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  퀸메이커 2

Queenmaker 2


‪(강 팀장) [멀리서] 실장님!‬Ms. Hwang!
‪[사람들 비명]‬ ‪실장님! 괜찮으세요?‬Ms. Hwang, are you okay?
‪여기 구급차 불러, 빨리!‬Go call the ambulance. Hurry!
‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (이슬) 황도희 실장님‬Ms. Hwang,
‪저 한이슬입니다‬this is Han I-seul.
‪마지막으로 꼭 드리고 싶은‬ ‪말씀이 있어 메일을 씁니다‬This e-mail will be the last you'll hear from me.
‪네‬You're right.
‪실장님이 찾아내신 제 과거‬Everything you learned about my past,
‪모두 사실입니다‬it's all true.
‪하지만 실장님이‬ ‪함부로 추측하신 것처럼‬But I have never sold my body to men
‪남자한테 몸 팔아서 쉽게 돈 벌고‬and lived off their money,
‪그 돈으로 세상 쉽게 살았던 적‬as you so carelessly insinuated when we had our meeting.
‪결코 없습니다‬as you so carelessly insinuated when we had our meeting.
‪졸업이 한 학기 남은 상황에서‬The bank refused to give me a student loan with one semester left to go.
‪학자금 대출이 더는 나오질 않았고‬The bank refused to give me a student loan with one semester left to go.
‪짧은 방학 기간 동안‬There was simply no other way for me to make ten million won
‪천만 원에 가까운 등록금을‬ ‪만들 수 있는 선택의 여지가‬There was simply no other way for me to make ten million won
‪제겐 없었습니다‬over the short school break.
‪아픈 엄마에게 손을‬ ‪벌릴 수도 없는 상황이었고요‬I couldn't ask my sick mother for help.
‪이유가 어찌 됐든‬Whatever the reasons were,
‪제가 술집에 나갔던 건 팩트고‬it's true that I did work at a bar.
‪그게 고귀한 은성그룹의‬ ‪일원이 되는 데‬And if you say that this doesn't make me worthy of the noble Eunsung Group,
‪치명적인 리스크라고 말씀하신다면‬And if you say that this doesn't make me worthy of the noble Eunsung Group,
‪[잔이 달각거린다]‬
‪받아들이겠습니다‬I will accept that.
‪하지만‬But… if you're saying that I must stay silent
‪그 과거 때문에‬But… if you're saying that I must stay silent
‪제가 백재민 이사장에게‬ ‪성폭행을 당한 팩트까지‬But… if you're saying that I must stay silent about how CEO Baek Jae-min sexually assaulted me because of my past,
‪묵과해야 한다고 말씀하신다면‬about how CEO Baek Jae-min sexually assaulted me because of my past,
‪아니요‬about how CEO Baek Jae-min sexually assaulted me because of my past, then no.
‪사양하겠습니다‬I refuse to accept that.
‪제 뇌리에‬ ‪너무나 선명하게 박혀 있는‬The horrible events that took place that day, now imprinted in my memory,
‪그날의 끔찍한 기억은‬The horrible events that took place that day, now imprinted in my memory,
‪이미 제 삶을 무너트렸고‬have already destroyed my life.
‪남은 제 인생 또한‬ ‪끝없이 불행하게 만들 거란‬And I am certain that they'll keep eating me away for the rest of my life.
‪확신까지 내리게 만들었으니까요‬And I am certain that they'll keep eating me away for the rest of my life.
‪실장님을 은성 오너 일가의‬ ‪해결사라고 부른다죠‬I heard people call you the Eunsung Group's fixer.
‪[타이핑 소리]‬
‪이번에도 백재민‬ ‪그 가증스러운 짐승이 저지른 죄를‬Well, now you have once again wiped away a crime
‪흔적도 없이 깨끗하게 치우셨네요‬committed by that despicable bastard Baek Jae-min.
‪그리고‬And… please remember this.
‪기억해 주세요‬And… please remember this.
‪제 진실을 알고 있는‬ ‪유일한 사람은‬You're the only person in the world, Ms. Hwang, who knows the truth
‪황도희 실장님‬You're the only person in the world, Ms. Hwang, who knows the truth
‪당신뿐이라는 거‬ ‪[노트북을 탁 닫는다]‬about what happened to me.
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪(도희) 커프스 버튼이 하나 비는데‬You're missing a cuff link.
‪(재민) 아이고, 그러네요?‬Oh, I am.
‪체크 안 했니?‬Did you not double-check it?
‪(재민) 아이‬ ‪제가 칠칠맞은 건데요, 뭐‬Oh, it's my fault for being clumsy.
‪아, 그리고 전 이게 더 편해요‬ ‪커프스 불편해, 아, 이거‬Oh, it's my fault for being clumsy. I actually prefer it this way. Cuff links are so uncomfortable.
‪[이슬 비명]‬I actually prefer it this way. Cuff links are so uncomfortable. Keep still!
‪(재민) 가만있어!‬Keep still!
‪(이슬) [울부짖으며] 살려주세요‬ ‪[비명]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[책상을 쾅 내리친다]‬
‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪네‬ ‪[문이 열린다]‬Yes?
‪실장님‬ ‪[한숨]‬How are you, Ms. Hwang?
‪(재민) 이슬이 그 녀석 어떻게 그…‬I can't believe I-seul did that.
‪실장님도 많이 놀라셨죠?‬You must have had a real shock.
‪괜찮습니다‬Thanks. I'm all right.
‪유, 유서 같은 거라도‬Did she leave anything at all?
‪남기지도 않았나요?‬Something. A suicide note.
‪[도희가 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[긴장감 있는 느린 음악]‬
‪(도희) 마지막 순간까지‬She held on to this
‪이슬이가 쥐고 있었던 겁니다‬until she took her final breath.
‪그 친구가 이걸 왜…‬Strange she would have that.
‪이사장님도 아는 바가‬ ‪없으신가 보네요?‬I guess you won't be able to tell me either about it.
‪예, 제가 아는 건‬Right. All I know
‪어젯밤에 전부 다 말씀드렸어요‬is what I told you yesterday at the bar.
‪알겠습니다‬Thanks anyway.
‪그럼 이사장님‬I wanted to ask…
‪말씀하세요‬Please, what is it?
‪어젯밤에 저한테 보여주셨던‬Do you by any chance still have those messages
‪이슬이 메시지 아직 갖고 계시죠?‬Do you by any chance still have those messages that I-seul was sending to your personal phone?
‪그거 다시 한번 볼 수 있을까요?‬Could I take one more look at them?
‪그럼요‬Yes, of course.
‪근데 어제 실장님이‬ ‪캡처해 가신 내용이 전부인데…‬Only, there's nothing else beyond the image I captured, Ms. Hwang.
‪알고 있습니다‬I'm well aware of it.
‪그래도 사태를 제대로 파악하려면‬I just need to ensure all bases are covered.
‪사실 확인을 명확하게 해두는 게‬ ‪좋을 거 같아서요‬To find out what really happened to I-seul.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am. Let me get it for you.
‪잠시만요‬Yes, ma'am. Let me get it for you.
‪(재민) [작게] 어디 있지?‬
‪여기 있습니다‬This is the phone.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음이 멈춘다]‬
‪무슨 짓을 하신 거예요?‬Please tell me, what have you done now?
‪이슬이한테‬ ‪얼마나 끔찍한 짓을 했길래‬How terrible were the things you did to her
‪문자까지 조작해서‬ ‪위선을 떨었냐고!‬when you had to go so far as to fabricate this, you hypocrite.
‪[도희 떨리는 숨소리]‬when you had to go so far as to fabricate this, you hypocrite.
‪위선이 아니라 최선이었죠‬I was just doing the best I could do.
‪(재민) 황 실장님 도와줄 수 있는‬I'm not a hypocrite. I tried to help you.
‪황 실장님 요즘‬ ‪몸이 열 개라도 모잘랐잖아‬I really think you've been overworked these days.
‪그 지랄 같은 은씨 집안 여자들‬ ‪치다꺼리하는 것만 봐도‬Seeing you stretch yourself to clean the Euns' mess up after them
‪내가 너무 안쓰러운데‬is causing me to worry about you.
‪별것도 아닌 걸로‬I couldn't burden you further…
‪[책상을 탁탁 내리친다]‬I couldn't burden you further…
‪나까지 짐 될 순 없으니까‬…with something so trivial.
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪쏘리‬Sorry.
‪미안해요‬Sorry, truly.
‪내가 정말 미안해요‬I really mean it.
‪황 실장님한테만큼은‬I should have been open with you, you of all people.
‪내가 솔직하게 얘기했어야 됐는데‬I should have been open with you, you of all people.
‪[잔을 달각거린다]‬ ‪[서늘한 음악]‬
‪이슬이가 아니라‬You say that you're sorry.
‪저한테 미안하다고요?‬Only to me, but not to her?
‪[잔을 달각거린다]‬ ‪돈 몇 푼 쥐여주면 끝날 일로‬This wasn't gonna be anything money couldn't handle.
‪인사 사고까지‬ ‪수습하게 생겼으니까 미안하죠‬Only now you need to manage an HR affair, sorry.
