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  모범가족 6

A Model Family 6


(강준) 그걸 왜 꽝철이한테 맡겨?‬ ‪내가 하면 되는데‬Why would you have Kkwang-chul do it? I could always do it.
‪상선에서 물건 받고 돈 올려 주고‬ ‪이게 얼마나 중요한 일인데‬Getting the goods and giving payment to the head cartel is an important matter.
‪가족보다 믿을 만한 사람 있어?‬Is there anyone you can trust more than family?
‪대기업들 가족 경영 왜 하는데?‬Big conglomerates keep it within the family.
‪(용수) 기다려‬ ‪나도 생각이 있으니까‬Big conglomerates keep it within the family. Just wait. I have a plan.
‪(강준) 뭘 또 기다려, 이 씨발‬Fucking hell, wait for what?
‪바쁜 세상 기다리지 맙시다, 매형‬It's a busy world. We can't afford to wait around.
‪아, 됐고‬Forget it.
‪그냥, 뭐, 지방 총판이나‬ ‪뭐, 그런 데로 내려보내‬Send him to one of our distributors in the countryside or something.
‪나랑 동선이 자꾸 겹치잖아‬He keeps crossing paths with me.
‪기다리라고‬He keeps crossing paths with me. I said wait. He needs to slip up first for me to take action.
‪[라이터로 불붙이는 소리]‬ ‪실수를 해야 명분이 생기지‬I said wait. He needs to slip up first for me to take action.
‪[라이터를 툭 던진다]‬
‪이봐, 또 앞뒤 안 맞는 소리 한다‬You're talking nonsense again.
‪(강준) 일 잘못되면 상선 애들한테‬ ‪다 뒈진다고 해 놓고‬You said the head cartel will kill us if anything goes wrong,
‪또 명분 쌓느라고 실수 기다린대‬but now you're waiting for him to slip up?
‪명분 쌓다 귀신 될래?‬You want to end up dead while waiting?
‪아, 씨발, 답답해, 진짜, 아!‬ ‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬Fuck, this is so frustrating.
‪내가 꼬투리 잡을게‬ ‪내가 꼬투리 잡는다고‬I'll find something to get him with. I said I'll find something.
‪(용수) 해 봐, 그럼‬Go ahead then.
‪(강준) 오케이, 허락했어요, 매형?‬You approved. You can't take it back now. Okay?
‪어?‬You approved. You can't take it back now. Okay?
‪[광철이 쿨럭거린다]‬
‪[광철의 신음]‬
‪[휴대전화 게임 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[피를 토한다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[동하의 한숨]‬
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪[나무판자를 드르륵 끈다]‬
‪[나무판자가 덜그럭댄다]‬
‪[동하의 한숨]‬
‪(은주) 달아나고 싶어‬I want to run away.
‪[불안한 배경음악]‬
‪(은주) 어제 밤늦게 어디 갔었어?‬ ‪얼굴은 또 왜 그러고?‬Where did you go last night? And what's wrong with your face?
‪비탈에서 굴렀어‬ ‪[자조적인 웃음]‬I fell down a hill.
‪병구 형이 사업을 하나 시작하는데‬Byeong-gu is starting a business, and he asked me to go in with him.
‪그, 같이 하재‬Byeong-gu is starting a business, and he asked me to go in with him.
‪은행으로 쏘면 아, 안 되는 돈이래‬He said it's money that he can't wire through a bank.
‪불법적인 돈이라고‬They're illegal funds or something.
‪[매미 소리]‬ ‪(교사) 선생님 보고 쫓아와요‬Look at me and follow me.
‪- (교사) 앞으로 쭉쭉, 쭉쭉‬ ‪- (아이1) 앞으로 쭉‬That's right, keep coming along.
‪[사람들이 두런거린다]‬That's right, keep coming along. You're doing great.
‪(아이2) 아, 내 풍선!‬My balloon!
‪(교사) 하나, 둘, 읏차‬ ‪[아이2의 탄성]‬
‪(아이3) 너무 빠르게 가지 마‬It's too fast.
‪천천히 가‬ ‪너 그러다 넘어질 수 있어‬Walk slowly. You'll trip and fall.
‪[종이 건네는 소리]‬
‪아니, 괜찮습, 괜찮습니다‬I'm okay.
‪여기로 가라고, 모질아‬You have to go here, you idiot.
‪"힐러 스파"‬
‪[희미한 숨소리]‬ ‪[휴대전화 게임 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(메신저) 궁금하죠?‬ ‪왜 아직 살아 있는지‬You're curious, aren't you? As to why you're still alive.
‪내 말은 들어 보고‬ ‪죽이든 살리든 해‬You should listen to me before you decide to kill me or not.
‪(메신저) 욕심을 왜 내요, 욕심을…‬Why do you have to be so greedy?
‪들리는 소문에 독립한다면서?‬Rumor has it that you're going independent.
‪(광철) 사고 난다‬You're in for trouble.
‪거기랑 계속 거래했다가‬ ‪사고 난다고‬Working with them will only get you in trouble.
‪누구랑 어떻게 일할지는‬ ‪위에서 정합니다‬The boss gets to decide who we work with.
‪너같이 하찮은 새끼가‬ ‪결정할 문제가 아니고‬A petty bastard like you has no say in the matter.
‪돈 어디 있어요?‬Where's the money?
‪(광철) 강준이 이 새끼가‬ ‪돈 빼돌리다가 배달 사고 난 거야‬There was an accident because Kang-jun tried to intercept the money.
‪너희들이 모르는 게 있어‬There's something you guys don't know.
‪- 그 새끼는…‬ ‪- (메신저) 알아요‬-That bastard-- -I know.
‪물건도 빼돌리는 거‬I know he skims off the top.
‪그, 뭐, 상관이 있나?‬Does that matter though?
‪우리는 돈만 받으면 되는데‬All we need is the money.
‪(광철) 강준이 새끼가 사고 치면‬If Kang-jun causes trouble,
‪너희들한테도 똥물 튈걸?‬it's going to affect all of you.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪나랑 하자‬Work with me.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(광철) 나한테 기회를 줘 봐‬Give me a chance.
‪기다려 봐요, 곧 연락 올 거니까‬Just wait, I'll get a call soon.
‪뭐, 단순한 걸‬ ‪좋아하는 양반들이라‬These types of folks like to keep things simple,
‪당신들 싹 정리하고 새판 짜겠죠‬so they'll probably get rid of all of you and set up a new board.
‪(광철) 돈 찾았어‬I found the money. I'll bring it to you.
‪갖다줄게‬I found the money. I'll bring it to you.
‪일 나한테 줘‬let me handle things.
‪난 가족도 없어‬I don't have a family.
‪욕심낼 이유가 없다고‬I have no reason to be greedy.
‪그 일 나한테 줘‬Let me handle it.
‪내가 개처럼 일해 줄게‬I'll work like a dog for you.
