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흑기사 4

Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me 4


 [웅장한 음악]

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]



어디 계세요?

Where is she?


Please wait here a moment.

여기 남자 옷들은  저래요?

Are all men's clothes like that?

한번 입어 보세요  어울리실  같은데

Why don't you try it on? You'd look good in it.

손님 오셨어

We have guests.


Are you sleeping?

[노크 소리]

여기 계세요? - 

Is she here?


She's sleeping.

춥다고 하더니

She said she was cold.


I guess she fell asleep.

[속삭이는 목소리로깨우지 마세요

Don't wake her up.



오늘은 그냥 이거 전해드리려고 왔어요

I came to give her this.

나가서    하세요

Let me get you some tea.

괜찮아요 - 마시는 동안 일어나겠죠

-That's okay. -She might wake up then.

멋지죠이런 ?

Isn't this pretty?

여자 옷은 근사해요 근데 남자 옷은  그래요?

I mean, the women's clothes are great, but why are men's clothes like that?


He's going to hear you.

그럼 이렇게 말할까요?

Should I talk like this, then?

[잔잔한 음악]

모공이 하나도 없으시네

Your pores are so tiny.

이럴   감는  정답인데

You should've closed your eyes.

 이런  좋더라고요

I like these.

이런 색깔이 진짜 예쁘네요

This color is so pretty.

어떻게 이런... 이런 디자인을 만들지?

How do they come up with something like this?

이것도 너무 예쁘고

These are all pretty too.


The colors too.


This is so...


Please don't kill me, my lady!

[신음 소리]


네가 입고 싶어 했던 옷이잖아

You wanted to wear these, right?


So wear them

 대신 죽어

and die for me.

[웅장한 음악]

Darn it.

언제 끝나세요?

Are you finished yet?

네가  시간에 웬일이냐?

What are you doing here so early?

여기저기 민원이 수없이 들어갔답니다

We are getting so many complaints.

이러다 악덕 건물주로 소문 나겠어요

We'll become infamous for being bad landlords.

건물 지어서 자선사업   아니니까

What are we, some charity?

1 카페랑

We owe that cafe on the first floor

빵집이 뜨면서 우리 건물 가치가 상승한 건데

and the bakery for the increase in our property value.

그런 가게에 월세를 서너 배로 올려달라는  어딨습니까?

How can we raise the rent three, four-fold?

그건 내쫓자는 거죠

That's practically forcing them to leave.


We'll be better off

외국계 프랜차이즈가 들어오는   낫지 

with some foreign franchise moving in instead.

시대가 바뀌고 있다는  모르세요아버지가

You don't realize that times are changing.

서울시에서 하는 프로젝트 참가자를 보니까

I looked at the list of participants for a project run by Seoul City.

우리한테 도전하듯 들어오는 법인이 있어요

There's a firm that seems to be challenging us.

 외국계 대표 법인? - 

-That foreign corporation? -Yes.

우리 건물이 있는 동네만

They're buying or building...

일부러 건물을 짓거나 사들이고 있어요

only in locations where we own properties.

월세를 5 동안 올리지도 않고

They say they won't raise rents for five years

임대도 5 이상씩 보장을 해준다는데

and they even allow five-year guaranteed contracts.

and they even allow five-year guaranteed contracts.

 거지새끼가 누군지 모르겠냐? - ?

-Don't you see who this panhandler is? -I'm sorry?

해라네 집에서 거두던  아니냐?

He's that kid Hae-ra's family took in.


Soo-ho Moon.

 박사님 아들요설마

Dr. Moon's son? No way.

눈빛만 봐도 알겠다

You can tell from his eyes.

얼굴에 화상 흉터가 없잖아요

But he doesn't have the burn mark.

그놈 맞아

It's him.

어느  인사도 없이 사라졌다고 들었는데

I heard he just disappeared one day without even saying goodbye.

어디서 이런 돈을 벌게  거지?

Where did he get all that money?

제가 보기에는 전혀 다른데요?

I think it's a completely different guy,


just with the same name.

제대로 알아보고 말해!

Quit flapping your gums and look into it!

다행히 생명에는 지장이 없지만 흉터는 크게 남을  같습니다

It's not life-threatening, but he'll end up with a big scar.

연기를 마셔서 기도에도 손상이  있고요

Then there's the damage to the trachea. He inhaled smoke.

완쾌될수 있도록   도와주십시오

Please help him recover.


Please, doctor.

갑자기 이게 무슨 일인지?

How can something like this happen so suddenly?

 녀석 이거 딱해서 어떡하나 그래?

How could this happen to this poor kid?

얼마나 입원을 해야 합니까?

How long is he going to be hospitalized?

한두  정도 걸릴  같습니다

It's going to take a month or two.


Soo-ho Moon.

그놈이 살아 있었네

So, he is alive.

빨리 들어와

Come on in.

여기가 주방이고

This is the kitchen.

이건 실내 정원

And this is the indoor garden.


What do you think?


Isn't it awesome?

이건 이태리 인피리모리 

And this couch is from Italy.

 하는 사람인데 이래?

What does he do for a living?

아버지가 누구래? - 자수성가한 사람이야

-What does his father do? -He made his own fortune.

니들처럼 능력은 없으면서

Unlike you guys, who are incapable of doing anything on your own,

부모 덕에  많은  말고

and are only rich thanks your parents.


Oh, come on.

내가  능력이 없어

What do you mean I'm incapable of doing anything?

대기업 MD 출신에

I was the managing director of a major corporation

청담동에서 제일 핫한 편집샵을 가지고 있는데?

and now I own the hottest select shop in Cheongdam-dong.

알았어시끄럽고 주방도 구경해

All right, all right. Let's take a look at the kitchen.

주방도 끝내줘 -  넓네

The kitchen's just amazing.

 여기서  하는 거야?

What are you doing here?

어디로 이사 갔는지 궁금해서

I was just curious where you moved to.

노숙자   알길래 내가  보라고 했어

She thought you became homeless, so I asked her to come and see.

여기 그냥 임시로 지내는 데야

I'm only staying here temporarily. You can't just barge in here like this.

이렇게 함부로 찾아오고 이러면  

You can't just barge in here like this.

일루 나가 - 그럴 필요 없어요

-Let's go. -It's okay.

편하게 오시면 됩니다

Feel free to come by.


Are you the owner of this house?

해라  친구분? - 

-Are you Hae-ra's friend? -Yes.


You're so handsome.

우리 해라랑 이모한테

Thank you for being so generous to Hae-ra and our aunt.

