him.
너희들 잘 들어Listen, everyone.
이 환자 전신 다 찍는 대로 입원실 베드에 꽁꽁 묶어놔After he takes a whole-body X-ray, tie him to his bed. If anything's broken, put a cast on it.
어디 부러진 데 있으면 깁스 해놓고If anything's broken, put a cast on it.
반항하면 때리고!If he disobeys, beat him.
(송 선생) 다행히 긴장성 기흉이나 심장 압박은 없어Fortunately, there is no pressure on the heart.
(송 선생) 심음도 정상이고His heart sounds normal as well.
[규칙적인 기계음] [규칙적인 숨소리]
(모연) 메스 주세요Scalpel, please.
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
(송 선생) 이건 뭐지? 총상은 아니고What is that? It isn't a gunshot wound.
뭐가 박혀있어요There is something inside.
(대영) 안정준 상위는 제11군단 특작 부대 출신으로Lieutenant An Jeong-joon is an ex-Special Forces soldier from the 11th Corps.
현재 호위총국 소속입니다He is currently under the Protection Squadron.
2차 특사 회담 기간에는 휴가 중이라고 들었습니다He said he was on vacation during the second special summit.
휴가란 놈이 서울 시내 한복판에서A punk supposedly on vacation engages in a shoot-out in broad daylight?
백주 대낮에 총격전을 벌여?A punk supposedly on vacation engages in a shoot-out in broad daylight?
안 상위는 쫓기는 쪽이었고Senior Lieutenant An was being pursued
저 놈들이 쫓는 쪽이었습니다and those were the people pursuing him.
(대영) 무장 상태나 기동, 타격Judging from their arms, maneuvers, and reaction times,
납치 과정의 전술적 움직임으로 봐서는Judging from their arms, maneuvers, and reaction times,
특수전 훈련을 받은 프로들입니다they must be specially trained.
미국 애들은 아니고They aren't Americans. I think they are from somewhere near Russia.
러시아 어디 쪽 같은데They aren't Americans. I think they are from somewhere near Russia.
신원 확인됐습니다Identities are confirmed.
마토보니아 대사관 소속 무관들이라고 합니다They are armed officers from the Embassy of Matovonia.
대사관 무관 말씀이십니까?Armed diplomatic officers? Yes, Senior Lieutenant An used a forged Matovonian passport at the port of entry.
네, 안 상위가 입국 시에 마토보니아 위조 여권을 사용해서Yes, Senior Lieutenant An used a forged Matovonian passport at the port of entry.
그 때문에 쫓았다는 주장입니다That's why they were pursuing him.
위조 여권 때문에 대사관 무관이 총질을 해댔다?Armed diplomatic officers in a shoot-out over a forged passport?
핑계가 너무 성의가 없네The excuse is too thin. You did a good job.
(남자) 고생하셨는데 어쩝니까?You did a good job.
국제법상 우리가 데리고 있을 권한이 없습니다International law says we have no jurisdiction.
우리 손에 들어온 안 상위 쪽으로 더 파봐야죠We should find out more about Senior Lieutenant An on our side.
병원에서 연락 왔습니다The hospital called.
안 상위 수술 방금 끝났답니다Senior Lieutenant An's surgery just finished.
어떻게 됐습니까?How did it go?
- 뭐가요! - 수술-What? -The surgery.
[한숨 쉰다]
일단 목숨은 붙여 놨고He's okay.
방금 회복실로 옮겼어요We just moved him into recovery. He is still unconscious.
아직 의식은 없고 [시진이 한숨 쉰다]He is still unconscious.
그 환자 말고 목숨 붙여 놓은 환자가 하나 더 있는데Besides him, there is another patient whose life was just saved.
그 환자는 내가 의사로만 보이나 봐요?I guess that patient just sees me as a doctor.
그 의사는 1시간 전에 멀쩡하던 남자 친구가An hour ago, this doctor experienced hell when she seen her boyfriend
(모연) 피투성이에 심정지로 실려 들어와 지옥을 오갔다는데?An hour ago, this doctor experienced hell when she seen her boyfriend being wheeled into the emergency room in cardiac arrest.
- 미안합니다 - 그게 다예요?-I am sorry. -Is that all?
설명은? 이번에도 없어요?How about an explanation? Once again you don't have one?
내가 괜찮은지는 안 궁금해요?Aren't you curious if I am okay?
그 안 친하다는 친구는 애지중지 찾으면서?Instead you're asking about a "not-so-close" friend?
(모연) 낫기만 해요Just get better, I will kill you later.
죽여버리려니까Just get better, I will kill you later.
이것도 확 안 줘 버릴까 보다Maybe I shouldn't give this to you either.
뭡니까? [문 열리는 소리]What is it?
근데 이 환자가 왜 여기로 와?Why is this patient in here?
(대영) 단결Solidarity.
지금부터 이 병실은 저희가 통제합니다I will control this patient's room from now.
(대영) 의료진 출입 또한 일부 제한하겠습니다Medical personnel will be restricted.
협조 부탁드립니다Please cooperate.
[누군가 걸어오는 소리]
(모연) 아...
찾으셨다고 들었습니다I heard you were looking for me.
이것 때문에 저 수술실에 들여보낸 것 같아요, 유 대위님이I think Captain Yoo wanted me to operate because of this.
북한 환자 몸에서 나온 거예요This was in the North Korean's arm.
- (은지) 진짜? - (간호사) 네-Really? -Yes.
그 환자가 북한군이라는 소문이 돌아요There's a rumor he's a North Korean soldier.
근데 막 치료해도 돼? 북한 사람을?But can we treat a North Korean person?
그래도 해야죠, 다쳤는데Of course, we should. He's injured. We took an oath.
우리 선서했잖아요Of course, we should. He's injured. We took an oath.
넌 안 무서워?Aren't you scared?
피투성이로 총상까지 입고 실려 왔다는데He even came in all bloodied from gunshot wounds.
낮술 먹고 간판에 부딪쳐서 그렇게 된 건 아닐 거 아냐It wasn't because he got drunk and hit himself on a billboard.
저희는 뭐 우르크에서 더한 것도 봐서요We saw worse things in Uruk.
전 대원 총구 앞에 정렬!All the soldiers blocked at gunpoint.
막 단결, 단결!Saying, "Solidarity," while the guns were loading.
총들이 철컥철컥!Saying, "Solidarity," while the guns were loading.
손 떼! 움직이면 쏜다! 칙!"Hands off. If you move, we'll shoot."
씨, 뻥치시네!You're lying! What do you think you're doing? Selling medicine?
어디서 약을 팔아?You're lying! What do you think you're doing? Selling medicine?
(하 간호사) 뻥 한 대 차버리고 싶네I'd like to give it a whack.
뉴스요It's the news.
정치면만 보면 그렇게 욕이 나오네요I read the political section and can't help but curse.
(송 선생) 야, 하자애!Hey, Han Ja-ae!
너 인질로 잡혔었다며, 괜찮아? 어디 다친 데 없어?I heard you were held hostage. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?
그 새끼 어딨어! 내가 아주 반 죽여 놓을 거야Where is that punk? I'll beat him senseless.
반 죽어가는 거 살리고 오는 길이세요, 송 선생님이Dr. Song, you just brought him back to life from being senseless.
아, 내가 수술한 환자가 걔야?He's the patient I operated on?
아오 허준!Oh, Heo Jun. Oh, Schweitzer.
아오 슈바이처!Oh, Heo Jun. Oh, Schweitzer.
하다 하다 진짜Of all things!
네 남자 친구 피투성이로 북한 사람이랑 같이 실려 왔다며?I heard your boyfriend came in all bloody with the North Korean.
까만 옷 입은 남자들도 복도에 쫙 깔려 있던데The corridor is filled with men in black. How can you date a man like that?
(은지) 넌 어떻게 그런 남자랑 연애를 해?How can you date a man like that?
대체 네 남자 친구 정체가 뭐냐?Who exactly is your boyfriend?
그러게나 말이다You can say that again.
나도 모르겠다 뭐 하는 인간인지I don't know what kind of person he is either.
[문자 수신음]I don't know what kind of person he is either.
저 이사장님 호출요The chairman paged me.
이건 그럼...Then this...
쟤 왜 내 의견에 파르르 안 해?Why is she not bothered by me?
(치훈) 그거 뭔데요?What is that?
- 그 신원 미상 환자 소지품이요 - (치훈) 오!The belongings of the unidentified patient.
