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  사랑의 이해 2

The Interest of Love 2


(수영) 크고 반짝이는 낯선 도시‬Large, dazzling, and unfamiliar.
‪서울에 대한 첫 느낌은 그랬다‬That was my first impression of Seoul.
‪나를 모르는 사람들이‬A place full of strangers, who lead lives…
‪내가 모르는 삶을 사는 곳‬that I know nothing about.
‪(공인 중개사) 좀 오래되긴 했는데‬ ‪이 집이에요‬It's a bit run-down, but that's the house.
‪(수영) 그 막연함이‬ ‪오히려 희망처럼 느껴지기도 했다‬Strangely, though, being at a loss actually gave me hope.
‪(공인 중개사) 아휴‬
‪들어와요‬Come on in.
‪여기는‬This house is over 40 years old, so it's pretty old.
‪지은 지 40년도 더 돼서‬ ‪낡기도 낡고‬This house is over 40 years old, so it's pretty old.
‪[싱크대가 쿵쿵거린다]‬
‪싱크대도 손 좀 봐야 돼요‬The sink needs to be fixed.
‪대신 방값이 싸‬But the rent is cheap. You can move in right away.
‪여긴 바로 들어올 수 있어요‬But the rent is cheap. You can move in right away.
‪[공인 중개사의 한숨]‬
‪옛날 집들은‬ ‪베란다가 쓸데없이 넓어서‬Old houses have ridiculously wide balconies.
‪아무래도 아까‬ ‪그 풀 옵션 원룸이 낫죠?‬The fully furnished, one-bedroom studio was better, right?
‪(수영) 아니요, 여기로 할게요‬No, I'll take this.
‪(공인 중개사) 근데 가족들은?‬What about your family? Will you live here alone?
‪아가씨 혼자?‬What about your family? Will you live here alone?
‪혼자예요‬It's just me.
‪(수영) 춥고‬In the cold,
‪낡아 빠진‬and worn-out house
‪꼭 나 같았던 공간에서‬that resembled me,
‪[안도하는 한숨]‬
‪나는 안도했다‬I felt relieved.
‪열심히 노력하면‬ ‪뭐든 채울 수 있다고‬I believed that I could achieve anything
‪믿었다‬if I tried hard enough.
‪(식당 사장) 아휴, 추워, 얼른 해‬It's freezing. Hurry up.
‪(수영) 발버둥 치지 않으면‬ ‪평범하기조차 힘들었지만‬I had to work like a dog in order to just get by.
‪(고객1) 어, 왔어?‬Are you here?
‪어, 올라와‬-Come on up. -But I desperately wanted…
‪- 다 했습니다‬ ‪- (고객1) 올라오면 되는데‬-Come on up. -But I desperately wanted…
‪(수영) 조금은‬ ‪더 그럴싸해지고 싶었다‬-Come on up. -But I desperately wanted… to live a better life.
‪(고객1) 어‬
‪[인출기 작동음]‬
‪(수영) 그러나‬I thought that…
‪기회라고 생각했던 은행에서‬…working at the bank was my opportunity.
‪나는 알게 되었다‬But then I realized…
‪네, 17번 고객님…‬Number 17, how may I help you?
‪(수영) 사람들은 선을 긋는다는 걸‬Number 17, how may I help you? -…that people drew lines. -Hello.
‪(수영) 안녕하세요‬-…that people drew lines. -Hello.
‪- (고객2) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- 어떤 일로 오셨어요?‬How may I help you?
‪(고객2) 상속이…‬How may I help you? -At times, it was subtle. -It's about inheritance.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(수영) 때론 아주 사소하게‬-At times, it was subtle. -It's about inheritance.
‪(구일) 아, 저기, 상속은‬ ‪저쪽에서 도와드릴게요‬He can help you with inheritance affairs.
‪여기는 그, 입출금 업무만‬ ‪보는 데라서요‬She's only in charge of deposits and withdrawals.
‪저쪽으로 잠깐 오실까요?‬ ‪[고객2의 호응]‬-This way, please. -Okay.
‪(수영) 때론 너무나 노골적으로‬Other times, it was obvious.
‪그리고 그걸 당연하게 여긴다‬And they see nothing wrong with that…
‪출발이 다르니까‬…'cause we come from different backgrounds.
‪(수영) 공평한 기회처럼‬ ‪보이는 일도‬Some opportunities may seem fair… KCU POSITION TRANSFER EXAM
‪교묘한 차별일 뿐‬KCU POSITION TRANSFER EXAM … but they are subtly discriminatory as well.
‪(행원1) 이거 너무한 거 아니야?‬The questions were so unfair.
‪이건 뭐, 떨어지라고 낸 문제잖아‬They practically want us to fail.
‪(행원2) 이러니까‬ ‪합격률이 10%도 안 되지‬No wonder the acceptance rate is less than 10%.
‪(수영) 선 밖에 있는 사람은‬-Those outside the line… -This is so annoying.
‪[행원들이 불평한다]‬-Those outside the line… -This is so annoying.
‪선 안쪽으로 쉽게 넘어갈 수 없다‬-Those outside the line… -This is so annoying. …can't easily cross over it.
‪(면접관1) 고등학교 졸업하고‬There seems to be a gap after you graduated high school.
‪경력이 몇 년 비네요?‬There seems to be a gap after you graduated high school.
‪아르바이트했습니다‬I worked part-time, sir.
‪(면접관2) 실적은 참 훌륭하네요‬Your performance evaluation is excellent.
‪열심히 했습니다‬I did my best, sir.
‪(면접관1) 직군 전환 신청은‬ ‪왜 했어요?‬Why do you want to switch job positions?
‪노력한 만큼‬I want my hard work to be acknowledged, sir.
‪인정받고 싶습니다‬I want my hard work to be acknowledged, sir.
‪(구일) 그걸 어떻게‬ ‪불공평하다 그러는 거지?‬How is it unfair?
‪공평한 거지‬It's anything but.
‪고졸이나 대졸이나 똑같으면‬ ‪우린 뭐, 미쳤다고‬Why bother going to college only to be treated the same way as high school graduates?
‪4년을 비싼 등록금 내면서‬ ‪대학 다녔겠어?‬only to be treated the same way as high school graduates?
‪야, 솔직히‬ ‪서비스직군, 일반직군 월급도‬To be honest, I think service reps should get paid much less than regular workers.
‪지금보다 더 차이 나야 된다고‬ ‪난 그렇게 생각해‬I think service reps should get paid much less than regular workers.
‪(두식) 아이, 그럼요‬I agree. The result can't be the same for both groups.
‪출발이 다른데 결과가 같으면‬ ‪그게 불공정이죠‬I agree. The result can't be the same for both groups. Now that's what I call unfair.
‪(수영) 상처받지 않는 방법은‬Now that's what I call unfair. The only way not to get hurt
‪그냥 인정하는 것‬was to accept the truth.
‪(상수) 어젠 잘 들어가셨어요?‬Did you get home okay yesterday?
‪(구일) 아, 어제 힘들었어‬I think I drank too much.
‪(수영) 이곳에서 나는‬And at this place,
‪선 밖에 서 있는 사람이다‬I am definitely on the other side of the line.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬
‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[열쇠를 덜그럭거린다]‬
‪[상수의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(수영) 근데 어쩌죠?‬I'm afraid I have bad news.
‪나 종현 씨랑 사귀는 거 맞는데‬ ‪[호각이 삑 울린다]‬I'm afraid I have bad news. They were right. I'm dating Mr. Jeong.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪진짜예요?‬Are you serious?
‪진짜‬Are you two really in a relationship?
‪정 청경이랑 사귀어요?‬Are you two really in a relationship?
‪[상수의 거친 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(상수) 그럼 우리는‬ ‪어떻게 되는 건데요?‬Then what about us?
‪뭐가 어떻게 돼요?‬-What do you mean? -I mean…
‪아니‬-What do you mean? -I mean…
‪그럼 우리 사이는‬ ‪어떻게 되는 거냐고요‬Then what will happen to us?
‪[상수의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪우리가 무슨 사이인데요?‬Did we have something special?
‪애매한 관계 싫다는 말‬You said you liked things to be clear and defined.
‪우리 관계가 좀 더 확실해지길‬ ‪바라서 한 말 아니었어요?‬I thought you said that to clarify our relationship.
‪(상수) 수영 씨도 분명히‬ ‪나한테 마음 있었고‬You had feelings for me too.
‪나 그날 수영 씨한테…‬-And that day-- -You're the one who didn't show up.
‪근데 하 계장님이 안 왔잖아요‬-And that day-- -You're the one who didn't show up.
‪안 간 게 아니라…‬It wasn't intentional.
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪(상수) 그날 약속 못 지킨 거‬I'm truly sorry
‪정말 미안합니다‬-that I couldn't make it that day. -Do you mean that?
‪확실해요?‬-that I couldn't make it that day. -Do you mean that?
‪그날 나 기다리게 해서‬ ‪미안했던 거‬Are you really apologizing because you made me wait?
‪맞냐고요‬Are you really apologizing because you made me wait?
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪정 청경이랑 사귀…‬Are you really dating…
‪[선수들의 환호]‬Goal!
‪(선수) 올림픽 출전했냐?‬This isn't the Olympics.
‪이거 동호회 경기야‬ ‪살살 해라, 살살‬This is a friendly game among club members. Take it easy.
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬
‪[휴대 전화 진동이 멈춘다]‬
‪[애잔한 반주에 맞춰 노래한다]‬ ‪널 미워해야‬Must I
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬Despise you?
‪(석현) 하는 거니‬Despise you?
‪아니면 내 탓을‬ ‪해야만 하는 거니…‬Or should I blame myself?
‪야, 너 어디야?‬ ‪[석현이 울먹이며 노래한다]‬Where are you?
‪나 좀 살려 줘‬Come rescue me!
‪양석현이가 집에도 못 가게 한다!‬Seok-hyeon won't let me go home!
‪나 하키장이야‬I'm at the hockey rink.
‪(석현) 예전으로‬I just want…
‪회식 끝나고도‬ ‪하키 할 힘이 남아 있니?‬You have the energy after the dinner gathering?
‪야, 그냥 가‬Just go home. He's doing that because he knows you won't.
‪네가 받아 주니까 더 그러는 거야‬Just go home. He's doing that because he knows you won't.
‪아유, 인간미 없는 새끼야‬ ‪[석현이 훌쩍인다]‬You're a heartless jerk.
‪- 그래, 더 이상…‬ ‪- (경필) 사람이 힘들면 인마‬You're a heartless jerk. It's okay to drink and embarrass yourself when you're sad.
‪[석현이 울먹이며 노래한다]‬ ‪술도 마시고 추태도 부리고!‬It's okay to drink and embarrass yourself when you're sad.
‪그러는 거지, 뭐‬It's okay to drink and embarrass yourself when you're sad.
‪야, 그런다고 뭐가 달라지는데‬How would doing that change anything?
‪술 먹고 흐트러지는 거‬ ‪이해 못 해, 난‬I can't understand people who drink and become a mess.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[상수의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪아유, 뭐야?‬What?
‪이, 이거 뭐냐?‬What is this?
‪오늘부터 너랑 1일이라며?‬ ‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬You said she was your new girlfriend.
‪(상수) 아휴‬Jeong-eun…
‪(석현) [웅얼거리며]‬ ‪정은아, 안고 싶다‬Jeong-eun… I miss you. I'm sorry, Jeong-eun…
‪정은아, 미안해‬I miss you. I'm sorry, Jeong-eun…
‪[상수가 술을 조르륵 따른다]‬
‪(경필) 내가 너희들한테 뭐‬ ‪많은 걸 바라니?‬I really don't ask much from you guys.
