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  흑기사 7

Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me 7


 [웅장한 음악]

(백희새로 들인 부인한테서

I heard that the new wife

아이가 태어났다고 들었다

gave birth to a child.

그렇게 아이를 바꿨지

That's how I switched the babies.


Please, don't kill me!

 평생  여인을 위해 모든  바치겠다

I will dedicate my life and all I own to that woman.

(백희시댁으로 아씨는 몸종을 데려갔어

The lady took the girl with her as her handmaiden,

신랑의 마음을 상상할  없기 때문이지

as she had no way of knowing her husband's feelings for her.

훌륭한 남자였죠

as she had no way of knowing her husband's feelings for her. He was a good man.

너무 훌륭해서 탈이었지만

Too good, in fact.

부인한테도 예를 다했지만

He was faithful to his wife,

아이가 생기지 않았습니다

but they couldn't have a child.

서방님 산딸기가 먹고 싶어요

Husband, I'm craving raspberries.

분이야그대로 도망가!

Run away, Boon-yi.

 죽이고 오랬어나더러

She told me to kill you.

아들 셋은 이쪽입니다마님

This woman will give birth to three sons.


For a long time now

 마음속으로 죄를 지었다

I have sinned with my heart.

너를 안고 싶었어

I wanted to be with you.

젊은 선비들이 당쟁의 희생양이 되었죠

Young scholars became the victims of this political struggle.

  입고  대신 죽어

Wear those clothes and die in my place.

이명소의 부인이 맞소?

Are you Myung-so Lee's wife?

분이야 다음 생이라는  있다면

Boon-yi. If there is such a thing as being born again,

그땐  좋은 곳에서 태어나거라

be born in a better place.

말해 봐요

Tell me.

누굴  사랑했는지

Who did you love more?


Me or Boon-yi?


Tell me!


Die, both of you!

영원히 구천을 떠도는

Become a ghost and wander this world

귀신이 되어라

for all eternity.

사람도 귀신도 아닌 존재가 되었구나

You're neither a person nor a ghost.

 죽을  없다

You can't die.

수호는 아빠가 후견인을 해주기로 했거든

I've decided to be Soo-ho's guardian.

얼굴마저 엉망인 애를 보면서

Look at that kid and his messed up face

네가 얼마나 행복한지를 깨달으란 말이야

Look at that kid and his messed up face and realize how good you have it!


and realize how good you have it! Don't cry. Everything you wish for will come true.

원하는 모든  이루게  거야

Don't cry. Everything you wish for will come true.

이상한 일들의 연속이었어요

Strange things kept happening.

행운이 계속돼서 겁이 난다고 해야 하나?

It was almost scary because I was so lucky.

모든 일들이 잘됐어요

Everything went in my favor.

정해라 어딨어?

Where is Hae-ra Jung?

당장 나오라 그래!

Get over here, now!

이모가 보증금  빼간  몰랐어?

Didn't you know your aunt withdrew the deposit?

이걸 찾아 입으면 인생을 되돌릴  있을  같아서요

I felt like I could start my life over if I found this and put it on.

정해라 ? - 기억하세요?

-Hae-ra Jung? -Do you remember me?

보이는  다가 아니고

Appearances can be deceiving,

내가 아는  전부가 아니잖아요

and there's more to this world than what we know.

우리 인생을 바꿔요 내가 당신이 될게요

Let's switch lives. I'll become you.

싱글 스냅 예약요

It's a single-snap.

여권  봐요

Give me your passport.

이제부터 나한테만 집중하라고

You should focus on me.

울면서 아이스크림 먹으면 어떻게 되는  알아요?

Do you know what happens when you eat ice cream while crying?

앞에 있는 남자 가슴이 뜁니다

It makes my heart race.

오늘부터 우리 같이 사는 겁니까?

So, are we going to be living together from now on?

 사람은  남자가 아니야!

He's not your man!

너도 현명해져야지

It's about time you come to your senses.

200 넘게 살았으면

You've been living for over 200 years.


We kissed today.

[불길한 느낌의 효과음]

[유리창 깨지는 소리와 비명]

[불길한 느낌의 음악]


Hae-ra Jung.

 몸으로 뭐부터  볼까?

What should I do first in your body?

[코믹한 느낌의 효과음]


Black Knight?

[핸드폰 진동 소리]

 들어오고  ?

Hi, why aren't you home yet?






What are you doing?

일하고 있지

I'm working.

 지금 취한  같아

I think I'm drunk.

어지러워 - 어디야?

-I feel dizzy. -Where are you?

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]




Aren't you cold?


I am.


What is this?

 혼자 마신 거야?

Were you drinking alone?


일어나집에 가자

Get up, let's go home.

우리 집이 어딘데?

Where is home?


You're drunk.

우리  알아?

Do you know where I live?


Yes, I do.


Where is it?

내가 사는 

My house.

같은 집에 산다고?

You live together?


No way.

아파트 같은 동이겠지

They're probably just living in the same building.

(수호아줌마 여기 여기다 둘게요

I'll leave the money here.

그럴 남자가 아니야당신은

You're not that kind of a person.

집에 가자

Let's go.


Come on.

 진짜 혼나야겠어

You're in so much trouble for this.

너무 따뜻해

It's so warm...


that it makes me sad.

몸도  가눌 정도로

Whether you're a man or a woman,

퍼마시는  남자건 여자건 위험하고 추해

it's a really bad habit to drink until you can't even stand straight.


I feel cold...

몸도 마음도 추워

both inside and out.

집에  빨리

Let's go home.



[박동 소리]

[에로틱한 음악]




No, no.

내가 지금 무슨 상상을 하는 거야?

What am I thinking?

우리  잔만  해요

Let's have just one more drink.

  - 빨리!

-No. -Come on!

 당신이랑 마주보고 한잔하고 싶어

I want to share a drink with you.