(치훈) 그럼 이거 다 메이드 인 북한인거네?Then these are all made in North Korea.
(치훈) 응?
안 써져요It doesn't write.
잘 안 나오는 볼펜은 침 발라서 쓰고 그러는 거야When a pen doesn't work, you put saliva on it to use it.
이건 제가...I'll take these.
그럼Well then.
뭐래요?What did he say?
아 저 볼펜이 그냥 볼펜이 아니고 독이 들었대Ah, that pen isn't just a regular pen. It contains poison. So I just almost died.
그래서 죽을 뻔했다네, 나 방금? 하...So I just almost died.
- (치훈) 선배님! 괜찮아요? - (하 간호사) 어!Are you okay?
아오, 아!
비켜요Move aside.
비키시라고!I said move!
아니 강남구에 병원이 몇 개인데 굳이 해성병원에서 이 난리야!Why, in all the hospitals in Gangnam, did you have to do this here?
특진료도 제일 비싼 병원에서!At the most expensive hospital!
공무 집행 중입니다 협조 부탁드립니다This is official government business. Please cooperate.
- 군에서 온 협조 공문입니다 - 순서가 틀렸잖아!-It's the document the army sent. -It's not how it's done!
-It's the document the army sent. -It's not how it's done!
(이사장) 강 선생 남자 친구는 대체How on earth is that just because he is injured
뭐 하는 사람인데 다쳐 누웠다고 공무 집행이야Dr. Kang's boyfriend is government business?
같이 실려 온 남자는 또 뭐고?And what about the other patient?
아, 둘이 싸웠나? 누가 이겼어?Did the two of them fight? Who won?
- 글쎄요 - 아, 졌네 졌어, 진 거지 뭐, 응?I'm not sure. Ah, he lost. He lost. I can see he lost.
싸움을 잘하기는 누구는 군대 안 갔다 왔나!Who hasn't been in the army?
군필이셨어요?You were in the army?
- 넌 날 뭘로 본 거냐 - 미필이요-What do you take me for? -The exempt.
그걸 물은 게 아니잖아 지금!I wasn't asking that!
정숙해 주시지 말입니다Keep silent, please. You keep silent. This is my hospital.
당신이나 정숙해! 여기 내 병원이야!You keep silent. This is my hospital.
책임지고 정리하세요You settle this.
보호자 자격이든 주치의 자격이든Either as a guardian or as the physician in charge.
- 따라와 - (비서) 예-Come here. -Yes.
[한숨 쉰다]
(시진) 대한민국 특수전사령부 소속 유시진 대위입니다 [긴장감이 도는 음악]I am Captain Yoo Si-jin of the Korean Special Forces.
안정준 상위Senior Lieutenant An Jeong-joon, what is your current affiliation?
현 소속이 어디입니까?Senior Lieutenant An Jeong-joon, what is your current affiliation?
대한민국에 밀입국한 이유가 뭡니까?Why did you secretly enter South Korea?
지시받은 임무는 뭡니까?What were your orders?
무슨 임무를 띠고 왔든Whatever your mission was,
여기 이러고 있다는 건 임무 실패로 보이는데you're here, so it appears you failed.
맞습니까?Is that correct?
안정준 상위Senior Lieutenant An Jeong-joon, I ask under the Geneva Convention,
제네바 협정에 의거 묻습니다Senior Lieutenant An Jeong-joon, I ask under the Geneva Convention,
망명 의사가 있습니까?will you seek political asylum?
목소리 한 번 듣기 힘드네It's so difficult to get him to speak.
이렇게 수줍을 거면 북한에 그냥 있지 그랬어If you were going to be this shy, why not stay in North Korea?
그 사이 뭐 한 마디라도 한 거 있어?Has he said even one word?
보고드린 게 다입니다What I have reported is all.
'북으로 보내 달라'"Send me to North Korea."
(대대장) 굳이 남으로 밀입국해서 북으로 보내달라는 게 말이야 막걸리야Why would you sneak into South Korea just to ask to go back to the North?
이유는 모르겠지만I don't know the reason, but official routes are blocked,
중국이나 러시아를 통한 공식 루트가 막혀버려서I don't know the reason, but official routes are blocked, so you chose the most dangerous one, through South Korea.
가장 위험한 남한 루트를 선택한 것 같은데so you chose the most dangerous one, through South Korea.
그 정도 곤란한 상황이면 망명밖에 없어Asylum is the only reason any one would go to that much trouble.
시원하게 털어놓으면 따뜻하게 받아준다Just answer and we'll welcome you.
생각할 시간 줄 테니까 계산 잘 해봐I'll give you time to think, so make the right choice.
(대대장) 넌 옆에서 계산기 두드려주고Help him punch in the numbers.
안정준이 몸에 지니고 있던 것들입니다The items An Jeong-joon carried on him.
휴가가 위장이고 비승인 블랙 작전 중이라면If the vacation was a lie, and he was on a black-ops mission,
이 안에 든 게 답이지 싶습니다the answer will be found here.
[긴장감이 도는 효과음]
원으로 가져가 최대한 빨리 풀어보겠습니다I'll take it to NIS and try to crack it as soon as possible.
[한숨 쉰다] 회담은 코앞이고 돌겠네I'm going to go crazy.
뭐래? 뭐 좀 떠들어?What did he say? Any word?
안 상위는 여전히 한 마디도 없고Nothing from the patient, only Captain Yoo is talking.
- 유 팀장 혼자 떠들고 있습니다 - 무슨 얘기하는데?Nothing from the patient, only Captain Yoo is talking. What is he talking about? About family, or trying to convince him?
어머니 나오고, 가족 나오고 막 설득하고?What is he talking about? About family, or trying to convince him?
아, 그게...That's...
면에 식초를 뿌리면 식초 맛이 강하게 나고If you use vinegar on noodles, the flavor is too strong but if you put hot mustard--
겨자를 바르면 겨자 맛이 톡 쏘더라If you use vinegar on noodles, the flavor is too strong but if you put hot mustard--
- 뭐? - (최 중사) 냉면 얘기지 말입니다What? He's talking about buckwheat noodles.
평양 1차 회담 때 안 상위가 가르쳐준What Lieutenant An told him at the summit.
이것들이 다 미쳤나!Are they all crazy?
당장 정보 보고 올려야 되는 거 뻔히 알면서 겨자가 뭐 어쩌고 어째?He knows we have to report ASAP, and he's going on about noodles?
하... 얘는 대위 계급 달고도What's with that punk being impossible to manage as a captain?
뭐 이렇게 행정이 안 돼 이 자식은 [전화가 울린다]What's with that punk being impossible to manage as a captain?
봐라 이거, 봐!See? Look at this. What am I supposed to do with this?
이거, 어떡하냐고, 이거!See? Look at this. What am I supposed to do with this?
예, 박병수 중령입니다Yes, this is Lt. Colonel Park Young-soo.
아, 그러니까So we don't know anything yet.
우린 아직 아무것도 모른다?So we don't know anything yet.
지금 그걸 보고라고!You call that a report?
회담이 내일입니다The meeting is tomorrow.
북측 대표 일정 하루 앞당겨서 이 밤중에 달려오고 있대고 [긴장감 도는 음악]The rep from the North is rushing to get here a day early.
(수석 비서관) 안 상위인가 뭔가 내일 오전까지 안 넘기면If we don't hand over Senior Lieutenant An by morning,
회담이고 뭐고 없답니다there won't be a summit.
어떡하냐고요?What's the plan now?
(남자) 북측 대표단 방금 자유로 통과해 서울 진입했답니다The North's delegation has just crossed into Seoul.
벌써?Already? How did he get here so soon? From Pyongyang to Seoul.
뭐 이렇게 금방이냐? 평양, 서울이?Already? How did he get here so soon? From Pyongyang to Seoul.
[한숨 쉰다]
일단 알았고It's okay, for now.
여보세요Hello. Report immediately if anything comes in.
뭐든 나오면 그 즉시 보고하세요, 네!Hello. Report immediately if anything comes in.
권력 서열 원 투 쓰리 장군도 아니고 말이야 지금, 응?We're not talking about the top three generals in a power battle here,
고작 상위 계급 하나 때문에this is just for a mere senior lieutenant.
남북한 고위 공무원들이 손에 손잡고 야근 중이라는 건데High-ranking officers of North and South are working hand-in-hand right now.
하!High-ranking officers of North and South are working hand-in-hand right now.
야, 이게 말이 되냐?Wow. Does this make sense?
안 상위 걔 정체가 뭐야 대체?What exactly is Senior Lieutenant An's identity?
