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  신입사관 구해령 19

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung 19


‪(이림)‬ ‪뒤쪽에도 없느냐?‬Is it not in the back either?
‪(해령)‬ ‪예, 흔적도 없습니다‬No, there isn't even a trace.
‪[이림과 해령의 한숨]‬
‪혹시 누가 벌써‬ ‪찾아갔을 가능성은 없습니까?‬By any chance, is there a possibility that someone else has taken it already?
‪평생을 여기 살았다‬ ‪[해령의 한숨]‬I lived here my whole life.
‪만약 그런 게 발견됐다면‬ ‪내가 몰랐을 리 없어‬If something like that was found here, I would have known for sure.
‪마마가 사시기 전엔‬ ‪여긴 오랫동안 버려진 곳이었으니‬And before you began to live here, this place was deserted for a long time,
‪누가 여길 뒤져 봤을 리도 없고요‬so no one would have searched here.
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[해령의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪[이림과 해령의 한숨]‬
‪여긴 제가 찾겠습니다‬I'll take another look over here. You should get some rest.
‪마마는 쉬십시오‬I'll take another look over here. You should get some rest.
‪(이림)‬ ‪괜찮다‬I'm fine.
‪아직 어깨가 다 낫지도 않으셨습니다‬Your shoulder isn't even well yet.
‪괜히 덧나면 무지 고생하십니다‬If it gets infected, it will give you a hard time.
‪(해령)‬ ‪왜요?‬-Why? -Do you not care?
‪넌 아무렇지도 않으냐?‬-Why? -Do you not care?
‪(이림)‬ ‪내가‬I might not be
‪네가 생각하던 사람이‬ ‪아닐 수도 있는데‬the person you always thought I was.
‪제가 생각하는 마마가‬Then what do you believe
‪어떨 거 같은데요?‬I think of you?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪저에게 마마는‬To me, you are a weird person
‪여인의 '여' 자도 모르면서‬ ‪염정 소설은 기가 막히게 써내고‬who can write amazing romance novels when you don't know a thing about women.
‪호랑이는 무서워하면서‬ ‪사랑 앞에선 뭐든지 할 수 있는‬Also, you're someone who's scared of tigers, but who can do anything when it comes to love.
‪그런 이상한 분이십니다‬but who can do anything when it comes to love.
‪그리고 들꽃 한 송이‬ ‪쉽게 꺾는 법이 없으시고‬And you never even pick a flower recklessly.
‪창가에는 언제나 새들을 위해서‬ ‪쌀알을 놓아 주시지요‬You always leave rice grains on the windowsill for birds.
‪(해령)‬ ‪그게 제가 아는 도원 대군입니다‬That is the Prince Dowon that I know.
‪어떤 일이 있어도 변하지 않는‬You'll always be the person I know.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(의금부 도사)‬ ‪내시부 상제 홍일섭, 잡아라!‬Eunuch Hong Il-seop of the Office of Eunuchs. Get him!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[사내의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[사내의 저항하는 신음]‬Darn it.
‪[나인들의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪들어오거라‬Come in.
‪(귀재)‬ ‪자백을 받았습니다, 대비전이라 합니다‬He made a confession. It was the Queen Dowager's doing.
‪그대로 올리라 전하거라‬-Tell them to report it as it is. -Yes, my lord.
‪(귀재)‬ ‪예, 대감‬-Tell them to report it as it is. -Yes, my lord.
‪'호담선생전'을 유포한 곳이‬ ‪대비전이란 말입니까?‬Are you saying the Queen Dowager was the one who spread The Story of Ho Dam?
‪(도승지)‬ ‪예, 의금부에서 올라온 추안입니다‬Yes, we received a report from the Royal Investigation Bureau.
‪이 일에 가담한 궁인들을 심문한 결과‬They questioned the court ladies involved in this incident,
‪모두 대비전의 명을 따랐다‬ ‪자백했다 하옵니다‬and they all confessed that they followed her order.
‪(우의정)‬ ‪전하, 아뢰옵기 황공하오나‬Your Majesty, forgive me for saying this.
‪'호담선생전'은 서래원 잔당들이‬ ‪폐주의 기행을 치켜세우고자‬But The Story of Ho Dam is a completely made-up story written by the remnants of Seoraewon to praise the dethroned King's odd behaviors.
‪역심으로 꾸며 낸 소설이옵니다‬to praise the dethroned King's odd behaviors.
‪그러한 서책이‬ ‪대비전에서 나왔다는 것이‬What do you reckon it means if such a book was found
‪무엇을 뜻하겠사옵니까?‬What do you reckon it means if such a book was found within the Queen Dowager's place?
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪더군다나 대비마마께선‬ ‪폐주의 모후셨던지라...‬On top of that, she was the mother of the dethroned King--
‪(이진)‬ ‪해서요?‬ ‪지금 경들은 이 나라의 대비께서‬So what? Are you suggesting that the Queen Dowager of this country was
‪역도들과 내통을 하고 있었다‬ ‪그 말이 하고 싶은 겁니까?‬secretly in league with the traitors?
‪[대신들의 헛기침]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪저하, 신도 대비마마께서 이 일과‬ ‪연관이 있다고는 생각하지 않습니다‬Your Royal Highness. I do not believe that the Queen Dowager is involved in this incident.
‪하나, 서래원 잔당들이‬ ‪궐 안 깊숙한 곳까지 들어와‬However, what we do know clearly is that the remnants of Seoraewon have deeply infiltrated the palace to cause division.
‪왕실의 분열을 꾀하고 있음이‬ ‪밝혀졌사온데‬deeply infiltrated the palace to cause division. How can we just sit around and watch this?
‪어찌 좌시할 수 있겠습니까?‬How can we just sit around and watch this?
‪(익평)‬ ‪주상 전하‬ ‪왕실의 안위가 걸린 문제입니다‬Your Majesty, the safety of the royal family is at stake.
‪대비전의 출입을 막고 궁인들을 추국해‬ ‪배후를 밝힐 수 있게 해 주십시오‬Please close the Queen Dowager's place and interrogate the court ladies to find out who's behind this.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪아니 됩니다, 전하‬Don't let them, Your Majesty.
‪대비전의 궁인들을‬ ‪추국한다는 사실은 곧‬If you let them interrogate the court ladies of her place, it's as good as announcing that the Queen Dowager is behind this.
‪대비마마를 이번 사건의 배후로‬ ‪공언하는 것과 다름이 없습니다‬it's as good as announcing that the Queen Dowager is behind this. That's just speculation.
‪(익평)‬ ‪억측이십니다‬That's just speculation.
‪신은 그저 내전에 자리 잡은‬ ‪서래원 잔당을 색출하려는 것이지‬I just wish to root out the remnants of Seoraewon.
‪대비마마의 죄상을‬ ‪따지려는 것이 아닙니다‬I am not claiming that the Queen Dowager is guilty. The things of the Inner Palace can't be dealt with in the royal court.
‪(이진)‬ ‪내전의 일을 어찌 조정에서‬ ‪공공연히 다룬다는 말입니까?‬The things of the Inner Palace can't be dealt with in the royal court.
‪왕실의 문제입니다‬ ‪소자에게 맡겨 주십시오‬This is the royal family's trouble. Let me take care of this. -Your Majesty. -Your Majesty.
‪- (익평) 전하!‬ ‪- (이진) 전하!‬-Your Majesty. -Your Majesty. Silence!
‪(이태)‬ ‪시끄럽다!‬Silence!
‪과인에게도 생각할 시간을 달라‬Give me some time to think.
‪[이태의 고민스러운 한숨]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪전하‬Your Majesty.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪이번 일만큼은‬ ‪좌상의 뜻을 들어주시면 안 됩니다‬You cannot let the Second State Councillor have his way with this.
‪소자의 청을 윤허해 주십시오‬You must give me permission.
‪(이태)‬ ‪생각해 본다 하지 않았느냐?‬Like I said, I'll think about it.
‪일단 물러가거라‬You should go for now.
‪(이진)‬ ‪일거에 물리쳐야 할 제안입니다‬You must turn it down at once.
‪대비마마의 수족을 자르고‬How can you ignore his plan to cut off the Queen Dowager's hands and feet
‪내전에 유폐시키겠다는 속셈을‬ ‪어찌 모른 척하십니까?‬How can you ignore his plan to cut off the Queen Dowager's hands and feet -and confine her within her place? -I told you to leave.
‪(이태)‬ ‪물러가래도!‬-and confine her within her place? -I told you to leave.
‪(이진)‬ ‪소자는 양보할 수 없습니다‬I can't back down.
‪무고한 대비마마께 화살을 돌리고‬The Second State Councillor is the treacherous one who blames the innocent Queen Dowager
‪왕실을 이간질하려는 좌상이야말로‬the treacherous one who blames the innocent Queen Dowager
‪역심을 품은 것과 다름이 없습니다‬and who wants to divide up the royal family.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬and who wants to divide up the royal family.
‪전하!‬Your Majesty!
‪(이태)‬ ‪네가 뭘 안다고 나서는 것이냐?‬What do you know to meddle with this?
‪이게 다 너를 위한 일이다‬It's all for your sake.
‪도원한테서 널 지키기 위해서‬It's all to protect you from Prince Dowon.
‪그게 무슨 말씀이십니까?‬What do you mean?
‪정녕 넌 모르고 있었느냐?‬Did you honestly have no idea?
‪도원이 폐주의 아들임을‬That he's the dethroned King's son?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪아, 아바마마...‬-Father. -Yes.
‪(이태)‬ ‪그래‬-Father. -Yes.
‪도원은 이 나라의‬ ‪원자로 태어난 몸이다‬He was born as the crown prince of this country.
‪그 잘난 적자 이겸에게서 나온 적장자‬He's the eldest son of that legitimate King, Yi Gyeom.
