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  퀸메이커 6

Queenmaker 6


(영심) 어디서 뭘 하고 지내는지‬ ‪궁금했는데‬I was wondering where you were and what you were up to.
‪지옥에서 살고 있었구나‬Turns out you've been living in hell.
‪[멀리서 들리는 자동차 경적]‬
‪전생에 지은 죄가 많아‬A hell only fit for beasts born in poverty.
‪가난을 짊어지고 태어난 짐승들만‬ ‪모여있다는‬A hell only fit for beasts born in poverty. A reminder of the sins committed in their former incarnations.
‪구약성서에 나오는 야곱의 아내‬I know that line of scripture. Jacob's wife, right?
‪신에게 복종하고 순종한 대가로‬Leah gave up her entire life to please God
‪평생을 풍요롭게 살았던 여인 리아‬and in return was rewarded for her service.
‪채령이가 유학 시절에 쓰던‬ ‪이름이라 혹시나 했는데‬Chae-ryoung would often say it while studying abroad, so I thought that…
‪역시 회장님이시더군요‬it could lead me back to you here,
‪(도희) 리아컴퍼니의 실소유주‬the de facto owner of The Leah Company.
‪[긴장감 있는 느린 음악]‬
‪역시‬Of course.
‪우리 도희‬I had always known
‪참 영리하지‬how smart you are.
‪내 배로 낳은 딸아이보다‬It seems you take after me,
‪더 진하게‬ ‪내 피를 물려받은 느낌이랄까?‬I would say, even more than my daughters, my own blood.
‪그 말씀이 진심이라면‬If any of that was really true,
‪진작 귀띔이라도 해주셨겠죠‬I would have known about this long ago.
‪10년 넘게‬ ‪회장님을 위해서 살았는데‬I spent more than ten years working for you and Eunsung.
‪저는 리아컴퍼니의 존재 자체도‬ ‪모르고 있었습니다‬And I only just now found out about The Leah Company.
‪집 지키는 개한테‬But I guess a guard dog
‪곳간 열쇠를 내줄 순 없으셨겠죠‬wouldn't get the keys to the safe, no matter how loyal.
‪서운했니?‬Are you hurt?
‪아니요‬Not at all.
‪회장님이 만드신 지옥에‬ ‪더 깊숙히 발을 담그지 않아서‬The fact I didn't sink even deeper into this web of lies you created…
‪천만다행이라고 생각합니다‬I must admit, I am actually relieved.
‪이제 그만 멈추거라‬I think it's time to put this to an end.
‪회장님 밑에서‬ ‪달리는 법은 배웠지만‬You taught me everything I would ever need to know about running.
‪멈추는 법은 배우지 못했습니다‬But you never taught me anything about backing down.
‪[입을 딱 뗀다]‬
‪자신 있니?‬You're confident?
‪어떤 일이 생겨도 감당할‬Whatever the future holds in store, you'll manage it?
‪감당할 수 없는 일을 감당하는 게‬To bear with the unbearable.
‪제 숙명이라고 하지 않으셨습니까?‬If you recall, that's what you said my fate would be like.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(영심) 날이 춥다‬You should take care.
‪몸조심해라‬It's getting cold outside.
‪(영심) 넌 유난히‬And you've always been so… sensitive to the cold weather.
‪추위를 많이 탔잖니‬And you've always been so… sensitive to the cold weather.
‪(앵커) 논란이 된 리아컴퍼니‬The Leah Company has come under fire.
‪김정도 서울시장 권한 대행이‬ ‪서울시와 리아컴퍼니의‬The Leah Company has come under fire. Acting mayor of Seoul, Kim Jeong-do, has finally released a statement…
‪- 유착 관계 의혹에 대해‬ ‪- (칼 윤) 흔들릴 거 없어‬Acting mayor of Seoul, Kim Jeong-do, has finally released a statement… There's nothing to worry about.
‪(앵커) 입을 열었습니다‬There's nothing to worry about. …between Seoul and The Leah Company. In a statement…
‪김 권한 대행은‬ ‪리아컴퍼니에 대한…‬…between Seoul and The Leah Company. In a statement…
‪황도희가 이 집안 사정을‬Hwang Do-hee knows this family inside out, so this was inevitable really.
‪너무 잘 알고 있어서 생긴‬ ‪문제니까‬Hwang Do-hee knows this family inside out, so this was inevitable really.
‪이 집안의 기둥이‬As head of the house, you'll be able to solve this issue.
‪그 문제 해결하면 되는 거야‬As head of the house, you'll be able to solve this issue.
‪아무 문제가 생기지 않는 게‬ ‪전 더 좋을 거 같은데요‬I would rather we didn't have these issues at all, you see?
‪황도희 좀 빨리 치우시죠‬Why can't you get rid of her, huh?
‪[칼 윤 웃음]‬
‪최선을 다하자고‬Let's just do all that we can in our positions, hmm?
‪각자의 포지션에서‬Let's just do all that we can in our positions, hmm?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪조금 경쾌한 컬러로‬ ‪준비해 봤습니다‬Because you are now visiting a new digital marketplace,
‪다음 일정이‬I've picked out a lively color for you, and…
‪디지털 마켓 방문이시라…‬I've picked out a lively color for you, and…
‪난 됐으니까‬Forget about it, and
‪[넥타이를 툭 내던진다]‬
‪채령이 서포트나 열심히 해‬go and support Chae-ryoung instead.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪쟤네 둘이 이상하다?‬This is fishy, isn't it?
‪넥타이 하나 고르는 데‬ ‪저렇게까지 감정을 드러내고‬Who gets that worked up about picking out a stupid tie?
‪서방님 관리 잘해‬Keep your eye on him.
‪엄한 애 치마폭에 휘둘려서‬ ‪일 망치게 하지 말고‬Don't let your man ruin this over a random bitch.
‪내 자리 차지하고 앉아서‬ ‪짜낸 뇌피셜이‬Really? After your failed effort at usurping, Sis,
‪겨우 그거야?‬that's all you got?
‪[채령 한숨]‬
‪그렇게 멍청하니까‬ ‪허구한 날 나한테‬It's because you're this dense, you're always… behind.
‪밀리지‬It's because you're this dense, you're always… behind.
‪채령아, 너 왜 그래?‬What are you saying?
‪밀린 게 아니라‬ ‪내가 밀어낸 거잖아‬Behind who? I walked away.
‪너처럼 엄마 꼭두각시로‬ ‪살기 싫어서‬'Cause, unlike you, I have no intention
‪(서진) 마음 단단히 먹어‬of becoming Mom's puppet.
‪네 남편 시장 못 되면‬If your husband loses this race,
‪네가 엄마한테 버림받을 거니까‬you will fall from grace together.
‪애초에 넌‬You were always just the second choice.
‪내 대타였거든?‬You were always just the second choice.
‪[비장함이 더해지는 음악]‬
‪[어린 채령이 연신 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[발소리]‬
‪[라이터 금속음이 들린다]‬
‪[라이터를 닫는다]‬
‪제 예상보다 훨씬 더 황도희를‬You care more for Hwang Do-hee than I realized, it seems.
‪아끼셨나 봅니다‬You care more for Hwang Do-hee than I realized, it seems.
‪(칼 윤) 이 와중에‬ ‪직접 만나러 가시다니‬Seeing that you went and saw her personally.
‪어째서 아직까지‬Would you care to clarify
‪도희를 그냥 두신 건가요?‬why Do-hee hasn't been taken care of?
‪회장님을 위해서였습니다‬All of this is according to plan.
‪전 회장님의 사위를‬The reason that I came here
‪기껏 서울시장이나 만들려고‬ ‪돌아온 게 아닙니다‬wasn't just so I could put your son-in-law in the mayor's office.
‪이번 선거를 기점으로 백 후보를‬I intend on taking him all the way.
‪대권 잠룡까지 끌어올릴 참이었죠‬Using this election as the turning point, we'll set our sights on the presidency,
‪그래서 이 나라를‬Using this election as the turning point, we'll set our sights on the presidency,
‪회장님 손바닥 위에‬ ‪올려드리려고요‬Using this election as the turning point, we'll set our sights on the presidency, placing the whole nation in the palm of your hand.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬placing the whole nation in the palm of your hand.
‪현실적으로‬How likely is this, realistically speaking?
‪가능한 그림인가요?‬How likely is this, realistically speaking?
‪국민이 진짜 원하는 그림이겠죠‬It's what they truly want, the people.
‪진보니, 보수니‬ ‪뻔한 정치 싸움에 이용당해서‬What have the people ever really gained being caught between conservatives and progressives?
‪국민이 얻은 게 뭐 있습니까?‬being caught between conservatives and progressives?
‪차라리 돈의 힘에‬ ‪지배당해서 사는 세상이‬I think, in effect, being ruled by money and class is… more appropriate.
‪훨씬 담백하죠‬I think, in effect, being ruled by money and class is… more appropriate.
‪그 큰 그림에‬Where in that grand plan
‪도희처럼 위험한 짐승이‬ ‪왜 필요하신 건가요?‬does an unpredictable and dangerous beast like Do-hee fit in?
‪이 선거는 세상에서‬ ‪제일 재미있는 쇼입니다‬You see, the best show in the world is politics,
‪쇼가 흥행을 해야‬and for a star to rise, the drama has to be totally true.
‪스타도 탄생하는 법이고요‬and for a star to rise, the drama has to be totally true.
‪(칼 윤) 오경숙 같은‬ ‪재미있는 캐릭터가‬We need someone captivating like Oh Kyung-sook to grab attention.
‪바람잡이가 돼주고‬We need someone captivating like Oh Kyung-sook to grab attention.
‪황도희 같은 영리한 캐릭터가‬Hwang Do-hee is a cunning character.
‪악역을 해줘야‬She will be the villain,
‪우리 백 후보의 승리도‬She will be the villain, and our candidate's win will resonate even deeper.
‪더 극적으로 보이지 않겠습니까?‬and our candidate's win will resonate even deeper.
‪[황당하다는 듯 웃으며]‬ ‪경고하신 뜻은 알겠지만‬I understand you are very intent on this plan,
‪면세점이 잘못되면‬ ‪모든 게 덧없어집니다‬but it's all for nothing if the duty-free shop collapses,
‪누구보다 그걸 잘 아는 게‬but it's all for nothing if the duty-free shop collapses, and no one knows this clearer than Do-hee does.
‪도희고요‬and no one knows this clearer than Do-hee does.
‪더 당부하실 일은?‬Then what's your decision?
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪[책상을 탁 두드린다]‬
‪[숨을 깊게 들이쉰다]‬
‪걷어내세요‬Take care of her.
‪[무거워지는 음악]‬
‪지지율은?‬And the polls?
‪꾸준히 올라가고 있습니다‬We're steadily gaining support.
‪백재민이랑‬Baek Jae-min is still leading in the votes.
‪일대일 대결에선 아직 밀리는데‬Baek Jae-min is still leading in the votes. However, if Seo Min-jung's voters come over, I think we'll have a good shot.
‪서민정 표까지 끌어오면‬However, if Seo Min-jung's voters come over, I think we'll have a good shot.
