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  사냥개들 5

Bloodhounds 5


‪- [우진 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [현주 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[긴장된 숨소리]‬
‪[우진] 뛰어, 빨리!‬
‪어, 어‬Whoa!
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[깡패3 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[우진, 현주 가쁜 숨소리]‬[both panting]
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[우진 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[music intensifies]
‪[우진 가쁜 숨소리]‬-[gasps] -Stop!
‪[성난 숨소리] 이씨! 야! 씨‬-[gasps] -Stop!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪이, 씨발!‬Damn it!
‪가방 버려!‬Drop the bag!
‪[짜증 난 숨소리]‬[whimpering] Oh, shit!
‪- [현주] 에이, 씨발!‬ ‪- 아휴!‬[whimpering] Oh, shit!
‪- [현주 짜증 난 신음]‬ ‪- [정팀장] 야, 인마!‬-[goon] Come here! -[Woo-jin panting]
‪- [우진 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- [건우 다급한 숨소리]‬-[goon] Come here! -[Woo-jin panting] [grunts]
‪[소리치며] 시동 걸어!‬Start the car!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪- [힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪- [우진] 빨리, 현주야!‬Hurry up! Hurry. Run faster.
‪- 빨리! 빨리 뛰어!‬ ‪- [가쁜 숨소리]‬Hurry up! Hurry. Run faster.
‪[힘주며] 빨리빨리!‬Hurry, hurry! Come on!
‪빨리‬Hurry, hurry! Come on!
‪[우진 소리치며] 시동 걸어!‬Start the car!
‪- [씩씩거리며] 씨발 새끼들‬ ‪- [우진] 더 빨리 뛰어!‬-Bastards. -[Woo-jin] Run faster!
‪- [우진] 빨리!‬ ‪- [현주 지친 신음]‬-Hurry! -[Hyeon-ju grunts]
‪[둘이 가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪[건우] 어서 타!‬ ‪타, 타, 타, 빨리빨리‬[Gun-woo] Please hurry up.
‪빨리! 형, 문, 문, 문!‬Come on. Door. Door. Door. Come on, let's go!
‪- 문, 문, 문!‬ ‪- [우진과 현주의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Come on. Door. Door. Door. Come on, let's go!
‪[엔진 급발진음]‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screeching]
‪[깡패들 탄식]‬
‪[모두 가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬[all panting]
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪[씩씩거리며] 이, 씨발!‬God dammit.
‪[주제곡]‬[theme music playing]
‪[쿵 울리는 효과음]‬BLOODHOUNDS
‪[양중] 김명길의 돈을 쓰는 사람이‬People borrowing from Kim Myeong-gil is way more than we thought.
‪- 생각보다 많은 것 같습니다‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬People borrowing from Kim Myeong-gil is way more than we thought.
‪1시간 간격으로‬ ‪술집에 사람들이 드나들었습니다‬They all enter the bar in one-hour intervals.
‪경찰 관용차를 탄 사람도 있었고‬Some of them in official police vehicles.
‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪제가 이름은 잘 모르겠는데‬I don't know his name,
‪그, TV에서 본‬ ‪프로 야구 선수도 있었습니다‬but there was also a professional baseball player.
‪[숨을 깊게 들이쉰다]‬[inhales deeply]
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래, 뭐‬[sighs deeply]
‪그간 발을 많이 넓혔겠지‬Yeah, well, seems he's expanded his reach.
‪[숨을 짧게 들이켜며] 음‬[inhales deeply]
‪[꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬
‪[짧은 콜록거림]‬[coughs]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[coughs]
‪[태호가 쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[Mr. Choi coughs]
‪명길이가‬ ‪전과자인 거는 내가 알고 있었어‬I knew it that Myeong-gil was an ex-convict.
‪그놈이 내 밑에서 일하면서‬He begged for my help.
‪인생을 다시 시작하고 싶다고‬He said all he wanted was a fresh start.
‪[숨을 깊이 들이쉰다]‬He said all he wanted was a fresh start. [inhales sharply]
‪간절히 빌었었어‬And like an idiot…
‪[한숨 쉬며] 내가 속았지‬[sighs] I fell for it.
‪명길이한테 당하고 난 후에‬After Myeong-gil screwed me,
‪오기사님이랑‬ ‪남해에 숨어들어 갔을 때‬I went into hiding with Mr. Oh.
‪명길이가 내 돈이랑 채권을 갖고‬That's when I heard rumors that he'd started a company
‪[숨을 깊이 들이쉰다]‬That's when I heard rumors that he'd started a company
‪회사를 시작한다는 소문도 들었어‬using the money and bonds he had stolen from me.
‪그놈을 처리하는 건‬ ‪내가 했어야 되는데‬I should've taken care of him a long time ago.
‪그놈을 가르친 건 나니까‬I taught him everything.
‪[숨을 깊게 들이쉰다]‬[inhales deeply]
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[exhales deeply]
‪그놈 처리하는 게‬I didn't have the courage.
‪그, 엄두도 안 나더라고‬I wish I would've gained some by now.
‪[숨을 들이쉬며] 그때‬ ‪네가 명길이를‬I shouldn't have stopped you from going after him
‪처리한다고 하는데 말린 거‬I shouldn't have stopped you from going after him and giving him what he deserved.
‪미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪너까지 잃을까 봐 무서웠어‬I was too afraid I'd lose you as well.
‪사장님은 저를‬You've always…
‪항상 가족처럼 아끼고‬ ‪보호해 주셨습니다‬cared for me and protected me like I was family.
‪전 언제든지‬I'm always… [inhales sharply]
‪사장님을 위해서라면‬ ‪목숨 바칠 각오가 돼있습니다‬…ready to lay my life on the line for you anytime you need it, sir.
‪고맙다‬I know you are.
‪미안하다‬And I'm sorry.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[cell phone vibrating]
‪그래?‬Okay. [sighs]
‪알았다, 얼른 와라‬Come on back.
‪사장님‬So, uh, it seems the kids just got jumped
‪저, 애들이 책방에서‬ ‪현금을 빼 오다가‬So, uh, it seems the kids just got jumped
‪김명길 부하들한테‬ ‪습격을 받았답니다‬while they were moving all the money.
‪다쳤대?‬-Are they hurt? -No, they didn't mention it.
‪[양중] 아니, 그런 얘긴‬ ‪없었습니다‬-Are they hurt? -No, they didn't mention it.
‪근데…‬But, uh,
‪금고에 있는 모든 돈을 잃었답니다‬they said they lost the money from the safe.
‪아이, 다쳤냐고?‬Are they hurt or not?
‪괜찮은 거 같습니다‬I think they're all right.
‪[안도의 한숨]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[양중] 저, 그리고‬They also… tied one of them up but didn't want to finish him off.
‪지금 상가에 한 놈을 잡아놨는데‬They also… tied one of them up but didn't want to finish him off.
‪처리는 못 하고 나왔답니다‬ ‪어떡할까요?‬They also… tied one of them up but didn't want to finish him off. Now what?
‪어, 환자가 범죄 행위를 하다가‬ ‪응급실에 찾아오면은‬When an ER receives a patient that was injured doing something illegal…
‪의사들이 경찰에 신고하게 돼있어‬…the doctors are obligated to call the police.
‪그래서 나는‬ ‪언제든지 수술할 수 있도록‬That's why I used to have surgeons of my own
‪이, 병원을 잡아놨었어‬ready to operate at all times.
‪명길이도 분명히‬ ‪병원을 잡아놨을 거야‬I'm pretty sure Myeong-gil must have a similar arrangement.
‪[짧은 탄성]‬
‪두영이 붙이겠습니다‬ ‪오토바이가 유리합니다‬I'll go get Du-yeong. He's gonna find him fast.
‪[인범 아파하는 신음]‬-[dramatic music playing] -[In-beom heavy, rapid breathing]
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬-[dramatic music playing] -[In-beom heavy, rapid breathing]
‪- [힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- [케이블 타이가 뚝 끊긴다]‬-[bones crack] -[shouts, groans]
‪[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬-[bones crack] -[shouts, groans]
‪[숨을 고른다]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[힘주는 기합]‬[yelling]
‪[뚝 끊기는 소리]‬[yelling]
‪[인범 힘주는 신음]‬[In-beom grunting]
‪[연신 힘겨운 신음을 낸다]‬
‪[인범이 콜록거린다]‬[In-beom coughing]
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[음악이 서서히 멈춘다]‬
‪[양중] 수고했어‬Good job.
‪수고했다‬Good job.
‪아, 네‬Uh, yeah.
‪[쯧 입소리를 낸다]‬
‪너희 좀 잠 좀 자고‬Get some sleep, okay? Come to the restaurant tomorrow.
‪점심에 가게로 와‬Get some sleep, okay? Come to the restaurant tomorrow.
‪뭐, 어떤 거 때문에…‬[hesitating] What? Uh, what for?
‪밥 주려고‬For food.
‪제가 사실 점심은 잘 안 먹어서…‬I don't usually eat lunch.
‪- 와‬ ‪- 넵‬-You will. -Yeah.
‪가봐‬Go on.
‪[태호] 어‬-[Gun-woo exhales] -Hey. [Mr. Choi grunting]
‪[건우 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪괜찮아?‬You okay?
‪금고에 있는 돈은‬ ‪잃어버렸어요, 죄송해요‬We lost all the money in the safe. I'm really sorry.
‪아니, 네 몸 괜찮냐고?‬But you're not hurt anywhere, right?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪그건 괜찮아‬That's all that matters.
‪아, 상자 마저 옮겨둘게요‬ ‪먼저 주무세요‬Oh. I… I have more boxes to move. You should sleep.
‪[태호] 너 진짜 안 다쳤지?‬Hyeon-ju, are you sure you're not hurt?
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 네‬Yeah.
‪[울컥하는 숨소리]‬[shallow breathing]
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪[인범 힘주는 신음]‬[In-beom grunting]
‪[인범 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[엔진 가속음]‬[engine revving]
‪[인영] 내가 돈 돌려준 거 아니야‬ ‪그놈이…‬It's not that I didn't pay them back, but this guy just came in…
‪[장도] 인범이는‬ ‪다른 데는 괜찮은데‬[Jang-do] In-beom is going to be fine,
‪오른쪽 귀 고막이 터졌다고 합니다‬but his eardrum is busted.
‪블랙박스에 찍힌 차 번호로‬ ‪오전에 차량 조회해 보겠습니다‬I got a license plate. I'll run it through tomorrow.
‪[준민] 아직도 안 했어?‬What do you mean "tomorrow"?
‪[화를 누르며] 경찰이 아직‬ ‪출근을 안 했으니까‬That's when the officers we pay are on duty.
‪말이 좀 짧으시네?‬Watch your tone with me.