(남자) 안 상위는 인터폴에 의해 지명 수배 중인Senior Lieutenant An is on Interpol's wanted list
살인 사건의 용의자일 가능성이 유력합니다Senior Lieutenant An is on Interpol's wanted list as the prime suspect of a murder.
살인 사건요?A murder case? Not terrorism or assassination?
무슨 테러나 암살 이런거 아니고?A murder case? Not terrorism or assassination?
이틀 전 도쿄에서Two days ago in Tokyo, a key eye-witness in a Yakuza crime,
야쿠자 범죄의 주요 목격자가 증인 출석을 위해Two days ago in Tokyo, a key eye-witness in a Yakuza crime,
법원으로 들어가던 도중on his way to the courthouse to testify, was murdered by a long range shooter.
(남자) 원거리 저격에 의해 살해 당한 사건이 있었습니다on his way to the courthouse to testify, was murdered by a long range shooter.
그 사건 용의자가 안 상위입니까?Is Senior Lieutenant An the suspect?
아닙니다No. The suspect's corpse was found on the ground floor of the building he shot from.
용의자는 저격 포인트로 추정되는 옆 건물에서No. The suspect's corpse was found on the ground floor of the building he shot from.
(남자) 사채로 발견되었습니다No. The suspect's corpse was found on the ground floor of the building he shot from. Senior Lieutenant An is wanted for that crime.
안 상위는 이 두 번째 살인 사건의 용의자로Senior Lieutenant An is wanted for that crime.
지명 수배 중입니다Senior Lieutenant An is wanted for that crime.
안 상위가 죽인 이 놈은 누구입니까?Who was it that Senior Lieutenant An killed?
(대영) 우리도 아는 얼굴입니다It's a face we're familiar with.
[칼 휘두르는 소리]
(대영) 리석진 중사Lieutenant Lee Seok-jin. He's from the Special Force 11th Corps,
안 상위와 같은 11군단 특작부대원 출신입니다Lieutenant Lee Seok-jin. He's from the Special Force 11th Corps, just like Senior Lieutenant An.
야쿠자 범죄에 연관된 옛 부하를 암살했다He assassinated his former subordinate who was linked to the Yakuza.
그게 안 상위의 임무였던 모양입니다-It seems like that was his mission. -So, why?
그러니까 왜?-It seems like that was his mission. -So, why?
안 상위 몸에서 찾은 SD 칩은 내용 파악됐습니까?Has the SD chip recovered been decoded?
암호가 굉장히 까다롭게 걸려있어서It is heavily encrypted, so it will take about a week to decode.
깨는데 일주일 정도 걸린답니다It is heavily encrypted, so it will take about a week to decode. But the North is asking us to hand him over by tomorrow morning.
근데 북에서는 내일 아침까지 안 상위를 넘기라고 하고But the North is asking us to hand him over by tomorrow morning.
남측도 동의할 테고And the South will agree to it. Then there isn't any time.
그럼 시간이 없다는 얘기인데And the South will agree to it. Then there isn't any time.
안 상위 입을 여는 게 제일 빠른 방법입니다Getting him to talk is the quickest way.
도청되는 거 알고 있어서He knows we're being taped, so it's hard to get him to talk.
잠금 모드가 쉽게 해제가 안 됩니다He knows we're being taped, so it's hard to get him to talk.
이럴 때는 보통 북에 있는 어머니나In times like this, a picture of his family in the North would help.
여동생 사진이 등장해야 하지 말입니다In times like this, a picture of his family in the North would help.
우린 다른 방법을 써보죠We'll try another way first. We need Doctor Kang and the SD chip.
일단 강 선생이 필요하고We'll try another way first. We need Doctor Kang and the SD chip.
SD 칩도 필요합니다We'll try another way first. We need Doctor Kang and the SD chip.
국정원에서 분석 중인 SD 칩 말씀이십니까?The SD chip that is being analyzed by the NIS?
빼오기 어렵겠지 말입니다?I guess it'll be hard to get?
아, 실수한 거 같습니다I think I made a mistake.
복사본 떠 놓고 보냈어야 하는 건데I should've made a copy before handing it in.
[시진이 혀를 찬다]I should've made a copy before handing it in.
혹시 이런 거 말씀이십니까?Something like this?
(시진) 용의주도한 사람So thorough.
강 선생님 병실로 올려 드리면 됩니까?Do you need me to send in Dr. Kang?
(모연) 팔목과 허벅지에는 과거 골절 때There's a bone fragment from a previous fracture that wasn't fixed properly.
제대로 제거 안 한 뼛조각이 붙어 있고There's a bone fragment from a previous fracture that wasn't fixed properly.
총상으로 인한 상처는 4군데입니다The gunshot injury is in four parts.
이번에 새로 생긴 것만요This is just the new ones from this time.
가장 심각한 건The most serious is the old shrapnel wedged by your spine.
척추 옆에 박혀 있는 오래된 파편 조각인데The most serious is the old shrapnel wedged by your spine.
그거 그대로 두면 자칫 경뇌막을 건드려If we leave it in, it could touch the dura nerve and you could be paralyzed,
하반신 마비가 올 수 있는 상황입니다If we leave it in, it could touch the dura nerve and you could be paralyzed,
안상위 환자분patient Senior Lieutenant An.
살아 있는 게 신기하다는 소리고요I'm saying it is amazing that you are still alive.
하나뿐인 목숨 막 쓰지 마시라는 얘기입니다I'm saying you shouldn't live your one and only life recklessly.
여기 남쪽에도 한 분 계시거든요There's another person like that here in the South.
그런 정신 넋 빠진 분이This senseless person.
그리고 이런 얘기까지는 안 하려고 했는데And I wasn't going to say this...
우르크에서 본 그 군인 아저씨요That soldier guy that we saw in Uruk.
- 누구 말입니까? - 그 왜 있잖아요!Who? You know the one that chewed me out for performing surgery on a dying patient,
죽어가는 환자 수술했다고 나한테 엄청 뭐라 그러고You know the one that chewed me out for performing surgery on a dying patient, that rockfish-looking guy who put you in isolation.
대위님 징계 먹인 그 우럭 닮은 양반that rockfish-looking guy who put you in isolation.
(모연) 아까 보니까 우리 의료팀한테 주사약 이거 뭐냐, 알약 이거 뭐냐I saw him earlier asking our staff about injection drugs and pills.
우리가 자기 부하야 뭐야!Are we his subordinates?
왜 막 함부로 대하고...Why does he treat us however he pleases…
[입 막힌 상태로] 뭐 하는 거예요!Why does he treat us however he pleases…
[속삭이며] 어떡해요!What am I going to do?
그러니까 제 말은 그 군인 아저씨가 눈치 채셨겠죠?So what I mean is that soldier guy probably understands now, right?
다시 봬서 제가 얼마나 반가운지?He knows I'm glad to see him again.
어우 나는 진짜 달려가서 안을 뻔했어요I almost ran to him and gave him a big hug.
다 아실 겁니다I think he knows everything since he is such a wonderful man.
(시진) 워낙 인품이 훌륭한 분이라I think he knows everything since he is such a wonderful man.
(모연) 아우, 어마어마하시죠He is an awesome man, yes.
- 강 선생 어머니는 잘 계십니까? - 예?-Is your mother doing well, Dr. Kang? -Pardon?
예, 뭐 반찬 해주신 거 생색내시면서Yes. She gets credit for all the food she makes for me and she spends my money on a regular basis.
제 돈 꼬박꼬박 쓰시면서...and she spends my money on a regular basis.
(시진) 안 상위와 조용히 얘기할 곳이 필요합니다I need a quiet place to speak with Senior Lieutenant An.
아주 잘 계시죠She is doing very well.
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
제대로 인사를 못 드려서요 날 한번 잡죠I didn't get to greet her properly. Let's set a date.
장소는 강 선생이 정해요You decide on the location, though.
꼭 그래야 하나요?Do I really have to?
난 싫은데I don't want to do it, and my mom wouldn't want me to do it either.
우리 엄마도 싫어할 텐데I don't want to do it, and my mom wouldn't want me to do it either.
걱정하는 일 없을 겁니다There's nothing to worry about.
못 지키던데You never keep your word.
부탁합니다All I'm asking is for is your help.
[한숨 쉰다]
다음부터는 술 취했다고 버리고 가지 마세요Don't leave me behind next time just because I'm drunk.
