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  나의 해방일지 4

My Liberation Notes 4


(혜숙) 자, 많이 먹어요, 응?‬Here. Help yourself as much as you want, okay?
‪(제호) 난 다 먹었다‬ ‪[제호의 헛기침]‬I'm done.
‪[제호의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[제호가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[제호가 수건을 탁 집는다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(혜숙) 저 양반‬I've never heard that man
‪생전 누구 일 잘한다고 하는 소리‬compliment anyone on the job. Not even once.
‪내가 못 들어 봤는데‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬compliment anyone on the job. Not even once.
‪구 씨는 아주 이뻐 죽어‬But he loves you.
‪똑 부러지게 잘한다고‬He says you're a good worker and that you'd be good at anything.
‪뭘 해도 잘했을 거라고‬He says you're a good worker and that you'd be good at anything.
‪[피식 웃으며] 우리 미정이 말고‬I've never heard him compliment anyone other than Mi-jeong.
‪누구 칭찬하는 소리‬ ‪처음 들어 보네‬I've never heard him compliment anyone other than Mi-jeong.
‪어려서부터 얘만‬ ‪마음에 들어 했잖아‬She's always been his favorite, you know.
‪응? 내가 만든 서랍 보고는‬ ‪맨날 눈 흘기는 양반이‬He always glares at me when he sees the drawers I make,
‪얘가 만든 건 두말 안 해‬but he never complains about her work.
‪[혜숙의 웃음]‬but he never complains about her work.
‪얘 초등학교 3학년 때부터‬ ‪몰딩도 하고‬She could install moldings and use every machine since she was in third grade.
‪못 돌리는 기계가 없었어‬She could install moldings and use every machine since she was in third grade.
‪작은 게 얼마나 야무졌는데‬And she was quite good.
‪[혜숙의 웃음]‬And she was quite good.
‪응, 조기, 조기, 조기, 조거‬Look. That's her at the workshop when she was little.
‪조게 얘 어릴 때‬ ‪공장에서 찍은 거, 응?‬Look. That's her at the workshop when she was little.
‪[혜숙의 웃음]‬
‪위의 두 놈들은 학교 갔다 오면‬Her siblings would always toss their book bags
‪책가방 던져 놓고‬ ‪놀러 나가기 바쁜데‬Her siblings would always toss their book bags and run outside after school,
‪얜 바로 공장이야‬but she'd go to the workshop even before doing her homework.
‪숙제도 안 하고‬but she'd go to the workshop even before doing her homework.
‪재밌었던 거지‬I guess she found it fun.
‪재미없으면 일 그렇게 못 해‬Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so into it.
‪(제호) 어이, 소쿠리!‬Hey, I need a basket!
‪(혜숙) 아, 예!‬Hey, I need a basket! Okay!
‪[힘주며] 아유‬
‪[혜숙의 서두르는 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[기정이 구시렁거린다]‬Seriously.
‪(창희) 말 같지도 않은‬ ‪소리 하고 있어, 씨‬Zip it until we get home. I'm your only older sister. How could you?
‪[창희의 한숨]‬I'm your only older sister. How could you?
‪아, 그, 진짜 그만해라!‬Jeez, that's enough!
‪(기정) 뭘 그만해, 새끼야!‬-What are you talking about? -Here we go again!
‪또, 또!‬-What are you talking about? -Here we go again!
‪[창희의 한숨]‬-What are you talking about? -Here we go again!
‪(기정) 저 새끼가 사람 많은 데서‬ ‪나보고 시팔이라잖아!‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬That asshole said "fuck" to my face in front of everybody!
‪(창희) 누가 또 언제‬ ‪시팔이라 했다 그래!‬I never said anything like "fuck"!
‪(기정) 들었어, 내가!‬I never said anything like "fuck"! I heard it!
‪(창희) 아, 그래, 했다! 씨‬I heard it! Okay, fine, I said it. I said "fuck."
‪내가 시팔이라 했다, 그래!‬Okay, fine, I said it. I said "fuck."
‪요즘 누가 커피 들고 버스를 타냐?‬Who brings their coffee onto a bus these days?
‪(기정) 얼음밖에 없었어‬Who brings their coffee onto a bus these days? There was only ice in the cup. I just couldn't find a trash can, dumbass.
‪쓰레기통 없어서‬ ‪어쩔 수 없이 들고 탔어, 븅신아‬There was only ice in the cup. I just couldn't find a trash can, dumbass.
‪(창희) 중심도 제대로 못 잡는 거‬Why do you wear high heels when you can't even balance yourself properly?
‪그놈의 하이힐은‬ ‪뭐 하러 맨날 신고‬Why do you wear high heels when you can't even balance yourself properly?
‪왜 뭐는 들고 타 갖고‬ ‪얻다 안기냐고, 징그럽게!‬ ‪[기정의 헛웃음]‬Why do you wear high heels when you can't even balance yourself properly? Why did you have to carry it and fall into my arms?
‪(기정) 내가 언제 안겼어!‬Why did you have to carry it and fall into my arms? I didn't fall into your arms.
‪(기정) 야, 내가 안겼어?‬When did I?
‪야, 이게, 이게 안긴 거야? 이게?‬ ‪[창희의 성난 탄성]‬-I was just like this. -Damn it!
‪[기정과 창희가 아웅다웅한다]‬ ‪(혜숙) 아이고, 동네 창피해!‬-I didn't. -Jeez! This is embarrassing. Cut it out and get inside.
‪그만해, 얼른 들어가!‬This is embarrassing. Cut it out and get inside.
‪- 아유, 진짜‬ ‪- (혜숙) 으이그‬For God's sake. -Jeez. -Gosh.
‪(창희) 아!‬-Jeez. -Gosh.
‪[혜숙의 탄식]‬ ‪저 새끼가, 씨‬ ‪어디서 눈을 부라리고, 저, 씨‬That little bastard. How dare he glare at me like that?
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪[문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬
‪[창희가 씩씩댄다]‬ ‪(기정) 염창희 너…‬Yeom Chang-hee.
‪염창희, 야!‬Yeom Chang-hee.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪(창희) 아, 그걸 또‬ ‪왜 애한테 그거를…‬Jeez, look what you did to her.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(창희) 야, 그거…‬Hey, that's…
‪[슬리퍼가 툭 떨어진다]‬Hey, that's…
‪아, 그거 내 슬리퍼인데‬That's my slipper.
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪[창희와 기정이 구시렁거린다]‬Seriously, why would you throw that?
‪[창희의 한숨]‬Jeez.
‪아, 주워 와‬You go get it.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[쓱쓱 문지르는 소리]‬ ‪(혜숙) 딴 집 자식들은‬ ‪식구들끼리 하하 호호‬All the other kids get along with their siblings just fine.
‪자분자분 말도 잘하는데‬All the other kids get along with their siblings just fine.
‪우리 집 새끼들은‬ ‪뭘 잘못 먹었는지‬So what's wrong with the kids in this house?
‪마주치기만 하면 그냥 꿱꿱, 응?‬All you ever do is yell at each other, you know that?
‪다 큰 것들이 동네 창피한 줄도‬ ‪모르고 길바닥에서‬Aren't you old enough to know how embarrassing it is?
‪참았어, 집에 올 때까지‬I held back until I got home.
‪(창희) 미정이 걔 조심해야 돼요‬You've got to be careful with Mi-jeong.
‪갑자기 욱해요‬She has a temper.
‪욱할 때 보면 무서워요‬It's scary when she loses it.
‪무서워서 무서운 게 아니라‬ ‪뭐라 그래야 되나?‬I mean, she's… How should I put this?
‪왜, 싸움 못하는 애들 특징이‬The thing about kids who can't fight is
‪이렇게 차면 큰 사고인데‬ ‪그걸 모른다는 거‬The thing about kids who can't fight is that they don't know when to stop.
‪우린 뭐, 맨날 치고받고 싸워도‬Gi-jeong and I fight all the time,
‪사실 진짜 큰 사고는 안 나게‬Gi-jeong and I fight all the time, but we still make sure not to cross the line.
‪죽어라 계산 때려 가면서 싸우는데‬but we still make sure not to cross the line.
‪미정이 걘 그냥 자기가 열받으면‬ ‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬But with Mi-jeong, if she gets angry,
‪여기 앞에 뭐‬ ‪낭떠러지에 서 있잖아요?‬she'd just kick you right off of a cliff, if you know what I mean.
‪그럼 냅다 발로 차 버릴걸?‬she'd just kick you right off of a cliff, if you know what I mean.
‪얘는 그냥 머리가 없어요‬ ‪생각이 없어‬She just doesn't think. She doesn't care about the consequences.
‪이거 앞뒤가 없는 거야‬She just doesn't think. She doesn't care about the consequences.
‪하, 진짜 피곤해 죽겠는데, 씨, 쯧‬Jeez, this is utterly exhausting.
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪내가 진짜 인간들 욕‬ ‪안 하면서 살기로 했는데‬I was really making an effort not to badmouth people.
‪'그냥 내 수준이 여기인 거다'‬"Right, this is just where I am now."
‪'이런 사람들하고‬ ‪어울릴 수준인 거다'‬"I'm at their level."
‪'내가 준비되면'‬"When the time comes and I'm ready, I'll find myself around better people."
‪'때 되면 용쓰지 않아도‬ ‪그냥 알아서 옮겨질 거다'‬"When the time comes and I'm ready, I'll find myself around better people."
‪그냥 그런 마인드로 살기로 했는데‬I decided to think that way.
‪하루 종일 힘들어 죽겠는데‬ ‪진짜 집에서도, 씨, 쯧‬But after a long, hard day, it's not so different at home.
‪[창희의 답답한 숨소리]‬
‪에어컨 마음껏 트는 집에서‬ ‪혼자 살고 싶어요‬I want to live alone and use the air-conditioner all I want.
‪사람 목소리 안 들리는 곳에서‬Somewhere I can't hear anyone else's voice.
‪형은 내 로망이에요‬Just like you, Gu.
‪혼자 사는 남자‬Someone who lives alone.
‪근데 여긴 어떻게 오게 됐어요?‬By the way, how did you end up moving here?
‪[차분한 음악]‬No one moves into the neighborhood. People only move out.
‪이 동네 나가는 사람은 있어도‬ ‪들어오는 사람은 없는데‬No one moves into the neighborhood. People only move out.
