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흑기사 3

Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me 3


 [웅장한 음악]

이쪽으로 오시죠

This way, please.

[잔잔한 음악]

게스트 하우스치고는  이상한데?

This looks too good for a guest house.

 사고   아니야?

What have you done this time?

그럴 리가 없는데

Nothing bad.

이쪽으로 - 

-This way. -OK.

[숙희가 감탄하는 소리]


Please, have a seat.

[잔잔한 음악]


Hi there.

오늘부터 우리

So, are we living together now?

같이 사는 겁니까?

So, are we living together now?

아니어떻게 여기 당신...

What are you doing here?

내가  소리 같은데?

I think I should ask you that.

저희 대표님이십니다

He's our CEO.

처음 뵙겠습니다 문수호라고 합니다

Nice to meet you. I'm Soo-ho Moon.


Oh, hello.

대표님이 이렇게 젊으신 줄은 몰랐는데

I didn't know the CEO would be this young.

낡은 한옥을  주셔서 감사해요

Thank you for buying that old house.

저희가 감사하죠

I should thank you.

거처 구하실 때까지 편하게 지내시면 됩니다

You're free to stay here until you find someplace else.

쓰실 방하고 주방을 한번 보시겠습니까?

Would you like to see your rooms?


Yes, please.


Come this way.

우리 만난  있죠? - 어떻게  거예요?

-We've met before, right? -What's going on?

내가 사업하는 사람이라고 말했잖아요

I told you I'm a businessman.

 방에서 자고 일어난  아침에

After you spent the night in my room.

누가 들으면 오해하겠어요

Someone might hear you.

우리 둘만의 비밀

I'll keep that our secret then.

한국에도 일이 있어서 들어왔어요

I came to Korea for my business.

  구해지는 대로 빨리 나갈게요

I'll move out as soon as I can.

 그래도 되는데

You don't have to.

저기 이름 본명이에요?

Is that your real name?


Yeah, why?



첫사랑 이름하고 똑같아서 놀란 표정인데?

Was it your first love's name or something?

이모이모 어딨어?

Auntie, where are you?


You weren't there.

[잔잔한 음악]

기다렸는데...  나올  알았지만

I knew you wouldn't be, but I waited all morning.

 나올  알았으면서  기다렸어요?

Why did you wait for me if you knew that?

 그랬을  같아요?

What do you think?

내일 아침까지 숙제

That's your homework.

숙제 검사할 겁니다

It's due tomorrow morning.

가서 쉬어요

Go get some rest.


Hae-ra, come here!



What's taking you so long?

여기가  방이야

This is your room.

 방도 이만해 끝내주지 않니?

My room's as big as yours too. It's awesome.

도대체 외국에서 어떤 사람들이 오길래

I wonder what kind of guests they get to have such a nice guest house.

손님 방을 이렇게  꾸며놓는 거니?

I wonder what kind of guests they get to have such a nice guest house.

이모우리 나가자  데서 지내?

Let's go, Auntie. We can't stay here.

나가긴 어딜?

We're not going anywhere.


Come with me.


[해라는 끌려가면서 저항하고 숙희는 웃는 소리]

여기정원도 끝내줘

Look at the garden.


Check that out!

있을   있어!

They've got everything!

- (숙희그릇들도  새거에... - (해랑아니야 하지마

And they're all brand-new!

엄머머명품에... - 만지지 만지지 

-These are all luxury brands. -Don't touch them.

우리가 오면 부끄러워서  꺼내겠다

Do you think they're for us?

이런   쓸데없이 만지고 그러지  제발 

Stop touching stuff that isn't yours.

  사람이랑 어떻게 알아?

How do you know him?

슬로베니아에서 봤어  때문에 만난 거야

He's just a guy I met while working in Slovenia.


You lucky girl!

우리  구할 때까지  데서 지내자빨리 가자

Let's find a different place to stay.

 좋은  놔두고 ?

This is as good as it gets.

 여기서 지내면 불편하다니까

I'm not comfortable staying here.

슬로베니아에서   있었어?

Did something happen in Slovenia?

아니아무 일도 없었는데 그냥 내가 불편해가자

Nothing happened. I just don't like it, so let's go.

그냥 불편한 이유가 뭡니까?

Why would you feel uncomfortable?

[경쾌한 음악]

그러게 말이에요

That's what I'm saying.

방도화장실도  따로 쓰고

Nice rooms with nice bathrooms.

멀리 떨어져 있는데

Everything's so nice.

 회사에 볼일  많아서 갔다 올게

I have to go to the office real quick.



회사 간다고 나가서  찜질방 같은   건가?

You're not going out to find a motel, are you?


Why are you following me?

보안 장치  열어주러 나왔어요

You'll need me to unlock the gate.

자존심 때문인가? - 뭐가요?

-Is it your ego? -What?

 구하기 전까지 여기서 지내는 

Why wouldn't you want to stay here?

뭐가 그렇게 싫어요?

Why wouldn't you want to stay here?

이거 자존심이면

If it's your ego,

내가 신경 쓰인다는 뜻인데

it means you care about me.

이보세요 -  설레네

-Look-- -That's kinda sweet.


Just open the gate.

데려다줄게요 - 됐어요

-I'll give you a ride. -No.

내일 같이 점심 먹읍시다 회사 앞으로 갈게요

Let's have lunch tomorrow. I need to talk to you.

 얘기도 있고

Let's have lunch tomorrow. I need to talk to you.

지금 하세요  얘기

We can talk now.

내일 봐요

See you tomorrow.

아니 열어주고 가야죠?

What about the gate?


See you.


So mean...


Can I help you?

안녕하세요 - 여행사 아가씨구나

-Hello. -You're from the travel agency.

이거 ... 오늘내일 공사 때문에 붙인 출입금지인데

The building's closed for maintenance until tomorrow morning.

일주일 전부터 붙여 놨는데  보셨어요?

Didn't you see the notice? It's been up for a week.


[다리미 스팀 소리]

[신비로운 느낌의 음악]

이번엔 혼자 왔어요

I came alone today.

새벽까지만  있다 가도 될까요?

Can I stay here tonight?

술이나 한잔합시다

Let's have a drink.


Sounds good.

이번에도 입어 보기만 하고  가져갈 건가?

Are you just going to leave them here again?

이건 가져갈게요

Not this one.


Take those too.

대체  저한테 이렇게 옷을 만들어 주시는 거예요?

Why are you doing this for me?

얘기했는데 - 이해가  돼서

-I told you. -I just don't get it.

내가 당신한테 전생에 죄를 지었어요

I did something bad to you in a past life.

그걸 갚아야 나도 행복해질  있어요

I'm making up for it so I can be happy.

전생에 나한테  짓을 했는데요?

What was it that you did to me?

인삼주나 마셔요

Just have a drink.

와인 좋아하실 것처럼 생겨가지고서는

I thought you would be more of a wine person.

120  더덕주도 있는데 마셔 봐요

I've got something much more traditional if you want.

