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  흑기사 17

Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me 17


나한테 너무하잖아

You are too harsh on me.

  안아주는 것도  ?

Can't you just hug me once?

[ 빼는 날카로운 소리]

[ 찌르는 소리]

(샤론 방백다시 태어나요

Be born again.

기다릴 테니까

I will wait.


[고통에 헐떡인다]

[휴대폰이 진동한다]

[휴대폰이 계속 진동한다]

[휴대폰이 계속 진동한다]

[떨어지며 콰쾅]

[휴대폰이 계속 진동한다]

[쓰러지며 ]

(여자 목소리고객이 전화를 받지 않아  소리 이후...

Your call cannot be connected.

[뒤에서 동료들 말소리가 들린다]

 전화  받지?

Why isn't he picking up?

[뒤에서 동료들의 말소리와 웃는 소리가 들린다]

(수호 방백해라야


[슬픈 음악]

[소리 거의  나게보름달보름

Full moon.


Full moon.

[소리 거의  나게가득하면

When the moon is full.


When the moon is full.

[뭔가 말을 하는데 거의 들리지 않는다]

When the moon is full. Strength.

아이뭐라는 건지...

What is she trying to say?


I know.

보름달 빛을 반지가 받으면 소원을 이뤄주는 힘이 생긴다

If the ring receives the light of the full moon, it gains strength to grant your wish.

그럼 우리 분이는 무슨 소원을 빌고 싶으냐

Boon-yi, what is your wish?

[소리 거의  나게비밀



It is cold. Let's get inside.


Tell me when we're inside.

(명소무슨 소원이냐들어보자

What is your wish? Let me hear it.

[바람 소리처럼 작게사약을

My wish is that...

내리지 말아달라고 빌었습니다

you would not receive poison as a death penalty.

[감동적인 음악]

이루어지기 힘든 소원 같구나

That is a difficult wish to come true.

[바람 소리처럼 작게사약을 마시더라도

I asked that...

죽지 않게 해달라고

you would not die...


even if you drank the poison.

사약이 와도

Even if you drink the poison...

  무엇이 와도

Whatever comes your way,

... 절대로

I asked that

목숨을 쉽게 놓지 않게 해달라고

you never let go of your life...




You wished upon that ring.


Okay. Boon-yi.

사약이 내려오는 

I will wear that ring when I receive poison.

 반지를  끼고 있으마

I will wear that ring when I receive poison.

어느 손가락에 맞을까?

Which finger would it fit?

[작게 소리  웃는다]

[바람 소리처럼 작게 장난은 싫어요

I don't like jokes.

장난은 무슨너의 간절한 소원이 들어간 반지인데

I'm not joking. You made an earnest wish upon that ring,

 살에 닿아 있어야 되지 않겠느냐

so it should be in contact with my skin.

 안주머니에라도  넣어두마

I will put it in my inside pocket at least,

절대로 죽지 않게

so I will never die.

죽지 마세요절대

Please do not die.

죽지 않으마

I will not die.




Not ever.

[슬픈 음악이 계속 이어진다]

(명소죽지 않으마

I will not die.




Not ever.

(샤론 반지를 녹여서 칼날을 새로 해주세요

Melt this ring and make a new blade for this.

호랑이 호랑이  호랑이 시에

On the tiger's month, day, and hour,

아주 단단하고 날카로운 칼날을 심어주세요

make a knife that is extremely hard and sharp.

[문이 열리고 발소리]


What is this?

 드레스 뭐야?

What is this dress?

대답  !

Answer me!



우리 떠나야 

We have to leave.



 사람을 죽였어요

killed him.

[슬픈 음악]


[놀라 헐떡인다]

[문이 열리는 소리와 동시에 풍경 소리]

[비명을 지르며 통곡한다]


수호야수호야정신 차려

Soo-ho. Wake up.


Open your eyes, Soo-ho.

[울며 헐떡인다]

[슬픔에 비명을 지르며 통곡한다]

[크게 소리 내어 통곡한다]

수호야수호야이러면  이러면  !

Soo-ho. No. You can't die.

[작게 흐느낀다]

[계속 흐느낀다]

[바람 소리가 나고 백희가 비명을 지른다]

[날카로운 음향]

[소음이 점점 커진다]

[바람 소리와 함께 바닥에 ]

[음악이 빨라진다]



[백희가 헐떡인다]

제발 돌아와

Please come back.

[울면서제발 돌아오게 해주십시오

Please make him come back.

[풍경 소리가 들린다제발살려주십시오!

Please save him.

[풍경 소리]

(승구샤론동대문에서 물건 가지고 왔어완전...

Sharon. I brought stuff from Dongdaemun. They're...

[구슬 뭉치가  떨어진  좌르르]

 대표...  이래요?

What happened to Mr. Moon?

119 불러

Call an ambulance.

 샤론 건데

That's Sharon's.

119 부르라니까!

I said call an ambulance!



샤론샤론 어디 있어?

Sharon. Where are you?

- (승구샤론어디 있어? - (백희일어나

-Sharon. Where are you? -Wake up.

제발 살아나 

Please come back.

[흐느끼며제발 수호를 살려주십시오

Please let him live.

(의사, 200 차지

Charge 200.

[제세동기 작동 소리] (의사클리어!



[제세동기 소리  ]



[풀잎을 날리는 바람 소리와 새소리]


Mr. Jung.




It's been so long.

수호근사한 청년이 됐구나

Soo-ho. You've become a handsome young man.

