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  60일, 지정생존자 5

Designated Survivor: 60 Days 5


(신영)‬ ‪국회 의사당 참사 당일 아침‬On the morning of the National Assembly Building tragedy,
‪양진만 대통령에게 환경부 장관직에서‬ ‪해임되셨다고 들었습니다‬I heard you were relieved of your post as Minister of Environment by the late President Yang.
‪사실인가요?‬Is that true?
‪만약 해임이 사실이라면‬If this is true,
‪우리 국민들이 박무진 권한 대행을‬will the people of our nation be able to accept you
‪행정부의 수반으로‬ ‪인정할 수 있을까요?‬as the head of administration?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(남욱)‬ ‪대행님 설마...‬Did Mr. President...
‪알고 있었어요, 정수정 행정관?‬Ms. Jeong, did he know?
‪달라질 건 없어요‬It won't change anything.
‪권한 대행 자리는‬ ‪적법한 절차에 따른 거니까‬He was duly appointed Acting President.
‪(영진)‬ ‪실정법보다 더 무서운 게‬ ‪국민 정서법입니다‬Public sentiment can be more influential than the actual law.
‪지금 고백한다는 건‬ ‪정치적 자살 행위입니다‬Admitting it would be like committing political suicide.
‪대답해 주시죠, 대행님‬Please answer me, Mr. President.
‪사실입니까?‬Is it true?
‪사실입니다‬Yes, it's true.
‪[사람들의 한숨]‬
‪[수교의 한숨]‬
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[사무실이 분주하다]‬
‪(직원1)‬ ‪예? 어느 신문사라고요?‬Sorry? Which newspaper?
‪(직원2)‬ ‪'뉴스 쇼' 자료 화면요?‬The clip from the news?
‪(기자1)‬ ‪어, 국장‬Oh, sir. Right, I'll get back to you.
‪- (단) 실시간?‬ ‪- (기자1) 예‬-The real-time ratings? -Yes.
‪(단)‬ ‪얼마나 나왔어?‬ ‪[기자1의 벅찬 숨소리]‬How's it looking? -Yes, right. -It hit the roof.
‪(기자1)‬ ‪터졌어요‬-Yes, right. -It hit the roof.
‪Tbn 뉴스 사상‬ ‪역대 최고 아니에요, 국장?‬Isn't it the highest rating in the history of TBN News?
‪정치부 기자씩이나 돼서‬ ‪무슨 욕심이 그렇게 청빈해?‬You're a political reporter. Shouldn't you be a little more ambitious?
‪역대 최고 시청률로 되겠어?‬Getting the highest rating won't cut it.
‪앞으로 일주일은‬For the next week or so, all newspapers and public networks will be copying our headlines.
‪신문, 공중파 다‬ ‪우리 뉴스 받아 쓰기만 시킨다‬all newspapers and public networks will be copying our headlines.
‪뉴스는 Tbn‬ ‪시청자들 머릿속엔 땅땅땅‬"TBN is where you get the news." It'll be engraved in the viewers' heads.
‪- (단) 알아들어?‬ ‪- (기자1) 예‬-Do you understand? -Yes, sir.
‪어때, 여론 반응은?‬How's the public reacting? Obviously, everyone's talking about it.
‪(기자1)‬ ‪말해 뭐 합니까? 최고예요, 아주‬Obviously, everyone's talking about it.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(남욱)‬ ‪각 포털의 검색어, 연관 기사 모두‬All the trending keywords and related stories
‪대행님 해임 관련 사실이 장악했습니다‬ ‪[사무실이 분주하다]‬are regarding your dismissal.
‪해임은 그 누구도‬ ‪예기치 못한 상황이었으니까요‬No one saw it coming, you know.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪국민들 충격이 큰 모양입니다, 지금‬I think the people are deeply shocked by the news.
‪[남욱의 한숨]‬ ‪(희경)‬ ‪SNS엔 청와대와 권한 대행이‬Most of the social media posts are about
‪대국민 사기극을 벌였다는‬ ‪분노가 지배적이에요‬the Blue House and President Park conning the people.
‪현직 대통령과 국무 위원은‬ ‪모두 테러로 사망했고‬The President and all of the Cabinet members died in the bombing.
‪대행님은 유일한 생존자이자‬ ‪헌법이 지정한 권력 승계자였어요‬The Acting President was the only survivor and the sole successor designated by the Constitution. But now,
‪근데 지금‬and the sole successor designated by the Constitution. But now,
‪그 자격이 흔들리고 있어요‬his qualifications are being questioned.
‪당연히 패닉이죠‬ ‪국민들도, 우리 스태프들도‬Everyone is panicking, from the people to us, the Blue House staff.
‪(세영)‬ ‪대행님 해임을 요구하는 청원 글이‬The total number of petitions requesting the removal
‪만 오천을 돌파했네요‬of the Acting President from office has exceeded 15,000.
‪그것도 인터뷰가 방송된 지‬ ‪한 시간 만에‬In just... an hour since the interview aired.
‪청와대 청원 게시판이 생긴 이후‬ ‪가장 빠른 속도입니다‬This is the most heated response we've seen since the Blue House petition site opened.
‪씁, 쉽게 진정되긴‬It won't be easy to calm them down,
‪힘들지 않겠어요?‬don't you think?
‪[희경의 한숨]‬
‪(영진)‬ ‪부인하셨어야 했습니다‬You should've denied it, sir. Then it would've been seen as a rude question by a brazen reporter.
‪그럼 치기 어린 기자의‬ ‪무례한 질문쯤으로 끝났을 일입니다‬Then it would've been seen as a rude question by a brazen reporter.
‪(수정)‬ ‪아니요, 우신영 기자‬No. That reporter, Woo Sin-yeong, knew about his dismissal when we didn't even know.
‪우리도 모르고 있던‬ ‪해임 사실을 알고 있었어요‬That reporter, Woo Sin-yeong, knew about his dismissal when we didn't even know.
‪생방송 중이었고요‬And it was being broadcast live.
‪더 큰 사고가 났을 수도 있어요‬It could've been worse.
‪내일 오후면 여론은 잠잠해질 거예요‬Public opinion will calm down by tomorrow afternoon.
‪법제처에 유권 해석을 의뢰해 놨습니다‬I've asked MOLEG for their authoritative interpretation.
‪아시잖아요‬ ‪장관직 해임안이 통과되기도 전에‬You know that you were appointed Acting President
‪대통령님 유고로‬due to the President's death
‪권한 대행이 되신 거예요‬ ‪문제 될 것 없어요‬before your dismissal was finalized. There won't be any issues.
‪그러니까 대행님께서‬ ‪더 부인하셨어야 했습니다, 끝까지‬That's why you should've just denied it until the bitter end.
‪대행님만 알고 있으면 족했을‬ ‪해임 사실을‬No one else needed to know about it.
‪그 정직한 고백 때문에‬ ‪이제 온 세상이 다 알게 된 겁니다‬But now, the whole world knows thanks to your honest confession.
‪(영진)‬ ‪국민 모두가‬ ‪대행님의 자격을 의심하게 될 겁니다‬The people will doubt your qualifications.
‪그래서 내가‬So are you saying
‪거짓을 말했어야 된다는 건가요?‬I should've lied?
‪(무진)‬ ‪나와 국민들 모두에게?‬To myself and to our citizens?
‪그럴 수 있는 사람이 못 됩니다‬not capable of doing such a thing.
‪진실이 아니라서입니까?‬Is it because it's not the truth?
‪적어도 이 세계에서 진실은‬ ‪하나뿐입니다‬You see, there can be only one truth. The choice that is politically favorable.
‪정치적으로 유리한 선택‬The choice that is politically favorable.
‪[무거운 음악]‬This is why we need a Chief Presidential Secretary
‪이래서 비서실장이 필요하다는 겁니다‬This is why we need a Chief Presidential Secretary
‪대행님의 정치적 경호실장이 돼 줄‬who can serve as the President's political bodyguard.
‪정치적 경호실장이라고요?‬-Did you say "political bodyguard"? -Because we must protect the President...
‪대행님을 지켜야 하니까요‬-Did you say "political bodyguard"? -Because we must protect the President...
‪바르고 정직해서‬ ‪늘 대행직을 위험에 빠트리는‬from the good man, Park Mu-jin, whose righteousness and honesty
‪좋은 사람, 박무진으로부터‬always puts the acting presidency at risk.
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪(수정)‬ ‪누굴까요?‬ ‪대행님을 이런 함정에 빠트린 사람‬Who could've set up a trap like this to take President Park down?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Who could've set up a trap like this to take President Park down?
‪우신영 기자에게 명해준 동영상과‬Whoever it is, that person told Woo Sin-yeong
‪대행님 해임 사실을 제보했어요‬ ‪그 사람‬about the President's dismissal and the video from Myung Hae Joon.
‪[수정의 한숨]‬It must be someone inside the Blue House
‪여기 청와대 내부자거나‬It must be someone inside the Blue House
‪적어도 내부에 정보원을 가진 사람‬ ‪아닐까요?‬or someone with an informant here, don't you think?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬don't you think?
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪(영진)‬ ‪하나 더‬Let me add one more thing.
‪대행님의 추락이‬ ‪이 시점에서 꼭 필요했던 사람이거나‬Someone who needed the President ousted at this point in time.
‪[희경의 한숨]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪예, 차영진입니다‬It's me, Cha Yeong-jin.
‪생각보다 대답이 빨리 왔네요?‬You got back to me sooner than I had expected.
‪(영진)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪예‬Oh, well...
