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  이상한 변호사 우영우 14

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 14


‪(영복) 문화재를‬ ‪관람하지 않은 사람한테도‬Is there really a law that says
‪문화재 관람료를 걷으라는 법이‬ ‪진짜로 있소?‬people who didn't visit a cultural heritage must still pay admission?
‪(영우) 제가‬ ‪출장을 가도 되겠습니까?‬May I go on a business trip, please?
‪어, 어디로?‬Uh, where to?
‪제주도‬Jeju Island.
‪(명석) 신입 변호사‬ ‪여럿 데려가는 만큼‬Since I'm taking a lot of rookies with me,
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪밥값 제대로 하고 오겠습니다‬I'll make sure we do our best.
‪(민우) 바빠 죽겠는데‬ ‪다 같이 뭐 하는 짓인지 모르겠네‬I don't even know what we're all doing here. I'm busy as it is.
‪(준호) 변호사님이 추천하신‬ ‪고기국숫집으로 이동할 예정입니다‬Then we'll move on from there to that noodle place that you had recommended.
‪(명석) 아이, 그…‬They're closed.
‪(민우) 여기 문 닫은 지‬ ‪꽤 된 거 같은데요?‬Looks like it's been closed for some time.
‪고기국수는 행복국수인데‬Haengbok makes the best meat noodles.
‪(주지) 황지사에 와 보셨습니까?‬Have you been to Hwangjisa?
‪보는 것이 전부는 아닙니다‬Seeing isn't everything. There's more.
‪(주지) 눈앞에 당장 보이는 것에만‬ ‪현혹되지 마시고‬Remember not to be blinded by what's in front of you.
‪그 너머의 본질을 생각해 주세요‬Remember not to be blinded by what's in front of you. And keep in mind the essence of what lies beyond.
‪(수연) 뭐야‬ ‪왜 갑자기 어른인 척해요?‬What's this? You're pretending to be a grown-up?
‪어른인 척이 아니라‬Only I'm not pretending.
‪[민우가 봉지를 탁 집는다]‬I am one now.
‪어른이에요‬I am one now.
‪(승희) 어, 이준호 왔냐?‬-Hey, Jun-ho, you're here. -It's been a while, man.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪- (준호) 잘 지냈어요?‬ ‪- (정남) 처남‬-Hey, Jun-ho, you're here. -It's been a while, man.
‪부모님한텐 말 안 할 거지?‬You're not gonna tell our parents, are you?
‪(승희) 나도 부모님도‬ ‪너 행복해지길 바라는 거 몰라?‬All we want is for you to be happy and you know that.
‪너를 행복하게 만들어 줄 수 있는‬ ‪여자를 데려와야지‬You should be bringing home a girl who can make you happy. Not someone you have to take care of.
‪네가 보살펴야 하는 여자 말고‬Not someone you have to take care of.
‪[사람들이 저마다 놀란다]‬ ‪- (수연) 변호사님!‬ ‪- (준호) 변호사님!‬Atty. Jung!
‪- (준호) 변호사님, 괜찮으세요?‬ ‪- (수연) 괜찮으세요?‬-Atty. Jung, are you okay? -Are you okay?
‪[괴로운 신음]‬Hey, Atty. Jung! Wake up!
‪[명석이 숨을 헐떡인다]‬CASE 14 THE BLUE NIGHT OF JEJU II
‪[파도 소리 효과음]‬ ‪[갈매기 울음 효과음]‬CASE 14 THE BLUE NIGHT OF JEJU II
‪(명석) 아, 위암 치료는‬ ‪한국이 세계 1등이라던데요‬Well, they say Korea is the best in the world for treating stomach cancer.
‪아이, 그리고 저 4기도 아니고‬ ‪3기라니까 괜찮습니다‬And I'm not stage four. Only stage three, so really, I'm fine.
‪너무 걱정하지 마십시오‬And I'm not stage four. Only stage three, so really, I'm fine. Don't worry about it.
‪아, 아니요, 황지사 사건까지만‬ ‪제가 여기서 마무리하고요‬No, I'm gonna finish up the Hwangjisa case here and, uh, I'll go in for surgery as soon as I'm back in Seoul.
‪서울 가자마자‬ ‪바로 수술받겠습니다‬and, uh, I'll go in for surgery as soon as I'm back in Seoul.
‪쩝, 예, 알겠습니다, 대표님‬ ‪끊겠습니다‬Yes, that's no problem. Okay. Bye.
‪(영우) 위암 치료는‬ ‪한국이 세계 1등일지 몰라도‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Korea might be the best for treating stomach cancer,
‪3기니까 괜찮을 거라고‬ ‪방심해선 안 됩니다‬Korea might be the best for treating stomach cancer, but don't let your guard down because it's stage three.
‪위암 3기는 근육층‬ ‪장막하층, 장막층에 침습이 있거나‬That's the stage where the cancer has grown into the muscle or tissue layers,
‪주위 림프절에‬ ‪암세포가 퍼진 단계로‬has grown into the muscle or tissue layers, or into the lymph nodes.
‪수술을 하더라도 재발 확률이 높아‬The recurrence rate after surgery is high,
‪보조적인 항암 치료가‬ ‪권고되는 단계입니다‬The recurrence rate after surgery is high, so chemo is recommended.
‪5년 생존율이‬ ‪30, 40%밖에 되지 않고요‬Plus, the five-year survival rate's about 30 percent.
‪5년 생존율이 그거밖에 안 되나?‬The five-year survival rate's that low?
‪(준호) [헛기침하며] 저, 변호사님‬Um, Atty. Jung, have you scheduled the surgery yet?
‪그럼 수술 날짜는‬ ‪예약해 두신 건가요?‬Um, Atty. Jung, have you scheduled the surgery yet?
‪아이, 그럼‬Of course.
‪나 위암 진단 받은 서울 병원에서‬I booked a surgery date back at the hospital in Seoul
‪어, 수술 날짜까지 잡고‬ ‪제주도 내려온 거지‬I booked a surgery date back at the hospital in Seoul where I was diagnosed before coming to Jeju.
‪(명석) 나 알아서 잘하고 있으니까‬ ‪다들 걱정하지 마요‬And I'm doing fine, so don't worry about me.
‪(수연) 식사 조금이라도‬ ‪더 하셔야 하는 거 아니에요?‬Shouldn't you maybe eat a little bit more food, though?
‪다 남기셨는데‬You've barely had a bite.
‪어? 아이, 입맛이 없어서‬Uh, I'm not hungry and my stomach gets upset if I eat anyway.
‪또 억지로 먹으면 속도 안 좋고‬Uh, I'm not hungry and my stomach gets upset if I eat anyway.
‪(민식) 그럼 뭐‬ ‪죽이라도 해 달라고‬Well, should I ask the staff to maybe get you some porridge?
‪병원에 얘기를 한번 해 볼까요?‬Well, should I ask the staff to maybe get you some porridge?
‪아니요, 괜찮습니다‬No, I'll be fine.
‪뭐, 죽이라고 먹힐까 싶네요‬I doubt it'll be better with porridge.
‪(영우) 음…‬Mm…
‪그럼 고기국수는 어떻습니까?‬How about some of those meat noodles?
‪행복국수의 고기국수‬From your favorite place, Haengbok Noodles.
‪어? 행복국수‬Ah, Haengbok! They closed down.
‪거기 망했잖아‬Ah, Haengbok! They closed down.
‪(영우) 행복국수의 사장님을‬ ‪찾아내서 부탁하면 어떨까?‬What if we find the owner of Haengbok Noodles and ask him?
‪위암 3기로 곧 죽을지도 모르는‬ ‪한 변호사를 위해서‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬We can tell him it's the dying wish of an attorney friend who's suffering with stage three stomach cancer?
‪고기국수를 만들어 달라고‬who's suffering with stage three stomach cancer?
‪(명석) 아유, 됐어요‬Ah! There's no need to bother.
‪아, 또 엉뚱한 짓‬ ‪벌일 생각 하지 말고‬Don't do anything that's unnecessary. Just focus on the Hwangjisa case for now.
‪황지사 사건에 집중합시다‬Don't do anything that's unnecessary. Just focus on the Hwangjisa case for now.
‪행복국수의 사장님을 찾아내려면‬ ‪어떻게 해야 합니까?‬ ‪[사이렌 소리가 들려온다]‬So what do we have to do to find the owner of Haengbok Noodles?
‪(수연) 기어이 찾아 보게?‬You're gonna look for him?
‪아까 정명석 변호사님이‬ ‪엉뚱한 짓 하지 말라고 했잖아‬Atty. Jung just said not to do anything unnecessary.
‪(영우) 정명석 변호사님은‬ ‪엉뚱한 짓 하지 말라고 했지만‬Atty. Jung did tell me not to do anything unnecessary,
‪난 안 하겠다고 대답하지 않았어‬ ‪엉뚱한 짓‬but I didn't agree not to do anything unnecessary.
‪(그라미) 참, 역시‬Wow!
‪내가 아주 잘 키웠어‬I raised her well.
‪정명석 변호사님은‬Atty. Jung might…
‪살날이 얼마 남지 않았을지도 몰라‬might not have much time left to live.
‪(영우) 지금이 아니면‬What if he never gets to eat from Haengbok Noodles ever again?
‪다시는 행복국수를‬ ‪먹을 수 없을지도 몰라‬What if he never gets to eat from Haengbok Noodles ever again?
‪(그라미) 그래‬Right.
‪뭐, 지나간 짜장면은‬ ‪다시 돌아오진 않으니까‬Right. We only regret the chances we don't take.
‪(민식) 하기는 나도‬ ‪그, 마음이 조금 걸리더라고요‬It's been bothering me too, a little bit.
‪정명석 변호사님‬Atty. Jung's disappointment
‪행운국수에서 고기국수 드실 때‬ ‪그 아쉬운 표정이 좀, 쯧‬Atty. Jung's disappointment as he was eating the meat noodles at Haengun Noodles, it was sad.
‪(준호) 씁, 그럼 우리‬ ‪다 같이 한번 찾아 볼까요?‬So then, how about we all look together?
‪(수연) 왜 가만있어요?‬What's wrong with you?
‪아니, 평소 같으면‬Well, this is when you typically make a snide comment.
‪딱 이런 타이밍에‬ ‪얄미운 소리 하잖아요‬Well, this is when you typically make a snide comment.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪'그런 걸 왜 다 같이 하냐'‬"Why bother looking? No way! I'm out of here."
‪'너희들이나 해라, 난 빠진다'‬"Why bother looking? No way! I'm out of here."
‪아니, 뭐‬I mean…
‪행복국수 사장 찾을 수만 있으면‬ ‪나쁠 거 없죠‬It wouldn't be a bad thing to find the owner.
‪(민우) 나도 그 고기국수‬ ‪한번 먹어 보고 싶던데‬I wanted to try those meat noodles myself.
‪얼마나 맛있으면‬ ‪저렇게까지 말하시나 싶어서‬And see if they live up to Atty. Jung's hype.
‪권민우 변호사야말로‬ ‪어디 아픈 거 아니에요?‬Are you sure you're not coming down with something as well?
‪사람 성격이 갑자기 변하면‬ ‪죽는다던데?‬People's personalities change when they're near death.
‪아니, 뭐, 내가, 예?‬Oh, come on! Huh? I didn't deserve that.
‪뭐 어쨌다고 말을 또…‬Oh, come on! Huh? I didn't deserve that.
‪(준호) [어색하게 웃으며]‬ ‪자, 자, 자‬All right. Let's make a plan.
‪뭐, 사장님 행방을 찾으려면‬ ‪주변 탐문 조사부터 해야 되니까요‬All right. Let's make a plan. We'll have to canvass the area to find the owner's whereabouts.
‪다 같이 몰려다닐 필요 없이‬ ‪뭐, 팀을 나눠서 움직일까요?‬To save time and cover more ground, should we split up into teams?
‪팀을 어떻게 나눕니까?‬How do we decide who's with who?
‪(그라미) '엎어라, 뒤집어라' 해요‬We'll do "up or down."
‪'뒤집어라, 엎어라' 말이야?‬You mean "down or up"?
‪아니, '엎어라, 뒤집어라'‬-No, I mean "up or down." -You're talking about dedenjji?
‪'데덴찌' 말하는 거예요?‬-No, I mean "up or down." -You're talking about dedenjji?
‪(준호) 아, 이거‬ ‪지역마다 부르는 말이 다 달라요‬Every region calls this game something different.
‪제주도 버전은 엄청 길어요‬The version for Jeju Island is
‪뭐, '하늘과 땅이다'‬"Heaven and earth. Light and dark.
‪'일러도 모르기'‬"Heaven and earth. Light and dark.
‪'이번엔 진짜, 이번엔 가짜'‬What's false and true. Even if you lose, you win."
‪'못 먹어도 소용없기'‬ ‪뭐, 이런 식으로‬What's false and true. Even if you lose, you win." That makes sense, right?
‪- (민식) 아…‬ ‪- (민우) 아니, 우리는 그냥‬For us, it's just "Sky or land! Sky or land!"
‪(민우) '하늘이 땅, 하늘이 땅'‬For us, it's just "Sky or land! Sky or land!"
‪(민식) 아니‬ ‪우리 동네는 어떻게 했냐면‬Well, uh, in my neighborhood, it was…
‪[민식의 머뭇거리는 숨소리]‬Well, uh, in my neighborhood, it was… Uh… Never mind.
‪아니, 저…‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Uh… Never mind. My neighborhood, what?
‪(그라미) '우리 동네는' 뭐요?‬My neighborhood, what?
‪빨리, 뭔데 말하다 말아?‬Come on! Out with it!
‪우리 동네는 어떡하냐면, 그…‬In my neighborhood, it was, "High or low. Can't say crap even if you lose. Shove crap in your trap."
‪'엎어라, 뒤쳐라‬ ‪찌글러도 말 못 해'‬"High or low. Can't say crap even if you lose. Shove crap in your trap."
‪'아가리에 똥 처넣기'!‬ ‪이렇게 하는데‬"High or low. Can't say crap even if you lose. Shove crap in your trap." Like that. That's how we used to do it.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(민식) 다 그렇게 하는데‬ ‪우리 동네‬Like that. That's how we used to do it.
‪[민식의 웃음]‬
‪'아가리에 똥 처넣기'!‬ ‪이렇게 하는데‬"Shove crap in your trap!" Like that.
‪[민식의 웃음]‬
‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪[민우의 황당한 숨소리]‬
‪그냥 '엎어라, 뒤집어라'로 하죠‬-We'll just stick to "up or down." -Right.
‪예‬-We'll just stick to "up or down." -Right.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Up or down!
‪(수연) ♪ 엎어라, 뒤집어라 ♪‬Up or down!
‪아, 다, 다시‬Try it again.
‪♪ 엎어라, 뒤집어라 ♪‬Up or down!
