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  이상한 변호사 우영우 3

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 3


‪(경희) 불도 안 켜고 있네?‬[grunts] Why are all the lights off?
‪(진평) 정훈아‬Jeong-hun?
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪(경희) 정훈아!‬Jeong-hun?
‪[진평과 경희의 힘주는 신음]‬[Jin-pyeong sighs]
‪[쿵 소리가 난다]‬ ‪[정훈이 울부짖는다]‬[door closes] [screaming]
‪(진평) 정훈아, 정훈아‬ ‪[경희의 당황한 숨소리]‬Jeong-hun! Jeong-hun!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Jeong-hun! Jeong-hun!
‪- (진평) 정훈아‬ ‪- (경희) 무슨 소리야?‬-Jeong-hun! -What's he saying?
‪(진평) 정훈아!‬-Jeong-hun! -What's he saying? Jeong-hun!
‪(경희) 정훈아, 왜 그래?‬Jeong-hun! Jeong-hun, what is it? [screaming]
‪[정훈이 연신 울부짖는다]‬[screaming]
‪[경희의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(진평) 정훈아‬Jeong-hun.
‪- (진평) 정, 정훈아!‬ ‪- (경희) 정훈아!‬Jeong-hun! -Sang-hun! -Jeong-hun! Kim Jeong-hun!
‪(진평) 정훈아‬ ‪김정훈, 정신 차려!‬-Sang-hun! -Jeong-hun! Kim Jeong-hun! Snap out of it!
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[진평의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪(경희) 상훈아, 상훈아, 상훈아‬Sang-hun. Sang-hun! Sang-hun?
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps] Honey.
‪여보, 여보, 상훈이가 이상해‬[gasps] Honey. Something's wrong with Sang-hun.
‪[경희의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪(진평) 상훈아‬-Sang-hun. -Sang-hun!
‪(경희) 상훈아?‬-Sang-hun. -Sang-hun!
‪[진평의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[경희의 다급한 숨소리]‬Sang-hun!
‪(경희) 상훈아!‬Sang-hun!
‪(진평) [흐느끼며] 상훈아!‬Sang-hun! [screaming]
‪[정훈이 울부짖는다]‬[screaming]
‪상훈아‬Sang-hun. Sang-hun!
‪(경희) [흐느끼며] 상훈아‬ ‪일어나, 상훈아!‬Sang-hun! Sang-hun, wake up!
‪(정훈) 죽는다, 하지 마!‬[Jeong-hun] You'll die! Stop it! Stop!
‪죽는다, 하지 마!‬You'll die! Stop it! You'll die! Stop it!
‪죽는다, 하지 마!‬You'll die! Stop it! You'll die!
‪죽는다, 하지 마!‬You'll die! Stop it! Stop it! You'll die! You'll die!
‪죽는다, 죽는다, 죽는다, 죽는다!‬Stop it! Stop it! You'll die! You'll die!
‪하지 마!‬Stop it! Stop it!
‪[고래 울음 효과음]‬Stop it! Stop it!
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[사무실이 분주하다]‬ ‪(직원1) 안녕하세요‬[man] Hey.
‪(수연) 올, 명패 생겼네?‬Ooh. Your nameplate arrived.
‪'변호사 우영우'?‬"Attorney Woo Young-woo." [chuckles]
‪[웃으며] 좋냐?‬"Attorney Woo Young-woo." [chuckles] -Happy? -Mm-hmm.
‪(영우) 응‬-Happy? -Mm-hmm.
‪사진 한 방 찍어 줘, 기념으로?‬Should I take a picture of you to remember?
‪(영우) 응‬Should I take a picture of you to remember? Mm. Here.
‪(수연) 자‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪뭐야, 왜 화가 났어?‬What is that? Why are you so stern?
‪좀 웃어 보지?‬Try smiling.
‪어, 그냥 화를 내자, 아까처럼, 응‬Uh, let's go back to that serious look. Mm-hmm.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzing] ATTORNEY JUNG MYEONG-SEOK
‪여보세요‬Good morning.
‪(명석) 우영우 변호사‬ ‪지금 내 방으로 오세요‬[Atty. Jung] Ms. Woo, please come to my office right away.
‪(수연) 사진은 다음에?‬-We'll get a picture later? -Mm. "We'll get a picture later."
‪응, 사진은 다음에‬-We'll get a picture later? -Mm. "We'll get a picture later."
‪[똑똑 똑]‬[knocking on door]
‪(명석) 네, 들어와요‬Yes, come in.
‪어, 우영우 변호사‬ ‪여기 사건 자료 놔뒀으니까 보세요‬Huh. Attorney Woo. There are case files over there. Take a look.
‪[명석의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[털썩 앉는 소리]‬
‪상정약품이라고 들어 봤어요?‬The Sangjeong Pharmaceutical Corporation.
‪꽤 유명한 제약 회사인데‬Are you familiar with them?
‪거기 회장님이‬ ‪한바다의 오랜 고객이신데‬The Chairman's an important client, and he's, uh,
‪어, 이번에 힘든 일을 겪으셨어‬managing a pretty hard situation.
‪(명석) 아들만 둘이거든?‬[Atty. Jung] He has two sons.
‪근데 작은아들이 큰아들을 때려서‬ ‪숨지게 한 거 같아‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬The younger son stands accused of beating the other to death.
‪이 모습을 회장님과 사모님이‬ ‪직접 목격하셨고‬And the Chairman and his wife witnessed it themselves.
‪사인은 흉부 손상‬[sighs] Internal hemorrhaging.
‪갈비뼈 스물두 군데가 부러졌고‬His ribs were broken in 22 places which caused the bleeding in his thorax, responsible for his death.
‪그것 때문에 가슴 안에‬ ‪출혈이 생겨서 사망을 한 거지‬which caused the bleeding in his thorax, responsible for his death.
‪어, 목에도 뭔가 흐릿한 자국이‬ ‪있다고는 하는데‬The coroner also noted a faint marking on his neck, uh, though, I don't think that it's our greatest concern.
‪생사에 영향을 줄 정도는‬ ‪아닌 거 같고‬uh, though, I don't think that it's our greatest concern.
‪전부 다 작은아들의‬ ‪폭행 때문에 발생한 건가요?‬And all bodily injury has been attributed to the other son?
‪(명석) 응‬Mm. Well, the prosecutor's taking that stance.
‪뭐, 일단 검사는‬ ‪그렇게 생각하는 거 같아‬Mm. Well, the prosecutor's taking that stance.
‪갈비뼈 앞쪽 골절이야‬The broken bones, front side, uh,
‪어, 심폐 소생술을 하다가‬ ‪그랬다고 치더라도‬it's possible those are due to the CPR,
‪나머지 열한 개 골절은‬it's possible those are due to the CPR, but the 11 others?
‪사실 폭행 아니고는‬ ‪설명하기가 어렵지‬Well, they have no clear explanation other than assault.
‪사망 당시‬The blood-alcohol level of the victim
‪피해자 혈중 알코올 농도는‬ ‪만취 상태였거든?‬The blood-alcohol level of the victim at the time of his death indicates intoxication.
‪어, 멀쩡했으면 동생하고 싸웠다고‬I keep wondering if this mess would've gone differently…
‪이렇게까지 됐을까 싶고‬ ‪참 안타까운 사건이야‬once he had sobered up. It's unfortunate.
‪상해 치사죄로 기소된 김정훈 씨가‬ ‪작은아들입니까?‬Is the one charged with death resulting from bodily injury the younger son, Kim Jeong-hun?
‪(명석) 응‬Mm.
‪이 사건 내가 진행할 건데‬I'm the primary attorney on this case, and I want to bring you on as my support.
‪우영우 변호사도‬ ‪같이 해 줬으면 좋겠어‬I'm the primary attorney on this case, and I want to bring you on as my support.
‪피고인한테 자폐가 있거든‬The younger brother has autism.
‪그 뒤쪽에 김정훈 씨‬ ‪정신 감정서가 있어요‬Uh, there should be a psychiatric report on the next file.
‪제가 자폐인이라서‬ ‪이 사건에 배당하시는 겁니까?‬Are you assigning me this case because I am autistic?
‪(명석) 어, 아무래도 나보다는‬When it comes to the unique mind of this boy,
‪우영우 변호사가‬ ‪피고인을 더 잘 알지 않겠어?‬When it comes to the unique mind of this boy, you have a lot more understanding than I do.
‪아, 자폐인 변호사가 사건 맡으면‬And it might make the Chairman feel
‪회장님도 든든해하실 거 같고‬much more taken care of.
‪자폐의 공식적인 진단명은‬The term for autism is officially Autism Spectrum Disorder.
‪자폐 스펙트럼 장애입니다‬The term for autism is officially Autism Spectrum Disorder.
‪스펙트럼이란 단어에서 알 수 있듯‬Spectrum indicates a huge variety of people who are labeled with it.
‪자폐인은 천차만별입니다‬of people who are labeled with it.
‪(영우) 꼭‬Like…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪고래처럼요‬whale families.
‪같은 고래라도‬ ‪대왕고래나 긴수염고래는‬Even though they're all whales, blue whales and white whales
‪혹등고래와는‬ ‪완전히 다른 생태계와‬Even though they're all whales, blue whales and white whales have completely different ecosystems and social structures
‪사회적 체계를 가지고 있습니다‬have completely different ecosystems and social structures than humpback whales do.
‪심지어 흑범고래는…‬-What's more is that humpback whale-- -Okay, enough about the whales.
‪(명석) 자, 고래 얘기 그만하고‬-What's more is that humpback whale-- -Okay, enough about the whales. What's the point you're making?
‪하고 싶은 말이 뭐예요?‬What's the point you're making?
‪(영우) 아‬Oh.
‪이 감정서에 따르면‬The information in this report places the defendant on the severe side of the spectrum
‪김정훈 씨는 정신 연령이‬ ‪6세에서 10세 정도인‬places the defendant on the severe side of the spectrum assigning them a mental age between six and ten.
‪중증도의 자폐인인데‬assigning them a mental age between six and ten.
‪저는 이런 사람을‬ ‪만나 본 적도 없습니다‬And I've never met any person like him before.
‪나도 없어요, 만나 본 적‬I have also not met him before.
‪(명석) 그래도 자폐에 대한‬ ‪공식적인 진단명이‬You're better than me, who didn't even know the name of the spectrum
‪뭔지도 몰랐던 나보다는‬ ‪우 변이 낫잖아‬You're better than me, who didn't even know the name of the spectrum or any other details like that.
‪일단 한번 만나 봅시다‬Let's meet with them.
‪너무 겁먹지 말고, 응‬There's no reason to be apprehensive just yet.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(명석) 예, 오셨습니까‬Yes, hello.
‪어, 이번 사건을 맡은‬ ‪변호사 정명석입니다‬Uh, I'm Jung Myeong-seok, I'll be your main attorney.
‪어, 그리고 여기는…‬Uh, along with…
‪(영우) 변호사 우영우입니다‬I'm Attorney Woo Young-woo.
‪똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's Woo Young-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토, 스위스‬ ‪인도인, 별똥별, 우영우‬Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
‪(명석) 예, 어…‬Yes, uh…
‪우영우 변호사한테는‬ ‪자폐 스펙트럼 장애가 있습니다‬You see, my colleague has autism spectrum disorder. Similar to your son Jeong-hun.
‪작은아드님처럼요‬Similar to your son Jeong-hun.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪(명석) 어, 작은아드님‬ ‪진술서를 보니까‬Uh, I see that the statement your son made that night
‪'죽는다, 죽는다, 하지 마'라는‬ ‪말이 반복되더라고요‬consists only of the words "you'll die" and "stop" repeated over and over.
‪(경희) 그날 밤‬ ‪무슨 일이 있었던 건지‬Everytime we've asked him about it,
‪아무리 물어도 그저‬asked him about the details of that night, he just keeps saying,
‪'죽는다, 죽는다, 하지 마'‬asked him about the details of that night, he just keeps saying,
‪그 말뿐이네요‬"Stop" and "You're dead."
‪어, 두 아드님 사이는 어땠습니까?‬Uh, what was the brothers' relationship like?
‪좋았어요‬It was good.
‪특히 정훈이가 상훈이를‬ ‪많이 따르고 좋아했어요‬Jeong-hun was especially fond of his older brother.
‪(경희) 상훈이가 의대 가면서‬ ‪바빠지기 전까지는‬And before Sang-hun got so busy with medical school,
‪늘 정훈이를 챙기고 놀아 줬거든요‬he always liked to hang out with Jeong-hun.
‪(진평) 상훈이‬Sang-hun,
‪우리 아들이지만‬ ‪흠잡을 데 없는 애였습니다‬I know that I'm partial, but my son was perfect.
‪수능 만점자로‬ ‪서울 의대 갈 만큼 영재면서도‬He got into the best med school in Seoul with a perfect CSAT score,
‪늘 겸손하고 따뜻하고‬but he was humble too and considerate.
‪동생한테도 참 잘했어요‬He always treated his brother so well.
‪(영우) 김정훈 씨는 평소에도‬ ‪죽는다는 말을 자주 합니까?‬Does Jeong-hun typically makes statement such as "Stop" and "You're dead"?
‪(경희) 아니요‬Never.
‪정훈이가 그런 말 하는 거‬ ‪저한텐 참 낯선 일이에요‬It's the first time I've ever heard him say something like that.
