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  소년 심판 3

Juvenile Justice 3


 ‪(여자1) 우리는 피의자가‬[tense music] [woman] We want the accused to be judged properly.
‪정당한 판결을 받기를 원합니다‬[woman] We want the accused to be judged properly. We demand the abolishment of the Juvenile Act
‪피해자는 고려하지 않는‬ ‪소년법 철폐를 요구합니다‬We demand the abolishment of the Juvenile Act as it has no regard for the victims.
‪(진행자) 이번‬ ‪연화 초등생 살인 사건‬[host 1] The results of the first trial in the Yeonhwa Child Murder case
‪1심 재판 결과에‬[host 1] The results of the first trial in the Yeonhwa Child Murder case
‪국민 여론이 들끓고 있습니다‬have been an issue to the general public.
‪악랄한 범죄를 저지르고도‬ ‪징역 20년, 소년원 2년이라는‬One of the culprits of this heinous crime, received a 20-year prison sentence
‪짧은 소년 보호 처분을‬ ‪받았기 때문인데요‬ ‪[원중이 호응한다]‬while the other received a two-year prison sentence… -[Won-jung] Right. -[host 1] …due to his age.
‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬-[Won-jung] Right. -[host 1] …due to his age. What do you think about that?
‪네‬Well, I agree that the two-year maximum sentence
‪소년원 송치 기간을‬ ‪최장 5년까지 늘리거나‬Well, I agree that the two-year maximum sentence should be extended to five years.
‪형사 미성년자 연령을‬ ‪조정하는 등의‬should be extended to five years. It's a simple threshold adjustment.
‪(원중) 법률 개정안엔 동의합니다‬ ‪동의하나‬However, that does not mean I agree with…
‪소년법 폐지는 반대합니다‬abolishing the Juvenile Act.
‪이거는 아이들의 모든 범죄를‬Without it, all crimes committed by minors would be ruled by criminal law…
‪형법으로 다루자는 건데‬Without it, all crimes committed by minors would be ruled by criminal law…
‪현실성이 없죠‬[scoffs] …and that's unrealistic.
‪(범) 방금 국선 보조인한테‬ ‪연락 왔는데요‬[Beom] I just got a call from the court-appointed assistant.
‪성우 어머님 항고 않겠답니다‬Seong-u's mother refused to appeal.
‪1심 판결 받아들이겠대요‬She'll accept the results from the first trial.
‪(은석) 그래요?‬Is that so?
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone rings]
‪뭐, 일단 알겠습니다‬[phone rings] All right, then.
‪내일 회사에서 다시 얘기하죠‬All right, then. Let's talk more tomorrow.
‪(범) 네, 그러면 내일 뵙겠습니다‬[Beom] Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(직원1) 어떤 학생이‬ ‪지금 찾아왔는데요‬[man] There's a girl here. She's looking for you. What should I do?
‪어떻게 할까요?‬[man] There's a girl here. She's looking for you. What should I do?
‪네, 올려 보내 주세요‬You can send her up.
‪[수화기를 달그락 내려놓는다]‬[phone handset clicks]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[door opens] [uneasy music]
‪(유리) 차태주 판사님‬ ‪어디 있어요?‬[sighs] [Yu-ri] Where is Judge Cha?
‪(은석) 차 판?‬Judge Cha?
‪차태주…‬Cha Tae-ju…
‪(은석) 얘, 얘!‬[Eun-seok] Yu-ri!
‪얘, 얘, 정신 차려‬Hey! Wake up!
‪정신 차려, 서유리!‬Hey! Wake up! Wake up, Yu-ri!
‪[유리의 뺨을 착착 치며]‬ ‪얘, 서유리‬Yu-ri!
‪판사님‬Are you here, Judge Sim?
‪(은석) 얘, 정신 차려‬ ‪정신 차려, 서유리‬ ‪[태주의 놀란 탄성]‬-Come on, wake up. Wake up, Yu-ri! -Oh.
‪- (태주) 서유리, 유리야‬ ‪- (은석) 서유리‬-[Tae-ju] Yu-ri! -[Eon-seok] Seo Yu-ri.
‪(태주) 얘, 얘 왜 이래요?‬[stammers] What's wrong with her?
‪- 119, 구급차부터 빨리‬ ‪- (태주) 아, 예‬Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance. Hurry. Okay.
‪- (기자1) 어? 나오십니다‬ ‪- (기자2) 어, 오신다‬-[reporter 1] He's here! -[reporter 2] He's here! He's here!
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(기자3) 이번 재판으로‬ ‪그동안 비난받던‬[reporter 3] This trial has tested people's trust in the system
‪사법부 신뢰를 높여 주셨는데‬ ‪소감이 어떠신가요?‬which has been getting a lot of criticism. How do you feel?
‪(기자4) 현재 논란 중인‬ ‪소년법 개정엔 동의하십니까?‬Do you agree with the controversial amendment of the Juvenile Act?
‪이번 사건으로‬ ‪우리가 깨달은 사실은‬What we all learned from this case is that…
‪음, 소년 사건은 더 이상‬juvenile criminal cases are no longer a personal matter.
‪개인의 문제가 아니라는 것입니다‬juvenile criminal cases are no longer a personal matter.
‪이젠 사회, 국가가‬ ‪나서야 합니다, 예‬It's time for society and the state to step up.
‪예, 뭐, 저는 뭐‬[chuckles] I was just doing what needed to be done.
‪제 할 일을 했을 뿐입니다, 예‬ ‪수고하십시오‬I was just doing what needed to be done. Hmm. Thank you.
‪[기자들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(기자5) 한 말씀만 더‬-[reporter 3] Wait. -One more comment, please, sir!
‪- (기자6) 판사님‬ ‪- (기자7) 한 말씀만 하시죠‬-[reporter 4] One more comment. -[reporter 5] Please, please, sir.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[faint siren blares]
‪(간호사1과 간호사2)‬ ‪- 안쪽으로‬ ‪- 접수증 작성하시고 들어가실게요‬-That way. -Please fill out the registration first.
‪(태주) 아, 판사님‬ ‪그건 제가 쓸…‬Judge Sim, I can…
‪(간호사2) 같이 온 환자와‬ ‪어떤 관계세요?‬What is your relation to the patient?
‪그건 왜 묻죠?‬Why do you ask?
‪(간호사2) 이분들이세요‬[nurse] Here they are.
‪어? 판사님‬Oh, Judge Cha?
‪[옅은 탄성]‬Oh.
‪(은석) 폭행 사건이요?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Eun-seok] An assault?
‪(간호사2) 응급실에 종종 옵니다‬[nurse] We see many cases like this.
‪폭행 피해 의심 환자 발견 즉시‬[nurse] We see many cases like this. We're instructed to call it in if we suspect the patient's a victim of assault.
‪신고하는 게 의무라서요‬We're instructed to call it in if we suspect the patient's a victim of assault.
‪신고 접수가 되면 출동은 하지만‬We're dispatched immediately when we received a report,
‪(강식) 대부분의 폭행 사건은‬ ‪흐지부지되는 경우가 많습니다‬but most assault cases end without leading anywhere.
‪요즘 사람들‬ ‪다른 사람 일에 나서려고 하나요?‬It can get too deep into other people's business
‪피해자가 신고를 원치 않는‬ ‪경우도 많아서요‬and usually, the victim refuses to report it.
‪깨어나면 연락 한번 주십시오‬Please let us know when she wakes up.
‪(태주) 수고하셨습니다‬Thank you so much.
‪(태주) 가정 폭력은 아닐 겁니다‬[Tae-ju] It's probably not domestic abuse.
‪그럴 만한 보호자가 없거든요‬-She doesn't have a guardian. -[Yu-ri moans] [mysterious music]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[cash register dings]
‪[유리의 비명]‬[girls laughing]
‪(태주) 유리 12살 때‬ ‪부모님은 이혼하셨고‬[girls laughing] [Tae-ju] Her parents divorced when she was 12,
‪쭉 조부모 밑에서 자랐어요‬and she was raised by her grandparents ever since.
‪- (유리) 온대?‬ ‪- 온대‬-Is he coming? -Yes.
‪걔 준섭이도 온대?‬-Is Jun-seop coming too? -I think so.
‪- (여자2) 준섭이 올걸?‬ ‪- 얼른 가자‬-Is Jun-seop coming too? -I think so. -Let's go. -[woman] Do you have a thing for him?
‪(여자2) 왜, 좋아해?‬-Let's go. -[woman] Do you have a thing for him?
‪(태주) 현재 할아버지는‬ ‪치매로 입원 중이시고‬[Tae-ju] Her grandfather is currently hospitalized with dementia,
‪할머님 역시 편찮으신 상태고‬and her grandmother is sick as well.
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬ ‪부모님과도 연락 끊긴 지 오래고요‬[Yu-ri] Come here! [Tae-ju] Her parents haven't been in touch with her for a while.
‪(유리) 쳐 봐! 씨발, 씨발‬[Tae-ju] Her parents haven't been in touch with her for a while. [Yu-ri] Fucking asshole. You… -[man] You fucking bitch! -[glass bottle clinks]
‪- (남자1) 아, 이 씨발 년이!‬ ‪- (남자2) 참아, 참아, 참아‬ ‪[사람들이 놀란다]‬-[man] You fucking bitch! -[glass bottle clinks] -[crowd scream] -[woman] Yu-ri!
‪- (남자2) 야, 야, 야, 야‬ ‪- (유리) 쳐 봐, 야!‬-[crowd scream] -[woman] Yu-ri! -[indistinct clamoring] -[man] What?
‪(유리) 쳐 봐, 씨발!‬-You fucking hit me! -[woman] Yu-ri!
‪[치현의 한숨]‬
‪(치현) 그럼 이제 저희는‬ ‪어떻게 되는 겁니까?‬So what do you think is going to happen to her now?
‪아까 보니까‬ ‪완전 살벌하게 맞았던데‬Her wounds looked really bad to me. I wasn't expecting that.
‪뭘 어떻게 돼‬ ‪그냥 유야무야되겠지‬This whole thing will probably end up in smoke.
‪(강식) 어차피 소년 사건은‬ ‪신경 써 봤자 우리한테 마이너스야‬Taking on a juvenile case like this just isn't really worth it.
‪누가 알아봐 주는‬ ‪큰 사건도 아니고‬It's not like anyone will give a damn.
‪[의자 조작음]‬
‪- (강식) 서에 도착하면 깨워‬ ‪- 예, 알겠습니다‬-Wake me up at the station. -Okay. I will, sir.
‪(은석) 절도 및 성매매로‬ ‪5, 6호 처분 받았고‬[Eun-seok] She was on probation with the history of theft and prostitution.
‪이름 서유리요‬Her name is Seo Yu-ri.
‪(직원2) 아, 서유리?‬ ‪유명 인사죠, 걔‬[man] Oh. Seo Yu-ri? She's infamous.
‪잠수 탄 지 꽤 됐어요‬It's been a while since she went off the grid.
‪안 그래도 보고드리려 했는데‬I was going to report it to you. You're the judge in charge, right?
‪담당 판사님 맞으시죠?‬I was going to report it to you. You're the judge in charge, right?
‪보호 관찰소에서 매일 밤‬We call her every night to check if she goes home
‪귀가 확인 전화를 하는데‬ ‪받기는커녕‬We call her every night to check if she goes home but she hasn't picked up tonight.
‪일주일에 한 번씩 하는 출석도‬ ‪단 한 번 나온 적 없어요‬She hasn't even shown up to the weekly attendance check.
‪집에 가도 없고 연락도 안 되고‬ ‪[비닐을 부스럭거린다]‬She's not at home, she won't pick up calls…
‪저도 이렇게‬ ‪말 안 듣는 애는 처음이라‬she's a real troublemaker, this girl.
‪(태주) 예, 알겠습니다, 예‬[Tae-ju] Sure. Okay, thanks.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone beeps]
‪아직 안 갔어?‬You're still here?
‪(태주) 아, 예, 저…‬Oh, yeah. [sighs]
‪유리 주변 친구들한테‬ ‪연락해 봤는데요‬So I've tried reaching out to Yu-ri's friends,
‪유리가 미용실 취직하고 난 뒤로는‬but they said they hadn't seen her since she got a job at a hair salon.
‪본인들도 본 지 오래됐다네요‬but they said they hadn't seen her since she got a job at a hair salon.
‪아침 일찍 출근하고 밤늦게 와서‬She goes to work early and goes home late at night.