‪대표님 제안이 흥미로운 건‬ ‪사실이었으니까요‬I can't deny that it's an intriguing offer.
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪윤찬경이에요‬It's me, Yun Chan-gyeong.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪들으면 흥미로울 얘기가 하나 있어서‬I have some interesting news for you.
‪아마 좋은 기회가 될 거예요‬It'll probably be a good opportunity for you.
‪글쎄 뭐, 좋은 기회인지는‬ ‪아직 잘 모르겠지만요‬Well, I'm not sure I'd say it's a good opportunity.
‪60일 뒤, 정권 교체가 된 뒤에도‬You will remain in the Blue House
‪차영진 행정관은‬ ‪여전히 청와대에 남아 있을 거예요‬even after the administration changeover 60 days from now.
‪약속하죠, 부족한가요?‬You have my word. Is that not enough?
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪윤 대표님 캠프에는‬I don't think I can join...
‪합류하지 못할 것 같습니다‬your camp, ma'am.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪설마 로열티 같은 건가?‬Don't tell me this is about loyalty.
‪지난 정권에 의리를 지키겠다거나‬Are you trying to stay loyal to the previous administration
‪죽은 대통령에게 신의를 다하겠다거나‬or remain faithful to the late President?
‪뭐, 그런?‬Is that it?
‪(찬경)‬ ‪생각보다 클래식한 취향이네요‬I didn't think you'd be this old-fashioned.
‪제 상품성이니까요‬It makes me valuable.
‪이 세계에서는 희소가치가 있죠‬I mean, it's a rare character trait in this field.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪그러게요, 청와대 비서진들‬That's true. I heard all the secretaries at the Blue House
‪살길 찾아서 유력한 여권 후보 아래로‬ ‪헤쳐 모여 하고 있다고 들었는데‬are busy sucking up to the majority party's candidates to ensure their own survival.
‪박 대행 해임 사실도‬ ‪그렇게 흘러나왔잖아요‬That's how the word about President Park's dismissal got out.
‪가장 유력한 여권 후보에게‬ ‪투항하면서 바친 거죠‬It was given to the favored candidate of the ruling party
‪전리품처럼‬like war booty.
‪여권 후보라고 하셨습니까?‬Did you say, "the ruling party"?
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[상구가 술병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬It won't be easy for you to enter the Blue House from now on.
‪앞으로 청와대 출입하는 것도‬ ‪여의치 않을 텐데‬It won't be easy for you to enter the Blue House from now on.
‪어때요?‬What do you say?
‪내 마크맨 합시다‬Be my marksman.
‪(상구)‬ ‪우 기자 특종 덕분에 이 강상구‬Thanks to the scoop you scored, I'm now pretty much
‪유일무이한 여권의 대선 주자가 됐어요‬the sole presidential candidate of the ruling party.
‪책임져야지, 청와대 입성할 때까지‬You need to take responsibility for it, until I win the election.
‪선거 신나게 뛰고, 우 기자‬Let's have a great campaign and... Ms. Woo.
‪나랑 손잡고‬ ‪청와대 들어가는 겁니다, 이번엔‬Join me and let's go to the Blue House together. This time,
‪청와대 대변인으로, 응?‬as the Blue House Press Secretary. Okay?
‪(신영)‬ ‪저, 시장님, 저는요‬ ‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬Well, Mr. Mayor. I'm-- Who said you can recruit her without my permission?
‪(단)‬ ‪누구 마음대로‬ ‪인사 발령에 스카우트야?‬Who said you can recruit her without my permission?
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Who said you can recruit her without my permission?
‪청와대 대변인‬Blue House Press Secretary?
‪길어 봤자‬ ‪5년짜리 비정규직으로 생색은‬It's a temporary position that will last five years at most.
‪국장, 여긴 어떻게...‬Sir, what brings you here?
‪우 기자 칭찬을 많이 했어요‬He spoke very highly of you.
‪(상구)‬ ‪일 욕심은 많고 겁은 없는‬He said you're ambitious and fearless.
‪씁, 요즘 보기 드물게‬He told me you're a reporter with a wild side,
‪야성이 살아 있는 기자라고‬which is a rarity these days.
‪[단이 술잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪욕심은 많고 겁은 없어서‬Since I'm ambitious and fearless,
‪물불 안 가리고 물어뜯을 테니까‬I'd probably bite without thinking about the consequences.
‪우신영한테 기사를 던져 줘라?‬Is that why I got the story?
‪(신영)‬ ‪그래서 저한테 제보를 하셨다고요?‬And that's why you gave me the tip?
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪난 또‬Goodness,
‪내가 역사에 남는‬ ‪특종이라도 한 줄 알았죠‬I foolishly thought I scored a big scoop that will go down in history,
‪강 시장님 선거 운동을 했네요, 제가‬when in reality, I was just helping your campaign.
‪더 마시면 안 되겠다‬I shouldn't drink anymore.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪겁나서요‬I'm just scared
‪물불 안 가리고 물어 버릴까 봐‬I might bite something else without considering the consequences.
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬
‪[상구의 한숨]‬
‪[단의 한숨]‬
‪(단)‬ ‪어이, 우, 우신영!‬Hey, Sin-yeong.
‪택시비 갖고 가‬Use this for cab fare.
‪난 대변인이고 국장은 뭐래요?‬I'll be Press Secretary. How about you?
‪문체부 장관이에요?‬Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism?
‪비정규직이라 싫으신가?‬Did you say no as it's a temporary job?
‪그럼 Tbn 사장요?‬Then what? CEO of TBN?
‪[신영의 한숨]‬I'm mortified.
‪쪽팔려‬I'm mortified.
‪아이, 차라리 처음부터 솔직하게‬ ‪말씀을 해 주시죠‬You should've just been honest with me from the get-go.
‪그럼 하니, 네가?‬Then would you have done it?
‪(단)‬ ‪상부 취재 지시니, 편집권 침해니‬You would've gone on about how your rights are being infringed by the higher-ups,
‪악악댔을 거 아니야?‬ ‪기자랍시고, 지금처럼‬You would've gone on about how your rights are being infringed by the higher-ups, like you're doing now.
‪팩트에만 충실하자, 우리‬Let's just focus on the facts, okay?
‪넌 특종을 했고‬You got a scoop,
‪우리 '뉴스 쇼'는‬ ‪동 시간대 1위 찍었어‬and TBN News got the highest rating.
‪모두에게 해피 엔딩 아니야?‬Isn't it a win-win for everyone involved?
‪[단이 어깨를 탁탁 토닥인다]‬
‪[신영이 지폐를 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[TV 종료음]‬
‪[영석의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(수호)‬ ‪퇴원 수속은 내일 아침 여덟 시에‬ ‪밟기로 했습니다‬You will be released from the hospital at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
‪- (영석) 예‬ ‪- (수호) 댁으로 가셨다가‬Would you like to go home first, and then to the memorial?
‪(수호)‬ ‪영결식장으로 오시겠습니까?‬Would you like to go home first, and then to the memorial?
‪그, 윤 대표님께서‬ ‪불편함이 없도록 모시라고‬Ms. Yun asked me to make sure I escort you to the best of my ability.
‪신신당부를 하셔서‬Ms. Yun asked me to make sure I escort you to the best of my ability.
‪방법을 모르겠습니다‬I don't know how.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬How can I repay all the kindness I've received?
‪(영석)‬ ‪저 마음들을 다 어떻게 갚아야 할지‬How can I repay all the kindness I've received?
‪(나경)‬ ‪오영석 의원에 대한 내사‬ ‪허락해 주세요‬Allow me to discreetly investigate Assemblyman Oh Yeong-seok.
‪내사?‬Investigate? He might have known about the attack on the National Assembly Building.
‪오 의원, 국회 의사당 테러 사실을‬ ‪미리 알고 있었을지도 몰라요‬He might have known about the attack on the National Assembly Building.
‪[한모가 파일을 툭 내려놓는다]‬ ‪(한모)‬ ‪야, 너 그게 무슨 소리야?‬Hey, what are you talking about?
‪(나경)‬ ‪시정 연설을 듣고 있었다던 오 의원이‬Assemblyman Oh, who was supposedly listening to the speech,
‪폭파가 시작되기 바로 직전인 3시 14분‬was seen stepping out of the room at 3:14 p.m.,
‪자리를 비웠어요‬right before the explosion. And as a result, he ended up being the only survivor of the attack.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪그 결과 오 의원만‬And as a result, he ended up being the only survivor of the attack.
‪참사 현장에서 유일하게 살아남았고요‬And as a result, he ended up being the only survivor of the attack.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[한모의 한숨]‬
‪말이 안 돼‬It makes no sense.
‪(한모)‬ ‪테러 사실을 미리 알았다고 치자‬Let's say he knew about the attack.
‪그럼 안전하게‬ ‪여의도 바닥을 벗어났어야지‬Then he should've left Yeouido to ensure his safety.
‪왜 의사당에 남아 있다 화를 당해?‬Why stay and suffer like that?
‪이유가 있었겠죠‬ ‪남아 있어야만 했던 이유‬He must've had a reason to stay in the building.
‪그건 내사를 통해서...‬-Through the investigation-- -He's a miraculous survivor.
‪(한모)‬ ‪기적의 생존자야, 오영석 의원‬ ‪온 국민의 사랑을 받는‬-Through the investigation-- -He's a miraculous survivor. He's loved by the people.
‪씁, 의심할 수 있다 이거야, 응?‬Sure, you can be suspicious of him.