‪- 아, 그냥 한 놈만‬ ‪- (석현) 정은아‬But can at least one of you sober up, please?
‪(경필) 딱 한 놈이라도 좀‬ ‪제정신이어 주면 안 될까?‬But can at least one of you sober up, please?
‪아니, 한 놈은‬Sang-su, you stole that cardboard cutout and said she was your girlfriend.
‪남의 가게 간판 훔쳐다가‬ ‪제 여친을 삼고 앉아 있고‬Sang-su, you stole that cardboard cutout and said she was your girlfriend.
‪한 놈은‬And Seok-hyeon, you're the one who dumped her!
‪자기가 헤어지재 놓고!‬And Seok-hyeon, you're the one who dumped her!
‪맨날천날 울고불고, 에이, 쯧‬-But you're bawling every day. -Jeong-eun…
‪(석현) 정은아‬-But you're bawling every day. -Jeong-eun…
‪(경필) 술 마셔 봤자‬ ‪뭐가 달라지냐며?‬I thought you said drinking didn't solve anything
‪이해를 못 하시겠다면서요?‬and that you didn't understand people like him.
‪아, 진짜 엄마 보고 싶다‬Gosh, I miss my mom.
‪이거나 먹어라‬-Drink this. -Hey.
‪(상수) 야‬-Drink this. -Hey.
‪나 안 취했어‬I'm not drunk.
‪- (상수) 해장이나 하러 가자‬ ‪- 여기가 해장국집이야‬-Let's have some hangover soup. -We just did.
‪(상수) 해장했으니까‬Then how about
‪막차 끊기기 전에‬we go for a third round and catch the last subway?
‪3차 가자‬we go for a third round and catch the last subway?
‪이미 5차야‬ ‪좀 있으면 첫차가 뜨고‬This was our fifth round, and the first subway will arrive soon.
‪[자동차 경적]‬This was our fifth round, and the first subway will arrive soon.
‪(상수) 야, 일어나, 씨!‬-Wake up! -I'm sorry, Jeong-eun.
‪(석현) 미안해, 정은아‬-Wake up! -I'm sorry, Jeong-eun.
‪(상수) 과음을 하고 그러냐‬ ‪얘는, 씨‬Why did you drink so much? You scare me more than he does.
‪난 네가 더 무서워‬You scare me more than he does.
‪(경필) 세상 멀쩡한 얼굴로‬ ‪만취하는 네가 제일 무서워‬I can't believe how sober you look while completely intoxicated.
‪아이, 너 왜 그러는데?‬What's the matter with you?
‪안수영 때문이냐?‬Is it because of Su-yeong?
‪[힘겨운 한숨]‬
‪(상수) 진짜예요?‬Are you serious?
‪진짜‬Are you two really in a relationship?
‪정 청경이랑 사귀어요?‬Are you two really in a relationship?
‪그럼 우리는 어떻게 되는 건데요?‬Then what about us?
‪뭐가 어떻게 돼요?‬-What do you mean? -Then what will happen to us?
‪우리 사이는 어떻게 되는 거냐고요‬-What do you mean? -Then what will happen to us?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪뭐야?‬What's he doing?
‪커피, 커피 주세요‬I'd like a cup of coffee, please.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪- (민희) 아, 완두콩 먹을 사람?‬ ‪- (두식) 어, 주십시오‬-Who wants some snacks? -Me.
‪(두식) 여기 있습니다‬-Thank you. -Aren't they tasty?
‪- (두식) 아이, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (민희) 완두콩, 응?‬-Thank you. -Do you want some?
‪(상수) 안녕하세요‬Good morning.
‪- (민희) 응, 왔어?‬ ‪- (상수) 저, 커피 좀 드세요‬-Hi. -Have some coffee.
‪(민희) 우와, 웬일이야?‬What a nice surprise!
‪[민희의 웃음]‬
‪- (경필) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (두식) 아이스‬-What's gotten into you? -Here.
‪(민희) 잘 마실게‬-Thank you. -Thanks.
‪(두식) 여기 누가‬ ‪약 타고 그런 거 아니지?‬-This isn't spiked, right? -Good morning.
‪- (구일) 굿 모닝‬ ‪- (두식) 아, 오셨습니까‬-This isn't spiked, right? -Good morning. -Hello, sir. -Good morning, sir.
‪- (상수) 오셨습니까‬ ‪- (두식) 모닝커피 하시죠‬-Hello, sir. -Good morning, sir. -How about a morning coffee? -Thanks, Mr. Ma.
‪(구일) 어유, 마 대리, 센스‬-How about a morning coffee? -Thanks, Mr. Ma.
‪(두식) 저기, 제 마음‬ ‪추가 하나 합니다‬Let me add a shot of love in it.
‪지금 한 번 더 하면 요렇게‬ ‪사랑 곱빼기 되겠습니다‬Let me add a shot of love in it. Actually, let me double that.
‪- 너무 좋아, 어, 오케이‬ ‪- (두식) 맛있게 드십시오‬-That's great. -Enjoy.
‪(상수) 허브티예요‬It's herbal tea.
‪잘 마실게요, 고마워요‬Thank you.
‪(상수) 저기, 안 주임님‬Excuse me, Ms. Ahn.
‪어제 일은 제가…‬About yesterday, I--
‪어제 무슨 일요?‬Yesterday? What do you mean?
‪- (지윤) 인사 공고 떴는데요?‬ ‪- (민희) 어머, 아, 진짜?‬-HR posted an announcement. -Really?
‪(민희) 어어‬ ‪확인해 봐야겠다, 그럼, 어머‬Let me check.
‪이번엔 또 누가 가고 누가 오려나?‬
‪(구일) 하 계장도‬ ‪갈 때 되지 않았나?‬Isn't it about time Mr. Ha left?
‪안 주임도 3년 넘었지?‬And Ms. Ahn, hasn't it been three years for you?
‪(민희) 서초점 박미경 대리가‬ ‪PB 팀으로 오네?‬Ms. Park Mi-gyeong from the Seocho branch -is joining our PB Team. -Really?
‪(구일) 그래? 서 팀장은 안 가고?‬-is joining our PB Team. -Really? -And you're not leaving? -Jeez.
‪(민희) 아휴, 저 미운 꼴 좀‬ ‪안 보나 했더니‬-And you're not leaving? -Jeez. I was looking forward to not seeing you.
‪에헤, 다 글렀네‬I guess that won't happen. Darn it.
‪[마우스 조작음]‬CONFIRM
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪[안도하는 한숨]‬
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[안도하는 한숨]‬
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪너무 예쁘세요, 고객님‬You're beautiful, miss.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪(정임) 오늘 마사지는‬ ‪좀 괜찮으셨어요?‬How was today's massage?
‪네, 괜찮았어요‬Yes, it was good.
‪워낙에 피부가 좋으세요‬You have good skin to begin with.
‪그래서‬So tell me.
‪계속 다닐 거야?‬-Will you keep working there? -Mom.
‪엄마‬-Will you keep working there? -Mom.
‪(미경 모) 네 힘으로‬ ‪명문대 나오고 취직했으면‬You went to a top university and got a job on your own. That's enough.
‪그 정도로 만족해‬You went to a top university and got a job on your own. That's enough.
‪아니, 왜 다른 사람 돈을‬ ‪만지고 살아?‬Why on earth do you want to handle other people's money?
‪결혼해서 편하게 살면‬ ‪누가 욕하니?‬Nobody will say anything if you get married and take it easy.
‪부러워하지‬Nobody will say anything if you get married and take it easy.
‪남들은 갖지 못해 안달인 걸‬ ‪양손에 쥐고서는‬You have everything that others could only wish for.
‪부모덕 그렇게 안 보고 살려는 거‬Refusing your parents' help
‪그것도 너 부모한텐 불효야‬doesn't make you a good daughter, you know.
‪안 그래요, 한 원장?‬Don't you agree, Ms. Han?
‪차 준비해 드릴게요‬I'll bring out the tea.
‪[문이 드르륵 여닫힌다]‬
‪여기 어때?‬How's this place?
‪'낫 배드'‬
‪(미경 모) 보기엔 좀 그래도‬It may look shabby,
‪우리 모임에서 핫한 데야‬but it's popular with my friends.
‪트러블 난 사모들 다 일로 오잖아‬Everyone with skin problems comes here.
‪너도 일로 옮겨라‬You should come here too.
‪엄마랑 마사지도 다니고‬If you want to get massages,
‪같이 필라도 하고‬ ‪여기저기 다니려면‬take Pilates classes, and hang out with me,
‪은행은 관두는 게…‬you should quit the bank--
‪(미경) 엄마, 얼굴 당겨요‬ ‪말 그만 걸어요‬Mom, stop talking to me. My facial mask is stretching out.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(태평) 삽질을 해도 해도‬ ‪실적이 왜 그대로인지‬Raise your hand if you know why your performance is the same
‪혹시 아는 사람, 손‬despite working like a dog.
‪[태평의 한숨]‬
‪이번 달 종상 팀‬ ‪실적 꼴찌 누구야?‬Who came in last in the General Consultation Team?
‪쟤야?‬Is it Mr. Ha?
‪하상수‬Is it Mr. Ha?
‪(태평) 또 너야?‬Is it you again?
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪(태평) 하상수 계장‬Mr. Ha.
‪잠깐 나 좀 보지‬I'd like a word with you.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪다녀와라‬Go on.
‪(두식) 멀리 안 나갈게‬I won't see you out.
‪아‬Open up.
‪아 해 보라고‬I said open up.
‪쭉 빨아, 쭉, 어‬Suck on it.
‪(태평) 어, 끝에서부터 쭉 짜‬Squeeze out every last drop.
‪쭉, 아까우니까, 응‬All of it. Don't waste any. All the way. Good.
‪쭉, 응‬All of it. Don't waste any. All the way. Good.
‪네‬-Yes? -Do you know
‪(태평) 나 2년 안에 지점장‬ ‪못 달면 어떻게 되는지 알지?‬-Yes? -Do you know what happens if I don't become a branch manager in two years?
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪[태평이 입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪(태평) 우리 지점장님은‬ ‪건덕지 큰 VIP들 상대해서‬Our branch manager only tends to VIPs and boosts his performance.
‪건덕지 큰 실적 올리고‬Our branch manager only tends to VIPs and boosts his performance.
‪난 뭐, 그냥 잔챙이들만‬ ‪상대하느라 허덕이다가‬As for me, I just tend to small fry and that reflects on my performance.
‪실적도 잔챙이고‬As for me, I just tend to small fry and that reflects on my performance.
‪아니, 위로만 문제야?‬And that's not all.
‪너도 알다시피 이 팀장 걔가‬ ‪나를 얼마나 무시하냐, 어?‬You know how much Mr. Lee looks down on me.
‪아주 요즘은‬These days, he doesn't even bother to run things by me.
‪나 대놓고 막, 어?‬These days, he doesn't even bother to run things by me.
‪나 패싱하고‬These days, he doesn't even bother to run things by me.
‪지점장한테 바로‬ ‪다이렉트로 보고하더라니까‬He reports directly to the branch manager.
‪당장 내년에 나 말고‬ ‪이 팀장 걔가 지점장 된다고 해도‬People wouldn't question it if he ended up becoming a branch manager next year.
‪전혀 이상할 일이 아니라고, 지금‬People wouldn't question it if he ended up becoming a branch manager next year.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪(태평) 20년 은행 인생‬If this is my final position
‪부지점장으로 끝나면‬during my 20 years here,
‪우리 마누라랑 나도 끝나‬my wife will divorce me.