아줌마여기   병만  주세요

Lady, give us another bottle.

 정해라 맞아?

Are you really Hae-ra?


Probably not.

내가 정해라로 보여요?

Do I look like her?

정말 술을  줄이셔야겠어

You seriously need to cut down on your drinking.

[속으로걱정하는  눈빛

He looks so worried.


I'm getting jealous.

술은 됐고

We don't need more alcohol.


We'll drink water.

당신이 마시라면 마실게

I'll drink it if you insist.

[속으로 남자는  거야

He's mine.



That's so refreshing.

정신이 드냐?

Feeling better?

! - 피곤하다

-Hey! -I'm so tired.


What are you doing?

근데  당신이 흑기사야?

Why are you the "Black Knight?"

네가 필요할   그렇게 불러댔잖아

Because you called me whenever you needed me.

근데  지금  ?

What are you doing anyway?

 10분만 잘게

I'm going to take a nap.


[속으로완전 진상이지?

This is really annoying, isn't it?


I hope he runs out of patience.

집에 가자

Let's go home.

주차장까지  걸어가야 

We have to walk to the parking lot.

[속으로내일 아침까지 당신 옆에 있고 싶어

I want to stay by your side until morning.

하지만 그건 정해라잖아

But I'm Hae-ra now.


Wait, wait.


I'm sorry.

 화장실이 너무 급해 가지고

I have to go to the bathroom.


Be careful, you're going to trip!


Are you sleeping?

숯가마 가서   빼고 오자

Let's go to the sauna together.


Let's sweat it out

새벽 곰탕집 가서...

and we can grab some beef-bone soup after...

[불길한 느낌의 음악]





아니해라 씨가  여기서 자고 있지?

Why is she sleeping here?






Sharon, where are you?




Sharon, where are you?





해라 여긴 어떻게?

What brings you here?


Did you get the flowers?

  이렇게 떨리지?

Oh my god, I'm getting so nervous.

어우 심장이 튀어나올라 그래

I think my heart's going to burst.



어디 가서 얘기  할까?

go somewhere and talk.

Yeah, sure.

내가  떨려서

I'm going to have something to drink.


I'm so nervous.


Wow, you're cute.




You were...

 갖고 놀았지?

toying with me, right?

아니라니까 번을 말해

I told you, that's not true!

 위해    있죠?

What would you do for me?

내가   있는  뭐든지

Anything I can do.



 어색하게 존댓말 쓰세요?

Why are you talking so properly?

푸시업 100 해봐

Do 100 pushups.



뭐든지   있다며?

You said you would do anything.




[속으로귀엽고 매력적이네

He's cute all right.


다섯 - 정해라랑 아주  어울리겠어

-Five. -He's the perfect match for Hae-ra.

여덟 - 오케이거기까지

-Eight... -That's enough.

아이추운  어디  거야?

Where did she go in this cold?

고객님이 전화를 받지 않아  소리 이후 음성...

[핸드폰 진동 소리]


정해라 만나고 있었어요?

Were you with Hae-ra?


같이 있다가 화장실 간다고 사라져서

I was with her, but she said she was going to the bathroom.

근데  여기서 잠들어 있죠?

Why is she sleeping here?

(지훈일흔 다섯


일흔 여섯


일흔 일곱


일흔 여덟 - 보고 싶었어

-Seventy eight... -I've missed you.


A lot.


I'm not...

집에  갈래

going home tonight.

(백희빨리 깨워요

Wake her up.





몸에 열이 나는  같은데

I think she has a fever.

깨워야 해요

You have to wake her up!

우리 이렇게 밤새 걸을까?

Should we keep walking all night?

집에  간다니까

I told you, I'm not going home.


I'll just...

그냥 집까지만 데려다줄게

walk with you, then.

내가 싫어?

Don't you love me?

아니 - 근데  그래?

-I do. -Then what's the matter?

좋아하니까 그러지

It's because I love you.

남자의 자존심도 있고

There's the matter of a man's pride,


and I want to have our first time

멋지게 우리의  추억 가지고 싶어

to be at a better time and in a better way.

오늘로 해요

Let's do it tonight.

바라곤 있었지만

I did want that,

이렇게 갑자기는...

but this is just too sudden.


Hae-ra, wake up!



집에 가자

Let's go home.

오늘  같이 있어

Stay with me tonight.

갑자기 목소리가  그래?

What happened to your voice?

목이 갑자기...

My throat just...

누구 성대모사야?

Were you mimicking someone?

 들려주려고 연습한 거야?

Did you practice that for me?

아니그게 아니...

No, it's--

[속으로갑자기 목소리가  이러지?

Why is my voice doing this all of a sudden?

  목소리 들어봤는데

Wait, I know that voice.

 알아서 데리고 가요

Make sure to take her home.




Are you okay?


I'm sorry.

 집에 가야겠어

I have to go home.

집에 가는 길이었잖아 - 전화할게

-But that's where we're going. -I'll call you.

해라 ?



What? What happened?


Oh my god.




Oh my, oh no.


Down here.


Oh my.


What's wrong with her?

술을 많이 마셨나 봐요

I think she drank too much.

뻗을 만큼  마시는 애가 아닌데

But she normally doesn't drink like that.

맡아 봐요술냄새도  나잖아

See? It doesn't even smell like she drank.



Are you okay?

뭐야내가 지금 여기  있어?

What? What am I doing here?


I'm so hungry.


내가 무슨 포장마차를 말도  

I was drinking at a street bar? No way.

 주사 있는 거면  끊어야 

If you have a drinking problem, you should quit drinking.

술도 컨트롤  하면서 무슨 자수성가야?

How will you make your own fortune when you're getting wasted like that?

아니내가 술을  마셨다니까!

I told you, I didn't drink!

그냥 양장점에서 대화하다가 잠든 거예요

I just fell asleep while talking to her.

Yeah, right.

