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  신성한, 이혼 6

Divorce Attorney Shin 6


‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[성한] 엄마 아빠 거‬For you, Mom and Dad.
‪주화 거‬And for you, Ju-hwa.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[탁탁 뜯는 소리]‬
‪[후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪엄마 아빠는 꽃만 받아요‬Mom, Dad, just flowers for you today.
‪주화 생일이니까‬It's Ju-hwa's birthday.
‪자, 다들 주목, 주목‬Listen up, everybody.
‪진짜 여러분들은‬Seriously.
‪그러면 안 되는 거야, 응?‬You can't do this to me, guys. Okay?
‪내가 살아 보니까‬I've realized something about myself.
‪참 마음이 여린 사람이더라고‬I'm quite soft-hearted.
‪여려, 내가‬I'm a softie.
‪진짜 80까지는 살다 가셨어야 돼‬ ‪엄마 아빠는‬You should have lived to be at least 80.
‪아버지는 내가‬ ‪내가 이런 말 하는 건 아니지만‬Dad, I know I'm not the one to talk, but I knew you drank way too much.
‪진짜 술 그렇게 드실 때부터‬ ‪내가 알아봤어‬but I knew you drank way too much.
‪그리고 너, 너 신주화‬And you. Shin Ju-hwa.
‪니가 제일 반성해야 돼‬You should feel the worst.
‪야, 우리는‬ ‪우리는 100살까지 산다잖아‬Our generation is expected to live to be 100.
‪뭐야, 너는?‬So what's this?
‪내가 계속 이렇게 살아야 돼?‬Do I have to keep living like this?
‪정말 혼자서‬I have to…
‪혼자서 100살까지‬I have to live all alone…
‪산다고‬until I'm 100.
‪[목멘 소리로] 생각하면은‬When I think about that…
‪진짜 아득하다‬I don't know how I'm going to live.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[바람 소리]‬
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪이게 사무실이야, 스터디 카페야?‬Is this an office or a study group?
‪[키보드 조작음]‬Good grief.
‪[준] 아, 진짜‬Good grief.
‪아니, 어?‬I mean--
‪[성한] 좋은 아침‬Good morning.
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[준] 점심도 먹었는데‬It's past lunchtime.
‪그, 눈 밑에‬What's that on his face?
‪패치 붙이셨나?‬Under-eye patches?
‪[형근] 아휴‬
‪[형근의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬-Sae-bom. -Yes?
‪- 새봄 씨‬ ‪- [새봄] 예‬-Sae-bom. -Yes?
‪[서진] 지난번에 상담 신청‬ ‪연락처 남긴 분들‬Do you have the list of people who left their numbers for consultations?
‪명단 있어요?‬Do you have the list of people who left their numbers for consultations?
‪예, 예‬Yes.
‪어디 있더라?‬Where did I put it?
‪[준] 아, 연락해서‬ ‪변호사 선임했는지 알아보자?‬Are we calling to ask if they still need help?
‪- [딱]‬ ‪- [준의 탄성]‬
‪- [정식] 아, 최 변호사님‬ ‪- [준] 아‬Attorney Choi, I heard you're looking for a house near the…
‪이 동네에 집 구하, 하셨…‬Attorney Choi, I heard you're looking for a house near the…
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[서진] 꽃‬Thank you
‪감사합니다‬for the flowers.
‪지난번에 인사를 못 드렸어요‬I didn't get to thank you last time.
‪[정식의 반기는 숨소리]‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[작게] 왜?‬What happened?
‪창피하긴 하냐?‬So you're actually embarrassed?
‪지금 시간이면 점심 먹은 게‬ ‪대장에 도착할 시간이야‬I've practically finished digesting my lunch by now.
‪- [성한의 한숨]‬ ‪- [형근] 근데 뭐, '좋은 아침'?‬And you come in here saying "good morning"?
‪[성한] 아, '좋은 점심'은‬ ‪이상하잖아?‬I didn't know what else to say.
‪[형근] 그냥 '굿 데이' 해‬ ‪아니면 이모티콘을 들고 다니든가‬Just say "good day" or carry around an emoji sign.
‪[성한] 하, 스트레스, 아씨‬You're stressing me out.
‪[형근의 한숨]‬
‪아유, 아아, 그냥 넘어가라‬ ‪아이씨, 쯧‬Give me a break, man.
‪[성한의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪일로 와 봐‬Come here.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪- [익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪- [성한] 아이, 씨발, 깜짝이야‬What the hell?
‪씨발, 놀랐잖아, 새끼야‬-You scared the shit out of me. -Your face scared me more!
‪내가 더 식겁이지‬ ‪어디서 면상을, 씨발‬-You scared the shit out of me. -Your face scared me more!
‪거울을 봐, 이 새끼야‬Go look in a mirror.
‪너나 거울 봐, 새끼야‬You look in a mirror!
‪하, 이 새끼‬You little… You're unbelievable.
‪[형근이 구시렁거린다]‬You're unbelievable.
‪[성한] 아, 모공이, 씨‬Your pores are like…
‪- 깜짝이야, 씨, 아이씨‬ ‪- [형근의 거친 숨소리]‬What the hell? Man.
‪주화 만나고 왔잖아, 너‬You went to see Ju-hwa.
‪너 이제 나한테 사람까지 붙였니!‬Did you actually put a tail on me?
‪오늘 주화 생일인 거‬ ‪나도 알고 정식이도 알지, 새끼야‬Both Jeong-sik and I know that today's her birthday, you prick.
‪휴지나 떼, 이 새끼야‬ ‪하, 이 새끼‬Get that tissue off your face. You ass.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [문소리]‬You ass.
‪아이씨‬Damn it.
‪아, 아, 아‬
‪아, 아!‬
‪[정식] 기분 상했던 거 아니지?‬I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.
‪[정식이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[형근] 야, 너도 오늘‬ ‪무슨 날인지 알지?‬You know what today is, right?
‪[정식] 응? 뭐?‬What?
‪어, 하, 뭔지는 모르지만, 응‬I don't know what it is, but…
‪모르겠는데?‬I don't know.
‪[형근] 아유‬ ‪디테일 떨어지는 인간들‬You inconsiderate jerk.
‪[준] 사무장님, 우리 오늘 회의‬Mr. Jang, we're supposed to have a meeting today.
‪- 회의하기로 했습니다‬ ‪- [문소리]‬Mr. Jang, we're supposed to have a meeting today.
‪신성한 씨 계시죠?‬Is Mr. Shin Sung-han in?
‪[정식] 그, 외근 나가셨어요, 오늘‬ ‪예약하고 오셨나요?‬He's out on business right now. Do you have an appointment?
‪[금희] 이렇게 한가한데‬ ‪예약이 의미가 있나요?‬You don't seem busy. Do I need one?
‪예, 여기 완전 예약제거든요‬ ‪오늘 상담 풀입니다‬Yes, he's available by appointment only, and he has a full day today.
‪- [정식] 아줌마‬ ‪- [형근] 제가‬Yes, he's available by appointment only, and he has a full day today. -Lady! -Let me…
‪저기, 제가 안내하겠습니다‬Let me assist you.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[성한] 네‬Come in.
‪[금희] 당황할 줄은 알았는데‬ ‪너무 놀라니까 걱정되네‬I knew you'd be surprised, but I'm starting to get worried now.
‪숨은 쉬고 있는 거죠?‬You're breathing, right?
‪오랜만에 뵙네요‬It's been a long time.
‪부모님 장례식 때 보고 처음이죠?‬We haven't met since your parents' funeral.
‪저기, 차…‬So… would you like some tea?
‪드릴까요?‬would you like some tea?
‪마신 걸로 해요‬Let's skip over that.
‪차 준비하는 동안‬ ‪물색없는 안부나 물어야 되고‬We'd have to make small talk while we wait for tea.
‪[금희] 피차 부담이죠, 뭐‬Neither of us wants that.
‪여기 앉으면 될까요?‬May I sit here?
‪[금희의 한숨]‬
‪궁금한 게 있어서 왔어요‬I'm here to ask you something.
‪주화‬About Ju-hwa.
‪[금희] 기영이 엄마‬Gi-yeong's mother.
‪어디 있어요?‬Where is she?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪어디 풍수 좋은 곳에 묘를 썼는지‬I'm asking if you buried her somewhere nice
‪아니면 좋은 곳에 납골했는지‬ ‪묻는 거예요‬or if you placed her remains in a nice columbarium.
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪질문이 예상 밖이라 체했나 보다‬You seem taken aback by my question.
‪되레 묻고 싶은 거 같은데‬I think you have questions for me.
‪'왜 묻냐', '알아서 뭐 하냐'‬"Why do you ask? Why do you want to know?"
‪'그쪽 사람들은 내 동생이 어디에‬ ‪잠들어 있는지 모른단 말이냐'‬"Are you saying none of you know where my sister rests?"
‪이런 거 묻고 싶잖아요‬Don't you want to ask me?
‪기가 차고 속도 터지고‬You must be speechless and frustrated.
‪외람된 표현밖에 생각이 안 나네요‬I can't think of anything nice to say.
‪뭐 하시는 겁니까, 지금?‬What's the meaning of this?
‪심플해요‬It's simple.
‪그 아이 죽었을 때 못 와서‬couldn't come when she passed away.
‪[금희] 수년 만에 한국에 오자마자‬ ‪늦은 조문 하고 싶은데‬I wanted to pay my respects now that I'm back in Korea,
‪내 아들놈도 모른다고 하고‬but my son said he doesn't know.
‪새로운 며느리가‬ ‪인품이 좋아 보이지 않으니‬And my new daughter-in-law doesn't seem to be of good character,
‪당연히 모를 것 같고‬so I doubt that she knows.
‪나이 먹은 거 유세 삼아‬ ‪뻔뻔하게 여기로 왔어요‬So I shamelessly showed up here, using my old age as an excuse.
‪심플하죠?‬Simple, isn't it?
‪사양하겠습니다‬No, thank you.
‪너무나도 뒤늦은 제 동생 조문이요‬It's far too late for you to be paying respects to my sister.
‪그거 제가 사양할게요‬It's far too late for you to be paying respects to my sister.
‪내가 알아서 하지, 뭐‬I guess I'll find out on my own.