‪(이태)‬ ‪대비가 널 밀어내고‬The Queen Dowager is trying to enthrone Prince Dowon instead of you.
‪다음 왕으로 삼으려고 하는 게‬ ‪바로 도원이야‬trying to enthrone Prince Dowon instead of you.
‪(이태)‬ ‪서래원 잔당들을 끌어모으고‬She's dragging in the remnants of Seoraewon
‪이겸의 얘기를‬ ‪온 궁궐에 뿌리고 하는 연유가 다‬and spreading Yi Gyeom's stories all over the palace
‪도원 대군 이림‬for Prince Dowon,
‪그 자식 때문이란 말이다‬Yi Rim's sake.
‪(이태)‬ ‪내가 용포를 입은 지‬ ‪20년이 지났는데도‬Two decades have passed ever since I took the throne. But there are scholars all over the land of Joseon
‪아직도 조선 곳곳‬But there are scholars all over the land of Joseon
‪내 정통성을 걸고 떠들어 대는‬ ‪사대부 놈들이 차고 넘친다‬But there are scholars all over the land of Joseon speaking of the legitimacy of my enthronement.
‪출신이라는 게 그리 무서운 것이야‬That's how important your birth is.
‪태어나는 순간부터 죽는 순간까지 평생‬From the moment you are born until the day you die,
‪아무리 발버둥 치고 노력해도‬ ‪벗을 수가 없어‬you cannot get rid of it no matter how much you try.
‪(이태)‬ ‪한데 대비가 적통 중의 적통인‬ ‪도원을 내세워서 세력을 만들고‬So if the Queen Dowager uses the most legitimate Prince Dowon to create influence of her own
‪20년 전 반정을 들쑤시면‬ ‪어찌 될 거 같으냐?‬and bring up the rebellion from 20 years ago, what do you think will happen?
‪네가 이대로 즉위한다 한들‬Even if you become the king, you'll forever be the king that stole the throne
‪적통의 왕위를 뺏었다는 족쇄를‬ ‪평생 차고 가야 하는 게야‬you'll forever be the king that stole the throne from the direct descendant.
‪[이태의 한숨]‬
‪난 네가 나보다 나은‬ ‪왕이 될 거라는 걸 안다‬I know for a fact that you'll be a better king than me.
‪(이태)‬ ‪해서 내가 결단을 내려야 하는 것이다‬That's why I must come to a decision.
‪더 이상 과인의 일을 방해하지 말거라‬So please do not get in my way.
‪잠자코‬Just stay quiet...
‪기다리거라‬and wait.
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪(금군1)‬ ‪끌고 가라!‬ ‪[금군들이 대답한다]‬-Take them! -Yes, master! Your Majesty.
‪(나인)‬ ‪대비마마...‬Your Majesty.
‪(김 내관)‬ ‪저하, 당장에 그만두라‬ ‪명을 내리시옵소서‬Your Royal Highness, please order them to stop at once.
‪[문이 덜컥 닫힌다]‬
‪(최 상궁)‬ ‪마마...‬Your Majesty.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪당황할 거 없다‬Don't get flustered. The king felt cornered and made the wrong choice.
‪주상이 궁지에 몰려 악수를 두었어‬The king felt cornered and made the wrong choice.
‪아무리 임금이라고는 하나‬He may be the king,
‪제 어미에게 칼을 빼 들었으니‬but he chose to attack his own mother.
‪전국의 유림들에게 아주 좋은 먹잇감을‬ ‪던져 준 셈 아니더냐?‬So that will enrage the Confucian scholars throughout the country.
‪[최 상궁의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[주서의 못마땅한 헛기침]‬
‪(주서)‬ ‪너 요즘 승정원 출입이 잦다?‬I see that you come here very often.
‪녹서당 기록은 찾아다가 얻다 쓰려고?‬Why do you need the records on Nokseodang?
‪저도 잘 모릅니다, 상전 심부름이라‬I don't really know. I'm just following orders.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(주서)‬ ‪어, 야, 야, 야, 이게 다야?‬Hey, wait. Is that all? Did he mention that he's going to help me get promoted or anything like that?
‪다음번 승차 기간에‬ ‪뭐, 뒤를 좀 봐주시겠다‬Did he mention that he's going to help me get promoted or anything like that?
‪이런 말씀 없으셨어?‬Did he mention that he's going to help me get promoted or anything like that?
‪아, 전하라는 말씀이 있긴 했습니다‬-He did ask me to tell you something. -What's that?
‪- 뭔데?‬ ‪- (해령) 도원 대군마마께서‬-He did ask me to tell you something. -What's that? He told me that he'll rip your tongue out if you ever go around telling people
‪승정원에서 무슨 기록을 찾으셨다‬ ‪뭐, 이런 말을 어디다가 하고 다니면‬He told me that he'll rip your tongue out if you ever go around telling people that Prince Dowon asked to see a few records
‪쥐도 새도 모르게‬ ‪혀를 뽑아 버리시겠다고‬from the Royal Secretariat.
‪하면 수고하십시오‬-Have a good day. -Okay.
‪(주서)‬ ‪응‬-Have a good day. -Okay.
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪처음부터 다시 생각해 보자‬Let's think from the very beginning.
‪내가 김일목 선진이었다면‬If I were Officer Kim Il-mok...
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪무언가를 숨기기엔‬Nokseodang would've been the best place to hide something
‪궁궐 구석 아무도 찾지 않는‬ ‪버려진 녹서당이 딱이고‬Nokseodang would've been the best place to hide something since it was practically abandoned and was very remote from the main palace.
‪사초는 햇빛과 빗물도 피해야 하니‬ ‪정원은 탈락‬The daily record needs to be safe from sunlight and rain, so it can't be the garden.
‪[일목의 한숨]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪습한 데다가 벌레도 많아‬This spot is damp and filled with bugs,
‪무조건 탈락‬so it's definitely not here.
‪(해령)‬ ‪쉽게 눈에 띄는 곳도 안 되고‬It can't be somewhere that's easy to find.
‪그렇다고 아무도‬ ‪찾지 못할 곳도 안 되고‬But it can't be somewhere that's impossible to find either.
‪(해령)‬ ‪중문은 19년 전에 수리‬That gate got repaired 19 years ago.
‪기와는 15년 전에 새로 얹었고‬They laid new roof tiles 15 years ago.
‪흙벽은 8년 전에 보수‬The mud walls went through repair work eight years ago.
‪죄다 탈락이네‬So it can't be any of them.
‪[답답한 한숨]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪구 권지!‬Apprentice Goo.
‪입시할 시간도 아닌데...‬It's not time for you to be here yet.
‪(해령)‬ ‪저, 대군마마‬ ‪이 현판 언제 교체하신 겁니까?‬Your Highness, this signboard... When did you replace it?
‪- (이림) 현판?‬ ‪- (해령) 아무리 봐도 새것 같은데‬-The signboard? -It looks new.
‪공조 기록에는‬ ‪교체했다는 내용이 없어서요‬But it doesn't say the Board of Public Works replaced it. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS: IN CHARGE OF BUILDINGS
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아, 예‬Oh, well...
‪글쎄, 이게 저...‬I'm not sure.
‪아마 마마가 오기 전부터‬ ‪붙어 있었을 텐데‬That was probably there before His Highness moved here.
‪이 희한한 게 이게 썩지도 않고‬ ‪색이 바래지도 않고‬It's strange that it never rots. Also, the color never fades.
‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪조심하십시오, 살살 하십시오, 마마‬Be careful. Be gentle, Your Highness.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아유, 참, 아, 마마, 마마...‬My goodness. Your Highness, please.
‪[이림의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[삼보의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[삼보의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아이, 이게 뭐지, 이게?‬My gosh, what is this?
‪(해령)‬ ‪천궁과 창포입니다‬It's chuanxiong and calamus.
‪서고에서‬ ‪실록을 보관할 때 쓰는 약재요‬They're used to store history records.
‪(이림)‬ ‪이 사초가‬Is this the daily record
‪확실한 것이냐?‬we've been looking for?
‪(해령)‬ ‪예, 제가 서래원이라는‬ ‪글자를 보았습니다‬Yes, I saw the word "Seoraewon" written on the record.
‪경오년의 사초입니다‬It's from the year of gyeongo.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness.
‪(해령)‬ ‪안 됩니다, 마마, 사초입니다‬ ‪[삼보의 초조한 숨소리]‬No, Your Highness. It's a daily record.
‪마마께선 보실 수 없습니다‬You're not allowed to read it. What do you mean?
‪그게 무슨 말이야?‬What do you mean? I know it's been hidden for a long time,
‪아무리 오랜 세월‬ ‪숨겨져 있었다고는 하나‬I know it's been hidden for a long time,
‪엄연히 사관이 쓴 사초입니다‬but it's still a daily record written by a historian.
‪사관이 아닌 다른 그 누구도‬ ‪보아서는 안 되는 겁니다‬Only historians are allowed to read it. Then
‪하면 이렇게 찾아 놓고선‬Then are you telling me not to do anything even after I found it?
‪아무것도 하지 말라고, 이제 와서?‬are you telling me not to do anything even after I found it?
‪(해령)‬ ‪이 사초에 어떤 이야기가 적혀 있든‬Regardless of what's written on this daily record, it's up to the historians to read it
‪그걸 읽고 판단하고‬it's up to the historians to read it
‪어찌해야 할지 결정하는 것은‬ ‪사관의 몫입니다‬and decide what to do.
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪조금만 기다려 주십시오‬Please wait a little bit. No.
‪아니, 난 더 이상 기다릴 수 없다‬No. I can't wait anymore.
‪지금 나한테 그런 건 중요하지 않아‬I don't care about that right now.
‪- (해령) 마마...‬ ‪- (이림) 난 평생을 찾아 헤맸다‬-Your Highness. -I've been wondering my whole life.
