태양의 후예 16
Descendants of the Sun 16
말도 안 돼 [가쁘게 숨을 쉰다] | It can't be. |
♪ Here I am ♪ | |
♪ 들리나요 ♪ | |
어! | |
♪ 작은 떨림들 ♪ | |
♪ 사랑인 거겠죠 이건 ♪ | |
♪ I think of you ♪ | |
되게 오랜만입니다 | It's been a really long time. |
♪ Always love you in my heart ♪ | |
살아... | You... |
살아 있었어요? | You were alive? |
그 어려운 걸 | I keep achieving that difficult mission. |
자꾸 해냅니다 내가 | I keep achieving that difficult mission. |
♪ 안아준 사람 ♪ | |
♪ 그대죠 ♪ | |
살아 있었어 | You were alive. |
하... | |
살아 있었어... [흐느낀다] | You were alive. |
미안해요 | I'm sorry. |
미안합니다 | I'm sorry. |
♪ Always love you in my heart ♪ | |
♪ 그대는 아나요 ♪ | |
♪ 스쳐 가는 모든 게 사랑이죠 ♪ | |
♪ 한 걸음 물러선 나를 ♪ | Jerk. |
나쁜 놈 | Jerk. |
(모연) 나쁜 놈 살아 있으면 다야? | Jerk. Just because you're alive doesn't mean it's all okay. |
하! 나쁜 놈! [흐느낀다] | Jerk. |
[크게 소리 내어 운다] | |
♪ 단 하나인 거죠 ♪ | |
♪ 날 담아줄 그대를 믿어요 ♪ | |
보고 싶었어요! | I missed you. |
단 한순간도 잊은 적이 없다고 나는! | There wasn't a single moment when I forgot you. |
다 필요 없어 | I don't need you or anyone else. |
혼자 살 거야 | I'm going to live alone. |
스님이 될 거야 | I'm going to be a monk. |
♪ with you ♪ | |
사랑해요 | I love you. |
사랑한다고요! | I said, I love you. |
[모연이 운다] | |
와, 신기합니다 | Wow, it's amazing. EPISODE 16 |
원래 우르크는 눈이 안오지 말입니다? | EPISODE 16 It doesn't usually snow in Uruk. |
(기범) 제가 파병 올 때 교육 들은 게 맞다면... | If what I heard during my deployment training was correct, |
거의 100년 만에 오는 눈일 겁니다 | it's been 100 years since it last snowed here. |
와... | Wow. |
(모연) 그날 윤 중위는... | That day, First Lieutenant Yoon said, |
'100년 만에 첫눈이 와요'라고 했다 | "It's snowing for the first time in 100 years." |
[부드러운 음악] | |
그리고... | And... |
'그가 그 눈 속을 걸어왔어요'라고... | she said, "He appeared through that snow." |
♪ 그대랍니다 ♪ | |
♪ 태어나 처음으로 가슴 떨리던 사람 ♪ | |
♪ 수천 번을 보아도 ♪ | |
♪ 내게 하나뿐인 그런 사람 ♪ | |
♪ 슬픈 사랑이라고 말하지 말아요 ♪ | |
♪ 다시 생각해보면 행복한 나인데 ♪ | |
♪ 우리 사랑하는 만큼 ♪ | |
답이... | My answer... is very late. |
많이 늦었다 | My answer... is very late. |
하... | |
♪ 사랑하자 ♪ | |
안 헤어질 거다 | I won't break up with you. |
죽어도 | Even if I die, I'll never break up with you. |
너랑 안 헤어질 거다 | Even if I die, I'll never break up with you. |
♪ 나의 곁에 있어요 ♪ | |
♪ 떠나가지 말아요 ♪ | |
[흐느낀다] | |
♪ 나의 사랑입니다 ♪ | |
♪ 평생을 바쳐도 ♪ | |
[흐느낀다] | |
♪ 아깝지 않을 사람 그대일 테니까 ♪ | |
♪ 우리 사랑하는 만큼 ♪ | |
♪ 서로 아파하지만 ♪ | |
♪ 그냥, 그냥, 그냥 이대로 ♪ | |
♪ 사랑하자 ♪ | |
(기범) 늘 강조하지만 스스로를 지키지 못하는 군인은 | As I always emphasize, a soldier who cannot protect himself, |
조국도 미인도 지킬 수 없다 | cannot protect his nation, nor the beautiful women. |
작업 간 숙지 사항은 딱 한 가지, 뭐다? | You are to remember just one thing during the operation. What is it? |
- 절대 다치지 마라! - 절대 다치지 마라! | Don't get hurt! |
좋다 | Good. |
재설 도구 챙겨서 연병장 집합까지 5분 준다 | You have five minutes to gather at the military training ground with snow tools. |
- 실시! - 실시! | -Go. -Go! |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
[흐느낀다] | |
인마, 부소대장이 소대원들 앞에서 눈물 보이면 쓰나? | Hey, can the deputy platoon leader be crying in front of his platoon? |
너 검정고시 어떻게 됐어? | How did your GED test go? |
붙었습니다 | I passed. |
저도 이제 고졸이지 말입니다 [흐느낀다] | I'm now a high school graduate. |
다시는 안 죽을게 | I won't die again. |
진짜 다시는 | Never again will I die, even if I die. |
죽어도 안 죽을게 | Never again will I die, even if I die. |
(명주) 안 믿어 | I don't believe you. |
그렇지만 꼭 그래줘 | But please do that for sure. |
(명주) 100년 만에 첫눈이 왔고 | It snowed for the first time in 100 years. |
당신도 살아 돌아왔고 | And you returned alive. |
내 평생 행운을 다 써버려서 | I used up all the luck of a lifetime, |
이제 남은 게 당신밖에 없어 | so all I have left is you. |
그래 | Okay. |
근데 어떻게 여기로 왔어? | But how did you get here? |
시진 선배는? | What about Si-jin? |
사령부에 생존 보고하면서 | When we went to headquarters to report we were alive, |
네 소식 들었어 | I heard about you. |
(대영) 연합군 캠프에서 바로 출발해서 | We left the Allied Forces Camp right away, and I came here, |
나는 여기로 | We left the Allied Forces Camp right away, and I came here, |
팀장님은 알바니아로 | while the Captain went to Albania. |
둘이 어떻게 된 건데? | What happened to you two? |
당신도 시진 선배도... | You and Si-jin... |
폭격으로 시신을 못 찾은 전사자였어 | You were soldiers killed in combat and your bodies weren't recovered. |
폭격보다 민병대가 한발 빨랐어 | The militia were one step ahead of the bomb attack. |
[긴장감이 도는 음악] | |
폭격 전에 이미 방공호로 끌려갔고 | Before the bomb attack, we were dragged to a dugout. |
다시 어딘지 모를 지하에 갇힌 지 | We were locked up in that unknown underground place, |
대략 150일에서 155일쯤 되는 날이었는데 | and on approximately the 150th or 155th day... |
[문 여는 소리] | |
(남자) 둘 다 처리하고 바로 철수한다, 서둘러 [아랍어] | Finish both of them, then retreat immediately. Hurry. |
[총소리] | Finish both of them, then retreat immediately. Hurry. |
[비장한 음악] | |
(안 상위) 과자 값은 저승에 가서라도 꼭 갚겠습니다 | I will pay you back for the cookie, even if it's in the afterlife. |
전에 빚진 과자 값입니다 | This is the payment for the cookie I owed you. |
행운을 빌겠습니다 | I wish you luck. |
그렇게 먼 곳에 있는 친구의 | I got the help of my friend |
도움을 받았어요 | from that faraway place. |
[한숨 쉰다] | It's all set. |
다 됐어요 | It's all set. |
어떻게 또 알고 부러져 왔데? | How did you know to break your arm in advance? |
오기만 하면 내가 확 부러트리려고 했더니 | I was going to break it as soon as you got here. |
여자 친구가 의사라 | My girlfriend's a doctor. |
[시진의 신음 소리] | |
그 여자 친구 의사가 침대에 눕히길래 | That doctor girlfriend put me in bed, |
아... | That doctor girlfriend put me in bed, |
- 기대한 바가 컸는데 - 치... | so I was hoping for a lot. |
그리웠어요, 당신 농담 | I've missed your jokes. |
(모연) 고생 많았어요 | You've suffered a lot. |
- 아! 바늘, 바늘! - (모연) 어! 바늘, 미안해요! | Needle. Needle. The needle. I'm sorry. |
아... | |
아, 강 선생이 뭐가요 내가 미안하지 | What do you have to be sorry for? I am the one who is sorry. |
(남자) 연합군 무전 암호가 뭐지? [영어] | |
[무거운 음악] | |
[피가 새어 나오는 소리] | |
[총소리] | |
[총소리] | |
[숨을 헐떡인다] | |
[총소리] | |
다신 안 그럴게요 | I won't do this again. |
와... | |
내가 이 약속을 또 믿는다 | I'll believe you again. |
(시진) 근데 아까부터 궁금했는데 | I was curious earlier. What is that? |
저건 뭡니까? | I was curious earlier. What is that? |
(모연) 당신 제사 음식이요 | It is your memorial ritual food. |
오늘이 당신 기일이잖아요 | Today is the anniversary of your death. |
(모연) 하... | |
내가 하다 하다 남자 친구 제사상을... | As if I haven't done enough already-- |
설마... | By any chance... |
- 아니죠? - 뭐가요? | -you're not, right? -What? |
(남자) 실례합니다 [영어] | |
뷰티, 과도 여기 [영어] | |
혹시 저기 저 사람 보여요? [영어] | |
잘 생겼네요, 남자 친구? [영어] | |
(모연) 아, 다행이다 [영어] | |
나한테만 보이는 건 아닐까 해서 [영어] | |
- 고마워요, 잘 자요 - 잘 자요 [영어] | |
와... 사람을 2번 죽이네 | Wow, you killed me twice. |
지금 나 귀신 취급한 겁니까? 의사가? | Did a doctor just think I was a ghost? |
이과 나왔는데? 어? | You studied science. You showed up on the anniversary of your death. |
그러게 누가 기일날 나타나래요? 과일이나 먹어요 | You showed up on the anniversary of your death. Human or a ghost, eat the fruit, |
(모연) 귀신이든 사람이든 유 대위님 먹으라고 차린 거니까 | Human or a ghost, eat the fruit, since I prepared them for you. |
와인도 마셔요 | Drink the wine too. It's not rice wine, but it will do. |
청주 못 들고 와서 청주 대신이에요 | Drink the wine too. It's not rice wine, but it will do. |
준비 많이 했네요? | You prepared a lot, even though you are in a far-away foreign land. |
먼 타국 땅에서? | You prepared a lot, even though you are in a far-away foreign land. |
[전화가 울린다] | |
잠깐만요 | Wait a minute. |
넌 이년아 어떻게 된 게 전화 한 통이 없어? 걱정했잖아! | How come you didn't call at all, wench? I was worried. |
