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  오징어 게임 3

Squid Game 3


(관리자1) 시작해‬[masked deck supervisor 1] Ready.
‪(관리자2) 인원 점검‬[masked deck supervisor 2] Begin player inspection.
‪[준호의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[car door opens]
‪[스캐너 작동음]‬[device beeps]
‪[스캐너 작동음]‬[beeping] [beeping continues]
‪[스캐너 작동음]‬[device beeps]
‪[스캐너 작동음]‬[device dings]
‪[스캐너 오류음]‬[device trills]
‪[스캐너 작동음]‬[beeps, trills]
‪[스캐너 오류음]‬[beeps, trills]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[both grunting]
‪[일꾼의 아파하는 신음]‬[both grunting]
‪[준호와 일꾼의 힘주는 신음]‬[both grunting]
‪[일꾼의 아파하는 신음]‬[masked man groans]
‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬[masked man groans]
‪[일꾼의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[스캐너 작동음이 곳곳에서 울린다]‬[car alarm beeping]
‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬[Jun-ho grunts, pants]
‪[준호의 거친 숨소리]‬[Jun-ho grunts, pants]
‪[풍덩 소리가 난다]‬-[Jun-ho grunts] -[water splashes]
‪(병정1) 거기‬[masked man] Hey, you!
‪(준호) 저‬Sorry.
‪뱃멀미 때문에…‬I just got seasick.
‪(관리자3) 규칙을 잊었나?‬[masked deck supervisor 3] Did you forget the rules?
‪'상급자의 허가 없이‬ ‪먼저 말하지 않는다'‬You do not speak unless your superior allows you to.
‪선실로 올라가서 대기해‬Go standby in the cabin.
‪[갈매기 울음]‬[birds squawking]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[foreboding music]
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(기훈) 영감님‬[Gi-hun] Hey, sir.
‪영감님‬[Gi-hun] Wake up, sir.
‪[일남을 탁탁 치며] 영감님‬Wake up. Get up, huh?
‪(일남) 어?‬-[Player 1] Uh-huh. -[sighs]
‪[안도하는 한숨]‬-[Player 1] Uh-huh. -[sighs]
‪(기훈) 정신이 드세요?‬[Gi-hun] Are you all right?
‪자네‬You're here.
‪[일남의 반가운 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪(일남) 456번‬So Player 456 came back.
‪(기훈) 예‬Yeah.
‪아이, 영영 가시는 줄 알았네‬ ‪[일남의 웃음]‬I got scared. I thought you were gone for good.
‪나‬Hey. I won't die so easily, you know.
‪그렇게 쉽게 안 죽어‬Hey. I won't die so easily, you know.
‪아, 그럼요‬ ‪[일남의 웃음]‬-I know you won't. -[Player 1 chuckles] I stopped playing because of you, and I'm back because of what you said.
‪영감님 덕분에 나갔다가‬ ‪영감님 때문에 들어왔는데‬I stopped playing because of you, and I'm back because of what you said.
‪먼저 가시면 안 되죠‬I'm actually sort of partial to you.
‪[일남이 살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪(일남) 많이들 돌아왔네‬[Player 1] A lot of people decided to come back.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬ ‪(기훈) 그러게요‬[sighs] You're right. Hmm.
‪다들 힘들었나 봐요‬-Yeah. -I guess everybody's desperate.
‪[기훈의 탄성]‬ ‪[일남의 의아한 신음]‬-Oh. -Huh?
‪야, 그 애 이름도 못 지었다는‬ ‪여자도 들어왔네요, 아‬There, look. That's the woman who couldn't name her kid. She came back too. [Player 1] You're right.
‪(일남) 그러게‬[Player 1] You're right.
‪애 이름은 짓고 왔나?‬Think she named her kid yet?
‪- 어?‬ ‪- (기훈) 아이고‬I don't know.
‪(상우) 기훈이 형‬[Sang-woo] Gi-hun.
‪(기훈) 오, 상우야‬Oh, Sang-woo.
‪왔어?‬So you're here. I didn't think I'd see you.
‪안 올 줄 알았는데‬So you're here. I didn't think I'd see you.
‪(기훈) 쯧, 아유‬[clicks tongue]
‪그렇게 됐다‬Neither did I. [awkward chuckle]
‪너는?‬And you?
‪엄마 보고 온 거야?‬Your mom, did you see her?
‪(알리) 사장님들‬[Ali] Hey, good sirs.
‪(기훈) 어어? 아‬[Gi-hun] Oh. Hey.
‪생명의 은인‬It's my angel.
‪(알리) 사장님들‬ ‪다시 만나서 반갑습니다‬It's my angel. I'm happy to see both of you. I hope we make it.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬ ‪그날 차비 줘서 정말 감사합니다‬[Gi-hun sighs] Thanks for the bus fare, sir. It meant so much to me.
‪네가 이 친구 차비를 줬어?‬What, you gave him the bus fare?
‪여의도에서 안산까지 걸어서 간다길래‬Because he said that he'd walk Yeouido to Ansan.
‪(기훈) [웃으며] 야, 훈훈하구먼‬[chuckles] That's so heartwarming.
‪우리 이거 뭐, 훈련소 동기들‬ ‪그런 느낌인가?‬We're like a bunch of soldiers at training camp, huh?
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬-[Gi-hun laughs] -A training camp is what?
‪훈련소가 뭐예요?‬-[Gi-hun laughs] -A training camp is what?
‪군대 알아요, 군대?‬You know, it's like the army shooting guns.
‪총 쏘고 막 훈련하는 데‬You know, it's like the army shooting guns.
‪(알리) 아!‬Oh! Soldiers all training together?
‪군인들 같이 사는 곳?‬Oh! Soldiers all training together?
‪(기훈) 그래요‬Uh-huh.
‪아, 잠깐만‬Wait a minute.
‪말이 나왔으니까 말인데‬Since we're on the subject now, you should join me.
‪군대처럼 우리끼리‬ ‪한번 뭉쳐서 해 보는 건 어때?‬Since we're on the subject now, you should join me. We should just form our own team, don't you think?
‪맞아‬You're right. Who knows what game they'll have us play next.
‪앞으로 무슨 게임을‬ ‪하게 될지도 모르고‬You're right. Who knows what game they'll have us play next.
‪여러 가지 경우를 대비해서‬ ‪그룹을 형성하는 게 유리할 거야‬It wouldn't hurt to be in a group so we're ready for anything.