‪전하께서 왜 그리 날 미워하시는지‬All my life, I had to wonder
‪나는 왜 처소에 갇혀 살아야 하는지‬why His Majesty hated me so much,
‪평생 그 이유를 찾아 헤맸다고‬and why I always had to be locked up here.
‪한데 그 해답이 눈앞에 있는데도‬How do you expect me to wait
‪이 이상 뭘 더 어떻게‬ ‪기다리란 것이냐?‬when the answer is right in front of me?
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪난 네가 무슨 말을 하든‬ ‪이 사초를 볼 것이다‬I'm going to read this no matter what you say.
‪(이림)‬ ‪그러니 전하든 저하든 찾아가서‬So you can tell His Majesty or His Royal Highness
‪도원 대군이 국법을 거역했다고 전해‬that Prince Dowon broke the law of this country.
‪그럼 너도 할 일은 다 한 거잖아‬-Then you would've done your part. -Your Highness.
‪마마, 제가 어떻게 마마를...‬-Then you would've done your part. -Your Highness. -How can I-- -If you can't do that,
‪네가 못 하겠다면‬-How can I-- -If you can't do that,
‪(이림)‬ ‪내가 직접 가서 말하고‬I'll do it myself.
‪[삼보의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마! 아니 되옵니다, 제발‬Your Highness, you can't do this! Please!
‪- 제발 이러지 마십시오‬ ‪- (이림) 비키거라‬-Please don't do this. -Get out of my way. You cannot keep that daily record!
‪(삼보)‬ ‪그 사초는 마마의 손에‬ ‪있어서는 안 될 물건입니다‬You cannot keep that daily record!
‪이대로 가면은!‬If you do this,
‪무슨 일을 당하실지 모릅니다‬you don't know what might happen to you.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪[다급하게]‬ ‪마마, 제가, 제가 다 말씀드리겠습니다‬Your Highness! I'll... I'll tell you everything.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪제가‬I'll... I'll tell you everything.
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪제가 다 말씀드리겠습니다‬I'll tell you everything.
‪가지 마십시오‬Please don't go.
‪[삼보가 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪[금군들의 당황한 신음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness.
‪(금군2)‬ ‪누구도 들이지 말라는‬ ‪주상 전하의 어명이 있었습니다‬His Majesty ordered not to let anyone inside.
‪돌아가십시오‬Please return.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[삼보와 해령의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪내가 너 하나 죽이는 데‬Do you think it will be difficult for me to kill you?
‪눈 한 번 깜빡할 것 같으냐?‬Do you think it will be difficult for me to kill you?
‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 신음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness!
‪마마...‬Your Highness!
‪[삼보의 초조한 숨소리]‬-Your Highness. -Tell her I'm here.
‪- (최 상궁) 대군마마‬ ‪- (이림) 고하거라‬-Your Highness. -Tell her I'm here.
‪- (최 상궁) 대비마마‬ ‪- (대비 임씨) 들라 하라‬-Your Majesty-- -Tell him to come inside.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪도원, 여긴 어찌 들어온 겁니까?‬Prince Dowon, what brings you here?
‪우선 앉으세요‬Please sit down.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪무슨 일이 있었습니까?‬Did something happen?
‪도원?‬Prince Dowon.
‪왜 저를 대군으로 만드셨습니까?‬Why did you make me become a prince?
‪왜 저를‬Why did you...
‪이렇게 살게 하셨습니까?‬make me live this kind of life?
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬
‪저는‬I thought
‪모든 게 저의 잘못인 줄 알았습니다‬everything was my fault.
‪제가 미움받고 무시받는 것도‬I thought His Majesty hated and neglected me
‪녹서당에 갇혀서 쥐 죽은 듯‬ ‪없는 사람으로 지내야 하는 것도‬and made me lead a solitary life in Nokseodang like I didn't exist
‪전부 부족한 저의 잘못이라‬ ‪자책하며 살아왔습니다‬because I wasn't good enough for him, and I blamed myself for that.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪한데‬But...
‪이게 다‬it was merely because
‪마마와 전하의 약조 때문이었습니까?‬of the promise you had made with His Majesty?
‪왕위를 넘겨받는 대신‬ ‪살려 준 폐주의 아들‬He spared my life in exchange for the throne?
‪(이림)‬ ‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪그래서 제가 이렇게 외롭고‬That's why I had to live...
‪비참하게‬such a lonely
‪살아야 했던 겁니까?‬and miserable life?
‪[울음을 삼킨다]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪차라리 폐주의 아들로‬ ‪죽게 놔두시지 그러셨습니까?‬You should have just let me die as the dethroned king's son.
‪저한텐 그게‬That
‪그게 더 나은 삶이었을 겁니다‬would have been better for me.
‪저 자신을 탓하고‬I would have rather died than to have...
‪미워했던‬blamed and hated myself
‪그 평생보다‬my entire life.
‪[이림이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[대비 임씨의 안타까운 숨소리]‬
‪[이림이 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪도원‬Prince Dowon.
‪이 할미를 용서해 주세요‬Please forgive me. I had already lost my son to those traitors.
‪역적들 손에 주상을 그렇게 잃고‬I had already lost my son to those traitors.
‪원자마저 잃을 수는 없었습니다‬And I couldn't afford to lose my grandson as well.
‪나는 도원을 살려야 했어요‬I had to save you.
‪지켜야 했습니다‬I had to protect you.
‪정녕 그게‬Did you really think
‪저를 위한 것이라고 생각하셨습니까?‬that would be the best for me?
‪(이림)‬ ‪죽었어야 할 원자가 살아남은 죄로‬I was guilty of having lived when I should have died.
‪매일같이 그 대가를 치르는 걸‬ ‪보시면서도‬And you saw me having to pay for that every single day.
‪목숨은 건졌으니 됐다‬But did you think that was okay
‪그리 생각하셨습니까?‬since I was able to stay alive?
‪[이림이 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪할마마마‬Grandmother.
‪전 평생을‬All my life,
‪이유도 모른 채‬ ‪벌을 받는 기분이었습니다‬I felt like I was being punished for no reason.
‪이젠 싫습니다‬I'm sick of that now.
‪이 궐도 도원 대군이라는 이름도‬I'm so sick and tired of living in this palace
‪전부 다 사무치게 싫습니다‬and living as Prince Dowon.
‪저‬I just want...
‪놓고 싶습니다‬to let go of everything.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪안 됩니다, 흔들리지 마세요‬No. Don't get swayed.
‪이제 곧 모든 것이‬ ‪제자리로 돌아갈 것입니다‬Everything will soon go back to where it belongs. You're the only true royal heir of this country.
‪오직 도원만이‬ ‪이 나라의 진정한 용종이에요‬You're the only true royal heir of this country.
‪내가‬I will help you
‪도원에게 용상을 돌려줄 것입니다‬take back the royal throne.
‪그땐‬And when I do that,
‪아무도 더 이상‬ ‪도원을 아프게 하지 못할 거예요‬no one will be able to hurt you anymore.
‪[이림이 서럽게 흐느낀다]‬
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪도원‬Prince Dowon.
‪이 할미도 지난 20년간‬I also had to live...
‪죽음보다 더한 고통 속에서 살았습니다‬in utter agony for the past 20 years.
‪내 아들을 죽인 함영군이‬Prince Hamyeong killed my son, and every time I had to hear him call me "mother,"
‪나를 어미라 부르는 것을 보며‬and every time I had to hear him call me "mother,"
‪내 사지가 갈가리 찢기고‬I felt like someone was ripping my limbs apart,
‪내 속이 불타는 느낌이었습니다‬and I burned with fury deep down inside.
‪나는 도원을 위해 살았습니다‬I still continued to live for your sake.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪그러니 도원도‬So please do the same
‪나를 보며 살아 주세요‬and continue to live for me.
‪견뎌내 주세...‬Please endure this. No.
‪아무 죄도 없이 죽어 간‬Think of your father who had to die
‪도원의 아비‬even when he did nothing wrong.
‪우리 주상을 위해 제발‬Please endure it for him.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪조금만 더 견뎌 주세요, 도원‬Stay strong for a bit longer, Prince Dowon.
‪그리하셔야 합니다‬You must do that.
‪[이림의 울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪[이림이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[대비 임씨가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[삼보가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[삼보가 계속 흐느낀다]‬My goodness.
‪[지친 한숨]‬
‪(시행)‬ ‪자, 송사희가 왔어요‬Clerk Song is finally back.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪어? 송 서리!‬Clerk Song.
‪(은임)‬ ‪오늘부터 다시 입궐하시는 겁니까?‬ ‪[아란의 놀라는 신음]‬Are you going to start working again?
‪(아란)‬ ‪몸은 좀 괜찮으세요?‬Do you feel better now?
‪이 고운 얼굴이 반쪽이 됐네‬Your beautiful face became so scrawny.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬Your beautiful face became so scrawny.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪저 때문에 권지님들도‬ ‪곤란하셨다고 들었습니다‬I heard you got in trouble because of me.
‪(은임)‬ ‪아유, 뭐, 다 지난 일 갖다가...‬Gosh, no. It's all in the past now. It's okay.
‪괜찮습니다‬It's all in the past now. It's okay. Let's go eat something delicious tonight.
‪이따 저녁에 맛있는 거나 먹으러 가요‬Let's go eat something delicious tonight.
‪[은임의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(길승)‬ ‪간만의 입궐인데‬ ‪궁궐 분위기가 이래서 어떡하냐?‬You finally came back, but the palace is a complete mess.
‪내전 입시도 당분간 금지인데‬We can't enter the Inner Palace for a while.
‪무슨 일이 있었던 겁니까?‬We can't enter the Inner Palace for a while. -What happened? -Don't even get me started.
‪(장군)‬ ‪말도 마라‬-What happened? -Don't even get me started.