‪그 정도면‬ ‪근로 기준법 위반 아닌가?‬Isn't that a violation of the Labor Standards Act?
‪아, 거기까진 잘…‬Oh. I'm not really sure.
‪결국 일어나 봐야 알겠네‬I guess we'll find out when she wakes up.
‪(은석) 늦었다, 이만 들어가 봐‬It's getting late. You should get going.
‪- 같이 안 가시고요?‬ ‪- (은석) 응‬-Aren't you gonna go? -Mm-mmm.
‪난 쟤 깨어나면‬ ‪물어볼 게 아주 많거든‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬I have a lot of questions for her when she wakes up.
‪[한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(간호사2) 자세한 건‬ ‪검사 결과가 나와야 알겠지만‬We'll know for sure once the test results come in,
‪1차 소견으론 갈비뼈 골절에‬We'll know for sure once the test results come in, but it seems like she has a fractured rib and a contusion on her left wrist.
‪왼쪽 손목 타박상‬but it seems like she has a fractured rib and a contusion on her left wrist.
‪염증 수치도 높고요‬Her inflammation levels are high.
‪하루 이틀이 아니었을 겁니다‬This isn't the result of a one-time abuse.
‪꽤 오랜 기간 당한 거예요‬This isn't the result of a one-time abuse. -She probably suffered for a long time. -[Yu-ri moans]
‪[옅은 신음]‬-She probably suffered for a long time. -[Yu-ri moans]
‪(은석) 어, 깼어?‬Hey, are you awake?
‪잠깐 기다려, 사람 불러올게‬Hold on. Let me get the doctor.
‪아니…‬No… [pained moan]
‪[유리의 힘주는 숨소리]‬[sighs] I…
‪(유리) 아, 저…‬[sighs] I…
‪제가 잠깐 미쳤었나 봐요‬I must have gotten a little confused.
‪저 진짜 아무 일도 없었어요‬I'm actually fine so…
‪저 가 볼게요‬-I should get going. -[sighs]
‪[은석의 한숨]‬[Eun-seok exhales]
‪(은석) 별일 없었는데‬You went all the way to the court
‪법원까지 찾아와?‬in the middle of the night
‪이 밤중에?‬and you're fine?
‪차 판이 편하지?‬You wanna talk to Judge Cha.
‪내가 불편하면 그래도 돼‬-I make you uncomfortable, I get it. -No, don't worry about it.
‪(유리) 아니요‬ ‪저 진짜 별일 없었어요‬-I make you uncomfortable, I get it. -No, don't worry about it. I'm really okay.
‪몸은 별일이라 하는데‬You say you're okay,
‪(은석) 입은 아니라 하네?‬but your wounds say otherwise.
‪처음부터 몰랐다면 모를까‬Maybe if I hadn't seen your wounds, I'd let you walk out,
‪이렇게 알게 된 이상‬Maybe if I hadn't seen your wounds, I'd let you walk out,
‪그냥 넘어갈 순 없어‬but I can't let you do that.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪딱 하루‬I'll give you a day to think about it.
‪그동안 고민해 보고‬I'll give you a day to think about it.
‪생각 바뀌면 연락해‬If you change your mind, call me.
‪시간 경과되면‬ ‪내 식대로 처리할 거니까‬If you don't, I'll handle it my way.
‪병원비는 내가 처리했으니까‬ ‪무조건 입원해‬Also, I recommend you stay here and get treated for now.
‪치료부터 받아‬I covered the bills.
‪(부장 판사1) 마지막으로 미국은‬[Jeong-seok] Finally, the United States is one of the countries
‪인권의 존엄성을 강조하며‬[Jeong-seok] Finally, the United States is one of the countries that uphold human rights
‪가정 폭력에 가장 엄격하게‬ ‪대응하는 국가 중 하나입니다‬that uphold human rights so they respond to domestic violence cases with severity.
‪그래서 미국 대부분의‬ ‪주 사법 당국에서는‬Therefore, most judicial authorities in the United States
‪가정 폭력 사건 발생‬ ‪24시간 이내에‬are required to sentence the assailant within 24 hours of the report
‪가해자를 재판해야 하고‬are required to sentence the assailant within 24 hours of the report
‪가해자에게 강력한 형사 처분을‬ ‪내립니다‬and impose strong criminal penalties on the perpetrator.
‪또한 재판 과정에서는‬Also, during the trial, contact between the victim and the perpetrator is minimized
‪피해자와 가해자의 접촉을 최소화‬contact between the victim and the perpetrator is minimized
‪피해자의 안전을 확보하고‬so that the victim's safety is ensured
‪변호사 지원 제도를 통해‬ ‪피해자를 지원합니다‬so that the victim's safety is ensured and they are aided through the lawyer support system.
‪이 같은 노력은 모두‬ ‪가정 폭력은 범죄라는‬All of these efforts were based on the sole fact
‪문제의식을 토대로‬ ‪이루어진 것이고요‬that domestic violence is a crime.
‪이상입니다‬That'll be all.
‪(태주) 예, 이상‬ ‪이정석 부장 판사님의 발표셨고요‬[applause] Well, Judge Lee Jeong-seok, thank you so much for your presentation. Uh, would anyone like to say a few words
‪어, 혹시 이 발표에 덧붙이실‬ ‪다른 의견 있으실까요?‬Uh, would anyone like to say a few words or ask any questions regarding his presentation?
‪예‬ ‪[태주의 헛기침]‬[Tae-ju] Yes? [clears throat]
‪심은석 판사님?‬Judge Sim Eun-seok?
‪요지가 뭡니까?‬what's your conclusion?
‪뭐, 미국을 따라 하자‬[sighs] Are you proposing we mimic the US?
‪뭐, 이건가요?‬[sighs] Are you proposing we mimic the US?
‪(은석) 여가부 자료에 의하면‬[Eun-seok] According to MOGF,
‪대한민국 가정의 53.8%는‬ ‪폭력 가정이며‬53.8 percent of Korean families experience domestic violence,
‪한 해 최소 93명 이상의‬ ‪가정 폭력 피해자들이‬and more than 93 people fall victim to it every year,
‪가해자로부터‬ ‪생명의 위협을 받거나‬where their lives are seriously threatened or even taken from them.
‪목숨을 잃는다고 합니다‬where their lives are seriously threatened or even taken from them.
‪미신고 사례까지 포함하면‬If we count the cases that haven't been reported,
‪이보다 더 많은 가정이‬ ‪폭력으로 고통받고 있고요‬If we count the cases that haven't been reported, there are much more.
‪그런데 여기서 진짜 절망적인 건‬But what's even more sad about it
‪이 가정 폭력이 언제 끝날지‬is that no one knows when domestic violence…
‪누구도 알 수 없는 현실입니다‬will actually be brought to a halt.
‪[유리의 신음]‬[Yu-ri moans, breathes deeply]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[Yu-ri moans, breathes deeply]
‪(은석) 소년 한 명이 있다고‬ ‪가정을 해 보죠‬[Eun-seok] Picture a teenage girl who's suffering from domestic abuse.
‪가정 폭력이 의심됩니다‬[Eun-seok] Picture a teenage girl who's suffering from domestic abuse.
‪학교도 병원도 경찰에 신고를 하죠‬The hospital and her school both report it to the police.
‪하지만 해당 가정에서‬ ‪가정 폭력이 아니다, 오해다‬But her family claims it's not domestic violence, that they're wrong.
‪이를 숨기는 순간‬The moment they deny it,
‪경찰은 더 이상 개입할 수도 없고‬ ‪수사는 거기서 바로 종결됩니다‬the police can no longer intervene and the investigation ends.
‪지금 이 순간에도‬Even to this day,
‪수많은 가정 폭력 사건들이‬countless domestic violence cases are closed
‪그런 허무한 이유로‬ ‪종결되고 있고요‬countless domestic violence cases are closed due to such reasons.
‪현실이 이런데‬Given the reality, how do we minimize the contact between assailant and victim
‪어떻게 가해자와 피해자의 접촉을‬ ‪최소화하고‬Given the reality, how do we minimize the contact between assailant and victim
‪24시간 이내에 가해자를 재판한다‬and have the assailant stand trial within 24 hours?
‪뭐, 이거 가능한 얘기입니까?‬So, is this even possible?
‪적어도 현재 가정 폭력‬ ‪수사 시스템 정도는‬ ‪[원중의 헛기침]‬We could at least revise the way in which domestic violence cases are handled.
‪선행을 하셨으면 좋았을 텐데요‬We could at least revise the way in which domestic violence cases are handled.
‪그래야 이런 세미나 자리에서도‬That way, seminars like these
‪현실적으로 쓸모 있는 얘기들이‬ ‪나오지 않겠습니까?‬could focus on, let's say, more practical matters.
‪(부장 판사2) 강 부장은‬ ‪배석 교육을 어떻게 시킨 거야?‬ ‪[부장 판사1의 못마땅한 신음]‬[man 1] Doesn't Mr. Kang set any boundaries to these judges?
‪하여튼 요즘 젊은 판사들은 말이야‬Judges these days have no such respect. She has some nerve saying those things
‪(부장 판사3) 아니‬ ‪부장 판사가 발표하는데‬ ‪[부장 판사2의 한숨]‬She has some nerve saying those things when a chief judge is giving a presentation.
‪어디서 새파란 평판사가‬ ‪나서길 나서‬when a chief judge is giving a presentation.
‪- (부장 판사4) 싸가지 없이, 정말‬ ‪- (부장 판사3) 아, 진짜‬[man 2] That rude, little…
‪(부장 판사4와 부장 판사3)‬ ‪- 아휴, 말세다, 말세‬ ‪- 아, 정말, 아휴‬The world is going to the dogs.
‪(원중) 거, 사람이 대체 왜 그래!‬What on earth is wrong with you?
‪세미나 때마다 발표하는 부장들‬ ‪그, 어?‬Don't you know how touchy the chief judges can be during the seminar? Huh?
‪예민한 거 몰라? 어?‬Don't you know how touchy the chief judges can be during the seminar? Huh? Do you like the sensibility to tell when you should
‪사람이 나설 때 안 나설 때‬ ‪구분이 그렇게 안 가나?‬Do you like the sensibility to tell when you should and when you shouldn't share your thoughts?
‪나서라고 마련한 자리 아닙니까?‬Isn't that the whole point of the seminars?
‪(원중) 나서란다고‬ ‪그, 그런 식으로 나, 나서냐?‬Still, you were way out of line.
‪이 부장님 발표‬Even college kids don't give presentations like that one.
‪요즘 대학생도 그렇게는 안 합니다‬Even college kids don't give presentations like that one.
‪관련 서적 몇 권 뒤적이고‬He just looked through some books and did a little research online.
‪인터넷 조금 살피면 나오는‬ ‪내용 짜깁기‬He just looked through some books and did a little research online.
‪(은석) 시간은 금이란 말이‬ ‪있습니다‬He brought no actual value to us.
‪금이면 돈이나 마찬가지인데‬They say time is money.
‪저 오늘 돈 많이 썼습니다‬I wasted a lot of money today.
‪야, 심은석‬Come on, Eun-seok.
‪세미나는 엄연히‬ ‪나이, 직급 상관없이‬Seminars are held so that ideas can be shared regardless of age and rank.
‪의견을 주고받는 자리여야 됩니다‬Seminars are held so that ideas can be shared regardless of age and rank.
‪전 오늘‬And you know I wasn't refuting anyone's arguments.
‪발표문에‬ ‪이의를 제기한 것도 아니고‬And you know I wasn't refuting anyone's arguments.
‪그저 제 의견을 덧붙였을 뿐인데요‬I was merely sharing my opinion.
‪그래서 문제라는 거야‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬-That's the problem though. -[phone buzzes] Jesus, do you have any idea how big a mess you made, huh?
‪지금 부장들끼리‬ ‪얼마나 난리인 줄 알아? 어?‬Jesus, do you have any idea how big a mess you made, huh?
‪(원중) 봤지?‬You see this?
‪이 부장, 어‬Mr. Lee.
‪(수미) 네, 알겠습니다, 네‬[Su-mi] Yes. Sure. Okay.
‪[수화기를 달그락 내려놓는다]‬ ‪판사님‬[phone handset clicks] Judge Cha, there's someone in the lobby waiting for you.
‪지금 로비로‬ ‪바로 가 보셔야겠는데요?‬Judge Cha, there's someone in the lobby waiting for you.
‪엄마‬Hey, Mom.
‪아, 연락이라도 하고 오지‬Mom, you should've called.
