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  신성한, 이혼 9

Divorce Attorney Shin 9


‪[춘석 모가 힘없는 목소리로]‬ ‪낙지가‬I got…
‪생물이 들어왔는데‬some fresh octopus. EPISODE 9
‪살짝 데쳐서‬Let's parboil it
‪초장을 찍고‬and enjoy it with some spicy sauce.
‪맛나게 먹자‬It'll be delicious.
‪영광이 얼렁 데려와‬So hurry up and bring Yeong-gwang back.
‪[춘석 모가 울먹인다]‬So hurry up and bring Yeong-gwang back.
‪[춘석 모의 한숨]‬
‪[유석] 원고에게 이 나라는‬My client neither has any friends here
‪지인도 없고 언어도 다른‬ ‪낯선 곳입니다‬My client neither has any friends here nor speaks the language.
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬nor speaks the language.
‪하지만 피고를 향한 믿음으로‬But she started a family here
‪이 낯선 땅에서‬ ‪결혼 생활을 시작했습니다‬But she started a family here because she trusted the defendant.
‪그러나 마주하게 된 일상은‬ ‪어땠을까요?‬But things were not as she expected.
‪피고가 현재 경작 중인 논과 밭이‬ ‪3,600평 정도인데요‬The defendant owns about 3,600 pyeong of farmland.
‪그 엄청난 농사일을‬And he does all the farming himself
‪도와주는 용역 한 명 없이‬ ‪감당하고 있습니다‬without hiring any help.
‪피고 혼자서‬ ‪감당하기 어려운 상황이니‬As the workload was too heavy for him,
‪어린 원고는‬my young client
‪늘 논일과 밭일에 동원되었습니다‬had no choice but to help him out all the time.
‪원고는 결혼을 한 것인데‬She thought she was marrying him.
‪현실은 노동이었습니다‬But she ended up doing labor for him.
‪앞서 제출한 진단서를 보시면은‬In the diagnosis that we submitted,
‪원고는 극심한‬ ‪산후 우울증을 앓고 있었습니다‬you can see that she was suffering from severe postpartum depression.
‪그래서 부탁을 했어요‬That's why she asked him…
‪'베트남에 잠시 다녀오겠다'‬if she could visit Vietnam for a while.
‪'어머니와 어린 동생들을‬ ‪만나 보면 좋겠다'‬She wanted to see her mother and her young siblings.
‪그런데 그 부탁이‬Was that too much to ask?
‪골절이 올 만큼‬ ‪맞아야 되는 일인지 묻고 싶습니다‬Did she really deserve to be beaten until her bones were broken?
‪예, 농사‬Right. The farming.
‪[성한] 뭐, 용역도 없이 부부가‬The couple worked hard without getting any help.
‪고생 많이 했습니다, 맞습니다‬The couple worked hard without getting any help. That's true.
‪그래서 제가‬ ‪계산을 좀 해 봤는데요‬So I made some calculations.
‪한국 문화가 낯설다고‬ ‪시간이 필요하다고 했죠?‬You told him you needed time to adjust to this country, correct?
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬
‪그래서 1년 동안‬ ‪온라인 강의 보면서‬That's why you spent a whole year taking online Korean classes from home.
‪집에서 공부만 하셨고‬a whole year taking online Korean classes from home.
‪미용 기술을 또 배워 보고 싶어서‬And then another year and two months, for a hairdressing course in Gwangju.
‪1년 2개월을 광주까지‬ ‪왕복 4시간 동안…‬And then another year and two months, for a hairdressing course in Gwangju. A four-hour round trip.
‪[유석이 한숨 쉬며] 재판장님‬ ‪원고는 외국인입니다‬A four-hour round trip. Your Honor, the plaintiff is a foreigner.
‪관계가 없는 질문으로‬ ‪혼란을 일으키고 있습니다‬He's confusing her with irrelevant questions.
‪이게 다 관계있는 질문일 텐데요‬ ‪좀 들어 주시죠‬These are all relevant questions. Let me talk.
‪[판사] 자, 피고 측 대리인‬ ‪중요한 질문만 하시죠‬Defendant's counselor. Get to the point.
‪[성한] 아니, 이게 다 중요해서요‬This is all important.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, Your Honor.
‪중요한 질문 드리겠습니다‬I'll get to the point.
‪자, 원고‬Plaintiff.
‪그럼 결혼 후부터 지금까지‬Throughout your marriage,
‪집안 살림이랑 육아는‬who did the house chores and looked after the baby?
‪누가 했나요?‬who did the house chores and looked after the baby?
‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- [통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬
‪그렇죠?‬That's right.
‪여든일곱, 시어머니께서 하셨죠‬Your 87-year-old mother-in-law did.
‪그래서 제가 계산을 해 보니까‬So I did some calculations.
‪원고가 결혼 후에‬The total amount of time that you spent helping out with the farming
‪농사일로 고생한 시간은‬ ‪대략 3개월 정도입니다‬that you spent helping out with the farming is about three months.
‪물론 3개월도 긴 시간 맞고요‬is about three months. Sure, that's a long time.
‪고생 많이 하신 것도 맞습니다‬It must have been tough.
‪그럼 피고는요?‬But what about my client?
‪피고는 어땠을까요?‬Did he have it any easier?
‪피고는‬Since he got married,
‪결혼 후에 주말에 쉬어 본 적이‬ ‪52주 중 4주 정도입니다‬he's taken 4 weekends off out of 52.
‪물론 명절 연휴 포함해서 4주고요‬This is including holidays, of course.
‪매일 새벽 4시부터 밤 8시까지‬ ‪농사일을 하고 있는데‬He works from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.
‪이런 고된 일상은‬And he's been sticking to this grueling schedule to this day.
‪결혼 후부터 지금까지‬ ‪현재까지 계속 이어지고 있습니다‬And he's been sticking to this grueling schedule to this day.
‪그런데 노동 착취요?‬And you say he exploited you?
‪이 부분은 인정할 수가 없습니다‬I can't agree with that.
‪[유석] 피고 측 주장은‬ ‪사실과 다릅니다‬That is an unverified claim.
‪별다른 근거가 없는‬ ‪주관적인 주장입니다‬It's a subjective claim with no evidence to back it up.
‪이웃들의 진술서‬It's a subjective claim with no evidence to back it up. I would like to submit
‪[성한] 제출하겠습니다‬the neighbors' statements.
‪그리고 산후 우울증을 방치했다?‬You also claim he neglected your postpartum depression,
‪그 부분도 의문인데요‬but I beg to differ.
‪피고는‬The defendant invited every single member of the plaintiff's family to Korea
‪베트남에 있는 원고의 가족들을‬ ‪모두 한국으로 초청해서‬The defendant invited every single member of the plaintiff's family to Korea
‪제주도로 여행도 보내 드렸습니다‬and sent them on a trip to Jeju Island.
‪임신 6개월 차 때인가 그렇죠?‬I believe you were six months pregnant, correct?
‪또 출산 후 피고는‬After she gave birth, the defendant suggested
‪출산으로 고생한‬ ‪원고를 위해서 함께‬the defendant suggested that they visit her home country together.
‪베트남 고향에‬ ‪다녀오자고 했습니다‬that they visit her home country together.
‪아직 아기가 어리고‬ ‪또 접종 문제도 있고 해서‬Since the baby was still young and yet to be vaccinated,
‪6개월 후에 다녀오자고 했고‬they agreed on waiting for six months.
‪비행기 티켓도‬ ‪바로 예매를 했습니다‬He purchased flight tickets right away,
‪그 티켓은 결혼 앨범에도 있던데‬ ‪알고 계시죠?‬which are still in your photo album. You know that, right?
‪씁, 자, 문제는 지금부터인데요‬Here's the problem.
‪원고는 출산 4주 후부터‬Four weeks after giving birth,
‪아이는 시어머니에게 맡긴 채‬ ‪외출이 잦아졌고요‬she started going out often and leaving the baby with her mother-in-law.
‪술에 취해서 밤늦게 귀가하는 일도‬and leaving the baby with her mother-in-law. She would often stay out late and come home drunk.
‪상당히 잦았습니다‬She would often stay out late and come home drunk.
‪피고는 불안하고 걱정됐지만‬ ‪모두 보내 줬습니다, 왜?‬The defendant didn't stop her despite his concern. Why? She was still young, living in a new country,
‪타국이고 아직 어린 나이이고‬Why? She was still young, living in a new country,
‪고생하며 아이를 낳았고, 친구도‬and had just given birth. Plus, he thought she didn't have any friends.
‪친구도 없는 줄 알았으니까요‬Plus, he thought she didn't have any friends.
‪[성한] 이상과 같은 사정들을‬ ‪종합해 볼 때‬Taking these factors into consideration,
‪피고가 원고의 산후 우울증을‬ ‪방치했다는 주장은‬it is far from the truth that the defendant neglected
‪전혀 사실과는 다른 겁니다‬the plaintiff's postpartum depression.
‪한 가지만 묻겠습니다‬I have one question.
‪딱 한 가지만요‬Just one.
‪사건 본인 마영광 군이‬Is your child, Yeong-gwang,
‪[성한] 마춘석 씨‬the biological son
‪피고의 아들이‬of Mr. Ma Chun-seok,
‪맞습니까?‬the defendant?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪사건 본인 마영광 군에 대한‬I would like to request a paternity test for their son, Ma Yeong-gwang.
‪친자 확인 검사 결과를‬ ‪요청하는 바입니다‬I would like to request a paternity test for their son, Ma Yeong-gwang.
‪재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪심증만으로 친자 확인 검사까지‬ ‪진행하는 것은…‬Asking for a paternity test solely based on assumptions--
‪[성한] 아니요‬No. This isn't just based on assumptions.
‪심증만으로 요청하는 게 아니고요‬No. This isn't just based on assumptions.
‪씁, 좀 이해가‬ ‪안 되는 부분이 있어서요‬There's something I don't understand.
‪혈액형 얘기를 잠깐 해 볼까요?‬Let's talk about their blood types.
‪마영광 군의 혈액형은 A형입니다‬Yeong-gwang is blood type A.
‪그리고 엄마인‬ ‪원고 딘티 화 씨의 혈액형은‬Yeong-gwang is blood type A. And his mother, the plaintiff, is blood type O, correct?
‪O형이고요, 맞죠?‬And his mother, the plaintiff, is blood type O, correct?
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬
‪이럴 때 아버지의 혈액형‬ ‪경우의 수는‬In this case, the father's blood type
‪AB형이거나 같은 A형이거나‬can only be type AB or type A.
‪마춘석 씨의 혈액 검사지‬ ‪제출하겠습니다‬I'd like to submit Mr. Ma's blood test results.
‪예, 피고는‬That's right. The defendant…
‪B형입니다‬is blood type B.
‪노, 아니야‬ ‪아빠 A라고 했어요, A!‬No, that's not true. He said he was blood type A.
‪원고와 충분한 대화를‬ ‪나누었습니다‬I had a long conversation with the plaintiff.
‪네, 모든 상황에 깊이 반성합니다‬Yes. She has shown great remorse for her past actions.
‪[유석] 저희 원고는‬ ‪유책 배우자가 된 이상‬Since she is the spouse at fault, she can no longer demand a divorce.
‪이혼을 요구할 수 없으므로‬Since she is the spouse at fault, she can no longer demand a divorce.
‪묻고 싶습니다‬So I'd like to ask you.
‪혼인을 유지하실 생각인가요?‬Will you maintain this marriage?
‪원고가 견디지 못하는 이유에‬Please do understand that her guilt plays a part
‪죄책감이 있었음을‬ ‪이해해 주십시오‬in why she has given up on this marriage.
‪가장 고통스러운 이유는‬the most painful thing for her to bear was…
‪남편 피고의 폭력입니다‬the defendant's violent behavior.
‪뼈가 부러질 지경의 폭력은‬His violent tendencies
‪사건 본인에게도‬ ‪악영향을 미칠 것입니다‬will affect the child negatively.
‪불과 얼마 전 일이죠‬Not too long ago,
‪여기 앉아 계신 신성한 변호사께서‬ ‪아름답게 승소한 사건‬Attorney Shin over there gracefully won a case.
‪[무거운 음악]‬As a result, a highly problematic mother won custody of her child.
‪엄청난 유책이 있는 엄마에게‬ ‪양육권을 안겨 주었죠‬As a result, a highly problematic mother won custody of her child.
‪외도에 성관계 동영상 유출…‬Infidelity, -a video of her-- -Your Honor.
‪저, 재판장님‬-a video of her-- -Your Honor.
‪[판사] 원고 측 대리인‬ ‪하고자 하는 말이 뭔가요?‬Plaintiff's counselor. What are you trying to say?
