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  별에서 온 그대 16

My Love from the Star 16


이건 아직 모르는  같아서

Let me make this clear because I don't think you know this.

확실하게 얘기할게요

Let me make this clear because I don't think you know this.

나도 이제 도민준 

Mr. Do, I don't like you either.


Mr. Do, I don't like you either.

이러니까  싫어

I dislike you even more now.

(송이그러니까  눈앞에서아니

So get lost before my eyes... No, get out of my life.

 인생에서 사라져 줘요

So get lost before my eyes... No, get out of my life.




And I hope you realize how selfish...

본인이 얼마나 이기적인지

And I hope you realize how selfish...

알았으면 좋겠네요

you really are.

[신비로운 효과음]

[신비로운 음악]

[신비로운 효과음]

지금 이게

What do you think...

 하는 짓이에요?

you're doing right now?

내가 너한테   있는

The most selfish thing...

가장 이기적인 

that I can do to you.

[당황한 숨소리]


(송이도민준 당신

Min-jun, there's really...

정말  하는  없네

not a thing you can't do.

진짜 짱이다

You're unbelievable.


Why? Do you like me?

당신  좋아해?

Why? Do you like me?


Do you?

[떨리는 숨소리]

도민준  정말 거짓말  하는구나

You really are a bad liar.

(송이 분위기에

You could have just said yes in this mood.

그냥 좋다고  수도 있을 텐데

You could have just said yes in this mood.

[힘겨운 숨소리]

너희 별에선 그러니?

Do people do this on your planet?

좋아하지도 않는 여자한테 키스하고  그래?

Do they kiss a woman they don't even like?

우리 별에선

In my planet,


이건 아니거든

you can't do that.

우리  남자들은

Guys of my planet do things like this only to a woman they like.

자기가 좋아하는 여자한테만 그러거든

Guys of my planet do things like this only to a woman they like.

이건 아니지

This is wrong.


Don't you think so?


Don't you think so?

[무거운 음악]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[놀라는 숨소리]

[송이의 힘주는 신음] [흥미로운 음악]

Gosh, damn it!


Gosh, damn it!


Gosh, damn it!



정신  차려 

Get a hold of yourself.

아유나한테  이래?

Why do you do this to me?

[송이의 힘겨운 비명]

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

[힘주는 신음]


[송이의 한숨]

아니 남자가 초능력 있으면  ?

There's no use even if you have supernatural powers.

키스만 하면 기절이야

You always faint when we kiss.

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

Key. Where's the key?

 어디 있어?

Key. Where's the key?


-In my pocket. -Your pocket?

주머니? [다급한 숨소리]

-In my pocket. -Your pocket?

[송이의 한숨]

[자동차 시동음]

[부드러운 음악]


Which star...

어느 별에서 왔니?

did you really come from?

[활기찬 음악]

[자동차 가속음]


Hey! Move!

[자동차 가속음]

[송이의 못마땅한 신음]

지금 우리 급한   보여?

We're in a hurry right now!

[ 경적을 빵빵 울린다] (송이 비켜?

We're in a hurry right now! Get lost!

 지금 사람 죽어 가는데

Hey, a man is dying here.

[송이가  경적을 빵빵 울린다]

거기 하얀 붕붕이

White car over there! Move!

 비켜우리 지금 급한   보여? [ 경적을 계속 빵빵 울린다]

White car over there! Move! We're in a hurry!

[자동차 가속음]


Take your time.

(민준이러다 진짜 죽겠어

I might really die at this rate.

내가 지금 그쪽을 살리려고

I might really die at this rate. Can't you see that I'm doing my best to save your life?

최선을 다하고 있는   보여?

Can't you see that I'm doing my best to save your life?

[힘겨운 숨소리]

(송이괜찮아도민준 ?

Are you okay?


Are you okay?




(송이말해 도민준 

Tell me, Min-jun. What?


Tell me, Min-jun. What?


Ahead. Will you please look ahead?

제발   보라고!

Ahead. Will you please look ahead?


[타이어 마찰음]

[송이의 놀라는 신음]

Darn it.

(송이부딪힐 뻔했네

I almost crashed into that.

[송이의 한숨]

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

[송이의 당황하는 신음]

[송이의 놀라는 신음]


Are you okay?

[민준의 힘겨운 신음] [송이의 안간힘 쓰는 신음]

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

[송이의 한숨]

[아파하는 신음]

말해 이거 우연 아니지?

Tell me. This can't be a coincidence.


Tell me. This can't be a coincidence. What?

그때도  키스그거

You know, when we kissed back then, you fainted right away.

(송이하자마자 기절

You know, when we kissed back then, you fainted right away.

이번에도 하자마자 혼절

And you fainted again this time.

뭐야 때문인 거야?

What is it? Why are you like this?

[힘겨운 한숨]

What is it? Why are you like this?

 들은 척하지 말고 얘기해 

Don't ignore me, and tell me.

뭔데무슨 비밀인 건데?

Don't ignore me, and tell me. What is it? What's your secret?

외계인보다  쇼킹한 건가?

Is it more shocking than how you're an alien?

[송이의 생각하는 숨소리]

[송이의 한숨]

이거 암만 봐도 스킨십에 뭔가 문제가 있는  같은데

It looks like there's a problem with you touching me.

근데 손잡았을  별일 없었잖아

Nothing happened when we held hands.

그런데 키스는  된다는 거고?

But you can't kiss me, right?


But you can't kiss me, right? -Is that it? -Be quiet.


-Is that it? -Be quiet.

(송이아니 진짜로 그쪽 말대로라면

If what you said is correct, if you really are an alien,

그쪽이 외계인이라면

If what you said is correct, if you really are an alien,

나랑은 다른 종족인 거잖아?

that means we're different species.

그쪽은 외계남

You're an alien man, and I'm a woman from earth.

[웃으며나는 지구녀

You're an alien man, and I'm a woman from earth.


I can't believe this.


Anyway, I need to know what I can do and what I cannot.

뭐가 되고 뭐가  되고를 알아야지

Anyway, I need to know what I can do and what I cannot.

주의 사항이라든가

You know, like precautions.

어디까지는 되고 어디까지는  되는지

You know, like precautions. How far can I take this, and when should I stop?



키스부터는   되는 거야?

you can't do anything past kissing?


Nothing past kissing?


Nothing past kissing?


아니어차피 외계인인  커밍아웃도  마당에

Now that you already told me you're an alien, you can tell me anything.

 말을   ?

you can tell me anything.

뭐뭐는 되고 뭐뭐는  되는지

Tell me what we can do and what we cannot.



I can do this.

[잔잔한 음악]

[송이의 당황한 신음]

되는  알았으니까

I get that we can do this. So let go of me.

이거  놓지?

I get that we can do this. So let go of me.


I told you to let go of me.

(송이사람    들어

You never listen, do you?


I guess I can't help it.


Anyway, let's figure this out first.

우리 정리라는   하자

Anyway, let's figure this out first.

내가 예전에 도민준 씨한테

I asked you before

' 어때 여자로 어때?'라고 물어봤었지?

what you think of me as a woman.

 이후에 도민준   개무시한  말해야  아프고

I don't even need to say how you ignored me after that.

그러면서 도민준 씨는

Then you told me about that woman with binyeo,

비녀 주인 여자 들먹이면서

Then you told me about that woman with binyeo,

내가  여자랑 닮아서 나한테 관심이 있었을 

then said you were interested because I looked like her,

내가  여자가 아니면 관심이 없다고

but that you have no feelings for me unless I'm her, didn't you?

얘기했어 했어?

but that you have no feelings for me unless I'm her, didn't you?


Anyway, so I decided to get over you.

그래서 내가 마음을 접었잖아?

Anyway, so I decided to get over you.

근데 도민준  오늘 느닷없이 나타나서

Then you suddenly popped up today

나한테 동의하지 않은 키스를 했단 말이지

and kissed me without my consent.

 입장에선 궁금하지 않을  없잖아

I mean, I would be curious, right?


That kiss.

누구한테  거야?

Who was that kiss for?

나한테  거야?

Did you kiss me?

아니면  닮은  여자한테  거야?

Or did you kiss that woman who looks like me?

세상에서 제일 골치 아픈 삼각관계가   알아?

Do you know what the worst love triangle is?

추억 속의 여자와의 삼각

The one with a woman of the past.

현실에 있는 여자라면 내가 어떤 여자인지  수도 있고

If it's with a woman in real life, I can find out what she's like,

맞짱이라도 시원하게 한번 붙을  있을 텐데

and I can even fight her.

이건 추억 속에 박제돼서 아름답게 남아 있는 여자를

But this is a woman who is on display in your heart as a beautiful memory.

어떻게 이기겠어?

How can I win against her?

그런데  그거 알고 싶어

Anyway, I want to know that.

아까  키스

Who did you kiss just before?

누구한테  거야?

Who did you kiss just before?

나한테  거야?

Was it me? Or was it that woman?

아니면  여자한테  거야?