미안! 정신 없었어 | I am sorry. I was super busy. -Busy my ass. -Dr. Kang! |
- (지수) 정신이 없기는 - 선배님! | -Busy my ass. -Dr. Kang! |
강 선생님! | Dr. Kang! |
아우 진짜 | Seriously. |
무슨 영상 통화야! 낯 뜨겁게 | Why a video call? It's making me blush. |
야! 그 뜨거운 낯 잘 안 보이니까 좀 밝은 데로 와봐봐 | Hey! I can't see your face, stand over in the light. |
어 | Okay. |
여기? | Here? |
[시진이 과일 먹는 소리] | |
[긴장감이 도는 음악] | |
저만 보이는 거 아니죠? | I'm not the only one who sees him, right? |
저도 보여요 | Yeah... I see him too. |
너 괜찮아? | Are you okay? Don't you see him? |
너한테는 안 보이는 거야? | Are you okay? Don't you see him? |
뭐가? | See what? |
오늘이 유 대위님 기일 아닌가? | Today is the anniversary of Captain Yoo's death, right? |
아... 그러면... | Then... that is the memorial table, and... |
저게 제사상이고... | Then... that is the memorial table, and... |
(송 선생) 맞네, 그러네 제삿밥 먹으러 왔네 | I's true... He came to eat the food off of his ceremonial table. |
아... | |
[다 같이 비명을 지른다] | |
[소리 내어 웃는다] [발랄한 음악] | |
와, 사람을 3번 죽이네, 이 여자 재밌습니까? | This woman tried to kill me three times. Do you enjoy it? |
그렇게 살아 돌아와 놓고 이 정도 이벤트도 안 하려고 했어요? | You aren't planning to do this kind of thing after coming back alive? |
(모연) 근데 우리 팀 너무 귀엽죠? [전화가 울린다] | But they're really cute, right? |
눈치챘나 보다! | They must have caught on! |
선배, 지금부터 제 얘기 잘 들으세요 | Listen to me very carefully. |
이유는 묻지 마시고요 | Please don't ask me why. |
- 뭔데? - 사랑한다고... | What is it? Say that you love him... |
보고 싶었다고... | That you miss him... |
[울먹인다] 마음만 표현하세요 | Express it to your heart's content... |
이승에 미련 두지 않게요 | so he won't linger in this world. |
- 뭐? - 안 믿으시겠지만 | What? I know you won't believe this, |
유 대위님 거기 있어요 | but Captain Yoo is over there. |
부디 좋은 곳으로 가시라고 [흐느낀다] | Please tell him to go to a good place. |
[소리 내어 웃는다] | |
미치겠다 진짜 | I'm going to go crazy! |
오자마자 가라는데요? | They're telling you to leave already. |
와, 벌써 가라고 하면 내가 서운하지! | They're telling you to leave already. That upsets me. |
- 아, 대박! - 으아! | -Wow! -Whoa! |
[다들 소리를 지른다] | |
- (하 간호사) 어머 어떡해! - (최 간호사) 엄마야! | Oh, my gosh. Hello, everyone. |
여러분 안녕! | Hello, everyone. |
(송 선생) 허... | |
자, 유 대위 근황은 이렇습니다 | This is Captain Yoo, in the flesh. |
그러니까 오늘 밤 제가 얼마나 행복하겠어요 | You'll understand how happy I am tonight. |
자세한 건 돌아가서 설명할게요 | I will explain the details when I get back. |
오늘은 그만 방해하시고 끊습니다, 안녕! | Stop bothering me for today. I'm hanging up now. Bye. |
- (하 간호사) 유 대위님 맞지? - (최 간호사) 맞아요, 맞아! | -It was Captain Yoo, right? Right? -Right. |
(하 간호사) 귀신 아니지? 귀신 본 거 아니지? | He wasn't a ghost! Am I seeing things? |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
[박수 소리] | |
부대 차렷! 사령관님께 대하여... | Attention! To our Commander-- |
고맙다 | Thank you. |
살아 돌아와 줘서 | I am really grateful that you guys came back alive. |
정말 고맙다 | I am really grateful that you guys came back alive. |
대위 유시진 | Captain Yoo Si-jin. |
상사 서대영 | Sergeant First Class Seo Dae-yeong. |
자식들아! | Hey, you punks! |
너희들 때문에 속 썩은 거 생각하면 꼴도 보기 싫... | If I think about how much I suffered because of you, I can't even-- |
(대대장) 내가 너희들 없는 사이에 | I got promoted to colonel while you two were gone, but getting promoted sooner-- |
대령 진급했지만 이 까짓 거 뭐! | I got promoted to colonel while you two were gone, but getting promoted sooner-- |
- 동기 중에 좀 빨리간 거... - (남자가 멀리서 부른다) 중대장님! | I got promoted to colonel while you two were gone, but getting promoted sooner-- Captain! |
국방 일보에 인터뷰 사진 잘 나온 거 그런 게 뭐가 중요해 | Having a nice photo and interview... why would that be important? |
[멀리서 다 같이 부른다] 중대장님! 팀장님! | Having a nice photo and interview... why would that be important? Captain! |
세상에서 너희들이 제일... [울먹인다] | Captain! To me, out of everyone in the world, you two are the most-- |
[모두 환호를 지르며 좋아한다] | To me, out of everyone in the world, you two are the most-- |
[군인들이 환호를 지른다] | Ah, seriously! |
[군인들이 환호를 지른다] | You're here! |
[모두 환호를 지르며 좋아한다] | You're here! For now, Yoo Si-jin and Seo Dae-yeong will write reports instead of work. |
(대대장) 유시진과 서대영은 당분간 보고서 작성으로 업무를 대신한다 | For now, Yoo Si-jin and Seo Dae-yeong will write reports instead of work. |
보고서는 | The report should be.. as thick as the Bible. |
성경 두께다 | The report should be.. as thick as the Bible. |
- (남자 1) 가보겠습니다 - (남자 2) 수고하십시오 | -We'll be going. -Goodbye. |
(시진) 야... | Hey. |
- 뭐 하십니까? - 저는 C4보다 A4가 훨씬 무섭습니다 | -What are you doing? -I'm much more scared of A4 than of C4. |
이 날카로운 모서리 보십시오 | Look at this sharp corner. |
베이면 와, 되게 아픕니다 | If you get cut... Wow, it would really hurt. |
우리 물고문하던 놈 팔목에 | The bastard who was waterboarding us |
스페츠나츠 문신 있던 거 맞지 말입니다? | had a Spetznaz tattoo on his wrist. |
걔는 칼 그은 애입니다 | That was the guy who stabbed us. |
근데 너무 맞은 것만 쓰면 모양 빠지니까 | But it makes us look bad if we only write about being beat up, |
주에 한 번은 반격도 좀 하고 | let's say we counterattacked once a week and attempted to escape once a month. |
월에 한 번은 탈출 시도도 한 걸로 | let's say we counterattacked once a week and attempted to escape once a month. |
진솔하게 써보지 말입니다 | -Let's try and be honest. -We did that twice a month. |
월에 2번으로 했지 말입니다 | -Let's try and be honest. -We did that twice a month. |
민병대 반군한테 공문 보내서 확인하지는 않겠지 말입니다? | They won't try to confirm it with the militia, right? |
지금 이 상황에서는 뭘 써도 믿어주지 말입니다 | Given our situation, they will believe anything we write. |
근데 문제는, 리얼리티와 드라마의 적절한 앙상블입니다 | But the problem is, we need an appropriate balance between reality and drama. |
원작으로 람보 어떻습니까? | How about using Rambo as a guideline? |
배경이 베트남전이라 총기나 디테일이 안 맞습니다 | That was a different war, we'd have to change the weapons. |
(대영) 차라리 본 시리즈로 가지 말입니다 | I'd rather go with the Bourne series. |
윤 중위가 맷 데이먼 좋아합니다 | First Lieutenant Yoon likes Matt Damon. |
오케이, 완벽합니다 그럼 전 이만! | Perfect. Then I will leave. |
어디 가십니까? | Where are you going? |
혼자 써야지 괜히 따로 쓰다가 3대 때렸네 5대 때렸네 | Only one of us should write it, otherwise details like, getting hit three or five times might not line up. |
디테일 안 맞으면 안 되니까 | details like, getting hit three or five times might not line up. |
근데 그 '혼자'가 왜 저입니까? | Why does "one of us" mean me? |
윤 중위는 우르크에 있지 않습니까? | Isn't First Lieutenant Yoon in Uruk? |
조국에 여자 친구 없는 군인은 | Good luck to the soldier whose girlfriend isn't in Korea. |
파이팅! | Good luck to the soldier whose girlfriend isn't in Korea. |
[부드러운 음악] | |
기억 납니까? 여기서 나 찼던 거? | Do you remember dumping me here? |
그럼요 | Of course. |
오늘도 찰지 모르는데? | I may dump you here again today. |
농담이죠? | You're kidding, right? I've been traumatized. |
나 트라우마 있는데 | You're kidding, right? I've been traumatized. |
진담인데 | I'm serious. |
그래서 묻는 건데요 | That's why I'm asking. |
앞으로도 백화점 가는 일 | In the future, will you still keep doing |
계속할 거예요? | work that means you have to go to the department store? |
영웅이 되고 싶은 건가 해서요 | Is it because you want to be a hero? |
죽어야 듣는 영웅 소리에 | Not one soldier wants to be called a hero after they die. |
관심 있는 군인은 아무도 없습니다 | Not one soldier wants to be called a hero after they die. |
그저... | We just... |
평화가 지켜져야 하는 곳에 평화를 지키는 겁니다 | protect peace in places that should be peaceful. |
계속하겠다는 소리네요 내가 반대해도 | So you will keep doing it even though I object to it? |
