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  이상한 변호사 우영우 6

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 6


‪(보육사) 성함이 어떻게 되세요?‬-[woman] What is your name? -Gye Hyang-sim.
‪계향심‬ ‪[쓱쓱 적는 소리]‬-[woman] What is your name? -Gye Hyang-sim. "Gye" with a "G."
‪'계란' 할 때 '계'‬"Gye" with a "G."
‪(보육사) 따님 이름은요?‬Your daughter's name?
‪(향심) 계하윤‬Gye Ha-yun.
‪이름 참 세련되지 않았습니까?‬Her name is fashionable, right?
‪한국에서 인기 많은 이름이라 해서‬I chose Ha-yun because I've heard that name's popular in South Korea.
‪하윤이라고 했습니다‬I chose Ha-yun because I've heard that name's popular in South Korea.
‪성이 유별나니까‬Her surname will stand out.
‪이름이라도 모 안 나게‬ ‪둥글둥글 어울려 살라고요‬It was important that at least her first name didn't draw attention.
‪[향심이 피식 웃는다]‬It was important that at least her first name didn't draw attention. [Hyang-sim chuckles]
‪(보육사) 안 무거우세요?‬Is she heavy? We could place her on the couch.
‪저기 소파에 좀 눕힐까요?‬Is she heavy? We could place her on the couch.
‪아닙니다‬I'm all right.
‪(향심) 아니에요‬ ‪내가 안고 있을 거예요‬I just… want to hold her.
‪(보육사) 엄청 깊이 잠들었네요‬ ‪한낮인데‬[woman] She's sound asleep. Does she usually sleep this early?
‪(향심) 내가 약을 먹였어요‬I gave her medicine.
‪약을요? 따님한테요?‬"Medicine"? To your child?
‪(향심) 하윤이가 깨어 있으면‬If Ha-yun is awake, she won't let me leave without her.
‪나랑 떨어지려고 안 할 거거든요‬If Ha-yun is awake, she won't let me leave without her.
‪(보육사) 아‬Uh-huh.
‪주소가 어떻게 되세요?‬And what is your address?
‪나 하윤이 버리는 거 아닙니다‬Listen. I'm not abandoning my daughter.
‪입양 보내시면 안 돼요‬Don't put her up for adoption.
‪내가 꼭 다시 찾으러 올 겁니다‬All right? Soon, I'll come to take her back.
‪일단 근데 주소가 있어야…‬-Yet, still, we need an address, so-- -What, you don't believe me?
‪내 말 가볍게 듣습니까?‬-Yet, still, we need an address, so-- -What, you don't believe me?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪하윤이 버리는 거 아닙니다‬I would never just desert my daughter.
‪내가 교화소에 가야 될 거 같아서‬I have no other choice than to leave her as I'll probably be in a labor camp.
‪잠깐만 맡기러 온 겁니다‬I have no other choice than to leave her as I'll probably be in a labor camp.
‪교화소요?‬What's that mean?
‪교도소 말입니다‬I'm going to prison.
‪교도소요‬For a while.
‪(보육사) 어머니 혹시‬So I assume you're a… a North Korean defector?
‪탈북민이세요?‬So I assume you're a… a North Korean defector?
‪우리 하윤이‬ ‪탈북자 딸이라고 차별 말고‬Ha-yun is innocent. Don't be cruel to her because I'm a defector. Remember, I'm the one who's the criminal here.
‪범죄자 딸이라고 구박 말라요‬Remember, I'm the one who's the criminal here.
‪내가‬I swear. I will return for Ha-yun at any price.
‪우리 하윤이‬ ‪꼭 다시 찾으러 올 겁니다‬I swear. I will return for Ha-yun at any price.
‪(보육사) 네‬[woman] I understand.
‪[향심이 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪[아이들이 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪[한숨]‬[sharp exhale]
‪(하윤) 엄마, 엄마!‬[sharp exhale] [Ha-yun] Mommy! -Mommy! Mommy! -[woman] Ha-yun! Ha-yun, you can't go!
‪- (하윤) 엄마!‬ ‪- (보육사) 가면 안 돼!‬-Mommy! Mommy! -[woman] Ha-yun! Ha-yun, you can't go!
‪- (하윤) 엄마, 엄마!‬ ‪- (보육사) 안 돼, 안 돼‬-Mommy! Mommy! -[woman] Ha-yun! Ha-yun, you can't go! -[Ha-yun] Mommy! -[woman] You can't go. -[Ha-yun] Mommy! Mommy! -Ha-yun, honey!
‪[하윤이 울부짖는다]‬ ‪하윤아‬-[Ha-yun] Mommy! Mommy! -Ha-yun, honey!
‪엄마가‬-[Ha-yun cries] -I'll come back.
‪금방 올게‬-[Ha-yun] Mommy! Mommy! -It will be okay.
‪(하윤) 엄마, 가지 마!‬ ‪[보육사의 힘겨운 신음]‬-[cries] -Calm down. Come back! [Ha-yun] Mommy! [cries]
‪엄마!‬[Ha-yun] Mommy! [cries] Mommy!
‪엄마!‬Mommy! Mommy!
‪엄마!‬Mommy! Mommy! Come back! [Ha-yun cries]
‪엄마!‬[Ha-yun cries] Mommy! [crying continues]
‪엄마!‬[crying continues] [Ha-yun] Mommy!
‪엄마!‬[grunts] Mommy!
‪엄마!‬Mommy! [somber music playing]
‪엄마!‬[somber music playing]
‪[고래 울음 효과음]‬CASE 6 IF I WERE A WHALE…
‪[똑똑 똑]‬[knocks]
‪(명석) 아, 예, 죄송합니다‬Oh, yes.
‪어‬-Uh-huh? -Atty. Jung, you called me?
‪(영우) 정명석 변호사님‬ ‪호출하셨습니까?‬-Uh-huh? -Atty. Jung, you called me?
‪응‬Mm-hmm. Uh…
‪어, 그, 최수연 변호사가‬ ‪공익 사건을 하나 맡았어요‬Mm-hmm. Uh… Atty. Choi has been working on a public interest case. A defector charged with aggravated robbery.
‪강도 상해로 기소된 탈북자 사건‬A defector charged with aggravated robbery.
‪'강도 상해로 기소된 탈북자 사건'‬"A defector charged with aggravated robbery."
‪씁, 어, 내가 보기엔‬Uh, I personally don't think that there is much we can do.
‪변호사가 해 줄 수 있는 일이‬ ‪많지 않은 사건인데‬Uh, I personally don't think that there is much we can do.
‪그, 최수연 변호사가 뭐랄까, 좀‬Atty. Choi has become a little… overzealous about it.
‪지나치게 열정적이라고 할까?‬Atty. Choi has become a little… overzealous about it.
‪(명석) 그러니까 피고인한테‬[Myeong-seok] It seems she's over-empathizing with the defendant.
‪감정 이입을 과하게 하는 느낌이라‬[Myeong-seok] It seems she's over-empathizing with the defendant.
‪우영우 변호사가‬ ‪사건을 같이 하면서 좀‬Uh, so I was thinking you could help her and "whoa, whoa" her down, what do you think?
‪워워 시켜 주면 어떨까 하고‬and "whoa, whoa" her down, what do you think?
‪'워워'요?‬"Whoa, whoa"? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
‪워, 워, 워워?‬"Whoa, whoa"? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
‪응, 그러니까 최수연 변호사가‬Yes, so you'll need to cool Atty. Choi down
‪사건을 너무 감정적으로‬ ‪대하지 않게‬Yes, so you'll need to cool Atty. Choi down so that she doesn't treat this case too emotionally.
‪식혀 주라고‬so that she doesn't treat this case too emotionally.
‪이렇게‬Just, "Whoa, whoa."
‪워워‬Just, "Whoa, whoa."
‪워워‬-Whoa, whoa. -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
‪어, 그렇지‬-Whoa, whoa. -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- 워워‬ ‪- (영우) 워워‬-Whoa, whoa. -Whoa, whoa.
‪(명석) 릴랙스, 워…‬-Whoa, whoa. -Whoa, whoa. Help her relax. Whoa-- [awkward exhale]
‪워…‬Whoa. Get going.
‪가 봐요‬Whoa. Get going.
‪- (영우) 워…‬ ‪- 식혀 줘요‬-[Young-woo] Whoa… -Cool her down.
‪(명석) 워워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪워워‬ ‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬Whoa, whoa.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬ ‪워워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪[똑똑 똑]‬[knocks on door]
‪(수연) 들어와‬-[Su-yeon] Come in. -[documents rustle]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[pitiful music playing]
‪(영우) 음…‬Mm…
‪출근을 안 한 거야?‬Did you not get dressed for work or did you not leave here?
‪퇴근을 안 한 거야?‬Did you not get dressed for work or did you not leave here?
‪퇴근?‬"Leave here"? That must be nice.
‪퇴근이 뭐야?‬"Leave here"? That must be nice.
‪(수연) 저녁이 있는 삶 같은 건가?‬[Su-yeon] Having general plans or any life outside work?
‪환상 속에만 있고‬ ‪실제 존재하진 않는다는?‬That seems like something that only exists in fantasies.
‪[머뭇거리는 소리]‬Ugh…
‪[수연의 힘주는 신음]‬-[hesitant hum] -[grunts]
‪넌 괜찮냐?‬Are you all right? Are you busy?
‪일 안 많아?‬Are you all right? Are you busy?
‪일?‬Yeah. I am.
‪많아‬I am.
‪어제는 열 시간 넘게‬ ‪타이핑을 했더니 손목이 아팠어‬My wrists hurt from ten hours of typing yesterday.
‪나는 이미 아스퍼거 증후군을‬ ‪갖고 있는데‬I have autism spectrum disorder already,
‪이대로라면 곧‬but I could get carpal tunnel syndrome at this rate.
‪손목 터널 증후군까지‬ ‪생길 것 같아‬but I could get carpal tunnel syndrome at this rate.
‪난 흰색 코털이 나기 시작했어‬My nose hairs are turning white from sleep deprivation.
‪잠을 못 자서‬My nose hairs are turning white from sleep deprivation.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[Su-yeon sighs]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[awkward music playing]
‪네가 맡은 공익 사건‬ ‪나도 같이 하게 됐어‬I'm on the public interest case with you. The North Korean defector charged with aggravated robbery.
‪강도 상해로 기소된 탈북자 사건‬The North Korean defector charged with aggravated robbery.
‪(수연) 뭐? 향심 언니 사건?‬What? Hyang-sim's case?
‪향심 언니?‬Who is Hyang-sim?
‪(수연) 그 사건 피고인 이름이‬ ‪계향심이야‬The defendant's name is Gye Hyang-sim.
‪한 번 만났는데‬ ‪성격 완전 시원시원해‬I've met her once, and she's really cool.
‪터프한 큰언니 느낌?‬Like a tough older sister.
‪정명석 변호사님은‬Atty. Jung is concerned that you're too emotionally involved with this case.
‪네가 그 사건에‬ ‪지나치게 열정적이라고 생각해‬Atty. Jung is concerned that you're too emotionally involved with this case.
‪피고인에게 과하게‬ ‪감정 이입 한다고‬That you're overly empathizing with Hyang-sim.
‪(수연) 그래?‬-Really? -Mm.
‪(영우) 응‬-Really? -Mm.
‪나한테 너를 워워 시키라고 했어‬He told me to "whoa, whoa" you.
‪워워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪워워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪[수연이 피식 웃는다]‬-[chuckles] -Whoa, whoa.
‪워워‬-[chuckles] -Whoa, whoa.
‪(수연) 우영우‬Atty. Woo. Have you been to a detention center before?
‪구치소 가 봤어?‬Atty. Woo. Have you been to a detention center before?
‪아니, 아직 한 번도 안 가 봤어‬No. I've not been to one yet.
‪얼른 접견 신청 해‬Request a visitation, then. It's time that you met Hyang-sim.
‪향심 언니 만나러 가자‬Request a visitation, then. It's time that you met Hyang-sim.
‪[수감자들이 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪[보안 시스템 작동음]‬[security alarm buzzes] [gate clanks open]
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[gate clanks open]
‪[열쇠가 짤랑거린다]‬-[keys jingle] -[gate unlocks]
‪[잠금장치가 달칵 열린다]‬-[keys jingle] -[gate unlocks]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[footsteps]
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door clicks open]
‪[수연의 반가운 숨소리]‬ ‪(향심) 아이고‬[Hyang-sim] Oh, hello.
‪변호사 동생‬Hi, Atty. Choi.
‪(수연) 잘 지내셨어요?‬ ‪[수연과 향심의 웃음]‬Hi, how are you?
‪어, 여기는 우영우 변호사‬ ‪[향심의 옅은 탄성]‬[chuckles] Hyang-sim, let me introduce, co-counsel on your case, Atty. Woo.
‪이 사건 나랑 같이 하기로 했어요‬Hyang-sim, let me introduce, co-counsel on your case, Atty. Woo.
‪(영우) 안녕하십니까‬Hi, I am Woo Young-woo from Hanbada Law Firm.
‪법무 법인 한바다의 우영우입니다‬Hi, I am Woo Young-woo from Hanbada Law Firm.
‪똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토, 스위스‬ ‪인도인, 별똥별, 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo. Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
‪우향우?‬"Woo Hyang-woo"?
‪아니요…‬-No. -[Su-yeon] Why don't we…
‪(수연) 우리 일단 그냥 앉을까요?‬-No. -[Su-yeon] Why don't we… Why don't we all sit down?
‪(수연) 지내시는 건 좀 어때요?‬How is it in here? Are you okay? It must be tough.
‪많이 힘들죠?‬How is it in here? Are you okay? It must be tough.
‪[피식 웃으며] 지내는 거?‬Staying in here?
‪야, 먹여 주고 재워 주고‬Staying in here? Yeah. I've got food and a roof.
‪이만하면 호텔이다‬It's almost like a hotel.
‪(향심) 기냥 우리 딸‬ ‪하윤이 보고 싶은 거‬I just… I just miss Ha-yun so much.
‪그게 좀 마음이 아파 그렇지, 뭐‬Not having her by me breaks my heart.
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬Ms. Gye, I've heard you're a North Korean defector,
‪계향심 씨는‬ ‪탈북민이라고 들었는데‬Ms. Gye, I've heard you're a North Korean defector,
‪왜 북한 사투리를 안 쓰십니까?‬Ms. Gye, I've heard you're a North Korean defector, but you don't sound North Korean.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[comical music playing] [sharp exhale] Comrade Woo Hyang-woo.
‪우향우 동무‬[sharp exhale] Comrade Woo Hyang-woo.
‪내래 탈북한 지가 언제인데‬ ‪그런 소리를 합네까?‬Why say that when it's been years since I defected?
‪(향심) 이야, 고조 남조선은‬Wow, the prisons in South Joseon are like five-star hotels!
‪이 구치소도 호텔 같구나야‬Wow, the prisons in South Joseon are like five-star hotels! Does that sound more like a North Korean defector?
‪이래야 탈북자다운 겁니까?‬Does that sound more like a North Korean defector?
‪(영우) 아, 죄송합니다‬Uh, I'm sorry.
‪(수연) 사건 이야기 좀 해 볼까요?‬Let's talk about the case.
‪어, 우영우 변호사는‬ ‪처음 왔으니까‬Since Atty. Woo just met you, we'll go back to the beginning.
‪시작부터 짚어 볼게요‬Since Atty. Woo just met you, we'll go back to the beginning.
‪피해자 이순영 씨랑은‬ ‪처음부터 아는 사이셨어요?‬Did you and the victim, Lee Sun-yeong, know each other beforehand?
‪아니, 이순영은 탈북자도 아니고‬Oh, no. Lee Sun-yeong is not a defector. Normally, we'd never cross paths.
‪나랑 만날 일도 없는 사이야‬Normally, we'd never cross paths. I met her that day when I went to get the money.
‪그날 돈 받으러 가서 처음 봤어‬I met her that day when I went to get the money.
‪엄마가 알려 줘서‬ ‪알게 된 사람이고‬I really only know her because of Mom.
‪탈북 브로커인‬ ‪최영희 씨 말씀이십니까?‬You mean North Korean defector broker, Choi Yeong-hui?
‪진짜 엄마는 아니고 양엄마인데‬She's not my real mother, a foster mother.
‪그냥 다들 엄마라고 불러‬And, um, we called her Mom.
‪[향심의 한숨]‬
‪엄마가 나한테 빌려 간 돈만‬ ‪제대로 갚았어도…‬If only she'd paid back her debt, this wouldn't have happened.
‪(수연) 정리해 볼게요‬Allow me to summarize.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Five years ago, you approached the "Mom,"
‪5년 전 계향심 씨는‬Five years ago, you approached the "Mom,"
‪엄마, 그러니까‬ ‪탈북 브로커인 최영희 씨에게‬Five years ago, you approached the "Mom," a North Korean defector broker known as Choi Yeong-hui.
‪빌려준 돈 천만 원을‬ ‪돌려 달라고 했어요‬It was a request for the ten million won she borrowed from you.
‪그러자 최영희 씨는‬And her reply to you was that all the money she owed wouldn't be paid back directly,
‪계향심 씨한테‬ ‪돈을 직접 갚는 대신‬was that all the money she owed wouldn't be paid back directly,
‪자신이 이순영 씨에게‬ ‪받을 돈이 있으니‬Choi Yeong-hui told you that Lee Sun-yeong owed her a debt.
‪계향심 씨더러‬ ‪대신 받아 가라고 했고요?‬And the money instead could be collected from her.
