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  종이의 집: 공동경제구역 7

Money Heist (Korea) Joint Economic Area 7


‪(도쿄) 한반도가 아직‬ ‪냉전의 와중이던 시절‬During the Korean War days,
‪차무혁이라는 이름은‬Cha Moohyuk was considered a grim reaper to the double agents.
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪이중간첩들에겐‬Cha Moohyuk was considered a grim reaper to the double agents.
‪저승사자와 같은 존재였다‬Cha Moohyuk was considered a grim reaper to the double agents.
‪중국대사관 쪽으로 이동한다‬Heading to the Chinese Embassy. Block the alley.
‪(무혁) 길목 막아라‬Heading to the Chinese Embassy. Block the alley.
‪"주한 중국대사관"‬
‪[불안한 숨소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[남자의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(남자) 씨‬
‪(무혁) 여기 지키라우‬ ‪내래 처리한다‬Stay here. I'll take care of him.
‪- (부하1) 네‬ ‪- (부하2) 네‬Yes, sir.
‪[남자의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[남자의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[남자의 고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[남자의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[남자의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[괴로워하는 신음]‬
‪[쇠사슬이 절그럭거린다]‬
‪[남자의 고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[남자가 연신 고통스러워한다]‬
‪(남자) [괴로워하며] 동지, 동지…‬Comrade, please spare me.
‪(무혁) 내래 기케 가르쳤네?‬This isn't how I trained you.
‪배때기에 기름기가 끼었는지‬ ‪움직임이 영 둔해졌구먼‬You've had it easy, haven't you? Your moves are dull.
‪[괴로운 숨을 내쉬며] 동지‬Comrade.
‪살려주시오‬Please spare me.
‪마지막으로 남길 말이‬ ‪고작 기건가?‬Is that all you have to say?
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪분단 시대는 이제 끝났소‬The era of division is over now.
‪[남자의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪다시 말해보라‬Say it again.
‪윗선에서 이미‬ ‪이야기가 끝났다고 들었소‬I heard the decision's been made already.
‪(남자) 우리 같은 이 종자들은‬People like us from the North are disposable.
‪기냥 쓰다 버려지는 거란 말이오!‬ ‪[무혁의 힘주는 신음]‬People like us from the North are disposable.
‪[쾅]‬ ‪[남자의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[남자의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪[남자의 공격하는 신음]‬
‪[칼이 챙그랑 나뒹군다]‬
‪[무혁의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[남자의 숨이 턱 막히는 신음]‬
‪(무혁) [힘주며]‬ ‪옛정을 생각해서리‬I was going to kill you painlessly, considering our past.
‪고통 없이 보내주려고 했는데‬ ‪[남자의 고통스러운 신음]‬I was going to kill you painlessly, considering our past.
‪[남자의 안간힘 쓰는 신음]‬ ‪[쇠사슬이 절그럭거린다]‬
‪[남자의 고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬ ‪[남자가 연신 고통스러워한다]‬
‪(남자) 야, 이 새끼야!‬Hey, you bastard!
‪[남자의 안간힘 쓰는 신음]‬
‪[남자가 계속 고통스러워한다]‬
‪[쇠사슬이 절그럭거린다]‬
‪[기계 작동음이 턱 멈춘다]‬
‪(도쿄) 하지만 모두가 알다시피‬But as everyone now knows, the double agent's words were true.
‪그 이중간첩의 말은 사실이었다‬But as everyone now knows, the double agent's words were true.
‪(간부) 우리 부서는‬ ‪애초에 없었던 조직이 될 기야‬It'll be like our team never existed.
‪[드럼통에서 탁탁 소리가 난다]‬It'll be like our team never existed.
‪(무혁) 앞으로‬ ‪제가 맡을 임무는 뭡니까?‬What will my duty be from now on?
‪(간부) 임무?‬Duty? Perhaps a security guard.
‪보안원 노릇이나 하갔디‬Duty? Perhaps a security guard.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪일없습니다‬No, thank you, sir.
‪(도쿄) 무혁이 바라보는 것은‬ ‪새로운 시대의 불길이었다‬Moohyuk was looking at the flames of a new era.
‪그 속에서‬And everything he had dedicated his whole life to was burning to ashes.
‪그가 평생을 바쳐온 모든 것이‬ ‪불타고 있었다‬And everything he had dedicated his whole life to was burning to ashes.
‪[무혁의 깊은 한숨]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪(무혁) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬Hello, sir.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪누구…‬You are?
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬ ‪(무혁) 그 지난번에‬ ‪조폐국 대응팀 캠프에 오셨더랬죠?‬You came to the Task Force at the Mint last time, right?
‪아, 그…‬Oh.
‪우진 씨 동료분이시군요?‬-You must be Woojin's colleague. -I'm Cha Moohyuk.
‪차무혁이라고 합니다‬-You must be Woojin's colleague. -I'm Cha Moohyuk.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[교수가 무혁의 손을 탁 잡는다]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[기자들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪[우진이 차 문을 탁 연다]‬
‪[우진이 차 문을 탁 닫는다]‬
‪- (기자1) 온다, 온다, 온다‬ ‪- (기자2) 한 말씀 부탁드립니다‬-He's coming. -A word, please. Could you give us a comment, sir?
‪(기자3) 한마디만 부탁드립니다‬Could you give us a comment, sir?
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪[기자들이 연신 질문한다]‬
‪[우진이 천막을 홱 걷는다]‬ ‪[우진의 다급한 한숨]‬
‪(우진) 차 대위는?‬Where's Captain Cha?
‪(동철) 북측 요원 말로는‬ ‪어젯밤에 뭐 조사할 게 있다고‬Where's Captain Cha? A North Korean agent said he went to investigate last night.
‪어디 좀 다녀오신다고 했답니다‬A North Korean agent said he went to investigate last night.
‪(우진) 밤늦게 무슨 조사?‬-At this hour? -I don't know the details.
‪(동철) 그거까지는…‬-At this hour? -I don't know the details.
‪(서장) 아, 이 새벽에‬ ‪모이라고 하는 건 뭔데?‬Why'd you call us at this hour? What's going on?
‪무슨 일이야?‬Why'd you call us at this hour? What's going on?
‪(우진) 이게 뭐 같아 보여요?‬What does this look like?
‪(서장) 내 요새 눈이 침침해서…‬My eyes aren't what they used to be. What's this?
‪뭐야, 이게?‬My eyes aren't what they used to be. What's this?
‪- (서장) 이거?‬ ‪- (동철) 지폐네요?‬-This is… -It's money.
‪십만 원권‬100,000 won.
‪(우진) 그래, 돈이야‬That's right. It's money.
‪놈들은 저 안에서‬ ‪돈을 찍어내고 있었던 거라고요‬They've been printing money in there.
‪[커피 머신 작동음]‬
‪선 팀장님껜 말씀 많이 들었습니다‬I've heard about you from Inspector Sun.
‪[교수가 잔을 달그락거린다]‬ ‪(교수) [웃으며] 아‬
‪우진 씨한테요?‬From Woojin?
‪네, 여기 자주 들르신다고‬ ‪[교수가 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬She said she comes here often.
‪(무혁) 한번 와보고 싶었는데‬I wanted to visit.
‪[교수가 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪퇴근하는 길에‬I wanted to visit. I happened to see you walking in on my way home.
‪마침 가게로 들어가시는 게‬ ‪딱 보이디 뭡니까‬I happened to see you walking in on my way home.
‪아, 예, 뭐‬ ‪아직 정식 오픈 안 했습니다‬Well, we're not officially open yet.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[교수의 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪제가 실례를 했나요?‬Is this not a good time?
‪(무혁) [멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪너무 출출해서 그만‬I'm sorry. I was just so hungry.
‪(교수) 아, 아닙니다, 저…‬No, it's okay. You're Woojin's colleague, so you're a special guest to me.
‪우진 씨 동료분이신데‬ ‪저한테 스페셜 게스트죠‬No, it's okay. You're Woojin's colleague, so you're a special guest to me.
‪그러면, 음…‬Let me see.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(교수) 뭘 해드릴까?‬ ‪[교수의 고민하는 한숨]‬What should I make for you?
‪[가스레인지 점화음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[교수의 고민하는 신음]‬
‪[교수가 달그락거린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(서장) 안 받아?‬He's not answering?
‪(우진) 네‬No.
‪[의아한 숨을 들이켜며] 그러니까…‬So, the hostage slipped it in your pocket to tell us that the robbers
‪안에서 강도들이‬ ‪돈 찍는 거를 알리려고‬So, the hostage slipped it in your pocket to tell us that the robbers
‪(서장) 인질이 몰래 건네준 거다?‬were printing money inside.
‪근데 어떻게 그게 가능해?‬But how is that possible?
‪돈이 그냥 저 안에 들어가면‬ ‪막 찍어내고 그럴 수 있는 거야?‬You can't just print money that easily.
‪일련번호는요?‬What about serial numbers?
‪(동철) 이게 설령 찍어낸다 쳐도‬ ‪추적이 될 게 뻔한데?‬Can't the money be tracked later?
‪해킹 전문가도 껴있는 판국에‬They have a hacker. Wouldn't surprise me if they also had a mint expert.
‪지폐 관련 전문가가 껴있어도‬ ‪이상할 건 없지‬They have a hacker. Wouldn't surprise me if they also had a mint expert.
‪(우진) 방법은 나도 모르겠어‬I don't know how either.
‪그렇지만 놈들이 왜‬ ‪시간을 버는 것처럼 보였는지‬But this explains why they seemed like they were buying time.
‪한 큐에 설명이 되잖아?‬But this explains why they seemed like they were buying time.
‪우리한테 중요한 건‬ ‪놈들 목적이 진짜 그거라면‬What's important is if that's their goal,
‪대응 방법을 완전히‬ ‪바꿔야 한다는 거야‬we need to change our strategy.
‪선 경감, 잠깐만‬Wait a minute.
‪만에 하나 자기 말이 맞는다면‬If you're right this time,
‪(서장) 이게 우리 선에서‬ ‪알아서 처리할 문제가 아니야‬we can't take care of this on our end.
‪일단 위에다 보고하고‬Let's run it up first.
‪그리고 저 새끼들이 진짜‬ ‪돈 찍어서 유통할 수 있는지‬Let's check with the Mint to see if those fools can actually use the money.
‪조폐 당국에 확인부터 하자, 어?‬Let's check with the Mint to see if those fools can actually use the money.
‪(우진) 우선 조폐국‬ ‪전기 사용량부터 확인해 볼게요‬I'll check the Mint's use of electricity first.
‪(서장) [손가락을 튕기며] 오케이‬I'll check the Mint's use of electricity first. Okay. I'll report it right away and get confirmation.
‪일단 내가 최대한 빨리 보고하고‬ ‪확인해 볼 테니까‬Okay. I'll report it right away and get confirmation.
‪지시 떨어지면 바로‬ ‪움직일 수 있게 준비해 둬‬Be prepared to move fast once told.
‪(우진) 네‬Yes, sir.
‪진짜 신박한 새끼들이네‬Unbelievable bastards.
‪지금까지 새 돈 냄새 맡으면서‬ ‪아주 신났겠어요‬They must be excited smelling the new bills.
‪(우진) 그러라고 해‬Let them.
‪그 짓거리도 얼마 못 갈 테니까‬They won't enjoy it for much longer.
‪[음료를 꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬
‪[무혁의 만족하는 신음]‬ ‪[교수의 웃음]‬
‪아휴, 진짜 배가 고프셨나 보네‬You really must have been hungry.
‪[교수의 웃음]‬ ‪아, 이거 너무 맛있는데요?‬This is so delicious.