‪(재민) 아, 근데 뭐, 나도‬ ‪일이 이렇게 커질 줄 알았나?‬Who would've known things would get out of hand like this?
‪근데 요즘 여자애들은‬Girls are so fragile.
‪왜 이렇게 멘탈이 약해요?‬ ‪매력 없게‬You agree with that? It's a big turnoff really.
‪[음료를 호로록 마신다]‬
‪[잔을 달각거린다]‬
‪지금 그걸 말이라고 해?‬You seriously don't mean that, right?
‪당신 때문에‬She did this because…
‪[흐느끼며] 당신 때문에‬ ‪이슬이가 죽었다고!‬She died because you assaulted her. Now she's gone!
‪[도희 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪아이, 황 실장님 왜 그러세요?‬You're being a little dramatic, aren't you?
‪[도희 떨리는 숨소리]‬You're being a little dramatic, aren't you?
‪걔 술집 나갔다면서?‬I heard that she worked at a bar.
‪[도희 짧은 한숨]‬ ‪(재민) 응?‬Huh?
‪아니‬I mean, you were the one that confronted her
‪열심히 사는 애 불러다가‬I mean, you were the one that confronted her
‪과거 들춰내고 살벌하게 협박해서‬and threatened that young girl with exposing her past
‪옥상까지 기어올라가게 만든 거‬which then led to her going up there, didn't you?
‪황 실장님 당신 짓이잖아‬You did all of that, Ms. Hwang.
‪뭐, 이런 거‬Murder by willful negligence, I think.
‪미필적 고의에 의한 살인 아닌가?‬Murder by willful negligence, I think.
‪[짧은 한숨]‬
‪[잔을 달각거린다]‬
‪뻔뻔한 인간‬I feel sick to my stomach.
‪[비웃으며] 그건 내 대사 같은데?‬I feel sick to my stomach. It's funny you think you're different.
‪그동안 은씨 일가가 싸고 다닌 똥‬ ‪치운답시고‬Think about all the dreadful things you've been doing over the years,
‪당신이 저지른 만행이‬ ‪한두 가지였나?‬just to clean up after the Eunsung family.
‪(재민) 죄책감 하나 없이‬ ‪칼 휘두르고 다니다가‬You've been brandishing your sword around without any guilt,
‪애 하나 죽어 나가니까‬ ‪양심 찾는 거‬and now you're growing a conscience just because she's gone?
‪에휴, 이 뻔뻔한 인간‬Utterly shameless, wouldn't you agree?
‪[잔을 달각거린다]‬
‪내가 너…‬You're so sure…
‪그냥 둘 거 같애?‬that I'll just let this slide?
‪그냥 둘 게 아니라‬ ‪[잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬Yes, and more than that.
‪지켜줘야지‬I think you will protect me by any means necessary
‪(재민) 수단, 방법 가리지 말고‬I think you will protect me by any means necessary
‪은성그룹의 오너 리스크를 막는 게‬because that's your duty, if I'm not mistaken.
‪우리 황 실장님 의무 아니었나?‬To protect the Eun family. Am I correct?
‪나도 오너 일가잖아‬I belong to it.
‪수고해요, 황 실장‬So you continue with that, yeah?
‪[잔을 달각거린다]‬
‪[잔을 내려놓는다]‬
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪이사장님께서 찾으셔서요‬Mr. Baek wanted to talk.
‪네가 이사장님한테 알렸니?‬Did you tell him the details about this?
‪이슬이 과거‬Details about I-seul?
‪전략기획실에서 확보한 자료는‬The intel obtained through the Office of Future Strategy
‪내 허락 없이‬ ‪외부 유출 금지인 거 잊었어?‬shouldn't ever be passed on to someone on the outside.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬We're not dealing with
‪이사장님은‬We're not dealing with
‪외부인이‬such a person, I think.
‪아니시니까요‬He's not an outsider.
‪[서글픈 음악]‬
‪수단, 방법 가리지 않고‬ ‪오너 리스크를 막아내는 것이‬The Eunsung Group most be protected at all costs, especially its owners.
‪그룹을 지키는 일이며‬This protects the lives of all of them.
‪수천 명 직원들을 살리고‬The many workers at Eunsung Group.
‪나아가 국가 부흥에‬ ‪이바지하는 길이다‬And it contributes to making this country great.
‪실장님께서 알려주신‬ ‪전략기획실의 숭고한 사명‬You said, for the Office of Future Strategy, that is our noble goal.
‪아니었습니까?‬Aren't those your words?
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬ ‪[도시의 소음이 들린다]‬
‪(도희) 백화점 옥상 끌어 내려‬Get her off the rooftop. Use the Chairperson's method.
‪회장님 방식으로‬Get her off the rooftop. Use the Chairperson's method.
‪[불길한 음악]‬ ‪내리는 그 순간까지‬ ‪쥐도 새도 모르게‬Make sure no one finds out before she's removed from there.
‪(경숙) 구독자 여러분‬Hello, subscribers. It's me!
‪안녕하십니까, 오경숙입니다‬Hello, subscribers. It's me! Oh Kyung-sook's back, at Eunsung Department Store.
‪어, 은성백화점 옥상에는‬Oh Kyung-sook's back, at Eunsung Department Store.
‪칠흑 같은 어둠만이 깔려 있습니다‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬Oh Kyung-sook's back, at Eunsung Department Store. Darkness looms. Night has fallen.
‪전원 복직이라는‬ ‪확답을 듣기 전까지‬Until the fired employees have been reinstated,
‪우리 지쳐서는 안 됩니다‬you and I need to stay awake.
‪아, 그런 의미에서‬And so to keep us all
‪힘을 내보자는 의미에서 저 오경숙‬spirited, your good friend and fellow Oh Kyung-sook
‪분위기 한번 띄워보겠습니다‬ ‪여러분!‬will put some spirit back in all of you!
‪뜨거운 몸짓으로 힘찬 노래로‬ ‪힘을 한번 모아 봅시다!‬Let's all move our tired bodies together and remember this song!
‪오경숙과 함께 '바위처럼'‬ ‪가보겠습니다!‬Let's all move our tired bodies together and remember this song! We're like rocks. Put your hands up and be proud!
‪['바위처럼'이 연주된다]‬
‪♪ 처럼 살아가 보자 ♪‬
‪♪ 모진 비바람이 몰아친데… ♪‬
‪(시위대) ♪ 데도 ♪‬
‪♪ 어떤 유혹의 손길에도‬ ‪흔들림 없는 ♪‬
‪♪ 바위처럼 살자꾸나 ♪‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪[휴대폰을 열어 내려놓는다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(강 팀장) 네, 실장님‬Yes, ma'am?
‪- 철수시켜‬ ‪- (강 팀장) 네?‬-Stop it all right now. -Sorry?
‪백화점 위에 당장 철수시키라고!‬Please stop this and tell them to turn around.
‪지금요?‬At this point?
‪아, 지금 벌써 도착했을 텐데요‬ ‪그리고‬I'm sure they're already there, and also,
‪(강 팀장) 회장님께‬ ‪이미 보고를 올려가지고…‬we've reported it to the Chairperson.
‪이슬이 하나로 부족해?‬we've reported it to the Chairperson. Isn't it enough I-seul died? I don't care what they say.
‪누가 뭐라든 사람 죽어 나가는 꼴‬Isn't it enough I-seul died? I don't care what they say. There's no more deaths under my watch, so tell them to turn around!
‪더는 용납 못 하니까‬ ‪철수시키라고!‬There's no more deaths under my watch, so tell them to turn around!
‪여긴 내가 알아서 할 테니까‬I take care of things here now, Hwang Do-Hee.
‪(채령) 황 실장은‬ ‪그쪽 일만 신경 써‬You just mind your own business.
‪[절박한 숨소리]‬
‪[자동차 가속음]‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪(진압대장) 준비하자‬Get ready.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[북과 꽹과리 소리]‬ ‪[시위대가 오경숙을 연신 외친다]‬Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[긴장감 넘치는 빠른 음악]‬Hey, On-sil.
‪야, 온실아‬Hey, On-sil.
‪너 여기서 일어나는 상황‬ ‪다 찍어놔, 알았지?‬Make sure to film anything that's going on here. Got it?
‪야, 윤동주, 왜 그래?‬Yoon Dong-joo, are you all right?
‪일단 무조건 다 찍어놔, 알았어?‬Just capture anything you witness. Understood?
‪- 알았어‬ ‪- 꼭 다 찍어놔야 된다?‬-Yeah, sure. -Shoot it all, you hear?
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪(동주) 잠깐만요!‬Wait!
‪[문을 쾅쾅 친다]‬
‪하, 씨‬Oh, come on!
‪아이씨‬Ah, shit.
‪동주야?‬ ‪[오류음이 이어진다]‬Dong-joo?
‪왜 이래, 갑자기?‬ ‪갑자기 왜 이래, 이거?‬Why isn't it working? What is wrong with this thing?
‪[나지막이] 미친 새끼들이, 진짜‬Those damn sons of bitches.