‪[피식하며] 아, 뭐, 그 사건처럼‬As you can see from that case,
‪'외도도 나쁘고'‬having an affair is bad,
‪[유석] '외도를 하게 만드는‬ ‪환경도 유감이다'‬but so is the situation that makes one do such a thing.
‪뭐, 그런 말입니다‬That's what I'm trying to say.
‪[성한의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 씁, 원고‬Plaintiff.
‪그 팔 골절 말인데요‬About your fractured arm.
‪그, 피고와 피고 모친께서는‬Both the defendant and his mother
‪구타한 적이 없다고 하시고‬deny assaulting you.
‪원고는 피고한테 맞아서‬ ‪팔이 부러졌다고 하시고‬But you claim to have been beaten by him.
‪정말 중요한 부분인데‬ ‪CCTV도 없고, 본 사람도 없고‬This is a very important matter, but there were no cameras or witnesses.
‪씁, 그날 상황에 대해서 좀‬ ‪설명을 해 주시겠어요?‬Could you explain what happened that day?
‪아니, 아무도 본 사람이 없어서요‬No one saw what happened,
‪저도 제일 궁금했던 부분이라서‬and I've been very curious about it.
‪저, 실례지만 어떻게 맞으셨나요?‬If you don't mind, could you tell us how he beat you?
‪- 재판장님‬ ‪- [성한] 재판장님‬-Your Honor! -Your Honor.
‪정말 중요한 질문입니다‬This is very important.
‪네, 계속하세요‬You may continue.
‪[성한] 네‬Thank you.
‪그래서 무엇으로 구타당하셨나요?‬What did he hit you with?
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬
‪피고한테 어떻게 맞으셨나요?‬How did the defendant hit you?
‪양손으로 이렇게 맞았나요?‬With both hands?
‪골절 정도가 되려면‬ ‪정말 엄청 세게 내리쳐야 되잖아요‬He must have hit you very hard to have fractured your bones.
‪그러니까 어떻게 맞았나요?‬So how did he do it?
‪오른팔로 이렇게 아주‬ ‪아주 세게 맞았나요? 아니면‬Did he use his right arm like this? Or did he use his left arm like this?
‪왼팔로 이렇게, 이렇게 맞았나요?‬Or did he use his left arm like this?
‪어느 팔이었나요?‬Which arm was it?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[남자의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[베트남어로] 때려 줘, 빨리‬I'm ready.
‪[남자의 긴장한 신음]‬
‪괜찮을 거야‬You're going to be fine.
‪[딘티 화] 알았어, 빨리해‬Okay, just do it.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[딘티 화가 베트남어로 말한다]‬
‪[통역사가 한국어로] 오른팔로‬ ‪세게 때렸다고 합니다‬She says he hit her with his right arm.
‪- 오른팔이요?‬ ‪- [통역사] 네‬-His right arm? -Yes.
‪[성한] 이, 그… [한숨]‬I…
‪제가 굳이 제출할 필요가‬ ‪없을 것 같아서 넣어 뒀는데요‬I didn't think I'd need to submit this.
‪잠시만요, 재판장님‬One minute, Your Honor.
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬
‪피고의 정형외과 진단서‬ ‪제출하겠습니다‬This is the defendant's orthopedic diagnosis.
‪재판장님‬This is the defendant's orthopedic diagnosis. Your Honor. This evidence wasn't submitted beforehand.
‪사전에 협의되지 않은‬ ‪증거 자료입니다‬This evidence wasn't submitted beforehand.
‪[성한] 아니요, 아니요‬No.
‪이거는 원고가 제출한‬ ‪골절 진단서랑 전혀 다를 바 없는‬This is no different from the plaintiff's fracture diagnosis.
‪오십견 진단서인데요‬It's about his frozen shoulder.
‪대단한 거 아닌데요‬It's nothing big.
‪- 재판장님, 피고는‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬Your Honor. The defendant…
‪1년이 넘는 시간 동안 우측 어깨‬ ‪오십견 치료를 받고 있습니다‬has been receiving treatment for his right shoulder for over a year.
‪무거운 건커녕‬He can't even use chopsticks,
‪젓가락질도 힘들어서‬ ‪숟가락만 사용한 지 꽤 됐고요‬let alone carry anything heavy with his right arm.
‪남편을 신뢰하며‬ ‪타국까지 오신 원고‬You trusted him enough to move to this foreign country.
‪피고인 남편이‬He's your husband.
‪어깨가 이렇게 아프다는 사실‬Did you really not know
‪정말 모르고 있었나요?‬about his shoulder pain?
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬
‪이상입니다‬That is all.
‪[유석의 한숨]‬
‪[기자들이 소란스럽다]‬What are your thoughts on the ruling?
‪[기자1] 재판 결과에 대해‬ ‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬What are your thoughts on the ruling? Anything to say to Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa?
‪[기자2] 딘티 화 씨에게‬ ‪하실 말씀은 없으십니까?‬Anything to say to Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa?
‪[기자3] 신성한 변호사님‬Attorney Shin.
‪딘티 화 씨를 명예 훼손 혐의로‬ ‪고소하실 건가요?‬Will you sue her for slander?
‪[계속되는 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[성한] 그, 과연‬Do you think
‪딘티 화 씨만‬ ‪명예 훼손 하셨을까요?‬Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa is the only one who slandered him?
‪[형근] 이런 거 다‬ ‪먹어도 돼, 이거‬You can eat them now. They're all done.
‪- [정식의 시원한 숨소리]‬ ‪- 요거 다 먹어도 돼‬You can eat them now. They're all done.
‪- [호호 부는 소리]‬ ‪- [성한] 자‬Here.
‪[정식의 탄성]‬
‪[성한의 만족스러운 탄성]‬
‪[형근의 뜨거워하는 숨소리]‬This is great.
‪- [형근] 오늘도 고생했어‬ ‪- [정식] 음‬This is great.
‪[정식의 시원한 탄성]‬
‪[정식] 해남 아저씨는‬ ‪고소 안 한대?‬Is Mr. Ma not going to sue her?
‪[형근] 그 여자랑 그 애‬He apparently got her and the baby an apartment in Daejeon.
‪대전인가 어디에‬ ‪방 얻어 줬다더라?‬He apparently got her and the baby an apartment in Daejeon.
‪[정식] 애 친부인가 뭔가, 걔는?‬What about the kid's father?
‪[형근] 벌써 도망갔지‬He ran away ages ago.
‪[갈매기 울음]‬
‪[차 문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[툭 치며] 야, 국수‬ ‪더 삶아야겄다, 잉?‬I should make some more noodles.
‪금방 끓응께‬It won't take long.
‪[춘석 모] 언능 나가‬Go to her.
‪[영광의 옹알이]‬
‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [자동차 시동음]‬
‪[영광이 칭얼댄다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[정식] 야, 그거 있잖아‬ ‪단편 소설‬That reminds me. Do you remember that novel?
‪교과서에 나왔던 거 있잖아‬Do you remember that novel? The one we read in school.
‪와이프가 바람났나?‬ ‪그래 갖고 애를 낳았는데‬The wife has an affair. So she gives birth even though her husband is sterile.
‪남자는 불임이고‬So she gives birth even though her husband is sterile.
‪자기 애는 아닌데‬ ‪뭐라도 있어야 되니까‬He knows the child isn't his, but he wants some kind of connection.
‪어, 발가락 닮았다고‬ ‪겁나 우긴 거, 그거‬So he insists that the baby has his toes.
‪너 혹시 '발가락이 닮았다'‬ ‪이거 얘기하는 거냐?‬Are you talking about Our Toes Are Alike?
‪[정식] 응! 그거, 그거‬Yes, that one.
‪[성한] 이 새끼는 명작 소개가‬ ‪할렘 수준이야‬I can't believe he butchered that great novel like that.
‪염상섭 형님이 아시면은‬ ‪그거 얼마나 화가 나시겠냐?‬Yeom Sang-seop would be so upset.
‪막 관 뚜껑을 뜯고 나오겠어‬He'd be turning in his grave.
‪- 염상, 염상섭, 응‬ ‪- [성한] 화가 나서‬-Right, Yeom Sang-seop. -He'd be so mad.
‪화가 나시지, 김동인‬But not as mad as Kim Dong-in.
‪[형근] '발가락이 닮았다', 김동인‬The one who wrote Our Toes Are Alike.
‪염상섭 아니고!‬Not Yeom Sang-seop.
‪[정식] 아유, 새끼야‬You idiot.
‪[형근] 아유‬ ‪언어 영녁에 신경 좀 써‬Read your classicals.
‪[정식] 언어 '영녁' 아니고‬ ‪'영역'이라고 해야지‬It's "classics," not "classicals."
‪- [형근] 영역?‬ ‪- [정식] 응, 영역‬-Classics? -Yes, classics.
‪[성한] 나는 수능을 안 봤잖니?‬ ‪응? 영재라서‬I didn't have to take the CSAT. I was gifted.
‪[정식] 아휴, 재수 없어‬You're so obnoxious.
‪[영주] 컨디션은 좀 어떠세요?‬How are you feeling?
‪나빠 보이진 않은데‬You seem to be doing well.
‪[쩝 소리를 낸다]‬
‪잘 먹고 잘 자고‬I eat and sleep well.
‪뭐, 나쁘진 않습니다‬I eat and sleep well. I'm doing fine.
‪그럼 안 되는 거 아닌가?‬But you shouldn't be.
‪아이, 뭐‬ ‪쫄아 있어야 되는 거예요?‬Should I be crying in a corner?
‪일을 이렇게밖에 못 해요?‬Was that the best you could do?
‪웃음거리가 됐잖아요‬You made us all look stupid.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 아니‬I mean…
‪마춘석이 사랑일 줄은 몰랐죠‬I had no idea Ma Chun-seok genuinely loved her.
‪[유석] 혈액형 숨기고‬ ‪외도도 오케이‬He hid his blood type to cover up her infidelity
‪남의 자식도 오케이‬and even took in her son.
‪러브 스토리로 흐르면‬ ‪맥 못 잡아요‬Love sure conquers all.
‪[영주] 그 파이팅은‬ ‪어디 갔을까요?‬What happened to your drive?
‪신주화‬You should have done
‪기영이 엄마 사건 때처럼‬ ‪뭐든 했어야죠‬everything you could like you did during Shin Ju-hwa's case.
‪안 그래요?‬Don't you agree?
‪아이, 그때랑은 다르죠‬That was a different story.
‪[유석] 아니, 딘티 화가 나한테‬It's not like Dinh Thi Hoa offered me a job.
‪파트너 변호사 자리를‬ ‪준다고 한 것도 아닌데‬It's not like Dinh Thi Hoa offered me a job.
‪뭐든 하긴‬I had no reason
‪명분이 없어요‬to go that far.
‪박유석 씨‬Park Yu-seok.
‪'박유석 씨'?‬What did you call me?
‪[영주] 이게 지금‬ ‪무슨 태도인가요?‬What is this attitude? You're crossing the line.
‪선이 없네‬You're crossing the line.
‪내가 드리고 싶은 진언이‬ ‪바로 그겁니다‬You're crossing the line. That's exactly what I want to say to you.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪선 좀 넘지 마세요, 제발‬Please stop crossing the line.
‪[유석] 신성한 자극하지‬ ‪말자고 했잖아요, 다 죽는 거라고‬I told you not to provoke Shin Sung-han or we'd all be doomed.
‪굳이 마춘석‬ ‪신성한한테 내보낸 것도 일방적‬Yet you sent Ma Chun-seok to him without consulting me,
‪박유석을 경기마로‬ ‪출전시킨 것도 일방적‬put me on the case without discussing it with me,
‪언론 플레이도 일방적‬and contacted the media without running it by me.
‪너무 원웨이 하잖아요‬Aren't we supposed to be partners?
‪이러면 수습하기 어려워요 [웃음]‬These kinds of things are hard to come back from.
‪[영주] 언제까지 안전할까요‬ ‪그 자리?‬How long do you think you can keep that position of yours,
‪박유석 변호사님?‬Attorney Park?
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪오늘의 포인트는 바로 그거네요‬So that's what you wanted to tell me.
‪'박유석이'‬"Park Yu-seok."
‪'잘리기 전에 정신 차리고'‬"Know your place and stay there
‪'알아서 기어라'‬if you want to keep your job."
‪[영주] 제가 줄 수 있었던 건‬ ‪여기까지예요‬This is as far as my generosity goes.
‪이렇게 무능하면‬It's only natural
‪밀려나는 거는 자연스러운 거예요‬for the incompetent to be replaced,
‪박유석 변호사님‬Attorney Park.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪셋 다 늙었다‬You've all gotten old.
‪[정식] 할머니‬Grandma.
‪나 피부 나이 32세!‬I have the skin of a 32-year-old.
‪야, 누가 그, 누, 누가‬ ‪누가 그카대?‬Who said that?
‪피부과 원장이요‬My dermatologist.
