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  수리남 2

Narco-Saints 2


‪[영어] 나는 사업가지‬The drugs aren't mine. You know.
‪[영어] [힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪마약은 안 했어요‬I'm a businessman.
‪[영어] 난 잘못 없어요‬I'm not guilty.
‪[네덜란드어] 신트마르턴섬으로‬ ‪이송되어서 재판받을 거야‬[in Dutch] You will be transferred to Sint Maarten and put on trial.
‪끌어내‬Drag him out.
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪[항공기가 날아가는 소리]‬PRISON, SINT MAARTEN
‪[삐 소리가 난다]‬ ‪[내부가 소란하다]‬[cell door buzzes]
‪[영어] 전화를 쓰게 해주세요‬ ‪부탁입니다‬[in English] Sir, may I have access to a phone?
‪[영어] 넌 마약사범이잖아‬You've been arrested for drug smuggling.
‪절대 사용 불가야‬No phone, ever.
‪[철창문이 열린다]‬
‪[수감자들이 문을 두드린다]‬
‪[영어] 교도소에서‬ ‪내 지갑을 가져갔는데‬Please check my wallet. I have 200 dollars. You take it.
‪거기서 200달러 가지세요‬Please check my wallet. I have 200 dollars. You take it.
‪내가 전화 통화를 하게 되면‬ ‪돈을 더 줄 수 있어요‬You'll get more after my phone call.
‪[한국어] 아니 제가 지금‬ ‪몇 번을 얘기해요‬How many times do I have to repeat myself to you?
‪전 마약 밀매를 한 적이‬ ‪없다니까요?‬How many times do I have to repeat myself to you? I promise I didn't smuggle drugs.
‪[화를 버럭 내며]‬ ‪아, 그건 제가 모르죠!‬How am I supposed to know how they got there?
‪아니, 대한민국 대사관이‬Listen. You're the Korean embassy.
‪자국민 억울한 일을 당하면‬ ‪먼저 파악을 하고‬Isn't it your job to figure out what happened here
‪그다음에 변호사를‬ ‪선임해주는 게 순서 아닙니까?‬and assign me a lawyer or something?
‪[어이없는 한숨] 아니‬ ‪지금 서류 작성을 하라고요?‬Wait a sec. What the hell do you mean "paperwork"?
‪[화를 버럭 내며] 저 지금‬ ‪감옥에 갇혀 있다니까요!‬I'm stuck in prison right now!
‪(혜진) 처음부터 그런 일 하려고‬ ‪거기까지 간 거야?‬[Hyejin] Is this the reason why you went to Suriname?
‪어쩌자고 마약을 건드려!‬Trying to smuggle drugs? What were you thinking?
‪나 진짜 아니라니까‬I didn't do it, okay?
‪아, 나 좀 믿어 줘‬Darling, please believe me.
‪뭐, 수리남에서 연락 없었어?‬Has anyone from Suriname tried to call you?
‪응수 연락 안 왔어?‬Have you heard at all from Eungsoo?
‪(혜진) [울먹이며]‬ ‪아무 연락 없었어‬No. No one's called me.
‪내가 변호사 알아볼게‬I'm gonna look for a lawyer.
‪당신 바로 이의 신청해‬ ‪알았지?‬Get working on your appeal, okay?
‪아, 변호사 쓰면 몇천 깨져‬Ah. A lawyer would cost tens of millions of won.
‪안 돼‬We can't.
‪어떻게든 만들어야지!‬ ‪[가쁜 한숨]‬We'll have to come up with it. [breathes shakily]
‪아파트 전세 뺄게‬I'll break the apartment lease.
‪아, 안 돼, 혜진아‬No, you can't do that.
‪집 절대 건들지 마‬Don't break the lease, please.
‪우리 애들 절대‬ ‪월세 살게 할 수 없어‬I don't want the kids to lose the apartment.
‪그리고 내가 여기서 판을 보니까‬Anyway, it won't be easy to overturn the charges from what I've seen here.
‪이거 쉽게 뒤집기 어려울 거 같아‬ ‪괜히 돈 쓰지 마‬Anyway, it won't be easy to overturn the charges from what I've seen here. -Don't waste any money. -[whimpers]
‪[울먹인다]‬-Don't waste any money. -[whimpers]
‪여보‬-Don't waste any money. -[whimpers] But, honey…
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪내가 너무 무서워서 그래‬What do I do? I'm so scared.
‪(인구) 야‬[Ingu] Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise.
‪이거 별일 아니야, 어?‬[Ingu] Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise.
‪나 이거 어떻게든‬ ‪해결하는 놈인 거 잘 알잖아‬ ‪[철문 소리가 들린다]‬You know me, honey. Come on. -I'll figure something out. I always do. -[door opens]
‪알았지?‬-All right? -[door unlocks]
‪애들 좀 바꿔 봐 봐‬Let me talk to the kids.
‪[영어] 전화 끊어‬ ‪상관이 오고 있어‬Hang up now. The warden is coming.
‪[영어] 1분만‬Okay. One minute, one minute.
‪[영어] 안 돼, 빨리 끊어!‬No! Hurry up!
‪[영어로 조용히] 알겠어요‬-Okay. -[Hyungju] Dad!
‪(형주) [한국어] 아빠!‬-Okay. -[Hyungju] Dad!
‪어, 형주야‬Hey, Hyungju.
‪[빠른 속도로] 아빠가 출장 때문에‬ ‪좀 한동안 연락이 뜸할 거야‬Listen, son. I'm on a business trip, and I won't be able to call for a little while.
‪그러니까 엄마 말씀 잘 듣고‬ ‪동생 잘 돌보고‬and I won't be able to call for a little while. So please, look after your mom and sister. One more thing--
‪그다음에…‬So please, look after your mom and sister. One more thing--
‪[영어] 내 돈 더 가져와‬Get my money.
‪[속상한 신음]‬Aw. Papa hung up.
‪아빠 없어‬Aw. Papa hung up.
‪[조용한 음악]‬
‪아빠‬Minseo, Daddy's busy right now.
‪너무 바쁘셔서 그래‬Minseo, Daddy's busy right now.
‪또 연락 올 테니까‬He'll call back when he can.
‪(혜진) 그때까지 아빠 위해서‬ ‪기도하며 기다리자, 알았지?‬But until then, let's pray for him while we wait. -All right? -Okay.
‪네‬-All right? -Okay.
‪[철창을 세게 두드린다]‬[banging on cell]
‪[영어] 약속한 돈‬ ‪오늘 반드시 내놔‬You have to pay me today.
‪네 친구한테 말해서라도‬Borrow from your friend.
‪[영어] 친구?‬Friend?
‪[영어] 면회다‬You have a visitor. Come out.
‪(교도관) 나와‬You have a visitor. Come out.
‪[문이 달그락거린다]‬[cell unlocks]
‪(남자) 예, 알고 있습니다‬[man] Yes, I understand.
‪예, 조금만 기다려 주십시오‬I just need a little more time.
‪예, 다시 연락드리겠습니다‬I'll… I'll call you back soon.
‪누구세요?‬Uh, hello.
‪[한숨] 인구야, 너, 이 새끼야‬ ‪얼굴이 왜 이렇게 상했냐!‬[sighs] Ingu. Hi. What happened to you, my man?
‪뭐야, 미친 새끼, 이거‬-Ah! You look horrible! -What's going on?
‪(남자) 이게 무슨 일이냐, 씨발‬ ‪살다 보니까 별일이 다 있네‬[man exhales] I can't believe you, bud. What have you gotten yourself into?
‪(남자) 씨…‬[man exhales] I can't believe you, bud. What have you gotten yourself into?
‪[속삭이며] 국정원에서 나왔습니다‬ ‪친구처럼 대해 주세요‬I'm from the National Intelligence Service. Act like we're friends.
‪[남자 한숨]‬[man exhales]
‪[한숨] 잠시 있어 봐‬[exhales] Here… here we go, sir.
‪[남자 탄식]‬For you.
‪[영어] 한 장 더 내놔‬Give me one more.
‪[창호 한숨]‬
‪[삐 소리가 들린다]‬[gate buzzes in the distance]
‪국정원 미주 지부에서 나온‬ ‪최창호라고 합니다‬Like I said, I'm NIS. My name is Choi Changho.
‪코카인 때문에 온 거예요?‬Is this about the cocaine?
‪저 아니에요‬ ‪진짜 1도 모르는 일이라고요‬I didn't do it. I really don't know anything.
‪계속 대사관에 연락을 했는데…‬And I called the Korean embassy, but I--
‪(창호) 예, 잘 알고 있습니다‬Yes. I'm well aware.
‪강인구 씨 도와주러 온 거니까‬ ‪너무 걱정하지 마십시오‬I'm here to help you, Mr. Kang. So please, don't worry.
‪[인구 긴 한숨]‬
‪제가 아니란 걸‬ ‪어떻게 아세요, 근데?‬What makes you so sure I'm not guilty?
‪수리남에서 그런 짓 할 사람‬ ‪이미 알고 있거든요‬Because I know who's smuggling drugs in Suriname.
‪전요환 목사라고 아시죠?‬You're familiar with Pastor Jeon.
‪네, 전요환 목사가 왜요?‬Yeah. So what about him?
‪지금 강인구 씨 이렇게 만든 게‬Jeon Yohan is a smuggler. He's why you're in jail.
‪바로 전요환입니다‬Jeon Yohan is a smuggler. He's why you're in jail.
