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  태양의 후예 15

Descendants of the Sun 15


나 방금 한 폭의 그림 같지 않았습니까?Didn't I look like a beautiful painting just now?
하! 자주 그렇죠You often do.
[함께 소리 내어 웃는다]You often do.
퇴원 수속 끝났어요 가면 돼요The discharge procedure is done. You can go now.
차까지 타고 가요Let's take the car.
오늘은 주치의 말고 여자 친구 해줄게요Today I'll be your girlfriend, not your doctor.
오, 진짜요?Wow, really?
신나는데? 출발!I'm so excited. Let's go!
[함께 상쾌한 듯 숨을 내뱉는다]EPISODE 15 It's really nice weather.
날씨 정말 좋네요It's really nice weather.
구름은 우르크가 정말 예뻤는데Uruk's clouds were really pretty.
다시 갈까요? 둘이 같이?Should we go back again together?
왜, 다른 놈이랑 가게요?You want to go with some other punk?
- 방법이 없지는 않죠 - 하, 정말...-That could be an option. -Seriously...
근데 뭐 듣고 있어요?What were you listening to?
제일 좋아하는 건데 한번 들어볼래요?It's my favorite. Do you want to listen?
♪ 자신 있게 말할 수 있어 ♪
♪ 겁이 나서 멈춰버린 너에게 ♪
(모연) 이렇게 죽을 줄 알았으면I should've told him how I feel if I knew I'd die like this.
그냥 내 마음 솔직하게 고백할 걸 그랬어요 [경쾌한 음악]I should've told him how I feel if I knew I'd die like this.
- (모연) 야! - 어, 어! 야, 야...-Hey! -Oh! Whoa!
어어!-Hey! -Oh! Whoa!
야, 야! 강 선생, 강 선생!Dr. Kang! Wait!
[시진이 웃으며] 아, 이거, 잠깐만! 악!Dr. Kang! Wait!
야, 야! 으악!Hey!
[사이렌 소리 효과음]
괜찮아요? 어떡해! 어떡해!Are you okay? Oh no!
괜찮아요 뭐 나니까 이 정도지...I'm fine, but only because it's me.
아, 미쳐 이거 은근 비싼데Oh, this is terrible. It's quite expensive.
- (모연) 아, 어떡해! - (시진) 하! [발랄한 음악]What should I do?
지금 휠체어 괜찮냐고 물은 겁니까?Were you asking if the wheelchair was okay?
나 지금 퇴원한 지 10분 만에 죽다 살았거든요?I nearly died 10 minutes after being released from the hospital.
이건 거의 암살 시도인데?I nearly died 10 minutes after being released from the hospital. This is like attempted murder.
그러게 그걸 왜 듣고 있어요!Why were you listening to that?
아우! 휠체어 어떡해?Oh! What do I do about the wheelchair?
이 여자 이제 하다 하다 휠체어까지 해 먹네This woman, seriously. Now you're even breaking wheelchairs.
아니, 대중교통은 타지 맙시다You know, let's not use public transportation.
시민들의 안전을 위해서For everyone's safety.
뭘 잘했다고!Oh, like you did nothing wrong?
[명주가 국 마시는 소리]
할 말 있으면 하십시오Say what you need to say. I'm leaving after I finish eating.
이거 다 먹으면 갈 겁니다Say what you need to say. I'm leaving after I finish eating.
- 거의 다 먹어갑니다 - 할 말 없습니다-I'm almost done. -I have nothing to say.
할 말도 없는데 밥은 왜 먹자고 했습니까?-Then why ask me to eat with you? -Because you got too skinny. 
너 너무 말라서-Then why ask me to eat with you? -Because you got too skinny. 
[부드러운 음악]
헷갈려서 그러는데I'm confused, what are we?
우리 뭡니까?I'm confused, what are we?
(명주) 우리 헤어진 겁니까? 싸운 겁니까?Did we break up, or did we fight?
우리 뭐냐고?What are we?
헤어질 예정입니까? 헤어지는 중입니까?Are we going to break up, are we still fighting,
헤어졌습니까?or did we break up?
내가 윤명주한테 가고 있는 중이지I'm in the process getting over you.
생각 안 바뀌었다는 소리네?So, you're still doing it.
포기할 수 있게 해주라Please let me give up.
군복 벗고 외삼촌 회사 가서After leaving the military, you'll go work for my family's company
아빠 사위로 살겠다고?and live as my father's son-in-law? You'll endure that?
그걸 견디겠다고?and live as my father's son-in-law? You'll endure that?
- 네가 옆에 있을 거잖아 - 어-But you'll be next to me. -Yeah.
아주 행복해 죽네You look like you're dying of happiness.
[한숨 쉰다] 내가 나올게I'll get out. I won't see my father.
내가 아빠 안 볼게I'll get out. I won't see my father.
아빠는 아빠 인생 있는 거고 난 내 인생 있는 거지My father has his own life and I have mine.
나 아빠 안 보고 살 수 있다니까?-I can live without seeing him. -Is that all you can say?
말 그렇게 밖에 못 해?-I can live without seeing him. -Is that all you can say?
(대영) 때마다 소령, 중령 대령 진급에 어쩌면You'll be promoted to major, lieutenant colonel, and then colonel. And perhaps...
아니 너라면 틀림없이 별까지No, since it's you, you'll definitely get a star.
실력 있고 깡도 있는 군의관 딸The capable and gutsy military surgeon!
나 같아도 나 반대해I would also oppose.
무슨 말인지 아는데I know what you're saying, but I despise you.
되게 밉다I know what you're saying, but I despise you.
넌 뭐 예쁜 줄 알아?Do you think you're endearing?
다 먹었지? 진짜 밥 먹이러 온 거야You're done, right? I really just came to feed you.
간다I'll be going.
(명주) 다음에는 밥값 말고 대답 들고 와Next time, answer me instead of feeding me.
헤어질지 말지Tell me whether we are breaking up or not.
[부드러운 음악]
[문자 수신음]
(시진) 뭐 해요?What are you doing?
(모연) 이제 씻으려고요Going to freshen up.
[전화가 울린다]
그새 또 보고 싶어요?Did you miss me already?
씻는다면서요-You said you were freshening up. -And?
근데요?-You said you were freshening up. -And?
근데 옷을 입고 있네요?But you're still dressed.
지금 그것 때문에 영상 통화 건 거예요?Is that why you did a video call? Not because you missed me?
나 보고 싶어서 건 게 아니고?Not because you missed me?
보고 싶죠, 여러모로I want to see you. In many ways.
으, 변태Pervert... I'm going to get undressed after we hang up, so hang up!
전화 끊고 벗을 거거든요? 끊어요!Pervert... I'm going to get undressed after we hang up, so hang up!
[초인종이 울린다]
왜 거짓말해요? 전화 끊으면 벗는다며Why did you lie? You said you were getting undressed.
혼나요 진짜!You're asking for trouble!
이 시간에 여긴 왜 있대? 벌써 퇴근했어요?Why are you here? Are you already done with work? I took some sick leave.
병가 냈죠I took some sick leave.
다친 데가 너무 아파서 진단서 떼러I need a checkup, because my injuries hurt so much.
진단서를 떼려면 병원으로 와야죠Then you should have gone to the hospital.
진단서 떼려면 주치의를 봐야 하니까I have to see my doctor to get a medical report.
아픈 사람이 뭡니까 이건?What is all this when you're in pain?