‪아, 그쪽도 같이합시다‬Hey, you should join up with us.
‪(기훈) 아, 힘이 장난이 아니더라고‬I mean, we already know he's crazy strong.
‪너도 봤지?‬You saw it.
‪이 친구가 나를‬ ‪완전히 한 손으로 들던데?‬He lifted me up with one hand like it was nothing at all.
‪정말 나도 같이해요?‬You mean… that you… I can join you?
‪아, 그래요, 어‬Oh, yeah, sure. Uh, so then, you'll be the new recruit.
‪그쪽이 이등병 쫄따구‬Oh, yeah, sure. Uh, so then, you'll be the new recruit.
‪얘는 일 잘하는 상병‬He's the skilled corporal, and that means I'm a sergeant.
‪나는 말년 병장‬ ‪[기훈의 웃음]‬He's the skilled corporal, and that means I'm a sergeant.
‪(알리) 감사합니다, 사장님‬Oh, man. Thank you, sir. [chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬Oh, man. Thank you, sir. [chuckles]
‪그 '사장님' 소리는 좀 빼고‬-Please just drop the "sir," will you? -[Player 1] Excuse me.
‪(일남) 저기‬-Please just drop the "sir," will you? -[Player 1] Excuse me.
‪괜찮으면은‬If you don't mind, can I join up with all of you?
‪나도 좀 끼워 주겠나?‬If you don't mind, can I join up with all of you?
‪아이, 그럼요‬Yeah, of course.
‪영감님이 군대에 평생 말뚝 박은‬ ‪주임 원사 하시면 되겠네요, 그럼‬And you can be the… Hold on… So you can be the old major who's been in the army his entire life.
‪[일남의 벅찬 숨소리]‬ ‪[기훈의 웃음]‬So you can be the old major who's been in the army his entire life.
‪고맙네‬-Thanks so much. -[both laugh]
‪(기훈) 야, 이거‬Yeah. Quite a team we got going here. Damn! Let's do this.
‪우리 팀 구성이‬ ‪아주 딱 맞게 떨어지네?‬Yeah. Quite a team we got going here. Damn! Let's do this.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪내가 지나간 일은 다 잊고‬ ‪받아 줄 테니까‬I'll take you in again and look past everything.
‪내 밑으로 들어와‬Come and join us.
‪원래 우리 한 팀으로‬ ‪꽤 괜찮았잖아, 응?‬We were a good team for a while out there, huh?
‪아직도 허세냐?‬Are you actually serious?
‪(새벽) 밖에 너 잡으러 다니는 애들‬ ‪쫙 깔렸던데?‬I mean, everybody out there is still looking for you.
‪(덕수) 까불지 마‬Stop with the act.
‪네가 아무리 독해도‬It doesn't matter how tough you are,
‪여기서 독고다이로 지랄해 봤자‬ ‪승산 없어‬you're not going to win in this place. Not on your own.
‪너 이거 안 보이냐?‬Didn't you notice? [chuckles]
‪가면 쓴 새끼들‬Those jerks with masks came in
‪죽은 놈들 침대 싹 다 빼 버린 거‬and removed the beds of the people who died.
‪아차하면 네 침대도 곧 아웃이야‬Make one mistake out there, and yours is next.
‪네 침대 걱정이나 해‬Worry about your own ass, okay?
‪[사람들의 비웃음]‬[men laugh] -[Deok-su sighs] -[Player 67] Don't join him.
‪[덕수의 한숨]‬-[Deok-su sighs] -[Player 67] Don't join him.
‪(새벽) 아저씨들‬-[Deok-su sighs] -[Player 67] Don't join him.
‪이 새끼한테 붙지 마‬This guy's a damn dumbass.
‪이 새끼 밖에서‬ ‪자기 꼬붕들 주머니 털어서‬He liked to pick all of his little minions' pockets just so he could fill up his own.
‪자기 배만 불린 새끼야‬just so he could fill up his own.
‪그러다 결국 간 커져서‬He got bold enough one day to go after his head honcho's pockets,
‪자기 웃대가리 주머니까지 손댔다가‬He got bold enough one day to go after his head honcho's pockets, but now he's in here.
‪걸려서 이 꼴이 됐고‬'Cause he was stupid and got caught.
‪이런 인간들을 우리 고향에서‬ ‪뭐라고 부르는지 알아?‬You know what people in my hometown would call you, huh?
‪'혁명적인 개새끼'‬A damn revolutionary asshole.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[men laugh] You communist little bitch, I'm gonna…
‪이런 빨갱이 씨발 년이, 씨‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬You communist little bitch, I'm gonna…
‪언니 오빠들‬[grunts] Excuse me.
‪말씀 중에 쏘리‬Am I interrupting you? Sorry.
‪뭐냐?‬What is it?
‪어머‬Oh, boy.
‪이 오빠 잘생겼네‬You're really good looking.
‪오빠‬Come on, let me join you guys.
‪나도 좀 끼워 줘라‬Come on, let me join you guys.
‪어딜 껴?‬Join what?
‪오빠 팀에‬I'll be your teammate.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[men chuckle]
‪아줌마 뭐 잘하는데?‬Tell me what you're good at?
‪못하는 거 빼곤 다 잘하지‬Everything, except the things I can't do.
‪(미녀) 삐쩍 곯은 언니보다‬ ‪훨 쓸 만할걸?‬And I'm certainly better than some skinny girl.
‪여러모로‬-A lot better. -[men exclaim]
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬-A lot better. -[men exclaim]
‪아줌마 그렇게 잘해?‬You mean, you're that good?
‪[덕수가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪한번 할까?‬How about it?
‪(덕수) 침대도 비었는데‬Plenty of empty beds.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[men snicker]
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[woman on PA] Attention. Your mealtime begins now.
‪[안내 음성] 지금부터 식사 시간입니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. Your mealtime begins now.
‪참가자들은 숙소 중앙에‬ ‪도열해 주시기 바랍니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. Your mealtime begins now. -All players, please form a line… -Maybe later.
‪밥 먹고 하자‬-All players, please form a line… -Maybe later. …in the center of the room.
‪[안내 음성] 다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬[woman on PA] Let me repeat the instruction.
‪지금부터 식사 시간입니다‬-Attention. Your mealtime begins now. -[chuckles]
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪참가자들은 숙소 중앙에‬ ‪도열해 주시기 바랍니다‬-Attention. Your mealtime begins now. -[chuckles] All players, please form a line in the center of the room.