‪[쩝쩝거리며] 근데 왜‬So, why don't you open your café? It's been over two months.
‪두 달 넘게 가게 문을‬ ‪제대로 안 열고 있는 겁니까?‬So, why don't you open your café? It's been over two months.
‪(무혁) [쩝쩝거리며]‬ ‪장사 잘될 것 같은데‬Your business will do well.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[무혁이 식기를 살짝 내려놓는다]‬
‪[무혁이 음료를 호로록 마신다]‬
‪[옅은 헛기침]‬
‪(교수) 제가‬ ‪시장조사를 대충 했는지‬I didn't do enough market research.
‪저희 집 커피 맛이‬They say my coffee is too bitter compared to what the North Koreans drink.
‪북한 주민들이 먹는 커피 맛보다‬ ‪좀 쓰다고들 하더라고요‬They say my coffee is too bitter compared to what the North Koreans drink.
‪아, 삼복 커피?‬ ‪[교수의 웃음]‬Oh, you mean Sambok coffee. It tastes like South Korean mix coffee.
‪그 남한 믹스커피랑‬ ‪맛이 비슷하디요‬Oh, you mean Sambok coffee. It tastes like South Korean mix coffee. Right. I'm going to rethink the menu and concept for the café.
‪[웃으며] 네‬Right. I'm going to rethink the menu and concept for the café.
‪저, 가게 콘셉트나 메뉴를‬ ‪다시 고민해 보려고 합니다‬Right. I'm going to rethink the menu and concept for the café.
‪[쩝쩝거리며] 근데‬ ‪여기 위생실이 어디입니까?‬By the way, where's the sanitary room?
‪아, 화장실이요?‬ ‪네, 저쪽으로 가시면 됩니다‬Oh, you mean the bathroom? It's that way.
‪[교수가 식기들을 달그락거린다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[무혁의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[무혁의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪(교수) 화장실은 이쪽이 아닌데요‬The bathroom isn't this way.
‪(무혁) [멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪아, 기래요?‬I see.
‪긴데 여기는 뭡니까?‬By the way, what is this room for?
‪(교수) 개인 공간입니다‬It's personal space.
‪[불편한 신음]‬
‪(무혁) 긴데 이건 뭡니까?‬And what's this?
‪[교수의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪마흔 넘은 아저씨 취미로는‬ ‪좀 창피해서 말이죠‬It's a lame hobby for a middle-aged man.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪내려가시죠‬Let's go downstairs.
‪[교수의 헛기침]‬
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(경찰1) JEA 경찰서‬ ‪과학수사대입니다‬KCSI at JEA Police Station.
‪조폐국 사건 북측 담당 보위부‬ ‪차무혁 대위입니다‬This is Captain Cha from the Joint Task Force.
‪혹시 지금 지문 감식 가능합니까?‬Can you run fingerprints now?
‪[교수의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(도청 속 경찰1) 접수된 사건이면‬ ‪가능은 한데…‬-Yes, if it's a reported case. -Please, it's urgent.
‪(도청 속 무혁) 고저 급한 건이라‬ ‪부탁 좀 드리갔소‬-Yes, if it's a reported case. -Please, it's urgent.
‪[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[교수의 한숨]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[확대경을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(나이로비) 손주? 귀엽다‬ ‪[청명의 놀란 신음]‬Is that your grandson? He's adorable. He looks about three months old.
‪이제 막 백일 지났겠네?‬Is that your grandson? He's adorable. He looks about three months old.
‪어찌 그리 잘 아오?‬How'd you know?
‪혹시… 자식이 있소?‬Do you have a child?
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬ ‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪어딜 봐서?‬Of course not.
‪(나이로비) 이 몸매 보세요‬Look at me.
‪이런 셰이프는‬ ‪애 엄마한테서 나올 수 없다니까‬A mother cannot be in shape like this.
‪[사진을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(나이로비) 걱정 마요‬Don't worry. You'll get out of here safe and meet them.
‪곧 무사히 나가서‬ ‪만나게 될 테니까‬Don't worry. You'll get out of here safe and meet them.
‪정말이오?‬Do you mean it?
‪그런 걸로는 거짓말 안 해요‬I don't lie about stuff like that.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪['행복의 나라로'가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(모스크바) [힘주며] ♪ 행복의 ♪‬Let's go…
‪아이고, 아이고‬Oh, goodness.
‪[힘겨워하며] ♪ 나라로 갑시다 ♪‬To the land of happiness
‪♪ 다들 ♪‬Everyone
‪[모스크바의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[곡괭이질 소리가 난다]‬Everyone
‪[힘주며] ♪ 다들 ♪‬ ‪[모스크바의 힘겨운 신음]‬Everyone…
‪(헬싱키) 너 술 가득 마시고‬Didn't you get drunk and cry, saying you miss your mommy?
‪어마이 보고 싶다고‬ ‪질질 짜지 않았니?‬Didn't you get drunk and cry, saying you miss your mommy?
‪[헬싱키의 웃음]‬ ‪(오슬로) 내가 언제 그랬니?‬When did I ever do that?
‪미치개 같은 소리 하지 말라‬Stop talking shit.
‪(헬싱키) [웃으며] 야‬ ‪빨리빨리 들어가라‬Hey, get back in quickly.
‪(오슬로) 어이‬Hey.
‪경비 용역 신입이랬나?‬You're the new security guard, right?
‪지낼 만하니?‬How's it going?
‪[오슬로와 헬싱키의 웃음]‬
‪[식기들이 덜그럭거린다]‬
‪[식기들이 연신 덜그럭거린다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[심란한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[약병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[리우의 즐거운 웃음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪(리우) 넌 또 거기서 뭐 해?‬What're you doing there?
‪뭐, 독서 중이야?‬Reading a book?
‪감시조가 노닥거리느라‬ ‪자리를 비워서리‬Those on guard duty were fooling around, so I was covering for them.
‪(베를린) 내가 대신하고 있었디‬Those on guard duty were fooling around, so I was covering for them.
‪[기가 찬 웃음]‬
‪거, 대장 자리가 그리워서‬ ‪와 있었던 건 아니고?‬You missed the leader's chair, huh?
‪이 자리가 편하긴 하지‬It sure is comfortable.
‪내래 실은‬Actually, I prefer a hard floor.
‪돌바닥 체질이야‬Actually, I prefer a hard floor.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[도쿄와 리우의 웃음]‬
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪(교사) 대피를 해서 망정이지‬Thank goodness we evacuated.
‪경찰들, 우린 뭐 어찌 되든‬ ‪상관없다 이거예요?‬Do the police care what happens to us?
‪(최 과장) 모르디, 뭐‬Who knows?
‪구하러 올 생각 같은 게‬ ‪애시당초 있었갔니?‬I doubt they planned to rescue us in the first place.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬I doubt they planned to rescue us in the first place.
‪(최 과장) 긴데 말입니다‬I understand how the director knew about it, but how did she find out?
‪국장 동지야 그렇다 치고‬ ‪저 에미나이는 어케 알았답니까?‬I understand how the director knew about it, but how did she find out?
‪뭘?‬About what?
‪아, 그 박철우인가 뭔가 하는‬ ‪특작 부대원이‬That special agent Park was carrying out a secret mission.
‪비밀 작전을 수행하는데‬That special agent Park was carrying out a secret mission.
‪어드렇게 저 아새끼가‬ ‪제일로 먼저 알았냐‬I'm saying, how'd that little girl find out first?
‪(최 과장) 이 말입니다‬ ‪[현호의 한숨]‬I'm saying, how'd that little girl find out first?
‪(영민) 미리 쟤한테만 알려줬겠지‬He probably informed her in advance.
‪쟤가 보통 애야?‬She's not just anyone.
‪미국 대사 딸이야‬She's the daughter of the US ambassador.
‪VVIP라고‬She's VVIP.
‪(현호) 근거 있는 소리요?‬How can you be sure?
‪인질들 대피시켜야 한다고‬ ‪나한테 알린 게 저 아이요‬She told me to evacuate the hostages.
‪제 딴에는 찔려서 그랬었나 보지‬Maybe she felt guilty.
‪(최 과장) 우린 썩어나가도‬So, they don't care if we rot in here as long as the VIPs walk out alive?
‪귀하신 몸들은‬ ‪뭐, 살아 나가야 된다‬So, they don't care if we rot in here as long as the VIPs walk out alive?
‪이런 거 아니갔소잉?‬So, they don't care if we rot in here as long as the VIPs walk out alive?
‪거, 적당히들 좀 하시오‬That's enough.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[영어] 한반도 통일 조폐국에서‬ ‪벌어지고 있는‬
‪인질 강도 사건이‬ ‪장기화되고 있는 가운데‬
‪(TV 속 앵커) 남북한 정부가‬ ‪이를 어떻게 해결할지‬
‪전 세계의 이목이‬ ‪집중되고 있습니다‬
‪일부 외신들은‬ ‪'현재까지 양국의 대처가'‬
‪'미흡했던 것 아니냐' 하는‬ ‪분석을 내놓으면서…‬ ‪[상만의 한숨]‬
‪[상만이 리모컨을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[한국어] 씁, 그, 대사님‬ ‪지금 상황이…‬-Sir, the situation-- -My daughter's been in there for days!
‪(마샬) [버럭 하며] 지금 내 딸이‬ ‪며칠째 저 안에 있다고!‬-Sir, the situation-- -My daughter's been in there for days!
‪(상만) 대사님, 일단 진정하시고‬Sir, please calm down--
‪(마샬) 당신도 딸이 있잖아‬You have a daughter too!
‪지금 내 입장이면 진정하겠소?‬Would you be calm if you were in my shoes?
‪(상만) 백번 이해합니다‬I understand completely.
‪그러니까 제가 경찰들이‬ ‪제멋대로 못 하게 하려고 이렇게…‬That's why I'm here to make sure the police don't--
‪입에 발린 소리 집어치우고‬Stop with the lip service.
‪우리 앤!‬If my Anne gets hurt even a little, you won't get your Inter-Korean Summit!
‪털끝 하나라도 다치면‬If my Anne gets hurt even a little, you won't get your Inter-Korean Summit!
‪당신네 경협 회담‬ ‪못 열 줄 아시오!‬If my Anne gets hurt even a little, you won't get your Inter-Korean Summit!
‪(상만) 아, 대사님‬Sir, what does that have to do with the Mint situation?
‪저, 그거하고 조폐국 사건하고‬ ‪무슨 연관이 있다고 그러십니까?‬Sir, what does that have to do with the Mint situation?
‪김 의원‬Mr. Kim, the director of the CIA, and I went to Brown together.
‪(마샬) CIA 정보국장이‬ ‪내 브라운 대학 동기였어‬Mr. Kim, the director of the CIA, and I went to Brown together.
‪그 친구한테 듣기론‬He told me that you and Mr. Oh were planning to cash in on the summit.
‪미스터 오랑 당신이‬ ‪이번 경협을 빌미로‬He told me that you and Mr. Oh were planning to cash in on the summit.
‪한몫 단단히 챙길 속셈이라던데?‬He told me that you and Mr. Oh were planning to cash in on the summit.
‪- 아니, 무슨 그런…‬ ‪- 됐고!‬That's non-- Enough! You tell Mr. Oh this.
‪(마샬) 미스터 오한테 전해요‬Enough! You tell Mr. Oh this.
‪앤한테 무슨 일이 생기면‬ ‪한 푼도 못 챙길 거라고‬If anything happens to Anne, he won't get even a penny!
‪저 친구 화가 단단히 났네‬He's really pissed off.
‪아무래도 강제 진압은 무리겠죠?‬Taking them by force isn't an option, is it?
