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  사랑의 이해 3

The Interest of Love 3


‪(인재) 어, 그래‬Okay, good.
‪- 아, 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (인재) 응‬-Goodness, one second. -Okay.
‪이것도 같이 가져가‬Take this too.
‪아, 저기, 아침…‬Have you had breakfast?
‪(인재) 일찍 나왔는데 아침 거르면‬It's not good to skip breakfast when you start work early.
‪여기다가 둘 테니까 꼭!‬I'll leave it here. Please eat it.
‪(종현) 괜찮으세요, 어르신?‬-Are you all right, sir? -Gosh.
‪(인재) 아, 네‬-Are you all right, sir? -Gosh.
‪[수영의 한숨]‬
‪[열쇠가 덜그럭거린다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(종현) 아침 드실래요?‬Would you like to eat breakfast?
‪[도시락을 달그락거린다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪[종현이 젓가락을 부스럭 뜯는다]‬
‪아, 직접 만든 거예요?‬Did you make this yourself?
‪편의점 도시락 지겨워서요‬Yes. I got sick of eating out.
‪(종현) 드세요‬Enjoy.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪맛있네요‬It's good.
‪다행이다‬I'm glad you like it. I was worried you wouldn't.
‪걱정했는데‬I'm glad you like it. I was worried you wouldn't.
‪오늘 안 주임님‬ ‪보안 당번인 거 알고 싸 왔어요‬I made it because I knew you were opening today.
‪같이 먹고 싶어서요‬I wanted to share it with you.
‪(수영) 왜 안 물어봐요?‬Why are you not asking me any questions?
‪아까 다 봤잖아요‬You saw what happened back there.
‪그럼 하나 물어봐도 돼요?‬Then, may I ask you just one question?
‪안 주임님‬ ‪핸드폰 배경에 있는 남자‬Your cell phone background is a photo of a man.
‪누구예요?‬Who is he?
‪남자 친구분?‬Is he your boyfriend?
‪나를‬It's someone…
‪제일 사랑해 주는 사람‬who loves me more than anyone else.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(상수) 나 지금‬ ‪수영 씨 집 앞이에요‬I'm in front of your house right now.
‪오늘 꼭 할 말이 있어요‬I need to tell you something.
‪(종현) 저 안 주임님‬ ‪집 앞이에요‬I'm in front of your house, Ms. Ahn.
‪기다릴게요‬I'll be waiting.
‪(종현) 어?‬
‪(수영) 미안해요, 발이 삐끗해서‬I'm sorry. I tripped.
‪안 뛰어와도 됐는데‬You didn't have to rush.
‪발은 괜찮아요?‬Is your foot okay?
‪그…‬So… how long have you been waiting?
‪언제부터 기다린 거예요?‬So… how long have you been waiting? This is so unexpected.
‪(수영) 왜 갑자기…‬This is so unexpected.
‪할 말 있어서요‬I wanted to tell you something.
‪(종현) 소개팅 같은 거‬Can you stop going on blind dates?
‪안 하면 안 돼요?‬Can you stop going on blind dates?
‪[조용한 음악]‬
‪안 주임님 좋아해요‬I like you, Ms. Ahn.
‪그 말 하고 싶어서 기다렸어요‬I waited for you to tell you that.
‪(상수) 혹시 다른 이유가 있어요?‬Is there another reason?
‪아니, 나한테 이러는‬Is there a reason that I'm not aware of?
‪내가 모르는‬ ‪무슨 이유라도 있는 거냐고요‬Is there a reason that I'm not aware of?
‪하 계장님이랑‬ ‪상관없는 일이잖아요‬This is none of your business.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(수영) 어제 전화하셨던데요‬I saw that you called yesterday.
‪업무 때문에요‬It was because of work. I took care of it.
‪해결했습니다‬It was because of work. I took care of it.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[서류가 팔락 넘어간다]‬
‪(미경) 이걸 이렇게 수정했다고?‬You made some interesting revisions.
‪어?‬Sorry? What is it? Is something wrong?
‪어, 왜? 뭐 이상해?‬Sorry? What is it? Is something wrong?
‪아니, 너무 좋잖아, 뭐야?‬No, it's really great. I'm impressed.
‪아니, 네가 초안을‬ ‪잘 잡아 놔서 그렇지‬It's because you put together a great draft.
‪나는 아홉 개 앱을‬ ‪세 개로 합치자는 거였고‬I just wanted to combine nine apps into three.
‪이건 아예 판을 새로 짠 거잖아‬You're proposing that we start from scratch.
‪리서치 보니까 앱 개수만 많지‬Research showed that people thought
‪정작 필요할 때는‬ ‪어떤 앱을 써야 되는지‬there were too many apps, so they didn't know when to use what.
‪(상수) 모르겠다는 의견이‬ ‪많더라고‬there were too many apps, so they didn't know when to use what.
‪접근성 자체가 떨어지는 게‬ ‪가장 큰 문제야‬The biggest problem was accessibility,
‪일단 앱을 최대한 통합해서‬I thought it'd be best to combine, simplify the apps
‪언제, 어떻게 사용해야 되는지‬ ‪각인시키는 게 포인트 같아서‬and inform our customers on exactly when and how to use them.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪왠지 우리가 센터안 되겠는데‬I think we just came up with the best proposal.
‪PT 내일이니까 끝까지 채워 봐야지‬The presentation is tomorrow, so let's refine it until then.
‪선배, 듣던 거랑 좀 다르다‬You're different from what I've heard.
‪뭐가?‬What do you mean?
‪(미경) 아니, 신입 행원 때는‬ ‪엄청 사고 쳤다며‬You got into all kinds of trouble when you were a rookie.
‪뭐야?‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬What's the secret? When did you get so good at this?
‪언제부터 일을 잘하게 된 건데?‬What's the secret? When did you get so good at this?
‪또 까분다‬You're being cheeky again.
‪PT 잘하려면 맛있는 거 먹어야지‬We need good food to give a good presentation.
‪오늘 저녁 내가 살게요‬Dinner is on me tonight.
‪어, 그래‬Okay, sure.
‪(시경) 음…‬
‪괜찮네요‬Not bad.
‪고객 선정도 적절하고‬You selected suitable clients and chose excellent approach methods.
‪접근 플랜도 훌륭하고‬You selected suitable clients and chose excellent approach methods.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(시경) VIP 상품 판매는 처음이죠?‬Is this your first time selling products to VIPs?
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪(시경) 이렇게 잘하는데‬You show so much promise.
‪그동안 수신 업무만 담당해서‬ ‪아쉬웠겠어요‬It must've been disappointing to handle only depository work.
‪잘해 봐요, 안 주임‬Keep up the good work, Ms. Ahn.
‪(시경) 이번 일 잘 해내면‬ ‪안 주임 스탠스도 달라질 거야‬If you pull this off, your position will change for the better.
‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬I'll try my best, sir.
‪(시경) 우리 일이라는 게‬ ‪최선만 해서 되는 건 또 아니고‬It's not enough to try your best in our line of work.
‪그걸 뛰어넘는 패기, 열정‬You also need the drive, passion,
‪조직에 대한 충성심‬ ‪뭐, 이런 게 있어야지‬and loyalty to the company to make this happen.
‪(수영) 네‬I see.
‪(시경) 다음 분기 직군 전환‬ ‪내가 힘써 볼게요‬I'll do what I can to help you transfer positions next quarter.
‪안 주임 같은 인재가‬ ‪서비스직군에만 있으면‬It's a loss for the bank for someone as talented as you
‪은행도 손해라니까‬to stay as a service rep.
‪(시경) 수영 씨 보면 내 딸 같아‬Su-yeong, you're like a daughter to me.
‪내가 항상 응원하고 있는 거 알지?‬You know that I'm always rooting for you, right?
‪[문이 덜컥 열린다]‬
‪(미경) 지점장님‬ ‪진행 상황 체크 부탁드립니다‬Mr. Yuk, can you please check this progress report?
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪[시경의 헛기침]‬
‪왜 그렇게 놀라세요?‬Why do you look so surprised?
‪제가 노크를 깜빡했네요‬I forgot to knock.
‪[시경 헛기침]‬ ‪안 주임님‬I'm sorry, Ms. Ahn, but could you give us a moment?
‪미안한데 자리 좀 비켜 줄래요?‬ ‪급한 건이라‬I'm sorry, Ms. Ahn, but could you give us a moment? -This is an urgent matter. -Sure.
‪아, 네‬-This is an urgent matter. -Sure.
‪(시경) 응‬
‪(미경) 지점장님은 여전히‬ ‪좋은 분이시네요‬Mr. Yuk, you haven't changed. Still so caring.
‪행원들 한 명, 한 명‬ ‪각별히 신경 써 주시고‬You pay special attention to every single clerk here.
‪그래서 저희 아버지도 지점장님을‬Perhaps that's why my father also trusts you implicitly.
‪각별히 신뢰하시나 봐요‬Perhaps that's why my father also trusts you implicitly.
‪아버님은 무탈하시지?‬Your father is doing well, yes?
‪지점장님 덕분에요‬Yes, thanks to you.
‪(시경) 응, 그래‬ ‪[시경의 웃음]‬That's good to hear.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[못마땅한 소리]‬
‪이럴 때 가만히 있지 마요‬Don't just sit there and take it when he's like that.
‪아는데, 늘 아슬아슬하게만 하세요‬I know, but he never quite crosses the line.
‪대응하는 사람이 오버하는 것처럼‬It'll seem like I'm overreacting.
‪다음부터 지점장실 갈 때는‬ ‪그냥 혼자 가지 마요‬From now on, don't go to his office alone.
‪[못마땅한 소리]‬ ‪뭐야? 저게‬What's wrong with that man?
‪박 대리님은‬ ‪자신감이 넘치시는 것 같아요‬Ms. Park, you seem so confident, and you don't let anyone get to you.