‪여기 누구 아는 사람 있어요?‬Do you know someone around here?
‪근데 어떻게 오게 됐어요?‬How did you end up here, then?
‪(창희) 어려서‬ ‪이 근처에 살았어요?‬Did you live in the area when you were young?
‪잘못 내렸어‬I got off at the wrong stop.
‪저, 씨‬That son of a…
‪(창희) 왜 문은‬ ‪처잠그고 다니고 지랄이야!‬Why the hell did you lock the door? There's nothing to steal in there!
‪뭐 훔쳐 갈 거 있다고!‬Why the hell did you lock the door? There's nothing to steal in there!
‪(두환) 아, 내가 잠갔냐!‬I didn't lock it!
‪(창희) 저, 씨‬That little…
‪가 볼게요‬See you later.
‪(두환) 왜 그냥 가!‬You're just going to leave?
‪[물소리가 솨 난다]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪(창희) 아씨, 머리 좀 감고 자라고‬ ‪[스위치 조작음]‬I told you to wash your hair before going to bed!
‪아침부터 둘이서‬ ‪화장실 차지하지 말고‬You two always hog the bathroom in the mornings.
‪[혜숙이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪화장실 하나 더 만들자고‬ ‪그렇게 말해도…‬I keep telling you we need another bathroom.
‪[혜숙의 한숨]‬
‪너희들 다 나가면‬ ‪화장실 두 개가 왜 필요해? 어?‬We won't need two bathrooms once you all move out.
‪(혜숙) 1년 안에 싹 다 나가‬Move out within a year. And into a place with two bathrooms!
‪화장실 두 개씩 있는 집으로!‬Move out within a year. And into a place with two bathrooms!
‪(현욱) [한숨 쉬며] 나도 그랬어‬I went through the same thing.
‪나도 그날 제일 가기 싫은 지점‬ ‪제일 먼저 가‬So I go to the store I hate to visit the most first.
‪[현욱의 헛웃음]‬
‪초짜 때는 가기 싫은 데‬ ‪제일 뒤로 놨는데‬When I was new, I'd visit them last.
‪알잖아, 거기 들를 때까지‬ ‪하루 종일 불편한 거‬But you know how uncomfortable you feel until you visit the store.
‪첫 빠따로‬ ‪아침 일찍 해치우는 게 백번 낫지‬So it's better to make it your first stop of the day.
‪아, 그래도 점주들한테‬ ‪그렇게 말하면 어떡하냐‬But still, you shouldn't have said that to the store owners.
‪아, 점주님들한테‬ ‪한 말은 아니고요‬I didn't tell them that.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(현욱) 뭐, 담당자 바꿔 달라는데‬She says she wants a different manager, but we can't just do that.
‪이런 일로 바꾸는 건 그렇고‬ ‪잘 얘기해 봐‬She says she wants a different manager, but we can't just do that. Just talk to her.
‪통화는 해 봤어?‬Have you called her?
‪전화를 안 받으세요‬She won't answer my calls or return my messages.
‪문자해도 답도 없고‬She won't answer my calls or return my messages.
‪(현욱) 받을 때까지 해 봐야지‬ ‪별수 있냐‬You'll just have to keep trying until she does.
‪(창희) 어제 매장 도는데‬ ‪이상하더라고‬Something felt weird yesterday.
‪가는 데마다‬ ‪오늘 어느 지점 제일 먼저 갔냐고‬Every owner asked which store I went to first.
‪그래서 내가 왜 그러냐 그랬더니‬I asked them why,
‪정 선배가 그랬대‬and they said A-reum told them
‪내가 꼴 보기 싫은 인간 있는 데‬ ‪제일 먼저 간다고‬ ‪[민규의 한숨]‬and they said A-reum told them that I always visit the person I hate the most first.
‪(민규) 따끔하게 한마디 해‬You should tell her to mind her own business.
‪남의 영업장에 기웃대지 말라고‬You should tell her to mind her own business.
‪담당자 바뀌었으면‬ ‪발 끊어 주는 게 예의 아니야?‬She's not in charge of them anymore.
‪왜 자꾸 들락날락 말 옮겨서‬ ‪분란 만들어?‬Why does she still see them and cause this trouble?
‪씁, 정 선배 승진 앞두고‬ ‪너 견제하는 거냐?‬Do you think she's trying to keep you in check because of the promotion?
‪(창희) 쯧, 씨‬ ‪[민규의 한숨]‬Damn it.
‪(민규) 야, 괜찮아, 어?‬Hey, it's going to be okay.
‪점주랑 싸우고 화해하고, 쯧‬Fighting and making up with store owners is 70 percent of our job.
‪그러는 게 우리 일의 7할인데‬Fighting and making up with store owners is 70 percent of our job.
‪이런 걸로‬ ‪승진에 영향 없어, 괜찮아‬ ‪[창희의 한숨]‬This won't affect the promotion.
‪내가 딴 날은‬ ‪가기 싫은 데 먼저 가‬I do usually go to the store I hate to visit the most first.
‪근데 어젠 아니었거든‬But not yesterday.
‪점주가 밤새 혼자 일하고‬ ‪아침에 퇴근하시는 분이라‬The owner there works alone all night,
‪그래서 내가 일찍 들어가 쉬시라고‬so I went there first so she could go home early and get some rest.
‪그래서 첫 빠따로 간 건데‬so I went there first so she could go home early and get some rest.
‪[민규의 한숨]‬
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(창희) 여보세…‬Hello-- Thank you.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪감사합니다, 전화받아 주셔서‬Thank you for answering my call.
‪저 그렇게 연기 잘 못해요‬No, I'm not that good at acting.
‪가기 싫은 집 들어가면서‬I can't walk into a place I don't like with a smile and chat like that.
‪뭐, 해맑게 웃고 떠들고‬ ‪그렇게 연기 잘 못해요‬I can't walk into a place I don't like with a smile and chat like that. I can't do that.
‪저 솔직히 그다음‬ ‪최 여사님 매장이 제일 힘들어요‬Honestly, it's Ms. Choi's shop that I have the hardest time dealing with. I wouldn't even be so upset if people knew, because it's true.
‪이건 소문나도 억울하지 않아요‬ ‪사실이니까‬I wouldn't even be so upset if people knew, because it's true.
‪근데 점주님한테‬ ‪이런 오해 받는 거‬But this misunderstanding with you… It's just not true.
‪저 진짜 억울해요‬But this misunderstanding with you… It's just not true.
‪(민규) 정 선배는‬ ‪진짜 언제 한번 욕먹어야 돼‬Someone really needs to tear A-reum a new one.
‪꼭 사달 날 거 알면서 말을 옮겨‬She does things knowing she'll cause trouble.
‪사달 나길 바라‬She wants there to be trouble. She destroys relationships.
‪관계 파탄자야‬She wants there to be trouble. She destroys relationships.
‪(창희) 다 먹고 싶다‬I want to eat everything here.
‪나 이거 특대‬I'll have this. Extra large.
‪(민규) 나도‬Me too.
‪이거 특대 두 개요‬-Two extra larges, please. -Sure.
‪(종업원) 네‬-Two extra larges, please. -Sure.
‪(창희) 정 선밴 그냥 말이 많아‬A-reum talks too much. Way too much.
‪말이 너무 많아‬A-reum talks too much. Way too much.
‪나 죽으면 국민 청원 게시판에‬ ‪꼭 올려 줘야 된다‬If I die, make sure you file a petition online. "A man dies of stress listening to a chatterbox."
‪'다말증 환자 얘기 듣다‬ ‪스트레스로 죽어'‬"A man dies of stress listening to a chatterbox."
‪어떻게 외근하는 날보다‬ ‪사무실 나오는 날이 더 힘들어‬Why is a day at the office even harder than being outside?
‪일주일 동안 있었던 얘기를‬ ‪다 들어야 돼‬I have to hear everything that happened in the past week, including what she ate.
‪뭐 먹었는지까지 다‬I have to hear everything that happened in the past week, including what she ate.
‪다말증 환자야‬ ‪막 말하고 싶어 미쳐 해‬It's an illness. She'll go crazy if she can't talk.
‪내가 듣기 싫어‬ ‪미쳐 한다는 거 몰라‬But she doesn't know that it drives me crazy. She's so selfish.
‪그냥 자기만 있어‬But she doesn't know that it drives me crazy. She's so selfish.
‪정 선배 털어 댈 땐‬ ‪내가 변상미 전화가 반갑다‬I'd rather get a call from Byeon Sang-mi than hear her babbling on. It's that bad.
‪그 정도야‬ ‪[민규의 웃음]‬I'd rather get a call from Byeon Sang-mi than hear her babbling on. It's that bad.
‪야, 일찍 출근하는 날 있지?‬And when I come in early,
‪똑같은 얘기를 세 번씩 들어‬I have to listen to exactly the same story three times.
‪나한테 한 번, 김 대리 오면 한 번‬ ‪[민규의 한숨]‬She tells me, then Mr. Kim, and then Mr. Baek.
‪백 주임 오면 또 한 번‬She tells me, then Mr. Kim, and then Mr. Baek.
‪똑같은 얘기를 세 번씩 들어‬The same exact story three times.
‪근데 또 자기가 한 얘기‬ ‪기억 못 하잖아? 삐진다‬And she gets upset if I don't remember any of it.
‪'내가 저번에 얘기했었는데‬ ‪기억 못 하는구나'‬"I told you this, but you obviously forgot."
‪'나한테 관심이 없구나, 으응'‬"You don't care about me, do you?"
‪내가 있겠니?‬Why would I even care?
‪[창희의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪초등학교 같으면‬ ‪짝이라도 바꿔 달라 하지‬And it's not like we can swap seats like in school.
‪옆에 앉아서‬ ‪하루 종일 털어 대는데‬And it's not like we can swap seats like in school.
‪미칠 거 같아‬It drives me insane. It makes me want to jump out the window.
‪진짜 책상 들고 뛰어내리고 싶어‬It drives me insane. It makes me want to jump out the window.
‪나 이번에 꼭 승진해야 된다‬I have to get promoted this time.
‪정 선배 옆자리에서‬ ‪벗어날 길은 승진밖에 없다‬A promotion is the only way to get away from A-reum.