이런 호의 베풀어 주셔서 감사합니다

Thank you for being so generous to Hae-ra and our aunt.

주책 떨지 말고 빨리빨리 나와

-Cut it out and leave already. -By the way...


-Cut it out and leave already. -By the way...

  분이 같이 들어오세요?

why are you two coming back together?

해라   보러 가는데 같이 갔었어요

I accompanied Hae-ra to her work.

왜요? - 서울 지리를  모르셔

-Why? -He doesn't know his way around Seoul.

외국에서 되게 오래 지내셔 가지고 됐지?

Because he's lived abroad for a long time, okay?

그러시구나 외국 어디요?

Oh, I see. Where are you from?

! - 저희 모임에 한번 나오실래요?

-Hey! -Do you want to come to our meet-up?

 그래도 우리 해라가 망쳐놓은 커플 모임이 있는데

There's this couple's meet-up group that Hae-ra ruined.

다시 모이기로 했거든요목요일날

But we decided to meet again.

같이 갑시다 - 싫어요

-Let's go together. -No.

그럼 내가 모시고 갈까? - 이모!

-Shall I go with you? -Auntie.


I was just kidding.

다녀와얘네 친구들 중에 알아두면 좋은 애들도 많잖아

You should go. You know it'd be good to get to know some of her friends.

목요일다른 약속 잡지 말아요

Leave Thursdays open.


I'll see you then.

남의 집에  가지고으이!

What do you think you're doing?





이쁘게 보일라고 평소  입던  입었더니 불편하네

I put this on to look nice, but it's really uncomfortable.

 남의 말을 무시하는 거예요 가기 싫다는데

Why do you keep ignoring me? I said I don't want to go.

[경쾌한 음악]

같이 갑시다

Let's go together.

기죽지 않게 해줄게

I'll make sure you don't lose face.

내가 기죽어 지내는 거처럼 보여요?

Do I look crestfallen?



Wow, that hurt.

내가 세입자라고 무시하시나 본데

I know you look down on me because I'm your tenant,

월세  거예요

but I'll pay my rent.


How much is it, anyway?


Two bedrooms,

욕실  공동 주방드레스 

two bathrooms, shared kitchen, the dressing room...

관리비 포함해서  300 내요

That's three million won including the maintenance fee.

50% 할인해  겁니다

And that's with a 50% discount.

나도 남산 가이드해준  그거 100만원이에요

The tour of Namsan is 1 million won.


Come on, that's way too much.


What do you mean?

 아니었으면 그런 양장점 구경이나 했겠어요?

You would never have found a boutique like that without me.

나도 50% 할인해준 거구만

And that's with a 50% discount.

그럼 친구들 모임 같이 가주는  얼마예요?

Then how much for accompanying me to that meeting?


I said I'm not going.

방에서 둘이  하는 거야?

What are they doing in there?

둘이  됐으면 좋겠다 그치이모?

I hope they get along well.

여기는 옷방이고

And... this is the dressing room.

저기는... - 해라 씨가 가기 싫은가 봐요

-And that is... -Hae-ra doesn't want to go.

친구분들을 우리 집으로 초대하면 어때요?

Why don't we invite your friends over here?

그것도 좋죠

Oh, that'd be nice too.

 가도 돼요 이쪽으로 초대했어요

You don't have to go now. We're inviting them here.

 그날나는 야근 재밌게들 노세요

Oh, I'm working late that night. You guys have fun.

무슨 소리야네가 있어야지

What are you talking about? You have to be there.

그날은 그럼 너희 커플만 오든가

How about just you and Gon coming over then?

너무 민폐잖아

It'd be too much of a hassle otherwise.

오붓하게 그것도 좋겠네요

Oh, that'd be nice too.

곤이랑 나만 올게그럼

So, just Gon and me.


You're okay with that, right?

허락한  120만원

That's going to be 1.2 million won.

진짜 너무하네

Oh, come on.

왜요같이 사는 공간에 사람들  맘대로 초대하는 

What? You're inviting people over to a shared property.

그거 반칙 아닌가요?

Isn't that against the rules?



좋아요, 120

Fine, 1.2 million.

그럼 이제 80만원 남았네요?

So there's only 800,000 left now.

목요일날 뵙겠습니다

I'll see you on Thursday.

120, 80 뭐야?

What's that 1.2 million about?

가만있어 - 120, 80 뭐야?

-Don't worry about it. -What was that about?

, 120, 80, !

Huh? 1.2 million? 800,000?

[신비로운 느낌의 음악]


약소하지만 옷값입니다

It's not much, but this is the payment for the clothes.

턱없이 부족하다는  알지만

I know it's nowhere near enough,

주신 옷을 뻔뻔하게 거절  하고 받아둔 이유는요

but the reason I accepted them shamelessly...

옷이 주는 이상한  때문이었어요

was because of the strange power the clothes were giving off.

 끌어당기면서 처음부터  옷이었다고 말하는 느낌

It was like they were calling to me, saying that they were mine.

초라한 나를 위로하고 자신감을 줘요

They comforted my and made me confident.

속할  없던 세계에서 내가 빛나고

They allowed me to shine in a place where I could not be.

견디는 일상보다는 내일이 기대되는 

Instead of days to endure, it gave me a future to look forward to.

 옷에 어울리는 사람이 되고 싶어집니다

It made me feel like I want to become someone who deserves these clothes.


I really...

 옷에 어울리는 사람이 되고 싶어요

want to become someone who deserves these clothes.

불쌍한 기집애

Poor girl.

동봉한 사진은 코트를 맞춘  찍은 사진입니다

I took this picture on the day I got that coat.

하나도 변하지 않으셨네요

You haven't changed a bit since then.

비결이 뭔가요?

What's your secret?

말해주면 믿을 수나 있겠니?

You wouldn't believe it even if I told you.

퇴근한다내일 봐용

I'm leaving. See you tomorrow.

언제 다녀간 거야?

When did she come?





When you were sleeping.

멋진 남자랑

With this hot guy.

남자? - 

-A guy? -Yeah.

완전 잘생겼던데?

He was really handsome.

분위기도 있고

Classy too.

몸도 좋고? - 

-Was he fit too? -Yeah.

나한테 소개해주러   같지?

She came to introduce him to me, right?



이게 나라고?

Is that me?

이게 어떻게 너야?

Of course not.


Just look at them.

 사진 진짜  붙이겠더라

I just couldn't post your picture next to those two.

그래갖고 형이  포샵으로   줬어어때?

So I edited it a bit. How's it look?

그니까 앞으로 운동 착실히 하자?