‪[광철의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대전화를 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪[폴더폰 진동음이 울린다]‬
‪[폴더폰을 탁 연다]‬
‪(메신저) 네‬Hello?
‪네, 네‬Yes.
‪[긴장되는 배경음악]‬
‪알겠습니다‬I understand.
‪[메신저가 폴더폰을 탁 닫는다]‬
‪(메신저) '죽느냐, 사느냐'‬To be or not to be.
‪[라이터를 달칵 연다]‬Wait.
‪잠깐만, 잠깐만‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬Wait.
‪(광철) 야, 이 개새끼야!‬You fucking bastard!
‪(주현) 광철이 이 새끼‬It looks like Kwang-chul left to get in contact with the head cartel, right?
‪상선 컨택하려고‬ ‪나간 거 같아, 그렇지?‬It looks like Kwang-chul left to get in contact with the head cartel, right?
‪근데 우리가 병신들이라‬ ‪기회를 놓쳤네?‬But we missed our chance because we're a bunch of dumbasses.
‪[주현의 한숨]‬
‪(주현) 저거‬ ‪교수 와이프 차 아니야?‬Isn't that the professor's wife's car?
‪[우아한 피아노곡이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[직원의 헛기침]‬ ‪(직원) 저기, 처음이세요?‬Excuse me, is it your first time here?
‪(동하) 네‬Yes.
‪일단 접수부터 하실게요‬I can help you register first.
‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬I can help you register first.
‪[키보드 타자 소리]‬
‪(동하) 저기, 저기요‬Excuse me.
‪(직원) 네?‬Yes?
‪제가 그, 등록하러 온 건 아니고요‬ ‪저기, 그…‬I'm not here to register…
‪배, 배달…‬I'm here for a delivery.
‪음? 무슨 배달요?‬What delivery?
‪[가방 지퍼를 직 연다]‬
‪(직원) 어…‬
‪저희는 생수 납품하는 데가‬ ‪따로 있는데‬We already have a water company we get deliveries from.
‪(동하) 아니요, 그게 아니라, 저…‬Well, the thing is
‪여기, 여기로 가, 가라고 아까…‬someone told me to come here.
‪어? 어, 실장님!‬Oh, ma'am!
‪(직원) 그…‬This salesman is here to sell water, I think. Can you talk to him?
‪여기 생수 영업 나오신 거 같은데‬This salesman is here to sell water, I think. Can you talk to him?
‪상담 좀…‬This salesman is here to sell water, I think. Can you talk to him?
‪(실장) 이리 오실래요?‬Would you come this way?
‪[자동문 버튼음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[통화 연결음이 계속된다]‬
‪미쳤어?‬Are you nuts?
‪주차장으로 안 가고 왜 일로 왔어?‬Why didn't you go to the parking lot?
‪(동하) '주차장'?‬ ‪여, 여기로 오라고 하길래…‬The parking lot? I was told to come here.
‪(실장) [한숨 쉬며] 줘 봐‬Let me see it.
‪어어, 아니‬No.
‪아, 띨빵한 새끼가 일로 왔어‬This stupid idiot came here. Yeah.
‪어…‬This stupid idiot came here. Yeah.
‪어, 지금 올라가, 어‬He's coming up now. Bye.
‪[도어록 작동음]‬
‪[불길한 배경음악]‬
‪(실장) 가‬Go.
‪길 따라가라고‬Just follow the path.
‪[동하의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[버튼을 달칵 누른다]‬ ‪[엘리베이터 작동음]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬
‪[비닐이 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[지폐 계수기 종료음]‬
‪[펜을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[지게차 후진 경고음]‬
‪[연기를 씁 들이켰다 뱉는다]‬
‪[펜을 탁 집어 든다]‬
‪[계산기를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[용수의 헛기침]‬
‪[철컥 여는 소리]‬
‪에이, 씨발‬Jeez, like anyone would steal such petty cash.
‪그 푼돈 누가 훔쳐 간다고, 씨…‬Jeez, like anyone would steal such petty cash.
‪[철컥 닫는 소리]‬
‪[라이터로 불붙이는 소리]‬ ‪돈이랑 약점은‬ ‪항상 감춰 두는 게 좋지‬It's always better to hide your money and your weaknesses.
‪우리 약점이한테는‬ ‪연락이 왔습니까?‬Did you get a call from our weakness?
‪아직‬Not yet.
‪(강준) 뒈졌나 보네‬He must have died.
‪안 뒈져도 어차피‬ ‪경찰 애들한테 달려들어 가겠지‬Even if he hasn't yet, he'll get caught by the cops soon.
‪제 등에 빨대 꽂혀 있는 줄도‬ ‪모르고, 이 병신 새끼‬That fucking idiot has no idea the cops are all over him.
‪물건 언제 풀 수 있냐?‬When can we send out the goods?
‪풀 물건 없어요, 얼마 안 남았어‬ ‪[오토바이 소리]‬We don't have anything to send. There's not much left.
‪아이, 뭐, 돈을 줘야‬ ‪상선한테 물건을 받지‬We need to pay the head cartel if we want the goods.
‪우리 이러다‬ ‪본드 불어야 될지도 몰라‬At this rate, we might have to sniff glue instead.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬At this rate, we might have to sniff glue instead.
‪사장님 앞으로 퀵이 왔습니다‬You have a delivery, sir.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪[폴더폰 벨이 울린다]‬
‪[폴더폰을 달칵 연다]‬
‪[불길한 배경음악]‬ ‪여보세요‬Hello?
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[광철이 콜록거린다]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(메신저) 호흡기 달아 드렸네‬Someone sent you a lifeline.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬Someone sent you a lifeline.
‪실적 좋은 쪽이랑‬ ‪거래하시겠답니다‬They want to work with whoever puts out a better performance.
‪거래를 끊는다는 게‬ ‪무슨 의미인지는 알죠?‬You know what's going to happen if they stop making deals with you, right?
‪용수 사장은?‬What about Yong-soo?
‪[웃으며] 주인 무서운 놈이‬ ‪어떻게 물 생각을 했어?‬How did a dog who's afraid of his owner think of biting?
‪너 독립한다는 거‬Who do you think told me that you were trying to go independent?
‪누구한테 들었을 거 같아?‬Who do you think told me that you were trying to go independent?
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(메신저) 용수 사장은 걱정 마요‬Don't worry about Yong-soo.
‪우리 룰은 누구한테도 공평하니까‬We apply the same rules to everyone.
‪[속삭이며] 개처럼 일한다면서‬I thought you said you were going to work like a dog?
‪그럼 개처럼 살아남아요‬Then try and survive like a dog as well.
‪[용수가 책상을 쾅 내려친다]‬ ‪(용수) 광철이 이 새끼‬Kwang-chul, that motherfucker. He turned on us, after all.
‪결국 통수를 치네‬Kwang-chul, that motherfucker. He turned on us, after all.