‪[입을 쩝 떼며] 그런데‬Taking them by force isn't an option, is it? You know,
‪(재윤) 저도 발이 좀 넓다 보니까‬ ‪좀 아까 이상한 소리를 들었는데‬I have good connections, and I heard a strange rumor.
‪저 쓰레기 같은 강도 새끼들이‬They say those scumbag robbers are printing money inside the Mint.
‪조폐국에서 돈을‬ ‪찍어내고 있다네요?‬They say those scumbag robbers are printing money inside the Mint.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪네?‬What? How--
‪아니, 어떻게 그런…‬What? How--
‪내가…‬Do you know
‪(재윤) 이북 땅 한번‬ ‪개발해 보겠다고‬how much money I put into developing empty fields and mountains in North Korea?
‪민둥산 허허벌판에‬ ‪꼬라박은 게 얼만데‬how much money I put into developing empty fields and mountains in North Korea?
‪의원님 대통령 만들겠다고‬ ‪쓴 돈이 얼마냐 이거예요‬Do you know just how much I spent to make you president?
‪(재윤) 그 돈 날리잖아요?‬If I lose that money,
‪그럼 우리 비즈니스‬ ‪망가지는 겁니다‬our deal will be off the table.
‪[상만의 한숨]‬
‪아, 그렇지만‬ ‪마샬 저 인간이 저렇게 나오는데‬But you saw how Marshall reacted.
‪함부로 밀어붙일 수도 없잖습니까?‬We can't use force recklessly.
‪그러니까 도대체 뭐가 어렵냐고‬So, what's so difficult?
‪(재윤) 저 친구 딸 문제만‬ ‪해결해 주면 되는 거잖아요‬We just have to take care of his daughter.
‪[서장이 천막을 홱 걷는다]‬
‪(우진) 전기 사용량을 확인해 보니‬I checked the electricity use. They're definitely running the printers.
‪역시 조폐기 돌리고 있는 게‬ ‪분명해요‬I checked the electricity use. They're definitely running the printers.
‪그쪽에선 뭐래요?‬What did the higher-ups say?
‪(서장) 어, 보고는 올렸는데‬Well, I made the report.
‪일단 대책을 논의 중이래‬ ‪사안이 사안이다 보니‬It's under discussion, considering the situation.
‪일련번호는요?‬What about the serial numbers? Is it possible?
‪(우진) 가능한지 확인하셨어요?‬What about the serial numbers? Is it possible?
‪뭐, 그것도 알아보는 중이라고만‬They're looking into that too.
‪[우진의 짜증 섞인 한숨]‬
‪(우진) 일을 하라는 건지‬ ‪말라는 건지, 정말‬Do they want us to do our job or not?
‪(서장) 저기, 그보다…‬More than that though.
‪그 조폐국 통신 감청 말이야‬ ‪잠정 중단하라는 지시야‬They've ordered us to stop wiretapping the Mint.
‪[우진의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪그건 또 무슨 소리예요?‬What do you mean?
‪갑자기 감청은 왜?‬Why all of a sudden?
‪아, 그게 민원이 많대‬There's been a lot of civil complaints. Anyway, just know that's that.
‪뭐, 아무튼 그렇게 알아‬There's been a lot of civil complaints. Anyway, just know that's that.
‪(우진) 아니‬ ‪말이 앞뒤가 안 맞잖아요‬No, that doesn't make sense. Why restrict us considering the situation?
‪사안이 사안인데‬ ‪왜 우리 손발을 묶어요?‬No, that doesn't make sense. Why restrict us considering the situation?
‪[의자가 스르륵 미끄러진다]‬
‪(동철) 팀장님, 밖에…‬Inspector. Look outside.
‪[경찰들이 웅성거린다]‬Inspector. Look outside.
‪[우진의 한숨]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(영상 속 상만) 조폐국을‬ ‪불법 점거하고 있는‬This is a message to the robbers illegally seizing the Mint.
‪[사람들이 소란스럽게 항의한다]‬ ‪강도들에게 전합니다‬This is a message to the robbers illegally seizing the Mint.
‪저 김상만은 한 명의 시민이자‬I, Kim Sangman, as a citizen and congressman of the Republic of Korea,
‪대한민국 국회의원으로서‬I, Kim Sangman, as a citizen and congressman of the Republic of Korea,
‪당신들에게 엄중히 경고합니다‬am giving you a strict warning.
‪남과 북이 하나 되어‬During this time of unification
‪화합과 성장을 도모하는 이 시기에‬for harmony and growth,
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪더 이상의 폭력과‬history will not tolerate any more acts of terrorism
‪갈등을 조장하는 테러 행위는‬history will not tolerate any more acts of terrorism
‪역사가 용납하지 않을 것입니다‬that promote violence and conflict.
‪(영상 속 상만) 인질로 잡고 있는‬ ‪선량한 시민들을‬I demand that all the innocent hostages be sent home to their families.
‪가족들에게 돌려보내십시오‬I demand that all the innocent hostages be sent home to their families.
‪만일 당신들 중 한 명이라도‬If any one of you sympathizes with the families gathered here,
‪여기에 모인 가족들의‬ ‪마음을 헤아린다면‬If any one of you sympathizes with the families gathered here,
‪행동하십시오‬then take action.
‪용기를 내서‬Any one of the robbers
‪(상만) 사태 해결에 협조한‬ ‪강도에게는‬who bravely help resolve this situation
‪전폭적인 면책을 보장할 것을‬will be guaranteed full immunity.
‪(영상 속 상만) 당 대표로서‬ ‪대통령께 직접 건의드리겠습니다‬As the party's leader, I assure you I will suggest it to the president.
‪만일 그러한 의사가 있다면‬If you are willing to do so, please contact me.
‪- 저에게 연락하십시오‬ ‪- (기자4) 빨리 찍어!‬If you are willing to do so, please contact me. Record it! Quick!
‪(영상 속 상만) 당신을 돕겠습니다‬-I will help you. -You can't go in!
‪(경찰2) 못 들어갑니다‬-I will help you. -You can't go in!
‪(우진) 차 대위 어디예요?‬Captain Cha, where are you? Kim Sangman stopped the wiretapping.
‪김상만 의원이 감청 중단시키고‬Captain Cha, where are you? Kim Sangman stopped the wiretapping.
‪[시스템 알림음]‬ ‪강도들한테‬ ‪회유 방송을 내보내고 있어요‬Captain Cha, where are you? Kim Sangman stopped the wiretapping. He's making a broadcast to coax the robbers. Come back quickly.
‪빨리 돌아와요‬He's making a broadcast to coax the robbers. Come back quickly.
‪(덴버) [웃으며] 아따, 나, 이, 씨‬Shit.
‪아, 저런 말에 누가 넘어가노?‬Who'd buy that?
‪(덴버) 아니, 뭐, 번호라도 주고‬ ‪연락을 하라 하든가‬ ‪[나이로비가 픽 웃는다]‬He didn't even give us his number.
‪그러게‬ ‪[베를린이 숨을 씁 들이마신다]‬He didn't even give us his number. You're right.
‪그 인질들 전화에‬ ‪뭔가 심어놓은 거 아니네?‬Maybe they planted something in the hostages' phones.
‪(덴버) 오, 그럴듯한데?‬Whoa, that sounds plausible.
‪잔머리 존나 잘 굴리네‬ ‪이 개새끼들, 이거, 어?‬These sons of bitches are clever, huh?
‪[덴버의 호탕한 웃음]‬
‪(오슬로) 저것들 바보 아이니?‬They're idiots.
‪[오슬로의 웃음]‬
‪(덴버) 바보는 니가 바보지‬You're the idiot.
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬ ‪[덴버와 오슬로의 웃음]‬
‪(리우) [훌쩍이며] 어‬Yeah.
‪뭐, 하도 밖이 시끄러워서‬ ‪보긴 했는데‬We looked because it was loud outside.
‪뭐, 다들 신경도 안 쓰지, 뭐‬But nobody really cares.
‪(리우) 그것 때문에 전화했어?‬That's why you called?
‪(교수) 차무혁 핸드폰 통화나 문자‬ ‪가로채고 있지?‬You're intercepting Cha Moohyuk's calls and texts, right?
‪응, 그렇게 하라고 했잖아‬Yes, you told me to.
‪(교수) 당장 해 줄 일이 있어‬I need you to do something now.
‪[시스템 작동음]‬
‪[문이 덜컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[리우의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[리우가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(도쿄) 괜찮아?‬Are you okay?
‪[리우가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪뭐가?‬About what?
‪아까 TV에 나온 거‬The people on TV.
‪너희 부모님 아니야?‬Weren't they your parents?
‪- 너 교수한테 들었어?‬ ‪- (도쿄) 아니‬-Did the Professor tell you? -No.
‪너 표정 보고 알았지‬Your face says it all.
‪왜? 내가 배신할까 봐 걱정되냐?‬Why? You worried that I'll betray you?
‪너 돈 벌어서 섬 살 거라며‬You said you'd buy an island with the money.
‪[리우의 헛기침]‬
‪- 어디 가?‬ ‪- 아, 물 좀 빼러‬-Where are you going? -The bathroom.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[리우의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪[리우가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[학생1의 비웃음]‬
‪(학생1) '난 여기 남을게요'‬ ‪[학생2가 비웃는다]‬"I'll stay in here!" She deserves an Oscar.
‪아주 아카데미상감이고요‬"I'll stay in here!" She deserves an Oscar.
‪(학생2) 그러니까‬I know. I heard the teacher talking to some of the others.
‪쌤이 딴 사람들이랑‬ ‪얘기하는 거 들었는데‬I know. I heard the teacher talking to some of the others.
‪그 경찰이 들어오자마자‬ ‪제일 먼저 쟤부터 찾았대‬The policeman looked for her first.
‪(학생1) [코웃음 치며]‬ ‪따지고 보면‬We're trapped here because she's in our class.
‪우리 다 쟤랑 한 반이라서‬ ‪여기 붙잡혀 있는 거 아니야?‬We're trapped here because she's in our class.
‪내 말이‬We're trapped here because she's in our class. Right? Apparently, her dad's connections are powerful.
‪(학생2) 아빠 백이 어지간하셔야지‬Right? Apparently, her dad's connections are powerful.
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪(반장) 신경 쓰지 마‬Ignore them.
‪[반장의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪근데 앤, 있잖아‬By the way, Anne,
‪(반장) 그래도 나랑은‬ ‪좀 친한 거 맞지?‬we're kind of friends, right?
‪[망설이며] 저기 혹시 경찰에서‬ ‪너만 빼내거나 그럴 때‬If the police try to get you out first,
‪나도 같이 데려가 주면 안 돼?‬can I go with you?
‪(반장) 나 집에 너무 가고 싶어‬I really want to go home.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[발걸음 소리가 난다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[재윤이 잔을 살짝 내려놓는다]‬
‪그럼, 그건 내가 약속하지‬Of course. I can promise that.
‪대신 우릴 위해‬ ‪해줘야 될 일이 있어‬But there's something you need to do for us.
‪[재윤이 잔을 살짝 내려놓는다]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(서장) '경찰이 무능하니‬ ‪직접 나선 김상만 의원'‬"Congressman Kim Sangman to the rescue in place of our incompetent police."
‪'역시 차기 대선 후보감'?‬"The true presidential candidate"?
‪[서장의 헛웃음]‬
‪갑자기 웬 무리수를 두나 했더니‬No wonder he was being so irrational.
‪다 계산이 있었네‬It was all calculated.
‪저 인간이 저렇게까지 나서는 건‬If he's acting that recklessly,
‪분명히 뭔가가 있어요‬something's definitely up.