‪그래도 오빠가 인품이 좋으시네‬But I applaud your character.
‪[금희] 험한 말 한마디 안 하고‬ ‪차분하게‬You remained calm without cursing me out.
‪역시‬Could it be… because you're an artist?
‪예술가라 그러신가?‬because you're an artist?
‪변호사입니다‬-I'm an attorney. -That's why I wanted to come.
‪그래서 더 와 보고 싶었어요‬-I'm an attorney. -That's why I wanted to come.
‪[금희] 주화 오빠‬ ‪신성한 씨가 궁금해서‬You're Ju-hwa's brother. I was curious about you.
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪이혼 계획 있으시면‬If you ever plan to get a divorce, please make an appointment.
‪전화 먼저 주십시오‬please make an appointment.
‪제가 성심껏‬I'll give you
‪[성한] 상담해 드릴게요‬a wholehearted consultation.
‪[정식의 한숨]‬
‪[준] 새봄 씨, 누군데 이래요?‬Ms. Yu. Who is she?
‪[새봄] 사돈 아줌마‬His sister's mother-in-law.
‪[정식] 사돈은 무슨, 씨‬ ‪짼 지가 언젠데, 씨‬In-law, my ass. She ran off ages ago.
‪너 사무실 안 가니?‬Shouldn't you get back to work?
‪[정식] 지금 내 사무실이 문제냐?‬Who cares about work right now?
‪신성한 저 무른 놈‬ ‪또 당하고 있는 거 아니야?‬Sung-han is getting walked all over again.
‪들어가자, 씨‬Let's go in.
‪[작게] 아, 좀!‬Come on.
‪[정식] 하, 씨‬
‪[형근] 가, 빨리, 사무실, 쯧‬Go back to your office.
‪성심껏 상담은 필요 없고‬I don't need a wholehearted consultation. Can you win any case?
‪반드시 승소해 주나요?‬Can you win any case?
‪[금희] 좋아 죽는 피아노 닫고‬ ‪법전 펴 든 변호사면‬You even gave up on your passion for the piano to become an attorney.
‪내 팔자 좀 고쳐 줄 수 있으려나‬I got on the plane,
‪설레는 마음으로 비행기 탔거든‬thinking you could turn my life around.
‪꿈 깨야겠네요‬But I should stop dreaming.
‪지금 무슨 말씀 하시는지‬ ‪잘 모르겠는데요‬I'm not sure what you're talking about right now.
‪여기 계속 계실 건가요?‬Are you going to be here for a while?
‪아니면 제가‬Because if so…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪무례함을 보일 거 같아서요‬I might stop being so polite.
‪[금희] 신성한 씨‬Mr. Shin.
‪나처럼 독하면‬ ‪이렇게라도 살아가는 거고‬If you're tenacious like me, you can keep on living.
‪주화처럼 착하면‬If you're kind like Ju-hwa, you'll keep living as an attorney until you face an untimely death.
‪법전이랑 씨름하다‬ ‪그렇게 비명횡사하는 거고‬you'll keep living as an attorney until you face an untimely death.
‪어르신‬Ms. Ma.
‪내가 얘기했었죠?‬I told you, didn't I?
‪착하면 큰일 난다고‬Kindness is a weakness.
‪명심했어야지‬You should have kept that in mind.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪[지연의 한숨]‬You just had to have an affair with such a lowly woman.
‪[지연] 여자를 만나도‬ ‪어디서 그런 수준 떨어지는…‬You just had to have an affair with such a lowly woman.
‪미쳤냐고‬Has she gone insane?
‪지가 뭔데 공부하는 애한테‬ ‪연락을 해?‬How dare she reach out to a kid studying abroad?
‪당신이 대신 연락하라고‬ ‪민수 번호 알려 줬어?‬Did you give her Min-su's number and ask her to contact him?
‪미쳤어‬-You're insane. -You're one to talk.
‪[지연] 내 말이 그 말이야‬ ‪미쳤다고, 당신 둘!‬-You're insane. -You're one to talk. You two are the insane ones here!
‪그 먼 데서 공부만 해도‬ ‪힘든 애한테‬Studying abroad is tough as it is.
‪창피하지도 않아?‬Aren't you ashamed to see him?
‪[정호] 박지연, 넌 안 창피해?‬Park Ji-yeon, aren't you ashamed?
‪남편이 죽거나 말거나‬You don't care if your husband dies,
‪너 하고 싶은 대로 하며‬ ‪살고 있는 거‬and you go about your life doing whatever you want.
‪벌받아, 천벌받아, 너, 응?‬You'll pay for it. You'll pay for your behavior!
‪나 할 말 있다고 했잖아‬I said I have something to say.
‪[지연] 넌 신경 쓰지 마‬ ‪내일 당장 비행기 타‬This doesn't concern you. -Go back tomorrow. -I have something to say!
‪나 할 말 있어!‬-Go back tomorrow. -I have something to say!
‪[민수] 제발 좀 들어 줘‬Please hear me out.
‪나 다 알아봤어‬I looked into this.
‪15세 이상이라 장기 이식‬ ‪내 의지대로 해 줄 수 있대‬I'm over 15, so I can donate my organs if I want to.
‪[지연의 한숨] 야, 너 미쳤어?‬I'm over 15, so I can donate my organs if I want to. Hey, are you crazy?
‪그년이 시켰어?‬Is that bitch behind this?
‪너보고 간 이식 하라고‬ ‪그년이 그랬어?‬Did that bitch tell you to donate your liver?
‪[민수] 아니, 내가 정한 거야‬No, it's my own decision.
‪- 민수야, 안 돼, 인마!‬ ‪- [민수] 내가 간 이식 할 테니까‬-Min-su, no! -I'll donate my liver.
‪제발 적성에도 안 맞는 유학‬ ‪그만 좀 보내!‬So stop making me study abroad when I don't even want to!
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 내 간 줄게‬I'll give you my liver. You two can sort out your divorce.
‪엄마 아빠 이혼은 알아서 하고‬You two can sort out your divorce.
‪내 간 줄 테니까‬ ‪다 그만하자, 우리‬I'll give you my liver. So let's just stop this.
‪[지연] 최민수‬Choi Min-su.
‪[울먹이며] 니 엄마‬ ‪이렇게 초라하게 만들 거야?‬Are you going to make me feel so small?
‪그렇게 다 포기하고 돌아오면 뭐‬ ‪뭐 어쩔 건데?‬What are you going to do after you give up and come back?
‪수능 공부‬ ‪따라갈 수 있을 거 같아?‬-You think you'll be able to keep up here? -I don't have to go to college!
‪아, 대학 안 가면 되잖아!‬-You think you'll be able to keep up here? -I don't have to go to college!
‪대학교수 아들이‬ ‪대학을 어떻게 안 가!‬You're a professor's son! -How can you not go to college? -Mom.
‪[민수] 엄마‬ ‪내가 몇 번이나 쓰러졌는지 알아?‬-How can you not go to college? -Mom. Do you know how many times I collapsed?
‪나 공황 장애야, 알아?‬I have panic disorder. Do you even know? Everyone has panic disorder these days.
‪[지연] 요즘‬ ‪공황 장애 없는 사람이 어디 있어‬Everyone has panic disorder these days.
‪여기서 공부하면 쉬울 거 같아?‬-Do you think school will be easy here? -You know what?
‪[민수] 엄마는!‬-Do you think school will be easy here? -You know what?
‪아들이 아픈 것도 필요 없고‬You don't care if your son is sick
‪남편이 죽을병에 걸린 것도‬ ‪상관없고‬or if your husband is terminally ill! -How do you live with yourself? -It's not just your studies.
‪어떻게 그래?‬-How do you live with yourself? -It's not just your studies.
‪엄마가 공부 때문에 그래?‬-How do you live with yourself? -It's not just your studies.
‪[지연] 너 군대도 가야 되고‬ ‪건강을 누가 장담해?‬You'll have to go to the army too. What if your health is affected?
‪어느 부모가 그러라 그래?‬No parent would say yes to this!
‪그럼 그냥 이혼해, 엄마!‬So just get divorced, Mom!
‪[민수] 그 아줌마가‬ ‪이식해 준다잖아‬That woman will donate her liver instead of you or me!
‪엄마 대신, 나 대신!‬That woman will donate her liver instead of you or me!
‪[정호] 야, 민수야‬Min-su.
‪야, 민수야!‬Min-su!
‪- [거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [지연이 흐느낀다]‬
‪- [지숙] 오늘은 샴푸하면 안 돼요‬ ‪- [손님] 응‬Don't shampoo your hair today.
‪[지숙] 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪[손님] 근데 푸석하면‬ ‪뭘 좀 바르지?‬What should I use if my hair gets too dry?
‪[지숙] 어, 아, 어, 이거, 이거‬ ‪이거 발라 봐요‬Right. Try using this one.
‪[손님] 얼마야, 이건?‬-How much do I owe you? -It's on the house!
‪[지숙] 아유, 서비스야, 서비스‬-How much do I owe you? -It's on the house!
‪- [손님] 진짜? 웬일이야?‬ ‪- [지숙의 웃음]‬Really? What's going on today?
‪[지숙] 아이, 무슨 말이야‬Nothing's going on.
‪- 조심히 가요, 또 오고, 예, 예‬ ‪- [손님] 어, 또 올게‬-Bye now. -Okay. Goodbye!
‪[지숙] 예, 가세요‬Goodbye!
‪[달칵 문 잠그는 소리]‬
‪창피한 짓 하고 사는 줄은‬ ‪아나 봐요?‬You must know shame.
‪[지연] 문은 왜 잠가?‬Why are you locking the door?
‪서로 지킬 건 지켜요, 여긴 왜 와?‬Let's have some courtesy, okay? Why are you here?
‪넌 우리 아들한테 함부로 연락하고‬ ‪난 여기 오면 안 돼?‬You contacted my son behind my back, you tramp. So why am I not allowed to be here?
‪- '너'?‬ ‪- [지연] 그럼 뭐라고 불러 줘?‬-"Tramp"? -What should I call you then?
‪- 미친년?‬ ‪- [지숙의 헛웃음]‬"Crazy bitch"?