‪놀랄 일도 아니구먼, 뭐, 이 씨‬I'm not even surprised, jeez.
‪죽이자, 그럼‬Let's kill him then.
‪(용수) 상선에서‬ ‪광철이 손대지 말란다‬The head cartel told us not to harm him.
‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬The head cartel told us not to harm him.
‪꽝철이 새끼‬I think Kkwang-chul's been skimming our stuff off the top.
‪우리 물건도 빼돌리는 것 같아‬ ‪몇 개가 항상 비어‬I think Kkwang-chul's been skimming our stuff off the top. We're always a bit short.
‪(강준) 근데 그걸 우리 거래처에다‬ ‪돌리고 있대‬He's taking them and dealing with our clients.
‪오늘은 인천 떡집에다 돌리고 있고‬He sent a delivery in Incheon today.
‪근데 상선은‬ ‪꽝철이 건드리지 말랬다며?‬But the head cartel is telling us not to harm him?
‪꽝철이 새끼‬Let's just let the pigs deal with Kkwang-chul, that bastard.
‪그냥 짭새 손에 맡기자‬Let's just let the pigs deal with Kkwang-chul, that bastard.
‪경찰 단속에 걸린 건데‬ ‪상선이 우리더러 뭐라겠어?‬If the cops catch him, the head cartel can't say shit.
‪아, 씨발, 우리가 그랬냐고‬Fucking hell, it's not like we did it.
‪해 봐‬Give it a go.
‪어차피 개판 난 거 같은데‬Things have already gotten out of hand.
‪일 얼마나 잘하나 한번 보자‬Let's see how capable you are.
‪[용수의 한숨]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[중국풍 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪- (남자1) 좋아!‬ ‪- (여자1) 헬로!‬ ‪[잔 부딪치는 소리]‬Nice! -Cheers! -Drink up.
‪- (여자2) 짠‬ ‪- (남자1) 좋아, 마셔‬ ‪[여자1이 반긴다]‬-Cheers! -Drink up. -How many times has it been? -Cheers!
‪(남자1) 몇 번째야, 이거?‬ ‪자, 짠, 짠!‬-How many times has it been? -Cheers!
‪[잔 부딪치는 소리]‬
‪[남자2의 탄성]‬ ‪(여자3) 어, 안녕! 오랜만이야‬Long time no see!
‪(릴리야) [러시아어] 자기야, 안녕‬ ‪[웃음]‬Hey, baby.
‪(남자2) [한국어] 나도 짠?‬-All right, cheers. -Cheers.
‪[릴리야의 한숨]‬ ‪(여자3) 짠!‬-All right, cheers. -Cheers.
‪[어두운 배경음악]‬
‪[릴리야가 껌을 짝짝 씹는다]‬
‪[사람들이 웃고 떠든다]‬
‪[사람들의 약에 취한 신음]‬
‪- (남자3) 야, 야, 여기 팔 내놔‬ ‪- (여자4) 아, 마시라니까‬-Hey, give me your arm. -Give me some too.
‪- (남자4) 야, 마셔‬ ‪- (여자5) 나도 줘‬-Drink it already. -I want some too.
‪- (남자3) 아이, 기다려‬ ‪- (여자4) 야, 마셔‬-Drink it already. -I want some too. -Wait. -Hey, drink up.
‪마시라고‬ ‪[여러 번 손가락 튕기는 소리]‬I said drink.
‪- (여자5) 나도, 나도‬ ‪- (여자6) 내 차례야‬ ‪[사람들의 약에 취한 신음]‬I want some too.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(여자5) 내 차례야, 내 차례‬It's my turn.
‪[릴리야의 탄성]‬ ‪(사샤) [러시아어] 한국 치킨‬ ‪존나 맛있다‬Korean chicken is fucking awesome.
‪- (릴리야) 내 사랑 치킨!‬ ‪- (사샤) 많이 먹어‬-My sweet chicken! -Help yourself.
‪(릴리야) 치킨 참 영롱하다‬ ‪이렇게 놓자, 맛있겠다‬What a beautiful sight. Let's lay them out like this, it'll be delicious.
‪(사샤) 저놈 누구야?‬So, who is he?
‪[릴리야의 성가신 한숨]‬
‪(릴리야) 어이‬Hello.
‪[릴리야가 쩝쩝거린다]‬Hello.
‪왜 그러고 있어?‬ ‪[릴리야가 손가락을 탁 튕긴다]‬Why are you standing there?
‪거기 이리 와봐‬Come on, come here.
‪[릴리야의 기분 좋은 신음]‬
‪[릴리야가 쩝쩝거린다]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[음미하는 신음]‬
‪(릴리야) 얘 왜 이렇게 얼어 있니?‬Why is this guy so zoned out?
‪(사샤) 처음 본 놈인데‬Why is this guy so zoned out? -I've never seen him before. -They probably sent another dumb junkie.
‪(릴리야) 또 바보 같은 약쟁이‬ ‪하나 보내줬겠지‬ ‪[사샤의 웃음]‬-I've never seen him before. -They probably sent another dumb junkie.
‪[경찰차 사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[한국어] 어, 현우야‬ ‪[보행신호 안내 음성이 나온다]‬Hey, Hyun-woo.
‪[신호등 알림음]‬ ‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪엄마 카드 어디 있는지 알지?‬ ‪그걸로 뭐든지 시켜 먹어‬You know where my card is, right? -Order whatever you want with that. -Okay.
‪- (현우) 네‬ ‪- 응‬-Order whatever you want with that. -Okay. All right. What about Yeon-woo?
‪- 누나는?‬ ‪- (현우) 왔어요‬All right. What about Yeon-woo? She came home, but I don't see her.
‪어디 있는지 안 보이네‬She came home, but I don't see her.
‪어, 그래? 그래, 알았어‬Oh yeah? Okay, I got you.
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪(연우) 아이 씨, 치웠네‬Damn it, he moved it.
‪(팀장) 자, 모여 봐!‬Gather around!
‪진입로는 크게 주차장, 지하 복도‬ ‪레스토랑 입구로 나눈다‬The parking lot, underground corridor, and the restaurant are access routes.
‪출입구 철저하게 봉쇄하고‬ ‪한 명도 빠짐없이 체포하도록!‬Seal off all the exits, and make sure to arrest every single person!
‪- (일동) 예, 알겠습니다‬ ‪- (팀장) 자, 진입!‬-Yes, sir. -Let's move! Let's move!
‪- (형사1) 야, 들어가자‬ ‪- (형사2) 자, 가자, 가자, 가자‬Let's move!
‪(릴리야) [한국어] 뭐야‬ ‪이게 다냐?‬What? Is this it?
‪(사샤) [러시아어]‬ ‪이 새끼 잘못 갖고 온 거 아냐?‬I think this fucker messed up the order.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪병신 같은 것들이…‬Fucking idiots…
‪광철이 물건은 맞아?‬-Is this really Kwang-chul's stuff? -It is, you bastard.