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪(창호) 전요환‬Look familiar?
‪파라마리보 한인 교회 목사‬He's a pastor at a Korean church in Paramaribo.
‪이 인간의 진짜 정체는‬But he's really a drug trafficker.
‪유럽 마약 유통의 60%를‬ ‪장악하고 있는 마약 밀매업자‬He controls 60% of all of Europe's narcotics distribution and trade. In Suriname,
‪수리남의 코카인 대부입니다‬they call him the cocaine godfather.
‪아니, 이게 대체‬ ‪무슨 얘기입니까?‬What the hell are you talking about?
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪“넷플릭스 시리즈”‬[theme music playing]
‪[주제곡]‬[theme music playing]
‪(창호) 18년 전 인천 최대‬ ‪필로폰 밀매 조직에 대한‬[Changho] Eighteen years ago, there was a massive operation to arrest a meth-smuggling gang in Incheon.
‪대규모 검거 작전이 있었습니다‬there was a massive operation to arrest a meth-smuggling gang in Incheon.
‪[긴장이 감도는 음악]‬
‪작전이 성공해‬ ‪조직은 일망타진됐지만‬The operation was successful, and the network was shut down.
‪조직의 마약 유통을‬ ‪총괄하던 운반책이‬But the man in charge of distribution managed to evade us.
‪필로폰 10kg를 들고 도망쳤는데‬ ‪[쥐가 찍찍거린다]‬But the man in charge of distribution managed to evade us. Taking with him ten kilograms of meth.
‪그게 전요환이었습니다‬Taking with him ten kilograms of meth. That man was Jeon Yohan.
‪경찰이 나중에 도주로를 찾았는데‬Much later, the police discovered his escape route.
‪하수구 14km를 기어갔다고 합니다‬He had crawled more than 14 kilometers through the sewers.
‪그 이후에도‬It would appear as though he's continued his meth-dealing operations.
‪전요환은 필로폰 밀매를‬ ‪계속한 걸로 보입니다‬It would appear as though he's continued his meth-dealing operations.
‪그런데 3년 후에 그가‬ ‪정보기관 레이더에 포착된 건‬But that wasn't the reason he showed up on our radar again
‪다른 이유였습니다‬three years later.
‪(요환) 저희 거제 건설이‬ ‪타겟으로 삼는 것은‬[Jeon] Geoje Construction is embarking on an exciting new journey.
‪동아시아에서‬ ‪소득 상위 5% 외국인들입니다‬We're investing in foreign earners. Or really, the top five percent in Asia, to be exact.
‪그래서 현 정권과 함께‬ ‪조용히 프로젝트를 진행 중인데‬Or really, the top five percent in Asia, to be exact. We've been working behind-the-scenes with the government for some time now.
‪그게 바로 유네스코 자연유산에‬So, it gives me great pleasure to introduce…
‪거제도 몽돌 해수욕장을‬ ‪등재시키는 겁니다‬UNESCO World Heritage Site Geoje Mongdol Beach.
‪[박수 소리]‬UNESCO World Heritage Site Geoje Mongdol Beach. [all applauding]
‪근데‬Tell me.
‪저분은 VIP랑 정확하게‬ ‪어떤 관계인 거예요?‬How on earth did he pull something like this off?
‪이 세상엔 입으로 말할 수 없는‬ ‪인간관계가 많잖아요‬He certainly has many friends, if that's what you're asking me.
‪대통령 고향이‬ ‪거제도인 건 아시죠?‬Did you know the president was born in Geoje?
‪저분도‬I'll put it like this.
‪호적이 거제도라는 것만‬ ‪말씀드릴게요‬Who else grew up right here with our president?
‪(요환) 가장 뜨거운‬ ‪핫 플레이스가 되는 겁니다!‬[Jeon] I don't need to tell you…
‪[사람들이 박수를 친다]‬ ‪[잔을 맞부딪힌다]‬-[all applauding] -[glasses clink]
‪[신음 소리]‬[all moaning]
‪(창호) 전요환의 사업은‬ ‪당연히 실패했습니다‬[Changho] Yohan never planned for the deal to go through.
‪투자금을 받은 뒤‬ ‪시작도 안 했으니까 말입니다‬[Changho] Yohan never planned for the deal to go through. In fact, the investor's money never even made it past his bank account.
‪그럼에도 피해자들은‬ ‪신고조차 하지 못했습니다‬But his victims couldn't report him to the police.
‪어느새 필로폰 중독 상태가‬ ‪되었기 때문이죠‬Because before they knew what was happening, he had them hooked on meth.
‪[주변 소리가 몽환적으로 들린다]‬
‪이후 그들은 필로폰을 얻고자‬Eventually, despite the fraud, they all came crawling back for more meth.
‪자발적으로 전요환을 찾게 됩니다‬Eventually, despite the fraud, they all came crawling back for more meth.
‪(사모님) 대표님‬ ‪[요환 옅은 한숨]‬Eventually, despite the fraud, they all came crawling back for more meth. -[woman] Mr. Jeon. -Hmm?
‪이분들께선 거제도 개발 실패한 거‬These fine gentleman don't even plan to press charges.
‪문제 삼을 생각 추호도 없으시대‬Perhaps they'd be interested in further opportunities.
‪캄보디아에서‬ ‪중고차 사업 하신다면서요‬Yeah. A Cambodian used-car business, right?
‪내가 그것도 투자할 테니‬We can invest.
‪아이스 샴페인 한 잔씩만 합시다‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬Just give us more champagne, please.
‪(투자자) 우리 집안이‬ ‪그런 푼돈 가지고 막 따지고‬My family's rich. No problem.
‪그런 소인배 아니거든‬They can afford it.
‪일단 저…‬Hand it over.
‪(투자자) 저 이걸로‬ ‪사업 진행하시고…‬Here. Take it. An initial investment.
‪[불길한 음악]‬BANK BOOK
‪(창호) 중독자는 늘어났고‬[Changho] The number of addicts increased.
‪[안도의 한숨]‬[Changho] The number of addicts increased.
‪전요환의 사기 행각은‬ ‪더욱 대담해졌습니다‬And Yohan became bolder. He let his guard down.
‪[후루룩 먹는다]‬
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬[Jeon exhales]
‪자, 자‬Here.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 야‬For you.
‪뭐야, 왜 이거밖에 안 줘?‬What? This is all of it?
‪아이, 대사 몇 마디 치면서‬ ‪뭘 그렇게 바라는 게 많아?‬Hey. You expected more for just having to say a few lines?
‪[혀를 쯧 친다]‬
‪보너스도 받아 가면서  ‬It's that plus your bonus. Hmm?
‪[요환 살짝 웃는다]‬[Jeon chuckles]
‪[심호흡하며] 아이고!‬I'm exhausted. [sighs]
‪[문이 벌컥 열린다]‬ ‪[사모님 비명]‬[door opens] [woman screams]
‪- (경찰 1) 빨리 저 새끼 잡아!‬ ‪- (경찰 2) 어디 가려고!‬[woman screams] -[man 1] Come here! -[man 2] Hey!
‪(경찰 1) 야, 조심해!‬-[man 1] Come here! -[man 2] Hey! [woman shrieks]
‪(요환) 뭐야, 이 씨발 새끼들‬ ‪[경찰 당황한 탄성]‬[grunts]
‪(요환) 뭐야, 씨!‬[grunts]
‪- (요환) 놔, 씨!‬ ‪- (경찰 1) 인마!‬[men yelling] [Jeon] Come on, you sons of bitches! Ah!
‪(요환) 이거 놔!‬[Jeon] Come on, you sons of bitches! Ah!
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[사모님 비명]‬[Jeon] Come on, you sons of bitches! Ah! -[woman screams] -[Jeon grunting]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[힘주는 신음]‬-[woman screams] -[Jeon grunting] Ah!
‪아이, 씨…‬Ah!
‪아… 아무리 간이‬ ‪배 밖으로 나왔다 해도‬Aw. It sure takes a lot of nerve.
‪네가 감히 대통령을 팔고 다녀?‬You go and pretend you know the president too?
‪(요환) 살려 주세요!‬[man] Don't kill me! [whimpers]
‪[울먹이며] 선생님, 선생님‬Please! [panting] No, no, no! I'm sorry!
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪제가 죽을죄를 지었습니다‬I'm… I shouldn't have done that, but…
‪살려 주세요, 살려 주세요‬I'm… I shouldn't have done that, but… Don't kill me! I'm begging you!
‪다 얘기하겠습니다‬Don't kill me! I'm begging you! I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything.
‪전부 다 얘기하겠습니다‬ ‪살려 주세요‬I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything. Please don't kill me. I'm sorry.
‪(요환) 죄송합니다‬ ‪죄송합니다, 선생님‬Please don't kill me. I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry, sir! [whimpers]
‪[흐느낀다]‬I'm so, so, so sorry, sir! [whimpers]
‪[괴로운 탄성]‬
‪너 안기부가‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬You know about us. [man whimpering]
‪어떤 곳인 줄은 알지?‬You know about this place, right?
‪[요환 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪남자를 여자로 바꾸는 거 말고는‬And you've heard about how creative we can be.
‪모든 게 가능한 곳이야, 여기가‬Pretty much nothing is off the table.
‪[흐느낀다]‬Yes. [sobbing]
‪얼마나 땡겼어?‬How much cash was it?
‪[새들이 지저귄다]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[Jeon grunts]
‪아휴, 씨…‬Shit.
‪아휴, 여긴 참 공기 좋아‬Ah! The air is so fresh out here.