‪(종업원) 실례하겠습니다‬A promotion is the only way to get away from A-reum. Excuse me.
‪(창희) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪- (민규) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (종업원) 맛있게 드세요‬-Thank you. -Enjoy.
‪(창희) 오, 좋다‬This is a lot.
‪(민규) 이번에는, 쯧‬ ‪정 선배한테 꼭 한마디 해라‬You should really give her a piece of your mind this time.
‪- 안 해‬ ‪- (민규) 야‬-I won't. -Hey.
‪나도 알아‬I know if I grill her about this, she'll have nothing to say for herself.
‪이번 걸로 족치면‬ ‪정 선배 찍소리도 못 한다는 거‬I know if I grill her about this, she'll have nothing to say for herself.
‪(창희) 근데 왜 안 하냐?‬So why am I not going to do it?
‪상대하면 끼리끼리거든‬I don't want to sink to her level. I'm going to get out of this place.
‪끼리끼리는 과학이거든‬I don't want to sink to her level. I'm going to get out of this place.
‪난 여길 뜰 거거든‬I don't want to sink to her level. I'm going to get out of this place.
‪정 선배랑 끼리끼리? 안 할 거거든‬I'm not going to stoop to her level.
‪그래서 상대 안 하는 거야‬That's why I won't do it.
‪아니, 나도 뭐, 좀 나이스하고‬I'd love to work with good, decent people too.
‪양반 같은 인간들이랑 일하고 싶어‬I'd love to work with good, decent people too. So why can't I?
‪근데 왜 못 그러냐?‬So why can't I?
‪내가 양반이 아니라는 거지‬It means I'm not decent myself.
‪[민규가 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪왜?‬Why? Like attracts like. It's science.
‪끼리끼리는 과학이니까‬Why? Like attracts like. It's science.
‪쓰리지만 내 수준이 여기라는 거‬It sucks, but this is my level.
‪내가 양반 되면‬ ‪[민규의 한숨]‬If I were a decent person, there's no way I'd be working with someone like A-reum.
‪정 선배랑 같이 있으려야‬ ‪있을 수가 없다‬If I were a decent person, there's no way I'd be working with someone like A-reum.
‪과학적으로 불가능하거든‬Because it's scientifically impossible.
‪그래서 늘 '양반 되자'‬That's why I always tell myself, "I should be a decent person instead of hoping she'll become one."
‪'저 인간이 양반 되길 바라지 말고‬ ‪내가 양반 되자'‬"I should be a decent person instead of hoping she'll become one."
‪득도한다, 내가‬It's like spiritual training.
‪야, 아이씨‬Damn it.
‪혹시 나도 다말증 환자냐?‬Do I talk too much too? It feels like I'm the only one talking.
‪지금 나 혼자 얘기하는 거 같은데?‬ ‪[민규의 한숨]‬It feels like I'm the only one talking.
‪(창희) 너 나 말 많다 싶으면‬If you think I talk too much, you have to tell me. Okay?
‪진짜 꼭 얘기해 줘야 된다, 어?‬If you think I talk too much, you have to tell me. Okay? Yes, just eat.
‪먹어‬Yes, just eat.
‪아, 소름‬How horrifying.
‪[지희의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪(지희) 야, 야, 야, 야‬ ‪일로 와 봐‬Everyone. Come look.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(수진) [피식 웃으며]‬ ‪해방클럽? 뭐야?‬THE LIBERATION CLUB "The Liberation Club"? What's that?
‪멤버 봐 봐‬Let's see who's in it.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[직원의 웃음]‬ ‪(지희) 헐‬No way. It looks like they randomly tossed it together.
‪막 만든 거 같은데?‬No way. It looks like they randomly tossed it together.
‪(수진) 해방클럽이 뭐 하는 데야?‬What do you do in The Liberation Club?
‪(수진) 그러니까‬ ‪그게 뭐 하는 거냐고‬So what exactly do you do?
‪[수진과 지희의 한숨]‬
‪나도 잘 몰라‬I'm not so sure either.
‪(수진과 지희) 뭐야‬-Come on. -Come on.
‪면피용으로 막 만든 거 아니야?‬Did you just make a fake club so the support center would stop calling you?
‪행복지원센터 불려 다니기 싫어서?‬Did you just make a fake club so the support center would stop calling you?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪진짜 하기로 했어‬We're really going to do it.
‪그러니까 뭘 하는 건데?‬So let's hear it then. What do you do? You must do something.
‪뭘 하는 데일 거 아니야‬You must do something.
‪(지희) 모여서 뭐 하는 건데?‬What do you do together?
‪모여서는 아니고‬We don't do anything together.
‪각자‬We do it individually.
‪각자 뭐 하는 건데?‬What do you do individually?
‪뚫고 나갈 거야‬I'm going to break free.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(지희) 어딜?‬From what?
‪여기서‬From here.
‪어디로?‬To where?
‪(미정) 저기로‬To there.
‪(수진과 지희) 뭐야‬-Come on. -Come on.
‪[지희의 한숨]‬ ‪(수진) 하, 진짜‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬ ‪[새가 지저귄다]‬Why would I install a 400,000-won kitchen sink
‪(노인) 아, 30만 원짜리 월세방에‬Why would I install a 400,000-won kitchen sink
‪40짜리 싱크대‬ ‪놓게 생겼냐고, 내가!‬when the rent is just 300,000 won?
‪뭐, 월세 받는다고‬ ‪공으로 앉아서 돈 버는 줄 아나?‬Do you think I just collect rent and don't spend any money?
‪사람 한번 들고 나면‬ ‪벽지 하고 청소하고‬When a tenant moves out, I have to hang new wallpaper and clean the place.
‪[버럭 하며] 한두 푼‬ ‪깨지는 줄 알아?‬When a tenant moves out, I have to hang new wallpaper and clean the place. That's not a small amount of money!
‪아, 흑장미 미용실은 30 줬다는데‬The Black Rose Hair Salon only paid 300,000 won.
‪왜 나한테는 40이냐고!‬So why is it 400,000 won for me?
‪(제호) 아, 그 집은, 저‬ ‪상부 장 없이 하부 장만 한 거고요‬They only installed the lower cabinets without the upper ones.
‪(노인) 에이, 나도 가 봤어!‬They only installed the lower cabinets without the upper ones. I saw it for myself.
‪저거하고 똑같은 거던데, 무슨‬It looked exactly the same as this one. Jeez.
‪아, 그 집은 위에가 없다니까요‬No, they didn't install the upper cabinets.
‪웃기고 있네‬Whatever.
‪(노인) 노인네라고‬ ‪아주 우습게 보고‬You think you can fool me because I'm an old man?
‪됐고, 도로 그냥 떼 가‬You think you can fool me because I'm an old man? Forget it. Just rip it out! Take it all back!
‪다 떼 가!‬Forget it. Just rip it out! Take it all back!
‪(제호) 아, 사, 사장님‬ ‪사장님, 사장님…‬Wait. Sir--
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬Wait. Sir--
‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪아, 왜?‬What is it?
‪잠깐 갔다 올게요‬I'll be back in a bit.
‪[기어 조작음]‬ ‪어딜?‬Where are you going?
‪(제호) 그…‬
‪(혜숙) 구 씨 어디 가는 거예요?‬Where is Mr. Gu going?
‪[쾅쾅 두드리는 소리]‬
‪[쾅쾅 두드리는 소리]‬
‪(노인) 누구요?‬Who is it?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[술병이 잘그랑거린다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(혜숙) 아유‬ ‪이걸 어떻게 받아 왔대?‬How did you get him to pay? I don't know how to thank you.
‪아, 고마워서 이거…‬How did you get him to pay? I don't know how to thank you.
‪아유, 들어와 밥 먹어요‬ ‪다 차려 놨는…‬Come and have dinner. I've set the table--
‪아, 왜 또? 들어와요‬You're skipping dinner again? Come eat!
‪[혜숙의 한숨]‬ ‪(미정) 다녀왔습니다‬My gosh. -I'm home. -Hey.
‪(혜숙) 어‬-I'm home. -Hey.
‪[혜숙의 한숨]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(혜숙) 어떻게 했길래‬I wonder how he managed to get that nasty old man to pay.
‪그 고약한 노인네가‬ ‪순순히 돈을 줬을까?‬I wonder how he managed to get that nasty old man to pay.
‪(기정) 원래 꼴통 같은 노인네들이‬Old fogies like him are usually no match for young men.
‪젊은 남자 앞에서 찍소리 못 해요‬Old fogies like him are usually no match for young men.
‪쓰읍, 아무리 그래도 어른한테‬Still, don't say that about your elders.
‪그 집에 전화라도 해 봐요‬Maybe you should call him.
‪(기정) 아유, 설마 팼겠어?‬I doubt he beat it out of him.
‪아, 애써 받아 온 사람‬ ‪면 떨어지게‬Don't call him and make a fool out of Mr. Gu.
‪전화하고 그러지 마요‬Don't call him and make a fool out of Mr. Gu.
‪(혜숙) 그래도‬Don't call him and make a fool out of Mr. Gu. Still. Whenever he needs something
‪그 노인네 때 되면‬ ‪다른 데서 안 하고‬Still. Whenever he needs something the old man always comes to us instead of other businesses.
‪꼭 우리 집에서 하는데‬the old man always comes to us instead of other businesses.
‪(기정) 싸니까, 어?‬Because it's cheap. Because you let him haggle all the time.
‪막 후려쳐도 암말 안 하니까, 어?‬Because it's cheap. Because you let him haggle all the time.
‪해 달라는 대로 다 해 주니까‬Because you do whatever he wants.
‪[혜숙과 기정의 한숨]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪고구마 줄기‬ ‪좋아하는 거 같다고 드시래요‬She said you seemed to like sweet potato stems. So she sent some.
‪왜 이랬다저랬다 해요?‬Why are you so moody?
‪[찬장이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪괜찮았다가 차가웠다가‬You're okay one minute and cold the next.
‪(구 씨) [한숨 쉬며] 똑같던데‬You two are the same.
‪아저씨랑 너랑‬You and your dad.
‪아니, 왜 자기가 받아야 될 돈인데‬I mean… Why do you act like you've done something wrong
‪자기가 잘못한 것처럼‬ ‪주눅 드나 몰라‬Why do you act like you've done something wrong when you're asking for what's rightfully yours?
