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‪이화 ATM에서 개발한‬The 2022 automatic teller machine from Ihwa
‪2022년형 현금 자동 입출금기의‬ ‪가장 큰 장점‬The 2022 automatic teller machine from Ihwa offers unparalleled protection and solves a serious problem.
‪이거를 공개하기 전에‬I can't wait to show you all.
‪어, 여러분들이 보시기에‬ ‪조금은 속 쓰릴 수 있을 만한‬But before I do, please allow me to share a presentation that you may find a bit unsettling to watch, but it is important.
‪그런 뉴스를 먼저 준비했습니다‬that you may find a bit unsettling to watch, but it is important.
‪(두용) 자, 갑니다‬I gave you a warning.
‪따끔해요‬This may hurt.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪[은행원1이 피식 웃는다]‬This may hurt.
‪많이들 보신 기사죠?‬[Du-yong] You've seen this article everywhere, right?
‪'간 큰 은행원 ATM 조작‬ ‪현금 10억 원 횡령'‬"Bold bank clerk embezzled a billion won in cash by manipulating ATM."
‪'연이은 내부자 횡령'‬"Continuous insider embezzlement."
‪'횡령 행원 색출했더니‬ ‪시중 은행들 얼치기 감사'‬"Continuous insider embezzlement." "Discovery of banker responsible leads to other banks' hasty inspection."
‪올 한 해 ATM 관련 횡령만 총 42건‬A total of 42 ATMs were implicated in these embezzlements, just this year.
‪그리고 그 피해 금액은‬ ‪100억이 넘습니다‬A total of 42 ATMs were implicated in these embezzlements, just this year.
‪언론에서는 맨날 그러죠‬The articles here clearly state,
‪뭐, '은행의‬ ‪관리 감독이 소홀했다'‬"It is due to the negligence of the managers. The system in which they inspect is flawed."
‪'감사 시스템이 문제다'‬The system in which they inspect is flawed."
‪아, 근데 이게 그렇잖아요‬But you all know the truth.
‪사람이 작정을 하고 속이는데‬ ‪어떻게 안 속겠습니까‬If someone is determined to cheat, how could you not fall for it?
‪열 길 물속은 알아도‬ ‪한 길 사람 속은 모르는 거잖아요‬It's simply impossible to know what goes on inside someone's head.
‪이런 여러분들의 고민‬And that is where we come in.
‪이화 ATM이 해결해 드리겠습니다‬Ihwa ATM's here to solve these problems.
‪자, 은행원이라면 다 아는‬ ‪ATM기의 속살‬This is the inside of an ATM machine, which all the bank clerks have seen before.
‪그중에서도 여기‬which all the bank clerks have seen before. This here is the cassette, where the cash is loaded in.
‪현금을 채워 넣는 카세트입니다‬This here is the cassette, where the cash is loaded in.
‪담당자가 카세트에‬ ‪5천만 원 넣고서‬If the clerk loads a cassette with 50 million won,
‪전산엔 1억을‬ ‪넣었다고 기록을 해요‬but records only 100 million, would we know?
‪그럼 우리가 알까요?‬but records only 100 million, would we know?
‪모르죠‬Of course not.
‪감쪽같이 속는 겁니다‬We'll be fooled without even knowing.
‪그래서 이화 ATM은 생각했습니다‬And so, Ihwa ATM thought, "Well,
‪'새로운 카세트를 만들자'‬let's create an innovative cassette." Let's create an honest cassette
‪'거짓말과 속임수가 통하지 않는'‬Let's create an honest cassette wherein lies and tricks don't stand a chance.
‪'정직한 카세트를 만들자'‬wherein lies and tricks don't stand a chance.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬A bill's weight is always the same.
‪이 지폐의 무게는 균일합니다‬A bill's weight is always the same.
‪뭐, 찢어지거나‬Well, unless it's ripped or severely damaged,
‪아니면 심하게‬ ‪훼손되지 않는 이상은 비슷하죠‬Well, unless it's ripped or severely damaged, it's similar in weight.
‪우리 이화 ATM은‬ ‪바로 그 점에 착안했습니다‬We at Ihwa ATM have concentrated on that.
‪이제 담당자는‬Now, the employee,
‪자신이 채워 넣을 지폐의 매수를‬ ‪전산뿐만이 아니라‬not only has to record the amount of bills into the system after refill,
‪여기 번호판에도‬ ‪입력을 해야 됩니다‬but also, they have to enter it here, as well.
‪담당자가 300장을 넣겠다고‬ ‪입력을 해 놓고‬If the employee in charge records and they loaded 300 bills into the system…
‪299장을 넣으면‬but only puts in 299,
‪빨간불 들어오죠?‬ ‪[카세트 오류음]‬you see the red light come on?
‪그리고 카세트의 문이‬ ‪잠기질 않습니다‬Also, the actual cassette opening doesn't lock. It's because it's an honest cassette.
‪이 정직한 카세트가‬It's because it's an honest cassette.
‪지폐의 무게를‬ ‪스스로 계산하기 때문이죠‬It confirms the correct amount from the weight of the bills.
‪단 한 장의 오차도‬ ‪허용되지 않을 만큼 정확합니다‬Its accuracy doesn't even allow for the miscount of a single bill.
‪(은행원1) 아니‬ ‪저번에 그것도 저거 아니야?‬Isn't that the same thing from before?
‪그게 말씀하신 그 장점이에요?‬Is that the protection you mentioned?
‪맞습니다‬That's right. It is our new product using Ihwa's proprietary tech.
‪이화 ATM의 기술력이 집약된‬ ‪신제품입니다‬It is our new product using Ihwa's proprietary tech.
‪(은행원1) 금강에서도 그거 쓰던데‬Geumgang used it, too, didn't they?
‪(은행원2) 리더스 제품에도‬ ‪있었어요‬They had this feature at Leaders as well.
‪작년에 전량 리콜됐던‬ ‪그 모델 있죠?‬You do know the model was recalled last year, don't you?
‪거기 카세트에도 이거 있었어‬Their cassettes over there had this too.
‪[은행원3의 헛웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪아니, 근데 이 기술은 저희 겁니다‬No, but this technology is ours alone.
‪2년 전에 개발을 했고‬We developed it about two years ago and applied for the model utility rights.
‪그리고 실용신안권도 출원했거든요‬We developed it about two years ago and applied for the model utility rights.
‪(은행원3) 실용신안권?‬"Model utility rights"?
‪아, 그, 특허 같은 거요?‬Ah, so like a patent, right?
‪그렇죠‬Well, yes. This isn't technology that is up to be patented,
‪이게 뭐, 특허를 받을 정도의‬ ‪기술은 아니지만‬This isn't technology that is up to be patented, but we worked very hard in its development.
‪우리가 열심히 궁리해서‬ ‪고안한 겁니다‬but we worked very hard in its development.
‪예, 실용신안 받기에는‬ ‪충분한 기술이죠‬The tech will be enough to get the model utility rights.
‪(은행원4) 그럼‬ ‪기술 유출된 거 아니야?‬I don't know. Maybe the technology was leaked?
‪부장님, 한번 알아보셔야겠다‬You should probably look into that, sir,
‪이화에서 개발한 거를‬ ‪딴 데서 훔쳐 간 건지 뭔지‬to see whether or not another company stole what Ihwa developed.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪어…‬Um…
‪예, 뭐‬Yes. [awkward chuckle]
‪[어색하게 웃으며] 확인을‬ ‪해 보겠습니다‬Yes. [awkward chuckle] I'll follow up on that.
‪(은행원1) 아, 은행한테‬ ‪중요한 건 사실 가격이에요‬To tell you the truth, our only concern is the overhead.
‪베꼈든 어쨌든‬Whether copied or not,
‪금강 ATM에도‬ ‪똑같은 기술이 있는데 기곗값도 싸‬the same tech is also used in Geumgang's ATMs, and they're cheaper.
‪그럼 뭐, 별수 있나?‬It's a pretty easy call, they'll get the contract.
‪금강이랑 계약해야지‬It's a pretty easy call, they'll get the contract.
‪예‬[awkward chuckle] I see.
‪(은행원1) '이 기술의‬ ‪원조가 누구냐?'‬[man] We're really not interested in who originally came up with this technology.
‪그거는 우리 관심사는 아니니까‬[man] We're really not interested in who originally came up with this technology.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(직원1) 안녕하세요‬[man] Hello.
‪(수연과 직원2) 안녕하세요‬-[woman] Hello. -[Su-yeon] Hello.
‪(수연) 우영우, 밥 먹었어?‬Attorney Woo, did you eat?
‪(영우) 어, 최수연, 밥 먹었어‬Ah, Su-yeon. I did.
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪(수연) 아, 너 권민우 변호사한테‬ ‪얘기 들었어?‬Ah. Did Attorney Kwon tell you you're on a case together?
‪(영우) 어?‬Huh?
‪(수연) 하, 아직도 말 안 했냐?‬[sighs] He didn't speak with you yet?
‪내가 이럴 줄 알았다‬ ‪[수연의 헛웃음]‬I knew this would happen.
‪ATM 회사 사건‬The ATM company case. You've been assigned to it with Attorney Kwon.
‪너랑 권민우 변호사랑‬ ‪같이 하게 됐어‬You've been assigned to it with Attorney Kwon.
‪(영우) 어?‬What?
‪정명석 변호사님이‬ ‪너한테 전화해서 얘기하려는 걸‬Right before Attorney Jung was gonna call and tell you about it,
‪(수연) 권민우 변호사가‬ ‪말리더라고‬ ‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬Attorney Kwon stopped him and said, "I would love to tell her myself."
‪자기가 말하겠다고‬Attorney Kwon stopped him and said, "I would love to tell her myself."
‪수상했는데 역시 말 안 했구나?‬I had my suspicions, but he really didn't tell you.
‪[영우의 힘주는 신음]‬[Young-woo grunts]
‪(영우) 아, 응‬[Young-woo] Mm.
‪(수연) 하나대 로스쿨 다닌 친구가‬ ‪해 준 얘기인데‬My friend who went to Hana University with Attorney Kwon,
‪권민우 변호사‬she told me his nickname.
‪로스쿨 시절 별명이‬ ‪뭐였는지 알아?‬Can you guess what they called him in law school?
‪몰라‬-What? -They called him "Tactician Min-woo."
‪권모술수 권민우‬-What? -They called him "Tactician Min-woo."
‪권모술수 권민우?‬"Called him 'Tactician Min-woo.'"
‪조심해라‬Watch out, all right?
‪벌써 시작된 거 같네‬Looks like he's already started. Beware of the tactics of Min-woo.
‪권민우의 권모술수‬Looks like he's already started. Beware of the tactics of Min-woo.
‪- 그래?‬ ‪- (수연) 그럼‬-You think so? -Think about it.
‪아니면 너랑 같은 사건 맡은 걸‬Why else wouldn't he have shared with you that you two are working together?
‪왜 지금까지 말 안 했겠어?‬Why else wouldn't he have shared with you that you two are working together?
‪[옅은 탄성]‬[gasps]
‪[똑똑 똑]‬ ‪[마우스 조작음]‬[knocking on door]
‪네‬Come in.
‪(영우) 권민우 변호사님‬Attorney Kwon.
‪저랑 같은 사건 맡은 걸‬ ‪왜 말 안 했습니까?‬Why didn't you tell me that we were on a case together?
‪아, 내가 말 안 했어요?‬Oh, I didn't tell you?
‪말 안 했습니다‬No, you did not tell me.
‪아, 미안해요, 깜빡했나?‬I'm sorry. I must've forgotten it.
‪(민우) 저기, 이 사건‬So, this case,
‪ATM 구조 같은 걸 알아야 돼서‬ ‪볼 게 많네요‬there's a lot to look at in terms of the structure of ATM machines.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪근데 뭐, 우 변한테는 껌인가?‬But, um, for you, this will be simple, right?
‪천재니까, 그렇죠?‬But, um, for you, this will be simple, right? Since you're a genius.
‪[민우가 부스럭거린다]‬Since you're a genius.
‪자‬-Here. -[grunts]
‪[영우의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Here. -[grunts]
‪아, 맞다, 내가 얘기했나?‬Oh, yeah, did I tell you?
‪- 오늘 의뢰인 잠깐 만난다고‬ ‪- (영우) 네?‬-We're meeting with the client today. -What?
‪오늘 2시‬Uh, two o'clock.
‪(민우) 아, 또 까먹었네‬[sighs] It slipped my mind again.
‪[다급한 소리]‬[gasps, grunts]
‪[사무실이 분주하다]‬
‪(명석) 자료들은 좀 봤어요?‬Did you look at the materials?
‪(영우) 아…‬
‪(민우) 아, 예‬Uh, yeah. There were some new terms which made it difficult,
‪그, 모르는 말들이 많아서‬ ‪좀 어렵더라고요‬Uh, yeah. There were some new terms which made it difficult,
‪그래도 한 번은 정독했습니다‬-but I managed to go over it all once. -[Atty. Jung] Okay, let's go in.
‪(명석) 그래요, 들어갑시다‬-but I managed to go over it all once. -[Atty. Jung] Okay, let's go in.
‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬-[Atty. Jung] Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.
‪- (명석) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- 안녕하세요‬-[Atty. Jung] Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.
‪(명석) 이번 사건 맡은‬ ‪변호사 정명석입니다‬I'm Attorney Jung Myeong-seok, and I'll be handling your case.
‪(영우) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪우영우입니다‬Hello. I am Woo Young-woo.
‪똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영…‬Whether it's read straight or flipped,
‪(민우) 우영우, 저는 권민우입니다‬-it's Woo Young-woo. -[Min-woo] Attorney Woo Young-woo. And I'm Kwon Min-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토‬ ‪스위스, 인도인, 별똥별…‬And I'm Kwon Min-woo. -Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar. -[Du-yong] Ah, right.
‪(두용) 아, 예‬ ‪제가 전화드렸던 황두용입니다‬-Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar. -[Du-yong] Ah, right. I'm Hwang Du-yong. I've reached out.
‪(명석) 예, 반갑습니다, 앉으시죠‬[Atty. Jung] Great to meet you. Please have a seat.
‪(두용) 예‬[Du-yong] Right.
‪아, 일단 이거‬Uh, before we start,
‪[병이 잘그랑거린다]‬I brought some mulberry juice.
‪오디즙 한 병씩들 하시죠‬I brought some mulberry juice.
‪양구에서 직접 기른 오디예요‬They're from a farm in Yanggu. Freshly-picked mulberries.
‪100% 유기농‬They're from a farm in Yanggu. Freshly-picked mulberries.
‪(민우) 아, 양구 오랜만이네요‬They're from a farm in Yanggu. Freshly-picked mulberries. Oh, wow. It's been a while since I heard of Yanggu.
‪제가 그, 군 생활을‬ ‪양구에서 했습니다‬Oh, wow. It's been a while since I heard of Yanggu. I did my military training there.
‪진짜요?‬Is that so? That's where I went.
‪나 양구인데?‬Is that so? That's where I went.
‪어, 그럼 백두산 부대‬ ‪출신이십니까?‬Oh, were you at Baekdusan unit as well?
‪[민우의 반가운 소리]‬[laughs]
‪(민우) 충성!‬Attention!
‪[비장한 음악]‬ ‪(두용) 충성‬Salute!