‪'호담선생전'인지 뭔지‬ ‪그 금서 하나 때문에 아주‬The forbidden book called The Story of Ho Dam caused a big mess. The Second State Councillor accused the Queen Dowager,
‪좌상 대감은‬ ‪그게 대비전에서 나왔다 그러고‬The Second State Councillor accused the Queen Dowager, and His Royal Highness refused to accept it.
‪세자 저하는 그럴 리 없다고 버티고‬and His Royal Highness refused to accept it. And now, everyone's banned to visit the Queen Dowager.
‪결국 대비전에 출입 금지령 떨어졌잖아‬And now, everyone's banned to visit the Queen Dowager.
‪금군들 쫙 깔려서‬The palace guards are everywhere.
‪말이 출입 금지지‬That's practically the same thing
‪대비마마 유폐시킨 거나‬ ‪다름없지 않습니까?‬as confining the Queen Dowager. It's like we're living in a barbaric country.
‪(아란)‬ ‪우리가 무슨 근본 없는‬ ‪오랑캐 나라도 아니고‬It's like we're living in a barbaric country.
‪어떻게 왕실 어른한테...‬How could they do that to an elder?
‪(시행)‬ ‪야, 그 무슨 좋은 얘기라고‬ ‪떠들고들 있냐?‬Hey, don't even bother talking about something so sensitive.
‪다들 입조심해‬You'd better watch your mouths. During times like this,
‪이런 시국일수록 사방에서‬During times like this,
‪예문관 놈들한테 뭐 캐낼 거 없나‬ ‪하고 달려든다고, 쯧‬people always come to hear stories from us.
‪퇴궐하면 바로 집으로 기어들어 가고‬ ‪술은 냄새도 맡지 마, 알았어?‬Go home as soon as you get off work. And don't even think of drinking, okay?
‪(사관들)‬ ‪예‬-Okay. -Okay.
‪(우원)‬ ‪긴히 할 말이 있다는 게 무엇이냐?‬What is it that you wish to tell me?
‪여쭤볼 것이 있습니다‬There's something I need to ask.
‪(우원)‬ ‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪이전에 몇 번 수정실록이‬ ‪쓰인 적 있다 들었습니다‬I heard there have been a few times where historians revised the annals.
‪그런 건 어떤 경우입니까?‬What kind of situation calls for a revision?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬Historians may write down the facts,
‪사관이 직필을 한다고는 하나‬Historians may write down the facts,
‪사국을 지휘하는 대신들은‬ ‪시류와 당파에 흔들리기 마련이다‬but vassals that control the government office can get swayed by the trend and their parties.
‪(우원)‬ ‪해서 실록의 시비가 옳지 않고‬ ‪공정하지 못하다는 우려가 생기면‬So when the annals of history seem incorrect and unjust,
‪어명을 받들어‬ ‪수정실록을 만드는 것이야‬we follow the royal order and create a revised version.
‪원본은 그대로 놔둔 채로‬We leave the original copy and leave it
‪판단은 후세에 맡기고‬to the future generation to judge what happened.
‪(우원)‬ ‪근데 왜 이런 걸 물어보는 것이냐?‬But why are you asking me that?
‪김일목 선진의 사초를 찾았습니다‬I found Officer Kim Il-mok's -daily record. -What do you mean?
‪(우원)‬ ‪무슨 말이야?‬-daily record. -What do you mean? I got help from an officer who participated
‪20년 전 폐주의 일기청에 참여했던‬ ‪선진 사관께 도움을 받았습니다‬I got help from an officer who participated in recording the dethronement of the previous king 20 years ago.
‪(해령)‬ ‪그리고 폐주의 일기가‬ ‪거짓으로 쓰였다는 증언을 들었습니다‬And I heard those records were based on lies. Are you telling me...
‪하면 지금‬Are you telling me...
‪사관이 사초를 고쳤다는 뜻이냐?‬that a historian edited the daily records?
‪김일목 선진은‬ ‪그 명에 따르지 않아서 죽은 것이고요‬The late Officer Kim died because he refused to follow such orders.
‪(우원)‬ ‪대체 누가‬Who in the world...
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪민 봉교님‬Officer Min.
‪진실을‬Shouldn't we...
‪밝혀야 하지 않겠습니까?‬reveal the truth?
‪안 된다‬No, don't do that.
‪사관의 일이 아니야‬That's not up to a historian.
‪허락할 수 없어‬I can't let you do that.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪잊었느냐?‬Have you forgotten?
‪지금 네가 하는 일이 무고한 사람들을‬ ‪죽일 수도 있다는 뜻이다‬What you're about to do could end up killing the innocent. -"The innocent?" -Yes.
‪- 무고한 사람들요?‬ ‪- (우원) 그래‬-"The innocent?" -Yes.
‪[해령의 코웃음]‬Are you sure it's not because your father was involved?
‪그게 좌상 대감이 관련된 사건이라‬ ‪그런 건 아니고요?‬Are you sure it's not because your father was involved?
‪(해령)‬ ‪반정에 참여한 대가로 책훈을 받고‬ ‪떵떵거리며 살아가는 공신들‬They got credit and are living comfortably for having taken part in the restoration,
‪그자들은 무고한 사람들이 아닙니다‬but they can’t be considered innocent.
‪정말 무고한 사람들은‬The innocent are the dethroned king
‪사대부에 반기를 들었다는 죄로‬and the people of Seoraewon who were condemned
‪새로운 세상을 꿈꿨다는 이유로‬for having disobeyed the noblemen
‪죽어서까지 손가락질받고 있는‬ ‪폐주와 서래원의...‬and dreamed of creating a new world.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪서래원의 그 사람들입니다‬They're the ones who are innocent.
‪20년 전‬Twenty years ago,
‪일기청에서‬ ‪사초를 고치라는 명이 있었고‬historians were ordered to edit the daily records,
‪그에 불응한 사관이 참형을 당한 것은‬and the historian who refused to do that got executed.
‪명백한 사실입니다‬That's a fact.
‪(해령)‬ ‪한데 이마저도‬ ‪조정의 일이라 외면하신다면‬If you disregard this and say it's up to the royal court,
‪저는 더 이상 민 봉교님을‬I will no longer be able
‪선진으로 따르지 못할 것 같습니다‬to respect you as my senior.
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[익평의 반가운 신음]‬ ‪[우원 모의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪아버지‬Father.
‪[익평의 긴장한 한숨]‬
‪[익평의 흐뭇한 웃음]‬
‪[우원 모의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(익평)‬ ‪장하다‬I am proud of you.
‪참으로 장하다‬-I am truly proud of you. -Well done.
‪(우원 모)‬ ‪잘했다‬ ‪[익평의 웃음]‬-I am truly proud of you. -Well done.
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬
‪(설금)‬ ‪아씨‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬My lady.
‪궐에서 저 몰래‬ ‪뭘 하고 다니시는 겁니까?‬What are you up to these days behind my back?
‪- (해령) 뭐?‬ ‪- 아니‬-What? -Well...
‪밖에 웬 선비님이 아씨를 찾아왔는데‬Some scholar is here to see you,
‪(설금)‬ ‪쓰읍, 그분도 얼굴이 뭐, 아주, 음?‬and his face is also...
‪[감탄하는 신음]‬and his face is also...
‪정1품이라서요‬It's quite sublime.
‪[설금의 장난스러운 웃음]‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪예전에‬Many years ago,
‪내가 아주 힘들던 시기에‬when I was going through a hard time,
‪그런 글을 읽은 적이 있다‬I came across this passage.
‪'아무리 이름난 재상의 힘도‬ ‪수십 년을 못 가는데'‬"Even the most powerful minister's authority cannot last for decades,
‪'사관의 글은 말없이 천년을 산다'‬and yet historians' words silently live for thousands of years."
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬That one sentence inspired me
‪그 한 문장 때문에 사관이 됐다‬That one sentence inspired me to become a historian.
‪당장은 무언가를 바꿀 순 없어도‬I hoped that my words would become a pilju
‪나의 글이 시비와 흑백을 규명하는‬ ‪필주가 되길 바랐어‬that shows people what is right and wrong even though I can't change anything right at this moment.
‪그러니까 나도 처음부터‬In other words, I didn't start out
‪단순히 기록만 하는 사람은‬ ‪아니었던 거야‬as someone who just records what he sees or hears.
‪- (해령) 민 봉교님‬ ‪- 난 개의치 말거라‬-Officer Min. -Do not worry about me.
‪우린 사관으로서 할 일을 하는 거다‬We are simply doing our jobs as historians.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪여기 왜, 왜 이런 내용이‬ ‪쓰여 있는 거냐?‬Wait, why does it say this?
‪이건 알려진 것과 완전 딴판인데?‬This is completely different from the facts that we know.
‪(경묵)‬ ‪이거 김일목 선진 사초인 건 확실해?‬Are you sure Officer Kim Il-mok wrote this?
‪너 어디서 이상한 거 주워다가‬ ‪우기는 거 아니야?‬Or is this just some random document that you found? It is Officer Kim Il-mok's handwriting.
‪(우원)‬ ‪김일목 선진의 필체가 맞다‬ ‪내가 예전에 본 적이 있어‬It is Officer Kim Il-mok's handwriting. I've seen his writing. Does that mean what's written in this daily record is true?
‪(장군)‬ ‪그럼 이 사초의 내용이‬ ‪사실이란 뜻입니까?‬Does that mean what's written in this daily record is true?
‪폐주는 천주쟁이가 아니었고‬The dethroned king wasn't Catholic, and Seoraewon was just an educational institution?
‪서래원은 그냥‬ ‪학문을 가르치는 곳이었고?‬and Seoraewon was just an educational institution?