‪[구 씨가 달그락거린다]‬
‪받아 줘?‬Want me to get it back for you?
‪좋게 좋게 해 봐라, 돈 나오나‬If you keep being nice, he won't pay you back.
‪한때 알았던 사람하고‬ ‪끝장 보는 거‬Taking things to the extreme with people you used to know…
‪(미정) 못 하는 사람은 못 해요‬Not everyone can do it.
‪돈 못 받는 거보다‬Even if I don't get my money back,
‪자기 자신까지‬ ‪밑바닥으로 내던져 가면서‬stooping so low and ending up on the same level as them
‪험한 꼴 보는 게‬stooping so low and ending up on the same level as them
‪더 힘들어요‬is much harder for me.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪(구 씨) 미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪술꾼 주제에‬I'm just a drunk after all.
‪각자 꼴리는 대로 사는 거지, 뭐‬To each one's own.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪나도 개선의 의지가 없고‬I don't ever intend to change…
‪너도 개선의 의지가 없고‬and neither do you.
‪[열차 소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(여자) 내리라고!‬I said, get off!
‪[안내 음성] 출입문 닫습니다‬By the way, how did you end up moving here?
‪(창희) 근데 여긴‬ ‪어떻게 오게 됐어요?‬By the way, how did you end up moving here?
‪(구 씨) 잘못 내렸어‬I got off at the wrong stop.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪(수진) 휴가지에서‬ ‪이런 거 입어 줘야지‬This is perfect for vacation.
‪(지희) 물에 젖으면 진해져서‬Once it's wet, the color will look darker and different in photos.
‪사진 찍으면 이 색깔 안 나온다고‬Once it's wet, the color will look darker and different in photos.
‪수영복 색깔은‬You should pick bathing suits in colors that won't change much when they're wet.
‪'물에 젖어도 그 색이겠다'‬ ‪싶은 거‬You should pick bathing suits in colors that won't change much when they're wet.
‪이런 거, 하얀 거 아니면 블랙‬You should pick bathing suits in colors that won't change much when they're wet. White or black.
‪미정이 넌 비키니 무슨 색이야?‬Mi-jeong, what color is your bikini?
‪비키니 없는데‬I don't have a bikini.
‪그럼 원피스?‬Is it a one-piece then?
‪(미정) 응‬Yes.
‪(지희) 왜 이래?‬What's with you?
‪해방될 여자가‬I thought you were going to be liberated?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬I thought you were going to be liberated? What color is it?
‪무슨 색?‬What color is it?
‪(지희) 헐‬Gosh.
‪야, 그냥 이걸로 해, 하얀 거‬Hey, just get this. The white one.
‪[수진과 지희가 속닥거린다]‬It's going to be see-through. The models have been waxed.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬It's going to be see-through. The models have been waxed. -What do you know? -Hey…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(기정) 어, 먼저들 들어가‬You guys go ahead.
‪(소영) 어디 가세요?‬Where are you going?
‪(기정) 뭐, 잠깐…‬Somewhere.
‪[순번 알림음]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[기정의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[소영의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(기정) 아유, 씨‬-Damn it. -My goodness. You should take it slow.
‪(소영) 오메, 오메, 오메‬ ‪천천히 하세요, 천천히‬-Damn it. -My goodness. You should take it slow.
‪(기정) 아, 힘드니까 더 막 한다‬I'm rushing things because I'm tired.
‪[힘주며] 천천히가 안 돼‬I can't take it slow.
‪어쩜 이렇게 힘드냐?‬Gosh, why am I so tired?
‪아니, 혈압은 정상인데‬I mean, my blood pressure is normal.
‪피 검사를 해 봐야 되나?‬Should I get a blood test?
‪아, 뭐가 잘못된 걸까?‬What is wrong with me?
‪아, 숨도 가쁘고‬I'm short of breath and I just feel so tired.
‪너무 힘들어‬I'm short of breath and I just feel so tired.
‪(이 팀장) 브래지어가‬ ‪작은 거 아니에요?‬Maybe your bra is too small.
‪아니, 옷을 너무 타이트하게‬ ‪입으시는 거 같던데‬Actually… all your clothes seem too tight.
‪몸무게가 늘면‬ ‪사이즈를 늘려야 되는데‬When you put on weight, you need to wear bigger clothes,
‪의외로 사이즈‬ ‪고수하는 여자들 많아요‬but many women insist on wearing the same size.
‪옷 사이즈 안 늘려 사시죠?‬You buy clothes in the same size, right?
‪그냥 옷을 안 사‬I don't buy clothes.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪몸무게 얼마나 늘었어요?‬How much weight have you gained?
‪모르지, 안 재 봐서‬I don't know. I don't weigh myself.
‪(이 팀장) [웃으며] 어머‬My goodness.
‪아니, 어떻게 몸무게를 안 재요?‬How could you not weigh yourself?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪보통 아침마다 재지 않나?‬Don't you weigh yourself every morning?
‪[이 팀장의 웃음]‬
‪(김 이사) 나도 잘 안 재‬-I don't do it either. -Oh, my.
‪아침부터 기분 나쁘게‬ ‪뭐 하러 체중계 위에 올라가?‬Why would I do that every morning and ruin my day?
‪그냥 '남아 있는 날들 중에'‬I just tell myself that today is the most beautiful and thinnest I'll ever be.
‪'오늘이 가장 예쁘고 날씬하다'‬I just tell myself that today is the most beautiful and thinnest I'll ever be.
‪그래‬I just tell myself that today is the most beautiful and thinnest I'll ever be.
‪[이 팀장의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪[조사원들이 저마다 통화한다]‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬Under Article 33 of the Statistics Act,
‪관광 실태 조사는‬ ‪주말에 계속하는 걸로 하고‬Let's continue the tourism survey through the weekend,
‪(진우) 조사원들‬ ‪좀 더 푸시해 주세요‬and push the agents more.
‪(기정) 네, 알겠습니다‬-Yes, sir. -And…
‪(진우) 그리고‬-Yes, sir. -And…
‪제가 원래 일주일에‬ ‪열 장씩 사서 뿌리는데‬I usually buy ten lottery tickets a week to give out to the staff,
‪이번 주 열 장은 몽땅 염 팀장님께‬but this week all ten of them are yours.
‪(기정) 어머, 이렇게나 많이요?‬Gosh, that many?
‪와, 드디어 받아 보네요‬ ‪이사님의 로또‬You're finally giving me lottery tickets.
‪애쓰셨어요‬ ‪무의식을 거슬러 가면서‬It must have been hard to fight against your subconscious.
‪다섯 장만 할게요‬-I'll just take five. -Come on.
‪에헤, 제 성의입니다‬-I'll just take five. -Come on. I got them for you. Please take them all.
‪그냥 열 장 다 받으세요‬I got them for you. Please take them all.
‪저 이런 거 잘 안돼요, 다섯 장만‬I'm never lucky with these things.
‪(기정) 열 장 다‬ ‪버리기 아깝잖아요‬I don't want all of them to be a waste.
‪(진우) 그냥 열 장 받아요‬I don't want all of them to be a waste. Just take them.
‪그래야 저도‬ ‪제대로 사과한 것 같죠‬So it feels like a proper apology.
‪사과하실 게 뭐 있으시다고요‬ ‪무의식인데‬Apologize for what? It was subconscious.
‪에헤, 참‬-Come on now. -All right, I'll stop.
‪(기정) 예, 예, 그만하겠습니다‬-Come on now. -All right, I'll stop.
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪아, 1등 맞아서‬ ‪기절 한번 해 보고 싶네요‬I hope I win the jackpot and pass out from the shock.
‪이렇게 힘든데 쓰러지지도 않아‬I'm so tired, but I can't even pass out or get so much as a nosebleed.
‪코피도 안 나‬I'm so tired, but I can't even pass out or get so much as a nosebleed.
‪어유, 나 졸린 애 말하는 것처럼‬ ‪제정신이 아니네요‬I'm so tired, but I can't even pass out or get so much as a nosebleed. I sound like I'm sleep-talking. I'm so out of it.
‪죄송해요, 제가 너무 힘들어서‬I'm sorry. I just feel so weak.
‪이게, 아, 왜 이러는지 모르겠어요‬I'm sorry. I just feel so weak. I don't know why. Maybe my period is coming--
‪생리할 때가 됐…‬I don't know why. Maybe my period is coming--
‪아유, 아, 뭔 말이야‬God, what am I saying?
‪죄송해요‬ ‪제가 정말 제정신이 아니네요‬I'm sorry. I'm really out of it today.
‪[진우가 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬ ‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪심호흡 한번 해 보세요, 천천히‬Take a deep breath. Slowly. Come on.
‪(진우) 자‬Take a deep breath. Slowly. Come on.
‪[진우가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[숨을 후 내쉰다]‬
‪[숨을 후 내쉰다]‬
‪한 번 더, 천천히‬Once more. Slowly.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[숨을 후 내쉰다]‬
‪힘들 때 잠깐 심호흡하면‬When you're tired, take deep breaths.
‪그것도 휴식이라고 좀 괜찮아져요‬It makes you feel a little better.
‪좀 편해지셨죠?‬You feel better, right?
‪머리 밀고 싶어요‬I want to shave off my hair. All of it.
‪시원하게 빡빡‬I want to shave off my hair. All of it.
‪(기정) 아니, 한 번도‬ ‪머리발 덕 본 적도 없으면서‬I mean, my hair has never made me look any better,
‪무슨 여성성의 상징처럼‬ ‪놓지도 못하고‬but I hold on to it as if it's a symbol of my femininity.
‪아침마다 힘들게 감고‬ ‪팔 떨어지게 드라이하고‬I wash it and blow-dry it every morning until my arms are tired.
‪아무 의미 없는 머리카락에‬ ‪평생을 시달린 느낌이에요‬It feels like I've been struggling over something meaningless all my life.
‪깔끔하게 밀면‬ ‪쓸데없는 기대도 없어지고‬If I shave it off, I won't have any more false hopes, and it'll make me feel that much lighter.
‪세상 가벼울 거 같아요‬and it'll make me feel that much lighter.
‪혹시 머리 밀면 잘리나요?‬If I shave my head, will you fire me?
‪(진우) 겨울엔‬ ‪아무나 사랑할 거라면서요‬I thought you said you'd love anyone this winter.