‪눈빛 멋있다‬Don't push me.
‪아이, 씨, 쯧‬Ah, shit. [clicks tongue]
‪[라이터 딸각 소리]‬[lighter clicks]
‪[장도 한숨]‬[Jang-do sighs]
‪만약에 걔들이 탄 차가 대포차거나‬If it's an unregistered vehicle or fake plates,
‪가짜 번호판이면‬If it's an unregistered vehicle or fake plates,
‪그 차가 어디까지 갔는지‬ ‪CCTV로 추적할 수 있니?‬is it possible to track it with the security cameras?
‪[난감한 숨소리]‬
‪불가능하진 않은데‬ ‪시간이 오래 걸릴 거 같습니다‬It's definitely possible, but it would take us a little while.
‪차량 조회는 경찰 인트라넷에‬ ‪번호만 치면 나오는데‬License plates can be looked up on the police Intranet.
‪CCTV는 관제 센터에 가서‬But if we're talking about getting security footage,
‪일일이 돌리면서‬ ‪찾아봐야 하고, 또…‬But if we're talking about getting security footage, that's a different story. We'd have to… be able to get inside control centers,
‪구마다 관제 센터가 다 달라서‬that's a different story. We'd have to… be able to get inside control centers,
‪제가 사람 섭외하는 것도‬ ‪시간이 좀 필요합니다‬and I would need to pay off the right kinds of people.
‪돈 많이 써도 되니까‬ ‪최대한 빨리해 봐‬Money is not an issue. Just get it done quickly.
‪그 책방이 있는 상가 주인이‬ ‪누군지 좀 알아봐‬I want you to find out who owns the building.
‪최사장이면‬If it's Choi, you need to get his home address.
‪집 주소도 찾을 수 있을 거야‬If it's Choi, you need to get his home address.
‪나 장도랑‬ ‪둘이 잠깐 얘기 좀 할게‬You can go now. Let me talk to Jang-do.
‪못 들었어?‬You heard me.
‪[준민] 네‬Sure.
‪[라이터 딸각 소리]‬[lighter clicks]
‪[라이터 딸각 소리]‬[lighter clicks]
‪왜 그냥 놔뒀을까?‬why do you think they left him there?
‪현금 옮기느라‬ ‪시간이 없었던 거 아닐까요?‬Is it because they had run out of time?
‪장도야, 장도야, 어?‬Jang-do. Jang-do, huh?
‪긍정적으로 생각하는 사람은‬ ‪발전이 없어‬You're thinking far too positively right now.
‪부정적으로 생각해 봐‬Think negatively for a change.
‪[작은 목소리로] 저 새끼들이‬ ‪나를 잡아 죽이려고‬Try to understand. Those bastards are trying to kill you.
‪안간힘을 쓰고 있다는 두려움으로‬You should allow that idea to drive your thoughts.
‪머리를 굴려보라고‬So why'd they leave him there?
‪뒤를 밟으려고요?‬-They're planning to track him. -[scoffs]
‪[훗 웃음소리]‬-They're planning to track him. -[scoffs]
‪병원에, 애들 추가해‬Okay then. We need to get more men and put them at the hospital.
‪환자복 입히고 연장 채우고‬We need to get more men and put them at the hospital.
‪[작은 목소리로] 준민이한테도‬ ‪애들 붙여‬And we need to follow Jun-min.
‪김이사가 뭐 잘못했나요?‬Why? Did he do something wrong?
‪아, 말했잖아‬ ‪부정적으로 생각하라고‬Uh, I told you to think negatively about this.
‪최사장이‬ ‪쟤 신상 털었을 수도 있어‬Mr. Choi may have info on him.
‪[명길이 크게 숨을 들이켠다]‬[inhales sharply] Jun-min is just a coward.
‪준민이는 겁이 많아서‬ ‪표정 관리가 안 돼‬[inhales sharply] Jun-min is just a coward. He's turned way too easily.
‪멀리에서 봐도 눈치 깔 수도 있어‬It'll be very obvious. One look at his face, and he just gives everything away, huh?
‪쟨 모르는 게 약이다, 어?‬One look at his face, and he just gives everything away, huh?
‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[한숨 쉬며] 쟤 때문에‬All right now.
‪황양중이 움직이지는 않을 거 같고‬Beom is just a small fry here.
‪이두영을 보낼 거야‬So Lee Du-yeong is our man.
‪말했지, 오토바이 타고‬ ‪넓게 움직이는 거‬He's got a bike. That's who they'll send to tail him.
‪앞뒤 막아서 잡아봐‬Block the streets and trap him.
‪- 재밌겠다 [입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬[chuckles] Should be fun. -[clicks tongue] -[music stops]
‪[후후 호흡 소리]‬
‪[거친 숨을 하 내쉰다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[거친 숨을 내쉰다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[거친 숨을 후 내쉰다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing]
‪[거친 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪[건우 놀란 신음]‬Oh!
‪사장님, 안녕히 주무셨어요?‬Did you sleep well, sir?
‪아이, 잠은 잔 거야?‬Did you get any sleep?
‪아, 예 [가쁜 숨소리]‬Yeah.
‪어, 새벽에 들어왔는데‬ ‪좀 쉬지 그래‬You got back so late. You should rest now.
‪깊게 자서 충분합니다‬I got plenty of sleep, but thank you.
‪아, 건우야‬Ah, Gun-woo,
‪내 너한테 할 말이 좀 있었다‬I've been meaning to talk to you, actually.
‪[건우] 아‬Oh.
‪[태호 힘주는 신음]‬[Mr. Choi grunting]
‪이, 현주는 [한숨]‬Hyeon-ju, uh… You may have noticed she always has a bit of an edge to her.
‪외로운 아이야‬Hyeon-ju, uh… You may have noticed she always has a bit of an edge to her.
‪항상 마음 한구석에 그늘이 있는‬Hyeon-ju, uh… You may have noticed she always has a bit of an edge to her.
‪[태호] 이, 그래서 일부러‬ ‪무정하게 행동할 때가 있어‬I think that's the reason why she acts a little cold at times. [laughs]
‪아, 네‬Ah. [inhales sharply]
‪근데 우리 현주가‬But she seems to have softened considerably
‪너랑 우진이랑 만나고 나서‬ ‪아주 밝아졌다‬But she seems to have softened considerably since meeting you and Woo-jin.
‪그래서 니네 두 사람한테‬ ‪아주 고마워‬For that, you have my gratitude.
‪저희도 현주랑 있는 게 좋습니다‬We really enjoyed working with Hyeon-ju.
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉬며] 아, 그리고‬Oh, very good.
‪내가 너한테 선급해 준 돈‬So, the money I paid you in advance,
‪이제 없어‬it's gone.
‪[말을 더듬으며] 아, 저‬ ‪어, 어, 어디, 어디로 갔는데요?‬Oh, so… where did the money go then?
‪어, 내 말은 그냥 퉁쳤다는 거야‬I meant to say that we're even now.
‪아… 왜요?‬Oh, why?
‪어제 책방에서 가져온 돈이‬Do you have any idea how much money you managed to recover?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Do you have any idea how much money you managed to recover?
‪얼만 줄은 알아?‬Do you have any idea how much money you managed to recover?
‪어, 그게…‬Uh, well…
‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[싱겁게 웃으며] 어어…‬[chuckles softly]
‪그, 내 돈을 무사히 운반했으니까‬I'm going to give you a nice bonus for a safe transport.
‪- 내가 보너스를 주는 거야‬ ‪- [건우 호응하며] 아, 네‬I'm going to give you a nice bonus for a safe transport. Oh, uh… [inhales sharply]
‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬Oh, uh… [inhales sharply]
‪어, 저, 저는 정당하게 일해서‬ ‪갚고 싶습니다‬I'd like to pay it back by putting my fair share of work, sir.
‪어, 정당하게 일한 거야‬You've already done your share.
‪너희들이 갖고 온 현금이‬ ‪아주 꽤 된다‬You three managed to retrieve a considerable sum.
‪[후 숨을 내쉰다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪그리고 너하고 나‬So from this moment, you're not indebted to me anymore.
‪이제는 채무 관계 아니다‬So from this moment, you're not indebted to me anymore.
‪어머니 모시고‬Get your mom and go open a new café somewhere nice.
‪제주도나 어디 좋은 데 가서‬ ‪다시 카페 차려‬Get your mom and go open a new café somewhere nice.
‪내가 모든 거 다 투자해 줄게‬I'll make all the necessary investments.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles softly]
‪사장님, 진짜 감사합니다‬Thank you so much, Mr. Choi.
‪근데‬I want to help you catch Kim Myeong-gil
‪저는 사장님께서 김명길 잡는 거‬I want to help you catch Kim Myeong-gil
‪끝까지 돕고 싶습니다‬I'll do that until the very end.
‪충분히 도왔어‬You've been very helpful.
‪[건우] 아닙니다, 끝까지‬ ‪함께하고 싶습니다‬I know that, but I'd like to see it to the very end.
‪은혜를 갚아야죠‬To repay my debt.
‪충분히 갚았어‬You've done enough already.
‪전 아직 안 충분합니다‬It's not enough in my book, sir.
‪끝날 때까지 끝난 게 아니라서요‬It's not over until it's over for real.
‪[태호 웃음]‬[chuckles] Yeah.
‪그래‬[chuckles] Yeah.
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬
‪이, 끝날 때까지 끝난 게 아니야‬-It's not over till it's over for real. -[exhales deeply]
‪조만간 나랑 술 한잔하자‬We should have a drink sometime soon. [laughs]
‪아, 제가 술을 안 마십니다‬Oh, I don't really drink, unfortunately.
‪대신 제가 따라드리겠습니다‬I'll be more than happy to pour your drinks, sir.
‪으휴 [흐뭇한 웃음]‬[both laughing]
‪[건우의 안심한 웃음]‬[both laughing]
‪올라가!‬-Go on. -Oh, okay.
‪아, 아, 네!‬-Go on. -Oh, okay.
‪[밖에서 새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[새가 연신 지저귄다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[양중] 고추냉이 올려서‬ ‪간장이랑 먹어‬Use wasabi and soy sauce.
‪[건우 쩝쩝 씹는 소리]‬
‪[우진이 쩝쩝 씹는다]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪자연산이네요?‬Wild caught.
‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬ ‪사실 이 양식 광어는‬You see, farmed halibut have a lot of fat in their fins that can be too heavy.
‪지느러미살에 지방이 많이 껴서‬ ‪살짝 느끼할 수도 있는데‬You see, farmed halibut have a lot of fat in their fins that can be too heavy.
‪얘네들처럼 이 자연산은‬But wild ones like this have all that fat evenly distributed.
‪살이 아주 찰지고‬But wild ones like this have all that fat evenly distributed.