‪[은임과 아란의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(홍익)‬ ‪아, 사실이면 안 되죠‬That cannot be true. It means His Majesty tortured and punished
‪그러면 주상 전하께서‬ ‪죄 없는 사람들을 갖다가‬That cannot be true. It means His Majesty tortured and punished
‪이렇게 저렇게 해 가지고‬ ‪왕이 되신 건데‬all those innocent people just to ascend the throne.
‪[홍익의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(경묵)‬ ‪아이, 두 분이서 말씀 좀 해 주십시오‬The two of you should tell us what you know. You were at Sungkyunkwan 20 years ago,
‪20년 전이면 성균관 시절인데‬ ‪아, 보고 들은 게 있으실 거 아닙니까?‬You were at Sungkyunkwan 20 years ago, so I'm sure you saw or heard some things.
‪(길승)‬ ‪뭐, 이래저래 시끄럽긴 했어‬Well, things were quite chaotic back then. I don't know what those at Seoraewon were up to,
‪서래원, 거기선 뭔 짓을 하는지‬I don't know what those at Seoraewon were up to, but people covered in blood were being carried out every day.
‪허구한 날 피 묻은 사람들이‬ ‪실려 나간다 그러지‬but people covered in blood were being carried out every day.
‪또 서양 오랑캐들이‬ ‪도성 한복판을 돌아다니고‬And we used to see foreigners walking freely in the heart of the city.
‪그래서 성균관에서 공관까지 했었고‬That's why scholars at Sungkyunkwan even began a gonggwan. GONGGWAN: GOING HOME AS A PROTEST
‪(시행)‬ ‪공관만 했냐?‬It didn't end there. Everyone said we should submit a petition,
‪여기저기서 만인소 쓰자 그래서‬Everyone said we should submit a petition,
‪나도 이름 올린 적 있는데‬so I signed one too.
‪(아란)‬ ‪그럼 결국 그 서래원 하나 때문에‬ ‪반정이 일어난 겁니까?‬So did the rebellion take place because of Seoraewon? The dethroned king's secret letter was the final straw.
‪결정적인 건 폐주의 밀서였다‬The dethroned king's secret letter was the final straw.
‪(우원)‬ ‪폐주가 청나라에 있던‬It was a letter to a French Catholic priest who was in Qing at the time.
‪법란서 신부에게 보내려던 거였어‬ ‪[시행의 한숨]‬It was a letter to a French Catholic priest who was in Qing at the time.
‪조선을 천주님의 나라로 만들겠다고‬It was about wanting to turn Joseon into a Catholic nation
‪해서 신부들을 보내‬ ‪포교를 도우라는 내용이었다‬It was about wanting to turn Joseon into a Catholic nation and how he should send priests to Joseon to propagate Catholic beliefs.
‪한데 국경을 넘기 전에 발각되었고‬But it got caught before it could cross the borders.
‪(해령)‬ ‪하나 여기에는‬But this reads...
‪'서래원의 학생을 불러다가'‬"His Majesty summoned a student at Seoraewon. 'Thank you for sending me the book.
‪'저번에 보내 준 서책은 잘 받았다'‬'Thank you for sending me the book.
‪'다음에 조선에 오게 되면‬ ‪금강산 유람을 함께 가자'‬Let us go to Kumgangsan together next time you are in Joseon.'"
‪이렇게 서신을 쓰게 했다고‬ ‪기록되어 있습니다‬That was what the student was told to write in the letter.
‪누군가가‬Someone changed
‪이 서신의 내용을 바꿔치기한 겁니다‬the content of the letter.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪반정의 명분으로 삼기 위해서요‬To justify the dethronement.
‪[홍익의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(장군)‬ ‪그럼 결국...‬That means... It wasn't to set things right. It was treason.
‪반정이 아니라 역모였다는 얘기네요?‬It wasn't to set things right. It was treason. Clerk Song, watch your mouth.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪야, 송 서리, 입! 입조심해‬Clerk Song, watch your mouth.
‪너 지금 네가 무슨 말 하는지나 알아?‬-Do you even realize what that means? -Regardless of what it was,
‪(시행)‬ ‪반정이든 역모든‬ ‪나는 이거 그냥 못 넘어간다‬-Do you even realize what that means? -Regardless of what it was, -I absolutely cannot let this slide. -Officer Yang!
‪(경묵)‬ ‪양 봉교님!‬-I absolutely cannot let this slide. -Officer Yang!
‪(시행)‬ ‪이거는 폐주가 누명을 썼냐, 아니냐‬ ‪반정이냐, 아니냐‬This isn't about whether the dethroned king was falsely accused. It is not about the royal court.
‪그런 조정의 문제가 아니야‬It is not about the royal court.
‪누군가가 사관들을 겁박해서‬It boils down to whether or not
‪사초를 조작을 했느냐‬ ‪안 했느냐의 문제지‬someone threatened historians to manipulate the records.
‪어디서 감히 역사를...‬someone threatened historians to manipulate the records. How dare someone alter historical facts? Do we have to sit in on every meeting,
‪우리가 이러자고‬ ‪맨날 코피 터뜨려 가면서 입시하고‬How dare someone alter historical facts? Do we have to sit in on every meeting, write down every single thing that we hear,
‪관문 받아 적고‬ ‪집에 가서 가장사초까지 쓰냐는 말이다‬write down every single thing that we hear, and work even after we go home to put up with this?
‪진짜 사초를 건드렸는지‬We'll find out if it was manipulated
‪건드렸다면 어떤 미친놈의 짓인지‬and what kind of lunatic did it.
‪이거는 우리 사관들이‬ ‪예문관의 명예를 걸고 밝혀낸다‬We must find out the truth to protect the honor of the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪지금 당장 가서‬Go and get me a full list of the historians that were at Ilgicheong at the time.
‪폐주 일기청에 참여했던 사관들 명단‬ ‪싹 다 가져와‬a full list of the historians that were at Ilgicheong at the time.
‪(해령)‬ ‪저, 여기...‬Here, sir.
‪문형 대감이셨습니다‬The Chancellor was in charge
‪당시 한림들의 수장은‬of all the historians at the time.
‪(대제학)‬ ‪자네들이 예까지 무슨 일인가?‬What brings you here?
‪긴히 드릴 말씀이 있습니다‬There is something we must discuss with you.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(대제학)‬ ‪그, 그게 사실인가?‬Is that true? You found Officer Kim Il-mok's original daily records?
‪김일목 봉교의 사초가 발견되었다고?‬Is that true? You found Officer Kim Il-mok's original daily records? Yes, my lord.
‪(시행)‬ ‪예, 대감‬Yes, my lord.
‪아, 그걸 대체 어디...‬Where did you...
‪(대제학)‬ ‪아니지‬Never mind.
‪해서 그 사초 지금 어디에 있나?‬ ‪일단 나한테 보여 주고...‬So? Where is it? -Let me see it first. -We are not here to show it to you.
‪사초를 보여 드리러 온 것이 아닙니다‬-Let me see it first. -We are not here to show it to you.
‪(우원)‬ ‪저희 사관들은‬ ‪당시 일기청에서 일어났던‬We are here to ask you about the unjust things that happened
‪부정한 일들에 대해 듣고자 왔습니다‬at Ilgicheong back then.
‪자네들 지금 무슨 말을 하는 게야?‬What are you talking about? What do you mean by "unjust things"?
‪부정한 일이라니?‬What are you talking about? What do you mean by "unjust things"?
‪일기청에서 무슨 일이 있었다고?‬What happened at Ilgicheong? We have a statement by a historian who partook in manipulating the records,
‪(우원)‬ ‪일기청 사초 조작에 가담한‬ ‪사관의 증언이 있었고‬We have a statement by a historian who partook in manipulating the records,
‪김일목 선진의 사초에도‬ ‪정사와 다른 얘기가 적혀 있었습니다‬and Officer Kim Il-mok's records tell us a story that is different from the facts we know.
‪대감, 정녕 모르시는 일입니까?‬My lord, do you truly not know anything about it?
‪- 자네들 점점 도가 지나치는구먼‬ ‪- (시행) 문형 대감...‬-You are out of line. -My lord. I cannot tolerate your impudence any longer.
‪사관들이라고 덤비는 것도‬ ‪한두 번이지!‬I cannot tolerate your impudence any longer.
‪이젠 하다 하다‬ ‪종이 쪼가리 몇 장 가지고‬How dare you historians act as if you are judges with a few pieces of paper?
‪판관 노릇을 하려 해?‬How dare you historians act as if you are judges with a few pieces of paper?
‪(대제학)‬ ‪우리 대신들이 언제까지‬ ‪자네들 객기를 받아 줘야 하나?‬How much longer must we, ministers, put up with your insolence?
‪파업도 하고‬ ‪주상 전하께 사과도 받았으면‬You went on a strike and even made His Majesty apologize to you,
‪조정 일에 협조할 줄‬ ‪알아야 할 거 아니냐는 말일세!‬so it is now time for you to cooperate with us for a change!
‪[시행의 한숨]‬
‪(대제학)‬ ‪이제 다들 물러가시게‬Please leave.
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬ ‪더 이상 얘기를 들을 필요도 없네‬I do not need to hear anything else from you.
‪어허, 사람이라도 불러다‬ ‪끌어내야겠나!‬Shall I order someone to drag you all out of here?
‪대감도 한때 사관 아니셨습니까?‬My lord, were you not a historian once yourself?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪지금은 조정의 중심에 계시는‬ ‪문형 대감이시지만‬I am aware that you are now one of the core officials of the royal court, but you worked at the Office of Royal Decrees for over a decade.
‪예문관에서 십수 년을‬ ‪보내셨다 들었습니다‬but you worked at the Office of Royal Decrees for over a decade.
