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  쌈 마이웨이 15

Fight for my way 15


 [아리밴드의 'Dumbhead' 재생]

[애라 격한 호흡]



[아주 희미하게 들림어우 하지 말라면 !

If I tell you not to do it...




What's wrong?


Dong-man... what's wrong?

[동만 격한 호흡]

Dong-man... what's wrong?

  그래 그래!

Dong-man... what's wrong? What's wrong? What is it?


What's wrong? What is it?

[동만애라 떨리는 호흡]

Why? Why?


Why? Why?

[떨리는 호흡  말을 그렇게 !

Why are you talking like that?


Why are you talking like that? What?



[이명  목소릴  !

Why aren't you making any sound?

[떨리는 호흡] [마음 짠한 음악]

Why aren't you making any sound?

  소릴  !

Why is nothing making any sound?

[떨리는 호흡]

[떨리는 호흡!

Why? Why?

[떨리는 호흡  조용하냐고!

Why is everything quiet? Why?

[떨리는 호흡...

Why? Why!

(동만폭풍우가 지나가고

The storm has passed and the world shut down.

세상이 꺼져 버렸다

The storm has passed and the world shut down.

아니갑자기  줄은 몰랐는데

I wasn't expecting you.


Lie down.




I said to lie down.


Shouldn't we talk first?

얘기를  먼저

Shouldn't we talk first?

 혼자 등에다  바를  없잖아

You can't treat your own back.

[류지현의 ' 밤이 지나버렸네연주]


 니가 오버를 ?

Why did you do it?




Why did you...

니가 지금 진짜... 웃기고 있잖아

You're being ridiculous right now.

설아 김찬호 만나도...

It's okay with me...


if you date Chan-ho.



내가  기다릴게

I'll wait.

 만나면  좋은데

I wish you wouldn't go out with him,

혹시 만나더라도

but if you do...

내가  기다릴게

I'll wait.


You can hurt me.

 따발총 쏴도

You can hurt me all you want, 

내가 무조건  기다릴게

and I'll still wait for you.

내가 너한테  쏘자고 김찬호 만나야 ?

Do I have to go out with Chan-ho just to hurt you?

[설희 훌쩍임]


I will...

 50 때까지만  기다릴게

wait for you until I turn 50.


Do as you wish.

 이제 옛날 백설희 아니고

I'm not the old Baek Sul-hee anymore.

 개드립에  넘어가

I won't fall for your lame tricks.

설아  자꾸 애라처럼 말을 ?

Sul-hee, why do you talk like Ae-ra?

조선 시대에는

Back in Joseon era, 

바람피우면 사람을 인두로 지지기도 했대

they branded people for cheating.

 장예진 택배 옮기다가 발톱 찍혔지!

You stubbed your toe while moving Ye-jin's packages,

오늘 숯불로  지졌지

and you burned your back on the coal today.

그거  니가  받는 거잖아

You're being punished.

그니까 하나도  미안한데

So I don't feel bad at all.

그냥 연고만 발라 주는 거야

I'm just putting ointment on you.


Lie down.



엎어져엎어져! - 

Lie down.

[한숨어떻게 됐어?

What happened?

애는... 괜찮아?

Is he okay?

당장  들렸던  뇌진탕으로 인한 일시적인 거였구요

He has a concussion, which is why he couldn't hear temporarily.

검사 결과상으론

Based on the scans,

청력 감소가 심하지 않아서  회복할  있을 겁니다

the damage isn't severe, so he'll be fine soon.


... 감사합니다

Thank you.

(의사근데 문제는...

The problem is...

지금 측두부에 미세한 골절 선이 보이는 건데요

there's a hairline fracture in his temporal region...

(장호 사실...

To be honest,

 폴더폰 보고

I cried a little.

조금 울었어요

I cried a little.


Just a little?

아니 많이 울었어요

No, I cried a lot.

삐에로 황복희 말고

That flip phone is the only way to show...

진짜 황복희 인생이 어땠는지 보여   있는 

how the real Hwang Bok-hee's like was,

 폴더폰밖에 없어

rather than the clown Hwang Bok-hee.

 가지고 있다가 전해 

Keep it safe for now.


I thought...

그냥 냅다 마이웨이 가시는

you were a warrior who wasn't fazed by anything, but...

그런 여장부 같은 분인 줄만 알았는데

you were a warrior who wasn't fazed by anything, but...

알고 보니 찌질해?

But it turns out I'm a crybaby?

아니요 멋지세요

Not at all, you seem even cooler.


When I was young,

어렸을  장미 사진관 보조였거든?

I was an assistant at Rose Photo Studio.

그냥 카메라 앞에 서는  그렇게 좋더라고

I just really liked being in front of the camera.

[회한 가득한 음악...

I see.

 아빠 만나서 그냥 살기로 했는데

When I met my husband, I decided to give up. 

속에서 불덩이가 식질 않더라고

But the fire within me wouldn't go out.

카메라 앞에 서고 싶고 배우가 되고 싶어서

I wanted to be in front of the camera and be an actress.

그래서  영화 오디션 보셨구나

So that's why you auditioned for that movie.

그거 경쟁률이 1000:1이라 그러던데

I heard the competition was fierce.

 1000 제끼려고...

In order to win, I had to hide.


In order to win, I had to hide.

그땐  엄마는

Back then,

배우로 데뷔  시켜 주던 시대였으니까

no one wanted an actress with a child.

그때부터  인생이 꼬이기 시작했고

That's when my life started to tangle up.

에이...  꼬인  아니죠

Come on, it wasn't completely tangled. 

그래도  책받침 여신이셨는데

You were the fairy in the posters in my room.


The path I chose...


was a thorny one. 

(애라동만아 먹어

Dong-man, it's time to eat.

고만 자고 일어나

Wake up.


[케이시의 '굿모닝재생]

(애라동만이는 며칠 내내 잠만 잤다

Dong-man slept for days.

(애라 먹어너의 퍼스트레이디 !

Eat up, your first lady, Choi.

['삐에로는 우릴 보고 웃지노래나를 

Wearing a red hat

모자를 눌러 

Wearing a red hat

 항상 웃음 간직한 삐에로

I'm a clown that always smiles


Behind the blue smile

웃음 뒤에는

Behind the blue smile

아무도 모르는 눈물

Are the tears that no one sees

(애라정말 제가 TV 나온다구요?

Am I really going to be on TV?

격투기 방송이라 시청치가 넓지는 않은데

It's a MMA show, so the audience pool is small.