‪씁, 머리 민 여자를 만날 남자가…‬If you shave your head, no one will…
‪아, 당장은 아니고 겨울에‬Well, not right now. In winter.
‪둘 중 하나는 꼭 하려고요‬I'm going to do at least one of them.
‪아, 힘드니까 머리카락‬ ‪붙어 있는 것도 짜증 나고‬I'm so tired that I even find it annoying that I have hair.
‪별게 다 거슬려요‬Everything bothers me.
‪(기정) 밤만 되면‬ ‪이 팔다리랑 목을 다 분해해서‬I wish I could take apart my arms, legs, and head at night, clean them, oil them,
‪이렇게 깨끗하게 기름칠하고‬I wish I could take apart my arms, legs, and head at night, clean them, oil them,
‪아침에 다시 끼우고 싶다니까요‬and put them back together in the morning.
‪그래서 제가 쉬지 않고‬That's the reason why
‪사랑하는 겁니다‬I never stop loving.
‪(진우) 사랑하는 한‬ ‪지칠 수 없거든요‬You never get tired as long as you're in love.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪부끄럽네요‬I feel embarrassed.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[진우의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(기정) 이뻐지고 싶어‬I want to be pretty.
‪[안내 음성] 잠시만‬ ‪기다려 주십시오‬
‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪녹색 불이 켜졌습니다‬
‪건너가도 좋습니다‬
‪위험하오니‬ ‪다음 신호를 기다려 주십시오‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(현아) [피식하며] 왜 웃어?‬What's funny?
‪(미정) 이상한 걸 발견했어‬I just realized something strange.
‪혼잣말을 하는데 존댓말로 해‬When I think to myself, I speak so politely.
‪'현아 언니가 왜 늦을까요?'‬Why is Hyeon-a late?
‪'오늘은 바람이 많이 부네요'‬It's quite windy today.
‪'태풍이 곧 오려나 봐요'‬Perhaps there's a storm coming.
‪(현아) 누구 있네‬You've found someone…
‪누구 있어‬haven't you?
‪(미정) 아닌데‬I haven't.
‪(현아) 있는데, 뭐‬Yes, you have.
‪뭐 먹을래?‬What do you want to eat?
‪(미정) 아무거나‬Anything.
‪(현아) 휴가 언제야?‬When is your vacation?
‪(미정) 아직 안 정했어‬I haven't decided yet.
‪(현아) 왜?‬Why not?
‪(미정) 갈 데도 없고‬I don't have anywhere to go.
‪모았다가 왕창 쓰려고‬I'll just save it for later.
‪(현아) 그래, 나랑 왕창 놀자‬All right. I'll join you then.
‪(미정) 알바는?‬What about your part-time job?
‪(현아) 그만뒀어‬I quit.
‪- (미정) 왜?‬ ‪- 잘렸어‬-Why? -I got fired.
‪(현아) 아, 손님이랑 싸워서‬I fought with a customer. He swore at me as soon as he sat down.
‪앉자마자 욕을 하잖아, 씨‬I fought with a customer. He swore at me as soon as he sat down.
‪(미정) 저런 높은 건물‬ ‪사는 사람들은‬People who live in tall buildings like that must be mentally strong.
‪멘털 장난 아닐 거야‬People who live in tall buildings like that must be mentally strong.
‪한 발이면 끝낼 수 있는데‬ ‪안 하는 거잖아‬They could end it all in one step, but they don't.
‪응, 괴로워서가 아니고, 욱하면‬Not because their lives are hard, but in the spur of the moment.
‪욱하면 한 발이면 끝나니까‬They can end it when they feel like it.
‪그래서 내가 여전히 반지하 살잖아‬That's why I still live in a basement.
‪반지하가 안전해‬Basements are much safer.
‪- (현아) 더 줄까?‬ ‪- (미정) 응‬-You want more ketchup? -Yes.
‪[현아의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪(현아) [술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪그냥 힘들어도 집에서 다녀‬I know it's hard, but don't think about moving out.
‪나오면 편한 거 잠깐이고‬ ‪개차반 되는 거 순식간이다‬You'll enjoy it for a while, but your life can become a mess in an instant.
‪아유, 씨‬ ‪추워서 대갈빡 깨지겠네, 씨‬It's so cold. I feel like my skull is going to crack open.
‪꺼‬Turn it off then.
‪아, 리모컨을 못 찾겠어‬I can't find the remote control.
‪(현아) 껐다 켰다밖에 못 해‬I can only turn it on and off. The temperature is set at 18°C.
‪18도로 맞춰져 있는데‬I can only turn it on and off. The temperature is set at 18°C.
‪[에어컨 전원음]‬ ‪(미정) 대청소 한번 해‬Clean your house. You'll find it then.
‪청소하면 다 나와‬Clean your house. You'll find it then.
‪[현아의 한숨]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪(현아) 좋은 거‬ ‪다 그 새끼 집에 갖다 놔서‬I left all my nice things at that jerk's place.
‪제대로 된 게 없다‬I left all my nice things at that jerk's place.
‪이쁜 옷도‬ ‪다 거기다 갖다 놓고, 씨‬All my pretty clothes are there too.
‪(미정) 가서 갖고 와‬Go get them.
‪어떻게 끝내야 될지‬I don't know how to end it.
‪아직 결정을 못 했어‬I haven't made up my mind yet.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[현아의 한숨]‬
‪(현아) 만나고 헤어지고‬ ‪수십 번인 거 같은데‬We've already broken up dozens of times.
‪왜 매번 헤어질 때마다‬ ‪이렇게 바닥일까?‬So why do I hit rock bottom every time we break up?
‪매번 처음 보는 바닥 같아‬And why does it always feel like it's the first time?
‪[오징어를 직 찢으며] 그냥‬ ‪더 만나든가‬Just stay with him then.
‪그 새끼 사랑은 끝났어‬There's no more love for me to give him. I used it all up.
‪더 나올 게 없어‬There's no more love for me to give him. I used it all up.
‪아, 나는 갈망하다 뒈질 거야‬I'm just going to keep wanting until the day I die.
‪[현아가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(현아) '사랑을 줘'‬"Love me."
‪'나도 줄게'‬"I'll love you back."
‪'더 줘'‬"Love me more."
‪'나도 더 줄게'‬"I'll love you more too."
‪'선물 따위는 필요 없어'‬"I don't need any presents
‪'이벤트 따위도 필요 없어'‬or surprise events."
‪'그냥 사랑만 줘'‬"Just give me love. I'm still hungry. Give me more."
‪'배고파, 더 줘, 더, 더, 더'‬"Just give me love. I'm still hungry. Give me more."
‪아씨, 세상 사랑을‬ ‪다 쓸어 먹어도 안 채워질 거다‬Jeez, all the love in the world wouldn't be enough for me.
‪나처럼 갈구하지 마‬Don't ask for love like me.
‪너 남자 있지?‬You've found someone, right?
‪[미정의 헛웃음]‬
‪야, 다 줘, 응?‬Just give him everything, okay? Give him everything like a warrior.
‪전사처럼 다 줘‬Just give him everything, okay? Give him everything like a warrior.
‪그냥 사랑으로 폭발해 버려‬Just set off an explosion with your love.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪절대‬Never ask for love like me.
‪나처럼 갈구하지 마‬Never ask for love like me.
‪[술병이 잘그랑거린다]‬
‪[버스 문이 덜컹 열린다]‬
‪[버스 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[자동차 경적이 요란하다]‬
‪[쓱쓱 문지르는 소리]‬
‪(현욱) 네, 네‬Yes, okay. I got it.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, okay. I got it.
‪어, 출발하셨대‬He's on his way now.
‪다들 빨리빨리 정리하자‬Let's hurry and finish cleaning.
‪(직원들) 네!‬Let's hurry and finish cleaning. -Okay! -Okay!
‪(점주) 사장님‬ ‪맨날 오셨으면 좋겠네‬I wish the president visited every day.
‪우리 매장 마, 깨끗해지 삐네‬You've made the store so clean.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(창희) 예‬Right.
‪그럼요‬Of course.
‪예, 알죠‬Yes, I know.
‪[한숨]‬Leave him be. It's part of his job.
‪그냥 둬요, 그래도 일인데‬Leave him be. It's part of his job.
‪네, 들어가세요‬Okay, good night.
‪힘내시고요‬Hang in there.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(창희) 헐, 1시간 13분‬Damn, one hour and thirteen minutes?
‪[질색하는 숨소리]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[충전기 인식음]‬
‪[창희의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[제호의 한숨]‬
‪좀 더 드릴까?‬Do you want seconds?
‪[혜숙의 한숨]‬
‪(제호) 너‬Look.
‪몇 살까지 살 거냐?‬How long are you going to live?
‪몇 살까지 살 거냐고‬How long are you going to live?
‪(창희) 아, 제가 그걸‬ ‪어떻게 알아요‬How would I know how long I'll live?
‪제가 몇 살까지 살지‬How would I know how long I'll live?
‪너희들 세대는 백 살까지 살아‬Kids your generation will live to 100.
‪그럼 앞으로 6, 70년은‬ ‪더 살아야 되는데‬That means you still have 60 to 70 more years to go.
‪어떻게 살 거야?‬What's your plan?
‪잘요‬To live well.
‪아, 그렇잖아요‬ ‪뭐, 그렇게밖에 더 세워요?‬What else can I do other than that?
‪(창희) 6, 70년을‬ ‪어떻게 계획을 세워요‬How can you plan for 60 to 70 years? Even the government can't do that.
‪나라도 5년마다 세우는구먼‬How can you plan for 60 to 70 years? Even the government can't do that.
‪그럼 그 긴 세월을‬ ‪아무 계획도 없이 살 거야?‬Then are you going to live all those years without a plan?
‪아, 그 긴 세월을‬ ‪어떻게 계획을 세우냐고요‬How can you possibly make plans for that long in the future?
‪(창희) 막말로 6, 70년이면‬If I were to live 60 to 70 more years, a lot of things could happen.
‪뭐, 이렇게도 살고‬ ‪저렇게도 살고 그러면 되지‬If I were to live 60 to 70 more years, a lot of things could happen.
‪그걸 뭘, 될지 안 될지‬ ‪모르는 계획을 세워요‬Why should I make plans that may not even come true?
