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  마스크걸 5

Mask Girl 5


희대의 연쇄 살인마 마스크걸이 드디어 모습을 드러냈습니다The notorious serial killer, Mask Girl, has finally made an appearance.
성형 중독에 빠졌다는 말들이 많은 가운데Rumor has it she's addicted to plastic surgery
현재 경찰서 안쪽으로 들어가고 있습니다and right now is being escorted into the police station.
일명 마스크걸로 불리는 김 씨가Kim, also known as Mask Girl,
오늘 오전부터 피의자 신분으로 검찰 조사를 받고 있습니다Kim, also known as Mask Girl, was taken in by the prosecution as a suspect this morning.
- 내부 관계자에 따르면 김 씨가 - [다가오는 엔진음이 흘러나온다]According to an insider, Ms. Kim has admitted
모든 살인 혐의에 대해서 인정했다고 합니다According to an insider, Ms. Kim has admitted to every single one of the charges, including murder.
[영상 속 기자1] 왔다, 왔다, 왔다to every single one of the charges, including murder. C'mon!
- 빨리… - [타이어 마찰음이 흘러나온다]C'mon! [reporter 1] Excuse me, sir!
[영상 속 기자2] 마스크걸 점심인가요?[reporter 1] Excuse me, sir! [reporters shouting]
[영상 속 기자3] 한식인가요? 중식인가요?[reporters shouting]
[영상 속 기자4] 여기 한번 봐주세요[reporters shouting] -[reporter 2] Look over here! -[reporter 3] Over here!
[영상 속 기자2] 메뉴 말씀해 주세요, 뭐 시켰나요?-[reporter 2] Look over here! -[reporter 3] Over here! -[reporter 4] What's on the menu? -[reporter 5] What did she order?
[영상 속 기자3] 메뉴가 뭔가요?-[reporter 4] What's on the menu? -[reporter 5] What did she order?
[영상 속 기자4] 여기 한번 봐주세요-[reporter 4] What's on the menu? -[reporter 5] What did she order?
고, 곰탕인데요It's beef bone soup.
[의미심장한 음악][reporter 6] What kind of beef bone soup?
[영상 속 기자2] 무슨 곰탕인가요?[reporter 6] What kind of beef bone soup?
[영상 속 기자3] 몇 인분 시켰나요?[reporter 6] What kind of beef bone soup? MASK GIRL ORDERS BEEF BONE SOUP…
[영상 속 기자5] 공깃밥 추가했나요?MASK GIRL ORDERS BEEF BONE SOUP…
[영상 속 현봉]Looks like she did her eyes, nose, cheekbones, chin… everything, really.
최근 큰 파문을 일으켰던 마스크걸이 입었던 옷들이The clothes worn by Mask Girl, who's been in the spotlight these past few days,
현재 불티나게 팔리고 있다고 합니다are the hottest-selling items right now.
- [시위자들] 사형하라! - 마스크걸의 재판이This crowd has gathered today to protest against Mask Girl,
- [시위자] 마스크걸을! - [시위자들] 지옥으로!This crowd has gathered today to protest against Mask Girl,
오늘 오전에 열리는 가운데This crowd has gathered today to protest against Mask Girl, as the big trial against her finally begins this morning.
- [계속 구호 외치는 소리] - 많은 시민들이as the big trial against her finally begins this morning.
마스크걸을 규탄하고 있습니다as the big trial against her finally begins this morning.
[남자] 피고인은 외모 때문에[man] The accused has been attacked and persecuted since her childhood
어린 시절부터 핍박을 받아왔습니다[man] The accused has been attacked and persecuted since her childhood because of her appearance.
피해자 이준모 씨는 그런 그녀에게The victim, Mr. Jun-mo Lee, has attacked my client,
외모를 비하하는 인신공격성의 발언들과 함께The victim, Mr. Jun-mo Lee, has attacked my client, Ms. Mo-mi Kim, verbally, by repeatedly insulting her looks,
그녀를 겁탈하려고 했습니다and physically, by attempting to rape her.
[방청객들의 술렁거리는 소리][spectators gasping, muttering]
SNS에 남겨진 흔적들을 통해[man] Through what he wrote on social media,
피해자 이준모 씨가 어떤 목적으로we can clearly see the victim's exact motives when he chose to meet with the defendant.
피고인을 만났는지when he chose to meet with the defendant.
아주 잘 알 수 있습니다The victim's social media account,
피해자의 SNS에는is evidence that he was only interested in meeting with Mask Girl
순전히 마스크걸을is evidence that he was only interested in meeting with Mask Girl
성적 호기심으로…out of sexual curiosity.
[여자가 소리치며] 닥쳐!Shut up!
[방청객들의 술렁거리는 소리][spectators murmuring] Your client… Your client killed my son!
내 아들 내 아들을 죽인 주제에 뭐?Your client… Your client killed my son!
이거 놔![shouts] Get off of me!
얼굴 못생겼다고 사람 죽일 거 같으면If being called ugly is enough to make you kill someone,
우리나라에 살 사람이 어디 있어!then no one would be alive in this country!
- 정숙하세요 - [준모 모의 성난 숨소리]Please be quiet or you will be asked to leave.
- 이러시면 퇴장합니다 - [준모 모] 이거 놔!Please be quiet or you will be asked to leave. [woman] Let go of me!
- 이 죽일 년 - [판사] 퇴장시키세요-You dirty slut. -[judge] Remove her.
[절규하며] 이 악마 같은 년아!-You dirty slut. -[judge] Remove her. -You motherfucker! -Mom! Please, c'mon.
[방청객들의 술렁거리는 소리]-You motherfucker! -Mom! Please, c'mon. [woman crying]
[판사] 이 사건 범행은[woman crying] [judge] The crime in this case will be constituted as a most serious crime.
가장 중한 범죄에 해당한다고 할 것이고[judge] The crime in this case will be constituted as a most serious crime.
피고인의 반인륜적이고 엽기적인 범행으로 인하여[judge] The crime in this case will be constituted as a most serious crime. The defendant's heinous crimes against humanity caused great shock to society.
사회에 큰 충격과 경악을 준 점caused great shock to society. [poignant music playing]
- [쓸쓸한 음악] - 및 형벌의 균형이나[poignant music playing] [judge] From the standpoint of fair punishment
범죄의 일반 예방적인 견지에서도[judge] From the standpoint of fair punishment or general crime prevention,
피고인을 영원히 사회로부터 격리시키는a sentence that forever isolates the defendant from society is inevitable.
형의 선고가 불가피하다a sentence that forever isolates the defendant from society is inevitable.
따라서 피고인을Thus, the defendant is sentenced
무기 징역에 처한다Thus, the defendant is sentenced to life in prison.
- [의미심장한 음악] - [술렁거리는 소리]-[whimsical music playing] -[spectators babbling]
[땅땅땅 법봉 내리치는 소리]-[whimsical music playing] -[spectators babbling]
[어두운 음악][theme tune playing]
[음울한 음악]MI-MO KIM
[휭 바람 소리]
[미모] 내 이름은 김미모[teenage girl] My name is Mi-mo Kim.
엄마가 지어준 이름이었다That name was given by my mom.
[모미] 제발요 곧 데리러 올 거예요[Mo-mi] Please! I'll come back for her soon!
[성난 숨소리]
내는I can't.
이 얼라 절대 못 키운다잉I won't raise your baby for you, Mo-mi.
[떨리는 목소리로] 누가 계속 키워달랬어요?I'm not asking you to raise her.
조금만 맡아달라고요 그것도 못 해줘요?I'm just asking you to look after her for a bit, that's all.
몬 한다No. I can't.
[모미] 잠깐만요![Mo-mi] Wait!
저 해외로 뜰 거예요I'm going overseas.
그러려면 위조 여권도 필요하고 준비할 게 많아요I need to get a lot of stuff ready, including a fake passport. I can't do all of that while carrying the baby around.
애 데리고 다니면서 준비할 수가 없어서 그래요I can't do all of that while carrying the baby around.
일 마치면 바로 데리러 올게요I'll come back for her as soon as I'm done with everything. Please!
네?I'll come back for her as soon as I'm done with everything. Please!
제발요 [간절한 숨소리][shakily] I'm begging you!
[미모] 하지만 몇 년이 지나도But the years went by,
엄마는 돌아오지 않았다and my mom never came back.
나에게서는 엄마라는 존재는Soon enough,
점점 희미해졌다I forgot about her existence.
어렸을 때 나는 꾸미는 걸 좋아했다When I was young, I liked to doll myself up.