반대할 겁니까? | Will you object to it? |
하지 말까요? | Shouldn't I? |
이번에는 당신이 영영 안 돌아올지도 모르지만? | The next time you actually might not return. |
졸지 마요 | Don't get anxious. I won't object. |
반대 안 할 테니까 | Don't get anxious. I won't object. |
(모연) 반대해봐야 뭐 해? | What's the point? |
당신은 미안해하면서도 포기 못 할 거고 | Even if you're sorry, you won't give it up. |
난 그런 당신 원망하다 결국은 또 응원할 텐데 | And I'll resent you, but end up supporting you. |
그럴 바에야 나도 평화를 지키려고요 | If it's going to be that way, I'd rather keep the peace too. |
물론 내 지지가 유시진 씨의 평화가 된다면요 | Of course that is only if my support brings you peace. |
고마워요, 미안하고 | Thank you, and I'm sorry. |
미안하다는 말밖에 못 해서 | I'm sorry that all I can say is that I'm sorry. |
더 미안합니다 | I'm sorry that all I can say is that I'm sorry. |
안 차였으니까 우리 내일 낚시 갈까요? | Should we go fishing tomorrow since you didn't get dumped? |
일종의 정서 치료죠 | It's a form of emotional therapy. |
나 애교 엄청 떨거니까 놀라지 말고요 | I'm going to put on my charm so don't be surprised, |
엄청 행복한 척할 거니까 안쓰러워 말고요 | and even when I act really happy, don't feel bad. |
이런 여자 친구 만난 거 감사해 하고요 | Be grateful for meeting a girl like me. |
[부드러운 음악] | |
아... | |
아, 풍경은 아름답고 마음은 평화롭습니다 | The view is beautiful and my heart is at peace. |
내 속의 상처들이 힐링됨이 느껴진다고 할까... | I feel the pain in my heart healing. |
[한숨 쉰다] | |
2시간째 아무 일도 일어나지 않고 있거든요? | It's been two hours already, nothing's biting. |
(모연) 어떻게 한 마리를 못 잡지? | How have we not had a single bite? |
그, 새로운 트라우마를 만들어서 | Are you creating new trauma |
기존의 트라우마를 극복하는 방식입니까? | to overcome the pre-existing trauma? |
이대로는 속 터져서 안 되겠어요 | This won't work. I'm getting frustrated. |
(모연) 근처에 수목원 있네! | The arboretum is nearby. |
처방전 바꿀게요 | I'm changing my treatment plan. Let's go for a walk and get fresh air. |
맑은 공기 마시며 산책해요 | I'm changing my treatment plan. Let's go for a walk and get fresh air. |
내가 1년에 행군을 몇 킬로미터 하는지 압니까? | Do you... know how many kilometers I march a year? |
절 있다, 절 전음사 어때요? | Oh, there's a monastery, too. How about a monastery? |
하, 내가 머리 짧은 남자들만 있는 곳에서 | Oh, there's a monastery, too. How about a monastery? Do you know how many months |
몇 달을 갇혀 있다 왔는지 압니까? | I was trapped with only men with crew cuts? |
그럼 뭐 하고 싶은데요? | What do you want to do? |
상투적인거요 | Something conventional. |
날은 춥고 물고기는 안 잡히는데 | "The weather's cold and the fish aren't biting. |
'잠깐 쉬었다 갈래요?' 그런 거 | Do you want to rest?" Stuff like that. |
'마침 방이 하나밖에 없네요?' 이런 거 | Something like, "Oh, no, it seems there's only one room left." |
치! | |
넘어 오지 마요? | -Don't cross the line. -But we can still share a room together. |
- 그럼 같이 방에는 있는 거네요? - (모연) 당연하죠 | -Don't cross the line. -But we can still share a room together. Of course. |
남자랑 같이 안 눕는다면서요 그때 병원에서 | Last time, you said you wouldn't lie in bed with a man. |
그거 저 아니에요 | That wasn't me. |
그 여자는 1살 어렸죠 저보다 | She was a year younger than me. |
뭘 잘 몰라요 | She's clueless. |
그렇죠? | Right? |
아, 나도 그 여자 진짜 마음에 안 들었어 | I really didn't like that girl. |
(모연) 어머, 걸렸다! | I caught one. |
아이 하던 얘기는 마저... | We should finish the rest of our conversation. |
활어야, 나야? | Is it me or the fish? |
아니 무슨 특전사가 생선을 못 만져요? | How can a special forces agent not touch a fish? You even came back from the dead! |
(모연) 죽었다 살아서도 오면서? | How can a special forces agent not touch a fish? You even came back from the dead! |
안 다칠게요, 안 죽을게요 근데... | I won't get hurt and I won't die, however... |
생선은 못 만져요 | I really can't touch a fish. |
[모연이 크게 웃는다] | |
귀여워서 봐준다 진짜 | You're so cute, so I'll let it slide this time. |
붕어 개복 시작합니다, 메스 | We will start cutting the carp. Scalpel. |
어휴, 피도 눈물도 없는 여자 | You are such a heartless woman. |
[시진이 손을 호 분다] | |
(시진) 어, 호텔 좋네요 | That hotel looks very nice. |
침대도 크고 푹신해 보이는 게 | The bed looks big and comfy. |
바보, 침대는 작고 좁을수록 좋은 거거든요? | You fool. The smaller the bed, the better it is, you know that. |
어떤 놈입니까? | Which bastard was it? |
어떤 놈이 그런 못 된 거 가르쳤습니까? | What kind of bastard taught you that? |
유시진이라는 놈이요 | The one named Yoo Si-jin. |
그놈이 없는 시간을 이렇게 견뎠거든요 | I endured the time while he was gone by doing this. |
'이거 놔두고 와야지' | "I should leave this there. I should take this back. |
(모연) '이거 갖다 놔야지' | "I should leave this there. I should take this back. |
'이걸 갖다 놓고 나면 다 잊어 버려야지' | Once I take this back, I should forget everything. |
'다 잊고 보내줘야지' | I should forget and let him go." |
비행기 티켓 끊었다가 취소하고 | I bought a plane ticket, but canceled it. |
호텔도 예약했다 캔슬하고 | I reserved a hotel, but canceled it too. |
휴가도 신청했다 반납하고 | I requested some time off, but I canceled it. |
그놈이 잘못했네 | He was wrong for sure. |
진짜... | Do you think we could really go back there? |
다시 갈 수 있을까요, 거기? | Do you think we could really go back there? |
누구랑 갈 겁니까? | Who are you going to go with? |
너랑요! | With you! |
흠, 설렌다 [웃는다] | I'm looking forward to it. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
언제 갈 겁니까? | -When are we leaving? -I am not sure. Wait and see. |
글쎄요? 기다려 봐요 | -When are we leaving? -I am not sure. Wait and see. |
유시진 씨도 기약 없이 기다려 봐야 돼요 좀 | You have to wait, just like I did. |
아, 뭐, 그런 게 벌이라면 기꺼이 받죠 | If that's my punishment, then I'm willing to take it. |
살다가 어느 날 문득 | As we live our lives, when I suddenly say, "Now!" Come running with your passport. |
내가 '지금!' 하면 바로 달려와요, 여권 들고 | As we live our lives, when I suddenly say, "Now!" Come running with your passport. |
응 | |
[웃는다] | |
(시진) 근데 여기는 선이 어딥니까? | But where's the line here? |
어딘지 알아야 안 넘죠 | -I need to know so I won't cross it. -Oh? |
(모연) 몰라요? | -I need to know so I won't cross it. -Oh? Being near you like this is so-- I am so cold right now. |
(시진) 어우, 이렇게 붙어 있으니까, 어우 추워... | Being near you like this is so-- I am so cold right now. You fool. |
바보 | You fool. |
내 시선? | Tow the line or quit. |
당신의 최선? | Tow the line or quit. |
어휴 참... | That's good. |
- 지금은 아니고 - 으음... | Not now. |
(시진) 어휴 어려운 여자 [신음 소리] | You are such a difficult woman, for crying out loud. |
[시진이 우는 소리를 낸다] | |
[전화가 울린다] | YOON MYEONG-JU |
보고서는 다 써갑니까? | Are you almost done with the report? |
(대영) 창작의 고통을 느끼는 중입니다 | I'm suffering from writer's block. |
한글 창 켤 줄은 압니까? | Do you even know how to turn on Word? |
넌 날 뭘로 보는지 가끔 궁금하다? | Sometimes I wonder what you take me for. |
남자로 봅니다 | I see you as a man. |
안 바빠? | Aren't you busy? I'm happy to hear your voice so often. |
목소리 자주 들어서 난 좋은데 | Aren't you busy? I'm happy to hear your voice so often. |
자고 일어나면 맨날 기범이한테 물어 | Every time I wake up, I ask Gi-beom |
당신 돌아온 게 꿈은 아닌지 | if you coming back was all a dream. |
오늘은 일어나니까 기범이가 먼저 와서 | Gi-beom came to me first today, |
'서 상사님 돌아온 거 꿈 아닙니다' 그러더라 | and he told me, "Sergeant First Class Seo coming back wasn't a dream." |
(명주) 근데도 자꾸 확인하고 싶어 | Even though I know, I still needed to check. |
전화해서 목소리 들어야 안심되고 | Only hearing your voice assures me. |
언제든지 해 | You can call me anytime. |
자다가도 받을게 | I'll even answer in my sleep. |
아, 근데 내일은 전화 안 되겠다 | But tomorrow I can't talk, we will be escorting a VIP. |
VIP 의전 있어 | But tomorrow I can't talk, we will be escorting a VIP. |
VIP? 누군데? | A VIP? Who is it? |
[긴장감이 도는 음악] | |
빅보스 송신 | Big Boss transmitting. Has the VIP arrived? |
