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  신입사관 구해령 18

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung 18


(해령)‬ ‪그럼‬Then,
‪그동안 계속 폐주의 꿈을‬ ‪꿔 오신 겁니까?‬have you been seeing the dethroned king in your dreams the whole time?
‪(이림)‬ ‪어쩌면, 나도 얼굴을 본 건 처음이라서‬Maybe. I've never seen his face before.
‪넌 어찌 저 어진이‬ ‪호담이란 걸 알아본 것이냐?‬How did you know right away that he was Ho Dam?
‪만난 적 있어?‬Did you meet him in the past?
‪[해령의 한숨]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪말하기 어려운 것이냐?‬Is it something you can't tell me?
‪(해령)‬ ‪누구한테도‬ ‪해 본 적이 없는 얘기라서요‬I've never told the story to anyone before.
‪한데 저도 더 이상은‬ ‪모르는 척 살고 싶지 않습니다‬However, I no longer want to pretend I don't know anything.
‪20년 전에 아버지께서‬My father passed away 20 years ago
‪역모죄로 돌아가셨습니다‬because he was accused of treason.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪그래서 아버지의 제자였던 오라버니가‬Hence, my brother, who was one of my father's students,
‪절 살리기 위해 청나라에 데려갔고‬took me to Qing to save me.
‪그때부터 저는 구해령이란‬ ‪이름으로 살게 됐습니다‬And I've been living as Goo Hae-ryung since then.
‪(이림)‬ ‪하면 넌...‬Then you're...
‪20년째 도망 중인 신세입니다, 저‬I've been on the run for the past 20 years.
‪(이림)‬ ‪어쩌다‬How...
‪그런 일이 있었던 것이냐?‬did that happen?
‪저도 자세히는 모릅니다‬I don't know the details either.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아버지께서 서래원이라는 곳의‬ ‪학장이셨는데‬All I know is that my father was the dean of a place called Seoraewon, and I heard he was roped into committing treason.
‪역모에 휘말리셨다고 들었습니다‬and I heard he was roped into committing treason.
‪20여 년 전 서래원이라는 곳에서‬ ‪의술을 배웠습니다‬I studied medical practice at a place called Seoraewon around 20 years ago.
‪나도 들은 적이 있다‬I've heard of it before.
‪그 의녀가 의술을 배운 곳이라고 했어‬That female physician studied medical practice there.
‪거기서 스승과 함께‬ ‪우두종법을 연구했다고‬She said she studied cowpox variolation there with her teacher.
‪저희 아버지 별호였나 봅니다‬must have been my father's pseudonym.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪저도 참 너무하지 않습니까?‬I can't believe myself.
‪하나밖에 없는 딸인데‬As his one and only daughter,
‪아버지 글도 몰라보고‬I couldn't even recognize his writing.
‪[해령이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[애틋한 음악]‬
‪힘들면‬If this is too hard for you,
‪그만 말해도 괜찮다‬you don't have to tell me anymore.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아니요‬No.
‪힘들어도 생각해야 됩니다‬I must think about it even if it's hard.
‪저는 여태‬All these years,
‪아버지께서 나쁜 사람들한테‬ ‪누명을 쓰고‬I just thought my father died an unfair death
‪억울하게 돌아가셨다고만‬ ‪알고 있었습니다‬because he was framed for treason by some bad people.
‪(해령)‬ ‪한데 호담이 당시의 주상 전하셨다면‬But if Ho Dam was the King at the time,
‪왜 아버지께서 누명을 쓰도록‬ ‪가만히 내버려 두셨을까요?‬why did he just let my father suffer such false allegations?
‪서래원을 오갈 정도로‬ ‪가까운 사이였는데‬They were close enough for the King to frequent Seoraewon.
‪아주 오랫동안‬I've lived
‪아버지도‬many years
‪서래원이라는 이름도‬with the name Seoraewon
‪가슴속에 묻어 둔 채 살아왔습니다‬and my father buried in my heart.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아무 일도 없었던 척‬ ‪아무것도 모르는 척‬I acted like nothing happened, as if I knew nothing,
‪제가 모든 걸 다 잊고‬ ‪씩씩하게 살아가는 게‬because I was told that my father's wish for me was that
‪아버지의 소원이었다고 해서요‬I forget everything and move on with my life.
‪한데 더 이상은 싫습니다‬But I don't want to do that anymore.
‪아버지께서 무슨 누명을 쓰셨는지‬I want to find out what exactly he was accused of,
‪서래원에서는 무슨 일이 있었는지‬what happened at Seoraewon,
‪호담은 왜 폐주가 되었는지‬and why Ho Dam was dethroned.
‪알고 싶습니다‬I want to know
‪(해령)‬ ‪이해하고 싶습니다‬and understand what happened.
‪(이림)‬ ‪나도 마찬가지다‬I feel the same way.
‪이 모든 일들을‬I want to understand
‪이해하고 싶어‬all these things.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness!
‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 신음]‬
‪아유, 마마‬ ‪무슨 일 생긴 줄 알고 놀랐잖습니까!‬Your Highness! I was worried thinking something might have happened to you.
‪왜 나와 계십니까? 쉬어야 할 분이!‬Why are you out here? You need to rest.
‪(이림)‬ ‪지금 들어갈 참이었다‬I was just about to head in.
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아, 어서 오십시오‬Hurry, let's go.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪자, 들어오시지요‬Please, go on in.
‪제가 얼른 이부자리 깔겠습니다‬I will quickly lay out your bedding for you.
‪푹 쉬어야‬ ‪상처도 빨리 낫는다고 했습니다‬Getting a lot of rest will help you recover fast.
‪(이림)‬ ‪허 내관‬Eunuch Heo.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪예‬-Yes, Your Highness. -You started working in the palace
‪넌 내가 태어나기 전부터‬ ‪궐에 있었다고 했지?‬-Yes, Your Highness. -You started working in the palace before I was born, right?
‪예, 예, 그, 그렇습죠, 한데 왜...‬Yes, Your Highness, that is correct. -Why do you ask-- -Do you remember
‪내가 태어나던 날‬-Why do you ask-- -Do you remember
‪무슨 일이 있었는지 기억하느냐?‬what happened on the day I was born?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아유, 그럼요, 그럼요‬Gosh, sure thing. Of course I do.
‪왕자가 태어났다고‬ ‪전하께서는 하루 종일 싱글벙글하시고‬His Majesty was elated all day, delighted by the birth of a prince. The Queen and the Queen Dowager were very happy as well.
‪중전마마도 대비마마도‬ ‪아주 기뻐하셨습니다‬The Queen and the Queen Dowager were very happy as well.
‪온 궁궐 안이 경사였습니다, 경사‬Everyone in the palace was excited and happy.
‪[삼보의 웃음]‬
‪대비마마께서 기뻐하셨다‬The Queen Dowager was happy?
‪그날‬Even though...
‪친아들인 폐주가 죽었는데도?‬her son, the dethroned king, passed away that day?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪왜 내게 거짓말을 하는 것이냐?‬Why are you lying to me?
‪(이림)‬ ‪나한테 뭘 숨기고 있는 것이냐?‬What are you hiding from me?
‪- (삼보) 마마...‬ ‪- 환궁할 것이다, 따라오지 말거라‬-Your Highness. -I will return to the palace. Do not follow me.
‪아니 되옵니다!‬No, you shouldn't!
‪(삼보)‬ ‪그 몸으로는 아직... 마마!‬You're not well enough yet! Your Highness!
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪[삼보의 다급한 숨소리]‬Your Highness.
‪[삼보의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(이태)‬ ‪내 너 같은 것을 자식으로 둔 죄로‬Because I have a son like you,
‪죽어서도 선대왕들을 뵐‬ ‪면목이 없느니라‬I am too ashamed to face the former kings after I die.
‪이날 이때껏 이 나라 이 왕실에!‬You are more wicked and malicious than anyone
‪너처럼 흉한 종자는 없었어!‬who has ever lived in this palace!
‪[칼이 푹 꽂힌다]‬ ‪[이림의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[이림의 기합]‬
‪[말발굽 소리가 멀어진다]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness!
‪[이림의 기합]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이겸)‬ ‪네가 문직의 여식이냐? 희연?‬Are you Seomun Jik's daughter, Hui-yeon?
‪예, 나리는 누구십니까?‬Yes. Who are you, sir?
