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‪[판사사건 번호 2022드단523845

Domestic case number 2022-523845.

‪[판사원고 강희섭피고 이서진

Plaintiff, Kang Hui-seop. Defendant, Lee Seo-jin.

원고 소장원고 ‪2022 5 3  준비 서면

Plaintiff's complaint. Plaintiff's brief submitted on May 3, 2022.

원고, 2022 6 6  ‪준비 서면 진술하시고

Plaintiff will testify based on the brief submitted on June 6, 2022,

 1호증부터 ‪12호증까지 제출하셨고

Plaintiff will testify based on the brief submitted on June 6, 2022, and exhibits 1 to 12 have been submitted.

‪- [성한궁금한  있는데요 ‪- [판사의 말소리]

I have a question.

그날 ‪제가 링크 보내 줬었잖아요

Do you remember that link I sent you that day?

 근처 제일 괜찮은 집이라고

The best restaurant nearby.


The best restaurant nearby.


Did you go?


-Yes. -Not bad, right?

나름 괜찮았죠

-Yes. -Not bad, right?


Yes, it was all right.

‪[변호사원만하게 조정할 ‪의지가 없이

It's a shame that she was unwilling to negotiate

조정 기일을 넘긴 것이 유감입니다

throughout the mediation period. It is quite disconcerting to see Ms. Lee demanding custody

이서진 씨에게 엄청난 ‪유책이 있음에도 불구하고

It is quite disconcerting to see Ms. Lee demanding custody

심지어 아이가 ‪한밤중에 응급실에 실려 갔는데도

even though she is the spouse at fault

여전히 양육권을 요구하는 것이 ‪당황스럽습니다

and her son was sent to the emergency room in the middle of the night.

이서진 씨의 이혼 사유가 ‪아이에게도 이토록 고통인데

Would any decent parent be able to make such a decision

진정한 부모라면 ‪이런 결정을   있을까요?

when the reason for their divorce is causing so much pain for their son?

‪[서진현우가 ‪이렇게 고통스러운데

This is causing Hyeon-u so much pain.

아이를 데리고 오겠다는  ‪맞는 걸까요?

Should I really keep fighting for his custody?

‪[차분한 음악]


‪[성한현우 ‪ 데리고 오고 싶어요?

Why do you want Hyeon-u's custody?

아니이서진  말씀대로

Just like you said,

현우가  지경인데도 불구하고 ‪왜요?

this is putting him in a really bad place.

 데리고 오고 싶냐고요

Why do you want his custody?

그곳에 있으면  되니까

Because he can't stay there.

‪'현우도 똑같은 고통 속에 ‪살게   같다'

So you're afraid that Hyeon-u will live in pain just like you did, right?


So you're afraid that Hyeon-u will live in pain just like you did, right?



그러니까 우리는  소송에서 ‪반드시 이겨야 되는 거라고요

That's why we have to win this lawsuit.

그렇게  거고요

And we will.

‪[성한재판으로 진행된 이상

Now that we're going to court,

재산 분할까지 ‪정확하게 요구할 겁니다

we'll also demand an exact division of property.

그러지 말아요

Don't do that.

 고집부릴  있잖아요

He might become more stubborn.

아니땡전    받는다고 ‪아이 순순히 보내 줄까요?

Do you think he'll hand over the boy just because you don't demand money?

‪[성한당연한  요구하는 거예요

You'd just be taking what's yours.



쫄지 마세요이기니까

don't be so scared. We're going to win.

한번 봅시다누가 이기는지

Let's wait and see who'll win.

‪[변호사이서진 씨에게 ‪양육권을 준다는 것은

Giving Ms. Lee the custody of her son would be the same

아이의 존엄을 포기하는 것입니다

as giving up on the dignity of the child.

저희 의뢰인이 ‪양육권을 포기할  없는 

It is only natural for my client to not give up his custody.

지극히 당연한 것입니다

It is only natural for my client to not give up his custody.

‪- 피고  대리인 ‪- [성한

-Defendant's counselor. -Yes.

아이의 존엄이요? ‪ 인상 깊은 표현이네요

His dignity? It's interesting you'd say that.


Make your case.

‪[성한사건 본인 강현우 

Have you ever asked Kang Hyeon-u,

아드님한테 한번 ‪물어보신 적이 있나요?

the child under discussion, who he wants to live with?

누구랑 살고 싶은지?

the child under discussion, who he wants to live with?

‪[변호사재판장님 ‪사건 본인의 선택 의지는

Your Honor, the child's opinion isn't taken into account

 13 이상일 

-unless he is over 13-- -I know that.

‪[성한아이알고 있죠

-unless he is over 13-- -I know that.

요즘 인터넷만 쳐도  나오는데요

Anyone can look that up online.

 13세가 되어야 ‪당사자의 의사가 반영이 되는 

A child has to be 13 for their opinion to be considered.

그거 지금 묻는  아니잖아요

But that's not what I'm asking.

강희섭 물론 법적으로는

Mr. Kang. Your child's opinion can't affect the court's decision,

아이의 의사가 ‪영향을 미치지는 못하지만

Your child's opinion can't affect the court's decision,

그래도 아버지시니까 ‪ 번쯤 물어볼  있잖아요

but you could have asked him as his father, right?


We are here

저런 엄마랑   없다고 하니까 ‪이런 자리가 있는 거겠죠

because the child already said he couldn't live with a mom like her.


because the child already said he couldn't live with a mom like her. Is that so? In that case, one of us has been lied to.

 중의  명은 ‪거짓말을 들은 건데요

In that case, one of us has been lied to.

‪[애잔한 음악]

‪[성한현우야 생각에는

Hyeon-u. The way I see it…

아빠도 나쁘고 엄마도 나빠

both your dad and your mom are at fault.

   부모로서 점수는 ‪진짜 꽝이야

They're both awful parents.

참고 살아야   같아

You'll have to deal with that.

그지 같지

It sucks.

성인 되면 빨리 독립해

Move out as soon as you come of age.

혼자서도  만한 세상이다

Living alone isn't all that bad.

근데 말이야

But let me ask you.



If you could choose just one person


If you could choose just one person

현우하고   명만  ‪살게 된다면

to be left in this world with you,

현우는 누구랑 살고 싶니?

who would you choose?





엄마가 죽을지도 모른다는 ‪생각을 했어요

I thought she might die.

‪[바람 소리]

‪[현우가끔 아무도 몰래

She would stand barefoot on the balcony sometimes

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- 베란다에 맨발로  있어요

She would stand barefoot on the balcony sometimes when she thought no one was watching.

근데  봤어요

But I saw her.


It must have been scary.

‪[현우엄마는 괴로웠어요

She was in pain.

나도 괴로워요

I'm in pain too.

그래그래 ‪현우 너가 제일 괴로워

I know. You're in the worst pain right now.

‪[한숨 쉬며괴로운  봤어요

I saw something painful.

그래서 현우독립은 언제 할래?

So when will you move out, Hyeon-u?

‪[성한아저씨는 ‪ 독일로 유학 가서

I moved to Germany -in high school-- -You already know, right?

아저씨는 알고 있죠?

-in high school-- -You already know, right?

‪[울먹이며내가  ‪아빠 핸드폰을 집어 던졌는지

You know why I threw Dad's phone.



현우가  들은 

What you saw and heard…

그거  지워져

That won't go away.


For all your life,

마음속에머릿속에 ‪ 여기저기에 남아 있을 거야

it'll linger in your heart, mind, and all over the place.

근데 있잖아이거는

And it will only get better if you try your absolute best.

아주아주 노력을 많이 해야 

And it will only get better if you try your absolute best.

자꾸 생각이 나잖아? ‪그럼 자꾸 뭐든 해야 

If it keeps coming back, you have to keep yourself busy.

나는 그럴 때면은 노래를 듣거든?

Whenever that happens to me, I listen to music.


Trot music.

궁금한  있는데

I have a question.

이건 현우가 힘들면 ‪대답  해도 알았지?

But you don't have to answer it if it's too hard for you. Okay?

찾아  거니?

Did you look it up?

아니면 누가 보여  거니?

