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 신성한, 이혼 5

Divorce Attorney Shin 5


‪[저를 채용해 주시면

If you hire me…

이거 내려 드릴게요

I'll take this down.



‪[격정적인 피아노 연주가 흐른다]


‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[함께 웃는다]

June Man?

‪- 6월의 남자? ‪- [] 6월의 남자

June Man? -June Man. -Like Jun.

‪- [성한? ‪- 

-June Man. -Like Jun. June.

‪- … ‪- [영상 소리가 멈춘다]

‪- 너였니? ‪- [

-So it was you? -Yes.

변호사님 진짜 멋있어요

You're so awesome.

‪[준의 웃음]


I see.

이런 씨발 새끼개새끼야!

You son of a bitch!

‪- [강렬한 음악] ‪- [익살스러운 효과음]

‪- 개새끼 ‪- [!

You bastard! What are you going to do about this?

‪- 이거 어떡할 거야새끼야! ‪- [잠깐만

You bastard! What are you going to do about this? -Wait. -Answer me!

어떡할 거냐고!

-Wait. -Answer me! What are you going to do?

‪- [… ‪- [성한 새끼

How are you going to fix this?

‪- [준의 힘겨운 신음] ‪- [강조되는 효과음]

‪[성한의 아파하는 신음]

‪- [날렵한 효과음] ‪- [성한의 힘주는 소리]

‪- [준의 비명] ‪- [성한이 소리친다]

‪[성한의 악쓰는 소리]

‪- [준의 겁먹은 소리] ‪- [성한의 분노에  비명]

‪[형근의 가쁜 숨소리]


‪[형근아이 공부하신 분들이 ‪이게 뭡니까?

Come on, you guys are scholars of law.


How could you use violence?

  주세요 ‪느닷없고 일방적인 폭력

I didn't. -It was abrupt, one-sided violence. -I'll beat the shit out of you.

‪- [성한 새끼가 처맞으려고 ‪- [준의 겁먹은 소리]

-It was abrupt, one-sided violence. -I'll beat the shit out of you.

그러면 느닷없고 ‪일방적이고 주도면밀한

-It was abrupt, one-sided violence. -I'll beat the shit out of you. What about the video you uploaded abruptly, one-sidedly, and deliberately?

동영상은 어떡할 건데 새끼야

abruptly, one-sidedly, and deliberately?

내려 드린다고 ‪여기까지 직접 왔잖아요

-I'm here to tell you I'll take it down. -So take it down!

그러니까 내리라고!

-I'm here to tell you I'll take it down. -So take it down! So hire me!

그럴 테니까 고용을 하시라고요!

So hire me!

‪[성한미친 새끼가이게

-You lunatic. -Sit down.

‪- [형근참으세요아야아야 ‪- [

-You lunatic. -Sit down. -Do something. -That hurts!

‪- ! ‪- [형근아니 말을

-Do something. -That hurts! -Come on! -Stop him.

‪- 아휴 ‪- [준의 가쁜 숨소리]

-Come on! -Stop him.


You little…

‪[한숨 쉬며

All right.

우리가 이제

Okay. Let's try

해결을 하자고요

to sort this out.

이쪽은 영상 내리세요

You. Take down the video.

당장 내려 새끼야!

Do it right now, you punk!

‪[형근변호사님은 최준 변호사

Do it right now, you punk! And Attorney Shin. You should hire Attorney Choi.


You should hire Attorney Choi.

변호사    뽑기로 했잖아요

You were going to hire someone anyway.

내가 언제언제 그랬어요내가?

When did I say that?

‪[형근지금 ‪사무실 인력이 넘칩니다

You have a lot of employees.

변호사님은 당신  

But you're the only attorney.

내가 일당백 하라는 소리는 ‪하지도 않아

I won't ask you to go beyond your limits.

일당 일밖에 하지 않는 당신

But you only do the bare minimum


when you're the only attorney.

창사 이래 이렇게 ‪의뢰가 많았던 적이 없어요

This is the busiest we've ever been since our establishment.


-You know that, right? -Look.

‪[성한여보세요그거 몰라요?

-You know that, right? -Look. Don't you know the saying?

매미도  한철이에요

"All good things come to an end."

‪[한철일  열일해서 ‪굳히셔야죠

That's why you should keep the momentum going.

‪[성한 새끼… ‪저게 아주  처맞고

-You little… -Stop. I ought to beat you up.


Tell me, you prick.


The video is everywhere.

사람들  퍼져서 나간  ‪어떡할 거야새끼야!

The video is everywhere. -What'll you do about that? -My settings don't let people share it.

그거 제가 블로킹해서 ‪  가요

-What'll you do about that? -My settings don't let people share it.

‪- 제가 삭제하면  ‪- [성한그래?

-If I delete it, it's over. -Really?

그래그럼 ‪그렇게 삭제하라고빨리

Then delete it right now.

채용되는 거죠?

You'll hire me, right?




Delete it.

‪[발랄한 음악]

봐요영상 없죠?

Done. It's gone, right?

‪[준의 웃음]

‪- 아이고 ‪- [형근아휴

All right.

‪[형근의 한숨]

All right.

이제 서로 지나간

All right. Let bygones be bygones.

오해들은 정리하시고

Let bygones be bygones.

악수 한번 하시고

-Shake hands. -Okay.


-Shake hands. -Okay.


Shake hands.


-That's his foot. -This is how we do it in Germany.

독일에선 이렇게 인사했어

-That's his foot. -This is how we do it in Germany.

‪[형근발을 손처럼 쓰세요

He uses his feet like hands.

‪- [ ‪- [형근학센독일에서 오셨

-I see. -He's from Germany.

‪- [아아아아 ‪- [노크 소리]

-My hand. -Come on.

‪[ 열리는 소리]

상담 오셨는데요

You have a client.

‪[벌써 몰려드는


당장 출근은 ‪쪼끔 빡센데이게

I wasn't prepared to start today.

당장 퇴사하고 싶니?

Would you rather be fired today?

‪[아이아닙니다 ‪감사합니다감사합니다

No, sir. Thank you. Thank you.

‪[성한아유안녕하세요 ‪어서 오십시오

Hello. Welcome.

조금 어수선했습니다 ‪들어오시죠

Please excuse the commotion. Come on in.

‪[형근앞으로의 일정은 ‪제가 문자 메시지로 전달을

From now on, I'll be texting you the schedule--


Lee Seo-jin.

이서진 맞죠? ‪완전완전 이쁘다

That's her, right? She's so pretty.

‪[준의 옅은 탄성]

‪[형근저기여기는 ‪새로 오실 변호사님이신데요

This is our new attorney who'll be starting soon.

출근 시작하시면은 ‪그때 차차 인사

I'll introduce the two of you when he starts--


‪[익살스러운 음악]

Thank you.


Thank you.

‪- 멀리  나가요 ‪- [

-Please show yourself out. -Yes, ma'am.

너무 이뻐

She's so pretty.


진짜 멋있어

That was so cool.

멋있단  자주 듣죠?

-You get that often, don't you? -That was a first.

처음 들어요

-You get that often, don't you? -That was a first.

‪[달그락 놓는 소리]

‪[서진을 흉내 내며] '멀리 ‪ 나가요'

"Please show yourself out."

‪'멀리  나가요'

"Please show yourself out."

‪[애교스럽게으응 ‪'멀리  나가요'

"Please show yourself out."

‪[새봄의 탄성]

"Please show yourself out." Ms. Lee.


Ms. Lee.

‪[ 열리는 소리]


Ms. Lee.

사무장님은 계시니까

We already have a paralegal, so you can be the intake coordinator.

서진 씨가 상담실장으로 ‪하는 걸로 하죠

so you can be the intake coordinator.

앞으로  상담할  ‪옆에 동석하세요

Sit in on consultations from now on.

일은 하면서 배우는 거니까

Learn as you go.

그리고 의뢰인들 케이스가

And these cases often get crazier than expected.

대체적으로 ‪상상 이상일 때가 있으니까

And these cases often get crazier than expected.

웬만하면  ‪보는 앞에서 내색은 

So try to hide your emotions--

상상 이상 케이스 ‪당사자였던지라 그다지

I was one of them, so I'll be fine.

그런 스탠스 아주 좋아요

That's a great attitude.

그럼  상담하는  ‪한번  보세요

Come and watch me do the consultation.

보는 것도 공부니까

It'll help you learn.


Let's go. Hurry.

‪- [ 손가락 튀기는 소리] ‪- 갑시다빨리

Let's go. Hurry.

‪[흥미로운 음악]


Attorney Shin.



‪[지숙무슨 말인지 이해하시겠죠?

Do you understand me?

그러니까  분의 부정행위를 ‪입증을 해서

So you want me to prove that you two are having an affair…


so that… he can get a divorce, right?

이혼할  있게  달라는 ‪말씀이시죠?

he can get a divorce, right?



-Correct. -Well…

‪[성한… [헛기침]

-Correct. -Well…

현재 배우자분께서는 ‪ 분의 관계를

Is his current spouse aware of your affair?