‪- 기재부 회신은 왔어?‬ ‪- (동철) 예‬-Anything from the Ministry of Finance? -Yes, just now. But…
‪방금 오긴 했는데 이게…‬-Anything from the Ministry of Finance? -Yes, just now. But…
‪왜?‬What'd they say?
‪조폐국 돈은‬ ‪연간 발주 계획에 따라서‬The bills have serial numbers according to the annual minting plan.
‪일련번호가 정해져 있대요‬The bills have serial numbers according to the annual minting plan.
‪(동철) 강도들이‬ ‪제멋대로 찍어내거나‬The robbers can't print or distribute the money easily.
‪유통할 수가 없다는 거죠‬The robbers can't print or distribute the money easily.
‪통상적인 경우라면‬Usually.
‪(우진) 통상적?‬"Usually"? There's an exception?
‪예외적인 경우는?‬"Usually"? There's an exception?
‪이번 경협 회담‬Depending on the summit,
‪(동철) 경과에 따라‬ ‪추가 발주 예정이던 금액이 있어요‬there's an extra amount scheduled to be printed.
‪근데 그 액수가 자그마치…‬But the amount is…
‪(서장) 이게 동그라미가 몇 개야?‬Just how many zeros are there?
‪(영민) 그러니까‬ ‪경찰도 믿을 수 없어‬I'm saying that the police can't be trusted.
‪[식기들이 달그락거린다]‬ ‪우리 살길은‬ ‪우리가 찾아야 된다니까?‬We need to find our way out.
‪(박 대리) 예, 뭐‬Right, well,
‪근데 우리끼리‬ ‪뭐 어쩔 방법이 없잖아요‬ ‪[영민이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬there's nothing we can do.
‪(최 과장) 기런데 가만 보니까‬Wait a minute.
‪국장 동지도 이 난리 날 걸‬ ‪미리 알고 있었지 않습니까?‬You also knew there would be all this chaos, right?
‪우찌 알면서 아니 막았습니까?‬Why didn't you stop them?
‪나도 말렸어, 위험하다고‬I did. I told them it was dangerous.
‪근데 들어 처먹어야지‬But they didn't freaking listen.
‪[최 과장의 코웃음]‬But they didn't freaking listen.
‪(영민) 그 경찰 놈한테, 어?‬Ask that cop if I'm telling the truth or not.
‪물어봐, 내 말이 사실인가 아닌가‬Ask that cop if I'm telling the truth or not.
‪어디 가둬놨는지도 모르는데‬How, Mr. Smart Guy, when I don't know where he's being kept?
‪내 어찌 물어보니?‬How, Mr. Smart Guy, when I don't know where he's being kept?
‪(영민) 뭐? 어이, 최 과장‬What? Hey, Choi.
‪(영민) 너 말이 짧다, 이 새끼야?‬What'd you say, bastard?
‪너희들 지금 뭐 하니?‬What's going on?
‪[최 과장의 짜증 섞인 한숨]‬
‪[식기들이 달그락거린다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[앤이 식판을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪(우진) 한두 푼도 아니고‬It's not just a couple of bucks.
‪자그마치 4조나 되는‬ ‪일련번호 미상의 금액이‬It's not just a couple of bucks. Four trillion won with unknown serial numbers
‪시중 유통이 아닌‬ ‪통일 자금 명목으로‬is allotted for reunification funds,
‪(우진) 이미 배정돼 있다네?‬not distribution.
‪놈들이 돈을 마음대로 찍어‬ ‪갈 수 있는 상황이라는 거지‬Those bastards can still print money as they please.
‪(우진) 알고 있었지?‬But you knew that. That's why you kept interfering.
‪그러니까 자꾸 개입하려는 거고‬But you knew that. That's why you kept interfering.
‪뭐, 이혼도 그렇고‬You enjoy dragging things out. Just like our divorce, now this.
‪질질 끄는 게 취미인가?‬You enjoy dragging things out. Just like our divorce, now this.
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪(상만) 내 덕에 빨리 끝나면‬ ‪그냥 고마운 줄이나 아세요‬Thank me later when this ends quickly because of me.
‪혹시 그 방송 보고‬ ‪강도 중에 누가 연락한 거야?‬Did any of the robbers contact you after the broadcast?
‪(상만) [힘주며] 알 거 없고‬None of your business. Just go clean up your mess.
‪얼른 가서 뒷수습이나 해‬None of your business. Just go clean up your mess.
‪(상만) 아, 진작‬ ‪밀어버렸으면 될 걸‬We should've bulldozed them down. What's this fuss before the big summit?
‪나라에 큰일 앞두고‬ ‪이게 뭔 난리야, 이게? 쯧‬We should've bulldozed them down. What's this fuss before the big summit?
‪뒷수습이라니?‬Clean up my mess? What do you mean? You know we can't use force.
‪그게 무슨 소리야?‬Clean up my mess? What do you mean? You know we can't use force.
‪(우진) 무력 진압‬ ‪안 되는 거 몰라?‬Clean up my mess? What do you mean? You know we can't use force.
‪왜, 또 뭐, 왜?‬Why not?
‪(상만) 또 뭐, 그 인질들 안전?‬The safety of the hostages?
‪결국 다 그 미국 대사 딸년 때문에‬ ‪그러는 거 아니야!‬This is for the US ambassador's daughter!
‪[우진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(우진) 강도한테‬ ‪앤을 빼내라고 한 거야?‬You told the robbers to sneak Anne out?
‪글쎄‬What do you think?
‪뭐, 그런다고‬Well, it's not like the lazy police will make a move right away.
‪그 물러빠진 경찰들이‬ ‪바로 움직이겠어?‬Well, it's not like the lazy police will make a move right away.
‪(우진) 그게 아니면‬If not…
‪설마‬No way.
‪[우진의 분노에 찬 숨소리]‬ ‪(우진) 미쳤어?‬Are you insane? Call it off now!
‪당장 그만둬!‬Are you insane? Call it off now!
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪민아 양육권 포기하면‬I'll consider it if you give up custody of Mina.
‪한번 생각해 보고‬I'll consider it if you give up custody of Mina.
‪[우진의 분에 찬 숨소리]‬
‪[우진의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪[결연한 숨소리]‬
‪[자동차 리모컨 조작음]‬
‪[숨을 고른다]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪이 전화 그대로 교수한테 연결해‬I need you to connect me to the Professor. Right now.
‪지금 당장‬I need you to connect me to the Professor. Right now.
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪갑자기 어쩐 일이야?‬Why the sudden call?
‪(우진) 그간 몇몇 사건이 있었지만‬There have been a few incidents,
‪우리 사이에 최소한의 공감대는‬ ‪공유했다고 믿어‬but I believe we share one common belief.
‪뭐?‬Like what?
‪아무도 죽어선 안 된다는 거?‬-That no one should die? -Yes.
‪(우진) 그래‬-That no one should die? -Yes.
‪내가 하는 이야기 잘 들어‬Listen carefully.
‪너희 강도 중에 배신자가 있어‬There's a traitor amongst your robbers.
‪(우진) 누군진 몰라도 그놈이‬I don't know who it is,
‪앤을 죽이려고 할 거야‬but he's gonna try to kill Anne.
‪(도쿄) 씨‬ ‪[베를린의 성난 신음]‬Shit!
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[도쿄의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[시스템 조작음]‬
‪(도쿄) 앤 어디 있어?‬ ‪[다급한 숨을 내쉰다]‬Where is Anne?
‪앤 본 사람 없어?‬Has anyone seen Anne?
‪[도쿄의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪(헬싱키) 씨‬
‪(도쿄) 찾아봐‬Find her.
‪아이, 씨, 쪼그만 게‬ ‪어디로 사라진 거야‬ ‪[리우가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬Damn it. Where did that little brat go?
‪뭐?‬What? Someone fell for that bullshit broadcast?
‪(덴버) 아, 그딴 방송에‬ ‪누가 넘어갔단 말이가?‬What? Someone fell for that bullshit broadcast?
‪(모스크바) 아, 지금‬ ‪그게 중요한 게 아이고‬That's not what's important. We need to find Anne first.
‪앤인가 그 뭐시긴가부터‬ ‪찾아야 되는 거 아이가?‬That's not what's important. We need to find Anne first.
‪니, 자들 똑디 지켜라, 알았제?‬Stay here and keep an eye on them, okay?
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪(덴버) 와, 씨‬Unbelievable.
‪(박 대리) 뭔 일 났나 본데요?‬It looks like something happened.
‪(영민) 야, 그 계집애 빼내려고‬Hey, maybe they did something again to get the girl out of here?
‪밖에서 또 무슨 수 쓴 거 아니야?‬Hey, maybe they did something again to get the girl out of here?
‪[헬싱키의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[뛰어오는 발걸음]‬
‪(헬싱키) [가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬며]‬ ‪앤이 없어졌다, 빨리 나오라‬Anne's gone missing. Come.
‪(나이로비) 어디 갔어?‬Where'd she go?
‪(모스크바) 씨‬Shit.
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(도쿄) [가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬며] 아이‬
‪(오슬로) 얌전히들 있어라‬ ‪알았니?‬ ‪[앤의 놀란 숨소리]‬You guys, be good. All right?
‪[앤의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도쿄의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(도쿄) [가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬며] 없어‬I can't find her. Anything on camera?
‪CCTV에도 안 보여?‬I can't find her. Anything on camera?
‪[장면 강조 효과음]‬ ‪(리우) 이거 봐봐‬I can't find her. Anything on camera? Look at this. It's from 20 minutes ago.
‪[리우가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬ ‪이게 한 20분 전에 찍힌 건데‬Look at this. It's from 20 minutes ago.
‪(리우) 비품실에 있던‬ ‪폭탄을 들고 나갔어‬They took a bomb from the supply room.
‪(도쿄) 폭탄?‬A bomb?
‪도대체 누구야?‬Who the hell is that?
‪어디로 움직이는지 동선 따봐‬Track their whereabouts.
‪[리우의 초조한 숨소리]‬ ‪[리우가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[시스템 작동음]‬
‪(도쿄) 잠깐, 여기‬Wait. Here.
‪여기 방향이 이상한데?‬The angle is weird.
‪[리우의 호응하는 신음]‬ ‪뒤로 돌려봐‬Rewind it.
‪금고 안에 폭탄을 설치했어‬They put a bomb in the vault.
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[폭탄이 삐삐 울린다]‬
‪(경찰3) 오셨습니까?‬
‪- (우진) 무슨 소식 없어?‬ ‪- (동철) 네, 아직은‬-Any news? -No, not yet.
‪(서장) 지금 제정신이야?‬ ‪놈들한테 그걸 왜 알려줘?‬Are you out of your mind? Why'd you tell them that?
‪(우진) 그럼 죽게 놔둘까요?‬Do we just leave her to die?
‪일 터지면 서장님은‬ ‪책임 없을 것 같으세요?‬If she dies, you'd be responsible too.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(리우) 안 돼!‬No!
‪[폭탄이 펑 폭발한다]‬ ‪[리우의 외마디 비명]‬
‪[도쿄의 옅은 기침]‬
‪젠장‬Damn it.
‪[전기가 지지직거린다]‬
‪(최 과장) 뭐이가 터진 것 같은데?‬What was that?
‪(덴버) [버럭 하며] 아이‬ ‪거, 조용히 안 하나!‬Be quiet!
‪[최 과장의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[인질들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪(교사) 무슨 소리 안 들렸어요?‬Did you hear that?
‪[인질들이 연신 웅성거린다]‬
‪[도쿄와 리우가 콜록거린다]‬
‪(베를린) 앤은?‬Where's Anne?