So work out hard from now on, okay?


I love you.





새로운 트레이너 토미입니다 열심히 하겠습니다

I'm the new trainer, Tommy. I'll do my best.

굿모닝! - 굿모닝

-Good morning, sir. -Good morning.

마이 네임 이즈 토미 - 나이스  미츄토미

-My name is Tommy. -Nice to meet you, Tommy.

해브  나이스 데이 - 해브  나이스 데이

-Have a nice day. -Have a nice day too.





회원님무게 하나  늘리셔도   같은데요?

I think you can increase the weight a bit.


Good luck!


No, it's true.

집주인이 너무 근사해

The landlord's so hot.

  봐도 사기꾼인데 해라 애가  그래?

He's obviously a swindler. How can Hae-ra fall for that?

사기꾼 아닌  같던데?

He didn't look like a swindler.

겁도 없이 낯선 남자랑  집에서

How can she live with a stranger like that?

 남잔 다르다니까 목요일날 검증해 

I'm telling you, this guy is different. You should see for yourself on Thursday.

 남자 학교 어디 나왔대?

Which school did he go to?

외국 어디 살다 왔는지 알아?

Where is he from?

되게 신경 쓰네

You seem really worried.

해라가  당할까  그래?

Are you that worried about Hae-ra?

아니면 사랑에 빠질까  걱정되는 거야?

Or are you worried about her falling in love with him?

 아침부터  그래?

Cut it out already, it's still early in the morning.

안녕하세요 새로  트레이너 토미라고...

Hello. I'm the new trainer, Tommy.

 이름이 마음에  드셨나 본데요?

I guess he didn't like my name.

운동 열심히 하세요회원님

Good luck with your workout!

저런 싸가지 없는 것들


  있다고 인간에 대한 예의가 없어

How can they be so rude to someone just because they're rich?

우리 해라 같은 애가

There's just no one

정말 없다니까

like Hae-ra.

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]



가입 상담은 따로 담당하는 분이 있습니다

If you're looking to register, there's another person who takes care of that.

 출근하니까 좀만 기다려 주세요

He'll be here soon, so please wait here a moment.

저는 트레이너 토미입니다

I'm Tommy.

제가 예술적인 잔근육 전문가거든요

I'm an expert on smaller muscles.

트레이너로  지정해 주시면 3 내로 일단

If you choose me to be your trainer,

 바이셉 이두근 그리고 제일 중요한 코어!

I can help you build up your biceps and abs in just three weeks--

똑같은 얼굴로 태어나는 

I think people being born again with the same face

영화에서나 있는 일이라고 생각해요

only happens in movies.


I'm sorry?

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

 기억  나시죠?

Don't you remember me?

무슨 말씀이신지

I'm not sure if I'm following you.

중앙지검 특수부 최지훈 검삽니다

I'm prosecutor Ji-hoon Choi of Central District Prosecutor's Office.

- (여자어머 - (지훈미안

-Wow. -Oh, I'm sorry.

수사 내용은 바깥에서 함구야

I can't tell you the details of the investigation.

[호탕한 지훈의 웃음 소리]

전혀 기억이 나질 않습니다

I don't remember seeing you before.

뭐야무섭게 - !

-What a scary woman. -Oh.

샤론 양장점 아시죠? - ?

-You know Sharon's Boutique, right? -Pardon?

명동이나 남산 근처에   있으면 들러요

If you're ever in Myeong-dong or Namsan, drop by.


We can share a cup of tea.

샤론 양장점?

Sharon's Boutique?

알람 울릴  바로 일어날걸

I should've woken up when the alarm rang.

[메시지 도착 알림]

What the?


What the?

잠깐 봅시다

Come see me for a second.


Why now?

굿모닝 - 용건이 뭐예요?

-Good morning. -What is it?

머리가  정수리 부분만 젖어 있어요?

Why is only the top of your head wet?

 바빠요용건이 뭐예요?

I'm busy, so make it quick.

오늘 한옥 호텔 부지 보러 갔다가

I'm going to visit the building site for a Korean house hotel today,

임대 지원자 면접 때문에 많이 늦을  같아요

but I'm coming back because I have an interview with a prospective lessee.

그래서요? - 그래서...

-So? -So...


I thought you might be curious.

얘기했는데 - ?

-I told you. -What?

 많고 멋있는 남자가 잘해준다고 해서

I'm not naive enough to be excited by a rich and handsome guy being nice to me.

들뜰 만큼  순진하지 않다고요

I'm not naive enough to be excited by a rich and handsome guy being nice to me.

멋지다는 말은 없었는데

You didn't say handsome before.

내가 멋진가 봐요?

So, you think I'm handsome.

[경쾌한 음악]


Have a nice day.

애써 감출 필요 없어요

You don't have to hide it.

내가  감추는데요도대체?

What do you mean? Hide what?

내가 싫지 않은 

That you don't dislike me.

 자신감은 돈에서 나오는 겁니까?

Does that overconfidence come from your wealth?


You're annoying.

진심에서 나오는 겁니다

It comes from being honest.


See you.




오빠한테 '' 뭐니?

I'm older than you.



오빠한테 '' 뭐니?

I'm older than you.

여기 땅주인이 여자분이라고 했죠?

You told me the landowner is a woman, right?

아주 독특하고 재밌는 분입니다

Yes, she's a very unusual and interesting person.

느낌이 좋으면 원하는 가격에 주고

She said she'll accept your price if she feels good about you,

아니면 계약  하시겠다고

but won't sell the land otherwise.


I'm getting nervous.



[잔잔한 음악]

제가  늦었나요?

Am I late?

아닙니다제가 일찍  겁니다

Not at all, I came early.

반갑습니다 땅주인 장백희예요

Nice to meet you. I'm the landowner, Baek-hee Jang.

처음 뵙겠습니다 문수호라고 합니다

Nice to meet you. I'm Soo-ho Moon.

 실장이 일을 꼼꼼하게 처리해서 굳이 만날 필요는 없었는데

Mr. Ha does a thorough job, so I didn't really need to see you.



계약 전에 한번 뵙고 싶었어요

I wanted to meet you in person before signing the contract.

혹시 예전에   있지 않나요?

Haven't we met before?


I'm not sure.

그때도 초록색 옷이었는데

You were wearing a green coat that day too.

키가 훌쩍 크셨네

You grew up so much.


Don't cry.

 반드시 잘될 거야

You'll become successful for sure.

나는 앞날 일을 조금   있거든

I can see the future a bit.

 앞을 가로막는  아무것도 없어

Nothing is going to get in your way.