그럼 내가 헛것을  겁니까? - 

-Was I seeing things then? -You were.

그럼 내일 저녁  같이  보든가 포장마차

Let's go to that street bar tomorrow night then.

 주인한테  물어볼까 봤냐고?

We can ask the owner if she has seen me.


Let's do that.

너무 맛있다

It's so tasty.

얘가  이래?

What's with you?

하지도 않던 아침 운동을  엄동설한에

You never worked out in the morning. And it's cold out.

컨디션이 좋은가 

I just feel great today.

 호랑이 기운이 넘쳐나네

I'm full of energy.


What the...

 12시에 고기를 구워먹질 않나

First you crave meat at midnight, and now...

근데  이상하단 말이야

It's really weird.

내가 잠귀도 밝은데

You know I'm a light sleeper.

어떻게 집에  때까지 그렇게 정신  차리고 잠만   있지?

How did I not wake up on my way home?

밥을 부실하게 먹어서 그렇지

It's because you haven't been eating well.

그래서 고기도 당겼고

That must be why you were craving meat too.

 오늘부터는 홍삼이랑 비타민  챙겨 먹어야겠어

I should start taking red ginseng and vitamin pills.


You know,

곤이 아버지가

I heard Gon's father

상가 하나 준다는  같은데 들었어?

promised you a portion of a shopping mall. Did you hear about it?

들었어 - 그래어떻게  거야?

-I did. -Really? What are you going to do?

받아야지 - 그치?

-Accept it, obviously. -Right?

[불길한 느낌의 음악]

깔끔하게 처리해?

Make sure not to leave any loose ends.


Let's go.

수고들 해라

Keep up the good work.

전철역에 떨궈줄게

Get in, I'll drop you off at the subway station.


No, thanks.

 힘도 뻗치는데 걸어갈래

I'll just walk. I'm full of energy today.

메일 보냈으니까 읽어 

I sent you an email. Read it.

바보가 아니면 뭔가 얻겠지

You will learn something from it unless you're a fool.



[경쾌한 음악]


Let's go to the subway station.

무슨 메일을 보냈길래 이렇게 잘난 척하는 거지?

What's this email you're boasting about?

 회장 쪽으로도 연락이 갔을 겁니다

I'm sure Mr. Park has heard about it too.

모임에 나오지 않을까요?

Won't he be at the meeting?

 - 진짜 대박이다아니

-Yes. -Wow, this is amazing!

도시 재생... - 어떻게 이런  찾아서

-Urban renewal and Korean house... -How did you find something like this?

한옥... - 보낼 생각을 했어?

-Urban renewal and Korean house... -How did you find something like this?

조용히 통화하잖아

Be quiet, I'm on a call.

이쪽 기사나 논문 계속 찾아봐 주시고요

Keep looking for related articles and papers.

근데 이거 진짜 미친  같아!

No, seriously. This is insane!

아무튼 제가 지금 운전 중이라

No, seriously. This is insane! Anyway, I'm driving right now. Come back right after the meeting.

미팅 끝나는 대로 바로 들어가겠습니다

Anyway, I'm driving right now. Come back right after the meeting.

이따가 뵙겠습니다 - 어떻게 이런...

-I'll see you later. -How did they...

통화하는데 시끄럽게

Come on, I was talking on the phone.

'성공 비즈니스 모델 10가지'

"Ten successful business models."

이거 진짜 쓸모있다

This is really useful.

 벌써 연결시킬 아이디어 떠올랐어

I already came up with some applicable ideas.

내가 바보는 아니잖아?

I'm not a fool.

오늘 저녁 포장마차 데이트 네가 신정한 거다?

We're having our date at that street bar tonight, as per your request.

아니그게  데이트야 현장 검증이지?

How is it a date? We're just going to check on some facts.


It's your fault.



[핸드폰 진동 소리]

문수호입니다 아침 일찍 웬일이세요?

This is Soo-ho Moon. Did something happen this early in the morning?



지하철역 저쪽

The subway station's over there.

이게 뭔일이래?

What's going on?

이게 무슨 행패예요행패가?

What do you think you're doing?

목욕탕 와서 뜨신   틀어달라는데

I came to take a bath and asked you for hot water.

뭐가 행팬데요?

What's so wrong with that?

영업을  하니까 더운 물이 없어요

I said we're closed! We don't have hot water.

나가 물이라도 끓여 오든가!

Then go get some!



목욕 손님  오셨네

Here's another customer.

목욕하러   아닙니다

I'm not here to take a bath.

그라믄 때밀어 주러 오셨나?

Are you the bathhouse scrubber, then?

용건이 뭡니까?

What do you want?

니가  바가 아이지

That's none of your damn business.

  목욕탕 사들여갖고  할라카나?

What are you trying to do with this bathhouse?

 의도로 자꾸 임대를 자꾸 먹어들어와?

Why do you keep meddling with our business in this neighborhood?

할머니밖에 나가 계세요

You should wait outside.

에헤이어딜 갈라고?

Where do you think you're going?

온수 틀어달라니까!

I said I want hot water!

이거 놔요!

Let go of me!


Let her go.

잘난 척하지 말고

Quit showing off already

꺼지라 새끼야

and get lost.

아이구 무시라   생기겄네

Oh my god, this isn't good.

 같은 피래미가 끼들 자리가 아니야

This isn't the place for a small fry like you.

 회장이 보내서 왔나 본데

Did Mr. Park send you?

정말 수준 이하다

This is low, even for him.

좋은 말로   그냥 가세요

Leave while I'm asking you nicely.

목욕을 해야 나가지

I haven't taken a bath yet.

그지그럼 목욕을 해야지

I see. You're right.


Why you son of a...


Fuck you!


Oh my god, this is freezing!

다시 들어가고!

Get back in there!



너도 들어가라

Why don't you join him?


God, it's cold!

