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 60일, 지정생존자 2

Designated Survivor: 60 Days 2


(부대원1)‬ ‪폭탄입니다‬ ‪폭발물이 발견됐습니다!‬It’s a bomb! I found an explosive!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪모두 대피하세요, 폭탄입니다‬ ‪뒤로 물러나세요!‬Please evacuate! It’s a bomb! Please back away! A bomb has been found!
‪폭발물이 발견됐습니다‬ ‪대피하세요!‬Please back away! A bomb has been found! -Please evacuate! -Evacuate the area!
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(한모)‬ ‪우선 대피하겠습니다, 이쪽으로 오세요‬-Please evacuate! -Evacuate the area! -This way. -Please evacuate.
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪나오세요, 나오세요, 다 대피시켜!‬-This way. -Please evacuate. -Please evacuate! -Evacuate the area!
‪나오세요!‬-Please evacuate! -Evacuate the area!
‪(한모)‬ ‪현재 2차 폭발‬ ‪우려되는 상황입니다, 네‬We fear there might be a second explosion. Yes, sir.
‪(주승)‬ ‪정부 조직법 26조 1항에 의거‬Based on Article 26, Paragraph 1 of the Government Organization Act,
‪장관께서는‬you have been entrusted
‪대한민국 대통령의 모든 권한과‬ ‪직무를 위임받게 되셨습니다‬with all the authority and duties of the President of the Republic of Korea.
‪(주승)‬ ‪지금 이 시각부터‬ ‪대통령 권한 대행으로‬From this moment forward, you are now the acting president.
‪임기가 시작된 겁니다‬ ‪박무진 대행‬Your term has already begun, President Park.
‪[프로펠러 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[부대원2의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[한모가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪크레모아라...‬It's a claymore.
‪[부대원2의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[부대원2의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(한모)‬ ‪뭐야, 뇌관은 일반적인 크레모아인데‬What? It looks like a standard claymore on the outside,
‪저건 단순한 크레모아가 아니잖아?‬but it's not a simple claymore.
‪알제리나 시리아 쪽 테러에서‬ ‪종종 발견되는 폭탄 형태예요‬It's a type of explosive often spotted in terrorist attacks in Algeria and Syria.
‪(영진)‬ ‪다들 권한 대행님께서 오시길‬ ‪기다리고 계십니다‬Everyone’s waiting for you.
‪(희정)‬ ‪지금 이렇게 한가하게‬ ‪대책이나 논의할 때가 아닙니다!‬We have no time to talk about what measures we should take right now!
‪전시 상황이라고요! 전시 상황 몰라요?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬We’re at war right now! Do you not know what that means?
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪(영목)‬ ‪감정적으로 처리할 일이 아니에요‬We shouldn’t react emotionally.
‪냉정한 상황 판단이 먼저입니다!‬We need to figure out what happened first.
‪전쟁이라고 단정하긴 일러요‬ ‪시기상조라고요!‬It’s too soon to call it a war and make rash judgments.
‪(윤배)‬ ‪대체 그 상황 판단, 누가 하는 겁니까?‬It’s too soon to call it a war and make rash judgments. And who will make that decision?
‪국군 통수권자가 지금 없는데‬Our commander-in-chief isn't here.
‪(부대원2)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪뇌관 해체하겠습니다‬I will now deactivate the explosive.
‪[부대원2의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[부대원2의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[한모가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[소란스럽게 논쟁한다]‬ ‪(영진)‬ ‪NSC 국가 안전 보장 회의입니다‬This is the NSC, the National Security Council.
‪국가 안보, 통일, 외교 현안에 대한‬ ‪모든 최종 결정이 여기서 이루어집니다‬The final decisions on matters of national security, unification, and diplomacy are made here.
‪NSC의 의장은 대통령‬ ‪지금 현재는 대행님이십니다‬You, sir, the acting president, are the current chief of the NSC.
‪(영목)‬ ‪지금 한반도에서 전쟁이 일어나면‬ ‪4차 대전이라고요, 4차 대전!‬If a war breaks out on the Korean Peninsula now, it'll be World War III! Even if it means World War IV, we must do what we must do!
‪(희정)‬ ‪3차가 아니라 4차 대전이라도‬ ‪하게 되면 해야지!‬Even if it means World War IV, we must do what we must do!
‪(영목)‬ ‪아니, 그런 무책임한 발언이‬ ‪어디 있어요?‬-That's irresponsible! -Should we sit back and watch?
‪(희정)‬ ‪그럼 앉아 있다 당해?‬ ‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬-That's irresponsible! -Should we sit back and watch? -You can't be so emotional-- -The acting president is here!
‪(영진)‬ ‪권한 대행님 오셨습니다!‬-You can't be so emotional-- -The acting president is here!
‪(희정)‬ ‪국민들을 생각해야 할 거 아니야?‬We must think about our people!
‪(영목)‬ ‪아니, 뭐, 밀어붙이면‬ ‪다 해결되는 겁니까, 그게?‬Being bullheaded isn't a solution.
‪(희정)‬ ‪밀어붙이다니? 지금 누가...‬Whom are you calling bullheaded?
‪[탁탁 책상 치는 소리]‬Whom are you calling bullheaded?
‪(영진)‬ ‪대행님‬Sir.
‪박무진 권한 대행이십니다‬This is Acting President Park Mu-jin.
‪[주승이 의자를 드르륵 뺀다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[부대원2의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[부대원2의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(부대원2)‬ ‪뇌관 모두 해체되었습니다‬The bomb has been deactivated.
‪[한모가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[한모의 한숨]‬
‪[나경의 한숨]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(부대원2)‬ ‪국회 의사당 본관 건물을‬We believe the bombers used an explosive demolition technique
‪폭파하기 위해 테러범들은‬We believe the bombers used an explosive demolition technique
‪발파 해체 방식을‬ ‪택한 것으로 추정됩니다‬to blow up the National Assembly Building.
‪- 발파 해체?‬ ‪- (부대원2) 예‬-"Explosive demolition"? -That's correct.
‪사전에 미리 폭발물을‬ ‪기둥이나 내력벽에 설치하고‬-"Explosive demolition"? -That's correct. You place the explosives on the pillars or the walls in advance.
‪(나경)‬ ‪건물 자체의 하중을 이용해서‬Using the weight of the building itself,
‪폭파하는 방식입니다‬the explosives are detonated.
‪5초에서 15초면 대형 건물도‬ ‪완벽하게 붕괴시킬 수 있는 데다‬In 5 to 15 seconds, these explosives can destroy large buildings.
‪무엇보다 비교적‬ ‪적은 양의 폭탄으로도 가능해서‬Most importantly, a relatively small amount of explosives is sufficient.
‪유통 과정에서‬ ‪검문검색을 피하는...‬-It could've been difficult to spot-- -Next.
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪다음‬-It could've been difficult to spot-- -Next.
‪(부대원2)‬ ‪따라서 이번 테러에 사용한‬ ‪폭탄의 양은 대략...‬Therefore, the amount of explosives used was--
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪됐고, 다음‬Enough with that. Next.
‪(부대원2)‬ ‪예?‬Sir?
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪제일 중요한 걸 말해야지‬ ‪이 친구야‬Tell me the most crucial piece of information.
‪일에 순서가 없어, 쯧‬Don't you know what I want to know?
‪그래서 북한이야, 아니야?‬So? Was it North Korea or not?
‪(부대원2)‬ ‪아, 저, 그건 아직...‬We're not sure about that yet, sir.
‪북한 소행이면‬ ‪수사권이 여기 군으로 가고‬If it was, the military will take over. If it wasn't, it'll go to the police.
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪아니면 우리 경찰 쪽으로 오는데‬If it was, the military will take over. If it wasn't, it'll go to the police.
‪이 일보다 급한 게 뭐야?‬Shouldn't this be your number one focus?
‪(한모)‬ ‪야, 성격 깔끔하시네‬Shouldn't this be your number one focus? Wow, our deputy commissioner general is very straightforward.
‪우리 경찰청 차장님‬Wow, our deputy commissioner general is very straightforward.
‪그냥 네 일, 내 일이 분명하셔‬You're no-nonsense.
‪씁, 대통령부터 국무총리‬ ‪장관, 국회 의원‬The president, prime minister, ministers, and assemblymen,
‪100명이 넘는 정부 요인들이‬ ‪한날한시에‬over 100 high-ranking government officials,
‪그것도 테러로 목숨을 잃었습니다‬lost their lives at the same time in an attack.
‪지금이 책임 소재나 따질 때입니까?‬Is this the right time to discuss jurisdictions?
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪그래, 100명이 넘는 정부 요인이‬ ‪몰살당했어‬You're right. Over 100 high-ranking government officials were massacred.
‪그것도 대한민국 수도‬ ‪서울 한복판에서‬And in the center of Seoul, the nation's capital.
‪당장 사람들은‬ ‪누가 그랬는지부터 묻겠지‬The people will probably question who did this.
‪또 책임은 누가 질 건가‬ ‪궁금해할 거야‬And they'll wonder who will take responsibility for this.
‪[한모의 헛웃음]‬And they'll wonder who will take responsibility for this.
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪왜? 불안하니까‬Do you know why? Because they're anxious.
‪[나경과 한모의 한숨]‬
‪국민들 앞에서 청장님이‬ ‪뭐라고 할 말이 있어야‬The commissioner general needs something to say to the people to save face.
‪면이라도 설 거 아니야?‬The commissioner general needs something to say to the people to save face.
‪자네, 테러 전담반이라고 했나?‬You. Did you say that you're from the Terrorism Task Force?
‪당신 생각을 말해 봐‬What's your take on this?
‪누구야, 어?‬Who did it?
‪이따위 폭발물을 가져다가‬ ‪국회에 심어 놓은 작자들!‬Who planted these explosives in the National Assembly Building?
‪테러형 폭발물의 일종이에요‬They're explosives used in prior terrorist attacks.
‪북한이 동맹국에 수출해 온‬They're the same explosives North Korea has been exporting to its allies.
‪북한이다?‬It's them.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪이 인간들 진짜‬Are they seriously trying to start a war?
‪전쟁이라도 하겠다는 거야, 뭐야?‬Are they seriously trying to start a war?
‪(희정)‬ ‪전쟁, 하겠다는 겁니다!‬They want to start a war!
‪이건 테러가 아닌 선전 포고입니다‬ ‪선제타격!‬This isn't a terrorist attack! This is a declaration of war! This is a preemptive attack!
‪(영목)‬ ‪선전 포고라니요?‬"A declaration of war"?
‪보십시오, 북한 측 군부대‬ ‪어디 하나 움직였나‬Look. No movements have been spotted in their camps.
‪미사일 발사대도 다 그대로예요‬All their missile launchers are in place.
‪전쟁할 애들입니까, 얘들이?‬Does it seem like they're preparing for a war?
‪북측에서 공식 입장을 내놨습니다‬North Korea has made an announcement.
‪(영진)‬ ‪보시죠‬Here.
‪(TV 속 북한 앵커)‬ ‪국회 의사당이 무너지는‬ ‪전대미문의 참사로‬A disaster has occurred in South Korea with the destruction of its National Assembly Building.
‪미국과 적개 세력들은‬The US and the hostile forces
‪우리 공화국을‬ ‪참사 주범으로 지목하는‬The US and the hostile forces are planning something wicked by
‪간악한 흉계를 꾸미고 있다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬pointing their fingers at North Korea.
‪이러한 책동은...‬Such a scheme...
‪(영진)‬ ‪자신들은 이번 테러와 무관하다고‬ ‪강경하게 주장하고 있습니다‬They're strongly asserting that they have nothing to do with this.
‪남한 내부 여론에‬ ‪이런 식으로 즉각적으로‬This is the first time they responded immediately
‪의견을 피력한 건‬ ‪이번이 처음 있는 일입니다‬to the public sentiment in South Korea.
‪북미 수교를 앞두고 있어요‬They were about to establish diplomatic relations with us.
‪북한, 정상 국가로 인정받는 데‬ ‪혈안이 돼 있단 말입니다!‬They're determined to be acknowledged as a "normal" country.
‪(영목)‬ ‪들으셨잖아요‬They're determined to be acknowledged as a "normal" country. Didn't you hear them?
‪우리 정부와 평화 협정을‬ ‪준비 중이었습니다‬Didn't you hear them? They were preparing for the peace treaty.
‪그런 북한이‬ ‪생각을 해 보세요, 상식적으로!‬Think about this logically.
‪(희정)‬ ‪상식? 내 상식은‬"Logically"? My logic tells me
‪미친개는 몽둥이찜질이 정답이고‬that a mad dog should be beaten
‪도발엔 응징이 정답이라는 겁니다‬and that provocation should be punished.
‪'정상 국가'‬"'Normal' country," you say?
‪북한이 이제서야‬ ‪본색을 드러내는 겁니다!‬North Korea is finally showing their true colors.
‪미국이 자기들 뜻대로 안 되니까‬Since the US isn't listening to them,
‪우리를 희생양 삼은 겁니다!‬they used us as a sacrificial lamb!
‪'봐라, 우린 뭐든 할 수 있다!'‬They're saying, "Look! We can do anything!"