음... 진통제? [가볍게 웃는다]Pain relief.
아, 진단서 떼기 전에 그거부터 보죠Oh, before I get a medical report, let me watch you take a bath.
욕조에 물 받는 거Oh, before I get a medical report, let me watch you take a bath.
- 꿈도 꾸지 마요! - 내 꿈인데 내 마음이지-Don't even dream it. -It's my dream, so it's up to me.
[봉지 뒤적이는 소리]
기다릴 테니까 씻고 와요I'll wait, go wash up.
왜 자꾸 씻으래? 내 몸인데 내 마음이지Why do you keep telling me to wash up? It's my body, it's up to me.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
혼자 먹기만 해요? 몇 개인지 다 알아요Don't start without me, I know how many there are.
[소리 내어 웃는다]
와, 뭐예요 이거?Whoa. What is this?
선물입니다 어느 각도에서나 예쁘라고It's a present. So you're beautiful from any angle.
아, 진짜 되게 예쁘네요You really are very beautiful.
헐, 몰랐나 봐Huh! I guess you didn't know.
내가 좋아하는 초는 어떻게 알았어요?-How did you know which ones I like? -I remembered.
- 눈썰미로? - 딱 한 번 보고?-How did you know which ones I like? -I remembered. After seeing it only once?
내가 이 집에 딱 한 번 온 거 같아요?Do you think I only came here once?
- 아니요? - 몇 번?-No. -How many times?
왜요? 난 안 궁금한데?Why? I'm not curious.
딱 내려놓습니다Will you put that down?
아, 생각났다! 생각났다! 나 취한 날!Ah! I remember! The day I got drunk.
- 언제 - 옛날에!-When? -A long time ago.
하... [어이없다는 듯 웃는다]
다른 놈이랑 술 마시기만 합니다, 아주?Don't even think about drinking with some other punk!
마시면 뭐? 헬기 타고 잡으러 올 거예요?What if I do? Will you fly in on a helicopter?
내가 못 할 것 같습니까?You think I can't?
어! 아, 맞다Oh, that's right. The day you came to rescue me from Private Ryan's house,
진짜 그때Oh, that's right. The day you came to rescue me from Private Ryan's house,
라이언 일병네 집에 나 구하러 왔을 때요Oh, that's right. The day you came to rescue me from Private Ryan's house,
(모연) 근데 왜 아랍 헬기가 온 거예요?why did an Arab helicopter come?
아, 이게 넘어질 때 다친 팔이 이게...Ah, I hurt this arm when I fell over...
- 그쪽으로 안 넘어졌는데 - 그러니까, 이쪽이 넘어졌는데, 아-You didn't fall on that side. -Exactly. I fell on this side.
[한숨 쉰다]
솔직히 말해줘요Tell me the truth. I won't get mad.
- (시진) 아... - 화 안 낼게요Tell me the truth. I won't get mad.
진짜죠?-You promise? -Tell me you didn't use the business card.
빨리 명함 안 썼다고 솔직하게 말해줘요-You promise? -Tell me you didn't use the business card.
건배할까요?Shall we make a toast?
진짜 그 명함을 또 쓴 거예요? 헬기에다? [발랄한 음악]Shall we make a toast? You used it again? On that helicopter?
아니, 그 덕에 살았다는 생각은 안 들어요?Are you forgetting that you only lived because I did?
어휴, 살면 뭐 해, 살면! 명함이 없는데!Are you forgetting that you only lived because I did? Who cares if I live or die if I don't have the business card?
솔직하게 말해 봐요 헬기에 뭐 안 들어 있었어요?Tell me honestly. Was there anything in the helicopter?
뭐 오일 공장 문서 이런 거나Like the deed to an oil factory or... No. Cash is okay, too.
아니다, 현금도 괜찮다Like the deed to an oil factory or... No. Cash is okay, too.
(모연) 채권은 또 얼마나 편해?Bonds are also very useful!
잘 생각해봐요, 뭐 시커먼 007 가방 같은 거 없었어요?Think carefully. Was there something like a 007 black briefcase?
아, 목말라Ah, I'm so thirsty. Where's the water? Where is it?
아, 물이 어딨나 물이...Ah, I'm so thirsty. Where's the water? Where is it?
딱 서요!Ah, I'm so thirsty. Where's the water? Where is it? Stop right there.
(모연) 아니, 어떻게 그 명함을 또 운송 수단에 쓰냐고Really. How could you use it on transportation again?
그 명함이 무슨 교통 카드도 아니고It's not like it's a travel card!
내 명함 어떡할 거냐고!What are you going to do about my business card?
어휴, 이 속물Oh, so materialistic.
(시진) 어휴, 어휴...
- (아빠) 하던 대로만 해 - (딸) 아빠 잘 볼게-Just do your best. -I'll do my best, Dad.
(엄마) 우리 딸 믿어!I believe in you, my daughter!
- (남자) 잘 보고 - (남학생) 들어가세요Good luck!
기범아! [기범이 소리 내어 웃는다]Gi-beom! GOODLUCK, GI-BEOM!
(기범) 어떻게 오신 겁니까?What are you doing here?
저 응원하러 오신 겁니까?Did you come to cheer me on?
친히? 몸소? 감히?Personally? In person? How dare to? Wait, maybe "dare to" is wrong.
감히는 아닌가?Personally? In person? How dare to? Wait, maybe "dare to" is wrong.
감히?"Dare to"? It's "daring". How daring!
과감히, 과감히!"Dare to"? It's "daring". How daring!
아, 공 하사 얘 이래서 합격하겠어?Sergeant Gong, is he going to pass?
(공 하사) 다 방법이 있지 말입니다Where there's a will, there's a way.
엿! 딱 붙자! [경쾌한 음악]Taffy! Make sure you pass!
잘 찍자!Pick the right answers!
(최 중사) 든든하게 먹고 힘내서Eat well, get your strength up, pick your answers carefully, and pass!
잘 찍고, 딱 붙자!Eat well, get your strength up, pick your answers carefully, and pass!
모르겠으면 무조건 3번이다 잘할 수 있지?When in doubt, always pick "C". Do you're best, okay?
상병 김기범!Private Kim Gi-beom!
뭐, 군대도 갔는데 검정고시 이 까짓 거 별거 아닙니다!I joined the army, a GED is nothing compared to that.
꼭 승리해서 돌아오겠습니다! 단결!I will definitely return triumphantly! Solidarity!
그래! 잘 보고!That's right. Good luck.
- 파이팅! - 기범이 파이팅!-Fight! -You can do it, Gi-beom!
- (공 하사) 모르겠으면 3번 찍어! - 파이팅!-When in doubt, I'll pick "C". -Good luck!
[피리 소리 효과음]
사람들이 쳐다봅니다People are staring at us.
민간인처럼 행동해 민간인처럼Act like a civilian. Just like a normal civilian.
(시진) 아, 진짜Ah, seriously. Don't do that.
이거 아닙니다!Ah, seriously. Don't do that.
아, 무슨 이런 사람이 사복을 입겠다고...Can't you just wear normal clothes--
[모두의 전화가 울린다]Can't you just wear normal clothes--
(남자) 알파팀 연합 작전 투입Alpha Team, it's a combined operation.
동계 군장 착용 후Get your winter military gear and be at airport 436 by 21:00 today.
금일 21시까지 463 비행장으로 집합Get your winter military gear and be at airport 436 by 21:00 today.