‪맞아, 새끼야‬-Is this really Kwang-chul's stuff? -It is, you bastard.
‪[한국어] 요새 경찰한테 너희들‬ ‪센터 까이고 있는 거 아는데‬I know your distribution centers are getting busted by the police these days.
‪이걸로 무슨 장사를 하냐?‬But I can't do business with this.
‪[러시아어] 네가 통화했잖아!‬You're the one who called him!
‪(릴리야) 닥치고 좀!‬You're the one who called him! Just shut up!
‪두 병도 아니고 한 병?‬Just one? Not even two?
‪[한국어] 한 병이 아니라‬There should be at least three bottles to run a business, not just one, you punk!
‪세 병은 있어야 장사한다고, 인마!‬There should be at least three bottles to run a business, not just one, you punk!
‪(형사3) 야, 저쪽!‬Hey!
‪야, 저기다!‬Over there!
‪(형사4) 빨리 와, 빨리!‬Over there! Hurry up!
‪[러시아어] 뭐야?‬ ‪[릴리야의 한숨]‬What? Now?
‪지금?‬What? Now?
‪[릴리야의 한숨]‬
‪경찰 왔어‬The police are here.
‪(릴리야) 너 쟤들한테 돈 줬잖아?‬Didn't you give them the money?
‪내가 돈 준 새끼들이 아니야‬They're not with the one I paid.
‪[총 장전하는 소리]‬ ‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬ ‪(릴리야) [한국어] 야!‬ ‪너 뭐야, 이 새끼야!‬Hey, who the hell are you?
‪너 광철이가 보낸 놈 맞아?‬ ‪경찰 아니야?‬Did Kwang-chul really send you? Are you a cop?
‪아니요, 아니요‬No, I just delivered what they gave to me.
‪저, 전 그냥 전달받은 대로‬ ‪지금 드린 겁니다‬No, I just delivered what they gave to me.
‪[러시아어] 너 누구야?‬Who the hell are you? Answer me!
‪너 누구냐고!‬Who the hell are you? Answer me!
‪[긴박한 배경음악]‬
‪도망가야 해, 우리 도망가야 해‬Hey, we should leave now. Let's go!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(팀장) [한국어] 자, 들어가‬ ‪들어가!‬Okay, go in. Move!
‪- (형사5) 들어와‬ ‪- (형사6) 자, 가자, 가자!‬Okay, go in. Move! Come on. Let's go!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪전화받아, 전화‬Pick up.
‪[안내 음성] 연결이 되지 않아…‬-The call has been… -Only when he needs me. Asshole.
‪자기 필요할 때만, 이 개새끼‬-The call has been… -Only when he needs me. Asshole.
‪[비상벨이 울린다]‬ ‪(남자5) 아이, 씨‬
‪(남자6) 여기야!‬This way!
‪- (남자7) 야, 일로 와야 해‬ ‪- (남자6) 이쪽이야, 이쪽!‬It's this way!
‪[짜증스러운 아우성]‬
‪(여자7) 밀지 마요!‬-Stop pushing! -Let's get a move on, people!
‪[사람들의 아우성]‬-Stop pushing! -Let's get a move on, people! -Quickly! -Stop pushing!
‪- (형사7) 아, 여기 내려온다!‬ ‪- (남자8) 아이, 씨발, 경찰이야!‬They're coming down this way! Fuck! It's the cops!
‪다시 올라가!‬They're coming down this way! Fuck! It's the cops! Run back up!
‪[혼란스러운 아우성]‬Run back up!
‪[사람들의 당황한 숨소리와 비명]‬
‪(여자8) 오빠, 같이 가!‬Hey, don't leave me!
‪(형사8) 야, 저기 있다!‬They're over here!
‪잡아, 잡아!‬Get them!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[동하의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ESCAPE ROPE
‪(메신저) 너 독립한다는 거‬ ‪누구한테 들었을 거 같아?‬ ‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬Who do you think told me you were trying to go independent?
‪용수 사장은 걱정 마요‬Don't worry about Yong-soo.
‪우리 룰은 누구한테나 공평하니까‬We apply the same rules to everyone.
‪[속삭이며] 개처럼 일한다면서‬I thought you said you were going to work like a dog?
‪그럼 개처럼 살아남아요‬Then try and survive like a dog.
‪[휴대전화 진동음이 울린다]‬Then try and survive like a dog.
‪(중배) 형님, 어디십니까?‬Sir, where are you?
‪여기 지금 일 났습니다‬We've run into a problem.
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(형사9) 아이, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪저, 저, 자수, 자수하겠습니다‬I want to turn myself in.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[웅성웅성 소란스럽다]‬
‪(형사10) 빨리빨리 연행해, 빨리!‬Hurry up and put everyone away!
‪가자‬Stay right there!
‪[멀리서 전화벨이 울린다]‬ ‪[키보드 타자 소리]‬
‪[웅성웅성 소란스럽다]‬
‪(광철) 가족들 생각해‬Think about your family. If you do anything stupid, your family will suffer for it.
‪허튼 생각 하면‬ ‪가족들 험한 꼴 당한다‬If you do anything stupid, your family will suffer for it.
‪(형사11) 박동하 씨‬Mr. Park Dong-ha.
‪우리 다 알고 갔어요, 거기‬We knew about everything before we went in there.
‪오늘 마약 거래 있다고‬ ‪첩보 떴거든‬We received a tip-off that there were drug dealings going on.
‪(형사11) 근데 박동하 씨는‬But, Mr. Park, why were you there if you weren't going to do drugs?
‪약도 안 빨 거면‬ ‪거긴 왜 간 거예요?‬But, Mr. Park, why were you there if you weren't going to do drugs?
‪거, 박동하 씨가 제일 수상해‬You, Mr. Park, are the most suspicious one.
‪아이, 제일 깨끗하거든‬Precisely because you're the cleanest.
‪약도 안 해, 대학서 애들 가르쳐‬You're not on drugs and you teach students at a university.
‪멀쩡한 가족도 있는 가장에다가‬And you're a breadwinner to a family.
‪아, 어떻게 된 사람이‬ ‪벌금을 한 번 안 냈어?‬You've never even had to pay a fine in your life. You're a real model citizen.
‪모범 시민이야, 아주‬You're a real model citizen.
‪자, 솔직하게 털어놔 봅시다‬All right, be honest with me.
‪여기 왜 왔어요?‬Why were you there?
‪제가 저기, 그…‬I thought…
‪거기 가면, 그…‬I could…
‪마, 마사지를…‬get a massage--
‪- '마사지'?‬ ‪- (동하) 예‬-A massage? -Yes, sir.
‪(형사11) 아니‬ ‪자수하겠다고 그랬다며?‬Come on, you said you were turning yourself in.