‪(진압대원1) 야, 이!‬
‪[동주와 진압대의 기합과 신음]‬
‪(진압대원2) 야, 이! 이 새끼야!‬ ‪[동주 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[기합과 신음]‬
‪(진압대원3) 개새끼야!‬Son of a bitch!
‪[동주 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[진압대 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[진압대가 쓰러지며 부딪친다]‬Get out of the way!
‪(동주) 나와!‬Get out of the way!
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪에이씨‬Shit!
‪뭐야, 이거?‬What's wrong?
‪아이씨, 이게 뭐지?‬How's it suddenly not working?
‪[밑의 시위대가 오경숙을 외친다]‬How's it suddenly not working? Oh Kyung-sook! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[한숨]‬Oh Kyung-sook!
‪동지 여러분, 들리십니까!‬ ‪[메아리친다]‬You down there! Can you hear me?
‪사랑합니다, 동지 여러분!‬ ‪[메아리친다]‬I love you, my friends!
‪[아득히 들리는 함성]‬I love you, my friends!
‪[문이 벌컥 열린다]‬
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬
‪(경숙) 씨‬Shit. Who are you?
‪이 새끼들, 뭐야?‬Shit. Who are you?
‪(진압대장) 뭐 하고 있어?‬ ‪끌어 내려‬What are you waiting for? Drag her down.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪오지 마‬Stay away!
‪씨, 오지 마!‬-Shit! -Stop it!
‪(경숙) 오지 마!‬Stay away!
‪오지 마! 뛰어내릴 거야!‬Get away! Get away from me or I'll jump!
‪(경숙) 진짜 뛰어내려‬Get away! Get away from me or I'll jump!
‪오지 마‬I will! Don't you dare!
‪뛰어내릴 거야, 진짜!‬I will! Don't you dare!
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪움직이지 마!‬-Stay away! -Stop!
‪(도희) 그만해!‬-Stay away! -Stop!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪내 말 안 들려? 그만두라고!‬I said stop it! Why aren't you stopping?
‪뭐야?‬What's this?
‪아니‬That's it.
‪이 건달들 끌고 들어온 게 너야?‬These thugs listen to you. Is that right?
‪(경숙) 어? 아주 악질이구만‬Huh? You really are the lowest of the low.
‪인제 하다 하다‬ ‪깡패까지 동원하냐!‬Now you bring these thugs up here to get it done?
‪[숨을 몰아쉬며] 오경숙‬ ‪잔말 말고 빨리 내려와!‬Oh Kyung-sook, can you please be quiet and come down? Right this second!
‪얼른!‬Oh Kyung-sook, can you please be quiet and come down? Right this second!
‪미쳤어, 어?‬What, are you nuts? Huh? Why?
‪왜, 네 주인이‬ ‪나 산 채로 잡아 오래?‬What, are you nuts? Huh? Why? So you get to capture me alive, yeah?
‪됐거든? 안 내려간다고 전해!‬Tell your boss no! I'm not going away, you hear?
‪(진압대장) 야, 이 새끼들아‬ ‪빨리 올라가서 잡아 와!‬I'm not going away, you hear? You idiots, get up there and grab her!
‪(도희) 왜 이래!‬What are you doing?
‪[도희 비명]‬What are you doing?
‪[도희 힘주는 신음]‬
‪내가 여기 책임자야!‬I'm the one in charge. You forget that.
‪당신들 올라오라고‬ ‪허락한 적 없으니까 내려가‬I didn't tell you that you were allowed up here. Now get down!
‪내 말 안 들려? 당장 내려가라고!‬Go back down! Didn't you hear me? Now go!
‪[도희 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[다시 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[비명] 안 돼! 안 돼!‬Let her go of her!
‪[음악이 한껏 고조된 후 멈춘다]‬
‪[빠르게 떨어지는 효과음]‬ ‪(시위자) 어, 뭐야?‬What's that?
‪[시위대가 웅성댄다]‬ ‪[땅에 쾅 부딪치는 소리]‬What's that?
‪[비장한 음악]‬ ‪(앵커) 인권 변호사 오경숙‬ ‪전 서울시 의원의 투신 장면이‬The footage of the lawyer Oh Kyung-sook's jump from a rooftop
‪대한민국은 물론‬ ‪전 세계를 감동시키고 있습니다‬has moved the hearts of not only Korea but also the rest of the world.
‪(변호사협회장) 이번 투신 사건은‬ ‪기득권층의 오만함에‬ ‪[시위 소리]‬has moved the hearts of not only Korea but also the rest of the world. With this jump, Oh declared the conglomerate guilty,
‪사형 선고를 내린 행동이었다‬ringing a death knell for their negligence.
‪(영화감독) 옥상에서‬ ‪몸을 던질 수 있었던 신념, 용기‬ringing a death knell for their negligence. She had strong principles and was so courageous that she jumped to her death.
‪(지지자들) 노동자의 희망!‬ ‪오경숙!‬that she jumped to her death. You are the workers' hope now. Oh Kyung-sook! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[스크롤 및 클릭 효과음]‬ ‪오경숙!‬ ‪정의로운 당신을 사랑합니다‬You are the workers' hope now. Oh Kyung-sook! Oh Kyung-sook! OH SACRIFICED HERSELF FOR WORKERS
‪[클릭]‬ ‪[숫자 늘어나는 효과음]‬Former Councilwoman Oh's YouTube channel
‪(앵커) 현재 오 전 의원의‬ ‪유튜브 채널은‬Former Councilwoman Oh's YouTube channel has now surpassed one million subscribers.
‪구독자 백만 명을 넘어설 만큼‬has now surpassed one million subscribers. Various global human rights groups, such as Amnesty International,
‪폭발적인 관심을 끌고 있으며‬Various global human rights groups, such as Amnesty International,
‪앰네스티를 비롯한‬ ‪유수의 국제 인권 단체에서는‬stated that Oh's activism is unprecedented in the amount of widespread support she has received from the public.
‪오 전 의원에게…‬in the amount of widespread support she has received from the public.
‪(윤평) 이 신드롬에 가까운 인기는‬in the amount of widespread support she has received from the public. Her popularity is like a syndrome.
‪새로운 영웅을 기다려 온‬ ‪대중들의 갈증을‬This is a time when folks need someone to rise and stand up for basic humanity,
‪완벽하게 해소시킨 결과라고‬ ‪볼 수 있는데요‬This is a time when folks need someone to rise and stand up for basic humanity, and a hero stepped forward.
‪영웅이 필요한 시대에 진짜 영웅…‬She is exactly what is needed in this--
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪(남자) 아이고, 왜?‬Oh, why'd you turn it off?
‪아이‬ ‪아, 어디까지 띄워주나 좀 보자‬Oh, why'd you turn it off? I wanna see how much more praise you'll get.
‪[TV 소리]‬ ‪그만 봐!‬Stop it, please! Okay?
‪내가 한 게 아니라니까!‬Like I said, it's a lie!
‪아이고, 우리 마누라‬ ‪왜 이래 겸손하지?‬There you go. Always so humble and modest. It's great.
‪아, 나 진짜 내가 한…‬God, I told you that I…
‪아, 내놔봐!‬Ugh, give me…
‪[경숙 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪어, 어, 아… 알았다‬ ‪아나, 아나, 아나, 자‬Ugh, give me… Oh! Here. Here you go.
‪[경숙 신음]‬She can't right now.
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪(동주) 지금 인터뷰‬ ‪안 된다니까요!‬She can't right now. No interviews!
‪안 된다고요‬ ‪인터뷰 사양한다니까요‬Like I said, you're not gonna interview her at this time. Get that?
‪[조용해진다]‬ ‪지금 변호사님‬ ‪절대 안정 취하셔야 되니까‬Listen up! Ms. Oh will need to rest right now. Got it?
‪돌아가 주세요‬So you gotta go now.
‪저희가 따로 날짜 잡아서‬ ‪말씀드릴게요‬You'll talk to her soon. I'll keep you updated about her.
‪이 정도면 이 언니‬Shouldn't we recruit her to the party as soon as possible?
‪빨리 우리 당으로‬ ‪영입해야 되는 거 아닌가요?‬Shouldn't we recruit her to the party as soon as possible? We don't want to miss out.
‪(동주) 저희가‬ ‪정리를 해볼 테니까요‬We'll let you know.
‪- 잠깐만‬ ‪- 예‬-Just a minute. -Oh yeah.
‪(온실) 모두 다 가주세요‬Please leave, all of you!
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪보호자 외엔 출입 금지입니다‬-No one can be in here. Only her guardian. -Well, that's me.
‪보호자입니다‬-No one can be in here. Only her guardian. -Well, that's me.
‪우리 아들은?‬-How's our son? -He's at school.
‪학교 갔지‬-How's our son? -He's at school.
‪별말 안 해?‬What is he saying?
‪실어증 안 걸리면 다행이다, 어?‬He's okay, for now at least. Um, you know, he saw his own mother jump off a tower. I mean,
‪이유가 어찌 됐든 간에‬Um, you know, he saw his own mother jump off a tower. I mean,
‪엄마가 그 쌩으로‬ ‪그 옥상에서 뛰어내리는 걸 봤는데‬Um, you know, he saw his own mother jump off a tower. I mean,
‪(남편) 오경숙이한테 15년째‬ ‪단련된 나도 이래 얼척이 없어요‬even I was flabbergasted, and I've had 15 years to get used to your stunts.
