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  미남당 16

Café Minamdang 16


‪[무거운 음악]‬EPISODE 16
‪(도원) 형이 아직‬ ‪선생님한테 상담을 받는다면서요?‬I heard Seung-won… I heard he still comes to you for counseling.
‪어, 가끔 와‬Yes. Occasionally.
‪안 그래도 아까‬ ‪승원이가 네 얘기 하던데‬That reminds me, Seung-won actually did mention you earlier.
‪(혜윤) 혹시 그 일 때문이니?‬Is that it? Is that what you're here for?
‪뭐 떠오르는 기억이라도‬ ‪있었던 거야?‬Do you remember anything at all about that day?
‪(도원) 분명 그날‬I know Seung-won…
‪현우 형을 죽인 건 승원이 형인데‬I know he killed Hyeon-u. I'm sure he did.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪왜 자꾸 전혀 다른 기억이‬ ‪떠오르는 걸까요?‬I don't get it. Why do I remember it happening so differently?
‪너 설마…‬You don't…
‪[어두운 음악]‬You don't…
‪기억이…‬-remember? -You did this, didn't you?
‪선생님 짓이죠?‬-remember? -You did this, didn't you?
‪(도원) 제 기억을‬ ‪이렇게 엉망으로 만든 사람‬You messed with my head. You messed with my memories.
‪(혜윤) 회장님 지시였어‬The chairman told me to do it.
‪아버지가요?‬My father did?
‪[씩씩댄다]‬ ‪(혜윤) 알잖아‬You know…
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪회장님은‬…he didn't think Seung-won had what it takes
‪승원이는 그룹을 이끌 깜냥이‬ ‪안 된다고 생각하셨어‬…he didn't think Seung-won had what it takes to lead the company eventually.
‪근데 똑똑한 네가 하필‬You were the smart one, but you turned out…
‪[혜윤의 한숨]‬
‪사이코패스라니‬to be a psychopath.
‪[어린 도원의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[딸깍거리는 소리]‬
‪[딸깍]‬ ‪[어린 도원의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(혜윤) 강아지 학대하면‬ ‪어떻게 된다고 했지?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬What did I say would happen if you did that?
‪처벌받는다고 했어요‬You said I would be punished?
‪네 미래를 위해‬ ‪충동을 억제할 줄 알아야 해‬You need to control yourself. I'm telling you it's for your own good.
‪(혜윤) 잘 참았어‬That's a good boy.
‪또 그런 충동이 일면 이걸 사용해‬Next time you feel that way, just click this.
‪진정될 때까지 이걸 클릭하는 거야‬Just keep clicking it until you calm down, okay?
‪[딸깍]‬Just keep clicking it until you calm down, okay?
‪(혜윤) 회장님도 나도‬The chairman and I
‪어릴 때부터 널 철저하게‬ ‪세뇌했다고 안심하고 있었는데‬thought we had you completely brainwashed, but one day,
‪네가 갑자기 살인을 저지른 거야‬you suddenly killed someone.
‪어디까지 기억나는 거니?‬Tell me how much you remember.
‪[도원이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 현우 형이…‬Hyeon-u, he…
‪현우 형이 물을 달라고 해서‬he asked me for a glass of water, and then I--
‪- 내가 물을…‬ ‪- (혜윤) 그게 정말‬he asked me for a glass of water, and then I-- What you gave him, was it water?
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬What you gave him, was it water?
‪물이었니?‬What you gave him, was it water?
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[되감기 효과음]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(현우) 너 이거 물…‬-This isn't water. -It's antifreeze.
‪부동액이야‬-This isn't water. -It's antifreeze.
‪(어린 도원) [웃으며] 영화에서‬ ‪이걸 마시면 죽는대서 궁금했거든‬-This isn't water. -It's antifreeze. I saw it in a movie that you die if you drink it, so I got curious.
‪영화처럼 빨리 죽진 않네?‬You're not dying like in the movies.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[현우의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(혜윤) 회장님께 말씀드렸지‬I made it clear to the chairman
‪한번 금단의 열매를 맛본 이상‬once you had a taste of the forbidden fruit,
‪또다시 살인을 저지를 거라고‬ ‪[어린 도원의 힘주는 숨소리]‬you would do anything to taste it again.
‪기억을 완벽하게 삭제하는 건‬ ‪불가능하다고‬I told him it was impossible to remove a memory completely.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬I told him it was impossible to remove a memory completely.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪결국 회장님은‬So instead of that,
‪네 기억을 조작하는 방법을‬ ‪선택하셨고‬the chairman decided to change the memory to something different.
‪[웃음]‬the chairman decided to change the memory to something different.
‪(혜윤) 거의 다 붙였다‬We're almost done here.
‪[삑삑거리는 소리]‬We're almost done here.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪선생님이 너한테‬ ‪보여 줄 사진이 있어‬I have some pictures here. I want you to take a look.
‪첫 번째 사진 봐 봐‬Look at this picture.
‪이게 무슨 사진 같아?‬Can you tell me what this is?
‪[힘없는 목소리로] 물잔‬A glass of water.
‪자, 다음번 사진‬Good. How about this one?
‪이 사진은 뭐야?‬What is this one?
‪[힘없는 목소리로] 넥타이‬Neck-tie.
‪승원이 형의 넥타이예요‬That's Seung-won's necktie…
‪(혜윤) 내가 최면을 통해서‬ ‪왜곡된 기억을 삽입했어‬ ‪[힘없이 대답한다]‬I used hypnosis to distort your memory -of that day. -Seung-won has a necktie like that.
‪(혜윤) 승원이 형이‬-of that day. -Seung-won has a necktie like that. Look at what Seung-won's doing.
‪- 넥타이로 현우 형한테‬ ‪- (어린 도원) 현우 형한테‬Look at what Seung-won's doing. -He's doing something bad, isn't he? -He's trying to do
‪(혜윤과 어린 도원)‬ ‪- 나쁜 짓을 하려고 그랬나 보다‬ ‪- 나쁜 짓을 하고 있어요‬something bad to Hyeon-u…
‪(혜윤) 살인을 할 때의 쾌감을‬I turned your urge to kill into a desire to seek criminals punished.
‪범죄자를 볼 때에 느끼는 분노로‬I turned your urge to kill into a desire to seek criminals punished.
‪믿게 만든 거지‬It was the only way.
‪(도원) 왜 현우 형을 죽인 사람이‬Why did you make me believe
‪승원이 형이라고 믿게 만든 거죠?‬that Seung-won was the one who killed Hyeon-u?
‪네가 범인이라고 쉽게‬ ‪믿을 수 있는 사람이 필요했으니까‬ ‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬I needed someone that you would easily believe to be the killer.
‪(혜윤) 물을 가지고 나와서‬ ‪다시 차고로 온 후엔?‬What happened after you got the water and went back to the garage?
‪(어린 도원) [겁먹은 목소리로]‬ ‪스, 승원이 형이‬Seung-won, he… he was… I saw him choking Hyeon-u.
‪혀, 현우 형 목을 조르고 있었어요‬Seung-won, he… he was… I saw him choking Hyeon-u.
‪[어린 도원의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(혜윤) 많이 무서웠겠구나‬You must have been so scared.
‪이제 괜찮아‬But it's okay now.
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪[도원의 혼란스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪기억하는구나?‬You remember, don't you?
‪(혜윤) 네가‬ ‪사이코패스 살인자가 아니라‬You're not a psychopathic murderer.
‪훌륭한 검사로 살아갈 수 있는 게‬ ‪누구 덕분인지‬You're one of the most accomplished prosecutors in the country.
‪[도원의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪날 개처럼 훈련시키신 게‬ ‪자랑스러우신가 봐요‬You must be so proud to have trained me like some kind of dog.
‪개라니‬A dog?
‪너는‬You are…
‪내 최고의 작품이야‬my greatest creation.
‪[도원의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪(혜윤) 너만큼 완벽하게‬ ‪행동을 교정해서‬I've never seen anyone correct their behavior
‪사회에 적응하는 환자를‬ ‪본 적이 없어‬and adjust to society so flawlessly.
‪시스템과 법을 지켜야 한다고‬ ‪세뇌했더니‬The system and the law, I convinced you they were sacred.
‪검사가 되고‬The system and the law, I convinced you they were sacred. And because of that, you're trying to arrest your brother
‪조작된 기억에 이끌려서‬And because of that, you're trying to arrest your brother
‪자기 형을‬ ‪범인으로 체포하려고 하잖아‬And because of that, you're trying to arrest your brother all because I created those memories.
‪[혜윤의 웃음]‬all because I created those memories.
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪그런 눈으로 보면 곤란하지‬Please don't look at me that way.
‪너는 나 아니었으면‬You know if it wasn't for me,
‪평생 보호 시설에‬ ‪갇혀 살아야 했을 거야‬you would have spent your whole life in a straight jacket.
‪[허탈한 숨소리]‬
‪[도원이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[도원의 허탈한 한숨]‬
‪그게 뭐예요?‬What is that?
‪널 세뇌하고‬ ‪기억을 조작하는 과정이‬It's a record of the process of your brainwashing
‪(혜윤) 고스란히 담겨 있어‬and memory manipulation.
‪내 업적이기도 하고‬My greatest accomplishment
‪네가 사이코패스라는‬ ‪증거가 되기도 하겠지?‬and undeniable proof that you're a psychopath.
‪물론 약간의 성의 표시만 하면‬Of course, with a small token of gratitude,
‪이건 영원히 너와 나 사이의‬ ‪비밀이 될 수도 있어‬this could all stay a secret between the two of us.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(영상 속 혜윤) 부동액을‬ ‪건넨 기억을‬The antifreeze in his memory, I replaced it with water.
‪물을 건넨 기억으로‬The antifreeze in his memory, I replaced it with water.
‪살인이라는 강렬한 기억을‬I also replaced his experience of murder
‪살인을 목격한 기억으로‬ ‪대체했더니‬with a memory of having been witness to one.
‪실험 대상자는‬ ‪자기 형이 사람을 죽였다는 사실에‬with a memory of having been witness to one. And the subject showed frustration and anger at the fact
‪좌절감과 분노를 드러냈다‬that he had witnessed his brother killing someone.
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬that he had witnessed his brother killing someone.
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪죽어‬Just die.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬Just die.
‪(영상 속 혜윤) 살인 욕구를‬ ‪멈출 수가 없다면‬If the desire to kill cannot be stopped,
‪다른 곳에 집중을 시켜야 한다‬ ‪[도원의 답답한 숨소리]‬then that desire must be directed elsewhere.
‪'법을 지키지 않는 건 사회악이다'‬"It is evil not to uphold the law."
‪'사회악은 제거 대상이다'‬"All evil must be eliminated."
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪'넌 제거 대상이 아니라'‬"You are not one of those evil men,
‪'그놈들을 심판할‬ ‪지도자가 돼야 한다'‬instead you must become a leader who casts judgment on them."
‪라는 명제를‬ ‪지속적으로 세뇌 중이다‬instead you must become a leader who casts judgment on them." With conditioning, this is what he will believe.
‪내가 범죄자들을 처단해 온 게‬The only reason I am who I am…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪하, 세뇌 때문이었다고?‬is because I've been brainwashed?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬is because I've been brainwashed?
‪내가 만든 규칙이고‬I decided that for myself.
‪내 의지였어‬I wanted this.
‪나 스스로‬I saved myself.
‪구원자가 된 거라고‬I am who I wanna be.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪[도원의 괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[딸깍거리는 소리]‬
‪(혜윤) 실험 대상자가‬ ‪장래 희망을 검사로 바꿨다‬The subject has expressed his desire to become a prosecutor.
