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  이 연애는 불가항력 2

Destined with You 2


 [신유우는 겁니까?

Are you crying?

[훌쩍이는 소리]

있어 주길 바래요 주길 바래요?

Do you want me to stay or leave?

[홍조 주셨으면 좋겠는데요

I want you to leave.

I want you…

같이  주면 좋겠는데

to come with me.

철거도  끝났는데

The demolition is done.

저한테 무슨 볼일이 있죠?

What's there to talk about?

선물이 있어요

I have a gift.

[헛웃음 치며언젠 철거  하겠다고 난리더니

You were against the demolition. Now a gift?


You were against the demolition. Now a gift?

사양할게요김영란법 아시잖아요

I won't accept it. Anti-Graft Law, you know.

[신유해당 사항 없을 겁니다

The law's not applicable.

원래 당신  당신한테 주는 거니까

I'm giving back what was yours to you.

[흥미로운 음악]

[흥미로운 효과음]

[헛웃음 치며누가 그래요?

Who said this black mini-coffin was mine?

[홍조 시꺼먼 미니 관짝 같은   거라고?

Who said this black mini-coffin was mine?

무녀 은월이

Shaman Eun-wol did.

 귀여운 할머니?

Oh, that cute lady.

정말 좋으신  같던데

She seemed really nice.

 받고 싶어요

I don't want this.

당신한테 철거를 허락한

She gave her consent for demolition.

고마운 분의 고마운 마음을 거절하는 겁니까?

She gave her consent for demolition. Are you refusing a gift from your lifesaver?

안에 뭐가 들었는데요?

What's inside?

[신유당신이 열어 봐야죠 당신 거니까

You should open it. It's yours.

열고 싶지 않은 비주얼이에요

I don't want to.

왠지  유골 같은  들어 있을  같아

It looks like there would be bones inside.

[신유유골 말고 유물 쪽은 생각   봤어요?

It looks like there would be bones inside. There might be relics instead of bones.

신윤복 그림 같은  들어 있을 수도 있잖아요

Maybe a painting of Shin Yun-bok.

[흥미로운 효과음]

[덜커덩거리는 소리]


Hop in. I'll give you a ride.


It's okay.

 친하지도 않은 사람 차를 얻어 타는 민폐는

I don't like getting rides from people I'm not close with.

끼치지 말자 주의라서요

I don't like getting rides from people I'm not close with.

대중교통 이용하긴 힘들겠어요

Using public transport must be hard.

버스택시전철 기사님들이랑 친해지기 쉽지 않잖아요

It's not easy to get close to bus, taxi, and subway drivers.


 그쪽이 아니라

I wanted to give

[신유 목함을 바래다주고 싶은 거였는데

this wooden box a ride, not you.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 300 넘은

Because it seems like a 300-year-old antique.

최고급 빈티지 컬렉션 같아서

Because it seems like a 300-year-old antique.

목함 열면  전화 줘요

Call me when you open it.

나도  안에 뭐가 들었는지 궁금하니까

I want to know what's inside too.

그래   있죠?

-You can do that, right? -Well, sure.


-You can do that, right? -Well, sure. I hope you meet a bus driver you're close to and get a ride home.

[신유친한 기사님  만나서 버스  얻어 타고요

I hope you meet a bus driver you're close to and get a ride home.

[홍조택시  거예요!

I'll take a cab!

[기가  숨소리]

아휴재수 없어

He's so full of himself.

[쓸쓸한 음악]

[은월아버지 걱정은 

Don't worry about your father.


He went to the vast ocean.

바다로 갔어 - [갈매기 울음 효과음]

He went to the vast ocean.

세계 일주가 꿈이었는데

His dream was to travel the world.

소원 풀었단다

He fulfilled his wish.


My baby.

그동안 얼마나 외로웠을까

You must've been so lonely.

[은월의 한숨]


How frustrating.

주위에 바보 천치들만 있으니

You're surrounded by dumb people.

이렇게 이쁜  옆에 두고도 아무도 몰라본다

They don't realize how sweet you are.

[코로 숨을 내쉰다]

좋은 할머니였어

She was a nice lady.

이상한  주셨을 리가 없지

She wouldn't have given me something strange.



- [흥미로운 음악] - [탄성]

들고 '진품명품나가야 되는  아니야?

Should I bring this to Authentic Masterpieces?

[놀란 숨소리]

진짜 신윤복 그림 들어 있는  아니야?

Could it really be Shin Yun-bok's painting?


Don't jump the gun.

열어 보고 생각해도 늦지 않아

Let's open it first.

[달그락거리는 소리]


What's this?

[홍조의 힘주는 소리]


[답답한 숨소리]

[힘겨운 숨소리아휴!


[거친 숨소리]

[비장한 음악]

[결연한 숨소리]



[빠지직 소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[터져 나오는 숨소리]


이렇게 도도하게  거면

If you're going to play hard to get,


get lost.

[홍조의 지친 숨소리]


[휴대 전화 진동음]

[홍조의 한숨]


[ 취한 말투로전화하긴 너무 늦은 시간 아니에요?

Isn't it too late at night for a call?

[신유늦은 시간에 전화하게 만들었잖아요

You made me call at this late hour.

목함은 열었어요?

Did you open the box?

[ 빠는 소리아니요



Why didn't you?

[헛웃음   아니라   거예요

I wanted to, but I couldn't.

도끼로  찍어 버리고 싶었지만

I wanted to break it with an ax, but I couldn't. Why?

그럴 수가 없었어요?

I wanted to break it with an ax, but I couldn't. Why?

집에 도끼가 없으니까

I don't have an ax at home.


Are you drunk?

[홍조가 피식하며맥주   따위론

I don't get drunk on two cans of beer.

절대 취하지 않아요

I don't get drunk on two cans of beer.

[개운한 숨소리]

사람도 마음을  여는데

People won't open up to me.

자물쇠도 나한테 마음을  열어

Even the lock won't open up to me.

다들  그러는 거예요?

Why are they doing this to me?

[문을  열며아들?


엄마랑 놀아 

Come and hang out with me.

[신유통화 중이에요 끝나고 나갈게요

I'm on the phone. I'll join you after this.

[ 여닫히는 소리]

 그만 먹고 목함부터 열어요

Stop drinking and open the wooden box first.

[신유열면  전화하고

When you do, call me.

- [통화 종료음] - [잔잔한 음악]

누군 좋겠다

Someone must be happy

놀아 달라는 엄마도 있고

to have a friendly mom.

[잘그락 소리]

[홍조가 굵은 목소리로나랑 놀자

"Hang out with me."

[홍조좋은 아침입니다

Good morning.

[서구아휴좋지 않다

It's not good.

두개골  뽀아지겠다아이고

My skull feels like it's crushed.

얼굴만 가는  알았더만 인자 몸도  [탄식]

I thought my face was the only thing that aged, but now my body has too.


Hong-jo. Can you go to a convenience store

[새별편의점 가서

Hong-jo. Can you go to a convenience store

숙취 해소 음료  사다   있을까?

and get some hangover drinks?


[서구아휴아이다 그럴  아이다

No, don't sweat it.

아닙니다금방 다녀오겠습니다

It's okay. I'll make it quick.

[서구아휴  그래 놓고

It's okay. I'll make it quick. What if she reports me to the Audit Team

업무에 개인 심부름 시켰다고

What if she reports me to the Audit Team

감사과에 꼰지르믄 우짤라고

for making her run personal errands?


Mr. Gong…

[서구보고서 벌써 작성했네?

You finished the report already.

머리 아파서 나중에 봐야 되겠다

I have a headache, so I'll read it later.

-Okay. -Why? Can't I read it later?

[서구나중에 보믄  되나?

-Okay. -Why? Can't I read it later?

아이눈빛이 되게 불량하다

You gave me such a rebellious look.


With those big eyes.


I'm not.

[홍조저는 걸이 화분 문제로 외근 다녀오겠습니다

I'll be out for the hanging basket issue.

점심도 밖에서 해결할 거니까 걱정하지 마세요

I'll eat lunch outside too, so don't worry about me.