‪호담이라 부르거라, 호담 선생‬You can call me Ho Dam. Master Ho Dam.
‪(이겸)‬ ‪자‬Here.
‪(어린 해령)‬ ‪음, 한데 소녀가 찾던 서책은‬But the thing is, I was looking for
‪이게 아니라 다른 것인데요?‬a different book, not this one.
‪그래? 어...‬Is that so?
‪- 하면 직접 꺼내 보겠느냐?‬ ‪- (어린 해령) 네‬Then do you wish to find it yourself? Sure.
‪[이겸의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- (어린 해령) 저것도 읽고 싶습니다‬ ‪- 뭐?‬-I want to read that one too. -What?
‪(이겸)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪어, 그래, 알겠다, 자‬Oh, okay. Sure.
‪[이겸의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- (문직) 주상 전하...‬ ‪- (이겸) 쉿‬Your Majesty.
‪(이겸)‬ ‪아, 영안, 오셨는가?‬There you are, Yeongan.
‪자, 아버지 오셨다‬ ‪[문직의 어색한 웃음]‬Your father is back.
‪예, 호담 선생‬Hello, Master Ho Dam.
‪아버지 오셨습니까?‬You are back, Father.
‪[이겸의 웃음]‬
‪도원이 환궁을 해? 그 몸으로?‬Dowon returned to the palace in that state?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪예, 뭘 알아내신 건지‬Yes, Your Majesty. I do not know what he has found out,
‪갑자기 그, 경오년의 일을‬ ‪여쭤보시다가...‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬but he asked me about what happened in the year of Gyeongo.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪- 어서 치우거라‬ ‪- (최 상궁) 예, 마마‬-Clean this up. -Yes, Your Majesty.
‪(백선)‬ ‪근처를 샅샅이 뒤져 보았으나‬ ‪자취를 찾을 수가 없었습니다‬We searched the whole area but found no traces of them.
‪아무래도 급습과 퇴각에‬ ‪단련된 자들인 것 같습니다‬They must be highly trained in raids and retreats.
‪걱정 마십시오, 저하‬Don't worry, Your Royal Highness.
‪지금 군사들이‬ ‪주변 민가를 수소문하고 있습니다‬Our soldiers are going door to door asking about them.
‪(백선)‬ ‪그자들이 어디로 도망쳤는지‬ ‪알아낼 수 있을 겁니다‬We will soon find out where they fled to.
‪아닙니다, 수색을 멈추세요‬No, that is not necessary. Stop the search.
‪저하, 대군마마를‬ ‪시해하려 한 자들입니다‬Your Royal Highness, they tried to harm His Highness Prince Dowon.
‪(백선)‬ ‪반드시 잡아서‬ ‪그 배후를 밝혀야 하지 않겠습니까?‬We must track them down and find out who is behind them.
‪(이진)‬ ‪그건...‬That is...
‪군사들이 민가를 돌아다니면‬Seeing soldiers walking around
‪백성들에게 괜한 두려움만‬ ‪심어 주게 됩니다‬will only make the people fearful.
‪우선 군사를 철수하시고‬ ‪환궁을 명하세요‬First, order all the soldiers to return to the palace at once.
‪나머지는 내가 알아서 하겠습니다‬First, order all the soldiers to return to the palace at once. I will take care of the rest.
‪[백선의 한숨]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[이림의 기합]‬Giddy-up!
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪시정기라는 게 뭔데 이 사달인 것이냐?‬What did he lose? What's the fuss about? Do you really know nothing about the royal court?
‪이 서리는 정말 조정 일은‬ ‪하나도 모르십니까?‬Do you really know nothing about the royal court?
‪(해령)‬ ‪사초랑 승정원일기랑‬It is a document that merges historical records, the Royal Secretariat's daily records, and so on.
‪이것저것 관청 기록들을‬ ‪엮은 문서입니다‬the Royal Secretariat's daily records, and so on.
‪승정원일기‬Right, the daily records.
‪(주서)‬ ‪아이, 뉘신데‬ ‪승정원 주서를 찾으십니까?‬Who might you be? Why are you looking for a scribe?
‪도원 대군이다‬I am Prince Dowon.
‪(주서)‬ ‪아유, 대군마마‬Your Highness. There is something
‪너에게 하명할 것이 있다‬There is something I need you to do.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(이태)‬ ‪마마‬Your Majesty.
‪어디 상하신 곳은...‬Is everything all right...
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪(이태)‬ ‪저는 모르는 일입니다‬I know nothing about it.
‪피 한 방울 섞이지 않았지만‬We do not share a single drop of blood,
‪어마마마의 아들로‬ ‪근 50년을 살았습니다‬but I have lived as your son for almost 50 years.
‪세상의 어느 자식이 부모에게‬ ‪그런 짓을 한다는 말입니까?‬Who would do such a thing to their mother?
‪한데 왜 아직도‬ ‪민익평의 목숨이 붙어 있는 겁니까?‬Then why is Min Ik-pyeong still alive?
‪말씀해 보세요, 주상‬Tell me, Your Majesty.
‪이 나라에서 그런 짓을 벌일 사람은‬ ‪단 하나 좌상임이 분명한데도 왜!‬The Second State Councillor is clearly the only person in this country that is capable of doing such a thing, so why...
‪아직도 그자를‬ ‪살려 두고 계시냐는 말입니다‬Why is that man still alive?
‪증좌도 없이 의심만으로‬ ‪공신을 벌할 수는 없습니다‬I cannot punish him just based on mere suspicions without any evidence.
‪아니요‬That is not the reason.
‪주상은 그자와 뜻을 함께하기 때문에‬ ‪눈감아 주고 계신 겁니다‬You are turning a blind eye to what he is doing for you share the same goal with him.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪지금도 속으로는‬Even at this moment,
‪왜 그 화살이‬ ‪도원의 심장을 뚫지 못했을까‬Even at this moment, I am sure you are lamenting the fact that the arrow
‪탄식하고 계시겠지요‬failed to pierce Dowon's heart.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪마마!‬Your Majesty. Do not forget the promise you made to me.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪나와의 약조를 잊지 마세요, 주상‬Do not forget the promise you made to me.
‪말씀드렸습니다‬I have made it clear to you.
‪도원에게 무슨 일이라도 생기면‬If anything bad happens to Dowon,
‪나는 주저 없이 목을 매달 것이고‬I will hang myself without any hesitation.
‪주상은 어미를 죽인 임금으로‬ ‪만세에 기록될 것입니다‬You will then be remembered as a king that killed his own mother for generations to come.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I still feel
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪내 마음은‬I still feel
‪20년 전이나 지금이나‬the exact same way as I did
‪변한 것이 없습니다‬twenty years ago.
‪(모화)‬ ‪마무리는 잘했느냐?‬Did you wrap things up well?
‪(각쇠)‬ ‪예, 뒤를 쫓지는 못할 겁니다‬Yes, they won't be able to come after us.
‪- (상운) 대군마마는...‬ ‪- (모화) 걱정 말거라‬-How is the Prince? -Don't worry.
‪(모화)‬ ‪상처가 깊지 않다고 하니‬ ‪금방 나으실 게야‬His wound isn't too deep, so he will recover soon.
‪(상운)‬ ‪죄송합니다, 누이‬I'm sorry.
‪(모화)‬ ‪이만 가서 쉬거라, 고생 많았다‬Go get some rest now. Good work.
‪도성에 좌상이 기습을 주도했다는‬ ‪소문이 퍼졌다지‬I heard people are saying the attack was led by the Second State Councillor.
‪예상대로 주상도‬ ‪민익평을 의심하는 듯합니다‬As we expected, the King seems to be suspicious of Min Ik-pyeong as well.
‪이제 둘의 관계도‬ ‪얼마 남지 않았습니다‬A rift will form between them very soon.
‪(모화)‬ ‪조심하거라‬Be careful.
‪네가 이쪽에 섰다는 걸‬ ‪그자들이 알게 되면‬If they find out that you've joined hands with us,
‪당장에 목숨을 거두려고 할 것이야‬they will try to kill you right away. I gave up my desire to live
‪살고자 하는 마음은‬I gave up my desire to live
‪이미 내려놓은 지 오래입니다‬a long time ago.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(설금)‬ ‪아씨, 여기서 뭐 하세요?‬ ‪이부자리 다 깔아 놨는데‬My lady, what are you doing here? Your bed is all ready.