‪거기서 뛰어내릴려고‬ ‪작정을 하고 이렇게 뛰어내린…‬You know I didn't actually do that intentionally. You gotta understand that!
‪[호소하듯] 그런 게 아니야‬I didn't, okay?
‪- 그게 무슨 말이고?‬ ‪- (경숙) 그러니까!‬-Uh, what do you mean? -I didn't jump.
‪뛰어내려진 거라고!‬It wasn't intentional. Can you see now?
‪그 황변! 그 미친, 그…‬Hwang appeared. The toilet lady.
‪그, 그 싸가지 때문에 내가…‬That asshole is why this all…
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[연이은 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪맞구나?‬Well, it's true then.
‪무력 진압대 동원했다는 얘기가‬You sent the squad to crack down on her.
‪(남자) 꼴 보니까 옥상까지‬ ‪직접 밀고 올라갔을 거고‬Judging from your state, you must have led the men to the roof yourself.
‪지금 할 말 없으니까‬I've got nothing to say to you.
‪황도희 너 진짜 대단하다‬Hwang Do-hee, you're really something.
‪은씨 일가 쫓아다닌다고‬I can excuse that you didn't know
‪우리 결혼 생활 망가지는 것도‬ ‪몰랐다고 한 것까진‬how quickly our marriage was falling apart as you chased after the Eun family.
‪내가 그렇다고 치자‬how quickly our marriage was falling apart as you chased after the Eun family.
‪(남자) 이렇게 몸까지 상해가면서‬ ‪그 짓 계속해야 되는 거야?‬But is it worth getting injured like this?
‪아, 나 좀 쉴게‬Just let me rest.
‪도대체 네가 뭐가 아쉬워서‬ ‪아직도 그 인간들한테…‬I don't know why you're so obsessed with these crooks.
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪(앵커) 오경숙 전 서울시 의원의‬ ‪옥상 투신이‬Former council member Oh's jump has been drawing much public attention,
‪연일 화제가 되고 있는 가운데‬Former council member Oh's jump has been drawing much public attention,
‪[시위 소리]‬ ‪비정규직 노동자를‬ ‪일방적으로 해고한‬leading to more and more people boycotting the Eunsung Department Store
‪[함성]‬ ‪은성백화점에 대한 불매 운동이‬ ‪확산되고 있습니다‬leading to more and more people boycotting the Eunsung Department Store for firing their temp employees en masse. Criticism against its owners is on the rise as well,
‪더불어 은성그룹 오너 일가를 향한‬Criticism against its owners is on the rise as well,
‪비난의 목소리도‬ ‪거세지고 있는데요‬and protestors are gathering daily.
‪사재곤 서울시장은 오늘 오전‬Today, Mayor Sa Jae-gon personally visited the Sangah redevelopment district
‪상아지구 재개발 부지를‬ ‪직접 방문해‬Today, Mayor Sa Jae-gon personally visited the Sangah redevelopment district
‪은성건설 관계자에게‬to strongly demand that Eunsung Construction
‪공사 현장 철수를‬ ‪강경하게 요청했으며‬to strongly demand that Eunsung Construction withdraw from the redevelopment project
‪개인 SNS에 은성그룹에 대한‬and gained attention for uploading a post on his social media
‪비판의 글을 올려 화제가 됐습…‬and gained attention for uploading a post on his social media criticizing the Eunsung Group.
‪[손 회장 격양된 소리로]‬ ‪뭣들 한 거야!‬What were you thinking?
‪저 시건방진 놈이 대놓고‬ ‪내 얼굴에 침을 뱉고 있는데‬That arrogant upstart is spitting directly into my face,
‪지붕 하나 없이 고스란히 맞게 해?‬That arrogant upstart is spitting directly into my face, while you all just watch and let it happen?
‪싸구려 우산이라도‬ ‪받쳐야 될 거 아니야!‬while you all just watch and let it happen? You should've attempted to block the attack!
‪(재민) 죄송합니다‬Truly sorry, ma'am.
‪남의 식구한테 맡겨 봤자‬ ‪맨날 이 모양이지‬That's why only family can be trusted.
‪앞으론 제가 더 신경 쓸게요‬ ‪노여움 푸세요‬I'll take good care of things now. Please calm down.
‪사재곤이 갑자기 왜 저러는 거야?‬Sa Jae-gon's running a bit wild suddenly, huh?
‪잔머리 굴리는 거지‬Sa Jae-gon's running a bit wild suddenly, huh? He's trying to be clever. Clearly, he wants to stay mayor.
‪시장 한 번 더 해 먹으려고‬He's trying to be clever. Clearly, he wants to stay mayor.
‪(채령 언니) 요즘에‬ ‪네 덕에 우리 회사가‬Thanks to you, the company is mired in controversy. It's a dumpster fire.
‪구설도 많고 이미지도 바닥 치니까‬Thanks to you, the company is mired in controversy. It's a dumpster fire.
‪애저녁에 손절하고‬He's gonna cut ties with us. We'll need a new intermediary.
‪다른 라인으로 갈아탈려는 거‬ ‪아니겠어?‬He's gonna cut ties with us. We'll need a new intermediary.
‪황 실장은 도대체 뭐 하느라고‬ ‪코빼기도 안 비추는 거야?‬Hwang hasn't shown her face. What could she possibly be doing?
‪(채령) 병가 냈어요‬She's in bed, sick.
‪병가?‬Are you serious?
‪기획실 막내 자살 사건 때문에‬The suicide of that girl in the junior team, I think.
‪충격이 컸던 모양입니다‬She's certainly pained by it.
‪직원 하나 죽은 거 때문에‬She's going to lie around at a time like this
‪지금 이 상황에 드러누워 있다고?‬She's going to lie around at a time like this because of one girl that killed herself?
‪회장님‬because of one girl that killed herself? Ma'am, should we deal with her later
‪문책은 나중에 하시고‬Ma'am, should we deal with her later
‪우선은 해고 노동자 문제부터‬ ‪논의하시면 어떨까요?‬and perhaps talk about the fired temp workers first?
‪(남임원) 아, 여기서‬ ‪여론을 잡지 못하시면‬If we fail to turn the public's opinion around now,
‪재개발 사업은 물론이고‬not only the redevelopment project but the succession plan might go awry too.
‪승계 작업까지도…‬not only the redevelopment project but the succession plan might go awry too.
‪전원 복직시키시죠‬ ‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬They all should be reinstated now.
‪저에 대한 투자라고‬ ‪생각하시면 어떨까요?‬See it as an investment in me, ma'am.
‪지금 상황에서‬ ‪그 정도 배팅은 충분히‬I firmly believe that it could be a bet well worth making
‪하셔도 될 거 같은데요?‬in a situation like this one.
‪다들 나가 있어‬That's it. You can go.
‪니들도‬You two as well.
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪임원 회의를 다 나오네?‬These meetings aren't really your thing.
‪바람피워서 가정 파탄 내고‬ ‪엄마한테 미운털 박히니까‬Are you worried now that Mom doesn't favor you anymore, after what you did
‪불안해졌어?‬with your affair?
‪너야말로 불안한가 보다‬You should be worried, not me.
‪또라이 짓 하는 거‬ ‪만천하에 드러나서‬You dragged your husband into this, shedding any doubt you're plain batshit crazy.
‪경영권 승계 못 받을 거 같으니까‬shedding any doubt you're plain batshit crazy.
‪남편이라는 거까지 달고 오고‬shedding any doubt you're plain batshit crazy. Now you won't inherit the company.
‪걔 남자구실은 하니?‬Can your man even get hard?
‪[긴장감 흐르는 느린 음악]‬
‪[채령 언니 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪[채령 씩씩대는 소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[채령 언니 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪조용히 있어‬You keep quiet.
‪그나마 물려받은 것까지‬ ‪다 회수하기 전에‬Or watch me take what little inheritance you have received.
‪[승강기 알림음]‬ ‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪(손 회장) 투자를 해라?‬ ‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬Make an investment?
‪자네가 그렇게 날것을‬ ‪요구한 건 처음인 거 같은데?‬It's not like you to ask for something as assertively as you have.
‪가공해서 말씀드릴 여유조차 없는‬ ‪상황이라고 생각했습니다‬I don't believe it's the right time for me to be mincing words, ma'am.
‪장모님께서도‬I believe also
‪지난 7년 동안 저에 대해‬ ‪충분히 판단하셨으리라‬that these seven years I've spent in your presence suffice
‪생각했고요‬to make up your mind.
‪저를 정치판에‬ ‪내세우시려는 계획 말입니다‬Regarding that politics is the path you decided for me.
‪애초에 그럴 작정으로‬You chose your son-in-law, and this is the outcome you imagined.
‪저를 사위 삼으신 거‬ ‪아니었습니까?‬You chose your son-in-law, and this is the outcome you imagined.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래‬Hmm.
‪그동안 자네가 애 많이 썼지‬You've worked hard and have done well over the years.