‪- [정식] 너 거기 피부과 알지?‬ ‪- [기가 찬 소리]‬You know that clinic, right?
‪제이 피부과‬J Clinic.
‪거기 원장이 겁나 이쁘잖아‬J Clinic. The dermatologist is totally hot.
‪- 차미조‬ ‪- [소연의 한숨]‬Dr. Cha Mi-jo.
‪[성한] 그, 어떻게‬ ‪수술하신 데는 괜찮으세요?‬How did your surgery go?
‪어, 그래, 마, 걸을 만은 해‬At least I can walk around now.
‪[소연 모의 한숨] 느그 셋 얘기는‬ ‪야한테 다 들었다, 응‬She told me what you've been up to.
‪니 이혼했다매?‬I heard you got divorced.
‪[형근] 훅 들어오셔, 쯧‬You caught me off-guard.
‪이혼했죠‬Yes. I did.
‪세상 잘했다, 어?‬Well done.
‪뭐 한다꼬 그래 기달리노‬You should have let her go sooner.
‪[소연 모] 인연 만나 간 사람 뭐‬ ‪어, 붙잡아서 그, 뭐 할 긴데?‬You should have let her go sooner. What's the point of holding on to her when she's found someone else?
‪아이고, 잘했다, 잘한 기라‬You did the right thing.
‪[형근] 예‬Thank you.
‪[소연 모] 그래도 그, 저‬But still,
‪유모차 사 준 거‬ ‪그거 오버 아이가?‬the stroller was over the top.
‪- 엄마‬ ‪- [소연 모] 어?‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪- 좀‬ ‪- [소연 모] 와?‬-Please. -Why?
‪[형근] 아이, 그‬ ‪주변에서 추천을 하더라고요‬Well… That's what people recommended.
‪[성한] 저는 현금이라고 했거든요‬That's what people recommended. I said cash.
‪[정식] 아이, 그걸 뭐‬ ‪조립을 해 가지고, 이만한 건데‬I said cash. He put that huge thing together himself
‪저, 천, 약간 천이‬ ‪이렇게 돌아가 가지고 [웃음]‬He put that huge thing together himself and it was a bit crooked.
‪- [성한] 색깔도 이상해요, 예‬ ‪- [소연 모의 웃음]‬It was a weird color too.
‪근데 니가 제일로 분발해야 될걸?‬But you're in deeper water.
‪- [정식] 나? 왜요?‬ ‪- [소연 모] 그래‬Me? -Yes. -Why?
‪형근이, 자‬ ‪이제 프리 아이가, 프리, 응?‬Hyeong-geun is a single man now.
‪사람 저래 멀쩡한데‬ ‪인마, 여자들 줄 서지 싶다, 나는‬Considering his character, women will be lining up for him.
‪[정식] 에이, 할머니‬Come on.
‪나는 오리지널 싱글이고 얘는 돌싱‬Come on. I'm a bachelor and he's divorced.
‪[형근] 야, 난 오리지널 적금 통장‬ ‪넌 마이너스 통장‬I'm a bachelor and he's divorced. Hey, at least I have some money saved up. You're in debt.
‪[정식] 야, 대기업도‬ ‪대출 다 있어, 인마‬Even the conglomerates have debt. You're so ignorant.
‪뭘 알지도 못하는 게, 씨…‬Even the conglomerates have debt. You're so ignorant.
‪야, 야, 니 피아노 잘 치데‬Hey. I didn't know you were so good at playing the piano.
‪- [성한] 보셨어요?‬ ‪- [소연 모] 어‬-Did you see it? -Yes.
‪[성한이 사투리 억양으로]‬ ‪내가 좀 치죠?‬-Did you see it? -Yes. Not bad, right?
‪- 그래‬ ‪- [소연의 웃음]‬Yes.
‪야, 그 되지도 않는‬ ‪변호사 사무실 때려치우고‬You should close down your lame office and start a piano school instead.
‪피아노 학원 채리라‬You should close down your lame office and start a piano school instead.
‪[소연 모] 내가 보기에는, 마‬ ‪아들 가르칠 그, 수준은 되던데?‬From what I saw, I think you're good enough to teach some kids.
‪- [소연] 엄마, 엄마‬ ‪- [소연 모] 응?‬From what I saw, I think you're good enough to teach some kids. -Mom. -Yes?
‪[소연] 내가‬ ‪차분하게 설명을 드렸잖아‬I already explained it all to you.
‪독일에서 교수였다고, 피아노 교수‬He was a professor in Germany. A piano professor.
‪그, 되지도 않은 소리 좀‬ ‪고만하라 캤지, 내가‬And I told you to stop with that nonsense.
‪[성한] 할머니, 세상에는요‬Grandma. This world is full of nonsense.
‪되지도 않는 얘기들이‬ ‪참 많이 있잖아요‬This world is full of nonsense.
‪근데 이렇게 곱씹어 보면은‬But if you take a closer look,
‪그 나름의 이유들도 있고‬ ‪사연들도 있고…‬everything happens for a reason, -and everyone has a story-- -If you ask me,
‪내가 생각하기에는‬-and everyone has a story-- -If you ask me,
‪[소연 모] 그, 피아노 교수‬ ‪뺨치게 잘 치던데‬you're as good as a piano professor.
‪[성한] 아니, 아니, 피아노 교수‬ ‪뺨을 치는 게 아니고요‬No. I'm not as good as a professor.
‪제가 진짜 독일에서 애들‬ ‪그, 교수를…‬I'm not as good as a professor. I was an actual professor in Germany--
‪아, 그래그래, 그래, 그렇다 치자‬Fine. Let's say that's the case.
‪근데 와 그랄꼬, 응?‬So what's your problem?
‪- [소연 모] 모지라는 놈일까?‬ ‪- [정식의 웃음]‬Are you just dense?
‪[성한] 네?‬Sorry?
‪[소연 모] 그, 사무실에 그냥‬ ‪가만히 들어앉아 가가, 응?‬You're sitting in your office all day,
‪장가도 안 간 놈이‬meddling with other people's marriages when you've never been married yourself.
‪넘 이혼, 넘 이혼하는 거는‬ ‪뭘 그리 들여다보고 있노, 응?‬meddling with other people's marriages when you've never been married yourself.
‪야, 그걸로 치면 마, 정식이‬In that sense, Jeong-sik…
‪야, 니 정식이 맞제?‬In that sense, Jeong-sik… That's your name, right?
‪어, 정식이, 얘가 니보다 낫제‬That's your name, right? He's doing much better than you.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Write that down. That's pure wisdom right there.
‪[정식] 야, 적어‬ ‪좋은 말씀 주시잖아‬Write that down. That's pure wisdom right there.
‪그래, 적어라, 그‬ ‪적어야 된다, 응‬Yes, write it down.
‪[성한] 라면이나 주세요!‬Just give us our ramyeon!
‪아이고‬Look at you.
‪한 소리 지꼈다고 저, 저 주둥이‬ ‪튀어나온 거 봐라, 주둥이‬Pouting just because I nagged you a little.
‪적어‬Write it down.
‪- [소연 모] 아이고, 아이고…‬ ‪- [소연] 갑시다, 갑시다‬-Gosh. -Let's go.
‪- 아이고, 아이고, 조심조심, 조심‬ ‪- [성한] 지팡이‬-Goodness. Be careful. -But…
‪[소연 모] 개않아‬-I'm fine. -Write it down before you forget.
‪[정식] 야, 까먹기 전에 적어‬-I'm fine. -Write it down before you forget.
‪[형근] 정식이한테 졌어‬You lost to Jeong-sik.
‪[성한] 갑자기 정식이한테 진다고?‬I'm suddenly worse than Jeong-sik?
‪- [형근] 와…‬ ‪- [정식의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[준] 어, 잘 찾아왔네요‬This must be the place.
‪들어갈까요?‬Shall we go in?
‪어, 갑자기 배가 아파서요‬Shall we go in? I suddenly have a stomachache.
‪[서진] 아침부터 안 좋았는데‬ ‪계속 안 좋네‬It's been hurting since this morning.
‪갑자기는 아니구나‬So I guess not suddenly.
‪약국 좀 다녀올게요‬ ‪먼저 들어가세요‬I'll go get some medicine. Go ahead.
‪아유, 배가 아프면‬ ‪인터뷰가 귀에 잘 안 들어오죠‬It's hard to focus when you have a stomachache.
‪내가 그 필 알거든‬I know how that feels.
‪[준] 근처에 약국이…‬Where could a pharmacy--
‪[서진] 어어, 제가 알아볼게요‬Where could a pharmacy-- I can find one myself.
‪전 시원한 비타민 음료‬ ‪마시고 싶어요‬I could use a refreshing vitamin drink.
‪그럼 전‬I'll be going in.
‪- [사람들의 대화 소리]‬ ‪- [노크 소리]‬
‪- [여자1] 네‬ ‪- [준] 어머님, 안녕하세요‬-Come in. -Hello, ladies.
‪- [준의 웃음]‬ ‪- [여자들] 안녕하세요‬-Come in. -Hello, ladies. Hello.
‪[여자2] 왜요?‬ ‪조현병이라서 못 살겠대요?‬Does he want to divorce her because of her schizophrenia?
‪아유, 나 그런 거 얘기하면‬ ‪나 변호사 못 해, 응?‬I can't talk about that kind of stuff.
‪[준] 비밀 보장‬That's confidential.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Right.
‪[여자2] 맞아‬Right.
‪사연이 다 있겠지‬I'm sure he has his reasons.
‪어쩌다 보니까‬ ‪카페장 하고 있지마는‬I may be running a support group for them,
‪조현병 앓은 가족 있는 사람들‬but family members of those who have schizophrenia
‪죄다 속이 시커멓죠‬go through a lot emotionally.
‪카페 회원들 이야기 모아 놓으면‬ ‪열 권짜리 책이 나올 거예요‬You could write a dozen books with all the stories from the group.
‪[준] 지금 운영하시는 온라인 카페‬ ‪'마음너울'에 보면‬with all the stories from the group. About your online support group, Heart Waves.
‪- 회원 수가 꽤 많더라고요?‬ ‪- [카페장] 응‬It's got quite a few members.
‪참여율은 좀 어때요? 뭐‬How active are they?
‪[준] 오프라인 모임도 하고‬ ‪그러시나?‬Do you meet in person too?
‪주로 온라인에서‬ ‪정보 공유 많이 하고‬We mostly share information online
‪한 달에 한 번 정기 모임 갖고‬We mostly share information online and have our monthly offline meetings.
‪- 그렇죠, 뭐‬ ‪- [준] 응‬and have our monthly offline meetings.
‪그럼 혹시‬By any chance,
‪박현태 씨라고 기억하세요?‬do you remember a man named Park Hyeon-tae?
‪박현태?‬"Park Hyeon-tae"?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪[준] 어! 이 사람‬This is him.
‪아! 기억나네요‬I remember him now.
‪현태, 맞아, 현태 씨였어‬I remember him now. That's Hyeon-tae.
‪- [여자3] 오, 잘생겼다‬ ‪- [여자1] 잘생겼네‬That's Hyeon-tae. -He's handsome. -Right?
‪- [카페장] 그렇지? [웃음]‬ ‪- [준의 웃음]‬-He's handsome. -Right?
‪[준] 아이, 그럼 박현태 씨가‬Was he pretty active
‪씁, 카페 활동은 열심히 하셨을까?‬Was he pretty active in your support group?
‪진짜 열심이었어‬He was very active.
‪[카페장] 젊은 사람이 속도 깊고‬Such a thoughtful young man.
‪[준] 어, 어어‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪시원하진 않아요‬It's probably lukewarm.
‪[준이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[준] 배 아픈 건 약 드셨어요?‬How's your stomach? Did you take your medicine?
‪[서진] 네‬ ‪약 먹으니까 괜찮아졌어요‬Yes, I feel better now.
‪- 갈까요?‬ ‪- [준] 그럴까요?‬-Should we go? -Shall we?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬Okay.
‪[차창 올라가는 소리]‬
‪[성한의 감탄]‬
‪[소연 모의 웃음]‬
‪[소연] 며칠 굶었나?‬Have they been starving?
‪[웃음]‬Hey, my ramyeon is better, right?
‪야, 내가 끓인 게‬ ‪더 맛있제? 으이?‬Hey, my ramyeon is better, right?
‪[성한, 형근의 탄성]‬GRANDMA'S NOODLE SHOP You can't beat the original owner.
‪[정식] 아, 이게 원조의 힘이랄까?‬You can't beat the original owner.
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- 아휴‬You can't beat the original owner.
‪원조는 냅니다‬ ‪내 몇 번 말씀드려?‬I'm the original owner. How many times do I have to tell you?
‪[성한] 이게‬ ‪할머니만의 물잡이가 있어‬You use just the right amount of water. Hey.