부팀장님 사령관님 호출입니다Deputy Team Leader, the Commander is asking for you.
(특전사령관) 3개월짜리 작전이다It's a three-month long mission.
아직 자네를 대체할 후임이 없다는 핑계로Because there's no one to replace you yet,
이번 작전에 자네도 보낼까 하는데I'm thinking about sending you.
(특전사령관) 아니면If it's not okay with you. I can sign your discharge request right now.
지금 바로 자네 전역 명령서에 사인을 하는 선택도 있어If it's not okay with you. I can sign your discharge request right now.
어떻게 할까?What should we do?
가고 싶습니다I want to go.
좋다Good. Go then and come back.
그럼 다녀와라Good. Go then and come back.
(특전사령관) 전역 명령은 알파팀 특수 상황을 고려해Due to the special circumstances needed for the Alpha Team,
후임자 인수인계가 끝난 후에 처리하도록 한다I'll process your discharge after your position has been filled.
뭐, 이 정도로 정리하자Let's settle it this way.
(특전사령관) 그 후임이 언제 정해질지는 모르는 일이고I don't know when your replacement will be determined.
죄송하지만I apologize, but what you're saying is...
지금 그 말씀은...I apologize, but what you're saying is...
돌아오면 명주랑 같이 와When you return, come with Myeong-ju. We will have a cup...
차 한 잔...When you return, come with Myeong-ju. We will have a cup...
- 아니, 두 잔 줄 테니까 - 사령관님...No, make that two, cups of tea. -Commander... -Departure is 21:00. Don't be late.
(특전사령관) 21시 집합이다 늦지 말고 [부드러운 음악]-Commander... -Departure is 21:00. Don't be late.
건강하게 잘 다녀와라Come back healthy and safely.
상사 서대영!Sergeant First Class Seo Dae-yeong will return safely.
건강히 잘 다녀오겠습니다Sergeant First Class Seo Dae-yeong will return safely.
단결!-Solidarity. -Solidarity.
단결-Solidarity. -Solidarity.
[문 닫히는 소리]
왜요?What is it?
'좌디'가 아랍어로 새끼 염소래요Chwadi means goat in the local dialect.
넌 어떻게 맨날 기승전은 없고 결결결이야What is it with you? You always change topics without warning!
새끼 염소가 뭐 어쨌는데?What about a goat?
기, 저는 다니엘이랑 SNS 친구입니다The topic is... I am friends with Daniel on social media.
(치훈) 승, ‘좌디, 안녕? 잘 지내지?’ 달았더니The information is... I wrote, "Hi, Chwadi. I hope you're doing well."
다니엘이 '좌디'는 새끼 염소라네요and Daniel told me "chwadi" means goat.
전, '좌디'는 블랙키 이름이 아니었던 거죠So Chwadi wasn't Blakey's name.
아직도 이름을 못 알아낸 거야?You still haven't found out his name?
하...You still haven't found out his name?
결, 어금니 물어라The conclusion is... clench your teeth.
[다 같이 웃는다] - (송 선생) 꼭 물어라-Clench your teeth. -It was always chwadi this, chwadi that...
블랙키가 '좌디' 어쩌고 '좌디' 어쩌고 해서, 저는...-Clench your teeth. -It was always chwadi this, chwadi that...
[전화가 울린다]-Clench your teeth. -It was always chwadi this, chwadi that...
우리 약속 2시간 반이나 남았는데We still have two and half hours till our date.
또 일찍 왔네요? 전처럼?You're here early just like last time.
왜요?What is it?
일찍 온 게 아니구나I guess you aren't here early.
또 백화점?The department store again?
이번에는 좀 오래 가게 됐습니다This time I'll be gone a while longer.
지금밖에 시간이 안 날 것 같아서I didn't think I'd have any time, but I wanted to see you before I left.
얼굴 보고 가려고요I didn't think I'd have any time, but I wanted to see you before I left.
오래 얼마나요? 1주일? 2주일?How long is long? A week? Two weeks?
3달요Three months.
3달요?Three months? Is it an overseas store?
외국에 있는 백화점이에요?Three months? Is it an overseas store?
입대한 셈 쳐줘요Pretend I'm enlisting in the army.
입대하면 보통 100일 후에 휴가 나오니까They usually grant a leave after 100 days.
팔자에도 없는 고무신 만드는 거예요, 지금?You're going to make me wait for your return?
다른 놈이랑 술 먹지 마요Don't drink with another guy.
아, 미안해요I'm sorry. I was trying not to, but it isn't working.
안 그러려고 노력하는데 잘 안 돼요I'm sorry. I was trying not to, but it isn't working.
[부드러운 음악]
노력하게 해서 미안합니다I'm sorry for making you have to try.
알면 빨리 와요Come back quickly then.
다치지 말고, 늦지 말고...Don't get hurt. Don't be late.
안 다칠게요I won't get hurt. I won't die.
안 죽을게요I won't get hurt. I won't die.
꼭 돌아올게요 약속해요I promise I'll be back.
연락은 할 수 있어요?Can you keep in touch?
인터넷이나 데이터가 터지는 곳은 아닐 겁니다I'm going to a place where international data doesn't work.
전화는 할 수 있을 때마다 꼭 할게요I'll be sure to call you whenever I can.
한 계절만 잘 보내고 있어요Just enjoy this season
계절이 바뀔 때쯤and I'll be sure to return when the seasons change.
꼭 돌아올게요and I'll be sure to return when the seasons change.
벌써요?Already? Wait.
잠깐만Already? Wait.
보고 싶을 겁니다I'll miss you.
나도요Me too.
♪ You are my everything ♪
♪ 별처럼 쏟아지는 운명에 ♪
♪ 그대라는 사람을 만나고 ♪
♪ 멈춰버린 내 가슴 속에 ♪
♪ 단 하나의 사랑 ♪
(아구스) 빅보스 [영어]
영리하고 [영어]
유머러스하고 [영어]
신비롭지 [영어]
그런데 [영어]
그는 비밀이 많아 [영어]
종종 사라질 거고 [영어]
연락이 잘 안 될 거고 [영어]
그러다 어느 날에는 [영어]
[날아가는 효과음]
영영 돌아오지 않을 거야 [영어]
(치훈) 선배Dr. Kang. Dr. Kang!
선배!Dr. Kang. Dr. Kang!
- 선배! - 음? 어, 왜?Dr. Kang! Oh, what is it?
괜찮아요? 어제부터 계속 왜 그러세요? 걱정되게Are you okay? You've been out of it all day. You're worrying me.
[모연이 한숨 쉰다]You're worrying me.
[문자 수신음]
(시진) 잘 도착했습니다I arrived safely.
되게 보고 싶습니다I really miss you.
[안도의 한숨을 쉰다]I really miss you.
[부드러운 음악]
(모연) 출근 중I'm on my way to work.
서울은 하늘 완전 높아요 거기는 어때요?The sky in Korea is beautiful today. How is it over there?
추운 곳인가요? 더운 나라인가요?Is it cold there or is it a warm country?
어디에 있든Wherever you are, I really, really, really miss you.
되게 되게 보고 싶습니다Wherever you are, I really, really, really miss you.
(모연) TV에서 애국가 나와요They're playing the national anthem on TV.
난 무슨 애국가가 주제가인 이런 연애를 하고 있죠?Why is the national anthem the theme song of my love life?
(모연) ♪ 대한 사람 대한으로 ♪Koreans should stay as Koreans.
