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  신성한, 이혼 7

Divorce Attorney Shin 7


‪[직원] 안내해 드리겠습니다‬This way, please.
‪아이고, 이게 누구십니까‬Goodness, look who it is.
‪[유석] 아이고, 여기 좋죠?‬Goodness. Isn't this place nice?
‪- [성한의 헛웃음]‬ ‪- 앉으세요‬Please have a seat.
‪미팅 명단에‬ ‪이름이 있어서 놀랐어요‬I was surprised to find out you made an appointment.
‪- [성한의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- 그냥 전화를 주시지‬We could've talked on the phone.
‪번호가 없더라고요‬I didn't have your number.
‪씁, 내가 몇 번 통화한 거 같은데?‬We've spoken over the phone several times. Regarding Gi-yeong.
‪기영이 일도 있었고‬Regarding Gi-yeong.
‪[성한] 음‬
‪음, 뭐, 저장할게요‬I'll save it.
‪[유석] 아니, 근데 무슨 일로?‬So what brings you here?
‪포도 농사 다 지어서‬ ‪내 모가지라도 따겠다고 오신 거?‬Are you here to take my head now that you're done with your grapes?
‪[헛웃음 치며] 뭘‬Come on. What would I do with your head?
‪따서 뭐 하게요?‬ ‪빌런 축에 끼지도 못하는 분을‬What would I do with your head? You're not even that big of a villain.
‪그건 내가 알아서 할 거고요‬Never mind.
‪[성한의 씁 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[성한] 마지막으로 정말‬ ‪확인할 게 하나 있어 가지고요‬I just had one last thing to check with you.
‪'법 안에서 최선을 다했다'‬You said you did your best as an attorney.
‪음, 아직도 변함없으시고요?‬Do you still stand by your words?
‪아이, 뭐, 한 장 써 드려?‬ ‪공증받으시게?‬Should I write it down and have it notarized?
‪변함없으시다?‬So you do.
‪음, 쯧, 알겠습니다‬All right.
‪그거 물어보려고‬ ‪여기까지 오신 거예요, 정말로?‬Is that really why you came all the way here?
‪[유석] 이 바쁜 와중에?‬Despite your busy schedule?
‪그럼요‬Of course.
‪아니, 납득이 안 되니까‬ ‪정리가 안 돼 가지고‬I just couldn't wrap my head around it.
‪[성한의 씁 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[성한] 내가 변호사 생활 하면서‬ ‪깨달은 게 하나 있는데‬There's something I've learned while working as an attorney.
‪궁금하죠?‬Aren't you curious?
‪'변호사랑 사기꾼은'‬There's a fine line between an attorney and a con artist.
‪- '진짜 한 끗이구나'‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬between an attorney and a con artist.
‪'실력은 안 되는데‬ ‪돈은 벌어야겠는 놈들이'‬When the incompetent but money-hungry types become attorneys,
‪'변호사 명함 쥐게 되면은'‬When the incompetent but money-hungry types become attorneys,
‪'한 사람 죽어 나가는 건‬ ‪일도 아니구나'‬they can easily destroy people's lives.
‪'그런 인간들 변호사 되는 건‬ ‪재해보다 무서운 인재구나'‬It's an enormous disaster for such people to become attorneys.
‪실력도 없고‬Those people have neither competence nor conscience.
‪인간의 도리가 뭔지‬ ‪감도 없는 놈들은‬Those people have neither competence nor conscience.
‪어딜 가나 바지 사장‬ ‪뭐, 페이퍼 대표‬And they all end up being a figurehead or a puppet.
‪맞아요‬That's right.
‪당신 얘기하는 거야, 박유석 씨‬I'm talking about you, Mr. Park.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪왜 손을 부들부들거려?‬Why is your hand shaking?
‪뿌리시려고요?‬Do you want to throw that at me?
‪요즘 물 싸대기 같은 건‬ ‪아침 드라마에서 쳐주지도 않아요‬They don't even do that in morning dramas anymore.
‪이거 드리려고 왔는데‬ ‪농담이 좀 길었네요‬I actually came by to give you this, but I joked around for too long.
‪가서‬Tell her I said this.
‪완전 나이스 타이밍이라고‬ ‪전해 주세요‬"Nice timing."
‪[사락 집는 소리]‬
‪- [유석] 이사님이 주신 겁니까?‬ ‪- [영주] 네‬Did you give it to him? -Yes. -Did you meet him?
‪만나셨어요?‬-Yes. -Did you meet him?
‪신성한 씨‬ ‪만날 필요 없다고 하니까 더…‬When I heard I didn't have to meet him, it made me want to meet him even more.
‪[영주] 만나고 싶어졌어요‬it made me want to meet him even more.
‪미끼를 안 물면 어쩌나 했는데‬ ‪물었나 봐요?‬I worried he'd miss the bait, but I guess he didn't.
‪- [뱃고동 소리]‬ ‪- [갈매기 울음]‬It's a happy day, so put on a big smile.
‪[관계자1] 자, 자, 좋은 날이니까‬ ‪우리 활짝 웃읍시다, 응?‬It's a happy day, so put on a big smile.
‪- 치즈! 자, 카메라 보시고, 응?‬ ‪- [사람들의 웃음]‬-Say cheese! -Look at the camera.
‪- [기자] 찍겠습니다‬ ‪- [관계자1의 웃음]‬I'll take it now.
‪- 하나, 둘, 셋, 스마일‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬One, two, three. Smile!
‪[관계자2] 기자 양반, 여기도 좀‬ ‪잘 좀 찍어 주세요‬Smile! Take a good photo, please.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Take a good photo, please.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[춘석] 영광이 엄마!‬Dinh Thi Hoa!
‪[남자] 뭐야?‬Goodness.
‪[춘석] 니 왜 여기서 이라고 있어?‬ ‪언능 나와‬What are you doing here? Come here.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬-Go talk to him. -Okay.
‪아, 가자고, 언능!‬Let's go already!
‪넘의 집 속사정 알 거 없응께‬This is none of your business,
‪비키쇼!‬so move!
‪[원장] 선생님‬Sir.
‪딘티 화 씨와 아이는‬ ‪현재 보호 중이에요‬Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa and her child are under our protection.
‪함부로 데리고 가실 수 없어요‬-You can't take them. -You must be in charge here.
‪당신이 여기 대장인 모양인디‬-You can't take them. -You must be in charge here.
‪[춘석] 아이, 애를 들고‬ ‪집을 나온 사람을 달래서 보내야제‬When you see a wife who ran away with the baby, you should send her home.
‪보호는 뭔 보호여?‬They don't need your protection.
‪애고 마누라고‬ ‪집에 있는 것이 보호여‬They'll both be safer at home.
‪딘티 화, 니 당장 나와라‬Dinh Thi Hoa, come here right now.
‪험한 꼴 보기 전에!‬Or you're going to regret it!
‪[영주] 선생님‬Sir.
‪지금 아내분은‬ ‪이혼 소송을 진행하실 거예요‬Your wife is going to file for divorce.
‪이렇게 폭력적으로 찾아오시면‬ ‪접근 금지 신청할 수밖에 없어요‬If you intimidate her like this, she'll have to file for a restraining order.
‪접근 금지?‬A restraining order?
‪허, 지랄하고 자빠졌네‬You've got to be kidding me.
‪뭔 금지? 잉?‬What restraining order?
‪뭔 금지!‬What restraining order?
‪아야, 언능 안 나오냐?‬Come here right now!
‪참말로 끌려 나올 참이냐고!‬Do you want me to drag you out of there?
‪- [춘석] 너, 야, 너 거기 서야!‬ ‪- [사람들의 놀란 소리]‬Hey, stop right there! Let me go!
‪아, 놔, 아, 놓으라고, 우라질!‬Let me go!
‪- 딘티 화, 니 거기 서야! 응?‬ ‪- [관계자3] 신고해‬Dinh Thi Hoa, stop right there! -Call the police! -Hey!
‪[춘석] 거기 서라고, 응?‬Stop!
‪- [남자들의 말리는 소리]‬ ‪- 딘티 화! 거기 서, 너…‬Let me go!
‪비켜, 야!‬Get off me!
‪딘티 화!‬Move!
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪염병하네‬Damn it.
‪[춘석의 한숨]‬
‪억울하세요?‬Are you upset?
‪꺼지쇼‬Get lost.
‪확 집어 던져 불기 전에‬Or I'll throw you on the ground.
‪신성한 변호사를 만나 보세요‬You should meet with Attorney Shin Sung-han.
‪아마 힘껏 도와줄 거예요‬He'll do his best to help you.
‪[영주] 이거 명함 꼭 보여 주세요‬Make sure you show him this business card.
‪이거 보여 줘야 도와줄 거예요‬He won't help you otherwise.
‪국선 변호사보다는 잘할 겁니다‬He'll be better than a public defender.
‪[영주] 너무 뻔해서‬ ‪안 낚일 거 같았거든요‬I didn't expect him to fall for such an obvious trick.
‪덥석 무니까 자잘해 보여, 신성한‬I'm almost disappointed that he took it so easily.
‪뻔하지 않은 뭔가를 본 모양이네요‬He must have seen through your ulterior motive.
‪[유석] 신성한이가 이거 들고‬ ‪여기까지 온 거 보면은‬Otherwise, he wouldn't have come all the way here with this himself.
‪뻔하지 않은 걸걸요?‬Otherwise, he wouldn't have come all the way here with this himself.
‪- 잘 막아 보세요‬ ‪- [유석] 아, 예‬-Do your best. -Yes, ma'am.
‪예? 제, 제가…‬Sorry? Me?
‪[영주] 무료 법률 서비스‬I can't be the one offering the pro bono legal service, right?
‪내가 할 순 없잖아요‬I can't be the one offering the pro bono legal service, right?
‪박 변호사님이 진행해 주세요‬I want you to take the case.
‪아, 예‬Yes, ma'am.
‪뭐, 오랜만에‬ ‪이혼 변호 한번 해 보죠, 뭐‬It's been a while since I dealt with a divorce suit.
‪[유석의 씁 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[유석] 저, 그리고‬Also,
‪1225, 무슨 의미가 있는‬ ‪번호인가요?‬Does the number 1225 mean anything?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬He mentioned the last four digits of your phone number.
‪이사님 핸드폰 번호 끝자리를‬ ‪언급하고 가던데?‬He mentioned the last four digits of your phone number. He said, "1225."
‪1225‬He said, "1225." "Nice timing."
‪나이스 타이밍이라고‬ ‪전해 달랍니다‬"Nice timing."
‪[금희] 알아보려고 마음만 먹으면‬ ‪알 수 있을 텐데요‬You could easily find that out yourself.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬You could check Jin Yeong-ju's
‪[금희] 그때 진영주‬You could check Jin Yeong-ju's
‪출국 조회만 해도‬ ‪원하는 답 알 수 있잖아요‬travel records around that time to find the answer.
‪말씀해 주실 거 같아서요‬I thought you would tell me.
‪[금희의 헛웃음]‬
‪[금희] 남매애가 깊었나요?‬Were you close to your sister?
