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  소년 심판 6

Juvenile Justice 6


Tonight, the prosecution charged the teaching staff and parents
‪문광고등학교 집단 시험지‬ ‪유출 사건과 관련해‬Tonight, the prosecution charged the teaching staff and parents of Moonkwang High School
‪교직원과 학부모들을‬ ‪업무 방해 혐의로‬of Moonkwang High School who were involved in the Exam Paper Leak Scandal
‪연화지방법원에‬ ‪불구속 기소 했습니다‬and forwarded the case to Yeonhwa District Court.
‪(앵커) 집단 시험지 유출 사건은‬[anchor] The corruption scandal involved a special student club named Descartes
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪부모의 재력과 명예 등‬[anchor] The corruption scandal involved a special student club named Descartes
‪상위 3%에 꼽히는 자녀들만‬whose members are exclusively students with wealthy and renowned parents,
‪특수 동아리 데카르트에 가입시켜‬whose members are exclusively students with wealthy and renowned parents, the top three percent of the school.
‪약 1년간 시험지를 유출한‬ ‪사건인데요‬The club leaked exam papers to its members for about a year.
‪(라디오 속 앵커) 연루된 학생들이‬ ‪모두 혐의를 강력 부인 함에 따라‬As the students involved strongly denied the charge,
‪정식 형사 재판으로 기소해‬the case was then forwarded to Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division
‪소년형사합의부에서 담당하기로‬to Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division and it will be dealt with at the criminal court.
‪재정 합의 결정을 내렸습니…‬ ‪[자동차 버튼음]‬and it will be dealt with at the criminal court.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[deep breath]
‪(법원장) 그 전에‬[Jun-gi] Oh, before that…
‪이 사건과 깨끗한가?‬are you involved in this case at all?
‪(원중) 그러니까‬ ‪경찰이 집 앞에 왜!‬[Won-jung] What are the police doing at our house?
‪데카르트요‬[whimpers] Descartes.
‪저번 기말고사‬The final exams… I left the group right after…
‪금방 탈퇴했는데‬The final exams… I left the group right after…
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing]
‪(이환) 오랜만이다‬[I-hwan] It's been a while…
‪심은석‬Sim Eun-seok.
‪법원으로 바로 찾아가려다가‬I would, uh, go to the court, but…
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪안 놔?‬Let go.
‪여기서 내가‬ ‪몇 시간 기다렸는지 알아?‬Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?
‪그때 분명히 말했지?‬I thought I made myself clear…
‪다신 내 눈에 띄지 말라고‬that I never wanted to see you again.
‪죽여 버린다고‬Or else, I'd kill you.
‪(이환) 네 담당 교수님한테‬ ‪연락 왔어‬[I-hwan] Your doctor called me.
‪(이환) 네, 남궁이환입니다‬Hello? Namgung I-hwan, speaking.
‪(이환) 연락이 안 된다고‬[I-hwan] He couldn't get a hold of you.
‪무슨 일 생긴 거 아니냐고‬ ‪꼭 좀 찾아 달라고‬He was worried about you and asked me to find you.
‪너 몇 달째 상담도 안 나갔잖아‬You haven't gone to your counseling sessions.
‪잠은 좀 자는 거야?‬Have you been sleeping well?
‪밥은 챙겨 먹고?‬Have you been eating well?
‪너 그러다가 죽어!‬You're gonna die if you don't.
‪잊었나 본데‬Did you forget?
‪이미 난 죽었어‬Five years ago…
‪5년 전에‬that's when I died.
‪알잖아, 너도‬You know that, don't you?
‪[문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[은석의 거친 숨소리]‬-[door opens] -[Eun-seok pants]
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[electronic door beeps, opens]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬[electronic door closes, beeps]
‪경찰은?‬The police?
‪(원중 처) 어, 오늘 근처에‬ ‪무슨 뺑소니 사고가 났나 봐‬Uh, there was a hit-and-run in the area today
‪그, 그거 조사한다고‬so they're here for an investigation.
‪뭔 소리야?‬Explain this.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪내가 하지 말랬잖아!‬ ‪[원중 처의 비명]‬-I told you not to join! -[screams]
‪[신우의 아파하는 신음]‬[glass shatters] -[whimpers] -[Won-jung's wife] Sin-u.
‪(원중 처) 신우야‬-[whimpers] -[Won-jung's wife] Sin-u.
‪어머, 괜찮아? 너 괜찮은 거야?‬Are you okay? Are you okay, Sin-u? Are you okay?
‪[원중 처의 다급한 숨소리]‬Are you okay? Are you okay, Sin-u? Are you okay? [Won-jung's wife breathes nervously]
‪(원중 처) 딱 한 번이야‬ ‪지난 기말고사‬It was just once. Last semester's final exam.
‪그리고 금방 탈퇴했어‬ ‪당신이 하도 반대해서‬Then he left the club right away because you were against it, so…
‪그게 다야‬That's all.
‪아, 남들도 다 하니까!‬Everyone else was doing it too.
‪애들끼리도 누가 제의받았고‬ ‪누가 가입했는지조차 몰라‬Plus, no one knows everyone who's been in the club before.
‪총괄하는 교무부장 그 사람밖엔‬The only person who knows is Mr. Park, the teaching director.
‪그러니까‬The only person who knows is Mr. Park, the teaching director.
‪우리만 가만히 있으면‬-If we stay quiet-- -What are you talking about?
‪뭘 가만있어!‬-If we stay quiet-- -What are you talking about?
‪어떻게 가만있어!‬How can I stay quiet?
‪내가, 어?‬I… Uh…
‪내가 그 사건 담당 판사인데!‬I'm the one in charge of that miserable case!
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[breathes nervously]
‪(원중 처) 여보‬[Won-jung's wife] Honey…
‪그 사건‬This case…
‪오늘 나한테 넘어왔어‬[exhales] …was assigned to me today.
‪이럴 줄도 모르고‬Obviously, I didn't know…
‪그 사건 받기로 했다고‬so I decided to handle the case.
‪(원중 처) 그게 무슨 말이야?‬-[Won-jung's wife] What are you saying? -The whole country is watching this case.
‪(원중) 온 세상이‬ ‪지켜보고 있어, 인마!‬-[Won-jung's wife] What are you saying? -The whole country is watching this case.
‪봐주기식 선고 내릴 수도 없어!‬ ‪[신우가 흐느낀다]‬I can't let you off the hook or anyone involved.
‪내가 누구 아버지인지‬Everyone knows I'm his father. Do you really think the teaching director will stay quiet about it? Huh?
‪뻔히 다 알고 있을 텐데‬ ‪과연 교무부장이 가만있을까? 어?‬Do you really think the teaching director will stay quiet about it? Huh?
‪내 선고에 앙심 품고‬What if he tries to bring me down if he doesn't like my decision?
‪내 발목이라도 잡는 순간‬What if he tries to bring me down if he doesn't like my decision?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪우리 모두 다 끝장이라고‬Then that would be the end for all of us.
‪(원중 처) 그럼 우리 신우 어떡해?‬What's gonna happen to Sin-u?
‪우리 신우 고3인데‬You know he's a senior now.
‪[원중 처의 거친 신음]‬[Won-jung's wife crying]
‪[원중 처가 발을 탁 구른다]‬ ‪얘…‬[Won-jung's wife breathing heavily]
‪어떡해‬What do we do? What do we do? Oh, God.
‪나도 오늘‬I handed in…
‪사직서 냈어‬my resignation today.
‪22년 법관 인생‬I've been a judge for 22 years.
‪이게‬And this…
‪아버지의‬is the last case
‪마지막 재판이다‬that I'll be handling.
‪[원중 처의 당황한 숨소리]‬[Won-jung's wife breathing heavily]
‪(원중 처) 안 돼, 안 돼‬[Won-jung's wife] Honey… no.
‪안 돼‬No… Honey…
‪- 여보, 여보‬ ‪- (원중) 그러게‬No… Honey… Honey…
‪하지 말라면 좀 하지 말지!‬If you shouldn't do it, then don't do it! You didn't listen! Why?
‪대체 왜!‬If you shouldn't do it, then don't do it! You didn't listen! Why?
‪[원중 처의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathes nervously]
‪남들 다 하니까 그래서 했다고?‬You did it because everybody else did, huh?
‪그래서 우리가 지금‬That's why… we ended up here.
‪이 꼴인 거야‬That's the reason.
‪(원중 처) 안 돼, 절대 안 돼!‬Oh, no! No! No way!
‪안 돼!‬Oh, no! No! No way! [screams in desperation] What do I do? What do I do?
‪[발을 동동 구르며] 아, 어떡해‬ ‪어떡해, 어떡해‬[screams in desperation] What do I do? What do I do?
‪아유, 신우야‬[screams in desperation] What do I do? What do I do? [crying] Sin-u…
‪신우야, 아, 여보, 여보‬[crying loudly] Oh! Honey, what do we do?
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬[theme music]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screeching]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[시동음이 뚝 꺼진다]‬
‪[한숨]‬[Won-jung sighs]
‪(원중 처) 딱 한 번이야‬ ‪지난 기말고사‬[Won-jung's wife] It was just once. Last semester's final exam.
‪그리고 금방 탈퇴했어‬ ‪당신이 하도 반대해서‬Then he left the club right away because you were against it, so…
‪그게 다야‬That's all.
‪(태주) 부장님‬[Tae-ju] Mr. Kang.
‪[쓱쓱 쓰는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[종이가 사락거린다]‬[object clacks]
‪부장님?‬[Tae-ju] Mr. Kang. Mr. Kang.
‪부장님‬[Tae-ju] Mr. Kang. Mr. Kang.
‪(원중) 어‬[Won-jung] Yes?
‪어디까지 얘기했지?‬Sorry, uh, where were we?
‪문광고 사건까지 얘기하셨습니다‬You were talking about the Moonkwang case.
‪(원중) 어, 그래‬Oh. Right. [sucks teeth]
‪문광고등학교 집단 시험지‬ ‪유출 사건‬The Moonkwang High School Exam Paper Leak Scandal.