아저씨 만나면 정말 하고 싶은 말이 많았는데

I had so much I wanted to say to you if I ever saw you again.

(해라 미안하고고맙구나

I'm sorry, and thank you.

저랑 해라결혼해요아저씨

Hae-ra and I are getting married.

수호야 - ?

Soo-ho. Yes?

여기 있으면   돌아가

You... shouldn't be here. Go back.

해라랑  약속 잊었니?

Did you forget your promise to Hae-ra?

(해라오빠수호 오빠

Soo-ho. Soo-ho.

[구급차 경보음]




[기계음 천천히 ]

맥박도 안정적이니까 의식도  돌아올 겁니다

His pulse is stable, so he'll regain his consciousness soon.

기다려 보시죠

Let's wait and see.

과다출혈로 심정지가 왔었다고요?

His heart stopped due to excessive bleeding?

... ...


이상하게도 대량 출혈을 일으킬 만한 외상은 없었거든요

Strangely, he didn't have any external injury that could've caused excessive bleeding.

혹시 내출혈인가 싶어서 검사도 했었는데 그것도 아니었고요

We did a checkup on him to see if it was a stroke, but it wasn't.

저희도 이런 경우는 처음이라서

We've never seen a case like this before.

일단 환자 상태를 지켜봐야   같습니다

So we need to wait and see how his condition progresses first.

뭐가 어떻게  거예요?

What happened?

승구 씨가 구급차 불렀어요?

Are you the one who called the ambulance?

아니오빠가 어디 있었길래요?

Where was he?

... 나가서 얘기해요

Let's talk outside.

샤론 양장점에서요?

At Sharon's Boutique?

예복을 입어보러   같아요

I think he came to try on his wedding suit.


What do you mean?

신랑 예복이랑 신부 드레스 만들어주기로 했잖아요

We're supposed to make a dress and a suit for your wedding.



[불안한 음악]

(수호샤론 양장점 따로 연락 없지?

You didn't get any calls from Sharon, did you?

연락 와도 만나지 

Don't meet her even if she calls.

언제 그런 부탁을 했죠예복 해달라고?

When did he ask you to make them?

문수호 씨가 직접 부탁한  아니고

Mr. Moon didn't ask himself.

그럼 누가...

Then who...

베키 부탁으로 만든댔고

It was Baek-hee.

그래서 입는댔어요

That was why Mr. Moon said he'd wear it.

 그런 부탁을 하신 건데요?

Why did she ask him to do that?


I don't know.

[한숨을 내쉰다]



... 진짜 이런  하기 싫은데...

I really don't want to say this...

샤론이 갖고 있던 은장도가

I saw Sharon's silver knife

문수호  옆에 떨어져 있는  봤는데

lying next to Mr. Moon.

구급차  때는 없었고요

I didn't see it in the ambulance.

 흘리고 쓰러져 있을 

When he was lying unconscious,

베키가 같이 있었어요

Baek-hee was with him.

 사람 지금 어디 있어요?

Where are they now?

옷이나 갈아입어 꼴도 보기 싫다

Get changed. I don't want to see you in that.

경찰이  찾아요?

Are the police looking for me

살인 용의자로?

to arrest me as a murder suspect?

하늘이 도와 다행히 목숨은 건졌어

Fortunately, his life has been saved.

[슬픈 음악]


He's alive?


I am...


giving up on you.

당장  앞에서 사라져

I don't want to see you again.



 나라를 떠나

Leave this country.

 사람 앞에 나타날 생각도 하지 말고

Don't think about going anywhere near those two.

나한테 너무하는  아니야?

Don't you think you're too harsh on me?

경찰에 신고할까?

Shall I report you to the police?

200 넘은 괴물이 사람을 해치려 했다고?

Should I say that a 200-year-old monster tried to kill someone?

당신이  이렇게 만들었잖아

You made me this way.



차라리  죽여샤론

Just kill me instead, Sharon.

그리고  원한을 풀어!

And have your revenge.

대체 무슨 일이야자세히  얘기해 

What happened? Tell me in detail.

그냥  다쳤어

He's a bit hurt.

근데 너무 걱정하지  금방 회복할  같대

Don't worry too much. I think he'll recover soon.

아니어딜 다쳤는데 입원을 교통사고야?

Where did he get hurt that he's in the hospital? Did he get into a car accident?

아니그냥 과로 같은 건데

He's sort of overworked.

근데 금방 회복할 거야

He'll recover soon.

대장간 식구들한테 연락했니?

-Did you call his employees? -Not yet.


-Did you call his employees? -Not yet.

아침에 내가 교대해줄게

I'll go nurse him starting tomorrow morning.


I'll call you later.


Goodness, what's going on?

아침에 멀쩡히 웃으면서 출근한 사람이

He went to work with a smile on his face earlier.

[휴대폰이 울린다]



소식 들으셨구나

Yes, you heard the news.

맞아요 지금 하늘 병원에 있대요

Right. He's in Haneul Hospital.

[기계음 ]


It's okay.

 상관하지 말고 천천히 오세요해라 

Don't worry about me, take your time, Hae-ra.

아이  고프다니...

I'm not hungry.



[미스터리한 음악]

(승구소리에도 반응을 보이는  같아요

I think he's reacting to sounds.

의식  회복할 거라고 했잖아요

I told you. He'll regain consciousness soon.

[승구 작게 웃는다]

환자는 저희가  테니까 보호자분은 잠시 나가 계세요

I need to check his condition. Please wait outside for a moment.

