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  김과장 19

Good Manager 19


♪ 돌아갈 길을 찾지 못하네 ♪

♪ 너무 멀리 와버렸다네 ♪

♪ 정신없이 걷다가 보니 ♪

♪ 이미 끝이 보이네 ♪

♪  어때 돌아가면 된다네 ♪

♪ 잃을 것도 하나 없다네 ♪

♪ 아직 내게 남은 청춘 있다네 ♪

You two.


You two.

저희도 드릴  있습니다

We have something to give to you as well.

분식회계 강요죄  협박에 대한 고발장

A bill of indictment about forcing accounting fraud and blackmail.

유령 법인  부동산 관련 사기죄에 대한 고발장

A bill of indictment for making a paper company and property-related fraud.

불법 비자금 조성에 대한 고발장

Indictment for forming illegal slush funds.

금융실명제법 위반  조세 포탈죄에 대한 고발장

Indictment for forming illegal slush funds. Violating real-name financial transaction system and law and tax evasion.

그리고 나에 대한 살인 교사 고소장

This is an accusation of aiding and abetting murder against me.

나에 대한 감금 교사  상해 교사 고소장

Accusation for instigating confinement and injuring me.

(성룡그리고 마지막으로

Lastly, this is an accusation for...

이은석 과장에 대한 살인 교사 고소장

Lastly, this is an accusation for... attempting to kill Manager Lee Eun-seok.

♪ 잃을 것도 하나 없다네 ♪

♪ 아직 내게 남은 청춘 있다네 ♪


By the way, Prosecutor Seo.

이거이거 고소 고발장이거  합치면 형량이 어떻게 돼요?

If we combine all of the charges, how much time will he get?

 정도면  월드컵 일고여덟 번은 해야 끝나지

With this much amount, he'll get out after seven or eight World Cups.

아니그럼  2045 이후에나 나온다는 얘기인데

Which means he'll get out after 2045?


What the hell...


[같잖다는 듯이 하자는 거야?

are you doing right now?

검찰청 들어오실 때는

When you come to the Prosecutor's Office,

가급적이면 구급차나 휠체어는 피해주시기를 부탁드립니다

When you come to the Prosecutor's Office, you'd better avoid riding in an ambulance or a wheelchair.

그리고 오실 

Stop by the salon in the morning. Get hair and makeup done.

아침에   들러 오세요 헤어하고 메이크업 하시고

Stop by the salon in the morning. Get hair and makeup done.

포토라인 앞에서 찰칵찰칵 []

You'll get your pictures taken in front of the photo line.

[껄껄 웃는다]

[크게 웃는다]

♪ 돌아갈 길을 찾지 못하네 ♪

♪ 너무 멀리 와버렸다네 ♪

♪ 정신없이 걷다가 보니 ♪


That was impressive. I thought he'd be furious.

 정도면 뒷목 잡을 법도 하신데

That was impressive. I thought he'd be furious.

 정도로 뒷목 잡을 양반이 아니지

He won't be easily affected by something like this.

그래도 선전포고로 나쁘진 않았어

But our declaration of war wasn't so bad.

이제부터 진짜 벼랑  싸움이다

The real battle starts now.


D to the O. Chairman Park Hyun-do.

박현도 회장

D to the O. Chairman Park Hyun-do.

[무거운 음악법무팀 소집해서

I'll assemble a legal team and form a response team.

바로 대응팀 구성하겠습니다

I'll assemble a legal team and form a response team.


I'll assemble a legal team and form a response team. Leave it.

... 접니다어르신

It's me, sir.



당신들이 무슨 짓을 했는지 알아?

Do you know what you've done?

[버럭대며그렇게 상황 파악이  ?

Can't you grasp the situation?

[!] 하마터면 모든   무너질 뻔했다고!

Everything could have collapsed overnight!

[민영 씩씩댄다]


I'm sorry. We must have been possessed by something.

저희가 뭔가에 홀렸나 봅니다

I'm sorry. We must have been possessed by something.


Yes, it's completely our fault. I'm sorry.

죽을죄를 지었습니다

Yes, it's completely our fault. I'm sorry.

[민영의 거친 숨소리]

회사에 붙어 있고 싶으면

If you want to stay in the company,

사고 치지 말고 가만히 있어

don't make trouble and stay put.

어디 가서  함부로 놀리지 말고

Don't you run your mouth.


But... everything we said at the Prosecutor's Office troubles us.

저희가 검찰에서 발설한 

But... everything we said at the Prosecutor's Office troubles us.

마음에 걸립니다

But... everything we said at the Prosecutor's Office troubles us.


It troubles you? Huh? You're troubled?

마음에 걸려... [!]

It troubles you? Huh? You're troubled?


[발을  구른다]

이번엔 내가 해결해

I'll take care of it this time. But...


I'll take care of it this time. But...

다시 한번  이런 일이 생기면

if anything like this happens again,


if anything like this happens again,

상상조차 하기 싫은 일을 당하게  거야

you'll go through something you could have never imagined.


Remember that.


-Yes, ma'am. -Yes.

미우나 고우나 그래도 우리는

Whether we like it or not, we live off TQ Group.

TQ 녹을 먹는 사람들이잖아

Whether we like it or not, we live off TQ Group.

밥값을 해야지밥값을

We have to earn our keep.

... 저도 이제  어떤 것에 현혹되지 않고

Yes, I won't be blinded by anything

회사에 충성심을 지켜나갈 겁니다

and be loyal to the company.

아잇아이깜짝이야! - 아잇!

and be loyal to the company. -Goodness! -Jeez, you startled me!

[둘의 가쁜 숨소리] [코믹한 음악]

-Goodness! -Jeez, you startled me!

 그렇게 놀라고들 그래요?

Why do you seem so startled? Did you see a ghost or something?

악령이라도 봤어요?

Why do you seem so startled? Did you see a ghost or something?



에이검사는 무슨 편하게 대해요옛날처럼

You can just call me like you did before.

 없게시리 - 이사님

-It sounds too formal. -Okay, Director.

아니... 검사님

No... Prosecutor.

 분들 표정을 보아하니까

By the looks on your face, did you meet Director Cho?

 상무라도 만나고 오셨나?

By the looks on your face, did you meet Director Cho?

 상무가 뭐라 했든 우리는 한배 타야죠?

Whatever she said, we're all in this together, right?

[코믹한 음악 계속된다]

정의와 원칙을 위해 싸워야지

You have to fight for justice and principles.

그래요 그래요?

Am I right or not?

[작은 소리로

You're right.


You're right.

역시 우리  분들 나의 최고의 조력자분들이야

I knew you two were my best assistants.


The best. Let's go for it!


The best. Let's go for it!

[ 소리로아자!

-Let's go for it! -Let's go for it!

아자! - !

-Let's go for it! -Let's go for it! Let's go for it!

 손으로 - (강식...

Both hands up.



What do we do now? Should we just die?

그냥... 죽을까요?

Should we just die?

[음악 끝난다]

(하경선전포고  하고 왔어요?

How was your declaration of war?

그럼기선 제압 그냥 제대로 했지

Of course. We got a great head start.

스읍... 정리해고 대상자분들한테는 서명  받으셨어요?

Did you get signatures from the layoff candidates?

...  사람 빼고는

Yes, except for some people.

나머지는 내일이면  정리될  같아

I think the rest will get settled by tomorrow.

 되면 고앤구 형아들한테 넘겨주세요

When it's all settled, give it to the guys at Go and Gu.

부당해고 고소장도 추가로 접수해야 되니까

We need to file an extra complaint on unauthorized dismissal.



(하경조금만  버티세요

Hold in a little longer.

우리가 이기면 부장님 남으실  있어요

If we win, you can stay.

... 헤헤

 남아도 좋아

I don't have to stay.

 회장   날릴  있으면 그걸로 족해

If we could get back at Chairman Park, I'd be happy at that.

[남호의 한숨]


Don't show it too much in front of Myeong-seok.

너무 티들 내지 말자

Don't show it too much in front of Myeong-seok.




[놀란 듯이아이고아이고검사님 오셨습니까

Prosecutor, sir.


Prosecutor, sir. -Hello. -Don't call me that.

아이고검사는 무슨 그냥... 

-Hello. -Don't call me that.

편안하게 이사라고 불러주세요

Just call me Director Seo.

[남호와 하경 가볍게 웃는다]


Prosecutor Seo, what are you doing here?

여기서  해요어쩐 일이에요?

Prosecutor Seo, what are you doing here?

아니 사무실

I can't go to my office because there might be

도청이랑 몰카 위험 있을까 

I can't go to my office because there might be tapping devices and hidden cameras.

[코믹한 음악불안해서  가겠어

tapping devices and hidden cameras.

... 그래가지고?

Oh, that's why?

아니그럼 거기 가갖고 가만히 앉아가지고

Then you can say nothing in the office.

아무 말도  하고 있으면 되잖아

Then you can say nothing in the office.

여기 있는 사람들이 이거 얼마나  불편하겠어?

Imagine how uncomfortable they would be because of you.

이사님 방으로 가요

Go back to your room.



내가 불편해?

Are you uncomfortable?

아니딱히  이게 불편한  아닌데

It's not uncomfortable, but it's not comfortable either.

 편하지도 않고...

It's not uncomfortable, but it's not comfortable either.

 불편한 거고

So you're not uncomfortable.


Am I making you uncomfortable?

내가 불편해요?

Am I making you uncomfortable?

아닙니다 불편은 무슨

No, of course not.


-No, it's not. -It's quite okay.

(희진나름대로 괜찮습니다하하

-No, it's not. -It's quite okay.

[웃으며... 저도요

Yes, me too.


거봐괜찮다잖아  과장 너만 그래...

See? Everyone's fine with me. It's just you.

그때 나한테 얘기했다시피 사람들이  보살이라서 그래

Like you said to me, everyone's a saint.

얼마나 불편하겠어... 검사님인데

Imagine how uncomfortable they would be. You're a prosecutor.

(하경그냥 계시게 해요

Just let him stay.

우리는 우리  하면 되니까

We can do our work.


Thank you, Ha-kyung.



근데 오늘은  라면... 같은   해먹나?