‪이순영이‬ ‪엄마한테 빚진 돈 천만 원을‬Lee Sun-yeong owed Mom a debt, and that's why we went there.
‪나랑 정희한테 넘긴 거지‬And she gave us the ten million.
‪공범인 김정희 씨 말씀이십니까?‬Kim Jeong-hui, your accomplice, right?
‪우향우 동무‬Comrade Woo Hyang-woo.
‪등장인물이 많으니까 골 아픕네까?‬Your brain hurts because there's too many people involved?
‪(영우) 아닙니다‬No.
‪(수연) 김정희 씨랑은‬ ‪친구 사이셨죠?‬Kim Jeong-hui was your friend, correct?
‪뭐, 진짜 친구는 아니고‬Well, we're not really that close.
‪엄마가 소개해 줘서 알게 됐는데‬We spent time together when I first got here.
‪그냥 친구라고 부르는 거지, 뭐‬We spent time together when I first got here. We know each other through Mom.
‪정희도 탈북자고 나랑 동갑이야‬She's also a defector, the same age as me.
‪이순영 씨한테 천만 원을 받으면‬You two were going to split up the ten million once Lee Sun-yeong gave it to you, though, right?
‪김정희 씨와‬ ‪나눠 가지려 하셨고요?‬once Lee Sun-yeong gave it to you, though, right?
‪길티‬Yes, that's right! The problem was, would Lee Sun-yeong
‪문제는 이순영 걔가‬ ‪엄마한테도 안 준 돈을‬Yes, that's right! The problem was, would Lee Sun-yeong give us the cash that she wouldn't hand over to Mom herself, you know?
‪우리한테 순순히 내놓겠느냐‬ ‪그거였어‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬give us the cash that she wouldn't hand over to Mom herself, you know? We planned to intimidate her into paying us,
‪돈 없다고‬ ‪딱 잡아떼지 못하게 하려면‬We planned to intimidate her into paying us,
‪나랑 정희랑‬ ‪여간내기로 보이면 안 됐다고‬ ‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬so Jeong-hui and I had to scare her and convince her we had nothing to lose.
‪[향심과 정희의 놀란 소리]‬-[dog barking in distance] -Hey, get back there, fast.
‪[술병이 잘그랑거린다]‬ ‪(정희) 씨, 깜짝이야‬[bottles clink] [Sun-yeong] I swear.
‪[정희가 긴장한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[sharp exhale]
‪[향심의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-Hey, look! -[door closes]
‪(향심) 쟤는 저거‬ ‪문도 안 잠그고 사니?‬I can't believe it. She didn't lock her door.
‪무섭지도 않나?‬She didn't lock her door. She must not be afraid?
‪(정희) 아주 용감한 거디‬Look at that. She's got some balls, doesn't she?
‪(향심) 정희야‬ ‪너 정신 똑바로 차리라‬Look at that. She's got some balls, doesn't she? Jeong-hui, careful. Be ready for anything. She won't just hand the money over.
‪웬만해선 돈 안 내놓을 거야‬She won't just hand the money over.
‪엄마 돈 떼먹을 정도면‬She's probably pretty tough. I mean, she took Mom's money and ran.
‪얼마나 독한 건지 알 만하디 않니?‬She's probably pretty tough. I mean, she took Mom's money and ran.
‪(정희) 이, 너나 잘하라‬ ‪물러 터져 가지고선‬She's probably pretty tough. I mean, she took Mom's money and ran. Don't show weakness. I'm gonna handle this, all right? We'll show no mercy. Everyone sought the sight of the DMZ.
‪독하기로 치믄‬ ‪조선 반도에서 나만 한 거 없어‬We'll show no mercy. Everyone sought the sight of the DMZ.
‪가자‬We'll show no mercy. Everyone sought the sight of the DMZ. Let's go.
‪하나 쥐라‬Grab one.
‪(정희) 이순영이!‬[Jeong-hui] Lee Sun-yeong!
‪- 당장 나오라!‬ ‪- (향심) 나오라!‬Get your ass out here, you hear me?
‪[정희의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(향심) 어디 있네?‬Where are you?
‪(정희) 너‬[Jeong-hui] You.
‪너 엄마 돈 내놓으라‬Hand over the Mom's money!
‪무, 무슨 돈이요?‬-What… what money? -"What money?"
‪무슨 돈?‬-What… what money? -"What money?"
‪(정희) 씨‬[tense music playing]
‪[정희의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[순영의 비명]‬-[shatters] -[squeals] [grunts, panting]
‪너 엄마 돈 천만 원 떼먹고‬ ‪안 갚고 있잖네‬Liar! It's time to pay the debt you owe or you'll regret it. Tell us!
‪(향심) 너!‬Tell us!
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[순영의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬-[gasps] -Where's the money at, huh? Where?
‪돈 어디 숨겼어, 어?‬-[gasps] -Where's the money at, huh? Where?
‪어디, 저, 저 방 안에 숨겼네?‬-[gasps] -Where's the money at, huh? Where? I bet it's in that room.
‪[순영의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪(순영) 안 돼요‬I bet it's in that room. No!
‪한 번만 봐주세요‬Please, just let it go! You have no idea what I'm going through.
‪형편이 어려워서 그래요‬Please, just let it go! You have no idea what I'm going through.
‪(정희) 야, 이년아!‬ ‪[순영의 비명]‬Hey! [screams]
‪야, 이 날강도 같은 년아‬Shut up, you fucking thief!
‪우린 뭐, 형편이 좋아‬ ‪이러는 줄 아네?‬Don't bitch at us about suffering!
‪그래, 야, 넌 가라‬That's right! Get out of the way!
‪(순영) [흐느끼며]‬ ‪안 돼요, 안 돼요!‬ ‪[정희의 거친 숨소리]‬[Sun-yeong] No, you can't! [screams]
‪[순영의 비명]‬[screams]
‪[순영의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪하지 마세요, 안 돼요‬ ‪[정희의 힘겨운 신음]‬[grunts] -[grunting efforts] -Do something!
‪(정희) 뭐 하니!‬ ‪[향심의 당황한 숨소리]‬-[grunting efforts] -Do something! -[clonks] -Hey, let go!
‪[향심의 힘주는 신음]‬-[clonks] -Hey, let go!
‪(향심) 야, 놔라! 아, 놔!‬ ‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬-[clonks] -Hey, let go! [Hyang-sim] Let her go!
‪(정희) 이거 놔라!‬[Jeong-hui] Let me go!
‪(향심) 아이씨, 야, 이!‬Hey!
‪야, 이순영이‬Hey, Lee Sun-yeong, just hand over the money, huh? Now!
‪그냥 돈만 좀 내놓으라!‬Hey, Lee Sun-yeong, just hand over the money, huh? Now!
‪[싸우는 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪(집주인) 어유‬ ‪시끄러워, 시끄러워‬Hey, Lee Sun-yeong, just hand over the money, huh? Now! That's it! They gotta keep quiet. I've had enough of this.
‪어유, 지겨워, 내가 지겨워, 어유‬That's it! They gotta keep quiet. I've had enough of this. -[screaming] -[line dials]
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬-[screaming] -[line dials] Hello? Police?
‪여보세요, 경찰이죠?‬Hello? Police?
‪여기 동백길 52번지인데요‬-[indistinct yelling] -I live in 52 Dongbaek-gil.
‪아, 윗집이 또 저래‬They're at it again upstairs!
‪또 시끄러워‬They're always so loud, I can never get any rest.
‪아, 잠을 못 자겠어‬They're always so loud, I can never get any rest. Come as soon as you can.
‪아, 빨리 좀 와 봐요‬Come as soon as you can.
‪아, 정말, 쯧‬[exasperated sigh] I swear.
‪(수연) 피해자 아래층에 살던‬The police came because the landlord who lives below the victim called.
‪집주인의 신고로 경찰이 왔고‬The police came because the landlord who lives below the victim called. Then you and Kim Jeong-hui were arrested on site shortly after, correct?
‪계향심 씨랑 김정희 씨는‬ ‪현장에서 붙잡힌 거네요?‬Then you and Kim Jeong-hui were arrested on site shortly after, correct?
‪맞죠?‬Then you and Kim Jeong-hui were arrested on site shortly after, correct?
‪사실 우리 별로 많이 안 때렸어‬I swear to you, we barely touched her.
‪근데 경찰이 보기에는 뭐‬But when the police came, there… there was glass and a brick lying there, a wooden stick on the ground,
‪유리 깨져 있고‬there was glass and a brick lying there, a wooden stick on the ground,
‪망두기 굴러다니고‬ ‪짱돌 있고 하니까‬there was glass and a brick lying there, a wooden stick on the ground,
‪꽤 심각해 보였갔지?‬so it seemed worse than it was.
‪(영우) 그 당시에‬ ‪김정희 씨와 함께‬At the time, you had applied for a jury trial with Kim Jeong-hui.
‪국민 참여 재판을‬ ‪신청하셨던데요?‬At the time, you had applied for a jury trial with Kim Jeong-hui. Kim Jeong-hui appeared in court
‪김정희 씨는 재판에 출석해‬Kim Jeong-hui appeared in court
‪강도 상해죄로 4년 형을 받았는데‬and received four years for aggravated robbery,
‪계향심 씨는‬ ‪재판 전에 도주하셨습니다‬and received four years for aggravated robbery, but you fled before the trial.
‪왜 그러셨습니까?‬Why did you run away?
‪4년‬"Four years"…
‪[부러운 숨소리]‬[chuckles]
‪그럼 정희는 벌써 출소했겠구나‬Then Jeong-hui must be out already.
‪네, 그랬겠네요‬Yes, I think so.
‪왜 도망치셨습니까?‬But why run away from the trial?
‪정희는 애가 없지만‬Jeong-hui isn't a mother.
‪나는 딸이 있잖아‬I had a daughter to raise.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[emotional music playing]
‪(향심) 우리 하윤이‬ ‪그때 겨우 3살이었는데‬[Hyang-sim] Ha-yun was only three years old at the time.
‪내가 교화소에 가면‬ ‪하윤이는 그냥 버려지는 거야‬If I got sent to the correctional labor camp, I'd never see her again.
‪나는 탈북자라‬I'm a North Korean defector.
‪아무도 없어서‬I have no family here.
‪엄마도 진짜 엄마가 아니고‬Mom's not my real mother, you know.
‪친구도 진짜 친구가 아니고‬And the friend I had wasn't a real friend.
‪하윤이 아버지도‬Ha-yun had a father. But shortly after she was born, he died in an awful car accident.
‪하윤이 낳고 얼마 안 돼서‬ ‪차 사고로 세상 떠났는데‬But shortly after she was born, he died in an awful car accident.
‪내가 없으면‬Without me around, there would be nobody to look after her.
‪내 딸을 봐 줄 사람이‬ ‪아무도 없었어‬Without me around, there would be nobody to look after her.
‪지금은요?‬What about now?
‪하윤이는 지금 어디에 있어요?‬Do you know where Ha-yun is?
‪보육원에 맡겼지‬I left her at an orphanage.
‪기카고 나서 경찰서로 간 거야‬It was near the police station I went to.
‪보육원에 맡기는 거라면‬Couldn't you have left her at an orphanage five years earlier?
‪5년 전에도 가능하지 않았습니까?‬Couldn't you have left her at an orphanage five years earlier?
‪그때 맡겼으면‬ ‪하윤이가 날 잊어버릴 거 아니야‬If I surrendered her back then, Ha-yun wouldn't know who I was. She was too young.
‪너무 어려서‬She was too young.
‪(향심) 지금은 8살이 됐으니까‬[Hyang-sim] But she's eight now.
‪다시 찾으러 갈 땐‬So when I return for her, she'll remember her mother.
‪엄마를 기억하갔지‬So when I return for her, she'll remember her mother.
‪엄마를 기억할 수 있는 나이가‬ ‪될 때까지 키우려고‬You fled so you could raise her until she reached an age
‪도망쳤던 겁니까?‬where she could remember you?
‪[피식 웃으며] 길티‬That's right.
‪또 이젠 하윤이가‬ ‪학교에 가야 되니까‬And now, Ha-yun has to start her education.
‪도망자 딸로 계속 살 수가 없어‬I've got to stop living as a fugitive.
‪(향심) 내가‬ ‪얼른 감옥에 갔다 오는 게 맞지‬It's only right that I serve my time and then return.
‪[향심이 피식 웃는다]‬[gasps]
‪어미 고래처럼‬Like a mother whale.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪고래의 모성은‬ ‪헌신적인 것으로 유명합니다‬Well, the maternal instincts of whales are notorious for their dedication.
‪그들은 그래야만 해요‬Well, the maternal instincts of whales are notorious for their dedication. Because the ocean is a hazardous place to be raising babies.
‪바닷속에는 새끼를 키울 만한‬Because the ocean is a hazardous place to be raising babies.
‪안전한 장소가 별로 없으니까요‬Because the ocean is a hazardous place to be raising babies.
‪(수연) 도망치신 후에는‬ ‪어떻게 지내셨어요?‬How did you get by after you ran away? You wouldn't have been given any subsidies.
‪5년 동안 국가 보조금도‬ ‪못 받으셨을 테고‬You wouldn't have been given any subsidies. How did you manage to survive?
‪취직도 어려우셨을 텐데‬How did you manage to survive?
‪모텔 청소해 주면서‬I was a cleaner at a motel.
‪남는 방 하나 얻어 가지고‬I paid for a room, and Ha-yun stayed with me there.
‪하윤이랑 둘이 지냈지, 뭐‬I paid for a room, and Ha-yun stayed with me there.
‪(향심) [울먹이며]‬ ‪그런 거 생각하면 마음이 좀 그래‬[Hyang-sim] I feel awful when I think about it.
‪남들은 유치원도 가고‬Most kids go to kindergarten or preschool or something.
‪놀이방도 간다는데‬Most kids go to kindergarten or preschool or something.
‪하윤인 엄마 잘못 만나서‬Ha-yun had a hotel room, that's all…
‪[훌쩍인다]‬Ha-yun had a hotel room, that's all… [sniffles] …because she got me as a mother.
‪종일 모텔방에 갇혀 있었다‬[sniffles] …because she got me as a mother.
‪[한숨]‬[deep exhale]
‪그래도 엄마와 함께였으니까‬ ‪좋았을 겁니다‬She was probably just happy to be with her mother.
‪기렇게 생각할까?‬[sniffles] Do you really think that?
‪네, 그랬을 겁니다‬Yeah, I really think that.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles, exhales]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[sniffles, exhales]
‪(향심) 저, 혹시‬[Hyang-sim] Um, I was wondering,
‪나도 정희처럼 4년 형 받게 되면‬if I get four years like Jeong-hui did before,
‪변호사 동생이‬ ‪면회 한 번만 와 주면 안 돼?‬please, could you just… bring Ha-yun one time to visit?
‪바쁘겠지만 우리 하윤이 데리고‬ ‪딱 한 번만이라도‬I'm sure you're very busy. But just this one thing, I beg of you.
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[thumps]
‪그런 약해 빠진 소리‬ ‪하지 마십시오!‬Don't think about that! What do you mean "four years like Jeong-hui did before"?
‪4년 형은 무슨 4년 형입니까!‬What do you mean "four years like Jeong-hui did before"?
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[영우의 거친 숨소리]‬[slams] Gye Hyang-sim must get probation at any cost!
‪계향심 씨는 반드시‬ ‪집행 유예를 받아야 합니다!‬Gye Hyang-sim must get probation at any cost!
‪(수연) 저희는 피고인이‬ ‪집행 유예를 받을 수 있도록‬And we'll do everything in our power to ensure that the defendant gets probation, sir.
‪최선을 다할 것입니다‬to ensure that the defendant gets probation, sir.
‪어유, 뜨거워‬So passionate. [lips smack]
‪[한숨]‬So passionate. [lips smack]
‪아, 그, 그 피, 피고인한테‬ ‪무슨 마성의 매력이 있나 봐?‬So passionate. [lips smack] It seems like the defendant must be irresistibly charming?
‪(명석) 피고인을 만나기만 하면‬ ‪다들 이렇게 뜨거워져서‬Because everybody she meets gets so fired up.
‪그, 워워 시키기로 한 미션‬ ‪어디 가고…‬What happened to the "whoa, whoa" technique?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 변호사한테는‬[deep exhale] You know, injury resulting from robbery is as difficult to defend as murder.
‪강도 상해죄를 변호하는 게‬ ‪살인죄만큼이나 힘들어‬You know, injury resulting from robbery is as difficult to defend as murder.
‪왜일까?‬You know, injury resulting from robbery is as difficult to defend as murder. -Know why? -Mm…
‪음, 법정형이 높아서요?‬-Know why? -Mm… -How high the penalties are? -Bingo!
‪맞아‬-How high the penalties are? -Bingo!
‪강도 상해죄의 법정형은‬ ‪어떻게 돼?‬And what's the penalty for aggravated robbery?
‪무기 징역 또는‬ ‪7년 이상의 징역형입니다‬A life sentence or a minimum seven years in prison.
‪다시 말해 최소 7년이야‬That's right, at least seven years. What's the maximum amount that can be reduced from this penalty?
‪여기서 판사 재량으로‬ ‪감형할 수 있는 최대치는 얼마야?‬What's the maximum amount that can be reduced from this penalty?
