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  쌈 마이웨이 14

Fight for my way 14


(남자1) 누구야?Who is it? Is it Ko Dong-man?
(남자2) 고동만이 나왔니?Who is it? Is it Ko Dong-man?
(남자3) 어떡해!What's going on?
(남자4) 누가 실려 나온 거야?Who is it?
(남자5) 누구지?
[분위기 가라앉는 음악]
(동만) 인생의 모든 폭풍우는 꼭Every storm in life finds you when you have your guard down.
방심할 시간을 주고 찾아온다Every storm in life finds you when you have your guard down.
지난주에 옆 동도 다 털렸습니다Last week, they robbed the neighbors and took everything.
[긴장된 음악]
[문소리 강조]
[마음 졸이게 고조되는 음악]
- (애라) 야, 꼬동만! - 아이, 깜짝이야, 이씨!-Hey, Ko Dong-man! -You scared me!
[속삭임] 조용히 하라니까I said to be quiet.
있긴 누가 있어?Who would be inside here? Stop being an idiot and come quickly.
푼수 떨지 말고 빨리 와!Who would be inside here? Stop being an idiot and come quickly.
아니, 분명히 있다니까No, I'm sure of it.
(동만) 저, 저... 아씨
(동만) 아...
(동만) 아씨
아, 나 진짜... 야, 안에 누가 확실히 있었다니까I'm certain there was someone in there. I saw toe socks!
내가 발가락 양말을 봤다니까I'm certain there was someone in there. I saw toe socks!
너 진짜 왜 이렇게 눈치가 없어!Why are you so slow?
뭔 눈치?-Slow? -It's the landlady's personal life.
B사감 사생활이잖아-Slow? -It's the landlady's personal life.
- 뭐? - 그 아줌마-What? -She had lipstick on.
입술을 바르고 있더라고-What? -She had lipstick on.
집에서 왜 입술을 바르고 있겠냐고!Why would she have lipstick on at home?
애인이지!For her lover.
근데 네가 눈치도 없이 거기를 왜! 돌격을 해!But you being so slow... Why would you do that there?
그래서 입술...That's why... 
이게 여자의 직감이! 와아!So this is what a woman's sixth sense is. 
근데 너...But you...
박혜란이 밖에 나오는 거 본 적 있어?Have you seen Park Hye-ran come outside?
아, 왜 코빼기가 안 보여?I haven't seen her at all.
니가 그걸 왜 신경 써?Why are you concerned about that?
가라See you.
왜, 왜! 왜 또 따라 들어올라고?What? What? You want to follow me inside?
너 이제 우리 집 들어오지 마!Don't come inside my house anymore. I'm tired now.
나도 이제 힘들어Don't come inside my house anymore. I'm tired now.
[익살스러운 음악] 뭐가 힘들어?What's tiring? 
야 남들이 들으면 내가 막 널! 뭐! 응?If someone else saw, they'd think I... What? Make you tired or something?
- 힘들게 하는 줄? - 니가 날 힘들게 하잖아What? Make you tired or something? You do tire me.
여기가 뭐 내무반이야?Is this a barracks? Why should a man and woman...
남녀가...Is this a barracks? Why should a man and woman...
왜?Until when...
언제까지... 어?Until when...
이게 무슨 고동만 극기 체험이야?Is this some kind of boot camp for Ko Dong-man?
들어가서 자! [도어락]Go sleep.
(천갑, 형식) 아이고, 아이고!
(천갑, 형식) 아! 아...
[천갑, 형식 앓는 소리]
[형식 앓는 소리]
왜, 왜들 거기 계신 거예요?What are you guys doing there?
[천갑, 형식 헛기침]
엄마! 이분들 누구셔?Mom, who are they?
둘 중에...Out of the two, who is it?
누구셔?Out of the two, who is it?
네!Yes, I'm Madame Hwang's only son, Kim Nam-il.
우리 황 여사님의 하나뿐인 외아들 김남일입니다Yes, I'm Madame Hwang's only son, Kim Nam-il.
[호기심을 자극하는 음악]
[형식 목 가다듬음]
[형식 목 가다듬음]
오빠들... 여기 왜 온 줄 아는데요Obba, I know why you're here, but...
더는 나한테 숨으라고 하지 마요don't tell me to hide anymore.
여태 조용히 있다가 왜 이랴?Why now, after living quietly?
내가 조용히...Have I been quiet?
있던가요?Have I been quiet?
나 한 번도 조용히 있었던 적 없는데There wasn't a single time where I was living quietly.
[분위기 가라앉는 음악]
그때부터 지금까지 30년For the past 30 years,
나 한 번도 엄마 아닌 적 없었어요 아시잖아요I've never acted like I wasn't a mother. You know that.
아니, 그래도...Still. Why would you reveal it now?
- 이제 와서 밝힐 필요가... - 그 황복희 자식이면Still. Why would you reveal it now? If he's that Hwang Bok-hee's son,
아직도... 큰일 나는 건가요?would it still be that bad?
[TV 격투 중계] 아! 저, 아우...
다리 풀렸네 다리 풀렸어His legs gave way.
어, 다리... 왜? 무슨 일이야?His legs gave way. Why? What is it?
그래서 너!So you will go to that weigh-in or whatever?
내일 기어코 그 계체량인가 뭔가 그거 재러 갈 거야?So you will go to that weigh-in or whatever?
왜 남자 친구한테 발가락으로 그렇게 해?Why are you using your feet like that on your boyfriend?
인생 니 멋대로만 살려면 여자는 왜 만나?What's the point of dating if you want to be selfish? 
나는 뭐, 병풍이야?What am I? An accessory?
아, 맞다! 아...That's right!
내일 그 면접이 겹쳤다 그랬지You said your job interviews tomorrow overlap, right?
어느 쪽으로 갈 거야?Which one are you going to?
내가 너 격투기 하는 거 갖다 뭐라고 하디?Did I ever say to never fight again?
아, 김탁수랑만 붙지 말라는 거잖아!I just said don't compete against Kim Tak-su! You really...
너 진짜... [위층 소음]I just said don't compete against Kim Tak-su! You really...
[계속 이어지는 소음] 야! 테레비 좀 줄여 봐Hey, lower the volume.
[TV 중계와 겹쳐서 계속 이어지는 위층 소음]He should hold his neck, so he won't be able to attack anymore.
이게 무슨 소리지?What's that sound?
집에 있긴 있는 거지?actually living in there, right?
뭔 동네 통장이냐? 니가 왜 신경 써?Are you a village chief? Why do you care?
[동만 목 가다듬음]
[무거운 음악]
복희한테 저렇게 다 큰아들이 다 있었댜?Bok-hee had a grown son like that?
아, 근데 성이 왜 심각햐?Why are you all serious?
아, 누가 심각하댜?Who's serious?
저기, 온 김에... 애들 한번 보고 갈랴?You know, since we're here, should we see the kids?
넌 참 옛날부터 머리가 딸려 큰일이다You're always so lacking in your brain department.
아, 애들한테 뭐하러 왔다 할 겨?What would you tell the kids?
황복희 보러 왔다 그럴겨?Are you going to say you came to see Hwang Bok-hee?
근디 말이여 성은 여기 왜 온 겨?But why did you come anyway?
우리 집이 부천 아니여!I live in Bucheon!
아, 집이 부천인 게 뭔 상관이여!What's that got to do with anything?
우리 집이 부천이라고!I told you. My house is in Bucheon. There's a bus that comes here in one shot.
여기로 한방에 오는 버스가 있다고!I told you. My house is in Bucheon. There's a bus that comes here in one shot. You call that an excuse? What kind of a load of crap.
그게 핑계여?You call that an excuse? What kind of a load of crap.