‪반찬 좀 싸 왔어‬[chuckles] I packed you some food.
‪(태주) [놀라며] 뭘 이렇게‬ ‪또 많이 싸 왔어‬I… Wow, that is so much food.
‪차 판 어디 갔어요?‬Where's Mr. Cha?
‪(수미) 아, 판사님 어머님 오셔서‬ ‪잠깐 내려가셨어요‬He's in the lobby. His mother is down there.
‪어머님이 종종 반찬 싸 가지고‬ ‪내려오시거든요‬She packs some food and he sits outside and talks to her.
‪재판하고 겹치면 제가 대신 갔는데‬When Mr. Cha is in a trial, I go instead.
‪오늘은 날을 잘 맞추셨네요‬When Mr. Cha is in a trial, I go instead. Her timing was spot on today.
‪- 네‬ ‪- (수미) 근데 그런 거 보면‬-I see. -You know, it's actually a little odd.
‪(수미) 참 신기해요‬-I see. -You know, it's actually a little odd.
‪차 판사님 보면 어머니하고‬ ‪친구처럼 지내시거든요?‬-I see. -You know, it's actually a little odd. Judge Cha and his mother are very close. Almost like friends.
‪딸이면 몰라도 아들은‬ ‪그러기가 쉽지가 않은데‬That's not something you see every day, right?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪참 부모님 사랑을‬ ‪많이 받고 자라셨나 봐요‬That's not something you see every day, right? I don't know. I guess he just grew up with a whole lot of love.
‪저도 나중에 아들하고‬I wish I could have that kind of relationship with my son.
‪사이좋게 지냈으면 좋겠는데‬ ‪차 판사님처럼‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬I wish I could have that kind of relationship with my son. Just like Judge Cha. [chuckles]
‪(태주) 제 뒷담화 하고‬ ‪계셨던 거 아니죠?‬You weren't talking about me now, were you?
‪(수미) [웃으며] 아니요‬You weren't talking about me now, were you? No. [chuckles]
‪(태주) 저희 어머니가‬ ‪또 반찬을 많이 해 오셔 가지고‬My mother cooked up a storm again. It's enough food for all of us.
‪이것 좀 나눠야 될 거 같은데‬My mother cooked up a storm again. It's enough food for all of us.
‪(수미) 저 안 그래도‬ ‪차 판사님 어머니표‬[Su-mi] Oh, that's amazing. I was craving your mother's food.
‪진미채가 당겨 가지고‬[Su-mi] Oh, that's amazing. I was craving your mother's food.
‪진짜 감사하다고 전해 주세요‬ ‪[태주의 웃음]‬-Tell her I said thank you. -[Tae-ju] Hmm.
‪아, 저, 판사님 것도‬ ‪좀 있더라고요‬Ah. Oh. She made some for you, too.
‪아니, 다른 사람 드려‬I'm okay. Give it to someone else.
‪난 집에서 밥 안 먹어‬I never have meals at home.
‪제가 뭐, 실수라도…‬Um, did I do something wrong?
‪(수미) 아니요, 왜 그러시지?‬No. I don't know what's gotten into her?
‪[반찬 뚜껑을 탁 열며] 어떡해‬ ‪진짜 맛있겠다, 오‬-[chuckles] -[Su-mi] Oh my. This looks delicious. [Su-mi chuckles]
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(점장) 어서 오세요‬Welcome. Do you have a reservation?
‪예약하셨어요?‬Welcome. Do you have a reservation?
‪연화지방법원에서 나왔습니다‬I'm from the Yeonhwa District Court.
‪서유리 아시죠?‬Seo Yu-ri works here, right?
‪(점장) 폭행이라니요‬[manager] Work abuse?
‪다른 매장에 비해 스태프들‬ ‪업무 강도가 센 건 인정하지만‬I admit our workload is intense compared to other salons,
‪아니에요‬but it's not abuse.
‪유리가 그래요? 여기서 맞았다고?‬Did she say we hit her or something of the sort?
‪아니요‬No, I'm just checking the facts. That's all.
‪사실 관계를 확인하는 겁니다‬No, I'm just checking the facts. That's all.
‪서유리 평소엔 어땠습니까?‬Was Yu-ri usually well-behaved?
‪695가 아니라 8874라니까?‬I told you it's 8874, not six.
‪(유리) 아…‬Ah…
‪도대체 몇 번째야!‬You got it wrong again?
‪(점장) 정리도 제대로 못 해?‬Can't you even clean up properly? These products can't go together.
‪제품 섞이면 안 된댔지?‬Can't you even clean up properly? These products can't go together.
‪(점장) 요주의 인물이죠‬[manager] I had to keep an eye on her.
‪툭하면 실수에 무단 외출‬ ‪무단결근도 잦고‬She would mess up often, sometimes she wouldn't even show up.
‪디자이너들 사이에서도‬ ‪평이 안 좋아요‬The hair designers aren't too fond of her either.
‪걔 때문에 숍 분위기도‬ ‪안 좋거든요‬Things are pretty tense at the salon because of her.
‪여기 출퇴근 시간은‬ ‪어떻게 되나요?‬And, uh, when does she get on and off work?
‪(점장) 오픈 조, 미들 조에 따라‬ ‪다르긴 한데‬Well, that depends on which shift she's working.
‪미성년자라 근로 기준법에 따라‬Well, that depends on which shift she's working. Since she's a minor, the longest shift she can do is seven hours
‪7시간 근무 후에 퇴근합니다‬Since she's a minor, the longest shift she can do is seven hours in accordance to the law.
‪확실합니까?‬Are you sure?
‪(점장) 원하시면‬Should I show you the security footage now?
‪CCTV 영상이라도 보여 드릴까요?‬Should I show you the security footage now?
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬ ‪(스태프1) 저기요! 저기요!‬[footsteps] [staff] Hey! Excuse me!
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪저, 드릴 말씀이 있는데요‬I, uh, have something to say to you.
‪[스태프1의 거친 숨소리]‬[staff panting]
‪[스태프2가 인사한다]‬-[woman] Welcome. -[Won-sik] Come on.
‪(스태프1) 이상한 남자가‬[staff] Some strange man came to see Yu-ri at the salon multiple times.
‪몇 번이나 유리를‬ ‪찾아온 적이 있었어요‬[staff] Some strange man came to see Yu-ri at the salon multiple times.
‪근데 그 남자가 때리는지‬I don't know if he hits her,
‪몇 번이나 온 얼굴에‬ ‪피멍이 들어서‬but I noticed her face was bruised every now and then.
‪무단결근도 다‬ ‪그 남자 때문에 한 거고요‬Whenever she missed work, it was because of him.
‪처음엔 저도 몇 번 교대해 줬는데‬Every once in a while, I would switch shifts with her
‪워낙 심하게 맞아서‬because she seemed badly hurt.
‪나이도 남자가 훨씬 많아요‬And he looked much older than her.
‪그런데 분위기가 좀…‬But he seemed a little…
‪(스태프1) 이런 말 하기 그렇지만‬[staff] I'm not sure if I should be saying this…
‪원조 같아서요‬but it seemed like prostitution.
‪기사님, 차 좀 돌릴게요‬Sir, please turn the car around.
‪법원 말고 병원이요‬ ‪연화종합병원‬Would you please take me to Yeonhwa Hospital?
‪(운전기사) 예, 알겠습니다‬[driver] Yes, ma'am.
‪예, 그러면 처분을‬ ‪변경해 드릴 테니까‬Yes, I'll change the disposition. Please let me know how it goes.
‪경과 보고 연락 주세요‬Yes, I'll change the disposition. Please let me know how it goes.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone beeps]
‪(남자3) 저기‬Excuse me.
‪혹시 부산중 안 나오셨습니까?‬Didn't you go to, um, Busan Middle School?
‪(남자3) 맞제? 차태주?‬You're Cha Tae-ju.
‪[태주를 탁 치며] 내다!‬ ‪느그 옆집 살던, 정진모!‬It's me, Jeong Jin-mo. I used to live next door to you.
‪아…‬I… I think you have the wrong person. I didn't go to school in Busan.
‪사람 잘못 보신 거 같습니다‬ ‪저는 부산중 안 나왔습니다‬I… I think you have the wrong person. I didn't go to school in Busan.
‪(남자3) 아, 아, 죄송합니다‬I… I think you have the wrong person. I didn't go to school in Busan. I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else.
‪제가 착각했나 보네요‬I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else.
‪아, 내 친구 중에‬ ‪차태주라고 있는데 너무 닮아 갖고‬I have a friend named Cha Tae-ju and you looked like him.
‪아, 예, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[카드 인식음]‬[ID scanner beeps]
‪[엘리베이터 조작음]‬ ‪[문이 쓱 닫힌다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪심은석입니다‬Sim Eun-seok speaking.
‪서유리 시설 나온 이후로‬ ‪성범죄에 연루된 적은 없는지‬Can you check if Seo Yu-ri was involved in a sex crime since her release?
‪조회 좀 부탁드려요‬Can you check if Seo Yu-ri was involved in a sex crime since her release? By tomorrow morning.
‪내일 오전 중으로‬By tomorrow morning.
‪(유리) 아니라고요‬[Yu-ri] I'm telling you, no.
‪아니라고 몇 번을 말해요‬How many times do I have to tell you?
‪그냥 혼자 넘어진 거라고요‬ ‪맞은 거 아니라고요‬No one hit me. I just fell. I was on my own.
‪말이 되는 소리를 해‬That doesn't make any sense.
‪너 혼자 넘어져 놓고‬Why go to the court if you just fell?
‪법원에 왜 찾아와?‬Why go to the court if you just fell?
‪(은석) 어떻게 넘어지면‬ ‪이렇게 다칠 수 있는데?‬How do you get hurt like this from falling?
‪제발 부탁인데‬ ‪그냥 신경 좀 끄시면 안 돼요?‬Why do you care? Just stay out of it.
‪그 남자 누구야, 대체‬Who is that man anyway?
‪전에도 몇 번이나‬ ‪남자한테 맞은 적 있다며‬I heard he hit you a few times before.
‪제 뒷조사까지 했어요?‬-You've been asking around, huh? -That's not all.
‪뿐이야?‬-You've been asking around, huh? -That's not all.
‪(은석) 말만 해‬Just say the word. I'll send you to a facility right away.
‪원하면 지금이라도‬ ‪시설 보내 줄 테니까‬Just say the word. I'll send you to a facility right away.
‪(유리 조모) 유리야‬[paper rustles] [Yu-ri's grandma] Yu-ri.
‪아, 니 여기 있었나?‬Ah, there you are.
‪근데…‬Uh, who are you, ma'am?
‪누, 누구십니까?‬Uh, who are you, ma'am?
‪연화지방법원 판사 심은석입니다‬-I'm Judge Sim from the District Court. -Ah.
‪유리 할머니 되세요?‬Are you her grandmother?
‪이를 우짭니꺼, 면목이 없십니더‬Oh, my goodness. I'm so ashamed, ma'am.
‪우리 유리…‬My sweet Yu-ri…
‪옴마야‬Oh, my, I should offer you a drink or something. I'll be right back.
‪(유리 조모) 야, 야, 판사님‬ ‪오셨는데 음료수라도…‬Oh, my, I should offer you a drink or something. I'll be right back.
‪아니요, 괜찮습니다‬ ‪금방 갈 거예요‬No, that's okay, ma'am. I was about to leave.
‪그것보다 유리가 다친 건‬About Yu-ri's injuries…
‪(유리 조모) 예‬ ‪야가 넘어졌다 아입니까‬[Yu-ri's grandma] Yes. Oh, she fell pretty badly, didn't she?
‪워낙‬It's just that she's, um, such a clumsy and frail girl.
‪몸이 비실비실해가‬It's just that she's, um, such a clumsy and frail girl.
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (유리 조모) 진짜입니더‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬-What? -[Yu-ri's grandma] It… It's true.
‪야 자주 넘어집니다‬She falls all the time.
‪야, 니 안 글나?‬Right, Yu-ri? Isn't that true?
‪- (은석) 그렇지만 할머님‬ ‪- 아이고, 내 정신 좀 봐라‬-But, ma'am… -Oh, dear. What am I doing?
‪(유리 조모) 우리 유리요‬The nurse said she wanted to see Yu-ri immediately.
‪간호사님이 보자 캅디다‬The nurse said she wanted to see Yu-ri immediately.
‪우리 가 봐도 되지요?‬Uh, may we go now?