[서구의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[서구우리는 11시에 해장국  그릇 때리러 가자

Let's go have hangover soup at 11:00 for brunch.

아점 묵으러아휴 - [새별

Let's go have hangover soup at 11:00 for brunch.

[조경사이맘때쯤 매번 하던 일이라

We always do this around this time.

다음 주까진  걸어야 되거든요

So we must hang them by next week at the latest.

게다가  도로는

On top of that, Mayor uses that road to get to work.

시장님 출근길

On top of that, Mayor uses that road to get to work.

[놀란 숨소리]

 완전 큰일  뻔했네요

I could've been in serious trouble.



[조경사이쪽이 조날계 제라늄

This is zonal geranium.


Calendula, Moulin Rouge,

매버릭 오렌지 호라이즌 애플블라썸

Maverick Orange, and Horizon Appleblossom.

종류가 많으니까

We have various types.

주무관님 마음에 드는 걸로 결정하세요

So choose what you like.

[재경낮에  변호사님 만났습니다 [한숨]

I met Lawyer Seo in the afternoon.

하움 상대 소송  패소했어요

We lost the lawsuit against Haum.


-Again? -The lawyers hired to represent Onju City

우리 시에 고문으로 위촉된 변호사들 패소율이

-Again? -The lawyers hired to represent Onju City lose over 60% of the time.

60% 넘습니다

lose over 60% of the time.

 때문에 날아간  예산만 12억이 넘고요

So we've wasted more than 1.2 billion won of the city's budget.

[재경공무원들은 밖으로 자문받으러 다니느라 시간 낭비

Civil servants waste their time and money consulting lawyers externally.

건당 자문료 주느라 예산 낭비

Civil servants waste their time and money consulting lawyers externally.

그래서 제안하는 겁니다

This is why I suggest

1년째 공석인 법률 자문관

we hire a new legal advisor, the role's been vacant for a year.

다시 채용하시죠

we hire a new legal advisor, the role's been vacant for a year.

로펌  곳만 남기고

Just keep two law firms and hire a competent lawyer in City Hall.

 대신 시청 안에 유능한 변호사  명을 두시는 

Just keep two law firms and hire a competent lawyer in City Hall.

가성비가 훨씬 높을 겁니다

That is more cost-effective.

[숨을 들이켜며 좋은 의견이긴 한데

It is a good idea.

그렇게 가성비 높은 유능한 변호사가 굳이 여길 올까?

But would a cost-effective and competent lawyer come here?

아무래도 연봉이 

The salary is rather…

돈에 관심 없는 사람이 있을  있으니까요

There might be someone uninterested in money.


에이그런 인간이 어디 있어?

There is no such person.

[학영의 한숨]

- [의미심장한 음악] - [신유저주와 고통이 끝난다

"All the pain and curses will end."

목함의 주인이 나타났으니

"The owner of the wooden box showed up."

목함의 주인은

The box belongs to


Lee Hong-jo.



전화가 없다

she's not calling me.

- [휴대 전화 진동음] - [부스럭 소리]


왜요? - [신유목함 열었어요?

What is it? Did you open it?


No. Not yet.

 아직  열었어요?

Why didn't you?


I was busy.


Hey, lady.

 그네 앉으면  돼요

You can't sit on that swing.

[익살스러운 음악]

그네 타면서 혼밥 중이었어요?

Were you eating alone on a swing?


공무원 업무에 대해서  모르시나 본데이게 

You must not know what a civil servant does. -It's all-- -I don't need to know. Do I?

[신유굳이 내가 알아야  이유는 없잖아요?

-It's all-- -I don't need to know. Do I?

 시에 퇴근해요?

When are you done?

글쎄요일이 많아서 아마 야근하게

I'm not sure. -I might work overtime-- -Don't work overtime today.

[신유오늘은 야근하지 말고 일찍 퇴근해서

-I might work overtime-- -Don't work overtime today. Get off work early and open it as soon as you go home.

집에 돌아가면 목함부터 열어요 - [한숨]

Get off work early and open it as soon as you go home.

열면 전화하고

Call me when you do.

 대답이 없어요?

I didn't hear an answer.

전화  하고 싶어요

I don't want to call you.

[홍조알라딘도 램프의 요정 지니한텐 깍듯했어요

Even Aladdin was polite to Genie.

근데 장신유 씨는 나한테 전혀 깍듯하질 않아

But you're not polite to me at all.

[신유그럼 깍듯하게 부탁할게요

Then, I'll ask you politely.

반드시 오늘 중으로 목함을 열어 주시고

Please open the wooden box today.

전화도 주시옵소서

Please give me a call too.


 그렇다면 생각을   터이니

Okay. Then I shall think about it and--

[통화 종료음]

Okay. Then I shall think about it and--



끊은 거니?

Did he hang up?

… !


[홍조의 아파하는 신음]

그러게 거기 앉지 말라니까

I told you not to sit there.


[당황한 숨소리]

아이씨! [성난 탄식]

Darn it.

 학번 선배시라고요?

You were three years ahead of me?

당연히 모를 거야

You won't know.

[재경  도서관에 있었고   놀았으니까

I was always in the library. You were always out having fun.

 공부 열심히 했습니다

I studied hard.

날이면 날마다 밤이면 밤마다

Every day and night.

농구했잖아도서관 앞에서

You played basketball in front of the library.

많이 시끄러웠어

It was very noisy.

설마  일로 손해 배상 청구하러 오셨어요?

Are you here to claim damages for it?

스카웃하러 왔어시청 변호사로

I'm here to recruit you as a City Hall lawyer.

 연봉이 얼만 줄은 아시고?

Do you know how much I earn?

얼마인지 관심 없어

I'm not interested.

알아도 그만큼  주니까근데

We can't pay you that much anyway. But…

돈에 욕심 있는 타입인 줄은 몰랐네

I didn't know you were greedy for money.

돈에 욕심은 없죠

I'm not greedy for money.

하지만 동기 부여가  되는 일엔 관심이 없어서

But I don't want a job that doesn't motivate me.

나더러 공무원 상담하고

You want me to counsel civil servants

소송 백업하라는 거잖아요지금

and assist with lawsuits.

대기업 상대하라는 거야

You'll deal with big firms.

[재경얼추 수백억

Numerous big companies

세금도  내면서 불법 저지르는 수많은 대기업

that do illegal things without paying tens of billions in taxes.

[재경의 한숨]

답은 되도록 빨리 

Tell me as soon as possible

그래야 2순위를 정할  있으니까

Tell me as soon as possible so I can decide the next candidate.


Can I ask?

 수많은 대기업 중에

Among those numerous big companies.

하움도 있습니까?

Is Haum one of them?

없을 리가

Of course.

[ 열리는 소리]

[ 닫히는 소리]

[홍조의 헛기침]

- [부드러운 음악] - [홍조하나

One, two, three, four,

다섯여섯일곱여덟 아홉열하나

five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven.

[놀란 소리역시

I knew it. Is this fate?

이건 운명인 건가?

I knew it. Is this fate?

보좌관님도 야근나도 야근

Both Mr. Kwon and I are working overtime.

[옅은 웃음]

[놀란 소리]

[아쉬운 숨소리]

[개운한 탄성]

[휴대 전화 진동음]

뭐예요? - [홍조의 코웃음]

What is it?

나한텐 야근하지 말라더니 그쪽은 야근하시나 봐요?

You told me not to work overtime, but you are.

내가 보고 싶은  당신 얼굴이 아니에요

It's not your face that I want to see.



목함이랑 영상 통화 하시라고요

Have a video call with the wooden box.

[홍조직접 보세요

Look for yourself.

자물쇠가  모양이야?

The lock is strange.

구멍이 없어

It has no hole.

소양강  수문을 열라는 것도 아니고

I didn't ask you to open a floodgate.

그렇게 작은 자물쇠 하나를  열어요?

You can't unlock that small lock?

[홍조그래서 지금부터 다시 열어  거예요

That's why I'm going to try and unlock it again now.