진짜 보호자는   거고요

His guardian will arrive soon.


Well, then.

문수호   들리시나요?

Mr. Soo-ho Moon. Can you hear me?

 다시 한번 까딱해 볼게요

Move your fingers again.



 한번 떠보실게요

Open your eyes.

[북소리와 긴장되는 음악]

[불길한 속삭임]

다시 태어나라고 했잖아

I told you to be born again.

[불안한 음향]

[빠른 북소리와 음악]

[소리가 점점 고조된다]

[ 소리와 함께 샤론의 작은 비명]

[숨을 토한다]


[의사로 변한 샤론이 헐떡인다]




정신이 들었어?

Are you awake?

[숨을 힘겹게 내쉰다여기가 어디야?

Where am I?


You're in the hospital.

[숨을 힘겹게 몰아쉰다]

[TV 켜는 소리]

[작게 TV 소리 걱정 하지 말고 출근하라니까

Don't worry about me. You should get to work.

 아프거나 쑤시거나 이런  없어?

Do you feel pain, or does it ache anywhere?

전혀 없어 오히려 다른 때보다  좋아

Not at all. I feel much better than usual.

어제 병원엔  왔는지 기억  ?

Do you not remember why you came here?


갑자기 어지럽고 오한이 생겨서   같은데응급실에?

I suddenly felt dizzy and feverish, so I came to the emergency room.



피를 너무 많이 흘렸는데 외상이 없어서 이상했대

it was odd that there was no wound even though you bled a lot.

무슨 피를요 발로 걸어들어왔는데?

I wasn't bleeding. I walked in here on my own two feet.

어제 입고 있던 옷은 어디 있는지 모르고?

Do you know where you left your clothes?

그걸 모르겠어

That's what I don't know.

... 진짜 이상하네

That's odd.

늦겠다출근해  괜찮으니까

You'll be late for work.  I'll be fine.



I'll call you.



[미스터리한 음악]



[미스터리한 음악]

(백희나를 용서해줘

Forgive me.

너를 위해서

For you,

해라와 샤론을 위해서

Hae-ra, and Sharon,

오늘 일만은 기억에서 지우자

you must forget about today.

(수호 방백어젯밤에 무슨 일이 있었던 거죠?

What happened last night?

(TV 여자 앵커다음 소식입니다

Next news.

재생 사업 시범지로 선정된 지역에서

The town that was selected for urban regeneration

선정 철회를 요구하는 목소리가 나날이 높아지고 있습니다

demands that the decision be canceled.


For whom

누구를 위한 도시 재생이며 보존인지

are we regenerating this town and for whom are we preserving it?

묻고 싶습니다

I really want to ask that.

막대한 비용이 국민들 세금으로 충당된다는 

The taxpayers' money will be used for this,

그리고수익성이 현저히 낮다는 지적이 계속 나오고 있는데

and there have been comments about lower profits.

이걸 계속 해야만 합니까?

Do we have to continue?

[기막힌 듯한 호흡]

[와장창 깨지는 소리]

[미스터리한 음악]

대리 달자마자 근무태만이야 정해라

She's slacking off now that she's been promoted. Hae-ra, I mean.

본부장님이해  해주세요

You have to give her a break.

 대표가 갑자기 입원을 했다잖아요

Mr. Moon was suddenly hospitalized.

[발소리 상품 계획서는 새벽에 보냈더라고요

She did send the proposal late last night.

병간호하면서도 메일을 보냈어요

She sent an email from the hospital.

그래체크해 볼게

Really? I'll check.


Oh, right. sir.

저희도 점심  같이  대표 문병  갔다 오겠습니다

We're going to go and visit Mr. Moon during our lunch break.


-I'll let you go. -Okay.

기획서 맘에 들면

Only if I like your proposal.

본부장님... 어머! - !

-Come on-- -Understood?

아니어제 분명히 그랬잖아요

You clearly told me that yesterday.

샤론의 칼이었는데 구급차에선 없었다고

You saw Sharon's knife, but not in the ambulance.

문수호 쓰러졌을  베키쌤이 옆에 있었다고 말했잖아요

You said Baek-hee was there when Soo-ho collapsed.

내가요? - 승구 씨가요응급실 앞에서

-I did? -Yes. In front of the emergency room.

내가 언제?

When did I say that?

[지퍼 여는 소리]

여권은 갑자기 ?

Why do you suddenly need your passport?

잠깐 일이  있어서

Something came up.

 없는 동안

Please take care of Sharon's Boutique while I'm gone.

샤론 양장점을  부탁해승구 

Please take care of Sharon's Boutique while I'm gone.

자기가 당분간 사장이고 수석 디자이너야

You're the owner and the chief designer for a while.

얼마나 있다  건데?

How long will you be gone for?


I don't know.

[지퍼 닫는 소리]

어젠 어떻게  거야?

And what happened yesterday?

샤론 은장도가 ...

Why was your knife

문수호  옆에 떨어져 있어?

on the floor next to Mr. Moon?

무슨 일이 있었던 거야?

What happened?

승구 ?


이리 와요 내가 향수 하나 선물해 줄게

Come here. Let me give you a bottle of perfume as a gift.

[미스터리한 음악]

[불길한 속삭임]



아무 일도 없었어요승구 

nothing happened, Seung-goo.

아무 일도...


아니어제 그럼 병원에  갔어요?

Then why were you at the hospital?