인지하고 계신가요?

Is his current spouse aware of your affair?

‪[지숙 ‪며칠 전에도 만났어요

Yes. I met with her a few days ago.

제발 이혼해 달라고 사정도 하고 ‪매달려도 보고 그랬는데

I begged and pleaded with her to divorce him,

이제는 ‪법으로 하는 수밖에 없어서요

but a lawsuit is our last resort now.

‪[성한유책 배우자가 ‪이혼 소송을  때는

When the spouse at fault files for divorce,

웬만해서는 좋은 결과를 ‪끌어내기가  어렵거든요

it's not likely for them to get a favorable outcome.

‪[지숙저기여기 이분요

Look. What about her?

김서진  맞죠?

She's Kim Seo-jin, right?

김서진  이혼 소송도 ‪이기셨잖아요

You won her divorce suit.

그래서 제가 여기  건데

That's why I'm here.

김서진  맞죠?

That's your name, right?


It's Lee Seo-jin.

저희 상담실장님이시고요

And she's our intake coordinator.

그리고  케이스는

As for that case…

아니 케이스는  다르죠

That was a bit different.

 아이의 인생이 걸린 ‪양육권의 문제였고요

It was for custody, which a child's life depended on.

‪- 그건 변호사로서 제가 적극적… ‪- [지숙그럼 우리는

-So as her attorney-- -What about us?

불륜이라서 ‪도와줄  없다는 건가요?

Are you refusing to help because we're having an affair?

‪[정호그만해우리 그만 갑시다

That's enough. Let's just go. They're all saying the same thing.

다들 같은 얘기잖아

Let's just go. They're all saying the same thing.

‪[지숙사람 목숨이 ‪달린 일이라고요

His life is at stake.

 사람이 죽어요!

He's going to die.

당장 이혼을  하면은 ‪정말 큰일 나요변호사님!

If he doesn't get a divorce right now, he might really die. What do you mean?


What do you mean?


제가 간암입니다

I have liver cancer.

 이식을 받으면

The doctor said a liver transplant would increase my chance of survival.

생존 가능성이 높다고 하니까

would increase my chance of survival.

 사람이 공여자가 되겠다고

And she's willing to be my donor.

‪[지숙혼인 신고가 정말 필요해요

But to do that, we need to get married.

I see.

무슨 말씀인지 ‪이해했습니다

I see. I understand.

배우자라야 이식 대상자가 되니까

You can't give him your liver unless you're his spouse.

방법은 분이 혼인을 하셔서

And you want to marry him

이식 수술을  주시겠다 ‪ 말씀인 거잖아요?

so that you can donate your liver, right?

‪[지숙그렇죠맞아요 ‪맞아요바로 그거예요

Yes, that's exactly right.

어떻게   될까요?

Could you please help us?

사람은 살리고 봐야 되잖아 ‪그렇죠?

We can't let him die, can we?

저기현재 배우자분께서는

Is your wife not able to donate her liver?

기증을 하실 수가 ‪없는 상태인가요?

Is your wife not able to donate her liver?

‪[성한지병이 있으시다거나

-Is she ill? -No.

‪[지숙아니요 ‪아주 건강한 배우자가 있어서요

-Is she ill? -No. She's perfectly healthy.

저한테까지 ‪기회가 제공되지 않고 있어요

That's why I can't become his donor.

 여자는요이혼이 아니라 ‪사별을 기다린다니까요

She'd rather be widowed than divorced.

‪- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다] ‪- [직원어깨 엄청 뭉치셨는데?

Your shoulders are very stiff. Did you play golf?

라운딩 나가셨어요?

Did you play golf?

‪[지연골프  여유나 ‪있으면 좋지

I wish I had time for that.


Gosh, look at this.

다들  욕심 챙긴다고 유난이니

Everyone puts their needs first.

 어깨만 뭉치고

No wonder my body tenses up.

지겨워 죽겠어정말

I'm so sick of it.


Do you have any children?

‪[정호열여섯  먹은 ‪아들이 하나 있어요

I have a 16-year-old son. He's studying abroad right now.

지금 유학 중이고요

I have a 16-year-old son. He's studying abroad right now.

‪[성한아드님은 혹시 ‪이런 상황에 대해서 

Is he aware of your situation?

어느 정도는 알고 있나요?

Is he aware of your situation? Not in detail.

‪[정호자세히는 아직

Not in detail.

제가 아픈  알고 있습니다

But he knows that I'm sick.

‪[지숙아니당연히 ‪자식도 알아야 되는 거잖아요

It's his son's right to know.

근데  여자는 ‪일언반구 없어?

But his wife won't tell him anything.

사람이  지경인데? ‪ 유학비 벌어라

Despite his illness, she pesters him to pay the tuition and give her allowances.

‪[휴대전화 진동음] ‪뭐예요그거? ‪품위 유지비 벌어라

she pesters him to pay the tuition and give her allowances. Last year, she even made him take his pension early.

작년에는요 ‪교수 연금까지 땡겨 받았다니까요

Last year, she even made him take his pension early.

아니그런  유책 아닌가?

Isn't she the one at fault here?

‪- [정호잠깐 ‪- [성한

-Excuse me. -Sure.


 여자가 보험은  ‪얼마나 많이 들었는지 아세요?

She also has a ton of insurance.

‪[지숙살릴  있는데 ‪죽기만 기다리는 

She can save his life, but she's waiting for him to die.

그거 살인이잖아

That's murder, right?


Don't you agree?


‪[무거운 음악]

‪[지연이번 달엔 ‪  보내 줘야 

You need to send more money this month.

민수 방학 특강비 선입금해야 

I need to pay the deposit for Min-su's classes during his break.

‪- [정호얼마나? ‪- [지연] 4  보내 

-How much more? -Four million won.

연금 당겨 받은 

I gave you my pension money.

벌써 없는 거야?

-Have you spent it all? -I got a new car.

‪[지연 바꿨어

-Have you spent it all? -I got a new car.

‪15 똥차 몰다가 ‪강북에서 죽을 뻔했다고

I almost died while driving that 15-year-old junk.


Tell me.

 모드가 다릅니까?

Why were you acting differently?

‪- ? ‪- [성한아니

-Sorry? -I mean,

내가 김서진이라고 했으면 ‪ 소리 들었을  같아서요

you would've given me an earful if I called you Kim Seo-jin.

 가만히 계셨어요?

Why did you remain quiet?

상담 흐름에 방해될  같아서요

I didn't want to interrupt the consultation.

그런 이유로

If that's the reason,


I don't want you to hold back.

김서진이 되지는 말죠

I don't want you to hold back.

‪[부드러운 음악]

아휴 너무 많이 했죠?

We did so much work.

‪[성한아휴 ‪굉장히 피곤해요지금

I'm very exhausted.

그렇기 때문에 나는 지금  ‪퇴근을  봐야   같거든요?

And on that note, I'm calling it a day.

왜냐면 일을 너무 ‪많이 했기 때문이에요

Because I've done too much work.


I'm leaving. Goodbye!


I'm leaving. Goodbye!


‪- 뭐야? ‪- [신나는 음악]

What was that?




A swallowtail

‪♪ 호랑나비 ♪

A swallowtail

‪♪  마리가 ♪

Comes flying

‪♪ 꽃밭에 ♪

And it sat down

‪♪ 앉았는데 ♪

On a flowerbed

‪♪ 도대체  사람도 ♪

But not a single person


‪♪ 즐겨 찾는  ♪

Seems to

‪♪ 하나 없네 ♪

Pay attention

‪[신나는 음악]

-Swallowtail, fly away -Fly away

‪[옅은 탄성]

Fly away into the sky


Fly away into the sky

‪[컨트롤러 조작음]

‪[컨트롤러 조작음]






‪- [기영삼촌! ‪- [성한의 웃음]

Uncle Sung-han!

‪[성한기영아 있었어?

How have you been, Gi-yeong?

‪- ' , '' ‪- [기영] ''

Let me see your teeth.

‪[성한오구오구 났네

They've all grown back.

‪- [기영의 웃음] ‪- 안녕하세요 기사님

Hello, Mr. Jung.

‪[ 기사] 9시까지 ‪데리러 오겠습니다

I'll pick him up at nine.

아니, 9시는  이르지 않나요?

Isn't that too early? I like to sleep in on the weekends.

주말엔 늦잠이 꿀인데

I like to sleep in on the weekends.

오늘 저녁 9시까지 ‪데리러 오겠습니다

I meant 9 p.m. tonight.






Goodbye then.

‪[기영삼촌시간 없어 ‪빨리 가자

Come on, Uncle Sung-han. We don't have much time.


All right.

‪[  닫히는 소리]

‪- [자동차 시동음] ‪- !


‪[부드러운 음악]

Hey, it's cheating if you start first.


Hey, it's cheating if you start first.

 진짜 먼저 시작하면 반칙이야 ‪반칙이야

Hey, it's cheating if you start first. It's cheating.

한번 보는 거야그냥?