말이여, 똥이여You call that an excuse? What kind of a load of crap.
뭐여, 참! [목 가다듬음]What?
[형식 목 가다듬음]
(천갑) 아이고, 참말로 진짜...Gosh.
[회한 가득한 음악]
[애라 목 가다듬음]
야, 야, 잠깐만Hey!
[동만 목 가다듬음] 뭐야?-What? -For your digestion,
소화제랑-What? -For your digestion,
엿 먹어라and eat yeot.
야, 근데 걔네 진짜 신기하다Hey, but they're really funny though. 
니가 막 지르고 나와서 임팩트가 좀 셌나?Maybe you left quite an impression when you yelled at them?
나한테 이렇게까지 개긴 면접자는 니가 처음이야, 뭐 이런 건가?Is it something like, you're the first interviewee that rebelled like that?
최애라 씨?Choi Ae-ra.
인생 선배로서 내가 충고 좀 하는데...As a senior in life, let me give you some advice.
하지 마세요Please don't.
저 붙이실 거 아니잖아요You're not going to pass me anyway.
그럼 상처도 주지 마세요 저도...Then don't hurt me, either. I have a right to not be hurt.
상처받지 않을 권리 있습니다Then don't hurt me, either. I have a right to not be hurt.
가자! [목 가다듬음]Let's go.
근데 링 아나운서 면접도 오늘이랬지?The interview for the ring announcer is also today, right? 
어떻게 이렇게 딱 겹치냐!How could they both be on the same day?
확실히 아나운서로 가는 거야?So you're sure you're going to the announcer thing. Not the octagon?
옥타곤으로 안 가고?So you're sure you're going to the announcer thing. Not the octagon?
당연하지 6살 때부터 내 꿈이었는데!Of course, it's been my dream ever since I was six.
근데 너...Was your dream an announcer or the mic?
꿈이 아나운서였던 거야? 마이크였던 거야?Was your dream an announcer or the mic?
뭐?What? As your boyfriend, friend,
남친이자 친구이자 너를 23년간 봐 온 목격자로서As your boyfriend, friend, and someone who has witnessed your life for the past 23 years,
충언 하나 하자면 [혀 차는 소리]if I give you honest advice,
솔직히 너're not made to be an announcer.
아나운서감은 아니야you're not made to be an announcer.
야!Hey! Why are you discouraging me before my interview? You're bringing bad luck.
면접 앞두고 사람 기를 죽여 부정 타게!Hey! Why are you discouraging me before my interview? You're bringing bad luck.
가만 앉혀 두기엔 아까운 스케일이지You're too good to be just sitting down. A psycho should fly.
또라이는 날아야 맛이지You're too good to be just sitting down. A psycho should fly.
그래도...Still... An announcer seems like something mainstream.
아나운서는 뭔가Still... An announcer seems like something mainstream.
메이저 같잖아Still... An announcer seems like something mainstream.
나도 거기 좀 끼고 싶어I'd like to be a part of that.
야!Hey, isn't where you are the mainstream for you?
니가 있는 데가 너한테 메이저 아니야?Hey, isn't where you are the mainstream for you?
니가 좋은 데가 너한테 메이저 아니냐고?Isn't where you're happy the mainstream for you?
그냥So... Just go with the thing that makes your heart beat faster.
더 가슴 뛰는 거 해!So... Just go with the thing that makes your heart beat faster.
그래도 최종까지 갔는데 아나운서를 마다해?Still, I made it to the final interview for the announcer. I can't reject that.
그건 미친 거지It's crazy.
- 탁수야! - 왜?-Tak-su. -Yes?
- 저기 저 사람... - (여자 1) 카렐라스다!That person...
[갑자기 더 소란해지는 장내]
[영어] (남자 기자) 한국에는 왜 오셨나요?Why did you come to Korea?
우리 가족을 대표하는 첫 아시아 선수를 코치하러 왔죠I have come here to train the first Asian fighter to represent my family.
이 선수 하나 때문에 왔나요?Is that the only reason you came to Korea, because of him?
선수에게 집중해 주세요 난 코치일 뿐입니다Focus on him. I'm just here to be in the shadow.
링에 오를 사람은 이 선수예요He's the one that's going to step in the ring.
(여자 기자) 존, 언제부터 고동만 선수를 알고 있었습니까?Since when have you known fighter Ko Dong-man?
[기자들 질문 공세] [카메라 셔터]
[카메라 셔터]
포즈 취해 주세요Please pose.
[긴장감 넘치는 음악]
11번 최애라 씨!Number 11, Choi Ae-ra?
최애라 씨 안 계세요?Is Choi Ae-ra not here?
(애라) 네!Yes.
[애라 가쁜 호흡]
최애라! 여기 왔습니다Choi Ae-ra is here.
[서은광, 임현식, 육성재의 '알듯 말듯해' 재생]
(동만) 니가 좋은 게 너한테 메이저지Mainstream is what makes you happy.
그냥 더 가슴 뛰는 거 해!So... just go with the thing that makes your heart beat faster.
격투기 대중화의 혁신 전략은 여심이라고 생각합니다I think the innovative strategy for the popularization of MMA is... the hearts of women.
옥타곤의 유일한 여성이라 할 수 있는 링 걸!The only women in the octagon, the ring girls.
그런데 링 걸로는 여심을 잡을 수 없습니다But with only ring girls, you can't win the hearts of women.
선수들 옆이 아니라A professional woman that leads the game
앞에서 경기를 이끄는 전문직 여성!in front of the athletes, not by their side,
그것이 여심을 잡을 수 있는 포인트라고 생각합니다I think that's the key to gaining women's hearts.
(대표) 그래도 여자 아나운서는 너무 파격적이지 않습니까?Still, isn't a female announcer too unconventional?
파격이 아니라 혁신이죠!It's not unconventional. It's innovative.
[애라 속마음] 에라, 모르겠다Oh well, let's just wing it. 
저는 여기서 떨어지면If I don't make it here,
그길로 바로 경쟁 리그 링 아나운서에 도전할 것입니다I will immediately apply for ring announcer of the rival league.
그럼 대표님께선Then Chairman,
국내 격투기 사상 최초you'll lose the first ever female ring announcer right in front of your eyes.
여성 링 아나운서를 눈앞에서 뺏기게 되시는 것입니다you'll lose the first ever female ring announcer right in front of your eyes.
아, 근데 제가 지금 시간이 좀 없어서However, I am kind of tight on time right now.
그러니까 뭐 더 들을 것 없이 바로 합격!So, there is no need to hear any more. You passed.
- 예? - 합격이시라고!-Yes? -You're in.
[대표 호탕한 웃음] [흥겨운 뽕짝풍 음악]
아니, 왜...No, why? How can it be this easy...
뭐 이렇게 쉽게...No, why? How can it be this easy...
잘하시잖아 톡톡 튀시고You are good. Also, you stand out.
저기...Excuse me. I am, uh... On the back of the resume,
저는 이력서 뒤에 영국에서 딴 석사 학위를 첨부했습니다Excuse me. I am, uh... On the back of the resume, I enclosed my master's degree that I obtained in England.
마이크 잡는데 석사 학위 필요 없고요You don't need a master's degree to hold a microphone.
링 위에서는 무조건 실력입니다In the ring, all that matters are your skills.
되게 맘에 드네요!I love it.
그럼 당장 다음 빅 매치 때부터Then you'll start with the next big match right away.
아니, 빅 매치는 좀...The big match is a little... We already cast someone.
저희가 따로 섭외한 분이 있어서요The big match is a little... We already cast someone.
[긴장된 음악]
왜 존 카렐라스가 찰순대 티를 입고 있냐고!Why is John Carlos wearing the Sausages shirt?