‪그땐 대감도 저희처럼‬ ‪동호와 민인생의 정신을 마음에 새기고‬I've heard that you decided to become a historian with the determination that you'd never fear anyone with power even if it is the king, inspired by the historians,
‪임금도 권력도 두려워하지 않겠다는‬ ‪배포로 사필을 잡으셨다고요‬fear anyone with power even if it is the king, inspired by the historians, Dong Hu and Min In-saeng.
‪그 젊은 날의 기개는‬Is that spirit...
‪정녕 조금도 남아 있지 않으신 겁니까?‬completely gone now?
‪김일목 선진은 참형당하기 전날‬The day before his execution, Officer Kim Il-mok said
‪죽음으로써 마지막 직필을 하겠다는‬ ‪말씀을 남기셨습니다‬that he'd like to record the final truth through his death.
‪(해령)‬ ‪저희는 그분의 신념 앞에서‬As historians, we do not want
‪부끄럽지 않은 사관이고 싶습니다‬to feel ashamed before his faith.
‪저희와 뜻을 함께해 주십시오‬Please help us.
‪부탁드립니다‬I implore you.
‪- (우원) 부탁드립니다‬ ‪- (시행) 부탁드립니다‬-Please help us. -Please help us.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪'호담과 영안, 이곳에서 길을 내다'?‬"Ho Dam and Yeongan. This is where the path was made"?
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪희영군 이겸이시다‬It is Prince Huiyeong, Yi Gyeom.
‪(이림)‬ ‪어려서 귀띔으로 들은 적은 있다‬I did hear about him in passing when I was little. I was told that I should never speak about him.
‪무슨 일이 있어도 절대‬ ‪입 밖으로 꺼내서는 안 되는 존재라고‬I was told that I should never speak about him. Rim.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪한데 여기에는‬But this reads...
‪'서래원의 학생을 불러다가'‬"His Majesty summoned a student at Seoraewon.
‪'저번에 보내 준 서책은 잘 받았다'‬'Thank you for sending me the book.
‪'다음에 조선에 오게 되면‬ ‪금강산 유람을 함께 가자'‬Let us go to Kumgangsan together next time you are in Joseon.'"
‪이렇게 서신을 쓰게 했다고‬ ‪기록되어 있습니다‬That was what the student was told to write in the letter.
‪누군가가‬ ‪이 서신의 내용을 바꿔치기한 겁니다‬Someone changed the content of the letter.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(어린 해령)‬ ‪재경 오라버니‬Jae-gyeong.
‪정말 이걸 알아볼 수 있으세요?‬Can you really read this?
‪(어린 재경)‬ ‪당연한 말씀을‬Of course.
‪[재경의 헛기침]‬
‪[근엄한 목소리로]‬ ‪군주는 재능 있는 사람들을 지원하고‬"A king must support people with talent
‪모든 예술을 존중하는 모습을‬ ‪보여야 한다‬and respect all forms of art."
‪- (어린 해령) 우와!‬ ‪- 어때? 오라버니 엄청 멋있지?‬What do you think? Impressive, right?
‪이게 어느 나라 말인데요?‬Which country speaks this language?
‪(어린 재경)‬ ‪저 멀리 있는‬ ‪법란서라는 나라의 말이다‬A faraway country called France.
‪나중에 크면 너한테도 가르쳐 줄게‬I'll teach you when you're older. Okay.
‪(해령)‬ ‪개똥밭에 구를래, 소똥밭에 구를래?‬"What will you choose? Dog poop or cow poop?"
‪[재경이 풉 웃는다]‬ ‪[해령의 웃음]‬
‪(재경)‬ ‪해령아‬Hae-ryung. I will...
‪난 언제든‬Hae-ryung. I will...
‪언제든 여기 있을 게야‬I will always be here for you.
‪한데 제가 무서운 건‬ ‪역병도 사람도 아닙니다‬However, what I'm afraid of is neither the epidemic nor the people.
‪오라버니랑 떨어지는 겁니다‬I'm afraid of being so far away from you. Gosh, you silly goose.
‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪원, 녀석...‬Gosh, you silly goose.
‪(도승지)‬ ‪다음은 사간원 정언‬ ‪임상현의 상소이옵니다‬Next is a petition from Im Sang-hyeon from the Office of Censors.
‪'신 임상현'‬"I have gathered opinions of scholars at academies and local schools across the country
‪'전국의 서원과 향교의‬ ‪동정을 살펴본바'‬opinions of scholars at academies and local schools across the country
‪'유림들이 대비전에 내리신 처사가‬ ‪패륜이라 주장하며'‬and found out that most scholars insist what was done to the Queen Dowager is immoral.
‪'민심을 흉흉하게 만들고 있으니...'‬This is worsening public sentiment toward--"
‪(우의정)‬ ‪뭐라고? 패륜?‬Come again? "Immoral"?
‪촌구석 유림들이 뭘 안다고‬ ‪조정 일에 훈수를!‬What do those scholars in the countryside even know? How dare they lecture us?
‪(익평)‬ ‪저하, 너무 심려치 마십시오‬Your Royal Highness, please do not be concerned.
‪각 고을에 관문을 내려‬We are sending an official letter
‪이 모든 것이 서래원 잔당들의‬ ‪흉계에서 비롯됐음을‬to each county to inform the people that it was all caused by the schemes of the remnants of Seoraewon.
‪납득시키고 있습니다‬that it was all caused by the schemes of the remnants of Seoraewon. -Things will quiet down soon. -Yes, Your Royal Highness.
‪곧 잠잠해질 것입니다‬-Things will quiet down soon. -Yes, Your Royal Highness.
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪예, 저하‬-Things will quiet down soon. -Yes, Your Royal Highness.
‪본디 민심이란 것이‬Public sentiment changes all the time.
‪들쭉날쭉 끓었다가 식었다가‬Public sentiment changes all the time. The people are fickle-minded.
‪지조가 없기로는‬ ‪갈대와도 같은 것 아니겠습니까?‬They are easily swayed like reeds in the wind.
‪오늘은 이만하겠습니다‬Today... Let us finish here.
‪(우원)‬ ‪저하‬Your Royal Highness.
‪예문관에서 올라온 상소가‬ ‪아직 남았습니다‬We still have a petition from the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(우의정)‬ ‪민 봉교, 그건...‬Officer Min, that is... How dare you do this without going through the Royal Secretariat?
‪(도승지)‬ ‪자네 어찌 승정원도 거치지 않고‬ ‪상소를 올리는 건가?‬How dare you do this without going through the Royal Secretariat?
‪(우원)‬ ‪예문관 권지 구해령이 올린 상소입니다‬It's a petition written by Apprentice Goo Hae-ryung.
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪권지?‬ ‪어디서 품계도 없는 여사 따위가!‬An apprentice? How dare a female historian without any official rank-- The female historians are government officials as well.
‪(시행)‬ ‪여사도 관원입니다‬The female historians are government officials as well.
‪'신 예문관 권지 구해령'‬"I, Apprentice Goo Hae-ryung, submit this
‪'불미스러운 사실을‬ ‪알게 되어 청합니다'‬to ask you to look into a suspicious incident from the past."
‪(해령)‬ ‪20년 전 폐주의 일기청이 열렸을 때‬A witness says the daily record,
‪당대의 사관들이 제출한 사초가‬ ‪조작되었다는 증언과‬submitted to Ilgicheong 20 years ago, was fabricated,
‪이를 입증할 새로운 사초가‬ ‪발견되었습니다‬was fabricated, and we have the daily record to prove that.
‪끝까지 진실을 지키고자 했던 사관은‬ ‪죽어서 사명을 다했으니‬The historian, who tried his best to protect the truth, sacrificed his life to do his duty,
‪이제 살아 있는 사관들이‬ ‪거짓된 역사를 바로잡아‬so his fellow historians who are alive wish to right the wrongs
‪후대에 전하고자 합니다‬to pass down only true facts.
‪청컨대‬I implore you
‪일기청에서 역사를 왜곡하도록‬to find out who threatened and persuaded the historians at Ilgicheong to distort the historical facts
‪사관들을 겁박하고 회유했던‬ ‪대신들이 누구인지‬the historians at Ilgicheong to distort the historical facts
‪신념을 저버리고 곡필로써‬ ‪권력에 아부했던 사관들이 누구인지‬and which of the historians betrayed their principles and ingratiated themselves with those in power.
‪(우원)‬ ‪그 진실을 밝혀 주십시오‬Please find out the truth.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬"Find out the truth"? What exactly do you mean by that?
‪진실을 밝혀 달라는 게 무슨 뜻입니까?‬"Find out the truth"? What exactly do you mean by that? We request a comprehensive and fair investigation
‪폐주의 일기청에 참여했던‬ ‪관원 마흔두 명에 대한‬We request a comprehensive and fair investigation of all the 42 officials that were involved in the dethronement process.
‪전면적이고 공정한 조사를‬ ‪요청한다는 뜻입니다‬of all the 42 officials that were involved in the dethronement process.
‪(우의정)‬ ‪조사는 무슨...‬ ‪당장 물러가지 못하겠는가?‬What do you mean "investigation"? Leave at once!
‪어느 안전이라고 여사의 말 한마디를‬ ‪상소랍시고 올리는 게야?‬How dare you relay a female historian's words to us, calling it a petition?
‪여사의 말 한마디가 아니라‬This is not just from her.
‪예문관 전체의 뜻입니다‬It is from the entire Office of Royal Decrees.
‪저희 사관들은 이미 뜻을 모았습니다‬This is a request by all the historians. Your Royal Highness, this is a groundless accusation.
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪저하! 이는 터무니없는 음해이옵니다!‬Your Royal Highness, this is a groundless accusation. I was one of the historians at Ilgicheong back then.
‪제가 당시 일기청에‬ ‪참여했던 사관입니다‬I was one of the historians at Ilgicheong back then.
‪사초를 조작하다니‬ ‪있을 수 없는 일입니다!‬What? The records were manipulated? That is simply impossible!