Aren't you having ramen today?

저번에 보니까  해먹는  같던데

I noticed you making some last time.


I noticed you making some last time.




-Idiot. -Jeez!

[투덜거리며 그냥진짜...

-Idiot. -Jeez!


You're a meanie.

[뚜껑을 탕탕 두드린다]

(... 맛있겠다

Looks so good. I was starving.

진짜 배고팠어 [ 분다]

Looks so good. I was starving. What a silly thing to do, goodness.


What a silly thing to do, goodness.

민폐에 민폐... 에휴 [율이 후루룩 라면을 먹는다]

What a silly thing to do, goodness.


Open up.


This is amazing. Do you have some leftover cold rice?

찬밥 없냐찬밥?

This is amazing. Do you have some leftover cold rice?


Cold rice?

자기가 찬밥이야찬밥?

You're like the unwanted, cold rice.

 말아먹어 버릴라...

Be quiet!


Come here.

[투정하며 그래진짜?

Gosh, stop it!


A little below.

[성룡이 어르는 소리를 낸다]

[후루룩] [음악 끝난다]


General Manager Choo, I should go to the hospital to see Manager Lee.

 과장님 병원에  들렀다 올게요

General Manager Choo, I should go to the hospital to see Manager Lee.

그래얼른 다녀와

Sure, go.



[어두운 음악]

- (종업원맛있게 드세요 - 수고했어요

Thank you.


일이 많이 복잡해진 모양입니다

Looks like things got a lot complicated.

Yes, sir. It's because of me--

제가 부족한 점이 많아서... - (기우아니에요아니에요

Yes, sir. It's because of me-- No.


General Manager Choi must have made a mistake last time.

우리  부장도 약간의 실수가 있었던  같고...

General Manager Choi must have made a mistake last time.

일단 급한 불부터 꺼야죠

We shall take care of urgent matters first.


Thank you. If you could help out...

그렇게만 해주신다면야...

Thank you. If you could help out...

... 이번   수습되면

After taking care of this matter smoothly,


you should consider taking a new turn.

되도록이면 좋은 일로만

I would rather encounter with you

 회장하고 가고 싶어요

with pleasing occasions.



I'll keep in mind.


Oh, and...


Oh, and...

3 전에

I heard it was your birthday three weeks ago.

생신이었다고 들었습니다

I heard it was your birthday three weeks ago.

... 우리가 알기도 전의 일이었는데 무슨...

It was even before we knew each other.


I prepared something for you wishing you a long life.

약소하게 준비했습니다

I prepared something for you wishing you a long life.

... 이거  ...

Goodness, you shouldn't have.



정말 천수를 누릴  같습니다

It looks like I'm going to live out my allotted span of life.

[함께 껄껄 웃는다]


-Here, have some. -No.

- (현도한잔하셔야... - (기우아니아니아니오

-Here, have some. -No.

 ...   받으시오

-Here, have some. -Thank you.


-Here, have some. -Thank you.


Thank you.

[기우 껄껄 웃는다]

[음악 끝난다]

[경상도 사투리로이게받으신 소장 다입니까?

Are these all of the accusations you received?

-Yes. -You have to tell me everything.

저한테 말씀  하시거나

-Yes. -You have to tell me everything.

숨기는  있으시면  됩니다잉

Don't hide anything from me.

그런  없습니다

Of course not.


Okay, I'll get back to you.

일간 다시 연락드리겠습니다

Okay, I'll get back to you.

Okay, I'll get back to you.

[  여는 소리]

[거리의 소음]


[통화 연결음] [수상한 음악]

I took care of everything else,

다른   했는데

I took care of everything else,

살인 교사 부분은 차마 말씀  드렸어

but I couldn't tell him the part about attempted murder.


That's good, sir. I'll take care of that part.

 부분은 제가  단속하겠습니다

That's good, sir. I'll take care of that part.



 과장  체크해

take a good look at Manager Lee. We don't want him to wake up.

깨어나면 큰일이니까

take a good look at Manager Lee. We don't want him to wake up.


Yes, sir.

[심박수 체크 기계음]


-Really? -Yes.

(수진... 상태가 많이 좋아졌대

-Really? -Yes. He's gotten a lot better.

 좋아지면 깨어날 확률도 높아진대

If he gets better, there's a high possibility he might wake up.

(하경그럴  알았어요

I knew it.

 일어나실 거예요

He's going to wake up soon.

기사 봤어  회장에 관한 

I read the article about Chairman Park.

 과장님 억울함 풀어드릴 

Soon, we'll be able to clear Manager Lee's name.

얼마 남지 않았어요

Soon, we'll be able to clear Manager Lee's name.

정말 믿어지지가 않아

I just can't believe it. In just a matter of few months...

불과   만에... 고마워하경 

I just can't believe it. In just a matter of few months... Thank you, Ha-kyung.


 인사는 나중에 김성룡 과장님께 해주세요

You can thank Manager Kim later.

[삑삑삑 기계음]

[수상한 음악이 흐른다]


Yes, Director. I'm at the hospital.

지금 병원입니다

Yes, Director. I'm at the hospital.

지금까지 밝혀진  회장에 대한 증거나 증언들은

Evidence and testimonies on Chairman Park up until now

 없어질 기야

will be disappeared.



새로 올라오는 증거나 기소 의견들은

hold off all of the new evidence and accusations that are upcoming.

최대한 지체시켜

that are upcoming.

묵살할 만한 거는 묵살해버리고

Ignore them as much as you can.

하지만...  임의대로 하기에는...

But I can't arbitrary do that...

[휴대폰 진동음]

But I can't arbitrary do that...

지검장님이십니다 [휴대폰 진동음]

It's the Chief Prosecutor.


Take it.

[휴대폰 진동음]


Yes, sir.

[고조되는 음악] [호로록]




Okay, sir.

얘기 들었지?

You heard, right? Do as I say.

그대로 하면 

You heard, right? Do as I say.

[실내 슬리퍼 발소리]

(유선순순히 잘못 인정하고 물러나면

If you admit your wrongdoing and step back,

이사회 소는 취하할게요

I'll call off the directors meeting.

 정말 모르는 일이야

I have nothing to do with this.

그만하면 이제 인정하시죠

You should just admit everything.

 이상 버티지 말고요

Don't hold out any longer.

[언성 높이며 인정하기 싫고

I don't want to, and there's nothing I did wrong.

인정할 것도 없어!

I don't want to, and there's nothing I did wrong.

 잘못한  없으니까

Because I'm innocent.

... 정말 확신에  있네요

You're so full of yourself.

그래요 [불안한 음악]


법을 어기면서 자기 이익만을 취하고

You take your own profit by breaking the laws

직원들을 고통스럽게 만든 

and you made the employees suffer.

백번 용서할  있다고 쳐요 하지만!

That might be forgivable. But...

사람의 생명을 가볍게 여긴 

you treated human life so lightly.

절대 용서  해요

I can never forgive you for that. Never.

무슨 일이 있어도

I can never forgive you for that. Never.

당신 죗값 치르게 만들 거예요

I'll make you pay for what you did.

증거 없이

You can't just babble things like that without any evidence.

그런  함부로 하면  되지

You can't just babble things like that without any evidence.


At least for me, your sheer presence itself is the evidence.

당신의  모습 자체가 증거예요 적어도 나한테는요

At least for me, your sheer presence itself is the evidence.

당신 마음대로 생각해

Think whatever you want.

당신한테 연민이라도 남았으면 좋겠네요

I hope there's a little bit of sympathy left in you.

[음악 끝난다]

자그마치 고소 고발장이 여덟 개입니다!

There are eight accusations on him.

근데 어떻게   개도 기소 처분이 내려지지 않는 겁니까?

How come not even one indictment came through for a prosecution?

불기소 처분도 아니잖아

It's not a non-indictment.

신중하게 보란 얘기야 - 신중요?

I'm just asking you to take caution. Take caution? Just be honest.

솔직하게 말씀하시죠

Take caution? Just be honest.

위에서 계속 막는  아닙니까!

-They're blocking from the top. -What?

뭐야? - (동훈괜히 핑계 대지 마시고

-They're blocking from the top. -What? Stop making excuses and be open with me.

그냥 솔직히 까놓고 말씀하시라고요!

Stop making excuses and be open with me.




위에서 쪼아서 그런 거다!

They're pecking at me from the top.

그러니까 위에서 찍소리  하게 하려면

If you don't want them jumping down your throat,

정말 확실한  갖고 오라고

bring me firm evidence.

확실한  가져오면

If I bring firm evidence, will you prosecute him this time?

이번엔 진짜 기소 처리 해주시는 겁니까?

If I bring firm evidence, will you prosecute him this time?

지검장님이 뭐라 하시든

Whatever the Chief Prosecutor says,

내가 약속할게

I guarantee you. Just bring it to me.


I guarantee you. Just bring it to me.


You gave me your word.

 조만간 가져옵니다!

I'll get the evidence, for sure!

[버럭대며도대체 말이 되는 소리를 하라 그래!

Are you kidding me?

(동훈아무리 설득해도 소용없습니다부장은

I keep convincing him, but it's no use.


This is insane. Okay, see you tomorrow.

알았어일단 내일 

This is insane. Okay, see you tomorrow.

왜요왜요위에서  액션 들어왔대요?

Why? Did they take actions from the top?

[구두 소리 이어진다]

[문소리] [율의 한숨]


경리부 안에 직원들 있어서  얘기를  하겠다

I can't say anything in there because of other Accounting employees.

작전을 짜야   같은데

We need to come up with a plan.

우리가 합숙을 하면서 작전을   있는

We need to stay together at a base camp and come up with a plan.

베이스캠프 같은 곳이 필요해요

We need to stay together at a base camp and come up with a plan.

호텔 하나 잡자그러면

Let's book a hotel room.

호텔은 적들의 위험에 노출될 우려가 있어서  돼요

We might be exposed to danger if we go to a hotel.

[긴박한 음악  은밀하고

It needs to be private, a place where we can easily get supplies,

물자의 보급이 쉽게 이루어지고

It needs to be private, a place where we can easily get supplies,

일의 집중도가 높은 곳을 선택을 해야 

and somewhere where we can concentrate well.