그래도 매니아들 사이에서는  유명한 프로예요

But it's a famous show among fans. 


근데 그걸  저한테...

But why am I...

 계속 남자가 MC였는데  맨날 보니까 똑같기도 하고

We've always had male hosts, and they all seem the same after all.

그리고 무엇보다

Above all, 

우리  아나운서님이    혁신을 보여주지 않을까 싶어서

I recommended you because I thought you'd show some innovation.

제가 추천했죠

I recommended you because I thought you'd show some innovation.

근데 애라  영상 보더니 PD  번에 오케이하던데?

The production director saw your video, and approved you right away.

[희망 가득  음악]

이게 아무래도 ...

It's a bit pricey...

홈쇼핑에서 팔기에는  고가니까

to sell on a home shopping show, 

칠리나  다른 소스 같은  패키지로  묶어서

so we could throw in sauces to make it a package.

 대리님 이거 집게하고 내장 따로 드릴까요?

Mr. Kim, would you like the claws and guts separately?


그리고 아무튼 ...

Anyhow, we should give customers more options to make a strategic approach.

옵션 같은  많이 섞어서  전략적으로 접근을 하는 ...

Anyhow, we should give customers more options to make a strategic approach.



What strategy?

[마음 짠한 음악]


Mr. Kim, are you okay?


( 부장울어?

Are you crying?

(주만  월급이잖아

It's my first pay.

내가 자기한테 진짜 좋은   줄라고

I wanted to treat you something nice, so I looked all over Cheongdam-dong.

청담동 일대를  써칭해 가지고...

I wanted to treat you something nice, so I looked all over Cheongdam-dong.

근데 주만아 - 우리 뭘로 할까?

-Joo-man. -What should we get?


Cheese, chili?

내가 어디서 들었는데

I heard from somewhere that...

바퀴벌레를 찌면 랍스타랑 똑같은 맛이 난대

steamed cockroaches taste the same as lobsters.

? - 아니...

What? You know...

 이거 징그러워서  먹겠어 우리 그냥   가자?

It's kind of gross that I can't eat it. Let's go some place else.

자기 비싸서 그러지

You're worried about the price, right?


I mean...

아니솔직히 5 7 원이면  오바 아니야?

Isn't 57,000 won too much?

바다 벌레  마리 잡아 놓고

It's just an insect from the sea.

자기야... 나는 기분  내면  ?

Sul-hee, can't we just enjoy our time? Please?

알았어알았어 시켜시켜!

Sure, go ahead and order.



이걸   나를 ?

Why are you giving me the whole thing?

너는  감자튀김만 먹게? - ?

-Are you going to eat fries only? -What?

설희 이럴 때마다   번씩 ...

Whenever you do this, 


I get kind of emotional.

주만아 그래    벌렁벌렁거려?

Joo-man, what's wrong? Why is your nose flaring again?

아니 이까짓  가지고 사람 자꾸 못난  만들어?

Why are you making me look like a bad guy?

그러지   속상해

Don't do that. It's upsetting me.

알았어알았어알았어 내가 꼬리  먹을게

Fine, I'll eat the tail.

[ 차는 소리됐어

Forget it, just...

그냥... [포크 내려놓음]

Forget it, just...


Stop this.

이제 그만하라고

You should stop now.

설아 오늘 조리실에서 울어서 등신 됐어

Sul-hee, I cried at work today and made myself a fool.

알아소문  났어

I know, everyone at the office knows.

너랑 나랑 만났던  김찬우도  알게 됐고

Chan-ho knows we used to date now.

그건 좋은 건데... - ?

-That's a good thing... -What?

우리 6 동안    나빴잖아 나머진 정말 좋았잖아

We dated for six years and we only had two bad months. The rest was really good.

너는 그거  잊을  있어?

Can you forget all of that?

우리 6 만난  그리운데

I miss the six years we dated,

 마지막   때문에 다시 돌아가긴 싫어

but because of the last two months... I don't want to go back.

사람 변해가는  보는 

Seeing you change...

진짜   짓이야

I can't do it again.

너도 변했잖아

You changed, too.

[애잔한 음악]

 너는 하나도  변한 척을 ?

Why are you acting as if you didn't?

내가  변해?

How did I change?

너는 원래 세상 걱정 없고 철도 없고 그냥  하얀

You were never worried about anything and you were naive. You were just a pure white puppy.

백구 같은 애였는데 - 백구 얘기가  나와?

You were just a pure white puppy. Why are you talking about a puppy?

그런 너가  만나서 철들고 찌들고  눈치 보고 그랬잖아

After you met me, you matured, started becoming conscious of yourself.

너가 그럴 때마다  못난  만난 탓인  같애서

Whenever you did that, I blamed myself, and it was painful for me, too.

나도 속으로 골병 앓고 그랬다고

and it was painful for me, too.

그래백구도 변했고 너도 변했어

Sure, I changed and you did, too.

그니까... -  싫어 

-So... -I don't want to.

 죽어도  헤어져

-I can't break up with you. -What?


-I can't break up with you. -What?

너는   있는    봐서 후회도 없다 그랬지

You said you don't have regrets because you tried your best.

나도   있는     거야 후회도 없게...

You said you don't have regrets because you tried your best. I'm going to try everything I can, too, so I won't regret.

 매달릴 거야

I'm going to cling on.

그리고 이거  먹어

So take this.

나는  엄청 사랑하고  아니면 결혼도  

I love you so much, and I won't marry anybody else.

그리고 이거오늘도 연고 발라야 되니까

And I need to put some ointment today too,

바로 올라와

so come up right away.

이거 염증 나면...  죽어!

If I get infected, I'll die.

[대문 여닫는 소리]



감사합니다 - 

Thank you.

선수님그럼 본방송 전에 사전 인터뷰 조금만 할게요

Before we start the broadcast, we'll conduct a short interview first.


... 먼저 궁금한 

Here's the first question.

이번에 어깨 부상이  크셨다고 들었는데요?

I heard your shoulder injury is pretty serious.

 링에 오르시는  두렵지는 않으세요?

Aren't you afraid to go back in the ring?

  정도 부상이면 럭키죠!

I'm lucky my injury is not too bad.



 바스케스나 게리 굿리지 같은 선수 생각하면

If I think about Sam Vasquez and Gary Goodridge,

  번씩  무섭죠

it can get scary.

 선수들은 ...

What happened to them?

[애라 큰소리로내가 냉장고에  하나 녹여 놓으니까

I'm putting porridge in the fridge,

일어나면  먹으라고!

so eat when you get up.