‪지방이 아주 골고루 분포되어 있죠‬ ‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬But wild ones like this have all that fat evenly distributed. [inhales sharply] It's such a clean and exquisite flavor.
‪야, 이 광어 특유의‬ ‪담백함과 풍미가 아주…‬[inhales sharply] It's such a clean and exquisite flavor.
‪[입맛을 쩝 다신다]‬ ‪알알이 느껴지네요‬I can still taste it.
‪숙성도 완벽합니다‬And it's aged to perfection.
‪[우진이 씁 숨을 들이켠다]‬Huh.
‪너… 회 좋아하냐?‬You? An expert?
‪아 [씁 하는 입소리]‬Oh… [inhales sharply]
‪예전에 횟집 유튜버를‬ ‪잠깐 했었습니다‬Oh… [inhales sharply] I was a restaurant YouTuber back in the day,
‪최선을 다해도 구독자 1,000명을‬ ‪못 넘겨서 그만뒀습니다‬but my channel didn't get enough subscribers, so I quit.
‪하, 이렇게 길게 뜬 건‬ ‪처음 먹어보는데‬This was my first time having it cut long.
‪어우 [씁 하는 입소리]‬This was my first time having it cut long.
‪이 입 안에서‬ ‪아주 채찍처럼 찰싹 감싸네요‬It wraps around your mouth like a whip.
‪여태까지 먹어본 광어 중에‬ ‪제일 맛있었습니다‬That was the best halibut I've ever had, sir.
‪'좋아요'‬Love it.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles softly]
‪와, 형, 진짜 대단하다‬That was amazing.
‪- 야, 형 열심히 살았어‬ ‪- [건우가 웃으며] 아‬Hey, I'm a hustler.
‪내가 구독할게‬I'll subscribe.
‪- 닫았다고‬ ‪- [건우] 아‬-I told you it's over. -Oh.
‪[양중] 어제 고생들 해서‬You kids went through a lot.
‪밥 한번 먹이려고 불렀어‬That's why I wanted to treat you.
‪[우진, 건우] 감사합니다‬-Thank you, sir. -Thank you.
‪이제 어떻게 하실 거예요?‬What do you plan to do now?
‪덩치는 죽이고‬Well, kill the big guy.
‪그 살쾡이처럼 생긴 놈은‬ ‪잡아서 조져야지‬Then catch the one that looks like a wildcat.
‪[양중] 그 살쾡이 새끼가‬That one is Kim Myeong-gil's cleanup crew.
‪김명길 청소부야‬That one is Kim Myeong-gil's cleanup crew.
‪김명길이 사고 치고 돌아다니면은‬He's the one they send around buying people's silence
‪그 새끼가 돌아다니면서‬ ‪돈 바르고 협박해서‬He's the one they send around buying people's silence and threatening their lives whenever it's needed.
‪- 입 막고 무마시켰을 거야‬ ‪- [탁 자르는 소리]‬and threatening their lives whenever it's needed.
‪그 새끼 조져서‬We'll fuck him up.
‪김명길이 묻으라고 시킨‬ ‪시신 하나만 찾으면 끝나‬And then he's going to lead us to where the bodies are buried.
‪시신 찾으면 돈으로는 못 막아‬Then we'll have Kim Myeong-gil.
‪- 스마일 캐피탈 끝나네요?‬ ‪- [양중] 그렇지‬-Then Smile Capital is over. -[Yang-jung] That's right.
‪시신을 못 찾으면‬ ‪뭘 찾아야 돼요?‬Well, what do we do if we don't find any bodies?
‪뭐, 살인했을 때 쓴 흉기나‬ ‪[숨을 하 내쉰다]‬Well, we can find a murder weapon or maybe some security footage.
‪동영상 같은 거 찾아도 끝나지‬Well, we can find a murder weapon or maybe some security footage.
‪- 자‬ ‪- [건우 탄성]‬Here.
‪[우진 입소리를 씁 내며] 또‬ ‪요 방어라 함은…‬[inhales sharply] As for the yellowtail,
‪- [드르륵 문이 열린다]‬ ‪- 이 숙성…‬the age--
‪[두영 반가운 탄성]‬ ‪미안, 미안, 미안‬the age-- Oh, sorry I'm late.
‪- 앉아, 앉아, 앉아‬ ‪- [양중] 빨리도 온다‬-Sit, sit. Sit, sit. -Took your time.
‪나 이두영이야‬ ‪니들 얘기는 들었어, 반가워‬Lee Du-yeong. Nice to meet you. Pound this.
‪- [우진] 아‬ ‪- 예, 김건우라고 합니다‬-Kim Gun-woo, sir. -[Du-yeong] Uh-huh.
‪- [두영] 응‬ ‪- 홍우진입니다‬-Hong Woo-jin. -Oh, boxer fists. Hello.
‪야, 이 복서들은 주먹이 달라‬-Hong Woo-jin. -Oh, boxer fists. Hello.
‪[두영] 반갑다‬-Hong Woo-jin. -Oh, boxer fists. Hello.
‪나 사실 그날 지하보도에 갔었어‬I went to the underpass that day.
‪사장님 전화 받자마자 튀어 갔는데‬I went over there as soon as your grandfather called me,
‪내가 좀 멀리 살아가지고‬ ‪늦게 도착했거든‬I went over there as soon as your grandfather called me, but I got there late.
‪근데‬Then I saw those goons lying on the ground and thought,
‪깡패 새끼들 다 뻗어있는 거 보고‬Then I saw those goons lying on the ground and thought,
‪'와, 이놈들 진짜 파이터구나'‬ ‪아주 감탄을 했어‬Then I saw those goons lying on the ground and thought, "These guys can fight."
‪[우진, 건우 멋쩍은 웃음]‬[both chuckle]
‪아, 형도‬Remember when you wanted to be a boxing champion back then?
‪왕년에 저, 월드 챔피언이‬ ‪꿈이었잖아, 그지?‬Remember when you wanted to be a boxing champion back then?
‪아, 왜 나를 끌어들여?‬-That was a long time ago. -What is it?
‪[두영] 왜?‬-That was a long time ago. -What is it?
‪너 오늘 칠 수 있어?‬We got a hit.
‪아, 영업 이사‬The sales director.
‪아, 둘이 있을 때 얘기해‬Let's talk in the back.
‪[양중] 아, 왜?‬ ‪얘들도 같이 뛸 거야‬What? Why? They're coming with us.
‪[두영] 뭔 소리야? 애들이 왜 가?‬[Du-yeong] What are you talking about?
‪[양중] 아, 뭐가 문제야?‬-What's the problem? -It'll make them all accomplices.
‪[두영] 경찰 뜨면‬ ‪얘들 다 공범이야‬-What's the problem? -It'll make them all accomplices.
‪[양중] 아, 애들이 뛴다고 그랬어‬ ‪왜 나한테 그래?‬Hey, they're the ones who wanted in.
‪[두영] 얘들아, 니들 전과 생기면‬Listen, once you have a record, boxing days are over. Got it?
‪다신 링 위에 못 올라간다, 알지?‬Listen, once you have a record, boxing days are over. Got it?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬Yeah.
‪아저씨는 김명길이랑‬ ‪왜 싸우는 거예요?‬Why are you fighting Kim Myeong-gil, Mr. Hwang?
‪아, 우리 애들 죽였으니까‬ ‪갚아야지‬I'm here to finally avenge our boys.
‪김명길이랑 싸우다가‬ ‪아저씨가 죽을 수도 있는데요?‬But you could die fighting him. Aren't you… afraid?
‪안 무서워요?‬Aren't you… afraid?
‪나 죽는 거 안 무서워‬What I'm really afraid of is not managing to kill the fucker.
‪- 그 새끼들 못 죽이는 게 무섭지‬ ‪- [두영 한숨]‬What I'm really afraid of is not managing to kill the fucker.
‪- [두영 깊은 한숨]‬ ‪- 오빠들은 어떻게 할 거야?‬[Du-yeong sighs] Okay, and what about you two?
‪- 가야지‬ ‪- 나도‬-I'm in. -Me too.
‪[두영] 왜?‬Why?
‪김명길은 진짜 나쁜 놈이잖아요‬Because Kim Myeong-gil is a bad man.
‪사장님이 아니었으면‬My family would have been ruined without the help of Mr. Choi.
‪저희 집은 다 망가졌을 거예요‬My family would have been ruined without the help of Mr. Choi.
‪제가 할 줄 아는 건‬ ‪힘쓰는 거밖에 없지만‬I'm only good at fighting,
‪끝까지 도움이 되고 싶습니다‬so I'll help however I can.
‪저도요‬Same here.
‪저희 해병 듀오가‬ ‪큰 도움이 될 거라고 믿습니다‬These two Marines, they're ready for your assistance, sir.
‪니들 해병 나왔냐?‬You two are Marines?
‪[건우] 네‬Yes.
‪해병이십니까?‬Are you a Marine?
‪난 면제고 형이 나왔지‬Exempted, but he was.
‪[우진 놀란 탄성] 야‬Oh! [shallow breathing]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Oh! [shallow breathing]
‪[큰 소리로] 필! 승!‬Salute!
‪[두영 웃음]‬[Du-yeong laughs]
‪[건우 작은 목소리로] 필승‬
‪야, 너 왜 자꾸‬ ‪내 사생활을 유출해, 미쳤어?‬Hey, can you stop telling everyone my personal shit, man?
‪아, 이렇게 서서히‬ ‪알아가는 거지, 뭘, 또‬This is how you get to know people.
‪[우진 긴장한 숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬
‪아, 내려, 이 새끼들아‬Put your hands down.
‪[큰 소리로] 기수 알려주십시오!‬What was your class?
‪안 내려?‬Sit down.
‪[우진 단호한 숨소리]‬
‪선배님이라고 부르고 싶습니다!‬You are my senior Marine!
‪아, 이 새끼 봐라‬ ‪이게 날 일어나게 만드네‬Are you really going to make me get up?
‪- 이 새끼야, 빨랑 내리라고!‬ ‪- [우진 아파하는 신음]‬-Now sit down. -[groans]
‪[신음하며] 한 번 해병은‬ ‪영원한 해병입니다!‬Once a Marine, always a Marine, sir!
‪- 어쭈?‬ ‪- [두영] 아, 좀 봐줘, 형, 거‬-Whoa! -Go easy on him.
‪[양중] 이 새끼, 이거‬-This punk trying to one up on me. -[groaning]
‪날 이겨먹으려고‬ ‪그러는 거야, 어쭈?‬-This punk trying to one up on me. -[groaning]
‪[우진 아파하는 신음] 아닙니다‬-This punk trying to one up on me. -[groaning] [straining] No, sir. It's the Marine spirit.
‪[이를 악물며] 해병 정신이‬ ‪이기는 겁니다‬[straining] No, sir. It's the Marine spirit.