왜 걔가 고동만이 세컨을 봐 주냐고!Why is he being the second for Go Dong-man?
아니, 진짜 뭐 뭐 이런 변수가...-Right. What kind of variable is this? -Take it away.
뺏어, 뺐어 뺏어! 다 뺏어 와!-Right. What kind of variable is this? -Take it away. Take it away. Take it all away and bring it back to me!
황장호보다 돈 더 준다고 하라고!Tell him we'll pay more than Hwang Jang-ho.
탁수야, 걔가 돈 때문에 갔겠냐?-Tak-su, do you think he's here for money? -What?
뭐요?-Tak-su, do you think he's here for money? -What?
억만금을 줘 봐라 걔가 니한테 오는지Try giving him millions, he still won't come to you.
그 도장을 불 싸지르든Burn up that gym, deport him,
걔를 강제 출국시키든 심판들을 구워삶든!Burn up that gym, deport him, or soften up the referees!
아, 쫌!Do something!
너 하는 거 보니까 벌써부터 졌다, 졌어!Seeing how you act, you've already lost.
뭐! 왜, 왜?What? Why?
아, 갑자기 왜 그러냐고?Why are you like this all of a sudden?
나도 이제 억만금을 줘도 안 할란다I won't do it anymore even if you give me millions.
15년 전에...Fifteen years ago,
동만이가 황 코치님보다 내한테 먼저 찾아왔어, 그때...when Dong-man came to me before he went to Coach Hwang,
동만이를 알아봤지만서도I recognized his talents,
내가 느그 집 그 억만금에 넘어갔다but I fell for your family's millions.
쇠도끼를 고른 황 코치님은 장수가 되셨는데Coach Hwang who picked the iron ax became a general,
나는 15년 제자랑 같이 양아치가 돼 버렸네but I've become a jerk with my student of 15 years.
내가 못 잡아 줘서 미안하다 탁수야I'm sorry I couldn't guide you properly.
(대표) 왜죠?Why is that? Why does it have to be her?
아, 왜 꼭 이분이 하셔야 되는 거냐고?Why is that? Why does it have to be her?
시구도 셀럽이 하면 검색 순위도 올라가고 그러거든요If a celebrity throws the first pitch, it will begin trending on the web.
(면접관) 근데 마침Anchor Park coming to see the game created a lot of buzz.
박 앵커님이 경기 관람 오신 게 큰 화제가 됐었고Anchor Park coming to see the game created a lot of buzz.
격투기랑 셀럽이 무슨 상관입니까?What does MMA have to do with a celebrity?
예?Excuse me?
아, 저희 대표님이 교포시라 국내 사정을 워낙 잘 모르셔서The chairman is from abroad. He doesn't really know about domestic conditions.
그럼 어디 하시는 것 좀 볼 수 있을까요?Then can I see you do it?
지금 제 오디션을 보시겠다는 거예요?Are you telling me to audition?
전 재능 기부 차원에서 섭외 받고 온 사람이에요I'm was asked to be here to donate my talents.
저쪽 분보다 출연료가 10배라고 들었는데I heard you get paid ten times more than that person.
그럼 기부는 아니죠?Then that's not a donation.
10배 비싸시면 10배 더 잘하셔야 되는 거If you're ten times more expensive, you should be ten times better.
그거 당연한 거 아닐까요?Isn't that how it should be?
왜?What's wrong? Are you not confident?
자신 없으세요?What's wrong? Are you not confident?
자신감의 문제가 아니라 자존심의 문제죠It's not a question of confidence. It's a question of pride.
[대표 웃음]
나...I... passed. Passed.
합격...I... passed. Passed.
합격!I... passed. Passed.
바로 합격!I passed immediately.
박혜란을 이기셨네요You beat Park Hye-ran.
아, 뭐...Earlier, I was like that because I was put on the spot,
아깐 제가 난처해서 그랬는데 앞으로 잘 부탁드려요Earlier, I was like that because I was put on the spot, but it's nice meeting you.
예, 뭐 괜찮습니다Yes, well. It's okay.
근데 저도 박혜란이 진짜 올 줄은 몰랐거든요By the way, I didn't think Park Hye-ran would actually come.
아, 요즘 여기저기 다 까이고 일도 없다더니 그 얘기가 맞나 보네I heard she's been rejected everywhere and has no work. It must be true.
왜 일이 없어요?Why doesn't she have a job?
아, 혜성에서 이혼한 며느리 TV에 나오는 거 보고 싶겠어요?Would Hyesung Group want to see their divorced daughter-in-law on TV?
(면접관) 메이저 복귀는 힘들 거 같다던데I heard it would be hard for her to come back to the mainstream.
(면접관) 요즘도 악플 살벌하던데요Even nowadays, the negative comments are brutal.
나는 쟤 혀 안 깨무는 게 용해요I'm impressed that she didn't kill herself.
차는 얻다 두고 버스를 탄데Where did she put her car, now that she's riding the bus?
(애라) 우리 동네 가는 거 맞어That goes to our neighborhood.
마을버스 탈 때까지 나만 따라다녀Just follow me until you ride the local bus.
내가 언닐 왜 따라다녀요?Why should I follow you?
- 얼마죠? - 1,300원요-How much is it? -1,300 won.
잠시...Please wait a moment.
둘이요For two.
(기계음) 다인승입니다
우와, 대박!Wow, awesome. Isn't that Park Hye-ran?
박혜란 아니야? [놀란 감탄사]Wow, awesome. Isn't that Park Hye-ran?
[회한 가득한 음악]
(여자 1) 재벌가 시집가려고 전 남친 버리고 발악을 하더니She ditched her boyfriend and made frantic attempts to marry a chaebol.
(여자 2) 박혜란 노 관심 그냥 찌그러져 사세요!I don't care about Park Hye-ran. Just live quietly. You could still probably find that picture.
(남자 1) 그때 그 사진 아직도 뒤지면 나올걸?You could still probably find that picture.
(여자 3) 그때 그 사진 링크 투척Here is the link for that picture.
[휴대폰 벨 소리]
아니, 그럼 또 설희한테 뭐라 그러냐고?It's not that. What do I say to Sul-hee?
내가 뭐 노숙자도 아니고 남일 바도 한두 번이지It's not like I'm homeless,  and the Namil Bar excuse won't work.
그럼 나 내일 시합인데 혼자 자?It's my match tomorrow. Then do I sleep alone? I can't recharge?
난 충전 안 해?It's my match tomorrow. Then do I sleep alone? I can't recharge?
기냥...-Just... should we just tell? -You will?
- 말할까? - 니가?-Just... should we just tell? -You will?
너 양아치지?You're a jerk, right?
니가 먼저 옆구리... 찌른 건 사실이잖아You came on to me first.
아오, 이게 진짜 엘보로 울대를 콱 날려 버리고 싶네Jeez, you! I ought to fly an elbow towards you!
야! 남자 친구한테 그런 말 하는 거 아니야!Hey. You can't say those words to your boyfriend.
[동만 혀 차는 소리]
[동만 헛기침]
아... 자두, 자두?Oh, plum plum?
복숭안데?It's peaches.
음! 나는 요즘 자두가 그렇게 좋고 막 그러더라, 그지?It's peaches. I just like plums these days, don't I?
복숭아라니까?I told you it's peaches.
근데 니들 왜 안 들어가고 여기 있어?But why are you guys here and not going inside?
들어가야지We should go in.
자, 해산!Now, dismissed.
저기, 설아 [도어락]Sul-hee. Yes?
오늘은 내가 애라랑 잘게I will sleep with Ae-ra today.
[잔잔한 음악]
나 내일 시합이잖아It's my match tomorrow.