‪총 우리 법원으로‬ ‪넘어온 소년은 21명‬Our court is going to handle a total of 21 students.
‪한 학년에 6명씩 18명이‬ ‪합의부로 넘어왔고‬Eighteen of them, six in each grade, will be handled by the Collegiate Division.
‪당시 대기 명단에 있던 3명은‬And the other three who were on the wait list
‪보호 사건으로 넘어왔다‬will be handled as the protection case.
‪어, 이번 형사 사건 주심은‬ ‪심 판사야‬[clicks tongue] Uh, the presiding judge of this criminal case is Ms. Sim.
‪배당 확인했지?‬-You're aware of that, right? -Yes, I'm aware.
‪네, 확인했습니다‬-You're aware of that, right? -Yes, I'm aware.
‪(원중) 이게 뭐‬ ‪연루된 부모만 보면‬Some of the parents of the students involved
‪현직 국회 의원, 장관‬are congressmen, ministers,
‪뭐, 대학 병원 교수, 연예인‬doctors at the university hospitals, celebrities…
‪법조인까지 뭐‬…even lawyers and judicial officials.
‪사건이 쉽지 않을 거야‬This won't be an easy case.
‪저번 연화 초등생 사건 때보다‬ ‪뭐, 압박도 더 심할 테고‬You'll face more pressure with this case than you did with the Yeonhwa Child Murder case.
‪각오하고 있습니다‬than you did with the Yeonhwa Child Murder case. I'm ready for that.
‪그래서 말인데‬About the, uh, the three students who were on the wait list,
‪(원중) 당시 대기 명단에 있던‬ ‪세 명 말이야‬About the, uh, the three students who were on the wait list,
‪어, 이게 원래는‬ ‪주심 배려 차원에서‬uh, to lessen the burden of the presiding judge,
‪배석 판사인 차 판사가‬ ‪담당해야 하는 게 맞는데‬Judge Cha, the associate judge, is supposed to handle them.
‪하필 그중의 한 명이‬But unfortunately, one of them is a young offender
‪과거 심 판사‬ ‪담당 소년이었더라고‬But unfortunately, one of them is a young offender you have been in charge of.
‪네, 맞습니다‬Yes, that's right.
‪(원중) 이 합의부 주심에‬ ‪소년 보호 사건까지‬So, uh, you'd have to handle both the criminal case and the protection case.
‪좀 뭐, 좀 힘들지 않을까?‬So, uh, you'd have to handle both the criminal case and the protection case. Wouldn't, uh, wouldn't it be too tough?
‪내가 수석 부장님하고 상의해서‬ ‪재배당 신청해 놓을 테…‬You know, I could talk to the chief judge -and tell to reassign the case-- -[Eun-seok] No.
‪(은석) 아니요, 문제없습니다‬-and tell to reassign the case-- -[Eun-seok] No. That's not a problem.
‪[당황한 웃음]‬Mm-hmm.
‪그래, 뭐, 그럼‬[deep inhale] Sounds good then.
‪그렇게 하는 걸로 하지‬Then let's get to it.
‪(은석) 네‬[Eun-seok] Yes, sir.
‪[문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬[doorknob clicks] [door closes]
‪- (범) 회의 끝나셨어요?‬ ‪- (은석) 네‬-[Beom] Is the meeting over? -Yes.
‪- (영실) 다들 오셨습니까‬ ‪- (태주) 예, 안녕하세요‬Good morning. -Hey, how are you? -Good.
‪(영실) 예‬-Hey, how are you? -Good.
‪아, 이게 그, 문광고 사건이에요?‬Oh, are these the, uh, Moonkwang case documents?
‪예, 소년 보호 사건 기록부터‬ ‪먼저 넘어왔습니다‬Yes. We got documents for the protection case first.
‪(영실) 대기 명단에 있던‬ ‪그 세 명이요‬The records of the three students who were on the wait list.
‪보호 사건 일정은 어떻게 할까요?‬What's the protection case schedule?
‪(태주) 아, 저는 그…‬Well, I, uh…
‪살펴보는 사건이 있어서‬ ‪다시 연락을 드릴게요‬I have to look into it first, so I'll get back to you.
‪네, 알겠습니다, 판사님은요?‬Yes, sir. What about you, Judge Sim?
‪형사 재판 개시되면 바쁠 테니까‬We'll get busy once the criminal trial starts,
‪일단 서둘러 봅시다‬so we have to hurry.
‪(은석) 최대한 빠른 날짜로‬ ‪기일부터 잡을 테니까‬I'll set a date as soon as possible,
‪기일에 맞춰서‬so please summon the teachers in charge to testify in court.
‪담임 선생님도 참고인으로‬ ‪출석 요청하세요‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬so please summon the teachers in charge to testify in court.
‪(신우) 자수할게요‬[Sin-u] I'll turn myself in.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathes nervously]
‪다 저 때문이잖아요‬It's all my fault.
‪[울먹이며] 안 그래도‬ ‪그 일 때문에‬I'm so upset about it that
‪잠도 못 자고‬I can't even sleep now.
‪너무 힘들었는데‬It's making me anxious.
‪차라리 잘됐어요‬It's the best thing to do.
‪자수해요‬I'll turn myself in. That's what I'll do.
‪자수할게요‬I'll turn myself in. That's what I'll do.
‪(원중 처) 신우야‬Sin-u.
‪넌 무슨 애가 그 모양이냐‬What the heck is wrong with you? What do you mean, the best thing to do?
‪(원중) 뭐가 차라리 잘돼‬What the heck is wrong with you? What do you mean, the best thing to do?
‪이제 고3인데‬ ‪자수하면 어쩌자는 건데‬You're a senior now. What will you do after that?
‪말을 할 땐, 인마!‬Stop and think for a minute before you say all that nonsense
‪제발 생각이란 걸 좀 하고 말해!‬Stop and think for a minute before you say all that nonsense -for God's sake! -Sweetheart.
‪- (원중 처) 여보‬ ‪- 아무리 이해하려고 해도!‬-for God's sake! -Sweetheart. No matter how hard I try to, I just can't understand you!
‪이해할 수가 없어!‬No matter how hard I try to, I just can't understand you!
‪다른 사람도 아니고!‬You are my son!
‪강원중 아들이!‬You're not just anyone!
‪(원중) 죄 없는 아비까지‬ ‪물귀신처럼 붙잡지 말고‬Don't drag me down with you because I'm innocent.
‪죽으려거든‬If you want to end your life,
‪너 혼자 나가서 죽어, 이 새끼야‬you end your life by yourself.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬[ominous music]
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬[knocks on door]
‪(수미) 부장님‬Mr. Kang.
‪언론 중재 위원회 일정 맞추시려면‬ ‪지금 출발하셔야 됩니다‬If you don't leave now, you'll be late to the Press Arbitration Commission meeting.
‪어, 어‬Oh.
‪(부장1) 어, 강 부장‬[Jeong-seok] Hey, Mr. Kang.
‪아, 이거 섭섭해서 어떡해‬Oh, I'm sad to hear the news.
‪딴 사람은 몰라도 강 부장만큼은‬ ‪법복 오래 입을 줄 알았는데‬I don't know, I thought you'd stay at court until you retire. Huh?
‪(부장2) 강 부장‬ ‪정계로 진출한다며?‬Huh? [principal manager] Mr. Kang. I heard you're going into politics.
‪놀라기는‬[chuckles] Are you surprised?
‪이제 온 대한민국 사람들이‬ ‪다 아는데‬Well, everyone in the country heard the news.
‪(TV 속 앵커) 오늘 자유당에서‬ ‪'시사N이슈'의 출연자이자‬[newscaster] Today, the Liberty Party nominated Kang Won-jung,
‪연화지법 소년형사합의부‬ ‪강원중 부장 판사를‬a panel member of Current Events N Issues and a judge at Yeonhwa District Court,
‪오는 10월로 예정된‬ ‪보궐 선거의 후보로 지명했습니다‬a panel member of Current Events N Issues and a judge at Yeonhwa District Court, for the by-election scheduled to be held this October.
‪이에 따라 연화지법은‬The Exam Paper Leak Scandal of Moonkwang High School
‪이번 문광고등학교 집단 시험지‬ ‪유출 사건을 마지막으로‬The Exam Paper Leak Scandal of Moonkwang High School will be his last case.
‪판사님, 저, 이것 좀…‬Judge Sim, there's news, huh.
‪이, 부장님 기사인데‬Well, it's about Mr. Kang.
‪[태주의 당황한 웃음]‬ ‪뭔데?‬-Uh… -What is it?
‪[신호음 알림음]‬[pedestrian beeps] [pedestrian automated voice] You may now start crossing.
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬[crying]
‪[기자들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪- (기자1) 나오신다!‬ ‪- (기자2) 나온다, 나온다‬[indistinct chatter] -[reporter 1] It's him. -[reporter 2] Here he comes!
‪(기자3) 나온다, 나온다‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬-[reporter 1] It's him. -[reporter 2] Here he comes! [camera shutters clicking]
‪[출입문 조작음]‬[camera shutters clicking]
‪(기자4) 갑자기 정계로 진출하신‬ ‪이유가 뭡니까?‬[reporters chattering]
‪(기자5) 22년간 몸담으셨던‬ ‪법원을 떠나시는데‬[reporters chattering] [reporter 3] You're leaving the court after 22 years.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪소감 부탁드립니다‬Please tell us how you feel.
‪(기자4) 그럼 '시사N이슈'에서도‬ ‪하차하시는 겁니까?‬Please tell us how you feel. [reporter 4] Are you leaving Current Events N Issues, too?
‪(기자5) 판사님!‬ ‪한마디 부탁드립니다!‬[reporter 5] Please say something, Mr. Kang!
‪(기자4) 한 말씀만 해 주시죠!‬ ‪[기자들이 소란스럽다]‬[reporter 5] Please say something, Mr. Kang! Mr. Kang!
‪보도는 잘 보셨습니까?‬Did you watch the news tonight?
‪예‬ ‪[옅은 헛기침]‬Yes.