Or did someone show it to you?


Your Honor.

사건 본인 강현우 군의 ‪일기장입니다

This is Hyeon-u's journal.

‪[변호사재판장님 ‪미리 제출된 증거가 아닙니다

Your Honor, this evidence was not submitted beforehand.

‪[성한 ‪오늘 받았어요오늘

-No, I received it today. -Let's hear it.

들어 보죠

-No, I received it today. -Let's hear it.

‪[성한] '나는 불행하다'

"I'm unhappy."

‪'엄마는 항상 없다'

"Mom is never home."

‪'요즘은 항상 아빠랑만 있다'

"I'm always with Dad these days."

‪'그래서 불행하다'

"That's why I'm unhappy."

‪'나를 불행하게 하는 ‪아빠랑만 있는 내가'

"I'm always with Dad, who makes me unhappy."


"I pity myself."

‪[변호사재판장님 ‪지금 강현우 군의 심리 상태는

Your Honor, Hyeon-u is currently in a mental state

 어떤 것도 모두 ‪불행하다 여기는 상태입니다

where he is unhappy about everything.

어린아이의 불안정한 마음을 ‪법적 근거로 내세울  없습니다

A child's unstable emotional state cannot be used as legal grounds.

맞습니다너무나도 맞습니다

She's right. She's absolutely right. An unstable child.

불안정한 어린아이

An unstable child.


Your Honor.

강희섭 이혼 당사자의 ‪신문을 요청하는 바입니다

I would like to question the plaintiff, Kang Hui-seop.


You may proceed.


Mr. Kang.

현우 군에게

Did you show Hyeon-u,

 불안정한 어린 아들에게

your insecure son…

혹시 이서진  동영상 ‪보여 줬어요?

the video of Ms. Lee?

‪[무거운 효과음]


Your Honor!

이런 신문은  의뢰인에게 ‪모욕감을  뿐입니다

This is only causing humiliation for my client!

‪[판사중요한 질문입니다 ‪대답 듣겠습니다

It's an important question. I will hear his answer.

‪[성한다시 묻겠습니다

Let me ask once again.

초등학교 3학년인 어린 아들에게

Did you show that video to your young son,

‪- 강현우 군에게 ‪- [무거운 음악]


 동영상 보여 줬냐고요

who's only in third grade?

‪[희섭 지금 뭐라 그랬어?

What? What did you say?

‪[울먹이며엄마랑 살고 싶어요

I want to live with Mom.


Have you gone insane?

‪[희섭 엄마가 ‪얼마나 나쁜 년인지 몰라서 그래!

Do you have any idea what a bitch she is?

엄마랑 살고 싶어요

I want to live with Mom.

엄마랑 살래요

I want to live with her.



‪- [희섭 이거  이거  ‪- [현우의 울음]

Watch this. Watch it, you little shit!

 새끼야 똑바로 뜨고

Watch it, you little shit! Open your eyes!

이게  엄마란 여자야

This is who your mother is. Look!

‪-  새끼야! ‪- [현우의 악쓰는 소리]

Look at it!

‪[희섭알아야 되니까

He had to know.

엄마란 여자랑  살면  되는지 ‪애도 알아야 되니까!

He had to know why he couldn't live with his so-called mom!


Plaintiff, calm down.

그래서 보여 줬다고요?

That's why you showed him?

‪[어이없는 소리]



‪[희섭저딴 쓰레기 같은 짓을 ‪ 년을 잡아야지  추궁해?

You should be after that trashy bitch. Why are you interrogating me?

당신 변호사면 다야?

I don't care if you're an attorney.

그래보여 줬어

I showed him.

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪-  아들이니까

He's my son.

아빠인 내가 보여 줬어!

He's my son. I showed him as his dad. So what?

‪- [판사원고진정하세요 ‪- [희섭

-Plaintiff, calm down. -Damn it.

어린아이의 존엄이라고 했어요?

What did you say about his dignity?


Your Honor.

강희섭 씨의 ‪이런 파렴치한 행동이게

Do you think Mr. Kang's despicable behavior

이게 존엄을 위한 겁니까?

respects his son's dignity?


Defendant, sit down.

‪- 피고! ‪- [서진의 떨리는 숨소리]


‪[희섭 미친년이이게 돌았

You crazy bitch, have you gone--

‪[서진의 분노에  숨소리]

‪[서진이 오열하며!

‪[서진의 악쓰는 소리]

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[성한의 한숨]


You're up.

어때요 괜찮으세요?

So? Are you all right?


-Excuse me. -You have to finish this before you go.

‪[성한아니이거 ‪이거  맞아야   있어요

-Excuse me. -You have to finish this before you go.


Excuse me!


Excuse me!


Ms. Lee.


-Yes? -Please pull this out.


-Yes? -Please pull this out.

‪[간호사환자분 ‪ 수액  맞으셔야

-Ma'am, you must finish the IV-- -Please pull it out.


-Ma'am, you must finish the IV-- -Please pull it out.



잠시만요선생님께 말씀드릴게요

One second. I'll let the doctor know.


Why didn't you tell me?


This morning,

현우한테 연락이 왔어요

I got a call from Hyeon-u.

학교로     있냐고

He asked me to come to his school.

‪[성한일기장도 그때 받았고요

That's when I got his journal.


He said that…


you would cry

엄마가 알면 울겠지만

if you found out that he had seen it,

그래도 자기는 엄마랑 살고 싶다고

but he still wanted to live with you.

‪[애잔한 음악]

죽을 때까지

I'll beg for his forgiveness

용서를  거예요

until the day I die.

현우한테 갈래요

I want to see Hyeon-u.



의사 선생님한테 얘기하고 올게요

I'll tell the doctor. Give me one second.

잠깐만 있어요

I'll tell the doctor. Give me one second.

‪[멀어지는 발소리]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[성한 ‪중요한 말을  했네요

Wait. I forgot to tell you something important.


We won.

가서 현우랑 맛있는  드세요

Go have a nice meal with Hyeon-u.


Thank you.

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[쪽쪽 빠는 소리]


‪[새봄패소 각이죠?

Seems like they lost.

‪[형근그럴  없어

Not going to happen.

‪[새봄벌써 끝났을 시간인데

It should be over by now.

‪[형근 먹나 보지

-Maybe they're having lunch. -It's way past lunchtime.

‪[새봄 먹고도 남을 시간인데

-Maybe they're having lunch. -It's way past lunchtime.

‪[형근상담하나 보지

Maybe she's consulting him.


Because they lost?

‪- [형근이놈은  이렇게… ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]

Why won't he call--

패소했… 승소했지?

You lost… You won, right?

 집으로 바로 들어간다

Hey, I'm going straight home.

사무실 들어갈 기분이 아니라서

-I'm not in the mood to go to the office. -Why not?

‪[형근? ‪ 기분이  좋아?

-I'm not in the mood to go to the office. -Why not? Why aren't you in the mood?

 좋은 이유가 뭐야뭐야뭐야? ‪ 그래말해 ?

Why aren't you in the mood? What is it? Tell me. What …


Wait. Did you lose?

그럴 리가

Of course not.




You won, right? Yes, I knew it.


You're tiring me out, man. I'm hanging up.

‪- [버튼 조작음] ‪- [통화 종료음]


Did they win?

 찝찝한 기분은 뭐지?

What is this uneasy feeling?


‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[보글보글 끓는 소리]

‪[도어  조작음]

‪- [탁탁 칼질 소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[도어  작동음]


I'm home.

학원에서 늦게 끝났어?

Did your class run late?

아니친구랑 피시방

No, I went to an internet cafe with a friend.


Did you have fun?


I'm sleepy.



엄마가 인터넷 보고 ‪탕수육 만들었거든

I made some sweet and sour pork with a recipe I found online.

맛있을지도 몰라

It might be good.

 씻고 올게

I'll go wash my hands.

‪[살짝 웃는다그래


‪[차분한 음악]

맛이 어때?

How is it?


It's good.

처음  건데 성공이지?

Not bad for a first try, right?



 누구랑 살아?

Who am I going to live with?



아빠는 어디 있어?