‪아, 그러니까‬ ‪이러니 내가 살겠냐고‬I'm barely keeping my head above water.
‪(태평) 이거 우리 애들이‬ ‪나 지점장 되라고‬My kids saved up to buy me this on Father's Day
‪저번 어버이날에‬ ‪자기들 용돈 한 푼 두 푼‬in the hopes it would help me become a branch manager.
‪모아 갖고 나 사 준 거거든?‬in the hopes it would help me become a branch manager.
‪나 이거 진짜 아껴 먹는 건데‬I don't share them with anyone.
‪- 상수 너니까 주는 거야‬ ‪- (상수) 아, 아니‬-But you can have them. -No, sir.
‪- (태평) 뭔 말인지 알지?‬ ‪- 아니, 안 주셔도 되는데‬-You get me, right? -I don't need them.
‪- (상수) 아니…‬ ‪- 넣어 둬, 넣어 둬, 넣어 둬‬-Gosh. -Just take them.
‪(태평) 아, 그, 저기‬ ‪능구렁이 이 팀장이랑‬You'd better not share them with those sly guys,
‪얍삽한 마 대리‬ ‪걔네 절대 주지 말고‬Mr. Lee or Mr. Ma.
‪저기, 실적 올리다가 힘들면‬ ‪그때 하나씩 까먹어‬Have one whenever you feel tired from raising your performance.
‪부족하면 나한테 말하고‬Tell me if you need more.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪(태평) 야, 하나만‬ ‪하나만 줘 봐‬Actually, can you give me one?
‪(두식) 그렇지, 어, 반대 똑같이‬That's it. The other side too.
‪마 대리님은 형광등도 못 갈아요?‬ ‪[형광등이 탁 빠진다]‬Do you not know how to change a light bulb?
‪야, 나 귀하게 자랐어‬Hey, my parents didn't make me do stuff like this.
‪(두식) 형광등 갈다가‬ ‪감전이라도 되면 어떡하려 그래?‬What if I get electrocuted? That would be painful.
‪찌릿찌릿 아프…‬ ‪됐다‬What if I get electrocuted? That would be painful. Hey, you're done.
‪아! 이거 전기 흘러…‬Hey, you're done. You could've zapped me.
‪(은정) 수영 씨는‬ ‪별걸 다 할 줄 아네요‬Impressive skills, Ms. Ahn.
‪- (수영) 다 됐어요‬ ‪- (두식) 수고했어요‬-All done. -Thanks.
‪(두식) 저거…‬-Thank you. -Hey.
‪[경숙의 한숨]‬
‪(경숙) 괜찮을까요?‬Are you sure this is okay?
‪아, 그럼‬Of course. I'll be back.
‪자, 갔다 올게‬Of course. I'll be back.
‪(인재) 고마워요‬Thank you.
‪- (인재) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (민희) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪(인재) 여기 떡들 좀 드세요‬Please have some rice cakes.
‪- (민희) 어머, 감사해요, 오!‬ ‪- (인재) 여기 있습니다‬Goodness! Thank you.
‪- (지윤) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (민희) 어머, 따끈따끈한 거 봐‬-Thank you. -It's still hot.
‪(경필) 아, 그, 시장에 새로 생긴‬ ‪굴국밥집 맞으시죠?‬The new oyster gukbap place, right?
‪(인재) 점심 드시러 오세요‬Come by for lunch.
‪여기 은행 분들은 DC해 드릴게요‬I'll give bank employees a discount.
‪- (경필) 아유, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (지윤) 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪(인재) 안녕하세요, 네‬Hello.
‪네, 식사하러 꼭 오세요, 네‬Come by for lunch. Here.
‪[경필의 한숨]‬
‪(경필) 오전에‬ ‪번호 다섯 개 당겼는데‬I only tended to five customers, and it's already lunchtime.
‪벌써 밥시간이야, 어?‬I only tended to five customers, and it's already lunchtime.
‪담보, 전세, 신용‬Mortgage, house lease, credit, mortgage, and credit.
‪담보, 신용‬Mortgage, house lease, credit, mortgage, and credit.
‪어떻게 걸려도‬ ‪이렇게 골고루 걸리냐, 어?‬Quite a variety, right?
‪[상수의 한숨]‬
‪속은 괜찮냐?‬How's the hangover?
‪죽겠다‬I'm dying.
‪[개운한 탄성]‬
‪[상수의 개운한 탄성]‬
‪(인재) 자, 이건 서비스‬This is on the house.
‪(경필) 와, 감사합니다, 아버지‬Thank you, Uncle.
‪[웃으며] 아버지, 제가‬ ‪아버지라고 불러도 되죠?‬Is it okay if I call you "uncle"?
‪(인재) 아유, 그럼요‬ ‪많이들 들어요‬Of course. Eat up.
‪- (상수) 네, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (인재) 또 와요, 자주 와요‬-Thank you. -Come again. -Come often. -Thank you.
‪감사합니다‬-Come often. -Thank you.
‪(상수) 나 굴 진짜 좋아하는데‬I really love Tongyeong oysters.
‪생굴도 좋아하고‬ ‪굴국밥도 좋아하고‬I like them raw, and I like oyster gukbap too.
‪[손을 탁 튕기며]‬ ‪아, 굴전! 굴전에다가…‬I like them raw, and I like oyster gukbap too. And oyster jeon--
‪난 싫어하는데, 굴‬I actually hate oysters.
‪왜? 얘가 너 괴롭혔어?‬Are you mad at the oyster? Why are you picking at it?
‪(경필) 왜 굴전에 화풀이야?‬Are you mad at the oyster? Why are you picking at it?
‪(상수) 어?‬Are you mad at the oyster? Why are you picking at it?
‪정 청경 말이야, 좀 알아?‬What do you know about Mr. Jeong?
‪갑자기 정 청경은 왜?‬-Why, all of a sudden? -Just because.
‪(상수) 아니, 그냥‬-Why, all of a sudden? -Just because.
‪온 지 한 달 좀 넘었나?‬He's been here for about a month, right?
‪(경필) 글쎄, 난 뭐‬ ‪청경한테까진 관심 없는데‬I'm not sure. I'm not that interested in our security guard.
‪아이, 둘이 진짜 사귀나?‬Do you think they're really dating?
‪어제 반응 봐선‬ ‪아닌 거 같긴 하던데‬It doesn't seem like it based on their reactions.
‪야, 뭐, 도시락 한 번‬ ‪까먹었다고 사귀는 거면‬If having lunch together means you're dating,
‪난 애인만 100명이겠다‬then I'd have 100 exes by now.
‪고백할 거냐?‬Are you going to tell him?
‪'나 걔 좋아해'‬"I like her."
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪'나 안수영 좋아한다고'라며‬"I like Su-yeong."
‪밥이나 퍼 먹어라‬Just shut up and eat.
‪[경필이 콜록거린다]‬
‪(상수) 아이고‬Jeez.
‪[경필의 신음]‬ ‪(상수) 야, 아휴‬Give me that.
‪하여튼 진짜, 아‬Unbelievable.
‪오며 가며 집어들 가시라고‬ ‪[상수의 웃음]‬They're for our customers.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[경필의 보채는 소리]‬
‪[경필의 신음]‬
‪(상수) 아휴‬Jeez.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(종현) 하 계장님‬Mr. Ha.
‪아, 네‬Yes?
‪(종현) 이거요‬ ‪드린다는 걸 깜빡해서‬Here. I forgot to give this back.
‪덕분에 잘 먹었습니다‬Thank you.
‪(상수) 아, 네‬Right.
‪- 저기‬ ‪- (종현) 네‬-Wait. -Yes?
‪공부하느라 힘들 텐데‬ ‪이거 하나 먹어요‬You must be tired from studying. Have one of these.
‪- (종현) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (상수) 예‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪(상수) 지금 하, 하나씩‬ ‪먹을까요?‬How about we each have one right now?
‪- 네‬ ‪- (상수) 예‬Sure.
‪그, 고시 공부 하느라 힘들 텐데‬It must be stressful preparing for the state exam.
‪그, 뭐‬So…
‪주말 같은 때도 그, 공부만 해요?‬Do you also study on the weekends?
‪(상수) 아, 하긴 뭐, 공부하느라‬ ‪뭐, 다른 거 할 시간도 없겠죠‬I'm sure you're too busy to do anything else, but study.
‪(종현) 아, 그‬ ‪새벽에 운동도 해요‬I work out early in the morning to prepare for the fitness test.
‪체력 검정도 중요해서‬I work out early in the morning to prepare for the fitness test.
‪- 아! 아, 중요하죠, 운동도‬ ‪- (종현) 네‬-Of course, working out is important. -Right.
‪그럼, 뭐‬Then I guess you don't have time to date anyone, right?
‪운동하느라 뭐, 연애하고 뭐‬ ‪그럴 시간도 잘 없겠다, 그렇죠?‬Then I guess you don't have time to date anyone, right?
‪네, 그렇죠‬Yes, that's right.
‪[웃으며] 그렇죠‬Right?
‪(상수) 응원합니다, 종현 씨‬I'm rooting for you. I'm sure you'll pass.
‪꼭 붙을 거예요‬I'm rooting for you. I'm sure you'll pass.
‪- 파이팅, 파이팅‬ ‪- (종현) 네‬-Good luck. -Thank you.
‪[늑대 울음 효과음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(고객3) 뭔 소리 하고‬ ‪자빠졌어, 지금!‬What are you talking about?
‪나는 못 들었어, 나는 못 들었어!‬I was never told that!
‪저, 너랑 얘기 못 하니까‬I don't want to talk to you!
‪저, 저기, 저, 네 위에 오라 그래‬Call your boss!
‪[고객3이 불평한다]‬ ‪뭐야?‬-What's going on? -I'll be here.
‪(경필) 배 계장 고객인데‬ ‪원금 손실 때문에‬He's Ms. Bae's client. It's about the principal loss.
‪- 얼마나?‬ ‪- (고객3) 네 위에 오라 그래‬-How much? -Call your boss!
‪- 3백‬ ‪- (고객3) 내 3백 가져와, 그러면‬-Three million won. -Bring me my money.
‪[한숨]‬-Three million won. -Bring me my money.
‪[종현이 달랜다]‬ ‪(고객3) 만지지 마라‬ ‪만지지 마라!‬-You can't-- -Don't touch me!
‪(경필) '나는 절대 못 들었다'‬-He's saying, "You never told me that." -Don't touch me.
‪(고객3) 만지지 마라‬-He's saying, "You never told me that." -Don't touch me.
‪(경필) '네가 잘못했으니‬ ‪네가 내 돈 토해 내라'‬-"You'd better pay me back." -Call your boss. I was never told that.
‪이 얘기인 거지‬-"You'd better pay me back." -Call your boss. I was never told that.
‪- 노부지 어디 갔어?‬ ‪- (고객3) 내 돈 3백 가져와!‬-Where's Mr. Noh? -I want my three million won!
‪노부지, 육지, 다 출타 중이시고‬ ‪[고객3이 구시렁댄다]‬Both he and the branch manager are out. Don't play dumb!
‪무조건 윗사람 올 때까지‬ ‪저러시겠단다‬He insists on acting that way
‪(고객3) 고객님이고 저객님이고‬ ‪네 위에 오라 그래‬ ‪[한숨]‬-until they come. -I don't care. Call your boss.
‪너랑 얘기가 안 되니까!‬-I can't talk to you. -Sir--
‪만지지 마라, 만지지 마라!‬ ‪확, 씨!‬I told you not to touch me!