안상위 환자분은 30분 후에 CT실로 오세요Come to the CT room in 30 minutes with Senior Lieutenant An. I have to do more tests.
(모연) 검사 몇 개 더 해야 하니까I have to do more tests.
1분도 늦지 마세요 환자 꽉이니까Don't be a minute late because we are busy with patients.
허? 중령님?Lieutenant. Colonel, Sir? It's so funny to run into you like this again.
(모연) 어머! 어떻게 이렇게 뵙죠?Lieutenant. Colonel, Sir? It's so funny to run into you like this again. Wow, it's so nice to see you.
아우 너무 반가워서 어떡하지?Wow, it's so nice to see you.
달려와 안은 걸로 합시다We'll say you gave me a big hug.
우리는 어째 나라가 시끄러워지면 만나집니다We seem to always meet when there's a lot going on in the country.
아, 그러네요 그럼 전I know, right? Well, then, Sir.
[숨을 내뱉는다]
(지수) 뭔데? 무슨 일인데?What is it? What's going on? Don't you know we're behind?
환자 쭉 밀려 있는 거 알아 몰라?Don't you know we're behind?
딱 10분만Give me 10 minutes.
도청 안 받고 의심 안 받을 데가 여기 밖에 없잖아This is the only place that wouldn't be wired.
도청? 의심?Wiretapping? What are you saying?
뭔 소리야?Wiretapping? What are you saying?
널 위해 몰라야 해It's for your own good.
난 지금 국가를 위해 일하고 있어I am working for our country right now.
국가도 알고 있냐? 자기 위해 일하는 거?Does this country know you're working for it?
Does this country know you're working for it?
하나만 약속해Just promise me one thing.
국가가 나를 부인해도 넌 날 기억해줬음 좋겠어Even if the country denies me, I hope that you will still remember me.
죽는다?Do you want to die?
- 아, 뭐냐고! - 쉿!What is all of this?
[지수가 펜을 놓는다] 아이...
여기는 도청 안 되니까 편하게 말해도 됩니다This place isn't wired so you can talk comfortably.
우리 편 감시까지 따돌리고 마련한 자리입니다I got us here away from the team's prying eyes.
길어야 10분At most, we have ten minutes. I want to help you.
도와주겠다는 얘기고At most, we have ten minutes. I want to help you.
당신에게 마지막 기회란 얘기입니다This is your last chance.
문제가 뭡니까?So what's the problem?
리석진 중사Lieutenant Lee Seok-jin...
왜 죽인 겁니까?Why did you kill him?
내 물건부터 돌려 주십시오Give me my stuff back first.
찾는 게 이겁니까?Is this what you're looking for?
이번에는 내가 답을 들을 차례입니다Now it's my turn to get some answers.
뭐가 든 겁니까, 거기?What's on that thing?
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
최정예로 훈련된 우리 공화국 특작부대원들이The special forces members who finished final training are on a mercenary market.
용병 시장에서The special forces members who finished final training are on a mercenary market.
(안 상위) 야쿠자나 마피아 같은 범죄 조직의 히트맨으로We were being sold at a high price as hitmen for crime organizations
비싼 값에 거래된다는 첩보가 있었소like the Mafia and Yakuza. There was an intelligence report on it.
북극성 13호, 임무 완료 입금 확인하십시오North Star #13, mission accomplished. Please confirm the deposit.
(안 상위) 내 임무는 공화국의 반역자를 처단하고My mission was to punish all the traitors
그 배후를 밝히는 것이었습니다and reveal who ordered the shooting.
배후가 누군지 밝힐 증거는 잡았습니까?Did you get the evidence to reveal who was behind it?
떠보지 마십시오Of course.
다 들여다 봤을 거 아닙니까I'm sure you looked into it already.
암호가 너무 빡세게 걸려있어서요The password was too complicated.
암호가 뭡니까?What is your password?
뭐가 들었는지 알려주면 더 좋고It would be easier if you just told me what's on it.
일없습니다None of your business.
공화국 일은 공화국이 알아서 하겠습니다Our Republic will take care of our own business.
공화국은...The Republic is... already doing something.
이미 뭔가를 하던데The Republic is... already doing something.
보위부 최 부장이Chief of Security Choi
당신 넘기라고 일정 당겨 내려오고 있습니다is on his way over here so we can hand you over.
당신은 내일 아침Tomorrow, you will be
북측으로 신병 인계됩니다transferred back to the North.
(모연) 혹시 여기도 도청 돼요?Could this area be wired too?
[소리 내어 웃는다]
아니요, 여기까지는No, not here.
어휴, 병실에서는 숨도 못 쉬겠어요I can't even breathe in the hospital rooms.
곧 상황 종료될 겁니다This will be ending soon.
- 아까는 도와줘서 고마웠어요 - 아, 미워 죽겠네, 진짜Thanks for your help. I seriously hate you sometimes.
안상위 환자분이랑은 얘기 잘 했어요?Were you able to talk with Senior Lieutenant An?
덕분에요Yes, thanks to you.
그리고 이름은 안정준입니다Oh, and his actual name is An Jeong-joon.
- 상위는 계급이고 - 아...-His rank is senior lieutenant. -Oh...
근데 북한 사람 이름 이렇게 막 얘기해도 돼요?Is it okay for you to blurt out the name of a North Korean person like this?
누군가는 기억해줬으면 해서요I just wanted someone to remember it, that's all.
특히 강 선생처럼 용감한 사람이Especially a brave person like you, Dr. Kang.
진통제랑 안정제 투약했으니까I gave him some painkillers and a sedative, so he'll be in a deep sleep for about five hours.
5시간 정도 푹 잘 거예요so he'll be in a deep sleep for about five hours.
[문 닫히는 소리]
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
[긴장감 넘치는 음악]
[숨을 가쁘게 쉰다]
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
어디 갑니까?Where are you going?
남쪽에서는 의사 허락 없이는 퇴원 못 합니다In the South, you can't be discharged without the doctor's permission.
비키십시오Move out of the way.
내 임무를 완수해야 합니다I need to complete this mission.
아침이면 북측에 인계된다고 말씀드린 것 같은데I told you, you'll be transferred to the North in the morning.
보위부 최 부장이랑은Is your relationship with Chief of Security Choi a difficult one?
만나면 곤란한 사이입니까?Is your relationship with Chief of Security Choi a difficult one?
날 찾아온 이유를 생각해봤습니다I thought about the reasons why you came to me.
내가 먼 곳의 친구인 이유는Because I'm a distant friend,
당신의 적이...your enemy...
나의 적이기 때문 아닙니까?is my enemy, isn't that so?
당신이 공화국을 배신한 겁니까?Did you betray your homeland?
아니면Or did your homeland betray you?
공화국이 당신을 배신한 겁니까?Or did your homeland betray you?
전사는A real warrior would never betray his homeland.
결코 공화국을 배신하지 않습니다A real warrior would never betray his homeland.
[전화가 울린다]
(최 부장) 누가 살았나?Who survived?
북극성인가?Is it the North Star?
명왕성인가?Or is it Pluto?
부장 동무Chief Comrade, sir.
역시 명왕성이It is indeed Pluto.
11군단 영웅 교관답군You are fit to be the hero instructor of the 11th corps.
반역자가...Are you the traitor?
부장 동무입니까?Are you the traitor?
[최 부장이 크게 웃는다]Are you the traitor?
그럴 리가 있나How could that be?
반역자는...You're the traitor, Pluto.
명왕성, 바로 너다 [긴장감을 고조시키는 효과음]You're the traitor, Pluto.
[누군가 뛰어오는 소리]
[긴장감을 고조시키는 효과음]
[긴장감이 넘치는 음악]
부탁입니다I'm asking a favor.
날 도망치게 놓아주십시오Let me run away.
북으로 가면 당신은 죽습니다If you go to the North, they will kill you,
배신자가 당신이든 공화국이든whether the traitor is you or the Republic.
내가 반드시 끝장내야 할 임무가 있습니다There's a mission that I must put an end to.
가면 죽는다니까You will die if you go!
죽어도 공화국에서 죽겠습니다Even if I die, I will die in the North.
보내주십시오Please let me go.
나 역시 조국의 명령에 따라 임무를 수행하는 군인입니다I am truly a soldier who follows the orders given to me.
(시진) 당신을 놓칠 순 없습니다I can't let you go.
평양에서 대접받은 냉면 값은The cost of the buckwheat noodles in Pyongyang,
낮에 총격전에서 충분히 갚았고I paid you back during the last shoot out.