I just wanted to see. No, let's eat first.

‪[성한아니야아니야아니야 ‪ 먹고 시작하자

No, let's eat first.

‪- [컨트롤러 조작음] ‪- 삼촌 오래간만에 봤는데!

It's been so long!

‪- [기영이 칭얼댄다] ‪- 어어!



‪- [컨트롤러 조작음] ‪- [기영의 들뜬 소리]


‪- [성한의 다급한 소리] ‪- [컨트롤러 조작음]


‪- [기영 됐다? ‪- [성한

I'm ready.

‪[기영성한의 힘주는 소리]

‪- 당해 봐라! ‪- [기영의 힘주는 소리]

Take that!

‪- 먹어 ‪- [기영의 탄성]

Eat this.

‪[옅은 탄성]

‪[기영성한의 힘주는 소리]

‪- [성한이 웃으며아이… ‪- [기영의 환호성]

-Darn it. -Yeah!


Come on!

‪[성한기영의 힘주는 소리]

‪- [성한기영아 ‪- [기영?


‪[성한오늘 니가 이겼다고 ‪앞으로도 계속 이기는  아니야

Don't be so smug just because you beat me today.

삼촌이  이겨  거야

Don't be so smug just because you beat me today. I'll beat you next time.

‪[기영아니에요 ‪제가  이기는 거예요맨날

No, I'm going to beat you every time.

‪[성한의 한숨]

Oh, man.

‪[성한아이고 ‪아이고우리 기영이

Goodness. My Gi-yeong.

‪- [기영의 어리광하는 소리] ‪- 아이고집에 가면 바로 ?

Go to bed right away once you get home, okay?

바로 자야 

You have to.

‪- [기영의 웃음] ‪- 알았지?

Okay? -Okay. -Hop in.

-Okay. -Hop in.

‪- [기영빠이빠이 ‪- [성한빠이빠이

-Bye. -Bye.

‪- [기영의 힘주는 소리] ‪- 벨트부터 벨트

Put your seatbelt on.

‪[  닫히는 소리]

‪-  기사님 ‪- [ 기사

-Mr. Jung. -Yes?

근데 오늘은 

Why is he leaving so early?


You see,

미국에서  사모님이 ‪ 들어오세요

Madam will be flying in from the US soon.

‪[ 기사다들  ‪긴장하는 눈치라

Everyone's a bit on edge.

‪-  사모님이요? ‪- [ 기사

-"Madam"? -Yes.

기영이 친할머니

His paternal grandmother.



I see.

밤길이니까 ‪ 천천히 부탁드릴게요

It's quite dark at night. Please drive safely.

‪- 그럼 ‪- [성한

-Goodbye. -Goodbye.

‪- [  여닫히는 소리] ‪- [노크 소리]

‪- [속삭이며톡해 ‪- [자동차 시동음]

Text me.


See you. Bye.




‪[쓸쓸한 음악]



‪[마우스 클릭음]

‪[익살스러운 음악]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


Hi, Hyeon-u. One minute.

‪-  필요한  있어? ‪- [한숨]

What is it? Do you need something?


Come on.

‪- 아이고 ‪- [서진그냥 전화한 거야?

-You were just calling? -Jeez.

‪- [서진의 통화 소리] ‪- [새봄커피?

More coffee?

‪[멋쩍은 웃음]

 출근이라 긴장이 돼서 그런지 ‪커피가 계속 들어가네요

I must be nervous on my first day. I can't stop drinking it.

‪[준의 웃음]

사무실이 너무 조용하니까?

The office is so quiet

 심장 소리가 ‪ 들리는  같기도 하고?

that I can hear my heart beating.

머신도 있고 믹스도 있고

We have a coffee machine and instant coffee.

‪[마우스 클릭음]

We have a coffee machine and instant coffee.

‪[준의 한숨]


정수기 고장 났어요

The water purifier broke.

오늘 온다고 그랬는데 ‪잠깐만

They're supposed to come fix it today. Hold on.

‪[준의 한숨]

‪[새봄의 놀란 소리]



창사 이후로 ‪ 신입 사원이 오신다는데

It's to celebrate your first new recruit since your establishment.

‪[정식 정도 세리머니는 해야지

It's to celebrate your first new recruit since your establishment.

‪[제가  이게 초면에 ‪꽃을 받아 보기는 

I've never received flowers from a stranger before.

‪[준의 웃음]

I've never received flowers from a stranger before.



‪1 조정식 부동산의 ‪대표 조정식입니다

I'm Jo Jeong-sik from Jo Jeong-sik Real Estate downstairs.

‪-  ‪- [정식의 웃음]

I see.

입사하셨다는 얘기 들었고요

I heard you started working here.

‪[정식제가  건물 대표로서 ‪환영의 마음을 전합니다

I'd like to welcome you on behalf of all tenants of this building.


I'd like to welcome you on behalf of all tenants of this building. -Welcome. -It's my birthday today.

나도 오늘 생일인데?

-Welcome. -It's my birthday today.

음력 생일  하는  아니야

Lunar birthdays don't count.

‪[새봄 변호사님도 ‪ 페이스인데

Attorney Choi is a new face too.

‪[준의 헛기침아니괜찮아요 ‪  알레르기 있어요

Attorney Choi is a new face too. It's okay. I'm allergic to flowers.

‪[정식근데  변하고 사무장 ‪어디 갔어요?

Where did Attorney Shin and Mr. Jang go?

내가 이거 케이크 쪼끄만 거라도 ‪ 준비하자고아휴

I asked them to prepare a small cake. Jeez.

아이저희 셋이 이제 ‪소꿉친구

We're childhood friends.

실제로 소꿉놀이를 하고 ‪그런  아니고요

Not that we're childish.


Right. Have you had a team dinner yet?

이거 한번 해야지?

We should.

‪- [준의 옅은 탄성] ‪- 니네 진짜

Hey, you guys…

아유니네  되겠다 ‪어떻게 사람이

I can't believe you guys. How could you…

‪[스페인 레스토랑도 있고 ‪갈빗집도 괜찮고

We could go for Spanish cuisine or ribs.

아무래도 이게  회식이니까 ‪한식으로

But as our first team dinner, maybe we should go for Korean…

내가 회식하자 그랬

This wasn't even my idea.

이런 개인주의적인 거를

How will I explain the individualism of this office to future generations?

이걸 후세에다가 이걸 ‪어떻게 전하지이거를이거?

How will I explain the individualism of this office to future generations?

새봄 생일이라면서요? ‪내가 저녁  줘요?

You said it's your birthday. -Should I buy you dinner? -I don't do lunar birthdays.

 음력 생일  쇄요

-Should I buy you dinner? -I don't do lunar birthdays.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [어이없는 숨소리]

-Should I buy you dinner? -I don't do lunar birthdays.

‪[제가 ‪회식 그걸 알아봤는데

I searched for a restaurant for our dinner…

‪[정식소파 밑에도 없고 ‪이것들이 어디  거야?

They're not under the couch. Where on earth are they?


Is this a prank?

‪[무거운 음악]


‪- [성한의 들뜬 숨소리] ‪- [소연맛있게 드세요


‪[성한의 음미하는 소리]

I'll have a drink as well.

‪- [형근잔술도   주세요 ‪- [소연

I'll have a drink as well. Sure.


What about you?

‪[형근이분은 ‪와인을 멀리하시는 

He stays away from wine.

‪- 아니잔술이 와인이야? ‪- [형근

-She's serving wine? -Yes.

‪- 세대교체했잖아 ‪- [조르르 따르는 소리]

It's a new generation. And she drinks wine.

우리 사장님은 와인을 드시거든

And she drinks wine.

‪- [소연맛있게 드세요 ‪- [성한


저는저는 소주로 주세요

I'd like some soju.

소주는 없습니다

I don't have any.

‪[호로록거리는 소리]


‪[성한아니근무 시간에 ‪음주는 아니지 않니?

Hey. How can you be drinking during work hours?

개업하고 1 동안 ‪너의 루틴이 무엇이었을까?

And what was your daily routine for our first year of work?


Clock in, work, and clock out.

출근가볍게 맥주  

Clock in and drink a bottle of beer.

‪[형근점심시간 ‪가볍게 소주  

Drink two glasses of soju at lunch.

퇴근  본격적으로 소주  

Clock out and drink two whole bottles of soju.

‪[소연의 웃음]

‪[소연멋있네요고수 같습니다

That's amazing. You sound like a master.

승소의 비결은 취권?

Is drinking your secret to winning cases?

‪- 받아 적어인마 ‪- [형근?

-Write that down. -What?

사장님 주옥같은 말씀외우든가

Her valuable words. Or memorize them.


‪[소연어서 오세요


‪- [형근아유 ‪- [소연!

-Hey. -Hey.

‪[소연의 탄성]

I've been waiting for you.

언제 오시나 했어요

I've been waiting for you.

‪- [형근같이   그랬어요 ‪- [성한아이그러게

-We should've come here together. -Right.

여기 사무장님이 ‪저기낮술 매니아라

Mr. Jang loves to drink during the day.