‪판사님, 죄송합니다‬ ‪참말로 죄송합니다‬[Yu-ri's grandma] I'm, I'm sorry. Please excuse us, ma'am.
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪판사님, 참말로 죄송합니다‬I'm so sorry, ma'am.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪어, 김 기자‬Hey, Mr. Kim.
‪어, 나야 아직 법원이지‬Oh, I'm still at the courthouse.
‪어, 그래‬Okay. I'll check my messages.
‪문자 확인하지‬Okay. I'll check my messages.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone beeps]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[brooding music]
‪[원중의 헛기침]‬[Won-jung clears throat]
‪(준기) 10월이면‬ ‪재보궐 선거입니다‬The by-elections will be held in October.
‪저희 당 정치 철학과‬ ‪어울리실 분으로‬You'd be the perfect fit for our political party.
‪우리 강원중 판사님이‬ ‪적임자라고 판단해‬So I thought it'd be a good idea to set up a meeting
‪어렵게 인사를 드립니다‬so I could talk to you in person.
‪(원중) 에…‬Uh…
‪법원 밥만 22년입니다‬I've worked in the courthouse for 22 years.
‪법을 제정하고 개정하는 일보다는‬I feel more at home enforcing the law… [deep inhale]
‪씁, 법복을 입고‬I feel more at home enforcing the law… [deep inhale] …in the courthouse
‪법정에 서는 게 더 익숙합니다‬than enacting and revising it.
‪저는 국회보다는‬Uh, being in the courthouse…
‪법원이 더 잘 어울리는 사람입니다‬[chuckles] …suits me better than being in congress.
‪네‬I see.
‪아, 제가 얼마 전에‬ ‪충격적인 얘기를 하나 들어서요‬I heard something shocking recently. Can I ask you a question?
‪- 질문 하나만 합시다‬ ‪- (원중) 아, 예‬I heard something shocking recently. Can I ask you a question? Sure.
‪(준기) 전체 소년 사건 중에서‬Of all the juvenile crimes that take place,
‪뉴스에 보도될 정도의‬ ‪강력 범죄는 약 1%‬only one percent of them are severe enough to be aired on TV.
‪학교 폭력은 약 15%‬They also say 85 percent of them are crimes derived from poverty,
‪그 외 나머지는 가난, 가정 폭력‬They also say 85 percent of them are crimes derived from poverty, domestic violence and family trouble.
‪가정불화를 피해서 시도한‬domestic violence and family trouble.
‪청소년 비행이라던데, 맞습니까?‬And the rest are school offenses. Is that true?
‪뭐, 그게 절대적이라고‬ ‪할 수 없지만‬Well, I can't be 100 percent certain that all of that is true
‪대체로 맞습니다‬Well, I can't be 100 percent certain that all of that is true
‪(원중) 환경이 열악해지면‬ ‪주변의 관심과 보호도 미약해지죠‬but those under less fortunate circumstances definitely tend to be overlooked.
‪법원도 그 점은 통감하고 있습니다‬The court is well aware of that fact.
‪그럼 더 잘됐네요‬Then that's even better.
‪애초에 소년 복지와 소년법 개정은‬Juvenile welfare and the revision of the Juvenile Act
‪국회의 소관이니까‬are duties of the NA.
‪(준기) 오직 소년을 위한 일이란‬ ‪관점으로 봤을 때‬If you take into account what can be done for our youths,
‪부장님이 국회로 오시는 게‬I think it'll be better for them
‪소년들에게 더 이로울 것 같은데요‬if you were at the National Assembly.
‪이제 만 18세 미만 미성년자도‬ ‪표를 행사하니까‬Since more young adults are now beginning to vote
‪당 입장에선 부장님이 절실합니다‬our party desperately needs you.
‪이제 우리 국회도‬It's time the Assembly opened its ears to the youths.
‪미성년자 무서운 줄 알아야죠‬It's time the Assembly opened its ears to the youths.
‪(준기) 비록 만 18세 유권자가‬ ‪1, 2%에 불과하지만‬Although only one to two percent of the voters are 18 years old,
‪주로 SNS를 주도하는 게‬ ‪10대, 20대다 보니‬all social media is practically run by them.
‪그 파급력도 무시 못 하고요‬We can't underestimate their influence.
‪소년 사건은‬[Jun-gi] "Juvenile criminal cases are no longer a personal matter.
‪더 이상 개인의 문제가‬ ‪아니라는 겁니다‬[Jun-gi] "Juvenile criminal cases are no longer a personal matter.
‪이젠 사회‬It's time for society, and the state to step up."
‪국가가 나서야 합니다‬It's time for society, and the state to step up."
‪(원중) 이젠 사회, 국가가‬ ‪나서야 합니다‬It's time for society and the state to step up.
‪나서 주시죠, 인터뷰처럼‬I'm asking you to step up.
‪법원 말고 국회에서‬At the Assembly, not the courthouse.
‪부장님 결심만 서신다면 그 뒤는‬If you do come to the decision to do that…
‪저희가 만들어 드릴 겁니다‬we'll take care of the rest, Mr. Won-jung.
‪법원보다‬We'll make sure you're more suited for the Assembly than the courthouse.
‪국회에 더 잘 어울리는 사람으로‬We'll make sure you're more suited for the Assembly than the courthouse.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[dramatic music]
‪(은석) 법원에서 나왔습니다‬[Eun-seok] I'm from the court.
‪병실 하나를 찾는데요‬I'm looking for a patient.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪어, 어떻게 오셨어요?‬Uh, can I… can I help you?
‪(간병인1) 어르신들이랑‬ ‪하루 종일 같이 있다 보니까‬[Sun-bok] We stay here with the elderly all day long.
‪그 집 사정들이 어떻게 되는지‬ ‪다 알게 되는 게‬We can't help but to get an idea of what's going on with their families.
‪우리 직업이죠‬We can't help but to get an idea of what's going on with their families.
‪뭐, 그 집 아들이 직업이 뭐고‬To the extent of knowing what their son does
‪밥숟가락이 몇 개인지까지‬ ‪다 알아요‬or even how many spoons they have at home.
‪손녀 일 때문에 오셨다고요?‬You're here because of their granddaughter?
‪(유리) 그만 얘기해!‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Yu-ri] Stop talking!
‪(유리 조모) 얘, 유리야‬Wait, wait, Yu-ri. Why does it always have to be me?
‪(유리) 내가 맨날 왜 이해해야 돼!‬Why does it always have to be me?
‪왜 맨날 내가 이해해야 돼!‬Why should I put up with it?
‪(간병인1) 요즘 손자, 손녀들이 뭐‬[Sun-bok] Kids these days don't care about their sick grandparents.
‪아픈 노인네들이 눈에 들어오나‬[Sun-bok] Kids these days don't care about their sick grandparents. Yu-ri.
‪딱 보면 알잖아요‬[Sun-bok] It's easy to tell, you know.
‪머리 뻘겋게 염색하고‬ ‪담배 냄새 퍽퍽 풍기고‬She has red hair, she reeks of cigarettes,
‪할머니한테도 막‬and she yells at her grandmother all the time. She's so rude.
‪악다구니 쓰면서‬ ‪얼마나 싸가지 없이 구는데요‬and she yells at her grandmother all the time. She's so rude.
‪(간병인2) 아, 예, 되셨어요‬[nurse] Okay. You're all set.
‪(간병인1) 나 그런 애‬ ‪처음 봤다니까요‬[Sun-bok] I've never seen anyone like her.
‪꼭 그런 애는 아닐 겁니다‬[melancholy music] There's probably more to her than that.
‪(은석) 정말 싸가지 없었다면‬[Eun-seok] If she really didn't care, she wouldn't even visit her.
‪아예 병원 자체를 오지 않았겠죠‬[Eun-seok] If she really didn't care, she wouldn't even visit her.
‪할아버지 이발 역시‬ ‪해 주지 않았을 거고요‬And she wouldn't have given her grandfather a haircut.
‪거의 매일 오죠? 서유리‬She's here almost daily, right?
‪뭐, 거의요‬Well, yes.
‪(은석) 근무는 7시간인데‬I wondered why she always went home late
‪왜 늘 그렇게‬ ‪늦게 들어가나 했더니‬when she only works seven hours a day.
‪여기 있었네요, 답이‬[deep inhale] I think I just found my answer.
‪유리 부모님은요?‬What about her parents?
‪아는 거 없으세요?‬Do you know anything?
‪왜 없어요‬Of course, I do.
‪이 병원에서 걔 아버지‬ ‪모르는 사람이 없는데‬Everyone in this hospital knows about her dad.
‪(간병인1) 아유, 성질은 또‬ ‪얼마나 더러운데요‬He has such a temper.
‪한번 왔다 하면‬ ‪아주 그냥 난리, 난리‬He makes a scene every time he comes.
‪아, 나라에서 겨우 지원받아서‬ ‪병원에 있는 건데‬They need funding from the government to be able to pay their fees
‪그 집에 돈이 뭐가 있다고‬but he's still asked them for money.
‪지원금 고거마저 빼먹으려고‬ ‪아주 그냥‬They barely make ends meet as it is.
‪연락 끊긴 거 아니었어요?‬I thought they weren't in touch with him.
‪(간병인1) 아, 끊기긴요‬[Sun-bok] That's not true at all.
‪유리도 자기 아버지 얘기만 하면‬ ‪얼마나 질색하는데요‬Yu-ri just hates talking about her dad, that's all.
‪(스태프1) 이상한 남자가‬[staff] Some strange man came to see Yu-ri at the salon multiple times.
‪몇 번이나 유리를‬ ‪찾아온 적이 있었어요‬[staff] Some strange man came to see Yu-ri at the salon multiple times.
‪야가 넘어졌다 아입니까, 안 글나?‬Yes, she fell pretty badly, didn't she?
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪아버지였어?‬It was her dad. [phone rings]
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone rings]
‪심은석입니다‬Sim Eun-seok speaking.
‪(강식) 연화경찰서 여청과‬ ‪고강식입니다‬[Gang-sik] This is Ko Gang-sik from the Juvenile Police.
‪혹시 서유리‬ ‪병원에서 퇴원했습니까?‬Was Seo Yu-ri discharged from the hospital?
‪그건 왜 물으시는 거죠?‬She wasn't. Why do you ask?
‪지금 서에‬ ‪서유리 아버지가 와 계시는데‬Her father came to the police station.
‪(강식) 유리 가출 신고를‬ ‪하겠답니다‬[Gang-sik] He wants to file a report claiming that she ran away from home.
‪뭐라고요?‬Come again?
‪(강식) 원칙상으로는‬ ‪저희가 신고 접수가 되면‬In this cases, we normally dispatch as soon as we get the report,
‪바로 출동을 해야 되는데‬In this cases, we normally dispatch as soon as we get the report,
‪이게 아무래도‬ ‪뭔가가 좀 이상해서요‬but something seemed a bit off.
‪서유리 가정 폭력 피해자입니다‬Seo Yu-ri is a victim of domestic violence.
‪아버지가 가해자예요‬Her father's the assailer.
‪(은석) 가해자와의 접촉은‬ ‪있을 수 없습니다‬[Eun-seok] She cannot come in contact with the assailer.
‪가출 신고는 형사님 손에서‬ ‪해소해 주세요, 반드시‬Do what you can to dismiss the runaway report. No matter what.
‪[유리 조모의 한숨]‬[Yu-ri's grandma sighs]
‪우리 퇴원하면 어디로 가?‬Where do we go once I get discharged?
‪[유리 조모의 한숨]‬[Yu-ri's grandma sighs]
‪우리 없어진 거 알고‬ ‪그 인간 완전 눈 돌았을 텐데‬You know, he's probably looking for us right now.
‪버르장머리하고는‬Please don't be like that.
‪[유리의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(유리) 그놈의 찜질방 진짜 지겹다‬I'm sick of living at a motel.
‪아예 그냥 도망갈 거면‬ ‪멀리 가든지‬We might as well run away to somewhere far.
‪할머니, 나 안 불쌍해?‬Do you even care?
‪나 그 인간 때문에‬ ‪지금 입원까지 했어‬He's the reason why I'm in the hospital.
‪불쌍타‬I do feel bad.
‪니 불쌍해서‬I feel so bad that my heart is in a thousand pieces for you, sweetie.
‪내 가슴이 마이 아파‬ ‪문드러진다 아이가‬I feel so bad that my heart is in a thousand pieces for you, sweetie.