원하는 모든  이루게  거야

Everything you wish for will come true.

Come on.

지금  순간부터

From this moment on,

 세상 모든 행운이 너한테로 간다

all the luck in the world will be yours.

근사하게 성공해서

Become someone great

우리  다시 만나자

and we'll meet again.


That was you, right?


That was me,

녹즙 아줌마

the vegetable juice lady.

한번 안아드려도 될까요?

Can I give you a hug?

너무 뵙고 싶었어요

I wanted to see you again so much.

다시 만날 거라고 했잖아

I told you we'd meet again.

 살면서 힘들 때마다

Whenever I faced hardships in life,

그때 해주신 얘기 생각했어요

I thought of what you said to me.

멋진 청년이 됐구나

You've become a wonderful person.

우리 오늘은 술이나 마시자

Let's go have a drink.

100 넘은 건물 같아요

This place looks like it's more than 100 years old.

맞아 107 전에 싸게 샀어

You're right. I bought this place cheap 107 years ago.

 땅은 253 전에 거저 얻고

As for that land, I got it for free 253 years ago.

 편하게 해도 되죠?

May I skip the formalities?


Of course.

내가 죄를 지어서 늙지 않고 200 넘게 사는 중인데

I've been living for over 200 years without growing old because of my sin.

 위해서 간절히 기도한 덕에

But I started aging recently...

얼마 전부터 나이를 먹기 시작했어

because I prayed so hard for you.


I'm serious,

자꾸 웃기만 하네

but you just keep smiling.

무슨 죄를 지으셨는데요?

What was your sin?

나중에 얘기해 줄게

I'll tell you that later.

정말 미래를 보세요?

Can you really see the future?

그런  어딨니?

No, way.

그땐  위로하느라 이말 저말  갖다 붙인 거지

I just made that up to make you feel better.

저는 이상한 일들의 연속이었어요

Strange things kept happening to me.

행운이 계속돼서 겁이 난다고 해야 하나?

I got a little scared because I was so lucky.

모든 일들이 잘됐어요

Everything happened in my favor.

노력도  했는데? - 미친듯이 노력했죠

-With no effort on your part? -I've always done my best.

노력한 대로내가 바라던 대로

It was almost scary because

이럴  없을 정도로 모든 일이  풀렸어요무서울 정도로

when I tried hard, everything went well in the ways I wanted.

내가 너무 기도를 세게 했나?

Maybe I prayed too hard.

우연이었겠지마음에 두지 

It must've been a coincidence. Don't worry about it.

행운의 대가로

I think...

어쩜  일찍 죽을지도 모른다는 생각이 들어요

I might die early in exchange for all that luck.

그럼  되지

That's not fair.

이번 생에선 사랑하는 사람이랑 행복하게 살아야 

You should live happily ever after with someone you love in this life.

좋아하는 여잔 있니?

Is there someone you love?

[노크 소리]

백희! - 누가 왔나 본데요?

-Baek-hee! -Someone's here.

[노크 소리]

[노크 소리]



[노크 소리]

안에 없어요?

Are you in there?

[노크 소리]

[노크 소리]

안에 있는  같은데  열어!

I know you're in there, open up!

[노크 소리]



[노크 소리]

[신비로운 느낌의 효과음]

[신비로운 느낌의 음악]

방금 뭐였어요?

What was that?


There's this...

툭하면 들르는 귀찮은 아줌마가 하나 있어

annoying woman who keeps coming by.

근처에 중앙선이 지나갈 

And when the train passes nearby,

그릇도 흔들리고 외풍도 세고

plates tend to rattle around a bit.


다시 만나서 반가워

I'm glad to see you again.

특별한  맞죠?

You are someone special, right?

자주 보자

We should meet more often.

  친정 식구 같아

It feels like you're a member of my family.

저도 하고 싶은 얘기가 아주 많습니다

I have a lot of things I want to say too.

[ 부딪히는 소리]

아름다운 한옥 호텔을 짓고 싶습니다

"I'm building a beautiful Korean house hotel."

연락 받았을 

When I heard from you,

소름이 돋았어

I got goosebumps.

 땅에 얽힌

Do you want to hear a story

옛날얘기 하나 해줄까?

related to that land?

[음산한 느낌의 음악]

[ 찢어지는 소리]

 남자를 사랑했던

There were two women

 여자가 있었어

who loved the same man.

  아름답고 강렬했지

They were both beautiful and fierce.


Have a nice trip.


Have a nice trip!

 남자는  여자만 사랑했어

But the man only loved one of them.

처음부터 끝까지

From the beginning to the end.

 사랑을 드러낼  없었지만

But he couldn't express his love.

 여자는 명문대감댁 외동딸과

One woman was the daughter of an influential nobleman

 집에 사는 여종이었지

and the other was her servant.

안녕하세요 - 점복이 왔구나

-Hello. -Oh, it's you.



주인댁 아씨는

The daughter of the nobleman

판사댁 자제와 혼인을 앞두고

was to be wed to the son of a high-ranking official.

신랑이  사람의 얼굴이 궁금했어

And she was curious what her future husband looked like.

정말 이렇게 생겼어?

Does he really look like this?

아니요 제가 조금  그렸어요아씨

No, my drawing's not very good.

그보다 훨씬  잘생기셨는데

He's much more handsome than that.

분이야이것  봐라

Boon-yi, take a look at this.

 지금 가슴이  콩닥콩닥해

My heart's beating so fast.

 신랑  분이야

This is the man I'm going to marry.

못생긴 남자면 혼례 전에 도망가려고

I was going to run away before the wedding if he was ugly.

 집에 심부름 갔던 점복이한테 그려오게 했다

So I got Jeom Bok to draw his face while he was running errands over there.

용모가 수려하시네요

He has very fine features.

이거보다 잘생겼다고

Jeom Bok says

점복이가 그러네

he's actually better looking than this.

우리 점복이도 도화서에   있음  좋을 텐데

It would be nice if Jeom Bok could work at Dohwaseo.

도화서가 뭐야?

What is a Dohwaseo?

궁궐에 있는 그림 그리는 데래요

It's where the palace artists work.

궁궐 행사도 그리고...

They make drawings for palace festivals--


My lady?

종년이 서책이나 끼고 잘난 척은!

How dare you show off like that, you're just a servant!

점복아그거 측간에 쓰거라

Jeom Bok, use that for toilet paper.

 신랑 얘기하고 있는데 도화선지 뭔지가  나오니?

I was talking about my husband. Who cares about this Dohwaseo or whatever?