‪신성한 씨 인생은‬ ‪이렇게 낭비돼도 되나 해서‬You shouldn't be wasting your life away like this.
‪시간이 아깝지 않아요?‬Don't you think it's a waste of time?
‪주화는 아마 그곳에서‬I'm sure Ju-hwa is resting in a better place.
‪잘 지내고 있을 겁니다‬I'm sure Ju-hwa is resting in a better place.
‪제가‬You see,
‪제 동생 주화를 많이 아꼈다고‬I couldn't tell you that I cherished my sister…
‪[한숨 쉬며] 사랑했다고‬ ‪말씀은 못 드려요‬or that I loved her.
‪[성한] 고등학교 때 유학 가면서‬When I went abroad as a teenager,
‪동생이 마음에 걸린다거나‬ ‪그런 정도는 아니었거든요‬I never felt bad about leaving her behind.
‪[금희] 그런데‬ ‪왜 이렇게까지 해요?‬So why are you doing this?
‪[피식하며] 그러게요‬I don't know.
‪근데 만약에 혹시나‬All I know is…
‪시간을 돌릴 수 있다면‬that if I could go back in time,
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪제 동생이 떠나던 그 밤‬I'd go where she was that night and make sure she didn't die.
‪그 길로 가서‬ ‪애를 살리고 싶었는데요‬and make sure she didn't die.
‪[성한] 이게 하나씩 하나씩‬ ‪열어 보다 보니까‬But as I looked more into it,
‪그 시간으로 돌아가는 게‬ ‪베스트는 아닌 거죠‬I found that there were better times to go back to.
‪주화가 어르신 아들하고‬ ‪결혼하기 전에‬I'd go back to the time when she hadn't…
‪그때로 돌려놓고 싶습니다‬married your son.
‪그때 유독 주화한테‬ ‪연락이 자주 왔었어요‬She used to call me often around that time.
‪아버지가 선보라고 하시는데‬ ‪자긴 그러고 싶지 않다고‬Our father was trying to set her up for marriage against her will.
‪아버지 좀 말려 달라고‬She wanted me to stop him.
‪말리질 못했어요‬But I failed to do that.
‪아니, 아무것도 안 했어요‬No, I didn't do anything.
‪되레 그냥‬Instead…
‪너도 이제 성인이니까‬I told her that she was a grown woman,
‪니 문제는 니가 알아서 하라고‬so she should deal with it herself.
‪그게 다였어요‬That was it.
‪그땐 주화 결혼보다‬Because back then,
‪솔직히 제 졸업 연주가‬ ‪더 중요했었거든요‬my graduation recital was more important to me.
‪박사 학위 마무리하는‬ ‪아주 중요한 연주였어서‬It was the final recital before getting my doctorate degree.
‪지금이야‬Although now…
‪별 의미도 없는 거지만‬it doesn't mean anything.
‪주화 오빠로 묻는 거죠?‬You're asking as Ju-hwa's brother, right?
‪제 동생 사고 난 날‬The night of her accident…
‪그날 그 시간에‬At that very moment…
‪진영주 씨가 하와이에 있었나요?‬Was Ms. Jin in Hawaii?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[가사 도우미] 사모님‬ ‪회장님께서 전화 주셨어요‬Ma'am, the chairman called.
‪사모님 통화가 안 된다고‬ ‪걱정하세요‬He's worried that he can't reach you.
‪[가사 도우미] 오늘 저녁에‬ ‪이촌동 자택으로 오시라고…‬He wants you at his house in Ichon-dong this evening.
‪- [휴대전화 진동이 멈춘다]‬ ‪- [금희] 네‬All right.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪필요하시면 연락 주세요‬Call me if you need me.
‪반드시 승소한다고‬ ‪보장할 수 있어요?‬Can you guarantee that you can win any case?
‪하지만 치열함은‬But I can guarantee
‪보장할 수 있습니다‬that I'll put up a fight.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- [문소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[형근]‬Sung-han suited up.
‪[정식]‬What's today?
‪[형근]‬Just another ordinary day.
‪[정식]‬Something's up.
‪[형근]‬I second that.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬-You did it, didn't you? -No.
‪- [정식] 너 했지?‬ ‪- [성한] 아니‬-You did it, didn't you? -No.
‪[형근] 뭔 줄 알고‬ ‪아니라 그러는 거지?‬What do you think we're talking about?
‪니들 머릿속에 있는 건 안 했어‬Whatever it is, no.
‪[정식] 그러니까 한 거 맞잖아‬So you did do it.
‪[형근] 포도 농사 다 짓자마자‬ ‪옷 사고‬You got a new suit as soon as you finished the grapes.
‪7년 만에‬-It's been seven years. -Look how clean-shaven he is.
‪[정식] 야, 이거‬ ‪면도 잘된 거 봐라, 저거‬-It's been seven years. -Look how clean-shaven he is.
‪니네 심심하니?‬Are you guys bored?
‪[정식] 새끼 쳐‬Does she have friends?
‪난 괜찮아‬ ‪아이, 사진이나 좀 보자‬I'm good. Let's see a photo.
‪무슨 사진?‬What photo?
‪[정식] 아, 소개팅하는 여자‬ ‪사진도 안 봤겠냐고, 니가‬I'm sure you saw a photo of the girl before going on a blind date.
‪첫째도 미모‬ ‪마지막도 비주얼인 새끼야‬After all, it's all about the looks for you.
‪나가‬Get out.
‪[성한] 둘이 손 꼭 잡고‬ ‪나가 가지고 학원 좀 알아봐‬Get out of here holding hands and look for an academy.
‪'인간이 되어라' 이거 뭐, 속성반‬ ‪이런 거 있을 거거든?‬Find some intensive course on growing up and sign yourselves up.
‪가서 등록해‬and sign yourselves up.
‪[형근] 이 정도면 아니다, 안 했어‬I guess we were wrong. He didn't do it.
‪[정식] 아, 이 미친놈아, 어?‬You idiot.
‪소개팅도 아니고‬ ‪어제와 같은 오늘이면 왜‬If it's just another ordinary day with no blind date, then why would you get all dressed up and shit?
‪꾸며 입고 지랄이야?‬then why would you get all dressed up and shit?
‪미친놈? 지랄?‬"Idiot? Shit?"
‪너 세면대 달아 달라지 않았냐?‬Didn't you ask for a new sink?
‪[정식] 지, '지랄이야'로‬ ‪사행시 한번 지어 보겠습니다‬Let me tell you all the words that rhyme with "shit."
‪[성한] '지'‬Go.
‪[정식] 지금 이 순간‬Hit, bit, pit…
‪- [성한] '랄'‬ ‪- [정식의 탄식]‬What about "idiot"?
‪[정식] 농담, 조크, 조크, 어?‬I was kidding. I have a perfect spot for the sink. Do you want to see it?
‪내가 저기, 세면대 있지?‬I have a perfect spot for the sink. Do you want to see it?
‪세면대 아주 이쁜 자리 봐 놨어‬ ‪가서, 내려가서 볼래?‬I have a perfect spot for the sink. Do you want to see it?
‪그 이쁜 자리에 세면대 대신‬ ‪환풍기 달아 줄게‬Let me install a ventilator in that perfect spot instead.
‪너 똥내 나, 지금‬Let me install a ventilator in that perfect spot instead. -You smell like poop. -Hey.
‪- [정식] 야‬ ‪- [성한] 뭐? 이 새끼야‬-You smell like poop. -Hey. -What, asshole? -That's enough.
‪[형근] 아이, 그만들 좀 해‬ ‪나이 먹고 뭐 하는 거야‬-What, asshole? -That's enough. Don't be so immature.
‪- 똥내가 뭐야‬ ‪- [정식] 그러니까, 씨‬Don't be so immature. Exactly. Let's get it together.
‪야, 정신 차리자, 정신 차리고‬Exactly. Let's get it together. How about we go on a group blind date?
‪우리 단체로 미팅 한번 하자, 어?‬ ‪형근이 이혼 기념으로‬How about we go on a group blind date? Hyeong-geun is single again.
‪[형근] 난 됐어‬Hyeong-geun is single again. -No, thanks. -Hyeong-geun isn't like you.
‪[성한] 야, 형근이가 넌 줄 아냐?‬-No, thanks. -Hyeong-geun isn't like you.
‪이혼하자마자 그냥 뭐, 소개탕‬ ‪소개, 소, 소개팅 타령하게?‬Do you think he'll go on bind dates as soon as his divorce is finalized?
‪- [정식] 소개탕? 조개탕 아니고?‬ ‪- [노크 소리]‬"Bind dates"? Bind what?
‪[성한] 네‬Come in.
‪사무장님, 전화 왔는데요‬Mr. Jang, the noodle shop called.
‪라면집 사장님이‬ ‪점심때 꼭 오시래요‬The owner lady wants you to stop by for lunch.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[성한이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪- [성한이 장난스럽게] 장형근 씨‬ ‪- [형근의 한숨]‬Mr. Jang.
‪[정식] 이혼 도장 찍자마자 뭐지?‬Really? As soon as your divorce is finalized?
‪[헛웃음] 아이‬ ‪가만히 두지를 않네‬They just won't leave me alone.
‪[형근] 아이고‬
‪[정식] 뭐야, 이 새끼 왜 거만해?‬Why is he getting so cocky?
‪[성한] 야, 야, 이거 벗어 줄까?‬Hey. Do you want this?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪난 꾸안꾸‬I prefer the natural look.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪꾸운 쥐포같이 생긴 게, 씨‬You look naturally ugly.
‪[소연] 맛있게 드세요‬Enjoy.
‪브레이크 타임이 있었나?‬-Did you always have break times? -No, just for today.
‪아니요, 오늘만‬-Did you always have break times? -No, just for today.
‪오늘만요? 왜요?‬Just for today? Why?
‪오늘 한정판 메뉴라서‬This is a limited-edition menu.
‪소문나면 안 돼요‬Don't tell anyone.
‪- [꼴깍 삼키는 소리]‬ ‪- [소연의 웃음]‬
‪맛있어요, 이거, 내가 한 거거든요‬It's good. I made it myself.
‪왜 이런 걸?‬But why?
‪이혼했다니까 잘했다고‬ ‪빠싹 먹이라 그래서요‬She was happy to hear about your divorce and told me to feed you well.
‪- 누가요?‬ ‪- [소연] 우리 엄마가요‬-Who? -My mom.
‪그때 병원 일이랑‬ ‪유모차 일이랑 얘기해 드렸더니‬I told her about the hospital incident and the stroller.
‪그래도 이렇게까지…‬But still…
‪직접 오셔서 하겠다는 걸‬ ‪말리느라 내가 한 거거든요?‬I prepared it to keep her from doing it herself.
‪아직 움직이면 아프시거든요‬She's too unwell to move.
‪드세요, 어서, 식기 전에‬Eat up before it gets cold.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪[시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[형근의 개운한 숨소리]‬
‪[후루룩 먹는 소리]‬Did you give her the stroller?
‪유모차는 잘 전해 줬어요?‬Did you give her the stroller?