‪충분히 승산 있어‬However, if Seo Min-jung's voters come over, I think we'll have a good shot.
‪씁, 본부장님‬Ma'am, why don't we just go ahead and prune out the twig?
‪잔가지부터 빨리 쳐내시죠?‬Ma'am, why don't we just go ahead and prune out the twig?
‪우리 목표는 본선이지‬ ‪서민의 종이 아니잖아요‬Our goal's the main election. We shouldn't get distracted.
‪그래야지‬Yeah, you're right. Is everything ready?
‪재료 준비됐니?‬Yeah, you're right. Is everything ready?
‪(린조) 월 세 번‬Three times a month,
‪서민정은 청담동 휴안성형외과에서‬Seo Min-jung gets the VIP package from Hyuan Cosmetics in Cheongdam-dong.
‪VVIP급 케어를 받았고요‬Seo Min-jung gets the VIP package from Hyuan Cosmetics in Cheongdam-dong.
‪상담실장 매수해서‬ ‪비용 처리 부분을 캐봤는데‬I bribed the manager and asked about how Seo was making her payments,
‪의외의 월척이 낚였어요‬and it seems I've struck oil.
‪KM 매니지먼트?‬KM Management?
‪(선영) 그쪽에 소속된‬ ‪아이돌이랑 연기자들이‬All of the idols that are signed with KM get their treatments at Hyuan.
‪전부 휴안에서 관리를 받는데요‬All of the idols that are signed with KM get their treatments at Hyuan.
‪서민정 비용도‬Seo Min-jung does too. And it turns out they're covering hers as well.
‪그쪽에서 월말 결산을 했더라고요‬Seo Min-jung does too. And it turns out they're covering hers as well.
‪(도희) 이건 뭐야?‬And what's this?
‪(차선) 서민정이랑‬ ‪KM을 접붙이기해 준‬We did some digging into who introduced Seo Min-jung to KM in the first place.
‪인물이 누군가 추적해 봤더니‬We did some digging into who introduced Seo Min-jung to KM in the first place.
‪강남 예체능 과외방이 나오더라?‬We did some digging into who introduced Seo Min-jung to KM in the first place. It's a private tutoring group in Gangnam.
‪(차선) 서민정 딸‬ ‪바이올린 레슨비만‬She's paying 20 million won a month on her daughter's violin lessons alone.
‪월에 2천씩 내더라고‬ ‪[지니 놀라는 신음]‬She's paying 20 million won a month on her daughter's violin lessons alone. What's the link there, KM and this tutoring center?
‪과외방이랑 KM 연결 고리는요?‬What's the link there, KM and this tutoring center?
‪서민정한테 과외방 소개해 준‬ ‪학부모 막내딸이‬The woman who brought her into this tutoring group has a daughter,
‪KM 소속 아이돌이야‬an idol signed with KM Management.
‪(차선) 얼마 전에‬ ‪엑스터시 밀반입 기사 터졌던‬an idol signed with KM Management. She was in the news recently for smuggling MDMA.
‪대박‬Oh my God.
‪딸이 사고 친 거 막을려고‬ ‪서민정이랑 엮은 거네‬She wanted to cover it up, and that's how Seo Min-jung got in.
‪(선영) 본부장님‬ ‪이거 제대로 핵폭탄인데요?‬Ms. Hwang, this is huge. Like, this is a nuke.
‪KM이랑 성형외과는 빼‬For now, leave KM and Hyuan out of it.
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪아니, KM이 핵심인데요?‬Isn't KM the core of it?
‪대한민국의 모든 엄마들의‬Yeah, but education is the thing that will get every mother riled up in Korea.
‪공분을 살 수 있는 건 교육이야‬ ‪[더욱 흥미진진해지는 음악]‬Yeah, but education is the thing that will get every mother riled up in Korea.
‪무조건 그쪽으로‬ ‪포커스 맞춰서 준비해‬Make sure that the focus stays on that point.
‪이제부터 서민정은‬The end of Seo Min-jung isn't Oh Kyung-sook.
‪오경숙이 아니라‬The end of Seo Min-jung isn't Oh Kyung-sook. It's… every mother in Korea who'll take her down.
‪대한민국의 엄마들이 죽일 거니까‬It's… every mother in Korea who'll take her down.
‪(시위 주동자) 고액 사교육 반대!‬We oppose expensive private tutoring!
‪(시위대) 반대!‬We oppose expensive private tutoring! We oppose!
‪(시위 주동자) 교육 불평등 반대!‬We oppose! We oppose education inequality!
‪서민정은 즉각 사퇴하라!‬We oppose education inequality! We demand Seo Min-jung resign immediately!
‪사퇴하라, 사퇴하라, 사퇴하라!‬We demand Seo Min-jung resign immediately! Resign now! NO SEO MIN-JUNG
‪(시위 주동자) 서민정 딸은‬ ‪퇴학하라!‬Expel Seo's daughter!
‪(시위대) 퇴학하라, 퇴학하라‬Expel her! Expel her!
‪- 서민정은 사죄하라!‬ ‪- 사죄하라, 사죄하라!‬We demand Seo Min-jung apologize! Apologize! Seo Min-jung's daughter should be expel--
‪(시위 주동자) 서민정 딸은‬ ‪퇴학하…‬Seo Min-jung's daughter should be expel--
‪이것도 그년 짓이니?‬This is her doing, isn't it? Your ex?
‪네 엑스?‬This is her doing, isn't it? Your ex?
‪당장 사실무근 보도 자료 배포하고‬Release a statement that denies all of it. And for defamation and slander,
‪허위사실유포에 명예훼손으로‬Release a statement that denies all of it. And for defamation and slander,
‪황도희 고소해, 오경숙도 같이‬sue Hwang Do-hee and Oh Kyung-sook now.
‪지금은 말 한마디가‬Uh, ma'am. We could be violating election laws if we make the wrong move.
‪선거법 위반까지‬ ‪갈 수 있는 상황입니다‬Uh, ma'am. We could be violating election laws if we make the wrong move.
‪일단 오늘 하루는‬At least for right now.
‪대응 매뉴얼을 촘촘히 준비해서…‬At least for right now. We should thoroughly prepare-- Hey!
‪(민정) 야, 이씨!‬Hey!
‪[모두 조용해진다]‬
‪네거티브도 안 된다‬No smear campaign, no fabrication,
‪조작도 안 된다‬ ‪법적 대응도 안 된다!‬No smear campaign, no fabrication, no legal action!
‪야, 이 개새끼야‬ ‪네가 보살이야?‬Want clean hands? You pieces of crap.
‪지금 오경숙이가‬ ‪내 부동표까지 다 먹고 있는데‬Oh Kyung-sook is eating up all of the swing voters!
‪넌 뭐가 그렇게 느긋해?‬ ‪이 촘촘한 새끼야!‬So what are you doing instead of fixing this shit?
‪[민정 한숨]‬
‪재이 세우시죠‬Han Jae-i should speak.
‪너 지금 내 자식새끼까지‬ ‪얼굴마담으로 내세우자는 거야?‬Are you suggesting that I sell my daughter out there as a figurehead?
‪경선 보름도 안 남았습니다‬We don't even have half a month.
‪[긴장감 흐르는 음악]‬We don't even have half a month.
‪말씀하신 대로‬It's like you said.
‪재이 사교육 문제 때문에‬The tutoring scandal with your daughter is turning your most loyal supporters away.
‪콘크리트 지지층까지 저쪽으로‬ ‪넘어가고 있는 분위기고요‬The tutoring scandal with your daughter is turning your most loyal supporters away.
‪지금 타이밍 놓치면‬ ‪돌이킬 수 없습니다‬If we can't head this off, there's no recovering.
‪(재이) 아, 좀!‬ ‪아, 아프다고! 아프다니까!‬Ah, stop! Stop! Ow! You're hurting me! Let go! Jeez! What the hell is this, huh?
‪진짜 왜 이래, 진짜!‬Jeez! What the hell is this, huh?
‪한재이!‬Han Jae-i! Your mother is through asking!
‪너 엄마 말 진짜 안 들을래?‬Han Jae-i! Your mother is through asking!
‪내가 엄마 선거 유세를‬ ‪왜 뛰어야 되는데?‬Why do I have to help you win this election?
‪'유 띵크 아이 돈 해브‬ ‪애니 휴먼 라이트?'‬You think I don't have any human rights?
‪내 인권은 없냐고!‬Where are my rights, huh?
‪'유 해브, 유 해브, 유 해브!'‬You have, you have, you have!
‪너 줄리어드 가고 싶다 그랬지?‬Juilliard was you dream, wasn't it?
‪뉴욕 파크애비뉴에 집 얻어달래매‬New York, Park Avenue, does that ring any bells?
‪너 엄마 이번에 선거 떨어지면‬ ‪그거 말짱 꽝인데, 괜찮겠어?‬If I lose this election, all of that goes away. You want that?
‪아, 짜증 나, 진짜, 씨!‬Ugh! Screw this shit!
‪제대로 해‬Do this right.
‪네 잘난 인권 지키면서‬If you are still wanting to go to Juilliard,
‪뉴요커로 살고 싶으면!‬then shut up and do what I tell you!
‪재이야, 우선 여기 적힌 대로‬ ‪읽기만 하면 되는 건…‬-Jae-i, first, just read what's written-- -Just read it to me.
‪(재이) 읽어주든가‬-Jae-i, first, just read what's written-- -Just read it to me.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪재이 넌 학교에서 왕따를 당했고‬The kids were harassing you at school, and the stress of that got--
‪그 스트레스가 심해지면서…‬The kids were harassing you at school, and the stress of that got--
‪내가 병신이야?‬Do I look stupid? Huh?
‪어?‬Do I look stupid? Huh?
‪아니, 왜 멀쩡한 사람을‬ ‪병신 만드는데!‬You're telling me to go up there and look like an idiot?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪너 진짜 뻔뻔한 애구나?‬You're a shameless little brat.
‪멍청한 줄은 알았는데‬I'm sure you're well aware…
‪실력 없는 너 때문에‬your incompetence
‪엄마가 예고 입학 규정까지‬ ‪다 바꾸시고‬is why the entry regulations changed for schools…
‪재벌 회장님한테 정치 자금 받아서‬and is the reason your mom takes money from CEOs to pay your way.
‪레슨비 대는 거 뻔히 알잖아‬and is the reason your mom takes money from CEOs to pay your way.
‪엄마 죄의 8할은‬You're responsible for about 80% of her wrongs.
‪너 때문이라고 해도 과언이 아니야‬You're responsible for about 80% of her wrongs.
‪(중석) 그럼 공범인 네가‬Seeing as you're her accomplice,
‪최소한의 도리는 해야지‬this is the least you can do, isn't it?
‪[신경질을 내며] 아!‬Ugh!
‪[짜증 내며 중얼댄다]‬
‪긴장하지 말고‬Don't get nervous.
‪뭐래‬Back off.
‪가시죠‬Let's go.
‪아, 뭐야!‬
‪[긴장감 흐르는 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪단정하게 만들어줘‬Turn her into a good girl.