‪다시, 다시, 다시‬Wait! Again.
‪♪ 엎어라, 뒤집어라 ♪‬Up or down!
‪아이, 정말‬Ugh! Come on!
‪(그라미) 그냥 둘이 해요‬ ‪이렇게 단합이 잘 맞는데‬You two should just team up. You're so obviously in sync.
‪(민식) 그래, 아이, 뭐‬Yeah, well, we don't have to split up evenly, right?
‪굳이 3, 3으로‬ ‪나눌 필요는 없잖아요, 예‬Yeah, well, we don't have to split up evenly, right?
‪(영우) 그럼 저와 그라미‬ ‪이준호 씨와 털보 사장님이 한 팀‬Then me, Geu-ra-mi, Jun-ho, and Mr. Hairy will be on one team.
‪최수연과 권민우 변호사가‬ ‪한 팀입니다‬Su-yeon and Min-woo will be on the other.
‪- (민식) 끝, 가!‬ ‪- (수연) 아, 왜? 아, 싫어‬-Done. -Wait, hold on! No!
‪- (수연) 다시 해!‬ ‪- (민식) 아이‬-Let's do it again! -Now we can start searching in teams.
‪(영우) 이제 팀별로‬ ‪조사를 시작합니다‬-Let's do it again! -Now we can start searching in teams.
‪(수연) 아, 아, 저‬ ‪다, 다시 하자, 어? 어? 자‬-Let's do it again! -Now we can start searching in teams. Hey! Hey, let's do it again, huh? Here! Up or down!
‪♪ 엎, 엎어라, 뒤집어라 ♪‬Here! Up or down!
‪[가게 안이 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪(종업원) 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪(가게 주인과 손님1)‬ ‪- 자, 잠시만 기다려 주세요‬ ‪- 예‬Just a moment.
‪[카드 단말기 작동음]‬
‪(가게 주인) 예, 감사합니다‬Yes. Thank you.
‪자, 어서 오세요, 예‬Welcome. Hi.
‪(준호) 저, 실례지만‬ ‪그, 말씀 좀 여쭤봐도 될까요?‬Excuse us. But could we ask you something?
‪(가게 주인) 어?‬Oh?
‪얼마 전에 우리 가게에‬ ‪오셨던 손님분들 아니세요?‬Weren't you in here to eat recently?
‪(준호) 예, 예, 맞습니다‬ ‪[민식의 호응하는 웃음]‬Yes. Yes, that's right. We wanted to--
‪저희는요…‬Yes. Yes, that's right. We wanted to-- Excuse me. Where we can find the owner of Haengbok Noodles?
‪(영우) 행복국수 사장님이‬ ‪어디 있는지 아십니까?‬Excuse me. Where we can find the owner of Haengbok Noodles?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 행복국수 사장?‬The owner of Haengbok Noodles?
‪[가게 주인의 한숨]‬
‪(가게 주인) 그 사람은 왜요?‬Why are you asking?
‪(민식) 아, 그, 저번에‬ ‪제주도 왔을 때에는‬Uh, we recall him being in business the last time we were in Jeju.
‪문을 열었던 거 같은데‬Uh, we recall him being in business the last time we were in Jeju.
‪씁, 이번에 와 보니까‬ ‪장사를 안 하는 거 같더라고요‬Uh, we recall him being in business the last time we were in Jeju. But this time, it seemed closed down.
‪그래서 이게 어떻게 된 일인가‬So we're just wondering if you knew what had happened to him. That's all.
‪우리 행운국수 사장님께서는‬ ‪혹시 아시나 해서‬ ‪[민식의 웃음]‬So we're just wondering if you knew what had happened to him. That's all.
‪어떻게 되긴, 도태된 거지‬What happened? He fell behind.
‪(그라미) [놀라며] 도태?‬ ‪도태됐대‬Huh? Really? He fell behind.
‪아, 우리 가게가 점점 더 잘되니까‬We were getting a lot more business, so we outcompeted him.
‪거기가 설 자리가 없어진 거라고요‬so we outcompeted him.
‪(가게 주인) 거기 사장도‬ ‪우리 국수 맛 따라온다고‬The man tried desperately to match our quality.
‪엄청 무지 용썼어요‬The man tried desperately to match our quality. But, well, he never did beat the original.
‪근데 결국 뭐‬ ‪원조를 못 이긴 거지‬But, well, he never did beat the original.
‪장사가 안돼서‬ ‪뭐, 문 닫은 지 좀 됐으니까‬He closed down some time ago penniless.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪행운국수가 원조입니까?‬Haengun Noodles is the original?
‪그럼 행복국수가 행운국수를 따라‬So did he name his shop Haengbok Noodles after Haengun Noodles?
‪가게 이름도‬ ‪비슷하게 지은 건가요?‬So did he name his shop Haengbok Noodles after Haengun Noodles?
‪[더듬거리며] 예, 예, 예, 맞아요‬Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's right.
‪(가게 주인) 아이, 나 안 그래도‬God, I've already had more than my share of stress
‪그 집 때문에‬ ‪속앓이 엄청 많이 했어요, 예?‬God, I've already had more than my share of stress from dealing with Haengbok Noodles, okay?
‪행복국수라는 이름만 들어도‬ ‪골치 아프니까‬Just mentioning that place gives me a huge migraine!
‪내 앞에선‬ ‪더는 말도 꺼내지 마세요, 예?‬-So I'm done talking about it, all right? -Excuse me!
‪(손님2) 사장님, 여기요‬-So I'm done talking about it, all right? -Excuse me!
‪(가게 주인) 예, 예, 잠시만요‬ ‪[가게 주인의 힘주는 신음]‬Yes, yes, just a second!
‪[주방장의 어이없는 숨소리]‬I'm going to take a breather.
‪(주방장) 저 잠깐‬ ‪바람 좀 쐬고 올게요‬I'm going to take a breather.
‪(주민) 나야 모르지‬To be perfectly honest, I have no clue where he went.
‪그 양반이 어디로 갔는지‬To be perfectly honest, I have no clue where he went.
‪이 동네 사람들‬ ‪죄다 붙잡고 물어봐도‬You can ask anyone in this neighborhood, but I doubt anyone knows anything.
‪안다는 사람 하나도 없을걸?‬You can ask anyone in this neighborhood, but I doubt anyone knows anything.
‪식당 문 닫고는‬ ‪하루아침에 사라졌거든‬He just up and left. He vanished overnight without telling anyone where he went.
‪어디로 간다 그런 말도 없이‬He just up and left. He vanished overnight without telling anyone where he went.
‪(수연) 식당 문은‬ ‪왜 닫으신 걸까요?‬Why did he close down the restaurant? What was the reason?
‪혹시 아세요?‬Why did he close down the restaurant? What was the reason?
‪그걸 못 쫓아간 거지‬He couldn't keep up with…
‪아, 그거 있잖아, 왜‬With, uh, you know.
‪(수연) 그거요?‬-Do I know? -What?
‪(민우) 뭐지?‬-Do I know? -What?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(주민) 행운국수에는‬ ‪얼마 전에도 그런 사람들이 왔었어‬Those people were at Haengun Noodles a month ago.
‪아, 그, 뭐, 뭐라 그러지?‬Uh, what are they called again?
‪아, 그, 인터넷에다 그…‬On the Internet, you know.
‪아휴, 아니‬No, no!
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪[알림음이 울린다]‬
‪(주민) 행운국수가 맨날 방송 타고‬While Haengun Noodles was being introduced on TV,
‪인플루언서며 셀럽들로‬ ‪북새통을 이룰 때‬it built up with influencers and some celebrities.
‪행복국수는 그런 걸 못했어‬Haengbok Noodles couldn't match that.
‪아, 그러니 별수 있어?‬So what else could they do but to be pushed out?
‪밀려나는 거지‬So what else could they do but to be pushed out?
‪근데 그 국수 맛 하나는‬ ‪행복국수가 아주 그냥 끝내줬거든‬Thing is about Haengbok Noodles is that their noodles were great!
‪(수연) 할머님 입맛에도‬ ‪행복국수가 더 맛있었나요?‬And is it your opinion that Haengbok Noodles were better than Haengun Noodles were?
‪행운국수보다?‬were better than Haengun Noodles were?
‪행복국수가 원래‬Haengbok Noodles was run by a mother and her son for many, many years.
‪엄마랑 아들이랑‬ ‪오래 해 왔던 데거든‬Haengbok Noodles was run by a mother and her son for many, many years.
‪그 엄마가 내는 육수는‬ ‪아주 그냥 베지근하니‬The mother's broth was very good.
‪[주민의 웃음]‬The mother's broth was very good. So delicious.
‪(주민) 진짜 끝내줬거든‬So delicious.
‪아이고, 쯧, 아쉽게 됐어‬Goodness, it really is a shame.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(주방장) 어, 이모‬ ‪그쪽만 좀 닦아 줘요‬Uh, yeah, can you clean the grill too? I'm so sorry.
‪어, 미안‬Uh, yeah, can you clean the grill too? I'm so sorry.
‪아, 늦었어, 어‬I'm late. Yeah.
‪아, 수고해요, 갈게‬You too. Have a good night.
‪하, 씨‬Oh, shit.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[주방장의 서두르는 숨소리]‬
‪행복국수…‬Haengbok Noodles. Huh.
‪[돌을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[덮개가 툭 놓인다]‬
‪[고양이 울음 효과음]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[주방장이 중얼거린다]‬There we go.
‪(주방장) 엄마야, 깜짝이야‬
‪아유, 누구…‬Who are… you?
‪행운국수 주방장님 맞으시죠?‬You're the Haengun Noodles chef, right?
‪[당황한 소리]‬
‪여기서 뭐 하시는 거예요?‬Why'd you come here?
‪[밥그릇이 잘그락거린다]‬ ‪(주방장) 아…‬
‪아니, 그게…‬Well, uh…
‪[고양이 울음]‬
‪[주방장의 한숨]‬
‪(주방장) 사실 그분이‬Truthfully, I'm his pupil.
‪제 스승님이에요‬Truthfully, I'm his pupil.
‪그분이라면은‬ ‪그, 행복국수 사장님이요?‬By "his", you mean the Haengbok Noodles owner?
‪(주방장) 예‬Yes.
‪사실 제가‬See, I…
‪여기 주방에서 오래 일했었거든요‬worked in this kitchen for a long time.
‪그래 봤자 아직도 사장님이나‬I'm still not as good as the owner or his mother, though.
‪사장님 어머님 실력엔‬ ‪못 미치지만요‬I'm still not as good as the owner or his mother, though.
‪그럼 행복국수가 문을 닫는 바람에‬ ‪행운국수로 오신 건가요?‬So you moved to Haengun Noodles because Haengbok Noodles closed down?
‪아휴, 아니요‬No.
‪제가 행복국수 일하고 있을 때‬I was still at Haengbok Noodles.
‪행운국수 사장님이 저를 그…‬The owner of Haengun…
‪스카우트, 이렇게 하신 거예요‬He, uh… poached me.
‪(주방장) 물론 뭐‬ ‪행복 사장님 입장에서는‬I mean, the owner of Haengbok Noodles
‪쯧, 제가 스카우트된 게 아니라‬doesn't see it that way.
‪사장님을 배신했다고 생각하시겠죠‬But rather that I betrayed him.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪그래도 이거는‬ ‪분명하게 얘기를 하고 싶어요‬But I want to be clear.
‪원조는 행복국수예요‬Haengbok's the original.
‪아니, 행복국수가‬ ‪맛있기로 소문이 나 가지고‬Haengbok Noodles was doing well because people knew how good the noodles were.
‪장사가 너무 잘되니까‬because people knew how good the noodles were.
‪행운 사장님이 저 스카우트해 가서‬ ‪국수 만들게 하고‬So Haengun's owner poached me and had me copy them.
‪가게 이름도‬ ‪행운국수라고 바꾼 거예요‬He changed the name of his shop to Haengun.
‪그, 행운국수가‬ ‪원래 부부식당이라고‬Uh, before that, Haengun Noodles was a diner.
‪그, 백반집이었어요‬They sold rice and side dishes.
‪(준호) 아‬They sold rice and side dishes. Ah!
‪그렇게 행복국수 손님들‬ ‪다 빼앗아 오고‬So after stealing all Haengbok Noodles' customers
‪방송도 몇 번 나가고 하니까‬and going on television,
‪행운국수는 자리가 잡혔는데‬Haengun Noodles did quite well
‪(주방장) 행복 사장님은‬ ‪힘들어지신 거죠‬while things got tough for Haengbok Noodles.
‪쯧, 결국 가게 문 닫으시더라고요‬Eventually, they fold it.
‪어디로 가셨는진 모르세요?‬You don't know where the owner went?
‪(주방장) 씁, 그…‬Well…
‪제가 행운 사장님 몰래‬ ‪한번 와서 여쭤봤었거든요?‬I came here once without Haengun's owner knowing.
‪이거 행복국수 문 닫으면‬ ‪어디 가서 뭐 하실 거냐고‬I asked him where he'd go, what he'd do if Haengbok closed.
‪네, 그랬더니요?‬And? What did he say?
‪(주방장) 하, 참‬
‪아니, 허허 웃으면서‬Well, he just laughed.
‪'산 좋고 물 좋은 곳 가서‬ ‪쉬어야지'‬He said he'd go relax somewhere that the mountains and waters are nice.
‪이러시더라고, 참‬He said he'd go relax somewhere that the mountains and waters are nice.
‪'산 좋고 물 좋은 곳'‬Where in the world is that?
‪그게 어디지?‬Where in the world is that?
‪(그라미) 제주도에 있긴 하대요?‬Is he even on Jeju Island?
‪(준호) 쯧, 주방장님도‬ ‪그런 것까진 모르시더라고요‬Well, the chef didn't really know that either.
‪그냥 산 좋고 물 좋은 곳에 가서‬ ‪쉬겠다는 말밖에는…‬Just that he said he'll go relax somewhere where the mountains and waters are nice.
‪(민우) 아니, 그런 데가‬ ‪무슨 한두 군데인가?‬That could be anywhere. This is getting complex.
‪아, 골치 아프네‬That could be anywhere. This is getting complex.
‪'산 좋고 물 좋은 곳'‬"Somewhere the mountains and waters are nice." "Somewhere the mountains and waters are nice."
‪'산 좋고 물 좋은 곳'‬"Somewhere the mountains and waters are nice."
‪(수연) 거기에 너무 꽂히지 마‬Don't get caught up in that.
‪그냥 관용적인 표현이잖아‬It's a figure of speech.
‪자연 경관이‬ ‪아름다운 곳이라는 뜻이니까‬It means a place with beautiful natural scenery.
‪(민식) 그렇죠‬It means a place with beautiful natural scenery. That's right. When people say nice mountains and waters,
‪보통 '산수가 좋다'‬That's right. When people say nice mountains and waters,
‪그러면 이제 '경치가 아름답다'‬ ‪뭐, 그런 뜻이니까‬That's right. When people say nice mountains and waters, they mean beautiful scenery. Right, Su-yeon?
