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  미남당 6

Café Minamdang 6




[shushes] Just follow me.

조심조용히 따라와

[shushes] Just follow me.

‪(꽃순) [우물거리며맛있다

[Kkot-sun] Mm. So delicious.


It's so good.


[old lady] Kkot-sun, stop!

아유저것이  저런다!

Oh dear. She's doing it again!

네가 먹은 딸깃값이 ‪100 원어치여!

[old lady] You've eaten a million won worth of strawberries already!

‪[꽃순의 웃음] ‪(재희잡아!

-[Jae-hui] Get her! -[Kkot-sun giggling]

‪[경쾌한 음악] ‪아이거기 서라!

[Jae-hui] Hey you, stop!

할머니 걱정하셔!

Your grandmother's worried sick!

‪[꽃순의 웃음] ‪아이꽃순 

[Jae-hui] Stop, Ms. Kkot-sun, put down the gun!


[Jae-hui] Stop, Ms. Kkot-sun, put down the gun!

‪(경찰거기거기 가만있어

-[officer] Stop, stay right there. -[squeals]

‪- (경찰아이 ‪- (재희아이진짜

-[officer] Stop, stay right there. -[squeals] -Hey, this way, this way. -Hey, stop!


-Hey, this way, this way. -Hey, stop!


[Jae-hui shrieks]

아이진짜거기 서요!

Seriously? Stop right there!


Seriously? Stop right there! -[breathing heavily] -[music stops]

‪(재희아이어디  거야? ‪날도 추운데

-Where did she run off to? It's so cold. -[breathing heavily]


I know.

‪(재희 건너까지   아니야?

Do you think she went across the road?

  ‪블랙박스 있는  아니야?

Hey, that truck. Maybe it has a dashcam.


I'll check it out.

차주분 어디 계시지?

I wonder where the owner is.


[Jae-hui] Hello? Anyone?


[Jae-hui] Hello? Anyone?

‪(경찰경위님 ‪여기 블랙박스가 없는데요?

Hey, ma'am, it doesn't have a dashcam.

‪(재희 키도 ‪그대로 꽂혀 있는데

[Jae-hui] The key is left in the ignition too.

어디 가신 거지?

Where could he be?


[Jae-hui] Hello?


Anyone there?

‪[어두운 음악]

[ominous music]

‪(경찰설마 ‪이거 핏자국 아니겠죠?

[officer] Hold on, does this look like blood to you?

아니길 바라야지

I certainly hope not.

‪(재희여기 이거

Hey, look at this.

‪[재희의 긴장한 숨소리]

‪[긴장되는 음악]


‪(경찰) [콜록거리며 ‪이거  냄새야? ‪[재희의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[coughing] [officer] What's that smell?

지금 당장 지원 요청해

Call and tell them we need back up.



기산남로 278 ‪화재 발생 추정화재 발생 추정

[officer] We're at 278 Gisannam-ro. There seems to be a fire. Repeat, there seems to be a fire.

대기 중인 순마 지원 바람

Repeat, there seems to be a fire.

‪[강조되는 효과음]

[music intensifies]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

[music intensifies] [gasps]

아유평소에  닦아라 ‪더러워 죽겠다

Ugh, clean this more often, will you? It's filthy.

‪(재정세정제로 닦아라 ‪지문 남는다

[Jae-jeong] Use a cleaner for that or else you'll leave fingerprints. [clicks tongue]

‪[입바람을  분다]

‪(한준 번도  닦았지?

You don't clean this, do you?


You don't clean this, do you? No, not really.

‪[ 내려놓는 소리]


Forget that.


[Jae-jeong] Look at this, six months ago, Do Jun-ha

‪6개월  도준하가 ‪성폭행 혐의로 긴급 체포 됐었어 ‪[어두운 음악]

[Jae-jeong] Look at this, six months ago, Do Jun-ha was arrested without a warrant on charges of rape.

휴대폰에 직접 촬영한 ‪증거 영상까지 있었는데

There was a video found on his phone that he took himself,

불법으로 취득한 증거물이라서 ‪무죄로 풀려난 모양이야

but the evidence was illegally obtained so he apparently got off scot-free.

최영섭 딸은 다음  자살했고

Then Choi Yeong-seop's daughter killed herself.

그러니까 최영섭이

Hm. So you think Choi Yeong-seop murdered his daughter's rapist

‪(한준딸을 성폭행한 놈을 ‪보복 살인  거다?

Hm. So you think Choi Yeong-seop murdered his daughter's rapist -to get revenge against them? -[Jae-jeong] Yeah.


-to get revenge against them? -[Jae-jeong] Yeah.

동기도 확실하고

He clearly has a motive for it,

약물 과다 복용으로 ‪기억이 없긴 한데

and while he doesn't remember what happened because of his overdose,

본인이 죽였다고 인정도 하고 있어

he did admit he killed Do Jun-ha. [Han-jun] So he admitted to the murder but doesn't remember doing it.

‪(한준살인은 인정하는데 ‪기억은 없다

[Han-jun] So he admitted to the murder but doesn't remember doing it.

-[Jae-jeong] Hm. The motive, the evidence… -[exhales]

 말대로면 ‪동기증거진술  있는데

-[Jae-jeong] Hm. The motive, the evidence… -[exhales] …and the confession. Everything's consistent.

뭐가 찜찜해서 ‪도와달라고 부른 거야?

[Han-jun] What's bothering you so much you'd asked for my help?

‪(재정 도망가지 않고 ‪현장에 남아서

[Han-jun] What's bothering you so much you'd asked for my help? [Jae-jeong] Why would he stay at the scene of the crime and take… an insufficient dose of medicine to kill himself?

죽지도 않을 만큼의 ‪약을 먹은 걸까?

an insufficient dose of medicine to kill himself?

당신이 죽인 거야?

Did you kill that man?

‪[영섭의 한숨]

[Yeong-seop exhales]


He's dead.

‪[놀란 숨소리] ‪[영섭의 한숨]

[both breathing heavily]

진짜 죽었어

He really is dead though.

내가 죽였어

And I killed him.

‪[놀란 숨소리]

[suspenseful music]

‪[피식 웃는다]


질문이 틀렸어

That's the wrong question.

‪(한준그러니 ‪맞는 답이 나올 리가 있나

[Han-jun] It's no wonder you can't find an answer.

‪[의미심장한 음악] ‪(재정?


‪(한준 지금 최영섭이 ‪범인이라는 전제하에

You're asking that question under the assumption that Choi Yeong-seop did it.

질문하고 있잖아

that Choi Yeong-seop did it.

‪'잔인하게 사람을 죽여 놓고'

Why didn't he run away after he committed a brutal murder?

‪' 도망가지 않았을까?'

Why didn't he run away after he committed a brutal murder?


Don't you think?



‪(한준 기억도  하는 죄를

Why would he admit to a crime he doesn't remember doing?

인정부터 할까?

Why would he admit to a crime he doesn't remember doing?

‪[손가락을  튀기며그걸 ‪물어야지

That's what you should ask.



‪[한준의 힘주는 숨소리]

[sighs] Well, you see,

‪(한준최영섭이 범인이 아니니까

[sighs] Well, you see, Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.

최영섭이 범인이 아니라고?

Choi Yeong-seop isn't the killer?

‪(재정무슨 근거로? ‪[입소리를  낸다]

[Jae-jeong] On what grounds?

고작  커피 하나로 ‪ 들으시겠다?

Is a cup of coffee all I get for my analysis?


[laughs] Of course not.

제가 남한준 프로파일러님

In fact, after this, I'm going to find you a really nice restaurant

‪(재정너님 취향에 ‪ 맞는 곳으로

In fact, after this, I'm going to find you a really nice restaurant that's right up your alley, my dear Mr. Profiler.


that's right up your alley, my dear Mr. Profiler. Ah! Somewhere hip.

‪(한준겁나 핫한 

Ah! Somewhere hip.

Yup. But also, somewhere legal.

합법적인 곳으로

Yup. But also, somewhere legal.

‪[한준이 호응한다]

‪(한준) [힘주며약속받고좋아

[Han-jun] It's a deal then. -All right, let's go! -[Jae-jeong] Where to?


-All right, let's go! -[Jae-jeong] Where to?

‪- (재정어디 ? ‪- (한준현장

-All right, let's go! -[Jae-jeong] Where to? -The crime scene. -Right now?


-The crime scene. -Right now?

사람하고 사건은?

-The only way to learn about the case… -[snaps finger]

‪(재정) [손가락을  튀기며] ‪겪어 봐야 아는 거다?

-The only way to learn about the case… -[snaps finger] -…is to go see for yourself. -Right.

‪(한준그렇지 ‪[재정의 웃음]

-…is to go see for yourself. -Right. -[laughs] -You're a quick learner.

 번을 알려 줘야 ?

-[laughs] -You're a quick learner.

‪- (한준 ‪- (재정네가 운전해라

[Jae-jeong] You're driving though.

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪(한준결정적 사망 원인이 ‪경부 압박이니까

The victim was choked to death, so that means

둔기에 맞아 정신을 잃은 피해자를

that the murderer knocked him unconscious,

창고로 옮긴  ‪목을 졸라 살해했다는 건데

that the murderer knocked him unconscious, then carried him to the warehouse to choke him to death.

이상한  이거야 ‪[부스럭거리는 소리]

then carried him to the warehouse to choke him to death. But the strange part is…


[Han-jun] Look. Gaps between the bloodstains.

바닥에 혈흔이 끊겨 있지?

[Han-jun] Look. Gaps between the bloodstains.

성인 남성을 혼자 창고로 옮기는데 ‪끌고  흔적이 없다

He moved a grown man into the warehouse on his own, but there are no drag marks.

이상하지 않아?

Isn't that odd?

‪(재정최영섭은 ‪피해자보다 10센티 정도 

[Jae-jeong] Choi Yeong-seop is 10 centimeters taller than the victim.

덩치도 훨씬 좋고

He's much bigger too.

그럼 최영섭 족적이라도 ‪있었어야지

Then we'd see his footprints at the very least.

너무 깨끗하잖아

The scene's too clean.

그럼 공범이 있다는 건가?

So you think he had an accomplice?



‪[의미심장한 효과음] ‪[긴장되는 음악]

[ominous music]

‪[문이 철컥 열린다]

[ominous music] [lock clanks]

‪[한준이 숨을  내뱉는다]

[suspenseful music]

‪(재정경찰이 현장에 도착했을 

The officer said when they arrived,

희미하지만 ‪연기가 나고 있었다고 했어

The officer said when they arrived, there was still smoke coming out, although it was faint.

최영섭은  깨어나고 있었고

[Jae-jeong] Choi Yeong-seop was just waking up.

‪(한준체포 당시 ‪혈중 케타민 농도를 보면

Judging by the ketamine in his blood at the time of his arrest,

최영섭은 최소 1시간은 ‪쓰러져 있었을 거야

Judging by the ketamine in his blood at the time of his arrest, Choi Yeong-seop must have been out cold for at least an hour.

벤젠으로 시신 외부를 태우는  ‪걸리는 시간은

It takes 30 minutes at most to burn the exterior of a body

길어야 30?

specifically with benzene.

방화범은 자기 작품 ‪감상하는  좋아해

Arsonists generally enjoy watching their work.

특히 살인까지 했다면 더욱더

Especially if they've committed murder.