‪(해령)‬ ‪오라버니 지방으로‬ ‪공차 나가셨다고 했지?‬You said Jae-gyeong went to the countryside for work, right?
‪(설금)‬ ‪네‬-Yes, my lady. -And he didn't come home three days ago.
‪사흘 전에도 안 들어오시고‬-Yes, my lady. -And he didn't come home three days ago.
‪네, 근데 뭐 때문에 그러시는데요?‬That's right. What's the matter?
‪(설금)‬ ‪아유‬
‪아씨, 아이‬My lady, what do you need to do in that empty room?
‪빈방에 들어가서 도대체 뭘...‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬My lady, what do you need to do in that empty room?
‪[해령의 한숨]‬
‪[해령의 한숨]‬
‪[서랍이 통통 울린다]‬
‪[서랍이 통통 울린다]‬
‪[서랍이 땅땅 울린다]‬
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪조보?‬Government Newspaper?
‪(해령)‬ ‪사초 내기를 거부한 사관?‬"A historian who refused to turn in his daily record?"
‪오라버니가 왜 이런 조보를‬ ‪가지고 계시는 거지?‬Why is Jae-gyeong keeping this government newspaper?
‪(해령)‬ ‪경오년 정해월 신묘일‬"The day of sinmyo, month of jeonghae, and year of Gyeongo.
‪예문관 봉교 김일목‬First Historian Kim Il-mok
‪일기청에 가장사초 내기를 거부하다‬refused to submit his daily record to Ilgicheong." ILGICHEONG: MANAGED RECORDS ON DEPOSED KINGS
‪경오년 정해월 신축일‬ILGICHEONG: MANAGED RECORDS ON DEPOSED KINGS "The day of sinchuk, month of jeonghae, and year of Gyeongo.
‪예문관 봉교 김일목이‬First Historian Kim Il-mok
‪서대문 밖에서 참형을 당하다‬was executed by decapitation outside the gate."
‪(은임)‬ ‪구 권지는 눈치껏‬ ‪서고에 가서 좀 쉬세요‬Apprentice Goo, you should go to the library and get some rest.
‪죽을 고비를 넘기고 왔는데‬ ‪바로 출근이라니, 말이나 됩니까?‬I can't believe she had to come to work when she nearly died. Isn't it crazy?
‪저 정말 괜찮습니다‬I'm really okay.
‪머리부터 발끝까지‬ ‪오장육부가 다 멀쩡하다니까요‬I'm totally fine, from head to toe.
‪[은임의 한숨]‬
‪저, 어제 녹서당 입시는‬ ‪누가 하셨습니까?‬Well, who went to Nokseodang yesterday?
‪아, 당분간 녹서당에‬ ‪사관은 얼씬도 말라고 하셨습니다‬No historians are allowed to go anywhere near Nokseodang for the time being. His Highness needs to recover, and they think we'll just be a nuisance to him.
‪(아란)‬ ‪대군마마께서 회복하시는 데‬ ‪방해만 된다고요‬His Highness needs to recover, and they think we'll just be a nuisance to him.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(시행)‬ ‪아이고, 드디어 오셨네‬Oh, boy. There you are.
‪가는 곳마다 사건 사고를‬ ‪몰고 다니는 불운의 화신‬The unlucky troublemaker.
‪야, 너는 이제 외사 나가지 말고‬ ‪예문관에 꼭 붙어 있어라‬You shouldn't even step out of the Office of Royal Decrees from now on.
‪불안해서 어디 보내겠냐?‬-I'm too anxious to let you go anywhere. -Understood, sir.
‪- (해령) 예‬ ‪- (시행) 욕봤다, 인마‬-I'm too anxious to let you go anywhere. -Understood, sir. I'm glad you're back.
‪[시행의 한숨]‬
‪- (해령) 저, 민 봉교님‬ ‪- (우원) 응‬-Officer Min. -Yes.
‪(해령)‬ ‪혹시 김일목 사관에 대해‬ ‪들어 본 적 있으십니까?‬By any chance, have you heard of a historian by the name of Kim Il-mok?
‪김일목 선진?‬Historian Kim Il-mok?
‪(시행)‬ ‪아니, 네가 김일목 선진에 대해서‬ ‪어떻게 알아?‬How do you know about him?
‪(홍익)‬ ‪김일목? 그게 누구인데요?‬Kim Il-mok? -Who is that? -I've told you about him before.
‪(시행)‬ ‪아, 내가 전에 얘기한 적 있잖아‬ ‪그, 내 바로 윗대, 윗대 선진 중에‬-Who is that? -I've told you about him before. The senior historian before my time who was like a crazy tiger.
‪진짜 미친 호랑이 같은 분‬ ‪하나 계셨다고‬The senior historian before my time who was like a crazy tiger.
‪와, 어찌나 독종이었는지, 응?‬I heard he worked extremely hard. He always went home when the stars were high up in the sky
‪하루 종일 입시하다가‬ ‪별 보면서 퇴궐하고‬He always went home when the stars were high up in the sky and returned before sunrise.
‪또 별 보면서 입궐하고‬and returned before sunrise.
‪[홍익의 탄성]‬ ‪(시행)‬ ‪그, 경연 입시 한번 들어갔다 하면‬And whenever a royal lecture was held, he wrote three to four sachaeks.
‪막 사책 서너 권씩 쓰고‬ ‪난리도 아니었대‬And whenever a royal lecture was held, he wrote three to four sachaeks. Then how come we knew nothing
‪그런 훌륭한 선진이 계셨는데‬Then how come we knew nothing
‪왜 저희는 모르고 있었습니까?‬about such a wonderful historian until now?
‪(아란)‬ ‪진작에 찾아가서‬ ‪사초 쓰는 법도 배우고 좀 올걸‬I would've loved to visit him and learn how to write daily records.
‪[시행의 한숨]‬ ‪(은임)‬ ‪응‬He passed away.
‪(길승)‬ ‪돌아가셨다‬He passed away.
‪폐주 일기청 열렸을 때‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬He refused to submit his daily record regarding the deposed king to Ilgicheong
‪사초 안 내겠다고 버티다가‬ ‪그, 참형으로...‬regarding the deposed king to Ilgicheong and was beheaded.
‪(은임)‬ ‪예? 사관이 사초를 왜 안 내요?‬ ‪무슨 이유로?‬Pardon me? Why would a historian refuse to turn in his daily record? -What was his reason? -No one knows.
‪(시행)‬ ‪그걸 아무도 몰라‬-What was his reason? -No one knows.
‪그러니까 뭐, 애초에‬ ‪가장사초를 안 썼다더라, 어?‬That's why people suspected that he never wrote one or he misplaced it somewhere.
‪얻다 숨겨 놓고 까먹었다더라‬or he misplaced it somewhere.
‪그런 소문만 무성했지, 응, 쯧‬There were only rumors.
‪(시행)‬ ‪근데 너는 갑자기‬ ‪그 얘기를 왜 물어봐?‬Why are you asking about him?
‪아, 어쩌다 들었는데 궁금해서요‬I happened to hear about him, so I was just curious. Don't ask anyone about him.
‪(우원)‬ ‪누구에게도 묻지 말거라‬Don't ask anyone about him.
‪사초를 내지 않았을 뿐만 아니라‬He didn't just refuse to turn it in.
‪추국청에서 대역죄 판결을 받고‬ ‪죽은 사람이다‬He was sentenced to death for committing high treason.
‪너까지 괜한 오해를 받을 수도 있어‬People might misunderstand your intentions.
‪(해령)‬ ‪예‬Understood, sir.
‪[이진의 한숨]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪이유는 하나밖에 없습니다‬I can only find one reason. It's because...
‪제가‬It's because...
‪폐주의 무덤에 다녀왔다는 것‬I visited the dethroned king's grave.
‪더군다나 폐주는‬ ‪주상 전하께서 사사하신‬More importantly, he was sentenced to death by my father
‪대역죄인이 아닙니까?‬for committing high treason.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪세자, 모든 걸 다 알고 있다고‬ ‪착각하지 마세요‬Your Royal Highness. Don't get mistaken and think that you know everything.
‪세상에 떠도는 말이‬ ‪전부 진실은 아닙니다‬Not everything you hear is the truth.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(김 내관)‬ ‪저하‬Your Royal Highness.
‪말씀하신 것을 받아 왔습니다‬Here is what you asked for.
‪(이진)‬ ‪그래, 수고했다‬Great, thank you.