‪세뇌의 영향으로‬It seems the brainwashing
‪범죄자를 심판하겠다는 의지가‬ ‪강해진 것 같다‬It seems the brainwashing has strengthened his will to bring criminals to justice.
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(도원) 내 심판은 틀리지 않았어‬There's no way my judgment was wrong.
‪생각보다 빨리 왔네‬Back so soon, I see.
‪(혜윤) 동영상을 보니까‬I'm guessing the video I sent you
‪내가 널 구했다는‬ ‪확신이 들었나 보지?‬must have proven I was telling the truth.
‪(도원) 네‬Yes.
‪확신이 들었어요‬I understand now.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬No…
‪결심이 섰다는 표현이 더 맞겠네요‬it's better to say it made me more determined.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 그래‬Yes.
‪(혜윤) 넌 언제나‬ ‪너한테 온 기회를‬As a child, you never missed any opportunity that came your way.
‪놓치는 법이 없는 아이였지‬As a child, you never missed any opportunity that came your way.
‪남편이 진 빚만 갚아 주면‬I need you to pay back my husband's debt.
‪내가 가진 자료들‬ ‪하나도 빠짐없이 다 넘겨줄게‬If you do that for me, I'll happily hand over my data.
‪다신 너한테‬ ‪신세 지는 일 없을 거야‬After that, I won't ask for anything else.
‪저한테 넘기는 자료가‬ ‪원본이라는 건 어떻게 믿죠?‬How can I be sure that you're going to be giving me the original data?
‪(도원) 복사본 가지고 지금처럼‬ ‪또 협박할 수도 있는 거잖아요‬You could just blackmail me again if you had copies lying around.
‪그래‬I understand.
‪날 신뢰하기 힘들겠지‬It must be hard for you to trust me.
‪(혜윤) 이해해‬I get it.
‪하지만 내가 널 아끼지 않았으면‬But, you see, if I didn't care for you,
‪진작에 승원이한테‬ ‪그 자료들 다 팔아넘겼어‬But, you see, if I didn't care for you, then I'd already have sold the data to Seung-won.
‪이렇게 힘든 상황만 아니었다면‬then I'd already have sold the data to Seung-won. Believe me, if I wasn't desperate,
‪절대 너한테‬ ‪이런 부탁 안 했을 거야‬I would've never asked you for anything.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Okay.
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪(도원) 이래도 협박이 아니라‬ ‪부탁이라고 할 거예요?‬So I'm supposed to believe, this is just you thinking of my wellbeing, is that right?
‪네가 결심하는 데‬ ‪도움 될 거 같아서 불렀을 뿐이야‬I told them to come here because I thought it would help you decide.
‪(도원) 일단 형사들 다 보내고‬ ‪구체적으로 다시 얘기하시죠‬I want you to tell them to leave, then we can discuss this further.
‪(한준) 홍명수 말로는‬Hong Myeong-su said that
‪사건 당일‬ ‪차승원하고 시비가 있었다던데‬Hong Myeong-su said that there was a fight between you and Cha Seung-won that day.
‪(혜윤) [피식 웃으며] 글쎄요‬Maybe.
‪승원이랑 다툰 게‬ ‪한두 번은 아니라서‬I've had plenty of fights with Seung-won over the years.
‪최근 일어난 살인 사건과 관련된‬ ‪중요한 일입니다‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬I've had plenty of fights with Seung-won over the years. We're investigating a recent murder, so this is important.
‪(재희) 뭐든 좋아요‬We're investigating a recent murder, so this is important. Every little bit helps.
‪잘 생각해 보시고 말씀해 주세요‬Every little bit helps. Please, try to remember whatever you can about it.
‪최근 일어난 살인 사건이라니‬ ‪그게 무슨…‬What did you mean when you said there was a murder recently?
‪어릴 때부터 사이코패스 기질이‬ ‪드러났을 텐데요‬His psychopathic tendencies must have shown up when he was a child.
‪(한준) 그래서 차 회장이‬ ‪원장님을 고용했을 거고‬His psychopathic tendencies must have shown up when he was a child. That's the real reason Chairman Cha hired you.
‪진료 기록은 비밀 유지가 원칙이라‬Medical records are confidential and private.
‪말씀드릴 수가 없네요‬There's nothing I can tell you.
‪그럼 사건 당일에 대해서라도‬ ‪말씀해 주세요‬Then, at least tell us what happened that day with you and Cha Seung-won.
‪그때 다이어리를 한번 찾아 볼게요‬Let me go and check my diary for that day.
‪(혜윤) 제가 사소한 거 하나까지‬ ‪다 기록하는 습관이 있어서‬I have a habit of recording even the smallest details.
‪잠시만 기다려 주시겠어요?‬Could you wait here for a minute?
‪다이어리는 또 얼마나‬ ‪성의 표시를 해야 되는 거예요?‬What kind of token of gratitude do I need for the diary?
‪(혜윤) 너 설마 그날 이후로‬Tell me, since you killed that boy,
‪또 사람을 죽인 거니?‬have you killed anyone else?
‪선생님 최고 작품이‬ ‪실패작일까 봐 겁나요?‬Are you afraid your greatest creation is actually a failure?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬I haven't.
‪아니에요‬I haven't.
‪(도원) [한숨 쉬며] 아, 저는 그냥‬I'm just a little nervous…
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬I'm just a little nervous…
‪제가 사이코패스라니까‬…knowing that I'm a psychopath.
‪불안해서 그래요‬I can't believe it.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪초조해할 필요 없어‬You don't have to be nervous.
‪(혜윤) 앞으로 어떻게 살지는‬ ‪다 네 선택에 달린 거니까‬It's all up to you how you live your life from now on.
‪넌 지금까지처럼‬ ‪쭉 모범적인 검사로 살면 돼‬All you need to do is keep being the prosecutor you are.
‪(도원) 네‬Sure.
‪그때처럼 또 승원이 형을‬ ‪범인으로 만들면 되니까요‬I think I'll just blame Seung-won for everything like last time.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[도원의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[달그락 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪[혜윤의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[도원의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[쓱 빼는 소리]‬
‪[혜윤의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[도원의 한숨]‬
‪[도원이 후 뱉는다]‬ ‪[달그락 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[달그락 던지는 소리]‬
‪(도원) 당신이 만든 작품 손에‬ ‪죽는 기분이 어때?‬How does it feel dying at the hands of your own creation?
‪[혜윤의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪내 심판이‬ ‪너랑 아버지 때문이라고?‬Do you think you and Father are why I'm doing this?
‪내가 세뇌를 당해서‬You think I'm seeking justice…
‪정의를 구현하는 거라고?‬because I've been brainwashed?
‪난 내 의지로 피해자들에게‬ ‪구원을 선물하는 거야‬I'm giving the victims the gift of redemption through my own will.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) 생각보다 오래 걸리네요?‬I wonder what's taking so long.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[한준의 의아한 숨소리]‬
‪다이어리 가지러 가는 데‬ ‪10분이 걸린다…‬I don't think it takes more than ten minutes to get a diary.
‪아, 뭔가 예감이 안 좋아‬I've got a bad feeling.
‪직접 가 봐야겠어‬I'm gonna check it out.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[도원의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(간호사) 어? 어, 거기‬ ‪함부로 들어가시면 안 돼요‬Sir? Wait. You can't just go in there.
‪[문이 벌컥 열린다]‬
‪[간호사의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[간호사의 비명]‬
‪[한준의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪죽었어‬Shit. She's dead.
‪[간호사의 놀란 숨소리]‬Shit. She's dead. Was she expecting anyone today?
‪원장실 안에 누가 있었습니까?‬Was she expecting anyone today?
‪그게, VIP가 오신다고 듣긴 했는데‬Uh, well… I heard that a VIP was coming, but I don't know who it was.
‪누군진 보지 못했어요‬Uh, well… I heard that a VIP was coming, but I don't know who it was.
‪VIP 출입구가 따로 있습니까?‬Is there a separate entrance for VIPs?
‪(간호사) 저기…‬Right there.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) 아이씨, 젠장, 씨‬ ‪내가 먼저 알아챘어야 했는데‬Oh, goddammit. I should have seen this coming.
‪(재희) 여긴 CCTV가 없네요?‬There aren't any security cameras. We should check the ones around the area.
‪주변 CCTV 뒤져 봐야겠어요‬There aren't any security cameras. We should check the ones around the area.
‪[한준의 한숨]‬There aren't any security cameras. We should check the ones around the area. I'll check back in her office.
‪난 원장실로 가 볼게‬I'll check back in her office.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[차트 넘기는 소리]‬
‪(재희) 주변 CCTV 확인 중이에요‬Security is checking the other cameras.
‪그게 뭐예요?‬What is that?
‪(한준) 차승원의 상담 차트야‬ ‪꽤 오랫동안 상담했던 거 같아‬Cha Seung-won's chart. He was her patient. And he has been for a while now.
‪병원 구조에 대해서‬ ‪누구보다 잘 알고 있으니까‬He would know the layout of the hospital better than anyone,
‪범인일 가능성이 있겠네요‬He would know the layout of the hospital better than anyone, so it's possible he's the killer.
‪알리바이 확인해 볼게요‬I'll check out his alibi.
‪우리가 홍명수를 찾아서‬ ‪초조해진 걸까?‬You think he's nervous because we found Hong Myeong-su?
‪사건 현장이 고풀이답지 않게‬This isn't like him. I don't think it's Gopuri.
‪(한준) 충동적인 데다‬ ‪비체계적이야‬This kill was impulsive with no rhyme or reason.
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪사건 당시 다이어리만 없어졌어요‬The diary from 20 years ago is missing.
‪남한준 씨‬Nam Han-jun, look.
‪(재희) 이거‬Here.
‪(한준) 오현우가 죽은 차고야‬The garage Oh Hyeon-u died in.
‪(재희) 차승원이 다닌‬ ‪고등학교 교복 같아요‬I think that's the uniform from Cha Seung-won's school.
‪(한준) 아, 이것들이‬ ‪대체 어딜 간 거야, 씨, 쯧‬Oh, come on. Where the hell is everybody?
‪[쪽쪽거리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪이것들이 죽으려고‬ ‪신성한 곳에서 음란한 짓을 해?‬I don't believe it. Are those two… Are those two doing that here?
‪(한준) 스톱‬-Hey! -Wait!
‪(수철) [당황하며] 형님, 오해여‬-Hey! -Wait! I swear. We're only eating chips.
‪- (수철) 우리 과자 먹은 겨, 이‬ ‪- (혜준) 응‬I swear. We're only eating chips. -I promise. -Mm-hm.
‪아니, 과자를 손으로 집어 먹지‬-I promise. -Mm-hm. Right. You two were feeding each other chips
‪어디서 조댕이로‬ ‪전달하고 자빠졌어, 씨, 쯧‬with your mouths even though you've got hands.
‪(혜준) 아니‬ ‪우린 차승원 도청하고 있었어‬No, we were listening on Cha Seung-won's phone.
‪(수철) 이, 아니‬ ‪형 찾으러 왔다가‬Yeah, we came here to find you, but Cha Seung-won started moving
‪차승원이 움직인대서‬ ‪대기하고 있었지‬Yeah, we came here to find you, but Cha Seung-won started moving so we're standing by.
‪차승원 동선은‬ ‪뭐 수상한 건 없었어?‬so we're standing by. Fine. Tell me, did he go anywhere suspicious?
‪(수철) 이, 없어‬No, he hasn't. He's holed up in his office and hasn't moved at all.