[ 울리는 소리]

[로맨틱한 음악]

됐어 내가 할게

It's okay, I'll do it.

가만히 있어 

Just sit still.

여기까지  따라왔어?

Why did you follow me?

어떻게  건지 설명   

Tell me what's going on.

옛날 집이랑 건물들을  밀어버리려고 해서

They're trying to demolish all the old houses and buildings,

내가 막고 있는 중이야

so I'm stopping them.

매입도 하고

I buy some of them

집을 팔지 않도록 투자금도 지원하고

and make investments so people won't sell their houses.



그냥  동네가 사라지는  싫어

I just don't want this neighborhood to disappear.


Why not?

우리 어릴  추억이 있는 곳이잖아

Because this is where we spent our childhood.

 이유 하나로?

That's your reason?

 건너면 주상복합에 대형 마트 수두룩한데

There are plenty of shopping malls nearby already.

여기까지 그렇게 만들 필요는 없지

It doesn't have to be like that here too.

어쨌든  건물 들어서면 동네 자체는  좋아지겠지

New buildings mean a better neighborhood.

네가 진짜 가치를  몰라서 그래

You're not realizing what's truly valuable.

아무튼 나는  건물 찬성이야

I think we should have new buildings.

 한번 믿어 

Just trust me this once.

목욕탕 액션...

That bathroom action...


was hilarious.

멋있었다고 말해도 

You can say it was cool.


Hey, I said it was hilarious.

 얼굴은 예쁜데

Your face is so pretty,

말버릇은... 그래

but your tongue is so...




And your face?

하지 마라!

Cut it out!


[불길한 느낌의 음악]


Good morning.





죽은 거야?

Are you dead?


Good morning, boss.


One, two.

이거  목소리 맞지?

This is my own voice, right?

아침부터  그래?

What's gotten into you?

내가 얼마나 잠을  거야?

How long was I asleep for?

오늘이 며칠이지무슨 요일이야?

What day is this?



어제가 화요일이었는데

But it was Tuesday yesterday.


That's weird.

며칠은 뻗어 있어야 하는데

I should've been out cold for a few days.

? - 왜긴 왜야?

-Why? -What do you mean why?

피곤했으니깐 그렇지

I was tired.

  뭐가 있다고 피곤하니?

Why would you be tired? You didn't do anything.

기분 좋다

I feel so good.

우리 춤추자 - 그래

-Let's dance. -Okay.

오늘은 어떤 음악을? - 아무거나

-Which song should I choose? -Anything.



커피  부탁해요

Get me a cup of coffee, please.

설탕은  스푼이죠?

With half a spoon of sugar, right?




What are you doing?


What do you think you're doing?

[불길한 느낌의 음악]

이거 뭐예요?

What is this?

우리 이제 끝났다

It's over now.

이거  이런 거야?

What is this?

어제 무슨 짓을  거야?

What did you do yesterday?

승구야빨랫비누  갖고 

Seung-goo, bring me the laundry soap!

얼룩 지우는 것도 

And the stain remover!

어젯밤에 장난쳤지?

You did something last night, didn't you?

옛날엔 아무  없었잖아

I've done it before, and nothing happened.

2, 3 앓아 눕고 끝이었잖아

I was just knocked out for a couple of days.

그땐 정해라로 장난친  아니었잖아

That's because you didn't mess with Hae-ra before.

걔가 뭔데?

What makes her so special?

또다시 그랬다간

If you do this again,

온몸이랑 얼굴까지  새겨질 거야

those words will spread all over your body and face.

'구천을 떠도는 귀신'이라고

"A wandering specter!"

어떻게 알아?

How do you know that?

예감으로 알아

I can feel it.

 어깨에도 올라왔어

I have it on my shoulders too.



이제 이런 글씨까지  붙이고 다녀야 ?

Why do I have to live like this?

 때문에 이게 뭐야!

This is all your fault!

내가 ?

How's this my fault?

무슨 죄가 있다고

I didn't do anything wrong.

 어떻게   반성이라는  모르니?

Don't you know anything about reflecting on your mistakes?

 사악하고 멍청한 250 할머니야!

You are an evil, stupid 250-year old hag!

벌받을 사람은 당신이지!

You are the one who should be punished!

남자한테 버림받고  바꿔놓은 미친 여자!

You're the lunatic who switched babies after getting dumped by your man!

[백희 의자를 부수며 비명]

300만원 짜린데!

I spent three million won on that!


Damn you!

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

 수만 있다면  죽여버리고 싶다!

I'd kill you if I could!

죽기 전에  말할 거야!

I'll tell everyone before I die!

방송에 나가서  말할 거야 조선 시대 때부터 살았다고!

I'll go on TV and tell everyone that I've lived since the Joseon period!

아우 미친년!

You're completely insane!

그래도 힘이 옛날 같진 않네

You're not as strong as you used to be.

얼굴에도 글씨가 올라오면

When these letters cover our faces,

우린 끝장이야

we're done for.

방법을 찾아 봐요

Find a way, then.

뭔가 있겠지

There has to be a way.

우리 분이 누이가 그렇게 가시다니

How could Boon-yi die like that?



좋은 ...

will meet again...

다시 만나게 되지 않겠나

in a better time.


My lady!

청이 하나 있사온데

I have a request to make.

분이 누이를 위한 기도문을 하나 보태도 될른지요?

May I add a line of prayer for Boon-yi?


Go ahead.

[애잔한 음악]

저는 평생 천한 종이었지만

I was a lowly servant all my life,

스스로를 귀하다 여기며 살았습니다

but I thought of myself as someone important.

분이 누이 덕분이었습죠

It was thanks to Boon-yi.

재주를 펼치지 못하는 저를

She felt sorry for me that...

아까워  주었습니다

I couldn't make better use of my talents.

어떤 기도문을  텐가?

What kind of prayer do you want to add?

 밖으로는 내지 않고

I won't say it out loud.