Where's Dad?

회사 근처의 호텔에 있겠다고 했어

He's staying at a hotel near his office.


I'm full.

‪[달그락 내려놓는 소리]

그래그만 먹어

Okay, you don't have to finish it.

엄마어디 아파?

Mom, are you sick?

아니 아파

No, I'm not sick.

아파 보여서

You don't look so well.

아니야 아파

No, I'm fine.

‪[애잔한 음악]



I'm sorry.


엄마가 미안해

I'm so sorry.


It was wrong of me.

‪[울먹이는 숨소리]

‪[서진이 연신 흐느낀다]

‪[현우엄마는 괴로웠어요

She was in pain.

나도 괴로워요

I'm in pain too.

‪[서진죽을 때까지

I'll beg for his forgiveness

용서를  거예요

until the day I die.

현우한테 갈래요

I want to see Hyeon-u.

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[입소리를  낸다]



That's bitter.

‪[감성적인 음악]

‪[톡톡 두드리는 소리]


‪[ 들이켜는 소리]

‪[사락거리는 소리]

‪[ 들이켜는 소리]

‪[잘그랑거리는 소리]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[깊은 한숨]

‪- [태블릿 피시 조작음] ‪- [한숨]

‪[쓸쓸한 음악이 흐른다]

‪♪ 바람이 분다 ♪

The wind blows

‪♪ 길가에 목롯집 ♪

A roadside bar

‪[성한] ♪ 그냥 가긴 ♪

I can't just

‪♪ 서운이가 허잖아 ♪

Pass by it

‪[빨라지는 음악 소리]



‪♪  ♪

‪♪  ♪

‪♪ 바람이 분다 ♪

The wind blows

‪- ♪ 길가에 목롯… ♪ ‪- [초인종 소리]

A roadside bar--


Come on!

 정도 볼륨이면은 ‪애티튜드가 있다고 생각을 하는데!

I think this noise level is absolutely acceptable!

‪- [작아지는 음악 소리] ‪- 진짜사람들 진짜

I think this noise level is absolutely acceptable! Come on, you people are too sensitive!


Come on, you people are too sensitive!


Good grief!

‪- [인터폰 조작음] ‪- 아이씨깜짝이야

Man, that scared me.

‪[형근이거 ‪남진의 '나야 같은데

That's "It's Me" by Nam Jin.

‪[정식비켜 아이 ‪얼른 열어!

Move aside. Open up already!

‪[형근] ♪ 나야나야 ♪

It's me, it's me, it's me

‪[정식] ♪ 나야나야 ♪

It's me, it's me, it's me

‪[형근] ♪  열어 자식아 ♪

Open the door You punk

‪- [소란스러운 소리] ‪- 징글징글한 새끼들진짜

I'm so sick of these clowns. Open up.

‪- [정식빨리 열어 ‪- [인터폰 조작음]

Open up.

‪- [도어  작동음] ‪- 짜증 나게 하지 말고 열어

Open up, you little… It's open.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [작게소름 끼치는 새끼들

Crazy bastards.

‪[형근 승소했는데 ‪ 기분이  좋아?

-Hey, you won the case. -Hey. -Why are you in a bad mood? -What took you so long?

‪[정식문을 ‪빨리빨리 열어야지새끼가

-Why are you in a bad mood? -What took you so long?

‪[형근우리 서진 씨한테 ‪무슨  있어?

-Hey. -Did something happen to Seo-jin?

‪[정식너는 독일에 ‪유학까지 갔다  뮤지션이

-Hey. -Did something happen to Seo-jin? -You studied music in Germany. -Why are you sad after winning?

‪[형근 승소했는데 ‪ 기분이  좋냐고

-You studied music in Germany. -Why are you sad after winning?

‪[정식이씨 ‪ 트로트 오디션 나가냐?

-You studied music in Germany. -Why are you sad after winning? -Are you trying to be a trot singer? -Did something happen with Seo-jin?

‪[형근서진  ‪무슨  있는  아니야?

-Are you trying to be a trot singer? -Did something happen with Seo-jin?

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[스위치 조작음]

‪[사람들의 탄성]

‪[정식이야나이를 처먹어도 ‪참치 캔에 소주냐

I can't believe we still drink soju with canned tuna at our age.

‪[형근새우깡에 소주보다 낫겠지

Better than shrimp chips and soju.

‪[성한고추도 있어

I have spicy tuna too.


-I… Attorney Shin. -Hey.

‪[정식니네 ‪ 얘기  거면 나는 가고

-I… Attorney Shin. -Hey. I'm going to leave if you're going to talk about work.


Sure, bye. Just tell me already.

‪[형근아유빨리  ‪얘기   

Just tell me already.

서진  깔끔하게  정리된 거야?

Did Seo-jin's case end well? -Hey, Ms. Lee… -Yes?

이서진 씨가

-Hey, Ms. Lee… -Yes?


-Hey, Ms. Lee… -Yes?

‪- 한칼이 있어 ‪- [형근

has some guts. -What? -We were in the courtroom.


-What? -We were in the courtroom.

‪- 판사님이 이렇게 보고 있잖아 ‪- [형근

-The judge was watching, right? -Okay.

‪[성한싸대기를 그냥

-And she just slapped… -Slapped?


-And she just slapped… -Slapped?

‪- [성한 남편 있잖아 ‪- [형근

-And she just slapped… -Slapped? -You know her husband. -Right.

‪- 전남편 ‪- [형근전남편

-No, ex-husband. -Yes, ex.

‪[성한빰싸다구를 그냥

She just slapped…

완전 찰지게 맞았어

-the absolute hell out of him. -She hit him first?

‪- 선빵 ‪- [성한

-the absolute hell out of him. -She hit him first? Yes.

‪[형근의 탄성]


‪[형근술이 달다?

This soju tastes great today, doesn't it?

‪[성한잔이 예술이잖냐 ‪잔이?

This soju tastes great today, doesn't it? It's because we're drinking from beautiful glasses.

‪[정식지랄들을 해요아주

You idiots.

이서진 걱정을 니가  하냐?

Hey. Why would you worry about Lee Seo-jin?

 여자는 시원하게 ‪이혼이라도 했지아유

At least she got a divorce. You, on the other hand… Do you have ramyeon?

‪- 라면 없냐? ‪- [정식 인마

Do you have ramyeon? Listen, man.

 이혼 도장이라도 ‪제대로 찍어 주고 나서

Finalize your divorce before you fall head over heels for a celebrity.

덕질을 하든지 인간아

Finalize your divorce before you fall head over heels for a celebrity.

 좋은  초를 치고 그래?

Why are you ruining such a great day?

그래도 정식이  ‪틀린  하나 없다

He does have a point though.

‪[정식 노멀한  알아?

-You think you're any better? -What did I do?

나한테  그래?

-You think you're any better? -What did I do?

‪[정식 스피커 저거 ‪관짝 같은 ?

You see that speaker that looks like a coffin?

저거 저게 ‪얼마인  아냐?

You see that speaker that looks like a coffin? Do you know how much that is?

저게 5천만 원이 넘는 거야

It's worth over 50 million won.

저거 독일 거지?

Made in Germany, right?

저거  들어야겠어?

So what kind of music should you be listening to on it?

저기누구냐드뷔시 형님?

You know, there's our man, Debussy.

헨델 어머님이랑

There's our mom, Handel.

많잖아들을  엄청 많잖아

There's a ton of music to listen to.

  음악을 차별하냐?

Why are you so bigoted?

남진 수봉이 누나

What's wrong with Nam Jin and Sim Soo-bong?

‪[성한요즘에 영웅 ‪영웅이영웅이

And who's that kid? Young-woong. Young-woong. Lim Young-woong.

영웅이임영웅이 ‪  좋더라고

Young-woong. Lim Young-woong. I love his songs.

‪[형근나는 호중이 ‪호중이가 괜찮아

I like Kim Ho-joong. He's good.

‪[성한 ‪타인의 취향 존중하겠어

And I respect your taste.

‪[정식   끊지  ‪내가 얘기하고 있잖아지금

Stop cutting me off. I was talking.