어제 급체로 응급실 갔다가 우연히 만난 거잖아요

I was there because my stomach suddenly got upset, and I saw you there.

동대문 부자재 시장 갔다가 쫄면 먹고  나가지고

I got sick after eating some snacks as I was shopping for materials in Dongdaemun.

(의사이렇게 빠른 회복을 보인 경우는 없는데

BLOOD TEST RESULT, SOO-HO MOON ALL NORMAL I've never seen anyone who recovered so quickly.

 특이한 케이스네요

This is unique.

 두통이나 어지러움은 없으시고요?

Any headaches or dizziness?

전혀 없습니다

Not at all.

그래도 하루 정도는 경과를 지켜보는  좋겠네요

Let's wait another day and see how you feel.

컨디션이 너무 좋아요 바로 퇴원해도   같은데

I'm feeling great. I think I can go home right away.

... 그럼...

Well, then...

혹시 불편하시면 병원으로 바로 와주세요

come back immediately if you feel strange.


I will.

어젯밤  몰래 어디 갔다 왔니?

Where did you go last night without telling me?

양장점에 갔었어

To my shop.

청소  해놨더라

I saw that you cleaned up everything.

병원에선 연락 없어?

Did you get a call from the hospital?

그게  궁금해?

Why do you want to know?

 이제 떠날 텐데

You'll be leaving soon.



멀쩡히 살아있죠?

alive, right?

[불안한 음향]

(백희네가 함부로 해칠  있는 사람이 아니야문수호는!

Soo-ho is not someone you can recklessly hurt.

 번만  그랬다간

If you do that again,

경찰에 알릴 거야

I will tell the police.

그렇게 알아

Remember that.

[한숨 쉬다가 놀라는 호흡]

... 수호야


제가 어제 일을 기억  해야 하는 이유가

I have to forget about last night

방금  얘기 때문인 거죠?

because of what you just said, correct?

[불안한 음악]


Ms. Choi.

[여권 넘기는 소리]

[여권 뜯는 소리]

[여권 찢어서 찢는 소리도망칠 생각인가 봐요?

It looks like you were about to run away.

당신 미쳤어?

Are you insane?

200 넘게 살아서 도술도 부리는 분인데

You've lived over 200 years, and you can do magic.

이런  없어도 어디든   있잖아요

You can go anywhere without that.

기억하는 거야?

Do you remember that?

기억은 하지만 의미는 없습니다

I do remember, but it means nothing.

당신이 살인자라는 거밖에

The fact that you're a killer is what matters.


여쭤보고 싶은  있어서 왔어요

I came to ask a question.


Did you...

어제 문수호를 찔렀어?

stab Soo-ho yesterday?

[음악이 고조된다]

베키 선생님 뭔가 알고 계시는 거죠?

Ms. Jang, you know something, don't you?

뭔가 감추고 계시는  있잖아요지금 그래요?

You're hiding something. Are you not?

승구 씨가 그랬어요

Seung-goo said...

수호 오빠 옆에 샤론의 은장도가 있었다고

he saw Sharon's knife next to Soo-ho.

물론 오늘은 말을 바꿨지만요

Although he said something different today.

경찰서로 갑시다 가서 얘기해요

Let's go to the police station. We'll talk there.


혼례복을  바쳤으니

I made the wedding garments.

나도 이제 죽을  있겠지?

That means I can probably die now.

[슬픈 음악]



내가  잘못했는지 아직도 모르겠어

still don't know what I did wrong.

[문이 열리는 소리]

[떨어지며 펄럭]

[첨벙  물소리] [해라가 작게 비명]



사람이 빠졌어 사람이 빠졌어사람이!

Someone jumped!

... 이리로 뛰어내렸다고! - (여자아유어떡해

What? Someone jumped off the bridge!

(남자... 119  불러줘, 119, 119!

Goodness. Call an ambulance!

[사람들이 신고하는  웅성거린다]

Hi. I need an ambulance. Someone just jumped off a bridge.

(숙희아이고 대표

Goodness, Mr. Moon.

괜찮은 거야이렇게 바로 퇴원해도 ?

Are you all right? Are you okay to be out of the hospital so soon?


I'm fine.

어디가 아팠던 건데?

What was wrong?

병원  오진이었어요

The hospital misdiagnosed me.

아이고   이래?

What's wrong with Hae-ra?

이모따듯한   잔만 만들어주세요

Aunt Sook-hee, please make her a hot cup of tea.


가자 - 

Let's go.


That woman...

경찰에서  찾았으면 좋겠어

I hope the police find her.


Right. Get some sleep.

내가 꿈꾼  아니지?

I didn't dream it, did I?

오빠도 나랑 같은    맞지?

You saw what I saw, right?

자꾸 생각하지 해라야 경찰이 찾을 거야

Don't think about it, Hae-ra. The police will find her.

[불안한 음향]

[경찰차 사이렌]

(무전투신자 아직 확인  됩니까?

Have you found the body yet?

(경찰아직 발견  했습니다   내려가 보겠습니다

We haven't found her yet. We'll keep looking.

(무전계속 수색 부탁드립니다

Please continue the search.

해라한테도 문서와 기도문 보여주시면 좋겠어요

I want you to show... the document and the letter of prayer to Hae-ra.

혼란스럽지 않을까?

Wouldn't that confuse her?

믿고  믿고는 해라 마음이니까요

It's up to her to believe it or not.

그렇게 하지

All right.

저한테...  하실 얘기 없으세요?