Was it me? Or was it that woman?




Come on.

(민준천송이한테  거였어

I kissed you, Song-i.





Cheon Song-i.


What did you say? Who?


What did you say? Who?




Cheon Song-i.


-Me? -Yes, you.


-Me? -Yes, you.

[옅은 웃음]

[의아한 숨소리]



What's going on?

[휴대전화 조작음]

[통화 연결음]

[휴대전화  소리]

[휴대전화 조작음]


-Hello? -Do you know what time it is?

(윤재 지금 시간이  시야?

-Hello? -Do you know what time it is?


 밤샘 촬영하고 이제  지하 주차장 도착했어

I was working all night. I just parked my car.

지금 들어가

I'm on my way home.

[도어  작동음]

[도어  작동음] [놀라는 숨소리]

[흥미로운 음악]


그래네가 무슨 생각하는지 알아

Okay, I know what you're thinking.

근데 그런  아니야

-But that's not the case. -You worked all night?

밤샘 촬영을 ?

-But that's not the case. -You worked all night?

오해할 만도 하지

-But that's not the case. -You worked all night? Yes, you can take this the wrong way.

근데 그런  아니야

-But it's not like that. -Come inside!

따라 들어와!

-But it's not like that. -Come inside!

[도어  작동음]

[한숨] [문이  닫힌다]

[도어  작동음]

[윤재의 한숨]

[윤재의 성난 숨소리]

밤새  남자 집에 있었어?

You were in his place all night?

(윤재 정신 나갔냐?

Have you gone insane?


I told you.

네가 생각하는 그런  아니야

It's not like what you're thinking.

 상태가 그럴 상태가 아니었다니까

He wasn't in good condition.

상태가 뭐가 중요해?

He wasn't in good condition. His condition isn't important.

남자는  똑같아 바보야

All men are the same, you fool.


It's not like that.

(윤재 떨어지고  막혀 있고 지붕 있고

The sun is gone. There are closed walls and a roof on the top.

그럼 끝이야

Then it's game over.


What's game over?

남자들이 원하는 필요충분조건 같은 거라고?

What's game over? Those are the necessary and sufficient conditions for men.


It's dark. Walls are all around you. There's a roof on the top.

(윤재사방이 벽이야 지붕도 있어

It's dark. Walls are all around you. There's a roof on the top.

그러면 드는 생각이 

Then there is only one thing that men can think of.


Then there is only one thing that men can think of.


Then there is only one thing that men can think of.

 그런 애가 아니라니까

He's not like that.


He was sick.


He was sick.

[답답한 숨소리]

He was sick.

아픈 남자는 남자 아니냐?

A sick guy is still a guy.

(윤재아프면 이불도 덮고 있었겠네

A sick guy is still a guy. If he was sick, he was probably under a blanket.

이불까지 있었으면  진짜 게임 끝이야

It's really game over if there was a blanket.

생각해 보니까 열받네

Come to think of it, this makes me angry.

(송이 새끼야

Hey, you idiot.

아무것도  했다고아무것도

I couldn't do anything. I did nothing.

 떨어지고 깜깜하고 지붕 있고

I couldn't do anything. I did nothing. The sun was gone. We were behind closed walls

벽도 있고 이불도 있었는데

The sun was gone. We were behind closed walls with a roof and blanket,

네가 생각하는 그런 

but I couldn't do anything of the sort that you're imagining right now.

아무것도  했다고

but I couldn't do anything of the sort that you're imagining right now.


but I couldn't do anything of the sort that you're imagining right now.


[불안한 음악]

(그날 사고 현장에 동생분이 오실 줄은 몰랐습니다

I didn't know your brother would show up on the day of the accident.

혹시라도 거기서 저를 보셨다면

If he saw me there...


Jae-gyeong, it's been a while.

(재경 [범중과 은아의 웃음]


[범중의 안도하는 숨소리]

휘경이 언제 깨어났어요?

-When did he wake up? -This morning.

(은아아까 오전에

-When did he wake up? -This morning.

- (범중 - (은아간단한 검사도 마쳤어

He has gotten all the simple tests too.

[범중의 웃음괜찮은 겁니까?

-Is he all right? -He isn't paralyzed anywhere,

마비 증상도 없고

-Is he all right? -He isn't paralyzed anywhere,

운동 신경에도 별다른 이상 없는 걸로 봐서

and his motor nerves look all right.

(의사수일 내에 일상 복귀할 것으로 보입니다

He can go back to his normal life in a few days.

내가 뭐랬어?

I told you.

아무 일도 없을 거랬지?

I said nothing will happen to him.

 멀쩡한   봐라

Look at how healthy he is.

[범중과 은아의 웃음]

Look at how healthy he is.

Are you all right?


Are you all right?

조금 어지럽긴 한데

I'm a little dizzy.

그나저나 박사님

Anyway, doctor. Thank you for not shaving my head...

(휘경 이거 머리  밀고

Anyway, doctor. Thank you for not shaving my head...

[멋쩍은 숨소리]

Anyway, doctor. Thank you for not shaving my head...


-to do that... -Trepanation.

두개 천공술이요

-to do that... -Trepanation.


Right, thank you for keeping me pretty even after the surgery.

아무튼 그걸로 이렇게 이쁘게 수술해 주셔서

Right, thank you for keeping me pretty even after the surgery.


Right, thank you for keeping me pretty even after the surgery.

[함께 웃는다]

(은아근데 얘가

But he can't seem to remember the day of his accident.

사고 나던 그날을 기억을  한다

But he can't seem to remember the day of his accident.

(휘경 [긴장되는 음악]


내가 송이 촬영장에 밥차 보내려고

I do remember making a reservation to send a food truck

예약하고 그랬던  기억이 나거든?

to Song-i's shooting.


But I don't remember that day when I got into an accident.

사고 났다는 그날이 기억이  

But I don't remember that day when I got into an accident.


-Really? -You had a cerebral hemorrhage,

(의사뇌출혈이   뇌진탕도 왔다는 건데

-Really? -You had a cerebral hemorrhage, meaning that you also had a concussion.

뇌진탕 때문에 잠깐씩 그럴  있습니다

That can happen for a short time because of that.

(범중 그날만 기억  나는 거라면

That can happen for a short time because of that. If he just doesn't remember that day, who cares?

무슨 상관이야?

If he just doesn't remember that day, who cares?

그럴  있어?

That can happen.


That can happen.


Jae-gyeong, Song-i got discharged because she's fine, right?

우리 송이는 이제 괜찮으니까 퇴원한 거지?

Jae-gyeong, Song-i got discharged because she's fine, right?


Goodness. Are you worried about that brat in your condition?

 와중에  계집애 걱정이니?

Are you worried about that brat in your condition?

 몸이나 걱정해

You should be concerned about yourself.


You should be concerned about yourself. Mom, don't call her a brat.

우리 송이한테  계집애라고 하지 

Mom, don't call her a brat.


Mom, don't call her a brat. You must be all right now.

(은아 만한가 보네

You must be all right now.


You began to only say annoying things.

이제는 아주 그냥 미운 소리만 한다

You began to only say annoying things.


I can't sit like this. Where's my phone?

(휘경 휴대폰 어디 있어?

I can't sit like this. Where's my phone?

우리 송이한테 전화해 볼래

I want to call her.

( 형사표정에 변화가 없어요

His facial expression doesn't change.

속을   없는 얼굴입니다

He's the type that you can't read.

한유라 씨와 제가

Did you say that Ms. Han and I were dating?

연인 관계였다고요?

Did you say that Ms. Han and I were dating?

(재경사실은  애매한 상태여서

I said that we weren't, because it was a bit complicated.

그런 사이가 아니라고 말씀드린 건데

I said that we weren't, because it was a bit complicated.

그게 문제가 됩니까?

Is that a problem?

(정확하게 말씀하세요

You need to be accurate.

한유라 씨와 연인 관계가 아니었습니까?

Were you dating Ms. Han or not?

저는 아니었습니다

I wasn't.

(재경한유라 씨는 그렇게 생각하고 있었을  있습니다

It's possible that she might have thought so.

 관계로   만나고

We met a few times on business,

식사하자고 해서 만나기도 했고요

and I met her because she wanted to eat with me.

이미  여자관계에 대해서 알아보셨을 거라고 생각하는데

I'm sure you already looked into my love life.

저는 이혼 이후

After I got divorced,

 여자와 지속적인 관계를 유지한 적이 없습니다

I was never in a continuous relationship with a single woman.

 부인하고는 연락하고 지내십니까?

Do you keep in touch with your ex-wife?

헤어진 사이입니다

Do you keep in touch with your ex-wife? We parted our ways.

지금 어디 있는지는 알고 있으십니까?

Do you know her whereabouts?

영국에  있다고 들었습니다만

Do you know her whereabouts? I heard she's in the UK.

[불안한 음악]

그게  사건과 무슨 상관이 있습니까?

What does that have to do with this case?