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm…
‪그렇다면 혹시 산수요양원과‬ ‪관련이 있을까요?‬Hmm… Then maybe it's… It's the Mountain Water Nursing Home.
‪산수요양원이요?‬Did you say Mountain Water?
‪행복국수 문 앞에는‬A pile of unopened mail sat in front of Haengbok Noodles,
‪확인하지 않은‬ ‪우편물들이 쌓여 있었습니다‬A pile of unopened mail sat in front of Haengbok Noodles, and I saw that.
‪그중 가장 많은 게‬ ‪산수요양원에서 발송한 것들이고요‬and I saw that. Most of them were sent out from Mountain Water Nursing Home.
‪혹시 주소도 기억해?‬Can you recall the address?
‪[기계음 효과음]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪'제주특별자치도 제주시‬ ‪한백읍 경오로 30'‬Sansu-dong 1037, 30 Gyeongo-ro,
‪괄호 열고‬ ‪'산수동 1037' 괄호 닫고‬Hanbaek-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju self-governing province.
‪산수요양원은 제주도에 있어‬Mountain Water Nursing Home on Jeju.
‪(민식) 와, 잘됐다‬Wow! Look at that.
‪그러면은 그 요양원에 가서‬That means we could just go to the nursing home
‪사장님 어디 있는지‬ ‪여쭤보면 되겠다‬That means we could just go to the nursing home and ask where the owner is, right?
‪(준호) 제가 다녀올게요‬I can go.
‪저도 같이 가고 싶습니다‬I'd like to go as well.
‪아, 그러실래요?‬Okay, sure.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪(준호) 안녕하세요‬ ‪뭐 좀 여쭤봐도 될까요?‬Good afternoon. Maybe you can help me.
‪네‬Oh, yes.
‪저희가 행복국수라는‬ ‪식당에 갔는데‬ ‪[영우가 부스럭거린다]‬We went to a place called Haengbok Noodles.
‪문이 닫혀 있고‬But it was closed and all this mail was piled up outside the door.
‪이런 것들이‬ ‪그냥 땅에 떨어져 있더라고요‬But it was closed and all this mail was piled up outside the door.
‪아, 잘못된 주소로 가고 있었나?‬Uh… It could be the wrong address?
‪(직원) 아, 이분‬Oh, him?
‪아시는 분이세요?‬You know him?
‪네, 저희 요양원에‬ ‪이분 어머니가 계세요‬Yes, he is a very nice man. His mother is a resident here.
‪(직원) 한 달에 한 번은‬ ‪꼭 방문하시는 편이라‬He makes sure to visit at least once a month,
‪우편물 못 받고 계신지도 몰랐네요‬so I thought he was receiving our mailers.
‪어제도 오셨었는데‬-He was here yesterday. -Just yesterday, he was here?
‪아, 어제 오셨었어요?‬-He was here yesterday. -Just yesterday, he was here?
‪(준호) 아‬Ah.
‪저, 그럼 혹시 그…‬Well, in that case, we were hoping we could speak to his mother?
‪이분 어머니를 잠깐 봬도 될까요?‬Well, in that case, we were hoping we could speak to his mother?
‪네? 왜요?‬But why?
‪어, 행복국수가‬ ‪언제 다시 문을 여는지 궁금해서요‬Uh… We wanted to ask if Haengbok Noodles will be open anytime soon. We came a long way to try those famous noodles.
‪고기국수 맛집이라‬ ‪이렇게 멀리서 찾아왔거든요‬We came a long way to try those famous noodles.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 아‬Ah.
‪근데 어르신을 봬도‬ ‪대답을 듣긴 어려우실 거예요‬Even if you could meet her, she won't likely have an answer for you. She has dementia, so conversations are hard for her.
‪치매가 심하셔서‬ ‪정상적인 대화가 어렵거든요‬She has dementia, so conversations are hard for her.
‪(준호) [한숨 쉬며] 아, 그렇구나‬She has dementia, so conversations are hard for her. Ah! I see.
‪(준호) 행복국수 사장님이‬ ‪제주도에 계신 건 맞는 거 같아요‬I think the owner of Haengbok Noodles is on Jeju Island
‪한 달에 한 번씩 어머니를 뵈러‬ ‪요양원에 오신다는 거니까요‬since he visits his mother at the nursing home once a month.
‪(영우) 네, 하지만 다음 달에나‬ ‪다시 오시겠네요‬Yes, but he won't be back till sometime next month.
‪요양원에서 기다려 본다 해도‬Even if we wait him out, it wouldn't make a difference
‪서울 가기 전에‬ ‪사장님을 만나는 건 어렵겠습니다‬Even if we wait him out, it wouldn't make a difference because we would have already returned home by then.
‪[준호의 한숨]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬because we would have already returned home by then.
‪(영우) 응?‬Hmm?
‪여보세요‬Yes, hello?
‪(명석) 어, 우영우 변호사‬ ‪지금 어디예요?‬Where are you, Atty. Woo?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪아, 알 것 없습니다‬-It's not a concern of yours. -What? What did you just say?
‪예?‬-It's not a concern of yours. -What? What did you just say?
‪뭐라고요?‬-It's not a concern of yours. -What? What did you just say?
‪행복국수 사장님을‬ ‪찾는 일 같은 건‬We're totally not looking for the owner of Haengbok Noodles.
‪전혀 하고 있지 않습니다‬We're totally not looking for the owner of Haengbok Noodles.
‪그래, 찾았어요?‬Did you find him?
‪(영우) 예?‬ ‪아니, 아니요, 아직이요‬Huh? Uh, no, not yet.
‪씁, 우영우 변호사‬Atty. Woo, we, uh, came to Jeju for the Hwangjisa case, didn't we?
‪우리 황지사 사건 때문에‬ ‪제주도 내려온 거잖아, 응?‬Atty. Woo, we, uh, came to Jeju for the Hwangjisa case, didn't we?
‪그러니까 재판 준비에 전념합시다‬So you should prepare for tomorrow's case.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, okay. I will.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(영우) 흠‬
‪[준호의 헛기침]‬
‪(변호사) 지난 1983년‬In 1983, when the government announced
‪정부가 황지사 소유지에‬In 1983, when the government announced the construction of Local Highway 3008 on Hwangjisa's land,
‪지방도 제3008호선을‬ ‪짓겠다고 발표했을 때‬the construction of Local Highway 3008 on Hwangjisa's land,
‪황지사의 입장은 어땠습니까?‬what was Hwangjisa's position?
‪우리는 도로 건설을 반대했습니다‬We were against the road's construction from the beginning.
‪사찰 환경이 파괴될 것이고‬Because of the impact on the environment
‪스님들의 수행에도‬ ‪방해가 되니까요‬and the upset to the monks' daily meditation.
‪(주지) 무엇보다도 도로를 만들면‬Most importantly, building a road leads to so many lives being taken.
‪그곳에서 너무나도‬ ‪많은 살생이 일어납니다‬Most importantly, building a road leads to so many lives being taken.
‪수많은 나무가 베어지고‬Countless trees are cut down.
‪수많은 동물과 사람이‬ ‪교통사고로 목숨을 잃게 되지요‬Countless animals and people who would end up losing their lives to car accidents.
‪황지사의 반대에도 불구하고‬Did the government go through with the construction anyway?
‪정부는 도로 건설을 강행했나요?‬Did the government go through with the construction anyway?
‪그렇습니다‬Sadly, they did.
‪아, 대신 우리더러‬ ‪문화재 관람료를 받으라 하더군요‬They told us to start collecting cultural heritage admission fees.
‪(주지) 그래서 좋다고 했습니다‬And so, we agreed.
‪(변호사) 왜 좋다고 했습니까?‬Why did you agree?
‪지방도 건설로 인해‬ ‪황지사가 입은 피해를‬Were the cultural heritage admission fees compensating
‪문화재 관람료로나마‬ ‪보상받을 수 있어서인가요?‬for the damage to Hwangjisa caused by the construction?
‪그렇다기보다는…‬Well, it's more like…
‪돈을 내라고 하면은‬ ‪사람들이 적게 올 것 아닙니까?‬Fewer people will come if they are required to give us money.
‪(주지) 그래서 좋았습니다‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬So we liked the idea.
‪문화재 훼손을 더디게 하고‬The best way to slow down damage
‪살생을 줄이는 가장 좋은 방법은‬to the cultural heritage site and reduce the number of lives lost
‪사람들을 최대한 덜 오도록‬ ‪막는 것이니까요‬to the cultural heritage site and reduce the number of lives lost is to stop people from coming as much as possible.
‪나는 지금도‬ ‪그것이 문화재 관람료의‬And I still believe that's the main function of charging the cultural heritage admission fee.
‪가장 중요한‬ ‪기능이라고 생각합니다‬of charging the cultural heritage admission fee.
‪(변호사) 네, 이상입니다‬That is all. Plaintiff, your counselors may begin.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬Plaintiff, your counselors may begin.
‪원고 대리인, 반대 신문 하세요‬Plaintiff, your counselors may begin.
‪(영우) 황지사가 문화재 관람료로‬ ‪얻는 수입은 얼마입니까?‬How much profit does Hwangjisa earn from all those admission fees?
‪어, 글쎄요‬I'm not sure. I don't know the… the exact numbers at the moment.
‪내가 그것까지는‬ ‪정확히 알지를 못합니다‬I don't know the… the exact numbers at the moment.
‪(영우) 국토 교통부가 조사한‬Based on road traffic surveyed
‪도로 교통량 통계를‬ ‪바탕으로 계산해 보면‬by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport,
‪황지사는 문화재 관람료 징수로‬Hwangjisa earns one billion won every year
‪해마다 약 10억 원의‬ ‪수익을 얻습니다, 맞습니까?‬Hwangjisa earns one billion won every year from collecting cultural heritage admission fees. Correct?
‪말씀드렸지요?‬I already told you.
‪난 정확한 액수는 알지를 못합니다‬I don't know the exact amount of money.
‪황지사는‬ ‪문화재 관람료로 징수한 돈을‬So where does Hwangjisa use the money collected from all the admission fees?
‪어디에 사용합니까?‬So where does Hwangjisa use the money collected from all the admission fees?
‪음, 황지사와‬ ‪황지사가 소유한 문화재를‬Hmm, it's used to maintain and repair Hwangjisa's temple and the cultural heritage which Hwangjisa owns.
‪관리하고 보수하는 데 쓰지요‬and the cultural heritage which Hwangjisa owns.
‪황지사와‬ ‪황지사가 소유한 문화재를‬But you already receive the budget needed to maintain and repair
‪관리하고 보수하는 데‬ ‪필요한 예산은‬But you already receive the budget needed to maintain and repair Hwangjisa's temple from the government of South Korea, is that correct?
‪이미 정부로부터‬ ‪받고 있지 않습니까?‬Hwangjisa's temple from the government of South Korea, is that correct?
‪(영우) 문화재청은 올해‬ ‪문화재 보수 정비 사업에‬This year, the Cultural Heritage Administration has set aside 400 billion won for cultural heritage maintenance
‪총 4천억 원의‬ ‪예산을 편성했습니다‬has set aside 400 billion won for cultural heritage maintenance
‪전통 사찰 보수 정비에는‬ ‪120억을 책정했고요‬and 12 billion was set aside for repairing traditional temples.
‪황지사도 문화재청으로부터‬ ‪예산 지원을 받을 텐데‬Hwangjisa will be receiving some of that from the Administration,
‪시민들에게‬ ‪문화재 관람료까지 걷는 것은‬so isn't charging citizens the admission fee really double collection?
‪이중 징수 아닙니까?‬really double collection?
‪10억이니 100억이니 운운하니까‬ ‪크게 보일 뿐입니다‬It seems like a lot when you're saying things like one billion and ten billion.
‪(주지) 어, 황지사는 떳떳해요‬Hwangjisa has nothing to be ashamed of.
‪나라로부터도 관람객들한테도‬We only get the bare minimum from the government as well as visitors and we use it rather wisely.
‪꼭 필요한 만큼만 받아‬ ‪정직하게 사용합니다‬from the government as well as visitors and we use it rather wisely.
‪그렇다면 황지사의 예산 내역을‬ ‪공개해 주실 수 있습니까?‬Then could you please reveal Hwangjisa's budget breakdown perhaps?
‪음, 그것은 곤란합니다‬No, that's not possible.
‪황지사 내부의 일이니까요‬Because that is private to us.
‪방금 전엔 떳떳하다더니‬You said you have nothing to be ashamed of, yet revealing Hwangjisa's budget isn't possible?
‪예산 내역 공개는 곤란하다고요?‬yet revealing Hwangjisa's budget isn't possible?
‪[승려들이 저마다 혀를 찬다]‬ ‪[목탁 소리 효과음]‬
‪[승려들의 한숨]‬ ‪(승려1) 나무 관세음보살‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(변호사) [테이블을 쾅 치며]‬ ‪이의 있습니다‬Objection!
‪지금 원고 대리인은‬ ‪질문을 하는 겁니까?‬Is the plaintiff's counselor asking a question or being sarcastic?
‪비꼬는 겁니까?‬Is the plaintiff's counselor asking a question or being sarcastic?
‪증인은 많은 스님들과‬ ‪불자들로부터 존경을 받는‬The witness is the Abbot of Hwangjisa widely respected by many monks and Buddhists.
‪황지사의 주지 스님이십니다‬widely respected by many monks and Buddhists.
‪예의를 좀 갖춰 주십시오‬ ‪[버튼 조작음]‬Show some respect.
‪원고 대리인‬ ‪빈정대는 질문은 삼가세요‬Plaintiff's counselor, no more sarcastic questions, thank you.
‪[목탁 소리 효과음]‬ ‪(영우) 음, 네‬Mm. Okay.
‪작년 한 해‬Just last year, 62 reports were filed with the police
‪황지사가 매표소에서‬ ‪차들을 멈춰 세워‬Just last year, 62 reports were filed with the police
‪교통을 방해한다는 내용으로‬ ‪경찰에 접수된 신고가‬Just last year, 62 reports were filed with the police about Hwangjisa obstructing traffic by stopping miles of cars at the ticket booth.
‪62건이었습니다‬by stopping miles of cars at the ticket booth.
‪증인은 이 사실을 알고 있습니까?‬Were you aware of this problem?
‪항의하는 분들이‬ ‪종종 있다는 것은 알고 있습니다‬I know some people do complain, yes, every now and again.
‪그런데 왜 대책을‬ ‪마련하지 않습니까?‬Then why not come up with some solutions?
‪매표소를 황지사‬ ‪바로 앞으로 옮기는 등‬Aren't there some alternatives, like moving the booths so it's right in front of Hwangjisa?