‪[개운한 신음]‬[exhales]
‪(창호) 이후 전요환은‬[Changho] After that, Jeon realized he wouldn't be able to pull off his old tricks,
‪비슷한 수법은 위험하다‬ ‪판단했는지‬Jeon realized he wouldn't be able to pull off his old tricks,
‪사기 방식을 크게 바꿉니다‬so he moved on to different methods.
‪(요환) 할렐루야!‬Hallelujah!
‪- 할렐루야!‬ ‪- 할렐루야!‬[all] Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
‪[조용한 음악]‬Hallelujah! [all cheering]
‪여러분을 옥죄는 죄와 사탄이‬ ‪남아 있는지 확인하겠습니다‬"You are my little sheep." That's what God said. Come forth and be cleansed by Him.
‪한 분씩 앞으로‬ ‪나와 주시기 바랍니다‬Please come forward, one by one.
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬[all] Amen.
‪(창호) 신도 수 1만 2천 명‬ ‪교회는 상당히 흥했습니다‬[Changho] With a congregation of 12,000, his church prospered.
‪그 배경에는 전요환이‬ ‪사기 활동으로 익힌 언변과‬[Changho] With a congregation of 12,000, his church prospered. And behind all that success was Jeon's winning smile, sharp tongue, and, of course, his meth.
‪역시나 필로폰이 있었습니다‬was Jeon's winning smile, sharp tongue, and, of course, his meth.
‪(요환) 자, 여러분‬ ‪하나님 사랑하십니까?‬was Jeon's winning smile, sharp tongue, and, of course, his meth. -Do you love your God? -[all] Amen!
‪[신도들 '아멘!'을 외친다]‬-Do you love your God? -[all] Amen!
‪- (요환) 하나님 사랑하십니까?‬ ‪- (신도들) 아멘!‬-[Jeon] Do you love your God? -[all] Amen!
‪(요환) 자, 하나님도‬ ‪여러분을 사랑합니다‬[Jeon chuckles] God loves you too!
‪[신도들 '아멘!'을 외친다]‬[all] Amen.
‪할렐루야 외칩시다, 할렐루야!‬[Jeon] Let us praise him. Hallelujah!
‪[신도들 '할렐루야!'를 외친다]‬[Jeon] Let us praise him. Hallelujah! [all] Hallelujah!
‪천만 원짜리도 있고…‬ ‪백만 원짜리…‬Ten million, 20, make that 30.
‪[좋아하는 탄성]‬Ooh!
‪이번엔 교회야?‬You've got a whole church.
‪아, 왜 얘기 안 했어, 응?‬You should've told me sooner. Huh?
‪[코웃음 치며]‬ ‪뽕쟁이가 목사 됐다고‬We could've had a party to celebrate,
‪내 언론에 크게 한번‬ ‪홍보해 줬을 텐데‬tell everyone about the pastor who used to deal meth. [chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬tell everyone about the pastor who used to deal meth. [chuckles]
‪[숨을 들이쉬며 냄새를 맡는다]‬[sniffs]
‪야, 이씨!‬Shit!
‪[쨍그랑 소리]‬
‪이 씨발 좆같은 조선 것들!‬ ‪[성난 숨소리]‬Son of a bitch! Nobody steals my money!
‪자주 보니 정들고 좋다?‬It's great seeing you so much.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬[Jeon chuckles]
‪야, 한 달에 한 번 말고‬ ‪한 두 번씩 보자, 응?‬We should meet more often. Maybe twice a month? Yeah?
‪[웃음] 아이, 새끼‬[chuckles] You bastard.
‪[안기부 직원이 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[켁켁거린다]‬[man gasping] -[choking] -[Jeon grunting]
‪(요환) [힘주며]‬ ‪이 씨발 사탄 새끼가!‬You are a tool of Satan himself!
‪[자동차에 부딪히는 둔탁한 소리]‬[man straining]
‪[계속 켁켁거린다]‬[man straining]
‪(요환) 씨발…‬
‪[힘주며] 죽어, 개새끼‬Die, you asshole!
‪(요환) 어딜 감히, 씨!‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬Do you know who you're dealing with?
‪(창호) 이래저래 한국에‬ ‪더 머물기 힘들어진 전요환은‬[Changho] It was becoming more difficult for Jeon to stay in Korea.
‪급하게 해외로 도피할‬ ‪준비를 합니다‬[Changho] It was becoming more difficult for Jeon to stay in Korea. So he decided to find a new base of operations.
‪가능한 작은 나라‬Somewhere small where there wouldn't be any Koreans who knew him.
‪자신을 아는 한국인이 없는‬Somewhere small where there wouldn't be any Koreans who knew him.
‪무엇보다 해 먹을 게 많고‬But it would need to be a place where he wouldn't stand out.
‪쉽게 해 먹을 수 있는 나라를‬ ‪찾게 됩니다‬But it would need to be a place where he wouldn't stand out. In a country rife with corruption.
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocks on door]
‪[그릇이 달그락거린다]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[Jeon sighs]
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪(창호) 인구 50만의 작은 나라‬[Changho] Suriname. Population 500,000.
‪콜롬비아와 가까워‬ ‪넘쳐 나는 양질의 코카인‬[Changho] Suriname. Population 500,000. Near Colombia, access to high-quality cocaine,
‪작은 조직 간의 대립‬fighting between small gangs,
‪끊임없는 군부 쿠데타로‬ ‪불안한 정치 상황‬and nonstop military coups destabilized the country.
‪거기다‬Best of all, it had never signed an extradition treaty with Korea.
‪한국과 범죄인 인도 조약이‬ ‪체결되지 않은 나라‬Best of all, it had never signed an extradition treaty with Korea.
‪[음흉한 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(창호) 마약, 조직, 부패한 정부‬[Changho] Drugs, gangs, and a corrupt government.
‪수리남에는 전요환이 좋아하는‬ ‪모든 것들이 있었습니다‬Suriname had everything Jeon could ever want.
‪[차가 끼익 소리를 내며 선다]‬[tires screech]
‪그중 군부 쿠데타로 집권한‬ ‪델라노 장군은‬General Delano, who had seized power in the country during a coup,
‪전요환의 베스트 옵션이었죠‬General Delano, who had seized power in the country during a coup, became his close ally.
‪(요환) [영어]‬ ‪이 장롱은 한국 전통 보물인데‬[Jeon] This is a traditional Korean piece. A beautiful treasure.
‪국립 박물관에서 가지고 온 겁니다‬[Jeon] This is a traditional Korean piece. A beautiful treasure. I took it from the Korean National Museum.
‪(요환) 그리고 이 칼은‬ ‪이순신 장군 거였는데‬And this belonged to General Yi Sun-shin.
‪그분은 시저, 나폴레옹과 함께‬One of the three greatest generals in the world,
‪세계 3대 장군 중 1명입니다‬along with Caesar and Napoleon.
‪잘 아실 거라고 믿습니다‬I'm sure you've heard of him.
‪- (폭력배) [네덜란드어] 쏘지 마!‬ ‪- (군인) [네덜란드어] 총 버려‬-[man 1 in Dutch] Don't shoot! -[soldier 1] Drop the weapons!
‪- (폭력배) 항복!‬ ‪- (군인) 엎드려!‬-[man 2 in English] I surrender! -[soldier 1 in Dutch] Down!
‪(창호) [한국어]‬ ‪불안한 정국 속에서‬[Changho in English] During the unrest, Delano really needed cash.
‪안정적인 자금이 필요했던‬ ‪델라노 역시‬[Changho in English] During the unrest, Delano really needed cash.
‪전요환의 뛰어난 수완 때문에‬ ‪손을 잡게 됩니다‬So he agreed to work with Jeon, the ever shrewd businessman.
‪[중국어] 1번!‬[in Chinese] Number one!
‪다들 1번 찍어‬Everyone, remember to pick number one.
‪(델라노) [영어] 수리남엔‬ ‪중국인 인구가 많아서‬[Delano in English] There is a large Chinese population in Suriname.
‪잘못 건드리면‬If we get on his bad side,
‪중국 표가 반대당 쪽으로‬ ‪갈 수 있어요‬we could lose a lot of Chinese votes to the, uh, opposition.
‪어차피 필로폰만 취급하니까‬But he only deals meth, so not a problem.
‪큰 문제는 없을 겁니다‬But he only deals meth, so not a problem.
‪코카인 독점권은‬ ‪당신한테만 줄게요‬Only you will have the exclusive right to deal cocaine.
‪(창호) 그렇게 델라노의 도움으로‬ ‪수리남의 작은 갱들을 쓸어버린 전요환은‬[Changho] With Delano's help, Jeon wiped out all of the small gangs in Suriname.
‪콜롬비아로부터‬ ‪코카인 독점권을 따내‬And after acquiring the exclusive rights to cocaine from Colombia,
‪본격적으로 장사를 시작합니다‬And after acquiring the exclusive rights to cocaine from Colombia, he got straight down to business.
‪이 약을 먹고‬ ‪인당 10개씩 삼키는데‬Here. You will each swallow ten of these.
‪모두 하나님의 왕국을 만든다는‬ ‪소명 의식으로 임해 주세요‬Remember, this is God calling you to help build his kingdom.
‪(신도) 아멘‬
‪(창호) 자신의 여신도들을‬ ‪유럽 마약 밀매에 이용했습니다‬[Changho] He used his female followers as mules to smuggle drugs to Europe.