‪우리는 지금 결정을 할 때입니다!‬We need to make a decision!
‪주석궁부터 요격을 하든‬ ‪휴전선을 밀고 올라가든!‬We should attack the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun or cross the demarcation line!
‪아니, 핵 시설부터 타격해야죠‬Better yet, we must destroy their nuclear facilities.
‪그럼 군사력이 압도적으로 우위인‬ ‪남한을 상대로‬That way, they won't be able to start a war with us
‪확전은 할 수 없을 겁니다‬since we're stronger than they are!
‪(영진)‬ ‪가능한 일입니까, 그 결정?‬since we're stronger than they are! Is it even possible to make such a decision?
‪주석궁을 요격하든‬ ‪휴전선을 밀고 올라가든‬Whether it be attacking the Kumsusan Palace or crossing the demarcation line,
‪전시 작전권‬ ‪우리한테 없는 걸로 알고 있는데요‬we do not have wartime control.
‪[시스템 작동음]‬
‪(관묵)‬ ‪대한민국은‬Our country is protected
‪피로 맺은 한미 동맹이‬ ‪지켜 온 나라입니다‬by its alliance with the US.
‪[희정의 한숨]‬ ‪[관묵이 손뼉을 딱 친다]‬
‪그건 우리 군의 자부심입니다‬It's a pride of our military.
‪당장이라도 전쟁에 임하겠다는‬ ‪각오하고 의지‬If we don't show our determination and will to fight immediately
‪그리고 북한을 압도하는‬ ‪우리의 전력을 보여 주지 않는다면‬and the power of our military, which is stronger than North Korea's,
‪이번엔 더 큰 공격을‬ ‪당하게 될 겁니다‬we may be subjected to an even bigger attack.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬we may be subjected to an even bigger attack.
‪911 테러 당시에‬During the September 11 attacks,
‪2차 타격 목표가‬ ‪미 국방성이었다는 거‬the terrorists' second target was the Pentagon.
‪다들 잊었어요?‬Did you all forget that?
‪한미 연합 사령부에‬ ‪데프콘 3호로 격상 요구하세요‬Request the ROK-US Combined Forces Command to declare DEFCON 3.
‪그리고 우리 군은 지금 바로‬ ‪전투태세에 돌입해야 합니다‬Furthermore, our military should prepare for combat.
‪(영목)‬ ‪그래서 기어이 한반도에서‬ ‪전쟁을 하겠다고요?‬Are you insisting on waging a war on the Korean Peninsula?
‪폭탄 하나 발견된 걸로‬ ‪북한 소행이라고 단정하는 건‬It's very reckless to conclude North Korea was responsible based on one bomb that was found!
‪경솔한 처사입니다!‬North Korea was responsible based on one bomb that was found!
‪(윤배)‬ ‪그럼 누구입니까?‬Then who was it?
‪우리는 분단국가입니다‬ ‪주적인 북한을 머리에 이고 사는‬We are a divided country. Our main adversary is situated right above us.
‪북한이 아니라면‬ ‪누구입니까, 그게?‬If it wasn't them, then who was it?
‪왜요?‬Will you only believe it
‪폭탄에 '메이드 인 노스 코리아'라고‬ ‪쓰여 있어야 믿을 겁니까?‬Will you only believe it if it reads "Made in North Korea" on the explosives?
‪북한이라고‬North Korea? Does that even make sense?
‪그게 말입니까?‬North Korea? Does that even make sense?
‪(희정)‬ ‪아니, 지금 이 상황에서도‬ ‪북한을 두둔하고 나서는 건‬Hold on. How could you defend them in this situation?
‪당신들 안보관에‬ ‪문제 있는 거 아니야?‬Something must be wrong with the NSC!
‪뭐라고요? 말 다 했습니까!‬What did you say? Are you done?
‪(희정)‬ ‪아니, 그럼‬ ‪소위 안보실장이라는 사람이...‬-Then how am I to understand... -Come on.
‪(영목)‬ ‪아니, 안보실장한테 안보를 운운해요?‬-Then how am I to understand... -Come on. -...your reaction? -How could you say that?
‪아니, 뭐, 내뱉으면 다 말입니까?‬Did I say something wrong?
‪(희정)‬ ‪그럼 앉아서 당하나? 앉아서 당해?‬Then should we just sit still and take it?
‪국민들 생각을 해야 될 거 아니야!‬-Think about our people! -I explained the situation.
‪(영목)‬ ‪아까 그렇게 얘기를 했는데‬ ‪왜 그렇게 강경 일변도로만 나가세요?‬-Think about our people! -I explained the situation. Why are you being so pigheaded?
‪- (희정) 뭐가 무서워?‬ ‪- (영목) 국가 안보하고‬-What are you afraid of? -Our security
‪(영목)‬ ‪국민의 생명이 걸린 문제인데‬and the lives of our people are at risk! I'm just asking you to be more careful!
‪신중하자는 얘기잖아요!‬and the lives of our people are at risk! I'm just asking you to be more careful!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[휴지 심을 툭 내던진다]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[툭 떨어지는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(남욱)‬ ‪이가 없으면 잇몸으로 살고‬You can chew with your gums if you have no teeth, and
‪대통령이 없으면‬ ‪권한 대행이 있지만‬the acting president can fill in if there's no president,
‪화장실에 휴지가 없으면‬but if you have no toilet paper,
‪어유, 안 되잖아요‬you're in trouble.
‪오늘 하루 고생 많으셨습니다‬You went through so much today.
‪아이, 그래도 행복하다고‬ ‪생각하세요‬You should be happy.
‪내일부터 우리에겐‬ ‪권한 대행이라는 게 있으니까‬Starting tomorrow, we'll have an acting president.
‪[무진의 한숨]‬
‪[변기 물이 솨 내려간다]‬
‪[무진의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[무진이 문을 달칵 연다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[남욱의 한숨]‬
‪(남욱)‬ ‪폭탄이 터진 건 국회만이 아닙니다‬ ‪청와대도 마찬가지예요‬It wasn't just the National Assembly Building. The Blue House was hit with a bomb too.
‪권한 대행 별명이‬ ‪신데렐라였답니다, 뻔하죠‬That acting president's nickname was Cinderella. It's obvious.
‪정치권 기웃거리다가‬ ‪낙하산으로 장관 되고‬He probably brown-nosed politicians and became a minister through nepotism.
‪이번에 운 좋게 살아남았다는‬ ‪이유 하나만으로‬Just because he was lucky enough to survive this attack,
‪대한민국 넘버원이 된 겁니다‬he's become the head honcho of Korea.
‪[남욱이 문을 달칵 연다]‬
‪정치 경력이라곤 고작 6개월에‬He has only six months of experience in politics, and all he did was measure fine dust levels.
‪그것도 미세 먼지 수치나‬ ‪세던 사람이‬and all he did was measure fine dust levels.
‪도대체 북조선을 상대로‬ ‪뭘 할 수나 있겠어요?‬What could he possibly do against North Korea? Actually, I'm scared he might do something. Don't you agree?
‪아니, 난 뭘 할까 봐 그게 더 무서워‬ ‪안 그래요?‬Actually, I'm scared he might do something. Don't you agree?
‪[물이 졸졸 흘러나온다]‬Actually, I'm scared he might do something. Don't you agree?
‪어, 그러니까 참 사람들이‬ ‪되게 쇳복 좋다고...‬Everyone says that you're so lucky.
‪그러니까 제 말씀은‬ ‪대행님, 다른 건 몰라도‬The point I'm trying to make is that you're very lucky when it comes to your career.
‪관운 하나는 끝내준다라는 말씀‬ ‪제가 드리고 싶었던...‬is that you're very lucky when it comes to your career.
‪(무진)‬ ‪물 잠가야 되는데...‬
‪[무진의 한숨]‬
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪사실 대행님 이력을 보고‬ ‪걱정스러운 마음에 그만, 죄송합니다‬To be frank, I was a bit concerned after reading your resume. I apologize.
‪(무진)‬ ‪아...‬No.
‪주어진 데이터 안에서‬ ‪빠른 판단을 내린 거죠‬You simply made a quick judgment with the given data.
‪합리적인 생존 본능입니다‬It's an understandable survival instinct.
‪지금 비상시국이니까‬After all, this is an emergency situation.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[무진의 한숨]‬
‪(영진)‬ ‪바로 연락 주십시오, 예‬I'll be waiting for your call.
‪(무진)‬ ‪저기, 비서실장님‬Excuse me. Is the chief presidential secretary still in there?
‪아직 안에 계십니까?‬Is the chief presidential secretary still in there?
‪권한 대행직‬ ‪제가 사임하면 어떻게 됩니까?‬What happens if I step down as acting president?
‪자격 없습니다, 저‬I'm unqualified.
‪(주승)‬ ‪그 자격‬Look.
‪능력을 말하는 거라면‬If you're talking about competence,
‪그 자리에 합당한 사람은‬ ‪딱 한 분뿐이셨습니다‬there was only one person who was qualified.
‪우린 오늘‬And today,
‪그분을 잃은 겁니다‬we lost him.
‪하지만 전...‬But...
‪비서실장님께서도‬ ‪아시지 않습니까?‬-I'm sure you know as well. -Is this because of what happened today?
‪오늘 일 때문에 그러십니까?‬-I'm sure you know as well. -Is this because of what happened today?
‪(주승)‬ ‪박 장관 해임은 법적 효력이 없습니다‬Your termination had no legal effect.
‪행정 절차를 거칠‬ ‪시간이 없었으니까‬There was no time to process it.
‪박 대행이 사임한다면‬But if you resign,
‪[주승이 서류철을 탁 내려놓는다]‬But if you resign,
‪당분간 그 자리는 공석이 되겠군요‬your current position will be vacant.
‪헌법이 정한 승계 서열은‬The only individuals who can succeed are ministers and cabinet members.
‪장관직, 국무 위원들까지니까요‬The only individuals who can succeed are ministers and cabinet members.
‪[주승이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪누군들 상상이라도 했겠습니까‬ ‪오늘 같은 참사가 벌어질 거라고‬Who could've ever imagined that such a disaster would occur?
‪(무진)‬ ‪그럼 그다음엔 어떻게 되는 겁니까?‬Then what happens after I resign?
‪공백을 허락하지 않아요‬does not permit vacancy.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪가장 선명하고 확실한 힘이‬The clearest and obvious power
‪그 자리를 대신하게 되겠죠‬will take control.
‪[무진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪군부 쿠데타 말입니까?‬-Are you talking about a military coup? -We've experienced such coups
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(주승)‬ ‪지난 세월‬-Are you talking about a military coup? -We've experienced such coups
‪우린 몇 번이나‬ ‪경험하지 않았습니까?‬several times in the past.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(영진)‬ ‪실장님‬Sir.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪문제가 발생했습니다‬We have a problem.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(윤배)‬ ‪사와기리함입니다‬That's a Sawagiri vessel.
‪일본 해상 자위대 소속 이지스함‬ ‪[시스템 작동음]‬It's Japan's Self-Defense Forces' Aegis destroyer.
‪일본은 오늘 테러를‬Japan seems to have concluded that a war is imminent.
‪한반도 전쟁 위기로‬ ‪규정한 것 같습니다‬Japan seems to have concluded that a war is imminent.
‪(희정)‬ ‪아니, 그래도 그렇지‬But still.
‪남의 집 안방을‬ ‪벨도 안 누르고 밀고 들어와?‬How dare they trespass into our waters without informing us?
‪(윤배)‬ ‪놓칠 수 없는 기회 아닙니까?‬It's a good opportunity for them.
‪아소 총리, 스캔들 이후 지지율이‬ ‪바닥을 기고 있잖아요‬Prime Minister Aso's approval rating hit rock-bottom after the scandal.
‪한반도가 시끄러운 건 좋고‬ ‪[희정의 한숨]‬It's good for them if we have problems.
‪자위대가 출동할 수 있다면‬ ‪더 좋겠죠‬Even better if their Self-Defense Forces can intervene.
‪국난 극복의 리더십‬Leadership during a national crisis.
‪우리도 안 해 본 장사‬ ‪아니지 않습니까?‬We've done that before as well.
‪이게 다 우리 군을‬ ‪우습게 봤기 때문이지‬This is because they have no respect for our military.
‪(관묵)‬ ‪긴말 필요한가?‬It's obvious.
‪명백한 북한의 도발에도‬ ‪수수방관만 하고 있어‬Japan has provoked us, and yet, we're just watching.
‪말이 된다고 보나?‬Does that make sense?
‪전쟁을 각오하지 않고선‬ ‪그 어떤 전쟁도 막을 수 없습니다‬We cannot prevent a war unless we're prepared to fight one.
‪그런 단순 명쾌한 진리도 모르는 자가‬ ‪저 자리에 앉아 있으니, 원‬But our acting president doesn't even realize something that simple.
‪(희정)‬ ‪지금 이 나라는‬Our nation pretty much doesn't have a commander-in-chief right now.
‪제대로 된 국군 통수권자가‬ ‪없는 거나 마찬가지입니다‬Our nation pretty much doesn't have a commander-in-chief right now.