(시진) VIP는 도착했나? | Big Boss transmitting. Has the VIP arrived? |
피콜로 송신 현 위치에서 이동 중인 차량 | Piccolo transmitting. From my current location, |
시야 확보했습니다 | I have secured a view of the vehicle in transit. |
스누피 송신 입구 쪽 특이 사항 없습니다 | Snoopy transmitting. The entrance is clear. |
(시진) 수신 양호 다들 집결지로 이동한다 | Roger that. Everyone, head towards the meeting place. |
VIP 의전은 내가 직접 맡는다 | I will be escorting the VIP. |
(대영) 울프 송신, 빅보스는 현 위치에서 대기합니다 | Wolf here. Big Boss, you should standby at your current location. |
VIP 의전 및 근접 경호는 스누피와 제가 맡았습니다 | Snoopy and I will escort the VIP and manage their close-range security. |
스누피, '오픈 더 도어' | Snoopy, open the door. |
'라저' | |
(시진) 와! 신속한 사람 | Wow, you guys are quick. |
아니, 이 속도면 군인 말고 중국집을 하시지 말입니다! | With that speed, you should do deliveries instead of being a soldier. |
[군인들의 환호성 소리] | With that speed, you should do deliveries instead of being a soldier. |
(걸그룹 멤버) 오빠들! 둘, 셋! | Hello! One, two, three. |
(다 같이) '해피니스!' 안녕하세요, 레드벨벳입니다 | Happiness! Nice to meet you, we are Red Velvet. |
(여자) 차렷! 특전사 국군 오빠들께 경례! | We salute the soldiers of the Special Forces. Solidarity! |
- 단결! - 단결! | We salute the soldiers of the Special Forces. Solidarity! |
[환호성을 지른다] | |
♪ Dumb dumb dumb dumb ♪ | |
♪ Dumb dumb dumb dumb ♪ | |
♪ Dumb dumb dumb dumb ♪ | |
♪ Dumb dumb dumb dumb ♪ | |
♪ Dumb dumb dumb dumb ♪ | |
♪ 너 때문에 하루 종일 고민하지만 ♪ | |
♪ 널 어떡해야 좋을지 잘 모르겠어 난 Oh ♪ | |
♪ Baby baby baby baby baby ♪ | |
♪ You play me play me play me play me play me ♪ | |
♪ 그 눈빛은 날 아찔하고 헷갈리게 해 ♪ | |
♪ 내 이성적인 감각들을 흩어지게 해 Oh ♪ | |
♪ Baby baby baby baby baby ♪ | |
♪ You crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy ♪ | |
♪ 마네킹 인형처럼 ♪ | |
♪ 하나부터 열까지 다 어색하지 ♪ | |
♪ 평소같이 하면 되는데 ♪ | |
♪ 또 너만 보면 시작되는 바보 같은 춤 ♪ | |
♪ 눈 코 입 표정도 팔 다리 걸음도♪ | |
♪ 내 말을 듣지 않죠 ♪ | |
♪ Dumb dumb dumb dumb ♪ | |
♪ 심장의 떨림도 ♪ | |
- 사랑해요, 강슬기! - 사랑해요, 강슬기! | We love you, Kang Seul-gi! |
(치훈) 헐! | Oh, my gosh. |
- 왜요? - 뭔데? | -What's wrong? -What is it? |
헐! 허! | My goodness. |
강 선생님! 이것 좀 보셔야겠어요 | Dr. Kang, you need to see this. |
- 사랑해요, 강슬기! - 사랑해요, 강슬기! | We love you, Kang Seul-gi! RED VELVET TRUMPS MY GIRLFRIEND |
- 영원히 사랑해! - 영원히 사랑해! | RED VELVET TRUMPS MY GIRLFRIEND We love you forever! |
(최 간호사) 23일이면... | It's the 23rd, the day Captain Yoo went on an operation, right? |
유 대위님 작전 가신다는 날짜 아니에요? | It's the 23rd, the day Captain Yoo went on an operation, right? |
아주 큰 작전 하시네 | Seems like a big "operation." |
그러게 정말 평화 유지군이 따로 없다 | That's so true. No better peace-keeping than this. |
저거 유 대위 아니에요 | That's not Captain Yoo. |
잠깐 | Hold on a sec. |
- 저기, 죄송한데요 - (여자) 네? | -Excuse me. I'm sorry, but-- -Yes? |
부탁 하나 드려도 될까요? 대본에는 없는 건데요 | Can I ask for a favor? It's not on the script, though. |
말씀하세요 | Go ahead. |
저 오늘 남자 친구 있냐고 | Would it be okay for you to ask if I have a boyfriend on the show? |
방송에서 좀 물어봐 주시면 안 될까요? | Would it be okay for you to ask if I have a boyfriend on the show? |
[박수 소리] | |
(진행자) 네, 강모연의 '바디체크 시즌 2' | Kang Mo-yeon's Body Check, Season Two. |
오늘은 고지혈증에 대해서 알아봤습니다 | Today we learned about high cholesterol. |
그럼 끝으로 시청자 분들이 너무 궁금해 하시는 | Before we go, I will be asking a question that many have been curious about. |
질문 하나 드릴게요 | Before we go, I will be asking a question that many have been curious about. |
강 선생님 아직 미혼이신데 | Dr Kang, you're not married yet, are you? |
혹시 남자 친구 없으세요? | Do you have a boyfriend by any chance? |
아, 너무 갑작스럽게 물어보셔서 | Asking me about that so suddenly... |
어, 고지혈증 예방을 위해서는 | In order to prevent high cholesterol, it would be great to have a boyfriend to work out with, but I don't have one... |
함께 운동할 남자 친구가 있으면 참 좋겠지만 | it would be great to have a boyfriend to work out with, but I don't have one... |
없네요 | it would be great to have a boyfriend to work out with, but I don't have one... |
바빠서 | because I'm so busy. |
[모두 웃는다] | |
[발랄한 음악] | |
잘 봤어요 방송 | I watched the broadcast. |
아, 없구나 남자 친구가... 바빠서? | So, you don't have a boyfriend since you're busy, eh? |
그럼 난 뭐지? | Then what am I? |
아, 절친이네 절친 군인 절친 | I guess I'm your best friend. Your soldier best friend. |
내 남자 친구도 방송에 여자 친구 없는 것처럼 놀길래 | My boyfriend was broadcasted acting like he didn't have a girlfriend, |
그렇게 약속 됐나 보다 했죠 | so I thought we had agreed. |
나도 방송 잘 봤거든요 | I also watched your broadcast. |
걸그룹에 넋 나간 | You went wild over a girl group. |
(명주) 국군 장병 1, 2... | Soldier #1 and Soldier #2... |
와... | Wow. I never knew you were such a good dancer. |
난 춤을 그렇게 잘 추는지 몰랐네 | Wow. I never knew you were such a good dancer. |
김흥국인 줄 | Wow. I never knew you were such a good dancer. |
오해입니다 | This is a misunderstanding. I think I'm a victim of evil editing. |
아무래도 악마의 편집을 당한 것 같습니다 | This is a misunderstanding. I think I'm a victim of evil editing. |
아, 악마의 편집? | Oh... evil editing? |
네, 그렇습니다 | Yes, that's right. |
그건 대대장님 나오실 때 잠깐 환호한 건데 | I was actually just cheering when the battalion commander arrived, |
편집이 그렇게 돼서 | but it just happened to be edited like that. |
음, 대대장님을 보고 그렇게 미친 듯이 휘파람을 부셨구나 | but it just happened to be edited like that. So you whistled like crazy after seeing the battalion commander? |
유 대위님의 대대장님이 우유 빛깔인가 보죠? | Does your battalion commander have "milky skin"? |
대대장님 피부가 고우신 편이기는 합니다 | The battalion commander does have nice skin. |
죽여버린다? | I am going to kill you. |
레드벨벳이 그렇게 좋았어? | You liked Red Velvet that much, huh? |
네가 뭐라든 나 절대 너 안 놓을 거다 | No matter what you do, I won't let you go. |
웃기고 있네 티비에서는 거의 놨던데? | You must be kidding me. On TV, you seemed to have let me go. |
나 귀국 157일밖에 안 남았습니다 | There are only 157 days until I return. |
(명주) 157일 동안 | For the next 157 days, I'm only going to think about how I should kill you. |
서대영을 어떻게 죽일지 그 궁리만 하다 갈 겁니다 | For the next 157 days, I'm only going to think about how I should kill you. |
알겠습니까? | Understood? |
아, 진짜 너무하네! | You're seriously being too harsh! |
아니 내가 무슨 죽을 죄를 지은 것도 아니고! 어? | "It's not like I committed a deadly crime!" |
라고 사태를 악화시키는 어리석은 남자들이 대부분인 반면 [발랄한 음악] | Is something that foolish men would say to worsen the situation. |
(시진) 저는 | But I am going to pin my hopes on me |
저의 최선과 | But I am going to pin my hopes on me |
당신의 시선에 기대볼까 합니다 | trying my best to explain and your reactions. |
해봐요 대위님 최선 먼저 | Go ahead. You go first and do your best. |
모두 다 제 불찰입니다 | It's all because of my carelessness. Red Velvet isn't at fault. |
레드벨벳은 잘못 없습니다 | It's all because of my carelessness. Red Velvet isn't at fault. |
오늘 내 손에 죽읍시다 | I will kill you with my own hands! |
아, 아니, 아니 아이, 잠깐, 잠깐! | Wait. Hold on. |
그리고 저 이제 대위 아닙니다 | -So you know, I'm no longer a captain. -Then what? |
대위 아니면 뭔데요? | -So you know, I'm no longer a captain. -Then what? |
혹시 잘렸어요, 군에서? | Did you get dismissed? |
아니요 | No, it's not that. |
진급합니다 | I am getting promoted to a major. |
소령으로 | I am getting promoted to a major. |
진짜요? | Seriously? |
강 선생이 왜 기뻐합니까? | -Why are you so happy, Dr. Kang? -That means you'll get a raise. |
그럼 월급 오르겠네요? | -Why are you so happy, Dr. Kang? -That means you'll get a raise. |
근데 강 선생이 왜 기뻐합니까? | Why would you be so happy about that? |