‪여러 대안이 있지 않습니까?‬so it's right in front of Hwangjisa?
‪황지사가‬ ‪문화재 관람료를 받는 행위는‬Hwangjisa collecting cultural heritage admission fees
‪잘못이 아닙니다‬Hwangjisa collecting cultural heritage admission fees isn't prevented by law.
‪(주지) 문화재 보호법에 따른‬ ‪정당한 일이며‬It's justifiable under the Cultural Heritage Protection Act,
‪황지사와 황지사가 소유한 문화재‬and it's required for Hwangjisa, our cultural heritage,
‪황지사 주변의‬ ‪자연환경을 위해서도‬and for the protection of the nature that surrounds the temples of Hwangjisa.
‪꼭 필요한 일이에요‬and for the protection of the nature that surrounds the temples of Hwangjisa.
‪이런 일을 하면서‬Why do we have to come up with a solution for what is already legal and necessary?
‪왜 우리가‬ ‪대책을 마련해야 합니까?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Why do we have to come up with a solution for what is already legal and necessary?
‪(지수) 아니…‬ ‪[지수의 답답한 숨소리]‬I mean…
‪재판도 못 나갈 정도로 아프다면서‬ ‪여기서 지금 뭐 하는데?‬Why stay here when you yourself said you can't even go to court?
‪하루라도 빨리 서울로 올라가서‬ ‪수술부터 받아야지‬You should be going back to Seoul immediately and handle this!
‪아, 그, 그, 지, 지금 가도‬ ‪어차피 수술 못 해‬If I went home right now, I couldn't get the surgery.
‪예약한 날짜가 아직 안 됐어‬If I went home right now, I couldn't get the surgery. My appointment is set.
‪무슨 병원이 수술 날짜를‬ ‪그렇게 늦게 잡아!‬What kind of hospital would delay surgery? What are they talking about?
‪그냥 다른 병원 알아보면 안 돼?‬You can go to another hospital, right?
‪어, 안 돼‬No, I can't.
‪어, 그러면 예약 다시 해야 되고‬ ‪또 시간이 길어지고‬No, I can't. I'd have to make another appointment and, uh…
‪그러면 더 길어…‬ ‪[똑똑 똑]‬it'd be even longer…
‪(명석) 들어와요‬ ‪[지수의 한숨]‬Come in.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬Come in.
‪우영우 변호사‬Atty. Woo.
‪(영우) 문화재를‬ ‪관람하지 않았으니‬The plaintiff's claim that he won't pay the admission fee because he didn't visit
‪문화재 관람료를 내지 않겠다는‬ ‪원고의 주장은 타당한데도‬The plaintiff's claim that he won't pay the admission fee because he didn't visit the cultural heritage is valid, so why are we…
‪우리는 왜…‬the cultural heritage is valid, so why are we…
‪어, '왜'?‬Why are we?
‪재판에 지고 있을까요?‬Why are we losing the trial? We can't even make one crack in the defendant's simple claim
‪황지사는 잘못한 게 없다는‬ ‪피고의 단순한 주장을‬We can't even make one crack in the defendant's simple claim
‪전혀 깨트리지 못하고 있습니다‬We can't even make one crack in the defendant's simple claim that Hwangjisa did nothing wrong.
‪(지수) 어, 실례지만‬Excuse me.
‪누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪[당황하며] 저는 우영우입니다‬I'm Woo Young-woo. Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo.
‪똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토, 스위스‬ ‪인도인, 별똥별, 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo. Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪예?‬Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo. -Huh? -Hmm, she's an attorney that I work with.
‪(명석) 응, 변호사야‬ ‪나랑 같이 일하는‬-Huh? -Hmm, she's an attorney that I work with.
‪실례지만 누구십니까?‬Excuse me, and who are you?
‪저는…‬-I am-- -Uh, she's…
‪아, 그…‬-I am-- -Uh, she's…
‪내 전처‬She's my ex.
‪전처라면‬Oh, by ex, you mean…
‪(영우) 일만 하고 가정을‬ ‪돌보지 않던 정명석 변호사님을‬The ex-wife who endured Atty. Jung for eight years
‪8년간 참다가‬ ‪결국 이혼 통보를 했다는‬The ex-wife who endured Atty. Jung for eight years while he only worked, neglecting his wife,
‪바로 그 전처? 아‬before divorcing him. Ah!
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[당황한 소리]‬Hmm…
‪(명석) 저기, 여보…‬ ‪[명석의 한숨]‬Honey, um…
‪지수야, 나 우영우 변호사하고‬ ‪잠깐만 얘기해도 될까?‬Ji-su, could I have a moment alone with Atty. Woo, if you don't mind?
‪해‬Go right ahead.
‪하, 하십시오‬Okay, please continue.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪어, 그, 어‬ ‪내 생각에는 말이야, 어…‬Uh, so, uh… In my opinion, uh…
‪[명석의 머뭇거리는 숨소리]‬there really isn't much legal justification.
‪법리적인 명분이 없는 거 같아‬there really isn't much legal justification.
‪(영우) 법리적인 명분이요?‬there really isn't much legal justification. -"Legal justification"? -Yes.
‪(명석) 응‬-"Legal justification"? -Yes.
‪황지사는 명분이 뚜렷해‬Hwangjisa's justification is clear.
‪문화재 보호법에 근거해‬ ‪합법적인 징수를 한다는 명분에다‬Not only can they collect fees based on the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, uh, they can also, in theory, claim
‪그, 사찰 문화재라는 개념을‬uh, they can also, in theory, claim
‪사찰 주변의 공간에까지‬ ‪확대해야 된다는‬that the concept of temple cultural heritage should include the surroundings.
‪이론적인 명분까지 있어‬should include the surroundings.
‪반면에 우린 좀 빈약하지‬On the other hand, our argument is lacking.
‪원고가 황지사를‬ ‪관람하지 않았다는‬On the other hand, our argument is lacking. We're mostly trying to push the fact that the plaintiff didn't visit Hwangjisa.
‪사실 관계 하나만‬ ‪계속해서 들이밀고 있거든?‬We're mostly trying to push the fact that the plaintiff didn't visit Hwangjisa.
‪이래서는 판사가‬ ‪우리 편을 들어 주고 싶어도‬So with just that, it's difficult for the judge to side with our argument.
‪들어 주기가 좀 그래‬So with just that, it's difficult for the judge to side with our argument.
‪판결의 근거로 삼을‬ ‪법리가 없으니까‬Because there's no legal basis, of course, for a ruling.
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm…
‪어, 그럼 국립 공원‬ ‪입장료 징수 제도가‬How about we use the fact that the system to collect
‪2007년에 폐지되었다는 사실을‬How about we use the fact that the system to collect national park entrance fees was abolished in 2007?
‪명분으로 내세우면 어떻습니까?‬national park entrance fees was abolished in 2007?
‪황지사는 한백산 국립 공원‬ ‪안에 있으니까요‬Since Hwangjisa is inside the Hanbaek Mountain National Park.
‪하지만 황지사가 받고 있는 건‬But Hwangjisa is collecting cultural heritage admission fees,
‪국립 공원 입장료가 아니라‬ ‪문화재 관람료잖아‬But Hwangjisa is collecting cultural heritage admission fees, not entrance fees for the park.
‪(영우) 그렇다면 황지사의‬ ‪예산 내역을 공개하게 해 달라고‬What if we request the judge to order Hwangjisa to reveal their budget breakdown?
‪판사님께 요청하면요?‬to order Hwangjisa to reveal their budget breakdown?
‪오늘 재판에서도 저는‬Earlier in court, I argued that it's double collection
‪정부 지원을 받으면서‬ ‪관람료까지 걷는 건‬Earlier in court, I argued that it's double collection to receive government support and to collect admission fees,
‪이중 징수라는 주장을 해 봤지만‬to receive government support and to collect admission fees,
‪황지사의 예산 내역을‬ ‪정확히 모르니 한계가 있었습니다‬but I was limited by not knowing their exact budget breakdown.
‪아아, 근데 이거는‬ ‪판사가 허락하지 않을 거야‬Uh, the judge probably wouldn't allow that one.
‪이 재판은 황지사의‬ ‪예산 집행에 관한 게 아니라‬This trial isn't about Hwangjisa's budget, really.
‪원고가 문화재 관람료를 내는 게‬It's about whether it's illegal for the plaintiff
‪맞느냐, 아니냐에 대한 문제잖아‬It's about whether it's illegal for the plaintiff to not pay the admission fee.
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm… Hmm.
‪음, 그럼‬ ‪어떤 법리적 명분이 있을까요?‬Hmm… Hmm. Then what kind of legal justification is there?
‪[고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪[손가락을 탁 튀기며] 아‬Uh…
‪그러게, 뭐가 있을까?‬What might it be?
‪[고민하는 소리]‬Hmm…
‪(명석) 지수야‬Ji-su?
‪지수…‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬Ji-su…
‪(영우) 뭐가 있을까요?‬What might it be?
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬ ‪가만있어 봐요‬Give me a minute.
‪(지수) 얘기 끝나셨어요?‬Are you done talking?
‪[머뭇거리며] 네‬Mm-hmm. Yes.
‪[지수가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(지수) 저 사람도 진짜 한결같네요‬He really hasn't changed one bit.
‪[당황하며] 네?‬Huh?
‪[무거운 음악]‬He's more lively talking to someone he sees daily
‪5년 만에 만난 나랑‬ ‪대화할 때보다‬He's more lively talking to someone he sees daily
‪매일 만나는 변호사님이랑‬ ‪일 얘기 할 때‬than talking to me, even though he hasn't seen me…
‪(지수) 응‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪더 살아 있네요‬…in over five years.
‪나랑 있을 땐‬ ‪시체처럼 축 처져 있던 눈빛이‬There wasn't any life in his eyes when he was in that room with me.
‪또랑또랑해지는 게‬But there is now.
‪말 그대로 생기가 도네요?‬There is truly a new life to them.
‪덕분에 기억났어요‬You made me remember…
‪내가 왜 저 사람이랑 헤어졌는지‬the reason why I first left him.
‪왜 헤어졌습니까?‬So then, why did you leave him?
‪[씁쓸한 웃음]‬
‪저 사람이랑 있으면‬When I was with him before…
‪외로웠어요‬I was lonely.
‪행복하지 않았어요‬I wasn't happy at all.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(광호) 야, 우리 딸‬ ‪잘 지내고 있다니까 좋네‬Wow, I'm glad things are going so well.
‪아무튼 아빠한테‬ ‪뭔 일 있으면 바로 전화하고‬Anyway, call me right away if something comes up, all right?
‪알았지?‬Anyway, call me right away if something comes up, all right?
‪(영우) 음, 네‬Okay.
‪- 아버지‬ ‪- (광호) 어, 왜?‬-Father. -What is it?
‪제가 이준호 씨를 데리고 가면‬I want to know what you would have done if…
‪아버지는 무엇을 하려고 했습니까?‬if I'd brought Lee Jun-ho to our house that night.
‪이준호 씨가 누구지?‬Who? Who is Lee Jun-ho?
‪음, 저와 집 앞에서‬ ‪키스한 사람이요‬Mm… He's the person you saw me kissing.
‪아, 그 자식?‬Oh, that guy.
‪[행주를 탁 팽개치며] 왜‬ ‪아빠한테 데리고 오려고?‬Why? You're bringing him home?
‪아, 아니요‬No, no.
‪아버지가 이준호 씨를‬ ‪왜 만나려고 하는지 궁금해서요‬I'm just curious why you wanted to meet him, Father. That's all.
‪아, 왜긴 왜야?‬What do you mean?
‪어떤 놈인가 보려고 그랬지‬I wanna see who he is.
‪우리 딸 행복하게‬ ‪해 줄 수 있는 놈인지‬If he's capable of making you happy.
‪아빠처럼 우리 딸‬ ‪잘 챙겨 줄 수 있는 놈인지‬If he can care for you the way that I do. I wanted to see it for myself.
‪아빠가 직접 보려고‬I wanted to see it for myself.
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm…
‪이준호 씨는‬Jun-ho is…
‪그런 사람입니다‬that type of person.
‪저를 행복하게 만들어 줄 수 있고‬He's someone who makes me very happy.
‪(영우) 아버지처럼‬ ‪잘 챙겨 줄 수 있는 사람입니다‬And can take care of me like you do.
‪문제는‬The issue…
‪저예요‬is me.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬is me. Am I…
‪저는‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬Am I…
‪이준호 씨를‬someone who makes
‪행복하게‬ ‪만들어 줄 수 있는 사람일까요?‬Jun-ho equally as happy as he makes me?
‪이준호 씨를‬Won't I just…
‪어, 외롭게 만들지는 않을까요?‬make him lonely in the end?
‪[파도가 철썩인다]‬
‪(준호) 아, 이상하네요‬It's weird. I don't get it.
‪여기서 돌고래를‬ ‪매일 봤다는 사람도 많던데‬I heard that people see dolphins here every day.
‪어쩜 이렇게 올 때마다‬ ‪한 마리도 없을까요?‬Why every time we come, they seem to be hiding?
‪이준호 씨‬Jun-ho.
‪(준호) 네?‬Yes?
‪이준호 씨와 저는‬I don't think that we…
‪사귀지 않는 게 좋겠습니다‬that you and I should be together anymore.
‪아, 아니, 왜 갑자기‬ ‪그런 말을 하, 하세요?‬But what happened? Why tell me this right now?
‪정명석 변호사님이‬ ‪아프셔서 그래요?‬Is it because of what happened with Atty. Jung?
‪(준호) 정 변호사님은‬ ‪위암 판정 받아서 힘들어하시는데‬Is it because you feel guilty that we're out here on a date while Atty. Jung is… is having a hard time
‪우린 이렇게‬ ‪룰루랄라 연애나 하다니‬while Atty. Jung is… is having a hard time since he was told that he was diagnosed with stomach cancer?
‪뭐, 되게 죄책감이 든다‬since he was told that he was diagnosed with stomach cancer?
‪뭐, 그런 거예요?‬since he was told that he was diagnosed with stomach cancer?
‪그런 생각은 안 해 봤지만‬I never thought of it like that.
‪듣고 보니 일리가 있습니다‬But you do have a very good point.
‪아니, 그게 아니면‬ ‪대체 왜, 왜 그러는 건데요?‬If it's not that, then why… why are you breaking up with me?
‪[혼란스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪설마‬Atty. Woo, are you just disappointed the dolphins aren't out?
‪돌고래를 못 봐서‬ ‪[당황한 웃음]‬Atty. Woo, are you just disappointed the dolphins aren't out?
‪실망해서 그런 거…‬Atty. Woo, are you just disappointed the dolphins aren't out?
‪(준호) 아유‬ ‪[준호의 당황한 숨소리]‬I mean, it's not the reason, right?
‪설마 그런 이유는 아니죠?‬I mean, it's not the reason, right?