저희가 알아본 바로는

We found out

한유라 씨가 이재경  전처를 만난 적이 있더군요

that Ms. Han has met your ex-wife.

그게 정말입니까?

Is that true?



 전처가 국내에 있다는 얘기입니까아니면

does this mean my ex-wife is in Korea?

한유라 씨가 영국으로 가서 만났다는 얘기입니까?

Or did Ms. Han go meet her in the UK?

( 형사 눈빛 보라고

Look at his eyes.

이거 진짜 궁금해하는 눈빛이야

He really wants to know.

자기가 공간 이동 한다는 헛소리하는 자식보다는

He's much more rational than that crazy guy

백배 이성적인 눈빛이야

who claimed that he can teleport.


Let's do our best to find his ex-wife.

이재경  전처를 찾는  전력을 다해 보죠

Let's do our best to find his ex-wife.

뭔가를 알고 있던  같던데

I think she knew something.

( 형사영상에 나온 장소가 어디 정신 병원인  같아서

The location on the video seemed like a mental hospital,

지금  돌려서 알아보고 있는데

so we've been looking everywhere, but we can't find it.


so we've been looking everywhere, but we can't find it.

요양 급여 지급 내역도  뒤져 보고 있는데

We went through the record of her medical care expenses,

병원  기록도 없고

but she hasn't been to a hospital.


What's her address? She has a house registered under her name in Gangnam-gu.

여기 강남구에

She has a house registered under her name in Gangnam-gu.

자기 이름으로  집이 있는데

She has a house registered under her name in Gangnam-gu.

( 형사사람은  없다고 하거든요

But she doesn't live here.

[노크 소리가 난다]



Mr. Yoo, the deputy chief prosecutor wants you.

차장 검사님께서  오시라고

Mr. Yoo, the deputy chief prosecutor wants you.

[서류를  내려놓는다]

갑자기 공판부 발령이라니요?

Why am I suddenly getting transferred?

(차장 검사초임이라 의욕이 넘치는 것도 알겠고

I understand how passionate you are because it's your first appointment.

 열심히  보려고 하는  같아서

I let you go on because it seemed like you were working hard.

내버려 뒀는데

I let you go on because it seemed like you were working hard.

 쓸데없는 짓은 하고 다녀?

Why did you make trouble?

한유라 사건은 자살이 아니라 타살일  있습니다

Han Yu-ra's case may be a murder, not a suicide.


Then who did it?

S&C 후계자가?

The successor of S&C Group?

(차장 검사상식적으로 한번 생각해 

Try to think rationally.


He has everything. Why would he do something like that?

그런 놈이 

He has everything. Why would he do something like that?

그런 짓을 했겠어?

He has everything. Why would he do something like that?

그건 수사를 조금  진행해 봐야

-We have to investigate it further-- -It's a suicide case.


-We have to investigate it further-- -It's a suicide case.

[서류를 뒤적이며이미 자살인  너무나 명확한 사건이야

She obviously committed suicide.

사건 종결해

Close the case.

[어두운 음악]

(범중 죽은

Were you...

연예인 아이하고는

in some kind of a relationship with the deceased celebrity girl?

 만나던 사이인 게야?

in some kind of a relationship with the deceased celebrity girl?

어쩌다 검찰까지 불려 들어가?

Why did the prosecution summon you?


I told them the truth.

사실대로 얘기했습니다

I told them the truth.

 관계 아니었어요

We weren't in a serious relationship.




You wouldn't make a mistake.


You wouldn't make a mistake.

실수 같은   애가 아니지

You wouldn't make a mistake.

(범중잊지 마라

Don't worry.

  급작스럽게 그렇게 되고 나서

After what happened to your brother,

이제  희망은 너다

you became my only hope.

 치의 실수도 없이

Make sure you make zero mistakes and faults.

 치의 흠도 없이

Make sure you make zero mistakes and faults.



You are my successor.

[재경의 팔을 툭툭 다독이며 후계자 아니냐?

You are my successor.

[범중의 웃음]


[도어  작동음]


What is it?

어제 우리 누나 여기서 잤죠?

My sister slept here last night, right?


My sister slept here last night, right? -She didn't exactly sleep-- -Excuse me.

잠깐 실례합시다

-She didn't exactly sleep-- -Excuse me.


The two of them...

남의 집을 자기 집처럼

come into my place like it's theirs.

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

[도어  작동음]

편하게 앉아요

You can relax and sit down.

(민준편해여기  집이거든

I do feel relaxed. This is my place.

내가 김치  때부터 뭐가 있다 싶어서 지켜봤어요

I knew something was going on since the kimchi container incident.

그런데 결국은 일이 이렇게 되네요?

And this ends up happening, after all.

[피식 웃는다]

[어이없는 웃음]

남자  남자로 물을게요

Let me ask you man to man.

우리 누나 좋아해요?

Do you like my sister?

이름이 뭐라고?

-What's your name again? -Cheon Yun-jae.


-What's your name again? -Cheon Yun-jae.

지금 그게 중요한  아니라

That's not what's important. Do you like my sister?

우리 누나 좋아하냐고요?

That's not what's important. Do you like my sister?


[어이없는 숨소리]


Did you just laugh?

사람 앞에 앉혀다 놓고 웃어요?

Did you bring me here to laugh at me?

내가 앉혀다 놓은  아니고

Did you bring me here to laugh at me? I didn't bring you here.

윤재 군이 마음대로 들어와서 앉은 거잖아

You came in here by yourself.

(윤재물론 그렇죠

You're right.

남자  남자

I'm here to ask you man to man, as a guy to another guy.

수컷  수컷으로 물으러  겁니다

I'm here to ask you man to man, as a guy to another guy.

우리 누나

Do you like my sister?


Do you like my sister?

초코우유 먹을래?

-Do you want chocolate milk? -Do you have some?


-Do you want chocolate milk? -Do you have some?

[흥미로운 음악]

[멋쩍은 숨소리]

[입소리를  낸다]

우리 누나가

My sister had a herd of guys who came after her in school.

(윤재학교 다닐 때부터 워낙 쫓아다니는 놈들이 많아서

My sister had a herd of guys who came after her in school.

내가 그거 정리하고 다니느라 바빴는데

I was always busy getting rid of them.

자기가 좋아하는 남자는 처음이란 말이에요

You're the first guy that she liked first.


I mean, I have no idea why, but...

 그런지 모르겠지만

I mean, I have no idea why, but...

[흥미로운 음악]

[감탄하는 숨소리]

이거 굴절 망원경이죠?

-Is this a refracting telescope? -Yes.


-Is this a refracting telescope? -Yes.


이거 어디까지   있는 거예요?

How far can you see with this?

목성토성까진   있지

To Jupiter, and even Saturn.


That's amazing.

[감탄하는 숨소리]

[놀라는 숨소리]


This is...

(민준극한 등급 13.28등성

A reflecting telescope with limiting magnitude of 13.28

집광력 816.32

and 816.32 times light grasp.

안드로메다 은하와 성운성단까지   있는

You can see the Andromeda Galaxy, nebula, and groups of stars.

반사 망원경이야

You can see the Andromeda Galaxy, nebula, and groups of stars.

이게   거예요?

These are all yours?



부탁 하나만 해도 될까요?

May I ask you for a favor?

-Go ahead. -May I take a selfie

셀카  장만 찍어도 될까요?

-Go ahead. -May I take a selfie

 녀석 옆에서?

right next to this?

[피식 웃는다찍어

Go ahead.

[윤재의 들뜬 숨소리]

Go ahead.

[휴대전화 조작음]

[휴대전화 조작음]

[카메라 셔터음]

[카메라 셔터음]

[카메라 셔터음]

(민준 좋아하면

If you like stars, do you want this picture?

사진 가질래?

If you like stars, do you want this picture?

[윤재의 감탄하는 숨소리]


This is...

(민준맞아아타카마 사막

You're right. The Atacama Desert.

(윤재칠레 아타카마 사막

The Atacama Desert of Chile.

  벌면 여기 가는  소원인데

My life's wish is to go here after I make money.

내가 지구상에서 가장 좋아하는 곳이야

It's my most favorite place on earth.

(민준일조량 높고 건조하고

It has a lot of sunshine, it's dry,

하늘도 맑아서

It has a lot of sunshine, it's dry, and it's clear. It feels like the stars pour down on the desert at night.

밤이 되면 사막 위로 별이 쏟아진다는 기분이 들거든

and it's clear. It feels like the stars pour down on the desert at night.

(민준아까 얘기했듯이

As I said, don't trust what people say

2014 3월에

As I said, don't trust what people say about how the earth will be destroyed because of Asteroid 2003 QQ47

2003QQ47이라는 소행성이 지구에 충돌해서

about how the earth will be destroyed because of Asteroid 2003 QQ47

지구가 멸망할 거라는 얘기는 믿지 

will collide with the earth in March 2014.

그것 때문에 공부 때려치운다는  그런 소리도 하지 말고

And stop saying that you'll quit studying because of that.