‪눈치도 안 보시고‬Ms. Park, you seem so confident, and you don't let anyone get to you.
‪잘못한 게 없는데 눈치를 왜 봐요?‬I've done nothing wrong, so why should I?
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪고마우면 나랑 친해지든가‬If you want to thank me, then let's be friends.
‪내가 지켜 줘야지, 안 되겠어‬I need to take you under my wing.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪(태평) 뭐야? 얘네 어디 갔어?‬Hey, where did these guys go?
‪(구일) 아, 그 김정기 강사님‬Mr. Kim, the instructor, hurt his knee, so they're subbing for him.
‪도가니 뼈 골절돼서‬ ‪대타 뛰러 갔어요, 애들‬Mr. Kim, the instructor, hurt his knee, so they're subbing for him.
‪(태평) 아‬I see.
‪아, 그런데 얘네가‬I wonder if they can get the applications and fees that are due this quarter.
‪이번 분기 가입 신청서랑‬ ‪회원비 받아 올 수 있으려나?‬I wonder if they can get the applications and fees that are due this quarter.
‪아이, 나 좀 불안한데, 응?‬I'm not so sure about this.
‪(태평) 누가 좀…‬Can someone…
‪안 주임, 잘됐다‬Ms. Ahn, I'm glad I ran into you.
‪안 주임이 교실 가서‬ ‪팔로우 좀 해 주면 좋겠다‬Can you do a follow-up at the class?
‪- 아, 네, 제가 가 볼게요‬ ‪- (태평) 아, 땡큐, 땡큐‬Sure, I'll go.
‪(미경) 교실은 무슨 교실요?‬What kind of class is this?
‪(민희) 미경 씨, 처음 봐?‬You've never heard of it?
‪이거, 이거, 노래 교실‬It's a singing class.
‪[미경의 의아한 소리]‬ ‪(두식) 우리 지점 복지 사업입니다‬-What? -It's our community service program.
‪영포점 특성상 지역 상인들하고‬ ‪스킨십이 굉장히 중요하거든요‬It's important for the Youngpo branch to be a part of the community.
‪[깨달은 탄성]‬It's important for the Youngpo branch to be a part of the community.
‪(민희) 백화점에서‬ ‪문화 센터 하는 거랑 비슷한 거지‬It's similar to how department stores operate cultural centers.
‪고객 복지로 포장한 고객 유치‬It's a way of attracting clients by disguising it as a service.
‪아니, 그걸 듣는 사람이 있어요?‬Do people take these classes?
‪(두식) 강사발이 좌우합니다‬Depends on the instructor.
‪인기 강사다 싶으면 풀로 차고‬If the instructor is popular, it's full. If the instructor is bad, then no.
‪구리다 싶으면 텅텅 비고요‬ ‪[미경의 웃음]‬If the instructor is popular, it's full. If the instructor is bad, then no.
‪(미경) 여기요‬ ‪[민희의 탄성]‬Here.
‪(구일) 마 대리야, 커피 좀 마시자‬-Mr. Ma, let's have some coffee. -Yes, sir.
‪(두식) 아, 네‬-Mr. Ma, let's have some coffee. -Yes, sir.
‪종현 씨, 잠깐만‬Mr. Jeong? A moment, please.
‪종현 씨, 저기‬ ‪우리 커피 한잔 마시자‬Mr. Jeong, we need some coffee.
‪- (종현) 네‬ ‪- 아, 잠깐만‬-Okay. -Wait.
‪그 지난번에‬ ‪팀장님 샷 추가 빼먹었더라‬You forgot the extra shot in Mr. Lee's coffee before.
‪(두식) 신경 좀 쓰자‬Don't forget this time.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪(은정) 종현 씨‬Mr. Jeong?
‪미안한데, 오는 길에‬ ‪김밥 한 줄 사다 줄래요?‬I'm sorry, but can you pick up some gimbap on your way back?
‪대영빌딩 고객님 오신다고 그래서‬A client from Daeyeong Building is coming, so I don't have time to go out.
‪내가 나갈 시간이 없네‬A client from Daeyeong Building is coming, so I don't have time to go out.
‪아, 참치로‬Tuna gimbap, please.
‪(종현) 네, 배 계장님‬Yes, Ms. Bae.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪하 계장님도 뭐 필요하세요?‬Do you need anything, Mr. Ha?
‪아, 아니요, 저는 괜찮습니다‬No, I'm fine.
‪(수영) 교실 다녀올게요‬I'm going to check out the class.
‪(종현) 저도 다녀오겠습니다‬I'll get going too.
‪[신나는 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪오라버니 어깨에‬ ‪기대어 볼래요‬
‪- (석현) 오라버니, 오라버니‬ ‪- (경필) 좋다, 좋다, 이 감정!‬Yes, that's the spirit!
‪(경필) 커다란 가슴에‬ ‪얼굴을 묻고‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(수영) 아, 여기 말고 여기요‬Not there. Please sign here.
‪제가 써 드릴게요, 잠시만요‬Let me write it for you. Just a second.
‪주소가?‬What's your address?
‪- (고객1) 서울시‬ ‪- (수영) 서울시‬-Seoul. -Okay, Seoul.
‪(고객1) 안 나오네‬ ‪[수영의 웃음]‬The pen isn't working.
‪우측에 수익률 현황‬ ‪확인 부탁드리고요‬Please confirm the current earnings rate on the right.
‪이쪽 하단에도‬ ‪서명 한번 부탁드립니다‬And please sign the bottom of this page as well.
‪(미경) 이쪽에‬Right here.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(미경) 윤청아 작가 좋아해요?‬Do you like the artist Yoon Chung-a?
‪아, 아세요?‬Do you know her?
‪(미경) 이거 작년 PK 갤러리‬ ‪개인전 작품 맞죠?‬That's from her private exhibition at PK Gallery last year.
‪나도 거기 갔었는데‬I was there too.
‪신인 작가라 아는 사람 잘 없던데‬She's a budding artist, so not many know her.
‪독일 여행 때‬ ‪지인 소개로 만난 적 있어요‬I met her in Germany through a friend.
‪아…‬I see.
‪모던한 느낌의 안 주임님이랑‬ ‪어울린다‬Her modernistic approach suits you well.
‪그냥 좋아하는 거예요‬ ‪깊게는 잘 몰라요‬I just like her work. I don't understand it fully.
‪아, 혹시 초기 작품도 봤어요?‬Have you seen her early work?
‪나 독일에서 열린‬ ‪개인전 사진도 있는데‬I have photos of her private exhibition in Germany.
‪(미경) 이따 점심 같이 먹어요‬Let's have lunch later. I'll show you the photos then.
‪점심 먹으면서 보여 줄게요‬Let's have lunch later. I'll show you the photos then.
‪(미경) 선배…‬Sang-su…
‪아니, 하 계장님‬I mean Mr. Ha.
‪그, 이따 수영 씨랑‬ ‪점심 같이 먹을래요?‬Do you want to eat lunch with Ms. Ahn and me?
‪(상수) 아니요‬ ‪저는 다음 타임이라서요‬No, my lunch break is after yours.
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(미경) 뭘 좋아할지 몰라서‬ ‪다 시켰어요‬I wasn't sure what you liked, so I ordered everything.
‪[미경의 옅은 탄성]‬I wasn't sure what you liked, so I ordered everything.
‪원래 이런 건‬ ‪좋아하는 남자한테 하는 대사인데‬That's a line I normally use with guys I'm interested in.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬That's a line I normally use with guys I'm interested in.
‪(미경) 내 업무 대직해 주는데‬ ‪제대로 사고 싶어서요‬I wanted to treat you because you had to cover my duties.
‪잘 먹을게요‬Thank you.
‪(미경) 이거‬And here.
‪섭외 갈 고객 리스트인데‬This is a list of clients that I plan to contact.
‪뭐, 성향 분석, 수신 금액‬It includes their investment type, deposited sums, and preferred futures.
‪선호하는 선물 리스트도 있고‬It includes their investment type, deposited sums, and preferred futures.
‪아, 알아요‬ ‪그 자료 제가 정리했어요‬I know that file. I'm the one who put it together.
‪어쩐지 마 대리님이‬ ‪정리한 것치고는 잘돼 있더라‬I knew it. It was too well-organized for it to be Mr. Ma's work.
‪(미경) 먹어요‬Let's eat.
‪아, 그런데 안 주임님은‬ ‪직군 전환 생각은 없어요?‬Ms. Ahn, have you considered transferring positions?
‪근속도 채웠고‬You've worked enough years,
‪안 주임님이 은행에서‬ ‪일도 제일 잘하는 것 같던데‬and you seem to be the best clerk at the branch.
‪뭐, 지금도 나쁘지 않아서요‬Well, things aren't so bad right now.
‪(미경) 에이, 그래도 다음 분기 때‬ ‪한번 도전해 봐요‬You should still try out next quarter.
‪내가 도와줄게요‬I'll help you.
‪아, 입사는 안 주임님이 더 빠른데‬You started working here long before me.
‪이런 얘기는 좀 실례인가?‬Sorry if I overstepped.
‪아니에요, 괜찮아요‬No, it's okay.
‪안 주임님이 마음에 들어서요‬It's because I like you, Ms. Ahn.
‪왜요?‬What is it?
‪아, 아니, 좀 낯설어서요‬ ‪저 마음에 든다는 얘기가‬I'm not used to people saying that they like me.
‪(수영) 여자들은 좀 불편해하던데‬Most women find me uncomfortable.
‪질투하는구나, 예뻐서‬They're jealous of your looks.
‪억울했겠다‬That must feel so unfair.
‪(미경) 나도 시기, 질투‬ ‪좀 받아 봐서 아는데‬I've had my fair share of experience with that,
‪그것도 다 능력이에요‬but it's actually a good thing.