‪- 야, 국물 간이 딱 좋지?‬ ‪- [형근] 응‬Hey. -Isn't the soup perfect? -Yes.
‪- [소연 모의 웃음]‬ ‪- 근데‬But I think Ms. Kim's noodles have better texture.
‪면발은 따님 사장님께 더 맛있어요‬But I think Ms. Kim's noodles have better texture.
‪다 먹을 때까지‬ ‪퍼지지가 않는다니까‬They don't get soggy until you finish.
‪그게, 그게 스킬이거든요‬That's a skill.
‪어, 공깃밥 좀 드릴까요?‬Do you want some rice?
‪면 좀 더 먹고요‬A little bit later.
‪- [후루룩]‬ ‪- [로맨틱한 음악]‬
‪[심장 박동 효과음]‬
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[성한] 이런 놈이었어‬We never saw his potential.
‪[정식의 웃음]‬
‪밥 좀 말 수 있을까요?‬May I have some rice?
‪오브 코스예‬Of course.
‪야, 느그 둘은‬ ‪수가 딸리는 기라, 응?‬He's miles ahead of you two.
‪장형근이 따라갈람 안직 멀었다‬You still have a long way to go.
‪[소연 모의 웃음]‬
‪[소연] 밥 왔습니다‬Here's your rice.
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[소연] 라면 붇는다‬ ‪어서 드세요, 할매 라면‬Your noodles are getting soggy. Go on and eat her ramyeon.
‪[소연 모가 구시렁거린다]‬You've gone insane.
‪- [성한] 그…‬ ‪- [정식] 저희도‬Can we get some rice too?
‪저희도 밥 한 공기 주세요‬Can we get some rice too? We're all out.
‪[소연] 없어요‬We're all out.
‪[형근] 아이고야, 말아 버렸네?‬Oh, dear. I dropped it.
‪말아 버렸어‬-I dropped it right in. -Should we just kill him?
‪[정식] 죽여 버릴까? 저거‬-I dropped it right in. -Should we just kill him?
‪[성한] 밥을 말고 싶네‬I could really use some rice.
‪[소연 모] 야, 밥 없다‬-We're all out. -No rice.
‪- [소연] 없어, 없어, 없어, 없어‬ ‪- [소연 모의 옅은 웃음]‬-We're all out. -No rice.
‪퇴근 안 해요?‬Why are you still here?
‪[준] 아, 보스가 퇴근하시니까‬I guess I'll get going, now that my boss is clocking out.
‪저도 한번 슬슬 퇴근해 볼까요?‬I guess I'll get going, now that my boss is clocking out.
‪멘트가, 그… [한숨]‬You and your words…
‪진짜 되게‬ ‪부담스러운 타입인 거 알죠?‬You know you come on too strong, right?
‪[준] 모릅니다‬No, sir.
‪응, 먼저 갑니다‬Right. -I'm leaving. -Sir.
‪[준] 아, 저, 변호사님‬-I'm leaving. -Sir.
‪[성한] 예‬Yes? It's my first case.
‪그래도 첫 소송인데‬ ‪브리핑 한번 드려도 될까요?‬It's my first case. -Could I brief you on it? -No.
‪[성한] 싫은데요‬ ‪나도 머리 터져요‬-Could I brief you on it? -No. I have a lot on my mind.
‪그냥 각자 알아서 하는 걸로‬Let's just mind our own business.
‪[준] 네, 뭐, 그러도록‬ ‪아, 저, 잠깐‬All right, I guess… Hold on.
‪아, 외근은‬ ‪저 혼자 다녀도 될 거 같아서요‬I think I can do the legwork alone.
‪왜죠? 이유는요?‬And why is that?
‪아, 그, 실장님이 아직‬I don't think Ms. Lee is quite ready to go out and meet people yet.
‪외근을 좀 힘들어하시는 거 같아서‬I don't think Ms. Lee is quite ready to go out and meet people yet.
‪음, 뭔지 알겠어요‬I understand. Let's talk about it later.
‪- 뭐, 상의해 봅시다‬ ‪- [준] 네‬I understand. Let's talk about it later. Okay.
‪[성한] 더 없죠?‬That's it, right?
‪'저기요', '잠깐만요'‬ ‪뭐, '변호사님', 뭐 없죠?‬No more "hold on," "wait," or "sir," right?
‪그 정도로 애정하진 않습니다, 네‬I love you, but not that much.
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪[서진] 우유 있나?‬Do we have milk?
‪[현우] 없어‬No.
‪[서진] 우유‬Milk.
‪현우 뭐 필요한 거 없어?‬Do you need anything?
‪나 운동화‬Sneakers.
‪[현우] 작아졌어‬They're too small now.
‪벌써 작아졌어?‬Already?
‪[서진의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[서진] 발 많이 컸네‬Your feet have gotten so big.
‪[웃으며] 그냥 요만했는데‬They used to be so tiny.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬They used to be so tiny. That tickles.
‪간지러워‬That tickles.
‪[서진] 운동화‬Sneakers.
‪봐 봐, 이것도 이쁘다‬Come here. These look nice.
‪[현우] 아무거나‬Anything's fine.
‪아이, 그래도 한번 자세히 봐 봐‬You should still have a look.
‪이거 어때?‬What do you think?
‪발도 편하대‬It says they're comfortable.
‪[현우] 응, 그거 해‬Okay. I'll get those.
‪마음에 안 들어?‬Do you not like them?
‪딴것도 한번 보자‬Let me look for other ones.
‪- 근데 엄마‬ ‪- [서진] 응‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪신어 보지도 않았는데‬How do you know if they're comfortable
‪발이 편한지 어떻게 알아?‬without trying them on?
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- [현우의 한숨]‬
‪오늘 주문할 거지?‬Are you ordering them today?
‪[서진] 응‬Yes.
‪금요일 날 체육 시간에‬ ‪신을 수 있겠지?‬Do you think I can get them before PE class on Friday?
‪그럼‬Of course.
‪[현우의 하품]‬
‪[현우] 나 먼저 잔다‬I'm going to bed.
‪[서진] 어, 그래, 양치했지?‬Okay. -Did you brush your teeth? -Yes.
‪[현우] 어‬-Did you brush your teeth? -Yes.
‪잘 자, 엄마‬-Good night, Mom. -Good night.
‪- 잘 자‬ ‪- [현우] 응‬-Good night, Mom. -Good night. Thanks. You too.
‪- 엄마도 잘 자‬ ‪- [서진] 응‬Thanks. You too. Thanks.
‪[문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪[준] 피고의 형과 형수는‬ ‪무리한 요구가 많았습니다‬The defendant's brother and his wife made many unreasonable demands.
‪[준] 갖고 싶은 옷이나 가전제품을‬ ‪선물이라는 명목으로‬They demanded clothes or home appliances as gifts once every two months.
‪두 달에 한 번꼴로‬ ‪요구해 왔습니다‬They demanded clothes or home appliances as gifts once every two months.
‪현재 피고 형의 집에 있는 건조기‬ ‪김치냉장고, 텔레비전, 아!‬Their dryer, kimchi fridge, TV…
‪62인치고요‬It's a 62-inch TV at that.
‪심지어 해외 유명 토스터기까지‬They even asked for a toaster from a famous foreign brand.
‪이 모든 걸 원고가 사 줬습니다‬They even asked for a toaster from a famous foreign brand. And the plaintiff paid for everything.
‪마지막으로 강요받은 선물은‬Most recently, for his sister-in-law's birthday,
‪형수의 생일을 맞이해서‬he was demanded a designer purse that you'd have to line up to get.
‪오픈 런 엄청 해야 구할 수 있는‬ ‪명품 백이었어요‬he was demanded a designer purse that you'd have to line up to get.
‪제출한 문자 사본 보시면‬I submitted a text from her.
‪'오픈 런은 내가 할 테니‬ ‪동서는 카드만 주면 돼'‬"I'll wait in line. You can just give me your credit card."
‪이런 무리하고‬ ‪상식 밖의 것들을 요구하는데‬The defendant couldn't say no
‪피고는 거절하지 못했습니다, 왜?‬to these unreasonable demands. Why?
‪왜 거절하지 못했을까요?‬Why couldn't he?
‪[준] 피고의 숨겨 놓은 딸을‬ ‪형과 형수가 양육하고 있어서죠‬Because they were raising his daughter whom he had been hiding.
‪문제는 그 모든 걸 속이고‬ ‪결혼한 겁니다‬Because they were raising his daughter whom he had been hiding. The problem is that he hid everything and got married to the plaintiff.
‪조카가‬ ‪남편의 딸이라는 걸 알게 된‬The problem is that he hid everything and got married to the plaintiff. When she found out that her niece is actually her husband's daughter,
‪원고의 분노와 고통은‬ ‪이루 말할 수가 없었습니다‬When she found out that her niece is actually her husband's daughter, she was furious and devastated.
‪[변호사] 피고도 그 부분을‬ ‪깊이 뉘우치고 있습니다‬The defendant has shown great remorse regarding that matter.
‪그래서 앞으로의 인생은 오로지‬ ‪아내를 위해 살겠다는 결심으로‬He has promised to dedicate the rest of his life to her
‪[변호사] 하루하루‬ ‪용서를 빌고 있습니다‬and has been asking for her forgiveness.
‪하지만 원고 또한‬But the plaintiff also held back a very important piece of information.
‪반드시 공개했어야 하는‬ ‪심각한 삶의 환경을 숨겼죠?‬But the plaintiff also held back a very important piece of information.
‪피고를 진정한 반려자로 생각하며‬ ‪사랑하고 신뢰한다면‬Had she truly considered him her partner who she loves and trusts, she should have--
‪- 당연히 먼저 이 부분…‬ ‪- [준] 아‬who she loves and trusts, she should have--
‪그, 조현병이요? 예, 맞습니다‬You mean her schizophrenia? You're right.
‪완쾌는 어려운 병이죠‬ ‪하지만 호전은 있죠‬It can't be cured, but it can be treated.
‪원고는 피고를 만나기 전까지‬ ‪호전되고 있었습니다‬Her condition had been improving until she met the defendant.
‪제출한 당시 주치의 진단서 보시죠‬I submitted her doctor's note…
‪아니, 보셨는데 왜 자꾸 그러시지?‬-Didn't you see it too? -Look here.
‪- 여보세요 [헛웃음]‬ ‪- [준] 예, 여기 보세요, 여보세요‬-Didn't you see it too? -Look here. I'm looking.
‪조정에 집중하시기 바랍니다‬Please focus on the mediation.
‪[준이 살짝 웃으며] 죄송합니다‬My apologies.
‪[변호사] 조현병 환자를‬ ‪평생 돌본다는 건‬Being a schizophrenic's guardian requires a great deal of sacrifice.
‪아주 큰 희생이 필요합니다‬Being a schizophrenic's guardian requires a great deal of sacrifice.
‪어쩌면 학벌, 집안, 재산‬Perhaps that's why her parents gladly accepted him
‪모든 게 불안한 피고를‬ ‪흔쾌히 받아 준 것도‬despite his poor educational, family, and financial background.
‪이런 이유 아닐까요?‬despite his poor educational, family, and financial background.
‪그, 자신이‬Do you feel inferior?
‪[준] 많이 꿀린다고 생각하세요?‬Do you feel inferior?
‪아이, 받아 준다는 표현이‬ ‪좀 이상해서요‬It's strange that he'd say they "accepted" him.
‪불안한 인생이라는 것도 좀 그렇고‬And the "poor background" part is strange too.
‪[변호사] 최대한 겸손한 모습으로‬ ‪진심을 전하는 중입니다‬He's doing his best to be humble in conveying his sincere feelings.
‪성급하시네요‬You're impatient.
‪[빈정거리며] 아유, 죄송하네요‬I apologize.
‪아내에게 심각한 정신병이 있음을‬ ‪혼인 생활 후에 알게 됐지만‬He found out about her mental illness after getting married,
‪사랑하는 마음으로 돌보며, 반려자‬He found out about her mental illness after getting married, but he cared for her with love. Please do not disregard his commendable decision
‪[변호사] 반려자가 되기로 한‬ ‪피고의 갸륵한 마음마저‬Please do not disregard his commendable decision
‪거짓으로 치부하지‬ ‪말아 주시기 바랍니다‬to become her life partner.
‪[헛웃음 치며] '갸륵한 마음'‬"Commendable"?
‪완전 거짓말 맞잖아요‬That's a total lie.
‪피고가 원고의 병을‬ ‪알게 된 시점이 아주 중요합니다‬It's very important to note when the defendant found out about her illness.
‪아이, 동의하시나요?‬Do you agree?
‪너무나도요‬-Totally. -I'm totally grateful.
‪어유, 너무나도 감사드리고요‬-Totally. -I'm totally grateful.
‪박현태 씨‬Mr. Park.