And stop saying that you'll quit studying because of that.

나사에서 얘기해서

I thought it was real because NASA said that.

그래서 진짜인  알았는데

I thought it was real because NASA said that.

정말 아니에요?

Is it really not true?

발견 당시엔 나사에서

When it was first found,

충돌 가능성이 25만분의 1이라고 예보했는데

NASA said there was 1 in a 250,000 chance that it'll collide.

(민준 충돌 가능성이 완전히 배제됐다고 발표했어

NASA said there was 1 in a 250,000 chance that it'll collide. But they announced shortly after that it is very unlikely.

[윤재의 깨닫는 신음]


I see.

 말대로 소행성 믿고 공부  하는 일은 없도록 할게요

I'll not quit studying because of the asteroid just like you told me.

(윤재간만에 소울 통하는 형을 만나서

I'm feeling great because I finally met a guy

 무지 기분 좋아요

that I can truly connect with.

[피식 웃는다]

우리 누나

My sister maybe lacking in many ways,

여러모로 모자라고

My sister maybe lacking in many ways,


and you're way out of her league,

기우는 여자지만

and you're way out of her league,

 잘해 줘요

but be good to her.

그런 의미에서 하고 싶은 말이 있는데

That's why I want to tell you something.



 놀러 와도 돼요?

May I visit you again?

[노크 소리가 난다]


[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]

우리 송이 왔구나

You're here, Song-i.

[부드러운 음악]


Come here.


What are you doing?

 심장 떨려서 다시 기절한다?

You're going to make me faint again.


You fool.

 죽었으면 어쩔 뻔했어?

You could have died.


Why did you do that?

내가  죽어 두고?

I can't die leaving you here.

 어떻게 됐었으면

If something happened to you,

나도  살았어

I couldn't have lived either.

(송이내가 어떻게 사니?

How can I live after that?

 때문에 네가 ?

Why should you die because of me?

   것도 없는데

I have never done anything for you.


Cheon Song-i.


You let me love you.

 사랑하게  줬잖아

You let me love you.


Let me see you.

어디 흉터 남게 다친  없어?

Did you get any scars?




I'm sorry.

[옅은 웃음]


Don't cry.

네가 이렇게  줘도

No matter how nice you are to me,

 여전히 너한테    있는  없단 말이야

there is nothing I can do for you.

내가  불행하게 만드는  같아

I think I am making your life miserable.


I like...

도민준 씨가 좋아


그건 내가 어떻게  수가 없어

I can't do anything about that.

[옅은 웃음]


I know.

나도  어떻게  수가 없는데

I can't do anything about my feelings too.


Hey, don't be like this.

 진짜 비참해지려 그러거든?

You'll really make me miserable.


내가 친구 이휘경 없이   있을지 모르겠지만

I'm not sure if I could live without my friend, Hwi-gyeong,

그렇지만 이건 아닌  같아

but I don't think this is right.


-We should-- -A chance.


-We should-- -A chance.

[어린 송이의 놀라는 신음] (어린 휘경!


Let's go.

[어린 송이의 당황한 숨소리]


Hwi-gyeong, are you okay?


A chance.

What? Why are you saying that now?

 와중에 무슨 찬스야?

What? Why are you saying that now?


Why not? You said you were thankful.

 나중에 찬스  번만 쓰게  

Give me a chance that I can use later.

누가 끼어들래?

Who told you to step in?

남자애들이  괴롭히든 말든

Why do you care if those boys bully me?

네가  끼어들어서  꼴을 당해?

Why did you step in to get beaten up?

(어린 휘경 되지

I can't do that.

 괴롭힌 애들은 나한테  죽어

I'll kill everyone who bullies you.

앞으로도 마찬가지야

I'll keep doing this from now on.

[어린 휘경이 씩씩댄다] [한숨]

I'll keep doing this from now on.


You're unbelievable.

(어린 송이괜찮아?

Are you okay?

[어린 휘경의 아파하는 신음]

Are you okay?


미안하면 대신 찬스  번만 쓰게  달라니까

If you're that sorry, let me use that chance.

[한숨] [어린 휘경의 아파하는 숨소리]

찬스 ?

That chance for what?


When I ask you to grant me a wish, you have to do it for me.

내가   번만  소원 들어 달라 그러면 들어줘

When I ask you to grant me a wish, you have to do it for me.


-Okay. -Really?


-Okay. -Really?

[따뜻한 음악]

(어린 휘경사인

Sign my hand.

[어린 송이의 한숨]


- (어린 휘경도장 - (어린 송이아유

And stamped.



You remember, right?

도장 찍은 

I stamped your forehead.


Yes, I do.

  소원 진짜 쓰고 싶은 

You know I really wanted to use it,

꾹꾹 참으면서

but kept away from using it to this day, right?

여태 아껴   알지?

but kept away from using it to this day, right?

소원이 뭔데?

What's your wish?

지금  하려는 

Don't say what you were about to say.


Don't say what you were about to say.

[쓸쓸한 음악]


Of course, I am a bit unhappy because I love you...

내가 사랑하는 네가

Of course, I am a bit unhappy because I love you...

 사랑할  없어서

Of course, I am a bit unhappy because I love you...

 조금 불행하지만

but you cannot love me.

(휘경그런 너라도  옆에 없으면

But if you do not stay by my side, I will be truly unhappy.

 정말로 불행해져

But if you do not stay by my side, I will be truly unhappy.

[휘경의 한숨]


So don't say...


So don't say...

지금 하려던  

what you were going to say.

(재경간병인이 그러던데

Your caretaker said that

송이가 왔다 갔다면서?

Song-i stopped by.



[불안한 음악실은

He recently came by and kept asking me questions.

(송이지난번에 찾아와서 하도 캐묻길래

He recently came by and kept asking me questions.

그래서 내가 얘기했어요

He recently came by and kept asking me questions. So I told him

오빠가 유라 언니 남자 친구였다고

that you were her boyfriend.

그런데   사실

Did you tell anyone else about that other than that detective?

(재경형사 말고 누구한테 얘기했어?

Did you tell anyone else about that other than that detective?

휘경이 말고는

No one other than Hwi-gyeong.


[긴장되는 음악]


(재경송이가 죽은 한유라 관련해서

I heard Song-i said something to you

너한테 뭐라고 했다던데?

regarding the deceased Han Yu-ra.


Yes, she did.


What did she say?

둘이 사이  좋았거든

They weren't in a good relationship.

한유라 때문에 엄청 피곤하다고

She said Han Yu-ra made her life hard.

자기를 뒤에서 엄청 씹고 다녔대

She talked behind Song-i's back.


And what else?


And what else?


What else?


-Like what? -Did she say anything...

한유라 사건 관련해서

-Like what? -Did she say anything...

 얘기 없었어?

about Han Yu-ra's case?

[생각하는 숨소리]

뭐라고 했었나?

Did she say something?

어떤 ?

Like what?


She did say something about how she feels falsely blamed

한유라 자살한  자기 때문 아닌데 억울하다

She did say something about how she feels falsely blamed because Han Yu-ra did not commit suicide because of her.

그런 얘긴 했는데

because Han Yu-ra did not commit suicide because of her.


Nothing else, really.

[힘겨운 신음]

 진짜 떨어질  어디 잘못 부딪혔나 

I must have hit something wrong when I fell down.

최근 기억들이  조각조각 깨진  같아

It seems like my recent memories are shattered.

생각해 내려고 하면

I feel dizzy whenever I try to recall something.


I feel dizzy whenever I try to recall something.


Right, you don't have to try that hard.

일부러 애쓸 것까진 없지

Right, you don't have to try that hard.


-Get some rest. -Okay.


-Get some rest. -Okay.

[문이 드르륵 열린다]

[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]

[문이 달칵 열린다] [도어  작동음]

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

[도어  작동음]


The guy next door.

사람 괜찮더라

-He seems like a great guy. -What?


-He seems like a great guy. -What?

별을 사랑하는 사람치고 나쁜 사람 없거든

No one who loves stars can be a bad person.

(윤재집에 천체 망원경까지 갖다 놓고  보는 사람이면

And if he has a telescope at home to look at the stars,


that says something about him.

[송이의 한숨]

(송이 사람은 별을 보는  아니라

He doesn't just look at the stars.

거기서 왔다

That's where he came from.


-What? -Something like that.

[한숨 쉬며그런  있어

-What? -Something like that.

 외계인이 있다고 보냐?

Do you think aliens exist?


Of course. Why would they not exist?

(윤재나는 막말로

I can even say that there is a possibility that we have

우리 바로 옆집에도 외계인이 살고 있을  있다

I can even say that there is a possibility that we have

이렇게 보는 사람이다

an alien as a neighbor.


You're a genius.






[문이  닫힌다] [탄성]


[부드러운 음악]


-My gosh. -Why did you call me?


-My gosh. -Why did you call me?

아니 진짜 들리나  들리나 보려고

I wanted to see if you can really hear me.