‪(김 내관)‬ ‪한데 주서가 이르기를‬But the scribe told me
‪도원 대군마마께서도‬ ‪경오년의 승정원일기를‬that His Highness Prince Dowon also viewed the records from the year of Gyeongo.
‪고출해 가셨다고 하옵니다‬also viewed the records from the year of Gyeongo.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪형님‬-Jin. -This is about the dethroned king.
‪폐주의 일이다‬-Jin. -This is about the dethroned king.
‪네가 이리 나서서‬ ‪관심 가질 필요는 없어‬It is unnecessary for you to step in. And you shouldn't.
‪그래서도 아니 되고‬It is unnecessary for you to step in. And you shouldn't.
‪폐주가 아니라‬ ‪저에 대해 알고 싶은 겁니다‬I wish to find out things about myself, not about the dethroned king.
‪대체 너에 대해‬ ‪뭘 그리 알고 싶은 것이냐?‬What is it that you want to know? What are you thinking?
‪무슨 생각을 하길래?‬What is it that you want to know? What are you thinking? Is there
‪제가 폐주와‬Is there
‪어떤 연관이 있는 건 아닌지요‬some kind of connection between me and him?
‪(이진)‬ ‪림아!‬Rim.
‪(이림)‬ ‪형님은 알고 계셨습니까?‬Did you know about it?
‪경오년 갑신월 무진일‬The day of mujin, month of gapsin, and year of Gyeongo.
‪제가 태어나던 날 전하께서‬The day I was born,
‪군사를 일으키셨습니다‬His Majesty launched a coup.
‪그래, 그, 나중에 들어 알고는 있었다‬Right, I did hear about it.
‪하나 그것은 아무런 의미도 없어‬But that does not mean anything. It was just...
‪그저, 그, 그저 우연이었을 뿐이야‬It was just... -It was a mere coincidence. -If that is the case,
‪그저 우연이라면‬-It was a mere coincidence. -If that is the case,
‪왜 승정원일기에는‬why is it that
‪제가 태어난 것에 대한‬ ‪기록이 한 줄도 없는 겁니까?‬there is nothing about my birth in the Royal Secretariat's records?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪전하께서 교서를 내리시고‬There are records about His Majesty's royal orders,
‪반정 공신들에게 관직을 제수하시고‬appointing his aides in the coup to high positions,
‪어마마마와 형님이‬ ‪사저에서 대내로 이거하는‬and you and Mother moving into the palace from your residence.
‪이 몇 달간의 기록 속에서‬However, I could not find my name
‪제 이름은‬anywhere...
‪어디에도 보이질 않습니다‬in the months' worth of daily records.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪그게...‬That is...
‪(이진)‬ ‪전하께서 거사를 준비하시는 동안‬Mother stayed with her parents for a while
‪어마마마께서는‬ ‪잠시 외가에 몸을 피해 계셨다‬when His Majesty was preparing for the revolt.
‪넌 그곳에서 태어나‬ ‪뒤늦게 궐에 들어왔어‬You were born at their house and came to the palace later.
‪그래서 주서들이 적지 않은 걸 것이다‬ ‪궐 밖의 일이라서‬That is probably why there is no record about your birth. -It took place outside of the palace. -Then answer this question.
‪하면 말씀해 주십시오‬-It took place outside of the palace. -Then answer this question.
‪어마마마께서‬Did you ever see Mother...
‪절 회임하셨을 때의 모습을‬ ‪뵌 적이 있으십니까?‬when she was pregnant with me?
‪그래, 뵌 적이 있다‬Yes, I did.
‪네게 입힐 작은 옷을 만들어 놓고‬She had made a little garment for you
‪(이진)‬ ‪너의 이름도 지어 놓고‬and had even picked a name for you.
‪나도 아바마마도 어마마마도‬Father, Mother, and I
‪너를 만날 날만을 기다렸어‬excitedly waited for the day when we could meet you.
‪내가 분명히 기억하고 있어‬That I clearly remember.
‪그러니 다시는‬So please...
‪다시는 의심하지 말거라‬Do not doubt it ever again.
‪너는 우리 가족이고‬You are a member of our family
‪하나밖에 없는 내 동생이라는 사실은‬ ‪절대 변하지 않아‬and my one and only brother. That fact will never change.
‪(이진)‬ ‪응?‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪- (상선) 대군마마‬ ‪- (이림) 고하시게‬-Your Highness. -Let His Majesty know.
‪(상선)‬ ‪주상 전하‬Your Majesty.
‪도원 대군마마께서 드셨사옵니다‬His Highness Prince Dowon is here to see you.
‪(이태)‬ ‪오늘은 몸이 좋질 않다‬I do not feel well today.
‪물러가라 전해라‬Tell him to come another day.
‪(상선)‬ ‪마마, 오늘은 일단 돌아가시옵고...‬Your Highness, please return to your chamber.
‪소자를 만나 주십시오‬Please let me in.
‪(이림)‬ ‪여쭐 것이 있습니다‬I wish to ask you something.
‪소자‬I was...
‪화살을 맞고 돌아왔습니다‬hit by an arrow.
‪괜찮은지‬Do you not wish to know...
‪궁금하지 않으십니까?‬if I am okay?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪소자 오늘 꼭‬ ‪아바마마를 뵈어야겠습니다‬I must speak with you today, Father.
‪그때까지‬I will stay here
‪[불편한 숨소리]‬ ‪(이림)‬ ‪물러가지 않겠습니다‬until you let me in.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪대비마마‬Your Majesty.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪아직 몸이 다 낫지 않으셨습니다‬You... haven't fully recovered yet.
‪이만 일어나십시오‬Please get up.
‪[삼보의 한숨]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪하면 저도 같이 입시를 기다리겠습니다‬Then, I will wait here with you.
‪구 권지‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Apprentice Goo.
‪(상선)‬ ‪주상 전하 납시오‬All rise for His Majesty.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(이태)‬ ‪네가 이제 여사까지 대동해서‬ ‪고집을 부리는구나‬Look at you being all stubborn with a female historian by your side.
‪대체 무엇 때문에 이 사달인 것이냐?‬What is all this fuss about?
‪무슨 얘기를 듣고 싶은지 몰라도‬I do not know what it is that you want to know.
‪과인은 네게 하고 싶은 말도‬ ‪해 줄 말도 없다‬But I do not wish to converse with you, nor do I have anything to tell you.
‪- 도원!‬ ‪- (이림) 아바마마께서는 한순간이라도‬-Dowon! -Father, have you ever...
‪소자를‬loved me,
‪사랑하신 적이 있으십니까?‬even for a short moment?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이태)‬ ‪그게 무슨 말이냐?‬What do you mean? Have you ever
‪단 한 번이라도‬Have you ever
‪저를 떠올리거나‬ ‪그리워하신 적은 있는지‬thought of me or missed me, even just once?
‪저를 애틋하게 생각하신 적은 있는지‬Have you ever felt affectionate toward me?
‪(이림)‬ ‪아바마마의 마음속에‬I am asking...
‪제가‬if you have ever...
‪아들이기는 한 건지를 여쭤보는 겁니다‬truly thought of me as your son.
‪(이태)‬ ‪처소로 뫼시거라‬Escort him back to his chamber.
‪[밤새 울음]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪[이림이 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪조보?‬Government Newspaper? GOVERNMENT NEWSPAPER
‪(우원)‬ ‪누구에게도 묻지 말거라‬KIM IL-MOK REFUSES TO TURN IN DAILY RECORD Don't ask anyone about him.
‪사초를 내지 않았을 뿐만 아니라‬He didn't just refuse to turn it in.
‪추국청에서 대역죄 판결을 받고‬ ‪죽은 사람이다‬He was sentenced to death for committing high treason.
‪사초를 내지 않은 사관‬A historian who didn't turn in his daily record.
‪(김 서방)‬ ‪네? 민간 사서요?‬What? Private history books?
‪(해령)‬ ‪그래, 사관이 아니라‬ ‪민간의 역사가들이 쓴 사서‬Yes. History books by private historians, not governmental historians.
‪(김 서방)‬ ‪아니, 사관씩이나 되신 분이‬ ‪왜 저잣거리에서 역사를 찾으십니까?‬If you are a historian, why are you looking for history out on the streets?
‪풍문이나 지껄여 적어 놓은 거를‬It's filled with nothing but rumors.
‪풍문이든 쑥덕공론이든 좋네‬I don't care if it's just filled with rumors and gossip.