‪양아치 새끼‬Assholes.
‪[한숨]‬[scoffs, snickers]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[footsteps approaching] [device beeps]
‪(관리자4) 201명 가운데‬ ‪187명이 돌아왔습니다‬[masked manager] Out of 201, 187 returned.
‪재참가율 93%입니다‬The re-entrance rate is 93 percent.
‪(대장) 돌아오지 않은 자들은‬ ‪계속 모니터링하고‬[Front Man] Keep an eye on the ones who didn't return to play
‪동향을 보고해‬and keep me posted.
‪(관리자4) 네‬[masked manager] Yes, sir.
‪[기훈의 탄식]‬ ‪[일남의 한숨]‬-[Gi-hun] Mm… -Ahh…
‪(일남) 옛날 생각 나네, 응‬This brings back old memories. Do you remember eating lunches like this too?
‪영감님도 이런 도시락 드셨어요?‬Do you remember eating lunches like this too?
‪[웃으며] 그럼‬Of course.
‪우리 마누라가 내 거랑 애들 거랑‬My wife was always in the kitchen every morning.
‪아침마다 도시락 싸느라고 항상 바빴어‬She'd pack lunches just like these ones for me and my kids.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬She'd pack lunches just like these ones for me and my kids. [chuckles]
‪아유, 이거 차네, 밥이? 아휴‬I wish the rice was piping hot.
‪야, 이 가운데‬ ‪난로가 하나 있으면 그냥‬At least they could've warmed it up a little.
‪(기훈) 딱 데워 먹고 좋은데‬[grumbles] All we need is a stove.
‪상우야, 기억나냐?‬Remember doing that?
‪우리 초등학교 교실에‬ ‪조개탄 난로 있었잖아‬The little briquette stove we had in our elementary school classroom.
‪도시락 그 위에 깔아 놓으면‬ ‪엄청 뜨거워져 가지고‬We'd stick our lunch boxes on it. It'd get burning hot on us too,
‪막 누룽지 생기고, 응?‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬and the rice'd get all scorched. Hmm?
‪(기훈) 응‬Hmm?
‪옛날 생각 할 시간 있으면‬Let's try to stay on the subject.
‪다음에 무슨 게임 할지나 생각해 봐‬How about putting your mind to what the game could be?
‪[일남의 헛기침]‬[Player 1] Mm. Hey.
‪그걸 생각한다고 아냐?‬No one can figure that out.
‪(기훈) 닥쳐 봐야 아는 거지‬We'll find out when it's time.
‪(일남) 그, 저‬ ‪여태까지 한 걸로 보면은‬You know, considering the last one that we did,
‪옛날에‬I think that there'll be another old game kids played, just like I used to.
‪어린애들이 하던 놀이 중의‬ ‪하나가 아니겠어?‬I think that there'll be another old game kids played, just like I used to.
‪아이, 뭐, 그런 건데요‬I'll bet you right there.
‪그게 한두 가지도 아니고‬Think of all the ones they could choose.
‪(기훈) 딱지치기, 다방구, 땅따먹기‬Ddakji, Dabanggu, there's Hopscotch, Biseokchigi,
‪비석치기, 술래잡기, 돈가스, 얼음땡‬there's Hopscotch, Biseokchigi, and Tag, Don Katsu, Freeze Tag.
‪여자들은 공기놀이, 고무줄, 실뜨기‬And for girls, there's Gonggi, Elastics, Cat's Cradle and…
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪또 뭐가 있나?‬And what else?
‪(알리) 나 그런 거 할 줄 몰라요‬I don't know how to play those.
‪거기 애들은 이런 게임 안 하나?‬You don't know any of the games I listed?
‪걱정하지 마‬Hey, listen to me.
‪애들 게임 규칙 단순해‬All those games are easy to learn.
‪모르면 우리가 도와줄게‬And we'll teach them to you.
‪감사합니다‬That's much appreciated.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[mysterious music]
‪[안내 음성] 오늘의 일과가‬ ‪모두 끝났습니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. The work schedule is done for today.
‪모든 일꾼들은‬ ‪자신의 숙소로 복귀하시기 바랍니다‬All active staff, please take this time to return to your rooms.
‪다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬Let me repeat the instruction.
‪오늘의 일과가 모두 끝났습니다‬The work schedule is done for today.
‪모든 일꾼들은‬ ‪자신의 숙소로 복귀하시기 바랍니다‬All active staff, please take this time to return to your rooms.
‪(미녀) [문을 쾅쾅 두드리며]‬ ‪야, 야, 야, 문 열라고, 이 새끼들아!‬[Player 212] Hey, hey, hey! Open the door, you jerks!
‪아유, 방광 터질 거 같아!‬I have to pee really bad, right now! Don't you jerks ever take a leak?
‪너희들은 오줌도 안 싸냐?‬Don't you jerks ever take a leak?
‪화장실 좀 보내 달라고!‬Let me use the restroom! I gotta go now!
‪화장실만 잠깐 보내 달라는데‬ ‪그게 뭐가 어려워!‬Hey, just let me use the bathroom for one second. Jeez, come on!
‪아이, 그럼 여기 남자들 천지인데‬ ‪여기서 바닥에 싸?‬Look, it's mostly men in here, okay? Want a puddle here?
‪[문을 쾅 차며] 야, 이…‬ ‪야, 이 개새끼들아!‬Damn it! Damn you, scumbags!
‪게임을 시키려면‬I hope you're ashamed.
‪최소한 사람대접을 해 주고‬ ‪시켜야 될 거 아니야!‬Treat us like humans, damn it! Who do you think you are?
‪야, 세모‬Hey, Triangle.
‪너 말고 네 위의 책임자 불러‬I don't need you. Get me your superior.
‪그 네모난 놈 부르라고, 새끼야!‬Just get me that some square head guy!
‪(관리자5) 정해진 시간 외에는‬[masked supervisor] You may not leave this room past your given curfew.
‪숙소 밖으로 나갈 수 없습니다‬[masked supervisor] You may not leave this room past your given curfew.
‪씨발, 그럼 내가‬Damn it. You masked guys think you control when I'm supposed to pee, huh?
‪너희들이 정한 시간에만‬ ‪오줌이 마렵냐, 어?‬Damn it. You masked guys think you control when I'm supposed to pee, huh?
‪(미녀) 어쭈구리‬Oh, what the…
‪이런 씨발 것들이‬You freaking bastards! [banging]
‪너희들, 내가 못 쌀 거 같아?‬You freaking bastards! [banging] You don't think I'll go pee right here and now? Shit!