‪(주승)‬ ‪국군 통수권자 역시‬There will be no commander-in-chief either,
‪공석이 되겠군요‬There will be no commander-in-chief either,
‪지금 박 대행이 사임한다면‬if you resign right now.
‪(영진)‬ ‪실장님‬Mr. Secretary.
‪일단 일본 대사부터 소환하시죠‬You should talk with the Japanese ambassador.
‪날 밝기 전까지‬ ‪이지스함 문제 해결하지 못하면‬If we don't solve this vessel issue by daybreak,
‪상황이 더 어려워질 것 같은데요‬things will get more complicated.
‪일본 해상 자위대는‬ ‪누가 봐도 인증 숏이지 않습니까?‬Their Self-Defense Forces pretty much announced
‪한반도에 전쟁이 임박했다는‬that a war is imminent.
‪지금 당장 아침 되면‬ ‪주식 시장부터 동요하고‬When morning comes, the stock markets will be shaken up.
‪국내 거주 외국인들 당장 돌아가는‬ ‪비행기 티켓부터 알아볼 텐데‬The foreigners in this country will look for tickets to go back home.
‪그렇게 되면 정말로 국민들‬ ‪동요를 막기가 힘들어집니다‬If that happens, we won't be able to calm the people down. We're running out of time, sir.
‪실장님, 지금 시간이 없습니다‬We're running out of time, sir.
‪아직도 자격이 없다고 생각합니까?‬Do you still think you're unqualified?
‪대통령으로‬ ‪권력을 행사하라는 게 아니에요‬I'm not asking you to exercise presidential powers.
‪시민의 책무를 다하라는 겁니다‬I'm asking you to perform your duty as a citizen.
‪권한 대행 자리에‬ ‪박무진 당신을 지목한 건‬You were chosen as the acting president
‪이 나라‬based on...
‪헌법이니까‬this country's constitution.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Aren't you tired?
‪(통역사1)‬ ‪[일본어]‬ ‪피곤하지 않으세요?‬Aren't you tired?
‪(일본 대사)‬ ‪뭐, 금방 끝나겠죠‬It won't take long.
‪(통역사1)‬ ‪네, 이쪽입니다‬Right. This way.
‪[한국어]‬ ‪본국의 아소 총리께서도‬Prime Minister Aso sends his deepest condolences.
‪깊은 애도의 뜻을‬ ‪전해 달라 하셨습니다‬Prime Minister Aso sends his deepest condolences.
‪(주승)‬ ‪유감스럽게도 대사께서는‬Unfortunately, you are not here
‪조문 사절단으로‬ ‪방문하신 게 아닙니다‬to relay your condolences.
‪[통역사1이 일본어로 통역한다]‬to relay your condolences.
‪사와기리함이‬ ‪대한민국 영해를 침범해서‬You have been summoned because a Sawagiri vessel
‪긴급 초치되신 겁니다‬has trespassed into Korea's waters.
‪[통역사1이 일본어로 통역한다]‬
‪[일본 대사가 일본어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사1)‬ ‪우리는 한국의 영해를‬ ‪침범한 게 아닙니다‬We did not trespass into Korean waters.
‪자위권을 행사한 겁니다‬This is an act of self-defense.
‪자위권이라고 하셨습니까?‬"An act of self-defense"?
‪(진만)‬ ‪존경하는 국민 여러분‬ ‪[주승의 한숨]‬My fellow Koreans,
‪독도는 우리 땅입니다‬Dokdo is our land.
‪(영상 속 진만)‬ ‪독도는 일본의‬ ‪한반도 침탈 과정에서‬Dokdo is a historical land that was the first to get absorbed
‪가장 먼저 병탄된 역사의 땅입니다‬by Japan during the pillage.
‪일본이 러일 전쟁 중에‬It was conquered by Japan
‪전쟁 수행을 목적으로 점령하고‬during the Russo-Japanese War...
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬ ‪[영상이 멈춘다]‬
‪(남욱)‬ ‪대국민 담화문, 비상시 담화문‬"Statement to the Nation." "Emergency Statement."
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪(영상 속 진만)‬ ‪이번 대국민 담화에서‬For this upcoming Statement to the Nation, I think it's of the utmost importance
‪가장 중요한 핵심은‬For this upcoming Statement to the Nation, I think it's of the utmost importance
‪경제적 불안 해소로 잡는 게‬ ‪그게 맞겠어요, 응‬for me to soothe their financial anxiety.
‪씁, 아, 그런데‬However, if I don't do it right,
‪그걸 마, 잘못 언급하믄‬However, if I don't do it right,
‪씁, 그, 불안을‬ ‪오히려 키우는 꼴이 되니까‬I could aggravate their anxiety instead.
‪에, 내 생각은‬So I think...
‪[남욱이 코를 드르렁 곤다]‬
‪(진만)‬ ‪이봐, 김남욱이!‬Hey, Kim Nam-wook!
‪- (남욱) 예‬ ‪- 아이, 대통령께서 말씀하시는데‬-Yes, sir. -How could you snore in front of the president?
‪(진만)‬ ‪코를 골아, 어?‬the president? Is this your way of protesting?
‪(영상 속 진만)‬ ‪시위라도 하나?‬Is this your way of protesting?
‪뭐, 꼰대 돌림 노래‬ ‪또 시작됐다 이거야?‬Are you saying you're fed up with this old fogy?
‪(영상 속 남욱)‬ ‪아유, 아, 아니, 아, 아닙니다‬No, sir.
‪제가 어제 일이 너무 많아 가지고‬I had so much work yesterday,
‪대통령님 주옥같은 말씀도...‬so I couldn't listen to your wise--
‪(진만)‬ ‪뭐? 뭐 같다고?‬-Whine? What did you say? -Your wise--
‪- (남욱) 아이, 좆같다고, 아니‬ ‪- (진만) 야‬-Whine? What did you say? -Your wise-- -I mean, wise-- -You need to enunciate.
‪(진만)‬ ‪말을 똑바로 해야지, 이 친구야‬-I mean, wise-- -You need to enunciate.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪주옥같다고, 예‬Your wise words.
‪- (진만) 다시‬ ‪- (남욱) '주옥'입니다, 예‬ ‪[진만의 웃음]‬-Again. -Wise words, sir.
‪(진만)‬ ‪'주옥' 맞나?‬-Are you sure about that? -Yes, sir.
‪(영상 속 남욱)‬ ‪아, 제가 어떻게 감히...‬ ‪[영상 속 진만의 웃음]‬-Are you sure about that? -Yes, sir.
‪(영상 속 진만)‬ ‪아이, 됐다, 됐다‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬Gosh. That's fine.
‪[영상 속 진만의 웃음]‬That's fine.
‪- (남욱) 아, 저, 다시 찍어야...‬ ‪- (진만) 어, 그래그래‬Oh, right. Let me restart the camera. -Sure. -We don't want that recorded.
‪- (남욱) 기록이 남으면 안 되니까‬ ‪- (진만) 어, 그래‬ ‪[진만과 남욱의 웃음]‬-Sure. -We don't want that recorded.
‪아, 참, 저 친구‬Goodness.
‪- 마이 힘들지?‬ ‪- (남욱) 아이, 아닙니다‬-It's difficult, isn't it? -No, sir.
‪아, 미안타, 응‬I'm sorry.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[남욱의 헛기침]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪아, 저기, 어, 그...‬Well... I was...
‪예, 아, 예‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬-Here. -It's okay.
‪아, 그...‬Well...
‪대국민 담화문 준비한다고‬ ‪들어서요‬I heard that you were preparing the Statement to the Nation.
‪담화문은 담당 행정관인‬ ‪제가 준비합니다‬As the speechwriter in charge, I will be writing the speech myself.
‪걱정 안 하셔도 됩니다‬You don't need to worry, sir.
‪(무진)‬ ‪예‬Okay.
‪(수교)‬ ‪어, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪아, 네‬
‪저, 비서실장님이‬ ‪대행님을 편히 모시라고‬Secretary Han asked me to make sure you are comfortable.
‪신신당부했습니다‬Secretary Han asked me to make sure you are comfortable.
‪어, 눈이라도 좀 붙이시겠습니까?‬Would you like to get some sleep? Should I prepare a bed for you?
‪자리 만들어 드릴까요?‬Would you like to get some sleep? Should I prepare a bed for you?
‪아, 아니요‬No, thanks. I'm good.
‪아니요, 괜찮습니다‬No, thanks. I'm good.
‪아, 예, 그럼‬All right, then.
‪- (무진) 예‬ ‪- (수교) 예‬Thanks.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪모든 일은‬The Blue House staff and I
‪나와 여기 청와대 스태프들이‬ ‪다 알아서 해 나갈 겁니다‬will take care of everything.
‪박 대행은‬All you have to do sir,
‪그저 그 자리에 가만히‬All you have to do sir,
‪(주승)‬ ‪앉아만 있어요‬is just sit there.
‪이 나라가 최소한의 헌정 질서만이라도‬ ‪유지할 수 있도록요‬That way, this nation can maintain at least a bit of constitutional order.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪나야‬It’s me. How is Si-jin?
‪시진이는?‬It’s me. How is Si-jin?
‪(무진)‬ ‪뭐래, 의사는?‬What did the doctor say?
‪뇌내출혈이 약간 있었나 봐‬There seems to have been some internal bleeding in her brain,
‪(강연)‬ ‪응급 시술로 출혈은 잡았대‬but they were able to stop it.
‪[무진의 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[강연이 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(강연)‬ ‪지금은‬Now,
‪시진이 의식‬we are waiting for Si-jin to regain consciousness.
‪돌아오길 기다리고 있어‬ ‪[강연이 훌쩍인다]‬we are waiting for Si-jin to regain consciousness.
‪[무진의 한숨]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪시진이 머리 끈이 나한테 있네‬I have Si-jin’s hair tie.
‪애 깨면 찾겠다‬She’ll look for it when she wakes up.
‪깨면 말해 줘‬ ‪아빠한테 오면 준다고‬Tell her I’ll give it to her when she comes to me,
‪그러니까 빨리 일어나서‬ ‪아빠한테 오라고‬Tell her I’ll give it to her when she comes to me, so she should wake up soon and hurry over.
‪우리 시진이 괜찮을 거야‬Si-jin will be fine.
‪시진이 걱정은 내가 할게‬I’ll worry about her.
‪당신은 이제 다른 걱정도 많잖아‬You have so many other things to worry about now.
‪(무진)‬ ‪당분간 집에 못 갈 것 같은데, 우리‬We won’t be able to go home for a while.
‪나 때문에 고생이다, 가족들이‬I’m sorry I put you through this.
‪내가 이 정도로‬ ‪고생이라고 생각할 것 같아?‬Do you really think I mind?
‪그 참사 현장에 있을 수도 있었어‬You could have been there when it happened.
‪어쨌든 우리는‬At least...
‪같이 있잖아‬we're still together.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪사실입니까?‬Is it true
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(주승)‬ ‪북한 잠수함이 사라졌다는 게‬that a North Korean submarine vanished?
‪[긴장감 있는 음악]‬
‪"로미오급 잠수함"‬
‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사)‬ ‪9일 전 신포 기지를 출발한‬A North-Korean Romeo-class
‪북한군 로미오급 잠수함이‬ ‪귀항하지 않고 있습니다‬ ‪[통역사1이 일본어로 통역한다]‬A North-Korean Romeo-class submarine left from Shinpo Base and didn't return.
‪북한이 핵탄두를 실어‬ ‪운반할 목적으로 만든 잠수함입니다‬It’s a submarine built to transport nuclear warheads.
‪북한 최고 기술력의 상징이라고‬ ‪대내외에 선전했던‬They advertised how it demonstrates their top-class technology.
‪(미군 사령관)‬ ‪[영어]‬ ‪한 실장님, 전쟁에서 잠수함은‬
‪도발 징후를 보여 주는‬ ‪가장 명백한 근거입니다‬ ‪[통역사들이 저마다 통역한다]‬
‪[일본 대사가 일본어로 말한다]‬Do you understand now why Japan dispatched the Aegis to the East Sea?
‪(통역사1)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪이제 아시겠습니까‬why Japan dispatched the Aegis to the East Sea? ...why Japan dispatched the Aegis to the East Sea?
‪일본이 왜‬ ‪이지스함을 동해로 급파했는지‬...why Japan dispatched the Aegis to the East Sea?
‪우리 정부와‬ ‪먼저 상의를 했어야 했어요‬You should have discussed it with our government first
‪적어도 일본이‬ ‪대한민국의 우방이라면‬if Japan is our ally.
‪[일본어로 말한다]‬Are you concerned about Korea Passing?
‪혹시 코리아 패싱을‬ ‪걱정하시는 겁니까?‬ ‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬Are you concerned about Korea Passing?
‪[일본 대사가 일본어로 말한다]‬South Korea has failed to protect its own president. Why would Japan discuss
‪한국은 자국의 대통령도‬ ‪지키지 못한 나라입니다‬South Korea has failed to protect its own president.
‪[통역사2 영어로 통역]‬ ‪(통역사1)‬ ‪우리 일본이 왜 그런 한국과‬South Korea has failed to protect its own president. Why would Japan discuss national security with such a nation?
‪나라의 안보를 상의해야 합니까?‬Why would Japan discuss national security with such a nation?