‪'마음너울' 아시죠?‬Are you familiar with Heart Waves?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[카페장] 요즘엔 뜸하네‬ ‪동생은 잘 지내나?‬I haven't seen him in a while. I wonder how his sister is doing.
‪동생이요?‬His sister?
‪동생이 조현병이잖아요‬She suffers from schizophrenia.
‪아, 아유, 그래, 맞아‬ ‪들은 거 같다, 응‬Right. I think I've heard.
‪현태 그 사람이 속이 깊어요‬Hyeon-tae is so considerate.
‪엄마 아빠한테만‬ ‪맡겨 둘 수가 없다고‬He took great care of his sister
‪자기가 돌봐야 된다면서‬ ‪꽤 열심이었지‬to share his parents' burden.
‪[카페장] 아휴, 오빠가 참 자상해‬He's such a great brother.
‪[준이 작게] 아…‬
‪그럼 그, 현태 씨가‬When did he join your group?
‪거기 언제부터 나왔죠?‬When did he join your group?
‪그때가, 보자…‬Let me think…
‪3년 전에, 정초에 왔지‬Three years ago in January.
‪[카페장] 구정 앞두고 왔으니까‬Right before the Lunar New Year.
‪젊은 사람이 동생 돌본다니까‬ ‪기특해서 기억이 나요‬I remember being impressed by how caring that young man was.
‪근데 왜?‬Why do you ask?
‪[준] '마음너울'‬Heart Waves.
‪조현병 환자를 돌보는‬ ‪가족들의 모임입니다‬It's a support group for family members of schizophrenics.
‪온 오프로 활발하게 운영 중이고요‬It's very active online and offline.
‪피고가 이 카페에 가입한 일자가‬ ‪2019년 2월 13일‬The defendant joined the group on February 13, 2019.
‪피고가 원고가 다니는 교회의‬ ‪새 신자 등록일이‬Then he became a member of the plaintiff's church
‪2019년 3월 8일‬on March 8, 2019.
‪뭘 의미하는 걸까요?‬What could this mean?
‪그 정황만으로 피고가 의도적으로‬ ‪원고에게 접근했다는 건‬It's an unreasonable assumption to say that he intentionally approached her.
‪무리한 추측입니다‬It's an unreasonable assumption to say that he intentionally approached her.
‪네, 다시 묻겠습니다‬Okay. Let me ask you again.
‪[준] 왜 가입하셨나요?‬Why did you join the group?
‪제가 조사한 바로는‬ ‪여동생이 조현병이라고‬According to my research, your sister is schizophrenic.
‪근데 하필 그 여동생이‬ ‪조민정 씨와 나이가 같고‬And that sister happened to be the same age as your wife,
‪피아노 전공한 것도 같고‬and they both majored in piano.
‪근데 피고에겐 그런 여동생은 없고‬Except you don't have such a sister.
‪딸아이를 키워 준다는 명목으로‬You only have a brother who makes
‪무리한 걸 요구해 오는 형 한 분‬unreasonable demands in return for raising your kid.
‪도대체 그 여동생이 누군가요?‬So who was this sister of yours?
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- [떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪사랑해서 그랬어요, 사랑해서‬I did it because I loved her. Because I loved her.
‪[현태] 조현병 걸린 딸‬I had to prove to her parents
‪내가 잘 돌볼 수 있다고 어필해야‬ ‪눈길이라도 줄 거니까‬that I could take good care of their daughter for them to accept me.
‪안 그래요, 아버님?‬Don't you agree? Let's face it.
‪솔직히 민정이 헛소리하는 거‬ ‪제가 잘 들어 주고 하니까‬Let's face it. You accepted me because I put up with her nonsense.
‪저 받은 거잖아요‬You accepted me because I put up with her nonsense.
‪맞잖아요, 아버님‬Isn't that right?
‪[준] 사랑해서 그랬다?‬You did it because you loved her?
‪여전히 사랑하시나요?‬Do you still love her?
‪몇 번을 말합니까?‬ ‪전 민정이밖에 없다고요!‬How many times do I have to tell you? She's all that I have!
‪[준] 그렇죠‬She's all that I have! Sure.
‪조민정 씨가 약을 먹고‬ ‪생사를 오가고 있을 때‬You came running when she was fighting for her life after she overdosed.
‪한걸음에 달려오셨죠‬You came running when she was fighting for her life after she overdosed.
‪아, 맞아‬Right.
‪아, 그, 그때 나 봤잖아요‬You saw me there.
‪봤죠, 봤죠, 봤죠, 그리고‬I did. I absolutely did. And…
‪이것도 봤죠‬I also saw this.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪- [준] 음‬ ‪- [변호사의 한숨]‬
‪[영상 속 현태의 웃음]‬
‪사랑입니까?‬You call this love?
‪아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[현태] 아, 피차 윈윈 아니야?‬It was a win-win.
‪고졸에 돈 없고 빽 없는‬ ‪나 같은 놈‬You never would have paid attention to a penniless, uneducated guy like me.
‪거들떠도 안 볼 거잖아요‬ ‪안 그래요?‬to a penniless, uneducated guy like me. Aren't I right?
‪[조정 위원] 피고‬Defendant.
‪아, 딸이 정신병 있는 거‬ ‪왜 숨겼어요, 그럼?‬Why did you hide her condition?
‪[현태] 처음부터 거짓말한 건‬ ‪두 분이시잖아!‬You and your wife deceived me first!
‪교회 장로, 권사가 그래도 돼요?‬How could you do that as church elders?
‪내가, 이씨‬I said…
‪아니, 정신병자 년‬ ‪평생 돌봐 준다잖아요!‬I would have taken care of your crazy daughter forever!
‪[조정 위원] 피고‬I would have taken care of your crazy daughter forever! -Defendant. -Watch your mouth. What are you, a thug?
‪[준] 박현태 씨‬ ‪말 함부로 하지 마세요‬-Defendant. -Watch your mouth. What are you, a thug?
‪- 양아치입니까?‬ ‪- [조정 위원] 원고 대리인‬-Defendant. -Watch your mouth. What are you, a thug? Plaintiff's counselor.
‪[현태] 너 뭐라 그랬어?‬What did you just say?
‪저 새끼가 지금 공부 좀 했다고‬ ‪누굴 가르쳐…‬Are you lecturing me just because you're educated?
‪- 야‬ ‪- [준] 왜?‬-Hey. -What?
‪당신은 공부 안 해서‬ ‪인생 그따위로 살아?‬-Hey. -What? Are you such a mess because you're uneducated?
‪[현태가 버럭 하며] 야‬ ‪너 변호사 맞아?‬Hey, are you even an attorney?
‪맞으니까 배지 달고‬ ‪니 앞에 있지, 새끼야‬Why else would I be here, you idiot?
‪- [현태] 뭐라고? 미친 새끼‬ ‪- [변호사의 놀란 소리]‬What did you say, you scumbag?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[준] 이 새끼가, 니가 먼저 쳤어‬ ‪정당방위야, 이 새끼야‬You hit me first, you bastard. This is self-defense.
‪- [변호사의 비명]‬ ‪- [소란스럽다]‬This is self-defense.
‪- 그래, 또 쳐 봐 봐, 이 새끼야‬ ‪- [변호사] 아, 그만하세요‬You asked for it, you scumbag. Let me go!
‪- [현태] 놔!‬ ‪- [조정 위원] 그만해, 그만‬Let me go!
‪[변호사] 박현태 씨!‬Mr. Park!
‪- [조정 위원] 그만하라고‬ ‪- [변호사의 비명]‬-Cut it out! -Hey!
‪[변호사의 놀란 소리]‬-That's enough! -I'm over 180cm tall, you prick!
‪[준] 내가 키가 180이야, 어?‬-That's enough! -I'm over 180cm tall, you prick!
‪[조정 위원] 그만해, 그만, 그만‬-That's enough! -I'm over 180cm tall, you prick! -Break it up! -Gosh!
‪- 아이고…‬ ‪- [준] 쓰레기 새끼야‬-Break it up! -Gosh! -Here's some jiu-jitsu for you. -You idiots!
‪[조정 위원] 야, 이놈들아!‬ ‪그만하라고!‬-Here's some jiu-jitsu for you. -You idiots! Break it up!
‪[형근의 말소리]‬That's about…
‪[형근] 아이고, 최 변‬ ‪애쓰셨어요, 응?‬Hey, Attorney Choi. Good work.
‪조정 그거 힘들죠? 응?‬Mediating isn't easy, is it?
‪아이, 우리 신 변은‬Attorney Shin always gets cold sweats when he attends one.
‪할 때마다 그냥 매번‬ ‪식은땀을 그냥 그렇게 흘려‬Attorney Shin always gets cold sweats when he attends one.
‪냉장고에 시원한‬ ‪비타민 음료수 있는데, 드릴까요?‬Would you like a cold vitamin drink?
‪아니요‬It's okay. I don't feel like drinking anything after getting cursed at.
‪배부릅니다‬ ‪욕을 하도 배 터지게 먹어서‬I don't feel like drinking anything after getting cursed at.
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪[준] 아, 하지만‬ ‪오해하지는 마세요‬But don't worry.
‪조정 잘했고‬ ‪합의 이혼으로 정리했고요‬It went well and they agreed to a divorce.
‪그, 피고, 그 그지 같은 인간이‬That scumbag of a defendant even demanded alimony.
‪위자료 받겠다고 설치는 거‬ ‪내가, 응?‬That scumbag of a defendant even demanded alimony. I made sure he didn't get any, but…
‪싹 잘라 가지고‬ ‪한 큐에 딱 정리를 했는데‬I made sure he didn't get any, but…
‪어, 했는데?‬But?
‪진짜 멋있게 첫 조정을 했는데‬It was an awesome first mediation, but…
‪아, 그래, 했는데?‬It was an awesome first mediation, but… But what?
‪그, 조금 이게 시끄러워져 가지고‬But it got a bit rowdy.
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪어디 있죠?‬Where is he?
‪[성한] 아주 양재동 가정 법원을‬ ‪들었다 놨다 하셨어‬You really caused a scene at the Seoul Family Court.
‪[형근] 아, 무슨 사고 쳤어요?‬Did you do something?
‪아니, 사고랄 거까지는 아니고‬It wasn't that serious.
‪그냥 살짝 훈계 같은 거‬It wasn't that serious. I just lectured him a little
‪인간과 짐승의 다른 점‬I just lectured him a little on the difference between humans and animals.
‪- 뭐, 그런 거 살짝…‬ ‪- [탁 치는 소리]‬on the difference between humans and animals.
‪- [성한] 쭌 변, 잘 들어요‬ ‪- [준] 예‬-Listen carefully. -Yes, sir.
‪[성한] 쭌 변이 나가 가지고 막‬ ‪그렇게, 그렇게 하잖아요?‬If you act out like that,
‪그럼 이 동네에‬ ‪소문 쫙 퍼지는 거야‬word will spread about how I hired someone exactly like me.
‪신성한, 지랑 똑같은 놈‬ ‪뽑았다고, 예?‬word will spread about how I hired someone exactly like me.
‪[형근] 그 소문은 이미 뭐, 쫙…‬That word's already out.
‪[성한] 쭌 변, 있잖아요‬ ‪우린 말이야‬Look. Here's the thing about us.
‪그러니까 나, 그리고 쭌 변, 우리‬Me. You. Us.
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪숨만 쉬어도‬Every breath we take
‪고개만 까딱 돌려도‬and every single move we make
‪시선이 몰려‬could attract attention.
‪무슨 말인지 알까?‬Do you get that?
‪아, 나 왜 알 거 같지?‬I strangely do.
‪- 조용히 살기 힘든 비주얼은‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬Good-looking people like us
‪어딜 가든 항상 조심하고‬ ‪또 조심하고‬should always be extremely mindful
‪[성한] 물도‬ ‪물도 가려 마셔야 되고‬of every little thing we do.
‪시선도 항상 겸손하게, 응?‬And we always need to be humble, okay?
‪제가 섣불렀습니다, 변호사님‬I wasn't thinking, Attorney Shin.
‪뭐, 이런 우리가‬ ‪뭐, 정의감 이런 게 투철해 갖고…‬I know we have a strong sense of justice--
‪퇴근하고 싶어요‬I want to go home.
‪[성한] 쩝, 지나쳤죠?‬-Was that too much? -Yes.
‪- 네‬ ‪- [준] 네?‬-Was that too much? -Yes. -What? -I'm sorry.
‪[성한] 미안해요, 씁, 이렇게 뭐‬-What? -I'm sorry. I thought I could compliment him into being a better person.
‪미운 놈 떡 하나 더 주면‬ ‪사람 될까 해 가지고‬I thought I could compliment him into being a better person.
‪- 예?‬ ‪- [서진] 저 조퇴를 좀…‬-What? -Can I leave early?
‪어디 아프세요?‬Are you sick?