와인보다 100 좋으니까

This is way better than wine.

[깜짝 놀라며 감탄]


This is good.

[불길한 느낌의 음악]

(여자맛있게 드세요

분이도    마셔?

Have a drink, Boon-yi.

전생에   남자를 뺏거나 그런  아니죠?

Did you take my man or something in a past life?

내가 사랑하는 남자를 당신이 뺏었죠

Actually, you did that to me.

와우전생엔 내가 위너였네

Wow, I guess I was the winner, then.

 남자 멋있었어요?

Was he hot?

 세상 최고

The hottest in the world.

[크게 웃는 소리]

그래서 내가 이번 생은  이건가 보다

Maybe that's why this life sucks for me.



이번엔 내가 뺏을게요

I'm taking him this time.


Go right ahead.

[ 부딪히는 소리]

그래도 쇳덩이를 멀리한 몸은 아니네

Looks like you used to lift.

앞으로 바짝 세게  하자

Let's focus on that for a while.

체대 나온 놈이 체력을 길러야지

You're better off working out, man.

검사는 뭐냐검사가 - !

-Forget being a prosecutor. -That's enough.

 좋은  알아

Consider yourself lucky.

트레이너 하나가 유학 가서 마침   자리 비었다

We just happen to have an opening for a trainer.

우리 클럽은 상위 1% 다니는  알지?

Lots of rich people come to our gym.

입이 무거워야  인맥 넓힐 생각도 하지 말고

So watch your mouth and keep your distance with them.


자꾸 생각나서 미치겠네 - 뭐가?

-I can't get her out of my head. -Who?

 슬픈 눈빛

Her eyes...

제가 요즘 옷이  필요한 관계로  옷은 가져갈게요

I need decent clothes these days so I'm going to take this.

대신에 월급날 성의 표시는  할게요

I'll find a way to pay you for everything.

돈은 됐어요

I don't want you to.

나도 선행을 쌓아야 한다니까

Wouldn't count as a good deed if you pay me.

[메시지 도착 알림]

 합의해서 바로 나왔어

I got out.

구치소까지도  갔으니 걱정 말고

I won't have to go to jail so don't worry.

[메시지 도착 알림]

여긴 피트니스 블랙 다음 주부터 출근한다

I'll be working at Fitness Black gym starting next week.


Crazy bastard.


What's wrong?


It's my ex who dumped me.

지금 저한테 문자로  헛소리를 하네요

He sent me texts about stuff I don't want to know.

남자가 있긴 있었네

So you're seeing someone.


Do you want him?

사진 있어요?

Got a picture of him?


Yeah, I do.

사진사진이  중요하죠

Pictures matter, I know.

생긴  멀쩡해요

His looks are alright.

자상하고 웃기기도 하고

He's pretty nice and funny.

마음에   드세요?

Not your type?

   말고 다른  없어요?

Do you have any other pictures?

   제가 헤어질  지워 가지고

I deleted them all when we broke up.

[강한 바람 소리]

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

지금  하시는 거예요?

What are you doing?

 사람 지금 어딨어요?

Where is he now?

피트니스 블랙이라고

You know that Fitness Black gym where lots of rich people go to?

부자들만 다니는 스포츠 센터 있잖아요?

You know that Fitness Black gym where lots of rich people go to?

거기 다음 주부터 출근할 건가 봐요

He'll be working there starting next week.

정말 내가 뺏어도 돼요?

Are you sure you're OK if I take him?


아니 정말로 그렇게 ...

You know, it sounds like...

마음만 먹으면

you can get any man to fall for you if you want to.

어떤 남자든  가질  있게 되고  그런 거예요?

you can get any man to fall for you if you want to.

그동안 보고 듣고 배운  있으니까

Experience happens to be a great teacher.

 그럼 부탁이  있는데요

I have a favor to ask.

되도록이면 얘를 진짜  가슴 찢어지게 가지고 놀아주세요

Would you please tear him into bits and pieces?

 밀당으로 혼을  빼주시고

Make him really needy and cry his heart out.

   정도 가슴 치며 울게  주시고

Make him really needy and cry his heart out.

근데 돈은 뺏지 마세요

But don't take his money.

아직 사랑하는구나 - 아니요절대 아니죠

-You still love him. -No, that's not it.

얘는 나한테 모멸감을 줬어요

He insulted with my dignity.

방금 근사한 원피스 디자인 하나가 떠올랐어

I just came up with a design for a dress.

다음 주에 가져가

Come get it next week.

 남자는요? -  남자는 당신 옷값

-What about this guy? -I'm taking him as payment.

내가 알아서 할게

Leave it to me.

 좀만 자고 갈게요

Let me stay for a bit.

바로 출근해야 해서

I have to go to work soon.

 일대가 개발이 되면서

The rents here have doubled since redevelopment started.

월세가 적게는 2배에서 4배까지 올랐다고 합니다

The rents here have doubled since redevelopment started.

작은 가게들이 동네를 띄웠는데 덕분에 쫓겨나는 거죠

People who built this town are now forced to move out.

자살한 세입자들도  있고요

Some tenants committed suicide.

거기도 한번  보죠

Let's go there.

[애잔한 느낌의 음악]

재작년에 경매로 나왔다가 유찰돼서

It was up for sale for a while but now it's just abandoned.

현재는 비어 있습니다

It was up for sale for a while but now it's just abandoned.

이거 삽시다

Let's buy it.

 사시는  좋을  같습니다

I don't think that's a good idea.

여기 사시던 집주인 분들이   좋게 돼서 떠났답니다

The past residents didn't end up so well.

정해라  부모님도 그렇고요

Including Ms. Jung's parents.

[잔잔한 음악]


거기 있는   보였거든 - !

-I saw you there. -Hey!

거기 !


거기 서라고!

I said stop!

정말 예쁘다

It's so beautiful.

그러게나도 아파트보단 이런 한옥이  좋더라

Yeah, I'd rather live in this kind of house than in a condo.

한옥에서 살아보고 싶어

I want to live in it for real.

막상 살면 불편할걸?

But it's too old-fashioned.

그럼 편리하게 고쳐서 살지

We can fix it.

오빠가 고쳐주라 - 내가?

-You can fix it. -Me?

오빤 뭐든지 잘하잖아

You're good at everything.


OK, I will.


Pinky swear.

 근처에 유명한 국숫집 있거든

There's a good noodle place around here.

거기 가서 점심 먹자

Let's have lunch there.

 전에 무슨 약속을 하고 있었니?

What were you guys talking about anyway?


That's a secret.

해라가 한옥 고쳐달래서 그러겠다고 했어요

I promised Hae-ra that I'd fix up that old house.

아유우리 수호가 자격증을 많이 따야겠구나?

Looks like you've got lots of things to learn.

그럼 해라는 한옥을  채난 사고 싶은데?

Hae-ra, how many houses do you want to buy?


About ten.