오늘 내가 진짜... 애라 충전이 필요해서I really need a recharge from Ae-ra.
하루만 빌려주라Let me borrow her for one day.
아니...No, that... Sul-hee. You see...
저기, 설아... 있잖아No, that... Sul-hee. You see...
빌려줄게I will lend her.
가져가Take her.
어이, 순대!Hey, Soondae.
장사 접어?Are you finishing up your business?
저 순대 아닌데요 장혼데요I'm not Soondae, I'm Jang-ho. Jang for general and Ho for tiger.
장군 장에 호랑이 호 장호I'm not Soondae, I'm Jang-ho. Jang for general and Ho for tiger.
나...I came because I have a favor to ask of you, jagi.
자기한테 부탁이 있어서 왔어I came because I have a favor to ask of you, jagi.
그 자기가 그 자기야?Not that.
아... 아, 그렇지Ah... that's right.
내 부탁 들어줄 거야?My favor, can you grant it? Are you tight lipped?
자기 입 무거워?My favor, can you grant it? Are you tight lipped?
뭐든 들어 드리겠습니다I will grant whatever it is.
이것 좀 보관해 줘Please keep this.
[분위기 가라앉는 음악]
장호가... 이거 가지고 있다가Jang-ho, hold onto this for now, and then...
[우당탕 대문 소리]
아, 내 여친 진짜 좀 쩌는 거 같애My girlfriend is so great. How can you get in right away?
어떻게 그렇게 한 번에 붙어 버리냐?My girlfriend is so great. How can you get in right away?
그럼 나 내일 이기면 니가 인터뷰하는 거야?Then if I win tomorrow, are you the one doing the interview?
그니까 꼭 이겨! 나 김탁수 인터뷰는 죽어도 안 해So you should win. I can't interview Kim Tak-su if he wins even if I die.
[혀 차는 소리] 이겨야지I should win.
쫄았어?Are you scared?
쬐끔은 쫄았어?Are you a little scared?
야! 고만 좀 솔직해 이럴 땐 그냥 안 쫄았다고 해야지Hey! Stop being honest. You should just say that you aren't scared.
내가 10년을 돌아서 따낸 15분이야It's the 15 minutes that took ten years to earn. I will never lose.
나 절대 안 져It's the 15 minutes that took ten years to earn. I will never lose.
그니까 걱정하지 마So don't worry.
너 경기하는 15분 내내During the 15 minutes of your fight,
내가 눈 한 번도 깜짝 안 하고 너 지켜보고 있을 거야I will watch over you without blinking.
내가 옥타곤 바로 밑에 있을 거고I will be right below the octagon.
너한테 아무 일도 안 생기게 내가 너 지켜줄 거야I will watch over you so that nothing happens.
[혀 차는 소리] 콩만 한 새끼가 뭘 그렇게 맨날 날 지켜준대Such a small punk always saying that she would protect me.
니가 뭘 하든 딱 15분이면 상황 끝!Whatever you do, after 15 minutes, the situation is over.
니가 눈 뜨면 내가 이렇게 바로 딱 앞에 있을게When you open your eyes, I will be right beside you.
내 맘은 진짜로는!How I really feel is that...
진짜로는How I really feel is that...
너 내일 못 일어나게So that you can't get up tomorrow, when you sleep...
너 잘 때 막...So that you can't get up tomorrow, when you sleep...
막 마취총이라도 쏴 놓고 싶고 막...I want to shoot you with a tranquilizer.
[케이시의 '굿모닝' 재생]
그만 좀 울어라Stop crying.
너 통곡할까 봐 내가 안 진다니까I won't lose, so you don't wail.
[애라 한숨]
아, 나도 니가... 그냥저냥 괜찮은 놈이면If you were just some kind of an okay guy,
걍 쿨하게 해 보라 그러겠는데I would tell you to go do it.
근데 나는 니가 보통 좋은 게 아니라 진짜...But I don't just like you.
진짜로 겁나 좋단 말이야I really like you so much.
근데 어떻게 그래? 근데 어떻게 하라고 그래?So how can I do that? How can I?
하아... 뭐 이렇게 꺼떡하면 고백을 해싸Why do you so easily confess your feelings?
드럽게 귀엽게 진짜...So disgustingly cute.
미안한데...I'm sorry, but...
니가 너무 좋아서...I like you so much.
아무래도 못 할 거 같애I don't think I can do it.
너무 사랑해서Because you love me so much, you want to protect me?
막 지켜주고 그래 보게?Because you love me so much, you want to protect me?
니가 너무 좋아서Because I really like you so much...
오늘은 못 멈출 거 같애I can't stop myself today.
[새 지저귐]
너 진짜 개 같다You are really like a dog. You are really like Bok Shil.
되게 복실이 같구나?You are really like a dog. You are really like Bok Shil.
너 진짜 나한테 마취총 쐈지?You really shot me with a tranquilizer, right?
아, 왜 이렇게 일어나기가 싫지?Why don't I want to get up?
그냥 계속 잘래?Do you want to continue sleeping? I will take care of the coach.
내가 코치님 하나는 확실히 책임질게Do you want to continue sleeping? I will take care of the coach.
근데...But then...
나는...These days, I really like you a whole lot.
요즘 니가 진짜 겁나 좋았거든?These days, I really like you a whole lot.
와... 사람이, 사람이 이렇게까지 좋아할 수도 있나 싶게 좋았는데I like you to the point of wondering if a person could like another this much.
그거 다 개뿔도 아니더라But that wasn't nonsense.
- 뭐? - 나는 어제보다What? More than yesterday... today...
오늘 니가More than yesterday... today...
500배 더 좋아졌어I like you 500 times more.
[류지현의 '또 밤이 지나버렸네' 재생]
아, 진짜 이 새끼 너무 솔직해This jerk is too honest.
너 이렇게 훅 들어올 때마다 내가 부정맥이 다 생긴다고Every time you just come at me like this, I get arrhythmia.
널 코앞에다 두고 어떻게 20년을 참았지?How could I have left you and held it in for 20 years?
나 진짜 똥 멍청인가?I must have been a poop dummy.
그렇게 더 좋아졌어?You like me even more like that?
니 똥배도 좋고!I like your poop belly.
니 짧뚱한 팔다리도 좋고I like your short arms and legs.
니 냄새도 좋아I like your scent, too.
너한테서는From you, there's a seaweed soup scent,
내가 제일 좋아하는From you, there's a seaweed soup scent,
미역국 냄새도 나which I like a lot.
난 니가 너무 좋아I like you so much.
(동만) 이야Ae-ra.
얜 뭐 사람한테 미역국 냄새가 난대?Why would seaweed soup smell come out of a person?
[동만 웃음]
같이 들어갈래?Do you want to go in together?
이거 아주 양아치야!Look at this jerk!
아, 너무 민망해 생각도 하기 싫어I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed, I could die.
쪽팔려 죽어 버릴 거 같애I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed, I could die.
아, 니가 나 지켜준다매!You said you'll protect me!
아우, 이런 건 여자끼리지This is something between girls.
나 설희한테 뭐라 그래?What do I say to Sul-hee?
아... 머리라도 말리고 나올걸I should have dried my hair before coming out.
애라야-Ae-ra. -You want to go together?
같이 가게?-Ae-ra. -You want to go together?
아우, 씨...
어, 날이 좋아서 밖에다 막 빨래를 널어도 될 거 같은데?The weather is so nice, so I think it's good to hang the laundry outside.
날이 아주 여름이다! 여름The weather's totally like summer.
7월이니까Because it's July.
[멋쩍은 음악]
20년을 참더니 결국 사고들을 치시네You held it in for 20 years, and you make trouble in the end.