‪(유리 조모) 하지만 유리야‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬But, Yu-ri…
‪그래도 너그 아버지고‬ ‪내 아들 아이가, 으이?‬he's still your father and my son. Right?
‪유리야‬[Yu-ri's grandma] Yu-ri. Yu-ri.
‪유리야‬[Yu-ri's grandma] Yu-ri. Yu-ri.
‪너그 아버지‬Can't you just put up with him a little longer? Huh?
‪쪼매만 더 봐주면 안 되겄나?‬Can't you just put up with him a little longer? Huh?
‪어?‬Can't you just put up with him a little longer? Huh?
‪너그 아버지도 불쌍한 사람이다‬It's not… It's not his fault he's like that.
‪유리야…‬-[Yu-ri sobbing] -[Yu-ri's grandma] Yu-ri.
‪[유리가 흐느낀다]‬-[Yu-ri's grandma] Yu-ri. -[Yu-ri sobbing]
‪(수미) 무슨 일로 오셨죠?‬-[object thuds] -[Su-mi] How can I help you?
‪(배달원) 네‬ ‪차태주 판사님 앞으로 왔는데요‬[man] Hi, this is a delivery for Judge Cha Tae-ju,
‪부산 소년원에서 보냈네요?‬from a youth detention center in Busan.
‪- 부산이요?‬ ‪- (배달원) 네‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬-Busan? -Yeah. [phone rings]
‪(수미) 네, 소년형사합의부입니다‬[Su-mi] Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division.
‪(남자4) 여기는 부산 소년원인데‬[man] Yes, I'm calling from the Youth Detention Center Busan.
‪거가 소년형사합의부 맞죠?‬[man] Yes, I'm calling from the Youth Detention Center Busan. This is the Juvenile Criminal Courthouse, right?
‪아, 네, 맞아요‬ ‪화분 때문에 연락 주신 거죠?‬Oh, yes. You're calling about the delivery, aren't you?
‪차태주 판사님께‬ ‪대신 잘 전달해 드리겠습니다‬I'll make sure Judge Cha gets the plant. Okay?
‪(남자4) [웃으며] 아, 진짜라예?‬ ‪아, 감사합니데이‬Really? That's great. Thank you so much.
‪아, 고마 매년 아이들을 위해‬ ‪6년 넘게 기부를 해 주시는데‬Really? That's great. Thank you so much. He's been donating money for the kids here for over six years now.
‪식사도 한사코 거절하시고‬ ‪방법이 없어서가‬He's been donating money for the kids here for over six years now. I've always wanted to repay him but he always refuses.
‪(수미) 아, 네‬ ‪[남자4의 웃음]‬-Oh, I see. -[man on the phone chuckles]
‪(남자4) 아, 예‬ ‪단디 잘 부탁드립니데이‬Well, anyway, please make sure he gets it. Okay?
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay. I'll make sure he does.
‪[수화기를 달칵 내려놓는다]‬-[handset clicks] -[door opens]
‪- (태주) 좋은 아침입니다‬ ‪- (수미) 판사님‬-Good morning. -[Su-mi] Judge Cha.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪판사님 앞으로‬ ‪배달이 하나 왔는데요‬-[door closes] -Good morning. There's a delivery for you.
‪(태주) 이거 저‬ ‪보내 주신 분한테는‬[Tae-ju] Could you do me a favor?
‪제가 연락을 따로 드릴 테니까‬Could you return this to the sender? I'll call him to let him know.
‪화분 돌려보내 주세요‬Could you return this to the sender? I'll call him to let him know.
‪저, 잘 전달해 달라고‬ ‪신신당부하셨는데‬But he asked me to make sure that you received it.
‪마음만 받으면 되죠, 뭐‬It's the thought that counts.
‪괜찮습니다‬I can't accept this.
‪부탁 좀 드릴게요‬-So can you help me with that? -[Su-mi] Okay.
‪(수미) 아, 네‬ ‪그럼 그렇게 하겠습니다‬-So can you help me with that? -[Su-mi] Okay. Um, sure. I can do that.
‪(범) 이게 그, 어젯밤에 말씀하신‬ ‪서유리 관련 서류입니다‬These are Seo Yu-ri's documents you asked for last night.
‪(은석) 응‬[Eun-seok] Mm.
‪뭐‬-Did she have any records? -[Beom] Not really.
‪- 기록이 있긴 하던가요?‬ ‪- (범) 아니요‬-Did she have any records? -[Beom] Not really.
‪그, 보호 관찰소 위반 건 외에는‬ ‪없습니다‬Except for violating her probation.
‪(범) 그럼‬-[Beom] Take care. -[paper rustles]
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬NAME: SEO YU-RI
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(범) 오, 뭐예요?‬What is this? That's a new plant, right?
‪화분 새로 들였네요?‬What is this? That's a new plant, right?
‪(수미) 우리가 산 건 아니고‬Yes, but we didn't buy it. It's from someone in Busan.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪부산 소년원에서‬Yes, but we didn't buy it. It's from someone in Busan.
‪부산이요?‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬-In Busan? -[camera shutter clicks]
‪거기서 왜…‬Who is it for?
‪유리 입원한 거 아니었어요?‬ ‪갑자기 무슨 기록이요?‬Wasn't Yu-ri hospitalized? Why are you checking her records?
‪상황이 바뀌었어‬Things have changed.
‪서유리 가정 폭력에‬She's suffering from domestic violence.
‪가해자는 아버지 같더라?‬-And her father's the assailer. -What?
‪예?‬-And her father's the assailer. -What?
‪(태주) 그럼 신고는요?‬Did you report it?
‪아버지는 지금 어디에 있는데요?‬Where's the father right now?
‪그, 서…‬[stammers] What did the police say?
‪그, 서에선 뭐라고 하는데요?‬[stammers] What did the police say?
‪판사님‬Hey, Judge Sim.
‪당사자가 신고를 거부해‬Yu-ri is refusing to file a report.
‪아니, 근데 왜 기록을…‬Then why are you checking her records?
‪아니죠? 판사님‬It's not what I think it is, right?
‪맞아‬It is.
‪지금 차 판이 생각하는 거‬It's exactly what you think it is.
‪서유리 격리될 거야‬ ‪우범 소년으로‬Seo Yu-ri will be separated as a status offender.
‪뭐라고요?‬Are you serious?
‪(수미) 차 판사님‬ ‪진짜 대단하지 않아요?‬[Su-mi] Don't you think Judge Cha is incredible?
‪어떻게 6년 동안‬He's been donating for…
‪근데 화분 보고도‬ ‪그냥 돌려보내라고 하신 거 있죠?‬Well, but he made me return the plant to the sender. He said it's the thought that counts.
‪자긴 마음만 받겠다고‬He said it's the thought that counts.
‪(범) 뭐, 차 판사님이면 인정이죠‬[Beom] Well, it doesn't surprise me. It's just who he is, a good man.
‪그러고도 남으실 분이니까‬[Beom] Well, it doesn't surprise me. It's just who he is, a good man.
‪도대체, 씁‬Yeah, I mean…
‪어떻게 키우면‬ ‪저런 인물이 나오는 거지?‬How do you raise a kid to turn out like that?
‪(영실) 아니, 근데 좀‬ ‪이상하지 않나?‬But don't you think it's a little strange?
‪왜 하필 부산이야?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Why Busan of all places?
‪아니, 그렇잖아‬Think about it. This was the first juvenile court he was ever assigned to.
‪판사님 소년부 처음 맡은 것도‬ ‪여기인데‬Think about it. This was the first juvenile court he was ever assigned to.
‪우리 법원도 서울 아니면‬ ‪경기 소년원하고만 연계하잖아‬And we're only associated with other courthouses in Seoul or Gyeonggi. So why would he donate to a detention center in Busan for so long?
‪근데 그 오랜 시간 동안‬ ‪왜 하필 부산 소년원에 기부하냐고‬So why would he donate to a detention center in Busan for so long?
‪고향인가?‬Is it his hometown?
‪(범) 어, 그‬ ‪어, 그럴 수 있겠네요‬-[Beom] Oh, yeah. Maybe that's it. -Yeah.
‪피해 소년입니다‬She's a victim, okay.
‪유리 입장 생각 안 하세요?‬ ‪마땅한 보호를 해 줘야죠‬Yu-ri needs protection. Don't you care about her at all?
‪아니, 어떻게‬How can you…
‪어떻게 처분을 통해서‬ ‪격리하실 생각을 하실 수가 있어요‬even consider separating her by sentencing her?
‪(태주) 처분받을 만큼‬ ‪잘못한 것도 없고‬She didn't do anything wrong and even if she did,
‪있다 하더라도‬ ‪지금 보호가 우선인 아이예요‬She didn't do anything wrong and even if she did, she needs to be protected right now.
‪신고 거부하면 설득을 해야죠‬You should convince her to report the assault.
‪아니, 왜 뭐 때문에‬ ‪이렇게까지 몰아세우시는 건데요‬Why are you cornering her like that out of the blue?
‪이 사건 내 단독이야‬This is my case and mine alone.
‪어떤 처분을 내리든‬And I wanna sentence her. Isn't it within my right?
‪그건 내 권한 아닌가?‬And I wanna sentence her. Isn't it within my right?
‪예, 그래도 이거는 지금‬ ‪너무 과한 처사십니다, 예‬Yeah. Sure, it's within your right but, still, this is too much, so…
‪저 이거 그냥 두고 못 봅니다‬I won't let this slide.
‪두고 못 보면‬What do you mean won't? What's your plan here?
‪독립 재판에‬What do you mean won't? What's your plan here? Do you plan on impeding my jurisdiction?
‪재판권 침해라도 하겠다는 거야?‬Do you plan on impeding my jurisdiction?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪(은석) 심은석입니다‬This is Sim Eun-seok.
‪(간호사3) 아, 여기‬ ‪연화종합병원 병동인데요‬[woman] This is Yeonhwa Hospital. Are you the judge in charge of Seo Yu-ri?
‪서유리 담당 판사님이시죠?‬[woman] This is Yeonhwa Hospital. Are you the judge in charge of Seo Yu-ri? Are you with her right now?
‪혹시 지금 서유리 환자와‬ ‪같이 있나요?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Are you with her right now?
‪(간호사3) 퇴원 날짜 확정돼서‬ ‪알려 드리러 갔는데‬[woman] Her discharge date has been set but when I went to tell her, I realized she wasn't there.
‪환자분이 안 보여서요‬but when I went to tell her, I realized she wasn't there. Her legal guardian isn't picking up either.
‪보호자분 연락도 안 받아요‬Her legal guardian isn't picking up either. Have you seen the patient from Room 523?
‪(간호사3) 523호‬ ‪서유리 환자 봤어요?‬Have you seen the patient from Room 523?
‪(은석) 일단‬We'll, uh… we'll look for her and let you know.
‪저희도 찾아 보고‬ ‪연락드리겠습니다‬We'll, uh… we'll look for her and let you know.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪왜요, 무슨 일인데요?‬What? What's going on?
‪서유리 병원에서 사라졌대‬The hospital called. Yu-ri's gone.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪(은석) 심은석입니다‬ ‪전에 요양 병원에서 뵀던‬[Eun-seok] This is Sim Eun-seok. I spoke to you at the convalescent hospital.
‪어, 혹시 오늘 중으로‬ ‪서유리 보시면‬If you happen to see Seo Yu-ri or hear anything about her
‪보는 즉시 저한테 바로‬ ‪연락 좀 부탁드릴게요‬please call me back as soon as possible.
‪아, 아니요, 큰일 아니고요‬Uh, no, it's nothing serious.
‪네, 꼭 좀 부탁드리겠습니다‬Yes. Please call me if you do.
‪(간호사3) 오전에 바이털‬ ‪체크할 때까진 분명히 있었는데‬She was here when we checked her vitals this morning.
‪병원 CCTV를 확인해 보니까‬ ‪나간 게 맞더라고요‬I checked the security footage and she did leave the hospital.
‪- 보호자는요?‬ ‪- (간호사3) 찾아 보신다고‬And her legal guardian? She went looking for her with the hospital security team.
‪병원 보안 팀하고 같이…‬She went looking for her with the hospital security team.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, thanks.
‪(은석) 일단 흩어지자‬Let's split up.
‪이건 내가 연락하면서 찾아 볼게‬I'll make some calls and look for her.
‪(태주) 예, 그럼 저는‬ ‪유리 자주 가는 곳으로‬Okay, I'll go check some places she usually goes to.
‪- 좀 둘러보고 연락드리겠습니다‬ ‪- (은석) 응‬Okay, I'll go check some places she usually goes to. -Mm-hmm. -I'll call if I hear anything.