‪공부밖에 할 줄 모르고‬Like studying is all she knows.
‪왕따에 학교 폭력까지‬ ‪호되게 당한 애처럼‬Like studying is all she knows. The kind who gets bullied a lot. An easy target.
‪최대한 순진하고 불쌍하게 보이게‬As naive and pitiful as possible. Hear what I'm saying?
‪[가위를 내던진다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[재이가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪저는‬I was
‪미국에서 중학교를 다닐 때‬a target at school in the US
‪심각한 왕따와‬ ‪인종차별을 당했습니다‬of bullying and racial discrimination.
‪학교 폭력에도 오랫동안 시달리며‬After having to live with that for several years,
‪정서불안과 우울증이 시작됐고‬I started suffering severe depression.
‪매일 자살을 생각할 만큼‬ ‪힘들었습니다‬Not a day went by where I didn't think of suicide.
‪그때‬That was
‪엄마의 권유로‬ ‪음악 치료를 받기 시작했고‬when my mom suggested I try music therapy.
‪조금씩 희망이 보였습니다‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬That was the first time I felt hope.
‪바이올린을 켤 때만큼은‬Violin was the only thing that helped me escape the trauma of it all.
‪[흐느끼며] 끔찍한 트라우마에서‬ ‪벗어날 수 있었고…‬Violin was the only thing that helped me escape the trauma of it all.
‪저는 병든 제 딸의 마음을‬ ‪붙잡기 위해‬I'd do whatever it takes to heal my daughter's hurt and wounded heart.
‪고가의 음악 치료를‬ ‪계속할 수밖에 없었습니다‬The only thing that seemed to help were these musical therapy sessions.
‪제 정치적 행보에‬Even though I was aware
‪치명적 약점이 될 것을‬ ‪알고 있었지만‬this would bring harm to my political career irreparably.
‪[흐느끼며] 자식을…‬Still, I…
‪자식을 살려야 한다는‬ ‪어미의 간절한‬I felt this need to do whatever I can out of love for my child as a…
‪본성 때문에‬as a loving mother.
‪바이올린은 저희 모녀에게‬The violin was never meant to be a way to get into a good school for us.
‪사치스러운 입시 도구가 아니라‬The violin was never meant to be a way to get into a good school for us.
‪간절한‬It was always
‪생명 줄이었습니다!‬our port in the stormy night.
‪부디!‬Please find it in your hearts to forgive my daughter.
‪제 딸을 굽어살펴 주십시오‬Please find it in your hearts to forgive my daughter.
‪저 서민의 종으로서‬As the People's Servant, I pledge
‪평생을 속죄하며‬As the People's Servant, I pledge that I will spend all my years in service to this amazing city.
‪대한민국을 위해서 살겠습니다!‬that I will spend all my years in service to this amazing city.
‪재이야, 재이야!‬Jae-i! Jae-i!
‪[민정 오열]‬
‪와, 역시 후보님‬Wow, what a great performance. She's an incredible actress.
‪연기력 명불허전‬ ‪[라이터를 켠다]‬Wow, what a great performance. She's an incredible actress.
‪[라이터를 닫는다]‬
‪국민개혁당 경선을 약 열흘 앞두고‬With only ten days to go before the pre-election race, Candidate Seo's…
‪서민정 후보의 자녀 사교육…‬With only ten days to go before the pre-election race, Candidate Seo's…
‪(차선) 역시 3선은 3선이네‬With only ten days to go before the pre-election race, Candidate Seo's… No surprise she's served three terms.
‪그냥 죽진 않는다?‬She's a survivor. That's clear.
‪(앵커) 학교 폭력 피해 사실을‬ ‪고백하며…‬ ‪[경숙 한숨]‬She's a survivor. That's clear.
‪그러게요‬You're not wrong.
‪(앵커) 트라우마를 잊게 해주는‬ ‪생명 줄이었다고 눈물로…‬You're not wrong.
‪빨리 다음 스텝으로‬We have to keep moving forward to the next phase now.
‪치고 나가야겠어요‬We have to keep moving forward to the next phase now.
‪(앵커) 절절한 모성애와‬
‪인간적인 모습을 보여준‬ ‪서민정 의원‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪빠른 지지율 회복세를‬ ‪보이고 있습니다‬ ‪[부스럭댄다]‬
‪후보님‬ ‪지지율은 회복되고 있습니다‬Good news, ma'am. The voters are coming back.
‪고정 지지층은 완전히 돌아왔고요‬And the fixed voters are completely back!
‪설레발치지 마‬ ‪오경숙이 아직 안 죽었잖아!‬And the fixed voters are completely back! Celebrate later. Oh Kyung-sook is still alive.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪아, 반갑습니다, 서 후보님‬Nice to finally meet you, Ms. Seo.
‪뜨거운 모성애‬Your love for your daughter was truly moving.
‪잘 봤습니다‬Your love for your daughter was truly moving.
‪아, 감사합니다‬I appreciate that.
‪아, 자, 이제 그럼‬Well, now it's time for me to repay you for your moving soliloquy.
‪제가 감동받은 만큼‬ ‪보답해 드려야겠는데‬Well, now it's time for me to repay you for your moving soliloquy.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪오경숙이 후원금 계좌에‬Oh Kyung-sook's campaign funds have a… gaping hole. Is that correct?
‪구멍이 있다?‬Oh Kyung-sook's campaign funds have a… gaping hole. Is that correct?
‪아, 구멍이 있다기보다는‬That might be overselling it.
‪구멍을 볼 수 있는 틈이‬ ‪보인다고 해야겠죠‬There appears to be a breach where a hole can be seen.
‪정치판에서‬I'm well aware that you are considered to be a legend in the political world.
‪전설적인 어르신이라는 말씀은‬ ‪익히 들어 알고 있습니다‬I'm well aware that you are considered to be a legend in the political world.
‪(민정) 근데‬I'm well aware that you are considered to be a legend in the political world. That said,
‪제가 우스워 보이십니까?‬That said, do you take me for a joke? I mean, am I a…
‪아니면‬do you take me for a joke? I mean, am I a…
‪만만하신가요?‬maybe a sitting duck?
‪[민정이 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪(민정) 듣보잡 오경숙이보다‬Mr. Yoon, the fact that you seem to think it would be better for your candidate
‪이 서민정이가 본선에 올라가는 게‬Mr. Yoon, the fact that you seem to think it would be better for your candidate
‪윤 선생님께 유리하시다고‬ ‪생각하시는 거 같은데‬Mr. Yoon, the fact that you seem to think it would be better for your candidate if I were up there at the final round instead of a nobody like Oh Kyung-sook. I'm genuinely offended.
‪심히 불쾌합니다‬instead of a nobody like Oh Kyung-sook. I'm genuinely offended.
‪매우 모욕적이고요‬instead of a nobody like Oh Kyung-sook. I'm genuinely offended.
‪정치의 심장은‬Class is the beating heart of politics, you know?
‪품격이죠‬Class is the beating heart of politics, you know?
‪아무리 고졸 출신의‬ ‪대통령이 나오고‬We might have candidates who never went to school,
‪촛불 몇 개로‬ ‪이 나라 국가 원수를 밀어내고‬and impeachments occur through candlelight vigils,
‪운동권 세대들이‬ ‪널뛰는 세상이지만‬and former political activists might run amok.
‪최소한의 품격은 지켜야죠‬But we maintain what class we have.
‪오경숙 같은 잡초가‬ ‪서울시장이 되면은 그거야말로‬Oh Kyung-sook's a nobody, and to have a nobody as our mayor?
‪모욕적이죠‬Truly offensive.
‪그래서 제 손으로‬ ‪그 잡초를 뽑아내고‬So you're suggesting that I should pull that weed
‪백재민이 희생양으로 올라와라?‬and burn on the pyre of your contender. Did I get that?
‪으음, 희생양이 아니라‬No. You misunderstand. What I mean…
‪희망이죠‬No. You misunderstand. What I mean…
‪진정한 리더의 품격을 지닌‬ ‪두 사람이‬When true competition is held between two leaders with class as well as ambition,
‪선의의 경쟁을 하셔야‬ ‪이 썩은 정치판에‬between two leaders with class as well as ambition,
‪그나마 건강한‬then healthy tension will return to this game.
‪긴장이 생길 테니까‬then healthy tension will return to this game.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪캠프로 가자‬Let's head to our campaign office.
‪오경숙이 후원 계좌 털어서‬ ‪시나리오 짜야지‬We'll go through Oh Kyung-sook's campaign funds with a fine-tooth comb.
‪그쪽 이미 들여다봤는데‬We'll go through Oh Kyung-sook's campaign funds with a fine-tooth comb. We've gone through them and haven't found--
‪- 아무것도 나온 게…‬ ‪- 야!‬We've gone through them and haven't found-- Hey!
‪내 딸년 머리털까지‬ ‪짤라 가면서 잡은 기회야!‬I just chopped off my daughter's hair just to get this chance.
‪오경숙이 그년 한번 제대로 멕여서‬Oh Kyung-sook needs to be taught a lesson, and I need to get in the election.
‪우리 본선 가야 될 거 아니야‬Oh Kyung-sook needs to be taught a lesson, and I need to get in the election.
‪그러니까 말씀드리는 겁니다‬Oh Kyung-sook needs to be taught a lesson, and I need to get in the election. And that's why I'm saying all of this.
‪저쪽에서 던지는 거‬ ‪함부로 물었다가 나중에…‬If we latch on to every piece of bait--
‪중석아, 중석아!‬Joong-seok! Joong-seok, listen!
‪[한숨 쉬며] 너 내가 시장 되면‬Once I get the mayor's seat,
‪내 지역구‬ ‪누구한테 물려줄 거 같애?‬who do you think will take over my district then?
‪너 계속 내 뒤치다꺼리나 하다가‬Do you want to spend the rest of your career
‪이 바닥 부유하는 철새로‬ ‪인생 마감할래?‬permanently floating around from one camp to another?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(경숙) 알잖아‬You know this.
‪정치판에선 아무리 잘난 놈도‬No matter how smart you are, without a gold badge,
‪금배지 못 따면‬ ‪그냥 등신 머저리야‬you know that you will never make it all the way to the top.
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪누나 믿고‬Trust me, would you?
‪(칼 윤) 마장동?‬"Majang-dong"?
‪키워드가 좋구만‬I like that keyword. Okay. Then we should start from right here.
‪오케이‬I like that keyword. Okay. Then we should start from right here.
‪이걸로 스타트를 끊어보자고‬I like that keyword. Okay. Then we should start from right here.
‪서민의 대변인 오경숙‬The voice of the people, Oh Kyung-sook,
‪여성연대 후원금으로‬The voice of the people, Oh Kyung-sook, was meant for the Women's Alliance to feast on
‪숨찬 한우 회식에‬was meant for the Women's Alliance to feast on
‪[속삭이듯] 빠지다‬expensive beef.
‪이거야, 한우 회식‬Korean beef.
‪진짜 회식을 한 건지‬ ‪확인을 해봐야 될 거 같습니다‬Shouldn't we actually verify that she personally used the funds?