‪덩치가 커서 사람들이 오해하는데‬Strangers look and they only see his size,
‪정훈이 참 착해요‬but there's a sweet kid behind that.
‪가끔 엄마 말 안 듣고‬ ‪고집은 좀 부려도‬Sometimes, he misbehaves and can be stubborn, you know?
‪누굴 위협하고 공격하고‬ ‪그러지는 않아요‬If we're talking about violent behavior, that's just not him.
‪어, 그럼 작은아드님이‬ ‪큰아드님을 때린 이유에 대해서‬Uh, so, um, there isn't any particular explanation for your younger son's explosive burst of violence at all?
‪특별히 짚이는 건 없으신 거네요?‬for your younger son's explosive burst of violence at all?
‪네‬That's right.
‪[경희가 울컥한다]‬[sobs]
‪제가 자식들 속을 이렇게 모르네요‬It's starting to feel like I don't even know my own children.
‪(명석) 어, 저희가 작은아드님을‬ ‪만나 봐도 되겠습니까?‬Uh, do you think that we'd be able to meet with Jeong-hun?
‪(경희) 만나시는 거는‬ ‪문제가 아닌데‬Meeting with him isn't the real issue here.
‪정훈이가 말을 할지는 모르겠어요‬Talking to him, that's the part that's difficult.
‪낯선 사람 만나면‬ ‪아예 입을 꾹 다물거든요‬[Gyeong-hui] He usually goes silent when he meets new people.
‪(진평) 그래도 한 번은‬ ‪직접 보셔야지‬They probably should meet him, though,
‪정훈이가 피고인인데‬since he'll be the one on trial.
‪(명석) 예‬ ‪또 혹시 모르지 않습니까‬There's always the possibility that
‪여기 우영우 변호사한테는‬ ‪마음을 좀 열지도요‬There's always the possibility that in front of my colleague, perhaps he'll want to talk.
‪(직원2) 아, 이놈의 엘베가‬ ‪조금만 빨리 와도‬[man sighs] This elevator is so slow. We're gonna miss our whole lunch break.
‪우리 점심시간‬ ‪10분은 더 생길 텐데‬We're gonna miss our whole lunch break.
‪[직원들의 웃음]‬ ‪(준호) 그러게요‬Seriously.
‪(직원2) 오늘 점심 뭔지 알아요?‬-What's on the menu? -Stir-fried pork.
‪(직원3) 제육볶음?‬-What's on the menu? -Stir-fried pork.
‪(직원2) 오?‬ ‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪어? 왔다, 왔다, 왔다‬[man] Oh, let's go. Let's go.
‪(직원4) 식사 맛있게 하세요‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Enjoy your lunch.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(준호) 죄송합니다‬ ‪잠시만 기다려 주세요‬If you don't mind, can we wait for a second?
‪[준호가 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪(직원2) 준호 씨, 왜…‬If you don't mind, can we wait for a second? -Jun-ho, but why? -Sorry.
‪- (직원2) 아, 왜?‬ ‪- (준호) 죄송해요‬-Jun-ho, but why? -Sorry.
‪(준호) 아‬Ah.
‪(직원2) 아유‬[sighs]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬I'm so hungry.
‪아유, 배고파‬ ‪[준호의 난처한 숨소리]‬I'm so hungry.
‪아, 뱃가죽이 등에 붙겠네‬Oh, I think I'm starving to death.
‪(준호) 어‬ ‪[준호의 웃음]‬Oh. [chuckles]
‪[직원2의 한숨]‬
‪(직원2) 아유, 배고파‬Oh, my stomach.
‪(준호) 닫겠습니다‬ ‪[버튼 조작음]‬Lunch, here we come.
‪(준호) 도시락‬ ‪싸 오시는 줄 알았으면‬If I knew you brought lunch from home, I would've gotten down here earlier.
‪먼저 와서 배식받아 놓을걸‬If I knew you brought lunch from home, I would've gotten down here earlier.
‪다음부터는 좀 더 늦게 나오세요‬Next time, just wait a little.
‪좀 더 늦게라면‬ ‪정확히 얼마나 늦게 말씀입니까?‬How much "later" in terms of exact minutes might you mean by that?
‪음, 한 10분 정도?‬Hmm, ten minutes should do.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪우리가 17층에서 일을 하고‬While we go to work on the 17th floor and eat lunch on the bottom level,
‪지하 1층에서 점심을 먹을 때‬While we go to work on the 17th floor and eat lunch on the bottom level,
‪고래는 울산 앞바다에서‬ ‪먹이를 먹고‬ ‪[고래 울음 효과음]‬whales feed themselves in the coastal waters of Ulsan,
‪일본 서해안에서 잠을 잡니다‬whales feed themselves in the coastal waters of Ulsan, and sleep in Japan's west coast.
‪고래한테는 울산 앞바다가 주방‬For whales, the coast of Ulsan's their dining room,
‪일본 서해안이 침실인 셈이죠‬and the west coast of Japan's their bedroom.
‪(영우) 여름마다‬ ‪극지방으로 이동하는‬Some whales are migratory,
‪이주성 고래의 경우는‬and they move to polar regions every summer, those feed intermittently.
‪먹이를 간헐적으로 먹습니다‬and they move to polar regions every summer, those feed intermittently.
‪극지방에 머무는‬ ‪3, 4개월 동안만 먹이를 먹고‬They only eat in summer time during the months they'd go to the polar regions,
‪[영우가 계속 설명한다]‬ ‪(수연) 하, 우영우 또 저러고 있네‬during the months they'd go to the polar regions, -and starve for the rest of the year. -[sighs] She's doing it again.
‪(민우) 응?‬She's doing it again.
‪(수연) 가서 좀 말릴까요?‬Should I go save him?
‪(영우) 간헐적 단식도‬ ‪하루 중 여덟 시간만 먹으니까요‬[Young-woo] Some people only eat within an eight-hour window every day.
‪(민우) 아, 그냥 둬요‬ ‪별로 안 싫어하는데‬I'd leave her alone. He seems fine.
‪아, 준호 얼굴이‬ ‪싫어하는 표정이 아니잖아요‬The look on his face doesn't seem particularly annoyed.
‪[민우의 헛기침]‬
‪(수연) 아‬Oh.
‪[블라인드 조작음]‬
‪[쿵쿵 다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬[rhythmic thudding]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(경희) 약속했어, 잘하자‬[Gyeong-hui] You promised to be good, okay?
‪- (경희) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (명석) 예, 오셨어요?‬-Hello. -Hi, welcome.
‪(경희) 김정훈, 들어와‬Kim Jeong-hun, come in.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[tense music]
‪(명석) 아…‬Uh…
‪정, 정훈이 펭수 좋아하는구나?‬Jeong-hun, I see you like Pengsoo.
‪아, 예, 앉으세요‬Uh, have a seat.
‪(경희) 정훈아, 여기 앉아‬Jeong-hun, come and sit.
‪(정훈) 앉아‬"Jeong-hun, come and sit."
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[경희의 한숨]‬
‪(경희) 헤드셋, 선글라스 벗어‬Take your glasses and your headphones off.
‪(정훈) 헤드셋, 선글라스 안 벗어‬"Take headphone, glasses off."
‪(경희) 말 들어‬Jeong-hun.
‪약속했지?‬You said you'd listen.
‪말 들어, 약속 안 했지?‬"Jeong-hun. You said you'd listen."
‪(명석) 아, 저희는 괜찮습니다‬Uh, don't worry about it. The sunglasses look pretty cool.
‪헤드셋, 선글라스 멋있는데요‬Uh, don't worry about it. The sunglasses look pretty cool.
‪(경희) 두 분만 괜찮으시다면‬[sighs] As long as it doesn't bother you.
‪이대로 진행해야 될 거 같네요‬[Gyeong-hui] I think we'll have to proceed like this.
‪(명석) 정훈아, 안녕?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Atty. Jung] Uh, hi, there. Jeong-hun.
‪어, 아저씨 이름은 정명석이고‬My name is Jung Myeong-seok, and this is…
‪여기 누나는…‬My name is Jung Myeong-seok, and this is… My name is Woo Young-woo.
‪(영우) 우영우입니다‬My name is Woo Young-woo.
‪(명석) 그래‬ ‪어, 아저씨하고 누나는‬Okay. Now, Woo Young-woo and I, we have so many, so many things
‪정훈이한테 궁금한 게 너무 많아‬Okay. Now, Woo Young-woo and I, we have so many, so many things
‪그래서 오늘…‬to ask you--
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trills tongue]
‪뭐라는 줄 알아요, 저거?‬Can you understand any of this?
‪(영우) 모릅니다‬Hmm, no.
‪[정훈이 연신 혀를 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue continues]
‪(명석) 정훈아‬Hey, Jeong-hun.
‪그게 뭐야?‬Uh, what are you doing?
‪우르르르, 우르…‬[both trilling tongue]
‪아르르르르르르르‬[both trilling tongue]
‪(경희) 김정훈, 그만‬Kim Jeong-hun, stop it.
‪[땡 울리는 효과음]‬ ‪[정훈이 멈춘다]‬
‪우 변이 한번 질문해 보세요‬Why don't you try asking him something?
‪김정훈 씨‬Kim Jeong-hun, what memories do you have about the day Kim Sang-hun died?
‪김상훈 씨가 사망한 날‬ ‪기억하십니까?‬Kim Jeong-hun, what memories do you have about the day Kim Sang-hun died?
‪[어두운 음악]‬[eerie music]
‪김상훈 씨를 왜 때렸습니까?‬What made you want to injure your brother?
‪[속삭이며] 천천히, 천천히‬Easy. Easy.
‪[정훈이 펭귄 울음소리를 낸다]‬ ‪[쾅쾅 치는 소리]‬-[garbling] -[gasps]
‪(경희) 김정훈, 그만‬Kim Jeong-hun, stop it.
‪[연신 펭귄 울음소리를 낸다]‬-[screaming] -[Gyeong-hui] Kim Jeong-hun.
‪김정훈‬-[screaming] -[Gyeong-hui] Kim Jeong-hun. -[Atty. Jung] Whoa! -[Gyeong-hui] Jeong-hun.
‪(명석) 어어!‬-[Atty. Jung] Whoa! -[Gyeong-hui] Jeong-hun.
‪(경희) 정훈아, 정훈아‬-[Atty. Jung] Whoa! -[Gyeong-hui] Jeong-hun. Hey. Jeong-hun.
‪- (명석) 정훈 씨, 정훈 씨‬ ‪- (경희) 정훈아‬-It's okay. You can stop, Jeong-hun. -Jeong-hun.
‪- (명석) 하지 마, 하지 마‬ ‪- (경희) 김정훈!‬-[screaming] -Stop.
‪(명석) 정훈 씨, 하지 마‬[Atty. Jung] Jeong-hun!
‪[괴로운 신음]‬-[whimpering continues] -[Gyeong-hui] Kim Jeong-hun.
‪(경희) 김정훈‬-[whimpering continues] -[Gyeong-hui] Kim Jeong-hun.
‪김정훈‬Kim Jeong-hun.
‪- (명석) 어어!‬ ‪- (경희) 정훈아!‬ ‪[괴로운 신음]‬-[whines] -[Gyeong-hui] Stop it.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬ ‪(광호) 아이고‬ ‪우리 변호사 선생님 오셨습니까?‬Whoa, Madame Attorney comes home at last.
‪(영우) 아버지에게‬ ‪문의할 게 있습니다‬Father, I have a question to ask. No problem. Ask away.
‪(광호) 예, 문의하십시오‬No problem. Ask away.
‪21세 남성 자폐인과‬ ‪대화해야 하는데 어렵습니다‬There's an autistic man I must communicate with. It's difficult for me. How should I proceed?
‪어떡하면 될까요?‬It's difficult for me. How should I proceed?
‪무슨 일인데 그러십니까?‬So, what is this all about, huh?
‪변호사의 비밀 유지 의무 때문에‬I'm unable because of attorney-client privilege
‪자세한 건 말씀드릴 수 없습니다‬I'm unable because of attorney-client privilege to share the information.
‪아버지는 자폐인과 함께 사니까‬I wanted to ask you because you might know
‪(영우) 잘 아실 것 같아‬ ‪문의합니다‬since you live with someone autistic.
‪(광호) 씁, 그러면은‬since you live with someone autistic. Then be so kind and help your father trim this
‪제가 대답하는 동안에‬ ‪같이 시금치 다듬으실까요?‬Then be so kind and help your father trim this as I help answer your question, okay?
‪아니요, 싫습니다‬No, I don't want to.
‪역시 자폐인과 사는 건 꽤‬Living with a person who's autistic is rather…
‪외롭습니다‬It can be very lonely.
‪(광호) 아빠 생각에는‬In my case, it's…
‪이 세상에 너랑 나랑‬ ‪둘뿐인 거 같은데‬It's always been you and me against the world.
‪딸인 너는 아빠한테‬ ‪전혀 관심이 없거든‬And you don't have much interest in me as your father.
‪지금도 그렇지만 어렸을 땐 더‬It's better now, but worse when you were young.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[mellow music]
‪(광호) 아이, 무슨 선을 보고‬ ‪무슨 장가를 가요‬Gosh, why are you talking about going on dates when you know I have Young-woo?
‪영우가 있는데‬when you know I have Young-woo?