‪(준기) 아시다시피‬ ‪최근 법사위 문제로‬As you know, my party's approval rating dropped
‪당 지지도가 많이 떨어져서‬ ‪걱정이 많았는데‬because of the Judiciary Committee so I was very worried.
‪역시 강원중 판사님이십니다‬But you saved me, Judge Kang.
‪기대 이상이에요‬ ‪반응이 아주 좋습니다‬It's better than I expected. The response is very positive.
‪[준기의 웃음]‬It's better than I expected. The response is very positive. We need to row even harder when the tide is rising.
‪이렇게 물이 들어왔을 때‬ ‪힘껏 저어 줘야 되는데‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬We need to row even harder when the tide is rising.
‪[준기의 웃음]‬[Jun-gi chuckles]
‪아, 예‬Go ahead.
‪(신우) 아빠, 죄송해요‬[Sin-u] Dad. I'm sorry.
‪문광고‬Moonkwang. You're in charge of that case, right?
‪집단 시험지 유출 사건‬Moonkwang. You're in charge of that case, right?
‪판사님 담당이시죠?‬The Exam Paper Leak?
‪예, 그, 그렇습니다마는‬Yes. That's right, I am.
‪그 사건만 잘 마무리하십시오‬Make sure it all goes well in court.
‪그래서 분위기를 아예‬ ‪우리 쪽으로 끌고 오는 겁니다‬That way, we can keep turning the tables in our favor.
‪(준기) 마침 국회에서도‬ ‪말이 많거든요‬Everyone is talking about it.
‪자식 교육은 기본 중의 기본인데‬Educating our kids is one of the pillars of society.
‪야당 의원이 연루가 되는 바람에‬One of the opposition members is involved in it.
‪[준기의 웃음]‬[laughs] [deep inhale, clears throat]
‪[헛기침]‬ ‪[컵을 탁 든다]‬[deep inhale, clears throat]
‪(준기) 정치는 이미지입니다‬[Jun-gi] Politics is all about presenting a good image.
‪판사님 인품이야 제가 잘 알지만‬I'm well aware of your character as a judge
‪이제 그 어떤 구설수나‬ ‪사건에 휘말려선 안 됩니다‬but just make sure you don't get involved in any incidents and rumors.
‪평소처럼‬Just keep doing
‪늘 해 오시던 대로‬what you always do, right?
‪진짜 시작은 지금부터니까‬Because this is the real beginning,
‪강원중 의원님‬Congressman Kang Won-jung.
‪[준기의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪[원중의 어깨를 토닥인다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬[car door opens]
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬[car door closes]
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrates]
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[원중의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Won-jung panting, grunts]
‪(경비원) 응급실 출입 카드가‬ ‪없으면 출입할 수 없습니다‬[guard] You can't go without an access card, sir.
‪(원중) 제가 보호자입니다‬ ‪저기 제 아들이 있어요‬-No, I'm the guardian. My son is in there. -I'm sorry, sir. I said, my son is in there!
‪저 안에 내 아들 있다니까!‬I said, my son is in there!
‪너 때문에‬Because of you…
‪너 때문에 우리 신우가‬Because of you, Sin-u…
‪(원중 처) 우리 신우가…‬Our son, Sin-u…
‪[원중 처가 오열한다]‬[crying loudly]
‪(원중) 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜‬Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What happened, huh?
‪어? 신우‬ ‪신우 어떻게 됐는데, 어?‬Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What happened, huh? Sin-u… What happened to Sin-u? -Huh? -[crying loudly]
‪말을 해야 알 거 아니야!‬-Huh? -[crying loudly] Tell me what happened!
‪빨간불에 뛰어들었대‬He was right in front of the police station
‪경찰서 앞 횡단보도에서‬and he jumped into the road
‪[원중 처가 오열한다]‬-[Won-jung heaving] -[Won-jung's wife sobbing]
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬-[dramatic thud] -[faint siren blaring]
‪(원중 처) 빨간불에 뛰어들었대‬[Won-jung's wife] He jumped into a road when the light was red.
‪경찰서 앞 횡단보도에서‬At a crosswalk in front of the police station.
‪- (원중 처) 여보‬ ‪- (원중) 아무리 이해하려고 해도!‬-[Won-jung's wife] Honey-- -No matter how hard I try,
‪이해할 수가 없어!‬I can't understand you!
‪(원중) 죽으려거든‬ ‪너 혼자 나가서 죽어, 이 새끼야‬If you want to end your life, you end your life by yourself.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[melancholy music]
‪(원중 처) 이제 속이 좀 시원하니?‬[Won-jung's wife] Are you happy? Are you happy now?
‪애 몰아세우니 이제 편해?‬Do you feel good about pushing him to the edge?
‪그게 왜 나 때문이야‬Why am I getting the blame?
‪(원중) 처음부터‬ ‪그런 짓 하지 말았어야지‬You shouldn't have done it in the first place.
‪그깟 공부 좀 못하면 어때서‬What's wrong with getting poor grades?
‪그러게 왜 그런 짓을…‬[sighs] -Why on earth do you do that? -"What's wrong with getting poor grades?"
‪'공부 좀 못하면 어때서'?‬-Why on earth do you do that? -"What's wrong with getting poor grades?"
‪네가 몰아세웠잖아‬You were really hard on him.
‪(원중 처) 걔가 왜 그랬겠어‬Why do you think he did that?
‪너한테 인정받으려고‬ ‪너한테 관심받고 싶어서‬He wanted you to acknowledge him, he wanted to get your attention.
‪툭하면 정우랑 비교하고‬Because you kept comparing him to Jeong-u and looking down on him.
‪하도 애를 무시하니까‬Because you kept comparing him to Jeong-u and looking down on him.
‪뭐, 뭐?‬-[stammers] What? -[Won-jung's wife scoffs]
‪[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]‬[silverware clinking]
‪(원중) 야‬Hey.
‪이 성적에도 밥이 넘어가냐?‬How can you eat after getting these grades?
‪네 동생은 고1인데도, 어?‬Your brother is only a sophomore…
‪이거 올 1등급인데‬…but he got straight As.
‪[원중의 한숨]‬[Won-jung sighs]
‪이제 고3 올라갈 놈이‬You're gonna be a senior soon.
‪너 대학 갈 생각은 있는 거야?‬Do you want to go to college?
‪(원중 처) 신우도‬ ‪실수만 안 했으면 올 1등급이었어‬Sin-u could get straight As too. He just made a few mistakes.
‪(원중) 실수도 실력이야‬Good students don't make mistakes.
‪아무짝에도 쓸모없는 놈‬You're good for nothing.
‪너한테 인마, 부족한 게 뭐야‬What's your excuse? What do you lack?
‪집이 가난해서 뭐, 뭐‬ ‪등록금 걱정을 해, 어?‬Do you have to worry about tuition because you're poor? Or do you have to make a living?
‪밥 세끼 걱정을 해?‬Or do you have to make a living?
‪따뜻한 집에서, 어? 용돈 주지‬You live in a cozy house, you have money, cram schools and private tutors.
‪학원에 과외에‬You live in a cozy house, you have money, cram schools and private tutors.
‪아이고, 씨‬For God's sake, all you have to do is study. Why can't you do it well?
‪아, 그깟 뭐‬ ‪공부 하나 제대로 못해?‬For God's sake, all you have to do is study. Why can't you do it well?
‪난 인마, 찢어지는 환경에서도‬-I grew up in an extremely poor family… -[sobbing]
‪장학금 받으면서‬ ‪학교 다녔어, 인마‬…and I get a full scholarship, man.
‪아, 오늘은 그만해요, 여보‬That's enough, my love.
‪로스쿨? 어? 로스쿨…‬Law school, huh? Law…
‪[울먹인다]‬ ‪- (원중) 다 때려치워, 인마‬ ‪- (원중 처) 아유, 진짜‬-Forget about law school, you prick. -[Won-jung's wife] Oh, for goodness' sake.
‪그래서 택한 게‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬So joining Descartes, uh, his only choice?
‪고작 데카르트냐?‬So joining Descartes, uh, his only choice?
‪(원중 처) [울며]‬ ‪내가 그러자 그랬어‬I told him to do it.
‪실수 잦은 영어만‬Just for the English exam.
‪그게 처음이자 마지막이었어‬That was the first time and the last.
‪딱 한 번 하더니 저 스스로‬ ‪못 하겠다고 관두겠다더라‬He did it once and then, he quit. Saying he couldn't do it anymore.
‪네가 민 거야, 우리 신우‬You pushed him to do it.
‪감정적으로 사람 몰아붙이지 말고‬Don't be so emotional about that.
‪자식 일에 감정적이지 않으면‬If you're not emotional about your children,
‪넌 대체 언제 감정적인데‬If you're not emotional about your children, when are you supposed to be emotional then?
‪(원중 처) 내가 모를 줄 알아?‬You think I don't know?
‪고3이니 입시니‬ ‪그런 거 다 핑계잖아‬His grades and college are just excuses.
‪그 대단하신 네 커리어‬Your amazing career.
‪그 꿈에 그리던 의원 배지‬Your new dream position.
‪그거 다 망칠까 봐‬ ‪애 몰아세운 거잖아‬You were afraid of ruining it all so you pushed him.
‪애 미래가 아니라‬ ‪네 앞길에 피해 갈까 봐‬You're only worried about your future, not his.
‪야, 너 무슨 말을 그…‬Hey. Come on, how can you even…
‪(원중 처) 근데 그거 알아?‬[Won-jung's wife] But you know what?
‪그날 경찰들이 집 앞에 왔을 때‬When the police were at our door that night,
‪제일 먼저 연락한 사람‬the first person he called
‪너였어‬was you.
‪신우가 2년 넘게‬Do you know what time he went to bed and got up
‪몇 시에 자고‬Do you know what time he went to bed and got up
‪몇 시에 일어나는지 알긴 하니?‬for over two years?
‪하루에 세 시간도 못 자‬He slept less than three hours a day.
‪그것도 수면제 없으면 잠 못 들고‬And he can't fall asleep without sleeping pills.
‪걔도 목숨 걸었다고‬He was risking his life
‪너한테 인정받고 싶어서‬just to get you to acknowledge him.