[부드러운 음악]
(시진) 작별 선물입니다It's a farewell gift.
맛있는 거니까It's delicious, so save it for a special occasion.
아껴 먹기 바랍니다It's delicious, so save it for a special occasion.
친구분 배웅은 잘 했어요?Did you see your friend off safely?
친구분 퇴원하셨던데?Your friend discharged himself without his doctor's permission. There.
주치의 허락도 없이Your friend discharged himself without his doctor's permission. There.
저기로?Your friend discharged himself without his doctor's permission. There.
인사할 정도로는 안 친합니다We aren't that close.
아, 다시 통증이... 아...Oh, the pain is back.
- (모연) 앉아요 똑바로 - 예-Sit properly. -Yes.
저 유리창은 본인이 깼어요?Did you break that glass window?
제가 안 깼습니다I didn't break it. The guy who left broke it.
그 퇴원한 친구가 깼습니다I didn't break it. The guy who left broke it.
그럼 아래층 유리는 유시진 씨가 깼어요?Then did you break the downstairs glass window?
그것도 그 친구가My friend did.
그럼 수리비는 그 퇴원한 친구의 친구인 유시진 환자가 내겠네요?I guess as his friend, you will pay for the repair.
말씀드렸다시피 별로 안 친한...As I told you, we aren't that close...
이사장이 저거 누가 깼냐고You realize how much the Chairman is going to harass me about those?
얼마나 날 쥐 잡듯이 잡은 줄 알아요?You realize how much the Chairman is going to harass me about those?
이사장 어딨습니까?Where is the chairman?
하, 왜 남의 여자를 쥐 잡듯이 잡아!Why does he hold on to someone else's woman?
내 남자 친구가 북한군이랑 입원해 있으니까요Because my boyfriend got admitted with a North Korean soldier.
[전화가 울린다]Because my boyfriend got admitted with a North Korean soldier.
2시간 후에 올 테니까I'll be back in two hours, finish taking the IV and then wait.
링거 알뜰히 다 맞고 딱 기다려요I'll be back in two hours, finish taking the IV and then wait.
(모연) 어디 또 도망가기만 해요?Try running away somewhere...
[링거 뜯어내는 소리]
넌 태교를 해부학으로 하는구나 [소리 내어 웃는다]So you use dissection as your prenatal care.
예정일 일주일 남았댔지?You have a week left, don't you?
네, 다음 주요Yes. Next week.
아, 강 선생님 남자 친구 보셨어요?Did you see Dr. Kang's boyfriend?
- 잘생겼다면서요? - 잘생기면 뭐 하냐-I heard he is handsome. -What good is that?
북한군이랑 총 맞아 실려 오는 남자인데He was brought in with a North Korean soldier shot by a gun.
아, 그 북한군도 잘생겼다면서요?He was brought in with a North Korean soldier shot by a gun. I heard the North Korean man was also handsome.
빨리 통일이 됐음 싶더라Makes you wish for unification.
[같이 웃는다]Makes you wish for unification.
(은지) 야!Hey!
넌 옷 좀 갈아입고 돌아다니지?You should change clothes before wandering around.
배는 남산만해 가지고 수술복 입고 돌아다니면If you wear scrubs with a belly as big as Namsan,
환자들이 불안해 하지 않겠어?how will the patients feel?
야, 네 불안한 수술 실력은 좀 늘었냐?Hey, did your crappy surgical skills ever improve?
야, 넌 가운 꼭 입고 다녀Hey, always wear a gown,
환자인지 의사인지는 구분이 가야 되니까so people know if you're a patient, or a doctor.
뭐? 너 지금 뭐라 그랬어?What? What did you say just now?
악! 너 뭐 하는 거야! [경쾌한 음악]Ah! What are you doing?
악! 아!
어... 터졌어요-My water broke. The baby's coming. -Didn't you say you had a week left?
- 나오려나 봐요 - 야, 너 일주일 남았다며!-My water broke. The baby's coming. -Didn't you say you had a week left?
(은지) 아! 아!
산부인과 정 선생님 좀 호출해주세요!-Please page Dr. Jung from obstetrics. -Okay.
- 애 나와요 - 네!-Please page Dr. Jung from obstetrics. -Okay.
야, 이거 안 놔?Are you gonna let go?
- 야, 힘 줘, 힘 - 여기서요?Harder. -Here?
- 아니, 손에다 힘 줘 - 야! 표지수!No, with your hand. -Hey! What are you doing? -Fighting!
파이팅!-Hey! What are you doing? -Fighting!
[비명을 지른다]
[은지가 비명을 지른다]
[장 선생의 비명 소리]
- 원무과요? - (남자) 예-The hospital administration? -Yes. I came about the window repair fee.
창문 값 때문에 왔습니다-The hospital administration? -Yes. I came about the window repair fee.
유시진 환자 보호자시라고He said you were the guardian of Yoo Si-jin.
아, 그 환자가 누구한테 보호받을 사람은 아니지 않나?He said you were the guardian of Yoo Si-jin. Do you think that patient needs a guardian?
위층 아래층 두 장 깨졌고요The upper and lower floor windows are broken.
재난이나 천재지변으로 파손된 게 아니라서This didn't occur from a natural disaster, someone must take responsibility.
(남자) 누군가는 책임을 지고 물어주셔야 하거든요This didn't occur from a natural disaster, someone must take responsibility.
그게 저는 아니지 않을까요?Why do you think it should be me?
이사장님이 강 선생님한테 청구하라고The chairman told me to bill Dr. Kang.
제 생각에도 그게 맞는 것 같은데요?I also think that is right.
어금니 물어라Clench your teeth.
근데 넌 여기 왜 있어?Why are you here?
유시진 환자가 깨먹은 병실I'm the attending physician of the downstairs room that Yoo Si-jin broke.
아래층 주치의가 바로 저거든요I'm the attending physician of the downstairs room that Yoo Si-jin broke.
유시진 환자가 아니라 그 북한 환자가 깬 거거든?He didn't break it. The North Korean patient did.
근데 그 북한 환자는 북한으로 퇴원했잖아요But he got discharged.
- 그러니까 선배님이... - 어금니-So you... -Your teeth.
[전화가 울린다] (치훈) 잠시만요Wait a minute.
아기가요?The baby?
- 애가 나온대? 지금? - (치훈) 네! 바로 갈게요!-The baby's coming now? -Yes. I'll be right there.
- 저 먼저 가요! - 어, 가, 가! 허!-I'm going. -Oh, okay. Go. Go.
애가 나온대요! 세상에 너무 기쁘죠!The baby's coming! Isn't this such a joyous time?
(남자) 저기, 강 선생님! 선생님!Hey, Dr. Kang! Doctor!
(최 부장) 남조선 호구들은The pushovers in the South are talking about some inter-Korea reunion
이산가족 상봉이니 경제 협력이니The pushovers in the South are talking about some inter-Korea reunion for displaced families and economic cooperation.
북남의 미래가 평화 협상에 달려 있다고 떠들지They say the future of the southeast is dependent on peaceful negotiations.
그렇지만 철책은 높을수록 안전하고However, the higher a wired fence is, the safer it is.
북남 사이는 멀수록 좋은 거 아니겠어?The farther the relationship between the South and the North, the better.
(최 부장) 나가 있어Go outside.
내가 생각이 틀리지 않았어My thinking wasn't wrong.
원하는 걸 얻으려면To get what we want, it's threats over conversation.
대화보다는 협박이고To get what we want, it's threats over conversation.
평화보다는 긴장이지It's anxiety over peace.
동무 얼굴 다시 보니It's good to see your face again.
반갑구먼It's good to see your face again.
명왕성 51호 임무 보고하겠습니다Pluto #51, I will give a report on the mission.
공화국 전사의 명예를 배신한 북극성 13호는 징벌하였고I've carried out the punishment on North Star #13 for betraying the Republic.
지령을 내린 목소리도 확인했습니다I was able to verify the voice that gave the orders.
알지I know.
거래 내역이 담긴 파일도 확보했다 들었고I also heard that the transaction file was secured.
파일 어딨어?Where is the file?
남조선 애들이 조용한 거 보면 아직 암호는 못 깬 거 같고Seeing how quiet the southerners are, it looks like nobody has cracked it.
훈련받은 대로 몸속 어딘가에 잘 지니고 있겠구먼It should be doing well somewhere inside your body. Working as intended.
[긴장감이 도는 음악]
비밀은 반역자의 시신과 함께 영원히 묻어 두겠어The secret should be buried forever with the traitor's corpse.