지나가다 생각이 나서

I just thought I'd stop by.

‪[놀란 소리]

이거  주시는 거예요?

Are those for me?

‪[소연너무 예뻐요

They're so pretty.

제가 받은 건데 ‪마땅히  데가 없어서

I got them from someone, but I didn't know where to put them.


I see.


I'm sorry.

버리는  아니고

I'm not dumping them on you.

받기도 뭐하고  받기도 뭐해서

I just don't know what to do with them.

그런  있으면   주세요

You can always give them to me.

‪[소연의 웃음]

‪[소연의 한숨]

난감한 데서 받았네

They must be unsolicited flowers.

어느 새끼야

Who's the bastard?


Who could it be?


Choi Jun?


No way.

‪[통화 연결음]

새봄 난데요

Sae-bom, it's me.

혹시 실장님한테 ‪ 같은   사람 누구

Do you know who gave Ms. Lee…


So it was him.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

So it was him. Got it.


Got it.

‪- 최준이지 오버했지? ‪- [통화 종료음]

It was Choi Jun, right? He crossed the line again.

 자식이  오버지?

Why would he do such a thing?


It was him, right?

‪[형근의 한숨]

‪[성한의 한숨]


What? "Welcome to our building."

‪' 건물에서 근무하게   ‪축하한다'

"Welcome to our building."

? '앞으로  부탁한다'

"I hope we get along."

‪' 어려운  있으면 ‪언제든지 말해라'

"Feel free to tell me if you need any help."

그러니까  꽃은

I wanted those flowers to convey these messages.

아주 함축적인 의미를 ‪담고 있었다고

I wanted those flowers to convey these messages.

근데 내가  니네한테

So why are you guys giving me these nasty looks?

‪'이런 개새끼야눈빛을 ‪받아야 되는 거냐고

So why are you guys giving me these nasty looks?

‪- 니가  축하해? ‪- [형근  부탁해?

-Who are you to welcome her? -"Get along"?

‪[성한어려운   너한테 말해?

Why would she need your help?

‪[형근 새봄   출근  ‪꽃다발 줬어?

Did you give Sae-bom flowers on her first day?


Did you give Sae-bom flowers on her first day? -That was-- -What about

‪[성한 우리 사무실 개업할  ‪꽃다발 줬어?

-That was-- -What about -when we opened the office? -No.


-when we opened the office? -No.

우리 사이에 새삼스럽게 ?

Why would I do that for you guys?

그러니까우리 사이에도  하던 ‪새삼스러운 짓을

Exactly. If you wouldn't do it for us,

새삼스럽게  했냐고

why would you do it for her?

겁나 팍팍하게 구네진짜

Gosh, you're being so fussy.

‪[정식그게  ''이야인마

That's my job, man!

언제 어떻게 될지 모르는 거거든

You don't know what could happen in the future.

 내가  번만 말할 테니까 ‪똑바로 들어

Listen. Because I'm not going to say this again.


"Don't go visiting graves

갓끈 고쳐 매는  아니다

with a rake in your hand."

‪[어이없는 숨소리]

한국말 어려우면 ‪이모티콘으로 보내

Talk to me in emojis if you find Korean too hard.

‪[성한한심한 새끼진짜

You pathetic bastard.


‪- [형근의 깊은 한숨] ‪- [정식


그래내가 오버일  있다?

Fine, maybe I went over the top.

근데 인사가 죄는 아니잖아!

But what's so wrong about welcoming her?

 내가  번만 말한다 들어

I'm going to say this once, so listen up.

‪[형근이서진 씨는 지금

Ms. Lee doesn't want

누군가가 알아보는  힘들어

anyone to recognize her.

근데 양육권 유지를 위해서 ‪직장이 필요해

But she needs to hold down a job to maintain custody of her son.

아직은 정서적으로 ‪정리가   시기인데

She's still not emotionally stable.

굳이 니가?

And then you showed up.

꽃다발 들고 나타나서?

With flowers, no less.

새봄 씨나  변은 제끼고 ‪서진 씨만 줬어

Just for Ms. Lee, not Sae-bom or Attorney Choi.

‪'웰컴웰컴 지랄 하면서

Saying "welcome" like an idiot.

‪- 기분이 어때? ‪- [정식의 탄식]

How would she feel?

‪[정식의 한숨]


Do you finally get it?


Gosh, I…

내가 감이 이렇게 떨어졌다

I can't believe how dense I've become.


Jo Jeong-sik.


Get a grip, will you?

그러그러니까 ‪ 모든 상황의 핵심이

So the biggest issue right now is that…

새봄 씨가 삐진 거구나

Sae-bom is upset, right?

‪- [익살스러운 음악] ‪- 

‪- [정식의 한숨] ‪-  미친놈

You lunatic.

‪- [정식아이씨 ‪- 아유 미친놈!

You damn lunatic. For crying out loud.

Gosh. I'm such a lunatic.


Gosh. I'm such a lunatic. He's right.

맞아그럴  있어

He's right. I understand. Darn it.

‪- ! ‪- [출입문 종소리]


건물주 새끼

You damn landlord! That proverb.

그거 갓끈 고쳐 매는 

That proverb.

그게 오이

Shouldn't it be a shovel, not a rake?

오얏나무 아니냐!

Shouldn't it be a shovel, not a rake?

‪♪ 어쩌다 생각이 나겠지 ♪

I'll think of him now and then

‪- [노크 소리] ‪- 

Come in.

‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[서진김지숙  ‪전화 여러  왔어요

Ms. Kim Ji-suk called several times.

수임하실  있는지 궁금해하세요

She wants to know if you'll take her case.


쪼끔만  생각해 볼게요

Let me think about it a little longer.


이건 개인적인 질문인데

This is a personal question.

 케이스보다 어려운 건가요?

Is this case more difficult than mine?

아니그냥 궁금해서요

I'm just curious.

이서진 케이스도 승소했다고 ‪일부러 찾아왔잖아요

She came to you because you managed to win my case.

‪[서진그럼 내가  ‪이긴 건가 해서

Does that mean my situation was worse?

‪[멋쩍은 웃음]

이혼 소송은  어려워요

All divorce suits are difficult.

근데  궁금합니까그게?

But why do you want to know that?

‪[살짝 웃는다]


I'm not sure.

‪[성한예를 들면

Is it on the same line

 꽃이 부담되는 거랑

with why you felt uncomfortable about those flowers?

같은 맥락인가 해서요

with why you felt uncomfortable about those flowers?

It is.

고마워요솔직하게 말해 줘서

Thank you for being honest.

‪- [잔잔한 음악] ‪- 근데  꽃은

He really crossed the line

사실 오버 맞아요

with those flowers.

제가 예민한 것도 맞아요

But I also overreacted.

그럴  있죠아직은

It's understandable for now.

‪- 아직은? ‪- [성한아직은

-"For now"? -Yes, for now.

언젠가 다시 자기 모드로

I hope you'll come back

이서진 모드로 돌아가길 바랍니다

to being yourself soon.


연주자의 ‪ 해석도 중요하지만

A musician's interpretation is important,

작곡가의  영감이 ‪가장 중요한 거거든요

but the composer's first inspiration always comes first.


How grand.

라디오에서 들었어요 ‪클래식 방송에서

I heard it on a radio show about classical music.


Mr. Jang told me

슬플  트로트를 듣는다고 하던데 ‪사무장님이

that you listen to trot music when you're sad.

날씨가 아주 좋을 때는

When the weather is nice,

클래식도 듣습니다

I listen to classical music too.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]



I'm so awesome.

‪- [성한 기사님 ‪- [ 기사

-Mr. Jung. -Yes?


Why is he leaving so early?


You see,

미국에서  사모님이 ‪ 들어오세요

Madam will be flying in from the US soon.

 여사가 들어오면

If Ms. Ma returns…

‪- [주화성한이 살짝 웃는다] ‪- [잔잔한 음악]


Where do I… Goodness.

‪[사진작가오빠분이 ‪신부님 옆으로

Where do I… Goodness. Please sit a little closer to your sister.

좀만  가까이 갈게요

Please sit a little closer to your sister. -Closer? -Yes.

‪- [성한더요옷이이거 ‪- [사진작가

-Closer? -Yes. Her dress is so puffy.

‪[성한아휴  반이라

Her dress is so puffy.

‪- [사람들의 웃음] ‪- [사진작가지금 좋습니다

Her dress is so puffy. That's good. Look at the camera. One, two.

‪- 카메라 보시고하나 ‪- [카메라 셔터음]

That's good. Look at the camera. One, two.

아니동생 보내는  ‪되게 아까우신가 보다

You must be sad to see your sister get married.

‪- [성한제가요? ‪- [사진작가의 웃음]

-Me? -Yes.

‪[주화웃어 ‪오빠 긴장하면 정색 나오잖아

Smile. You tend to look serious when you're tense.


You tend to look serious when you're tense.

‪- [성한이 입술을 푸르르 떤다] ‪- [사진작가의 웃음]

Good. Look at the camera. One, two.