‪(영우) 작량 감경은‬Mitigation in extenuating circumstances can't exceed half of the prison term,
‪법률상의 감경 범위를‬ ‪벗어날 수 없고‬Mitigation in extenuating circumstances can't exceed half of the prison term,
‪유기 징역의 경우‬ ‪그 형기의 절반으로 제한되므로‬Mitigation in extenuating circumstances can't exceed half of the prison term, so with a fixed prison sentence, it's at least three years and six months.
‪최소 3년 6개월입니다‬so with a fixed prison sentence, it's at least three years and six months.
‪그런데 집행 유예를 받으려면‬ ‪3년 이하의 형을 받아야 돼‬Probation applies to prison terms of less than three years.
‪작량 감경뿐 아니라‬So without mitigating for extenuating circumstances
‪법률상의 감경 사유까지‬ ‪닥치는 대로 찾아‬So without mitigating for extenuating circumstances as well as statutory mitigation to reduce it even more,
‪(명석) 가중감경되지 않으면‬as well as statutory mitigation to reduce it even more,
‪집행 유예를 받을 수 없다고‬you won't be able to get probation.
‪이래서 강도 상해로 걸리면‬That's why injury resulting from robbery always ends with prison time.
‪무조건 실형이라는 소리가‬ ‪나오는 거야‬That's why injury resulting from robbery always ends with prison time.
‪게다가 피고인은‬ ‪도주까지 했었잖아‬That's why injury resulting from robbery always ends with prison time. Plus, the defendant ran away.
‪감형은커녕‬ ‪가중 처벌 될 수도 있어‬That might lead to worse punishment, not less.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪응, 이 사건 참 특이해‬Hmm. This case is unusual.
‪우린 시작도 안 했는데‬ ‪벌써 답이 나와 있어‬We haven't even started, but the answers are there.
‪피고인은 이미‬ ‪재판을 받은 거나 마찬가지야‬Like the defendant already had her trial.
‪공범이 있기 때문입니까?‬Is that because she had an accomplice?
‪맞아‬That's right.
‪계향심 씨랑 김정희 씨‬Gye Hyang-sim and Kim Jeong-hui, they have the same issues, right?
‪이 두 사람의 쟁점은 거의 동일해‬Gye Hyang-sim and Kim Jeong-hui, they have the same issues, right? By being tried first, Kim Jeong-hui claimed
‪김정희 씨가‬ ‪먼저 재판받는 과정에서‬By being tried first, Kim Jeong-hui claimed
‪(명석) 주장할 만한 거‬ ‪다 주장했고‬that all that could be claimed
‪기각될 만한 거 다 기각이 됐어‬and everything that could be dismissed already has been.
‪그 답이 바로‬-And the outcome was… -[hand tapping]
‪[테이블을 툭툭 친다]‬-And the outcome was… -[hand tapping] …the four-year sentence.
‪4년 형인 거야‬…the four-year sentence.
‪사건 당시 계향심 씨는‬At the time, Gye Hyang-sim says that she grabbed the victim's clothes
‪피해자의 옷자락을 붙잡아‬At the time, Gye Hyang-sim says that she grabbed the victim's clothes
‪몇 대 때렸을 뿐이라고‬ ‪진술하고 있습니다‬At the time, Gye Hyang-sim says that she grabbed the victim's clothes and hit her a couple of times to intimidate.
‪이런 정도의 폭행으로는‬We could claim this level of assault
‪법률상 상해로 볼 수 없다는‬ ‪주장을 하면 어떻겠습니까?‬We could claim this level of assault cannot be seen legally as bodily harm, right?
‪(명석) 자, 이렇게‬ ‪심하게 다쳤는데 무슨 소리야?‬Here. The victim was hurt pretty badly.
‪(수연) 어, 그런데요‬Um, okay, but now that I'm seeing these, something isn't right here.
‪이렇게 다시 보니까‬ ‪너무 심하게 다쳤는데요?‬Um, okay, but now that I'm seeing these, something isn't right here.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪피고인은 몸집이 작아요‬Gye Hyang-sim is a small woman.
‪물론 공범의 체격이‬ ‪클 수도 있지만‬Her accomplice could be a bit bigger.
‪아무리 그래도 여자 두 명이‬ ‪맨손으로 때린 거잖아요‬But even so, two women attacked her with their bare hands.
‪피해자 집에 간 지 얼마 되지 않아‬ ‪경찰에 붙잡혔으니‬And were arrested within minutes by the police.
‪시간도 별로 없었을 텐데‬Was there really an opportunity to cause injuries of this severity?
‪저 정도로 심한 상처를‬ ‪입힐 수 있었을까요?‬Was there really an opportunity to cause injuries of this severity?
‪좋아, 뭐, 어떻게 된 일인지‬All right. Well, I guess we should look into it a bit further.
‪한번 확인해 볼 필요는 있겠네‬All right. Well, I guess we should look into it a bit further.
‪(수연) 네‬Right. Uh, also, we are planning to meet up
‪아, 그리고 김정희 씨‬ ‪변론했던 변호사도‬Right. Uh, also, we are planning to meet up with Kim's attorney from five years back.
‪한번 만나 볼 생각입니다‬with Kim's attorney from five years back. He might be able to tell us
‪앞선 재판 때 아쉬웠던 점이나‬He might be able to tell us if something felt out of place the first time around.
‪놓쳤던 부분이 있지 않을까 해서요‬if something felt out of place the first time around.
‪그래요, 뭐, 뭐‬ ‪다 나쁘지 않은 생각인데‬Okay, well, that's not such a bad idea.
‪변호사한테는‬ ‪시간이 제일 중요한 자원이에요‬[exhales] But time is the most critical resource.
‪사건 하나에‬ ‪너무 많은 시간 쓰지 않게‬Balance your time, so that you two don't waste a moment.
‪균형 잘 잡고‬Balance your time, so that you two don't waste a moment.
‪- (수연) 아, 네‬ ‪- 네, 알겠습니다‬-Will do. -I understand.
‪(영우) 응‬Mm.
‪워워 좀 시키고‬-Make her do her "whoa whoas". -Right.
‪네‬-Make her do her "whoa whoas". -Right.
‪[민우가 호로록 먹는다]‬[slurps, coughs]
‪[민우가 콜록거린다]‬[slurps, coughs]
‪[민우의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Hey, Min-woo. -[coughs]
‪(준호) [술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪야, 민우야‬-Hey, Min-woo. -[coughs]
‪야, 내가 얘기 하나 할게‬I'm going to tell you a story.
‪어떤 사람이 있어‬There's this person, a girl.
‪있는데‬There's this person, a girl.
‪내가 그 사람을 안 좋아한다고‬And I think… I think, but I'm not sure
‪그 사람이 그렇게 생각을 하게끔‬that I'm making that person think that I don't like them.
‪만드는 것 같네, 내가‬That's what I think. That's it.
‪실제론 좋아하는데?‬And you do like them?
‪(준호) 응‬Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
‪그게 뭐야?‬What's the matter? Just tell them that.
‪야, 그럼 좋아한다고 해‬What's the matter? Just tell them that.
‪[쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[sucks teeth, exhales] Yeah.
‪근데‬ ‪[민우의 시원한 숨소리]‬Yeah.
‪쩝, 그게 그렇게 간단하지가 않아‬It's not that easy, you know.
‪사내 연애구나?‬It's an office romance.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[playful music playing]
‪야‬Hey. At Hanbada, you're like the most eligible bachelor.
‪[숟가락을 툭 놓으며] 아‬ ‪한바다의 인기남이‬Hey. At Hanbada, you're like the most eligible bachelor.
‪뭐가 그렇게 고민할 게 있지?‬Hey. At Hanbada, you're like the most eligible bachelor.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(민우) 야, 준호야, 일단‬Hey, Jun-ho. Just hand out numbers to them.
‪번호를 쭉 나눠 줘‬Hey, Jun-ho. Just hand out numbers to them. You're one. You're two. And you're three.
‪'너는 1번, 넌 2번, 넌 3번'‬You're one. You're two. And you're three.
‪[준호의 탄식]‬ ‪순서대로 사귀자, 순서대로‬-You date them all. -That's just some straight-up nonsense.
‪(준호) 아, 말이 되지도 않는‬ ‪소릴 하고 있어‬-You date them all. -That's just some straight-up nonsense. Man, forget it.
‪야, 됐어, 너한테 말 안 해‬Man, forget it. I'm done. Hand me the bottle.
‪술이나 갖고 와‬I'm done. Hand me the bottle.
‪변호사?‬-It's an attorney, right? -"Attorney"?
‪너는…‬-It's an attorney, right? -"Attorney"?
‪너는 그게 중요하니? 어?‬Why would you even care, huh?
‪(준호) 아, 그냥 이렇게‬ ‪뭐, 자주 보고‬It's just someone who I see, you know?
‪그런, 뭐, 자주 보는‬Well, um, someone who I see fairly often too.
‪그런 사이라고‬ ‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬Well, um, someone who I see fairly often too.
‪아씨, 송무 팀이구나?‬Ah! She's in litigation.
‪(민우) 아, 보자 보자‬Man, let me guess. It can't be Woo Young-woo. No way!
‪설마 우영우는 아닐 거고‬It can't be Woo Young-woo. No way!
‪[술잔을 탁 놓으며] 아‬ ‪진짜 됐다니까!‬-[glass clacks] -Gosh! I said forget it.
‪(준호) 아, 너…‬[Jun-ho] And don't…
‪아, 됐어, 너는…‬You know what you are?
‪넌 바보야, 바보‬You're a moron! A big idiot! You're just obsessed with gossip, right?
‪넌 누군지밖에 모르는 바보다‬You're just obsessed with gossip, right?
‪됐어, 넌 잠이나 자‬So just go to sleep.
‪(민우) 아니‬ ‪내가 너 도와주려 그러지‬ ‪[준호의 지친 숨소리]‬[Min-woo] I mean, I'm just trying to help you.
‪근데 내가 누군지 알아야 도와주지‬But I can only help if I know who it is. [grunts]
‪[민우의 아파하는 신음]‬Hey, go ahead and tell me, huh?
‪야, 형한테 얘기를 해 봐‬Hey, go ahead and tell me, huh?
‪준호야, 난 근데 다 안다?‬ ‪[준호의 한숨]‬Oh, Jun-ho. I just figured it out, I think.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪어? 다 보여, 내 눈에는‬I'm sure I know who it is.
‪(변호사) 아까‬ ‪판사가 하는 말 들으셨죠?‬You heard what the judge said, right? You have to come back again in two weeks.
‪2주 후에 또 여기 오셔야 돼요‬You have to come back again in two weeks.
‪- (남자) 어‬ ‪- (변호사) 응‬-[man] Yeah. -Mm-hmm.
‪(남자) 잔돈 있으면 좀 줘‬Got any spare change? I need to catch a bus home.
‪나 집에 갈 차비가 없어‬Got any spare change? I need to catch a bus home.
‪(변호사) [웃으며] 또 이러시네‬Got any spare change? I need to catch a bus home. [chuckles] Here we go.
‪집도 없으신 분이‬ ‪무슨 집에 갈 차비예요‬"Catch a bus home" when you don't have a home?
‪가세요‬See you.
‪(수연) 권주호 변호사님?‬Atty. Kwon, excuse me.
‪아, 연락드렸던 최수연입니다‬[Su-yeon] Uh, I'm Choi Su-yeon. I contacted you.
‪여기는 우영우 변호사고요‬This is Atty. Woo Young-woo.
‪아, 한바다?‬Ah, Hanbada?
‪(수연) 네, 5년 전에‬ ‪권주호 변호사님이 담당하셨던‬Yes, I reached out regarding two clients you represented five years ago.
‪김정희, 계향심 씨 사건 때문에‬ ‪연락드렸습니다‬Yes, I reached out regarding two clients you represented five years ago. Kim Jeong-hui and Gye Hyang-sim, do you remember that?
‪제가 바로‬ ‪다음 재판에 가야 돼서요‬I have a trial in five minutes. How about we talk on the way?
‪걸으면서 얘기할까요?‬I have a trial in five minutes. How about we talk on the way?
‪(수연) 아, 네‬Yes.
‪(변호사) 계향심 씨가‬ ‪다시 나타난 건가요?‬Did Gye Hyang-sim resurface?
‪그때 재판 안 받고 도망쳤었는데‬At the time, she fled before her court date.
‪(수연) 네, 맞습니다‬Yes, she came back.
‪(변호사) 근데‬ ‪제가 도움이 될지 모르겠네요‬I don't know. I doubt I could be of any help.
‪아니, 5년 전 사건이라‬ ‪기억나는 게 별로 없어요‬It's been over five years. I can't remember a whole lot.
‪게다가 국선 전담 변호사들은‬Public defenders like myself, our caseloads are overwhelming.
‪워낙에 맡게 되는 사건이 많으니까‬Public defenders like myself, our caseloads are overwhelming.
‪하루하루 쳐 내듯이‬ ‪사건 수행하면서 삽니다‬After we finish a case, we're already out to the next one. [chuckles]
‪(수연) 그래서 더‬ ‪아쉬운 점이 있지 않으세요?‬You ever wish you had done something different?
‪좀 더 알아보고 싶으셨는데‬ ‪상황이 되지 않아서‬If you'd had time to look into the details further,
‪그냥 넘기셔야 했던‬ ‪부분들 같은 거요‬or follow up on some lead you'd passed up on?
‪(변호사) 글쎄요‬Not really.
‪(영우) 계향심 씨는‬ ‪몸집이 작은 편이었는데‬Uh, Gye Hyang-sim is on the smaller side.
‪김정희 씨는 어땠습니까?‬But how was Kim Jeong-hui?
‪(변호사) 아, 몸집이요?‬How big was she?
‪씁, 제 기억에는‬ ‪두 분 다 작았습니다‬I think they both were small.
‪(수연) 어, 사건 당시‬These photos of the victim, Lee Sun-yeong, were taken right after the incident.
‪피해자 이순영 씨의 상처를‬ ‪찍은 사진들인데 기억나세요?‬These photos of the victim, Lee Sun-yeong, were taken right after the incident. Remember?
‪몸집이 작은 두 여자가‬ ‪짧은 시간 폭행한 결과라기엔‬[Su-yeon] Aren't these injuries too severe to be the work of two small women in such a short period of time?
‪다친 정도가 너무 심하지 않나요?‬to be the work of two small women in such a short period of time?
‪어, 듣고 보니 그러네요‬Yeah, you have a point there.
‪하지만 아시죠?‬But on the other hand,
‪(변호사) 형사 재판에서‬ ‪제일 힘이 세고‬the most powerful and hardest opinion to flip in a criminal trial is…
‪뒤집기 힘든 증거는 바로‬the most powerful and hardest opinion to flip in a criminal trial is…
‪(영우) 바로?‬the most powerful and hardest opinion to flip in a criminal trial is… Yeah?
‪의사의 진단서죠‬A doctor's diagnosis.
‪(변호사) 근데 이게‬ ‪생각을 해 보면‬-Huh. -[Ju-ho] But if you think about it,
‪형사 재판에 제출되는‬ ‪진단서 대부분은‬most of the medical opinions used in the criminal trials
‪의사가 환자의 말만‬ ‪듣고 쓰게 되는‬are just speculation based on what the patient tells the doctor.
‪임상적 추정이에요‬are just speculation based on what the patient tells the doctor.
‪[한숨]‬are just speculation based on what the patient tells the doctor. So very few of them have an objective test to back them up.
‪그러니까 객관적 검사 결과까지‬ ‪뒷받침된 경우는 많지 않죠‬So very few of them have an objective test to back them up.
‪그러니까 의심스럽고‬Which is why it's so normal for there to be some ambiguity involved.
‪모호한 부분이 있는 것이‬ ‪당연한 건데‬Which is why it's so normal for there to be some ambiguity involved.
‪씁, 여간해서는 반박하기가 어렵죠‬And even with that, it's very difficult to refute.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬
‪근데 생각을 해 보니까 그 의사‬Now that I think about that doctor, I remember, he was pretty biased.
‪좀 편파적인 사람이었던 거 같아요‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Now that I think about that doctor, I remember, he was pretty biased.
‪(수연) 그 의사요?‬The doctor?
‪피해자한테‬ ‪진단서 발급해 준 의사요‬The expert witness who wrote the victim's diagnosis.
‪(변호사) 재판 끝나고 한참 뒤에‬ ‪우연히 신문을 보는데‬It was by coincidence that I… I read a piece that he wrote
‪그 의사가 쓴 칼럼이 있었어요‬after the trial in the newspaper.
‪씁, 탈북자에 관한 거였는데‬after the trial in the newspaper. It was about North Korean defectors, and it was… How do I say this?
‪내용이 좀 뭐라 그럴까?‬It was about North Korean defectors, and it was… How do I say this?
‪탈북자에 대한 편견이‬ ‪느껴진다고 그럴까?‬A little bit prejudiced against them, to be honest.
‪칼럼 제목이 뭐였는지‬ ‪기억하십니까?‬Do you happen to remember the title of the piece?
‪잠시만요, 좀 찾아볼게요‬Just a moment, I'll find it.
‪아, 여기 있다‬Here it is.
‪(변호사) '탈북자들에게‬ ‪폭행을 당한 한 한국인 여성이'‬"A Korean woman who was assaulted by North Korean defectors came to see me."
‪'필자를 찾아왔다'‬"A Korean woman who was assaulted by North Korean defectors came to see me." [Ju-ho] He's talking about the case.
‪이 사건 얘기하는 거잖아요‬[Ju-ho] He's talking about the case.
‪이거 읽고 나서‬ ‪기분이 좀 씁쓸했어요‬I felt a bit bitter after reading this.