‪(영목)‬ ‪아니, 그걸 지금 말이...‬Are you kidding--
‪(미군 사령관)‬ ‪[영어]‬ ‪데프콘 2호를...‬
‪(영진)‬ ‪사령관님...‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪영진아‬Let him speak.
‪[영어]‬ ‪한반도 전역에 발령하길 원합니다‬
‪[통역사들이 저마다 통역한다]‬ ‪국군 통수권자인 권한 대행의‬ ‪동의가 필요합니다‬
‪[통역사1이 일본어로 통역한다]‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪전쟁 준비 태세에‬Do you mean
‪돌입하시겠다는 겁니까?‬ ‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬you will join us as we prepare for war?
‪[영어]‬ ‪오늘 국회 의사당이 무너진 순간부터‬
‪(미군 사령관)‬ ‪한반도는 이미...‬
‪[긴장감 흐르는 음악]‬
‪H-아워가 시작된 것과‬ ‪마찬가지입니다‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪박 대행 지금 어디 있나?‬Where’s President Park now?
‪(영진)‬ ‪데프콘 2 승인해야 하는 겁니까?‬Must we really consent to DEFCON 2?
‪(주승)‬ ‪북한 잠수함이 남하한 게 사실이라면‬If it’s true that North Korea’s sub has moved south, yes.
‪(영목)‬ ‪아, 돌아 버리겠네, 정말‬This is crazy.
‪이건 미국 강경파가‬ ‪가장 원하던 그림이에요‬This is exactly what the American hard-liners wanted.
‪생각해 보세요‬Just think about it.
‪레이놀즈 대통령 입장에서‬ ‪북한의 도발은 재앙이죠‬To President Reynold, a provocation from the North is a disaster.
‪재선이 코앞이잖아요‬His re-election is coming up soon.
‪북한에 끌려다니지 않는다는 걸‬ ‪보여 주려고‬I bet he’ll choose the most aggressive military action
‪가장 강력한‬ ‪군사적 옵션을 선택할걸요?‬to show that they won’t be strong-armed by North Korea.
‪강경파가 원하던 그 이상으로‬It’ll be more than what the hard-liners wanted.
‪(영진)‬ ‪데프콘 발령 낸 건‬ ‪우리나라 역사상 딱 두 번뿐이었습니다‬A DEFCON was declared only twice in Korean history.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪76년 판문점 도끼 만행 사건‬The Panmunjeom axe murder incident in 1976 and the Rangoon bombing in 1983.
‪83년 아웅산 테러 사건‬and the Rangoon bombing in 1983.
‪그것도 한국군이 보복이라도 할까 봐‬ ‪미군이 통제할 목적이었습니다‬The US Army had to control the situation in case Korean soldiers retaliated.
‪데프콘 3단계 이상이면‬At levels over DEFCON 3,
‪작전권이 한미 연합 사령관한테‬ ‪넘어가니까‬the operation authority goes to the Combined Forces Command.
‪지금도 마찬가지 아니겠습니까?‬And it’s the same now.
‪미군은 그냥‬ ‪한반도 운전대 잡고 싶은 겁니다‬The US just wants to have control over Korea.
‪지금 같은 남북 긴장 상태에선‬ ‪가장 위험한 선택이죠, 그게‬It's too dangerous when there is tension between the North and South like now.
‪북측 핫라인 아직입니까?‬Is the hotline still silent?
‪연결 안 됩니다‬We can't seem to reach them.
‪(영진)‬ ‪팩스로 보낸 핫라인 사전 통지에도‬ ‪응답 없습니다‬There’s no response to the fax we sent about the hotline either.
‪(희정)‬ ‪군 통신선 역시 모두 마찬가지입니다‬It’s the same situation with the military communications line.
‪해상, 육상‬ ‪모두 송수신을 거절하고 있어요‬They’re not sending or receiving any transmissions, both land and maritime.
‪이건 명백한 대화 거부입니다‬This is obviously a refusal to talk.
‪(윤배)‬ ‪사춘기 애들도 아니고‬ ‪뻑하면 방문부터 걸어 잠가, 왜?‬They’re like teenagers, locking their door whenever something happens.
‪(희정)‬ ‪잠수함 남하한 게 사실이라면‬If it’s true that the submarine moved south,
‪시간상 이미 진해 해군 본부 앞에‬ ‪와 있을지도 모릅니다‬then it could already be in front of Jinhae Naval Base by now.
‪(주승)‬ ‪아니, 속단할 수 없습니다‬We can’t make hasty conclusions.
‪북한 입장에서‬ ‪일본군 이지스함 주둔은‬From the North’s point of view, stationing the Japanese Aegis
‪한미일 동맹의 군사적 도발이기 때문에‬is a provocation by the South Korea-US-Japan alliance. For the North,
‪대화 단절은‬is a provocation by the South Korea-US-Japan alliance. For the North,
‪북한이 선택할 수 있는‬ ‪가장 강력한 항의라고 볼 수 있습니다‬refusing to communicate is the strongest option for protesting.
‪[쿵 소리가 들린다]‬refusing to communicate is the strongest option for protesting.
‪(관묵)‬ ‪1999년 6월 남북 차관급 회담, 그리고‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬June 1996, vice-ministerial level talks between the two Koreas and...
‪제1차 백령 해전‬the first battle at Baengnyeong.
‪2010년 6월‬June 2010, the Inter-Korean Summit
‪남북 정상 회담 추진‬June 2010, the Inter-Korean Summit
‪마산함 폭침‬and the Asan warship explosion.
‪2012년 3월‬March 2012,
‪남북 정상 회담 합의‬an Inter-Korea Summit Agreement,
‪제2차 백령 해전, 그리고 오늘‬and the second battle at Baengnyeong broke out. And today,
‪2019년 3월 4일‬March 4th, 2019,
‪대한민국 국회 의사당‬the National Assembly Building,
‪대통령과 정부 요인‬the assassination of the president and government officials.
‪폭살‬the assassination of the president and government officials.
‪모르겠나?‬Don’t you get it?
‪북한은 언제나‬ ‪당신들 햇볕 정책을 비웃어 왔어‬North Korea has always mocked the government’s Sunshine Policy.
‪늘 같은 방식으로‬And always with the same method.
‪그래도 믿고 싶나?‬ ‪대화가 가능한 족속이라고‬Do you still want to believe -that they’re capable of communication? -We don’t just believe it.
‪믿는 게 아니라‬-that they’re capable of communication? -We don’t just believe it.
‪아는 겁니다‬We know it.
‪(주승)‬ ‪우리에게 평화가 절실한 만큼‬We know that they need rice
‪저들에게 쌀이 간절하다는 걸요‬ ‪[관묵의 코웃음]‬as much as we need peace.
‪평화는 돈으로 구걸하는 게 아니야‬Peace isn’t something you beg for with money.
‪피 흘려‬It’s something you protect with your blood.
‪지켜 내는 거지‬It’s something you protect with your blood.
‪(관묵)‬ ‪아마추어 같은 안보관에‬ ‪낭만적 통일관 때문에‬Your amateurish concept of security and your fantasy of reunification
‪당신들은 보스를 잃었고‬cost you your boss.
‪우리 군은...‬And our military
‪통수권자를 잃었어‬lost our commander-in-chief.
‪시간이 없습니다, 박 대행‬We don’t have time, President Park.
‪데프콘 2, 격상 승인하세요‬Give your consent to announce DEFCON 2.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪데프콘 2라면‬DEFCON 2...
‪북한이 전투태세에 들어갔다는‬ ‪확신이 있다는 뜻입니까?‬Are you saying you’re certain that North Korea is preparing for war?
‪확신을 주는 적군이‬ ‪이 지구상에 존재한다고 봅니까?‬Do you think any enemy will ever let you know for certain?
‪(관묵)‬ ‪북한이 두렵다면‬If we fear the North,
‪그건 핵 따위도‬ ‪미사일 때문도 아닙니다‬it’s not because of their nukes or their missiles.
‪우린 결코 그들을‬It means we can never know them.
‪알 수 없다는 겁니다‬It means we can never know them.
‪저 잠수함처럼요‬Just like the submarine.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪[시스템 작동음]‬
‪(윤배)‬ ‪잠수함 정보 들어왔죠?‬You got information on the submarine, right?
‪팩트가 뭡니까‬ ‪남하예요? 도발입니까?‬So what are the facts? Did it move south? Is it provocation? Just a drill? Or is it--
‪아니면 훈련? 아니면...‬Is it provocation? Just a drill? Or is it--
‪달라질 게 뭔가?‬That won't make any difference.
‪(윤배)‬ ‪네?‬Pardon?
‪오늘날 이 정권이‬ ‪왜 이렇게 됐는지 아나?‬Do you know why the government is like this today?
‪아이, 그거야...‬Well...
‪오만한 대통령이‬It’s because the arrogant president made our military
‪평화를 들먹이며‬ ‪우리 군과 당신네 정보기관을‬It’s because the arrogant president made our military and your intelligence service powerless for the sake of peace.
‪무력화시켰기 때문이야‬and your intelligence service powerless for the sake of peace.
‪난 다시는 그 시절로‬ ‪돌아가지 않아‬I will never go back to those days.
‪자네는 아닌가?‬Don't you agree?
‪저는 반대입니다‬I'm against this.
‪권한 대행이‬The moment President Park consents to DEFCON 2,
‪데프콘 2 승인하는 순간‬The moment President Park consents to DEFCON 2,
‪이 정국 주도권‬the leadership of this nation will go over to the military and intelligence
‪군과 정보 라인에‬ ‪싹 다 넘어가는 겁니다‬the leadership of this nation will go over to the military and intelligence
‪(영진)‬ ‪준전시 상태가 되는 거니까‬since it means we’re in a quasi-state of war.
‪그럼 정권 재창출‬ ‪불가능해지는 겁니다, 실장님‬Then regaining that power will be impossible, sir.
‪젊군‬You really are young.
‪내일을 생각할 기운도 다 있고‬You have the strength to think about the future.
‪[주승의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(영진)‬ ‪병원을 가셨어야죠‬ ‪병가를 내시든가, 지금이라도‬You should’ve gone to the hospital or taken a sick leave. It’s not too late.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[통화 대기음]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪자네는 내가‬Do you really think I could go to the hospital?
‪병원에 갈 수 있다고 생각하나?‬Do you really think I could go to the hospital?
‪무슨 염치로?‬That would be shameless of me.
‪(영목)‬ ‪정말이지‬This is so unfair. I can't stand it.
‪억울해서 못 해 먹겠습니다‬This is so unfair. I can't stand it.
‪남북 정상이 만나고‬ ‪종전 협정까지 지난 2년 동안‬Every step of the way for the past two years to reach the peace treaty
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪어느 하나 쉬운 게 없었어요‬has been difficult.
‪덩치 큰 미국 눈치 보랴‬We had to worry about upsetting the US.
‪깡만 남은 북한 달래랴‬and pacifying the brazen North.
‪식구들하고‬ ‪밥을 한 끼 제대로 먹었습니까?‬We never got to eat peacefully with our families
‪휴가를 한 번 갔습니까?‬or take a vacation.
‪그렇게 여기까지 왔는데 어떻게...‬We worked so hard to get this far.
‪한 번에 무너져요, 어떻게‬How could it all go up in smoke like this?
‪(주승)‬ ‪아직은‬We still...
‪시간이 있어‬have time.
‪북측 상황을‬ ‪최대한 빨리 알아봐야겠네‬We’ll have to check the situation up north as soon as possible.
‪그, 중국 쪽 정보 라인을 이용하든‬ ‪제3국 정보 라인을 사든‬Whether we use the intelligence from China or from third countries...
‪고 실장‬Mr. Ko.
‪국정원 통하지 말고‬Can you connect me directly
‪나하고 직접 연결해 주겠나?‬without going through NIS?
‪(영목)‬ ‪예‬All right, sir.
‪춘추관에 연락해서‬ ‪엠바고부터 걸어 놔‬Contact the Chunchugwan and issue a press embargo.
‪(주승)‬ ‪국민들이 동요하기 시작하면‬Once the citizens start panicking,
‪그땐 우리한테 다른 뭐, 선택이‬ ‪없을지도 몰라‬we may not have any other choice.
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪지금은‬Let's just...
‪하나만 생각하자‬think about one thing for now.
‪한반도 평화는‬Peace on the Korean Peninsula...
‪대통령님 마지막 유업이었어‬was the president’s last unfinished work.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(수교)‬ ‪잠수함 말입니다‬The submarine, sir.
‪북한이 정말‬ ‪공격을 준비하고 있는 걸까요?‬Do you really think North Korea is preparing for an attack?
‪레이더에도 안 걸리고‬ ‪위성 사진에도 안 잡힌 걸 보면‬It wasn't caught on radar or in satellite photos,
‪(무진)‬ ‪내내 수면 아래로‬ ‪잠항했다는 뜻이네요‬so it means it’s been underwater this whole time.
‪(수교)‬ ‪씁, 진해 해군 기지를 노리고 왔겠죠?‬It’s probably targeting Jinhae Naval Base, right?