최영섭이 범인이라면

If Choi Yeong-seop really did this,

이번 사건은 심판에 가깝고

If Choi Yeong-seop really did this, it would've been an act of punishment

심판이라면 지켜보고 싶었을 거야

and he would have watched. However, you told me

그런데 경찰이 도착했을  ‪최영섭은  깨어났다 그랬지?

that Choi Yeong-seop had just woken up when the officer got here, right?


-Yeah. -Then it could mean,

‪(한준 말이 사실이라면

-Yeah. -Then it could mean,

최영섭은 도준하가 죽는 것도

that Choi Yeong-seop didn't see Do Jun-ha die,

시체가 불타는 것도 ‪ 봤단 얘기가 되는 거지

nor did he see his body burn right in front of him.

‪(재정누군가 최영섭을 ‪범인으로 위장했다

So you're telling me that Choi Yeong-seop is being framed?


So you're telling me that Choi Yeong-seop is being framed?



근데  새끼 ‪이번이 처음이 아닌  같아

And I don't think this is their first time.

그게 무슨 말이야?

What do you mean by that?

‪(한준벤젠으로 장기 손상 없이 ‪시신 외부만 태우는 

It takes skill, special equipment, and practice to use benzene

연습과 장비 ‪기술이 필요한 작업이야

to scorch a body without damaging the internal organs.


to scorch a body without damaging the internal organs.

최영섭을 범인으로 위장한  보면

Judging from the way he's framing Choi Yeong-seop…

‪[한준의 웃음]

[Han-jun chuckles] Wow, look at that.


[Han-jun chuckles] Wow, look at that.

 새끼 이거

There is just no way…

절대 초범 아니야

-this isn't their first crime. -Wait, wait, wait.


-this isn't their first crime. -Wait, wait, wait.

지금 '범인이 연쇄 살인범이다' ‪그런  아니지?

You're not saying the real murderer is a serial killer, are you?

‪(한준그게 중요한  아니야

That's not important.

중요한  피해자최영섭범인

What is important is the connection between the victim, Choi Yeong-seop, and the killer himself.

 셋의 접점이 뭐냐는 건데

Choi Yeong-seop, and the killer himself.

‪(재정아니야 그게 중요해

Actually, they're both important. This whole thing is confusing.

‪[한준의 생각하는 숨소리] ‪ 지금 너무 혼란스럽거든?

Actually, they're both important. This whole thing is confusing.


[loud clang]

‪[긴박한 음악]

[ominous music]

‪(한준 저쪽으로  ‪[재정이 호응한다]

Hey, you go that way. I'll go this way.

‪[거친 숨소리]


‪[한준의 거친 숨소리]




‪[긴장되는 음악]

[ominous music]

‪[한준의 긴장한 숨소리]

아이씨깜짝이야 ‪[재정의 거친 숨소리]

-You scared me, man. -Oh, jeez.

 네가 ‪캡틴 아메리카라도 되냐?

Hey, what's with that? Who do you think you are, Captain America?


What about you, are you Thor?


[sighs deeply]



‪(한준제가   드리겠습니다

[Han-jun] Let me pour you a cup, sir.

‪[노인이 호응한다]

[man] Sure.

혹시 제보하실 거라도 ‪있으세요어르신?

Is there anything you wanted to report to the police, sir?


Oh, yes.

‪(노인그날 말이야

[man inhales sharply] On that day…

사건 있던  ‪[의미심장한 음악]

the day of the murder, I saw something that was very strange.

내가 아주 이상한  봤어

the day of the murder, I saw something that was very strange.

‪[노인의 힘주는 숨소리] ‪(노인밭에서  ‪일을  하고 있는데

[man] I was working out in the fields like always,

창고에서 연기가 나는 거야

then I saw smoke coming out of the warehouse.

외지에서  놈이

I kept watching because I thought some outsider was burning garbage in there.

쓰레기라도 태우나 해서 ‪보고 있는데

I kept watching because I thought some outsider was burning garbage in there.

창고에서 ‪ 놈이 걸어 나오더라고

Then I saw a man walk out of the warehouse.


And he…

빗자루 같은 걸로 ‪바닥을 쓱쓱 쓸더니

started sweeping the ground using a broom or something.

차는 두고 그냥  버렸어

Then he just left without the truck.


Sir, do you remember what time it was when you saw that happened?

혹시 그때가 정확히  시쯤인지 ‪기억하세요?

Sir, do you remember what time it was when you saw that happened?

 점심을 먹고 나왔으니까

Oh, yes. I had my lunch just before that,

, 1  넘어서지?

so it was after one o'clock.

경찰이 현장에 도착한 시간이 ‪1 8분이었어

The officer said they arrived at the scene at 1:08.

‪[한숨] ‪(재희맞아

Mm. [Jae-hui] And that was when we called in for backup.

‪[새가 지저귄다] ‪우리가 그때 지원 요청 했었어

[Jae-hui] And that was when we called in for backup.

근데 최영섭을 풀어 준다고?

Wait, you're letting Choi Yeong-seop go? Why?

현장에서 제삼자를  ‪목격자를 찾았어

We found a witness who saw another man leaving the crime scene.

그렇다고 최영섭이 ‪범인이 아닌  아니잖아

That doesn't mean Choi Yeong-seop isn't the killer though.

오빠가  사람 눈빛을 ‪ 봐서 그래

I'm telling you, you didn't see the look in his eyes.

‪(재희 사람 분명 웃고 있었어

I'm sure of it. I saw him smiling.

느낌이 이상하다니까?

Something's off about him.

장미 너를 무시하는  아니고

Listen, I'm not doubting what you saw,

‪(재정현장에 ‪다른 용의자가 있었고

but there was another suspect at the scene

명확한 물적 증거가 없는 데다가

and no concrete physical evidence. Not to mention, the profiler said that Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.

프로파일러도 ‪최영섭은 범인이 아니라잖아

Not to mention, the profiler said that Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.

프로파일러 말은 믿고 ‪ 말은  믿겠다고?

So you trust the profiler but you don't trust me at all?

대체 ‪ 돌팔이 프로파일러가 누군데?

Come on. Isn't that profiler some kind of quack?

‪(재정돌팔이 아니야

The guy is no quack.

얼마 전에 미순이 사건 해결한 ‪남한준이라는 친구인데

[Jae-jeong] He's the one who solved the recent Mi-sun case. His name is Nam Han-jun.


Nam Han-jun? Wait, how do you know Nam Han-jun?

‪(재희오빠가 남한준을 ‪어떻게 알아둘이 친해?

Nam Han-jun? Wait, how do you know Nam Han-jun? Are you two friends?

‪[흥미로운 음악]

Are you two friends?

고등학교 동창

Yeah, we were friends in high school.

 새끼 ‪유명하긴 한가 보네?

I guess he's a pretty famous guy if you know about him too, Jang-mi.

장미 너까지  정도면?

I guess he's a pretty famous guy if you know about him too, Jang-mi.

‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]

I guess he's a pretty famous guy if you know about him too, Jang-mi. [Jae-hui exclaims]

존경하고 사랑합니다오라버니

You know how much I love and respect you, right?

 남한준 소개시켜 ?

So, could you set me up with Nam Han-jun? Hm, hm?

‪(재정이게 뭐래?

Hey, wait a minute. Why set him up with you?


Why? Why not me?

현재 여친 있어? ‪나는 남한준 스타일이 아니야?

Right now he's taken? Or am I not his type or something?

아니없는데 여친 없는데

No, he's not taken, but why would you wanna go out with him?

네가 걔를 ?

No, he's not taken, but why would you wanna go out with him?



그럼 최영섭 사건 때문에라도 ‪ 만나 봐야겠네

Well then, I do have to meet up with him about the Choi Yeong-seop case.

 사건 때문에 ‪만나겠다는 거야?

Do you really wanna discuss the case with him or is this so you could go on a date with him?

소개팅을 하겠다는 거야?

or is this so you could go on a date with him?

당연히 사건 때문이지

Oh, of course it's about the case!

‪(재희 정도면  자랐잖아

[sighs] Well, I did do a good job growing up.

   붙어  만해그럼

I think I can take him on this time. Yeah.

‪[덜컹 열리는 소리]

‪[어두운 음악]

[suspenseful music]


[Jae-Hui] Choi Yeong-seop.

내가  잡아서 ‪남한준 앞에 당당하게 나타난다

I am going to catch you so I can make a big entrance when I go see Nam Han-jun.


[Jae-hui] What?

사건 현장은  다시  거야?

Why is he going back to the crime scene?

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

[phone vibrating]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

[phone vibrating]

간만에 퇴근이라는  ‪하는 중이니까 부르지 마라

I'm going home for the first time in I don't know how long. Don't stop me.

최영섭을 범인으로 위장한 

You said the guy who framed Choi Yeong-seop

초범이 아닐 거랬지?

-must've committed other crimes, right? -I did.


-must've committed other crimes, right? -I did.

피해자와 최영섭범인

I think I might have found the link that connects the victim, Choi Yeong-seop, and the killer together.

  사람의 접점 ‪내가 찾은  같아

the victim, Choi Yeong-seop, and the killer together.

그게 뭔데?

And what's that?

궁금하면 족발에 소주 사서 ‪우리 집으로 

If you want to know, come over to my place with some jokbal.

‪(한준싫어 궁금해

Nope, I don't wanna know.

갑자기  개도  궁금해졌어 ‪[타이어 마찰음]

I've suddenly lost all interest.

‪[통화 종료음]

-[phone beeps] -[chuckles]

‪[어두운 음악]


‪[긴장되는 음악]

[ominous music]


Stop right there. This is the police.


Stop right there. This is the police.

손에   내려놔

[clangs] Put the hammer down.

마지막 경고야

[Jae-hui] This is my last warning.

손에   내려놔

Put the hammer down now.


[Jae-hui breathes heavily]


Mr. Choi Yeong-seop.

당신이 도준하 죽인  맞습니까?

Was it really you who killed Do Jun-ha?

‪(영섭내가 죽였다고 했잖아

I already told you I killed him.

  말을  믿어서 ‪일을  지경으로 만들어!

Why didn't you just believe me? Why did you have to mess this up? Why?

움직이지 !

Stay where you are!


Don't blame me for this.

한재정 검사가 죽는 

Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong's going to die…

‪(영섭 때문이야

-and it's your fault. -[Jae-hui shrieks]

‪[긴박한 음악] ‪[재희의 비명]

-and it's your fault. -[Jae-hui shrieks]

‪[재희의 힘겨운 신음]

-[groans] -[Yeong-seop panting]



‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[재희의 힘주는 숨소리]


‪[영섭의 힘주는 소리]

‪[영섭의 힘주는 소리] ‪[재희의 비명]

[grunts] [Jae-hui shrieks, groans]

‪[무거운 음악]

[Jae-hui shrieks, groans]

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪[옅은 신음]

[groans] [gasps]

‪[재희의 힘겨운 신음]


‪[재희의 힘겨운 신음]


‪[거친 숨소리]


‪[재희의 분한 탄성]


‪[재희의 분한 숨소리]


‪[휴대전화 진동음]

[phone vibrating]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]


-[Jae-jeong] Hm? -[Jae-hui] Oppa.

‪(재희오빠최영섭 범인 맞아

-[Jae-jeong] Hm? -[Jae-hui] Oppa. Choi Yeong-seop did it.

최영섭이 사건 현장에 ‪다시 왔었는데

After getting out, he went back to the crime scene, and…

사건 현장?

After getting out, he went back to the crime scene, and… The crime scene?