야아해라아빠 닮아서 욕심이 많구나?

You're greedy just like me.

   채만 고쳐줄 거야

I'm only fixing one of them.


-Ten. -One.

 ! -  

-Ten! -One.


It's ten.

 약속은 지켰는데

I kept that promise.



한옥 매입한  리모델링 신경   주세요

Be sure to renovate those old houses we bought.


Yes, sir.

이름이 뭐예요? - 사랑이요

-What's her name? -Sa-rang.


Hi, Sa-rang.

예쁘죠? - 

-Cute, isn't she? -Yeah.

갈게요 - 

-I should go now. -OK.


Good morning.

점심에  인사가 아닌데?

Don't you mean good afternoon?

어제 입고 나간 옷이 아닌데?

Is that a new coat?

  시간밖에  내요

I only have an hour. I'm sure you understand.

직장인들 점심시간 빠듯한  아시죠?

I only have an hour. I'm sure you understand.

 먹을래요랍스터 크랩?

What do you want to eat? Lobster?

해물 오케이제가 쏠게요

Seafood sounds good. It's on me.

이래 봬도 맛있는 집이에요

The food here is really good.

그리고 메뉴가 하나라서 빨리 나오고요

And there's only one menu so you get it fast.


Your homework?

 나올  알았으면서  기다렸어요?

Why did you wait for me if you knew that?

 그랬을  같아요?

What do you think?

내일 아침까지 숙제

That's your homework.


Because you were bored?

장기가 필요해서

You needed my organs?


Or you're a serial killer.

보험 판매원은 아닌  같고

You don't look like a salesman.

상상하는 수준이 그겁니까 아니면 일부러 피해가는 거예요?

Is that really all you can think of?

나한테 관심 있어서?

You're interested in me?

그러길 바라요?

Do you want me to be?

맛있겠다 - 맛있게 드세요

-Looks nice. -Enjoy your meal.

그나마 제일 비슷합니다

You got pretty close.

아니나한테  관심 있는데요?

Why are you even interested in me?

해라 씨가 매력적인   몰라요?

Do you know you're an attractive person?

외국 생활 오래해서 모르시나 본데

Broke girls aren't considered very attractive in Korea.

한국에서 가난한 여자 매력적이지 않아요

Broke girls aren't considered very attractive in Korea.

 부모님도 없고 학벌도 후지고

I have no parents, no fancy college degree,

내세울  아무것도 없거든요

I have nothing to show for myself.

내가  정해라 씨는

According to my experience,

자기일을 열심히 했어요 솔직했고요

you're a hard-working, and honest person.

우는  예뻤고아주 많이

And you have a very beautiful smile.

매력  알아요?

You know what attractive means?

사람을 끌어당기는 묘한  자꾸 생각나게 하는 이상한 

It means having certain qualities that attracts people.


You're a con man.

[사레들린 기침]

사기꾼도살인자도 아니고

I'm neither a con man, nor a killer.

운이 좋은 사업가입니다

Just a lucky businessman.

그럼 우리   거는요?

What about that? You bought our house.

그것도 우연이에요? - 우연이에요

-Is that just a coincidence? -Yes.

그런데... - 근데?

-But... -But what?

다시 만나고 싶다는 생각은 했어요

I did hope to see you again.

 이런 식으로 행운이 따라요나는

And I got lucky again, as always.


Here, have some more.

한창 먹을 땐데

Children should eat.


Be my black knight.

오빠 먹어 - 아니야 먹어

-You can have it. -No, you take it.

우와봤어진짜 예쁘다

Wow, check out her coat.

남자도 멋있는  같아

That guy's pretty hot too.

서울시 우리 동네 프로젝트에  회사는 참가  해요?

Is your company taking part in My Neighborhood Project?

우리 동네 프로젝트

My Neighborhood Project.

한마디로 도시 재생 사업인데

It's an urban rehabilitation project

이걸 여행사 끼고 같이 하나 

A WEEK EARLIER run by the city of Seoul.

서울에 인쇄소 골목 한옥 마을수제비 타운

The main targets are small streets, and old market districts.

이런 곳에   다양한 콘텐츠를 심어서

The objective is to rehabilitate these areas

관광 상품이랑도 연계를 하자는 거지

by making them more desirable to tourists.

재밌는데요? - 재밌지?

-Sounds interesting. -Right?

근데 문제는

But there's a problem.

우리 팀에서 서너 명이 붙어줘야   같대

Our team got assigned to work on it.

 맨날 우리 팀에서만 차출돼요?

Why is it always us doing the heavy lifting?

아니 우리 그거 뭐야...

We still have to come up with a new package tour.

패키지 상품 아이디어도 내야 하잖아요

We still have to come up with a new package tour.

맨날  받고 하나  하고 받고 하나  하고쉬지도 못하고

We get stuff thrown at us and never seem to catch a break.

그럼 어떻게 이번에는  하겠다고 내가  버텨볼까?

Should I tell the Chief Director we can't do it?

 - 알았어내가 힘껏 해볼게

-Yes, please. -Alright. I'll talk to him.

잘돼 ?

Hey, guys. How's it going?

본부장님 - 오셨어요?

-Chief Director. -Good afternoon.

일단 우리 동네 프로젝트 다음 주에 발표회인  알지?

You know the presentation for the project is next week, right?

 팀도 전부 참석해

I'm counting on you guys.


Chief Director.

저희   많은  아시잖아요

Our team already have their hands full.

이번 프로젝트는 다른 팀이 하시면...

Maybe another team could work on this project.

그리고 저희 ...

I agree.

신상품 패키지 기획안도 작성해야 하는데

We still have to work on the new package tour.

해라 - ?

-Hae-ra. -Yes?

  뭐이라 했니?

What did you say to me?

   뉘귄지 아니?

You know who I am?

  회사 본부장이야!

I'm the Chief Director, damn it!


Just like in the movies, right?

[ 맞은  신음]


We'll get right on it, sir.

저희 사실  프로젝트 하고 싶었습니다

In fact, we've always wanted to work on it.

그치? - 맞아요

-Right, guys? -You bet.

그런 프로젝트는 어떻게 아세요?

How do you know about that?

우리 회사도 참가를 하니까

My company's part of it too.

아니 정확하게 어떤 일을 하시는 거예요?

What business are you running exactly?

10분만 늦게 들어가요

Can you spare ten more minutes?

[경쾌한 음악]

젊은 예술가나 소상공인들이

People who run small businesses come here to set up.

집세 저렴한 데서 가게를 성공시키면

People who run small businesses come here to set up.

동네가 개발되고 사람들이 몰리죠

Then eventually more people come.

그러면 집세가 올라 거기를 떠나야 하고요

And that leads to gentrification.

요즘 뉴스에 많이 나와요 젠트리피케이션

I've heard about that on the news a lot these days.

착한 임대 사업으로 일단 시작하려고요

I'm going to start by renting out shops.

5 동안 임대 보장월세 동결

Tenants won't get rent increases for five years.