‪하지만 의혹을 제기하려면‬ ‪누구도 반론을 제기할 수 없는‬However, you need firm, irrefutable evidence
‪확실한 근거가 있어야 돼‬if you want to officially raise such suspicions.
‪아니면 이거 흠집 내기밖에 더 되겠어?‬Otherwise, it'll just be seen as a witch hunt.
‪[프린터가 멈춘다]‬
‪[시완의 한숨]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪너 지금 뭐 하는 거야?‬What were you doing?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪(강연)‬ ‪엄마한테 사실대로 말 안 할 거야?‬Tell your mom the truth.
‪[강연의 한숨]‬
‪너 무슨 일 있니?‬Is something going on with you?
‪학교에서 누가 괴롭혀?‬ ‪그래서 그래? 응?‬Are you being bullied at school? Is that it? Yes?
‪- (강연) 시완아‬ ‪- (시완) 내가 뭘!‬-Si-wan-- -What did I do?
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[시완의 한숨]‬
‪무슨 일이야?‬What's going on?
‪[강연의 한숨]‬
‪안 하던 짓을 하잖아‬ ‪지갑에 손을 다 대고‬He's doing things he has never done before. I caught him going through my wallet.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(시완)‬ ‪나 아니라고, 정말!‬I told you I didn't!
‪(강연)‬ ‪그럼 왜 그렇게 깜짝 놀란 건데, 왜?‬Then why were you so startled? What was it?
‪[문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪돈이 필요했으면 얘기를 했어야지‬You should've told me if you needed money.
‪말 못 할 사정 있는 돈이야?‬Is it for something you can't tell us?
‪그래서 거짓말한 거니?‬Is that why you lied?
‪[무진의 한숨]‬
‪실수할 수도 있고‬ ‪잘못할 수도 있어, 그런데‬Everyone can make mistakes and do bad deeds.
‪거짓말로 책임을 회피하는 건‬ ‪비겁한 거야‬But it's cowardly to lie to evade responsibility.
‪(무진)‬ ‪아빠 생각은 그런데‬That's what I think.
‪돈에 손댄 건 아니에요‬I wasn't stealing her money.
‪그럼 왜?‬Then what was it?
‪사실대로 말해 봐, 시완아, 아빠한테‬Just tell me. You can be honest with me, Si-wan.
‪말 못 할 일도 있는 거잖아요‬Sometimes in life, there are things
‪살다 보면‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬that you just can't say.
‪[무진이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪씁, 그렇지, 그럴 수 있지, 응‬Yes, there are.
‪우리 시완이 많이 컸네‬ ‪비밀도 다 생기고‬You're all grown up, Si-wan. You even have secrets now.
‪(무진)‬ ‪그래, 일찍 자, 응?‬All right. Go to bed early, okay?
‪나한테 한 번도 거짓말한 적 없죠?‬never lied to me,
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬MEMORIAL GATE
‪[무전기 신호음]‬ ‪[금속 탐지기 작동음]‬DAY 54
‪(나경)‬ ‪내빈석, 그리고 조문객들의‬ ‪헌화 동선을 중심으로‬Please check for risk of danger near the seats
‪위험 요소가 있는지‬ ‪샅샅이 살펴 주세요‬and the path for the procession. Okay, ma'am.
‪(경호원1)‬ ‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, ma'am.
‪(나경)‬ ‪A구역 지금 체크됐나요?‬Is Block A clear?
‪[무전기 신호음]‬
‪왜, 무슨 일이야?‬What's the matter?
‪추도사‬The eulogy will be...
‪오영석 의원이에요‬given by Assemblyman Oh Yeong-seok.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(세영)‬ ‪나왔습니까? 법제처 유권 해석‬Do we have the authoritative interpretation now?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪'장관직의 임기는 법률적으로‬ ‪차기 장관의 취임 전까지 해당한다'‬"By law, a Minister's term ends when the next Minister is appointed.
‪'따라서 설령 해임안이‬ ‪통과됐다 해도'‬Therefore, even if his termination was approved,
‪'대통령의 유고는‬ ‪명백히 장관직 임기 내에 발생한 바'‬as the President passed away during his term of office,
‪'권한 대행직은'‬it is hereby confirmed that
‪'적법한 절차에 따라 법률적으로'‬the Acting President was duly appointed
‪'유효함을 명시한다'‬by law."
‪[희경이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[수정의 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪(수정)‬ ‪이제 더 이상은‬Now, they won't be able to raise the issue
‪해임으로 인한 자격 논란을‬ ‪수면 위로 올리긴 힘들겠죠?‬regarding his qualifications because of his termination, right?
‪어, 정치권이나 국민 여론 모두‬Neither politicians nor the people. The people
‪(희경)‬ ‪국민들은‬The people
‪박무진 권한 대행에게‬ ‪투표하지 않았어요‬didn't vote for Acting President Park.
‪양진만 대통령에게 투표했죠‬They voted for President Yang Jin-man.
‪양 대통령의 신임이‬ ‪지금의 권한 대행 체제를 가능하게 한‬The trust in President Yang enables and defines
‪원동력이자 정체성이에요‬the Acting President's authority.
‪해임 사실을 통해서 우리는 알게 됐죠‬Through news of the termination, we learned
‪양 대통령이 장관 박무진을‬that President Yang didn't trust
‪신뢰하지 않았다는 걸‬Minister Park Mu-jin.
‪앞으로 청와대가‬ ‪무슨 일을 할 수 있죠?‬What can the Blue House do now? Ms. Min.
‪(영진)‬ ‪민 비서관님‬Ms. Min.
‪걱정 말아요, 기록에는‬Don't worry.
‪법제처 유권 해석만 남길 테니까‬I'll record only the authoritative interpretation.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬She's such a bully.
‪완전 폭력배야, 폭력배‬She's such a bully.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪팩트 폭력배‬She bullies you with the facts.
‪김남욱 행정관‬Mr. Kim. Yes?
‪(남욱)‬ ‪네? 네‬Yes?
‪법제처 유권 해석이‬Please make sure the press reports about the authoritative interpretation.
‪언론사에 잘 보도될 수 있도록‬ ‪신경 써 주세요‬Please make sure the press reports about the authoritative interpretation.
‪각 언론사에 보도 자료 배포하고‬I'll send every media company a press release and make sure it's spread on social media sites as well.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪SNS를 통해 퍼져 나갈 수 있도록‬ ‪처리하겠습니다‬and make sure it's spread on social media sites as well.
‪그래도 다행이에요‬It's a relief
‪영결식이 시작되기 전에‬ ‪법제처 해석이 나와서‬that we got the authoritative interpretation before the memorial.
‪(수정)‬ ‪국민 여론이 바뀌기 위해선‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬This memorial plays an important role
‪오늘 영결식이 중요하니까요‬in changing the public opinion.
‪(세영)‬ ‪국가 공식 행사에서‬When they see their leader...
‪리더가 흔들림 없는 모습을‬ ‪보인다면 뭐...‬being steadfast at an official national event,
‪여론이 급반전될 수도 있겠죠‬the public opinion might change drastically.
‪(수호)‬ ‪오영석 의원‬ ‪퇴원해서 자택에 도착했답니다‬Assemblyman Oh left the hospital and went home.
‪영결식장으로 바로 오겠다고‬He said he would come to the memorial right away.
‪[수호의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Do you think he will listen to you?
‪오 의원이 대표님 뜻대로 따라 줄까요?‬Do you think he will listen to you?
‪(찬경)‬ ‪오 의원은 영결식장에‬ ‪서 있는 것만으로도‬Just having him standing at the memorial -is good enough for me. -Pardon?
‪날 도와주는 거예요‬-is good enough for me. -Pardon?
‪(수호)‬ ‪네?‬-is good enough for me. -Pardon?
‪(찬경)‬ ‪양진만 정권?‬President Yang's administration was incompetent and amateur,
‪임기 내내 이상만 찾던‬ ‪무능한 아마추어 정권이었어요‬President Yang's administration was incompetent and amateur, chasing after an ideal the whole time.
‪지금은 저들의 유일한 무기인‬ ‪도덕성마저 땅에 떨어졌고요‬Now, even their only weapon, morality, has failed.
‪[찬경의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪박무진 권한 대행이‬President Park
‪계속해서 대선 주자에‬ ‪이름을 올려서야 되겠어요?‬shouldn't be mentioned as a presidential candidate any more.
‪제자리 찾아 줘야죠‬We should send him back to where he belongs.
‪(수호)‬ ‪[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬며]‬ ‪그럼...‬Then...
‪오 의원이 그렇게 만들어 줄 거예요‬ ‪오늘 영결식장에서‬Assemblyman Oh will make that happen at the memorial today.
‪(수호)‬ ‪대표님!‬Ma'am!
‪[수호의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪오영석 의원, 추도사 할 자격 없어요‬Assemblyman Oh isn't qualified to give a eulogy.
‪(한모)‬ ‪한나경, 너 또 그 얘기야?‬Na-gyeong, that again? We still have no idea what he was doing
‪(나경)‬ ‪참사 당일 오영석 의원이‬ ‪자리 비운 그 시간에‬We still have no idea what he was doing
‪어디서 뭘 하고 있었는지‬or where he was
‪우리는 아직 아무것도 모르잖아요‬at the time of the explosion.
‪이대로 희생자들 영정 앞에‬I can't let him stand as a miraculous survivor
‪기적의 생존자로‬ ‪세워 둘 수 없어요, 전‬before the victims' portraits.
‪[나경의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪너 김준오 때문이야?‬Is this because of Kim Jun-o?