그쪽 말대로  말고  머리를 써서

As you said, I'll use my brain over brawn.

똑똑히 실시간으로 보세요

Now watch closely, in real time.



- [흥미로운 음악] - 열려라열려라






아무리 문질러도  열려

See? No matter how hard I rub it, it won't open.

지니나오질 않아

See? No matter how hard I rub it, it won't open. Genie won't come out.

그렇다면 다른 방법!

Then, another method.


Instead of "open sesame,"

열려라목함! - [앙증맞은 효과음]

open, wooden box!

[익살스러운 음악]


Look. It didn't open.

여기서 끝이 아니야

This is not the end.

수리수리 마하수리


수수리 사바하


[홍조목함이 메이드  차이나일 수도 있어

The box could be from China.

청나라 물건

From the Qing dynasty.

- [중국어로 말한다] - [ 소리 효과음]


♪ 이러다 미쳐내가 여리여리 착하던 그런 내가 ♪

I'll go crazy like this I used to be soft and kind

♪  때문에 돌아내가 독한 나로 변해내가 ♪

But I go crazy because of you I become mean

♪  닮은 목함에다 주문을  걸어내가 ♪

I cast a spell on the wooden box That looks like you

♪ 목함아열어져 달라고! ♪

Wooden box, open

[익살스러운 음악]


[홍조마법의 주문 알죠내가 그거까지 했어

I even cast a magic spell.

하지만  열렸네?

But look. It didn't open.

- [한숨 쉬며그렇다면… - [홍조기다려요

-Then-- -Wait.

개도 '기다려하면 기다려요

Even dogs wait when they're told to.

멍멍 짖지도 않고  달라고도  해요

Even dogs wait when they're told to. They don't bark nor ask for food.

 개가 아니에요

I'm not a dog. You said you're cute like a puppy.

[홍조멍뭉미 넘친다면서요?

You said you're cute like a puppy. That means you're a dog.

그럼  맞아요

That means you're a dog.

기다려요열면 전화할 테니까

Wait. I'll call you.

절대 먼저 전화하지 말아요

Don't ever call me first.


Do you understand?

- [] - [통화 종료음]

[개운한 탄성]

기다려도 소용없어

There's no use waiting.

- [탁탁 치는 소리] -  최선을 다했어

I did my best.

이런 것도 선물이라고

You call this a gift?

[개운한 숨소리]

[잔잔한 음악]


그래도 버리진 않을게

Still, I won't throw you away.

[홍조버림받는  얼마나 슬픈 건지 아니까

I know how painful it is to be abandoned.

[로앤하이 대표앉아

Hi. Have a seat.

[옅은 탄성]

[하움 대표우리 장신유 변호사님께서

I heard Mr. Jang added a condition

지난번의 일을 덮는 대신에

in return for covering up the incident

조건을 하나 다셨다고 해서

that happened last time.

[하움 대표의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[무거운 음악]


I'm sorry.

 기업의 오너로서

I did not behave appropriately

적절치 못한 행동이었습니다

as an owner of a company.

변호사님들께 무례했던 

For being rude to you all,


I sincerely… apologize!

[ 목소리로사과드립니다!

I sincerely… apologize!

[하움 대표가 킥킥 웃는다]

 정도면 진정한 사과가 됐을까?

Is this enough of a sincere apology?

[하움 대표미안해미안해요

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry, okay? Sorry.

진정한 사과미안합니다

My sincerest apologies. I'm sorry.

[하움 대표의 탄식]


개같은 주사진짜

I have a terrible habit when drunk.

술을  끊어야 되는데그치?

I should quit drinking. Right?

회사 경영하는 사람이라

It's not easy to do so since I run a company.

쉽지가 않아

It's not easy to do so since I run a company.

너그럽게 넘어가 ?

Be generous and let it slide. Okay?

일들 해요일들

You can all get back to work.

나도 바쁜 시간 쪼개서  거라 나올 필요 없고

I also had to make time from my busy schedule.

[로앤하이 대표조심해서 가십시오

Have a safe trip back.


[긴장되는 음악]

[하움 대표의 어이없는 소리]

[하움 대표!


내가 지금 시계값을 토탈 얼마 썼는  알아?

Do you know how much I spent on your watches?


Two, four, six, eight.

대표 거까지

The CEO's and even yours. Fuck!

씨발! 5억을 썼다고 

The CEO's and even yours. Fuck! I spent 500 million won, damn it!

근데 ?

But why…

근데  인사를  ?

Why won't you bow to me?

내가 로앤하이 소속 변호사가 아니라서?

Because I don't work for Law & High.

방금 사직서 넣었거든

I just resigned.

[로앤하이 대표장신유 지금  하는 짓이야?

Jang Sin-yu, what are you doing?

일개 변호사와 최대 클라이언트

One lawyer and the biggest client.

[신유 중에 누굴 선택하시겠어요?

Which one will you choose?


[하움 대표의 한숨]

[전자레인지 알림음]


It's hot.

[후후 부는 소리]



It tastes bad.

[마마무 'HIP' 흐른다]

[옅은 탄성]


아이지금  하는 거냐

What am I doing?

[힘주는 소리]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[탁탁  터는 소리]

! - [스위치 조작음]

Two, three…


[짜증  숨소리]

안정기가 문제였구나?

The ballast was the issue.

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[달그락 소리]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[홍조의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[홍조의 놀란 소리]

- [쨍그랑] - [홍조의 비명]

[홍조의 신음]

[홍조가 울먹인다]

[홍조의 짜증 섞인 신음]

[차분한 음악]


Are you okay?

[재경의 깊은 한숨]

나한테 맡기지

You should've let me do it.

이런   니가 ?

Why would you do this?


Because you are


not here.

[바람 소리 효과음]

[속상한 숨소리]



 주면  돼요?

can you come?

[철컥 열리는 소리]


[몽환적인 음악]

[신비로운 효과음]

[신유 병원 들렀다 오는 길이니?

Are you coming from the hospital?

 교수님 추천으로 쇼핑을  했어요

I went shopping as per Dr. Kim's recommendation.

[신유  그만뒀다면서?

I heard you quit work.

이참에  쉬어

You should rest now.

어디 가서  일할 생각 하지 말고

Don't go and work elsewhere.


In high school,

 아버지 진짜 돌아가시는  알았어요

I thought you were going to pass away.

[무거운 음악]

그런데 지금은 건강하게  살아 계시잖아요

But you're alive and well now.


Yours is incurable.

[신유 나하고는 케이스가 달라

Mine wasn't.


Take a rest…

결혼 준비나 

and get married.

[다가오는 발소리]

[신유 당신!


결혼 닦달했어?

Did you pressure him to get married? Why?

 신유 보내고 싶지 않아

I don't want to marry him off.

절대 일찍 결혼하지 

Don't get married young.


Look at me.

결혼과 동시에 인생 망쳤잖아

I ruined my life as soon as I got married.

당신은  가만히  있어

Just keep quiet.

아무것도 모르시면서

You don't know anything.

모르긴  몰라?

What do I not know?

[신유 나도 알고 있어

I also know

신유 로펌 그만둔 

that Sin-yu quit his job.

[신유 집에서 맨날 뒹굴거리시면서

You always loaf around at home.

그런   어떻게 아셨대?

You always loaf around at home. How did you know that?

[신유 당신이 봤어?

Did you see it?

[화내며내가 뒹굴거렸는지 뛰어다녔는지?

How do you know if I loafed around or ran around?

- [무거운 음악] - [신유 부의 말소리]

- [의미심장한 음악] - [철컥]

[놀란 숨소리]

[놀란 소리]


What is this?






"Spells of the Heavens."



What's this?


Is this a comic book knock-off?


[홍조] '셔문'


' 도션의 무녀 앵초는'

"I, Aeng-cho, a shaman of Joseon,


write this spell book

'정려한 끄테'

write this spell book

'어든 비기로'

after acquiring the secret skill

' 듀슐셔를 썼노라'

after acquiring the secret skill towards the end of my life."