마지막으로 할 말 있으면 해라Speak, if you have any last words.
제사상에On my memorial table, just put a bowl of Pyongyang buckwheat noodles.
평양냉면 한 그릇 말아 올려 주시지요On my memorial table, just put a bowl of Pyongyang buckwheat noodles.
기왕이면If possible, I ask that you make it a bowl of Koryo Hotel's buckwheat noodles.
고려 호텔 옥류관 냉면으로 부탁하겠습니다If possible, I ask that you make it a bowl of Koryo Hotel's buckwheat noodles.
[소리 내어 웃는다]
그게 뭐 어렵겠나That isn't difficult to do.
할 말 다 마친건가?It seems you have nothing else to say.
유언 끝났으니Since the order is done, I will also perform my last duty.
마지막 임무도 마치겠습니다Since the order is done, I will also perform my last duty.
(안 상위) 공화국의 이름으로!In the name of the Republic, the traitor of the State Security Department,
반역자 국가 안전보위부In the name of the Republic, the traitor of the State Security Department,
최지호 부장을 처단한다!Chief Choi Jung-ho, I will execute you.
[긴장감 고조 효과음]
[무거운 음악]
[혀를 찬다]
(수석 비서관) 이게, 뭡니까?What is this?
이산가족 면회소 설치 합의를 위해For the settlement on the reunion meeting of the displaced families,
공화국이 요구하는 선결 조건입니다these are the requirements sought by the Republic.
안 상위 넘기는 걸로 우리 쪽 성의는We have already shown our sincerity by letting Senior Lieutenant An go.
충분히 보인 걸로 아는데We have already shown our sincerity by letting Senior Lieutenant An go.
남조선에서는 대화하는 거 좋아하지 않습니까?Don't people from the south like to talk?
계속해서 대화하자는 겁니다I'm saying we should keep talking.
문서에 적힌 요구 조건 해결되기 전에는 합의는 없습니다Before the conditions listed are settled, there should be a negotiation.
여기 쓰여있는 조건들이란 게...The conditions listed here seem to be…
이산가족 상봉이고 나발이고 뭔 상관이냐"Who cares about separated families? What do they matter?"
남북 대화 때려치우자"Forget the North-South communication."
이렇게 쓰여있는 거 같은데I think that's what is written in here. Am I right?
맞게 읽었습니까?I think that's what is written in here. Am I right?
[크게 웃는다]
북남 간의 대화가 좋은 점이The good thing about communication between the North and South
통역이 필요 없다는 거 아니겠습니까?is that we don't need interpreters.
그럼 답은 들은 걸로 알고I will take it that I have the answer and I will be leaving.
먼저 일어나겠습니다I will take it that I have the answer and I will be leaving.
잠깐 앉으시죠?Please sit for a moment.
이건 보고 가셔야 할 것 같은데I think you should take a look at this first.
"내역서 목록"
(수석 비서관) 부하들 팔아서 달러를 꽤 챙기셨던데It seems like you got some money for selling your subordinates.
0이 몇 개야, 0이? [긴장감이 도는 음악]How much is in here?
뭐야?What is it?
부장 동무와 안 상위를 즉각 평양으로 귀환시키라는There are orders to immediately send you and Senior Lieutenant An to Pyongyang.
(남자) 당의 명령입니다There are orders to immediately send you and Senior Lieutenant An to Pyongyang.
안 상위가...Senior Lieutenant An is alive?
살아 있어?Senior Lieutenant An is alive?
[긴장감 넘치는 음악]
[비장한 음악]
비밀은...The secret should be buried forever with the traitor's corpse.
배신자의 시신과 함께The secret should be buried forever with the traitor's corpse.
영원히 묻어 두겠어The secret should be buried forever with the traitor's corpse.
(안 상위) 기왕이면If possible, I ask that you make it a bowl of Koryo Hotel's buckwheat noodles.
고려 호텔 옥류관 냉면으로 부탁하겠습니다If possible, I ask that you make it a bowl of Koryo Hotel's buckwheat noodles.
암호 풀었습니다He has said the password. The password is...
- 암호는... - 평양 고려 호텔 GPS 좌표랍니다He has said the password. The password is... The GPS location of Koryo Hotel in Pyongyang.
(안 상위) 남조선 특전사 사격 솜씨 형편없구먼The South Korean Special Forces are hopeless.
[안 상위가 가쁘게 숨을 쉰다]
딱 죽지 않을 곳에 쐈어He shot me right where it wouldn't kill me.
[숨을 내뱉는다]
(남자) 조용히 같이 가시지요 교관 동무Come with us silently, Comrade.
허튼수작 부리면I have an order to bring in your corpse if you try anything funny.
시체로 들고 오라는 명령입니다I have an order to bring in your corpse if you try anything funny.
2분만 지체하지Give me just two minutes.
과자 하나 먹고 갈 시간은 있지 않나?Can I have a snack before we go?
(안 상위) 과자 값은For the sake of a cookie.
저승에 가서도 꼭 갚겠습니다I will definitely pay for it, even in the next life.
[부드러운 음악]I will definitely pay for it, even in the next life.
덕분에Thanks to you...
공화국으로 돌아가I can go back to my country
전사로 죽을 수 있게 됐습니다and I can die there as a soldier.
고맙습니다Thank you.
최 부장 일행, 오찬 취소하고 평양으로 바로 출발했답니다Chief Choi and his group canceled the luncheon and left for Pyongyang.
[웃으며] 그러겠지Chief Choi and his group canceled the luncheon and left for Pyongyang. That's right.
근데, 이렇게 정치적인 거래로But… is it okay to hand over the original through a political trade?
저 중요한 원본을 넘겨도 괜찮을까요?But… is it okay to hand over the original through a political trade?
뭐 어때? 복사본 많은데Why would that be an issue? We have many copies.
최 부장이랑 사이 아주 안 좋은 박 장군이라고 있어There's a person called General Park, who is on bad terms with Chief Choi.
내가 그 친구 쏴줬어 이메일로I shot him... an email.
(수석 비서관) 대한민국 IT 강국이잖아South Korea is strong in IT.
정치는 윤리를 기반으로 해야 하는 거야Politics should be based on the foundation of ethics.
나쁜 짓 한 놈은 벌받아야지The one who did bad should be punished.
사필귀정 권선징악Justice will prevail. Reward virtue and punish evil.
그럼 정치적 거래에 대한What about the ethics of keeping a political agreement then?
약속을 지키는 윤리는요?What about the ethics of keeping a political agreement then?
얘가 아직 멀었네You have a long way to go.
야, 정치가 어디 윤리대로 되냐?Hey, do politics always work according to ethics?
[한숨 쉬며] 기자회견 몇 시라고?What time is the press conference?
(수석 비서관) 넥타이 좀 골라야겠다I need to go choose a necktie.
[발랄한 음악]She's coming. Ten meters.
(대영) 옵니다, 10미터She's coming. Ten meters.
(대영) 서두르십시오, 5미터Please hurry. Five meters!
하, 깁스 때문에 바지를 못 벗겠습니다-The cast, I can't get my pants off. -Then why put it back on?
그러게 그걸 왜 다시 합니까?-The cast, I can't get my pants off. -Then why put it back on?
- 완전 범죄 모릅니까? - 1미터-A perfect crime? -One meter.
일단 누우십시오Hurry.
팀장님 방금 잠드셨습니다Captain just fell asleep.
많이 자면 좋죠That's good.
[코 고는 소리]
근데 어디 나갔다 오고 그러신 건 아니죠?You didn't just get back from being somewhere, did you?
어휴, 큰일 나려고Oh, how could we do that?
깨면 다시 올게요I'll be back later.
[코 고는 소리]
[문 열리는 소리]
[문 닫히는 소리]
아, 그거 하나...Wow, that...
(시진) 아...
- (시진) 도와주십시오 - (대영) 아니, 이거를 왜 다시...Why did you have to put that back on?
(시진) 아니, 내가 다치고 싶어서 다쳐...I didn't get hurt because I wanted...
팀장님 방금 잠드셨습니다Sergeant has just fallen asleep.
그러네요That's right.
서 상사님이 간병하시느라 고생이 많으시네요Sergeant First Class Seo is going through a lot caring for you.
이런 분들을 믿고 단잠을 이뤘네요, 내가?I forgot trusting people like you puts me at a disadvantage.
근데 여기는 왜...Then why are you here?
[한숨 쉰다]
[문 닫히는 소리]
(대영) 완전 범죄?Perfect crime?