‪돌고래는‬The dolphins, they…
‪그, 우리 눈앞에‬ ‪안 보이는 것뿐이지‬They are in the vast ocean.
‪바닷속엔 있어요‬We can't see them right now.
‪그, 주지 스님도 그러셨잖아요‬Do you remember what the Abbot said? "Seeing isn't everything."
‪보는 것이 전부는 아니라고요‬Do you remember what the Abbot said? "Seeing isn't everything."
‪'보는 것이 전부는 아니다'‬"Seeing isn't everything."
‪(영우) '눈앞에‬ ‪당장 보이는 것에만'‬"Don't be blinded by what's in front of you."
‪'현혹되지 말고'‬"Don't be blinded by what's in front of you."
‪'그 너머의 본질을 생각해라'‬"And keep the essence of what lies beyond."
‪예, 주지 스님도‬ ‪그렇게 말씀하셨잖아요‬Yes, the Abbot said all of that too.
‪맞습니다‬That's right!
‪눈앞에 보이는 것에만 현혹돼서‬I was blinded by what's in front of me and forgot the essence of what lies beyond.
‪그 너머의 본질을 잊고 있었어요‬and forgot the essence of what lies beyond.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(영우) 지방도 제3008호선이‬ ‪황지사 소유지에 있다는 것‬Local Highway Number 3008 is on Hwangjisa land.
‪처음부터 관광 목적으로‬ ‪건설됐다는 것‬It was built for tourism from the start.
‪황지사와 그 주변 환경 전체가‬ ‪곧 사찰 문화재라는 것‬Even if the area around Hwangjisa is also a cultural heritage site,
‪이, 이런 것들에 현혹되면 안 돼요‬I can't be blinded by these things.
‪지방도 제3008호선은‬ ‪결국 도로예요!‬Local Highway 3008 is a public road!
‪그게 본질입니다‬That is the essence!
‪지금 갑자기‬ ‪사건 얘기 하시는 거예요?‬You're really talking about the case now?
‪행정법에는‬ ‪공물이란 개념이 있습니다‬There's a concept called "public property" in the Public Administration Act.
‪(영우) 공물은 국가나‬ ‪지방 자치 단체 등의‬There's a concept called "public property" in the Public Administration Act. Public property is built by an administrative body
‪행정 주체가 행정 목적을‬ ‪제공하기 위해 만든 물건이에요‬Public property is built by an administrative body like the state to provide services.
‪도로는 일반인의 통행을 위해‬Roads are representative public property that is provided to anyone for transit!
‪누구에게나 제공되는‬ ‪대표적인 공물이죠‬Roads are representative public property that is provided to anyone for transit!
‪[들뜬 숨소리]‬Roads are representative public property that is provided to anyone for transit!
‪이 공물이라는 개념이‬ ‪명분이 되어 줄 거예요‬This concept of public property is the justification!
‪법리적인 명분이요!‬Legal justification!
‪(준호) 어디 가세요?‬Where are you going?
‪어, 정명석 변호사님에게 가서‬ ‪이 문제를 의논해야 합니다‬I'm sorry, I have to go discuss this with Atty. Jung right away.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Are you kidding me?
‪[버럭 하며] 지금 장난해요?‬Are you kidding me?
‪(준호) 사귀지 말자는 말‬ ‪내뱉어 놓고‬You say we shouldn't be together, then just run off?
‪이렇게 가 버리는 게 어디 있어요?‬You say we shouldn't be together, then just run off?
‪내가 그렇게‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬What am I? Am I a joke to you?
‪내가 그렇게 우스워요?‬Am I a joke to you?
‪도대체 날 뭐라고‬ ‪생각하는 거예요, 예?‬Do you even consider my feelings at all?
‪나한테 왜 그러는 거예요?‬Tell me why you're doing this!
‪(영우) 음…‬Mm…
‪죄송합니다‬I'm very sorry.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[준호의 한숨]‬
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[고래 울음]‬
‪[고래 울음]‬
‪(판사) 원고와 피고는‬ ‪더 주장하거나‬Do the plaintiff and defendant have anything else to claim or prove?
‪증명할 것이 있나요?‬Do the plaintiff and defendant have anything else to claim or prove? The plaintiff does!
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(영우) 원고는 있습니다‬The plaintiff does!
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(변호사) 피고는 없습니다‬The defendant does not.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪그럼 원고 대리인, 말씀해 주세요‬Then, plaintiff's counselor, you may proceed.
‪판사님‬Your Honor, Local Highway 3008 is public property.
‪지방도 제3008호선은 공물입니다‬Your Honor, Local Highway 3008 is public property.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬"Public property"?
‪공물이요?‬"Public property"?
‪(영우) 네‬Yes.
‪원고는 지방도 제3008호선을‬ ‪이용하는 과정에서‬The plaintiff passed through a part of Hanbaek Mountain near Hwangjisa's land
‪피고 소유의 땅이자 명승지인‬while using Local Highway Number 3008.
‪한백산 황지사 일원을‬ ‪지나가게 되었습니다‬while using Local Highway Number 3008.
‪하지만 이는 지방 자치 단체가‬This happened only because he used the highway,
‪일반 공중의 통행을 위해‬ ‪제공한 공물인‬This happened only because he used the highway, which is public property that was built by the local government to provide for all public transit purposes.
‪이 사건 도로의 이용 과정에‬ ‪수반된 것일 뿐입니다‬by the local government to provide for all public transit purposes.
‪공물을 이용했다는 이유만으로‬I am claiming that just because the plaintiff used public property
‪원고가 피고 소유의 문화재에 대한‬I am claiming that just because the plaintiff used public property he cannot be deemed as having legally visited
‪관람 행위를 했다고 볼 수 없음을‬he cannot be deemed as having legally visited
‪말씀드리고 싶습니다‬the defendant's cultural heritage.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[변호사의 한숨]‬
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬
‪[차 문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪(영우) 나는 동그라미와‬ ‪털보 사장님이 빌린 차를 탈게‬I'll go in the rental with Dong Geu-ra-mi and Mr. Hairy.
‪어?‬Oh? Why? Did you and Jun-ho fight?
‪왜, 준호 씨랑 싸웠어?‬Oh? Why? Did you and Jun-ho fight?
‪어, 그래, 숙소에서 봐‬Uh, okay, see you there.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(영우) ♪ 동 투 더‬ ‪그 투 더 라미 ♪‬
‪같이 가‬ ‪[차 문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬Take me with you.
‪(그라미) ♪ 우 투 더‬ ‪영 투 더 우 ♪‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪왜, 너 저 차 안 타?‬You are not riding with them?
‪못 타겠어‬I can't. It…
‪이준호 씨 때문에‬It'll be uncomfortable…
‪부, 불편해‬because of Jun-ho.
‪(그라미) 이준호가 왜 불편해?‬Why is it uncomfortable?
‪내가‬Well, I…
‪이준호 씨한테‬ ‪사귀지 않는 게 좋겠다고 말했어‬told him that we should not be going together anymore.
‪- (그라미) 어?‬ ‪- (민식) 예?‬What?
‪(민우) 야, 뭐야‬ ‪둘이 진짜 싸웠어?‬Hey, man. You guys really fought?
‪(준호) 아니야, 그런 거 아니야‬It's not like that.
‪싸웠네‬You did. Wanna grab a drink, huh?
‪뭐, 한잔하러 갈까? 어?‬ ‪[준호가 안전띠를 쓱 뺀다]‬Wanna grab a drink, huh?
‪괜찮죠?‬That okay?
‪아, 네, 저야 뭐…‬Uh, sure. I don't mind.
‪[안전띠를 달칵 채우며] 아유‬ ‪됐어, 술은 무슨 술이야‬Hey, forget it. I don't wanna drink.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬Hey, forget it. I don't wanna drink.
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[주변이 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪[술 취한 목소리로] 도대체‬ ‪왜일까요, 예?‬Why do you think she did, huh?
‪(준호) 정명석 변호사님이‬ ‪아프셔서?‬Is it because Atty. Jung is sick?
‪삼팔이, 춘삼이, 복순이, 제돌이를‬Or is it because we didn't get to see Sampal, Chunsam, Jedol, and Boksun?
‪못 봐서?‬Or is it because we didn't get to see Sampal, Chunsam, Jedol, and Boksun?
‪(수연) 에이, 아무리 영우라도‬No, I don't think even Atty. Woo would do it for that reason.
‪그런 이유 때문에‬ ‪그러진 않았을 거예요‬No, I don't think even Atty. Woo would do it for that reason.
‪그럼 왜 그러는 건데요?‬Then why would she do it?
‪잘 지내다가 갑자기‬We were just fine. Then, boom, you know.
‪(민우) 네가‬ ‪너무 부담 준 거 아니야?‬Maybe she felt pressured.
‪봐 봐‬Look.
‪어쨌건 출장 중에‬ ‪남친 누나네 집에 간 거잖아‬She went to her boyfriend's sister's house during a business trip.
‪이거 얼마나 긴장됐겠냐, 어?‬She must have been nervous, right?
‪야, 나 같으면 그런 상황은…‬Hey, if it was me, I swear…
‪아유, 난 생각하기도 싫다‬I'd be nervous too.
‪(준호) 그런가?‬You think?
‪내가 너무‬So I…
‪무리한 부탁을 했나?‬I asked too much of her?
‪하긴 그 자리가 영우한테는‬ ‪부담이 컸을 수도 있겠네요‬Well, I guess going there might have overwhelmed her.
‪(수연) 웬일이래‬ ‪갑자기 개념 있는 척?‬And you? Now Mr. Common Sense?
‪아니, 뭐‬ ‪개념 있는 척이 아니라…‬I mean, it's not an act.
‪아, 나한테 자꾸 왜 그래요?‬Why do you keep picking on me?
‪(준호) [한숨 쉬며] 하긴‬Yeah.
‪많이 긴장한 거 같기도 했어‬She did seem really nervous.
‪김밥도 없는데‬There was no gimbap.
‪고기랑 회까지 먹겠다고‬She tried to eat all the meat and sashimi even though she couldn't swallow it.
‪삼키지도 못하고 그걸…‬She tried to eat all the meat and sashimi even though she couldn't swallow it.
‪준호야, 울지 마‬ ‪[술을 조르르 따른다]‬Jun-ho, don't cry.
‪차라리 잘됐어, 어?‬It's a good thing, huh? You don't know it yet, but things would have gotten difficult.
‪네가 아직 몰라서 그러는데‬ ‪어차피 힘들었을 거야‬You don't know it yet, but things would have gotten difficult.
‪우 변?‬Atty. Woo…
‪네가 감당할 수 있는 사람 아니다‬isn't someone you can handle.
‪(수연) 어어?‬Huh?
‪준호 씨가 감당할 수 있는‬ ‪사람이 아니라니요?‬What's that mean? She's not someone Jun-ho can handle?
‪그게 무슨 말이에요?‬What's that mean? She's not someone Jun-ho can handle?
‪너 그거 지금 무슨 말이냐?‬What's that mean, huh?
‪아니, 우 변한테는 그, 출생의…‬No. I mean, Atty. Woo's birth…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪'출생의' 뭐요?‬Atty. Woo's birth?
‪(민우) 예?‬Huh?
‪어, 그러니까 출…‬Well, uh, her birth…
‪출생부터가…‬Well, uh, her birth…
‪어, 그러니까‬It's, um…
‪존재부터가 남다르잖아요, 우 변은‬Well, Atty. Woo's existence itself is special.
‪몰라요, 나도, 하여튼 마셔‬Ah! I don't know!
‪[민우가 술을 조르르 따른다]‬
‪자, 짠‬Cheers.
‪어? 어, 잠깐‬Ah, wait. There's a bug in there.
‪벌레 들어갔는데?‬Ah, wait. There's a bug in there.
‪벌레요?‬A bug?
‪(수연) 이런 건 또 언제 봤대?‬When did you see that?
‪(민우) 마시지 마요‬Don't drink it.
‪여기, 사장님‬ ‪잔 하나만 새로 주세요!‬Excuse me, could we get another glass?
‪[민우가 술잔을 탁 놓는다]‬
‪[슬픈 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(그라미) ♪ 화가 나서 ♪‬
‪[탬버린이 짤랑거린다]‬ ‪♪ 소리치듯 가란 내 말에 ♪‬
‪♪ 벌써 넌 아주 멀리 ♪‬
‪♪ 달아나 버렸어 ♪‬
‪♪ 우리 헤어졌어요 ♪‬ ‪[민식이 함께 노래한다]‬
‪♪ 우리 헤어졌어요 ♪‬
‪♪ 내 맘 알 것 같다면 ♪‬
‪[애절한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪♪ 우리 서로 사랑했는데 ♪‬
‪[민식의 애드리브]‬
‪(민식) ♪ 지네요 ♪‬
‪[그라미와 민식의 애드리브]‬
‪[슬픈 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(그라미) ♪ 이젠‬ ‪모두 끝인가요 ♪‬
‪♪ 그런가요 ♪‬
‪♪ 우리 약속했던 많은 날들을 ♪‬
‪♪ 날들을 ♪‬
‪[절절한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪♪ 난 늘 술이야 ♪‬
‪(그라미) ♪ 술이야 ♪‬
‪♪ 맨날 술이야 ♪‬
‪(그라미) ♪ 술이야 ♪‬
‪(민식) ♪ 널 잃고 이렇게 내가 ♪‬
‪[애절한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪♪ 내가 너와 이별할 수 ♪‬
‪(그라미와 민식) ♪ 있을까 ♪‬
‪[감성적인 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(민식) ♪ 영문도 모른 채 ♪‬
‪♪ 그댄 울고 있지만 ♪‬
‪[그라미의 한숨]‬
‪♪ 지금은 알 수 없어 ♪‬
‪♪ 그댈 떠나는 ♪‬
‪♪ 내 진심을 ♪‬
‪[그라미의 추임새]‬ ‪♪ My love ♪‬
‪♪ 부디 나를 잊어 줘 ♪‬
‪(민식) ♪ My love ♪‬ ‪[그라미의 추임새]‬
‪♪ 벅찬 사랑의 기억도 ♪‬
‪♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬
‪(그라미) '잊기로 해요'‬
‪(민우) [힘주며] 어유‬
‪[민우의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[준호의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪저, 이제 가서 자요, 예‬You should go sleep. Yeah?
‪우리 얘기 좀 해요‬We need to talk.
‪[의아한 소리]‬Hmm?
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪뭐 잘못 먹었어요?‬Tell me, what's going on?
‪네?‬-What? -It's just…
‪아니, 사람이 갑자기 변했잖아요‬-What? -It's just… you're a different person overnight.
‪권민우라면 모름지기, 어?‬Who is Kwon Min-woo, huh? A jerk and an asshole.
‪재수도 없고 밥맛에‬Who is Kwon Min-woo, huh? A jerk and an asshole.