‪그, 경오년의 일이 적힌 거로‬ ‪어디 없겠나?‬Do you have anything from the year of Gyeongo?
‪(김 서방)‬ ‪가만있어 보자, 경오...‬Let's see. The year...
‪예? 경오?‬What? The year what?
‪이 아씨가 또 누구 바지춤을‬ ‪적시려고 이러셔 그래?‬Are you trying to get me in trouble again?
‪그 시절에 나온 민간 사서들은‬ ‪죄다 금서라고요, 금서!‬All the private history books released in that year are banned.
‪그런 건 팔아서도 안 되고‬ ‪찾아서도 안 돼요‬We aren't supposed to sell it, and you aren't supposed to look for it.
‪(해령)‬ ‪죄다 금서라고?‬They're all banned? There were too many rumors about the deposed King.
‪(김 서방)‬ ‪아, 폐주에 대한 소문이‬ ‪오죽 많았어야죠‬There were too many rumors about the deposed King.
‪서리원인지 서래원인지 하는 데서‬He took people to Seoraewon or something
‪사람을 잡아다가‬ ‪막 배를 갈라 죽인다지를 않나‬He took people to Seoraewon or something and slit their stomachs in half to death,
‪서양 오랑캐들하고‬ ‪은밀히 내통을 한다지를 않나‬and he apparently associated with Western barbarians.
‪여튼 그런 건‬ ‪다른 세책방 가도 없을 테니까‬Anyway, you won't find that in any other book rental stores,
‪아씨도 괜한 헛걸음 하고‬ ‪다니지 마십시오‬so don't go around looking for it.
‪[김 서방의 헛기침]‬
‪[김 서방이 구시렁거린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[이조 정랑의 한숨]‬
‪벌써 입궐할 준비를 하는 게냐?‬Are you getting ready to go into the palace already?
‪이미 오래 자리를 비웠습니다‬I was away for too long.
‪[이조 정랑의 한숨]‬
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪너 그거, 그 여사 일 그만둬‬You need to quit working as a female historian.
‪이참에 때려치우고‬ ‪좌상하고 연도 싹 끊으라는 말이다‬You need to quit for good and cut ties with the Second State Councillor.
‪(사희)‬ ‪갑자기 왜 이러시는 겁니까?‬Why do you suddenly say that? What do you think?
‪왜기는 왜야?‬What do you think?
‪더 이상 두고 볼 수가 없어서 그렇지‬I can't let you go on. That's why.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪널 예문관에 들일 때도‬ ‪간택에 올릴 때도‬When you went to the Office of Royal Decrees and became a bridal candidate,
‪그래, 다 생각이 있겠거니...‬I just figured that you had a plan.
‪어이구‬My gosh. He's a man who let his kid's wife die.
‪자기 자식, 마누라 죽게 만든 양반이‬He's a man who let his kid's wife die.
‪남의 딸 귀한 줄 알 리가 있겠냐고‬How would he know how precious my daughter is?
‪하여튼 너 이제부터‬ ‪민익평의 '민' 자도 모른 척하고 살아‬Anyway, you need to have nothing to do with Min Ik-pyeong from now on.
‪수습은 이 아비가‬ ‪어찌어찌해 볼 테니까‬I'll find a way to patch up the situation.
‪(사희)‬ ‪아버지‬ ‪[이조 정랑의 한숨]‬Father.
‪저 자신은 제가 지킬 수 있습니다‬I can protect myself.
‪그리고 아무리 좌상이라고 해도‬And even the Second State Councillor
‪전 건드릴 수 없을 겁니다‬couldn't lay a finger on me.
‪제가 입을 열면‬ ‪좌상도 무사하지 못할 테니까요‬Once I open my mouth, he won't live to see another day either.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[이조 정랑의 한숨]‬
‪이게 뭡니까?‬What are these?
‪금서다‬A banned book.
‪[부제학의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[대신들이 수군거린다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(대사헌)‬ ‪대, 대감, 이건 대감께서 말씀하신...‬Councillor, this is the book you mentioned...
‪(대제학)‬ ‪당장 내려놓으시게, 금서일세, 금서!‬Put those down immediately! This is a banned book!
‪[대신들이 웅성거린다]‬-A banned book? -It's a banned book.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(상선)‬ ‪주상 전하 납시오!‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬All rise for His Majesty.
‪(이태)‬ ‪이게 어찌...‬Why is this here?
‪어떤 놈의 짓이냐!‬Who put this here?
‪[분노에 찬 숨소리]‬
‪[시행의 의아한 숨소리]‬
‪(시행)‬ ‪'호담선생전'‬"The Story of Ho Dam"?
‪(길승)‬ ‪어, 거, 뭐래?‬What did they say? Is it the same for everyone?
‪다른 각사들도 똑같대?‬What did they say? Is it the same for everyone?
‪(치국)‬ ‪네, 어, 승정원부터‬ ‪홍문관, 사간원, 사헌부‬Yes, the Royal Secretariat, Office of Special Advisors, Office of Censors, Office of the Inspector-General,
‪아, 궐 밖에도 성균관이랑 육조까지‬ ‪쫙 뿌려 놨다는데요?‬Office of Censors, Office of the Inspector-General, Sungkyunkwan, and the Street of the Six Ministries all got these books.
‪(장군)‬ ‪어떤 미친놈이 이런 짓을 합니까?‬What kind of lunatic would do something like this?
‪그냥 언문 소설 같은데‬ ‪궐에 뿌려서 뭘 하겠다고‬Why would anyone leave copies of this novel all over the palace?
‪(홍익)‬ ‪그러게요, 대체 뭔 내용이길래 이거...‬I know, right? I wonder what it's about.
‪[홍익의 아파하는 신음]‬I know, right? I wonder what it's about. This book was on the list of banned books.
‪(시행)‬ ‪이거 금서 목록에 올랐던‬ ‪서책인 거 몰라?‬This book was on the list of banned books.
‪괜히 읽었다가 무슨 화를 당하려고, 쯧‬You'll get in trouble for reading it.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪벌써 다른 데서는‬ ‪다 읽고 있다는데요, 아...‬Everyone else is reading it already.
‪(시행)‬ ‪야, 이거, 이거, 이거‬ ‪보기만 해도 불안해서 안 되겠다‬I'm getting nervous just by looking at it.
‪그냥, 그냥 승정원에 갖다주고 와‬Just give it to the Royal Secretariat.
‪우리는 손도 안 댔다고 얘기하고, 응?‬Tell them that we didn't even touch it.
‪- (홍익) 예‬ ‪- (해령) 제가 다녀오겠습니다‬I'll do it.
‪(시행)‬ ‪응? 그래‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪'호담선생전'이라는 서책을‬ ‪쫓고 있었다‬I was looking for a book called The Story of Ho Dam.
‪지금은 금서가 되어서 구할 수 없는데‬It's become a banned book now, so I can't get it.
‪- (이태) 모두 회수했느냐?‬ ‪- (상선) 예, 전하‬-Did you collect every single copy? -Yes, Your Majesty.
‪(상선)‬ ‪하오나 이미 서책을‬ ‪읽은 관원들이 많아서...‬But many officials have already read the book.
‪(이태)‬ ‪하면 그놈들도 잡아들여라!‬Then arrest them all!
‪금서를 입에 올리는 자는‬Whoever talks about the banned book
‪내 친히 형틀에 묶어‬ ‪혀를 뽑아 버릴 것이야!‬will be tied to a rack and have their tongue pulled out.
‪(우의정)‬ ‪전하, 통촉하여 주시옵소서‬Your Majesty, please calm yourself.
‪(익평)‬ ‪전하, 진정 벌해야 할 것은‬ ‪금서를 읽은 자들이 아니라‬Your Majesty, the people you must punish are the ones who spread the book,
‪금서를 유포한 자들입니다‬not the ones who read it.
‪게다가 전하께서는 이미‬ ‪그 범인을 알고 계시지 않습니까?‬On top of that, you already know who's responsible for this.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪좌상은 그게 무슨 망발인가?‬Second State Councillor, watch what you say.
‪과인이 범인을 알고 있다니?‬What do you mean I know who it is? The Story of Ho Dam is just a novel that used to be all over the street.
‪(익평)‬ ‪'호담선생전'은 저잣거리에 나돌던‬ ‪한낱 소설에 불과합니다‬The Story of Ho Dam is just a novel that used to be all over the street.