‪[미녀가 씩씩거린다]‬Shit!
‪야, 싼다!‬[sighs] Here I go.
‪야, 줄줄 잘 나온다!‬You all ready to hear some rain?
‪[미녀가 씩씩거린다]‬[door opens]
‪(병정2) 따라오시죠‬[masked man] Follow me.
‪하여튼 조선 놈들은‬ ‪악을 써야지 그냥 귓구멍이 열려‬Damn, people won't listen to someone until they start screaming at you. Goddamn it.
‪아유, 씨‬Goddamn it.
‪나도 가‬I gotta go.
‪뭐냐?‬Oh, yeah? [scoffs]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[미녀의 헛웃음]‬Oh, yeah? [scoffs] I beg to get the damn toilet,
‪남이 죽어라고 변기 닦아 놓으니까‬ ‪그냥 날름 올라앉네?‬I beg to get the damn toilet, and you're gonna sit right on top of it like that?
‪너 좀 거슬리는 스타일이야, 알아?‬You're a pretty annoying girl, aren't you?
‪저런 싸가지 없는 년‬What a rude little brat.
‪[덜그럭 소리가 난다]‬[metal clattering]
‪[후련한 숨소리]‬[exhales sharply]
‪[기계 조작음]‬[monitor beeps]
‪[미녀의 힘주는 신음]‬[moaning]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[whimpering]
‪[후련한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[미녀의 웃음]‬
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[inhales deeply]
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬[exhales]
‪달다, 씨발‬[sighs] -That's so damn good-- -[door opens]
‪[문이 벌컥 열린다]‬-That's so damn good-- -[door opens]
‪아이, 깜짝이야, 씨‬Don't scare me like that.
‪(미녀) 왜?‬What?
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps, coughs]
‪[쿨럭거린다]‬[gasps, coughs]
‪너도 한 모금 할래?‬Wanna smoke a little?
‪움직이지 말고 얌전히 담배나 빨아‬You can stay put on the bowl and smoke some more.
‪[당황한 신음]‬[gasps]
‪(미녀) 너 뭐 해?‬-[Player 212] What are you doing? -[metal clanking]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪지금 거기 들어가게?‬Are you going to go in there?
‪(새벽) 뭐가 있는지 한번 보게‬I wanna see what's up there.
‪시간 좀 끌어 줘‬Buy me some time. Then I'll tell you if I find anything.
‪뭔가 알아내면 너도 알려 줄 테니까‬Buy me some time. Then I'll tell you if I find anything.
‪콜, 여기 밟아‬Deal. Step up here.
‪[미녀의 아파하는 신음]‬[moaning]
‪[새벽의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[미녀의 힘겨운 신음]‬-[grunts] -[Player 212 groaning]
‪[새벽의 거친 숨소리]‬-[grunts] -[Player 212 groaning] [breathing heavily]
‪[미녀의 힘주는 신음]‬[Player 67 grunts]
‪[코를 킁킁거린다]‬[sniffing]
‪[새벽의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts] [Player 212] Oh, my God!
‪(미녀) 아유!‬[Player 212] Oh, my God!
‪변비가 사람 죽이네!‬I bet the hell I've been here today. [Player 212 groaning]
‪[미녀가 힘주는 시늉을 한다]‬[Player 212 groaning]
‪내가 차라리 애를 낳고 말지!‬It hurts a lot! It's like trying to push out a kid!
‪사람 살려!‬Ah! I'm dying! [exaggerated screaming]
‪[힘겨운 시늉을 한다]‬[exaggerated screaming]
‪[미녀가 아파하는 시늉을 한다]‬[screaming continues]
‪(미녀) 으, 나 죽네‬[Player 212] I'm dying.
‪왜 이리 안 나와‬Why won't it come out?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬[foreboding music]
‪[병정2가 문을 쾅쾅 두드린다]‬-[knocks on door] -[masked man] It's time to go back.
‪(병정2) 이제 돌아갈 시간입니다‬-[knocks on door] -[masked man] It's time to go back.
‪(미녀) 잠깐만 있어 봐!‬Just give me a second, okay? [breathes heavily]
‪이제 거의 다 나왔어‬Come on, you. Oh, it's all blocked.
‪아, 빨리 나와야겠다‬You bastard, get out!
‪빨리 나와야겠다! 빨리 나와야겠네?‬Hurry the hell up! We're in a rush, okay?
‪(병정2) 돌아갈 시간입니다‬[masked man] You need to go back.
‪안 나오면 들어가겠습니다‬Come out now. Wait! Stop! No! Wait!
‪(미녀) 잠깐만, 잠깐만!‬Wait! Stop! No! Wait!
‪잠깐만, 잠깐만‬Wait! Stop! No! Wait!
‪여기 휴지, 휴지가 없어!‬They're gone. All of the stool wipes are gone! Ah, shit.
‪아, 씨‬Ah, shit.
‪나 물로 씻고 나갈게‬-[water running] -Yeah, but I'll use the sink.
‪너 들어오지 마‬No, don't come in.
‪거기 그대로 있어‬You just stay out there.
‪나 씻는다?‬Did you hear that?
‪나 지금 밑에 아무것도 안 입었다‬Don't come in here. I'm not wearing pants, okay?
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪아, 깨끗하게 잘 닦이네‬[groans] The water is still nice in here.
‪[쥐 울음]‬[rat squeaking]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[질색하는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[쥐 울음]‬-[shaky breathing] -[rat squeaking]
‪(관리자6) 뭐 해?‬[masked supervisor] What?
‪계속 저어‬Keep stirring.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[병정2가 문을 쾅쾅 두드린다]‬-[knocks on door] -[masked man] You have to come out.
‪(병정2) 이제 나오세요‬-[knocks on door] -[masked man] You have to come out. [Player 212] Damn it! There's no toilet paper here either!
‪(미녀) 지금 휴지가 없다니까!‬[Player 212] Damn it! There's no toilet paper here either!
‪(병정2와 미녀)‬ ‪- 나오지 않으면 끌어내겠습니다‬ ‪- 닦아야 나갈 거 아니야, 어?‬-If you don't, I'll drag you out. -[Player 212] I have to wipe myself, okay!
‪(미녀) 야, 칸마다 휴지 체크하는 거‬ ‪기본 아니냐?‬Hey, aren't you supposed to check each stall for toilet paper?