Is there something you want to tell me?



수호한테 칼을 꽂았어

stabbed you with a knife.

[슬픈 음악]

수호한테 맥이 느껴져서

I felt your pulse,

내가 칼을 숨겼고

so I hid the knife.



 사람을 보호하기 위해서

To protect the three of you.

 거짓말 같은 일이 외부에 알려지면

Nothing good will come of it,

좋을  없잖아

if the story gets out.

그래서 그날 일을

So you tried to erase what happened from my memory.

 기억에서 지우려고 하신 거고요

So you tried to erase what happened from my memory.

수호한텐 그것도  듣질 않네

It didn't really work with you.

[한숨을 내쉬며최서린은 정말 죽은 겁니까?

Did Seo-rin really die?





죽었다고 생각할  있지

you can consider her as good as dead.

 사람 인생을 방해하는 일은 이제 없을 테니까

Because she won't come between you two anymore.


She has...

  물에 뛰어들었는데

jumped into the river twice before.

[  효과음]


Thirty years later.

[뒤에서 물소리가 들린다]

50 뒤에

And 50 years later...

다시 옵디다

she came back.



Four, five, six, seven, eight.

대표님요즘 많이 바쁘셨죠?

You've been busy lately, haven't you?

 바빠요 일이   풀려서

No, my business isn't going well.


Still, I have a good feeling.

매일 좋은 기운이 느껴지세요

Still, I have a good feeling.

[수호 웃음덤벨 부딪혀 ] (지훈 잘될 겁니다

Everything will work out.

오랜만에 하시는 거니까 10개만 먼저 할게요

Since it's been a while, let's just do ten first.






97 [수호가 숨을 몰아쉰다]






100 대표님이제 그만하실게요

One hundred. You can stop now.

대표님요즘  보양식 드세요?

Mr. Moon, have you been eating healthy food?

[작게 웃는 소리]

저희 주식난리 났는데요

Our stocks are going crazy.

( 실장이게... ... [같이 웃는다]



- ( 실장대표님 - 좋은 아침입니다

-Mr. Moon. -Good morning.

( 실장안녕하세요

Yes, good morning.

... 대표님 이상하네요 - 뭐가요?

Mr. Moon, it's really strange. What is?

대표님이 추천하셨던 진주물산 주식이

The stock you recommended has gone through the roof

사흘 연속으로 상한가를 치고 있습니다

for three days in a row.

감사합니다대표님 [웃는다]

Thank you, Mr. Moon.

근데에이투 그룹이 인수될  알고 계셨어요?

Did you know A2 Group was going to be taken over?

아니야 회사가 건실해 보여서 추천한 건데

No. I recommended it because the company seemed reliable.

그런  작전일 수도 있으니까 조심해야겠다

Be careful since that can be a strategy.


Oh, also...

지난주에 던지라고 하셨던 레드테크노 주식

the Red Techno stocks you told me to sell,

이건  팔자마자 하한가를 치고 있습니다

the value went down as soon as I sold it.

무슨 촉이라도 있으신 건지

Do you have a sixth sense or something?

[작게 웃음]

... 도착하면

After you arrive, it'd be good to have a rest before going to dinner?

호텔에서  뻗고  쉬시다가 저녁식사 가시는  좋으시겠죠?

After you arrive, it'd be good to have a rest before going to dinner?



( 함께 말하며 웃는다당연하지

-Of course. -Of course.

호텔에서   돌리시고 그리고 옷도 예쁜 옷으로 갈아입고

Relax in your hotel room for a little bit. Get changed into nice clothes.

화장도  고치셔야 되고

Fix your makeup too.

옷도 새로 사놨는데

I bought new clothes.

립스틱도 예쁘게 새로 발라야지

We'll have to put on a nice lipstick.

(여자1) 55명이 움직이는데  대리가 스케줄을 아주  짰어

We'll have to put on a nice lipstick. There are 55 of us, but you planned the itinerary so well.

(여자2)  대리가 한국에서 제일 잘하는  같아

I think you're the best in Korea.

아시아 최고야 - (여자3) 세계에서 최고 아니고?

No, you're the best in Asia. Isn't she the best in the world?

[ 같이 웃는다] (여자2) 맞아맞아

Isn't she the best in the world? -You're right. -Thank you.

감사합니다 앞으로  부탁드립니다감사합니다

Thank you. Thank you for the compliment.

[레스토랑에 색소폰 곡이 깔려 있다]

해라야 요즘   이상해진  없어?

Hae-ra. Do I look any different?


No. Why do you ask?

그냥 컨디션이  좋아진  같아서근력도 강해지고

I think I'm feeling better, and I've gained more muscle too.

좋은 거네

That's good.




Never mind.


What is it?

회사 직원들한테 주식을 하나 추천했는데 그게 대박 났나 

I recommended a stock to my employees, and they hit the jackpot.

그런  하지 위험해

Don't do such things. It's dangerous.

하지 말라고 했어 그냥  신기해서

I told them not to. I just thought it was interesting.

 오늘 저녁에 베키쌤한테 가기로 했어

I'm meeting Ms. Jang this evening. She asked to have dinner with me.

같이 저녁 먹자고 하셔서

I'm meeting Ms. Jang this evening. She asked to have dinner with me.


Okay. Have a good time.

믿어도 되는  맞지?

I can trust her, right?

 믿고 있어

I trust her.

 보자고 했니?

Why did you want to see me?

꿈을 꿨어요

I had a dream.