‪[사진작가좋습니다 ‪카메라 보시고하나

Good. Look at the camera. One, two.

‪- [카메라 셔터음] ‪- 좀만 환하게하나

A bigger smile. One, two.



‪- [성한고맙습니다 ‪- [주화감사합니다

-Thank you. -Thank you.

‪[성한갑자기 이렇게 ‪좋아한다고?

You fell in love so fast.

시집가기 싫다며?

I thought you were against marriage. You used to pester me, telling me to talk to Dad about it.

징글징글하게 연락해 가지고 ‪아빠한테   달라고

You used to pester me, telling me to talk to Dad about it.


He's a nice guy.


Come on. Nicer than me?

오빠가 다정한 편은 아니지

I wouldn't say you're the nice type.

‪- 그렇지그건 아니지 ‪- [주화

That's true.

‪- 있잖아 ‪- [주화?

-You know what? -What?

‪[작게지금이라도 아니다 싶으면 ‪그냥 집에 가자

If you're unsure about all this, we can leave right now.

‪[성한엄마가 그랬잖아

Remember what Mom said? You should throw away your bouquet and run

신부 입장  때도 ‪아닌  같으면 그냥

You should throw away your bouquet and run

‪- 부케 던져 버리고 나오라고? ‪- [주화의 웃음]

if you have second thoughts while walking down the aisle.


I'm worried about you.

‪- 오빠가 걱정이다 ‪- [성한내가 ?

I'm worried about you. Why?

오빠 가까이 있으면 좋잖아

I wish you lived closer.

‪[난처한 소리]

‪- [주화어머니 ‪- [성한아유


‪[금희앉아 ‪앉아앉아앉아

Sit down.

‪[살짝 웃는다]


You look great.

정말 이쁘구나

You look amazing.


Thank you.

 너무 떨려요

I'm really nervous.

‪[금희의 웃음]

‪[성한저기우리 주화 ‪  부탁드릴게요

Ma'am, please take good care of my sister.

그런  어디 있어요 ‪피차 고마운 일이지

You don't have to ask. We're thankful to have her.

주화가 정말 착해요 ‪마음도 여리고요

She's really kind and softhearted.



‪-  ‪- [금희의 웃음]


 착하면 큰일 난다

Don't be. Kindness is a weakness.

‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪- [금희의 웃음]

‪[성한금희의 웃음]


"Don't be kind. "

착하면 큰일 

"Kindness is a weakness."

‪[ 치는 소리]


‪[유석좋아 보이네?

You look good. Yes, sir. I'm always doing well.

상태는  양호한 편입니다

Yes, sir. I'm always doing well.

내적으로나 외적으로나

Both mentally and physically.

이직 준비는 잘되고 있고?

Are you prepared to get a new job?

 출근 했습니다

Yes, I'm already working there.

어딜 가든 잘할 거야

I'm sure you'll do well.

‪[옅은 웃음]


Thank you, sir.

‪[갑자기 부르시길래 ‪쫄아서  그랬거든요

I got scared when you suddenly wanted to see me.

근데 이렇게 마음 편하게 ‪이직할  있게

I'm relieved that you're checking in

안부도 물어 주시고 ‪건강도 물어 주시고 [웃음]

so I can transition smoothly from one job to another.

마음이 편해?

Are you relieved?

‪- [? ‪- 아직 편하지 

-Pardon? -Don't be.

아직 퇴사 처리 정리된  아니야

Your resignation isn't final yet.

‪[당황한 소리]

퇴사 처리가 그럼 어떻게

Then what do I need to do?

회사 기밀을 알고 있는 직원을

You're an employee who knows about our secrets.

‪[유석안전장치 없이 ‪그냥 내보낼  없잖아 그래?

We couldn't let you go without any safety measures, right?

저는 아는 기밀이 없는데요

But I don't know any secrets.

‪[유석 귓구멍이 ‪다른 사람보다 작대

Apparently, my ear canals are narrower than average.

그래서  면봉이   들어가

Apparently, my ear canals are narrower than average. So regular cotton swabs don't fit.

그래서 내가 애기들 쓰는  있지?

So I once tried the ones made for children.

내가 그거 한번  봤거든?

So I once tried the ones made for children.

근데 이건  ‪너무 야들야들해 가지고

But those were so soft that they got bent too easily.

귓밥 파기도 전에 휘더라고

But those were so soft that they got bent too easily.

이비인후과 가면 귀지  주는데요

You could ask a doctor to clean them.

아유선생님들 바쁜데 ‪귓밥 파러  거기까지 ?

Come on. They have better things to do.

 그냥 나한테 맞게 만들어서 

I tend to tailor everything to my liking.


Cotton swabs…


or people.

‪[긴장되는 음악]


You used to be my spy.


심부름시키신 ?

You mean that errand I ran for you?

아유깜짝이야  뭐라고

You scared me for a second.

신성한도 알아?

Does Sung-han know?

니가 신성한 캐고 다니고

That you spied on him

‪[유석신성한 의뢰인 남편 만나 ‪작전 짜고

and schemed with his client's husband?

 상사가 하라는 대로 ‪ 것뿐인데요

I only did what my boss told me to.


Come on now.

변호사라는 인간이 ‪이런 초등적 대응은 뭐야?

What kind of attorney gives such a basic response?


I'm disappointed, Attorney Choi.

‪[당황한 웃음]

It doesn't matter who told you to do it.

누가 시킨  중요하니?

It doesn't matter who told you to do it.

시킨다고  놈이 ‪너라는  팩트고

What's important is that you did it.

너란 놈이 신성한 사무실에 ‪성실을 약속하며

And it's ridiculous that you want to work there,

입사하겠다는  난센스지

pledging to be loyal to him.

‪[유석의 웃음]

‪[어색한 웃음]


‪[형근의 한숨]

‪[형근지은아몸은  괜찮

Ji-eun, how is your…


How are you feeling? Is there anything…


 해도 미친놈 같다

I'd look like a lunatic no matter what I say.



‪-   ‪- [준의 놀란 소리]

Attorney Choi.

 여기 있어요? ‪왔으면 사무실로 오지

Why aren't you going into the office?


Is something wrong?


Do you want some water?



아아 한잔하실래요?

Would you like to get some iced americano?

‪- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다] ‪- [형근허허



What should I do?

신성한 변호사님이 아시면

If Attorney Shin finds out,

 마저 패겠죠?

he'll beat me, right?



이번엔 말릴 명분이 없네

I don't know how I'm going to defend you this time.

근데 생각해 보면요

But if you think about it,

‪[제가 스파이로 ‪염탐하지 않았으면

if I hadn't spied on him,

피아노맨이 신성한 ‪변호사님인 줄도 몰랐을 거고

I wouldn't have known that he was the Piano Man. Then the video


Then the video

영상 조회  ‪레전드 찍었을 겁니다

would've gotten a lot more views.

전화위복 ‪그런 거잖아요? [웃음]

This is actually a blessing in disguise.

‪[형근그렇다고 하기엔 ‪금화로펌이 

Even then, Keumhwa Law Firm is too much of a headache.


Do you know why Attorney Shin feels uncomfortable around you?

 변호사님을 ‪ 부담스러워하는지 아세요?

Do you know why Attorney Shin feels uncomfortable around you?


Because I'm handsome?


And young?

그런 것도 있고

Also, yes.

 변이 금화에서 와서 ‪그런 거거든

But it's because you used to work for Keumhwa.

아니박유석신성한 ‪둘이  그래요정말?

What's his beef with Park Yu-seok?

이거 말해 주면은 ‪ 변이 지랄

If I tell you, he'll give me shit…

난리  텐데

I mean, he'll be upset.

‪[비밀 지킬게요

I'll keep it a secret.

 인생이 달린 일이라고요

My future is at stake here.

‪[준의 조르는 소리]


I mean…

‪[준의 재촉하는 소리]




 변한테 아는 척하면 ‪절대  돼요

But you better not let him find out.

‪[] '프라미스'

I promise.

도장까지 ?

I even sealed it, okay?


어쩌면  이야기는

In a sense,

피아노에서부터 ‪시작됐다고나 할까?

everything started with the piano.

‪[형근  입장에서는?

From Attorney Choi's point of view,

고용주가 시키는 일이니까?

he was put up to it by his boss.

그렇죠 변호사님?

Right, Attorney Choi?

‪[제가 무슨 힘이 있나요

I had no power.

언제 잘릴지 모르는 ‪인턴 변호사인데

I was an intern who could be fired any second.



‪[성한의 헛웃음]

A powerless intern all of a sudden?

‪[성한갑자기 힘없는 인턴?

A powerless intern all of a sudden?


I'm putting myself in Park Yu-seok's shoes for the first time.

박유석의 입장을 생각하게 되네?

I'm putting myself in Park Yu-seok's shoes for the first time.

‪[형근본질에서 ‪벗어나지 마시고

Let's stay on topic.

‪[성한아니생각을  봐요

No, think about it.

박유석은 지금 ‪완전 빡치는 상황이거든?