‪[후루룩 먹는 소리]‬
‪아니, 걔 오빠는 피아노 치잖아‬Isn't her brother a pianist?
‪지금은 변호사예요‬He's an attorney now.
‪변호사?‬An attorney?
‪기영이는 그런 말 안 하던데‬Gi-yeong never told me that.
‪몇 년 전에 제가 한번‬ ‪말씀드렸어요, 아버님‬I told you myself a few years ago, Father.
‪- 그랬어?‬ ‪- [영주가 살짝 웃는다]‬Did you?
‪아니, 근데 그게 무슨 상관이야?‬So what about it?
‪이제 남남인데‬He's a stranger now.
‪기영이 한 달에 한 번 만나는 것도‬ ‪하율이 크니까 부담이에요‬With Ha-yul growing up, I feel uncomfortable about Gi-yeong visiting him.
‪[웃으며] 아이, 그 양반‬ ‪변호사 된 게‬But why is his profession a problem for you?
‪왜 너를 흔들어?‬But why is his profession a problem for you?
‪그까짓 게 뭐라고‬It's not a big deal.
‪이혼 전문으로 변호해요‬He specializes in divorce suits.
‪이혼 전문?‬-Divorce suits? -To tell you the truth,
‪[영주] 실은‬-Divorce suits? -To tell you the truth,
‪어머니께서 신성한을‬ ‪만나고 있다고 하는데‬Mother has been meeting with him regularly.
‪왜 만나시는지…‬I wonder why.
‪얘, 이거 찾아 봐라, 이거‬ ‪꼬부라진 거, 4번‬Hey. Can you look for this curved piece? Number four?
‪이거 어디로 갔어?‬Where the heck is it?
‪[창진의 헛기침]‬
‪[창진] 이혼이라도‬ ‪할 모양인가 보지‬Maybe she wants a divorce.
‪둬라, 될 일 아닌 거‬Let her be. It's not going to happen.
‪너희 시어머니가 더 잘 알아‬She knows that better than anyone.
‪저 자격지심 있어요‬I have an inferiority complex.
‪[영주] 기영이 엄마‬ ‪그렇게 되고 나서 더 그래요‬It's become worse since Gi-yeong's mom passed away.
‪더 이상 기영이 엄마랑‬ ‪엮이고 싶지 않아요, 아버님‬I don't want any ties with her anymore.
‪이번에 이혼 사건‬ ‪무료 변론 하나 하는데‬We're working on a pro bono divorce case,
‪상대측 변호사가 신성한이에요‬and we're up against Shin Sung-han.
‪애매하게 연결돼 있는 것들‬ ‪이번 소송으로 정리하고 싶어요‬I want to use this lawsuit to cut all ties with him.
‪시끄러워져도 신경 쓰지 마시라고‬ ‪말씀드리러 왔어요‬I came here to tell you not to worry even if it gets messy.
‪아, 살아 있는 것도 아니고‬ ‪이미 간 사람인데‬Ju-hwa is long gone.
‪뭘 그러고 있어, 응?‬Why are you so concerned about her?
‪정국이 지치면‬If Jeong-guk gets sick of you, that'll be the end.
‪답도 없어‬If Jeong-guk gets sick of you, that'll be the end.
‪[창진] 적당히 정리하고‬ ‪신경 쓰지 말고 살아‬Get over it and move on with your life.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪딘티 화 소송, 인터뷰 잡을 거예요‬Let's do an interview on the Dinh Thi Hoa case.
‪'금화로펌, 무료 변호로‬ ‪사회 약자에게 희망 선사'‬"Keumhwa's pro bono law service gives hope to the socially disadvantaged."
‪이런 느낌으로 시작하죠‬Let's begin with something along that line.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪진영주‬Jin Yeong-ju.
‪신성한 보낼 거구나‬She's trying to destroy Shin Sung-han.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪넘치면은‬If she goes overboard,
‪다 죽는데?‬we're all doomed.
‪- [새소리]‬ ‪- 야‬Dude. Are you sure her mom told her to do it?
‪할머니가 챙겨 주라 한 거 확실해?‬Are you sure her mom told her to do it?
‪왜?‬Why do you ask?
‪[성한] 아니, 소연 씨가‬ ‪챙겨 주고 싶은 건데‬Are you sure So-yeon didn't just say that as an excuse?
‪괜히 할머니 핑계 댄 건 아니고?‬Are you sure So-yeon didn't just say that as an excuse?
‪아니야‬She didn't. Be honest. You thought the same.
‪야, 솔직히 너도‬ ‪그렇게 생각했잖아‬Be honest. You thought the same.
‪졸라 설레면서 갔으면서‬You got all excited.
‪아니야‬No, I didn't.
‪[성한] 아니기는, 씨‬ ‪그래서 뭐 먹었는데?‬As if. So what did you have?
‪뭐, 그냥 밥이지, 뭐‬Just a regular meal.
‪아이, 반찬이‬ ‪있었을 거 아니야, 인마‬Be more specific, you dunce.
‪- 갈비찜‬ ‪- [성한] 오!‬Braised short ribs.
‪- 소고기뭇국‬ ‪- [성한] 이야!‬Beef radish soup.
‪- 또, 또, 또, 또?‬ ‪- [형근] 겉절이 맛있더라‬-What else? -Her geotjeori was pretty good.
‪[성한] 겉절이?‬Geotjeori?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪아니, 그…‬As in freshly-made kimchi
‪방금 무쳐 가지고‬ ‪아삭아삭하고 매콤한 겉, 겉절이?‬As in freshly-made kimchi that's crunchy and spicy?
‪어, 어, 어, 어‬ ‪솜씨가 나쁘지가 않더라고‬Yes. It was pretty delicious.
‪[형근] 던져‬Throw it.
‪그걸 너 혼자 먹었다고?‬And you didn't invite me?
‪아이, 좀, 부르기도 좀 뭐하지‬Come on. How could I?
‪이혼했다고 차린 밥상에다가‬ ‪군식구 붙이면 눈치 보이지‬She just wanted to cheer me up. I couldn't bring a freeloader.
‪아, 너랑 나랑 그런 사이구나?‬ ‪군식구‬So that's how it is? You think I'm a freeloader?
‪아니, 그, 그런 말이 아니고…‬That's not what I meant.
‪[형근] 아이…‬Come on.
‪[정식] 성한아, 내가 잡았어!‬Sung-han, I caught it!
‪[정식] 왠지 여기를 내가‬ ‪와야 될 거 같았어, 어‬It felt like I had to come here.
‪이거 세면대 설치‬ ‪이런 거 때문에 그런 거 아니야‬This has nothing to do with the sink.
‪- 어, 알아, 알아‬ ‪- [정식] 야, 너 빠따 있냐?‬-I know. -Do you have a bat?
‪- 너 오지 마, 그대로, 서, 스톱‬ ‪- [발랄한 음악]‬Don't come any closer. Halt. Stop. Turn around and leave.
‪[성한] 그대로 돌아서 가‬ ‪나 상담 있어‬Stop. Turn around and leave. I have an appointment.
‪- [정식] 아…‬ ‪- [형근] 에이‬
‪[정식] 야, 야, 글러브 냅두고 가‬Hey, leave your glove. Let's play. It's been a while.
‪야, 형근아, 오랜만에 한번 던지자‬Let's play. It's been a while.
‪- [형근] 나도 상담‬ ‪- [정식] 내가 왠지 여기…‬-Here. -I have a client too.
‪- 저 새끼들이…‬ ‪- [성한] 뭐라고?‬-Those bastards… -What?
‪어, 상담, 상담 잘하라고‬ ‪파이팅이다!‬I said, good luck with the consultation.
‪야, 정식아‬Jeong-sik.
‪어, 어, 어, 성한아 [어색한 웃음]‬Yes, Sung-han?
‪- 너 그거 같아, 지금‬ ‪- [정식] 뭐?‬-You look like something. -What?
‪- [성한] 걔 있잖아, 걔, 그‬ ‪- 누구?‬-What's that called? -What is it?
‪똥 누는 장모 치와와 같아‬A long-haired Chihuahua taking a poop.
‪[형근의 웃음]‬
‪존똑 [웃음]‬Totally.
‪[정식] 아씨‬Damn it.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪실장님, 음…‬Ms. Lee.
‪전 의뢰인 언제 만나나요?‬When will I meet the client?
‪[준] 전 준비가 다 됐거든요‬ ‪옷도 샀어요‬I'm all ready, you see. I even bought clothes.
‪[새봄] 조정실 입고 나갈 옷이요?‬I even bought clothes. To wear to mediation sessions?
‪깜짝이야‬You startled me.
‪아유, 귀도 밝으셔‬You sure have good hearing.
‪[준] 등산복 샀어요‬I bought hiking clothes. Look.
‪- 봐 봐요, 이거‬ ‪- [통화 연결음]‬I bought hiking clothes. Look.
‪조정실에 등산복 입고 가시게요?‬You're wearing that to mediation?
‪[준] 큰일 날 소리‬What are you talking about?
‪등산 시작해 보려고 샀어요‬I'm going to start hiking.
‪양질의 변호를 위해서‬ ‪건강한 몸과 마음 단련‬I need to look after my mind and body to defend my clients well.
‪등산으로 정했습니다‬Hiking would be perfect.
‪안녕하세요, 조민정 님‬Hello, Ms. Jo Min-jeong.
‪조민정 씨 핸드폰 아닌가요?‬Isn't this Ms. Jo Min-jeong's phone?
‪[남자] 맞습니다‬Yes, it is.
‪[서진] 조민정 씨랑 통화를 좀…‬May I speak with her?
‪어디신가요?‬Who is this?
‪실례지만 누구신가요?‬I'm sorry, but who am I speaking to? I'm her father.
‪[민정 부] 민정이 아빠인데‬ ‪어디신가요?‬I'm her father. Who is this?
‪씁, 저, 민정이가‬She can't talk on the phone right now.
‪지금 통화가 어려워요‬She can't talk on the phone right now.
‪병원에 있어서‬She's been hospitalized.
‪많이 아픈 건가요?‬Is it serious?
‪누구십니까?‬Who is this?
‪[서진] 저는 변호사 사무실‬ ‪상담 직원이에요‬I'm an intake coordinator at a law office.
‪조민정 씨랑 일정 상의하려고‬ ‪전화드렸어요‬I called to schedule a meeting with her.
‪일정이요?‬A meeting?
‪아니, 민정이가‬ ‪변호사 사무실에 갔었습니까?‬Did she visit a law office?
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪민정이가 무슨 상담을 했습니까?‬What did she discuss with you?
‪[민정 부의 한숨] 약을 먹었어요‬She overdosed.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 조금만 늦게 발견했으면…‬We found her in the nick of time.
‪그, 민정이가‬ ‪어떤 걸 상담했습니까?‬What did Min-jeong consult you about?
‪[당황한 소리]‬
‪잠깐 뵙고 말씀드려도 될까요?‬May I tell you in person?
‪제가 지금 병원으로 갈게요‬I'll come right over.