‪저 CCTV 다 찍고 있어, 만지지 마‬The camera is recording this. Don't touch me, or I'll report you.
‪나 폭행죄로 확‬ ‪신고해 버릴라니까, 그냥‬The camera is recording this. Don't touch me, or I'll report you.
‪하, 퇴근 늦어지겠네‬The camera is recording this. Don't touch me, or I'll report you. I guess we won't be clocking out on time.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I guess we won't be clocking out on time.
‪(고객3) 내 돈 3백 가져와라‬I want my three million won back.
‪고객을 이러고 방치를 해?‬ ‪너희들이‬How dare you ignore your customer?
‪(민희) [작은 목소리로]‬ ‪계속 저렇게 둘 거예요?‬Are you just going to watch?
‪(지윤) 경찰 부를까요?‬Should we call the police?
‪(구일) 경찰 불러서‬ ‪온 동네방네 소문낼까?‬And let word of this get out?
‪(두식) 안 되죠, 그러다‬ ‪강제 연행으로 딴지 걸어서‬Of course not. What if he posts about his arrest on the Financial Supervisory Service site?
‪금감원 홈페이지에‬ ‪도배라도 되면 어떡할 거예요?‬What if he posts about his arrest on the Financial Supervisory Service site? Then what should we do?
‪(민희) 그럼 어떡해, 어?‬Then what should we do? We can't stay here all night.
‪이러다 밤새울 거야?‬We can't stay here all night.
‪(지윤) 그럼 퇴근은 언제 해요?‬ ‪저 오늘 약속 있는데‬When can I clock out? I have plans tonight.
‪(구일) 내가 뭐라고 할 거 같아?‬What kind of answer are you expecting?
‪먼저 퇴근하라고 할 거 같아?‬-That you can go ahead and leave? -No.
‪[민희의 한숨]‬ ‪(지윤) 아니요‬-That you can go ahead and leave? -No.
‪- (수영) 시재 맞습니다‬ ‪- (민희) 어‬The balance is correct. Okay.
‪(두식) 아…‬What?
‪너 뭔데? 네가 여기 책임자야?‬Who are you? Are you the boss here?
‪(수영) 고객님 일어나실 때까지‬ ‪저도 무릎 꿇고 있을게요‬I'm going to kneel here until you get up.
‪(고객3) 아니!‬ ‪아니, 무릎 꿇지 말고‬What? I don't want that! I just want my money back!
‪그냥 내 돈 3백 내놓으라고!‬What? I don't want that! I just want my money back!
‪안 되는 거 잘 아시잖아요‬ ‪그래서 더 화가 나신 거고‬You know that's not possible, and that's why you're furious.
‪(수영) 화 풀리실 때까지라도‬ ‪이렇게 있을게요‬I'll stay here until you feel better.
‪(고객3) 아니, 아니, 아니야‬ ‪쓸데없는 소리 하지 말고‬Stop this nonsense!
‪내 돈 3백 가져오기 전엔‬ ‪절대 못 일어나!‬I won't leave without my three million won.
‪3백 가져와!‬Bring it to me.
‪(수영) 저도 고객님‬ ‪일어나시기 전엔 안 일어나요‬I won't get up until you do.
‪너 지금 나랑 말장난하냐, 어?‬Is this funny to you? Just give me back my money!
‪아니, 그냥 내 돈 3백‬ ‪가져오라고!‬Is this funny to you? Just give me back my money!
‪너 하고 싶은 대로 해‬ ‪나도 나 하고 싶은 대로 할라니까‬Do whatever you want, and I'll do the same.
‪참 나, 참‬Jeez.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪(고객4) 아, 도대체 되는 거예요?‬ ‪안 되는 거예요?‬So is it possible or not?
‪고객님, 죄송합니다‬ ‪잠시만 기다려 주세요‬I'm sorry, ma'am. Please wait a moment.
‪(고객4) 아휴‬
‪(수영) 어, 죄송해요‬I'm sorry. It's his probation period, so he must've made a mistake.
‪수습 행원분이라‬ ‪실수가 있었나 봐요‬I'm sorry. It's his probation period, so he must've made a mistake.
‪금방 처리할 수 있는 문제니까‬ ‪제가 도와드릴게요‬This won't take long, so let me help.
‪- (수영) 잠시만요‬ ‪- (상수) 예‬-Excuse me. -Okay.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪죄송해요, 안 주임님‬I'm sorry, Ms. Ahn.
‪제가 은행 처음 왔을 때‬ ‪실수했던 거‬These are the list of mistakes I made when I first started working here
‪(수영) 해결했던 방법‬ ‪메모해 둔 거예요‬and their solutions.
‪저도 실수 많이 했어요‬I made tons of mistakes too.
‪은행원은 3년 차까지 사고 치는 게‬ ‪일이라는 말도 있잖아요‬ ‪[상수의 놀란 숨소리]‬They say it's a given for clerks to make mistakes for the first three years.
‪별일 아니에요, 이런 거‬Don't take it to heart.
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬
‪(고객3) 참!‬Jeez.
‪(구일) 아이참‬-What? -Gosh.
‪(두식) 팀장님, 팀장님‬Ms. Seo?
‪- (구일) 아, 가야지, 뭐‬ ‪- (두식) 팀장님, 아이‬-Gosh. -Ma'am.
‪(구일) 아, 뭐야, 이게‬Come on. Let's go.
‪(고객3) 이야, 너희들 진짜‬Seriously? Look at you all.
‪아름답다, 아름다워, 응?‬What a beautiful sight.
‪[고객3의 한숨]‬
‪(구일) 아휴, 안수영‬ ‪강단 있는 건 알았지만‬I knew Su-yeong was tenacious.
‪그래도 대단하네, 씨‬I knew Su-yeong was tenacious. But that was still impressive.
‪(두식) 대단하긴요‬How was that impressive?
‪안 주임 때문에‬ ‪나까지 무릎 꿇었는데‬I had to kneel because of her.
‪(민희) 덕분에 퇴근하는 거지, 뭐‬We get to go home, thanks to you.
‪고마워, 수영 씨‬Thanks, Su-yeong.
‪(은정) 그러게, 안 그래도 됐는데‬You didn't have to do that, you know.
‪(수영) 저도 빨리‬ ‪퇴근하고 싶어서요‬I wanted to go home too.
‪(은정) 어쨌든 고마워요‬ ‪나 때문인데‬Anyway, thank you. This was all my fault.
‪(민희) 난 간다, 내일 봐‬I'm leaving now. See you tomorrow.
‪- (민희) 고생했어, 응‬ ‪- (수영) 조심히 가세요‬-Good job today. -Goodbye.
‪[은정의 웃음]‬ ‪(지윤) 네, 가요‬-Right. -Thank goodness.
‪(은정) 아, 수영 씨‬ ‪소개팅할래요?‬How about a blind date, Su-yeong?
‪(지윤) 아, 제가 남자 친구랑‬ ‪다시 붙어 가지고 못 하게 됐어요‬My ex and I got back together, so I can't go.
‪(은정) 아니, 저, 오늘 일‬ ‪고마워서 그런 건 아니고‬I mean, it has nothing to do with what you did for me today.
‪삼전 다니는 남자인데‬ ‪얼굴도 괜찮대요‬He works at Samjeon, and he's good-looking.
‪또 전 남친 건너 건너‬ ‪아는 사이라 난 안 돼서‬I can't go because he and my ex have mutual friends.
‪생각 있어요?‬Are you interested?
‪(구일) 오, 소개팅?‬A blind date?
‪아니요, 괜찮아요‬No, that's okay.
‪(두식) 어, 왜?‬What? Why not?
‪왜 안 하시게요?‬Why not go?
‪(구일) 삼전 다니는 남자라잖아‬She said he works at Samjeon. Is there a reason why you can't go?
‪뭐, 소개팅하면 안 되는‬ ‪이유라도 있나?‬She said he works at Samjeon. Is there a reason why you can't go?
‪[구일의 놀란 숨소리]‬She said he works at Samjeon. Is there a reason why you can't go?
‪벌써 남자 친구가 있다거나?‬Are you already taken?
‪(두식) 뭐, 아니면 썸 타는 남자가‬ ‪이미 있다거나?‬Or are you casually seeing someone?
‪(은정) 뭐야?‬What? Have you been seeing someone?
‪수영 씨, 썸 타는 남자 있었어?‬What? Have you been seeing someone?
‪누군데? 은행 사람?‬Who is he? A colleague?
‪언제예요?‬When is it?
‪(은정) 다음 주말요‬Next weekend.
‪- 할게요‬ ‪- (은정) 정말요?‬-I'll go. -Really?
‪(수영) 할게요, 소개팅‬I'll go on the blind date.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪- (은정) 오, 잘됐다‬ ‪- (지윤) 응‬That's great.
‪(구일) 어, 잘…‬That's great.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(경필) 굿 샷을‬Good shot, Sang-su.
‪치면 어떡하냐, 어?‬But it's not good for me.
‪아따, 비거리 봐라‬Gosh, that went far.
‪야, 너 티 안 나게‬ ‪져 주는 연습을 해야지‬You need to practice how to lose without making it look obvious.
‪[공이 드르륵 나온다]‬ ‪지점장 이겨 먹으면 피곤해‬You need to practice how to lose without making it look obvious. Beating the branch manager will do you no good.
‪넌 어디 필드 나왔냐?‬Why are you dressed like that?
‪나 그냥 이참에 은행 때려치우고‬ ‪골프 연습장이나 해 볼까?‬Should I just quit the bank and open up a driving range?
‪난 소개팅이나 해 볼까?‬Should I go on a blind date?
‪[경필의 당황한 소리]‬
‪[상수가 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(경필) 누가 소개팅시켜 준대?‬Did you get an offer?
‪(상수) 아니, 뭐, 그런 건 아닌데‬No, it's not that.
‪(경필) 그러면 누구랑 하게?‬Then whom will you go on a blind date with?
‪야, 그러지 말고‬Instead of that,
‪저기 저, 저, 저, 삼겹살에‬ ‪소주 씨랑 소개팅하는 거 어때?‬how about we go on a date with pork belly and soju?
‪아휴, 야, 지겹다, 술‬I'm sick of drinking.
‪(경필) 그냥 돼지 아니다‬ ‪제주 흑돼지 씨다‬It's not just any pork. It's Jeju pork belly.
‪흑돼지고 백돼지고 다음에‬I don't care. I'll take a rain check. I have a high school reunion.
‪나 고등학교 동창회 가야 돼‬I don't care. I'll take a rain check. I have a high school reunion.
‪(경필) 뭐야‬ ‪그런 데 안 나가더니 왜?‬You usually don't go. What gives?
‪(상수) 왜겠냐?‬ ‪실적 올리러 가는 거지‬I'm going there to raise my performance.
‪오케이, 그러면‬In that case, leave it with me.
‪(경필) 쯧, 여기 두고 가‬In that case, leave it with me.
‪응?‬Right here.
‪네 간이랑 쓸개 여기 두고 가‬Yank out your pride and leave it behind.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 미친놈‬ ‪내가 토끼냐?‬Shut up. You're not making any sense.
‪상수야, 우린 토끼도 아니고‬ ‪사람도 아니야‬Sang-su, remember who we are.
‪우리? 은행원‬We're just bank clerks.
‪(경필) 간과 쓸개가 무용한 은행원‬We don't need any pride. Come on.
‪자‬We don't need any pride. Come on.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[상수의 한숨]‬
‪[저마다 감탄한다]‬
‪(동창1) 얼굴 폈다?‬ ‪결혼하니 좋은가 봐?‬You look good. Is it because you're getting married?