그런 데가 있어?

Is there such a place?


Gosh, that's frustrating.

아휴... [문소리]

You're home.


You're home.

[코믹한 음악]


[TV 끄는 소리]



Base camp!

[남호 당황해서  더듬는다]

You should've called first.

아니미리 연락을 주고  오시지이사님아니검사님

You should've called first. Director... no, Prosecutor.


Director... no, Prosecutor.

여기가  부장님네 댁이었구나

So this was General Manager Choo's house?

(남호누추하게 살고 있습니다

So this was General Manager Choo's house? This is my humble home.

[휴대폰 벨소리좋은데요

This is my humble home. It's nice.

[띠링띠링하경 씨네?

It's Ha-kyung. Hello?


It's Ha-kyung. Hello?


Do you need something?

(성룡아아나는 일단...

Well, I'd like...

족발 앞다리  조금하고 오징어 중에서 산지 직송 있어요

A little bit of pig's feet, and squid delivered directly.

그거랑... 맥주는 흑맥주그리고 '너희들이 게맛을 알아?' 게맛살

and squid delivered directly. And dark beer, -and some crab sticks. -She's at the market?

고거... - 마트?

-and some crab sticks. -She's at the market?


Hold on.

하경   율인데요

Ha-kyung, it's Yul.

저는 그거 칠레산 드라이한 와인 하나랑

I'd like a dry Chile wine,

그러고 나서 까망베르 치즈

camembert cheese and nachos.

그러고 나서 나초나초  부탁드릴게요

camembert cheese and nachos. I'd like some nachos.


It's me, Nam-ho.

저기나는 빨간 뚜껑 소주  병이랑

I'd like two bottles of soju with a red cap,

냉동 만두 하나랑

frozen dumplings, and codfish soup. But not the one that's cooked--

대구탕 있지대구탕?

and codfish soup. But not the one that's cooked--

그거 끓여서 파는  말고...

and codfish soup. But not the one that's cooked--

[ 소리로그만!


(하경아니무슨 회의한다더니

Stop! You said you're having a meeting. Sounds like you're having a party!

지금 무슨 파티 해요?

You said you're having a meeting. Sounds like you're having a party!


Is this a get-together?

지금 누가 와서 도와줄 것도 아니면서

You're not even going to help me, how can I carry so much?

이렇게 많이 시키면 어떡해어떻게 들고 가라고!

You're not even going to help me, how can I carry so much?

... 그리고   생각  나니까

Also, I can't remember everything, so I'm only going to buy things I remember.

생각나는 것만 사가지고  거예요

so I'm only going to buy things I remember.


Do you understand?

아휴... 성격  세네

She has quite the temper.

성격이 ... 더러워 몰랐어요?

She has a bad temper. Didn't you know?

몰랐네 - 말이 나와서 말인데

I didn't know. Speaking of that, there's a legend saying that

사실티똘이의 원조는

Speaking of that, there's a legend saying that

 대리일지도 모른다는 전설적인 얘기가...

the original T-weirdo might be Ha-kyung. You haven't hung up yet!

아직  끊었거든요? [!]

You haven't hung up yet!

[작은 소리로끊었어야지

You should've hung up.

... [음악 끝난다]

그래우리 심정 우리가 알아주지 누가 알아주겠냐...

No one's going to understand how we feel, but us.


You're right.

 이제 본부장님 의지하며 회사 생활 하려고요

I'm going to rely on you on my future in this company.

나도 오늘부터  부장 의지할 거야?

I'm going to rely on you, too.

그런 의미에서 좋은  가서 회포나 풀까?

On that end, let's have some nice dinner.

좋죠! [껄껄 웃는 만근]

Sounds great!

[긴박한 음악]

[타이어 마찰음] [자동차 엔진음]

[놀란 숨소리] [타이어 마찰음]

[음악 끝난다]

(성룡하경 들어와요

Ha-kyung, come in.



( 주세요

Give it to me.

[분주한 발소리]


It's hot.


Let's see.

아니근데 이거...

You didn't buy any crab sticks.

게맛살이 없는데?

You didn't buy any crab sticks.

(나초가... 나초가 없는데?

I don't see any nachos. I know you don't do any housework, but this isn't right.


I know you don't do any housework, but this isn't right.

아무리 살림을  해봐도 그렇지 장을 이렇게  ?

I know you don't do any housework, but this isn't right. Were they out of codfish soup?

포장 대구탕 그거  떨어졌나?

Were they out of codfish soup?

그냥 맥주  오지 말고 흑맥주  오라고

Were they out of codfish soup? I told you to get dark beer.

[버럭대며그냥들 드시죠!

Just eat!

[코믹한 음악]


그렇지게맛살 먹었으면 되게 배부를 뻔했어

Of course. I would've been very full if I had crab sticks.

나초는  먹는  낫죠...

It's better not to eat nachos. Wine and pupa go really well together. The best!

와인이랑 번데기가 아주 찰떡궁합이야뻔뻔뻔뻔

Wine and pupa go really well together. The best!

[율의 웃음]

Wine and pupa go really well together. The best!

대구탕은 대구 가서 먹어야지그럼!

I should eat codfish soup in Daegu!

[셋이 함께 웃는다]

[음악 끝난다...

Let's get this straight and think about our plan.

우리가 해야  일을 정리해보자고요

Let's get this straight and think about our plan.

 회장의 횡령 사실을

We have to verify Chairman Park's embezzlement actions.

확실히 증명해야 

We have to verify Chairman Park's embezzlement actions.

그게 이번 소송의 핵심이에요

That's the key point for the lawsuit.

- (하경흐음 -  번째

Secondly, we have to find out who's covering for Chairman Park.

 회장의 뒤를 봐주는 사람이 누구인지 밝혀내야 

Secondly, we have to find out who's covering for Chairman Park.

 그러면 우리가 아무리 증거를 들이밀어도

Or else, even if we find evidence,

 사람이 윗선에서 커트해 버리면

if that person blocks everything from the top,

아무 소용이 없어

it becomes useless.

 번째는  모든  완료되면

Thirdly, when everything is complete,

 회장의 비자금을 환수하는 거요

we have to claw back Chairman Park's slush funds.

이야...  번째 이게 제일로 지독하네

The third one is the hardest one.

보통의 경우 횡령이나 은닉 사실만 밝혀내고

Usually, they reveal the embezzlement and hidden funds, but

환수하는 경우는 거의 없잖아요

rarely claw back the money.

회장이 아닌 TQ 자산이니까 돌려놔야죠

It's a property of TQ, not the Chairman, so he has to put it all back.

제일 어려운 건데 짱박아둔  빼내기

That's the hardest thing. Getting back the money he stashed.

그러려면...  회장의 비자금 횡령 루트를 정확히 알아내야 

In order to do that, we need to find out the exact route of his embezzlement.

그건 저랑  대리가 파보죠

Ha-kyung and I will look into it.

형님이 오랜만에 한번   풀어보세요

It's time to flex your muscles. It's been a long time.


그럼과장님하고 이사님은요?

What about you and the Director?

우리는  부장을 먼저 파보려고

We're going to look into General Manager Choi first.

 인간이 브리지거든

He's the bridge.

 부장나쁜 새끼 이거...

That bastard, he's dead.

죽었어 [혀를 튕긴다]

That bastard, he's dead.

걱정하지  출장  다녀올게

Don't worry, I'm just going on a business trip.

확실히 몰라 일이... 많아서

I don't know yet, I have a lot of work.


Honey, I have to hang up.

[수상한 음악] [ 부장  씹는 소리]

( 부장...

You're done talking to your wives, right?

인자... 사모님들하고 전화는  끝난 거지요?

You're done talking to your wives, right?




But why did you bring us here...

저희를  여기... - 몰라서 묻습니까?

But why did you bring us here... You really don't know?

[신경질적으로 쓸데없는 소리를 하고 다녀요?

Why do you both go around rambling nonsense?

둘이 앞다투어서

Why do you both go around rambling nonsense?


By any chance, are you...


By any chance, are you...

어떻게  하시려고... 그런...

going to torture us?

[한숨 쉬며세상이 어떤 세상인데

The world doesn't work like that anymore.

사람한테 해코지를 합니까?

How could we hurt people?

  마무리될 때까지

Stay here until everything's settled.

여기 계십니다잉?

Stay here until everything's settled.

밖에 사람들도 있고 지금 감시 중이니까

There are people outside, and we are monitoring you,

 죽은 듯이 가만히 있으면 됩니다

so stay put and don't say a word.

식사는   챙겨 드릴 테니까

We'll provide you with meals, so don't worry about that.

걱정 마시고

We'll provide you with meals, so don't worry about that.

 주만 참습니다잉?

Stay put for just a few weeks.

...  주요?

A few weeks?

...  주는...   되는데그렇게는...

But a few weeks is too long...

 되는데요선생님 맨날 맨날 먹는 약도 있고

I can't, sir. I have to take my medicine daily,

갑상선 호르몬... [ 부장의 호통]

-and my-- -Silence!

( 부장

만약에  쓸데없는  하면

If you pull something like this ever again,

 때는 사람 대접  해드립니다잉

I can't treat you humanely.


Do you understand?


-Yes. -Yes.

[어두운 음악 끝난다]


[작은 발소리]



[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]


[새가 지저귄다]

[율의 얕은 신음]

[긴장된 음악]

[놀란 숨소리]


[기겁하며 비명 지른다]


Are you crazy?


What? What is it?

...  요새  그래 이렇게 질척하게 굴어...

What's wrong with you? Why do you keep clinging to me?

그게 아니라  방이 웃풍이   가지고

There's draft in this room.

내가 너무 추워 가지고 이렇게  체온을  나누려고

I was cold, so I wanted to share body temperature with you.

 붙어 있었던 것뿐이지

I was cold, so I wanted to share body temperature with you.

 새끼 요새 이상해

You're weird these days.

뽀뽀만  번째야  새끼야지금  하는 거야

You kissed me three times. What the hell are you doing? What's wrong, sweetie?


What's wrong, sweetie?