‪[재정의 놀란 숨소리]

‪(재정 ‪최영섭 따라다니는 거야?

Wait, were you tailing Choi Yeong-seop?

 괜찮아? ‪어디 다친  없어?

Hey, are you okay? Did he hurt you?


Don't worry, I'm fine. So I was following him earlier.

내가 최영섭을 미행했는데

Don't worry, I'm fine. So I was following him earlier.

사건 현장에 ‪핸드폰을 찾으러 왔었어

He went to the crime scene so he could pick up his cell phone.

 핸드폰엔 피해자를 살해하는 ‪동영상이 찍혀 있었고

He went to the crime scene so he could pick up his cell phone. The cell phone had a video that documented the entire murder.

‪[도어  작동음] ‪(재정동영상?

The cell phone had a video that documented the entire murder. [Jae-jeong] A video?

‪(재희그리고 ‪최영섭이 이상한 소리를 했어 ‪[도어  작동음]

[Jae-hui] Yeah. Oh, and also, Choi Yeong-seop said something weird.

한재정 검사가 죽으면 ‪ 때문이라고

He said that it's going to be my fault that you're going to die.

그러니까 조심해오빠

So be careful, okay?


Okay, I'll be careful then.

너도 조심해인마?

You take care too, you hear? Huh?

장미야 ‪ 오빠 집으로 지금

Oh, Jang-mi. Come on over to my place.

‪[오싹한 효과음] ‪[긴장되는 음악]

Oh, Jang-mi. Come on over to my place.

내가 뭔가 찾아낸  있는데

I found something interesting.

자세한  만나서 얘기해 줄게

-I'll tell you all the details in person. -You found something?

‪(재희 찾았다고?

-I'll tell you all the details in person. -You found something?


I found out why Choi Yeong-seop…

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 효과음]


‪[어두운 음악]

[Jae-jeong grunting]

‪[재정의 힘겨운 신음]

[Jae-jeong grunting]


Oppa. [breathes shakily]

무슨  있어?

What's going on?

‪[재정의 힘겨운 신음]

[Jae-jeong grunting]

‪[ 찌르는 소리] ‪[재정의 신음]

-[weapon pierces] -[gasps]

‪[액체가 주르륵 들어가는 소리]

-[weapon pierces] -[gasps] [gurgling]

‪[의미심장한 효과음] ‪[민속적인 음악]

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪[ 뽑는 소리]

-[screeches] -[gasps]


[Jae-hui] Jae-jeong.


Are you okay?


[Jae-hui over phone] Oppa!



‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

[raspy breathing]

‪[재정의 힘겨운 숨소리]


‪[재정의 힘겨운 숨소리]


‪[재정의 힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[어두운 음악]

‪[한준이 흥얼거린다]


‪[한준이 연신 흥얼거린다]

‪[노크 소리]

[knocks on door]

‪(한준형님 오셨다 ‪ 열어라

Hey, I'm here. Open the door.

이놈의 새끼가

You're gonna make me wait?

족발  왔어빨리  열어

I got the jokbal. Open the door.

‪[노크 소리]


‪[노크 소리가 계속된다]

[knock on door]

‪(한준 열어

[knock on door] [Han-jun knocking on door] Hey, open the door.


-[clicks tongue] -[doorbell dinging]

‪[초인종 소리]

-[clicks tongue] -[doorbell dinging]

 이거  준다?

[Han-jun] Don't you want these things?

‪(수철형이 여기 웬일이여?

Hey, hyung, is that you?

‪(한준여기 어쩐 일이야?

Hey, what are you doing here?

여긴  관할이니께 ‪내가 여기 있는  당연한디

Well, this is my beat, so I think it's only fair that I'd be here.

본청 사람이 여기  왔디야?

You're here for work from HQ?

‪(한준나는 친한 친구 집인데?

[Han-jun] No, this is my friend's place.

 검사님이  친구였어?

[gasps] Oh, so you're friends with Prosecutor Han?

‪- (한준 ‪- (수철 팀장님이

-Yeah. -I'm actually here because my boss told me to come right away.

급하게  보라 해서 왔는디?

because my boss told me to come right away.


‪[킁킁거린다] ‪(수철뭐야


‪[한준이 킁킁거린다] ‪뭐야

What? What the… What?

‪[어두운 음악] ‪- (수철뭐야 ‪- (한준, 119 불러

What? What the… What? Oh, hey call 911.


[banging on door] Jae-jeong!

‪[노크 소리] ‪[고풀이 하는 소리]

-[Han-jun] Jae-jeong! -[Gopuri chanting]


-[banging continues] -[Han-jun] Jae-jeong!

‪[노크 소리가 계속된다]

-[banging continues] -[Han-jun] Jae-jeong!


-Jae-jeong, Han Jae-jeong! -[chanting continues]

‪[문고리가 덜컥거린다]

-Jae-jeong, Han Jae-jeong! -[chanting continues] [door rattling]

‪[한준의 힘주는 소리]

[door rattling]

‪[문고리가 연신 덜컥거린다] ‪[한준의 힘주는 소리]

[door rattling] -[clicking] -[grunting]


-[banging on door] -Jae-jeong!

‪[노크 소리]

[Gopuri chanting]


[Gopuri chanting] [Han-jun] Jae-jeong, Han Jae-jeong!

‪[문고리가 연신 덜컥거린다]

[Han-jun] Jae-jeong, Han Jae-jeong!

‪119여기 서주아파트인디 ‪빨리  줘요

911? We need help here at Seoju Apartments. Quick!


[breathing heavily] Out of the way!

‪[수철의 다급한 숨소리]


‪[고풀이 하는 소리]


‪[문고리가 연신 덜컥거린다]

[door rattling]

‪[수철의 다급한 숨소리]


‪(수철소화기 어디 있어?

[Su-cheol] I'll get the extinguisher.

‪[한준의 힘주는 숨소리]


‪(한준 뭐야 새끼야!

Come here, you piece of shit!

‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[한준의 거친 숨소리]

[lighter clanks]

‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]


‪[한준의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[groans] [grunts]

‪[한준의 힘겨운 숨소리]


‪[거친 숨소리]

[breathing heavily]

‪(수철불이야! ‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]

[Su-cheol] Fire! [Han-jun] He's outside. We have to go after him!

‪(한준수철아얼른 쫓아!

[Han-jun] He's outside. We have to go after him!

‪[수철의 다급한 숨소리]

[breathing heavily]

‪[수철의 거친 숨소리]


Jae-jeong. -Jae-jeong! -[fire extinguisher hisses]


[Han-jun] Jae-jeong!


[hissing continues]

‪[한준이 소리친다]

[hissing continues] [screaming] [music fades]

‪[한준이 흐느낀다]

[Han-jun sobs]

‪[차분한 음악]


‪[멀리서 사이렌이 울린다]

[sirens wailing in distance]

‪[사이렌이 울린다] ‪(여자1) 사람이 다쳤어?

[siren wailing] -[indistinct] -[man 1] Oh, what happened here?

‪(남자1) 아이고뭐야

-[indistinct] -[man 1] Oh, what happened here?

‪- (여자2) 어머어머 ‪- (여자3) 어유죽었나 

-[indistinct] -[man 1] Oh, what happened here? [woman 1] Is someone hurt? [man 2] Christ, someone died.

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]

[man 2] Christ, someone died. [indistinct chattering]

‪[거친 숨소리]

[indistinct chattering] [breathing shakily]

‪(재희잠시만요 비켜 주세요

Excuse me, please move aside.

‪[사람들이 놀란다]

[woman 2 shrieks] He's all burnt.

‪(여자4) 아유아유 ‪ 보겠다진짜

[crowd murmuring]

‪[울먹인다] ‪[차분한 음악]

[crowd murmuring] [sobbing]



‪(도원 검사님 동생분 되시죠?

Are you Prosecutor Han's sister?

사건 담당 검사 차도원입니다

I'm Cha Do-won, the lead on this case.

누가 죽였어요?

Who do you think killed…

우리 오빠

my brother?

‪[도원의 한숨]


I found…

최영섭 신분증이 발견됐습니다

Choi Yeong-seop's ID in the middle of the crime scene.

‪[허탈한 숨소리]


‪(영섭한재정 검사가 죽는  ‪  때문이야!

[Yeong-seop] Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong is going to die and it's your fault.

‪[재희의 탄식]

[exhales heavily]

‪[카메라 셔터음]

[camera shutter clicking]

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪[수철이 훌쩍인다]


‪(수철) [잠긴 목소리로] ‪최영섭 짓인  같아

[sobbing] It looks like Choi Yeong-seop did it.

‪[수철이 울먹인다]

범인이 떨어트린 지갑에서

They checked the wallet that the suspect dropped…

최영섭 신분증이 발견됐디야

his ID was inside the wallet, hyung.

최영섭 범인 아니야

Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.

어두워서 아무것도  봤다면서?

You said you couldn't see anything because it was too dark.

하나는 봤어

I did see something.

팔에 있는 화상 흉터

The burn scar that was on his arm.

 지르다 데었겄지?

He must've gotten it from the fire, huh?

오래된 화상 흉터

No, it was an old scar.

최영섭 팔엔

And Choi Yeong-seop doesn't have a scar on his arm.

화상 흉터가 없어

And Choi Yeong-seop doesn't have a scar on his arm.

최영섭이 아니면 ‪누가 이런 짓을 했다는 !

If he wasn't the one who did this, then tell me who?



 새끼를… ‪ 새끼 붙잡는  아니었는데

I shouldn't have… I shouldn't have tried to catch him.

‪[떨리는 숨소리]


I should have…

‪[한준이 흐느낀다]

I should have… [sobbing]

재정이부터 ‪재정이부터 구했어야 했는데

I should have saved… I should have saved Jae-jeong first.

‪[한준이 연신 흐느낀다]

I should have saved… I should have saved Jae-jeong first. [sobbing continues]

‪(재정피해자와 최영섭범인

I think I might have found the link that connects…

  사람의 접점 ‪내가 찾은  같아

the victim, Choi Yeong-seop, and the killer together.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

[suspenseful music]

‪[수철의 당황한 숨소리]

[Han-jun gasps]

‪[부스럭거리며재정이가 ‪뭔가를 알아낸 거야

Jae-jeong must have found something.

‪[수철의 난처한 숨소리]

[breathes heavily] Here you go.

‪(수철아이 검사가 ?

[breathes heavily] Here you go. Oh, what are you talking about? Huh?

도준하최영섭범인 ‪ 셋의 접점을 찾았다고 했어

He said he found what linked Do Jun-ha, Choi Yeong-seop and the killer.

‪[울먹이며그걸그걸 알아서

That… is the reason…

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

범인이 재정이 죽인 거라고

why the killer went after Jae-jeong.

‪(수철그러니까  검사가 ‪ 알아냈고  가져갔냐고

Then what did Prosecutor Han find and what did the killer take?

‪(한준) [흐느끼며그걸 ‪알아내야지

That's what we need to find out.

‪[한준이 흐느낀다]


‪[수철의 한숨]


‪[수철이 울먹인다]


‪[한준이 연신 흐느낀다]

[sobbing continues]

‪[안타까운 숨소리]

[breathing heavily]



‪[수철이 훌쩍인다]


Come on.

‪[재희의 한숨]

[Jae-hui exhales]

‪[재희의 한숨]

[suspenseful music] [sighs]



‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]

‪[울컥한 숨소리]

[breathes heavily]

‪[피식 웃는다]


당신이 범인을 목격했다고?