‪(수연) 입만 열면 얄미운 소리에‬ ‪한 대 쥐어박고 싶고‬You get on my nerves every time you open your mouth.
‪어둠 속에서 혼자‬ ‪권모술수나 궁리해야죠‬I wanna smack you! You should be scheming in the dark.
‪그게 권민우지‬I wanna smack you! You should be scheming in the dark. That's Kwon Min-woo.
‪[피식 웃으며] 아니‬ ‪내가 뭐, 그 정도예요?‬Am I really that horrible?
‪몰랐어요?‬You didn't know?
‪그 재수 없는 권민우‬Where's that jerk, the dark Tactician Kwon Min-woo?
‪권모술수 권민우는 어디 가고‬Where's that jerk, the dark Tactician Kwon Min-woo?
‪난데없이 막 친절하게 나타나서‬And where the hell did this nice Kwon Min-woo come from?
‪세상을 혼란스럽게 하냐고요‬And where the hell did this nice Kwon Min-woo come from?
‪아, 경찰에 신고할 뻔했네‬ ‪캐릭터 붕괴 죄로‬I almost called the police to report an imposter.
‪아니, 내가 뭘 어쨌는데요?‬"An imposter"?
‪아, 남이야 벌레를 먹든 말든‬Ah! Why do you care if I eat a bug? Or if I can stow my luggage overhead?
‪비행기 짐칸에 짐을 싣든 말든‬Or if I can stow my luggage overhead?
‪혼자서 무겁게 술을 사 오든 말든‬Or if I carry all those bottles by myself?
‪(수연) 왜 권민우가 앞장서서‬ ‪친절하고 난리냐고요!‬Or if I carry all those bottles by myself? Why is Kwon Min-woo going out of his way to be nice?
‪출장까지 와서‬ ‪아침에 뭔 조깅을 했다질 않나‬Runs every morning even on a business trip?
‪꽃 파는 할머니한테‬ ‪꽃다발을 사 왔다질 않나‬And buying flowers from some little old lady? What are you trying to be?
‪하, 그건 또 무슨 코스프레예요?‬What are you trying to be?
‪멋있는 그런 거‬ ‪하나도 안 어울려요‬Being cool like that is unnatural!
‪도대체 왜 그러는 거예요?‬Why are you like this?
‪제주도니까요‬we're in Jeju.
‪아, 뭐래?‬Ah! What are you saying?
‪이젠 낭만적인 척까지 하냐?‬You're romantic now too?
‪씁, 최수연 변호사‬ ‪나한테 관심 있어요?‬Hang on, Atty. Choi, do you like me?
‪[감성적인 음악]‬ ‪뭐요? 아…‬What? No. Are… are you crazy?
‪아니요, 미쳤어요?‬No. Are… are you crazy?
‪아, 근데 왜 그래요?‬Why are you like this?
‪나도 모르는 내 모습을 술술 읊고‬Listing all those things about me I don't even know.
‪[난간을 탁 짚으며]‬ ‪솔직하게 말해 봐‬Now, be honest with me.
‪나 좋아하죠? 예?‬You like me, huh?
‪좋아하는 거 같은데?‬I think you do.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪왜 가만히 있지, 안 받아치고?‬Why… aren't you saying something now?
‪(민우) 뭐야?‬Wait.
‪나 진짜 좋아해요?‬You… do like me?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[그라미의 탄식]‬
‪(그라미) 아, 나 차였네‬-I've been rejected. -What?
‪(민식) 뭐가?‬-I've been rejected. -What?
‪권민우와 선녀 사이에 오가는‬ ‪저 눈빛을 보고도 모르겠어요?‬Look at the way those two are, staring at one another.
‪(그라미) 저 지나치게 덥고 축축한‬ ‪한증막 같은 눈빛을?‬All that extra hot and steamy staring into the eyes that's going on up there.
‪야, 뭔 눈빛?‬Just mind your own business. Let's get back inside.
‪야, 시끄럽고 빨리 들어가자, 빨리‬Just mind your own business. Let's get back inside.
‪(그라미) 들어가긴 뭘 들어가요?‬What do you mean "inside"?
‪빨랑 다시 노래방 가야죠‬We're going back to karaoke.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪어, 바, 바, 방금 전까지‬ ‪노래방에 있었는데‬Um, but we just returned from the karaoke bar.
‪노, 노래방에 또 가?‬Now, we're going back there?
‪야, 나 지금 권민우한테 차였잖아‬Hey. I just got rejected by Min-woo.
‪고백도 못 해 봤는데‬Has that ever happened to you?
‪야, 차였다고 하기에는‬ ‪뭐, 너무나 아무것도…‬Calling it a rejection is a little bit dramatic.
‪너, 너 궈, 권민우를 좋아했어?‬So you like Kwon Min-woo now?
‪몰라, 이씨‬I don't know. Oh, shit.
‪나, 나 이별 노래‬ ‪메들리 하러 갈 거야‬I'm gonna… go sing songs about a broken heart now.
‪차였으니까!‬Because I was rejected!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪같이 불러‬I'll come along.
‪(영우) 어?‬Huh?
‪[질색하는 소리]‬
‪(명석) 어, 준호 씨, 고마워요‬Thank you, Jun-ho.
‪(준호) 네‬Sure.
‪(명석) 그, 다른 사람들은‬ ‪뭐 하고 있어요?‬Uh, what are the others up to back at the house?
‪어, 숙소에 있나?‬Uh, what are the others up to back at the house?
‪(준호) 아, 네‬ ‪[딸칵 끼우는 소리]‬Uh, yes, we've decided to go
‪변호사님 퇴원하시면‬ ‪함께 황지사 가기로 했으니까요‬Uh, yes, we've decided to go to Hwangjisa with you since you were discharged.
‪씁, 아마 지금쯤‬ ‪준비하고 있을 겁니다‬So they should be getting ready.
‪[지퍼가 직 닫힌다]‬ ‪(명석) 그래?‬Really?
‪아참, 그…‬Oh, something else.
‪소, 손님은‬ ‪어떻게, 먼저 가셨나요?‬Your guest, did… Did she leave already?
‪손…‬My guest? Ah, my ex!
‪아, 내 전처?‬My guest? Ah, my ex!
‪(명석) 어, 오늘 아침에‬ ‪서울 가는 비행기 탄다고‬She called this morning to tell me that she was traveling back to Seoul today.
‪전화 받았어요‬that she was traveling back to Seoul today.
‪아, 네‬Ah, I see.
‪(명석) 아, 어젯밤 꿈에서는‬Last night, I had a vivid dream, that I was pleading with her,
‪내가 전처한테 싹싹 빌었거든?‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Last night, I had a vivid dream, that I was pleading with her,
‪어, 내가 다 잘못했다고‬that I told her it was all my fault,
‪이제 다시는 안 그럴 테니까‬ ‪나랑 다시 시작하자고‬that I'll change my ways, so we can get back together.
‪씁, 아니, 근데 정작‬ ‪오늘 아침에 전화 왔을 때‬But when she called me this morning, I… I couldn't say anything like that.
‪나 그런 말 한마디도 못 했어‬But when she called me this morning, I… I couldn't say anything like that.
‪어, 그냥 쿨한 척‬ ‪'어어, 어, 잘 가' 그랬지‬I just acted cool and said, "Oh, be safe. See you."
‪[명석이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪아니, 그런 말도‬ ‪평소에 연습을 해 둬야‬I suppose one needs to have practice in saying those things sometimes.
‪실전에서 쓰나 봐‬I suppose one needs to have practice in saying those things sometimes.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪준호 씨, 혹시‬ ‪좋아하는 사람 있어요?‬Jun-ho, is there anyone that you like?
‪네?‬-Huh? -If there is someone,
‪좋아하는 사람 있으면‬-Huh? -If there is someone,
‪꽉 잡아‬hold onto them.
‪뭐, 어쩌다 한 번 놓쳤다?‬And if something happens and you let go,
‪아니, 그래도 다시 가서 꽉 잡아‬And if something happens and you let go, just run back to them and hold them closer.
‪아, 뭐, 준호 씨야‬Well, I mean, you don't seem like the type of person
‪나 같은 실수‬ ‪절대 안 할 사람 같지만‬Well, I mean, you don't seem like the type of person to make the same mistakes that I did.
‪[물소리가 솨 난다]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[물소리가 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Mm…
‪[민우의 한숨]‬Mm…
‪[민우의 어색한 숨소리]‬Uh…
‪(민우) 이러지 맙시다, 어색하게‬Let's not be awkward.
‪(수연) 뭐가요?‬What?
‪아, 어제 우리‬ ‪아무 일도 없었잖아요‬Nothing happened between us.
‪아무 일도 없었죠‬Nothing happened.
‪나는 뭐‬ ‪술을 많이 먹어서 그런가?‬It's all fuzzy. I had a lot to drink.
‪난 잘 기억도 안 나요‬It's all fuzzy. I had a lot to drink.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 누군 술 안 먹었나?‬Yeah, me too. I don't remember either.
‪나도 아무 생각 안 나요‬Yeah, me too. I don't remember either.
‪그러니까 편하게 지내자고요‬So let's just relax, okay? Like before.
‪전처럼‬So let's just relax, okay? Like before.
‪[서늘한 효과음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪나야?‬Me and you?
‪선녀야?‬Or the angel?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪무인도에 가면‬You're on a deserted island.
‪동그라미와 선녀‬Dong Geu-ra-mi or angel?
‪둘 중 누굴 데려갈 거냐고!‬Who are you going to bring with you, huh?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬What?
‪[민식의 과장된 웃음]‬
‪[민식이 손뼉을 짝 친다]‬
‪(민식) 가시던 길 가세요, 예‬Ignore her and carry on.
‪[민식의 웃음]‬Ignore her and carry on.
‪별일이 다 있다, 그렇죠?‬-Pretty crazy night, right? -Who would you choose?
‪(그라미) 누구냐고!‬-Pretty crazy night, right? -Who would you choose?
‪[민식의 과장된 웃음]‬
‪[황당한 숨소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[명석의 한숨]‬
‪[민식이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪[민식이 연신 흥얼거린다]‬
‪(민식) 응‬
‪(민식) 매표소 문 닫았네‬The booth seems to be closed down.
‪[민식의 웃음]‬The booth seems to be closed down. FREE PASSAGE
‪승소 축하합니다!‬Congrats on winning the trial.
‪[민식의 웃음]‬
‪네, 감사합니다‬Yes, thanks, Mr. Hairy.
‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪[산새 울음]‬ ‪[쓱쓱 비질하는 소리]‬
‪변호사 선생님들께서‬ ‪황지사에는 어쩐 일이십니까?‬What are you doing here at Hwangjisa now, may I ask?
‪(승려2) 아‬Are you here for a free tour before you all make your way back to Seoul
‪이제 문화재 관람료도‬ ‪낼 필요가 없겠다‬Are you here for a free tour before you all make your way back to Seoul
‪서울 가기 전에‬ ‪공짜 구경 하러 오신 겁니까?‬since you don't have to pay the admission fee?
‪(영우) 아아, 아, 아닙니다‬ ‪저희는…‬Uh, no, we're here--
‪(명석) 주지 스님께‬ ‪드릴 말씀이 있어서 왔습니다‬Uh, here to talk to the Abbot, if he has the time, that is.
‪주지 스님 어디 계십니까?‬Can he make himself available?
‪주지 스님은‬ ‪지금 대웅전에 계십니다‬The Abbot is at Daeungjeon.
‪[풍경이 딸랑거린다]‬
‪(명석) 재판 결과 때문에‬ ‪심려가 많으시죠?‬You must be concerned about the results of the trial.
‪송구스럽습니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[주지의 웃음]‬I'm sorry.
‪(주지) 이런 일 하나에‬ ‪심려까지 생겨서야‬Were I to worry about all the little things, how could I call myself a monk?
‪어디 스님 하겠습니까?‬how could I call myself a monk?
‪[주지의 웃음]‬
‪법원 판단이 그러하다면은‬ ‪따라야지요‬If that's what the court decided, so be it. That's the law.
‪(명석) 재판 때는 비록‬ ‪상대편에 섰지만‬Though we were opponents during the trial,
‪이번 소송을 통해서‬ ‪황지사의 입장에 대해‬I've learned a great deal about the position you're in
‪많이 깨닫게 되었습니다‬through this lawsuit.
‪3008번 지방도로 인한 피해는‬The damage from Local Highway Number 3008
‪땅 주인인 황지사가‬ ‪고스란히 받고 있는데‬The damage from Local Highway Number 3008 is all on Hwangjisa's land.
‪정부는 이런 사정은 모른 척한 채‬The government's turning a blind eye to this,
‪온갖 법률로‬ ‪규제만 하고 있지 않습니까‬and making the law a barrier for Hwangjisa.
‪어이구, 재판 땐 이중 징수라느니‬During the trial, you were pushing me to reveal details of the budget breakdown
‪(주지) 예산 내역을 공개하라느니‬During the trial, you were pushing me to reveal details of the budget breakdown and claiming that it's double collection.
‪대차게 몰아세우시더니‬and claiming that it's double collection.
‪아니, 갑자기 왜 이러십니까?‬So why the sudden change of heart?
‪[주지의 웃음]‬
‪(명석) 황지사가 법원의 뜻에 따라‬Since Hwangjisa has given up a major source of income from the cultural heritage admission fees,
‪문화재 관람료라는‬ ‪주요한 수입원을 포기했으니‬a major source of income from the cultural heritage admission fees,
‪씁, 저는 이제 정부가 나서서‬I think the government should step up now
‪황지사의 자력 운영 기반을‬ ‪마련해 줘야 된다고 생각을 합니다‬I think the government should step up now and lay the foundations for Hwangjisa's self-management.
‪지방 자치 단체와‬ ‪국립 공원 공단, 농어촌 공사‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Why don't we bring together relevant organizations, like the local governments, the Korea National Park Service,
‪문화재청 같은‬ ‪관계 기관들을 불러 모아‬like the local governments, the Korea National Park Service, the Korean Rural Community Corporation, and the Cultural Heritage Administration?
‪이 문제에 대해서‬ ‪협의를 해 보면 어떻겠습니까?‬the Korean Rural Community Corporation, and the Cultural Heritage Administration?
‪황지사의 자력 운영‬ ‪기반 조성에 관한‬We'll discuss and sign an MOU, creating a foundation for Hwangjisa.
‪MOU를 체결하는 겁니다‬We'll discuss and sign an MOU, creating a foundation for Hwangjisa.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪사실은 저도‬ ‪같은 생각을 하고 있었습니다‬You know, I've been thinking the same sort of thing.
‪(주지) 이 문제는 황지사가‬ ‪정부와 해결할 일이지‬This issue is something Hwangjisa needs to handle with the government,
‪국민들과 다툴 일이 아니라고요‬not the people.
‪씁, 하지만 정부와 소통한다는 게‬But it's not an easy task to handle, dealing with the government.