‪교양 없어, 정말‬So unsophisticated.
‪[헛웃음] 교양이래‬Look who's talking.
‪니가 교수 와이프?‬You? A professor's wife?
‪웃기고 자빠졌다‬Don't kid yourself.
‪사람 목숨 가지고‬ ‪장난치는 당신은 제정신이고?‬And you're toying around with a person's life. You think you're sane?
‪평생 파마 말다가 간 좀 떼 주고‬ ‪교수 사모님 소리 듣고 싶었니?‬Did you want to go from being a hairdresser to being a professor's wife by giving him your liver?
‪그렇게밖에 생각이 안 되면‬ ‪뭐, 마음대로 하고‬If that's your conclusion, go ahead and think as you like.
‪[헛웃음]‬But you know,
‪[지숙] 근데‬But you know,
‪당신도 교수 사모님으로‬ ‪늙어 죽고 싶은 거잖아, 안 그래?‬you're also desperate to keep living as a professor's wife, aren't you?
‪최정호‬ ‪저질 중의 저질을 골라선…‬Choi Jeong-ho, you picked the lowest woman of them all.
‪[무거운 음악]‬I'm the one who made him a professor.
‪최정호, 내가 교수 만들었어‬I'm the one who made him a professor.
‪[지연] 출판사 편집장 눈앞에 두고‬ ‪집에 들어앉기‬I quit my job just before I became a chief editor.
‪아무나 할 수 있는 거 아니야‬It wasn't an easy decision.
‪난 꿈 없었는 줄 알아?‬Do you think I didn't have dreams?
‪그래도 남편 뒷바라지한다고‬ ‪다 포기하고 집에 들어앉은 거야‬I gave up and became a housewife to give him my full support.
‪알기나 하니?‬Do you have any idea?
‪바람난 것도 모자라‬ ‪이혼을 요구해?‬You dare to have an affair with him and demand a divorce? Is that why
‪[지숙] 그게 지금‬ ‪사람 죽어 가는 거 빤히 보면서‬Is that why you'd rather watch him die than get a divorce?
‪버티는 이유야?‬you'd rather watch him die than get a divorce?
‪참 추하다, 추해‬-You're so pathetic. -You!
‪야! 추해?‬-You're so pathetic. -You! "Pathetic"?
‪니가 나한테?‬How dare you say that to me?
‪뭐 하는 짓이야!‬What the hell are you doing?
‪- [지연] 왜, 왜!‬ ‪- [지숙] 이거 놔! 진짜!‬-What? -Let go of me!
‪[지연] 이 나쁜, 이…‬You evil… I didn't do anything wrong!
‪[지숙] 내가 뭘 했다고 나쁘대!‬I didn't do anything wrong!
‪[지연의 힘주는 소리]‬I didn't do anything wrong!
‪[지숙의 악쓰는 소리]‬
‪[지연] 진짜, 이…‬You little…
‪- [지숙의 비명]‬ ‪- [지연의 힘주는 소리]‬Damn you!
‪[후루룩 소리]‬
‪[시원한 숨소리]‬
‪그, 최정호 교수 건 말이야‬About Professor Choi Jeong-ho's case.
‪신성한이가 정말 수임한대?‬Will Shin Sung-han really take it?
‪글쎄요, 뭐‬ ‪만나고 있는 거 같긴 한데…‬I'm not sure, but I think they've been talking.
‪[유석] 이상한 게 신념이 되면‬It's just a matter of time before you lose your mind
‪사람 맛탱이 가는 거 한순간이야‬when you believe in the wrong principles.
‪그게 정말‬ ‪승률이 있다고 보는 건가?‬Does he really think he can win that?
‪또? 뭐 다른 이슈 없어?‬Any other updates?
‪- 예‬ ‪- [후루룩 먹는 소리]‬No.
‪근데요‬By the way,
‪저 왜 짬뽕 시켰어요?‬why am I having what you're having?
‪통일해야 빨리 나오잖아‬So we get served faster.
‪[준] 아‬
‪사돈 아줌마가 왔었고‬His sister's mother-in-law came by,
‪그래서 사무실 분위기가‬ ‪완전히 쎄했고, 또…‬so things got really uncomfortable in the office. -And… -Mother-in-law?
‪사돈 아줌마?‬-And… -Mother-in-law?
‪네, 그렇게 말하던데요?‬Yes, that's what they said.
‪[준의 한숨]‬MA GEUM-HUI
‪아유, 매워‬Too spicy.
‪[매워하는 숨소리]‬Too spicy.
‪[유석] 이 아줌마니?‬Was this her?
‪[준] 어? 아, 어쩐지 낯이 익더라‬I knew she looked familiar.
‪배우죠? 영화배우‬She's an actress, right?
‪아, 아닌가?‬Is she not?
‪아나운서인가?‬A newscaster?
‪[금희] 아유, 잘도 그리네‬You're really good at drawing.
‪뭐 그리는 거야, 하율아?‬What are you drawing, Ha-yul?
‪- [하율] 자연이요‬ ‪- [금희의 탄성] 그래?‬-Nature. -Is that so?
‪서 대표는 늦니?‬Will Jeong-guk be home late?
‪[영주] 네, 저녁 자리가‬ ‪길어진다고 하네요‬Yes. He said his dinner is running late.
‪할머니, 저‬ ‪영어 과외 할 시간이에요‬Grandma, it's time for my English lesson.
‪좀 전까지 공부했는데 또 해?‬You were studying until a minute ago. Already?
‪영어만 하면 끝나요‬I'll be done after English.
‪안녕히 주무세요‬Good night.
‪[영주] 하율이도 자자‬Ha-yul, it's time for bed.
‪[금희] 기영이‬Do you take
‪지 엄마 있는 데는 데려가고 하니?‬Gi-yeong to his mother sometimes?
‪[영주] 아니요‬No.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪아직까지 찾지는 않아서요‬He hasn't asked yet.
‪못 찾게 하는 건 아니고?‬So you're not keeping him away from her?
‪그럴 리가요, 어머니‬Why would I do that, Mother?
‪그 애는 어디에 있니?‬Where does she rest?
‪저는 잘…‬I'm not so sure.
‪서 대표는? 알고?‬What about Jeong-guk? Does he know?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪사람을 그렇게 보내고‬You're living this life
‪이렇게 지내는 거 말이야‬after she passed away.
‪잠은 오니?‬How do you sleep at night?
‪이모님!‬Excuse me.
‪[가사 도우미] 네‬Yes, ma'am?
‪하율이 재워 주세요‬Please tuck Ha-yul in.
‪[가사 도우미] 하율아‬Ha-yul.
‪하율이 들어요, 어머니‬Ha-yul was listening.
‪그러니까 말이다‬ ‪아이들이 자라고 있어‬Exactly. The kids are growing up.
‪기영이 엄마 있는 데 알아봐라‬Find out where Gi-yeong's mother is.
‪니가 데려가기 뭐할 테니‬ ‪내가 데려갔다 오마‬It'll be uncomfortable for you, so I'll take him.
‪그러지 마세요, 어머니‬Don't do that, Mother.
‪제 가정이잖아요‬This is my family.
‪[금희] 아유, 아휴, 주책이야‬I'm so silly. I can never hold back my laughter.
‪웃음을 못 참아, 내가‬I can never hold back my laughter.
‪- 영주야!‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬Yeong-ju.
‪기영이 가정이었어, 그렇지?‬It used to be Gi-yeong's family, didn't it?
‪애초에 저였어요‬It was mine to begin with.
‪[영주] 어머님이‬ ‪반대만 하지 않으셨으면‬If you hadn't disapproved of me,
‪이렇게 멀리 돌아오지도 않았어요‬we wouldn't have had to take a detour.
‪결국 저잖아요, 어머니‬In the end, I'm the one who's here.
‪그러니까 말이다‬Exactly.
‪내 아들이 한 선택이니까‬ ‪내가 너랑 말을 섞고 있는 거지‬I wouldn't even be talking to you if my son didn't choose to be with you.
‪그 아이 생일이었어‬It was her birthday today.
‪기영이 데리고 꽃이나 두고 오련다‬I'll take Gi-yeong and leave her some flowers.
‪흘려듣지 말고‬Mark my words.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [영주의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[녹음 속 지연] 보험 해약?‬Cancel his insurance?
‪이 인간이 완전 돌았네‬ ‪아주 막 나가는구나?‬He has gone insane. He's completely out of it.
‪해약하면 생명 보험 든 건‬ ‪못 받는 거야?‬If he cancels his life insurance, will I not get a payout?
‪그동안 들어간 보험금은?‬If he cancels his life insurance, will I not get a payout? What about the amount he's paid?
‪어, 어‬Yes. Right.
‪[녹음 속 지연의 한숨]‬
‪아주 죽을 날 받아 놓으니까‬ ‪미쳤네, 미쳤어‬He's finally lost it now that his days are numbered.
‪그런 깡이 있는 줄 몰랐네, 최정호‬I didn't know he could be that bold.
‪지가 남겨 준 게‬ ‪이 집밖에 더 있어?‬This house is all he's left for us.
‪보험금이라도 나와야‬ ‪애랑 먹고살 거 아니야?‬My kid and I need the payout to get by!
‪일단은 알았어‬Anyway, thanks.
‪내가 연락해 보고 다시 전화할게‬I'll talk to him and call you back.
‪지금까지 통화 내용이었고요‬That was the phone call.
‪[성한] 이후의 원고 최정호 님과의‬ ‪통화 내용은 더 무자비합니다‬The phone call she had with the plaintiff is much crueler. Would you like to hear it?
‪한번 들어 보시겠습니까?‬Would you like to hear it?
‪[변호사] 이거 불법 아닌가요?‬Isn't this illegal?
‪[성한] 그때 함께 오신‬ ‪김지숙 씨 말로는‬Your partner, Ms. Kim Ji-suk, said
‪그, 교수님 보험 설계사가‬your insurance planner is a friend of your wife's.
‪부인 박지연 씨‬ ‪지인이라고 하던데, 맞나요?‬your insurance planner is a friend of your wife's. -Is that true? -Yes, I heard she's a close friend.
‪예, 친한 동생이라고 들었어요, 예‬-Is that true? -Yes, I heard she's a close friend.