그리고 그 눈은 뭡니까? | And what's with your eyes? |
당신의 최선과 나의 시선? | Your tried your best, look at my reaction. |
아이, 이 속물 | Look at this materialistic girl. |
(시진) 신고합니다! | I report. As of March 25th 2016, I, Captain Yoo Si-jin, |
대위 유시진은 2016년 3월 25일부로 | I report. As of March 25th 2016, I, Captain Yoo Si-jin, |
대위에서 소령으로 1계급 진급을 명 받았습니다 | have been granted a promotion from Captain to Major. |
이에 신고합니다 | I report to you, sir! |
단결! | -Solidarity. -Solidarity. |
단결! | -Solidarity. -Solidarity. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
[박수를 친다] | |
(모연) 내가 끌린 그 남자는 | The man that I am drawn to |
전 세계에서 유일한 분단 국가인 | lives as a soldier of the only divided nation in the entire world. |
대한민국에서 군인으로 살아가고 있다 | lives as a soldier of the only divided nation in the entire world. |
아! | |
(모연) 여전히 노인과 미인과 아이는 보호해야 한다고 믿는 | He believes the beautiful, the elderly and children should be protected. |
명예로운 특전사 소령이다 | He is an honorable major of the Special Task Force. |
그리고 나는 | And I am... still a doctor who appears on TV broadcasts. |
여전히 방송하는 의사고 | And I am... still a doctor who appears on TV broadcasts. |
당연히 해성병원 간판이다 | Of course, I'm the face that represents Haesung Hospital. |
내가 누군지는 설명 안 해도 다 알죠? | I assume I need no introduction. |
- 네! - 네! | Yes. |
(명주) 그날부터 157일 동안 [경쾌한 배경 음악] | From that day onward, for 157 days, I pondered over how I should kill you. |
서대영을 어떻게 죽일지 죽어라 고민했습니다 | I pondered over how I should kill you. |
남은 파병 기간 내내 서대영 생각만 했다는 얘기죠 | That means I only thought of you the entire time I was away. |
그랬더니... | And then... |
서 상사 보고 싶어서 내가 죽겠지 말입니다 | I missed you so much that I could die. |
그래도 이렇게 살아 돌아왔습니다 | But I came back alive. Isn't that admirable? |
기특하지 않습니까? | But I came back alive. Isn't that admirable? |
건강한 모습 보기 좋습니다 | It's nice to see you healthy. |
그럼 짠! [술잔 부딪치는 소리] | Then, cheers. |
(명주) 캬아... | |
내일 사령관님 뵈러 갈 거다 | I am going to meet the Commander tomorrow while holding your hand tightly. |
네 손 꼭 잡고 | I am going to meet the Commander tomorrow while holding your hand tightly. |
아... | Ah. |
우리 그 얘기 마저 해야 하는 거지? | We need to finish talking about that. |
안 해도 돼 | We don't need to. I won't cast aside my uniform. |
군복 안 벗을 거야 | We don't need to. I won't cast aside my uniform. |
네가 벗기는 거 외에는 안 벗으려고 | No one's taking it off, apart from you. |
- 진짜야? - 내일 사령관님께도 말씀드릴거야 | -Really? -I'll tell the Commander tomorrow too. |
네 손 꼭 잡고 [명주가 기뻐하는 소리] | While holding your hand tightly. |
아침 일찍 가자 해 뜨면 바로 가자! | Let's go early tomorrow. As soon as the sun rises! |
나도 다 작전이 있어 | I also have a plan. |
술 덜 깨서 가려고? | You want to go there drunk? |
두 계절 만에 마시는 술입니다 | I've not had alcohol for six months. |
아, 네 | Ah, okay. |
(대영) 드십시오 | Here, let me pour you one. |
예 | Here... |
아흐... | |
약속하신 차 두 잔 오늘 마시겠습니다 | The two cups of tea that you promised... I will have them today. |
그러자, 앉아 너도 | Sure. Sit. You, too. |
- 어, 여기 차 두 잔 - 아빠 나 임신했어 | Two cups of tea. Dad, I'm pregnant. |
[경쾌한 음악] | Dad, I'm pregnant. |
아, 아니지 말입니다 절대 아니지 말입니다 | No. That's not true. That's absolutely not true. |
이게 그 작전입니까? | Is that your plan? |
보통은 저지르고 고백하는데 | Normally, they do it then confess, but my plan is to confess before doing it. |
(명주) 고백하고 저지르는 작전입니다 | Normally, they do it then confess, but my plan is to confess before doing it. |
전력이 약할 때는 선제 공격이 답입니다 | When weak, a preemptive strike is best. |
얘 꼭 같이 있어야 돼? | Does she have to be here? |
(특전사령관) 얘기해 봐 | Speak. Whether it's a preemptive strike or a carpet bombing, I'll hear it. |
선제 공격이 됐든 융단 폭격이 됐든 들을 테니까 | Speak. Whether it's a preemptive strike or a carpet bombing, I'll hear it. |
- 아... - 스읍... | |
넌 가만있고 | You stay still. |
(대영) 결론부터 말씀드리면 | I'll get right to the point, the promise I made to you about handing in my uniform, |
군복 벗겠다는 사령관님과의 약속 | I'll get right to the point, the promise I made to you about handing in my uniform, |
못 지킬 것 같습니다 | I won't be able to keep it. |
그래? | Is that so? |
어딘지도 모르는 지하에 갇혀서 | Even while locked up in a basement who knows where, |
살이 찢기고 뼈가 부러지는데도 | having my flesh torn and bones broken, |
군인이 된 게 후회되지 않았습니다 | I didn't regret becoming a soldier. |
조국은 저 같은 군인을 잃어서는 안 된다고 생각합니다 | I think the country shouldn't lose a soldier like me. |
군복은 벗어야 할 날에 명예롭게 벗고 싶습니다 | When the time comes, I want to take off my uniform honorably. |
사령관님께 인정받을 수 있는 | I will find another way to be acknowledged by you. |
다른 방법도 찾겠습니다 | I will find another way to be acknowledged by you. |
지금 내가 인정하고 말고 할 문제가 아니야 | Right now, whether or not I acknowledge you is not the issue. |
조국은 이미 상사 서대영을 인정했고 | The country has already acknowledged you, Sergeant First Class Seo Dae-yeong. |
(특전사령관) 사령관으로서 나는 | And as the Commander, |
상사 서대영이 내 사위가 돼서 영광이다 | it is an honor to have you as my son-in-law. |
아빠... [부드러운 음악] | Dad. |
보낼 때 이미 허락이었고 | When I sent you off, I already gave you my permission. |
(특전사령관) 그 방법으로 허락한 걸 | When I sent you off, I already gave you my permission. |
뼈아프게 후회했고 | I regretted doing that deeply. |
지금은 그저 자네의 그 결정이 | Right now, I am sincerely happy about your decision. |
진심으로 반갑다 | Right now, I am sincerely happy about your decision. |
감사합니다 | Thank you. |
아빠! | Dad! |
내 딸, 잘 부탁한다! | I leave my daughter in your care. |
예, 알겠습니다! | Yes, I understand. |
(모연) 서 상사님 보호자분? | Sergeant First Class Seo's guardian? |
모연 고무신 님? | Mo-yeon, the "soldier's girlfriend"? |
우리 사이에는 어째 남자가 꼭 껴야만 만나진다? | It seems there always a man between us when we meet. |
잘 다녀왔어? | Did you return safely? |
보시다시피 건강합니다 | As you can see, I am healthy. |
서 상사님과의 전투는 어떻게 됐어? | What happened to your war with Sergeant Seo? |
여전히 휴전 상태? | Are you still in a truce? |
휴전아니고 종전입니다 | Not a truce, but a cessation of war. We got dad's approval too. |
아빠 허락도 받았고 | Not a truce, but a cessation of war. We got dad's approval too. |
진짜? 축하해! | Really? Congratulations! |
어우, 전우끼리 낮술 한잔해야겠네 | Let's have a drink soon. |
언제든 좋습니다 | I'm up for that whenever. |
그런데 오늘은 다른 용건으로 왔습니다 | But today, I came here for another reason. |
(파티마) 언니, 안녕! 나 파티마 [잔잔한 음악] | Sis, hello. It's me, Fatima. |
나 한국말 배워 | I am learning Korean. |
나중에 나 언니 도와 의사 돼 | Later, I'm going to be a doctor to help you. |
메리 크리스마스! | |
다른 언니 아저씨 모두 소식 전해 | Give my regards to the other nurses and doctors. |
보고 싶고 사랑해! | I miss you and I love you. |
하... | |
돈 쓴 보람이 있네 | It's worth the money. |
(치훈) 안녕하세요! 컴퓨터 좀 쓸게요 | I'm sorry. I need to use the computer. |
네 | Okay. |
하 선생님, 송 선배 자주 쓰는 비밀번호 뭐예요? | Nurse Ha, what is Dr. Song's password? |
송상현 천재 [최 간호사가 큭 웃는다] | Genius Song Sang-hyeon. |
(치훈) 오호... | |
다들 오세요 | Come look, First Lieutenant Yoon brought news from Uruk. |
윤 중위님이 방금 주고 간 우르크 소식입니다 | Come look, First Lieutenant Yoon brought news from Uruk. |
- 어? 진짜요? - 우르크요? | -Really? -Uruk? |
(최 간호사) 어! 블랙키다 | Oh! It's Blakey. |
와, 엄청 컸어요! | Oh! It's Blakey. He grew so much! |
그래도 | But still, it will take so long until he fits in those shoes. |
저 신발이 잘 맞으려면 아직 한참 걸리겠어요 | But still, it will take so long until he fits in those shoes. |
[아랍어] 그리고 내 이름은... | |
[염소 울음 소리] | |
음? 블랙키? | Huh? Blakey? |