빨리 와주세요! 흥, 보고 싶어요Come back quickly! I miss you!
(모연) 응급실 바빠서 이제 겨우 점심 때우는 중Work was so busy, I'm just eating lunch now.
여기는 어느새 겨울이에요It's already winter here.
계절 바뀌면 온다더니 왜 안 와요?You said you'd be back in a season. Why aren't you back yet?
연락 한 통 없는 건 좀...Not hearing from you makes me sad...
서러움Not hearing from you makes me sad...
♪ Everyday I'll give you all of my love ♪
♪ 내게는 처음인 사랑 ♪
♪ 무슨 말로 표현을 할까 ♪
♪ Everyday I'll give you all of my heart ♪
저거 타고 오는 거면 좋겠다It would be nice if you were coming back on that.
♪ 자신 있게 말할 수 있어 ♪
♪ 겁이 나서 멈춰버린 너에게 ♪
먼저 출발해!Go back first! I'll take the next helicopter with Wolf!
난 울프와 함께 다음 헬기로 간다!Go back first! I'll take the next helicopter with Wolf!
(다 같이) 예, 알겠습니다!Yes, sir!
출발! 출발! [영어]Go! Go!
(시진) 빅보스 송신Big Boss transmitting.
구조 민간인 3명을 태운 헬기The helicopter transporting three civilians just departed.
방금 탱고나인 출발했다는 전달The helicopter transporting three civilians just departed.
10분만 기다리면 집에 간답니다-Only 10 more minutes and we go home. -Yes, sir.
예, 알겠습니다-Only 10 more minutes and we go home. -Yes, sir.
[총소리 계속]Captain!
[총소리 계속]
(대영) 팀장님Captain!
[총소리] 윽!Captain!
[대영이 가쁘게 숨을 쉬며 아파한다]
(시진) 아...
[모연이 콧노래로 군가를 흥얼거린다]
[심장 박동 소리]
[심장 박동 소리 계속]
(시진) 안 돼...No...
(선임) 빨리 타! 집에 가자!Hurry up, get on. Let's go home!
(선임) 가서 무박 3일 소주 한 잔해야지We have to go home and drink together!
[부드러운 음악]
가겠습니다I will go.
무슨 말씀이십니까!What are you saying? Stay alert, sir!
(대영) 정신 차리십시오!What are you saying? Stay alert, sir!
잠들면 안 됩니다!You can't fall asleep.
저 보십시오! 팀장님!Look at me, Captain!
[비장한 음악]You can't fall asleep, Captain Yoo!
잠들면 안 됩니다! 팀장님!You can't fall asleep, Captain Yoo!
[총소리] [피가 새어 나오는 소리]
[대영이 아파한다]
(최 중사) 빅보스! 울프! 들립니까?Big Boss, Wolf, do you hear me?
무슨 일이십니까!What is the situation?
아무나 대답 좀 해 보십시오!Anyone, please respond!
[미사일 날아가는 소리] [폭발음]
안 돼!No!
- 팀장님! - 팀장님!Captain!
(최 중사) 팀장님! 아악!Captain!
(팀원들이 다 같이) 팀장님! 팀장님!Wait! Captain!
(팀원들) 안 돼! 아악! 안 돼!Captain! No!
[차분한 음악]
(모연) 진짜 너무한 거 아니에요?This is too much.
화성에 있어도 편지를 보냈으면 지금쯤 받았겠다!Even a letter to Mars would have arrived by now!
나 술 마실 거예요 엄청 잘생긴 남자랑!I will be drinking with a really handsome man.
잡으러 와보시지!You should come and get me.
어휴... [혀를 찬다]
확인을 안 하면If he hasn't seen the message,
확인이 안 되는 데 있나 보다 할 일이지then he's likely somewhere he can't receive it.
뭘 그렇게 매일매일 보내고 매일매일 화냅니까?Why send a message every day and then get upset?
매일매일 얼마나 화냈는지So he feels guilty when he sees I wrote every day.
나중에 보고 내가 화낸 만큼 미안하라고So he feels guilty when he sees I wrote every day.
근데 원래 작전 나가면 이렇게 연락이 안 돼?Will it be like this every mission?
되든 안 되든 전 늘 씹혔습니다Whether it is or not, I still get ignored
사귀던 날보다 헤어져 있던 날들이 많아서요since we were apart and not dating.
이번에 싸운 건 화해하고 간 거야?Did you make-up before he left?
화해는 없습니다There's no making up.
이건 그냥 사랑 싸움이 아니라 전투입니다This is not just a lover's quarrel, it's a war.
절대 제가 질 수 없는 전투고요A war I can't lose.
인식표 놓고 간 거 보니까Seeing that he left his dog tags, I think I'm at a slight advantage.
제가 조금 더 유리한 고지지 싶습니다Seeing that he left his dog tags, I think I'm at a slight advantage.
오기만 해봐Let him come back. Be it work or whatever, I will quit
일이고 나발이고 다 때려치우고Let him come back. Be it work or whatever, I will quit and stick to him for a whole week.
진짜 일주일 내내 붙어 있을 거야and stick to him for a whole week.
전 그 사람 핸드폰 압수하고 여행 갈 겁니다I will confiscate his phone and go on a vacation.
호텔 예약 미리 다 해놓고I'll make advance reservations.
먼 데 여행 가서 가둬 놓고 싸울 겁니다We'll go on vacation somewhere far and fight it out.
차!We'll go on vacation somewhere far and fight it out.
[문자 수신음]
허! 대박!-Whoa! -Did he text back?
답장 왔습니까?-Whoa! -Did he text back?
김 병장 축구 이겨서 포상 나온대!Corporal Kim won a soccer game. I'm on a military forum for girlfriends.
아, 나 고무신 카페 가입했거든Corporal Kim won a soccer game. I'm on a military forum for girlfriends.
히, 축하드려요 혜경 고무신 님Congratulations, Hye-kyeong.
와, 미치겠다I'm going crazy.
술이나 한 잔 더 주십시오 모연 고무신 님Just pour me a drink, Mo-yeon.
와, 윤 중위 술 진짜 세다You really have a high tolerance for alcohol.
어? 비 온다It's raining.
아까부터 왔지 말입니다It has been since this morning.
이 남자들도 아까부터 왔으면 좋겠다It'd be nice if they were here already.
올 때 됐습니다It's about time for them to return.
그렇지?Right? They should be back soon.
곧 오겠지?Right? They should be back soon.
(최 중사) 부대 차렷!Attention!
사령관님께 대하여 경례!Salute the Commander. Solidarity!
- 단결! - 단결!Solidarity!
(최 중사) 바로At ease.
연합군의 수색 작업은 종료됐습니다Joint operation mission has been completed.
시신은...The bodies...
찾지 못했습니다haven't been found.
[무거운 효과음]
[문 두드리는 소리]
[잔잔한 음악]
[특전사령관이 인식표를 집는다]
[문 두드리는 소리] (범래) 하사 김범래Sergeant Kim Bum-rae.
어, 왜?Yes? What is it?
하사 김범래Sergeant Kim Bum-rae.
말해, 뭔데?Spit it out, what is it?
서 상사 복귀했구나!Sergeant First Class Seo came back, didn't he?
하!Sergeant First Class Seo came back, didn't he?
금방 가I will be right there.
딱 기다리고 있으라 그래!Tell him to wait.
하사 김범래Sergeant Kim Bum-rae.