Are you kidding me?


Min-jun! Hey, Mr. Do!

도민준 !

Min-jun! Hey, Mr. Do!

그렇다고 그냥 들어가냐? [문이  닫힌다]

How can you just leave?

들리나  들리나 보려고 부르는  아니고

It's not only because I wanted to see if you can hear me.

보고 싶어서

I missed you.

보고 싶어서 부른 거라고

I called you because I missed you.



보고 싶어서 부른 거라니까?

Okay? I said, I called you because I missed you.

아이은근히  좁아

Gosh, he's such a baby. Such a small man.

밴댕이 소갈딱지 완전아유

Gosh, he's such a baby. Such a small man.

[신비로운 효과음깜짝이야

My goodness.

[송이의 떨리는 숨소리]

대체 어떻게

How did you get here?

봐도 봐도 적응  된다진짜

I really can't get used to this.

[송이의 웃음]


"A baby"?


"A baby"?

밴댕이 소갈딱지?

"Such a small man"?

아니 그게 아니고

That's not what I meant.

이거  ?

Let go of me. Let go!



Let go of me. What are you doing?


Let go of me! Darn you!

[송이의 아파하는 신음]

(윤재   주려던  아니야?

I thought one was for me.

어린  커피는

You're too young to have coffee.

근데   잔이야?

-Why did you make two? -I'm having both cups.

내가  마시려 그래

-Why did you make two? -I'm having both cups.

대사 외워야 하는데 졸려서?

I got sleepy while memorizing my lines. Why?



Is your father...


Is your father...

도민준 씨처럼 다른 별에서 오신 거야?

also from another star?


My father?

사실은 아버지는 아니고

He isn't my real father. He's someone like a father.

아버지 같은 분이셔

He isn't my real father. He's someone like a father.

(송이진짜 아빠 아니고?

He isn't your real dad?



그럼 여기 가족이 하나도 없는 거야?

Then you have no family here?

(민준있을 리가 없잖아

That's hardly possible.


I see.

그럼 가족도 없이  오랜 시간을 혼자서?

Then you lived for that long without any family?

[잔잔한 음악]

 기쁜 소식이 있어

I have good news.

 이번에 우리 아빠 만났어

I recently met my dad.

사고 때문에 놀라고 힘들긴 했었지만

I had a shocking and tough time because of the accident,

덕분에 우리 아빠 다시 만났잖아

but thanks to that, I met my dad again.

지금 바로 같이   있는  아니지만

It's not like I can live with him right now,

언제라도 전화하면

but it's really relieving to think that I can always see him again

다시 만날  있다는 생각에

but it's really relieving to think that I can always see him again

이상하게 안심이 

if I give him a call.

뭔가 마음 한편에 무거웠던 

It feels like a heavy burden on my heart has finally been lifted.

사라진  같고

It feels like a heavy burden on my heart has finally been lifted.


I'm glad.



이제 내가 있잖아

I'm here with you now.

내가 도민준  옆에서

I will stay with you...

오래오래 도망  가고

for a long time without running away.

[놀라는 숨소리]



[송이의 놀라는 숨소리]


-What's wrong? -Min-jun.

근데 도민준 

-What's wrong? -Min-jun.

얼굴 앞으로도 계속 이럴 거야?

Will you always look like this?


-What? -I'm sure you will.


-What? -I'm sure you will.

100주년 사진만 봤을 때도

You looked exactly the same

헤어스타일만 다르고 얼굴은 고대로던데

with a different hairstyle on your 100th anniversary picture.

어떻게 되는 건데?

What will happen to you?


우리 별에서의 시간과

The concept of time in my star...

이곳에서의 시간의 개념은

is quite different from the one here.

많이 달라

is quite different from the one here.

노화 속도도 마찬가지고

The aging process is different too.

그럼  어떡해?

The aging process is different too. What am I going to do?

 피부도 늘어지고 주름도 생기고

My skin will get droopy and wrinkly, I'll get gray hair,

흰머리도 생기고

My skin will get droopy and wrinkly, I'll get gray hair,

(송이허리도 점점 꼬부라져서

I'll get bent with age, and become an old grandma!

점점 호호 할머니가  텐데

I'll get bent with age, and become an old grandma!

진정해 늙어도 이쁠 거야

Calm down. You'll be pretty even after you age.


Forget it. This is exactly why the woman becomes a vampire

이래서 뱀파이어 영화 보면

Forget it. This is exactly why the woman becomes a vampire

여자도   물려서 뱀파이어가 되는 거야

with the guy she loves in those vampire movies.

남자는  늙고 계속 멋진데

If the guy stays hot and young

여자는 계속 늙어 가면

while the woman gets old,

그건 같이 있어도 해피 엔딩이 아니니까

it can't be a happy ending even if they stay together!


it can't be a happy ending even if they stay together! Song-i.

 지금 아무 말도 듣고 싶지 않거든?

I don't want to hear anything from you.

 먼저 들어갈게

I have to go back inside.

 바람 쐬면 피부 노화가 빨라질  있잖아

My skin may age quickly if I stay out in the cold.

[문이 달칵 열린다]

[문이  닫힌다]


[흥미로운 음악] [송이의 속상한 신음]

이걸로 되겠어?

This isn't going to be enough.

[속상한 신음]


My gosh, this is awful.

[흥미로운 음악]

[송이의 거친 숨소리]





내일모레가 서른인데

I'll be 30 soon.

[속상한 숨소리]


What am I going to do?

[괴로운 신음]

(TV  진행자오늘은 노화 방지 특집으로

Today is a special episode on aging prevention.

45 동안 미녀 박민희 씨를 모셨습니다

We invited Park Min-hee, a young-looking 45-year-old.

고무장갑을 가져오셨어요

You brought rubber gloves.

이걸로  하시는 거죠?

What do you do with these?

[여자가 입바람을  분다]

이렇게 고무장갑을 불게 되면

If you blow a rubber glove like this,

폐활량이 좋아지고 활성 산소가 제거돼서

If you blow a rubber glove like this, it increases your lung capacity and removes active oxygen,

노화 방지에 그렇게 좋다고 합니다

which can help prevent aging.

그래서 이렇게 이렇게 얼굴이 동안이셨

That must be why you look so young.

[익살스러운 효과음]

[입바람을  분다]

[송이가 입바람을 세게  분다]

(영목천송이  입장에선 그렇게 생각할 수도 있겠죠

I can see why she could have such thoughts.

근데 중요한  그런  아니지 않나요?

But that's not what's important, is it?

선생님이   뒤면

In a month, you'll be--

- (영목… - 

In a month, you'll be--

[긴장되는 음악]

[휴대전화 조작음]

(민준가방에 도청 장치가 있는  같습니다

I think your bag is tapped.

[영목이 콜록거린다]

그냥 자연스럽게 말씀하세요

You can just talk naturally.

Right, I met with Managing Director Lee Jae-gyeong.

이재경 상무를 만났어요

Right, I met with Managing Director Lee Jae-gyeong.




(도청기  민준자길 도와 달라고 하더군요

He asked me to help him,

 뒤를 봐주겠다면서요

and offered that he'll look after me.


So what did you say?

뭐라고 하셨습니까?

So what did you say?

생각해 보겠다고 했습니다

I said I'll consider it.

(민준나쁘진 않은 제안 같았어요

It didn't sound so bad.

저야 어차피

All I want to do is protect Song-i.

천송이만 지키면 되니까

All I want to do is protect Song-i.


But still--

However, my promise was that he will not hurt anyone for a while

이재경 쪽에서 당분간

However, my promise was that he will not hurt anyone for a while

(민준아무도 건드리지 않고

However, my promise was that he will not hurt anyone for a while

조용히 있어 준다는 전제를 뒀어요

and stay quiet.

 약속만 지킨다면

If he keeps that promise, I might cooperate.

협조할 생각도 있습니다

If he keeps that promise, I might cooperate.



Well, in that case,


Well, in that case,


I guess you can consider that offer.

(영목생각해  만은 합니다

I guess you can consider that offer.

(미연연락받고 깜짝 놀랐잖니

I was really shocked to hear

계약 파기됐다고

that the contract was annulled.

도민준이 계약금  배를 입금했더래

Do Min-jun deposited three times of the front money.

(윤재민준이 형이?

Min-jun did?

(미연민준이 ?

-"Min-jun"? -He's a great guy.

진짜 멋있는 형이셔

-"Min-jun"? -He's a great guy.

(윤재 누나가  형이랑 사귄다고 하면

I'm all for him if she says

무조건 찬성

she's going to date him.

(미연 싫어

she's going to date him. Hey, I don't like him. She has Hwi-gyeong.

휘경이가 있는데

Hey, I don't like him. She has Hwi-gyeong.

그리고  매니저는

Also, Do has the worst father.

 아버지 자리가 꽝이야

Also, Do has the worst father.


휘경이 내일 퇴원하지?

Right, Hwi-gyeong gets discharged tomorrow, right?