(블랙키) 블랙키, 블랙키 [아랍어] | Blakey. Blakey. His name is Blakey. |
얘 이름은 블랙키야 [아랍어] | Blakey. Blakey. His name is Blakey. |
그리고 내 이름은... [아랍어] | And my name is... |
[염소 울음 소리] | |
'매' 뭐야? | What is this with the "baa"? |
또 못 들었어 잠깐만요 | I couldn't hear it. Just a sec. |
[아랍어] 그리고 내 이름은... | And my name is... |
[염소 울음 소리] | |
(치훈) 어? | Huh? |
[아랍어] 내 이름은... | My name is... |
[염소 울음 소리] | |
[염소 울음 소리] | |
[한숨 쉰다] | |
아, 아... 미쳐! | I'm going crazy. |
'매' 뭐야? | What is up with the "baa"? |
하아... [웃는다] | |
안녕... 산산히 부서져버린 이름이여 | Goodbye. The name has crumbled into pieces. |
넌 그냥 블랙키다 | You are just Blakey. Forever. |
영원히 | You are just Blakey. Forever. |
아, 잠깐 닫지 마세요 | Wait. Don't close it. |
내가 만약 여기서 죽으면 내 노트북 C 드라이브로 가 | If I die here, go to the C drive on my laptop. |
거기 보면 병원 문서 밑에 직박구리 폴더가 있을 거야 | In documents, there's a folder named "brown-eared bulbul". |
그 폴더 꼭 지워줘 | Please delete that folder. |
거기 뭐가 들어... | What is in there? |
네가 뭘 상상하든 그 이상을 보게 될 거야 | Worse things than what you're imagining. |
[헛기침을 한다] | |
어... | |
C... 컴퓨터를... 내 컴퓨터... | C... My computer. |
(하 간호사) C 드라이브를... | C drive. |
하... | |
그래 직박구리 | Alright, "brown-eared bulbul". |
[한숨 쉰다] | |
진짜 10대부터 30대까지였어? | It was teens to thirties. |
하... | |
이게 아주 그냥 10대에서 30대 가량 세게 맞아봐야 아주... | He really needs to be slapped 10 to 30 times... |
[부드러운 음악] | |
어? 죄송합니다 괜찮으세요? | Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright? |
- (하 간호사) 아, 죄송합니다 - 제가 할게요 | Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright? Allow me. |
- (송 선생) 보호자입니다 - 죄송합니다 | -I'm her guardian. -I'm sorry. |
보호자? | Guardian? |
됐어, 피곤해서 그래 | Never mind. It's just because I'm tired. |
피곤하면 앉아서 쉬어 아무한테나 안겨서 쉬지 말고 | If you're tired, sit here and rest instead of resting in someone else's arms. |
뭘 좀 봤으면 봤다고 얘기를 하고 | If you saw something, you should say so. |
(송 선생) 너 다 봤더라? | You saw it all. Teens to thirties. It was all in the recycle bin. |
1030? 휴지통에 떡하니 들어있던데? | You saw it all. Teens to thirties. It was all in the recycle bin. |
- 지워달라며 - 나 죽으면 지워달랬지 | -You told me to delete it. -I said to delete it if I die. |
- 왜 지웠어? - 그걸 왜 갖고 있어? | -Why did you delete it? -Why were you keeping it? |
프러포즈하려고 | To propose. That's the proposal that I was going to do. |
(송 선생) 그거 내가 하는 프러포즈야 | To propose. That's the proposal that I was going to do. |
10대부터 30대까지 | It's a confession that from my teens to my 30's, it has always been you. |
다 너 뿐이었다는 고백이고 | It's a confession that from my teens to my 30's, it has always been you. |
(송 선생) 자애라고는 1도 없는 자애... | It's a confession that from my teens to my 30's, it has always been you. |
너 그거... 동정일 거라는 생각은 안 해봤어? | You-- Didn't you ever think that was just pity? |
네가 뭘 알아 내 감정은 내가 알지 | What do you know? I know my own feelings. |
의심할 것도 없이 사랑이야 | There's no need to question it. It is love. |
- 하지 마 - 뭘? 고백? | -Don't do it! -What? Confess my love? |
뭐든 해도 내가 해 | I'll be doing it. |
뭘? 고백? | What? Confessing your love? |
어, 네 돈 다 갚으면 | Yes, after I've paid you back. |
그래 그럼 | Alright then. Are you being serious? |
어? 야, 너 그 말 진짜야? [경쾌한 음악] | Alright then. Are you being serious? |
- (송 선생) 야, 말하다 말고 어디 가? - 돈 벌러! | -Hey, where are you going? -To make some money. |
돈 빨리 벌면 안 돼? 가불하면 안 돼? | Can't you make money faster? Can't you borrow it? |
(송 선생) 강모연한테 좀 빌리면 안 돼? | Can't you borrow some from Kang Mo-yeon? |
♪ 아무 말 없이 내게서 커져만 가는 게 ♪ | |
아... | |
내가 이 차를 왜 운전하고 있는지 모르겠네? | I don't know why I am driving this car! |
계속 직진이요 달려 빅보스! | Continue straight. Go, Big Boss! |
달리고 있습니다! | I'm on it! |
아니요 얘 말고 | No, not you. |
얘요 얘 이름이 '빅보스'거든요 | This guy. His name is "Big Boss." |
아유 참... | Seriously? |
아이, 내가 그렇게 좋습니까? 어? | Do you like me that much that you'd name your car after my call sign? |
자기 차에 내 콜사인 붙일 만큼? | Do you like me that much that you'd name your car after my call sign? |
- 네! - 아휴 깜짝이야 | -Yes! -You scared me. |
[소리 내어 웃는다] | |
저 앞에서 우회전이요 | Right over here. |
빅보스 좀 씻겨야 해서요 | I need to give Big Boss a wash. |
아! 이 빅보스 말고요 | Not this Big Boss. |
타이밍 이상한데? | What strange timing. |
내가 이 차를 왜 운전하는지도 계속 모르겠고 | I still don't know why I'm driving this car? |
해줘요 그냥 자꾸 내 손 타면 해 먹잖아요 | Just do it for me. I'll end up messing him up. |
내 빅보스는 절대 안 해 먹을 거거든요 | My Big Boss is never getting messed up. |
타이밍 계속 이상한데? | The timing is still odd. |
♪ 나의 마음에 담긴 사람 you are my only one ♪ | |
아... | |
연애 이거 때려 치울까? 이거 | Should I just give up dating? |
- 어후, 연애하기 너무 추운데 - 뭐라고요? | It's so cold. -What did you say? -I love you. |
사랑한다고요 | -What did you say? -I love you. |
창문 올려요 바람 들어가, 추워 | Put the windows up. it's windy and cold. |
♪ 서툴다 해도 네 곁에 ♪ | |
이러면 또 내가 나와야 하잖아요 | If you say that, I need to help you out. |
밖에 춥다니까 | I said it's cold out here. |
그럼 이거 | Then, take this. |
[시진이 웃는다] | |
이거 누르면... | If I push this... |
물이 나오네? | water comes out. |
오발은 늘 명중입니다 | Right on the money. |
미안해요 어떡하지? | I'm sorry. What should I do? |
아, 이제 하다 하다 당신 옷까지 다 해 먹네 | Now, I've ruined your clothes. |
이거 걸쳐요 옷이 다 비칩니다 | Put this on. I can see through your clothes. |
다른 계집 애들이 보는 건 싫거든요 | I don't like other girls looking. |
해야겠다 연애 야해가지고 | I should continue with this dating thing. It's risqué. |
- 내가요? - 강 선생은 웃을 때 제일 야하죠 | -Are you saying I am? -You're most risqué when you're laughing. |
[함께 웃는다] 아, 진짜... | -Are you saying I am? -You're most risqué when you're laughing. Seriously. |
아이, 추워 아, 안아주세요 | It's cold. Give me a hug, it's so cold. |
아, 추워... [모연이 웃는다] | It's cold. Give me a hug, it's so cold. |
(모연) 어이고 어이고... | |
[군가 배경 음악] | |
이거 가혹 행위입니다 | This is hazing. |
신고하시든가 | Report me. |
♪ 멋있는 사나이 많고 많지만 ♪ | I'd like to eat comfortably. I'll get indigestion like this. |
밥이라도 좀 편하게 먹고 싶습니다 | I'd like to eat comfortably. I'll get indigestion like this. |
- 이러다 체하겠습니다 - 체하면 의무실로 오십시오 | I'd like to eat comfortably. I'll get indigestion like this. Come to the infirmary if you do. I'm just five minutes away. |
5분 거리에 제가 있습니다 | Come to the infirmary if you do. I'm just five minutes away. |
아, 진짜 그러네? | That's true! Get indigestion! |
체하십시오 | That's true! Get indigestion! |
♪ 싸움에는 천하무적 ♪ | |
아니다 그냥 어디 하나 확 부러뜨릴까? | No, should I just break something? |
♪ 바로 내가 사나이다 ♪ | |
안 되겠다 | That won't do. |
어디 부러지면 캐나다 못 가니까 | You won't be able to go to Canada if something is broken. |
다니엘이랑 예화 씨 결혼한대 | Daniel and Ye-hwa are getting married. |
다니엘이면 그 의사? | Is Daniel that doctor? |
♪ 멋있는 사나이 ♪ | |
(명주) 근데 예식장이 무려 캐나다 밴쿠버야 | The ceremony will take place in Vancouver. |
우리 초대받았어 | We got an invitation. |
결혼요? | Getting married? |
예화 씨랑 닥터 다니엘요? | Ye-hwa and Dr. Daniel? |
비행기 티켓에 호텔 1박 포함이래요 | Here's the plane ticket, and one night in a hotel is included. |
- 대박 - 근데 이상하다? | Oh, my gosh. But that's odd, I thought they were already married. |
제가 알기로는 두 사람 이미 부부인데? | But that's odd, I thought they were already married. |
아닌데? 나한테는 그냥 구호 단체 동료라고 했는데? | No. He told me they were just colleagues! |
나한테는 그냥 철물점 동업자라고 했는데? | He said they were just business partners! |
(치훈) 진짜요? 예화 씨 아버님이 고려인 한의사였는데 | Really? Ye-hwa's father was a Korean-Russian eastern medicine doctor. |