‪[도쿄와 리우의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪- (현호) 도대체 무슨 일입니까?‬ ‪- (교사) 앤 어떻게 된 거 아니죠?‬-What's up? -Did something happen to Anne?
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪(오슬로) 나도 모르겠으니까‬ ‪자리로 가 있어라!‬I don't know! Back to your places!
‪[소리치며] 빨리빨리 안 가니!‬Go back, quickly!
‪[인질들이 불평한다]‬
‪[인질들의 걱정하는 숨소리]‬
‪- 앤!‬ ‪- (현호) 어?‬Anne!
‪[미선의 안도하는 신음]‬ ‪(인질1) 아휴‬
‪[인질들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[인질들이 안도한다]‬
‪(미선) 괜찮아, 응?‬Are you okay?
‪[교사의 걱정하는 숨소리]‬ ‪(교사) 앤, 어디 갔었어?‬Anne, where were you?
‪- (교사) 어? 괜찮아?‬ ‪- (미선) 다친 건 아니지? 괜찮아?‬-Are you okay? -You're not hurt, right?
‪- (교사) 어떻게 된 거야?‬ ‪- (학생3) 괜찮아?‬-What happened? -Are you okay?
‪(도쿄) 탈출시켜 주겠으니‬ ‪금고로 오라고‬Someone gave her a note telling her to come to the vault to escape.
‪누군가가 쪽지를 줬대‬Someone gave her a note telling her to come to the vault to escape.
‪그리고 이건‬ ‪전시관 앞에서 헬싱키가 주운 거야‬And Helsinki found this in front of the exhibition.
‪(헬싱키) 계속 감시를‬ ‪하고 있었는데, 그…‬I had my eyes on them
‪하필이면 그때…‬until that one point.
‪CCTV는?‬How about the surveillance camera? Find anyone there?
‪다 뒤져봐도 누군지 안 나와?‬How about the surveillance camera? Find anyone there?
‪교묘하게 사각지대로‬ ‪빠져나간 건지‬They cleverly used blind spots to escape.
‪(리우) 동선이 이어지질 않아‬I can't track them.
‪(베를린) 거, 어차피‬ ‪우리 중 하나라믄‬After all, if it was one of us, they'd know the locations of the cameras.
‪카메라 위치 정도는 꿰고 있었갔디‬After all, if it was one of us, they'd know the locations of the cameras.
‪(덴버) [버럭 하며] 아이!‬ ‪씨팔, 진짜, 이거, 씨!‬For fuck's sake! Who is this bastard?
‪이거 어떤 새끼고? 이거 진짜, 어?‬Who is this bastard?
‪(나이로비) 원래 발끈하는 놈이‬ ‪제일 의심스러운 거 몰라?‬Don't you know whoever gets worked up is the most suspicious?
‪뭐고? 이거‬What?
‪(덴버) 니 아이가, 어?‬Isn't it you?
‪(모스크바) 고마 됐다!‬Enough!
‪아무도 안 죽었으면 된 거 아이가‬At least nobody died.
‪[모스크바가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬At least nobody died.
‪(덴버) 아이, 씨‬Shit.
‪(도쿄) 우리 중 누군가는‬ ‪배신자라는 게 분명해졌다‬It was clear that one of us was a traitor.
‪그렇게 우리가 서로에 대한‬ ‪의심을 키워가는 사이‬As our suspicions of each other grew,
‪인질들은 돌아온 앤을 중심으로‬ ‪하나가 되어가고 있었다‬the hostages started to band together after Anne's return.
‪(영민) 호, 혼자 탈출시켜 준대도‬ ‪안 갔다고?‬They said they'd let you out alone, but you didn't go?
‪(앤) 가긴 갔어요‬I did go
‪그때까지만 해도 단 1분도‬ ‪못 버티겠다 싶었으니까‬because I couldn't be here a second longer.
‪근데 막상 나만 도망치려니까‬But it didn't feel right getting out of here alone.
‪기분이 좀 그렇더라고요‬But it didn't feel right getting out of here alone.
‪(영민) 아니, 그 중간에‬You didn't notice the trap on the way, did you?
‪그 함정인 거 눈치챈 건 아니고?‬You didn't notice the trap on the way, did you?
‪[현호의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬ ‪그만 좀 해요‬Stop it.
‪나 혼자 나가면 여기 있는 사람들‬I was worried that the people here
‪더 위험해지는 건 아닌가‬ ‪걱정되기도 하고‬would be in danger if I escaped.
‪아, 몰라, 그냥 쪽팔렸어요‬I don't know. It was just embarrassing.
‪[앤이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪(현호) 이 아이 말대로‬Likewise,
‪나도 부끄럽습니다‬I'm also embarrassed.
‪다 같이 힘을 합쳐도‬ ‪모자랄 판국에‬We should work together, not be divided based on which Korea we're from.
‪(현호) 남한, 북한 출신 가지고‬ ‪편 가르기나 하고‬We should work together, not be divided based on which Korea we're from.
‪이럴 때가 아니지 않소‬Now's not the time.
‪보아하니 경찰은 우리 안전보다‬The police are more interested in ending the situation than our safety.
‪상황을 빨리 끝내는 데만‬ ‪관심 있는 것 같고‬The police are more interested in ending the situation than our safety.
‪(현호) 협조만 하면‬ ‪지켜주갔다던 강도들도‬The robbers said they'd keep us safe,
‪더 이상 믿을 수 없는‬ ‪상황 아닙니까?‬but how can we trust them now?
‪(영민) 아니, 뭐…‬ ‪[영민이 숨을 들이켠다]‬Well, I mean…
‪그, 뭐, 맞, 맞는 말이기는 한데‬Well, what you said is right.
‪그렇다고 뭐, 우리가 힘을 합쳐서‬ ‪뭐, 어, 반란이라도 일으켜?‬But we can't cause an uprising, can we?
‪(영민) 어? 맨손으로‬ ‪그 총 든 새끼들한테‬We can't go up against their guns with our bare hands.
‪대들 수도 없는 노릇 아니냐고‬We can't go up against their guns with our bare hands.
‪(교사) 하긴‬Right. Well, at least nobody got hurt. We can take comfort in that.
‪그래도 다친 사람 없으니‬ ‪다행이라고 생각해야죠‬Right. Well, at least nobody got hurt. We can take comfort in that.
‪(인질2) 가자‬Let's go.
‪(미선) 고생했어‬You must be tired.
‪(앤) 사실 저 돌아온 이유‬ ‪또 하나 있어요‬Actually, there's another reason why I came back.
‪그 경비원들이랑 그 북한 경찰‬I saw where they kept the security guards and the North Korean policeman.
‪어디 갇혀있는지 봤거든요‬I saw where they kept the security guards and the North Korean policeman.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[영민의 솔깃한 숨소리]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[우진의 초조한 한숨]‬
‪[전화가 달칵 연결된다]‬
‪(우진) 교수?‬Professor? We detected a quake inside. What happened?
‪안에서 진동이 감지됐는데‬ ‪어떻게 된 거야?‬Professor? We detected a quake inside. What happened?
‪별거 아니야‬It was nothing.
‪앤은 무사해‬Anne is safe.
‪[우진의 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪(우진) 다행이야‬Good.
‪정말로 문제없는 거지?‬You sure everything's okay?
‪당신이 제때 알려준 덕분이야‬ ‪고마워‬Yes. Thanks to you informing me in time.
‪[우진의 한숨]‬
‪이제 믿을 수 있는‬ ‪사이가 된 건가?‬Can we trust each other now?
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로] 그래‬Yes.
‪진심이야‬I mean it.
‪그럼 말해줄 때도 된 거 아니야?‬Isn't it about time you tell me what you're really after?
‪당신들 진짜 목적 말이야‬Isn't it about time you tell me what you're really after?
‪(우진) 얼굴도 본 적 없고‬I've never seen you or heard your real voice,
‪제대로 된 목소리도‬ ‪들은 적 없지만‬I've never seen you or heard your real voice,
‪(우진) 개인적으로 교수‬but personally, Professor,
‪당신이 마음에 들어‬I'm fond of you.
‪(우진) 아마 다르게 만났다면‬ ‪친구가 됐을지도 모르지‬I think we could have been friends under different circumstances.
‪그러니까 부탁하는 거야‬Please tell me what you're really after so we don't try to pull any more tricks.
‪솔직히 말해준다면‬Please tell me what you're really after so we don't try to pull any more tricks.
‪우리도 더는‬ ‪뒷공작 같은 거 하지 않을게‬Please tell me what you're really after so we don't try to pull any more tricks.
‪(우진) 진짜 협상이 시작되면‬We can prevent the worst
‪최악의 상황은 막을 수 있을 거야‬if we start an actual negotiation.
‪[입을 쩝 떼며 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪무슨 말인지 모르겠는데?‬I don't know what you mean.
‪[실망한 숨소리]‬
‪[입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪끝까지 그렇게 나오시겠다?‬So, that's how you want to play?
‪당신이 조폐국 안에 없다는 건‬You're not inside the Mint, are you?
‪우리도 알아‬We knew that.
‪(우진) 밖에서 여기 돌아가는 상황‬ ‪다 지켜보면서 협상하는 척‬You're outside watching and pretending to negotiate,
‪뒤로는 우리 경찰‬ ‪뒤통수칠 궁리만 했겠지‬thinking about stabbing us in the back.
‪그동안 아주 재밌으셨겠어?‬Have you had fun so far?
‪괜한 트집 잡지 말고‬Stop wasting time and do something about Kim Sangman.
‪그 김상만이라는 작자나‬ ‪어떻게 좀 해봐‬Stop wasting time and do something about Kim Sangman.
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪난 우리 둘 사이에‬ ‪딴 놈이 끼는 게 싫거든‬I hate anyone getting between us.
‪그 인간이 왜 자꾸 끼어드는지‬You should know why he keeps getting involved.
‪나보다 더 잘 알고 있을 텐데?‬You should know why he keeps getting involved.
‪(우진) 다시 한번 물을게‬I'll ask you again.
‪마지막이 될 수도 있으니까‬This could be the last time,
‪잘 생각해 보고 대답해야 할 거야‬so you better answer wisely.
‪당신‬What is it…
‪진짜 원하는 게 뭐야?‬that you really want?
‪다시 한번 말하지만‬Let me say it again.
‪난 떼돈을 벌려는 것뿐이야‬All I'm trying to do is make a fortune
‪아무도 다치게 하지 않고 말이지‬without getting anyone hurt.
‪[입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪알았어‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Got it.
‪[헤드폰을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪자, 일들 하죠‬All right. Let's get to work.
‪(우진) 실시간 감청 재개해‬-Start wiretapping them again. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(동철) 네, 알겠습니다‬-Start wiretapping them again. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(서장) 잠깐만, 그거는‬ ‪상부 지시가 있어야지…‬Wait. We need an order from the top--
‪(우진) 이젠 그딴 지시 안 받아요‬-I won't take orders anymore. -What?
‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- 경협인지 뭔지 때문에‬-I won't take orders anymore. -What? They want to end it because of the summit, regardless if someone dies.
‪사람이 죽건 말건‬ ‪빨리 끝내려고만 하잖아요‬They want to end it because of the summit, regardless if someone dies.
‪(우진) 놈들은 지금‬ ‪돈을 찍어내고 있어요‬Those bastards are printing money.
‪무려 4조나 되는 돈을 말이에요‬Four trillion won worth.
‪어떻게 그게 가능했느냐?‬That's only possible
‪곧 벌어질 경협에서‬ ‪통일 자금 명목으로‬because the summit was preparing to issue money under the unification fund.