[덜컥 문 열리는 소리][door opens]
[모미 모] 니 뭐 하노?[door opens] What are you doing? Oh jeez!
아이고What are you doing? Oh jeez!
누구 딸내미 아니랄까 봐You like dressing up, like your mother.
하이고 [못마땅한 소리]Oh dear!
[미모] 할머니는 내가 엄마랑 닮았다면서도My grandma would always say I was like my mom,
엄마에 대해서는 한 번도 말해준 적이 없었다but she never actually told me anything about her.
- [무거운 음악] - [쩝쩝거리며 먹는 소리]
[모미 모] 팔꿈치 내리라[poignant music playing] [Grandma] Put your elbows down.
[쩝쩝거리는 소리][slurps softly]
조용히 무라And don't be so loud.
[미모] 할머니가 해주던 음식은[eats more quietly] I didn't really like the food my grandma made.
내 입맛에 맞지 않았다I didn't really like the food my grandma made.
- [왁자지껄한 소리] - 내가 제일 좋아하던 음식은My favorite food
학교 앞 떡볶이 차에서 먹던 컵 떡이었다was the cup of tteokbokki sold in front of my school.
와, 진짜 맛있어요Wow, this is incredible.
[여자의 웃음]Then, one day, something happened,
[미모] 그러던 어느 날Then, one day, something happened,
[미모] 우리 떡볶이 먹고 갈래?Then, one day, something happened,
[미모] 엄마에 대해 알게 된 사건이 발생했다Then, one day, something happened, and I finally learned something about my mother.
저기 떡볶이 진짜 맛있어-[girl] …it's really good! -[Mi-mo] Yeah, sure!
[아이] 그래, 좋아-[girl] …it's really good! -[Mi-mo] Yeah, sure!
- [아이] 엄마, 어? - [아이 모] 가자-[girl] …it's really good! -[Mi-mo] Yeah, sure! -Mom! -[woman] Let's go.
[아이] 왜? 나 미모랑 떡볶이 먹고 갈 건데?-But I'm eating with Mi-mo! -Don't play with her anymore.
- [아이 모] 이제 쟤랑 놀지 마 - [아이] 아, 싫어-But I'm eating with Mi-mo! -Don't play with her anymore. -[girl] Why not? I want to! -[woman] Her mom's Mask Girl.
[아이 모] 쟤 엄마 마스크걸이래-[girl] Why not? I want to! -[woman] Her mom's Mask Girl.
[아이] 마스크걸이 뭔데?-[girl] What's "Mask Girl"? -[woman] You don't need to know.
[아이 모] 아휴, 있어, 그런 게-[girl] What's "Mask Girl"? -[woman] You don't need to know.
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다][music intensifies] MASK GIRL SURRENDERS HERSELF PERFECT BODY
[의미심장한 음악][solemn choral music playing]
[미모] 살인자[Mi-mo] Murderer!
살인자의 딸Murderer's daughter!
죽어!Die! Die, Mask Girl, die!
죽어, 마스크걸, 죽어!Die! Die, Mask Girl, die!
[옅은 탄성][grunts]
[괴로운 척하다 잦아드는 신음][groaning]
- [흥미로운 음악] - 안녕하세요-Good afternoon. I'm reporter Mi-mo Kim. -[whimsical music playing]
저는 김미모 기자입니다-Good afternoon. I'm reporter Mi-mo Kim. -[whimsical music playing]
마스크걸, 왜 사람을 죽였나요?Mask Girl, why did you commit murder?
여러분, 반가워요! 정말 많이 오셨네요?Welcome, everyone! There are so many of you here.
[힘주는 소리]
사진은 지금 찍으시면 돼요You can take pictures now!
여러분 제가 바로 마스크걸이에요!Everyone, I am Mask Girl!
[기가 찬 목소리로] 저게What's the… matter with you?
미칬나 [성난 숨소리]What's the… matter with you?
- [미모] 할머니, 잘못했어요 - [모미 모] 나가라-I'm sorry, Grandma. -Get out, now!
- [미모] 할머니, 할머니 - [모미 모] 나가라-I'm sorry, Grandma. -Get out, now! -Grandma! Grandma! -Get out, now!
- [음울한 음악] - [미모] 할머니, 할머니-Grandma! Grandma! -Get out, now! -Grandma! -I can't do this.
- 할머니, 잘못했어요 - [모미 모] 내는-Grandma! -I can't do this. -I'm sorry, Grandma. -I don't think I can raise you anymore!
니를 키울 자신이 없다-I'm sorry, Grandma. -I don't think I can raise you anymore!
나가 뿌라!-I'm sorry, Grandma. -I don't think I can raise you anymore! -Get out of here! -Grandma, please!
- [미모] 할머니, 제발요 - [모미 모의 한숨]-Get out of here! -Grandma, please!
할머니, 잘못했어요! 할머니[sobbing] I'm really sorry, Grandma. Grandma!
[후두두 빗소리]
[찰랑이는 물소리]
[미모] 할머니Grandma…
우리 엄마는what kind of person
어떤 사람이었어요?was my mother?
그건 와 묻노?Why do you ask?
그냥 궁금해서요I guess I'm a bit curious.
갸는She was
처음부터 글러 머은 아이였다a lost cause from the very start.
- [떠들썩한 소리] - [미모] 엄마에 관한 소문은The rumors about my mom spread quickly.
빠르게 퍼져 나갔다The rumors about my mom spread quickly. -Monster's daughter! -Monster's daughter!
[아이들] 괴물 딸이다, 괴물 딸!-Monster's daughter! -Monster's daughter!
[불안한 음악][solemn choral music fades in]
[미모] 소문의 근원지는And the source of the rumors
내 가장 친한 친구였다was my best friend.
네가 소문냈지?-You spread the rumors. -Hm?
[아이] 응?-You spread the rumors. -Hm?
- [퍽 미는 소리] - [덜커덩]
- [씩씩대는 숨소리] - [아이의 울음]
[남자] 아무래도 학부모님들 민원이 많아서요There have been a lot of complaints from other parents, you know?
[상기된 숨을 내뱉는다][scoffs] Doesn't matter.
어차피 이사 갈라 캤구만요[scoffs] Doesn't matter. We wanted to move anyway.
[거친 숨소리][sighs]
[시끌시끌한 소리]
[미모] 할머니[Mi-mo sadly] Tteokbokki Grandma, I'm moving away.
[울먹이며] 저 이사 가요[Mi-mo sadly] Tteokbokki Grandma, I'm moving away.
이제 여기 못 와요I can't come here anymore.
[미모] 하지만 소문은 어디를 가도I can't come here anymore. But wherever I went, the rumors followed.
- 계속 따라다녔다 - [화면 전환 효과음]the rumors followed.
- [영상 속 아이1의 아픈 신음] - [요란한 메시지 수신음]WHAT'S THIS? MI-MO KIM IN SECOND GRADE
- [메시지 수신음이 울린다] - [불안한 음악이 고조된다]EVIL BITCH'S GONNA BEAT US UP TOO? GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR SCHOOL [music fades out]
[음악이 잦아든다][music fades out]
[탁 문 열리는 소리][door opens]
[탁 문 닫히는 소리][door shuts]
[모미 모] 또 문제 일으키마[Grandma] I won't be able to help you if you cause trouble again, understood?
인제 아무도 못 막는다잉[Grandma] I won't be able to help you if you cause trouble again, understood?
지난번에도 소년원에 갈 뻔한 거I was barely able to keep you from being sent to juvenile detention.
겨우 막은 기다I was barely able to keep you from being sent to juvenile detention.
[멀어지는 발소리][footsteps retreating]
[달그락 신발 소리]
니 진짜로 니 엄마처럼 되고 싶은 거 아이제?You don't wanna become like your mother, do you, Mi-mo?
[달그락 신발 소리]
[다가오는 발소리][footsteps approaching]
[미모] 앞으로 두 번 다시 그년을 엄마라 부르지 마세요Don't refer to that bitch as my mom from now on.
끔찍하니까It makes me sick.
[깊은숨을 내쉬며] 하이고[Grandma sighs]
[중얼거리며] 아이고
[여자] 자기소개[teacher] Introduce yourself.
[미모] 김미모라고 해-I'm Mi-mo Kim. -[kids laughing]
[학생들의 폭소]-I'm Mi-mo Kim. -[kids laughing] -[boy 1] Did she say "me-miaow"? -[girl 1] What kinda name is that?
- [학생1] 김미모 - [학생2] 미모가 뭐야?-[boy 1] Did she say "me-miaow"? -[girl 1] What kinda name is that?