‪만에 하나 발각된다 하더라도‬And even when some of them were caught,
‪전요환에 대한 광적인 믿음으로‬ ‪입을 잘 열지도 않았습니다‬they kept their mouth shut. Loyalty and faith will do that to you.
‪남자들은 조직원으로서‬ ‪군사 훈련을 시켰는데‬He trained the men to be his own private army.
‪신도들을 자신에게‬ ‪복종시키기 위해서‬And even though he had moved from meth to cocaine,
‪필로폰에서‬ ‪코카인으로 바뀌었을 뿐‬he kept forcing his followers to take his drugs.
‪마약을 지속적으로‬ ‪복용시키고 있습니다‬he kept forcing his followers to take his drugs. I guess he found it was the best way to keep them obedient.
‪그렇게 전요환은‬ ‪광신도 수백을 거느린‬I guess he found it was the best way to keep them obedient. And just like that, Jeon had an army of hundreds of zealots
‪수리남 암흑계의 대부이자‬willing to die for him. Before long, he became known as Suriname's cocaine godfather.
‪코카인 유통을 독점한‬ ‪마약왕이 됐습니다‬Before long, he became known as Suriname's cocaine godfather.
‪(요환) 이제 곧‬ ‪심판의 날이 올 것입니다‬The final judgement is coming, my friends!
‪성경에서 약속하신 지상 천국‬ ‪물질의 환난에서‬The final judgement is coming, my friends! And so is the heaven on earth, promised to us in the bible,
‪선한 인간들을 구원할‬ ‪노아의 후손들이 사는 곳‬promised to us in the bible, a place where Noah's descendants will rescue troubled souls
‪이곳 수리남에서 우리는‬ ‪천국을, 천국을 만들 것입니다‬from their hardships right here in Suriname! We will make heaven!
‪- 할렐루야!‬ ‪- 할렐루야!‬[all] Hallelujah!
‪[환호성]‬[all] Hallelujah!
‪[음악이 뚝 끊긴다]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪그러니까 선생님 말씀에 따르면‬What you're saying is that Pastor Jeon
‪이 인간이 내 홍어에다가‬ ‪코카인을 넣었다는 거예요?‬was the one who put the drugs in my skate and got me locked up?
‪(창호) 현재 전요환의‬ ‪코카인 밀매 루트는‬Jeon's main smuggling route is currently limited to Europe.
‪유럽으로 국한되어 있어요‬Jeon's main smuggling route is currently limited to Europe.
‪저희 판단으로는‬We believe that he plans to expand his operations into Korea
‪한국 쪽에‬ ‪새로운 루트를 뚫기 위해‬We believe that he plans to expand his operations into Korea
‪강인구 씨 소유의 컨테이너로‬ ‪테스트해 본 것으로 추측됩니다‬We believe that he plans to expand his operations into Korea and that your shipping containers were his initial test route, Mr. Kang.
‪하아, 씨발‬Oh shit.
‪[탄식]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪[탄식]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪제 친구 박응수 아시죠?‬You know my friend Park Eungsoo?
‪응수 지금 어디 있어요?‬I don't know where he is.
‪[옅은 숨을 들이켠다]‬[exhales]
‪강인구 씨 핸드폰 사서함에‬ ‪남겨졌던 녹음입니다‬We took these messages from your personal voicemail.
‪[버튼이 삑 소리를 낸다]‬ ‪[음성 녹음 신호음]‬[recorder chimes]
‪(녹음기 속 응수) 인구, 내 응수다‬Ingu, it's Eungsoo.
‪이거 들으면 전화 좀 도‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-Call me when you get this. -[recorder chimes]
‪[음성 녹음 신호음]‬-Call me when you get this. -[recorder chimes]
‪(녹음기 속 응수)‬ ‪마, 니 어디 있는데, 응?‬Hey, man. Where are you?
‪와 이리 연락이 안 되노?‬ ‪전화 좀 해라, 빨리‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬You disappeared. Call me back.
‪[음성 녹음 신호음]‬[recorder chimes]
‪(녹음기 속 응수)‬ ‪야, 뭐, 어찌 됐는지‬ ‪하나도 모르겠다, 인구야‬I got no idea what's going on, man. Listen to this.
‪내 오늘 차이나타운 나갔다가‬ ‪들은 얘기가 있는데‬I was in Chinatown today, and I heard something crazy.
‪전요환 목사 있다 아이가‬You know Pastor Jeon?
‪중국 아들 말로는‬ ‪그 인간이 마약상이란다‬According to these guys, he's a drug dealer. Crazy right?
‪애초에 우리 도와준다고…‬ ‪[버튼이 삑 소리를 낸다]‬I mean, we actually met him.
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪응수 아직 수리남에 있어요?‬He's still in Suriname then?
‪지금 전화 좀‬ ‪한번 할 수 있을까요?‬I want to call him. Make sure he's okay.
‪[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪애석하지만 박응수 씨는‬Your friend Mr. Park is dead. I'm sorry, Mr. Kang.
‪사망했습니다‬Your friend Mr. Park is dead. I'm sorry, Mr. Kang.
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪[마른침을 삼킨다]‬
‪[목메는 소리로] 왜요?‬When?
‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪응수가 왜 죽었어요?‬How could this happen?
‪전요환 조직으로부터‬ ‪살해된 것으로 보입니다‬We believe that he was killed by the pastor's men.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[Ingu inhales]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[inhales shakily]
‪유감입니다‬My condolences.
‪[탄식]‬[Ingu exhales]
‪[흐느낀다]‬[Ingu sobbing]
‪[창호 한숨]‬
‪[인구 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪말씀드렸다시피‬ ‪수리남과 대한민국 사이엔‬We'd like to arrest him, but Suriname and Korea don't have an extradition treaty in place.
‪범죄인 인도 조약이‬ ‪체결되어 있지 않아‬but Suriname and Korea don't have an extradition treaty in place.
‪현재 전요환을 체포할 방법이‬ ‪없는 상황입니다‬Without one, it's impossible for us to take him down.
‪그래서 강인구 씨에게‬ ‪도움을 요청하고자 찾아온 거고요‬Which is why we need you to help us with this, Mr. Kang.
‪[울먹이면서 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪‘도움’이요?‬My help?
‪저한테 도움을 요청한다고요?‬You're here to ask me for my help?
‪엄밀히 말하자면‬Well, it's more than that.
‪서로 돕자는 얘기죠‬We could help each other.
‪[희망찬 음악]‬[uplifting music playing]
‪(창호) 전요환을 체포하려면‬If we want to arrest Jeon, we have to get him out of the country.
‪수리남이 아닌 제3국으로‬ ‪그를 유인해야 하는데‬If we want to arrest Jeon, we have to get him out of the country.
‪수리남 밖으로 끌어내는 작전은‬ ‪이미 실패했습니다‬And since our operation to do just that has already failed,
‪따라서 남은 방법은‬the only option left
‪전요환의 코카인을 미국으로‬ ‪유통시키는 방법밖에 없습니다‬is to somehow get him to transport his product to the US.
‪미국은 자국에 마약을‬ ‪밀매하는 자를‬If he does, then they will mobilize their military against him.
‪체포하기 위해서라면‬then they will mobilize their military against him.
‪당사국의 허락을 받지 않고도‬Anyone caught smuggling to the US
‪독자적인 군사 행동을‬ ‪할 수 있는 법 조항이 있어요‬Anyone caught smuggling to the US can be arrested without foreign interference.
‪전요환이 코카인을‬ ‪미국에 판매하게만 만든다면‬If we could get him to start shipping product to the States,
‪미국 마약 단속국 DEA를‬ ‪수리남에 직접 투입할 수 있습니다‬it would be easy to get the DEA involved in Suriname to arrest Yohan.
‪그래서 저보고‬ ‪뭐 어떻게 하라는 거예요?‬So where do I fit in to all this?
‪강인구 씨가 수리남으로 돌아가‬ ‪전요환에게 접근‬We want you to get closer to Yohan back in Suriname.
‪코카인 미국 판매를‬ ‪유도해 주셨으면 합니다‬And convince him to sell his cocaine in the US.
‪[기가 찬 한숨]‬
‪(창호) 강인구 씨의 안전은‬We can help you, Mr. Kang.
‪현지에 있는 저희 요원이‬ ‪책임질 겁니다‬We can help you, Mr. Kang. Our agent there will ensure your safety.
‪그리고 무엇보다‬And most importantly, when we catch him,
‪전요환을 잡으면 강인구 씨의‬ ‪누명도 자연스럽게 풀릴 거고요‬And most importantly, when we catch him, all of the charges you're facing will be dropped, of course.
‪아, 막말로 내가 군인도 아니고‬ ‪경찰도 아닌데‬I'll be honest with you. It sounds like suicide.
‪제가 그런 일을 왜 합니까?‬You expect me to risk everything?
‪(창호) 저, 강인구 씨‬Mr. Kang.
‪저희로서도‬ ‪대안이 없는 상황입니다‬Look. We're all out of other options here.
‪부탁드리겠습니다‬ ‪강인구 씨가 유일한 방법이에요‬Please help us. Help us get him behind bars.
‪아니, 그러니까‬Agent Changho,
‪일할 사람이‬ ‪저밖에 없다는 얘기잖아요‬you're saying I'm the only person who can do this for you?
‪아, 그럼 이거‬ ‪감정적으로 얘기할 게 아니라‬Let's assume that's true. Why appeal to my sense of honor?