제가 번쩍거리는 빌딩 꼭대기에 서서

I was on top of a shiny building,

서울 시내를  내려다보는 꿈요

and I looked down at the streets of Seoul.

낙상할 꿈이다조심해

It's a dream about falling. Be careful.

[한숨 쉰다]

서린이 누나

Let me...

한번 만나게 해주세요

meet with Seo-rin.

[작게 한숨]

[미스터리한 음악]

너희는 ... 닮았구나

You two are so similar.

집착이 대단해

You have crazy obsessions.

서린이 누나 지금 어디 있어요?

Where is Seo-rin?


She's dead.

[크게 웃는다]

서린이 누나는 늙지도 않고 죽지도 않는 사람이에요

Seo-rin doesn't get old, and she never dies.

찾을  있으면 찾아봐

Find her if you can.

나도 궁금하니까

I'm curious too.

서린이 누나


내가 정말 사랑했는데

I loved her so much.

[작게 한숨]

( 실장만에 하나수를 써서 연구소 화재 건으론 빠져나간다 해도

Even if he manages to escape the lab fire case,

특혜 대출횡령배임 

There are many ways to corner him,

 회장을 옭아맬  있는 방법은 많이 있습니다

like preferential loan and embezzlement.

연구소 화재로 넣어야죠

We have to put him in jail for the fire case.

걱정 마세요잘될 겁니다

Don't worry. Things will work out well.



윤달홍 씨가 연락이  된다는데요

Dal-hong Yoon is out of reach.

[작은 북소리와 긴장되는 음악]

[한숨 쉰다]

무조건 일만 났다 하면 저희를 의심하시네요

You suspect us whenever something happens.

아뇨 정말 아무것도 모릅니다

No, I really don't know anything.

윤달홍이  다시 돌려줘!

Give Dal-hong Yoon his land back now!



다신 만나지 말고

Don't ever see him again.

그놈이 사라져도

Don't be curious about his whereabouts either if he disappears.

궁금해하지 말고!

Don't be curious about his whereabouts either if he disappears.

[  여는 알림음]




얘기  하자

We need to talk.

해영 , 2층부터 정리해 줄래요?

Hye-young, can you clean up the second floor first?





솔직하게 얘기해줘

Tell me honestly...

네가 알고 있는 

about what you know.


I know nothing.

연구소에 불을 지른 것도 우리 아버지고

You said my father set a fire to the lab

해라 아버지 죽인 것도 우리 아버지라고 했잖아

and killed Hae-ra's father.

네가 헤어지자 그래서 열받아서 그런 거야

You wanted to break up with me, so I made up a story out of anger.

거짓말이라고 했잖아

I told you it was a lie.

우리 아버지

My dad is...

무식해서 악해진 불쌍한 사람이야

a pathetic man whose ignorance made him evil.

 나빠지지는 않게 해줘

Help him stop from becoming more evil.

무슨 일이  있어?

Did anything else happen that I don't know about?


Tell me.

네가 알고 있는 

Tell me what you know.

- (여학생마셔마셔 - (영미 잠깐

-Drink it. -You know I hung out

 좋은 친구들하고 어울렸었던  알지?

with a bad crowd for a while, right?

(남학생참나... [여학생 웃는다]

-Will we become men too? -Goodness.


I have to pee.

여기다 여기...

Here. Do it here.

내가 교양이 있지

-Here. -Hey, I'm sophisticated.

교양 같은 소리 하고 있네

Sophisticated, my foot.

네가 무슨 벡터맨이냐 교양을 찾게

You think you're a noble woman or something?

[여학생 웃는다] (남학생아이추워

-Gosh, it's cold. -Drink up.

- (여학생빨리 마셔그냥 - (남학생 마셔

-Gosh, it's cold. -Drink up. I won't.

(해라 연구소에  지른  너지 어떻게 그럴 수가 있냐?

You set fire to the lab, didn't you? How could you do that?

생사람 잡지 

Don't accuse an innocent man.

경찰에 가자가서 얘기해

Let's go to the police. Let's talk there.


Are you completely innocent?

 박사 연구 문건 몰래 빼내서 돈이나  놈이

You snuck out Doctor Moon's research paper to earn money.

네가 제일 먼저 용의선상에 오를 거다

You'll be the first to be suspected.

 책임은 내가  거야 각오하고 있어

And I'll take responsibility for it. I'm prepared.

...   만큼 벌었다이거지?

So you've earned enough money, is that right?

 그냥 보고 넘길 수가 없어

I can't let it slide.

 앞으로 나까지도 죽일  있는 놈이야

You may kill me too in the future.



너희들은   그런 식으로 생각했지

You two have always felt that way about me.

열등감만 가득 차서 뒤틀려 있어

You're twisted by an inferiority complex.


Inferiority complex?

- (철민 자식이 -  정상이 아니야!

-You punk. -You're insane.


You jerk.




[불길한  북소리]



Hey, get up.


Hey, get up.



해라 아버지를 업고

he carried Hae-ra's father on his back

차에 타는  봤어

and got in his car.

병원에 가나 보다 생각했었는데

I thought he was going to a hospital.

나중에 들리는 소리는 그게 아니어서

But I heard a different story later.

그때  얘기  했어?

Why didn't you tell anyone?

한국중학교 2학년 1 반장 박곤 때문에

Because of Gon Park, the class president of Hanguk Middle School.

 때문에 그랬어

I kept silent because of you.

너네가 좋은 아파트로 이사 가고

Your family moved to an expensive apartment.