Is this a spell book?

- [흥미로운 음악] - '오직 나와'

"Only I and the person I choose

' 션택한 사람마니'

"Only I and the person I choose

'듀슐을 행할  '…

can cast the spells."



'재료는  업시 깨끄탄 거스로 고르라'

"Pick clean and faultless ingredients."



'아히 낳기 위한 듀슐'…

"A spell for getting pregnant."


"A spell for getting pregnant." Pass.

'급뎨 셩취슐'

"Pass the Exam Spell."


"Good Fortune Spell."


'백옥 미인술'?

"Fair Skin Spell."

'노화 지연술'

"Anti-aging Spell."

'애정 셩사슐'

"Love Spell."

아나어이가 없네

How absurd.


So… if I do as Aeng-cho wrote,

앵초 씨께서  대로 따라 하면

So… if I do as Aeng-cho wrote,

아이도 낳고 아들도 갖고 미인도 되고

I can give birth to a son, become pretty,

애정도 성사된다 그렇고 그렇다

get a lover, and so on and so forth.

이게 말이 ?

It's nonsense.

차라리 램프의 요정 지니 쪽이  신빙성 있지 않겠어?

Genie of the lamp is more credible.

괜히 열었어

Why did I open it?

- [흥미로운 음악] - 편견이야

It's a bias.

 서양의 것은 믿고

Why do I believe in Western spells but not Korean?

우리나라 고유의 것은 믿지 않는 것이지?

Why do I believe in Western spells but not Korean?

[강조되는 효과음]


[빛나는 효과음]


[발랄한 음악]


마음에  들어

I like this.

'애정 성사술'

"Love Spell."


- [] - [아파하는 신음]

[홍조여긴  왔어요?

Why are you here?

목함은 열었어요?

Did you open it?

[한숨 쉬며내가 말했죠기다리라고!

I told you to wait.

'기다려 놓고 일주일 이상 버려두는  학대예요

Keeping a dog waiting for a week is abuse.

[신유 중에 가장 머리 좋은 보더콜리도

Even border collies can't wait more than a day.

하루 이상은  참아요

Even border collies can't wait more than a day.

그거 물어보려고 여기까지 왔어요?

Did you come here to ask that?

출근하는 길이에요

I'm going to work.

사무실 강남이신 분이 출근길에 여길 왔다고요?

Your office is in Gangnam. But you're here for work?

대답부터목함 열었어요?

-Answer first. Did you open the box? -No.


-Answer first. Did you open the box? -No.

그럼 다시 돌려줘요

Then give it back.

아무래도 목함의 주인이 이홍조 씨가 아닌  같으니까

I don't think you're the owner of the wooden box.


You're wrong. I think I'm the owner of the wooden box.

 목함 주인 맞는  같은데?

You're wrong. I think I'm the owner of the wooden box.


-Did you open it? -I didn't. It opened on its own.

  아니라 열렸어요

-Did you open it? -I didn't. It opened on its own.

근데  전화  했어요?

Why didn't you call me?

말했잖아요 내가   아니라 열렸다고

I said it opened on its own. I didn't open it.

말의 미묘한 차이를 몰라요변호사면서?

As a lawyer, you should know the difference.

뭐가 들어 있었어요?

What was inside?

[코웃음 치며책이요

-A book. -A book?


-A book. -A book?

  어이가 없어서

It was ridiculous.

그게 앵초라는 무녀가  건데

It was written by some shaman named Aeng-cho.

이거랑 저거랑 섞어서 요래요래 하면

Saying if you do this and that with stuff,

미인도 되고 아들도 낳는다네?

you'll be pretty and get a son.

주술이래요소원을 이루어 주는

It's a spell book that grants your wishes.

[의미심장한 음악]

  자세히 말해 봐요

Elaborate on it.

아이말이 돼야 말을 하죠 도통 말이  되는데

I can't. It makes no sense. It's absolute nonsense. It was so hard to read it too.

[홍조읽긴  얼마나 어려운지 아세요?

It was so hard to read it too.

'나랏말싸미 듕귁에 달아'

It was like the Old Korean from the Joseon Dynasty.

'문자와로 서르 사맛디 아니할쎄수준이에요!

It was like the Old Korean from the Joseon Dynasty.

- [재경둘이 아는 사이였어요? - [놀란 숨소리]

Do you know each other?



아니요신당 철거 때문에요

I know him due to the demolition of the shrine.

이쪽은 그냥  주인이고요

He's the owner of the land.

- [재경 - [홍조의 옅은 웃음]

I see.

근데 얼굴은  그래요?

Wait, what happened?

[흥미로운 음악]

아이멍이 심한데?

Your forehead is bruised badly.

[놀란 숨소리]

[난처한 웃음]


Is it obvious?

컨실러 많이 발랐는데

I put on a lot of concealer.

쓸데없이 머리는   뒤로 넘깁니까?

Why are you tucking your hair behind your ears?

[신유가 숨을 들이켜며올라가죠

Let's go up.

시장님이  기다리고 계시지 않나?

Isn't Mayor waiting for me?

말했잖아요출근하는 길이라고

I told you I was on my way to work.

시청 변호사오늘부터 1

Today is my first day as the City Hall's lawyer.

[홍조의 한숨]


로펌에서 잘린 거야?

Did he get fired?

[홍조안녕하십니까 안녕하십니까

Good morning. Good morning.

이홍조 !


? - [수정혹시

-Yes. -By any chance,

권재경 보좌관님하고 아는 사이예요?

do you know Mr. Kwon Jae-gyeong?

[당황한 소리]


시청에 보좌관님 모르는 사람이 누가 있겠어요?

Well… Who in this City Hall doesn't know Mr. Kwon?

비담으로 소문이 자자하신데

He's well-known as PV.

그러니까 개인적으로 아는 사이는 아니라는 거네?

So you don't know him personally.

[새별근데 이런   올라온 거야?

Then why did he post this?

뭐가 올라왔는데요?

What post?

[수정아니시청 게시판에 홍조  칭찬하는 

Someone complimented you on the City Hall message board.


But the thing is,

작성자가 권재경이야

the poster is Kwon Jae-gyeong.

[서구아이 보좌관이 얼마나 바쁜데

Mr. Kwon has no time to compliment a mere ninth-grade civil servant.

지금 9 나부랭이 칭찬 글이나 올리고 앉았겠어?

Mr. Kwon has no time to compliment a mere ninth-grade civil servant.


It must be someone else.


LET'S COMPLIMENT Kwon Jae-gyeong.

얼마나 흔한 이름이야

Such a common name.

아이차트가 근데  이리 박살이 났지?

Why is the chart broken?

[마우스 조작음]


[부드러운 음악]


[심장 박동 효과음]

얼굴은  그래요?

What happened?

아이멍이 심한데?

Your forehead is bruised badly.

- [상승하는 효과음] - [탄성]


홍조 씨도 비담 좋아하는구나?

You must like PV too.

아니요저는… - [새별의 폭소]

No, I--

[못마땅한 웃음]

[익살스러운 효과음]


You better get in line.

[새별 뒤로 서면

If you line up behind me,


you'll be like… 102nd in line.


you'll be like… 102nd in line.



지금 얼굴 많이 빨개졌어!

Your face is very red now.

I see.

[부드러운 음악]


It's nice.


It's simple


and neat.

이쪽은 법무팀 차석 박기동 

This is Park Gi-dong from the Legal Team.

그동안 법률 관련 업무를 지원했어

He's been dealing with law-related tasks.

기동 씨는 사내 공지  올려 줘요

Mr. Park, make an announcement

앞으로 소송 건은  변호사와 상담하라고

and tell people to consult Mr. Jang regarding lawsuits.

[재경 월간 회의가 있어서 이만  볼게

I have a meeting, so I'm off.


Thank you.

[익살스러운 음악]


Your nameplate.


Nice to meet you.

일단   정도는 버벅대실 겁니다

You'll have a hard time for about a month.

[기동일이 쉽지가 않을 거라서

The work isn't easy.