‪'좌측 척골 골절', 좌측‬A left ulna fracture… Left…
‪- [노크 소리]‬ ‪- 네‬Come in.
‪저 잠깐 어디 좀 다녀올게요‬I need to head out for a minute.
‪왜 그래요?‬ ‪뭐, 현우 무슨 일 있어요?‬What's wrong? Is it about Hyeon-u?
‪아무래도 제가‬ ‪상담을 잘 못했나 봐요‬I must have made a mistake during the consultation.
‪아이, 저, 차분하게 말씀해 보세요‬ ‪왜요?‬Calm down. What's going on?
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 저…‬Ms. Jo Min-jeong, the lady I spoke with…
‪저랑 상담한 조민정 씨‬Ms. Jo Min-jeong, the lady I spoke with…
‪최준 변호사님 사건 그 의뢰인‬ ‪조민정 씨가‬Attorney Choi's client. She's in the hospital.
‪병원에 있어요, 약을 먹었대요‬Attorney Choi's client. She's in the hospital. She overdosed.
‪[한숨]‬Sure. Go ahead.
‪그래요, 다녀오세요‬Sure. Go ahead. Don't panic.
‪[성한] 서두르지 마시고요, 예‬Don't panic.
‪[서진의 다급한 숨소리]‬Don't panic.
‪- 아이, 안 되겠다, 야, 쭌 변!‬ ‪- [준] 예, 예‬-Damn it. Attorney Jun! -Yes, sir.
‪[성한] 실장님 모시고 다녀와요‬ ‪지금 운전하시면 안 될 거 같네‬Give Ms. Lee a ride. I don't think she should drive.
‪밑에 내려가면 오른쪽에 4839‬My car's to the right. The number's 4839.
‪[준의 당황한 소리]‬
‪근데 제가‬ ‪이 차 운전을 안 해 봐서‬I've never driven this model.
‪택시로 모시고 갈까요?‬-Should I get a cab? -Just go already.
‪[성한] 벌써 나갔겠다‬ ‪때려 박아도 되니까 빨리 따라가‬-Should I get a cab? -Just go already. -I don't care if you crash it. Go. -Yes, sir.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬-I don't care if you crash it. Go. -Yes, sir.
‪[달려가는 발소리]‬
‪- [문 여닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [한숨]‬
‪[준] 크, 차가 좋긴 좋네요 [한숨]‬What a nice car.
‪매일 이런 차 타고 출근하면‬ ‪다 승소하겠어요‬I could win every case if I drove this to work every day.
‪[서진] 네?‬Sorry?
‪[준] 아, 많이 놀라셨구나‬You must be shaken up.
‪걱정되세요?‬Are you worried?
‪[준] 병력이 있는 사람이잖아요‬She had an illness.
‪제가 조사를 좀 해 봤는데‬I've done some research,
‪그, 조현병이란 게‬ ‪완치가 좀 어렵대요‬and apparently, schizophrenia can't be cured.
‪어, 남편한테 속은 거 알고‬ ‪이혼까지 생각하니까‬She had been betrayed by her husband and was considering divorce. She must have been under stress.
‪압박이 오지‬She must have been under stress.
‪아이, 그러니까‬ ‪실장님 상담이 잘못된 건가‬What I'm trying to say is, there's no way this is your fault.
‪그런 생각 하지도 마세요‬What I'm trying to say is, there's no way this is your fault.
‪조민정 씨가 만나 줄까요?‬Do you think she'll agree to meet with us?
‪[준] 만나 준다 쳐도, 아직‬Even if she does, it's not like
‪의뢰를 확실하게 한 것도 아니고‬we've officially taken her case.
‪상황이 좀… [어색한 웃음]‬The whole situation's a bit…
‪- [준의 한숨]‬ ‪- [떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[멀리 울리는 사이렌 소리]‬
‪이혼하겠답니까?‬She wants a divorce?
‪[서진] 네‬Yes, sir.
‪그땐 그렇게…‬That's what she told us.
‪[민정 부의 한숨]‬
‪혼자 갔구나‬She went there alone.
‪말을 하면 같이 갈 텐데‬I would've gone with her if she asked.
‪[민정 모] 이혼이 쉬워?‬Getting a divorce isn't easy. Why can't they just talk things out?
‪아이, 서로 잘 상의하면 될 일을…‬Why can't they just talk things out?
‪[민정 부] 상의는 무슨 상의를 해?‬ ‪애가 저 지경이 됐는데‬Talk what out? Look at her state right now.
‪[민정 모] 아, 그럼 민정이 혼자‬ ‪평생 살게 놔둬요, 어?‬Then do you want her to live alone for the rest of her life?
‪당신이랑 나‬ ‪조금만 있으면은 여든이야‬We're going to turn 80 soon.
‪민정이 옆에 우리가‬ ‪언제까지 같이 살 수 있는데?‬We can't live with her forever.
‪[민정 부] 민정이 왜‬ ‪저기 누워 있는지 잊었어?‬Have you forgotten why she's in there?
‪우리보다 앞서가겠다고…‬-She tried to take her-- -I'm just so upset.
‪[민정 모] 속상해서 그러잖아요‬ ‪애가 타서!‬-She tried to take her-- -I'm just so upset. I'm worried.
‪[민정 모의 한숨]‬
‪[민정 부] 이혼 소송을 하면‬If she files for divorce,
‪어떻게 정리가 될까요?‬what will be the outcome?
‪저는 상담자라‬ ‪정확히 말씀드릴 수 없어요‬I'm afraid I can't answer that since I'm just a coordinator.
‪[서진] 저기 변호사님께서…‬But Attorney Choi--
‪[현태] 민정아!‬Min-jeong!
‪[현태의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[민정 모] 어, 박 서방‬-Hyeon-tae. -How's Min-jeong?
‪- [울먹이며] 민정이는요?‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬-Hyeon-tae. -How's Min-jeong? Is she okay, Mother?
‪민정이는 괜찮아요, 어머니?‬Is she okay, Mother?
‪어떻게 알고 왔어?‬How did you know she was here?
‪[민정 모] 아이, 아, 그래도‬I mean… I thought he should know.
‪연락은 해야 될 거 같아서‬I thought he should know.
‪[현태] 당연히 제가 와야죠‬Of course I should be here.
‪이럴까 봐 제가 집에 있겠다고…‬I insisted on staying with her,
‪너무 화를 내서 비켜 줬는데‬but she urged me to leave.
‪다 제 잘못입니다‬This is all my fault.
‪제가 더 돌봤어야 했는데‬I should have taken better care of her.
‪죄송합니다, 다 제 잘못입니다‬I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
‪[민정 부] 얼굴 봤으니 그만‬That's enough.
‪여기 이러고 있으면‬ ‪소란스럽기만 하고‬Let's not cause a scene.
‪[현태가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪어머님, 아버님‬ ‪들어가서 좀 쉬세요‬You two should go home and rest.
‪얼마나 놀라셨어요‬You must be so shocked.
‪제가 여기 있다가 민정이 깨면…‬I'll stay here, and when she wakes up…
‪돌아가고 나중에‬You should go.
‪나중에 상의하자고‬We can talk later.
‪[현태가 울먹인다]‬
‪[현태] 면목 없습니다‬I'm sorry.
‪제가 더 잘했어야 했는데…‬I should have been there for her.
‪저 1층에서 기다리고 있을게요‬I'll wait in the lobby.
‪민정이 이렇게 두고‬I can't go…
‪혼자 못 가요‬without her.
‪가까이 있을 테니까‬ ‪연락 주세요, 어머니‬I'll be nearby, so let me know.
‪[민정 모가 작게] 알았어‬All right. Go on now.
‪[탁탁 토닥이는 소리]‬
‪[현태가 울먹인다]‬
‪- [어두운 효과음]‬ ‪- [호영] 또 박시현이야?‬Park Si-hyeon again?
‪아, 이 사람‬ ‪너무 자주 나오는 거 아니야?‬It's getting old.
‪[작가1] 그 사람 사연이‬ ‪퀄리티가 좋아서‬We have no choice. She always has nice stories.
‪저희도 어쩔 수가 없어요‬We have no choice. She always has nice stories.
‪- [작가2] 티키타카가 좋거든요‬ ‪- [노크 소리]‬She's a great storyteller.
‪[호영] 네‬Come in.
‪- [희섭] 수고하십니다‬ ‪- [호영] 어?‬Hello.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- [사람들] 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪아니, 지나는 길에‬ ‪당신 좋아하는 빵 좀 사 왔는데‬I was passing by and brought your favorite bread.
‪[호영의 웃음] 어?‬
‪여기 분당 아니에요?‬ ‪아니, 거기까지 다녀오신 거예요?‬Isn't this bakery in Bundang? Did you go all the way there?
‪[희섭] 뭐, 오늘 녹음도 있고‬ ‪회의도 길다면서요?‬I heard you had a lot of work.
‪우리 현우 엄마‬ ‪예민해지면 탄수화물 찾거든요‬She needs her carbs when she's stressed out.
‪뭐, 어떻게, 커피는 있고‬ ‪뭐 더 필요한 건 없나?‬I see that you have coffee. Anything else you need?
‪아니요, 방금 사 왔어‬No, we've got everything.
‪[작가1] 분당이면 사랑이다‬ ‪찐 사랑‬He went all the way to Bundang. It's true love.
‪- [사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪- [호영] 잘 먹을게요‬He went all the way to Bundang. It's true love. -Thank you. -My pleasure.
‪- [희섭] 아, 예, 예‬ ‪- [호영] 좀, 좀 쉬면서 할까?‬-Thank you. -My pleasure. -Should we take a break? -Sure.
‪- [희섭] 네, 네, 드세요, 드세요‬ ‪- [호영] 잠깐 쉴까요?‬-Should we take a break? -Sure. -Enjoy. -Thank you.
‪- 감사합니다, 우아‬ ‪- [작가들의 탄성]‬-Enjoy. -Thank you.
‪- 이거?‬ ‪- [작가2] 어, 좋아요‬-This one? -Yes, please.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-This one? -Yes, please.
‪먼저 가지‬You should have gone home. I said I'd be late.
‪늦게 끝난다니까‬I said I'd be late.
‪회의한다고 해 놓고‬ ‪어딜 싸돌아다닐지 어떻게 알고‬You could have lied about the meeting and gone elsewhere.
‪이렇게 한 번씩 나타나 줘야‬ ‪딴짓을 못 하지‬I should surprise you sometimes to keep you in check.
‪딴짓한 적 없어‬I've never betrayed your trust.
‪다 그렇게 말해‬That's what they all say.
‪[희섭] 바람피운다고 당당하게‬ ‪말하는 인간이 어디 있어?‬No one admits to having an affair from the beginning.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[서진] 아무에게도‬ ‪고통스럽다고 말하지 못했어요‬I couldn't tell anyone that I was suffering.
‪결혼은 내가 선택한 거니까‬Since I chose to marry him,
‪내가 짊어지고 가야 한다고‬ ‪생각했어요‬I thought I had to carry the burden.