‪재활용 쓰레기 버려야 돼서‬I need to take out the recycling.
‪[새봄] 재쓰 시간 안 맞으면‬ ‪겁나 쌓이긴 해요‬They do pile up quickly if you miss the day.
‪실장님 아파트도 요일 있구나‬ ‪그렇죠?‬Today must be your recycling day. We're talking about recyclables all of a sudden?
‪[성한] 갑자기‬ ‪갑자기 재쓰로 넘어간다고요?‬We're talking about recyclables all of a sudden?
‪그, 그, 오빠들 노래 들으세요‬ ‪좋은 루틴, 그거‬Get back to your boy band. Stick to that great routine of yours.
‪- 네‬ ‪- [성한] 네‬Okay.
‪내일 봬요‬See you tomorrow.
‪- 감사해요‬ ‪- [성한] 네‬-Thank you. -No problem.
‪[준] 아, 그래도 저 첫 승소인데‬I won my first case.
‪우리 다 같이‬ ‪조촐하게 파티라도, 예?‬Can we celebrate?
‪- [서진] 수고하세요‬ ‪- [형근] 예‬-See you tomorrow. -Bye.
‪- [새봄] 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪- [형근] 재쓰 잘하세요‬-Goodbye. -Happy recycling. Thanks.
‪[서진] 네‬Thanks.
‪고독하구먼‬How lonely.
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪- [새소리]‬ ‪- [사람들의 대화 소리]‬
‪- [주민1] 알았어‬ ‪- [주민2가 타박한다]‬
‪- [주민1] 응?‬ ‪- [주민2] 그 아나운서 맞지?‬That's her, right?
‪- [주민1] 아직도 이사 안 갔어?‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬I thought she moved away.
‪[주민2] 상희 엄마한테 들었는데‬ ‪남편이 갔대‬Rumor has it -that her husband moved out. -Seriously?
‪- [주민1] 진짜? 아휴, 참‬ ‪- [주민2] 어‬-that her husband moved out. -Seriously? Unbelievable.
‪[주민1] 아휴, 별일이야, 참‬Unbelievable.
‪[주민2] 아유‬
‪[주민1] 가자, 밥 먹자‬Let's go. Let's go eat.
‪[달그락 놓는 소리]‬
‪- [부드러운 음악]‬ ‪- [후루룩]‬
‪- [놀란 소리]‬ ‪- [익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪장국영, 내 말 좀 들어 봐‬Jang Guk-yeong. Hear me out.
‪마케팅 회사 15년‬I worked in marketing for 15 years.
‪나 거기다 청춘을 바쳤어‬I dedicated my youth to it.
‪나 다시 돌아가라면 못 가‬I can't ever go back there.
‪아니, 안 가‬No. I won't.
‪나는 마카롱 가게가 꿈이야, 알지?‬You know it's my dream to open up a macaron shop, right?
‪거의 다 왔어, 알지?‬You know it's my dream to open up a macaron shop, right? I'm almost there, you know?
‪근데 있잖아‬But you see…
‪아니다, 이렇게 할게, 어‬Hold on.
‪장국영‬Jang Guk-yeong.
‪여기 마카롱 가게‬This is the macaron shop
‪요거 라면 가게‬and this is the noodle shop.
‪니가 갈 곳으로 목을 이렇게 해 줘‬Point to the one you prefer.
‪[소연] 장국영, 너의 선택은?‬Jang Guk-yeong, which one will you pick?
‪바로, 바로, 바로, 바로, 바로‬Which one? Which one is it?
‪바로, 바로, 바로, 바로, 바로‬Which one is it?
‪어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪아, 오랜만이네요‬Long time no see.
‪[준] 예‬Hello.
‪[소연] 라면 드릴까요?‬-Do you want some ramyeon? -Yes, please.
‪[준] 네‬-Do you want some ramyeon? -Yes, please.
‪[소연] 아, 계란은?‬Do you want eggs in it?
‪[준] 네‬Sure.
‪근데 제가 서치한 바에 의하면‬I did some research,
‪여기 와인을 잔술로 파신다고…‬I did some research, and I heard you sell wine by the glass.
‪[소연] 예, 정식 메뉴는 아니고‬ ‪남아 있으면‬Yes, but it's not on the menu. I serve leftovers.
‪[반기는 소리]‬
‪- 잠시만요‬ ‪- [준] 예‬-One minute. -Okay.
‪다 먹었어요‬I'm all out.
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪아, 저, 그럼 소주는?‬-What about soju? -That's my mom's menu.
‪소주는 우리 엄마 메뉴‬-What about soju? -That's my mom's menu.
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪마카롱 좋아해요?‬Do you like macarons?
‪네, 완전요‬Yes, I love them.
‪[소연] 혹시‬ ‪사무장님 전화번호 알아요?‬Do you know Mr. Jang's number?
‪네, 예?‬Yes. What?
‪여기다가 살짜쿵 적어 보이소‬Can you write it down here?
‪파는? 파는 좀 많이 넣는 편?‬Do you want a lot of green onions?
‪예, 예, 예‬Yes, please.
‪아이, 그럼 제가 소주를‬ ‪사다 마시는 건 좀 그렇겠죠?‬I can't buy soju elsewhere and bring it here, right?
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬I see.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[형근의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동이 멈춘다]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- [귀찮은 신음]‬
‪아, 스팸 전화‬Stupid spam.
‪이 정도면 집념인데‬This one's persistent.
‪- [휴대전화 진동이 멈춘다]‬ ‪- [한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[소연] 김소연이에요, 라면집‬This is Kim So-yeon from the noodle shop.
‪통화되나요?‬Can we talk?
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪다시 출근한 기분이겠어요‬You must feel like you came back to work.
‪내가 근처로 간다니까‬I could have come to you.
‪다시 퇴근하는 느낌 들고‬ ‪괜찮아요‬I'll feel like I'm clocking out again, so it balances out.
‪내가 간밤에‬ ‪잠을 한숨도 못 잤거든요‬I couldn't get any sleep last night.
‪물어보고‬ ‪대답을 좀 듣고 싶어 가지고‬I wanted to hear your answer to a certain question.
‪[형근] 예‬I see.
‪무슨?‬What is it?
‪마카롱 가게가 나을까요?‬ ‪라면 가게가 나을까요?‬Should I start selling macarons or keep selling ramyeon?
‪소연 사장님 꿈도 중요하니까‬You should pursue your dream, so…
‪마카롱 가게 해라?‬So macarons?
‪나쁘지 않다, 네‬It's not a bad idea. Sure.
‪마카롱 좋아해요?‬Do you like macarons?
‪전 이제 단거 좀 별로‬I don't have much of a sweet tooth.
‪아, 그래도 선물은 하니까요‬But I'd buy them as gifts.
‪라면은? 좋아하죠?‬But you do like ramyeon, right?
‪좋아해요‬I love it.
‪- 좋아해요‬ ‪- [울리는 말소리]‬I love it.
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 완전‬Totally.
‪좋아해요‬I love it.
‪[소연의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[소연의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[소연] 좋아하는구나‬I see.
‪그거 물어보려고 전화하신 거…‬Is that what you called to ask me?
‪네 [피식 웃는다]‬Yes.
‪[소연] 하나 더 있는데‬I have one more question.
‪그분 있잖아요, 아내였던 분‬It's about her. Your ex-wife.
‪혹시 뭐‬She's not
‪끝 사랑‬your last love.
‪그런 거 아니죠?‬Is she?
‪생의 마지막 사랑, 그런 거…‬She's not the last woman you'll ever love, is she?
‪[꼴깍 삼키는 소리]‬
‪[정식] 난이도 졸라 높아, 와, 씨‬That's such a tricky question.
‪[성한] 하, 떨려‬ ‪이거 주관식이잖아‬That's such a tricky question. It's nerve-racking. It's a short-answer question.
‪첫사랑인데요‬"She was my first love."
‪[정식, 성한]‬ ‪- 야, 이, 야, 이 미친 새끼야‬ ‪- 야야, 야, 돌은 놈아, 돌은 새끼‬-Come on, man! -Come on! -You idiot! -You're insane!
‪- [정식] 으이그, 으이그!‬ ‪- [성한] 아유, 아유, 이 새끼야!‬Jeez! -You idiot! -What?
‪- [형근] 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜!‬ ‪- [정식] 으이그!‬-You idiot! -What? -Jeez! -What?
‪[정식] 친구 하나 잃어, 오늘‬ ‪그냥? 씨‬I might lose a friend tonight.
‪[성한의 한숨]‬I might lose a friend tonight. Women hate men's first loves!
‪야, 이거 여자들이‬ ‪제일 싫어하는 게 첫사랑‬Women hate men's first loves!
‪[성한] 어? 실체가 있는지 없는지‬ ‪확인되지 않음에도 불구하고‬Women hate men's first loves! They don't even know if they actually exist,
‪늘 신경 쓰인다는 그 첫사랑!‬but they're always bothered by them!
‪[정식] 그, 뭐야‬Jealousy of first love is a valid reason for divorce!
‪칠거지악 중의 하나가‬ ‪첫사랑 질투하는 거잖아!‬Jealousy of first love is a valid reason for divorce!
‪- [성한] 아니야!‬ ‪- [정식] 아니야, 쯧‬-No, it's not! -I see.
‪[형근] 야‬Hey.
‪거짓되지 않은 나의 모습이‬Why should I be criticized for my honesty?
‪이런 모습이‬ ‪왜 비난을 받아야 되냐고‬Why should I be criticized for my honesty?
‪- [정식의 기가 찬 소리]‬ ‪- [성한] 진짜 오늘 이 밤은‬I don't want to say another word to an honest man like you tonight.
‪거짓되지 않은 너와‬ ‪정말 말 섞고 싶지 않다‬I don't want to say another word to an honest man like you tonight.
‪[정식] 오늘 이 밤은‬ ‪눈치 졸라 없는 너를‬And I really want to beat the crap out of you for being so dense tonight.
‪아휴, 패고 싶다‬And I really want to beat the crap out of you for being so dense tonight.
‪- 하, 열받아‬ ‪- [형근] 흥!‬
‪[성한] 어딜 와인 잔에 마셔?‬You're not drinking out of a wine glass.
‪너 같은 놈은 이런 것도 사치야‬You don't deserve this.
‪[정식] 아, 이 새끼‬ ‪왜 이렇게 답답하지? 아휴‬I'm so frustrated.
‪- 내, 내가 저런 새끼를…‬ ‪- [잘그랑거리는 소리]‬-I can't believe we're friends. -You.
‪[성한] 너는 이걸로 먹어, 자‬-I can't believe we're friends. -You. Drink out of this. Here.
‪- [정식] 두 손‬ ‪- [형근] 괜찮은데?‬-It's not bad. -Drink with both hands, you idiot.
‪[정식] 두 손으로 잡고 마셔‬ ‪새끼야‬-It's not bad. -Drink with both hands, you idiot.
‪- [성한] 아휴, 힘들어‬ ‪- [정식] 아휴, 답답해, 진짜, 씨‬-Damn it. -You're so stupid.
‪[성한] 야, 야, 야, 야‬-Damn it. -You're so stupid.
‪[호로록거리는 소리]‬
‪[정식] 야, 근데 성한아‬ ‪이거 진짜‬Hey, Sung-han. I see decanting actually works.
‪이거, 이거 디캔팅이 되네?‬Hey, Sung-han. I see decanting actually works.
‪[성한] 그렇다니까‬-I told you. -This is nice.
‪[정식] 응, 좋다, 이거‬-I told you. -This is nice.
‪- [성한의 탄성]‬ ‪- 응?‬
‪[성한] 육포 새로 나왔더라, 이거‬ ‪속 버려, 이거 먹어‬We have some new jerky. Don't drink on an empty stomach.
‪[형근] 이것도 내가 사 온 거잖아‬Don't drink on an empty stomach. Hey, I bought that.
‪[정식의 퉤 뱉는 소리]‬Hey, I bought that.
‪[성한의 만족스러운 탄성]‬
‪[준] 아휴, 뜨거워, 뜨거워‬I'm so hot.
‪- [숨 들이켜는 소리]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[술 취한 말투로] 아, 형님들‬Guys.
‪세 번째 병 오픈합니다‬I'm opening my third bottle.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[혀를 연신 똑똑 튕긴다]‬
‪괜찮…‬Am I okay?
‪아유, 노 프로블럼, 음, 남자…‬No problem. I'm a man.
‪남자가, 이게 뭐‬This is nothing for a man.
‪[웃으며] 아이, 그거‬ ‪피아노맨 영상, 그거?‬Right, that piano video?
‪멋있지, 멋있지‬Wasn't he just awesome?
‪사실, 아휴, 저도‬To be honest, I enjoyed playing the piano more than studying law.
‪법보다 피아노가 더 좋았거든요?‬I enjoyed playing the piano more than studying law.