‪비즈니스적으로 좀 접근을 해 보죠‬Treat it like a business proposal.
‪수리남에서 날린 제 사업 자금 5억‬I used to have 500 million won. That was my life savings.
‪그게 제 전 재산이에요‬I used to have 500 million won. That was my life savings.
‪애들 공부시켜 가지고‬ ‪대학 보낼 돈인데, 아니…‬That money was supposed to be for my kids.
‪솔직히 전‬ ‪이 세상에 없어도 되는데‬Honestly, I don't care at all about my life,
‪그 돈 5억만큼은‬ ‪제가 꼭 필요하거든요‬Honestly, I don't care at all about my life, but that money is something I need to get back.
‪(인구) 제가 단도직입적으로‬ ‪말씀을 드릴게요‬Let me be straightforward here.
‪선생님께서 저한테‬ ‪용역 의뢰하시는 거잖아요‬You're hoping that I'll go back and risk my life for you.
‪제가 선생님 도와드리고‬And I'm prepared to do it, but you've gotta give me something too.
‪그리고 선생님이‬ ‪저 도와주시면 되겠네요‬And I'm prepared to do it, but you've gotta give me something too.
‪그 돈 5억 입금되면, 예‬You get me 500 million, then…
‪제가 일하겠습니다‬yeah, I'll help you.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪좋습니다‬ ‪그 돈 저희가 해 드리죠‬You got it. We'll do that deal.
‪[삐 소리가 난다]‬[recorder chimes]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪국정원 미주 팀장 최창호가‬ ‪강인구 씨에게‬I hereby promise to Mr. Kang, for his services,
‪특수 활동비 5억을‬ ‪약속드립니다‬200 million upon release, and a further three once Yohan is in custody.
‪출소하신 뒤 2억‬and a further three once Yohan is in custody.
‪전요환을 검거한 뒤‬ ‪3억 드리겠습니다‬This is Choi Changho of the NIS.
‪[인구 한숨]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪[입을 딱 떼며]‬ ‪그럼 뭐부터 시작할까요?‬That's done. Where do I start?
‪(창호) 현재 나이지리아 출신의‬ ‪전요환 개인 보디가드가‬[Changho] Yohan's personal bodyguard from Nigeria is also serving time here.
‪여기 수감되어 있습니다‬[Changho] Yohan's personal bodyguard from Nigeria is also serving time here.
‪7개월 후 출소까지‬For the next seven months, until you're released,
‪우린 그자를 역이용해‬ ‪전요환의 눈을 속일 겁니다‬For the next seven months, until you're released, we're going to use him to deceive Yohan.
‪뭘 어떻게 속일까요?‬How do I do that?
‪(창호) 저희가‬ ‪물건을 공급해 드릴 테니‬[Changho] As soon as we get you the drugs,
‪교도소 내에서‬ ‪마약을 유통해 주세요‬start distributing them in the prison.
‪(창호) [한국어] 진짜 마약상이‬ ‪된 것처럼 행동해야 합니다‬[Changho] Convince them that you've become a pusher.
‪[영어] 돈 더 안 필요해?‬You want more money?
‪[영어] 그거 음식 아냐?‬Isn't it food?
‪음식은 반입 안 되잖아‬It's not allowed in here. Then take it.
‪[영어] 그럼 네가 가져가서 먹어‬Then take it.
‪[영어] 장에 좋대‬-This is good for your intestines. -[groans]
‪[교도관 웃음]‬[male cop chuckles]
‪[영어] 이 새끼가…‬Son of a bitch. Selling drugs on my turf?
‪내 구역에서 약을 팔아?‬Son of a bitch. Selling drugs on my turf?
‪내 몫을 좀 받아야겠는데?‬Now you have to pay me.
‪[공격하는 기합]‬ ‪[힘주는 신음]‬[men grunting]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[공격하는 기합]‬-[Ingu yells] -[man grunts]
‪[환호성이 커진다]‬[all cheering]
‪[고통스러운 신음]‬[all cheering]
‪(인구) [영어]‬ ‪너희가 너무 착하게 구니까‬Remember to act nice. Act like angels.
‪프랑스 새끼들이‬ ‪돈을 안 주는 거야‬Remember to act nice. Act like angels. If the French refuse to pay up,
‪내가 뭐라고 했어?‬what did I tell you?
‪[영어] 돈을 위해 싸워라!‬[all] Fight for the money!
‪[영어] 잘 아네‬Right.
‪내일 프랑스 놈들이랑 싸워서‬ ‪돈 받아내‬Tomorrow, go to the French, and fight for the money.
‪[후루룩 먹는다]‬
‪[서로 힘주는 기합]‬[all clamoring]
‪[수감자들이 외국어로 말한다]‬[clamoring]
‪[나지막한 음악]‬
‪자…‬This kid… [sighs]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[삐 소리가 난다]‬[gate buzzes, unlocks]
‪(창호) 야, 인구야!‬Hey, Ingu! [chuckles]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Hey, Ingu! [chuckles]
‪(창호) 야, 고생했다, 어?‬ ‪고생했어‬Wow! You made it out! Look at you!
‪[사람들이 외국어로 떠든다]‬[indistinct shouting]
‪그거 되게 어색해요, 그거‬[indistinct shouting] Quit your acting.
‪[차 문을 닫는다]‬
‪[창호 헛기침한다]‬[Changho clears throat]
‪[차 시동음]‬[engine turns over]
‪[긴장이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[파도 소리]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪[문이 끼익 소리를 낸다]‬
‪이쪽은 저랑 같이 일하고 있는‬ ‪회사 동료입니다‬This is one of my colleagues. She'll be helping us.
‪안녕하세요‬This is one of my colleagues. She'll be helping us. -Hello. -Hello, Mr. Kang.
‪안녕하세요, 강인구 씨‬-Hello. -Hello, Mr. Kang.
‪그, 약속했던 선금 2억은‬[Changho] The money will go to your wife's account. Two hundred million won. It'll be deposited in monthly installments over the next ten months.
‪향후 10개월간 매달‬ ‪아내분 계좌로 들어갈 거예요‬It'll be deposited in monthly installments over the next ten months.
‪이거 시작부터 말이 바뀌시네?‬No, that wasn't our agreement.
‪이러면 같이 일 못 하는데‬-Give me what I asked for. -Hold on. We've got to be smart.
‪이, 이게 적은 돈도 아니고‬-Give me what I asked for. -Hold on. We've got to be smart.
‪저희 또한 최소한의 안전장치가‬ ‪필요해서 그런 거니까‬Caution is required when transferring this much cash.
‪그… 양해 부탁드립니다‬Caution is required when transferring this much cash. I hope you understand.
‪100% 신뢰를 못 하니까‬ ‪할부로 주시겠다?‬You don't trust me enough to pay all at once, huh?
‪대신 5개월로 좀 줄여 주세요‬But we make it five months, and 40 million a month. Yeah?
‪매달 4천씩, 예?‬But we make it five months, and 40 million a month. Yeah?
‪내가 거기 1년이나‬ ‪있고 싶진 않거든요‬I don't want to stay in Suriname for a year.
‪그 4천 중에 3천은‬ ‪저한테 보내 주시고‬Of the 40, you'll send 30 million to me and the rest to Eungsoo's family.
‪나머지 천은‬ ‪응수네로 보내 주세요‬Of the 40, you'll send 30 million to me and the rest to Eungsoo's family.
‪응수네 요즘 많이 힘들 거예요‬I'm sure they're having a tough time.
‪좋습니다, 그렇게 진행하죠‬All that sounds reasonable.
‪자, 그럼 전요환의 코카인을‬ ‪미국에 수출시키는 작전‬The first thing we'll do is review the steps we're going to take.
‪그 첫 번째 과정부터‬ ‪다시 점검해 볼까요?‬In order to catch Yohan, he'll need to export to the US.
‪네, 그럼 해 드려야죠‬ ‪월급 주시는 사장님이신데‬Whatever you say. You're the one signing my paychecks.
‪[묵직한 음악]‬Pastor Jeon has control of the Surinamese government,
‪(인구) 현재 수리남 정부‬ ‪군대, 경찰을 등에 업고‬Pastor Jeon has control of the Surinamese government, the police, and the army. They're all in his pocket.
‪코카인 루트를 장악한‬ ‪전요환 목사‬the police, and the army. They're all in his pocket.
‪한국 신도들을 부리고‬ ‪코카인 왕국을 확장하기 위해서‬He's in the process of building his empire with the help of his followers,
‪현재 자금이 필요한 상황‬but he needs more cash, so exporting to Korea is now his goal.
‪그것 때문에‬ ‪한국 수출을 노리고 있고‬but he needs more cash, so exporting to Korea is now his goal.
‪그 과정에서…‬This son of a bitch.
‪이 홍어 좆만 한 새끼가‬This bastard stuffed my skate with cocaine to try it out,
‪내 홍어에다가‬ ‪코카인을 끼워 넣어서‬This bastard stuffed my skate with cocaine to try it out,
‪테스트를 하다가 실패‬but that blew up in his face.
‪그래서 여전히‬ ‪한국 수출은 못 하는 상황‬He still needs a way to export to Korea.
‪수리남 중국 조직 대장 첸진‬Chen Zhen. Head of the Chinese gang in Suriname.
‪뭐, 밀입국, 카지노‬ ‪가라오케, 어부들 삥 뜯기까지‬He does it all. Smuggling, casinos, karaoke bars, extorting local fisherman, anything that makes money.