글로 남기겠습니다

I'll just write it down instead.

그걸 찾아야   같아

We need to find it.

어디서 어떻게 찾아야 하는지

But how are we going to find it?

빡빡  닦아 !

Scrub it harder!

문신은  언제 했대?

When did you get these tattoos?

홍대 가서 했어?

Did you go to Hongdae?


Shut up.

 지워질  같은데

I don't think these are coming off.

그냥 두지

Just leave them.


They look unique.



  섹시하니? - 

-Do they look sexy? -Um, right.

그런  같기도 하고

I guess they are.

괜찮네 - 아우미친 

-It's not bad. -Crazy bitch.

200살이 넘어도 철이  드네

She's still a child after more than 200 years.


Yes, I don't care.

계속 바보짓 하면서 헛발질이라도 

Just play the fool and keep trying.

 오토바이  타는  있지?

You have that guy who's good with a motorcycle, right?

그놈 써먹어

Make use of him.

도시 재생 위원회 모임 가실 거예요?

Are you going to the Urban Renewal Committee meeting?



공청회 비슷하게 얘기를 들어보겠다고 하는데

They said it will be like a public hearing.

문수호는  겁니다

Soo-ho will be there too.

그럼 네가 다녀 오든지

Then you should go.

저는 아버지랑 반대 의견인데요

You know my opinions differ from yours.

가서  뜻대로 말해도 될까요?

Are you going to be okay with that?

재혼을 해야겠다

I think I should get married again.

 아까워서 아버지는 재혼  하세요

You're too greedy to get married again.

재혼을 해서   같은 아들을 낳아야겠다

I'll get married again and have a son who will support me.

 가지만 약속해 주시면

If you promise me one thing,

제가 가서 아버지  들어드릴게요

I'll go there and support you.

해라한테 상가 준다고 하셨다면서요?

I heard you promised Hae-ra a part of the mall.

문서로 만들어서 공증까지 해주세요

I want you to put that down in a notarized document.


-Why? -You played a part in her poverty.

해라가 궁핍하게 사는  일조하셨잖아요

-Why? -You played a part in her poverty.

해라 아버지 돌아가신 후에

After Hae-ra's father passed away,

 회사 경리과 사람들이랑 짜고

you made a deal with his company's accounting department--

그런  없다!

I've did no such thing!

정해라가 좋으냐?

Do you love Hae-ra Jung?

좋아요 - 근데  영미랑 결혼한다 그래?

-Yes. -Then why are you marrying Young-mi?

영미는 그냥 고마운 친구고

Young-mi is just a good friend.

제가 아버지를 닮아서 그런가 봐요

I guess it's because I'm like you.

아버지도 사랑하는 여자가 있는데

You loved someone else,

엄마랑 결혼하신 거잖아요

but you married Mom.

오늘은  어디가 아프세요?

Where does it hurt this time?

나가  - 답을 주셔야 나가죠

-Get out. -I need your answer.

나가서  마음대로 !

Go and do whatever you want to do!

문수호 편을 들든 말든

Go ahead and support Soo-ho Moon!

 마음대로 나가!

Get out and do whatever you want to do!

 오늘 집에  갈래

I'm not going home tonight.

최지훈 선생님?

Mr. Ji-hoon Choi?

제인 선생님한테 피트 받으셨네요?

-I see Jane was your previous trainer. -Right.

-I see Jane was your previous trainer. -Right.

잘해주셨는데 다른 센터로 가셔서

She was a good trainer, but she moved elsewhere.

제가  열심히 해드리겠습니다

I'll be an even better trainer.

문수호 씨도 맡고 계신다면서요?

I heard you're Soo-ho Moon's trainer too.


Mr. Moon?


That's right, do you know him?

열심히 하시나요? - 아우그럼요

-Does he work out hard? -Of course.

바빠서 매일은  하시지만요

But he's too busy to work out every day.

 대표님이 바쁘시군요?

I see. He's busy.

목걸이하고 귀걸이 보고 있는데

I'm looking for a necklace and earrings.

머리는 단발이고요

For someone with short hair.

심플한 디자인 찾으시면은

If you're looking for a simple design,

이런 제품들도 괜찮고요

I'd recommend these.

화려한 디자인 찾으시는 거면은  제품

If you're looking for something a bit more elaborate,

20, 30 여자 분들은 요런 디자인도 많이 찾으세요

these are popular among women in their 20's and 30's.

이걸로 주세요 - 잠시만요

-I'll take this one. -Okay, please wait a moment.


It isn't much,

커피 한잔 드세요

but this is for your coffee.


No, I can't.

무슨 커피를 봉투째 마십니까?

Who would need that much money for coffee?

그냥   드실 만한 성의만 넣었습니다

It's not that much.

커피   드시고

Get yourself some coffee

문수호 대표가 요즘 어떻게 지내는지

and let me know how Mr. Moon is doing these days.

저한테 얘기  해주세요

and let me know how Mr. Moon is doing these days.

 대표님 염탐을?

You want me to spy on Mr. Moon?


Spying? No.

제가 그분이랑 일을  하고 싶은데

I want to work with him, but I lack information.

정보가 부족해서요

I want to work with him, but I lack information.

훌륭하신 분이라곤 들었습니다

I hear he's a very good man.



물론 트레이너님께 이런 부탁을 했다는  비밀이고요

Of course, don't tell anyone that I asked you to do this.

서점목욕탕 해라네 이모님이  한옥

The bookstore, the bathhouse and Hae-ra's aunt's Korean house.

 삼각형이 동네의 구심점입니다

That triangle is the centerpiece of this neighborhood.

여기는  지켜야 합니다

We have to protect this point.

그리고 이쪽 나대지로  곳은 어떻게 됐어요?

What happened to this part?

알아 봤는데 땅주인은 전혀  생각이 없다고 하고

I looked into it, but the landowner has no intention of selling the land.