 아무것도  먹고 자빠져 있지만 말고

Don't lie around and not eat anything--

[류지현의 ' 밤이 지나버렸네재생]


  그렇게 쩌렁쩌렁 소리를 지르냐?

Why are you yelling at me?


Can you hear me?

이제  들려?

-Can you hear everything now? -Yes, I can.


-Can you hear everything now? -Yes, I can.

 겁나 딸그락거리는  아까부터  들렸어

I heard you being noisy since you came in.


아우 웬수 같은 진짜!

You're such a pain!

 진짜 무서웠어

I was really scared.

진짜 무서웠어

I really was.

[안도의 한숨]

[안도의 한숨]

(비서저기요어떻게 오셨어요?

Excuse me, what brings you here?


Excuse me?

 여기 들어오시면  되는데!

You can't come in here.


How have you been?

[묘한 기류가 흐르는 음악]

좋아 보이시네요

You look well.

그간 백방으로 찾았습니다

I tried looking for you everywhere.

(동만 사람이 소리가 5분만  들려도 얼마나 무서운지 알아?

Do you know how scary it is to not be able to hear for merely five minutes?

진짜 세상이   꺼진 느낌이고

It's like the world has been turned off.

 혼자 바다 밑에 잠긴  같고

It feels like you're at the bottom of the ocean.

진짜 숨이   쉬어지드라

I couldn't even breathe.

이젠 진짜  들리는 거지?

You can hear me no problem, right?

이명 같은 것도 없고? - 완전

-There's no ringing, right? -I'm good.


Have some.

맛있는데   먹어?

It's good. Why aren't you eating?

근데  이렇게 얌전하지?

Why are you so calm?



 이제 진짜 진짜  들리는 거지?

You can really hear me well, right?


Yes, I told you.

그럼 이제

Then, you don't need a complete rest, right?

절대 안정

Then, you don't need a complete rest, right?

 해도 되는 거지?

Then, you don't need a complete rest, right?





지금부터 내가 하는   들어

listen to me carefully.


What is it?


You have...

지금 머리뼈 어디에 금이  있대

a fracture somewhere in your skull.

[긴장된 음악]

(의사근데 문제는...

The problem is...

지금 측두부에 미세한 골절 선이 보이는 건데요

the hairline fracture in his temporal region.


A fracture?

측두부 골절이야 

With fractures in temporal region, they heal without any treatment.

별다른 치료 없어도 금방 붙습니다 큰일도 아니구요

With fractures in temporal region, they heal without any treatment.



저기 금이  위치가 달팽이관이랑 가까워요

the fracture is near the ear cochlea.

근시일 내에 같은 부위에  충격을 받게 되면...

If he receives more impact in the same region...

그래서  그런 충격을 받으면

So if you receive more impact,

영영  듣게  수도 있대

you might not be able to hear forever.

니가 말한  바다에 영원히 잠기는 거야

You'll get trapped in that ocean forever.

아니그게  헛소리야 지금 완전  들리고 멀쩡한데

What nonsense is this? I can hear just fine now.

그러니까 결론은

So the conclusion is...

이제  격투기  

you can't fight anymore.

내가  시켜

I won't let you.



내가 일단

I'll meet the doctor first and hear from him--

의사를 직접 만나 보고 직접 듣고 나서 

I'll meet the doctor first and hear from him--

 바스케스란 선수는 

MMA fighter Sam Vasquez died of severe brain injury within six weeks.

격투기 하다 다쳐서 뇌사 판정받고 6 만에 죽었대 

MMA fighter Sam Vasquez died of severe brain injury within six weeks.

게리 굿리지라는 선수는 40대에 외상성 치매에 걸렸대

Gary Goodridge got Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in his 40s.

그건  극단적인 거고 선수가 경기를 하다 보면

Those are the extreme cases. During a fight, injuries occur often.

 정도는 비일비재한 거야 - 비일비재?

During a fight, injuries occur often. They occur often?

그럼   비일비재로  꼴을 봐야 ?

Why do I have to watch you get injured so often?

[무거운 음악]



  정도 하고 관둘 거면 10 만에 다시 덤비지도 않았다고

If I was going to quit this fast,  I wouldn't have started again after ten years.


Fine, do as you like.

그럼  맘대로 

Fine, do as you like.

니가   번이라도  글러브 끼면

If you decide you fight again,

나랑은 끝인 거야

that's the end for us.

20년도   일인데

It's been over 20 years.

이제 와서도

I still can't...

용서는   드리겠네요

forgive you.

[회한 가득한 음악]

그깟 무릎  꿇는다고 

You kneeling down...

산송장으로   세월이 돌아오는  아니겠지만

won't bring back the years I spent in silence.


But still...

조금  그러고 계세요 

stay like that a while longer.


I'd like to...

  보고 싶네요

watch a bit longer.

(젊은 시절 국장... 아니


이미 예고까지  나간  어떡하자구요!

We already aired the preview. It's done.

방송을 펑크   없죠?

We can't pull off a show.

 만한 분이  이러셔

You should know better than this.


You're making me feel uncomfortable.

.... - (복희감독님!


- (젊은 시절 국장...  - (복희감독님  살려줘요

-Stop it. -Help me out.

아이씨진짜 [복희 떨리는 호흡]

 방송 나가면

This show can't go on TV.


This show can't go on TV.


Stop, stop.

거기서 VCR3 동만이 얼굴 디졸브

Look for Dong-man on VCR 3.


Hang on.


Are you sure...

그냥 내보내도 되는 거예요?

-we can air this? -Yes.


-we can air this? -Yes.

[국장 한숨]

 이거 액션이지?

Is this for show?

액션인지 아닌지 니가 다시 글러브 잡아 보면 알겠네!

I guess you can find out by returning to the ring.

내가 너를 아무리 사랑한다고 해서

You can't threaten me with this, just because I love you.

이런 거로 협박하는   되는 거지

You can't threaten me with this, just because I love you.

이게  택일할 문제야?

I can't choose one.

나는 내가   있는 제일 치사한 방법으로라도  지키기로 했어

I'll protect you even if it means playing unfair.

격투기 하면 나랑은 !

Fight again and we're over.

우린 다시 친구도  

We can't even be friends.

평생  보는 거야

We'll never meet again forever.

[한숨] [ 열고 들어가는 소리]

[대문 닫힘] [한숨]

[휴대폰  소리]


Yes, Dad.


On TV?

테레비에 내가 나온다고?

I'm on TV?


What preview?

그냥 먼저  보여 드리라고

Show her the footage first.