‪관심받고 싶어서‬And to get attention from you.
‪[신호등 알림음]‬[phone rings]
‪(원중 처) 신호가‬ ‪몇 번이나 바뀌는 동안‬[Won-jung's wife] The police said he was just standing there
‪거기서 혼자 꼼짝 않고 있더래‬while the light changed several times.
‪거기서 혼자 무슨 생각 했을까‬What was he thinking there?
‪혼자서 얼마나 무서웠을까‬I'm sure he was very scared.
‪얼마나 외로웠을까‬I'm sure he was lonely.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[somber music rises]
‪(신우) 아빠, 회사세요?‬[Sin-u] Are you at work, Dad?
‪아빠, 저 오늘 시험 잘 쳤어요‬Dad. I did well on the exam today.
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪(신우) 아빠, 식사하셨어요?‬Did you eat, Dad?
‪아빠, 집에 늦게 오세요?‬Are you coming home late, Dad?
‪아빠‬Dad, are you going to be home late?
‪아빠, 오늘 늦으세요?‬Dad, are you going to be home late?
‪(원중 처) 당신이 민 거야‬[Won-jung's wife] You were the one who pushed Sin-u.
‪우리 신우‬[Won-jung's wife] You were the one who pushed Sin-u.
‪[어두운 음악]‬[mysterious music]
‪(원중 처) 욕심 버리고‬[Won-jung's wife] We have to let it all go.
‪우리 신우 바라는 대로 해 주자‬We have to let Sin-u follow his own path.
‪힘들었다잖아‬He had a hard time.
‪뛰어들 만큼 괴로웠다잖아‬He was so stressed out that he jumped into the road.
‪우리가 내려놓자, 여보‬-We have to let it go, honey. -[sniffles]
‪[한숨]‬[deep breath]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[sniffles]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[phone beeps] CALLING ASSEMBLYMAN EOM JUN-GI
‪(원중) 예, 저‬[ringing continues] Mr. Eom.
‪강원중입니다‬This is Kang Won-jung.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[siren blaring in distance]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬[siren blaring in distance] -[birds twittering] -[car horns honking]
‪(은석) 본인 이름과‬ ‪소속을 말씀해 주시죠‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Eun-seok] Please tell me your name and your occupation.
‪(교사1) 이름 박태수‬ ‪문광고 교사입니다‬My name is Park Tae-su, I'm a teacher at Moonkwang High School.
‪보호 재판 받는 이석현 담임이고요‬In charge of Lee Seok-hyeon sitting right here.
‪예민한 시기에‬Thank you for…
‪법정까지 참석해 주셔서‬ ‪고맙습니다‬coming to the court at a time like this.
‪(은석) 기록을 검토하던 중에 제가‬There were a few things that I couldn't understand
‪이해가 가지 않는 부분이 있어서요‬when I was reviewing the records.
‪(교사1) 네‬[Tae-su] Okay. [deep inhale] I won't beat around the bush.
‪돌려 말하지 않겠습니다‬[deep inhale] I won't beat around the bush.
‪학교가 이런 일까지 벌이는‬Can you please explain to me
‪근본적인 이유가 뭡니까?‬why the school would do such a thing?
‪솔직히 말해서 진학률이죠‬It's because of the acceptance rate.
‪(교사1) '너희 학교‬ ‪서울대 몇 명 보냈어?'가‬[Tae-su] "How many students did the school send to SNU?"
‪학부모들의 기준이니까요‬That's the first thing parents consider.
‪날이 갈수록 학생 수는 줄어들고‬And that number is decreasing every year.
‪(교사2) 저희 문광고는‬ ‪수시와 정시…‬And that number is decreasing every year. 2018 COLLEGE ADMISSION CONFERENCE
‪(교사1) 학교 간의 경쟁은‬ ‪엄청 치열해지니까요‬[Tae-su] While the competition between schools is getting fiercer…
‪(교사2) 교육 프로그램을‬ ‪운영하고 있습니다‬[Tae-su] While the competition between schools is getting fiercer…
‪(교사1) 대학 진학률 떨어지면‬if our college acceptance rate drops, a lot of parents call us to complain.
‪학부모들 항의 전화 엄청 옵니다‬if our college acceptance rate drops, a lot of parents call us to complain.
‪저희 학교가요‬For many years, Moonkwang was the number one high school
‪학부모들이 가장 보내고 싶어 하는‬ ‪고등학교로‬For many years, Moonkwang was the number one high school that parents wanted to enroll their children in.
‪몇 년간 계속 1위였다가‬that parents wanted to enroll their children in.
‪지금은 5위 안에도 못 듭니다‬But now, it's not even in the top five.
‪학교 말아먹으려고 작정들 했어?‬Are you all trying to destroy us?
‪(교사1) 이 정도면 아무리‬ ‪명문 사립 고등학교라고 해도‬[Tae-su] At this rate, soon enough, it will get shut down.
‪휘청이는 건 한순간이거든요‬Even though it's a prestigious private school.
‪작년 처음 유출하기 전 그해‬Before the first leak last year,
‪재수생까지 포함해서‬only two people got into SNU and one of them was actually a graduate.
‪서울대를 두 명밖에 못 보냈습니다‬only two people got into SNU and one of them was actually a graduate.
‪그래서 만든 게 데카르트고요‬-That's why we started Descartes. -[Eun-seok] That means…
‪(은석) 그럼‬-That's why we started Descartes. -[Eun-seok] That means…
‪데카르트의 가입 기준은‬that the criteria for selection were the grades, am I right?
‪성적이어야 하지 않습니까?‬that the criteria for selection were the grades, am I right?
‪(석현 모) 성적 맞아요‬Grades? Exactly.
‪부모의 재력이 곧 성적이니까‬And wealthy kids get good grades.
‪우리 때만 하더라도‬When I was little, going to SNU wasn't that hard
‪공부만 잘하면 서울대 가는 거‬ ‪어렵지 않았죠‬When I was little, going to SNU wasn't that hard if your grades were good.
‪물론 저도 서울대 출신이고‬So naturally, I went to SNU.
‪근데 요즘에요, 턱도 없어요‬But these days, it's far from enough.
‪부모가 관심 가지고‬ ‪돈으로 밀어줄 수 없으면‬If your parents aren't willing and able to support you financially,
‪꿈도 못 꾸는 게 서울대라‬you can't even dream of getting in.
‪[학생들이 저마다 대화한다]‬[students chattering]
‪(강사) 석현이 이건 무조건!‬[math teacher] Seok-hyeon. I'm 100 percent sure
‪무조건 수능에 출제된다고‬ ‪봐야 되는 거니까‬that this question will be on the SAT exam.
‪왜 그렇게 되는지‬ ‪미분 가능성의 정의를 통해서‬And you should be able to apply the differentiability theorem to answer why.
‪대답할 수 있는‬ ‪석현이가 돼야 된다‬And you should be able to apply the differentiability theorem to answer why.
‪- 정말 중요해요‬ ‪- (석현) 네‬It's very important. Okay.
‪(컨설턴트) 지금 보내 드린‬ ‪추천 도서들을‬[man] He should read all the recommended books
‪전권 읽는 걸 목표로 하고‬on the list I sent you just now.
‪봉사 활동은‬ ‪병원 자원봉사자에 지원해‬And also, I advised him to do some volunteer work
‪1년 정도 다니도록 하세요‬at a hospital for about a year.
‪(컨설턴트) 그리고 지금 하고 있는‬ ‪그 자율 동아리보다‬And he should join the TED lecture-discussion group.
‪테드 강의를 듣고‬ ‪토론하는 동아리로‬It's better than the one he's in now.
‪(교수) 외과 수술에서‬ ‪가장 중요한 게 뭘까?‬[teacher] Do you know what the person…
‪(석현 모) 학종 하나만 보더라도‬[Seok-hyeon's mom] In order to get good grades at school, the students need to go to cram schools to study literature, English, and math,
‪기본 국영수 내신 학원 다녀야지‬the students need to go to cram schools to study literature, English, and math,
‪그 학원 레벨을 위한‬ ‪새끼 과외 해야지‬the students need to go to cram schools to study literature, English, and math, but they need private lessons just to get into cram school.
‪수행 평가 도와줄‬ ‪대학원생 붙여야지‬but they need private lessons just to get into cram school. We also need a higher graduate student to help them with their assignments.
‪뭐, 그뿐인가?‬We also need a higher graduate student to help them with their assignments. That's not all. Volunteer work and other activities are also important.
‪교내 봉사 활동, 동아리 활동‬That's not all. Volunteer work and other activities are also important.
‪교과 심화 탐구 보고서‬That's not all. Volunteer work and other activities are also important. Like writing research papers, participating in contests,
‪교내 대회, 독서 관리‬Like writing research papers, participating in contests,
‪입시 상담에 자기소개서 면접까지‬Like writing research papers, participating in contests, reading books, attending admission briefings, writing a resume and having interviews.
‪이게 다 돈이랍니다, 돈‬All of that requires money too.
‪(은석) 그런데 왜 아무도‬ ‪거절하지 않았던 거죠?‬Then how come no one refused to join the club?
‪그냥 하던 대로‬ ‪하시면 되지 않습니까‬They could have just done what you described.
‪경쟁이잖아요‬Because it's a competition.
‪내가 거절하면‬ ‪어차피 다른 누군가가 차지할 텐데‬If he doesn't join the club, then someone else will come along and take the spot.
‪(석현 모) 아니‬ ‪그걸 왜 거절해요? 누구 좋으라고?‬then someone else will come along and take the spot. Should he waste this opportunity? For what reason?
‪1, 2점 차이로 전교 1등이‬ ‪전교 10등 밖으로 밀려나는 거?‬Just one or two points are enough to get him from first place down to tenth.
‪한순간이에요, 판사님‬With all due respect, Your Honor, if you were me, would you say no?
‪판사님이라면 거절할 수 있겠어요?‬if you were me, would you say no?
‪여기 애들이 공부를 못해서‬ ‪그 시험지를 받은 게 아니라고요‬The reason the kids got the exam papers wasn't because their grades weren't good.