‪차라리 누군가에게 다 털어놓고‬Maybe things would have been different
‪도움을 구했다면‬ ‪지금보다 나았을까?‬had I confided in others and asked for help.
‪조민정 씨의 선택은 이것이고‬You chose to harm yourself,
‪나의 선택은 외도였고‬and I chose to have an affair.
‪선택이 낳은 고통은 또‬And the pain that follows
‪민정 씨 몫이고‬is for each of us
‪제 몫이고‬to bear.
‪내년에도‬next year,
‪똑같이 불행할 거예요‬I'll be miserable just the same.
‪내가 할 수 있는 건‬All that I can do…
‪미리 닫아 버리는 거‬is to end it all.
‪[민정] 거지 같은 일들을‬ ‪겪기 전에‬I just have to die…
‪미리 죽어 버리는 거‬before things get even worse.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪전 인생에 염치도 없는 건지‬Maybe I'm shameless…
‪행복해지고 싶어요‬but I want to be happy.
‪[서진] 아직 마트에서‬ ‪장도 못 보면서‬I'm still afraid to go grocery shopping.
‪지하철 한 정거장을‬ ‪차로 30분씩 밀려 가면서도‬I'd rather be stuck in traffic than take the subway.
‪언젠가는 행복해지고 싶어요‬But I want to be happy someday.
‪난 다른 선택을 해 봤거든요‬I tried making a different choice.
‪변호사 사무실 상담사가 됐어요‬I became a coordinator at a law office.
‪[서진] 조민정 씨도‬ ‪다른 선택을 해 봤으면 좋겠어요‬I hope you can try making a different choice as well.
‪내 선택이랑‬ ‪민정 씨 선택이 만나서‬When we make our own choices,
‪하루쯤은 행복했으면 해요‬we might finally become happy.
‪[서진] 난 조민정 씨 좀‬ ‪만나 볼게요‬I'm going to speak with Ms. Jo.
‪최 변호사님은 남편‬Please keep an eye on her husband.
‪그 사람 좀 지켜봐 줘요‬Please keep an eye on her husband. Where is he?
‪[작게] 어디 있어?‬Where is he?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[현태가 픽 웃는다]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪네‬Come in.
‪최 변한테라도 전화해 볼까?‬Should I call Attorney Choi?
‪아, 알아서 오겠지‬I'm sure they'll be fine.
‪아, 이거 걱정인데‬I'm worried.
‪걱정이야‬I'm worried.
‪- 뭐 하냐?‬ ‪- [성한] 쭌 변 사건‬What are you doing? I'm reading the consultation notes for his case.
‪상담 일지 보는데‬I'm reading the consultation notes for his case.
‪니가 맡게?‬You're going to take it?
‪아, 그냥 보는 거야‬ ‪뭘 알아야 상의를 하지‬I'm just reading up on it so I can advise him.
‪마춘석 씨 건‬ ‪뭐라도 준비해야 되는 거 아니야?‬Shouldn't you be preparing for Mr. Ma Chun-seok's case?
‪준비했잖아, 옷도 사 입었잖아‬I did. I even got a suit.
‪마춘석 씨 만나고 왔어?‬Did you meet with him?
‪아니, 박유석 만나고 왔는데?‬No, I met with Park Yu-seok.
‪그 인간 만나면서‬ ‪뭘 빼입고 그러냐?‬You dressed up for him?
‪유니폼, 전투복‬It's a uniform. My combat uniform. It's nice.
‪좋잖아, 있는 집 자식 티 나고‬My combat uniform. It's nice. It makes me look wealthy too.
‪[형근] 오…‬
‪- 재수 없어, 응?‬ ‪- [성한] 응‬-You're obnoxious. -I know.
‪박유석도 참 이상해‬Park Yu-seok is so weird.
‪왜 자꾸 너한테 시비를 거냐고‬Why does he keep provoking you?
‪박유석이 보낸 거지? 마춘석 씨?‬He was the one who sent Mr. Ma, right?
‪[성한] 아니, 진영주가‬No, Jin Yeong-ju was.
‪진영주?‬Jin Yeong-ju?
‪아! 그 여자, 왜?‬I remember her. -Why? -Beats me.
‪몰라, 내가 신경 쓰이나 보지‬-Why? -Beats me. I must bother her.
‪- [형근] 희한한 성격이네, 응?‬ ‪- [성한의 한숨]‬What a weird woman.
‪그래서? 그 여자도 만났어?‬So? Did you see her too?
‪뭐 하러, 얼굴도 몰라, 나는‬What for? I don't even know what she looks like.
‪그 여자 플랜이라면서‬ ‪박유석은 왜 만났어?‬Why did you meet Park if she's the mastermind?
‪- [성한] 약 올리러‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬To annoy him.
‪[웃으며] 야, 콧구멍 진짜 커‬His nostrils are huge to begin with,
‪약 올라서 열이 받는데 막‬ ‪콧구멍이 막‬and they flare so much when he gets annoyed.
‪500원도 들어가겠더라‬You could fit a coin in there. Are you serious?
‪장난하고 싶냐?‬Are you serious?
‪[형근] 약 올리고‬ ‪패소하면 어떡하려고 설레발쳤어?‬What if you end up losing after you annoyed him?
‪뭐 하냐, 너?‬What are you doing?
‪씁, 가만있어 보자‬Hold on.
‪[성한] 가만있어 봐‬Let me see.
‪- [성한의 기합]‬ ‪- 씨!‬
‪[성한] 이거야‬ ‪그래, 바로 이거거든, 응‬Yes. That's exactly it.
‪오늘 전투복은 미친놈 전투복이니?‬Are you wearing your crazy uniform today?
‪뭐, 뭐 하냐고, 지금!‬What the heck was that?
‪아, 그냥 테스트해 본 거잖아‬ ‪왜 썽을 내려 그래‬What the heck was that? I was experimenting. Don't yell at me.
‪짜증 나게, 확, 씨‬You're so annoying.
‪뭔 테스트?‬Experimenting what?
‪나가 암만 무식혀도‬ ‪사람을 때리진 않애요‬I may be uneducated, but I've never hit anyone.
‪농사짓기도 뻗쳐 죽겄는디‬Farming is exhausting enough.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪- [성한] 아니, 몽둥이를‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬Apparently, she fractured her left arm trying to protect herself
‪왼팔로 막아 가지고‬ ‪왼팔에 금이 갔다잖아‬Apparently, she fractured her left arm trying to protect herself from getting hit with a bat.
‪근데 마춘석 씨는‬ ‪오른팔을 못 들어, 오십견 때문에‬But Mr. Ma can't raise his right arm due to his frozen shoulder.
‪왼팔로 쳤을 수도 있지‬Maybe he used his left arm.
‪그래?‬Do you think so?
‪- [성한] 이렇게?‬ ‪- 씨‬If I did this…
‪[성한] 이거 봐‬ ‪왼팔로 치니까 오른팔이 나오고‬See? If I hit with my left arm, you block with your right arm.
‪오른팔로 치면 왼팔이 나오고‬If I hit with my right arm, you block with your left arm.
‪왼팔, 오른팔, 왼팔‬Left, right. -Left. -You're right.
‪[형근] 오, 맞네? 그러네‬-Left. -You're right.
‪이게 자연스럽잖아‬It's just natural.
‪씁, 근데 너무 이렇게 우리가‬ ‪확신을 갖지는 말자고‬But let's not jump to any conclusions.
‪[성한] 예를 들면 막‬ ‪이렇게 쳤을 수도 있고‬Because he could have hit her like this.
‪이렇게 쳤을 수도 있으니까‬Or like this.
‪여러 가지 경우의 수가 있으니까‬There are many variables.
‪씁, 자세하게 한번‬ ‪조사를 한번 해 보자고‬Let's look into it in more detail.
‪응, 그런 의미에서, 자‬In that sense… All right.
‪다녀오시죠‬You should go.
‪- [형근] 예?‬ ‪- 해남으로‬-Where? -To Haenam.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[성한] 아, 정식이 차 바꿨는데‬ ‪길들이기 한번 해 줘야지‬Jeong-sik got a new car. You should break it in.
‪정식이랑 국토 종단을 하라고?‬A cross-country trip with Jeong-sik?
‪걸어서 가는 거 아닌 게 어디야‬At least you'll have a car.
‪해남까지 가는 데‬As long as you're fine with me taking over a week to get there.
‪일주일 넘게 걸려도 괜찮으면‬ ‪그렇게 하고‬As long as you're fine with me taking over a week to get there.
‪[형근] 정식이 맛집 투어‬ ‪다 하면서 갈 건데‬He's going to stop at all the good restaurants,
‪진행비 넉넉하게 주시고‬so I'll need a sizeable budget.
‪[성한] 아, 그건 곤란한데‬That's not good.
‪야, 그럼 이렇게 할래?‬How about this?
‪소연 씨랑 다녀올래?‬Why don't you take So-yeon?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪- [형근] 퓩‬ ‪- 슉‬
‪- [형근] 퓩‬ ‪- 슉‬
‪- [형근] 퓩‬ ‪- 슉‬
‪[소연] 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪[소연의 어르는 입소리]‬
‪갈비찜 좋아합니까?‬Do you like braised short ribs?
‪- [달그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪- [따뜻한 음악]‬
‪[소연] 허허허허‬
‪나는 분명히‬I just told him to come by for lunch.
‪'점심을 여기 와서 드시라'고만‬ ‪말했거든‬I just told him to come by for lunch.
‪'딱 형근 님만 오시라'‬ ‪나는 그래 말한 적이 없어요‬I never said he had to come alone.
‪덕분에 제가 잘 먹네요 [웃음]‬I'm glad he did. This is great.
‪[소연] 고기도‬ ‪먹어 본 사람이 먹잖아요?‬You can only appreciate what you've experienced.
‪음식도 그렇다고 봐요‬Same goes for food.
‪우리 엄마가 해 주던 걸‬ ‪내 뇌가 기억하는 거지‬I just remember what my mom used to cook for me.
‪맛 괜찮죠?‬-Isn't it good? -It's delicious.
‪맛있어요‬-Isn't it good? -It's delicious.
‪아, 현우 거 싸 줄게요‬ ‪3인분 딱 떨어진다‬I'll pack some for Hyeon-u. There's just enough left for him.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬
‪내가 들어 보니까‬ ‪상황은 안타까운데‬I heard about what happened. It sounded pretty bad.
‪[소연] 그거를 왜 서진 님이‬ ‪이고 지고 그러느냔 말이야‬But why are you blaming yourself?
‪그 사람은 그 정도로 절망적이니까‬ ‪이혼 상담 온 거잖아요‬She only came in because she was in a bad place to begin with.
‪그 정도로 절망적인지‬ ‪알아채지 못했어요‬I didn't realize how bad it really was.
‪청취자 사연 대하듯 했던 거 같아‬I treated her story like one from my listeners.
‪진짜 그랬어요?‬But did you really?
‪어쩌면?‬Maybe. See?
‪[소연] 거봐요‬See?
‪뭐, '이 부분에서', '그 단어에서'‬ ‪그런 거 없잖아요‬You can't even tell me what you did wrong.