‪- 그럼 지금쯤...‬ ‪- (무진) 지금쯤이면‬It’s probably targeting Jinhae Naval Base, right? -Then, by now-- -By now,
‪스노클링을 위해서라도‬they should rise at least to raise their periscope.
‪한 번쯤 해수면 위로‬ ‪떠오를 법도 한데‬they should rise at least to raise their periscope.
‪2월 24일에 신포항을 출발해서‬If it left Shinpo Base on February 24th
‪평균 속도 15노트를 유지해 왔다면‬ ‪지금이 9일째니까...‬and maintained an average speed of 15 knots... It's been nine days, so...
‪잠수함 내 산소 공급은‬ ‪어떻게 했을까요?‬How did they get oxygen inside the submarine?
‪(무진)‬ ‪아마 액체 산소를 기화해서 사용했겠죠‬They would have vaporized liquid oxygen, right?
‪(수교)‬ ‪네?‬Yes.
‪(무진)‬ ‪디젤 엔진을 사용한다면‬ ‪충전지는 역시‬If it’s a diesel engine, then they’d use lithium batteries.
‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬What do you think?
‪[수교의 생각하는 신음]‬Well...
‪대행님‬-Sir. -Yes?
‪(무진)‬ ‪네‬-Sir. -Yes?
‪(수교)‬ ‪저‬I... studied liberal arts.
‪문과입니다‬I... studied liberal arts.
‪아, 문과‬Oh, I see.
‪[남욱이 책상을 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(남욱)‬ ‪그렇게 상황 파악이 안 되시나?‬Is it that hard to understand?
‪북한인데, 북조선‬It’s North Korea we're talking about.
‪아무리 먹고살기 힘들어도‬Even if they're starving,
‪그 많은 고깃배들을 다 징발해다‬ ‪잠수함을 만드는 독종들인데‬they'll commandeer all the fishing boats to build submarines.
‪이런 상황에서 문과, 이과‬ ‪이게 무슨 말입니까?‬Why are you talking about college majors?
‪지금 뭐라고 했습니까?‬What did you just say?
‪(남욱)‬ ‪박수교 행정관한테 한 말입니다‬I was talking to Mr. Park. No, the fishing boats.
‪(무진)‬ ‪아니, 고깃배‬No, the fishing boats.
‪방금 고깃배를 다 징발했다고...‬You said they commandeered all the fishing boats.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪그야 뻔하죠, 그게 아니라면‬ ‪지금과 같은 학꽁치 철에‬Well, it's obvious. Why else would there be no fishing boats
‪저렇게 고깃배가‬ ‪없을 수가 없으니까요‬Well, it's obvious. Why else would there be no fishing boats when it’s halfbeak season?
‪(무진)‬ ‪확실합니까? 근거 있어요?‬Are you sure? Do you have proof?
‪신뢰할 만한 데이터입니까?‬Is that data reliable?
‪제가 태어나고 자란 고향입니다‬It’s where I was born and raised.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪오늘 아버지를 바다에 묻어도‬ ‪내일 아침이면 다시‬There, even if you’ve just scattered your father's ashes in the sea,
‪그 아들이‬ ‪고깃배를 타야 하는 곳입니다‬you have to go fishing the next day because that's your livelihood.
‪생업이니까요‬you have to go fishing the next day because that's your livelihood.
‪(수교)‬ ‪김남욱 행정관‬ ‪양 대통령께서 특채로 뽑은‬Mr. Kim is a North Korean defector whom President Yang selected
‪탈북민 출신 연설 보좌관입니다‬through special employment to be a speechwriter.
‪[무진이 종이를 사락 내려놓는다]‬
‪정수정 보좌관‬Ms. Jeong.
‪부탁할 게 있어요‬I need a favor.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪(찬경)‬ ‪어떠세요? 조금만 참으세요‬ ‪[환자1의 신음]‬How do you feel? Are you okay? I will do my best to help you.
‪최선을 다해서 돕겠습니다‬Are you okay? I will do my best to help you.
‪선생님, 지금 상태가 어떤가요?‬Doctor, how is he?
‪(의사)‬ ‪출혈이 심합니다‬He's losing a lot of blood.
‪[찬경의 걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪저희가 최선을 다해서 돕겠습니다‬ ‪죄송합니다‬We'll do our best to help you. I'm so sorry.
‪(보좌관)‬ ‪저, 대표님‬Ms. Yun. About the press interview,
‪언론사 인터뷰‬ ‪사진 촬영부터 하시겠어요?‬Ms. Yun. About the press interview, would you like to do the photo shoot first or the interview?
‪인터뷰부터 하시겠어요?‬would you like to do the photo shoot first or the interview?
‪기자들 기다리고 있는데요‬The reporters are waiting.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪병원에서 나가면‬ ‪바로 핸드폰을 켤 거야‬I’m going to turn on my phone as soon as I leave the hospital.
‪그때 신문, 방송, 인터넷 뉴스에‬If I see a single picture of me here
‪여기 내 얼굴이 하나라도 나오면‬on TV, online, or in any paper,
‪당신 해고야‬you're fired.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪어떻게, 너무 고통스러워하시는데‬Oh, no. It must hurt a lot... Stop making them stand here.
‪더 벌세우지 말고 데리고 가서‬ ‪국수 한 그릇씩 사 먹여들 보내‬Stop making them stand here. Feed them and send them back.
‪[찬경이 의료진들에게 말한다]‬ ‪요 앞 포장마차, 거기 카드 안 되더라‬-Can I help? -The tent bar doesn't take credit cards.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪어머나, 좀만 참으세요‬Are you okay? Oh, my.
‪- (간호사) 잠시만요‬ ‪- (찬경) 네‬ ‪[보좌관의 한숨]‬Oh, my. Yes.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪곧 괜찮아지실 겁니다‬You will be okay soon.
‪딴에는 한다고 한 겁니다‬She was trying her best.
‪대표님 기사 한 줄이라도‬ ‪더 내보내려고‬She wanted to get you more coverage
‪국회 앞에 있던 기자들을‬ ‪다 불러 모은 모양이에요‬and brought all the reporters who were by the National Assembly Building.
‪내가 보이콧한‬ ‪대통령 국회 연설에서‬There was a bombing during the president's speech
‪폭탄 테러가 발생했어요‬at the National Assembly that I was boycotting.
‪그것만으로도 난 도덕적 책임에서‬ ‪자유로울 수 없을 거예요‬That alone stops me from being free of any moral responsibility.
‪그런데 응급실이 모자라서‬ ‪로비에 누운 환자들 앞으로‬The injured are in the lobby because the ER is full. How could she bring cameras here?
‪카메라를 들고 나타나요?‬because the ER is full. How could she bring cameras here?
‪사람들 눈에 곱게 보이겠어요?‬Do you think people would view me favorably?
‪'참사 현장에‬ ‪가장 먼저 나타난 정치인이다'‬I'm sure she just wanted to show people that you’re the first politician to rush to the scene.
‪알리고 싶었겠죠‬that you’re the first politician to rush to the scene.
‪카메라가 방송국에만 있는 세상‬ ‪아니잖아요?‬TV stations aren't the only ones with cameras anymore.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Come over here. Please come help.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪어디가 가장 불편하세요?‬Where does it hurt the most? #YUN CHAN-GYEONG
‪어디가 가장 아프세요?‬ ‪머리를 굉장히 다치신 것 같은데‬Where does it hurt the most? It looks like you hurt your head badly.
‪여기 좀 봐 주세요!‬Could you come over here?
‪(간호사)‬ ‪예, 잠시만요‬ ‪[환자2의 기침]‬Just one second.
‪[간호사의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(보호자)‬ ‪어떡해‬Are you okay?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪(찬경)‬ ‪의사 선생님 불러 줘요, 네, 네‬Could you call a doctor?
‪[찬경이 간호사에게 부탁한다]‬ ‪여보세요?‬-Please hurry... -Hello?
‪- 청와대로 가죠‬ ‪- (운전기사) 네‬To the Blue House. Yes, ma'am.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪기다리시게 해서 정말 죄송합니다‬I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪괜찮습니다‬ ‪지금은 비상시국이니까요‬It’s okay. We're in a time of emergency.
‪(주승)‬ ‪아, 예, 앉으시죠‬It’s okay. We're in a time of emergency. Please have a seat.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪주한 일본 대사가‬ ‪긴급 초치됐다고요?‬So the Japanese ambassador was summoned?
‪한미 연합 사령관도‬ ‪함께 들어와 있다고 들었습니다‬I heard that the commander of the Combined Forces Command was here too.
‪무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는 거죠‬ ‪한 실장님?‬What’s going on, Secretary Han?
‪누굽니까?‬Who told you?
‪기자단입니까‬ ‪아니면 우리 청와대 스태프입니까?‬Was it the reporters? Or a Blue House staff member?
‪그게 중요한가요?‬Does that matter?
‪이 일로 정치적 공세를‬ ‪할 생각은 없어요‬I won't use this to politically attack the president.
‪어차피 양진만 정부는‬ ‪오늘로 끝났으니까‬President Yang’s administration was terminated today anyway.
‪[어두운 음악]‬President Yang’s administration was terminated today anyway. That Sunshine Policy you people worshiped so dearly
‪당신들이 그렇게 신봉하던‬ ‪햇볕 정책과 함께‬That Sunshine Policy you people worshiped so dearly
‪- 막을 내린 거죠‬ ‪- 윤 대표님‬-also came to an end. -Ms. Yun.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪대통령도 국무총리도‬Korea has no president, prime minister,
‪국회 의장도 없는 대한민국에서‬or a speaker of the National Assembly right now.
‪난 단지 야당 대표가 아니에요‬I’m not just an opposition party leader. I’m a representative
‪국회, 아니‬I’m not just an opposition party leader. I’m a representative
‪국민의 대표자예요‬of the National Assembly. No, the citizens.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪이런 국가 안보 위기 상황에서‬ ‪내가 배제된다는 건 말이 안 되죠‬I can’t be excluded in such a situation involving national security.
‪책임을 나눠 갖겠다는 뜻이에요‬I’m saying I’ll share the responsibility.
‪우리 야당과‬I’m suggesting a coalition with our party.
‪연정을 제안하는 겁니다‬I’m suggesting a coalition with our party.
‪이제 그만‬ ‪수건을 던지란 말로 들립니다‬It sounds like you’re telling us to throw in the towel.
‪감사합니다‬ ‪긴말 안 하게 해 주셔서‬Thank you for understanding so quickly.
‪대통령께서 유고시라고는 하나‬Although our president is gone,
‪권한 대행이 있고‬we have our acting president,
‪다음 대선이 있기 전까지‬and until the next election,
‪아직은 양진만 정부입니다‬this is still the Yang Jin-man administration.
‪(주승)‬ ‪국가 안보의 책임은 우리한테 있습니다‬We’re responsible for this nation’s security.
‪우리는 그 책임을 다할 생각입니다‬And we’re going to carry out our responsibilities to the fullest.
‪3월인데‬It’s March.
‪아직 밤이 길어요‬The nights are still long.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪만에 하나‬If it turns out to be true
‪북한 잠수함 침투가‬ ‪사실로 드러난다면‬that the North Korean submarine has moved south,
‪아마 우리 국민들‬I'm sure the people
‪권한 대행 임기 60일을‬ ‪기다려 주지 않을 거예요‬will not wait out the 60-day term of the acting president.
‪정치 경력도 없고‬Would they entrust their lives and property
‪안보라곤 군필 경력이 다인‬ ‪권한 대행에게‬with the acting president, who has no experience in politics
‪자신의 재산과 생명을‬ ‪맡길 수 있을까요?‬or with national security other than his military service?
‪이런 준전시 상태에서?‬In a quasi-state of war like now?
‪실장님께는‬It’ll be
‪특히나 긴 밤이 되시겠네요‬an especially long night for you.
‪말씀하신 동해안‬ ‪해양 생태계 자료예요‬Here's the data on the marine ecosystem on the eastern coast.
‪(수정)‬ ‪동해상에서 리튬에 중독된‬ ‪어패류가 발견됐어요‬We found fish with lithium poisoning in the East Sea.
‪그 보고가 우리 환경부로 들어온 건‬ ‪3월 2일‬The report came into our ministry on March 2nd.
‪잠수함이 사라진 다음이에요‬That's after the submarine disappeared.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬That's after the submarine disappeared.
‪리튬, 리튬...‬Lithium... Lithium...
‪(무진)‬ ‪씁, 리튬이라면‬Lithium...
‪배터리‬Lithium Batteries.
‪북한 잠수함 동력원이에요‬ ‪리튬 배터리‬It’s the North Korean submarine’s power source.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[무진의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪사라진 고깃배‬The vanished fishing boats,
‪리튬 중독 어패류‬fish with lithium poisoning, the lithium-battery-powered sub.
‪리튬 배터리 잠수함‬fish with lithium poisoning, the lithium-battery-powered sub.
‪이게 다 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어요?‬Do you get what this all means?
‪정수정 보좌관?‬Ms. Jeong?
‪[무진의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪잠시만요‬Please excuse me.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪중국 쪽 정보 라인은?‬What about the intelligence in China?
‪(영진)‬ ‪아, 최근에 정보 라인이‬ ‪물갈이가 되는 바람에‬They had a mass replacement recently.