‪[미경의 웃음]‬but it's actually a good thing.
‪사내 대회 준비는 잘하셨어요?‬ ‪내일이죠?‬Are you ready for tomorrow's in-house contest?
‪뭐, 상수 선배가 거의 다 해서‬Sang-su did most of it, so…
‪아, 하 계장님이‬Mr. Ha, I mean.
‪(미경) 아, 나 왜 이렇게‬ ‪'하 계장님'이 안 붙지?‬Why is it so hard for me to call him Mr. Ha?
‪아니, 우리 같은 대학‬ ‪선후배거든요‬Actually, we went to the same college.
‪(미경) 뭐, 나는 동아리‬ ‪하는 것 같고 좋아요‬Preparing was fun because I felt like I was back in college.
‪(식당 직원) 자, 맛있게 드세요‬Okay, enjoy your lunch. Let me know if you need more.
‪부족하면 얘기해요‬ ‪[식당 직원의 웃음]‬Okay, enjoy your lunch. Let me know if you need more.
‪(상수) 이모, 맥주 하나요‬Auntie, I'll take a beer.
‪(식당 직원) 응, 응‬Sure.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(경필) 미쳤냐? 무알코올도 아닌데‬Are you crazy? It's not even non-alcoholic.
‪[상수가 조르륵 따른다]‬ ‪엥? 너도 마시게?‬Wait, are you drinking too?
‪아휴, 그래, 마셔라‬Fine, go ahead. Drink. It's tradition to drink while farming,
‪(경필) 밭일할 때도‬ ‪막걸리 마시고 일하는 게‬It's tradition to drink while farming,
‪우리의 전통인데‬so I guess it's the same thing.
‪마셔, 마셔‬Drink up.
‪[개운한 탄성]‬ ‪야‬Hey.
‪내가 진짜 이해가 안 가서‬ ‪하는 얘기인데‬Let me ask you this because I just don't get it.
‪(경필) 뭐가?‬What is it now?
‪아니‬This isn't about me. I read this in a book.
‪이건 내 얘기는 아니고‬ ‪책에서 본 건데‬This isn't about me. I read this in a book.
‪어떤 여자가 자기 좋다고‬ ‪고백한 남자한테‬This woman told this man who confessed his feelings for her
‪다른 남자랑 사귄다고‬ ‪얘기를 했거든‬ ‪[경필의 한숨]‬that she's dating someone else.
‪(경필) 그런데?‬And?
‪그런데 그러면‬ ‪남자 친구가 있다는 거잖아‬That means she has a boyfriend, right?
‪그런데 또 다른 남자를‬ ‪만난다는 거야‬Then she says she's going on a date with another guy,
‪그래서 '와, 이건 뭔가' 싶었는데‬so he's wondering what on earth is going on.
‪그 남자 친구랑 또 포옹을 왜…‬Why would she hug her boyfriend if…
‪(경필) 아, 뭐라는 거야?‬ ‪포옹, 뭐?‬So? What about the hug?
‪(경필) 아, 포옹, 뭐?‬Tell me about the hug.
‪이모, 저 밥 좀 빨리 주세요‬Auntie, can we get our food quickly?
‪(식당 직원) 응, 응‬Sure.
‪[상수의 한숨]‬ ‪(수영) 잘 먹었어요‬Thank you for lunch.
‪- (미경) 맛있었어요?‬ ‪- 네‬-Did you enjoy it? -Yes.
‪(미경) 나는 가두 이해 안 가던데‬I don't get why people give out flyers. It doesn't seem efficient, does it?
‪효율성 낮잖아요, 그렇죠?‬I don't get why people give out flyers. It doesn't seem efficient, does it?
‪(수영) 네‬Right.
‪(인재) 안녕하세요?‬ ‪여기 새로 개업한 집인데요‬Hello, we recently opened a new restaurant.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪네, 안녕하세요?‬Hello, sir.
‪식사하러 오십시오‬Please come by. Thank you.
‪안녕하세요?‬ ‪식사하시러 오세요‬Please come by. Thank you.
‪(민희) 왜, 안 맞아?‬Are the numbers not adding up?
‪네, 누락된 게 있나 봐요‬I guess something is missing.
‪마감됐습니다, 안 주임님‬I'm finished, Ms. Ahn.
‪(민희) 저기, 하 계장이‬ ‪안 주임 좀 도와주고 가지‬Mr. Ha, can you give her a hand before you go home?
‪제 도움 필요하세요?‬Do you need my help?
‪아니요, 괜찮아요‬No, I'm okay.
‪내일 준비 때문에‬ ‪먼저 들어가 보겠습니다‬I have to get ready for tomorrow, so please excuse me.
‪(민희) 어, 어, 그…‬ ‪어, 그래‬Right. Got it.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[상수의 한숨]‬
‪왜 이렇게 유치하냐, 진짜‬Grow up already, Sang-su.
‪(미경) 선배‬Sang-su.
‪갈까요?‬Shall we?
‪(수영) 어제 전화하셨던데요‬I saw that you called yesterday.
‪업무 때문에요‬It was because of work. I took care of it.
‪해결했습니다‬It was because of work. I took care of it.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪제 도움 필요하세요?‬Do you need my help?
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬
‪[종현의 한숨]‬
‪(수영) 종현 씨‬Jong-hyeon.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪동네 친구 있으니까 좋죠?‬Isn't it nice to have a friend nearby?
‪(종현) 퇴근하고‬ ‪우유도 같이 마시고‬We can drink milk together after work like this.
‪원 플러스 원‬
‪(수영) 어…‬
‪저기, 종현 씨‬Jong-hyeon--
‪(종현) 제 고백‬ ‪부담 안 가졌으면 좋겠어요‬Please don't feel that you have to reciprocate my feelings.
‪당장 어떻게 하자는 게 아니라‬I don't expect anything right now.
‪그냥 제 마음이 그렇다는 거니까‬I just wanted to let you know how I felt.
‪안 주임님이 소개팅한다니까‬I panicked a little when I heard about your blind date.
‪마음이 막 급했어요‬I panicked a little when I heard about your blind date.
‪(종현) 아!‬Wait.
‪버리기 아까워서요‬I couldn't throw them out.
‪아까 아버님이 놔두고 가셔서‬Your father left this behind.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪종현 씨는 늘 아무것도 안 묻네요‬Jong-hyeon, you never try to pry into my life.
‪미안해지게‬It makes me feel bad.
‪(종현) 저기서 보면‬ ‪뭐가 다를까요?‬Would things look different up there?
‪야경이요‬The night view, I mean.
‪저런 데서 보면‬ ‪많이 다른가 싶어서요‬Do you think it would make that much of a difference?
‪다르면요?‬What if it does?
‪(종현) 음…‬
‪언젠가는 한번 살아 봐야겠다?‬Then maybe I should try living there someday.
‪돈이 좀 많이 들 것 같기는 한데‬It looks like it'll cost quite a lot, but I want to see how different it is.
‪얼마나 다른지‬ ‪한번 확인해 보고 싶다‬It looks like it'll cost quite a lot, but I want to see how different it is.
‪이번 시험 꼭 붙을 거예요‬I'm going to pass the next exam.
‪그래서 언젠가는‬And one day,
‪야경도 저기서 내려다볼 거고‬I'm going to look at the night view from way up there.
‪왜요?‬What's so funny?
‪(수영) 음…‬
‪내가 아는 그 누구도‬You remind me of someone
‪종현 씨처럼‬ ‪열심히 살았을 것 같아서요‬who would have been as hard-working as you.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪오래는 못 있어‬ ‪나 PT 좀 더 수정해야 돼‬I can't stay long. I need to touch up the presentation.
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪내일 그쪽이 가는 PT‬ ‪나도 가거든요?‬Don't forget that I'm attending the same presentation.
‪(미경) 가볍게 한 잔만‬Just one drink, okay? Which wine do you prefer?
‪어떤 와인 좋아해?‬Just one drink, okay? Which wine do you prefer?
‪나 와인은 잘 몰라서‬I don't know too much about wine. I'll go with whatever you choose.
‪(상수) 골라 주는 걸로 마실게‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬I don't know too much about wine. I'll go with whatever you choose.
‪마음에 들어, 젠체 안 하는 거‬I like how you don't put on an act.
‪- (미경) 진짜?‬ ‪- 웃겨?‬-Really? -Was that funny?
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪나 별말 안 했는데‬I didn't even say much.
‪(미경) 아, 너무 웃겨‬It was hilarious.
‪(상수) 아니, 네가 원래‬ ‪잘 웃나 보네‬You seem easily amused.
‪아니거든‬ ‪선배가 말을 재밌게 하잖아‬No, you just have a way of telling stories.
‪내가? 나 안 웃긴데‬Me? Not at all.
‪완전 웃겨, 완전 재미있고‬You're totally funny and amusing.
‪그런데 일은 안 힘들어?‬Anyway, how's work so far? Is it okay?
‪(상수) 뭐, 오자마자‬ ‪사내 대회 준비에 정신없을 텐데‬You had to enter a competition on your first day. It must be a lot.
‪뭐, 선배 덕분에‬ ‪수월하게 가는 느낌‬Things are going well thanks to you, Sang-su.
‪(상수) 그런데 센터안으로‬ ‪정해지면 더 바빠질 텐데‬But you'll get busy if our presentation is chosen.
‪괜찮겠어?‬Can you handle that?
‪안 주임님이‬ ‪팔로우를 워낙 잘해 줘서‬Ms. Ahn does a great job of backing me up.
‪(미경) 아, 나 오늘 안 주임님이랑‬ ‪점심 먹었는데‬I had lunch with her today. She seemed really nice.
‪사람 괜찮더라‬I had lunch with her today. She seemed really nice.
‪[웃으며] 어‬Right.
‪선배는?‬So what have you been up to? Just working?