‪예비 장인 덕을 봐서 그런가?‬Or could it be thanks to your future father-in-law?
‪(동창2) 왜, 장인어른이 뭐 하셔?‬What do you mean? Does he have his own business?
‪(동창3) 그냥 인테리어업체‬ ‪몇 개 갖고 계셔‬He owns some interior designing companies.
‪(동창1) 장모님은 교감 선생님에‬ ‪처제는 법조인이란다‬His mom-in-law is a vice principal, his sister-in-law practices law.
‪[동창2의 탄성]‬ ‪부와 명예를 두루 갖춘 집안이지‬That family has both wealth and honor.
‪(동창3) 야, 처제는‬ ‪아직 로스쿨이라니까‬Hey, I said she's only in law school.
‪- (동창1) 아이, 그게 그거지‬ ‪- (동창3) 그냥 평범한 집안이에요‬-Come on. -They're just an average family.
‪(동창2) 야, 평범한 게 최고다‬Hey, being average is the best.
‪[동창들이 호응한다]‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬-Right. -I agree.
‪(동창1) 아, 너 신혼집 대출‬ ‪상수한테 해, 그럼‬Hey, you should get your home loan from Sang-su.
‪(동창3) 응?‬What?
‪- (상수) 아, 그럴래?‬ ‪- (동창1) 응‬-Are you interested? -Go on.
‪(동창3) 그럴까?‬Should I?
‪(상수) 야, 말 나온 김에‬ ‪이것 좀 봐 봐‬Hey. Since we're on the topic, take a look at this.
‪(동창1) 줘 봐, 뭐야?‬Let me see that.
‪- (동창1) 아이고‬ ‪- (상수) 아휴‬-Gosh. -Gosh.
‪(상수) 야, 이번에‬ ‪상품 좋은 게 하나 나왔는데‬This is a pretty good product.
‪수익률이 괜찮더라고, 응?‬The rate of return is not bad at all.
‪(동창4) '투자 신탁'?‬An investment trust?
‪- (동창1) 뭐야, 이거?‬ ‪- (동창3) 몰라‬-What is this? -Beats me.
‪야, 친구 좋다는 게 뭐냐?‬ ‪좀 도와줘라, 어?‬Come on. We're all friends. Help me out here.
‪- (동창2) 알았어‬ ‪- (상수) 잘들 봐 봐, 응?‬-All right. -Take a good look at it.
‪(동창2) 이거 해 주면‬ ‪너한테 얼마나 떨어지냐?‬How much do you get in commission for this?
‪(상수) 어?‬What?
‪아이, 나도 이번에‬ ‪건물 하나 올리는데‬I'm constructing a new building.
‪[깨달은 탄성]‬
‪너 전에 살던 우리 빌라‬It's the place where you used to live.
‪(동창2) 거기 지금 쫙 밀고‬ ‪건물 새로 하나 올리거든‬I'm going to demolish it and put up a new one.
‪[동창들의 탄성]‬
‪(동창3) 맞다, 상수 너‬ ‪얘네 빌라 살았었지?‬That's right. -You two lived in the same building. -Yes.
‪- (동창2) 어‬ ‪- (동창1) 아, 그렇지‬That's right.
‪(동창1) 맞아, 맞아, 맞아‬Right.
‪[상수의 씁쓸한 웃음]‬
‪하, 빌라…‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(상수) 그랬다‬That's right.
‪반지하나 다름없었던‬It was pretty much underground.
‪(정임) 잠깐만‬This is only temporary.
‪아주 잠깐만 사는 거야‬We won't be living here for long.
‪(상수) 햇빛도 들지 않는 1층 집‬We lived on the first floor that got no sun.
‪주소만 강남이었던‬The address read "Gangnam," but it was anything but fancy.
‪강남이 아닌 그곳에서‬The address read "Gangnam," but it was anything but fancy.
‪엄마는 주문을 외우듯‬ ‪그렇게 말했지만‬My mom repeatedly told me that it was temporary,
‪그 집에서 우린 5년이 넘게 살았고‬but we lived there for more than five years.
‪덕분에 나는‬And thanks to that experience, I became a top student.
‪우등생이 됐다‬ ‪[시끌벅적하다]‬And thanks to that experience, I became a top student.
‪(학생들) 가위바위보!‬
‪(상수) 탯줄부터 잘 타고난‬ ‪애들 사이에서‬I didn't fit in with the other kids who were born wealthy.
‪철저하게 이방인이었던 나는‬I didn't fit in with the other kids who were born wealthy.
‪(학생들) 가위바위보!‬
‪(상수) 공부했다‬That's why I studied.
‪절대‬And I promised myself to never live that poor again.
‪이 이상 내려가진 않겠다고‬ ‪다짐하면서‬And I promised myself to never live that poor again.
‪(동창2) 야, 말 나온 김에‬You know what?
‪법인 계좌랑 직원들 계좌까지‬ ‪싹 다 바꿔 줄게‬I'll move our company and employees' accounts to your bank.
‪[동창들의 웃음과 탄성]‬-Gosh. -Great.
‪아, 그래, 고맙다‬Really? Thanks.
‪(동창2) 야, 고맙긴‬ ‪친구끼리 돕고 사는 거지‬It's nothing. Friends should help each other out.
‪야, 너 근데 결혼은 안 하니?‬But hey, are you thinking about getting married at all?
‪아, 해야지, 평범한 여자 만나서‬Of course. I want to marry a nice, average woman.
‪(동창1) 그렇지, 평범한 게 최고야‬-Right. -Average is the best.
‪야, 마셔, 마셔‬-Right. -Average is the best. Let's drink.
‪(동창들) 짠!‬-Cheers. -Cheers.
‪(동창1) 야, 자주 보자, 우리‬-Let's meet up more often. -Sure.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪(태평) 진짜?‬Seriously?
‪자, 여러분! 주목, 주목!‬Everyone! Attention!
‪우리 하상수 계장이 드디어‬Mr. Ha, right here, finally did something terrific.
‪모처럼 아주 크게‬ ‪한 건을 해 왔습니다‬Mr. Ha, right here, finally did something terrific.
‪박수!‬ ‪[태평의 박수]‬Applause, please.
‪이야, 너 강남 8학군‬ ‪출신이라더니, 어?‬I heard you went to an elite school. Your friends sure are different.
‪확실히 클래스가 다르네? 친구들이‬I heard you went to an elite school. Your friends sure are different.
‪잘했다, 잘했어‬Well done.
‪[구일의 한숨]‬
‪(구일) 새로 오는 대리는‬ ‪언제 오나?‬When is the new assistant manager coming?
‪(두식) 아이, 첫날부터‬ ‪정시 출근 하려는‬She's going to show up exactly on time. How do we feel about that?
‪이 패기 이거 괜찮겠습니까?‬She's going to show up exactly on time. How do we feel about that?
‪(민희) 텃세 부리지 마‬Don't be mean now.
‪PB 팀 충원되면‬ ‪마 대리도 편해지는 거 아니야‬Getting a new PB Team worker will take a burden off your shoulders.
‪(은정) 대박, 이거 보세요‬No way. Check this out.
‪- (은정) 그, 새로 온다는…‬ ‪- (민희) 왜, 왜?‬-This is the new employee. -What is it?
‪(직원들) 봐 봐‬-Let me see. -Let me see.
‪(두식) 야, 뭐야?‬-What? -No way.
‪[직원들이 수군거린다]‬-What? -No way. -Gosh. -Look at her.
‪(구일) 오, 약간 좀‬ ‪그, 영포점 여신과는‬ ‪[민희의 탄성]‬She has a different vibe than our Goddess of Youngpo.
‪살짝 좀 다른 느낌이네‬She has a different vibe than our Goddess of Youngpo.
‪(민희) 나랑 닮았어, 나야‬-She looks like me. -Wait. -Right? -Don't irritate me like that.
‪(구일) 아이, 씨‬ ‪아침부터 짜증 나게 하지 말고‬-Right? -Don't irritate me like that.
‪(두식) 이렇게 생긴 사람이‬ ‪여길 온다고?‬-Someone this hot is coming here? -Are you excited?
‪(은정) 떨리나 본데?‬-Someone this hot is coming here? -Are you excited? She's seriously coming here?
‪(두식) 아, 진짜‬ ‪이 사람이 온다고?‬She's seriously coming here?
‪(미경) 안녕하세요‬Good morning.
‪오늘부터 영포점에서 근무하게 된‬ ‪박미경입니다‬My name is Park Mi-gyeong, and this is my first day at the Youngpo branch.
‪정식 인사는‬ ‪옷 갈아입고 와서 할게요‬I'll greet you officially after I get changed.
‪(민희) 네, 그래, 그래요‬-Okay. -Okay then.
‪경의실은…‬Where's the locker room?
‪(두식) 저쪽이십니다‬That way.
‪[직원들의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪잠깐만, 이야, 씨‬
‪(구일) 뭐지?‬
‪(태평) 아…‬
‪서초점에서 온 박미경 대리‬Assistant Manager Park Mi-gyeong is from the Seocho branch.
‪나랑 같이 PB 팀 전담할 거고‬She'll be joining me in the PB Team.
‪- (태평) 직접 인사해요‬ ‪- (미경) [웃으며] 네‬-Why don't you introduce yourself? -Okay.
‪(미경) 오늘부터 영포점의‬ ‪새로운 식구가 된 박미경입니다‬My name is Park Mi-gyeong. I'm the newest member to join Youngpo.
‪잘 부탁드립니다‬It's nice to meet everyone.
‪(두식) 박수!‬Applause, please.
‪(미경) 잘 부탁드립니다‬Thank you.
‪- (태평) 자, 파이팅 합시다‬ ‪- (미경) 네‬-Let's work hard. -Okay.
‪(미경) 잘 부탁드려요‬Thank you.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪(직원들) 아… 예‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪(미경) 잘 부탁드립니다‬-Nice to meet you. -Likewise.
‪(구일) 아유, 예‬ ‪잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬ ‪[미경의 웃음]‬-Nice to meet you. -Likewise. Did you see?
‪[입 모양으로 '대박' 하는 지윤]‬Unbelievable.
‪(지윤) 너무 잘 먹었어요‬Thank you for the meal.
‪비싸서 그런지 더 맛있고‬It was expensive and delicious.
‪(미경) 자주 살게요‬I'll treat everyone often.
‪이거 커스터마이징이에요?‬Is that a custom-made handbag?
‪(미경) 아, 이거 마카쥬 한 거예요‬This? It's called marquage.
‪예쁜 도안 보면‬ ‪그려 보고 싶어져서‬I like to draw pretty designs.
‪(지윤) 명품에 낙서하는 게‬ ‪취미시구나‬Doodling on luxury bags must be your hobby.
‪피부 되게 좋다‬You have great skin, by the way. Do you go to spas and get facials done?
‪(은정) 관리하는 거죠? 숍 다니고‬You have great skin, by the way. Do you go to spas and get facials done?
‪그냥 엄마 따라 가끔요‬I go with my mom every now and then. I'm too lazy to go often.
‪귀찮아서 자주는 못 해요‬I go with my mom every now and then. I'm too lazy to go often.
‪'엄마 따라'‬ ‪[은정의 옅은 웃음]‬With your mom?
‪우리가 앞으로 뭐든 도와줄게요‬ ‪물심양면으로다가‬ ‪[미경의 옅은 웃음]‬Let us help you in any way we can. All you have to do is ask.
‪(미경) 아‬
‪그, 영포점 분들은 어때요?‬How are the employees at this branch?