What do you mean you actually saw the killer?

사건 현장에서 도망치는 범인을 ‪잡으려고 했는데

He was running away from the scene and I tried to catch him.

‪(재희 사람 얼굴 봤어?

Did you see his face?

확실히 최영섭 아니었냐고

How are you sure it wasn't Choi Yeong-seop?

얼굴은  봤지만 그놈 손목에

I didn't see his face, but I did see--

‪(재희그러니까 당신도 ‪도망치는 모습만 목격한 거지

So even though you were there, you only saw him running away.

사람 죽이는  ‪직접 목격한  아니라는 거네

You didn't see him commit the actual murder, is that what you're saying?

최영섭도 인정했다니까?

[sighs] Choi Yeong-seop admitted it!

  보니까 ‪도준하가 죽어 있었다고!

He said when he came too, Do Jun-ha was dead!


Three years ago, he told me he was the one who killed Do Jun-ha.

나한테 자기가 죽였다고 그랬거든?

Three years ago, he told me he was the one who killed Do Jun-ha.

그것도 아주 섬뜩하게?

He was so creepy too.

‪(한준아나진짜 돌겠네

Oh, you're driving me insane.

아니 정도 되는 사람이 ‪얘기를 하면  믿음을 가지고

When someone like me tells you something, you should have more trust in--

당신이라서 믿음이  

Don't you talk to me about trust.

‪(재희돌팔이 무당 짓으로 ‪사기 치고 다니는 당신이라서

Don't you talk to me about trust. There's no way I'm going to listen to someone who goes around conning people pretending to be a shaman!

 믿음이  간다고

conning people pretending to be a shaman!

‪(도원저기 ‪  그만  싸우시고… ‪[흥미로운 음악]

Uh, excuse me. Could you two stop fighting and--

‪(한준이렇게 ‪보는 눈이 없으니까?

No wonder you're such an awful investigator. It's because you're a horrible judge of character!

수사를 제대로  리가 있나!

It's because you're a horrible judge of character!

수사 방해한  누군데 ‪헛소리를 지껄여

That's rich considering you're obstructing the investigation.


Ha! Is that so?

용해동 명물  도사님께 ‪감히 헛소리라고?

I'm the famed shaman of Yonghaedong, you have no right to--

근데  명성에 비해서 ‪용하진 않으신가?

I'm the famed shaman of Yonghaedong, you have no right to-- You don't seem to be as good as your reputation though.

최영섭이 아니라고만 하지

You're saying it isn't Choi Yeong-seop,

범인 남한준 씨도 ‪아직  잡은  같은데

You're saying it isn't Choi Yeong-seop, but you haven't managed to find the real killer yet.

‪[피식 웃는다]


‪[재희의 웃음]

-[laughs] -[snorts] [scoffs]

‪[어이없는 숨소리]



So what?

‪(한준최영섭 집에서 ‪물증까지 나왔다고 우기려고?

[Han-jun] Have you found any evidence from Choi Yeong-seop's place then?

하얀 구두벤젠그런 ?

White dress shoes, benzene, et cetera?

‪[어두운 음악] ‪그걸 당신이 어떻게

Hold on a minute, how did you…

누가 갖다 놨을지도 모를 ‪그딴 증거 믿고

Anyone could have put those there. You can't assume that he's the killer based on those alone.

범인이라고 확신하지 

You can't assume that he's the killer based on those alone.

‪(한준당신이 진짜 경찰이고

If you claim that you're a true police officer, and you're a prosecutor,

당신이 진짜 검사면

If you claim that you're a true police officer, and you're a prosecutor,

적어도 용의자 알리바이 정도는 ‪확인하고 움직이라고

then you should've at least confirmed the alibi of your suspect.


[Han-jun] You got that?

진짜 쳐다봐

[muttering] Don't look at me like that.

‪(두진때로는 말이야

[Du-jin] Listen, sometimes, as important as the evidence is,

 증거도 중요하지만

[Du-jin] Listen, sometimes, as important as the evidence is,

촉이  중요할 때가 있어

[Du-jin] Listen, sometimes, as important as the evidence is, you have to listen to your gut feeling.

어떤어떤 ‪그런

You know, just like, uh… [stammers] Um…

촉보다 증인 보호가 먼저죠

The witness is more important than your gut feeling.

물론 증인 보호 중요하지

Of course the witness is important as well.

‪(두진아니근데 ‪도사님 말씀에도 일리가 있잖아

But, you know, Mr. Shaman does have a point, too.

아니뺑소니범이 ‪최영섭을  죽이려고 했겠어?

Think about it. Why would the hit-and-run driver try to kill Choi Yeong-seop?

최영섭이 뭔가를 알고 있으니까

It's because Choi Yeong-seop knows something.

이번엔  선배님이 ‪실수하셨습니다

Listen, sir, I think you made a mistake this time.

‪[두진의 한숨]

‪(두진 팀장


수사를  유연하게 말이야

you have to be flexible with your investigations.

주변 사람을 ‪합리적으로 활용할  없나?

Be more reasonable about utilizing people around you.

그렇게  막혀서는 ‪풀릴 사건도  풀려요

You can't expect to take on cases like these all on your own, you know?

합리적 활용이 겨우 무당입니까?

And is listening to a shaman reasonable to you?

그런 무능한 형사들이나 하는

I won't be like you, you useless…



그게 아니라… ‪[쓸쓸한 음악]

Uh, no. I…



‪[난감한 숨소리]

-[exhales] -Oh, is that so?


-[exhales] -Oh, is that so?


그래 유능하고  무능하다

Okay, I'm a useless fool. And you're the expert.

‪[한숨 쉬며잘나고 유능한 ‪ 팀장님

[sighs] Since you are so competent, Lieutenant,

혼자 수사 잘해 보세요

go solve this case on your own.

‪- (상협형님 ‪- (두진이씨

-Hey, wait. -Let go of me.


Lieutenant, are you serious?


[Sang-hyeop] Du-jin, come on! Come on, you're not useless, okay?

형님이 무능까지는 아니에요형님 ‪[광태의 난감한 숨소리]

[Sang-hyeop] Du-jin, come on! Come on, you're not useless, okay? -Hey, don't leave us! -[Gwang-tae mutters]


-Hey, don't leave us! -[Gwang-tae mutters]




I think I should go check on Choi Yeong-seop's alibi.

최영섭 알리바이 ‪확인해 봐야겠어요

I think I should go check on Choi Yeong-seop's alibi.

‪[입소리를  낸다]

남한준 씨가  말이 ‪신경 쓰여서요?

Is it because of what Nam Han-jun said to you?

선배님 말씀도 그렇고

No, Mr. Jang, too.

돌팔이 충고라도 따끔한  보면

He is a quack, but his words really stung.

그냥 흘려 넘겨선 ‪   같아서요

I don't think it's something I can easily ignore.

최영섭이 범인이라는 ‪확신이 필요해요

I have to be really certain that Choi Yeong-seop did this.

‪[한준이 킁킁거린다]

[Han-jun sniffing]

아유무슨 곰팡이 냄새가

Oh, that stinks. Why is it so moldy?

‪[버튼 조작음]

Why is it so moldy?

‪[숨을  내뱉는다]





Oh, that's better.

‪[수철의 한숨]

‪(한준이야 ‪[한준이 숨을  내뱉는다]

[Han-jun] Whew.


-[Do-won] Mr. Nam. -What?


-[Do-won] Mr. Nam. -What?

제가  그래도 ‪궁금한   있었는데

You see, there's something that I've been meaning to ask you--

‪(한준 바빠? ‪검사 일이 아주 쉬운가 ?

Aren't you busy? Being a prosecutor must be easy.


Oh, of course not. There's no such thing as an easy job.

세상에 쉬운 일이 ‪어디 있습니까?

Oh, of course not. There's no such thing as an easy job.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪(도원저도 ‪우여곡절  많았습니다

[Do-won] I've had my fair share of hard work.

‪- (한준미쳤나  ‪- (도원제가 2015

-He's nuts. -The year was 2015…

‪- (한준닫아아이 ‪- (수철? ‪[도원이 계속 말한다]

-Hey, close the window. -…and I just became a prosecutor -after graduating from the judicial… -Hey, why won't this close?

‪(한준이거   닫히냐? ‪도와줘 ‪[수철이 당황한다]

-after graduating from the judicial… -Hey, why won't this close? -[Han-jun] Close. Damn you. -[Su-cheol] Oh, what's going on?

‪[빨리 감기 효과음] ‪[계속 말한다]

-[Han-jun] Close. Damn you. -[Su-cheol] Oh, what's going on? [Do-won speaking in high-pitched squeaky voice]

‪[빨리 감기 효과음] ‪(도원) 2016 4 8 ‪ 형사 사건을 맡게 됐는데

[Do-won speaking in high-pitched squeaky voice] [groans] Over there.

‪[도원이 계속 말한다] ‪(한준절로 빨리

[groans] Over there.

‪(수철아유그냥 귀때기 ‪귀에서 그냥

Oh, jeez. I think I can feel my ears bleeding.

진짜 피딱지 생기겄네이거그냥

Oh, jeez. I think I can feel my ears bleeding. [Su-cheol] Let's get away from him right now.

‪[도원이 계속 말한다]

[Su-cheol] Let's get away from him right now. -[speaking in squeaky voice continues] -[Han-jun] Wow, he won't shut up.

‪- (한준계속하고 있네 ‪- (수철

-[speaking in squeaky voice continues] -[Han-jun] Wow, he won't shut up. -[Su-cheol] Yeah. -[Han-jun] Oh, is that guy still at it?


-[Su-cheol] Yeah. -[Han-jun] Oh, is that guy still at it?

사법 연수원에선 ‪어떻게 살았나 몰라저거는

-[Su-cheol] Yeah. -[Han-jun] Oh, is that guy still at it? [Su-cheol] We're so far away from him.

‪(한준어머세상에나 ‪여기서  만나네

[Su-cheol] We're so far away from him. Oh, no. He's here again.

‪(수철 ‪[도원이 계속 말한다]

[Do-won speaking in high-pitched squeaky voice]

닥쳐그만해  다물라!

Hey, shut up! Stop talking already!


Hey, shut up! Stop talking already! Step on it.

‪[도원이 계속 말한다]

Step on it. -[speaking in squeaky voice continues] -I thought he was normal.

아니 얼굴에 ‪ 저딴 캐릭터인 ?

-[speaking in squeaky voice continues] -I thought he was normal. -What's with this guy? -[Han-jun] Just hurry up and lose him.

‪(한준빨리 그냥 빨리  ‪[수철이 호응한다]

-What's with this guy? -[Han-jun] Just hurry up and lose him. [Su-cheol] Okay. But this is the best that the car can go.

‪(수철아이근데 ‪이게 최고 속도인디?

[Su-cheol] Okay. But this is the best that the car can go.

‪[도원의 말소리가 늘어진다]

[Su-cheol] Okay. But this is the best that the car can go. [Do-won speaking in low muffled voice]

‪[나단의 한숨]

[Na-dan sighs]

‪(한준임민준에 대해선 ‪ 알아봤어?

So have you gathered the info on Lim Min-jun?

‪(민경임민준 이사

Choekang Constructions ran into a problem three years ago,

‪3  최강건설이

Choekang Constructions ran into a problem three years ago,

입찰 과정에서 문제를 일으켜서

and he was hired by the company as a director

그거 해결해 주는 조건으로 ‪스카우트됐다는데요?

under the condition that he solved the issue for them.