‪하루 종일 사무실에 짱박혀 가지고‬ ‪뭐, 꼼짝도 안 햐‬No, he hasn't. He's holed up in his office and hasn't moved at all. It's like he's sleeping.
‪[한숨]‬It's like he's sleeping.
‪(한준) 야, 이거, 이 사진‬ ‪조작된 건지 좀 확인해 봐‬Here, take this. Check it out. Tell me if it's been manipulated.
‪(혜준) 딱 봐도 조작했네‬This photo is obviously a fake.
‪여기, 여기‬Look right here, the proportions are off with this kid and his shadow,
‪이 남자애랑‬ ‪그림자 비율도 안 맞고‬Look right here, the proportions are off with this kid and his shadow,
‪뒤의 벽 무늬도 찌그러져 있고‬and the wall pattern is warped.
‪아, 그러니까 어떻게, 어?‬ ‪조작된 건지‬Okay, it was. Now tell me how, huh? Run it through your computer or something.
‪분석을 해 보라고, 분석을‬Okay, it was. Now tell me how, huh? Run it through your computer or something. Tell me how they did it.
‪(혜준) 그러면‬ ‪우리 하루 외박 허락해 주면‬ ‪[수철의 긴장한 숨소리]‬Tell me how they did it. Tell you what, if you give us the night off, I'll think about it.
‪그때 분석해 줄게‬Tell you what, if you give us the night off, I'll think about it. Please, Boss. Just one night off.
‪(한준) 아니‬ ‪넌 그냥 최대한 빨리하게 될 거야‬No way. You're going to run the analysis right now,
‪그때까지 내가‬ ‪수철이 옆에서 안 떨어질 거거든‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬No way. You're going to run the analysis right now, because I'm not moving…
‪- (혜준) 아!‬ ‪- (수철) 아유, 아유, 진짜‬because I'm not moving… -…on Su-cheol's side until you do. -Oh, hey, get off me.
‪[수철이 당황한다]‬ ‪[혜준이 씩씩댄다]‬-…on Su-cheol's side until you do. -Oh, hey, get off me.
‪(혜윤) [힘주며] 야‬ ‪좋은 말 할 때 놓지?‬Hey, get your hands off him. -Don't make me hurt you. -Come on, guys. Stop.
‪그만들 햐‬-Don't make me hurt you. -Come on, guys. Stop.
‪(수철) 처음으로 산 커플 옷‬ ‪찢어지겄어‬You guys are going to rip my first couple's shirt in half.
‪아유, 진짜‬You guys are going to rip my first couple's shirt in half.
‪[도청 속 자동차 엔진음]‬ ‪- (수철) 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (혜준) 놔라‬Wait, wait, wait, wait.
‪(수철) 쉿!‬Wait, wait, wait, wait. Cha Seung-won just got in his car.
‪차승원이 차에 탄 거 같어‬Cha Seung-won just got in his car.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(승원) 경찰에선 뭐래?‬What did the police say?
‪아직 범인을 특정하지 못했답니다‬They said they don't have a suspect yet.
‪곤란한 일 안 생기게 잘 정리해‬Make sure they don't cause any trouble.
‪(남 비서) 예‬Yes.
‪어떻게 됐어?‬Yes, what is it?
‪(가드) 임고모 위치 알아냈습니다‬We found Auntie Im's location.
‪경기도 연평 금파산에 있는‬ ‪암자에 숨어 있답니다‬She's at Geumpa Mountain in Yeonpyeong, Gyeonggi-do.
‪강 집사 처리하고 그쪽으로 와‬Take care of Steward Kang then head there.
‪금파산 암자로 가‬Take us to Geumpa Mountain.
‪영악한 년이라‬ ‪수상한 낌새가 보이면‬She's clever. She'll run when she notices that something is wrong.
‪바로 도망칠 거야‬She's clever. She'll run when she notices that something is wrong.
‪서둘러‬Hurry up.
‪(한준) 금파산에 있는 암자‬ ‪찾아 봐, 빨리‬Geumpa temples, look it up. -Quick. -All right.
‪[수철이 호응한다]‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬-Quick. -All right.
‪(도청 속 승원) 감히‬ ‪내 돈을 빼돌리면 어떻게 되는지‬I'll show her what happens to people who steal my money.
‪똑똑히 보여 줘야지‬ ‪[수철의 놀란 숨소리]‬She's gonna get what she deserves.
‪(수철) 차승원이‬ ‪임고모를 만나러…‬Sounds like Cha Seung-won is going to talk to--
‪아, 아니, 죽이러 가는 거 같은디?‬Sounds like Cha Seung-won is going to talk to-- He's going to kill Aunt Im.
‪이거 어떡햐? 한 형사님한테‬ ‪빨리 알려야 되는 거 아니여?‬He's going to kill Aunt Im. What do we do? Shouldn't we be calling Lieutenant Han right now?
‪(한준) 아니야, 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪그럴 시간 없어‬What do we do? Shouldn't we be calling Lieutenant Han right now? No, no, no, we don't have time. We have to get to Aunt Im before he does.
‪차승원보다 우리가 먼저‬ ‪임고모를 찾아야 돼‬No, no, no, we don't have time. We have to get to Aunt Im before he does.
‪차승원이 임고모 처리하면‬If he gets to her before we do…
‪그 여자가 갖고 있는 증거‬ ‪우리 못 찾아‬we're never gonna get the evidence she has.
‪(수철) 어‬we're never gonna get the evidence she has. -Yeah. -Wait, there are three temples
‪(혜준) 아, 금파산에‬ ‪암자가 3개나 있는데?‬-Yeah. -Wait, there are three temples on Geumpa Mountain.
‪[수철의 놀란 숨소리]‬on Geumpa Mountain.
‪(한준) 씁, 그중에‬ ‪구태수 대포 폰 동선하고‬Check if Gu Tae-su's burner phone
‪겹치는 곳 있는지 찾아 봐 봐‬ ‪[혜준이 호응한다]‬-has been to any of those temples. -Right.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪[시스템 알림음]‬ ‪(혜준) 어? 하나 있다‬Oh, it's been to one.
‪(수철) 어?‬Oh, it's been to one. Oh.
‪- (한준) 가자‬ ‪- (수철) 이, 그, 그려‬-All right, go. -Let's get going.
‪(혜준) 아니…‬Hey!
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(고모) 가시밭길 위에서‬ ‪당신을 뵈오니‬I come to you now upon this thorny road.
‪제자의 가녀린 정성을 받으소서‬Take this offering from your disciple.
‪지난 시간‬ ‪당신만 바라보고 온 정성이요‬My faith has been strong and unwavering all this time.
‪당신만 믿고 따르니‬My faith has been strong and unwavering all this time. I look to and follow only you.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I look to and follow only you.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[오싹한 효과음]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬You know who I am?
‪(한준) 나 알지?‬You know who I am?
‪너희들은…‬It's you.
‪(수철) [웃으며] 이‬It's you. Yeah.
‪아, 그 사달을 냈는디‬ ‪잊을 수가 있겄어?‬How could she forget about us after that whole scene we caused?
‪[흥얼거리며] 차승원이 손에‬ ‪죽고 싶지 않으면‬Unless you'd like to die at the hands of Cha Seung-won…
‪얌전히 우릴 따라가는 게‬ ‪좋을 거야‬I suggest you come with us and come quietly.
‪[수철이 호응한다]‬Yeah.
‪(녹음 속 승원) 강 집사 처리하고‬ ‪그쪽으로 와‬Take care of Steward Kang then head there.
‪금파산 암자로 가‬Take care of Steward Kang then head there. Take us to Geumpa Mountain.
‪영악한 년이라‬ ‪수상한 낌새가 보이면‬Take us to Geumpa Mountain. She's clever. She'll run when she notices that something is wrong. Hurry up.
‪바로 도망칠 거야, 서둘러‬She's clever. She'll run when she notices that something is wrong. Hurry up.
‪(고모) 신내림도 안 받은 놈이‬So you were pretending to be a shaman.
‪용케 무당 행세를 한다 했더니‬So you were pretending to be a shaman. You who's never believed in anything at all.
‪이런 재주가 있었구나‬How do you live with yourselves?
‪[한준과 수철의 웃음]‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪(승원) 찾아!‬Find her!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(남 비서) 급하게‬ ‪도망친 거 같습니다‬I think she left in a hurry.
‪[승원의 성난 탄성]‬
‪[승원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪어떻게든 찾아‬We have to find her.
‪수단, 방법 가리지 말고 찾아서‬Do whatever it takes. Just find her, now. And bring her to me.
‪(승원) 내 눈앞에 데려와!‬Do whatever it takes. Just find her, now. And bring her to me.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪안 되면‬If you can't…
‪그냥 죽여 버려‬make sure she's dead.
‪(고모) 신을 모시지 않는‬ ‪신당이라…‬An entire temple without a god…
‪그럴싸해 보이려고 애는 썼다만‬You've worked hard to make it look good.
‪섣부르게 무당 흉내 내다간‬ ‪망조 들리는 수가 있어‬But pretending to be a shaman means doom for your soul.
‪당신이 모시는 신은‬ ‪이런 얘긴 안 했나?‬Hasn't that god you love to worship told you about this?
‪(한준) '네년 어깨에 타고 있던‬ ‪업신이 사라졌어'‬"The god of riches has disappeared from your shoulders."
‪[흥얼거리며] '재물 복이‬ ‪다 됐구먼'‬"All your money luck has run out."
‪이라고‬That sort of thing.
‪신내림도 안 받은 놈이‬ ‪어떻게 업신을 봐?‬How could a man with no god see the god of riches?
‪(한준) 쯧, 자‬Well, let's see, let's see, let's see…
‪[흥얼거리며] 어디 보자‬Well, let's see, let's see, let's see…
‪어디 보자, 어디 보자‬Well, let's see, let's see, let's see…
‪뭐? 6천억?‬What? 600 billion?
‪치, 야, 그래‬Oh, I get it.
‪인생 한번 걸어도 되겠다‬ ‪생각했겠어‬You must've thought it was worth betting your life on.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그런데 어쩌나‬It's too bad though.
‪아유, 쯧, 쯧, 쯧, 쯧, 쯧, 쯧, 쯧‬ ‪가엾은 것‬Um… You poor little thing.
‪재수 없게 그 돈 근처에도‬ ‪못 가 보고 죽게 생겼구먼‬Tough luck. You're gonna die without having touched a single cent of it.
‪그나마 목숨 부지하고 싶으면‬Now listen, if you really wanna stay alive,
‪자수해서 20년 전‬tell us everything about the body. The one we know you hung 20 years ago.
‪당신이 목매단 시체 얘기‬ ‪다 털어놔‬tell us everything about the body. The one we know you hung 20 years ago.
‪(혜준) 아유‬ ‪내가 계좌 찾는 데 애 좀 먹었지‬tell us everything about the body. The one we know you hung 20 years ago. It wasn't easy digging that up.
‪- (수철) 그렇지, 그것도 맞지‬ ‪- (혜준) 응‬-True, it wasn't easy. -Mm-hm.
‪(수철) 아이, 커플 티 참 예쁘네‬ ‪그렇지?‬Oh, these matching shirts are so cute, aren't they?
‪- (혜준) 나처럼?‬ ‪- (수철) 이, 그려‬-Like I am? -Yeah, like you.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Like I am? -Yeah, like you.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[고모의 코웃음]‬COUNTRY, BANK
‪(한준) 당신이‬ ‪차승원이 약점 잡고 있는 거 맞지?‬You've got a lot of dirt on Cha Seung-won, don't you?