‪그 네모난 새끼 오라 그래!‬Get that square guy here!
‪내가 컴플레인 좀 해야겠어, 씨‬I need to file a complaint.
‪뭘 봐, 이 개새끼야!‬You bastard, what the hell?
‪와, 씨‬[Player 212] I can't believe this.
‪[변기 물이 쏴 내려간다]‬-[Player 212 huffing] -[toilet flushes] You little bastard! You…
‪씨발 새끼‬You little bastard! You…
‪야, 이 새끼야‬Hey, jerkface.
‪너 내가 들어오지 말라 그랬지?‬You, I said don't come in, didn't I?
‪너 이거 성추행이야!‬You harassed us in there, yeah?
‪야, 나 나가면‬Hey, the second I'm out of here, I'll sue your ass, okay?
‪너 고소할 거야, 이 개새끼야, 씨‬Hey, the second I'm out of here, I'll sue your ass, okay? Is that clear? Asshole!
‪[미녀가 병정2를 툭 친다]‬Is that clear? Asshole!
‪하, 씨‬[Player 212 grumbles]
‪[종소리 알림음]‬[PA system chiming]
‪[안내 음성] 이제‬ ‪잠자리에 들 시간입니다‬[PA system chiming] [woman on PA] It's now time for you to go to sleep. Congratulations on a good day's work.
‪오늘 하루도 수고하셨습니다‬Congratulations on a good day's work.
‪[준호의 한숨]‬[Jun-ho sighs]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[tense music]
‪(준호) 무인도‬[Jun-ho] The island, abductions, surveillance, and the masks…
‪납치, 감시‬[Jun-ho] The island, abductions, surveillance, and the masks…
‪그리고 가면들‬[Jun-ho] The island, abductions, surveillance, and the masks…
‪[기침 소리가 들린다]‬[man coughing]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[phone clicks]
‪[한숨]‬[breathing deeply]
‪(미녀) [작은 목소리로] 야‬ ‪뭐 봤어, 어?‬[Player 212 whispers] Hey, what did you see? Huh?
‪아, 뭐 봤냐고‬Come on. What did you see?
‪(새벽) 내일 얘기해‬[Player 67] I'll tell you tomorrow. [Player 212 scoffs] Why tomorrow? Just tell me now.
‪(미녀) 아, 뭘 또 내일 얘기해?‬[Player 212 scoffs] Why tomorrow? Just tell me now.
‪지금 얘기해, 씨‬[Player 212 scoffs] Why tomorrow? Just tell me now. Hey. What did you see?
‪야, 뭐 봤냐고‬Hey. What did you see?
‪아까 위에 그렇게 오래 있었으면‬ ‪뭐 봤을 거 아니야!‬You must have seen something. You were up there for so long. Come on.
‪어?‬You must have seen something. You were up there for so long. Come on.
‪[종소리 알림음]‬[PA system chiming]
‪[안내 음성] 새 아침이 밝았습니다‬[woman on PA] Good morning, everyone. A new day has dawned.
‪모두 자리에서 일어나세요‬[woman on PA] Good morning, everyone. A new day has dawned. Please wake up and prepare for your duties.
‪10분 후에 인원 점검을 시작하겠습니다‬In ten minutes, the staff head count will begin.
‪[타이머 작동음]‬[clock beeps]
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[ticking]
‪[안내 음성] 지금부터 식사 시간입니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. It is now time for breakfast.
‪참가자들은 숙소 중앙에‬ ‪도열해 주시기 바랍니다‬All players, please form a line in the center of the room. [Player 212] Hey.
‪(미녀) 야‬[Player 212] Hey.
‪너 뭐 봤어?‬What did you see? Tell me now.
‪뭐 봤냐고‬What did you see? Tell me now.
‪아침에 말해 준다며?‬It's the morning now, you said you would.
‪그렇게 오래 있었으면‬ ‪뭐 봤을 거 아니야‬You were in there for a while, so go on.
‪가면 쓴 놈들이‬ ‪큰 솥에 뭔가를 녹이고 있었어‬Masked guys with pots, and they were melting a liquid down there.
‪뭘 녹여?‬What was it?
‪그건 잘 몰라‬I couldn't tell what.
‪(미녀) 아이, 씨발‬Goddamn it!
‪나는 어제 너 살리려고‬ ‪그 생쇼를 다 벌였는데‬I had to put on that whole show just to save your life back there,
‪잘 모르겠어?‬and you couldn't tell?
‪냄새가 났어‬I smelled it, though. What did it smell like?
‪(미녀) 무슨 냄새?‬What did it smell like?
‪설탕 냄새‬Sugar or something.
‪설탕 냄새?‬You kidding me?
‪그러니까 걔들이 설탕을‬ ‪막 이렇게 녹이고 있었다고?‬Are you saying they were melting sugar in there? I think they were.
‪그런 거 같아‬I think they were.
‪너 진짜 그게 다야?‬So, it was just that?
‪[미녀의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(미녀) 너‬Girl.
‪보고도 말 안 하는 거 있으면‬ ‪네 눈깔에 담배빵 들어간다, 이씨‬Look, if you aren't telling me everything. I'll burn your eyes out with cigarettes.
‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪배가 고프긴 하다‬I guess I'm hungry.
‪단게 좀 당기네?‬I'm craving something sweet.
‪아, 씨발‬[Player 212] Goddamn it.
‪오늘은 맛탕이라도 주나?‬Maybe they'll give us candied sweet potatoes today.
‪[준호의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[버저가 울린다]‬-[clock beeps] -[alarm buzzes]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[ominous music]
‪[안내 음성] 인원 점검 중입니다‬[woman on PA] Beginning headcount now. Please wait in front of your door.
‪그대로 문 앞에 대기해 주세요‬[woman on PA] Beginning headcount now. Please wait in front of your door.
‪완료되었습니다‬Head count complete.
‪모두 이동하세요‬All staff, proceed.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪[기훈이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪아, 저…‬Hey, is there…
‪초코우유는 없나요?‬ ‪제가 흰 우유를 못 먹어서요‬any chocolate milk? I can't drink the normal kind.
‪어릴 때도 이 흰 우유를 먹으면‬ ‪소화가 안돼서‬Oh, when I was a kid, I had problems digesting it,
‪제가 학교에서‬ ‪우유 급식도 안 했거든요‬so I just skipped milk when I was in school.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬ ‪(기훈) 아이씨‬-[Player 1 laughs] -Ah, shit.