‪아, 엄마가 키워 주긴 뭘 키워 줘?‬What's the matter with you, Mom? You can't raise her on your own.
‪허리 아파서 화장실도 겨우 간다며‬What's the matter with you, Mom? You can't raise her on your own. With your back pain, you can barely get to the bathroom.
‪[답답한 한숨]‬[sighs] Oh, just…
‪아, 좀…‬[sighs] Oh, just…
‪엄마‬Come on!
‪저요‬Don't you know?
‪하루하루 이 악물고‬ ‪버티면서 살아요‬Every single day seems impossible to get through.
‪아, 도와주진 못할망정‬ ‪엄마까지 왜 이래, 진짜!‬And you always make me feel so much worse than I did. God.
‪아유, 씨, 쯧‬[sighs]
‪아유, 씨‬[screams]
‪(광호) 영우야, 뭐 해? 아!‬Hey, Young-woo. [groans]
‪[광호의 아파하는 신음]‬[groans]
‪영우야‬Young-woo. Daddy's in so much pain. [groans]
‪아, 아빠 너무 아파, 어?‬Young-woo. Daddy's in so much pain. [groans]
‪'호' 해 줘, '호' 해 줘‬Cool it off. Can you blow on it, Young-woo?
‪[광호의 아파하는 신음]‬[groaning]
‪[광호가 우는 시늉을 한다]‬[groaning]
‪아빠 우네, 어?‬See, I'm crying, huh?
‪아빠 울어, 잉‬Daddy's crying. Oh. [sobs]
‪[흐느낀다]‬[mellow music continues]
‪영우는 그게 그렇게 재밌어?‬Is that fun for you, Young-woo?
‪커서 뭐가 되려고 그래?‬What are you planning to become?
‪레고를 바닥에 놓는‬ ‪사람이 되려고 그래?‬Someone who makes LEGO arrangements on the floor?
‪(광호) 음, 뭐랄까?‬[Gwang-ho] Hmm, how do I put it?
‪[어린 영우가 달그락거린다]‬ ‪아빠와 딸이 함께 손을 잡고‬It's like the feeling of a father and daughter walking through the world hand in hand, is missing.
‪이 세상을 살아간다는 느낌이‬ ‪없다고나 할까?‬walking through the world hand in hand, is missing.
‪[광호의 한숨]‬
‪제때 밥만 주면은‬As long as someone kept you fed,
‪아빠가 아니라 그 누구라도‬you didn't seem to care who that person was.
‪영우는 다 괜찮을 것‬ ‪같다고나 할까?‬Your dad was as good as anyone else.
‪지금도 그렇습니까?‬Do you still feel that way?
‪아유, 지금은 훨씬 낫지‬No, I feel quite different now. Now we discuss things.
‪대화가 되잖아‬Now we discuss things.
‪(광호) 영우는 레고를‬ ‪바닥에 놓는 것도 좋아했지만‬Yes, you did take joy in making your LEGO arrangements,
‪법을 참 좋아했어‬not as much as law.
‪다행이었지‬It was a relief.
‪그건 내가‬Now we had…
‪같이 할 수 있는 거니까‬something we could do together.
‪(광호) 영우야!‬Young-woo!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Young-woo!
‪[어린 영우가 엉엉 운다]‬ ‪영우야!‬Young-woo!
‪[엉엉 운다]‬[screaming]
‪자, 여기, 까까‬Here, take this.
‪[사탕을 탁 던진다]‬ ‪(가게 주인) 너 자꾸 울면‬ ‪경찰 아저씨 부른다?‬If you don't stop crying, I'll call the police.
‪경찰 아저씨 오면‬ ‪'떼끼, 이놈' 한다?‬And you'll get a real punishment, you hear?
‪(광호) 영우야!‬[Gwang-ho] Young-woo!
‪[광호의 당황한 숨소리]‬OBUK CORNER STORE
‪(가게 주인) 아, 쬐깐한 게‬ ‪어찌나 목청이 큰지‬Jeez, that little thing has such a loud voice.
‪내 귀청 나가는 줄 알았네‬My ears are ringing.
‪(광호) 영우야, 일어나, 어?‬Young-woo, get up. Come on.
‪[연신 엉엉 운다]‬
‪우영우 씨‬Ms. Woo Young-woo.
‪이 행동은 인근 소란에 해당합니다‬This action is a violation of the peace.
‪당장 뚝 하지 않으면‬And if you don't stop immediately, I'll summon the police
‪경범죄 및 오북 슈퍼‬ ‪업무 방해죄로 신고하겠습니다‬And if you don't stop immediately, I'll summon the police on the grounds of obstructing the business of Obuk Corner Store.
‪[쌕쌕거린다]‬on the grounds of obstructing the business of Obuk Corner Store.
‪영우야, 일어나‬Young-woo, get up.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪아유, 참‬Okay.
‪우리 집에 가서‬ ‪경범죄 처벌법 읽자‬Let's go study. The Punishment of Minor Offenses Act.
‪(광호) 영우가‬ ‪법을 좋아하는 거처럼‬[Gwang-ho] The way you care about law,
‪그 사람도 뭔가 좋아하는 게‬ ‪있을 거 아니야‬you must discover what that is for your client.
‪그걸 파고들어야지‬Find out what they enjoy.
‪'그 사람이 좋아하는 걸‬ ‪파고들어라'‬"Find out what the client enjoys."
‪아버지만의 방법이라기엔‬ ‪너무 뻔한 거 아닙니까?‬Hmm, it seems pretty obvious for a personal insight, Father.
‪(광호) 야‬ ‪성적 잘 받으려면 공부해‬Hey. If you want a better report card, study. To be thinner, workout.
‪살 빼려면 운동해‬To be thinner, workout.
‪대화하려면?‬Want to communicate, make a real effort.
‪노력해‬Want to communicate, make a real effort.
‪원래 방법은 뻔해‬Every method is obvious.
‪해내는 게 어렵지‬Key is getting it to work.
‪(영우) 음‬Mm.
‪[힘주며] 아유, 그러고 보면은‬ ‪영우랑 사느라고‬Now that I think about it, living with you,
‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬ ‪이 아빠도 참…‬for your dear old dad…
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪근데‬It takes…
‪되게 오래 걸려‬a really long time.
‪노력한다고 바로바로 되고‬Conversation might not happen for a while.
‪쯧‬[smacks lips]
‪대화는 그런 게 아니거든‬Even with all the effort in the world.
‪(수연) 꼭 이렇게까지 해야 돼?‬Do we really have to do this?
‪(명석) 아, 그러게‬ ‪이게 진짜 효과가 있는 겁니까?‬Yes. Are you really sure this is going to help things?
‪(영우) 응‬[Young-woo] Mm.
‪[쿵쿵 다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬[footsteps thudding]
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪(명석) 예, 오셨어요?‬Hi. Welcome again.
‪(경희) 들어와‬Come on.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(함께) 펭하‬-Peng-hi! -Peng-hi!
‪(정훈) 펭하‬Peng-hi!
‪[수연과 명석이 안도한다]‬-Oh. -[Atty. Jung chuckles]
‪(명석) 자, 앉으시죠‬Take a seat.
‪(경희) 자‬Here.
‪앉아‬Sit down.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[리드미컬한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬[quirky music playing]
‪(영우)‬[quirky music playing] [trills tongue]
‪(영우)‬[trilling tongue continues]
‪[수연의 헛기침]‬
‪(수연)‬♪ To the sea I soar on the summer screen ♪
‪(수연)‬♪ It feels all new ♪ ♪ I'm feeling good ♪
‪(수연)‬♪ With my wings, I'll fly Swim over the sky ♪
‪(수연)‬♪ I'll be number one ♪
‪(명석) 'G'…‬G, I…
‪[명석의 당황한 숨소리]‬G, I…
‪(명석)‬♪ South Pole Peng, Amazing Soo ♪ ♪ It can't get more amazing than this ♪
‪(수연) '없수'!‬♪ It can't get more amazing than this ♪
‪(명석)‬♪ I'm a penguin, giant penguin And I'm the captain of all penguins ♪ ♪ March toward the Billboard ♪
‪(수연) ♪ 날아 빌보드로 가자 ♪‬♪ To the sea I soar on the summer screen ♪
‪(수연)‬♪ It feels all new ♪
‪(수연)‬♪ With my wings, I'll fly ♪ ♪ Swim over the sky ♪
‪(수연)‬♪ I'm a champion ♪ ♪ I'll be number one ♪
‪(영우)‬♪ Split it up in little part To wrap it up, it's Pengsoo ♪ ♪ Smile big with loving heart 'Cause he will always thank you ♪
‪(영우)‬♪ It's penguin's thang ♪
‪(영우)‬♪ What day is today? ♪
‪(영우)‬♪ There's no last place 'Cause it's a win anyways ♪
‪(영우)‬♪ Now we're hanging with Captain Penguin ♪
‪(영우)‬♪ He's our happy leader And the legend of the South Pole ♪
‪(변호사들)‬[all singing together]
‪(변호사들) ♪ G, I, A, N, T ♪‬
‪(영우) ♪ P, E, N, G, S, O, O ♪‬
‪♪ G, I, A, N, T ♪‬-♪ G. I. A. N. T. P. E. N. G… ♪ -Come on.
‪♪ P, E, N, G… ♪‬-♪ G. I. A. N. T. P. E. N. G… ♪ -Come on.
‪(정훈)‬♪ Yodel-oh-ee-dee, Yodel-oh-ee-dee ♪
‪(정훈)‬♪ Yodel-oh-ee-dee, Yodel-oh-ee-dee ♪ ♪ Yodel-oh-ee-dee, Yodel-oh-ee-dee ♪
‪[수연의 환호]‬ ‪(사람들)‬-♪ Yodel-oh-ee-dee, Yodel-oh-ee-dee ♪ -[cheering]
‪(사람들)‬-♪ Yodel-oh-ee-dee, Yodel-oh-ee-dee ♪ -[cheering] ♪ Yodel-oh-ee-dee, Yodel-oh-ee-dee ♪
‪[사람들의 환호]‬[cheering]
‪또 해, 노래해, 또!‬Sing again! Sing again! Sing again!
‪- (명석) 그럴까, 그럴까?‬ ‪- (정훈) 또 해‬-Should we? Should we? -[Jeong-hun] Sing again!
‪(영우) 아니요‬No song.
‪김정훈 씨가 대답을 해야만‬ ‪우리는 노래를 또 합니다‬We'll play the song again, but only if Mr. Kim Jeong-hun speaks with us.
‪또 해, 노래‬Sing again! Sing again! Sing again!
‪(정훈) 또, 또, 노래해‬Sing again! Sing again! Sing again! -Sing again! -Answer my question first.
‪(영우) 먼저 대답하세요‬-Sing again! -Answer my question first.
‪왜 형을 때렸습니까?‬Why were you attacking your brother?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[screaming]
‪[정훈이 펭귄 울음소리를 낸다]‬[screaming]
‪저기요, 변호사님‬Attorney Woo, easy on him.
‪김정훈 씨, 대답하세요‬Kim Jeong-hun, just answer me. What caused you to attack your brother?
‪왜 형을 때렸습니까?‬What caused you to attack your brother?
‪[어두운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪죽는다, 하지 마, 하지 마!‬You'll die! Stop! Stop it! Stop! You'll die!
‪- (정훈) 죽는다, 하지 마!‬ ‪- (경희) 정훈아‬Stop! You'll die! -Stop it! -Jeong-hun.
‪- (명석) 정훈 씨, 정훈 씨‬ ‪- (정훈) 죽는다, 하지 마!‬-Jeong-hun. It's okay -You'll die! Stop it! Stop!
‪죽는다, 죽는다!‬-You'll die! -[Atty. Jung] It's all right. Calm down.
‪[정훈이 머리를 탁탁 친다]‬[Jeong-hun] Stop! Stop! Stop it!
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬[dreamy music]
‪[고래 울음]‬[squeaking]
‪김정훈 씨‬Kim Jeong-hun.
‪혹시 형이 죽으려고 했습니까?‬Was your brother trying to kill himself?
‪(경희) 네?‬What?
‪(영우) 저 '죽는다'는 어쩌면‬The word "die" could be something, not just an observation.
‪말이 아니라 행동일 수 있습니다‬The word "die" could be something, not just an observation. Not something that his brother said, but what he was threatening.
‪형이 했던 말이 아니라‬ ‪형이 했던 행동이요‬Not something that his brother said, but what he was threatening.
‪형이 했던 행동?‬What are you saying, Attorney Woo?
‪사망 당시 김상훈 씨의‬ ‪혈중 알코올 농도는 0.321%‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Kim Sang-hun's blood alcohol level was 0.321 percent.
‪(영우) 인사불성이었습니다‬[Young-woo] He was unconscious.
‪또 부검 감정서에는‬His autopsy report had a mention of a faint mark on his neck.
‪목에 난 자국에 대한‬ ‪기록이 있어요‬His autopsy report had a mention of a faint mark on his neck.
‪너무 흐릿해서‬The question is to whether it's a rope mark due to strangulation
‪끈에 졸린 건지 아닌지는‬ ‪불명확하다고 적혀 있습니다‬The question is to whether it's a rope mark due to strangulation as unresolved, since it was so faint.
‪(명석) 저기, 혹시 큰아드님이‬Um, in your son's past, was there ever a suicide attempt?