-Go ahead, idiot. -Yes, go ahead.

‪- [성한 ‪- [정식

-Go ahead, idiot. -Yes, go ahead.


Mark my words, man.

‪[성한 그거 알아?

Did you know?

‪- 소주도 디캔팅이 된다? ‪- [형근그래?

Soju can be decanted as well. -Really? -If you leave it out,

‪[성한이게 놔두잖아?

-Really? -If you leave it out,

그럼 공기랑  만나면서 ‪ 넘김이

it meets the air and turns smoother.

‪- [형근성한의 탄성] ‪- [정식 얘기하잖아

it meets the air and turns smoother. Hey, I'm talking.


Yes, what?

‪[형근] ''?

"Yes, what?"



‪[성대모사를 하며응애예요

"Say what?"

‪- 응애 ‪- [익살스러운 음악]



What was that?

‪[성한일천구백팔십 년대 ‪유행어 아니냐?

Isn't that a catchphrase from the 1980s?

내가 과했다사과할게

That was too much. I apologize.

사과는 무슨 ‪덕분에 추억 돋았는데

Don't apologize. It brings back memories.

‪- 그렇지? ‪- [성한우리 흥국이 형이잖아!

-Right? -That's Kim Heung-kook!

‪[형근흥국이  ‪흥국이  진짜

-Right? -That's Kim Heung-kook! -I know. -So funny.


-I know. -So funny. -"Say what?" -"Say what?"

‪- [형근응애예요아유들이대 ‪- [성한들이대

-"Say what?" -"Say what?" -"Get in there!" -Do you know "Reggae Party"?

‪- '레게파티아냐, '레게파티'? ‪- [형근, '레게파티'

-"Get in there!" -Do you know "Reggae Party"?

‪- ' 살어', ' 살어' ‪- [형근] ' 살어'

-Feeling good -Feeling good Feeling good

‪- [성한의 장난스러운 소리] ‪- [성한형근의 웃음]

Feeling good

‪[형근] ♪ 발로 발로  ♪

Kick it -Kick it -You know…


What are you doing?

 그거 진심 ‪건드리면 진심 처맞는다

If you touch that, I'll beat the crap out of you.

신성한  새끼 ‪배신감 들게 하네?

Shin Sung-han, you bastard. I feel betrayed.

 ‪ 플레이리스트 건드리면

What? If you mess with my playlist, I'll stab you with a chopstick.

 진짜 젓가락으로 꼽아 버린다

If you mess with my playlist, I'll stab you with a chopstick.

‪- 형근아 ‪- [형근

-Hyeong-geun. -Yes?

‪-  새끼 플레이리스트에 ‪- [형근

-His playlist doesn't have -What? -any Shin Seung-hun songs. -Really?

‪[정식신승훈 노래가 없어

-any Shin Seung-hun songs. -Really?


-any Shin Seung-hun songs. -Really?

‪[정식뭐야룰라도 없어?

-You don't even have Roo'ra? -What can we do? To each their own.

‪[형근 ‪타인의 취향인데  어떡해

-You don't even have Roo'ra? -What can we do? To each their own.

 새끼들  되겠다진짜

I've had it with you.

‪[발랄한 음악]

‪- [성한 무슨 가방에 … ‪- [마이크 조작음]

Why do you carry that in your bag?

‪[안내 음성블루투스 연결이 ‪준비되었습니다

Ready to pair.

그런  넣고 다녀?

Why do you carry that?

‪[형근이거 성능 괜찮냐?

Does that work all right?

‪- [감성적인 음악이 흐른다] ‪- 

‪- [정식 ‪- 아이, '하지 

Stop that.

‪- [성한! ‪- [형근엔간하다이거엔간해

-Hey! -It sounds pretty good.


‪- [성한형근의 한숨] ‪- 

‪- ♪ 우연인지 몰라도 ♪ ‪- [형근의 탄성]

It may have been a coincidence

‪♪ 네가 눈물 흘릴 때마다 ♪

But whenever you cried

‪♪ 하늘에선 비가 내렸어 ♪

Rain fell from the sky


So cold.

‪- ♪ 익숙해져 버린  그냥 ♪ ‪- [정식의 탄성]

-I was used to it -Nice.


-I was used to it -Nice. I looked into your sad eyes

‪[형근] ♪ 너의 ‪슬픈 눈을 보면서 ♪

I looked into your sad eyes

‪- [성한이 작게미친 새끼 ‪- [정식뭐라 그랬었지?

And what did you say? And threw a cold remark

‪[형근] ♪ 차가운 한마디 ♪

And threw a cold remark

‪- [함께] ♪ 울지  ♪ ‪- [성한의 괴로운 소리]

-"Don't cry" -"Don't cry"

‪[정식] ♪ 하지만 이제 나도 ♪

But now

‪♪ 그때처럼 비가 내리면 ♪

When it rains like it did then


When it rains like it did then

‪- 오빠! ‪- [정식] ♪ 눈물을 ♪

-Jeong-sik! -I shed tears

‪♪ 흘리고 있어 ♪

-Jeong-sik! -I shed tears

‪♪ 내게 너무나도 소중한 ♪

Because you, my dear

‪♪ 니가  곁에 없다는 ‪이유로  ♪

You are no longer by my side I've been crying with the rain

‪♪ 비와 함께 울고 있었… ♪

I've been crying with the rain

‪- [헥헥거린다] ‪- [ 짖는 소리]

‪- [새어 나오는 음악 소리] ‪- [주민1 웃음]

‪[정식] ♪ 오랫동안 비가 왔어 ♪

‪[주민1] 아휴

임자 사람 ‪변호사라고 그러지 않았어?

Honey, didn't you say that man is a lawyer?

‪[주민2] 아휴장가를  갔대

Honey, didn't you say that man is a lawyer? He's not married yet.

‪[주민1] 아니 ‪장가를  가서 저러는 거야?

Does he do that because he's single or is that why he's single?

그러느라고 장가를   거야?

or is that why he's single?

‪[주민2] 도긴개긴이지

Same difference.

‪[정식] ♪ 견딜 수가 없는  ♪

What I cannot bear is The thought that you might be

‪♪ 어디선가 너도 나처럼 ♪

The thought that you might be

‪♪ 울고 있다는 생각에 ♪

Crying somewhere like I am

‪[성한형근] ♪ 하늘이여 ‪나를 도와줘 ♪

Heavens, please help me

‪♪ 그렇게 울고 있지 말고 ♪

Don't just cry like that

‪[함께] ♪  님이 있는  ♪

You can easily find out

‪♪ 너는 쉽게   있잖아 ♪

-Where my love is now -Where my love is now

‪♪ 내가 살아 있는 동안에 ♪

-I wish to see her -I wish to see her

‪♪  번만이라도… ♪

Just once more while I live

‪[감성적인 음악]

Just once more while I live Even as a coincidence

‪[성한] ♪  ♪

Under your tears

‪[정식] ♪  ♪

Under your tears

‪[형근이 작게] ♪  ♪

Under your tears

‪[성한 새끼

-Is he… He's crying. -This guy.

‪- 울어 울어 새끼야 ‪- [정식의 웃음]

-Is he… He's crying. -This guy.

‪[형근의 우는 시늉]

It's so sad.

‪[함께 웃는다]

‪[부드러운 효과음]


‪- [성한아이고수고하십니다 ‪- [애란아이고

-Good morning. -Hello.

‪[성한이 웃으며

Excuse me.


Excuse me.

여기 변호사 선생님이시죠?

-You're the lawyer here, right? -Yes.

-You're the lawyer here, right? -Yes.

이혼 변호사?

-A divorce attorney? -Yes.


-A divorce attorney? -Yes. So…



이혼하는  돈이 많이 드나요?

Is it expensive to get a divorce? Oh, the cost?


Oh, the cost?

‪[성한글쎄요이게  ‪상황마다  달라서요

Well, I guess it… -It depends on the situation. -I see.

-It depends on the situation. -I see.

‪[함께 웃는다]

All right.