‪(미경) 계속 일만 하고 살았어?‬So what have you been up to? Just working?
‪대학 때도 그러더니‬You were like that in college.
‪연애는 왜 안 하고 살아?‬Why don't you ever date?
‪뭐, 혹시 취향이…‬Wait, or are you into…
‪아니야, 인마‬It's not like that, punk.
‪[상수의 웃음]‬ ‪(미경) 그럼 왜 안 하는데?‬Then why won't you date?
‪(상수) 음…‬
‪쉽게 만나고‬ ‪쉽게 헤어지는 거 싫어서‬Because I don't like dating and breaking up on a whim.
‪아니, 그러면 어렵게 만나고‬ ‪어렵게 헤어지는 건 좋아?‬Then do you prefer serious relationships and breakups?
‪[고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪책임이 따르니까‬There's a sense of responsibility.
‪(상수) 누군가를‬ ‪좋아하는 마음에도‬Having feelings for someone
‪책임이 따르니까‬comes with responsibility.
‪[상수의 감탄]‬
‪(미경) 여기 시그니처 메뉴‬It's their signature menu item. This dish has even won awards.
‪이 플래터로 상도 받았다‬It's their signature menu item. This dish has even won awards.
‪저 혹시‬Can I get this to go, by any chance?
‪포장도 됩니까?‬Can I get this to go, by any chance?
‪(종업원1) 네‬Yes.
‪[웃으며] 줄 사람 있어서‬I want to take this to someone.
‪- 들어가 보겠습니다‬ ‪- (정임) 응, 들어가‬-Goodbye. -Okay, goodbye.
‪(정임) 뭐야?‬What's this?
‪어버이날도 아닌데 웬 서프라이즈?‬It's not Mother's Day. What's going on?
‪야식 배달입니다‬Midnight-snack delivery, ma'am.
‪언제 소개시켜 줄 거야?‬When will you introduce her to me?
‪딱 봐도 데이트용 음식이구먼, 뭐‬It's obvious you were on a date.
‪엄마는 그 집념으로‬ ‪공부를 하지 그랬어‬With that persistence, you should've studied
‪그랬으면 적어도 명문대를 갔을…‬-and gone to a prestigious college-- -I have a son who went instead.
‪(정임) 명문대 간 아들을‬ ‪낳았잖아, 그래서‬-and gone to a prestigious college-- -I have a son who went instead.
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬ ‪(미경 모) 한 원장‬Ms. Han.
‪한 원장 있어요?‬Ms. Han, are you there?
‪(정임) 아이고‬Goodness.
‪어머, 이 시간에 어쩐 일이세요?‬ ‪[미경 모의 반가운 탄성]‬Goodness. What brings you here at this hour?
‪(미경 모) 역시 한 원장‬ ‪있을 줄 알았어‬I knew I could count on you to be here.
‪나 골프 갔다가 트러블 났잖아‬My face broke out after playing a round of golf.
‪내일 모임 있는데 지금 되죠?‬I have an appointment in the morning. Can you help me?
‪아휴, 그럼요‬Of course.
‪(정임) 베드에 누워 계세요‬ ‪금방 들어갈게요‬Go and lie down. I'll be in soon.
‪- 얼른 와요‬ ‪- (정임) 네‬-Please hurry. -Okay.
‪(미경 모) 아휴, 너무 따가워‬It stings so badly.
‪(상수) 왜, 왜? 더 안 먹고?‬Wait, are you done eating?
‪(정임) 고객 오셨잖아‬I have a client to tend to.
‪아이, 마감 시간도 지났구먼‬ ‪그냥 보내지‬But it's after hours. -Just tell her no. -Whatever.
‪됐고, 좋은 말 할 때 불고 가‬-Just tell her no. -Whatever. That's not what's important. Tell me about her.
‪(정임) 어떤 여자냐니까?‬That's not what's important. Tell me about her.
‪(상수) 진짜 아니야‬It's nothing, Mom.
‪아무것도 못 했어‬Nothing came out of it.
‪(정임) 누가 있기는 했네‬It sounds like there was someone, but she turned you down.
‪그런데 차였어‬It sounds like there was someone, but she turned you down.
‪(정임) 누가 우리‬ ‪하상수를 찼을까?‬ ‪[상수의 한숨]‬Who would turn down my son?
‪차기는 누가 뭘 차?‬What? I didn't get turned down.
‪- 홀어머니라 싫대?‬ ‪- (상수) 엄마!‬-Is it because I'm a single mom? -Mom.
‪진짜 아니야, 그건‬That's not it. I'm serious.
‪대단한 집 아가씨야?‬Is she from a prominent family?
‪[한숨]‬Is she from a prominent family?
‪엄마, 들어가세요, 내가 치울게‬Mom, go on ahead. I'll clean up here. Hurry. Go on now.
‪(상수) 얼른 들어가‬Mom, go on ahead. I'll clean up here. Hurry. Go on now.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪(수혁) 자!‬Here.
‪유통 기한 지나자마자‬ ‪바로 챙겨서 완전 신선해‬I grabbed it as soon as it expired, so it's fresh.
‪유통 기한 지난 걸‬ ‪신선하다고 하기에는 좀 그렇지‬You can't call expired food "fresh."
‪- 싫으면 말고‬ ‪- 아, 누가 싫대?‬-Forget it, then. -Hey, I still want it.
‪(수영) 자!‬Here.
‪(수혁) 나는 누나가‬ ‪햄버거 가게 알바하는 게‬Now that you work at a burger joint, it feels like I got connections.
‪무슨 백 생긴 것 같고 좋더라‬Now that you work at a burger joint, it feels like I got connections.
‪좋을 것도 많다‬What's so great about that?
‪나는 어느 세월에 돈 벌어서‬ ‪어느 세월에 잘 사나 걱정인데‬I'm worried it'll take forever to make enough money to live a good life.
‪그게 뭐야?‬What do you mean?
‪당연히 잘 살지‬ ‪꿈을 크게 가져, 누나‬Of course, you'll live a good life. Dream big, sis.
‪내 꿈은 '평범'이야‬My dream is to live an average, ordinary life.
‪평범하게 사는 거‬My dream is to live an average, ordinary life.
‪애걔?‬That's it?
‪평범하다는 거는‬ ‪부족한 게 없다는 뜻이거든‬An average, ordinary life means you want for nothing,
‪두루두루 잘 산다는 뜻이지‬which equals an all-around good life.
‪(수영) 아, 그렇게 살고 싶다‬That's how I want to live.
‪[수혁의 한숨]‬
‪딱 기다려‬Just you wait.
‪내가 얼른 오토바이 면허 따서‬I'll get my motorcycle license and become a delivery master.
‪배달의 신이 될 테니까‬I'll get my motorcycle license and become a delivery master.
‪(수영) 그래서?‬And?
‪(수혁) 서울 한복판에‬I'll buy you a house with a huge balcony in the heart of Seoul.
‪이렇게 넓은‬ ‪베란다가 있는 집 얻어 줄게‬I'll buy you a house with a huge balcony in the heart of Seoul.
‪거기 베란다에‬ ‪누나가 좋아하는 허브도 왕창 놓고‬You can grow all kinds of herbs on the balcony.
‪그림도 그리고 피아노도 치고‬You can also paint and play the piano.
‪[영혼 없는 목소리로]‬ ‪우와, 신난다‬Gosh, how exciting.
‪나 못 믿어?‬Don't you trust me?
‪(수혁) 누나, 나 몰라?‬You should know me by now. I'm a man of my word.
‪나 한다면 해, 꼭 해‬You should know me by now. I'm a man of my word.
‪그러니까‬So, sis, you just focus on being happy.
‪누나는 행복해지기만 해라‬So, sis, you just focus on being happy.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪왜 왔어?‬Why are you here? Go away.
‪가‬Why are you here? Go away.
‪아빠 가‬Go. Get out of here, Dad! This is all your fault! Get out!
‪아빠 나가!‬Go. Get out of here, Dad! This is all your fault! Get out!
‪아빠 때문이잖아!‬Go. Get out of here, Dad! This is all your fault! Get out!
‪(수영) [울먹이며] 엄마‬ ‪아빠 나가라 그래‬Go. Get out of here, Dad! This is all your fault! Get out!
‪어? 아빠 나가라고!‬I said get out!
‪아빠 때문이잖아‬It's all your fault, Dad.
‪(수영) 나가‬
‪(경숙) 수영아‬Su-yeong.
‪(인재) 어!‬Goodness, you're here.
‪와, 왔어?‬Goodness, you're here.
‪어, 뭐 해?‬Don't just stand there.
‪- 밥, 밥 차려‬ ‪- (경숙) 응‬-Make her some food. -Right.
‪다시는 은행 근처에 오지 마요‬Don't come near the bank ever again.
‪(인재) 저, 밥은?‬Have you eaten?
‪밥은 먹고 가‬At least have a bite before you go.
‪(인재) 너 좋아하는‬ ‪굴전도 있는데‬-We made your favorite oyster jeon-- -Why here?
‪왜 여기야?‬-We made your favorite oyster jeon-- -Why here?
‪(수영) 대한민국 시장통이‬ ‪얼마나 많은데‬You could've gone anywhere else.
‪꼭 내 옆에 와서‬ ‪사람 숨 막히게 굴어야겠냐고‬Why did you have to come here of all places?
‪(인재) 어, 뭘 어쩌려고‬ ‪온 건 아니라‬We didn't come here for a specific reason.
‪뭐, 그냥 오며 가며‬ ‪네 얼굴이라도…‬We just wanted to see you occasionally--
‪뭐가 그렇게 애틋해서?‬Since when did you care so much?
‪아니, 어떻게 이 사람을‬ ‪다시 받아 줘?‬How could you take him back?
‪밥?‬ ‪[어이없어하는 웃음]‬Have I…
‪[울먹이며] 밥 먹었냐고?‬Have I eaten?