‪(우진) 발행을 준비했기 때문이죠‬because the summit was preparing to issue money under the unification fund.
‪놈들이 이걸 어떻게 알았을까요?‬How'd they find out?
‪놈들한테‬ ‪모종의 정치적 목적이 있는 건가?‬Do they have a political agenda?
‪(우진) 우린 몰라요, 확실한 건‬We don't know. But our job is to stop them from taking the money
‪우리가 할 일은 놈들이 저기서‬ ‪한 푼도 못 가져가게 하고‬But our job is to stop them from taking the money
‪(우진) 사람들을‬ ‪무사히 구하는 겁니다‬and safely rescue the hostages.
‪이걸 방해하는 어떤 외부 개입도‬I will no longer tolerate any interference that prevents us from doing so.
‪더 이상 용납 못 해요‬I will no longer tolerate any interference that prevents us from doing so.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래서, 방법이 뭐야?‬So, what's your plan?
‪사람들을 무사히 구하는 건‬ ‪어려워도‬Rescuing the hostages may be difficult…
‪돈을 못 찍게 하는 건 쉽죠‬but stopping them from printing money is easy.
‪전기를…‬We'll cut off
‪끊는 거예요‬all electricity.
‪[개운한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬ ‪[물을 탁 끈다]‬
‪[지친 한숨]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[베를린이 찍찍이를 찍 뜯는다]‬
‪[물소리가 솨 난다]‬
‪(베를린) 진짜 꼼꼼하게 찾아본 거‬ ‪확실하네?‬Did you check everything thoroughly?
‪뭐, CCTV?‬ ‪[물소리가 멈춘다]‬The surveillance camera?
‪못 믿겠으면 직접 뒤져보든지‬Check it yourself if you don't trust me.
‪김상만인지 뭔지가‬ ‪헛소리 지껄일 때‬When Kim Sangman was spewing nonsense,
‪(베를린) 인질 가족이라고 서 있던‬ ‪인간들, 기중에‬your parents were in the crowd of the hostages' families, right?
‪너희 부모도 있었디?‬your parents were in the crowd of the hostages' families, right?
‪(베를린) 너 언제까지‬ ‪숨길 생각이었네?‬When were you going to tell us?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[베를린이 총을 덜컥 든다]‬
‪저, 그…‬Well, that's…
‪그, 그건 그냥…‬Well, that's…
‪(도쿄) 내가 말하지 말라 그랬어‬I told him not to.
‪쓸데없는 의심 때문에‬I didn't want everyone's suspicion fucking things up like this.
‪이런 좆 같은 상황이 벌어지면‬ ‪안 되니까‬I didn't want everyone's suspicion fucking things up like this.
‪[총을 총집에 넣는다]‬
‪배신자가 나오기‬ ‪전이었다면 모를까‬That was before there was a traitor amongst us.
‪(베를린) 지금으로선 아주‬ ‪합리적인 의심인 거 같디 않아?‬Isn't it reasonable suspicion at this point?
‪[경찰들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪(서장) 괜찮은 방법이긴 한데‬It's a good idea, but first,
‪그게 국가 주요 시설이라‬ ‪허가를 받아야 할 텐데‬we need approval since it's a major national facility.
‪그러다 또 김상만이나‬ ‪교수한테 정보가 새면요?‬What if the info is leaked to Kim Sangman or the Professor?
‪(동철) 팀장님‬Inspector.
‪감청 중지된 사이에‬ ‪통신 기록 살펴봤는데‬When we stopped wiretapping, there was outside contact with a hostage's phone.
‪외부에서 인질 폰으로‬ ‪연락한 기록이 있습니다‬When we stopped wiretapping, there was outside contact with a hostage's phone.
‪(우진) 김상만이랑‬ ‪배신한 강도가 한 거겠지‬It must've been Kim Sangman and the traitor.
‪통화 기록이야?‬Was it a phone call?
‪(동철) 아니요‬No. They were texts.
‪[시스템 작동음]‬ ‪문자인데 좀 이상한 거 같아서요‬No. They were texts. But they're strange.
‪발신자가 누구야?‬Who's the sender?
‪(동철) 그게…‬It's Captain Cha Moohyuk.
‪차무혁 대위입니다‬It's Captain Cha Moohyuk.
‪[경찰들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- 뭐야, 이게?‬-What? -What's this?
‪(서장) 아, 그럼 차무혁 대위가‬ ‪강도들 첩자란 소리야?‬What? You mean he's a mole for the robbers?
‪(우진) 현재 위치는?‬Where is he?
‪[동철이 키보드를 두드린다]‬ ‪[시스템 알림음]‬
‪(동철) JEA 서 안인 것 같습니다‬At the JEA Police Station.
‪(서장) TF에서 아웃될 거 같으니까‬He's about to be kicked out of the Task Force,
‪아예 서에 가서 정보를 캐겠다?‬He's about to be kicked out of the Task Force, so he's digging for info at the station?
‪[휴대전화 작동음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪나는 종일 차무혁이 폰‬ ‪조작하느라 바빴다니까‬I was busy messing with Cha Moohyuk's phone.
‪(베를린) 그래서?‬So?
‪(리우) 교수가 시킨 대로‬ ‪가짜 문자 심느라고 바빴다고‬ ‪[시스템 작동음]‬I was planting fake texts the Professor asked me to do.
‪야, 거기다가 경감이랑‬ ‪연락 못 하게 막아야 돼서‬Plus, I had to stop him from contacting the inspector.
‪어? 이거 봐봐‬Look at this.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪아까 감식 맡긴 거이‬ ‪어케 됐습니까?‬Do you have the forensics?
‪뭐, 채취는 다 했고‬Sampling is done, but we're still analyzing the pattern now.
‪지금 패턴 분석 중인데‬ ‪이게 시간이 좀 걸립니다‬Sampling is done, but we're still analyzing the pattern now.
‪좀 빨리는 안 됩니까? 급한 건인데‬Can't you do it quicker? It's urgent.
‪(경찰1) 남한 드라마 좀‬ ‪보신 모양인데 이게…‬You've seen too many South Korean dramas.
‪데이터베이스에 넣는다고 그냥‬ ‪툭 하고 튀어나오는 게 아니에요‬Results don't just appear right after you put them in the database.
‪유사 패턴 수십 개 중에서‬Within similar patterns-- I know what the suspect looks like.
‪- (경찰1) 육안으로…‬ ‪- 내가 용의자 얼굴을 압니다‬I know what the suspect looks like.
‪기놈인지 아닌지만‬ ‪확인하믄 되니께니…‬-I just need to see if it's him. -Jeez.
‪(경찰1) 아, 정말‬-I just need to see if it's him. -Jeez.
‪절차가 있는데…‬There's a protocol. I can't do that.
‪그렇게 안 됩니다‬There's a protocol. I can't do that.
‪(무혁) [팔을 탁 잡으며] 이보시오‬ ‪부탁 좀 드리갔소‬Please. Do me a favor.
‪(경찰1) 죄송합니다, 안 됩니다‬I'm sorry. I can't.
‪(성민) 아이고, 안녕하십니까‬Hello. Are you Captain Cha Moohyuk from the Ministry of State Security?
‪저, 보위부 소속‬ ‪차무혁 대위님 맞으십니까?‬Hello. Are you Captain Cha Moohyuk from the Ministry of State Security?
‪(무혁) 무신 일입니까?‬Can I help you?
‪(성민) 아, 저는 JEA 서 보안과‬ ‪이성민 형사라고 합니다‬I'm Detective Lee Sungmin from the Security Division of JEA.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[성민의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[저마다 괴로운 신음을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[성민의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪[무혁이 칼을 탁 들이댄다]‬
‪[성민의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(무혁) 무슨 짓들이오?‬What are you doing?
‪(성민) [거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪당신이 수사 정보를‬ ‪강도들한테 유출했었다는‬You've been leaking information to the robbers.
‪그 증거를 입수했어‬We have the evidence.
‪(무혁) 뭐요?‬What?
‪[성민의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[성민의 불안한 숨소리]‬
‪[형사의 외마디 비명]‬
‪[성민의 다급한 신음]‬
‪(성민) 문 열어!‬Open the door!
‪차무혁, 문 열어!‬Open up, Cha Moohyuk!
‪문 열어!‬Open the door!
‪빨리 문 열어, 새끼야!‬Open up, asshole!
‪[형사들이 씩씩댄다]‬ ‪문 열어!‬Open up, damn it!
‪- (성민) 문 열어!‬ ‪- (형사) 야, 차무혁!‬-Open it! -Cha Moohyuk!
‪[형사의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(성민) [문을 두드리며]‬ ‪문 열어, 새끼야!‬Open the door, bastard!
‪[형사들의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(성민) [문을 쾅 치며]‬ ‪빨리 문 열어!‬ ‪[무혁의 거친 숨소리]‬Open up!
‪[형사들과 무혁의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(성민) 빨리 문 열어!‬Come on! Open up!
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪너희 중에 배신자가 있을지‬ ‪모르는 상황이라‬I gave him a secret order because there could be
‪은밀하게 일을 맡긴 거야‬a traitor amongst you.
‪(베를린) 배신자한테‬You ordered the traitor
‪배신자 만드는 일을 시켰다?‬to create a traitor.
‪[형사가 문을 쾅쾅 친다]‬ ‪[성민의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(교수) 리우 말대로‬ ‪차무혁이 날 의심하기 시작했어‬ ‪[형사들이 씩씩댄다]‬Like Rio said, Cha Moohyuk has started to suspect me.
‪(베를린) 야‬ ‪그거이 참 재밌네, 응‬That's funny.
‪(리우) 너 진짜 개소리할래, 자꾸?‬Wanna stop talking shit?
‪(베를린) 이 꼬맹이 새끼래‬This little brat didn't want to be a doctor,
‪원래 의사 짓 하기 싫어서‬ ‪도망치다 여까지 온 거 아니네?‬This little brat didn't want to be a doctor, so he ran away and ended up here.
‪긴데 막상‬ ‪강도 짓을 하려다 보니까‬But as he started getting into it,
‪이 장난이 아닌 거야‬the robbery became too hard to handle.
‪기나마 마음에 드는 도쿄는‬ ‪어케 해보려 그래도‬Then he tries hitting on Tokyo, but she's not interested.
‪[웃으며] 이 콧방귀도 안 뀌디‬Then he tries hitting on Tokyo, but she's not interested.
‪방송에는‬ ‪니 부모 얼굴도 다 까이고‬Plus, your parents are shown on TV.
‪(베를린) 야‬Hey, you must have been scared and wanted to run away again.
‪또 무서워서 도망치고 싶었갔디‬Hey, you must have been scared and wanted to run away again.
‪안 기래?‬Am I wrong?
‪[의자가 덜그럭 미끄러진다]‬ ‪너 진짜 안 닥치냐?‬I told you to shut it.
‪(도쿄) 왜 그래?‬Come on. Rio's the one who helped me open the vault.
‪내가 금고 열려고 할 때‬ ‪도와준 것도 리우잖아‬Come on. Rio's the one who helped me open the vault.
‪[리우의 분한 숨소리]‬ ‪(베를린) 꼴에 사내새끼라고‬He's a man, after all. He didn't wanna see the girl he loves die.
‪사랑하는 사람이‬ ‪죽는 꼴은 보기 싫었나 보디‬He's a man, after all. He didn't wanna see the girl he loves die.
‪(리우) 아, 씨발‬ ‪진짜 돌아버리겠네‬Fuck. You're driving me nuts.
‪야, 너는 뭐‬ ‪의심 안 가는 줄 알아?‬Hey, you don't think you're suspicious? Should we look into everyone's alibis?