‪(중석) 동일한 식당에서‬ ‪여러 번 결제한 걸로 봐선‬She has been there before, so it could've been her employees having lunch.
‪- 직원들 식대로 사용했을 수도…‬ ‪- 총액이 얼마야?‬She has been there before, so it could've been her employees having lunch. The total number?
‪총 360만 원 결제했습니다‬Three point six mil, thereabouts.
‪서민들 피 같은 돈 걷어다‬She took the workers' hard-earned cash
‪한우를 300만 원 넘게 처드셨다?‬She took the workers' hard-earned cash and had a 3.6 million won feast. Oh Kyung-sook is finished!
‪오경숙이 끝났네‬and had a 3.6 million won feast. Oh Kyung-sook is finished!
‪- 후보님, 이거 아닙니다‬ ‪- 왜?‬-Ma'am, this isn't it. -Why?
‪이런 식으로 조작했다가‬ ‪나중에 꼬리 밟히면…‬If our info isn't correct and we're caught fabricating--
‪우린 조작을 하는 게 아니라‬If our info isn't correct and we're caught fabricating-- We're not creating a lie.
‪발란스‬Balance. We're making everything right.
‪균형을 맞추는 거야‬Balance. We're making everything right.
‪균형이요?‬What do you mean exactly?
‪옛 어른들은 천민 집안에서‬In ancient days, if a poor class family
‪장수의 기운을 가진 아이가‬ ‪태어나면은‬gave birth to a child who looked like a general,
‪그 아이 몸을 고장 내서‬to stop the child's destiny, they would maim the boy on the spot.
‪일찌감치 그 기운을 꺾어버렸지‬to stop the child's destiny, they would maim the boy on the spot.
‪왕의 핏줄이 아닌데‬ ‪왕의 몰골을 하고 있으면은‬A commoner being born with the face of a king
‪세상의 균형이 깨지니까‬would just shake this world's integrity.
‪오경숙을 무너뜨리면‬Getting rid of Oh Kyung-sook will result in a greater reality.
‪좋은 세상이 온다‬Getting rid of Oh Kyung-sook will result in a greater reality.
‪[타이핑 효과음]‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬Getting rid of Oh Kyung-sook will result in a greater reality. OH KYUNG-SOOK FEASTS LIKE AN EMPRESS
‪(칼 윤) 이 헤드라인, 택시 기사‬ ‪식당 아주머니 증언으로 수정해‬CANDIDATE OH ENJOYS DINNER WITH DONATION MONEY Change the headline to a comment by a taxi driver or a restaurant server.
‪(칼 윤) 서민의 목소리를 빌려야‬ ‪서민들의 공감을 사지‬Change the headline to a comment by a taxi driver or a restaurant server. We need to use the voice of the people to rouse their anger.
‪후원금, 회식비는‬ ‪정확한 숫자로 공개하고‬We need to use the voice of the people to rouse their anger. Publish how much was spent and the donations they got.
‪아, 기사마다‬In the articles,
‪'대한민국'이란 단어를‬ ‪하나씩 첨가했으면 좋겠는데?‬add the words "Republic of Korea" somewhere in there.
‪애국심은 중장년층을‬Folks tend to get patriotic in their old age.
‪흥분시키거든‬Folks tend to get patriotic in their old age.
‪칼 윤 이 양반‬ ‪엄청난 스토리텔러였네‬Damn, this Carl Yoon can really spin a yarn, can't he?
‪극성 최고야‬No wonder he's renowned.
‪[보좌관 한숨]‬No wonder he's renowned.
‪(보좌관) 이거 나가면 오경숙은‬ ‪거의 호흡기 떼겠는데요, 이거?‬Once this gets out, Oh Kyung-sook will be completely buried alive.
‪우리가 관 뚜껑 닫아주자‬We should be there to shut the coffin on her.
‪보조금 관리법 위반‬ ‪지방 재정법 위반‬Illegitimate use of funds, violation of finances,
‪사기, 업무상 횡령, 준사기‬ ‪업무상 배임, 몇 개야?‬Illegitimate use of funds, violation of finances, fraud and embezzlement, minor fraud, professional malpractice…
‪총 여섯 가지입니다‬That six counts.
‪정리해서 윤 선생한테‬ ‪최종 검토 요청해‬Sort it and send it to Carl Yoon to go over.
‪내일 타이밍 알려주시면‬ ‪바로 치고 들어간다고‬I'll go after her once he gives me the go ahead.
‪(보좌관) 예‬Yes, ma'am.
‪자, 이제 준비는 다 끝났고‬Everything is prepared to go.
‪마지막으로 오경숙이한테‬We should give Oh Kyung-sook
‪선물 하나 던져줄까?‬her farewell gift then.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(앵커) 오경숙 국민개혁당‬ ‪서울시장 경선 후보가 운영한‬Allegations have emerged that Oh Kyung-sook, a candidate in the Seoul Mayor pre-election race,
‪여성 노동자 복직 연대‬ ‪'숨'의 후원금이‬a candidate in the Seoul Mayor pre-election race, may have abused donation monies she received for Soom,
‪부당한 용도로 쓰였다는‬ ‪의혹이 터져 나왔습니다‬may have abused donation monies she received for Soom, an organization for the reinstatement of fired women workers.
‪(앵커) 은성백화점 비정규직‬ ‪여성 해고 노동자의‬an organization for the reinstatement of fired women workers. Candidate Oh, who ran a protest for the reinstatement of women temp workers
‪복직 시위를 진행하던 오 후보는‬Candidate Oh, who ran a protest for the reinstatement of women temp workers fired from Eunsung Department Store,
‪당시 후원금 계좌로 모금된‬ ‪금액의 일부를‬allegedly used part of the donations for her own personal use.
‪개인적인 용도로 사용했으며‬allegedly used part of the donations for her own personal use. And those who worked directly with her have either hidden this fact
‪오 후보와 함께 활동했던 회원들은‬And those who worked directly with her have either hidden this fact
‪이 사실을 묵과하거나‬ ‪은폐했던 것으로 드러나‬And those who worked directly with her have either hidden this fact or turned a blind eye, creating a disappointing stir among the city's residents.
‪실망한 서민들의 목소리가‬ ‪[경숙 한숨]‬creating a disappointing stir among the city's residents.
‪- 커지고 있습니다‬ ‪- (남기자) 오 후보님!‬creating a disappointing stir among the city's residents. The funds are said to have been tampered…
‪(앵커) 수차례 장부를 조작하고‬ ‪후원금을 빼돌…‬ ‪[기자들이 소리친다]‬The funds are said to have been tampered…
‪(여기자) 오 후보님!‬ ‪나와서 한 말씀 해주…‬Candidate Oh, could you step out? Whoa! She's here!
‪후보님 나왔다, 나왔다!‬ ‪[기자들이 질문한다]‬Candidate Oh, could you step out? Whoa! She's here!
‪(남기자) 횡령 자금 부분‬ ‪인정하십니까?‬Candidate Oh, please answer a couple of questions!
‪[도어록 잠금음]‬
‪본부장님, 이게 무슨…‬Ms. Hwang, what's going on?
‪(도희) 언론사에 사실무근‬ ‪보도 자료 뿌리고 엠바고 걸어‬Release a statement denying it and place a press embargo.
‪나 도착할 때까진‬Don't do anything other than that. Just wait until I get there.
‪그 이상 대응하지 말고‬Don't do anything other than that. Just wait until I get there.
‪아이, 그럼 서민정 캠프는요?‬And Seo Min-jung's camp?
‪그것들이 작업 친 거 뻔한데‬ ‪그냥 냅두라고요?‬It's obviously them, right? Do we ignore it?
‪(도희) 감정 앞세우지 마‬ ‪내가 치울 거니까‬Don't let your emotions get the better of you. I'll handle it.
‪후보님 잘 지켜‬Just protect Oh Kyung-sook.
‪지금부턴 후보님 숨소리도‬Don't even let them record her breathing. Nothing can be leaked by mistake.
‪함부로 새 나가면 안 돼‬Don't even let them record her breathing. Nothing can be leaked by mistake.
‪[기자들의 질문이 빗발친다]‬Ms. Oh, give us your statement!
‪- (여기자1) 후보님!‬ ‪- (남기자1) 사실입니까?‬
‪(여기자2) 여성 연대 후원금을‬ ‪횡령해서 어떻게 사용하셨나요?‬Exactly how much did you embezzle?
‪(남기자2) 후원금을 경선 자금으로‬ ‪유용하신 건 아닌가요?‬Exactly how much did you embezzle?
‪- 저는…‬ ‪- 후보님!‬-Listen. -Please. We have to leave now.
‪그냥 가셔야 됩니다‬-Listen. -Please. We have to leave now.
‪[한숨]‬Ms. Oh, will you give us a statement?
‪(여기자3) 오 후보님!‬ ‪말씀해 주시죠!‬ ‪[분한 숨소리]‬Ms. Oh, give us your statement.
‪아니‬ ‪왜 아무 말도 못 하게 해요?‬Why? Why can't I say anything, when I'm not guilty of any of this?
‪내가 잘못한 게 하나도 없는데‬Why can't I say anything, when I'm not guilty of any of this?
‪왜 잘못한 사람처럼‬Doesn't it make me seem more guilty when I'm hiding like this?
‪그렇게 고개 숙이고‬ ‪내빼야 되는 건데요?‬Doesn't it make me seem more guilty when I'm hiding like this?
‪기자들 꼼수 뻔하잖아요‬You know what their tactics are.
‪후보님 자극해서‬ ‪한마디라도 건지는 순간‬If you say something they might be able to twist, then whether or not it's true--
‪- 가짜 뉴스로 엮으려고‬ ‪- 가짜 뉴스?‬If you say something they might be able to twist, then whether or not it's true-- Fake news?
‪그거 선거법 위반이죠‬That's violating the election law.
‪공직선거법 제96조 2항‬Public Official Election Act, Article 96, Clause 2.
‪(경숙) 특정 후보를‬ ‪당선되게 하거나‬Public Official Election Act, Article 96, Clause 2. Those who purposely report untrue facts to aid and abet a particular candidate
‪되지 못하게 할 목적으로‬Those who purposely report untrue facts to aid and abet a particular candidate
‪선거에 관하여‬ ‪허위 사실을 보도하거나‬Those who purposely report untrue facts to aid and abet a particular candidate
‪사실을 왜곡하여 보도‬ ‪또는 논평 하는 행위‬Those who purposely report untrue facts to aid and abet a particular candidate to win or lose in the election
‪7년 이하의 징역‬sentenced to a fine of 30 million or seven years in prison.
‪또는 3천만 원 이하의‬ ‪벌금에 처한다‬sentenced to a fine of 30 million or seven years in prison.
‪- 후보님‬ ‪- 근데 게다가 심지어‬Ma'am-- And if it turns out that Seo Min-jung instigated it,
‪그 배후가 서민정이다?‬And if it turns out that Seo Min-jung instigated it,
‪그럼 일은 더 커지죠‬that makes it even worse.