‪그게 이제 와서 왜 궁금할까?‬Why are you asking that question now?
‪수혁이가 왜…‬Why do you think Su-hyeok…
‪왜 그렇게 됐는데‬Why do you think he died?
‪나한테‬To me…
‪아니, 우리한테 그쪽은‬ ‪이미 죽은 사람이었어‬No, to us. You were already dead to us.
‪그러니까 애틋한 척하지 마요‬So don't act like you care about me.
‪기웃대지 마, 정말‬Stop hovering around me.
‪- 그게 아니라…‬ ‪- (인재) 아, 여보‬-It's not that-- -Honey.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(수영) 수혁이는 정말로‬ ‪약속을 지켰다‬Su-hyeok kept his promise to me.
‪수혁이의 그 약속이‬Su-hyeok's promise…
‪나를 지켰다‬is what held me together.
‪(수혁) 서울 한복판에‬I'll buy you a house with a huge balcony in the heart of Seoul.
‪이렇게 넓은‬ ‪베란다가 있는 집 얻어 줄게‬I'll buy you a house with a huge balcony in the heart of Seoul.
‪누나가 좋아하는 허브도 왕창 놓고‬You can grow all kinds of herbs on the balcony.
‪그림도 그리고 피아노도 치고‬You can also paint and play the piano.
‪그러니까‬So, sis, you just focus on being happy.
‪누나는 행복해지기만 해라‬So, sis, you just focus on being happy.
‪(수영) 주저앉고 싶을 때마다‬Whenever I felt like giving up,
‪그 약속을 떠올렸으니까‬I always reminded myself of his promise.
‪수혁이가 나를 지킨 거나‬ ‪다름없었다‬Su-hyeok essentially saved me.
‪- (수혁) 누구게?‬ ‪- 뭐야?‬Guess who? What? Hey!
‪뭐야, 진짜‬ ‪[수혁의 웃음]‬What? Hey!
‪(수영) 행복해야 했다‬I had to be happy.
‪행복해져야 했다‬I had to become happy.
‪내 행복에는‬Because my happiness…
‪책임이 따르니까‬came with responsibility.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪어, 잤어?‬Were you asleep?
‪그거 전 남친 대사 아니야?‬That's a classic ex-boyfriend line.
‪있잖아, 그‬Hey, I was wondering
‪개방 플랫폼 환경 분석 자료‬ ‪네가 갖고 있지?‬if you had the open-platform environment analysis data.
‪아, 있기는 한데‬I do, but it's on my desk back at the bank.
‪그거 은행에 있어, 내 자리에‬I do, but it's on my desk back at the bank.
‪아니, 같이 가‬No, I'll come with you.
‪준비해서 갈게요‬I'll get ready and go.
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪갈게‬I'll be there.
‪(상수) 영포점 하상수 계장입니다‬This is Chief Ha Sang-su of the Youngpo branch.
‪업무 처리로 경비 시스템 해제하고‬ ‪들어가겠습니다‬I need to deactivate the security system to get inside.
‪네‬Thank you.
‪[지문 인식음]‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪이제 봐 주네‬You finally noticed me.
‪왜 왔어, 안 와도 된다니까?‬Why are you here? I said you didn't have to come.
‪(미경) 팀플에서 독박 쓰는 사람‬Some take on team projects alone
‪자기 잘난 맛에 그러는 거 아는데‬because they think they're better than everyone,
‪팀원도 능력 있거든요‬but in your case, you have a competent partner.
‪그럼‬In that case, why don't you handle the app service reformation strategy?
‪앱 서비스 전략 개편안‬ ‪맡아 주시죠‬In that case, why don't you handle the app service reformation strategy?
‪그래 볼까요?‬Shall I?
‪(미경) 아, 이거 먹고 해요‬But eat this first.
‪(상수) 어‬Okay.
‪[피곤한 탄성]‬
‪[상수의 피곤한 탄성]‬
‪나 안 잤어요‬I wasn't asleep.
‪코는 골았지만 안 잔 걸로‬You snored, but let's say you didn't.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪코 고는 게 뭔데?‬I snored? I've never snored in my life.
‪(미경) 나 코 고는 방법도 몰라요‬I snored? I've never snored in my life.
‪시간 좀 남았으니까‬We have some time left, so go home and wash up.
‪너 먼저 들어가서 좀 씻고 나와‬We have some time left, so go home and wash up.
‪아이, 뭘 모르네‬That's not how this works.
‪일한 티는 내 줘야 되는 거거든요‬You have to look tired so that others will notice.
‪(미경) 아, 딱 좋아‬ ‪지금 딱 좋아‬I look perfect right now.
‪생색내기 딱 좋은 초췌함‬I look tired enough to take some credit.
‪아휴, 팔 저려‬Gosh, my arm is numb.
‪뭐야, 오늘 키당 나인데?‬I thought I was in charge of opening today.
‪(상수) 아, PT 준비‬I had to prepare for the presentation.
‪(미경) 안녕하세요?‬Good morning.
‪아, 박 대리님도 있었네요‬You're here too, Ms. Park?
‪(미경) 근무 시간도 아닌데‬ ‪무슨 박 대리예요?‬No need to call me Ms. Park when we're off the clock.
‪편하게 하세요, 선배‬Okay, Gyeong-pil?
‪그래, 그럴게‬Okay, got it.
‪너 아침 안 먹었으면 같이 가고‬If you haven't had breakfast, come with us.
‪(경필) 문 열어야지, 응‬ ‪갔다 와‬You guys should go. I need to open up.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(미경) 그런데 이 시간에‬ ‪하는 데도 있어요?‬Is there any place that's open at this hour?
‪(인재) 자‬ ‪[상수의 감탄]‬Here we go.
‪맛있게들 들어요‬Enjoy your meal.
‪- 네‬ ‪- (인재) 아침부터 고생이 많네‬-I will. -Gosh, you're up early today.
‪- 잘 먹겠습니다‬ ‪- (인재) 네‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(상수) 아, 맛있겠다‬This looks great.
‪[개운한 탄성]‬
‪굴국밥 안 좋아해?‬You don't like oyster gukbap?
‪아니, 그냥 원래 양이 좀 적어요‬No, I just don't eat a lot.
‪아‬I see.
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬
‪[웃으며] 감자탕 먹을 때 보니까‬ ‪적은 양은 아니던데‬But it didn't seem like that when we had gamjatang before.
‪[미경의 웃음]‬But it didn't seem like that when we had gamjatang before.
‪(미경) 아침에는‬ ‪샐러드만 먹거든요‬I only have salad for breakfast.
‪- (상수) 그래, 알겠다‬ ‪- (인재) 아휴!‬Fine, I got it.
‪[인재의 한숨]‬
‪- (상수) 주방에 두면 될까요?‬ ‪- 응?‬-Does this go in the kitchen? -What?
‪(인재) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪안 그래도 되는데‬No, you don't have to do that.
‪- (인재) 아휴, 이거 미안하게‬ ‪- (상수) 아, 아니에요‬-Goodness, I'm sorry. -It's okay.
‪(인재) 네, 고마워요‬Goodness, thank you.
‪(상수) 아이고야‬My goodness.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪(수영) 연금 저축의 10%를‬Allocate 10% of your savings
‪한 달에 58%, 12일간 100%…‬into this product at 58% pre-tax…
‪(종업원2) 예약하신 케이크‬ ‪나왔습니다‬-Here's the cake you ordered. -Thank you.
‪- 감사합니다‬ ‪- (종업원2) 안녕히 가세요‬-Here's the cake you ordered. -Thank you. Have a nice day.
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬
‪(종현) 화이팅!‬You got this!
‪[초인종 소리]‬
‪(수영) 안녕하세요, 고객님?‬ ‪KCU은행에서 나왔습니다‬Hello, ma'am. I'm from KCU Bank.
‪[고양이 울음]‬
‪(수영) 안녕하세요?‬Hello.
‪다음 주 생일이시죠?‬Your birthday is next week, so I'm here to wish you a happy birthday.
‪미리 생일 축하드립니다‬ ‪[고객2의 옅은 웃음]‬Your birthday is next week, so I'm here to wish you a happy birthday.
‪직원 바뀌었나 봐요?‬Are you new?
‪처음 뵙겠습니다‬ ‪영포점 안수영입니다‬It's nice to meet you. I'm Ahn Su-yeong of the Youngpo branch.
‪제가 오늘 찾아뵌 이유는…‬ ‪[고양이 울음]‬I'm here today because--
‪(고객2) 에트와르‬ ‪이리 와, 이리 와, 응?‬Étoile, come back here.
‪배고팠어?‬Are you hungry?
‪가만히 있자‬Let's sit here.
‪이건 에트와르 선물입니다, 고객님‬This is a gift for Étoile, ma'am.
‪모질 개선 영양제예요‬It's cat coat supplement.
‪어머, 우리 에트와르‬ ‪탈모 있는 건 어떻게 아시고‬How did you know Étoile had a hair loss problem?
‪(고객2) 시작하세요‬Go on.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(수영) VIP 고객님들께만 오픈되는‬This is an exclusive stock-related product
‪주식 연동형 한정 판매 상품입니다‬that is available for a limited-time only for VIP clients.
‪고객님께서 1년 반 이상‬ ‪프랑스에서 생활하시기 때문에‬It might be more convenient for you to invest in real estate
‪부동산 투자가 편하시겠지만‬since you spend over half of the year in France.
‪최근에는 3개월 내외 단기 상품이‬ ‪선호되는 추세거든요‬But recent trends indicate a preference for three-month-long, short-term products.
‪좋아요, 진행하도록 하죠‬Sure, I'll sign up.
‪(미경 모) 내가 영포점에‬ ‪아는 사람도 좀 있고‬After all, I know some people at the Youngpo branch,
‪아가씨가 싹싹하고 참 예쁘네‬and you're quite friendly and pretty.