‪(은정) 음, 지점장님은 대감마님‬Our branch manager is like a king.
‪사모님도 중전마마 같은 분 만나서‬ ‪위로만 쭉, 쭉, 쭉‬And he married a wealthy woman, so he's been jumping up the ladder.
‪노부지님은‬ ‪2년 안에 지점장 못 달면‬Mr. Noh is anxious as he has to voluntarily resign
‪명퇴 루트라 좀 조급하시죠‬if he doesn't become a branch manager in two years.
‪찢어지게 가난한 사모님 만나서‬ ‪많이 쪼들리셨거든요‬He's had to struggle a lot after marrying his dirt-poor wife.
‪나쁜 분은 아니에요‬But he's a good person.
‪(지윤) 여기선 갈비 2인분만‬ ‪조심하시면 돼요‬Just watch out for TOM.
‪'갈비 2인분'요?‬TOM?
‪(지윤) '갈수록 비호감'이라서‬ ‪'갈비'‬It's short for "Two Obnoxious Men."
‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪1인분은 이 팀장님‬One of them is Mr. Lee.
‪실적은 자기 덕‬ ‪실수는 남 탓인 분이에요‬He takes credit for good and blames others for the bad.
‪(구일) 노부지‬ ‪진짜 양심 없지 않냐?‬Mr. Noh has no shame.
‪그거 솔직히‬ ‪내가 다 설계한 거잖아‬I planned out everything myself. You saw me do that, right?
‪너 봤잖아, 네가? 처음부터 끝까지‬I planned out everything myself. You saw me do that, right?
‪(지윤) 그리고 나머지 1인분은‬ ‪마 대리님‬ ‪[구일이 구시렁댄다]‬The other one is Mr. Ma.
‪나쁜 사람은 아닌데 완전 박쥐‬ ‪[두식이 아부한다]‬-He's not evil, but he's an opportunist. -Calm down. You're too tense.
‪아유, 어깨 많이 뭉치셨어‬-He's not evil, but he's an opportunist. -Calm down. You're too tense.
‪(지윤) 그리고 이렇게 셋이‬ ‪영포점 핵인싸인데‬And these three are the most popular.
‪신입 행원 때는‬ ‪실수를 너무 많이 해서‬They made so many mistakes as rookies…
‪'세 얼간이'라고 불렸대요‬…they were called the Three Idiots.
‪(상수) 야, 이거‬ ‪80%까지 나오냐?‬Hey, is this supposed to be 80%?
‪[경필이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪[흥얼거리며] 이거는‬Let's see…
‪(경필) 야, 이거 80%까지‬ ‪나오는지 한번 봐 봐‬Hey, does this mean 80%?
‪- (석현) 너 어디서 났어, 이거?‬ ‪- (경필) 상수가 줬는데?‬-Where did you get this? -From him.
‪- (석현) 내가 줬잖아‬ ‪- (상수) 내가 너한테 줬잖아‬-I gave this to you. -And I gave it to you.
‪- (경필) 그러니까‬ ‪- (석현) 내가 준 거야‬-Exactly. -It was originally from me.
‪(경필) 아, 이 미친놈들, 진짜‬You idiots.
‪(석현) 그래서 80% 나와?‬ ‪[경필의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬So is it 80%?
‪(상수) 아이, 나오겠지, 뭐‬I'm sure it is.
‪(은정) 그리고 마지막으로…‬And lastly--
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(지윤) 안수영 주임이에요‬That's Senior Clerk Ahn Su-yeong.
‪저랑 같은 서비스직군이자‬ ‪영포점 여신‬She's a service rep, just like me -and is called the Goddess of Youngpo. -Goddess? That's stretching it a bit.
‪[은정의 헛웃음]‬-and is called the Goddess of Youngpo. -Goddess? That's stretching it a bit.
‪(은정) 아, 여신은…‬ ‪여신까진 오버고‬-and is called the Goddess of Youngpo. -Goddess? That's stretching it a bit.
‪그냥 한 번씩 혹하는 거죠, 뭐‬Guys fall for her every now and then, but that's it.
‪뭔지 알죠?‬You get it, right?
‪지윤 씨도 여신이야‬Are you jealous, Ji-yun?
‪(태평) 요번에 우리 은행‬ ‪어플들을 재정비하는데‬Our banking app will be modified.
‪'현장에 있는 직원들이‬ ‪직접 발의해라'‬The president wants the employees to come up with suggestions.
‪요게 이제 행장님 지시야‬The president wants the employees to come up with suggestions.
‪아, 그리고 하상수 계장이랑‬ ‪박미경 대리한테‬And the branch manager wants you two to be in charge of this project.
‪이제 '대표를 맡겨라'라는 거는‬ ‪지점장님 지시고‬And the branch manager wants you two to be in charge of this project.
‪근데 이번 분기 실적 달성이‬ ‪우선이라고 하셨잖아요‬But didn't you say we should focus on achieving high performance?
‪(태평) 그랬지‬ ‪어, 그건 너무나 당연한 얘기지‬Yes, but that's a given.
‪야, 근데, 상수야‬Sang-su.
‪너 본점 가고 싶다며?‬Didn't you want to move up to HQ?
‪이, 가점이 꽤 높아요‬This is worth many points.
‪게다가 시상도‬ ‪행장님이 직접 하신단다‬And the president will present the reward himself.
‪안 할래? 내가 할까?‬Is it still a no? Should I do it?
‪(상수) 아…‬
‪- 하겠습니다‬ ‪- (태평) 어, 그래‬-I'll do it. -Good.
‪(미경) 저, 일주일에 이틀을‬ ‪센터로 가면‬Sir. If we're going to be at the center twice a week,
‪주요 업무는 어떻게 하나요?‬what about our main duties?
‪(태평) 어…‬what about our main duties?
‪그때는 대직자를 구해야지‬Then someone will have to substitute for you.
‪음, 보자, 상수는 석현…‬Let's see. Sang-su, ask Seok-hyeon--
‪마 대리한테 넘기고‬Ask Mr. Ma to take over for you.
‪우리 미경 씨는‬As for you, ask Ms. Ahn to take over. She used to help the PB Team.
‪안수영 주임한테 넘기자‬As for you, ask Ms. Ahn to take over. She used to help the PB Team.
‪그, 안 주임이 원래 우리 PB 팀‬ ‪팔로업도 하고 그랬으니까‬As for you, ask Ms. Ahn to take over. She used to help the PB Team.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪[휴대 전화 벨소리]‬
‪(태평) 어, 저, 얘기하고 와‬Go ahead and talk things over.
‪어, 여보, 여보‬Hi, honey. No, I answered as soon as it rang.
‪아니야, 아니야, 울, 울리자마자‬ ‪거의 바로 받았는데?‬Hi, honey. No, I answered as soon as it rang.
‪(상수) 그럼 각자 공문 보고‬ ‪마감 후에 다시 얘기할까요?‬Should we read up and talk again after work?
‪- 네‬ ‪- (상수) 네‬Sure.
‪(미경) 선배‬Sang-su.
‪나 기억 안 나요? 박미경‬Don't you remember me? It's Mi-gyeong.
‪[상수의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬ ‪[미경의 웃음]‬
‪경영학과 박미경요‬I majored in business administration.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪아, 그…‬You're…
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(상수) 야, 경필아‬Hey, Gyeong-pil.
‪여기 박 대리 그 박미경이래‬ ‪우리 과 후배‬Ms. Park, here, went to the same school as us.
‪(미경) 소경필 선배 맞죠?‬You're So Gyeong-pil, right?
‪[경필의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪안녕‬-Hi there. -Since it's been a while,
‪(미경) 오랜만인데‬-Hi there. -Since it's been a while,
‪다 같이 저녁이나 먹을까요?‬how about we have dinner together?
‪(상수) 그래, 그러자, 너 괜찮지?‬Sure. You're free, right?
‪아, 나 오늘 제사잖냐‬I have a memorial service today.
‪(경필) 다음에, 다음에 먹자‬Let me take a rain check.
‪(미경) 선배는 뭐 좋아해요?‬What do you like to eat?
‪(상수) 너 먹고 싶은 거 먹어‬ ‪[미경의 웃음]‬Why don't you choose?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- (미경) 이따 봐요‬ ‪- (경필) 그래, 이따 봐‬-See you later. -See you.
‪박 대리님, 인계 서류‬ ‪책상 위에 올려 뒀어요‬Ms. Park, the handover files are on your desk.
‪아, 고마워요, 안 주임님‬Thank you, Ms. Ahn.
‪(수영) 이건 하 계장님 거요‬And this is yours.
‪아, 고마워요, 수영 씨‬Thank you, Su-yeong.
‪(미경) 선배도 좋아했어요?‬Did you like her too?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(상수) 응?‬Who?
‪(미경) 안수영 주임요‬Ms. Ahn.
‪[상수가 콜록거린다]‬
‪영포점 여신이라던데?‬I hear she's the Goddess of Youngpo.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪뭔 소리야?‬What do you mean?
‪뭐, 예쁘긴 하더라‬She's pretty, though.
‪넌 스타일이 좀 달라진 거 같던데?‬You changed your style, didn't you? That's why I didn't recognize you.
‪그래서 내가 더 못 알아봤어‬You changed your style, didn't you? That's why I didn't recognize you.
‪(미경) 음‬Well…
‪뭐, 그땐 반항하고 싶었거든요‬Back then, I was rebellious.
‪누구한테?‬Toward whom?
‪있어요‬Just someone.
‪(미경) 근데‬ ‪오랜만에 먹으니까 맛있다‬I haven't had this in a while. I feel nostalgic.
‪옛날 생각도 나고‬I haven't had this in a while. I feel nostalgic.
‪자주 먹지, 왜?‬Why haven't you?
‪졸업하니까 먹을 기회 잘 없던데?‬There weren't many opportunities after graduation.
‪그러니까 선배는 조금만 먹어요‬ ‪내가 다 먹게‬So don't eat a lot. Let me have the rest.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(상수) 그래, 너 다 먹어라‬Fine. You can have it all.
‪[상수의 웃음]‬
‪더 줄게‬Have some more.
‪(미경) 아니, 장학금을‬ ‪못 받게 생겼는데 전화도 안 받고‬My scholarship was at stake, and he wasn't picking up.
‪그래서 갔죠, 집으로‬So I went to his place.
‪[미경의 한숨]‬
‪또 이를 막 쑤시면서‬With a toothpick in his mouth,
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪'박미경 학생은 B 플이 아니라‬ ‪B 마이너스인데'‬he said, "You deserve a B minus, not a B plus."
‪이러면서 더 깎겠다는 거야‬And he threatened to lower my grade. That professor was notorious for lowering your grade if you complained.
‪(상수) 그 교수님은‬ ‪정정 신청 하면‬That professor was notorious for lowering your grade if you complained.
‪점수 더 깎기로 유명했는데‬That professor was notorious for lowering your grade if you complained. What? You knew that?
‪(미경) 뭐야, 선배 알고 있었어요?‬What? You knew that?
‪(상수) 알고 있었지‬Of course.
‪(미경) 알고 있었으면‬ ‪나한테 말을 해 줬어야지!‬Then you should've told me!
‪아, 또 선배 탓이었네, 어?‬It's all your fault.
‪(상수) 그게 뭐?‬ ‪묻지도 않았었잖아‬ ‪[미경의 웃음]‬It's all your fault. How is that my fault?
‪(미경) 아, 그래도‬ ‪말을 해 줬어야지‬You should have told me.
‪(상수) 야, 여기 지점장 자리야‬That's the branch manager's spot.