보고드립니다...I will be reporting.
[무거운 음악]
(모연) 최 중사님?Staff Sergeant Choi? Hello.
안녕하세요!Staff Sergeant Choi? Hello.
전 지프만 보고 유 대위님인 줄 알고...I thought it was Captain Yoo in the jeep.
근데 최 중사님이 여기는 어쩐 일이세요?What brings you here?
정말...I am really...
뭐가요?What for?
특수전사령부 소속Special Forces Captain Yoo Si-jin,
대위 유시진Special Forces Captain Yoo Si-jin,
상사 서대영Sergeant First Class Seo Dae-yeong...
(최 중사) 작전지에서...During the tactical attack,
전사하셨습니다they passed away.
뭐, 뭘 해요?What?
너 무슨 이따위 보고를 해How could you report such a thing?
난 무슨 말인지...I... don't understand a single thing about this.
하나도 이해가 안 되는데I... don't understand a single thing about this.
어떡하지?What should I do?
보고 똑바로 안 해?Aren't you going to report properly?
평소대로 하란 말이야Do as you usually do.
다시 말해봐Say it again.
다시 말해보라고!I said, say it again!
(시진) 작전 나가기 전에 우리는 유서를 씁니다Before we go on a mission, we write a will.
결코 이 편지가 강 선생에게 전해지지 않기를 바라지만I hope that this letter will never be given to you.
혹여 만에 하나But if, by a rare chance, you are reading this will right now,
지금 강 선생이 이 유서를 읽고 있다면But if, by a rare chance, you are reading this will right now,
난 약속을 못 지켰습니다then I have not been able to keep my promise.
걱정하지 말라는 약속The promise to not worry you,
다치지 않겠다는 약속the promise not to get hurt,
죽지 않겠다는 약속the promise not to die,
꼭 돌아오겠다는 약속the promise that I would return...
나는 하나도 지키지 못했습니다I haven't kept any of those.
미안합니다I'm sorry.
강 선생이 있는 곳은 언제나 환했습니다Wherever you are always seems so bright.
그런 당신을 만났고I met you.
그런 당신을 사랑했고 [모연이 가쁘게 숨을 쉰다]And I loved you.
그런 당신과 이렇게 헤어져서And as for being apart from you,
정말 미안합니다I'm really sorry for that.
아니지?It's not true, right?
아니잖아It's not true.
아니잖아요It's not true.
미안하다I'm sorry.
아빠 제발...Dad, please.
아, 제발요... [흐느낀다]Please.
아니라고 해야지...You need to say it isn't true. It's not true.
아니잖아!You need to say it isn't true. It's not true.
서대영이가Seo Dae-yeong... wanted to give this to you.
너에게 전한 거다Seo Dae-yeong... wanted to give this to you.
하지 마요Don't. I don't want it.
싫어요Don't. I don't want it.
나 이거 안 받아요I won't accept this.
이거 읽으면...If I read this... if I accept this...
이거 받으면...If I read this... if I accept this...
진짜 죽은 거잖아 [흐느낀다]then he's really dead.
[명주가 흐느낀다]
이게 다 아빠 때문이야This is all your fault.
우리가 행복할 수 있는 시간 아빠가 다 뺏었잖아!You took all the time away that we could've been happy.
나 화해도 못 했단 말이야I wasn't able to make up with him.
못된 말만 하고 보냈단 말이야! [흐느낀다]I just said those harsh words and sent him away.
명예로웠던 군인의This is an honorable soldier's last words.
마지막 말이다This is an honorable soldier's last words.
잘 간직해라Keep it fondly.
싫어요I don't want to.
아, 싫다고요I said I don't want to.
[모연이 헐떡거린다] [명주가 흐느낀다]
[명주가 흐느끼는 소리]
왜 이러고 있어?Why are you here like this?
왜 울어?Why are you crying?
네가 이러고 있으면 나 어떡해?What should I do if you're like this?
내가 아무것도 못 물어보잖아I can't ask anything.
내가 어떤 마음으로 여기까지 왔는데Seeing you was my last hope...
네가 이러고 있으면 나 어떡하냐고!but what should I do if you are like this?
자기 아빠 높은 사람이라며Didn't you say your father is high up in the army?
다 확인한 거야?Did you check everything?
잘못 안 걸 수도 있잖아They could have been wrong!
오진일 수도 있잖아!They might have made a mistake!
다 알아보고 우는 거야? [흐느낀다]Are you crying because you checked?
울지만 말고 대답 좀 해! 윤명주!Stop crying and answer me, Yoon Myeong-ju.
[무거운 음악]
지, 진짜야?For real?
진짜 안 와?He really isn't coming?
나 진짜I really won't see him?
이제 그 사람 못 봐?I really won't see him?
정말? [흐느낀다]Seriously?
안 온대, 그 사람?He isn't coming?
[한숨 쉰다]
[계속 오열한다]
(시진) 염치없지만I know it is shameless,
너무 오래 울지 않았으면 좋겠습니다but I don't want you crying for too long.
누구보다 환하게More than anyone else,
잘 살아야 해요you have to have a good life and be happy.
나를 너무 오래 기억하지는 말아요forget me after a while.
일주일 후에There will be an official announcement in the army a week from now.
군에서 공식 발표가 있습니다There will be an official announcement in the army a week from now.
대위 유시진과 상사 서대영의 죽음은The death of Captain Yoo Si-jin and Sergeant First Class Seo Dae-yeong
(대대장) 훈련 간 교통사고로 마무리됩니다will be covered up as a car accident during training.
(대대장) 보안 규정상For safety regulation issues,
기밀 유지 서약서에 사인을 해주셔야 합니다you must sign the confidentiality agreement.
협조 부탁드리겠습니다I ask for your cooperation.
그 사람의 죽음이Did his death
누군가의 생명을 구했나요?save someone's life?
네, 그렇습니다Yes, it did.
그 사람의 죽음이Did his death...
어딘가의protect the peace of somewhere?
평화를 지켰나요?protect the peace of somewhere?
네, 그렇습니다Yes, it did.
[울먹이며] 그 사람의 죽음이Was his death...
조국을 위한 일이었나요?for our country?
그렇습니다It was.
그런데도 그 사람의 조국은And yet, his country...
이 서류에makes me sign this document.
사인을 시키는 거네요makes me sign this document.
죄송합니다I am sorry.
[한숨 쉰다] 뭐 이래, 당신은... [잔잔한 음악]Why is this so messed up?
마지막까지Why did you choose
뭐 이런 삶을 선택해?this kind of life right to the end?
(모연) 죽음까지 규정상 비밀이냐고 당신은...Even your death has to be a secret due to regulations.
내가 지금 하는 일이...I hope that what I am doing now is...
당신이 원하는 일이길 바라요what you want,
유시진 씨...Yoo Si-jin.
[헬리콥터 소리]
(은지) 8분 더 당겨서 타이틀 다시 찾았다며?I heard you've got your title back.
장하네?Very admirable, huh?
친구로서As a friend, I congratulate you for being promoted so fast.
한강 이남에서 제일 빠른 손 된 거 축하하고As a friend, I congratulate you for being promoted so fast.
[은지의 헛기침]
혈압약 코스모 제약으로 바꾸는 거 네가 반대한다며?I heard you're opposed to using Cosmo Pharmaceuticals.
지금 약이 싸고 좋아The medicine we use now is cheap and good. Why use a more expensive one?