(주만) 아이
아, 왜 남의 집 비번을 누르고 들어와? 니가 여친이야?Why did you come without permission? Are you my girlfriend?
뭐하냐?What are you doing?
너 울었지?You cried, right?
야... 울었네 울었어, 이 새끼, 이거Wow, you cried. You cried, punk.
하품한 거야I just yawned.
아주 실연당하셨어요?Are you heartbroken?
횡격막이 너덜너덜하셔? 어?Is your diaphragm all ripped up?
왜 내 횡격막이 니 개그 소재가 돼야 되냐?Why does my diaphragm have to become the subject of your jokes?
- 주접떨지 말고 일어나, 시끼야 - 왜?Don't be so down and get up. Why?
야, 김쭈만이Hey, Kim Joo-man. I've known you for ten years.
내가 너랑은 10년이잖아Hey, Kim Joo-man. I've known you for ten years.
근데 우리 설희랑은 20년이거든As for Sul-hee, I've known her for 20 years.
너랑 설희랑 싸우면 난 당연히 설희 편이지Whenever you and her fight, I'm definitely on her side.
나가... 겟 아웃Leave. Get out.
우리 설희는 99% 착한 애가 아니고 100% 착한 애야Sul-hee is not 99 percent a nice person, she's 100 percent  a nice person.
그런 언빌리버블한 설희를 너 주기는 진짜 아까운데To give such unbelievable Sul-hee to you, she's too good for that.
설희는 천사야Sul-hee's an angel.
딴 놈은 못 미더워But I don't trust other men. Out of all of them, you're the best.
그중에 니가 제일 나But I don't trust other men. Out of all of them, you're the best.
그니까 내려가서 싹싹 빌어, 시끼야So go downstairs and beg for forgiveness.
- 근데 그 집에 - 뭐!-However, in that house... -What?
애라도 있잖아Ae-ra's there, too.
나 오늘 시합인데 우리 판타스틱 포가I have a match today, so shouldn't our Fantastic 4 all come together for breakfast?
당연히 조식을 함께 해야 되는 거 아니냐고so shouldn't our Fantastic 4 all come together for breakfast?
그것이 우리의 역사고, 관례고!That's our history and custom.
야, 왜 주만이한테만!Why are you giving Joo-man that?
어, 아니야 나 괜찮아No, I'm fine.
나 나무젓가락 좋아해I like wooden chopsticks.
계란 후라이는 3개야There are three fried eggs.
아, 난 괜찮아I'm fine because I have high cholesterol.
- 난 콜레스테롤이라서 - 니가 왜 콜레스테롤이냐?I'm fine because I have high cholesterol. What do you mean high cholesterol...
설아, 와서 밥 먹어Sul-hee, hurry up and let's eat.
때린 놈도 밥 먹는데 맞은 니가 왜 피해 있어?The perpetrator is eating, so why should the victim avoid eating?
(설희) 애라야Ae-ra, what is this?
(설희) 이게...Ae-ra, what is this?
- 뭐야? - 왜?Ae-ra, what is this? What?
이거... 보이스피싱 같은 건가?Is this voice phishing?
(여자 1) 설희님! 혹시 만드시는 매실주 구매 가능할까요?Is the plum wine you made available for purchase?
(여자 2) 저는 오디주 구매하고 싶었는데I wanted to purchase mulberry wine. 
아니, 이 사람들이 왜 왜 남의 술을 산데?Why? Why would they want to buy my wine?
사기 치는 거 아니야?Are they scammers?
아니, 돈은 니가 받는 건데 사기를 어떻게 쳐?You're the one receiving money, so how are they scammers?
- 응? - 응?You're the one receiving money, so how are they scammers? If anything, you'll be the one scamming them.
사기를 칠려면 니가 치는 거지If anything, you'll be the one scamming them.
돈을 받고 물건을 안 보낸다든가 뭐 그런 거For example, you receive their money, but you don't send it to them.
그런가?For example, you receive their money, but you don't send it to them. There are strange people on the web, too, so...
인터넷상에는 이상한 놈들도 간혹 있어서There are strange people on the web, too, so...
니가 워낙 깔끔하고 알차게 만드니까Since you make it so neatly and cleanly, everyone who's seen it wants to buy it.
이거 본 사람들이 다 사고 싶은 거지Since you make it so neatly and cleanly, everyone who's seen it wants to buy it.
(남자) 저도 구매할게요I would also like to purchase it.
어! 꽐라요정님이 자기도 산대!Oh, Koala Fairy wants to buy it, too.
꽐라요정은 아이디가 좀 수상한...The ID koala seems suspicious...
야, 다들 엔간히 먹고 싶었나 봐They must've really wanted it bad.
하나가 물꼬를 트니까 막 줄줄이 무네One person opens it up and now everybody wants it.
이게 무슨 일이야? 아니, 그러면 이걸 얼마에 팔아야 돼?What is going on? No, then how much should I sell these for?
일단 원가를 따져보자First, let's figure out the production cost.
니가 개당 남기고 싶은 순이익이 얼마야?How much net profit per bottle do you want to make?
글쎄?I'm not sure.
순수익이라는 건 부대 비용까지 다 고려해서 책정...A net profit should be set, considering additional expenses...
- 700원? - 안 판다고 해, 그냥-700 won? -Might as well not sell it, then.
[혀 차는 소리]Then...
800원!800 won?
[주만 한숨] 택배 붙이러 우체국 가는 버스비도 안 나오겠다It won't even cover the bus fare to go to the post office.
아, 그러면 1,100원!Them 1,100 won.
[혀 차는 소리]Them 1,100 won.
[동만 한숨] 많이 생각해 봐-Think it over. -What? What? What?
왜? 왜, 왜!-Think it over. -What? What? What?
비싼가 봐Is that too expensive?
[대표 호탕한 웃음] 말씀 많이 들었습니다 예? 잘 부탁드립니다DONGCHOON GYMNASIUM I heard a lot about you. I'll leave myself in your care.
대표님, 협조해 주셔서 너무 감사드립니다Sir, thank you so much for your cooperation.
아이고, 당연히 협조해 드려야지Of course I should cooperate.
(대표) 예? [대표 호탕한 웃음]Of course I should cooperate.
나 괜찮다고!I'm fine.
나 진짜 안 쫄았다니까?I'm really not scared.
아니, 여편네가 사내대장부 싸우러 나가는데 I'm about to go to a fight, you shouldn't sigh.
한숨이나 쉬고 자빠지면 내가... 어?I'm about to go to a fight, you shouldn't sigh.
아씨... [혀 차는 소리]Gosh.
오늘 출전하는 놈 머리를 때리냐?I have a match today, yet you hit my head?
다시 생각해 보니까 너 오늘 이기라고 한 거 취소야Thinking about it again, I take back saying you should win.
- 뭐? - 져도 돼You can lose. You can just lose.
그냥 져도 돼!You can lose. You can just lose.
그니까 탭 쳐!So tap. If it's painful, then tap. Make sure to tap.
아프면 탭 쳐! 꼭 쳐!So tap. If it's painful, then tap. Make sure to tap.
아, 뭘 시작도 하기 전에 탭 치라는 소리부터 해It hasn't even started and you're telling me to tap?
안 치면... 내가 올라가서 파토 낼 거야If you don't tap, I'll go up and end it.
진짜 철창 타고 넘어갈 거야I will really climb over the fence.
알았어, 알았어!I got it. If I think I might die, I'll tap.
죽겠으면 탭 칠게I got it. If I think I might die, I'll tap.
못 하겠다고 나자빠질게I will go on my back and call it quits.
근데 할 만하면But if I can handle it, I'll make it a decisive win.