‪생전에 자살 시도를‬ ‪한 적이 있습니까?‬Um, in your son's past, was there ever a suicide attempt?
‪우리 상훈이가 그런 짓을 왜 해요?‬Why would Sang-hun do such a thing?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(영우) 김정훈 씨‬Kim Jeong-hun!
‪형이 자살하려 했습니까?‬Did Sang-hun try to kill himself?
‪아니에요‬Uh, no. That isn't like Sang-hun at all.
‪우리 상훈이 그런 애 아니에요‬That isn't like Sang-hun at all.
‪어, 하지만‬ ‪방금 '네'라고 대답하는 거‬I understand, ma'am, but we all just heard him say yes, did we not?
‪사모님도 들으셨잖습니까‬I understand, ma'am, but we all just heard him say yes, did we not?
‪형이 죽으려고 했어?‬Did your brother try to die?
‪(경희) 정훈아, 형이 살려고 했어?‬Jeong-hun, did Sang-hun try to live?
‪형이 죽으려고 한 적 없었어?‬Then Sang-hun wasn't attempting to die?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[경희의 한숨]‬
‪[수연의 한숨]‬
‪정훈이 눈높이에 맞춰서‬ ‪대화한다는 게‬Trying to communicate with Jeong-hun at his level,
‪저한테도 아직까지‬ ‪쉬운 일이 아니에요‬it isn't an easy task for any of us.
‪(경희) 변호사님들‬ ‪애써 주신 건 감사하지만‬I appreciate that an attempt was made.
‪우리 정훈이 직접 만나는 건‬ ‪오늘까지만 할게요‬But this was the last meeting you'll have with Jeong-hun.
‪- 가자‬ ‪- (정훈) 네!‬-Let's go. -Yes.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(준호) 김상훈 씨가‬ ‪자살 시도했다는 증거‬You're trying to find evidence that Kim Sang-hun attempted suicide, right?
‪그거 찾으시려는 거죠?‬You're trying to find evidence that Kim Sang-hun attempted suicide, right?
‪(영우) 네‬Yes. I don't know how much evidence will even be left.
‪유용한 증거가‬ ‪남아 있을지 모르겠습니다‬Yes. I don't know how much evidence will even be left. I imagine the police examined everything that's there.
‪경찰들이 이미 다‬ ‪살펴봤을 테니까요‬I imagine the police examined everything that's there.
‪(준호) 그래도 이 경우는‬Yes, so, everyone thought that this case was open and shut.
‪사건 자체가‬ ‪워낙 단순하고 명확하니까요‬Yes, so, everyone thought that this case was open and shut.
‪경찰들 입장에선‬So the police would have no reason to go overboard looking for more evidence.
‪그렇게까지 증거 확보를‬ ‪열심히 할 필요가 없었을 거예요‬So the police would have no reason to go overboard looking for more evidence.
‪김상훈 씨 유품 중에‬ ‪뭐가 남아 있다면 좋겠네요‬Something may have been left behind.
‪[영우의 한숨]‬[Ga-yeong] Hey!
‪(여자) 준호 오빠!‬[Ga-yeong] Hey!
‪(준호) 어? 어‬Oh. Hello.
‪(여자) 오빠가 여기 웬일이에요?‬What are you doing here? You live around here?
‪이 아파트 살아요?‬What are you doing here? You live around here?
‪아니야, 일하러 왔어‬I'm just here for work.
‪(여자) 아, 일이요? 무슨 일?‬Work? Ooh, what's going on?
‪[송풍기 조작음]‬ ‪[쓱쓱 비질하는 소리]‬Work? Ooh, what's going on? -[drilling] -[Young-woo grunts] [drilling continues]
‪[송풍기 작동음]‬[drilling continues]
‪[괴로운 신음]‬
‪오빠 아직도 봉사하는구나?‬-Obviously, you still do volunteer work. -Volunteer work?
‪봉사?‬-Obviously, you still do volunteer work. -Volunteer work?
‪지금 '나누리' 활동 하는 거‬ ‪아니에요?‬It's inspiring that you're so generous.
‪아, 봉사는 무슨 봉사야‬I'm not sure what you're talking about. It's nothing like that.
‪아니야, 그런 거‬I'm not sure what you're talking about. It's nothing like that.
‪빨리 가 봐, 나 늦었어‬ ‪얼른 가야 돼, 어?‬I better go. We're running late. -Okay. -All right. It was nice running into you.
‪(여자) 아, 네, 오빠, 반가웠어요‬-Okay. -All right. It was nice running into you.
‪파이팅‬You are a winner.
‪[여자가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬[somber music]
‪'나누리'는 장애인을 위한‬Are you part of a volunteer?
‪봉사 단체인가요?‬Program for the disabled?
‪변호사님, 저, 죄송합니다‬We were classmates in school. She was being extremely rude. I apologize.
‪대학 후배인데 실례했습니다‬She was being extremely rude. I apologize.
‪(영우) 아‬Ah.
‪괜찮습니다, 저는 자폐가 있으니까‬Well, I am an autistic person, so…
‪응, 그렇게 보일 수도‬ ‪있을 것 같습니다‬Mm. I suppose that counts as a disability.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm so sorry.
‪[송풍기 작동음]‬[drilling]
‪(경희) 이 방 보면 심란해서‬ ‪문을 계속 닫아 놨어요‬His room has remained behind closed doors because it's hard to look in here.
‪물건들이야 그대로 있을 텐데‬Everything is just as he left it. Though I'm not sure you'll find anything.
‪도움 되는 게 나올지 모르겠네요‬Though I'm not sure you'll find anything.
‪(준호) 네‬Mm. Okay.
‪저희들끼리 한번 봐도 될까요?‬Can we look around a bit by ourselves?
‪뭔가 찾으면 말씀드릴게요‬We'll let you know if we find something.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Jun-ho] Hmm…
‪(준호) 내가 만약 이 방에서‬ ‪목을 매 죽으려고 한다면?‬If I were to hang myself somewhere in this room…
‪음…‬This is about where Kim Sang-hun was found. In this area.
‪(영우) 김상훈 씨가‬ ‪쓰러져 있던 곳이 이쯤입니다‬This is about where Kim Sang-hun was found. In this area.
‪그럼 여기가 맞겠네요‬It was probably right here.
‪김정훈 씨는 키가 크다고 하셨죠?‬Kim Jeong-hun is tall, is that right?
‪네, 거의 2m쯤 되는 것 같습니다‬ ‪[준호가 가방을 툭 놓는다]‬Yeah, he looked like he was just below two meters.
‪[준호가 달그락거린다]‬
‪(준호) 음, 눈높이가 요 정도?‬Excuse me. So his eye level would be about here?
‪(영우) 어, 어‬Uh, uh-huh.
‪(준호) 그러면…‬Then…
‪[준호가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪방문을 열었더니‬ ‪목을 맨 형이 보인다‬[Jun-ho] Kim Jeong-hun opened the door and saw his brother hanging.
‪일단 형을 말리려고 했겠죠?‬He tried to stop him at first, right?
‪키가 크니까 손을 뻗어서‬ ‪끈을 풀었을 수도 있어요‬He's tall, so he could've reached up to untie the knot.
‪그러면‬Then… then his brother comes crashing down to the ground.
‪형이 바닥으로‬ ‪쿵 하고 떨어졌을 테고‬Then… then his brother comes crashing down to the ground.
‪[영우와 준호의 힘주는 신음]‬[Young-woo grunts]
‪잠시만‬Hang on a minute.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[light music]
‪어, 저게 뭐지?‬I see something.
‪저거 보이세요?‬Do you see that?
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicks]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[upbeat music]
‪어? 찾은 거 같아요‬[Jun-ho] Oh. I think I found it.
‪[놀란 탄성]‬[gasps]
‪[영우의 긴장한 숨소리]‬Ah.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[grunts]
‪거칠게 잡아 뜯어서‬ ‪끊어진 것 같은 흔적이 있어요‬This has marks all over like it was roughly torn off.
‪김상훈 씨가 목을 맸던 끈일까요?‬Could this be the rope Kim Sang-hun used?
‪그래서 김정훈 씨가‬ ‪잡아 뜯은 걸까요?‬And right above us is the place where it hung.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪[빠드득거리는 소리]‬
‪[정훈이 울부짖는다]‬[Jeong-hun screaming]
‪[툭]‬ ‪[강조되는 효과음]‬[Jeong-hun screaming]
‪이 끈이 맞는지‬We should compare this rope with the mark on Sang-hun's neck
‪김상훈 씨 목에 난 자국이랑‬ ‪대조해 봐야겠어요‬We should compare this rope with the mark on Sang-hun's neck and see if it's similar.
‪김상훈 씨 다이어리 같습니다‬I might have just found his diary.
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬
‪작년 거네요‬This is from last year.
‪(명석) 어, 끈은‬[Atty. Jung] Uh, I sent the rope to the National Forensic Service
‪큰아드님 목에 난 자국과‬ ‪대조해 보려고‬[Atty. Jung] Uh, I sent the rope to the National Forensic Service to have a check against the mark on your son's neck.
‪국과수에 보냈습니다‬to have a check against the mark on your son's neck. I'll let you know as soon as the results come in.
‪결과 나오는 대로‬ ‪알려 드리겠습니다‬I'll let you know as soon as the results come in.
‪어, 그리고‬Uh, also,
‪큰아드님 다이어리를 읽어 봤는데‬we examined your older son's diary.
‪몇 부분은 회장님과 사모님도‬ ‪보셔야 될 거 같아서‬And we've prepared selections from the material for you.
‪따로 정리를 해 두었습니다‬We thought you needed to see it.
‪다이어리에 따르면‬According to this diary,
‪작년에도 몇 번‬ ‪그런 일이 있었던 것 같습니다‬there were similar incidents, several times last year, as well.
‪작은아드님이‬ ‪목격했던 적도 있었고요‬Evidently, Kim Jeong-hun saw those attempts too.
‪그런 일이라니‬You said "incident."
‪무슨 일 말입니까?‬Exactly what do you mean?
‪자살 시도를 말씀드리는 겁니다‬I'm talking about attempts to commit suicide.
‪같은 말을 몇 번이나‬ ‪반복하게 하시네요‬You're making me repeat something I've already explained to you.
‪우리 상훈이 그럴 애 아닙니다‬Our Sang-hun was not that kind of person.
‪(상훈) 제일 잘하는 게 공부였어‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Sang-hun] The only thing I've ever been good at is studying.
‪(상훈) 지금은 공부가 뭔지도 몰라‬I'm not even sure what that is now.
‪토할 때까지 외우는 게 공부인가?‬Is memorizing until I throw up really studying?
‪나는 제일 잘하는 걸‬ ‪제일 못하는 사람이다‬ ‪[상훈의 답답한 숨소리]‬I continue to fail at this thing I'm supposed to be so good at.
‪짧게 말해 루저‬The truth is, I'm just a loser.
‪(상훈) 시험은 계속되겠지‬The exams never seem to stop, and I continue to fail.
‪나는 또 실패하겠지‬The exams never seem to stop, and I continue to fail.
‪사는 것과 죽는 것의‬ ‪차이를 모르겠다‬I can't see why a life like this is better than death.
‪죽으면 돼‬I could die.
‪죽으면…‬If I choose to…
‪일기장에 무슨 말을 못 합니까‬Isn't the whole point of keeping a diary…
‪힘들면 그럴 수 있잖아요‬to be able to write all of your thoughts down?
‪(명석) 자, 중요한 부분은‬ ‪여기입니다‬The serious portion is right here.
‪(상훈) 이제는 습관처럼 한다‬[Sang-hun] At this point, it's become a routine.
‪동생이 봐도 상관없어‬I don't care if my brother sees me.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬ ‪[정훈이 울부짖는다]‬[screaming]
‪(정훈) 죽는다, 하지 마!‬Stop it! Stop!
‪[정훈이 문을 쿵쿵 두드린다]‬ ‪(상훈) 내가 목매는 걸 본 이후로‬[Sang-hun] He said he had trouble sleeping ever since he saw me try to hang myself.
‪[정훈이 연신 울부짖는다]‬ ‪동생은 잠을 설쳐‬[Sang-hun] He said he had trouble sleeping ever since he saw me try to hang myself.
‪악몽 꾸나?‬[Sang-hun] I wonder if he has nightmares.
‪매일 밤 나를 감시해‬He checks on me every night.
‪죽는 게 뭔지도 모르는 바보가‬[Sang-hun] The idiot who doesn't even know what dying is,
‪내가 죽을까 봐 벌벌 떨어‬he shakes in fear about what will happen.
‪그게‬For some reason,
‪(상훈) 나한테 위로가 돼‬that is comforting to me.
‪(진평) 지금 우리 벌주는 겁니까?‬Is this some form of punishment?
‪비참하게 세상 떠난 아이‬Did you bring us here to tell us…
‪살아서도 힘들었다는 거‬ ‪알려 주려고 불렀습니까?‬that our son was miserable in life until his miserable death?
‪(명석) 그, 사건 당일도‬Even on that night,
‪어쩌면 작은아드님이‬your younger son may have been trying to stop his brother.
‪큰아드님을 말리려고‬ ‪했던 것일 수도 있습니다‬your younger son may have been trying to stop his brother.