(성룡자기야는 멀었어그냥...

Sweetie, let's sleep some more.

자자 [율의 힘쓰는 신음]

Sweetie, let's sleep some more.

저리 꺼져! [성룡의 아픈 신음]

Sweetie, let's sleep some more. Get away from me! You crazy brat!

(미쳐 가지고...

Get away from me! You crazy brat!

[달그락] [!]

[코믹한 음악이 흐른다]

... 이거  뽑혔네?

It's broken again.

 그래도  ... 안에서는...

You can't open the door from the inside...

[에코 효과음 열려

You can't.


What's wrong with this room?

[탕탕탕탕 부장열어줘!

What's wrong with this room? General Manager Choo, open the door!

빨리 열어봐잡지   새끼야어딜!

General Manager Choo, open the door! Gosh, what are you...

[안간힘을 쓰며어디 힘을  자식아

Stop it. You brat, I was a prosecutor!

 전직 검사야 새끼야!

You brat, I was a prosecutor!

! - 괜찮아추워서 그러는 거야

-Get off me! -I like you.

(남호... 층간 소음 정말...

Gosh, that noise...

[둘의 몸싸움 소리가 들려온다]

... 그래한창  때다 아이고... 

Yeah, you're young, so you can run and jump around.

좋을 때다허허허

Those are the good times. Let go of me!

[계속되는 몸싸움 소리] [음악 끝난다]

Let go of me!

[덜컹덜컹] [만근의 놀란 숨소리]

- (강식본부장님 - 

먹을  왔어?

Is food here?


No, but I think my phone is there.

저기  핸드폰 있는  같은데요?

No, but I think my phone is there.


Your phone? But they blocked all incoming calls.

착신 금지 시켜놨잖아

Your phone? But they blocked all incoming calls.

아니... 착신만 금지 시켰지

They blocked incoming calls, but we might be able to make calls.

거는   수도 있잖아요

They blocked incoming calls, but we might be able to make calls.

- (만근그래? - (강식


근데 이거 어떻게 이렇게 묶여 있어서

But we can't go, being all tied up like this.

 ... 밀어봐 줄래요?

Can you push me?

이렇게? - 하나 하면

-Like this? -When I count to three.

밀라고? - 하나

-That way? -Yes. One, two, three.


Wait, hold on.

하나셋에 밀지 하나 하고 밀지

Do we push on a count of three, or after we count to three?

어떻게 미실 거예요?

Do we push on a count of three, or after we count to three?

  다음에 밀어 - 

-Push after we count to three. -Okay.


One, two, three. Push!


One, two, three. Push! Okay. One, two, three. Good.

하나 하고그렇죠

Okay. One, two, three. Good.

하나쉬고! []

One, two, three, rest.

하나쉬고 [힘주는 신음]

One, two, three. Rest and go.


-Okay, okay. -One, two, three.

(함께하나 하고

-Okay, okay. -One, two, three.


-Okay, okay. -One, two, three. One, two, three, go.

(강식하나 하고

One, two, three, go.

[힘주는 소리] []

One, two, three, go. One, two, three, go.

하나 하고 []

One, two, three, go.

하나 하고 []

One, two, three, go.

본부장님! - 됐어?

Are we there?

 왔어요 - 오케이

-We're almost there. -Okay, make the call.

빨리 걸어 [코믹한 음악]

-We're almost there. -Okay, make the call.

[당황한 말투로뭘로 걸죠?

With what?

그래어떻게 걸지이거손이 묶였는데그런데?

How do we make the call? Our hands are tied.

본부장님! - 

I saw somewhere that they made the call with their nose.

어디서 보니까 코로도 걸던데요코로도

I saw somewhere that they made the call with their nose.

코로? - 

-Nose? -Yes.

[화면 터치음]


-Did you do it? -Hold on.


-Did you do it? -Hold on.

[힘든 신음]


What are you doing?

(강식제가 비번을 패턴으로 잠가놔서

I have to unlock it with a pattern.

[만근의 힘든 신음잠깐만 버텨보세요

-I'm going crazy. -Hold on a little longer.


-I'm going crazy. -Hold on a little longer.


 이렇게 오래 걸려!

What's taking you so long?

본부장님 - ?

-Sir. -What?

  아닌데요? [음악 끝난다]

It's not mine.


-What? -It looked like mine.

똑같이 생겨서...

-What? -It looked like mine.

야이... 내려

Damn it! Put it down.



Quit it!

[만근의 힘든 신음]

근데 본부장님 - 

I think we should go back now.

우리 다시 가야   같은데요

I think we should go back now.

[코믹한 음악] [만근의 신음]

하나 []

One, two, three.


One, two, three.

[거리의 소음]

(성룡... 지금까지야

Let's say that

싸가지 없는 재무 이사처럼 보이려고 못되게 굴었다고 치면

you acted like a mean person to look like a rude Financial Director.

 중딩 때부터 그랬는데?

I was rude since middle school.

알아알아근데  얘기를 하는  아니잖아이제부터는

I know, but that's not what I mean.

잠복했다가 멋지게 돌아온

Now, you're a prosecutor... who came back from doing an undercover job.

검사 아니에요그러니까 멋지게 코스프레를 해야지

Now, you're a prosecutor... who came back from doing an undercover job. So you should act like one.

아니 코스프레?

Act like what?


First of all, don't talk down to people who are older and higher than you.

사람들한테 반말하거나 하대하지 말아요특히 윗사람들한테

First of all, don't talk down to people who are older and higher than you.


You little...

 지금 나한테 반말 듣기 싫어서 그러는 거지?

You don't like me talking down to you, do you?


Me? Why would I?

내가 ?

Me? Why would I?

이제까지  새끼 새끼 내가  들어 왔는데 이제 와서 ?

You called me all sorts of names. Why now?


-That's true. -You have to look polite

예의 바른 것처럼 보여야

-That's true. -You have to look polite

진짜 잠복했다가 돌아온 검사 같을  아니야?

so that you'll look like a real prosecutor who came back from being an undercover.

그것도 그러네

That's true.

물론 나한테도 함부로 하면  되지

You can't be too rude to me as well.

[속삭이며특히 사람들 보는 앞에서

Especially in front of other people. They'll be suspicious.


Especially in front of other people. They'll be suspicious.

어째 구치소 나오고부터 계속 말리는 기분이야

I seem to be losing against you ever since I came out from jail.

... ...

I seem to be losing against you ever since I came out from jail.

롤케이크도 아니고 말려이사님이... 

It's not a game, you're not losing.

 새끼 - 스읍

-You punk... -Gosh.

[나무라듯사람들 있는데

People are watching.


[수상한 음악]

[통화 연결음방금 회사로 들어갔습니다

They just went in the building. Yes.

They just went in the building. Yes.

[섬뜩한 효과음]

몰래 보면 재밌나?

Are you having fun peeping?

[음악 끝난다]


[얕은 한숨]


[작은 소리로비자금 루트만 확실히 파악되면

If we find out where the slush funds go,

자연적으로 탈세의 증거까지 잡을  있어

it'll be a proof of tax evasion.


Yes, that's true.

 아는 거지만

Everybody knows this, but it means they used a paper company for sure.

이건   페이퍼 컴퍼니 이용한 거거든

Everybody knows this, but it means they used a paper company for sure.

예측은 하지만

They might predict it,

페이퍼 컴퍼니는 검찰에서도 파악  했잖아요

but the Prosecutors didn't find out about the paper company.

 22년차 경리부  부장이야

I'm the General Manager of Accounting with 22 years of experience.


그래서 내가 면밀하게  훑어봤는데

So I looked over it closely.

 지난번에 TQ편의점  

Remember TQ Cosmetics when we looked into TQ Convenience stores?

TQ틱이 있었잖아

looked into TQ Convenience stores?

편의점   때려박던 

They sent all their funds.


Yes, I remember.

그래서 내가 TQ매틱을   파봤거든?

So I looked more into TQ Cosmetics.



Look at this. They're having trouble as it is,

저희들도 먹고살기 힘든 계열사인데

Look at this. They're having trouble as it is,

펀드에 투자를 하더라고

but they were investing in funds.

 펀드가 어디 펀드인데요?

Which fund is that?

탄자니아에 있어

It's in Tanzania. The Tanzania Bond company.

탄자니아 역외펀드사

It's in Tanzania. The Tanzania Bond company.

[수상한 음악그럼... 그게 혹시...

-Then is that... -That's right.


-Then is that... -That's right.

전형적인 [!]

A typical paper company.

페이퍼 컴퍼니

A typical paper company.

그럼 회장은 여러 루트를 통해서

Then the Chairman must have rerouted the money using several different routes?

그쪽으로 돈을 뺐겠네요?

Then the Chairman must have rerouted the money using several different routes?


Excuse me.

편하게 나와서들 회의하세요

Come out and proceed your meeting. You don't have to mind me.

 눈치 보지 마시고

Come out and proceed your meeting. You don't have to mind me.

아니야우리는 이게 편해 [하경의 웃음]

No, this is better for us.

편해요이게 진짜로?

This is really better for you?

진짜 편하겠다 그럼 회의하시면 되겠네요그렇죠?

Wow, it really must be. Keep on with your meeting.

[발소리를 크게 낸다]

[명석의 콧노래...

 그래명석 ?

What is it, Myeong-seok?

... 아휴...

제가 한번 알아볼게요그러면

I'll look into it.


About what?

탄자니아 페이퍼 컴퍼니인가 뭐시기인가  있다면서요

You said something about a paper company in Tanzania.

탄자니아어들도  하시면서

You don't even speak Tanzanian. Will you come up with a plan

 이렇게 모여 가지고 쑥덕쑥덕거리고 있으면

You don't even speak Tanzanian. Will you come up with a plan if you gather here and just talk about it?


if you gather here and just talk about it?

[명석이 혀를 찬다]

[명석이 이상한 소리를 낸다]


(하경... 저기


[의자를 당긴다] [헛기침]


[하경의 머뭇거리는 숨소리]

이거는 예민한 문제야

This is a sensitive issue.