‪서, 성매매한 사실…‬For soliciting a prostitute--
‪[형사11이 책상을 쿵 내려친다]‬ ‪(형사11) 장난해, 지금?‬For soliciting a prostitute-- Are you joking right now?
‪우리가 성매매 단속하러‬ ‪거기 간 줄 알아?‬You think we were going after prostitution?
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪근데 저, 누차 말씀드렸듯이‬I'm sorry, but like I already said,
‪거기 가면‬ ‪서, 성매매를 할 수 있다고…‬I heard I could hook up--
‪(형사11) 아, 됐어요, 됐어‬Forget it.
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬I don't even drink and drive.
‪(남자9) 음주 운전도 안 해요‬ ‪[저마다 웅성댄다]‬I don't even drink and drive.
‪(동하) 저기 혹시…‬Excuse me,
‪집이나 학교에 알려지게 됩니까?‬will this be revealed to my family or the school?
‪[헛웃음]‬That's what I'm saying.
‪[한숨]‬What are you doing?
‪[팀장의 헛웃음]‬
‪[팀장의 한숨]‬
‪(팀장) 첩보 이거‬ ‪어디서 올라왔어?‬Where did the tip-off come from?
‪(형사12) 2팀 정보원이‬ ‪물어다 준 겁니다‬An informant from Team Two.
‪시간에 장소까지 특정된 첩보인데‬The time and location were exact,
‪어느 놈인지 사진 한 장도 없어?‬but there's not even a picture of the guy?
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음이 울린다]‬LIEUTENANT MOON JUNG-KOOK
‪- (주현) 네‬ ‪- (정국) 뭐 물어볼 게 있어서‬-Hello? -I have something to ask you.
‪이번에 올린 보고서 보니까, 그…‬I saw your report, and you know the professor who called in with the tip?
‪112 신고했다던 교수 말이야‬I saw your report, and you know the professor who called in with the tip?
‪그 교수 이름이 박동하인가?‬Was his name Park Dong-ha?
‪네, 왜요?‬Yes, why?
‪(정국) 이번에 인천 광수대 애들이‬ ‪또 한 건 했어‬The Incheon Investigation Unit did it again.
‪마약 사범을 대거 잡아들였는데‬They arrested a bunch of drug offenders,
‪거기 이 양반이 있다?‬and he was one of them.
‪마약 사범으로요?‬On drug charges?
‪(정국) 아니, 그건 아니고‬No, not that.
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪성 매수자로 조사받았네?‬For soliciting a prostitute.
‪[느릿한 배경음악]‬ ‪근데 거기가‬But we had that location listed as one of the Yongsoo Ring's clients.
‪용수 애들 거래처라고‬ ‪우리가 리스트업한 곳이야‬But we had that location listed as one of the Yongsoo Ring's clients.
‪뭐, 광수대 새끼들이‬ ‪어떻게 알았는지‬I have no idea how the Investigation Unit found out.
‪뭐, 자료 빼서 보다가‬ ‪발견을 했다는데‬They said they found it while going through their files,
‪너한테 알려 줘야 될 거 같아서‬but I thought I should let you know.
‪(동하) 은주야‬Eun-ju.
‪너 거기서 뭐 했어?‬What were you doing there?
‪[버벅대며] 어, 어, 어디?‬Where?
‪말 더듬지 말고 똑바로 말해‬Stop stuttering and answer me.
‪[은주가 가방을 뒤적거린다]‬
‪(동하) 아이, 은주야, 왜 그래?‬Eun-ju, why are you acting like this?
‪도대체 뭐 하고 돌아다니는 거야?‬What are you up to these days?
‪경찰서엔 왜 갔어?‬Why did you go to the police station? And what's this about a massage parlor?
‪그 마사지 숍은 또 뭐고?‬Why did you go to the police station? And what's this about a massage parlor?
‪(동하) 은주야‬ ‪여기서 이러지 말고, 우리, 그…‬Why did you go to the police station? And what's this about a massage parlor? Eun-ju, let's not do this here.
‪차에 들어가서 얘기하자‬Let's talk in the car.
‪너‬Are you committing crimes?
‪범죄 저지르고 있니?‬Are you committing crimes?
‪무슨, 무슨 소리야?‬-What are you talking about? -What in the world are you up to?
‪도대체 뭐 하고‬ ‪돌아다니는 거냐고!‬-What are you talking about? -What in the world are you up to? Let's talk somewhere else. Okay? Let's go in--
‪(동하) 들어가서 얘기해, 어?‬ ‪들어가…‬Let's talk somewhere else. Okay? Let's go in--
‪[은주의 씩씩대는 숨소리]‬
‪(은주) 돈 훔쳐서 코가 꿰여?‬You were roped in because you stole money?
‪[은주의 헛웃음]‬
‪나나 우리 애들 죽인다고‬ ‪협박까지 받고?‬And they're threatening to kill your wife and your kids?
‪(동하) 내, 내가 해결할게‬I'll take care of everything, so--
‪- 그러니까…‬ ‪- (은주) '마약 배달'?‬I'll take care of everything, so-- Delivering drugs?
‪너 진짜‬Are you insane?
‪미쳤어?‬Are you insane?
‪가족들 다 죽일 셈이야?‬Are you trying to get your whole family killed?
‪시동 걸어, 경찰서 가자‬Start the car. Let's go to the police.
‪미행당하고 있을지도 몰라‬They might be tailing me.
‪(동하) 이거 알려지면‬If they find out,
‪우리 가족들한테‬ ‪해코지할지도 모르고‬they might harm our family. And…
‪나도 이거…‬ ‪[한숨]‬they might harm our family. And…
‪하고 싶어서 이러는 거 아니야‬I'm not doing this by choice. I'm doing this for our family--
‪전부 가족들 위해서인데‬ ‪어떻게든…‬I'm not doing this by choice. I'm doing this for our family--
‪(은주) 애들 목숨 걸고‬ ‪마약 배달하는 게‬I'm not doing this by choice. I'm doing this for our family-- Our kids' lives are on the line, and you're doing this for us?
‪가족을 위하는 거니?‬Our kids' lives are on the line, and you're doing this for us?
‪네가 지금까지‬ ‪가족한테 한 게 뭐가 있다고‬What have you done for our family? You don't deserve to say things like that.
‪이제 와서 가족 타령이야!‬What have you done for our family? You don't deserve to say things like that.
‪네가 여태껏‬ ‪가족한테 뭘 했는데, 뭘!‬Tell me what you've done for our family!
‪너 미쳐도 단단히 미쳤구나?‬You must have really lost your mind.
‪내가 당장 가서 너 신고할 거야‬I'm going to report you right now.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪- (동하) 은주야!‬ ‪- 놔!‬Eun-ju! Let go. I'm going to protect Yeon-woo and Hyun-woo.
‪연우, 현우 내가 지켜‬Let go. I'm going to protect Yeon-woo and Hyun-woo.