‪우리는 다 알잖아요‬Normally, when we make mistakes,
‪내가 어떤 말실수를 해서‬ ‪정확하게 누가 열받았는지‬we know what we did wrong and whom we offended.
‪뭐, 다시 꺼내서‬ ‪사과하기 뭐하니까‬We may end up just buying them coffee because it's too awkward to apologize,
‪커피 쿠폰 쏘고‬ ‪이렇게 넘어가지만, 안다고요‬We may end up just buying them coffee because it's too awkward to apologize, but we know.
‪근데 그런 근거도 없이‬ ‪'내가 잘못해서 그런 거 같다'‬But you're feeling guilty for no apparent reason.
‪아, 이게 뭐예요?‬That's just ridiculous.
‪아니, '내 탓이오'는‬ ‪성당 가면 하는 거고‬Save your repentance for church.
‪어떻게 이 상황이‬ ‪서진 님 잘못입니까?‬None of this is your fault.
‪국이 진짜 맛있어요‬The soup is really delicious.
‪한우 때려 넣으면 다 맛있어요‬It's all thanks to the good beef I put in.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[준] 첫 소송은‬ ‪의뢰인 얼굴도 못 보고 끝났어‬My first case ended before I even met my client.
‪[새봄] 최 변호사님‬ ‪그렇게 안 봤는데 실망이에요‬I'm disappointed in you, Attorney Choi.
‪아무것도 못 했는데‬ ‪어떤 부분이 실망일까요?‬How are you disappointed when I didn't even get to do anything?
‪[새봄] 아니, 사람 목숨이‬ ‪왔다 갔다 한 상황에서‬That lady could have died,
‪변호사님 사건 날아갔다고‬ ‪푸념이잖아요, 지금‬but you're grumbling about not having a case anymore.
‪푸념 아닌데요?‬I wasn't grumbling.
‪[형근] 그 다크서클은 뭔가요?‬How do you explain those dark circles then? They're the proof.
‪[준] 이게 그 증거죠‬They're the proof.
‪다크서클이 복숭아뼈까지‬ ‪내려온 거 보이시죠?‬They reached all the way down to my ankles.
‪그만큼 안타깝다는 거거든‬That's how sad I am.
‪허언증 있는 거 맞네‬You really are a pathological liar.
‪다크서클이 어떻게‬ ‪복숭아뼈까지 내려와?‬How could your dark circles reach that far down?
‪[형근] 가오나시도 안 그래‬You're not a cartoon character.
‪아, 억울해, 진짜‬This is so frustrating.
‪아, 진짜 안타까워서 그런다니까요‬I genuinely feel bad for her.
‪[준] 그 인간 그거‬ ‪조민정 씨 남편‬I saw Ms. Jo's husband.
‪장인 장모 앞에서 울면서‬ ‪어쩌고저쩌고하는 걸 내가 봤거든‬He was bawling and apologizing to her parents. But something…
‪근데‬But something…
‪뭔가, 뭔가 안 맞는 거야‬just didn't seem right.
‪딱 떨어지지 않는‬ ‪느낌적인 느낌이랄까?‬I had this uneasy feeling about him.
‪[새봄] 정말?‬Seriously?
‪그래서 내가 조용히 봤지‬So I quietly watched him
‪그 인간 혼자 있을 때‬ ‪뭐 하고 있나 하고‬when he was alone.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [형근] 그래서?‬And?
‪[준] 사람들 사이에 숨어 가지고‬He was hiding in a crowd and watching something on his phone.
‪핸드폰으로 뭘 보고 있더라고요‬He was hiding in a crowd and watching something on his phone.
‪근데 이 자식이 주도면밀한 게‬But he was so sly and meticulous. He only had one earphone in.
‪이어폰도 한쪽만 끼고 있어‬But he was so sly and meticulous. He only had one earphone in.
‪그리고‬And he kept glancing around him.
‪열라 두리번거려‬And he kept glancing around him.
‪- [딱]‬ ‪- [형근] 뭔가 켕기네‬And he kept glancing around him. Something's fishy.
‪[손가락을 딱 튀기며] 내가 그걸‬ ‪딱 캐치했다라는 거 아니에요‬And I caught on to it.
‪[준] 아이, 나란 놈이지‬ ‪정말이지, 참‬Man, I'm good.
‪- [새봄] 아이, 그래서요?‬ ‪- [준] 궁금해요?‬-And then? -Are you curious?
‪- 궁금해?‬ ‪- [새봄] 응‬-Are you? -Yes.
‪- [형근] 궁금하면 500원‬ ‪- [툭 치는 소리]‬As curious as George.
‪- [딱]‬ ‪- [준] 하, 참‬
‪뭘 보는지 슬쩍 봤죠‬I took a peek at his screen.
‪조용히, 민첩하게, 싹, 싹, 싹‬Quietly and quickly.
‪- 강호동 보고 있더라고‬ ‪- [새봄] 예?‬-It was a variety show. -What?
‪[준] 아니, 새봄 씨‬ ‪감이 안 와요?‬Do you still not get it?
‪부인이 자살 기도를 했는데‬His wife attempted suicide,
‪병원 로비에서‬ ‪예능 보면서 큭큭거리고 있어‬but he was giggling while watching a variety show.
‪그럼 이 새끼 뭐야?‬but he was giggling while watching a variety show. -What does that make him? -An asshole.
‪- 개새끼네‬ ‪- [새봄] 쓰레기 새끼네‬-What does that make him? -An asshole. A bastard.
‪그래서 내가 다크서클이…‬Hence the dark circles.
‪막 정의감은 올라오는데, 어?‬ ‪의뢰인은 자포자기고‬Despite my keen sense of justice, my client is dejected.
‪너무 안타까워‬I feel so bad. My heart
‪내 마음이 막 아파‬My heart breaks for her.
‪이야, 그래도‬ ‪우리 최 변호사님이 감각이 있네‬You're quite intuitive, Attorney Choi.
‪[형근] 어떻게‬ ‪남편 살펴볼 생각을 다 했지? 응?‬How did you think of keeping an eye on her husband?
‪아이, 나는‬ ‪나는 그, 사무장 한 2년 차 정도?‬Only after two years into this job
‪고때 감각이 요 정도였거든‬did I have that kind of hunch. -Right, Sae-bom? -Really?
‪그렇지, 새봄 씨?‬-Right, Sae-bom? -Really?
‪아, 정말요?‬-Right, Sae-bom? -Really?
‪[형근] 응, 응, 응, 응, 응‬Yes.
‪- [새봄] 응, 응‬ ‪- [문소리]‬Yes.
‪어? 고생하셨어요, 실장님‬You must be tired, Ms. Lee.
‪최 변호사님 덕분에‬ ‪편하게 다녀왔어요‬I'm fine thanks to Attorney Choi.
‪[서진] 아, 아까 그‬ ‪조민정 씨 남편 있잖아요‬About Ms. Jo's husband--
‪그, 조용한 데서‬ ‪말씀 좀 나누시죠, 예‬Let's talk somewhere quiet.
‪[서진] 여기도 조용한데?‬It's quiet here.
‪[형근] 최 변호사님‬Attorney Choi.
‪저작권법 무서운 거 알죠?‬Copyright law is serious business.
‪이런 것도 도용이거든‬This could be considered plagiarism.
‪타인의 어떤 감각적인 결정‬You took credit for someone else's
‪빛나는 추리력‬intuitive decision
‪이걸 날로 먹는다?‬and excellent reasoning.
‪이거 표절이지‬That's plagiarism.
‪- 오마주는 아니거든, 쯧‬ ‪- [준의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬It sure isn't an homage.
‪잘난 척은‬Show-off.
‪아유, 나랑‬ ‪떡갈비나 먹으러 갑시다‬Whatever. Let's go have some tteokgalbi.
‪내가 맛집 봐 놨어‬-I found a great restaurant. -I don't like tteokgalbi.
‪[준] 저 떡갈비 안 좋아하는데요?‬-I found a great restaurant. -I don't like tteokgalbi.
‪근데 어디로 가요?‬But where are we going?
‪먹방 찍어도 돼요?‬Can I record a mukbang there?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[손가락을 딱 튀기며] 오케이‬Okay.
‪[준] 그러면 먹방 컨셉을…‬I have to think of a theme.
‪명동의 호텔로 가 줘요‬Take me to the hotel in Myeong-dong.
‪회장님께서‬ ‪댁으로 모시고 오라고…‬But Mr. Seo told me to bring you to his place.
‪[금희] 터가 안 좋나 봐‬That place must have bad energy. I feel exhausted just thinking about going there.
‪집에 들어갈 생각만 해도‬ ‪기운이 빠져‬I feel exhausted just thinking about going there.
‪호텔 도착하면 깨워 줘요‬Wake me up when we get to the hotel.
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [정 기사] 네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[구슬픈 음악]‬
‪[구슬픈 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪[스피커 속 가수] ♪ 이제는‬ ‪애원해도 소용없겠지 ♪‬I guess it's no use to plead with you
‪- [북적거리는 소리]‬ ‪- ♪ 변해 버린 당신이기에 ♪‬Your heart has already changed
‪♪ 내 곁에 있어 달라‬ ‪말도 못 하고 ♪‬I can't even bring myself To beg you to stay
‪♪ 떠나야 할 이 마음 ♪‬I'll just be on my way
‪[구슬픈 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[스피커 속 가수] ♪ 추억 같은 ♪‬The lights that resemble our memories
‪♪ 불빛들이 ♪‬The lights that resemble our memories
‪♪ 흐느껴 우는 이 밤에 ♪‬Are weeping tonight
‪♪ 상처만 남겨 두고 ♪‬Why did I bring myself
‪♪ 떠나갈 길을 ♪‬Down this path
‪♪ 무엇 하러 왔던가 ♪‬That would only break my heart?
‪노래가 좋네요‬That's a nice song.
‪[스피커 속 가수] ♪ 이제는‬ ‪애원해도 소용없겠지 ♪‬I guess it's no use to plead with you
‪♪ 변해 버린 당신이기에 ♪‬Your heart has already changed
‪♪ 내 곁에 있어 달라 ♪‬I can't even bring myself To beg you to stay
‪- ♪ 말도 못 하고 ♪‬ ‪- [구슬픈 음악이 흐른다]‬I can't even bring myself To beg you to stay
‪♪ 떠나야 할… ♪‬I'll just be on my way
‪[성한] ♪ 이 마음 ♪‬I'll just be on my way
‪- [전자레인지 조작음]‬ ‪- ♪ 추억 같은 ♪‬The lights that resemble our memories
‪♪ 불빛들이 ♪‬The lights that resemble our memories
‪♪ 흐느껴 우는 이 밤에 ♪‬Are weeping tonight
‪♪ 상처만 남겨 두고‬ ‪떠나갈 길을 ♪‬Why did I bring myself Down this path
‪♪ 무엇 하러 왔던가 ♪‬That would only break my heart?
‪[창진] 아, 집 놔두고‬ ‪자식 집, 호텔이 뭔가‬Why have you been staying everywhere but our house?