‪(일남) 자네‬My goodness.
‪어릴 때 아버지한테 많이 맞았겠어‬As a kid, I'm willing to bet you got spanked a lot.
‪(기훈) 어떻게 아세요?‬How did you know?
‪(일남) 우리 아들이 꼭 자네 같았거든‬My son did too. He was just like you, friend.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬My son did too. He was just like you, friend. [laughs]
‪(알리) 사장님‬[Ali] Hey, sir.
‪그거 왜 안 먹어요?‬Why aren't you eating that?
‪너 먹어‬Have it.
‪(알리) 정말요?‬Do you mean it?
‪나 원래 아침 안 먹어‬I don't eat most mornings.
‪(알리) 감사합니다, 사장님‬Thanks so much, sir.
‪(기훈) 원래 공부 잘하는 애들이‬ ‪입이 짧아‬You know, geniuses never eat much.
‪이것도 마셔‬Take mine too.
‪(알리) 감사합니다, 사장님‬ ‪[기훈이 피식 웃는다]‬-Thank you, sir. -[chuckles]
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[classical music plays on speakers]
‪[안내 음성] 잠시 후‬ ‪두 번째 게임이 시작됩니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. The second game will begin shortly.
‪참가자들은 진행 요원들의 안내에 따라‬ ‪이동해 주시기 바랍니다‬Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall.
‪다시 한번 안내 말씀 드립니다‬I will now repeat the instructions.
‪잠시 후 두 번째 게임이 시작됩니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. The second game will begin shortly.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪참가자들은 진행 요원들의 안내에 따라‬ ‪이동해 주시기 바랍니다‬Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[tense music] [tense music continues]
‪[지게차 경고음]‬[vehicle beeping]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(상우) 당신 뭔가 봤죠?‬You saw something, right?
‪어젯밤에‬ ‪어떤 여자랑 하는 얘기 들었어요‬I happen to overhear your discussion last night.
‪얘기해 봐요, 뭐 봤는지‬So tell me, what did you see?
‪(새벽) 내가 왜?‬Why would I?
‪(상우) 탈북자라면서요‬You're a defector, right?
‪딱지치기, 무궁화꽃‬All the games they made us play in here are games I have known
‪이놈들이 시키는 게임들‬ ‪다 내가 어렸을 때 하던 놀이예요‬All the games they made us play in here are games I have known since I was a young boy.
‪다음 게임도‬ ‪분명 그런 거일 확률이 높아요‬The next game will be too, I'm willing to bet.
‪본 거 말해 주면‬You tell me what you saw,
‪내가 뭔지 알아낼 수도 있어요‬I might guess what it is.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[drum beating]
‪(기훈) 놀이터가 뭐가 이렇게 커?‬Why the hell is this playground so huge?
‪뭘 시키려고?‬What's the game here?
‪[안내 음성] 두 번째 게임에 오신‬ ‪여러분을 환영합니다‬What's the game here? [woman on PA] Players, welcome to the second game. We will begin shortly.
‪(기훈) 야, 뭐일 거 같니, 어?‬-[indistinct chatter] -Hey, what do we think? Huh?
‪뺑뺑이에서 오래 버티기?‬Maybe that roundabout there.
‪정글짐에서 떨어트리기?‬Jungle gym without falling?
‪어?‬Huh? [woman on PA] Players, before the second game begins,
‪[안내 음성] 두 번째 게임을‬ ‪시작하기 전에‬[woman on PA] Players, before the second game begins,
‪각자 앞에 보이는 네 가지 모양 중‬ ‪하나를 선택하여‬choose one of the four available shapes you see on the wall. Once you've chosen your shape, please stand in front of it.
‪그 앞에 서 주세요‬Once you've chosen your shape, please stand in front of it.
‪(알리) 저건 뭐예요?‬Does she mean those?
‪(기훈) 동그라미, 삼각형‬So our options are circle, triangle,
‪별, 우산‬star, umbrella.
‪(일남) 어디서 많이 본 거 같은데?‬I don't know. They seem very familiar.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(상우) 본 거 말해 주면‬ ‪내가 뭔지 알아낼 수도 있어요‬[Sang-woo] You tell me what you saw, I might guess what it is.
‪설탕을 녹이고 있었어‬They were heating sugar.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪[상우의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪(기훈) 상우야‬[Gi-hun] Sang-woo.
‪(상우) 어?‬Huh?
‪어떻게 할까?‬Got anything?
‪(상우) 글쎄‬Not yet.
‪[안내 음성] 지금 즉시 하나를 선택해‬ ‪이동하시기 바랍니다‬[woman on PA] Choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪지금 즉시 하나를 선택해‬ ‪이동하시기 바랍니다‬Choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately.
‪우리 팀 다 같이 움직일까?‬Should we play this together?
‪그건 위험할 수도 있어‬That could be dangerous.
‪아직 뭘 시킬지도 모르는데‬At this point, we don't know anything.
‪다 같이 한곳으로 갔다가‬ ‪모두 불리해질지도 몰라‬I think it would put us at a disadvantage if we just choose one.
‪그런가?‬You think?
‪(상우) 투자에도 그런 말이 있어‬There's this saying in investing.
‪'계란을 한 바구니에 담지 마라'‬"Try not to keep your eggs in the same basket."
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬[chuckles] Listen to him.
‪(기훈) 영감님‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬Listen to him. He was first in his class in SNU Business School.
‪얘가 서울대 경영학과 수석 입학‬He was first in his class in SNU Business School.
‪어릴 때부터 유명한‬ ‪우리 동네 신동이었어요‬And in my hometown, he was a genius. A prodigy.
‪(일남) 그래?‬Really? Is that so?
‪아이고, 대단한 사람이네? 응‬Really? Is that so? Well then, he is an incredible guy, huh?
‪(기훈) [웃으며] 아, 그럼요‬-Are you kidding me? -[both chuckle]
‪그럼 상우 말대로 일단 찢어져서‬Like Sang-woo told us, let's all split up and take it from there, huh?
‪서로 짱을 좀 보죠, 응?‬Like Sang-woo told us, let's all split up and take it from there, huh?
‪누가 어디로 갈까요?‬[Gi-hun] Who should go where?
‪내가 삼각형으로 갈게‬All right, let me go triangle.
‪(기훈) 그럼 거기는?‬What about you?
‪(알리) [우르두어] 동그라미‬Dayira.
‪[기훈의 의아한 신음]‬ ‪동그라미‬-[Gi-hun] Huh? -Dayira.