‪(경숙) 공직선거법 제250조‬Article 250 of the Official Election Act.
‪허위 사실을 공표하거나‬ ‪공표하게 한 자‬Those who distribute false information are fined 30 million won
‪7년 이하의 징역‬ ‪3천만 원 이하의 벌금‬Those who distribute false information are fined 30 million won
‪근데 위 항을‬ ‪당내 경선에서 위반했다?‬and seven years. And if this is pre-election, five years and a fine of ten million
‪5년 이하의 징역‬ ‪천만 원 이하의 벌금‬And if this is pre-election, five years and a fine of ten million
‪선거권 영구 박탈‬and can never run again.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪공소장 내가 쓴다‬A petition. That'll do it.
‪쓰면 되지! 이씨‬ ‪[서류를 내던진다]‬I'll just write one!
‪후보님‬Uh, maybe you should talk over all the details with Ms. Hwang.
‪일단은 본부장이랑 상의하고‬ ‪움직이시죠‬Uh, maybe you should talk over all the details with Ms. Hwang.
‪예‬Yes. I believe Ms. Hwang already has a plan in the works for this.
‪본부장님도‬ ‪무슨 생각이 있으신 거 같던데요‬Yes. I believe Ms. Hwang already has a plan in the works for this.
‪황본은 언제 오는데?‬When will she get here?
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪어, 김 기자‬This is Do-hee.
‪지금 빨리 경찰청으로 움직이세요‬ ‪[긴장감 있는 음악]‬You need to get to the Police Agency right now.
‪서민정이‬ ‪오 후보님 고발장 제출한대요‬Seo Min-jung is already on her way to file a suit there.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[멀리서 들리는 사이렌]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪정보력이 빠르시네, 응?‬Your sources are speedy, aren't they, hmm?
‪퍼포먼스 그만하시죠‬I'm stopping this farce right here.
‪여기서 한 스텝만 더 나가시면‬ ‪저희도 법적 대응 들어갈 겁니다‬Turn around. If you take one step, then we will also take legal action.
‪제가 수집한 후보님 실체도‬ ‪전부 공개할 거고요!‬And believe me, the dirt that I've dug up is a career destroyer.
‪나쁜 년이 나쁜 짓 한 거랑‬A scandal from someone treacherous
‪좋은 년이 나쁜 짓 한 건‬ ‪천지 차이야‬and a scandal from someone righteous is night and day.
‪네가 나에 대해서 뭘 까발리든지‬No matter what dirt you dug up, you see, nothing will ever wipe the stain
‪정의로운 코뿔소가‬ ‪서민 뒤통수 때린 건‬No matter what dirt you dug up, you see, nothing will ever wipe the stain of the Righteous Rhino's lies to her people.
‪이제 덮을 수가 없어‬of the Righteous Rhino's lies to her people.
‪그게 정치판 생리란다‬And that's checkmate, just like that.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪뭐 하자는 거야?‬What the hell are you doing?
‪먼저 시작한 건 너였잖아‬Aren't you the one who started this?
‪우리 후보 사생활까지 캐내면서‬You're the ones who turned it personal.
‪최소한 조작은 하지 말아야지!‬You're accusing her of embezzlement!
‪횡령이라니!‬You're crossing the line here!
‪조작이 아니라 선거전이야‬There are no lines. It's an election.
‪[싸늘한 음악]‬
‪마중석‬Ma Joong-seok.
‪겨우 이러려고 선거판 뛰어들었니?‬Is this really what you've become reduced to?
‪그 정의로운 머리로‬ ‪막장 소설 짜내서‬Is this really what you've become reduced to? Using that righteous brain of yours to completely lie
‪죄 없는 사람 하나 죽이려고?‬and ruin the life of an innocent person?
‪그게 네 입에서 나올 말은‬ ‪아닌 거 같은데?‬Aren't you the one throwing stones from a glass house?
‪당장 멈춰‬Tell me you'll stop this.
‪그 방법 당신답지 않으니까‬You aren't behaving like yourself at all!
‪선거판에서 이기는 게 나다운 거고‬See, the man you know will take this election.
‪이기는 놈이‬ ‪정의가 되는 거 같은데?‬And whoever wins controls the story.
‪(민정) 저는 오늘‬ ‪서민의 종이 아닌‬I'm not here as the People's Servant
‪서울 시민의 한 사람으로서‬ ‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬but as an ordinary citizen of Seoul.
‪너무나 가증스러운 한 여자를‬ ‪고발하기 위해‬I'm here to expose the vile two-faced nature of a certain woman.
‪이 자리에 섰습니다‬I'm here to expose the vile two-faced nature of a certain woman.
‪(민정) 서민 영웅의 탈을 쓰고‬Under the guise of fighting for the people,
‪선택적 정의를 행사하는‬ ‪오경숙 후보의 위선과 가식‬Oh Kyung-sook has, in turn, deceived you all with her selective sense of justice.
‪(민정) 그 추악한 본색을‬And I promise you all that
‪저 서민정이‬ ‪반드시 밝혀내겠습니다‬I, Seo Min-jung, will expose the truth of who she is.
‪(여기자) 횡령하신 돈의 출처는‬ ‪확인하신 겁니까?‬I, Seo Min-jung, will expose the truth of who she is. Did you trace where that money had come from?
‪(동주) 개소리하고 있네, 진짜, 씨‬ ‪[TV 속 기자들이 질문한다]‬Did you trace where that money had come from? What a load of bullshit. Ugh. God!
‪- (동주) 아우‬ ‪- (도희) 예상했던 액션이니까‬This was all expected, so don't be too startled.
‪너무 놀라지 말고‬This was all expected, so don't be too startled.
‪나 곧 도착하니까‬I'll be there shortly.
‪바로 법적 대응 준비해서…‬-Prepare to take this to court. -Let's just face it head-on.
‪정면 돌파 가자‬-Prepare to take this to court. -Let's just face it head-on.
‪(경숙) 기자회견 하자고‬Hold a press conference.
‪내 방식대로‬Win by the rules.
‪정정당당하게‬We'll fight this in the light.
‪영감님‬I'm back again, Mr. Hwang. Have you finished your…
‪식사 다 하셨어…‬I'm back again, Mr. Hwang. Have you finished your…
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(간병인) 어?‬Hmm?
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪네, 아주머니‬Hello, miss.
‪(간병인) 도희 씨, 큰일 났어‬Oh, ma'am, this is awful!
‪[간병인 다급한 숨소리]‬Oh, ma'am, this is awful! Wha-- What's wrong?
‪무슨 일인데요?‬Wha-- What's wrong?
‪[흐느끼며] 아버지가 없어지셨어!‬Your father is missing! He's gone!
‪[기가 찬 신음]‬
‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪처리했답니다‬It's taken care of.
‪어, 겉옷은 챙겨 드렸나?‬Right. I trust he has a jacket?
‪이 추운 겨울에‬ ‪딸내미하고 숨바꼭질하려면‬He's going to need to stay warm to play hide and seek with his daughter.
‪따뜻하게 입으셔야지‬The weather's been so cold.
‪저녁때쯤엔 귀원 조치 될 겁니다‬Once the night falls, we'll then return him back.
‪그럼 향후 대응 매뉴얼‬ ‪보고드리겠습니다‬Also, here's a manual we prepared for future countermeasures.
‪노, 노, 노‬No, no, no. You need to destroy that report.
‪보고 자료 파기해‬No, no, no. You need to destroy that report.
‪지금부터는‬From now on,
‪할 일이 없을 테니까‬we won't be doing anything.
‪네거티브의 성공 포인트는‬ ‪완전한 작전이 아니야‬A successful smear campaign doesn't need any of that.
‪상대방이 대응할 틈을‬ ‪주지 않는 거지‬We just make sure they're crippled so they can't respond.
‪특히 초반에‬We just make sure they're crippled so they can't respond.
‪황도희는 아버지 찾느라‬ ‪초기 대응 타이밍을 놓칠 거고‬Hwang Do-hee will be focused on finding her father to react quickly,
‪황도희가 없는 오경숙은‬and without her, Oh Kyung-sook will get rattled.
‪당황할 거고‬and without her, Oh Kyung-sook will get rattled.
‪그렇게 가짜 뉴스는 확대 재생산‬And just like that, the fake news will spread.
‪의혹은‬And thus…
‪팩트가 된다‬suspicion has become fact.
‪[정신없이 소란하다]‬ ‪[연이은 전화벨]‬
‪[안경을 탁 놓는다]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪황도희!‬Hwang Do-hee. Where are you right now?
‪너 도대체 어디야?‬Hwang Do-hee. Where are you right now?
‪아버지한테 일이 생겨서요‬I'm at the hospital.
‪후보님은요?‬How's Oh Kyung-sook?
‪(차선) 지금 후보님이‬ ‪문제가 아니야‬How's Oh Kyung-sook? Ms. Oh isn't the issue at the moment.
‪기사가 너무 많이 터져서‬ ‪수습이 안 된다니까?‬There are so many outlets that are reporting on this now.
‪(차선) 이미 횡령은‬ ‪팩트가 되는 분위기라고!‬And since we haven't responded, everyone believes the embezzlement is true.
‪서민정에 대한 자료‬ ‪하나도 빠짐없이 준비시키고‬everyone believes the embezzlement is true. Seo Min-jung. Get everything we have on her ready to go.
‪후보님 기자회견 준비 도와주세요‬Seo Min-jung. Get everything we have on her ready to go. Help also with the press conference setup. Get it all ready 'cause I'll be there.
‪기자회견 전엔‬ ‪무조건 들어갈 거니까‬Help also with the press conference setup. Get it all ready 'cause I'll be there.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬Help also with the press conference setup. Get it all ready 'cause I'll be there.
‪[불안해하는 신음]‬ ‪아이고, 어쩌면 좋아‬Oh! I'm so sorry!
‪[간병인이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[속삭이듯] 아직도‬ ‪못 찾으신 거예요?‬You mean my father's still out there?
‪[울먹이며] 병원이며 골목이며‬ ‪싹 다 뒤졌는데 안 계셔‬ ‪[불길한 음악]‬We searched everywhere, the hospital and the streets, but we couldn't find him.
‪(간병인) 그 몸으로‬ ‪어디 멀리 가실 리가 없는데‬We searched everywhere, the hospital and the streets, but we couldn't find him. He couldn't have gotten far in his condition.
‪아이고, 이게 무슨‬ ‪무슨 도깨비놀음이랴‬My God, this is just insane! How could this have happened?
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬How could this have happened?
‪후보님, 정리됐고요‬Ma'am, here are the revisions. Here.
‪어, 다 괜찮은데 지금 이 표현이…‬Everything sounds good, except for this clause right here.
‪[도희 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[구두 소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[나지막이 대화한다]‬
‪(동주) 후보님?‬Ms. Oh.
‪출발하셔야 됩니다‬It's time to get moving.
‪[노인들이 중얼댄다]‬You take that.
‪- 아이고, 요거 한 두 수는 봐야지‬ ‪- 아이고야‬-You need to look two moves ahead. -Ah, that's where he was going.