 회장네서도 아직 그쪽까지는 신경  쓰고 있는 눈치입니다

Also, Mr. Park is not interested in that area yet.

그럼 우리가 선점해야죠

We should take it first, then.

땅을  수가 없으면은

If we can't buy the land,

우리한테 지상권을 설정해 달라고  보세요

we can ask for surface rights instead.






Oh, hello.

오늘 운동 있는 날인가요?

Do you have a training session today?

아니요지나가는 길에 들렀습니다

No, I just dropepd by on the way.

커피 한잔하시라고요

I brought some coffee.

앉으세요 - 

-Take a seat. -Okay.

오늘부터 바로 알아봐 주세요 - 

-Please get to it right away. -I will.

그럼 지상권 설정부터 추진해 보겠습니다

I'll try to get the surface rights first.

 변호사 연결되면 나한테 전화  달라고  주세요

Tell Mr. Jang to call me as soon as you get a hold of him.


Thank you.

그건 뭐예요?

What is that?

목걸이하고 귀걸이요

A necklace and earrings.


Are they for me?

대표님농담도  진담처럼

I can never tell when you're joking.

여자친구랑 잘돼 가시는구나

I see things are going well between you and your girlfriend.


I'm not so sure...

이것도 - 우유도

-Take this too. -Get milk.

빨리빨리 - 콜라콜라

-Hurry it up. -Get soda too.

여깄네콜라 - 아휴 미쳐

-Put it to the side. -Jeez.

혹시 모르니까 막걸리

Let's get makgeolli too, just in case.

모르겠다 - 있다있다

-Oh my god. -I see it!

과자는 뭘로 사요? - 원플러스원만 담아

-What should we get for snacks? -Get that "Buy one, get one free."

 걸로 담아 - 접시도 담아

-Get the cheapest one. -We need plates.

요런 ! - 여깄네

-This one! -I got it.

됐어됐어 - 가자

-Okay, we're done. -Let's go!

어휴우리 본부장님 진짜 탁월하셔

Our Chief Director is unbelievable.

임원들 회의 온다고 갑자기 육포를 사오라 하고

Telling us to get beef jerky for the directors' meeting all of the sudden?

육포를 뜯으셔야 잔소리를 덜한다잖아요

They say he nags less when they get him jerky.

돼지고기  섞인 걸로 골라야 돼요?

Do I have to pick the ones without any pork?

그렇게 이것저것 사오라면서  돈을  푼도  주냐?

He makes all kinds of demands, but doesn't give us any money.

우리 팀비  털렸어지금

Our team's going broke.

여긴 우리가 마저  테니까

We'll take care of the rest here.

언니빨리 가서 준비해

You should go get ready.

 - 빨리 가서 준비해

-Hey, wait. -Just go get ready.

저기 육포 있다 - 같이 

-Wait for me! -Here are the jerkies.


-Let me help you! -I got them.

지도를 펼쳐 놓고

They were looking at a map

지상권 설정에 대한 얘기를 나누시는  같았어요

and talking about surface rights.

지상권? - 

-Surface rights? -Yes.

일종의 물건인데

It's a type of property right.

아주 쉽게 설명하자면

Simply put,

남의 땅에 내가 건물을 짓고

it allows you to build and operate a building on someone else's land.

그걸 이용할  있는 권리를 말하는 거죠

it allows you to build and operate a building on someone else's land.

남의 땅이라

On someone else's land...

나대지나 맹지를 갖고 계신  있으면

You should talk to him if you have any unused or landlocked property.

얘기 한번 넣어 보시죠

You should talk to him if you have any unused or landlocked property.

때에 따라선 지역권 설정도 같이 가야 하는 경우가 있으니까

Sometimes they deal with easement rights at the same time,


so keep that in mind.

법을   아시네요?

You seem well versed in these laws.



그냥 얻어들은 겁니다

I just heard it from someone.

아무튼 감사합니다

Thank you anyway.

문수호 대표랑 일을 한번 도모해 봐야 되겠네요

I'll see about working with Mr. Moon.

여행지 사진 콘테스트 태그에

"Adding supportive comments for our company

'우리 회사 걸고 응모하기'

on travel picture contest postings."

  제안이 가장 무난하고 좋은 아이디어 같은데 어떠십니까?

I think this is a safe and sound idea. What do you think?

너무 무난해서 진부해 보입니다

I think it's too typical and lacks originality.

그럼 이것으로 오늘 회의는 모두 마치고

We'll finish today's meeting here.

저도 한마디만   있게 해주십시오

Please allow me to say one thing.

의견은 많을수록 좋으니까 한번 들어보시죠

Why don't you give her a chance? It won't hurt to listen to other opinions.

- 2 내로 하세요 - 감사합니다

-You have two minutes. -Thank you.

[경쾌한 음악]

 전에 마트에 갔더니

We went to the supermarket just now

계란 후라이는 이렇게

and I noticed that they have

계란 후라이용 팬도 같이 진열돼 있었습니다

these frying pans for making fried eggs next to the eggs themselves.

 생각이 없던 사람도

This can get people who weren't going to buy a frying pan interested.

'한번 사볼까?' 하는 생각을 갖게 만들죠

This can get people who weren't going to buy a frying pan interested.

박스티요즘 미국에서 인기 있는  보관 서비스입니다

Box-T is a clothing storage service that is gaining popularity in the US.

집에 옷을 보관할 공간이 부족하거나

If you don't have enough space for your spare clothes,

관리하기가 힘들 

If you don't have enough space for your spare clothes,

이렇게 옷을 박스에 넣어서

you can just put them in a box

서비스 센터에 보내기만 하면 됩니다

and send it to them.

그럼  옷이 다시 필요할 때까지 최적의 조건에서 보관을  주고

They store your clothes in optimal conditions until you need them again.

원하는 사람에 한해서 이렇게

And they even provide clothing rental services...