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(한모)‬ ‪김준오는 죽었는데‬ ‪오영석은 살아 있어서 억울해?‬Are you bitter that Kim Jun-o died and Oh Yeong-seok lived?
‪그래서 그렇게‬ ‪오영석 의원 일엔 감정적인 거냐?‬Is that why you get so emotional when it comes to Assemblyman Oh?
‪- 선배‬ ‪- (한모) 방첩 2과 김준오‬-Han-mo-- -Kim Jun-o, a counterintelligence agent.
‪결혼할 사이였잖아, 너희 둘‬You guys were engaged.
‪(한모)‬ ‪왜, 내가 몰랐을 거 같아?‬What? You thought I didn't know that?
‪나 우리 회사 근속 15년이다, 어?‬I have been working for the agency for 15 years.
‪정보 요원 15년 차라고‬I have been an intelligence agent for 15 years.
‪[한모의 한숨]‬
‪우리 한 가지만 하자, 한나경‬You need to choose one. Na-Gyeong.
‪국정원 대테러 센터 분석관이야?‬ ‪아니면‬Are you a NIS Terrorism Task Force analyst
‪희생자 유가족이야?‬or a bereaved family member?
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬ ‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪[개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬
‪[영석이 커피를 조르륵 따른다]‬
‪(영석)‬ ‪제가 드릴 수 있는 말씀은‬ ‪그때 다 드린 것 같은데‬I thought I told you everything last time.
‪아직도 저한테 궁금한 게 있습니까?‬Do you still have questions for me?
‪앉으시죠‬Please have a seat.
‪[영석의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(나경)‬ ‪참사 당일 본관 회의실에서‬ ‪의원님 좌석이 찍힌‬These are two pictures of your seat in the main conference room taken on the day of the attack.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪두 장의 사진이에요‬taken on the day of the attack.
‪(영석)‬ ‪근데 이게 뭐...‬What about them?
‪(나경)‬ ‪내내 회의실에 앉아 계셨다는‬ ‪의원님의 말씀과 달리‬You said you were in the main conference room the whole time, but at 3:15 p.m.,
‪오후 3시 15분‬but at 3:15 p.m.,
‪폭파 당시 의원님께선‬ ‪그 자리에 계시지 않았어요‬the time of the bombing, you weren't in your seat.
‪말씀해 주시죠‬Tell me.
‪폭탄 테러가 일어난 그 시각‬ ‪의원님은 어디서 뭘 하고 계셨죠?‬Where were you and what were you doing at the time of the bombing?
‪기억이 나지 않습니다‬I don't remember.
‪(영석)‬ ‪말씀드린 대로 전 이날‬As I told you,
‪대통령님 시정 연설을 듣고 있었어요‬I was listening to the President's State of the Nation Address.
‪그게‬That's all
‪제가 기억하고‬ ‪말할 수 있는 전부입니다‬I can remember and say about that day.
‪하나는 확실하네요‬One thing is for sure.
‪사진과 의원님‬Either you
‪둘 중 하나는‬ ‪저한테 거짓말을 하고 있어요‬or the pictures are lying to me.
‪[영석의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(영석)‬ ‪그만 돌아가 주시죠‬ ‪영결식에 참석하기로 돼 있어서요‬Could you please leave now? I'm supposed to attend the memorial.
‪그럼 영결식장에서 뵙죠‬I'll see you at the memorial then.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(재학)‬ ‪소령님께서 그날 어디 계셨는지‬ ‪알고 싶다고 했습니까?‬Did you say you wanted to know where he was on that day?
‪(영석)‬ ‪하지 마라, 임재학‬Don't, Jae-hak.
‪소령님께서‬ ‪왜 죄인 취급을 받아야 됩니까?‬You don't deserve to be treated like a criminal. -That day, you were-- -Petty Officer Im Jae-hak.
‪- (재학) 그날 소령님께서는...‬ ‪- (영석) 임재학 하사‬-That day, you were-- -Petty Officer Im Jae-hak.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪그만두지 못해?‬Stop it.
‪(영석)‬ ‪죄송하게 됐습니다‬I apologize.
‪이제 그만 제 집에서 나가 주세요‬Now please leave my house.
‪지금 당장요‬Right now.
‪(나경)‬ ‪어, 서지원‬Hey, Ji-won.
‪오영석 의원 군에 있었을 때‬ ‪부대원들 같던데, 이름이...‬What's the name of the army base where Assemblyman Oh was...
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(남자1)‬ ‪7년 전‬Seven years ago,
‪백령도 앞바다에서 우린 다‬we were all on that ship
‪(남자1)‬ ‪그 배에 타고 있었습니다‬off the shore of Baengnyeong Island.
‪(나경)‬ ‪백령 해전 말인가요?‬Are you talking about the Battle of Baengnyeong?
‪함대 사령관도, 합참 의장도‬When the Fleet Admiral, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman,
‪그리고 청와대마저‬and even the Blue House... When the entire nation abandoned us,
‪이 나라 모두가 우리를 버린 그날‬and even the Blue House... When the entire nation abandoned us,
‪소령님만은 끝까지 우리를 지켰습니다‬Lieutenant Commander Oh saved our lives.
‪(남자1)‬ ‪함부로 죄인 취급 해도 되는‬ ‪사람이 아닙니다‬He doesn't deserve to be treated like some criminal.
‪우리 오영석 소령님‬He doesn't deserve to be treated like some criminal.
‪(남자1)‬ ‪임재학 하사‬Petty Officer Im Jae-hak
‪해전 이후 내내‬has been suffering from PTSD ever since he returned from the battle.
‪외상 후 스트레스 장애로‬ ‪고생해 왔습니다‬has been suffering from PTSD ever since he returned from the battle.
‪소령님은 그날‬ ‪임 하사와 통화를 하기 위해‬Lieutenant Commander Oh left his seat to call him that day.
‪자리를 비우신 겁니다‬Lieutenant Commander Oh left his seat to call him that day. To deal with a crisis!
‪사고를 막기 위해서‬To deal with a crisis!
‪왜 나한테 얘기하지 않은 거죠?‬Why didn't he tell me that
‪그 말이 사실이라면요‬if it were the truth? You...
‪절대로 이해하지 못할 겁니다‬never understand us.
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪(지원)‬ ‪통화 내역 조회 부탁드립니다‬I'd like someone's call records.
‪명의자는 오영석, 날짜는 3월 4일‬Oh Yeong-seok's cell phone on March 4
‪오후 3시 13분에서 18분 사이‬between 3:13 p.m. and 3:18 p.m.
‪빠르면 빠를수록 좋아요‬The sooner, the better.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬MEMORIAL GATE
‪(수교)‬ ‪저, 잠시만요‬MEMORIAL GATE -Excuse me. -Back away.
‪(대한)‬ ‪물러나십시오, 물러나십시오‬-Excuse me. -Back away.
‪[수교의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(기자2)‬ ‪한 말씀만 해 주십시오‬-Do you have a comment? -Is it true?
‪[기자들의 질문이 빗발친다]‬-Do you have a comment? -Is it true? Please give us a comment.
‪(기자3)‬ ‪한 말씀만 해 주세요‬Please give us a comment.
‪[소란스럽다]‬-Please say a word. -He's coming in.
‪(경호원2)‬ ‪물러나세요, 자, 뒤로 물러나세요‬-Please say a word. -He's coming in. -Sir! -Let's head inside.
‪(기자4)‬ ‪대행님, 해임 사실을‬ ‪은폐하신 이유가 뭡니까?‬Mr. President, why did you cover up your dismissal?
‪(기자5)‬ ‪해임 사유는 어떻게 되십니까?‬What was the reason for your dismissal?
‪(기자6)‬ ‪권한 대행 자격 논란에 대해‬ ‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬What do you think about the current controversy?
‪앞으로 거취는 어떻게 하실 겁니까?‬What will be your next course of action?
‪스스로 물러나실 생각은 없으십니까?‬Do you intend on recusing yourself?
‪대행님, 한마디만 해 주십시오!‬-Mr. President. -A few words, please! Will you officially apologize to the people?
‪(기자5)‬ ‪대국민 사과는 하실 예정이십니까?‬Will you officially apologize to the people? Just one comment, sir.
‪(기자6)‬ ‪한 말씀만 해 주십시오‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Just one comment, sir.
‪(기자5)‬ ‪대행님, 말씀해 주십시오!‬Please say something.
‪(사회자)‬ ‪다음은 헌화와 분향이 있겠습니다‬Next will be the flower tribute and incense burning.
‪[사람들의 야유가 들린다]‬
‪[무전기 신호음]‬ ‪(대한)‬ ‪외부 확인‬What's going on out there?
‪[사람들의 야유가 계속된다]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[소란스럽다]‬-Quiet, people! -From the Blue House?
‪미안합니다‬I apologize.
‪(진만)‬ ‪청년 과학 기술 연금은‬I'm afraid I can't promise you
‪약속할 수 없는 공약입니다‬any funding for the youth science program.
‪[사람들이 야유한다]‬
‪당신들보다 못 배운 청년들‬Young men and women who are less educated than you.
‪당신들보다 좋은 일자리가 없는 청년들‬Young men and women whose jobs are not as good as yours.
‪그래서 당신들보다‬The young men and women
‪세상의 찬바람 앞에 서야 하는‬ ‪그 청년들의‬who must face the harsh reality of this world more than you.