[교사] 자, 조용-[boy 1] Did she say "me-miaow"? -[girl 1] What kinda name is that? Quiet now!
자리는, 어, 저 진홍이 자리 옆자리에 앉아라Sit, uh? There. Next to Jin-hong, okay?
[옅은 숨을 들이쉬며] 남자 옆에 앉기 싫은데요He's a boy. I don't wanna sit there.
여자 짝으로 해주세요I'd like to sit with a girl.
- [학생3] 쟤 뭐라는 거야? - [학생4] 뭐야-Come on, is this for real? -Oh gosh.
[학생5] 뭐야, 존나 어이없게[girl 2] What the heck? That's fricking weird.
그럼, 어, 저기 예춘이 옆으로 가서 앉아So, um, uh, there. You can sit next to Ye-chun.
전 싫은데요?I don't wanna sit with her. I'd like to sit alone.
저 혼자 앉게 해주세요I don't wanna sit with her. I'd like to sit alone.
이것들이 장난하나 [혀 차는 소리]Pranking me, huh? Are you?
가, 앉아, 앉아Sit. Go on. Have a seat.
너희들, 기말고사가 코앞인 거 알고 있지?You all know that finals are right around the corner,
수업 시간에 집중들 잘하고 알았어?pay attention during class, okay?
- [학생들] 네 - [교사] 응pay attention during class, okay? -[students] Okay! -[teacher] Good.
[소란스러운 소리][students chatting]
[학생5] 야, 졸라 끼리끼리 앉았어They're so cute, huh?
[학생4] 그러니까They're so cute, huh?
- 뭐야, 난 남자랑 앉고 싶거든? - [학생5의 비아냥대는 소리]-Hey! I wanted to sit with a boy. -[girl 3] I know, right?
[학생4가 웃으며] 그러니까-Hey! I wanted to sit with a boy. -[girl 3] I know, right? [girl 4] Are they the first couple in our class?
[학생5] 야 우리 반 1호 커플 아니냐?[girl 4] Are they the first couple in our class?
[학생4가 웃으며] 미친 거 아니야?[girl 4] Are they the first couple in our class? [girls chuckling]
[학생4의 웃음][girls chuckling]
[예춘이 어색하게 웃으며] 얘들아[girls laughing]
아, 오늘 급식 왜 이래? 동그랑땡 세 개가 뭐냐?-[laughter stops] -Lunch today, huh? Just three meatballs?
[음미하는 소리]-[laughter stops] -Lunch today, huh? Just three meatballs? Did you see M Countdown?
너희 어제 '엠카' 봤어?Did you see M Countdown?
아, 나 NCT 오빠들 때문에 심장 떨려 죽는 줄!Oh! My heart burst because of the NCT guys.
너무 멋있지 않아?They're handsome, right?
[학생1] 야[girl 1] Hey.
이 자리 임자 있어That's someone else's seat, so…
여기 네 자리, 내 자리가 어디 있어?We don't have assigned seats in the lunchroom.
- [탁탁 두드리는 소리] - [학생2] 야Hey. Get lost.
꺼져Hey. Get lost.
[한숨 쉬며] 거기 내 자리야[sighs] You're in my seat.
[예춘의 어색한 웃음][Ye-chun chuckles]
개어이없네[girl 2] Ridiculous.
[잘그락 내려놓는 소리]
[예춘] 혼자 먹어?Are you eating alone? I'll eat with you, okay?
같이 먹어줄게Are you eating alone? I'll eat with you, okay?
Hey, you.
[달그락 내려놓는 소리]Here, come closer.
가까이 와봐Here, come closer.
가까이 와봐I said come closer.
You are an outcast, did you know that?
왕따당하고 있는 거 알아?You are an outcast, did you know that?
내가 친구 해줄게I'll be your friend.
됐어-No, thanks. -What?
어?-No, thanks. -What?
그딴 거 필요 없다고I don't need a friend. I'm good.
[예춘] 야![Ye-chun] Hey!
- [매미 울음] - [학생1] 야, 왜 늦게 와?
- [예춘] 야! - [왁자지껄한 소리]Hey!
아이, 잠깐만Wait, wait a minute.
너 혹시So, which
아이돌 누구 좋아해?idol group do you like?
혹시 이거 살 생각 있나?Do you wanna buy these?
이거 내가 존나 대기 타서 사인받은 건데I waited for hours to get these signed.
- 이게 뭐냐면… - 저기I waited for hours to get these signed. -This is pretty-- -Hey, listen.
좀 꺼져줄래?Get lost, will ya?
저년 존나 재수 없네?She's so rude. Oh my God.
[학생2] 야, 너 빨리 가 늦은 거 아니야?
[메시지 전송음]I'M DOING WELL!
[교사] 내일 지각하지 말고Don't be late tomorrow. And those on cleaning duty, be thorough.
당번들 청소 잘하고Don't be late tomorrow. And those on cleaning duty, be thorough.
- [학생들] 네 - [교사] 응[students] Yes.
이상[teacher] Dismissed.
[학생들] 감사합니다![teacher] Dismissed.
[덜그럭거리는 소리]
[메시지 수신음][cute text alert tone]
[덜그럭 대걸레 쓰러지는 소리]
[미모] 야, 너 어디 가?Hey! Where are you going?
저게, 씨That freaking…
[예춘] 어, 왔어?[Ye-chun] Oh, you're here.
저기, 너 혹시 뭐 살 거야?So which one do you wanna buy?
멤버들 많아가지고 너 한번 봐볼래?I've got lots of them. Wanna take a look?
[학생1의 웃음]-[girls chuckling] -[girl 1] Hey, can we see it too?
[학생1] 야 우리도 같이 봐도 되냐?-[girls chuckling] -[girl 1] Hey, can we see it too?
[학생2] 와, 개궁금Wow. I'm so curious.
[학생들의 웃음][girl 2] Look at her!
[예춘] 아, 내 거라고[Ye-chun] Hey, that's mine! Give it back!
- [계속되는 학생들의 웃음] - 아, 줘, 아, 줘![Ye-chun] Hey, that's mine! Give it back! [girls laughing]
아, 줘[girls laughing] [Ye-chun] Give it back!
- 아, 줘 - [학생3] 잡아봐[Ye-chun] Give it back! [laughter continues]
- [예춘] 아, 줘! 아, 내 거라고 - [학생3] 잡아, 잡아[laughter continues] [Ye-chun] Give it back! I said it's mine!
- [예춘] 내 거라고 - [학생3] 야[Ye-chun] Give it back! I said it's mine! -It's mine! -[girl 3] Let go!
- 아, 놔! - [예춘] 아, 내 거라…-It's mine! -[girl 3] Let go! [Ye-chun cries out, gasping]
[우수수 카드 떨어지는 소리][Ye-chun cries out, gasping]
[학생3] 뭐야?[girl 3] What?
[예춘의 울먹임]
[예춘의 아파하는 신음][Ye-chun groans]
[학생들의 웃음]
[분한 숨소리]
[학생1] 이 연예인 사인 다 지가 위조한 거임It's all fake. She autographed it herself.
아니야!No! I… I got them autographed in person.
이거 내가 직접 다 사인받은 거야No! I… I got them autographed in person.
[학생1] 뭐래, 사기꾼 년이-Bullshit, you lying slut. -[girls laughing]
- [학생3의 웃음] - [학생1의 쯧쯧 혀 차는 소리]-Bullshit, you lying slut. -[girls laughing]
- 이년은 입만 열면 구라야 - [절그럭거리는 소리]-She lies every time she speaks. -[trash clattering]
[우당탕거리는 소리]
-Hey. -[clattering continues]
[계속되는 우당탕 소리]-Hey. -[clattering continues]
빨리 꺼져C'mon, get lost.
야, 내 말 안 들려?Didn't you hear me?
- [탁 내려놓는 소리] - [비닐 부스럭거리는 소리]
[성난 숨을 내뱉는다]
[미모] 병신들[Mi-mo] You're idiots.
[학생1] 뭐?-What? -[girl 4] Ah!
너 방금 뭐라 그랬냐?[girl 3] What did you just say?
병신들이라고Stupid idiots.
[학생2] 쟤 뭐야?-[girl 3] That bitch. -[girl 1] What the hell? What a psycho.
- 미친년 아니야 - 이 씨발 년이 뒈지려고…-[girl 3] That bitch. -[girl 1] What the hell? What a psycho. You fucking bitch. You're dead…
[미모의 거친 숨소리]
죽여버린다Wanna get stabbed?