‪[웃으며] 아니, 변호사님‬ ‪눈 엄청 치웠겠는데?‬[Du-yong] Gosh, you must have shoveled a whole lot of snow. Guns and knives may rust,
‪(민우) 총칼은 녹슬어도‬Guns and knives may rust,
‪(두용과 민우) 삽날은‬ ‪빛나지 말입니다‬-but the shovel still shines! -But the shovel still shines!
‪[두용과 민우의 웃음]‬[Du-yong and Min-woo laugh]
‪그러면 우리 변호사님은‬ ‪어디 출신이십니까?‬Attorney Jung, tell me where did you serve.
‪(명석) 아, 예‬ ‪저는 칠성 부대 출신입니다‬Uh, I was stationed at the Chilseong unit.
‪단결!‬United we can!
‪할 수 있습니다!‬United we can! [Du-yong] A brand name.
‪[민우의 웃음]‬ ‪(두용) 메이커네‬ ‪메이커 사단 출신이네‬[Du-yong] A brand name. You're from one of the famous infantries.
‪(명석) 어, 전생에‬ ‪일곱 가지 죄를 지어야만‬I'm from the Seventh Infantry, where only people
‪갈 수 있다는 7사단 출신입니다‬who committed the seven sins in their past lives can get in.
‪이야, 7사단‬Ah, interesting. This gentleman, I wonder where he served at.
‪그럼 이분은 어디 나오셨을까?‬Ah, interesting. This gentleman, I wonder where he served at.
‪(두용) 포스가 뭐, 해병대?‬I bet you're a marine.
‪아, 아닙니다‬Uh, no, I'm not.
‪[두용의 웃음]‬[chuckles] Yes. Well, it's nice to meet everyone.
‪(두용) 예, 아무튼 반갑습니다‬[chuckles] Yes. Well, it's nice to meet everyone.
‪[두용의 힘주는 신음]‬[chuckles] Yes. Well, it's nice to meet everyone.
‪아, 이거 술을 한잔해야 되는데‬Ah, we should be drinking to this. Seeing as we can't, why not toast with juice?
‪아쉽지만 이 오디즙으로‬ ‪건배를 할까요?‬Seeing as we can't, why not toast with juice?
‪- (민우) 아, 그럴까요?‬ ‪- (명석) 네, 좋습니다‬[Atty. Jung] Oh, should we? Yeah, sounds good.
‪(두용) 잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬[Du-yong] To your kind cooperation.
‪(명석) 잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬To your kind cooperation!
‪- (민우) 열심히 하겠습니다‬ ‪- (두용) 네‬ ‪[병이 쨍 부딪친다]‬To your kind cooperation! [glasses clink]
‪[명석의 탄성]‬[Atty. Jung] Mm.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬ ‪(두용) 좋죠?‬-[Du-yong] Good, right? -[Atty. Jung] Yeah, wow.
‪- (명석) 아, 좋은데요?‬ ‪- (민우) 와‬ ‪[두용의 웃음]‬-[Du-yong] Good, right? -[Atty. Jung] Yeah, wow. [sighs]
‪(명석) 아, 자, 그럼‬ ‪어, 의뢰해 주신 내용이‬Okay. All right, then, let's begin.
‪금강 ATM을 상대로‬Your request is to file for a sales ban injunction against Geumgang ATM?
‪판매 금지 가처분 신청을‬ ‪원하신다고요?‬Your request is to file for a sales ban injunction against Geumgang ATM?
‪예‬Yes. Ihwa ATM and Geumgang ATM are the…
‪그, 이화 ATM이랑‬ ‪금강 ATM은 뭐랄까?‬Yes. Ihwa ATM and Geumgang ATM are the…
‪로펌으로 치면은‬ ‪한바다랑 태산이죠‬Hanbada Law Firm and Taesan Law Firm of the ATM industry.
‪막상막하 숙명의 라이벌인가요?‬So, very close competition, fated to be rivals?
‪그렇죠‬Yes, it's… Yes, it's so close that you can't really choose one.
‪워낙 다이다이라서‬ ‪뭐 하나를 고를 수가 없어‬Yes, it's… Yes, it's so close that you can't really choose one. The ocean or land?
‪바다냐, 산이냐‬The ocean or land?
‪짜장면이냐, 짬뽕이냐‬Something sweet or savory?
‪부먹이냐, 찍먹이냐‬Pour the sauce or dip it?
‪대왕고래냐, 혹등고래냐‬Blue whales or humpback whales?
‪(두용) 예?‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Uh… [whale singing]
‪[명석의 당황한 웃음]‬[whale singing]
‪어쨌든 뭐, 이화랑 금강도‬ ‪딱 그런 관계예요‬ ‪[펜으로 쓱쓱 적는 소리]‬Anyway, that's how it is. For Ihwa and Geumgang. And there was a new player, Leaders ATM,
‪그 사이에 리더스 ATM이라는‬ ‪젊은 회사가 있었는데‬And there was a new player, Leaders ATM, but they had a blunder last year, and they closed for good shortly after.
‪거기는 작년에 망했고요‬but they had a blunder last year, and they closed for good shortly after.
‪아, 이런 얘기 재밌습니다‬Ah, I love these kinds of stories.
‪[두용의 웃음]‬ ‪(민우) 네‬[Min-woo] Go on.
‪(두용) 아, 근데 진짜‬Yeah, well, I really want those Geumgang jerks
‪이번 기회에 좀 금강 애들‬ ‪혼 좀 났으면 좋겠습니다‬Yeah, well, I really want those Geumgang jerks to learn their lessons this time. Because, really, they shouldn't be sneaking around,
‪우리가 피땀 흘려서‬ ‪이렇게 기술을 개발해 놓으면은‬Because, really, they shouldn't be sneaking around, taking the technology that we worked so hard and…
‪그거를 그냥 날름날름 갖다 쓰고‬taking the technology that we worked so hard and… and so tirelessly to develop, you know what I mean?
‪그러면 안 되는 거거든요, 이게‬and so tirelessly to develop, you know what I mean? They've done this a few times already.
‪이게 한두 번이 아니에요‬They've done this a few times already.
‪이 카세트도 마찬가지고요‬Including this cassette.
‪(민우) 아, 진짜 속상하시겠어요‬Ah, that sounds awful.
‪카세트가 뭡니까?‬Young-woo, what's a cassette?
‪(영우) 아, 어…‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Uh… [sighs]
‪그 카세트가 뭐냐면요…‬I can explain the cassette.
‪(민우) 아, 압니다‬Uh, allow me.
‪카세트, 지폐 넣는 통이죠‬It's the container where cash is put, right?
‪앞에 손잡이 달려 있고‬With a metal handle on the front?
‪제가 부장님을 뵙기 전에‬ ‪예습을 좀 했습니다‬With a metal handle on the front? I made sure to do my homework before our meeting.
‪(두용) 아, 우리, 우리 변호사님‬Ah, well done. I'll remember this name.
‪권민우 변호사님‬Attorney Kwon Min-woo. Wow.
‪아유‬Attorney Kwon Min-woo. Wow.
‪예, 어쨌든 그 카세트는‬ ‪우리가 개발을 했고‬Anyway, the cassette was developed by us, and we applied for its model utility rights.
‪실용신안까지 출원을 했거든요‬and we applied for its model utility rights.
‪(명석) 어, 실용신안권은‬ ‪출원만 하신 건가요?‬Um, you've only applied for the model utility rights,
‪아직 등록이 된 게 아니고?‬Um, you've only applied for the model utility rights, so it hasn't been registered?
‪예, 그, 출원 후에도‬No, there were lots of procedures with the evaluation after the application.
‪심사다 뭐다‬ ‪절차가 엄청 많더라고요‬No, there were lots of procedures with the evaluation after the application.
‪그 실용신안권 출원하실 때‬ ‪자료들이 별로 없던데‬I didn't see a whole lot in the utility rights in the application.
‪혹시 좀 더 볼 수 있을까요?‬Is there more info you could share?
‪어, 그럼요‬Uh, of course. I'll send you all I have up to this point.
‪그거 가지고 있는 거‬ ‪다 보내 드리겠습니다‬Uh, of course. I'll send you all I have up to this point.
‪아, 그럼 아까‬ ‪명함에 있는 연락처로‬Well, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd send them to the contact info on my card.
‪보내 주시면 감사하겠습니다‬if you'd send them to the contact info on my card.
‪(두용) 예, 알겠습니다‬[Du-yong] Yes, will do.
‪아, 근데 제가 사실‬I came in today thinking that it would probably
‪오늘은 변호사님들 얼굴만 뵙고‬I came in today thinking that it would probably only be a brief introduction with you guys.
‪좀 인사드리려고 이렇게 왔는데‬only be a brief introduction with you guys.
‪씁, 먼저 일어나도 될까요?‬only be a brief introduction with you guys. Mind if we end here for now?
‪(명석) 아, 예, 그럼요‬ ‪물론입니다‬Oh, no, of course, we don't mind.
‪(두용) 예, 예, 그러면‬Yes, yes. Well, then.
‪잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬I look forward to working with you.
‪(민우) 아, 감사히 마셨습니다‬Oh, and, thank you for the juice.
‪(두용) 반갑습니다‬Nice to meet you. [chuckles]
‪[두용과 민우의 웃음]‬Nice to meet you. [chuckles] Okay, take care.
‪(명석) 예, 조심히 들어가십시오‬Okay, take care.
‪- (두용) 예, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (명석) 예‬-Thank you. You too. -I will.
‪어, 아까도 얘기했지만‬ ‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬Uh, like I said before,
‪이 사건은 우영우 변호사‬ ‪권민우 변호사 두 사람이‬the two of you are going to be leading this case.
‪주도적으로 진행을 할 겁니다‬Attorney Woo and Attorney Kwon. I'll just be mentoring on the side.
‪나는 옆에서 멘토링만 할 거예요‬I'll just be mentoring on the side.
‪- (민우) 네‬ ‪- 네‬-Got it. -Got it.
‪낯선 용어들이 많겠지만‬ ‪자료 내용 잘 숙지하세요‬There are a lot of unfamiliar terms. Get to know the materials thoroughly.
‪카세트 실용신안이‬ ‪핵심인 사건인데‬The model utility rights for the cassette are key to this case. You should've been aware of what a cassette is.
‪카세트가 뭔지도 모르면 되겠어?‬You should've been aware of what a cassette is.
‪(영우) 아…‬Uh…
‪안 되겠습니다‬-Yes, I should have. -This can't happen again, Young-woo.
‪어, 다음에는 이런 일 없도록‬-Yes, I should have. -This can't happen again, Young-woo.
‪(명석) 응, 그래, 아…‬-[Atty. Jung] Okay. All right. -Oh.
‪(민우) 여기 있습니다‬Here you are.
‪- (명석) 생큐, 갈게요, 응‬ ‪- (민우) 예‬-Thanks. See you. -[Min-woo] Bye.
‪[민우의 한숨]‬
‪(영우) 사건 자료를‬ ‪미리 보지 못해서 힘들었습니다‬I didn't get to see the case materials beforehand.
‪다음부터는 깜빡하지 말고‬ ‪공유해 주십시오‬Please share them with me without forgetting next time around.
‪음, 싫은데?‬Mm-hmm. No, thanks.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪네?‬Huh?
‪내가 왜 경쟁자랑‬ ‪자료를 공유해야 되지?‬Why should I share materials with the competition?
‪이 한바다랑 태산‬Hanbada and Taesan, Ihwa and Geumgang aren't the only ones at odds here.
‪이화랑 금강만‬ ‪경쟁을 하는 게 아니잖아요‬Hanbada and Taesan, Ihwa and Geumgang aren't the only ones at odds here.
‪우리도 경쟁해요‬We are too, you know.
‪(민우) 우 변이나 나나‬ ‪1년짜리 계약직들이고‬You and I are both here on a one-year contract.
‪우리 재계약하려면‬ ‪고과 잘 받아야죠‬You and I are both here on a one-year contract. And we need good performance reviews to have our contracts renewed.
‪우리가 하는 행동 하나하나‬And we need good performance reviews to have our contracts renewed.
‪맡은 사건 하나하나‬ ‪전부 다 채점이 된다고요‬And we need good performance reviews to have our contracts renewed. Every single move, every case, they're all evaluated.
‪하긴 뭐, 우영우 변호사는‬But I suppose you're not really interested in getting your contract renewed.
‪재계약 이런 거 별로 관심 없죠?‬But I suppose you're not really interested in getting your contract renewed.
‪관심 있는 사람이‬ ‪무단결근을 그렇게 하나?‬With the unapproved absences you've taken.
‪나도 재계약에 관심 있습니다‬I am interested in getting my contract renewed.
‪(민우) 음‬Mm-hmm.
‪그럼 우리 경쟁자가 맞네‬Then you and I are competing.
‪물론 내가 또‬ ‪이기고 있는 거 같지만‬But it seems as if I'm winning this time.
‪(민우) 저거‬There.
‪어떡해요?‬[Min-woo] From the looks of it,
‪우 변은 다음 자료도 못 받겠네‬seems like you won't be getting the next batch of materials either.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[스크린 작동음]‬
‪(재판장1) 채무자 대리인‬Obligor's attorney, you submitted additional material today?
‪오늘 추가로‬ ‪제출하신 자료가 있네요?‬Obligor's attorney, you submitted additional material today?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(변호사) 네, 재판장님‬Yes, Your Honor.
‪이화 ATM의 실용신안 출원이‬We have materials that will clearly show
‪그 자체로 거짓된 행동임을‬ ‪소명할 자료입니다‬the model utility rights application was in bad faith.
‪화면을 봐 주시겠습니까?‬Could you please look at the screen?
‪2020년 10월‬In October 2020,
‪이화 ATM은‬Ihwa ATM applied for model utility rights for a security device for the cassettes
‪'현금 자동 입출금기‬ ‪카세트의 보안 장치'라는 이름으로‬Ihwa ATM applied for model utility rights for a security device for the cassettes
‪실용신안을 출원했습니다‬in automatic teller machines.
‪하지만 이 기술‬However, this tech
‪표절입니다‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬was plagiarized.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[U-seong] In the United States, an exhibition called
‪매년 4월 미국에서는‬[U-seong] In the United States, an exhibition called
‪시카고 국제 엔지니어링 페어라는‬ ‪박람회가 열립니다‬[U-seong] In the United States, an exhibition called the Chicago International Engineering Fair is held every April.
‪ATM 관련 기술이‬ ‪많이 소개되기 때문에‬The latest ATM technology was introduced there.
‪국내 ATM 회사들 사이에서도‬ ‪굉장히 유명하죠‬So, it's well-known among ATM companies in Korea as well.
‪재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪화면에 있는 두 개의 도안을‬ ‪비교해서 봐 주십시오‬Please compare the two designs presented on the screen.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪하나는‬On the right is a design by an American company
‪2019년 박람회에서‬ ‪한 미국 회사가 발표한 것이고‬On the right is a design by an American company at the exhibition back in 2019.
‪다른 하나는‬And on the left
‪이화 ATM이 2020년도에‬is a design Ihwa ATM is arguing to have developed on their own in 2020.
‪자체 개발 했다고‬ ‪주장하는 것입니다‬is a design Ihwa ATM is arguing to have developed on their own in 2020.
‪미국 회사는 이 기술을‬ ‪오픈 소스로 공개했습니다‬The American company made this technology public as an open-source.
‪누구나 특별한 제한 없이‬ ‪자유롭게 사용하고‬They did it so that anyone can freely use and modify it without any restrictions.
‪수정할 수 있도록 한 겁니다‬They did it so that anyone can freely use and modify it without any restrictions.