‪[노인들이 계속 대화한다]‬ ‪[다급한 숨소리]‬-You need to look two moves ahead. -Ah, that's where he was going.
‪[구두 소리가 울린다]‬ ‪[웅장해지는 음악]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[날카로운 효과음]‬
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪(동주) 뭐야?‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬What?
‪(동주) 아니, 후보님‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬Ms. Oh…
‪이게 어떻게…‬-What's going on? -Why is there no one here?
‪기자들 다 어디 간 거예요?‬-What's going on? -Why is there no one here?
‪[떠들썩하다]‬ ‪[연이은 카메라 셔터음]‬MS. KIM HWA-SOO REVEALS TRUTH
‪오늘 여기 이 자리에‬Today I stand here
‪오경숙 후보와 함께‬ ‪여성연대 '숨'에서‬with Ms. Kim Hwa-soo, who worked with Candidate Oh Kyung-sook,
‪활동하셨던 김화수 님을‬ ‪모시고 나왔습니다‬and who worked as the general manager of Soom, the Women's Alliance.
‪(민정) '숨'의 총무이자‬Ms. Kim oversaw the group's finances as their general manager,
‪자금 관리 전반을 맡으셨던‬Ms. Kim oversaw the group's finances as their general manager, and, well, she asked if she could speak here today
‪김화수 님이‬and, well, she asked if she could speak here today
‪국민 여러분들께‬and, well, she asked if she could speak here today
‪진실을 전해드리고 싶다며‬and let us know the truth of what really occurred
‪저에게 동행을 요청하셨는데요‬and let us know the truth of what really occurred and share it with the nation today.
‪괜찮으시겠습니까?‬Are you ready to speak?
‪저는 오늘‬I, today, stand here
‪이 자리에‬I, today, stand here
‪양심선언을 하려고 나왔습니다‬I, today, stand here so that my conscience is finally clear.
‪(민정) 이모님‬Ma'am.
‪'숨'의 후원금 계좌‬You were in charge of the donations that Soom received, weren't you?
‪직접 관리하셨죠?‬You were in charge of the donations that Soom received, weren't you?
‪네‬Yes. I was their general manager, so…
‪그야 뭐 제가 총무니까요‬Yes. I was their general manager, so…
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬ ‪근데 저희가 조사한 바로는‬According to our investigation,
‪후원금 계좌 중 일부 금액이‬the funds that were part of Soom's donation money
‪수상한 용도로 쓰인 것 같던데‬were illegally used, I understand.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪수상한 용도라니요?‬Did you just say "illegal"?
‪[화수 헛기침]‬ ‪(민정) 19년 5월 3일, 180만 원‬I see 1.8 million on May 3rd, 2019,
‪19년 6월 8일, 170만 원‬and 1.7 million in June.
‪20년 7월 2일, 100만 원‬July of 2020, 1 million.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪총 450만 원이‬ ‪현금으로 인출됐더라고요?‬Seems 4.5 million has been withdrawn, all added.
‪(민정) 이거‬Ma'am,
‪이모님‬were the funds used by you for personal use?
‪개인적인 용도로 사용하신 건가요?‬were the funds used by you for personal use?
‪아니요, 전 그런 적 없습니다‬No. I didn't do anything like that.
‪아니, 생사람을 잡아도 유분수지‬ ‪정말, 어디서…‬How dare you go around and accuse someone of--
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪어후, 자식 농사‬ ‪아주 잘 지으셨던데?‬Oh, you've done such a great job raising your children.
‪아드님이 지난달에‬ ‪대기업 들어가셨더라고요?‬Your oldest boy got into a great firm, is what I was told.
‪올해 초에 대학 졸업하고?‬That's very commendable.
‪(민정) 실직 상태에서‬One has to wonder, though,
‪천만 원에 가까운 사립대 등록금을‬how does an unemployed woman pay a 10 million won tuition for such prestigious schooling?
‪어떻게‬for such prestigious schooling?
‪내주셨을까? 응?‬It makes you think, huh.
‪(민정) 응?‬Hmm?
‪저희 아들은 아무것도 모릅니다‬You don't need to make him part of all of this.
‪[화수 머뭇거리는 신음]‬
‪전부 제가 잘못한 거고요‬I am solely in the wrong.
‪복직해서‬I was going to pay it back once I started making more money.
‪그, 그 월급을 받으면‬ ‪바로 다 갚으려고 했습니다‬I was going to pay it back once I started making more money. My intention was to pay it all back.
‪[울먹인다]‬My intention was to pay it all back.
‪(화수) [흐느끼며]‬ ‪우리 아들한테 제발…‬Please don't tell my son!
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪그러니까 지금부터‬ ‪한 가지만 생각해요‬I think from now on, you should focus on one thing.
‪생때같은 내 새끼 살릴 수 있는‬What decisions here will save your son?
‪최선이 뭔지‬It's that important.
‪[긴장감이 더해지는 음악]‬It's that important.
‪(화수) 처음엔‬At first, I felt nothing but gratitude towards Candidate Oh.
‪오경숙 후보한테‬ ‪고마운 마음밖에 없었습니다‬At first, I felt nothing but gratitude towards Candidate Oh.
‪배운 거 없고 가진 것 없는‬ ‪우리 아줌마들 때문에‬We were just poor and uneducated and had no prospects.
‪그 똑똑하고 씩씩한 여자가‬She was so righteous and courageous,
‪백화점 옥상까지 올라가 줄 땐‬and when she stood up there on that rooftop, she really fired us up.
‪진짜로 감동했습니다‬and when she stood up there on that rooftop, she really fired us up.
‪오경숙이 있어서 너무 든든했고‬Having her with us really ignited our fighting spirit and courage.
‪싸울 수 있다는 용기가 생겼고‬Having her with us really ignited our fighting spirit and courage.
‪좋은 세상이 올 거라는‬ ‪희망도 품어봤습니다‬And she's shown hope that a better world could come.
‪[힘주어] 그런데‬However,
‪저는‬I saw Oh Kyung-sook's true face the longer I participated.
‪오경숙 후보의 본색을 봤습니다‬I saw Oh Kyung-sook's true face the longer I participated.
‪국민 여러분께서‬The donation money,
‪우리 백화점 해고 노동자들을 위해‬ ‪보내주신‬all the money from those who wanted to contribute and help her in her fight,
‪후원금 중에‬but unfortunately,
‪상당 부분은‬a large sum of it, Oh Kyung-sook had made these funds accessible solely to her.
‪오경숙 후보의 개인적인 용도로‬ ‪사용했고‬ ‪[더욱 고조되는 음악]‬a large sum of it, Oh Kyung-sook had made these funds accessible solely to her.
‪일부는 제가‬a large sum of it, Oh Kyung-sook had made these funds accessible solely to her. I even had a hand withdrawing the cash…
‪[숨을 내쉬며] 현금으로 인출해‬I even had a hand withdrawing the cash…
‪[숨을 고른다]‬
‪오 후보에게 전달했습니다‬for her and delivering it.
‪(화수) 서민들께서‬ ‪피땀 흘려 모아주신 귀한 돈을‬I had a heavy heart seeing the hard-earned and valuable money
‪여자들의 복직이 아닌‬that you gave to us in good faith
‪오경숙 개인의 복지에‬ ‪사용하는 모습에‬now being used as the candidate's own personal slush account, instead of… helping fund our movement.
‪마음이 무거웠습니다‬instead of… helping fund our movement.
‪오경숙을 지켜야‬Oh Kyung-sook was still our…
‪[흐느끼며] 좋은 세상이…‬Oh Kyung-sook was…
‪좋은 세상이 온다는 믿음 때문에‬The only way for us to create a better, more just…
‪[흐느낀다]‬The only way for us to create a better, more just…
‪저는 눈을 감아야 했습니다‬…world. So I turned a blind eye. I'm sorry.
‪[울음 참으려는 신음]‬So I turned a blind eye. I'm sorry.
‪[속삭이며] 잘했어요, 잘했어요‬You did well. That was wonderful.
‪여러분‬ ‪[한숨]‬Understand,
‪이것은 명백한‬she was preyed upon and a victim of gaslighting.
‪가스라이팅 범죄입니다‬she was preyed upon and a victim of gaslighting.
‪여기 계신 김화수 님은‬ ‪공범이 아니라‬Ms. Kim Hwa-soo is not an accomplice to these acts
‪오경숙 후보에게‬but a victim who suffered at the hands of Oh Kyung-sook.
‪세뇌당한 피해자입니다‬but a victim who suffered at the hands of Oh Kyung-sook.
‪정의로운 이미지로‬ ‪국민들을 우롱하고‬I ask you on behalf of those who suffered and were used and discarded.
‪해고 노동자를 이용한‬ ‪오경숙 후보를‬I ask you on behalf of those who suffered and were used and discarded. Oh Kyung-sook should be…
‪국민 여러분들께서‬She should be given
‪심판해 주시기 바랍니다‬a most righteous punishment.
‪(여기자) 개인적인 용도라면‬You said for a slush account. What exactly did she spend money on?
‪구체적으로‬ ‪어디에 돈을 쓴 건가요?‬You said for a slush account. What exactly did she spend money on?
‪(남기자) 김화수 씨, 현금 얼마를‬ ‪인출해 전달했습니까?‬How much cash did you withdraw to give to Ms. Oh?
‪- 몇 차례나 인출해서 전달했나요?‬ ‪- 후보님‬ ‪[동주 떨리는 숨소리]‬-What exactly… -I don't believe it!
‪화수 이모가 어떻게…‬Why would Auntie Hwa-soo…
‪(여기자) 총 얼마를…‬Why would Auntie Hwa-soo…
‪화수 이모가 어떻게 우리한테…‬Why would she say all that?
‪(동주) [한숨] 씨…‬
‪저거‬Those aren't
‪화수 언니 생각 아니야‬Hwa-soo's own thoughts.
‪(동주) 후보님‬Ms. Oh! Ms. Oh, where are you going?
‪후보님, 어디 가세요?‬Ms. Oh! Ms. Oh, where are you going?
‪화수 언니 만나야지‬To go and ask.
‪[의자가 삐거덕거린다]‬To go and ask.
‪지금은 만나실 타이밍이 아닙니다‬Now's not the right time to ask.
‪우선‬ ‪기자회견 반박 기사부터 내고…‬First, we have to deny these accusations.
‪사람 하나 죽이자고요?‬And drive her to death?
‪지금 반박 기사 내면‬If we put out a statement, Hwa-soo gets accused of perjury.
‪화수 언니가 위증했다는 거밖에‬ ‪더 돼요?‬If we put out a statement, Hwa-soo gets accused of perjury.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪화수 언니‬Hwa-soo, she's
‪제 사람이에요‬one of mine.
‪서민정한테 매수를 당했는지‬ ‪협박을 당했는지 모르겠는데‬Seo Min-jung could have bought her or blackmailed her. I don't know.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪제가 직접 가서‬I'm going to go and see for myself.
‪확인해 보겠습니다‬I'm going to go and see for myself.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪(간병인) 도희 씨!‬Thank God you're here!
‪[간병인이 흐느낀다]‬Thank God you're here!