The show airs in an hour. There's no time for another inspection.

지금 방송  시간 전인데 무슨  검수를 받으라고 이러세요?

The show airs in an hour. There's no time for another inspection.

[국장 한숨이분 누구신데요?

Who is she?

장경구 PD!

Producer Jung Kyung-koo.

이거 당사자한테 허락받은 영상이에요?

Did the person you filmed agree to this broadcast?

? - 내가 알아본 바로는

Excuse me? From what I heard,

출연자 고동만과 PD 장경구가

you and Ko Dong-man once met as a suspect and victim.

과거 피의자와 피해자 사이였다던데

you and Ko Dong-man once met as a suspect and victim.

방송을 사적 복수로 써도 되는 건가요?

Are you allowed to use a program to get a revenge?

그건  지난 일이구요 근데 누구신데 이러시냐구요?

It was all in the past. Who are you anyway?

고동만이 대리인!

Me? I represent Ko Dong-man.



(주인많이 싸졌어!

It's quite cheap.


[알콩달콩한 음악]


이건 고새  어딜  거야?

Where did he go?

이거  도장   아니야?

Did he go to the gym?

[한숨] [계속되는 위층 소음]

위에 있긴 있나 보네

She must be upstairs.


What is she dragging around?

 끄는 거야?

What is she dragging around?

[위층 소음]

[둔탁한 소음]


 목이라도 매는  아니야저거?

Is she hanging herself?



Oh, no.

아니 죽어도 남의 머리 위에서 죽냐고!

She can't kill herself in the flat above mine.


[대문으로 실랑이]

(혜란 남의 집에  밀고 들어와요?

You can't barge in like this.

 우리 집이고 똥만이네 집이고 아무 때나  쳐들어오면서

You barge into my place and Dong-man's. Can't I...

  들어오면 ...

You barge into my place and Dong-man's. Can't I...

  의자 뭐야?

What's that chair for?

의자는  저기다 끌어다 놨어?

Why is it over there?

죽을 거면 ...

Die 60 years later quietly at some other place.

 60 뒤에  데서 곱게 죽지  남의 윗집에서!

Die 60 years later quietly at some other place. -Why in the flat above... -Why would I die?

내가  죽어요?

-Why in the flat above... -Why would I die?

그럼 저건!

What's that then?

욕실... 형광등 갈려구요

I was changing the bathroom light bulb.



The light bulb?

언니가 이겼다고 생각해요?

Do you think you won?


Gossips say you got a fortune in alimony.

찌라시엔 위자료 엄청 많이 받았다고

Gossips say you got a fortune in alimony.

내가   돈을  받아요?

Why would I take their money?

[떨리는 호흡 악플대로  된장녀니까?

Like people say, I'm a spoiled brat.

이혼해도 한밑천 챙겨 나올 꽃뱀이니까?

Do you think I'd leave with a fortune?

  푼도 필요 없다고 분명히 말하고

I told them clearly that I didn't want a cent,

 발로 나왔어요

and walked out with my own feet.

[애잔한 음악]

 그래서 400 30짜리 여기에  거야?

Is that why you're renting a place for 300,000 won a month?

언니가 이겼다고 생각하냐구요?

I asked if you think you've won.

오빠한테 내가 어떤 존잰지는 언니가 제일  알잖아요

No one knows better than you what I mean to Dong-man.

오빠 분명   받아  거고 언니한텐  뺏겨요

He will take me back. I won't lose him to you.

오래 봤다고 좋은 

Knowing each other for so long...

그냥 정이고 의리고

is only good for friendship and loyalty.

(애라얘한텐 이러는 ...

To her, this was...

언니가 이겼다고 생각하지 말라구요

Don't think that you won.

(애라자존심이었던 거다

...the only way to preserve her pride.

(혜란 하는 거예요?

What are you doing?

 일주일째 형광등  갈고 있지?

You've been struggling with this for a week now.

[알쏭달쏭한 음악] [위층 소음]

[계속 이어지는 소음이게 무슨 소리지?

What's this noise?

뭐해와서 잡어

What? Come and hold the chair.

[애라 헛웃음]

[매미 우는 소리]


Don't air the show.

내가 분명히  찍겠다고 했잖아

I refused to interview.

(경구이제  방송 시작해

It'll air soon.

방송 내려 - 싫어

-Pull it. -No.

애라 말이 맞네

Ae-ra's right.

사람 정말  변해그치?

People never do change.

나도 애라한테 말했는데

I told Ae-ra something, too.

 옛날에 장경구 아니라고

I told her I'm not the old Jang Kyung-koo.

내가 옛날만큼 어설프지가 않다고

That I'm not as lame and sloppy.

[극적인 효과음]

[공포스러운 음악]

아니  우리  앞에 있어요?

What are you doing outside my place?

... 그건 뭐예요?

What's in there?

니가 메신저 프로필에  놨잖아

You mentioned in your messenger profile...

'딸기 먹고 싶다'

that you wanted strawberries.

그걸 내가 오빠한테 사달라고  거예요?

Do you think I asked you to buy me?

[한숨찬숙이랑 헤어진  하루 만에 오빠 멋대로 공개 고백해서

You confessed to me a day after dumping Chan-sook, got me pulled from the pungmul band, and you're constantly texted me.

 풍물패도  가게 만고 수도 없이 문자하고

got me pulled from the pungmul band, and you're constantly texted me.

애들한텐 나랑 사귄다고 하고 다닌다면서요?

You're telling people we're dating.

그건  희망 사항인 거고

That's what I want.

그게 말이 돼요?

Does that even make sense?

내가  오빠 때메 따돌림을 당해야 되냐구요?

Why should I become an outcast because of you?

아무도  좋아하지 않으면 니가 나랑 사귈지도 모르잖아

If no one likes you, maybe you'll date me.

그게 무슨 개똥 같은 논리예요?

What kind of stupid logic is that?

다신 찾아오지 마요

Don't come here again.

(경구... 뭐야?

Why are you here?

 벌써 100 휴가고 제대 546 남았거든?

I'm out on my 100-day holiday. I have 546 more days to serve.

(동만근데 형이 얘한테  이러면  탈영할지도 몰라

If you bother her again, I might desert.

그땐 K2 소총 들고 나올 거야!

Then, I'll bring a K2 rifle with me.

(동만분명히 말하는데

I'm warning you.

다신 애라 앞에 얼쩡대지 ?

Don't bother Ae-ra again, okay?

(동만이렇게라도 해서 나한테 갚아 주고 싶었어?