비싸고 비슷한데 왜 바꿔The medicine we use now is cheap and good. Why use a more expensive one?
그냥 좀 바꿔!Please just change it.
거기 박 이사가 박 교수님 사촌이고The director is Dr. Park's cousin, and he's an in-law.
- (은지) 외과장님 사돈이야 - 너네 고모부고The director is Dr. Park's cousin, and he's an in-law. He's your aunt's husband.
그러니까 바꾸면 다 같이 좋잖아Everyone will be happy if you change it.
너 이 건으로 임상 보고서 제출한다 그랬다며?I heard you will be submitting a clinical report.
사서 고생을 왜 욕먹어가면서 하냐고Why are you being yelled at for doing all the work?
- 누가 욕하는데? - 내가-Who's yelling? -Me.
(은지) 약값 네가 내냐?Are you paying for the medicine?
그렇게 슈바이처가 되고 싶으면If you really want to be Schweitzer, then volunteer in a remote area.
어디 오지로 봉사를 가If you really want to be Schweitzer, then volunteer in a remote area.
아프리카에서는 의사가 없어서 1분에 3명이 죽어나간대In Africa, they don't have doctors, people die every minute.
서둘러! 지구를 구하려면!Hurry up if you want to save the world.
네 진료실에서는 의사가 실력이 없어서I heard your office has no skilled doctor, so 75% of patients are misdiagnosed.
4명 중 3명이 오진이라며I heard your office has no skilled doctor, so 75% of patients are misdiagnosed.
이럴 시간에 변호사를 만나You should get a lawyer if you want to protect your medical license.
- 네 의사 면허 구하려면 - 야!You should get a lawyer if you want to protect your medical license. Hey!
가, 나 점심 좀 편하게 먹게Leave so I can eat my lunch in peace.
- (지수) 짠 - (모연) 짠Cheers.
음, 맛있다It is good.
천천히 마셔Drink slowly.
이 맛있는 걸 왜?Why? When it is so good.
[지수가 한숨 쉬며] 오늘은 집에도 좀 들어가고Why? When it is so good. Go home today.
숙직실에서 며칠째야 인턴 애들 힘들어You've been here for days. The interns are having a hard time.
나 때문에 힘들대?Did they say it's because of me?
[웃는다] 그 생각을 못 했네I didn't think of that.
내일 아침에 수술 있는데-I have a surgery in the morning. -Stop going into the OR.
수술실도 그만 들어가고-I have a surgery in the morning. -Stop going into the OR.
난 수술실에 있을 때 제일 섹시하거든I'm at my sexiest in the operating room.
아니Nothing. I just thought of something.
뭐가 좀 생각나서Nothing. I just thought of something.
뭐가 생각났는데?What did you think of?
그냥 이것저것Just this and that.
엑스레이 사진X-ray photo.
머리끈Hair ties.
미친다 아주I'm crazy.
뭐야, 왜 웃어What is this? Why did you laugh? Did you really go crazy?
진짜 미친 거야?What is this? Why did you laugh? Did you really go crazy?
괜찮아졌다고 생각했는데I thought I was better, but...
진짜 미치겠다, 지수야 [잔잔한 음악]I think I am really going crazy, Ji-soo.
[지수의 한숨 소리]
안아 줄까?Should I give you a hug?
- 하... 아니 - 술 줄까?No. Should I give you alcohol?
[함께 크게 웃는다]
너 다 마셔 [모연의 한숨 소리]Drink it all.
[모연이 웃는다]
[한숨 쉰다]
신고합니다I report, sir! First Lieutenant Yoon Myeong-ju,
중위 윤명주는 2015년 11월 30일부로I report, sir! First Lieutenant Yoon Myeong-ju, as of November 31, 2015,
우르크 태백부대 모우루 중대 의무대로 파견을 명 받았습니다has received an order to go to the Taebaek Medical Unit in Uruk.
이에 신고합니다 단결This is my report. Solidarity.
잘 다녀와라Come back safely.
이번에는 어디 아프지 말고Don't get sick this time.
걱정 끼쳐 죄송합니다I am sorry for making you worry.
아빠도 아프지 마세요-You, too, don't get ill, Dad. -Okay.
그래-You, too, don't get ill, Dad. -Okay.
정당한 전출 명령 감사합니다Thank you for giving me this transfer order fairly.
부당한 건The only order that was unfair
그놈 하나뿐이었지was his.
(특전사령관) 덕분에 내 딸이 불행했으니Because of that, my daughter's been in agony,
완벽히 실패한 작전이었다and it was a tactical failure.
넌 그놈 생각만 하겠지만I know you only think about that punk,
아비는 널 생각한다but I think about you.
(특전사령관) 그놈 생각하는 틈틈이In between thinking about him,
딸을 생각하는 아비도 생각해라think of the father who thinks of his daughter.
혹여 용서할 수 있겠거든If you can forgive me,
용서하고then please do.
(모연) 벌건 대낮부터 술집이야?Why are we here at a bar in broad daylight?
시차 적응 중입니다 우르크는 밤이니까I am trying to get used to the time difference for Uruk.
- (명주) 저 다시 파병 갑니다 - 아...I'm being deployed again.
좋겠다, 우르크-You're lucky to return to Uruk. -Want to join me?
부러우면 같이 갈까요?-You're lucky to return to Uruk. -Want to join me?
그럴까?Should we?
그 사람들도 같이 갔는데 우리라고 왜 같이 못 가Those guys are going together, so why can't we go together?
실없는 양반You don't make any sense.
이건 이별 선물입니다This is a parting gift.
(명주) 내무반에 있길래 챙겼습니다It was in the bunkhouse so I grabbed it.
이쪽은 서 상사 애인This is Sergeant First Class Seo's girlfriend.
그쪽은 유 대위 전우That's Captain Yoo's comrade.
(모연) 2등신이네She's pretty short.
윤 중위가 이겼어 [명주가 웃는다]First Lieutenant Yoon, you've got her beat.
언제 가는데?When are you leaving?
월요일 새벽 출발입니다I depart on Monday at dawn.
3일 남았으니까I have three days left,
우리도 무박 3일?should we just drink till then?
- 협조? - 협조-What do you say? -Yes, I will.
[한숨 쉰다]
이상하게 요즘은Strangely, I've been thinking about nothing but the good times we had.
좋았던 것들만 떠올라Strangely, I've been thinking about nothing but the good times we had.
전 그 사람이 나한테 못 했던 거요I think about the things he didn't do.
근데 유 대위님이랑 서 상사님 말이야By the way, I would like to know how Captain Yoo and Sergeant First Class Seo met.
두 사람의 처음은 뭐였어?
어떻게 친해졌는지 궁금했는데I was curious how they became so close, but I didn't get a chance to ask.
물어 보지를 못했어I was curious how they became so close, but I didn't get a chance to ask.
이제는 물어 볼 데가 없고And now I have nobody to ask.
제가 압니다I know the answer.
첫 만남은 여자 때문이었습니다They first met because of a woman.
여자?A woman?
[비 내리는 소리]
(명주) 모르겠습니다I don't know.
아, 아무튼 기분이 좀 이상합니다Well, I feel a little strange.
(명주) 전 일단 임무 완수 했으니까Since I did my part,
유시진 중위한테 우리 사귄다고 하는 거 잊지 마십시오don't forget to tell First Lieutenant Yoo that we're dating.