[미모의 성난 숨소리]
야, 야, 야, 가자Hey. Hey, l-- let's go.
씨발, 저년 존나 또라이야-[girl 1] That bitch is a fuckin' psycho. -[girl 2] She's fucking nuts.
[학생들의 수군거림]-[girl 1] That bitch is a fuckin' psycho. -[girl 2] She's fucking nuts.
[툭 떨어지는 소리]-[girl 1] That bitch is a fuckin' psycho. -[girl 2] She's fucking nuts.
- [예춘] 야, 너 괜찮아? - [다가오는 발소리][Ye-chun] Hey, are you okay?
너 그 유리를 그냥 만져버리면 어떡해Why did you grab a piece of glass?
줘봐Give me your hand.
너 이거 자해 자국이야?You did this to yourself?
[미모] 내가 청소했으니까 네가 가서 뒷정리해[Mi-mo] I tidied everything up, so you finish cleaning.
알았어Okay, sure!
[흥미로운 음악][whimsical music playing]
[드르륵거리는 소리]
[깊은 심호흡][Ye-chun sighs]
[드르륵거리는 소리][Ye-chun sighs] [breathing shakily]
[긴장한 숨소리][moans]
[드르륵거리는 소리]
못 하겠다I can't do it.
[예춘의 한숨][sighs]
[예춘의 힘주는 숨소리][groaning]
[힘주는 숨소리]
[힘주는 숨소리]
[시끌시끌한 소리][students chatting]
[학생] 하이!Hey.
[덜그럭거리는 소리]
[드르륵 의자 끄는 소리]
야, 야, 야, 야, 야, 야 일어나 봐Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Wake up.
뭐야, 이건What is that?
이제 너랑 조금 비슷해졌지?I guess we're more alike now.
뭐래What the--
어디 가?Where are you going?
[미모] 화장실 간다[Mi-mo] To the bathroom.
나도 같이 가Wait for me. [groans]
야, 아, 같이 가Hey! Wait for me!
[미모] 너 왜 들어와?[Mi-mo] Why are you coming in here?
[탁 걸쇠 잠그는 소리][door locks]
친구끼리인데 뭐 어때?-[Ye-chun] We're friends. It's fine. -[sighs] We're not kids.
[어이없는 숨소리] 초딩이냐?-[Ye-chun] We're friends. It's fine. -[sighs] We're not kids.
뭐야, 씨, 변태 같아Oh boy. You're a pervert.
그래, 나 변태다That's right, I'm a pervert. Hm-hm-hm! [chuckles]
[음흉한 웃음 흉내]That's right, I'm a pervert. Hm-hm-hm! [chuckles]
[웃음]That's right, I'm a pervert. Hm-hm-hm! [chuckles]
[흥미로운 음악]
[예춘, 미모] 감사합니다-Here you go. -Thank you. Have a good one.
- [예춘] 안녕히 계세요 - [상인] 응-Here you go. -Thank you. Have a good one. [woman] Bye!
- [학생] 떡볶이 주세요 - [예춘] 어때? 완전 맛있지?-What do you think? Pretty good, right? -It's okay.
[미모] 뭐, 그냥-What do you think? Pretty good, right? -It's okay.
나 예전 살던 데 컵 떡이 진짜 맛있었는데The tteokbokki where I used to live was really good.
[예춘] 있잖아[Ye-chun] You know, I…
나 비밀 얘기 하나 있는데Hey, I have a secret, Mi-mo.
해도 돼?-Can I tell you? -What is it?
[미모] 뭔데?-Can I tell you? -What is it?
나 솔직히 엄마 죽여버리고 싶어I wanna murder my mother sometimes.
[미모] 뭐?What? Why?
왜?What? Why?
내가 얼마 전에 길냥이 한 마리 구조해 줬거든?A couple of weeks ago, I rescued a small kitten I found.
졸라 위험한 상황이었어It was in really bad shape.
근데 못 키우게 하는 거야 원래 자리에 놓고 오라고But Mom didn't want it! I had to take it back, you know?
[예춘의 한숨][sighs]
걔 아마 죽었을걸?It's probably dead.
솔직히 그 고양이And well, I thought…
엄마가 죽인 거나 마찬가지라고It's like my mom killed the cat, basically.
겨우 그것 때문에?That's your problem?
'겨우 그것 때문에'라니?Yeah, that's it. What do you mean?
[불안한 음악으로 변주된다]Yeah, that's it. What do you mean?
됐어, 나 간다Know what? Forget it.
[예춘] 야[Ye-chun] Hey. Hey!
야![Ye-chun] Hey. Hey!
뭐야, 어디 가?What's wrong? Where are you going?
야, 잠깐만, 야!Uh-- Hey, wait. Hey!
뭐야? 너 왜 그러는데?What's wrong? We're friends. We can talk about stuff like that, right?
친구끼리 그런 말도 못 해?What's wrong? We're friends. We can talk about stuff like that, right?
난 친구 필요 없어I don't need friends, remember? I'm just gonna lay low until I graduate.
그냥 조용히 지내다가 졸업할 거야I don't need friends, remember? I'm just gonna lay low until I graduate.
너 왜 그렇게 화내는데?Why are you suddenly so angry?
넌 네 얘기 하나도 안 들려주잖아You don't tell me anything about yourself.
내 얘기가 듣고 싶어?You wanna know about me?
[예춘] 응Mm-hmm.
됐어Well, don't.
넌 말해도 몰라You wouldn't understand.
야, 야!Hey. Hey!
모른다고?I wouldn't understand?
진짜 지긋지긋한 게 뭔지 알아?You know what I hate dealing with, huh?
아빠가 술 먹고 들어와서 엄마랑 날 팰 때야My dad coming home drunk and beating my mom, okay?
나 그래서 칼 들고 아빠 찌를 뻔한 적도 있어I took a knife and almost stabbed my dad. Did you know that?
너 알아?I took a knife and almost stabbed my dad. Did you know that?
너만 비극의 주인공 같지?You think you're the only one with problems?
[큰 소리로] 자해 좀 하고 그러니까You think you're the only sad one just because you hurt yourself!
아주 혼자만 비극의 주인공이지!You think you're the only sad one just because you hurt yourself!
[똑똑 빗소리]
어? 비 온다Huh? It's raining.
야, 야, 뛰어Hey, run! Come on, run!
야, 빨리 뛰어Hey, run! Come on, run!
[분주한 발소리가 멀어진다]
[후두두 빗소리]
[예춘의 탄성][Ye-chun] Argh! [groans]
- [탁탁 발소리] - [예춘, 미모의 가쁜 숨소리]
[예춘의 콜록거리는 소리][Ye-chun chuckling]
[예춘의 가쁜 숨소리][Ye-chun chuckling]
[예춘, 미모의 웃음][Ye-chun laughing]
[후두두 빗소리]
[미모] 아빠가 술 자주 마셔?[Mi-mo] Does your dad get drunk often?
[예춘] 응Mm-hmm.
아빠가 차라리 죽어버렸으면 좋겠어I wish my dad would just die, you know?
엄마도 마찬가지고And my mom too.
우리 엄마는 사실 친엄마가 아니야She's not my real mom, actually. She's my
넌 나보다 낫네Well, you're better off.
이 얘기 아무한테도 안 할 거지?won't tell anyone about this, right?
어, 어, 어-[Ye-chun] Uh, no. -Hmm.
[의미심장한 음악][poignant music playing]
[미모] 난 사실I don't know…
아빠는 누군지 모르고I don't know who my dad is.
엄마는 감옥에 있어And my mom's in prison.
감옥?[gasps] She's in prison?
엄마는 나한테 한 번도 연락한 적도My mom never called me. Not once.
내가 어떻게 살고 있는지 궁금해한 적도 없어She's never even wondered about how I'm doing.
너 그럼 누구랑 살아?Then, who do you live with?
할머니My grandma.
[예춘] 할머니는 엄마 얘기 해준 적 없어?[Ye-chun] Your grandma never told you anything about your mom?
[미모] 할머니도[Mi-mo] She says she
엄마 얘기 하는 걸 엄청 싫어해hates talking about my mom.
아마 나 때문이겠지It's probably my fault.
넌 정말 특별한 거 같아Well-- Well-- I think you're really special, all right?
[미모의 황당한 숨소리][breathes shakily] Could you be more cheesy?
너 무슨 영화 찍냐?[breathes shakily] Could you be more cheesy?