창문 값은 어떡할 겁니까?What will you do about the windows?
그건 좋은 생각이 있습니다I have a good idea. How about we go halves like men?
남자답게 반반 어떻습니까?I have a good idea. How about we go halves like men?
아, 그게 좋은 생각...Oh, that. Great idea...
저 감봉 중이지 말입니다-I'm saying I'm on a reduced salary. -I'm saying I'm not manly.
전 남자답지 않지 말입니다-I'm saying I'm on a reduced salary. -I'm saying I'm not manly.
(모연) 여기서 뭐 해?What are you doing here?
오랜만입니다?Long time, no see. You've been well, right?
잘 지내셨죠?Long time, no see. You've been well, right?
매일매일 버라이어티하다I see a variety of things every day.
- 유 대위님 면회? - 네-Are you here to visit Captain Yoo? -Yes. He didn't die, right?
- 안 죽었죠? - 아직은-Are you here to visit Captain Yoo? -Yes. He didn't die, right? Not yet, but he will if I have anything to do with it
내 손에 곧 죽지 싶다만Not yet, but he will if I have anything to do with it
올라가 봐Go up! Sergeant First Class Seo is with him too.
- 서 상사님도 같이 계셔 - 주차하다가 봤어요Go up! Sergeant First Class Seo is with him too. I saw Sergeant First Class Seo's car in the parking lot.
서 상사 차 서 있는 거I saw Sergeant First Class Seo's car in the parking lot.
- 그래서요 - 그래서라니?-That's why. -What do you mean "that's why?"
- 서 상사님이랑 싸웠어? - 아니요Did you fight with him? No. We broke up.
헤어졌습니다No. We broke up.
이제 저랑 상관없는 사람입니다I've nothing to do with him now.
진짜? 왜? 언제?Really? Why? When?
- 하긴 - 뭔 결론이 그럽니까?-Makes sense. -Why do you jump to that conclusion?
이해가 간다고I understand. They are in Room 710.
710호야I understand. They are in Room 710.
둘이 아주 덤앤더머가 따로 없다They are Dumb and Dumber.
국가는 저 남자들 저러는 거 몰라야 될 텐데The country better not find out those men are like that.
서 상사는 어디 다친 데 없죠?Sergeant First Class Seo wasn't hurt, right?
상관없는 사람이라며You said you have nothing to do with him.
이건 그냥 의사로서 물은 겁니다I was just asking as a doctor.
그럼 전 이만 마저 문병 갑니다I'm going.
[한숨 쉰다]
그대 연애도 참...Your love life is also...
이 병실 나만 숨 막혀?Am I the only one suffocating in this room?
야, 너는 병문안 왔으면If you're here for a visit, then can you show a little concern for the patient?
병 중인 사람한테 관심 좀 가져 줄래?If you're here for a visit, then can you show a little concern for the patient?
밖에 걱정해줄 여자 친구분 계시던데Your girlfriend who's worrying a lot, is outside.
불러 드려요?Your girlfriend who's worrying a lot, is outside. Should I call for her?
아니No. She already worried a lot and left.
이미 많이 걱정하고 가셨어No. She already worried a lot and left.
멀쩡한 거 확인했으니You look fine, so I'll just go now.
저도 이만 가보겠습니다You look fine, so I'll just go now.
야, 넌 우리 사이에 빈손으로 오지 이런 힘 나는 걸 사오고You could have come empty-handed, but you bought such a gift.
이런 거 사왔으면 의자 좀 권하고 좀, 예?At least offer her a chair.
- 두 분 말씀 나누십시오 - 내가 갈 거야-I'll let you two speak. -I'm going.
- 제가 나가겠습니다 - 내가 간다니까?-I will leave. -I said I will leave.
두 분 다 가면 전 누구랑 있습니까?If the two of you leave, then who'll stay with me?
아예 선배 대신 누워 있었으면 좋았을 텐데It'd be better if he were lying there.
아, 아까 잠깐 나 대신 누워 계시기는 했어Oh, he did lie down here briefly in my place earlier.
너 모르지? 서 상사 엄청 고운 거You didn't know?  Sergeant First Class Seo is really feminine.
야, 아까 막 귀 옆으로 머리카락을...Hey, earlier he was putting his hair behind his ears.
- 농담한 걸 가지고 - 어, 이 얼굴I was just joking. Oh, this face! That's the face!
딱 이 얼굴로, 어?Oh, this face! That's the face!
귀 옆으로 머리카락 넘기면서 '어머'Pushing his hair back behind his ear, saying, "Oh my!"
'어머'는 안 했지 말입니다I didn't say, "Oh my."
[시진이 웃는다]
덤앤더머 맞네You are Dumb and Dumber. Take care of yourself.
몸조리 잘하십시오You are Dumb and Dumber. Take care of yourself.
어휴, 멍청이Ah, you idiot!
전 잡아보려고 최선을 다했습니다I did the best I could to help.
그러신 거 같아 말린 겁니다That's why I stopped you.
아...Ah, it'll be resolved this way?
이렇게 풀릴 건 아니다?Ah, it'll be resolved this way?
뭡니까 대체?What happened? Why did you break up?
왜 헤어진 겁니까?What happened? Why did you break up?
저 전역 신청서 냈습니다I... filed for a discharge.
- 뭐라고요? - 제가 할 수 있는 선택이-What did you say? -It's a choice I have to make.
그것뿐이었습니다it was just that.
뭘 냈다고요?You filed for what?
[한숨 쉰다]
- 죄송합니다 - 하...I'm sorry.
어떻게 이런 결정을 혼자...How could you decide this by yourself?
되게 섭섭하네I am really upset.
죄송합니다I am sorry.
사령관님도 아십니까?Does the Commander know?
사령관님 뵙는 자리에 명주도 같이 있었습니다Myeong-ju was also there when I saw the Commander.
어서 나가서 잡으십시오Go and get her, quick.
(시진) 인생을 건 여자인데She's the woman you risked your life for.
너무 오래 기다리게 하지 말입니다Don't keep her waiting for too long.
[잔잔한 음악]
[한숨 쉰다]
♪ 시간을 되돌리면 ♪
♪ 기억도 지워질까 ♪
♪ 해볼 수도 없는 말들을 ♪
♪ 내뱉는 걸 알아 ♪
♪ 널 힘들게 했고 ♪
♪ 눈물로 살게 했던 ♪
♪ 미안한 마음에 그런 거야 ♪
♪ 하지만 난 말이야 ♪
♪ 너의 밖에서는 살 수 없어 ♪
♪ 내게는 너 하나로 물든 ♪
♪ 시간만이 흘러갈 뿐이야 ♪
(하 간호사) 네 생각에는 둘이 뭐 하는 거 같냐?What do you think is going on with those two?
내가 봤을 때From what I can tell...
둘이 싸웠는데 윤 중위가 헤어지자고 한 거네They had a fight, and First Lieutenant Yoon broke up with him.
서 상사를 위해But it was for his sake.
그래서 윤 중위는 져줄 수가 없는 거야That's why First Lieutenant Yoon can't lose.
윤 중위는 좋은 여자니까Because she is a good woman.
내가 봤을 때는From what I can tell...
서 상사는 윤 중위가 어디 숨은지 아는 거야Sergeant First Class Seo knows where First Lieutenant Yoon is hiding.
(하 간호사) 가서 잡고 싶은데 안 잡고 있는 거지He wants to hold on to her but he doesn't.
열심히 숨은 윤 중위 자존심을 위해For the sake of her pride, she's trying hard to hide.
서 상사는...Because Sergeant First Class Seo is a good man.
좋은 남자니까Because Sergeant First Class Seo is a good man.
저녁에 뭐 하냐?What are you doing tonight?
별일 없음 나 쇼핑하는 데 좀 따라가자If nothing special, come shopping with me.
뭐 사는데?What are you buying?
(하 간호사) 쇼핑한다는 게 자동차였어?Car shopping?
한국 오면 차 바꿀 거라고 했잖아I told you I would buy a new car in Korea.
언제 지진 나서 죽을지도 모르는데 돈 아껴서 뭐 하냐?What's the use of saving money when you might die?
다 쓰고 죽을 거야I'll die broke.
아무한테도 안 남기고 내가 다 쓸 거야I'm going to spend it on myself.
다 쓰고 안 죽으면 어떡해?What if you don't die?
아이씨, 그 생각은 못 했어도 차는 바꿀 거야Regardless, I'll still spend it.
골라봐Pick and choose.