‪어떻게 된 거예요?‬What's going on?
‪[흐느끼며] 아버지가‬Your father… It's all so horrible.
‪어쩌면 좋아‬Your father… It's all so horrible.
‪[목소리를 떨며] 난 그냥‬ ‪내 갈 길을 가고 있는데‬Your father… It's all so horrible. I was just driving along, and he came out of nowhere and, well…
‪영감님이 갑자기 튀어나오…‬I was just driving along, and he came out of nowhere and, well…
‪[간병인이 흐느낀다]‬I was just driving along, and he came out of nowhere and, well…
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[괴로워하는 신음]‬
‪[흐느끼며] 아버지‬Daddy, I…
‪[속삭이듯] 안 돼‬
‪[나지막이] 안 돼‬No!
‪[울부짖으며] 안 돼!‬I can't!
‪[오열하며] 아버지‬Dad!
‪(영심) 고생하셨습니다‬Thank you for your work.
‪근데‬That being said,
‪생각지도 못한 방법을 쓰셨더군요?‬this was a completely unexpected tactic indeed.
‪아, 황도희가 초기 대응 타이밍을‬ ‪놓치게 하는 방법이 뭔지‬I was concerned with what might possibly impede Hwang Do-hee's
‪예, 그것만 고민했었습니다‬response to our tactic.
‪의도한 것보다‬ ‪훨씬 더 잔인한 결과가 나와서‬It's a tragedy, what with the events becoming so
‪[영심 한숨]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 도희 그 아이 인생에‬Do-hee is experiencing
‪다시 없을 충격일 겁니다‬the shock of her life, I would imagine.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪하나뿐인 천륜이 끊어졌으니‬Her family, the last of it, is gone now.
‪저도 유감입니다‬It is unfortunate.
‪그런 결말을 바랬던 건 아니었는데‬An unexpected and tragic turn.
‪굳이 위안을 삼자면은‬Looking at the positives,
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Looking at the positives,
‪모든 게 다 제자리를 찾아가는‬all things are returning to their rightful venues.
‪과정이겠죠‬all things are returning to their rightful venues.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪(영심) 장례식장에‬ ‪화환 하나 보내주렴‬Have some flowers sent to the funeral.
‪도희가 제일 좋아했던‬Do-hee's favorite were always
‪히아신스 듬뿍 담아서‬hyacinths. Put plenty of them into it.
‪[떠들썩하다]‬ ‪- (여기자1) 나온다! 나온다!‬ ‪- (남기자1) 사실입니까?‬-There she is! -Is it true?
‪(여기자2) 현재 심경이‬ ‪어떻게 되십니까?‬ ‪[질문이 빗발친다]‬-There she is! -Is it true? -How are you feeling? -What changed your mind?
‪(남기자2) 갑자기‬ ‪변심한 이유가 뭡니까?‬-How are you feeling? -What changed your mind?
‪고생 많으셨어요‬You did really great.
‪댁까지 안전하게‬ ‪모시라고 할 테니까…‬I'll have them escort you home safely.
‪일단 저희 캠프 숙소로 가시죠‬For safety, you should come to the staff lodgings.
‪저는 그냥 집으로…‬-I should go to my home. -Hwa-soo!
‪(경숙) 화수 언니!‬-I should go to my home. -Hwa-soo!
‪- (동주) 화수 이모!‬ ‪- (경숙) 언니!‬-Auntie Hwa-soo! -Unni! -Auntie Hwa-soo! Move it! -Unni!
‪- (동주) 화수 이모! 비켜!‬ ‪- (경숙) 언니!‬-Auntie Hwa-soo! Move it! -Unni!
‪신변 보호 차원에서라도‬ ‪저희가 지켜드릴게요‬-Auntie Hwa-soo! Move it! -Unni! We'll keep you under guard, for your own protection.
‪안전한 곳에서 쉬고 계세요‬We'll keep you under guard, for your own protection. It will be safer there for you.
‪- (동주) 화수 이모!‬ ‪- 언니, 언니, 언니!‬-Unni! Unni! -Come on!
‪- (경호원) 물러서세요!‬ ‪- (동주) 아이, 진짜!‬-Unni! Unni! -Come on!
‪화수 언니!‬-Get out of the way! Let go! -Hwa-soo! Unni! Hwa-soo!
‪- (동주) 나오라니까!‬ ‪- (경숙) 나야, 언니!‬ ‪[경호원들이 만류한다]‬-Get out of the way! Let go! -Hwa-soo! Unni! Hwa-soo!
‪언니, 여기!‬ ‪화수 언니, 나야!‬ ‪[차 문이 닫힌다]‬-Hwa-soo! Unni! Hey! -Hwa-soo!
‪[차 밖이 소란스럽다]‬-Hwa-soo! Unni! Hey! -Hwa-soo! Hwa-soo!
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪- (경숙) 언니!‬ ‪- (동주) 나와보라고, 씨!‬-Unni! -Auntie Hwa-soo!
‪(동주) 화수 이모, 이모!‬Auntie Hwa-soo! Auntie!
‪[기자들이 질문한다]‬Move aside!
‪언니! 언니!‬Move aside! -Unni! Unni! -Could we have a statement?
‪(남기자) 간다‬-Unni! Unni! -Could we have a statement?
‪언니, 화수 언니!‬Hwa-soo! Unni!
‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬Hwa-soo! Unni!
‪(앵커) 후원금 횡령 의혹을‬ ‪받고 있는‬In other news, just a few moments ago,
‪오경숙 서울시장 경선 후보가‬In other news, just a few moments ago, Seoul mayoral People's Reform Party candidate…
‪조금 전 양심선언…‬Seoul mayoral People's Reform Party candidate…
‪김화수 님 많이 불안해하시던데‬ ‪[뉴스가 계속된다]‬Kim Hwa-soo seemed a bit anxious.
‪댁으로 보내드리는 게…‬Kim Hwa-soo seemed a bit anxious. I don't know if she should go home.
‪무슨 소리야?‬What are you saying?
‪오경숙이 자극하려면‬ ‪인질로 잡고 있어야지‬Oh Kyung-sook will act if we have her as a hostage.
‪(앵커) 분노한 모습이었는데요‬ ‪김 씨는 오 후보의 도발에…‬
‪(민정) 근데 그림이 좀 허전하다?‬Something's missing in this picture.
‪아니, 이 사단이 났는데‬You'd think with all of this, the Rhino's big trouble,
‪어떻게 코뿔소 옆에‬ ‪황도희가 코빼기도 안 보이니?‬You'd think with all of this, the Rhino's big trouble, Hwang Do-hee would be standing right by, yeah?
‪응?‬Hwang Do-hee would be standing right by, yeah?
‪[중석 한숨]‬
‪(앵커) 김 씨의 신변을‬ ‪안전히 보호하겠다며…‬
‪설마‬You don't think that she got scared?
‪걔 튄 거니?‬You don't think that she got scared?
‪[코웃음]‬Did she bail out because she was aware that she couldn't win?
‪지 캐파로는 도저히‬ ‪수습 안 될 거 같으니까 쫄아서?‬Did she bail out because she was aware that she couldn't win?
‪(앵커) 사퇴를 선언하게 될지‬ ‪귀추가 주목됩니다‬ ‪[민정 코웃음]‬
‪다음 소식입니다‬
‪그 정도로 비겁하진 않을 겁니다‬She wouldn't be that cowardly, ma'am.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 중석아‬Joong-seok.
‪마음 떠난 여자랑‬ ‪끈 떨어진 정치인은‬My advice is to not waste your life chasing
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬My advice is to not waste your life chasing
‪[한숨 쉬며] 붙잡는 거 아니다‬the woman who ended things.
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪[기자들이 웅성댄다]‬ ‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪- (여기자1) 나왔다, 나왔다‬ ‪- (여기자2) 나온다‬Here he is. He's here! There! Sir! Sir, sir, sir!
‪[기자들이 질문한다]‬Here he is. He's here! There! Sir! Sir, sir, sir!
‪(여기자3) 후원금 횡령 의혹이…‬Here he is. He's here! There! Sir! Sir, sir, sir! The allegations about your book of poetry, is it true?
‪시집 출판 자금과 관련해서‬ ‪의혹들이 있습니다‬The allegations about your book of poetry, is it true?
‪설명 부탁드리겠습니다‬The allegations about your book of poetry, is it true?
‪부탁드립니다‬ ‪[문복 당황한 신음]‬-Oh, get off! -Were you aware where the money came from?
‪자금 출처‬ ‪정확히 밝혀주실 수 있습니까?‬-Oh, get off! -Were you aware where the money came from?
‪(문복) 아니요, 아니요‬-Oh, get off! -Were you aware where the money came from? -No. Go away! -Where did you spend it?
‪(여기자4) 후원금‬ ‪어디다 썼습니까?‬-No. Go away! -Where did you spend it?
‪(남기자1) 후원금‬ ‪얼마나 받으셨어요?‬Hey, now!
‪(남기자2) 말씀 부탁드리겠습니다‬Sir, please. Wait for one moment.
‪사실대로‬ ‪말씀해 주실 수 있습니까?‬Tell us what happened with the money that was embezzled.
‪자금 출처 정확히 밝혀주십시오‬Tell us what happened with the money that was embezzled.
‪(남기자2) 말씀 부탁드리겠습니다‬Can you please just pose for a photo?
‪[문복 한숨]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬ ‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪[TV 뉴스 소리]‬
‪(경숙) 어, 여보‬Hey, honey.
‪괜찮아? 다친 데 없어?‬Are you fine? Did they hurt you?
‪(문복) 어, 내 괜찮다‬No, I'm fine.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래요‬Thank God. Uh,
‪저기, 현우는? 학교 갔다 왔어?‬Thank God. Uh, Hyun-woo? Has he been to school?
‪(문복) 그럼‬ ‪내랑 같이 있는데 괜찮지‬Hyun-woo? Has he been to school? Yeah. He's here. He's doing fine.
‪(경숙) 여보‬ ‪나 지금 현우 좀 바꿔줘 봐‬Honey, could I speak with him?
‪아휴, 임마 이게‬ ‪쑥스러워서 전화받겠나?‬Oh, he's a bit… He's feeling embarrassed now.
‪내가 나, 나중에 다시 전화할게‬I'll, uh, call you later.
‪(문복) 응, 오경숙이 화이팅‬All right. You got this.
‪(남앵커) 오 후보의 후원금 횡령‬ ‪의혹이 불식되지 않고 있습니다‬All right. You got this.
‪[뉴스가 계속된다]‬
‪아니‬Uh, so…
‪황본은 어떻게 된 거예요?‬What happened with Hwang?
‪어디 갔어요?‬Where did she go?
‪지금 아버님 병원에 있답니다‬Um… Uh, she's at her father's hospital.
‪오전에 상태가‬ ‪갑자기 안 좋아지셔서‬His condition suddenly worsened this morning.
‪(남앵커) 오경숙‬ ‪서울시장 예비 후보가‬
‪여성연대 후원금을‬ ‪개인적인 용도로 썼다는 주장이…‬
‪많이 안 좋으시대요?‬Is it very urgent?