최강건설에서 직접 콘택트한 건가?

Was Choekang Constructions the one who contacted him?


No. The order came from someone high up.

위에서 지시를 내렸다는데 ‪누군지는  알아볼게요

No. The order came from someone high up. I'll look into exactly who that was.

아유부회장이나 되는 것이 ‪한가하게

Don't you have any business to take care of? Aren't you bored?


Don't you have any business to take care of? Aren't you bored?

‪(민경도사님 일이  일이죠 ‪모르세요?

No, but your business is my business. -Don't you agree? -[Su-cheol] Hm?

‪[수철이 의아해한다]

-Don't you agree? -[Su-cheol] Hm? Uh. Anyone seen Hye-jun?

‪(수철혜준이는  보이네?

Uh. Anyone seen Hye-jun?

어디 나가서 뒈지든가 말든가 ‪[수철의 한숨]

Who cares where she is right now?

오늘 데이트 있다고 ‪변신하고 나가셨어요

She said she had a date. She left looking all made up.


[both] Mm, a date.

‪[수철의 놀란 숨소리]

[both gasp]

‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]

[dramatic music]

‪(혜준오빠 ‪ 이렇게 많이 준비했어?

Oh, wow. You really did all of this for me?

  때문에 무리하고 ‪그런  아니지?

You really did all of this for me? You didn't have to go through all this trouble.

‪(남자2) 아이

Please. I've waited so long for this moment.

오빠가  순간을 위해서 ‪얼마나 기다렸는데

Please. I've waited so long for this moment.



‪- (혜준어떡해 ‪- (남자2) 

-[Hye-jun] Wow. -[mic echoes]

 너무 떨려

-I am so touched. -Just wait here for a minute.

‪(남자2) 잠깐만 기다리고 있어

-I am so touched. -Just wait here for a minute.

오빠 이거 마이크랑 ‪MR 체크  하고 올게

I'll go check on the mic and the playlist. Hang on.


I'll go check on the mic and the playlist. Hang on. Mm-hm.

‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

-[sniffles] -[Su-cheol] I knew it.

‪[수철과 한준의 힘주는 소리]



Hey! [grunts]

좋은 말로   내려놔라

Put me down, will you?

지금 고백  타임인  ‪ 보이냐?

Put me down, will you? Can't you see he's about to sing a song and make it official?

‪(한준고백 타임 아니야

Can't you see he's about to sing a song and make it official? Mm-mm. That's not what he's doing.

‪(수철험한  보기 전에 ‪언능 가자

Let's get out of here before it gets ugly.


No, I'm not going with you.

 청춘과  로맨스 ‪방해하지 말고 꺼져라

Stop getting in the way of my love life and leave.

‪(한준로맨스가 아니라 ‪반전 스릴러지 ‪[수철이 호응한다]

This isn't romance. It's a thriller -with a twist, and it's about turn… -Yeah.

 호러물이 될지도 모르고 ‪[수철이 호응한다]

-with a twist, and it's about turn… -Yeah. -…into a horror… -What the hell are you…

‪(혜준 개소리

-…into a horror… -What the hell are you…

‪[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]


‪(수철이게 말이여

That boyfriend of yours…

고백 이벤트가 아니라 ‪다단계 홍보 무대여

he's not confessing his love. He's welcoming you into a pyramid scheme.

‪[허탈한 숨소리] ‪아이고 자식은 ‪뭐가 좋다고 저렇게 웃고 있을까

[Su-cheol] I wonder what that idiot's smiling about over there.

 새끼가 돌았나

That crazy son of a…

‪(한준죽음을 앞둔 자의 미소라… ‪철학적이군

The smile of a man about to die. How ironic.


You son of a… [muffled scream] …bitch!

‪[극적인 음악]

[muffled scream] …bitch! [suspenseful music]

‪[비명 소리 효과음]


‪[경쾌한 음악]

‪(혜준이런 식빵에 ‪살구잼  발라 먹을 놈아

I hope you choke on your jam and die, you piece of shit!

맨발로 다니다 조카 레고에 ‪밟혀 넘어져 뒈질 놈아!

I hope you choke on your jam and die, you piece of shit! I hope you hit your head while stepping on a lego,

이런 쌍화탕 마시다가 ‪식도에 화상 입을

and fall down the stairs! I hope you drink acid and it burns through your throat!

아유진짜  새끼를 ‪진짜 죽여 버려

I hope you drink acid and it burns through your throat! [Hye-jun] You hear me? You're dead!

‪(재희혹시  사람 ‪  있으세요?

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY [Jae-hui] Excuse me, sir. Do you know this man?

‪(사무소장 ?

[man] Oh, Choi?

우리 사무실에서 ‪일하는 사람인데

Yes. In fact, he works with our company.

이번 주에 어디서 일했는지 ‪확인해   있을까요?

Could you tell us where he was working during the week, sir?


He went out to the countryside.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[종이 넘기는 소리]

[upbeat music]

‪(두진 사장 친구 ‪동창의

[Du-jin] Hi there, I'm Mr. Park's friend's school friend's brother's friend.

형님의 친구인데내가

[Du-jin] Hi there, I'm Mr. Park's friend's school friend's brother's friend.

아이저기 ‪대운서 강력반 형사라고그때

You know, the detective who works at Daeun police station, remember?

‪(인부아아 ‪그때  형사님 ‪[두진이 호응한다]

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. -You're the detective, yeah. -[laughter]

‪[인부가 호응한다] ‪[두진의 웃음]

-You're the detective, yeah. -[laughter]

Uh, tell me. Uh… What brings you here?

그런데 무슨 일로

Uh, tell me. Uh… What brings you here?

‪(두진아아 ‪별게 아니라 내가 저기

Oh, nothing much really. I just… got it. There it is.

여기 있다여기 있다 ‪여기 있다여기 있다

Oh, nothing much really. I just… got it. There it is.

 사람 혹시

[Du-jin] Do you know this guy?

‪- (인부 씨요? ‪- (두진

-Oh, you mean, Choi? -Yeah.

‪(인부 그래도 ‪걱정하고 있었는데

Everyone at the site's worried about him. Why, did something happen?

무슨  있습니까?

Everyone at the site's worried about him. Why, did something happen?


Everyone at the site's worried about him. Why, did something happen? -Uh… -Can you please confirm

‪(상협언제까지 여기 계셨는지 ‪확인 가능할까요?

-Uh… -Can you please confirm when he was last seen here?

‪(인부이틀  ‪ 근무까지 했습니다

Uh, we worked the night shift around two days ago.

‪(상협피해자 사망 추정 시간하고 ‪겹치는데요?

It overlaps with the victim's estimated time of death.

‪(상협 형사난데

[Sang-hyeop] Detective Na, it's me.

최영섭이 ‪지난주까지 한천시에 있다가

[Sang-hyeop] Detective Na, it's me. Choi Yeong-seop was in Hancheon until last week

그저께 서울 올라왔대

then he went to Seoul two days ago.


then he went to Seoul two days ago. Okay.

근데  선배님은요? ‪아직도 화나 계세요?

What about Mr. Jang? Is he still angry?


No. Right now he's determined to find something

뭐라도 건져 올라가겠다고 ‪단단히 벼르고 계시는데?

No. Right now he's determined to find something before we go back to Seoul.

‪[작은 목소리로다행이네요

before we go back to Seoul. -That's good news. -I'm going to stay

내가 계속 병원에 있을 거니까

-That's good news. -I'm going to stay at the hospital tonight.

동선 확인하고 올라와서  쉬어

at the hospital tonight. Finish checking out where he's been, and then get some rest.

‪(상협 ‪확인  복귀하겠습니다

Yes, Lieutenant! I'll check on that before we head back.

‪[휴대전화 닫는 소리]

[phone clicks]

최영섭 알리바이

It seems that Choi Yeong-seop…

확실한  같죠?

has an alibi.


That's right.

적어도 하수로에서 발견된 시신은

We know for certain that he wasn't behind the killing.

최영섭 짓이 아닌  같네

At least with the body found in the sewers.

‪[광태가 호응한다]

At least with the body found in the sewers.

‪[재희의 한숨]

[Jae-hui sighs]

‪[새가 지저귄다] ‪[한준의 웃음]


‪[수철의 힘주는 숨소리] ‪(한준어떻게 만나도?

SINMYEONG UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL [Han-jun] Seriously, of all the people to date, you just had to date that guy.

고런고렇게 만나냐 ‪모지리가 이런 모지리가 없어

[Han-jun] Seriously, of all the people to date, you just had to date that guy. -You're such an idiot, you know that? -[laughter]

아유만나도 다단계를 만나냐 ‪ 모지리가진짜 ‪[수철의 웃음]

Ah, she's dating someone running a pyramid scheme. How dumb could you be?

‪(수철아이어쨌든 ‪그러니까 말이여 ‪[한준이 호응한다]

So anyway, just to confirm.

내가 최영섭인  ‪ 누워 있어 가지고

I just have to lie there and pretend that I'm Choi Yeong-seop?

고풀이가 오면은 ‪그거 내가  잡으라는  아니여

Then I grab Gopuri when he comes close, right?

‪- 그렇지그렇지 ‪- (수철

-Yeah, pretty much. -Yeah.

‪[키보드 조작음] ‪그러면은 그동안 내가  모지리랑

-Yeah, pretty much. -Yeah. In the meantime, I'll go with this idiot,

‪(한준최영섭을 ‪VIP 룸으로 빼돌릴게

and sneak Choi Yeong-seop to the VIP room.

아유순진해서  속은 거지

She's not an idiot. She's just naïve.

‪- (수철모지리는 아니여 ‪- (한준순진하긴개뿔

She's not an idiot. She's just naïve. -That's why she got fooled. -Uh-huh, naïve.

‪[혜준의 분한 탄성]

-[thumping] -[Hye-jun] Shut the fuck up!

‪[혜준의 성난 숨소리]

[sighs deeply]

그만하라고 했다

I told you to stop.

‪[혜준의 한숨]

[inhales deeply, sighs]

‪20 뒤에 ‪최영섭 검사 나가니까 서둘러

Choi Yeong-seop has a test in 20 minutes, so hurry.


[both men snickering]

‪[수철의 웃음] ‪(한준그려

[both men snickering] [Han-jun] Okay.

가다가 ‪다단계만  만났으면 좋겠다

I hope we don't fall into another pyramid scheme on the way there.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

[devious music]

‪(한준최영섭 검사실로 이동 

[Han-jun] They're moving Yeong-seop to the exam room.

준비해 ‪[휴대전화 닫는 소리]

Get ready.

‪(혜준침대 대기실에 두고 ‪경찰 따돌릴 테니까

I'll put the bed in the waiting room before and distract the police.

네임  확인하고 누워

-Check the name tag first. -[Su-cheol] I got it. Don't worry.


-Check the name tag first. -[Su-cheol] I got it. Don't worry.


[inhales deeply, sighs]

‪(혜준검사 끝날 때까지 ‪밖에서 대기해 주세요

Please wait outside. We'll tell you when his test is over.

‪(수철) [웃으며여기네

Oh, so this is it. [snickers]


[sighs] Oh, this is so nice. So cushy. This feels nice.


So cushy. This feels nice.

아유졸린디 ‪이거 이러면  되는디

[sighs] So comfy, I could fall asleep.