‪쉽지가 않아 보입니다‬So it'll be a bit difficult.
‪(주승)‬ ‪남은 시간은?‬How much time do we have?
‪브라운 사령관은 해 뜨기 전까지‬ ‪데프콘 2 발령하길 원하고 있습니다‬Commander Brown wants us to declare DEFCON 2 before sunrise.
‪[주승과 영진의 한숨]‬
‪(영진)‬ ‪저, 데프콘 2‬Do you plan
‪승인하실 생각이십니까?‬to consent to DEFCON 2?
‪(대한)‬ ‪아...‬
‪잠수함, 침투가 아니라 침몰이라면‬ ‪어떻게 되는 겁니까?‬What happens if the submarine sank and didn't infiltrate our waters?
‪[무진의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪잠수함이 함체 결함으로‬ ‪우리 영해를 표류 중이라면‬What if the submarine is drifting in our waters due to defects?
‪(주승)‬ ‪아이, 사실입니까?‬What if the submarine is drifting in our waters due to defects? Is that true?
‪출처가 어디입니까, 그 정보?‬What’s the source of that information?
‪아직은 가설입니다‬ ‪몇 가지 확인 절차가 필요한‬It's still just a theory. I’ll need to check a few things.
‪(주승)‬ ‪그래서‬So,
‪지금 확인도 안 된‬ ‪불확실한 사실에다가‬you’re saying you’ll risk the people’s lives and safety
‪우리 국민의 생명과 안전을‬ ‪걸겠다는 겁니까, 박 대행?‬on something uncertain that hasn’t even been confirmed?
‪(무진)‬ ‪2월 24일 신포항을 출발했습니다‬It left Shinpo Base on February 24th.
‪평균 속도 15노트를 유지해 왔다면‬ ‪9일이 경과된 지금쯤‬If it maintained an average speed of 15 knots per hour, since it’s been nine days,
‪우리 영해 어딘가에 있을 겁니다‬ ‪아마도 여기쯤‬it would be somewhere in our waters. Probably around here.
‪마지막으로 해수면 위로‬ ‪부상했을 때 찍힌‬The last satellite photo of it above water
‪위성 사진 속 시간은 3월 2일‬ ‪[무진이 펜으로 쓱쓱 쓴다]‬was on March 2nd.
‪따라서 69시간 동안‬ ‪잠수함의 산소 보유량은...‬So the oxygen inside the submarine after 69 hours is--
‪(주승)‬ ‪그만‬Stop.
‪이번에도 데이터니‬If you’re going to talk
‪과학자의 양심을 말할 생각이라면‬ ‪그만두세요‬about stuff like data and the ethics of scientists, stop.
‪여긴 박 대행이 있던 학교도‬This isn’t the school or lab
‪연구실도 아니니까‬where you were before.
‪[주승의 지친 신음]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪가족이 기다립니다‬Their families are waiting.
‪잠수함 승조원들‬ ‪가족들이 기다릴 겁니다‬The submarine crew’s families must be waiting for them.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪아침에 집을 나갈 때 그 길로‬ ‪이렇게 마지막이 될 거라곤‬None of them would’ve imagined
‪누구도 상상하지 못했을 테니까‬that the day they left home would be the last.
‪승조원들 구할 수 있는‬ ‪골든 타임이 얼마 남지 않았습니다‬The window of time to save the crew is almost up.
‪잠수함 내 산소 보유량으로‬ ‪버틸 수 있는 69시간이‬They have 69 hours to breathe with the oxygen inside the submarine,
‪얼마 남지 않았으니까‬and it’s almost over.
‪(주승)‬ ‪하나 묻죠‬ ‪[주승의 한숨]‬Let me ask you one thing.
‪침몰이 아니라‬What if
‪침투가 맞다면‬it didn't sink
‪어떡할까요?‬and did infiltrate our waters?
‪5천만 우리 국민의‬ ‪안전을 위협하는‬they’re just our enemies that could threaten
‪적군일 뿐입니다‬the safety of five million people.
‪아닌가요?‬Am I wrong?
‪[주승이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪데프콘 2‬Give consent
‪승인하세요, 박 대행‬to declare DEFCON 2.
‪- 하지만 실장님‬ ‪- (주승) 약속을 했을 텐데요, 박 대행‬-But, Mr. Han-- -You promised
‪(주승)‬ ‪여기서 일어나는 모든 일은‬to let me and the Blue House staff
‪나와 우리 청와대 스태프에게‬ ‪일임하기로‬take care of everything that happens here.
‪불확실한 도박에‬will not gamble
‪이 나라 안보를 걸지 않을 겁니다‬with this nation's security.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[영어]‬ ‪권한 대행은 아직입니까?‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪비서실장님 말씀대로‬ ‪따르실 생각이세요?‬Are you planning to do what Secretary Han said?
‪[무진의 한숨]‬
‪선택의 여지가 없으니까‬I have no choice.
‪대행님께서는‬Didn't you think the submarine sank?
‪잠수함이 침몰했다고‬ ‪생각하시는 줄 알았는데요‬Didn't you think the submarine sank?
‪아직은 단지‬For now,
‪검증되지 않은 가설일 뿐이에요‬ ‪데이터 가치가 없는‬it's just a hypothesis that hasn't been proved yet. It is not data.
‪[수정의 한숨]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪아이...‬No, I'll do it.
‪제가...‬No, I'll do it.
‪(수교)‬ ‪아, 익숙해지십시오‬You should get used to it.
‪의전입니다‬It's protocol.
‪(무진)‬ ‪좀 부담스러워서요‬It's a bit too much.
‪(수교)‬ ‪아...‬
‪예‬Of course.
‪(무진)‬ ‪예‬Thank you.
‪(수교)‬ ‪어, 저...‬I was told
‪의전은‬a protocol administrator is like a traffic light.
‪신호등 같은 거라고 합니다‬a protocol administrator is like a traffic light.
‪여전히 대한민국은‬"The Republic of Korea
‪건재하다‬is still doing well.
‪누구도 함부로 해서는 안 된다‬no one can mistreat us."
‪대행님을 통해서‬I must have wanted
‪그런 신호를‬ ‪보내고 싶었나 봅니다, 제가‬to send out that signal through you, Mr. President.
‪어, 부담스러우셨다면‬I apologize
‪죄송합니다‬if I made you uncomfortable.
‪좋은 말이네요‬That's a good expression,
‪'의전은 신호등이다'‬that a protocol administrator is like a traffic light.
‪저희 의전 비서관님께서‬The chief secretary of Presidential Protocol
‪늘 그렇게 말씀하셨습니다‬always said that.
‪오늘 제가 뵌 분인가요?‬Did I meet him today?
‪[수교가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪대통령님을 수행하셨습니다‬He was accompanying the president
‪오늘 국회에서‬at the National Assembly today.
‪판문점에 가 보고 싶었던‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬He went instead of me...
‪저를 대신해서‬because I wanted to go to Panmunjom.
‪[수교의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪우린 오늘‬Today,
‪우연히 살아남아‬we are standing here
‪이 자리에 있네요‬because we survived by chance.
‪[성준이 말한다]‬
‪[즐겁게 대화한다]‬Because it's old.
‪- (호전) 수석님‬ ‪- (성준) 아, 예‬Secretary Choi.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪[사람들이 흐느낀다]‬ ‪[프로펠러 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(여자1)‬ ‪[오열하며]‬ ‪엄마하고 집에 가자!‬-No... -No, please.
‪민지야, 엄마하고 집에 가자‬How could you leave us like this?
‪우리 딸 좀 살려 주세요‬How could you leave us like this? COME BACK ALIVE
‪(여자2)‬ ‪우리 윤희 좀 돌려주세요‬Please send him back to us. No. Please don't go.
‪[사람들이 오열한다]‬No. Please don't go.
‪(부대원3)‬ ‪[크게]‬ ‪거기 누구 계십니까?‬Is anyone there?
‪(부대원4)‬ ‪[큰 목소리로]‬ ‪제 목소리 들리십니까?‬Do you hear me? Please answer me!
‪대답 좀 해 주세요!‬Do you hear me? Please answer me!
‪생존자 계십니까?‬Are there any survivors?
‪(부대원3)‬ ‪누구 없어요?‬Anyone?
‪(부대원4)‬ ‪제 목소리 들리십니까?‬Do you hear me?
‪(경찰청 차장)‬ ‪얼마나 된다고 생각하나?‬What do you think the possibility is?
‪이런 상황 속에서‬ ‪생존자가 있을 확률이나 통계‬For there to be survivors in this situation. Do you have statistics
‪뭐, 외국 사례라든가‬or examples from other countries?
‪제가 믿고 싶은 건‬What I want to believe in isn't probabilities,
‪확률이 아닙니다‬What I want to believe in isn't probabilities,
‪기적이지‬but a miracle.
‪국정원장께서도‬ ‪사망자 명단에 계시다고?‬I heard the NIS director was on the list of the deceased.
‪[경찰청 차장의 한숨]‬
‪사람 일 알 수가 없네‬Life is so unpredictable.
‪평상시 대통령 시정 연설이었어 봐‬If it were a normal administrative speech by the president,
‪국정원장이 참석할 이유가 없지‬the NIS Director would have no reason to be there.
‪남북 평화 협정 주무 부처라‬ ‪참석하는 걸로‬He decided only yesterday morning to attend
‪어제 아침에‬ ‪일정이 바뀐 모양이던데‬because it was regarding the Inter-Korean Peace Agreement.
‪부탁 하나 하자‬I need to ask for a favor.
‪(지원)‬ ‪그런 건 부탁이 아니죠‬That isn't a favor.
‪부정행위 공모라고 하는 겁니다!‬It's an illegal act.
‪그러니까 김준오 요원이‬So, you're asking me
‪국회 의사당에 가기 전까지‬ ‪만난 사람, 통화 내역‬to pull up the list of people Agent Kim met and called
‪그간의 업무 내역을‬ ‪조회해 달라는 거잖아요? 풀 옵션으로‬before going to the National Assembly Building and the work he was doing.
‪이걸 네 글자로‬ ‪뭐라고 하는 줄 아세요?‬Do you know what they call it in two words?
‪불법 사찰‬Illegal surveillance.
‪지금이 어느 시대인데‬What century do you live in?
‪전 유행 지난 건‬ ‪절대 안 하거든요, 선배‬I don't do anything that's out of trend.
‪김준오‬Kim Jun-o is an agent with Espionage Team Two.
‪방첩 2과 요원이야‬Kim Jun-o is an agent with Espionage Team Two.
‪국회 의사당에‬ ‪대통령 시정 연설에 참석할‬He has no reason to attend the State of the Nation Address.
‪아무런 이유가 없어‬He has no reason to attend the State of the Nation Address.
‪그런데도 그 시간에 맞춰‬ ‪평소랑 달리‬But he was there right at that time,
‪차량이 아닌‬ ‪지하철을 이용해서 움직였어‬and took the subway instead of driving as usual,
‪그것도 혼자서‬and took the subway instead of driving as usual, and he was alone.
‪난 그 이유가 궁금한 거야‬I just want to know the reason.
‪(한모)‬ ‪나도 그 이유가 궁금하다‬I want to know the reason too.
‪네가 왜 나 몰래‬ ‪단독 보고 라인을 갖고 있는 건지‬Why you are reporting to people directly without my knowing?
‪한나경‬Na-gyeong, when matters are as pressing as this,
‪[나경의 헛기침]‬ ‪현장 상황이 이렇게 다급할수록‬Na-gyeong, when matters are as pressing as this,
‪채널은 일원화되는 게 좋아요‬it's better to unify the channels.
‪네가 나 건너뛰고‬ ‪윗선에 먼저 현장 상황을 보고하면‬If you report to my superiors without going through me--
‪안 그래도 지금 보고하려고 했어요‬I was just going to tell you.
‪아, 그래?‬Is that so? Then go ahead and tell me.
‪그래, 그럼 뭐‬ ‪보고 한번 해 봐, 어‬Is that so? Then go ahead and tell me.
‪북한 동향이 좀 이상해요‬North Korea is acting weird.
‪그게 보고거리가 돼?‬What's new about that?
‪동쪽에서 해 뜬다고‬ ‪보고하니, 지금, 어?‬Are you telling me the sun rises in the east?
‪아, 북한이야 늘 이상하지‬They are always acting weird.
‪봐 봐, 이게 지금 정상인가‬Look at this. Is this normal?
‪너무 조용해요‬They're too quiet.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪전쟁이든 테러든‬They are way too quiet
‪북한의 도발이라고 보기엔‬ ‪지나치게 조용해요‬to assume North Korea did this to provoke us.
‪[한모의 한숨]‬ ‪(나경)‬ ‪해외 공관들‬None of the diplomats in other countries had their families
‪그 누구도 가족들을 대피시키거나‬ ‪본국으로 돌려보내지 않았어요‬None of the diplomats in other countries had their families take shelter or return to their home country.
‪중국 국경 지역에서‬ ‪더 경계를 강화했다거나‬Security hasn't been heightened at the border of China,
‪그 어떤 특이 사항도‬ ‪포착되지 않았고요‬ ‪[한모의 한숨]‬nor were any unusual activities detected.