‪하지만 이화 ATM은‬However, Ihwa ATM took this technology and pretended that they developed it themselves,
‪이 기술을 그대로 가져다가‬ ‪스스로 개발한 것처럼 속이고‬took this technology and pretended that they developed it themselves, and applied for its model utility rights
‪다른 회사들이 사용하지 못하도록‬and applied for its model utility rights so the other companies can't make use of it.
‪실용신안까지 출원했습니다‬so the other companies can't make use of it.
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm. They did not take the American company's design as is!
‪미국 회사의 것을‬ ‪그대로 가져오지 않았습니다‬Hmm. They did not take the American company's design as is!
‪두 도안은 얼핏 비슷해 보이지만‬ ‪분명한 차이가 있습니다‬At first glance, the two designs look similar, but there is a clear difference.
‪이화 ATM의 카세트 보안 장치는‬The security device on Ihwa ATM's cassette has a significantly more segmented sensor
‪지폐 무게 측정 센서가‬The security device on Ihwa ATM's cassette has a significantly more segmented sensor
‪미국 회사 것보다‬ ‪훨씬 세분화되어 있습니다‬The security device on Ihwa ATM's cassette has a significantly more segmented sensor for measuring the weight of the bills than the Americans'.
‪공개된 기술을‬ ‪그대로 베낀 것이 아니라‬It wasn't that they copied the technology made public as is,
‪새로운 기술을 더해‬ ‪발전시킨 것이므로‬but they developed it by adding new features. Therefore, grounds to apply for model utility rights…
‪실용신안을 출원할 근거가 충분‬Therefore, grounds to apply for model utility rights…
‪하지는 않을 수도 있지만‬they may not be enough.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪아무튼 근거는 있습니다‬Though we do have grounds.
‪아이고, 변호사님‬You have to be kidding me.
‪(진종) 그 정도 세분화는‬ ‪누구나 다 합니다‬That level of segmentation is common.
‪미국이랑 다르게 한국은‬Unlike the United States, the bills in Korea vary in size,
‪만 원짜리, 5만 원짜리‬ ‪단위마다 돈 크기가 다르잖아요‬Unlike the United States, the bills in Korea vary in size, they've modified the cartridge to fit to different sizes.
‪그래서 세분화하는 겁니다‬That's why segmentation is done.
‪그 정도 기술 보탠 거 가지고‬ ‪실용신안 내면‬If they wanted the model utility rights because of a little tech they applied,
‪정말 양심 없는 거예요‬their company operates with no soul! When the main technology was developed by the Americans!
‪핵심 기술은‬ ‪미국 회사가 개발한 건데!‬When the main technology was developed by the Americans!
‪(두용) 아니, 양심이 없다니요?‬How can you say we have no soul?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪저도 그렇고‬I swear to you, neither myself or anyone from our company
‪우리 회사 직원 그 누구도‬ ‪시카고 박람회에 간 적이 없습니다‬I swear to you, neither myself or anyone from our company went to the Chicago exhibition!
‪저런, 저런 게 있는 것도‬ ‪저는 지금, 지금 처음 알았어요‬[Du-yong] This is the first time I'm hearing anything even slightly resembling that notion!
‪[버튼 조작음]‬even slightly resembling that notion! Geumgang ATM first made their cassette security device in 2021.
‪(민우) 금강 ATM이‬Geumgang ATM first made their cassette security device in 2021.
‪카세트 보안 장치를‬ ‪처음 만든 건 2021년입니다‬Geumgang ATM first made their cassette security device in 2021.
‪반면 이화 ATM은 이미‬Meanwhile, Ihwa ATM already applied
‪2020년에 실용신안을 출원했고요‬for model utility rights back in 2020.
‪채무자는 미국 회사의‬ ‪오픈된 기술을 썼다고 주장하지만‬The obligor claims that they made used of the Americans' open-source technology,
‪사실은 이화의 기술을‬ ‪베낀 것 아닙니까?‬that they made used of the Americans' open-source technology, truth is, they copied the tech from Ihwa.
‪아니, 그렇게‬ ‪제작 연도로 따지자면은‬Why would I? If you're going to argue when it was produced,
‪리더스가 원조죠‬Leaders is the original.
‪(진종) 리더스 ATM은‬ ‪박람회 끝나자마자 만들었어요‬Leaders ATM made theirs as soon as their exhibition was over.
‪무려 2019년에!‬Way back in 2019!
‪리더스 제품 보면‬ ‪이화 거랑 완전히 똑같습니다!‬Just look at the Leaders' product. Ihwa's is an exact replica.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(재판장1) 아, 그래요?‬[judge] Is that so?
‪그 방금 말한 사실‬ ‪소명할 수 있습니까?‬Can you back up your accusation? Can you supply evidence?
‪(변호사) 재판장님‬[U-seong] Your Honor,
‪저희도 자료를 찾으려고‬ ‪노력은 했습니다만‬we have an ongoing attempt to find the evidence.
‪안타깝게도 리더스 ATM은‬ ‪작년에 도산했습니다‬Unfortunately, Leaders ATM has gone out of business.
‪제품 불량으로 전량‬ ‪리콜이 된 후에 도산한 것이라‬This happened last year after all their products were recalled due to defects,
‪시중에 리더스 제품이‬ ‪남아 있지 않습니다‬so there aren't any Leaders products anymore.
‪이 기술을 이화 ATM이‬ ‪자체 개발 했다고 봐야 할지‬It is difficult to rule on whether or not this technology
‪(재판장1) 아니면‬ ‪이미 공개된 기술의‬was solely developed by Ihwa ATM or a slight variation of the technology
‪근소한 변형에‬ ‪불과하다고 봐야 할지‬was solely developed by Ihwa ATM or a slight variation of the technology
‪이 자료들만 가지고는‬ ‪판단하기 어렵습니다‬that's already been released based on these materials.
‪실용신안에 대한‬The Korean Intellectual Property Office evaluation for the rights
‪특허청의 심사 결과가‬ ‪나오지 않은 상태라‬The Korean Intellectual Property Office evaluation for the rights haven't come out, so it's even harder.
‪더 어려워요‬haven't come out, so it's even harder.
‪뭐, 더 보여 줄 자료 없습니까?‬Will there be any other material?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(명석) 어, 재판장님‬Ah. Your Honor.
‪이화 ATM이 출원한‬ ‪실용신안의 신규성을 소명하려면‬In order for us to defend the novelty of the rights application by Ihwa ATM,
‪저희에게도 자료를 준비할 시간이‬ ‪좀 필요합니다‬we also need some time to put together the materials.
‪네, 인정합니다‬Yes, I agree.
‪(재판장1) 그럼‬ ‪다음 심문 기일 잡도록 하고‬Then we'll schedule a date for further questions. Court is adjourned.
‪오늘은 마치겠습니다‬Court is adjourned.
‪(경위) 모두 일어서 주십시오‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬All rise.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪나가서, 나가서…‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪- (두용) 고생하셨어요‬ ‪- (명석) 네, 고생하셨습니다‬-Thanks for the effort. -Of course.
‪금강 ATM의 주장이 사실입니까?‬Is the claim Geumgang ATM made accurate?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪(두용) 전, 전‬ ‪전화 좀 받고 오겠습니다‬Uh, I have to take this call.
‪(명석) 아, 예‬Uh, okay.
‪어, 나는 다른 일정이 있어서‬ ‪먼저 갑니다‬I have other plans, so I'm gonna take off, all right?
‪- (민우) 네‬ ‪- (명석) 마무리하고 오세요‬-You wrap things up here. -Yes, all right.
‪(영우) 네, 알겠습니다‬-You wrap things up here. -Yes, all right.
‪(민우) 나도 먼저 가요‬ ‪일이 많아서‬I'm headed out, too. I have a lot to do.
‪네?‬ ‪[민우가 부스럭거린다]‬What?
‪의뢰인에게 사실 관계를‬ ‪확인해야 하지 않습니까?‬Don't we need to verify the facts with the client first?
‪(민우) 뭐, 사실대로 말을 해야‬ ‪사실 관계를 확인하죠‬We can only verify the facts if he tells us the truth.
‪그럼 권민우 변호사는‬So do you think that Mr. Hwang Du-yong isn't being truthful with us?
‪황두용 부장님이‬ ‪거짓말을 한다고 생각합니까?‬So do you think that Mr. Hwang Du-yong isn't being truthful with us?
‪(민우) 모르겠네요‬I'm not sure.
‪어쩌면 그 금강이‬ ‪사기 치는 걸 수도 있고‬It could be that Geumgang is committing fraud.
‪사업하는 사람들 다 그렇지 않나?‬Isn't everyone in business like that?
‪이화 ATM이 기술을‬ ‪자체 개발 했는지 아닌지에 따라서‬The direction of the defense lies completely on whether or not Ihwa developed the technology themselves.
‪변론 반향이 바뀝니다‬developed the technology themselves.
‪진실이 뭔지 확인해야 합니다‬developed the technology themselves. We have to find out what the facts are.
‪(민우) 아니, 그럼‬ ‪우영우 변호사는 확인해요‬That's great. Why don't you go and find out?
‪난 나대로 할 테니까‬And I'll do my own thing.
‪근데 그, 진실이 뭐냐고‬But never interrogate clients for the facts
‪의뢰인을 추궁하듯이‬ ‪너무 막 그러지 마요‬But never interrogate clients for the facts like you were just doing, all right? Or we'll be canned together.
‪나까지 잘릴라‬Or we'll be canned together.
‪[당황한 소리]‬[scoffs]
‪의뢰인은 갑, 우린 을, 그건 알죠?‬We are employed by the client.
‪갑, 을‬Client employee.
‪(민우) 가만 보면‬ ‪우영우 변호사는‬It seems to me like you never solve the case quietly, do you?
‪조용히 해결하는 사건이‬ ‪없는 거 같아, 어‬It seems to me like you never solve the case quietly, do you? Ugh.
‪아, 그때 그‬ ‪상정약품 회장님한테도‬Like when you were removed from the case
‪심기 거스르는 소리 하다가‬ ‪잘렸었잖아요‬for upsetting the head of Sangjeong Pharmaceutical.
‪무슨 우당탕탕 우영우도 아니고‬You're more like Wild Card Young-woo.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪우, 우…‬Wi… Wi… [gasps]
‪우당탕탕 우영우요?‬"Wild Card Young-woo"?
‪이 권모술수 권민우가!‬You're Tactician Kwon Min-woo!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music]
‪이 권, 권, 권모…‬Ta… What… I'm…
‪권모술수?‬What did you say?
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪[영우가 테이블을 탁 짚는다]‬
‪[와르르 쏟아지는 소리]‬ ‪(진종) 양심에 찔리지도 않냐!‬[Jin-jong] Do you even have a conscience? [Du-yong] Listen, I told you, we never went there!
‪(두용) 그러니까‬ ‪우리는 거기를 안 갔다고요!‬[Du-yong] Listen, I told you, we never went there!
‪(진종) 거짓말 좀 하지 마!‬Stop lying already!
‪우리나라 ATM 회사 중에‬What Korean ATM company has never gone to the Chicago exhibition?
‪시카고 박람회‬ ‪안 가 본 업체가 어디 있어!‬What Korean ATM company has never gone to the Chicago exhibition?
‪시카고에서 새 기술 발표되면‬ ‪다들 따라 했잖아!‬Everytime new tech was presented there, everyone copied it!
‪(두용) 금강이 따라 하나 보죠!‬ ‪이화는 아닙니다‬Geumgang may have done that, but Ihwa is respectable!
‪우리 개발부 직원들이‬ ‪전부 다 달려들어서‬Employees on our Development Team all came together and toiled for years to make it.
‪몇 년을 고생고생하면서‬ ‪만든 거예요‬and toiled for years to make it.
‪이 기술 훔쳐 간 걸로 부족합니까?‬Is it not enough that you stole this technology?
‪왜 남의 노력까지‬ ‪후려치려 그래요?‬Why rebuff other people's hard work too?
‪(진종) 노력? 무슨 노력?‬"Hard work"? What hard work?
‪[진종이 성낸다]‬ ‪(민우) 봐요‬-Look. -[Jin-jong] The hard work of playing dirty
‪둘 중에 누가‬ ‪거짓말하는지 알겠어요?‬-to drive another company… -Can you tell which one of them -is not telling the truth? -…out of business?
‪(두용) 아니, 근데 이 양반이‬[Du-yong] Why do you keep disrespecting me, old man?
‪아까부터‬ ‪왜 이렇게 자꾸 반말이실까?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Du-yong] Why do you keep disrespecting me, old man? You think 'cause you're CEO you can just talk to me like that?
‪사장이면 다예요?‬You think 'cause you're CEO you can just talk to me like that?
‪(진종) 뭐? '이 양반'?‬[Jin-jong] What? "Old man"?
‪'이 양반'?‬-"Old man"? -That's me being nice.
‪(두용) 양반이면‬ ‪곱게 불러 드린 거지!‬-"Old man"? -That's me being nice. You want me to say what's really in my mind to you?
‪뭐, 속엣말 한번 해 드려?‬You want me to say what's really in my mind to you?
‪(진종) 그래, 어디 해 봐!‬-[Jin-jong] Yeah, go ahead! Do it! -You can't, can you?
‪(민우) 모르겠죠?‬ ‪[진종과 두용이 연신 다툰다]‬-[Jin-jong] Yeah, go ahead! Do it! -You can't, can you? So why bother asking
‪근데 뭘 물어봐요‬So why bother asking when you can't even tell which one of them is lying?
‪사실인지 거짓인지‬ ‪구분도 못 하면서‬when you can't even tell which one of them is lying?
‪(두용) 막 우기면은‬ ‪될 거라고 생각을 하시나 본데요‬[Du-yong] …is supposed to be the law, huh?
‪분명히 말씀드리지만‬[Du-yong] …is supposed to be the law, huh? Well, I'll tell you this.
‪당신네들처럼 이렇게‬ ‪수준 떨어지는 짓 안 합니다‬Well, I'll tell you this. We won't lower our standards like you and your people. [Jin-jong] You have standards?
‪(진종) 수준?‬[Jin-jong] You have standards?
‪우리는 우리 노력으로‬ ‪여기까지 왔고‬[Jin-jong] You have standards? That's right! We put in hours of backbreaking hard work
‪(두용) 그에 걸맞은 정당한 권리를‬ ‪주장을 하고 있는 거예요‬That's right! We put in hours of backbreaking hard work and we will get the model utility rights because we deserve them!
‪그러니까 금강도‬and we will get the model utility rights because we deserve them! So Geumgang should stop trying to piggyback
‪남의 노력에 이렇게‬ ‪무임승차할 생각 하지 마시고‬So Geumgang should stop trying to piggyback on other people's hard work and…
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(그라미) 참참참!‬Cham, cham, cham! [clatters]
‪[그라미의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Geu-ra-mi grunts]
‪[영우가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬Cham, cham, cham!
‪- (영우) 참참참!‬ ‪- (그라미) 참!‬Cham, cham, cham!
‪(그라미) 아이씨‬[sighs] [clanks]
‪[그라미의 한숨]‬Cham, cham, cham!
‪- (영우) 참참참!‬ ‪- (그라미) 참!‬Cham, cham, cham!
‪[그라미의 한숨]‬[clanks] Cham, cham, cham!
‪- (영우) 참참참!‬ ‪- (그라미) 참!‬Cham, cham, cham!