‪다들 알리바이 한번 까볼까?‬ ‪[베를린의 코웃음]‬Hey, you don't think you're suspicious? Should we look into everyone's alibis?
‪그만하자‬That's enough.
‪(교수) 잘 들어‬Listen up.
‪우리 중에‬ ‪배신자가 있는 건 사실이야‬It's true there's a traitor amongst us.
‪(교수) 가능한 한 빨리 찾아야겠지‬We'll have to find him soon.
‪하지만 그 배신자 하나 때문에‬ ‪서로 의심하기 시작하면‬But if we start suspecting each other because of that one traitor,
‪혼란은 걷잡을 수 없이 커질 거야‬the chaos will grow out of control.
‪[시스템 작동음]‬ ‪일단 도쿄한테 맡길 테니까‬ ‪다들 따라줘‬For now, I'll let Tokyo handle this, so do as she says.
‪난 차무혁 쪽을 마무리 지어야겠어‬I need to wrap things up with Cha Moohyuk.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[성민과 형사들의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(성민) 아, 아, 잠깐, 잠깐‬Hey, hold up.
‪[안내 음성] 음성사서함으로‬ ‪연결 중입니다‬The person you're trying to reach is not available.
‪삐 소리 후에는‬ ‪통화료가 부과됩니다‬Please leave a message after the tone.
‪[삐 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[사이렌이 계속 울린다]‬ ‪(무혁) 박선호, 기놈이 교수였소‬Park Sunho is the Professor.
‪자세한 이야기는 만나서 드리갔소‬I'll give you the details in person.
‪지금 당신 집으로 가갔소‬I'll head to your house now.
‪[우진의 초조한 숨소리]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[우진의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪(서장) 안 받지?‬ ‪거, 빼박이라니까?‬He isn't answering, is he? He's the mole, for sure.
‪(우진) 미치겠네‬This is crazy.
‪[동철이 천막을 홱 걷는다]‬
‪(동철) 팀장님‬Ma'am. Captain Cha ran away.
‪차 대위, 도주했답니다‬Ma'am. Captain Cha ran away.
‪(서장) 간첩 출신이라더니‬I knew there was something off when he said he used to be a spy.
‪[동철의 한숨]‬ ‪처음부터 낌새가 이상했어‬I knew there was something off when he said he used to be a spy.
‪(우진) 자, 자, 자, 잠깐만요‬Wait.
‪아무래도 이상해요‬Something's not right.
‪분명히 어제까지만 해도‬He told me just yesterday there was someone he suspected.
‪교수로 의심이 되는‬ ‪사람이 있다고 저한테…‬He told me just yesterday there was someone he suspected.
‪(서장) 왜 그런 말을 했겠어?‬Why do you think he said that? To avoid any suspicion.
‪괜히 의심 피하려고‬ ‪그런 거 아니야‬Why do you think he said that? To avoid any suspicion.
‪딱 답 나왔네‬It's obvious.
‪[우진의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪(무혁) 교수‬ ‪기놈을 찾을 생각입니다‬I plan to track down the Professor.
‪기 박선호라는 남자‬ ‪언제 만난 겁니까?‬When did you start seeing that man, Park Sunho?
‪[깨닫는 숨소리]‬
‪잠깐 뭐 좀 확인하고 올게요‬need to go check something.
‪- (우진) 그동안 작전 준비해 줘‬ ‪- (동철) 네, 알겠습니다‬-Prepare the operation while I'm gone. -Yes, ma'am.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(오슬로) 석식 취사조 인원‬Dining staff. Get over here now!
‪신속하게 집합!‬Dining staff. Get over here now!
‪(앤) 저기…‬Um…
‪(오슬로) 뭐니?‬ ‪너는 취사조 아이잖니‬What is it? You're not on cooking duty.
‪당번 언니가 몸이 안 좋다고‬ ‪한 번만 대신해 달라고 해서요‬One of the staff asked me to fill in for her because she's not feeling well.
‪(앤) 아니, 가만히 있으니까‬I keep having weird thoughts just sitting and doing nothing.
‪자꾸 이상한 생각이 들어서요‬I keep having weird thoughts just sitting and doing nothing.
‪뭐, 그래‬All right.
‪(오슬로) 이동!‬Move.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[권총이 철컥 장전된다]‬ ‪[무혁의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪쌍간나 새끼‬Son of a bitch.
‪[교수의 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[무혁의 옅은 신음]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[교수의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[트렁크 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(도쿄) 그녀가 목격한 사실을‬ ‪자기 딸에게 알린다면‬If she told her daughter about what she saw,
‪모든 것은 끝이었다‬everything would be over.
‪[필순의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪아무리 고민해도‬ ‪결국 해결책은 하나뿐이었다‬ ‪[교수의 놀란 숨소리]‬No matter how much he thought about it, there was only one solution.
‪[문이 삐걱 열린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음이 들려온다]‬
‪[통화 연결음이 계속된다]‬
‪여보세요, 우진이니?‬Hello? Woojin?
‪(우진) 엄마, 왜?‬Mom, what is it?
‪[교수의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(필순) 네‬Yes?
‪누구시라고요?‬Who is this?
‪(우진) 엄마!‬Mom!
‪(필순) 어, 우진이니?‬Yes. Is it you, Woojin?
‪내가 전화한 거야?‬Did I call you?
‪약은 먹었는데‬ ‪[교수의 깨닫는 신음]‬I didn't forget the pills.
‪(교수) 어머니가 아프신 줄은…‬ ‪무슨 병이세요?‬I didn't know your mother was sick. What's her illness?
‪노환이죠, 그냥‬Just aging, you know.
‪(필순) 그래도 내가‬ ‪오락가락하는 덕에‬ ‪[교수의 옅은 한숨]‬Thanks to my wandering mind,
‪바쁜 우리 딸 목소리라도‬ ‪한 번 더 듣는 거지‬I get to hear my busy daughter's voice.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪엄마는 괜찮으니까‬ ‪너무 무리하지 말고‬I'm okay. Don't overwork yourself.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[필순의 의아한 신음]‬
‪(도쿄) 천운이었다‬It was sheer luck.
‪[차분한 음악]‬It was sheer luck.
‪하지만 경감의 어머니를‬ ‪끝내 쏘지 못한 교수는‬However, the Professor realized when he couldn't shoot Woojin's mother
‪그녀에 대한 감정이‬that his feelings for Woojin might completely ruin the plan.
‪작전을 완전히 망쳐버릴지도‬ ‪모른다는 공포에 사로잡혔다‬that his feelings for Woojin might completely ruin the plan.
‪(모스크바) 와 또 멍 때리고 있노?‬Are you spacing out again?
‪(덴버) 아, 그기…‬Well…
‪아빠, 아빠, 아빠‬Dad,
‪아빠 니는‬ ‪[삽질하는 소리가 들린다]‬if one of us was a traitor, who do you think it'd be?
‪우리 중에 배신자가 있다믄‬if one of us was a traitor, who do you think it'd be?
‪누구일 것 같은데?‬if one of us was a traitor, who do you think it'd be?
‪(모스크바) 니 아까‬ ‪그 일 때문에 그라나?‬Is this about what happened earlier?
‪(덴버) 나이로비는‬ ‪공장 돌리느라 바빴을 기고‬Nairobi was too busy running the machines.
‪헬싱키, 오슬로 근마들은‬ ‪좀 뚱뚱해가…‬ ‪[덴버의 미심쩍은 숨소리]‬Helsinki and Oslo are too fat
‪그라고 또 이 인질들 지키느라‬ ‪정신없었을 낀데‬and must have been busy guarding the hostages.
‪아이, 씨, 누구지?‬Damn it. Who could it be?
‪(모스크바) 니는 헛소리 그만하고‬ ‪자들이나 감시 잘해라‬Stop with the nonsense and guard those guys well.
‪[영민의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪뭔지 몰라도‬ ‪놈들이 딴 데 정신 팔렸을 때‬I don't know what it is, but they seem distracted.
‪지금이 기회야‬Now's our chance.
‪(미선) 그냥 쉬지‬You should just rest.
‪(앤) 아니에요‬I'm fine.
‪근데 이건 어디로 가는 거예요?‬So, where's this food going?
‪경비원들 거니까‬ ‪좀 많이 담아야 돼‬They're for the guards, so add some more.
‪(미선) 오슬로가 가져갈 거야‬Oslo will take them.
‪[앤이 식기를 달그락거린다]‬
‪(현호) 앤 덕분에‬ ‪위치를 알아냈으니까‬We found their location, thanks to Anne. We have to take the chance.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪도박을 걸어볼 수 있을 거요‬We found their location, thanks to Anne. We have to take the chance.
‪(영민) 경찰이나 경비한테‬ ‪연락이 갔다 쳐‬Say we get in contact with the guards or the police. Then what?
‪그다음은?‬Say we get in contact with the guards or the police. Then what?
‪[불편한 숨소리]‬
‪(덴버) 니 진짜‬ ‪똥 마려운 거 맞나?‬Do you really have to take a dump?
‪또 농땡이 치는 거면‬If you're just slacking off, I'll kill you this time.
‪니 이번엔 진짜 뒤진다잉‬If you're just slacking off, I'll kill you this time.
‪아, 제가‬It's because I have irritable bowel syndrome.
‪과민성 대장 증후군이‬ ‪있어서 그래요‬It's because I have irritable bowel syndrome.
‪(영민) 진, 진짜입니다‬Really.
‪[방귀 소리가 요란하다]‬
‪아이, 더러운 새끼‬Jeez, disgusting bastard.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(현호) 국장님이 이번엔‬ ‪제대로 역할을 해주셔야 합니다‬You need to do your job right this time, Director.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪아이, 씨‬Man, this is killing me.
‪간 떨려 죽겠네, 진짜‬Man, this is killing me.
‪[영민의 힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪[영민의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[영민의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(베를린) 배신자가‬ ‪감시 카메라에 찍힌 게 이때인데‬The traitor was caught on video at this time.
‪리우, 넌 기때 국장실에 없었어‬Rio, you weren't in the director's office, then.
‪(리우) 니는 똥오줌도 안 싸냐?‬Don't you ever take a piss or shit?
‪야, 봐봐‬Look at this.
‪오슬로도 전시관이랑 지하실‬ ‪왔다 갔다 하면서 자리 비우지?‬Oslo also goes back and forth between the hall and the basement.
‪어, 씨발, 덴버는? 나이로비?‬Fuck. What about Denver and Nairobi?
‪우리 기계 아니고 다 인간이잖아‬We're not machines. We're people.
‪어? 잠깐씩은‬ ‪자리 비울 수도 있는 거 아니야?‬So, we can't step out once in a while?
‪(도쿄) 리우 말이 맞아‬Rio's right, so calm down and--
‪그러니까 일단 진정하고…‬Rio's right, so calm down and--
‪(베를린) 반대로 생각해 볼까?‬Think about it this way.
‪이 새끼가 여기서 전부 지켜보다가‬Let's say this bastard was watching everyone,
‪몇몇이 틈을 보인 사이에‬ ‪쥐새끼처럼 움직인 거 아니네?‬ ‪[리우의 답답한 한숨]‬and as soon as some were gone, he sneaked out like a rat.
‪(베를린) 게다가‬Plus, he's the one who knows the Mint's blind spots the best.
‪카메라 사각지대를‬ ‪제일 잘 아는 거이 누구갔어?‬Plus, he's the one who knows the Mint's blind spots the best.
‪(리우) 아이, 진짜‬ ‪[의자가 덜그럭 미끄러진다]‬Seriously?
‪[차 문을 달칵 연다]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[교수의 반가운 숨소리]‬
‪(교수) 아니‬Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?