‪그리고 들어온 지가 언제인데‬ ‪이제야 얼굴을 보여 줘?‬And why have you never visited me since you got back?
‪자식 집엔 손주들이 있고‬ ‪집은 오래 나와 사니 어색하고‬I went to see our grandkids, and our house doesn't feel like home.
‪편하게 사는 게 낫잖아요‬It's more comfortable this way.
‪아, 같이 늙어 가는 게‬ ‪보기가 좋지‬It's better to grow old together.
‪왜? 나랑 같이 나이 들어 가는 게‬ ‪울화통 터져?‬What is it? Can you not stand growing old with me?
‪[창진의 웃음]‬
‪내 잘할 테니까 들어와, 인제‬I promise to treat you well, so move back in.
‪그동안 끓인 속‬ ‪만회하며 살 거라니까‬I'm going to make up for all the trouble I've caused you. Think about it.
‪아, 생각해 봐‬Think about it.
‪[창진] 지은 죄가 얼만데‬ ‪얼마나 잘하겠어, 응?‬With all the mistakes I've made, I'll have to treat you like a queen.
‪말년에 복 들어온다는 말 기억나?‬You're supposed to have good fortune in your later years, remember?
‪[웃음]‬You're supposed to have good fortune in your later years, remember?
‪복채가 아깝지‬That reading was a waste of money.
‪[창진] 짐은‬ ‪정 기사한테 가져오라 그러고‬I'll tell Mr. Jung to bring your belongings.
‪이제 그만 같이 집으로 갑시다‬So move back in with me.
‪아, 우리 오래간만에‬ ‪복국 한번 먹을까?‬Why don't we have pufferfish soup for old times' sake?
‪복국 어제 먹었어요‬I had it yesterday.
‪맛이 변했어‬It doesn't taste the same anymore.
‪[창진] 음, 난 괜찮던데?‬It tasted fine to me.
‪조금씩 조금씩 변하면 못 알아채죠‬Subtle changes are hard to notice.
‪나야 몇 년 만에 먹어 보니까‬ ‪알아채는 거고‬But in my case, I had it for the first time in years.
‪씁, 어째‬You're just like that soup.
‪당신이 그 집 복국 같아?‬You're just like that soup.
‪[창진] 몇 년 만에 보니까 변했어‬I can see you've changed after all these years.
‪그래요?‬Is that so?
‪그럴 수도 있지‬I guess I might have.
‪다시 하와이로 들어갑니다‬I'm going back to Hawaii.
‪[창진] 아, 인제 고만‬ ‪집으로 들어가‬Move back in with me.
‪언제까지 밖으로 떠돌 거야?‬You can't wander around forever.
‪[금희] 살던 대로 삽시다‬Let's keep living like we always have.
‪새삼스럽잖아요‬Why change now?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪[한숨]‬To tell you the truth,
‪[영주] 실은‬To tell you the truth,
‪어머니께서‬ ‪신성한을 만나고 있다고 하는데‬Mother has been meeting with him regularly.
‪왜 만나시는지…‬I wonder why.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[준이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[호영] 선배님‬Seo-jin.
‪- [발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- [서진] 방 PD‬Ho-yeong!
‪[호영] 안녕하세요‬Hi, I used to work with Seo-jin.
‪저는 선배님이랑 같이 일했던‬ ‪후배예요‬Hi, I used to work with Seo-jin.
‪[형근] 아, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪아이, 뭐, 차라도 한잔?‬-Would you like some tea? -Sure.
‪[호영] 좋죠‬-Would you like some tea? -Sure.
‪선배님, 나 '레옹' 같지 않아요?‬Seo-jin, don't I look like Léon?
‪짠, 레몬 나무 이쁘죠?‬How do you like this lemon tree?
‪씁, 어디다 둘까?‬ ‪어, 여기다 둘까?‬Where should I put it? How about here?
‪[서진] 아이, 저‬ ‪그러지 말고 나가자‬Why don't we go out?
‪요 앞에 카페 있어‬-There's a cafe nearby. -Seo-jin.
‪[호영] 선배님‬-There's a cafe nearby. -Seo-jin.
‪사무직 느낌 되게 잘 어울린다‬I'm loving this office look on you.
‪저기, 사무장님‬ ‪저 잠깐 차 한잔하고 올게요‬I'm loving this office look on you. Mr. Jang, I'll be back after a cup of tea.
‪아이, 그, 불편하시면은‬ ‪저기 상담실도 있잖아요‬Feel free to use the consultation room.
‪[준] 저, 혹시 그‬ ‪라디오 작가님…‬Were you the writer of her radio show?
‪- [호영] PD요 [웃음]‬ ‪- [준] 아, PD님, 아유, 그‬The producer. The producer? Goodness.
‪반갑습니다, 저는‬ ‪최준 변호사라고 합니다, 네‬It's nice to meet you. I'm Attorney Choi Jun.
‪아, 그럼 그, 아침 방송‬ ‪같이 하셨던 거죠?‬Did you guys work on that morning show together?
‪[호영] 네‬Yes.
‪아, 그럼 지금‬ ‪어떤 프로그램 하고 계세요?‬What are you doing nowadays?
‪아, 실장님이랑 하셨던 거 계속?‬The same show that she was on?
‪[호영] 저요?‬Me? Of course not.
‪[웃으며] 아, 설마요‬Me? Of course not.
‪선배님이 꽂아 준 프로그램인데‬She got me that job.
‪혼자 남아서 방송 만들면‬ ‪재수 없죠‬I'd be a jerk to have remained on the show.
‪- [준] 아이고, 아이고‬ ‪- [호영] 그렇죠, 선배님?‬I'd be a jerk to have remained on the show. -Of course. -Right? -Bang Ho-yeong. -"Ho-yeong"?
‪- [서진] 방호영‬ ‪- [서진, 호영의 웃음]‬-Bang Ho-yeong. -"Ho-yeong"?
‪- [발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- [새봄] 호영? 어머‬-Bang Ho-yeong. -"Ho-yeong"? Oh, my. I love your name. It sounds so friendly.
‪PD님 이름 너무 좋다‬ ‪너무 호감이다‬Oh, my. I love your name. It sounds so friendly.
‪난 새봄이에요‬Oh, my. I love your name. It sounds so friendly. I'm Sae-bom.
‪[호영] 감사해요‬Thank you.
‪아, 여기가 기운이 좋다‬This place has good energy.
‪낡았는데 되게 아늑해‬This place has good energy. It's old but cozy.
‪- 친근해‬ ‪- [사람들의 웃음]‬It feels like home.
‪아, 그냥 앉으시죠‬Please take a seat.
‪어, 따로 나가기에는‬ ‪망했어요, 실장님‬It's too late to leave now, Ms. Lee.
‪[문소리]‬It's too late to leave now, Ms. Lee.
‪[준] 아, 변호사님‬Sir.
‪실장님 전 직장 동료분‬ ‪라디오 PD님‬She's a former colleague of Ms. Lee's. -She's a radio show producer. -Hello.
‪[성한] 아, 예, 예‬-She's a radio show producer. -Hello.
‪[호영] 어?‬ ‪그 신성한 변호사님? 맞죠?‬Aren't you Attorney Shin Sung-han?
‪- [성한] 맞습니다‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬Yes, I am.
‪[호영] 잠시만요‬Excuse me.
‪- [준] 조금 전에 오셔 가지고…‬ ‪- [호영] 여보세요‬-She just came. -Hello?
‪아, 죄송해요‬ ‪차 댈 데가 없어서…‬I'm sorry. There was nowhere else to park.
‪- 아, 주차장이 다 차 가지고‬ ‪- [성한이 작게] 조정식 아니야?‬-Is that Jeong-sik? -The parking lot was full.
‪[호영] 저요?‬ ‪부동산 온 건 아니고요‬Me? No, I'm not going to the real estate office.
‪변호사 사무실 왔다고 하세요‬Tell him you're here.
‪[호영] 어, 거기‬ ‪주차해도 된다는데요?‬They say I can park there.
‪- 네? 변호사 사무실이요‬ ‪- [통화 종료음]‬Sorry? The law office.
‪저기, 그냥 편하게 계세요‬ ‪차 안 빼도 됩니다‬Don't worry about it. You don't have to move your car.
‪전 미팅 갔다가 퇴근할게요‬I'm going home after a meeting.
‪- [형근] 네‬ ‪- [서진] 들어가세요‬-Goodbye. -Have a good night, sir.
‪- [준] 변호사님, 들어가십시오‬ ‪- [형근] 가세요‬-Goodbye. -Have a good night, sir. -Bye. -Goodbye.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[호영] 변호사님‬ ‪여자 친구 있어요?‬Does he have a girlfriend?
‪못 봤어요, 생각보다 안 친합니다‬I've never seen one. We're not that close.
‪몇 년 동안 한 번도 없었어요‬ ‪대박이죠?‬He's been single for years. Isn't that shocking?
‪새봄 씨, 지금까지 그거 세 봄?‬Have you been counting down, Sae-bomb?
‪[형근, 호영의 웃음]‬Have you been counting down, Sae-bomb?
‪- [호영] 여기 분위기 좋다‬ ‪- [형근] 그렇죠?‬-I love it here! -Don't you? Have a seat.
‪- [준] 앉아요, 앉아요‬ ‪- [형근] 자, 앉아서‬Have a seat. -Please have a seat. -Okay.
‪- [준] 앉읍시다, 예‬ ‪- [호영] 네‬-Please have a seat. -Okay.
‪[정식] 뭐, 이씨‬ ‪차를 이렇게 대 놨어? 씨‬Why did she park her car here?
‪에이씨‬Damn it.
‪[준] 아니‬ ‪메이크업을 해 줬다고요?‬She did your makeup?
‪- [호영] 네‬ ‪- [사람들의 웃음]‬Yes.
‪씁, 아, 그때가 언제야?‬When was that again?
‪그때 제가 좀 뭐랄까, 좀…‬Back then… How do I put it? I looked
‪클래식했거든요‬a bit "classic."
‪'클래식'이 '촌스럽다'랑‬ ‪같은 뜻은 아니지‬"Classic" isn't a synonym for "old-fashioned."
‪[호영] 네, 촌스러웠어요‬Right. I was old-fashioned.
‪근데 선배님이‬ ‪저를 탁 붙잡는 거예요‬But suddenly, she grabbed my hand. She said my makeup would shock the judges.
‪이렇게 면접 보면‬ ‪심사원들 놀란다고 막‬She said my makeup would shock the judges.
‪다시 싹 해 주셨는데, 와…‬She gave me a makeover.
‪나 심장 떨려 가지고‬I almost had a heart attack.
‪꿈에 그리던 DJ가‬The DJ of my dreams
‪전방 10cm에서 내 화장을 해 주네?‬was right in front of me, doing my makeup.
‪어, 나 평생 못 잊어 [웃음]‬I'll never forget that moment.
‪[새봄] 실장님, 저도 해 주세요‬Ms. Lee, can you do mine too?