(휘경   탈게요

I'll go with Jae-gyeong.


I'll go with Jae-gyeong. Huh?

송이네  들르려고

I want to stop by Song-i's place.


What about dinner?

송이랑 같이 먹기로 했어요

I'm going to eat with Song-i.

  앞에  떨궈 주고 

Can you drop me off at her place?


Can you drop me off at her place? -Sure. -Goodness.

아이고 수술을 받아도 철딱서니 없기는

-Sure. -Goodness. He's still a kid even after he got


a brain surgery.


a brain surgery. Let's go.

[은아의 못마땅한 숨소리]

Let's go.

[범중의 헛기침]

[불안한 음악]



It's been a while.

예전에   놀러 갔다가   같은데

I think I saw you when I went to see Jae-gyeong.



저는 며칠 전에 새로 왔습니다만

I started working only a few days ago.



(휘경 부탁합니다

Nice to meet you.

사람 얼굴이 기억이  

I can never remember people's faces. I always make mistakes.

맨날 실수해

I can never remember people's faces. I always make mistakes.

[입소리를  낸다]

(재경 아직 정상 컨디션 아니야

You aren't in a normal condition yet. Be careful.


You aren't in a normal condition yet. Be careful.

[옅은 웃음



Okay. Say hi to Song-i for me.

안부 전해 주고

Say hi to Song-i for me.


-I will. Bye. -Okay.


-I will. Bye. -Okay.


So you call the crane from a designated company,

크레인은 지정 업체에서 부르고

So you call the crane from a designated company,

도르래는 특수 효과 팀에서 준비한다는 거죠?

and the special effect team prepares the pulley?

- (스태프1)  - (휘경그럼

Yes. Then who checks the pulley

도르래 점검하고

Then who checks the pulley

크레인에 걸고 하는  어디서 합니까?

and puts it on the crane?

그것도 우리 팀에서 하죠

We do that too.

그나저나 괜찮아요?

Anyway, are you all right?

(스태프1) 걱정 많이 했습니다

-I was really worried. -I'm all right now.

이제 괜찮습니다

-I was really worried. -I'm all right now.

(스태프1)  그런 사고   나는데

That never happens.

이게 그때 썼던 건데

This is the one used at that time,

여기 도르래 볼트가 마모돼 있더라고요

and we found out that the nut was worn down.

[긴장되는 음악]

꼼꼼히 살폈어야 했는데

I should have looked more carefully.

저희  과실입니다

It's our mistake.

정말 죄송합니다

I'm sorry.


No, I'm not here to blame anyone.

책임 따지러   아니고요

No, I'm not here to blame anyone.


I was just curious.

특수 효과 팀은

Does the special effect team only have designated members?

계속 같이 일했던 팀원들끼리만 합니까?

Does the special effect team only have designated members?


Does the special effect team only have designated members? When we need more people,

일손 모자랄 

When we need more people,

다른 특효 팀한테 도와 달라고 요청해서

we cooperate with another special effect team.

(스태프1) 협업도 하고요

we cooperate with another special effect team.

알바생 뽑아서  때도 있죠

We sometimes get part-timers.


What about on that day?


On that day,

알바가  서넛 있었죠

we had three or four part-timers.

명단 있습니까?

Do you have their names?


One second.

[도어  작동음] (윤재

Min-jun, you're here.


Min-jun, you're here.

(민준누나 아직 준비  됐나?

Is your sister not ready yet?


Hey, Song-i! Hurry up and come out!

빨리 나와!

Hey, Song-i! Hurry up and come out!

민준이  기다리시잖아

Hey, Song-i! Hurry up and come out! You're making Min-jun wait. My gosh.


My gosh.


-Anyway... -Yes?

-Anyway... -Yes?

누나한테 약간

I think you are a bit rude to your sister.

버릇없는  아닌가 싶은데

I think you are a bit rude to your sister.

제가 그랬나요?

I think you are a bit rude to your sister. Was I? I won't do that anymore.


Was I? I won't do that anymore.

[문이 달칵 열린다]

Was I? I won't do that anymore.

[흥미로운 음악]


-Why? -What is this?


-Why? -What is this?


Are you a teenager?


Do I look weird?


-Yes. -Damn it.


-Yes. -Damn it.

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

(윤재저희 누나가

My sister is...

여러모로 부족하네요

very lacking in many ways.

(송이황당한    알아?

Do you know what's absurd?

저번에 하루 종일 대기한  그냥 날아갔대

They deleted that scene that I waited a whole day to shoot.

그럼  하루 종일 대기시키냐고

Then why did they make me wait all day long?

오늘 촬영은 무슨 신인데?

What are your scenes today?

액션 신하고

An action scene...

키스  - (민준?

-and a kiss scene. -What?

액션 신하고 키스 

An action scene and a kiss scene.


An action scene and a kiss scene. -Use a stand-in. -For the action?

액션 ? - (민준아니키스 

-Use a stand-in. -For the action? No, the kiss scene.

(송이말이 ?

No, the kiss scene.

요새 키스  대역 쓰는 배우가 어디 있냐?

No one uses a stand-in for kiss scenes nowadays.

그러니까 한번  보라고

That's why you should try.

(민준  남들이 하는 대로만 하고 살아야 ?

You don't have to do everything that everyone does.

독창적인  창의적인 배우가 돼야 하는  아닌가?

Shouldn't you be more unique and creative?

키스  대역 배우 쓰는  독창적인 거야?

Is it unique to use a stand-in for a kiss scene?

도민준  진짜 보수적이네

Min-jun, you're very conservative.

내가 보수적이라 그런  아니라

Min-jun, you're very conservative. It's not that I'm conservative.

경우가 그렇잖아

-It's not right. -I lied.


-It's not right. -I lied.

(송이온통 액션 신밖에 없어요

I only have action scenes.

뛰고 슬라이딩매달리고 구르고

I jump, slide, dangle, and roll around.

그것도 대역 

Use a stunt double for that too.


-Why? -Didn't you hear the doctor?

(민준의사한테 얘기  들었어?

-Why? -Didn't you hear the doctor?

비장 파열에 폐부종까지 왔었으면

You had a ruptured spleen and pulmonary edema.

이렇게 무리해서 하다가

He said you can bleed again or get infected the second time.

재출혈이나 2 감염까지   있다고

He said you can bleed again or get infected the second time.

그럼 그냥 키스 신으로 수정해 달라 그럴까?

Then should I ask them to fix this up as a kiss scene?




도민준  지켜봐 

Min-jun, keep your eyes on me.

[잔잔한 음악]

I know a lot of people think that it serves me right,

주연 아니면 쳐다도  보던 천송이

I know a lot of people think that it serves me right,

'꼴좋다그럴 사람들 많은  알아

because I never played anything other than the lead.

(송이그렇지만 주연할 때보다  지금이  행복한  같아

But I think I'm happier now than when I played leading roles,

 지켜봐 주는 도민준 씨가  옆에 있으니까

because you're here with me, Min-jun.


So keep your eyes on me from now on.

계속 지켜봐 

So keep your eyes on me from now on.

 오래 걸리겠지만

It might take a while,

내가 다시  자리로 돌아가는 모습

but watch me return to my place.

- (세미대본 챙겼니? - (누나제가 챙겼어요 [범의 웃음]

-What about my script? -I got it.




It's been a while, Professor Do.


Yes, it's been a while.

어떻게 오셨어요?

What brings you here?

(송이 어떻게  따라왔지

What brings you here? What do you think? He's with me.


Why did you come with her?

천송이  매니저로 왔습니다

I came as Ms. Cheon's manager.

I see.

[옅은 웃음송이야

Song-i, I'm really glad.


Song-i, I'm really glad.

 그래도  소속사도 없이 힘들겠다 했는데

I figured it'll be tough for you without an agency.

우리 엄마가 그러시던데

My mom said

S&C 계약한다더니

that you signed a contract with S&C, but that's not the case, is it?

그건 아니고?

that you signed a contract with S&C, but that's not the case, is it?

그건 아니고

No, it's not.

, '한밤'에서 인터뷰 나왔더라

A Night's Entertainment News came for an interview.

(세미촬영하기 전에 인터뷰  하재

They want to get an interview with us.

너랑  단짝 인터뷰

An interview with two best friends.


What? Best what?

[흥미로운 음악]

(리포터안녕하세요유세미 천송이 

Hello, Se-mi and Song-i.

이번에 영화 '목격자' 함께 찍고 계신  

You two are currently filming the movie Witness together.

연예계의 소문난 단짝이시던데요?

You two are known as best friends.

아참얼마 전에

Right, Song-i, there was a news about you and a conglomerate's son.

천송이  재벌 2세와

Right, Song-i, there was a news about you and a conglomerate's son.

스캔들이 났던데

Right, Song-i, there was a news about you and a conglomerate's son.

저희에게 살짝 얘기 

Can you tell us a little bit about that?

그냥 친구예요

He's just a friend.