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[clanks]
‪(그라미) 야, 너 왜 이렇게 잘해?‬Hey! Why are you so good? It's not fair.
‪대회 나가‬Hey! Why are you so good? It's not fair.
‪그런데 참참참을 잘하는 것과‬Is there really a connection between being good at Cham Cham Cham
‪참과 거짓 구분을 잘하는 것이‬ ‪과연 상관이 있을까?‬Is there really a connection between being good at Cham Cham Cham and differentiating between true and false?
‪[헛웃음 치며] 야‬[scoffs] Hey. Are you doubting my training method?
‪너 지금 내 방법을 의심하냐?‬Are you doubting my training method?
‪저 책들은 뭐라는데?‬What do those books say?
‪(영우) 음, 사람이 거짓말을 하면‬[Young-woo] Hmm… If a person is lying, their body releases a chemical called "catecholamine."
‪카테콜아민이라는‬ ‪화학 물질이 분비돼‬If a person is lying, their body releases a chemical called "catecholamine."
‪코 내부 조직이 부풀어 오른대‬Which causes the membrane and the nose to swell.
‪'피노키오'는‬ ‪사실에 근거한 동화였던 거야‬Which causes the membrane and the nose to swell. Pinocchio was actually a story that was based on facts.
‪또 거짓말을 하면 혈압이 상승해‬And when a person lies, their blood pressure rises
‪코끝 신경 조직이 자극을 받아‬and stimulates the nose, right at the tip, making it feel itchy.
‪코가 간지러운 느낌이 든대‬and stimulates the nose, right at the tip, making it feel itchy.
‪(그라미) 그 말 들으니까‬ ‪지금 코 완전 간지러워‬Hearing that is making my nose get all itchy.
‪지금 이 말 참이야? 거짓이야?‬Was I being truthful or not?
‪(영우) 으응?‬ ‪[그라미의 헛웃음]‬-Mm. -Hey.
‪야, 구라 좀 쳤다고‬-Mm. -Hey. What kind of person's nose grows then suddenly gets super itchy
‪코가 커지고‬ ‪긁어 대는 사람이 어디 있냐?‬What kind of person's nose grows then suddenly gets super itchy
‪난 세상에 그런 사람‬ ‪하나도 못 봤다‬just 'cause they lie to someone?
‪(그라미) 야, 다 필요 없고‬I've never seen that in my life, stick to Cham Cham Cham, you'll be okay.
‪참참참 하나만 기억해‬I've never seen that in my life, stick to Cham Cham Cham, you'll be okay.
‪상대의 눈을 딱 봐‬Right here. Look straight into their eyeballs.
‪상대의 눈을 딱 보는 게‬Looking into their eyeballs is really hard for someone who is autistic.
‪자폐인한테는‬ ‪세상에서 제일 어려운 일이야‬is really hard for someone who is autistic.
‪아, 맞네‬Oh. Right. Then look between their eyebrows. Stare right into their third eye.
‪그러면 미간을 봐‬Then look between their eyebrows. Stare right into their third eye.
‪이 진실의 미간‬Then look between their eyebrows. Stare right into their third eye.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪그러고 있다 보면‬ ‪느낌이 싹 온다고‬The area of truth. You will then get a sudden suspicion.
‪상대의 말이 참이면‬And if what they're communicating is true,
‪참참참 하는 느낌이 오고‬And if what they're communicating is true, cham, cham, cham, you'll know that it's true.
‪(그라미) 구라다 싶으면은‬If they're lying, a terrible, awful feeling of lie, lie, lie will come to you.
‪'구라 구라 구라'‬ ‪하는 느낌이 온다고‬If they're lying, a terrible, awful feeling of lie, lie, lie will come to you.
‪알겠냐?‬You got it?
‪(영우) 응‬-Mm-hmm. -Good!
‪(그라미) 자, 이제‬ ‪내가 먼저 맞혀 볼게‬-Mm-hmm. -Good! I'll guess first. You test me on anything that comes to mind.
‪너 아무 말이나 해 봐‬I'll guess first. You test me on anything that comes to mind.
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm…
‪'나는 권민우 변호사에게‬ ‪지고 싶지 않다'‬I don't want to lose against Attorney Kwon Min-woo.
‪권민우?‬Kwon Min-woo?
‪그 잘생긴 사람?‬-The cute one? -What?
‪어?‬-The cute one? -What?
‪아니, 이준호 말고 권민우‬No, not Jun-ho. Min-woo.
‪어, 이준호 말고 권민우‬Yeah. I know who I'm talking about. The good-looking guy.
‪잘생긴 사람‬Yeah. I know who I'm talking about. The good-looking guy.
‪(영우) 으응?‬Hmm…
‪근데 권민우 왜?‬So, what about Min-woo?
‪음, 이 사건 권민우 변호사랑‬ ‪같이 하고 있는데‬Well, it's just that, he and I are working on this case.
‪(영우) 음‬[grunts]
‪권민우 변호사는‬Attorney Kwon is…
‪권민우 변호사는?‬Attorney Kwon is?
‪재수 없어‬A real jerk.
‪참이네‬That's true.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪너 지금 완전 이기고 싶네, 권민우‬You really want to beat Attorney Kwon right now.
‪응, 맞아‬Mm, I do.
‪좋아, 이제 네 차례야‬Okay, it's your turn now.
‪(그라미) 집중해!‬ ‪참참참의 정신으로‬Remember, Cham Cham Cham will guide you.
‪집중해, 참참참의 정신으로!‬"Remember, Cham Cham Cham will guide you."
‪응, 준비됐나?‬Mm, are you ready?
‪(영우) 응‬Mm.
‪[흥미로운 효과음]‬
‪'이준호는 우영우를'‬Lee Jun-ho, he likes…
‪'좋아한다'‬Woo Young-woo.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬Hmm? Hmm. What are you doing?
‪(영우) 응?‬Hmm? Hmm. What are you doing?
‪응? 뭐야, 그게?‬Hmm? Hmm. What are you doing?
‪아, 맞혀 보라고‬You're supposed to guess. I know the answer already.
‪안다고, 내가 정답을‬You're supposed to guess. I know the answer already.
‪네가 그걸 어떻게 알아?‬How would you know the answer?
‪너희 낙조마을 갔어? 안 갔어?‬Didn't you two go to Nakjo Village together?
‪낙조마을?‬Nakjo Village?
‪갔어‬We did.
‪자, '이준호는 우영우를'‬Now. Lee Jun-ho likes Woo Young-woo…
‪'좋아한다'‬a lot.
‪(그라미) 참이야?‬The truth…
‪거짓이야?‬or a lie?
‪[민우의 탄식]‬[grunts]
‪[준호의 웃음]‬
‪(민우) 어이!‬Hey.
‪[민우의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[민우의 탄식]‬[Min-woo grunts]
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[phone chimes]
‪- (민우) 야, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (준호) 어, 어‬-Give me a sec. -Yeah, go ahead.
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪(민우) 예, 장 변호사님‬ ‪[공이 골대에 탁 맞는다]‬Yes, Attorney Jang.
‪아니요, 아니요‬ ‪아니요, 아니요, 아니요‬No, no. Uh, just playing basketball.
‪지금 농구 중이었습니다‬No, no. Uh, just playing basketball.
‪우영우 변호사요?‬Attorney Woo?
‪예, 예, 알죠, 알죠‬[Min-woo] Yes. Yes, I know.
‪이번 사건 같이 합니다‬We're on this case together.
‪아, 우 변한테는 그, 장애…‬You know she has a handicap, though, right?
‪아니, 핸디캡이 있잖아요‬You know she has a handicap, though, right?
‪예, 그래서 어쩔 수 없이‬Yes, unfortunately, there are some things I have to handle.
‪제가 안고 가야 되는‬ ‪부분이 생기네요‬Yes, unfortunately, there are some things I have to handle.
‪아이, 수고는요, 무슨‬Uh, no, it's no trouble.
‪남들은 시간 내서‬ ‪봉사 활동도 가는데‬There's people who make time for volunteer work, right?
‪예? 저도 이 정도는 해야죠‬It's the least I can do. Isn't it?
‪안 그렇습니까?‬It's the least I can do. Isn't it?
‪[민우의 웃음]‬[Min-woo chuckles] Yes. Yes, all right.
‪아, 예, 예, 알겠습니다‬ ‪[공을 퉁퉁 튀긴다]‬[Min-woo chuckles] Yes. Yes, all right.
‪예, 그럼 조만간‬ ‪식사 한번 하시죠‬Let's grab dinner soon, all right?
‪예, 들어가십시오, 충성‬Sounds good. Salute!
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[rock music]
‪야, 가자, 가자‬All right, let's go.
‪야, 내 차례인가?‬My turn or yours?
‪네 차례인가?‬ ‪[민우의 힘주는 신음]‬My turn or yours? [grunts]
‪그래, 너부터인가? 해‬Okay. You first? Okay.
‪[민우의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[민우의 놀란 소리]‬[Min-woo grunts]
‪[민우의 아파하는 신음]‬[Min-woo grunts]
‪아, 왜 이래! 아, 야‬Oh, man, what the hell? Hey!
‪아, 페어플레이합시다‬ ‪페어플레이, 아…‬Come on, bro. What about fair play?
‪뭐, 페어플레이?‬What? Fair play?
‪너나 하세요, 페어플레이‬Don't talk to me about fair play.
‪(민우) 아니‬ ‪자기가 이기고 있으면서‬Jeez, what's your problem, man? You were freaking winning.
‪왜 성질인 거야, 진짜?‬Jeez, what's your problem, man? You were freaking winning.
‪아, 아파‬[Min-woo groans]
‪(광호) 여기 나왔습니다‬-[Gwang-ho] All right, there you go. -[man 1] Oh, thank you.
‪(손님1) 아, 감사합니다‬-[Gwang-ho] All right, there you go. -[man 1] Oh, thank you.
‪- (광호) 예, 맛있게 드세요‬ ‪- (손님1) 예‬-[Gwang-ho] All right, there you go. -[man 1] Oh, thank you. -[Gwang-ho] Of course, enjoy. -[man 2] Excuse me,
‪(손님2) 사장님‬ ‪여기 치즈김밥 아직 안 나왔어요‬-[Gwang-ho] Of course, enjoy. -[man 2] Excuse me, I haven't gotten my cheese gimbap yet.
‪(광호) 예, 금방 나갑니다‬ ‪잠깐만 기다리세요, 네‬Oh, yes. Right away, sir. Just a moment, please.
‪어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪(손님3) 아니, 무슨 김밥이‬ ‪3천5백 원, 4천 원씩 해?‬What kind of gimbap costs 3,500, 4,000?
‪무서워서 못 먹겠네‬Expensive, don't you think?
‪아이고, 요즘 물가가 다 그렇죠‬Yeah, it's the economy. Cost of ingredients have gone through the roof.
‪재룟값이 얼마인데요‬Cost of ingredients have gone through the roof.
‪재룟값이 얼마든‬ ‪그래 봤자 김밥인데‬It doesn't matter how much things cost for you. Gimbap is still gimbap.
‪(손님3) 김밥이 무슨‬Gimbap is still gimbap.
‪아유, 비싸‬[woman 1] My lord, that's expensive.
‪여기 좀 빨리 치워 줘요‬-Hurry and clear this table for me. -[Gwang-ho] Oh, sure.
‪(광호) 아아, 예‬ ‪[손님3이 구시렁거린다]‬-Hurry and clear this table for me. -[Gwang-ho] Oh, sure. -[woman 2] That was delicious. Thank you. -[Gwang-ho] Thank you. Take care.
‪예, 안녕히 가세요‬-[woman 2] That was delicious. Thank you. -[Gwang-ho] Thank you. Take care.
‪[흥미로운 효과음]‬[tinkles]
‪방금 속으로 저 여성이‬ ‪진상이라고 생각했습니까?‬Did you think that lady just now was a rude customer?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪- (광호) 뭐?‬ ‪- (손님3) 뭐라는 거야?‬-What? -What did she say?
‪(손님3) 아니, 지금 나보고‬ ‪진상이라고 한 거예요?‬Huh? Did you just say I'm a rude customer?
‪대답해 보십시오‬Please answer me. Then I'll guess if it's true.
‪그럼 제가 참인지…‬Please answer me. Then I'll guess if it's true.
‪(손님3) 아니, 김밥이 비싸니까‬ ‪비싸다고 한 거지!‬I just said it's expensive because it is expensive.
‪진상이라니?‬[woman 1] How dare you?
‪아침부터 사람 기분 나쁘게‬Now you've just ruined my good mood.
‪(광호) 아유, 죄, 죄송합니다‬ ‪죄송합니다‬Apologies, I'm sorry. So sorry.
‪둘이 뭐야, 아저씨 딸이야?‬Who's this anyway? Is this your daughter?
‪(손님3) 딸 입 빌려서‬ ‪손님한테 욕한 거야, 지금?‬You allow your daughter to badmouth customers?
‪아이고‬Oh, no…
‪딸 아니에요‬That's not my daughter.
‪손님도 이만 나가세요‬Okay, Miss, you should go.
‪(영우) 어?‬Mm?
‪[깨갱 하는 효과음]‬
‪[당황한 소리]‬
‪예, 아저씨‬Yes, sir.
‪(광호) 안녕히 가세요‬Goodbye.
‪송무 팀에‬ ‪전직 형사였던 분이 계셨어요‬Someone on the litigation team was a former detective.
‪(준호) 근데 그분이‬ ‪늘 하시던 말씀이‬And he would always say to me,
‪'사람의 몸에서‬ ‪가장 정직한 부분은'‬"The most honest part of the human body is the leg, and after that, the hand."
‪'다리, 그다음은 손이다'‬"The most honest part of the human body is the leg, and after that, the hand."
‪다리, 그다음은‬The leg? And after that…
‪- 손이요?‬ ‪- (준호) 네‬-the hand? -Yeah.
‪이 머리에서 멀어질수록‬ ‪완벽하게 통제하기가 어렵대요‬The farther it is from the head, the harder it is to keep it under control.
‪(준호) 뭐, 얼굴 표정은 꾸며 내도‬You know, you can fake a facial expression,
‪다리가 떨리고‬You know, you can fake a facial expression, but it's harder for people to control shaky legs or sweaty palms.
‪뭐, 손바닥이 축축한 건‬ ‪조절하기 힘드니까요‬but it's harder for people to control shaky legs or sweaty palms.
‪그리고 또 뭐가 있더라?‬And what else?
‪아, 당장이라도‬ ‪튀어 나갈 것처럼 앉아 있다든가‬Ah, if someone's sitting like they're ready to bolt out of the room,
‪꼭 의자에 묶인 사람처럼‬or if they have their arms stuck to their body,
‪양팔을 몸에‬ ‪이렇게 딱 붙이고 있다든가‬or if they have their arms stuck to their body, like they're strapped to the chair, right?
‪아니면 손으로 허벅지를‬ ‪계속 뭐, 쓰다듬는다든가‬Or, uh, if they keep rubbing their thighs with their hands. He said those things could be signs that the person is lying.
‪뭐, 그런 게 거짓말의‬ ‪신호일 수 있다고 하셨어요‬He said those things could be signs that the person is lying.
‪[한숨]‬Mm. Though Geu-ra-mi told me to look in between the eyes.
‪동그라미는 미간을 보라고 했는데‬Mm. Though Geu-ra-mi told me to look in between the eyes.