‪(은주) 지금까지 가족은‬ ‪네가 아니라 내가 지켰다고‬I've been the one protecting our family this whole time, not you.
‪네가 뭔 짓거리를 하고 다녀도‬ ‪이제 상관 안 해‬I don't care what you do anymore.
‪나, 나는?‬Am I…
‪너한테 가족이 아니야?‬Am I not family to you?
‪[은주의 한숨]‬Am I not family to you?
‪(은주) 아니야‬You're not. Not anymore.
‪이젠‬You're not. Not anymore.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪그럼 넌 뭐 했는데?‬Then what did you do?
‪바람피운 거?‬Having an affair?
‪[느리고 슬픈 배경음악]‬
‪(동하) 그래서 나한테‬And asking me
‪이, 이혼하자고 하는 거?‬for a divorce because of that?
‪가족을 깨려는 건 너잖아‬You're the one trying to break apart our family, not me.
‪내가 아니라‬You're the one trying to break apart our family, not me.
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪(광철) 들어가‬Get going.
‪집에 들어가라고‬Go back home.
‪이쪽 애들이 다 알고 있었다‬All the guys here knew about it?
‪민규가 예전에‬ ‪강준이 밑에 있었지?‬Min-gyu used to work for Kang-jun, right?
‪정리는 어떻게 하실 겁니까?‬How should we handle the situation?
‪형님이 담그라고 하시면‬ ‪제가 하겠습니다‬If you just give me the order, I can take him out.
‪(중배) 놔두면‬ ‪이런 일 계속 생길 겁니다‬If we leave him, this will keep happening.
‪일단 가자‬Let's get going for now.
‪(동하) 그럼 넌 뭐 했는데?‬Then what did you do for us?
‪바람피운 거?‬Having an affair?
‪가족을 깨려는 건 너잖아‬You're the one trying to break apart our family, not me.
‪내가 아니라‬ ‪[은주의 한숨]‬You're the one trying to break apart our family, not me.
‪광철이…‬ ‪[멈칫한다]‬I think Kwang-chul's here.
‪온 거 같은데요‬I think Kwang-chul's here.
‪(주현) 사람 하나 찾아‬Find someone for me.
‪(동하) 나, 나는?‬Am I…
‪너한테 가족이 아니야?‬Am I not family to you?
‪[은주의 한숨]‬Am I not family to you?
‪[잔잔한 배경음악]‬ ‪(은주) 아니야‬You're not.
‪[동하의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪이젠‬Not anymore.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[동하의 한숨]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[발로 때리는 소리]‬ ‪[민규의 신음]‬
‪[민규의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪(민규) 중배야‬Jung-bae.
‪[민규의 고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪오해야, 오해야, 이거‬It's a misunderstanding.
‪[민규의 괴로운 신음]‬It's a misunderstanding.
‪오해야‬It's a misunderstanding.
‪내가 말할게, 중배야‬Listen to me, Jung-bae.
‪아니, 잠깐 내 말 좀 들어봐‬Wait, just hear me out.
‪[때리는 소리]‬ ‪[민규의 신음]‬Wait, just hear me out.
‪아이, 중배야‬Jung-bae.
‪[때리는 소리]‬ ‪[민규의 신음]‬
‪[민규의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪오해야‬It's a misunderstanding.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(득수) 여행 자율화되기‬ ‪훨씬 전이니까‬This was before the liberalization of overseas travel.
‪보통 사람들은 해외 구경하기도‬ ‪힘든 시절이었지‬It was hard for the average person to go overseas in those days.
‪그때가 복싱 전성기였어‬It was during the heyday of boxing.
‪뭐, 난 무명이긴 했지만‬Although I was unknown at the time,
‪미들급 경기 오프닝 매치에‬ ‪나갔단 말이야‬I fought as a middleweight for the opening match.
‪오프닝 매치라고‬And they don't just let anyone compete in the opening fight.
‪아무나 막 시켜 주고‬ ‪그러는 거 아니거든‬And they don't just let anyone compete in the opening fight.
‪근데 그때 갔던‬ ‪그 LA 샌타모니카 해변이‬But you have no idea how beautiful Santa Monica beach looked
‪그렇게 아름다울 수가 없었어‬when I first went to L.A. back then.
‪[순옥의 웃음]‬ ‪그 멋진 해변을 나 혼자‬I remember shadowboxing
‪섀도복싱을 하면서…‬on that beautiful beach.
‪'천국이 있다면‬ ‪이런 곳이겠구나'‬This is probably what heaven is like, is what I thought.
‪'죽기 전에 다시 한번 꼭…'‬I'd love to visit again at least once before I die…
‪[혀를 굴리며] 샌타모니카 해변‬Santa Monica beach sure is beautiful.
‪정말 멋지죠‬Santa Monica beach sure is beautiful.
‪아, 그렇지!‬Exactly.
‪어떻게?‬How do you know?
‪순옥 씨는 뭐, 영화에서 봤나?‬Did you see it in a movie or something?
‪[웃으며] 아니요, 전 유학 시절에‬Did you see it in a movie or something? -No, it was while I was studying abroad. -Studying abroad?
‪'유학'?‬-No, it was while I was studying abroad. -Studying abroad?
‪아니, 샌타모니카 근처에‬ ‪대학이 있었던가?‬Was there a university near Santa Monica?
‪[당황한 웃음]‬
‪얘기가 옆으로 좀 샜는데‬We went off-topic for a second,
‪어쨌든 그 정도로‬ ‪순옥 씨하고 나하고는‬but what I wanted to say is that
‪겹치는 부분이 많아‬you and I have a lot in common.
‪[웃음]‬ ‪(득수) 성격도 그렇고‬you and I have a lot in common. From our personalities,
‪오늘 샌타모니카도 그렇고‬to Santa Monica…
‪[허허 웃는다]‬
‪[난감한 숨소리]‬
‪이, 슬하에‬You said
‪자식이 없댔죠?‬you don't have any children, right?
‪무자식이 상팔자란 말도 있잖아요‬They say being childless is better.
‪외로운 사람끼리 의지하고 살면‬If two lonely people can rely on each other,
‪그게 자식보다 훨 나아‬it's much better than having any children.
‪그런가요?‬Is that so?
‪병원장 하시던 남편분하고는‬When were you bereaved of your husband?
‪언제 사별하셨다고?‬He ran a hospital, right?
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪(득수) 아, 안 내리셔도 되는데‬You don't have to get out.
‪[순옥의 웃음]‬You don't have to get out. The next one is on me.
‪다음엔 제가 살게요‬The next one is on me.
‪(득수) 무슨 소리‬What do you mean?
‪내가 거지 되면 그때 한 번 사요‬You can treat me once I go broke.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪여자들한테 내가‬ ‪뭘 얻어먹어 본 적이 없어서‬I've never had a woman pay for my meal.