‪피고인들이 다 탈북자인 사건에‬In a case where all the defendants are North Korean defectors,
‪하필 이런 사람이‬In a case where all the defendants are North Korean defectors, I thought, "Why did someone like him have to write the diagnosis?"
‪피해자 진단서를‬ ‪작성했던 건가 싶어서‬I thought, "Why did someone like him have to write the diagnosis?"
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(준호) 저, 이순영 씨 집은…‬Here's Lee Sun-yeong's house.
‪저, 이순영 씨 집은‬ ‪2층이라고 하셨죠?‬Her house is up the stairs on the second floor.
‪(수연) 네, 가 볼까요?‬Okay. Shall we go?
‪(준호) 네‬Yes.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪- (영우) 으악!‬ ‪- (순영 남편) 아이씨‬-[clanks] -[man] Damn it.
‪(순영 남편) 개같은 집구석, 씨‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬This shithole of a house.
‪[영우의 겁먹은 소리]‬ ‪(순영) [울먹이며] 어디 가요‬ ‪어, 어디 가요?‬-[gasps] -[Sun-yeong] Where are you going?
‪(순영 남편) 놔‬ ‪[순영이 애원한다]‬-Where are you going? Honey! -[man] Let go.
‪[순영의 다급한 소리]‬ ‪놔!‬-[Sun-yeong whimpers] -Ah!
‪(수연) 우영우, 괜찮아?‬Are you okay, Young-woo?
‪[영우의 겁먹은 소리]‬
‪(순영) 그 돈은 안 돼요!‬You can't take that money! -Shut up! -[thwacks]
‪(순영 남편) 이씨‬ ‪[수연의 놀란 소리]‬-Shut up! -[thwacks] -[gasps] -[thumping]
‪[영우의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪[퍽 차는 소리]‬-[gasps] -[thumping]
‪[순영 남편의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[순영의 힘겨운 신음]‬-[Sun-yeong groans] -[man grunting]
‪[순영 남편의 거친 숨소리]‬-[grunts] -[Sun-yeong whimpers] So dramatic.
‪엄살 피우지 마라, 씨‬So dramatic.
‪(수연) 경찰에 신고해야겠어요‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬I'm calling the police, Jun-ho, okay?
‪(집주인과 준호)‬ ‪- 못 살아, 못 살아, 내가 못 살아‬ ‪- 잠깐만요‬[landlord] I can't deal with this anymore. Just a moment. I think someone's already calling them.
‪(준호) 누가 벌써‬ ‪신고하고 있는 거 같은데요?‬Just a moment. I think someone's already calling them.
‪(집주인) 경찰이죠?‬Police? This is 52 Dongbaek-gil.
‪여기 동백길 52번지‬Police? This is 52 Dongbaek-gil.
‪[순영의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪아, 시끄러워서 못 살겠어‬ ‪윗집 때문에!‬[landlord] I'm about to go crazy because of all of the noise upstairs!
‪빨리, 빨리 경찰 좀 보내 줘요‬Hurry! Please send someone over.
‪이게 몇 번째야, 진짜?‬How many times is this now? Seriously!
‪(수연) 이순영 씨‬Ms. Lee Sun-yeong.
‪이순영 씨‬Ms. Lee Sun-yeong.
‪저희는 계향심 씨 변호사들이에요‬We're attorneys representing Ms. Gye Hyang-sim.
‪(수연) 잠깐 드릴 말씀이 있어요‬[Su-yeon] We'd like to talk to you real quick.
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocks on door]
‪(집주인) 하, 나 일찍 죽잖아?‬ ‪[수연이 순영을 부른다]‬[knocks on door] [landlord] If I die before my time,
‪저 윗집 아저씨 탓이야‬-it's because of the man upstairs. -[Su-yeon] Ms. Lee Sun-yeong.
‪허구한 날 그냥‬ ‪깨고 부수고 던지니‬Oh, he breaks things and throws things.
‪아, 내가 심장이 떨려서‬ ‪내 명까지 살아? 못 살아?‬It's hard on my poor heart. And I'm always worried about it.
‪저것들 그냥 내가‬ ‪어떻게든 쫓아내자 싶다가도‬[landlord] There are days where I wanna kick them out once and for good.
‪맞고 사는 아줌마 보면 불쌍해‬But I pity that poor woman and I can't do it.
‪아, 그렇게 그냥 하루 이틀‬ ‪어? 지내다 보니까‬All these years later, and nothing is better!
‪이 지겨운 세월 5년이 흘렀어!‬I can't take it! When is it going to end?
‪윗집이 저럴 때마다 그럼 매번‬ ‪경찰에 신고하신 거예요?‬So you've called the police every time they get loud like that?
‪했지‬I did.
‪근데 마누라 패는 놈이‬ ‪내가 말린다고 듣겠어?‬You think that wife-beater listens to me when I try to stop him?
‪근데 경찰이 오면 좀 잠잠해지거든‬It's just he calms down whenever the police arrive. Even if for a little while.
‪잠깐뿐이긴 해도‬Even if for a little while.
‪그럼 5년 전에도‬So you must've called them five years ago too, right?
‪윗집이 시끄러우면‬ ‪신고를 하셨겠네요?‬So you must've called them five years ago too, right?
‪그럼‬Of course!
‪(집주인) 아, 그러다 보니까‬[landlord] Ah! But now, when I call and they hear my address,
‪이제 우리 집 주소만 대잖아?‬[landlord] Ah! But now, when I call and they hear my address,
‪그러면 짜장면 배달 오듯이‬the precinct dispatches officers
‪파출소에서 그냥‬ ‪경찰을 보내 준다고, 참‬almost like they're delivering a pizza or something. [footsteps]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[footsteps]
‪(준호) 이순영 씨는요?‬Where's Lee Sun-yeong? Did you meet her?
‪만나셨어요?‬Where's Lee Sun-yeong? Did you meet her?
‪아니요, 대답이 없으시네요‬No, she won't open the door.
‪아이고‬ ‪남편한테 그렇게 맞고 사니‬[exhales] I bet she's hiding somewhere inside.
‪쪽팔려서 어디 나오고 싶겠어?‬Can you imagine always getting beat up like that?
‪(집주인) 아유, 지겨워, 지겨워‬-I'm sick of this, just sick of it. -[door closes]
‪[수연의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬-I'm sick of this, just sick of it. -[door closes]
‪이순영 씨 집에서‬ ‪소란이 있을 때마다‬It seems she placed the call to the police every time they fought
‪집주인분께서‬ ‪신고를 하신 거 같아요‬It seems she placed the call to the police every time they fought
‪(준호) 그러면은 사건 전에도‬at Lee Sun-yeong's place. So wouldn't there be reports from before the incident?
‪신고하신 기록이 있지 않을까요?‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬So wouldn't there be reports from before the incident?
‪그러네요‬You're right. Let's go find the report records.
‪신고 기록을 확보해야겠어요‬You're right. Let's go find the report records.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪- 저, 괜찮…‬ ‪- (수연) 우영우‬-Uh, are you okay-- -[Su-yeon] Atty. Woo.
‪(영우) 응‬
‪(수연) 네, 보내시고‬ ‪문자 하나만 남겨 주세요‬[Su-yeon] Please text me after you've sent it.
‪어머, 깜짝이야! 하‬[gasps] Come on, now.
‪이준호 어때요?‬You like Jun-ho, don't you?
‪아, 우리 준호‬ ‪그, 남자로서 어떠냐고요‬I wonder how Jun-ho as a person makes you feel.
‪[황당한 숨소리]‬[scoffs] Atty. Kwon, you need to get a hobby.
‪권민우 변호사‬ ‪요새 한가한가 봐요?‬[scoffs] Atty. Kwon, you need to get a hobby.
‪(민우) 아무리 봐도‬ ‪최수연 변호사 같아‬He has eyes for someone, Atty. Choi. I think that someone is you.
‪우리 준호가 좋아한다는 사람‬He has eyes for someone, Atty. Choi. I think that someone is you.
‪한바다 다니고‬The person in question,
‪송무 팀 변호사에‬she's an attorney in litigation, and is someone he sees often.
‪이 자주 보는 사이‬she's an attorney in litigation, and is someone he sees often.
‪그럼 최수연이지‬So I'm betting it's you.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(민우) 왜요?‬[Min-woo] What?
‪아니, 지금 우리 준호가‬ ‪변호사 아니라서 싫어?‬You don't like Jun-ho because he's not a lawyer?
‪[수연의 헛기침]‬[Su-yeon clears throat]
‪준호 씨가 무슨 말을 한 거예요?‬Did he say something to you in regards to me?
‪나에 대해서?‬Did he say something to you in regards to me?
‪권민우 변호사한테?‬Did he say something to you in regards to me?
‪아니, 뭐, 쯧‬I don't know.
‪(민우) 같이 사니까‬ ‪많은 얘기를 하지, 서로‬-[wrapper rustles] -We're roomies, so we do talk a lot.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 아니요‬[scoffs] No.
‪(수연) 따라서 피해자 이순영 씨를‬[Su-yeon] Therefore, we'd like to summon the victim, Lee Sun-yeong, as a witness.
‪증인으로 신청하고자 합니다‬[Su-yeon] Therefore, we'd like to summon the victim, Lee Sun-yeong, as a witness.
‪(검사) 재판장님‬[prosecutor] Your Honor.
‪5년 전 재판에서 피해자는‬The victim completed cross-examination at the trial five years ago.
‪이미 대질까지 마쳤습니다‬The victim completed cross-examination at the trial five years ago.
‪또다시 피해자를‬ ‪증인으로 소환하는 것은‬Summoning the victim as a witness today is unfair.
‪불필요하고 또 부당합니다‬What right does a defendant who ran away and then comes back five years later have?
‪아니, 제멋대로 도망쳤다가‬ ‪나타난 피고인이‬What right does a defendant who ran away and then comes back five years later have?
‪무슨 권리로 자꾸 피해자를‬ ‪오라 가라 하는 겁니까?‬What gives her the right to drag the victim through another trial?
‪이거는 2차…‬What gives her the right to drag the victim through another trial? -The court has already-- -It is the people's basic right
‪공정한 재판을 받을 권리는‬ ‪국민의 기본권입니다‬-The court has already-- -It is the people's basic right to get a fair trial.
‪도망쳤다가 나타난 피고인은‬ ‪대한민국 국민이 아닙니까?‬Is the defendant who fled and then came back not a Korean citizen?
‪- 피해자…‬ ‪- (재판장) 어, 잠깐만‬-The victim-- -[Judge Ryu] Just a moment.
‪저, 변호인은 본관이 어디입니까?‬Attorney, tell me, what is your family origin?
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (재판장) 본관이요‬-What? -Your origins. Tell me your surname, please.
‪그, 변호인 성씨 말입니다‬Tell me your surname, please.
‪아, 단양 우씨입니다‬Uh, the Woo family of Danyang.
‪단양이면 충청북도네‬Danyang is in Chungcheongbuk-do, right?
‪근데 뭐가 그리 급해서‬And yet, you're cutting people off like you're in some kind of a rush?
‪남의 말을 이렇게‬ ‪뚝뚝 잘라 먹습니까?‬And yet, you're cutting people off like you're in some kind of a rush?
‪(재판장) 충청도 사람 같지 않게‬[Judge Ryu] That's not like someone from Chungcheongbuk-do.
‪남의 말 자르는 거‬ ‪보기 안 좋습니다‬Cutting people off makes you look bad, Attorney. Stop doing it.
‪하지 마세요‬Stop doing it.
‪(재판장) 내가 재판장으로 있는‬ ‪이 법정에선‬[Judge Ryu] In this courtroom where I am the presiding judge,
‪남의 말 끊기 금지입니다‬cutting people off is prohibited.
‪아, 네‬Oh, okay.
‪(검사) 저, 외람된 말씀인데‬[prosecutor] Excuse me, Your Honor, with all due respect,
‪재판장님 혹시‬ ‪풍산 류씨 아니십니까?‬isn't your family the Ryu family of Pungsan?
‪그걸 검사가 어떻게 압니까?‬Attorney, how did you know about that?
‪풍산 류씨 하면은 또‬The Ryu family, I believe, has a rich and very long history
‪안동 하회 마을에 자리 잡고 있는‬The Ryu family, I believe, has a rich and very long history
‪유서 깊은 성씨지 않습니까‬in Andong Hahoe Village, am I right?
‪(검사) 재판장님께서‬ ‪풍기는 느낌이 딱 그랬습니다‬[prosecutor] I could tell because you exude the values of that region.
‪[웃음]‬[chuckles] Is that so?
‪그래요?‬[chuckles] Is that so?
‪제가 안동 김씨인데‬My family's from Andong.
‪어, 풍산은‬ ‪안동시에 속한 지역이니까‬Since Pungsan is a part of Andong, broadly speaking,
‪(검사) 넓게 보면은‬ ‪재판장님하고 저는‬Since Pungsan is a part of Andong, broadly speaking, you could say we are from the same hometown.
‪동향이라고 할 수 있겠습니다‬you could say we are from the same hometown. Isn't that right, Your Honor?
‪[웃음]‬[chuckles] Ah, well, I suppose that's true.
‪어, 정말 뭐, 그러네요‬[chuckles] Ah, well, I suppose that's true.
‪(검사) 예‬ ‪[재판장과 검사의 웃음]‬[both laughing] [Judge Ryu] Nice to meet you.
‪(재판장) 반갑습니다‬[Judge Ryu] Nice to meet you.
‪[재판장의 웃음]‬ ‪(검사) 아, 예, 반갑습니다, 예‬[prosecutor] Likewise.
‪(수연) 재판장님‬Excuse me, Your Honor.
‪피해자 이순영 씨를‬ ‪증인으로 부르는 것은…‬About summoning the victim, Lee Sun-yeong, as a witness--
‪변호인은 본관이 어디입니까?‬What is your family origin, Attorney?
‪(영우) 어? 재판장님‬Uh, excuse me, Your Honor.
‪방금 재판장님이‬ ‪남의 말을 잘랐습니다‬You've just cut someone off while she was speaking.
‪뭐요?‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Pardon?
‪재판장님이‬ ‪재판장으로 있는 법정에서는‬"In this courtroom where you are the presiding judge,
‪남의 말 끊기 금지입니다‬cutting people off is prohibited.
‪(영우) 규칙 위반입니다‬It's against the rules."
‪지금부터 이 재판이 끝날 때까지‬From now until we finish the trial,
‪변호인들은 할 말 있으면‬ ‪손 들고 말하세요‬if you want to talk, you must put your hand up to do so.
‪(재판장) 내 허락 없인‬ ‪입 열지 못합니다‬[Judge Ryu] You cannot open your mouth without my permission.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪뭡니까?‬What is it?
‪재판장님, 저는‬Sir, my family origin is the Choi family of Wonju.
‪원주 최씨입니다‬Sir, my family origin is the Choi family of Wonju.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[thrilling music playing]
‪재판장님과 같은 층 판사실 쓰시는‬ ‪최보연 판사님도‬Judge Choi Bo-yeon's chambers are on the same floor as yours, sir. He's also from the Wonju Chois.
‪원주 최씨입니다‬He's also from the Wonju Chois.
‪제‬And he…
‪아버지시거든요‬is my father as well.
‪최보연 부장 판사 딸이에요?‬The Chief Judge Choi is your father?
‪- 네‬ ‪- (재판장) 아이고‬-Yes. -Oh, wow. Yes. He happens to be
‪그, 최보연 부장 판사‬ ‪거, 내가 참 아끼는 후배예요‬Yes. He happens to be a well-respected colleague of mine, you know.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[재판장의 웃음]‬[Judge Ryu chuckles]
‪(재판장) 우리 그‬ ‪종종 밥도 같이 먹어‬[Judge Ryu chuckles] We even have dinner together from time to time.
‪아들이 내‬ ‪의사란 얘기는 얼핏 들었는데‬I heard in passing that his son is a doctor.
‪딸은 또 변호사구나?‬But his daughter is an attorney?
‪[웃음]‬[amused laugh]
‪이거, 이거, 자식 농사‬ ‪그것참 이쁘게 지었네‬Yes. It seems like he did well by his children.
‪아이고, 부럽다‬I envy him.
‪감사합니다‬Thanks so much.
‪아버지께‬ ‪재판장님 안부 전하겠습니다‬I'll be sure to send my father your kind remarks.
‪어, 그래요, 그래요, 그래요‬Yes, of course, all right. That's great.
‪[재판장의 웃음]‬Yes, of course, all right. That's great. [Judge Ryu laughs]
‪(재판장) 아, 참 나‬[Judge Ryu] My goodness.
‪아, 우리 무슨 얘기 했지?‬Okay, what were we discussing?
‪피해자 증인 소환에 대해‬ ‪이야기하고 있었습니다‬We were discussing calling the victim as a witness.
‪어, 그래그래‬Oh, right, right. Approved. Let's do that.
‪그거 뭐, 부릅시다‬Oh, right, right. Approved. Let's do that.
‪예?‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬What?
‪뭐, 이왕 재판하는 거‬ ‪제대로 해야죠‬Well, we're going through with the trial, we should do it right.
‪왜, 뭐, 문제 있습니까?‬What? Is… is there a problem?
‪아, 예, 아, 아닙니다, 예‬Um… Uh… Nothing's wrong, sir.
‪아, 맞구먼, 뭐가 아니래?‬I'd be a good detective. It's so her.
‪저 둘 잘 어울리죠?‬They look good together.
‪(민우) 아주 그냥 선남선녀네‬[Min-woo] They're such an equal match.