(송이물론 제가 아주 좋아하고 아끼는 친구죠

Of course, a friend that I love and cherish very much.

(리포터아니근데 천송이 씨는

Song-i always becomes the center of many dating rumors with guys,

끊임없이 이렇게 핑크빛 스캔들이 나는데

Song-i always becomes the center of many dating rumors with guys,

우리 유세미 씨는  이렇게 조용하세요?

but Se-mi, why do we never hear from you?

남자 친구 소식 없어요?

Are you dating anyone?



I wonder.


Song-i always had guys who liked her since when were kids.

어릴 때부터  좋아하는 남자들이 있었어요

Song-i always had guys who liked her since when were kids.


That's why she two-timed and even three-timed them.

양다리 다리

That's why she two-timed and even three-timed them.


Hey, when did I do that?

내가 언제!

Hey, when did I do that?


I'm just joking.

[세미의 웃음] [황당한 숨소리]

I'm just joking.

(리포터천송이  이참에 우리 유세미 씨한테

Song-i. You should tell Se-mi the secret of your popularity.

인기 비결  알려 주시죠

You should tell Se-mi the secret of your popularity.

이쁘면 됩니다

You just have to be pretty.

[익살스러운 음악]

You just have to be pretty.

I see.


Se-mi, you finally got to play the leading role.

이번에 주연을 당당히 차지하셨어요

Se-mi, you finally got to play the leading role.

기분이 어떠세요?

How do you feel?

솔직히 부담돼요

Honestly speaking, it's a burden.


But I'm relieved that I'm in this with Song-i.

(세미송이랑 같이 해서 안심돼요

But I'm relieved that I'm in this with Song-i.

 그럴까요천송이 ?

Why do you think that is, Song-i?


Why do you think that is, Song-i? I wonder.

(세미송이가 주인공하고

When she played a lead role and I played a supporting role,

제가 서브 역할  

When she played a lead role and I played a supporting role,

 송이가   챙겨 줬거든요

she always took good care of me.

이번엔 제가 그럴 차례 아닐까요?

I think it's my turn to do the same.


Goodness, Se-mi is such an angel all the time.

언제 봐도 천사표 유세미 씨예요

Goodness, Se-mi is such an angel all the time.


Song-i, you must be happy to have a friend like her.

좋으시겠어요 이런 친구 있으셔 가지고

Song-i, you must be happy to have a friend like her.


Why don't you tell each other something you always wanted to say?

서로에게 하고 싶은 얘기 한마디씩 하시죠

Why don't you tell each other something you always wanted to say?

유세미 ?

Why don't you tell each other something you always wanted to say? Se-mi?





우리 우정 앞으로도 변함없는 거지?

Our friendship will last forever, right?



[송이의 어이없는 웃음]




Do you want to make a comeback or not?

재기를 하겠다는 거야말겠다는 거야?

Do you want to make a comeback or not?

유세미 씨처럼

You should learn to act innocent

적당히 내숭도 떨고 가식도 떨고

You should learn to act innocent and be pretentious like Se-mi. Can't you do that?

그게  되나?

and be pretentious like Se-mi. Can't you do that?

자꾸 저번부터 세미 편들어?

Why do you keep taking her side?

(민준편드는  아니라

I'm not taking sides.

(감독송이  왔어?

Song-i, you're here.


감독님 지난번에 어떻게  거예요?

Director, what happened last time?

사람을 대기시켜 놓고 가면 간다 말을 해야지

You kept me waiting and didn't tell me when you left.

아무도 얘기   주고   철수해 버리면 어떡해요?

You kept me waiting and didn't tell me when you left. How could you all leave without telling me anything?



Hey, I told you to tell her.


Hey, I told you to tell her.

(조감독영철이  연락연락  드렸니

Yeong-cheol, didn't you call her?

(스태프2) 맞다

Oh, right.

전화한다는  깜빡했습니다

-I forgot to call her. -You idiot!


-I forgot to call her. -You idiot!


You need to keep it together!

송이 씨가 이해  ?

Song-i, please do understand.

아이조명   이렇게  오는 거야?

Where is the lighting team?

[감독의 못마땅한 신음]

(조감독아니  자꾸 사람들이

Why aren't they coming?

(송이기가 막히다진짜

I can't believe this.

옛날엔 나랑 눈도 똑바로  마주치던 것들이

They couldn't even look at me in the eyes before.

[신비로운 효과음]

- (스태프2) 감독님 - (감독?

-Director. -Yes?

[의미심장한 음악] (스태프2) 죄송합니다 제가 전달을  해서

I'm sorry. I forgot to call.


Hey, forget it. Great work.

[감독의 웃음] (스태프2) 아니

What? Why?

(감독천송이 저게  시나리오를  번이나   아냐?

Do you know how many times she turned down my scenarios?

아주 도도하기가 하늘을 찌르더니

She was so arrogant. I'm so glad to see her fall.


She was so arrogant. I'm so glad to see her fall.

[감독과 조감독의 웃음]

(조감독그럼 감독님

All of her scenes are early today, so should I split them up?

천송이  앞에 몰려 있는  이거  뜯어 놓을까요?

All of her scenes are early today, so should I split them up?

(감독오늘  신과 막신은 천송이다

Cheon Song-i will shoot the first and last scenes today.

아주 대기 줄곧 한번  보라고 

She can wait forever and ever.

[감독과 조감독의 웃음]


What are you doing, Do?

[힘겨운 신음]

(감독, NG!



Song-i, your facial expression doesn't come through.

표정이  산다

Song-i, your facial expression doesn't come through.

 있잖아  절박한 느낌

You know, you have to look a bit more desperate.

[거친 숨소리]

 지금 진짜 절박하거든요감독님

I am absolutely desperate right now.

(감독아니야아니야 약해약해

No, that's too weak.

다시 한번만 갑시다

No, that's too weak. One more time, okay?


[스태프들이 대화한다]

(감독여기여기 낙엽   깔고낙엽

Get more dry leaves in there. It's dangerous.


Get more dry leaves in there. It's dangerous.

(민준대역 쓰자고 

Tell him to use a stunt double.

(송이 타이트한 숏인데 어떻게 대역을 ?

No, it's a close-up. I can't use a double.

의사한테 얘기  들었어?

Didn't you hear the doctor?

비장 파열에 폐부종까지 왔었으면

You had a ruptured spleen and pulmonary edema.

이렇게 무리해서 하다가

He said you can bleed again or get infected the second time.

재출혈이나 2 감염까지   있다고

He said you can bleed again or get infected the second time.


I'll be done soon.

아역 때부터 수도 없이 하던 거야

I've done this since when I was a kid.

괜찮았는데 뭐가 이상했던 거지?

I thought that was okay. What was weird about that?


Hold this.

[리드미컬한 음악]

[다급한 신음]

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

[힘겨운 신음]

(감독, NG!


, NG!


[송이의 힘주는 신음]

느낌이   살아 느낌이  살아

No, that's not the right feeling.


No good.

[힘겨운 신음]

머리카락  치워 

Move your hair.

[힘겨운 신음]


No. One more time.

다시 갑시다

No. One more time.



[다급한 신음]

[힘겨운 신음]

[힘주는 신음]


[힘주는 신음]

[거친 숨소리]

이제 됐죠?

That was okay, right?


그냥 처음  제일 낫다

I like the first take the best.

그걸로 가지

We'll use that.


Let's move. All right.

[한숨] (조감독이동!

Let's move!

[스태프들이 대화한다] (스태프2) 이동할게요 바로 이어서 갈게요

-We'll move. -We're moving.

(스태프3) 조명 철수하자

-Take down the lights. -Yes.


-Take down the lights. -Yes.


Great work.

 [신비로운 효과음]

[감독의 비명] [흥미로운 음악]

아야아유아유아유아유 아유아파

Gosh, that hurts. My goodness.

아유아유죽겠네 아유죽겠네

Gosh, that hurts. My goodness.

[스태프들이 웅성거린다아유이게 뭐야이게?

Gosh, that hurts. My goodness. What's going on? Are you all right?


Are you all right?

[힘겨운 신음]

(감독  잡아 

-Can you pull me up? -You should be careful--

(조감독조심  하시지

-Can you pull me up? -You should be careful--

[조감독의 비명] [스태프들의 놀라는 신음]

My gosh!

[조감독의 아파하는 신음]

My gosh!

누가 밀었니누가 밀었어지금?

Who just pushed him? Who did that?

(감독이게  하는 거야이거?

What's going on?

(감독과 조감독) - 아유허리야아유허리야 - 괜찮으세요?

-Are you okay? -My back hurts.


[송이의 힘주는 신음]

아까 맞지?

-It was you, right? -What?


-It was you, right? -What?

(송이아까 감독이랑 조감독 자빠뜨린 

The one who pushed the director and the assistant director.

 매니저 맞지?

It was you, Do.

(민준내가 ?

What do you mean?


Come on, it was you.

(민준무슨 소리인지

I have no idea what you're saying.


What are you doing?