러시아로부터 독립 운동을 하던 | He treated anyone in need, |
반군들까지 안 가리고 치료를 해줘가지고 | from Russian soldiers to those fighting for independence. |
아버지랑 오빠, 어머니는 총살당하고 | Because of that, her father, brother, and mother were killed by gunmen. |
- 총살? - 총살? | Killed by gunmen? |
(명주) 응, 예화 씨만 겨우 다니엘 손에 구해져서 | Yes. Ye-hwa was the only one that Daniel barely managed to save. |
캐나다 대사관으로 달려갔는데 | They ran to the Canadian embassy, but they only let Daniel in. |
다니엘만 들어와라 | They ran to the Canadian embassy, but they only let Daniel in. |
러시아 국적인 예화 씨는 안 된다 | They said that a Russian citizen couldn't enter. |
국제법상 자신의 출생 국에서는 난민 신청을 받아 줄 수 없다 | The law wouldn't let them accept a refugee from the country -the embassy was in. -That's true. So what happened? |
그건 맞아, 그래서? | -the embassy was in. -That's true. So what happened? |
그러니까 다니엘이 '지금 당장 혼인 신고하겠다' | So Daniel said, "I'll submit our marriage registration right now. |
'서류 가져와라. 이제 이 여자는 내 아내다, 보호해라!' | Bring the paperwork. From now on, she is my wife, so protect her!" |
크... | |
그렇게 예화 씨를 살렸대 | That's how he saved Ye-hwa. |
둘이 그런 것도 얘기했어? | You guys talked about that? |
내가 서 상사 유서 얘기했더니 자기도 가족을 다 잃었다고 | When I mentioned your will, she said she lost her family too. |
유서... 읽었어? | You read the will? |
내가 그걸 왜 읽어? | Why would I read that? |
노래 가사 쓰고 서로 베껴 쓰는 거 다 아는데 | You guys write lyrics and copy each other's. |
안 베꼈어 | -I didn't. -Yeah, right. |
웃기시네 | -I didn't. -Yeah, right. |
'내 작전은 늘 도망이었다' | "My plan was always to run away. |
'누구보다 용감한 네가' | You, who are braver than anyone else, |
'누구보다 못난 나를 참 많이도 사랑해줘서' | loved me and you are more foolish than anyone else. |
'고맙고, 미안했다' | For that, I am grateful, and I am sorry. |
(대영) '만약 네가 이 유서를 읽고 있다면' [슬픈 음악] | If you are reading this will, |
'못난 나는' | my foolish self is hurting you to the very end. |
'이렇게 너에게 끝까지 아픔이다' | my foolish self is hurting you to the very end. |
'용서하지 마라' | Don't forgive me. |
'그리고 내가 널 생각했던 시간만큼' | And as much as I've thought about you, |
'행복하기를 바란다' | I hope you'll be happy. |
'뜨겁게 사랑한다, 윤명주' | I love you deeply, Yoon Myeong-ju. |
'살아도 죽어도' | Whether I live or die, that will never change." |
'그건 변하지 않을 거다' | Whether I live or die, that will never change." |
지어내지 마 | Don't make things up. |
외웠을 리도 없고 | I'm sure you didn't memorize it. |
그걸 들고 다닙니까? | You carry it around with you? |
♪ 하지만 난 말이야 ♪ | |
♪ 너의 밖에서는 살 수 없어 ♪ | |
♪ 내게는 너 하나로 물든 시간만이 흘러갈 뿐이야 ♪ | |
(대영) 100번도 넘게 썼으니까 | I wrote it over a hundred times |
100번도 넘게 | because I I wanted to come back to you over a hundred times. |
너한테 가고 싶었으니까 | because I I wanted to come back to you over a hundred times. |
[군인들이 모두] 오! | |
일동 차렷! | Attention! |
(대영) 내 밑으로 다 눈 감는다! | My subordinates will close their eyes. |
♪ 흔들리지 않은 너를 볼 때면 ♪ | |
[군인들의 환호성 소리] | |
♪ 떨리는 내 입술이 ♪ | |
내 밑으로도 다 눈 감는다 | My subordinates will also close their eyes. |
눈 감는다 | Close your eyes. |
♪ 알잖아 난 말이야 ♪ | |
♪ 너의 밖에서는 살 수 없어 ♪ | |
[군인들의 환호성] | |
♪ 흘러갈 뿐이야 ♪ | |
♪ 사랑해요 고마워요 ♪ | |
♪ 따뜻하게 나를 안아줘 ♪ | |
아, 강 선생은 축의금 어디에 낼 겁니까? | Who will you give your congratulatory gift to? |
대부분 다니엘 쪽에 할 테니까 난 예화 씨? | Most people will give it to Daniel, so I'll give it to Ye-hwa. |
으음... | Most people will give it to Daniel, so I'll give it to Ye-hwa. |
다니엘 차 해 먹은 건 다 까먹고? | You forgot you ruined Daniel's car? |
그건 다달이 기부로 갚고 있거든요? | I'm already paying that back in monthly donations. |
얼마나 값진 경험인지 유시진 씨는 모르겠죠? | You don't know how great that is, since you don't know a charity works. |
기부하는 삶을 모르니까 | You don't know how great that is, since you don't know a charity works. |
나한테 007 돈 가방 찾던 사람 오늘 없나 봐요? | Who was the person looking for a 007 briefcase full of money? |
그 여자 맥주 꺼내러 가네요 | That woman is going to get more beer. |
그 예전부터 궁금했던 건데 | I was curious. |
(시진) 거기 선서 사진 | The pledging picture... why are you the representative? |
왜 선서 대표가 강 선생입니까? | The pledging picture... why are you the representative? |
1등 해서 대표입니까? | Were you the top student? |
아니요? 미모가 대표예요 | No. I was the representative for my looks. |
오... | |
가나다순 아니고? | It wasn't alphabetical? |
- 강 씨면 어디를 가든 1등인데? - 아닌데요? | Since you're a Kang, you'd be first anywhere. -It isn't that. -By age? |
아! 나이순? | -It isn't that. -By age? |
내가 얘기를 안 했구나 | I guess I didn't tell you. |
제가 마침 내일 후배들 선서식에 가거든요 | Tomorrow, I'm going to my juniors' oath taking. |
학교를 빛낸 선배로 초대받아서 | I was a graduate who made the school "shine." |
'학교를 빛낸 선배' | "Made the school shine." |
학교에도 빚을 냈어요? | You are indebted to the school? |
- 집에 안 가요? - 지금 가면 차 막혀요 | -Aren't you going home? -Too much traffic. |
그거 2시간 전 핑계거든요? | That was your excuse hours ago. |
(시진) 지금 엄청 막혀요 | Super bad traffic right now. It's no joke in Yeouido right now. |
- (시진) 여의도 장난 아니에요 - (모연) 가지 그만 | Super bad traffic right now. It's no joke in Yeouido right now. Hippocrates said... a bunch of things. |
(모연) 히포크라테스는 말했다 | Hippocrates said... a bunch of things. |
이말 저말 많이 했다 | Hippocrates said... a bunch of things. |
어떤 말은 머리에 남고 [잔잔한 음악] | Some words stuck in my mind, |
어떤 말은 가슴에 남았다 | and some words remained in my heart. |
예를 들면 이런 말이다 | For example, this. |
(여자) 이제 의업에 종사할 허락을 받음에 | Now that I'm licensed to engage in medicine, |
나의 양심과 위엄으로써 의술을 베풀겠노라 | I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity. |
나는 대한민국의 특전부사관으로서 | I, as a member of Korea's Special Task Force, |
(남자) 국가와 국민을 위하여 충성을 다하고 | will pledge allegiance to this country and our citizens. |
인종, 종교, 국적 | Transcending race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, and social class, |
정당, 정파 또는 사회적 지휘 여하를 초월하여 | Transcending race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, and social class, |
(여자) 오직 환자에 대한 나의 의무를 지키겠노라 | I will uphold my responsibility to my patients. |
(남자) 헌법과 법규를 준수하며 | I will stand by the constitution, and the laws, |
부여된 직책과 임무를 성실히 수행할 것을 | and pledge to carry out the duties of a soldier, wholeheartedly. |
비록 위협을 당할지라도 | Even though I may face danger, |
(여자) 나의 지식을 인도에 어긋나게 쓰지 않겠노라 | I will not use knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity. Even though I may face danger, |
(모연) 비록 위협을 당할지라도 | Even though I may face danger, |
그 어떠한 재난 앞에서도 물러서지 않겠노라 | I will not retreat from any disaster. |
그 어떤 총구 앞에서도 | Even when facing threats, I shall protect the peace of this country. |
이 땅의 평화를 지키겠노라 | Even when facing threats, I shall protect the peace of this country. |
오늘 수많은 유시진과 수많은 강모연은 엄숙히 선서했다 | Today, countless Yoo Si-jins and countless Kang Mo-yeons solemnly vowed to do that. |
그들의 선서가 | I hope that those solemn vows will be kept |
이 세상의 모든 땅에서 | I hope that those solemn vows will be kept |
이 세상의 모든 태양 아래에서 지켜지기를 | across the whole world that lies beneath the sun. |
나는 응원했다 | across the whole world that lies beneath the sun. |
지금! | Now! |
진짜 다시 돌아왔네요, 우리? | We've really come back here. |
강 선생과 함께 와서 좋네요 이번에도 | It's nice to be here with you... even this time. |
덕분에, 난 다른 남자랑 올 기회를 놓쳤네요 | Because of you, I lost the chance to come here again with another man. |
다른 남자? | Another man? |
그럼 여기를 혼자 와요? 이 미모에? | I couldn't come here by myself with these beautiful looks. |