‪자살 시도를 반복하는 형의 모습에‬It would explain why his temper exploded
‪분을 못 이겨서 폭행한 것일 수도‬ ‪있다는 말씀입니다‬It would explain why his temper exploded if his brother had repeatedly tried to hang himself.
‪그러면 뭐가 달라지는데요?‬Tell me how that's relevant.
‪(진평) 공부 잘하기로‬ ‪전국에서 유명했던 녀석이‬That this kid who was a famously good student often attempted suicide because of pressure about his grades?
‪고작 학업 스트레스 때문에‬ ‪자살 시도를 밥 먹듯이 했다?‬often attempted suicide because of pressure about his grades?
‪이게 알려지면‬ ‪우리 상훈이는 뭐가 됩니까?‬If this gets out, what about our son's memory?
‪죽은 애 망신 주는 거밖에‬ ‪더 됩니까?‬You expect us to shame him in death?
‪(영우) 죽은 김상호 씨의‬ ‪명예보다는‬Isn't protecting your son who's alive
‪살아 있는 김정훈 씨의‬ ‪감형이 더 중요하지 않습니까?‬more important than protecting the honor of someone dead?
‪특별한 이유도 없이‬ ‪형을 때려죽인 동생으로‬[Young-woo] He shouldn't be seen as the son who beat his older brother to death senselessly.
‪보이면 안 됩니다‬who beat his older brother to death senselessly.
‪분노가 폭발할 만한‬ ‪구체적인 이유가 있었고‬His temper was provoked for a specific reason. And since this was an isolated incident,
‪그 이유가 제거된 지금은‬And since this was an isolated incident,
‪김정훈 씨가 더 이상 폭력을‬ ‪저지르지 않을 것임을‬we'll make the case that Kim Jeong-hun is unlikely to commit any more violent acts.
‪재판에서 보여 줘야 합니다‬is unlikely to commit any more violent acts.
‪(진평) 너 좀 조용히 해!‬Just be quiet!
‪[진평의 거친 숨소리]‬Just be quiet!
‪너 뭐가 그렇게 잘나서‬What makes you so special?
‪남의 귀한 아들을‬ ‪'누구 씨, 누구 씨'‬You presume to call my sons by their first names
‪건방지게 불러 가며 평가질이야?‬You presume to call my sons by their first names and judge them like that?
‪그래 봤자 너도 자폐잖아!‬You're autistic yourself!
‪[진평의 성난 숨소리]‬ ‪(경희) 여보, 왜 이래요?‬What is wrong with you?
‪(진평) 됐고‬Forget it.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪그냥 관둡시다‬Let's just stop this.
‪내 아들 모욕하지 않는 변호사한테‬ ‪사건 다시 맡길 겁니다‬[Jin-pyeong] I will give this case to an attorney who won't insult my son.
‪상정과 한바다 관계도 끝입니다‬The whole of our professional relationship ends.
‪(명석) 회장님‬Sir.
‪사모님, 저…‬One moment.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪회장님‬[Atty. Jung] Mr. Chairman!
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door beeps]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-What's up? -Hi.
‪- (민우) 왔어?‬ ‪- (준호) 어‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬-What's up? -Hi.
‪(민우) 나 지금 라면 끓이는데‬ ‪하나 더?‬Should I add some extra noodles?
‪(준호) 난 괜찮아‬No, I'm fine.
‪(민우) 야, 안 줘‬[Min-woo] Don't eat any of mine!
‪[준호의 한숨]‬
‪(준호)‬[Jun-ho] Attorney Woo, what my friend said the other day…
‪(준호) 제 후배가 한 잘못이‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬The mistake my friend made the other day keeps bothering me.
‪(준호)‬The mistake my friend made the other day keeps bothering me.
‪(준호)‬And I want to give you a proper apology.
‪드리고 싶은데 뭐, 어쩌라고?‬You wanna apologize? What's that supposed to do?
‪[한숨]‬You wanna apologize? What's that supposed to do?
‪[준호의 한숨]‬
‪(영상 속 앵커) 친형을 폭행해‬ ‪숨지게 한 20대 남성이‬[reporter] A young man accused of murdering his older brother has been brought in on charges today.
‪상해 치사죄로 기소됐습니다‬has been brought in on charges today.
‪자폐 스펙트럼 장애를 가진‬ ‪스물한 살 A 씨는‬The 21-year-old man who has autism spectrum disorder,
‪부모가 외출한 사이‬ ‪만취한 형 B 씨를 구타해‬and his brother, were home alone when the attack occurred.
‪갈비뼈 스물두 군데를‬ ‪부러트리는 중상을 입혔습니다‬An assault had left the victim with 22 fractures in his rib cage.
‪B 씨는 귀가한 부모에 의해‬ ‪병원으로 옮겨졌지만‬The young victim was taken to the hospital, but, he soon passed away.
‪결국 사망했습니다‬but, he soon passed away.
‪B 씨는 지난 2018년도 수능에서‬ ‪만점을 받고‬It's a tragic loss for those who knew the brilliant student, who was studying medicine at Seoul National University,
‪서울대학교 의과 대학에‬ ‪재학 중이던 수재로 알려져‬who was studying medicine at Seoul National University, and said to have achieved a perfect score on a CSAT.
‪세간에 아쉬움을 더하고 있습니다‬and said to have achieved a perfect score on a CSAT.
‪[마우스 휠 조작음]‬[soft music]
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[beeps]
‪[민우의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪어, 펭하, 펭하!‬Whoa. Peng-hi! Peng-hi!
‪(민우) 펭하‬Peng-hi!
‪아‬ ‪[버튼 조작음]‬Ah. [playful music]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪노래까지 불렀는데 잘렸다면서요?‬Word is you got fired after that performance.
‪(수연) 씁, 아, 그…‬ ‪재수 없다는 소리 많이 듣죠?‬Hey, does anybody tell you how rude you are, Attorney Kwon?
‪(민우) 그, 착한 척한다는 소리‬ ‪많이 듣죠?‬Hey, does anybody tell you how rude you are, Attorney Kwon? Well, it's better than pretending to be nice.
‪[출입기 작동음]‬ ‪(민우) 정 변호사님‬Attorney Jung. [clears throat]
‪[민우의 헛기침]‬
‪상정약품 회장님 일‬ ‪얘기 들었습니다‬I heard what happened with the Chairman of Sangjeong.
‪속상하시겠어요‬That must be hard for you.
‪으응, 나야 뭐‬Mm. Uh, I'm fine, but Attorney Woo worked tirelessly, so it's too bad.
‪(명석) 우 변이 애 많이 써 줬는데‬ ‪아쉽게 됐지‬Mm. Uh, I'm fine, but Attorney Woo worked tirelessly, so it's too bad.
‪(민우) 그러게요‬[Min-woo] I see.
‪우영우 변호사, 파이팅‬Attorney Woo is a winner.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪(택시 기사) 어딜 가냐고!‬[driver] Where do you think you're going?
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬ ‪어? 차비!‬-[trills tongue] -Hey, where's my fare?
‪왜 그러십니까?‬What's the matter?
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue continues]
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trills tongue]
‪(영우) 왜 그러십니까?‬[Young-woo] What's going on?
‪[영우가 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue continues]
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[영우가 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬Is there a problem, sir?
‪(명석) 예, 무슨 일이시죠?‬Is there a problem, sir?
‪(택시 기사) 아니‬ ‪아, 무턱대고 차에 타서는‬There is. He jumped into my taxi out of nowhere.
‪'한바다, 한바다!' 하잖아요‬"Hanbada!" "Hanbada," he was saying, so I brought him here,
‪그래서 여기인가 싶어서 왔는데‬ ‪돈을 안 내‬"Hanbada!" "Hanbada," he was saying, so I brought him here, And now, he won't pay.
‪아, 돈 있냐고 물어봤을 때‬ ‪'네, 네' 했다고‬I asked if he had money, "Yes." "Yes," he said.
‪(명석) 예, 그, 그‬ ‪돈 제가 드릴게요‬It's okay. I'll handle his fare.
‪(택시 기사) 예‬-Okay. -Thank you.
‪(명석) 감사합니다‬-Okay. -Thank you.
‪또 한다, 노래, 또 해‬Sing again. Sing again. [Jeong-hun] Sing again.
‪노래 또 해‬Sing again.
‪(명석) 어, 어, 그, 저기‬ ‪사모님한테 전화해요‬ ‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬-Uh, okay. -[trilling tongue] I want you to call his mother so she can come pick her son up.
‪아드님 데려가시라고‬I want you to call his mother so she can come pick her son up.
‪오실 때까지 우 변이‬ ‪좀 같이 있어 주고‬And stay with him in the meantime, will you?
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, okay!
‪(정훈) 또 해, 노래 또 해‬Sing again. Sing again.
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue]
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue]
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue]
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue continues]
‪[영우가 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬[trilling tongue continues]
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[의자를 쓱쓱 턴다]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[경희의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪(경희) 정훈아‬[groans] Jeong-hun.
‪(정훈) 엄마!‬ ‪[경희의 안도하는 탄성]‬-Mom! -Oh!
‪[경희가 정훈을 토닥인다]‬
‪(경희) 엄마 얼마나 놀랐는데‬You almost gave me a heart attack.
‪[경희의 한숨]‬ ‪[정훈이 혀를 부르르 튕긴다]‬-[Gyeong-hui sighs] -[Jeong-hun trills tongue]
‪아유, 변호사님, 고맙습니다‬Well… Thank you, Attorney Woo.
‪우리 정훈이가 민폐네요‬I'm so sorry about all this. Forgive the interruption.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm so sorry about all this. Forgive the interruption.
‪괜찮습니다‬It's no problem.
‪(경희) 아, 저기요‬Uh, excuse me.
‪생각해 봤는데요‬I've been doing some thinking and…
‪상훈이가 그런 선택을‬ ‪하려고 했다는 걸‬do we really have to discuss what happened in court?
‪법정에서 꼭 밝혀야 될까요?‬About the circumstances of Sang-hun's death?
‪정훈이는 어차피‬ ‪감형받을 수 있잖아요‬Jeong-hun can get his sentence reduced anyway because of his autism. So, maybe it would make sense to plead insanity.
‪자폐가 있으니까‬ ‪심신 미약 같은 걸로요‬So, maybe it would make sense to plead insanity.
‪저는 변호사님들이‬I was hoping your firm would…
‪이 사건을‬ ‪다시 맡아 주셨으면 좋겠어요‬You'd think about taking up our case again.
‪변호사님들만큼 우리 정훈이를‬I don't think anyone else would treat Jeong-hun
‪진심으로 대해 주시는 분들‬ ‪또 없을 거 같아요‬I don't think anyone else would treat Jeong-hun with this sincerity your firm has shown him.
‪그 얘기만 안 꺼내 주신다면‬If you don't bring all those details up in court,
‪남편은 제가 설득할게요‬I believe I can convince my husband.
‪아, 네‬Oh. Well…
‪정명석 변호사님께‬ ‪말씀드려 보겠습니다‬I'll bring the proposal you made to my superiors, Mrs. Kim.
‪(경희) 저, 변호사님‬Attorney Woo.
‪남편이 막말해서 미안해요‬I must apologize for my husband.
‪참 못난 말인 거 아는데‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬And, well… I know this is wrong to say,
‪변호사님 보니까‬ ‪우리 부부 마음이 좀 복잡했어요‬but we both felt somewhat conflicted on the morning we met you.
‪변호사님도 정훈이도‬ ‪똑같은 자폐인데‬You and Jeong-hun both have autism,
‪둘이 너무 다르니까‬yet you're so different
‪비교하게 되더라고요‬that we couldn't help but compare.
‪자폐가 있어도‬We hear about the brilliants that occasionally goes along with autism,
‪머리 좋은 경우가‬ ‪종종 있다고 듣긴 했는데‬We hear about the brilliants that occasionally goes along with autism,
‪이렇게 실제로 보니까‬but seeing it in real life,
‪마음이 이상했어요‬made us feel strange.
‪왜, 자폐는‬There's a spectrum,
‪대부분 우리 정훈이 같잖아요‬but most cases are like Jeong-hun.
‪나아질 거라는 희망을 갖기에는‬For us to remain hopeful he would improve…
‪너무 오래 걸리잖아요‬sometimes it just takes too long.
‪(영우) 자폐를 최초로‬ ‪연구한 사람 중 하나인‬[Young-woo] Hans Asperger, the first person to do research on autism,
‪한스 아스퍼거는‬[Young-woo] Hans Asperger, the first person to do research on autism, thought there was an upside to it.
‪자폐에 긍정적인 면이‬ ‪있다고 생각했습니다‬thought there was an upside to it. He said,
‪그는 말했어요‬He said, "Not everything that steps out of line, and is thus 'abnormal',
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪일탈적이고 비정상적인 모든 것이‬"Not everything that steps out of line, and is thus 'abnormal', must necessarily be 'inferior'."
‪반드시 열등한 것은 아니다‬must necessarily be 'inferior'." That because of their divergent ways of thinking and experiencing,
‪자폐아들은‬ ‪새로운 사고방식과 경험으로‬That because of their divergent ways of thinking and experiencing,
‪훗날 놀라운 성과를‬ ‪이룰 수도 있다‬That because of their divergent ways of thinking and experiencing, autistic people can accomplish great things.
‪[출입기 작동음]‬Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.