지난번 TQ매틱 자료 과장님께 드린 거랑은

It's going to be completely different from giving the files on

전혀 다른 문제일  있어

It's going to be completely different from giving the files on TQ Cosmetics to Manager Kim.

아버지를 완벽히 궁지에 모는 걸지도 몰라

This might be driving your father into a corner.

 짐을 명석 씨한테 지우기 싫어서...

I don't want to lay that burden on you. That's why.

그래서 그래

I don't want to lay that burden on you. That's why.

[애잔한 음악] [명석의 헛웃음]

저도 알아요

I know.

제가 이번에 도우면 아버지  ...

If I help, my father's crime

확실해질 수도 있다는 

can be proven for real.

잘못하면 그냥  혼자  후레자식 되는 거지

If things go wrong, I'm going to be the worst son in the whole world.

천하의 후레자식이 [웃음을 터뜨린다]

If things go wrong, I'm going to be the worst son in the whole world.


그냥 제가  엄청나게  정의롭고 무슨

I'm not doing this because I'm really righteous and I can't hold watching injustice.

불의를 보면  참고 그래서 그러는  아니에요

and I can't hold watching injustice.

원래 그런 캐릭터도 아니고

That's not the kind of guy I am.


Then what?

그냥 아버지를 위해서 그러는 거죠 딴에는

I'm doing it for my father on my part.

... 아버지 그냥 저렇게 저대로 그냥 가만히 내버려두잖아요?

If we leave my father, he'll do everything

그럼 진짜 나중에는 통제  될걸요?

and really be out of control.

[명석의 헛웃음]

지금까지 아버지 때문에 다친 사람들보다

Much more people are going to be hurt because of him. Even more than before.

훨씬  많은 사람들이 다칠 거고요

Much more people are going to be hurt because of him. Even more than before.



명석 씨가 이렇게 괜찮은 사람이라는 거를

I should've known sooner that you're such a great person.

진작에 알았어야 되는데

I should've known sooner that you're such a great person.


... 이렇게 대리님이 사람 부끄럽게 하는 사람인 

I should've known sooner that you make people blush.

내가 진작에 알았어야 

I should've known sooner that you make people blush.

내가 후배가 존경스럽기는 이번이 처음이다

I've never been proud of my junior.

아휴... 진짜 대리님이 이렇게 사람 민망하게 하는 사람인지

I never knew you make people so embarrassed.

 진짜 처음이다 [헛웃음]

I never knew you make people so embarrassed.

가요빨리민망하게  그래 [하경의 웃음]

Go, you're embarrassing me.

가주세요빨리 [하경 깔깔 웃는다]

Please go now.



[음악 잦아든다]

[파도 소리]

[지이잉 창문 모터 소리]

무슨 일인데 이리 급히 보자고 그랬어?

Why did you want to see me in such short notice?

그게... [  덜컥 열린다]


[흥미로운 음악우리  때문에 그러지

Because we have business with you.


[ 부장 흉내 내며잠시 들어가십니다잉

We will be entering.

들어가요빨리 - ( 부장아니 이래?

-Go in. -What is this? Wait...

( 부장잠깐 

-Go in. -What is this? Wait...


-Go in. -What is this? Wait... Go.

[  닫는 소리]


당신들 뭐야?

Who are you people?

? - ( 부장...


It's okay. Step outside.

그냥 나가 있어

It's okay. Step outside.

Yes, sir.

[  열리는 소리]

[ 부장의 헛기침]

[  닫히는 소리]

아니 나게 감시하는  콘셉트예요?

Are you deliberately watching us so we can notice?

(너무 옛날 방식이야촌스럽게

That's such an old method, how lame. It's not like the old days.

때가 어느 땐데

That's such an old method, how lame. It's not like the old days.

 나름대로 방식이니까

It's my own method. So it doesn't concern you.

신경들 끄시고

It's my own method. So it doesn't concern you.

 그래도     뵈려고 했는데

I meant to have a word with you two, I'm glad you're here.


I meant to have a word with you two, I'm glad you're here.

그럼   김에 한번 제사 지내봅시다

Let's get it done since we're here.

정말 대단하십니다  검사님

You're quite impressive, Prosecutor Seo.

TQ 하나 잡자고 검사까지 관두고 말입니다

Quitting your job just so you can put TQ down?

... 수사를 하려면  정도는 기본 아닌가?

It's for an investigation. It's nothing.

김성룡 과장님 맞지요?

You're Manager Kim Seong-ryong, right?

[목소리 깔고맞습니다제가 김성룡입니다

Yes, I'm Kim Seong-ryong.

... 사람 팔자 모르겠네요?

What a life you're having.

군산에서 조폭들 장부나 만지던 사람이

You managed mobsters' ledger in Gunsan.

지금 여기서 나랑 이렇게 말도 섞고 있고

And now you're here, talking to me.

 그렇게 과거를  집어서 얘기하시나?

Why talk about my past?

지금은 선량하게 살고 있구먼

I'm living a good life right now.

선량하게 살고 있다니까   믿어봅니다잉

I'll trust you if you say you're living a good life.

아니우리 보고 싶었다면서요

You said you wanted to see us.

무슨  하시려고?

What is it you want to tell us?

서로  뽑기 전에

Isn't it best to end the game

  흘리고 승부 보는  제일 좋잖아요?

before we all pull our knives out and bleed to death?

그러면서 서로 원하는   원하는 대로 챙기고

At the same time, we can take whatever it is we all want.

 이렇게 얘기를 듣기도 전에 묘하게 설득이 되지?

It's strange how persuasive you are.


Please keep going.

 단도직입적으로 말하죠

I'll be straightforward.


If you make the Chairman Park case go away,

없던 일로 정리해주시면은    원하는  해드리겠습니다

If you make the Chairman Park case go away, I'll do whatever it is that you want.

[짜증스러운 코웃음]

조건이 뭔지나 한번 들어봅시다

Let's hear the conditions first.

일단  검사님

Prosecutor Seo.


듣자 하니 복직은 힘들  같던데

I hear that it'd be hard for you to reinstate.

내가 보장하지요

I'll guarantee that.

대검 중수부 쪽으로 복직

You'll get reinstated at Supreme Prosecutor's Office Central Investigation.

(성룡아니거기 되게 좋은  아닌가?

Isn't that a really good place?

[어두운 음악나는요그럼?

What about me?

거기는   필요 없고 캐시만 있으면 되잖아요?

You don't need anything else but cash, right?




I'll give you three big ones.

 장까지 보장할 테니까

I'll give you three big ones.

그거 갖고 덴마크로 가십니다잉

Take that money and go to Denmark.


마크마크덴마크 얘기는 어디서 들었는지 모르겠는데

I don't know where you heard about Mark, Mark, Denmark...

요즘에는 3 갖고는 부족해요

I don't know where you heard about Mark, Mark, Denmark... but 300 million won won't do.


내가 지금 3 갖고 말하겠어요?

Do you think I'm talking about 300 million won?

[음악 고조된다]


Then 3 billion won?

약속은 지킵니다

I always keep my word.

이기 룰입니다

That's my rule.

그럼 저희한테 아니

Then give us five...

 분만 주십시오

no, 10 minutes.

 쓰셔도 됩니다

You can take longer.

  편안하게 말씀들 나누세요

Discuss all you want.



[  열리는 소리]

[  닫히는 소리]


그럼 그렇지 이놈의 새끼들

I knew it. These brats.


[깔깔 웃는다]

[스와힐리어로 말한다]

[웃으면서 계속 대화한다] [코믹한 음악]






What? I'm not doubting you or anything.

내가... 아이

I'm not doubting you or anything.

의심해서 그런  아니고... 스읍...

I'm not doubting you or anything.

글쎄... ...

What should I say...

그게... 진짜 탄자니아어가 맞는 거니?

Is it really Tanzanian?


It's a mixture of Swahili language and English.

스와힐리어랑 영어 약간 섞인 거예요

It's a mixture of Swahili language and English.

뭔가 태국  같기도 하고

It sounds like Thai.

정말 진짜


근데  탄자니아   이렇게 잘해어디서 배웠어?

Why are you so good at Tanzanian? Where did you learn it?

예전에  미국 유학 갔을 

When I went to the States to study, my roommate was Tanzanian.

룸메가 탄자니아 사람이었어요 - 이태원 아니고?

When I went to the States to study, my roommate was Tanzanian. -It wasn't Itaewon? -What are you talking about?


-It wasn't Itaewon? -What are you talking about?


So what did they say?

페이퍼 컴퍼니 맞대요

They are indeed a paper company.

등기는 등록되어 있는데 전화번호가 완전히 달라요

It's registered, but the phone number is completely different.

전화 걸어보니까 추장네 집이라 그러더라고요

It's registered, but the phone number is completely different. I called, and it was the tribe chief's house.

...  부장님 집이야?

What did you say?

추장네 집이라고요

The tribe chief's house.



You scared me.

다행이에요 [숨을 몰아쉬는 기옥]

I'm glad.

등기 내용  얻을  있을까?

Can we get the registration?

팩스로 보내달라고 그러면 되는데

I can ask them to fax it to us,

 사람들  느려요 그래 가지고 한참 걸려요

but they're really slow, so it's going to take long. Even if it takes long, we should get it.

한참 걸려도 받아야지

Even if it takes long, we should get it.

... 명석이  나중에 탄자니아 지사 생기면

You're going to be the branch manager when there's a Tanzanian branch.

지사장 빼박이다

You're going to be the branch manager when there's a Tanzanian branch.

아휴... ... 얼마나 더운  알아요거기?

Do you know how hot it is?

더워서 가지도 못해 탄자니아를 가봤어야 알지

I can't go, it's too hot. You've never even been there.

[휴대폰 진동음]

I can't go, it's too hot. You've never even been there.

[스와힐리어로 말한다]

[파도 소리]

[  여는 소리]

[성룡 힘주는 소리]

( 부장

생각보다 이게 너무 맵네?

It's spicier than we thought.

(... 대박이다 

It is.

[입맛을 다시는 성룡과 ]

It is.


   마음의 결정을 하셨습니까?

Did you make up your minds?

무슨 결정요?

What decision?


What do you mean?

마음의 결정을 위해서 시간 달라고   아닙니까?