‪네가 한 말이다, 어?‬ ‪현장에서 발견된 폭탄‬You're the one that said the bomb found at the site was made in North Korea.
‪- 북한산이라고‬ ‪- 불발탄이었죠‬the bomb found at the site was made in North Korea. It was a dud.
‪만약 누군가‬What if someone orchestrated it to make us...
‪우리가 북한을 의심하도록‬What if someone orchestrated it to make us...
‪일부러 설계한 거라면요?‬suspect North Korea?
‪[한모가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪그게 누군데?‬Who would do that?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사2)‬ ‪데프콘 2로 격상‬ ‪승인해 주시겠습니까?‬Do you approve of DEFCON 2?
‪그다음엔 어떻게 되는 겁니까?‬What happens after that?
‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사2)‬ ‪'블러디 노즈', 워싱턴의 선택입니다‬
‪(관묵)‬ ‪이른바 코피 전략이라는 겁니다‬NORTH KOREA'S MAIN NUCLEAR FACILITIES It's called the Bloody Nose Strategy.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬ ‪아군의 막강한 군사적 우위를‬It is a restricted and precise preemptive strike
‪상대에게 위협적으로‬ ‪보여 주기 위한‬It is a restricted and precise preemptive strike
‪제한적이고 정밀한‬to display superior military strength
‪선제타격‬and intimidate them.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[영어]‬ ‪권한 대행님‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪대한민국 국군 통수권자로‬As commander-in-chief of the ROK military...
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪- 대행님‬ ‪- (무진) 이상해서요‬-Sir? -It's strange.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪잠수함이 남하를 했어요‬ ‪그런데 우리 측 해상 방어가 아니라‬The submarine moved south, but instead of defending our seas,
‪북한의 핵 시설을‬ ‪먼저 타격하네요?‬we're hitting North Korea's nuclear facilities first?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪다시는 북한이 도발하지 못하도록‬We're incapacitating their nuclear facilities,
‪핵 시설을 무력화하는 겁니다‬so North Korea cannot provoke us again.
‪군사적 옵션의 하나입니다‬It's just one of the options.
‪남측엔 아무런 영향이 없을 겁니다‬ ‪박 대행‬It won't affect the South.
‪(관묵)‬ ‪합리적인 판단이라는 걸‬ ‪할 수 있다면‬If they are capable of thinking reasonably,
‪미국을 상대로 감히‬they won't start a full-scale war
‪전면전을 감행할 수는 없을 테니까‬against the US.
‪그러니까 이 전략은‬So, you're saying
‪북한이 합리적이고‬ ‪이성적인 존재라는‬this will only be successful under the assumption
‪가정하에서만‬ ‪성공할 수 있다는 얘기군요‬that North Korea is reasonable and rational.
‪합참 의장님께 북한은‬Does North Korea seem like such a country
‪그런 나라인가요?‬to you, General Lee?
‪(미군 사령관)‬ ‪[영어]‬ ‪북한이 합리적이든 아니든‬
‪중요한 건 북한군 잠수함이 지금‬ ‪대한민국 영해에 있다는 겁니다‬
‪데프콘 2로 격상, 승인해야 합니다‬
‪(통역사2)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪데프콘 2로 격상, 승인하세요‬Approve to increase to DEFCON 2.
‪북한군 잠수함‬The North Korean submarine
‪우리 영해를 침투한 게‬ ‪아닐 수도 있습니다‬may not have infiltrated our waters.
‪- 박 대행‬ ‪- (무진) 잠수함 이동 경로마다‬-Wait-- -We learned that the
‪(무진)‬ ‪해양 생태계가 리튬으로 오염됐다는 걸‬ ‪발견했습니다‬marine ecosystem along the submarine routes has been polluted by lithium.
‪리튬 배터리 결함으로 표류하다‬ ‪남하했을 가능성이 아주 높습니다‬It is highly likely they drifted south due to faulty batteries.
‪[주승의 한숨]‬
‪입증할 수 있습니까?‬Can you prove that?
‪(희정)‬ ‪아니, 그걸 누가 입증할 수 있습니까?‬How could anyone prove that?
‪위성 사진에도 안 잡히고‬How would you prove it
‪음파 탐지기에도 안 잡히는 걸‬ ‪무슨 수로?‬when it isn't caught on satellites or sonars?
‪북한 당국이 인정하지 않는 한‬ ‪절대 입증할 수 없을 겁니다‬Unless North Korea admits it, we won't be able to prove it.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪(무진)‬ ‪그럼 방법이 없네요‬Then we have no choice.
‪북한이 입증해 주는 수밖에‬North Korea will have to confirm it.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[테이블을 쾅 친다]‬
‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사2)‬ ‪지금 워싱턴의 선택에‬ ‪반기를 든 겁니다‬You're defying Washington.
‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사2)‬ ‪확실치 않은 추측만으로‬ ‪한미 동맹을 위태롭게 만들었습니다‬You have put the Korean-US alliance at risk because of a guess.
‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪(통역사2)‬ ‪이 사실을 워싱턴에 보고할‬ ‪의무가 있습니다‬It's my duty to report...
‪[미군 사령관이 영어로 말한다]‬
‪그 후 상황은 레이놀즈 대통령‬ ‪의견을 따를 것입니다‬We will abide by President Reynold's decision.
‪[영어]‬ ‪잠시만요, 사령관님‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪똑똑히 전하게‬Tell him this.
‪단 한마디도 빼놓지 말고‬Don't leave a single word out.
‪박무진 권한 대행은‬The acting president
‪대한민국 국군 통수권자로서‬ ‪마땅한 의무를 다하고 있다‬is carrying out his job well as commander-in-chief of the ROK.
‪평시 작전권은 우리에게 있다‬We have operational authority in times of peace.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪이 문을 나가는 순간‬The moment you go through that door,
‪한미 동맹을 의심하는 사람은‬you'll be the only one doubting
‪사령관 당신이 되는 겁니다‬the Korea-US alliance.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪[영어]‬ ‪기회를 드리죠‬
‪(미군 사령관)‬ ‪하지만 잠수함이 침몰했다는 걸‬ ‪입증하지 못하면‬
‪그 즉시 데프콘 2를 승인하세요‬
‪그럼 그때부터 전시 작전권은‬
‪한미 연합 사령관인‬ ‪나한테 있는 겁니다‬
‪(영목)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪저, 대행님‬Sir.
‪북한은 지금 모든 대화 채널을‬ ‪중단한 상태입니다‬North Korea has shut down all communication channels.
‪오늘 내내 통신선은 물론‬You know they haven't responded
‪핫라인에도 응답하지 않은 걸‬ ‪잘 아시지 않습니까?‬to not only the communication lines, but also the hotline.
‪(수정)‬ ‪핫라인은 왜 끊은 걸까요?‬Why did they shut off the hotline
‪북한 잠수함이 침몰한 게‬ ‪사실이라면‬if the submarine really sank?
‪(남욱)‬ ‪없이 산다고‬ ‪자존심까지 없는 건 아니니까‬They may be poor, but they have self-respect.
‪북한이 지금껏‬ ‪견뎌 올 수 있었던 이유는‬North Korea has been able to last this long
‪자주국방에 대한‬ ‪높은 자부심 때문이었어요‬because of their pride in independent national defense like nuclear or war arms technology.
‪핵 기술이라든가‬ ‪군사 무기 기술 같은‬like nuclear or war arms technology.
‪[남욱이 컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[남욱의 한숨]‬
‪VIP가 가장 자랑스러워하는‬ ‪공화국의 잠수함이‬They probably don't want the whole world to know
‪기술 결함으로 침몰했다는 걸‬the submarine the VIP is most proud of sank due to a defect,
‪국제 사회에‬ ‪뭐, 널리 알리고 싶지는 않았겠죠?‬the submarine the VIP is most proud of sank due to a defect,
‪특히 남한과 미국한테는‬especially not South Korea and the US.
‪(수교)‬ ‪아휴, 그럼 방법이 없네요‬Then there is nothing we can do.
‪북한이 갑자기 자존심을 버리고‬ ‪인정할 리가 없잖아요‬North Korea won't suddenly swallow their pride and admit it.
‪(영진)‬ ‪대행님‬Sir.
‪잠수함 함 내 결함이 있다고‬ ‪하지 않으셨습니까?‬Didn't you say there was a defect in the submarine?
‪근데 왜 북측에는 암초에 걸려서‬ ‪표류 중인 걸로 전하셨습니까?‬Then why did you tell North Korea it is drifting after hitting a rock?
‪누가 그러던데요‬Someone told me...
‪없다고 자존심마저 없는 건‬ ‪아니라고‬that they may be poor, but that doesn't mean they don't have self-respect.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(관묵)‬ ‪이제‬Now,
‪북한이 핫라인으로‬do we just have to wait
‪응답할 때만‬ ‪기다리면 되는 겁니까?‬for North Korea to reply through the hotline?
‪(영목)‬ ‪'사전에 팩스나 전화로‬ ‪협의 과정을 거친 후'‬"After communicating through fax or phone, we are to reply through a direct call between the leaders within 10 minutes."
‪'10분 이내에‬ ‪정상 간 직통 전화로 회신한다'‬we are to reply through a direct call between the leaders within 10 minutes."
‪남과 북이 정한‬ ‪핫라인 운영 세칙입니다‬That's the rule of operation of the hotline set by both Koreas.
‪(관묵)‬ ‪10분 안에 회신이 오지 않으면‬If we don't get a reply within 10 minutes,
‪북한은 남측과 대화할 의지가‬we can assume North Korea has no intention
‪없다고 생각해도 되겠군요‬of communicating with South Korea.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬
‪(영목)‬ ‪안 되겠어‬ ‪다른 대책이 필요할 것 같은데?‬This won't work. I think we need a different plan.
‪실장님 어디 계셔?‬Where is Secretary Han?
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪해양 구조요?‬Maritime rescue?
‪(한국 대사)‬ ‪네, 북한이 중국과 러시아에‬Yes, North Korea is asking China and Russia for a rescue team,
‪해양 구조 인양 팀을‬ ‪급히 수배하고 있다고 하는데‬Yes, North Korea is asking China and Russia for a rescue team,
‪여의치 않은 모양입니다‬but it doesn't seem to be going well.
‪(주승)‬ ‪아...‬I see.
‪그럼 잠수함이‬Then it's true
‪침몰했다는 게 사실이네요‬that the submarine sank.
‪아휴, 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[수화기를 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[희정의 헛기침]‬
‪(미군 사령관)‬ ‪[영어]‬ ‪권한 대행님‬
‪약속을 지킬 시간입니다‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[주승의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪드릴 말씀이 있습니다, 박 대행‬I have something to tell you.
‪- (무진) 예‬ ‪- 잠수함이...‬-Yes? -The submarine...
‪(영목)‬ ‪실, 실장님‬Secretary Han!
‪- 실장님‬ ‪- (영목) 실장님‬Secretary Han! Secretary Han!
‪(영진)‬ ‪경호원, 경호원!‬-He fainted. -Guards! Guards!
‪- (무진) 실장님‬ ‪- (영진) 경호원!‬Guards! Secretary Han.
‪(영목)‬ ‪정신 차려요‬Wake up.
‪[사람들이 저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(경호원)‬ ‪긴급 상황, 긴급 상황‬-Wake up, Secretary Han! -Emergency!
‪(영목)‬ ‪업혀‬Get him on my back.
‪(영진)‬ ‪조심하세요‬Secretary Han.
‪(영목)‬ ‪아유, 참‬Gosh.
‪(대한)‬ ‪구급차 대기해‬Move out of the way.
‪빨리‬Secretary Han.
‪[영어]‬ ‪더는 시간이 없습니다‬
‪데프콘 2를 승인하세요‬
‪[무진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪승인‬I...
‪합니다‬approve it.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪한반도에‬I initiate...
‪데프콘 2 발령합니다‬DEFCON 2... on the Korean Peninsula.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪(관묵)‬ ‪전군에 데프콘 2 발령한다‬DEFCON 2 has been declared for the entire military.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪전군에 데프콘 2 발령한다!‬DEFCON 2 has been declared for the entire military!
‪[경고음이 울린다]‬ ‪(직원2)‬ ‪데프콘 발령, 데프콘 발령‬DEFCON has been declared.
‪[벨이 울린다]‬ ‪(관묵)‬ ‪모든 부대‬All troops get ready for combat.
‪[경고음이 울린다]‬ ‪전투 준비 태세에 돌입한다!‬All troops get ready for combat.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪뭐라고?‬What did you say?
‪[직원2의 놀란 신음]‬
‪대행님‬Mr. President.
‪북한군이 2호 전투 준비 태세를‬ ‪발령했다고 합니다‬North Korea has issued Level 2 Combat Readiness.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(희정)‬ ‪알아‬I know.
‪일단 각 군 준비시켜 두라고‬Get them ready now.
‪워싱턴에 연락하고‬ ‪데프콘 1호로 격상합시다‬Call Washington and upgrade to DEFCON 1.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪'블러디 노즈'‬Bloody Nose.