‪(대제학)‬ ‪저하‬Your Royal Highness.
‪소신 20년 전 한림들의 수장이었으나‬I was in charge of managing all the historians 20 years ago,
‪사초를 조작한 일에 대해서는‬ ‪전혀 아는 바가 없습니다‬but I know nothing about the records being manipulated.
‪하오나 사관들의 청에도‬ ‪일리는 있습니다‬However, the historians do have a point.
‪(대제학)‬ ‪사관들의 책무는 있는 그대로의 역사를‬ ‪후손들에게 남기는 것이니‬It is their duty to record history as truthfully as possible for our future generations, so if there are such suspicions,
‪일기청에서 그런 의혹이 있었다면‬so if there are such suspicions,
‪진위 여부를‬ ‪가려봐야 하지 않겠습니까?‬we should look into it and find out whether they are true or not.
‪- (대사헌) 문형 대감!‬ ‪- (도승지) 문형 대감!‬-Chancellor. -Chancellor.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪대제학 대감의 말이 맞사옵니다‬The Chancellor is absolutely right.
‪사기를 왜곡하려 하는 것은‬ ‪참형에 처해야 할 중죄이니‬Anyone who tries to distort historical records deserves capital punishment. Please form a special investigation committee and find out the truth.
‪마땅히 추국청을 열어‬ ‪시비를 가려 주시옵소서‬Please form a special investigation committee and find out the truth.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪윤허‬I will...
‪하지 않겠습니다‬-not allow that. -Your Royal Highness.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪저하‬-not allow that. -Your Royal Highness.
‪이 일에 대해선‬ ‪더 이상 청하지 마십시오‬I will not accept any more petitions regarding this.
‪[사관들의 초조한 한숨]‬
‪(장군)‬ ‪아이, 뭐가 이렇게 오래 걸려?‬Gosh, why are they taking so long?
‪(홍익)‬ ‪안 되겠습니다‬I cannot wait any longer. I shall go and try to eavesdrop on them.
‪제가 가서 슬쩍 엿듣고 오겠습니다‬I cannot wait any longer. I shall go and try to eavesdrop on them.
‪[사관들의 재촉하는 신음]‬-Okay, hurry. -Go.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪아유, 아이고‬
‪[경묵의 한숨]‬ ‪[홍익의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(아란)‬ ‪양 봉교님, 어찌 됐습니까?‬Officer Yang, how did it go?
‪(시행)‬ ‪글렀다‬His Royal Highness said we should never even bring it up again.
‪다시는 입에도 올리지 말라신다‬His Royal Highness said we should never even bring it up again.
‪[사관들의 안타까운 한숨]‬
‪[허탈한 한숨]‬
‪[새들이 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[모화의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(모화)‬ ‪급한 일이라 들었습니다‬I heard it's regarding an urgent matter.
‪대비전에 무슨 일이 생긴 겁니까?‬Did something happen to the Queen Dowager? Those at the Office of Royal Decrees found Kim Il-mok's daily records.
‪예문관에서‬ ‪김일목의 사초를 발견했다는군‬Those at the Office of Royal Decrees found Kim Il-mok's daily records.
‪(백선)‬ ‪구해령이라는 여사관이‬A female historian named Goo Hae-ryung submitted a petition, requesting an investigation
‪당시 일기청에서 있었던 일을‬ ‪조사해 달라고‬submitted a petition, requesting an investigation of what happened at Ilgicheong.
‪상소를 올렸다고 하네‬of what happened at Ilgicheong.
‪(모화)‬ ‪해서요? 상소가 받아들여졌습니까?‬So what happened? Did they accept the request?
‪(백선)‬ ‪저하께서 윤허하지 않으셨네‬No, His Royal Highness did not approve it.
‪20년 전 일을 들춰 봤자‬He knows that digging into that incident
‪자신에게 위협만 된다는 걸‬ ‪깨달으신 게야‬from 20 years ago will only threaten his position. If His Royal Highness has decided not to support the historians,
‪저하께서 사관들에게 등을 돌리셨다면‬If His Royal Highness has decided not to support the historians,
‪민익평이 무슨 짓을 해 올지 모릅니다‬we don't know what Min Ik-pyeong will do now.
‪(백선)‬ ‪아니‬Actually, I think we can wait a little
‪난 오히려 이 상황을 잠시 지켜봐도‬ ‪괜찮겠단 생각이 드네‬Actually, I think we can wait a little and see what happens next.
‪다른 이들도 아니고 사관들일세‬They are historians. As long as they have all the daily records,
‪예문관에서 사초를 가지고 있는 이상‬As long as they have all the daily records,
‪천하의 좌상도‬ ‪손을 댈 명분이 없지 않은가?‬even the Second State Councillor won't have any excuses to harm them. That won't matter to Min Ik-pyeong.
‪민익평에게 명분은 중요하지 않습니다‬That won't matter to Min Ik-pyeong.
‪필요하다면 무력을 써서라도‬ ‪예문관을 위협할 것입니다‬If needed, he will even use the military to threaten the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪[책상을 쾅 친다]‬
‪그렇게만 해 준다면‬If he goes that route,
‪그보다 더 좋은‬ ‪거병의 명분이 없지 않은가?‬it will give us the most perfect reason to raise an army.
‪(백선)‬ ‪걱정 마시게‬Don't worry. If he harms the historians in any way,
‪만약 그자가 사관들에게 해를 가한다면‬If he harms the historians in any way,
‪나도 그 즉시‬ ‪훈련도감 군사들을 일으켜‬I will mobilize my soldiers at the Military Training Corps immediately
‪민익평을 역모죄로 처단할 것이니‬and punish Min Ik-pyeong for treason.
‪(장군)‬ ‪아, 진짜 일할 맛 안 나네‬I really don't want to work anymore.
‪아, 이렇게 열심히 적어서 뭐 합니까?‬I mean, why work so hard? They'll change it however they wish later on anyway.
‪어차피 나중에 자기들 입맛대로‬ ‪다 뜯어고칠 텐데‬They'll change it however they wish later on anyway.
‪(치국)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪제 말이요‬That's what I'm saying.
‪이럴 거면 사관은 왜 있고‬ ‪예문관은 왜 있나 싶습니다‬I'm wondering why historians are even needed and why the Office of Royal Decrees exists. It is too early to be let down.
‪(아란)‬ ‪벌써부터 지치기 있습니까?‬It is too early to be let down. If Apprentice Goo's petition gets rejected,
‪구 권지 이름으로 쓴 상소가 까이면‬If Apprentice Goo's petition gets rejected,
‪다음번엔 제 이름으로 쓰고‬we'll submit another one in my name. If that also gets rejected, we'll file another one in Apprentice Oh's name.
‪그래도 까이면‬ ‪오 권지 이름으로 또 쓰고‬If that also gets rejected, we'll file another one in Apprentice Oh's name.
‪받아 줄 때까지 어디 한번 해 보자고요‬We will keep going until it gets approved. We can do this!
‪- (은임) 그렇죠!‬ ‪- (경묵) 야‬-That's right! -Hey.
‪(경묵)‬ ‪아까 저하 표정 못 봤냐?‬Didn't you see His Royal Highness earlier?
‪한마디만 더 했다간‬ ‪진짜 피바람이라도 불게 생겼더만‬If we bring it up again, a bloodbath may sweep across the palace.
‪(길승)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪아무래도 이상합니다‬It is very odd though. His Royal Highness would never ignore our opinion like this.
‪저하께서 이렇게‬ ‪사관들 의견 묵살하실 분이 아닌데‬His Royal Highness would never ignore our opinion like this.
‪[길승의 한숨]‬ ‪[시행의 한숨]‬Enough, all of you. Let's get our work done first.
‪다들 됐고 일단 일들 해, 어?‬Enough, all of you. Let's get our work done first.
‪일은 끝내야 뭐, 다 같이‬ ‪머리를 쥐어짜 내든 말든 할 거 아니야‬Only then can we have time to come up with a solution together.
‪쯧!‬ ‪[시행의 재촉하는 신음]‬
‪[시행의 한숨]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[재경의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(재경)‬ ‪해령아‬Hae-ryung.
‪(재경)‬ ‪긴말하지 않으마‬I'll keep it short. You still have some time.
‪아직 시간이 있다‬ ‪잠시 도성을 떠나 있거라‬I'll keep it short. You still have some time. Leave the city for the time being.
‪(해령)‬ ‪오라버니‬Jae-gyeong.
‪이건 이제 사관들의 문제입니다‬This is about all the historians now.
‪고작 사관들이‬ ‪감당할 수 있는 문제가 아니다‬It is not something that mere historians can handle.
‪일기청의 일을 추국하겠다는 게‬ ‪무슨 뜻인지나 아느냐?‬Investigating what happened at Ilgicheong? Do you realize what that means?
‪사관이 직접 반정의 옳고 그름을‬ ‪따져 보겠다는 뜻이다‬It means the historians wish to judge whether the dethronement was a just decision.
‪(재경)‬ ‪네 얘기가 대전에서 나온 이상‬ ‪좌상 쪽에서도 가만있진 않을 것이다‬Since your name has been brought up, the Second State Councillor won't let it slide.
‪이젠 예문관도 안전하지 못해‬Even the Office of Royal Decrees is no longer safe.
‪그러니 제발 이쯤에서 물러나 있거라‬So please... Stop here and leave.
‪(해령)‬ ‪죄책감 때문입니까?‬Is it because of guilt?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪오라버니께서‬Is that why
‪이렇게 절 지키려고 하시는 이유가?‬you are so protective of me?
‪늘 무언가가 이상하다고‬ ‪생각하긴 했습니다‬I always thought something didn't quite add up.