‪(수영) 감사합니다‬Thank you, ma'am.
‪지점으로 방문 주시면‬ ‪빠르게 도와드리겠습니다‬Please visit our branch, and we'll process it right away.
‪아, 들어요‬ ‪우리 아줌마가 잘하는 거야‬Try some. It's our maid's specialty.
‪(수영) 아, 네, 감사합니다‬Yes, thank you.
‪(미경 모) 아, 아줌마‬Miss, can you come here?
‪가져가요‬Take these with you.
‪가져가서 같이 일하는 사람들이랑‬ ‪나눠 먹어요‬Take them and share them with your colleagues.
‪감사해요, 잘 먹겠습니다‬Thank you so much for these treats.
‪[미경 모의 웃음]‬
‪우리 딸아이가‬ ‪좋아하는 작품이에요‬It's my daughter's favorite piece.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪따님 안목도 훌륭하시네요‬Your daughter has excellent taste too.
‪(수영) 그럼 들어가 보겠습니다‬I'll take my leave, then.
‪- 조심히 가세요‬ ‪- (수영) 네‬-Take care. -Thank you.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪어떤 것 같아?‬What do you think?
‪너무 어려운데요‬This is too hard.
‪- 그렇지?‬ ‪- (지윤) 네‬-Right? -Yes.
‪(민희) 왜, 응?‬ ‪뭔데, 왜 그러는데?‬What is it? What's wrong?
‪에이, 둘 다 똑같구먼‬-This one? -They look the same to me.
‪(지윤) 음, 완전 다르죠‬-This one? -They look the same to me. They're totally different.
‪응? 이건 쿨톤에 어울리는 핫 핑크‬This hot pink pairs well with cool undertones,
‪그리고 이건‬ ‪웜톤에 어울리는 피치 코랄‬and this peach coral is for warm undertones.
‪(구일) 쿨톤? 웜톤?‬ ‪뭐야, 그게?‬Cool? Warm? What's that?
‪나는 무슨 톤인데?‬-What's my undertone? -You know what it is.
‪- (민희) 이 팀장은 그거지‬ ‪- (구일) 뭐?‬-What's my undertone? -You know what it is. -What? -Booze undertone.
‪술 톤!‬-What? -Booze undertone.
‪그냥, 아주 그냥‬ ‪얼굴이 그냥 불그죽죽해 가지고‬Your face is just red all the time.
‪아이고, 작작 좀 마셔라‬Goodness. Stop drinking so much.
‪서 팀장은 딱 그 톤인데‬You got that tone, Ms. Seo.
‪청국장 톤‬Stinky soybean undertone.
‪[구일의 웃음]‬ ‪저 새끼가…‬That punk.
‪아, 저 새끼, 아…‬I can't believe that punk.
‪아휴, 그런데‬Anyway, I hope Ms. Ahn is doing well.
‪우리 안 주임은 잘하고 있으려나?‬Anyway, I hope Ms. Ahn is doing well.
‪(은정) 뭐가 걱정이에요?‬ ‪사람 홀리는 게 특기인데‬Don't worry. She has the power of persuasion.
‪여기서 시장 사람들한테‬ ‪들들 볶이느니‬It's much better to deal with rich people than to get harassed by marketplace folks.
‪돈 많은 부자들 상대하는 게‬ ‪훨씬 낫죠‬It's much better to deal with rich people than to get harassed by marketplace folks.
‪자기, 어디서 과외받니?‬Do you take private lessons?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪하여간 말을 해도 꼭!‬You always have the snarkiest things to say about everything.
‪(민희) 응? 그딴 식으로 하더라‬You always have the snarkiest things to say about everything.
‪그러다가 돌 맞아‬Karma will get you one day if this continues.
‪(지윤) 그래도 저는‬ ‪은행에서 일하는 게 좋아요‬Well, I still like working at the bank.
‪여름에는 시원하고‬ ‪겨울에는 따듯하고‬It's cool in the summer and warm during winter.
‪그래‬Right then.
‪(민희) 우리 지윤 씨는‬ ‪그냥 사람이 참 아기 피부 같아‬My dear Ji-yun, you're as pure as baby skin.
‪잡티가 하나도 없어, 맑아‬You're so fresh and clear with zero blemishes.
‪(구일) 상수랑 박 대리는‬ ‪아직 연락 없지?‬Have you heard from Sang-su and Ms. Park?
‪(두식) 어…‬Have you heard from Sang-su and Ms. Park?
‪2시 스타트니까‬ ‪이제 슬슬 들어가겠는데요‬It starts at 2:00, so they're probably getting ready.
‪아, 이것들 잘해야 될 건데‬I hope they do well.
‪뭐가 걱정이에요?‬Don't worry about them.
‪마 대리님 앞날 걱정이나 하세요‬You should worry about your own future, Mr. Ma.
‪아, 격려 감사합니다, 네‬Gosh, thanks for your support.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪씨…‬Darn it.
‪(상수) 현재 저희 은행에서‬ ‪운영하고 있는 어플은‬Our bank currently operates a total of nine different apps.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪총 아홉 개입니다‬Our bank currently operates a total of nine different apps.
‪관리하는 앱 수가 많다 보니‬The sheer number of apps
‪업데이트도 더디고‬ ‪따라서 오류도 많습니다‬makes it difficult to update them and leads to many system errors.
‪(상수) 하지만 우리가‬ ‪어떤 앱을 남기고 살릴지‬But who are we to decide which apps to keep or discard?
‪감히 결정할 수가 있겠습니까?‬But who are we to decide which apps to keep or discard?
‪정말 중요한 건‬ ‪앱의 장단점 평가가 아니라‬What's important is not evaluating the pros and cons of the apps.
‪바로‬ ‪[손가락을 딱 튕긴다]‬Instead, it's this.
‪통합에 있는 건 아닐까?‬Integration.
‪(상수) 앱의 장점만을 모아‬ ‪단순화시킨…‬A simplified app that integrates the pros of all the other apps.
‪[상수의 한숨]‬ ‪(미경) 왜 안 피우고 있어?‬Why aren't you smoking?
‪줄까?‬Do you want one?
‪끊은 지가 언제인데‬I quit ages ago.
‪(상수) 나도 끊으려고‬I'm going to quit too.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪끊어야지, 이제‬I really should quit now.
‪아이, 금연 선언을‬ ‪뭐 그렇게 센티하게 하실까?‬You're going to quit smoking. Why get so sentimental about it?
‪[상수의 한숨]‬
‪선배는 실전에 더 강하더라‬You looked really good up there.
‪(미경) 잘했어‬Nicely done.
‪칭찬 감사합니다‬I appreciate your compliment.
‪주말에 뭐 해?‬Do you have plans this weekend?
‪나랑 놀자‬Hang out with me.
‪내가 오늘 잘한 상으로 놀아 줄게‬Hang out with me. I'll hang out with you as a reward for today.
‪그래, 그러자‬Sure. Sounds good.
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪종현 씨‬Jong-hyeon.
‪(종현) 저도 여기서 공부하거든요‬I study here too. Don't mind me and keep studying.
‪저 신경 쓰지 말고 공부하세요‬I study here too. Don't mind me and keep studying.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪요새 좋아 보여요‬You seem happy these days.
‪투자 상담, 재무 설계사 자격증‬ ‪땄었는데‬I got certified in investment consulting and financial planning,
‪(수영) 그동안 활용할 기회가‬ ‪없었거든요‬but I never had a chance to practice it,
‪내가 주로 상대하는 주 고객은‬ ‪시장 사람들이니까‬because I usually dealt with people in the marketplace.
‪아, 싫다는 게 아니라‬It's not that I didn't like it.
‪ATM기도 할 수 있는 일들이 아닌가‬It just felt like an ATM could do my job.
‪(수영) 가끔 그런 생각이‬ ‪들었었는데‬Well, that's what I sometimes thought.
‪이번 일은 좀 달라요‬But this job was different.
‪고객들이 내 얘기를 듣고‬ ‪투자를 결정해요‬The clients would listen to me and decide to invest.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪'시즌 원' 판매 잘 마치면‬If I do well this first season,
‪다음 것도 맡겨 줄지도 모르고‬they might ask me to handle the next batch.
‪그러면 직군 전환 때도‬ ‪도움되거든요‬And that could help me with my position transfer.
‪왜 그렇게 봐요?‬What's with the look?
‪(종현) 멋있어서요‬I just think you're cool.
‪- 내가요?‬ ‪- (종현) 네‬-Me? -Yes.
‪안 주임님 진짜 멋있는 사람이네요‬Ms. Ahn, you're such a cool person.
‪예쁜 쪽인 줄 알았는데‬I thought I was more pretty than cool.
‪아닌데, 멋진 쪽인데‬No, you're definitely the cool type.
‪나도 공부 열심히 해서‬ ‪멋진 사람 해야지‬I'm going to study hard and become a cool person too.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪[선수들의 기합]‬
‪[선수들의 환호]‬
‪[미경의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[미경의 비명]‬
‪- (상수) 재미있지 않아?‬ ‪- (미경) 너무 신나‬-Isn't it fun? -It's so fun!
‪(상수) 아, 신나?‬Is it?
‪- (상수) 하나, 둘‬ ‪- (미경) [웃으며] 잠깐, 잠깐만‬-One. -Wait a second. Two.
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪- (상수) 하나‬ ‪- 잠깐만, 나 너무 무서워‬-One, two. -Wait, this is really scary.
‪(미경) 내가 같이 놀자고 했지‬I said I wanted to hang out.
‪한 살 때 뗀 걸음마‬ ‪다시 하자고 했어?‬I didn't say I wanted to learn how to walk again.
‪왜, 나 좋아하는 거 하자며‬You said we could do what I wanted.
‪아니, 땅 위에서만 잘 걸으면 됐지‬I can walk just fine on dry land.