‪- [성한쉬엄쉬엄하세요 ‪- [애란이 살짝 웃는다]

-Take it easy then. -Sure.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]



-Hello. -You said your water pipe is leaking?

‪[애란수도가 샌다고요?

-Hello. -You said your water pipe is leaking?

‪[원장많이 새는  아닌데

Yes, it's not that bad,

거기 가만히 두니까 ‪바닥에 물이 자꾸 고여 가지고

but I've been noticing some puddles.

‪- [애란내가 한번 봐도 되나? ‪- [원장그럼요

-May I take a look? -Sure, of course.



‪[애란의 한숨]

상의하고 연락할게요

I'll call after we talk.

‪- [웃으며그러세요 ‪- [애란

Okay, sure. -Okay. -Goodbye.

‪- [원장안녕히 가세요 ‪- [애란

-Okay. -Goodbye.

‪[손님여기 주인인가? ‪건물주처럼  보이는데

Is she the landlady? She doesn't look like one.

‪[원장아니시어머니가 주인이고

No, her mother-in-law is.

며느리  아줌마가 관리  하고

That lady just manages the building.

아유건물 청소며 ‪모든 관리  엄마가  한다니까

She does all the cleaning and maintenance work.

‪[ 끼우는 소리]

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[형근의 한숨]

‪[달그락 소리]

‪[ 치는 소리]

‪- [TV 소리] ‪- [병철 아유

The bathroom is a mess as usual.

화장실 꼬락서니하고는허구한 

The bathroom is a mess as usual.

공중변소가 여기보다 ‪  깨끗하겄다아이고

Even a public restroom would be cleaner than that.

‪- [미영아빠이것   줘요 ‪- [병철 모의 힘주는 소리]

Dad, can you fold these?

딸년이 둘씩이나 있으면서 ‪어떻게 아빠한테 빨래를 개라 그래

He has two girls. How can you make him fold laundry?

 세탁기    돌려야 돼요

I have to run the machine again.

미소야니가 나와서 빨래 

Mi-so, you come out and fold the laundry.

‪[미영미소는 ‪공부하잖아요할머니

She's studying, Grandma.

두세요제가 이따 갤게

Leave it. I'll do it later.

‪[병철 처먹여 재워  ‪입혀 

Leave it. I'll do it later. I fed, clothed, and sheltered you, then sent you to college for nothing.

대학 보내 그럼  ?

I fed, clothed, and sheltered you, then sent you to college for nothing.

눈깔이 이마 위에 붙어서 ‪따박따박 말대꾸나 하고 있는데

All you ever do is look down on me and talk back.


Leave it.

‪- 아이고 ‪- [병철같이 하면 금방 하지

It goes faster if we do it together.

‪[병철 아유 터져

You're killing me.

 에미는  이렇게 늦냐? ‪식구들 쫄쫄  굶고 있는데

Why is your mom so late? We're all starving here.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]


I'm home.

‪[미영 많이 막혔지?

The traffic was really bad, wasn't it?

‪[애란그래도 버스는  막혀

The bus lane isn't too bad.

‪[병철 얼른  차려라

Go make dinner.

애비 뱃가죽 등에 붙겄어

Your husband's starving to death.

 금방 씻고 나올게요

Yes, let me shower quickly. I'm sweating from cleaning--

오늘 건물 대청소해서 땀이

I'm sweating from cleaning--

‪[병철 늙으면 ‪죽어야 된다는   맞다

Longevity sure is a curse.

하루에    제때 입에 넣기가 ‪이렇게 눈치가 보여서야

I need to walk on eggshells all the time to be fed.

 먼저 할게요

I'll cook first.

‪[미영내가 했어엄마 ‪차리기만 하면 

I already did. Just set the table.

 하러엄마 금방 오는데

Why? I was going to be home soon.

얼른  차려!

Get us dinner already!


Go inside.

‪[병철 저것은 ‪혼자 밖에서  처먹고 다니길래

What on earth does she eat while she's out?

 몸뚱어리   ‪저것이 사람이여짐승이여?

Look at her size. Is she a human or a beast?

저는 밖에서  처먹고 다니니까 ‪ 배는  고프겄제

I'm sure she's not hungry since she stuffs her face outside.


Take it easy.

‪[애란의 기가  숨소리]

쉬엄쉬엄해서 ‪언제  건물 융자를  갚아?

Taking it easy isn't going to pay off the mortgage.

‪[병철찜질   줄까?

Do you want heat packs?


Talk to your mother.

애들한테 험한 소리  ‪그만하시라 하라고

Tell her to stop talking to our kids like that.

‪[병철이 피식 웃는다]

‪[병철평생 ‪말투가 저러셨는데 쉽나

She's talked like that all her life. It's not so easy.

‪[병철의 웃음]

웃음이 나와?

How can you be laughing?


‪[답답한 한숨]

당신이 아빠잖아

You're their dad.

‪[애란 미영이미소는 ‪우리 같은 부모한테 태어나서

Mi-yeong and Mi-so shouldn't be insulted like that

 들어도 되는 막말을 ‪듣고 사냐고?

just because they're our kids. -Right? -I'll talk to her.

‪- 얘기할게 ‪- [애란정말  거지?

-Right? -I'll talk to her. You will, won't you?

애들한테 막말  그만하시라 ‪ 거지?

You'll tell her to stop talking to our girls like that, right?


Go to sleep. You said you were tired.


Seo Byeong-cheol.

내가  고생을 하고 ‪ 막말을 365 듣고 사는 

I work my butt off and put up with her insults every day because I deserve it.

들어도 싸니까 그런 거야

because I deserve it.

‪[헛웃음 치며 소리야?

What do you mean?

‪[애란내가 당신 좋다고 ‪울고불고 매달렸으니까

It's because I clung to you and didn't let you go.

 꼬라지로 살아도 싸다고

I deserve to live in this mess.

아이 하러 옛얘기를 ‪ [웃음]

Don't bring up that old story again.

당신 어머니가 옛날얘기를 ‪매일매일  대니까

Because your mother brings up that old story every single day…


정말이야 말해

I mean it. You better tell her.

‪[애란어머니  번만  ‪미영이미소한테  하시면

If she mistreats Mi-yeong and Mi-so once again,


I won't sit back.



‪[무거운 음악]

‪- [스위치 조작음] ‪- [문소리]

‪[TV  남자실제로 ‪고지혈증으로 끈적해진 피가

혈관을 타고 흐르면

혈관 속에서 굳거나 ‪혈관 벽에 쌓여

혈관이 좁아지게 되고

혈전까지 만들어지는데요

‪[ 짖는 소리]

‪[잘박거리는 소리]

‪[헛기침 소리]

‪[놀란 소리]

‪[애란의 피곤한 소리]

‪[애란의 힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[애란의 한숨]


‪[달칵  닫히는 소리]

안녕히 주무셨어요

Good morning. Make bean soup noodles tonight.

‪[병철 저녁에 콩국수 해라

Make bean soup noodles tonight.

애비 입맛도 없는  같고

Your husband seems to have no appetite.

 불려 놓을 테니까 ‪끝나면 바로 와서  삶아

I'll soak the beans. Boil them when you get home.

‪[병철 모의 헛기침]


Sit down.

‪[병철 모의 헛기침]

위층에  내놔

Rent out the unit upstairs.

밥도 같이 먹고 ‪빨래고 뭐고   없고

I eat here anyway, and I barely have any laundry.

내가  뺀다 내놔라

I'll move out, so rent it out.

어머니는 그럼

Where will you stay then?

‪[병철 살림도 죄다 낡아서 ‪가져올 것도 없어

All my stuff is old, so I don't need to bring anything.

몸만 내려오면 

I'll just move downstairs.

 하러 딸애들 각방을 ?

Those girls don't need separate rooms.

 하나에서 같이 쓰게  ‪그럼  하나 남잖아

Let them share one room so there's a spare room.

그건 내가 들어오면 되고

I'll move in there.

언제 융자를 갚냐고언제

When will we ever pay off our mortgages?

위층에 세주고 ‪ 보증금으로 융자 갚아

Rent out the unit upstairs to cover the mortgages.