‪(미경) 응, 오늘 본점에서‬ ‪지점장들 회의 있었잖아요‬I know. The branch managers had a meeting at HQ.
‪내일부턴 공영에 댈 거예요‬I'll park in the public lot tomorrow. Hop in. I'll drop you off.
‪타요, 선배, 데려다줄게‬I'll park in the public lot tomorrow. Hop in. I'll drop you off.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪좋은 차 타네‬This is a nice car.
‪백 년 할부예요‬I'm paying it off over a hundred years.
‪(상수) 근데 지점장이랑‬ ‪똑같은 차 같은데?‬I think it's the same model as our branch manager's.
‪검은색‬But his is black.
‪(미경) 아, 뭐야, 나 너무 싫어‬Seriously? That's so annoying. I'm going to get a new car, then.
‪안 되겠다, 나 차 바꿔야겠다‬Seriously? That's so annoying. I'm going to get a new car, then.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[미경의 헛기침]‬ ‪(상수) 응‬
‪오, 선배, 센스‬Gosh, you're so considerate.
‪(미경) 나 아까 몰라봐서‬ ‪좀 서운했어요‬I felt hurt when you didn't recognize me. We were in the same major, after all.
‪그래도 같은 과 후배인데‬I felt hurt when you didn't recognize me. We were in the same major, after all.
‪나 복학했을 땐‬ ‪넌 졸업하고 없었잖아‬When I returned to school later, you had already graduated,
‪(상수) 기억 안 날 만했지‬so it was only natural.
‪졸업하고 어떻게 지냈어요?‬What did you do after graduating?
‪나 졸업하고 여행 갔었어‬I went on a trip abroad.
‪- (미경) 어디?‬ ‪- 터키‬-Where? -Türkiye.
‪어, 터키 너무 좋지‬Gosh, Türkiye is a lovely country.
‪(미경) 아야 소피아에서‬ ‪석양 봤어요?‬Did you see the sunset from Hagia Sophia?
‪(상수) 너도 가 봤어?‬-Have you been to Türkiye? -Yes.
‪(미경) 응, 터키 갔다‬ ‪이태리까지‬-Have you been to Türkiye? -Yes. I went to Italy afterward.
‪난 이탈리아는 안 가 봤는데‬I've never been to Italy.
‪(미경) 나중에 한번 가 봐요‬You should go next time.
‪파스타는 한국이 더 맛있지만‬But the pasta here is better.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬But the pasta here is better.
‪아, 앱 개선안은? 어떻게 할까요?‬Right, so any ideas on what to write for the app improvement proposal?
‪생각나는 거 있어요?‬Right, so any ideas on what to write for the app improvement proposal?
‪당장은 모르겠고‬I can't think of anything right now.
‪본점에서 이번 대회를 연 의도가‬ ‪따로 있는 게 아닌가…‬I think HQ has an ulterior motive for this competition.
‪음, 무슨 의도?‬Like what?
‪이제 와서‬ ‪어플들을 재정비하려는 거‬I don't think modifying or evaluating the app
‪평가 수정이‬ ‪목표가 아닌 거 같아서‬is what they really want from us.
‪[호응하는 소리]‬
‪그럼 나도 한번 초안 잡아 볼게요‬ ‪다시 얘기해 봐요‬Then I'll write up a draft. We can talk afterward.
‪응, 그래‬Sounds good.
‪반가웠어, 데려다줘서 고맙고‬Good to see you again. Thanks for dropping me off.
‪앞으로 잘 부탁해요, 선배‬I look forward to working with you.
‪제가 더 잘 부탁드립니다‬ ‪박 대리님‬I should be saying that to you, Ms. Park.
‪[헛기침 하며] 어, 그래, 하 계장‬ ‪내일 보자고‬Right then. See you tomorrow, Mr. Ha.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪- 들어가‬ ‪- (미경) 응‬-Bye. -Okay.
‪- (미경) 갈게요, 내일 봐요‬ ‪- (상수) 응‬-See you tomorrow. -Okay.
‪[휴대 전화 진동음]‬
‪(미경) 선배, 나 도착‬ ‪오늘 즐거웠어요‬Just got home. Today was fun.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[순번 알림음]‬
‪(고객5) 전세 대출‬ ‪받으려 그러는데요‬I'd like to take out a housing loan.
‪아, 전세 대출요?‬A housing loan?
‪이게 보통 계약금의‬ ‪80%까진 가능하신데‬Normally, you can get up to 80% of the down payment,
‪자세한 건 대출 팀에서‬ ‪상담받으셔야 돼요‬but you have to speak to the Loan Team about the details.
‪(고객5) 그냥 아가씨가‬ ‪해 주면 안 돼요?‬Can't you just do it instead?
‪죄송하지만 전 창구 업무만‬ ‪담당하고 있어서요‬I'm sorry, but I'm only in charge of deposits and withdrawals.
‪(수영) 그…‬Let's see.
‪하 계장님‬Mr. Ha?
‪전세 대출 상담 고객님이신데‬ ‪응대 가능하실까요?‬This customer wants a housing loan. Can you speak with him?
‪네, 이쪽으로 오시겠어요?‬Sure. This way, please.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬ ‪[순번 알림음]‬
‪네, 312번 고객님‬ ‪이쪽에서 도와드릴게요‬Number 312, how may I help you?
‪혹시 필요하신 자금이‬ ‪어느 정도 되실까요?‬How much money do you need, sir?
‪- (고객5) 한 2억 5천 정도‬ ‪- 2억 5천 정도요?‬-About 250 million won. -Okay, got it.
‪- 혹시 신분증 갖고 오셨을까요?‬ ‪- (고객5) 신분증 가져왔어요‬-Can I see your ID, please? -Yes.
‪(상수) 네‬Okay.
‪(민희) 우리 엄마가 은행원 된 거‬My mom was thrilled when I became a bank clerk.
‪무지 좋아했었는데, 응?‬My mom was thrilled when I became a bank clerk.
‪이렇게 끼니도 못 챙기는 거‬ ‪이건 또 모르셨을 거야‬But I bet she never knew I'd be so busy that I'd skip meals.
‪(미경) 저희 엄마는 얼마 전까지도‬Up until recently,
‪은행원 퇴근 시간이‬ ‪4시인 줄 아셨어요‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬my mom thought bank employees clocked out at 4 p.m.
‪(지윤) 4시부터 시작이죠, 은행은‬Four is actually an unlucky number for us because that's when our job really begins.
‪사 시의 사가 '죽을 사'‬Four is actually an unlucky number for us because that's when our job really begins.
‪[민희의 한숨]‬The position transfer notice will be up soon. Are you doing it?
‪(은정) 아, 직군 전환‬ ‪공지 뜬다던데 할 거야?‬The position transfer notice will be up soon. Are you doing it?
‪(지윤) 근속 3년부터잖아요‬ ‪몇 개월 모자라요‬You have to have worked at least three years. I'm a bit short.
‪(은정) 수영 씨는요?‬What about you, Su-yeong?
‪(수영) 저도 패스요‬I'm going to pass.
‪(은정) 하긴 수영 씨는‬ ‪곧 계장 달 거니까‬You'll soon be a section chief anyway, right?
‪직군 전환하면 또 처음부터‬ ‪차 수 다시 채워야 되고‬If you transfer, you'll have to start from the bottom again.
‪넌 빨리 직군 전환해‬You should apply for it.
‪안 그러면 연차 아까워서‬ ‪이도 저도 못 한다니까‬If not, you'll be stuck and won't know what to do.
‪(민희) 뭘 또 이도 저도 못 해?‬What do you mean? I don't agree.
‪난 예금 창구 일이‬ ‪제일로 좋더구먼‬I love being a teller.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪그래도 은행 다니면‬ ‪대출 업무 정도는 해 봐야죠‬Still, you should know how to manage loan applications as a clerk.
‪(민희) 안 주임 종상 팀‬ ‪팔로우도 하고 있어‬She's also helping the General Consultation Team.
‪그냥 주 업무가 예금 팀인 거지‬This is just her main job.
‪(미경) 아, 맞다‬Right.
‪부지점장님이 안 주임님한테‬ ‪PB 팀 팔로우 부탁하라던데‬Mr. Noh wants you to help out with the PB Team.
‪(수영) 아, 들었어요‬Yes, I heard.
‪(미경) 응, 나중에‬ ‪따로 얘기해요, 우리‬Yes, I heard. Let's talk more about that later.
‪응, 번호 줘요‬Give me your number.
‪(민희) 어, 하 계장‬Mr. Ha!
‪하 계장, 일로 와, 이거 먹어, 응?‬Come and join us.
‪여기, 빨리빨리 와‬-Come here. -No, thank you.
‪- 아니에요‬ ‪- (민희) 아, 왜? 빨리 와‬-Come here. -No, thank you. -Come on. Hurry up. -It's okay.
‪- (상수) 괜찮아요, 드세요‬ ‪- 일로 와요‬-Come on. Hurry up. -It's okay. Come join us.
‪(민희) 하나만 먹어 봐, 빨리‬ ‪응, 빨리 들어와‬Just come in. Hurry up.
‪(민희) 어여 들어와, 여기 앉아‬Come and sit.
‪응, 이 집이 맛있어‬-This is good. -It is.
‪(은정) 맛있다‬It's really tasty.
‪- (민희) 젓가락‬ ‪- (은정) 맞다‬-Your chopsticks. -Right.
‪수영 씨, 주말 안 잊었죠?‬You didn't forget this weekend, right?
‪(민희) 주말? 주말 뭐?‬This weekend? What's happening?
‪(은정) 제가 수영 씨‬ ‪소개팅해 주기로 했잖아요‬I'm setting her up on a blind date.
‪삼전 다니는 남자‬He works at Samjeon.
‪그쪽에 수영 씨 사진 보냈더니‬I sent him your photo, and he's dying to date you already.
‪뭐, 완전 당장 사귈 기세던데‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬I sent him your photo, and he's dying to date you already.
‪(수영) 안 잊었어요‬I didn't forget.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬ ‪(민희) 오! 우리 안수영‬ ‪이제 시집가는 거야?‬Are you finally going to get married?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Are you finally going to get married?
‪(미경) 어?‬
‪뭐야, 지금 둘이?‬What was that?
‪(민희) 지금 둘이 뭐 하니‬ ‪여기서, 응?‬What's going on between you guys?
‪와, 사내 대회 준비한다고‬ ‪둘이 짝 붙어 다니더니만‬I know you've been preparing for the competition,
‪막 그냥, 어? 휴지를 막 뽑아 주고‬ ‪난리가 났어, 그냥, 지금‬and now, you're handing her tissues.
‪(상수) 아니에요‬ ‪그런 거 아니에요, 팀장님‬It's not like that. Don't lie. I can see through you. I can see that you're dating.
‪(민희) 아니긴 뭐가 아니야‬ ‪나 삼신할매 동창이야‬ ‪[여자들의 웃음]‬Don't lie. I can see through you. I can see that you're dating.
‪- (민희) 딱 보면 착이거든?‬ ‪- (상수) 아니…‬Don't lie. I can see through you. I can see that you're dating.
‪(미경) 왜요?‬ ‪뭐, 저희 잘 살 관상이에요?‬Tell me. Do you think we'll be happily married?
‪[여자들의 웃음]‬
‪- (은정) 잘 어울려요‬ ‪- (지윤) 잘 어울려요‬-You suit each other. -You really do.
‪(지윤) 두 분이 사귀세요‬You should just date.
‪- (상수) 왜들 그러세요‬ ‪- 저 먼저 일어날게요‬-Come on. -Excuse me.