[예춘의 옅은 웃음][Ye-chun chuckles]
[미모의 웃음]
[예춘의 웃음][both chuckle]
[남자] 아, 아Say, uh, "ah." Here.
- [도어 록 조작음] - 그렇지Say, uh, "ah." Here.
그렇지, 그렇지, 그렇지
- [도어 록 작동음] - [철컹 문 열리는 소리][door opens]
- [철컹 문 닫히는 소리] - [여자] 왔어?-[door shuts] -[Mom] You're home.
오늘 고기 먹기로 한 날인데 왜 이렇게 늦었어?Why so late? We're doing barbecue, remember?
손 씻고 와Wash your hands.
나 안 먹어I'm not hungry.
[남자] 야, 네가 먹자 그랬잖아Hey, you asked for this, right?
안 먹는다고!I'm not hungry!
[남자] 아, 뭐야 고기 많이 사 왔는데I'm not hungry! [Dad] What? We bought a lot of meat.
- [여자] 야 - [탁 문 열리는 소리]Hey! Is something wrong?
너 무슨 일 있어?Hey! Is something wrong?
- [예춘] 없어! - [탁 문 닫히는 소리]-[Ye-chun] No! -[door slams]
[지글지글 고기 굽는 소리]-[Ye-chun] No! -[door slams]
- [아기의 울음] - [여자] 아이고, 참-[baby crying] -[Mom] Dear God.
쟤가 또 왜 저러나 몰라Don't know what's come over her.
[계속되는 아기의 울음]MI-MO♥
- [메시지 발신음] - [남자] 사춘기잖아, 내버려 둬[Dad] She's going through puberty, let her be. There, there, there.
- [메시지 발신음] - 어, 그래그래[Dad] She's going through puberty, let her be. There, there, there.
[아이] 언니 안 먹으면 내가 먹는다![Dad] She's going through puberty, let her be. There, there, there. I FREAKING HATE BEING HOME
- [예춘 모의 웃음] - [메시지 발신음]REALLY? OH NO! WHATEVER…
- 먹어, 먹어 - [예춘 부가 웃으며] 맛있지, 응?I'M JUST HIDING IN MY ROOM RIGHT NOW
- [메시지 발신음] - 쌈 싸줄게, 어?I'M JUST HIDING IN MY ROOM RIGHT NOW [Dad] Here, I'll make a wrap for you.
[예춘 모] 아, 좋겠네?[Dad] Here, I'll make a wrap for you.
- [예춘 부] 어, 뜨겁다, 뜨겁다 - [예춘 모] 꼭꼭 씹어[Dad] Be careful, it's hot! It's hot.
- [부드러운 음악] - [왁자지껄한 소리][poignant music playing]
[학생] 아주 영혼의 단짝이네 천생연분이야?Wow, the soulmates are here. You're a cute couple.
[예춘] 오줌싸개, 안녕Miss Bed-wetter, hello!
[학생] 뭐?What?
[예춘] 가자-Let's go. -[Miss Bed-wetter] That bitch.
[학생] 저 씨발 년이, 씨-Let's go. -[Miss Bed-wetter] That bitch.
[예춘] 쟤 원래 왕따였어She used to be an outcast. She peed herself in class in elementary school.
초등학교 다닐 때 교실에서 오줌 쌌거든She used to be an outcast. She peed herself in class in elementary school.
- [미모의 코웃음] - 그래서 애들이Everyone saw it, so they called her "Bed-wetter."
다 오줌싸개라고 놀렸어Everyone saw it, so they called her "Bed-wetter."
- 진짜? - 응-[Mi-mo] Really? -Mm-hmm.
근데 중학교 오더니 교복 줄이고 화장하고Then we got to middle school, she shortened her skirt and started wearing makeup.
싹 달라졌어and started wearing makeup.
그리고 일진 애들 존나 따라다녔어And started following the bullies around.
어휴, 그렇게 왕따에서 해방됐고[scoffs] Now she's not an outcast anymore.
쟤가 너 제일 괴롭히잖아She picks on you the most.
그러니까, 졸라 어이없지?She picks on you the most. -I know. Ridiculous, right? -Mm-hmm.
[미모] 응-I know. Ridiculous, right? -Mm-hmm.
졸라 웃긴다, 진짜She's a hypocrite.
- [교사] 자, 서원은 - [예춘이 키득댄다][teacher] During the Joseon Dynasty, Seowon was a private institution…
과거 조선 시대의 덕망 있는 유학자들에게[teacher] During the Joseon Dynasty, Seowon was a private institution… [Mi-mo and Ye-chun giggling]
제사를 지내거나[Mi-mo and Ye-chun giggling]
- [예춘의 숨죽인 웃음] - 어, 선비들이 함께 모여서[Mi-mo and Ye-chun giggling] …and where ancestral rites were held for virtuous Confucian scholars.
공부하는 사립 기관이었어…and where ancestral rites were held for virtuous Confucian scholars.
[예춘의 웃음기 어린 숨소리]
- [예춘의 킥킥대는 웃음] - 야, 맨 뒤에 너희 둘You two in the back. Go out to the hallway.
복도로 나가You two in the back. Go out to the hallway.
인재를 길러 자신들의 학통을 이어 나가거나…-[teacher] It was used to foster talent… -I heard they're in love.
야, 쟤네 존나 꼴사납지 않냐?-Someone saw them making out. -Aren't they super annoying?
- [학생1] 내가 걔한테 들었어 - [학생2] 진짜?-I heard about it. -Really?
- [학생1] 어 - [교사] …활용하기도 했어[boy] Yeah.
- 조선 시대 왕으로부터 - [학생2] 개오버 아니야?[girl] That's so crazy. [teacher continues speaking]
- [교사] 인정받은 서원을… - [학생2] 진짜로?[teacher continues speaking]
[미모] 너You're… pretty damn ugly.
졸라 못생겼어You're… pretty damn ugly.
[코웃음 치며] 웃기고 있네[scoffs] That's nonsense. I'd say you're pretty damn ugly.
네가 더 졸라 못생겼거든?[scoffs] That's nonsense. I'd say you're pretty damn ugly.
아니, 네가 존나 더더 못생겼어-I'm not. You're the pretty damn ugliest. -Bullshit.
지랄, 넌 세상에서 하늘만큼 땅만큼 제일 못생겼어-I'm not. You're the pretty damn ugliest. -Bullshit. If I'm that, then you're the pretty damn ugliest in the whole wide world.
- [밝은 음악] - [예춘, 미모의 웃음][whimsical music playing]
[계속되는 예춘, 미모의 웃음]
[예춘, 미모의 가쁜 숨소리][both panting]
- [차분한 음악] - [예춘] 근데[Ye-chun] By the way,
너희 엄마는 왜 교도소 간 거야?why did your mom go to prison anyway?
[미모] 그건 왜 물어봐?Why are you asking me that?
[예춘] 아니, 그냥I'm just curious.
[미모] 사람을 죽였어She killed someone.
[예춘] 뭐?What?!
너도 이제 내가 괴물처럼 보여?You think I'm a monster too.
[예춘의 한숨][Ye-chun sighs]
[예춘] 아니No, I don't.
[잔잔한 음악][gentle piano music playing]
[예춘의 한숨]
어제 아빠가 또 깽판 쳤어My dad went crazy again yesterday.
그릇이고 뭐고 다 깨졌어He broke everything, dishes and all.
[미모] 진짜?He broke everything, dishes and all. Really?
어휴, 엄마는 또 울면서 집 나가고[sighs] My mom left the house crying.
난리 부루스다, 정말Honestly, it's a real mess.
[예춘이 깊은숨을 내쉰다][breathes deeply]
[미모] 우리, 집 나갈래?Should we… run away?
[예춘] 집?-[Ye-chun] From home? -Mm-hmm.
[미모] 응-[Ye-chun] From home? -Mm-hmm.
[예춘] 좋은데?[Ye-chun] I like that.
그럼 우리 둘이 살 집 한번 찾아보는 거야, 어때?We should, um, try to find a place we could live together, right?
[미모] 그럼 돈이 많이 필요하지 않나?Don't we need a lot of money for that?
너 돈 있어?Do you have any?
[예춘] 나 돈 없는데?I don't have money.
[미모] 뭐야 돈도 없는데 집은 무슨…[Mi-mo] Well, so we can't afford to run away.
[예춘] 아, 그래도[Ye-chun] But still, I think it would be fun if we lived together.
우리 둘이 같이 살면 진짜 재미있을 거 같은데[Ye-chun] But still, I think it would be fun if we lived together.