Didn't you ask to give you some time so you can make a decision?

그게 아니라

No, that wasn't it. The spicy rice cake place looked so good.

  들어오는 입구에 떡볶이집이 너무 맛있어 보여 가지고

No, that wasn't it. The spicy rice cake place looked so good.

얘기가 끝날 때까지 기다리지를 못하겠더라고요

We couldn't wait until the end of our conversation, so we went there.

그래서 거기 갔다 왔어요

We couldn't wait until the end of our conversation, so we went there.

부장님도 거기 한번 드셔보세요

We couldn't wait until the end of our conversation, so we went there. You should go try it. The wheat rice cake is so good. Isn't it?

밀떡이 최고야 완전 맛있지거기?

You should go try it. The wheat rice cake is so good. Isn't it?

[코믹한 음악]

You should go try it. The wheat rice cake is so good. Isn't it?

[괴로운 신음]


  ... 엥간하십니다

You two are some character.

화나신  같은데? - 화났네화났네

-You seem angry. -You're mad, aren't you?

[율과 성룡 낄낄 웃는다]

어떻게 알았지우리  특기가 화나게 하는 건데

How did you know? We made him really angry!


How did you know? We made him really angry! I know.

 진짜 부장님도 호연지기 대단하시네

Gosh, you're really full of vanity.

지금 칼자루 우리가 쥐고 있는  뻔히 알면서

You obviously know we're holding the sword by the hilt.

당연히 알죠

Of course I know.


However, you know that the end of that sword

칼끝의 방향은 언제든지 변할  있다는  아시죠?

However, you know that the end of that sword can change at any time, right?

무슨 호러 영화 찍나 양반이

Are you filming a horror film, or what?

이런 개떡 같은 제안 까버리는 

Rejecting a rubbish of an offer...

[ 부장 말투를 흉내 내며이기우리 룰입니다

this is our rule.

뭐야되게 멋있게 하네?

What? You sounded so cool.


What? You sounded so cool. I'm a prosecutor.

저희는 이만

We'll be...

[성룡의 헛기침]

- (성룡가보겠습니다 - (바이

on our way. Bye.



[  닫히는 소리]


이젠 홍가은 차례!

It's time for Detective Hong to step in.

[흥미진진한 음악]

[안전띠 철컥]

하아... [드르륵]

[질주하는 자동차 소리]

[흥미진진한 음악 계속된다] [다가오는 발소리]

[뭔가 대화를 나눈다]

[렌즈  당기는 소리] [찰칵]

[셔터를 연신 누르는 소리]

이상하네 아랫사람인가 보다

That's weird. He must be the subordinate.

[화면 전환음]


[음악 끝난다]


아내인  같은데

She looks like his wife.

[힘없이 허탕이네

It's a failure.

[어두운 음악]




탄자니아  얘기를 물어?

asked around about Tanzania?

경리부 사원이라고만 들었습니다

All I know is that person is an employee at Accounting.


Is there...

탄자니아 말을 그렇게 능숙하게 하는 사람이 있나?

someone in Accounting who speaks fluent Tanzanian?

그건...  모르겠습니다

I'm not sure, sir.

탄자니아 쪽에 전해

Tell the people at Tanzania.

절대 등기나 여타 서류 같은 

Never to send any registration or any other documents.

보내지 말라고

or any other documents.



완벽하게 부정하라고 

tell them to deny it completely.

[마우스 클릭음]

[어두운 음악 계속된다]

[명석의 한숨]


(하경 그래명석 ?

What's wrong, Myeong-seok?

탄자니아 쪽에서 메일이 왔는데요

I received an e-mail from Tanzania.

등기부 기록이 없대요

They don't have any records on the registration.

아까는 분명히 있다고 그랬잖아

But they said they did.

그랬는데 이게...

They did...

갑자기  이러는지 모르겠어요저도

but I don't know why they changed their mind.

[음악 끝난다]

알았어요얼른 들어가요

Okay, thanks.

[사람들의 말소리]

...    꼬이네

God, things are getting messed up.

등기가 있었다가 갑자기 없었다가  이러냐이게?

They said they had the registration and now they don't?

 위에서  깠나 보지

Maybe people from the top blocked everything.

 수사관은  건진  없대요?

Did Detective Hong find anything?

사진 보내준   봤는데

Did Detective Hong find anything? I looked at the pictures she sent me, but they're not useful.

딱히 건질  없어

I looked at the pictures she sent me, but they're not useful.

[] [율의 한숨]

이제 제법 잠복했다가 돌아온 검사 같아진짜로느낌이

Wow, now you look like... an undercover prosecutor who came back.


술이나 마셔 - 

Just drink up. Okay. Are you embarrassed?

창피해서 그러는구나이사님

Okay. Are you embarrassed?

[술잔을 부딪친다]

하긴 나도 처음에 그랬어요...

I was like that at first.

강제 의인 됐을 

When I was forced to become Mr. Righteous, I was so embarrassed.

자다가 이불킥 겁나 많이 했어

When I was forced to become Mr. Righteous, I was so embarrassed.

이사님도 그러죠?

You too, right?

솔직하게 얘기해봐

Be honest with me.

나한테 고맙지?

You're grateful to me, right?

You're grateful to me, right?

[율의 얕은 한숨]

너나 솔직히  얘기해보자

I want you to be honest with me.

나한테 기회  줬어?

Why did you give me another opportunity?

언더커버 검사로 만들려고 생쇼를  해가면서

You tried hard to make me an undercover prosecutor.

그게 말이에요... ...

That's because...

내가 엄청  놈하고 싸움이 붙었는데

I fought with a really strong guy

 엄청  놈이 나를 패긴 패는데

and the super strong guy beat me,

급소는  때리네 죽이지는 않더라고

but he didn't go for the vital points. He didn't kill me.

그래서 내가 이런 생각을 한번 해봤지

So I thought about this.

 편인 척하면서  등에  꽂는 놈보다는 차라리

Rather than someone who pretends to be on my side and stabs my back,

 엄청  놈을

how about I make the strong guy turn to my side?

 편으로 만드는  어떨까 [밝고 감성적인 음악]

how about I make the strong guy turn to my side?

 엄청  놈이  편이 된다면

If the strong guy turn on my side,

세상 무서울  하나도 없을  같은데 말이야...

there's nothing I'd be afraid of.

이런 생각?

That's what I thought about.

너도 나한테 고맙지?

You're thankful to me, right?

내가  살려줬잖아

I saved your life.

[수저를 내려놓는다]



No, I'm not. I'm not grateful at all.

 하나도  고마운데

No, I'm not. I'm not grateful at all.

 내가 이렇게  풀고 살아날  있었는데?

No, I'm not. I'm not grateful at all. I could've shaken off and survived on my own.


I could've shaken off and survived on my own. No, you weren't. You were out of your mind!

 그때 완전 정신 나가 가지고  이러고 있던데?

No, you weren't. You were out of your mind!

아닌데 정신 나간  연기였는데

No. I was acting like I was out of my mind.

 빨개지는 연기 엄청 잘하는데?

No. I was acting like I was out of my mind. I'm good at acting like my face is red.


I'm good at acting like my face is red. No. You're a really bad actor!

 연기 하나도 못하는데 완전 못하는데!

No. You're a really bad actor!

아닌데아닌데 연기 되게 잘하는데연말에  받을 건데

No, I'm an excellent actor. I'm going to get an award for acting.

(연초라서 힘든데하하하하

No, I'm an excellent actor. I'm going to get an award for acting. It's the beginning of the year, you can't win an award.

[음악 끝난다]

[자동차 엔진음]

[수상한 음악이 흐른다]

[  여는 소리]

[음악 고조된다]


Wow, I have a good feeling about this.

요고요고 느낌이 좋아!

Wow, I have a good feeling about this.

[ 당기는 소리] [찰칵]

[ 당기는 소리]



아니그런데 그렇게 사람 얼굴에 과자를 던지는 사람이 어디 있어?

How could you throw crackers at someone's face? That's offensive.

기분이 얼마나 나쁜데?

How could you throw crackers at someone's face? That's offensive.


(내가 그때  화가 나있었는데

I was a little angry then.

집히는  그것밖에 없는데 어떡해그러면

I was a little angry then. What can I do, when that was the only thing I could lay hands on?

뭐가 그렇게 화가 나요? []

What are you so angry about?

그날  처음 봤잖아아니야?

We met for the first time that day.

그냥  봤을 때부터 딱히 기분이 그렇...

I wasn't so pleased to see--


I wasn't so pleased to see--


It was a forestallment.


Fingers down!

그냥... !


[후룩] [문자 수신음]

Hong Ka-eun.

홍가은 [술잔 내려놓는다]

Hong Ka-eun.


["Must Be The Money" 음악 울려 퍼진다]




예상보다 엄청  분이 뒤에 있었네

There was someone with huge power behind him.

스읍... 낯이 굉장히 익은데 누구지?

He's oddly familiar, who is he?


Cha Gi-woo. He's the formal party chief of Shingwangdang Party.

 신광당 총재예요  검찰총장이기도 하고요

Cha Gi-woo. He's the formal party chief of Shingwangdang Party. Also the former Chief Prosecutor.

일선에 나서지는 않지만 킹메이커로 굉장히 유명한 사람이야

He doesn't show up himself, but he's a famous kingmaker.

대한민국 요직들 이분이 그림   굉장히 많아요

Lots of high-up positions in Korea are created by this kingmaker.

대기업 후계자 결정에도 관여하고

He gets involved in the decision of heir of major companies.

그러니까공작 정치의 거성이죠

So he's like a giant in political maneuvering.

그러니까  엄청 대단한 사람이라는 거네

It means he's a real big shot.

듣기로는 굉장히 신중하고 의심이 많대요

From what I hear, he's very cautious and skeptical.

(동훈접근하기 쉽지 않을 겁니다

It's going to be hard to get to him.

[초조하게 책상을 두드린다]

그렇다면  우리가 작전을 짜봐야겠죠

Which means we have to come up with a plan.

반드시  양반 회장이랑 연결 끊어놔야 이거

We have to cut the ties off with this guy and Chairman Park.