‪(기훈) [한국어] 아, 동그라미?‬-A circle, you mean? -Yeah.
‪네‬-A circle, you mean? -Yeah.
‪우리 고향 달처럼 생겼어요‬It looks just like the moon where I'm from.
‪[기훈의 고민하는 숨소리]‬[Gi-hun sighs, clicks tongue]
‪(기훈) 그럼 별이랑 우산이 남는데‬That means we have star and umbrella.
‪[일남의 생각하는 숨소리]‬[Player 1 sighs]
‪자네부터 골라‬You pick first. Go on.
‪(기훈) 아, 그럴까요?‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬-Are you sure? -Yes.
‪아, 그럼 제가 우산 하죠, 뭐‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬-Uh, then I'm choosing the umbrella. -[Sang-woo] Hmm?
‪우산?‬You sure?
‪내가 어릴 때부터‬ ‪우산을 잘 잃어버린다고‬Oh, growing up, I'd always lose my umbrella so my mom would get angry.
‪엄마한테 많이 혼났잖아‬Oh, growing up, I'd always lose my umbrella so my mom would get angry.
‪그래서 나중엔 엄마가‬ ‪망가진 우산만 줬어‬So then, she gave me broken ones to bring to school.
‪저도 딴 애들처럼‬I always wanted her to get me one of those good umbrellas
‪멀쩡한 우산 들고 다니는 게‬ ‪소원이었거든요‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬I always wanted her to get me one of those good umbrellas -like the other kids. -Mm-hm.
‪- (기훈) 별 싫으세요?‬ ‪- (일남) 응?‬Um, don't want the star? Or do you wanna switch with me?
‪저랑 바꿀까요, 그럼?‬Um, don't want the star? Or do you wanna switch with me?
‪(일남) 아니야, 별 좋아‬Oh, no, the star sounds great. [clears throat]
‪[일남의 웃음]‬Oh, no, the star sounds great. [clears throat]
‪요즘은‬Good with me.
‪별 보기가 힘든 세상 아닌가‬Besides, nobody really sees many stars these days.
‪(기훈) 자, 다들 움직이자‬Great, let's get moving.
‪무슨 게임인지 알게 되면‬ ‪그때 다시 모여서 작전 짜고‬Once we know what we're up against, let's set up a strategy together. [Player 1] Sure.
‪[일남이 호응한다]‬-All right. -[Player 1] Hmm.
‪기훈이 형‬Gi-hun, wait.
‪(기훈) 어‬Huh?
‪[안내 음성] 선택의 시간이 끝났습니다‬[woman on PA] The time to select your shape has ended.
‪이제 게임을 공개하겠습니다‬I will now explain the rules of the next game.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[doors thud]
‪[안내 음성] 참가자 여러분은‬ ‪앞에 있는 케이스를 하나씩 가져가세요‬All players, please take one case each from the table at the front of your line.
‪참가자 여러분은‬ ‪앞에 있는 케이스를 하나씩 가져가세요‬All players, please take one case each from the table at the front of your line.
‪[안내 음성] 이제 케이스를 열어‬ ‪안을 확인해 주세요‬Please take a moment to open the case and check the contents.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[의아한 신음]‬
‪동그라미?‬What does this mean?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 두 번째 게임은‬ ‪설탕 뽑기입니다‬[woman on PA] The second game is Dalgona.
‪선택하신 모양은‬ ‪여러분이 뽑아야 할 모양입니다‬The shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb.
‪(기훈) 좆 됐다‬[Gi-hun] I'm dead.
‪[안내 음성] 제한 시간은 10분입니다‬[woman on PA] The time limit is ten minutes.
‪10분 안에 주어진 모양을‬ ‪깨끗이 잘라 내면 통과입니다‬You will pass if you trim out the shape without it breaking or cracking within the time limit.
‪그럼 시작합니다‬ ‪[타이머 작동음]‬-With that, let the game begin. -[clock beeps, ticks]
‪[타이머가 째깍거린다]‬-With that, let the game begin. -[clock beeps, ticks] [clock ticking]
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬[sighs] [huffs]
‪[일남의 헛기침]‬[Player 1 grunts]
‪[기훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Gi-hun groans]
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[달고나를 똑 뗀다]‬
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장한 신음]‬[grunts] [sniffles]
‪[기계 작동음]‬ ‪[쓱쓱 소리가 난다]‬[beeping]
‪[주운의 놀란 숨소리]‬-[cracks] -[gasps]
‪[주운의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(주운) 저‬[player] Wait…
‪한 번만‬One more chance.
‪제, 제발 한 번만 더…‬-[gun cocks] -Please. No, please don't…
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬-[gunshot] -[players scream] [body thudding]
‪[주운이 스르륵 미끄러진다]‬[body thudding]
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[놀란 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-[footsteps approaching] -[trembling]
‪아, 저, 아니요‬Oh, no, no, no. I'm sorry.
‪잘못했어요, 아, 저, 살려 주세요‬ ‪[병정3이 총을 달칵 장전한다]‬Oh, no, no, no. I'm sorry. [cries] Don't do it, sir.
‪(여자) 살려 주세요…‬ ‪[총성]‬-Please don't… -[gunshot]
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[겁먹은 신음]‬[grunts, whimpers]
‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪[사람들의 아파하는 신음]‬[grunts, whimpers]
‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[players yelp] -[players exclaim] -[quivering]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬-[players exclaim] -[quivering]
‪[총성이 흘러나온다]‬[gunshots]
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[players gasp]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[grunting]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[players gasp]
‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪[사람들의 아파하는 신음]‬[players grunt, gasp]
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[안내 음성] 111번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 111, pass.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[총성]‬ ‪67번 성공‬-[gunshot] -Player 67, pass.
‪[알리의 긴장한 숨소리]‬ ‪[총성]‬[gunshot]
‪(알리) 도, 도, 도, 동그라미‬The Dayira. I did it. I'm done.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪동그라미‬Look, I'm done. [whimpers]
‪[안내 음성] 199번 성공‬-[woman on PA] Player 199, pass. -[chuckles]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬-[woman on PA] Player 199, pass. -[chuckles]
‪210번 성공‬Player 210, pass.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[players gasp]
‪224번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 224, pass.
‪246번 성공‬Player 246, pass.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[players gasp]
‪73번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 73, pass.
‪[스캐너 작동음]‬[device scanning, beeping]
‪(관리자7) 29번‬[masked supervisor] Number 29.