‪(한준) [한숨 쉬며공수철 ‪어디  거야

[sighs deeply] Where the heck is Kong Su-cheol?

공수철 어디야어디냐고

Hey Su-cheol, you there? Where are you?


-[Han-jun yells] Su-cheol! -[gasps]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

-[Han-jun yells] Su-cheol! -[gasps] [groans]

여가 어디여?

[groans] Oh, where am I?

‪(간호사1) 환자분 ‪그대로 옆으로 누워 계실게요

[nurse] Hello, sir. Please stay on your side just like that.


-Oh, okay. Sure. -What? You haven't changed into your robe.

‪(간호사1) 검사복으로 ‪ 갈아입으셨네요?

-Oh, okay. Sure. -What? You haven't changed into your robe.

바지  내릴게요

-[nurse] I'll just lower your pants then. -[gasps]

‪(수철) [놀라며바지는 왜요? ‪남사스럽게 왜요!

-[nurse] I'll just lower your pants then. -[gasps] Why would you do that? That's so embarrassing.

‪- (간호사1) 검사받으셔야죠 ‪- (의사1)  ‪[수철이 놀란다]

-It's so we can perform the test. -Huh?

‪(의사1) 긴장 많이 하셨네요 ‪ 잠드실 거니까  감고 계세요

[doctor] Sir, I can see that you're tense. You'll fall asleep in a moment, so please close your eyes.


Wait, wait. Hold on. What test?

‪(의사1) 검사 금방 끝나니까 ‪조금만 기다리시고요

[doctor] I promise it won't take long. Just stay calm, sir.


W-w-w-what test? [whimpers]

‪[수철이 당황한다]

W-w-w-what test? [whimpers]

‪(의사1) 최일섭  ‪검사 시작하겠습니다

-[Su-cheol] Let me go, please. -[doctor] Now, Mr. Choi Il-seop, -we're about to begin the test. -Choi Il-seop?


-we're about to begin the test. -Choi Il-seop?

이거 뭔가 오해가 있는  같은디 ‪[의사1 호응한다]

No, wait. There's some misunderstanding. I'm not Choi Il-seop.

저는 최일섭이 아니라

I'm not Choi Il-seop. I'm the good-looking barista of Café Minamdang, Kong…

‪(수철미남당의 ‪미남 바리스타 공수

I'm the good-looking barista of Café Minamdang, Kong…

‪[익살스러운 효과음]



…Kong Su-cheol.

‪[흥겨운 음악]

[upbeat rhythmic music]

‪[놀란 숨소리]


‪[옅은 신음]

‪[수철의 웃음]

[Su-cheol snickers] Oh, this is it.

‪[빨리 감기 효과음]

[Su-cheol snickers] Oh, this is it.

‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[한준의 힘주는 소리]

-[grunts] -[door closes]

‪(한준, CCTV설치했어?

[sighs] The CCTV… -is it up? -[Hye-jun] Check your phone.


-is it up? -[Hye-jun] Check your phone.

‪[한준의 한숨]

[Han-jun sighs]

‪(한준공수철  자식 ‪어디 갔다

Damn it, Su-cheol. Where are you?

‪[노크 소리]


‪(의사2) 최영섭 ?

[doctor] Mr. Choi Yeong-seop?

‪[문이 드르륵 닫힌다] ‪어제 수술 ‪ 받으셨단 얘기 들었습니다

I was told your surgery went very well yesterday.

어디 불편하신  없으시고요?

[doctor] Feel free to call the nurse if there's any pain.

다행히 수술 경과가 좋아서

It says here that your recovery

저희 신경과 쪽에서는

is proceeding very nicely. There's no need to operate.

특별한 수술 없이 약물 치료만 ‪받으시면   같네요

is proceeding very nicely. There's no need to operate. -The medication should do. -[Han-jun in high-pitched voice] Okay.

‪(한준) [높은 목소리로

-The medication should do. -[Han-jun in high-pitched voice] Okay.

‪- (간호사2) 주사 놓겠습니다 ‪- (한준잠깐!

-Here's your shot, sir. -Wait! Wait!

주사는 괜찮습니다

I don't need the shot.

‪(의사2) 최영섭  ‪그냥 신경 안정제입니다

Mr. Choi, we're just going to give you a sedative.

‪[한준의 다급한 탄성]


어쩔  없는 상황이니까

[groans] I don't see a way out of this, so I'll be honest with you.


I don't see a way out of this, so I'll be honest with you.

‪- (의사2)  ‪- (한준


‪[작은 목소리로저는 ‪최영섭이 아니고

I'm not really Choi Yeong-seop.

잠입 수사 하러  형사입니다

I'm actually a detective that's undercover.

‪- (의사2) 형사요? ‪- (한준형사

-A detective? -That's right.

‪(한준내가 공수철 때문에

[sighs] This is all Kong Su-cheol's fault…

‪[한준의 못마땅한 숨소리] ‪[익살스러운 음악]

[inhales sharply]

이게  개로 보이십니까 ‪최영섭 ?

Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up, Mr. Choi?



 최영섭이 아니고

I said, I'm not Choi Yeong-seop.

‪(한준이건  개고 ‪ 최영섭이 아니고

That's three fingers. I'm not Choi Yeong-seop.

‪[작은 목소리로잠입 수사

I'm an undercover


detective. Got that?



‪[의사2 한숨]


가끔 수술 끝나고 ‪이런 경우가 있어

This sometimes happens after surgery.

일종의 델리륨이라   있지

The patient has delirium.

바르비투르 준비해 ‪  잡아요 ‪[한준이 의아해한다]

-Get the barbiturates. -[Han-jun] What? -You, hold him down for me. -B-b-b… "Barbie" what now?

‪- (한준 비트요형사 ‪- (의사2) 누우세요누우세요 ‪[익살스러운 음악]

-You, hold him down for me. -B-b-b… "Barbie" what now? -Calm down. Now, lie still, all right? -I'm a detective. Wait.

‪(의사2) 뒤집어 ‪뒤집어뒤집어

-[Han-jun] Wait. -Quickly.

 잡아요 잡아요 ‪[한준의 힘주는 소리]

-Flip him over. -I'm a detective.

‪- (의사2) 누우세요 ‪- (한준잠시만잠시만

-W-w-wait. What are you… What are you… -[doctor] Hold him down.

잠시만요잠깐 ‪[의사2 말한다]

-W-w-wait. What are you… What are you… -[doctor] Hold him down. -Just calm down, sir. -Please don't… Please don't do it.

‪[울먹이며하지 하지  ‪하지 하지 

-Just calm down, sir. -Please don't… Please don't do it.

‪[의사2 힘주는 소리] ‪[한준의 신음]

-[doctor] Now! -[shrieks]

‪[한준의 아파하는 신음]


‪[한준의 힘겨운 숨소리]

[groaning] [doctor pants] There.

‪[의사2 한숨]

[doctor pants] There. [all breathing heavily]

‪(의사2) 최영섭 

[doctor] Mr. Choi, you'll feel much better after you get some sleep.

 시간만  주무시면 ‪괜찮아질 거예요

[doctor] Mr. Choi, you'll feel much better after you get some sleep.

‪[한준의 약에 취한 소리] ‪다음 방으로 가죠

Let's go to the next room.

‪[취한 목소리로공수철 ‪진짜내가

Damn it, Kong Su-cheol. When I find you…

내가 죽인다

I'm gonna kill you.

‪(수철아유 ‪ 이렇게 많이  왔어? ‪[나단의 웃음]

Oh, what the heck is all of this?

 ‪[나단의 힘주는 숨소리]

-[Na-dan chuckling] -Hey, be careful. Here you go.

‪(나단누나가 피자 식으면 ‪죽인댔으니까 얼른 들어가 보세요

Hye-jun will kill me if the pizza's cold, so hurry back in.


[Su-cheol grunts] All right, then. Oh!

가게에   있으면 연락하고 ‪[광태가 의아해한다]

[Su-cheol grunts] All right, then. Oh! -Huh? -If something happens at the café,

 사람 ‪미남당 바리스타 아니에요? ‪[수철이 말한다]

-Huh? -If something happens at the café, -just call me, okay? -Isn't he the barista from Café Minamdang?

‪- (수철그려 ‪- (나단알겠습니다 ‪[엘리베이터 문이 스륵 닫힌다]

-[Na-dan] No problem. -[Su-cheol] Bye.

‪[재희의 어이없는 숨소리]

[sighs] I can't believe those people at Minamdang.

미남당  사람들이 정말

[sighs] I can't believe those people at Minamdang.

‪[재희의 성난 숨소리]

[sighs] I can't believe those people at Minamdang. [exhales sharply] Follow me.


[exhales sharply] Follow me.


Huh? Okay.

‪(수철) [코를 훌쩍이며아니

You know, I feel kind of bad for eating all of this by ourselves.

우리끼리 먹으려니까 ‪이거  미안하네

You know, I feel kind of bad for eating all of this by ourselves.

근디  여직까정 ‪ 일어난디야?

Although, how come he takes so long to regain consciousness?

진통 때문에 너무 힘들어해 가지고

They had a hard time giving him a painkiller, that they sedated him again.

진정제  맞았어

that they sedated him again.



깨어나려면  걸려

-He'll wake up later. -He'll wake up later.


-He'll wake up later. -He'll wake up later.


Choi Yeong-seop?


-[sighs] -Here we go.

‪[성난 숨소리]


‪[천둥소리 효과음] ‪남한준!

[yells] Nam Han-jun!

‪[강렬한 음악]

[yells] Nam Han-jun! [howling]

‪(광태팀장님 ‪진정하세요

Lieutenant, please calm down.

‪[수철의 겁먹은 숨소리]

남한준 어디 있습니까?

Where is Nam Han-jun?


Uh, you see, uh…

 우리가 말여요

We were in the middle of…

최영섭 씨를 ‪ 살리려고 그런 거예요

an operation to save Mr. Choi.

‪(혜준맞아요이게  신령님이

That's right. The spirit really wouldn't stop telling us to switch hospital rooms…

병실 바꾸라고바꾸라고 ‪하도 얘기해 가지고

That's right. The spirit really wouldn't stop telling us to switch hospital rooms…

 형사는 여기서 ‪최영섭 지키고 있어

All right, Detective Na, you guard Choi Yeong-seop.

‪[수철의 다급한 숨소리]

[Su-cheol] Shit.

‪(수철) [다급해하며아유진짜 ‪[혜준의 다급한 숨소리]

[yelling] Get out of the way! No!

‪[재희가 씩씩댄다]


You're so dead!

‪[수철의 다급한 숨소리] ‪(혜준까칠이가 가고 있다 ‪도망쳐

[breathing heavily] Grumpy's on her way there right this second.

‪[수철과 혜준이 다급해한다] ‪[놀란 숨소리]

-[Hye-jun] Get out of there, quick! -Huh? Wha…

‪(한준) [취한 목소리로 ‪까칠이가 오고 있다도망쳐

-[Hye-jun] Get out of there, quick! -Huh? Wha… Grumpy's on her way. Get out of there?


[Han-jun] Grumpy's on her way. Get out of…

‪(재희남한준 !

Mr. Nam Han-jun!

‪[부드러운 음악]


Whoa! Pretty!

‪[반짝이는 효과음]



‪[한준의 감탄하는 숨소리] ‪(재희진짜

Wow! [Jae-hui grunts] You!