‪20년 전 오현우 살인 사건‬Twenty years ago, Oh Hyeon-u's murder…
‪당신이 조작해 줬잖아‬you made it go away.
‪[고모의 한숨]‬
‪차용재 회장한테 전화가 왔었어‬Chairman Cha Yong-jae called me that day.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(고모) 자기 아들이‬ ‪사람을 죽였는데‬He said his son had killed someone, and he wanted me to cover it all up.
‪사건을 좀 덮어 줘야겠다고‬and he wanted me to cover it all up.
‪[트렁크 닫는 소리]‬
‪구태수가 죽은 학생인 척‬ ‪알리바이를 조작해 줬고‬Gu Tae-su pretended to be the dead kid and made up the alibi,
‪내가 자살로 위장했지‬and I made it look like a suicide.
‪그때부터 쭉 차씨 집안‬ ‪더럽고 추악한 일 뒤처리는‬Ever since then, I've been in charge of cleaning up all of the Cha family's dirty laundry.
‪내가 다 해 왔는데‬all of the Cha family's dirty laundry.
‪그 보상으로 6천억 정도는‬ ‪받을 만하지 않나?‬I believe that that gives me the right to the 600 billion won.
‪(한준) 치, 씨‬
‪치사하네‬That's cheap. What about Gu Tae-su?
‪그럼 구태수는?‬That's cheap. What about Gu Tae-su?
‪그 정도로 이용해 놓고‬After everything that you used him for,
‪그럼 구태수도 충분히‬After everything that you used him for, don't you think he might deserve some compensation too, huh?
‪보상받을 만하지 않나? 어?‬don't you think he might deserve some compensation too, huh?
‪당신도‬You used him,
‪구태수 이용해 먹고 버렸잖아‬and then you got rid of him, isn't that right?
‪재수 없는 팔자를‬ ‪타고나는 놈들이 있어‬Some people are just born full of bad luck.
‪(고모) 아무리 발버둥 쳐도‬ ‪절대 불행에서 벗어날 수 없는 놈‬No matter how much they try, there's no way they can escape misfortune.
‪운명만큼‬ ‪부당하고 가혹한 게 없거든‬There's nothing as unfair or as cruel as fate.
‪구태수를 가혹한 길로 내몬 사람은‬you're the one who put Gu Tae-su on that path.
‪(한준) 당신이잖아‬That's all on you.
‪당신을 구원자로 믿게 만들고‬ ‪철저하게 이용했어‬You made him think he could be saved, then you dangled that over him.
‪그게 신을 모시는 사람이 할 짓은‬ ‪아닌 거 같은데‬You made him think he could be saved, then you dangled that over him. You see, that doesn't seem like something a woman of faith would do.
‪나만 나쁜 사람 취급 하는 건가?‬Do you really think I'm the villain here?
‪(고모) 그게 그 애한텐‬ ‪더 행복했을 거라는 생각은 안 해?‬Did it ever occur to you that that made him happier?
‪난 그 저주받은 애를‬ ‪구원해 줬다고‬I… I saved that poor child from despair.
‪(한준) 처음 만났을 때‬If you had led that child…
‪구태수를 당신이‬on a different path when you two… you know, when you two first met,
‪다른 길로 인도했다면‬on a different path when you two… you know, when you two first met,
‪완전히 다른 삶을 살았겠지‬he would have had a completely different life.
‪[힘주며] 그놈은‬Because he…
‪당신 같은 소시오패스가 아니거든‬Because he… he's just not a sociopath like you.
‪(고모) 글쎄‬Who knows?
‪어쩌면 더한 놈이 됐을 수도 있지‬Maybe he would have turned out even worse.
‪그럼 구태수‬Okay, so tell me…
‪(한준) 그놈 신분 세탁은‬ ‪왜 해 준 거야?‬why did you have to give him a new identity?
‪언제 버려도 의심받지 않게 하려면‬It would have been better to leave him as a ghost,
‪그대로 유령으로 두는 게‬ ‪나았을 텐데‬It would have been better to leave him as a ghost, so you could get rid of him whenever you needed to.
‪안 그래도‬ ‪나랑 성이 같아서 불쾌했는데‬It was bad enough that we share the same last name,
‪유령처럼 살아야 할 놈이‬ ‪자꾸 삶에 미련을 가지더라고‬but he kept clinging on to dear life when he should have been living as a ghost.
‪(고모) 그래서 죽은 사람 신분으로‬ ‪살라 그런 거야‬when he should have been living as a ghost. That's why I gave him the identity of a dead man.
‪그럼 다시‬ ‪악귀처럼 살게 될 테니까‬So he could go on living as a wraith.
‪[코웃음 치며] 너무하네‬That's harsh.
‪구태수는 당신을 믿었는데‬That's harsh. Gu Tae-su decided to trust you without any doubts wholeheartedly.
‪(한준) 의심 없이, 맹목적으로‬Gu Tae-su decided to trust you without any doubts wholeheartedly. Not true.
‪(고모) 아니‬Not true.
‪그놈이 맹목적으로 따르는 사람은‬ ‪한 사람밖에 없어‬I think you're aware there's only one person he truly follows blindly.
‪너도 알잖아‬And you know it too.
‪도준하, 최영섭, 한재정‬Do Jun-ha, Choi Yeong-seop, Han Jae-jeong.
‪그 사람들 다‬ ‪내가 죽인 게 아니라는 거‬I didn't kill them. I can't be held responsible.
‪문득 궁금해지네‬There's something I wanna know.
‪(한준) 그렇게‬ ‪많은 사람들을 죽인 놈이‬If he was able to kill so many people,
‪당신이라고‬ ‪끝까지 살려 둘 이유가 있을까?‬what makes you think he's going to spare you till the end?
‪(수철) 뭐여, 미친 거 아니여?‬Oh, has she gone crazy?
‪참 나‬She's so weird.
‪[고모의 웃음]‬You're pretty good.
‪(고모) 제법이네‬You're pretty good.
‪이제 보니 나랑 닮았어‬I realize now, you're just like me.
‪[질색하는 소리]‬No, I'm not.
‪(한준) 그건 아니고‬No, I'm not.
‪내가 진짜 무당은 아니지만‬You see, I may not be a real shaman…
‪[한준의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪쯧, 예언 하나 하지‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬…but here's a prophecy.
‪임고모 당신‬…but here's a prophecy. Auntie Im, you will confess and tell me everything,
‪모든 진실을 밝히고 자수해‬Auntie Im, you will confess and tell me everything,
‪그러지 않으면‬Auntie Im, you will confess and tell me everything, 'cause if you don't,
‪당신이 모시던 그분 손에‬ ‪결국 죽게 될 거야‬you're eventually going to die at the hands of the man you serve.
‪그럼 나도 예언 하나 할까?‬You want to hear a prophecy?
‪(고모) 경찰이 확보했다는 증거‬The evidence the police have,
‪네 손으로 없애게 될 거야‬ ‪[한준의 코웃음]‬you'll destroy it with your own hands.
‪[한준의 웃음]‬
‪야, 뭔 개소리를‬ ‪그렇게 정성스럽게 하시나?‬Wow, that's a lot of effort to put into total bullshit.
‪(고모) 아니면 내가 왜‬ ‪20년 전 일까지 얘기해 줬겠어?‬Why else would I admit to what happened 20 years ago.
‪증거 없애고‬ ‪내가 무사히 도망칠 수 있게 도와‬Destroy the evidence and then help me escape in one piece.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪한재정 검사가 죽기 전‬ ‪가지고 있던 파일‬The file that Prosecutor Han had before he died…
‪내가 가지고 있거든‬I can give it to you.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[수철의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪(수철) 아니야, 이건 아니야‬No way. You know this is wrong.
‪이 선택 옳지 않아, 이!‬No way. You know this is wrong. You can't do it. It's not right, okay?
‪한 검사가 가지고 있던 증거가‬ ‪굉장히 중요하다는 건 알겄어‬I understand that the file Lieutenant Han had is really important.
‪아, 그렇지만‬I know, but still, there is no way we're sneaking into a police station
‪우리들이 경찰서에 잠입해 가지고‬ ‪증거를 없애는 게 말이 되냐고!‬I know, but still, there is no way we're sneaking into a police station and then destroying the evidence.
‪(혜준) 내 말이 그거야‬Yeah, he's right.
‪그리고 저 음흉한 여자 말을‬ ‪진짜 믿는 거야?‬Do you believe what that woman told you?
‪(수철) 아, 그니께, 이?‬Yeah, seriously.
‪차라리 한 형사님한테‬ ‪협조를 구하는 것이…‬Come on, man. Just call Lieutenant Han and ask for help. -Come on. -No way.
‪아니!‬-Come on. -No way.
‪(한준) 어차피 반대할 거야‬She'd never do it. I know that.
‪아, 그리고 일이 잘못됐을 때‬ ‪내가 책임을 져야 될 거 아니야‬She'd never do it. I know that. And I need to be responsible for it in case anything goes wrong.
‪재희까지 끌어들일 순 없어‬I'm not dragging Jae-hui into this.
‪(혜준) 아, 그럼 오빠 혼자 해‬ ‪왜 우리까지 끌어들여?‬Then do everything yourself. Don't drag us into this either.
‪나 버릴 거야, 동생아? 응?‬ ‪[수철이 침을 퉤 뱉는다]‬Really, sis? You're sure? Huh?
‪[혜준의 한숨]‬It's not like that.
‪(혜준) 그게 아니라‬It's not like that.
‪지금 증거를 빼내는 데‬ ‪성공을 해도 실패를 해도‬It's just, whether you can get the evidence or not. No matter what you do, there's no winning here.
‪후폭풍이 있을 거라니까?‬No matter what you do, there's no winning here.
‪아니, 왜‬ ‪그거는 어떻게 책임질 건데?‬Come on, what are you going to do about that?
‪(수철) 내 말이‬ ‪[한준의 한숨]‬Listen to her.
‪아이, 파일 확보해서‬Listen to her. This is the only way I can think of
‪임고모, 고풀이‬ ‪한 방에 잡을 수 있는 방법이‬to get the file and catch Aunt Im and Gopuri all in one move.
‪이것밖에 없어서 그래‬to get the file and catch Aunt Im and Gopuri all in one move.
‪(한준) 지금까지 노력을‬ ‪헛수고로 만들 거야? 어?‬We're running out of time. You got a better idea? Huh?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 나중에 말하면‬Jae-hui will understand
‪재희도 이해해 줄 거야, 씨‬ ‪[수철이 흐느낀다]‬when I tell her afterwards.
‪[혜준의 답답한 탄식]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬when I tell her afterwards.
‪(수철) [흐느끼며] 어머니, 아버지‬when I tell her afterwards. Mom and Dad, your son is going to prison.
‪저 이제 잡혀가유‬Mom and Dad, your son is going to prison.
‪[혜준의 한숨]‬Mom and Dad, your son is going to prison.
‪(혜준) 좋게 됐구먼‬We're so screwed.
‪(혜준) [한숨 쉬며] 밤새‬ ‪한숨도 못 잘 거면서‬You didn't sleep at all last night.
‪이 짓을 꼭 해야겠어?‬You didn't sleep at all last night. Are you sure you wanna do this?
‪난 분명히 경고했다‬Don't say I didn't warn you.
‪증거 보관실 CCTV는?‬Did you hack the camera in the evidence room?
‪뭐, 다행히 아직 해킹한 건‬ ‪눈치 못 챈 거 같아‬Did you hack the camera in the evidence room? Thankfully, they haven't noticed I've hacked into it yet.