대충 말고 지대로 이길게But if I can handle it, I'll make it a decisive win.
이 새끼, 이거 뭘 또 이렇게 이글이글해?Why is this dude all fired up?
그니까So, you go for it today as well.
너도 오늘 대충 말고 지대로 다 발라 버려, 어?So, you go for it today as well.
저 지난주에...Last week, I drank beer with Mr. Kim until 11 p.m.
대리님이랑 11시까지 술 마셨어요Last week, I drank beer with Mr. Kim until 11 p.m.
그런 얘긴... 이제 저한테 안 하셔도 돼요You don't have to tell me those things anymore.
만나서 8시에 바로 차이고We met at 8 p.m. and I got dumped right away,
3시간 동안 언니 얘기만 들었어요During the whole three hours, all he talked about was you.
대리님이요Mr. Kim said...
만수르 딸이 와도 언니래요he'll choose you over Mansur's daughter.
(예진) 대리님 집에 가야죠 [주만 앓는 소리]Mr. Kim, let's go home.
아! 진짜!
(주만) 아, 솔직히요-Honestly... -Be careful.
(예진) 어머, 조심...-Honestly... -Be careful.
(주만) 내가 갈게, 내가 갈게Let go. I'm fine.
저는...Even if it's not Grandma Park's,
박 할머니 아니고!Even if it's not Grandma Park's,
만수르 따님이 오셔도 저는!but Mansur's daughter, Sul-hee is the one for me.
- 설희거든요 - 알았다고요, 이제...but Mansur's daughter, Sul-hee is the one for me. I get it now.
설희는! 김태희보다 예쁘고To me, Sul-hee's pretty than Kim Tae-hee. She kind of looks like Lee Young-ae.
이영애 닮았는데To me, Sul-hee's pretty than Kim Tae-hee. She kind of looks like Lee Young-ae.
아주 박보검이랑... 이영애 커플이에요You guys are as if Park Bo-gum and Lee Young-ae are a couple.
그 머리도요!Even that hair...
그 머리도 설희가 했으니까Even that hair...
그렇게 이쁜 거지 예진 씨가 했으면?That hair looks good because Sul-hee did it. If you did it...
저도... 어?Me too. Out of all the guys I used to like,
제가 좋아하는 남자 중에Me too. Out of all the guys I used to like,
- 대리님이 제일 뚱뚱하거든요? - 하아're the fattest one.
내가 왜 예진 씨 때문에 설희한테 총을 쏴 가지고!Why did I fight with Sul-hee because of you?
으으으! 이 총살 당해도 모자랄 새끼야!I deserve to be shot dead.
애초에 언니 때문에 저한테 막...I thought that because of you he was being, well...
[혀 차는 소리] 아무튼 계속 아니라고는 했었어요Anyway, he kept rejecting me.
댁 옥수동이라고 하셨죠?You said you live in Oksu-dong, right? That's on my way.
저 가는 방향인데 가면서 내려 드릴까요?You said you live in Oksu-dong, right? That's on my way. Do you want me to drop you off?
타! 타! 얼른 후딱 냉큼 타!Get in. Hurry, quickly. Get in the car!
아, 아닙니다 저는 저기 또 약속이 있어서요No, I have another appointment.
[차여울의 'I Miss U' 재생]No, I have another appointment.
아, 그럼 같이 먹을까요?Should we eat it together?
떡볶이 다음에요Let's get tteokbokki next time. Next time, I'll invite all the interns
다음에 제가 이번에 인턴들 다 모아서... 한 번 살게요Let's get tteokbokki next time. Next time, I'll invite all the interns and we can all eat it together.
예진 씨도...Ye-jin, you should also...
선 지켰으면 좋겠어요I hope you'll keep your boundaries.
이제 진짜...Now, I hope that you'll seriously stop.
정말 그만하셨으면 좋겠어요Now, I hope that you'll seriously stop.
싫다고 하셔도...Even though he said he didn't like it, I thought he was just saying that.
말만 그런 줄 알았구Even though he said he didn't like it, I thought he was just saying that.
나한테... 무슨 말이 하고 싶은 거예요?What are you trying to say to me?
대리님 빼고 그리고 싶었는데...I wanted to draw it without Mr. Kim, but...
그냥 그렸어요I just drew it.
이거 왜 주는 거예요?Why are you giving me this?
제 맘 좀 편할려구요To make my heart more at ease.
착한 언니 눈에 눈물 낸 거 때문에Since I made a nice unnie shed tears, I didn't want to be cursed that I'd cry tears of blood.
저 막 피눈물 나서 벌 받기도 싫구I didn't want to be cursed that I'd cry tears of blood.
마음도 괴롭구And my heart was pretty uneasy.
진짜...I really...
진짜 진심으로 사과드리고 가고 싶었어요I really wanted to apologize sincerely before I go.
예진 씨, 어디 가세요?Are you going somewhere?
- (최 부장) 수고하셨습니다 - (일동) 수고하셨습니다!Good job! Good job!
기왕 창립 기념일 회식도 겹쳤고Since we're having company dinner already,
제 송별회 그냥 이걸로 퉁 칠게요I'll just take this as my farewell party as well.
아이, 그래도 어떻게 송별회도 없이Still, how can we send you off all the way to England without a farewell party?
우리 예진 씨를 영국까지 보내냐고!Still, how can we send you off all the way to England without a farewell party?
예진 씨, 영국 남자들이 그렇게 멋있다던데!Ye-jin, they say British guys are really handsome.
저 이제 남자는 안 보고 공부만 열심히 할려구요From now on, I plan on studying hard instead of chasing after guys.
[찬호 헛기침]
[설희 목 가다듬음]
[목 가다듬음] 저기... 설희님!Sul-hee.
(주만) 설희 님?Sul-hee?
거기 또... 언제 가실 거예요?When are you going there again?
저 다음에 같이 가실래요?Want to go together next time?
그런 데는 왜... 같이 가야지 또 제맛이니까Those things are more fun when you go with someone.
Okay, when the time comes.
기회 봐서 시간 되면...Okay, when the time comes.
- 찬호 씨! 고, 고기 좀... - 아! 감사합니다-Here, meat. -Oh, thank you.
이거... 먹으면 죽을 거 같은데I feel like if I eat this, I'll die.
지금이 딱 맛있을 때에요 안 먹어 봤잖아요That's when it's most tasty. You've never had it like this before.
[익살스러운 음악]
혹시...Perhaps, the weekend is a little...
주말에는 좀 그러시죠?Perhaps, the weekend is a little...
당연히 데이트도 하셔야 될 테고 당연히 남친 있으실 테니까...Of course, you have to go on dates and, of course, you have a boyfriend, right?
(주만) 뭘 떠봐, 이 새끼야!Stop poking around, you bastard.
찬호 씨, 모르셨구나I guess you didn't know, Chan-ho.
(주만) 찬호 씨?Chan-ho?
있었는데I had one, but we broke up not too long ago.
얼마 전에 헤어졌어요I had one, but we broke up not too long ago.
저희요! 숯 좀 더 주시겠어요?Excuse me! Can we have more charcoal?
[희망차고 기대감 넘치는 음악]
장내에 계신 여러분 안녕하십니까!Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
오늘 이곳 그랜드 동춘에서는 국내 최대 종합 격투 리그Here at Grand Dongchoon today,
제38회 RFC 경기가 개최됩니다there will be a 38th RFC match, the greatest combat league of Korea.
대회장을 찾아 주신 관객 여러분께 진심으로 감사드리며Thank you for visiting us today.
선수들의 뜨거운 경기를 위해Please give big applause for the athletes and the game.
아낌없는 성원과 응원 부탁드립니다!Please give big applause for the athletes and the game.