‪[애란의 떨리는 숨소리]

Rent out the unit upstairs to cover the mortgages.

애들이  커서 방도 좁아요 ‪둘이 쓰기는

The girls are all grown up now. They're too old to be sharing a room now.

니들 내가 지금    내줬으면 ‪길바닥에 나앉아 있어

You'd be out on the street if I didn't let you live here.

‪[병철  하나 주는 것도 ‪감지덕지지

They should be thankful for one room.

도대체 에미란 인간이 헤퍼 빠져서 ‪도대체 살림이 일어나질 않아

Your situation never gets better because you waste all your money.

‪[살짝 웃으며 씻고 ‪나가야 해서

I have to wash up and go to work.

‪[못마땅한 소리]

‪- [문소리] ‪- [찰랑거리는 소리]


‪[달그락거리는 소리]

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[애잔한 음악]

‪[애란의 한숨]

‪[애란의 힘주는 소리]

‪[TV 소리]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]


I need to see you outside.

어머니한테는 친구 만난다고 

Tell Mother that you're seeing a friend.


‪[무거운 악기 연주]

‪[고조되는 악기 연주]

‪[성한이 연주를 흥얼거린다]


 나더라 ‪어깨춤이 절로 나올 뻔했어

That was fun. I almost danced.

 춤은  추셨어요?

So why didn't you?

 봤어 춤추는 ?

You didn't see me dancing?

나만  봤네에휴

I guess I missed it.

 다음 주면 독일로 돌아가요

I'm going back to Germany next week.

제가 진짜 좋아하는 ‪재즈 밴드가 있거든요함부르크에

There's this amazing jazz band I love in Hamburg,

‪[여자 객원으로 초대받았어요

and I was invited to play with them.

‪[발을 탁탁 구르며! ‪완전 신나겠죠?

Isn't it exciting?

‪[성한의 탄성]

‪- [탁탁 치는 소리] ‪- 감사합니다

Thank you.

‪- 교수님언제  거예요? ‪- [성한어디를?

-When are you coming, Professor? -Where?



 진짜 그냥 궁금해서 그래요

I'm genuinely curious.

한국에서  하고 사세요?

What do you do in Korea?


Concerts? Lessons?


I'm an attorney.


Come on.



‪- 그때 말한  장난 아니었어요? ‪- [성한

So you weren't kidding back then? You're really an attorney?

진짜로  변호사?

You're really an attorney?

‪[성한아니 ‪오늘  보자 그런 거야?

You're really an attorney? Why did you want to meet?

피아노도 ‪딱히 ?

Your piano wasn't so…


Come on.



교수님이 좋아하는 와인

Your favorite wine.

세일하길래 하나  봤어요

It was on sale, so I got a bottle.

 봐요 ‪제자 중에 저만   없죠?

See? I'm your best student, right?

그렇긴 한데

It's true, but I don't drink wine anymore.

어떡하냐 와인 끊었는데

It's true, but I don't drink wine anymore.

술을 끊었다고요?

You quit drinking?

아니와인을 끊었다고

No, just wine.


Right, wine.

‪[성한 가기 전에 ‪   먹자

Let's grab a meal before you go.

우리 사무실에앞에 

There's a killer ramyeon place right in front of my office.

진짜 죽이는 ‪라면집 하나가 있거든?

There's a killer ramyeon place right in front of my office.



‪[여자이거 어떡해와인

-What am I going to do with this wine? -I'll take it.

-What am I going to do with this wine? -I'll take it.

어차피 우리 집에

There are two freeloaders at my place who dig up these things

요런 것만 귀신같이 찾아 먹는 ‪식충이  마리가 있어

There are two freeloaders at my place who dig up these things as if they're drawn to them.



-Professor Shin. -Hey.

‪[작게 ‪그렇게 부르지 진짜

-Professor Shin. -Hey. -Don't call me that. -Why not?

‪- 왜요? ‪- [성한어색하잖아

-Don't call me that. -Why not? It's awkward.

어차피 교수님이잖아

You're my professor.

‪[성한부담스럽고 ‪

It's too much.



My billion-won baby.

‪[  닫히는 소리]


‪[서진인사를 드리고 싶은데 ‪ 좋아하시는지 몰라서

I wanted to thank you, but I didn't know what you liked.

좋은 와인이에요

It's a nice bottle of wine.

아이고오늘 와인 파티네요

It's a wine party for me today.

‪[성한아니누가  주더라고요

I got one from someone earlier.

와인 좋아하시는구나

You must like wine.


I'm glad.

 [어색한 웃음]


저는  ‪일을  거뿐인데  이런 거까지

I just did my job. You didn't have to get me this.

아무튼 감사합니다

Anyway, thank you.

다른 변호사 만났으면

Had I gone to another lawyer,

패소했을 거예요

I would have lost.


그럴  있죠

That… is possible.

저니까 승소한 겁니다

We won because of me.

‪[성한의 어색한 웃음]

You know…


Well, I…

죄송한데 너무 궁금한  ‪ 있어 가지고요

I'm sorry, but I just really want to know.

‪[성한혹시  결혼은

Did you get married…

이서진 씨가 ‪원해서  결혼이었나요?

because you wanted to?


I'm sorry.

 다른 뜻이 있어서 ‪여쭤본  아니고요

I didn't mean anything else by that.

 사랑한다고 하니까

He said he loved me.


That's why.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[서진우리 오빠가 ‪도박 중독이었어요

My brother was addicted to gambling.

전남편이랑은 절친이었고

He was good friends with my ex-husband.

둘이서 지금  사업 ‪같이 시작했어요

They started that business together.

 그때 아나운서 시험 ‪준비 중이었고

I was studying to become a newscaster at the time.

오빠가 회사 자금으로 ‪도박을 했어요

My brother gambled with the business funds.


그때 회사가 ‪부도가  상황이었는데

The company was about to go bankrupt,

전남편이  팔아서 ‪정리하더라고요

but my ex-husband sold his house and took care of it.

그럼 부채감에

So you married him

결혼을 하신 거구나

because you felt indebted to him.

지나고 보니 그러네요

Looking back, I guess you're right.

아니그런데 이서진 씨는

But Ms. Lee,

안정적이고 멋진  하고 계시고

you had a stable and cool career,

명성도 엄청나신데

and you were so famous.

 진작에 이혼하지 않으셨어요?

Why didn't you divorce him sooner?

헤어지자 마음먹었을 

When I decided to leave him,

오빠가 죽었어요

my brother died.

‪[서진그날도 도박해서  날리고

He gambled away all his money again,

만취가 돼서 교통사고로

got wasted, and got in a car accident.

무서워서  주저앉고

I got scared and stayed…

그렇게 살다 보니까

And then life happened.

‪[바람 소리]

‪[쓸쓸한 음악]



모차르트 ‪'피아노 협주곡 23' 2악장

Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 23, the 2nd movement.

거침없이 쏟아 내는 말들

Those careless words.

근데  타건감은

But the touch of the keys…


How can I put this?

‪- 깊은 슬픔? ‪- [의미심장한 효과음]

Deep sorrow.

아다지오 같은

Like adagio.

뭔가 있어 보이죠? [웃음]

Sounds cool, right?


‪[서진선물 초이스 ‪굿인  같아요

I guess the wine was a good gift.

포도송이 그림이랑  어울려요

It goes well with your grape drawing.

‪[성한의 멋쩍은 웃음]

-Well… -Hey.

이제   남았네요?

-Well… -Hey. You have one more to go.

지난번엔  알이었던  같은데

Last time, there were two left.

‪[성한구직은 하고 있죠?

Are you looking for a new job?

이력서 내고 있는데 쉽진 않네요

I've been sending out my résumé, but it's not easy.

되도록이면  서둘러야  겁니다

You should probably hurry.

강희섭 씨가 지켜보고 있다가 ‪다시 소송할 수도 있거든요

Mr. Kang might be watching you to file another lawsuit.

알고 있어요

I know.


I'll be going.

현우는  어때요?

Right, how's Hyeon-u?

‪[서진 있어요

He's doing well.

밥도  먹고

He eats well, and he talks to me from time to time.