Get lost.

귀여움만 받고 자란 아씨는

Maybe the spoiled young lady

은근 질투하고 있었는지도 모르겠어

was jealous of her servant

종년으로 태어나지 않았으면

who could read and write.

자기보다 빛났을지도 모를

Maybe she would've been better off than her

글을 쓰고 읽을  아는 여종을 말이야

if she hadn't been born a servant.

[화롯불 타는 소리]

[잔잔한 음악]


혼례복 준비로   며칠 밤을 새우던 여종은

The servant girl worked day and night to prepare the lady's wedding garment.

그날 달빛의 주인이지

Maybe she was mesmerized by the moonlight that night.


Young master,

대감마님이 아시면 진짜 큰일이 납니다요

we're going to be in serious trouble if your father finds out.

평생 짝이  사람을 어떻게 혼롓날 처음 본단 말이냐

How can I marry someone I haven't even seen before?

저쯤 어딘가 보다

I think it's that house over there.

도련님같이 가요

Wait for me!


Hold on.


Let me give you a lift.


One, two, three!

[잔잔한 음악]


Young master.


Darn it.


Ouch, that hurt!


Are you okay?


What the...

색시   얼굴을 보신 거예요?

Did you see your wife-to-be?

 평생  여인을 위해

I will dedicate my life and everything I have

모든  바치겠다

to that woman.

엄머 이래?

What's gotten into you?

알겠어요도련님 일단 가요

Okay, okay. Let's go.

이러다 대감마님한테 쇤네가 죽습니다빨리 가요

If we get caught, your father will have my head. Let's go!


Come on!


How dare you!

이년이 감히!

How could you?

(동구 어멈아씨아씨

My lady!

잘못했습니다아씨 죽을 죄를 지었습니다

I'm sorry, my lady. I'm truly sorry!

[옷이 뜯어지는 소리]

동구 어멈매타작  준비해

Dong-geom, bring the whip.

아씨! - 동구 어멈!

-My lady-- -Dong-geom!

다시 만들겠습니다

I'll make it again!


Please, don't kill me!

네년이  혼례복을 부정 타게 ?

How dare you defile my wedding garment?


The bride shall enter.

[떠들썩한 사람들 소리]

신랑 정면

The groom shall face the bride.


The groom and the bride

shall sit.

[불길한 느낌의 음악]

시댁으로 아씨는 몸종을 데려갔어

The lady took her servant with her

그만큼 영특하고 성실한 여종도 없을 뿐더러

for there was no other servant as smart and sincere as she.

신랑의 마음을 상상할  없기 때문이지

And she had no way of knowing her husband's feelings for her.

신랑 집이 있던 곳이 호텔 부지인가요?

Is the hotel ground where the groom's house was?

신랑댁은 당연히 한양 사대문 안이고

The groom's house was within the city limits, of course.

 땅엔  남자의 유배지가 있었지

The ground is where he was exiled to.







나머지 스토리는

I'll tell you the rest next time.

다음 시간에

I'll tell you the rest next time.

궁금하게 해놓고

Come on, you got me all curious.

이젠  얘기  듣자

Let's hear your story now.

얼굴에 화상 흉터는 어떻게 없어진 거야?

How did you get rid of the burn mark on your face?

좋아하는 여자는 있니?

Is there someone you love?

 모였어? - 

Are you ready?


오늘 이사회 회의에서 나온 건인데

This is something that came out of the directors' meeting.

다음  말까지 1 5 이상 티켓 발권자 중에

From among those with total ticket sales of over 150 million won,

고객 평가 좋은 사람들을 뽑아서

they will select those with best customer ratings.

  동안 유럽으로 연수를 보내주기로 했다

And those people will be sent to Europe for overseas training.




Europe, Europe!


Okay, okay.

그럼 중요한  뭐야? - 실적요

-So, what's going to be important? -Performance.


That's right, performance.

예약 취소  나게 조심하고

Be careful not to get cancellations.

그리고 최종 결정은 본부장이 한다

And the Chief Director will make the final call.

싫어도 어떡하냐

I know you hate him,

표정 관리  하고

but keep a straight face.

열심이다 - 오셨어요?

-Work hard. -Oh, hello.

열심히 해서  팀이 1 따내

Work hard and make sure you win.

 1 하도록 하겠습니다

Yes, sir. We will be sure to win.

정해라 - ?

-Hae-ra Jung. -Yes?

 요즘 옷에 신경 쓴다

You're dressing nicely these days.

남자한테  보일라 그러냐?

Trying to look nice for your boyfriend?

그럴 리가요 - 검사 남친 있다며?

-No way. -I heard your boyfriend's a prosecutor.

제가 찼습니다 검사 별거 없더라고요

I dumped him. There's nothing impressive about a prosecutor.

제가 어때서요?

I think travel consulting is a prestigious job.

 여행 컨설턴트도 전문직이라고 생각하는데요?

I think travel consulting is a prestigious job.

고객님의 소중한 경험과 추억을 설계해 주는 거니까요

We design our clients' valuable experiences and memories.

맞습니다아무나  하죠

She's right. This isn't an easy job.

본부장님 정말 대단하신 거죠

Chief Director, you're amazing.

 루트 개척하시고  상품 만드시고

You come up with new routes and products,

 어려운 입찰 경쟁  이겨 오시고

win those tough bidding competitions

 우리 회사 베스트 드레서시잖아요

and you dress the best in our company.

 어려운 넥타이 아무나 소화  하죠

That tie isn't for everyone.



일단  다들 열심히 하고

Anyway, you guys all work hard.

이따 회식  봅시다

I'll see you at dinner.

이따 뵙겠습니다

-Okay? -Yes, see you later.

부끄러워 - [모두 웃음]

회식  한우라서 깜짝 놀랐지?

Are you surprised by the Korean barbecue dinner?

'본부장님 회식은 역시 다르구나감탄하고 있었습니다

I was admiring how great it is to have a team dinner with you.

아니마에스   차장이

I mean, Mr. Park gave me a nice bottle of wine from his business trip.

출장에서 좋은 와인을   갖다 주더라고

I mean, Mr. Park gave me a nice bottle of wine from his business trip.

고급 와인은 역시 한우 채끝 등심이지

There's no better accompaniment for quality wine than Korean sirloin.

근데 그거 너무 비싸 보이는데

But that looks so expensive.

저희는 그냥 소주 마실게요

-We'll just have soju instead. -Sure.

그래도  잔씩 맛은 봐야지

But you should at least taste it.

건배! - 건배!