차가 생기고

You got a new car.

그러는  보니까 좋았어

I liked seeing you live a better life.



해라한텐 내가 거짓말했어

I lied to Hae-ra

우리 엄마아빠가

that my parents checked how he died in the hospital.

병원 가서 확인하셨다고

that my parents checked how he died in the hospital.


Until now,

아무  없이  왔잖아

we've made it without any problems.

아무도 몰라

No one knows about it.

우리 둘만의 비밀로 하자

Let's keep it a secret between us.

[한숨을 토한다]

[슬픈 음악]

말씀해주신 내용이 묘에서 나온  신기한데

It's surprising that your story was found in the grave.

저는 전생 같은   믿습니다

But I don't believe in past lives.

 믿어도 상관없어요

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it.

다만그런 일이 있었다는 

But it's true that such things happened in the past.


But it's true that such things happened in the past.

해주신 이야기가  사실이고

If your story is true,

최서린이 죽지 않는 벌을 받은 사람이라면

and Seo-rin Choi is an immortal being,

그럼 다시 나타나겠죠?

then she'll appear again.


Maybe when you two are an old married couple.

행복한 노부부가 됐을 때나 오려나

Maybe when you two are an old married couple.

최서린이 다시 눈앞에 나타난다면

If she appears before my eyes again,

그때는  모든 이야기  믿을  있을  같아요

I think I'll be able to believe this story.

기분 나쁘거나 혼란이 있을 때는

Whenever you're upset or confused, tell me about it.

언제라도 얘기하고

Whenever you're upset or confused, tell me about it.

샤론 양장점은

Is Sharon's Boutique still closed?

 닫은 채인가요?

Is Sharon's Boutique still closed?

승구 씨가 열심히 하고 있어요

Seung-goo is working hard to run it.

가끔 들러서 말벗이라도 해줘요

Pay a visit some time, and keep him company.

외로울 거예요

He must be lonely.

한번 놀러 갈게요

Okay, I'll visit there one day.

[따뜻한 음악]

[사진 촬영음]

하지 마요 [사진 촬영음]

Stop it.

[해라가 웃음]

[사진 촬영음]

[미닫이문 열리는 소리]

 만나고 왔어?

Did you talk with her?




 옛날얘기  믿어

I don't believe the story.


Then don't.



우리가 인연인  맞는  같아

I think it's true that we're meant to be.



 꿈이 뭔지 알아?

Do you know what my dream is?


What is it?

너랑 나중에 이렇게 되는 

To grow old with you like them.

그게 다야?

Is that all?

그게 다야

That's all.


That's simple.

우리 웨딩 촬영은

Let's make our wedding pictures look really wonderful.

멋지고 근사하게 하자

Let's make our wedding pictures look really wonderful.



예쁘고 건강하게  살아봅시다

Let's live a happy and healthy life.


Let's do that.

(경찰1) 잠깐 세워봐

Hey, stop the car.

[불길한 음향]


-Did you see that? -What?


-Did you see that? -What?

[무전기 켜는 소리]

3  이현식입니다 추가 투신자 신고 있습니까?

This is patrol car three. Was there any other suicide report?

없습니다 오늘은 발생 없습니다

None. There has been no other suicide today.

... 이상하네

That's odd.


What is it?

어떤 여자가 목만 내놓고  있는  봤는데

I just saw a woman's head right above the water.

무슨 소리예요 오늘 한강도  얼었어요

What are you talking about? The Han River is completely frozen today.

출발하자 - 

-Let's go. -Okay.

[신기한 분위기의 음악]

[발소리와 문이 열리며 풍경 소리]

[불길한 속삭임]


Hey, Sharon!

[펜이 바닥에 ]

[불길한 속삭임]

순간 착각했어요

I got confused for a second.

보고 싶은가 보구나

You must miss her very much.

전혀  보고 싶거든요

No, I don't.

새로  디자인이나 자랑하려 그랬지

I was going to brag about my new design.



앞으로 30

For the next 30 years,

아니어쩜 50 동안

no, maybe 50 years,

여길 이대로  관리해줄  있지?

can you keep this place as good as it is today?


Is Sharon gone for good?

정말  와요?

Is Sharon gone for good?

나도 몰라

I don't know.

... 아뇨


자신 없어요

I don't think I can.

샤론  돌아오면

If she doesn't come back, I'm going to ruin this place and sell it off.

여기  망가뜨리고 팔아버릴 거예요

If she doesn't come back, I'm going to ruin this place and sell it off.

[슬픈 음악]




Even now...

 그리워해주는 사람이 없진 않구나

there is someone that misses you.

[문이 열리며 삐걱인다]


Father. Mother.

 왔어요서린이 왔어요!

I am here. It is me, Seo-rin.

[통곡하며나와 보세요

Please come out.

[흐느끼며 왔어요

I am here.





(백희 사랑해주는 사람들이 있었어

There used to be people that loved you.

(백희양재 학교를 졸업하면 다시 조선으로 돌아가자

Once you graduate from dressmaking school, let's return to Joseon.

우리를 기억하는 사람들은 이미

I'm sure everyone who remembers us are all long gone.

옛날에 세상을 떠났겠지만

I'm sure everyone who remembers us are all long gone.

우린 언제까지 이렇게 살까?

How long do you think we'll live like this?

언젠가 분이를 만나면

One day, when you meet Boon-yi again, make her some clothes.