[옅은 숨을 들이쉰다]
[흥미로운 음악]
[숨 들이켜는 소리]
[gasps] [music fades out]
[아기의 찢어질 듯한 울음][baby screaming]
[예춘 모] 예춘아![baby screaming] Ye-chun! Ye-chun!
- 예춘아! - [덜컥 문 열리는 소리]Ye-chun! Ye-chun!
[예춘] 아, 왜![Ye-chun] What?!
[예춘 모] 저, 막내 이유식 좀 먹여라[Ye-chun] What?! -I need you to feed the baby. -Uh! Mom, I'm busy!
아, 나 바빠!-I need you to feed the baby. -Uh! Mom, I'm busy!
[예춘 모] 너 그럼 용돈 없다?You're not getting any allowance, then.
- [계속되는 아기의 울음] - [탁 문 닫히는 소리]-[screaming continues] -[Ye-chun testily] Where's the baby food?
[예춘] 어디 있는데?-[screaming continues] -[Ye-chun testily] Where's the baby food?
- 아, 진짜 - [예춘 부] 여기[Dad] Here.
[불평하는 소리]
- [예춘] 아 - [예춘 모] 다 입었다-[Ye-chun] Say "ah." [chuckles] -[Mom] All dressed!
- [예춘의 옅은 웃음] - [예춘 부] 여보, 옷 다 입혔으면-[Ye-chun] Say "ah." [chuckles] -[Mom] All dressed! [Dad] Honey, come over and eat if you're done dressing him up.
자기도 와서 먹어[Dad] Honey, come over and eat if you're done dressing him up.
우리 빨리빨리, 빨리 먹자, 어?-[Ye-chun] Ah! -[Dad] We gotta be quick, okay?
- 빨리빨리 먹고 나가야지 - 맛있냐?-[Ye-chun] Ah! -[Dad] We gotta be quick, okay? Yummy, huh?
- [달그락거리는 소리] - [예춘 부] 자, 먹자-[Dad] Okay, let's eat! -[Ye-chun sighs]
아, 뭐야 저, 그거, 안내문은 다 챙겼지?[parents talking in background]
- 그거 알아? - [예춘 모] 챙겼지Guess what?
내 친구가 마스크걸 딸이래I'm friends with Mask Girl's daughter.
대단하지?Isn't that amazing?
[한숨 쉬며] 난 미모가 너무 불쌍해[sighs] I feel bad for Mi-mo, you know?
난 미모 곁에서 절대로 떠나지 않을 거야So I'm never going to leave my friend's side ever.
오히려 내가 도와줘야지Yeah, I should help her.
[깊은 한숨][sighs heavily]
그러려면 돈이 조금 필요하긴 한데But I need money if I wanna help her, huh?
- [버튼 조작음] - [양 울음소리가 흘러나온다][baa]
[장난감 음성] '시프'-[artificial voice] Sheep. -[Ye-chun] Huh?
[옹알거리는 소리]
[계속 대화 나누는 소리]
[닭 울음소리가 흘러나온다][cock-a-doodle-doo]
[말 울음소리가 흘러나온다][neigh]
'호스'-Horse. -[Ye-chun chuckles softly]
- [예춘 모] 맛있게 먹겠습니다 - [흥미로운 음악]-Horse. -[Ye-chun chuckles softly] [mischievous music playing]
- [매미 울음] - [아이들의 노는 소리]
[남자] 어, 잘 굴러가네[man] Uh, it rolls well.
소리?The sounds?
- [탁탁 버튼 누르는 소리] - [동물 울음소리가 흘러나온다][cock-a-doodle-doo, miaow, trumpet]
어, 잘 나와[man] Yeah, it works.
[동물 울음소리가 흘러나온다][moo, bleat]
- 어? - [버튼 조작음]-[man] Huh? -[button clicks]
어?-[man] Huh? -[button clicks] [man] Huh?
[남자의 씁 들이쉬는 숨소리][man] Huh?
사자가 소리가 안 나네?Uh, the lion button's not working.
- 어, 어 - 그게Yeah. -[Ye-chun] I don't know why it won't-- -[man] Yeah, the lion.
- [남자] 어, 사자가 - 소리가 왜 잘 안 나지?-[Ye-chun] I don't know why it won't-- -[man] Yeah, the lion.
알았어, 어Talk to you soon. Sure.
[예춘] 아, 이게 그Oh, it, uh-- it was working up until now, it really was.
조금 전까지만 해도 분명히 소리가 잘 났는데Oh, it, uh-- it was working up until now, it really was.
그럼 3만 원에 해드릴까요?So, uh, what if I bring it down to 30,000 won?
감사합니다-Thank you! -Have a good one.
- [남자] 들어가세요 - [예춘] 네-Thank you! -Have a good one. [Ye-chun] Bye.
[미모] 근데 저거 팔아도 진짜 괜찮아?Are you sure it's okay to sell that?
괜찮아It's fine. She'll be walking soon anyway.
어차피 이제 걸음마 떼야 할 때거든It's fine. She'll be walking soon anyway.
[예춘] 너랑 나랑 합쳐서 13만 8,000원이네?So together we have 138,000 won.
이걸로는 턱도 없는데This is nowhere near enough.
[예춘의 한숨]
이제 뭐 더 팔 것도 없는데I don't have anything else to sell.
우리 어떡하냐?What do we do now?
Oh-- I could ask my tteokbokki grandma.
떡볶이 할머니한테 부탁해 볼까?Oh-- I could ask my tteokbokki grandma.
떡볶이 할머니?-"Tteokbokki grandma"? -Mm-hmm.
[미모] 응, 예전에 나 살던 곳에-"Tteokbokki grandma"? -Mm-hmm. Remember how I said there was an awesome tteokbokki truck where I used to live?
진짜 맛있는 떡볶이 차 있었다고 했잖아Remember how I said there was an awesome tteokbokki truck where I used to live?
나한테는 진짜 할머니 같은 분인데She's like a real grandma to me.
고민 있으면 언제든지 얘기하라고 했었거든She told me I should talk to her if I needed anything.
한번 찾아가 볼까?We could ask her for help.
그래도 난 우리 힘으로 한번 해보고 싶은데I kinda think we could pull this off by ourselves.
미모야, 쪼끔만 기다려 내가 어떻게든 해볼게Mi-mo, wait a little while. I'll try to come up with something.
아니야, 같이 해야지You won't. We'll do it together.
나도 방법을 찾아볼게I'll try to find a way too.
[다가오는 발소리]
[예춘] 얘Hey.
너 잠깐 이리 와볼래?Can I talk to you for a minute?
[흥미로운 음악][mischievous music playing]
[아이가 들뜬 숨을 내쉬며] 이거 진짜예요?Wow. Are these real?
[예춘] 야, 당연히 진짜지Hey! Of course they're real.
마음에 들어?-Do you like them? -[chuckles]
너 그럼 이거 만 원에 살래?So… do you think you wanna get one?
[숨을 씁 들이마시며] 원래 2만 원인데They're 20,000 won,
넌 귀엽게 생겼으니까 언니가 특별히 만 원에 팔게but you're so cute, I'll give it to you for half the price.
저 돈 없는데요?I don't have the money, though.
지금 얼마 있는데?How much money do you have?
[아이] 500원요[child] Five hundred won.
[예춘] 일단은 이거라도 받을게That's okay. I'll take it for now.
대신 친구들한테 홍보 좀 잘해줘, 응?In return, tell your friends about me, huh?
[여자1이 웃으며] 아, 존나 웃겨-[girl 1] Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. -[girl 2] What a freakin' joke.
[여자2] 존나 어이없네?-[girl 1] Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. -[girl 2] What a freakin' joke.
요즘에도 이런 애들이 있어?-[girl 1] Kids still do this kinda stuff? -[girl 3] That's so pathetic.
[여자3] 개어이없어, 진짜-[girl 1] Kids still do this kinda stuff? -[girl 3] That's so pathetic.
친구야, 너 여기서 뭐 하니?Hey, you. Is there a problem? A middle schooler taking money from a little kid?
[학생1] 중딩 새끼가 초딩 삥 뜯는 거야?A middle schooler taking money from a little kid? [scoffs] You're small, so…
좆만 한 게[scoffs] You're small, so…
아가야, 여기서 애들 삥 뜯고 그러면 안 돼요Listen, you little fuck. Don't take money from little kids, understood?
아기야, 너 500원 챙겨서 빨리 집에 가Hey, take your 500 won and go home.
- [학생2] 이게 어딜 가려고 - [예춘] 아!-[girl 1] Where do you think you're going? -[girl 2] Hey, grab her!