‪아, 저, 선배님, 어‬Uh, sir, he's just high on pride.
‪이 형이 좀 많이 오도됐습니다‬If you could let him off the hook this one time.
‪[건우] 어, 한 번만 봐주십시오‬If you could let him off the hook this one time.
‪'오도'가 뭐야?‬"High on pride"?
‪아, 그, 해부심이 좀 강한 겁니다‬Oh, uh, too much MCP, sir.
‪'해부심'은 뭐야?‬And what is that, huh?
‪[살짝 웃으며] 해병대 자부심이요‬-It's short for Marine Corps Pride. -Ah.
‪아‬-It's short for Marine Corps Pride. -Ah.
‪[우진] 기수 알려주십시오‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬What's your class?
‪형, 얘 해부심 있대‬He's high on MCP.
‪[힘겨운 목소리로] 알려주십시오!‬Please tell me.
‪[우진 아파하는 신음]‬[Woo-jin groans]
‪- [우진 한숨]‬ ‪- 571기다‬571. Happy?
‪됐냐?‬571. Happy?
‪선배님 [벅찬 호흡]‬Sir.
‪[큰 소리로] 필! 승!‬Salute!
‪[숨을 깊게 내쉰다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪너도 가?‬And you?
‪[양중 한숨]‬And you?
‪전 못 싸울 거 같으세요?‬You think I can't put up a fight?
‪사장님이 걱정할까 봐‬Mr. Choi might worry about you.
‪그래서 물은 거야‬That's all.
‪이거 제가 시작했어요‬I started this thing.
‪끝을 볼 거예요‬I'm gonna end it.
‪[두영] 그래‬[Du-yeong] Okay.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[숨을 깊게 들이쉬며] 자, 그럼‬[inhales sharply] Okay.
‪우리 오늘 저녁에 간다‬We strike tonight.
‪두영이가 영업 이사 치면은‬ ‪나한테 전화해‬Once you take down the sales director, you'll have to call me directly.
‪나 병원 앞에서 기다리고 있다가‬Once you take down the sales director, you'll have to call me directly.
‪네 연락 받으면 들어갈 테니까‬I'll be at the hospital.
‪[두영] 알았어‬Got it.
‪왜 기다렸다가 들어가요?‬Why do we have to wait to go in?
‪두영이가 영업 이사 치는데‬ ‪깡패들이 있으면은‬If the director has goons protecting him, they're onto us.
‪눈치챘다는 거야‬If the director has goons protecting him, they're onto us.
‪그럼 병원에도‬ ‪깡패들이 있다는 얘기지‬That means thugs are at the hospital.
‪그럼 두영 아저씨 혼자 가는 거‬ ‪위험한 거 아니에요?‬Isn't it dangerous for Du-yeong to go in alone?
‪얜 괜찮아, 빨라서‬He's too fast for them.
‪[현주] 그냥 다 같이 김준민 잡고‬[uptempo electronic music playing] Wouldn't it be safer if we all ganged up on Kim Jun-min,
‪병원 들어가서 임장도 잡는 게‬Wouldn't it be safer if we all ganged up on Kim Jun-min,
‪훨씬 안전한 거 아닌가요?‬and went with him to the hospital?
‪우리가 움직이는 걸 알면은‬Once they know that we're coming for them, it's going to be all hands on deck.
‪김명길은 조폭들 다 풀 거야‬Once they know that we're coming for them, it's going to be all hands on deck.
‪그럼 우리 죽어‬And we're dead.
‪쪽수로는 게임이 안 돼‬There's too many.
‪우리가 양쪽으로 나뉘어서‬ ‪동시에 쳐야 돼‬That's why we split up and hit at the same time.
‪[두영 동의하는 숨소리]‬That's why we split up and hit at the same time. -[Du-yeong] Mm-hm. -It's risky, but it's how we win this.
‪[양중] 위험하지‬-[Du-yeong] Mm-hm. -It's risky, but it's how we win this.
‪근데 이기려면 그 방법밖에 없어‬-[Du-yeong] Mm-hm. -It's risky, but it's how we win this.
‪나 오토바이 타니까 괜찮아‬I'm on a motorcycle.
‪불리하면, 도망치면 돼‬I'll dip if it gets rough.
‪저희는 뭘 하면 될까요?‬What do you think we should do?
‪너희들 오토바이 탈 수 있어?‬Can you ride a motorcycle?
‪[건우] 아니요‬No.
‪[작은 목소리로] 씽씽이도‬ ‪빠릅니다‬They're way too fast.
‪아닙니다‬Nothing, sir.
‪야, 애들 내가 데리고 갈게‬I'll bring these guys with me.
‪병원에서 필요할 수도 있어‬I may need help at the hospital.
‪[두영 동의하는 숨소리]‬Okay.
‪제가 두영 아저씨랑 같이 갈게요‬Then I'll go with Du-yeong, okay?
‪저 오토바이 타요‬I'll bring my bike.
‪그래‬All right.
‪자, 밥 먹을까?‬Shall we have some food?
‪- [우진] 네 [긴 숨]‬ ‪- 네‬-Yeah. -Yeah.
‪현주 너 오토바이 타니?‬I didn't know you rode.
‪- 네‬ ‪- [두영] 뭐 타?‬-Yeah. -What kind?
‪- 네이키드 타고 있어요‬ ‪- [달그락 소리]‬I ride a naked bike.
‪야, 우리 좀 닮은 거 같지 않냐?‬Hey, we look kinda similar, yeah?
‪- 그지?‬ ‪- [양중] 응‬-Right? -[Yang-jung] Yeah.
‪아이, 씨‬Damn it. [groans]
‪[두영] 아, 욕을 하고 그래‬[Du-yeong] Why are you mad? We look good.
‪어디서 근무하셨습니까?‬Where'd you serve, sir?
‪군대 얘기 하지 말라고 그랬지, 씨‬Just leave it be.
‪- [우진 멋쩍은 숨을 들이쉰다]‬ ‪- [건우] 그만해‬Stop it, man.
‪[양중] 야, 민동아, 여기‬ ‪탕하고 밥 좀 내와라‬Hey, Min-dong. -Get some soup and rice. -Yes, sir.
‪[민동] 예‬-Get some soup and rice. -Yes, sir.
‪[두영] 둑아‬[Du-yeong] Duk.
‪잘 있었어?‬-How are you? -Oh, good. Been a while.
‪[둑] 예, 오랜만입니다, 형님‬-How are you? -Oh, good. Been a while.
‪[두영] 이 친구가 탈 거야‬This is my friend. -Oh, hello. -Hi.
‪- [현주] 안녕하세요‬ ‪- [둑] 안녕하세요‬-Oh, hello. -Hi.
‪[둑] 이쪽으로 준비해 놨습니다‬I've already prepped.
‪[두영] 야, 좋네, 요즘 것들‬[sighs] The new ones are beautiful.
‪R차 타 봤어?‬-Have you ridden one? -Yeah, briefly a while back.
‪[현주] 네, 옛날에 잠깐 타봤어요‬-Have you ridden one? -Yeah, briefly a while back.
‪[양중] 군대에서 훈련받을 때‬You're both Marines.
‪이거 칼 잡는 법 다 배웠지?‬They taught you how to use knives, right?
‪- [양중] 잡아봐‬ ‪- 아니요‬-Try this. -Oh, no.
‪안 배웠어?‬They didn't?
‪[건우, 우진] 예‬-No. -No.
‪일단 잡아봐‬Then take these.
‪저, 선배님‬Sir, are we… planning on using knives?
‪저희는 칼을 쓸‬ ‪생각이 없습니다, 그냥…‬Sir, are we… planning on using knives?
‪누가 칼 쓰래?‬-Did I just say that? -Well, you just offered them.
‪지금 주셨지 않습니까?‬-Did I just say that? -Well, you just offered them.
‪대들어?‬I did.
‪[큰 목소리로] 잘하겠습니다!‬I'm sorry, sir!
‪너희들이 칼을 쓸 줄 알아야‬You need to know how to use a knife, so you can counter someone using one.
‪칼 쓰는 놈들의 생각을‬ ‪읽을 수가 있어‬You need to know how to use a knife, so you can counter someone using one.
‪생각을 읽어야 이길 거 아니야‬You need to know how they think.
‪- 아‬ ‪- [큰 소리로] 아!‬-Oh. -[shouts]
‪아, 깜짝이야, 씨‬You scared me.
‪[두영] 보자, 익숙해지면은…‬Okay. This one's yours.
‪이게 제일 빨라‬It's the fastest.
‪[엔진 시동음]‬[engine starts]
‪[부릉부릉하는 엔진음]‬[engine revving]
‪어울린다‬It suits you.
‪[양중] 이 사시미 칼은‬Sashimi knives don't have a guard between the hilt and blade.
‪손잡이와 칼날 사이에 방패가 없어‬Sashimi knives don't have a guard between the hilt and blade.
‪이건 찌르라고 만든 칼이 아니거든‬Because it's not meant to stab.
‪봐 봐‬Now, look. If you stab hard,
‪이걸 세게 찌르면은‬Now, look. If you stab hard,
‪손이 앞으로 쭉 미끄러져서‬ ‪칼날에 손가락 다 십창 나‬your hand slides forward, and the blade fucks you up.
‪이걸 깊게 찌르려면은‬If you want to stab with this,
‪손잡이 뒤를 받쳐줘야 돼‬you need to support the end.
‪그래야‬-And that… -[exhales]
‪[깨닫는 소리]‬-And that… -[exhales]
‪[양중] 안 밀려 들어가‬…prevents slipping.
‪그럼 칼을 이렇게 잡고‬ ‪들어오는 놈은‬[exhales] If they come at you like this, what do you think they're going for?
‪뭘 노리는 거 같냐?‬[exhales] If they come at you like this, what do you think they're going for?
‪손등이나 손목을‬ ‪베려는 거 같습니다‬They're probably trying to slash your hand or wrist, sir.
‪[양중] 맞아, 깊은 공격은 아니지‬That's right. Not a kill attack.
‪어, 복싱으로 치면은‬In boxing terms, it would be like throwing light jabs.
‪아웃 복서가 멀리서‬ ‪잽을 툭툭 치는 거야‬In boxing terms, it would be like throwing light jabs.
‪- [건우] 으음‬ ‪- [우진] 아아!‬-Mm-hm. -Ah.
‪[입소리를 삭삭 낸다]‬-Mm-hm. -Ah.
‪[오토바이 주행음]‬
‪- [현주 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- 한 번 더!‬-[grunts] -Once more! Keep it up.
‪[두영] 괜찮아‬-[grunts] -Once more! Keep it up.
‪힘 빼고 휘둘러‬Loosen up and keep circling.