맞아요그래야지  회장이 보호막이 없어질 테니까요

That's right. That way, Chairman Park's protective shield will be gone.

그럼 우리 이제 한번 게임 한번 시작해볼까요?

Shall we start the game now? Operation "Bono Bono".

작전명은 보노보노

Shall we start the game now? Operation "Bono Bono".

보노보노그게 무슨 뜻이에요?

"Bono Bono"? What does that mean?

아무런 뜻이 없어요 매번 작전명 짜기가 너무 어려워

It doesn't mean anything. It's hard to come up with operation names.

일단 차기우 공략 들어갈 장소시기부터 탐색하자

Let's find a place and time to target Cha Gi-woo.

["Must Be The Money" 음악 잦아든다]


[휴대폰 벨소리]


Excuse me.

[헛기침하는 기우] [삐리리리]


I'll take this.

... [삐리리리]


Chairman Yoo.


Yes, I just got here.

지금  왔어

Yes, I just got here.

몸이  찌뿌둥해서 [흥미진진한 음악]

Yes, I just got here. I felt under the weather.

오늘 저녁?




[] (기우그래?




일곱 청랑에서 보지

I'll see you at 7 p.m. at Chungrang.

[껄껄 웃는다]




[음악 고조된다]



 시원한 음료수 하나 줘요

Can I get a cold beverage?

Ah, okay.

알겠습니다 [음악 잦아든다]

Ah, okay.



차기우 저녁 스케줄 파악됐답니다

She found out Cha Gi-woo's schedule for tonight.


탄자니아 건은

Did you settle the Tanzania case?


Did you settle the Tanzania case?



 연락 오면

If they call again,

등기 같은  보내지 말라고 그래

tell them not to send the registration.


Yes, okay.

[현도의 얕은 신음]

[휴대폰 내려놓는다속이  ... 아휴

I don't feel so good.

[긴장된 음악] [달그락]

[가쁜 숨소리]


[통화 연결음]

( 비서회장님

-Yes, Chairman Park. -Hello.

[ 회장 목소리 흉내 내며

-Yes, Chairman Park. -Hello.

탄자니아 등기 있잖아

Tell them just to give the Tanzania registration.

그거 그냥 주라고 

Tell them just to give the Tanzania registration.

아니... 갑자기 ...

Excuse me? Why did you change your mind?

내가 생각이 있어서 그래

I have something in mind.

아니그래도... 혹시나... 위험하지 않을까 해서...

But, still... I'm afraid it's going to be dangerous. Don't you talk back to me.

 말에  달지 !

Don't you talk back to me.


Yes, sir.

[변기  내리는 소리...



[후다닥 발소리]


What are you doing?

[당황해서 버벅거린다뭐요?

Wha... what?


Do you have something to tell me?



[귀여운 말투로명석이는 아버지를 사랑한다고요

Myeong-seok loves his daddy!

[명석의 헛웃음]


I'll be off then.

실없는 ...

Silly punk.


[주제곡 "Must Be The Money"]

그러니까  같이 오늘 저녁에 디데이를 만들어야 

Tonight is the day we've been waiting for. Ha-kyung, are you ready?

 대리 준비됐죠? - 준비됐어요

Tonight is the day we've been waiting for. Ha-kyung, are you ready? Yes, I'm ready.

다들 조심하고 - (일동

-Everyone, be careful. -Yes.

그럼  같이 외쳐볼까요작전명보노보노!

Let's all shout it out. "Bono, bono!"


Let's all shout it out. "Bono, bono!" "Bono, bono!"

- (성룡하나 - (함께파이팅!

One, two, three. Let's go!

[명석의 괴성]

(남호뭔데 그래?


[소리 지르며됐어요됐어됐다고!

What? I did it!


What do you mean?

탄자니아 페이퍼 컴퍼니 됐다고요등기!

I got the registration on Tanzania saying that it's a paper company!

- (재준등기? - (상태진짜?

I got the registration on Tanzania saying that it's a paper company! Registration? Really?

- (명석! - (모두 !

Registration? Really?



[모두 기뻐 소리 지른다]

Newbie! You did it!

[함께 웃으며 소리 지른다]

Newbie! You did it! Come here!

[함께 등을 찰싹 때리며인디언 !

Come here! Let's go!


Let's go!

- (성룡됐네진짜 됐어 - (재준다녀오세요

We really did it. -See you later. -Okay.


-See you later. -Okay.



오케이 정도면 충분합니다

Okay! This is more than enough.

차기우를  회장한테서 떼어내야 소용이 있는 거야

It will work if we take away Cha Gi-woo from Chairman Park.

가은  어디 갔어요?

Where did Ka-eun go?


문자 왔네요

I got her text. I think Cha Gi-woo is on his way.

차기우 출발한  같은데요?

I got her text. I think Cha Gi-woo is on his way.


[음악 끝난다]

[하경의 가쁜 숨소리]

- (수진하경  - (하경그게 무슨 말이에요?

-Ha-kyung. -What do you mean?

동공이 반응을 해요? - 

His pupils are reacting? Yes, I felt a little bit of communication.

약간의 의사소통이 느껴졌어

Yes, I felt a little bit of communication.

의사는 뭐래요?

What did the doctors say?

(수진현재 반응으로는

By his condition, he's as good as awake.

거의 깨어난 거나 다름없대

By his condition, he's as good as awake.

[안도의 한숨]


I'm so glad. Really.


I'm so glad. Really.

  [기쁜 숨소리]

Come here.

[하경의 설레는 숨소리]

[어두운 음악]

(민영그게 정말이야?

Are you serious?


Okay, hold off for a while.

일단 대기하고 있어

Okay, hold off for a while.



[어두운 음악 계속된다]

이거 골치 아프게 됐구먼

It's a pain in the ass.

어떻게 할까요?

What should I do?


Take care of him...

적당한 때에

at a proper time.

[음악 잦아든다]

Come on.

[빠른 클럽 음악]

(사장글쎄 된다니까요

I said no.

[ 따는 소리] (수사를 위해서입니다

It's for an investigation. Please cooperate.

협조  부탁드립니다사장님 [흥미로운 음악]

It's for an investigation. Please cooperate.

... 이것 봐요

Look, baby prosecutor.

아기 검사님

Look, baby prosecutor.

여기가 어떤 곳인  아시죠?

You know what this place is, right?

검사님보다 높으신 분들

People higher than you, executives of large corporations...

대기업 임원총수님들

People higher than you, executives of large corporations... And heads of large companies come here.

 오시는 데예요

And heads of large companies come here.

근데 수사를요?

And you want to do an investigation?

[사장의 헛웃음 가게  닫는  보고 싶으세요?

Do you want me to close down this place?

아니근데 여기 세금은 제대로 내고 계시나?

Do you pay your taxes well?


Excuse me?

아까 들어올  입구에서 보니까

I noticed coming in here that an unlicensed vendor

무면허 업체가  배달하고 있는  같던데

I noticed coming in here that an unlicensed vendor was providing alcoholic beverages to this bar.

차량에 허가업체 표시도  붙어 있던데?

I didn't see a permit on the vehicle.

지금 무슨 소리 하시는 거예요?

What are you talking about?

여기 부장님 오라고 그래 봐요

Tell your manager to come in.

[화내며이것 봐요!

Excuse me!

내가 여기 장부 한번 제대로 털어드릴까?

How about if I take a look at your ledger?

업소용 출고가랑 무면허 가격이랑

Do you want me to explain it to you by comparing the standard drink prices

하나하나 비교해 가면서 설명해드려?

Do you want me to explain it to you by comparing the standard drink prices to unlicensed vendor prices?

[!]  수사관

Detective Kim, take a look at it if you're suspicious.

의심되면 한번 까봐 - 알겠습니다검사님

Detective Kim, take a look at it if you're suspicious. Yes, sir. Prosecutor.

(성룡여기 부장님 어디 있어요부장님!

Where is the manager here? Manager!

[ 소리로부장님!

Where is the manager here? Manager!

 사람이 정말조용히  해요?

How dare you! Keep it down!

주세법 위반  탈세로 벌금 때려 맞고 영업 정지 당할래요?

Do you want to shut down your business by penalty for violation of liquor tax act and tax evasion?

아니면 5분만 투자해서 조용히 수사 협조 하실래요?

of liquor tax act and tax evasion? Or do you want to spend five minutes and cooperate with the investigation?


[음악 끝난다]

[남자들과 접대부들의 환호성] [빠른 음악이 흘러나온다]





약소한 성의입니다

This is a little something. Please take this.


This is a little something. Please take this.

(여자1) 어머이게 뭐야?

What is that?

아이이거 내가  것도 없는데

What is that? I didn't do anything.

( 회장아이무슨 말씀을요

I didn't do anything. That's nonsense. Thanks to you,

어르신 덕분에 국세청   마무리됐습니다

That's nonsense. Thanks to you, the National Tax Service case was smoothly taken care of.


Thank you, sir.

[기우의 흡족한 웃음소리]


[모두 놀라는 숨소리]



- (안녕하십니까 - (성룡안녕하십니까

Hello! We brought some hard liquor!

양주 가지고 왔습니다!

We brought some hard liquor!

[코믹한 음악] (양주!

This is a 18-year-old hard liquor.

히밤바 십팔 년산입니다!

This is a 18-year-old hard liquor.


I opened it up!


아까  친구들이 아니잖아?

You're not the people from before.

바뀌었나? - ...

-Did they change? -Ah...


They changed shifts.

... 그럼 말이야

Then you, sing a song.

노래 한번 해봐라

Then you, sing a song.


-Sorry? -If you sing,

(기우 노래 하면은

-Sorry? -If you sing,

이거 줄게 [여자들의 놀란 탄성]

I'll give you this.

 노래를 못합니다!

I don't know how to sing.

(기우에이한번 해봐

Just do it. You look like a singer.

 가수처럼 생겼구먼 [여자들의 웃음]

Just do it. You look like a singer.


Sing! -Sing! -Sing!


-Sing! -Sing!


-Sing! -Sing!


Yes, Mother.



Really? Hold on.