‪서래원 사람들이‬ ‪한날한시에 그렇게 죽어 갈 동안‬I wondered how the two of us could survive
‪어떻게 우리 둘만‬ ‪이렇게 살아남을 수 있었는지‬when everyone else at Seoraewon died on the same day
‪서래원 출신인 오라버니가‬and how you managed to land
‪어떻게 조선에서‬ ‪관직을 하며 살 수가 있는 건지‬a position in the government when you used to work at Seoraewon.
‪(해령)‬ ‪한데 결국 그 모든 것들이‬Was all of that possible...
‪오라버니께서 폐주의 서신을‬ ‪뒤바꾼 대가였습니까?‬because you swapped the dethroned king's letter with a fake one?
‪그래도‬But I still...
‪저는 오라버니를 원망하지 않습니다‬don't resent you.
‪분명 뭔가 이유가‬ ‪있었을 거라고 생각합니다‬I'm sure you had a reason.
‪(해령)‬ ‪그 오랜 세월 동안‬ ‪절 지키고 돌봐 주시면서‬And you've already punished yourself...
‪혼자 그렇게 아파하고‬ ‪괴로워하셨던 것만으로도‬by protecting me and looking after me for all those years
‪벌은 이미 다 받으신 겁니다‬while suffering all by yourself.
‪[해령이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪그러니까 이제‬So,
‪더 이상 그 모든 짐들을‬you no longer need to carry
‪홀로 떠안지 않으셔도 괜찮습니다‬all the burden by yourself,
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪[재경이 흐느낀다]‬
‪(우의정)‬ ‪이제 겨우 대비가 조용해지나 싶더니‬I thought we had finally managed to silence the Queen Dowager. Where did Kim Il-mok's daily records even come from out of the blue?
‪갑자기 김일목 그놈의 사초는‬ ‪어디서 튀어나온 겁니까?‬Where did Kim Il-mok's daily records even come from out of the blue?
‪어떻게 돼서 조정이‬ ‪하루도 조용할 날이 없으니, 원, 쯧쯧‬Not a day goes by without trouble here in the royal court.
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪한데 문형은 거기서‬ ‪왜 사관들 편을 드십니까?‬Chancellor, why did you take the historians' side?
‪[이조 정랑의 한숨]‬ ‪일기청에서‬ ‪사초를 고친 게 알려지면요?‬What if they find out that it was, in fact, altered?
‪한림이었던 문형이랑 나부터‬ ‪제일 먼저 목이 날아가는 겁니다‬You and I will be the first ones to lose our lives as we were historians back then.
‪(대제학)‬ ‪아니, 나라고 뭐‬ ‪그러고 싶어서 그랬겠습니까?‬Look, do you think I sided with them because I actually wanted to? The special investigation committee will not be formed anyway.
‪어차피 추국청이야‬ ‪열리지 않을 거 뻔한데‬The special investigation committee will not be formed anyway.
‪사관들 편들어 주는 시늉이라도 해야‬At least one of us had to act like we support them,
‪아, 지난번처럼 도끼 들고 오는 일이‬ ‪없을 거 아닙니까?‬or they'll raid our office again with an ax.
‪[도승지의 한숨]‬
‪(도승지)‬ ‪오늘은 운 좋게‬ ‪저하께서 막아 주셨지만‬We were lucky because His Royal Highness didn't approve it,
‪사관들이 다음번에‬ ‪또 어떻게 나올지 모릅니다‬but who knows what those historians will do next?
‪어명으로 군을 동원해서라도‬ ‪사관들의 입을 막아야 합니다‬We should get the military involved to silence the historians.
‪(익평)‬ ‪상소를 올린 게‬The petition was submitted by Apprentice Goo Hae-ryung.
‪권지 구해령이었어‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬The petition was submitted by Apprentice Goo Hae-ryung.
‪구 장령의 누이‬Third Inspector Goo's sister.
‪구 장령은 어디 있는가?‬Where is he now?
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪저기 충청도로 공차를 나갔습니다‬He is in Chungcheong Province on duty.
‪돌아올 기일이 좀 지나긴 했는데‬Actually, he should've been back a few days ago.
‪그, 딱히 연통이 닿질 않고‬We have no way of reaching him though.
‪대감, 혹시...‬Lord Min, are you thinking...
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[대문이 쾅쾅 울린다]‬
‪[설금의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬My gosh!
‪(설금)‬ ‪아니, 이 아저씨들은 뭐야?‬What's going on? Who are you guys?
‪아이, 저기요! 지금 우리 나리가, 어?‬Excuse me. Lord Goo is...
‪(광주댁)‬ ‪뭔 일이여?‬What is happening?
‪(귀재)‬ ‪가자‬Let's go.
‪[광주댁의 걱정스러운 신음]‬What is this about?
‪(김 내관)‬ ‪마마, 저하께선 잠시‬ ‪아무도 들이지 말라 하셨사온데‬Your Highness, His Royal Highness has asked us not to let anyone in.
‪(이진)‬ ‪들라 하라‬Your Highness, His Royal Highness has asked us not to let anyone in. You may let him in.
‪마마...‬Your Highness.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪내 읽어야 할 상소가 있는데‬I have to go over this petition.
‪급한 일인 것이냐?‬Is it something urgent?
‪(이림)‬ ‪사관들의 청을‬ ‪윤허하지 않으셨다 들었습니다‬I heard you rejected the historians' petition.
‪(이진)‬ ‪해서?‬So?
‪추국청을 열어 주십시오‬Form a special investigation committee
‪누가 뭘 숨기기 위해서‬ ‪그런 짓을 했는지...‬to find out who did it and what they wanted to hide--
‪그걸 네가 왜 궁금해하느냐?‬Why are you curious about that?
‪누가 뭘 숨겼는지가 아니라‬Perhaps what you truly want is
‪전하의 반정이 잘못됐다는 걸‬ ‪밝혀내고 싶어서?‬proving that the dethronement was wrong, not finding out what was buried.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪형님도 알고 계셨습니까?‬Did you know about it too?
‪제가 폐주의 아들이라는 거‬The fact that I am the dethroned king's son. No. You are His Majesty's son, and a prince of this kingdom.
‪아니, 넌 전하의 아들이고‬ ‪이 나라의 대군이다‬No. You are His Majesty's son, and a prince of this kingdom.
‪(이진)‬ ‪그러니 너의 본분을 잊지 말거라‬Hence, you should never forget your duty. What exactly is that duty of mine that you are speaking of?
‪형님께서 말씀하시는‬ ‪제 본분이라는 게 뭡니까?‬What exactly is that duty of mine that you are speaking of?
‪처소에 갇혀서 아무것도 할 수 없는‬Just being the powerless, weak, pathetic prince
‪유약하고 한심한 왕자요?‬who is confined to his residence?
‪그래, 그게 너의 본분이다‬Yes. That is your duty.
‪아무것도 할 수 없고 해서도 안 되는!‬You cannot and should not do anything.
‪도원 대군‬That is you, Prince Dowon.
‪언제부터 네가 그리‬ ‪조정 일에 관심이 많았는지는 몰라도‬I don't know since when you were so interested in the royal court's affairs,
‪정사는 너의 몫이 아니다, 돌아가거라‬but such political matters should not concern you. Now, leave.
‪(이림)‬ ‪저는 다신 그리 살지 않기로‬ ‪결심했습니다‬I have made up my mind not to live like that any longer.
‪잘못은 바로잡고‬I will right the wrongs
‪잘못한 사람들은‬ ‪벌을 받게 만들 겁니다‬and punish those who did bad deeds. -Rim. -Even you...
‪- (이진) 이림‬ ‪- 형님께서도!‬-Rim. -Even you...
‪절 막지는 못하실 겁니다‬won't be able to stop me.
‪(이진)‬ ‪지금 당장 녹서당에‬ ‪금군들을 보내거라!‬Send palace guards to Nokseodang at once!
‪도원 대군을 처소에서‬ ‪한 발자국도 못 나오게 해‬Prince Dowon must not even step out of his residence.
‪[해령의 한숨]‬
‪[은임의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(은임)‬ ‪구 권지! 들으셨습니까?‬Apprentice Goo, have you heard the news?
‪저하께서 녹서당에...‬His Highness can't leave Nokseodang.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪나오십시오‬Let me through.
‪사관입니다, 비켜 주십시오‬I am a historian. Please let me in.
‪(금군3)‬ ‪녹서당을 엄중히 호위하라는‬ ‪저하의 명이 있었습니다‬His Royal Highness has ordered us to strictly guard Nokseodang.
‪[해령의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪사관도 못 들어가게 하면서‬ ‪이게 어딜 봐서 호위입니까?‬Even historians aren't allowed to enter? How is this considered "guarding"?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마...‬Your Highness.
‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 신음]‬
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪[북과 징이 요란하게 울린다]‬ ‪(익평)‬ ‪두 분이 이 자리에 계신 건‬Please do not forget
‪20년 전에 제가 결단을‬ ‪내렸기 때문임을 잊지 마십시오‬that you two can be here now because of my decision 20 years ago.
‪폐주의 적장자가 살아 있으니‬The dethroned king's son is alive. And that's why the people of Seoraewon are continuing to have false hope.
‪서래원 잔당들도 헛된 희망을‬ ‪품는 것 아니겠습니까?‬And that's why the people of Seoraewon are continuing to have false hope.
‪곧 도원 대군은‬ ‪세상에서 사라질 것입니다‬Prince Dowon will vanish soon.
‪(이림)‬ ‪저는 더 이상 도원 대군이 아닙니다‬I am no longer Prince Dowon.
‪희영군 이겸의 아들‬I am the son of Yi Gyeom, Prince Huiyeong.
‪이림입니다‬-I am Yi Rim. -Even if you slash my throat,
‪(해령)‬ ‪저를 베셔도‬-I am Yi Rim. -Even if you slash my throat,
‪사필은 멈추지 않습니다‬we historians will continue writing.

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