‪[현주 힘쓰고 탄식한다]‬[grunts]
‪손잡이 뒤를‬ ‪양손으로 받치고 들어온다?‬And if they're supporting the hilt with both hands,
‪이거 죽이려는 거죠? 그냥, 칵‬It's the kill. [hisses]
‪이건 엄지로‬ ‪손잡이 뒤를 누르기 때문에‬If you push down the knife with your thumb, your hand won't slide unless there's a lot of force behind it.
‪웬만큼 힘을 써도 안 미끄러져‬your hand won't slide unless there's a lot of force behind it.
‪칼을 이렇게 잡는다는 건‬If they're using this grip, it means they're experienced.
‪칼을 좀 쓴다는 거야‬If they're using this grip, it means they're experienced.
‪오는 속도로 그냥 치라니까‬You're swinging like a bat.
‪- 너무 세게 하지 말고‬ ‪- [현주] 힘 빼고‬-So relax? -It's too much force.
‪[두영] 그렇지‬-Uh-huh. -That's right.
‪그렇지!‬That's it!
‪[둘의 신난 웃음소리]‬[both laughing]
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬[tires screeching]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screeching]
‪- [시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪- [인범 거친 숨을 내쉰다]‬-[goon 1] What the hell? Amazing. -[goon 2] Show me. Show me.
‪[깡패1] 밑장 빼다 걸리면‬ ‪죽는다, 진짜‬-[goon 1] What the hell? Amazing. -[goon 2] Show me. Show me. [goon 1] Try to fuck with me, and I'll kill you.
‪[깡패2] 뭐 해, 씨발, 빨리 돌려‬[ominous music playing] [goon 3] Deal the cards.
‪- [깡패1] 씨발, 한 번 먹고‬ ‪- [깡패3] 야, 까봐, 까봐‬-[goon 1] Fuck. Let me have this. -[goon 2] Hey, show me.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬-[goon 1] Fuck. Let me have this. -[goon 2] Hey, show me.
‪인사 안 해?‬What's up, man?
‪- [인범 기합]‬ ‪- [깡패1 신음]‬-[grunts] -[groans]
‪- [인범 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- [깡패3 신음]‬-[grunts] -[choking]
‪[비명]‬-[grunts] -[choking]
‪[인범] 이런 좆만 한 새끼들이!‬-[grunts] -[choking] You fucking pricks!
‪- [힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪- [인범 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪[연신 씩씩거린다]‬[In-beom panting]
‪여기서 대기하자‬We'll wait here. [exhales deeply]
‪[숨을 깊게 내쉰다]‬We'll wait here. [exhales deeply]
‪[경비원] 스톱!‬[guard] Whoa, whoa!
‪몇 호 오셨죠?‬-Which apartment are you visiting? -[goon] 603.
‪[깡패4 짜증 내며] 603호요‬-Which apartment are you visiting? -[goon] 603.
‪[현주] 차 한 대 들어가요‬A car is coming.
‪[두영 놀라는 숨소리]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[긴장한 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[두영 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[두영] 한 놈 떴다‬There's a goon.
‪[현주] 어떡해요?‬What now?
‪- [휴대폰 진동음]‬ ‪- [두영] 아직 기다려봐‬-We'll wait. -[cell phone vibrating]
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[두영 난감한 숨소리]‬
‪[두영 작게] 아이, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[난감한 숨소리]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[휴대폰 진동음 이어진다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[입소리를 쩝 내며 한숨 쉰다]‬
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[부스럭대는 소리]‬
‪[우진] 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪마시면서 들어‬Now, listen.
‪이 바닥에서 살아남으려면은‬If you want to survive doing this work,
‪가진 거 다 팔아야 돼‬you gotta sell everything.
‪주먹‬All of it.
‪영혼‬Your fists, soul,
‪꿈‬Your fists, soul,
‪다 팔면 죽진 않아‬all of your dreams.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪하지만 무슨 일이 있어도‬ ‪가족과 친구는 팔지 말아라‬But you can never sell out your friends and family.
‪그렇게 살 거면 그냥 죽어‬That's no way for you to live.
‪- 네‬ ‪- 네‬-Yeah. -Yes.
‪좀 이따 내가 병원에 들어가서‬Once we're inside the hospital,
‪너희들한테 도망치라고 하면은‬ ‪군말 없이 도망쳐‬Once we're inside the hospital, if I tell you guys to run, don't argue and just run.
‪안엔 내가 알아서 처리할 테니까‬I'll take care of things myself.
‪[건우] 어…‬[exhales deeply]
‪[양중] 대답 안 해?‬You hear me?
‪선배님께서 방금‬You just said not to abandon our friends or family, right, sir?
‪가족과 친구는 버리지 말라고‬ ‪하지 않으셨습니까?‬You just said not to abandon our friends or family, right, sir?
‪난 범죄자야‬I'm a criminal.
‪지금은 우리가‬ ‪같은 배를 타고 있지만‬We may be in the same boat right now, but we're not a family, all right?
‪너하고 나는 가족이 아니야‬We may be in the same boat right now, but we're not a family, all right?
‪이 일 끝나면 만날 일도 없어‬We'll never meet again.
‪그러니까 괜한 일에 정 주고‬ ‪마음 붙일 생각 하지 마‬So don't get attached to any of this, okay?
‪알았어?‬So don't get attached to any of this, okay?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[현주] 김준민 왔어요‬Kim Jun-min is here.
‪[두영 긴장한 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[현주] 어떡하실 거예요?‬[Hyeon-ju] What should we do?
‪[두영 고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪[현주 짜증 내며] 아저씨?‬ ‪어떡해요?‬Mr. Lee, what do we do?
‪[두영 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[현주] 들려요?‬Can you hear me?
‪저, 대답 좀…‬ ‪[답답한 숨을 들이쉰다]‬-Just answer me. -It's a go.
‪[두영] 친다‬-Just answer me. -It's a go.
‪[현주 다급한 숨소리]‬[exhales sharply]
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[music intensifies]
‪[자동차 주행음]‬[car approaching]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[car approaching] [tires screeching]
‪[경적음]‬[horn honking]
‪[부릉 하는 엔진음]‬[engine revving]
‪아, 이 씨발 새끼가, 이!‬Ah, shit. This asshole!
‪[엔진 가속음]‬
‪- [살을 쓱 베는 소리]‬ ‪- [괴로워하는 신음]‬[choking]
‪[오토바이 주행음 이어진다]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[choking, grunts]
‪- [깡패들 당황한 소리]‬ ‪- [깡패5] 이씨!‬-[strained breathing] -[door closes] -[goon 1] Fuck! -[goon 2] Call the hospital, idiot!
‪- [준민 신음]‬ ‪- [깡패5] 병원에 전화해, 새끼야‬-[goon 1] Fuck! -[goon 2] Call the hospital, idiot!
‪[컥컥 괴로워하는 신음]‬[choking]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screeching] [engine revving]
‪[엔진 가속음]‬[engine revving]
‪[두영 신음]‬
‪[두영 아파하는 신음]‬-[Du-yeong groaning] -[goon 3] You son of a bitch!
‪[깡패6] 이 개새끼가, 씨!‬-[Du-yeong groaning] -[goon 3] You son of a bitch!
‪- 이 씨발놈아!‬ ‪- [두영 신음]‬[Du-yeong groaning]
‪- [깡패들 기합]‬ ‪- [깡패7] 새끼야‬[goon 3 grunting]
‪[깡패6 거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪씨발 새끼, 개새끼야!‬-You motherfucker! -Die, asshole.
‪- [두영 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪- [깡패4] 씨발, 개새끼야! 씨발‬-You motherfucker! -Die, asshole. [groaning]
‪[힘쓰는 숨소리와 신음]‬[goon 2 grunts]
‪[깡패7] 동우야‬-Do-hu, put this asshole in the trunk. -[Du-yeong groaning]
‪- 이거 트렁크에 실어, 이 씨발 것‬ ‪- [두영 힘겨운 신음]‬-Do-hu, put this asshole in the trunk. -[Du-yeong groaning]
‪[깡패6] 야, 빨리 실어!‬-[engine revs] -Get him up!
‪- [엔진 가속음]‬ ‪- [다시 고조되는 음악]‬-[engine revving] -[rock music playing]
‪[깡패6] 뭐야?‬What the hell?
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[yelps]
‪- [깡패4] 뭐야?‬ ‪- [깡패7] 뭐야, 저 개새끼! 씨‬Who is that fucker?!
‪- [두영 기합]‬ ‪- [깡패7 놀란 신음]‬-[Du-yeong grunts] -[groans]
‪[둘의 힘주는 신음]‬Fuck!
‪- [깡패7] 개새끼야‬ ‪- [두영의 기합]‬Fuck!
‪[엔진 가속음]‬Hey! Whoa, whoa! [yelps]
‪[깡패4 놀라며] 어어! [비명]‬Hey! Whoa, whoa! [yelps]
‪- [두영 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- [아파하는 신음]‬-[grunts] -[groans]
‪[두영 거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[거친 숨을 하 내쉰다]‬[panting]
‪[두영의 거친 호흡]‬
‪[두영이 숨을 고른다]‬
‪[현주] 괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪[두영 숨을 깊이 내쉰다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[현주 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬DU-YEONG
‪어‬What's up?
‪넌 괜찮아?‬You all right?
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪- [우진] 네‬ ‪- [건우] 네‬-Okay. -Yes, sir.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪[양중] 임장도다, 임장도‬That was Im Jang-do.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[music intensifies]
‪그래, 올라가자‬That's right, up you go.
‪[양중] 에이!‬Damn it!
‪[작게] 이쪽으로‬
‪[양중 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[우진 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[건우 거친 숨소리]‬
‪- [깡패8] 힘 좀 써봐, 아유!‬ ‪- [시끌벅적하다]‬[all shouting, cheering]
‪- [깡패9] 아유, 씨발!‬ ‪- [환호성]‬[all shouting, cheering]
‪- [양중, 우진 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [건우 힘주는 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[양중 거친 숨소리]‬[all panting]
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬[patients shouting]
‪[장도] 뭐야, 이거…‬-[Yang-jung grunts] -[Jang-do groans]
‪[장도 아파하는 신음]‬-[Yang-jung grunts] -[Jang-do groans]
‪- [환호성 이어진다]‬ ‪- 알았어, 밀어‬I know. We're just--
‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪- [장도] 놔, 씨!‬ ‪- [간호사의 놀란 숨소리]‬[Jang-do grunts] Damn it!