‪그 시험지를 받고‬They got them because it saved them time
‪그 시간에 딴걸 더‬ ‪준비할 수 있어서 받은 거지‬They got them because it saved them time and they can work on other things instead.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪여기 사정 모르는 사람들이야‬And that's why these people who don't know anything about it
‪뭐, 우리들 보고‬ ‪미쳤다고 욕하겠지만‬And that's why these people who don't know anything about it have been calling us crazy.
‪지금 여기요?‬But you know what?
‪판사님, 지금 여기‬Your Honor, this right here is a bloody war for our place in the college.
‪피 튀기는 전쟁 중이랍니다‬ ‪전쟁 중‬this right here is a bloody war for our place in the college.
‪학교는 이미 내신 따는‬ ‪입시 센터로 추락한 지 오래고‬High school has merely been a place for academic report for college.
‪그러니 교무부장도 너, 너, 너‬That's why the teaching director
‪찍어서 될 놈만 밀어주자‬selected only prospective ones and supported them.
‪뭐, 그런 거 아니겠어요?‬selected only prospective ones and supported them.
‪근데 재판은 언제까지 하죠?‬By the way, when does this trial end?
‪한 시간 뒤에 우리 석현이‬ ‪영어 과외가 있어서 그러는데‬Seok-hyeon has a private English lesson in an hour.
‪뭐, 보통 이런 건‬ ‪집에 일찍 보내 준다고 들었는데‬I heard that this kind of trial didn't take too long.
‪아닙니까?‬I heard that this kind of trial didn't take too long. Is that right?
‪다음 기일엔 이석현 보호자는‬ ‪밖에서 대기하라고 하세요‬Tell Seok-hyeon's guardian to wait outside next trial.
‪이석현한테만 질문할 게 있으니까‬Because I only have questions for him.
‪예, 그렇게 준비하겠습니다‬Yes, I'll do that, Ms. Sim.
‪(영실) 아이고‬ ‪진짜 뒤진다, 뒤져, 아휴‬Oh, man. This is freaking tough. I'm telling you.
‪- (범) 아, 방금‬ ‪- 어‬[Beom] Wasn't it shocking?
‪(범) 그 보호자도‬ ‪진짜 대단하지 않아요?‬[Beom] Wasn't it shocking? -Yeah. -I mean, that kid's guardian?
‪아, 좀 반성하는 척이라도‬ ‪좀 하든가‬-She didn't even pretend to feel sorry. -[Yeong-sil] I know, right?
‪(영실) 그러게 말이다‬-She didn't even pretend to feel sorry. -[Yeong-sil] I know, right?
‪야, 근데 한편으로는‬Well, on the other hand, though
‪내가 부모라면 그 제안을 단박에‬ ‪거절할 수 있을까 싶기도 하더라‬if I were a mom and I got an offer like that, I'm not sure I'd turn it down that easily.
‪내 자식이 그래 공부를 잘하는데‬I'm not sure I'd turn it down that easily. Especially if my kid have good grades.
‪(범) 그러니까 그 마음이‬But parents have no idea how suffocating that could turn out to be for their kids.
‪얼마나 자식들을‬ ‪숨 막히게 하는 건지‬But parents have no idea how suffocating that could turn out to be for their kids.
‪몰라서 그러는 겁니다‬But parents have no idea how suffocating that could turn out to be for their kids.
‪제가 이래 봬도‬ ‪강남 8학군 출신입니다, 쩝‬You know, I'm from Gangnam School District 8.
‪뭐, 물론 엄마는 날 포기하셨지만‬And, of course, my mom gave up on me.
‪니? 니? 니?‬Gave? Gave up?
‪지금 그 표정 뭡니까?‬What's with that look on your face? It's very displeasing.
‪저 굉장히 불쾌합니다‬What's with that look on your face? It's very displeasing.
‪내 표정 원래 이렇다, 문제 있나?‬That's just how my face is. Is that a problem?
‪[범의 한숨]‬
‪(범) OECD 청소년 자살률 1위에‬[Beom] Korea has one of the highest suicide rates.
‪1년에 드는 총 사교육비만‬ ‪20조 원 이상‬We spent over 20 trillion won a year in private education.
‪청소년 70%가 사교육을 받는‬ ‪우리 대한민국‬We spent over 20 trillion won a year in private education. Seventy percent of teenagers in Korea take private lessons.
‪이젠 좀 바뀔 때가 된 거죠‬It's about time we change, you know.
‪아니, 한참 늦은 거지‬We should have changed long ago.
‪그거는 내 때도 그랬다‬ ‪대학 수학 능력 시험‬Well, it was tough for me too. Scholastic aptitude test. You took it, right?
‪수능 맞죠?‬Scholastic aptitude test. You took it, right?
‪(영실) 여, 아, 학력고사, 예‬The SATs? Oh, it was another test, right?
‪아무튼 이 12년 공부 결과가‬Well, you know, the result of 12 years of education
‪단 한 번의 시험으로‬ ‪결정이 나니까‬was decided by that one test,
‪매년 터지는 수험생 자살 뉴스에‬so every year, there were test-takers who committed suicide.
‪그래 가지고 내신이나 수능으로‬ ‪서열 나누지 말고‬So eventually, they changed the system. Universities started to select students who did well in school
‪학교생활 열심히 한 학생들‬ ‪뽑아 보자고‬Universities started to select students who did well in school instead of ranking them by SAT scores.
‪제도를 요래 바꾼 건데‬ ‪결국은 또 이 사달이 났잖아‬instead of ranking them by SAT scores. But the same problems are still happening.
‪이게 뭐, 바뀐다고‬ ‪달라지겠나, 어?‬Would another change of system make any difference, huh?
‪야, 달라질 수나 있겠나‬Could it even be different?
‪꼭 달라질 필요는 없지‬It doesn't have to be any different.
‪(은석) 어떤 입시 전형을‬ ‪갖고 와도‬No matter what the system is, people will still cheat and it'll still cause side effects.
‪어차피 편법과 부작용은‬ ‪생길 거니까‬people will still cheat and it'll still cause side effects.
‪[은석이 종이를 사락 넘긴다]‬[paper flips]
‪그렇지만 법원이 이번 재판으로‬[paper flips] [Eun-seok] But the court can at least
‪기준 정도는‬ ‪제시할 수 있지 않을까?‬take this chance to set up standards.
‪어떤 기준이요?‬Standards. Like what?
‪아무리 입시가‬ ‪치열하고 절박하더라도‬No matter how intense and difficult it is to get into college,
‪시험지 앞에선‬has to be equal
‪모두가 평등해야 한다는 상식‬when they're sitting in front of the exam papers.
‪그렇죠‬That's true.
‪아닌 건 아닌 거니까‬You're right in saying that.
‪(준기) 예, 그건 아니죠‬[Jun-gi] This is not right.
‪선후가 잘못된 거 같은데요‬Don't put the cart before the horse.
‪'출마를 포기하겠다'가 아니라‬Before you withdraw from the election, you need to tell me why you want to give up.
‪왜 포기하겠는지가 먼저 아닙니까?‬you need to tell me why you want to give up.
‪언론 보도까지 다 낸 마당에‬We already made a press announcement.
‪이제 와 이런 식의 통보는 아니죠‬You can't just say you want to quit.
‪그게…‬I, uh…
‪(준기) 말씀을 하셔야‬ ‪납득을 하든 설득을 하든‬You need to tell me why so I can either be persuaded or persuade you.
‪할 거 아닙니까‬You need to tell me why so I can either be persuaded or persuade you.
‪제 아들도‬My son…
‪거기 회원이었답니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬was a member of that club.
‪그런데요?‬So what?
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(원중) 국밥 하나요‬Rice soup, please.
‪문광고등학교‬ ‪박현찬 교무부장님이시죠?‬ ‪[현찬이 켁켁거린다]‬Are you Director Park Hyeon-chan -from the Moonkwang High School? -[chokes]
‪앞만 보고 식사하세요‬Look ahead and keep eating.
‪저도 식사하러 왔으니까‬I'm just here to have a meal.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬[monitor beeping]
‪(원중) 제 아들이‬ ‪힘들어하고 있습니다‬[Won-jung] My son is having a hard time.
‪오, 오랫동안 고민했습니다‬I, uh, I thought about this for a long time.
‪아무리 고민을 해도‬And as tough as it might be,
‪제 결론은‬this is…
‪여기까지입니다‬this is my decision.
‪이제‬I, uh…
‪그만 모든 걸‬I want to let go…
‪내려놓겠습니다‬of everything.
‪(준기) 그게 정말 최선일까요?‬Do you really think that's for the best?
‪결론부터 말씀드리죠, 그래도‬I'll just cut to the chase now. You still… have to run for the election.
‪출마는 하셔야 합니다‬You still… have to run for the election.
‪당에서 모든 후보자 검증이 끝났고‬We've done background checks in all the candidates
‪언론 발표까지 했습니다‬ ‪이미 늦었어요‬and we've already made a press announcement. It's too late.
‪아…‬Uh… then…
‪- 그럼‬ ‪- (준기) 자‬Uh… then… [Jun-gi] Think of it this way, Judge Kang.
‪(준기) 이렇게 생각해 보시죠‬ ‪판사님‬[Jun-gi] Think of it this way, Judge Kang.
‪모두 내려놓고‬Let's suppose that you were to give everything up and tell the truth.
‪다 털어놨다고 칩시다, 그럼‬Let's suppose that you were to give everything up and tell the truth.
‪그다음은?‬Then what?
‪그동안 방송을 통해서 쌓아 올린‬ ‪판사님의 신뢰‬Your TV appearance has helped you build trust with the people
‪법관으로서의 명예‬and achieve honor as a judge.
‪모든 언론들은‬But if you do that, the press will criticize you, your son, your family,
‪판사님과 아드님‬ ‪아드님과 가족들‬But if you do that, the press will criticize you, your son, your family,
‪판사님이 속한 연화지법‬the judiciary process in general and even your court specifically.