‪돈 되는 건 다 하고 있는데‬extorting local fisherman, anything that makes money.
‪주력 사업은 밀입국을 통해서‬extorting local fisherman, anything that makes money. Primarily, he focuses on smuggling meth to Chinatowns in Europe.
‪유럽 차이나타운에‬ ‪필로폰을 공급‬Primarily, he focuses on smuggling meth to Chinatowns in Europe.
‪하지만 수익이 한계 상황이라‬But he's looking to increase his earnings, and he's hoping to get into cocaine.
‪코카인도 취급하고 싶어 하는데‬But he's looking to increase his earnings, and he's hoping to get into cocaine.
‪아직 활로를 못 찾은 상황‬But he's looking to increase his earnings, and he's hoping to get into cocaine. And he just hasn't figured out how.
‪작전은 바로 이 지점을‬ ‪공략하는 걸로 시작을 합니다‬So our plan is to use this point to our advantage.
‪(인구) 맞나요?‬How'd I do?
‪1단계 작전이 성공하면‬ ‪강인구 씨는‬Once you get through the first step,
‪전요환의 위협에 본격적으로‬ ‪직면하게 될 거예요‬you'll be under direct threat from Jeon Yohan, Mr. Kang.
‪생명의 위협을 느끼는 만약의 경우‬If things ever get too dangerous for you,
‪주저 없이 미국 대사관으로‬ ‪달려가십시오‬drop everything and run to the US embassy.
‪아, 도망치면 잔금 없잖아요‬I won't get paid if I run.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪어, 여보, 나야‬Hi, honey. It's me.
‪(혜진) 여보, 어디야, 공항이야?‬[Hyejin] Where are you? At the airport?
‪정확히 며칠 도착이야?‬Are you on your way home?
‪여보, 내가 얘기를‬ ‪못 한 게 있는데‬Sweetheart, the thing is something's come up.
‪나 일 때문에 수리남 좀 잠깐‬ ‪들어갔다가 한국 가야 될 거 같아‬I need to stop by Suriname for work before flying back to Korea.
‪무슨 얘기야?‬What do you mean?
‪거기 위험한 데를‬ ‪왜 또 가겠다는 건데?‬Why would you ever want to go back there?
‪(혜진) 어젯밤에 무슨 출판사에서‬ ‪3천만 원 들어왔던데‬A publisher sent me 30 million won yesterday. Is it because of that?
‪그것 때문이야?‬Is it because of that?
‪(인구) 아니 그게 출판사에서‬ ‪내 경험담으로‬[Ingu] Yeah. They contacted me. They want me to help write a book about my experiences
‪남미 비즈니스 가이드북을‬ ‪내기로 계약을 했거든‬They want me to help write a book about my experiences on doing business in South America.
‪그래서 자료 조사하러 수리남에‬ ‪작가랑 들어가야 될 거 같아‬They want me to go to Suriname with the author to do research, honey.
‪(혜진) [격양된 목소리로]‬ ‪뭐야, 그게!‬They want me to go to Suriname with the author to do research, honey. I don't believe you. [breathes shakily]
‪진짜 무슨 일이냐고!‬Tell me what's really going on!
‪아, 무슨 일이긴, 늘 하던 일이지‬ ‪우리 먹고사는 일‬I am telling you. They've offered me really good money.
‪애들은?‬How are the kids?
‪(혜진) 여보‬Honey,
‪왜 그래, 정말?‬ ‪솔직하게 얘기 좀 해줘, 응?‬I don't understand. Why won't you tell me what's going on?
‪[한숨]‬Why won't you tell me what's going on?
‪여보‬Who is she?
‪거기 무슨 여자 생겼어?‬Did you meet someone else?
‪아, 여자는 무슨‬Oh no. Of course not. Then what's the real reason you're going back there?
‪그럼 거길‬ ‪왜 또다시 가는 건데!‬Then what's the real reason you're going back there?
‪[갈매기가 끼룩거린다]‬
‪혜진아, 내가 한국 가서‬ ‪자세하게 설명해 줄게‬I promise I'll explain everything once I get back to Korea.
‪(인구) 너 나 믿지?‬You trust me, right?
‪내가 수리남에서‬ ‪한 5개월 정도 있어야 되니까‬I have to stay behind for five more months,
‪일단 그 돈으로 전세금 대출이랑‬ ‪생활비 하고 있어‬so you use that money for the lease. I'll send more soon.
‪야, 너 그리고‬ ‪절대 집 내놓지 마, 어?‬Please keep the apartment for now.
‪[한숨]‬I want to talk to the kids. The flight's gonna be boarding soon.
‪나 지금 비행기 타러 가야 되니까‬ ‪애들 좀 바꿔 봐 봐‬I want to talk to the kids. The flight's gonna be boarding soon.
‪- 아빠!‬ ‪- 아빠!‬[both] Hi, Dad!
‪어, 형주, 민서‬ ‪공부 열심히 잘하고 있지?‬Hyungju, Minseo. You both studying hard?
‪[아이들 '네'하고 대답한다]‬[both] Yes!
‪그래, 민서는 체육을 잘하니까‬Good. Now, Minseo, don't forget. You're tae kwon do is going well,
‪그, 특히 수영이랑 태권도‬Good. Now, Minseo, don't forget. You're tae kwon do is going well, so be sure to practice.
‪앞으로 그걸로 밥 벌어먹고 산다‬ ‪생각하고 열심히 해야 된다, 어?‬With practice, you'll be able to make a living one day doing what you love, honey.
‪응, 아빠, 태권!‬Yes, Dad. Tae kwon do!
‪나 운동 잘하고 있어‬Yes, Dad. Tae kwon do! I'm working on it really hard.
‪근데 아빠 왜 이렇게 안 와?‬Daddy, why are you not at home?
‪어, 아빠가 우리 가족의‬ ‪행복한 삶을 위해서‬It's because I want us to have a happy life. So Daddy needs to take a tough path.
‪어려운 길을 좀 갔다가‬ ‪들어가야 될 거 같아‬So Daddy needs to take a tough path. At least for a while.
‪어려운 길을 왜 가야 되는데?‬Okay. Good luck with your tough path.
‪아이…‬Oh! Thank you, dear.
‪그거는 지금 당장‬ ‪설명하기가 어려울 거 같고‬Oh! Thank you, dear. I can't explain right now, but I'll tell you when I can.
‪아빠가 한국 가서‬ ‪자세히 설명해 줄게‬I'm gonna tell you everything when I get back.
‪일단 엄마 말씀 잘 듣고, 어?‬Until then, I want you to be good and work hard.
‪야, 그리고 너희들 공부한 거‬ ‪아빠가 한국 가서 다 검사한다‬I'll know if you don't. I'm checking both your final report cards, so you be good, yeah?
‪열심히 공부해야 된다, 어?‬I'm checking both your final report cards, so you be good, yeah?
‪아빠‬Um, Dad.
‪건강하게 돌아오세요‬Just come home safe, okay?
‪그래, 우리 아들‬Of course I will.
‪돈 많이 벌어 가지고 금방 갈게‬I'll be back with a lot of money for you.
‪[조용한 음악]‬
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬[sighs]
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[붕 하고 속력을 높인다]‬
‪[영어] 너희 보스한테 말해‬Tell your boss the Korean fishman has a great deal for him.
‪한국 사업가 피쉬맨이‬ ‪좋은 아이템 가져왔다고‬Tell your boss the Korean fishman has a great deal for him.
‪전화해 봐‬Call him.
‪[중국어] 피쉬맨이라는‬ ‪한국 사람이 보스를 찾습니다‬[in Chinese] Some Korean called Fishman is here. He's looking for the boss.
‪어떡할까요?‬What should I do?
‪(문지기) [영어] 따라 와‬[guard in English] Follow me.
‪[기태 심호흡]‬[Byun Kitae breathes deeply]
‪[연장 소리]‬ ‪[사람들 말소리가 들린다]‬
‪[노크한다]‬[guard knocks on door]
‪[긴장하는 한숨]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪(중국갱) [중국어] 병신, 귀엽네‬[thug 1 in Chinese] Son of a bitch. He's adorable!
‪씨발 것‬ ‪[낄낄거린다]‬Fucker.
‪[입 소리를 딱 낸다]‬
‪[쿵 소리가 난다]‬
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬
‪[영어] 진짜 피쉬맨이네?‬[in English] Wow. Fishman.
‪멋있어졌네‬Looking cool, huh?
‪[영어] 오랜만이야‬Long time no see.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(첸진) [영어] 감옥 갔다더니‬ ‪벌써 나왔어? ‬You got out of jail so fast.
‪그런데 날 왜 찾아왔지?‬But, why are you here?
‪[영어] 이건 다 뭐야?‬What's going on?
‪[영어] 물었잖아‬I asked you a question.
‪왜 왔냐고‬Why are you here?
‪[한국어] 음…‬ ‪[입 소리를 쩝 낸다]‬Mmm.
‪[영어] 이민족끼리 왜 얼굴 맞대겠어?‬Why do people from different countries meet?
‪전쟁 아니면 돈이지‬For war, or money.
‪[영어] 싸우자고?‬You want a war?
‪[영어] 아니, 같이 돈 벌자고‬No. Money.
‪[영어] [비웃으며] 뭘 벌어?‬Shit!
‪돈 많아‬I have tons of money!
‪너 같은 놈이랑 할 이유가 없어‬Why would I work with you?
‪[영어] 그렇게 사람 썰어서 번‬ ‪피 묻은 푼돈?‬How much are you really making killing people?