말도 조금씩  주고

He eats well, and he talks to me from time to time.


That's nice.

이게  제가 유능해 가지고

You know that it's my competence

양육권에 재산 분할까지 

that won you his custody and a fair division of property, right?

‪- [ 손뼉 치는 소리] ‪- 정리한  아시죠?

that won you his custody and a fair division of property, right?


You also know I was joking, right?

농담인 것도 아시죠?

You also know I was joking, right?

성함을 바꿔도 좋겠다

You should change your name.

‪[서진] '신성한말고

From Mr. Shin Sung-han


to Mr. Competent.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[덜컹거리는 소리]

수임료 받으면 이런   고치나?

What does he spend all his money on?

‪[피식 웃는다]

‪- [문소리] ‪- [성한] '유능한'

Mr. Competent.


Not bad.

안녕하세요 ‪유능한 변호사 '유능한'입니다

Hello, I'm your competent attorney, Mr. Competent.

유능한 변호사 '능한'입니다

Your competent attorney, Mr. Competent.


Okay, it's weird.


‪[애란어머니 5 세주신대

Your mother wants to rent out her place.

우리 집으로 내려오신다고

She's moving in with us.

‪[병철의 한숨]


그래당신이  말을 하겠어

Fine. Of course you have nothing to say.

당신  들으려고 ‪보자 그런  아니야

I didn't want to see you to hear your opinion.

당신이 어머니  말려

You need to stop her.

얘기해 볼게

-I'll talk to her. -Don't just say you'll talk to her!

‪[애란얘기해 보는  아니라

-I'll talk to her. -Don't just say you'll talk to her!

‪[애란의 한숨]


It can't happen.

그렇게  되게  달라고

Make sure it doesn't happen.




‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흐른다]

‪[성한정식이는 어디래?

Where's Jeong-sik?

‪[형근나오는데 손님이 왔대

He got a client as he was heading out.

‪- [성한의 못마땅한 소리] ‪- 월세 벌어야지

He needs to make his rent.

‪[성한 파는  빨라

He should just sell his car.

아니생뚱맞은 데로 ‪오라 그래 놓고

How can he not show up after calling us to some random place?

지는  오고 있어 새끼

How can he not show up after calling us to some random place? This is a pub he helped move in.

‪[형근여기 정식이가 중개해  ‪가게라잖아

This is a pub he helped move in.

팔아 줘야 되나 보지

Maybe he has to help them out.


Drink up.

‪[성한 흔들어 줘야지

You need to mix it up a little.



-Thank you. -Thank you.

‪- [버너 조작음] ‪- [형근감사합니다

-Thank you. -Cheers.

‪[성한이 흥얼거리며

-Thank you. -Cheers. Enjoy.

‪[종업원맛있게 드세요


‪[형근의 한숨]

‪[형근이  취한 말투로근데

You know…

우리 서진 

Do you think Seo-jin…

복귀  하는 걸까?

won't be returning to radio?

‪[성한아무래도 ‪아침 방송으로는  힘들겠지?

Well, it's not very likely that she'll come back to her old show.


Well, it's not very likely that she'll come back to her old show.

 우리 서진 씨가 ‪하차를 해야 ?

Why should Seo-jin be kicked off the show?

‪- ! ‪- [성한


조용히 새끼야

Quiet down, you idiot.

‪[웅얼거리며] 1 시위 ‪ 거야

-I'll do a… -What?


-I'll do a… -What?

‪1 시위

-A one-man… -You'll do what?


-A one-man… -You'll do what?

‪[또박또박 끊어서] 1 시위

One-man protest.

‪1 시위?

-One-man protest. -Was that so hard?

말귀를  알아들어

-One-man protest. -Was that so hard?

그러지 말고

Here's an idea.

방송국 게시판을 이용하는 거야

Use the broadcasting station's message board,

 투박하고 멍청하고 ‪ 미친놈의 친구야

my slow, stupid, crazy friend.


I already did, stupid.

‪[형근의 웃음]

I already did, stupid.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

‪[형근게시게시판에 ‪이미  도배를 했지내가

I already spammed their message board.

내가 도배를 많이 해서 ‪도배를 많이 해서

I spammed it so much that it's more like a…


charcuterie board.

천재야 [웃음]

I'm a genius. I mean…


I mean…


What the hell?

사무실 일을 그렇게   봐라

Why don't you try working so hard at the office?

‪- 이런 미친 ‪- [성한] ''…

-You crazy little… -"Crazy"?



내가 졸라 열심히 일하니까 니가

I work my ass off.

니가 포도송이에다가 ‪색칠 공부도 하고 그러는 거야

That's why you can do your little coloring exercise with your grapes.

‪[형근의 한숨]


I only have one left.

‪[성한   남았어지금

Just one more to go.

  포도송이  칠하면

Are you going to fight him

한판  거냐 새끼랑?

once you're done coloring the grapes?

‪[의미심장한 음악]

I'm not sure if he'll listen.

말이 통할지 모르겠네요

I'm not sure if he'll listen.

본인 이름이 회사명이랬죠?

Did you say he named his firm after himself?

‪- [영주신성한 ‪- 

-Shin Sung-han. -Yes.

‪[영주멀지 않으니까 ‪한번 찾아가서 달래 보시죠

It's not too far, so go over and coax him.

‪[난처한 웃음]

달랜다고  들을 타입이 ‪아니라서

He's not the type to listen.

만나 보긴 하겠습니다

But I will meet with him.

하율이가 초등학생 되더니 ‪질문이 많아졌어요

Ha-yul's been asking a lot of questions ever since she started elementary school.

오빠를  그렇게 좋아해?

She loves her brother so much.

‪[영주요즘 애들은 이복 오빠

I guess kids these days have no problem with having half-siblings.

그런  중요하지 않은 건지

I guess kids these days have no problem with having half-siblings.


So innocent.

우리 하율이가 맑아요

Ha-yul is that innocent.

‪[당황한 웃음]

기영이가 어둡지 ‪하율이야

Gi-yeong is the gloomy one. Ha-yul is… She wants to do everything with him.

‪[영주오빠랑 뭐든 ‪같이하겠다고 하는데

She wants to do everything with him.

기영이가 삼촌 만나러 가면

When he goes to meet his uncle,

돌아올 때까지 웃질 않아요

she doesn't smile until he's back.

이제 이런  정리해야 살지

It's about time I sorted this out.


Please do that for me.

아이고이게 부탁할 일인가요

Rest assured, ma'am.

‪[웃으며알아서 ‪정리했어야 했는데

I should have sorted it out sooner.

궁금했는데 잘됐습니다

I've been curious, so this is great.

피아노 치던 머리로 변호사를

A former pianist turned attorney?

이게 희한한 건지 ‪맹랑한 건지 [웃음]

That's just ridiculous.

한번 보고 싶었습니다

I've always wanted to meet him.


Shin Sung-han.

죽일 거야

I'm going to kill him.



그럼  인마

-You can't do that. -Why not?

  뭐가  ?

-You can't do that. -Why not?

‪[형근 마음  알지

-You can't do that. -Why not? I get how you feel.

너무  아니까

I completely get it.

내가 사무장을 하고 있는 거고

That's why I'm here as your paralegal.


That's why I'm here as your paralegal.

니가  독일에서 ‪ 버리고 돌아왔는지

I know why you left everything in Germany and came here.

 고시원에 들어갔는지

I know why you moved into that tiny study hostel.

‪- [성한의 한숨] ‪- 알지

I know everything.

그래도 죽이면  되지

But you still can't kill him.

그러니까   되는데? ‪  되냐고

So why not? Why can't I?

‪- ! ‪- []

Why can't I?

‪[성한 새끼 때문에 ‪우리 주화가?

Because of that jerk, my dear Ju-hwa… Okay? My dear Ju-hwa and Gi-yeong…

 새끼 때문에 ‪우리 주화랑 기영이?

Okay? My dear Ju-hwa and Gi-yeong…

개새끼죽일 거야

I'm going to kill that bastard.


‪[형근살살 마셔

Slow down.

‪- [부드러운 음악] ‪- 살살

Hey, slow down.