-Yeah! -[Jae-hui gasps]

‪[재희의 비명]

-Yeah! -[Jae-hui gasps] [shrieks]

‪[매혹적인 음악]

[romantic music]

‪[혜준과 수철이 놀란다]

[both muttering]

‪[수철이 당황한다] ‪[혜준의 웃음]

[both muttering]


‪[재희의 놀란 숨소리]

-[Han-jun mumbles] -[Jae-hui exclaiming]

‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]

-[Han-jun mumbles] -[Jae-hui exclaiming] [giggling]

‪[한준의 약에 취한 소리] ‪[재희의 놀란 숨소리]

[giggling] [mutters]

‪(재희남한준  상태가 ‪ 저래요?

[Jae-hui stammers] What's wrong with Mr. Nam Han-jun right now?


-Oh, you see, uh… I… -[chuckles]

그게저기 ‪ 기운 때문인  같은디

-Oh, you see, uh… I… -[chuckles] Uh, I think it's the drugs they gave him.

‪[수철과 혜준의 웃음]

Uh, I think it's the drugs they gave him. [Su-cheol, Hye-jun giggling]

‪[한준의 약에 취한 소리]

[Su-cheol, Hye-jun giggling]

‪(한준) [취한 목소리로] ‪틀림없이 

-[Su-cheol] Oh, this is great. -[Han-jun] He's on his way now.

최영섭 살아 있는  알면

He's coming here to kill him.

분명히 죽이러  거야 ‪[의미심장한 음악]

If he sees Choi Yeong-seop's alive, he'll kill him.

‪[재희의 분한 숨소리] ‪(혜준) [작은 목소리로] ‪그냥 기절시켜

[Hye-jun] Hey, knock him out.

‪(수철) [작은 목소리로] ‪기절시키기 전에  거둘 판이여

[Hye-jun] Hey, knock him out. [Su-cheol] He'll be dead by the time I get to him.

‪[휴대전화 닫는 소리] ‪(한준이쁜 형사님

Pretty detective,

최영섭 알리바이 ‪확인하고 오셨나요?

were you able to confirm Choi Yeong-seop's alibi yet?

‪[놀란 숨소리]



[exclaims] You did? -[clapping] -You actually did!

그럼 형사님도 알겠네? ‪진범 따로 있는 

[giggles, sighs] So it means that you know it, too. The real killer is someone else.

그놈이 최영섭 노릴 거야

And now, he's after Choi Yeong-seop.

‪[숨을  들이켠다]

[suspenseful music] [sucks teeth, sighs deeply]

그럼 내가

[sucks teeth, sighs deeply] And that's why

최영섭으로 위장해서 ‪진범 잡을 테니까

I'm pretending to be Choi Yeong-seop so that I can catch the killer.

후배님은 가서 최영섭 지켜

I'm pretending to be Choi Yeong-seop so that I can catch the killer. So you should guard Choi Yeong-seop.

  친구 죽인  잡아야 되거든

I need to catch the guy who killed my friend.

‪[입소리를  낸다]

-[Su-cheol snickers] -[blows]

최영섭이 범인이 아니라는 

No, you need to prove that Choi Yeong-seop wasn't the one behind the killings.

증명하고 싶어서겠지

No, you need to prove that Choi Yeong-seop wasn't the one behind the killings.

‪[부드러운 음악]

[dramatic music]

내가 믿고 싶었다고 했지?

You said you wanted to believe me.

‪(한준확인시켜 줄게 ‪내가 틀리지 않았다는 

I'll show you I wasn't wrong about any of it.


I will catch him for you, the real killer.

잡아 줄게진짜 범인

I will catch him for you, the real killer.

그러니까 ‪나는 여기서 진범 기다리고

I'll stay here and wait for the real killer to show up.

후배님은 가서

Meanwhile, you go…

최영섭 자백 받아 내자

and get Choi Yeong-seop to confess.

  하나는 성공하겠지

One of us will succeed. Won't we?


One of us will succeed. Won't we?

‪[한준이  웃는다]


‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음] ‪[수철의 웃음]

[gasps, laughs]


-[laughter] -Fine.

대신 범인 잡는  ‪당신이 아니라 나야

Except, I'll be the one catching the killer, not you.

‪(재희누구든 수상한  나타나면

If anyone suspicious shows up,

허튼짓 말고 ‪나한테 바로 연락해알았어?

call for me and no fooling around, you got that?

이쁜 형사님!

Yes, pretty detective!

‪[재희의 분한 숨소리]


‪[약에 취한 소리]


‪(수철아이고우리  이거 ‪정신  차려서 이거 어쩌면 좋아 ‪[혜준의 한숨]

[Su-cheol] Oh, poor Han-jun. -[sighs] -Looks like he's completely out of it.

적당히 가만히  있어

[laughs] Come on, stay still now.

‪(한준 ‪[카메라 셔터음]

[laughs] Come on, stay still now. [Han-jun whooping]


[Han-jun whooping]

‪[경쾌한 음악]

-[camera shutter clicks] -[feet stomp] [Han-jun laughs]

‪[한준의 약에 취한 소리]

[Han-jun laughs]


Don't you forget.

‪[거친 숨소리]

[breathing heavily]

정신 차려한재희

Get it together, Han Jae-hui.

남한준한테 놀아나면 절대  

Get it together, Han Jae-hui. You can't let Nam Han-jun mess with you like that.

그건 절대 키스가 아니다 ‪그건 그냥 사고다

What happened was an accident, and definitely not a kiss. I was just caught off guard.

갑작스러워서 놀란 거다

I was just caught off guard.

남한준한테 ‪절대 두근거리는  아니다!

I was just caught off guard. There's no way I'd ever be attracted to Nam Han-jun!

‪[재희의 분한 탄성]

[Jae-hui squeals]

‪[새가 지저귄다]


[Jae-hui] Prosecutor Cha.

‪(도원경위님 ‪ 여기 계세요?

Huh? Lieutenant? What are you doing here?


Um… um… you see…

‪[작은 목소리로최영섭 ‪병실 옮겼어요

Okay, Choi Yeong-seop's in a different room.

 병실엔 남한준 씨가 ‪최영섭으로 위장하고 있고요

Okay, Choi Yeong-seop's in a different room. Meanwhile, Mr. Nam's in his room right now, pretending to be him.



아무튼 이쪽으로 따라오세요

Anyway, just follow me.

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

[footsteps receding] [ominous music]


Mr. Choi Yeong-seop.

안녕하십니까 ‪서부지검 차도원 검사입니다

[Do-won] Good morning to you. I'm Prosecutor Cha Do-won.

‪[지퍼 여는 소리]

[zipper rasps]

‪[ 꺼내는 소리]



하필  까칠이한테

I can't believe that Grumpy of all people saw me high on drugs

약에 취해서 해롱거리는 모습 ‪보여 주다니아이젠장

I can't believe that Grumpy of all people saw me high on drugs and acting like an idiot.

아이기분 완전 쉣이다아이씨

and acting like an idiot. Oh, this can't possibly get worse.


Come on.

해롱거리기만 했으면 다행이쥬

[Su-cheol] Acting like an idiot was the least of it.

기억  ? ‪[ 뽀뽀하는 소리]

-You forgot? -[both giggle]

‪[매혹적인 음악]

‪[놀란 숨소리] ‪[ 울리는 효과음]

-[music stops] -[gasps]


There's no way…

‪(한준 소중한 입술

Oh, my precious lips. [groans]

아니야 ‪아니야아니야

Oh, my precious lips. [groans] No way! No way!

이거는 일종의 ‪교통사고 같은 거야교통사고

It was just an accident. That's it. Kind of like a car accident.

‪(혜준) [웃으며

-[both giggling] -Right.

사고라고 하기엔 각도와 타이밍이 ‪너무 정확하지 않냐?

I think the timing was too on the nose for it to be called an accident.

‪'예쁜 형사님'

"Oh, Pretty Detective."

‪- (혜준) '' ‪- (한준젠장! ‪[수철의 떨리는 숨소리]

-Mm… -Shut up! Stop that right now!

‪(한준하지 거기까지!

-Mm… -Shut up! Stop that right now!

‪[분한 숨소리]

Bunch of… [grunts]


Ow, my head.

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]


‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪[심장 박동 효과음]

-[giggling] -[heart beating]

‪[수철이 당황한다] ‪[혜준의 웃음]

-[giggling] -[heart beating] [Su-cheol breathing heavily]

어제 일은 잊어라?

Hey, forget about all that, okay?

‪[힘주는 숨소리]

[Han-jun breathing heavily]

, CCTV 한번 틀어 

[exhales sharply] Pull up the CCTV.

‪(혜준 ‪[키보드 조작음]

[keyboard clacks]

‪[수철이 코를 훌쩍인다] ‪[한준의 한숨]

나이스 타이밍

Nice timing.

‪[한준의 어이없는 숨소리]

[Han-jun snorts, scoffs]

‪(한준아유 ‪누가 까칠이 아니랄까 정말

[Han-jun snorts, scoffs] She's such an inconsiderate woman.

‪(수철우리 이쁜 형사님이 ‪CCTV 제거하셨쥬?

Look, the pretty detective cut us off. I think that's rude, don't you?

‪(혜준우리 이쁜 형사님께서

Well, the pretty detective doesn't know about the bug. I knew.

도청은 몰라 다행이쥬?

Well, the pretty detective doesn't know about the bug. I knew. [Hye-jun] What about…

‪(수철과 혜준) ‪- 그렇쥬… ‪- 그렇쥬

[Hye-jun] What about… [making kissing sounds]


Stop! Stop making that sound.

조동아리를 내밀고

Stop! Stop making that sound.

‪[혜준이  웃는다]




Ow, my head.

도청이라도 틀어 

-Hey, can we listen to the bug, please? -Okay.

‪- (한준아유 ‪- (혜준

-Hey, can we listen to the bug, please? -Okay.

‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪[심장 박동 효과음]

[heart pounding] Hm?

‪[키보드 조작음]

[heart pounding] Hm? -[keyboard clacking] -[gasps]

‪[녹음기 조작음] ‪(도원최영섭 

-[recorder beeps] -[Do-won] Mr. Choi.

최영섭 씨가 살해한 도준하입니다

This is Do Jun-ha, the man you killed.


Do you recognize him?

-Yes. -[Han-jun scoffs]

‪[한준의 어이없는 숨소리]

-Yes. -[Han-jun scoffs]

죽였다고 단정하고 ‪심문하면 어떡하나?

You can't assume he's the killer while doing an interrogation.

‪[혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]

[clicking tongue]



‪(도원 사람은 ‪알아보시겠습니까?

do you recognize this man?

한재정 검사

Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong.

한재정 검사를 살해한 사실

Do you admit to the murder of…


Prosecutor Han?


Yes, I admit it.

‪[재희가 숨을 들이켠다]

[breathes heavily]


Mr. Choi Yeong-seop, I was told by someone

누군가 그러더군요

Mr. Choi Yeong-seop, I was told by someone

‪(재희최영섭 씨는 진범이 아니라

that you are not the real killer, and you are being used by someone else.

누군가한테 이용당한 거라고

that you are not the real killer, and you are being used by someone else.

최영섭 씨가 아닌 다른 사람이 ‪도준하와

Was someone other than you responsible for the murders

한재정 검사를 살해한 겁니까?

of Do Jun-ha and Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong?


[Jae-hui] Stop right there!

‪[긴장한 숨소리] ‪[차분한 음악]

-[breathes heavily] -Were you the one who killed him?