‪네가 맨날 전 목사한테‬ ‪밟히는 이유를 알겠다‬I see now why you always lose to Pastor Jeon.
‪[전기톱이 굉음을 낸다]‬[chainsaw revs]
‪[영어] 무슨 수작이야?‬What dirty plan did you have in mind? Hmm?
‪목사가 보냈어?‬Did Pastor send you?
‪개소리하면‬If you fuck me over, I'll gut you like one of your skate fish.
‪네가 사랑하는 홍어 가르듯‬ ‪절단 낼 거니까 똑바로 말해‬If you fuck me over, I'll gut you like one of your skate fish.
‪[영어] 목사 때문에‬ ‪내가 잡혀갔던 거야‬Because of the pastor, I went to prison.
‪내 친구도 죽었고‬He killed my best friend.
‪비즈니스 관심 없으면‬ ‪이야기 관두자‬Not interested in money? Forget it.
‪[코웃음] [영어] 네 친구?‬Your friend?
‪소문엔 군인들이 죽였다고‬ ‪들었는데‬I heard soldiers killed him.
‪뭘 하잔 건지 똑바로 말해 봐‬Tell me what you're getting at.
‪[영어] 미안한데‬I'm sorry.
‪나도 기분이 좆같아서‬ ‪말이 안 나오네‬I feel fucking bad. Can't talk anymore.
‪자르던 거나 마저 잘라‬Just keep cutting.
‪[총 방아쇠 당기는 소리]‬[guns cock]
‪[영어] 보스께서 말씀 중이다‬Boss is talking to you.
‪[혀를 쯧 찬다]‬[Ingu sucks teeth]
‪[비열한 웃음소리]‬
‪[영어] 이러면 네가 얘기하는 데‬ ‪좀 도움이 될까?‬Will this help you talk?
‪[전기톱이 굉음을 낸다]‬[chainsaw revs]
‪[중국어] 제발 살려 주세요‬[in Chinese] Please forgive me, I beg you!
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬[man yelling]
‪[고통스러운 비명]‬ ‪[살이 잘리는 소리]‬[man yelling]
‪[비명이 멈춘다]‬[man groaning in pain]
‪[중국어] 이 배은망덕한 새끼‬[in English] What a fucking trader.
‪본보기로‬ ‪차이나타운 사거리에 걸어놔‬Hang him up in Chinatown to set a good example.
‪- 네‬ ‪- 네‬-[man 1] Sure. -[man 2] Sure.
‪[침을 퉤 뱉는다]‬
‪[중국어] 이리 와‬Come here.
‪[영어] 자, 다시 얘기해 보자고‬Let's talk again.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[groans]
‪[인구 한숨]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪[숨을 후 내쉰다]‬[exhales]
‪[영어] 블랙잭 할 줄 아나?‬You play blackjack?
‪[영어] 그럼‬Sure.
‪[영어] 그래서 계획이 뭐야?‬So… What's your plan?
‪[영어] 한국에 마약을 팔려고‬I want to sell dope in Korea.
‪네가 물건이 있다면‬If you got it.
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[영어] 물건이야 있지‬Sure, I got it.
‪내가 필로폰 파는 거‬ ‪알고 온 거 아냐?‬You know I deal meth.
‪[영어] 말고, 코카인‬I need cocaine.
‪[영어] 내 필로폰‬ ‪한국 가면 히트 칠걸?‬My meth can sell like crazy in Korea.
‪[영어] 한때 한국을 먹여 살린‬ ‪수출품 세 가지가‬Long ago, Korea made money on three commodities.
‪선박, 자동차, 필로폰이었어‬Cars, ships, and meth.
‪게다가 요샌 일본, 대만‬ ‪북한산까지 공급이 넘쳐‬But now… plenty of drugs come from Taiwan, North Korea, Japan…
‪[중국어] 형님‬[thug in Chinese ] Boss.
‪일단 있다고 하시고‬ ‪얘기나 들어 보시죠‬Let's listen to what he has to say, what do you think?
‪[영어] 코카인 없으면‬ ‪대화는 여기까지‬[in English] No cocaine, no deal.
‪[코웃음]‬[Chen scoffs]
‪[영어] 1톤이 필요해‬I need one ton.
‪[헛웃음] [중국어] 미친‬[chuckles] You're crazy.
‪[영어] 1톤이면 돈이 얼만지 알아?‬Do you know how much a ton of coke costs?
‪[영어] 알지‬Sure.
‪물건 준비되면 연락해‬Call me when you get it.
‪그 전에…‬And…
‪총 좀 사자‬I need a gun.
‪[클럽 음악이 쿵쿵 울린다]‬-[upbeat music playing] -♪ Deep down inside… ♪
‪[한국어] 첸진이가 며칠 걸린다고‬ ‪했으니까 뭐, 좀 기다려 보죠‬Chen Zhen says it'll take a few days, but he's on board.
‪아이, 설마‬ ‪한국 시장을 포기하겠어?‬Hey, you believe he's gonna give up on the Korean market?
‪돈이 얼만데?‬Hey, you believe he's gonna give up on the Korean market?
‪[한숨]‬[sighs] Wow. It's been a while since I've drunk this much.
‪아, 오랜만에 술 마시니까‬ ‪훅 취하네‬[sighs] Wow. It's been a while since I've drunk this much.
‪아시아 시장에 코카인 풀리면‬ ‪이거 금광 캐는 거나 마찬가지니까‬Him selling cocaine will be like a license to print money in Korea.
‪첸진도 돈 냄새에 콧구멍‬ ‪팔랑팔랑대서 못 참을걸?‬Chen Zhen won't be able to stop thinking about his profits.
‪(인구) 내 말이 그 말이, 어?‬[Ingu] That's exactly what I'm saying.
‪아, 냄새가 보통 나야지‬There's too much for him to gain.
‪아무튼 브라질에서‬ ‪족욕 좀 하시고 다시 연락합시다‬Anyway, go get a foot bath and rest up while you're in Brazil.
‪예, 들어가요 상만이 형, 예‬Anyway, go get a foot bath and rest up while you're in Brazil. Okay. Take care, Sangman. Bye.
‪[창호 한숨]‬[Changho sighs]
‪(창호) 첸진 콘택트 전까지‬ ‪좀 쉬어‬You can all head out until we hear back.
‪눈 좀 붙이라고‬Go get some rest.
‪(동우) 네‬[agent 1] Yes, sir.
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬
‪[차량 소리]‬
‪“출입 금지‬ ‪파라마리보 경찰 관할 구역”‬
‪[문이 끼익 소리를 낸다]‬
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[cell phone vibrating]
‪[영어] 첸진, 물건 구했어?‬Chen Zhen. You get the cocaine?
‪[무거운 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪[바퀴가 끼익 소리를 낸다]‬
‪[숨을 쓰읍 들이켠다]‬[inhales]
‪저게 차이나타운으로‬ ‪가는 거 같은데‬I think he's heading into Chinatown.
‪[사람들이 중국어로 대화한다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[중국어] 따라와‬[in Chinese] Follow me.
‪[영어] 너무 적어‬[in English] Too small.
‪넌 이게 1톤이라 생각해?‬You think this is one ton?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪전요환 편이었던 널‬ ‪어떻게 믿고‬How can I trust someone who was friends with the pastor?
‪1톤을 바로 내줘?‬I should just hand you a ton?
‪[영어] 돈을 믿으면 될 건데‬You can trust money, yeah?
‪양이 너무 적어‬This is way too small.
‪파라마리보 뒷골목에서‬ ‪긁어모은 거 아니야?‬You buy your coke in Paramaribo backstreet?
‪[영어] 그건 네 알 바가‬ ‪아닌 거 같은데‬That's none of your business.
‪[영어] 아마추어야?‬Are you new to this? Huh?
‪앞으로 물건 공급이 원활한지‬I want to know if the supply and price are okay.
‪도매 단가가 얼마인지‬ ‪얼마나 중요한데‬I want to know if the supply and price are okay.
‪정확히 어떤 상황이야?‬Walk me through your setup.
‪[영어] 알 필요 없다고 했지?‬I told you, it's my business.
‪[한숨]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪결정이나 해‬You decide.
‪장사할지 말지‬Take it, or fucking leave it.
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬
‪[차량이 다가오는 소리]‬
‪[바퀴가 끼익 소리를 낸다]‬[tires screech]
‪[중국어] 변기태, 뭐 하는 거야?‬[in Chinese] Byun Kitae! What do you think you're doing?
‪[중국어] 비켜서라‬-Move out of the way. -What?
‪[중국어] 뭐? 어디서 명령질이야?‬-Move out of the way. -What? You're not my boss.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬-[man yells] -What are you doing! [yells]
‪[중국어] 뭐 하는 짓이야?‬-[man yells] -What are you doing! [yells]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬-[man yells] -What are you doing! [yells]
‪[분한 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[영어] 어이, 진정들 해‬[in English] Hey, hey, come on.
‪총 내려‬Put down your gun.
‪너희가 룰을 깼잖아‬You are the one who broke our agreement.
‪[영어] 무슨 개 같은 소리야‬What the fuck did you say?
‪[영어] 필로폰만 팔라고‬ ‪은총을 베풀었더니‬The pastor let you sell meth.
‪뒤에서 코카인을 팔아먹으려고?‬But now, you want to stab him in the back by dealing coke too?
‪[영어] 유럽이 아니라‬It's not for Europe.
‪아시아에 팔려고 했던 거야‬Our target is Asia.