살살 마셔살살아휴살살

Don't drink so fast. Slowly.

‪[익살스러운 음악]


‪[놀란 숨소리]


Those lunatics.

‪[형근의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[형근의 기침]

‪[형근이 콜록거린다]

‪[형근의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[성한의 시원한 숨소리]




‪[성한] ♪ 아마 나는 너를 ♪

Perhaps I can't

‪♪ 지울 수가 없나  ♪

Forget about you

‪♪ 영원히영원히 ♪

Forever, forever

‪[성한의  내뱉는 소리]

‪♪ 네가 사는 날까지 ♪

As long as you live

‪♪ 아니내가 죽어도 ♪

No, even after my death




-Go upstairs. It's late. -Let go of me.

‪[병철 ?

-Go upstairs. It's late. -Let go of me. Listen to how this brat talks to me.

어린년이 ‪ 말본새  뭐라고?

Listen to how this brat talks to me. -What did you say? -Why would you move in here?

‪[미소할머니가 ‪ 여기로 오시냐고요

-What did you say? -Why would you move in here?

새벽 4시부터 내려오셔서 ‪저녁까지  드시고 올라가시면서

You come down at 4 a.m. and leave after dinner every day!

이제 들어와 사시면 ‪우린 어떻게 살아요!

If you move in, how are we going to live?

낸들 내려오고 싶어서 내려온다니?

Do you think I want to? We have mortgages to pay off!

‪[병철 융자를 ‪갚아야   아니야융자를?

We have mortgages to pay off!

니들 살리려고? ‪여기 세도 빼고

I only kicked the tenants out of this unit for your family's sake!

니들 살리려고

I only kicked the tenants out of this unit for your family's sake!

저것들 바깥에서 노숙을 하건 말건 ‪내가 상관 말았어야 

I should have left you to live out on the streets.

‪[미소그래서 엄마가 ‪매일매일 고생하잖아요

That's why Mom works so hard every day.

솔직히 엄마가 사업 망했어요? ‪아빠가 망한 거잖아요아빠가!

Plus, it wasn't her business that went under. It was Dad's!

‪[병철 누가 했든!

-That doesn't matter! -Enough. Go to your room.

‪[미영그만해 들어가 ‪들어가서 공부해

-That doesn't matter! -Enough. Go to your room. Go study. You have a test tomorrow.

내일 시험이잖아

Go study. You have a test tomorrow.

‪[미소공부가 지금?

How can I study right now?


How high and mighty you are.

기지배들이 공부해서  ?

Why should girls study anyway? You only waste your dad's money.

‪[병철  애비 등골만 파먹지

Why should girls study anyway? You only waste your dad's money.

‪[미소엄마 등골이 빠지겠죠 ‪그래서  가려고요!

More like my mom's. So I won't go to college!


So I won't go to college! Mi-so, enough.

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- 어머니그만하세요

Mother, you need to stop.

니가  지랄이니까 ‪딸년들 꼬라지가 이렇잖아

Look at what a bad example you've set for these brats! Mother.

‪[애란어머니 [떨리는 숨소리]


이년 저년 하지 마세요

Stop talking to them like that.

애들이 밖에서도  듣는 욕을 ‪집에서 들어 되겠어요?

They don't deserve to be insulted like that by their family.


Yes, sure, good for you.

‪[병철 아들도  낳고 ‪딸만 줄줄줄

You never even gave me a grandson…

‪[미영할머니그만  해요!

Stop it, Grandma!

‪[병철저랑 올라가세요?

-Go upstairs. -Let go, you idiot.

‪[병철  등신아

-Go upstairs. -Let go, you idiot.

 니가 기죽어 살아?

What are you so afraid of?

 건물이 쟤들 거냐? ‪ 에미 거잖아

Is this their building? It's mine. So hold your head up.

근데 니가  기를  ?

It's mine. So hold your head up.

너희들도 방으로 들어가

Go to your rooms, girls.



아빤  맨날 그래?

Why are you always like this?

 맨날 아무 말도  ? ‪엄마  불쌍해?

You never say a thing. Don't you feel bad for Mom?

‪[병철 이년 이거 ‪말하는   

Listen to this brat talk.

애비가  친구여이년아?

He's not your friend, you brat.

애비가  친구여?

He's not your friend, you brat. -Is he your friend? -Stop!

하지 !

-Is he your friend? -Stop!

‪[병철 뭐라고?

What did you say?

욕하지 말고 때리지 마세요

Do not swear at them. And do not hit them.

‪[병철 니가 어쩔 건데? ‪니가 어쩔 건데?

What will you do about it?

잘못하면 맞아야지

What she did was wrong!

어머니한테 맞을 만큼 ‪잘못한  없어요

What she did was wrong! She didn't do anything so wrong for you to beat her!

제발 그만하세요

So please stop.

‪- [] ‪- [병철 쳤다쳤어어쩔래?

I hit her. What now?

‪- 쳤다… ‪- [병철아유엄마엄마엄마

I hit her. What now? -Stop it, Mom. -Get out of the way.

‪[병철 저리 비켜이놈아 ‪이리 

-Stop it, Mom. -Get out of the way. -Come! -Six. Seven.


-Come! -Six. Seven. Eight!

‪[무거운 음악]


‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[병철 니가 어쩔 건데? ‪시에미 때리겄다?

What are you going to do? Beat your mother-in-law?

‪- [애란의 분한 숨소리] ‪- 니가 어쩔 건데니가

What are you going to do?

‪- [애란하나! ‪- [병철 !

-One, two… -Goodness!

‪- 아이고며느리가 시에미 잡네 ‪- [애란!

-One, two… -Goodness! She's killing me! -Three! -Honey.

‪[병철 아이고아이고 ‪며느리가 시에미 잡네

-Three! -Honey. -She's killing me! -Let go of me.

‪- [애란이거 ‪- [병철 아이고아이고

-She's killing me! -Let go of me. Let go. I haven't gotten to eight yet.

‪[애란아직 여덟까지 남았다고

Let go. I haven't gotten to eight yet.

‪[병철 아이고 ‪며느리가 사람 잡누

-I'm getting beaten by my daughter-in-law. -She hit my child eight times!

‪[애란 새끼 여덟  때렸다고!

-I'm getting beaten by my daughter-in-law. -She hit my child eight times!

‪[병철 아이고

‪[애란이 악쓰며이거 !

Let go of me!

‪- 놓으라고! ‪- [겁먹은 소리]

Let go of me!

‪-  새끼 여덟  때렸다고! ‪- [병철의 말리는 소리]

-She hit my child eight times! -It's okay. Let go!

이거 !

Let go! Let go of me!

‪[감성적인 음악]

‪[쓸쓸한 피아노 연주]

‪[격정적인 피아노 연주]

‪[격정적인 피아노 연주]

‪[감미로운 피아노 연주]

‪[고조되는 피아노 연주]

‪[잔잔한 피아노 연주]

‪[강렬한 피아노 연주]

‪[쓸쓸한 음악]

‪[성한내가 저거    채우면 ‪뭐부터   같아요?

What do you think I'll do first after coloring in that last grape?

‪[서진쓸모가 있을 거예요

I might be quite useful.

‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]

I might be quite useful.

‪- [탕탕 망치질 소리] ‪- 예를 들면 이런 잡다한 업무?

For example, I can handle miscellaneous tasks like this.

‪[애란남편 때린  아니고요

I didn't hit my husband. I hit my mother-in-law.

시어머니를 때렸어요

I didn't hit my husband. I hit my mother-in-law.

‪[형근너무 빡센 케이스야

I didn't hit my husband. I hit my mother-in-law. This is a difficult case.

‪[성한그러니까 일단 ‪ 동네 가서

This is a difficult case. So let's visit her neighborhood,

알아보고 정하자고

ask around, then decide.

‪[정식할머니가  까다로우신가?

Is the old lady fussy?

포도 농사를 조져 놔야겠어

I'm going to ruin his grapes.

‪[성한이미 너무 ‪드럽게 엮여 버렸거든악연으로

We're already tied together by some terrible misfortune.


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