‪[나단의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪아, 혜준 누나도 있는데‬ ‪왜 매번 제가 여장이에요?‬Why am I always the woman? Hye-jun is right there, you know.
‪(혜준) 씁, 나는, 어?‬ ‪경찰서도 해킹하는 능력자니까‬Why am I always the woman? Hye-jun is right there, you know. Because see, my talent is hacking into police stations.
‪(나단) 아, 나단이도‬ ‪멋진 거 하고 싶은데, 음‬Yeah, but I wanna do some of the cool stuff too. Really? Suck it up, kid. That's how life works.
‪인생이 원래 그런 거란다‬Really? Suck it up, kid. That's how life works.
‪(나단) 쯧‬Really? Suck it up, kid. That's how life works.
‪[나단의 고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪바나나우유로 하느냐‬ ‪딸기우유로 하느냐‬Banana-flavored milk or strawberry-flavored milk.
‪그것이 문제로다‬That is the question.
‪그냥 아무거나 해라‬Come on, just pick one already.
‪(나단) 이게‬ ‪얼마나 중요한 문제인데‬But this is really important. How could I pick one?
‪아니, 아무거나라니‬But this is really important. How could I pick one?
‪아, 약효만 확실하면 되지‬But this is really important. How could I pick one? Who cares as long as the drug works?
‪그냥 아무 우유나 해‬Just pick one, all right?
‪[마우스 조작음]‬ ‪(재희) 저, 이거 확대한 거‬ ‪프린트해서 뽑아 줘‬Can you magnify that? And then print me a copy.
‪(상협) 알겠습니다‬Yes, Lieutenant.
‪이 새끼가, 씨‬Those sons of bitches.
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬Okay.
‪(두진) 임고모가‬ ‪밀항하려는 거 같아‬I think Aunt Im wants to leave the country.
‪밀항 브로커 정보원한테‬I sent the picture of her and Steward Kang
‪임고모하고 강 집사 사진을‬ ‪보내 줬는데‬I sent the picture of her and Steward Kang to a broker I know at the docks.
‪그저께 강 집사가‬He said he's already seen Kang there. She was there looking for a ship to China.
‪중국 밀항을 알아보려고‬ ‪찾아왔었대‬He said he's already seen Kang there. She was there looking for a ship to China.
‪밀항 일정은요?‬When do they plan to leave?
‪(도청 속 두진) 정하진 않았는데‬We haven't gotten an itinerary yet.
‪(혜준) 과연‬ ‪이게 옳은 일인가 싶다‬We haven't gotten an itinerary yet. I don't think we should be doing this.
‪(나단) 걸리면 감방 가기 전에‬Yeah, you know, if you get caught,
‪형사 누나 손에‬ ‪먼저 죽을 거 같은데‬the detective lady will kill you before she arrests you.
‪(한준) 아유, 나도 아니까‬ ‪그만하고 얼른 준비해‬Ugh, I know. So just shut up and get ready, okay?
‪(나단) 네‬Okay.
‪[나단이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬Okay.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪자, 씁‬All right.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[혜준의 한숨]‬
‪[상협이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[상협의 힘주는 숨소리]‬Oh, there.
‪(상협) 자‬Oh, there.
‪내가 적을게‬I'll write it down for you.
‪[한숨]‬I'll write it down for you.
‪애들은 잘 커?‬So how are the kids?
‪다 컸지, 뭐, 이제 혼자 자는데‬Oh, they're finally sleeping in their own room.
‪[볼펜을 툭 던지며] 난‬ ‪네가 부럽다, 간다‬Oh, you're making me jealous. Bye.
‪(경일) 볼펜, 이씨, 자꾸, 씨‬ ‪제자리에 놔, 가‬Oh, you're making me jealous. Bye. Hey, the pen. Put it back after you use it. Jeez.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬ ‪[게임 효과음]‬
‪(나단) 배달입니다‬Delivery.
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬
‪그, 서장님이‬ ‪간식 돌리라고 하셔서요‬The chief told me to hand out some snacks.
‪(경일) [웃으며] 야‬ ‪서장님이 웬일이래?‬Well, that doesn't sound like the chief.
‪(나단) 씁, 이거 드시고 힘내세요‬Thanks for all your hard work.
‪아, 고마워요, 예‬ ‪[나단의 웃음]‬Oh, thank you.
‪[경일의 웃음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬POLICE
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[시스템 알림음]‬ ‪(경일) 아나‬Oh, jeez. I keep telling them not to move this, but they keep doing it anyway.
‪(도청 속 경일) 아, 이거‬ ‪옮기는 거 아니라니까‬Oh, jeez. I keep telling them not to move this, but they keep doing it anyway.
‪그, 계속 똑같은 실수를…‬Oh, jeez. I keep telling them not to move this, but they keep doing it anyway.
‪(혜준) 이대론 안 될 것 같은데‬ ‪어떡해?‬don't think our plan is working. What do we do?
‪(한준) 아유, 플랜 B로 가자‬What do we do? -Let's go to plan B. -We have a plan B?
‪(나단) 플랜 B가 있었어요?‬-Let's go to plan B. -We have a plan B?
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(혜준) 몰라‬Oh, I don't know.
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[목을 가다듬으며] 아, 아, 아‬Oh, I don't know.
‪아, 아, 음‬Yes, hello?
‪(경일) 여보세요‬Yes, hello?
‪(한준) 김경일 씨?‬ ‪쌍둥이 아버님 되시죠?‬Kim Gyeong-il? You're the twin's father, right?
‪예, 교통사고가 났는데‬You see, they were in an accident. Come right away. They need you here.
‪보호자님께서 와 주셔야겠어요‬You see, they were in an accident. Come right away. They need you here.
‪(경일) 아, 교, 교, 교, 교‬ ‪교통사고요?‬No! A ca… a car accident?
‪(한준) 네‬ ‪뭐, 크게 다치진 않았는데‬Yes, but don't worry, you're kids are fine.
‪아기 엄마가 좀 놀랐나 봐요‬Yes, but don't worry, you're kids are fine. It's your wife that took quite a hit.
‪여기 신명 성모 병원 응급실이니까‬I'm calling from the ER of St. Mary's at Sinmyeong,
‪아, 보호자님 빨리 와 주세요‬I'm calling from the ER of St. Mary's at Sinmyeong, so please come here and make it quick.
‪아, 예, 예, 예, 아, 일단‬ ‪예, 아, 알겠습니다, 예, 예, 예‬Uh, y-y-yes, yes. Thank you for telling me. Thank you so much.
‪[헛기침]‬ ‪(혜준) 와, 진짜 못됐다‬Wow, that was just horrible.
‪아무리 급해도 그렇지‬ ‪어떻게 쌍둥이를 팔아먹냐?‬I know this is important, but did you have to use the kids?
‪나도 내 임기응변이‬ ‪이렇게까지 쪽팔렸던 적이 없다‬I know this is important, but did you have to use the kids? Yeah, I know. And I'm so ashamed of my innate ability to improvise.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(경일) 아나, 진짜‬Oh, god.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬Oh, god.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪하, 제발, 제발, 제발, 제발‬Come on, come on, come on.
‪(혜준) 95, 96, 97…‬Ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven…
‪(경일) 아, 아, 어떤 놈이‬ ‪경찰한테 겁도 없이‬-Please send it. -Jeez, who the hell has the nerve to prank call the police. It's unbelievable.
‪장난 전화질이야! 아이‬to prank call the police. It's unbelievable.
‪됐다‬Got it.
‪[혜준의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪(나단) 온다, 온다, 온다‬He's coming.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬ ‪[경일의 성난 한숨]‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(경일) 아, 제정신인가, 진짜?‬Unbelievable. My god.
‪와, 나…‬Unbelievable. My god.
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪아, 쌍둥이 아빠인 건‬ ‪어떻게 알았지? 쯧‬How the hell do they know I have twins?
‪(경일) 아이씨‬
‪[경일의 헛기침]‬ ‪[부글거리는 소리]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[경일의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 목소리로] 이거 괜찮은데‬ ‪[부글거리는 소리]‬It's not expired yet.
‪아유, 아‬ ‪뭘, 뭘 먹은 거야, 도대체‬What did I eat? Oh, god.
‪[나단이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[상협의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) 나랑 선배님은‬Detective Jang and I are going into the broker's office,
‪브로커 사무실 내부로‬ ‪들어갈 테니까‬Detective Jang and I are going into the broker's office, so you two cut off the escape routes and keep watch.
‪두 사람은 도주로 차단하고‬ ‪주변 경계해‬ ‪[상협과 광태가 호응한다]‬so you two cut off the escape routes and keep watch. -Yes, Lieutenant. -Yes.
‪(두진) 브로커 말고도‬-Yes, Lieutenant. -Yes. I'm sure my guy isn't the only one working with the stowaway gang,
‪밀항 조직에 협력하는 놈들이‬ ‪분명 있을 거니까‬I'm sure my guy isn't the only one working with the stowaway gang,
‪다들 조심들 하자고‬-so everyone, be careful. -Yes, sir.
‪- (광태) 예‬ ‪- (상협) 알겠습니다‬-so everyone, be careful. -Yes, sir.
‪- (두진) 가자‬ ‪- (상협) 여기, 예‬Okay.
‪- (광태) 네‬ ‪- (상협) 수갑 챙겨‬-Let's go. -Get the cuffs.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(재희) 남한준 씨‬Oh, Mr. Nam.
‪마침 임고모 체포하러 가던 참인데‬I was just about to go and arrest Aunt Im.
‪임고모 밀항 안 해‬She won't be going anywhere.
‪(한준) 체포 영장, 출국 금지‬The arrest warrant, the travel ban…
‪다 취소될 거라‬they're going to be revoked, so she can leave the country scot-free.
‪그냥 당당하게 출국하면 돼‬they're going to be revoked, so she can leave the country scot-free.
‪(두진) 예?‬What? We have the evidence, why would the warrant be revoked?
‪증거가 있는데‬ ‪영장이 취소되다니요?‬We have the evidence, why would the warrant be revoked?
‪그게 무슨 소리예요?‬What are you talking about?
‪그 증거‬The evidence… it's all useless now.
‪아무 소용 없어졌거든‬The evidence… it's all useless now.
‪임고모랑‬You're telling me…
‪거래를 했다고요?‬you made a deal with her?
‪상황이 급박하게 돌아가서‬ ‪설명할 시간이 없었어‬I had to move fast, so I didn't have time to tell you.
‪내가 안중에도‬ ‪없었던 건 아니고요?‬You sure it wasn't 'cause you didn't care what I'd say?
‪(재희) 이렇게 엄청난 일을‬What the hell were you thinking?
‪어떻게 한마디 상의도 없이‬ ‪저지를 수가 있어요?‬How could you do something like this without talking to me?
‪(한준) 그럼 같이‬ ‪증거 훼손하자고 할까?‬Should I have asked you to destroy it for me?
‪넌 형사고 다칠 게 뻔한데‬ ‪내가 어떻게 그래‬You're with the police. How could I have asked you to do something like that?
‪지금…‬You mean…
‪날 위해서 그랬다는 거예요?‬Are you saying you did this for me?
‪[두진의 한숨]‬
‪(상협) 야, 근데 아무리 그래도‬ ‪그런 엄청난 짓을 하냐‬Jeez, I still can't believe he would do something like that.
‪(두진) 에이씨‬ ‪이번엔 도사님 편 못 들어 주겠네‬Yeah, there's no way I can take his side this time.
‪(상협) 예‬Yeah, there's no way I can take his side this time. -Yeah. -Listen, Han, let's get him.