근데 서울에서 그게 가능할까요?

Would that be possible in Seoul?

건물주가 한다면 하는 거죠

Well, I'm the landlord

동네에 맞게 어떤 가게를 넣을지

and I plan to listen to my tenants,

어떻게 경쟁력을 올릴지도 같이 생각하고요

to find out what they want and what they need.

회사 근처에도 이런 골목이 있는 줄은 몰랐네요

I didn't know this area even existed.

낙후된 동네 인심을 콘텐츠도 개발하고요

We'll come up with fresh new business ideas too.

반짝이는 아이디어 하나만 있어도 변화의 씨앗이 되거든요

A small idea can make a big difference.


Time's up.

 자세한  궁금하면 내일 보러 와요

Come in tomorrow if you want to know more.

저희도 발표 때문에 가요

I have to be there for our presentation.

오늘  늦을  같아요

I'm going to be late today.

 책상에서 일기장 훔쳐보지 말아요

And don't read the journal in my desk.

별로  웃긴 농담은 하지 말아요

That joke's not even funny.

 많은 남자가 나한테 관심 있다고 해서 들뜰 만큼

Just because you're a rich guy, doesn't mean I'd fall for you.

순진하지 않거든요

Just because you're a rich guy, doesn't mean I'd fall for you.

강아지 되게 좋아하시나 봐요?

You like puppies a lot.

내가? - 아까도 그렇고

-You think so? -Yeah, I saw you earlier.

나는 당신을 좋아하는데

I like you more.

집에서 봅시다

See you back home.



   있다 그러지 않았어요 어젯밤에?

Didn't you say you have something to tell me?

했잖아요 - 언제?

-I just did. -When?


Just now.


See you.


Hey, Hae-ra.

 남자 누구야?

Who's the guy?

집주인 - 집주인?

-The landlord. -Your landlord?

집주인이 저렇게 멋있어?

That is one hot landlord.

들어가자 - 

-Let's go. -OK.

근데 집주인은 어디 살아?

Where does he live, anyway?

같은 집에 - 같은 집에?

-In the same house. -Are you serious?

언니 집들이 강추!

You've got to throw a house party.

언니 남자친구보다 100배는 멋지다

He's way hotter than your boyfriend.


OK, that's enough.

요즘 셰어 하우스 개념으로

Co-working is becoming pretty hot nowadays.

상가 공간을 임대하는 방식도 늘고 있어요

Co-working is becoming pretty hot nowadays.

그거  한때 유행이야

It's just another trend.

지나가는 거라고

It'll pass.

혜화동에 있는 우리 빌딩 옆에도 하나 들어올 건가 봐요

One of those is going to open next to our building in Hyehwa-dong.

근데 문제는...

One of those is going to open next to our building in Hyehwa-dong.

월세도  올리고

Their landlord doesn't raise the rent, and even helps out the tenants.

세입자를 도와주는 팀까지 따로 운영을 한다 그러는데

Their landlord doesn't raise the rent, and even helps out the tenants.

괜히 비교돼서...

That's the problem.

 건물주가 누군데?

Who's the landlord?

외국인이라고 들었는데

Some foreigner.


I'll look into it.

맞는 것도 같고

It might be him...

아닌 것도 같고

Or not.

[긴장감 넘치는 효과음]


[음산한 느낌의 음악]

[의자가 넘어지고 유리가 깨지는 소리]


It's him.

 당신을 좋아하는데

I like you more.

[메시지 도착 알림]

상처받아 아픈 거니?

Still heartbroken?

울지 말고

Don't cry too much.


Take care.

 같은  잊고 지내

You'll get over me.

그렇지강하게 보고

That's it. Hold it right there.

 조금만  주자

Keep the abs tight.

[메시지 도착 알림]

 인마 하는 거야 사진 찍다 말고?

Hey, we're still shooting.


Five minutes.

복근에서 쥐가 날라 그래

I'm getting cramps.

! -  5분만요

-Are you joking? -Just give me five minutes.



5분만 쉬었다 하시죠

Let's take five.

사랑한다고 매달리면 어떡하지?

What if she tells me she can't get over me?

그동안 슬로베니아에 있었어

I was in Slovenia.

상처가 컸네

She's still heartbroken.

 상처 상처?

Who's heartbroken?

빨리 인마 - 아아아파!

-Get back to work. -It hurts, man.

갑자기 이사는   건데?

Why'd you move all of a sudden?

사정이 있어

It's a long story.

언니네  언제 놀러 갈까?

When should I come over?

적응   다음에

After I get settled in.

나도 아직 적응  ... - 해라 

-I'm still not used to it. -Hae-ra.

검사 남친?

Is that the boyfriend?


Hi, there.

 검사님이시죠말씀 많이 들었어요

You must be Prosecutor Choi. I've heard a lot about you.

Oh, right.

 먼저 갈게 - 간다고?

-I'm gonna go now. -OK, see you.

조심히 들어가세요

Please, excuse me.

어서 받아

Come on, take them.

이러다 사진 찍혀서 인터넷에 돌아다닌다

Or they're gonna post this online.



여긴   거야?

What are you doing here?

걱정돼서 왔지

I was worried about you.

슬로베니아는 대출 받아서 갔니?

How did you afford to go to Slovenia?

남자 때문에 상처받았다 그러면   바보야

Were you so sad that you got a loan to go there?

진짜 검사라면 상처받았겠지

I would've been if you were a prosecutor.

가짜라서 벌써  잊었어

But you weren't, so I'm over you.


I know you're not.

그날  눈빛에서 진짜 사랑을 봤어

I could see it in your eyes that day.

그날 네가 해준 충고 잊지 않을래

Thanks for the advice that day, by the way.

방금  친한 후배지?

Was that your colleague?

아직  검사로 알고 있던데

She still thinks I'm a prosecutor.

 아직  사랑해  지켜준 거다

You didn't tell her the truth because you still love me.

지랄 염병을 하네

You've got to be shitting me.

내가 초라해지기 싫어서    거야정신  차려!

I didn't tell her because I didn't want to embarrass myself.

 사랑하는  같아

I think I love you.

 필요해서   아니야 정말...

I didn't come to ask for money.

 좋아하는  같아 - 그래서?

-I think I really love you. -So?


Is that cashmere?

, 100%

Yeah, 100%.

아우그동안 무슨 일이 있었던 거야?

God, what happened to you?

아무 일도 없었어


가짜 검사랑 헤어진 거밖에

Besides breaking up with a fake prosecutor.

해라 ?


해라 !

Come back!

[애잔한 음악]

[숙희의 웃음 소리ㅣ]

역시 성공하는 사람들은 뭐가 달라도 다르다니까요?

I knew successful people had their own ways of doing things.

그러게 말입니다



Hi, I'm back.


Good evening.

엄머 옷은 뭐니?

Is that a new coat?

이거 하나 얻었어

Yeah, it is.