‪(은석) 보호 관찰소죠?‬Hello, the probation center.
‪연화지법 심은석 판사입니다‬I'm Judge Sim Eun-seok.
‪소년 행방을 찾을 수 없어서요‬A juvenile went missing.
‪이름 서유리‬ ‪04년 12월 1일생입니다‬Her name is Seo Yu-ri. Date of birth is December 1st, 2004.
‪서둘러 주세요‬Please hurry.
‪(태주) 저, 혹시‬ ‪이 친구 본 적 있으실까요?‬STAR COIN KARAOKE -[Tae-ju] Have you seen her around here? -[woman] No, I haven't.
‪(사장) 아니요, 없는데요‬-[Tae-ju] Have you seen her around here? -[woman] No, I haven't.
‪저, 잠깐만 좀‬ ‪돌아보고 가겠습니다‬ ‪[사장이 대답한다]‬I'll just take a look around if you don't mind. [woman] Sure.
‪[신나는 반주가 흘러나온다]‬[background chatter]
‪[저마다 노래한다]‬[muffled upbeat music on karaoke] [both male singing]
‪- (여자3) 아, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (태주) 아…‬[woman 1] What the hell? -[Tae-ju] Oh. -[woman 2] Get out of here.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬[mysterious music]
‪전화 좀 받아라, 좀, 제발‬Come on, pick up the phone.
‪(유리) 너 진짜‬ ‪아무한테도 얘기 안 했지?‬[Yu-ri] You really didn't tell anyone, right?
‪나 며칠 안 있을 거야‬I'll just stay for a few days.
‪아, 돈 가져왔지, 당연히‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Yeah. Of course, I brought the money.
‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪아씨‬-[phone buzzes] -[Yu-ri] Ugh.
‪어, 나 다 왔어‬Yeah. I'm almost there.
‪야, 씨, 오늘 왜 이렇게 춥냐?‬Damn, why is it so cold today?
‪여기 맞아?‬Am I at the right place?
‪어, 맞는 거 같아, 맞는 거 같아‬Yeah, I think I am. I think I am.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪야, 은소희‬ ‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬Hey, So-hui.
‪아무도 없다며‬I thought you were alone.
‪(남자5) 야, 까 봐‬Hey. Frisk her.
‪하, 씨발‬[sighs]
‪(유리) 나와‬-[Yu-ri] Move. Get out of my way. -[So-hui] Hey, wait, bitch!
‪놓으라고, 씨발!‬-[Yu-ri] Move. Get out of my way. -[So-hui] Hey, wait, bitch!
‪- (유리) 놓으라고‬ ‪- (여자2) 아, 어디 가냐고!‬-[Yu-ri] Move. Get out of my way. -[So-hui] Hey, wait, bitch! -[woman] Damn it. -[So-hui] Where are you going?
‪- (유리) 놔!‬ ‪- (여자2) 아, 돈 내놔!‬-[Yu-ri] Let me go! -[So-hui] Give me my money!
‪(유리) 놓으라고, 씨‬-[Yu-ri] Let me go! -[So-hui] Give me my money! [Yu-ri] Get off me!
‪놔, 씨발!‬[pained moan] Let me go, damn it!
‪- (유리) 놓으라고, 씨‬ ‪- (남자5) 아, 씨발 년아, 좀‬[pained moan] Let me go, damn it! -Let… Oh! -[man] You bitch!
‪[유리의 신음]‬ ‪[남자5의 힘주는 신음]‬[both grunting]
‪(유리) 안 돼, 내 돈이야, 씨발!‬No! It's my fucking money!
‪내놔!‬Give it back!
‪- 씨발‬ ‪- (남자5) 미친년아‬-Fuck! Give me my fucking money back. -That's not my problem, bitch.
‪그건 네 사정이고‬-Fuck! Give me my fucking money back. -That's not my problem, bitch.
‪(유리) 내 돈 내놔, 씨발!‬Give me my fucking money back!
‪[유리의 신음]‬Give me my fucking money back!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪너 어떻게 나한테 이래?‬How can you do this to me?
‪그러게, 씨발, 누가 낚이래?‬It's your fault. You fucking fell for it.
‪(여자4) 병신‬[woman] Jackass.
‪(유리) 씨발, 개같은 년이‬-You fucking bitch! -[So-hui] What did you just fucking say?
‪(여자2) 뭐라 했냐, 씨발!‬-You fucking bitch! -[So-hui] What did you just fucking say?
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬-You fucking bitch! -[So-hui] What did you just fucking say? [Yu-ri screams]
‪[커튼이 착 쳐진다]‬[tense music]
‪[우당탕 소리가 들린다]‬[tense music] [muffled grunt and scream]
‪[비명 소리가 들린다]‬[muffled grunt and scream]
‪(영실) 판사님, 혹시 유리‬[Yeong-sil] Judge Sim. You know Maybe Yu-ri's dad went to the hospital and took her.
‪유리 아버지가‬ ‪데리고 간 거 아닐까요?‬You know Maybe Yu-ri's dad went to the hospital and took her.
‪(은석) 아니요, 그건 아닐 겁니다‬[Eun-seok] No, I don't think so.
‪유리 아버지는‬ ‪걔 입원 사실조차 몰라요‬He doesn't even know that Yu-ri was hospitalized.
‪(영실) 아…‬[Yeong-sil] I see.
‪(은석) 일단 계속 찾아 볼 테니까‬I'll keep looking. Please let me know as soon as you hear anything.
‪소식 들어오는 대로‬ ‪바로 연락 주세요‬I'll keep looking. Please let me know as soon as you hear anything.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪심은석입니다‬Sim Eun-seok speaking.
‪(간병인1) 여기 요양 병원인데요‬[Sun-bok] I'm calling from the convalescent hospital.
‪(은석) 어, 차 판‬[Eun-seok] Mr. Cha. I just got a call.
‪방금 연락이 왔는데‬[Eun-seok] Mr. Cha. I just got a call. WOORI CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL
‪찾은 거 같다, 서유리‬I think I found Yu-ri.
‪[유리가 훌쩍인다]‬[Yu-ri sobs]
‪[유리가 흐느낀다]‬[Yu-ri crying]
‪(태주) 뭘 잘했다고 울어‬What are you crying about?
‪뭐야‬What is it?
‪너 어, 얼굴 왜 이래, 어?‬Oh, my god, Yu-ri, what happened to your face? Who did this to you?
‪누가 그랬어‬Who did this to you?
‪(유리) [울며]‬ ‪내 인생은 왜 이래요?‬[sobs] What's wrong with my life?
‪왜 나만 이렇게 좆같아요?‬Why is my life so shitty and awful?
‪벗어나고 싶어서‬[sobbing] I wanted to have a fresh start.
‪이제 진짜 정신 차리고‬ ‪살고 싶어서‬I wanted to finally get away from all of it…
‪근데 벗어날 수가 없어요‬but it seems like I can't ever do that.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sobbing]
‪신고하자, 응?‬ ‪판사님도 도울게‬I'll help you. Huh? Let's tell the police everything.
‪하면요, 뭐가 달라지는데요‬[sobs] Come on. What difference will that make?
‪접근 제한‬A restraining order. That will keep him away.
‪친권 제한‬A restraining order. That will keep him away.
‪아버지로부터 어떠한 연락이나‬A restraining order. That will keep him away. He won't see you or reach out to you. He'll finally leave you alone.
‪접촉도 제한할 수 있어‬He won't see you or reach out to you. He'll finally leave you alone.
‪너는 집에서 나와서‬ ‪쉼터에서 지내면 돼‬-You can leave home and stay at a shelter. -No, I don't want to go to a shelter.
‪(유리) 그러니까 그게 싫다고요‬-You can leave home and stay at a shelter. -No, I don't want to go to a shelter.
‪제가 처맞았잖아요‬I'm the one who's been putting up with him.
‪근데 왜 제가 떠나야 돼요?‬So why do I have to leave now?
‪제가 맞았는데‬I was the one who got hurt,
‪왜 맨날 내가 도망가야 되냐고요‬why am I always the one that has to leave?
‪제한 걸면‬"Get restraining order", will the police protect me everywhere at all hours?
‪뭐, 경찰이 저 24시간 지켜 줘요?‬"Get restraining order", will the police protect me everywhere at all hours?
‪아니잖아요‬You know they won't.
‪그 새끼가 저‬What if that bastard suddenly gets angry and tries to get revenge and hurts me?
‪각오하고 보복하겠다고 찾아오면‬ ‪저 어떻게 돼요?‬What if that bastard suddenly gets angry and tries to get revenge and hurts me?
‪저 신고 못 해요, 무서워서‬I can't tell the police, I'm too scared. It's not that I won't wanna do that. I can't do it 'cause I'm scared.
‪안 하는 게 아니라‬It's not that I won't wanna do that. I can't do it 'cause I'm scared.
‪무서워서 못 해요‬It's not that I won't wanna do that. I can't do it 'cause I'm scared.
‪(은석) 침묵하면‬And if you don't?
‪답은 있고?‬What will happen to you?
‪당하면 또 가출하고‬ ‪가출해서 돈 떨어지면‬You'll run away with no money if he hits you again
‪또 범죄나 저지르게?‬so you'll resort to stealing.
‪(유리) 무슨 상관이신데요?‬It's none of your business.
‪지친다‬I'm sick of this.
‪[은석의 한숨]‬
‪(은석) 너 하나 때문에‬ ‪오늘 몇 명이 생고생한 줄 알아?‬Do you know how many people were looking for you?
‪근데 지금 네 태도가 이딴 식이면‬ ‪내가 화나지‬And now you act like that and you really making me mad.
‪(태주) 판사님‬Judge Sim.
‪그래, 뭐, 본인이 싫다는데‬Fine. I can't force her into doing anything that she doesn't want to do.
‪억지로 숟가락 들이밀 순 없지‬Fine. I can't force her into doing anything that she doesn't want to do.
‪이 정도면 나도‬ ‪할 만큼은 한 거 같다, 그렇지?‬ ‪[태주의 한숨]‬I've tried to do my part but it didn't work, right?
‪[통화 연결음]‬[phone beeps]
‪(은석) 찾았습니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I found her. Convalescent hospital.
‪요양 병원이에요‬I found her. Convalescent hospital.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone beeps]
‪누구예요?‬Who was that?
‪무단이탈해서 만난 네 친구들‬By the way, those friends of yours…
‪가출 팸이지?‬they're in a gang, right?
‪맞는데 저 피해자예요‬Yes, but I'm the victim here.
‪그건 조사 때나 얘기하고‬Save it for the police.
‪아니, 그럼 방금 전화하신 데가‬-So, uh, the phone call just now-- -The Juvenile Act, Section 4, Clause 1.
‪(은석) 소년법 제4조 1항에 의거‬-So, uh, the phone call just now-- -The Juvenile Act, Section 4, Clause 1.
‪범죄나 비행이 우려되는 소년은‬"Juveniles prone to committing criminal offenses
‪우범 소년으로 송치한다‬will be taken into custody."
‪- 판사님!‬ ‪- (은석) 그래‬-Judge Sim! -Yes, I admit it.
‪아주 잠깐‬-Judge Sim! -Yes, I admit it.
‪차 판 주장대로‬ ‪내가 심한 건가 고민했었는데‬I thought I might have taken it too far just like you said.
‪(은석) 가출 팸으로‬ ‪너 스스로를 증명했네‬But you just admitted that you're a part of a runaway gang.
‪저 거기서‬ ‪죄지은 거 없어요, 판사님‬I didn't commit any crimes, Judge Sim.
‪하지 그랬어!‬ ‪아예 소년원으로 보내 버리게!‬You should have, so I could send you to juvie!
‪(유리) [울며]‬ ‪저 죄지은 거 없어요‬I didn't break any laws.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[siren blares in distance]
‪(태주) 유리야, 울지 말고, 어?‬[Tae-ju] Yu-ri, it's okay. Stop crying.
‪- (태주) 좀 진정하고, 어?‬ ‪- (유리) 저 죄지은 거 없어요‬-Just calm down. Can you stand up? -[Yu-ri] I didn't do anything wrong.
‪(태주) 일어나 보자‬-Just calm down. Can you stand up? -[Yu-ri] I didn't do anything wrong. WOORI CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL
‪(태주) 괜찮아, 응?‬-It's okay. Hmm? -[Yu-ri crying]
‪(태주) 어떻게 그러실 수가 있어요‬[Tae-ju] How could you do that?