‪우리 준호가 최수연 변호사‬ ‪좋아하는 거 같지 않아요?‬Don't you think that Jun-ho has a thing for Atty. Choi?
‪[웃으며] 아, 커피를‬ ‪많이 안 드시는구나‬ ‪[준호의 웃음]‬Ah, I prefer tea, for sure. -I agree. -Coffee makes me shaky.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪아, 사실 저도 커피…‬-I agree. -Coffee makes me shaky.
‪(민우) 우 변은‬ ‪그런 거 잘 모르나?‬ ‪[수연과 준호가 화기애애하다]‬[Min-woo] I guess you wouldn't know about that stuff, huh?
‪쯧, 하, 내 짝은 어디 있을까?‬I wonder where my other half is.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(재판장) 다음 증인은‬ ‪피해자 이순영 씨입니다‬[Judge Ryu] The next witness is the victim, Lee Sun-yeong.
‪증인, 앞으로 나오세요‬Witness, please take the stand.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[serious music playing]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[button clicks]
‪'선서'‬"On my conscience,
‪'양심에 따라 숨김과 보탬이 없이'‬I do solemnly swear I will make this statement without concealment,
‪(순영) '사실 그대로 말하고'‬I will make this statement without concealment, speaking nothing but the truth, and that any false statement
‪'만일 거짓말이 있으면'‬speaking nothing but the truth, and that any false statement
‪'위증의 벌을 받기로 맹세합니다'‬is punishable by law as perjury."
‪[버튼 조작음]‬Counselor, the witness is yours.
‪(재판장) 변호인‬ ‪증인 신문 하세요‬Counselor, the witness is yours.
‪(명석) 저기, 잠깐만‬Ah, wait.
‪최수연 변호사가 나가세요‬Atty. Choi, you go.
‪(영우) 네?‬What?
‪배심원들이‬ ‪피해자를 동정하고 있어서‬Well, they're sympathetic to the victim, so we shouldn't begin too stiffly.
‪딱딱하게 하면 안 될 거 같아‬Well, they're sympathetic to the victim, so we shouldn't begin too stiffly.
‪(명석) 최수연 변호사가 나가서‬ ‪부드럽게 하세요‬Atty. Choi, get out there and be gentle.
‪아, 네‬Uh, okay.
‪[수연의 손을 탁 잡는다]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪이순영 씨, 안녕하세요‬Good morning, Ms. Sun-yeong.
‪5년 전 사건을‬ ‪떠올리는 것만으로도‬I know it's hard for you to come back and talk about this incident,
‪힘드셨을 텐데‬I know it's hard for you to come back and talk about this incident,
‪이렇게 증인으로‬ ‪나와 주셔서 감사합니다‬so thanks for being here and giving your testimony.
‪멍과 상처 자국이 많으시네요‬You seem to have a lot of cuts and bruises.
‪(수연) 어쩌다 다치신 거예요?‬[Su-yeon] How did you get those?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(검사) 이의 있습니다‬[prosecutor] Objection.
‪본 사건과 무관합니다‬That question is irrelevant.
‪그, 언제까지 인사만 하실 겁니까?‬Are we here to exchange pleasantries?
‪(수연) 재판장님‬ ‪조금만 더 질문하게 해 주십시오‬Your Honor, may I question her a bit more, please?
‪사건과 관련이 있습니다‬I have a relevant point to make.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪뭐, 사건하고 관련 있다니‬ ‪계속 들어 보겠습니다‬I've decided since she says it's relevant, we'll keep listening.
‪어, 기각합니다‬I've decided since she says it's relevant, we'll keep listening. You're overruled.
‪(수연) 어쩌다 다치셨는지‬ ‪말씀해 주시겠어요?‬Could you please tell the court how you suffered these injuries?
‪아, 네, 뭐…‬I… Yeah, well…
‪남편분이 때리셨나요?‬your husband caused these injuries?
‪(검사) 이의 있습니다‬[prosecutor] Objection!
‪사건과 무관합니다!‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬This is irrelevant!
‪(수연) 사건 이틀 전인‬ ‪2017년 11월 6일‬[Su-yeon] On November 6th, two days before the incident,
‪이순영 씨의 남편이‬ ‪이순영 씨를 폭행해‬there are police records saying they were called due to her husband assaulting her mercilessly.
‪경찰이 출동했던 기록이 있습니다‬due to her husband assaulting her mercilessly.
‪이순영 씨가 입은 상해가‬Being able to differentiate whether her injuries were caused by the defendant's assault
‪전부 피고인의 폭행에 의한 것인지‬whether her injuries were caused by the defendant's assault
‪아니면 남편의 폭행에 의한 것인지‬ ‪구분하는 것은 중요합니다‬or if her husband is the one responsible for her injuries is important. We have to consider this record of abuse.
‪사실 관계를 확인하게 해 주십시오‬We have to consider this record of abuse.
‪(재판장) 변호인 뜻은‬ ‪잘 알겠습니다‬[Judge Ryu] I see what you're saying, Counselor.
‪어, 그러면‬So moving forward,
‪그 사건 당시 상황에 대해서만‬ ‪질문을 하세요‬stick to questions about what happened at the time of the incident.
‪어? 뭐, 지금‬ ‪현재 상처에 대한 질문은‬No more questions about current injuries.
‪더 이상 하지 마시고요‬No more questions about current injuries.
‪(수연) 네‬Yes, sir.
‪그럼 다시 묻겠습니다‬So I'll ask you one more time.
‪증인‬Witness, do you recall the police coming to your house
‪지난 2017년 11월 6일‬Witness, do you recall the police coming to your house
‪경찰이 증인의 집으로‬ ‪출동했던 거 기억하십니까?‬in 2017 on the 6th of November?
‪2017년도라면‬2017, it's been so…
‪벌써 5년 전이잖아요‬That's already five years ago.
‪기억이 나지 않습니다‬I honestly can't remember.
‪[황당한 숨소리]‬ ‪(수연) 그날‬-[scoffs] -[Su-yeon] That day, your husband hit you,
‪남편이 이순영 씨를 때려‬-[scoffs] -[Su-yeon] That day, your husband hit you, so the landlord, who lives below you had to contact the police.
‪아래층에 사는 집주인이‬ ‪경찰에 신고했습니다‬so the landlord, who lives below you had to contact the police.
‪여기 신고 기록이 있는데‬ ‪기억이 나지 않으세요?‬Here. These are the police records. Ring any bells?
‪기억이 나지 않습니다‬No, I… I don't remember.
‪[쾅]‬-[thumps] -It's all lies!
‪(향심) 순 거짓말‬ ‪[향심의 분한 숨소리]‬-[thumps] -It's all lies!
‪남편한테 맞고 사니까‬ ‪골이 나빠진 거디?‬Has he hit you so many times that you have brain damage or something?
‪뭐 하시는 겁니까? 조용히 하세요‬What do you think you're doing? Stop that!
‪(재판장) 피고인, 뭐라고요?‬Defendant, what was that?
‪(향심) 쟤 우리한테‬ ‪별로 안 맞았시요‬Sir, she wasn't beaten up by us.
‪더 패 주고 싶어도‬Even if we planned to, there was no time!
‪경찰이 들이닥쳐서‬ ‪시간도 없었습니다‬Even if we planned to, there was no time! The police came so fast.
‪그런데 저, 저‬But that, that, that lowlife has other motives, don't you?
‪속셈 저 시커먼 것 좀 보라요, 어?‬But that, that, that lowlife has other motives, don't you?
‪보통 때 지 남편한테‬ ‪맞은 것까지 싹 다 긁어모아서‬She's trying to take all the beatings she gets from her husband, and frame me for every time he's laid hands on her!
‪나한테 전부 다‬ ‪뒤집어씌우고 있지 않습니까‬and frame me for every time he's laid hands on her!
‪[테이블을 쾅 치며] 전부 다‬ ‪거짓말입니다!‬She keeps lying about what happened!
‪(검사) 재판장님‬ ‪피고인은 피해자를 모욕하고‬[prosecutor] Your Honor. The defendant's insulting the victim, and making a mockery of the courtroom.
‪법정을 우롱하며‬The defendant's insulting the victim, and making a mockery of the courtroom.
‪자신의 잘못을‬ ‪전혀 반성하고 있지 않습니다!‬She shows absolutely no remorse for her wrongdoing!
‪[성난 숨소리]‬ ‪[테이블을 쾅 친다]‬She shows absolutely no remorse for her wrongdoing! [Judge Ryu] Yes.
‪(재판장) 네, 그래 보입니다‬[Judge Ryu] Yes. That is true.
‪정말 그러네요‬It's plain to see.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬-[button clicks] -Your Honor--
‪(명석) 재판…‬-[button clicks] -Your Honor--
‪[작은 목소리로] 손을‬ ‪먼저 들어야 합니다‬You have to raise your hand to speak.
‪이 재판에서 변호인들은‬In this trial, attorneys must raise their hands first
‪할 말이 있으면‬ ‪손을 먼저 들고 말해야 합니다‬In this trial, attorneys must raise their hands first if they have something to say.
‪재판장님 허락 없이‬ ‪먼저 말할 수 없습니다‬Don't talk before the judge gives us permission to speak.
‪그, 왜, 왜요?‬But why?
‪아마도 재판장님이‬ ‪풍산 류씨여서 그런 것 같습니다‬I think it's because his family is the Ryu family of Pungsan.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬I think it's because his family is the Ryu family of Pungsan.
‪뭡니까?‬What's going on?
‪(명석) 아, 예‬ ‪재판장님, 죄송합니다‬Uh, yes. [Myeong-seok] Your Honor, we apologize.
‪어, 피고인이‬[Myeong-seok] Your Honor, we apologize. The defendant isn't used to trials, so in her excitement,
‪재판에 익숙하지 않아‬ ‪흥분한 나머지‬The defendant isn't used to trials, so in her excitement,
‪진심과는 다른 실언을 했습니다‬she made remarks that she didn't mean.
‪저, 피고인이 진정할 수 있도록‬Um, could we have a recess so the defendant can calm down a bit?
‪잠시만 휴정해도 되겠습니까?‬Um, could we have a recess so the defendant can calm down a bit?
‪검사, 증인 신문 할 거 있습니까?‬Prosecution, do you have questions for the witness?
‪예, 어, 없습니다‬I… I… I don't, Your Honor.
‪[한숨]‬[exhales] Witness, you may go home now.
‪증인은 그, 집에 가셔도 좋습니다‬Witness, you may go home now.
‪다신 이 법정에서‬The victim and defendant
‪피해자와 피고인을‬ ‪만나게 하지 않겠습니다‬will not be allowed to meet inside this courtroom again.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(재판장) 10분간 휴정합니다‬[Judge Ryu] Let's take a ten-minute recess.
‪(경위1) 모두 일어나 주십시오‬[bailiff] All rise.
‪(재판장) 피고인‬Defendant.
‪그, 그, 그, 정신 차려요!‬Get a hold of yourself!
‪[향심의 분한 숨소리]‬[angry breathing]
‪(명석) 저희를‬ ‪방해하시면 안 됩니다‬You can't get in our way like that. [Hyang-sim] "Get in your way"?
‪(향심) 방해라니요?‬[Hyang-sim] "Get in your way"?
‪뻔한 말을 빙빙 돌려 하니까‬ ‪내가 콱 집어 준 건데‬I only spoke up because none of you would state the obvious.
‪콱 집어 주셨다가‬ ‪이 꼴 나지 않았습니까‬You did speak up and it worked out well, huh?
‪(명석) 재판에는 순서가 있고‬ ‪형식이 있습니다‬There is an order and formality in a trial.
‪시장통 싸움이 아니라고요‬There is an order and formality in a trial. It's not a brawl.
‪저희가 저희 전략대로 갈 수 있게‬ ‪도와주십시오‬We'll handle this strategically. So help us out here.
‪시장통 싸움?‬Attorneys strategize.
‪변호사가 하면 전략이고‬ ‪내가 하면 시장통 싸움이야요?‬But when a defector does it, then it becomes a petty little brawl?
‪(향심) 지금 나 무시합니까?‬What do you think I am, huh?
‪(수연) 변호사님 말씀은‬ ‪그게 아니라…‬-Atty. Jung didn't mean anything. -What did he mean, then?
‪(향심) 아니긴 뭐가 아니니?‬-Atty. Jung didn't mean anything. -What did he mean, then?
‪동생도 변호사라고‬ ‪끼리끼리 편드는 거가, 뭐이가?‬Are you siding with him because of attorney loyalty or something?
‪내가 가만히 보고 있자니까‬I spoke up because I'm too frustrated
‪[테이블을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪답답해서 그랬어요, 답답해서!‬I spoke up because I'm too frustrated to stand by silently and watch you implode!
‪(영우) 워워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪워워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪이 재판은 계향심 씨의‬ ‪속풀이를 위한 것이 아니라‬This trial is not for you to explode with anger. It's to get a reduction on your sentence.
‪감형을 받기 위한 것입니다‬It's to get a reduction on your sentence.
‪보육원에서 기다리는‬ ‪딸을 생각하십시오‬Think of your daughter waiting at the orphanage.
‪계하윤 양을‬ ‪하루라도 더 빨리 만나려면‬[Young-woo] If you want to see Ha-yun again and quickly,
‪저희 말을 들으셔야 합니다‬you have to listen to our advice.
‪워워, 워워‬Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.
‪워‬Whoa, whoa.
‪(명석) 자, 워, 워워…‬Whoa, whoa. Good job there.
‪어, 잘했어요, 그만, 그만‬Whoa, whoa. Good job there. [Myeong-seok] Stop, stop.
‪어, 다음은 그 의사지?‬[sighs] The doctor is next?
‪(수연) 네‬Yes.
‪남편의 폭행으로 인한‬ ‪상처일 수도 있다고‬We'll be fortunate if he accepts that the injuries might be from the husband.
‪순순히 수긍하면 다행인데‬that the injuries might be from the husband. If he starts to get tough, we'll have to get tough too.
‪어, 만약 이상하게 굴면‬ ‪우리도 세게 나가야 돼‬If he starts to get tough, we'll have to get tough too.
‪(명석) 증인한테‬Emphasize the witness' bias against North Korean defectors
‪탈북자에 대한‬ ‪편견이 있다는 걸 강조해서‬Emphasize the witness' bias against North Korean defectors
‪신빙성을 떨어트려야 된다고‬to discredit him.
‪어, 이번에는‬Uh, I'm thinking…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪우영우 변호사가 하자‬Atty. Woo, you go.
‪저는‬Because I'm…
‪딱딱하니까요?‬a little tough?
‪응, 보여 줘‬Mm. You can do it.
‪(검사) 5년 전에 증인이‬[prosecutor] This is the diagnosis of the injuries
‪이순영 씨를‬ ‪직접 진찰하고 난 뒤에‬[prosecutor] This is the diagnosis of the injuries you wrote five years ago after seeing the victim yourself.
‪작성하신 상해 진단서입니다‬you wrote five years ago after seeing the victim yourself.
‪요 밑줄 친 부분을‬ ‪읽어 주시겠습니까?‬If you could, please read the underlined part?
‪(병길) 쩝, 예‬[tongue clicks] Sure.
‪어, '진단일로부터'‬Uh, two weeks of treatment needed
‪'14일간의 치료를 요하는‬ ‪경추의 염좌 및 긴장'‬"for sprains and strain of the cervical spine from the date of diagnosis.
‪'무차별 폭행으로 인해‬ ‪전신에 나타난 타박상과 열상'‬Lacerations and bruises all over the body due to indiscriminate assault.
‪'머리채를 잡고‬ ‪심하게 흔들어 생긴'‬Damage to the hair roots and scalp caused by traumatic pulling by the hair."
‪'모근 및 두피 손상'‬Damage to the hair roots and scalp caused by traumatic pulling by the hair."
‪증인은 이런 증상들의 원인이‬ ‪뭐라고 판단을 하십니까?‬So, then, what do you think the primary cause of these symptoms were?
‪(병길) 저기 앉아 있는 피고인과‬It was from the assault by the defendant over there and her accomplice.
‪그 공범의‬ ‪폭행 때문이라고 판단합니다‬It was from the assault by the defendant over there and her accomplice. The two of them caused that damage.
‪(검사) 이상입니다‬[prosecutor] That is all.
‪(재판장) 변호인‬ ‪반대 신문 하세요‬[Judge Ryu] Counselor, you may question the witness.
‪(영우) 사건 이틀 전인‬ ‪2017년 11월 6일‬On November 6th, 2017, two days before the incident,
‪이순영 씨의 남편이‬ ‪이순영 씨를 폭행해‬there are police reports saying they were called because Lee Sun-yeong's husband was hitting her.
‪경찰이 출동했던 기록이 있습니다‬because Lee Sun-yeong's husband was hitting her.
‪진단을 내릴 당시 증인은‬ ‪이 사실을 알고 있었습니까?‬When you wrote your diagnosis, were you aware of this fact?
‪아니요, 몰랐습니다‬No, I wasn't aware.
‪그럼 이 사실을‬ ‪알게 된 지금 증인은‬So now that you do, is it possible the injuries of Lee Sun-yeong,
‪(영우) 이순영 씨가 입은 상해가‬So now that you do, is it possible the injuries of Lee Sun-yeong,
‪피고인 때문이 아닌‬the cuts and bruises,
‪남편의 폭행 때문일 수도‬ ‪있다고 생각합니까?‬could've been caused by her husband and not the defendant?
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[scoffs] Even so, it is my opinion that damage was done by the defendant.