‪(영우) 한스 아스퍼거는‬ ‪나치 부역자였습니다‬Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator. His job was to separate the children
‪그는 살 가치가 있는 아이와‬His job was to separate the children who were worthy of life from those who were not.
‪없는 아이를 구분하는 일을 했어요‬who were worthy of life from those who were not. To the Nazis, the people deemed unworthy of being alive
‪나치의 관점에서‬ ‪살 가치가 없는 사람은‬To the Nazis, the people deemed unworthy of being alive were the physically disabled, the terminally ill, and the mentally ill.
‪장애인, 불치병 환자‬were the physically disabled, the terminally ill, and the mentally ill.
‪자폐를 포함한‬ ‪정신 질환자 등이었습니다‬A category that includes autistic people.
‪(경희) 정훈아, 인사해‬Jeong-hun, say goodbye.
‪'실례가 많았습니다'‬Say, "I apologize for my interruption, Attorney Woo. Thank you."
‪'고맙습니다' 이렇게 인사해‬Say, "I apologize for my interruption, Attorney Woo. Thank you."
‪[경희가 피식 웃는다]‬Peng-bye!
‪(영우) 80년 전만 해도 자폐는‬[Young-woo] Only 80 years ago, having autism meant being unworthy of life.
‪살 가치가 없는 병이었습니다‬meant being unworthy of life.
‪80년 전만 해도 나와 김정훈 씨는‬Only 80 years ago, Kim Jeong-hun and I
‪살 가치가 없는 사람들이었어요‬were not have been considered worthy of life.
‪지금도 수백 명의 사람들이‬Even now, hundreds of people click the "like" button of a comment that reads,
‪'의대생이 죽고 자폐인이 살면‬ ‪국가적 손실'이란 글에‬click the "like" button of a comment that reads, "It is a national loss when a medical student dies and an autistic person lives."
‪'좋아요'를 누릅니다‬and an autistic person lives."
‪(영우) 그게 우리가 짊어진‬ ‪이 장애의 무게입니다‬[Young-woo] That is the weight those of us with this disability bear.
‪저는 김정훈 씨가‬ ‪멜트다운을 일으켰다고 생각합니다‬My professional opinion is that the accused suffered a meltdown.
‪멜트다운이 무엇인지‬ ‪설명해 주시겠습니까?‬Please, could you expound on the definition of a meltdown?
‪(의사) 자폐인들에게‬ ‪종종 나타나는 현상인데요‬It's a phenomenon that occurs sometimes in people with autism.
‪억눌려 왔던 스트레스를‬ ‪더 이상 감당할 수 없을 때‬It's a sudden fit when one is no longer able to control themselves
‪폭발해 버리는 겁니다‬due to stress that's been building up.
‪그건 일부러 그러는 게 아니에요‬[witness] It isn't intentional behavior.
‪극도의 무력한 감정에 압도당해서‬It just happens when someone is overwhelmed
‪자기도 모르게‬ ‪그냥 그렇게 되는 거죠‬by the sensation of intense helplessness.
‪유형은 다양합니다‬It can take many forms.
‪의사소통을 다 끊고‬ ‪침잠하는 형태도 있지만‬Some people would cut off all communication and withdraw completely,
‪아주 공격적인 모습으로‬ ‪나타나기도 합니다‬in others, it can manifest as aggression.
‪소리를 지른다든가 운다든가‬That means, screaming, crying, and sometimes, even self-harm,
‪자해를 하기도 하고‬ ‪폭력적인 행동을 보이기도 합니다‬That means, screaming, crying, and sometimes, even self-harm, along with sudden violent behavior.
‪(영우) 그렇다면 사건 당시‬ ‪피고인이 형을 때린 행동은‬Does that mean you see the actions of the defendant on the night of the assault
‪피고인이 스스로 결정하거나‬ ‪통제할 수 없었던 멜트다운‬as being consistent with meltdown behavior beyond his control?
‪즉, 자폐 스펙트럼 장애의‬ ‪증상이란 뜻인가요?‬as being consistent with meltdown behavior beyond his control? Are you saying it's a direct symptom of his autism disorder?
‪네, 저는 그렇게 생각합니다‬Yes, that's my opinion.
‪(영우) 이상입니다‬That's all.
‪(검사) 증인은 정신과 의사시죠?‬Witness, you're well-versed on autism spectrum disorder,
‪자폐증에 대해 잘 아시는?‬Witness, you're well-versed on autism spectrum disorder, is that right?
‪뭐, 네‬is that right? That's true, yes.
‪자, 지금 이 법정 안에‬Right. Then can you please state the number of autistic patients at this proceeding?
‪자폐 환자가 몇이나 있습니까?‬Then can you please state the number of autistic patients at this proceeding?
‪아, 제가 보기엔 피고인 말고도‬Uh, I asked because in my opinion, there's one more individual to include.
‪한 명이 더 있는 거 같아서요‬Uh, I asked because in my opinion, there's one more individual to include.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪방금 증인에게 질문한 변호인은‬ ‪어떻습니까?‬Perhaps the attorney who spoke just before me?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(명석) 이의 있습니다‬Objection!
‪검사는 사건과 무관한 데다‬Your Honor, the prosecutor is attempting to insult my colleague
‪차별적이기까지 한 발언으로‬ ‪변호인을 모욕하고 있습니다‬Your Honor, the prosecutor is attempting to insult my colleague with an irrelevant and discriminatory question.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬with an irrelevant and discriminatory question.
‪- (재판장) 기각합니다‬ ‪- (명석) 네?‬Overruled. What?
‪아니, 기각하신다고요?‬That's your verdict?
‪검사의 질문이‬ ‪변호인에게 공격적일 순 있겠으나‬Although the prosecutor's method was not very respectful to the attorney,
‪(재판장) 사건과 무관하다거나‬I don't see the question itself as being irrelevant or discriminatory.
‪차별적이라고 보진 않습니다‬I don't see the question itself as being irrelevant or discriminatory.
‪변호인, 앉으세요‬[judge] Counselor, take a seat.
‪검사는 계속 신문하시고요‬Prosecutor, you may continue.
‪(검사) 자‬Okay.
‪방금 증인을 신문한 변호인은‬ ‪자폐 환자입니까?‬I'm asking if the attorney who questioned you is herself an autistic patient?
‪자폐가 있다고 모두‬ ‪치료를 받아야 하는 게 아닌데‬Treatment is not required just for presenting as autistic.
‪'자폐 환자'라는 표현은‬ ‪적절하지 않은 거 같습니다‬And I believe to say "autistic patient" is quite inappropriate.
‪법정에서 저러고 있는데도요?‬Even a person doing something like that?
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪(명석) 검사‬ ‪지금 뭐 하는 짓입니까!‬Excuse me, this has gone too far!
‪(검사) 뭐 하는 짓이라니요?‬[prosecutor] What do you mean? I'm asking if Attorney Woo Young-woo, who is a member of the defense
‪피고인을 변호하는‬ ‪우영우 변호사가‬I'm asking if Attorney Woo Young-woo, who is a member of the defense
‪자폐 환자인지 아닌지‬ ‪묻고 있는 중입니다‬I'm asking if Attorney Woo Young-woo, who is a member of the defense is an autistic patient.
‪(의사) 우영우 변호사가‬[witness] I'm aware that Attorney Woo Young-woo
‪자폐 스펙트럼 장애를‬ ‪갖고 있는 건 알고 있습니다‬[witness] I'm aware that Attorney Woo Young-woo has autism spectrum disorder.
‪하지만 들어서 아는 거지‬ ‪진단한 게 아닙니다‬However, it's only because I knew beforehand. I did not diagnose her.
‪제가 무슨 감별사도 아니고‬And I'm not some sort of appraiser.
‪사람을 보자마자‬ ‪'이거다, 저거다' 그러진 않습니다‬I can't label somebody or give any diagnosis just from seeing them.
‪자, 분명하게 답하세요‬Now, answer the question. Does the opposing attorney have autism or not?
‪우영우 변호사한테‬ ‪자폐가 있습니까? 없습니까?‬Does the opposing attorney have autism or not?
‪(의사) 아, 있습니다‬[witness] She does.
‪있는데…‬-That isn't-- -Do you consider
‪(검사) 증인은‬-That isn't-- -Do you consider
‪피고인이 심신 미약자라고‬ ‪생각하십니까?‬the defendant to be mentally incompetent?
‪(의사) 네‬-[witness] Yes. -Because he's an autistic person?
‪피고인에게‬ ‪자폐가 있기 때문인가요?‬-[witness] Yes. -Because he's an autistic person?
‪씁, 그렇다면 증인은‬Tell me then, do you consider the attorney to be mentally incompetent as well?
‪변호인도 심신 미약자라고‬ ‪생각하십니까?‬Tell me then, do you consider the attorney to be mentally incompetent as well?
‪이의 있습니다‬Objection!
‪(명석) 피고인에 대해서‬ ‪재판을 하고 있는데‬This trial isn't about the attorney,
‪왜 자꾸 변호인 얘기를 합니까!‬so why does he keep mentioning her?
‪변호인의 병력은‬An individual's private medical history is not appropriate to bring up at all.
‪피고인과도 사건과도 재판과도‬ ‪무관합니다‬An individual's private medical history is not appropriate to bring up at all.
‪무관하지 않습니다‬It is appropriate.
‪(검사) 변호인이‬ ‪피고인을 감형해 달라고‬It's relevant because the defense is arguing
‪자폐가 있으니‬ ‪봐달라고 주장하기 때문에‬for a reduced punishment due to the defendant's autism.
‪무관하지 않습니다‬for a reduced punishment due to the defendant's autism.
‪자폐 피고인이 심신 미약자라면‬[prosecutor] The autistic defendant isn't competent. Can't the same be said for the attorney?
‪자폐 변호사도 마찬가지 아닙니까?‬Can't the same be said for the attorney? [Atty. Jung] Is the prosecution confused about mental competency?
‪(명석) 검사는‬ ‪심신 미약이 뭔지도 모릅니까?‬[Atty. Jung] Is the prosecution confused about mental competency?
‪심신 장애가 있다고 해서‬ ‪전부 다 심신 미약인 게 아닙니다‬Having a disability, mental or physical, does not equate to incompetence.
‪그 장애로 인해‬ ‪사물을 변별할 능력과‬It is only when the disability affects one's ability to discern
‪의사를 결정할 능력이‬ ‪미약한 경우에만‬and make those hypothetical decisions that would then consider them to be incompetent.
‪심신 미약인 겁니다‬that would then consider them to be incompetent.
‪자폐가 있는 피고인은‬So the penalty should be reduced for the autistic defendant
‪(검사) 다른 범죄자들과‬ ‪차등을 두어 감형해야 한다면서‬So the penalty should be reduced for the autistic defendant in comparison to other criminals,
‪자폐가 있는 변호사의 주장은‬but the arguments from the autistic attorney
‪다른 법조인들과‬ ‪동등하게 인정해라?‬but the arguments from the autistic attorney should have equal weight in the court?
‪뭐 좀 이상하지 않습니까?‬[prosecutor] Doesn't that seem odd to you?
‪저는 변호인의 주장에‬ ‪모순이 있음을 지적하는 겁니다‬The jury needs to understand the irony of this argument.
‪[준호의 한숨]‬
‪(준호) 변호사님!‬Attorney Woo!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[준호의 다급한 숨소리]‬Attorney Woo! [tense music]
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪이준호 씨의 손이 아직도‬ ‪제 엉덩이를 붙잡고 있습니다‬Are you aware that your hand is resting on my backside?
‪(준호) 아, 아, 네‬Uh… Oh, that…
‪[준호가 당황한다]‬Oh, that… [Jun-ho grunts]
‪[영우의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪그래서 제가‬ ‪등부터 떨어졌던 겁니다‬So that explains falling on my back.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬[dreamy music]
‪[고래 울음]‬[moans]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[영우의 다급한 숨소리]‬[gasping]
‪(준호) 저, 신…‬Your shoes…
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪저, 변호사님, 저, 신발…‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬Attorney Woo, your shoes.
‪[똑똑 똑]‬
‪(명석) 네‬[Atty. Jung] Yes?
‪[영우의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[Young-woo grunts]
‪- (영우) 아‬ ‪- (준호) 아‬[Young-woo grunts]
‪(영우) 방금 제가‬ ‪목을 매고 있었는데‬I was just about to hang myself on the neck,
‪이준호 씨가 저를 구했습니다‬and that's when Jun-ho rescued me.
‪(명석) 아, 뭐?‬Uh, what?
‪이준호 씨는 먼저 왼손으로‬First, Jun-ho brought up his left hand to offer support against my butt,
‪(영우) 제 엉덩이를‬ ‪붙잡아 올렸습니다‬First, Jun-ho brought up his left hand to offer support against my butt,
‪그러면서 오른손으로는‬ ‪목을 맨 끈을 풀려고 했습니다‬and with his right, he ripped apart the knot that was around my neck. And do you know the next thing that happened?
‪그랬더니 어떤 일이‬ ‪생긴 줄 아십니까?‬And do you know the next thing that happened?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪제 몸이 뒤로 젖혀지면서‬My whole body was set backwards, on impact, I landed on my back.
‪등부터 바닥에 떨어졌습니다‬My whole body was set backwards, on impact, I landed on my back.
‪지금 무슨 소리 하는 겁니까?‬What are you talking about?