로펌 쪽이랑은 업무 컬러가 많이 다르거든요

The work isn't easy. The work is very different from that of law firms.

I see.

그럼 버벅대지 않게 전임 법률 자문관이 담당했던

Then can you find all the documents that the previous advisor dealt with

모든 자료를 오늘 중으로 찾아 줄래요?

Then can you find all the documents that the previous advisor dealt with by today so I can learn?

천천히 하세요

Take your time.


There won't be anyone who comes for a consultation for a while.

당분간은 찾아와서 상담 요청하는 공무원은 없을 겁니다

There won't be anyone who comes for a consultation for a while.

초짜 법률 자문관은  믿는 편이라

They wouldn't trust a novice legal advisor.


That's good. I had an urgent personal business.

[신유개인적으로 급한 용무도 있었는데

That's good. I had an urgent personal business.

[달달 의자 끄는 소리]

- [심호흡] - [ 닫히는 소리]

[흥미로운 음악]

[홍조아니 앵초라는 무녀가  건데

It was written by some shaman named Aeng-cho.

이거랑 저거랑 섞어서  요래요래 하면

Saying if you do this and that with stuff,

미인도 되고 아들도 낳는다네?

you'll be pretty and get a son.

주술이래요소원을 이루어 주는

It's a spell book that grants your wishes.

[신유앵초는 실존 인물이었고

Aeng-cho was a real person.

무녀 앵초를 죽인 

The person who killed Aeng-cho


was Jang Mu-jin.

- [흥미로운 음악] - [실성한 듯한 웃음]

[다가오는 발소리]

[신유노느라 퇴근  하는 거예요?

Did you stay here to have fun?

그러면서 야근 수당 챙기는 겁니까?

Did you stay here to have fun? Is this how you get overtime pay?

아이깜짝이야 그런  아니거든요?

You startled me. That's not it.


GREEN BREATH ONJU I'll drive you home.

[홍조지난번에 말씀드렸잖아요

I told you last time.

친하지도 않은 사람 차를 얻어 타는 민폐는 싫다고

We're not close enough for that.

[신유이홍조 씨가 생각하는 친하다는 개념은 뭐예요?

What's your definition of being close?

 먹으면 친한 거예요손잡으면 친한 거예요?

What's your definition of being close? If we eat together? Or if we hold hands?

정확히 어느 선부터 친한 건지 얘기해 주면

Tell me how you define it.

뭐든   테니까 친해져요지금 당장

I'll do whatever, so let's get close.

 친해져야 되는데요?

Why must we get close?

보고 싶어져서

I want to see…

목함에 들어 있는  주술서

the spell book in the wooden box.

아아목적이 그거였구나?

That was your goal.


That was your goal. But I can't let a man into my house at night.

야밤에 남자를 집에 들일  없으니까

But I can't let a man into my house at night.

집에 들어간다고는  했어요

I didn't say I would go inside.

내일 출근할  갖다줄게요

I'll return it tomorrow.

퇴근하는 내가 가서 봐도 되잖아요

I can drop by on my way home and read it. Right?

[홍조의 한숨]

그래요그럼 택시라고 생각하고 타죠

Sure, then. I'll think of it as a cab.

그쪽 아니에요

It's not that way.

[익살스러운 음악]

혹시나 해서 그러는데

I'm saying this just in case.

주술서 보고  바뀌면  돼요

I'm saying this just in case. Don't change your mind later.

 주기로  거니까

You said it was mine.

말도  된다면서 비웃더니 뺏기긴 싫은가 봐요?

You said it didn't make sense. You want to keep it?

나한테   분명히 그렇게 말했잖아요

You clearly said this when you gave it to me.

'원래 당신 거라서 당신한테 주는'

"I'm giving back what was yours…"


"I'm giving back what was yours…" Turn right.

[타이어 마찰음]

[홍조 앞에서 세워 주시면 돼요

Stop in front there.

[신유집이 버스 정류장이에요?

Is your house the bus stop?

골목길로 올라가면 금방이에요

It's a quick walk up the alley.

차로 가면  걸려요

It's a quick walk up the alley. It takes longer by car.

차비  내요택시라고 생각한다며?

You need to pay. You said this was a cab ride.


얼마 드리면 될까요?

How much is it?

됐어요기부하는  칠게요

Keep it. It's my donation.

[홍조의 짜증  숨소리]


[홍조아휴귀찮아 죽겠어진짜

So bothersome.


[취객의 신음]

[취객의 힘겨운 신음]


아유? - [긴장되는 음악]


Cheong-ah. Hey, Cheong-ah.

정아야어디 갔었어?

Cheong-ah, where have you been?


Cheong-ah. Cheong-ah, where are you going?

- [취객정아야일로  - [놀라며 이러세요?

Cheong-ah, where are you going? -What are you doing? -Come here.

- [홍조 이러세요! - [취객의 주정]

What's wrong with you? Don't do this.

이러지 마세요!

What's wrong with you? Don't do this.

- [홍조가 놀라며 아니에요! - [취객의 주정]

-That's not me. -Cheong-ah.

- [겁먹은 소리] - [취객정아야정아야

-That's not me. -Cheong-ah. Cheong-ah.



- [취객의 주정] - [홍조 이러세요

What are you doing? -Cheong-ah. -You got the wrong--

사람 잘못 보셨… - [취객의 놀란 소리]

-Cheong-ah. -You got the wrong--

[취객의 신음]


Who are you?


I told you to wait.

'기다려하면 기다려야지

You should wait when you're told to.

 먼저 올라가?

Why would you go up alone?

[놀란 숨소리]

[취객의 신음]

[부드러운 음악]


I'm sorry.


Why did you follow me?


I was bored.

이제   놔도 되죠?

Can I let go of your hand now?


[신유그리고 민원을 받기만 하고 넣는  몰라요?

By the way, don't you know how to file a complaint?

가로등이  지경이면 교체해 달라고 민원을 넣어요

If the street lamps are bad, ask for replacements.

[홍조기다리래요 LED 교체해 준다고

They said I should wait until they change them to LEDs.

그럼 가족들한테 마중 나와 달라 그러든가

Then ask your family to pick you up.

가족 없어요

I don't have a family.

[홍조 시청으로 발령받고 계속 혼밥 해요

Ever since I was transferred to City Hall, I've been eating alone.

집에서도 계속 혼밥 하긴 하는데

I eat alone at home,

직장에서까지 혼밥 하고 싶진 않아요

so I don't want to eat alone at work as well.

왕따인   날까 

They'll know I'm an outcast.

여기에서 혼자 사는 거예요?

Do you live here alone?

1층에 집주인 부부가 살았는데

The owners used to live on the first floor.

귀농 체험 하러 시골 가셨어요

But they went to the countryside to farm.

아까는 고마웠어요

Thank you for earlier.

금방 갖고 내려올게요

I'll bring it down soon.

[옅은 웃음]

잠깐 올라올래요?

Do you want to come up for a while?

[흥미로운 음악]

[신유아까랑 말이 다르지 않나?

This wasn't what you said.

주술서를 보여  테니

You told me to replace the ballast, because you'd show me the spell book.

안정기를 교체해 달라 그랬잖아요

You told me to replace the ballast, because you'd show me the spell book.


You told me to replace the ballast, because you'd show me the spell book. No.

안정기를 교체해 주면

I said I would show you the book if you replace the ballast.

주술서를 보여 주겠다 그랬는데?

I said I would show you the book if you replace the ballast.

이러다 감전되는  아니야?

What if I get electrocuted?

장갑 꼈잖아요

You have gloves on.

[신유폭발할 수도 있잖아요

It might explode.

 대체 누구랑 짝인 거니?

Who is your match?


[홍조 하겠으면 그냥 내려와요

If you can't do it, come down.

 하겠는  아니라 시간이 필요한 겁니다

That's not it. I just need more time. I'm doing something I've never done before.

[신유태어나서  번도     하고 있어서

I'm doing something I've never done before.