‪고용 기금이 내한테는 먼저입니다‬To me, funding their employment comes first. GUARANTEE FUNDING
‪[학생들이 술렁인다]‬ ‪(학생1)‬ ‪가자, 뭐야?‬GUARANTEE FUNDING -What? -Let's go.
‪[진만의 헛기침]‬
‪(학생2)‬ ‪안 찍을 겁니다!‬Don't expect my vote then. And off they go.
‪(진만)‬ ‪아, 이, 가 뿌네요‬ ‪[진만의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬And off they go.
‪지금 내 표 500장 잃은 거 맞죠?‬I just lost 500 votes, didn't I?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪정치적 유불리에‬ ‪정책이 흔들려서는 안 됩니다‬One's policies and visions must not change to win an election.
‪내가 바꾸고 싶은 거는‬What I wish to change isn't the owner of the Blue House.
‪청와대 주인이 아닙니다‬What I wish to change isn't the owner of the Blue House.
‪이 대한민국입니다‬It's the Republic of Korea!
‪우리의 미래입니다!‬I wish to change our future!
‪감사합니다, 예, 감사합니다‬ ‪감사합니다‬Thank you. Thank you so much.
‪아이고, 이거 마, 표도 잃고‬Goodness. I lost votes.
‪[진만의 웃음]‬Goodness. I lost votes.
‪분위기도 마, 썰렁하고‬And I killed the mood too.
‪내 노래 한 자락 하겠습니다‬So I'll sing you a song.
‪[진만의 웃음]‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Right.
‪♪ 꽃 피는 ♪‬Dongbaek Island
‪♪ 동백섬에... ♪‬Where flowers bloom
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪확인했어? 오영석 의원 통화 내역‬Did you check Assemblyman Oh's phone records?
‪(사회자)‬ ‪다음은 오영석 의원의‬ ‪추도사가 있겠습니다‬Assemblyman Oh Yeong-seok will now give a eulogy.
‪먼저 가신 영령들을‬ ‪추모하는 마음을 담아‬He will give a eulogy to commemorate the lives that were lost.
‪추도사를 낭독합니다‬He will give a eulogy to commemorate the lives that were lost.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[관묵의 한숨]‬
‪[장엄한 음악]‬
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪추도사는‬I will not...
‪하지 않겠습니다‬give a eulogy.
‪여기 이 죽음들을‬It's because...
‪저는 슬퍼할 수가 없기 때문입니다‬I can't mourn their deaths.
‪(영석)‬ ‪한없이 부끄럽고‬I am too embarrassed
‪수치스럽기 때문입니다‬and ashamed to do so.
‪국민을 보호하지 못한 무능한 국가‬An incompetent nation that couldn't protect its people.
‪아직까지 테러의 원인을‬ ‪규명하는 데 안일한 나라‬A nation that is yet to find its attacker.
‪사랑하는 이들의 희생을 되갚는 일엔‬a government that is too cowardly to take
‪비겁한 정부‬actions of revenge.
‪자격 없는 자들이 권력을 차지한‬An unfortunate nation with leaders
‪불행한 국민들의 나라‬that aren't qualified.
‪대한민국‬That is our country,
‪이 대한민국이‬and I am
‪한없이 부끄럽기 때문입니다‬deeply ashamed of it.
‪그보다 더 못 견디게 부끄러운 건‬what mortifies me the most
‪생존자라는 이유로‬is the fact
‪여기 이 자리에 서 있는‬that I'm here just because
‪저 자신입니다‬I survived.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪결코 용납할 수 없는 테러 앞에‬To an attack we should not tolerate,
‪속수무책으로‬I helplessly lost
‪사랑하는 벗과 동료를 잃은 제가‬my beloved friends and colleagues.
‪왜 기적의 이름이 되어야 합니까?‬Why must I become a miracle personified?
‪7년 전에도 저는 같은 질문을 했습니다‬Seven years ago, I asked myself the same thing.
‪전우들 대신‬All I did was survive
‪살아남았을 뿐인 제게‬when my brothers in arms didn't.
‪왜 이토록 무거운 훈장을 수여했을까‬How is that worthy of this heavy medal?
‪그건‬To me,
‪제게 내려진 명령이었습니다‬it felt like I had been given an order.
‪더 이상 우리들의 조국‬A strict command
‪대한민국이라는 이름 앞에‬that ordered me
‪무고한 희생을‬to forbid the loss of any more innocent lives
‪허락하면 안 된다는‬to forbid the loss of any more innocent lives
‪지엄한 명령‬in this nation.
‪그 명령을 지켜 내지 못한 저는‬I failed my mission,
‪감히 슬퍼할 수조차 없습니다‬and that's why I can't dare to even mourn.
‪부끄러운 생존자란 이름은‬This will be the last time I will be
‪오늘이 마지막입니다‬a shameful survivor.
‪다시는‬Until the day
‪그 누구도‬the Republic of Korea
‪이 나라를‬becomes so strong
‪우리 국민을‬that no one
‪함부로 대할 수 없도록‬will dare
‪강건한 대한민국이‬ ‪만들어지는 그날까지‬mistreat our country or our people,
‪한때는 자랑스러웠던‬I will give back
‪대한민국이 저에게 수여한 이 훈장을‬this medal that I was once proud of, given to me...
‪반납하겠습니다‬by the Republic of Korea.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(지원)‬ ‪오 의원 말이 사실이었어요‬Assemblyman Oh was telling the truth.
‪오 의원이 자리를 비운 시간 3시 14분‬At 3:14 p.m., when he had left his seat,
‪(지원)‬ ‪백령 해전 참전 용사 임재학이랑‬ ‪통화 내역 확인했습니다‬he was on the phone with war veteran Im Jae-hak.
‪아, 그리고 하나 더‬There's one more thing.
‪오 의원, 이 임재학이라는 사람 전화를‬ ‪한 번도 거절한 적이 없네요‬He has never missed a call from Im Jae-hak.
‪우리가 오영석 의원을‬ ‪오해하고 있는 거 아닐까요?‬maybe we're wrong about Assemblyman Oh.
‪헛되이 하지 않을게요‬I won't let this have been in vain.
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪아니, 캄보디아 정부로부터‬ ‪최종 통보가 왔다고요?‬The Cambodian government gave us an ultimatum?
‪우리 군에게는‬ ‪협조할 수 없다는 얘기입니까?‬They won't cooperate with our troops anymore?
‪(영목)‬ ‪그게, 북한 정찰 총국 공작원들 역시‬Well, the agents of the Reconnaissance General Bureau are tracking Myung Hae Joon as well.
‪명해준을 추적 중이랍니다‬are tracking Myung Hae Joon as well.
‪탈북한 고위급을 추적해 온‬ ‪암살조라는데‬They are assassins who track deflected high-ranking officials. According to the NIS, the North was flustered
‪국정원 말로는‬ ‪명해준의 동영상의 존재를 알고‬According to the NIS, the North was flustered to hear about Myung Hae Joon's video.
‪북측이 무척 당황한 상태라고 합니다‬to hear about Myung Hae Joon's video.
‪북한 당국이 이번 테러와‬ ‪관련이 없다면 더더욱 그렇겠죠‬They would be, if they had nothing to do with the attack.
‪(영목)‬ ‪캄보디아 정부 입장에서는‬ ‪명해준이 있는 센모나리가‬Since Myung Hae Joon is in Senmonari, a region of conflict between Cambodia and Vietnam,
‪캄보디아와 베트남 사이의‬ ‪예민한 분쟁 지역인 데다‬a region of conflict between Cambodia and Vietnam,
‪혹시 모를 우리와 북한의‬ ‪군사적 충돌을‬the Cambodian government must be worried about a possible military collision.
‪우려하고 있는 모양입니다‬the Cambodian government must be worried about a possible military collision.
‪그럼 이제‬Then,
‪명해준 신병 확보는‬ ‪불가능해지는 겁니까?‬is it now impossible to bring Myung Hae Joon in?
‪[영목이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬SECRETARIAT OF THE NSC
‪(영목)‬ ‪사실은 문제가 좀 있습니다, 대행님‬That's why there's a bit of an issue.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[시스템 작동음]‬
‪(707 대령)‬ ‪서울 공항에서 수송기를 타고‬ ‪캄보디아까지 이동한 후‬Our soldiers will head to Cambodia from Seoul Park. SENMONARI
‪밀림 지역에서 낙하산 부대를 투입‬ ‪거점 타격 후에‬They will parachute down and strike where they land...
‪[관묵의 헛기침]‬
‪[관묵의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪말씀드린 걸로 알고 있는데요‬I thought I made myself clear.
‪캄보디아 정부 승인 없이‬ ‪우리 병력을 투입하는 일은...‬Deploying our soldiers without consent from the Cambodian government--
‪자격 있다고 생각합니까?‬Do you still think you have the right
‪(관묵)‬ ‪국군 통수권자로서 아직도?‬to give orders as this nation's Commander-in-Chief?
‪[관묵이 서류를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪영결식장에서 확인하지 않았습니까?‬It was made clear at the memorial.
‪해임 사실을 은폐한 채‬ ‪국가 위기 상황을 틈타‬You covered up your dismissal and used a national crisis as a stepping stone
‪대한민국 최고 권력이 된‬ ‪박 대행 당신에게‬to take the seat of this nation's highest authority.
‪우리 국민들이‬Do you still believe
‪대한민국의 안보를 맡길 수 있을 거라‬that the people of the Republic of Korea can trust you
‪생각하는 겁니까?‬with their safety?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬with their safety?
‪(관묵)‬ ‪우리 군의 작전 지휘권은‬ ‪합참 의장인 나에게 있습니다‬I, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, have the operational command authority.