‪연화지법이 속한 사법부까지‬the judiciary process in general and even your court specifically.
‪모두 들쑤실 겁니다‬Everyone will suffer.
‪그 모든 걸‬Can you
‪감당하실 수 있겠습니까?‬deal with all of that, Judge Kang?
‪(원중) 누구보다‬[Won-jung] This trial…
‪공명정대하게‬ ‪이번 사건 재판할 겁니다‬I'll be more impartial in it than any other judge in the world.
‪부인하세요‬deny all of the charges.
‪법정에서 재판장이 질문하면‬When the judge asks you a question in court,
‪무조건‬you just…
‪만 답하시면 됩니다‬absolutely everything.
‪그 외‬No more witnesses…
‪그 누구도‬No more witnesses…
‪어떠한 사실도‬and no more testimonies.
‪더는 발설해선 안 됩니다‬You can't say anything anymore.
‪(준기) 판사님은‬ ‪아들을 지키세요, 전‬[Jun-gi] Judge Kang… You protect your son.
‪당을 지키겠습니다‬And I'll protect my party.
‪- (원중) 의원님‬ ‪- 이건 선택의 문제가 아닙니다‬[shaky breath] Mr. Eom… This isn't a matter of choice now. It's a matter of survival.
‪생존의 문제입니다‬This isn't a matter of choice now. It's a matter of survival.
‪(준기) 우린 이번 보궐에서‬ ‪어떡해서든 승리합니다‬We are determined to win this by-election no matter how, no matter what.
‪반드시‬no matter how, no matter what.
‪[원중의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[원중의 한숨]‬[deep exhale]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬-[car horn honks in distance] -[shaky breathing]
‪(준기) 그러니 판사님께서도‬[Jun-gi] Right now, you should do everything you can
‪할 수 있는 일부터 하세요‬[Jun-gi] Right now, you should do everything you can
‪아들을 위해서‬to protect your son.
‪(원중) 사건 번호 2022고합 2577‬Case number 2022 CC 2577.
‪재판을 시작하겠습니다‬The trial is now in session.
‪피고인들에 대한 공소 사실이‬The charges against the defendants are all related to the exam paper leak scandal of Moonkwang High School.
‪모두 문광고에서 발생한‬are all related to the exam paper leak scandal of Moonkwang High School.
‪집단 시험지‬ ‪유출 사건에 관한 것으로‬are all related to the exam paper leak scandal of Moonkwang High School. Since all the charges are objectively related to one another
‪그 내용 자체가‬ ‪객관적 관련성이 있고‬Since all the charges are objectively related to one another
‪피고인들 상호 간에도‬ ‪공범으로 기소되어‬Since all the charges are objectively related to one another and the defendants are charged with being accomplices,
‪피고인들의 사건을‬ ‪병합하여 집행합니다‬and the defendants are charged with being accomplices, the court will merge their cases and try them together.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪특히 이번 사건은‬This particular case
‪사회적으로‬ ‪관심이 높은 사건이므로‬has attracted a lot of public attention.
‪집중 심리 하여‬And so I asked that we proceed quickly and maintain focus during the trial.
‪신속히 진행하려고 합니다‬And so I asked that we proceed quickly and maintain focus during the trial.
‪검찰 측‬The prosecution may submit a list of evidence and witnesses.
‪증거 및 증인 목록 제시하세요‬The prosecution may submit a list of evidence and witnesses.
‪(원중) 검찰이 신청한 증인과‬[Won-jung] Both the prosecution and the defense
‪변호인이 신청한 증인들은, 어‬have submitted their witness list. Uh, regarding my selection of the witnesses,
‪오늘 이 자리에서 결정하지 않고‬Uh, regarding my selection of the witnesses,
‪채택 여부를‬ ‪향후에 말씀드릴까 하는데‬I'd like to notify you later rather than doing it right now.
‪다들‬Are you in agreement with that?
‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬Are you in agreement with that?
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone rings]
‪(범) 네, 판사님‬ ‪실무관 서범입니다‬[Beom] Yes, Judge Sim, this is Seo Beom.
‪방금 부장님께서‬Mr. Kang has just finished
‪문광고 집단 시험지 유출 사건‬ ‪증인 채택 마치셨는데‬selecting the witnesses to be heard for the Exam Paper Leak Case.
‪판사님도 확인하셨나요?‬Have you checked the list?
‪(범) 예, 근데, 어…‬Yes, but, uh…
‪그게 좀 이상해서요‬it feels a little odd.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬[knocks on door]
‪(원중) 으응, 들어와‬-[Won-jung] Yeah, come in. -[door opens]
‪(은석) 검찰 측이 신청한 증인은‬ ‪하나도 받아들이지 않고‬I heard you didn't select any of the prosecution witnesses,
‪변호인 측이 신청한 증인만‬ ‪모두 채택하셨다면서요?‬I heard you didn't select any of the prosecution witnesses, while you selected all of the defense ones.
‪(원중) 응‬ ‪사건과 관련성이 떨어져서‬Mm-hmm. The prosecution witnesses are unrelated.
‪검찰 측 증인인 한지원 교사는‬Ms. Han Ji-won was the first person
‪교무부장의 시험지 유출을‬ ‪처음 의심했던 중요 증인입니다‬Ms. Han Ji-won was the first person to suspect that the exam papers were leaked.
‪다른 교직원들도 사건 관련된‬ ‪중요 증인들이고요‬The other teachers are closely related to the case too.
‪(은석) 이런 식으로 따지면‬ ‪변호인 측의 증인 역시‬You're allowed to make that decision but then, the defense ones shouldn't be summoned and…
‪채택하지 않으시는 게 맞습니다‬but then, the defense ones shouldn't be summoned and…
‪증인 채택이 뭐, 편파적이었다‬Or else my witness selection would be biased?
‪그거 주장하는 거야?‬Is that what you're implying?
‪납득이 되질 않습니다, 부장님‬Honestly, I can't understand it, Mr. Kang.
‪납득이 안 되면 어떡할 건데!‬What would you do about it, Judge Sim?
‪[문이 쾅 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪뭐, 뭔 소리야, 이거?‬Huh? What was that noise?
‪(태주) [놀라며] 아, 아, 아기‬ ‪괜찮으세요?‬-[breathes heavily] -Oh, your, your baby. Is he okay?
‪(수미) 네, 괜찮아요‬Yes, I think so.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[shaky breath]
‪건방지게‬The nerve.
‪내 그동안 심 판사를‬ ‪지켜봐 왔지만‬You know, I've been tolerating you all this time
‪나도 참는 데 한계가 있어‬but there's a limit to my patience.
‪(원중) 어?‬Okay?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrates]
‪(원중 처) 여보, 신우 깨어났어‬[Won-jung's wife] Honey, Sin-u is awake.
‪조금 있다 일반 병실로 옮긴대‬He'll be moved to a general ward soon.
‪어, 내가 좀 있다 다시 전화할게‬Uh, okay, I'll call you back in a minute. [deep inhale]
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone beeps]
‪안 나가?‬Get out.
‪[문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[shaky breath]
‪[한숨]‬[deep exhale]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪(원중) 액자 깨진 거 있으니까‬ ‪처리 좀 부탁해‬One of my frames broke. Please take care of that.
‪(수미) 네, 다녀오십시오‬ ‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬Yes, sir. See you.
‪(태주) 다녀오십시오‬ ‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬-See you, sir. -[door closes]
‪[멀리서 사이렌이 울린다]‬[siren blares in distance]
‪(태주) 그래도 판사님이‬ ‪좀 심하셨어요‬Maybe you went too far, you know.
‪가뜩이나 요즘 예민하신 거 같던데‬He's been pretty sensitive lately.
‪그러니까 왜?‬-I mean, why? -I'm sure he had his own reasons.
‪(태주) 나름‬ ‪이유가 있으셨겠죠, 뭐‬-I mean, why? -I'm sure he had his own reasons.
‪부정을 저지르실 분도 아니고‬But he wouldn't commit an irregularity.
‪그걸 네가 어떻게 알아?‬How do you know that?
‪아, 판사님은 모르시는구나‬Oh, it's just that you probably never heard.
‪[가게 안이 시끌벅적하다]‬[Tae-ju] Well, he's pretty mild these days
‪(태주) 뭐, 지금이야‬ ‪방송 출연하시면서 인지도도 있고‬[Tae-ju] Well, he's pretty mild these days because of how popular he got through his TV appearances.
‪보는 시선들도 많고 해서‬ ‪많이 유해지셨지만‬because of how popular he got through his TV appearances.
‪예전부터 유명하셨대요‬But I heard he used to be famous
‪위아래 구분 없이‬ ‪판결에 융통성 없으시기로‬for being really rigid when it comes to judgment.
‪그, 오죽하면‬People even joked
‪우리 부장님이 죄수복 입힌‬ ‪고위급 인사들이‬that if the high-ranking officials he put in jail are lined up,
‪줄을 세우면 여기 법원‬ ‪한 바퀴를 돈단 말이 있겠어요?‬the line could probably go around the whole court building.
‪판사님 오시기 전에 지난 1년간‬ ‪제가 봐 온 모습도 그래요‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Before you came here, I worked with him for a year and I confirm that.
‪(태주) 누구보다 재판에선‬ ‪공정하신 분입니다‬[Tae-ju] He really is an impartial judge.
‪그거 제가 장담합니다‬I can assure you.
‪[한숨]‬[deep breath]
‪(은석) 그런데 왜‬[Eun-seok] But why?
‪이번에는 왜…‬Why is he being like this now?
‪[문을 달칵 닫는다]‬[door closes]
‪[드라이기 작동음]‬[hairdryer whirs]
‪(태주) 그, 웬일로 부장님하고‬ ‪심 판사님이 다 늦으시네요?‬Uh, where's Judge Kang and Judge Sim? They're late for work today.
‪(수미) 아, 안 그래도 부장님하고‬ ‪심 판사님한테 연락 왔었어요‬Yes. Well, actually, both of them called me to let me know.
‪오늘 두 분 다 개인적인 사정으로‬ ‪좀 늦으신다고‬They told me they'd be late today for personal reasons.