[누군가 달려오는 소리]
♪ Oh every time I see you ♪
♪ 그대 눈을 볼 때면 ♪
♪ 자꾸 가슴이 또 설레어와 ♪
♪ 내 운명이죠 ♪I am the commander here.
중대장입니다I am the commander here.
우산 좀 같이Why don't we share the umbrella?
우리 사귑니다We are dating.
우리가 말입니까?You mean us?
저 윤명주 중위랑 사귑니다I am dating First Lieutenant Yoon Myeong-ju.
♪ Baby oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
저 윤명주 중위와 사귑니다I'm dating First Lieutenant Yoon Myeong-ju.
사귄 지 얼마나 됐습니까?How long have you two been dating?
1년 됐습니다For a year now.
명주 언제 처음 본 겁니까?When did you first meet Myeong-ju?
한 달 전 천리 행군에서 만났습니다I first met her a month ago.
근데 사귄 지 1년 됐습니까?But you've been together for a year?
분명히 말씀드리지만I would like to make it clear
전 윤명주 중위와 사귑니다that I am dating First Lieutenant Yoon Myeong-ju.
명주 아버지가 별 3개인 건 아십니까?Do you know that Myeong-ju's father has three stars?
살다보면 누구나 3번의 실수는 할 수 있다고 생각합니다I think that anyone can make up to three mistakes in their life.
아버님의 전과가 우리의 사랑에 장애가 되지는 않습니다Her father's status wouldn't be an obstacle for our love.
다시 한 번 말씀드리지만I will tell you this again.
저 윤명주 중위와 사귑니다I'm dating First Lieutenant Yoon Myeong-ju.
- 꼭 사귀셨으면 좋겠습니다 - 꼭 사귈 겁니다I hope you're dating. I definitely date her.
사귄 지 1년 됐습니다It's been a year, now.
예, 예, 부럽습니다Yeah, I know. I envy you.
포기하시는 겁니까?Are you giving up?
저도 한 달 전에 만나Wouldn't someone I've known a month, but dated a year, show up for me too?
사귄 지 1년 되는 여자가 나타나지 않겠습니까?Wouldn't someone I've known a month, but dated a year, show up for me too?
우리가 명주 두고 싸울 일은 없을 거 같습니다I don't think we will be fighting over Myeong-ju.
싸울 때는 꼭Let's be on the same side when we do fight.
한편 먹고 싸웁시다Let's be on the same side when we do fight.
♪ 세상 끝이라도 지켜주고 싶은 단 한 사람 ♪
[한숨 쉰다]
낮술 좋네It feels good to drink during the day.
[부드러운 음악] [시진의 웃음 소리]
아! 근데 그거 압니까?You know, we've never said "I love you" to each other.
우리 사랑한다는 말 서로 한 번도 안 한 거?You know, we've never said "I love you" to each other.
말로 안 하고 몸으로 했잖아요We said it with our bodies instead.
[기침을 한다]
우리 진짜We held hands and even kissed before saying "I love you" to one another.
사랑한다는 말도 안 하고 손잡고 키스하고 막 다 했네?We held hands and even kissed before saying "I love you" to one another.
와, 대박 대담해Wow, that's amazing. How daring.
아주 못 하는 말이 없습니다?Is that all you have to say?
못 한 말은 있죠There's something I couldn't say.
(시진) 그 못 한 말 한번 해봅니다Let's say the something we couldn't say.
공평하게 가나다순으로Let's be fair and go alphabetically. Your name is Kang, so you go first.
- 강모연이니까 강 선생 먼저 - 듣고 싶은 사람이 먼저죠Let's be fair and go alphabetically. Your name is Kang, so you go first. You're the one who wants to hear it.
으음, 레이디가 퍼스트니까Nope. It's ladies first.
아님 나이순인데?Or by age?
아, 왜 자꾸 나보고 먼저 하래 유 대위님도 안 했잖아요Why should I, you didn't say it yet either.
- 사랑해요 - 아, 깜짝이야!-I love you. -Oh, you startled me.
사랑해요I love you.
수신 양호Roger that.
나도 사랑해요I love you, too.
몸과 마음을 바쳐 충성을 다할게요I will be loyal to you with all that I have.
- 굳게 다짐합니까? - 네!-Do you pledge to the flag? -Yes.
단결! [함께 웃는다]Solidarity.
여기 넣으면 돼요?Do I just do this?
근데 야해!Yes, but it's a little too erotic.
아, 이 여자가...Ah, this lady! It's still early, you know.
- 초저녁부터! - 음!Ah, this lady! It's still early, you know.
[성냥 켜는 소리]
♪ How long will I love you ♪
♪ As long as stars are above you ♪
나 어때요?What do you think of me?
역광이라 예쁜가요?Am I pretty in the candlelight?
(시진) 모든 순간이 예쁘죠You are pretty every single moment.
[부드러운 음악]
보고 싶었어요I really missed you.
나도요Me too.
근데How come you didn't come?
왜 안 왔어요?How come you didn't come?
평화를 지키다가요Because I was protecting peace.
나랑 했던 약속은...What about your promises?
그건, 의미 없었어요?Didn't they mean anything to you at all?
오려고 했을 겁니다I was trying to come
죽을힘을 다해with all my might.
당신에게 오려고 했을 겁니다I was going to come to you.
근데 안 왔잖아요But you didn't come.
안 왔잖아... [흐느낀다]You didn't come.
[부드러운 음악]
(명주) 안 볼 거야I am not going to read it.
죽을 때까지 안 읽을 거야I am never going to read it.
당신도 약 올라봐You should feel aggravated, too.
(모연) 지금 짐 맡기고 들어가는 중I just checked my bags. I'm on my way in.
아니, 아부다비 경유해서 알바니아로 들어가No. I will be getting to Albania through Abu Dhabi.
갈길이 멀다 아주 [전화 수신음]It will be a very long journey. Doctor Pyo, I am getting a call.
표 닥터, 나 전화 들어온다Doctor Pyo, I am getting a call.
어, 도착하면 연락할게I will give you a call once I get there.
I will give you a call once I get there.
(모연) 언제 왔어요?When did you get here?
근데What are you doing here anyway? What is this thing here?
여기서 왜 이러고 있어요? 뭐예요 이건?What are you doing here anyway? What is this thing here?
FTA 회의 있대서 피켓 시위하러 왔는데I am here to do a protest,
입국 금지당했어요but I am prohibited from entering the country.
이 선만 안 넘으면 된다니까They said I can't cross this line.
캠핑하다 여기서 1인 시위하려고요I was going to camp here and protest by myself.
[소리 내어 웃는다] 멋있어요You are so cool.
[웃는다] 나 12개국에서 입국 금지당한 국제 범죄자예요You are so cool. An international criminal banned from 12 different countries?
나쁜 남자는 여자들 로망이니까Bad men are what women fantasize about.
닥터 강은 휴가?Are you on vacation?
- 봉사요 - 아, 알바니아 난민 캠프?I will be volunteering. You mean for the Albanian refugee camp?
닥터 치훈이 소식 남겼었는데Dr. Chi-hoon left a message.
봉사 이게 은근 중독성 있어요Volunteering can be quite addictive.
그런 큰 뜻보다는 사심이에요It's not for that impressive reason. I have an ulterior motive.
내일이 그 사람 기일이라 잊지 않으려고 가요Tomorrow is the anniversary of his death, so I'm going there so I don't forget.