[긴박한 음악이 흐른다]

[삑삑 심박수 체크 기계음]

[고조되는 음악]

[힘주는 신음]

[삐삐삐] [덜컹덜컹]

[삐삐삐 소리가 빨라진다]


[크게 심호흡한다]

(환자으어! [남자의 놀라는 신음]

...  막혀 [헛기침]

Gosh, I can't breathe!

... , 1분을  참네

I can't hold for one minute!

내가 옛날에는   참았거든요 아후...

I used to hold my breath really well.

지금  하는 겁니까시대가 어느 시대인데

What are you doing? You know better not to kill people like that.

손으로 사람을! [흥미진진한 음악]

What are you doing? You know better not to kill people like that.

수법이 아주 원초적이야원초적 본능이 있는 친구로구먼

Your method is so basic. Do you have basic instincts?

본능적으로  힘을  길러라 이놈의 새끼야

Raise up your arm strength, you jerk!

(상태그래 새끼야?

Yes, you jerk. Try harder. 

 노력해 [웃음]

Yes, you jerk. Try harder. 

근데   걸렸다

You're caught.

(재준어딜! [희진 힘주는 소리]

-How dare you? -Where are you going, huh?

[때리는 소리] (희진어디 새끼야어디 

-How dare you? -Where are you going, huh?

[재준 신음하며상태야!

[모두 급하게 소리친다]

You can't just go like this, wait!

[재준의 기합]

Stop right there!

[남호의 놀란 신음]




이야아아아! - 으악



[음악 끝난다]

(가은예전에  과장 해치려고 했던 

You're not the guy who tried to kill Manager Lee the last time, right?

너랑 다른 놈이지?

You're not the guy who tried to kill Manager Lee the last time, right?

 과장 본인이    아니잖아

Manager Lee didn't try to commit suicide.

 알고 물어보는 거야빨리 말해

We know everything. Come on. Spill.


정말  되겠네!

You're helpless.

(가은후회하지 마라

Don't you regret it.

증인 들어오십시오

Witnesses, come in.


( 진짜 여기저기 힘들어 죽겠네

Jeez, it's so tiring.

진짜... ... []

Jeez, it's so tiring.


[율의 구두 소리]

[긴장된 음악이 흐른다]

Hey, you're the guy who tried to strangle Kim Seong-ryong, right?

 그때 김성룡  매달려고 했던 새끼 맞지?

Hey, you're the guy who tried to strangle Kim Seong-ryong, right?


It's him! It's that bastard!


It's him! It's that bastard!

조용히 새끼야!

Be quiet, punk!

진짜  조용히  하시죠!

Keep it down.

 목을 졸랐어 목을 졸랐다고 녀석아!

He strangled me! He strangled my neck! -That guy-- -Hey! I'm in the middle of interrogation!

저놈이! - !

-That guy-- -Hey! I'm in the middle of interrogation!

신문 중이잖아새끼야!

-That guy-- -Hey! I'm in the middle of interrogation!

  조른  아니까 조용히 하라고!

I know he strangled you. Shush it!

막아...  그냥!

Get out! You little...


저번에 짱돌로 머리 찍고 얼굴에 니킥 날렸던 사람

Someone threw a rock and kicked you in the knee.

기억  ?

Don't you remember?

내가 그런 건데?

I did that.

[!] 새끼야...

You little jerk! I took a picture after you hit me in the face.

그때 너희들 얼굴 까고 사진  찍어놨어

You little jerk! I took a picture after you hit me in the face.


Do you want to see it? I have it here.


Do you want to see it? I have it here. -Wait right here. -Don't trust Director Cho too much.

(동훈...  상무 믿고 그러지 

-Wait right here. -Don't trust Director Cho too much.


She says she doesn't know you.

너희들 완전 아무도 모른대

They denied knowing any of you.

뭐요? -  언저리에 있었는데

-What? -I had it somewhere, where is it?

어디 있지기다려 봐라너희들 누워 있는 사진 내가 보여줄게

-What? -I had it somewhere, where is it? Wait. I'll show you a picture of you lying down.

그러니까 헛된 희망 같은  갖지 말라고

Don't hold your hopes up.

싫어싫으면 ...

You don't want to? If you don't...


You don't want to? If you don't...

너희들이 독박 써야지

you'll take all the fall for it.



 상무가 그런  맞습니다

Director Cho gave the orders.

[비장한 음악]

[손가락  튕기며오케이!

Okay. How great is it now that you've confessed the truth?

이렇게 편하게 말하니까 얼마나 좋아?

Okay. How great is it now that you've confessed the truth?

근데 내가 너희들 말을 어떻게 믿어?

How can I trust you?

증거가 없는데

There's no evidence.

있습니다 저희가 갖고 있는 보험

I have it. Our insurance policy.


Tell me.

[음악 끝난다] [ 열리는 소리]

[ 닫히는 소리]

아니근데진짜 쟤들 얼굴 까고 찍은 사진 갖고 있어요?

By the way, do you really have pictures of their faces?

갖고 있기는 개뿔... 도망치느라 정신없었구먼

Of course I don't. I was busy running around.

검사는 아니야... 사기꾼!

He's not a prosecutor. He's a con man.

[주제곡 "꿈을 꾼다"]

오늘은 정말 저희가 지켜드리고 싶었어요

We really wanted to protect him this time.

[코를 훌쩍이는 남호]

예전에 우리가  과장을 지켜줬어야 했는데

We should have protected him from the start.


No, you shouldn't say that.

(희진나쁜  잡으려고

Even though we lied that he woke up to catch the bad guys,

깨어나셨다고 거짓말했지만

Even though we lied that he woke up to catch the bad guys,

진짜로 깨어나셨으면 좋겠어요

I wish he really does wake up.

[휴대폰 벨소리]



Yes, Manager Kim.



[기쁜 숨소리]

범인이 자백했대요!

The culprit confessed.

알았어요 이따가 다시 통화해요

Okay, let's talk later.


[안도하는 숨소리]


이제  과장님 억울함 풀어드릴  있게 됐어요

Now... we can clear Manager Lee's name.


[기쁨의 흐느낌]

♪ 내일을 향해 ♪

♪ 나는 꿈을 꾼다 ♪

♪ 행복한 꿈을 ♪

[음악 잦아든다그게 무슨 말이에요?

What are you talking about?


Manager Lee.

죽이라고 지시했다면서요

You ordered to kill him.



... 그렇게 무서운 말을?

I did such a horrible thing?


생사람 잡으시게?

I'm innocent.



[녹음된 민영의 음성 흘러나온다그냥 죽여

Just kill him. Don't tell Chief Go.

[충격적인 음악 본부장한테는 얘기하지 말고

Just kill him. Don't tell Chief Go.

고용된 양아치들 원래

Bullies always have a backup just to be safe.

보험 하나는 기깔나게 들어놓거든

Bullies always have a backup just to be safe.

그리고 그때 네비랑 블랙박스 메모리 카드들까지

He kept all the navigation and black box memory cards.

전부 가지고 있더구먼

He kept all the navigation and black box memory cards.

지금은 우리가   갖고 있고

And now, we're keeping them.

[힘든 신음]

[음악 끝난다]

[거리의 소음]

[브레이크 덜컥]


무슨 일이야?

What are you doing?

[지이잉  창문 모터음]


What is it?

[긴장감 넘치는 음악이 흐른다]

저랑 살짝궁 얘기  나누시죠

Let's have a little talk, shall we?


[전화 너머로 성내는 기우자네 도대체 뭔가?

-What the hell did you do? -Excuse me?


-What the hell did you do? -Excuse me?

자네살인 교사탈세 조세탈루

You're going to be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder, tax evasion

기소 처리될 예정이라고?

You're going to be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder, tax evasion and violating tax laws?

아니... [당황한 웃음]

No, well...

그게 무슨 말씀이신지...

No, well... I don't understand what you're saying.

다른  모르겠지만

I don't know about the other things,

살인 교사만큼은 나도 어찌 해줄 수가 없어

but I can't help you out with conspiracy to commit murder.

우리 관계는 여기까지야

This is where our connection ends.

받은 선물은 인편으로 보내지

I'll send you back the gift by a messenger.







[기우의 헛기침]

[음악 고조된다]


-Secretary Kim. -Yes.

( 비서

-Secretary Kim. -Yes.

제일 빨리 출발하는 미국  비행기  알아봐

Find out when is the next flight to the States.


Yes, sir.

[음악 고조되다 끝난다]



[아주 작게파이팅!

[아주 작게파이팅!

[타닥] []

[가은의 긴장된 숨소리] [동훈의 숨소리]


["Must Be The Money" 음악 울려 퍼진다]


♪ 돌아갈 길을 찾지 못하네 ♪

♪ 너무 멀리 와버렸다네 ♪

♪ 정신없이 걷다가 보니 ♪

♪ 이미 끝이 보이네 ♪

♪  어때 돌아가면 된다네 ♪

♪ 잃을 것도 하나 없다네 ♪

(이제  회장 잡으러 가야지?

It's time to catch Chairman Park.


Of course. He can't run away. We have to find him.

- (어디로 도망가면? - (성룡쫓아가야지

Of course. He can't run away. We have to find him.

♪  따위 처음부터 바란 적도 없어 ♪

♪  하나 갖고 나는  거리를 걸어 ♪

♪ 누구는 거렁뱅이 또는 거저 얻어걸린 성공이라고 어쩌고  ♪

♪ I don't care 내가 주인공인데 ♪


♪ 꿋꿋이 버텨 나가 주먹을   쥐어 ♪


♪ 오늘도 어제보다   높이 뛰어 ♪


♪ 한마디 말도 없이 나는 숨만 쉬다가 ♪

♪ 어떡하면 위로 날아갈까 하늘만 보네 ♪


♪ Keep on moving Keep moving ♪


♪ 오늘도  끝이 없게 ♪

♪ 꿋꿋이 버텨 나가 주먹을   쥐어 ♪

♪ 오늘도 어제보다   높이 뛰어 ♪


♪ 돌아갈 길을 찾지 못하네 ♪


♪ 너무 멀리 와버렸다네 ♪


["Must Be The Money" 음악 잦아든다]



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