뭐가 예쁘냐?What do you like?
이거 예쁘네I like this one.
어! 너 방금 내 인생에 간섭했어You just interfered in my life. Why? Do you like me?
왜 간섭해, 나 좋아해?You just interfered in my life. Why? Do you like me?
아까 저 직원분도 이거 권했거든?The salesman recommended it, too.
어! 너 나 유심히 봤어?You just made eye contact with me. Is it because you like me?
왜 유심히 봐, 나 좋아해?You just made eye contact with me. Is it because you like me?
어! 너 방금 나 좋아했어 왜 좋아해, 너 나 좋아...You just said you liked me. Why? Do you--
어? 뭐? 어?
- (송 선생) 어머... - 빨리 사, 배고프다-Oh, wow. -Hurry up and sign. I'm hungry.
여기 계약서 주세요 빨리요Please bring me a contract. Quickly.
[부드러운 음악]
(아나운서) 남북이 오늘 오전The South and North decided to hold a reunion for 100 families next month.
다음 달 이산가족 100명이 참가하는The South and North decided to hold a reunion for 100 families next month.
상봉 행사를 열기로 합의했습니다The South and North decided to hold a reunion for 100 families next month.
남북은 어제부터 판문점에서 진행된During yesterday's South-North Summit held in Panmunjom,
고위급 접촉 회담에서 이러한 내용에 합의하고 합의서를 채택했습니다During yesterday's South-North Summit held in Panmunjom, they agreed and produced a signed agreement.
이에 따라 그동안 중단되었던 남북 이산가족 상봉 행사가As a result, the delayed family reunions, will be held for first time in five years.
5년 만에 재개되었습니다As a result, the delayed family reunions, will be held for first time in five years.
[아나운서가 계속 말한다]The two Koreas will meet soon to figure out the details.
[부드러운 음악]
졸지 마요 퇴근해서 온 거니까Don't worry. I'm here because I'm off work.
집으로 안 가고요?You're not going home?
오늘까지는 내가 당신 보호자거든요I'm your guardian until tonight.
저 퇴원은 언제 합니까?When will I get discharged?
(시진) 한 일주일 있으면 안 됩니까?Can I stay here for like a week?
회진 핑계로 2시간마다 한 번씩 얼굴 보는 거I really like seeing your face every two hours because of your rounds.
너무 좋은데, 나I really like seeing your face every two hours because of your rounds.
너무 좋은데 나갔다 왔어요?You really liked it, but you still went out?
아까 어디 갔었어요?Where did you go?
- 답답해서 옥상에 - 옥상 가봤는데-The roof, to get some air. -I checked there.
이 건물 옥상이라고는 안 했는데I didn't say it was this rooftop.
또 백화점 갔었어요?Did you go to the department store again?
친구랑 같이?With your friend?
[희미하게 웃는다]
근데 왜 혼자 왔어요?Why come back alone?
서로 갈 길이 달라서요We had different paths to follow.
나 기분이 좀 그런데I'm feeling down.
야단치지 말고 위로해 주면 안 됩니까?Can you console me instead of scolding me?
기분이 왜요?Why are you feeling down?
한반도의 평화는 지켜졌지만I protected the peace of the Korean peninsula,
친구의 생사는 알 수 없는 밤이거든요but tonight, my friend may die.
애인은And your girlfriend is worrying about you.
당신을 걱정하고 있고요And your girlfriend is worrying about you.
환자 베드에 누워 봤습니까?Have you ever laid in a patient's bed?
올라와요Climb in here.
어떻게 거절할 수가 있지?How could she refuse?
[부드러운 음악]
그렇게 팍팍하게 굴 겁니까?Why are you being so hard on me?
명색이 내가 환자인데I am a patient, after all.
무슨 짓이나 할 수 있겠어요?I can't even do anything.
환자가 백화점도 갔다 오는데You went to the department store.
의사는 자신을 지켜야죠A doctor should protect herself.
뭔 소리입니까?-What are you talking about? -I don't know. I'm sleepy.
모르겠어요-What are you talking about? -I don't know. I'm sleepy.
졸려요-What are you talking about? -I don't know. I'm sleepy.
[희미하게 웃는다]
이치훈 선생 아까 낮에 아빠 됐어요Doctor Lee Chi-hoon became a dad earlier today.
아들이에요It's a boy.
선물하실 거면 참고하세요Remember that if you buy a gift.
아빠 닮아 귀엽겠네He should be cute like his dad.
축하한다고 전해줘요Please send him my congratulations.
수신 양호Transmission received.
걱정시켜서...I'm sorry for making you worry.
미안했습니다I'm sorry for making you worry.
살려줘서...Thank you for saving my life.
고맙습니다Thank you for saving my life.
우리는 왜 맨날...Why are we always thanking each other for saving our lives?
서로 살려줘서 고맙대Why are we always thanking each other for saving our lives?
[부드러운 음악]
다른 연인들은Other couples are thankful for giving each other rides home,
데려다줘서 고맙고Other couples are thankful for giving each other rides home,
기념일 챙겨줘서 고맙고thankful for celebrating anniversaries, or something like that.
뭐 그러던데thankful for celebrating anniversaries, or something like that.
미안합니다I'm sorry.
진짜예요?Is that true?
무슨 뜻입니까?What do you mean?
당신이 지켜낸 평화가 뭔지...I saw what kind of peace you protected on the news.
봤어요, 뉴스에서I saw what kind of peace you protected on the news.
(모연) 그렇지만Don't ever apologize for that.
정말 나한테 미안하면Don't ever apologize for that.
다시는 피투성이가 돼서 나타나지 말라고But don't ever show up covered in blood.
부탁이에요I beg you.
수신 양호Transmission received.
우리 영화 볼래요?Do you want to watch a movie?
그때 못 본 영화The one we missed?
VIP 병동에는 저런 멋진 게 있더라고요They have those cool things in the VIP rooms.
이런 멋진 것도 있고And this too.
(모연) 이야, 이 영화를 이렇게 보게 되네요Wow, we get to see the movie this way.
생각도 못 했어요I couldn't ever imagine that.
드디어 재생까지 오네요We finally made it to the play button.
저번에는 결제에서 끝났는데 [모연이 웃는다]Last time, it stopped at the payment.
시작한다It's starting.
♪ Oh love ♪
(모연) 누가 먼저 잠들었는지 알 수 없었다We didn't know who fell asleep first.
고단하고 긴 하루였고It was a long and tiring day, and I was in his arms.
그 사람의 품속이었다It was a long and tiring day, and I was in his arms.
그렇게 누워 나는 밤새 반짝였다Lying there, I felt the spark.
꼭 사랑받는 여자처럼I felt like a woman that was being loved.
우리가 못 본 그 영화는I wonder if the movie we didn't get to see
해피 엔딩이었을까?had a happy ending or a sad ending.
새드 엔딩이었을까?had a happy ending or a sad ending.
♪ 사랑해 ♪
♪ Everyday I'll give you all of my love oh o ♪
♪ 내게는 처음인 사랑 ♪
(시진) 씻는다면서요?Weren't you going to shower? You're still dressed.
(시진) 옷을 입고 있네요? 그거부터 보죠Weren't you going to shower? You're still dressed. -Let me watch you fill the tub first. -Don't even think about it.
(시진) 욕조에 물 받는 거-Let me watch you fill the tub first. -Don't even think about it.
- (모연) 꿈도 꾸지 마요! - (시진) 그런데 그거 압니까?-Let me watch you fill the tub first. -Don't even think about it. Do you know that we have never said "I love you" to each other?
(시진) 우리 사랑한다는 말 서로 한 번도 안 한 거?Do you know that we have never said "I love you" to each other?
(모연) 말로 안 하고 몸으로 했잖아요Our bodies said it instead.
(특전사령관) 이번 작전에 자네도 보낼까 하는데I'm thinking about sending you on this mission.
(특전사령관) 아니면 지금 바로 자네 전역 명령서에Otherwise, I may have to sign your discharge request right now.
사인을 하는 선택도 있어 어떻게 할까?Otherwise, I may have to sign your discharge request right now. -What should we do? -I would like to go.
(대영) 가고 싶습니다-What should we do? -I would like to go.
(시진) 계절이 바뀔 때쯤 꼭 돌아올게요I'll be sure to return before the seasons change.
(명주) 서 상사 복귀했구나! 허!Sergeant First Class Seo returned, didn't he?
근데, 최 중사님 여기 어쩐 일이세요?What brings you here, Staff Sergeant Choi?

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