‪전직 형사님은‬ ‪다리와 손이 제일 중요하다 하시고‬That detective said the legs and hands are the most important.
‪(영우) 결국 온몸을‬ ‪다 봐야 하는 겁니까?‬Ultimately, I have to watch the whole body? This is quite difficult.
‪참 어렵습니다‬This is quite difficult.
‪그냥 편안하게‬ ‪대화하시는 게 어때요?‬Why not just have a casual conversation?
‪변호사님의 직감을 믿고요‬Try trusting your instincts.
‪[한숨]‬I can't trust my instincts.
‪제 직감은 꽝입니다‬I can't trust my instincts.
‪자폐인들은 남의 말에 잘 속고‬People with autism are well-known for being fooled easily
‪(영우) 거짓말을‬ ‪못하기로 유명합니다‬People with autism are well-known for being fooled easily and not being able to lie.
‪만약 남에게 속아 넘어가기‬ ‪대회가 있다면‬If there were a competition for getting tricked, an autistic person would easily win.
‪자폐인이 1등 할 거예요‬an autistic person would easily win.
‪씁, 왜죠?‬Why is that?
‪음, 자폐를 가진 분들이‬ ‪순수해서 그런 걸까요?‬Hmm, is it because people with autism are innocent by nature?
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm…
‪그렇다기보다는‬It's more like
‪사람들은 나와 너로‬ ‪이루어진 세계에 살지만‬people live in a world that's made up of me and you, but people with autism are used to living in a world that's made up of only me.
‪자폐인은 나로만‬ ‪이루어진 세계에 사는 데‬but people with autism are used to living in a world that's made up of only me.
‪더 익숙해서 그렇습니다‬but people with autism are used to living in a world that's made up of only me.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪사람들이 나와는‬ ‪다른 생각을 할 수 있다는 거‬People can think differently from how I do.
‪다른 의도를 갖고‬ ‪날 속일 수도 있다는 걸‬Or trick me with different intentions.
‪머리로는 이해하지만‬ ‪자꾸만 잊어버려요‬I understand this in my head, but I keep forgetting.
‪거짓말에 속지 않으려면‬I always have to make a conscious effort so I don't get tricked by lies.
‪매 순간 의식적으로‬ ‪노력해야 합니다‬I always have to make a conscious effort so I don't get tricked by lies.
‪이런 이야기 도움이 돼요‬These stories are helpful.
‪도움이 돼요?‬They're helpful?
‪제가 변호사님을 이해하는 데‬ ‪도움이 돼요‬They help me understand things about you.
‪(영우) 음‬Mm.
‪"이화 ATM 회사"‬
‪영업부 황두용 부장님‬ ‪만나러 왔습니다‬We're here for the Director of Sales, Hwang Du-yong?
‪(경비) 아, 예‬ ‪이쪽으로 가시면 됩니다‬We're here for the Director of Sales, Hwang Du-yong? Oh, yes, it's this way.
‪- (준호) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (경비) 네‬-Great. Thank you. -Sure thing.
‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬
‪씁, 변호사님‬Attorney Woo.
‪(준호) 우리 연습해 볼까요?‬How about we practice?
‪지금부터 제가‬ ‪황두용 부장님이에요‬So let's pretend that I'm Director Hwang Du-yong.
‪변호사님이 저한테 질문을 하시면‬So, you try to ask me a question, and I'll answer it.
‪제가 대답을 해 볼게요‬So, you try to ask me a question, and I'll answer it.
‪그게 사실인지 아닌지‬ ‪한번 맞혀 보세요‬Then you guess if it's true or not true.
‪[흥미로운 효과음]‬
‪해 보겠습니다‬All right, I'll try. Cham Cham Cham demands the truth.
‪참참참의 정신으로‬All right, I'll try. Cham Cham Cham demands the truth.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪참, 참참참이요?‬Cham Cham Cham? Okay.
‪'이준호는'‬Lee Jun-ho
‪'우영우를 좋아한다'‬likes Attorney Woo Young-woo.
‪사실입니까?‬Is this true?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[mellow music]
‪(준호) 그건‬That is…
‪황두용 부장님이 대답하기엔‬too hard of…. Too hard of a question
‪너무 어, 어려운 질문이네요‬for Director Hwang Du-yong to answer.
‪연습 문제였습니다‬That's a practice question.
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(민우) 저…‬Hello.
‪혹시 리더스…‬-[Min-woo] Are you from Leaders? -Ah, yeah.
‪아, 예, 예, 예‬-[Min-woo] Are you from Leaders? -Ah, yeah.
‪아, 와 주셔서 감사합니다‬Ah. Thank you so much for coming. Attorney Kwon. We spoke earlier.
‪전화드렸던 권민우입니다‬Attorney Kwon. We spoke earlier.
‪(남자) 아, 반갑습니다‬Attorney Kwon. We spoke earlier. -Oh, nice to meet you. -Please sit.
‪(민우) 앉으시죠‬-Oh, nice to meet you. -Please sit.
‪(남자) 아, 근데‬ ‪제 연락처는 어떻게…‬So, how did you get my info?
‪아, 제가 아는 분한테 물어물어‬[sighs] I just asked around and was finally able to get a hold of your number.
‪과장님 번호를 겨우 얻었습니다‬and was finally able to get a hold of your number.
‪(남자) 아…‬[man] Mm. It's a quite a lot of effort to get any of your coworkers' information.
‪다들 어디로 숨으셨는지‬ ‪연락처 찾기 너무 어렵더라고요‬It's a quite a lot of effort to get any of your coworkers' information.
‪그, 용건 말씀해 주시죠‬So, what's this about then?
‪예, 카세트 보안 장치 아시죠?‬Yeah. You remember the Leaders cassette, don't you?
‪(남자) 아, 예, 예, 알죠‬[man] Uh, yes, yes, I do.
‪이화 건가 봐요?‬That must be Ihwa's?
‪네, 근데 리더스에서도‬Yes. That is theirs, however, Leaders had developed a similar cassette.
‪비슷한 카세트를‬ ‪만드셨던 걸로 아는데요‬Yes. That is theirs, however, Leaders had developed a similar cassette.
‪음, 비슷하다기보다는, 하‬Hmm, more like the same than similar.
‪똑같죠, 똑같은 카세트죠‬Hmm, more like the same than similar. It's the exact same cassette.
‪그게 2019년 시카고 박람회에서‬Leaders cassette used the open-source tech from the 2019 exhibition in Chicago?
‪공개된 기술로 만드신 건가요?‬Leaders cassette used the open-source tech from the 2019 exhibition in Chicago?
‪예, 예‬Yes. [sighs]
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아, 쯧, 그때 우리가‬ ‪업계 1위 한번 해 보겠다고‬Yes. [sighs] I can still remember we all broke our backs
‪일 진짜로 빡세게 했거든요‬to be number one in the industry.
‪(남자) 시카고 박람회가‬ ‪4월 달에 열리는데‬Since the Chicago exhibition was held in April,
‪같은 해 10월 달에 이미 우리는‬ ‪제품 생산화를 했으니까‬we were already trying to manufacture the product in October of that year.
‪그렇게 무리하지 말았어야 됐는데‬It was a bad idea to push that hard, though.
‪쯧, 후회되죠‬It was a bad idea to push that hard, though. I regret it.
‪그때 너무 달렸어‬We overworked ourselves. We stayed up every night to keep the factory running,
‪맨날 밤새워서 공장 돌리느라‬We stayed up every night to keep the factory running,
‪정작 중요한 데서‬ ‪미스가 난 거예요‬but we made a mistake with an important part.
‪(남자) 수표 인식에‬ ‪오류가 생겼거든요‬That there was an error with the bill recognition.
‪그것 때문에‬As a result,
‪야심 차게 준비한 신제품‬ ‪전부 반품 처리 되고‬the new product that we all had worked so hard to prepare was all refunded, and eventually,
‪결국, 쯧‬was all refunded, and eventually,
‪회사가 망했죠‬the company went under.
‪그럼 현재 시중에 남아 있는‬ ‪리더스 제품은 하나도 없습니까?‬So currently, no Leaders products at all remain in the market, right?
‪(남자) 뭐, 전부 폐기됐죠, 뭐‬Well, they were all disposed of.
‪이제는 뭐, 세상에 없는 거죠, 뭐‬Now, there aren't any more in existence.
‪[웃으며] 아, 왠지, 왠지 슬프네요‬[sighs] For some reason, it makes me sad.
‪그때 정말 열심히 만들었는데‬We really worked so hard.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪[기계 작동음]‬[quirky music]
‪(직원3) 황 부장님 사무실은‬ ‪이쪽입니다‬Director Hwang's office is this way.
‪(준호) 아, 네, 감사합니다‬Oh, yes. Thank you.
‪(영우) 미간, 다리, 손‬Legs and hands.
‪미간, 다리, 손‬Between the eyes. Legs and hands.
‪미간, 다리, 손‬Legs and hands.
‪(직원3) 손님 오셨습니다‬-[man] Your guests are here. -Ah. Oh, great.
‪(두용) 어, 어, 어‬ ‪[두용의 힘주는 숨소리]‬-[man] Your guests are here. -Ah. Oh, great.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[tense music]
‪미간도‬Between the eyes,
‪손도‬and hand…
‪다쳤습니다‬They're all banged up.
‪(두용) 교통사고 났어요‬I was in an accident. Uh… It looks like you're badly injured.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(준호) 아‬ ‪많이 다치신 거 아니에요?‬Uh… It looks like you're badly injured.
‪이렇게 일하셔도 괜찮으세요?‬Should you be working like this?
‪네, 괜찮아요‬Yeah, I'm good, though.
‪어, 우리 변호사님이랑‬ ‪한바다 분이 여기까지 오신다는데‬Attorney Woo and someone from Hanbada came all this way. How could I just stay in bed at the hospital?
‪제가 어떻게 병원에만‬ ‪누워 있겠습니까‬ ‪[웃음]‬How could I just stay in bed at the hospital?
‪미간도 다리도 손도…‬Between the eyes, legs, and hand… Uh…
‪(준호) 다치셔서‬ ‪많이 힘드시겠어요‬Work must be hard because of your injuries.
‪예, 뭐‬Yeah, but…
‪아, 제품 개발 관련해서‬ ‪물어본다고 하셨죠?‬Ah, you had some questions concerning product development?
‪(두용) 제가 몸도 이렇고‬My work revolves around the sales team,
‪아무래도 영업부라서 잘 몰라요‬so, I don't know about that.
‪예, 우리 담당자‬ ‪만나게 해 드릴게요‬I'll take you to the head of development.
‪가시죠‬This way.
‪[두용의 힘주는 숨소리]‬[Du-yong grunts]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪(두용) 어, 배 팀장‬[Du-yong] Seong-cheol.
‪예, 우리 연구 개발실의‬ ‪배성철 팀장‬This is Manager Bae of our Research and Development lab.
‪신제품을 개발한 주역입니다‬He was the driving force behind development.
‪(성철) 아이, 아이, 주역은요‬-Oh, no, I wouldn't say that. -[Du-yong chuckles]
‪[성철과 두용의 웃음]‬-Oh, no, I wouldn't say that. -[Du-yong chuckles]
‪(두용) 이쪽은‬ ‪한바다 변호사님이랑 직원분‬This is a Hanbada employee and an attorney.
‪(준호) 안녕하세요‬Hello, sir.
‪(두용) 신제품 개발한 얘기‬ ‪들으러 오셨어‬[Du-yong] They're here to learn about the development of the new product.
‪- (두용) 자, 일단 앉으시죠, 뭐‬ ‪- (준호) 네‬-Well, please have a seat. -[Jun-ho] Okay.
‪[두용의 힘주는 숨소리]‬[Du-yong sighs]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪카세트 보안 장치는‬ ‪언제 고안하셨습니까?‬When did you come up with the cassette security device?
‪예? 아…‬What? Uh… When…
‪언제냐고요?‬When did I do it?
‪(성철) 어, 어…‬Um…
‪2019년 말?‬End of 2019? About…
‪2020년 초, 그쯤입니다‬early 2020. Around then.
‪정확히 말씀해 주십시오‬-Please be more specific. -I think November.
‪2019년 말‬-Please be more specific. -I think November.
‪2019년 말입니다‬It was the end of November.
‪고안하시게 된 계기가 있습니까?‬Was there a particular motivation for this?
‪(준호) 아아, 예, 그‬ ‪저희야 당연히‬Yes, well, we are aware that your team at Ihwa ATM
‪이화 ATM 분들이 외국 기술을‬ ‪그냥 가져온 게 아니라‬Yes, well, we are aware that your team at Ihwa ATM didn't simply take the American team's technology, and that you developed it yourselves.
‪자체 개발 하셨다는 걸 알지만‬and that you developed it yourselves.
‪의심하는 사람들도 있으니까요‬But there are some who are suspicious.
‪뭐, 고안하시게 된 계기나‬ ‪과정이 구체적이면‬If what inspired your invention is more specific, it has more credibility in court.
‪더 신빙성이 있으니까‬it has more credibility in court.
‪변호사님이 질문하신 거 같습니다‬It helps for the attorneys to make an argument.
‪[다리를 쓱쓱 쓸며] 아, 씁‬Uh… [nervous chuckle]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(성철) 계기요?‬[Seong-cheol] An inspiration.
‪계기…‬An inspiration.
‪(두용) 배 팀장‬[Du-yong] Seong-cheol.
‪아니, 왜 오늘 뭐, 수줍어?‬What's going on here? You're suddenly shy now?
‪[웃으며] 아니, 말을 해, 말을‬Come on. You keep on repeating, "Inspiration. Inspiration."
‪뭘 '계기, 계기' 이러고 있어‬Come on. You keep on repeating, "Inspiration. Inspiration."
‪계기…‬-Was I? -[Du-yong laughs]
‪[두용의 헛웃음]‬-Was I? -[Du-yong laughs]
‪(두용) 아니, 이 친구가‬ ‪원래 이런 친구가 아니거든요‬[Du-yong] Honestly, guys, he's not usually like this.
‪배 팀장 우리 회사 오기 전에‬ ‪무슨 일 했는 줄 알아요?‬Do you know about what Seong-cheol did prior to working here?
‪무려 배우였다고‬He was an actor.
‪- (준호) 연극배우요?‬ ‪- (두용) 예‬-[Jun-ho] A theater actor? -[Du-yong] Yes!
‪아, 대단하시네요‬ ‪[웃음]‬Oh, that's so cool. [chuckles]
‪그거는 뭐, 저, 옛날에 잠깐‬A long time ago, though. It was another life.
‪단역이요, 단역‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Just little parts. -[men laugh] -Excuse me, Mr. Bae.
‪(영우) 배성철 팀장님‬-[men laugh] -Excuse me, Mr. Bae.
‪2019년에 열린‬ ‪시카고 국제 엔지니어링 페어에‬Did you attend the Chicago International Engineering Fair in 2019?
‪가셨습니까?‬Did you attend the Chicago International Engineering Fair in 2019?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(두용) 아, 근데 변호사님‬ ‪너무 검사 같으시다‬Wow, it felt like you're a prosecutor just now.
‪이렇게 무슨 심문하듯이‬ ‪이렇게 하니까‬It's sounding kind of like you're interrogating us,
‪뭐, 우리가‬ ‪꼭 범인 된 거 같은데?‬It's sounding kind of like you're interrogating us, almost like we've become the suspects.
‪변호사님 우리 편이잖아요‬But you're representing us, right, guys?