‪그럼 보험료 납입은‬ ‪박지연 씨가 하고 있고요?‬And Ms. Park's been paying for your insurance? Yes.
‪[정호] 예‬Yes.
‪보험사에 연락하셔 가지고요‬Call your insurance company
‪들어 놓은 모든 보험 전부 다‬ ‪해약하고 싶다고 문의하세요‬and tell them you'd like to cancel all your insurance.
‪[성한] 절차 좀 알려 달라고‬Ask them about the procedure.
‪그럼 보험사에서 바로‬ ‪납입자한테 연락이 갈 겁니다‬Then they'll contact the payer immediately.
‪[정호] 그럼 그다음엔‬ ‪어떻게 되는 건지…‬What happens after that?
‪반응하겠죠‬She'll respond.
‪우린 그 반응을‬ ‪잡으면 되는 거고요‬And we need to catch how she responds.
‪씁, 아…‬You said something about a criminal record?
‪그럼 그, 전과자가 된다는 말은…‬You said something about a criminal record?
‪[성한] 박지연 씨 반응이‬ ‪적나라하길 기대해야죠‬Let's hope Ms. Park gives a dramatic response.
‪뭐, 그 반응을 잡아내는 방법은‬And let's think of a way to capture her response.
‪한번 고민을 해 보시죠‬But I doubt there's a legal way to go about that.
‪아마 합법적인 방법은‬ ‪찾기 어려울 겁니다‬But I doubt there's a legal way to go about that.
‪[정호] 그럼‬Are you saying we're going to tap her phone?
‪도청하자는 말입니까?‬we're going to tap her phone?
‪저는 그저‬I'm just saying
‪그냥 '죽기 아니면 까무러치기다'‬it's do-or-die.
‪이 정도 각오는 갖자는 말씀입니다‬That's the attitude I need from you.
‪[성한] 응?‬Yes, it is illegal.
‪[성한] 예, 불법입니다‬Yes, it is illegal.
‪통신 비밀 보호법 위반입니다‬It's a breach of the Communications Secrets Act.
‪하지만 원고 최정호 씨가‬ ‪얼마나 답답했으면‬But can you think of how frustrated Mr. Choi must have been that he even broke the law?
‪불법까지 자행을 했을까요‬that he even broke the law?
‪최정호, 당신 민수 아빠야‬Choi Jeong-ho. -You're Min-su's father. -This…
‪[변호사] 이거‬ ‪증거로 인정할 수 없습니다‬-You're Min-su's father. -This… can't be used as evidence.
‪중요한 사항이니‬ ‪참고는 하겠습니다‬Given its gravity, I'll take it into account.
‪[변호사의 한숨]‬
‪[변호사] 원고 최정호 씨를‬We'll sue the plaintiff
‪통신 비밀 보호법 위반으로‬ ‪고소하겠습니다‬for the breach of the Communications Secrets Act.
‪전과자 되시는 겁니다‬ ‪알고 이러신 거예요?‬You'll get a criminal record. Were you aware of it?
‪[정호] 어차피 죽을 거‬I'm going to die anyway.
‪전과 하나 생긴다고‬ ‪억울할 거 없습니다‬I don't care if I get a criminal record.
‪고소해‬Sue me.
‪[지숙] 아, 고생하셨습니다‬MEDIATION ROOM Good work.
‪컨디션은 좀 어때요? 괜찮아?‬ ‪병원부터 갈까? 어?‬How are you? Are you okay? Should we go see the doctor?
‪[지연] 바쁘겠어, 최정호 씨‬You'll be busy, Mr. Choi,
‪이혼하고 혼인 신고 하고‬ ‪간 이식도 받아야 되고‬divorcing, registering your marriage, and getting that liver.
‪꼭 건강해져‬I hope you get healthy so I can sue you for breaking the law.
‪통신 비밀 보호법 위반‬ ‪고소장 받아야지‬I hope you get healthy so I can sue you for breaking the law.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 전과 있는 교수라‬ ‪명퇴는 글렀네‬A professor with a criminal record? How dishonorable.
‪[정호] 애쓰셨습니다, 예‬Thank you.
‪- [성한] 수고하셨습니다‬ ‪- [지숙] 예‬-Good work. -Thank you.
‪전과는 뭐고, 명퇴 그른 거‬ ‪그게 무슨 말이에요, 지금?‬A criminal record? What are you talking about?
‪[지연] 당신 생각대로 되진‬ ‪않는다라는 거야‬I'm saying things won't go as you like.
‪자세히 설명해 줘?‬Do you want me to explain?
‪[지숙] 아니요, 됐어요‬ ‪당신은 그냥 가던 길 가요!‬No, forget it. Just go on your way!
‪왜? 아쉬워? 어?‬ ‪이혼보다는 사별이라면서? 치‬What? Are you disappointed? You said you'd rather be widowed than divorced.
‪[지연] 누가 들으면‬ ‪진짜인 줄 알겠어, 이 여자야‬-You better stop lying, lady. -Did you just hit me?
‪[지숙] 이 여자가 어딜 쳐?‬-You better stop lying, lady. -Did you just hit me?
‪- 카페에서 나한테 안 그랬어?‬ ‪- [정호] 제발 그만해, 그만해‬-You better stop lying, lady. -Did you just hit me? -You said it yourself! -That's enough. -What's enough? -And you.
‪[지숙] 그만하긴 뭘 그만해‬-What's enough? -And you.
‪[지연] 니가 잘 사는지 꼭 볼 거야‬We'll see how happy your life will be.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[민수] 안녕하세요‬ ‪저 전화드린 최민수라고 합니다‬-We talked on the phone. I'm Choi Min-su. -I see.
‪[사장] 아, 그래요, 잘 왔어요‬-We talked on the phone. I'm Choi Min-su. -I see. It's nice to meet you.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪네‬Come in.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪그, 오전에‬ ‪상담 예약 문의가 왔어요‬A client called this morning to schedule a consultation.
‪[서진] 변호사님 시간 정리해서‬ ‪다시 연락하기로 했어요‬I said I'd call them back after checking your schedule.
‪언제로 잡을까요?‬When should I schedule it for?
‪그거는, 음…‬Well…
‪실장님 편하신 시간에 하시면‬ ‪될 거 같은데요‬You can talk to them whenever you're free.
‪저 혼자서요?‬By myself?
‪네, 전문가시잖아요‬Yes, you're an expert.
‪아니, 현우 양육권 때문에‬I didn't just agree to let you work here
‪입사 동의한 것만은 아니에요‬so you could keep Hyeon-u's custody.
‪[성한] 이서진 씨‬ ‪라디오 DJ 최고잖아요‬You're the best radio DJ there is.
‪청취자들 사연 들어 주는 거‬You're a great listener.
‪우리 사무실 상담실장님으로는‬ ‪아주 어울리는 경력이에요‬It's the perfect work experience for an intake coordinator here.
‪오늘 소송은 잘 마치셨어요?‬Did you wrap up the case well today?
‪[성한] 네, 이혼 합의했습니다‬Yes, they agreed to a divorce.
‪이럴 땐 뭐라고 인사해요?‬What do I say in situations like this?
‪다행?‬"That's a relief"?
‪뭐, 딱히요‬Nothing, really.
‪'고생하셨습니다' 괜찮죠?‬"Great work." How's that?
‪고생을 했으니까‬ ‪'고생하셨습니다'가 아주 좋은데요‬I did do great work, so that would be great.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪이혼하게 된 거‬It's a good thing that they got divorced, right?
‪잘된 거죠?‬It's a good thing that they got divorced, right?
‪제가 뭐든 하면‬ ‪열심히 하는 스타일이거든요‬Once I set my mind to something, I always do my best.
‪진행 중인 사건들도‬ ‪정리를 해 두고 싶어서요‬I'd like to keep track of all the ongoing cases.
‪[성한] 뭐, 잘된 건지는‬ ‪누구도 모르는 거죠‬Nobody knows if it was a good thing.
‪이제 그 사람들 몫인 거고‬Everything is up to them now.
‪근데 뭐랄까‬But how can I put this?
‪막 불나방 같더라고요‬They were like moths flying into a fire.
‪불 속으로 뛰어드는 모습이‬They were like moths flying into a fire.
‪이게 썩 개운하진 않아요‬I don't feel too great about it.
‪그럼 이제 저 포도송이‬ ‪완성되는 건가요?‬Does this mean you're done with the grapes then?
‪내가 올 땐 두 알‬ ‪그사이 한 알 더‬You had two left before my case and then colored one soon after.
‪[서진] 이제 하나 남았는데 승소‬There's only one left, and you just won.
‪비밀인데‬Here's a secret.
‪[작게] 패소해도 칠합니다‬I color them in even if I lose.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪저거 완성되면 어떤 상 받아요?‬What's your reward when you're done?
‪상이요?‬My reward?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪막상 막 달려와서‬ ‪골인점이 보이는데‬I can finally see the finish line,
‪근데 막 생각만 많아지네요‬but it's only cluttering up my mind.
‪- 그리고‬ ‪- [서진] 네‬-One more thing. -Yes?
‪달라요‬It's different.
‪이서진 씨는‬ ‪현우를 지키려고 한 거고‬You wanted to protect Hyeon-u. Professor Choi and his wife were both trying to save themselves.
‪최 교수 부부는‬ ‪자기 자신을 지키려고 한 거고‬Professor Choi and his wife were both trying to save themselves.
‪시작부터가 달라요‬It was different from the beginning.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[당황한 소리]‬
‪[영주] 어머님 들어오신 거 알죠?‬You know my mother-in-law is back, right?
‪[유석] 예, 들었습니다‬Yes, I heard.
‪[영주] 첫 주문이‬Her first order was
‪신주화 어디서 영면 중인지‬ ‪알아 오라시네요‬to find out where Shin Ju-hwa rests.
‪[유석] 아…‬That must be why Ms. Ma went to Shin Sung-han's office.
‪그래서 마 여사님이‬ ‪신성한 사무실에 가셨었나?‬That must be why Ms. Ma went to Shin Sung-han's office.
‪거길 가셨다고요?‬She went there?
‪아, 예, 제가 그 사무실에‬ ‪사람 하나 심어 놨거든요‬Yes. I planted someone in that office.