‪[기태 낄낄거린다]‬Our target is Asia. [Byun Kitae chuckles]
‪[중국어] 이런 미친 새끼‬You crazy bastard. [chuckles]
‪[소리 내 웃는다]‬You crazy bastard. [chuckles]
‪그걸 지금 말이라고 해?‬Are you serious right now?
‪(기태) [중국어] 그래‬All right.
‪너랑 나랑‬ ‪풀어야 할 문제도 있는데‬You and I still have matters to solve.
‪한판 벌려 볼까?‬What do you say we fight it out?
‪[중국어] 더러운 배신자 새끼!‬[in Chinese] You dirty traitor!
‪살려준 것만 해도‬ ‪고마운 줄 알아야지‬[in Chinese] You dirty traitor! You should be grateful that we let you live!
‪[중국어] 쌍!‬Fuck you!
‪[방아쇠 소리가‬ ‪여기저기서 들린다]‬[guns cock]
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪[데이빗 한숨]‬-[Byun Kitae exhales] -[man in English] Hey, put your gun down.
‪(데이빗) [한국어] 하지 마, 하지 마‬-[Byun Kitae exhales] -[man in English] Hey, put your gun down.
‪[영어] 그만해‬Stop.
‪[성난 숨을 내쉰다]‬[exhales]
‪[중국어] 협정을 깼으면 전쟁이야‬[in Chinese] Breaking the agreement means war.
‪(데이빗) [영어] 진정해‬[man in English] Relax. None of us are looking to start a war today.
‪[한국어] 우리 전쟁하러 온 거‬ ‪아니잖아, 응?‬[man in English] Relax. None of us are looking to start a war today.
‪[중국어] 변기태‬Byun Kitae.
‪(첸진) 잘 들어‬Listen to me carefully.
‪여기서 내 동생들 피가‬ ‪한 방울이라도 더 튀면‬If any of my boys lose so much as a drop of blood today,
‪진짜 전쟁이 시작될 거야‬I promise that'll be the start of a war. [breathing angrily]
‪[성난 숨소리]‬[breathing angrily]
‪[숨을 쓰읍 들이쉬며] 아니‬Hang on.
‪아저씨들이 뭔데 이렇게‬ ‪깜빡이도 없이 치고 들어와, 어?‬Hang on. Who the hell do you think you are just barging in on us? Huh?
‪일하는 거 안 보여?‬We're working here.
‪[한국어] 강인구 씨는‬ ‪저희랑 같이 좀 갑시다‬Mr. Kang, you need to come with us.
‪목사님이 찾으시네‬To see the pastor.
‪[영어] 수리남에서‬In Suriname, only the pastor is allowed to deal coke.
‪코카인 거래 가능한 건‬ ‪목사님뿐인데‬In Suriname, only the pastor is allowed to deal coke.
‪네가 룰을 깼으니‬You broke our agreement.
‪(데이빗) 그 페널티는‬ ‪여기 다친 애들로 퉁치자‬So, call it even.
‪알았지?‬Got it?
‪[영어] 코카인을‬ ‪한국에 파는 룰이 어디 있어?‬No one ever said I couldn't sell to Korea.
‪[한국어] 아니, 아저씨‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪아이, 사이비 개소리도‬ ‪정도껏 해야지‬Just admit you're a cult and cut the bullshit.
‪당신이 뭔데‬ ‪남의 장사에 깽판을 놔?‬Who are you to go messing around with his business?
‪목사님 소명을 받드세요‬You'll accept the pastor's calling.
‪그리고 또다시 불경스러운 말을‬ ‪입 밖으로 내뱉으면‬And if I hear blasphemy coming from your mouth ever again,
‪큰 손해 볼 겁니다‬you will be struck down.
‪[데이빗 옅은 한숨]‬[exhales]
‪[한국어] 강인구 씨‬ ‪지금 같이 안 가면‬Mr. Kang, you need to come with us right now.
‪당신 죽어‬If you don't, you're dead.
‪좋게 말하는 상황에서 갑시다, 네?‬You don't want me to have to ask again, okay?
‪흐음‬[Ingu] Hmm.
‪[한국어] 아즈바이, 빨빨 가자‬Come on. Get him out of here.
‪(데이빗) 아이, 씨발‬ ‪[탄피가 떨어지며 쨍 소리를 낸다]‬
‪[영어] 빌어먹을 조선 새끼들!‬Fucking Koreans!
‪내 구역에서 뭐 하는 거야?‬What are you doing on my turf, huh?
‪야, 생선‬Fishman.
‪네가 선택해‬Choose right now.
‪누구랑 사업할지‬Who will you do business with?
‪[숨을 길게 내쉰다]‬[Ingu sighs]
‪[영어] 여기 이야기 들어보고 올게‬To fix the situation,
‪안 그러면 이 상황 안 끝난다‬I will talk to them. Yeah?
‪[영어] 잊지 마‬But don't forget.
‪사업 우선권은 나한테 있어‬Our deal comes first.
‪꺼져‬Fuck off.
‪[영어] 알았어‬Okay.
‪[한국어] 자, 뭔 일인진 모르겠지만‬ ‪일단 갑시다‬I don't know what the pastor wants, but let's go.
‪[영어] 좋아요‬Good stuff. You made the right call.
‪[한국어] 잘 생각했어요‬Good stuff. You made the right call.
‪(데이빗) 거 말도 잘 안 통하는‬ ‪남의 민족이랑 뭘 한다고‬Do you know what you're getting yourself into?
‪[중국갱의 고통스러운 신음]‬[man grunts, breathing heavily]
‪[데이빗 웃는다]‬[man grunts, breathing heavily]
‪[성난 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[영어] 어, 우리 구면이지?‬Hey, I know you! Remember me?
‪너 나 몰라?‬Hey, I know you! Remember me?
‪우리 같은 교도소에 있었잖아‬We were in the same prison. Right?
‪아니야?‬We were in the same prison. Right?
‪아니면 말고‬Good.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[짧은 숨을 내쉰다]‬[groans, sighs]
‪[한국어] 우리 삼촌이‬ ‪작년에 수리남에 있었나?‬So, uh, were you in Suriname last year?
‪처음 보는 거 같은데?‬Have we met before?
‪한동안‬For a while.
‪[영어] 콜롬비아에 출장 갔었어‬For a while. I was in Colombia. Business trip.
‪[한국어] 아, 그 코카인‬ ‪공급해 준다는 데, 어?‬Ah, the cocaine supplier is of there, right?
‪내가 대답해야 할 이유를‬ ‪설명해 주면‬I'd be happy to tell you everything.
‪나도 말해 줄게‬I'd be happy to tell you everything. Except I won't.
‪알아야 할 것만‬ ‪정확히 알아 두는 게 어때?‬This kind of business intel is need-to-know.
‪많이 알면‬If I told you,
‪[영어] 위험할 때도 있거든‬it could be dangerous.
‪[코웃음 치며] [한국어] 응‬Hmm. [chuckles]
‪[스페인어] 출발해‬Let's go.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[theme music playing]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[숨을 후 내쉰다]‬
‪[손뼉 치는 소리]‬
‪아이고, 아이고, 형제님! 형제님!‬Oh good! Look at this. It's Brother Kang!
‪오랜만입니다‬It's been too long.
‪잘 지내셨나요?‬Have you been doing well?
‪좆같네, 씨…‬You fucking serious?
‪그쪽이 할 말은 아닌 거 같은데‬You think I've been doing well this year?
‪왜 사람을 오라가라야?‬You think I've been doing well this year? You know I've been in jail?
‪‘아멘’이 무슨 뜻인지‬ ‪아십니까?‬"Amen." Do you know what that means?
‪(요환) 고대 히브리어에서‬ ‪나온 말인데‬It comes from the ancient Hebrew.
‪진실로 그렇게 되기를‬ ‪바란다는 뜻입니다‬In essence, it's, "I hope that it comes to pass."
‪내가 형제님을‬ ‪꼭 다시 한번 뵙고 싶다고‬Day in, day out, with all my heart, I hoped and prayed that we would meet once more in this life.
‪간절히 기도를 드렸더니‬that we would meet once more in this life.
‪하나님이 이에‬ ‪응해 주신 겁니다, 아멘‬And then my God answered my prayer. Amen.
‪아멘‬-Amen! -Amen.
‪(데이빗) [영어] 아멘‬-Amen! -Amen.
‪[헛웃음]‬[exhales, chuckles]
‪(요환) 그게 형제님이‬ ‪여기 오신 이유입니다‬See? That is why you're here. Right in front of me.
‪강인구 형제님‬Brother Kang.
‪한 가지만 물어보겠습니다‬Let me ask you one thing.
‪(요환) 만약 진실을‬ ‪말하지 않는다면‬And if you're not honest with me,
‪하나님의 천벌이 형제님을‬ ‪죽음의 늪으로 이끌 겁니다‬you will be struck down in the glorious name of the Almighty.
‪뭔데요‬What is it?
‪수리남엔 왜 돌아오셨습니까?‬Why'd you come back to Suriname?
‪왜긴 왜예요, 돈 벌러 왔지‬Why do you think? For money, Pastor.
‪한 번만 더 물어보겠습니다‬ ‪진짜 이유를 얘기해 주세요‬I'm going to ask you that again, and you will be truthful.
‪글쎄‬Who can say?
‪여긴 왜 돌아왔냐고‬ ‪이 개새끼야‬Why the fuck did you come back, you little shit?

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