‪아니요‬Even so, it is my opinion that damage was done by the defendant.
‪저는 여전히‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Even so, it is my opinion that damage was done by the defendant.
‪피고인 때문이라고 생각합니다‬Even so, it is my opinion that damage was done by the defendant. [Young-woo] Why is that?
‪(영우) 왜죠?‬[Young-woo] Why is that?
‪상처에 때린 사람 이름이‬ ‪남는 것도 아니지 않습니까‬It's not like the name of the person responsible is written on injuries.
‪상처를 보면 알 수 있습니다‬I can tell from looking at the injuries. I'm confident. It's my expertise.
‪저는 의사니까요‬I'm confident. It's my expertise.
‪어떻게 알 수 있는지‬Could you explain how you can tell
‪의학적 사실에 근거해‬ ‪설명해 주시겠습니까?‬Could you explain how you can tell based on some medical facts, if you please?
‪뭐, 이미 의사로서‬ ‪의사의 소견을 말했는데‬Well, I already… I have given my, um, analysis of the injuries as a doctor.
‪(병길) 뭐, 또 의학적 사실을‬What more do you suggest I do in order to prove the findings?
‪[헛웃음 치며] 근거하라고‬ ‪그러시면은‬What more do you suggest I do in order to prove the findings?
‪뭐, 제가 뭘 더‬ ‪어떻게 해야 될까요?‬Is there more than… than the facts to base it on?
‪(영우) 음‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬Hmm. [indistinct chatter]
‪몰아붙여요‬-Push him. -Hmm.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(영우) 응‬-Push him. -Hmm.
‪2018년 초!‬Early 2018. [rustles]
‪증인이 신문에 쓴 칼럼입니다‬You wrote this article for a newspaper. Just read the title, please.
‪제목을 읽어 주시겠습니까?‬You wrote this article for a newspaper. Just read the title, please.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(검사) 이의 있습니다‬[prosecutor] Objection.
‪사건과 무관합니다‬That question is irrelevant.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪말하세요‬-What is it? -Your Honor, the title of this piece says,
‪이 칼럼의 첫 문장은‬-What is it? -Your Honor, the title of this piece says,
‪(영우) '탈북자들에게 폭행을 당한‬ ‪한 한국인 여성이'‬"A Korean woman who was assaulted by North Korean defectors came to see me."
‪'필자를 찾아왔다'입니다‬"A Korean woman who was assaulted by North Korean defectors came to see me."
‪증인이 본 사건을‬ ‪직접 언급하고 있는 만큼‬So the piece directly mentions the crime, which means this piece is not irrelevant.
‪이 칼럼은 사건과‬ ‪무관하지 않습니다‬So the piece directly mentions the crime, which means this piece is not irrelevant.
‪이의 기각합니다‬That's overruled.
‪(재판장) 변호인, 계속하세요‬Counselor, continue.
‪증인, 칼럼의 제목을‬ ‪읽어 주십시오‬Witness, please read the title of the article.
‪[언짢은 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply] If it pleases the court,
‪그, 재판장님‬If it pleases the court,
‪(병길) 이 이야기는‬ ‪안 하면 안 되겠습니까?‬I would rather not talk about this.
‪증언을 거부하시는 겁니까?‬Are you refusing to testify?
‪사유는요?‬For what reason?
‪이거 쓰고 나서‬ ‪제가 욕을 많이 먹었습니다‬I've received lots of, uh, criticisms for publishing that.
‪뭐, 악플도 많이 달렸고‬Many hateful comments, phone threats, and, and death threats mailed to me.
‪항의 전화에‬ ‪협박 편지까지 받았습니다‬Many hateful comments, phone threats, and, and death threats mailed to me.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬Unfortunately, those don't fall
‪안타깝지만 그 말씀하신 부분은‬Unfortunately, those don't fall under the legal reasons for refusal to testify.
‪증언 거부 사유에‬ ‪해당하지 않습니다‬under the legal reasons for refusal to testify.
‪(재판장) 칼럼 제목을 읽어 주세요‬[Judge Ryu] Read the title of the piece.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(병길) '범죄 집단이 되어 가는‬ ‪탈북자들'‬"North Korean defectors are becoming criminals."
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[crowd chattering]
‪(영우) 증인은‬ ‪'한국 사회에서 탈북자는'‬The witness argues, "In Korean society, these North Korean defectors are already a huge problem,"
‪'이미 커다란 사회적 문제'라면서‬these North Korean defectors are already a huge problem," and that "the government giving North Korean defectors money to settle
‪'정부가 탈북자들에게‬ ‪정착 지원금을 주는 것은'‬and that "the government giving North Korean defectors money to settle
‪'범죄자들에게 범죄 격려금을‬ ‪주는 것과 같다'‬is like providing criminals with an incentive for criminal acts."
‪고 주장했습니다‬is like providing criminals with an incentive for criminal acts."
‪맞습니까?‬Is this correct?
‪아니, 그게…‬Come on.
‪(병길) [헛웃음 치며] 아니‬[sighs] I mean…
‪[병길이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬[sighs] I mean…
‪내가 뭐, 편견을 갖고 있어서‬ ‪그러는 게 아니라‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I'm not biased or anything, even close to that,
‪통계가 말해 주잖아요‬the statistics speak for themselves.
‪탈북자들의 강력 범죄율이‬ ‪얼마나 되는지 아세요?‬Do you know the violent crime rate of North Korean defectors?
‪무려 10%입니다‬It's as much as ten percent.
‪한국인의 평균 범죄율보다‬ ‪두 배 이상 수치가 높아요‬More than twice the average crime rate of South Koreans.
‪재범 비율 역시‬The rate of second offenders
‪우리나라의 전체 재범률보다‬ ‪다섯 배 이상 높게 나와요‬The rate of second offenders is furthermore more than five times the rate of South Koreans.
‪이런데도 탈북자들이‬ ‪범죄 집단이 아니란 말입니까?‬You really don't believe that North Korean defectors aren't criminals, right?
‪(영우) 그렇다면‬ ‪피해자의 상처만 보고도‬So tell me. Your opinion of how you're able to tell who caused an injury
‪누가 때린 것인지‬ ‪알 수 있다는 증인의 소견은‬So tell me. Your opinion of how you're able to tell who caused an injury just by looking at the victim is unrelated to your usual opinions on North Korean defectors?
‪탈북민에 대한‬ ‪증인의 평소 생각과 무관합니까?‬unrelated to your usual opinions on North Korean defectors?
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬What?
‪증인은 피해자의 남편보다는‬The defendant's more at fault than the victim's husband.
‪(영우) 피고인의 죄가 더 크다고‬ ‪말하고 싶은 것 아닙니까?‬The defendant's more at fault than the victim's husband. Isn't that what you actually mean?
‪남편은 한국인이지만‬ ‪피고인은 탈북민이니까‬Because the husband is South Korean, but the defendant's North Korean?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(검사) 이의 있습니다‬ ‪유도 신문입니다‬Because the husband is South Korean, but the defendant's North Korean? [prosecutor] Objection. Leading.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[button clicks]
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪(병길) 아니, 근데 솔직히‬You want my honest opinion?
‪멀쩡한 한국 남자 하나‬ ‪폭력 남편 만들면서까지‬You make an abusive husband out of a normal South Korean man just to… just to do something nice for a North Korean defector?
‪저 탈북자들‬ ‪좋은 일 시키는 게, 이게‬just to… just to do something nice for a North Korean defector?
‪이게 맞는 일입니까?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[Byeong-gil] Do I have that right?
‪(병길) 사실 이 재판도 다‬ ‪국민들 세금으로 하는 거잖아요‬[Byeong-gil] This is crazy. This trial's paid for with taxpayer money.
‪그러면 한국인을‬ ‪보호하는 재판을 해야죠‬So then, should we protect South Korean citizens
‪저 탈북자가 아니라‬or North Korean defectors?
‪[향심의 성난 숨소리]‬ ‪[명석이 말린다]‬-[seething] -[Myeong-seok] Hey, hey, hey, hey!
‪참으세요‬Simmer down. We've got the jury on our side now.
‪배심원들은 우리 편이에요‬Simmer down. We've got the jury on our side now.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪(재판장) 음, 증인의 생각은‬Hmm. While you are entitled to your individual opinions,
‪한 개인의 의견으로선 존중하지만‬Hmm. While you are entitled to your individual opinions,
‪탈북민도 대한민국 국민입니다‬in this courtroom, defectors' rights are respected.
‪그러니까 재판도 하는 거죠‬They are South Korean citizens.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬They are South Korean citizens.
‪아, 예, 뭐, 물론‬Uh, yes, of course.
‪그렇죠‬Of course.
‪밥을 먹고 있어?‬That bastard's just eating?
‪밥상에 똥을 싸 놓고‬ ‪밥을 먹고 있어?‬Bastard's having a little tea party at my expense?
‪[승준이 씩씩댄다]‬
‪(승준) 밥이 넘어가?‬ ‪이 멍청한 자식아!‬[Seung-jun] How can you eat, you miserable idiot?
‪(명석) 뭐 하는 짓이야! 미쳤어?‬-Back off! Are you crazy? -[Seung-jun] Are you crazy?
‪(승준) 너야말로 미쳤어?‬-Back off! Are you crazy? -[Seung-jun] Are you crazy?
‪내가 정의모 우리 고객 만들려고‬All the countless hours spent, convincing the chairman of the GRD
‪얼마나 공을 들였는지 알아, 몰라!‬All the countless hours spent, convincing the chairman of the GRD to sign with us exclusively!
‪뭐, 정의모?‬GRD what?
‪그래, 이 새끼야‬Listen, asshole! I had the Group of Righteous Doctors sign with me, but not anymore!
‪너 때문에 물 건너간‬ ‪정의로운 의사들의 모임, 정의모!‬I had the Group of Righteous Doctors sign with me, but not anymore!
‪[어두운 음악]‬[paper crumples]
‪(승준) 권병길이‬You put Kwon Byeong-gil on the witness stand
‪정의모 임원인 거 모르고‬ ‪증인석에 앉혔어?‬without knowing he's a GRD exec?
‪나 지금 거기 회장한테‬ ‪얼마나 깨지고 왔는지 알아?‬Can you imagine the reaming I got from the Chairman just now, huh?
‪모르겠지!‬[Seung-jun] This is amateur hour!
‪권병길이 그 칼럼에 대해서‬ ‪얘기하기 싫다고 했다며‬Apparently, Kwon Byeong-gil said he didn't want to discuss the piece.
‪[버럭 하며] 근데도‬ ‪한바다 변호사들이‬But the attorneys at Hanbada
‪끝까지 고집을 부려서‬ ‪말하게 시켰다며!‬insisted that he talk about the whole thing! Come on!
‪아이고‬[sharp exhale] I just…
‪아이고!‬I don't know.
‪너 애들 데리고‬ ‪공익 사건 하느라 그런 거지?‬All this because of some public interest case with the rookies?
‪어? 명석아‬Really, Myeong-seok?
‪너 경력이 몇 년인데‬ ‪아직도 이런 실수를 하니!‬You're too experienced to allow a kind of screwup like this!
‪그깟 공익 사건이 뭐라고‬How could you cost us a client
‪그거 하나 때문에‬ ‪수십억짜리 고객을 놓쳐!‬who is worth billions for your public interest case? Are you a child?
‪그래, 알았으니까 이제 그만해‬I get it. I'm sorry. [sighs]
‪동기랍시고 하나 있는 게‬ ‪도움을 주지는 못할망정‬The only teammate that I can trust turns on me when I need him the most to do some charity?
‪팀 킬을 해?‬turns on me when I need him the most to do some charity?
‪(승준) 아유, 짜증 나!‬God, you're killing me!
‪회사 걱정은 나 혼자 하지!‬I'm the only one looking out for the firm here!
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(수연) 죄송합니다‬My apologies for not vetting the witness.
‪증인 신원 확인도 제대로 안 하고‬My apologies for not vetting the witness.
‪(영우) 수, 수십억짜리 고객을‬ ‪놓치게 만들어서 죄송합니다‬I'm very sorry for making you lose a client that's worth billions.
‪아니, 이거 신입들이‬ ‪사과할 일 아니야‬[deep inhale] No, don't apologize. You did fine.
‪내 불찰이지‬It's my fault.
‪(명석) 이거 내 잘못도 맞고‬It is my fault and I'm quite embarrassed at the moment.
‪어, 나 지금‬ ‪되게 쪽팔린 것도 맞는데‬It is my fault and I'm quite embarrassed at the moment.
‪그래도 '그깟 공익 사건'‬But this isn't… a "mere defector" or just "some public interest case."
‪'그깟 탈북자 하나'‬a "mere defector" or just "some public interest case."
‪라고 생각하진 말자고‬Let's continue on.
‪뭐, 수십억짜리‬ ‪사건처럼은 아니더라도‬[Myeong-seok] Even if the case isn't worth billions.
‪열심히 하자고, 응‬We have to do our best.
‪아, 네‬Uh, yes.
‪(명석) 응‬Mm-hmm.
‪마저 먹어‬Finish up, and, uh…
‪난 쪽팔려서 먼저 가야 돼‬I'm going to excuse myself now.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[수연의 감격한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪(영우) 와우‬Wow.
‪- 엄마‬ ‪- (향심) 하윤아‬-Mom? -Ha-yun.
‪[향심의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪(하윤) 엄마‬-[Ha-yun] Mom! -Ha-yun.
‪- (향심) 하윤아‬ ‪- (하윤) [흐느끼며] 엄마‬-[Ha-yun] Mom! -Ha-yun. -[Ha-yun] Mom! -[door closes]
‪(하윤) 엄마‬Mom!
‪(향심) [흐느끼며] 엄마가 미안해‬Mommy's so sorry.
‪(하윤) 엄마‬[Ha-yun] Mama. Mommy!
‪(향심) 엄마가 미안해, 하윤아‬-I love you. Sorry, Ha-yun. -[Ha-yun] Mom!
‪[함께 흐느낀다]‬[both weeping]
‪(하윤) 엄마‬
‪[시끌벅적한 소리가 맴돈다]‬ ‪(향심) 하윤아‬[Hyang-sim sobs] [cheering and playing]
‪(광호) 자, 영우야, 참외 먹어‬Hey, Young-woo. Have some fruit.
‪[사람들이 화기애애하다]‬-Good job. There we go. Yeah. -Are you happy with your sister?
‪영우야, 자, 잡아‬Young-woo? Here, take it.
‪- 아빠‬ ‪- (광호) 왜?‬-Dad. -Yeah?
‪나는 왜 엄마가 없어?‬Why don't I have a mom?
‪(수연) 강도 상해죄 법정형은‬ ‪너무 높아‬[Su-yeon] The statutory penalty for injury resulting from robbery is too high.
‪살인죄가 최소 5년인데‬Murder is at least five years.
‪강도 상해죄가‬ ‪최소 7년인 게 말이 되냐?‬So how is aggravated robbery seven years?
‪우리 이거에 대해서‬Wait, can we file for adjudication on the constitutionality of the law?
‪위헌 법률 심판 제청을‬ ‪해 보는 건 어때?‬Wait, can we file for adjudication on the constitutionality of the law?
‪헌법 재판소에서 위헌 결정을 하면‬If the Constitutional Court finds this unconstitutional,
‪향심 언니는 무죄 받을 수 있잖아‬Hyang-sim walks free, doesn't she?
‪그거 이미 여러 차례 있었어‬It has been tried before.
‪2001년과 2006년, 2016년에도‬In 2001, 2006, and 2016.
‪근데? 다 안 됐어?‬And? They all failed?
‪응, 전부 합헌 결정 났어‬Mm. All ended up constitutional.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(수연) 탈북자는‬ ‪말하자면 일종의 난민이잖아‬A North Korean is technically a kind of refugee, right?
‪난민이나 이민자, 외국인은‬Shouldn't there be laws that are sympathetic to refugees, immigrants, or foreigners?
‪잘못해도 좀 봐주는‬ ‪법 규정은 없어?‬that are sympathetic to refugees, immigrants, or foreigners?
‪없어‬There aren't.
‪잘 생각해 봐, 진짜 없어?‬Think hard. Come on. Isn't there something?
‪[기계음 효과음]‬[digital trilling]
‪진짜 없어‬No, there's nothing. And there shouldn't be.
‪그리고 있어서도 안 돼‬No, there's nothing. And there shouldn't be. That'd be like giving a criminal license to refugees, immigrants, and foreigners.
‪난민, 이민자, 외국인에게‬That'd be like giving a criminal license to refugees, immigrants, and foreigners.
‪범죄 면허를‬ ‪주는 거나 마찬가지잖아‬That'd be like giving a criminal license to refugees, immigrants, and foreigners.
‪[수연의 답답한 소리]‬[groans]
‪아, 그럼 뭐가 있을까? 어?‬[deep inhale] What more is there, huh?
‪우영우, 너 천재잖아‬Atty. Woo, you're a genius.
‪생각 좀 해 봐!‬Think! Come on!
‪[한숨]‬[pensive hum]
‪[흥미로운 효과음]‬-[water burbles] -[dolphin calls]
‪[고래 울음]‬-[water burbles] -[dolphin calls]
‪조금 억지스럽긴 하지만‬ ‪하나 떠오른 건 있어‬It's a bit of a stretch, perhaps, but I have an idea.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪북한 법입니다‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬North Korean law.
‪(재판장) 북한 법이요?‬[Judge Ryu] "North Korean law"?
‪(영우) 네, 북한에도‬ ‪강도죄는 있습니다‬[Young-woo] Yes, there is robbery in North Korea too.