‪부검 감정서에 따르면 김상훈 씨…‬According to the autopsy report, your son… Uh…
‪(영우) 아니‬I mean,
‪피해자의 갈비뼈는‬ ‪총 스물두 군데 부러졌습니다‬the victim's rib cage was clearly broken in 22 places.
‪오른쪽 갈비뼈 앞쪽‬ ‪3번에서 7번까지 다섯 개‬On his right frontal body, the numbers three up to seven, then on the left front body, six fractures, numbers two to seven.
‪왼쪽 갈비뼈 앞쪽‬ ‪2번에서 7번까지 여섯 개‬then on the left front body, six fractures, numbers two to seven. Also…
‪그리, 그리고, 그…‬Also…
‪그, 갈비뼈 좀‬ ‪잠깐 가리켜도 되겠습니까?‬Oh, um, may I point to your rib cage, please?
‪(준호) 예?‬Okay. Um, sure.
‪아, 네, 네‬Okay. Um, sure.
‪(영우) 오른쪽 갈비뼈 뒤쪽‬Over to his back, 11 on the right side, two to 12,
‪2번부터 12번까지 열한 개입니다‬Over to his back, 11 on the right side, two to 12,
‪다른 부위에는 전혀 골절이 없어요‬And his body has no additional breaks. Isn't that bizarre?
‪이상하지 않습니까?‬And his body has no additional breaks. Isn't that bizarre?
‪갈비뼈 앞쪽 좌우 골절은‬Looking at both sides of his front body,
‪심폐 소생술을 하다가‬ ‪생긴 것일 가능성이 높습니다‬all of the fracturing was likely caused by CPR. The problem is, looking at his back,
‪문제는 오른쪽 등 뒤‬The problem is, looking at his back, the damage goes in a straight line, from number two to number 12.
‪2번부터 12번까지‬ ‪일렬로 생긴 골절입니다‬the damage goes in a straight line, from number two to number 12.
‪피고인이 피해자의 등을‬And this would mean that the defendant had to hit the victim in a straight line,
‪한 줄로‬ ‪나란히 가격하지 않는 이상‬And this would mean that the defendant had to hit the victim in a straight line, Otherwise, he won't get this kind of pattern.
‪이런 형태의 골절이‬ ‪생기긴 어렵습니다‬Otherwise, he won't get this kind of pattern.
‪하지만 피고인이‬However, if the defendant instead tried to save the victim
‪이준호 씨와 같은 방법으로‬ ‪피해자를 구하려고 했다면‬However, if the defendant instead tried to save the victim by making use of Jun-ho's method, then it is possible.
‪가능합니다‬by making use of Jun-ho's method, then it is possible.
‪(영우) 피고인이‬[Young-woo] And so, because the defendant was holding onto the victim's butt,
‪피해자의 엉덩이를‬ ‪붙잡고 있었기 때문에‬[Young-woo] And so, because the defendant was holding onto the victim's butt,
‪피해자는 등부터‬ ‪바닥으로 떨어졌던 겁니다‬the victim fell to the floor, and landed on his back.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬the victim fell to the floor, and landed on his back.
‪그래서요?‬Wait a second. Does that make a difference for my boy?
‪그렇게 되면 뭐가 달라집니까?‬Wait a second. Does that make a difference for my boy?
‪그렇게 되면‬Yes, because the death becomes an accident for Jeong-hun.
‪작은아드님은‬ ‪상해 치사 무죄가 됩니다‬Yes, because the death becomes an accident for Jeong-hun.
‪(명석) 어, 물론‬ ‪폭행죄는 인정이 되겠죠‬Of course, he'll still be guilty of assault,
‪하지만 작은아드님이‬ ‪큰아드님을 죽였다는 혐의는‬Of course, he'll still be guilty of assault, but when we address his much more significant manslaughter plea,
‪벗을 수가 있습니다‬but when we address his much more significant manslaughter plea, there's simply no comparison.
‪형량도 훨씬 가벼워질 거고요‬there's simply no comparison.
‪근데, 음‬But… for us to argue a not guilty case now,
‪이 내용으로‬ ‪저희가 무죄 주장을 하려면‬for us to argue a not guilty case now,
‪큰아드님이 자살 시도한 사실을‬we're not able to hide the fact that Sang-hun
‪숨길 수가 없습니다‬attempted suicide.
‪회장님의 결단이 필요합니다‬This has to be your decision to make.
‪안 그래도 이 문제‬Truthfully, I've been…
‪많이 생각해 봤습니다‬thinking a lot about this.
‪내 나이쯤 되면‬When you're as old as me,
‪자식이 꼭 인생 성적표 같아서‬your children feel like a report card on life.
‪(진평) 상훈이가‬ ‪그렇게 불행했다는 걸‬I was so protective, I didn't want to admit
‪아비로서 인정하기가 싫었습니다‬that my oldest son was so unhappy.
‪하지만 정훈이를 위해서라면‬What about Jeong-hun's life?
‪내가 못 할 게 뭐가 있겠습니까‬Shouldn't I give him the same honor?
‪방금 말씀하신 대로‬ ‪그렇게 진행하세요‬You may proceed with what you just said.
‪[준호의 안도하는 숨소리]‬There's one thing I want to say also.
‪(진평) 한 가지‬ ‪나도 할 이야기가 있어요‬There's one thing I want to say also.
‪원래는 정 변호사님이랑‬ ‪단둘이 나누려 했던 얘기인데‬And it's something I plan to discuss with Attorney Jung alone.
‪이렇게 됐으니 그냥 하겠습니다‬But since we're all here, I'll just come out with it.
‪(명석) 예, 두 사람도 앉아요‬Okay. You both sit down.
‪(준호) 아, 예‬Okay.
‪앞으로는‬From now on,
‪우 변호사 없이 재판했으면 합니다‬we'll proceed in court without Attorney Woo.
‪나야 우 변호사가‬ ‪애쓰는 것 압니다‬I know you make such an effort. I am grateful.
‪(진평) 하지만 재판 때‬ ‪검사가 하는 말 들으셨죠?‬[Jin-pyeong] But you heard what the prosecutor said.
‪어떤 것이 정훈이를 위한 최선인지‬ ‪생각해 주세요‬Considering that it is the best thing going forward for Jeong-hun.
‪(명석) 어, 저기, 회장님‬Uh, excuse me, sir, what about everything Attorney Woo said just moments ago?
‪방금 우영우 변호사가‬ ‪말씀드린 내용 들으셨지 않습니까‬Uh, excuse me, sir, what about everything Attorney Woo said just moments ago?
‪저번 재판 때와는‬ ‪다르게 풀어 갈 수 있습니다‬[Atty. Jung] We can take the trial in a whole new direction.
‪그, 작은아드님의‬ ‪심신 미약만 강조하는 것이 아닌‬[Atty. Jung] We can take the trial in a whole new direction. We'll continue to emphasize Jeong-hun's mental incompetence,
‪부검 감정에 관한‬ ‪과학적 근거를 가지고‬but while pleading that he is not guilty because it's based on hard evidence.
‪무죄 주장을 할 수가 있습니다‬but while pleading that he is not guilty because it's based on hard evidence.
‪제 생각엔‬I think that…
‪회장님 말씀이 맞습니다‬the Chairman makes a good point.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬If Jun-ho walks in public with me,
‪제가 이준호 씨와 함께 걸으면‬If Jun-ho walks in public with me,
‪사람들은 이준호 씨가‬people think he's volunteering his time to help someone with a disability.
‪장애인을 위해‬ ‪봉사를 하고 있다고 생각합니다‬people think he's volunteering his time to help someone with a disability.
‪택시 기사가 피고인을 붙잡았을 때‬And then when the defendant angered the taxi driver,
‪저한테도 돈은 있었지만‬And then when the defendant angered the taxi driver, I had money to pay the fare.
‪기사는 제가 상황을‬ ‪해결할 수 있는 사람이라‬I had money to pay the fare. [Young-woo] But the driver didn't see me as capable of resolving the situation.
‪(영우) 보지 않습니다‬[Young-woo] But the driver didn't see me as capable of resolving the situation.
‪저의 자폐와 피고인의 자폐가‬I can tell how my autism is different than the defendant's,
‪무엇이 같고 무엇이 다른지‬ ‪저한테는 보이지만‬I can tell how my autism is different than the defendant's, and how they're similar as well.
‪검사는 보지 못합니다‬However, the prosecutor can't, so that means…
‪그렇다면‬However, the prosecutor can't, so that means…
‪판사들도 마찬가지일 겁니다‬neither can people serving on the jury. I'm…
‪피고인에게 도움이 되는‬ ‪변호사가 아닙니다‬just not an attorney who is very helpful to the defendant.
‪피고인에게‬not an attorney
‪도움이 되는 변호사가‬who is very helpful to…
‪아닙니다‬the defendant.
‪회장님 설득해 주십시오‬Can't you convince the Chairman?
‪(선영) 뭐라고?‬Of what?
‪우영우 변호사 법정 내보내자고?‬That he should use Attorney Woo in court?
‪(명석) 네‬Yes. If she wasn't good at her job or made a mistake,
‪일을 못한 것도 아니고‬ ‪실수를 한 것도 아닙니다‬Yes. If she wasn't good at her job or made a mistake,
‪자폐가 있으니까 변론이‬ ‪효과적이지 않을 거란 이유로‬it's discrimination to pull her off this case because her history makes it complicated.
‪재판에 못 서게 하는 건‬because her history makes it complicated.
‪차별입니다‬It's a disability.
‪아니, 언제는 또‬Didn't you once say…
‪[한숨]‬[sighs] "Did you not see the second page of her resume?"
‪'이력서 뒷장 못 보셨습니까?'‬"Did you not see the second page of her resume?"
‪'어? 그걸 보고도 뽑으셨습니까?'‬"Yeah, despite that, you brought her onboard?
‪'아니, 이런 애를‬ ‪도대체 어떻게 가르칩니까!'‬How can I train someone who can't introduce themselves?" Huh?
‪[웃으며] 했잖아요‬You said all that. [laughs] And now, you've had a change of heart, huh?
‪아니, 무슨 일이야, 그사이에?‬And now, you've had a change of heart, huh?
‪아니, 그때는‬ ‪[한숨]‬Well, then…
‪우리 팀이 아니었지만‬she didn't matter, but we're part of the same team now.
‪지금은 우리 팀이지 않습니까‬she didn't matter, but we're part of the same team now.
‪[선영의 웃음]‬[laughing]
‪(선영) 음‬Um… [clears throat]
‪상정 회장님의 요구가‬ ‪부당하고 차별적이라는 거‬While I share your opinion that what the Chairman did here wasn't fair…
‪응, 나도 동의해요‬Hmm, and discriminatory.
‪하지만 난 대표잖아‬This is my company, though.
‪클라이언트가‬ ‪원하는 대로 할 수밖에 없어요‬I have to do what the client wants.
‪정명석 변호사님도‬ ‪나가지 마세요, 법정‬it probably would be best if you don't go to court as well.
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (선영) 우리 팀이라며, 어?‬-What? -She's your teammate now, right? If you're teammates, then stick together.
‪'네가 안 가면 나도 안 간다'‬If you're teammates, then stick together.
‪보여 줘야지‬Prove your case.
‪나 신입 변호사의 권리를 위해서‬I can't put everything on the line just for one rookie employee,
‪끝까지 싸워 주는 투사는 못 돼요‬I can't put everything on the line just for one rookie employee,
‪그러니까‬ ‪변호사님이라도 보여 주세요‬so you will. Prove what it means to show solidarity. Show them how a team works.
‪둘이 한 팀이라는 거‬Prove what it means to show solidarity. Show them how a team works.
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yeah, nice plan.
‪(선영) 응‬[Seon-young] Mm.
‪장승준 변호사한테 맡길 테니까‬ ‪사건 자료 직접 넘겨주고‬I'll reassign the case to Attorney Jang. So deliver the updated files to him.
‪하필 장승준입니까?‬How come the case has to go to him?
‪그 정도 페널티는 받아야지‬You deserve some kind of penalty.
‪회장님 보기에‬ ‪이거 불쾌할 수 있어요‬The Chairman will probably react negatively, believing he upset you enough for you to protest.
‪본인 말에 삐져서 항의하는 것마냥‬believing he upset you enough for you to protest.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬I understand.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪(명석) 어…‬Uh…
‪(승준) 명석이?‬ ‪[명석이 놀란다]‬-Attorney Myeong-seok? -[gasps]
‪[스위치 조작음]‬-Attorney Myeong-seok? -[gasps]
‪무슨 일이야?‬What's shaking?
‪어, 대표님한테 연락받았지?‬[sighs] Did the boss speak to you?
‪대표님한테 연락받았지‬Madame CEO called me, yes.
‪근데 무슨 일이냐고‬But what are you doing here?
‪대표님한테 연락받았으면‬ ‪알 거 아니야‬I assume you'd know because you spoke with her.
‪대표님한테 연락받았으니까‬ ‪알긴 알지‬You assumed correctly because she called and asked already.
‪뭐 하자고?‬So, what are you doing?
‪명석이가 나한테‬ ‪직접 부탁하는 게‬I'm waiting to hear the great Myeong-seok ask me to do him a favor directly.
‪듣고 싶어서 그러지‬I'm waiting to hear the great Myeong-seok ask me to do him a favor directly.