‪(태주) 아…‬Oh.
‪어디 아프신 건 아니고?‬Are they sick or something?
‪씁, 글쎄요‬[puffs] I don't know.
‪지각 한 번 없던 두 분이‬ ‪동시에 무슨 일이래?‬They've never been late before and now they both are.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬[mysterious music]
‪(이환) 잠은 좀 자는 거야?‬[I-hwan] Have you been sleeping well?
‪밥은 챙겨 먹고?‬Have you been eating well?
‪너 그러다가 죽어!‬You're gonna die if you don't.
‪잊었나 본데‬Did you forget?
‪이미 난 죽었어‬Five years ago…
‪(은석) 5년 전에‬that's when I died.
‪(은석) 억울해?‬[Eun-seok] You feel wronged?
‪뭐가 억울한데?‬What do you feel wronged?
‪아, 솔직히‬ ‪유출한 시험지 본 것도 아니고‬It's not like I saw the leaked questions.
‪그냥 대기 명단에 있었을 뿐인데‬ ‪왜 제가 법정에 서야 하는데요‬I was just on the wait list. Why do I have to stand here in court?
‪(은석) 그러게‬Listen.
‪애초에 대기 명단에도‬ ‪끼지 말지 그랬어‬You shouldn't have been on the wait list in the first place.
‪(석현) 마음대로 해요‬[Seok-hyeon] Do whatever you want.
‪어차피 보호 사건으로 끝날 거‬I know I'll just get probation.
‪재수 없이 걸린 놈만 억울하지‬Those who got caught were just unlucky.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[자료들을 툭 내려놓는다]‬[tense music]
‪뭐라고?‬I'm sorry?
‪지금 문광고에 연락해서‬Call Moonkwang High School and tell them to send us a list of all the enrolled students,
‪현재 재학 중인‬ ‪학생들 명단, 생기부‬and tell them to send us a list of all the enrolled students,
‪검찰에서 증거로 제시한‬ ‪답안지 외의‬their student records, and all the answer sheets
‪전 재학생들의 모든 답안지‬ ‪전부 다 보내라고 하세요‬other than those the prosecution presented as evidence.
‪잠, 잠시만요, 판사님, 전부 다요?‬Ooh. Wait, Judge Sim. All of them?
‪네, 재학생 전부‬Yes. Every single one of them.
‪- (은석) 서두르세요‬ ‪- 네‬-Hurry. -Yes, Judge Sim.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪예, 부장님‬Hello, Mr. Kang.
‪아, 예, 서류요?‬Oh, yes, the documents?
‪(태주) 예, 저…‬Yes, I just checked the bookcase. But it wasn't there. No.
‪지금 책장 찾아 봤는데‬ ‪책장엔 없는데요‬Yes, I just checked the bookcase. But it wasn't there. No.
‪아, 예, 예‬Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
‪제가 그러면 찾아 보고‬ ‪다시 연락드리겠습니다‬All right, so I'll keep looking for them. I'll call you back if I find anything.
‪아, 이게 뭐야?‬[deep inhale] What is all this?
‪'2001년 부산가정법원'?‬"2001 Busan Family Court"?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬"2001 Busan Family Court"? [phone buzzing]
‪예, 부장님‬Hello, sir. Yes, I found it.
‪아, 예, 찾았습니다‬Hello, sir. Yes, I found it.
‪아, 지금 서무계로요?‬To the General Affairs section now? Yes, I'm on it.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬To the General Affairs section now? Yes, I'm on it.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬Ah.
‪(범) 판사님‬ ‪그, 아까 말씀하신‬Okay. So these are the lists of enrolled students, their student records,
‪재학 중인 학생들 명단이랑‬ ‪학생부랑‬Okay. So these are the lists of enrolled students, their student records, and the answer sheets, just like you requested, Judge Sim.
‪그리고 답안지입니다‬and the answer sheets, just like you requested, Judge Sim.
‪학교에서 막 학부모들이 알면‬ ‪큰일 난다고‬They kept telling me at the school that they'd be in trouble
‪어찌나 신신당부를 하던지‬if any of the parents found out about this.
‪이 법원에도‬ ‪다 절차라는 게 있는데 말이죠‬There are certain procedures the court has to follow.
‪네, 수고했어요‬Okay, thank you.
‪(범) 아, 근데 판사님‬[Beom] By the way, Judge Sim.
‪구하라고 하셔 가지고‬ ‪구하긴 했는데‬You told me to get this, so I got them but…
‪지금 이 자료들이‬ ‪왜 필요한 건가요?‬I'm curious. Why do you need them now?
‪설마‬Is it because of what that kid said at the court?
‪그, 아까 진술 때문은 아니시죠?‬Is it because of what that kid said at the court?
‪[어두운 음악]‬YEONHWA DISTRICT COURT [foreboding music]
‪(태주) 그게 무슨 말씀이세요?‬[Tae-ju] What are you saying exactly?
‪집단 시험지 유출 아이들이‬ ‪더 있다니요?‬There are more students who saw the leaked questions?
‪(은석) 말 그대로야‬Yes. Exactly.
‪(석현) 재수 없이‬ ‪걸린 놈만 억울하지‬[Seok-hyeon] Those who got caught were just unlucky.
‪뭐라고?‬I'm sorry?
‪21명이 아니라고요‬It wasn't just 21 students.
‪그 시험지 본 애들 더 있다고요‬Other students saw it too.
‪(현찬) 아, 그냥 믿고‬ ‪맡겨 두시면 됩니다‬[Hyeon-chan] Trust me. Just leave it to me.
‪24명이요‬Yup. Twenty-four.
‪어느 정도 성적이 돼야 들어올 수‬ ‪있는 데가 데카르트입니다‬Only students with good enough grades are able to join Descartes.
‪제가 분명히 들었어요‬I'm pretty sure of what I heard.
‪그때 통화할 때‬He was on the phone.
‪저도 언제쯤 시험지 볼 수 있냐고‬ ‪물으러 갈 때 그때요‬I went there to ask him when a space would finally open up.
‪총 24명이라고‬He said it's 24 in total.
‪(석현) 아, 정확히‬ ‪누구까진 모르겠는데 암튼!‬I don't know who they are but anyway,
‪애들 더 있어요‬I just know there are more kids.
‪아, 경찰서에서도 말했는데‬ ‪아무도 제 말 안 믿어 준다고요‬I told the police too, they just didn't believe me though.
‪하, 말도 안 돼‬[sighs] No way.
‪확인해 보자고‬[deep inhale] I guess we have to see
‪(은석) 말이 되는지 아닌지‬if what he said is true or not.
‪(태주) 근데 이걸로 어떻게…‬But what can we do with these?
‪지금 기껏해야‬ ‪재학생 명단하고 학생부‬They're just a list of enrolled students, their student records,
‪답안지뿐인데‬and the answer sheets.
‪(은석) 단순 소문으로‬ ‪그칠 수 있었던‬[Eun-seok] The Exam Paper Leak Case Scandal could have been just a rumor.
‪집단 시험지 유출 사건이‬[Eun-seok] The Exam Paper Leak Case Scandal could have been just a rumor.
‪어떻게 교육청‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬But how did it move the Office of Education
‪검찰까지 움직였을까?‬and even the prosecution?
‪(태주) 어? 이 사람‬[Tae-ju] Oh, this person is…
‪부장님이 기각한 검찰 측 증인‬One of the witnesses Mr. Kang refused to select.
‪데카르트 시험 유출을‬ ‪처음 의심했던‬The first person to suspect the leak.
‪영어 교사 한지원‬Teacher Han Ji-won.
‪(은석) 이 문제를 틀린‬ ‪여섯 학생 모두가‬[Eun-seok] All six students who got this question wrong
‪전교 10등 안에 드는‬ ‪성적 상위권 학생들이야‬are among the top ten students in the school.
‪근데 아이러니하게도‬But ironically, these six students got the same question wrong.
‪이 여섯 학생들이‬ ‪똑같이 틀린 문제가‬But ironically, these six students got the same question wrong.
‪본문만 읽었다면 맞힐 수 있는‬ ‪점수 주기용 문제였거든‬And it was an easy one. All they had to do is read the text.
‪물론‬Of course,
‪최상위권 학생들이라고 해서‬ ‪쉬운 답 틀리지 말란 법은 없지‬even top students can get an easy question wrong in an exam.
‪시험 보면서 누구나 실수는 하니까‬Everyone makes mistakes.
‪근데 문제는‬But the problem is that…
‪어떤 실수를 하더라도‬this one specific mistake…
‪이 오답을 유추할 순 없단 거야‬doesn't make any sense.
‪애초에 이 답안은‬Because their answer
‪본문 내용하곤‬ ‪아무런 상관이 없거든‬is completely unrelated to the text.
‪(은석) 근데 이상하지 않아?‬[Eun-seok] Isn't it strange?
‪어떻게 여섯 명이 적어 낸 오답이‬How could these six students write exactly the same wrong answer?
‪토씨 하나 안 틀리고‬ ‪똑같을 수가 있지?‬How could these six students write exactly the same wrong answer?
‪(태주) 그게 무슨…‬SHORT-ANSWER SECTION WE FOUND OUT THE TRUTH [Tae-ju] What are you…
‪(은석) 시험 출제 당시‬When writing the exam,
‪한 번 수정하면서‬the English teacher Han Ji-won change one of the questions.
‪본문 자체를 바꾼 적이 있었어‬the English teacher Han Ji-won change one of the questions.
‪그런데 그때 실수로‬But later, she forgot to change the answers.
‪답안은 그대로 둔 채‬ ‪본문하고 문제만 교체됐었거든‬But later, she forgot to change the answers. So only the text and the question were changed.
‪여기 이 여섯 학생들 모두가‬And those six students we mentioned
‪수정 전의 그 답안을‬ ‪똑같이 제출했던 거지‬ended up writing the answer which she forgot to change.
‪(태주) 이게 시험지뿐 아니라‬ ‪[조작음]‬[Tae-ju] Are you suggesting
‪답안지까지 유출됐다는 거예요?‬the answers to the question were leaked as well?