-Cheers! -Cheers!

건배! - !

-Cheers! -Here.

아니 아까 소주잔 와인은 조금 유치하지 않아요?

He made us drink wine out of soju glasses. That was so juvenile.

말이  되지

He's unbelievable.

그게 뭐냐그게 너무 창피해

I mean, what was that? That's so embarrassing.

법카여도 밥값 30만원 이상이면

Is it okay to spend more than 300,000 won for dinner with a corporate card?

그거 감사팀에서 뭐라고 하지 않아요?

Is it okay to spend more than 300,000 won for dinner with a corporate card?

법카 아니고 개인 카드로 사더라

He paid with his credit card, not the corporate one.

진짜요? - 

-Really? -Yeah.

 진짜 와인 때문에 한우가 엔간히 먹고 싶었나 

I guess he really wanted to have Korean beef because of that wine.

그래서 그런가 

I guess so.

그럴 일이었네 - 그러니까  비싼 거를

-Seriously. -It was so expensive too.

[여기저기 메시지 도착 알림뭔데 난리 났니뭐니?

Wait, what's this all about?

오늘 식사비 엔분의 1 하면 7 5백원

Tonight's dinner was 70,500 won per person.

그냥 7만원씩만  계좌로 입금하면 

Just send 70,000 won each to my bank account

서울 은행

at Seoul Bank.

미쳤나  - 

-Is he crazy? -Wow.

 똑같은 문자예요? - 미치겠네

-Did you all get the same message? -Oh my god.

지금은  혼자 좋아하고 있어요

It's a one-sided love for now.

예전에도 사랑했고

I loved her when I was young too.

그래서 미워했고

And I hated her for it.

[속으로신의 손길이  사람을 버리지 않으시겠구나

God has not forsaken them.

이번 생은 행복해야 

You two should be happy in this life,

그래야 우리의 벌도 끝날 거야

so our punishment can end too.

나를 내쫓고는 지금 5시간째 저래

She's been doing that for five hours after kicking me out.

어젠 기절하더니

She fainted yesterday,

오늘은 버티네

but she's holding out today.

우리 증조할머니도

My great-grandmother

저러다가 돌아가셨는데 -  말이

-passed away like that. -That's what I'm saying.

 하던  하면 큰일 난다던데

It's not a good sign when a person starts acting strange like that.

[유리창 두드리는 소리]


Stop it.



어제 어디 갔었어요전화도  받고

Where were you during the day? Why didn't you answer the phone?

무슨  있어?

What's the matter?

요새 자꾸 악몽을 꿔요

I keep having nightmares these days.

너무 힘들어

It's so tiring.

어떤 꿈인데?

What kind of nightmare?

옛날 일이

I keep dreaming...

매일  꿈에 나와

of my past.

네가 걔를 인두로 지지고

You mean you burning her with a hot iron

 사람 죽이는 ?

and then killing them both?

 그렇게 말을 해야 ?

Did you have to put it that way?

보속을 하란 의미겠지

It's telling you to repent.

하고 있잖아

I am doing that.

하녀처럼침모처럼  만들고 있잖아

I make clothes like a servant girl.

 조선시대 사람이니?

What kind of expression is that?

어디서 그런 구닥다리 대사를

You sound so old-fashioned.

심장도  들쑥날쑥하고

My heart  was racing too.

낮엔 참을 수가 없어서 달려갔었어

I went to see you during the day because I couldn't take it anymore.


Pack your things.

우리 내일 북경 가자 - 거긴 ?

-Let's go to Beijing tomorrow. -What for?

청나라 가서 만두 먹고 놀다 오자고

Let's go to Qing, have some dumplings, have some fun

우리 옛날을 추억하면서

and commemorate our past.

악몽이 사라질 때까지

Let's have some dumplings and have fun...

만두 먹고 놀다 오자

until the dreams stop.


[전화 벨소리]



안녕하세요주말에 정해라 씨랑 같이 갔던 사람인데요

Hello, I was there last weekend with Hae-ra Jung.


Oh, yes. Hello.

스타일북에 있던 옷들 주문할  있을까요?

Can I order some clothes from the catalog? I'd like to give them as a present for someone.

선물을 하고 싶어서요

I'd like to give them as a present for someone.

그럼요 - 지금 가도 될까요?

-Yes, of course. -Can I visit now?

내일 오시는  좋겠는데요

I think you should come by tomorrow.

그럼 내일 오후 2시에 가겠습니다

I'll be there at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow then.

[불길한 느낌의 음악]

[리모컨으로   여는 소리]


So, this is it.

건물에 신경  쓰셨네?

I see you put some effort into your building.

백희는 언제 ?

When is Baek-hee coming?

손님 오기로 했는데

We have a guest coming.

정해라 씨랑 같이  사람

The guy that came with Hae-ra Jung.

 좋은 남자? - 

-That nice body guy? -Yeah.

1시간  후에

In about an hour.

나중에 오라 그래

Tell him to come later.

무슨 여행을 이렇게 갑자기 떠나냐?

Why are you leaving so suddenly?

반창고랑 소화제  챙겨 

Get me some bandages and digestants.

몰라짜증 !

Oh, whatever!

변비약은? - 그것도

-Laxatives, too? -That too.

[ 여는 벨소리]

[크게  닫히는 소리]



일이 생겨서 약속 시간보다 일찍 왔습니다

Something came up, so I came early.

[잔잔한 음악]

처음 뵙겠습니다 디자이너 선생님 맞으시죠?

Nice to meet you. You're the designer, right?


That voice...

다시 태어나도 목소리는 같아

Even though he's born again, that voice is still the same.

제가 일찍 와서... 바쁘시면 기다리겠습니다

If you're in the middle of something, I can wait.


I was the one...


who was waiting.


Yes, thank you.


Have a seat.

아니요  때문에 오래는  있고요

That's okay. I have to leave soon.


I think this was the catalog.

선물할   부탁드리겠습니다

I'd like to order some clothes as a gift.


This one

그리고 ...



these two.


And this one.

저희 집은 기성복이 아니라... - 알고 있습니다

-We don't have ready-made clothes. -I know.

최고급 비스포크 매장이라는 

This is a high-end boutique.

 옷을 입을 분의 사이즈가 필요한데요

I need the measurements of the person who will be wearing these.

정해라  사이즈 알고 계시죠?

You know Hae-ra's measurements, right?

해라  옷을 만들어 주세요 제일 좋은 옷감으로

Make them for Hae-ra with the best fabric.

옷값은 오늘  지불하고 가겠습니다

I'll pay for them now.