‪이깟 허무맹랑한 서책을 읽고‬ ‪떠든 자가 있다면‬Anyone who reads this book and talks about it should be blamed
‪그자의 아둔함의 잘못이겠지만‬for being dull-witted.
‪금서를 궐 안으로 끌고 들어와‬ ‪용상을 범하고 조정을 능욕한 자는‬But whoever brought this banned book into the palace and questioned your authority
‪마땅히 대역죄로‬ ‪벌해야 하옵니다, 전하‬should definitely be punished severely, Your Majesty.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪부디 이 일을 냉정하고‬ ‪올바르게 처리해 주시옵소서‬I hope you'll stay level-headed and make the right choice.
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪대감, 뭣 하러‬ ‪대비 얘기는 꺼내셨습니까?‬My lord, why did you bother mentioning the Queen Dowager?
‪어차피 전하께서는 대비한테‬ ‪아무것도 못 할 걸 아시면서‬You know His Majesty can't do anything to her.
‪(익평)‬ ‪그런 우유부단함 때문에‬ ‪오늘 같은 일이 일어난 걸세‬His indecisive character is what led things to come this far.
‪등 뒤에 칼을 들고 서 있어도‬ ‪모른 척해 주니 말이야‬He's turning a blind eye even when she's hiding a knife behind her back.
‪(대제학)‬ ‪한데 아까 저 서책을 읽어 보니‬ ‪자세히 쓰여진 부분이 많았습니다‬I took a look at the book earlier, and I noticed that a lot of the things were written in detail.
‪혹 대비께서 김일목 봉교의 사초를‬ ‪찾아낸 건 아니겠지요?‬Do you think the Queen Dowager managed to find Historian Kim Il-mok's daily record?
‪(우의정)‬ ‪우리가 20년 동안 팔도를 뒤졌지만‬ ‪흔적 한 번 찾지 못했네‬We've searched the entire country for 20 years, but couldn't find a single trace. There's no way she would've been able to find that all of a sudden.
‪한데 이제 와서‬ ‪대비가 무슨 수로 찾아냈겠나?‬There's no way she would've been able to find that all of a sudden.
‪(이진)‬ ‪내용으로 봐서는 별다를 게 없는데‬Nothing in the book seems too different from the truth.
‪왜 부왕께서 이리‬ ‪열을 내시는지 모르겠습니다‬So I don't get why my father is so upset about this.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪실은 거기 적힌 서래원이라는 학교가‬Well, the school named Seoraewon that's mentioned in that book
‪20여 년 전 실제로‬ ‪폐주가 세우고 이끌었던 곳입니다‬was actually established and run in real life -by the dethroned king 20 years ago. -The dethroned king?
‪(이진)‬ ‪폐주가요?‬-by the dethroned king 20 years ago. -The dethroned king?
‪하면 여기 이 호담 선생이‬ ‪폐주라는 말입니까?‬Then are you saying Ho Dam is actually the dethroned king?
‪(부제학)‬ ‪아무래도 그런 것 같습니다‬I'm afraid so.
‪하나 그 소설의 내용은‬ ‪사실과 많이 다릅니다‬However, that novel is very different from the truth.
‪신도 그때의 사정을‬ ‪자세히 알지는 못하오나‬I don't exactly know what happened back then in detail.
‪폐주가 서래원이라는 학교를 만들어‬But I do remember everyone talking about
‪천민과 계집에게 천주학을 섬기게 하고‬how the dethroned king established a school named Seoraewon and taught Catholicism to peasants and women.
‪기이한 의식을 일삼으며‬ ‪사람들을 죽이고 고문한 일로‬and taught Catholicism to peasants and women. And they also said he frequently performed
‪온 나라가 들썩이던 것을 기억합니다‬strange rituals, killed people, and even tortured them.
‪(이진)‬ ‪한데 그게 사실이기는 한 겁니까?‬But... were those rumors all true?
‪어찌 사실이 아닐 수 있겠습니까?‬Of course, they were true.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪폐주가 패악을 저지를 때‬History says that His Majesty
‪전하께서 군을 일으켜‬ ‪나라를 구한 것이‬raised an army to stop the dethroned king's wickedness
‪명백한 역사이옵니다‬and finally saved our country.
‪(해령)‬ ‪'그리 멀지 않은 옛날'‬Not too long ago,
‪'호담이라는 선비가 있었다'‬there was once a scholar named Ho Dam.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪'호담은 서책을 좋아했고'‬Ho Dam loved to read.
‪'사람을 아꼈고'‬He cared for others.
‪'이 나라를 진정으로 섬겼다'‬And he truly loved his country.
‪'하나 사해 건너의 세상은‬ ‪무섭도록 격변하고 있었다'‬However, the outside world was changing very quickly.
‪'구라파의 여러 나라들은‬ ‪점점 동쪽으로 마수를 뻗쳐 왔다'‬Western countries slowly started exerting their influence to the East.
‪'호담은 400년 동안 조선을 지탱해 온‬ ‪성리학 질서만으로는'‬Ho Dam was sure that Neo-Confucianism, which had been the pillar of Joseon for 400 years,
‪'더 이상 조선을‬ ‪지킬 수 없다고 생각했다'‬was no longer enough to protect Joseon.
‪'이 나라에 필요한 건 변화였다'‬ ‪[이겸의 한숨]‬This country needed change.
‪'그의 오랜 벗 영안과 뜻을 모았다'‬Thus, he and his old friend named Yeongan came together and set a goal. HO DAM AND YEONGAN THIS IS WHERE THE PATH WAS MADE
‪[문직의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪'그렇게 서래원이 시작되었다'‬ ‪[문직이 살짝 웃는다]‬That's how Seoraewon was established.
‪'새벽 서, 올 래'‬The Chinese characters meant "dawn" and "arrival".
‪"서래원"‬The Chinese characters meant "dawn" and "arrival". "The place where dawn arrives."
‪'새벽이 오는 곳'‬"The place where dawn arrives."
‪[학생들이 시끌벅적하다]‬
‪'조선의 새로운 아침을 준비하며'‬It was a place that was filled with youth and hope
‪'젊음과 희망이 넘실대는 곳'‬hoping that Joseon will soon welcome a new beginning.
‪'서래원 담장 안에서는‬ ‪천민도 양반도, 사내도 계집도 없었다'‬Inside the walls of Seoraewon, every class and gender were all considered equal.
‪[도미니크가 프랑스어로 말한다]‬ ‪'재능이 있는 사람 누구나'‬Anyone who had talent was welcome to join
‪'어깨를 나란히 하고‬ ‪학문을 배울 수 있었다'‬Anyone who had talent was welcome to join and learn with everyone else. What is this?
‪'밤낮으로 서책 읽는 소리가‬ ‪끊이질 않았다'‬Day and night, the students would always be busy reading their books.
‪(이겸)‬ ‪뭐라는 게냐?‬-Take a look. -What's he saying?
‪(어린 재경)‬ ‪아, 오장육부 중‬ ‪심장에 대해 강하고 계십니다‬He's teaching us about the human heart.
‪(학생1)‬ ‪너만 계속 보고 있잖아‬You keep hogging it.
‪(해령)‬ ‪'서로가 서로에게 방향이고 미래였다'‬They were each other's compass and the way to each other's future.
‪[학생들의 탄성]‬ ‪'다 함께 같은 꿈을 꾸었다'‬They all dreamt of the same future.
‪[어린 해령의 탄성]‬ ‪[학생들의 웃음]‬
‪'진실로 아름다운 곳이었다'‬It was truly a beautiful place.
‪'하지만 사람들의 눈에 비친 서래원은'‬However, others thought quite differently of Seoraewon.
‪'계집과 천것들이 어울리며'‬It was where peasants socialized with women,
‪'사교에 빠져 오랑캐의 글을 배우는‬ ‪기이한 곳에 불과했다'‬ ‪[대신들이 말한다]‬and it was also a place where people gathered to learn the languages of barbarians.
‪'누구도 그들을 이해하지 못했다'‬No one could understand them.
‪'오해는 소문이 되고‬ ‪소문은 곧 진실이 되어 돌아왔다'‬Misunderstandings became rumors. And rumors came back as the truth. -Your Majesty! -Your Majesty!
‪[대신들이 저마다 말한다]‬-Your Majesty! -Your Majesty!