‪(은석) 아니‬the answers to the question were leaked as well? No. The truth is that the questions…
‪정확하게 이 사건은‬No. The truth is that the questions…
‪시험지가 아니라‬weren't actually leaked.
‪답안지 유출 사건이야‬The answers were leaked.
‪[소란스럽다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪(은석) 경찰은 교무부장이‬ ‪책상 서랍에서‬[Eun-seok] The police found a handwritten list
‪직접 수기로 작성한‬ ‪학생 명단 파일을 압수했고‬of Descartes members in the director's desk drawer
‪지금의 21명을 찾아냈어‬and charged the 21 students.
‪그리고 디지털 포렌식 수사로‬Also, the digital forensics team found the answer sheets
‪해당 소년들의‬ ‪핸드폰과 노트북에서‬Also, the digital forensics team found the answer sheets for both multiple-choice and short-answer questions
‪시험 전에 저장해 뒀던‬for both multiple-choice and short-answer questions that students had saved them in their cellphones and laptops
‪객관식, 주관식 답안을‬ ‪모두 찾아냈고‬that students had saved them in their cellphones and laptops before the exams.
‪그럼 숨겨진‬How are we going to find the three missing kids?
‪그 나머지 세 명을‬ ‪저희가 어떻게…‬How are we going to find the three missing kids?
‪경찰이 찾아낸 21명의 공통점‬The police discovered what the others have in common.
‪거기서 출발해야지, 우린‬We need to start from there.
‪(은석) 첫째‬First of all, these three students
‪그 세 명은 현재 데카르트를‬ ‪탈퇴한 학생들일 것이고‬First of all, these three students have dropped out of the Descartes club a while ago.
‪둘째‬ ‪[한숨]‬Secondly, if they were in,
‪그러려면 성적은‬ ‪상위권 학생들이어야 하며‬Secondly, if they were in, then that means they were top-ranked students.
‪셋째‬Thirdly, their parents are congressmen, ministers, university hospital doctors,
‪현직 국회 의원, 장관‬ ‪대학 병원 교수‬Thirdly, their parents are congressmen, ministers, university hospital doctors,
‪연예인, 법조인 등의‬ ‪자제여야 한다‬celebrities or even judicial officers.
‪(석현 모) 여기 애들이‬ ‪공부를 못해서‬The reason the kids got the exam papers wasn't because their grades weren't good.
‪그 시험지를 받은 게 아니라고요‬The reason the kids got the exam papers wasn't because their grades weren't good.
‪그 시험지를 받고‬They got them because it saved them time
‪그 시간에 딴걸 더‬ ‪준비할 수 있어서 받은 거지‬They got them because it saved them time and they could work on other things instead.
‪특히 시험 전후로‬We need to find students who, before and after the exams,
‪교내 대회 수상이라거나‬We need to find students who, before and after the exams,
‪(은석) 소논문, 모의 UN 같은‬got awards, won competitions,
‪비교과 활동에서 성과가 있는‬ ‪학생들 위주로 찾아야 될 거야‬and participated in extracurricular activities.
‪그래서 이걸 이렇게…‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬-That's why you requested this. -[phone rings]
‪(범) 아드님 사고가‬ ‪꽤 크게 났다던데‬-That's why you requested this. -[phone rings] [Beom] Mr. Kang's son had a big accident.
‪저도 듣고 너무 놀라서요‬The news really shocked me, too.
‪판사님께선‬ ‪알고 계셔야 할 거 같아서‬I thought you two should know.
‪(원중) 아니…‬[Won-jung] What?
‪자네들이 여긴 어쩐 일로‬[stammers] What are you doing here?
‪(태주) 큰아드님 사고 났다는‬ ‪얘기 들었습니다‬We heard that your eldest son had an accident.
‪저, 늦었지만‬We heard that your eldest son had an accident. It's late, but…
‪뭐, 내일 회사에서 보는데 뭘 또‬We're seeing each other at the court tomorrow, so… why come here?
‪미안하게‬We're seeing each other at the court tomorrow, so… why come here?
‪급하게 드릴 말씀도 있고요‬We have something urgent to tell you.
‪(은석) 바로 보고드렸어야 했는데‬We should have reported it to you right away,
‪저희도 알아볼 시간이‬ ‪필요했습니다‬but we needed to look into it first.
‪문광고 집단 시험지 유출 사건‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬About the Moonkwang High School Leak Case.
‪검찰이 놓친 소년이‬Someone reported that the prosecution missed a few students.
‪더 있다는 제보를 받았습니다‬Someone reported that the prosecution missed a few students.
‪(태주) 최대한 추려서 8명‬ ‪[은석의 한숨]‬[Tae-ju] Okay, so we're down to eight now.
‪저기에 우리가 놓친‬ ‪공통점이 뭐가 있을까요?‬What are we missing here? What are the things that they have in common?
‪분명 있는데‬The three dropouts are among them.
‪이 중에 분명히‬I'm sure they are.
‪(원중) 누가?‬[Won-jung] Who?
‪누가 그딴 소릴 해?‬Who said such nonsense?
‪(은석) 제 보호 사건‬ ‪담당 소년이 진술했습니다‬One of the boys in the protection case said that.
‪이석현‬Lee Seok-hyeon? Did you know he was put on probation for fraud?
‪사기 혐의로 처분받았다는 건‬ ‪알고 하는 소리야?‬Lee Seok-hyeon? Did you know he was put on probation for fraud?
‪네‬Yes. I know the disposition is already over.
‪해당 처분 역시‬ ‪이미 다 끝난 걸로 아는데요‬Yes. I know the disposition is already over.
‪심 판사는 그게 문제야‬That's what I don't like about you.
‪그저 애들이 바람직하게‬ ‪클 수 있도록 도와줄 생각은 않고‬Your goal isn't to help young offenders grow up to be righteous people,
‪왜 매번 일을 복잡하게‬ ‪키우려고만 하지?‬Your goal isn't to help young offenders grow up to be righteous people, your goal is to complicate things.
‪우리의 역할은 검찰의 기소에‬ ‪판단을 하는 거지‬Our job as judges is a disposition not looking into things
‪조사하지 않은 부분까지‬ ‪파헤치는 게 아니야‬Our job as judges is a disposition not looking into things that the prosecution didn't investigate.
‪(원중) 수사와 기소에 관한 권한은‬ ‪애초에 법원에 없다고‬The court doesn't have the authority to investigate or prosecute.
‪괜히 수사 기관 역할까지‬ ‪선 넘지 말고‬So I advise you to stop crossing the line
‪돌아들 가‬and leave.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪(원중 처) 여보‬Honey.
‪(원중 처와 은석)‬ ‪- 누구…‬ ‪- 그렇지만 이석현 진술대로‬Who… [Eun-seok] But what if Seok-hyeon was right?
‪검찰이 놓친 학생이 더 있다면요?‬What if the prosecution missed a few students?
‪검찰 조사가 이뤄지기 전‬Three students who dropped out…
‪데카르트를 탈퇴한‬ ‪아이들이 있다면요?‬before the prosecution began the investigation?
‪그게 무슨…‬Come on.
‪말 같지 않은 소리야‬It's nonsense.
‪예를 들면‬For example…
‪문광고등학교 3학년 1반‬Moonkwang High School, Grade 12, Class 1…
‪강신우 같은‬Kang Sin-u.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[물통이 툭 떨어진다]‬-[gasps] -[object thuds]
‪[원중 처의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[ominous music] [Won-jung wife's breathing shakily]
‪(은석) 차 판이‬ ‪데카르트 학생들을 뽑는다면‬[Eun-seok] If you have to select members for Descartes,
‪어떤 기준으로 뽑을 거 같아?‬what would be your criteria?
‪(태주) 예?‬Sorry?
‪나라면 멀리 내다보고 뽑을 거야‬If it were me, I'd try to look far ahead
‪진학률이 목표여야 하니까‬because I need to increase the acceptance rate.
‪(은석) 학종에 실패하고‬ ‪재수를 하더라도‬So I go for kids who could go to SNU even if they fail to get in this year.
‪서울대를 갈 수 있는 아이‬Kids who would try again.
‪내신뿐만 아니라‬ ‪모의고사 성적도‬Those who get high grades not only in school exams…
‪늘 상위권을 찍는 아이‬but also mock tests.
‪(태주) 교무부장이‬ ‪끝까지 언급하지 않은 게‬[Tae-ju] The teaching director is keeping his mouth sealed now.
‪단순히 있는 집안‬ ‪자제 수준이 아니라‬Maybe the students' parents aren't just wealthy.
‪더는 언급해선 안 될‬ ‪높은 위치에 있거나‬What if they're people of high social rank and he doesn't wanna risk burning any bridges?
‪나중에라도‬ ‪도움을 받을 수 있는 집‬and he doesn't wanna risk burning any bridges?
‪[태주가 종이컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪그 자녀라면요?‬People who could help them.
‪가만있어 봐, 그렇다면‬Hold on. So if that's the case…
‪잠깐만‬[sighs] Wait a minute.
‪(원중) 사건과 관련성이 떨어져서‬[Won-jung] The prosecution witnesses are unrelated.
‪(은석) 이런 식으로 따지면‬ ‪변호인 측의 증인 역시‬[Won-jung] The prosecution witnesses are unrelated. [Eun-seok] You're allowed to make that decision but then the defense ones shouldn't be summoned.
‪채택하지 않으시는 게 맞습니다‬but then the defense ones shouldn't be summoned. Or else my witness selection would be biased?
‪(원중) 증인 채택이 뭐‬ ‪편파적이었다‬Or else my witness selection would be biased?
‪그거 주장하는 거야?‬ ‪[원중의 말이 울린다]‬What are you implying?
‪이걸 왜 이제야…‬Why didn't I see this?
‪(태주) 왜요? 뭐, 뭐 찾았어요?‬What's wrong? Did you, did you find something?
‪이제 그만‬It'd be best…
‪자수하시죠, 부장님‬if you stop lying, Mr. Kang.
‪아니‬I mean…
‪강신우 아버님‬Kang Sin-u's father.

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