(송이 어때보는 사람도 없는데

Who cares? No one is watching.

근데 외계인 매니저 있으니까 되게 좋다

Anyway, it's great to have an alien for a manager. You can do so many things.

별게  되고

You can do so many things.

뭐뭐 ?

What else can you do?

(민준 추워?

Aren't you cold?

(송이춥지완전 추워

I am. It's awfully cold.

[송이의 깨닫는 숨소리]

혹시 그런 것도 ?

Can you do something like this?

손에서   나오고 그러는 

Like making fire with your hands.

손가락  튕기면  피우고 그러는 

You know, setting something on fire with your finger and stuff.

산불 난다

That will burn down the mountain.


Oh, you're right.

 수는 있고?

But can you do it?


I'm not Vectorman.


Oh, you can't do it.

(송이 춥단 말이야

I'm really cold. Can't you warm me up?

 따뜻하게   주나?

I'm really cold. Can't you warm me up?

따뜻하게    있는 능력은 없는 거야?

Can you do something to warm me up?

[사랑스러운 음악]

[송이의 웃음]

(송이완전 따뜻한데?

It's nice and warm.

[송이의 웃음]

- (스태프5)   - (스태프6) 돌려 

Throw that.

(스태프2)  신이 1시간  밀렸답니다

The scene before this got delayed by another hour.

(스태프7) 아이 시야? [스태프들의 불평하는 신음]

[송이의 속상한 신음]

(송이) 1시간 밀린다고 하면 기본이 3시간이야

If they say it's delayed for an hour, it'll take at least three hours.

그동안 심심한데  하지?

What am I going to do while waiting?

- (스태프8) 어유 - (스태프9) 광이면  하냐?

Come on, give me a gwang.

(스태프10) 아이

Come on, give me a gwang.

(스태프9) 봤지앗싸 [스태프들의 탄성과 웃음]

See that? All right!

읏차쌍피까지, 1 [스태프들의 탄식]

-There goes another one. -My gosh.

(송이 무슨 뭐가  안에 들어왔나  [흥미로운 음악]

My gosh, I think I am getting possessed by something.

[웃으며나도 오늘 내가 이렇게  맞는 

I can't believe how lucky I am today.

너무 신기해

I can't believe how lucky I am today.

내가 이걸 던졌는데

I am just throwing this card here.

여기서 고도리까지 하면

If I get all three bird cards, it totally means I'm supernatural today.

 오늘 정말 신기 있는 거야

If I get all three bird cards, it totally means I'm supernatural today.

[송이의 힘주는 신음어떡해

My goodness. I can't believe this.

어떡해어떡해 [스태프들의 놀라는 신음]

My goodness. I can't believe this.

어떡해어떡해어떡해 어떡해어떡해어떡해 [스태프들의 웃음]

My goodness. I can't believe this.

[송이의 웃음]

(스태프11) 고도리 어떡해어떡해

Oh, no, the birds. -All three birds! -Come on.

고도리고도리고도리고도리 [저마다 탄식한다]

-All three birds! -Come on.


-All three birds! -Come on. All right, fine. I think I won too much money.

내가 너무   같으니까

All right, fine. I think I won too much money.


I'll sell my gwang cards.

(스태프12) 팔아팔아

-Go ahead. -Please.

주세요 [스태프13 헛기침]

-Go ahead. -Please.

(스태프14) 설마

-No way. -Gosh, no way!

[익살스러운 음악]

-No way. -Gosh, no way!

- (스태프14) 설마 - (스태프11) [놀라며오광이에요

-No way. -Gosh, no way! -Five gwang cards. -Five?

[스태프들의 탄성] (송이대박

-Five gwang cards. -Five? That's amazing.

(스태프15) 이거 말도  되지

That's amazing. -My gosh. -What was that?

[송이의 웃음] (스태프12) 뭐야

-My gosh. -What was that?

천송이  타짜야?

Song-i, are you a pro?

(송이 타짜라 불러 주세용

Call me Cheon the pro.

[신비로운 효과음]

Call me Cheon the pro.

[신비로운 효과음]

[송이의 힘주는 신음]

[흥미로운 음악] (송이아이고이게 뭐야?

Goodness, what is this?

- (스태프12) ? - (송이아이고

My gosh.


-Goodness! -My gosh.

아이고아이고아이고 이거이거이거 어떡해?

-Goodness, look at this. -What?

[스태프들의 탄식따닥

-Goodness, look at this. -What?

따닥따닥 [스태프들의 당황한 신음]

My own card. I got my own card.

따닥따닥 [스태프들의 탄성과 박수]

My own card. I got my own card. -Come on. -My own card.

(송이와 스태프12) - 따닥 - 경사 났네경사 났어

-Come on. -My own card.

[송이의 탄성]

-Come on. -My own card.

(송이내놔내놔 내놔내놔내놔

Give me a card each.

아유감사합니다 [스태프들이 구시렁댄다]

-Thank you so much. -Goodness, what is this?


-Thank you so much. -Goodness, what is this?


Thank you.

[송이의 웃음]

[밤새 울음]

[송이의 웃음]

(송이 살다 살다

Today is the first day...

대기하는   이렇게 재미있는 날은  처음이네

that being on a stand-by was so much fun.

[송이의 옅은 웃음]

밤샘해도 상관없을  같아

I wouldn't mind staying up all night.


What are we doing...

우리 100일엔   거야?

on our 100th day anniversary?


Tell me.

100    거냐고

What are we going to do?

- 100? - (송이

-The 100th day? -Yes.


I used to laugh at people who celebrate those,

내가 원래 그런   비웃긴 했었는데

I used to laugh at people who celebrate those,

막상 내가 상황이 이렇게 되니 마음이  달라지네

but I changed my mind now that I'm in this situation.


It's a bit childish, but I want to take all the steps.

단계적으로  밟아야겠어

It's a bit childish, but I want to take all the steps.

100, 1, 1,000

I wanted to celebrate our 100th day, 1 year, and 1,000th day.

이런 기념일은  챙기고 싶더라고

I wanted to celebrate our 100th day, 1 year, and 1,000th day.


When should we consider as the first day that we dated?

우리 언제부터를 시작 날짜로 하지?

When should we consider as the first day that we dated?

지금까지  애매했으니까

It's been quite ambiguous,

그냥 오늘부터로 할까?

so should we just say it's today?

[부드러운 음악]

기념일에  하고 싶은데?

What do you want to do on our anniversaries?

남들  하는   해야지

Things that everyone does.

일단 100일엔 커플 커플 

On our 100th day, let's get matching rings and shirts.

(송이그리고 남산 타워 꼭대기 가면

Then there's a spinning restaurant

빙글빙글 돌아가는 레스토랑 있잖아

on top of N Seoul Tower.

 거기 가서 저녁 먹고 싶어 야경 보면서

I want to eat dinner there and look at the view.

그리고  밑에 열쇠 매달아 놓는  있거든?

And there's a place where you hang up locks.

내가 그때 촬영 때문에   있는데

I've been there on a shooting before.

나도 나중에 연애하면

I told myself that I'll go make a wish

남자 친구랑 가서 소원 빌고 열쇠  놔야지 했거든

I told myself that I'll go make a wish and hang up a lock there when I get a boyfriend.

그리고 1 됐을 

And on our first year anniversary, we should have some ice cream.

아이스크림  먹어 줘야지

And on our first year anniversary, we should have some ice cream.


Ice cream?

(송이 그런  있잖아

You know,

아이스크림 안에 반지  있고

like ice cream with a ring in it.

그리고 1주년 기념 여행 정도?

And we should go on a trip to celebrate our first year.

1,000 때는  할까?

What should we do on our 1,000th day?

, 1,000 때는 햇수로  3 정도 되나?

Is that about three years?

우리 그때 유럽 배낭여행 같은  갈래?

Should we go backpacking to Europe?

 달이나    정도  잡고

Should we go backpacking to Europe? We can travel for a month to a month and a half. What do you think?


We can travel for a month to a month and a half. What do you think?


What's wrong?



(송이 ?

What is it this time?


What is it?

[송이의 옅은 한숨]

우리 사귀는  아니었어?

I thought we were dating.

 혼자  오버한 건가?

Was I getting ahead of myself again?

그래서 그때 그런 거야?

Is that why you said something

나한테 하는 이기적인 짓이 어쩌고저쩌고?

about the selfish thing you can do to me?

천송이 네가 하고 싶은 

All these things that you want to do...

우리 미리  하자

Let's do them in advance.

[감미로운 음악미리?

-In advance? -Yes, in advance.


-In advance? -Yes, in advance.


Let's do everything within a month.


Let's do everything within a month.



   안에  해야 하는데?

Why do we have to do it within a month?





 그래야 하는데?

Why do we have to do that?



I must...




What are you talking about?


Why are you leaving?


Where to?

어딜 가는데?

Where are you going?

내가 원래

To the place...


that I came from.


In a month,

내가 있던 곳으로

I have to go back to the place...


that I came from.


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