[힘주며  봐서 그렇지

I'm doing something I've never done before. I never did it before,

하기로 하면 내가   하고 그런 

but once I set my mind to it, there's nothing I--

- [날카로운 효과음] - [떨리는 숨소리]

but once I set my mind to it, there's nothing I--

[헛웃음 치며얼씨구?

Look at you.

아픈 척하지 말고 그냥 내려와요

Stop acting like you're in pain. Come down.

아픈 척하는  아니라 아픈 거예요

I'm not acting. I'm actually in pain.

[홍조그러니까  봤고 아프니까  하겠다는 거잖아요

You haven't done it and you're in pain, so you can't do it.

그러니까 내려오라고요!

So come down.

- [흥미로운 음악] - [신유  잔만 줘요

Give me a glass of water.



좋은 생각이 났어요 업자를 불러요

I have a good idea. Call a repairman.

요샌 아무도 저런 조명 쓰지 않아

Call a repairman. Nobody uses lights like that.

가로등도 LED 교체

The street lamps will be LED--


The street lamps will be LED--

[의미심장한 음악]


Read it.

[홍조아유이깟  뭐라고

Gosh, as if it's something special.

[홍조의 웃음]

보고 같이 웃어요

Read it and laugh with me.

아니 [헛기침]

You know,

뭐든 같이 하면  웃긴 거니까

everything's funnier when you do it together.

[홍조가  웃는다]

아이제목부터 웃기죠?

Even the title is funny.

 무슨 '마법천자문짝퉁인  알았다니까?

I thought it was a knock-off of a comic book.

[홍조가 킥킥댄다]


Isn't it funny?

이게 전반적으로  웃긴데

The book is funny overall,

특히 이거 '재수득술'

but "Good Fortune Spell."

부자 되는 법이 제일 웃겨

This spell is the funniest.

아니삽살개를 10 키우라니?

It's telling you to raise a shaggy dog for ten years.

[홍조가 깔깔 웃는다]


Isn't it funny?

[홍조의 헛기침]

[홍조나만 웃겼나?

Am I the only one?

[신유] '신병 치유술'

"Cure Disease Spell."

'몸의 병을 낫게 하는 주술'

"The spell that cures your disease."

주술서도 보여 줬으니까 그럼 이만

I showed you the spell book, so leave now.

[몽환적인 음악]


Lee Hong-jo.

원하는  있어요

I want something.

거기 담긴 주술은 모두 당신이 가져요

Take all the other spells in the book.


[비밀스러운 음악]

하지만   가지만

But can you give me

나한테   있겠어요?

just one spell?


무슨 주술을 원하는데요?

Which spell do you want?

걱정 마요

Don't worry.

백옥 미인술은  가져갈 테니까

I won't take the Fair Skin Spell.

나도 그거  생각은 없거든요?

I wasn't planning to give you that.

그럼 주술 계약은 성립된 걸로 알고

I'll take that as you agreeing to the deal.

아니그래도… - [신유이홍조 

-Still-- -Hong-jo.

[고조되는 음악]

-Still-- -Hong-jo.


Please do me a favor.



[신유 여친아니야 그럴 필요 없어

No, you don't have to.

아빠한테 먼저 들를 거야

No, you don't have to. I'll visit Dad first.

셋이 같이 움직이면 이상해 보일까 

Yes, it might look strange if all three of us leave together.


Okay. See you at the restaurant.



 약속  늦을지도 모르겠다

I might run late.

아니야이따가 얘기할게

No. I'll talk to you later.

[통화 종료음]


니가  여기 있어?

Why are you here?

그건 내가 묻고 싶은 말인데

That's what I want to ask.

 혹시 시장님 딸이니?

Are you the mayor's daughter?

[신유 여친


[헛웃음 치며상황 되게 재밌네

How interesting.

너만 재밌는 거야

Only for you.

[신유 여친홍조야


[무거운 음악]

[홍조우리가 마주 앉아서  마실 사이는 아닌  같은데

I don't think we're close enough to drink tea together.

늦었지만 사과할게미안해

It's late, but let me apologize. I'm sorry.

[홍조갑자기  이러는 거야?

Why the sudden apology?

[신유 여친  있고 나서 너만 괴로웠던  아니야

You weren't the only one who had it rough.

나도 쫓겨나듯이 유학 가야 했어

I had to go overseas too.

아는 사람도 없고 친구 사귀기도 힘들고

I didn't know anyone and couldn't make friends.

얼마나 외로웠는지 알아?

I was so lonely.

아아유학을 가서 많이 외로웠다?

You were lonely because you went to study overseas?


I said I was sorry.


Too bad.

 니가 변했을 거라고 생각  

Because I don't believe that you changed.

그래서  사과 믿지도 않을 거고 받아  마음도 없어

So I won't believe in your apology nor accept it.

- [신유 여친홍조야 - [신유그만해

-Hong-jo. -Stop.

이홍조 씨는 살면서 실수한  없어요?

Have you never made a mistake in your life?

[신유사람이  정도 사과를 하면

She apologized. Can't you accept it?

받아  수도 있지 않나?

She apologized. Can't you accept it?

 안다고 나서는 거예요?

You don't know anything.

그거 하나 알겠는데

I know one thing for sure.

이홍조 씨가 혼밥  수밖에 없는 이유

The reason why you eat alone.

[신유 원인이 

The reason might not lie in other people.

다른 사람들한테 있는  아니겠구나

The reason might not lie in other people.

[차분한 음악]


Let's go.

[신유 여친고등학교 1학년  전학을 왔었어

She transferred to my high school.

아버지가 누구 운전기사였고 반지하 산다고

Her father was someone's driver. The students bullied her badly because she lived in a semi-basement.

애들이 심하게 따돌렸어

The students bullied her badly because she lived in a semi-basement.

너무 안쓰러워서 내가 먼저 친구 하자 그랬는데

She looked so pitiful, so I approached her first.

내가 좋아하던 선배를 홍조가

But she took the boy I liked from me.

참을 수가 없었어

I couldn't endure it.

그래서 홍조랑 절교를 했는데

So I cut off ties with Hong-jo,

 과정이 좋지 않았어

and the process wasn't pretty.

그때  부모님이 이혼했던 시기라

My parents got divorced then,

너무 예민했었던 건데

so I was too sensitive.



어떡해! - [사람들의 놀란 소리]

What's this? Oh, my goodness!

박주원 바람났대요!

Park Ju-won cheated!



[새별] '스무  연하 미모의 골프 선수'

"A stunning golfer 20 years younger."

바람피운  2년도 넘었대 사진  찍혔어!

He's been cheating for two years. There are photos too.

 미친놈의 새끼를 봤나!

He's insane.

  - [새별의 탄식]

-Let me see. -Gosh.


Did Ms. Ma go on leave because of this?

 과장님 그거 땜에 휴가 내신  아니야?

Did Ms. Ma go on leave because of this?

원래 연가 내시는  아니잖아

She doesn't take days off often.

[새별이 놀라며맞네


- [수정어떡해 - 시끄러워

-Oh, no. -Be quiet.

[웅성거리는 소리]


[소곤대며 칼퇴하고 나가서 얘기하자

Hey. Let's finish work and talk.


[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]

[서구그래서 내가 마은영이 결혼한다 했을 

When Eun-yeong was getting married,

그렇게 말렸다?

I tried to stop her.

 새끼 그거 얼굴값 하게 생겼다고?

He looked like he would cheat. Now look. He really cheated.

근데  봐라얼굴값 하잖아

Now look. He really cheated.


You're right.

[차분한 음악]


[신유그거 하나 알겠는데

I know one thing for sure.

이홍조 씨가 혼밥  수밖에 없는 이유

The reason why you eat alone.

아니근데 우리  과장님한테

By the way, shouldn't we call Ms. Ma?

전화 한번  봐야 되는  아니에요?

shouldn't we call Ms. Ma?

 너무 걱정돼요

I'm so worried.

내가 아는  과장 캐릭터는 이럴  전화하는 

The Ms. Ma I know wouldn't want you to call her.

[홍조저도 끼워 주십시오회식

Let me join the team dinner too.