서로  대여 서비스까지  줍니다

for customers who are interested in sharing their clothes.

아이무슨 헛지거릴 하고 있어...

Why are you wasting everyone's time?


I mean...

여행   옷을      있다면

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to pack less clothes for your trip?

내가 평소에 입는 옷보다  멋진 옷을 입고 여행지를 누비다가

How about being able to wear beautiful clothes during your travels

 옷을 벗어두고 돌아올  있다면?

and then just leave them there when you leave?

그런 서비스를 해주는 여행사가 있다면

Wouldn't it be great to have a travel agency with a service like that?

얼마나 좋을까요?

Wouldn't it be great to have a travel agency with a service like that?

요즘  주변에서 많이   있는 풍경이죠?

This is what you see near the palaces these days.

이렇게 예쁜 한복을 입고 싶어서 궁에 갈까요?

Do these people visit the palaces to wear beautiful hanbok?

아니면 궁에 가고 싶어서 한복을 입을까요?

Or do they wear hanbok to visit the palaces?

요즘 젊은 여행자들은

Young travelers these days

각자 자기가 원하는 사이트에서

make separate reservations for flight tickets and hotels as they see fit.

항공 따로숙박 따로 예약을 합니다

make separate reservations for flight tickets and hotels as they see fit.

우리 여행사도 뒤처지지 않으려면

If we don't want to fall behind,

이제 생각의 전환이 필요합니다

we need to change the way we think.

의류업체영세한 공장

With this idea, we can work together

 같이 뭔가 해볼  있는 아이템입니다

with clothing companies and smaller factories.

저는 훌륭한 디자이너와 의상실을 알고 있습니다

I know a very talented designer who owns a boutique.

 프로젝트를 저핞테 맡겨 주시면

If you put me in charge of this project,

여행사 매출로 이어지게  자신 있습니다

I am confident that I can raise our revenues.

자신 있습니다! - 자신 있습니다!

-We can do it! -We can do it!


Thank you.

힘만 세가지고

What a brute.

나쁜 년이야

Damn that woman.

아파 죽겠네

It hurts so much.

어떻게 꺾은 거야?

Which way did she twist it?


Seriously, jeez.

우리  알아?

Do you know where I live?

압니다 - 어딘데?

-I do. -Where is it?

내가 사는 

My house.

오랜만에 먹으니까 맛있다

-It's good to have these again. -Help yourselves.

우리 오늘만 좋아하자?

Let's celebrate today, and just today.

아까 젊은 직원들이 박수 쳐가지고 허락은 했는데

They approved this idea because the younger employees liked it,

아마 태클 장난 아닐 거야

but they won't make it easy for us.

 되면 우리 회사 브랜드도 올라가는  아니에요?

Won't this also raise our company's brand value if it goes well?

어우 언제 본부장이 회사 브랜드 가치 올라가고 그런 거를

Since when did the Chief Diretor care about the brand value?

 원하고 바라고  그러디?

Since when did the Chief Diretor care about the brand value?

 승진이나 관심 있지 애사심은 쥐뿔도 없어

He only cares about his promotion. He doesn't care about the company.

저는 애사심 있어요

But I do.

하지만 이번에는

But this time, my goal is

 프로젝트 성공해서 해외 지점 나가는  목표예요

to be reassigned to an overseas office by turning this project into a success.

[전화 벨소리]


It's that boutique.

여보세요? - 자기

-Hello? -Hi.

주소  보내줄  있어요?

Can you send me your address?

옷을 하나 보내려고...

-I'm trying to send-- -I was going to call you.

 그래도 전화드리려고 했는데

-I'm trying to send-- -I was going to call you.

오늘 저녁에 시간  어떠세요?

Are you free this evening?

시간은 되는데

I'm free, but...

제가  드릴 말씀이 있어서요

I have something to tell you.

 제가 갈까요 아니면 영미네 샵으로 오실래요?

Should I come to your place? Or do you want to come to Young-mi's?

무슨 일인데 그래요?

What do you want to talk about?

말하자면  길고요

It's a long story.

제가 퇴근하면서 전화드릴게요 - 잠깐만!

-I'll call you when I get off work. -Wait!

컨디션 어때요?

How are you feeling?

이상한 일은 없었죠?

Did anything strange happen?

무슨 이상한 일요?

What do you mean?

아니에요친구네 가게에서 봐요

It's nothing. I'll see you at your friend's shop.

만나기로 했어

I'm going see her.

근데 얘기해 봐야 알지 먹자

But I won't know for sure until I talk to her. Let's eat.

해라가 퇴근하고 온댔는데? - ?

-Hae-ra's coming here after work. -Why?

자기가  중요한    같다고 상의할  있대

She says she has some important project she wants to talk about.

이모 거기서 마음에 드는  하나 골라 

If there's something you like, you can take it.



곤이 아버지는  얘기 없니?

Didn't Gon's father say anything?

일단 부지 매입을 해야 하는데

Not yet. He needs to buy the land first,

집을  팔겠다고 버티는 사람들이 있나 

but there are people who don't want to sell their houses.

낡아빠진 집을 사주겠다는데  버텨?

Why wouldn't they want to sell their old shabby houses?

기다려  어떻게든 성사시킬 테니까

Just give me some time, I'll make sure to work this out.

해라랑 집주인은  돼가?

How are Hae-ra and her landlord?

오늘 저녁에 포장마차에서 만나기로 하던데?

They're going on a date tonight at a street bar.


Yes! I'm so glad.

어머 사람...

Wait, isn't that...

곤이 아버지 아니야?

Gon's father?

옛날에 봤을 때보다 많이 삭았네

He looks much older than I remember.

연락 없으셨는데

But he didn't say he was coming.

이모오늘은 아는 척하지 말고

Aunt, let's pretend you're not here.

그냥 여기 있어여기 있어?