‪대한민국 안보에 필요한 일이라면‬What needs to be done for our nation's safety
‪내가 판단하고 내가 결정합니다‬will be considered and decided by me...
‪지금 이 순간부터‬from this moment forth.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동이 여기저기서 울린다]‬
‪[휴대전화 알림이 여기저기서 울린다]‬
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬
‪(수정)‬ ‪대행님‬Mr. President!
‪지금 뉴스 속보 좀 연결해 주세요‬Please turn on the news.
‪[직원3이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(뉴스 속 앵커1)‬ ‪동영상에 등장하는 인물은‬The man in the video is North Korean soldier Myung Hae Joon.
‪북한군 대좌 명해준‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬The man in the video is North Korean soldier Myung Hae Joon.
‪군복을 입고 등장한 명해준은‬He appears in his uniform claiming to be the bomber of the National Assembly Building.
‪자신이 국회 의사당을‬ ‪폭파했다고 주장합니다‬claiming to be the bomber of the National Assembly Building.
‪명해준은 운구 7인방 최서룡의 양자로‬He is the adopted son of Choe Seo Ryong, who is one of the high-ranking officials
‪최서룡은 북한 국무 위원장의‬ ‪후계 세습을 주도한‬who is one of the high-ranking officials
‪당과 군의 권력자 중 한 명입니다‬that led the succession of North Korea's Supreme Leader.
‪명해준의 주장이 사실이라면‬Following this revelation,
‪테러에 북한 고위급이‬ ‪연결됐을 가능성이 있어‬the authorities have been looking into the possibility of...
‪충격을 주고 있습니다‬the authorities have been looking into the possibility of... Who the hell leaked this to the press?
‪(영목)‬ ‪도대체 누가‬Who the hell leaked this to the press?
‪[뉴스가 계속된다]‬ ‪저 동영상을 언론에 유출...‬Who the hell leaked this to the press?
‪(남욱)‬ ‪정말 아니에요, 우신영 기자?‬Are you sure it wasn't you?
‪그 동영상의 존재를 아는 사람이‬ ‪몇 명 안 돼요, 우 기자 당신 포함해서‬Not many know about that video, and you're one of them.
‪(신영)‬ ‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪아니, 뭐, Tbn 기자인 내가‬Are you saying that a TBN reporter gave KBC a tip?
‪KBC에 제보라도 했다는 거예요, 지금?‬that a TBN reporter gave KBC a tip?
‪그것도 이렇게 큰 특종을?‬A big exclusive like this?
‪그럼 짚이는 사람은요?‬Can you think of anyone then?
‪우 기자한테 동영상 제보한 사람이‬ ‪유출했을 수도 있잖아요‬The person who sent you the video could've leaked it.
‪나도 특종보다 국가 안보가‬ ‪더 중요하다는 것쯤은 알아요‬Even I know that national security trumps any big exclusive.
‪취재원 보호도 할 줄 알고요‬And I know how to protect the anonymity of my sources.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪아니...‬But...
‪(남욱)‬ ‪대행님‬Mr. President.
‪명해준 동영상 내용을 부인하는‬ ‪북한 당국의 공식 입장과‬The fact that North Korea denied Myung Hae Joon's actions
‪그와는 별개로 명해준 신병 확보에‬ ‪최선을 다하고 있다는‬and the Blue House's official statement that we're working hard to capture him
‪청와대의 공식 입장 또한 발표했습니다‬have been announced to the public.
‪그리고 여론이 가라앉을지는 미지수...‬However, it's uncertain whether it'll calm the people...
‪라고 제, 제가 적, 적어 놨네요‬Oh, that's just something I scribbled down.
‪혹시 확인해 봤어요?‬Have you checked to see if anyone
‪공보 팀 중에 KBC 방송국과‬ ‪접촉한 사람 있는지‬in the Office of Communications was in contact with KBC? That's impossible.
‪아, 아닙니다‬That's impossible. I'm the only one in Communications who knew that the video existed.
‪공보 팀 중엔 동영상의 존재를‬ ‪아는 사람이 없습니다, 저 말고는‬I'm the only one in Communications who knew that the video existed.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪그리고...‬Also...
‪저, 아, 저‬ ‪저는 절대 아닙니다, 대행님‬Me? It definitely wasn't me, Mr. President.
‪(수정)‬ ‪청와대 스태프가 왜‬ ‪언론에 이 동영상을 제보했을까요‬Why would someone from the Blue House leak this video to the press,
‪하필 이런 때에‬especially at a time like this?
‪대행님‬Mr. President.
‪청와대 밖에도 있는데요‬There's someone outside of the Blue House
‪이 동영상에 대해 아는 사람‬who knows about this video.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(찬경)‬ ‪나라면 외부의 적을 이용했을 거예요‬If it were me, I would've used a common enemy on the outside.
‪윤찬경 대표‬Yun Chan-gyeong.
‪만나야겠어요, 지금 바로‬I must see her immediately.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪그러니까 내가‬So, you're saying I leaked the video to the media?
‪동영상을 방송국에 유출했다?‬So, you're saying I leaked the video to the media?
‪박 대행과의 약속을 어기고 말이죠?‬And broke my promise to you?
‪(무진)‬ ‪대표님은 처음부터‬You wanted
‪동영상을 공개하자는 입장이셨으니까요‬to make it public from the start.
‪하지만 내가 왜 그런 수고를 하겠어요?‬ ‪박 대행을 위해서‬But why would I go through all that trouble for you?
‪축하해요, 박 대행‬Congratulations, sir.
‪무슨 뜻입니까?‬What do you mean?
‪생각보다 빨리 벗어나겠는데요‬The controversy regarding your qualifications
‪권한 대행 자격 논란에서‬to be Acting President will end soon.
‪돌아섰어요‬It's changing.
‪돌아섰습니다‬It's changing. The public opinion on social media regarding President Park is changing.
‪(남욱)‬ ‪SNS를 중심으로 대행님에 대한 여론이‬ ‪돌아서고 있어요‬The public opinion on social media regarding President Park is changing.
‪지금 더 이상 그 누구도‬No one is complaining about his dismissal disqualifying him anymore.
‪대행님 해임 관련 사실에 대해서‬ ‪문제 삼고 있지 않습니다‬No one is complaining about his dismissal disqualifying him anymore. Look. "We need to stand in unity in order to catch the bombers.
‪자, '테러범 잡기 위해‬ ‪지금은 분열보다는 국민 통합'‬Look. "We need to stand in unity in order to catch the bombers.
‪'박무진 권한 대행 중심으로‬ ‪국론을 통일할 때'‬It's time to unify under President Park.
‪'우리가 진정 분노해야 할 대상은‬ ‪명해준과 테러 세력'‬We should be aiming our anger at Myung Hae Joon and the attackers."
‪그렇디‬That's right.
‪(희경)‬ ‪포털 사이트 검색어 순위도 뒤집혔어요‬The trending keywords changed too.
‪'명해준', '테러범'‬ ‪'테러범 동영상', '명해준 신병 확보'‬"Myung Hae Joon, bomber, bomber video, Myung Hae Joon's whereabouts."
‪해임 이슈는 깔끔히 사라졌네요‬The dismissal issue is completely gone.
‪(세영)‬ ‪아, 이거 대단하네요‬That's impressive.
‪청와대 국민 청원 게시판도‬ ‪마찬가지입니다‬It's the same on the Blue House's petition site.
‪대행님의 해임을 요구하던 게시물 대신‬Instead of petitioning for the President's dismissal,
‪명해준 신병 확보를 촉구하는 청원이‬over 100,000 people have petitioned
‪한 시간 만에 무려‬ ‪10만 이상의 동의를 얻었어요‬to locate Myung Hae Joon's whereabouts within the last hour.
‪[희경과 수정의 놀란 숨소리]‬to locate Myung Hae Joon's whereabouts within the last hour.
‪(수정)‬ ‪어, 미디어, 방송 쪽은요?‬What about the media?
‪묻긴 뭘 물어?‬Why are you even asking?
‪(단)‬ ‪박무진 권한 대행, 오영석 아이템‬ ‪싹 다 보류해‬Shelf everything on President Park and Oh Yeong-seok!
‪명해준 동영상 진위 여부와 신상 정보‬ ‪북한의 테러 가능성‬The authenticity of Myung Hae Joon's video, who he is, the possibility North Korea did it...
‪[버럭 하며]‬ ‪내가 더 불러 줘야 돼?‬Must I spell it out for you?
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪너 따라와‬You come with me.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(뉴스 속 앵커2)‬ ‪자신이 테러범이라고 주장하는‬-After watching the video... -Right now!
‪(단)‬ ‪빨리 와!‬-After watching the video... -Right now! in which Myung Hae Joon claims to be the bomber,
‪(뉴스 속 앵커2)‬ ‪명해준의 동영상을 접한 국민들은‬in which Myung Hae Joon claims to be the bomber,
‪불안과 공포를 호소하며‬people have been voicing their fear and anxiety,
‪정부가 명해준의‬ ‪신병 확보에 나설 것을‬people have been voicing their fear and anxiety, while insisting that the government locate Myung Hae Joon quickly.
‪촉구하고 있습니다‬while insisting that the government locate Myung Hae Joon quickly.
‪한편 학계와 종교계의 원로 인사들은‬Meanwhile, academic and religious leaders
‪성명을 발표해‬ ‪지금은 정치 공세를 멈추고‬have issued statements saying political battles must stop for now,
‪국난 극복의 의지를 다질 때라고‬ ‪입을 모았습니다‬and we should focus on overcoming this national crisis.