‪[영주] 대남전자 마금희 여사가‬Ms. Ma Geum-hui of Daenam Electronics
‪신성한을 찾고 신주화를 챙긴다?‬went to see Shin Sung-han and asked about Shin Ju-hwa?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪불편하네‬That bothers me.
‪신성한에 대해서‬ ‪좀 더 자세히 알아야겠어요‬I need more information on Shin Sung-han.
‪자료 부탁해요‬-Put something together. -Yes, I'll get it ready.
‪[유석] 아, 예, 준비하겠습니다‬-Put something together. -Yes, I'll get it ready.
‪저, 그리고‬Also,
‪제가 저, 이런 경우를 대비해서‬I believe my decision to plant someone in his office
‪신성한 사무실에‬ ‪사람 하나 심어 둔 건‬in case something like this happens
‪신의 한 수라고 생각합니다‬was a genius move.
‪똑똑한 사람 보냈겠죠, 당연히?‬I assume you sent someone smart. Am I right?
‪당연하죠‬Of course.
‪- [감성적인 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [준] 야, 대박! 대박, 대박‬No way! This is awesome!
‪[준의 웃음]‬No way! This is awesome!
‪아니, 제가‬ ‪내심 좀 서운했거든요, 응?‬To be honest, I was a little disappointed.
‪내가 금화를 때려치우고 왔는데‬ ‪어떻게 맥주 한잔 파티가 없나‬I quit Keumhwa and came here, but you didn't even bother to buy me a beer to welcome me.
‪어? 환영회가, 어?‬but you didn't even bother to buy me a beer to welcome me. But I didn't expect you to throw
‪근데 또 딱 이렇게‬ ‪스페셜한 환영회를 준비해 주시고‬But I didn't expect you to throw such a special welcome party for me.
‪[웃으며] 너무 좋다‬ ‪너무 좋아, 음‬such a special welcome party for me. This is great.
‪- [커지는 음악 소리]‬ ‪- [정식] 환영회였어?‬It's a welcome party? I never said anything of that sort.
‪그렇게 말을 한 적이 없거든‬I never said anything of that sort.
‪[탁 끄는 소리]‬
‪[준] 아, 아유…‬Wait.
‪[성한] 야, 크리스마스냐? 하지 마‬It's not Christmas. Forget it.
‪[준] 아, 원래 캠핑 와서는‬ ‪저런 거 하는 건데‬It's what you do when you're out camping.
‪[성한] 원래 우린 안 해‬Well, we don't.
‪[정식] 아이, 그냥 둬, 어리잖아‬Just let him have it. He's a kid.
‪[성한의 못마땅한 소리]‬
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪이거, 음악은 있어야죠‬We should at least have music.
‪[성한] 소음 공해야‬ ‪매너를 지켜, 어?‬That's noise pollution. Have some manners, okay?
‪아니, 이럴 거면 캠핑을 왜 와요?‬Why do you even go camping? Let's get grilling.
‪[형근] 굽자‬Let's get grilling.
‪- [발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- 굽자‬Okay.
‪[준] 아…‬
‪[형근] 오케이‬Okay.
‪[성한] 너 뭐 하냐?‬What are you doing?
‪[준] 아, 요즘 동영상 업로드를‬ ‪못 해 가지고요‬I haven't uploaded a video in a while.
‪아, 구독자들이 요즘 너무 예민해‬My subscribers are very sensitive these days
‪변호사님 영상 내렸다고‬after I took down your video.
‪아니, 원래 갬성 캠핑으로‬ ‪업로드를 하려 그랬는데‬I was going to make a camping video with good vibes.
‪컨셉 바꿨어요‬but I shifted gears.
‪노갬성, 노잼으로다가‬To "no vibes, no fun."
‪너 아직도 정신 못 차리고‬ ‪카메라 들이대니?‬Do you not remember what happened last time you filmed me?
‪나만 나와요‬I'm only filming myself.
‪이 각을 봐요, 나만 나와요, 나만‬Look at the angle. I'm filming myself.
‪- [준의 당황한 소리]‬ ‪- [정식] 아, 나‬-What the… -I don't feel comfortable being on camera.
‪나 이런 거 좀 부담스러운데‬-What the… -I don't feel comfortable being on camera.
‪미리 얘기를 좀 해 주지 그랬어‬You should have told me beforehand.
‪- [준의 웃음]‬ ‪- 이게 지금 옷도 컬러가 겹쳤잖아‬We're wearing the same color.
‪내가 얘‬ ‪데리고 오지 말자 그랬잖아‬I told you we shouldn't bring him!
‪- 그러게‬ ‪- [정식이 작게] 조정식 부동산의‬Right.
‪- 조정식입니다‬ ‪- [형근] 최 변, 왜 그래‬Come on, Attorney Choi.
‪카메라 걷자, 꺼, 그냥‬Put the camera away. Turn it off.
‪조용하게 자연을 즐기자고‬Let's enjoy nature quietly.
‪[준] 아니‬I mean,
‪그럴 거면 그냥 템플 스테이를‬ ‪가는 게 옳지 않아요?‬you should just go to a temple then.
‪템플 스테이 해, 너‬Go ahead.
‪젓가락 들지 마‬Don't have any of this.
‪[준] 죄송합니다‬ ‪제가 방금 발언은 경솔했습니다‬I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't thinking when I said that.
‪[정식이 조잘거린다]‬Please, allow me.
‪- [형근이 애교스럽게] 뜯어 줘‬ ‪- [준] 네, 뜯겠습니다‬-Open it for me. -Yes, sir. Opening it right now.
‪[정식] 안녕‬Goodbye.
‪- [전기 모기 채 작동음]‬ ‪- 야, 야, 아, 따가워‬Hey, that stings!
‪여러분, 안녕‬-Bye, everyone. -Is it ready?
‪[준] 언제 올려요?‬-Bye, everyone. -Is it ready?
‪[서진] 금방 정리할게‬ ‪좀만 기다려‬I'll be done soon. Give me a moment.
‪뭘 그렇게 봐?‬What are you looking at?
‪엄마 일하는 데 궁금했거든‬I wanted to see where you worked.
‪혼자 어떻게 왔어?‬How did you get here alone?
‪버스도 탈 줄 알아?‬Do you know how to take the bus?
‪여기 앞에까지는 한 번 와 봤어‬I've been out front before.
‪그때‬Back then.
‪신성한 아저씨한테‬ ‪내 일기장 주고 싶어서‬I wanted to give my journal to Mr. Shin.
‪그랬구나‬I see.
‪근데 그날은 그냥 갔어‬But I just went home that day.
‪겁났거든‬I was scared.
‪뭐가?‬Of what?
‪몰라, 기억 안 나‬No idea. I don't remember.
‪그냥 무서웠어‬I was just scared.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪우리 돈가스 말고 라면 먹을래?‬Do you want to eat ramyeon instead of pork cutlets?
‪라면? 먹어도 돼?‬Ramyeon? Can I really?
‪[서진] 응‬Yes.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[소연] 니‬Hey, kid. You're good-looking.
‪잘생겼대이‬You're good-looking.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[소연] 와, 의젓하기까지‬And well-behaved?
‪멋있다‬You're so cool.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪- [살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪- 미안, 미안‬I'm sorry. Enjoy your meal.
‪맛있게 무라, 말 안 시킬게‬I'm sorry. Enjoy your meal. I won't bother you.
‪캠핑 같이 가시지‬Why didn't you go camping with them?
‪[서진] 으음‬
‪그 멤버로 식사도 부담인데‬ ‪캠핑은 더하죠‬It's awkward to eat with them. Camping would be worse.
‪[소연이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[소연] 셋 다 똘끼가 있어서‬ ‪일박하긴 피곤하지‬I guess it would be tiring. All three of them are weirdos.
‪넷이에요, 이젠 넷‬There are four of them now.
‪한 명 더 있어요?‬There's another one?
‪새로 온 변호사 있어요‬A new attorney.
‪[소연] 아이고야‬Oh, my.
‪- 신입을 뽑았는데 또 또라이구나‬ ‪- [서진의 웃음]‬They hired another weirdo?
‪면접을 그런 위주로 보나?‬Is that a job requirement?
‪아니‬I mean, it's an unlikely mix.
‪그런 조합이 쉽지가 않잖아요‬I mean, it's an unlikely mix.
‪[서진, 소연의 웃음]‬
‪현우야, 내 뭐 하나만‬ ‪물어봐도 되나?‬Hyeon-u. Can I ask you something?
‪내 라면 어떤데? 맛있나?‬How's my ramyeon? Is it good?
‪네 [매워하는 숨소리]‬Yes.
‪- 안 맵나?‬ ‪- [현우가 살짝 웃는다]‬-Is it not spicy? -No.
‪네‬-Is it not spicy? -No.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[소연의 웃음]‬
‪[소연] 다음엔 순한 맛 끓여 줄게‬I'll make it less spicy next time.
‪엄마, 다음엔 우리도‬ ‪같이 가면 안 돼?‬Mom. Can we go with them next time?
‪[서진] 어디를?‬Where?
‪캠핑, 나도 한번 가 보고 싶어‬Camping. I want to try camping too.
‪엄마랑 한번 가자‬You and I can go.
‪둘이선 너무 조용할 거 같아‬It'll be too quiet if it's just us two.
‪캠핑은 신나야 재밌지‬Camping has to be fun!
‪- [왈왈 개 짖는 소리]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[형근의 웃음]‬
‪- [시원한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [정식의 웃음]‬
‪[준] 환영회가요, 응?‬You know, a welcome party…
‪이러면 안 되는 거거든‬shouldn't be like this.
‪이런 데서는‬When we're out here, we should have some nice lights on.
‪- 조명도 그윽하게, 응?‬ ‪- [정식의 웃음]‬When we're out here, we should have some nice lights on.
‪내가 저 조명을‬When I bought those lights second-hand…
‪- 감자마켓에서 사고‬ ‪- [성한이 작게 흥얼거린다]‬When I bought those lights second-hand…
‪엄청 행복했거든요?‬I was thrilled.
‪이 스피커‬That speaker.
‪이거는 내가 매장에서 샀거든요‬I bought that at the store.