‪(두진) 한 팀장, 봐주지 마‬ ‪한귀로 변해서 때려 버려‬-Yeah. -Listen, Han, let's get him. Don't go easy on him. Let's beat him up.
‪(광태) 근데요‬ ‪싸우는데 뭔가 애정이 느껴지네요‬Don't go easy on him. Let's beat him up. They're fighting, but it still feels like there's something there.
‪씁, 부부 싸움 같달까?‬They're fighting, but it still feels like there's something there. They're like a married couple.
‪(도원) 남녀 관계는‬ ‪끝까지 가 봐야 알죠‬You never know how relationships might turn out.
‪- (광태) 그렇지, 그렇지‬ ‪- (두진) 그렇죠‬-That's true. -Yeah.
‪[땡 울리는 효과음]‬ ‪- (두진) 오?‬ ‪- (광태) 어, 깜짝이야‬Oh, you scared me.
‪(두진) 검사님‬ ‪언제부터 거기 계셨어요?‬Oh, you scared me. Mr. Cha, how long have you been there?
‪남한준 씨가‬ ‪증거 훼손했다고 했을 때부터요‬I've been here since… since Nam Han-jun said he destroyed the evidence.
‪(두진) 아, 그럼 다 들으셨네‬Oh. -So the whole time? -Mm.
‪아, 이제 어쩌나‬What do we do now?
‪어떡하긴 뭘 어떡합니까?‬What do you mean what do we do now?
‪(도원) [힘주며] 남한준 씨 계획이‬ ‪뭔지 들어 봐야죠‬We've got to hear what Nam Han-jun's plan is.
‪(상협) 예?‬We've got to hear what Nam Han-jun's plan is. What?
‪(도원) 남한준 씨, 일단‬ ‪우리가 납득할 수 있게 설명을…‬Nam Han-jun, please… explain it to us so we can understand.
‪설명할 필요 없어요‬There's nothing to explain.
‪(재희) 공조하자고 했던 말도‬ ‪취소할게요‬I take back everything I said. You and I are done.
‪[한숨]‬I take back everything I said. You and I are done.
‪(한준) 한재희, 내 말 좀 들어 봐‬Listen, -I can explain. -No.
‪(재희) 아니요‬-I can explain. -No.
‪그동안 결과만 좋으면‬Until now, I was understanding
‪수단, 방법 안 가리는 당신 방식‬ ‪이해했어요‬Until now, I was understanding about you having to do whatever it takes to get what you want.
‪아니, 함께하면서 응원했어요‬In fact, I've been behind you this whole time,
‪얼마나 절박한지 잘 아니까‬because I know how desperate you are.
‪근데 이제 확실히 알겠네요‬But it's all too clear to me now.
‪결과만 내면 되는 게 아니라‬It's not all about the results.
‪그 과정도 절차도‬ ‪정의로워야 한다는 거‬What we do and how we do it, it has to be done right.
‪적어도 경찰인 난‬ ‪그러지 말아야 된다는 거‬As a police officer, that's how things should be done.
‪이제 난‬ ‪내 방식대로 수사할 테니까‬So listen, I am going to do this my own way now,
‪남한준 씨 당신은‬So listen, I am going to do this my own way now, so you should just go. Leave.
‪그만 자기 자리로 돌아가세요‬so you should just go. Leave. You can do whatever you want.
‪(한준) 임고모가‬ ‪재정이 파일을 가지고 있어‬Aunt Im has your brother's file.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪재정이가 죽기 전에‬Jae-jeong said he found the killer.
‪피해자와 범인의 접점을‬ ‪찾았다고 했는데‬He said he knew everything right before he died.
‪그 파일을 임고모가 가지고 있다고‬And Aunt Im says she has that file.
‪재정이가 알아냈던 거야‬ ‪고풀이의 정체를‬Jae-jeong must have found out who Gopuri really was.
‪(도원) 아, 그래서‬ ‪한 검사를 죽인 거네요‬Oh, so that's why he killed Prosecutor Han.
‪(한준) 그 파일만 있으면‬ ‪고풀이 그 새끼 잡을 수 있어‬If we can get that file, you'll be able to catch him.
‪내가 임고모 움직여서‬ ‪파일이랑 고풀이 둘 다 찾아낼게‬I'll try to handle Auntie Im, then both the file and Gopuri will be ours.
‪고풀이 잡겠다고‬ ‪임고모 풀어 줄 순 없어요‬I can't let her go just to get to Gopuri.
‪지금 가지고 있는 증거로는‬With the evidence we have now,
‪임고모도 차승원도‬ ‪제대로 처벌 못 하잖아‬With the evidence we have now, we can't give neither of them the punishment they deserve.
‪특수 교사 혐의 입증할 자신 있어?‬Are you sure that you can prove their guilt?
‪(한준) 기껏해야‬ ‪사체 은닉 정도겠지‬All we can prove is that they hid the corpse.
‪(두진) 그러면 도사님은‬All we can prove is that they hid the corpse. So wait, Mr. Shaman,
‪그 임고모랑 차승원‬ ‪다 잡을 수 있다는 겁니까?‬So wait, Mr. Shaman, you're saying you can get both Aunt Im and Cha Seung-won?
‪구태수만 만나게 해 주면‬If you let me talk to Gu Tae-su,
‪(한준) 임고모가‬ ‪살인을 교사했단 증언 받아 낼게‬I'll get him to testify that Aunt Im told him to do it.
‪그 증언으로 임고모 체포하면 돼‬We can use that testimony to arrest her.
‪우리가 임고모 데리고 있거든‬Right now, we have her at Minamdang.
‪(두진) 임고모도‬ ‪도사님이 데리고 있다고요?‬Hold on a minute. You have Aunt Im, too?
‪아, 그, 임고모와 그 윗선을‬Well, you… I think you really do have a point about getting the two of them
‪한 번에 잡겠다는 남한준 씨의 말‬ ‪뭐, 일리는 있어요‬Well, you… I think you really do have a point about getting the two of them -all in one move. That's possible. -But there are no guarantees.
‪(재희) 하지만 그 계획이‬ ‪성공한다는 보장은 없잖아요‬-all in one move. That's possible. -But there are no guarantees. We don't know if your plan is gonna work or not.
‪고풀이 잡고 싶은 마음에 했다지만‬I know I did something I shouldn't have, even if it was to catch Gopuri.
‪(한준) 해서는 안 될 짓 했다는 거‬I know I did something I shouldn't have, even if it was to catch Gopuri.
‪나도 잘 알아‬I know that.
‪용서하기 힘들겠지만‬You don't have to forgive me,
‪고풀이 잡을 수 있게‬ ‪한 번만 더 기회를 줘‬but give me one more chance to catch this guy.
‪- (한준) 부탁할게‬ ‪- (두진) 아유, 예‬-I'm begging you. -Oh.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(도원) 일단‬Why don't…
‪남한준 씨 계획대로‬ ‪한번 해 보는 게 어떨까요?‬Why don't we just go through with his plan for now?
‪뭐, 위험한 방법이긴 한데‬Well, yes, his plan is dangerous,
‪그래도 지금으로선‬ ‪이게 가장 최선인 거 같은데‬but I think that it is our best option right now.
‪(두진) 그래‬Yeah.
‪아니, 안 되면‬And if that doesn't work, we can just go back to doing it our way.
‪그때 다시‬ ‪우리 방식대로 진행하자고‬And if that doesn't work, we can just go back to doing it our way.
‪(광태) 그래요, 팀장님‬ ‪도사님 한 번만 더 믿어 봐요‬I think they're right. Lieutenant Han, let's give him one more chance.
‪좋아요‬All right, then. But listen,
‪(재희) 대신‬All right, then. But listen,
‪한 번만 더 독단적으로 행동하면‬ ‪정말 끝이에요‬if you ever make a decision without telling me again, it's over.
‪그리고 이번 일‬Don't even try to say you're sorry.
‪나한테 용서 같은 거‬ ‪바라지도 말고‬I don't wanna hear anything you have to say to me.
‪말도 걸지 마세요‬Stick to the investigation.
‪수사만 해요, 수사만‬Do you understand me? That's it.
‪아…‬Uh… wait.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪(한준) 아니, 그렇게‬ ‪극단적일 필요가 있을까?‬Uh… wait. Do you really have to go that far, huh?
‪아, 무슨 일이야?‬Yeah, what is it?
‪(수철) 성, 여기 전쟁 났어‬Hey, it's a warzone back here.
‪혜준이랑 임고모랑‬Hye-jun and Auntie Im are this close to tearing each other's hair out.
‪머리끄댕이 잡고 싸우기‬ ‪일보 직전이여‬Hye-jun and Auntie Im are this close to tearing each other's hair out.
‪아이, 나도 비상이니까‬ ‪네가 알아서 정리해, 씨‬Look, I'm busy, so take care of it yourself. Jeez.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬Look, I'm busy, so take care of it yourself. Jeez.
‪나도 전쟁 중이구먼‬Can you believe this guy?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪좋게 됐네, 그냥‬I'm so screwed.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(고모) 난‬ ‪이런 천박한 음식 안 먹어‬No, I will not eat that sad thing you call food.
‪하, 천…‬Sad?
‪(혜준) 천박?‬Seriously?
‪당신이 뭔데‬ ‪배달 음식을 모욕하지?‬Who do you think you are insulting pizza like that?
‪당신 지금 그 발언‬You are declaring war
‪대한민국 수천만 피덕들에 대한‬ ‪선전 포고라고‬against every pizza lover in the entire country right now.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪아무튼 난 이딴 거 안 먹으니까‬ ‪제대로 된 음식 가져와‬I don't care what you think, I still won't eat it. So bring me some proper food.
‪- (혜준) 아이씨‬ ‪- (수철) 아이…‬Oh, jeez.
‪[혜준의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪(혜준) 저 쌍년이 저게, 씨…‬ ‪[수철의 다급한 탄성]‬-You stupid bitch-- -Wait.
‪- (수철) 아이, 아이…‬ ‪- (혜준) 확, 씨‬-You stupid bitch-- -Wait. Ah, calm down. Calm down.
‪(수철) 아, 이쁜 자기가 참아‬ ‪일단 이거부터 먹어, 이‬ ‪[혜준이 씩씩댄다]‬Ah, calm down. Calm down. You're way prettier than her. Be the bigger person.
‪(혜준) 안 먹어‬You're way prettier than her. Be the bigger person. -Have a bite. -No.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[지퍼 여는 소리]‬
‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(도원) 다 태워 버려‬Burn it all.
‪[고모의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(도원)‬Why do you have Prosecutor Han's files?
‪[태수의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[태수의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪화근이 될 물건이구나‬That file will bring us trouble.
‪경찰이 들이닥치는 바람에‬ ‪일단 챙겨 나왔습니다‬The police started to swarm around me, so I just grabbed what I could.
‪그건 내가 처리할 테니까‬ ‪넌 가서 치료부터 받아‬I'll take care of that for now. You go get your wounds looked at.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(고모) 제 목숨을 지킬‬ ‪수단이라 생각했습니다‬I was using it as leverage to protect my life.
‪(도원) 내가 그동안‬ ‪당신을 과대평가했군‬It seems I've overestimated you.
‪넌 남한준 계획에 놀아난 거야‬Nam Han-jun played you.
‪(고모) 그게 무슨 얘기입니까?‬What do you mean? PROSECUTOR CHA DO-WON
‪(도원) 남한준이‬ ‪경찰과 거래를 했어‬I just watched him make a deal with the police.
‪그 파일을 손에 넣자마자‬ ‪널 경찰에 넘기겠다고‬He'll turn you in as soon as he gets his hands on that file.