‪(찬경)‬ ‪'이슈는 또 다른 이슈로 덮는다'‬You bury an issue with a different issue.
‪해임 이슈를 덮으려면‬ ‪명해준 동영상 정도는 돼야죠‬You need something like the video to kill the issue regarding your dismissal.
‪대한민국에선 안보 카드를 꺼내는 순간‬ ‪게임 끝이잖아요‬Nothing comes before national security in Korea.
‪의혹이든 논란이든‬Whether it's just a suspicion or a controversy,
‪다른 어떤 패도 힘을 못 쓰니까‬nothing can beat it.
‪부럽네요, 좋은 참모를 둔 박 대행이‬I'm jealous you have such a good staff.
‪한주승 실장도 없는 청와대에서 누군지‬Secretary Han isn't at the Blue House anymore, so I wonder who it was.
‪솜씨가 좋아요‬That person is very good.
‪(수교)‬ ‪어? 대행님!‬President Park!
‪(영진)‬ ‪국정 운영 지지도 조사 결과는‬ ‪내일 오전에‬The approval rating will be released
‪모든 언론사에 릴리즈할 생각이니까‬ ‪그렇게 준비해 주시고‬to the press tomorrow morning, so be ready for that.
‪(직원4)‬ ‪표본은 500명 정도면 될까요?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Is 500 people enough?
‪(영진)‬ ‪예, 근데 질문을 좀‬ ‪쉽고 선명하게 갑시다‬Is 500 people enough? Yes, but let's make the questions easy and clear.
‪아무래도 좀 긍정적인 답변‬ ‪유도하는 데는 그게 좋아요‬Yes, but let's make the questions easy and clear. That's better for setting up positive answers.
‪- (직원4) 네‬ ‪- (영진) 어‬That's better for setting up positive answers. -Okay. -Good.
‪(영진)‬ ‪대행님‬ ‪[영진의 안도하는 한숨]‬Mr. President.
‪걱정 안 하셔도 되겠습니다‬You don't have to worry.
‪여론 조사에서 지지율만 반등하면‬If the approval rating rises in the public survey,
‪이제 해임 논란 때문에‬ ‪국정 운영 방해되는 일은 없을 겁니다‬your dismissal issue won't hinder government operations any longer.
‪그래서‬Is that why...
‪동영상을 유출한 겁니까?‬you leaked the video?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[영진이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪보고드리려던 길입니다‬I was on my way to tell you.
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪(수교)‬ ‪가서 일들 보세요‬Please get back to work.
‪[수교의 한숨]‬
‪[수교의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪명해준 동영상은 기밀 사항이었어요‬Myung Hae Joon's video was classified.
‪차영진 행정관은‬ ‪그걸 외부에 유출한 겁니다‬You leaked that to the public
‪사전에 어떤 공유도‬without telling anyone
‪허락도 없이‬or getting permission.
‪국가 안보를 위태롭게 하는 것도‬Is putting national security in danger
‪정치적 선택에 포함되는 겁니까?‬part of your political choice?
‪국가 기밀 누설죄‬You can punish me
‪또는 국기 문란으로‬ ‪저를 벌하실 수 있습니다‬for leaking a state secret or public endangerment by causing havoc.
‪그걸 알면서 대체 왜...‬-Then why did you do this? -It was to protect you!
‪대행님을 지키는 길이니까요!‬-Then why did you do this? -It was to protect you!
‪이관묵 합참 의장‬General Lee
‪명해준을 잡기 위해서‬ ‪이제 캄보디아와 분쟁도 불사할 겁니다‬will be willing to fight Cambodia to catch Myung Hae Joon.
‪대행님을 국군 통수권자로‬ ‪인정하지 않으니까‬will be willing to fight Cambodia to catch Myung Hae Joon. He doesn't approve of you as Commander-in-Chief.
‪대행님이 선택한 정직의 대가입니다‬He doesn't approve of you as Commander-in-Chief. This is the price for your honesty.
‪(영진)‬ ‪대행님이 왜 스스로‬ ‪해임 사실을 고백했는지 아십니까?‬Do you know why you admitted that you were dismissed?
‪자기가 권력욕이 없다는 걸‬ ‪증명하고 싶으셨던 겁니다‬You wanted to prove you don't have any desire for power
‪보통 정치인들과는 다른‬ ‪좋은 사람이니까‬and that you're a good person unlike other politicians.
‪대행님은 지금 전쟁터에서 나가서‬ ‪자기 칼이 더럽혀질까 봐 두려워서‬You're being stubborn and trying to fight with your bare hands
‪맨손으로 싸우고 싶다고‬ ‪고집을 부리고 계시는 겁니다‬You're being stubborn and trying to fight with your bare hands on the battlefield because you're scared you'll get your sword bloody.
‪길은 두 가지겠죠‬There can be two outcomes.
‪피 흘리면서 죽거나‬ ‪두 손 들고 죽거나‬You either die bleeding or surrendering.
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪더 이상 그런 장수 밑에서‬ ‪싸우고 싶지가 않습니다‬don't want to fight under a commander like that anymore.
‪[영진의 한숨]‬
‪이겨야겠으니까‬I want to win.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬LETTER OF RESIGNATION
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(영목)‬ ‪찾으셨습니까?‬Did you find out
‪동영상을 유출한‬ ‪청와대 스태프가 누군지‬who among the Blue House staff leaked the video?
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪이관묵 합참 의장 아직 있습니까?‬Is General Lee still here?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪캄보디아로 가는 수송기 엄호는?‬What about cover for the aircraft to Cambodia?
‪(707 대령)‬ ‪F-18 전투기‬ ‪역시 출격 준비해 있습니다‬F-18 fighter jets are also ready.
‪우리 공군이 캄보디아 현지까지‬ ‪특임단 병력을 엄호해 수송하고‬Our Air Force will take the troops to the location in Cambodia. As for Cambodian airspace, cyber military troops
‪캄보디아 영공에선‬ ‪군 사이버 병력이 방공망을 해제해‬As for Cambodian airspace, cyber military troops will lift the air defense network to open up the airway.
‪항공로를 열어 줄 겁니다‬will lift the air defense network to open up the airway.
‪(윤배)‬ ‪아, 저, 의장님‬General Lee, shouldn't you notify President Park--
‪권한 대행에게 통보라도 하셔야...‬General Lee, shouldn't you notify President Park--
‪(관묵)‬ ‪특임단 대원들에게 연락하지‬Contact the Special Ops team.
‪서울 공항으로 집결하도록‬Tell them to gather at Seoul Airport.
‪(무진)‬ ‪기어이 캄보디아로‬ ‪파병하실 생각입니까?‬Do you plan to dispatch troops to Cambodia? The President of our country
‪(관묵)‬ ‪이 나라 대통령과‬The President of our country
‪우리 국민 200여 명이 희생당한‬ ‪대참사입니다‬The President of our country and some 200 people were victims of this tragedy.
‪게다가 놈은‬ ‪[시스템 작동음]‬Not only that,
‪감히 청와대로 동영상을 보내와‬ ‪우리를 조롱했습니다‬he sent a video to the Blue House to mock us.
‪동영상마저 공개된 지금‬Since the video was leaked,
‪국민들은‬ ‪불안과 공포에 시달리고 있어요‬our people are suffering in fear and anxiety.
‪명해준을 잡아 응징하는 건‬It is the duty of a sovereign state
‪주권 국가의 당연한 책무입니다‬to catch Myung Hae Joon and punish him.
‪난 북한 놈들 손에‬I won't hand Myung Hae Joon over to North Korea easily.
‪명해준을 곱게 내주지 않을 겁니다‬I won't hand Myung Hae Joon over to North Korea easily. A diplomatic dispute with Cambodia
‪(무진)‬ ‪캄보디아와의 외교적 분쟁은‬A diplomatic dispute with Cambodia
‪더 큰 불안과 공포를 가져올 겁니다‬will bring greater anxiety and fear.
‪(관묵)‬ ‪모든 외교의 끝은 결국은 전쟁입니다‬All diplomacy eventually leads to war.
‪그리고 우리 군은‬Our military
‪바로 그날을 위해서 존재하는 겁니다‬exists for when that happens.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪적은 반드시‬The enemy must be
‪힘으로 굴복시키는 겁니다‬suppressed with force.
‪박 대행‬President Park,
‪[가슴팍을 탁 치며]‬ ‪나에게 힘이 있다면 쓰는 겁니다‬you should use power if you have it...
‪주저함도, 망설임도 없이‬without hesitating or wavering.
‪합참 의장님 말씀이 맞습니다‬You're right, General Lee.
‪힘이 있으니 써야겠습니다‬ ‪주저함도, 망설임도 없이‬I'll use my power since I have it without hesitating or wavering.
‪합참 의장님의 군 지휘권을 박탈합니다‬I am revoking your military authority.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪이관묵 합참 의장, 당신을 해임합니다‬General Lee Gwan-muk, you are relieved of your post.
‪[무진이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪지금 이 시간부로‬As of now,
‪(무진)‬ ‪국군 통수권자인 내 승인 없이‬ ‪군 병력을 움직이는 사람은‬anyone who gives orders to the military without my permission...
‪내란 음모죄로 처벌할 생각입니다‬will be punished for conspiring to start a rebellion.
‪그 누구도‬There will be...
‪예외는 없을 겁니다‬no exceptions.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(수정)‬ ‪어, 국정 운영 지지도‬ ‪조사 결과 나왔는데‬We have the approval rating survey results.