‪형님들, 들어 봐, 내가‬But hear me out.
‪오늘 이혼 변호를 했어요‬Today, I had a divorce case.
‪첫 승소를 했네?‬And I got my first win.
‪뿌, 뿌‬
‪- [전화벨 소리]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[영상 속 준이 울먹인다]‬Shin Sung-han…
‪[호영의 웃음]‬He didn't even buy me a glass of soju.
‪[영상 속 준] 이, 소주 이거‬ ‪일 잔도 안 사 주고‬He didn't even buy me a glass of soju.
‪씨, 보스가 돼 가지고‬-He's a terrible boss. -Is that funny?
‪[직원] 재밌어요?‬-He's a terrible boss. -Is that funny?
‪아, 골 때려‬It's hilarious.
‪- [호영의 웃음]‬ ‪- [영상 속 준] 밑의 직원…‬And the other colleagues…
‪[호영] 어?‬
‪[직원] 뭐야, 잠든 거 아니야?‬What the… Did he just fall asleep?
‪진짜 자?‬Seriously?
‪[준의 코 고는 소리]‬
‪[준의 잠꼬대 소리]‬
‪[호영의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[호영] 살아 있네‬He's alive. Why would you drink on a live stream when you can't handle your alcohol?
‪이딴 알쓰가 술방은 왜 하니, 응?‬Why would you drink on a live stream when you can't handle your alcohol?
‪[술 취한 말투로] 알았어, 알았어‬Okay.
‪[호영] 아휴‬Okay.
‪[호영의 한숨]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪[창진의 한숨]‬
‪[창진] 주화 오빠라고 했나?‬Ju-hwa's brother, was it?
‪변호를 꽤나 하나 보더라‬He must be good at his job.
‪면목이 없어요, 아버님‬I don't know what to say, Father.
‪'미꾸라지 한 마리가 어쩌고'‬"One rotten apple spoils the barrel."
‪그 말 알지?‬Do you know that saying?
‪[영주] 네‬Yes.
‪신성한이 흙탕물 만들기 전에…‬Before Shin Sung-han spoils the--
‪니가 아니라는 법 없어‬It could be you.
‪[창진] 설쳐 대는 미꾸라지 말이다‬The rotten apple.
‪니가 아니라는 법은 없단 말이다‬You might be the bad apple.
‪알아듣니?‬Do you understand?
‪[창진의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪- 마금희 여사께서‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬Ms. Ma Geum-hui…
‪이혼 소장을 보내왔어‬filed for a divorce. SEOUL FAMILY COURT
‪다시 물어‬Let me ask you again.
‪미꾸라지가 너니, 신성한이니?‬Are you the rotten apple? Or is it Shin Sung-han?
‪이혼 될 법한 일은 아닌데‬ ‪물은 흐려졌잖아‬The divorce won't happen, but you did spoil the barrel.
‪너희 시어머니 담당 변호사가‬Her attorney…
‪신성한, 그 양반이더라‬is Shin Sung-han.
‪서울 인근의‬ ‪허름한 농가를 하나 샀어요‬I bought a shabby farmhouse on the outskirts of Seoul.
‪[금희] 나이 들어‬ ‪타지에 산다는 거‬Living abroad at my age feels very lonely.
‪실은 많이 고독한 일이에요‬Living abroad at my age feels very lonely.
‪이제 여기서 살아야겠다 싶은데‬ ‪이렇게는 못 살겠고‬I'm planning to settle down here, but not like this.
‪이혼하시려고요?‬Are you thinking about divorce?
‪도와주세요‬Please help me.
‪[창진] 금화에서 나와‬Leave Keumhwa.
‪변호인단을 꾸려야 되는데‬ ‪니가 금화에 있으면 꼴이 우스워져‬I'll be hiring a team of attorneys. We would look ridiculous if you stayed.
‪변호인단에‬I won't hire anyone
‪금화 놈들은 못 들여‬from Keumhwa.
‪가 봐라‬You may go.
‪[창진] 주화 아버지가 참했어‬Ju-hwa's father seemed like a good man.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 인품도 좋아 보이더라‬He seemed like a man of character.
‪주화도 성품이 좋았지‬Ju-hwa was a nice girl too.
‪걔 오빠도 그렇던?‬Is her brother the same?
‪[영주] 지금 그 말씀은‬ ‪제 부모님이…‬Are you bad-mouthing my parents?
‪난 널 처음 봤을 때‬ ‪그런 생각이 들더구나‬This is what I thought when I first saw you.
‪'얜 노골적이구나'‬"She knows no shame."
‪금화 정리하고 나와‬Leave Keumhwa.
‪[정식] 아유, 커피 잘 마실게요‬ ‪아유‬Thank you for the coffee.
‪쩝, 음, 맛있다, 음‬That's tasty.
‪오피스텔은 진짜 전세는 없네‬There really aren't any two-year leases around here.
‪이쪽은 거의 다 상가들이고‬Most of these buildings are full of shops.
‪길 건너가야‬ ‪거기 이제 주택가들 있고‬Most of these buildings are full of shops. The residential buildings are across the street.
‪[정식] 유흥 시설 없고 좋죠‬It's nice and quiet there.
‪어떻게, 저쪽에 뭐‬ ‪전세 나면 연락 한번 드려 볼까요?‬Should I give you a call if there's a vacancy?
‪감사하죠 [웃음]‬That would be great.
‪반전세도 괜찮아요‬-I'm okay with large deposits too. -Okay.
‪오케이, 오케이, 응‬-I'm okay with large deposits too. -Okay.
‪그, 뭐, 이렇게 방송하고 그러면은‬ ‪사연 많이 받죠?‬So… do you see a lot of stories on your radio shows?
‪- 그렇죠‬ ‪- [정식] 그렇지, 그렇지‬-I do. -Right.
‪[웃으며] 나, 이런 사연 어때요?‬How's this story? I heard it somewhere.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- 내가 들은 건데‬How's this story? I heard it somewhere.
‪[정식] 그러니까 뭐‬ ‪어떤 모임에를 갔어‬A guy went to this gathering,
‪[북적거리는 소리]‬A guy went to this gathering,
‪근데 거기서 이 남자가, 음‬and he became interested in a lady.
‪어떤 여성이 마음에 들었던 거예요‬and he became interested in a lady.
‪- [정식] 안녕하세요‬ ‪- [여자] 안녕하세요 [웃음]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪[정식] 한잔하실까요?‬-Would you like a drink? -Okay.
‪[정식의 웃음]‬
‪[정식] 그 후로‬ ‪그녀는 자취를 감췄어요‬And then she disappeared without a trace. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE
‪왜 그랬을까요?‬Why do you think that is?
‪대댓글로 '필참'은‬ ‪좀 노골적이지 않나?‬Maybe she was put off by his "be there or be square" reply.
‪[호영] 너무 막 들이대는 느낌?‬He came on too strong.
‪[정식] 아니, 청춘 남녀가‬ ‪싱글들이, 어?‬I mean, they're both single and young.
‪어, 친목으로 이렇게 만났으면은‬And they met at a gathering.
‪어, 자기감정을 솔직하게‬ ‪표현하는 게, 그게 나빠요?‬Is it really so wrong to express their feelings?
‪조정식 씨가 너무 확 들어가니까‬You were being too straightforward.
‪아니야, 나는 분명히‬ ‪두 번째 모임 때까지는…‬No, I'm telling you. Until the second gathering…
‪나 아닌데?‬-This isn't about me. -You're such a liar.
‪아니긴 뭐가 아니야? 뻔하지‬-This isn't about me. -You're such a liar. It's obvious.
‪[호영] 아무튼‬ ‪이 스토리텔링이 필요하거든요?‬Anyway, it's all about storytelling.
‪라디오 사연을 봐도‬ ‪서사가 있는 커플이 오래가‬From my experience, couples with stories stay together longer.
‪서, 서사, 스토리텔링‬"Storytelling"?
‪목적이 분명한 동호회에 가 보세요‬Join clubs that have clear purposes.
‪- 목적이요?‬ ‪- [호영] 예를 들면…‬-Purposes? -For example,
‪운동이나 뭐, 독서 모임도 좋던데?‬-Purposes? -For example, a sports or reading club.
‪책 읽자고요?‬Reading?
‪아니면 시, 시 모임, 시 짧으니까‬Or a poetry club. Poems are shorter.
‪아, 시, 시 좋다‬Poetry? That's good.
‪- 나 시 쓰면 또 장난 없거든, 딱‬ ‪- [호영의 웃음]‬I write insane poems. -I see. -Seriously.
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- [호영] 어? 잠시만요‬-I see. -Seriously. Excuse me.
‪시 좋다‬Poetry sounds nice.
‪[호영] 선배님, 저 1층‬Hey, Seo-jin. I'm downstairs.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪오늘 회식한다네요, 저는 게스트‬They're having a team dinner. They invited me to thank me for helping out.
‪방송 잡아 줬다고 고맙다고 [웃음]‬They invited me to thank me for helping out.
‪- 아, 해남 사건 그거?‬ ‪- [호영] 네‬-The Haenam case? -Correct.
‪씁, 아, 나 선약 있는데‬But I already have plans tonight.
‪아이참, 쯧‬Jeez.
‪취소해야겠다‬I'll have to cancel.
‪[북적거리는 소리]‬
‪[정식의 탄성]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[성한] 아니, 부동산 사장님은‬ ‪여기 왜?‬Why are you here, Mr. Realtor?
‪아, 뭐, 진짜‬ ‪몰라서 물어보시는 거예요?‬Are you serious?
‪[정식] 이거 뭐, 서사‬ ‪스토리텔링이 아예 안 되시는구나‬You know nothing about storytelling, do you?
‪내가, 내가 저런 놈한테‬ ‪상담을 했으니까‬You know nothing about storytelling, do you? No wonder I was getting nowhere asking that dimwit for advice.
‪이게 답이 나오겠냐고요‬No wonder I was getting nowhere asking that dimwit for advice.
‪진작부터 우리 DJ님, 어? PD님‬No wonder I was getting nowhere asking that dimwit for advice. I should have asked you to begin with, Ms. Lee and Ms. Bang.
‪요런 분들한테 여쭤봤어야‬ ‪깔끔하게 해결이 됐을 텐데‬You would have made all my problems go away.
‪[성한] 뭐요, 뭐요? 그거 뭐‬Is this about the woman who left that club because of you?
‪파란만장 그거 회원‬ ‪너 때문에 탈퇴한 거, 그거요?‬Is this about the woman who left that club because of you?
‪닥치시고요‬Shut up.
‪[정식] 해남까지‬ ‪당일치기 운전한 건‬And remember that driving to Haenam and back in a single day
‪졸라 우정인 것만‬ ‪제발 좀 기억하시고요‬And remember that driving to Haenam and back in a single day is a true display of friendship.
‪[성한] 제가 쇠고기‬ ‪쌈 싸 드린 거 같거든요?‬I fed you beef after that.
‪[정식] 요렇게, 요렇게 해서‬ ‪내 입에다 쏙 안 넣어 주셨잖아요?‬You never actually fed me.
‪- [형근] 아이고, 자, 자‬ ‪- [성한] 여보세요‬Jeez. Here. Give it to me. Open up.
‪자, '아', '아', '아', '아'‬Give it to me. Open up.
‪[정식이 컥컥거린다]‬
‪- 됐죠?‬ ‪- [정식] 아, 짜다!‬-Happy? -That's salty!
‪상치가 짜다!‬The lettuce is salty!
‪[새봄] 아, 사무장님‬ ‪아까 화장실 갔다 오시고‬I don't think Mr. Jang washed his hands after using the bathroom.
‪손 안 씻으신 거 같은데?‬I don't think Mr. Jang washed his hands after using the bathroom.
‪[형근] 씻었어요‬ ‪저 상추에 씻었어요‬I wiped them. On that lettuce.
‪내가 안 씻었어, 내가‬I didn't wash mine.
‪[정식] 음, 드러운 놈‬I didn't wash mine. That's disgusting.
‪해남 당일치기는‬ ‪우정 맞는 거 같지?‬That round-trip does seem like a display of friendship, right?
‪[형근] 왕복 몇 시간이야, 응?‬How many hours was that?
‪- 너 그날 치질 나왔댔지?‬ ‪- [사람들의 웃음]‬You got hemorrhoids that day, right?
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [새봄] 치질이세요? 아, 진짜‬You have hemorrhoids? That's so gross.
‪[형근] 정식이 치질 나온 거‬ ‪비밀인데‬That was supposed to be a secret.
‪- 어유, 정식이‬ ‪- [준의 웃음]‬That was supposed to be a secret.
‪- [정식] 아니요, 치실이요, 치실‬ ‪- [형근] 15cm, 15cm‬He means I got a hammer. They were like 15cm.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬They were like 15cm.