‪- [정식의 탄성]‬ ‪- 새걸로다가, 예?‬It's brand-new. Okay?
‪씨, 나 누구랑 얘기하니?‬Darn it. Who am I talking to?
‪- [준의 헛웃음]‬ ‪- [정식이 연신 웃는다]‬
‪[준의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪나도 있어요‬I have headphones too.
‪하, 참‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[성한이 흥얼거린다]‬I'm so drunk.
‪팝, 핀, 팝, 핀!‬Popping.
‪[왈왈 개 짖는 소리]‬
‪팝, 핀, 팝, 핀‬Popping. Popping.
‪[성한] 재우자‬Let's tuck him in.
‪어유, 우리 최 변 잘한다‬You're good at that, Attorney Choi.
‪♪ 잘한다, 잘한다, 잘한다 ♪‬Way to go.
‪[형근] 어, 우리 최 변이‬ ‪팝핀 최 변이었구만, 팝핀 최 변‬Way to go. I should start calling you Mr. Popping.
‪- [준이 흥얼거린다]‬ ‪- 이렇게, 우리 텐, 텐트 가자‬Let's go into the tent.
‪텐트 가서 추자, 텐트 넓어, 응‬Let's go into the tent. It's spacious in there.
‪[준] 난 형이 너무 좋아요‬I really like you.
‪[형근] 아이, 최 변 사랑해‬-I like you too. -I like you so much.
‪[준] 난 너무 좋아요‬-I like you too. -I like you so much.
‪- [형근] 최 변 좋아, 아유‬ ‪- [정식] 저거 뭐‬I like you too. -What was that? -You're such a good dancer.
‪[형근] 어쩜 이렇게‬ ‪춤도 잘 추고…‬-What was that? -You're such a good dancer.
‪[정식] 벌레 물린 거 아니냐?‬Did he get bitten by a bug?
‪- [준] 앙!‬ ‪- [형근] 텐트 넓지, 응?‬-Of course I like you. -Stay with me.
‪[준] 같이‬Stay. Get in here with me.
‪같이, 형, 같이 와요, 형, 아…‬Get in here with me. There you go.
‪[직 지퍼 닫는 소리]‬There you go.
‪아, 추워‬It's so cold.
‪[전기 모기 채 작동음]‬
‪- [형근의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- 추워‬It's cold.
‪[정식] 고생했다‬Good work.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[스피커 속 가수] ♪ 음악 속에‬ ‪묻혀 ♪‬The countless days we spent
‪♪ 지내 온 수많은 나날들이 ♪‬Immersed in music
‪♪ 이젠 돌아갈 수 없는… ♪‬We can never go back
‪[성한] 형근아‬Hyeong-geun.
‪[형근] 응?‬Yes?
‪[스피커 속 가수] ♪ 이제는‬ ‪우리가 ♪‬
‪- ♪ 서로 떠나가야 할 시간 ♪‬ ‪- 지은 씨‬It's time…
‪- 보내 주자, 이제‬ ‪- [계속되는 노랫소리]‬you let Ji-eun go.
‪이제 서로 떠나야 할 시간이라잖아‬The song says it's time to say goodbye.
‪시간이 우리를‬ ‪다시 만나게 해 준다잖아‬It says time will bring us back together.
‪[정식] 아, 노래방 가고 싶다‬I want to go to karaoke.
‪[성한] 갑자기 이런다고?‬All of a sudden?
‪입 열지 마, 새끼야‬Shut up, you prick.
‪[정식] 말도 못 해?‬I can't even talk?
‪김치찌개도 예술로 끓였는데?‬After I made that awesome kimchi stew?
‪니가 제일 많이 처먹고 이럴래?‬You finished most of it.
‪웃기네, 야, 최준이‬ ‪제일 많이 처먹었거든?‬As if. Jun had the most.
‪고기는 니가 다‬ ‪집어 처먹었거든? 새끼야‬You ate all the meat, you prick.
‪[성한] 니가 많이 먹으라고‬ ‪고기 몰아줬잖아, 병신아‬-You gave it all to me, you dimwit. -You took all of it
‪[정식] 니가 이렇게 젓는 척하면서‬ ‪니 앞으로 다 가져가더구만‬-You gave it all to me, you dimwit. -You took all of it -while pretending to stir it. -Shut up.
‪[성한] 미친놈‬-while pretending to stir it. -Shut up. Let's just never have a serious conversation.
‪[형근] 우린 그냥‬ ‪진지한 대화를 하지 말자‬Let's just never have a serious conversation.
‪지은이로 시작해서‬ ‪김치찌개로 끝나냐?‬How do we go from Ji-eun to kimchi stew?
‪야, 헤어지자‬Let her go.
‪최 교수, 그 사람 사건 진행하면서‬ ‪나도 생각 많이 했어‬Working on Professor Choi's case really made me think.
‪[정식] 최 교수가 누구야?‬Who's Professor Choi?
‪아! 아, 개새끼…‬You little…
‪[성한] 아이도 태어나는데‬She's having a child,
‪출생 신고도 해야 되잖아‬so she'll have to register the child's birth.
‪다시 안 오겠지?‬She's not coming back, is she?
‪[정식] 안 와‬No.
‪못 와‬She can't.
‪지은 씨 성격 니가 더 잘 알잖아‬You know her better than I do.
‪[성한] 아니, 119도‬ ‪못 부르는 거 보면 모르겠냐?‬She couldn't even call an ambulance.
‪만약에 헤어져도‬Even if she breaks up with him,
‪못 와‬she can't come back.
‪안 헤어지겠더라‬They won't break up.
‪사람이 좋아 보이더라고‬He seemed like a good guy.
‪[정식] 아, 이 새끼‬Come on, dude.
‪[헛기침] 너는‬ ‪그 아줌마 왜 온 거냐?‬Why did that lady visit you?
‪[성한] 몰라‬I don't know.
‪와서 이런저런‬ ‪쓸데없는 얘기 하고 갔는데‬She left after some rambling.
‪근데 몇 마디가‬But some of the things she said…
‪되게 어려워‬were really difficult.
‪- 자자, 쯧‬ ‪- [형근, 정식] 아이씨‬-Let's go to sleep. -Come on.
‪야, 최준이랑 누가 잘 거야?‬Who's going to sleep next to Jun?
‪[정식] 아이씨‬Darn it.
‪아씨, 나 예민한데‬I'm a light sleeper.
‪- [성한] ♪ 낙엽이 ♪‬ ‪- [드르렁 코 고는 소리]‬As the autumn leaves flutter
‪- ♪ 흩날리는 ♪‬ ‪- [잠꼬대 소리]‬As the autumn leaves flutter
‪♪ 눈물 어린 바람 속에 ♪‬In this sorrowful wind
‪♪ 나를 남기고 ♪‬You must leave me behind
‪♪ 떠나야 하는 사랑이여 ♪‬You must leave me behind Love
‪♪ 내 사랑이여 ♪‬My love Before you leave
‪- [직 지퍼 여는 소리]‬ ‪- ♪ 떠나기 전에 ♪‬Before you leave
‪- [형근의 짜증 섞인 소리]‬ ‪- ♪ 다시 한번만 ♪‬Tell me you love me
‪♪ 사랑한다고 ♪‬Just one more time
‪[준의 힘겨운 신음]‬Why are you doing this?
‪- [준] 아, 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜요?‬ ‪- [성한] 응?‬Why are you doing this?
‪- [준] 아, 잠깐만, 저기‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬He snores too much.
‪코를 너무 고는데?‬He snores too much.
‪- [코 고는 소리]‬ ‪- 어, 아아! 잠깐, 스톱‬He snores too much. Wait.
‪[준의 아파하는 신음]‬Wait. Hold on.
‪- 잠깐만요, 잠…‬ ‪- [정식의 코 고는 소리]‬Hold on.
‪아, 아, 아니, 저기 너무‬ ‪코를 너무, 아니, 코…‬No, wait. He snores too much.
‪[준의 비명]‬
‪[당황한 소리]‬
‪아, 말해 준 적 없잖아요, 저…‬You never told me about this.
‪[준이 울먹인다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[성한] 저, 강 경사님‬Assistant Inspector Kang.
‪제 동생 통화 내역 좀‬ ‪볼 수 있을까요?‬May I see my sister's call history?
‪[강 경사] 통화 내역은 왜…‬Why do you ask?
‪그… [한숨]‬I'd like to know who she last spoke with.
‪마지막으로 통화한 사람을‬ ‪좀 알고 싶어서요‬I'd like to know who she last spoke with.
‪[성한] 그, CCTV 보셨잖아요‬You saw the CCTV footage too.
‪그 통화 이후에‬ ‪제 동생이 충격받아서‬She was in shock after that phone call
‪정신없이 차도로 나갔단 말이죠‬and walked out into the street.
‪아, 우리도 그게 걸려서‬That bothered us too, so we did check her call history.
‪통화 내역을 뽑아 보긴 했는데‬That bothered us too, so we did check her call history.
‪[강 경사] 여기 있네요‬Right here.
‪[성한] 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[강 경사] 뭐, 대부분 전남편이고‬ ‪아니면 광고 전화고‬Most of them were from her ex-husband. The rest was spam.
‪[성한] 저기, 경사님, 이거요‬ ‪'1225'‬Sir, this one. 1225.
‪이거 누군지 알 수 있을까요?‬Can you tell me who this is?
‪아, 그 마지막 통화가 그…‬That's the last call she received.
‪저희가 알아본 바로는‬ ‪신주화 씨랑 친구고‬As far as we know, it was Ms. Shin's friend.
‪[강 경사] 신주화 씨가‬ ‪부탁한 게 있어서 통화를 했답니다‬It was about a favor that Ms. Shin had asked for.
‪아, 이게 뭐‬ ‪뺑소니 사건이다 보니까‬It was a hit-and-run, so we can't bring them in.
‪참고인으로 조사할 사안도 안 되고‬so we can't bring them in.
‪[성한] 예‬I see.
‪아…‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪- 예, 감사합니다, 경사님‬ ‪- [강 경사] 예‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬The number you have dialed is not in service.
‪[안내 음성] 지금 거신 전화는‬ ‪없는 번호입니다‬The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check your number and try again.