완성되면 그때

You can pay when they're done.

저희 집은 그렇게 합니다

That's how we do things here.


Please do your best.

연락하실 일이 있으면은

If you need to contact me,

이쪽으로 주시고요

this is my number.

다음에 오시면

When you come here next time,

제가 셔츠   해드릴게요

I'll make you a shirt.


No, that's okay.

셔츠를 받으셔야  옷도 해드릴 겁니다

I won't make these clothes if you don't accept the shirt.

그럼 무조건 받겠습니다  만들어 주세요

Then I accept. I'll look forward to it.


I'll give you a call.

바쁘신데 가보겠습니다

Okay, I'll be leaving now. You must be busy.



나를 기억  하지

You don't remember me.


My love.


해라 씨한텐 비밀로  주세요

Please keep this a secret from Hae-ra.

[숙희가 걸어오며 웃는 소리]

다섯  저녁을 먹는데 무슨 호텔 팀을 불렀어요?

You're here. There's only going to be five people.

해라  친구들인데 최고로 대접해야죠

I'll spare no expense for Hae-ra's friends.

그럼 내가 대문 앞에  있다가 맞을까?

Should I wait for them by the door?

[숙희가 멀어지며 웃는 소리]

아직  왔지? - 

-They're not here yet, right? -No.


What is that?



초는 생각을  했네 - 그쵸?

-I forgot about the candles. -Right?

이런 아이디어랑  사온 값해서 20만원

This idea and the candles are 200,000 won.

그럼 이제 월세 60만원 남은 거예요

Now there's only 600,000 won left.

촛대 빌려준  30만원

Those candlesticks are 300,000 won.



  꽂아요그럼 - 알았어요알았어

-Let's forget the candles then. -Okay, okay.

 사온  15만원

I'll give you 150,000 won for the candles.


What did you say?



Here we are.

손님 오셨습니다

The guests are here.

 잔뜩 싸왔네 - 안녕하세요

-They brought a lot of things. -Hello.

안녕 - 반갑습니다

-Hi. -Nice to meet you.

처음 뵙겠습니다

Nice to meet you.

문수호라고 합니다

I'm Soo-ho Moon.


Oh, I'm Gon Park.

저는 약혼녀 김영미고요

I'm his fiancée, Young-mi Kim.

저희는 부모님들끼리 알아서 어렸을 때부터 친구예요

We are childhood friends. Our parents know each other.

해라는 어떻게 알게 되신 겁니까?

How did you first meet Hae-ra?

한옥 매입하시면서 처음 만나게 되신 겁니까?

Was it while you were purchasing that Korean house?

아니요슬로베니아에서 흑기사로 처음 만났습니다

No, I first met her in Slovenia as her black knight.

[크게 웃는 소리]

사업하다 보면 별일  있다고 들었는데

I heard how all kinds of things happen when you run a business,

 슬로베니아 아저씨 정말 웃긴다

but that Slovenian guy is just so funny.

아니그리고 의대를 졸업하고 사업가가  것도

It's also interesting how you first graduated from medical school

정말 재밌어요

and then ended up running a business.

그냥 간단한 아이디어를  건데

It was a simple idea at first.

 정도까지 성공할 줄은 몰랐죠

I didn't know it'd become this successful.

의료기 업체 대표가

The CEO of that medical device company still sends me Christmas gifts.

아직도 크리스마스에 저한테 선물 보내줘요

The CEO of that medical device company still sends me Christmas gifts.

감사의 표시를 해야 행운이 계속된다나

He says he has to give thanks so the good fortune continues.

그래서 제가 감사의 표시를

So I told him to...

계속 많이 하라고 했습니다

keep thanking me.

아니 그럼 고등학교  미국으로 유학을 가신 거네요?

Did you go to the US when you were in high school, then?

자매결연 맺은 학교에서 갑자기 장학생을 선발했거든요

To the sister-school of my high school in Korea.

그것도 운이 좋았죠

I got lucky again.

그러면 어릴  가서 이렇게 성공하신 거면

If you went abroad at a young age and became this successful,

외국에서  인터뷰 한두 번쯤은 하셨겠어요?

you must've done a couple of interviews.

이래 봬도 제가 유명인입니다

I'm actually famous.

고등학교 때부터 신문에 났거든요

I was in the newspaper back in high school too.

그때는 뭘로요?

For what?


When I was young,

왼쪽 볼에 화상 흉터가 크게 있었거든요

I had a big burn mark on my left cheek.

[불안한 느낌의 음악]

같은 학교 친구 아버지가 의대 교수셨는데

My friend's father was a professor at a medical school.

수술 받게 도와주셨어요

He helped me to get surgery.

 번의 수술 끝에 흉터를  없앴죠

It took three surgeries to completely remove the scars.

'수학 경시대회 1 고아 소년이 만난 사랑의 기적'

"A miracle of love for the orphan who won the math contest."

신문마다 이렇게 기사가 났었어요

That was the headline on the newspapers.

 인연으로 저도 의대에  거고요

That's how I ended up studying medicine too.

미국은 학부  의대가 없지 않습니까?

I thought there was no undergraduate program for medicine in the US.

학부 때는 화학을 했습니다

I studied Chemistry as an undergraduate.

저희 아버지도 화학 박사셨거든요

My father had a PhD in Chemistry.

어느  의문의 화제 사건으로 돌아가셨지만

But he died in a mysterious fire accident one day.

 얼굴에 흉터도 그때 생긴 거고요

I got the burn mark that day.

한국에는  오신 겁니까?

Why did you come back to Korea?

거기서도 충분히 사업할  있었는데

You would have been successful over there too.

정해라를 만나러요

I came back to see Hae-ra.

아버지가 돌아가시고

After my father passed away,

얼굴에 흉진 고아를

Hae-ra's father took in an orphan with a scar on his face.

해라네 아버지가 잠시 거두어주셨거든요

Hae-ra's father took in an orphan with a scar on his face.

은혜 갚으러 왔죠 

I came to repay the debt.

 알고 있었어?

Hae-ra, did you know this?



물론 해라네 아버지는

Of course, Hae-ra's father

저를 유익한 도구로 사용하셨습니다

used me for his own advantage.

인자한 사업가로도 보이고 싶었고

He wanted to make himself look like a charitable businessman.

당신 딸한텐

As for his daughter,

행복 자각의 기구로 인식시켰고요

he used me to make her realize how fortunate she was.





오늘  손님으로 오셨습니다

You're here as my guest today.

앉아 계세요

Stay in your seat.


Excuse me.