‪부탁한다‬Do me a favor.
‪어? 뭐라고? 안 들려‬Huh? What was that? I couldn't hear you.
‪(승준) 머리가‬ ‪밑에 있어서 그런가?‬Maybe from the blood rushing to my head.
‪안 들려‬Say it louder.
‪[기기 작동음]‬
‪부탁한다‬Do me a favor.
‪뭐라고? '부카칸가'?‬Speak up a little, huh? [laughs]
‪[승준의 웃음]‬Speak up a little, huh? [laughs] I can't hear you.
‪(승준) 안 들려‬I can't hear you.
‪[승준의 웃음]‬
‪[기기 작동음]‬[whirring]
‪[승준의 개운한 숨소리]‬
‪부탁해, 승준아‬Do me a favor.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬What would you ever do without me?
‪명석인 나 없으면 안 돼요?‬What would you ever do without me?
‪언제까지 내가‬ ‪명석이 뒷수습해 줘야 돼요?‬How long must I keep cleaning up your mess, Attorney Suck?
‪[승준의 웃음]‬[laughing]
‪저기다가 사건 자료 놓고 가‬Leave the case file over there on your way out, okay?
‪내가 해 줄게‬I'll fix it for you.
‪(승준) 아, 저기다‬ ‪갖다 놓으라니까‬ ‪[기기 작동음]‬-Uh, I said leave it on my desk. -[whirring]
‪아, 진짜‬Seriously.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Huh?
‪명석아‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-Myeong-seok? -[door closes]
‪[웃으며] 아, 나, 씨‬[scoffs]
‪[웃음]‬[laughs] Myeong-seok!
‪(재판장) 변호인‬ ‪증인 신문 하세요‬[judge] Counselor, you may begin questioning.
‪네‬Thank you.
‪(승준) 증인의 직업은 뭐죠?‬Miss, what is your occupation?
‪법의관입니다‬I'm a medical examiner.
‪국립 과학 수사 연구소에서‬ ‪부검 관련 업무를 합니다‬I work for the National Forensic Service where I perform autopsies.
‪피해자의 사인은 뭡니까?‬What was the cause of death in your expert opinion?
‪갈비뼈가 부러져‬ ‪가슴 안에 피가 나 사망했습니다‬From internal bleeding in his chest after many of his ribs have broken.
‪갈비뼈가 왜 부러졌을까요?‬Can you explain what caused his broken ribs?
‪갈비뼈 전면 골절은‬ ‪심폐 소생술 때문으로 보입니다‬The anterior fractures can probably be attributed to CPR.
‪(법의관) 구급대원이 갔을 때‬ ‪피해자는 이미 호흡이 없었고‬[examiner] When the paramedics arrived, they found the victim was no longer breathing,
‪심정지 상태였으니‬they found the victim was no longer breathing, and he had no pulse.
‪사망 후에 생긴‬ ‪골절이라고 봐야겠죠‬CPR was performed on the scene and lightly caused the anterior fractures.
‪문제는 갈비뼈 후면인데요‬However, on the posterior side of the rib cage,
‪비스듬한 사선 형태의‬ ‪연속적인 골절이 발견됩니다‬there's a pattern of fractures running in an orderly diagonal line.
‪이 위치와 형태를 고려하면‬Considering this, the damage
‪독립적인 각각의 충격보다는‬appears to be the result of a single impact,
‪1회의 연속적인‬ ‪충격 때문인 거 같습니다‬rather than a series of recurring impacts over a span of time.
‪(승준) 독립적인‬ ‪각각의 충격보다는‬So you believe there was one single impact
‪1회의 연속적인‬ ‪충격 때문이라고요?‬rather than a series of separate repeating blows?
‪[웃으며] 어, 좀 말이‬ ‪너무 어렵네요‬That sounds complicated. Would you be able to explain it simply?
‪좀 더 쉽게 설명해 주시겠습니까?‬That sounds complicated. Would you be able to explain it simply?
‪갈비뼈 하나하나가‬As opposed to one fracture followed by another one,
‪따로따로 부러졌다고 보기는‬ ‪어렵다는 뜻입니다‬As opposed to one fracture followed by another one, I believe his ribs were all broken at the same time.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪골절이 한 줄로‬ ‪나란히 나 있으니까요‬[examiner] This is because the fractures are all in alignment.
‪그보다는 한 번의 큰 충격이‬ ‪원인일 겁니다‬Which is consistent with the damage caused by a severe single impact.
‪한 번의 큰 충격이요?‬A severe single impact? Could you explain that to the court?
‪예를 들면 어떤 것일까요?‬A severe single impact? Could you explain that to the court?
‪(법의관) 사건 당시 피해자는‬The victim seems to have fallen backwards
‪천장에 목을 매고 있다가‬ ‪바닥에 떨어졌던 것으로 보입니다‬The victim seems to have fallen backwards from the position where he was hanging by the neck.
‪방에서 발견된 끈과‬And the bruises on his neck match the rope that was found in his room.
‪피해자 목의 삭흔이 일치하거든요‬And the bruises on his neck match the rope that was found in his room.
‪게다가 혈중 알코올 농도가‬ ‪0.3%나 됐으니‬Additionally, the autopsy shows that the victim had a blood alcohol level of 0.3 percent.
‪떨어질 때 손을 짚는 등의‬Which is relevant because there wouldn't be reflexive behavior
‪반사적 방어 행동이 없었을 겁니다‬Which is relevant because there wouldn't be reflexive behavior like using his hands to brace his fall.
‪그렇다면 낙상으로 인한‬ ‪골절일 가능성이 큽니다‬Considering this, the posterior fracturing was likely caused by the fall.
‪(승준) 피고인의 폭행으로 인해‬So, would it be possible for the victim's ribs
‪갈비뼈가 부러졌을 가능성은‬ ‪없습니까?‬So, would it be possible for the victim's ribs to have been broken by the defendant from a single blow?
‪가능성이야 물론 있습니다‬Well, of course, it could be. It is possible.
‪하지만 좀 어색합니다‬It's possible, but it's hard to picture.
‪(법의관) 당시 피고인은‬ ‪극도로 흥분해‬Mainly because the defendant was reported to be extremely agitated
‪피해자를 난타했다고 들었습니다‬Mainly because the defendant was reported to be extremely agitated at the time of the attack.
‪그런 상태에서‬And in that state, it would be enormously difficult to damage the victim's ribs
‪피해자의 갈비뼈를‬ ‪한 줄로 맞춘 듯‬it would be enormously difficult to damage the victim's ribs
‪반듯하게 때리기는‬ ‪어렵기 때문입니다‬in a manner that's consistent with the pattern of breakage.
‪네‬Thank you. That would be all.
‪(승준) 이상입니다‬Thank you, Your Honor.
‪(재판장) 잠깐만요‬[judge] Just a moment.
‪질문 하나 먼저 하겠습니다‬I have something to ask the defendant.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪김정훈 씨!‬Kim Jeong-hun?
‪방금 법의관의 증언 들으셨죠?‬Moments ago, the witness gave her testimony, right?
‪(재판장) 혹시 피고인이‬ ‪형을 바닥으로 떨어트렸습니까?‬Kim Jeong-hun, did you drop your older brother to the floor that evening?
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪형의 목숨을 구하려고 그랬습니까?‬Did he fall because you were trying to save him?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪끈이 저절로 끊어진 건 아니고요?‬Defendant, then it's true that he fell on his own?
‪(재판장) 분명하게 말해 보세요‬[judge] Answer me clearly.
‪형을 떨어트린 게‬ ‪피고인입니까? 아닙니까?‬Were you or were you not the one who dropped your brother?
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪김정훈 씨‬Kim Jeong-hun, sir?
‪형을 구하려고 그런 겁니까?‬ ‪아닙니까?‬Were you trying to save your brother or not? Please answer.
‪[울먹인다]‬[somber music]
‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬[crowd murmuring]
‪(재판장) 피고인이‬I asked these questions to determine the defendant's ability to understand
‪질문을 이해하고‬ ‪답할 능력이 있는지‬I asked these questions to determine the defendant's ability to understand
‪사건 당시 상황을‬ ‪증언할 수 있는지‬and to assess his state of mind, and to see if he's able to testify as to what happened that night.
‪확인해 보려고 질문했습니다‬and to see if he's able to testify as to what happened that night.
‪일단 피고인이 지금‬And I think it's clear the defendant is not capable mentally of answering
‪심신 미약 상태인 건‬ ‪확실한 거 같네요‬And I think it's clear the defendant is not capable mentally of answering as of this moment.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[somber music continues]
‪(명석) 재판 결과 잘 나올 거 같다‬The verdict is ultimately going to be good for us.
‪(영우) 그렇습니까?‬But still.
‪저는 검사가‬ ‪무려 징역 7년을 구형하고‬I can't believe the prosecution asked for seven years of prison
‪치료 감호까지 청구해 놀랐습니다‬I can't believe the prosecution asked for seven years of prison while claiming for the cost of treatment.
‪(명석) 검사가 얼마를 불렀든‬Don't worry too much about what he said.
‪우리는 우리 주장 잘 증명했으니까‬Don't worry too much about what he said. The crucial thing is that we presented well.
‪아, 그리고 무엇보다‬ ‪판사들 분위기가 좋던데?‬Also, the judge appeared to be in a good mood. At least they'll drop the charge of manslaughter.
‪상해 치사는 무죄 받을 확률이‬ ‪높을 거 같고‬At least they'll drop the charge of manslaughter.
‪어, 폭행죄로도‬ ‪집행 유예 나올 거야‬I'm sure probation is probably all he'll get.
‪안 돼도 뭐, 항소하면 되니까‬ ‪너무 걱정하지 말고‬And if not, we can always appeal. Don't worry too much. Hmm, okay.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 네‬Hmm, okay.
‪(승준) [웃으며] 아유, 수고는요‬[Atty. Jang] No worries. It was no trouble at all.
‪제가 회장님 사건‬It was an honor for me to step in and finish your case.
‪직접 제 손으로‬ ‪마무리할 수 있어서‬It was an honor for me to step in and finish your case.
‪영광이었습니다, 예‬My pleasure.
‪(경희) 재판 준비하느라‬ ‪두 분 너무 애쓰셨는데‬You both put in so much work on this case.
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪특히 우리 우영우 변호사가‬ ‪많이 아쉬울 것 같아‬To Attorney Woo, especially, you must be so disappointed.
‪괜찮습니다‬I'll be okay.
‪(진평) 수고하셨습니다‬-Thank you for your efforts. -Thank you, sir.
‪(명석) 예, 회장님‬-Thank you for your efforts. -Thank you, sir.
‪(승준) 아, 이 친구가 그…‬Uh, this is the one that's--
‪고마워, 승준아‬Good work, Seung-jun.
‪가 보겠습니다‬We should be going.
‪(명석) 우영우 변호사, 갑시다‬Come on, Miss Woo.
‪(승준) 어, '유 아 웰컴'이야‬[Atty. Jang] Uh, you're welcome.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[soft music]
‪저기요‬Excuse me?
‪(종업원) 네‬[woman] Yes?
‪(준호) 이거 혹시‬ ‪포장해 줄 수 있나요?‬Could you wrap this for me? It's a present.
‪선물할 건데‬Could you wrap this for me? It's a present.
‪- (종업원) 네‬ ‪- 감사합니다‬-Sure. -Appreciate it.
‪(직원5) 먼저 갈게‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-Have a good night. -Good night.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[노크한다]‬
‪[프린터 작동음]‬[machine whirring]
‪[고래 울음]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪아, 삼촌들한테 속아 가지고‬ ‪이상한 각서에 도장 찍었대!‬Ah, my uncle's tricked him and they made him signed some papers.
‪(영우) 각서?‬[Young-woo] Some papers?
‪(그라미) 토지 보상금 나오면‬ ‪삼촌들한테 다 나눠 주겠다는 각서‬[Geu-ra-mi] To split with my uncle some money, he'll get us land compensation.
‪(광호) 그라미 아버님‬ ‪토지 보상금 받으셔?‬[Gwang-ho] Your father's supposed to get a land compensation?
‪- 100억이요‬ ‪- (광호) 대박이네‬-Ten billion. -That's amazing!
‪대박이네‬-That's amazing! -[Geu-ra-mi] The father
‪(그라미) 하나밖에 없는‬ ‪친구의 아버지가‬-That's amazing! -[Geu-ra-mi] The father of your only friend was duped into poverty by his no-good brothers,
‪형들의 꼬임에 속아서‬ ‪거지가 되는 꼴을‬of your only friend was duped into poverty by his no-good brothers,
‪넌 그냥 지켜볼 거냐?‬and you're gonna help us out, right?
‪나 이제 변호사 안 해‬-But I'm no longer an attorney. -Huh? Why?
‪(그라미) 어? 아, 왜?‬-But I'm no longer an attorney. -Huh? Why?
‪(광호) 아빠도 그 이유 좀 알자‬[Gwang-ho] I've been dying to know myself.
‪(그라미) 강화도 데이트, 낙조마을‬[Geu-ra-mi] Stop at Nakjo. The sunset is awesome there.
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (그라미) 아자 아자, 파이팅‬-Huh? -You got this.
‪(준호) 나는 변호사님이랑‬ ‪같은 편 하고 싶어요‬[Jun-ho] I want to be on your team, Attorney Woo.

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