‪- 다시 확인하시고 걸어 주십시오‬ ‪- [무거운 효과음]‬Please check your number and try again.
‪[안내 음성이 영어로 흐른다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[여자] 신성한 씨신가요?‬Is this Mr. Shin Sung-han? Who's this?
‪[성한] 누구시죠?‬Who's this?
‪[영주] 진영주라고 합니다‬My name is Jin Yeong-ju.
‪서정국 씨 아내 되는 사람‬I'm Seo Jeong-guk's wife.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪네 [한숨]‬I see.
‪무슨 일 때문에?‬What's this about?
‪[영주] 만나 뵙고 싶은데요‬I'd like to meet with you.
‪기영이 일 때문인가요?‬Is this about Gi-yeong?
‪[영주] 그런 건 아니고요‬No.
‪아, 아니다‬Actually, scratch that.
‪그 이야기도 상의가 필요하고요‬We need to discuss that too.
‪[성한] 진영주 씨하고 상의할 일은‬ ‪아닌 거 같고요‬I don't think you have a say in that matter.
‪뭐가 됐든‬Whatever it is,
‪아이 아빠랑 상의하죠‬I'll talk to Gi-yeong's dad.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪왜 이러는 거야, 다들?‬What's wrong with everyone?
‪내가 달리는 차에‬ ‪처밀어 버린 거 같잖아‬It's as if I pushed her in front of that car.
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪그 부주의한 년은 죽어서도‬ ‪우아하게 관심을 받는구나‬That careless bitch gets attention even after she's dead.
‪부럽다, 신주화‬I'm jealous, Shin Ju-hwa.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪'태아 선물'?‬-"Pregnancy gift"? -It's for an acquaintance.
‪아는 사람, 친구, 친구‬-"Pregnancy gift"? -It's for an acquaintance. A friend.
‪친구 와이프가‬ ‪임신했다 그래 가지고‬My friend's wife is pregnant.
‪[새봄] 아‬My friend's wife is pregnant.
‪신성한, 조정식 두 분 말고도‬ ‪친구가 있으시구나‬I thought you only had two friends.
‪내가 신성한인가‬I'm not like Sung-han.
‪[형근] 현우 태어날 때‬ ‪받은 선물 중에‬What was the best gift you got when Hyeon-u was born?
‪제일 좋았던 게 뭐예요?‬What was the best gift you got when Hyeon-u was born?
‪성별 나왔어요?‬Do you know the gender?
‪아니요, 아직‬No, not yet.
‪[서진] 급한 거 아니면‬If it's not urgent,
‪성별 나오면‬ ‪고민해 보는 것도 추천‬it might be a good idea to wait until you find out.
‪내가 이서진 DJ 팬이라고‬ ‪말씀드렸어요?‬Did I tell you that I was a fan when you were a DJ?
‪[형근] 지금 좀 DJ 필?‬You just sounded like a DJ. It's like listening to the radio. Right, Sae-bom?
‪보이는 라디오 같았어‬ ‪그렇지, 새봄 씨?‬It's like listening to the radio. Right, Sae-bom?
‪유모차 어때요?‬How about a stroller?
‪[서진] 그것도 뭐‬That's not so bad. My older sister was thrilled when she got one.
‪[새봄] 아니, 울 언니가‬ ‪유모차 받고 엄청 좋아했거든‬My older sister was thrilled when she got one.
‪그, 비싼 거라 좋아했나?‬Was it because it was expensive?
‪[형근] 유모차, 비싼 거‬An expensive stroller.
‪최 변, 뭐 해요?‬Attorney Choi, what are you doing?
‪- [탁 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- [준의 한숨]‬Attorney Choi, what are you doing?
‪[준] 하고 싶은 말, 쫙‬Writing down everything I want to say.
‪왜 적어?‬-Why? -Who do you want to say it to?
‪- [마우스 클릭음]‬ ‪- 누구한테 하고 싶은 말인데요?‬-Why? -Who do you want to say it to?
‪신성한 변호사‬Attorney Shin.
‪[준] 더 이상 그의 말발에‬ ‪밀리고 싶지 않습니다‬I will no longer let him control me with his words.
‪[웃으며] 완벽해‬Perfect.
‪아, 그래? 응‬Is that so?
‪나한테 먼저 해 봐, 연습, 연습‬Try it on me first. Think of it as practice.
‪오케이 [헛기침]‬Okay.
‪저 변호사 최준은‬I, Attorney Choi Jun,
‪[준] 서울대 로스쿨을‬am a competent attorney who graduated from SNU School of Law
‪다섯 손가락 안에 드는‬ ‪우수한 성적으로 졸업한‬am a competent attorney who graduated from SNU School of Law
‪인재 중의 인재입니다‬with flying colors.
‪3대 로펌 중의 하나인‬ ‪이 금화로펌의 인턴으로서 당당…‬I proudly finished my internship at Keumhwa Law Firm, the top…
‪[형근의 하품]‬
‪아이, 금화 스파이도‬ ‪못 해 먹겠고, 진짜‬I'm sick of spying for Keumhwa.
‪금화 스파이?‬"Spying for Keumhwa"?
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪내, 내 말은 그…‬What I'm saying is that…
‪'변호사 일을 하고 싶다'‬ ‪'나의 일에 충실하고 싶다', 어‬I want to focus on my work as an attorney.
‪- 거짓말‬ ‪- [준] 예?‬-Liar. -Sorry?
‪책상에 상담지 올려 둔 거‬ ‪보지도 않으시면서‬You haven't even touched the consultation report yet.
‪[새봄] 아, 맞아요, 맨날‬ ‪제 얼굴만 쳐다보고 있다니깐요‬I know. All he ever does is stare at me.
‪[준] 내가 뭘 또 쳐다봤…‬I don't stare at you. I mean…
‪[새봄] 치‬I don't stare at you. I mean…
‪최 변이 해도 돼요?‬You think he can handle that?
‪신 변호사님이‬You think he can handle that? Attorney Shin wants him to take charge this time.
‪이번엔 최 변호사님이‬ ‪진행해 보자고 하셔서‬Attorney Shin wants him to take charge this time.
‪난요, 신성한이 너무 좋아요‬You know, I love Shin Sung-han.
‪- [준의 웃음]‬ ‪- [헛웃음]‬
‪그래, 뭐, 이지한 케이스면, 뭐‬Sure, as long as it's an easy case.
‪그렇게 이지하진 않아요‬It's not too easy though.
‪[여자] 실장님도‬Do you also think
‪제가 문제 있어 보이나요?‬I have a problem?
‪[서진] 아, 아니요‬No.
‪[여자] 그런데 왜‬ ‪시선을 피하세요?‬So why are you avoiding eye contact?
‪제가요?‬Was I?
‪저를 똑바로 쳐다보지 않잖아요‬You won't look me in the eye.
‪여기서 일하시면‬Working here…
‪이혼하는 사람‬you must see a lot of people…
‪많이 보셨죠?‬who get divorced.
‪- 저는…‬ ‪- [여자가 흐느끼며] 이혼이‬I… Divorce…
‪결혼만큼 무서워…‬scares me as much as marriage did.
‪결혼이 무서웠어요?‬Were you afraid of getting married?
‪[서진] 이혼을 하시겠다면‬If you want a divorce,
‪최대한 무섭지 않게 도울게요‬we'll help you not feel scared.
‪시작되면 생각보다 견딜 만해요‬Once it begins, it won't be as hard as you think. That's how it was for me.
‪전 그랬어요‬That's how it was for me.
‪[여자] 결혼하고 나니까‬After I got married,
‪모든 게 거짓말이었어요‬I realized that everything was a lie.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪남편이라는 사람의‬Everything about
‪모든 게‬my husband.
‪완벽하게 모든 걸 속였어요‬He deceived me perfectly in every way.
‪근데‬But he said
‪내가 자길 속였대‬that I deceived him.
‪더 심각하게 속였다면서‬He says I deceived him on a deeper level.
‪사기 결혼이래요‬He called me a fraud.
‪어떤 근거로…‬On what grounds?
‪제가‬I used to have…
‪정신병이 있었어요‬a mental condition.
‪지금은 아니라고요‬But not anymore.
‪[여자의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[후루룩거리는 소리]‬
‪[서진] 음!‬
‪[후루룩 먹는 소리]‬
‪[소연] 그래서?‬So? She didn't recognize you throughout the session?
‪상담 끝날 때까지도‬ ‪못 알아보던가요?‬So? She didn't recognize you throughout the session?
‪이서진 자체를 모르는 거 같아요‬I don't think she knows who Lee Seo-jin is at all.
‪그래, 그런 사람 많아‬See? A lot of people don't.
‪국물은?‬-You're not drinking the soup? -I'm watching my figure.
‪[서진] 살쪄서‬-You're not drinking the soup? -I'm watching my figure.
‪그러니까 이제‬So don't walk around all timid and scared.
‪혼자 쫄아서‬ ‪요렇게 하고 다니지 마요‬So don't walk around all timid and scared.
‪- [옅은 웃음]‬ ‪- [소연] 여기 맛집 많아‬There are a lot of good restaurants.
‪내가 DJ님은 특별히‬I'll forgive you even if you eat ramyeon somewhere else.
‪딴 데서 라면 먹어도 봐줄게요‬I'll forgive you even if you eat ramyeon somewhere else.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪어서 오세요, 어…‬Welcome.
‪[형근] 오, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[서진] 사무장님?‬Mr. Jang?
‪- 사장님‬ ‪- [소연] 예‬-Ms. Kim? -Yes? May I leave this here until I get off work?
‪퇴근하기 전까지‬ ‪여기다가 좀 둬도 될까요?‬May I leave this here until I get off work?
‪친구분 선물 유모차로 정하셨구나‬So you decided to get a stroller for your friend's baby.
‪[서진] 색깔도 고급스럽고‬-The color looks sophisticated. -Yes, it's for my friend.
‪예, 친구분 거‬-The color looks sophisticated. -Yes, it's for my friend.
‪아, 친구분 애기 선물?‬-Right, for your friend's baby. -Yes, for a friend.
‪[형근] 예, 예, 예, 친구분 거‬-Right, for your friend's baby. -Yes, for a friend.