‪그래서 감히 제안드리는 겁니다‬It's the reason why I even dare recommend it.
‪말 잘하고‬I speak eloquently.
‪말씀 잘 듣고‬I'm very obedient to you,
‪말썽 많은 딸래미까지‬ ‪얌전히 품어 안은 저를‬while also putting up with your problematic daughter.
‪장기판의 말로 내세워서‬You're gonna be the most influential person inside the business universe,
‪재계 1위까지 무난하게‬ ‪정주행하시려는 큰 그림‬You're gonna be the most influential person inside the business universe, and I will help.
‪이제‬I think.
‪완성하실 때가 된 거 같다고요‬We should get on completing this plan.
‪[은밀한 음악]‬ ‪대중은‬Our citizens will prefer theatrics over substance.
‪퍼포먼스에 약한 족속입니다‬Our citizens will prefer theatrics over substance.
‪전원 복직을‬ ‪파격적으로 감행하실 경우‬Getting the workers back their jobs is clever.
‪그룹의 이미지는 물론‬ ‪불매 운동부터 대중의 공분까지‬Our image is gonna be repaired with one fell swoop, and we'll calm the citizens. And we're gonna stop the boycotts as well.
‪한 번에 싹 덮을 수 있을 겁니다‬and we'll calm the citizens. And we're gonna stop the boycotts as well.
‪고삐 풀린 사재곤 시장도‬It'll put Mayor Sa Jae-gon on high alert.
‪바짝 긴장할 거고요‬He's gonna shake in his boots.
‪황 실장이랑은 상의해 봤나?‬Hwang has certainly heard all this, I would think?
‪아니요‬She hasn't.
‪온전히 제 생각이고‬I devised this alone,
‪제 혼자 힘으로 해낼 작정입니다‬and I will apply it in the same manner.
‪[옅게 웃으며] 이슈를 이슈로‬ ‪덮겠다는 뜻은 가상하다만은‬It is commendable, the way you think to conceal an issue with another one.
‪자네 혼자서 할 수 있겠어?‬It's another thing to do it alone.
‪똥개 한 마리 없어졌다고‬You're not gonna be robbed in your own house
‪집 못 지킬 일 있겠습니까?‬just because you lost a mutt.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪(손 회장) 감히‬How dare you cut off someone I've spent over ten years fostering and training?
‪내가 10년 넘게 데리고 있던‬ ‪아이를 멋대로 잘라내?‬How dare you cut off someone I've spent over ten years fostering and training?
‪(손 회장) 네 계집질한 거‬ ‪덮어주지 않아서‬She's not qualified because she refused to cover up your womanizing?
‪자격을 상실했다고?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬She's not qualified because she refused to cover up your womanizing?
‪어디서 건방지게!‬How dare you imply that?
‪오늘은‬You're lucky
‪네놈 운이 좋아서‬ ‪조용히 넘어가지만‬that I have chosen to look the other way this one time.
‪운은‬that I have chosen to look the other way this one time. Well, listen. Your luck's gonna run out one day, you hear?
‪언젠가 다하기 마련이다‬Well, listen. Your luck's gonna run out one day, you hear?
‪(손 회장) 똑똑한 머리로‬ ‪까불어 봤자‬You can scheme all you want with that clever mind of yours,
‪운이 끝나면 헛고생만 할 뿐이야‬You can scheme all you want with that clever mind of yours, but none of that will matter once your luck runs out.
‪내 딸이 네놈의 평생 대운이니‬Now, this daughter of mine is your everything,
‪꽉 붙들어라‬so keep her tight.
‪명심하겠습니다‬I''m gonna keep that in mind.
‪[손 회장이 입을 딱 뗀다]‬
‪(손 회장) 투자를 하란 이유는‬ ‪충분히 알겠고‬That's enough on why you want me to invest in you.
‪구체적인 사업 제안서를‬ ‪보고 싶은데‬Now I want to see a detailed proposal of your plan.
‪들어와‬Come in.
‪[유족이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[엄숙한 음악]‬
‪[유족이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[유족이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[유족이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[유족이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[스릴 있는 느린 음악]‬
‪[유족이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪얼마나 상심이 크십니까‬You must be heartbroken. I'm sorry.
‪(여자) [울먹이며] 이사장님‬Sir, I can't believe
‪어떻게 여기까지…‬you came all the way here.
‪제가 한식구처럼‬ ‪더 챙겼어야 됐는데‬I should have taken better care of your daughter.
‪[여자가 크게 훌쩍인다]‬
‪미안함이 큽니다‬Please forgive me.
‪장례식 비용 같은 거‬ ‪걱정하지 마시고‬I'll take care of the costs for the funeral.
‪[여자가 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪이슬 씨 가는 길만‬I-seul needs your presence
‪잘 지켜주세요‬as her soul departs.
‪(여자) [울먹이며]‬ ‪정말 감사합니다, 이사장님‬Thank you so much, Mr. Baek.
‪[훌쩍이며] 정말 감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪이렇게까지 돌봐주시고‬You've been so thoughtful and caring.
‪정말 감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪황 실장이 고생이 많아요‬You've worked nonstop, Ms. Hwang.
‪힘내고‬Get better soon.
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[여자의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[여자가 흐느낀다]‬
‪(동주) 이야‬Whoa!
‪이게 다 뭐니?‬Okay, so what's all this?
‪이게 바로 그 연예인들만‬ ‪받는다는 조공입니다‬It's what big-time celebrities receive from all their fans. It's your gift meal.
‪변호사님 열성 팬들이‬ ‪전국에서 보내준‬It's from people who adore you all around the country, Ms. Oh.
‪뭐부터 드실래요?‬What do you want to eat?
‪(동주) 전복? 아님 육회?‬ ‪[한숨]‬-There's beef sashimi. Abalones. -I don't want food at all.
‪나 입맛 없어‬-There's beef sashimi. Abalones. -I don't want food at all.
‪변호사님‬Ms. Oh, listen.
‪저 다 봤습니다‬I saw what happened.
‪뭘 봐?‬What do you mean?
‪그날 옥상에서요‬On the tower that night.
‪황도희 그 여자가 깡패 새끼들‬ ‪쫙 끌고 올라가서‬That Hwang Do-hee came with her thugs up to the rooftop and pushed you off.
‪변호사님 밀어낸 거잖아요‬That Hwang Do-hee came with her thugs up to the rooftop and pushed you off.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪변호사님, 저 가만 안 있을 겁니다‬We're gonna make them pay, I tell you, Ms. Oh.
‪[동주 옅은 한숨]‬
‪그날 왔던 놈들 옛날에‬ ‪저랑 같이 일했던 새끼들이에요‬Those guys that came for you were the guys I used to work alongside a while ago.
‪제가 그 새끼들 몸통 끝까지‬ ‪쫓아가서 제가 죽도록…‬I'll chase those bastards to the end of this universe and bring them--
‪(경숙) 윤동주‬Yoon Dong-joo.
‪정신 차려, 어?‬You're not doing that. Got it?
‪(경숙) 너 거기서 나온 지‬ ‪얼마나 됐다고, 씨‬Are you gonna go back to being a thug again?
‪또 깡패 짓이야?‬ ‪어? 너 깡패 새끼야?‬You're better than that. Huh? You're gonna be a thug?
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪(동주) 누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪은성그룹‬From the Eunsung Group. I deal in all things corporate strategy.
‪미래전략기획실에서 나왔습니다‬From the Eunsung Group. I deal in all things corporate strategy.
‪너희들이 여기가 어디라고, 씨‬-You think you can just walk in here? -Dong-joo.
‪(경숙) 동주!‬-You think you can just walk in here? -Dong-joo.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬-You think you can just walk in here? -Dong-joo.
‪사과 좋아하신다고 들었는데‬I heard that you like apples.
‪아니‬I can't.
‪깡패 새끼들 올려 보내서‬ ‪사람 칠려고 한 일이‬You pay thugs to beat me and almost kill me that day, huh?
‪어? 이런‬And then
‪이깟 사과 몇 개로 지금, 어?‬ ‪[사과가 굴러가 쾅 부딪친다]‬you bring these apples to the hospital? You think that's gonna cut it? Do you?
‪퉁칠 일이에요?‬You think that's gonna cut it? Do you?
‪그래요?‬You think that's gonna cut it? Do you?
‪(경숙) 여보세요‬Listen up.
‪나 가만 안 있어요‬I will not let this go.
‪이거 명백한 살인미수거든요?‬Because what I went through is called attempted murder, okay?
‪그럼‬ ‪[심오한 음악]‬Then
‪전원 복직은 어떠세요?‬how about the workers get rehired?
‪(지연) 저희 측 사과 받아주시고‬If you accept our apology
‪더 이상 그날 일로‬ ‪문제 삼지 않으시면‬and decide to put this whole thing behind us for good,
‪바로 진행할까 합니다‬then we'll start to rehire immediately.
‪(지연) 소송이나 고발까지‬ ‪생각하신다면‬If you're thinking of taking things to court, however,
‪저희도 더는 변호사님 제안‬ ‪들어드릴 수 없고요‬then we'll also not be able to accept your offer.