Park Yu-seok must be pissed right now.

‪'이거이거 ‪아주 대단한 스파이다'

He thought, "This kid is a competent spy."

‪'믿음직스럽다', ?

"He's so reliable." Right?

그래 갖고 정식 명함 ‪변호사 명함  파려는데

He was about to officially hire this kid as an attorney

‪' 적진으로 들어가겠소'

when the kid said that he'd work for the enemy

하고 이직을  버렸네?

when the kid said that he'd work for the enemy and left him.

상당히 노여운 상황 아니야이거?

How upsetting is that?

제가요 ‪눈치가 상당히 빠르거든요?

I'm pretty sharp-witted, you know.

최준 변호사님

Attorney Choi.

박유석 변호사가 이렇게까지 ‪신경 쓰는 사연이 뭔가?

"Why is Attorney Park so worried about Attorney Shin?"


Attorney Choi.

아니  쬐끄마한 사무실에 ‪신경을 쓸까

"What does he care about this small business?"

‪[무슨 사연인가?

"What could this be about?"

 엄마가 ‪사연 없는 무덤은 없다고

My mom used to say nothing happens without a reason.

뭔가 있겠죠

There must be something.

본질에서 벗어나지 말자니까요

I said, let's stay on topic.

아니 사연이 무엇이든?

Whatever the story may be,

나는 최선을 다해서 피아니스트  ‪로이어 신성한 형님을 돕자

I wanted to do my best to help you, the pianist and attorney.

저는 그런 마음으로 ‪ 전쟁터에 발을 들인 거거든요

That's the determination I entered this battlefield with.

‪- [딸까닥거리는 소리] ‪- [준의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪[성한월급은 준답니까?

Is he going to pay you?


Pay me?

아니스파이 활동비는 받아야지

You shouldn't work for free.

‪-   건데요? ‪- [성한하세요

-I'm not doing it. -Do it.

금화에서 활동비 받아서

Let's take the money from Keumhwa

우리 사무실 회식합시다

and have a team dinner.

‪[발랄한 음악]

여기 있는  그냥  퍼다 날라요

Give him all the information you can find here.

 모르는 일이고

I won't know anything about it.

너는  인간 스파이 

Go ahead and be his spy.

진짜 개멋있어진짜

You're so awesome.


I promise

 포도가 무르익어서 ‪최고의 와인 농장이 되도록

to be the best spy so that your grapes grow

최고의 스파이가 되겠습니다

into the best vineyard ever.


Anything else?

열심히 퍼다 나르겠습니다

I'll give him all the information.

‪[믿어 주셔서 감사합니다

Thank you for trusting me.

‪[기쁜 숨소리]

‪[형근 유비 같다유비

You're such a strategist.

아니야관우가  멋있나?

Wait, is there a better word?

 멋있는  일상이고뭔들

Tell me something I don't know.


What about you?

정리하고 있는 거야?

Are you sorting things out?



애기가 태어난다잖아

She's going to have a baby.

내가 알아서 할게

Don't worry about it.


You're smiling?


‪♪ 어차피 잊어야  ♪

If you must get over this love

‪♪ 사람이라면 ♪

If you must get over this love

‪♪ 돌아서서 울지 마라 ♪

Don't turn around and cry

‪[성한] ♪ 눈물을 거둬라 ♪

Wipe those tears away

‪[소연이 흥얼거린다]

‪[꼬르륵거리는 소리]

‪[형근의 한숨]

이거만 먹고 일어날 건데

I was just about to leave.

이거 제가 만든 건데시식

I made them. Try them.


Thank you.


‪[형근달달하니 좋네요

It's nice and sweet.

와인이랑도  어울리네

It goes well with wine.

‪[옅은 웃음]

매일같이 라면에 와인이면 ‪속은 괜찮으세요?

Is your stomach okay, having ramyeon and wine every day?

밥이 낫긴 하겠죠

It'd be healthier to have rice.

근데 진짜 마카롱 가게로 ‪바꾸실 거예요?

Are you really going to turn it into a macaron shop?


상권이 마카롱은 

I just don't think they'll sell very well.


 되면 다시 라면 팔고요

I can always come back to selling ramyeon.

‪[소연의 웃음]

그렇긴 하죠 [웃음]

I guess you could do that.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


Hey, Ji-eun.

‪- [지은의 힘겨운 신음] ‪- [무거운 음악]


What's wrong?


-Are you okay? -Help me.


-Are you okay? -Help me.


It hurts.

배가 아파

My stomach hurts.

‪1, 119, 119 불러야지

You should call an ambulance.


You should call an ambulance. I'm scared.

‪[지은의 고통스러운 신음]

내가내가 지금 갈게 ‪기다려알았지?

I'll be right there. Wait for me, okay?


All right, Ji-eun?

‪- 운전하시려고요? ‪- [형근?

-You're driving? -What?

아니아니요아니요 ‪그건 아닌데 지금

No, I shouldn't.

지금 지은이가

-But Ji-eun… -Give me the keys.


-But Ji-eun… -Give me the keys.

‪[지은의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[형근의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪- [지은의 신음] ‪- [형근의 불안한 숨소리]

‪[형근] 119 ‪  부르게 하는 거야?

Why won't you let me call an ambulance?

고집부리다가 ‪애가 잘못되면 어떡하려 그래?

What if something happens to the baby?

‪[지은이 흐느낀다]

What if something happens to the baby?

‪[멀리 울리는 사이렌 소리]


‪[다가오는 발소리]


고마워요경황없었는데 덕분에

Thank you. You really saved the day.

여기가 저희 집하고 가깝네요

My house is nearby.

택시 타고 가세요

Get yourself a cab.

‪[소연 하시는 거예요지금?

What are you doing? I was just helping you.

 도운 거예요

I was just helping you.


I just felt bad.


Don't worry about it.


Is she your sister?




-She's my wife. -Sorry?


-She's my wife. -Sorry? She's your wife? Oh, dear.

‪[소연아이고아기가 괜찮겠죠?

She's your wife? Oh, dear. I hope the baby is okay.

‪[한숨 쉬며그래야  텐데요

I hope so too.

정말 고맙습니다

Thank you so much.


Don't mention it. Goodbye.


Goodbye. Thank you.



Hold on.

임신 초기인데 그렇게 ‪라면에 와인을 마신다고?

Why does he have so much ramyeon and wine when his wife just got pregnant?

‪[한숨하루가 멀다 하고

Every day?

‪[깊은 한숨]

‪[남자의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[남자의 당황한 숨소리]



‪[형근들어가 보세요

Go inside.

애기랑 지은이는 괜찮다고 하네요

Both the baby and Ji-eun are okay.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[휴대전화 진동이 멈춘다]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

그럼  이만

I'll be going now.


Thank you.


‪[차분한 음악]

사람이 아프니까

She was in pain.

마침 제가 근처에 있었고

And I happened to be nearby.

다른 뜻은 없고요

That's all.

‪[남자가 울먹이며죄송합니다 ‪죄송합니다

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.



I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


‪[TV   호스트안녕하세요 ‪반갑습니다

Hello, everyone.

오늘 저희가 보여 드릴 상품

Let me show you today's item.

바로 대한민국 사람이라면 ‪가장 사랑하는 반찬

It's Korea's most beloved side dish, crabs marinated in soy sauce.


It's Korea's most beloved side dish, crabs marinated in soy sauce.

오늘은  간장게장 중에서도

But these aren't just any crabs.

‪- [계속되는 TV 소리] ‪- [성한 봐라

-They have sold out every time so far. -Look at that roe.


-They have sold out every time so far. -Look at that roe.


-Should I buy some? -And we have a surprise.


-The CEO is here himself. -Come on.

‪1 가구 용량은   팔아?

Why don't they sell them in smaller portions?

요즘 1 가구 얼마나 많은데

So many people live alone nowadays.

사회가 발맞춰 가야지진짜

It's time society caught up.

‪[통화 연결음]

기가 막힌다정말

That looks incredible.

‪[TV   호스트

‪-  비벼대박 ‪- [TV 소리]

He's mixing it with rice. Look at that.


Why isn't he picking up?

‪-  ‪- [통화 종료음]

Darn it.

‪[통화 연결음]

The roe-filled crabs that we're showing you today…



‪- 조정식 ‪- [정식?

-Jeong-sik. -What?

저기형근이 거기 있냐?

-Are you with Hyeong-geun? -No. Why?


-Are you with Hyeong-geun? -No. Why? -No? -No.

‪- 없어? ‪- [정식없어

-No? -No.

 혹시  간장게장 관심

-Do you want to order some marinated-- -Cut it out.

‪- [정식아이시끄러워 ‪- [통화 종료음]

-Do you want to order some marinated-- -Cut it out.

‪[성한전화를 끊어?

Why did he hang up on me?


That little…


‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]


‪- ? ‪- [성한형근아

-What is it? -Hey, Hyeong-geun.

간장게장 나왔어반띵하자

They're selling marinated crabs. Let's go halfsies.