Let's go inside.

 나한테 얘기  했어?

Why didn't you tell me?

알아봐 주길 바랐어

I hoped you'd recognize me.

그날 우리 아빠가  얘기 들은 거야?

Did you hear what my dad said that day?

그래서 말도 없이 사라진 거야?

Is that why you left without saying anything?

맞아 저주했어

Yes, I cursed you.

[잔잔한 음악]

아빠가 이번에 출장간 호텔 옆에 크리스마스 마켓이 있었대

My dad said there was a Christmas market next to the hotel he recently opened.

그게 뭔데?

What's that?

크리스마스 장식 파는 시장인데

It's where they sell Christmas decorations.

너무 근사했대

He says it was really nice.


Oh, and...

이런 데도 구경했대

He saw this place too.

오빠우리도 나중에 여기  가자?

Soo-ho, let's go to this place later.

전쟁 나서 헤어지면

If we get separated by a war,

우리크리스마스 다가올  여기서 만나

let's meet here at Christmas.

전쟁이  나냐?

Why would there be a war?

빨리 앉아공부하게

Come and sit down. Let's study.

[영어 텍스트 읽는 수호]

"So, she slipped away and found a pretty coin in the cobbles in the royal stables."


Oh, my knight.

그림잔 얼굴의 흉터도  보여요

You shadow doesn't even have a scar.

나의 기사님

My dear knight,

당신과 결혼하겠어요

I want to marry you.

 보고 똑바로 읽어

Read the script properly.

 지금 영어 공부하는 거야 장난 치는  아니라

You're supposed to be studying English. Stop fooling around.


[쪽쪽 뽀뽀하는 소리]

내가  녀석을 거둔 이유는 소꿉장난용이 아니다해라야

I didn't take him in so you could play with him.

 꺼놓고 장난이나 치라고 그놈을 거둔지 아니?

Do you think I took him in so you two could play in the dark?

부모 없고 얼굴마저 엉망인 애를 보면서

I want you to look at that orphan with a messed up face

네가 얼마나 행복한지를 깨달으란 말이야

and realize how happy you are!

공부하기 싫어 꾀가  

When you don't want to study,

엄마아빠 잔소리가 듣기 싫을 

when you're sick of our nagging,

버림받은  녀석을 보면서 정신 차리란 말이야알아들어?

look at that orphan and realize how much better off you are!

[애잔한 느낌의 음악]

그때 한마디도  하고  있는  보면서

When I saw you standing there without saying anything

너도 나처럼 됐으면 좋겠다

I wished you'd end up like me.

'쟤도 나처럼 만들어 주세요'

"Please make her suffer as I did."

'저처럼 모든  잃게  주세요'

"Make her lose everything as I have."


I wished that.


You are that boy.

수학 천재

That mathematical genius.

 아래 2 집에 살지?

You live in that two-story house down there, right?

사는  아니에요

I don't live there.

주말이나 방학  오잖아

But you stay there during weekends and school vacations.

녹즙 들어가는 걸로  알지

I know because I deliver vegetable juice there.


Don't cry.

 반드시 잘될 거야

You'll become successful for sure.

 앞날을 조금   있거든

I can see the future a bit.

 앞을 가로막는  아무것도 없어

Nothing is going to get in your way.

원하는 모든  이루게  거야

Everything you wish for will come true.

그래서 좋아?

Are you happy now?

지금 이렇게 가난하고 보잘것없어진  보니까 통쾌해?

Does it feel good to see how I became so poor and pathetic?

마음 아팠어 - 닥쳐 나쁜 새끼야

-No, it hurts me. -Shut up, you asshole!


I was worried about you.

보고 싶었고

And I missed you.

 매년 거기서  기다렸어

I waited for you there every year.

11월부터 크리스마스까지

From November to Christmas.

10 넘게 성에서

For over 10 years, at that castle.



성공한  축하한다

Congratulations on becoming successful

 저주가 먹힌 것도 축하하고

and on how your curse worked out.

오빠 너한테  가지 선물하려고 왔어

I came to give you three gifts.

하나는 옛날에 네가 살던  

One is your old home.

내가 다시 찾아줄게

I'll get it back for you.

그리고 하나는 어디 가도 기죽지 않고

And a life that no one can look down upon, so you can do whatever you want.

원하는     있는 생활

And a life that no one can look down upon, so you can do whatever you want.

그거 내가 하게 해줄게

Let me help you.

 사랑하는 사람 있어

I have someone I love.

 잊고 있는 사람

Someone I can't let go.

거짓말  나게 하는  옛날이랑 똑같네

You're still a bad liar, just like back then.

옛날 얘기 하지 !

Stop talking about the past!

 옛날 정해라 아니니까

I'm not that Hae-ra you once knew.

   내로  구해서 나갈게

I'll move out within a month.

 전까진 마주치지 않았으면 좋겠어

I don't want to run into you again until then.

 많으니까 호텔 가서 지내

You're rich, so go stay in a hotel.



이렇게 으리으리한 건물에

It must have felt great

이렇게 거지가   데려다 놓고 얼마나 속으로 으쓱하고 좋았니?

to find me penniless and to bring me into this fancy house.


You're right.

으쓱하는 마음 없었다면은 거짓말이야

It'd be a lie if I said I didn't feel proud.

아주거지 소년이 출세했네

The beggar boy became a great man.

잘난   해보시든가

Go on, keep bragging.

 걱정 없는 생활

The house, a life wanting for nothing...

나머지는 뭔데?

and what else?

그날 내가 빚진 

What I owe you from that day.

[로맨틱한 음악]

 남자의 마음은  사람뿐이었죠

There was only one person he truly longed for,

내색할  없었지만

but he couldn't show it.

내가 좋아? - 많이 좋아

-Do you like me? -Yes, a lot.

달콤한   믿어

Your sweet talk won't work on me.

진짜 달콤한  뭔지 보여줘?

Should I show you something really sweet?

이모는 언제부터 해라랑 같이 사셨어요?

When did you start living with Hae-ra?

어릴  제가  적이 없는  같아서요

I don't remember you from when I was young.

37번지에 하는  뺏어 

Take over that one in 3007

문수호가 가로채 가기 전에

before Soo-ho takes it.

점복이자네  지금 어디에 있는 겐가?

Jeom Bok, where are you?

종년 아닙니까? - 똑같은 사람 아닙니까?

-It's just a servant girl. -She's a person too!

분이야그대로 도망가!

Boon-yi! Run away!

잡거라반드시 찾아야 한다!

Find her! Find her at all cost!


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