‪맞죠?‬But you're representing us, right, guys?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪응, 권민우 변호사님이네‬Oh, Attorney Kwon's calling me.
‪여기서 받을게요‬ ‪일 때문일 테니까‬[Du-yong] I'll take it here since it's probably about the case.
‪예, 충성‬Salute!
‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪아, 통신 보안‬Is this line secure? Hello, Director. I just spoke with the former Leaders employee.
‪예, 부장님‬Hello, Director. I just spoke with the former Leaders employee.
‪부장님이 연락처 주신 분‬ ‪방금 만났습니다‬Hello, Director. I just spoke with the former Leaders employee.
‪리더스 ATM에서‬ ‪일하셨던 분이요‬The one whose number you shared with me.
‪어, 만났어요?‬Oh, is that so?
‪예, 그 리더스 제품들‬Yes, and he confirmed that the Leaders' products
‪전량 반품돼서‬ ‪폐기된 게 맞다고 합니다‬Yes, and he confirmed that the Leaders' products were all disposed of and refunded.
‪시중에서는 절대 찾을 수가 없대요‬They can't be located anywhere in the market.
‪(민우) 그러니까 너무‬ ‪걱정하지 않으셔도 될 거 같아요‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[Min-woo] So I don't think you have to worry about it.
‪금강이 아무리 트집을 잡고 싶어도‬No matter how much Geumgang wants to nitpick,
‪이 제시할 수 있는‬ ‪증거가 없습니다, 증거가‬there's nothing they'll be able to bring as evidence.
‪아유, 우리 권민우 변호사님‬Oh, good. Attorney Kwon for the win!
‪최고지 말입니다‬You're the best, man.
‪어유, 그럼 또‬ ‪연락드리지 말입니다‬Well, I'll be contacting you again.
‪(두용) 예, 예, 들어가십시오‬-[Du-yong] Sure. Sounds good. Take care. -[Min-woo] Goodbye, sir. Salute.
‪(민우) 예, 부장님‬ ‪들어가십시오, 충성‬-[Du-yong] Sure. Sounds good. Take care. -[Min-woo] Goodbye, sir. Salute.
‪(두용) 충성‬Salute!
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(준호) 좋은 소식이네요‬ ‪[준호의 웃음]‬[Jun-ho] That's good news. [chuckles] [Du-yong] Ah, yes, it's all good.
‪(두용) 아, 좋네요‬[Du-yong] Ah, yes, it's all good.
‪그, 어떻게‬ ‪이제 심문하는 거 그만할까요?‬So, um, should we end this interrogation? Since we heard from Mr. Kwon that we don't have to worry.
‪권민우 변호사님도 이렇게‬ ‪걱정하지 말라고 하시는데‬Since we heard from Mr. Kwon that we don't have to worry.
‪금강 ATM이 제시할 증거가‬ ‪없다는 건 다행입니다‬It's great that Geumgang ATM won't have any evidence to submit. But we'll still need to prove that the claim we present is fully accurate.
‪하지만 우리는 우리대로‬But we'll still need to prove that the claim we present is fully accurate.
‪주장하는 바가 사실임을‬ ‪소명해야 합니다‬But we'll still need to prove that the claim we present is fully accurate.
‪배성철 팀장님이‬ ‪개발 과정을 직접 들려준다면‬If Mr. Bae gives a testimony on the development process himself,
‪긍정적인 효과가 있을 것입니다‬I'm sure it would have a positive effect.
‪예?‬Huh? Uh…
‪제가요?‬Huh? Uh… Wait. Uh, you want me to be a witness?
‪(성철) 저더러 증인이 되라고요?‬Wait. Uh, you want me to be a witness?
‪(두용) 씁, 아니, 근데 이게‬Um, was this idea approved by all the other attorneys as well?
‪다른 변호사님들도‬ ‪다 허락한 거 맞아요?‬Um, was this idea approved by all the other attorneys as well?
‪그, 권민우 변호사한테‬ ‪전화를 해서…‬Yeah, how about I give Attorney Kwon a call?
‪이 사건은 가처분 심리 사건이라‬This case is an injunction hearing, so the jargon is a little bit different.
‪(영우) 사용하는 말이‬ ‪조금 다릅니다‬This case is an injunction hearing, so the jargon is a little bit different.
‪원고 대신 채권자‬Obligee, instead of plaintiff. Obligor, instead of defendant.
‪피고 대신 채무자‬Obligor, instead of defendant.
‪증인 대신 참고인이라고 부릅니다‬Reference witness, instead of witness. And the reference witness…
‪그리고 참고인은‬And the reference witness…
‪증인 선서를 하지 않습니다‬doesn't actually need to swear in.
‪다시 말해 위증을 하더라도‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬In other words, even if you commit perjury,
‪위증죄로 처벌받지 않습니다‬you won't be punished for it.
‪손으로 허벅지를‬ ‪쓸어내리는 행동은‬Rubbing your thighs with your hands makes it seem like you're lying.
‪거짓말을 하는 것처럼 보입니다‬Rubbing your thighs with your hands makes it seem like you're lying.
‪증인의 손이‬ ‪증인석 책상 밑에 숨겨져 있으면‬Studies have shown that the jury doesn't appreciate it when the witness' hands are hidden under the witness stand.
‪배심원들이 싫어한다는‬ ‪연구 결과가 있습니다‬when the witness' hands are hidden under the witness stand.
‪가처분 사건엔 배심원이 없지만‬There are no juries in an injunction case,
‪손을 감추는 참고인을‬ ‪신뢰하지 않는 건‬but the judge wouldn't trust a reference witness who always keeps their hands hidden, either.
‪판사도 마찬가지일 것입니다‬who always keeps their hands hidden, either.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪무엇보다 코끝을 긁지 마십시오‬Most importantly, don't scratch the tip of your nose.
‪카테콜아민이 분비된‬ ‪피노키오처럼 보입니다‬You'll look like Pinocchio whose catecholamines were released.
‪(두용) 와, 우리 변호사님 아주‬Wow, how about Attorney Woo?
‪코치 제대로 해 주시네‬You're getting a professional coaching.
‪배 팀장, 뭘 좀 적든지 해‬ ‪[성철의 당황한 소리]‬[Du-yong] Seong-cheol, write this stuff down or something.
‪연극배우셨으니까‬Since you were an actor,
‪잘하실 거라‬I expect that you will…
‪기대하겠습니다‬be good in this role.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪(영우) 이화 ATM의‬ ‪연구 개발부 팀장‬[Young-woo] We request the questioning of the reference witness, Mr. Bae Seong-cheol,
‪배성철 씨에 대한‬ ‪참고인 신문을 신청합니다‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Mr. Bae Seong-cheol, the manager of Research and Development at Ihwa ATM.
‪(재판장1) 네, 채택하겠습니다‬[judge] Yes, I'll allow it.
‪참고인, 나오세요‬Reference witness, step forward.
‪[발랄한 효과음]‬
‪[비장한 효과음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪[발랄한 효과음]‬[quirky music]
‪채권자 대리인부터 신문하세요‬Obligee's attorney, you may ask questions first.
‪[민우의 헛기침]‬
‪(영우) 참고인‬Sir.
‪자기소개해 주십시오‬Introduce yourself.
‪[중후한 목소리로] 제 이름은‬ ‪배성철‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬My name is Bae Seong-cheol.
‪이화 ATM 연구 개발부 팀장입니다‬At Ihwa ATM, I manage Research and Development.
‪이화 ATM이 만든‬The key technology of the 2022 model
‪2022년형 현금 자동 입출금기의‬ ‪핵심 기술은‬The key technology of the 2022 model of automatic teller machines Ihwa made
‪(영우) 보안 장치가 달린‬ ‪카세트입니다‬is the cassette with the security device.
‪네‬Yes. I did it, with these two hands here. I'm proud of the work I did.
‪제가 이 두 손으로 직접‬I did it, with these two hands here. I'm proud of the work I did.
‪개발한 카세트입니다‬I did it, with these two hands here. I'm proud of the work I did.
‪(영우) 언제 처음 개발하셨습니까?‬[Young-woo] When did you first develop it?
‪때는 2019년 겨울‬ ‪[아련한 음악]‬The winter of 2019. It was an unusually cold day in November.
‪무척이나 추웠던‬ ‪11월의 어느 날이었습니다‬It was an unusually cold day in November.
‪카세트 보안 장치를 개발하게 된‬ ‪특별한 계기가 있습니까?‬Was there a particular thing that motivated you to create the cassette security device?
‪그해 겨울엔 유독‬That winter, there were many embezzlement cases through rigged ATMs.
‪ATM을 조작한‬ ‪횡령 사건이 많았습니다‬That winter, there were many embezzlement cases through rigged ATMs.
‪그러다 보니‬ ‪상부에서 지시가 내려왔어요‬I remember our boss gave us a clear directive.
‪(성철) '새로운 카세트를‬ ‪만들어라'‬[Seong-cheol] "Create a new cassette."
‪'거짓말과 속임수가 통하지 않는'‬"Create an innovative and honest cassette, a cassette where embezzlement won't work."
‪'정직한 카세트를 만들어 보아라'‬"Create an innovative and honest cassette, a cassette where embezzlement won't work."
‪(영우) 개발 과정을‬ ‪설명해 주시겠습니까?‬And would you explain the development process?
‪이화 ATM‬ ‪연구 개발부원들의 피와 땀‬It was tireless work for Ihwa's Development Team. We never gave up.
‪그보다 더 정확한 설명이‬ ‪가능할까요?‬I couldn't think of a more accurate description than that.
‪2020년 10월‬Until October 2020, when we applied for model utility rights for the device.
‪카세트 보안 장치로‬ ‪실용신안을 출원할 때까지‬Until October 2020, when we applied for model utility rights for the device. And even then, we just kept pushing ourselves every single day.
‪우리의 도전은‬ ‪지칠 줄 모르고 계속되었습니다‬And even then, we just kept pushing ourselves every single day.
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪(진종) 지금 무슨 연극합니까!‬Are you putting on some kind of play?
‪남의 기술 갖다 쓴 걸‬ ‪뻔히 아는데!‬Obviously, you took someone else's tech!
‪(재판장1) 채무자‬ ‪그, 발언 기회 충분히 드릴 테니까‬Obligor, you will have an opportunity to talk.
‪신문 중에는 끼어들지 마세요‬Don't interrupt these proceedings.
‪(영우) 참고인‬ ‪단도직입적으로 묻겠습니다‬I'm going to be straightforward and ask you.
‪2019년 미국에서 열린‬Were you at the Chicago Engineering Fair that was held in 2019 in the United States?
‪시카고 국제 엔지니어링 페어에‬ ‪가셨습니까?‬that was held in 2019 in the United States?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪참고인?‬Excuse me?
‪[성철의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[sniffling continues]
‪[성철이 흐느낀다]‬[Seong-cheol sobbing]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪(성철) 재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪이화 ATM‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Ihwa ATM…
‪정말 작은 회사입니다‬is a very small company.
‪연구 개발부라 해 봐야‬ ‪다섯 명이에요‬There's only five people in Research and Development, sir.
‪그 다섯이‬And they all
‪(성철) 머리를 맞대고‬ ‪마음을 모아서‬put their heads and hearts together and researched and developed for days.
‪몇 날 며칠을‬ ‪연구하고 개발했습니다‬put their heads and hearts together and researched and developed for days.
‪남의 기술 갖다 썼다고‬ ‪모함이나 받기에는‬This really is unbelievable to think that…
‪우리의 도전이 너무‬that we would stoop so low as to steal something?
‪너무 아깝습니다‬that we would stoop so low as to steal something?
‪사람들 생각이야 다 비슷하니‬Innovators are all after the same idea
‪비슷한 시기에‬ ‪비슷한 제품이 나올 수 있죠‬and similar products are released around the same time.
‪하지만‬ ‪[성철이 흐느낀다]‬But no!
‪남의 기술 베껴 놓고‬ ‪거짓말을 하는‬Lying about copying someone's technology?
‪자체 개발 했다고 거짓말하는‬ ‪우리 그런 회사 아닙니다‬We're not the kind of company to lie about developing something ourselves, Your Honor.
‪저기 앉아 계신‬ ‪황 부장님이나 저나‬Neither Director Hwang, or myself…
‪절대로 그런 사람 아니라고요‬We would never do such a thing.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[성철의 한숨]‬[sobs]
‪(진종) 재판장님‬[Jin-jong] Your Honor.
‪남의 기술 갖다 쓰는 데에도‬Stealing another company's tech still takes blood, sweat, and tears
‪몇 날 며칠‬ ‪밤새우는 노력은 필요합니다!‬Stealing another company's tech still takes blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen.
‪아, 원래 다 그래요!‬It's always hard work.
‪그, 아까도 말했지만‬Like I said before, we're in the middle of questioning, sir.
‪지금 참고인 신문 중이니까…‬we're in the middle of questioning, sir.
‪이제 지금 쇼하는 거지‬ ‪참고인 신문입니까!‬This isn't questioning, this is a show!
‪저 사람들 새빨간 거짓말‬ ‪밝힐 증거 찾느라고‬I'm going through every junk shop in the entire country
‪(진종) 내가 지금‬ ‪전국 고물상을 뒤지고 있어요‬to find evidence that will expose their outrageous lie!
‪리더스에서 만든 그 카세트‬ ‪그거 하나만 찾으면…‬I just need to find one cassette that Leaders manufactured…
‪그래서 찾았습니까?‬So, have you found it?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪그래서 증거 찾았냐고요‬Have you found evidence?
‪찾으려고 지금 전국을…‬-I'm looking all over the country-- -After you find it.
‪그럼 찾은 후에 다시 얘기하세요‬-I'm looking all over the country-- -After you find it. Until then, sit back down, sir.
‪지금은 앉으시고요‬Until then, sit back down, sir.
‪(변호사) 앉으세요, 앉으시죠‬[U-seong] Sit down.
‪(재판장1) 채권자 대리인‬[judge] Obligee's attorney.
‪신문할 게 더 남아 있습니까?‬Any further questions?
‪없습니다‬No, Your Honor.
‪이상입니다‬That is all.
‪(재판장1) 채무자 대리인‬ ‪반대 신문 하세요‬Obligor's attorney, the witness is yours.
‪잘했어요, 분위기 좋네‬Nice work. It's looking good for us.
‪(민우) 감사합니다‬I appreciate it.
‪그, 참고인 신문 준비를‬ ‪많이 했는데‬Yeah, I prepped him for it pretty extensively,
‪효과가 있어서 다행이네요‬so I'm glad it worked.
‪(재판장1) 채무자 대리인‬ ‪신문 안 하세요?‬[judge] Obligor's attorney, the witness is yours.
‪(변호사) 네‬[U-seong] Yes, Your Honor.
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪(두용) 얘기 들으셨죠?‬ ‪가처분 결정 난 거‬Did you hear the news? An injunction was decided.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -Ah, yes.
‪아, 네‬-[door closes] -Ah, yes.
‪아, 지금 금강 애들‬ ‪굉장히 난처할 겁니다‬I have no idea how they're going to survive the ban on sales at Geumgang.
‪제작이며 판매며‬ ‪전부 다 금지돼 버려 가지고‬I have no idea how they're going to survive the ban on sales at Geumgang. Probably broke the camel's back with this one.
‪(두용) 하여튼 이게‬Anyway, thank you so much.
‪우리 한바다 변호사님들‬ ‪덕분입니다‬Really, Hanbada attorneys made it happen.