이거 대표님께서 전해드리라고

By the way, Mr. Moon told me to give this to you.

이게 뭐예요?

What's this?

슬로베니아 사진이라고 하면 아실 거라고

He said they're photos from Slovenia.


Oh, thank you.

그럼   식사 맛있게 하십시오

Well, I hope you enjoy your dinner.


Mr. Moon said he'll be late tonight so you can get some privacy.

  편하게 드시라고 늦게 들어오실  같습니다

Mr. Moon said he'll be late tonight so you can get some privacy.

아우그럼 저희가  불편하죠

That's so kind of him, but he didn't have to do that.

일도 바쁘시고요

He's very busy anyway.

어릴 때부터 외국에서 사신  같은데

Seems like he's been living abroad since he was young.

사업하긴  힘들지 않으실까요?

How can he run businesses in Korea?

고등학생들한테 장학금을 주고

He gave high school students scholarships,

여행 프로그램을 만들어서 어울렸어요

and those students became his friends.

그때 만난 친구들이 지금 프로젝트에도

Many of them are working with him on this project.

여러  함께하고 있습니다

Many of them are working with him on this project.

관공서나  힘을 가진 윗분들이나

He must have friends who are high-ranking officials,

그쪽으로도 연이 있어야 사업하기 편할 텐데

or people with power to make it work.

대표님은 신기할 정도로 모든   풀렸어요

Fortunately, everything worked out for Mr. Moon.


I wish I was that lucky.





이거 붙여 

Try this face mask.

보습력이 그냥 짱이야

It's really awesome.

근데 저거 정리는 언제  거니?

When are you going to clean that stuff up?

천천히 할게피곤해

Maybe later. I'm tired.

보기 흉하잖아

Looks messy, you know.

내가 알아서 꺼내 놓을 테니까 그렇게 알아

I'll just do it for you, alright?



혹시 수호 오빠 기억나?

Do you remember Soo-ho?

누구? - 아빠 친구 아들 있잖아

-Who? -He was my dad's friend's son.

아빠가 후견인 해줬었고 여기얼굴에 화상 흉터 있고

My dad was his legal guardian. He had a scar on his face.


I don't know.

니네 엄마가  언제 초대라도 했었니?

I barely even got to see your mom.

이모 옛날에 우리 집에  번도  적이 없어?

So you'd never been to my house before?



너도  니네  망한 후에 처음   잖아

I'd never met you before your family went bankrupt.

근데  어떻게 알고 찾아왔어?

How'd you find me, then?

친척들한테 들었지 - 친척 누구?

-A cousin told me about it. -Which cousin?


You wouldn't know.

얼굴에 흉터  오빤 ?

Why'd you ask me about him anyway?

모르면 됐어

Never mind.


I did some research.

어릴  외국으로 가서 자란 한국 사람이래요

He's a Korean who grew up overseas.

 유학 갔다  철없는 금수저가

Another left-wing, trust fund kid.

깝치다 말겠지

He won't last long.

신경   없다

Don't worry about him.

 비서그거 아직  됐어?

Mr. Kim, did you get it?

여깄습니다회장님 - 뭔데요?

-Here you go, sir. -What is it?

이거 블랙박스 영상

My car's black box record.

내가 아까 이상한  봤어

I saw something strange earlier today.

여기는 아까 낮에 저랑 같이 지나간 데잖아요

This is the street we passed this afternoon.


Keep watching.


Did you see it?

커피잔 깨지는  봤어요 그게...

I saw the cups fall down and break.

이상하세요? - 갑자기

-But what about it? -Look.

이쪽에만 바람이 부는  같잖아

It's like the wind is only blowing there.


It was odd.


Felt really strange.

 옆을 지나는데 소름이 돋더라고

It gave me chills when I was passing by.

[신비로운 느낌의 음악]

낮부터 이래요계속 

She's been sleeping since this afternoon.

 가봉하러 왔어

Hey, you have work to do for me.


Wake up.

특별한  없었고?

Have you noticed anything strange?

낮에 나갔다 와선

Well, she went out earlier this afternoon.

그냥 기절... 했는데

And she just passed out after she came back.


Is she dead?

그럼 다행이고

It would be a relief if she is.

옷감이나 보자

Show me the fabrics.

시간이 멈춘 곳이 여기 있습니다

This is where time stopped.

 좁은 한옥 동네는

An area full of old houses.

재개발 구역으로 지정되면서

The owners left them nearly intact apart from doing minor maintenance

집주인들은 최소한의 보수만 하며

The owners left them nearly intact apart from doing minor maintenance

집에 거의 손을 대지 않았습니다

since the redevelopment was announced.

그리고 10  재개발은 무산됐죠

And ten years later, the redevelopment got cancelled.

[바이올린 음악]

주민들의 실망은 컸지만 오히려 기회가 되었습니다

The news was a disappointment, but it turned out to be an opportunity. 

 골목에 생경하게 문을  작은 카페를 시작으로

Starting with the opening of a small cafe,

새로운 문화가 생겨났고

this area turned into a new landmark.

서울의 명소가 되었습니다

this area turned into a new landmark. #PAST LIFE EXPERIENCE

저희 회사는 앞으로

Our main focuses are these.

낙후된 동네 되살리기

NO RENT INCREASES Rehabilitating old areas and suppressing gentrification

그리고 젠트리피케이션이 진행되고 있는 지역을 중심으로

Rehabilitating old areas and suppressing gentrification

소상공인과 젊은 창업자

by supporting small businesses and art workshops

그리고 예술가들의 공방을

by supporting small businesses and art workshops

전폭적으로 지원하는 사업을 펴고자 합니다

to help them stay in business.

5 동안 월세를 올리지 않고 내쫓지 않고

Guaranteeing no rent increase and no eviction for five years

함께 살아갈 방향을 모색할 겁니다

to create a coexisting environment.

언니네 집주인  멋있는  같아

I think your landlord is pretty hot.

앞으로 여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다감사합니다

We appreciate any support you give us. Thank you.

 주셔서 고맙습니다

Thank you guys.

조만간 찾아뵙겠습니다 - 고맙습니다

-I hope to see you soon. -Likewise.

이제야 제대로 알았네요  하시는 분인지

Finally, I know what you do.


Good to hear.

그리고... - 대한 신문 장정숙 기자입니다

-And-- -I'm Jang from Daehan Times.

오늘 너무 좋았고요 따로 인터뷰 부탁드릴게요

Great presentation today. Is a short interview OK?


Here's my card.

한우 등심에 된장찌개 어떠세요?

How's bean and beef stew for dinner?

오늘 저녁 회식요 24번지에서

For our dinner get-together at 24.




Our house.


Duly noted.

한우제가 쏠게요

I'll buy the groceries.

명함 - 

-Here you go. -Right.

어때 이거?

How's this one?

이게  낫나?

Is this one better?


You looked dead.

수의 디자인 생각했는데

Almost thought of making a shroud.