‪[장도] 씨…‬
‪[우진 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- [우진 놀란 신음]‬ ‪- [깡패10] 뭐야, 이씨!‬-[goon] The hell? -[Woo-jin gasps]
‪- [장도] 이씨!‬ ‪- [양중 신음]‬[Yang-jung groans]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[groans]
‪- [우진 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- [아파하는 신음]‬-[Woo-jin grunting] -[groans]
‪[장도, 양중 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[장도 거친 숨소리]‬
‪- [양중 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- [장도 비명]‬[yells]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[장도 힘주는 신음]‬[Jang-do grunts]
‪- [양중 힘주는 기합]‬ ‪- [장도 아파하는 신음]‬[Jang-do grunts]
‪[양중 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- [양중 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- [장도 아파하는 신음]‬[Jang-do groaning]
‪[장도 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[작은 소리로] 에이, 씨!‬
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬[music ends]
‪[양중 가쁜 숨소리]‬[music ends]
‪[우진, 건우 거친 숨소리]‬[all panting]
‪- [양중] 가자‬ ‪- [건우] 예‬-Let's go. -[Gun-woo] Okay.
‪[양중 거친 숨소리]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[건우] 어, 형, 조심‬-Careful. -[Woo-jin] Okay.
‪[숨을 깊게 들이쉰다]‬
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[cell phone vibrating]
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬[exhales]
‪- [두영] 왔어?‬ ‪- [건우, 우진] 안녕하십니까‬[Du-yeong] Gentlemen. -[Woo-jin] Hello. -[Gun-woo] Hello.
‪- [달그락거린다]‬ ‪- [바퀴 구르는 소리]‬
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬
‪- [두영] 여기다 좀 실어줄래?‬ ‪- [우진] 예, 예‬Put him in that. [Woo-jin hesitating] Yes.
‪[우진 힘주며 놀라는 신음]‬
‪- [건우] 하나, 둘‬ ‪- [둘의 힘주는 신음]‬-One, two… [grunts] -[grunts]
‪[두영] 조심해, 조심해‬[Du-yeong] Careful with him.
‪[우진] 아휴, 씨‬[both grunting]
‪[양중] 소금 어디 있어?‬[Yang-jung] Where's the salt?
‪[두영] 소금?‬Salt?
‪사무실에 있지‬In the office.
‪[양중] 너희들 소금물 좀 타 와‬Go make some salt water.
‪[두영 못마땅한 숨소리]‬-[groans] -Find a bucket, dump it in.
‪양동이 찾아서 소금 다 넣어‬-[groans] -Find a bucket, dump it in.
‪[우진] 네‬Okay.
‪- 가자‬ ‪- [건우] 어‬-Let's go. -All right.
‪[두영] 그, 구석에 있어‬-Let's go. -All right. In the corner. -[Gun-woo] Okay. -[Woo-jin] Yes.
‪- [건우] 네‬ ‪- [우진] 네‬-[Gun-woo] Okay. -[Woo-jin] Yes.
‪[두영] 아휴, 씨‬[Du-yeong exhales deeply]
‪[건우] 현주, 너 괜찮아?‬[Gun-woo] Hyeon-ju, you okay?
‪어, 오빠는 괜찮아?‬Yeah, are you all right?
‪[우진] 어‬Mm-hm.
‪우리 임장도 잡아 왔어‬We got Im Jang-do.
‪- [건우 숨을 내쉬며] 응‬ ‪- 김준민은?‬We got Im Jang-do. -Mm-hm. -What about you?
‪어, 난 밖에 있어서‬ ‪못 봤는데 잡았대‬Uh, I was outside, but Du-yeong got him.
‪[건우] 어‬-Oh. -He killed him?
‪혹시, 죽였어?‬-Oh. -He killed him?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[우진, 건우 한숨]‬[exhales deeply]
‪야, 빨리 소금물이나 만들자‬Let's go make the salt water.
‪- 찾아봐‬ ‪- [건우] 응‬-Come on. -Uh-huh.
‪- [땡강 금속 소리]‬ ‪- [건우] 이거 쓰면 될 거 같아‬-[metal clanking] -[Gun-woo] We can use this.
‪- [우진] 물은?‬ ‪- [건우] 내가 아래에서 봤어‬-[metal clanking] -[Gun-woo] We can use this. -Water? -I think I saw it downstairs.
‪[우진] 내려가자‬Let's go.
‪현주야, 가자‬Hyeon-ju, come on.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[cell phone vibrating]
‪[휴대폰 진동음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪어, 내가 5분 내로‬ ‪도착할 거니까 좀 흔들어놔‬I'll be there in five minutes, so shake him up a little.
‪아, 그리고‬Oh, and… have Hyeon-ju and the guys watch.
‪현주랑 애들 옆에서 지켜보라 그래‬Oh, and… have Hyeon-ju and the guys watch.
‪[미스터리한 음악]‬[light instrumental music playing]
‪[두영] 왜 그래?‬What's up?
‪[장도의 거친 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪현주도 보라고 하시는데?‬He told me to have Hyeon-ju watch.
‪[두영] 왜?‬Why?
‪[두영 한숨 쉬며] 현주 괜찮을까?‬I hope she can take it.
‪[병원 직원] 오셨습니까?‬ ‪이쪽입니다‬Hello, sir. This way.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬Hello, sir. This way. [ominous music playing]
‪[정팀장] 스탑‬Stop. Now show us the stairs.
‪계단 쪽도 봅시다‬Stop. Now show us the stairs.
‪[경비원] 아, 그쪽에는‬ ‪카메라가 없습니다‬We don't have cameras on that side.
‪왜요?‬Why not?
‪[경비원] 원래 없는데…‬[guard] We just don't.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[scoffs] Are you kidding me? You shit--
‪그게 말이가? 이씨!‬Are you kidding me? You shit--
‪그, 밖에서‬So, tell me something.
‪병원 건물을 보는‬ ‪카메라는 없어요?‬Are there any cameras facing the building?
‪[병원 직원] 그건‬ ‪경찰서에 가셔야 합니다‬The police would probably have some.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 준민이는?‬How's Jun-min?
‪아직 의식이 없다고 합니다‬He's still unconscious.
‪아파트 관리소에 가서‬Go to the management office and get the plates of the fuckers who attacked him.
‪- 준민이 친 놈들 번호판 찾아와‬ ‪- [정팀장] 예‬and get the plates of the fuckers who attacked him. Yes.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬Yes.
‪[건우] 여기다가 올려놔?‬-[grunting] -Right there, man.
‪[우진] 야, 잡아봐‬ ‪이거 얼마나 넣지?‬-[grunting] -Right there, man. How much do we pour in?
‪[건우] 아, 아까‬ ‪다 넣으라고 하지 않으셨어?‬Uh, didn't he tell us to use it all?
‪이거 너무 많은데?‬It's a lot.
‪그냥 다 넣자, 형‬ ‪아까 대답도 형이 했어‬[sighs] Let's put it all in. I guess that's what he wants.
‪뭐 해?‬But why?
‪[우진] 소금물 만들래‬Making salt water.
‪- [우진 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- [건우 힘쓰는 숨소리]‬
‪[양중] 어, 소금물‬Bring it here.
‪[건우] 아, 네‬Uh, yes.
‪[양중] 여기 와서 이것 좀 봐라‬Sit down and watch.
‪사장님이 보라셔‬Mr. Choi's orders.
‪[양중이 입바람을 후 분다]‬[Yang-jung blows air]
‪[고무장갑 당기는 소리]‬[Yang-jung blows air]
‪[양중 입바람 소리]‬[blows air]
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬[blows air]
‪[양중] 난 한번 입을 열었다가‬ ‪다시 닫는 사람이 제일 싫어‬My pet peeve is people not talking when they say they're going to.
‪그러니까‬That means you'll nod your head only when you have something to say to us.
‪뭐든 다 얘기하겠다는‬ ‪결심이 서면은‬That means you'll nod your head only when you have something to say to us.
‪고개를 끄덕여 [입바람 소리]‬That means you'll nod your head only when you have something to say to us. [blows air]
‪말하겠다고 했다가 입 다물면‬Because if you nod and don't talk, I promise I will cut your lips off.
‪칼로 입술 도려낸다‬Because if you nod and don't talk, I promise I will cut your lips off.
‪알겠어?‬Got it?
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪- [윙 기계음]‬ ‪- [장도 놀란 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[장도의 비명]‬[muffled screaming]
‪[장도 괴로워하는 신음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬[grunting]
‪- [기계음 멈춘다]‬ ‪- [연신 겁먹은 숨소리를 낸다]‬
‪[장도 괴로워하는 신음]‬[muffled screaming]
‪[현주 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪- [장도 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪- [우진 놀란 탄성]‬-[Jang-do groaning] -[Woo-jin exhales]
‪[장도 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪말 안 할 거지?‬You don't want to talk?
‪[장도 연신 겁먹은 숨소리를 낸다]‬You don't want to talk? [breathing heavily]
‪[윙 하는 기계음]‬[sander whirring]
‪[장도 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪[비명]‬[muffled screaming]
‪- [장도 비명 이어진다]‬ ‪- [건우 불편한 신음]‬
‪[기계음 이어진다]‬
‪[장도 괴로워하는 숨소리]‬
‪[고통스러운 신음 이어진다]‬[muffled screaming]
‪- [기계음 멈춘다]‬ ‪- [장도 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Jang-do groaning]
‪[장도의 흐느낌]‬
‪[장도 고통스러운 비명]‬[muffled screaming]
‪[장도 괴로운 신음 이어진다]‬
‪[장도 아파하는 신음]‬[Jang-do groaning]
‪[고통스러운 신음]‬[muffled screaming]
‪[힘겨운 숨을 헐떡댄다]‬[muffled screaming] [breathing heavily]
‪- [기계 윙 소리]‬ ‪- [장도 겁먹은 숨소리]‬[muffled screaming]
‪- [장도의 비명]‬ ‪- [울컥거린다]‬[muffled screaming] [gasps]
‪- [괴로워하는 신음]‬ ‪- [윙 하는 기계음]‬[Jang-do groaning]
‪[우진 작은 목소리로] 야‬
‪[건우 작은 목소리로] 응‬
‪[현주 웩웩 연신 구역질한다]‬[coughing]
‪- [현주 콜록거린다]‬ ‪- [건우 걱정스러운 한숨]‬[retches, coughs]
‪[현주 힘겨운 숨을 들이쉰다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪[연신 컥컥 구역질한다]‬[coughing]
‪[조용한 음악]‬[coughing]
‪[현주 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[건우] 어…‬
‪혀, 현주야, 저…‬-[Gun-woo] Hyeon-ju. -[coughing]
‪[현주 콜록거린다]‬-[Gun-woo] Hyeon-ju. -[coughing]
‪[현주 헐떡거리며 침을 퉤 뱉는다]‬[Hyeon-ju coughing, spits]
‪[연신 힘겨운 숨을 토해낸다]‬
‪[태호 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪- [딸각 목발 짚는 소리]‬ ‪- [현주 성난 숨소리]‬
‪[현주 씩씩거리며]‬ ‪저걸 왜 보라는 거예요?‬Why did you make me watch?