‪아니요‬-Huh? -Uh, not at all.
‪늦어도 오늘 밤엔‬ ‪복귀한다고 했으니까‬-Huh? -Uh, not at all. She said she'd be back later tonight.
‪걱정 마시고‬And not to worry you. We'll get through all of this together.
‪지금 상황부터 돌파하시죠‬And not to worry you. We'll get through all of this together.
‪(여앵커) 호가호위‬ ‪여우가 호랑이의 위세를 빌려…‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪이게‬This here,
‪김화수 씨 필체예요‬Kim Hwa-soo's writing.
‪나랑 복직 시위 할 때‬I remember her writing it when we were doing that protest together.
‪김화수 씨가 직접 쓴‬ ‪복직 투쟁 선언문인데‬I remember her writing it when we were doing that protest together.
‪보시다시피 시작부터 끝까지‬And as you can see, it's all colloquial from start to finish.
‪구어체죠‬And as you can see, it's all colloquial from start to finish.
‪짧고 간결하고‬It's short and succinct.
‪오늘 기자회견문 문장들이랑은‬And it's nothing like the phrasing she used here today.
‪매우 달라요‬And it's nothing like the phrasing she used here today.
‪아이, 완전 상극이죠‬Yeah, they're nothing alike.
‪제가 저거 현장에서‬ ‪수백 번은 들었는데‬I've heard hundreds of her speeches before this one.
‪일단 기자회견에서‬ ‪거짓 증언을 했다는 의혹은‬Well, for now at least, we could use this to say that she was making false claims.
‪제기할 수 있겠네요‬Well, for now at least, we could use this to say that she was making false claims.
‪거짓 증언을‬I would say she was coerced into making it.
‪강요당했다는 게 팩트겠죠‬I would say she was coerced into making it.
‪후보님‬You know what, ma'am?
‪어떻게든 화수 이모 만나러 가시죠‬If we talk with her in person just once,
‪화수 이모 팩트만‬ ‪한번 딱 짚어지면‬we'd get some facts out of her and turn the tables on Seo Min-jung.
‪바로 판 뒤집을 수 있을 거‬ ‪같으니까‬we'd get some facts out of her and turn the tables on Seo Min-jung.
‪(양 대표) 뒤집긴 뭘 뒤집습니까?‬Turn the tables? You've got to be kidding me!
‪이미 게임 끝났는데‬The game has been over all day.
‪제가 왜‬Why should I have to resign from this?
‪사퇴를 해야 되는 겁니까?‬Why should I have to resign from this?
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪인권 운동 하셨다길래‬ ‪순수한 줄 알았더니 아주‬I thought you would be ingenuous as a labor activist,
‪뻔뻔하시구만, 응?‬but really you're shameless.
‪지금 본인 때문에 우리 개혁당‬ ‪이미지 완전히 똥 된 거‬Can't you see that you're dragging our party's good name through the mud?
‪안 보입니까?‬I'm surprised.
‪본의 아니게‬I see.
‪당에 심려 끼쳐드린 점‬ ‪죄송하게 생각합니다‬I'm sorry for hurting the party so much.
‪제가 빠른 시간 안에‬ ‪김화수 씨 만나서‬I'll talk to Kim Hwa-soo as soon as possible, and then we'll see--
‪사실관계 확인하고…‬I'll talk to Kim Hwa-soo as soon as possible, and then we'll see--
‪(양 대표) 오 변호사‬Ms. Oh.
‪그거 압니까?‬Ms. Oh. Did you know that a monkey will start acting like a pig
‪원숭이를 돼지우리에 가두면‬ ‪돼지랑 똑같아지는 거‬Did you know that a monkey will start acting like a pig after a long stretch together?
‪판세가 유리하지 않으면‬One's skill is of no significance
‪재주가 아무리 많아도‬ ‪보여줄 재간이 없다는 겁니다‬One's skill is of no significance if they don't have control over the situation that's at play.
‪(양 대표) 사실이 뭐든 간에‬Whatever the truth may be,
‪이제 우리 개혁당에선‬ ‪오 변호사한테‬the People's Reform Party can no longer assist you.
‪어떤 판도 깔아줄 수 없으니까‬the People's Reform Party can no longer assist you. Our involvement will end.
‪사퇴하고‬So just go and resign.
‪탈당하세요‬So just go and resign.
‪[양 대표 헛기침]‬
‪싫은데요?‬I don't think so.
‪이렇게 저를‬ ‪급하게 밀어내는 꼴을 보니까‬Seeing how desperate you are for me to step down,
‪네, 확신이 드네요‬yes, it's clear as day…
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪서민정이 김화수 씨 매수하고‬that Seo Min-jung has bought Ms. Kim, and the party created this narrative.
‪당에서 주작질을 했다는‬that Seo Min-jung has bought Ms. Kim, and the party created this narrative.
‪- (경숙) 확신이‬ ‪- 주작?‬that Seo Min-jung has bought Ms. Kim, and the party created this narrative. Created? Created?
‪주작이라니! 어디서!‬Created? Created? You listen to me!
‪저 원숭이 아닌데요?‬I'm not a monkey.
‪코뿔소입니다‬I'm a rhinoceros.
‪진실의 종이 울릴 때까지‬I'll find the truth of all of this,
‪죽도록 들이받는‬even if it kills me.
‪코뿔소입니다‬I'm a rhinoceros.
‪(민정) 사퇴 안 한대?‬She's not going to resign?
‪숙소 앞에 기자들 스탠바이 시켜‬Have the press stay on standby.
‪오경숙이가 온몸으로‬ ‪기삿거리 뿌릴 텐데‬Oh Kyung-sook will rocket herself into the headlines.
‪받아먹어야지‬They'll eat it up.
‪[짧은 웃음]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Oh!
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[기자들이 웅성댄다]‬It's Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(앵커) 여성연대 후원금‬ ‪횡령 의혹을 받고 있는‬It was reported that Candidate Oh, who has been accused of embezzling money she received via the Women's Alliance,
‪오경숙 국민개혁당‬ ‪서울시장 경선 후보가‬who has been accused of embezzling money she received via the Women's Alliance,
‪김화수 총무의 숙소 진입을‬ ‪시도하고 있다는 소식입니다‬who has been accused of embezzling money she received via the Women's Alliance, is attempting to enter Ms. Kim Hwa-soo's room.
‪이를 지켜보는 시민들의 반응은‬ ‪매우 부정적인데요‬is attempting to enter Ms. Kim Hwa-soo's room. People have been largely critical of her latest attempt.
‪오 후보의‬ ‪가장 든든한 지원군이었던‬Organized activists who, at one point, had been her strongest supporters
‪각종 시민 단체에선‬Organized activists who, at one point, had been her strongest supporters
‪오 후보의 흔적을‬ ‪영구 삭제 하겠다며‬have announced that they would erase any traces of Candidate Oh
‪분노를 표출하고 있습니다‬that's been left within their groups permanently.
‪(기자) 네‬ ‪저는 지금 오경숙 후보의‬that's been left within their groups permanently. I am here at the scene where activist groups
‪화형식이 집행되고 있는‬ ‪현장에 나와 있습니다‬I am here at the scene where activist groups are burning an effigy of Oh Kyung-sook.
‪(기자) 각종 여성 단체와‬ ‪시민 단체에선‬are burning an effigy of Oh Kyung-sook. Many activist groups and women's rights groups are withdrawing their support
‪오 후보에 대한 지지를‬ ‪철회한다는 공동 성명서까지‬Many activist groups and women's rights groups are withdrawing their support by declaring a joint statement that they have officially…
‪이곳 현장에서 공식…‬by declaring a joint statement that they have officially…
‪[오묘한 음악]‬
‪고인의 명복을 진심으로‬I offer my sincerest condolences.
‪빕니다‬I offer my sincerest condolences.
‪감사합니다‬I appreciate that.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪그런데…‬I…
‪예, 아버님과는‬ ‪먼 친구 되는 사람입니다‬I am somewhat a distant friend of your father.
‪치매가 있으셨다고 들었는데‬I heard he suffered from dementia.
‪기억을 잃는다는 건‬ ‪한편으로 좋은 일이죠‬In certain ways, memory loss can be good.
‪괴로웠던 순간은‬ ‪머릿속에서 다 지우고‬If one were able to erase all of the suffering
‪행복했던 순간만‬and keep only the good moments,
‪여러 차례 반복하면서‬just imagine being able to re-experience what you love.
‪처음처럼 즐길 수 있으니까‬just imagine being able to re-experience what you love.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪아마 따님의 좋은 모습만‬ ‪기억하면서‬That's how I hope his final days of life were.
‪행복하게‬Only good memories,
‪떠나셨을 겁니다‬and none of the bad.
‪신을 믿습니까?‬Do you believe in the gods?
‪만약 믿고 있다면‬You must feel betrayed.
‪아, 지금 같은 상황엔‬In all their omniscience, when it came down to it,
‪배신감마저 들 수도 있을 텐데‬In all their omniscience, when it came down to it, they let you down.
‪할 수만 있다면‬ ‪한번 따져 묻고 싶습니다‬I'd ask why something like this could happen.
‪왜 하필‬I mean…
‪지금 아버지를 데려갔는지‬I mean, why right now, huh?
‪제 경우라도 따져 물었을 겁니다‬I'd ask the same thing if it were me.
‪아, 그래도 신은 변하지 않습니다‬We can try, but gods will never bend.
‪우리 인간들이 함부로 대적하거나‬Like waves can't go against the tide,
‪복수를 꿈꿀 수 있는‬ ‪그런 상대도 아니고요‬we could never even try to get a sense of revenge.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪이번 일을 계기로‬ ‪황도희 씨의 삶이‬I truly wish that this event will bring peace that you're able to reach.
‪평화로워지길 바랍니다‬I truly wish that this event will bring peace that you're able to reach.
‪그러면 아버님도‬Then your father's soul
‪편안히 영면하실 겁니다‬can truly rest in complete peace.
‪(도희 고모) 이 꽃‬ ‪되게 비싸 보이지?‬Those flowers look terribly expensive, and they smell so nice.
‪향도 좋고‬Those flowers look terribly expensive, and they smell so nice.
‪누가 보낸 거예요?‬Who brought these ones?
‪이거 아버지 친구가 주고 가셨어‬A friend of your father's. He brought them in here, and then went away.
‪좀 전에 나가신‬A friend of your father's. He brought them in here, and then went away.
‪(도희 고모) 근데 그 양반‬ ‪뭐 하시는 분이라니?‬I wonder what he does for a living.
‪(영심) 자신 있니?‬You're confident?
‪어떤 일이 생겨도 감당할‬Whatever the future holds, you'll manage it?
‪아, 그래도 신은 변하지 않습니다‬We can try, but gods will never bend.
‪(칼 윤) 우리 인간들이‬ ‪함부로 대적하거나‬Like waves can't go against the tide,
‪복수를 꿈꿀 수 있는‬ ‪그런 상대도 아니고요‬ ‪[도희 떨리는 숨소리]‬we could never even try to get a sense of revenge.

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