옷을 만들어줘

One day, when you meet Boon-yi again, make her some clothes.

정말 다시 태어나는  있어요?

Can people really be born again?

... 아주  살았거나

Well, people who lived a great life

흉악하게  사람들은

or a very wicked life probably don't.


or a very wicked life probably don't.



 슬픔과 한을 품고 떠난 사람들은

those who left with great sorrow and regret...

 번쯤 하늘에서 기회를 준다고 생각해

may get one more chance from fate.

당신이 어떻게 알아?

How do you know?

아니면 말고

If not, then never mind.

 만들기 싫어요

I don't want to make any clothes.

네가 잘하는 거라곤

The only two things you are good at are making yourself look pretty

예쁘게 꾸미고 질투하는 거밖에  있니?

The only two things you are good at are making yourself look pretty and getting jealous.

소질을 살려봐

Make use of that.

마작이나 하러 갑시다

Let's go play mah-jong.


Go study.

오늘까지만 놀자

It's just for today.


Let's go.

[한숨을 내쉰다]

지금 어디 있는지 모르지만

I don't know where you are,

거기서 죗값을  씻고

but atone for everything you've done,

다시는 돌아오지 말아라

and never return.

(샤론) [목소리가 울린다베키...


[불길한 음악]

포크  놔줘

Can you get some forks?

[포크 놓는 소리]

둘이 어제 거실에서 사진전 했어?

Did you two have a photo exhibit yesterday?

제가 붙였어요 거예요

I put them up. I'll take them down.

(숙희보기 좋은데 놔둬 

They look great. Leave them up. Don't take them down.

오빠 오늘 호텔 공사장  거지?

Are you going to the construction site later?

회사 들렀다가

Yes, after I stop by the office.

그럼 가는 길에 지하철역에  떨궈주라

Then can you drop me off at the subway station?

주말인데 같이 갈래? - 그럴까?

It's the weekend. Do you want to come? Should I?

내가 이따 전화할게

I'll call you later.

우유 마실래?

Do you want some milk?

[불길한 음향]


[미스터리한 음악]


What was that?

오빠가 간다고 신호 바꿔주는 거야?

Are the lights changing just for you?



그런가 보네 [웃는다]

I guess so.

[신기한  웃음]


[콧노래를 한다]

샤론이 보면 깜짝 놀라겠지?

Sharon will be surprised to see this.

[작게 웃는다]

 생각에 샤론은 5월에 돌아와

I have a feeling that she will come back in May.

장미를 좋아하니까 [웃는다]

She likes roses.

[문앞 풍경 소리와 발소리]

[문이 닫히며 풍경이 울린다]

... 누구... 세요?

Who is it?

해라 하하!



진짜 너무한  아니에요얼굴도  보여주고

Goodness, you're so awful. I haven't seen you in ages.

종종 놀러 올게요

I'll visit from time to time.

 달라진  없네요

Everything looks the same.

샤론 돌아올 때까지 그대로 두려고요

I'm going to leave it as it is... until Sharon returns.

언제 돌아오는데요?

When will she come back?

베키 말로는 30년이나 50 후쯤이라는데

Baek-hee said she'll be back in 30 or 50 years.


But who knows?

 이거 돌려드리려고 왔어요

I came to return this.



[신비한 음악]

이걸 입고 이상한 일들을 엄청 겪었어요

After I put this on, I went through a series of odd events.

인생에 엄청난 변화랄까

It was a turning point in my life.

어쨌든  이제 행복해졌고

Anyway, I became happy.

특별한 코트니까 돌려드리고 싶어요

This is a very special coat, so I want to return it.



 코트 입고 인생이 달라졌어요?

Did your life change after you put this on?


정말 감사하고

I'm thankful for this coat,

 무서운 코트예요

but I'm also scared of it.

[ 북소리와 풍경 소리]

[풍경 소리]

[불길한 속삭임이 이어진다]

다크 브라운요

Yes, dark brown.


Seung-goo, I'm leaving.

[작게 속삭인다 갈게요

Seung-goo, I'm leaving.


One second. Have a cup of tea before you leave.

 한잔하고 가세요

One second. Have a cup of tea before you leave.

그럼 수호 오빠도 여기로 오라고 할게요

Then I'll tell Soo-ho to come here. We have to be somewhere later.

같이 들를 데가 있어서

Then I'll tell Soo-ho to come here. We have to be somewhere later.

너무 좋죠

That'd be wonderful.


Yes. Hello? Yes.

[불길한 음악]


누구... 세요?

Who are you?

[따뜻한 음악]

(해라나를 기억  하는 척하는  같아

I think she's pretending not to know me.

 이번에 빨리 돌아왔지

I came back very quickly this time, right?

기억이  ?

You don't remember?

(승구시크한 샤론 스타일

The chic Sharon style.


She's back.

(해라 수호 오빠랑 결혼해

I'm marrying Soo-ho.

직원들이 준비해줬어

My employees prepared this.

(수호샴페인 어때?

How about champagne?

(그만  합시다제발!

Let's stop. Please!

범죄자의 아들 아닙니까?

I'm the son of a criminal.

(주희 대리님 2 동안

Hae-ra agreed to work in the office in Rome for two years.

로마 지점 근무 가기로 했는데?

Hae-ra agreed to work in the office in Rome for two years.

암튼  갔으면 좋겠어  너만 있으면 

I don't want you to go. All I need is you.

[차가 급하게 방향 트는 소리]

(수호 아니지?

This isn't a dream, is it?


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