You startled me.

이홍조 주무관은 진짜?

You're more thoughtless than I thought.

생각보다 생각이 없어

You're more thoughtless than I thought.

우리가 회식을 하는  아이고

We're not having a team dinner.

대책 회의를 하고 있어

We're having a meeting.

그러니까  대책 회의

I want to join

저도 함께하고 싶습니다

that meeting too.



[헛기침오늘은 그럴 분위기 아닌  같아

Today's not the right day for it.

제가 오늘

I thought about what someone told me today.

누구 얘기를 듣고 생각을   봤습니다

I thought about what someone told me today.

[홍조사람은 살면서 누구나 실수를 한다

Everyone makes a mistake.

그런데 사과를  수준은 어디까지인가

To what extent should you apologize?

용서를   있는 수준은 어디까지인가

And to what extent can you forgive?


What's this about?

그때 일은 죄송했습니다

I'm sorry about last time.

늦었지만 사과드립니다

It's late, but I apologize.

[홍조공무원 교육 받은  3일째였고

It was my third day as a civil servant.

저는 그날 팀장님께서 모친상을 당하신  몰랐고

I didn't know your mother passed away that day.

그때 받은 봉투가 부조금이라는  더더욱 몰랐습니다

I also didn't know the envelope had condolence money.

- [홍조알았다면 절대… - 앉아

-If I had known-- -Sit down.


-Pardon? -Shut your mouth and sit down.

'  마우스하고 앉으라고

-Pardon? -Shut your mouth and sit down.

[서구아이고보좌관님! [웃음]

Gosh, Mr. Kwon!

이야보좌관님도 이런 데서 회식하십니까?

Do you have team dinners in a place like this too?

진짜 청렴결백하십니다?

You sure are wholesome.

근데 누구랑 같이 왔어요?

Who is that with you?

공지 메일  보셨어요?

Haven't you read the email?

법률 자문관으로 오게  장신유 변호사

He's Jang Sin-yu, our new legal advisor.

[격한 탄성]


사진이 실물을  담네!

He looks better in real life.

눈이 부시가  알아봤다 아입니까

He's so handsome I couldn't recognize him.

우리 이렇게 만난 것도 운명인데

We must be meant to cross paths.

같이 자리하입시다

Let's eat together.

[기동아니아니요 저희는 따로

-No, we'll-- -Put the tables together.

- [서구테이블 붙여붙여 - [새별네네네!

-No, we'll-- -Put the tables together. Okay.

붙여 - [새별수정의 환호]

-Come on. -Okay!

[수정여기 옆자리



Come here.


Excuse me.

[ 취한 말투로제가 너무너무 궁금해서 그러는데

I've been dying to know.

  하나만 물어봐도 돼요?

Can I ask you a question?

 시청 게시판에

The post on the City Hall message boards complimenting Hong-jo.

이홍조  칭찬하는 

The post on the City Hall message boards complimenting Hong-jo.

권재경 보좌관님이 올리신 

You didn't post it,


did you?

맞아요제가 올린 

I posted it.

- [부드러운 음악] - [새별?


[재경청장님 만나러 구청에 자주 갔어요

I visited the Dong-gu Office often to see the district head.

민원인 대하는 태도가 좋아 보였어요

And I liked how she treated those who filed complaints.

[상승하는 효과음]

당연한 일로  칭찬을 하지?

Why would you compliment that?

공무원은 원래 민원인에게 친절해야 하는  아닌가?

Aren't all civil servants supposed to be nice to citizens?

죄송합니다 저희는 이만 일어나 보겠습니다

I'm sorry. We'll get going first.


What? Why…

[수정이 울먹이며 버려

Why are you leaving?

[수정이 울먹인다]

[수정의 주정]

어떡하죠많이 취하신  같은데

What do we do? She seems very drunk.

[새별이  취한 말투로 어떡하지?

What do I do?

내가 홍조 씨를 한참 잘못 봤다?

I misjudged you completely.

곰인  알았는데

I thought you were foolish.


But you're a fox.

시청에서 흘리고 다니지 

Stop being flirtatious at work.

공직 사회

Public service

만만치 않은  명심하고

isn't easy, so keep that in mind.



일어들 나세요!

Stand up now.

제가 2 쏠게요!

Stand up now. -The second round is on me! -Whoa!

- [새별] 2! - [서구그래좋아

-The second round is on me! -Whoa! That's good.

[새별의 힘주는 소리]

- [홍조의 놀란 소리] - [새별수정의 신음]


Let's go to karaoke.

조심조심 - [새별어어!

Let's go to karaoke. Watch out.

홍조 씨는 어디 가지?

Where are you going?

우린 대책 회의가 있어서

We have a meeting to hold.

홍조 씨는 집에  줬으면 좋겠는데

We'd like you to go home.

[새별의 웃음]

- [새별그럼 내일 봐요! - [서구가자!

See you tomorrow. Let's go.

- [새별내일 ! - [수정가요!

See you tomorrow.

- [수정의 탄성] - [팀원들의 주정]

-Let's go. -Yes.

[다가오는 발소리]



[부드러운 음악]

잠깐 나랑 같이  갈래요?

Can you come with me for a second?


[재경    됐어요

I bought it earlier.

  때문에 엉망 됐잖아요

Your shirt got dirty because of me.


I washed it and it's fine now.

빨아서  입고 있는데

I washed it and it's fine now.


Thank you anyway.

홍조 씨는  때마다 얼굴이 빨갛네요?

Your face is red whenever I see you.

[재경이름이 홍조라 그런가?

Is it owing to your name?



저는 좋아하는 사람 있을 때만 빨개지는 거예요

I become red only in front of someone I like.

방금 제가  말이 고백처럼 들렸을까요?

Did what I say just now sound like a love confession?

나한텐 그렇게 들렸는데

Yes, it did to me.


Was it not?






it is.


I had no idea that you were interested

저한테 관심 갖고 있을 줄은 상상도  했어요

I had no idea that you were interested in me too.

솔직히 말씀드리면

Honestly speaking,

구청에 있을 때부터 보좌관님을

since I was in Onju Dong-gu Office, I--

[재경나도 이홍조  좋아해요

I like you too.

[잔잔한 음악]



근데 그건 인간적인 호감이에요

But I like you as a person.

[재경 누구라도 칭찬할 일이 있으면

If someone deserves a compliment, I'll make a post.

게시판에 글을 올릴 거고

If someone deserves a compliment, I'll make a post.

누구라도  때문에 옷을 망치면

If I dirty someone's clothes, I'll gift them new clothes.

선물을  거예요

If I dirty someone's clothes, I'll gift them new clothes.

방금 있었던 일은 잊을 거니까

I'll forget what happened just now.

앞으로  봐도 어색해하지 말아 줬으면 좋겠어요

I hope you won't act awkward when you see me.


I understand.

[홍조의 어색한 웃음]

[홍조의 한숨]

[신유 고딩은 어떻게 친절했어요?

In what way was that boy nice?

볼펜  주고 떡볶이  주고 그랬나?

Did he buy you pens and tteokbokki?

무슨  하는 거예요?

What do you mean?

 친구 남친인  알면서도 뺏고 싶었는지 궁금했는데

I was wondering why you knowingly stole your friend's boyfriend.

그거 보니까 알겠네

Now I understand.

[신유이홍조 씨는 아주 가볍고 사소한 친절에도

You're the type to get excited

혼자  설레고 좋아하고 그러다가

about the smallest gestures of kindness

충동적으로 고백하는 타입이라는 

and confess your feelings impulsively.

 안다고 그러는 거예요?

What do you even know about me?

왜요 그대로 말한 건데

What? I just said what I saw.



You're right.

 아주 가볍고 사소한 친절에도

Even the tiniest acts of kindness excite me and make me happy.

 혼자 설레고 좋아하고 그래요

Even the tiniest acts of kindness excite me and make me happy.

[홍조아무도 나한테 친절하지 않으니까!

Because nobody is kind to me.


Happy now?


[쓸쓸한 음악]


You're right.