‪북한 형법 제288조‬Article 288 of North Korean Criminal Law. Robbery of personal property.
‪개인 재산 강도죄가 그것입니다‬Article 288 of North Korean Criminal Law. Robbery of personal property.
‪'사람의 생명과‬ ‪건강에 위험을 주는'‬"Someone who has robbed a personal property
‪'폭행, 협박을 하여'‬by means of assault or threats against a person
‪'개인의 재산을 강도한 자는'‬by means of assault or threats against a person will be sentenced to four years in a labor camp."
‪'4년 이하의‬ ‪로동 교화형에 처한다'‬will be sentenced to four years in a labor camp."
‪(수연) 하지만‬ ‪김일성종합대학 출판사가 펴낸‬Yes, Your Honor. Criminal Law published by the Kim Il Sung University Publishers.
‪형법학에 따르면‬Criminal Law published by the Kim Il Sung University Publishers.
‪북한의 강도죄는‬ ‪한국의 강도죄와 비교했을 때‬Unlike in South Korea, North Korea's crime of robbery requires a high level of intensity in both the assault and threats.
‪매우 고강도의 폭행과‬ ‪협박을 요구합니다‬requires a high level of intensity in both the assault and threats.
‪폭행은 사망 혹은 중상해를‬ ‪일으킬 만큼 강력해야 하며‬[Su-yeon] The assault should be intense enough to kill or seriously injure
‪협박 역시‬ ‪범죄자의 요구에 응하지 않으면‬[Su-yeon] The assault should be intense enough to kill or seriously injure and threats should be those of an assault that will result in immediate death or serious injury
‪즉시에 즉석에서‬ ‪사망 및 중상에 이르는‬that will result in immediate death or serious injury unless the victim complies with the criminal's requests.
‪폭행을 가할 것이라‬ ‪예고해야 합니다‬unless the victim complies with the criminal's requests.
‪만일 폭행과 협박이‬ ‪이러한 정도에 이르지 못하면‬But here, my client attempted to steal the property. However, she did not attempt to murder anyone.
‪강도죄가 성립할 수 없으며‬However, she did not attempt to murder anyone.
‪기껏해야 개인 재산 빼앗은 죄에‬ ‪해당한다고 합니다‬In this case, the crime is only the stealing of property.
‪개인 재산 빼앗은 죄요?‬"The crime is the stealing of property"?
‪북한 형법 제284조‬ ‪개인 재산 빼앗은 죄‬Article 284 of the North Korean Law. "A crime of stealing property.
‪'개인의 재산을 빼앗은 자는'‬Someone who steals personal property
‪'1년 이하의‬ ‪로동 단련형에 처한다'‬will be sentenced to a maximum of one year of labor discipline."
‪(영우) 재판장님‬ ‪형량에 주목해 주십시오‬will be sentenced to a maximum of one year of labor discipline." [Young-woo] Please focus on the sentence, Your Honor.
‪개인 재산 강도죄는‬ ‪4년 이하의 로동 교화형‬Robbery is a maximum of four years in a correctional labor camp,
‪다시 말해‬ ‪4년 이하의 징역형이지만‬which means, a maximum of four years imprisonment.
‪개인 재산 빼앗은 죄의 형량은‬But the sentence for stealing personal property
‪1년 이하의‬ ‪로동 단련형에 불과합니다‬is a maximum of one year of labor discipline. In South Korea, this would be a mere sentence
‪한국으로 친다면‬In South Korea, this would be a mere sentence
‪고작 1년 이하의‬In South Korea, this would be a mere sentence of one year of community service maximum.
‪사회봉사 명령을‬ ‪받게 되는 것입니다‬of one year of community service maximum.
‪(재판장) 씁, 뭐, 북한 법 강연은‬ ‪그만하면 됐습니다‬[Judge Ryu] All right. That's enough lecturing on North Korean law.
‪그래서 변호인들이‬ ‪주장하려는 건 뭔가요?‬Tell me. What exactly are you trying to claim here?
‪(영우) 피고인은 한국 법보다는‬ ‪북한 법에 더 익숙합니다‬The defendant is a lot more used to North Korean law than South Korean law.
‪피고인은 자신이 받아야 할 돈을‬ ‪돌려받으려고 했을 뿐‬The defendant only tried to get back the money she was owed.
‪피해자의 자유로운 의사를 억압해‬There was no intent to rob the money by oppressing the victim's free will.
‪돈을 강취할 의도까지는 없었고‬There was no intent to rob the money by oppressing the victim's free will.
‪더욱이 본인이 저지른 행위가‬Moreover, she did not think that her actions
‪무기 징역 또는 7년 이상의‬ ‪징역형을 받게 되는‬fell under aggravated robbery, which would sentence her
‪강도 상해죄에 속한다고‬ ‪생각하지 못했습니다‬fell under aggravated robbery, which would sentence her to possibly life, but a minimum of seven years imprisonment
‪왜냐하면 북한에서는‬because in North Korea,
‪피고인의 행위 정도로는‬the defendant's crimes aren't enough to establish aggravated robbery.
‪강도죄가‬ ‪성립하지 않기 때문입니다‬the defendant's crimes aren't enough to establish aggravated robbery.
‪(검사) 아니, 그럼 변호인들은‬ ‪지금 피고인이‬[prosecutor] The attorneys are claiming that since the defendant thought, "Well, this isn't robbery in North Korea,
‪'아, 북한 법으로는‬ ‪강도죄 아니니까'‬that since the defendant thought, "Well, this isn't robbery in North Korea, so on that technicality, it's not robbery."
‪'나는 지금‬ ‪강도 짓을 하는 게 아니야'‬so on that technicality, it's not robbery."
‪뭐, 이렇게 생각을 했다고‬ ‪주장하는 겁니까?‬so on that technicality, it's not robbery." I've never heard of such an argument.
‪재판장님, 이거는‬Your Honor, this is farfetched logic nobody's ever seen or heard.
‪정말 듣도 보도 못한‬ ‪억지 논리입니다‬Your Honor, this is farfetched logic nobody's ever seen or heard.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬It's a bit unprecedented, yes.
‪뭐, 듣도 보도 못한 거 맞는데‬It's a bit unprecedented, yes.
‪그래도 한번 뭐‬But perhaps we should look into it a little more.
‪확인해 볼 필요는‬ ‪있을 것 같습니다‬But perhaps we should look into it a little more.
‪[재판장이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪피고인은 북한 법의 해석에‬ ‪더 익숙한 나머지‬Did you think you weren't committing robbery because you were more used to North Korean law from back home, then?
‪이 피고인의 행위가‬ ‪강도가 아니라고 생각했습니까?‬because you were more used to North Korean law from back home, then?
‪아, 예‬Uh… Yeah.
‪(재판장) 씁, 그래요?‬[Judge Ryu] Is that so?
‪만약 그, 피해자가 돈을 안 줄 땐‬What was your plan if the victim didn't give you the money?
‪어떻게 하려고 했습니까?‬What was your plan if the victim didn't give you the money?
‪뭐, 강제로라도‬Was your intention to get the money even if violence was necessary?
‪꼭 받아 내야겠다고‬ ‪생각한 거 아니었나요?‬Was your intention to get the money even if violence was necessary?
‪(명석) 저, 재판장…‬Uh, Your Honor…
‪재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪어, 피고인에게‬ ‪진술을 거부할 권리가 있음을‬Could you please notify the defendant again of her right to refuse to testify?
‪다시 한번 고지해 주시겠습니까?‬of her right to refuse to testify?
‪(재판장) 물론입니다‬Of course.
‪자, 피고인‬ ‪대답하지 않아도 됩니다‬Defendant, you don't have to answer.
‪그래도 이 공정한 판결을 위해서‬ ‪묻고 싶네요‬However, I would implore you to do so to ensure a fair trial.
‪피고인, 대답해 주시겠습니까?‬Defendant, answer me, if you would, please?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪무슨 수를 써서라도‬I went there like I said.
‪받아 내려고 갔습니다‬I had to get that money, at any cost.
‪(향심) 그거 내 돈이지 않습니까‬I had to get that money, at any cost. Wasn't it my money?
‪(재판장) 방금 변호인들이‬ ‪주장한 거에 대해선‬Ma'am, what do you think of what the attorneys claimed just now?
‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬Ma'am, what do you think of what the attorneys claimed just now?
‪피고인은 정말로 이 북한 법상‬Did you think the severity of the crime was such that the crime of robbery is not applicable
‪강도죄가 성립되지 않을 만큼만‬that the crime of robbery is not applicable due to your understanding of North Korean Law?
‪피해자를 위협해야겠다고‬ ‪생각했나요?‬due to your understanding of North Korean Law?
‪모르겠습니다‬I'm not sure.
‪북한 법이 어떻고 그런 거‬Truthfully, I don't understand…
‪솔직히 나 잘 모르갔습니다‬any of that about the North Korean laws.
‪(재판장) [한숨 쉬며] 음, 네‬Mm. I see.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬[sighs]
‪이상입니다‬That is all.
‪자, 그럼 이상으로‬ ‪변론을 종결하겠습니다‬Yes, well, that concludes the case for the defense.
‪(재판장) 자, 배심원들께선‬ ‪평의를 시작해 주시고‬[Judge Ryu] Honorable jurors, start your review.
‪그 후로 판결 선고 하겠습니다‬And then, I will deliver my verdict.
‪(경위1) 모두 일어나 주십시오‬[bailiff] All rise.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[영우의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[명석의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(명석) 나 사무실 들어가는데‬ ‪같이 안 갑니까?‬[sighs] I'm headed back to the office. Are you coming along?
‪(영우) 저는 판결 선고‬ ‪보고 가겠습니다‬I'd like to stay for the verdict, if I may.
‪(수연) 저도요‬I'd like to stay for the verdict, if I may. Me too.
‪그래요, 그럼, 응‬Okay, then. [exhales] Stay with the defendant until the end.
‪끝까지 피고인 옆에 있어 줘요‬Stay with the defendant until the end.
‪(명석) 결과가 어찌 됐든‬ ‪두 사람은 최선을 다했어‬Whatever happens, you both did great.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[향심이 피식 웃는다]‬[Hyang-sim chuckles]
‪변호사 동무들‬Attorney comrades.
‪왜 이리 코가 쑥 빠졌습네까?‬What are those long faces about?
‪그 말 그런 뜻 아니야‬She's not being literal.
‪죄송합니다‬I really am sorry.
‪아이, 뭐가 죄송하네?‬Hey, you're sorry for what?
‪(향심) 그럼 나 교화소 가는 거‬So it's been decided that I'm going to prison, then?
‪벌써 확정 난 거디?‬So it's been decided that I'm going to prison, then?
‪아니에요‬Don't worry about it. You should go and rest and we'll see you at the verdict.
‪쉬시다가 이따 판결 선고 때 봐요‬You should go and rest and we'll see you at the verdict.
‪[수연의 손을 탁 잡는다]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(경위2) 나가시죠‬[police] This way.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬[whale calls]
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬[whale calls] [wind blows]
‪[고래 울음]‬
‪아직 안 해 본 주장이 있어‬There's a claim we haven't tried.
‪위헌 법률 심판 제청‬The constitutionality!
‪다른 사람들이 여러 번 시도했고‬Didn't you say it's always been found to be constitutional before?
‪다 합헌 결정 났다며‬Didn't you say it's always been found to be constitutional before?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(수연) 잠깐…‬Wait.
‪우영우‬Atty. Woo!
‪아, 어디 가는데?‬Where are you going?
‪벌써 배심원들이 평의 중이야‬The jurors are already reviewing. What more can be done now?
‪이제 와서 뭘 어쩌려고?‬The jurors are already reviewing. What more can be done now?
‪(영우) 아직 판결 선고가‬ ‪완료되지 않았잖아‬The verdict has not been given yet.
‪그럼 변론 재개 신청을 할 수 있어‬We will request a resumption of the hearing.
‪재판장님을 만날 거야‬Let's go meet the judge.
‪방문증 없으면‬ ‪판사실 못 들어가는 거 몰라?‬But you can't see him without a visitor's permit.
‪방문증 달라고 하면 되지‬We'll ask for a visitor's permit.
‪방문증이 무슨 식권이냐?‬ ‪달라고 하면 주게‬Those permits aren't meal tickets they just hand out.
‪(수연) 판사 허락이 있어야 돼‬[Su-yeon] You need the judge's permission.
‪재판장님이 허락할 거 같아? 어?‬ ‪[황소 울음 효과음]‬You think he'll give it to you? Huh? Hey!
‪야!‬Huh? Hey!
‪[영우의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪(영우) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪저희는 변호사들입니다‬Hello, we are attorneys, and we would like to visit the chambers of a judge.
‪판사실에 방문하고자 합니다‬Hello, we are attorneys, and we would like to visit the chambers of a judge.
‪- 어느 판사실이요?‬ ‪- (영우) 류…‬-Um, which one, then? -Ryu--
‪(수연) 8층 최보연 부장 판사님‬ ‪판사실입니다‬Chief Judge Choi Bo-yeon on the eighth floor, please.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪아, 저, 방문 목적은요?‬The purpose of your visit?
‪판사님이랑 얘기되신 건가요?‬The judge is expecting your arrival?
‪아, 판사님 개인 심부름이에요‬Uh, the visit is a personal matter.
‪최보연 판사님이‬ ‪제 아버지시거든요‬Judge Choi Bo-yeon is my father.
‪여긴 동료인데‬ ‪같이 심부름 왔습니다‬And I have also brought my colleague with me.
‪(경위3) 아, 잠시만요‬[security] Just a moment.
‪[전화기 조작음]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬This is first floor access.
‪1층 출입 데스크입니다‬This is first floor access.
‪저, 최보연 판사님‬ ‪따님이시라는 분이‬This is first floor access. A woman is saying she's Judge Choi Bo-yeon's daughter
‪방문 희망하시는데‬A woman is saying she's Judge Choi Bo-yeon's daughter and that he's expecting her arrival.
‪미리 얘기된 상황인가 해서요‬and that he's expecting her arrival.
‪저, 성함이?‬Your name, please?
‪최수연입니다‬Choi Su-yeon.
‪저, 최수연 변호사‬Atty. Choi Su-yeon.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yes. I appreciate it.
‪아, 저, 이름이랑‬ ‪방문 목적 쓰시고 들어가시면 돼요‬Write down your name and purpose of visit here, and go right in.
‪(수연) [웃으며] 네‬
‪[수연의 어색한 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(수연) 저거 왜 해 놨는지 알아?‬Do you know why they do that?
‪우리 같은 애들‬ ‪막으려고 설치한 거야‬It's to prevent people like us
‪법정 밖에서 판사한테‬ ‪따로 변론하는 거 막으려고‬from trying to plead our case outside of a courtroom.
‪(영우) 법정 밖에서 판사한테‬ ‪따로 변론하려는 게 아니야‬from trying to plead our case outside of a courtroom. We're not trying to plead our case outside the courtroom.
‪우린 변론 재개 신청을‬ ‪하려는 거뿐이야‬We're not trying to plead our case outside the courtroom. We're requesting the hearing resumption.
‪(수연) 과연 검사도‬ ‪그렇게 생각할까?‬Oh, and would the prosecutor agree?
‪우당탕탕 우영우한테 말려서, 어유‬I can't believe Wild Card Woo talked me into this.
‪(수연) 실례합니다‬Excuse me.
‪(영우) 류명하 판사님‬ ‪만나러 왔습니다!‬We're here to see Judge Ryu Myeong-ha!
‪(실무관) 누구신데요?‬We're here to see Judge Ryu Myeong-ha! Who are you?
‪(영우) 어‬[gasps]
‪뭡니까?‬What is this?
‪여기 어떻게들 들어왔어요?‬How did you get in here?
‪재판장님‬ ‪변론 재개 신청을 하고자 합니다‬Your Honor, we request a resumption of the hearing.
‪(재판장) 아니, 지금 배심원들이‬ ‪평의 중인 거 모릅니까?‬It's too late. Don't you know the jurors are reviewing right now?
‪(수연) 알고 있습니다‬Yes, we're aware, which is why we had to come see you,
‪그래서 외람된 줄 알지만‬Yes, we're aware, which is why we had to come see you,
‪어쩔 수 없이‬ ‪재판장님을 찾아왔습니다‬Yes, we're aware, which is why we had to come see you, even though the risk of coming across is rude. Because it was too late to submit resumption forms to you.
‪변론 재개 신청서를‬ ‪제출하기엔 너무 늦어서요‬Because it was too late to submit resumption forms to you.
‪안 됩니다‬I don't believe that.
‪뭐가 정 그렇게 계속 불만이면‬ ‪항소하세요‬If you're not happy with something, you can appeal.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[영우의 초조한 소리]‬-[door opens] -[gasps]
‪[재판장의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪(재판장) 아, 뭐요? 뭐, 뭐!‬Oh, what? What is it now?
‪(영우) 피고인은 결국‬Your Honor, the defendant never got the money from the victim.
‪피해자에게 돈을‬ ‪받아 내지 못했습니다‬Your Honor, the defendant never got the money from the victim.
‪이런 경우까지‬ ‪강도 상해죄의 기수로‬So it is unconstitutional to have a trial for aggravated robbery.
‪재판받는 것은 위헌입니다‬So it is unconstitutional to have a trial for aggravated robbery.
‪위헌 법률 심판 제청을‬ ‪하고자 하니‬We'd like to proceed with an adjudication on the constitutionality.