Did you want to get back at me that badly?

아니면 아직도 애라한테 질척대고 싶어서?

Or do you still want Ae-ra back?

방송이나  금방 시작하니까

Just watch the show. It'll air soon.

사연팔이로 멀쩡한  불우이웃이나 만들었겠지

I bet you made up a story to paint me like a fool.

근데 사연팔이도  하면

Without a story,

누가 무명 파이터한테 관심이나 있대?

will anyone care for an unknown fighter?



전략적으로 필요하니까 사연도 팔았고 악마의 편집도 했어

The story and malicious editing was strategical.

고의 버팅도 잡아냈고

I caught the deliberate headbutt.


-What? -I tried my best to make you look good.

암튼   최선을 다해서 띄웠으니까

-What? -I tried my best to make you look good.

일단 보고 말하라고

Watch it yourself.

[긴박한 분위기의 음악]

(허브 제가 보기엔

From my point of view,

버팅에 고의성이 있어 보입니다

it was an intentional outburst.

의도적으로 무효 경기를 유도한 것으로 보입니다

It looks like he purposely induced a no contest.

(탁수이거 완전 악마의 편집 아니냐고!

This is such a malicious editing!

(태희, PD...

The director...

아주  작정을 하고 팩트로 발라 버렸더라고

was determined to create fiction with fact.

 머리 박는 부분에  슬로우 걸고 전문가 붙이고 

He replayed the headbutt in slow motion and inserted an expert's interview.

아주 난리를 쳐놨다

He replayed the headbutt in slow motion and inserted an expert's interview. It's a total mess.

우리  언플로도 어떻게 수습이  되는 상황인데

Our people are unable to deal with the media backlash.

형은 고동만한테 이런 방송 붙어 있던 것도 파악  했어?

Didn't you know they were filming Dong-man?

탁수야일단 ...

Tak-su, you shouldn't get all agitated.

 이렇게 흥분하면  

Tak-su, you shouldn't get all agitated.

아무리 가벼운 뇌진탕이라도

Even if it's a light concussion, you need to relax and keep calm.

심신에 안정이  제일 중요한 건데

Even if it's a light concussion, you need to relax and keep calm. Let me make this clear.

분명히 말하는데

Let me make this clear.

  짐승 같은 새끼랑 다시는 경기  알았어?

I won't fight against that monster again, okay?

언론 죽이고

Get the media to stop talking.

재대결이니 뭐니...

Makes sure talks about rematches don't start.

입도 뻥긋  나오게 

Makes sure talks about rematches don't start.



[화려한 음악] [극적인 효과음]


(동만이게 뭐야?

What is this?


Why... Why is it so...

뭐가 이렇게... - ?

Why... Why is it so... Good?


Are you touched?


Did you cry?

아니지금  얼굴...

No, is my face...

이거 뽀샵도 약간  ...  진짜 뭐야?

Did you photoshop my face? What did you do?

[형식 등짝 맞음] (순양미쳐!

What have you done?

내가 미쳐! - !

What have you done?

 남편 등짝을 후려 갈겨싸!

Why are you slapping your husband's back?

애가 저런  하는  알았으면 말렸어야지!

If you knew he would get hurt like that, you should've stopped him.

 장단을 맞춰 ?

Why did you support him?

 저거  스포츠여! - 아효!

-That is a sport. -My goodness.

 철장 안에 들어가서

He's in a cage.

 흘리고  그러는  내가 어떻게 !

How can I watch him bleed?



[순양 오열... !


[ 열림]

Dong-hee, do you want something?

(형식동희야 갖다줘?

Dong-hee, do you want something?

[프린트 인쇄 ]

-I want to go see Dong-man. -What?

 오빠한테 가고 싶어

-I want to go see Dong-man. -What?

? -   있어서

-I want to go see Dong-man. -What? I have something to give to him.

(남일이게 이번에 새로 나온 메뉴예요

This is our newest menu.

(경구그럼 이걸로 주세요

-Then we'll have that. -Okay.

! - 

-Then we'll have that. -Okay.

우리 와이프가 아이돌 연습생 출신이거든

My wife used to be an idol trainee.

(동만... 장난 아니시네

She's really beautiful.

(경구엄마 닮아서 딸이  장난 아니야

Our daughter is prettier since she takes after her.

사람들이 요정 같대

-People say she's like a fairy. -A fairy?


-People say she's like a fairy. -A fairy?

근데 내가 ...

See? You got it all wrong.

그러게  괜히 사람은 찾아내서 쫓아다녀가지고

Why did you have to come and find Ae-ra and chase her around?

[동만  ]

우리 딸이 엄청 예쁘잖아

My daughter is really cute, right?

근데 얼마 전에...

But, not too long ago...

왕따를 당하고  거야

she got bullied at school.

최지호라는 친구가 왕따를 시켰는데 이유가...

One boy called Choi Ji-ho started it. It turns out...

우리 지율이를 아무도 좋아하지 않으면

he thought if no one liked my daughter,

지랑만 계속 놀게   알았나 

she'd only play with him.

아무도  좋아하지 않으면 니가 나랑 사귈지도 모르잖아

If no one likes you, maybe you'll date me.

머리가 번쩍이더라고

That really woke me up.

내가 저지른 업보가  지율이한테로 가는구나

It's karma. I realized what I did is coming back to my daughter.

그래서 너네 찾아온 거야  업보  털어 볼라고

That's why I came looking for you guys. To get rid of my karma.

 요새  성당 같은  다녀?

Have you been going to church or something?

남자 집에 반찬  나르고 그러는  아니야

You shouldn't make food and deliver them to men.



 어울리게 아낙네 스타일인가 ?

You don't look like the housewife type.

[통통 튀는 음악별참견을  하시네

You're so nosy.

근데  컵라면 드시게요?

Are you having instant ramen again?

별참견을  하시네!

You're so nosy.

아니 올라와?

Why are you coming up?

같이 먹자구요

To eat with you.

- 101호랑 나랑? - 

-You and me? -Yes.



어차피 우리   지금 같이  먹을 사람 없잖아요

We both don't have anyone to eat with right now.

[복희 헛웃음]

애미가 20 걸려도  고친 비염을...

It took me 20 years and I couldn't fix him.

설희가 고쳤네

But I guess Sul-hee fixed his rhinitis.






근데  회사  갔니?

Why aren't you at work?

... 오늘 반차 썼어요

I took a half day.

택배 붙일  있어 가지고... - 그래

I had packages to mail out. I see.

근데 설아!