‪쉬운 일이 아니니까요‬But it's not an easy task to handle, dealing with the government.
‪쯧, 네‬Yes.
‪정부와 소통하는 건 언제나 어렵죠‬Communicating with the government is always very difficult.
‪씁, 그렇다면 이번엔‬What if this time…
‪정권과 협상하시면 어떻겠습니까?‬you negotiate with the Cultural Administration?
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪아니, 정권이요?‬The administration?
‪혜석종은 대한 불교 종파 중에서도‬The Hyeseok Order is a huge Buddha sect in Korea,
‪불자 수가 많고 힘 있는 종파죠‬with many Buddhist temples.
‪황지사는 혜석종 사찰들 중에서도‬ ‪가장 유명한 곳이고요‬And Hwangjisa is the most famous of all the temples in the Hyeseok Order.
‪충분히 가능하리라 생각합니다‬I believe it's entirely possible.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪저 혼자서 결정할 일이 아닌 만큼‬I shouldn't decide this on my own.
‪이 혜석종의 다른 분들과도‬ ‪뜻을 모아 봐야겠습니다‬I will have to talk about all these with my brothers in the Hyeseok Order.
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬But why…
‪아니, 그런데‬ ‪왜 그런 말씀을 하시는 겁니까?‬But why… Why are you telling me all of this?
‪정부와 관계 기관들을 불러 모아‬I believe that you're gonna need some help
‪황지사에 유리한 방향으로‬ ‪업무 협약을 체결하려면‬from the experts in those relevant cultural organizations,
‪씁, 전문가의 도움이‬ ‪필요하지 않겠습니까?‬from the experts in those relevant cultural organizations, so that you get the most advantageous deal.
‪(명석) 한바다에는‬ ‪정부 관계 팀이 있습니다‬There is a government relations team at Hanbada.
‪기존 로펌들이 제공하는‬ ‪법률 서비스의 영역을 넘어‬It goes beyond the scope of legal services provided by other law firms.
‪정부와 개별 단체와의‬ ‪가교 역할을 하는 것이죠‬It's a bridge between government and individual groups.
‪단체의 요구를‬ ‪정부와 행정 기관에 전달하고‬Hanbada tells the government the groups' needs and they talk to the administration, so that those needs are then met.
‪그 요구가 반영될 수 있도록‬ ‪설득하는 일을 합니다‬to the administration, so that those needs are then met.
‪지금까지는 주로‬ ‪기업을 대리해 왔습니다만‬So far, we've been representing mostly companies.
‪황지사의 자력 운영‬ ‪기반 조성을 위한‬But I'm optimistic about creating a foundation for Hwangjisa as well.
‪협약에도 자신 있습니다‬for Hwangjisa as well.
‪무슨 말씀인지 알았습니다‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I understand what you're telling me and I will be in touch.
‪그, 상의해 보고 연락드리지요‬and I will be in touch.
‪예, 스님‬Yes, sir.
‪[종이 댕댕 울린다]‬
‪아이고, 이거‬ ‪마침 공양 시간이네요‬Well, it's already time for dinner.
‪아직 식사 전 아니십니까?‬You haven't eaten yet, have you?
‪뭐, 절밥이라도 괜찮다면‬ ‪함께하시지요‬If temple food is okay with you, come join us.
‪(명석) 아, 그럼 그럴까요?‬Uh, um… Thank you!
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(주지) 몸은 좀 어떻습니까?‬How are you feeling?
‪쓰러지기 전보다‬ ‪얼굴이 많이 수척해졌네요‬Your face looks thinner than before you collapsed in the courtroom.
‪염려 감사합니다‬Your concern means a lot to me.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪몸은 좀 안 좋습니다‬I admit, I'm not feeling that well.
‪관세음보살에게 기도하십시오‬Pray to the Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva.
‪관세음보살은‬ ‪천 개의 눈이 있어서‬Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva is an almighty being
‪(주지) 모든 중생의 괴로움을‬ ‪다 아시고‬with a thousand eyes to know all the suffering of all people.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪천 개의 손이 있어서‬And what's more,
‪모든 중생의 괴로움을‬ ‪다 구제해 주시는‬a thousand hands in order to relieve all the pain and suffering of all living creatures.
‪전지전능한 분입니다‬all the pain and suffering of all living creatures.
‪그렇기 때문에‬ ‪간절하게 그분의 이름을 부르고‬And so if you desperately call upon the name of and devote yourself to
‪그분께 귀의를 하면은‬And so if you desperately call upon the name of and devote yourself to
‪관세음보살은 내 모든 괴로움을‬the Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, it will ease all your suffering.
‪다 해결해 주십니다‬it will ease all your suffering.
‪기도 어떻게 하는 겁니까?‬So how do I pray?
‪'나무 관세음보살'‬Namu Gwanseeumbosal.
‪이렇게 하면 됩니다‬That is the prayer to devote yourself to the Avalokiteśvara.
‪관세음보살에게‬ ‪귀의한다는 뜻입니다‬That is the prayer to devote yourself to the Avalokiteśvara.
‪[주지의 웃음]‬
‪(영우) 정명석 변호사님이‬ ‪멋있다고 생각한 건 처음입니다‬Today is the first time that I thought you were amazing.
‪(명석) 처, 처음이야?‬The… the first?
‪(영우) 네, 주지 스님에게‬ ‪그런 제안을 할 거라곤‬Yes! I didn't imagine that you'd make such an offer to the Abbot.
‪전혀 예상하지 못했습니다‬Yes! I didn't imagine that you'd make such an offer to the Abbot. It's worth you working so hard over the years
‪이혼당하고 위암에 걸릴 정도로‬It's worth you working so hard over the years
‪일에만 몰두한 보람이 있습니다‬to the point of you getting stomach cancer.
‪아, 그래?‬Really?
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬
‪보람이 있는 시간들이었을까?‬So all this time was really worth it, huh?
‪네, 저는 그렇게 생각합니다‬Yes, I think that it was.
‪(영우) 응‬Mm.
‪[영우가 헤 웃는다]‬
‪[주지의 웃음]‬
‪(주지) 이 스님들은‬ ‪국수를 참 좋아합니다‬Monks love noodles.
‪누가 '스님‬ ‪죽 좀 끓여 드릴까요?' 하면‬If someone asks a monk, "Do you want some porridge?"
‪아무도 대답을 않는데‬If someone asks a monk, "Do you want some porridge?" No one answers.
‪'스님, 국수 삶아 드릴까요?' 하면‬However, if someone were to ask a monk, "Want some noodles?"
‪백이면 백‬ ‪모두가 대답을 할 정도로요‬However, if someone were to ask a monk, "Want some noodles?" Every single monk will respond yes.
‪[주지의 웃음]‬
‪(명석) 아, 저희가 보기에도‬ ‪무척이나 맛있어 보입니다‬It seems to be very delicious indeed.
‪(주지) 맛있게 드십시오‬-Please enjoy it. -Thank you.
‪(명석) 네, 잘 먹겠습니다‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬-Please enjoy it. -Thank you. Enjoy.
‪(민우) 잘 먹겠습니다‬Enjoy.
‪[후루룩 먹는 소리]‬
‪(그라미) 응?‬
‪뭐야, 이 맛의 3단계는?‬Hmm, what? The three steps of tastiness?
‪아, 스텝 원‬-Ah, step one! -Sour.
‪(민식) 새콤‬-Ah, step one! -Sour.
‪- (그라미) 스텝 투‬ ‪- (민식) 달콤‬-Step two? -Sweet.
‪- 아, 스텝 쓰리‬ ‪- (민식) 매콤‬-And step three? -Spicy.
‪(그라미) 예‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Yeah!
‪(주지) 절에서 밥 지으며‬ ‪수행하시는 분을‬We have some head cooks on site who are professionals
‪공양주라고 합니다‬who also practice here.
‪황지사의 공양주 처사님은‬ ‪특히 국수를 잘 만드세요‬Hwangjisa's head cook is especially good at making noodles.
‪한꺼번에 많은 국수를 만들 땐‬I've heard it's hard to control the boiling time
‪면 삶는 시간을‬ ‪조절하는 게 어렵다는데‬when you're making a large quantity of noodles.
‪우리 공양주 처사님은‬ ‪면 색깔만 봐도 척척‬But our head cook can tell the exact boiling time instantly,
‪정확한 시간을‬ ‪가늠하신다 하니까요‬just by looking at the noodles' color.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 그래서 그런지‬ ‪면발이 정말 탱글탱글해요‬ ‪[주지의 웃음]‬I guess that's what makes the noodles here so chewy.
‪(명석) 아, 그, 행복국수라고‬There was a shop I visited that made really great meat noodles
‪제주도에 고기국수‬ ‪참 잘하는 집이 있었는데요‬There was a shop I visited that made really great meat noodles called Haengbok Noodles,
‪씁, 거기서 맛본‬ ‪비빔국수 같기도 합니다‬and these noodles tasted like the ones that I had there.
‪소면 대신 이렇게‬ ‪두꺼운 면을 쓰신 것도 그렇고요‬The way he used thicker noodles instead of thin ones.
‪어, 큼직한 버섯 고명이‬The way he used thicker noodles instead of thin ones. And how the mushroom toppings look like big pieces of boiled pork.
‪꼭 수육처럼‬ ‪올라가 있는 것도 그렇고요‬And how the mushroom toppings look like big pieces of boiled pork.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬And how the mushroom toppings look like big pieces of boiled pork.
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪[고래 울음]‬
‪왜 지금까지‬ ‪그 생각을 못 했을까요?‬Oh, why didn't I think of this sooner?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Hwangjisa is on Hanbaek Mountain,
‪(영우) 황지사는‬ ‪한백산에 위치하며‬Hwangjisa is on Hanbaek Mountain,
‪(영우) 절 안에 약수터가 있습니다‬and there's a mineral spring in the temple.
‪그러네‬You're right.
‪그럼 혹시 여기가…‬"A place where the…"
‪산 좋고 물 좋은 곳‬"Mountains and waters are nice."
‪황지사의 공양주가‬ ‪행복국수 사장님이 맞는지‬I wanna check and see if the head cook of Hwangjisa
‪[젓가락을 탁 놓으며]‬ ‪확인해 보고 싶습니다!‬is the owner of Haengbok Noodles!
‪(명석) 아…‬
‪[물이 주르륵 떨어진다]‬ ‪[탁탁 터는 소리]‬
‪(영우) 어‬ ‪황지사의 공양주십니까?‬Are you the head cook of Hwangjisa?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬Yeah?
‪(공양주) 아, 예‬Uh… Yes.
‪(영우) 어, 행복국수의‬ ‪사장님이었고요?‬Were you also the owner of Haengbok Noodles?
‪어, 그걸‬How did you know about that?
‪어떻게 아셨습니까?‬How did you know about that?
‪저희가 사장님을 찾아다녔거든요‬You know, you're a hard man to find.
‪나를요?‬You were looking for me? Why?
‪왜…‬You were looking for me? Why?
‪사장님을 찾아내서 부탁하려고요‬To find you and ask for a small favor of making meat noodles
‪위암 3기로 곧 죽을지도 모르는‬ ‪한 변호사를 위해서‬To find you and ask for a small favor of making meat noodles for an attorney who might soon die of stage three stomach cancer.
‪(영우) 고기국수를 만들어 달라고‬for an attorney who might soon die of stage three stomach cancer.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(명석) 아…‬Uh…
‪[작은 소리로] 엉뚱한 짓‬ ‪하지 말라니까 기어이 한 겁니까?‬I said nothing unnecessary, but you did it anyway.
‪(행복국수 사장) 저를‬ ‪찾아다녔다면 아시겠네요‬If you've really been looking for me, you should know.
‪행복국수는 문 닫았습니다‬Haengbok Noodles is out of business.
‪그렇다고 절에서 고기국수를‬ ‪만들 수도 없는 노릇이고‬And it's not proper to make you meat noodles in a temple.
‪그럼 행복국수를‬ ‪다시 열면 되지 않습니까?‬Then open the Haengbok Noodles Shop again.
‪(영우) 저희는 변호사들입니다‬We are attorneys. So we can help you.
‪사장님을 도울 수 있습니다‬We are attorneys. So we can help you.
‪(그라미) 아, 그래?‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Oh, really?
‪변호사가 식당 여는 걸‬ ‪어떻게 도와?‬How's an attorney help open a restaurant?
‪[민식이 그라미를 툭 친다]‬How's an attorney help open a restaurant?
‪(민우) 만약 행운국수가‬ ‪행복국수를 따라‬If it's true that Haengun Noodles named themselves
‪가게 이름을 비슷하게 지은 게‬ ‪사실이라면‬If it's true that Haengun Noodles named themselves after Haengbok Noodles, an attorney can help you.
‪변호사가 도와줄 수 있죠‬after Haengbok Noodles, an attorney can help you.
‪(수연) 행복국수 주방에서‬ ‪일하시던 분을‬And also the way they poached your man at Haengbok
‪행운국수 주방장으로 고용해‬And also the way they poached your man at Haengbok and hired him at Haengun, leaking the special Haengbok recipe.
‪행복국수만의 조리법을‬ ‪유출시킨 것도요‬and hired him at Haengun, leaking the special Haengbok recipe.
‪그 또한 사실이라면‬ ‪저희가 도와드릴 수 있습니다‬If this is true, we can help.
‪모두 사실입니까?‬Is everything true?
‪모두 사실입니다‬Yes. It is, I'm afraid.
‪(행복국수 사장)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며] 하지만‬But even so, what can be done?
‪그런들 제가 뭘 할 수 있겠습니까?‬But even so, what can be done?
‪부정 경쟁 방지 및‬ ‪영업 비밀 보호에 관한 법률‬Have you heard of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act?
‪이라고 들어 보셨습니까?‬the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act?
‪유명한 가게 상호를‬ ‪비슷하게 따라하는 걸‬Copying the brand name of a famous restaurant is called an act of unfair competition.
‪부정 경쟁 행위라고 합니다‬is called an act of unfair competition.
‪행복국수가 유명해지자‬Example, changing the restaurant name to Haengun Noodles
‪원래 다른 이름이었던 상호를‬Example, changing the restaurant name to Haengun Noodles
‪행운국수로 바꾼 것이‬ ‪그런 예입니다‬right as Haengbok Noodles became famous.
‪(영우) 이런 행위는 소비자들을‬ ‪혼란스럽게 만들기 때문에‬These sorts of practices confuse consumers,
‪법에서 금지하고 있어요‬so the law prohibits it.
‪해당 법이 바로‬And that law is called
‪부정 경쟁 방지 및‬ ‪영업 비밀 보호에 관한 법률입니다‬the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act.
‪(행복국수 사장) 그래서요?‬Wait a second.