[계속되는 관중 함성, 박수갈채]
[흥분감을 고조시키는 전자 음악]
이거 고동만 마지막 경기 아니고 첫 경기다This is not the last match of Ko Dong-man, but his first.
무조건 부상 조심하고No matter what, be careful of injuries and don't fall into Tak-su's pace.
탁수 페이스에 말리지 마No matter what, be careful of injuries and don't fall into Tak-su's pace.
그라운드는 아직 안 된다 명심해!No ground fight, yet. Keep it in mind.
코치님 나 10년 걸려서 여기까지 왔어요Coach, it took me ten years to be here. I'm going to fight without any regret.
후회 없이 붙을 거예요Coach, it took me ten years to be here. I'm going to fight without any regret.
Open up.
즐겨!Enjoy it.
[흥겨운 음악과 관중 환호]
(남일) 누구야?Which one is it?
둘 중에Among the two... Which one is it?
누구야? 응?Among the two... Which one is it?
[등장을 알리는 화려한 음악] [환호, 박수갈채]
오늘 경기는 모두 3라운드로 진행됩니다This match will have three rounds. The referee is Im Tae-wook.
본 경기의 주심은 임태욱 심판입니다This match will have three rounds. The referee is Im Tae-wook.
(심판) 킥!Okay. Okay.
(심판) 킥!Okay. Okay.
레디, 파이트! [종소리]Ready, fight!
[관객 응원]
위험하니까 쟁반이라도 받쳐 가라니까!I told you to put a tray underneath! It's dangerous!
잠시만요, 저 불판 좀 들어 주세요Excuse me. Could you lift the grill?
(설희) 어우, 네Excuse me. Could you lift the grill?
자, 조심하세요Excuse me. Could you lift the grill? Be careful, please.
(일동) 아!
[몸 던지는 소리 강조]
[탁 소리 강조]
(여자) 대리님... 괜찮으세요?Mr. Kim, are you okay?
설아, 괜찮아?Sul-hee, are you okay?
[박진감 넘치는 음악 계속] [발차기, 펀치 소리 강조]
오! 지금 고 선수가 김탁수 선수의 전매특허 발차기를 피해 갑니다!Athlete Ko avoids Kim Tak-su's signature kick.
지금 뭐죠? 김탁수 선수의 킥과 완전히 똑같은 킥이 터졌는데요!What was that? That kick looked exactly like Kim Tak-su's.
(심판) 스톱! 스톱! 코너! 코너!What was that? That kick looked exactly like Kim Tak-su's. Corner.
[동만 거친 호흡]
야! 쟤 좀 전에 분명히 휘청했어He wobbled for sure just now. He took some impact for sure.
지금 충격이 꽤 있다고, 어?He wobbled for sure just now. He took some impact for sure.
(태희) 탁수! 괜찮아? 어?Tak-su, are you okay?
탁수야! 스탠딩 안 되겠다Tak-su, standing won't do. You got to bring him to the ground.
무조건 그라운드로 유도하자, 어?Tak-su, standing won't do. You got to bring him to the ground.
정신 똑바로 차리고 그라운드만 피해, 알았지? 어?Keep your mind straight and avoid a ground fight. Got it?
애 멘탈을 건드리라고, 어?Get on his nerves.
[탁수 거친 호흡]Get on his nerves. When he acts up and gets enraged, bring him down to the ground.
발끈해서 흐트러지면 그때 그라운드로 가란 말이야, 오케이?When he acts up and gets enraged, bring him down to the ground.
킥! 킥!Okay! Okay! Ready, fight!
레디! 파이트! [종소리]Okay! Okay! Ready, fight!
[긴장감이 감도는 음악] [관객 응원]
[발차기, 펀치 소리 강조]
[관객 응원] [동만, 탁수 거친 호흡]
(해설자) 이 경기가 이렇게 접전이 될 거라곤 아무도 예상을 못 했을 거 같은데요I don't think anyone would've expected this match to be such a close match.
오늘 김탁수 선수 컨디션은 굉장히 좋은 편입니다만Although Kim Tak-su is in good condition today,
신인한테 왜 저러는 걸까요?I wonder why he's like that against a rookie.
(심판) 스탠딩!Standing.
(심판) 파이트!Fight!
[긴장된 음악]
들어와!Come in. Come in, you jerk.
- (탁수) 들어오라고, 새끼야 - 동만아 말리지 마!Come in. Come in, you jerk. Dong-man, don't fall for it! No ground!
그라운드 안 돼!Dong-man, don't fall for it! No ground!
[동만 거친 호흡] 들어와!Come in.
(해설자) 고동만 선수가 그라운드 기술을 상당히 꺼리는 거 같은데It looks like Ko Dong-man is trying to avoid ground skills, 
김탁수 선수 쪽에서 보면It looks like Ko Dong-man is trying to avoid ground skills,  but you can also say that Kim Tak-su is avoiding standing match with Ko Dong-man.
고동만 선수와의 스탠딩 승부를 꺼린다고 볼 수도 있습니다but you can also say that Kim Tak-su is avoiding standing match with Ko Dong-man.
[계속 긴장감이 고조되는 음악]
[동만, 탁수 거친 호흡과 신음]
(탁수) 왜? 그라운드는 쫄려?What's wrong? Are you scared to fight ground?
니 동생은 앉아만 있어서 너는 서서 싸우고 싶은 거냐고Is it because your sister is always sitting that you want to fight standing?
[퍽퍽 펀치 소리 강조]
[동만, 탁수 거친 호흡과 신음]
- (동만) 으! - 동만아, 안 돼!Dong-man, no!
[넘어지는 소리 강조] [신음]
[관객 함성, 응원] 나이스!Yes!
(태희) 이 버팀 고의성이라는 게Hold out intention could be pretty uncertain depending on the looks of it.
이게 그림만 잘 빠지면 진짜 애매할 수 있는 거잖냐, 어?Hold out intention could be pretty uncertain depending on the looks of it.
만약에 밀리면... 박어If you seem to be losing, hit him with your head.
일단 무효로 끌고 가자, 어?Let's drag it to an invalid game.
아씨, 진짜...Seriously...
니가 경기를 리드했다는 인상만 주고 끝내면If you end it making it look like you led the game,
그다음 언플은 형이 알아서 할 테니까I'll take care of the media afterward.
[모든 소리 사라짐]
[케이시의 '굿모닝' 재생]
- (동만) 아 - (애라) 아
[과자 씹는 소리] [애라 웃음]
어디를 또 다칠 수 있지?Where else can you get hurt?
뭐 하는 거야?What are you doing?
부적!A talisman, so you don't get hit or hurt where I kissed you.
내가 뽀뽀한 데는 맞지 말라고 다치지 말라고!A talisman, so you don't get hit or hurt where I kissed you.
아... 아! 귀는 아프잖아My ear hurts.
눈도 맞지 말고Don't get hit in your eyes.
[동만, 애라 웃음]Here too.
- 여기도 - 여기도?Here too. -There? -Yeah.
(동만) 응-There? -Yeah.
- 여기도, 여기도 - 여기도?-Here, here, too. -There, too?
(동만) 응-Here, here, too. -There, too?
여기도, 여기도, 여기도-Here, too. -There, too?
- 거기도? - 맞을 거 같애-Here, too. -There, too? I think I might get hit.
[애라 웃음]
[케이시의 '굿모닝' 재생]
(애라) 한 발짝도I couldn't move a single step.
발이...I couldn't move a single step.
떨어지질 않았다I couldn't move a single step.
두 명이요For two, please.
(주만) 미안...
[자동차 브레이크] 아씨!
(의료진) 심각한데요?This is severe.
코치님, 나 괜찮아요Coach, I'm okay.