By the way,

니들...  헤어졌니?

why did you two break up?

... ...


Is it because of me?


Or was it because of his sisters?

누나들 때문에?

Or was it because of his sisters?

아니에요절대 그런  때메 그런  아니에요

No, it's not like that.

그럼 ?

Then, what is it?

그냥... 어쩌다 보니까 - 설희!

It just happened... Sul-hee.

거짓말하지 말고 솔직히 말해 !

Don't lie to me and tell me the truth.


Did Joo-man cheat on you?


Did Joo-man cheat on you?

 썅놈의 새끼를 그냥...

That scumbag.

그게...  바람이라고  수는 없구요

You can't really say that he cheated.




주만 아버지가 살아생전에

when Joo-man's dad was alive,

밖에 여자가 둘이 있었어

he had two more women aside from me.

나한테 병이   오드라

I fell ill twice because of it.

너는 그러지 마라

You shouldn't live like me.

니가 뭐가 아쉬워서  개꼬라지를 보고 사니?

You don't deserve to suffer that way.


I didn't know.

애미 맘이라는   간사하기도 해서

A mother can be sly.

 새끼가 귀하면

If your child is precious...

남의 새끼도 똑같이 그래야 되는데

you should know other children are, too.

자꾸  새끼 아쉬운 생각이 들고

But, I can't help but think my son deserves better.

주만이가 너를

He was always so protective of you.

...  감싸고 도니까

He was always so protective of you.

괜히 어깃장이 나고

I guess I was jealous.


I think I was lonely.

쓸쓸하기도 해서

I think I was lonely.

 괜찮았어요  괜찮아요

It was fine. I'm fine now.

그래도 혹시나...


니들이 다시 만난대면?

if you two get back together,


I won't ever visit your house.

니네 집에  갈게!

I won't ever visit your house.



[애잔한 음악생일이든 제사든 너는 평생 열외야!

You don't have to come to any family events.

주만이 누나들도 살아생전에 다신 전화  하게

I won't let his sisters ever call you again.

박숙자 이름 걸고 책임을 지마

I swear it on my name.


I'm sorry, Mother.

그래내가 푼수다

You're right. I'm a fool.

내가 니가 아쉬워서...

I didn't want to lose you.

주책   떨어 봤다

I was being silly.




너무... 죄송해요

I'm really sorry.

저희가 끝까지  만나지  해가지구

I'm sorry that we didn't last in the end.

다시  봐도  지내라

Even if I don't see you again, please take care, okay?

? - 

Even if I don't see you again, please take care, okay?

다음에 형네 집에 아이돌이랑 요정 보러   갈게

I'll visit your place to meet the idol and the fairy one day.

아참  황복희라고  알어?

Right, do you know Hwang Bok-hee?

누구? - 황복희!

-Who? -Hwang Bok-hee.


That Hwang Bok-hee.


(복희이게 뭐니?

What's this?


It is a soup or a stew?


It's mackerel stew.

제가 고등어탕  딸이거든요

My parents own a fish stew restaurant.

무슨 고등어로 탕을? - ...

Why would anyone make such stew...

우리 아빠가 고기를  잡아서요

My dad is really bad at fishing.



옛날에 어부였는데 좋은 고기는 하나도  잡고 

He used to be a fisherman. But he could never catch the expensive fish.

맨날 꽁치랑 고등어만 달랑달랑 얻어 오더래요

But he could never catch the expensive fish. He'd always get some Pacific saury or mackerel.

근데 할머니랑 할아버지까지 식구는 주렁주렁 많고

We had a big family because we lived with grandparents,

고등어는 하나니까

but there was only one mackerel.


So my mom got mad, so she put it in water and boiled it.

화딱지가 나서 물만 디립다 넣고 탕으로 끓여 버렸던 거죠

So my mom got mad, so she put it in water and boiled it.

(애라근데 아빠는...

But my dad...

이게 맛있었대요!

liked it.

그래서 고등어탕 집을 차렸는데 장사는  돼요

That's why we opened a restaurant, but the business isn't good.

[숟갈 내려놓음]

101호는 원래  먹을  이렇게 말이 많어?

Unit 101, are you normally that talkative while eating?




I'm starting to get a headache.

골치가 아프려고 그러네?

I'm starting to get a headache.

그럼 아줌마는  먹을  밥만 먹어요?

What about you? Do you only eat?

말동두도 하고  그래야...

-You should have conversations-- -I get indigestion if someone talks.

누가 옆에서 떠들면 체한다고

-You should have conversations-- -I get indigestion if someone talks.


So just...

그냥 가지고 내려가

take your food and go to your room.

아우.... !


그럼 놓고 혼자 드세요

Then you can eat it by yourself.

냄비는 다음에 찾으러  테니까

I'll come back for the pot later.


Eat it.

저렇게 까칠하니까 맨날 혼자 컵라면이나 먹지!

No wonder you don't have anyone to eat with.

[애잔한 음악]

[아이들 노는 소리]

-Hurry up. -Rock, paper, scissors!

(애라은하수 ...

Blue sky, milky way...

(설희무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다

Green light, red light.

(설희무궁화 꽃이...

Green light...

니들이 사람이야?

Do you call yourselves humans?

어휴어떻게 여기까지 오셨어?

What brings you here?

어떻게 이럴 수가 있어요?

How can you do this?

 애까지 건드려요애를!

Why would you do this to the kids?

(복희내가 에로배우야?

Am I an adult movie actress?

노출만 가지고 사람 난도질해서 배우 하나 죽여 놓고

You killed me with a few lines you wrote,

평생을 애미 노릇까지  하게 만들었으면 됐지!

and now you made it impossible for me to be a mom.

(젊은 시절 국장... 아니

Director, please.

이미 예고까지  나간  어떡하자구요!

The preview is already out.

방송을 펑크   없죠?

We can't pull off the show.

 만한 분이  이러셔

You should know better than this.


Don't make me feel uncomfortable.



- (젊은 시절 국장...  - (복희감독님  살려줘요

-Stop this. -Please help me out.

[복희 떨리는 호흡 방송 나가면

This show...


can't air.


My baby understands everything now.

이제 말귀도  알아들어요

My baby understands everything now.

(복희애가 무슨 죄예요?

What did my child do wrong?

우리 애라는...

My Ae-ra... Please leave Ae-ra alone.

우리 애라는 건드리지 말아요

My Ae-ra... Please leave Ae-ra alone.

 애한테 에로 배우 자식이라고...

You can't tell a child that her mom is an adult movie star. 