‪변론 재개를 허락해 주십시오‬We'd like to proceed with an adjudication on the constitutionality.
‪(재판장) 강도 상해 미수는‬With attempted aggravated robbery,
‪강도가 미수인 걸‬ ‪말하는 게 아닙니다‬it doesn't matter if the robbery was unsuccessful.
‪상해가 미수여야‬For attempted aggravated robbery, all that is needed is an attempted injury.
‪강도 상해 미수죄가‬ ‪성립하는 거예요‬For attempted aggravated robbery, all that is needed is an attempted injury.
‪다르게 해석할 여지도‬ ‪있지 않습니까?‬Isn't there room for another interpretation?
‪(영우) 강도 상해죄보다‬It's better for the defendant to be charged
‪강도 상해 미수죄로‬ ‪처벌받는 것이‬It's better for the defendant to be charged with attempted aggravated robbery rather than aggravated robbery.
‪피고인에게는 유리하고‬with attempted aggravated robbery rather than aggravated robbery.
‪형법은 피고인에게 유리한 규정을‬Criminal law prohibits any reduced interpretation
‪아무런 근거 없이‬ ‪축소 해석 하는 것을‬Criminal law prohibits any reduced interpretation that is beneficial to the defendant without reason.
‪금지하고 있습니다‬that is beneficial to the defendant without reason.
‪아니, 무슨 재판을‬ ‪오기로 하는 겁니까?‬What is going on? Is your plan here to exhaust me?
‪(재판장) 열 번 찍어‬ ‪안 넘어가는 나무 없다‬There's no tree that would not fall if axed ten times, is that what this is?
‪뭐, 그런 거예요?‬There's no tree that would not fall if axed ten times, is that what this is?
‪처음엔 피해자가 당한 상해가‬First, you claimed the victim's wounds are not the fault of the defendant.
‪피고인이 한 짓이 아니라더니‬First, you claimed the victim's wounds are not the fault of the defendant.
‪그다음엔 북한 법까지 들먹이면서‬[Judge Ryu] Then, you bring up North Korean Law
‪강도에 고의가 없다고 했다가‬to say there wasn't intent in the robbery.
‪결국엔 돈을 못 빼앗았으니‬And now, you barge in here
‪강도 상해 기수로 재판하는 건‬ ‪위헌이다?‬to say that by her not getting the money, it's unlawful?
‪지금 나하고 장난칩니까!‬Are you kidding me?
‪[성난 숨소리]‬[deep breath, grunts]
‪하, 씨‬[deep breath, grunts]
‪젊은 변호사들이라‬ ‪열정 넘치는 거 이해합니다‬I understand that you're young and passionate attorneys.
‪하지만‬I really do.
‪열정도 부릴 때가 있고‬ ‪안 부릴 때가 있는 거예요‬There's a time and there's a place to be passionate, though.
‪젊은 변호사들이라서가 아닙니다‬It is not because we are young attorneys.
‪계향심 씨가 위대한 어머니라서‬ ‪이러는 겁니다‬It is because Gye Hyang-sim is an excellent mother.
‪어미 고래처럼요‬Just like a mother whale.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(재판장) 뭐요?‬What?
‪계향심 씨는 상식이 부족하고‬ ‪제멋대로입니다‬Gye Hyang-sim lacks common sense and does whatever it is she pleases.
‪지금까지도 자신이‬ ‪무엇을 잘못했는지‬Even now, it doesn't seem like she fully understands what she did wrong that night.
‪제대로 이해하고‬ ‪있는 것 같지 않습니다‬she fully understands what she did wrong that night.
‪(영우) 하지만 계향심 씨는‬But Gye Hyang-sim chose life as a fugitive for five years
‪자식을 버리지 않으려고‬But Gye Hyang-sim chose life as a fugitive for five years to not abandon her only daughter.
‪5년이나 도망자 생활을 했습니다‬to not abandon her only daughter.
‪모성애는 감경 사유가 아니지만‬Maternal instinct is not a reason for mitigation,
‪딸이 엄마를 기억할 수 있는‬ ‪나이가 될 때까지‬but I beg you to think of the circumstances of a great mother
‪키워 놓고 교도소에 가야‬but I beg you to think of the circumstances of a great mother who has withstood all those years on the run with her child,
‪출소 후 다시 딸을 찾을 수 있다는‬ ‪생각 하나만으로‬who has withstood all those years on the run with her child,
‪그 모든 시간을 견딘‬ ‪위대한 어머니의 사정을‬so she could raise her until she was old enough to remember her mother,
‪헤아려 주십시오‬so she could find her again.
‪지금 이거 법정 외 변론입니다‬Not another word. You have made this argument out of court.
‪(재판장) 더 듣지도 않을 거고‬[Judge Ryu] I am done listening. This won't reflect on the verdict.
‪판결에 반영하지도 않을 겁니다‬[Judge Ryu] I am done listening. This won't reflect on the verdict.
‪변론 재개도 허락하지 않습니다‬And I won't grant you a resumption.
‪둘 다 당장 나가지 않으면‬ ‪경위를 부르겠습니다‬Get out of here now, you hear me? Or I'll be forced to call the bailiff.
‪[무거운 음악]‬Get out of here now, you hear me? Or I'll be forced to call the bailiff.
‪(영우) 고래 사냥법 중‬ ‪가장 유명한 건‬[Young-woo] The most common way of hunting whales
‪새끼부터 죽이기야‬is to kill the baby first.
‪연약한 새끼에게 작살을 던져‬First, they throw a harpoon at the weak baby.
‪새끼가 고통스러워하며‬ ‪주위를 맴돌면‬As the baby is swimming around in agony,
‪어미는 절대 그 자리를‬ ‪떠나지 않는대‬the mother never leaves its side, no matter what.
‪아파하는 새끼를‬ ‪버리지 못하는 거야‬Her baby is in pain, and she won't leave.
‪그때‬And then, the next harpoon impales her.
‪최종 표적인 어미를 향해‬ ‪두 번째 작살을 던지는 거지‬And then, the next harpoon impales her. The mother is the ultimate target.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아유‬ ‪하여간 인간들이란‬[sighs] Humans can be so cruel.
‪고래들은 지능이 높아‬Whales are very intelligent.
‪새끼를 버리지 않으면‬ ‪자기도 죽는다는 걸 알았을 거야‬She knows if she doesn't swim away, she will also be killed.
‪그래도 끝까지 버리지 않아‬But she never swims away.
‪만약 내가 고래였다면‬If I were a whale, would my…
‪엄마도 날 안 버렸을까?‬Would my mom not have swam away either?
‪(경위1) 모두 일어서 주십시오‬[bailiff] All rise.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪착석해 주십시오‬Be seated.
‪(재판장) 배심원 여러분‬ ‪평의 잘 마치셨죠?‬Jury, have you finished up the review?
‪자, 평결서 주시겠습니까?‬Hand me the written verdict.
‪배심원단의 평의 결과를‬ ‪말씀드리겠습니다‬I will now announce to the court the jury's verdict.
‪공소 사실에 대해‬ ‪배심원 7명 만장일치로‬[Judge Ryu] "On the charges. By unanimous decision of all seven jurors, guilty.
‪유죄‬By unanimous decision of all seven jurors, guilty.
‪양형에 관한 의견‬Opinion on sentencing.
‪배심원 7명 만장일치로‬By unanimous decision of all seven jurors, four years labor camp."
‪징역 4년‬By unanimous decision of all seven jurors, four years labor camp."
‪배심원 여러분, 수고하셨습니다‬Thank you, all members of the jury.
‪본 재판부는‬ ‪배심원단의 평결 내용을‬This court sincerely respects the jury's verdict.
‪진심으로 존중함을 알려 드립니다‬This court sincerely respects the jury's verdict.
‪이제 판결하겠습니다‬Now, for my verdict.
‪(수연) 일어나시면 돼요‬Stand up.
‪(재판장) 주문‬[Judge Ryu] "Formal adjudication.
‪피고인을 징역 1년 9월에 처한다‬The defendant is sentenced to one year and nine months imprisonment.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪다만 이 판결 확정일로부터 3년간‬However, the execution of the sentence against the defendant
‪피고인에 대한‬ ‪형의 집행을 유예한다‬is suspended for three years following the date of the verdict.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[gasps]
‪피고인에게 보호 관찰을 받을 것과‬The court orders that the defendant be on probation
‪80시간의 사회봉사를 명한다‬and 80 hours of community service."
‪[수연의 놀란 숨소리]‬[both gasp]
‪뭐라니?‬What happened? What's he saying?
‪집행 유예예요‬He gave you probation!
‪집, 집행, 집행…‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps] It's probation. Probation…
‪(재판장) 피고인은‬ ‪공범과 공모하여‬[Judge Ryu] "The defendant colluded with an accomplice
‪재물을 강취할 목적으로‬and assaulted and threatened the victim
‪피해자를 폭행하고 위협했으므로‬with the intent of taking property, which is severe.
‪죄질이 불량하다‬with the intent of taking property, which is severe.
‪범행 당시 피해자가‬ ‪느꼈을 공포심과‬Considering the fear the victim must've felt during the crime
‪범행 후 피고인이‬ ‪재판을 받지 아니하고‬Considering the fear the victim must've felt during the crime and how the defendant fled afterwards without being tried at the time,
‪도주한 점을 고려하면‬and how the defendant fled afterwards without being tried at the time,
‪피고인을 엄히 처벌할 필요가 있다‬it is necessary to punish the defendant severely.
‪다만 피고인은 탈북민으로서‬However, considering that the defendant is not used to Korean laws and regulations as a North Korean defector,
‪한국 사회의 법과 규범에‬ ‪아직 익숙하지 않은 점‬is not used to Korean laws and regulations as a North Korean defector,
‪형사 처분 전력이 없는 초범인 점‬a first-time offender with no criminal record,
‪무엇보다‬and most of all…
‪5년이 지난 후이긴 하나‬although it has been five years,
‪자신이 저지른 죄를 잊지 않고‬she confessed without forgetting her crimes, and being responsible and accepting punishment.
‪처벌을 받을 목적으로 자수한 점을‬and being responsible and accepting punishment. I have taken these special sentencing factors into account."
‪특별 양형 인자로 참작한다‬I have taken these special sentencing factors into account."
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬I have taken these special sentencing factors into account."
‪그래, 자수‬She confessed!
‪아, 맞네‬Oh, my god.
‪[재판장이 계속 판결한다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬"Sentencing elements that are advantageous or disadvantageous to the defendant…"
‪엉뚱한 데만 꽂혀서‬We were focused on the charges,
‪정작 향심 언니가‬ ‪자수했다는 걸 잊고 있었네‬We were focused on the charges, forgetting Hyang-sim confessed to everything.
‪자수는 감경 사유의‬ ‪기본 중의 기본인데 그걸 잊다니‬Confession is the most basic reason for mitigation. We forgot.
‪우리 바보다‬Not very smart.
‪재판장님이 똑똑한 거 아닐까?‬Maybe the judge is the smart one here.
‪저 짬에서 나온 묘수‬A wise and intelligent veteran.
‪'저 짬에서 나온 묘수'‬"An intelligent veteran."
‪국민의 형사 재판 참여에 관한‬ ‪법률에 따른‬"And through a trial by jury, democracy has been served, following all laws for criminal trials, the ruling is as I've decreed."
‪국민 참여 재판을 거쳐‬ ‪주문과 같이 판결한다‬following all laws for criminal trials, the ruling is as I've decreed."
‪(향심) [흐느끼며] 감사합니다‬[Hyang-sim] Thank you.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪고맙다‬Thank you.
‪[향심의 벅찬 숨소리]‬
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[heels clacking]
‪(여자1) 엄마, 엄마, 엄마‬ ‪그거 딱 내려놔‬[lady 1] Mom! Mom, Mom, put that down. Look at this. Isn't it so pretty?
‪이것 봐, 너무 예쁘지?‬[lady 1] Mom! Mom, Mom, put that down. Look at this. Isn't it so pretty?
‪(여자2) 아유, 이걸 내가‬ ‪짧아서 어떻게…‬I can never wear something this short. You try it on.
‪- (여자2) 네가 입어 봐‬ ‪- 엄마, 진짜 딱 한 번만‬I can never wear something this short. You try it on. -Don't, Mom, try it, come on. -It looks good.
‪- (여자2) 너한테 잘 어울려‬ ‪- 진짜 딱 한 번만, 진짜‬-Don't, Mom, try it, come on. -It looks good. Just stop already.
‪(여자3) [놀라며] 안 돼‬ ‪이거 너무 비싸‬[lady 2 gasps] No, this is too expensive.
‪(여자4) 봐 봐‬ ‪엄마가 사 줄게, 괜찮아‬[mother] Come on, I'll get it for you. [heels clacking]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[heels clacking]
‪(점원) 본사에서‬ ‪젊은 층 대상으로 홍보한다더니‬Corporate's marketing to a younger demo, so we have more customers bringing their daughters in.
‪요즘 딸 데리고 오는‬ ‪고객님들이 느셨어요‬so we have more customers bringing their daughters in.
‪[수미의 웃음]‬so we have more customers bringing their daughters in. [chuckles] And do you have a daughter?
‪고객님도 따님이 있으세요?‬And do you have a daughter?
‪전 아들만 하나 있어요‬Oh, no. I just have a son.
‪그럼 모녀가 다정하게‬ ‪쇼핑하는 거 보면 부러우시겠다‬You must get jealous whenever you see a mother and daughter shopping.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬You must get jealous whenever you see a mother and daughter shopping.
‪딸 원하시면‬ ‪지금도 늦지 않으셨어요‬It's not too late to have a daughter, you know.
‪[수미와 점원의 웃음]‬[both chuckle]
‪(수연) 아, 그러니까‬ ‪넌 그냥 옆에서 구경만 하라고‬Well, then, you can just stand next to me and look.
‪그 브랜드 정가로 하면‬ ‪얼마나 비싼 줄 알아?‬You know how expensive this place is, don't you?
‪지금 할인할 때 안 사면‬ ‪평생 못 사, 응?‬If I miss this sale, I'll never be able to get a new bag.
‪- (영우) 어유‬ ‪- (수연) 아, 왜?‬[Young-woo groans] [Su-yeon] What is it?
‪(수연) 너도 하나 사‬-Hey, you should get one too. -[Young-woo] I'm fine.
‪(영우) 난 괜찮아‬-Hey, you should get one too. -[Young-woo] I'm fine.
‪(수연) 가방, 어? 가방 사자‬[Su-yeon] Look at this old thing. You need to step up your game.
‪이거 맨날 똑같은 거 메지 말고‬[Su-yeon] Look at this old thing. You need to step up your game.
‪(영우) 백화점 싫어‬[Young-woo] I don't like department stores.
‪(수연) 이제 좋아하게 될 거야‬-[Su-yeon] That's all about to change. -[Young-woo groans]
‪[영우의 질색하는 소리]‬-[Su-yeon] That's all about to change. -[Young-woo groans]
‪[수연의 들뜬 숨소리]‬ ‪(수연) 신난다‬[Su-yeon] Ah! I'm so excited.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[mysterious music playing]
‪(수연) 뭐 해?‬ ‪[영우의 놀란 숨소리]‬-What are you doing? -[gasps] Let's go.
‪가자‬Let's go. Again? [sighs]
‪(영우) [한숨 쉬며] 또?‬Again? [sighs]
‪[못마땅한 소리]‬Again? [sighs]
‪[수연이 입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬Oh, we should get some ice cream before we go.
‪(수연) 우리 밥 먹으러 갈래‬ ‪식품관?‬Oh, we should get some ice cream before we go. -Let's just go. -Don't be a stick in the mud.
‪(영우) 그만 집에 가‬-Let's just go. -Don't be a stick in the mud.
‪(수연) 으응‬ ‪[영우의 질색하는 소리]‬-Let's just go. -Don't be a stick in the mud.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[emotional music playing]
‪(한수) 마을이 반으로 쪼개져서‬[Han-su] It's splitting the town in half
‪따로따로‬ ‪고립이 되는 거라고, 이거‬ ‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬and isolating each side. That's what it does.
‪(한수) 그렇게 막‬ ‪사라져 버려도 괜찮은‬This isn't a neighborhood that can just disappear like that.
‪그런 동네는 아니란 말입니다‬This isn't a neighborhood that can just disappear like that. [Su-yeon] This is all material on Happiness Road?
‪(수연) 이게 다‬ ‪행복로 관련 자료들이에요?‬ ‪[빨리 감기 효과음]‬[Su-yeon] This is all material on Happiness Road?
‪(수연) 태수미 변호사 맞죠?‬That's Attorney Tae Su-mi, right?
‪- (민우) 왜 왕이 직접 나왔어?‬ ‪- (영우) 왕?‬That's Attorney Tae Su-mi, right? -Why is the king here herself? -"King"?
‪(수연) 준호 씨가‬ ‪너 좋아하는 거 같은데?‬[Su-yeon] I think the one Jun-ho likes is you.
‪누군가 나를 좋아하는 건‬ ‪쉽지 않아‬It's not easy for someone to like me. Does your heart go "boom boom" like crazy?
‪심장이 막‬ ‪팍 바운스 바운스 두근대?‬Does your heart go "boom boom" like crazy?
‪그런 적도 있어‬-There have been times like that. -You totally like him!
‪(그라미) 야, 너 완전 좋아하네!‬-There have been times like that. -You totally like him!
‪제가 이준호 씨를‬ ‪좋아하는지 아닌지‬I want to check whether or not I like you.
‪(영우) 확인하고 싶습니다‬

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