‪아니, 그 행운국수 사장은 저한테‬I remember. The owner of Haengun Noodles asked me
‪가게 이름으로‬ ‪무슨 뭐, 특허라도 냈냐면서‬if the name of my shop had been trademarked. He said I couldn't stop him if I hadn't registered it.
‪상표권 등록 안 했으면‬ ‪다 소용없다고 하던데?‬He said I couldn't stop him if I hadn't registered it.
‪아직 상표권 등록을 안 했더라도‬Even without a registered trademark yet,
‪이 문제는 일단‬Even without a registered trademark yet, this can be dealt with by making it an issue of unfair competition.
‪부정 경쟁의 문제로‬ ‪대처할 수 있습니다‬this can be dealt with by making it an issue of unfair competition.
‪(영우) 행운국수에 변호사 명의로‬ ‪내용 증명을 보내서‬What if we send Haengun Noodles a cease and desist as attorneys and request they stop using the name?
‪상호 사용을 중지하라고‬ ‪요청하면 어떨까요?‬a cease and desist as attorneys and request they stop using the name?
‪(민우) 근데 이 경우라면‬ ‪소송도 가능하지 않나요?‬But in this case, we could file a suit.
‪행운국수의 부정 경쟁으로 인해‬You'll be compensated for all the damage
‪사장님께서 그동안 입은 손해를‬ ‪재판을 통해 보상받는 거죠‬caused by the unfair competition of Haengun Noodles through a trial.
‪(영우) 행복국수라는 이름으로‬ ‪가게 문을 다시 여신다면‬caused by the unfair competition of Haengun Noodles through a trial. If you open your shop again with the name Haengbok Noodles,
‪지금이라도‬ ‪상표 등록을 하시면 좋겠습니다‬you should register the trademark right away.
‪이 부분 역시‬The IP team at Hanbada can help you with all of these details as well.
‪한바다의 지식 재산권 팀이‬ ‪도와드릴 수 있습니다‬The IP team at Hanbada can help you with all of these details as well.
‪(수연) 앞으로는 직원이‬ ‪행복국수의 조리법을‬From now on, you can even keep your staff from leaking the Haengbok noodles special recipe.
‪외부로 유출하는 행위도‬ ‪막을 수 있어요‬from leaking the Haengbok noodles special recipe.
‪조리법을 영업 비밀로‬ ‪보호해 두면 되거든요‬That way, you can keep the recipe as a trade secret.
‪영업 비밀로요?‬Um, "trade secret"?
‪(민우) 예, 그, 코카콜라 만드는‬ ‪방법을 우리가 알 수 없는 건‬Yes, the reason we don't know the recipe for Coca-Cola is because the Coca-Cola company has protected it as a trade secret.
‪코카콜라 회사가 그걸 영업 비밀로‬ ‪묶어 놨기 때문이잖아요‬is because the Coca-Cola company has protected it as a trade secret.
‪고기국수 조리법도 마찬가지예요‬You can do the same for your meat noodles recipe.
‪물론 절차는 좀 까다롭죠‬You can do the same for your meat noodles recipe. It's a little tricky. You need some sworn statements on file.
‪직원들의 서약서도 받아야 하고요‬It's a little tricky. You need some sworn statements on file.
‪이 과정 또한 한바다의 전문가들이‬ ‪도와드릴 수 있습니다‬But the experts at Hanbada can also help you with this.
‪[민식과 그라미의 탄성]‬-Whoa. -Whoa.
‪[행복국수 사장의 당황한 웃음]‬-Whoa. -Whoa.
‪(행복국수 사장) 아니‬I mean…
‪이렇게 방법이‬ ‪다 있는 줄 몰랐습니다‬I didn't know that any of this was even possible.
‪법으로 구제받을 수 있다는 건‬ ‪생각도 못 하고‬I didn't think that the law was able to save me.
‪전 그저 내 마음만‬ ‪다스려야 되는 줄 알았어요‬I thought all I could do was calm my heart.
‪[행복국수 사장의 한숨]‬
‪어머니가 알려 주신‬ ‪국수 만드는 비법을‬It hurts so much to think that I couldn't protect or…
‪난 지켜 내지도‬continue on with…
‪이어 가지도 못했구나 싶어서‬the family noodle recipe that…
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪너무 괴로웠는데‬…my mother taught me.
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you so much.
‪고맙습니다‬My humble thanks. Truly.
‪예, 고맙습니다‬My humble thanks. Truly. Thank you.
‪[딸칵]‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪(행복국수 사장) 자‬ ‪국수 나왔습니다‬ ‪[행복국수 사장의 웃음]‬Enjoy. The noodles are served.
‪(명석) 아, 저희 때문에‬ ‪급하게 가게 문까지 열어 주시고‬I appreciate you opening up the shop for us. This brings back so many memories.
‪정말 감사합니다‬This brings back so many memories.
‪(행복국수 사장) 곧‬ ‪서울 가신다면서요‬Well, you're going back soon.
‪그 전에 국수 한 그릇씩은‬ ‪해 드려야죠‬The least I could do before you all go…
‪[행복국수 사장의 웃음]‬The least I could do before you all go…
‪조만간 제가 사건 의뢰하면‬ ‪곧 다시 뵙겠지만요‬…is make you noodles. Although I'll see you soon when I commission the case.
‪[행복국수 사장의 웃음]‬ ‪(명석) 아, 예‬Although I'll see you soon when I commission the case. Yes, take your time to think about it and then contact us.
‪생각해 보시고 연락 주십시오‬Yes, take your time to think about it and then contact us.
‪(행복국수 사장) 근데‬ ‪고기국수 진짜 안 드세요?‬Are you sure you don't want some meat noodles?
‪국물 맛이라도 좀 보시라고‬ ‪제가 만들어 왔는데‬I made this, so you could at least give the broth a try.
‪아닙니다, 저는 괜찮습니다‬No, thank you. I'm okay. Thanks.
‪(민식) 생큐‬Thank you.
‪[행복국수 사장의 웃음]‬
‪예, 자, 그럼 먹어 볼까요?‬Well, now, shall we try it?
‪- (준호) 맛있게 드세요‬ ‪- (민우) 잘 먹겠습니다‬-Thank you so much. -Yeah!
‪(그라미와 수연) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[민식의 웃음]‬
‪(민식) 국물에 기름기가‬ ‪자글자글 이렇게 올라오는 게‬The rich greasiness of the broth is the…
‪엄청 맛있겠습니다‬the best part, yeah.
‪[민식과 행복국수 사장의 웃음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[개운한 숨소리]‬
‪[후루룩 마신다]‬
‪[개운한 숨소리]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪진짜 맛있네요‬It's amazing.
‪[행복국수 사장의 웃음]‬Thank you. Enjoy it.
‪(행복국수 사장) 고맙습니다‬ ‪많이 드세요‬Thank you. Enjoy it.
‪(그라미) 감사합니다!‬Thank you.
‪[민우의 탄성]‬
‪[민식의 웃음]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪제 자리에 앉으세요‬Sit over here, Jun-ho.
‪(수연) 승무원한테‬ ‪자리 바꿔 달라고 얘기할게요‬I'll tell the flight attendant.
‪아, 네‬Uh, okay.
‪[짐칸이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪너희 깨졌다며‬I heard you guys broke it off.
‪같이 앉으면 불편할 거 아니야‬It'd be awkward if he sat here.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[안전벨트를 달칵 채운다]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(그라미) 나냐고, 선녀냐고‬Is it me or the angel?
‪(영상 속 기자1) 태수미‬ ‪법무부 장관 후보자 인사 청문회가‬The confirmation hearing for Ministry of Justice candidate, Tae Su-mi,
‪한 달 앞으로 다가왔습니다‬for Ministry of Justice candidate, Tae Su-mi, is only a month away.
‪태 후보자는 오늘‬ ‪서울 고등 검찰청 청사에 마련된‬Today, Candidate Tae went to the office of the confirmation hearing preparation team
‪인사 청문회‬ ‪준비단 사무실로 출근하며‬of the confirmation hearing preparation team at the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office to begin the preparations.
‪본격적인 준비에 돌입했습니다‬at the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office to begin the preparations.
‪이번 인사 청문회에서는‬This confirmation hearing will see the two political parties fiercely at odds as they discuss
‪태 후보자의‬ ‪법무 법인 대표직 세습 논란과‬will see the two political parties fiercely at odds as they discuss
‪아들의 원정 출산 논란‬Candidate Tae's many personal controversies,
‪남편이 회장으로 있는‬ ‪강천그룹과의 유착 관계 등‬Candidate Tae's many personal controversies, such as the hereditary succession of the CEO position
‪주로 태 후보자 신상에 관한‬ ‪여러 논란을 두고‬at her law firm, going abroad to give birth to her son, and her close ties with the Gangcheon Group
‪여야가 격렬하게‬ ‪대립할 전망입니다‬and her close ties with the Gangcheon Group where her husband is the chairman.
‪[영상 속 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(영상 속 수미) 어, 인사 청문회는‬Since everyone will be watching this confirmation hearings live broadcast,
‪국민 여러분들이‬ ‪생방송으로 지켜보시는 자리니까요‬Since everyone will be watching this confirmation hearings live broadcast,
‪철저하게 준비하겠습니다‬I will be thoroughly prepared.
‪바른 자세로‬ ‪성실하게 임하겠습니다‬And I will answer honestly to the best of my ability.
‪(영상 속 기자2) 대응 계획‬ ‪한 말씀만 부탁드립니다‬What can you say about your response plan?
‪[영상 속 기자들이 저마다 묻는다]‬ ‪[노크 소리]‬Can you give us a comment on your choice of going abroad to give birth?
‪[키보드 조작음]‬ ‪네‬Come in.
‪(비서) 대표님, 정의일보‬ ‪이준범 기자님 오셨습니다‬Ma'am, Reporter Lee Jun-beom has arrived.
‪들어오시라고 해요‬Tell him to come in.
‪(선영) 오셨어요?‬Ah, you're here.
‪[준범의 웃음]‬Ah, you're here.
‪(준범) 아유, 대표님‬ ‪잘 지내셨습니까?‬Well, ma'am. I haven't heard from you in a while.
‪[선영이 호응한다]‬ ‪오랜만에 저 불러 주셨네요‬How have you been?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬How have you been? Good. How have you been?
‪(선영) 기자님도 건강하셨죠?‬Good. How have you been?
‪태수미 딸은 찾으셨어요?‬Did you find Tae Su-mi's daughter?
‪태수미가‬ ‪혼외로 낳은 딸 찾으신다고‬I heard that you were putting a lot of time into research
‪기자님이 조사‬ ‪많이 하셨던 것 같은데?‬to find Tae Su-mi's daughter born out of wedlock, right?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬Yeah.
‪아, 네‬Yeah.
‪여러 가지 정황상‬Considering what I know,
‪친딸로 의심되는 사람이‬ ‪하나 있었는데‬there was one person I suspected was her daughter.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪누구요?‬Who's that?
‪[조심스러운 숨소리]‬
‪대표님도 아시려나 모르겠네요‬I'm not sure if you know her.
‪씁, 여기 한바다에서 일하는‬ ‪우영우 변호사라고‬I'm not sure if you know her. Atty. Woo Young-woo. She works here at Hanbada.
‪(준범) 씁, 심증은 가는데‬It's just a hunch. There's no real proof.
‪확실한 한 방이 없어서‬ ‪기사로 내진 못하고 있었습니다‬It's just a hunch. There's no real proof. So I haven't published anything.
‪맞아요‬She is.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪네?‬What?
‪우영우 변호사가‬ ‪태수미 딸 맞다고요‬Atty. Woo is Tae Su-mi's daughter. You were right.
‪아니, 그럼‬So you've…
‪처음부터 알, 알고 뽑으신 겁니까?‬You've been aware this entire time?
‪(준범) 태수미는요?‬What about Tae Su-mi? Does she know this?
‪태수미도 이 사실을 알고 있나요?‬What about Tae Su-mi? Does she know this?
‪[준범이 펜을 달칵 누른다]‬
‪기자님 궁금하신 것들‬ ‪제가 천천히 다 알려 드릴게요‬I'll tell you everything you want to know eventually all in due time.
‪근데 대신 조건이 하나 있어요‬But only on one condition.
‪조건이요?‬What's that?
‪기사 나가는 타이밍을‬Publish your article…
‪태수미 인사 청문회‬ ‪직전으로 해 주세요‬right before Tae Su-mi's confirmation hearing,
‪바로 반박할 수 없게‬so she can't refute it right away.
‪아, 네‬Sure.
‪뭐, 데스크와 이야기해 봐야겠지만‬I'll have to clear with the editor, but that should be fine.
‪가능할 거 같습니다‬I'll have to clear with the editor, but that should be fine.
‪(준범) 씁, 그…‬
‪여기 온 김에 혹시 제가‬Since I'm already here,
‪우영우 변호사도‬ ‪만나 볼 수 있을까요?‬can I meet with Atty. Woo Young-woo?
‪우선은 저랑 먼저 이야기하시죠‬Let's just keep this between us for now. Hold off on asking Atty. Woo questions for a little while.
‪우영우 변호사한테 질문하는 거는‬Hold off on asking Atty. Woo questions for a little while.
‪조금 기다려 주시고요‬Hold off on asking Atty. Woo questions for a little while.
‪기사 나가기 전까지만이라도‬At least until the article is out.
‪아, 네‬All right.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(인철) 이용자들 개인 정보를‬ ‪지키지 못했다는 걸로‬Fining us $300 million just because we couldn't protect some personal data?
‪3천억을 부과하는 건‬ ‪이건, 이건 너무하지 않습니까?‬Fining us $300 million just because we couldn't protect some personal data? How is that not too much?
‪방통위가 실수로‬ ‪공을 몇 개 더 찍은 거 같습니다‬The KCC accidentally put a few extra zeros on that amount.
‪[승준의 헛웃음]‬ ‪(영우) 방송 통신 위원회가‬The KCC accidentally put a few extra zeros on that amount. The Korea Communications Commission didn't just add a few zeros to the fine.
‪실수로 공을 몇 개 더‬ ‪찍은 것이 아니라고요‬The Korea Communications Commission didn't just add a few zeros to the fine.
‪더럽게 건방지네, 진짜‬She is so damn arrogant.
‪우리 고객들이‬ ‪공동 소송을 준비 중이랍니다‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬Our users are gonna file a class-action claim.
‪동료를 위해서‬ ‪좀 바보 같을 수는 없어요?‬Do it for your colleague's sake. Can't you be a brave fool?
‪조율 가능한 부분이…‬-According to the judgment of the-- -Stop! Just stop!
‪(승준) 거참, 그만하라고, 좀!‬-According to the judgment of the-- -Stop! Just stop!
‪그렇게 잘났으면 너 혼자 하세요!‬If you know so much, do it by yourself!
‪(승준) 오늘부로 우영우 변호사‬ ‪이 사건에서 제외입니다‬As of this moment, you are no longer a part of this case.

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