어떤   나아?

Which one's better?

 예쁜  없고

Neither of them.

 예뻐 - 백화점에  볼까?

-They all look good. -I should hit the mall.

요즘 유행하는 디자인을 봐야겠어

And see what's hot these days.

직구 사이트를  수천 벌이야

You'd be better off looking at online shops.

직접 가서 만져 봐야 느낌이 오지

I need the real thing to know how it feels.


You're so old-fashioned.

내가 틀린  했어?

What? You are old-fashioned.

그럼 청담동 편집샵에 가보든지

You can go to Cheongdam-dong then.

어우고집은  가지고는

Geez, you're stubborn.

[신비로운 효과음]

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

어떤   나을까?

Now, where was I?


다신   것처럼 악담을 하더니

You were talking like you'd never see me again.

 인터뷰 기사   봤구나?

You saw my interview, huh?


What interview?

이것 봐라

Check this out.

'대기업 MD 출신으로 편집샵 성공'

"Former company merchandiser now leads the fashion trend".

'트렌드 세터 김영미'

"Fashion shop owner Young-mi Kim".

내가 봐도 근사해

Cool, isn't it?

실물보단  나왔네

Looks better than in person.

예쁘면 예쁘다고 

Can't you say something nice?

 요새 해라한테  엄청 주더라?

You give Hae-ra lots of clothes these days.

내가? - 네가   아니야?

-I did? -Didn't you?


Dresses, blouses, pants...

디자인도 예쁘고 옷감도 좋던데

They all looked really nice and classy.


It wasn't me.

혹시 샤론 양장점  아니야?

Did the label say "Sharon's Boutique"?

맞아 라벨에 그렇게 있었던  같다

-Oh, I think it did. -She didn't get them from me.

우리 물건 아니야

-Oh, I think it did. -She didn't get them from me.

걔가 그럼 무슨 돈으로 옷을  거지?

How did she afford all that, then?

디자이너랑 친한  같던데

She has a designer friend.

해라가? - 

-She does? -Yeah.

 여자랑 나도 콜라보를 해야 하는데

I really want to work with that woman.

여자가  재수없어

But she is a bit of a jerk.

아니 지가 디자인  한다고 안하무인인 애들 ...

You know, like one of those snobby designers--

어머나선생님 안녕하세요

Oh, my God. Hello, ma'am.

어머여긴 웬일이세요?

So nice to see you again.

 기억  나세요?

Remember me?

그때 정해라랑 약속 없이 찾아갔다가 욕먹은 사람

I came to your boutique with Hae-ra and you got angry.



This is my shop.

소문 듣고 오셨나 보다

Did your friends tell you about my shop?

아니면 기사 보고 오셨어요?

Did your friends tell you about my shop? You read the article, maybe?


Your clothes...


They're so typical.

[영미가 크게 웃는 소리]

 세계적인 디자이너들이어 가지고

They were designed by world-famous designers.

배가 불러서 그랬을까요?

Maybe they got lazy.

그래도 제가 보기엔 시크하기만 한데

But they look pretty nice to me.

편하게 구경하세요

I'll leave you alone, then.

커피랑 과일이랑 기념품

Get our guest coffee and a gift bag.

엠마 스톤이 입었던 원피스  걸어놔

Get the dress Emma Stone wore.

그리고 지드래곤 스타일리스트  시에 오는지 확인해 보고

And check the ETA of G-Dragon's stylists.

아휴힘들어 진짜

Christ, this is a lot.

아이     !

That's it, I quit!


Aw, how cute.



어머여기 사람이 있었네?

I hadn't noticed this before.

샤론 양장점

"Sharon's Boutique".

맞다 여자야

Oh, my God. It is her!

어머 늙은 건가?

She hasn't aged at all.


But how?

저기 혹시...

Excuse me.

어머님이 샤론 양장점을 하셨나요?

Is your mother the owner of Sharon's Boutique?


It's just that you look exactly like her.

어디 갔어? - 나갔어

-Where'd she go? -Out.





[경쾌한 음악]


Cut zucchini, onions, potatoes, and tofu

손질해서 먹기 좋게 깍둑썰기한다

into bite-size cubes.

빨리  씻고 여기 재료  꺼내줘요

Go wash your hands and help me out with this.

냉장고  칸에 보면은 양파랑 고기 있고요

Onions and beef are on the top shelf,

냉동고  칸에 멸치 가루 있거든요

and anchovies are in the freezer.

그리고 스테이크 소스 찾아봐 줄래요여기서?

Could you find the steak sauce while you're at it?


Let me see.


Found the onions.

그리고? - 양파랑 고기

-What now? -Beef.

그리고 냉동고에 뭐요? - 멸치 가루

-What else do you need? -Anchovies.

그다음 스테이크 소스

And the steak sauce.

부업으로 포차 하시나요?

Nice job for a rich guy.

어릴  불우하게 자랐거든요

I was pretty broke when I was young.


So was I.

기숙사 음식 질릴  내가  먹었어요

I had to cook my own meals from time to time.

부업으로 고깃집 하시나 봐요?

Do you have a restaurant business, too?

 웃긴 농담 하지 말아요

Stop making silly jokes.


Makes you look cute.

[해라 헛웃음]

이모는일부러 내쫓았죠?

You kicked Auntie out, didn't you?



먹고 있으면  있으면 들어올 거예요

No, she'll be here soon.

많이 드세요

Bon appetit.

내가 감사해서 쏘는 거니까

And thank you. Enjoy.

뭐가 감사해요?

Thank me for what?


For everything.

그날  속인  빼곤 많은 것들이 감사하죠

Except for that time when you lied to me.

 얘기는 뭐예요? -   같아요?

-Something you want to tell me? -Guess.

오늘부터 1?

You're asking me out?


Not even close.


What then?

일단 이거   마시고 얘기할게요

I need a drink first.


Eat up.

처음 100년은

The first 100 years...

'내가  이렇게  늙지이상하다'

I wondered why I didn't get old.

그다음 100년은

The next 100 years...

'어떻게 하면 여기서 빠져나갈  있을까'

I tried to find a way to break the curse.


I tried to find a way to break the curse.

그다음 100년은

And over the next 100 years...

받아들이는 단계죠

I began to accept it.

그래서 이번엔

So I thought...

'공부를  해볼까하다가도

maybe I should learn something.

귀찮고 힘들면

But I got tired of it soon.

'에휴모르겠다 다음 400년째 하지'

Told myself that I have 400 years to do that.

그렇게 돼요

So I quit.

인간이 웃기는 존재예요

It's funny how humans are.




Thank you.

저는 선생님 블로그 중에

I've really enjoyed your blog posts.

예전의 맛집들에 관한 얘기를 정말 재밌게 읽었는데요

Especially those about restaurants from a long time ago.

조만간 영화로 나오겠네요?

And you're going to make a movie out of it?

그렇기만 하면 정말 좋겠습니다

That would be really cool.