‪어쩐 일이에요? 연락도 없이‬Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?
‪갑자기 보고 싶어서요‬I just wanted to see you.
‪가게도 문 닫고 어디 갔다 와요?‬Where were you? Closing the café?
‪[당황한 듯 웃으며] 아이, 뭐‬ ‪갑자기 급한 일이 있어 가지고‬Something urgent came up.
‪급한 일이라‬"Something urgent"?
‪뭔데요?‬Which was?
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪왜 그래요? 무슨 일…‬What's wrong?
‪무슨 일 있어요?‬What happened?
‪그냥 생각해 보니까‬I was thinking about it,
‪(우진) 선호 씨는 나에 대해서‬ ‪꽤 많이 알고 있는 거 같은데‬and you know quite a lot about me…
‪난 그만큼 선호 씨를‬ ‪모르는 것 같아서요‬but I don't really know you.
‪원래 자기 얘기 잘 안 해요?‬You don't usually talk about yourself, do you?
‪[난감한 신음]‬
‪아, 일단 들어와요, 네?‬Let's go inside first.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬
‪[우진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪[우진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬Woojin.
‪- (교수) 저, 우진 씨‬ ‪- (우진) 움직이지 말아요‬Woojin. Don't move.
‪아무것도 묻지 말고‬Don't ask any questions and go upstairs.
‪2층으로 올라가요‬Don't ask any questions and go upstairs.
‪(교수) 저…‬Could you at least tell me why--
‪- 갑자기 이러시는 이유라도…‬ ‪- 두 달 전‬Could you at least tell me why-- Why did you approach me
‪왜 나한테 접근했어요?‬two months ago?
‪(교수) 왜라니‬ ‪그게 무슨 말이에요?‬What do you mean, "why"?
‪됐으니까 올라가요‬Forget it. Go upstairs. Now!
‪(우진) 어서!‬Forget it. Go upstairs. Now!
‪[교수의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[교수의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[교수의 불안한 숨소리]‬
‪[우진의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(우진) 열어요‬Open it.
‪[교수의 한숨]‬
‪(교수) [한숨 쉬며] 아‬ ‪이렇게까지 해야 되겠어요?‬Do you really need to do all this?
‪(우진) 당신이 숨기고 있는 게‬ ‪뭔지 알아야겠어‬I need to know what you're hiding.
‪빨리 열어‬ ‪[교수의 당황한 숨소리]‬Open it now!
‪[깊은숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[우진의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪(교수) 이제 됐습니까?‬Are you happy now?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪(우진) 사실은…‬Actually…
‪[난감한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪(우진) 저랑 같이‬ ‪일하는 사람 하나가‬One of my colleagues
‪공무상 기밀 누설 혐의로‬ ‪수배됐는데‬is suspected of leaking official secrets.
‪(우진) 믿을 만한 사람이거든요‬But he's a trustworthy man.
‪그리고 그 사람이‬ ‪마지막에 했던 얘기가‬And the last thing he told me
‪선호 씨에 대한 얘기라 나도…‬was about you, so I--
‪전 이래도 되는 사람이에요?‬So, I'm someone you can suspect?
‪[분한 숨소리]‬ ‪이래도 되는 사람입니까?‬Am I someone you can do this to?
‪아니, 그게 아니라…‬No, it's not--
‪우진 씨, 우리 인연…‬Woojin, let's just
‪여기까지 하시죠‬end things with us.
‪[허탈한 숨소리]‬
‪- 선호 씨‬ ‪- 가세요‬-Sunho. -Please leave.
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 가세요!‬Go!
‪(교수) 배웅은 안 할게요‬You know the way out.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[교수의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(도쿄) 사실 교수는‬ ‪그녀가 찾아오기 전에‬The Professor had already decided
‪이미 이 관계를‬ ‪끝낼 생각을 하고 있었다‬to end the relationship before she came.
‪하지만 이렇게까지‬But he didn't expect it to break his heart like this.
‪가슴이 아플 거라는 예상은‬ ‪하지 못했다‬But he didn't expect it to break his heart like this.
‪차무혁을 제거한 이상‬After getting rid of Cha Moohyuk, she became more crucial to our operation…
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬ ‪그녀는 우리 작전에‬ ‪더없이 중요한 존재가 되었지만‬After getting rid of Cha Moohyuk, she became more crucial to our operation…
‪오히려 교수는 그녀가 점점 더‬ ‪자신의 약점이 될 거라고‬but the Professor concluded that she'd gradually become his weakness.
‪결론지었다‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬but the Professor concluded that she'd gradually become his weakness. NAM DONGCHUL
‪그리고 그 결과‬ ‪무거운 대가를 치러야 했다‬As a result, he had to pay a horrifying price.
‪(동철) 팀장님‬ ‪준비 다 끝났습니다‬We're ready, ma'am.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(리우) 진짜 개짜증 나네, 씨‬ ‪나 아니라고!‬Stop pissing me off! I said it's not me!
‪(도쿄) [다급한 숨을 내뱉으며]‬ ‪리우‬Rio.
‪(리우) 왜? 너도 나 못 믿겠어?‬What? You don't trust me either?
‪(도쿄) 난 너 믿어‬I trust you.
‪(리우) 근데 저 미친 새끼가‬ ‪배신자 몰이 하는 거‬Then why are you letting that maniac frame me?
‪왜 그냥 두고 봐?‬Then why are you letting that maniac frame me?
‪(도쿄) 너도 좀 진정해‬You should calm down.
‪이러면 놈들한테 놀아나는 거야‬This is exactly what they want.
‪(리우) [답답한 숨을 내뱉으며]‬ ‪진정?‬"Calm down"?
‪[리우의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬ ‪진정은 개뿔, 씨‬Calm down, my ass.
‪(도쿄) 리우‬Rio.
‪(리우) 놔‬Let go of me.
‪(베를린) [손뼉을 짝짝 치며]‬ ‪이야, 똥 싼 놈이 성낸다더니‬They say the guilty ones always put on a big show.
‪- 냄새도 참 지독하다, 야‬ ‪- (리우) 아이, 씨‬They say the guilty ones always put on a big show. Jeez.
‪[리우의 분한 숨소리]‬
‪(베를린) 어, 나이로비‬ ‪마침 잘 왔어‬Nairobi, glad you're here.
‪[리우의 답답한 신음]‬ ‪(나이로비) 어, 무슨 일이야?‬What's up?
‪(베를린) 우리가 나이로비네‬ ‪가정사는 못 들어봤디만 말이야‬We don't know about your family history,
‪만약에 니 아부지나 어마이가‬ ‪[리우의 한숨]‬but let's imagine that your parents were on TV.
‪저 테레비전에 나왔다고‬ ‪생각해 보라우‬but let's imagine that your parents were on TV.
‪(베를린) 응?‬ ‪기분이 어땠을 것 같네?‬How would you feel?
‪(나이로비) 뭐…‬Well,
‪나야 돈이 더 중요하지‬money's more important to me.
‪애초에 날 찾을 가족 같은 게‬ ‪있지도 않고‬ ‪[리우의 한숨]‬And I don't have a family missing me.
‪- (베를린) 기렇디‬ ‪- (리우) 씨‬And I don't have a family missing me. Right. We came all the way here, risking our lives to make money.
‪(베를린) 우리 돈 벌자고‬ ‪목숨 걸고 여기까지 온 거 아니네‬Right. We came all the way here, risking our lives to make money.
‪응?‬Right. We came all the way here, risking our lives to make money.
‪(리우) 아주 쌍으로 좆을 까세요들‬Fuck both of you.
‪(베를린) 이 아새끼래‬ ‪이거 입질하는 거 보면, 쌍‬You foul-mouthed son of a bitch.
‪생각해 보라우‬Think about it.
‪여기서 돈 급하디 않은 동무가‬ ‪너 말고 어디 있어?‬You're the only one who doesn't need money
‪돌아갈 가족이 있는 것도‬ ‪너밖에 없디‬and has a family to go back to.
‪(리우) 야, 그래, 솔직히‬To be honest,
‪내가 아버지 면상 보고‬ ‪살짝 울컥했다‬I got choked up when I saw my dad's face.
‪(리우) 내가 알던 아버지는‬Because the dad I knew would never do that even if someone asked him to.
‪그딴 거 시켜도‬ ‪절대 안 할 양반이었으니까‬Because the dad I knew would never do that even if someone asked him to.
‪근데 뭐?‬But what?
‪그렇다고 동료들을 배신하고‬ ‪앤을 죽여?‬You think I'd betray my colleagues and kill Anne?
‪[가슴을 탁 치며] 차라리‬ ‪내가 죽고 말지, 씨‬Fuck, I'd rather get myself killed!
‪[베를린의 웃음]‬ ‪(리우) 나 안 해, 안 한다고! 이거‬I'm done with this shit!
‪(베를린) 기럼 헛가다 부리디 말고‬ ‪그냥 죽으라우‬Then stop bluffing and just die.
‪[리우의 분한 숨소리]‬
‪그만해, 베를린‬Quit it, Berlin.
‪[성난 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(오슬로) 어휴, 참, 나‬Man.
‪윗동네 또 시끌시끌하니‬ ‪새삣하문 저런다야‬Those folks upstairs get rowdy over the smallest things.
‪조만간 결론이 나겠지, 뭐‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬They'll come to a conclusion soon.
‪우리는 우리 할 일 하믄 된다‬We need to focus on our job.
‪그러겠지?‬You're right.
‪아랫동네 갇힌 동무들‬ ‪물 좀 주고 올게‬I'll bring water to the guys locked up in the basement.
‪그새 떨어진 모양이야‬I guess they ran out already.
‪야, 야‬Hey, just do it tomorrow.
‪기냥 내일 하라‬Hey, just do it tomorrow.
‪그거 처마시고 똥오줌 못 가리면‬ ‪니 어찌할 거니?‬ ‪[오슬로의 웃음]‬What if they pee in the middle of the night.
‪그래도 꽁꽁 묶여서‬They're trapped in a tiny space, so I feel bad for them.
‪좁은 데 갇혀 지내는 꼴이‬ ‪불쌍하지 않니‬They're trapped in a tiny space, so I feel bad for them.
‪[웃으며] 치‬ ‪[오슬로의 웃음]‬-Jeez. -Be right back.
‪(오슬로) 금방 갔다 올게‬-Jeez. -Be right back.
‪[물통을 바스락 든다]‬ ‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[오슬로의 호탕한 웃음]‬
‪(헬싱키) 치‬
‪[오슬로의 헛기침]‬ ‪(헬싱키) 아휴‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬ ‪[헬싱키의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬ ‪[오슬로의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪저리 물러 가지고‬ ‪뭔 강도 짓을 한다 하니, 씨‬He's too soft to be a robber.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[오슬로의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[인질3의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[오슬로의 힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪[긴박감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪또 무슨…‬What the…
‪(교수) 안 돼, 안 돼‬No!
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪총 내려놔‬Drop the gun.
‪(베를린) 리우‬ ‪지금이라도 실토하라‬Rio, you can still tell the truth.
‪안 기러면 너 대신‬ ‪도쿄가 죽는 거야‬If you don't, Tokyo will die instead of you.
‪[도쿄와 리우의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(동철) 준비 끝났습니다‬It's ready.
‪[무전기 조작음]‬
‪전 대응팀에 알린다‬Task Force, listen up.
‪(우진) 현 시간부로‬As of now, we will cut off all electricity
‪조폐국 전체의 전기를‬As of now, we will cut off all electricity
‪차단한다‬at the Mint.
‪[전화벨이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪(리우) 에이, 씨!‬You piece of…

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