‪코피 전략을 쓸 때입니다‬ ‪지금이 바로‬It's time for that strategy.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪[영어]‬ ‪알겠소‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪청와대입니다‬This is the Blue House.
‪대행님이 받으셔야 합니다‬Mr. President has to answer.
‪(무진)‬ ‪대통령 권한 대행‬This is Park Mu-jin,
‪박무진입니다‬the acting president.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪공화국 잠수함의 현재 위치‬Did you say you have the coordinates to the current location of our submarine?
‪좌표를 갖고 있다고 했습니까?‬Did you say you have the coordinates to the current location of our submarine?
‪2호 전투태세‬ ‪해제해 주시겠습니까?‬Will you call off Level 2 Combat Readiness?
‪그럼 잠수함 좌표를 보내겠습니다‬Level 2 Combat Readiness? Then I'll send you the submarine's coordinates.
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬ ‪정전 협정을 깬 건‬ ‪남측이 먼저입네다‬The South breached the ceasefire agreement first.
‪일본 해상 자위대를 들이고‬You called in Japan's Maritime Self-defense Force
‪미군과 합세해 전투태세를 갖춘 거‬and went into combat readiness with the US.
‪역시 우리가 아닌 남측입네다‬It was the South, not us.
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬ ‪왜 우리가 먼저‬ ‪전투태세를 해제해야 합니까?‬Why would we lift combat readiness first?
‪미국 때문입니까?‬Is it because of the US?
‪전시 작전권이 남한이 아닌‬ ‪미군에게 있기 때문에, 기래서?‬Because they have wartime authority, not the South?
‪(무진)‬ ‪그건‬It's because...
‪미국이 아니니까요‬we aren't the US.
‪우리만큼이나‬ ‪한반도의 평화를 바라는 건‬The US doesn't want peace on the Korean Peninsula
‪미국이 아니니까요‬as much as we do.
‪잠수함 승조원들‬ ‪아직 살아 있습니다‬The crew of the submarine are still alive,
‪하지만 조금만 더 지나면‬ ‪골든 타임을 놓칠 수도 있어요‬but the window of opportunity may close if you wait any longer.
‪(무진)‬ ‪국민의 생명을 지키는 건‬ ‪국가가 마땅히 해야 할 의무 아닌가요?‬Isn't it the nation's duty to save its people's lives?
‪오늘 우린‬Today,
‪그 일에 실패했습니다‬we failed to do so.
‪하지만 당신들은‬ ‪아직 기회가 있어요‬However, you still have a chance.
‪[지지직거리는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[지지직거리는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[경고음이 울린다]‬ ‪[희정의 한숨]‬
‪저, 저, 저, 저, 저, 저!‬Look!
‪(희정)‬ ‪북측 전투기들이‬ ‪군사 분계선을 향하고 있어요‬North Korean combat planes are moving!
‪거봐요, 내가 뭐라 그랬습니까?‬What did I tell you?
‪이번에도 대화를 앞세워서‬ ‪이용만 당한 겁니다!‬They used this conversation to take advantage of us!
‪시간을 벌어 준 거라고‬ ‪공격할 시간을, 북쪽에다!‬We gave North Korea time to attack us!
‪(영목)‬ ‪아닙니다, 아니에요‬No, we didn't.
‪전투기들이 회항하고 있습니다‬The combat planes are turning around.
‪군사 분계선으로 내려오던‬ ‪북한군 전투기들이‬The fighter jets heading toward the MDL
‪방향을 돌려 돌아가고 있습니다!‬turned around and are going back!
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪그래, 알았다‬Okay, good. The North
‪(윤배)‬ ‪북한이 2호 전투태세를‬Okay, good. The North has lifted its combat readiness.
‪해제했답니다‬has lifted its combat readiness.
‪(영목)‬ ‪대행님, 저, 그럼...‬President Park... Please.
‪- (영목) 좌표‬ ‪- (무진) 예‬President Park... Please. Right, of course.
‪북한군 잠수함 표류 지점‬ ‪좌표입니다‬These are the coordinates to where the submarine drifted.
‪[팩스 조작음]‬
‪[팩스 작동음]‬
‪- 대행님‬ ‪- (무진) 네?‬Sir.
‪데프콘 4‬Please lower our state to DEFCON 4.
‪격하시키세요‬Please lower our state to DEFCON 4.
‪[무진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪데프콘 4로 격하합니다‬We are now at DEFCON 4.
‪이제 사령관님께서‬ ‪약속을 지켜 주실 차례입니다‬It's time to keep your promise.
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪사와기리함을‬Will you remove the Sawagiri fleet from Korean waters?
‪우리 영해에서‬ ‪데리고 나가 주시겠습니까?‬Will you remove the Sawagiri fleet from Korean waters?
‪[통역사2가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪[영어]‬ ‪그러죠‬
‪[무진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪다리에 쥐가 나서...‬It's just a cramp.
‪[프로펠러 소리가 들린다]‬PEACE AND PROSPERITY
‪(나경)‬ ‪NDFC로 이관하는 건가요?‬Is it being sent to NDFC?
‪(경찰2)‬ ‪네, 폭파 당시 사진이나 영상이야‬ ‪있다면 좋겠지만‬A photo or video of the explosion would help, but I doubt there’s any. Still, you never know.
‪그건 어렵겠고‬but I doubt there’s any. Still, you never know.
‪또 모르죠‬but I doubt there’s any. Still, you never know.
‪디지털 자료 속에서‬ ‪혹시 단서를 찾을 수도 있으니까‬They could find a lead in one of these devices.
‪포렌식으로 얼마나‬ ‪살려 낼 수 있을지는 모르지만‬I don't know how much forensics can recover, but still.
‪희생자 가족들은 다 동의했나요?‬Do we have consent from all the victims' families?
‪간혹 아직 생사가 확인되지 않은‬ ‪실종자들 핸드폰이 있어서‬There are some from missing persons who haven't been confirmed dead or alive.
‪[경찰2가 휴대전화를 정리한다]‬
‪여긴 제가 정리해서‬ ‪NDFC로 이관하는 걸로 하죠‬I'll wrap up things here and send the evidence to NDFC.
‪(나경)‬ ‪가서 아침이라도 드시고 오세요‬You should grab some breakfast.
‪그럼 그럴까요?‬Are you sure?
‪(경찰2)‬ ‪가자, 다녀오겠습니다‬Let's go then. We'll see you later.
‪[통화 연결음]‬CALLING JUN-O
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[나경의 떨리는 숨소리]‬NA-GYEONG
‪[애잔한 음악]‬NA-GYEONG
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(나경)‬Wait, 880717.
‪(준오)‬ ‪♪ 사랑하는 나경이 ♪‬Happy birthday, dear Na-gyeong
‪♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬Happy birthday to you
‪[준오와 나경의 박수]‬Happy birthday to you
‪(나경)‬Then, 121225.
‪"메리 크리스마스"‬
‪[나경의 한숨]‬
‪[무전기에서 음성이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(나경)‬Okay, 190330.
‪(준오)‬ ‪짜자잔‬Ta-da.
‪(준오)‬ ‪122937, 한나경!‬Hey, 122937 Han Na-gyeong!
‪(나경)‬Right, 122937.
‪[나경의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[부스럭거리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪- (한모) 확인하고 올게‬ ‪- (직원3) 예, 예‬Right.
‪[프로펠러 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[휴대전화가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[휴대전화가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪(영목)‬ ‪결국 이렇게 병원에를 오셨네‬You finally ended up in a hospital.
‪(주승)‬ ‪응‬Right.
‪(영목)‬ ‪다행인지 불행인지 좀 놀라긴 했지만‬I don't know whether to be relieved or worried,
‪골든 타임 안에 응급 처치를 해서‬but you were treated in time,
‪뇌경색까지는 안 간 모양이에요‬which prevented a cerebral infarction.
‪(영진)‬ ‪이번 기회에 좀‬You should take this opportunity to rest for a few days.
‪단 며칠이라도 쉬다가 퇴원하세요‬You should take this opportunity to rest for a few days.
‪과로, 스트레스 피하라고 하던데‬The doctor said to avoid exhaustion and stress.
‪청와대에서 그게 되시겠어요?‬It won't be possible at the Blue House.
‪(주승)‬ ‪눈감기 전에 그게 되겠나?‬No, it won't be possible until I die.
‪(영목)‬ ‪왜요, 뭐 하시게요?‬Why? What now?
‪실장님‬ ‪[한숨]‬Secretary Han.
‪연락해, 박 대행‬Call President Park.
‪내가 좀 봐야겠어‬I need to see him.
‪[주승의 한숨]‬
‪다행히 잠수함이 침몰했다는‬ ‪박 대행의 가설이‬Thankfully, your theory of the submarine sinking
‪맞았군요‬was right.
‪감사했습니다‬Thank you.
‪브라운 벨 사령관 앞에서‬I never expected you
‪제 의견에 손을 들어 주실 거라고‬ ‪생각 못 했습니다‬to take my side in front of Commander Bell.
‪그럼‬Well, a greenhorn in politics who has mostly worked
‪외교라고는 아무것도 모르는‬Well, a greenhorn in politics who has mostly worked
‪이 연구실의 백면서생이‬in academia his whole life
‪한미 동맹을‬ ‪위험에 빠뜨릴지도 모르는데‬was about to compromise the alliance between South Korea and the US.
‪내가 보고만 있어야 되는 겁니까?‬I couldn't just sit back and watch that happen.
‪(주승)‬ ‪오늘 이 벙커 룸에서‬ ‪가장 위험한 사람은‬The person in the most danger today inside the bunker
‪브라운 사령관도 합참 의장도 아닌‬wasn’t Commander Bell or Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lee.
‪박무진‬Acting President
‪권한 대행‬Park Mu-jin.
‪당신이었어‬It was you.
‪만에 하나 북한이 핫라인 전화를‬ ‪끝까지 거부했다면‬What if North Korea kept refusing to answer the hotline?
‪어떻게 할 생각이었습니까?‬What were you going to do?
‪무슨 일이 일어날지‬Did you even think
‪상상이라도 해 보셨습니까?‬of what could have happened?
‪이 자린 어쩌다 한 번의 개인기로‬ ‪세상을 구하는‬That position doesn’t require someone who will be a hero
‪영웅이 필요한 자리가 아닙니다‬That position doesn’t require someone who will be a hero and save the world by some fluke.
‪행운이 늘‬Do not assume
‪당신 편이라고 생각하지 말아요‬that luck is always on your side.
‪운이 따라 준 건‬Today's the last day
‪오늘이 마지막이었을 테니까‬that luck will be on your side.
‪[무진의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[팩스 작동음]‬
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬has successfully rescued the entire crew of the submarine.
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬The entire crew of 28 members have been safely returned to their families.
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬As a fellow compatriot, I send my deepest condolences
‪(북한 국무 위원장)‬for your devastating tragedy.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(강연)‬ ‪우리 시진이 깨어났어‬ ‪검사 결과도 깨끗하대‬Si-jin's awake! Her test results came back clean too.
‪당신 걱정 말라고‬ ‪[무진의 안도하는 숨소리]‬You don't have to worry now.
‪(시진)‬ ‪아빠‬Daddy.
‪어, 시진이니?‬Hey, Si-jin, is that you?
‪(시진)‬ ‪아빠가 내 머리 끈 갖고 있어?‬Daddy, do you have my hair tie?
‪[무진이 울먹인다]‬ ‪아빠, 왜 대답을 안 해?‬Daddy? Why aren't you answering me?
‪(시진)‬ ‪아빠‬Daddy?
‪아빠, 보고 싶어‬Daddy, I miss you.
‪어‬Okay, my baby...
‪어, 우리 아기‬Okay, my baby...
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(수교)‬ ‪대행님‬Sir?
‪(무진)‬ ‪네?‬This...
‪아...‬Oh, right.
‪그게 더 나아 보여서요‬It's a better look.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪예‬Of course.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪존경하는 국민 여러분‬ ‪안녕하십니까‬My fellow Koreans, hello.
‪대통령 권한 대행‬I am Acting President
‪박무진입니다‬Park Mu-jin.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪권력 의지가 없는 게 아니라‬It's not that he never wanted power.
‪기회가 없었던 거야, 박 대행‬President Park just never had a chance.
‪(영진)‬ ‪말 한마디면 세상이 움직이는 걸‬ ‪목격한 다음에도 대행님이‬Will you be the same even after you witness
‪지금하고 똑같을까요?‬the world shifting by your word?
‪권력이라고 하셨습니까?‬Power, you say?
‪(무진)‬ ‪저하고는 관계없는 말인데요‬That has nothing to do with me.
‪(나경)‬ ‪테러범들‬ ‪[남자의 신음]‬The bombers
‪건물 내 인터넷 연결선을 이용해‬ ‪폭탄을 터트렸어요‬detonated the bombs using the building's internet cable lines.
‪(세영)‬ ‪보길 모현 지구에서‬ ‪폭력 사태가 발생했습니다‬There has been an act of violence in the Bogil district.
‪전 이 자리에서‬ ‪시민의 책무를 다하고‬I plan on fulfilling my civic responsibility
‪(무진)‬ ‪60일 뒤엔‬ ‪다시 학교로 돌아갈 생각입니다‬and returning to academia after 60 days.

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