‪[연이은 신호등 알림음]‬
‪[오토바이 지나가는 소리]‬
‪한번 마셔봐‬Have a drink of this. Not quite whiskey, but it'll do for now.
‪오늘 같은 날은‬ ‪위스키보다 나을걸?‬Have a drink of this. Not quite whiskey, but it'll do for now.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[바깥의 차 소리가 작게 들린다]‬
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪[피식 웃음]‬
‪선배님 좋아 보이세요‬-It appears you're doing really well. -That's good to hear.
‪다행이네‬-It appears you're doing really well. -That's good to hear.
‪네 얘기 들어줄 정돈‬ ‪되는 거 같아서‬I think that means I'm ready for your story.
‪[기차 경적이 아득히 들린다]‬
‪[달그락]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[도로 소리가 아득히 들린다]‬
‪뉴스 보셨죠?‬You watched the news, yeah?
‪회사 분위기 흉흉한 거 같더라?‬Things are pretty tense at the organization.
‪손 회장 욕심은 하늘을 찌르고‬The greed of the Chairperson is through the roof,
‪딸들 지랄맞은 성격은‬ ‪나날이 발전하고‬and I'm sure her daughters are more insane than ever at this point.
‪전략기획실 아이가 죽었어요‬A girl who worked on our team was killed.
‪설마‬Don't tell me.
‪백재민이한테 당한 거야?‬Baek Jae-min had a hand in that?
‪[불길한 음악]‬ ‪[선배 코웃음]‬Baek Jae-min had a hand in that?
‪(선배) 생각보다 오래 참았네‬ ‪백재민이‬He managed to hold back for longer than I would have thought.
‪채령이랑 결혼한다고 할 때‬When he and Chae-ryoung were getting married,
‪그 자식 뒷조사 내가 다 했잖니‬I had to look into all of the dirt on him.
‪결혼식 전날까지 후배 아나운서랑‬He was inappropriate with a junior anchor when his wedding was only a day away.
‪꽁냥대는 꼬라지가‬ ‪아주 진상이었지‬ ‪[코웃음]‬He was inappropriate with a junior anchor when his wedding was only a day away. A real piece of work.
‪(선배) 손 회장한테 조심하라고‬ ‪그렇게 얘기했는데도‬I repeatedly warned Chairperson Son to watch him closely,
‪안 듣더라?‬but she wouldn't listen.
‪이미 자기 식구 삼으려고‬ ‪마음먹은 순간‬She decided to make him a pivotal part of the company.
‪눈 감고 귀 닫아 버린 거지‬So it really shows. She just ignored all of my warnings.
‪저도 그래야 했던 걸까요?‬Is that what I should have done also?
‪선배가 가르쳐 주신 행동 강령대로‬To apply the code of conduct I was taught by you,
‪눈 감고‬and stay quiet, be indifferent, and keep ignoring.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 귀 닫고‬and stay quiet, be indifferent, and keep ignoring.
‪입 막고‬and stay quiet, be indifferent, and keep ignoring.
‪황도희‬Hwang Do-hee.
‪하고 싶은 말이 뭐야?‬What is your point about here?
‪누릴 만큼 다 누려놓고‬Your job's given you lots of perks,
‪이제 와서 양심의 가책 때문에‬ ‪도저히 못 해 먹겠다‬but now the guilt you're feeling makes you wonder about continuing.
‪이런 거니?‬but now the guilt you're feeling makes you wonder about continuing. Is that it?
‪(선배) 네 손으로‬ ‪사람 목숨 끊은 거 같아서?‬Because it feels like you've murdered with your own hands?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪들어오세요‬You can enter.
‪(재민) 어, 국 팀장‬Ms. Guk.
‪(지연) 병원 다녀왔습니다‬I'm coming from the hospital. I met Ms. Oh Kyung-sook.
‪오경숙 씨 만났고요‬I'm coming from the hospital. I met Ms. Oh Kyung-sook.
‪꽤 혹하는 눈치였습니다‬ ‪전원 복직 제안에‬It seemed our offer to reinstate the workers landed.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래?‬Yes?
‪수고했네‬You did great.
‪잠깐‬Hold on.
‪[잔을 내려놓는다]‬
‪[고조되는 긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪잘 어울리네‬It's great on you.
‪이사장님께‬Is it okay if I…
‪다 걸어도 되나요?‬take a chance on you now?
‪네가 그 자리 박차고 나오면‬ ‪끝일 거 같니?‬So do you think that if you stop it will all end?
‪- 선배‬ ‪- (선배) 근데 그다음엔‬I mean-- After you quit,
‪다른 똘똘한 아이가‬ ‪네 자리에 앉아서‬the next person in charge will just follow in your path,
‪너처럼 열심히‬the next person in charge will just follow in your path, and they'll do everything in their power to clean up the Eun family's shit.
‪은씨 일가 똥 치워주겠지‬and they'll do everything in their power to clean up the Eun family's shit.
‪(도희) 정말 그럴까요?‬Do you really think so?
‪(선배) 응, 은씨 일가 그것들은‬Of course. That crooked family will never change.
‪절대 안 변해‬Of course. That crooked family will never change.
‪너 혼자 그것들을‬ ‪어떻게 부술 건데?‬So ask yourself, how will you take them down on your own?
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪괜찮습니다‬Thank you. I'm good.
‪(채령 언니) 병문안‬ ‪한번 가보고 싶었는데‬I wanted to visit you at the hospital, but I was grounded.
‪외출 금지를 당해서‬I wanted to visit you at the hospital, but I was grounded.
‪엄마가 가뜩이나‬ ‪분위기도 안 좋은데‬Yeah, Ma locked me up in here so I wouldn't cause trouble.
‪사고 치고 다니지 말라고‬Yeah, Ma locked me up in here so I wouldn't cause trouble.
‪이 답답한 데다가 날 가둬버렸네?‬Since we have plenty already.
‪이혼 소송 중인 게 뭐가 죄라고‬Is going through a divorce a crime?
‪그치?‬Is it?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪절 부르신 이유가…‬You wanted to see me, ma'am?
‪기획실에 애 하나 자살했다며?‬I heard someone on your team committed suicide.
‪그거 백재민이랑 엮인 일이지?‬And Baek Jae-min has a part in it.
‪황 실장, 나 병신 아니야‬Ms. Hwang, I'm not an idiot.
‪남자나 밝히고 돈이나 펑펑 써대는‬I may seem like the usual pampered rich girl, obsessing over guys and money,
‪진부한 재벌 딸년처럼 보여도‬I may seem like the usual pampered rich girl, obsessing over guys and money,
‪백재민 그 새끼한테 힘 실어주면‬but that bastard can't come to power. Even a silly rich girl knows that.
‪큰일 난다는 거 정도는 알아‬but that bastard can't come to power. Even a silly rich girl knows that.
‪그럼 회장님께‬Is what you're telling me that you think the Chairperson should know?
‪이 사실을 알리잔 말씀인가요?‬Is what you're telling me that you think the Chairperson should know?
‪터트려야지‬The country should hear it.
‪역대급 막장 스토리로‬It should sound like an embarrassing soap.
‪어떻게요?‬No. How?
‪죽은 애 술집 나갔었다는‬ ‪소문 돌던데?‬So I heard that she worked at some kind of bar, right?
‪백재민이 술집에서부터‬ ‪알고 지내다가‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Let's say he met her at the bar where she was a hostess.
‪등록금까지 내줘가며 키워서‬He sponsored her, paid for her tuition,
‪마누라 회사로 밀반입까지 시켰다‬He sponsored her, paid for her tuition, which culminated with employment at Eunsung.
‪(채령 언니) 그리고‬ ‪봉사활동 한답시고‬Then he took her abroad, using the volunteer work as a front to indulge in their secret affair.
‪해외로 같이 싸돌아다니면서‬using the volunteer work as a front to indulge in their secret affair.
‪뜨거운 밀회를 나눴다‬using the volunteer work as a front to indulge in their secret affair.
‪그러다 애가 임신까지 하게 됐는데‬So she got pregnant, and that did it.
‪백재민이 그때 태도를 확 바꿨고‬By that point, she'd gotten so desperate and also heartbroken, she chose death.
‪애가 상심해서 떨어져 죽었다‬By that point, she'd gotten so desperate and also heartbroken, she chose death.
‪뭐, 이 정도 스토리는 돼야‬We surely could use that tale
‪엄마가 그놈한테서‬ ‪정내미가 확 떨어지지 않겠어?‬to make old Ma turn her back on that ass-kisser.
‪지금 이슬이를‬You would disgrace I-seul?
‪두 번 죽이시겠다는 건가요?‬You would let her die all over again.
‪어차피 지 스스로‬ ‪목숨 줄 끊은 애잖아‬And so what? It's clear the part that matters is done.
‪내가 채령이랑 백재민까지‬ ‪다 밀어내고 경영권 잡으면‬When I push Chae-ryoung and Baek Jae-min out, the future of the company will be mine,
‪황 실장 케어할게‬so your position will be secure.
‪(채령 언니) 어차피 엄마가‬ ‪백재민한테 넘어간 이상‬Now that Baek Jae-min's won over Mom, your time here is as good as over anyway.