‪감사합니다!‬Thanks very much!
‪이화 ATM에서 드리는 선물이에요‬Here is a gift from Ihwa ATM. Please, open.
‪한번 보세요‬Here is a gift from Ihwa ATM. Please, open.
‪돈 들어오는 그림 하면은‬ ‪또 해바라기 아니겠습니까‬This painting of a sunflower will guarantee you wealth.
‪쑥쑥 자라는 해바라기처럼‬An endless shower of money will come. The way a sunflower keeps on growing!
‪쑥쑥 돈 버십시오!‬An endless shower of money will come. The way a sunflower keeps on growing!
‪[당황하며] 네, 네, 감사합니다‬Yes, thank you, sir.
‪[웃음]‬[laughs] Where should it go?
‪어, 그러면은 이거를…‬[laughs] Where should it go?
‪(두용) 씁, 아, 여기가 딱인데‬Ah, here's good.
‪이거 뭐, 없어도 되잖아요‬ ‪외우고 계시죠?‬You don't need this here, right? You have it memorized.
‪자‬[Du-yong] There.
‪자‬-[clanks] -Here.
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪아, 좋다‬Ah! That's nice!
‪이 기운을 그냥 싹 모아서‬Take in all this energy,
‪부자 되십시오!‬get rich and prosper!
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬-Okay. -[knocks on door]
‪네‬ ‪[노크 소리]‬-Okay. -[knocks on door]
‪(두용) 저는 가 보겠습니다‬I'll go now. Excuse me.
‪(직원4) 변호사님 앞으로 온‬ ‪우편물이에요‬Here you go. I've brought your mail.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[똑똑 똑]‬
‪[똑똑 똑]‬[knocking on door]
‪[한숨 쉬며] 예‬Enter.
‪권민우 변호사님‬ ‪편지 받았습니까?‬Attorney Kwon, did you get the letter?
‪무슨 편지요?‬What about?
‪[편지를 쓱 꺼낸다]‬
‪(민우) '변호사님 보세요'‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Min-woo] "Please read this, Attorney Woo." Sir, this is a misunderstanding. It's not what you think. Once everything…
‪[전화벨이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪(직원5) 오해십니다‬Sir, this is a misunderstanding. It's not what you think. Once everything…
‪우려하시는 그런 상황‬ ‪전혀 아니고요‬Sir, this is a misunderstanding. It's not what you think. Once everything…
‪상황 정리되면…‬Sir, this is a misunderstanding. It's not what you think. Once everything… [Jin-jong] Please read this, Attorney Woo.
‪(진종) 변호사님 보세요‬[Jin-jong] Please read this, Attorney Woo.
‪몇 번이나 말했지만‬[Jin-jong] As I repeatedly said before,
‪그 기술은 미국 회사가 개발해‬ ‪박람회에서 공개한 겁니다‬that technology was developed by an American company and was made public at the exhibition.
‪금강도 이화도‬Both Geumgang and Ihwa took it to make products.
‪그 기술을 가져와‬ ‪제품을 만들었어요‬Both Geumgang and Ihwa took it to make products.
‪(직원6) 사장님‬-What, you don't believe me? -Sir, excuse me. Word of the sales ban injunction has gotten out and spread too quickly.
‪판매 금지 가처분 됐다는 얘기가‬ ‪너무 빨리 퍼져서요‬Word of the sales ban injunction has gotten out and spread too quickly. And apparently, the investors are on their way
‪투자자들 몇몇은‬ ‪당장 여기로 쳐들어올 분위기라‬And apparently, the investors are on their way and about to come barging in.
‪일단 잠깐만 피해 계시면‬ ‪어떻겠습니까?‬Sir, how about you go lay low for a while, all right?
‪(진종) 그러다 이화 ATM이‬[Jin-jong] Ihwa ATM submitted for model utility rights
‪혼자만 독점하려고‬ ‪실용신안을 낸 것인데‬[Jin-jong] Ihwa ATM submitted for model utility rights to form a monopoly.
‪왜 진실을 외면합니까?‬Why are you turning a blind eye to the truth?
‪(진종) 이번 가처분으로‬ ‪제작과 판매 금지가 길어지면‬If the ban on production and sales is prolonged with this injunction,
‪이화보다 영세한 우리 금강은‬ ‪금방 문을 닫게 될 겁니다‬Geumgang is smaller than Ihwa, and soon, will be out of business.
‪[문이 쾅쾅 울린다]‬[people clamoring] Excuse me, sir.
‪[밖이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(직원6) 사장님‬ ‪빨리 피하셔야 할 거 같습니다‬Excuse me, sir. Sir, you really should get out of here right now.
‪[투자자들이 소리친다]‬ ‪(투자자) 오진종 나와!‬Sir, you really should get out of here right now. [people clamoring]
‪(직원6) 사장님‬[employee] Please, sir. [man] Open the door!
‪[무거운 음악]‬[clamoring continues]
‪사장님!‬[clamoring continues] [employee] Sir!
‪(진종) 변호사님은‬[Jin-jong] Do you want to be some big shot attorney who only wins cases?
‪소송만을 이기는‬ ‪유능한 변호사가 되고 싶습니까?‬[Jin-jong] Do you want to be some big shot attorney who only wins cases?
‪아니면 진실을 밝히는‬ ‪훌륭한 변호사가 되고 싶습니까?‬Or do you want to be an honorable attorney who reveals the truth?
‪(민우) 응‬Hmm… [paper rustles]
‪[편지를 바스락 접는다]‬[paper rustles]
‪왜 나한텐 편지를 안 보냈지?‬I wonder why I didn't get one.
‪존재감이 없었나, 내가?‬Was I invisible in court?
‪만약 이 편지의 내용이 진실이라면‬Well, if this letter is true,
‪우리가 뭔가 해야 하지 않습니까?‬shouldn't we be doing something about it?
‪뭘 해요?‬Do what, though?
‪의뢰인 입장 잘 변론해서‬ ‪원하는 가처분 받아 줬으면 됐지‬We dutifully represented our client, and got them the injunction they wanted. What more can we do about it?
‪우리가 뭘 더 합니까?‬What more can we do about it?
‪만약 이 편지의 내용이‬ ‪진실이라면…‬Please. If this letter is accurate--
‪(민우) 우영우 변호사‬Attorney Woo.
‪아, 언제까지‬ ‪진실이냐 거짓이냐 타령할 거예요?‬When are you going to quit going on about whether something's true or not?
‪그거 알아본다고‬I thought you visited Ihwa's head office yourself to figure all that out?
‪지금 이화 본사까지‬ ‪직접 찾아갔던 거 아니었어요?‬I thought you visited Ihwa's head office yourself to figure all that out?
‪이화 ATM 분들한테도‬What if we present this letter to people at Ihwa ATM and persuade them
‪이 편지를 보여 주고‬ ‪설득해 보면 어떻습니까?‬What if we present this letter to people at Ihwa ATM and persuade them
‪(영우) 가처분 집행 취소를‬ ‪신청해 달라고요‬to apply for revocation of the injunction?
‪(민우) 예?‬Huh?
‪아, 도대체 왜요?‬And for what reason?
‪이 편지의 내용이‬ ‪진실일 수도 있으니까요‬Uh, the implications in this letter may be the truth.
‪그렇다는 증거 있어요?‬Is there any evidence of that?
‪의뢰인을 못 믿겠으면‬If you can't trust the client we represent,
‪처음부터 사건을 맡질 말았어야지‬you really shouldn't have taken on the case.
‪이제 와서 이 편지 한 통에‬ ‪마음 흔들려 가지고‬Saying we should turn things around because you're feeling torn about some letter?
‪사건을 뒤엎자는 게‬ ‪이게 말이 됩니까?‬because you're feeling torn about some letter? Does that make sense to you?
‪하, 진짜 무슨‬ ‪우당탕탕 우영우 아니랄까 봐‬Wild Card Woo Young-woo strikes again. How are you always thinking of ways to wreck things?
‪왜 이렇게 사고 칠 생각만 하지?‬How are you always thinking of ways to wreck things?
‪우당탕탕 우영우라고‬ ‪부르지 마십시오!‬[gasps] Don't call me Wild Card Woo Young-woo! Do you like it when I call you Tactician Kwon Min-woo?
‪권모술수 권민우라고‬ ‪부르면 좋습니까?‬Do you like it when I call you Tactician Kwon Min-woo?
‪권모술수는‬You're the tactician.
‪우 변이 쓴 거 같은데?‬You are, Attorney Woo.
‪참고인 증언 코치해 준 거 맞죠?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬You were coaching the witness for questioning, weren't you?
‪[민우의 헛웃음]‬You were coaching the witness for questioning, weren't you? [Min-woo laughs]
‪(민우) 아, 난 무슨‬ ‪미드 보는 줄 알았어‬I thought I was watching an American TV show.
‪이 참고인 연습‬ ‪아주 장난 아니게 해 왔던데‬He came to court really prepared.
‪질문이며 대답‬The responses, questions,
‪또 그, 대본도 있었던 거 같고‬it all came across like you rehearsed.
‪우영우 변호사야말로‬ ‪솔직하게 말해 봐요‬Be honest with me, Attorney Woo.
‪참고인 말이‬ ‪사실이라고 생각했어요?‬Did you believe the witness was lying to you?
‪아니죠?‬You did, right?
‪아니라고 생각했으니까‬Didn't you help him sound like he was telling the truth
‪진짜처럼 들리게‬ ‪도와준 거 아닌가?‬Didn't you help him sound like he was telling the truth because you thought he wasn't?
‪[테이블을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪그게 바로 권모술수예요‬That's the exact definition of using tactics.
‪사실이라고 생각했든 안 했든‬Whether you thought it was true or not,
‪의뢰인을 믿기로 했으면‬ ‪끝까지 믿어요‬if you decided to trust him, stick to it then.
‪그게‬if you decided to trust him, stick to it then. Represent the client. You owe that.
‪변호사가‬Represent the client. You owe that.
‪의뢰인한테‬Represent the client. You owe that.
‪지켜야 되는 예의잖아요‬As their attorney, you do.
‪(명석) 응‬ ‪그, 아까 얘기했던 서류 좀‬[Atty. Jung] Yes, uh, yeah, I'm here for the paperwork I asked for earlier.
‪- (직원7) 네, 여기 있습니다‬ ‪- (명석) 어, 고마워요‬[Atty. Jung] Yes, uh, yeah, I'm here for the paperwork I asked for earlier. -[woman] Okay. -[Atty. Jung] Thanks.
‪(명석) 어, 우영우 변호사‬Hey, Attorney Woo.
‪그, 아까 전화했었던데, 왜요?‬I saw you called. What was it about?
‪(영우) 아…‬Ah…
‪아까는‬ ‪여쭤보고 싶은 것이 있었는데‬I had something I wanted to ask you earlier.
‪있었는데?‬"Something earlier"?
‪지금은 없습니다‬But now, I don't want to.
‪[웃으며] 아, 뭐야‬You don't? Okay. [chuckles]
‪어, 알았어요‬You don't? Okay. [chuckles]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪(수연) 우영우가 웬일이야?‬Well, this is unexpected. Attorney Woo eating in the cafeteria?
‪구내식당 밥을 다 먹고‬Well, this is unexpected. Attorney Woo eating in the cafeteria?
‪오늘 저녁 메뉴가 김밥이라서‬Today's dinner menu is gimbap.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[scoffs] I'll give you a heads-up when they're serving it.
‪김밥 나오는 날은 말해 줘야겠네‬I'll give you a heads-up when they're serving it.
‪(수연) 너 권민우 변호사한테‬ ‪그거 말했나 보더라?‬I heard you spoke to Attorney Kwon about it.
‪(영우) 어?‬-Mm? -The Tactician Kwon Min-woo.
‪권모술수 권민우‬-Mm? -The Tactician Kwon Min-woo.
‪아, 나를 자꾸‬ ‪우당탕탕 우영우라고 불러서‬Ah. That's because he kept calling me Wild Card Woo Young-woo.
‪뭐야?‬What? You guys have nicknames after working one case together?
‪사건 하나 같이 하더니‬ ‪서로 별명 부르는 사이 됐냐?‬What? You guys have nicknames after working one case together?
‪우당탕탕 우영우는‬ ‪내 별명 아니야‬Wild Card Woo Young-woo is not my nickname.
‪나도 그런 거 만들어 줘‬Hey, make me one too.
‪(수연) 음‬[Young-woo] Hmm…
‪최강 동안 최수연 어때?‬Like, how about "Babyface Su-yeon"?
‪아니면‬How about…
‪최고 미녀 최수연?‬"The Oh, So Beautiful Su-yeon"?
‪아니야‬Not that.
‪아니야?‬-Not that? -Mm-mm.
‪응, 너 그런 거 아니야‬-Not that? -Mm-mm. Those aren't you.
‪그럼 난 뭔데?‬So, what am I then?
‪너는‬You're like…
‪봄날의 햇살 같아‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬The spring sunshine.
‪(영우) 로스쿨 다닐 때부터‬ ‪그렇게 생각했어‬I thought so ever since we were in law school.
‪너는 나한테 강의실의 위치와‬You told me where the lecture hall was, when the test materials changed,
‪휴강 정보와‬ ‪바뀐 시험 범위를 알려 주고‬You told me where the lecture hall was, when the test materials changed, and when class was canceled.
‪동기들이 날 놀리거나 속이거나‬and when class was canceled. You tried to stop the other students from making fun of me,
‪따돌리지 못하게 하려고 노력해‬You tried to stop the other students from making fun of me, tricking me, or bullying me.
‪지금도 너는 내 물병을 열어 주고‬Even now, you open my water bottles for me and tell me that you'll let me know
‪다음에 구내식당에‬ ‪또 김밥이 나오면‬and tell me that you'll let me know when they serve gimbap at the cafeteria again.
‪나한테 알려 주겠다고 해‬when they serve gimbap at the cafeteria again.
‪너는 밝고 따뜻하고‬You're a glowing, very kind, warm, and sweet person.
‪착하고 다정한 사람이야‬You're a glowing, very kind, warm, and sweet person.
‪봄날의 햇살 최수연이야‬You're Spring Sunshine Su-yeon.
‪[민우의 헛기침]‬[Min-woo sighs]
‪(민우) 우영우 변호사‬Attorney Woo.
‪그, 금강 ATM이‬ ‪가처분 이의 신청 했잖아요‬You know how Geumgang ATM filed an appeal for the injunction?
‪예, 이젠 현장 검증을 하자네요‬Now they're requesting an on-site verification.
‪(민우) 그 금강 사장님‬ ‪증거 찾겠다고‬The CEO of Geumgang was ranting about going through junk shops
‪전국 고물상을 뒤진다‬ ‪어쩐다 하더니‬The CEO of Geumgang was ranting about going through junk shops all over the country to get evidence.
‪쯧, 결국 뭔가 찾아냈나 봐요‬Well, it seems like he got something.
‪현장 검증이요?‬On-site verification?
‪예‬Yeah. We're meeting tomorrow at Jungnang-gu bank.
‪중랑구 망우동에 있는‬ ‪은행으로 오랍니다‬Yeah. We're meeting tomorrow at Jungnang-gu bank.
‪맛있게 드세요‬Enjoy your meal.