‪[형근의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪아, 예, 뭐, 여기‬Sure, you can…
‪- 주차하시면 될 거 같습니다‬ ‪- [형근] 아, 예‬park it over there. Yes, I'll park it here.
‪여기다가 주차‬Yes, I'll park it here.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬Okay.
‪삐빅 [웃음]‬
‪- [서진] 식사는?‬ ‪- [형근] 식사했습니다‬-Have you eaten? -I have.
‪[소연] 저기 그림 바로 밑에…‬Put it under the painting.
‪[정식] 아이씨, 왜 불러?‬ ‪탄수화물 끊었다니까, 씨‬Why did you call me here? I quit eating carbs.
‪어이, 미친놈 님, 꽃?‬Hello, Mr. Crazy. Flowers?
‪이야, 내가 얼마 전에 있잖아‬Hey, this reminds me.
‪꽃 한 다발 잘못 샀다가‬I got so much shit for getting someone flowers the other day.
‪아주 개욕 처먹은 기억이‬ ‪싹 난다, 응?‬I got so much shit for getting someone flowers the other day.
‪신성한 님‬Mr. Shin.
‪안 하던 짓 하면 죽어요‬It's bad for you to do things that feel unnatural.
‪야, 너 나 부동산 개업할 때‬ ‪이거, 응?‬Remember when I opened my office?
‪- 꽃잎 한 장 안 갖…‬ ‪- [성한] 야‬-You didn't even-- -Hey.
‪쟤는 뭐 하는 걸까?‬What do you think he's doing?
‪그리고 저 옆의 저 시커먼 거‬ ‪저건 뭘까?‬And what's that dark thing next to him?
‪[정식] 유모차네‬It's a stroller.
‪유모차를 왜?‬But why?
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪[성한] 나 쟤 이제는 진짜‬ ‪미루어 짐작하기도 지친다‬I'm sick of trying to guess what's going through his mind.
‪꽃을 두 번이나 받네‬She gave me flowers twice.
‪이런 것이 성덕인가‬This is a fan's dream come true.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[형근] 아이, 좀‬Stop it.
‪아이, 이럴 거면은‬ ‪사무실로 가져갈걸‬I should have just taken it to the office.
‪그러니까 이거‬ ‪우리 부동산 앞에다 파킹하지‬Yes, you could have parked it in front of my office.
‪- [정식] 크다‬ ‪- [성한] 아니…‬-It's huge. -I mean…
‪이럴 수밖에 없었냐?‬Did you have to do this? You could have gotten something smaller and more expensive.
‪아니, 막 좀, 있잖아‬ ‪작고 비싸고 그런 거‬You could have gotten something smaller and more expensive.
‪엄마들은 유모차 좋아한대‬Moms apparently love strollers.
‪[정식] 그래서 이따가 만나 가지고‬ ‪이거 전해 주게?‬So you're going to meet her later and give this to her?
‪[형근] 응‬
‪[성한] 아니‬ ‪이런 거 선물할 게 아니라‬This isn't what she wants. The paperwork…
‪[한숨 쉬며] 서, 서류…‬The paperwork…
‪[형근] 다 아셔, 편하게 욕해, 응‬They both know. Feel free to curse me out.
‪[성한] 아이, 그래‬ ‪유모차도 좋은데, 내 말은…‬I mean, the stroller is great, -but I-- -I filled out the divorce papers.
‪이혼 서류 작성했어‬-but I-- -I filled out the divorce papers.
‪[형근] 내 도장도 다 찍었고‬I signed them too.
‪이혼 선물이야‬It's a divorce gift.
‪떨어져‬Back off.
‪[정식] 같이 가 줘? 씨‬Should I come with you? Why would you?
‪[성한] 니가 왜 껴, 거기를?‬Why would you?
‪[정식] 야, 우리도‬ ‪지은 씨랑 세월이 있는데‬Why would you? We've known her for so long. We should say goodbye.
‪굿바이는 해야지‬We've known her for so long. We should say goodbye.
‪[서진] 어, 아닌 거 같아요‬I don't think you should.
‪[서진의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪[성한] 조립을 왜 했어?‬Why did you put it together yourself?
‪그냥 택배로 하면은 좋지‬You could have just had it delivered.
‪만나서 주고 싶어‬I want to give it to her in person.
‪[정식] 그래‬Okay.
‪[정식의 헛기침]‬
‪어디서 만날 건데?‬Where are you meeting her?
‪[성한] 말하지 마, 얘 간다, 거기‬Don't tell him. He'll show up.
‪- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [형근] 선물이 좀 크지?‬It's too big of a gift, right?
‪애기 아빠가 마음에 안 들어 하면‬ ‪중고 마켓에다가 내놔‬If the father doesn't like it, sell it second-hand.
‪이런 건 뭐 하러‬You didn't have to do this.
‪[지은] 속도 없어‬You're so naive.
‪마지막으로‬ ‪뭐 하나 해 주고 싶었어‬I wanted to give you one last gift.
‪내가 준비해야 되는 건 다 했어‬I did everything on my part.
‪빠진 거 없을 거야‬I'm sure it's all ready.
‪[지은] 어‬Okay.
‪너무 늦어서 미안해‬I'm sorry it took so long.
‪행복하게 잘 살아‬I wish you all the best.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[형근] 에이씨‬Damn it.
‪[성한] 얘가 오자 그랬어‬It was his idea.
‪[정식] 야, 야, 쏘맥이다, 오늘‬Let's have soju and beer tonight.
‪[형근의 울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪[형근] 성한이 집에 가자‬-Let's go to Sung-han's place. -Yes, sure.
‪[성한] 그래그래, 가자, 응‬-Let's go to Sung-han's place. -Yes, sure.
‪싱글 몰트 30년산, 그거 까자‬Let's drink that 30-year-old single malt whiskey.
‪우리 집에 그런 게 어디 있어?‬-I don't have that at home. -Hey.
‪[정식] 자, 야‬-I don't have that at home. -Hey.
‪저기, 울지 말고 똑바로 얘기해 봐‬Stop crying and talk clearly.
‪- [형근] 싱크대 하부 장 오른쪽‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬The cabinet under the sink, right side.
‪[울며] 호스 뒤에‬ ‪맨 끝에 있는 거‬It's in the corner behind the hose. Do you also work for him as a maid?
‪[정식] 야, 너 얘네 집‬ ‪가사 도우미도 하냐?‬Do you also work for him as a maid?
‪- 울지 마‬ ‪- [성한] 참, 참기름이지, 참기름‬-That's sesame oil. -It's sesame oil.
‪[정식] 참기름이래, 어?‬-That's sesame oil. -It's sesame oil. It's not single malt whiskey.
‪- [성한] 싱글 몰트 아니야‬ ‪- [형근이 울며] 싱글 몰트‬It's not single malt whiskey. -Single malt. -Come on.
‪[성한] 아니야, 참기름‬-Single malt. -Come on. -It's sesame oil. -It's okay. Don't cry.
‪[정식] 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪울지 말고, 가자‬-It's sesame oil. -It's okay. Don't cry. All right, let's go.
‪[성한] 너무 여기서 울면은‬ ‪추하니까 가자‬Let's stop making a scene and leave.
‪- [정식] 맛있겠다‬ ‪- [형근의 탄식]‬It sounds so good.
‪고소하겠다‬It must be so savory.
‪[성한] 네‬Come in.
‪[서진] 멀리서 오셔서‬ ‪오늘 꼭 뵙고 싶대요‬He had to travel quite far and insists on seeing you today.
‪[성한] 아, 상담은요?‬ ‪진행하셨어요?‬Did you give him a consultation?
‪변호사님이랑 직접 만나야 될‬ ‪사정이 있다는데‬He said he has something to tell you in person.
‪어떻게 할까요?‬What should I do?
‪[성한] 어…‬
‪잠깐 뵙죠‬I'll see him.
‪[펜 딸깍이는 소리]‬
‪아, 제가 해남은‬ ‪한 번도 못 가 봐서요‬I've never been to Haenam.
‪거기도 되게 좋죠?‬It's nice there, isn't it?
‪물 있고 들 있고, 그렇지라‬We have the sea and the fields.
‪[웃으며] 그렇죠, 예, 그렇죠‬ ‪물 있고 들 있고‬Right, the sea and the fields.
‪이혼 전문이람서요?‬I hear you're a divorce expert.
‪전문적으로‬Are you also an expert at preventing a divorce?
‪이혼 안 하게도 해 줍니까?‬Are you also an expert at preventing a divorce?
‪예, 그렇죠‬Yes, I am.
‪[성한] 아니, 근데 그 전에‬But before we begin,
‪그 지역에도‬I'm sure there are plenty of great attorneys in your area.
‪되게 좋은 변호사님들‬ ‪많이 계실 텐데요‬I'm sure there are plenty of great attorneys in your area.
‪이 양반이‬ ‪여그로 가 보라고 하던디요?‬She told me to come to you.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[격정적인 피아노 연주]‬
‪[애절한 피아노 연주]‬
‪[고조되는 피아노 연주]‬
‪[피아노 연주가 멈춘다]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪[성한] 변호사랑 사기꾼은‬ ‪진짜 한 끗이구나‬There's a fine line between an attorney and a con artist.
‪[형근] 패소하면 어떡하려고‬ ‪설레발쳤어?‬What if you end up losing?
‪조사를 한번 해 보자고‬ ‪다녀오시죠‬Let's look into it. You should go.
‪[형근] 재수 없어‬You're obnoxious.
‪[서진] 아무래도 제가‬ ‪상담을 잘 못했나 봐요‬I must have made a mistake during the consultation.
‪[남자] 야!‬Move!
‪[영주] 미끼를 안 물면‬ ‪어쩌나 했는데, 시작하죠‬I was worried he'd miss the bait. Let's begin.
‪[유석] 진영주‬Jin Yeong-ju.
‪신성한 보낼 거구나‬She's trying to destroy Shin Sung-han.
‪[성한] 뭐든 하려고요‬I'm going to do something.
‪아주 떠들썩한 놈이 될 겁니다‬I'll become the talk of the town.
‪돼서 선생님 명예 찾아올게요‬I'll become the talk of the town. And I'll get your honor back. Subtitle translation by: Eun-sook Yoon

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