[복희 흐느낌애한테 그러면  되는 거잖아요

That's too cruel.

[회한 가득한 음악]

(천갑    알믄...

If my parents find out you're here,

엄니아버지 난리 난다고

they'll freak out again.



  벗는 영화 찍었다고

I couldn't even raise my baby...

 새끼한테     물려 보고 쫓겨났어

for taking clothes off in a movie. 



 내일 일본 

I'm going to Japan tomorrow.

근데 애한테 노래    불러줘?

Can't I sing to my baby just once?

[천갑 한숨]

[복희 노래빨간

Wearing a red hat

모자를 눌러 

Wearing a red hat

 항상 웃음 간직한 삐에로

I'm a clown that always smiles


Behind the blue smiles

웃음 뒤에는

Behind the blue smiles

아무도 모르는 눈물...

Are tears that no one sees


Dwarf Flower?

[오토바이 소음]

[묘한 기류가 흐르는 음악]



이거 나한테  거예요언제 줘요?

You'll give this to me? When?




As always...

우리 애라  지켜줘야 ?

protect Ae-ra.

아줌마 대신알겠지?

Protect her for me, okay?



카라멜 아줌마...

The caramel lady.


 자꾸 남의 집에 드나들어요?

Why do you keep going to my place?

아니그냥 아줌마랑 밥이나   먹을라구요

-I wanted to eat with Ms. Hwang. -Why?

? - ?

-I wanted to eat with Ms. Hwang. -Why? -What? -Why do you care so much about my mom?

 자꾸 우리 엄마 신경 쓰냐구요?

-What? -Why do you care so much about my mom?

 착한 척하냐고!

Why are you pretending to be nice?

   같이 먹는  착한 척이에요?

I'm not pretending to be nice. I was just eating with her.

나는 사람은 원래 악하단 말을 되게 믿는데

I tend to believe people are inclined to be evil.

그쪽을 보면 괜히   흔들어 보고 싶어요

Whenever I see you, I want to test you...

진짜 착한 건가

to see if you're really nice, 

진짜 세상... 천진하신 건가

and if you really are that naive.

김남일 !


사람 알고 보면  별거 없어요

People are all the same when it comes down to it.

  약하고 소심하고 그렇다고

Everyone is weak and insecure.

그렇게 까칠한 척하는   2 같은데?

Being so prickly... It's like you're going through puberty.

[잔잔한 음악]

Are you going through a puberty?

(복희 22?

Are you going through a puberty?

아니이게 뭐라고 팔뚝에다가  지랄을 해놔?

Why did you get a tattoo on your arm?

당장 지워!

-Get it removed! -What's wrong with you? Why hit me?

미쳤어요 남의 등짝을!

-Get it removed! -What's wrong with you? Why hit me?

싸가지가 없어도

You're a brat, yet there's no one to smack you.

등짝   후려쳐줄 사람이 없다는 

You're a brat, yet there's no one to smack you.

 인생에서 가장 딱한 일이야!

That'd be the saddest thing in your life.

I won't let Kim Nam-il become that pathetic.

김남일이 그렇게 불쌍한   만들어

I won't let Kim Nam-il become that pathetic.

이제 김남일인 황복희의 착한 아들이고!

Now, Kim Nam-il is Hwang Bok-hee's kind and nice son.

매가 약이라면  때린다고!

If spankings are medicine, I'll hit you. Got it?


If spankings are medicine, I'll hit you. Got it?

저런 스타일은 아주 매가 약일  있다고

Spankings are medicine for punks like him.

[계단 내려가는 소리]





Why Nam-il?


She's a girl.

 땜에 그렇게 슬퍼?

Are you that sad because of her?

엄마가  때문에 그렇게 슬펐던  있어?

Have you ever been that sad because of me?


엄마가 지금 피곤하니까...

I'm tired right now.

엄마 사업 망하고

When your business failed, 

엄마 혼자 울고 엄마  걸렸을 

and when you cried alone and got cancer...

누가 옆에 있었어?

who was by your side?

최애라가 있었어?

Was Ae-ra there?

[회한 가득한 음악]



나랑 다시

Let's go to...

다시 일본으로 가자엄마

Japan together with me, Mom.

아니 갑자기 동희가 온다는 거야?

Why is Dong-hee suddenly coming?

아버지오셨어요? - 늦었제?

-Hi. -Sorry, we're late.



[ 가다듬음]


이거 매장에서 바로 택배 되죠?

-Can I get this mailed out? -Sure.


-Can I get this mailed out? -Sure.

여기 주소 적어 주시면 돼요

Please write down the recipient's address.

 운동화 신었네

You're wearing the new sneakers.

동희야 오빠 보러   아니야?

Didn't you come to see me?

    주지도 않아?

Why won't you look at me?

아직도 오빠랑 말하기도 싫어?

You still don't want to talk to me?

오빠 도장 보여 줄까?

Do you want me to show you the gym?

이제 지지 !

Don't lose anymore.

[애잔한 음악]



이제 오빠랑  섞어 주는 거야?

You'll talk to me now?

 나를 10 동안이나 미안하게 만들어!

Why did you make me feel bad for ten years?

오빠가 못됐잖아

You were mean.

동희야그건  때문이 아니라니까?

I told you, it wasn't because of you.

이게 뭐야?

What's this?

[ 가다듬음]


I'm your...

... 빠순이야!

fan girl.

(동희나도  스크랩 ...

It took me ten years to make this scrapbook.

10 만에  모은 거란 말이야

It took me ten years to make this scrapbook.

그니까 이제 지지 !

So don't lose anymore.

 오빠  일어나는 

I hate seeing you unable to get up...

  일어나는 거보다  싫으니까

more than being unable to get up myself.

다신 지지 말라고!

Don't ever lose again.


[희망 가득  음악여기가 바로 고동만 선수가 운동하는 곳입니다

This is where athlete Ko Dong-man trains.


이게  일인지 모르겠다니까

I don't get it. What's going on?

 지금 인터뷰가  개에 화보가 하나에

You have four interviews,  a magazine shoot, a water park poster shoot...

워터파크 포스터 촬영이 하나에...

a magazine shoot, a water park poster shoot...


-A water park? -Yes.

근데 이거는  상의 탈의 조건이야

-A water park? -Yes. But you need to take off your shirt.

그리고  지역 방송 CF 하나 들어왔어

You have an offer for a TV commercial, too.

- CF? - 

-A commercial? -Yes.

공중파 위력이 대단하긴 하구나

The effect of going on TV is really huge.

저기... - 

Look. He's an assistant director at RFC.