‪나 이거 애들한테‬ ‪꿈이 뭐냐고 묻는 게 제일 싫어‬I hate it when people ask children about their dreams.
‪꿈이 어디 있어?‬ ‪수능 점수에 맞춰 사는 거지‬What dreams? Your CSAT score decides those.
‪수능이 320점인데‬You can't go to med school with 320 points.
‪그거 갖고 뭐‬ ‪의대를 갈 거야? 뭐 할 거야?‬You can't go to med school with 320 points.
‪아무 계획이 없이 사니까‬ ‪그런 거 아니야!‬You're living like that because you have no plan!
‪(제호) 남의 여자 미주알고주알‬ ‪떠드는 얘기 들어 주면서‬You're wasting your life listening to some woman's grievances.
‪[젓가락을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[상을 탁탁 친다]‬ ‪아, 왜 남의 여자‬ ‪떠드는 얘기를 듣고 사냐고!‬Why do you spend time listening to someone else's grievances? You call that work?
‪너 그거 일이야?‬You call that work?
‪사무실엔 더한 여자도 있어요‬I have a colleague that's even worse. She's not that bad compared to her.
‪저분은 귀여운 편에 속해요‬I have a colleague that's even worse. She's not that bad compared to her.
‪[제호가 젓가락을 탁 놓는다]‬ ‪[제호가 구시렁거린다]‬I have a colleague that's even worse. She's not that bad compared to her.
‪(혜숙) 그냥 얼른 들어요‬Let's just eat.
‪[가족들의 한숨]‬
‪사내자식이 아무 계획이 없으니까‬You keep wasting time like that because you have no plans.
‪그런 전화 하나‬ ‪딱딱 못 끊고 말이야, 쯧‬You keep wasting time like that because you have no plans.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪뭐, 아버지는 인생을‬ ‪계획한 대로 사셨습니까?‬Have you lived your life the way you planned?
‪속 터지는 딸에‬ ‪말 징그럽게 안 듣는 아들에‬You have two daughters who only make you worry and a son who never listens to you.
‪자식 셋 낳고‬You have two daughters who only make you worry and a son who never listens to you.
‪(창희) 농사짓고‬ ‪공장 돌리고 투잡 뛰면서‬You have two jobs, but you can't even afford your own car.
‪자가용 한번 못 몰아 보고‬You have two jobs, but you can't even afford your own car.
‪한여름에‬ ‪에어컨도 안 나오는 공장에서‬You have to work without air-conditioning in summer.
‪그냥 푹푹 쪄 가면서‬You have to work without air-conditioning in summer.
‪뭐, 그렇게 살기로‬ ‪그렇게 계획하고‬Is this the kind of life you planned for yourself?
‪여기까지 오셨어요?‬Is this the kind of life you planned for yourself?
‪예? 그러셨어요?‬ ‪뭐, 말씀해 보세요!‬Is it? Say something!
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(창희) 아씨, 아, 배고파‬Damn it. I'm hungry.
‪괜히 먹다 말아 갖고, 씨‬I should've finished my meal.
‪들어가 얼른 먹어‬Go back in and eat then.
‪(창희) 같이 가자‬Come with me.
‪(두환) 난 먹었어‬I already ate.
‪더 못 먹냐?‬Can't you eat more?
‪(두환) 꼭 사고 치면‬ ‪나 달고 집에 들어가려고‬You always try to bring me home when you're in trouble.
‪얼른 들어가, 인마‬Go home, man.
‪(창희) 에이씨‬Damn it.
‪[창희의 탄식]‬
‪(TV 속 쇼 호스트) 그리고‬ ‪크리스털 스톤 팔찌에‬ ‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬The crystal bracelet comes with a necklace and earrings.
‪목걸이, 귀걸이까지 풀 세트로‬The crystal bracelet comes with a necklace and earrings. This is an unbelievably good deal.
‪오늘 정말 보고도 믿기 힘든‬ ‪구성으로 준비했습니다‬This is an unbelievably good deal.
‪이 다이아 커팅이‬You can see the pattern engraved
‪뒷면까지 빼곡하게‬ ‪들어가 있는데요‬You can see the pattern engraved even on the back. An internationally renowned craftsman affixed them one by one by hand.
‪국제적 명성의 주얼리 장인이‬An internationally renowned craftsman affixed them one by one by hand.
‪하나하나 수작업으로 고정시킨‬An internationally renowned craftsman affixed them one by one by hand.
‪고급 세팅 방식을 적용했습니다‬An internationally renowned craftsman affixed them one by one by hand. No matter which direction you look at it from,
‪어느 각도에서 보더라도‬No matter which direction you look at it from, it shines so beautifully.
‪눈이 부실 듯 부서지는 반짝임‬it shines so beautifully.
‪이 팔찌만 착용하셔도‬Whenever you wear this bracelet, I'm sure all eyes will be on you.
‪움직일 때마다 사람들의 시선이‬Whenever you wear this bracelet, I'm sure all eyes will be on you.
‪고객님의 손에 꽂히시는 게‬ ‪느껴지실 거예요‬Whenever you wear this bracelet, I'm sure all eyes will be on you. You will feel it.
‪그리고 이 스톤을‬ ‪감싸고 있는 표면이‬And the surface that surrounds your wrist
‪전부 다 14K 리얼 골드입니다‬And the surface that surrounds your wrist is made of 14k gold.
‪[TV에서 축구 중계가 흘러나온다]‬is made of 14k gold. -Three players were there. -Yes.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[창희가 리모컨을 툭 놓는다]‬I'd say it was a pretty good attempt,
‪[하늘이 우르릉 울린다]‬
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬ ‪[저마다 놀란다]‬My gosh.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(상민) 비가 너무 많이 오네‬It's raining hard.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪오늘 모임 가능할까?‬Should we cancel tonight?
‪(태훈) 첫 모임인데‬ ‪잠깐이라도 하는 게…‬It's our first gathering, so we should.
‪처음부터 파투 내는 건 좀…‬We shouldn't cancel our first meeting.
‪(상민) 그렇지?‬Right? Is it okay with you, Mi-jeong?
‪염미정 씨, 괜찮나?‬Right? Is it okay with you, Mi-jeong?
‪(미정) 네, 좋아요‬Yes, I'm up for it.
‪(상민) 근데 말이야‬By the way,
‪명색이 해방하려는‬ ‪사람들 모임인데‬we're a group of people who want to be liberated,
‪모임이 좀 편해야 되지 않나 해서‬so I think it should be a comfortable gathering.
‪마주 보고 앉는 데‬ ‪아니면 안 될까?‬Can we meet somewhere where we're not face-to-face?
‪(상민) 이상하게‬ ‪마주 보고 앉는 게 불편하더라고‬Somehow, I feel uncomfortable when I sit across from other people.
‪사람을 정면으로 대하는 게‬Sitting face-to-face…
‪뭔가 전투적인 느낌이야‬feels a little aggressive.
‪공백 없이‬ ‪말해야 된다는 것도 그렇고‬I feel like I have to fill the silences too.
‪혹시 이렇게 하는 게 불편한가?‬Do you feel uncomfortable sitting like this?
‪진짜 편하고 좋네요‬It's nice and relaxing.
‪딴거 없어‬There's nothing to it.
‪해방하려면 퇴사하고‬ ‪이혼하는 수밖에‬To be liberated, I'll have to quit my job and get a divorce.
‪전 그중의 하나는 했는데‬I've done one of them,
‪그것도 딱히 해방은 아니더라고요‬but it didn't exactly liberate me.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪(상민) 어딜 가나‬ ‪속 터지는 인간들은 있을 거고‬There will be people who frustrate you anywhere you go,
‪그 인간들은‬ ‪절대로 변하지 않을 거고‬and those people will never change.
‪그럼 내가 바뀌어야 되는데‬Then that means it's me who has to change.
‪나의 이 분노를 놓고 싶지 않아‬but I don't want to let go of this anger I feel.
‪나의 분노는 너무 정당해‬My anger is perfectly reasonable.
‪너무 정당하죠‬It is all too reasonable.
‪(상민) 너무너무 정당한 이 분노를‬It's so hard to suppress this reasonable anger each time.
‪매번 꾹 눌러야 되는 게 고역이야‬It's so hard to suppress this reasonable anger each time.
‪일은 더럽게 못하면서‬There are people who suck at their jobs but don't want to be criticized.
‪잔소리는 안 듣겠다고‬ ‪하는 인간들이나‬There are people who suck at their jobs but don't want to be criticized. They call me condescending whenever I open my mouth.
‪'뭐라고 하면 꼰대다'‬They call me condescending whenever I open my mouth.
‪'참자'‬So I tell myself to just hold it in.
‪'참자'‬So I tell myself to just hold it in.
‪그래도 참으시네요‬You're doing a good job.
‪티 나?‬Does it show?
‪(경선) 침샘 보톡스로‬AMUR DERMATOLOGY CLINIC Botox injections to the salivary glands can make your jawline smoother.
‪이 얼굴 라인을‬ ‪부드럽게 만들어 주고요‬Botox injections to the salivary glands can make your jawline smoother.
‪고주파 메가셀 500샷 하면‬The high-frequency mega-cell 500 will tighten your skin from the inside.
‪피부가 안에서부터 탱탱해져요‬The high-frequency mega-cell 500 will tighten your skin from the inside. And for sunken eyes, you can rebuild collagen using salmon DNA injections.
‪그리고 이 눈 밑 꺼짐은 연어 주사‬And for sunken eyes, you can rebuild collagen using salmon DNA injections.
‪연어 주사로‬ ‪콜라겐 재생해 주면 되고요‬And for sunken eyes, you can rebuild collagen using salmon DNA injections.
‪이렇게 하면 칼 안 대고도‬With these, you can easily make yourself look 15 years younger without surgery.
‪15년은 그냥 젊어 보여요‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬you can easily make yourself look 15 years younger without surgery.
‪(경선) 근데 고깃집에서‬ ‪원래 그렇게 작게 말해요?‬By the way, do you usually speak this quietly in a barbecue restaurant?
‪나 처음 보네‬By the way, do you usually speak this quietly in a barbecue restaurant? I've never seen people whispering while drinking at a barbecue place.
‪고깃집에서 술 마시면서‬ ‪그렇게 소곤대는 사람들‬I've never seen people whispering while drinking at a barbecue place.