‪판사님은 측은지심도 없으세요?‬Don't you have any compassion?
‪아버지 폭행 때문에‬ ‪오갈 데가 없는 아이예요, 서유리‬Yu-ri has nowhere else to go because of her abusive father.
‪(은석) 그래서 말도 없이 도망쳐서‬ ‪감히 가출 팸을 찾아?‬So she ran away from a hospital and joined a runaway gang.
‪'감히 가출 팸을 찾아'가 아니라‬Shouldn't you be asking why did you join them
‪'왜 가출 팸을 찾아'가‬ ‪먼저 아닙니까?‬Shouldn't you be asking why did you join them rather than how dare you join them?
‪판사님, 이건 제가‬ ‪전부터 느꼈었던 건데‬Judge Sim, I've been wondering for a while now.
‪정말 궁금해서 그러는데요‬I'm really curious about it.
‪왜 그렇게 소년을 미워하십니까?‬Why do you hate young offenders so much?
‪왜 똑같은 말을 해도‬ ‪꼭 상처를 주고‬Why do you always hurt them with your words?
‪뭐 하나 잘못한 거 없나‬ ‪뭐 하나 꼬투리 잡을 거 없나‬Why do you always try so hard to find a fault in them?
‪왜 그렇게 매번‬ ‪날이 서 계시는 건데요‬Why do you always try so hard to find a fault in them? Why are you so anxious to see them fail?
‪범죄자니까‬They break the law.
‪그 나이에‬They dared, unabashed…
‪감히‬They dared, unabashed…
‪범죄를 저질렀으니까‬even at such a young age.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪(은석) 나도 하나 좀 묻자‬Let me ask you something.
‪이게 그렇게까지 화낼 일인가?‬Is this something to be so upset about?
‪왜 매번 애들 편에 서서‬ ‪이렇게 안달이지?‬Why do you always try so hard to defend them?
‪뭐, 걔들한테 약점이라도 잡혔니?‬Do they have something on you?
‪- (태주) 판사님!‬ ‪- 아니면 뭔데, 대체!‬-Judge Sim! -Then tell me, what is it?
‪왜 자꾸 남의 사건에 훈수질인데‬Why do you keep interfering with my case?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[sighs]
‪(태주 부) [문을 쾅쾅 치며]‬ ‪나와 봐!‬-[banging] -[shudders]
‪[어린 태주의 겁먹은 신음]‬-[banging] -[shudders]
‪나와 봐!‬ ‪나오라고, 이 새끼야! 어?‬-[Young Tae-ju crying] -Come out! Come out, you bastard! [screams]
‪나와 봐!‬ ‪[겁먹은 신음]‬-Come out! -[crying]
‪그래, 내 너거 선생한테‬ ‪돈 좀 빌맀다!‬[man] Yeah, I borrowed some money from your jerk teacher.
‪사나이가 사업하다 보면‬ ‪돈 좀 꿀 수 있지‬[man] Yeah, I borrowed some money from your jerk teacher. I know it's a bit. He can earn money.
‪어데 바락바락!‬But how dare you yell at me?
‪- 살려 주세요, 아버지‬ ‪- (태주 부) 나온나!‬-Please, Dad. -Come out! -Come out, you bastard! -I'm sorry!
‪- 잘못했습니다! 잘못했습니다!‬ ‪- (태주 부) 나온나, 이 새끼야!‬-Come out, you bastard! -I'm sorry! -Come out! -I'm sorry!
‪(태주 부) 나온나!‬-Come out! -I'm sorry!
‪나오라고, 이 새끼야!‬Come out! You bastard!
‪나오라고, 이 새끼야! 어?‬[man] Huh? Come out! You bastard, come out! [screams] Come out!
‪- (태주 부) 나온나, 이 새끼야!‬ ‪- (어린 태주) 살려 주세요‬[screams] Come out! [Young Tae-ju] Please, Dad. I'm sorry! Please stop!
‪(어린 태주) 아버지, 살려 주세요!‬ ‪제가 잘못했습니다‬[Young Tae-ju] Please, Dad. I'm sorry! Please stop!
‪제가 자꾸 마음에 걸려서 그래요‬Because it weighs on my heart.
‪그 길이 아닌데‬ ‪판사님이 자꾸 그 길로 가시니까‬Because I see you and most other judges taking it the wrong way.
‪가정 폭력으로 상처받은 아이요‬She's a child who suffered from abuse.
‪그 아이에서 더 자라지 않아요‬Children like that never grow up.
‪10년? 20년?‬Ten years? Twenty years?
‪그냥 시간만 가는 겁니다, 예‬Time will quickly pass by, yeah,
‪그 시간에서 혼자 그 아이‬but she'll still be an abused kid, she'll still carry that weight.
‪갇혀 있는 거라고요‬but she'll still be an abused kid, she'll still carry that weight.
‪소년에게 비난은 누구나 합니다‬No one cares about these kids.
‪근데 소년에게 기회 주는 거?‬That is up to us judges
‪판사밖에 못 해요‬to give them a second chance.
‪그래서 더 의미 있고‬ ‪중요한 일이라고 생각합니다, 저는‬That's what's meaningful and important about being a judge.
‪그게 제가 판사가 된 이유거든요‬That's why I decided to become one.
‪[종이를 사락 넘긴다]‬[paper rustles]
‪[글을 쓱쓱 쓴다]‬[paper rustles]
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(범) 재판 시작 30분 전입니다‬-Thirty minutes until the trial. -Okay.
‪(영실) 어‬ ‪[리모컨 조작음]‬[device beeping]
‪이거 뭐꼬, 이거 왜 안 되노, 어?‬-What's wrong with this? Ugh. -[tapping remote control]
‪이거 건전지 다 됐나 보다‬The battery must be dead.
‪(범) 아, 제, 제가 지금‬ ‪바로 가지고 오겠습니다‬The battery must be dead. Uh… I'll go get new ones.
‪- (영실) 빨리 갔다 온나‬ ‪- 네, 네, 아유‬-Hurry up. Go. -Okay. Okay. Uh…
‪- 일 안 하지? 어?‬ ‪- (범) 죄송합니다‬-You're getting sloppy, you know. -[Beom] I'm sorry.
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬[hurried footsteps]
‪[범의 당황한 탄성]‬[hurried footsteps] [both grunt]
‪(범) 오, 판사님, 아유‬ ‪괜찮으세요? 죄송합니다‬[both grunt] Judge Cha. Are you okay? I'm sorry.
‪- 괜찮아요‬ ‪- (범) 죄송합니다‬-It's okay. -[Beom] I'm sorry.
‪- 심 판사님 장날이죠?‬ ‪- (범) 네‬-Judge Sim's the judge today, right? -Yes.
‪늦겠다, 빨리 가 보세요‬-Judge Sim's the judge today, right? -Yes. Go ahead. You're gonna be late.
‪- 아, 예, 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (태주) 아! 그…‬-Yes. I'm sorry. -Oh, Wait, wait, wait.
‪오늘 유리도 재판받나요?‬Is it Yu-ri, uh, on trial today?
‪[종이가 사락 넘어간다]‬[paper rustles]
‪재판을 시작하도록 하겠습니다‬The trial is now in session.
‪(태주) 유리 재판은‬ ‪우범 소년 재판 아니었어요?‬[Tae-ju] Wasn't Yu-ri standing trial as a status offender?
‪반은 맞고 반은 틀립니다‬Well, you're half right, Mr. Cha.
‪서유리를 우범 소년으로‬ ‪격리한 목적이‬The reason Seo Yu-ri was separated wasn't because she's a status offender.
‪처분이 아니거든요‬The reason Seo Yu-ri was separated wasn't because she's a status offender.
‪(은석) 이번 재판은‬[Eon-seok] With the power vested in me by the court,
‪검찰에서 송치한‬ ‪서유리 아버님에 대한‬in accordance with the Act on Special Cases
‪아동 보호 사건과 함께‬for Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes
‪아동 학대 처벌 등에 관한‬ ‪특례법 제47조 1항에 따라‬along with the child protection case against Seo Won-sik, who has been taken into custody.
‪법관의 직권으로‬I hereby order that the offender be isolated from the child.
‪피해 아동 보호 명령을 진행합니다‬I hereby order that the offender be isolated from the child.
‪- (은석) 유리 아버님‬ ‪- (유리 부) 아, 예‬-[Eun-seok] Mr. Seo. -[Won-sik] Uh, yes?
‪(은석) 여기 왜 오셨는지‬ ‪알고 계시죠?‬[Eun-seok] Are you aware of the reason why you're here? Yes.
‪- (유리 부) 예‬ ‪- 뭐 때문에 오셨습니까?‬Yes. And what would be that reason?
‪아, 참, 부끄러워 가지고‬[scoffs] Well, this is awkward.
‪가정 폭력이요‬Domestic violence.
‪인정합니까?‬Do you admit guilt?
‪(유리 부) 아니, 조사받을 때는‬ ‪어쩔 수 없이 인정했지만‬[Won-sik] I was forced to admit it when I was under investigation,
‪아, 이게 말이나 됩니까?‬but it's preposterous.
‪내 자식 내가 혼내고‬ ‪가르치겠다는데‬I was parenting my child in my own way, so what do you have to do with it?
‪법원이 뭔데 이래라저래라 합니까?‬I was parenting my child in my own way, so what do you have to do with it?
‪아, 내한테 뭐 해 줬다고‬What's the court done for me?
‪내가 한 거는요, 훈육입니다‬What I did was discipline her.
‪아비로서 마땅히 할 수 있는‬It's within my rights as her father.
‪[TV 전원음]‬-[remote clicks] -[monitor beeps]
‪[흐느끼는 신음]‬[shudders]
‪(은석) '가르칠 훈', '기를 육'‬[Eun-seok] The meaning of discipline is to give
‪품성이나 도덕 따위를 가르쳐 기름‬intellectual, moral, and social guidance to someone.
‪그러니까 저게‬Do you really think that what we're seeing with the pictures is discipline?
‪아버님이 말씀하시는 훈육인 거죠?‬Do you really think that what we're seeing with the pictures is discipline?
‪아비로서‬Something that was in your rights as her father?
‪마땅히 할 수 있는‬Something that was in your rights as her father?
‪[무거운 음악]‬[dramatic music]
‪(은석) 내가 널 가둔 이유는‬ ‪딱 하나야‬[Eun-seok] There's only one reason why I lock you up.
‪법정에 세우는 거‬To make you stand trial.
‪그래서 보여 주려고‬All I want is to show you
‪당한 사람이 격리되지 않고‬how a perpetrator can be punished
‪폭력을 행한 사람이 격리되는 거‬and not the victim who doesn't deserve it.
‪피해자는 집을 지키고‬The victim will get to stay home
‪가해자 벌받는 거‬and the perpetrator will be punished.
‪그거 보여 준다고‬I'll show you that…
‪내가‬it can happen.
‪(유리 부) 아, 이거‬ ‪모함입니다, 이거‬[Won-sik] Oh, come on, I'm being set up.
‪이거 내가 그랬단 증거 있어요?‬You saying I did that? Can you prove it?
‪증거 없잖아‬You saying I did that? Can you prove it?
‪(은석) 소년분류심사원에서‬ ‪서유리가 작성한‬This is the statement Seo Yu-ri gave at the Juvenile Classification Home.
‪가정 폭력 피해 진술서입니다‬This is the statement Seo Yu-ri gave at the Juvenile Classification Home.
‪폭행 당시‬In this statement, she describes how she was beaten with a bat
‪야구 방망이로 맞았다는 진술과‬In this statement, she describes how she was beaten with a bat
‪발에 걷어차였다는‬ ‪진술이 쓰여 있고요‬In this statement, she describes how she was beaten with a bat and kicked while she was down.
‪그리고 증인‬And witness?
‪연화경찰서 여청과 소속‬ ‪고강식 형사입니다‬Detective Ko Gang-sik from the Juvenile Division.
‪(강식) 서유리‬ ‪어떻게 하실 생각입니까?‬[Gang-sik] What will you do with Seo Yu-ri?
‪가출 신고야 뭐‬ ‪제 선에서 해결했지만‬I dismissed the runaway report, but…
‪(은석) 형사님은요?‬Detective…
‪물에 빠진 아이‬ ‪이왕 한번 손잡아 주신 거‬you've already offered a helping hand to me before.
‪한 번 더 잡아 주시겠어요?‬Can you help me again?