‪- (민희) 아유, 몰라, 나도‬ ‪- (미경) 드세요‬-Gosh. -I can't believe this. Eat up.
‪(민희) 응? 응‬Eat up.
‪- (미경) 먹어요‬ ‪- (상수) 예‬-Eat up. -Okay.
‪(은정) 팀장님, 드세요‬Please have some.
‪(민희) 고마워‬Thank you.
‪(상수) 그런 거 아니에요‬ ‪미경이…‬It's not true. Mi-gyeong is…
‪박 대리랑 아무 사이도 아니에요‬There's nothing between Ms. Park and me.
‪- 네, 그러세요‬ ‪- (상수) 저…‬-Okay. -Wait.
‪소개팅 진짜 하는 거예요?‬Are you really going on that blind date?
‪[상수의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬ ‪(상수) 나한텐‬ ‪종현 씨랑 사귄다더니‬You said you were dating Mr. Jeong. But now, you're going on a blind date.
‪이제 소개팅한다 그러고‬You said you were dating Mr. Jeong. But now, you're going on a blind date.
‪앞뒤가 안 맞잖아요‬It just doesn't make sense.
‪하 계장님이랑‬ ‪상관없는 일이잖아요‬This is none of your business.
‪대체 왜…‬Why are you…
‪혹시 딴 이유가 있어요?‬Is there another reason?
‪(상수) 아니, 나한테 이러는‬Is there a reason that I'm not aware of?
‪내가 모르는‬ ‪무슨 이유라도 있는 거냐고요‬Is there a reason that I'm not aware of?
‪아니요, 없는데요‬No, there isn't.
‪(수영) 그러니까 하 계장님도‬ ‪박 대리님이랑 잘해 보세요‬So, good luck with Ms. Park.
‪진심이에요?‬Do you mean that?
‪(상수) [한숨 쉬며] 진심으로 내가‬Do you really want me
‪박 대리랑 잘되길 바라요?‬to date Ms. Park?
‪잘 어울려요, 두 분‬You two look good together.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬
‪(상수) 소개팅?‬A blind date?
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪(경필) 하상수 씨‬Mr. Ha, I know you're in there. Open up.
‪안에 있는 거 다 압니다‬ ‪문 여세요‬Mr. Ha, I know you're in there. Open up.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[경필이 노래한다]‬ ‪안 나오면 쳐들어간다‬ ‪으쌰라 으쌰!‬If you don't come out, I'll barge in.
‪[노크 소리]‬ ‪[상수의 한숨]‬
‪[경필의 웃음]‬
‪(상수) 각설이냐?‬ ‪죽지도 않고 또 오게‬Why do you keep showing up here?
‪(경필) 외로운 영혼끼리‬Let's drink our loneliness away.
‪술로 채우는 거지, 뭐‬Let's drink our loneliness away.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(경필) 야, 가자‬ ‪가자, 가자, 달리자‬Hey, let's do this. Let's drink until we drop.
‪[경필이 술을 조르륵 따른다]‬
‪아, 나 안 마셔‬I'm not drinking.
‪(경필) 아, 뭐야, 왜, 어?‬Why not?
‪아, 맥 빠지게!‬Don't be a party pooper.
‪아, 뭐가 문제야? 빨리‬ ‪말해 봐‬What's the problem? You can tell me anything.
‪이 형님한테 다 털어놔‬What's the problem? You can tell me anything.
‪(상수) 아, 뭐가?‬It's nothing.
‪(경필) 아이, 지금 네 얼굴에‬ ‪백팔 번뇌가 보여‬I can see the torment in your eyes.
‪석현이는?‬-What's Seok-hyeon doing? -He's on a blind date.
‪(경필) 걔는 소개팅 갔고‬-What's Seok-hyeon doing? -He's on a blind date.
‪뭔 소개팅들을…‬A blind date?
‪(상수) 야, 자연스러운 만남을‬ ‪추구해야지‬People should try to meet others naturally instead of going on blind dates.
‪뭐, 그렇게 소개팅들을 하냐?‬People should try to meet others naturally instead of going on blind dates.
‪(경필) 자연스럽게 만났다가‬ ‪한번 데이셨잖아‬ ‪[경필의 웃음]‬He met his ex naturally, and look what happened.
‪이번엔 조건부터 보겠대‬ ‪금감원 부원장 딸‬He wants to meet a well-off woman. Her father is the vice president of FSS.
‪그렇게 사는 게 맞는 건가?‬Is that right, though?
‪(상수) 비슷하게 살던‬ ‪사람들끼리 만나서‬Should two people from similar backgrounds get married
‪비슷한 수준으로 사는 게‬just to maintain the lifestyles they're used to
‪사랑도 없이 사는 게 맞는 건가?‬even though they're not in love?
‪(경필) 아이‬ ‪누가 사랑도 없이 산대, 어?‬Who said there's no love? Those people can fall in love too.
‪그렇게 만나서‬ ‪또 사랑하고 살기도 하지‬Who said there's no love? Those people can fall in love too.
‪사랑만 보고 살기에는‬ ‪세상이 너무 주옥같잖아‬Love can't conquer all in this awful world.
‪돈은 생각보다 위대하다‬Money is more powerful than you think.
‪뭐, 조건 좋은 상대 만나서‬Sure, there are people who try to raise their status through marriage.
‪신분 상승 하려는 사람도‬ ‪있기는 하지‬Sure, there are people who try to raise their status through marriage.
‪안수영 이번에 소개팅하는 남자도‬ ‪삼전 다닌다며?‬I heard Su-yeong's blind date works at Samjeon.
‪네가 그걸 어떻게 알아?‬How did you find out?
‪은행에 비밀이 어디 있냐고‬There are no secrets at work.
‪(경필) 그래서 울적하시구먼?‬So that's why you're depressed.
‪아이고, 참‬So that's why you're depressed.
‪잘되면 안수영도 땡잡은 거지, 뭐‬If it works out, then good for her.
‪그 남자가 안수영한테 훅 간다면야‬If he falls for her, that is.
‪(경필) 하긴‬ ‪안수영 반할 만한 여자지‬She really is pretty, that's for sure.
‪(경필) 내가 영포점 오고‬After coming to Youngpo,
‪연수원 동기들한테‬ ‪제일 먼저 들은 질문이 뭐였게?‬guess what the other trainees asked me about?
‪'안수영 예쁘냐?' 이거였어‬"Is Ahn Su-yeong pretty?"
‪그냥 뭐, 예쁘긴 예쁘더라‬And yes, she was.
‪근데‬But the problem is
‪대학 때도 CC 한 번 잘못하면‬even dating someone in college could end in a four-year headache.
‪4년 내내 머리 아픈데, 아휴‬even dating someone in college could end in a four-year headache.
‪불나방처럼 뛰어들기에는‬ ‪따지고 살 게 너무 많다‬I didn't want to be reckless and weighed my options.
‪난 안수영 좋아하면 안 되냐?‬Am I not allowed to like her?
‪끝까지 생각할 정도야?‬How serious do you feel about her?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬How serious do you feel about her?
‪(경필) 결혼까지 생각할 상대냐고‬ ‪안수영이‬Would you consider marrying her?
‪'연수원에서‬ ‪누가 누구랑 썸 탔던 사이다'‬People at the bank even gossip
‪겨우 이런 걸로도‬ ‪평생 수군거리는 은행에서‬about those who dated back at the training institute.
‪만나다 헤어지면?‬What if you two break up?
‪'얼굴 반반한 텔러 하나 꼬셔서‬ ‪사귀다 버렸다'‬They'll say you're the guy who seduced a cute teller and then dumped her.
‪이 꼬리표 달릴 자신까지‬ ‪있는 거냐고‬Will you be able to handle that?
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬
‪(경필) 그러니까 그만해‬So just forget about her.
‪더 가 봤자‬If you keep this up, it won't help Su-yeong, either.
‪안수영도 너도 더 힘들어‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬If you keep this up, it won't help Su-yeong, either.
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪안수영 씨?‬Ms. Ahn Su-yeong?
‪- (수영) 아, 네‬ ‪- 네, 안녕하세요‬-Yes. -Hello.
‪여기‬Please sit down.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(남자) 일찍 오셨네요‬You're here early.
‪(수영) 아, 더 일찍 오셨잖아요‬But you came even earlier.
‪(남자) 이렇게 일찍 오실까 봐서요‬I didn't want you to wait.
‪(미경) 선배, 초안 보냈어요‬Sang-su, I sent you the draft.
‪(남자) 제가 퍼 드릴게요‬Let me serve you.
‪(수영) 아…‬Let me serve you.
‪(상수) 그래서‬So?
‪난 안수영 좋아하면 안 되냐?‬Am I not allowed to like her?
‪(경필) 끝까지 생각할 정도야?‬How serious do you feel about her?
‪(수영) 또 보면요?‬And what if we do?
‪난 애매한 관계는 싫어요‬I don't like undefined relationships.
‪(남자) 의상 디자인과‬ ‪나오셔서 그런지‬It's obvious that you majored in fashion from the way you dress.
‪옷 입는 센스도‬ ‪되게 좋으신 거 같아요‬It's obvious that you majored in fashion from the way you dress.
‪아, 그거 저 아니에요‬That's not me.
‪(수영) 원래 소개팅 나오려고 했던‬ ‪김지윤 씨‬Ms. Kim Ji-yun was the one who was supposed to be here today.
‪그분이 디자인과 나왔어요‬That was her major.
‪(남자) 아…‬
‪죄송해요‬ ‪[수영의 옅은 웃음]‬My apologies.
‪아니에요‬That's okay.
‪(남자) 그럼 수영 씨는‬ ‪무슨 과 나오셨어요?‬Then what was your major?
‪저 대학 안 나왔어요‬I didn't go to college.
‪고졸이에요, 저‬I only have a high school diploma.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[통화 연결음이 계속된다]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(상수) 나 지금‬ ‪수영 씨 집 앞이에요‬I'm in front of your house right now.
‪오늘 꼭 할 말이 있어요‬I need to tell you something.
‪(수영) 기사님‬ ‪조금만 빨리 가 주세요‬Sir, can you please drive faster?
‪(택시 기사) 네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(상수) 어떤 여자가‬ ‪자기 좋다고 고백한 남자한테‬This woman told this man who confessed his feelings for her,
‪딴 남자랑 사귄다고 얘기를 했거든‬This woman told this man who confessed his feelings for her, she's dating someone else.
‪근데 그러면‬ ‪남자 친구가 있다는 거잖아‬That means she has a boyfriend, right?
‪(종현) 오늘 안 주임님‬ ‪보안 당번인 거 알고 싸 왔어요‬I made it because I knew you were opening today.
‪왜 그렇게 봐요?‬What's with the look?
‪(종현) 멋있어서요‬I just think you're cool.
‪(미경) 고마우면 나랑 친해지든가‬If you want to thank me, then let's be friends.
‪안 주임님이 마음에 들어서요‬It's because I like you, Ms. Ahn.
‪(수영) 왜 여기야?‬Why here?
‪대한민국 시장통이 얼마나 많은데‬You could've gone anywhere else. Why'd you have to come here of all places?
‪꼭 내 옆에 와서‬ ‪사람 숨 막히게 굴어야겠냐고‬You could've gone anywhere else. Why'd you have to come here of all places?
‪[미경의 웃음]‬ ‪(미경) 선배는?‬So what have you been up to?
‪대학 때도 그러더니‬You were like that in college.
‪연애는 왜 안 하고 살아?‬Why don't you ever date?
‪(수영) 재밌어요?‬Is it fun? Toying with my emotions, that is.
‪사람 마음 가지고 노는 거 ‬

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