나 진짜 아무렇지도 않다니까요!I'm totally okay.
[거친 호흡]
나 괜찮다고요 스톱하지 말라고!I'm okay. Don't stop!
아, 나 싸울 수 있다고요!I can fight! I want to fight!
나 싸운다니까!I can fight! I want to fight!
[동만 거친 호흡]
코치님! 하지 말라고 해요Coach, tell them to not do it.
(동만) 하지 말라고 해요Tell them to not do it. Don't stop it!
중단하지 말라고!Tell them to not do it. Don't stop it!
스톱하지 말라고! 나 싸울 수 있다니까!Tell them to not do it. Don't stop it! Don't stop it! I said I can fight!
[동만 울먹임]
(사회자) 이번 경기는 2라운드 17초This match, second round, two minutes 17 seconds in, due to Ko Dong-man's injury
고동만 선수의 커팅으로 인한 부상으로This match, second round, two minutes 17 seconds in, due to Ko Dong-man's injury this match will be invalid in accordance with the terms.
규정에 따라 무효 경기this match will be invalid in accordance with the terms.
노 콘테스트 처리가 되겠습니다It will be marked as a "no contest."
나 할 수 있다고!I can do it!
[동만 울먹임]I told you I'll fight till the end!
나 끝까지 붙는다고 했잖아! 왜!I told you I'll fight till the end!
왜 나 할 수 있다는데, 왜!I told you I'll fight till the end! Why? I said I can, so why?
스톱하지 말라고! 한다고!Don't stop it! I will do it!
한다고! 아씨!Don't stop it! I will do it! I will do it!
(동만) 아씨!
[카메라 셔터]
슬퍼요?Are you sad?
근데 엄마!But Mom. You don't like me calling you Mom anymore, right?
내가 엄마라고 하니까But Mom. You don't like me calling you Mom anymore, right?
이제 싫지?But Mom. You don't like me calling you Mom anymore, right?
요즘 유기견이 되게 많잖아There are so many abandoned dogs these days.
(남일) 근데...And among the many reasons,
걔들이 버려지는 수많은 이유 중에And among the many reasons,
가장 아름답고there is one reason...
엿 같은 이유가 하나 있더라고that's most beautiful yet shitty.
지들 자식이 생기면 사랑이 충만해진 아름다운 부모가When they get their own kid, the beautiful parents full of love...
키우던 개를 버린대abandon their dog.
무슨 말이... 하고 싶은 거니?What are you trying to tell me?
원래 내 거 뺏으면 울어야 되는 게 맞는 거잖아It's only right to bite when they take yours away.
너...I told you... to leave the kids alone.
애들 건드리지 말라고 했다I told you... to leave the kids alone.
아! 근데 엄마...I told you... to leave the kids alone. Right, Mom. What did you do with that flip phone?
폴더폰은...Right, Mom. What did you do with that flip phone?
어쨌어요?Right, Mom. What did you do with that flip phone?
뜨아... 아!
[초인종]Dude, just come in. Why--
새끼야, 그냥 들어오지 뭘...Dude, just come in. Why--
[회한 가득한 음악]
[카메라 셔터]
(여자 기자) 오늘 경기에 대해 한 말씀 해 주십시오Tell us about today's match.
오늘 경기는 제가 리드하고 있었다고 보고요I think I was in a leading position.
뭐 상대방 부상으로 경기가 중단돼서 굉장히 아쉽습니다I'm very sorry that the match had to be halted due to opponent's injury.
근데 이게 사실 말이 무효지But you know, they say it's invalid, but injury is also your ability.
- 부상도 다 실력 아니겠어요? - (원보) 탁수야!But you know, they say it's invalid, but injury is also your ability. Tak-su! Tak-su! Is your head alright?
탁수야! 너 머리 괜찮아?Tak-su! Tak-su! Is your head alright?
- 어? - 코치님, 어디 계시다가...Coach, where were you all this time?
너 머리...Your head. Tak-su!
(원보) 탁수야!Your head. Tak-su!
(다 같이) 탁수야! 탁수야!-Tak-su! -What's wrong? -Tak-su! -Tak-su!
[쓰러지는 소리 강조]-Tak-su! -Tak-su!
- (남자1) 왜 이래? 왜 이래? - (남자 2) 탁수야! 탁수야!What's wrong? -Tak-su! -Tak-su!
(의료진) 저기 잠시만요, 김탁수 선수!-Call the ambulance. -Kim Tak-su.
[카메라 셔터]
[긴박한 음악]
(남자) 으차
최 코치, 병원 도착하면 나한테도 전화 한 통 넣어 줘Coach Choi, once you arrive at the hospital, give me a call.
알겠습니다 탁수야I will.
(원보) 탁수야
[멀어지는 사이렌]
따라와, 이 새끼야! 너 병원 가게Follow me, punk. Let's go to the hospital.
[애라 울먹임]
놀랬지?Did I scare you? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Ae-ra.
미안해Did I scare you? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Ae-ra.
미안해, 애라야Did I scare you? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Ae-ra.
[애라 울먹임]
내가 탭 치라고 했지I told you to tap. Coach told you no ground fight.
코치님이 그라운드 안 된다고 했지!I told you to tap. Coach told you no ground fight.
나 괜찮다니까I'm okay.
싹 다 니 맘대로 할라면 왜 나랑 만나?If you're just going to do whatever you want, then why do you go out with me?
왜 사랑한다고 해!Why do you tell me that you love me?
미안해I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I did wrong.
미안해, 내가 잘못했어I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I did wrong.
나...But I didn't severely get hurt.
되게 막 다치지도 않았고But I didn't severely get hurt.
그럼 괜찮잖아, 어?So everything's okay.
[귀에 이명]
김탁수 실려 나가 는 거 못 봤어?Didn't you see Kim Tak-su stretchered off?
어우, 그냥 이것 좀 안 하면 안 되냐고!Can you not do this thing?
[귀에서 삐 소리]
너 진짜 나한테 너무 잔인한 거 아니야?Aren't you too cruel to me?
[희미해진 애라 목소리] 난 너 맞는 거... 아무리No matter how much...
아무리 봐도No matter how much I see you get beat,
[삐 소리 강조] 적응이 안 된다고!I don't get used to it.
[삐 소리에 묻힘] 난 진짜 못 보겠다고!I just can't watch it!
[보통 소리] 너 이거 계속한다면 나 너 안 봐If you keep on doing this, I don't want to see you. 
[사라진 애라 목소리] 나...I don't want to date you.
[애라 흥분한 호흡]
애라야...-Ae-ra... -If I tell you not to do it...
[아주 희미한 소리] 어우 하지 말라면 좀!-Ae-ra... -If I tell you not to do it...
너 왜 그래?What's wrong?
[불길한 음악]
동만아!Dong-man... what's wrong?
너 왜 그래? 왜 그래?Dong-man... what's wrong? What's wrong? What is it?
어? 왜 그래! 어?What's wrong? What is it?
너, 너 왜!Why? Why?
너 왜 말을 그렇게 해!Why are you talking like that?
[겁에 질려서] 너 왜 목소릴 안 내!Why aren't you making any sound?
왜 다 소릴 안 내!Why is nothing making any sound?
왜, 왜! 왜!Why? Why?
왜 다 조용하냐고! 왜!Why is everything quiet? Why?
왜! 왜! 왜! 씨!Why is everything quiet? Why?
(동만) 폭풍우가 지나가고The storm has passed and the world shut down.
세상이 꺼져 버렸다The storm has passed and the world shut down.
(동만) 불 끌까?
(애라) 뭘 물어, 이 시끼야Why do you ask, punk?
(동만) 껐다I turned it off.

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