아무튼역사 전공 후배랑 열심히 찾아 봤는데

Anyway, I did some research with history experts,

그게 완전 허구는 아닌  같더라고요

and I found out your stories weren't entirely fictional.

그런 상상력은 역사 공부를 통해 얻어진 건가요?

I wonder if studying history aided your creative imagination.

상상력이 아니라

They're not imagination.


They're my memories.

제가 살면서  건데요?

Things I've actually seen.

200 훨씬 넘게 사셨다고요?

So you've lived more than 200 years?


말죽거리에 있던 뚱뚱이 주모 국밥 생각나지 않니?

Doesn't it remind you of that place from the 19th century?

맛집들은 19세기가 최고였던  같아

That was the golden age of great food places.

그렇게 떠들어대고 싶어요?

Do you have to tell people your stories?

우리가 죽지 않는 존재란  알게 되면 어떡해?

What if they find out we're immortal?

사람들은 자기가 믿고 싶은 것만 믿어

People only believe what they want to believe.

 나이 먹고도 모르니?

You should know that by now.


You know...

여기 있어요

He's here.

어제 봤어

I saw him.

잘못   아니야?

Are you sure?

 사람 맞아

It's him.

세상에 태어나 있었어요

He is in this world.

 사람 네가 죽였어

You drove him to death.

 벌을 받아서 지금  모양  꼴로 있는 거고

And you'd been cursed for that sin.

사랑해서 그랬어

I did it out of love.

 사람은  때문에 슬프게 죽었으니까

They both died in sorrow because of you.

다시 태어나서 사랑하게 되겠지

Now they're born again to be together.

 그렇게 만든  누군데?

You know who made me who I am.

 사람 다시 만나선  돼요

I can't let them be together again.

되돌려 놓을 거야

I'm going to undo everything.

 사람과 결혼하면  저주가 풀릴 것만 같아

I can lift the curse if I marry him.

 저주는  여자아이가 풀어

Only she can lift your curse.

예쁜  여러   보냈어요

I made her nice clothes.

 벌은 만들어 줘야지

You owe her a thousand times more.

 사람 결혼할 

And a dress...

웨딩드레스도 해주고

for their wedding.

[음산한 느낌의 음악]

어제부터 이래

It's been like this...

 사람을 느낀 날부터

since I saw him yesterday.

[ 깨지는 소리]

우린 다시 만나 행복해질 거야

We'll be together again and be happy.

 그러다 갑자기 늙어서

Do you want to suddenly get old?

아흔  노파로 500 살게 된다

Become a 90 year-old hag stuck with living 500 years?

 사람 홀릴  있는 향수를 만들어 

Make me a perfume that can seduce him.

세상에 그런  어딨니?

There's no such thing.

네가 계산해

You take the check.




You know...

내세울  아무것도 없어요

I've got nothing to show for myself.

아니  내세워야만 해요?

Do you need to?

열등감 폭발하는 인생이 바로 접니다

My life is literally the definition of salty.

 해도 주눅들어 있고

Low self-esteem no matter what I do,

 해도  걱정이 앞서고 그냥

and I can't stop worrying about my bank balance.

    살아가기 바빠요

Just hanging in there month to month,

꿈도 없고

with no dream.

굉장히 성공하신 입장에서

You're a successful businessman.

이해가  되시죠?

You'd never understand.

근데 제가...

But you know...

아까 낮에 그런 생각이 들더라고요

Something hit me earlier this afternoon...

 아까 선생님 보면서 조금 부끄러웠거든요

when I was embarrassed of myself just standing next to you.

나는 뭔가?

What am I?

못났다고 이렇게 계속 못나게만  것인가?

Am I going to just stick with this crappy life of mine?

내가  선생님이에요? - 이젠...

-I have a name, by the way. -From now on...

나도 달라질 것이다

it's going to be different.


More wine, please.


Be my black knight.

선생님나의 흑기사잖아요

Well, you are my black knight.

지레 겁먹지 말기

Let's not get scared too quickly.


This is...

제가 지금지금  상태에서 현재로서 제가

Right now, this is the best that...

  있는 일이에요

I can do for myself.

우리 회사 브레인들만 모였다는

I'm gonna join that team in my company

마이스팀에도 지원할 거고요

that the smartest people are in.

그리고  사진도 배울 거예요

I'm gonna learn photography too.

사진 그거 내가 가르쳐 줘야죠

I said I'd teach you that.



사진을 배워야죠


그리고 ...


집세도  거니까 그냥 그런  알고 받으세요

I'm gonna pay rent, so just take it.

오케이 - 그리고

-OK. -One more thing.

 좋아하지 말아 주실래요?

Please don't like me?

이게 제가 오늘 하려던 말이거든요

That's what I've wanted to say today.


If you do like me,

그냥 흔들지 말고 냅둬요

stop messing around and leave me alone.

  좋아해도 그냥 냅두시고요

If you don't like me, leave me alone.

노력해 볼게요

I'll try.

우리는 급이 달라요

We're not on the same level.

선생님 스타일도 아니고

You're not my type, anyway.

그리고 나는  상처받기 싫거든요

And I don't need another heartbreak.

모멸감도 느끼기 싫고요

Not to mention feeling embarrassed.

어떤 놈이야?

Who did that to you?


Don't know, don't care.


I don't...





엄머 취했어?

Hey, are you drunk?

피곤해서 쓰러진 거지?

Tell me you're just tired.

[전화벨 소리]

어머어떡해  시야 지각이야?

Oh, my God. What time is it?

내가  살아 살아

What am I gonna do with you?


This is Hae-ra Jung speaking.

 비행기 자리 났어요

Yes, they're available now.

지금 스톡홀름에 계신다 그러셨죠?

You're in Stockholm, correct?

제가 지금 메일로 바로 넣어드릴게요

I'll send you the tickets by e-mail right away.


Right, thank you.

이모언제 왔어?

When did you come home?

 식탁에서  감고 있을 

When you were sleeping on the table.

고기 내가 남겨둔  먹었어?

Did you eat the leftovers?

 대표가 기가 막히게 구워줬지

Mr. Moon prepared them nicely for me.

해라야 이거  봐봐

Hae-ra, take a look at this.

내가 여기서 사진도 찍었었네

I took a picture here?

기억  ?

You don't remember?


Of course I don't.

부모님 돌아가실  일들은 기억에서 사라진  많아

I barely remember anything from when my parents died.

 오늘 영미네 가게에서

I saw a woman at Young-mi's shop today.

똑같이 생긴 여자 봤거든

She looked exactly like her.

 늙은 거니?

She didn't age at all.

[애잔한 느낌의 음악]


You know...

내세울  아무것도 없어요

I've got nothing to show for myself.

열등감 폭발하는 인생이 바로 접니다

My life is literally the definition of salty.

선생님나의 흑기사잖아요

Well, you are my black knight.

(어린 해라수호 오빠!

Hey, Soo-ho!