‪순옥 씨‬Sun-ok.
‪안전 운행하시고‬Drive safely.
‪그럼‬See you later.
‪그럼‬Take care.
‪[자동문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[자동문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[지폐를 사락 꺼낸다]‬
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪[자동문 버튼음]‬
‪[느릿한 배경음악]‬ ‪[득수의 한숨]‬
‪진행비 많이 들어가네‬This is costing me a lot.
‪이달 고시원 방세도 못 냈는데‬I haven't even paid for my room.
‪[키보드 치는 소리]‬YOO HAN-CHEOL
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬YOO HAN-CHEOL
‪(교무 직원) 그 사람 맞아요?‬Is he the right guy?
‪(동하) 아, 예‬Yes, he is.
‪[교무 직원의 탄성]‬Okay. Did you go to university with him?
‪교수님 동기?‬Okay. Did you go to university with him?
‪동기는 아니고요‬No, we didn't go to school together.
‪[교무 직원의 웃음]‬ ‪(교무 직원) 아, 연락이‬ ‪끊기셨나 봐요?‬No, we didn't go to school together. You must have lost touch with him.
‪찾으시는 거 보니까‬You must have lost touch with him.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[휴대전화를 달그락 집어 든다]‬
‪(김 사장) 하자 할 때는‬ ‪씨발, 거 쌩까더만은‬You fucking ignored me when I asked to do it.
‪상황이 좀 변했다‬The situation's different now.
‪쫄리시는 모양이네, 요새?‬Are you struggling a bit these days?
‪휴, 쫄리는 게 아니라‬I'm not just struggling.
‪죽게 생겼다‬I'm dying here.
‪(김 사장) 근데 우리 물건은 하…‬ ‪질이 좀 떨어지는데‬But our stuff might not be up to par.
‪뭐든 갖고 와‬Just bring me anything.
‪우리 유통망에 깔면 돈 좀 벌 거다‬Our distribution network will earn you a lot.
‪좋지‬Sounds good.
‪근데‬By the way,
‪갸들 배신하면 안 되지 않나?‬isn't it a bad idea to go behind their backs?
‪갸들 무섭던데‬They're a scary bunch.
‪먼저 험하게 나오니까‬ ‪너 찾아온 거지‬They started it, so that's why I came to you.
‪(용수) 저 새끼 들어오고 나서‬Business has turned into a mess ever since that punk joined.
‪사업이 개판이다‬Business has turned into a mess ever since that punk joined.
‪[개운한 탄성]‬
‪광철이만 한 새끼가 없지?‬No one is as good as Kwang-chul.
‪아까워서 우짜노?‬What a shame.
‪그 새끼를 안 죽이면 내가 죽어‬If I don't kill that bastard, I'll be the one to die.
‪[김 사장의 웃음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[매미 소리]‬ ‪[민규의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(민규) 어, 형님‬Sir.
‪(광철) 앉아라‬Sit down.
‪[민규의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪먹어, 식는다‬Eat up. It's getting cold.
‪[광철이 후루룩 먹는다]‬
‪예, 형님‬Yes, sir.
‪- 어머니 잘 계시냐?‬ ‪- (민규) 예?‬-How's your mother? -Sorry?
‪예, 예, 잘 계십니다, 형님‬Yes, she's doing fine, sir.
‪칠순 잔치 갔던 게‬ ‪벌써 몇 년 전이니까‬Her 70th birthday party was years ago.
‪연세 많이 드셨겠다‬She's probably aged quite a bit.
‪(광철) 자주 못 찾아봬도‬ ‪연락 자주 하고‬Call her regularly even if you don't visit her often.
‪난 고아라서 엄마 있는 놈들이‬ ‪그렇게 부럽더라‬I'm an orphan, so I've always been jealous of people who have their moms.
‪버림받는 게 어떤 건지‬ ‪넌 몰라, 인마‬You don't know what it's like to be abandoned.
‪(민규) 혀, 형님‬Sir.
‪하, 한 번만…‬Just this once.
‪한 번만 살려 주십시오‬Please just let me off this once.
‪변명은 아, 안 하겠습니다‬I won't make excuses.
‪[민규의 떨리는 목소리]‬ ‪사, 살려 주십시오, 형님!‬Please don't kill me, sir.
‪[민규가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[숟가락을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪나랑 가면 살고‬ ‪너 혼자 가면 죽는다‬Come with me, and you'll live. If you go alone, you'll die.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬Come with me, and you'll live. If you go alone, you'll die.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪밥 먹어라‬Eat up.
‪먹고 같이 나가자‬And we can leave together.
‪[민규가 울먹인다]‬
‪[민규가 콜록거린다]‬
‪[진동음이 울린다]‬ ‪[득수의 한숨]‬
‪[졸린 목소리로] 예, 박득수입니다‬Hello, this is Park Deuk-soo.
‪순옥 씨?‬Sun-ok?
‪저녁 약속 있다더니 무슨 일로?‬I thought you had dinner plans, what's going on?
‪파투 났어?‬Did it get canceled?
‪아, 지금 온다고?‬You're coming right now?
‪[하하 웃는다]‬
‪아이고‬Oh, dear.
‪(득수) 아, 약속도 없이‬ ‪이러시면 곤란한데, 어?‬You're not making it easy for me by calling me on such short notice.
‪어휴, 난 아직 샤워도 안 했어‬I haven't even showered yet.
‪하, 어?‬What?
‪아이고, 30분?‬Oh boy! 30 minutes?
‪아이고, 좀 천천히 와요, 어?‬Goodness, take your time, all right?
‪아이, 난 아직 샤워도 안 했다니까‬I told you, I haven't even showered yet.
‪보고 싶다는데, 이거‬Well, you miss me so much,
‪어쩌나, 어?‬so what can I do?
‪[달그락 내려놓는다]‬ ‪그래요, 예‬so what can I do? All right, then. Sure.
‪천천히‬Take your time.
‪예? 좀 이따가 봅시다‬ ‪네, 순옥 씨‬Okay. I'll see you soon. All right, Sun-ok.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪아이코, 이거!‬Gosh, I'm in serious trouble.
‪크, 큰일 났네‬Gosh, I'm in serious trouble.
‪아파트까지 택시를 타도‬ ‪20분은 넘게 걸릴 텐데‬It'll take me more than 20 minutes to get to the apartment by taxi.
‪에헤, 이거 참‬Goodness me.
‪(옆방 남자) [벽을 쾅쾅 두들기며]‬ ‪아유, 좀 조용히 좀 해!‬Goodness me. Shut up, would you?
‪야, 이 새끼야‬Hey, asshole.
‪넌 밤에 야동이나 그만 쳐 봐!‬How about you stop watching all that porn at night?
‪야, 인마!‬ ‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬You hear me?
‪이 새끼, 이게 진짜‬You punk…
‪괴로워 죽겠어, 어?‬This is killing me.