‪황 실장 유통기한은‬ ‪끝났다고 봐야 될 텐데‬Now that Baek Jae-min's won over Mom, your time here is as good as over anyway.
‪이대로 밀려나는 건‬It's not a fair thing to do
‪너무 억울하잖아‬to boot you like that.
‪밀려날 때가 되면 밀려나야겠죠‬When the time comes, I'll gladly resign.
‪하지만 전 회장님께‬ ‪충성을 다짐한 몸입니다‬But I'll remain completely loyal to the Chairperson, as promised.
‪밀려나든 밀어내든‬Whether I'm moved up or pushed out, I'll do as the Chairperson orders me.
‪회장님 지시하에 움직이겠습니다‬Whether I'm moved up or pushed out, I'll do as the Chairperson orders me.
‪역시!‬I knew it.
‪우리 엄마가 똥개 한 마리‬ ‪조련은 참 잘했대니까?‬Clearly, Mother trained her personal dogs well, didn't she?
‪[채령 언니 코웃음]‬
‪정확히 보셨습니다‬I believe you're right about that.
‪그러니 죽은 이슬이를‬ ‪모욕하는 일이나‬So you shouldn't wreck the poor girl's legacy
‪유족을 건드리는 일은‬ ‪멈춰 주십시오‬or torture those close to her by making up stories.
‪주인집 딸도‬ ‪물어버릴 수가 있으니까‬That dog might come after the master's daughter.
‪[놀라는 척하는 숨소리]‬
‪[강아지 소리를 흉내낸다]‬
‪[채령 언니가 깔깔 웃는다]‬
‪사재곤 서울시장의‬ ‪불법 정치 자금 연루 의혹이…‬Illegal slush funds that were kept by Mayor Sa personally and seemingly…
‪2019년 서울시장 선거 당시‬ ‪재미교포 사업가…‬ ‪[긴장감 있는 음악]‬It is rumored that during his candidacy, a Korean-American businessman…
‪수차례에 걸쳐 6억 원의 현금을‬ ‪건네받은 정황이‬It is rumored that during his candidacy, a Korean-American businessman… …in overseas Korean circles that he was given over half a billion won in cash.
‪교포 사회에서 드러나…‬…in overseas Korean circles that he was given over half a billion won in cash.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 손 회장한테‬ ‪전화 넣어‬Call Chairperson Son and ask her to dinner.
‪저녁 식사 하시자고‬Call Chairperson Son and ask her to dinner.
‪(비서) 예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪[집게를 내려놓는다]‬
‪(재곤) 요즘 돔이 제철이라‬Sea bream is in season these days.
‪[생선 살 바르는 소리]‬
‪내가 대접했어야 하는데‬I really should have asked you to dinner.
‪그러게 말입니다‬ ‪[헛기침]‬You should've, ma'am, indeed.
‪요즘 많이 바쁘신 거 같아서‬You appeared quite busy lately, you see,
‪오늘만 제가 특별히 준비했습니다‬and so I went ahead and made a special exception.
‪뒷방 늙은이 되기 싫어서‬ ‪바쁘게 살고 있지‬I keep busy in order to not end up being old and useless.
‪회장님 작품입니까?‬Is this something made up by you?
‪(재곤) 회장님‬Ma'am.
‪저 서울시장입니다‬This is Seoul, and I'm the mayor here.
‪대한민국 소통령‬ ‪[긴장감 흐르는 느린 음악]‬I'm the number two in Korea.
‪회장님은 아직도 저를 계열사‬ ‪직원쯤으로 보시는 거 같은데‬You still seem to think that I count just as a mere employee who caters to your needs.
‪정신 차리십시오‬ ‪'와이?'‬You cannot continue with that. Why?
‪이제 그따위 협박에‬Sa Jae-gon's a lot bigger now,
‪쪼는 놈이 아니거든요‬ ‪이 사재곤이가!‬and you can't intimidate this guy with threats any longer.
‪그럼 어쩔 셈인가?‬Then what is your plan?
‪자네 시장 만드느라‬ ‪쏟아부은 내 돈‬Are you going to give back the tons of won I gave you
‪전부 토해낼 텐가?‬to put you in this seat?
‪상아지구 재개발 사업 포기하시고‬Surrender this redevelopment project right now, and take a good long break.
‪조용히 쉬십시오‬Surrender this redevelopment project right now, and take a good long break.
‪(재곤) 지금까지‬ ‪제가 도와드린 것만으로도‬You've already made enough money with all the help I've given you until now.
‪충분히 재미를 보셨을 테니까요‬with all the help I've given you until now.
‪(손 회장) 이것도 시장님이 드시게‬You should have my dish, too, Mayor Sa.
‪대가리가 너무 커진 놈은‬I don't like certain beasts whose heads have, uh…
‪내 비위에 안 맞아서‬…surpassed their bodies in size.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬…surpassed their bodies in size.
‪'고' 해‬-Go ahead. -Certainly, ma'am.
‪알겠습니다‬-Go ahead. -Certainly, ma'am.
‪(앵커) 네, 사재곤 서울 시장의‬ ‪아내 문용순 여사가‬Moon Yong-soon, wife of Sa Jae-gon, Mayor of Seoul,
‪한 달 전 경호궁 미술관에서 열린‬ ‪자선 전시회에‬was spotted wearing 300 million won worth of jewelry
‪3억 원 상당의‬ ‪세계적인 명품 브랜드 보석을‬ ‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬from a global luxury brand in the charity exhibition that was held a month ago, causing great controversy.
‪착용하고 참석해서‬ ‪논란이 되고 있습니다‬in the charity exhibition that was held a month ago, causing great controversy.
‪문 여사가 착용한 보석은‬The jewelry was said to have been limited edition items not sold within Korea.
‪국내에 판매되지 않는 한정판으로‬The jewelry was said to have been limited edition items not sold within Korea.
‪브랜드의 한국 지사에서도‬It's now known that the Korean branch of the jewelry brand
‪해당 보석의 협찬을‬ ‪지원한 적이 없다고 알려왔습니다‬It's now known that the Korean branch of the jewelry brand did not provide the items to her in a sponsorship deal.
‪[태블릿 PC를 던진다]‬
‪보이세요, 이거?‬Look at that.
‪그 보석을 과연 누가!‬Here's the question. Who could have been the secret supplier of this bribe?
‪여사님에게 상납을 했나 이거죠‬ ‪그래‬Who could have been the secret supplier of this bribe?
‪아이코, 아이고, 네, 네‬ ‪[후원 알림음]‬Oh wow! Thank you. That's great.
‪뭐고, 이거?‬100,000,000 WON THANK YOU FOR THE DONATION
‪1억?‬Oh wow!
‪(유튜버) 이야‬ ‪[웃음]‬
‪예, 예‬
‪고맙습니다‬Shouldn't we wrap things up?
‪(손 회장) 이제 그만‬ ‪끝내야 되지 않겠니?‬How much more time are we going to waste on these ordinary, incidental men?
‪언제까지 그 인간한테‬ ‪시간 낭비해야 해?‬How much more time are we going to waste on these ordinary, incidental men?
‪네, 회장님, 마무리하겠습니다‬You're right. Let's be done with it.
‪(앵커) 사재곤 서울시장의 차남이‬ ‪마약 파티를 벌인 혐의로‬The prosecution has found that Mayor Sa's younger son has been hosting drug-fueled parties.
‪검찰에 적발됐습니다‬has been hosting drug-fueled parties.
‪현재 미국에서 유학 중인‬ ‪사 시장의 차남은‬ ‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬Currently studying abroad in the United States, he was charged with possessing large amounts of meth
‪LA 한인 타운 내의 한 클럽에서‬he was charged with possessing large amounts of meth
‪다량의 필로폰을‬ ‪투약한 혐의를 받고 있으며‬he was charged with possessing large amounts of meth in a Korean club somewhere in LA.
‪수차례 마약 파티를‬ ‪열었던 것으로 알려져‬It was revealed that he frequently hosted such parties, leaving the public in shock.
‪충격을 주고 있습니다‬It was revealed that he frequently hosted such parties, leaving the public in shock.
‪(재곤) 최근‬I sincerely apologize
‪저의 가족과 관계된‬ ‪불미스러운 일로 인해‬ ‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬I sincerely apologize for causing severe disappointment to the citizens of Seoul
‪서울 시민 여러분께‬through the recent shameful scandals regarding my family members.
‪실망을 안겨드린 점‬through the recent shameful scandals regarding my family members.
‪송구하게 생각하는 바입니다‬through the recent shameful scandals regarding my family members.
‪이 시간부로‬I hereby resign as this great city's mayor.
‪서울시장직에서 사퇴하겠습니다‬I hereby resign as this great city's mayor.
‪죄송합니다‬And I'm sorry.
‪(기자1) 시장님, 사모님과의‬ ‪언론 보도는 루머 아니었습니까?‬Wasn't the press release regarding your wife mere rumors?
‪(기자2) 사퇴를 하신다는 건‬Sir, does your resignation mean that all the rumors are true?
‪항간에 떠도는 소문이‬ ‪모두 사실이라는 말씀이십…‬Sir, does your resignation mean that all the rumors are true?