[비행기 소리]
[새가 지저귄다]
[부드러운 음악]
(다니엘) 소아마비, 결핵 그리고 [영어]
불치병이라 여겨졌던 에이즈까지 [영어]
의학의 발달 덕분에 질병들은 하나씩 정복되어 가고 있습니다 [영어]
하지만 한 해에 1400만 명이 이런 질병 때문이 아니라 [영어]
약 때문에 죽어갑니다 [영어]
(모연) 공항에서 다니엘을 만났어요I met Daniel at the airport.
신기했어요It was nice.
나 혈액형 O형이에요I'm blood type O.
갑자기 생각나서I just suddenly thought of that, in case you thought I really was a doll.
진짜 인형인 줄 알까 봐I just suddenly thought of that, in case you thought I really was a doll.
여기 어딘가에 사막이 있다네요?They said there's a desert here somewhere.
오아시스도 있을까요?Do you think there's an oasis as well?
태양에 특허를 신청할 수는 없다You can't obtain a patent for the sun.
소아마비 백신을 개발한 소크 박사의 말입니다The words of Dr. Salk, who created the polio vaccine.
(기자) 꾸준히 필수 전염병 백신들의 특허 철폐를 주장하시는데You've been demanding the withdrawal of patents for vaccines.
특허권 보장은 신약 개발을 위해서는 어쩔 수 없는 것 아닙니까?Don't you think patent protection is necessary to develop new medication?
다국적 제약 회사 이익금 대부분은 마케팅비로 사용됩니다Pharmaceutical companies' income is mostly used for marketing.
돈벌이를 위해 전염병 백신을 무기화한다면If they're weaponizing vaccines for epidemics to make money,
제약 회사는 마약 조직과 다를 바 없습니다then they are no different than narcotic drug rings.
넬슨 만델라는 이렇게 말했습니다 [영어]
(모연) 이윤보다 생명이다Life is more important than profits.
생명과 바꿔서 남는 장사는 없다는 깨달음을 주죠I've realized that there is no profit worth more than life.
나 이런 의사 됐어요This is the kind of doctor I've become.
그곳에서 보기에 나, 자랑스럽나요?Do I seem worthy of praise from where you are?
일주일 더 지켜볼 테니까 가능하면 일주일은 손목 쓰지 말고I'll watch it over the next week, so try not to use your wrist, if possible.
예, 알겠습니다Yes, I understand.
부소대장! 얘 일 시키지 마라!Commanding officer, don't make him work.
예, 알겠습니다Yes, I understand.
근데 식사는 안 하십니까?Aren't you going to eat?
라면 제가 또 죽이게 끓이지 말입니다I make a killer ramen.
[라면 먹는 소리]
넌 뭔 말뚝을 박으러 여기까지 와?Why did you come all the way here?
하사 김기범Sergeant Kim Gi-beom.
군대 체질이지 말입니다The army suits me.
서 상사도 라면 많이 먹었지?Sergeant First Class Seo ate a lot of ramen, too, right?
예, 즐겨 드셨습니다Yes, he enjoyed it frequently.
먹자, 맛있다Let's eat. It's good.
어, 근데 말입니다You know what?
(기범) 밖에 눈이 옵니다It's snowing outside.
- 그래? - 와, 신기합니다!-Really? -Wow, it's amazing.
원래 우르크에는 눈이 안 오지 말입니다It doesn't usually snow in Uruk.
[잔잔한 음악]
♪ 내가 작은 바람이 되어 ♪
♪ 가만히 그대 뒤에서 잠시 기대본다 ♪
♪ 스치듯 우연히 바람에도 ♪
♪ 그대 내 손길을 느낄 수 있게 ♪
(모연) 내가 해도 되는데I can do it myself.
♪ 말이 필요 있을까 ♪I can do it myself.
원래 연애라는 게When you're dating, things that you can do yourself can be done by the other person.
내가 해도 되는 걸 굳이 상대방이 해주는 겁니다When you're dating, things that you can do yourself can be done by the other person.
♪ 그대는 나의 전부가 됐는데 ♪
♪ 전하지 못해서 ♪
♪ 말할 수 없어서 ♪
♪ 나의 가슴이 터질 것 같은 지독한 이 사랑 ♪
♪ 그대는 알고 있나요 못 견디게 보고픈 ♪
♪ 그대 내 전부가 된 거죠 ♪
(모연) 매번 이렇게 모든 일에 목숨을 거는 거죠?You always put your life on the line like this, don't you?
나 일 잘하는 남자입니다I'm a man who is good at his job.
내 일 안에는 내가 안 죽는 것도 포함돼 있고And part of my job is not getting killed.
♪ 전하지 못해서 ♪
안 다칠게요I won't get hurt. I won't die.
안 죽을게요I won't get hurt. I won't die.
꼭 돌아올게요 약속해요I'll be sure to come back. I promise.
어디서 뻥을...Where do you get off lying?
됐고요Where do you get off lying?
사랑해요I love you.
[흐느낀다] 웃기시네Yeah, right.
안 믿어I don't believe you.
♪ 사랑 ♪
(여자) 여기는 본부 [영어] [무전기 소리]
뷰티 나와라, 오버 [영어]
오는 길에 리도카인 부탁합니다 [영어]
[모연이 숨을 고른다]
여기는 뷰티, 금방 갈게요, 오버 [영어]
[한숨 쉰다]
[바람이 분다]
[바람이 세게 분다]
(모연) 여기 좀 가만히 있어Stay right here.
[무전기가 지직 거린다]
(시진) 빅보스 송신Big Boss transmitting.
뭐 이제는 말도 안 되는 게 들려I keep hearing ridiculous things lately.
[무전기 소리] (시진) 빅보스 송신Big Boss transmitting.
[긴장감이 도는 효과음]
[무전기 소리] (시진) 이쁜이는Turn around, beautiful. Over.
뒤를 돌아봅니다, 오버Turn around, beautiful. Over.
[부드러운 음악]
말도 안 돼This can't be.
♪ Here I am ♪This can't be.
♪ 느끼나요 ♪
♪ 숨겨왔던 나의 마음을 ♪
하, 말도 안 돼...This can't be.
말도 안 돼 [가쁘게 숨을 쉰다]This can't be.
♪ 그대 곁에서 ♪
♪ Here I am ♪
어, 아...
♪ 들리나요 ♪
♪ 내 가슴의 작은 떨림들 ♪
♪ 사랑인 거겠죠 이건 ♪
♪ I think of you ♪
되게 오랜만입니다It's been a really long time.
♪ Always love you in my heart ♪
살아 있었어요?You were alive?
그 어려운 걸I keep achieving that difficult mission.
자꾸 해냅니다 내가I keep achieving that difficult mission.
♪ 안아준 사람 ♪
♪ 그대죠 ♪
살아 있었어You were alive.
살아 있었어... [흐느낀다]You were alive.
미안해요I'm sorry.
미안합니다I'm sorry.
♪ Always love you in my heart ♪I'm sorry.
♪ 그대는 아나요 ♪
♪ 스쳐 가는 모든 게 사랑이죠 ♪
♪ 한 걸음 물러선 나를 ♪
♪ 안아준 한 사람 ♪
♪ I‘m dreaming to be with you ♪
♪ 단 하나인 거죠 ♪
♪ 날 담아줄 그대를 믿어요 ♪
♪ 이 마음이 다치지 않게 ♪
♪ 난 언제나 ♪
♪ To be with you ♪

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