저기...  사람이 RFC 실장인데

Look. He's an assistant director at RFC.

쟤네 대표가 

The CEO told him to get you to confirm a rematch with Kim Tak-su.

너랑 김탁수랑 재경기 일정을 아주 그냥 확정을 짓고 오라 그랬대

The CEO told him to get you to confirm a rematch with Kim Tak-su.


-Why? -They want a fair fight.

공정하게 다시 붙으라고

-Why? -They want a fair fight.

근데 ...

But you know, I may not be able to continue MMA fighting.

격투기 계속  할지도 모르는데

But you know, I may not be able to continue MMA fighting.

부상 한번 당해 보니까 아무래도  겁나지?

It's scary after an injury like that, right?

측두부    알아서 금방 붙는다면서요

They say skull fractures heal on their own.

파이터들한테 흔한 부상이라매

It's a common injury for fighters, too.

야구 선수들도 얼굴에    맞으면

Once a baseball player gets hit in the face,

타석에 다시 들어서기가 이렇게 힘들어지는 거야

it's hard for them to get back in the batter's box.

[  트라우마라는  ...

Trauma's are tough.

트라우마 때문이 아니라 내가 이거 할라면

It's not because of the trauma. If I keep doing this, 

엄청   하나를 놓쳐야 되거든요

I have to give up something huge.




102호가  시간에 ?

What brings you here at this hour?



[묘한 기류가 흐르는 음악]

기사 봤어

I saw the article.

 택일   화끈하게 하드라

I see you made up your mind.


I was afraid.

난생처음 귀가  들리니까

It was the first time I couldn't hear.

진짜 무서웠죠

I was terrified.

아무래도 부상 트라우마 때문에...

The trauma of the injury...

 들리는 동안 가장 무서웠던 ...

What scared me most when I couldn't hear was...

다신  하게 될까 

that I may never...

다신 링에  서게 될까 

stand in the ring again.

그게 가장 무서웠습니다

That scared me the most.

그럼 다시 하시는 건가요?

Then will you fight again?



김탁수 선수에게 정식으로 재대결을 요청합니다

I request a rematch with Kim Tak-su.

이렇게도 차이는구나

That's one way of getting dumped.



 그래야 ?

Must we?



진짜   놓겠는데?

can't let you go.



  아플  내가  얍삽한 짓은  했다

When you couldn't hear, I pulled all sorts of tricks.

여름 성경학교도    나간 내가 새벽기도도 나갔어

I never went to church school, but I went to an early prayer service.

 소원만 들어주시면 진짜 착하게 살겠다고

If this wish was granted,  I swore I'll be good from now on. I begged and pleaded.

애걸하고 아부하고 그랬어!

I begged and pleaded.

 빨리 낫게 해달라고?

-For me to get better? -No.


-For me to get better? -No.

제발  격투기 관두게 해달라고

I begged that you'd quit MMA fighting.

[애잔한 음악]

우리 할머니는...

Whenever my dad went out to the sea, 

아빠가  타러 나가면

Whenever my dad went out to the sea, 

맨날 지문이 닳아 빠질 때까지 묵주를 돌렸어

my grandmother would pray with her rosary all day and night.

근데 나중에 치매로 아빠 이름도 까먹었는데

Later on, she got dementia and forgot his name,

(애라파도가 높으면  묵주를 찾으셨어

but whenever it was windy, she asked for her rosary.

할머니는 평생 거기 갇혀 사셨어

Grandmother was trapped there all her life.

 아빠가 물에만 나가면  맘이 ...

She said whenever my dad goes out to the sea...

' 볶는  같다  볶는  같다하시면서

she'd feel anxious and suffocated.

나는 그런 마음으로는    같아

I don't think I can live like that.

 일주일도  살겠드라

I couldn't even survive that one week.

나도 무서워

I'm scared, too.

  들릴까  무섭고

I'm scared that I'll lose my hearing again.

맞을 다칠  나도 무서워

I'm scared of getting hit and injured.



그거보다  끔찍하고 무서운 

what frightens me more is...

다시 돌아가는 거야

going back.

지금까지   개꿈  거고

If I'm told that this was all a dream, 

내일부터 다시 찐드기 잡고 택배 돌리고 이삿짐 싸라고 하면

and I need to go back to exterminating ticks, delivering packages, and moving boxes, then I...

나는 진짜...

delivering packages, and moving boxes, then I...


I won't...

하루도    같애

I won't be able to survive a single day.

 다신 들러리로 살기 싫어

I don't want to be an extra again.

꿈도 없고 벨도 없는 등신처럼 그냥 숨만 쉬고 살기 싫다고

I don't want to live without a dream like a fool.

근데 나도 사실은

To be honest...

니가  멈출  알았어

I knew you couldn't stop.

이제 이게...

This isn't...

 꿈만이 아니고

just my dream anymore.

우리 아버지동희 코치님 꿈이라고

It's also my dad's, Dong-hee's and Coach's dream.



니가   번만 믿어 주면...

-If you trust me... -I guess this means...

그럼 이제 우리...

-If you trust me... -I guess this means...

친구도  하는 거지?

we can't even be friends, right?




I can't be.


I didn't hide myself, 


I didn't hide myself, 


beat around the bush,

헤어질  생각하고  좋아한  아니라서

nor plan to break up with you.

다신 죽어도 친구는  

I can't be just friends with you again.




I'll go.

[가슴 아픈 음악]



[애라 울먹이는 호흡]





[동만 떨리는 한숨]

 이래야 ?

Do you really have to do this?

 옆에  있어 주면  될까?

Can't you just stay by my side?


I can't bear to watch.


I can't bear to watch.

보는  너무 힘들어

It's too hard.

진짜 힘들어 [떨리는 호흡]

It's really hard.


I wish...


I really wish, 

사귀지   그랬다

we had never started this.

[오열] [케이시의 '굿모닝재생]

(복희) 102호가 여기 웬일이야?

What brings you here at this hour?



이제 애라...

Please protect Ae-ra...

아줌마가 지켜주세요

from now on.


I don't think...

  지킬  같아서요

I can protect her anymore.



내가 말을  했는데

I never told you,


but I'm...

너한테 정말 고마워

very thankful to you.

고마워하실  없어요

There's no need.

이제 와서 생각해 보니까

Come to think of it, 

아줌마 카라멜 때문이 아니구요

it wasn't because of the caramel you gave me.

그냥 저는 처음부터 끝까지

I think it was always Ae-ra for me...

애라였던  같아요

from the beginning.


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