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬Sir, does your resignation mean that all the rumors are true?
‪[손 회장 흡족한 한숨]‬
‪자, 그럼‬So now
‪이제 자네가 등판해서‬you are going to take his place
‪판을 뒤집겠다?‬and gain the people's trust.
‪그냥 등장해서 뒤집어지겠습니까?‬They're not just gonna turn with an appearance, ma'am.
‪말씀드렸잖습니까‬As I've already mentioned,
‪대중은‬the people
‪퍼포먼스에 약한 족속이라고‬want to be fed theatrics instead.
‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[환호성이 이어진다]‬
‪(시위자1) 멋있다!‬
‪(시위자2) 멋지다!‬
‪(재민) 여러분‬Everyone.
‪정말 고생 많으셨습니다‬You've been on a very tough journey.
‪생존을 위한 힘겨운 투쟁‬ ‪여러분이 승리하셨습니다‬You had to fight a battle, and so you fought it, and you persevered.
‪(재민) 여러분의 앞날‬I promise I will take care of you as if you were my own family.
‪제 식구라는 마음으로‬I promise I will take care of you as if you were my own family.
‪끝까지 책임지겠습니다‬I promise I will take care of you as if you were my own family.
‪복직을 환영합니다‬We're glad to have you back.
‪[시위자와 경숙이 서로 축하한다]‬Good work, everyone!
‪[경숙 멋쩍은 신음]‬We thank you for coming.
‪와주셔서 감사합니다‬We thank you for coming.
‪[경숙 멋쩍은 신음]‬ ‪[환호]‬Oh, thank you so much.
‪[시위대가 오경숙을 연신 외친다]‬Oh Kyungsook! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[재민도 함께 오경숙을 외친다]‬Oh Kyung-sook! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪제가 진작 찾아뵙고‬ ‪인사드렸어야 하는데‬I really needed to come visit you a lot earlier.
‪아시다시피‬As you're aware,
‪섣불리 마음 가는 대로‬ ‪행동하기가 쉽지가 않았습니다‬I had to be quite obedient. You know the way things work, I assume?
‪이사장님 애써주신 거‬Yes, I'm very aware of
‪네, 잘 알고 있습니다‬all the hard work you put in.
‪잊지 않겠습니다, 감사합니다‬I will keep that in mind. I'm very grateful.
‪계속 함께하시죠‬Let's continue to work together.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[환호와 박수]‬ ‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪(앵커) 네‬ ‪오늘 이 자리엔 은성백화점‬Also present was lawyer Oh Kyung-sook,
‪옥상 고공 농성의 주인공‬ ‪오경숙 변호사도 함께했는데요‬Also present was lawyer Oh Kyung-sook, who protested on the rooftop of the Eunsung Department Store.
‪옥상 투신까지 감내하며‬CEO Baek Jae-min offered his sincere gratitude to Ms. Oh,
‪전원 복직을 이끌어낸‬ ‪오 변호사에게‬CEO Baek Jae-min offered his sincere gratitude to Ms. Oh, who jumped off the rooftop
‪백 이사장은 진심으로‬ ‪감사의 말을 전했습니다‬who jumped off the rooftop in her dedication to getting the workers reinstated.
‪(기자) 백재민 이사장님?‬Mr. Baek, please.
‪사재곤 시장 사임으로 인한‬You're trying to get elected as mayor in the by-election,
‪보궐 선거에 출마하신다는‬ ‪얘기가 있던데 사실인가요?‬You're trying to get elected as mayor in the by-election, now that Mayor Sa Jae-gon resigned. Is this true?
‪[피식하며] 글쎄요‬You know.
‪출마하신단 말씀입니까?‬So you will attempt to run for it?
‪출마라기보단‬You know, I would call it something else. Hmm.
‪음… 봉사란 말이‬You know, I would call it something else. Hmm. "Volunteering for it" says it a lot better.
‪어울릴 것 같습니다‬"Volunteering for it" says it a lot better.
‪(재민) 어…‬Uh…
‪그래요, 혹시라도‬And, sure, if
‪만약에 시민 여러분들께서‬ ‪저한테 그런‬my services would aid Seoul's citizens,
‪고귀한 임무를 주신다면‬through the noble office of mayor,
‪제 가진 능력을 최대한 발휘해서‬then there's nothing I'd rather aspire to than
‪도움이 되고 싶단 마음은‬ ‪간절합니다‬to use what I've been blessed with to help the city.
‪[멋쩍게] 여기까지만 할게요‬That's all I've got.
‪지금 그 말씀‬A last question, sir. Are you officially announcing your run as mayor?
‪출마 선언으로 들어도 되겠습니까?‬A last question, sir. Are you officially announcing your run as mayor?
‪오늘 주인공은 제가 아니라‬You're not looking at today's star right here.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬You're not looking at today's star right here.
‪복직되신 여러분입니다‬The real stars are behind me.
‪여기 계신 분들 모두‬All these workers present here
‪제 가족입니다‬are like family.
‪[탄성을 지른다]‬
‪감사합니다!‬Yes! We won!
‪(시위자) [웃으며] 아이고‬
‪[당황하는 신음]‬ ‪아, 예‬Oh, okay. Okay.
‪너무 죄송했고요‬I apologize once again.
‪그리고 너무 감사합니다‬You've made everything better.
‪끝까지‬United is what we are.
‪함께 가는 겁니다‬United is what we are.
‪- 끝까지 함께해요!‬ ‪- 함께해요!‬-United… -Is what we are!
‪- 끝까지 함께해요!‬ ‪- 함께해요!‬United… BAEK HELPED REACH AN AGREEMENT
‪감사합니다‬ ‪[환호]‬You've all done well!
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[개가 월월 짖는다]‬
‪(손 회장) 병가가 길었구나‬You've been on sick leave for quite a while now.
‪(도희) 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, ma'am.
‪(손 회장) 죄송할 거 없다‬No need to be sorry. It must have shocked you gravely as well.
‪너도 충격이 컸을 텐데‬No need to be sorry. It must have shocked you gravely as well.
‪사람 목숨 하찮게 여기면‬ ‪죄받는 법이지‬Those disregarding the value of human life will be punished by fate.
‪이미 죽은 목숨 때문에‬ ‪네 본분을 어기는 건‬But to disregard your duties over a life already lost,
‪더 큰 죄고‬that's an even greater sin.
‪회장님‬I think--
‪백 서방 일은 묻어 두거라‬Forget about what Jae-min did.
‪큰일 할 사람인데‬It's clear that he's bound to do much greater things.
‪그 정도 실수는‬It's clear that he's bound to do much greater things.
‪스트레스 해소 정도로‬ ‪이해해 줘야지‬So excuse his mistake as his way of letting off steam.
‪실수가 아니라 범죄입니다‬No, it's really a crime that was committed.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪무슨 말이 하고 싶은 거니?‬What exactly are you telling me?
‪백재민 이사장은 안 됩니다‬Mr. Baek cannot become mayor, ma'am.
‪(도희) 사람이 죽어 나가는데도‬He is a beast running rampant,
‪아무 죄책감도 없이 날뛰는‬ ‪짐승 손에‬unable to feel guilt, causing the poor girl's death.
‪칼까지 쥐여주실 참입니까?‬Should you hand a sword to the beast then?
‪(도희) 그 칼로 회장님까지‬There's no guarantee that he would not use that sword against you.
‪[총을 장전한다]‬ ‪찌르지 않는다는 보장…‬There's no guarantee that he would not use that sword against you.
‪[총성과 동시에 음악이 잦아든다]‬There's no guarantee that he would not use that sword against you.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪백 서방이 너한테‬ ‪아주 많이 노여워하고 있더구나‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Apparently Jae-min is upset with you regarding this situation.
‪가서 진심으로 사죄하고‬I advise you to go to him and say you're sorry,
‪선거 캠프 꾸릴 준비 하거라‬then start preparing for his campaign.
‪[총을 달각거린다]‬ ‪회장님‬But I am--
‪(손 회장) 국 팀장이라는 아이가‬ ‪네 자리 꿰찬 거 같던데‬A girl named Guk seems to have taken over your position while you were away.
‪난‬But I, uh, could never trust anyone who is still so wet behind the ears.
‪그렇게 새파랗게 젊은것들은‬ ‪당최 믿을 수가 없어‬But I, uh, could never trust anyone who is still so wet behind the ears.
‪내 땅에서 농약을 먹고‬ ‪잡초로 클지‬How can I tell whether she'll be a useless weed
‪좋은 거름 먹고‬ ‪잘 익은 벼가 될지 어찌 알겠니?‬or grow to bring me a bountiful harvest?
‪네가 중심 잡고‬Reclaim your position.
‪백 서방‬Make him mayor.
‪시장 만들어라‬That's the quest you're on.
‪[개가 그르렁댄다]‬
‪[개가 연신 그르렁댄다]‬
‪[무거운 음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪[갈라지는 목소리로]‬ ‪거부하겠습니다‬I will not comply.
‪[낮게 깔리는 의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪그 업무 명령을‬I refuse your order.
‪거부하겠습니다‬I will not obey.

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