‪그놈 함정에 빠지고 싶지 않으면‬Unless you want to walk into his trap, you'll do as I tell you.
‪내 지시대로 움직여‬Unless you want to walk into his trap, you'll do as I tell you.
‪(고모) 제가 뭘 하면 되겠습니까?‬ ‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬What do you want me to do?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(한준) 임고모에 대한‬ ‪의리를 지키는 게‬Are you being loyal to Auntie Im
‪그 여자가‬ ‪은혜를 베풀었다고 믿어서야?‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬because you think you owe her some kind of debt?
‪그게 아니면‬Or is it that
‪임고모가 아니라도 언젠가 고풀이‬you believe that Gopuri is going to save you one day
‪그분이 구해 줄 거라고 믿어서야?‬if Auntie Im doesn't.
‪[한준이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪그분은 네가 죽든 말든‬ ‪관심 없는 거 같고‬I don't think Gopuri really cares if you live or die,
‪임고모가 은혜를 베풀어서라고‬ ‪믿어서라면‬and if you think you're in debt to Auntie Im for something,
‪그 의리‬well, I think…
‪내가 깨 줄 수 있을 거 같은데‬I have something that might shake you.
‪(녹음 속 한준) 그럼 구태수‬ ‪그놈 신분 세탁은 왜 해 준 거야?‬Okay, so tell me, why did you have to give him a new identity? It would have been better to leave him as a ghost
‪언제 버려도 의심받지 않게 하려면‬It would have been better to leave him as a ghost
‪그대로 유령으로 두는 게‬ ‪나았을 텐데‬so you could get rid of him whenever you needed to.
‪(녹음 속 고모) 유령처럼‬ ‪살아야 할 놈이‬It was bad enough that we share the same last name.
‪자꾸 삶에 미련을 가지더라고‬It was bad enough that we share the same last name.
‪그래서 죽은 사람 신분으로‬ ‪살라 그런 거야‬It was bad enough that we share the same last name. But he kept clinging on to dear life, when he should've been living as a ghost.
‪그럼 다시‬ ‪악귀처럼 살게 될 테니까‬when he should've been living as a ghost.
‪(한준) 이 여자는 널 한 번도‬ ‪진심으로 생각한 적 없어‬You see, she never really cared about you at all.
‪그러니까‬You have to break free from this fantasy she planted in your head.
‪이제 그만 임고모가 심은‬ ‪환상 속에서 벗어나‬You have to break free from this fantasy she planted in your head.
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪남한준‬Nam Han-jun.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬Nam Han-jun.
‪그때 널 죽였어야 했어‬I should have killed you back then.
‪평생 어린애 같은 환상에서‬ ‪살고 싶었나?‬Do you wanna live in that childish fantasy your whole life?
‪(한준) 그게 아니라면 말해‬If not, then just tell me.
‪너한테 살인을 사주한 사람‬Was it Auntie Im that told you…
‪임고모 맞지?‬to kill all those people?
‪[퍽 때리는 소리]‬
‪[태수의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(도원) 전경철‬ ‪임고모가 죽이라고 시킨 거야?‬Jeon Gyeong-cheol. Did she give you the order to kill him?
‪아, 죄송합니다‬ ‪전 도련님 지시인 줄 알고…‬Jeon Gyeong-cheol. Did she give you the order to kill him? I'm sorry Prosecutor Cha, I thought you were the one ordering it.
‪난 그런 지시 한 적 없어, 씨‬I never gave an order like that.
‪경찰들이 오면 날 치고 도망가‬When the police get here, hit me and then run.
‪(도원) 여기예요!‬-Yes, sir. -Over here.
‪[도원의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(태수) 남한준이 캠핑카까지‬ ‪찾아낼 줄은 몰랐습니다‬It never occurred to me that Nam Han-jun would find the RV.
‪(도원) 노트북에 있는‬ ‪명단을 파고들면‬It'd be bad for us if he finds that list on the laptop.
‪우리가 위험해지는데…‬It'd be bad for us if he finds that list on the laptop.
‪고모부가 형 비리 증거‬ ‪다 모아 뒀다고 했지?‬You said Uncle kept proof of Seung-won's corruption, right?
‪(태수) 로열층 비밀 금고에‬ ‪보관 중입니다‬In a safe on the VIP floor. It's all in there.
‪(도원) 남한준이‬ ‪그 금고를 털게 만들어야겠어‬I'll convince Nam Han-jun to go looking for that safe.
‪내가 남한준을 유인하면‬ ‪넌 기다렸다가 자료를 빼돌려서‬You wait there, and when I lure him in, you take the data, and give all of it to Seung-won.
‪형한테 갖다줘‬and give all of it to Seung-won.
‪형이 그걸 보고 미쳐 날뛰면‬He'll see it and then he'll go crazy, which will make Nam Han-jun suspect him even more.
‪남한준은‬ ‪형을 더 의심하게 될 거고‬which will make Nam Han-jun suspect him even more.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그럼 우린‬ ‪두 사람이 싸우는 걸 지켜보다가‬which will make Nam Han-jun suspect him even more. And then, we can get rid of both of them as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
‪기회 봐서 둘 다 제거하면 돼‬as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
‪(재희) 표정 뭐야, 쯧‬What's with the look?
‪"엔조이 클럽"‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(태수) 차 대표가 박 회장을‬ ‪제거하라고 지시했습니다‬Director Cha gave me the order to get rid of Chairman Park.
‪(도원) 시키는 대로 해‬Do as he tells you.
‪대신 고풀이로 죽여‬But then, do it as Gopuri.
‪남한준이 차승원을‬That'll lead Nam Han-jun
‪자기가 쫓고 있는 고풀이라고‬ ‪착각할 수 있게‬to believe Cha Seung-won is Gopuri, and he'll go after him.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Consider it done.
‪(태수) 저한테 살인을 사주한 사람‬Auntie Im was the one who gave the orders.
‪고모님이 맞습니다‬She told me to kill them all.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪(광태) 와, 대박‬Wow, amazing. Looks like he really got him to confess.
‪도사님이 정말‬ ‪자백을 받아 내셨네요?‬Wow, amazing. Looks like he really got him to confess.
‪(상협) 아니‬ ‪이번 일로 좀 실망하긴 했는데‬I mean, it was disappointing to find out what he did,
‪이, 능력자인 건 인정이야, 응‬but he really is talented, I'll give him that.
‪- (상협) 인정‬ ‪- (광태) 네‬but he really is talented, I'll give him that. -Me too. -Now we just need to find that file
‪(두진) 이제 그 파일만 찾아서‬-Me too. -Now we just need to find that file
‪임고모랑 그 윗선 놈들‬ ‪싹 다 잡아들이면‬-Me too. -Now we just need to find that file and put Aunt Im and all her bosses behind bars
‪끝이다‬and we're done.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 이제‬ ‪제가 마무리하면 되겠네요‬For now, it's my turn to wrap it up.
‪(두진) 아, 예, 예‬-Hmm -Oh, right, yeah.
‪[두진이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[두진의 한숨]‬
‪(도원) 자백하신 내용 확인하시고‬Check the content of your confession,
‪서명하시면 됩니다‬and sign on the dotted line.
‪네, 다 맞습니다‬Yes, everything's correct.
‪[도원의 한숨]‬
‪[소리가 차단된다]‬
‪넌 나한테 반가운 까치였고‬You were always my magpie bringing good tidings.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪지금도 달라진 건 없어‬And nothing has changed since then.
‪(고모) 저주받은 아이구나?‬You, child, are cursed.
‪(어린 도원) 네가‬ ‪저주를 받았대도 상관없어‬Honestly, I don't care at all if you're really cursed.
‪이제 넌 내 반가운 까치야‬From now on, you will be my magpie.
‪위험하게 왜…‬It's dangerous. Why would you…
‪(도원) 상관없어‬Because you are what's important to me.
‪나한테 중요한 건 너니까‬Because you are what's important to me.
‪오늘 송치될 때 사고가 있을 거야‬There will be an accident when they move you today.
‪그때 기회 봐서 탈출해‬That'll be your chance to escape.
‪다음에 어떻게 할지는‬ ‪애들이 알려 줄 거야‬That'll be your chance to escape. My people will tell you what to do next.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪(두진) 도시락 왔습니다‬I brought you some lunch.
‪뭐라도 드시면서 하셔야지‬Here, you need to eat something.
‪아, 뭐, 다 끝났어요‬-I'm all done here. -Okay.
‪(두진) 예‬-I'm all done here. -Okay.
‪곧 다시 보죠, 구태수 씨‬I'll be seeing you soon, Mr. Gu.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(두진) 먹을 만할 거야‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Here you go. All right.
‪가시죠‬ ‪[두진이 호응한다]‬Let's go.
‪(도원) 식사하셨어요?‬-You eat anything? -Not yet.
‪(두진) 예, 검사님은요?‬-You eat anything? -Not yet.
‪[두진이 말한다]‬But I will.
‪(도원) 아, 이 정도면 임고모‬Wow, it looks like we have enough here to finally put Auntie Im behind bars.
‪충분히 체포할 수‬ ‪있을 거 같은데요?‬Wow, it looks like we have enough here to finally put Auntie Im behind bars.
‪(한준) 검찰로 송치할 때‬Detail more guards when you move in the Prosecutor's Office, just to be safe.
‪혹시 모르니까‬ ‪경호 인력 좀 더 보충해 줘‬Detail more guards when you move in the Prosecutor's Office, just to be safe.
‪왜요? 뭐, 무슨 일 있어요?‬Why? Did something happen?
‪구태수가 임고모에 대해‬ ‪자백한 걸 알면‬If Gopuri finds out Gu Tae-su confessed everything about Auntie Im,
‪(한준) 자기 정체도‬ ‪밝힐지 모른다는 불안감에‬If Gopuri finds out Gu Tae-su confessed everything about Auntie Im, then he might try to kill him out of fear that he might reveal his identity.
‪고풀이가 구태수를‬ ‪죽이려 할 수도 있어‬then he might try to kill him out of fear that he might reveal his identity.
‪(두진) 음‬Mm. Okay.
‪그럼 한 팀장이 도사님하고‬ ‪파일을 찾는 동안에‬Mm. Okay. Lieutenant Han and Mr. Shaman will look for the file.
‪우리가 직접 구태수 호송하자‬And we'll transport Gu Tae-su ourselves.
‪(상협과 광태) 예‬ ‪[두진이 호응한다]‬Okay.
‪미남당 사람들이 있다지만‬ ‪두 분으로 괜찮을까요?‬I know you have people at Minamdang, but will the two of you be enough?
‪(한준) 사람 많으면‬ ‪임고모가 의심할 거고‬She'll get suspicious if there're too many people.
‪그럼 고풀이 유인도 힘들어져‬Plus, it'll be hard to lure Gopuri in.
‪(재희) 파일 확보하는 대로‬ ‪연락드릴 테니까‬We'll call you as soon as we get the file,
‪검사님이 바로 합류해 주세요‬and then, you come and join us right after.
‪네, 그렇게 하죠‬Sure, I'll do that.
‪(한준) 아, 그리고‬Oh, hold on. This whole plan, it all stays between us, all right?
‪이 작전은 우리끼리만‬ ‪공유하는 걸로‬Oh, hold on. This whole plan, it all stays between us, all right?
‪(상협) 예‬ ‪[두진이 호응한다]‬Mm, okay.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Right.
‪[재희와 한준의 한숨]‬SU-CHEOL
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪어, 수철아‬Hey, Su-cheol.
‪(한준) 그 파일‬ ‪어디 있는지 말했어?‬Did she tell you where the file is?