[어린 해라가 웃는 소리]



나야수호 오빠

It's me, Soo-ho.

[전화벨 소리]


What are you doing?

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]




What about you?

저도  읽어요


어울리지 않게 무슨 책이야?

That's so unlike you.

마사지 하고 있는   알아

I know you're doing that massage thingy.

누가 귀신 아니랄까 

Thanks for reminding me that you're a ghost.



나도 사람이야

I'm a living person.

나도 가끔 근육통 있어

That's why I get cramps once in a while.

마사진  하는 거니?

What's the point of that massage anyway?

이런 거라도 하는 척해야

To have people believe that I'm not immortal.

'그래서  늙나 보다  아니야

To have people believe that I'm not immortal.

그러게 요새 이상한 느낌이 들어요

I get this strange feeling these days.

뭔가 가꾸고 있어야   같은 예감?

I feel like I should be taking care of myself.

해라  - 어머깜짝이야어머?

-Hey, Hae-ra. -Oh my godness!

어떻게  거야집도 이사 가고

Why didn't you tell me you moved?

 진짜 신고한다

Do you want me to call the cops?

내가 법을  알잖아?

I know the law.

이거 신고해 봤자  

There's no crime in this.

 지금  하는 거냐?

What are you doing?

아니이것만 놓고 올라고 했더니 이사 갔다잖아

I wanted to give this to you, but they said you moved away.

그래서 토요일 아침에 사우나 가는  아니까

I know you go to the sauna every Saturday,

혹시나 하고 기다려 봤지

so I waited.

아휴진짜 구질구질하다 구질구질해아휴

God, what a creep.

그래도 어떡하니?

What can I do?

떠난 후에 알게  사랑인데

I know now that I love you.

당장 어떻게  달라고  

I won't ask you for anything big.

문자만 보내게  

Just let me text you.

나는 검사 남친이 필요했어

I needed a prosecutor boyfriend.

웃기지 검사 아니어도  사랑할  있다고 했잖아

And yet, you said you could love me even if I weren't one.

그땐 내가 잠깐 미쳐서 그런 거고!

I was out of my mind then.


Come on, Hae-ra.

그럼 진짜 검사가 돼서 

Come back as a real one then.

우리 집이  망했는지 우리 아빠는 어떻게 돌아가시고

Why did my family went bankrupt, and why did my dad die?

시신은 어딨는지 같이 조사해   편이 필요했어

I need someone who can figure those things out.

그래서 나도 8 만에 법대 졸업한 거고

That's why I studied law in college.


But of course...

 생활비 버느라고

I couldn't afford to go to law school.

로스쿨이나 법대는 꿈도   없었지만 그랬다고

I couldn't afford to go to law school.

다신 나타나지 마라

I don't want to see you again.

로스쿨 준비할게

I'll go to law school.

[격정적인 느낌의 음악]

검사가 될게

And become a prosecutor.


웃지 !

I'm serious!

나한테 시간을 

Just give me some time...

 편이  줄게기다리라고

and wait for me.


Wait for me.

기다려! - 내가 개냐?

-Stay put! -I'm not a damn dog!


What the hell?

 그동안 내숭  거니?

You've never lost your temper before!

아우 비싼 

That stuff's expensive.


Good afternoon, ma'am.

Oh, hi.

새로  트레이너인가 봐요?

Is he a new trainer?

중학교  육상으로 전국체전에서 금메달도 따고

He was a medal-winning athlete in junior high.

유능한 친굽니다

He's pretty good.

다음 주부터 출근인데 잘할 겁니다

You can meet him starting next week.


회원님 추천으로 오신 분입니까?

Is she with you?



자주 뵙네요

We meet again.

선생님도 여기서 운동하세요? - 그건 아니고

-Do you work out here too? -Not really.

그럼 말씀 나누시고

I'll leave you two alone.

상담이 필요하면 불러주십시오

Call me if you need me.

여기서 운동하세요너무 좋아요

This gym's really nice, if you're looking for one.

트레이너들도 한국 최고예요

The trainers are top-notch.

 사람 같은데

I think that's him.

토미 - 맞아요

-Tommy. -Yep, that's him.

새로  트레이너

The new guy.

[신비로운 느낌의 효과음]

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

저런  전문 용어로...

We call that...

미친년이라고 하지

a crazy bitch.

미친년 맞는  같다

She's a crazy bitch alright.

[노크 소리]



커피 한잔해요

Let's have some coffee.


Maybe later.

쉬는  보통  합니까?

What do you do on weekends?

자거나 회사 가죠

Nap or go to work.

쉬는 ?


대한민국 직장인들은 그래요

All Korean nine-to-fivers do.

오늘은 잡니까?

What about today?




Oh, my God.

 오늘은 볼일이 있어서 나가 봐야 하는데

I have an appointment to meet someone today.

같이 가면  돼요?

Can I go with you?

 아직 서울에 모르는 데도 많고

I'm still new to Seoul.

... 양장... 아니

Well, I'm...

의상실 가는 건데요?

It's a boutique.

그런 데가 있어요?

A boutique?

[깊은 한숨]

 홍차  갖다줄래?

Bring me some tea.

꿀이랑 우유 넣어서

With honey and milk.

니가  드세요 - !

-Get it yourself. -Hey.



아우눈알 튀어나오겠다

Gee, those eyes.

[신발 떨어지는 소리]

[신비로운 분위기의 효과음]


Is it good?


Yes, thank you.

[음산한 느낌의 음악]

 이렇게 춥지?

Why is it so cold in here?

근사한데요 이런 데가 남아 있었네

Didn't know there's still a place like this.

아는 사람들만 오는  같아요

I think it's not very well-known.

남자 옷은  만들겠죠?

Think they have anything for men?

셔츠 정도는 만들지 않을까요?

Dress shirts, maybe?

맞춰 보고 싶은데요?

Can't wait to check it out.


Let's go in.

 벌은 만들어 줘야지

You owe her a thousand times more.

 사람 결혼할 

And a dress...

웨딩드레스도  주고

For their wedding.


Soo-ho Moon.

눈빛만 봐도 알겠다

I knew it was him right away.

그놈이 살아 있었네?

He's alive.

 많고 멋있는 남자가 잘해준다고 해서

Just because you're rich and hot,

들뜰 만큼  순진하지 않다고요

doesn't mean I'd fall for you.

멋지다는 말은 없었는데 - !

-You think I'm hot? -Hey!

오빠한테 '' 뭐니?

I'm older than you,

요새 자꾸 악몽을 꿔요

I'm having nightmares.

옛날 일이 매일  꿈에 나와

Nightmares from old memories.

 사람 죽이는 ?

Of when you killed them?

똑같은 얼굴로 태어나는 

Being born with the same face.

영화에서나 있는 일이라고 생각해요

That only happens in movies.

나를 기억  하지여보?

Don't you remember me, honey?

애써 감출 필요 없어요 내가 싫지 않은 

No need to hide that you like me.


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