‪(미경) 왜 미끄러운 빙판에서…‬I don't have to walk on ice…
‪[상수의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪아, 선배, 잠깐만!‬Sang-su, just a second!
‪[미경의 웃음]‬ ‪(상수) 자, 무게 중심을‬ ‪너무 뒤쪽에 두지 말고‬Okay, let's focus on your center of gravity.
‪- (미경) 응‬ ‪- (상수) 무릎을 살짝 굽혀서‬-Okay. -Bend your knees a little.
‪- 굽혀서‬ ‪- (상수) 어‬-Bend my knees. -Right.
‪- 이렇게?‬ ‪- (상수) 응‬-Like this? -Yes. -One. -Good.
‪- (상수) 응, 좋아‬ ‪- 하나‬-One. -Good.
‪(상수) 둘‬-Two. -Two.
‪이렇게?‬-Like this? -Yes.
‪아니, 대체 선배는‬ ‪이게 왜 좋은데?‬Why on earth do you like ice hockey?
‪빙판 위에서는 명쾌하잖아‬Because the rules are clear on the ice.
‪'넘어지지 않고 달린다'‬Don't fall and go full speed.
‪그래서 좋아‬That's why I like it.
‪나도‬Me too.
‪나도 좋아질 것 같다고‬I think I might start liking it too.
‪[미경의 비명]‬Oh, my gosh! Wait!
‪- (미경) 아, 선배! 잠깐만!‬ ‪- (상수) 어어!‬Oh, my gosh! Wait!
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪(상수) 야, 너 안 되겠다, 그만해‬I think that's enough. Let's stop. You'll end up getting muscle aches.
‪너 이러다가 근육통 와‬I think that's enough. Let's stop. You'll end up getting muscle aches.
‪나 진짜 이제 못 움직이겠어‬I really can't move anymore. Go ahead and get changed first.
‪선배 먼저 옷 갈아입고 와‬I really can't move anymore. Go ahead and get changed first.
‪나 천천히 기어가고 있을게‬I'll slowly make my way back.
‪괜찮겠어?‬Are you sure?
‪(미경) 응, 빨리 가‬Yes, just go.
‪- 잠깐만‬ ‪- (미경) 응‬-Hold on. -Okay.
‪잠깐만 앉아서 쉬고 있어‬-Sit and rest for a bit. -All right.
‪[미경의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- 금방 올게‬ ‪- (미경) 응‬-I'll be back soon. -Okay.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪하나, 둘‬One. Two.
‪하나, 둘‬One. Two.
‪하나, 둘‬One. Two.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(경필) 아, 안 주임님, 점심 가요?‬Ms. Ahn, are you going for lunch?
‪(석현) 저희랑 같이 가시죠‬Come with us.
‪아니요, 저 선약이 있어서요‬No, I already have plans.
‪(경필) 그럼 맛있게 드십시오‬Enjoy your lunch, then.
‪- (석현) 맛있게 드세요‬ ‪- (경필) 가자‬-Enjoy. -Let's go.
‪[상수의 한숨]‬
‪수영 씨, 타요‬Ms. Ahn, hop in.
‪(미경) 어서 와요‬Hey.
‪차 바꾸고 처음 타는 거예요‬ ‪수영 씨가‬You're the first passenger to ride in my new car.
‪아, 좋네요‬It's nice.
‪(미경) 아, 우리‬ ‪말 편하게 할까요?‬Should we speak casually? We're about the same age, after all.
‪나이 차이도 얼마 안 나는데‬Should we speak casually? We're about the same age, after all.
‪아, 나 또 급했어요?‬Did I get ahead of myself again? Gosh, I need to stop doing that.
‪으, 내가 이런다‬Did I get ahead of myself again? Gosh, I need to stop doing that.
‪마음에 들면 액셀부터 밟아요‬I always jump the gun when I like someone.
‪(미경) 좋아하는데‬ ‪머뭇거릴 이유가 없잖아요‬Why waste time with someone I like?
‪편하게 하세요‬I'm okay with that.
‪그럼 나 먼저 놓는다‬Let's drop the formality, then.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪수영 씨 먹이려고‬ ‪미리 예약해 둔 거야‬I reserved this for you, Su-yeong.
‪저한테 왜 이렇게 잘해 주세요?‬Why are you so nice to me?
‪음, PB 업무‬ ‪너무 잘해 주고 있는 보너스?‬Because you're doing a great job with PB duties,
‪[미경의 웃음]‬and I'd rather have lunch with someone whom I'm thankful for.
‪(미경) 어차피 먹는 점심‬ ‪고마운 사람이랑 먹으면 좋잖아‬and I'd rather have lunch with someone whom I'm thankful for.
‪나만 그런가?‬Is that strange?
‪저도 좋아요‬No, I like it too.
‪예쁘지?‬Pretty, isn't it?
‪네, 디자인도 그런데‬ ‪소재가 좀 다른 것 같아요‬Yes. The design is pretty, but the material looks unique too.
‪(미경) 음, 역시 안목 있다니까‬You really have a good eye.
‪순동이야, 되게 귀한 거다‬It's pure bronze and very rare.
‪그렇게 비싼 거예요?‬Is it very expensive?
‪돈으로 살 수 있는 건‬ ‪귀한 게 아니지‬It's not rare if you can buy it with money.
‪(미경) 금속 공예 하는 친구가‬ ‪직접 만들어 준 거야‬My friend who does metalwork made it for me.
‪아…‬I see.
‪이거 수영 씨 줄까?‬Do you want it?
‪아니요, 그냥 예쁘다고 한 거예요‬No, I just thought it was pretty.
‪아니야, 나 이거 집에‬ ‪다른 디자인 또 있어‬It's okay. I have another one at home.
‪아니, 괜찮아요, 정말‬No, really. You don't have to.
‪아, 그러면 나중에, 나중에‬ ‪더 하시다가 주세요‬Okay, then I'll take it after you've worn it for a very long time.
‪그때 받을게요‬Okay, then I'll take it after you've worn it for a very long time.
‪치, 거절도 예쁘게 하네‬You're so cute even when you say no.
‪먹자‬Let's eat.
‪잘 먹을게요‬Thank you for lunch.
‪(미경) 입맛에 맞을지 모르겠어‬I hope you like it.
‪은행에서 먼 데 주차하면‬ ‪불편하겠어요‬It must be inconvenient to park so far away from the bank.
‪여기는 팀장 이하는‬ ‪주차 자리 안 나오잖아‬Only team leaders and higher-ups get to park here.
‪그런데 전에 있던 지점에서는‬At my old job, even though there was plenty of parking space,
‪자리가 남아돌아도 눈치를 줬다‬At my old job, even though there was plenty of parking space, I felt self-conscious.
‪지점장보다 좋은 차는 금지‬Because my car was nicer than the branch manager's. Silly, right?
‪웃기지?‬Because my car was nicer than the branch manager's. Silly, right?
‪(미경) 사람들은‬ ‪참 이상한 데 신경 써‬People care about the weirdest things.
‪(수영) 그럼 들어가 보겠습니다‬I'll take my leave, then.
‪- 조심히 가세요‬ ‪- (수영) 네‬-Take care. -Thank you.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(경숙) 내가 영포점에‬ ‪아는 사람도 좀 있고‬After all, I know some people at the Youngpo branch.
‪(미경) 다음에 우리 집에‬ ‪놀러 와라‬Come to my place sometime.
‪그림 그리고 놀자‬Let's hang out and paint.
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬
‪(미경) 잠시만‬Just a second.
‪네, 여보세요?‬Hello?
‪아, 정말요?‬Really?
‪(미경) 아, 네‬ ‪네, 감사합니다‬Yes, okay. Thank you.
‪아, 선배!‬Sang-su!
‪[미경의 신난 탄성]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬ ‪(미경) 아, 어떡해!‬Oh, my gosh!
‪됐대!‬We did it.
‪(미경) 아, 우리가‬ ‪센터안 됐다고!‬Our presentation came out top!
‪[미경의 신난 탄성]‬
‪아, 선배, 고생했어‬Good job, Sang-su!
‪(시경) 자!‬All right.
‪박 대리‬Ms. Park.
‪하 계장, 응‬Mr. Ha.
‪수고했어‬Great work.
‪앞으로도 쭉 이렇게 가자!‬Let's keep up the good work, okay?
‪아니, 아직‬ ‪최종 채택 된 것도 아닌데‬But the final decision hasn't been made.
‪과하십니다, 이런 자리‬Isn't this a bit much?
‪(시경) 일단 당상점을 눌렀잖아‬But we beat the Dangsang branch and came out top of our district.
‪우리 본부에서 1등!‬But we beat the Dangsang branch and came out top of our district.
‪(두식) 이야, 기특하다‬ ‪우리 상수, 어?‬I'm proud of you, Sang-su.
‪아, 잘 컸어‬He did a great job.
‪(구일) 야, 네가 키웠냐, 상수를?‬Stop acting like you had a hand in this.
‪냉정하게 내가 키웠지‬ ‪우리 상수는‬Come on, let's be honest. I groomed Sang-su.
‪사실 뭐, 박 대리, 하 계장이‬ ‪잘하고 있는 것도‬But both Ms. Park and Mr. Ha are doing very well
‪다 지점장님 덕분 아니겠습니까?‬ ‪[시경의 헛기침]‬thanks to our branch manager, right?
‪사람을 정확하게 보는 눈‬He has a great eye when it comes to people,
‪적재적소에 배치하는 능력‬and puts the right person up for the right job.
‪정말 탁월하십니다‬It's an amazing ability, sir.
‪(두식) 아이, 진짜 존경합니다‬I truly respect you.
‪[시경과 구일의 웃음]‬ ‪그런 의미에서 제가 한 곡조‬ ‪뽑아 올리도록 하겠습니다‬That said, allow me to sing for you, Mr. Yuk.