‪지금쯤 명길이가‬ ‪임장도를 찾기 시작했을 거야‬Myeong-gil has probably started looking for Im Jang-do by now.
‪- 시간이 많지 않다‬ ‪- [현주 숨을 헐떡인다]‬We don't have much time.
‪내가 너희들한테‬ ‪가르쳐주고 싶은 게 있어서 그래‬You watched because I wanted you guys to know something.
‪[현주 거칠게 숨 쉬며]‬ ‪무슨 말이에요?‬[Hyeon-ju] What are you talking about?
‪이건 누군가 죽어야지 끝이 나‬This is not going to end until someone dies.
‪내가 살아있을 거라고‬ ‪장담을 할 수가 없어‬And there's no guarantee that someone won't be me.
‪[숨을 들이쉬며] 아, 이기면 되죠‬Why would you say something so horrible?
‪왜 부정적인 생각만 해요?‬ ‪[짜증 난 숨소리]‬Why would you say something so horrible?
‪현주야‬-Hyeon-ju. -That's enough.
‪[현주] 아, 됐어요‬-Hyeon-ju. -That's enough.
‪[짜증 난 숨소리]‬[exhales sharply] [soft piano music playing]
‪[태호] 현주야!‬[Mr. Choi] Hyeon-ju!
‪오기사님, 현주 좀 부탁해요‬Mr. Oh, look after her.
‪[인묵] 예, 사장님‬Yes, sir.
‪[태호] 아, 나 참, 녀석, 진짜‬[Mr. Choi] Oh, goddammit, that kid.
‪어, 건우야‬-Gun-woo. -Uh, yes.
‪아, 네‬-Gun-woo. -Uh, yes.
‪이, 만약에‬If you end up…
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪명길이랑 너희가‬fighting Myeong-gil,
‪싸우게 된다면 네가‬can you protect the others?
‪아이들 지켜줄 수 있지?‬Will you please do that for me?
‪끝까지 지키겠습니다‬With all of my will, sir.
‪그래, 고맙다‬Thank you so much.
‪이, 시간이 많이 없어서‬We don't have much time.
‪내가 한 가지만 가르쳐줄게‬Let me teach you just one thing now.
‪[결연한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[태호 한숨]‬[Mr. Choi sighs]
‪이, 단단히 뭉친 조직을 이기려면‬In order to take down an organization, all you need is
‪두 가지가 필요해‬In order to take down an organization, all you need is
‪분산‬dispersion and division.
‪그리고 분열‬dispersion and division.
‪사람은 자기를 많이 알고‬ ‪공감하는 사람을‬People tend to trust those that know and empathize with them.
‪신뢰하게 돼있어‬People tend to trust those that know and empathize with them.
‪이, 개인의 신뢰를 얻지 못하면‬If you're not able to gain their trust,
‪조직을 분열시킬 수가 없다‬your organization can be divided.
‪- [윙 하는 기계음]‬ ‪- [장도 아파하는 신음]‬-[sander whirring] -[Jang-do groaning]
‪[장도의 신음 이어진다]‬-[sander whirring] -[Jang-do groaning]
‪[괴로워하는 신음]‬-[muffled screaming] -[sander turns off]
‪[기계음 멈춘다]‬-[muffled screaming] -[sander turns off]
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬-[muffled screaming] -[sander turns off]
‪[양중, 태호 힘주는 숨소리]‬[Jang-do grunting, panting]
‪[장도 겁먹은 숨소리]‬[Jang-do grunting, panting]
‪이거 떼‬Take that off.
‪[장도 아파하는 신음]‬[Jang-do grunts]
‪[태호 한숨]‬
‪[장도 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Jang-do panting]
‪[숨을 토하고 헐떡인다]‬[grunts] [Jang-do panting]
‪[연신 겁먹은 숨소리를 낸다]‬
‪- [떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪- [태호] 임장도?‬[Mr. Choi] Im Jang-do?
‪나는 명길이 부하들 중에서‬I've been led to believe that you
‪니가 명길이를 가장 정확하게‬ ‪파악하고 있다고 생각해‬may be the one who understands Myeong-gil the best of all his men.
‪[태호가 숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬
‪명길이는 굉장히 험악하고‬ ‪잔인한 놈이야‬Myeong-gil is a very violent, cruel man.
‪하지만 사람 마음을‬ ‪아주 귀신같이 읽어‬But he's capable of reading people like a book.
‪얻는 법도 알고‬He truly gets them.
‪[태호] 그래서‬ ‪김준민이나 강인범은‬I'm sure plenty of his men take him at his word.
‪어, 진심으로 믿고 있을 거야‬I'm sure plenty of his men take him at his word.
‪하지만 넌 똑똑해‬But you're smarter.
‪걔들보다 명길이를 잘 알아‬You know Myeong-gil.
‪이, 명길이는‬You know he doesn't ever empathize with any one of his people.
‪절대 가슴으로‬ ‪뜨겁게 공감하지를 않아‬You know he doesn't ever empathize with any one of his people.
‪머리로만 차갑게 공감해‬He's cold and calculating.
‪- [장도 긴장한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [태호] 평소에도 항상‬Always thinking how best to move his little pieces to his advantage.
‪사람을 어떻게 이용할지‬ ‪계산하고 있어‬Always thinking how best to move his little pieces to his advantage.
‪넌 그걸 알면서도‬ ‪굳이 명길이 밑으로 들어갔어‬You knew all this, and you still decided to work for him.
‪그 첫 번째 이유는 돈이야‬At first, you were just led by greed.
‪대기업에 입사해서‬ ‪5년 동안 벌 돈을‬In only one year, he paid you what a major corporate gig would have paid in five.
‪명길이가 연봉으로 줬잖아‬he paid you what a major corporate gig would have paid in five.
‪경찰대 졸업해서‬ ‪권력을 갖고 싶었는데‬Graduating from the Police Academy was supposed to give you authority,
‪좌천했으니까‬ ‪돈이라도 벌어야지‬Graduating from the Police Academy was supposed to give you authority, but you ended up getting yourself demoted.
‪그래야지 가오가 안 빠지니까‬It was all about your pride.
‪하지만‬I suppose that pride was the real reason you were fine working for him after all.
‪명길이 밑으로 들어간‬ ‪진짜 이유는 두 번째야‬I suppose that pride was the real reason you were fine working for him after all.
‪넌 명길이한테 이용당하지 않을‬ ‪자신이 있었어‬You were confident that you could keep your sense of agency.
‪그런 범죄자 새끼한테는‬You'd never lose that.
‪안 질 거라고 확신했잖아‬Not to a low-life thug.
‪만에 하나 명길이가‬ ‪너를 죽일 동기가 생기면‬And if by chance he found some reason to kill you,
‪그럼 그때 가서‬you could just run off
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉬며] 명길이한테‬ ‪뽑은 돈 들고‬you could just run off
‪동남아로 도망치면 돼‬with the money you made working for him.
‪응, 니 계획 아주 좋아‬Hm, I like that plan.
‪하지만 내가 지금‬If I took your photo and decided to sent it to him right now
‪니 사진을 찍어서‬ ‪명길이한테 보내고‬If I took your photo and decided to sent it to him right now
‪명길이가 죽이라고 시킨‬ ‪사람들의 이름을‬and said that you gave me the names of the people he had you kill,
‪나한테 말했다고 하면‬ ‪명길이는 무조건 나를 믿어‬and said that you gave me the names of the people he had you kill, he would surely believe me over you.
‪왜냐면 지금 니 상태를 보면‬After all, what man wouldn't squeal if they were in your current position?
‪입 열 동기가 완벽하거든‬After all, what man wouldn't squeal if they were in your current position?
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[태호] 그러면 명길이는‬Then he'd call back all the men he sent out to find you…
‪너를 찾으라고 보낸‬ ‪아이들을 돌려보내고‬Then he'd call back all the men he sent out to find you… [shaky breathing]
‪- [떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪- 너를 죽여서 아무도 모르게 묻을‬[shaky breathing] …unleash a pack of bloodhounds,
‪사냥개들을 보낼 거야‬and they'll kill you in no time.
‪걔들은 니가 명길이한테‬ ‪해명할 시간도 안 줘‬You wouldn't even get a chance to plead your case.
‪- [겁먹은 숨소리]‬ ‪- 명길이가 주지 말랬어‬He won't let you.
‪명길이는 진실에 관심이 없어‬Myeong-gil doesn't care about the truth.
‪그냥 널 묻는 게 제일 안전해‬The math tells him to bury you.
‪뭐, 어차피‬
‪그동안 명길이가 저지른‬ ‪범죄에 대해서 제일 잘 아는 건‬I mean, if there is one person on the planet who knows every single one of Myeong-gil's crimes,
‪김준민이나 강인범이 아닌‬ ‪바로 너잖아‬who knows every single one of Myeong-gil's crimes, that person is you, isn't it?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬that person is you, isn't it?
‪[서서히 고조되는 음악]‬
‪넌 나만큼 명길이를 잘 알지‬You know him just as well as I do.
‪내가 지금‬If I plant even the smallest seed of doubt about you to Myeong-gil…
‪너한테 의심을‬ ‪아주아주 조금만 묻혀도…‬If I plant even the smallest seed of doubt about you to Myeong-gil…
‪명길이는 널 죽여‬you are a dead man.
‪[이를 악물며] 씨발‬Fuck.
‪[분노에 찬 숨소리]‬Wait. Damn it.
‪잠깐만, 씨 [성난 숨소리]‬Wait. Damn it.
‪내가 왜 죽어!‬Why should I die?!
‪[분노에 찬 숨을 들이쉰다]‬ ‪이, 씨발!‬Fuck me!
‪[큰 목소리로] 임장도!‬Im Jang-do!
‪[울분에 찬 비명]‬[screams, groans]
‪[태호] 내 말 똑바로 들어!‬Shut up and listen to me!
‪너 지금 정신 못 차리면‬ ‪진짜 죽어!‬If you don't pull yourself together, you will die.
‪[숨을 헐떡인다]‬[shallow breathing]
‪니가 아는 거 다 불어‬Tell me everything.
‪그러면 내가‬ ‪너 평생 먹고살 돈 챙겨서‬And I will send you to a safe country far away from here
‪안전한 나라로 보내줄게‬with more than enough money to live.
‪- 명길이는 다 나한테 배웠어‬ ‪- [불안한 숨소리]‬I taught Myeong-gil everything.
‪명길이가 모르는 데가 어딘지‬ ‪난 다 알아‬I know of places that he hasn't even heard of.
‪내가 약속해‬This is a promise.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[shaky breathing]
‪넌 어차피 엑시트를 할 거였잖아‬You were already planning to leave sooner or later.