이거 마감 3 남았어지금

We have three minutes left.

돌게장 아니지 돌게장 싫어해

They're not those smaller ones, right? I don't like those.

알이 진짜 장난이 아니야

They're not, and they're full of roe.

 색깔은 저거 지금  ‪존재하지 않는 색이야

The color of the roe is out of this world.

‪- [성한어떻게주문한다? ‪- 

-I'm ordering them, okay? -Okay.



‪[성한 울었어?

Why did you cry?


Holy shit, I got goosebumps.


Why are you here?

‪- [익살스러운 음악] ‪- [정식형근이 걱정돼서

I was worried about Hyeong-geun.

니가 애타게 찾았다는  ‪분명히 무슨 일이 있다는 거거든

You were anxiously looking for him. -I knew something was wrong. -I wasn't anxious when I called.

‪[성한 시점엔 ‪애타게 찾지 않았거든?

-I knew something was wrong. -I wasn't anxious when I called.

간장게장 얘기하는데 ‪니가 끊었잖아

I was talking about crabs when you hung up on me.

‪[정식아이씨 ‪지금 그게 중요하냐?

That's not what's important right now.

내가  상태를정확히  ‪캐치했다는  중요한 거지

What's important is that I knew something was wrong.

 이거 봐라이거 ‪ 부은  

Look at those puffy eyes.


He definitely bawled.

심수봉 누나 노래 들을까?

Can we listen to Sim Soo-bong?

응응수봉이 누나 노래에는 ‪ 위스키지?

Sure. You want some whiskey with that?

‪[성한새끼 ‪육포 같은 거라도   갖고 오지

You should have at least brought some beef jerky.

‪[정식이 구시렁거린다]

Your friend's a teary mess, you ass.

‪[정식의 시원한 숨소리]

‪[정식지은  만났지?

Did you meet Ji-eun?

그놈을 만났어

I met the guy.

지은 씨랑 사는 ?

The guy she lives with?

착하게 생겼더라

He looked so nice.

씨발지금 제정신이야?

What the hell, man? Are you out of your mind?

‪[정식착한 걸로 배틀하면 ‪너한테  털리지!

You're the nicest guy there is.

‪[성한아니아니아니 ‪갑자기  만났는데?

Hold on. Why did you guys suddenly meet?

지은이가 위급했어

Ji-eun had an emergency.

그놈은 출장 근무 중이었고

And he was out working.

그래그래서 너를 불렀다고?

So she called you?

‪[성한아니믿고 빠른 ‪119 시스템을  마다하고?

Why didn't she just call an ambulance?


She couldn't.

염치가 없어서

She was ashamed.

‪[정식의 어이없는 숨소리]

‪[형근의 한숨]



‪[정식의 시원한 숨소리]

심수봉 노래 듣자 ‪인생 진짜 [헛웃음]

Let's listen to Sim Soo-bong. Life sucks.

 남잔 뭐래?

What did he say?

  파물어  쓰리게

Why are you rubbing salt in his wound?


He said he was sorry.


He cried.

‪[정식의 헛웃음]


She's ashamed, and he cried.

대환장 파티다

What a mess.

너는괜찮은 거야지금?

Are you okay?


I don't know.

이렇게 되고 나니까 ‪뭐가 뭔지도 모르겠고

With things the way they are, I don't know what to feel.


I just…

애기나 건강하게 ‪태어났으면 좋겠고

I just hope the baby will be healthy.

지은이 순산했으면 좋겠고

I hope the delivery goes well.


I don't know.

‪[형근의 한숨]

‪[정식의 한숨]


‪[형근의 한숨]

‪[정식의 헛기침]

‪[성한이 작게미친놈 하냐?

What the hell are you doing?

‪- [카메라 셔터음] ‪- 돌아이 아니야이거?

What the hell are you doing? You crazy bastard.

‪[정식이  웃으며이거 


‪- 진짜 길게 나왔다 ‪- [정식

He looks so tall. I know.

‪- [성한 ‪- [정식이 피식한다]

I know.

‪[정식 나왔어

You look good.

정식이가 찍은 거야

Jeong-sik took it.


Let me see it.


Come here.


You look good, right?


Send it to me.

‪- 그래그래보내 줄게보내 줄게 ‪- [탁탁 토닥이는 소리]

Okay, I'll send it to you. -Do you like it? -Yes.

‪- [성한맘에 들어? ‪- [발랄한 음악]

-Do you like it? -Yes.

‪[정식어떻게하나  찍을래? ‪가서 저기  다시

What do you say? Do you want to pose for another one?

‪[성한되게 길게 나왔어 

You look really tall. Look.

‪- 하나  할래? ‪- [정식그래

-Why don't you do another one? -Yes.

‪[성한스피커 옆에 있으면 ‪ 길게 나올  있어

You'll look taller next to the speaker.

‪[정식 보고 있는  ‪  나왔다

And don't look at the camera.

‪[형근 괜찮은  같은데

And don't look at the camera. I guess it doesn't look too bad.

다시  되게 길게 나왔어

Pose again. You looked really tall.

‪[형근프로필 사진 없거든

I need a profile photo.

‪- [정식프로필 사진 ‪- [성한프로필 사진 없어?

-You do? -You do? So that's why it's been blank.

그래서 니가 ‪맨날 그거 비어 있었구나

So that's why it's been blank.

‪[정식어디 ‪오디션 보러 다니나 보다

Is he auditioning or something?

‪- [성한아니앉지 앉지  ‪- [정식저쪽 봐야지

Is he auditioning or something? -Don't sit down. -Don't sit down. -Look away. -Look away.

‪- [정식성한저쪽 봐야지 ‪- [형근의 헛기침]

-Look away. -Look away.

‪[성한아니야그거 손대지  ‪그거 손대지 이씨개새끼야

-Don't touch that. -Don't touch that. -You son of a bitch. -Just stand still.

‪- [정식가만있어가만있어 ‪- [카메라 셔터음]

-You son of a bitch. -Just stand still.

‪- 아니지저쪽을 봐야지 ‪- [성한옳지

-There you go. -Look away.

여기 보지 말고 ‪너는   보는  나아

Don't look at us. It's better if you hide your face.

‪- [정식바로 어색해졌어 ‪- [성한

He's so awkward now.

‪- 들어와아까 거가 나아 ‪- [정식괜찮아

-Come back. It's okay. -Come here. -The first one was better. -It was?


-The first one was better. -It was? You're not an actor or anything.

‪[정식이거 잘하면 ‪배우 해야지

You're not an actor or anything.

‪[성한스피커 손대지 말고 ‪새끼야

And don't touch my speaker, you asshole.

‪- 5천만 원짜리쌍놈의 새끼 ‪- [정식보내 줄게

And don't touch my speaker, you asshole. -It cost 50 million won. -I'll send it to you.

‪[형근아까 걸로   같아

I guess the first one will do.

‪[정식보내 줄게 ‪전화번호  알려 

Give me your number.

‪[현우 요즘에는 ‪게임 조금만 

I don't play games that much anymore.

그런  같더라?

I could tell.

그러니까 방에서 숙제할래

So let me do my homework in my room.

 게임할까  ‪여기서 하는 거잖아

You want me to study here so I don't play games.


That's not true.

엄마 혼자 있기 싫어서 그런 거야

I just don't want to be alone.

어떤  싫어?

Why not?

 맘대로 생각하는 

It makes me think too much.

그런  싫어

I don't like that.

엄마 맘인데

But they're your thoughts.

엄마 맘대로 생각도  ?

You can think as much as you want.

‪[애잔한 음악]


School isn't that bad.

생각보다 괜찮아

School isn't that bad.

엄마는 회사 괜찮아?

How's your work?


Good. I like it.

‪[안내 방송이 흐른다]

‪[ 기사오셨습니까

Welcome back, ma'am.

‪[금희 기사

Hello, Mr. Jung.

이촌동으로 모실까요?

To Ichon-dong, ma'am?

논현동으로 갑시다

Let's go to Nonhyeon-dong.

기영이 먼저 봐야겠어요

I want to see Gi-yeong first.

‪[ 기사그럼 ‪논현동으로 모시겠습니다

Nonhyeon-dong it is.

  먹어 봤어요 기사?

Have you tried her food, Mr. Jung?




My new daughter-in-law.


지금 애가 나아? ‪먼저  애가 나아?

Who's better? Her or my late daughter-in-law? At cooking.

요리 솜씨 말이야

At cooking.

‪[ 기사글쎄 ‪저야 뭐든   먹어서

I'm not sure, ma'am. I'm not a picky eater.

 깨려고 농담한 거야

I was just joking to wake myself up.

나이 들었나? ‪시차 적응  걸리겠어

I must be getting old. I'll be jet-lagged for a while.

 닥터 진료 잡을까요?

Do you want to see Dr. Choi?

‪- 며칠 쉬어 보고 ‪- [ 기사

Let me rest for a few days and see. Yes, ma'am.

‪- 기영이 말이야 ‪- [ 기사

About Gi-yeong. Yes, ma'am.