‪(시경) 아이, 좋지‬Goodness.
‪[발랄한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪지점장님, 만수무강하십시오‬Mr. Yuk, this song is for you.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(구일) 아이, 좀‬
‪아니, 이딴 노래를 고르고 있어‬-What's this song? -Jeez.
‪[두식이 노래한다]‬ ‪딸랑딸랑딸랑‬ ‪딸랑딸랑딸랑‬Jingle, jingle, jingle Jingle, jingle, jingle
‪바둑이 방울 잘도 울린다‬The sound of the bell On the spotted dog
‪(두식) 출근길에 마중 나와서‬He comes in the morning To greet me on my way to work
‪반갑다고‬ ‪꼬리 치며 따라온다‬And wags his tail in joy as he follows me
‪딸랑딸랑딸랑 딸랑딸랑딸랑‬Jingle, jingle, jingle Jingle, jingle, jingle
‪바둑이 방울 잘도 울린다‬The sound of the bell On the spotted dog
‪지점장님, 사랑합니다!‬I love you, Mr. Yuk!
‪- (두식) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (시경) 아유, 잘했어, 잘했어‬-Thank you. -Good job!
‪(구일) 최고의 선곡이었다, 진짜‬Gosh, that was a great song.
‪저기 뭐야, 안 주임도 저기 뭐야‬ ‪한 곡 하지?‬Ms. Ahn, why don't you sing a song?
‪뭐지, 그 눈빛은?‬What was that look for?
‪(구일) 팀장인 나도 하는데‬I'm your superior, and I sang,
‪안 주임이 빼는 거야?‬so you can't refuse.
‪[은정의 헛기침]‬
‪(미경) 제가 할게요‬-I'll sing. -What?
‪저 노래 잘해요‬I'm a good singer.
‪- (두식) 이야, 박 대리님 완전 쿨‬ ‪- (구일) 야, 그럼 완전 좋지‬-Sounds good, Ms. Park. -Very cool!
‪- (미경) 도와줘요‬ ‪- 어?‬-Help me out. -What?
‪- (미경) 도와줘‬ ‪- (상수) 아니야‬-I said help me out. -No.
‪[사람들의 환호]‬ ‪아, 도와줘‬-Nice! -Help me.
‪- (미경) 아, 제발‬ ‪- (상수) 아니, 아니야‬Me? Wait a minute.
‪(태평) 뭐야? 뭐야, 뭐야?‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-What's going on? -Are you guys a couple?
‪(구일) 이야, 커플!‬How about a hand for the couple?
‪- (태평) 아, 둘이 친해졌나 보네‬ ‪- (구일) 야, 좋은데‬-They seem close. -That's great.
‪(구일) 아, 오랜만에 뭐‬They should sing a duet song like "The Blue in You."
‪'그대 안의 블루'‬ ‪이런 거 하나 때릴 것 같은데‬They should sing a duet song like "The Blue in You."
‪(두식) 에이!‬Come on.
‪(구일) 자, 갑시다!‬-Looking great! -Let's hear it.
‪야, 잘 어울려, 좋아‬-Looking great! -Let's hear it. -Good one. -Looking great, you two.
‪[두식의 환호]‬
‪[경쾌한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[사람들의 환호]‬
‪(두식) 멋있다!‬Let's go!
‪(구일) 아, 최신곡! 오케이‬ ‪[미경의 탄성]‬Great choice!
‪[미경이 노래한다]‬ ‪귀여워 귀여워‬Cute, so cute
‪웃을 때 귀여워‬You're so cute when you smile
‪너무 귀여운‬ ‪나만의 연인 그대‬You're the cutest, my love
‪(미경) 멋있어 멋있어‬Cool, so cool
‪너무 멋있어서‬You're so cool
‪가슴이 콩닥콩닥‬ ‪뛰는 걸 어떡해‬That you make my heart skip a beat
‪[상수가 노래한다]‬ ‪두려워 두려워‬Scared, so scared
‪[사람들의 환호]‬ ‪너의 그 두 눈빛‬Your deep eyes I think I might fall into them
‪[구일이 나무란다]‬ ‪(상수) 빠져 버릴 것 같아‬ ‪요즘 수영 배워‬I think I might fall into them So I've been learning how to swim
‪(미경) 섹시해 섹시해‬Sexy, so sexy
‪너의 그 쇄골 뼈‬Your collarbone is so sexy
‪키스해 주고 싶은‬ ‪마음 이만큼‬I want to kiss it so much
‪(구일) 은근히 잘 어울리는데‬They look great together.
‪(태평) 그림은 괜찮아 보이네요‬-They're so cute. -They should just date.
‪(구일) 사귀어, 사귀어, 둘이‬-They're so cute. -They should just date.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬
‪(두식) 설마 사귀어요?‬No way, are you dating?
‪(구일) 정말 아닌 거야?‬Are you sure?
‪[구일의 한숨]‬
‪그런 거 정말 아니야?‬Are you two really not dating?
‪네, 정말 그런 거 아니에요‬No, we're really not.
‪(두식) 아이, 하상수, 박미경!‬Mr. Ha and Ms. Park!
‪(미경과 상수)‬ ‪둘만의 기념일‬Are you two okay?
‪(구일) 야, 그냥 이번 기회에‬ ‪사귀어, 사귀어, 둘이‬You should just date after this.
‪어, 자, 딱 노래 하나 부르고‬ ‪커플 되는 거야‬After this song, you two will officially be a couple.
‪(두식) 아이, 하상수!‬Hey, Mr. Ha!
‪(시경) 굳었어, 굳었어‬Look at him. He's so tense.
‪(두식) 에이!‬Come on!
‪(구일) 야, 좀 맞춰, 적당히‬ ‪새끼야‬Dance with her!
‪여자가 이렇게 하면‬ ‪남자가 이렇게 좀…‬ ‪[사람들의 환호]‬Dance with her! Come on, just take her lead.
‪[상수와 미경이 노래한다]‬ ‪(민희) 사귀어!‬-All right! -You look great together!
‪(두식) 박미경!‬Park Mi-gyeong!
‪(시경) 기분 좋아 마셨더니‬ ‪술이 과했네‬I was in such a good mood that I drank too much.
‪(구일) 아휴, 술 깨시고‬ ‪들어가셔야 됩니다, 지점장님‬Get rid of your hangover before you head home, sir.
‪(구일) 저기, 마 대리, 저기‬Mr. Ma.
‪지점장님 드시는 저기‬ ‪숙취 해소제 그것 좀 빨리‬Go pick up the hangover cure that he always takes.
‪(두식) 아, 네, 그럼요‬ ‪[두식의 헛기침]‬Yes, of course.
‪저기, 종현 씨‬Hey, Mr. Jeong.
‪- 종현 씨, 우리…‬ ‪- (은정) 안 왔어‬-Mr. Jeong, we need-- -He's not here.
‪(두식) 아, 정 청경 안 불렀지‬Right, we didn't call him.
‪그러면…‬Now what?
‪안 주임‬Ms. Ahn.
‪(두식) 안 주임이‬ ‪편의점 잠깐만 갔다 오자‬Can you make a quick run to the convenience store?
‪세 개‬Three bottles.
‪(상수) 제가 다녀오겠습니다‬I'll go.
‪- 담배가 좀 떨어져서요‬ ‪- (두식) 아, 내 것도‬-I need some cigarettes. -I need some too.
‪(태평) 그럼 나는‬ ‪커피우유, 커피우유‬-I thought you were quitting. -And coffee milk.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(수영) 재미있어요?‬Is it fun?
‪사람 마음 가지고 노는 거‬Toying with my emotions, that is.
‪누가 누구를 가지고 놀았습니까?‬I could say the same thing to you.
‪끝까지 솔직하지 못하시네요‬You still can't bring yourself to be honest.
‪무슨 말인지 알아듣게 하세요‬Tell me so that I can understand.
‪그럼 한번 말씀해 보시죠, 그날 일‬Then explain what happened that day.
‪말했잖아요, 몇 번이고‬I've already told you.
‪시재 때문에 못 갔다고‬-It was because of the balance. -No, the real reason.
‪아니, 진짜 이유요‬-It was because of the balance. -No, the real reason.
‪하 계장님 그날‬ ‪못 온 거 아니잖아‬It wasn't that you couldn't come.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪안 온 거잖아‬You chose not to come.
‪(수영) 나 다 봤어요‬I saw you.
‪다 봤다고‬I saw everything.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(상수) 수영 씨‬Su-yeong. Did you feel anything for me?
‪나한테 아무 감정 없었어요?‬Su-yeong. Did you feel anything for me?
‪(경필) 안수영이랑‬ ‪방향 틀기로 한 거야?‬Has your relationship with Ms. Ahn evolved?
‪썸에서 쌈으로 아주‬ ‪철천지원수 쪽으로다?‬Have you and Ms. Ahn turned into archenemies?
‪넌 안수영이 왜 좋은데?‬Why do you like her?
‪안 주임님!‬Ms. Ahn.
‪(수영) 나가서 같이‬ ‪맛있는 거 먹어요‬Let's go somewhere and eat something good.
‪(종현) 속상할 때마다‬ ‪강소주 마시는 거‬I wish you would stop drinking soju
‪안 했으면 좋겠는데‬whenever you're upset.
‪(미경) 되게 따뜻하다, 선배 손‬Your hand is warm.
‪(상수) 넌 내가 왜 좋은데?‬Why do you like me?
‪(미경) 하상수는 좋은 남자야‬Sang-su is a good-hearted man.
‪(수영) 잘 어울려요, 두 분‬You two look good together.
‪(수영) 왜 따라왔어요?‬Why did you follow me out?
‪뭐 좀 물어봐도 돼요?‬Can I ask you something?
‪아직도 나 좋아해요?‬Do you still like me?

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