어우, 혼자 올 재간이 없네요, 나는 | I couldn't come here by myself with these beautiful looks. I can't come here alone. |
(시진) 딱 섭니다! | You, stand right there. |
(모연) 근데 이 배 꼭 엑스레이 사진 같지 않아요? | But doesn't this boat look just like an X-ray? |
말 돌리지 않습니다 | -You will not change the topic. -Wait a minute! Look at me. |
(모연) 아, 잠깐만! 나 좀 봐봐요 | -You will not change the topic. -Wait a minute! Look at me. |
딱 좋아요 | That's perfect. |
유 대위님 독사진이 엑스레이 사진밖에 없어서요 | Because the only picture I have of you is that X-ray. |
난 또 그걸 엄청 봤네요 | And I've seen that many times. |
감정에 호소해도 안 봐줍니다 | Emotional appeals won't work. |
바닷가에서는 역시 나 잡아 봐라죠 | At the beach, it's always, "Catch me if you can." Right? |
나 잡아 봐라! | Catch me if you can! |
잡히면 죽었습니다 | You are dead if I catch you. |
♪ Oh every time I see you ♪ | |
♪ 그대 눈을 볼 때면 ♪ | |
근데 우리 언제 가요? | When are we leaving? |
저 배가 저렇게 되면 | When that boat turns into something like that. |
진짜요? | Really? Wow! I'm alone with a man on a deserted island! |
와! 무인도에 남자랑 단둘이 있다 | Really? Wow! I'm alone with a man on a deserted island! |
대박이다! | It's awesome! |
♪ 오 나만의 그대여 ♪ | |
♪ 내게는 전부라는 말 ♪ | |
♪ 고백한 적이 있었나요 ♪ | |
♪ 내 운명이죠 ♪ | |
♪ 세상 끝이라도 지켜주고 싶은 너 ♪ | |
(모연) 진짜 안 마셔요? | You're really not going to drink? |
엄청 맛있는데? | It's really good. |
진짜 마시고 싶은데 | I really want to drink, but... |
운전해야 합니다, 보트 | I have to drive... the boat. |
안 간다면서요 | You said that we weren't leaving. |
누구 좋으라고? | Who does that benefit? |
치... | |
맛있습니까? | Is it good? |
네 | Yes. |
되게 먹고 싶은가 봐요? | You look like you really want to drink. |
방법이 없지는 않죠? | It's not like there isn't a way, right? |
알죠 | I know. |
아, 그때 나 심장 떨려 죽는 줄 알았는데 | Ah... That time. I was so nervous I thought that I was going to die. |
난 지금 심장 떨려 죽겠어요 | I'm so nervous right now that I could die. |
(시진) 바닷가에 술도 있고 | There's alcohol at the beach. |
미인도 있고 | And there's a beauty, too. |
저렇게 별도 쏟아지고 | And the stars are falling like that. |
허... | |
세상에 | What in the world. You are kidding. |
거짓말 | What in the world. You are kidding. |
나 별똥별 처음 봐요 | It's the first time I've seen a shooting star. |
[별똥별 떨어지는 효과음] [부드러운 음악] | |
(모연) 별한테 무슨 짓을 한 거예요? | What exactly did you do to those stars? |
세상에 모든 별들이 왜 여기에 다 떠있지? | How are all the stars in the world appearing here? |
소원 안 빌어요? | Aren't you making a wish? |
- 이미 빌었죠 - 입 벌리고? | -I already made one. -With your mouth open? |
치... | |
놀면 뭐 해요? | Stop laying around. |
얼른 나 저기 별 하나만 따줘 봐봐요 | Hurry up and try to snatch one of those stars for me. |
이미 땄죠 | I already snatched one. It's sitting right next to me. |
내 옆에 앉았네요 | I already snatched one. It's sitting right next to me. |
더 해봐요 | Keep talking. |
되게 반짝입니다 | You are very sparkly. |
한 번만 더 해봐요 | Try one more. |
내 인생이 | My life became bright all of a sudden. |
별안간 환해졌죠 | My life became bright all of a sudden. |
[소리 내어 웃는다] | |
별말씀을요 | Don't mention it. |
어떻게 이런 여자가 나한테 왔지? | How did a woman like you come to me? |
전생에 나라를 구했나 보죠 | You must have saved the nation in your past life. |
헐! 전생에 포졸이었나 봐 | No way, you must've been a policeman in your past life. |
이번 생에는 많이 승진했네요 | I have progressed a lot in this life then. |
헐! 다음 생에도 또 만날 건가 봐 | No way, we might meet again in the next life. |
이번 생에도 나라를 구하고 있잖아요 | You are saving the world in this life, too. |
와, 나라 정도는 구해줘야 만나지네, 이 여자 | I have to at least save a country to meet this woman. |
누가 만난대요? | Did I say that I'm going to meet you? |
다음 생에는 안 만날 거예요? | You aren't going to meet me in the next life? |
싫다 그럼 안 올 거예요? | If I say no, you won't come find me? |
꼭 또 나 만나러 와요 다음 생에도? | You must come and find me in the next life too. |
약속한 겁니다? | You've promised. |
(시진) 음... | |
소원 뭐 빌었어요? | What did you wish for? |
음... | |
- 놀랄 텐데? - 뭔데요? | You will be surprised. What is it? |
[부드러운 음악] | Please let this man... kiss me. |
이 남자가 키스하게 해주세요 | Please let this man... kiss me. |
이뤄질까요? | Will it come true? |
방법이 없지는 않죠? | There is no way it won't. |
♪ Oh love ♪ | |
♪ Everyday I'll give you all of my love ♪ | |
♪ 내게는 처음인 사랑 ♪ | |
♪ 무슨 말로 표현을 할까 ♪ | |
♪ Everyday I'll give you all of my heart ♪ | |
♪ 그대를 위해 준비한 그 말 ♪ | |
♪ 자신 있게 말할 수 있어 ♪ | |
♪ 겁이 나서 멈춰버린 ♪ | |
사랑해요 | I love you. |
♪ 너에게 사랑해 ♪ | |
나도요 | Me, too. |
질문이었는데? | It was a question. |
칫! | |
사랑해요 대답입니다 | I love you. That is my answer. |
나도요 | Me, too. |
♪ Everyday I'll give you all of my love ♪ | |
♪ 내게는 처음인 사랑 ♪ | |
♪ 무슨 말로 표현을 할까 ♪ | |
♪ 겁이 나서 멈춰버린 너에게 ♪ | |
♪ 사랑해 ♪ | But in foreign countries, don't they give presents, not money for weddings? |
(치훈) 근데 외국에서는 결혼식에 돈 말고 선물하는 거 아니에요? | But in foreign countries, don't they give presents, not money for weddings? |
(모연) 관혼상제에 현찰 박치기는 동서고금 진리거든? | Marriages and funerals, cash is accepted in all countries. |
주는 사람 간편하고 받는 사람 유용하고 | It's convenient for the giver and useful for the receiver. |
가죠? | Let's go. |
[잔잔한 배경 음악] | |
신랑, 신부는 옷 갈아입고 곧 온답니다 | The bride and groom are changing and will soon be here. |
(최 간호사) 하, 예화 씨 꾸며 놓으니까 좀 예쁘던데 | Ye-hwa did look a bit pretty since she was all dressed up. |
- 웨딩드레스도 특이하고 - 지금 저 광경도 특이하고 | Her wedding dress was unique. That view right now is also very unique. |
(시진) 아이, 그것 좀 어떻게 하면 안 됩니까? | Gosh, can't you do something about that? |
그걸 왜 서 상사가 받습니까? | Why would you catch that? |
신부가 온 힘을 다해 멀리 던진 걸 버립니까, 그럼? | Should I throw away the bouquet the bride threw so passionately? |
두십시오 | Leave him alone. |
결혼식에 추억이 많은 양반입니다 | He is a man with many memories of weddings. |
구 여자 친구 | His ex-girlfriend. |
(치훈) 근데 이런 엔딩 너무 좋죠? | Don't you really like this kind of ending? |
인생에 온갖 재난을 사랑으로 극복하고 | We overcame all of life's misfortunes with love |
오래오래 행복하게 살았습니다 엔딩 | and lived happily ever after for a long, long time. That kind of ending. |
[전기 나가는 소리] | That kind of ending. |
(명주) 키스 타임? | |
(하 간호사) 무슨 쇼하고 그러는 건가? | -Are they having a show? -What? The entire city of Vancouver? |
(송 선생) 밴쿠버시 전체가? | -Are they having a show? -What? The entire city of Vancouver? Wow, the scale is different. |
아, 스케일 남다르네? | Wow, the scale is different. This isn't a flashback scene. |
(모연) 지금 회상 신 아니잖아 | This isn't a flashback scene. What's with this scene all of a sudden? |
갑자기 이 신 왜 이래요? | What's with this scene all of a sudden? |
(시진) 스토리 전개가 로코나 멜로 쪽은 아닌 거 같은데? | I don't think this story is about to become a romantic comedy or a melodrama. |
[사이렌이 울린다] | I don't think this story is about to become a romantic comedy or a melodrama. |
[영어] 근처에 화산이 폭발했대요! | |
[사람들이 소리를 지른다] [긴장감이 도는 음악] | |
웬일로 이런 행운이 있나 했다 | I was wondering why we had this good fortune. |
전역을 했어야 하는데 | I should have retired from the military. |
이미 늦었어 | It's already too late. |
- 일어나 - 어 | Get up. Okay. |
그럼 우리 다 휴가 반납하는 거예요? | Then, are we forgoing our vacation? |
이제는 널 해 먹을 차례인가 보다 | It's your turn to be destroyed this time. |
아주 긴 보고서의 서막이란 느낌이 듭니다 | This feels like the introduction to a long report. |
가죠 | Let's go. |
♪ You are my everything ♪ | |
♪ 뜨거운 내 사랑은 그대인 걸 ♪ | |
♪ 계절이 변해도 난 이곳에 ♪ | |
♪ 멈춰버린 내 가슴 속에 ♪ | |
♪ 단 하나의 사랑 ♪ | |
♪ You are my ♪ | |
♪ everything ♪ |
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