‪보세요‬Take a look.
‪아이고‬-Oh, boy. -Pretty bad, right?
‪(경선) 심각하죠?‬-Oh, boy. -Pretty bad, right?
‪근데 이 상태에서‬-Oh, boy. -Pretty bad, right? But after the three treatments I told you about…
‪아까 제가 말씀드린‬ ‪세 가지를 하면‬But after the three treatments I told you about…
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪이목구비는 그대로인데‬It's the same person, but doesn't she look much younger and livelier?
‪이쪽이 훨씬‬ ‪생기 있고 젊어 보이죠?‬It's the same person, but doesn't she look much younger and livelier?
‪왜, 우리 어렸을 때‬ ‪나이 든 사람 그리라 그러면‬You see, when you were little, and someone told you to draw an old person,
‪이렇게, 이렇게만 그리면‬ ‪나이 든 사람이었잖아요‬you'd draw lines over here, right?
‪근데 그 선을 없앤 거예요‬We're getting rid of those lines.
‪이렇게‬Like this.
‪우리 고객님께서는‬ ‪입가는 너무 괜찮으시고‬You don't have prominent lines around your lips.
‪이 눈 밑만 지우시면‬ ‪훨씬 젊어 보이세요‬You don't have prominent lines around your lips. You'll look much younger by just removing the lines under your eyes.
‪(경선) [속삭이며] 얼마 전에‬ ‪연예인도 다녀갔잖아‬We recently treated a celebrity as well.
‪(기정) 네‬I see.
‪쓰읍, 아, 저기…‬Excuse me.
‪혹시 산포여고 나오지 않으셨어요?‬Did you go to Sanpo Girls' High School, by any chance?
‪(경선) 예‬Yes.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪'염기정'‬"Yeom Gi-jeong."
‪어머, 너 염기정이니?‬-Wait, are you Yeom Gi-jeong? -Yes.
‪(기정) 응응‬-Wait, are you Yeom Gi-jeong? -Yes.
‪(경선) 어머‬ ‪어머, 나 염기정은 아는데‬Oh, my God. I do know Yeom Gi-jeong. But who are you?
‪너 누구니?‬Oh, my God. I do know Yeom Gi-jeong. But who are you?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪(기정) 어, 어‬Right.
‪아, 나 얼마 전에 너 본 거 같은데‬I think I saw you a few weeks ago.
‪강남역 근처 고깃집에서‬At a barbecue restaurant in Gangnam.
‪(경선) 어?‬What?
‪아, 저, 네 조카‬ ‪생일이었던 거 같은데?‬I think it was your niece's birthday.
‪아, 그때 거기?‬That place?
‪어머, 나 봤으면‬ ‪알은척을 하지 왜 안 했어?‬Then you should've said hi. Why didn't you?
‪[어색하게 웃으며] 어?‬What?
‪야, 근데 너‬ ‪어떻게 나를 바로 알아봤니?‬How did you recognize me right away?
‪(기정) 응‬Well…
‪[빗소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[감성적인 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(경선) 너 진짜 싸게 한 거야‬I gave you a really good price. Even I can't do it at that price.
‪우리도 그 가격에 못 해‬I gave you a really good price. Even I can't do it at that price.
‪(희선) 산포 친구‬ ‪데리고 온 거 처음이다?‬-You never brought a friend from Sanpo. -Yes, it's my first time meeting one.
‪(경선) 나도 처음이야‬ ‪산포 친구 만난 거‬-You never brought a friend from Sanpo. -Yes, it's my first time meeting one.
‪우리 산포 살던 얘기 별로 안 해‬We don't really talk about Sanpo.
‪우리 삼 남매 인생의 흑역사‬It was a dark time for me and my two siblings.
‪나 남동생 있는 건 알지?‬You know I have a younger brother, right?
‪(기정) 응‬Yes.
‪(경선) 너 나에 대해서‬ ‪기억력 되게 좋다‬You remember a lot about me.
‪어떻게 다 기억하냐‬ ‪남동생 있는 것까지?‬How do you even remember that?
‪[어색하게 웃으며] 어‬How do you even remember that?
‪얘가 유림이 생일날 고깃집에서‬She recognized me straight away when she saw me on Yu-rim's birthday.
‪나 보고 한 번에 알아봤다잖아‬She recognized me straight away when she saw me on Yu-rim's birthday.
‪알은척을 하지, 그때‬You should've said hi then.
‪산포 몇 단지 사는데?‬Where in Sanpo do you live?
‪신도시가 아니고요‬ ‪당미역 근처예요‬Near Dangmi Station, not in the new town.
‪(희선) 어, 그, 그‬ ‪저수지 있는 데?‬Near that reservoir?
‪그 근처에 유명한‬ ‪수제빗집 하나 있지 않나?‬Isn't there a famous sujebi place around there?
‪네, 있어요‬Yes, there is.
‪어, 우리 고모네랑‬ ‪가끔씩 거기 갔었는데‬Our aunt used to take us there sometimes.
‪그거 아직도 있어?‬Is it still there?
‪아이고, 언제 한번 가 보고 싶다‬I want to go back there sometime.
‪그 수제비 가끔씩 생각났거든‬I think of their sujebi from time to time.
‪외식이랍시고‬She called it dining-out,
‪한창 성장기 애들한테‬ ‪수제비 먹이고‬but it was just boring old sujebi.
‪그래도 고모 덕분에‬ ‪우리가 이러고 사는 줄이나 알아‬Still, we've gotten where we are all thanks to Auntie.
‪(희선) 고모 없었으면‬ ‪우리가 상속세를 어떻게 알고, 어?‬Without her, we wouldn't have known about the inheritance tax,
‪그 큰돈을 어떻게 내야 되는지‬ ‪우리가 어떻게 아니?‬Without her, we wouldn't have known about the inheritance tax, or how we were supposed to cough up such a large sum of money.
‪[희선이 입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪여기 살던 3층 세놓고‬We rented out the apartment on the third floor,
‪그 돈으로 상속세 내고‬ ‪우린 고모네랑 같이 살았거든‬We rented out the apartment on the third floor, paid the inheritance tax with that money, and moved in with our aunt.
‪이 건물 뜯어먹겠다고 달려든‬ ‪그냥, 친척들이 한둘이었냐?‬All our relatives tried to take this building away from us, remember?
‪너 우리 고모가 무지 지키신 거다‬You should know that auntie did her best to protect us. Was that why the food was so horrible?
‪어, 반찬은 그따위로 해 주고?‬Was that why the food was so horrible?
‪그 집 식구들도 똑같이 먹었어‬Her family ate the same food.
‪아니야, 밖에 나가서‬ ‪따로 뭐 먹었어!‬No, they'd always go out to eat by themselves.
‪(경선) 내가‬ ‪내 조카 있어 보니까 알겠더라‬Now that I have a niece of my own, I get it.
‪이렇게 이쁘고 귀여운데‬Now that I have a niece of my own, I get it. I find her so precious and adorable. How could she treat us like that?
‪고모는 우리한테 왜 그랬을까?‬I find her so precious and adorable. How could she treat us like that?
‪어린애랑 다 큰 것들이랑 똑같냐?‬Yu-rim is little, but we weren't.
‪(희선) 넌 뭐, 유림이‬You think you'll still find her adorable when she's older?
‪중학교 가고 고등학교 가도‬ ‪계속 이쁠 거 같아?‬You think you'll still find her adorable when she's older?
‪(경선) 어‬ ‪난 계속 이쁠 거야, 계속‬You think you'll still find her adorable when she's older? Yes. I'll find her adorable forever.
‪(희선) 아휴‬
‪살성이 나랑 비슷한 거 같은데‬ ‪그 멍 좀 오래간다‬It looks like we have a similar skin type. Those bruises won't go away quickly.
‪술 안 마시면 금방 빠져‬They will if you don't drink.
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬
‪- 아유, 유림이 왔어?‬ ‪- (경선) 왔냐?‬-Hi, Yu-rim! -Hey.
‪(희선) [웃으며]‬ ‪다 젖었네, 아이고‬Look at you. You're all wet.
‪(경선) 야, 인사해‬Hey, this is my friend from high school.
‪누나 동창, 산포여고‬Hey, this is my friend from high school.
‪얼마 전에 유림이 생일날‬ ‪고깃집에서 봤다는데?‬She saw us at the barbecue restaurant on Yu-rim's birthday.
‪(희선) 유림이 저녁 먹었어?‬Yu-rim, did you have dinner?
‪배 안 고파? 유림아‬Aren't you hungry? Yu-rim.
‪(경선) 이해해, 사춘기야‬Yu-rim. You'll have to excuse her. Puberty.
‪요즘 애들은 좀 빨라‬Kids grow up fast these days.
‪(태훈) 아유‬-Oh, welcome! -Welcome!
‪- (희선) 아이고, 어서 오세요!‬ ‪- (경선) 어서 오세요!‬-Oh, welcome! -Welcome!
‪(태훈) 어서 오세요‬-Oh, welcome! -Welcome! Welcome.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪(경선) 네 분이세요?‬
‪[헛웃음 치며] 야‬Hey.
‪내가 미안한데‬I'm sorry. I really am,
‪내가 정말 미안한데‬I'm sorry. I really am,
‪그 남자 재혼은 텄다고 봐야 돼‬but he could never get married again.
‪(기정) 조경선 걔 불량했어‬Cho Gyeong-seon used to be delinquent.
‪야, 불량소녀 낀 애틋한 삼 남매면‬Close siblings, one of whom used to be delinquent? It's over.
‪끝났다고 봐야 되는 거야‬Close siblings, one of whom used to be delinquent? It's over.
‪야, 어떤 여자가 거기 끼어드니?‬No woman would want to get in the middle of that.
‪왜 이혼했는지 너무 보여‬I can see why he got divorced. It's so obvious.
‪그냥 보여‬I can see why he got divorced. It's so obvious.
‪야, 결혼 상대로는‬When it comes to marriage, the three of us are much better.
‪광화문 대로에서 마주쳐도‬ ‪알은척도 안 하고 지나가는‬When it comes to marriage, the three of us are much better. We'd just ignore each other outside of the house.
‪우리 같은 삼 남매가 백번 낫지‬We'd just ignore each other outside of the house.
‪조실부모하고 자기들끼리‬ ‪애틋한 삼 남매?‬Three close siblings without parents?