‪[바지를 탁 입으며]‬ ‪아이, 좆만 한 새끼가‬Fucking punk.
‪[벨트 버클이 찰그랑댄다]‬Fucking punk.
‪(득수) [한숨 쉬며] 덥다‬It's hot.
‪(윤석) 박득수 씨?‬Mr. Park Deuk-soo?
‪'박득수'? 아, 302호‬"Park Deuk-soo"? The guy from Room 302?
‪자고 있던데 들어가 봐요‬He's sleeping. You can go check.
‪내가 득수 그놈이랑 닮았나?‬Do I look like him?
‪[웃으며] 아니, 뭐‬ ‪맞는데, 박득수 씨‬Come on, you're Park Deuk-soo.
‪어떻게, 수갑 찰래요?‬ ‪그냥 가실래요?‬Do you want to get cuffed or cooperate?
‪사람 잘못 봤다니까‬You've got the wrong person.
‪- (득수) 신분증을 보여 줘야 믿나‬ ‪- 아, 거!‬-Do I need to show you my ID? -Come on now! I don't need your fake ID.
‪위조된 거 꺼내지 마시고‬-Do I need to show you my ID? -Come on now! I don't need your fake ID.
‪(득수) 위조라니요, 이 사람‬What do you mean fake?
‪[수갑을 잘그랑거리며]‬ ‪그냥 수갑 찹시다‬Let me just cuff you. Damn it!
‪아, 아이 씨!‬Damn it!
‪내 전화 한 통만 합시다‬Let me just make a call.
‪[흥미로운 배경음악]‬ ‪순옥 씨?‬Sun-ok? I don't know how to put this,
‪이거 어떡하지? 오늘 좀 힘들겠어‬Sun-ok? I don't know how to put this, but I don't think I can meet you today.
‪아, 내가 오늘 로터리클럽‬ ‪임원 회의가 있는 날인데‬but I don't think I can meet you today. I have a Rotary Club members' meeting today,
‪깜빡했지 뭐야‬but I forgot all about it.
‪아이, 나도 이제 늙었나 봐‬I must be getting old.
‪아주 고장 난 형광등이야‬I'm so forgetful, like an old broken lamp.
‪[득수가 하하 웃는다]‬
‪아, 아이, 그래, 그래요‬All right, then.
‪조만간 내가 다시 연락드리지‬I'll call you again sometime soon.
‪미안합니다, 순옥 씨‬I'm so sorry, Sun-ok.
‪아, 이거‬Damn it…
‪공든 탑이 이렇게 무너지나?‬I was so close to wrapping this one up too.
‪[윤석의 헛웃음]‬
‪- (윤석) 타세요, 빨리‬ ‪- (득수) 하, 참‬-Just get in. -Jeez.
‪[차 앞문이 열린다]‬
‪(윤석) 아휴‬Gosh.
‪[차 앞문이 닫힌다]‬
‪[차 시동이 걸린다]‬
‪아가씨는 잡힌 사람인가?‬ ‪잡는 사람인가?‬Miss, are you in here because you got caught, or are you in here for work?
‪(득수) [웃으며] 뭐야?‬What the… Are you a detective?
‪형사야?‬What the… Are you a detective?
‪미모의 여형사가 애가 탈 만한‬ ‪죄는 안 지었는데?‬I didn't do anything wrong for a beautiful detective like you to be worried about.
‪전과 7범의 범털께서‬ ‪무전취식은 좀‬For someone who has seven prior convictions,
‪모양 빠지지 않아요?‬isn't dine and dash a bit beneath you?
‪(득수) 내 말이‬Exactly.
‪이거 순 공권력 낭비 아닌가?‬Isn't this a waste of your power?
‪세상에 나쁜 놈들이 얼마나 많은데‬ ‪[주현의 한숨]‬There are so many bad guys out there.
‪안 그래, 아가씨?‬Don't you think so, miss?
‪박득수 씨‬-Mr. Park Deuk-soo. -Yes.
‪(득수) 어, 그래‬-Mr. Park Deuk-soo. -Yes.
‪소원을 말해 봐‬Tell me your wishes.
‪처음부터 서설이 긴 거 보니‬Judging from the long introduction, I doubt you're trying to toss me in jail.
‪빵에 처넣을 생각은 아닌 거 같고‬Judging from the long introduction, I doubt you're trying to toss me in jail.
‪나랑 뭘 하고 싶은데?‬What do you want to do with me?
‪우리 일 하나 같이합시다‬Let's do a job together.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[무거운 한숨]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪(은주 모) 어서 가서‬ ‪연우, 현우 밥 챙겨‬Go home and feed your kids.
‪- 그러고 있지 말고‬ ‪- (은주) 엄마‬-Don't just sit there. -Mom.
‪나 애들 데리고 이 집에서‬ ‪같이 살면 안 될까?‬Can I just live here with you and the kids?
‪[잔잔한 컨트리풍 배경음악]‬
‪(동하와 가족) 자, 10, 9, 8‬All right, ten, nine, eight,
‪7, 6, 5, 4, 3‬seven, six, five, four, three,
‪2, 1, 땡!‬two, one, it's time!
‪[동하와 가족의 행복한 환호성]‬two, one, it's time!
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[득수의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 이야‬
‪동네가 무슨 공동묘지도 아니고‬Is this neighborhood a cemetery or something?
‪이렇게 조용해?‬Why is it so quiet?
‪[가래를 칵 모은다]‬
‪[초인종이 딩동 울린다]‬
‪[연우가 거울을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪누구지?‬-Who could that be? -If it's Mom, I'm not going out.
‪엄마면 난 안 나가‬-Who could that be? -If it's Mom, I'm not going out.
‪번호 키를 알고 있는데‬ ‪우리 가족일 리가 없잖아‬It can't be someone in our family. We all know the passcode.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓으며]‬ ‪아, 그렇네‬You're right.
‪(연우) 누구세요?‬Who is it?
‪(연우) 누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪여기가 박동하 씨네 집이 맞냐?‬Is this Mr. Park Dong-ha's house?
‪(연우) 네, 근데요?‬Yes. How can I help you?
‪낯선 사람한테 함부로‬ ‪문 열어 주는 거 아니다‬You shouldn't open the door to strangers.
‪(득수) 세상 험한 줄 모르냐!‬You have no idea how scary the world can be!
‪가정 교육이 형편없구먼‬Your parents did a terrible job of raising you.
‪(연우) 아니, 근데 누구시냐고요‬Okay, but who are you?
‪내가 아무래도‬I think I'm your grandfather.
‪너희들 할아비 같으다‬I think I'm your grandfather.
‪[허허 웃는다]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[민규의 신음]‬
‪[광철이 라이터를 달칵 연다]‬
‪[라이터를 달칵 닫는다]‬
‪[민규의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪저 씨발 놈이 뒈지려고, 이 씨‬That motherfucker must have a death wish.

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