야, 얘 잡아-[girl 1] Where do you think you're going? -[girl 2] Hey, grab her!
[학생들과 예춘의 실랑이 소리]-[girl 1] Where do you think you're going? -[girl 2] Hey, grab her! -Don't even think about running. -[girl 3] So sad.
[예춘의 아파하는 신음]-Don't even think about running. -[girl 3] So sad. [Ye-chun groaning]
- [예춘의 앓는 신음] - [다가오는 발소리][sobbing]
[학생3의 비웃음][Miss Bed-wetter laughs] That's what you get.
[학생3] 꼴 좋네?[Miss Bed-wetter laughs] That's what you get.
[옅은 웃음]
네가 언니들한테 꼰질렀지?You ratted me out to them, didn't you?
씨, 오줌싸개 주제에[scoffs] Bed-wetter.
- [학생3] 뭐? - [예춘] 아![Bed-wetter] What did you say? Aren't you scared of dying?
- [어두운 음악] - 이게 진짜 뒈지려고, 씨[Bed-wetter] What did you say? Aren't you scared of dying? Let me go! If you keep this up, you should be scared of dying.
[예춘] 너Let me go! If you keep this up, you should be scared of dying.
너 자꾸 이러면 네 목숨이 위험해지는 수가 있어Let me go! If you keep this up, you should be scared of dying.
목숨?Should I, bitch? [scoffs]
- [기가 찬 숨소리] 야 - [예춘] 아!Should I, bitch? [scoffs] I'm gonna hit you every time you lie to me, you got that?
[학생3] 너 또 구라 치면 한 대씩 맞는다고 했지?I'm gonna hit you every time you lie to me, you got that?
[예춘] 너[Ye-chun] Wait!
너 미모가 누구 딸인지 모르지?Mi-mo's mom, you know who she is?
[학생3] 미모?-"Mi-mo"? Mi-mo Kim? -[somber choral music playing]
김미모?-"Mi-mo"? Mi-mo Kim? -[somber choral music playing]
뭐, 그년이 뭐 재벌 집 딸이라도 돼?What? Is her mom rich or something?
[성난 숨소리]
[징징 진동 벨 소리][cellphone buzzes]
[미모의 떨리는 숨소리][panting]
[남자] 저기, 학생[man] Hey, kid.
[남자1] 네, 어떻게 오셨어요?[man 1] How may I help you?
- [짝 때리는 소리] - [남자2] 어유-[man 2] Oh! -I told you, didn't I? For the last time.
- [모미 모] 내가 캤제? - [남자2] 어유, 저기-[man 2] Oh! -I told you, didn't I? For the last time.
- 마지막이라꼬 - 아유, 할머니, 할머니-[man 2] Oh! -I told you, didn't I? For the last time. Uh, ma'am, ma'am. You can't do this here.
- 여기서 이러지 마시고요 - [모미 모] 내 집에서Uh, ma'am, ma'am. You can't do this here. Get outta my house!
당장 나가 뿌라, 응?Get outta my house! -Right now, you hear me? -Hey, hey! [Grandma] Huh?! [breathing heavily]
- [모미 모의 성난 숨소리] - [미모의 코웃음][Grandma] Huh?! [breathing heavily]
[미모] 어차피[softly] I wasn't planning
들어갈 생각 없었어on staying with you anyway.
[모미 모] 뭐라꼬?[Grandma] What did you say?!
[어두운 음악이 고조된다]-[Grandma breathing heavily] -[music continues]
[거친 숨소리][Mi-mo breathes shakily]
[경찰] 야, 야!Hey, kid!
- [모미 모의 거친 숨소리] - 아휴[sighs]
[모미 모] 아휴
[가쁜 숨소리][sobbing]
[울음 섞인 숨소리]
[도어 록 작동음]
[도어 록 작동음]
[예춘 모] 야, 너 어디 갔다 이렇게 늦게 들어와?[Mom] Hey! Where have you been? Why are you home so late?
[탁 문 열리는 소리][Mom] Hey! Where have you been? Why are you home so late?
[예춘] 친구 집에서 조금 놀다 왔어[Ye-chun] I was at a friend's house.
그럼 전화를 했었어야지, 전화를![sighs] Well, you should've called us at least, you know?
[탁 문 닫히는 소리][sighs] Well, you should've called us at least, you know? [door shuts]
[예춘] 아, 나가![Ye-chun] Ugh, leave me alone!
혹시 보행기 못 봤니?Have you seen the baby walker? Uh--
[예춘] 몰라 그걸 내가 어떻게 알아?[Ye-chun] Why are you asking me? Just leave me alone!
아, 나가![Ye-chun] Why are you asking me? Just leave me alone!
[예춘 모] 못 봤대?-[Mom] Hasn't seen it? -[Dad] She says she hasn't.
- [예춘 부] 못 봤대 - [예춘의 옅은 숨소리]-[Mom] Hasn't seen it? -[Dad] She says she hasn't.
[예춘 모] 아니, 도대체 이게-[Mom] Jesus, where on earth did it go? -[cellphone buzzing]
- 어디 간 거야? - [휴대전화 진동음]-[Mom] Jesus, where on earth did it go? -[cellphone buzzing]
[예춘의 힘주는 소리]
여보세요?[Ye-chun] Hello?
- [미모] 뭐 해? - [예춘] 나?-[Mi-mo] What are you up to? -Me?
나 그냥 집에 있지Mmm, not much. I'm home.
오늘 나 너희 집 가도 되냐?Can I come over to your place tonight?
[놀란 목소리로] 우리 집?[gasps] My place?
우리 집에는 왜?My place, why?
그냥You know…
집에 들어가기 싫어서Don't wanna go home, that's all.
안 돼?Is that a no?
- 오늘 하루만 자고 나갈게 - [한숨]-Just for the night. -[sighs]
아, 나도 나도 진짜 그러고 싶은데I, uh-- I really want you to, but…
아빠가 지금 또 깽판 쳤거든It's just… my dad, uh, he threw stuff again. It's a mess.
진짜?It's just… my dad, uh, he threw stuff again. It's a mess. Really? Hey,
야, 괜찮아?Really? Hey, are you okay?
[예춘] 야, 우리 집 지금 진짜 난리야Yeah, it's just… my place is a complete mess.
[옅은 숨을 들이쉬며] 나야말로 집 나가고 싶어I wanna run away from home.
[미모의 한숨]Mi-mo, you should go back to your grandma tonight, and…
미모야, 일단 오늘은 너 집에 들어가고Mi-mo, you should go back to your grandma tonight, and…
우리 준비되면 그때 나가자and… we can leave… when we're ready.
[예춘] 어Okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow.
그래, 내일 학교에서 봐Okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow.
- [통화 종료음] - [탁 내려놓는 소리]-[phone beeps] -[breathes in sharply]
[떨리는 숨소리][sighs]
아, 씨Shit.
- [어두운 음악] - [풀벌레 울음][tense music playing]
[탁 떨어지는 소리]
[시끌시끌한 소리]
- [솨 물소리] - [학생1] 야, 너 그 얘기 들었어?[girl 1] Hey, did you hear the news? About Mi-mo Kim from Class Two?
2반의 김미모라는 애?[girl 1] Hey, did you hear the news? About Mi-mo Kim from Class Two?
[학생2] 김미모? 걔가 누군데?[girl 2] "Mi-mo Kim"? Who's that? Well, she transferred here recently, and she's Mask Girl's daughter.
[학생1] 그, 얼마 전에 전학 온 애인데Well, she transferred here recently, and she's Mask Girl's daughter.
걔가 마스크걸 딸이래Well, she transferred here recently, and she's Mask Girl's daughter.
[학생2] 마스크걸?Well, she transferred here recently, and she's Mask Girl's daughter. [girl 2] "Mask Girl"? Who's that?
그게 뭔데?[girl 2] "Mask Girl"? Who's that?
[학생1] 팡TV 사이코 연쇄 살인마[girl 1] Y'know, the PangTV psycho killer? She was on TV and all.
- [무거운 음악] - 방송에도 나왔었어[girl 1] Y'know, the PangTV psycho killer? She was on TV and all.
[학생2] 헐, 대박[girl 2] Whoa, really?
[학생1] 존나 놀랍지?Fuckin' unbelievable. Y'know why she transferred to our school?
그리고 걔 전학 온 이유가 뭔지 알아?Fuckin' unbelievable. Y'know why she transferred to our school?
[학생2] 뭔데?[girl 2] Why?