‪언론사에는 아침에 공개하기로 했죠?‬We decided to release it in the morning, right?
‪청와대 공식 SNS도‬ ‪그때 같이 공개하는 걸로 할까요?‬Should we also post it on the Blue House's official social media account then?
‪(영진)‬ ‪그거는 김남욱 행정관한테 알려 주세요‬Talk to Spokesperson Kim about it.
‪미디어 담당하는 건 그쪽이니까‬He's in charge of the media.
‪자리 옮기기로 했어요?‬Are you changing desks?
‪그런 말 없었잖아요‬You didn't mention that.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪뭐, 허락받아야 됩니까?‬Do I need your permission?
‪상의, 의논, 협의‬didn't you learn nice and pretty words like "discuss, consult, or confer"
‪뭐, 이런 듣기 좋고 아름다운 우리말은‬didn't you learn nice and pretty words like "discuss, consult, or confer"
‪국어 시간에 안 배웠어요?‬when you were in school?
‪명해준 동영상만 해도 그래요‬That also goes for the Myung Hae Joon video.
‪미리 의논 정도는 해 줄 수 있었잖아요‬You could have discussed it with me beforehand.
‪(영진)‬ ‪그거 말했다면‬If I told you,
‪찬성했겠어요?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬would you have agreed to it?
‪박무진입니다‬It's Park Mu-jin.
‪할 얘기가 있어요‬I need to talk to you.
‪(수정)‬ ‪그럼 제가 집무실로 가면 될까요?‬Should I go to your office?
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, got it.
‪무슨 일일까요?‬What could it be?
‪혹시 뭐 아는 거 있어요?‬Do you know anything?
‪(영진)‬ ‪대행님 제일 잘 아는 사람은‬ ‪정수정 행정관일 텐데요‬You're the one who knows President Park the best.
‪우리 얘기는 다녀와서 하죠‬Let's finish this talk when I get back.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[액자를 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪비서실장직‬I can't leave the position
‪더 이상 공석으로 둘 수가‬ ‪없을 것 같아서‬of Chief Presidential Secretary vacant any longer.
‪생각 끝에 결정했어요‬After much thought, I have come to a decision.
‪세종시부터 여기 청와대까지‬From when I was in Sejong to my time at the Blue House,
‪나를 가장 잘 이해해 준 스태프는‬the person that understood me the best
‪정수정 보좌관이에요‬was you, Ms. Jeong.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[영진이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪(수교)‬ ‪이거 아닌 것 같은데요, 뭔가...‬I don't think that's right.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪비서실장직은‬I've decided to appoint...
‪차영진 행정관을 임명하기로 했어요‬Secretary Cha Yeong-jin as the Chief Presidential Secretary.
‪(무진)‬ ‪정수정 보좌관에겐‬I thought it would be best if I told you in person.
‪내가 직접 말하는 편이‬ ‪나을 것 같아서요‬I thought it would be best if I told you in person.
‪제가 실망하고 상처받을까 봐요?‬Because I might be disappointed and hurt?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪놀랍긴 한데요‬It is a bit surprising.
‪(수정)‬ ‪전 차영진 행정관이 일하는 방식‬I thought you didn't like
‪대행님께서 싫어하신다고 생각했어요‬the way Secretary Cha did things.
‪제가 틀렸나요?‬Was I wrong?
‪필요하니까‬I need him.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(수정)‬ ‪하던 얘긴 끝내고 가야‬ ‪잠이 올 것 같아서요‬I won't be able to sleep unless we finish our conversation.
‪동영상을 공개하자고 말했다면‬If you had asked me to go public with the video,
‪그래요, 반대했겠죠‬yes, I would have been against it.
‪하지만 나한테 이유를 설명했다면‬But if you had explained the reason,
‪난 분명 찬성했을 거예요‬I'm sure I would have agreed.
‪얼마나 유능한지‬Because I know...
‪내가 아니까‬how competent you are.
‪차영진 비서실장님‬Chief Presidential Secretary Cha Yeong-jin.
‪(영진)‬ ‪저기, 저, 어, 정수정 씨‬Wait, Ms. Jeong.
‪예, 음...‬Well...
‪[영진이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪치맥 할래요, 같이?‬Want to get chicken and beer with me?
‪광화문에 잘하는 데 아는데‬know a good place by Gwanghwamun.
‪아니‬You know,
‪저녁 안 먹었으니까‬since we didn't have dinner.
‪물어본 거예요‬That's why I asked.
‪싫은데요‬No, I don't want to.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪이런 날 축하주를 살 만큼‬ ‪내가 성숙한 인격도 아니고‬I'm not mature enough to buy you a celebratory drink on a day like this.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪위로주를 받을 만큼‬And it doesn't feel nice to think
‪불쌍해 보이는 것도 기분 별로네요‬that I look so pathetic that I need a consolation drink.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪치맥이라고 했냐? 허, 참‬Did I say chicken and beer? Gosh.
‪뭔데?‬ ‪[한숨]‬What is this?
‪참 나‬My gosh.
‪[컵라면을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(수교)‬ ‪저, 대행님‬Excuse me, sir.
‪저, 퇴근 안 하십니까?‬Aren't you going home?
‪약주 좋아하실까 모르겠네요‬I'm not sure if he likes to drink.
‪누구 말씀하시는 건지...‬Whom do you mean?
‪[무전기 신호음]‬ ‪(대한)‬ ‪아무 이상 없는지 확인하고‬Make sure it's clear.
‪(무진)‬ ‪오늘이 가기 전에 여쭤보고 싶었습니다‬I wanted to ask you today.
‪[주승이 시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[무진이 숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬I thought perhaps
‪대통령님‬I thought perhaps
‪임기 내내 외롭고‬the late President
‪힘드셨던 건 아닐까‬was lonely and burdened
‪그런 마음이 들어서요‬throughout his term.
‪그 말‬That sounds like
‪박 대행이 외롭고 힘들다고 들립니다‬you're lonely and burdened.
‪(무진)‬ ‪저 또한‬Was I...
‪그런 사람들 중의 하나였습니까?‬also one of those people?
‪대통령님을 외롭게 만들었던‬One of the people that made
‪그런 사람‬the President feel lonely.
‪(주승)‬ ‪대답은‬Don't you...
‪[주승이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪박 대행도 이미 알고 있지 않나요?‬already know the answer to that, sir?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[주승이 시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(주승)‬ ‪아이, 박무진 장관이‬ ‪그렇게 노여우신 겁니까?‬Are you that mad at Minister Park?
‪해임까지 하실 줄은‬I had no idea you'd dismiss him.
‪그 반대야‬It's the opposite.
‪더 탐이 나기 전에 놔주려고‬I'm going to let him go before I get greedy.
‪(진만)‬ ‪정치랑은 안 어울려, 박무진 저 친구‬That man isn't suited for politics.
‪지옥의 링이 될 거야‬There will be a ring of hell.
‪링에 끌려 나와서‬ ‪피투성이로 서 있는 건‬I'll be the only one dragged into the ring and bloodied.
‪나 하나로 족해‬No one else.
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪[나경의 한숨]‬
‪(한모)‬ ‪얘가, 얘가, 지금 뭐 하는 거야! 어?‬What in the world are you doing?
‪[나경의 한숨]‬What in the world are you doing? We need all the help we can get.
‪고양이 손이라도 빌릴 이 바쁜 때‬We need all the help we can get.
‪[나경이 파일을 탁 정리한다]‬
‪선배 말이 맞았어요‬You were right.
‪뭐가?‬About what?
‪난 그저 희생자 유가족이었어요‬I was merely a bereaved family member.
‪여기 어울리지 않는 사람이에요, 저‬I'm not fit for this place.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[나경이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(한모)‬ ‪한나경!‬Na-gyeong!
‪(지원)‬ ‪아이씨‬Shit.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[나경이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(남자2)‬ ‪[변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪오영석 의원이 어떻게 살아남았는지‬Don't you want to find out how Assemblyman Oh Yeong-seok survived?
‪알고 싶지 않아요?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Don't you want to find out how Assemblyman Oh Yeong-seok survived?
‪나와 세상을 바꿔 보지 않을래요?‬Would you like to change the world with me?
‪(남자2)‬ ‪국회 의사당 설계 도면에서‬Find Room 119 in the blueprint
‪119호를 찾아요‬of the National Assembly Building.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(나경)‬ ‪둘 중 하나겠지‬It must be one or the other.
‪날 노린 함정이거나‬It's either a trap to set me up
‪결정적 제보자거나‬or a crucial informant.
‪(무진)‬ ‪오영석 의원에게‬ ‪국무총리 대행직을 제안할까 합니다‬I'm considering offering the position of Acting Prime Minister to Assemblyman Oh.
‪(영석)‬ ‪이 나라의 불행한 참사가‬ ‪왜 제 정치적 자산이 되어야 합니까?‬Why must our country's disaster become my political asset?
‪(나경)‬ ‪오영석 의원, 이 테러와 관련 있어요‬Assemblyman Oh was involved in the bombing. I'm sure of it.
‪[유리창이 와장창 깨진다]‬ ‪반드시‬Assemblyman Oh was involved in the bombing. I'm sure of it.
‪(영목)‬ ‪현지에 도착한 707특임단에‬It seems Troop 707, which just landed on the ground, is in trouble.
‪[버튼을 탁 누른다]‬ ‪사고가 발생한 모양입니다‬It seems Troop 707, which just landed on the ground, is in trouble.

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