나랑 같이 하와이로 가자고 하면

Yes, ma'am. If I asked him to come with me to Hawaii, will he say yes?


will he say yes?

글쎄아마 작은 사모님이 ‪ 보내지 싶습니다

I'm not sure. Ms. Jin will probably be against it.

‪[ 기사 달에   ‪삼촌 보는 것도  가게 하니까

She doesn't even let him visit his uncle once a month.

‪[무거운 음악]

걔가 그래

That's how she is.

명분도 없이 물어뜯잖아거칠고

She's hostile for no reason. She's vicious.


She's too much.

최정호  아드님이면

If you're Mr. Choi's son,

‪[성한지금 미국에 ‪있어야 하는  아닌가요?

aren't you supposed to be in the US right now?

잠깐 나왔어요

I'm visiting.

‪[성한부모님은 아시고요?

Do your parents know?

‪[민수아니요 ‪공항에서 바로 왔어요

No. I came straight from the airport.

근데 저를 ?

But why? You're my dad's attorney.

우리 아빠 변호사시잖아요

You're my dad's attorney.

아직 수임 전이라서

It's not decided yet.

‪- 수임이요? ‪- [성한아아

-What's not decided? -Right.

케이스를 진행할지  할지 ‪아직 결정하지 못했다는 뜻이에요

Whether I'll take on his case or not.

아빠가요아니면 변호사님이요?

By who exactly? My dad or you?



근데 먼저 부모님한테 ‪연락을 드려야 하는  아닐까요?

Shouldn't we call your parents first?


It's okay.

어차피 정상인 사람 ‪아무도 없는 집안이라

There's not a single sane person in my family.


Think about it.

아빠는 간암이라 이식이 필요하고

My dad needs a donor for his liver cancer,

엄마는 이식해  마음도 없고

but my mom has no plans of doing that.

다행인지 모르겠지만

I don't know if I should be, but I'm glad his mistress is willing to donate her liver.

아빠랑 바람난 아줌마가 ‪이식을  준다니

but I'm glad his mistress is willing to donate her liver.

천만다행이긴 한데

but I'm glad his mistress is willing to donate her liver.

엄마가 이혼을  줘야 되는

But he needs a divorce first.

대충 맞죠?

Am I right?

누구한테 들었어요?

Who told you all that?

어른들 일은 ‪어른들이 알아서 하시는 거고

That's their business.

저는 다른  궁금해서요

I have another question.

 15 이상이라 장기 기증 ‪ 의지대로   있는  맞죠?

I can donate my organs if I want to since I'm over 15, right?

‪- 그래서요? ‪- [무거운 음악]


제가  이식  주려고요

I want to give him my liver.

‪[무거운 효과음]

법적인  도와주세요

So help me with the legal issues.

‪[툭툭 두드리는 소리]


‪10분만 중화하고 샴푸할게요

I'll shampoo your hair in ten minutes.

‪[손님점심은 먹었어?

Okay. Did you have lunch?

‪[지숙점심시간에 ‪손님들이 몰려 가지고

I had too many customers then.

‪[웃으며두유 하나 먹었어요

I just drank some soy milk.

‪[손님아이고남편이 교수인데 ‪ 이렇게 죽자고 ?

Goodness, why do you work so hard when your husband is a professor?

아니여기도 예약제로 돌리면 ‪편하지 않아?

Wouldn't it be more convenient to have a reservation system?

‪[지숙아유 단골손님인데 ‪야박하게  되지

Please. You're all regulars here. It would be uninviting.


-Wait for a minute. -Okay.

‪[손님 [웃음]

-Wait for a minute. -Okay.

‪[지숙혹시 ‪아들한테 연락 없어요?

Have you heard anything from your son?

아들도 알아야지 ‪나중에 원망 들어

He deserves to know. He'll resent you later. JEONG-HO



Your name is Choi Min-su?


‪[성한내가 기가   가지고

I'm a bit dumbfounded right now.

말을  놓을게

Let me talk casually.


장기 이식이라는  말이야

Non-relative organ donors

비혈연자인 경우에 ‪아주 엄정하게 조사를 

are put under extreme scrutiny.

‪[성한그럼 혈연자인 경우엔 ‪설렁설렁아니

Do you think they'll be any more lenient

엄격하지 않을  같니?

when you're related?

‪[차분한 음악]

수술 베드에 누워서 ‪메스를 기다리는 

It would be more terrifying to be on the operating table…

그게  무섭겠죠

waiting for surgery.

‪[민수 그래요?

Don't you agree?

 겨우 열여섯 살이잖아요

I'm only 16.


‪[풀벌레 울음]



‪[성한소연의 웃음]

‪- [소연맛있게 드세요 ‪- [성한고마워요

-Enjoy. -Thank you.



I quit.

‪[성한서진의 웃음]

‪- [서진최정호 교수 이혼 소송 ‪- [조르르 따르는 소리]

Are you still undecided

아직도 고민 중이세요?

on Professor Choi's case?




‪[서진하셨으면 좋겠어요

I wish you'd take it.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[민수 얘기 알아요?

Do you know that story

토끼가 간을  주면 ‪어쩌고저쩌고하는

about a rabbit and its liver?


The Hare's Liver?

‪- 딜할 거예요 ‪- [성한?

-I'm going to make a deal. -A deal?


In return for donating my liver,

 엿같은 유학  그만 보내라고

I want them to stop sending me abroad.

‪[서진최정호  사건 ‪그냥 보내면

If you pass up on this case,

작곡가의  영감처럼

I don't think I'll be able to stay true

연주    같아요

to the composer's first inspiration.


I think I'll end up

 맘대로 해석할  같아요

interpreting the piece however I want.

‪' 사람이  알아볼까?'

"What if they recognize me?"


"They did."

‪' 상상하고 있을까?'

"What are they thinking?"

‪'내가 오늘  입었지?'

"What did I wear today?"

‪'스커트 말고 ‪바지 입을  그랬나?'

"Maybe I should've worn pants instead of a skirt."

‪'립스틱이 진한가?'

"Is my lipstick too bold?" "Maybe I shouldn't have worn mascara."

‪'마스카라는 하지   그랬나?'

"Maybe I shouldn't have worn mascara."

‪'신성한 변호사님도'

"Attorney Shin must have felt

‪'나를 변호하면서'

just as uncomfortable

‪'지금처럼 불편해했겠지'

when he was defending me."

그런 해석이요

Kind of like that.

‪[시원한 숨소리]

제가 냅니다

This is on me.


-Here you go. -Thank you.

‪[카드 단말기 조작음]

사장님이랑  어울려요

These don't suit you.

다른 꽃으로 선물할게요

I'll get you new ones.


Thank you.


‪[부드러운 음악]


‪[성한민수 군이 찾아왔었습니다

Min-su visited me.

놀라지 않으시네요 ‪알고 계셨나요?

You don't look surprised. Did you know about it?

거기까지 갈지는

No, I didn't.


You see,

고민이  많았습니다

I was really torn.

 사건을 맡아야 되나 ‪말아야 되나

About whether I should take your case or not.

제가 뭐라고

But I shouldn't have been.

변호사면은 의뢰인의 승소에만 ‪집중하면 되는 건데

As an attorney, my job is to win cases.

제가 뭐라고 이거 자꾸 ‪잣대를 들고  해석이 이렇

Who am I to judge and interpret--


Who am I to judge and interpret-- I'm sorry.

내가 지금

But I have

빙빙 돌려서 말하는  ‪들어  기운이 없어요

no energy to listen to you beating around the bush.

대놓고 비난하는  듣기 쉽습니다

Just call me out in my face.

아니요변호에 대해서 ‪말씀드리는 겁니다

No. I'm talking about how to approach your case.

이렇게 시작이 되면요

Now that it's begun, we have to win at all costs.

이거 반드시 이겨야 되거든요

Now that it's begun, we have to win at all costs.


There are two things

감당해 주실래요?

you must endure.




Your cancer insurance.

그거 전부  해약하세요

Cancel all of it.



전과자가 되실 수도 있습니다

You might end up with a criminal record.

외람되지만  그대로

I'm sorry to say this,

‪'죽기 아니면 까무러치기다' ‪ 뜻입니다

but this is literally a do-or-die situation.

‪[리드미컬한 음악]


It's different.

이서진 씨는 ‪현우를 지키려고  거고

You wanted to protect Hyeon-u.

‪[지숙 하는 짓이야!

What the hell are you doing?

‪[성한 교수 부부는 ‪시작부터가 달라요

Professor Choi and his wife… It was different from the beginning.

‪[금희신성한 씨가 궁금해서

I was curious about you.

‪[금희의 웃음]

착하면 큰일 난다고

Kindness is a weakness.

흘려듣지 말고

Mark my words.

‪[영주의 거친 숨소리]

‪[유석] 1225


무슨 의미가 있는 번호인가요?

Do these numbers mean anything?

‪[성한마지막으로 통화한 사람을 ‪ 알고 싶어서요

I'd like to know who she last spoke with.


Who's this?


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