[학생1] 지 욕하는 애 연필로 찍어가지고 온 거래[girl 1] Apparently, she stabbed a kid with a pencil.
[학생2] 미친, 아, 너무 싫어-So… -[girl 2] What the hell? That's crazy!
사이코 살인자 딸이랑 같은 학교 다니는 거잖아-So… -[girl 2] What the hell? That's crazy! That means we go to the same school as a serial killer's daughter!
[학생1] 그래서 우리 엄마가 교육청에다가 항의할 거랬어[girl 1] My mom's making a complaint to the Office of Education
왜 그런 애가 아직도 여기 남아있냐고[girl 1] My mom's making a complaint to the Office of Education to try to get her to leave the school.
[고조되는 음악]
- [교사] 강정국 - [정국] 네-[teacher] Jeong-guk Kang. -Here.
- [교사] 김나래 - [나래] 네-[teacher] Na-rae Kim. -Here.
[교사] 김미모[teacher] Mi-mo Kim.
예춘아, 미모 안 왔니?Ye-chun. Is Mi-mo late?
저도 잘 모르겠어요I haven't seen her yet.
[교사의 옅은 한숨][teacher sighs]
- [교사] 김진홍 - [진홍] 네-[teacher] Jin-hong Kim. -[Jin-hong] Here.
- [교사] 김하은 - [하은] 네-Ha-eun Kim. -[Ha-eun] Here.
[똑똑 노크 소리]
[드르륵, 탁 문 열리는 소리]MI-MO, WHERE ARE YOU?
[교사가 작은 소리로] 잠시만요[sighs] -Just a second. -[Grandma] Mm-hmm.
- [예춘] 네? - [교사] 잠깐Yes?
선생님이랑 얘기 좀 할까?Can I have a word with you for a minute?
[교사] 미모 할머니 말씀이According to Mi-mo's grandmother,
미모가 어제부터 집에 안 들어왔다고 하시던데Mi-mo hasn't come back home since yesterday, unfortunately.
너 혹시 아는 거 없니?Do you know anything, by chance?
네가 미모랑 제일 친하게 지내잖아[teacher] You're, uh, Mi-mo's closest friend, isn't that right?
그렇긴 한데Yeah, that's true.
저도 잘 모르겠어요But I don't know where she is.
- [왁자지껄한 소리] - [의미심장한 음악][whimsical music playing]
[예춘의 다급한 숨소리][whimsical music playing]
- [탁탁 발소리] - [예춘의 가쁜 숨소리]
[매미 울음]
[통화 연결음]
- [안내 음성] 연결이 되지 않아 - [예춘의 한숨]The number you are trying to reach is unavailable.
삐 소리 후 소리샘으로…The number you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please leave a message after the tone.
- [예춘의 쯧 혀 차는 소리] - [통화 연결음]Please leave a message after the tone. [line ringing]
- [계속되는 통화 연결음] - [한숨][sighs] The number you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please leave--
연결이 되지 않아 삐 소리 후…The number you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please leave--
왜 이렇게 전화를 안 받냐Dang it, why aren't you picking up?
도대체 어디 있는 거야Where the heck are you?
[예춘 부] 예춘아!-[Dad] Ye-chun! [laughs] -[kid] Ye-chun!
- [아이1] 언니! - [예춘 부의 웃음]-[Dad] Ye-chun! [laughs] -[kid] Ye-chun!
- [예춘] 어… - [예춘 모] 뭐야-[Ye-chun] Hey. -What's with the long face?
너 표정이 왜 그래? 학교에서 무슨 일 있었어?-[Ye-chun] Hey. -What's with the long face? Did something happen at school?
아니야-No, nothing. -[Mom] Huh?
[예춘 부] 네가 좋아하는 치킨 샀어We bought fried chicken, your favorite. Let's go.
- 가자 - [아이2] 가자We bought fried chicken, your favorite. Let's go. -We got fried chicken. -[Mom] We bought two boxes. Let's go.
- 닭고기 - [예춘 모] 두 마리나 샀다-We got fried chicken. -[Mom] We bought two boxes. Let's go.
- [아이2] 다 샀다 - [예춘 모] 가자-We got fried chicken. -[Mom] We bought two boxes. Let's go.
- [예춘 부] 치킨 파티다! - [예춘 모, 아이1] 예!-[Dad] It'll be a fried chicken party! -[all] Yay! -[Dad laughs] -[Mom] Every other day! [laughs]
[예춘 모가 웃으며] 그저께도 했잖아-[Dad laughs] -[Mom] Every other day! [laughs]
[예춘 부] 에이[Dad] So?!
우리 딸이 좋아하는데 매일 할 수 있지!Since our daughter likes chicken, we can have one every day. [laughs]
[예춘 부, 예춘 모의 웃음]Since our daughter likes chicken, we can have one every day. [laughs]
- [예춘 모] 그럼 매일 하자 - [예춘 부] 가자[Mom] Okay, then. Let's party every day. Let's have fried chicken tomorrow too!
[예춘 모] 매일 해, 내일도 먹자![Mom] Okay, then. Let's party every day. Let's have fried chicken tomorrow too!
[예춘 모의 웃음][Mom] Okay, then. Let's party every day. Let's have fried chicken tomorrow too!
[달그락거리는 소리]
[예춘 모] 너 왜 이렇게 못 먹어?[Mom] Why aren't you eating?
[예춘 부] 응 닭 다리 오늘 너 줄게-I'll give you the leg today. -[Ye-chun scoffs]
- 원래 내기해서 주는 건데 - [휴대전화 진동음]-[Dad] Usually, we'd auction it off… -[cellphone buzzes]
오늘은 특별히 너 준다…but I'll give it to ya this time.
아니야, 아니야, 나 배불러 더 이상은 못 먹겠어No, no, I'm full. I can't eat anymore.
[예춘 부] 벌써? 야, 그러면 내가 먹는다![Dad] Wha-- Already? Well, I'll eat it, then!
야, 김미모, 너 어디야?Hey, Mi-mo Kim, where are you?
[미모] 너 잠깐 좀 나올 수 있어?Can you come meet me?
어, 그럼, 너 어디인데?Yeah, of course. Where are you?
아, 거기, 굴다리? 야, 알았어, 너 딱 기다려Oh, the underpass? Okay, got it. Stay right there!
[예춘] 야, 김미모![happily] Hey! Mi-mo Kim!
[예춘의 가쁜 숨소리][happily] Hey! Mi-mo Kim! Hey!
[숨을 헐떡이며] 야, 너 내가 얼마나 걱정했는지 알아?Do you know how worried I was?
전화기는 대체 왜 꺼놓은 거야?Why did you turn your phone off? [gasping]
[예춘의 콜록대는 소리]Why did you turn your phone off? [gasping]
[예춘이 가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]
너 왜 그렇게 쳐다봐?Why are you looking at me
[예춘의 헐떡이는 숨소리]like that?
- [불안한 음악] - 야Hey!
네가 어떻게 그럴 수 있어?How could you do that?
야, 뭐가?What do you mean?
소문 퍼트린 거 너지?-You spread the rumors, right? -"Rumors"?
[예춘] 소문?-You spread the rumors, right? -"Rumors"?
야, 무슨 소리야?What are you talking about?
- 네가 내 소문 퍼트렸잖아! - [예춘] 무슨 소문?-You spread the rumors about me! -What rumors?!
- [미모의 성난 숨소리] - [예춘의 아파하는 소리][Ye-chun cries out]
[예춘의 아파하는 신음]
[미모] 네가 어떻게 나한테 이럴 수 있어? 나한테![Mi-mo screaming] How could you do this to me? How could you?
[예춘] 아, 잠깐만 아, 미모야, 왜 이래![Mi-mo screaming] How could you do this to me? How could you? [Ye-chun] Hold on! Mi-mo, why are you doing this?
- [고조되는 음악] - 아, 그만해, 아!No, stop! [cries out]
[미모] 그리고 너는 거짓말했잖아 이 나쁜 년아!No, stop! [cries out] [Mi-mo] And you lied to me! You bitch!
[예춘] 미모야, 잠깐만 내 얘기 좀 들어봐Wait, Mi-mo. [sobbing] Listen to me. I didn't spread any rumors about--
- 나 네 소문 안 냈어 - [미모] 닥쳐, 이 배신자야!Wait, Mi-mo. [sobbing] Listen to me. I didn't spread any rumors about-- -[Mi-mo] Shut up, you backstabber! -[Ye-chun squeals]
[예춘의 비명]-[Mi-mo] Shut up, you backstabber! -[Ye-chun squeals]

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