‪'세상은 등을 돌렸다'‬People eventually turned their backs on Seoraewon.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪[학생들의 비명]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪'서래원과 희망에 부풀었던‬ ‪젊은이들은'‬The young people of Seoraewon who were full of so much hope
‪'칼날 앞에서 힘없이 쓰러져 갔다'‬all ended up getting killed hopelessly.
‪[군사1의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[학생2의 비명]‬Get over here!
‪(문직)‬ ‪안 돼!‬No!
‪[군사2의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[군사2의 기합]‬ ‪[학생2의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[문직이 칼에 푹 찔린다]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪'호담과 영안도'‬Ho Dam and Yeongan
‪'그날 밤 목숨을 잃었다'‬also lost their lives that night.
‪'누구에게도 휘둘리지 않고‬ ‪우리가 우리를 지킬 수 있는 힘'‬They dreamed of building power so we could protect our country.
‪'자강이라는 그들의 꿈은‬ ‪어둠 속으로 사라졌다'‬However, their dream ended up disappearing into darkness.
‪[흐느낀다]‬However, their dream ended up disappearing into darkness.
‪'끝내 새로운 아침을 열지 못한 채'‬They failed to welcome a new beginning.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪아무리 생각해도‬I thought about it,
‪서래원에 대해 이렇게‬ ‪자세히 알고 있는 사람은‬and I realized that you're the only one who could possibly
‪오라버니밖에 없습니다‬know this much about Seoraewon.
‪이 서책‬You wrote...
‪오라버니가 쓰신 거죠?‬this book, didn't you?
‪(해령)‬ ‪어디까지가 진실이고‬ ‪어디까지가 소설입니까?‬How much of it is true, and how much of it is fiction?
‪호담이 폐주고 영안이 저희 아버지라면‬If Ho Dam is the dethroned king, and Yeongan is my father,
‪이 두 사람을 모함한 사람들이 혹시‬does that mean the current king and his vassals
‪지금의 주상 전하와 공신들입니까?‬were the ones who slandered them?
‪넌 이 일에 끼어들지 말거라‬I don't want you to get involved. Why didn't you tell me?
‪왜 말씀해 주지 않으셨습니까?‬Why didn't you tell me?
‪전 그것도 모르고‬I worked at the palace every day
‪여태 매일매일 궐을 드나들면서...‬without even being aware of that.
‪[해령이 울먹인다]‬
‪행궁에서 의녀님과‬ ‪나오시는 걸 봤습니다‬I saw you at the temporary palace with the female doctor.
‪무슨 일을 벌이고 계신 겁니까?‬What are you trying to do?
‪내일 아침에 청나라로 가는‬ ‪배편을 알아봐 주마, 잠시 떠나 있거라‬I'll help you get on a boat to Qing tomorrow morning. -Stay there for a while. -No.
‪아니요, 두 번 다신‬ ‪도망치고 싶지 않습니다‬-Stay there for a while. -No. -I'm never going to run away again. -Hae-ryung!
‪- (재경) 해령아!‬ ‪- 20년 전 그날 아침에도‬-I'm never going to run away again. -Hae-ryung! Twenty years ago, on the day of the incident,
‪아버지는 평소처럼‬ ‪인사를 하고 집을 나섰습니다‬my father said goodbye to me and went to work like any other day.
‪그러곤‬And then,
‪영영 돌아오지 않으셨습니다‬he never came back.
‪[슬픈 음악]‬he never came back.
‪오라버니마저‬ ‪그렇게 잃을 수는 없지 않습니까?‬I can't lose you the same way I lost him.
‪그러니까 말씀을 해 주십시오‬So please tell me.
‪뭐가 어떻게 되어 가고 있는 건지‬What's going on right now?
‪지금 제가 할 수 있는 건 뭐가 있는지‬And what can I do to help?
‪네가 할 수 있는 일은‬The only thing you can do
‪살아남는 것뿐이다‬-is to stay alive. -Jae-gyeong!
‪오라버니!‬-is to stay alive. -Jae-gyeong!
‪(재경)‬ ‪그게 스승님과 나와의 약조였다‬That was the promise I made to your father.
‪널 살려 내는 것‬ ‪그자들 손에서 지켜 내는 것‬I promised to save you and to protect you from them.
‪그러니 제발‬So please...
‪더 이상 가까워지지 말거라‬I don't want you to get involved.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪정해월 신축일‬The day of sinchuk, month of jeonghae.
‪기분은 좀 어떠십니까?‬How... do you feel?
‪(이림)‬ ‪괜찮다‬I'm okay.
‪'호담선생전'은 읽어 보았느냐?‬Have you read The Story of Ho Dam?
‪- (해령) 예‬ ‪- 어찌 생각하느냐?‬-Yes. -What do you think?
‪이 서책의 내용이‬Do you believe
‪사실이라고 믿어?‬what's written in the book?
‪적어도‬It coincided...
‪제가 기억하는 아버지와 서래원은‬ ‪이런 모습이었습니다‬with the memories I have of Seoraewon and my father.
‪(해령)‬ ‪하나 이 서책의 내용이 사실이라면...‬However, if everything in the book -is actually true... -It means His Majesty
‪전하께서‬-is actually true... -It means His Majesty
‪아무 죄 없는 너의 아비와‬ ‪서래원 사람들을 죽이고‬killed your innocent father and the people of Seoraewon
‪폐주에게서 왕위를‬ ‪빼앗았단 뜻이 되겠지‬and stole the throne from the dethroned king.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪그래도 난 알고 싶다‬But I still want to find out the truth.
‪승정원일기에‬ ‪나에 대한 기록이 한 줄도 없고‬The Royal Secretariat didn't keep a single record about my birth.
‪전하도 형님도 삼보도‬ ‪아무도 그날 얘기를 해 주질 않지만‬And no one tells me about that day including His Majesty, my brother, and Sam-bo.
‪난 알아야겠어‬But I still need to find out
‪내가 태어나고 폐주가 죽던 날‬what happened on the day of my birth
‪무슨 일이 있었던 건지‬and the death of the dethroned king.
‪감당할 수 있으시겠습니까?‬Will you be able to handle it?
‪아무리 믿고 싶지 않은 사실이라도‬I might not want to believe the truth.
‪마주할 자신이 생겼어, 이젠‬But I'm finally ready to face it.
‪경오년에‬In the year of Gyeongo,
‪김일목이라는 사관이‬a historian named Kim Il-mok
‪일기청에 사초를 내지 않은 죄로‬ ‪처형당했습니다‬got executed for refusing to hand in his daily record.
‪(해령)‬ ‪그리고 그 당시에‬And there was a rumor
‪그 사관이 어딘가에 사초를‬ ‪숨겨 두었다는 소문이 있었다고 합니다‬saying he secretly hid his daily record somewhere. Are you saying
‪하면 20년 전에 쓰인 사초가‬ ‪남아 있다는 뜻이냐?‬Are you saying the daily record from 20 years ago still exists?
‪가능성‬That is...
‪있습니다‬quite possible.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪- (이림) 이곳이냐?‬ ‪- (해령) 예‬-Is this the place? -Yes.
‪당시 여덟 명이었던 한림들 중에‬ ‪김일목이 참형되고‬There were eight Hanrims back then. After Kim Il-mok got executed,
‪관직을 버린 사관이 셋‬three of them gave up their positions.
‪그중 유일하게 살아 계신‬ ‪한 분의 집입니다‬And among those three, this person is the only one who's still alive.
‪(해령)‬ ‪계십니까?‬Is anyone inside?
‪(학주)‬ ‪뉘시오?‬Who are you people?
‪(해령)‬ ‪예문관 여사입니다‬ ‪여쭐 것이 있어서...‬I'm a female historian. I came to ask you something...
‪(학주)‬ ‪그동안 그리 괴롭혔으면 됐지‬Haven't you people harassed me enough?
‪아직도 내게 볼일이 남은 거요?‬What do you still want from me?
‪난 아무것도 모른다고‬ ‪몇 번을 말해, 몇 번을!‬How many times have I told you that I know nothing? I know nothing!
‪좌의정인지 개의정인지한테‬ ‪가서 전하시오‬Tell the so-called Second State Councillor
‪나는 김 봉교님 사초고 뭐고‬ ‪본 적도 없고‬that I've never seen Historian Kim's daily record
‪맨날 술이나 처먹는 망나니라고!‬and that I'm just a yahoo who always drinks all the time!
‪때려죽여도 말할 것이 없다고‬Tell him that I have absolutely nothing to tell him.