‪더 도움이 될 수가 있을까요?‬How can I be of service?
‪응급실에서 서유리 모습‬ ‪기억하시죠?‬Do you remember how Yu-ri was at the ER?
‪고발해 주시죠, 서유리 아버지‬I need you to describe that in the report.
‪형사님이 직접‬Will you investigate Yu-ri's father?
‪인지 수사 해 주세요‬Will you investigate Yu-ri's father?
‪(강식) 서유리가 응급실에‬ ‪실려 간 날과 같은 날‬This is a voice recording from the day she was rushed to the ER.
‪녹음된 음성 파일입니다‬This is a voice recording from the day she was rushed to the ER.
‪가정 폭력 정황을 조사하다가‬ ‪발견하게 됐습니다‬I found it while investigating her domestic violence case.
‪[우당탕 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[녹음 속 유리의 비명]‬-[Yu-ri screams on speaker] -[object clatters on speaker]
‪(녹음 속 유리 부)‬ ‪돈 어디 있노, 어?‬ ‪[은석의 한숨]‬-[Yu-ri screams on speaker] -[object clatters on speaker] -[Won-sik] Huh? -[Yu-ri] I don't have it!
‪(녹음 속 유리) 없어!‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬-[Won-sik] Huh? -[Yu-ri] I don't have it!
‪(녹음 속 유리 부) 씨발‬ ‪처맞아야 또 정신을 차리지‬ ‪[짝 때리는 소리가 들린다]‬[Won-sik] I guess you need another beating then.
‪(녹음 속 유리 조모)‬ ‪그만해! 그만해‬[Won-sik] I guess you need another beating then. [Yu-ri's grandma] Stop! Stop it!
‪(녹음 속 유리) 없어!‬-[Yu-ri] I don't have it! -[Won-sik] It's not that much money.
‪(녹음 속 유리 부)‬ ‪몇 푼 안 되는 돈 가지고‬ ‪그래 처맞…‬-[Yu-ri] I don't have it! -[Won-sik] It's not that much money. [Yu-ri] Go make your own money!
‪(녹음 속 유리) 네 돈‬ ‪네가 알아서 벌어!‬ ‪[퍽 맞는 소리가 들린다]‬[Yu-ri] Go make your own money! -[smacks] -[Yu-ri screams]
‪네 돈 네가 알아서 벌어!‬-[smacks] -[Yu-ri screams] [Yu-ri] Go make your own money!
‪(녹음 속 유리 부와 녹음 속 유리)‬ ‪- 다시 지껄여 보라고‬ ‪- 멈춰!‬-[Won-sik] Don't talk to me like that. -[Yu-ri screaming]
‪(녹음 속 유리 조모) 그만해‬ ‪이놈의 새끼야!‬ ‪[유리의 떨리는 신음]‬-[Won-sik] Don't talk to me like that. -[Yu-ri screaming] [Yu-ri's grandma] …for Christ's sake. [Won-sik] Where's my money?
‪(녹음 속 유리 부) 돈 어디 있어‬[Won-sik] Where's my money? -[glass shatters] -[Yu-ri] I don't have…
‪- (녹음 속 유리 조모) 그만해!‬ ‪- (녹음 속 유리) 없어!‬-[glass shatters] -[Yu-ri] I don't have…
‪(유리 부와 유리 조모)‬ ‪- 그만 지껄여라‬ ‪- 아이고, 아이고, 제발‬-[Won-sik] Keep talking. Don't move. -[Yu-ri's grandma] Oh, my god.
‪[퍽 때리는 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[녹음 속 음성이 엉켜 들린다]‬-[Won-sik] Keep talking. Don't move. -[Yu-ri's grandma] Oh, my god. -[Yu-ri screams] -[Won-sik] Stay where you are.
‪- (녹음 속 유리) 씨발 놈아!‬ ‪- (녹음 속 유리 조모) 그만하라고‬ ‪[녹음 속 유리 부가 소리친다]‬-[Yu-ri's grandma screaming] -[Yu-ri] Just kill me… -[Yu-ri's grandma] Dear God, stop! -[Won-sik] Fucking hell with all this. -[Yu-ri grunts] -[glass shatters]
‪(유리 부) 이게 죽으려고‬-[Won-sik] Do you have a death wish? -[Yu-ri's grandma] Stop it! That's enough!
‪(유리 조모) 아이고‬ ‪이놈의 새끼야, 그만해, 그만해‬-[Won-sik] Do you have a death wish? -[Yu-ri's grandma] Stop it! That's enough! -That's enough! -[Won-sik] Stop it!
‪- (유리 부) 아이고, 좀!‬ ‪- (유리 조모) 아이고, 아이고‬-That's enough! -[Won-sik] Stop it! -[Yu-ri's grandma grunts] -[Won-sik] Hey.
‪(유리 부) 야, 돈 번다고‬ ‪유세 떨지 마라, 어?‬-[Yu-ri's grandma grunts] -[Won-sik] Hey. Don't act like you're something because you have a job. Where's the money?
‪- 돈 어디 있어‬ ‪- (유리) 없다고!‬Don't act like you're something because you have a job. Where's the money? I don't have it.
‪돈 내놓으라고, 더 처맞기 싫으면‬-Give me the goddamn money. -[Yu-ri] I don't have it.
‪(유리) 없다고!‬-Give me the goddamn money. -[Yu-ri] I don't have it.
‪그냥 죽여‬Just kill me.
‪- 그냥 죽여, 제발‬ ‪- (유리 부) 아이고, 씨발‬-Just kill me already. -You fuck shit.
‪(유리 부) 죽여? 그래, 어?‬-You want me to kill you? Fine. Just die! -[Yu-ri's grandma] No!
‪[유리 조모가 소리친다]‬ ‪죽어라, 어? 죽어! 독한 년‬-You want me to kill you? Fine. Just die! -[Yu-ri's grandma] No! -[Won-sik] Die, you bitch! -[Yu-ri yelps]
‪- (유리 조모) 그만! 그만해‬ ‪- (유리 부) 아유! 독한 년, 진짜‬-[Won-sik] Die, you bitch! -[Yu-ri yelps] -No! Stop it! -[Won-sik] You piece of shit! Die!
‪(유리 부) 그래, 차라리 죽어라‬-No! Stop it! -[Won-sik] You piece of shit! Die!
‪또 더 씨불여 봐‬Try talking back now! Try talking back now!
‪더 씨불여 봐! 이씨‬Try talking back now! Try talking back now!
‪- (유리 부) 에이씨!‬ ‪- (유리 조모) 아이고, 아이고‬[Won-sik grunts]
‪[야구 방망이가 탁 떨어진다]‬[baseball bat thuds]
‪[유리의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[Yu-ri shudders]
‪[유리 부의 헛웃음]‬[chuckles, groans]
‪이야…‬[chuckles, groans] [Won-sik] I was about to report her when she ran away,
‪(유리 부) 이년 이거 집 나갔을 때‬ ‪신고하려고 했더니만‬[Won-sik] I was about to report her when she ran away,
‪되지도 않는 질문 하면서‬ ‪방해해 놓고‬but you stopped me from doing so.
‪다 한패네, 어?‬You were all in on it, weren't you?
‪야, 니 뭔데, 니 형사가?‬Who the hell are you? You're cop?
‪형사냐고, 이 새끼야‬-Are you even a cop? You bastard. -[Jung-han] That's enough.
‪- (중한) 그만하시죠‬ ‪- (유리 부) 아, 뭐고‬-Are you even a cop? You bastard. -[Jung-han] That's enough.
‪[유리 부의 아파하는 신음]‬[Won-sik] What? [grunts]
‪(중한) 자리에 앉으시는 게‬ ‪좋을 겁니다‬[Jung-han] You'd better sit down.
‪(유리 부) 하, 진짜‬[scoffs] [Won-sik] This is… this is ridiculous.
‪아, 어이가 없다‬[Won-sik] This is… this is ridiculous.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪하, 판사님‬[Won-sik] This is… this is ridiculous. [scoffs] Your Honor.
‪아, 판사님도 아시겠지만‬ ‪야 이거‬I'm sure you know that she's, uh… been selling her body to men.
‪몸 팔고 다니는 아입니다‬I'm sure you know that she's, uh… been selling her body to men.
‪그걸로 재판도 받았고‬I'm sure you know that she's, uh… been selling her body to men. She stood trial because of it.
‪아, 그래가 좀 때렸어요‬ ‪정신 좀 차리라고‬So I just gave her a little beating to bring her back to her senses.
‪아비로서 훈육을 좀 했습니다‬I disciplined her as her father.
‪그게 뭐, 잘못됐어요?‬What's so wrong with that?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[한숨]‬[deep breath]
‪훈육이 잘못은 아니죠‬Disciplining someone isn't wrong.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬[monitor clicks]
‪저게 훈육은 아니잖아‬that's not discipline, is it?
‪[은석이 리모컨을 탁 내려놓는다]‬-[remote thuds] -[Eun-seok] There's…
‪(은석) 이건‬-[remote thuds] -[Eun-seok] There's…
‪이번 재판을 쭉 진행하면서‬something I wanted to understand…
‪궁금해서 그런데요‬while proceeding with this trial.
‪이해가 안 돼서요‬I just don't get it.
‪아버님은‬Why do you seem…
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪왜 당당하십니까?‬proud of being like that?
‪(유리 조모) [울며] 이게 다…‬[Yu-ri's grandma] It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
‪제 탓입니다‬[Yu-ri's grandma] It's all my fault. It's all my fault.
‪제가 자식을 잘못 키운 거라예‬[cries] I… I failed to raise my son properly.
‪유리 아빠, 내 아들‬Yu-ri's father, my son,
‪즈그 아버지 닮았십니다‬is exactly like his dad.
‪가도 어려서‬He was also abused at home when he was growing up.
‪마이 맞고 자랐십니다‬He was also abused at home when he was growing up.
‪(강식) 근데 이제 와서 왜 이걸…‬Why are you telling us this now?
‪지는 그게 뭔지 모릅니다‬[sobs] Because he doesn't even know that.
‪유리가 준비한 거라예‬ ‪신고하겠다고‬Yu-ri was planning on doing this. [Yu-ri's grandma] She wanted to report it to the police.
‪(유리 조모) 지는‬ ‪안 된다고 했십니다‬[Yu-ri's grandma] She wanted to report it to the police. She wanted to do it for so long but I asked her not to.
‪말하지 말라고‬I could lose him so I told her not to do it.
‪말하면 안 된다고‬I could lose him so I told her not to do it.
‪우째 즈그 아빠를‬[cries] How could she do that to her own dad?
‪잘못은 내가 했는데‬I'm the one to blame here.
‪다 내 탓인데‬It's all my fault.
‪내가 자식을 잘못 키워‬ ‪그렇게 된 건데‬It's because… it's because I didn't teach him well.
‪벌은 내가 받아야 되는데‬I'm the one who should be punished.
‪(유리 부) 어, 그러니까‬Oh, so…
‪할머니가 내를 넘긴 거네?‬you are the one who sold me out.
‪[유리 부의 어이없는 신음]‬[Won-sik scoffs]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Yu-ri's grandma] Oh, my god.
‪(유리 조모) 옴마야‬ ‪야 와 이카노!‬[Yu-ri's grandma] Oh, my god. -[Won-sik] I told you to leave it alone. -[Yu-ri] Grandma!
‪- (유리) 할머니!‬ ‪- (유리 조모) 와 이라노‬-[Won-sik] I told you to leave it alone. -[Yu-ri] Grandma!
‪- (유리 조모) 옴마야!‬ ‪- (유리) 미친 새끼야!‬-[Yu-ri's grandma] What's wrong with you? -[Yu-ri] You crazy bastard!
‪(유리 부) 닥치시라고 했지!‬-[Yu-ri's grandma] What's wrong with you? -[Yu-ri] You crazy bastard! -[Won-sik] Shut your damn mouth. -[Yu-ri] No! Stop it!
‪(중한) 아, 뭐 하는 겁니까, 이게!‬[Jung-han] What do you think you're doing?
‪- (유리) 안 돼!‬ ‪- (유리 부) 닥치시라고!‬-[Yu-ri] Let her go! -[Won-sik] Shut the hell up!
‪[유리 조모의 신음]‬ ‪(유리) 놔, 놓으라고!‬[Yu-ri grunting] Let her go!
‪[태주의 힘주는 신음]‬-[Won-sik grumbles] -[Yu-ri] Stop it!
‪차태주 판사!‬Cha Tae-ju!

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