‪(수연) 예‬[Su-yeon] Thanks.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(재판장1) 어, 지금부터‬Now, we'll begin,
‪사건 번호 2022 카합 1547‬starting with the verification of Court Case 1547
‪지식 재산권 침해 금지 가처분의‬ ‪이의 절차에 대한‬based on the procedures of the appeal filed for the preliminary injunction
‪현장 검증을 진행하겠습니다‬against infringement of intellectual property rights.
‪채무자 대리인‬ ‪현장 검증 신청하셨는데‬[judge] Obligor's attorney. You applied for the on-site verification.
‪이 검증의 목적물을‬ ‪보여 주시겠습니까?‬Could you please show us the object of verification?
‪(변호사) 네, 재판장님‬Yes, Your Honor.
‪리더스 ATM이 제작한‬ ‪현금 자동 입출금기입니다‬This is the automatic teller machine made by Leaders ATM.
‪같은 모델 대부분이 폐기됐지만‬Models of this type have been disposed of,
‪다행히 이 기계 하나가‬though this one here got left somehow in the Mangu-dong branch.
‪여기 망우동 지점에‬ ‪남아 있었습니다‬though this one here got left somehow in the Mangu-dong branch.
‪내부를 열어‬ ‪카세트를 보여 주시겠습니까?‬Could you open it and show us the cassette?
‪[열쇠가 짤랑거린다]‬
‪[달칵]‬-[keys clink] -[machine clanks]
‪(은행원5) 이게 카세트입니다‬[man] This is the cassette.
‪(변호사) 이건 이화 ATM이‬Your Honor, here's the cassette Ihwa claims
‪자체 개발 했다고 주장하는‬ ‪카세트입니다‬Your Honor, here's the cassette Ihwa claims to have developed on their own.
‪두 개의 카세트를‬ ‪비교해서 봐 주십시오‬[U-seong] Please compare the two cassettes.
‪이 카세트들이‬ ‪기존 카세트와 다른 점은‬The difference between these cassettes and the old versions
‪전면에 있는 번호판과‬are the number plate on the front, and the weight measuring sensor for the bills inside at the bottom.
‪안쪽 하단에 있는‬ ‪지폐 무게 측정 센서입니다‬and the weight measuring sensor for the bills inside at the bottom.
‪[카세트 오류음]‬[beeping]
‪두 카세트는‬ ‪겉보기만 비슷한 것이 아닙니다‬[U-seong] The two cassettes don't only look similar on the outside.
‪두 회사의‬ ‪카세트 도안을 봐 주십시오‬Look at the designs of the two companies.
‪내부 설계 역시 유사합니다‬The interior layout is also similar.
‪이화 ATM은‬Ihwa ATM applied for model utility rights on October of 2020.
‪2020년 10월에‬ ‪실용신안을 출원했습니다‬Ihwa ATM applied for model utility rights on October of 2020.
‪리더스 ATM은‬ ‪이 제품을 언제 만들었을까요?‬So when did Leaders ATM make this product?
‪여기 안쪽에 표시된‬ ‪납품 일자를 확인해 주시겠습니까?‬Go ahead and check. The date is marked on the inside.
‪(재판장1) 납품 일자가‬[judge] The delivery date is October 23rd, 2019.
‪2019년 10월 23일이네요‬[judge] The delivery date is October 23rd, 2019.
‪(변호사) 네‬[U-seong] Yes.
‪이화 ATM보다 무려 1년이나 앞서‬This was manufactured an entire year ahead of Ihwa's ATMs.
‪이 제품을 생산한 것입니다‬This was manufactured an entire year ahead of Ihwa's ATMs.
‪실용신안권 등록의‬ ‪가장 중요한 요건은 신규성입니다‬Novelty is the most important factor in application of model utility rights.
‪선행 기술과 동일하지‬ ‪않아야 한다는 것이죠‬Meaning, it cannot be the same as prior technology.
‪이는 특허법 제29조에도‬ ‪명시되어 있는 사항인 만큼‬Also, this is a matter stated in Article 29 of the Patent Act.
‪이화 ATM은‬Ihwa ATM
‪이 기술로 실용신안권을‬ ‪획득할 자격이 없습니다‬is not qualified to acquire the rights for this technology.
‪따라서 금강 ATM에 내려진‬ ‪제작 및 판매 금지 가처분을‬Therefore, we request to repeal of the prohibition of production and vending issued on Geumgang.
‪취소해 주십시오‬and vending issued on Geumgang.
‪- (두용) 수고하셨습니다‬ ‪- (재판장1) 네‬[Du-yong] Thank you, sir.
‪(두용) 들어가십시오‬Take care.
‪수고하셨어요‬Good job.
‪[두용이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪이대로라면 가처분은‬ ‪취소될 거 같습니다‬The injunction will be likely repealed.
‪그렇겠네, 예‬It looks like it, yes.
‪씁, 저, 그리고 실용신안권 역시‬And the possibility of the model utility rights
‪심사를 통과하지 못할 가능성이‬ ‪높아 보이네요‬failing the evaluation seems high as well.
‪그렇게 되겠죠?‬I guess so.
‪저, 괜찮으신 겁니까?‬So, you're okay with that?
‪아, 괜찮아요‬Of course, I am. I was able to secure contracts at the banks
‪가처분 내려진 사이에‬I was able to secure contracts at the banks
‪은행들이랑‬ ‪공급 계약 대부분 다 마쳤어요‬I was able to secure contracts at the banks while the ban was in effect.
‪취소돼도 뭐, 큰 영향 없습니다‬If it's revoked, everything will be fine.
‪처음부터 이럴 계획이셨던 겁니까?‬Did you plan for this from the very beginning?
‪자체 개발 한 기술이란 이야기는‬ ‪그럼 다…‬The stuff you said about creating the technology…
‪(민우) 아, 저‬ ‪괜찮으시다니 다행입니다‬Well, sir, we're glad that you're happy.
‪금강이 결국 재판에 이긴 꼴이라‬Geumgang is going to win the trial in the end, it seems,
‪저희가 좀 걱정이 돼서요‬Geumgang is going to win the trial in the end, it seems, so, we're concerned.
‪아유, 뭐‬ ‪이 전투에서 이기면 뭐 해요‬Ah, yes, winning this battle doesn't matter.
‪전쟁에서 졌는데‬They lost the war.
‪금강 사장도 우리가‬ ‪은행들 계약 다 따낸 거‬Geumgang's CEO likely already knows that we won all the contracts at the banks.
‪(두용) 이미 알고 있을걸요?‬that we won all the contracts at the banks.
‪그냥 분하니까‬ ‪끝까지 해보는 거죠‬[Du-yong] He's just mad, so he's dragging it out until the end.
‪씁, 이번에는 타격이 좀 클 텐데‬This blow should hurt them a lot.
‪[웃으며] 아니, 이러다 금강도‬[Du-yong laughs] Damn. I wonder if Geumgang would be following in Leaders' footsteps.
‪리더스 따라가는 거‬ ‪아닌가 모르겠네‬I wonder if Geumgang would be following in Leaders' footsteps.
‪아무튼 이게 다‬ ‪우리 변호사님들 덕분입니다‬I'm off. Thank you for your topnotch work. You're very impressive.
‪진짜 고생 많으셨어요‬I'm off. Thank you for your topnotch work. You're very impressive. You're amazing, really. We appreciate it.
‪아유, 너무 감사합니다, 예‬You're amazing, really. We appreciate it. Yes.
‪[두용의 웃음]‬[Du-yong laughs] Until next time, guys.
‪그럼 가 보겠습니다‬[Du-yong laughs] Until next time, guys.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪변호사님‬Attorney Woo?
‪결국 저는‬So, ultimately,
‪이화 ATM이 법을 이용하도록‬ ‪도와준 셈입니다‬I was assisting Ihwa in taking advantage of the law.
‪(준호) 네?‬What?
‪실용신안권 출원도 가처분 신청도‬Applying for the rights, and filing for the injunction
‪모두 계약을 독점하기 위한‬ ‪거짓된 행동이었는데‬were all out of lies to monopolize the contracts.
‪저는 그 행동을 말리지 못하고‬ ‪오히려 도왔습니다‬And instead of stopping them, I helped them.
‪게다가 저는‬And what's worse is…
‪그걸 이미‬ ‪알고 있었던 것 같습니다‬I think I was already aware of this.
‪(영우) 이화 ATM에 방문했을 때‬ ‪이준호 씨는‬When we visited Ihwa ATM,
‪황두용 부장님과 배성철 팀장님이‬did you believe Mr. Hwang and Mr. Bae
‪진실을 말한다고 생각했습니까?‬were being truthful about what they told us?
‪어, 저는…‬Uh… -I… -There's no way you did.
‪(영우) 그럴 리가 없습니다‬-I… -There's no way you did.
‪당시 배성철 팀장님이 어땠는지‬ ‪떠올려 보십시오‬Think about how Mr. Bae was behaving at the time.
‪당장이라도 튀어 나갈 것처럼‬ ‪앉아 있는 다리‬Sitting down, looking like he was about to bolt out of his chair, his arms stuck to his body as if he was strapped to it,
‪의자에 묶인 사람처럼‬ ‪몸통에 딱 붙인 팔‬his arms stuck to his body as if he was strapped to it,
‪손으로 허벅지를 쓸어내리는‬ ‪연속적인 동작에‬repeatedly rubbing his thighs with his hands, even scratching the tip of his nose.
‪코끝을 긁는 행동까지‬even scratching the tip of his nose.
‪거짓말 그 자체였습니다‬He was clearly lying to us.
‪결국 저는‬In the end,
‪진실을 알면서도‬I denied it. Acting as if I wasn't aware…
‪모르는 척‬I denied it. Acting as if I wasn't aware…
‪저 자신을 속였던 겁니다‬when I knew the truth all along.
‪이기고 싶어서요‬Just so I could win.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪부끄럽습니다‬I'm ashamed.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[mellow music]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪아‬[gasps] Ah.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[gasps] Ah. [door closes]
‪[수미가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(행정관) 태수미 후보자님‬ ‪처음 뵙겠습니다‬Candidate Tae Su-mi, it's so nice to finally meet you.
‪전화드렸던‬ ‪청와대 공직 기강 비서관실‬I'm Kim Yeong-il from the Office for Civil Service Discipline. We spoke on the phone.
‪김영일 행정관입니다‬We spoke on the phone.
‪태수미입니다‬Tae Su-mi.
‪앉으세요‬Have a seat.
‪(행정관) 예‬Have a seat.
‪법무부 장관 후보자가 되신 거‬ ‪진심으로 축하드립니다‬Congrats on becoming a candidate for the Minister of Justice.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 후보가‬ ‪된 거뿐인데요, 뭐‬[chuckles] It's an arduous process for a nominee.
‪앞으로 넘어야 할 산이‬ ‪높아 걱정입니다‬I feel as if I have such a high mountain to climb ahead.
‪오늘은 서류 받으러 오신 거죠?‬You're here to retrieve the paperwork, yes?
‪자기 검증 진술서 작성하는데‬ ‪떨리더라고요‬As I wrote the self-verification statement, I… I got nervous.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪누구보다 반듯한 삶을‬ ‪살아왔다고 자부하는데도‬I take great pride in having lived a life of incomparable virtue.
‪검증을 하신다니 긴장돼서요‬Someone looking into this is nerve-wracking.
‪우리나라 최고 로펌의‬ ‪대표였던 분이‬A former CEO of the country's greatest law office has never been one of our candidates previously.
‪법무부 장관 후보가 되신 적은‬ ‪없었으니까요‬has never been one of our candidates previously.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬As this is an irregular selection,
‪(행정관) 파격적인 선정인 만큼‬As this is an irregular selection,
‪저희도 더 꼼꼼하게 검증해서‬ ‪보고서 작성하려 합니다‬we'll have an extra thorough verification, prior to writing the report.
‪인사 청문회를‬ ‪무사히 통과하는 게 목표니까요‬the goal is to safely make it through the confirmation hearing.
‪네, 잘 부탁드립니다‬Right. Your help is much appreciated.
‪[행정관의 한숨]‬[Yeong-il sighs]
‪한 가지 여쭤볼 게 있습니다‬There's something I have to ask you.
‪말씀하세요‬Be my guest.
‪후보자 검증에서‬ ‪무시할 수 없는 게 세평입니다‬During the candidate verification, we can't ignore a popular opinion.
‪제 평판 말씀이신가요?‬You're referring to my reputation?
‪[살짝 웃으며] 네‬[sighs] Yes.
‪후보자님 대학 동기들 사이에‬It seems there's an old rumor going around
‪오래된 소문이 하나 떠돌더라고요‬among your former university colleagues.
‪[당황한 웃음]‬[chuckles] Really? What is it?
‪그래요? 뭐죠?‬[chuckles] Really? What is it?
‪태수미 후보자님께‬That you, Candidate Tae…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪혼외 자식이 있다는 소문입니다‬That you had a child out of wedlock.
‪들어 보셨습니까?‬Are you aware of this?
‪[피식 웃으며] 아‬[solemn music] [chuckles]
‪난 또 뭐라고‬I thought it'd be something else.
‪신경 쓰기엔‬ ‪너무 시시한 가십 아닌가요?‬Is a trivial piece of gossip really something to worry about?
‪시시한 가십 맞습니다‬It is trivial gossip, yes.
‪하지만 아시지 않습니까‬Though we're all aware
‪공직자를 무너뜨리는 건‬ ‪언제나 이렇게 작은 것들이죠‬it's the little things that ruin public officials.
‪[한숨]‬[sighs] It's absolutely ridiculous.
‪정말 말도 안 되는 얘기인데‬[sighs] It's absolutely ridiculous.
‪왜 자꾸 그런 소문이 돌까요?‬Why does that kind of thing keep circulating?
‪저를 닮은 친구가‬ ‪하나 살고 있나 봅니다‬there could be someone out there that kind of looks like me.
‪혼외 자식은 없다는 말씀으로‬So I can trust there won't be any…
‪믿고 가도 되겠습니까?‬illegitimate children?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(명석) 최수연 변호사가 사건을‬ ‪너무 감정적으로 대하지 않게‬[Atty. Jung] We don't want Attorney Choi getting too emotional about this case,
‪식혀 주라고‬so calm her down.
‪워워‬-Whoa, whoa. -Whoa, whoa.
‪워워‬-Whoa, whoa. -Whoa, whoa.
‪(영우) 엄마를 기억할 수 있는‬ ‪나이가 될 때까지 키우려고‬[Young-woo] Did you run away so you could raise her until she was old enough to remember her mother?
‪도망쳤던 겁니까?‬until she was old enough to remember her mother?
‪그렇디‬That's right.
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[영우의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪계향심 씨는 반드시‬ ‪집행 유예를 받아야 합니다!‬-Gye Hyang-sim has to get probation! -Whoa, that was passionate.
‪어유, 뜨거워‬-Gye Hyang-sim has to get probation! -Whoa, that was passionate. [Myeong-ha] What, are you going to trial because you don't want to yield?
‪(재판장2) 아니 무슨‬ ‪재판을 오기로 하는 겁니까?‬[Myeong-ha] What, are you going to trial because you don't want to yield?
‪(민우) 아주 그냥 선남선녀네‬[Min-woo] They're such a good-looking match.
‪우리 준호가 최수연 변호사‬ ‪좋아하는 거 같지 않아요?‬Don't you think Jun-ho has a thing for Attorney Choi?
‪(영우) 내가 고래였다면‬ ‪엄마도 날 안 버렸을까?‬[Young-woo] If I were a whale, would my mom not have swum away either?

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