‪지금이라고 생각해‬I'm giving you the chance to do it.
‪[침 꼴깍 삼키는 소리]‬[shaky breathing]
‪[장도] 내가 불면‬If I talk,
‪얼마 줄 건데요?‬how much money?
‪[컥 괴로워하는 신음]‬[choking]
‪빠르고 성실하게 답해‬I'd answer quickly if I were you.,
‪[힘겨운 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬[Jang-do heavy, rapid breathing]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪난 명길이와 스마일 캐피탈을‬ ‪완전히 끝낼 거다‬Myeong-gil and Smile Capital are going down for good.
‪[태호] 일 마치면 괌으로 보내줄게‬-[scoffs] -After that, you're in Guam.
‪내가 아는 분들이 있어‬I know some people there.
‪거기서 새 삶을 시작할 수 있도록‬You'll have plenty enough to start a new life.
‪내 모든 걸 지원하마‬You'll have plenty enough to start a new life.
‪[장도 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪어, 옷 좀 갖다줘‬Get him some clothes.
‪- [휴대폰 작동음]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪명길이 밑에서 얼마나 됐어?‬How long have you worked for him?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪5년이요‬Five years.
‪하는 일이 정확히 뭐야?‬And what is it you do exactly?
‪김대표가 저지른 불법적인 일들이‬I ensure Mr. Kim's illegal dealings fly under police radar
‪경찰의 수사망에‬ ‪안 오르게 방지하고‬I ensure Mr. Kim's illegal dealings fly under police radar
‪만일 올라가게 되면‬and make sure things run smoothly if the police do sniff around.
‪안 터지도록 막는 겁니다‬and make sure things run smoothly if the police do sniff around.
‪직접 가담한 적은?‬All right, but what did you do?
‪[장도] 자잘한 경우는‬ ‪저랑 인범이가 갈 때도 있는데‬All right, but what did you do? For small stuff, me and In-beom handled it.
‪대부분은 김대표가 운영하는‬ ‪용역업체에서 움직여요‬And for bigger things, we used Kim's service company.
‪자잘한 경우?‬What small stuff?
‪뭐…‬Like… [groans]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Like… [groans]
‪증거 영상 같은 거‬ ‪좀 찍고 그러는 거죠‬…filming things to use against people.
‪니가 아일그룹 협박했지?‬-[Jang-do panting] -You threatened Iil Group, am I right?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪뭐 했어?‬Tell me.
‪김대표가 시켜서 한 겁니다‬Look, Mr. Kim made me do it.
‪누가 시켰냐고‬ ‪물어본 게 아니라 뭐 했냐고?‬He didn't ask you who made you do it. He asked you what you did.
‪아일그룹 장남 잡아서 좀 찍었어요‬I gathered some footage of the Iil Group heir.
‪그냥 벗겨서 [아파하는 숨소리]‬[spluttering] We just… We stripped him.
‪영상 찍었어요‬[spluttering] We just… We stripped him.
‪이거 처음부터 얘기해 봐‬Tell me everything from the start.
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪강남에 40층 규모로 올라가는‬ ‪부티크 호텔이 있는데‬There was a 40-story boutique hotel being built in Gangnam,
‪코로나 터지고 회사 부도나서‬ ‪공사가 중단됐어요‬but the company went bankrupt during the pandemic.
‪아일그룹 장남이‬ ‪그걸 인수하려는데‬Mr. Kim got wind of intel that the Iil Group heir was going to take over the hotel project.
‪1,000억이 빈다는 정보를‬ ‪김대표가 들었고요‬that the Iil Group heir was going to take over the hotel project.
‪누구한테서?‬But from whom?
‪그 빌딩이 너무 오래 방치돼서‬ ‪흉물이 되니까‬The hotel became an eyesore, so Seoul City decided to step in.
‪서울시에서 나서게 됐고‬The hotel became an eyesore, so Seoul City decided to step in.
‪현금 있는 사람을 물색하다가‬They were looking for someone with cash.
‪김대표랑 매주 골프 치는‬ ‪국회 의원이‬They were looking for someone with cash. An assemblyman who plays golf with Mr. Kim recommended him to the mayor.
‪중간에서 김대표를‬ ‪시장한테 추천한 거죠‬An assemblyman who plays golf with Mr. Kim recommended him to the mayor.
‪김대표는‬He wants the… hotel to become a casino.
‪호텔에 카지노 세우는 게‬ ‪꿈이거든요‬He wants the… hotel to become a casino.
‪서울시에서 외국인 카지노 허가도‬ ‪곧바로 내주겠다고 해서‬Seoul City said they'd grant him a permit for it.
‪[숨을 들이쉬며] 김대표가‬ ‪신났는데‬Mr. Kim got excited.
‪아일그룹 장남이‬ ‪갑자기 발을 빼려고 해서‬But the Iil Group heir tried to back out,
‪절 시켜서 발을 묶게 만든 거죠‬so I forced him to cooperate.
‪니가 영상 찍은 사람은‬ ‪몇 명이나 돼?‬How many people have you taken videos of?
‪[우진 한숨]‬
‪[태호] 그 영상은‬ ‪명길이가 보관하고 있고?‬And Myeong-gil still has all of them?
‪남의 약점은 다 돈이 된다고‬ ‪믿는 분이죠‬He sees people's weakness as a source of income.
‪그리고‬He never gets rid of anything that's of value to him.
‪돈이 되는 건 절대 공유하질 않죠‬He never gets rid of anything that's of value to him.
‪어, 그 자료는 어디에 있어?‬Where does he keep these videos?
‪김대표 침실 안쪽에 있는‬ ‪작은 금고에 하드를 보관합니다‬He keeps an encrypted hard drive in a safe inside his bedroom.
‪근데 그 금고가‬ ‪독일제 스마트 금고예요‬But it's this German smart safe.
‪김대표의‬ ‪오른손 정맥을 대야 열리고‬It has a biometric lock.
‪문제가 생기면‬ ‪핸드폰으로 원격 조종 해서‬And if he knows there are any issues arising,
‪금고 안에 보관하고 있는 걸‬ ‪불태울 수가 있어요‬he can incinerate everything inside it.
‪금고 천장에‬ ‪액체 연료가 들어있는데‬He can press a button on his phone,
‪버튼을 누르면 그게 떨어지면서‬ ‪불이 붙는대요‬and this thing will burn its contents. Nothing left.
‪그 하드가 양날의 검인 걸‬ ‪아는 거지‬He knows that this is a double-edged sword.
‪갖고 있으면 무기지만‬A weapon in his hands but evidence for the police.
‪경찰이 압수하면 증거죠‬A weapon in his hands but evidence for the police.
‪[양중] 그 용역업체‬The service company, is it a gang?
‪조폭이냐?‬The service company, is it a gang?
‪[장도] 네‬Yeah.
‪인원은?‬How big?
‪서른 명 정도 있는 걸로‬ ‪알고 있습니다‬I believe it's around 30, but they can get more.
‪뭐, 필요할 때는 더 부르고요‬I believe it's around 30, but they can get more.
‪머리가 누구야?‬And who runs it?
‪정팀장이라고‬It's Mr. Jung.
‪거기 대표인데‬ ‪김대표의 백정이에요‬He's basically Mr. Kim's guard dog.
‪이종 격투기 선수였는데‬He was an MMA fighter,
‪시합 중에 사람을 때려죽여서‬ ‪선수 자격을 박탈당했댔고‬but apparently he was banned for beating a man to death in the octagon.
‪김대표가 스카우트했다고‬ ‪들었습니다‬That's when he was recruited.
‪시체는 어떻게 처리한대?‬Who handles the bodies?
‪그쪽은 정팀장이 정리합니다‬Mr. Jung takes care of that.
‪응, 아는 거 말해봐‬Tell me everything you know.
‪한 3년 전에‬Three years ago,
‪김대표가 술 마시다가 한번 욱해서‬Mr. Kim had a bit too much to drink and killed a man with his bare hands.
‪사람을 때려죽인 적이 있어요‬Mr. Kim had a bit too much to drink and killed a man with his bare hands.
‪- [건우 깊은 한숨]‬ ‪- 제가 때마침 근처에 있어서‬[sighs] I was nearby at the time,
‪정팀장이 오기 전까지‬ ‪상황을 수습하고 있었는데‬so I handled the scene until Mr. Jung arrived.
‪정팀장이 3톤짜리 수조 달린‬ ‪횟집 트럭을 불러와서‬He called a 3-ton fish truck with an aquarium and carried the body away.
‪시신을 실어 갔어요‬and carried the body away.
‪정팀장이랑 기사랑‬ ‪얘기 나누는 거 보니까‬From the way he spoke to the driver, it seemed like he did this a lot.
‪계속 쓰는 업체인 거 같았고요‬From the way he spoke to the driver, it seemed like he did this a lot.
‪[양중 숨을 하 내쉬며] 이름은?‬The name?
‪오래돼서 기억은 안 납니다‬I don't remember the name.
‪그래‬I see.
‪내가 인천에 아는 병원이 있어‬I know a hospital in Incheon.
‪거기 구급차를 불러줄 테니까‬ ‪가서 좀 쉬어‬I'll call an ambulance, and you'll get some rest.
‪[태호] 일 마치고‬Once everything is over,
‪정리되면‬I'll arrange a flight and ID for you.
‪- 여권이랑 비행기 해서 보낼게‬ ‪- [장도 안도의 한숨]‬I'll arrange a flight and ID for you.
‪아무한테도 연락하지 마라‬Do not try to contact anyone.
‪김명길이 찾아낸다‬Otherwise, he'll find you.
‪[긍정하는 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[침을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬
‪[두영] 니 전화기 내가 가져간다‬[Du-yeong] Your phone. I'm keeping it.
‪[태호 힘주는 신음]‬[Mr. Choi grunts]
‪내 한 가지만 더 묻자‬Let me ask you one last thing.
‪명길이가 모은 금괴는 어딨어?‬Where does he keep his gold stashed?
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬
‪그건 인범이만 압니다‬Only In-beom knows.
‪어떤 사이야?‬Tell me why that is.
‪김대표가 유일하게‬ ‪믿는 사람이 인범이죠‬In-beom is the only person Mr. Kim trusts.
‪둘이 교도소에 있을 때 만났는데‬They met in prison. and they've saved each other's lives multiple times.
‪서로 몇 번이나‬ ‪목숨을 구해줬다고 들었습니다‬and they've saved each other's lives multiple times.
‪인범이는 목숨까지 바칠 거예요‬In-beom would give his life for him.
‪김대표의 속을 다 알 순 없지만‬I don't know everything Mr. Kim is thinking,
‪인범이를 형제처럼 아끼는 건‬ ‪확실합니다‬but I know In-beom is like a brother.

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