Just stay right here, okay?

누가 뭐래?

But I didn't even say anything.


Hello, father.


Didn't Gon...

곤이는 연락 없니?

Didn't he call you yet?



몸이  좋으세요?

Are you unwell?

아니어제 간만에 운동을 했더니

I worked out yesterday, somewhat suddenly.


I think my muscles are sore.

 따뜻한    다오

Can you get me a cup of warm water?




Oh my.


Excuse me, are you okay?

어디여기가 아픈 거예요?

Where does it hurt? Here?

언제부터 통증이  거예요?

When did the pain start?

아침부터 갑자기

This morning, suddenly.



혹시 허리를 삽으로 끊어 치는 느낌이세요?

Does it feel like someone is hitting your back with a shovel?



괜찮으신 거예요? - 아이고

-Is he going to be okay? -Oh my god.


Father, are you okay?

어떡해 이모일루 일루 

Oh my god. Come over here.

알았어알았어 - 얼른 

-Okay, okay. -This way.


Oh my god.


Oh, no...


My lady...






Seo-rin, wait!

[잔잔한 음악]



서린 누나!




철민아 지내

Chul-min, take care.

 부자가 되려무나

Become rich.

언젠가 다시  보게 되면

If you see me again someday,

모른  지나쳐 

pretend you don't know me.







이모 같이  무서워

Come with me, I'm scared.

걱정 이거 죽는  아니야

Don't worry, it isn't fatal.

아프기만 까무러치게 아프지

It just hurts like crazy.


My lady...

제가 많이 동생이지 어떻게 누나예요?

I know you're sick, but I'm not your lady.

아파서 정신 없으시죠?

The pain must be clouding your mind.


Where are you?

지금도 헛소리 계속하셔 이모한테 계속 누나라고 하고

He keeps saying weird things He's calling Auntie "my lady."

하늘 병원 응급실로 빨리 

Yes, come to Haneul Hospital's emergency ward.


What? Father...

곤이 지금 온대요 너무 걱정하지 마세요

Gon is on his way. Don't you worry too much.


My lady!


Oh my god.

해라  친구 지금 없어요

Your friend is not here anymore.

누가 아픈지 구급차에 실려 가더라고

I think somebody was sick. They left in an ambulence.

가게에 왔던 손님 같던데

Probably one of the customers.



지금 어디세요?

Where are you now?

다른  보러 가는 길이죠

I'm going somewhere else.

오늘  보자고  거야?

Why did you want to see me?

패션 사업 관련된 얘기 때문에요

I wanted to talk about that clothing business model.

됐고주소나 지금 문자로 보내줘요

Whatever. Just text me your address.


My address.

누구  베낀 거야? - ?

-Whose idea did you copy? -Pardon me?

박스 트린지 틀어진 박슨지

That Box Tree or Tree Box or whatever. How would you know about that?

외국에서 잘나가는 사업을 네가 어떻게 알아?

That Box Tree or Tree Box or whatever. How would you know about that?

다른 여행사가 관련 발표한 거면

If you are plagiarizing another company's idea, you can get fired.


If you are plagiarizing another company's idea, you can get fired.

베낀  아니라면 승진감이죠?

But it's worth a promotion if it's not, right?

 주변에 클래스 있는 정보들 많아요본부장님

I know many classy informants.

제가 앞으로  열심히 하겠습니다

I'll work even harder from now on.

 VIP 고객들한테 빨대 꽂으면 클난다

Don't you try to rely on one of our VIP clients.

 정보원은 고객이 아니라... - 고객이 아니라 ?

-My source is not a client-- -Who is it, then?



수고해라 - 들어가십시오

-Keep up the good work. -Goodbye, sir.


I'm leaving.

실장님도 들어가세요

You should go home too, Mr. Han.

가서  봐요

Go on.

데이트 가시나 봐요? - 

-Going on a date? -Well, yes.

향수 뿌리셨죠?

Did you put on cologne?

아까 뿌리라고 했잖아요

You told me to.



만나기 대여섯 시간 전에

I told you to put it on five to six hours before the date.

은은하게 뿌려 두라고 그렇게 얘기를 했는데

I told you to put it on five to six hours before the date.

[경쾌한 음악]

이런   미리 얘기를 해주셨어야지

You should've told me this earlier.


Yes, it's all my fault.

다음부턴 알람 맞춰드릴게요

I'll set an alarm for you next time.


Oh, come on.

현장검증 해야 하는데

We were going to do a field investigation.


It's closed. We can't do our investigation.



일단 건너와

Just get over here.

자전거 예쁘네

That's a nice bicycle.


What grade are you in?

1학년요이제 2학년 올라가요

First grade. I'll be in second grade soon.

[서서히 어렴풋해지는 음악]


Watch out!


Soo-ho! Get out of the way!

[경쾌한 음악]

진짜  집에 살고 있잖아

They really are living together.

문수호의 물건이 필요해

I need something of Soo-ho's.

어제 오토바이 선물 아버님이 보내신  맞지?

You sent me that motorcycle, didn't you?

문수호 그렇게 만만한  아닙니다

Soo-ho's not an easy opponent.

나한테 해코지하면 회장님이 다치세요

If you try to hurt me, you'll get hurt.

은반지를 주인한테 돌려주고

We need to return that silver ring to it's proper owner

점복이의 문서를 찾으면...

and find Jeom Bok's document...

 회장이라는 사람 통해서 알아보시든가

Try someone known as Mr. Park.

 당신을 믿어온 생애를 뺏길  없어요

I won't let her take you this time.

흙탕물이라도 뒤집어쓰겠습니다

I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.

 일이 잘되면 네가 좋은  아니야?

It's a good thing when my business goes well, because I like you.

내가  좋아하니까

It's a good thing when my business goes well, because I like you.

질투하는  아니지?

You are not being jealous, are you?

질투 하는 거야

I am.


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