‪야, 됐다고 본다, 아유‬No one wants that. Jeez.
‪[기정의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪불 꺼‬Turn off the light.
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪아참, 야, 너 그 남자 잘 봐라‬Oh, hey. Watch him closely and see if he disappears or not.
‪잠수 타나 안 타나‬Oh, hey. Watch him closely and see if he disappears or not.
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪내가 뽀찌는 받아야지, 응‬I should still get my share.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(기정) 여기‬-Here. -Oh, no. It's fine.
‪(태훈) 아, 아니에요, 괜찮습니다‬-Here. -Oh, no. It's fine.
‪아, 저, 이거‬ ‪제가 사기로 한 거예요‬I told Gyeong-seon that this one was on me.
‪[술병이 잘그랑거린다]‬ ‪(태훈) 아…‬Well…
‪(경선) 괜찮아, 받아‬Let her pay. I gave her a good price for her wrinkle treatment.
‪내가 눈 밑 싸게 해 줬어‬Let her pay. I gave her a good price for her wrinkle treatment.
‪그, 예, 받으세요‬She's right. Here you go.
‪그럼 술값만 받을게요‬You can just pay for the drinks then.
‪아니요, 저거 그냥 다 해 주세요‬No, please ring up everything, the bean sprouts and all.
‪저 숙주랑‬No, please ring up everything, the bean sprouts and all.
‪하, 술값만 할게요‬I'll just ring up the drinks.
‪[포스 조작음]‬
‪다음에 또 오세요‬Please come again.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪[영수증 출력음]‬
‪(태훈) 여기요‬Here you go.
‪아, 네‬Thanks.
‪(태훈) 고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪(기정) 저, 이거 선물…‬Here. It's a gift.
‪그날은 정말 죄송했습니다‬I'm really sorry about that day.
‪아, 아니에요, 괜찮습니다‬No. It's okay.
‪그냥 받으세요‬Just take them. Someone gave it to me, but I'm never lucky with these.
‪이거 저도 받은 거고‬ ‪저 이런 거 잘 안돼요‬Just take them. Someone gave it to me, but I'm never lucky with these.
‪이거 되면 잠수 타세요‬If you win, I'd suggest you go off the grid,
‪저 찐짜붙습니다‬If you win, I'd suggest you go off the grid, or else I'll mooch off you.
‪[난처한 숨소리]‬
‪[쑥스러운 웃음]‬
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪(진우) 염 팀장님은‬To you, the most important thing is his attitude toward life.
‪그 남자의 삶의 태도가‬ ‪제일 중요해요‬To you, the most important thing is his attitude toward life.
‪중심을 보는 거죠‬You look at his core.
‪(기정) [한숨 쉬며] 미친년‬Have you gone mad?
‪조경선 동생이다‬He's Gyeong-seon's little brother. He's a single father.
‪애 딸린 홀아비다‬He's Gyeong-seon's little brother. He's a single father.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪다음에 또 오세요‬Please come again. Come again.
‪[메아리치는 효과음]‬Come again.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬ ‪[기정의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(기정) 아, 미친년‬Have you lost it?
‪그럼 술집 주인이 또 오라 그러지‬ ‪뭐라 그래, 그럼?‬Of course he'd say that. He owns the place.
‪하, 미쳤어, 진짜‬
‪[기정의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪(상민) 염미정 씨는‬ ‪왜 해방클럽을 생각했어?‬Mi-jeong, why did you think of The Liberation Club?
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬ ‪[저마다 놀란다]‬My gosh.
‪(미정) 사람들은‬ ‪천둥번개가 치면 무서워하는데‬People are scared of thunder and lightning,
‪전 이상하게 차분해져요‬but strangely I find them calming.
‪드디어 세상이 끝나는구나‬"The world might finally come to an end…
‪바라던 바다‬as I wished."
‪(미정) 갇힌 거 같은데‬It feels like I'm stuck, but I don't know how to get out.
‪어디를 어떻게 뚫어야 될지‬ ‪모르겠어서‬It feels like I'm stuck, but I don't know how to get out.
‪그냥 다 같이 끝나길‬ ‪바라는 거 같아요‬That's probably why I hope everything ends all at once.
‪'불행하진 않지만‬ ‪행복하지도 않다'‬"I'm not unhappy but I'm not happy either."
‪'이대로 끝나도 상관없다'‬"I wouldn't care if the world ended now."
‪(미정) '다 무덤으로 가는 길인데'‬"Everyone is on their way to their graves,
‪'뭐 그렇게 신나고 좋을까'‬so why is everyone so happy and excited?"
‪(미정) 어쩔 땐‬Sometimes, I think that people who are damaged
‪'아무렇지 않게‬ ‪잘 사는 사람들보다'‬Sometimes, I think that people who are damaged
‪'망가진 사람들이‬ ‪훨씬 더 정직한 사람들 아닐까'‬are much more honest than those who live their lives happily.
‪그래요‬are much more honest than those who live their lives happily.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪[개들이 요란하게 짖는다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[미정의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(미정) 들어가요!‬Get inside!
‪얼른 들어가요!‬Get inside now!
‪들어가라고요!‬I said, get inside!
‪[미정의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[미정의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(미정) 어디에‬ ‪갇힌 건진 모르겠지만‬I don't know where I'm stuck but I want to break free.
‪뚫고 나가고 싶어요‬I don't know where I'm stuck but I want to break free.
‪진짜로 행복해서‬I wish I was genuinely happy
‪진짜로 좋았으면 좋겠어요‬I wish I was genuinely happy
‪그래서 '아, 이게 인생이지'‬and be able to say things like, "Yes, this is life."
‪'이게 사는 거지'‬"This is what life is all about."
‪그런 말을 해 보고 싶어요‬I want to be able to say these things.
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪[전동 공구 작동음]‬
‪한번 가 봐요‬You should go check on him.
‪아, 둬, 그냥, 쉬게‬Just let him rest.
‪(혜숙) 아휴, 가 봐요‬Go check. Maybe he's hurt again and can't move.
‪또 어디 다쳐서‬ ‪꼼짝 못 하고 있는 거 아닌가‬Go check. Maybe he's hurt again and can't move.
‪[전동 공구 작동음]‬
‪예?‬Come on.
‪(제호) [공구를 툭 놓으며]‬ ‪쯧, 아휴‬
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪시원하게 맥주 한잔할래?‬Do you want to go grab a cold glass of beer?
‪[TV 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[거리가 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪[혜숙의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪아, 서서 하는 것만 해요‬Do what you can do standing up. You'll hurt your back too.
‪그러다 허리까지 나가요‬Do what you can do standing up. You'll hurt your back too.
‪(혜숙) 아이고, 밭일에‬ ‪서서 하는 게 어디 있다고‬This is farm work. There's nothing you can do standing up.
‪아, 왜, 그냥 쉬지‬Why didn't you just stay at home? Your foot isn't healed yet.
‪발도 성치 않으면서‬Why didn't you just stay at home? Your foot isn't healed yet.
‪[제호의 한숨]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(창희) 으이그‬Jeez. You should cross the bridge over there.
‪저쪽 다리로 갔다 와야지, 뭐‬Jeez. You should cross the bridge over there.
‪(혜숙) 아이고, 저쪽이 빠르지‬No, it's faster that way.
‪이쪽이 빠르죠‬It's faster this way.
‪(혜숙) 눈대중도 없는 놈‬Can't you eyeball that? It's faster that way.
‪저쪽이 빠르지‬Can't you eyeball that? It's faster that way.
‪(창희) 아, 저…‬But…
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪있어 봐‬Wait here.
‪[구 씨의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(창희) 제가 갔다 올게요‬I'll go.
‪[창희의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪저기 있는데‬It's over there.
‪어디 가?‬Where is he going?
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪[발소리가 울린다]‬By the way,
‪(창희) 근데 이 동네는‬ ‪어떻게 오게 됐어요?‬By the way, how did you end up moving here?
‪(여자) 내리라고!‬I said, get off!
‪(남자) 너 그대로 쭉 갔으면‬ ‪뭔 일 당했다‬You would've been in trouble if you had kept going.
‪어떻게 알고 피했냐?‬How did you know to run?
‪(미정) 그러니까 날 추앙해요‬So worship me.
‪그래서 봄이 되면‬So that when spring comes,
‪당신도 나도‬you and I
‪(미정) 다른 사람이‬ ‪돼 있을 거예요‬will have become different people.
‪(구 씨) 확실해?‬Are you sure?
‪봄이 오면‬That you and I
‪너도 나도 다른 사람 돼 있는 거?‬will have become different people when spring comes?
‪(미정) 확실해‬I'm positive.
‪(구 씨) 추앙은 어떻게 하는 건데?‬How do you worship someone?
‪(미정) 응원하는 거‬You cheer them on.
‪'넌 뭐든 할 수 있다'‬You tell them they can do anything
‪'뭐든 된다'‬and that everything is possible.
‪응원하는 거‬You cheer them on.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(창희) 형, 국가 대표였죠?‬You used to be a national athlete, right?
‪구진서? 구자경, 구창모?‬Gu Jin-seok? Gu Ja-gyeong? Gu Chang-mo?
‪(창희) 이걸 1년을 숨겼다가…‬You hid this for a year?
‪(구 씨) 할 말이 없다‬I have nothing to say or hear from you.
‪들을 말도 없고‬I have nothing to say or hear from you.
‪(원희) 너 그때 그거‬ ‪조경선이 알면 너 끝장이야‬If Gyeong-seon finds out about that, you're done for.
‪(기정) 그 남자가 얘기하겠냐?‬I doubt he'll tell her.
‪(원희) 그 애가 하겠지‬His kid will.
‪(민규) 그날 분위기로 봐선‬ ‪바로 톡 날릴 것 같더니‬It seemed like you'd text her right away.
‪아직 예린이 정리 안 된 거야?‬Haven't you gotten over Ye-rim?
‪(미정) 저녁 먹었어요?‬Did you have dinner? What are you doing later?
‪이따 뭐 해요?‬Did you have dinner? What are you doing later?
‪(미정) 받아요‬Take this.
‪(미정) 맨날 오다 말아‬He always holds back.
‪(구 씨) 저‬ ‪막내따님 전화번호 좀…‬Could I have your youngest daughter's number?

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