 아주 가볍고 사소한 친절에도  혼자 설레고 좋아하고 그래요

Even the tiniest acts of kindness excite me and make me happy.

아무도 나한테 친절하지 않으니까!

Because nobody is kind to me.


Happy now?

[기동의 거친 숨소리]

[기동빅뉴스가 있어서요

I have big news.

이홍조 씨라고 기억이 나실라나?

Do you remember Lee Hong-jo?

[홍조이거 드시면서 하세요

Drink this as you work.

[노인1] 고맙습니다

Thank you.

[홍조할아버지 힘드세요?

Sir, aren't you tired?

- [노인2] 고마워 - [홍조

Thank you.

- [홍조사장님 - [조경사 하러 오셨어요?

-Hello. -What brings you here?

[홍조아유보러 왔죠

I'm here to check.

 진행 중이세요? - [조경사가 웃으며

I'm here to check. -Is everything fine? -Yes.

이쪽만 마무리되면  끝나요

Once we finish this side, we're done.

저도  돕겠습니다

I'll help too.

아유 그러셔도 되는데

You don't have to.

너무 예쁜데요?

They're so pretty.

[조경사아유 묻어요 하지 마세요

-Your clothes will get dirty. -Don't worry.


-Your clothes will get dirty. -Don't worry.

- [홍조아닙니다 - [조경사의 웃음]

It's nothing.

[공무원1] 그러니까 어떻게 비담을

How could she do that to PV?

[공무원1 웃음]

- [공무원2] 안녕하세요 - 안녕하세요

-Hello. -Hello.

- [공무원3]  사람이지? - [공무원4] 맞네

It's her. What is she going to do now?

[수군거리는 소리]

It's her. What is she going to do now? Isn't it her? It is, right?

- [공무원5]  사람이지? - [공무원들의 웃음]

Isn't it her? It is, right?

[흥미로운 음악]

-Seriously. -Hey, look.

[공무원6] 고백했다 차인 여자다

-Seriously. -Hey, look. She got turned down.

[공무원7] 창피해서 어떡하냐?

-So embarrassing. -Keep it down.

[공무원6] 크게 말하지   들려

-So embarrassing. -Keep it down.

[웅성거리는 소리]

[서구잠깐만 이홍조 주무관

Hold on. Ms. Lee.

 - [서구화분  옮겼어?

-Yes. -Did you move all the pots?

 - [서구아유고생 많다

-Yes. -Good work.

그래도 실연의 아픔을 극복하는 데는

Nothing's better than work to get over the pain

일이 최고다

of being dumped.

특히 이번 참사 같은 경우에는

Especially for a tragedy like this,

내근보다는 외근이 낫다는 생각이고

Especially for a tragedy like this, I think working outside is better than working inside.

  모금밖에  했는데

I only had a sip. Drink this and cheer up.

이거 묵고 힘내

Drink this and cheer up.

감사합니다 - [서구그래

Thank you.

우리는 위에서 얘기하시죠

Let's talk upstairs.

[익살스러운 음악]

[수군거리는 소리]

[공무원1] 어떡해완전 불쌍해

Gosh, I feel sorry for her.

[공무원2] 봤어?

[  닫히는 소리]


It's not me.

- [홍조거짓말! -  아니라고요

-Liar. -It's not me.

그럼 제가 말했겠어요?

Who is it then? Me?

보좌관님이 말했겠어요?

Mr. Kwon?

 봐야 알겠어요?

Do you really need proof?

'비담에게 고백하기도 전에 차여 버린 9급의 최후'

"Ninth-grade civil servant dumped before confessing love."

[신유찍은 각도를 보면 내가 아니라는  증명이  텐데

The angle of the picture proves that I didn't take it.

[홍조의 성난 숨소리]

[ 열리는 소리]

[ 내려놓는 소리]


[통화 연결음]


[감성적인 음악]

[휴대 전화 진동음]


What's this?

이홍조 ?

"For Lee Hong-jo"?

[홍조의 기합]

[홍조의 크게 힘주는 소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[홍조의 놀란 숨소리]

[잔잔한 음악]

[집주인농사짓는  힘들어 죽겠어

Farming is so difficult.

닭이랑 오리 염소도 키우기 시작했는데

We started raising chickens, ducks, and goats too.

그건 재미가 쏠쏠해

That's pretty fun.

이번에 새끼도 낳았다니까?

They even gave birth to their younglings.

[웃으며쬐끄만  얼마나 귀여운지

They're small and cute.

- [옅은 웃음] - 아무튼

Anyway, I sent you a lot of stuff, so eat well.

이것저것 보냈으니까  챙겨 먹어

Anyway, I sent you a lot of stuff, so eat well.


They're all organic.

[홍조의 힘주는 숨소리]


[의미심장한 음악]

[홍조마음에  들어 '애정 성사술'

I like this. "Love Spell."

'정갈한 차림으로 하라'

"Be neatly dressed."

'모정이 깊은 염소의 '

"The milk of a goat with deep maternal love."

[재경나도 이홍조  좋아해요

I like you too.

근데 그건 인간적인 호감이에요

But I like you as a person.

[재경방금 있었던 일은 잊을 거니까

I'll forget what happened just now.

앞으로  봐도 어색해하지 말아 줬으면 좋겠어요

I hope you won't act awkward when you see me.

[고조되는 음악]

- [신비로운 음악] - [홍조] '애정 성사술'

"Love Spell."

'상대방의 사랑을 얻게 되는 주술'

"It's a spell to win the love of someone you like.

'주술을 행하기 앞서'

Before casting the spell,

'목욕재계로 심신을 깨끗이 하고'

cleanse your mind and body by bathing.

'정갈한 차림으로 하라'

Be neatly dressed.

'달이 가장 높이  '

Do it quietly at night

'조용한 곳에서 하라'

when the moon is at the highest.

[요란한 자동차 경적]

[자동차 경적]

- [비밀스러운 음악] - [힘겨운 숨소리]

[홍조] '방짜 유기에 모정이 깊은 염소의 젖을 담고'

Pour the milk of a goat with deep maternal love into brassware.


Add canola honey,

'백복령 가루'

powdered poria mushrooms,

'갯실새삼의 씨앗'

dodder seeds…

'붉은 장미 봉오리를 넣어라'

and a red rosebud."

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[홍조] '수중에 장미꽃이 피어나기 시작하면'

"When the rose starts to bloom in the milk,

' 장을 태워'

burn this page and mix it with the ingredients."


burn this page and mix it with the ingredients."

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

[힘겨운 신음]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[신유의 놀란 숨소리]

- [어두운 음악] - [무거운 효과음]

[신유의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[타이어 마찰음]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[타이어 마찰음]


[섬뜩한 효과음]

[놀란 숨소리]

[힘겨운 소리]

[날카로운 효과음]

[힘겨운 신음]

- [자동차 가속음] - [신유의 힘주는 소리]

[타이어 마찰음]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[끼익 타이어 마찰음]

[타이어 마찰음]

[끼익 타이어 마찰음]

[신유의 떨리는 숨소리]

[의미심장한 음악]

[감성적인 음악]

[홍조] '애정수가  것이니 원하는 이에게 마시게 하라'

"It'll become a love potion. Make the person you want to charm drink it."

[신유] 21세기에 이런 미신을 믿었나 봐요?

You must've believed in such a superstition.

[홍조 거라면서요?

You said it was mine. It doesn't matter how I use it.

그럼 내가 언제 쓰든 어떻게 쓰든 상관없잖아요

You said it was mine. It doesn't matter how I use it.

[신유 하나만 내게 주기로  약속

You promised to give me one spell.

오늘 지켜 줘야겠어요

I want my spell today.

하루만 잠수 탑시다

Let us disappear for a day.

그럼 내일 퇴근하고 잠깐   있어요?

-Can we meet after work tomorrow? -Me?


-Can we meet after work tomorrow? -Me?

[홍조가 다급하게이거 어떡해야 돼요?

What should I do?

애정 성사술이 먹힌  같아요

I think the Love Spell worked.


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