‪저 눈썹만 좀 잘하면 되겠죠?‬-I just need to fix my eyebrows, right? -No.
‪- 아니요‬ ‪- [문소리]‬-I just need to fix my eyebrows, right? -No.
‪[정식] 주차! 상도! 어쩔 겁니까!‬You can't just park anywhere you like!
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 지금, 어? 야, 피크 시간인데‬It's peak hours for business right now, but she parked her car right in front of my workplace.
‪가게 앞에다가 차를 이상하게‬ ‪이렇게 대 놓고‬but she parked her car right in front of my workplace.
‪이래, 이래서야 되겠냐고요!‬This isn't right!
‪[형근] 부동산에‬ ‪피크 타임이 있어요? 오늘부터?‬Since when do you have peak hours? Today?
‪[정식] 확, 씨‬You little…
‪야, 건물주 나오라 그래! 어?‬Where's the landlord? The parking lot, the offices,
‪야, 주차 시설, 사무실 시설‬ ‪싱크, 뭐, 어, 세면대‬The parking lot, the offices, and the sink…
‪아주 엉망이야, 꽝이야, 꽝!‬Everything is a total mess!
‪[서진] 아유, 죄송해요‬ ‪지금 나갈 거예요‬I'm sorry. She was about to leave.
‪- 어휴, 실장님 지인분이세요?‬ ‪- [서진] 네‬-Is she your friend? -Yes. You should have said something.
‪[정식] 아이, 그러면‬ ‪미리 말씀을 하시지‬You should have said something. Right, you couldn't.
‪아이, 말을 못 하지‬ ‪그, 쪽지를 써 놓으시지‬Right, you couldn't. You should have left a note saying you were here for Ms. Lee.
‪이서진 씨 만나러 오셨다고‬You should have left a note saying you were here for Ms. Lee.
‪[준] 실장님 했던 방송 PD님‬She was the producer of Ms. Lee's radio show.
‪[정식] 어, 그러니까‬Exactly.
‪우아, 어유, 나, 야, 이거 봐‬ ‪나 이거 소름 돋은 거 봐‬Look at these goosebumps. My hair's standing on end.
‪털이 다 서네‬Look at these goosebumps. My hair's standing on end.
‪나 완전 애청자거든요‬I'm an avid listener. The moment I arrive at my office,
‪나는 여기 딱 부동산 오잖아?‬The moment I arrive at my office,
‪그럼 출근하자마자 바로‬ ‪라디오부터 딱 켜‬I turn on the radio right away.
‪- '굿 모닝 그대'‬ ‪- [서진의 헛기침]‬"Good morning to you."
‪[형근] 그건 동 시간‬ ‪타 방송국이야, 정식아!‬That's their rival show from another station, Jeong-sik.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 와우‬
‪'마이 미스테이크'‬My mistake.
‪[호영] 선배님‬ ‪나 소름 돋은 거 봐, 보이죠?‬Ms. Lee, do you see these goosebumps? -You see those? -You have goosebumps all the time.
‪[서진] 닭살이잖아, 자기‬-You see those? -You have goosebumps all the time.
‪[호영] 맞아 [웃음]‬You got me.
‪앉으시죠, 예‬Please sit down.
‪[준] 앉으세요, 앉으세요, 예‬ ‪앉으세요‬Have a seat.
‪[형근] 가, 피크 타임이잖아‬Go. It's your peak hours.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[금희] 응‬Why don't you get media exposure?
‪매체에 나가 보는 건 어때요?‬Why don't you get media exposure?
‪- 네?‬ ‪- [금희] 요즘 프로그램에‬-Sorry? -A lot of doctors and lawyers
‪의사, 변호사 많이 나오잖아요‬appear on TV shows these days.
‪그런 거 한번 알아봐 드릴까 해서‬Maybe I can look into it.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪괜찮습니다‬No, thank you.
‪다른 뜻 있는 건 아니에요‬I don't mean anything by it.
‪악명이 높건 유능하게 비쳐지건‬Whether you become notorious or renowned for your competence,
‪거물이 됐으면 좋겠다 싶어서요‬I just want you to make it big.
‪[한숨]‬You told me to call you
‪이혼할 생각이 있으면‬You told me to call you
‪연락하라고 했는데‬if I ever wanted a divorce.
‪사실 마음이 졸려서요‬But I'm too afraid.
‪[금희] 치열할 자신은‬ ‪있다고 했지만‬You said you'd put up a fierce fight.
‪대남전자 변호인단 꾸려지면‬But against Daenam Electronics' team of attorneys,
‪지금 상태로는 시작부터 초라해‬you'll look much shabbier from the beginning.
‪[성한이 살짝 웃는다]‬you'll look much shabbier from the beginning.
‪[성한] 그런 이유라면‬ ‪더더욱 괜찮습니다‬If that's why, you really don't need to worry.
‪변호를 하는 거지‬ ‪쇼를 하는 건 아니니까요‬It's a lawsuit, not a show.
‪말씀 감사합니다‬But thank you for telling me.
‪이제 슬슬 하와이로 돌아가려고요‬I'm going back to Hawaii soon.
‪- 아…‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[성한] 죄송합니다‬Excuse me.
‪아, 예, 안녕하세요‬ ‪제가 지금 업무 중이라서요‬Hello, sir. I'm in a meeting right now.
‪- 한 시간 후에 연락…‬ ‪- [춘석] 아니, 이것이 뭐다요?‬-I'll call you in an hour or-- -What the heck is this?
‪아이, 촌놈 이혼거리가‬ ‪사회면에 나올 일이냐 이 말이여!‬Why is my divorce on the news?
‪[성한] 저, 잠시만, 죄송합니다‬Excuse me. I'm sorry.
‪씨…‬Damn it.
‪[준] 삼겹살은 좀 헤비하죠?‬Pork belly would be too heavy, right?
‪낮술은 또 삼겹살이 최고인데‬But it's great for drinking during the day.
‪[형근] 라면도 생각보다 괜찮아‬Ramyeon is pretty good with drinks as well.
‪[새봄] 아, 대학생 때나 먹는 거죠‬ ‪라면에 낮술은‬That's for college students.
‪- 아, 진짜…‬ ‪- [문소리]‬Come on.
‪[형근] 뭐 또 터졌어‬Something's up again.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪- [키보드 조작음]‬ ‪- [형근의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[형근] 정식이 사무실에 있다‬ ‪필요하면 연락해‬I'm at Jeong-sik's office. Call me if you need me.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪신성한입니다‬This is Shin Sung-han.
‪- [구슬픈 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [멀리 개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[춘석] 예‬Hi.
‪베트남 갔을 때 확신은 없었지라‬I wasn't so sure when I first went to Vietnam.
‪엄니가 하도 성화신께 나선 길이고‬I only went there because my mother had begged me to.
‪간 김에 베트남 구경이나‬ ‪좀 해 보고‬So I thought I'd just go sightseeing.
‪[춘석] 여권이란 걸 만든 것이‬ ‪처음이었어라‬It was my first time getting a passport.
‪가 가지고서는‬When I got there
‪영광 엄마를 딱 보는디‬and met Dinh Thi Hoa for the first time…
‪'데려와야 쓰겄구나'‬I knew I had to
‪싶었제‬bring her back.
‪영광 엄마, 동생들, 홀어머니에‬She lived with her siblings and her widowed mother.
‪'답이 없구나, 이 집이'‬They had no hope.
‪'그라믄 나가 농사 좀 더 지으면‬ ‪이 집 사람들은 먹고살겄구나'‬I knew I could support them if I worked a bit harder.
‪'그려'‬So I decided
‪'서로 잘 살아 보자'‬to start a family with her.
‪이제 와서 본께‬ ‪누가 누굴 안됐다고…‬But who was I to pity her?
‪땅만 믿고 산 것이 죄인지‬I shouldn't have been so naive.
‪나이 50에 아들 얻어 좋았지라‬I was happy to be a father at 50.
‪근디요‬But guess what?
‪나이 50에‬People call me
‪가난한 여자‬ ‪돈으로 사 와 갖고 학대한‬an old man who bought in a poor woman.
‪천하의 빌어먹을 놈도 돼 불었어요‬They say I'm despicable.
‪[구슬픈 음악이 새어 나온다]‬
‪그 노래 좋아하세요?‬Do you like that song?
‪[춘석] 자주 듣지라‬I listen to it often.
‪[성한] 저도‬ ‪그 노래 참 좋아하는데‬It's one of my favorites too.
‪이렇게 전화기 너머로 들어도‬ ‪또 좋네요‬It's nice to hear it over the phone.
‪[춘석] 변호사 양반도‬ ‪트로트 듣소잉?‬Do you listen to trot music too?
‪그럼요‬Of course.
‪어느 날 갑자기 좋더라고요‬I suddenly became fond of it one day.
‪어느 날 갑자기요‬All of a sudden.
‪[성한] 마 선생님‬Mr. Ma.
‪명예 회복 하셔야죠‬You should get your honor back.
‪나 같은 놈헌티‬ ‪명예란 것이 있간디요‬What honor do I have to get back?
‪돈으로 어린 타국 여자 데려와서‬You need to prove to everyone
‪학대하고 폭행한 사람 아니라고‬ ‪밝히는 게‬You need to prove to everyone that you didn't buy or abuse a young, foreign woman. There's your honor.
‪그게 명예입니다‬There's your honor.
‪[울컥하는 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 이번 소송은‬ ‪좀 더 시끄러워질 거예요‬This lawsuit is going to get messier.
‪[구슬픈 음악]‬
‪미리 양해 구하려고‬ ‪전화드렸습니다‬I called to warn you in advance.
‪뭐든 하려고요‬I'm going to do something.
‪아주 떠들썩한 놈이 될 겁니다‬I'll become the talk of the town.
‪돼서 선생님 명예‬I'll become the talk of the town. And I'll get
‪찾아올게요‬your honor back.
‪[성한] 주무세요‬Good night.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[한숨]‬They just won't leave me alone.
‪가만히 놔두질 않네‬They just won't leave me alone.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪[성한] 제가 신경 쓰이는 부분은‬ ‪좀 다른 겁니다‬There's something else that bothers me.
‪집을 나간 딘티 화 씨가‬ ‪다음 날 다시 집으로 돌아온 거‬Your wife left home but returned the next day.
‪이미 이 사건은‬ ‪딘티 화 쪽으로 이슈 몰이가 됐고‬The public opinion is in support of Dinh Thi Hoa.
‪[호영] 솔직히‬ ‪뭔가 이슈가 있어야 판을 짜죠‬We need the public's attention to turn the tables.
‪[성한] 방법을 찾을 거야‬We'll find a way.
‪[정식] 박유석은 왜 왔을까?‬Why was Park Yu-seok there?
‪뭘 집어먹은 걸까?‬What was he up to?
‪[유석] 찾아서 숨겨야죠‬We need to find him and hide him.
‪[성한] 명예 회복에‬ ‪아주 중요한 질문인데요‬This is a very important question for reclaiming your honor.
‪꼭 솔직하게 대답해 주셔야 돼요‬So please be honest with me.

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