‪그것이, 이‬About that,
‪(수철) 난리도 아니여‬-things are crazy here. -Hey, give me, give me.
‪(혜준) 아, 줘 봐, 줘 봐‬-things are crazy here. -Hey, give me, give me.
‪(수철) 아…‬ ‪[혜준의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪(혜준) 야‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬Hey!
‪체포 영장이랑 출국 금지‬ ‪둘 다 취소된 거‬I've shown her already that her arrest warrant
‪확인을 시켜 줬는데도‬and her travel ban have both been revoked.
‪이 쌍년이 입을 안 열어요‬and her travel ban have both been revoked. But this bitch still isn't saying a word.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(한준) 갑자기‬ ‪약속을 못 지키시겠다?‬Are you going back on your promise to me?
‪(고모) 내가 무사히‬ ‪출국할 수 있게 해 주면‬I'm going to give you the file, but first…
‪그때 넘겨줄게‬get me out of the country.
‪어차피 쉽게 넘겨줄 거라고‬ ‪기대도 안 했어‬I never thought it'd be so easy to get that file.
‪(한준) 씁, 그래서‬ ‪선물을 하나 준비했는데‬And that's why I've prepared a gift for you.
‪마음에 들지 모르겠네‬I don't know if you'll like it, though.
‪(혜준) 아, 그거?‬Ah, is that so?
‪[수철이 호응한다]‬Oh.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[수철의 힘주는 소리]‬Oh.
‪(수철) 이, 여기요‬Here.
‪"경고 : 비밀번호 오류"‬INVALID PASSWORD
‪(한준) [흥얼거리며] 내가 업신이‬Surprise! The god of wealth hasn't left you.
‪사라졌다고‬The god of wealth hasn't left you.
‪재물 복이 다 됐다고 했잖아‬I told you your luck would run out.
‪지금 뭐 하는 거야?‬What have you done?
‪아니, 그니께‬ ‪아까 피자 같이 드시지 그랬슈‬This is on you. You should've had pizza when you had the chance.
‪(수철) 야가 이 악물고 찾았어요‬She had a hard time finding it.
‪아마 한 푼도 못 건질걸유?‬You won't see a single penny.
‪내가 파일 넘겨주면‬So you'll give me my money…
‪계좌 열어 주는 거지?‬if I give you the file?
‪(한준) 걱정 마‬Don't worry.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪난 당신 돈이 아니라‬ ‪파일만 원하니까‬Don't worry. I just want the file. I don't want your money.
‪우린 출발할 준비 끝났는데‬ ‪어디서 만날까?‬We're all ready to go. Where do you want to meet?
‪(고모) 청각정 뒤 내 신당으로 와‬Come to the temple behind Cheonggakjeong.
‪(한준) 오케이‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬Okay.
‪(혜준) 뭐 해, 안 가?‬Well, get going.
‪(수철) 가유, 일어나유‬Let's go. Get up.
‪[수철의 웃음]‬Come on, come on. Move it.
‪가시죠‬Shall we?
‪- (두진) 예, 갑시다‬ ‪- (상협) 가자‬-Well, let's go. -Let's go.
‪[광태의 피곤한 소리]‬
‪(고모) 신당으로 유인했습니다‬I got him to go to the temple.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(도원) 이번엔 내가 직접 처리하지‬I'll take care of it myself this time.
‪(남 비서) 차 검사님이‬ ‪청각정 신당에 가셨답니다‬Prosecutor Cha is heading to the temple in Cheonggakjeong.
‪아무래도 임고모를‬ ‪만나시려는 거 같은데…‬Prosecutor Cha is heading to the temple in Cheonggakjeong. I think he's on his way to see Auntie Im.
‪도원이가 임고모를?‬Do-won's going to see Aunt Im?
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[출입문 종 소리]‬
‪밟아‬Step on it!
‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪- (수철) 성‬ ‪- (혜준) 아유‬Hey.
‪- (수철) 아유‬ ‪- (혜준) 아유‬Wow.
‪- 어, 고생했다‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬-Hey, good work. -Thanks.
‪(수철) 아이고‬ ‪우아하게 오시네, 그냥‬Well, would you look at her rattling in.
‪(고모) 이런‬ ‪형사님도 같이 오셨네?‬What's this? I see the lieutenant's here too.
‪그쪽이 가지고 있는 파일‬ ‪저한테도 중요한 거라서요‬That file that you have, it's important to me too.
‪(고모) 아‬Oh.
‪한 검사가 형사님 오빠였지?‬Prosecutor Han was your brother, wasn't he?
‪약속만 지켜 주면‬Just remember what you promised
‪오빠 죽인 사람이 누군지‬ ‪알 수 있게 될 거예요‬and you'll have everything you need to know about who killed him.
‪(한준) [한숨 쉬며] 너희들은‬ ‪혹시 모르니까‬You guys keep a good eye on her
‪이쪽에서 잘 감시해 줘‬-in case she tries to pull something. -Yeah, okay.
‪이, 그려‬-in case she tries to pull something. -Yeah, okay.
‪아, 그리고‬ ‪무슨 일 있으면 연락하고‬ ‪[지퍼 여는 소리]‬Give us a call if anything happens and take this.
‪(수철) 응, 이거 가져가‬You might need them.
‪내 신당에선 그런 건 무용지물이야‬Those aren't going to work in my temple.
‪(수철) 어유‬Jeez.
‪힘내‬Good luck.
‪(혜준) 싸가지, 저거…‬What a bitch.
‪[수철이 말한다]‬
‪[문이 끼익 닫힌다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[금고 조작음]‬
‪[금고 작동음]‬
‪오빠 필체 맞아요‬That's my brother's handwriting.
‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪파일 내용 보고 싶으면‬ ‪계좌부터 풀어‬If you want to see what's in this file, give me my account back.
‪그래, 씨‬Fine.
‪계좌 비밀번호 뭐야?‬-What's the account password? -Huh?
‪(수철) 이? 아, 그것이‬ ‪그, 비번 설정할 때 말이여, 그…‬-What's the account password? -Huh? Oh, Hye-jun wasn't exactly in the right mind
‪혜준이가 그, 제정신이 아니었어‬when she made the password.
‪(혜준) 응‬Mm, it's 18, 18, 18, 18.
‪18, 18, 18, 18‬Mm, it's 18, 18, 18, 18.
‪18 네 번‬Four ones and eights.
‪18181818‬One, eight, one, eight, one, eight, one, eight.
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[문을 두드리며] 이게‬ ‪뭐 하는 짓이에요?‬Open this door.
‪- (재희) 문 열어!‬ ‪- (한준) 문 열어, 임고모!‬-Open it! -What are you doing?
‪날 미끼로 그분을‬ ‪잡을 수 있을 거라 생각했겠지만‬You thought you could catch him using me as bait, but you were dead wrong.
‪(고모) 틀렸어‬but you were dead wrong.
‪그분이 그 파일을 미끼로‬ ‪너희들을 잡은 거야‬He was catching you using that file as bait.
‪수철아, 임고모 윗선이 와 있어‬Su-cheol, Auntie Im's boss is here.
‪(한준) 임고모 도망 못 치게 막고‬ ‪그 새끼부터 잡아‬Don't let her escape and make sure to catch him first.
‪공수철‬Kong Su-cheol. There's no signal.
‪통신이 안 돼‬Kong Su-cheol. There's no signal.
‪신당이 닫히면서‬ ‪전파가 차단된 거 같아요‬She must've jammed the signal when she locked the temple.
‪[문 두드리는 소리]‬
‪(재희) [문을 두드리며] 문 열어!‬Open the door!
‪[문 두드리는 소리]‬Open the door!
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬ ‪[문 두드리는 소리]‬Damn it.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) 재희야, 가스야‬ ‪입 막아야 돼‬Jae-hui, it's gas. Cover your mouth.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[옅은 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[한준이 콜록거린다]‬
‪[한준의 힘겨운 소리]‬
‪(한준) 아이씨‬
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[한준의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪아이씨‬Uh, damn it.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[허탈한 숨소리]‬
‪[수철의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(도원) 남한준 씨‬Nam Han-jun…
‪당신을 임희숙 살해 혐의로‬ ‪긴급 체포 합니다‬you are under arrest for the murder of Im Hui-suk.
‪[수철이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪잠깐 나와 봐유, 잠깐만유‬Let me go. Please, let me go.
‪[수철이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(고모) 이제 어떻게 하실 겁니까?‬So what are you going to do now?
‪다시는 자기 욕망 때문에‬Anyone who blasphemes my judgment for their own selfish desires…
‪내 심판을 더럽힐 수 없게‬Anyone who blasphemes my judgment for their own selfish desires…
‪처단해야지‬must be eliminated.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬ ‪(태수) 어차피 죽을 목숨‬You're going to die anyway,
‪조금이라도 쓸모 있게 가시죠‬so you might as well make yourself useful.
‪[고모의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[푹 찌르는 소리]‬
‪[쓱 빼는 소리]‬
‪[고모의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[털썩 쓰러지는 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬You've…
‪심판자 놀이에 미쳐서‬You've gone mad casting judgment…
‪(고모) [힘겨운 목소리로] 결국‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪저놈 손에 죽게 될 거야‬…and you will end up dying by his hands.
‪[쓱 뽑는 소리]‬
‪[툭 던지는 소리]‬
‪[푹 찌르는 소리]‬ ‪[고모의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(한준) 예언 하나 하지‬But here's a prophecy.
‪임고모 당신‬Auntie Im, you will confess and tell me everything.
‪[쓱 뽑는 소리]‬ ‪모든 진실을 밝히고 자수해‬Auntie Im, you will confess and tell me everything.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪그러지 않으면‬Auntie Im, you will confess and tell me everything. 'Cause if you don't, you're eventually going to die
‪당신이 모시던 그분 손에‬ ‪결국 죽게 될 거야‬ ‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬'Cause if you don't, you're eventually going to die at the hands of the man you serve.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(승원) 내가 다 봤어‬I saw everything.
‪[분한 탄성]‬ ‪네 얼굴도 선명하게 잘 찍혔으니까‬The video shows your face clearly, so don't even try to deny it.
‪잡아뗄 생각 하지 마‬so don't even try to deny it. I want you to bring them by tomorrow,
‪(도원) 내일까지 나한테 넘겨‬I want you to bring them by tomorrow,
‪그럼 최강 그룹 회장 자리는‬ ‪형 게 될 거야‬I want you to bring them by tomorrow, and then, you can be Choekang's chairman, bro. Mr. Nam's gone too.
‪(재희) 남한준 씨도 사라졌어요‬Mr. Nam's gone too.
‪(두진) 그럼 지금 우리 중에‬ ‪내부 스파이라도 있다는 얘기야?‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬Let me get this straight. Are you saying that one of us is a spy?
‪(한준) [속삭이며] 내가‬ ‪고풀이 새끼 정체를 알아냈거든‬Because I finally figured out who Gopuri is.
‪차승원을 미끼로 쓸 거야‬We'll use Cha Seung-won. Considering your relationship with the suspect,
‪(도원) 한 경위님은‬ ‪이 사건에서 빠지는 게 좋겠네요‬Considering your relationship with the suspect, I think it's best that you stay off the case.
‪(수철) 어? 납치 아니여?‬ ‪[재희의 비명]‬Kidnappers!
‪(한준) 네가 감히‬ ‪나를 가지고 놀아?‬You wanna play with me, huh?
‪받은 만큼, 아니, 그 이상으로‬ ‪가지고 놀아 주겠어‬Well, you know what? Two can play that game. Just wait and see.

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