당신이 죽인 거야?

-[breathes heavily] -Were you the one who killed him?

저를 기억하시는  같네요

Looks like you do remember me.


That's right.

‪3  사건 현장에서

I was the officer who arrested you at the scene of the crime three years ago.

당신을 체포한 경찰이 접니다

I was the officer who arrested you at the scene of the crime three years ago.

‪(재희구치소에서 출소한 뒤에

We also met at the crime scene

사건 현장에서도

after you were released from the detention center.

다시 만났었죠

after you were released from the detention center.

‪(재희마지막 경고야

[Jae-hui] This is my last warning.

손에   내려놔

Put the hammer down now.

‪(재희그때 당신이 찾은 핸드폰에

[Jae-hui] The cell phone that you were looking for…

도준하가 살해당하는 ‪동영상이 찍혀 있었어요

it had a video recording of Do Jun-ha's murder.


Do you remember?


So tell me now…

지금 어디 있습니까?

where is that cell phone?


I lost it a while back.

한재정 검사를 살해하는 것도

The murder of Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong,


did you record that as well?


[tense music]




Mr. Choi Yeong-seop.

당신과 아무 원한 관계도 없는 ‪한재정 검사를

There was no enmity between you and Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong.

살해한 이유가 뭡니까?

So why did you kill him?



최영섭  ‪당신이 범인이 아니라는  알아요

Mr. Choi. I know that you weren't the one who did it.

‪(재정사랑하는 딸을 잃은 ‪분노와 슬픔을

Someone used your grief on the loss of your daughter

누군가가 이용한 거겠죠

as an excuse for murder.

저희가 범인을 잡지 못해서

I truly am sorry for what happened.

따님을 그렇게 보내게  

You had to lose your daughter because…

정말 죄송합니다

we failed to punish your assailant.

‪[휴대전화  소리]


‪[휴대전화 조작음]



Yes, hello?

‪(남자3) 사건 현장에 ‪핸드폰이 있을 겁니다 ‪[어두운 음악]

[Gopuri] A cell phone was left at the scene of the crime.

찾아서 보내 드린 주소로 오십시오

Bring it to the address I'm going to send you.

한재정 검사 살리고 싶으면

I suggest that you move quickly

빨리 움직이는  좋을 겁니다

if you wanna save Prosecutor Han.


Why would you kill him? All he did was let me go free…

검사님은  그냥 ‪풀어 주신 거밖에

Why would you kill him? All he did was let me go free…

‪(남자3) 잊었습니까?

Why would you kill him? All he did was let me go free… Did you forget?

당신  그렇게 만든  ‪처단해 주는 대신

I killed the man who raped your daughter, but in return,

당신이 범인이 되기로  

you promised you would take the blame for it.

계약 조건을 지키지 않으면

If you won't uphold our contract, then more people are going to die.

 많은 사람이 죽게  겁니다

then more people are going to die.

이유 같은  없어요

There was no reason.



그냥 죽였습니다

I just killed him. That's all.

‪[어이없는 숨소리]

-[exhales sharply] -[inhales deeply]



 죽었는지 이유를 모르는 거겠지

He definitely doesn't know the reason.

‪[차분한 음악] ‪(재희최영섭  집에서 찾은 ‪강은혜  사진이에요

We found this in your apartment, a photo of Ms. Kang Eun-hye.


Do Jun-ha,


Han Jae-jeong, and Kang Eun-hye were murdered in the same way.

강은혜를 죽인 수법이 똑같은데

Han Jae-jeong, and Kang Eun-hye were murdered in the same way.

 아이도 당신이 죽였다고 ‪자백할 겁니까?

So tell me, are you going to confess to her murder?


[Do-won] Mr. Choi.

당신 알리바이는 ‪이미 확인했습니다

We've already confirmed your alibi.


We believe, you are not responsible for Ms. Kang's death,

당신이 강은혜 양을 ‪죽이지 않았지만

We believe, you are not responsible for Ms. Kang's death,

범인은 알고 있다고 생각하는데

We believe, you are not responsible for Ms. Kang's death, but you do know the identity of who is.


[Do-won] Is that correct?

누구보다  알고 계시잖아요

You know better than anyone else here.

은혜  부모님 심정

Think of Ms. Kang's parents.

‪(도청  재희그러니까 ‪제발 말씀해 주세요

[Jae-hui] Please, you have to tell us now who really killed her.

은혜 양을 죽인 범인이 누군지

[Jae-hui] Please, you have to tell us now who really killed her.


He definitely won't.

최영섭에게 범인은 ‪구원이었을 테니까

The killer must have been like a savior to him.

‪(도청  도원최영섭 

[Do-won] Mr. Choi Yeong-seop.

당신한테 범인은 ‪구원이었을 겁니다

The killer must've been like some sort of savior to you.



‪(도청  도원하지만 ‪복수는  다른 범죄일 

[Do-won] However, revenge is just another crime.

절대 구원이   없어요

It can never truly save you.

‪(도원최영섭  ‪당신을 구원할  있는 

There is only one person who can save you,

당신 자신뿐이에요

and that is yourself.

범인이 최영섭 씨를 ‪죽이려고 했다는 

You are well aware that the killer tried to have you killed.

알고 계시잖아요

You are well aware that the killer tried to have you killed.

저희가 보호해 드릴 테니까

We promise we will protect you.

망설이지 말고

So please, don't hesitate,

말씀해 주세요

and tell us who he is.

‪(수철 검사 말이여

[sucks teeth] Prosecutor Cha

의외로 형이랑 ‪통하는  있는  같은디?

sure does have a lot in common with you.

그럴 리가

No, he doesn't.

‪(한준누구한테 누굴 갖다  ‪기분 나쁘게

Who do you think you're comparing him to?

화를 내고 난리여

You don't have to be mad.

‪[노크 소리]

[knocks on door]

‪(재희무슨 일이시죠?

Can I help you, sir?

‪(간호사3) 최영섭  ‪항생제 주사 투여하겠습니다

[nurse] I'm just here to give Mr. Choi his antibiotic shot.

혹시 모르니까 ‪병실  CCTV  확인해 

Hey, just to be safe. Can you check on the camera outside his room?



‪[혜준이 코를 훌쩍인다] ‪[키보드 조작음]

-[keyboard clacking] -[mutters]

-[keyboard clacking] -[mutters]


Let's see.

이상 없네요

Everything checks out.

‪[달그락 내려놓는 소리]


‪[의미심장한 효과음] ‪[어두운 음악]

[ominous music]

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

[sinister music]

‪[심전도계 비프음]

[heart monitor beeping rapidly]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

[heart monitor beeping rapidly]

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪[의미심장한 효과음] ‪[의미심장한 음악]

고풀이가 왔어

That's Gopuri.

고풀이  뒈졌어

Gopuri, you're a dead man.

‪[심전도계 비프음] ‪(재희아이씨

[Su-cheol pants] [Jae-hui] Damn it.


Who are you?

검사님링거  뽑고 ‪의사 부르세요어서요!

Prosecutor, take the IV out and call a doctor! [Jae-hui] Hurry! [shrieks]

‪[재희의 힘겨운 신음]

[Jae-hui] Hurry! [shrieks]

‪[수철의 다급한 소리]

[tense music]

‪[한준과 수철이 다급해한다]

-[both grunting] -[Han-jun] Through here!

‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]

‪(한준 새끼 잡아!

Go after him!

‪(수철고풀이  일로  !

[Su-cheol] Hey, get back here, Gopuri!

‪[한준과 수철이 다급해한다]


‪[한준과 수철의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[한준의 거친 숨소리]

[Han-jun sighing]

‪(한준일단 ‪각자 흩어져서 찾아 보자

[Han-jun sighing] All right, then. Let's split up and look for him.

‪[한준의 거친 숨소리]

All right, then. Let's split up and look for him. [panting]

‪[한준의 분한 숨소리] ‪[철컥 닫히는 소리]

Damn it.

‪[긴박한 음악] ‪[저마다 힘준다]


‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]

[tense music]

‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]


‪[힘겨운 신음]


‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[분한 숨소리]

‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]


‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]

고풀이 새끼

Gopuri, you bastard.

‪[힘겨운 신음]

Gopuri, you bastard. [grunts]

‪[풀벌레 울음]


‪[한준이 흐느낀다]


‪[다가오는 발걸음]

‪[한준의 신음]

[Han-jun groans]

‪(검사 뻔뻔한 새끼야

[prosecutor] You shameless bastard.

네가 어쩌자고 여길 

[prosecutor] You shameless bastard. How dare you come here?

 검사가 누구 때문에 죽었는데

Why do you think Prosecutor Han was murdered?

네가 범인 아니라고

You said Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.

풀어 주라고  최영섭이가 죽였어

You said Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it. Well, after he went free, Prosecutor Han died.

 사람 범인 아닙니다

Like I said, he didn't do it.



‪[검사의 성난 숨소리]

[prosecutor grunts]

잠시 저랑 얘기  하시죠

May I have a word with you?

‪(도원한재정 검사 사건 담당 ‪차도원 검사입니다

I'm the prosecutor in charge of this case, Cha Do-won, nice to meet you.


 검사 죽인 놈은 ‪최영섭이 아니에요

Choi Yeong-seop didn't kill him.

제가 분명히 봤습니다

I swear. I saw it myself. There's a burn scar on the killer's arm.

범인 팔에 있는 화상 흉터

I swear. I saw it myself. There's a burn scar on the killer's arm.

‪[리드미컬한 음악]

[suspenseful music]


I'm sorry.

남한준  의견 무시한  ‪사과할게요

I'm sorry. [Jae-hui] I sincerely apologize for ignoring you.


[Jae-hui] I sincerely apologize for ignoring you. [Su-cheol] Gopuri!

‪(도원어떻게 보면 남한준 씨만 ‪ 사건의 실체를  거네요

[Su-cheol] Gopuri! [Do-won] In a way, Mr. Nam was the only one to see right through this case.

‪(한준피해자에 대한 ‪죄책감과 애정

[Do-won] In a way, Mr. Nam was the only one to see right through this case. [Han-jun] It speaks of guilt and affection for the victim.

범인의 감정을 건드린  틀림없어

[Han-jun] It speaks of guilt and affection for the victim. [Jae-hui] What's the name of the entertainment company she joined?

‪(재희은혜가 들어간 ‪소속사 이름이 뭐예요?

[Jae-hui] What's the name of the entertainment company she joined?

‪(여자5) 조이스 엔터요

[Jae-hui] What's the name of the entertainment company she joined? [Hui-ju] Joyce Entertainment.

‪(혜준일명 ' 진상' ‪[한준의 한숨]

[Hui-ju] Joyce Entertainment. [Hye-jun] Alias, "Pack the Pain in the Butt."

‪[사람들의 신난 탄성] ‪전형적인 망나니 ‪재벌 3세라고   있지

He's a typical third-generation rich-ass troublemaker.

‪(남자3) 남한준 경위 ‪3   경찰이 맞습니다

He's a typical third-generation rich-ass troublemaker. [Tae-su] Inspector Nam Han-jun is the cop from three years ago.

‪(재희만나 봐야겠어

[Jae-hui] We need to talk to them.

‪(한준강은혜가 이번 사건의 ‪열쇠이자 탈출구야

[Jae-hui] We need to talk to them. [Han-jun] Kang Eun-hye is the key to this case. And she's going to lead us to the killer.


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