‪(해령)‬ ‪서래원을 기억하십니까?‬Do you remember Seoraewon?
‪제가‬I'm the daughter
‪서래원의 학장이셨던‬ ‪서문직의 여식입니다‬of Seomun Jik who used to be the dean of Seoraewon.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[학주의 놀란 숨소리]‬I came because I wanted to find out
‪아버지께 무슨 일이 있었는지‬ ‪알고 싶어서 왔습니다‬I came because I wanted to find out what happened to my father.
‪[학주가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(학주)‬ ‪어, 이거밖에‬ ‪내어 줄 게 없어 미안하네‬I'm sorry I don't have much to offer.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아닙니다‬No, it's okay.
‪(학주)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪세월이 많이 흘렀구먼‬I guess time really flew by.
‪스승님이 딸자식을 얻었다고‬It only feels like yesterday when your father
‪팔불출처럼 자랑하시던 게‬ ‪엊그제 같은데‬went around bragging about the birth of his daughter.
‪(해령)‬ ‪저희 아버지를 아십니까?‬Do you know my father? He was in charge of Sungkyunkwan
‪내가 성균관에 있을 때‬ ‪자네 아버지께서 직강이셨네‬He was in charge of Sungkyunkwan back when I was a scholar there.
‪(학주)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪엉뚱하기는 해도 지혜로운 분이셨어‬He was quite odd, but he was also very wise. I learned a lot from him.
‪내가 많이 배웠고‬I learned a lot from him.
‪한데 서래원에 대해서는‬ ‪나도 아는 바가 많이 없네‬But I really don't know much about Seoraewon.
‪회의 중에 서래원의 '서' 자만 나와도‬ ‪온 대신들이 물어뜯기 바쁘니‬The vassals always caused a huge fuss whenever anyone mentioned Seoraewon.
‪전하께서 말씀을 삼가셨어‬So His Majesty didn't talk much about it.
‪서래원에 가실 땐 김 봉교님만 따랐고‬Whenever he went there, he only took Historian Kim with him.
‪김 봉교님이라면...‬Are you talking about
‪일기청에 사초 내기를‬ ‪거부하다 돌아가신‬First Historian Kim Il-mok who passed away
‪김일목 선진님을 말씀하시는 겁니까?‬because he refused to hand in his daily record?
‪(학주)‬ ‪그래, 자네도 찾아봤겠지‬Yes, I guess you already looked into it.
‪승정원일기에는 뭐라 적혀 있던가?‬How was it recorded by the Royal Secretariat?
‪(해령)‬ ‪추국 과정은 나와 있지 않고‬It didn't say anything about the interrogation.
‪그저 사관이 사초를 내지 않고‬I just read that he dishonored the history of our country
‪역사를 욕되게 했다고만 적혀 있습니다‬by refusing to hand in his daily record.
‪[학주의 헛웃음]‬
‪(학주)‬ ‪역사를 욕되게 해?‬He dishonored our country's history?
‪김 봉교님은 그런 분이 아닐세!‬He's not that kind of person. We stepped down because we were cowards.
‪우린 비겁하게 물러섰지만‬We stepped down because we were cowards.
‪그분만은 마지막까지‬But he remained as a historian
‪사관이셨어‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬until the very end. Officer Kim, you'll get executed once the sun rises.
‪(학주)‬ ‪김 봉교님‬ ‪해가 뜨면 이대로 참형입니다‬Officer Kim, you'll get executed once the sun rises.
‪고집은 그만 부리시고 사초를 어디에다‬ ‪숨겨 놨는지만 말씀해 주십시오‬Officer Kim, you'll get executed once the sun rises. Please stop being so stubborn. Just tell them where you hid your daily record. They promised to keep you alive if you tell them that.
‪그것만 말하면‬ ‪목숨만은 살려 준다질 않습니까?‬They promised to keep you alive if you tell them that.
‪민익평이 측근들로‬ ‪일기청을 꾸려 놨습니다‬Min Ik-pyeong formed a group to dethrone His Majesty.
‪김 봉교님이라도 계셔야‬ ‪저희가 직필을 계속할 수 있습니다‬You must stay alive so we can continue to record history.
‪심 검열‬Officer Sim.
‪아직도 모르겠는가?‬Don't you get it?
‪(일목)‬ ‪일기청은 주군을 배신한 자들과‬The vassals who betrayed His Majesty
‪권력에 붓을 꺾은 사관들이‬and the historians who succumbed to power
‪역사를 왜곡하는 자리가 될 거고‬will gather together to distort history.
‪우리의 사초는 이리저리 고쳐질 게야‬And our daily records will be edited to their own advantage.
‪해서 난 이렇게라도‬ ‪사초를 지켜야 하네‬That's why I must protect my daily record.
‪죽음으로써‬I'll be protecting the truth
‪마지막 직필을 하는 게야‬by sacrificing my life.
‪김 봉교님...‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬Officer Kim.
‪(옥졸)‬ ‪이러다 들키겠소, 그만 나오시오‬You'll get caught at this rate. You must leave.
‪김 봉교님‬Officer Kim.
‪(일목)‬ ‪[작은 소리로]‬ ‪심 검열, 가까이‬Officer Sim. Come closer.
‪언젠가는 푸른 숲이 우거진‬ ‪섬을 찾아가시게‬One day, go to the island of the green forest.
‪그곳에 직필이 있네‬That's where you can find the truth.
‪[학주의 한숨]‬
‪'푸른 숲이 우거진 섬에 직필이 있다'‬The island of the green forest is where you can find the truth?
‪그건 무슨 뜻입니까?‬What's that supposed to mean?
‪(학주)‬ ‪나도 모르겠네‬I don't know either.
‪김 봉교님이 사초를‬ ‪숨겨 놓은 곳 같기는 한데‬It seems like the place where he hid his daily record.
‪어딜 말씀하시는 건지‬But I don't know where that is.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪(해령)‬ ‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪뭣 때문에 이러시는 겁니까?‬What's the matter?
‪혹시 뭔가 알아내신 겁니까?‬Did you happen to realize something? Have you ever thought about
‪생각해 본 적 있느냐?‬Have you ever thought about
‪녹서당이 무슨 뜻인지‬the meaning of Nokseodang?
‪녹서당의 뜻요?‬The meaning of Nokseodang?
‪'푸를 녹', '섬 서'‬"Green". "Island".
‪푸른 숲이 우거진 섬‬"The island of the green forest". NOKSEODANG
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪'호담선생전'을 유포한 곳이‬ ‪대비전이란 말입니까?‬Are you saying the Queen Dowager was the one who spread The Story of Ho Dam?
‪(이림)‬ ‪내가 네가 생각하던 사람이‬ ‪아닐 수도 있는데‬I might not be the person you always thought I was.
‪(해령)‬ ‪어떤 일이 있어도 변하지 않는‬ ‪제가 생각하는 도원 대군입니다‬Nothing will change. You'll always be the person I know.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪희한하게 이게 썩지도 않고...‬It's strange that it never rots.
‪(해령)‬ ‪언제 교체하신 겁니까?‬When did you replace it?
‪김일목 선진의 사초를 찾았습니다‬When did you replace it? I found Officer Kim Il-mok's daily record.
‪(우원)‬ ‪안 된다‬I found Officer Kim Il-mok's daily record. -No, don't do that. -I will not allow that.
‪(이진)‬ ‪윤허하지 않겠습니다‬-No, don't do that. -I will not allow that.
‪(해령)‬ ‪좌상 대감이 관련된 사건이라‬ ‪그런 건 아니고요?‬Are you sure it's not because your father was involved?
‪어찌해야 할지 결정하는 것은‬ ‪사관들의 몫입니다‬It's up to the historians to decide what to do.
‪(사희)‬ ‪반정이 아니라 역모였다는 얘기네요?‬It's up to the historians to decide what to do. It wasn't to set things right. It was treason.
‪(해령)‬ ‪누군가 이 서신의 내용을‬ ‪바꿔치기한 겁니다‬It wasn't to set things right. It was treason. Someone changed the content of the letter.
‪(우원)‬ ‪사초가 조작되었다는 증언과‬ ‪이를 입증할 사초가 발견되었습니다‬A witness says the daily record was fabricated, and we have the daily record to prove that.
‪예문관 권지 구해령이 올린 상소입니다‬and we have the daily record to prove that. It's a petition written by Apprentice Goo Hae-ryung.

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