‪[안내 음성] 72번 성공‬-[woman on PA] Player 72, pass. -[Jun-ho] Sir?
‪(준호) 네‬-[woman on PA] Player 72, pass. -[Jun-ho] Sir?
‪(관리자7) 오늘 임무가 뭐지?‬What's your duty today?
‪[안내 음성] 34번 성공‬-[woman on PA] Player 34, pass. -[Jun-ho] My duty is--
‪(준호와 관리자7)‬ ‪- 제 임무는…‬ ‪- 29번의 임무는 탈락자 운반이야‬-[woman on PA] Player 34, pass. -[Jun-ho] My duty is-- [masked supervisor] 29, your duty is carrying out eliminated players.
‪(관리자7) 왜 벌써 들어왔지?‬Why are you here now?
‪(준호) 죄송합니다‬-[Jun-ho] I'm sorry. -[woman on PA] Player 44, pass.
‪[안내 음성] 44번 성공‬-[Jun-ho] I'm sorry. -[woman on PA] Player 44, pass. [Jun-ho] I got confused.
‪(준호) 착각했습니다‬[Jun-ho] I got confused.
‪(관리자7) 게임이 끝날 때까지‬ ‪여기서 대기해‬[masked supervisor] Wait here till after the game ends.
‪뭘 착각했는지 그때 들어 보지‬I'll have a word with you about that confusion.
‪[안내 음성] 32번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 32, pass.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[classical music playing on speakers]
‪(병정4) 왼쪽‬[masked man] To the left.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[안내 음성] 122번 성공‬ ‪[총성]‬-[gunshot] -[woman on PA] Player 122, pass.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪29번 성공‬Player 29, pass.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[기훈의 긴장한 숨소리]‬-[Gi-hun breathing shakily] -[gunshot]
‪218번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 218, pass.
‪[기훈의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[총성]‬-[gunshot] -[gasps]
‪[기훈의 긴장한 숨소리]‬-[gunshot] -[gasps]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[players exclaim]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬-[ticking] -[Gi-hun breathing shakily]
‪[안내 음성] 357번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 357, pass.
‪[달고나를 쓱쓱 긁는다]‬[woman on PA] Player 357, pass.
‪[총성]‬ ‪83번 성공‬-[gunshot] -Player 83, pass.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[classical music playing]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[총성]‬[scraping] [gunshot]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[심장 박동 효과음]‬[tense music continues]
‪(기훈) 녹았어‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪(기훈) 이거야‬[Gi-hun] Right. I can melt it from the back.
‪뒤에서 녹이면 돼‬[Gi-hun] Right. I can melt it from the back.
‪경계선이 더 얇아서 먼저 녹을 거야‬The outline is thinner, so it will melt first.
‪[라이터를 탁 끈다]‬[quirky music]
‪[안내 음성] 212번 성공‬[woman on PA] Player 212, pass.
‪196번 성공‬Player 196, pass.
‪[덕수의 긴장한 숨소리]‬ ‪244번 성공‬Player 244, pass.
‪69번 성공‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Player 69, pass.
‪70번 성공‬Player 70, pass.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[총성]‬-[gunshot] -[players gasp]
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[playful music]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[players exclaim]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[player yelps]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[soft gasp]
‪[째깍거리는 소리가 울린다]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily] [clock ticks]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[벅찬 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[타이머 종료음]‬[ticks, beeps]
‪[안내 음성] 456번‬[woman on PA] Player 456, pass.
‪성공‬ ‪[울먹인다]‬[woman on PA] Player 456, pass. [sobs]
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬-[classical music playing] -[crying]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬-[classical music playing] -[crying] [woman on PA] Your time to remove your shape is now up.
‪[안내 음성] 두 번째 게임이‬ ‪종료되었습니다‬[woman on PA] Your time to remove your shape is now up.
‪성공한 참가자는‬ ‪지금 즉시 놀이터를 떠나 주세요‬All successful players, please leave the playground immediately.
‪(병정5) 손을 치우세요‬[masked man] Move your hands.
‪[상훈의 놀란 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[상훈의 성난 신음]‬ ‪[총성]‬-[gunshot] -[masked man screams]
‪[병정5의 비명]‬-[gunshot] -[masked man screams]
‪[상훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[both grunting]
‪[상훈의 기합]‬ ‪[총성]‬[gunshot]
‪[상훈의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪야, 이 개새끼들아!‬You see this, assholes, huh?
‪(상훈) 이런 씨발‬Goddamn it! What kind of sick game was that?
‪이런 좆같은 게임이 어디 있어?‬Goddamn it! What kind of sick game was that?
‪누구는 왜 좋은 거 뽑고‬Why do some people got easy shapes while we all get shitty umbrellas, huh?
‪누구는 왜 안 좋은 거 뽑아야 돼?‬Why do some people got easy shapes while we all get shitty umbrellas, huh?
‪(영상 속 상훈) 가까이 오지 마‬ ‪이 씨발 놈들아‬Hey, you assholes, step back in there.
‪이 새끼‬Stay there. I'll shoot.
‪죽여 버릴 거니까‬Stay there. I'll shoot.
‪진짜 죽여 버릴 거야‬I'll shoot! Shoot him right here!
‪[상훈이 씩씩거린다]‬Goddamn it!
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[players exclaim]
‪[총성이 들린다]‬[rapid gunfire]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[foreboding music]
‪[상훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[shaky breathing]
‪가, 가, 가면 벗어‬Take off your mask.
‪빨리 벗어, 이씨‬Don't make me shoot.
‪[상훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[player trembling]
‪[관리자7이 가면을 툭 던진다]‬
‪뒤, 뒤, 뒤, 뒤로 돌아‬[stammers] Turn around, okay.
‪[상훈의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(상훈) 너같이 어린놈이‬You're just a kid. [player gasps]
‪왜 이렇게 된 거야?‬What did they do to you?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[총성]‬-[gunshot] -[thuds]
‪[상훈이 풀썩 쓰러진다]‬-[gunshot] -[thuds]
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(대장) 명심해‬[Front Man] Remember.
‪우리가 누군지 알게 되면 죽는다‬Once they find out who you are, you die.
‪(관리자7) 29번‬[masked supervisor] Number 29, standby and await further instructions.
‪끝날 때까지 여기서 대기해‬[masked supervisor] Number 29, standby and await further instructions.
‪뭘 착각했는지 그때 들어 보지‬I'll have a word with you about that confusion.

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