‪[성한] 15cm면 탈장 아니야?‬Isn't that a hernia at that point?
‪[정식] 치실이‬ ‪주머니에서 나왔어요 [기침]‬I got a deal on a hammer.
‪[서진] 최 변호사님‬ ‪오늘 말씀이 별로 없으시네요?‬You're awfully quiet today, Attorney Choi.
‪[준] 아이, 저‬ ‪당분간 술 자제 중이라서요‬I'm trying not to drink for the time being.
‪- [준이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪- [형근] 뭐 있는데? 사고 쳤지?‬Something's up. You did something, didn't you?
‪[호영] 방송 사고‬Yes, on camera.
‪대형 사고 날 뻔한 거‬ ‪내가 막아 줬지‬But I saved him before he really screwed up.
‪[호영이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[준] 아유, 술 먹방 하다‬ ‪잠들어 가지고‬I fell asleep while drinking on my stream.
‪그, 방 PD님이‬ ‪수습을 좀 해 주셔 가지고‬-Ms. Bang came to my rescue. -What?
‪예? 잠깐만요‬ ‪방 PD님이 오셨다는 거면은‬-Ms. Bang came to my rescue. -What? If she went there, it means she knew where you were.
‪[성한] 아는 공간이었다는 거고‬If she went there, it means she knew where you were.
‪그러면 그 술 방송을‬ ‪사무실에서 했다는 거예요?‬Were you drinking at the office?
‪[준] 아니, 그, 승소 날‬ ‪그, 아무도‬On the day I won my case, no one…
‪아, 너무 서운해 가지고‬ ‪일 잔이 삼 잔이 되고‬I was so upset, so I ended up drinking too much.
‪일 병이 삼 병이 되고‬ ‪그러다 보니까…‬I was so upset, so I ended up drinking too much. -And then-- -Did you talk about me?
‪내 얘기 한 거 없죠?‬-And then-- -Did you talk about me?
‪[호영] 뭐라더라, 어?‬What did you say again?
‪첫 승소인데 신성한‬ ‪이씨, 무슨 보스가 그…‬What did you say again? "It was my first win, but Shin Sung-han, -that terrible boss…" -The meat's ready, sir.
‪[준] 고기 다 익었습니다‬ ‪변호사님, 예, 드시죠‬-that terrible boss…" -The meat's ready, sir. -Please enjoy. -Attorney Choi.
‪[새봄] 아, 최 변호사님‬-Please enjoy. -Attorney Choi.
‪다음 술방 땐 미리 말씀해 주세요‬Let me know next time you drink on your channel.
‪[애교스럽게] 저 미녀 게스트, 음?‬I'll join you as a beautiful guest.
‪[형근] 나도, 나도, 나도‬ ‪나도 그런 거 괜찮은데‬Count me in too. I can do it well.
‪[정식] 나는 그런 거 전문이잖아‬ ‪방송 체질‬I was born to be on camera.
‪구독, 알림, 댓글… 어?‬"Please subscribe and leave a comment…"
‪[호영] 아, 그러고 보니까‬"Please subscribe and leave a comment…" Speaking of which,
‪최 변호사님 방송이‬ ‪매력이 있더라고‬your channel has its charms.
‪- [준] 그렇죠?‬ ‪- [서진이 피식 웃는다]‬Right?
‪[호영] 선배님‬Seo-jin, why don't we try streaming online?
‪우리 개인 방송‬ ‪해 보는 거 어때요?‬Seo-jin, why don't we try streaming online?
‪아, 당황할 게 1도 없어‬ ‪그러니까 이게‬Don't panic. It's just like hosting a radio show
‪방송 심의 없는 보이는 라디오‬It's just like hosting a radio show but without the regulations.
‪- [준] 벌써 좋다, 응?‬ ‪- [새봄] 음‬That sounds amazing.
‪[정식] 아, 그, 신 변, 이 새끼‬ ‪뭐라고 막 지랄하고 그러면‬If Attorney Shin gives you crap,
‪우리 부동산에서 촬영하세요‬ ‪장소 협찬‬you can use my office.
‪[호영] 아, 거긴 아니고요‬No, thanks.
‪[형근] 라면집, 라면집 어때?‬What about the noodle shop?
‪[정식] 저, 저, 사심 가득 저거‬You sly little…
‪[성한] 야, 니 부동산보다‬ ‪스토리텔링 있네요‬It'll be much more interesting than your office.
‪니가 출연 사심 접으세요‬You just want to be on the stream.
‪이빨에 상추 좀 빼시고요‬And get that lettuce out of your teeth.
‪[정식] 어디? 어디가 꼈는데?‬Where? Where is it?
‪[성한] 옷도 상추 같은 거‬ ‪입고 와 갖고‬Where is it? Even your jacket looks like lettuce.
‪[준] 방송 뭐‬ ‪조언 필요하면 얘기해요‬Let me know if you need any advice. I'm an expert.
‪- 제가 또 이건 빠삭하니까‬ ‪- [새봄] 아유‬Let me know if you need any advice. I'm an expert.
‪- [성한] 조용히 하고‬ ‪- [준] 예예, 드십시오, 변호사님‬-Be quiet. -Please eat up.
‪[형근] 사연 받는 게 어때?‬-You should take callers. -"I have hemorrhoids."
‪[준] 어, 치질 사연으로‬ ‪제가 한번 방송해도 돼요?‬-You should take callers. -"I have hemorrhoids." Can I talk about your hemorrhoids on my stream?
‪- [정식] 치실이라고!‬ ‪- [준의 웃음]‬It's a hammer! What a mess of a show!
‪[성한] 엉망진창이군요!‬What a mess of a show!
‪[형근] 안녕하세요, 조탈장입니다‬"Excuse me, but that's a hernia."
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬"Excuse me, but that's a hernia."
‪[호영] 술 너무 많이 마셨다‬I shouldn't drink anymore.
‪- [서진] 어, 너무 재밌었어, 오늘‬ ‪- [호영의 웃음] 그러니까‬Right. I had so much fun. Me too.
‪- [남자] 왁! 이서진 씨‬ ‪- [호영] 어머‬Me too. Seo-jin!
‪[남자가 술 취한 말투로] 아‬ ‪아니, 내가 팬이에요, 팬, 팬‬-I'm a big fan of yours. -What are you doing?
‪[호영] 뭐 하시는 거예요?‬-I'm a big fan of yours. -What are you doing?
‪[남자] 아이, 그‬ ‪반가워서 그래요, 반가워서‬I'm just so happy to see her.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 내가 우리 서진 씨 방송‬I used to listen to your radio show every single day.
‪난 매일 듣거든, 내가‬I used to listen to your radio show every single day.
‪[남자의 웃음]‬
‪영상도 이쁘시게 나오시고, 아!‬You looked great in that video too.
‪- 실물이 훨씬 더 섹시하시네? 응‬ ‪- [호영] 아…‬-You're even sexier in person. -Sir.
‪[남자] 우리 악수 한번 합시다‬ ‪악수‬-You're even sexier in person. -Sir. Let's shake hands.
‪[성한] 저기요, 선생님‬Sir, you seem pretty drunk.
‪많이 취하셨네, 가시죠‬Sir, you seem pretty drunk. You should go.
‪[남자] 누구신지?‬And who are you?
‪나는 이서진 씨 팬이거든? 팬!‬You see, I'm her fan.
‪[성한] 그래요? 그럼 술 깨시고‬Really? Then once you sober up,
‪다시 생각해 보세요, 진짜 팬인지‬ask yourself if you're truly her fan.
‪아, 뭡니까, 이게?‬Look at yourself.
‪이씨…‬You little…
‪팬심을 이렇게, 그래, 못 알아…‬How could you dismiss a fan's…
‪오케이, 갈게요, 가면 되나? 내가?‬Okay. I'll leave. You want me to leave?
‪오케이, 간다, 내가‬You want me to leave? I'm leaving.
‪[남자] 가야지‬ ‪어, 어디로 가냐, 나는 근데?‬Wait, where am I supposed to go?
‪[호영] 선배, 가요‬Let's go, Seo-jin.
‪나랑 같이 가, 어?‬Let me take you home, okay?
‪괜찮으세요?‬Are you okay?
‪제가 모셔다드릴게요, 갑시다‬I'll walk you home. Let's go.
‪[호영] 저도 같이 갈게요‬I'll come with you guys.
‪[서진] 두 분 먼저 가세요‬You two can go home.
‪혼자 가고 싶어요‬I want to walk alone.
‪[성한의 한숨] 서진 씨‬Ms. Lee.
‪힘을 좀‬I'd like you…
‪내셨으면 좋겠어요‬to stay strong.
‪지금 당장은 힘들죠‬ ‪그래요, 맞아요, 너무 힘들죠‬I know it's tough right now. I understand. It must be unbearable.
‪근데‬But you see,
‪우리‬we managed…
‪현우 지켰잖아요‬to keep Hyeon-u.
‪그 힘든 거‬We even…
‪그 힘든 것도 해냈잖아요‬pulled that off.
‪힘냅시다‬So stay strong.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪- 오셨어요‬ ‪- [서진이 살짝 웃는다]‬Hi.
‪현우야‬Hi, Hyeon-u.
‪- [서진의 웃음]‬ ‪- [현우] 회식 재밌었어?‬-Did you have a fun team dinner? -Yes.
‪[서진] 응‬ ‪현우랑 라면 이모 덕분에‬-Did you have a fun team dinner? -Yes. I had a great time thanks to you and Ms. Kim.
‪엄마 오늘 신났었어‬I had a great time thanks to you and Ms. Kim.
‪[현우가 살짝 웃는다]‬I had a great time thanks to you and Ms. Kim.
‪덕분에 회식 잘했어요‬Thank you so much.
‪뭐, 현우가 척척 알아서 잘해서‬ ‪난 뭐, 한 거 없어요‬He's so independent. I didn't do much.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬I didn't do much.
‪그래도 또 필요하면 부르세요‬ ‪팬심‬But do call me again if you need help. I'll do it as your fan.
‪[서진, 현우의 웃음]‬I'll do it as your fan.
‪[현우] 엄마, 나 양치하러 간다‬-I'll go brush my teeth. -Okay.
‪[서진] 그래‬-I'll go brush my teeth. -Okay.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬
‪[소연] 저 이제 갈게요, 푹 쉬세요‬I'll be going now. Get some rest.
‪아, 감사해서 어떡해요‬Thank you so much.
‪- 그, 택시 불러 드릴게요‬ ‪- [소연] 아이‬-No problem. -I'll call you a taxi.
‪아, 무슨 소리 합니까?‬ ‪저 다 컸어요‬Don't be absurd. I'm a grown woman.
‪- 전 집에 잘 알아서 갑니다‬ ‪- [서진] 아…‬I can go home on my own.
‪조심히 가세요‬Get home safely.
‪- [소연] 안녕, 내일 봐요‬ ‪- [서진의 웃음]‬Bye. See you tomorrow.
‪- [도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪- [문소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[현우가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[탁탁 발 구르는 소리]‬
‪[현우가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[서진] 신어 봐야 잘 맞는지 알아‬You need to try them on to know if they're comfortable.
‪현우 말이 맞아‬You were right.
‪어때? 잘 맞아?‬So what do you think? Are they comfortable?
‪응, 딱 맞아‬Yes. They're perfect.
‪옷도 사러 가자‬Let's buy some clothes too.
‪엄마 괜찮아?‬Will you be okay?
‪현우는 괜찮아?‬Will you be okay?
‪[현우] 응‬Yes.
‪[울먹이며] 나 솔직히‬To be honest,
‪엄마랑 나와서 좋아‬I'm so happy to be out with you.
‪엄마랑 밖에 나와서‬I'm happy to be out…
‪좋아‬with you.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[울먹이며] 엄마는 솔직히‬To be honest…
‪아직은 괜찮지 않아‬I'm still not okay.
‪나 해 볼 거야‬I'm going to try.
‪엄마가‬I'm sorry
‪매일매일 미안해‬every single day.
‪- [애잔한 음악]‬ ‪- [함께 흐느낀다]‬
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬
‪[금희] 괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪혼자서 쫄리지 않냐고요‬Aren't you scared to go in alone?
‪[성한] 6 대 1에 대처하는 전략…‬A strategy to take on six attorneys…
‪가 보자‬Let's do this.
‪[서진] '숨지 말자'‬ ‪'고개 들고 살자'‬I'll stop hiding and keep my chin up.
‪맞는 걸까?‬Do I deserve that?
‪[성한] 너무 쉽단 말이야‬It's just too easy.
‪[창진] 니가 적임자야‬You're a perfect fit.
‪[영주] 저 뭐 주실 거예요‬ ‪아버님?‬What's in it for me, Father?
‪- 기영아‬ ‪- [기영] 신성한 변호사님‬-Gi-yeong. -Attorney Shin Sung-han.

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